From 044bc618be0eb70c68e659dd8a1feeec1e92a859 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: "Kurt A. O'Hearn" <>
Date: Sun, 26 Aug 2018 15:02:57 -0400
Subject: [PATCH] sPuReMD: remove defunct SuperLU code. Add boilerplate code
 for ILUT. Other cleanup work.

---                        |   10 -
 environ/param.gpu.water             |   14 +-
 sPuReMD/                |   41 -
 sPuReMD/src/;                       | 1391 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 sPuReMD/src/box.c                   |    2 +-
 sPuReMD/src/box.h                   |    2 +-
 sPuReMD/src/charges.c               |  415 +++-----
 sPuReMD/src/init_md.c               |  354 +++----
 sPuReMD/src/integrate.c             |  275 +++---
 sPuReMD/src/integrate.h             |   17 +-
 sPuReMD/src/lin_alg.c               |  751 ++++-----------
 sPuReMD/src/lin_alg.h               |   17 +-
 sPuReMD/src/neighbors.c             |    2 +-
 sPuReMD/src/print_utils.c           |    2 +-
 sPuReMD/src/reax_types.h            |   24 +-
 sPuReMD/src/traj.c                  |    2 +-
 sPuReMD/src/two_body_interactions.c |    5 +-
 17 files changed, 2057 insertions(+), 1267 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 sPuReMD/src/;

diff --git a/ b/
index 95a04436..4be1f086 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -123,16 +123,6 @@ then
 	export BUILD_TIMING="yes"
-	    [AS_HELP_STRING([--with-superlu-mt],
-			    [enable usage of SuperLU MT for preconditioning @<:@default: no@:>@])],
-            [package_superlu_mt=${withval}], [package_superlu_mt=no])
-if test "x${package_superlu_mt}" != "xno"
-	export BUILD_SUPERLU_MT="${package_superlu_mt}"
 			      [enable documentation generation @<:@default: no@:>@])],
diff --git a/environ/param.gpu.water b/environ/param.gpu.water
index aff71210..c43c69cb 100644
--- a/environ/param.gpu.water
+++ b/environ/param.gpu.water
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 simulation_name         water_6540_notab_qeq           ! output files will carry this name + their specific extension
-ensemble_type           0                       ! 0: NVE, 1: NVT, 2: anisotropic NPT, 3: semi-isotropic NPT, 4: isotropic NPT 6: berendsen NVT
+ensemble_type           0                       ! 0: NVE, 1: Berendsen NVT, 2: nose-Hoover NVT, 3: semi-isotropic NPT, 4: isotropic NPT, 5: anisotropic NPT
 nsteps                  100                     ! number of simulation steps
 dt                      0.25                    ! time step in fs
 periodic_boundaries     1                       ! 0: no periodic boundaries, 1: periodic boundaries
@@ -17,20 +17,20 @@ hbond_cutoff            7.50                    ! cutoff distance for hydrogen b
 charge_method         		  0             ! charge method: 0 = QEq, 1 = EEM, 2 = ACKS2
 cm_q_net              		  0.0           ! net system charge
-cm_solver_type        		  0             ! iterative linear solver for charge method: 0 = GMRES, 1 = GMRES_H, 2 = CG, 3 = SDM
+cm_solver_type        		  0             ! iterative linear solver for charge method: 0 = GMRES(k), 1 = GMRES_H(k), 2 = CG, 3 = SDM
 cm_solver_max_iters   		  20            ! max solver iterations
-cm_solver_restart     		  100           ! inner iterations of GMRES before restarting
+cm_solver_restart     		  100           ! inner iterations of before restarting (GMRES(k)/GMRES_H(k))
 cm_solver_q_err       		  1e-6          ! relative residual norm threshold used in solver
 cm_domain_sparsity     		  1.0           ! scalar for scaling cut-off distance, used to sparsify charge matrix (between 0.0 and 1.0)
 cm_init_guess_extrap1		  3             ! order of spline extrapolation for initial guess (s)
 cm_init_guess_extrap2		  2             ! order of spline extrapolation for initial guess (t)
 cm_solver_pre_comp_type           1             ! method used to compute preconditioner, if applicable
 cm_solver_pre_comp_refactor       1000          ! number of steps before recomputing preconditioner
-cm_solver_pre_comp_droptol        0.0           ! threshold tolerance for dropping values in preconditioner computation, if applicable
-cm_solver_pre_comp_sweeps         3             ! number of sweeps used to compute preconditioner (ILU_PAR)
+cm_solver_pre_comp_droptol        0.0           ! threshold tolerance for dropping values in preconditioner computation (ICHOLT/ILUT/FG-ILUT)
+cm_solver_pre_comp_sweeps         3             ! number of sweeps used to compute preconditioner (FG-ILUT)
 cm_solver_pre_comp_sai_thres      0.1           ! ratio of charge matrix NNZ's used to compute preconditioner (SAI)
-cm_solver_pre_app_type            1             ! method used to apply preconditioner
-cm_solver_pre_app_jacobi_iters    50            ! number of Jacobi iterations used for applying precondition, if applicable
+cm_solver_pre_app_type            1             ! method used to apply preconditioner (ICHOLT/ILUT/FG-ILUT)
+cm_solver_pre_app_jacobi_iters    50            ! num. Jacobi iterations used for applying precondition (ICHOLT/ILUT/FG-ILUT)
 temp_init               0.0                     ! desired initial temperature of the simulated system
 temp_final              300.0                   ! desired final temperature of the simulated system
diff --git a/sPuReMD/ b/sPuReMD/
index 522a1075..093a415a 100644
--- a/sPuReMD/
+++ b/sPuReMD/
@@ -80,47 +80,6 @@ if test "x${BUILD_OPENMP}" = "xyes"; then
-if test "x$BUILD_SUPERLU_MT" != "x"
-	#TODO: implement better BLAS detection
-	LIBS="${LIBS} -lblas"
-#	AC_SEARCH_LIBS([dtrsv_], [blas blas_OPENMP],
-#		        [], [BLAS_FOUND_LIBS="no"], [])
-#	AS_IF([test "x${BLAS_FOUND_LIBS}" != "xyes"],
-#	      [AC_MSG_ERROR([Unable to find BLAS library.])])
-	AC_CHECK_HEADERS([slu_mt_ddefs.h], [SUPERLU_MT_FOUND_HEADERS="yes"])
-	AS_IF([test "x${SUPERLU_MT_FOUND_HEADERS}" != "xyes"],
-	      [AC_MSG_ERROR([Unable to find SuperLU MT headers.])])
-	#TODO: fix issue where multiple -l flags added, one for each call below
-	AC_SEARCH_LIBS([intMalloc], [superlu_mt superlu_mt_OPENMP],
-		        [], [SUPERLU_MT_FOUND_LIBS="no"], [-lgomp])
-	AC_SEARCH_LIBS([get_perm_c], [superlu_mt superlu_mt_OPENMP],
-		        [], [SUPERLU_MT_FOUND_LIBS="no"], [-lgomp])
-	AC_SEARCH_LIBS([pdgstrf_init], [superlu_mt superlu_mt_OPENMP],
-		        [], [SUPERLU_MT_FOUND_LIBS="no"], [-lgomp -lblas -lblas_OPENMP])
-	AC_SEARCH_LIBS([pdgstrf], [superlu_mt superlu_mt_OPENMP],
-		        [], [SUPERLU_MT_FOUND_LIBS="no"], [-lgomp -lblas -lblas_OPENMP])
-	AC_SEARCH_LIBS([pxgstrf_finalize], [superlu_mt superlu_mt_OPENMP],
-		        [], [SUPERLU_MT_FOUND_LIBS="no"], [-lgomp -lblas -lblas_OPENMP])
-	AC_SEARCH_LIBS([StatAlloc], [superlu_mt superlu_mt_OPENMP],
-		        [], [SUPERLU_MT_FOUND_LIBS="no"], [-lgomp])
-	AC_SEARCH_LIBS([StatInit], [superlu_mt superlu_mt_OPENMP],
-		        [], [SUPERLU_MT_FOUND_LIBS="no"], [-lgomp])
-	AC_SEARCH_LIBS([StatFree], [superlu_mt superlu_mt_OPENMP],
-		        [], [SUPERLU_MT_FOUND_LIBS="no"], [-lgomp])
-	AC_SEARCH_LIBS([Destroy_SuperNode_SCP], [superlu_mt superlu_mt_OPENMP],
-		        [], [SUPERLU_MT_FOUND_LIBS="no"], [-lgomp])
-	AC_SEARCH_LIBS([Destroy_CompCol_NCP], [superlu_mt superlu_mt_OPENMP],
-		        [], [SUPERLU_MT_FOUND_LIBS="no"], [-lgomp])
-	AS_IF([test "x${SUPERLU_MT_FOUND_LIBS}" != "xyes"],
-	      [AC_MSG_ERROR([Unable to find SuperLU MT library.])])
-	AC_DEFINE([HAVE_SUPERLU_MT], [1], [Define to 1 if you have SuperLU_MT support enabled.])
 if test "x$BUILD_DEBUG" != "x"
diff --git a/sPuReMD/src/; b/sPuReMD/src/;
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f90f7955
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sPuReMD/src/;
@@ -0,0 +1,1391 @@
+  SerialReax - Reax Force Field Simulator
+  Copyright (2010) Purdue University
+  Hasan Metin Aktulga,
+  Joseph Fogarty,
+  Sagar Pandit,
+  Ananth Y Grama,
+  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+  modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+  published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
+  the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+  See the GNU General Public License for more details:
+  <>.
+  ----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+#include "charges.h"
+#include "allocate.h"
+#include "list.h"
+#include "lin_alg.h"
+#include "print_utils.h"
+#include "tool_box.h"
+#include "vector.h"
+static void Extrapolate_Charges_QEq( const reax_system * const system,
+        const control_params * const control,
+        simulation_data * const data, static_storage * const workspace )
+    int i;
+    real s_tmp, t_tmp;
+    /* spline extrapolation for s & t */
+    //TODO: good candidate for vectorization, avoid moving data with head pointer and circular buffer
+#ifdef _OPENMP
+    #pragma omp parallel for schedule(static) \
+        default(none) private(i, s_tmp, t_tmp)
+    for ( i = 0; i < system->N_cm; ++i )
+    {
+        /* no extrapolation, previous solution as initial guess */
+        if ( control->cm_init_guess_extrap1 == 0 )
+        {
+            s_tmp = workspace->s[0][i];
+        }
+        /* linear */
+        else if ( control->cm_init_guess_extrap1 == 1 )
+        {
+            s_tmp = 2.0 * workspace->s[0][i] - workspace->s[1][i];
+        }
+        /* quadratic */
+        else if ( control->cm_init_guess_extrap1 == 2 )
+        {
+            s_tmp = workspace->s[2][i] + 3.0 * (workspace->s[0][i]-workspace->s[1][i]);
+        }
+        /* cubic */
+        else if ( control->cm_init_guess_extrap1 == 3 )
+        {
+            s_tmp = 4.0 * (workspace->s[0][i] + workspace->s[2][i]) -
+                    (6.0 * workspace->s[1][i] + workspace->s[3][i]);
+        }
+        /* 4th order */
+        else if ( control->cm_init_guess_extrap1 == 4 )
+        {
+            s_tmp = 5.0 * (workspace->s[0][i] - workspace->s[3][i]) +
+                10.0 * (-1.0 * workspace->s[1][i] + workspace->s[2][i]) + workspace->s[4][i];
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            s_tmp = 0.0;
+        }
+        /* no extrapolation, previous solution as initial guess */
+        if ( control->cm_init_guess_extrap2 == 0 )
+        {
+            t_tmp = workspace->t[0][i];
+        }
+        /* linear */
+        else if ( control->cm_init_guess_extrap2 == 1 )
+        {
+            t_tmp = 2.0 * workspace->t[0][i] - workspace->t[1][i];
+        }
+        /* quadratic */
+        else if ( control->cm_init_guess_extrap2 == 2 )
+        {
+            t_tmp = workspace->t[2][i] + 3.0 * (workspace->t[0][i] - workspace->t[1][i]);
+        }
+        /* cubic */
+        else if ( control->cm_init_guess_extrap2 == 3 )
+        {
+            t_tmp = 4.0 * (workspace->t[0][i] + workspace->t[2][i]) -
+                (6.0 * workspace->t[1][i] + workspace->t[3][i]);
+        }
+        /* 4th order */
+        else if ( control->cm_init_guess_extrap2 == 4 )
+        {
+            t_tmp = 5.0 * (workspace->t[0][i] - workspace->t[3][i]) +
+                10.0 * (-1.0 * workspace->t[1][i] + workspace->t[2][i]) + workspace->t[4][i];
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            t_tmp = 0.0;
+        }
+        workspace->s[4][i] = workspace->s[3][i];
+        workspace->s[3][i] = workspace->s[2][i];
+        workspace->s[2][i] = workspace->s[1][i];
+        workspace->s[1][i] = workspace->s[0][i];
+        workspace->s[0][i] = s_tmp;
+        workspace->t[4][i] = workspace->t[3][i];
+        workspace->t[3][i] = workspace->t[2][i];
+        workspace->t[2][i] = workspace->t[1][i];
+        workspace->t[1][i] = workspace->t[0][i];
+        workspace->t[0][i] = t_tmp;
+    }
+static void Extrapolate_Charges_EE( const reax_system * const system,
+        const control_params * const control,
+        simulation_data * const data, static_storage * const workspace )
+    int i;
+    real s_tmp;
+    /* spline extrapolation for s */
+    //TODO: good candidate for vectorization, avoid moving data with head pointer and circular buffer
+#ifdef _OPENMP
+    #pragma omp parallel for schedule(static) \
+        default(none) private(i, s_tmp)
+    for ( i = 0; i < system->N_cm; ++i )
+    {
+        /* no extrapolation */
+        if ( control->cm_init_guess_extrap1 == 0 )
+        {
+            s_tmp = workspace->s[0][i];
+        }
+        /* linear */
+        else if ( control->cm_init_guess_extrap1 == 1 )
+        {
+            s_tmp = 2.0 * workspace->s[0][i] - workspace->s[1][i];
+        }
+        /* quadratic */
+        else if ( control->cm_init_guess_extrap1 == 2 )
+        {
+            s_tmp = workspace->s[2][i] + 3.0 * (workspace->s[0][i]-workspace->s[1][i]);
+        }
+        /* cubic */
+        else if ( control->cm_init_guess_extrap1 == 3 )
+        {
+            s_tmp = 4.0 * (workspace->s[0][i] + workspace->s[2][i]) -
+                    (6.0 * workspace->s[1][i] + workspace->s[3][i] );
+        }
+        /* 4th order */
+        else if ( control->cm_init_guess_extrap1 == 4 )
+        {
+            s_tmp = 5.0 * (workspace->s[0][i] - workspace->s[3][i]) +
+                10.0 * (-workspace->s[1][i] + workspace->s[2][i] ) + workspace->s[4][i];
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            s_tmp = 0.0;
+        }
+        workspace->s[4][i] = workspace->s[3][i];
+        workspace->s[3][i] = workspace->s[2][i];
+        workspace->s[2][i] = workspace->s[1][i];
+        workspace->s[1][i] = workspace->s[0][i];
+        workspace->s[0][i] = s_tmp;
+    }
+/* Compute preconditioner for QEq
+ */
+static void Compute_Preconditioner_QEq( const reax_system * const system,
+        const control_params * const control,
+        simulation_data * const data, static_storage * const workspace )
+    real time;
+    sparse_matrix *Hptr;
+    if ( control->cm_domain_sparsify_enabled == TRUE )
+    {
+        Hptr = workspace->H_sp;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        Hptr = workspace->H;
+    }
+#if defined(TEST_MAT)
+    Hptr = create_test_mat( );
+    time = Get_Time( );
+    if ( control->cm_solver_pre_app_type == TRI_SOLVE_GC_PA )
+    {
+        setup_graph_coloring( control, workspace, Hptr, &workspace->H_full, &workspace->H_p );
+        Sort_Matrix_Rows( workspace->H_p );
+        Hptr = workspace->H_p;
+    }
+    data->timing.cm_sort_mat_rows += Get_Timing_Info( time );
+    switch ( control->cm_solver_pre_comp_type )
+    {
+        case NONE_PC:
+            break;
+        case JACOBI_PC:
+            data->timing.cm_solver_pre_comp +=
+                jacobi( Hptr, workspace->Hdia_inv );
+            break;
+        case ICHOLT_PC:
+            data->timing.cm_solver_pre_comp +=
+                ICHOLT( Hptr, workspace->droptol, workspace->L, workspace->U );
+            break;
+        case ILUT_PAR_PC:
+            data->timing.cm_solver_pre_comp +=
+                FG_ILUT( Hptr, workspace->droptol, control->cm_solver_pre_comp_sweeps,
+                        workspace->L, workspace->U );
+            break;
+        case SAI_PC:
+#if defined(HAVE_LAPACKE) || defined(HAVE_LAPACKE_MKL)
+            data->timing.cm_solver_pre_comp +=
+                sparse_approx_inverse( workspace->H_full, workspace->H_spar_patt_full,
+                        &workspace->H_app_inv );
+            fprintf( stderr, "LAPACKE support disabled. Re-compile before enabling. Terminating...\n" );
+            exit( INVALID_INPUT );
+            break;
+        default:
+            fprintf( stderr, "Unrecognized preconditioner computation method. Terminating...\n" );
+            exit( INVALID_INPUT );
+            break;
+    }
+#if defined(DEBUG)
+#define SIZE (1000)
+    char fname[SIZE];
+    if ( control->cm_solver_pre_comp_type != NONE_PC && 
+            control->cm_solver_pre_comp_type != JACOBI_PC )
+    {
+        fprintf( stderr, "condest = %f\n", condest(workspace->L, workspace->U) );
+#if defined(DEBUG_FOCUS)
+        snprintf( fname, SIZE + 10, "%s.L%d.out", control->sim_name, data->step );
+        Print_Sparse_Matrix2( workspace->L, fname, NULL );
+        snprintf( fname, SIZE + 10, "%s.U%d.out", control->sim_name, data->step );
+        Print_Sparse_Matrix2( workspace->U, fname, NULL );
+    }
+#undef SIZE
+/* Compute preconditioner for EE
+ */
+//static void Compute_Preconditioner_EE( const reax_system * const system,
+//        const control_params * const control,
+//        simulation_data * const data, static_storage * const workspace )
+//    int i, top;
+//    static real * ones = NULL, * x = NULL, * y = NULL;
+//    sparse_matrix *Hptr;
+//    Hptr = workspace->H_EE;
+//#if defined(TEST_MAT)
+//    Hptr = create_test_mat( );
+//    if ( ones == NULL )
+//    {
+//        ones = (real*) smalloc( system->N * sizeof(real), "Compute_Preconditioner_EE::ones" );
+//        x = (real*) smalloc( system->N * sizeof(real), "Compute_Preconditioner_EE::x" );
+//        y = (real*) smalloc( system->N * sizeof(real), "Compute_Preconditioner_EE::y" );
+//        for ( i = 0; i < system->N; ++i )
+//        {
+//            ones[i] = 1.0;
+//        }
+//    }
+//    switch ( control->cm_solver_pre_comp_type )
+//    {
+//    case JACOBI_PC:
+//        data->timing.cm_solver_pre_comp +=
+//            jacobi( Hptr, workspace->Hdia_inv );
+//        break;
+//    case ICHOLT_PC:
+//        data->timing.cm_solver_pre_comp +=
+//            ICHOLT( Hptr, workspace->droptol, workspace->L_EE, workspace->U_EE );
+//        break;
+//    case ILUT_PAR_PC:
+//        data->timing.cm_solver_pre_comp +=
+//            FG_ILUT( Hptr, workspace->droptol, control->cm_solver_pre_comp_sweeps,
+//                    workspace->L_EE, workspace->U_EE );
+//        break;
+//    default:
+//        fprintf( stderr, "Unrecognized preconditioner computation method. Terminating...\n" );
+//        exit( INVALID_INPUT );
+//        break;
+//    }
+//    if ( control->cm_solver_pre_comp_type != JACOBI_PC )
+//    {
+//        switch ( control->cm_solver_pre_app_type )
+//        {
+//            case TRI_SOLVE_PA:
+//                tri_solve( workspace->L_EE, ones, x, workspace->L_EE->n, LOWER );
+//                Transpose_I( workspace->U_EE );
+//                tri_solve( workspace->U_EE, ones, y, workspace->U_EE->n, LOWER );
+//                Transpose_I( workspace->U_EE );
+//                memcpy( workspace->L->start, workspace->L_EE->start, sizeof(unsigned int) * (system->N + 1) );
+//                memcpy( workspace->L->j, workspace->L_EE->j, sizeof(unsigned int) * workspace->L_EE->start[workspace->L_EE->n] );
+//                memcpy( workspace->L->val, workspace->L_EE->val, sizeof(real) * workspace->L_EE->start[workspace->L_EE->n] );
+//                top = workspace->L->start[system->N];
+//                for ( i = 0; i < system->N; ++i )
+//                {
+//                    workspace->L->j[top] = i;
+//                    workspace->L->val[top] = x[i];
+//                    ++top;
+//                }
+//                workspace->L->j[top] = system->N_cm - 1;
+//                workspace->L->val[top] = 1.0;
+//                ++top;
+//                workspace->L->start[system->N_cm] = top;
+//                top = 0;
+//                for ( i = 0; i < system->N; ++i )
+//                {
+//                    workspace->U->start[i] = top;
+//                    memcpy( workspace->U->j + top, workspace->U_EE->j + workspace->U_EE->start[i],
+//                            sizeof(unsigned int) * (workspace->U_EE->start[i + 1] - workspace->U_EE->start[i]) );
+//                    memcpy( workspace->U->val + top, workspace->U_EE->val + workspace->U_EE->start[i],
+//                            sizeof(real) * (workspace->U_EE->start[i + 1] - workspace->U_EE->start[i]) );
+//                    top += (workspace->U_EE->start[i + 1] - workspace->U_EE->start[i]);
+//                    workspace->U->j[top] = system->N_cm - 1;
+//                    workspace->U->val[top] = y[i];
+//                    ++top;
+//                }
+//                workspace->U->start[system->N_cm - 1] = top;
+//                workspace->U->j[top] = system->N_cm - 1;
+//                workspace->U->val[top] = -Dot( x, y, system->N );
+//                ++top;
+//                workspace->U->start[system->N_cm] = top;
+//                break;
+//            case TRI_SOLVE_LEVEL_SCHED_PA:
+//                tri_solve_level_sched( workspace->L_EE, ones, x, workspace->L_EE->n, LOWER, TRUE );
+//                Transpose_I( workspace->U_EE );
+//                tri_solve_level_sched( workspace->U_EE, ones, y, workspace->U_EE->n, LOWER, TRUE );
+//                Transpose_I( workspace->U_EE );
+//                memcpy( workspace->L->start, workspace->L_EE->start, sizeof(unsigned int) * (system->N + 1) );
+//                memcpy( workspace->L->j, workspace->L_EE->j, sizeof(unsigned int) * workspace->L_EE->start[workspace->L_EE->n] );
+//                memcpy( workspace->L->val, workspace->L_EE->val, sizeof(real) * workspace->L_EE->start[workspace->L_EE->n] );
+//                top = workspace->L->start[system->N];
+//                for ( i = 0; i < system->N; ++i )
+//                {
+//                    workspace->L->j[top] = i;
+//                    workspace->L->val[top] = x[i];
+//                    ++top;
+//                }
+//                workspace->L->j[top] = system->N_cm - 1;
+//                workspace->L->val[top] = 1.0;
+//                ++top;
+//                workspace->L->start[system->N_cm] = top;
+//                top = 0;
+//                for ( i = 0; i < system->N; ++i )
+//                {
+//                    workspace->U->start[i] = top;
+//                    memcpy( workspace->U->j + top, workspace->U_EE->j + workspace->U_EE->start[i],
+//                            sizeof(unsigned int) * (workspace->U_EE->start[i + 1] - workspace->U_EE->start[i]) );
+//                    memcpy( workspace->U->val + top, workspace->U_EE->val + workspace->U_EE->start[i],
+//                            sizeof(real) * (workspace->U_EE->start[i + 1] - workspace->U_EE->start[i]) );
+//                    top += (workspace->U_EE->start[i + 1] - workspace->U_EE->start[i]);
+//                    workspace->U->j[top] = system->N_cm - 1;
+//                    workspace->U->val[top] = y[i];
+//                    ++top;
+//                }
+//                workspace->U->start[system->N_cm - 1] = top;
+//                workspace->U->j[top] = system->N_cm - 1;
+//                workspace->U->val[top] = -Dot( x, y, system->N );
+//                ++top;
+//                workspace->U->start[system->N_cm] = top;
+//                break;
+//            //TODO: add Jacobi iter, etc.?
+//            default:
+//                tri_solve( workspace->L_EE, ones, x, workspace->L_EE->n, LOWER );
+//                Transpose_I( workspace->U_EE );
+//                tri_solve( workspace->U_EE, ones, y, workspace->U_EE->n, LOWER );
+//                Transpose_I( workspace->U_EE );
+//                memcpy( workspace->L->start, workspace->L_EE->start, sizeof(unsigned int) * (system->N + 1) );
+//                memcpy( workspace->L->j, workspace->L_EE->j, sizeof(unsigned int) * workspace->L_EE->start[workspace->L_EE->n] );
+//                memcpy( workspace->L->val, workspace->L_EE->val, sizeof(real) * workspace->L_EE->start[workspace->L_EE->n] );
+//                top = workspace->L->start[system->N];
+//                for ( i = 0; i < system->N; ++i )
+//                {
+//                    workspace->L->j[top] = i;
+//                    workspace->L->val[top] = x[i];
+//                    ++top;
+//                }
+//                workspace->L->j[top] = system->N_cm - 1;
+//                workspace->L->val[top] = 1.0;
+//                ++top;
+//                workspace->L->start[system->N_cm] = top;
+//                top = 0;
+//                for ( i = 0; i < system->N; ++i )
+//                {
+//                    workspace->U->start[i] = top;
+//                    memcpy( workspace->U->j + top, workspace->U_EE->j + workspace->U_EE->start[i],
+//                            sizeof(unsigned int) * (workspace->U_EE->start[i + 1] - workspace->U_EE->start[i]) );
+//                    memcpy( workspace->U->val + top, workspace->U_EE->val + workspace->U_EE->start[i],
+//                            sizeof(real) * (workspace->U_EE->start[i + 1] - workspace->U_EE->start[i]) );
+//                    top += (workspace->U_EE->start[i + 1] - workspace->U_EE->start[i]);
+//                    workspace->U->j[top] = system->N_cm - 1;
+//                    workspace->U->val[top] = y[i];
+//                    ++top;
+//                }
+//                workspace->U->start[system->N_cm - 1] = top;
+//                workspace->U->j[top] = system->N_cm - 1;
+//                workspace->U->val[top] = -Dot( x, y, system->N );
+//                ++top;
+//                workspace->U->start[system->N_cm] = top;
+//                break;
+//        }
+//    }
+//#if defined(DEBUG)
+//#define SIZE (1000)
+//    char fname[SIZE];
+//    if ( control->cm_solver_pre_comp_type != JACOBI_PC )
+//    {
+//        fprintf( stderr, "condest = %f\n", condest(workspace->L) );
+//#if defined(DEBUG_FOCUS)
+//        snprintf( fname, SIZE + 10, "%s.L%d.out", control->sim_name, data->step );
+//        Print_Sparse_Matrix2( workspace->L, fname, NULL );
+//        snprintf( fname, SIZE + 10, "%s.U%d.out", control->sim_name, data->step );
+//        Print_Sparse_Matrix2( workspace->U, fname, NULL );
+//        fprintf( stderr, "icholt-" );
+//        snprintf( fname, SIZE + 10, "%s.L%d.out", control->sim_name, data->step );
+//        Print_Sparse_Matrix2( workspace->L, fname, NULL );
+//        Print_Sparse_Matrix( U );
+//    }
+//#undef SIZE
+/* Compute preconditioner for EE
+ */
+static void Compute_Preconditioner_EE( const reax_system * const system,
+        const control_params * const control,
+        simulation_data * const data, static_storage * const workspace )
+    real time;
+    sparse_matrix *Hptr;
+    if ( control->cm_domain_sparsify_enabled == TRUE )
+    {
+        Hptr = workspace->H_sp;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        Hptr = workspace->H;
+    }
+#if defined(TEST_MAT)
+    Hptr = create_test_mat( );
+    if ( control->cm_solver_pre_comp_type == ICHOLT_PC ||
+            control->cm_solver_pre_comp_type == ILUT_PAR_PC )
+    {
+        Hptr->val[Hptr->start[system->N + 1] - 1] = 1.0;
+    }
+    time = Get_Time( );
+    if ( control->cm_solver_pre_app_type == TRI_SOLVE_GC_PA )
+    {
+        setup_graph_coloring( control, workspace, Hptr, &workspace->H_full, &workspace->H_p );
+        Sort_Matrix_Rows( workspace->H_p );
+        Hptr = workspace->H_p;
+    }
+    data->timing.cm_sort_mat_rows += Get_Timing_Info( time );
+    switch ( control->cm_solver_pre_comp_type )
+    {
+        case NONE_PC:
+            break;
+        case JACOBI_PC:
+            data->timing.cm_solver_pre_comp +=
+                jacobi( Hptr, workspace->Hdia_inv );
+            break;
+        case ICHOLT_PC:
+            data->timing.cm_solver_pre_comp +=
+                ICHOLT( Hptr, workspace->droptol, workspace->L, workspace->U );
+            break;
+        case ILUT_PAR_PC:
+            data->timing.cm_solver_pre_comp +=
+                FG_ILUT( Hptr, workspace->droptol, control->cm_solver_pre_comp_sweeps,
+                        workspace->L, workspace->U );
+            break;
+        case SAI_PC:
+#if defined(HAVE_LAPACKE) || defined(HAVE_LAPACKE_MKL)
+            data->timing.cm_solver_pre_comp +=
+                sparse_approx_inverse( workspace->H_full, workspace->H_spar_patt_full,
+                        &workspace->H_app_inv );
+            fprintf( stderr, "LAPACKE support disabled. Re-compile before enabling. Terminating...\n" );
+            exit( INVALID_INPUT );
+            break;
+        default:
+            fprintf( stderr, "Unrecognized preconditioner computation method. Terminating...\n" );
+            exit( INVALID_INPUT );
+            break;
+    }
+    if ( control->cm_solver_pre_app_type == TRI_SOLVE_GC_PA )
+    {
+        if ( control->cm_domain_sparsify_enabled == TRUE )
+        {
+            Hptr = workspace->H_sp;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            Hptr = workspace->H;
+        }
+    }
+    if ( control->cm_solver_pre_comp_type == ICHOLT_PC ||
+            control->cm_solver_pre_comp_type == ILUT_PAR_PC )
+    {
+        Hptr->val[Hptr->start[system->N + 1] - 1] = 0.0;
+    }
+#if defined(DEBUG)
+#define SIZE (1000)
+    char fname[SIZE];
+    if ( control->cm_solver_pre_comp_type != NONE_PC && 
+            control->cm_solver_pre_comp_type != JACOBI_PC )
+    {
+        fprintf( stderr, "condest = %f\n", condest(workspace->L, workspace->U) );
+#if defined(DEBUG_FOCUS)
+        snprintf( fname, SIZE + 10, "%s.L%d.out", control->sim_name, data->step );
+        Print_Sparse_Matrix2( workspace->L, fname, NULL );
+        snprintf( fname, SIZE + 10, "%s.U%d.out", control->sim_name, data->step );
+        Print_Sparse_Matrix2( workspace->U, fname, NULL );
+    }
+#undef SIZE
+/* Compute preconditioner for ACKS2
+ */
+static void Compute_Preconditioner_ACKS2( const reax_system * const system,
+        const control_params * const control,
+        simulation_data * const data, static_storage * const workspace )
+    real time;
+    sparse_matrix *Hptr;
+    if ( control->cm_domain_sparsify_enabled == TRUE )
+    {
+        Hptr = workspace->H_sp;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        Hptr = workspace->H;
+    }
+#if defined(TEST_MAT)
+    Hptr = create_test_mat( );
+    if ( control->cm_solver_pre_comp_type == ICHOLT_PC ||
+            control->cm_solver_pre_comp_type == ILUT_PAR_PC )
+    {
+        Hptr->val[Hptr->start[system->N + 1] - 1] = 1.0;
+        Hptr->val[Hptr->start[system->N_cm] - 1] = 1.0;
+    }
+    time = Get_Time( );
+    if ( control->cm_solver_pre_app_type == TRI_SOLVE_GC_PA )
+    {
+        setup_graph_coloring( control, workspace, Hptr, &workspace->H_full, &workspace->H_p );
+        Sort_Matrix_Rows( workspace->H_p );
+        Hptr = workspace->H_p;
+    }
+    data->timing.cm_sort_mat_rows += Get_Timing_Info( time );
+    switch ( control->cm_solver_pre_comp_type )
+    {
+        case NONE_PC:
+            break;
+        case JACOBI_PC:
+            data->timing.cm_solver_pre_comp +=
+                jacobi( Hptr, workspace->Hdia_inv );
+            break;
+        case ICHOLT_PC:
+            data->timing.cm_solver_pre_comp +=
+                ICHOLT( Hptr, workspace->droptol, workspace->L, workspace->U );
+            break;
+        case ILUT_PAR_PC:
+            data->timing.cm_solver_pre_comp +=
+                ILUT_PAR( Hptr, workspace->droptol, control->cm_solver_pre_comp_sweeps,
+                        workspace->L, workspace->U );
+            break;
+        case SAI_PC:
+#if defined(HAVE_LAPACKE) || defined(HAVE_LAPACKE_MKL)
+            data->timing.cm_solver_pre_comp +=
+                sparse_approx_inverse( workspace->H_full, workspace->H_spar_patt_full,
+                        &workspace->H_app_inv );
+            fprintf( stderr, "LAPACKE support disabled. Re-compile before enabling. Terminating...\n" );
+            exit( INVALID_INPUT );
+            break;
+        default:
+            fprintf( stderr, "Unrecognized preconditioner computation method. Terminating...\n" );
+            exit( INVALID_INPUT );
+            break;
+    }
+    if ( control->cm_solver_pre_app_type == TRI_SOLVE_GC_PA )
+    {
+        if ( control->cm_domain_sparsify_enabled == TRUE )
+        {
+            Hptr = workspace->H_sp;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            Hptr = workspace->H;
+        }
+    }
+    if ( control->cm_solver_pre_comp_type == ICHOLT_PC ||
+            control->cm_solver_pre_comp_type == ILUT_PAR_PC )
+    {
+        Hptr->val[Hptr->start[system->N + 1] - 1] = 0.0;
+        Hptr->val[Hptr->start[system->N_cm] - 1] = 0.0;
+    }
+#if defined(DEBUG)
+#define SIZE (1000)
+    char fname[SIZE];
+    if ( control->cm_solver_pre_comp_type != NONE_PC || 
+            control->cm_solver_pre_comp_type != JACOBI_PC )
+    {
+        fprintf( stderr, "condest = %f\n", condest(workspace->L, workspace->U) );
+#if defined(DEBUG_FOCUS)
+        snprintf( fname, SIZE + 10, "%s.L%d.out", control->sim_name, data->step );
+        Print_Sparse_Matrix2( workspace->L, fname, NULL );
+        snprintf( fname, SIZE + 10, "%s.U%d.out", control->sim_name, data->step );
+        Print_Sparse_Matrix2( workspace->U, fname, NULL );
+    }
+#undef SIZE
+static void Setup_Preconditioner_QEq( const reax_system * const system,
+        const control_params * const control,
+        simulation_data * const data, static_storage * const workspace )
+    int fillin;
+    real time;
+    sparse_matrix *Hptr;
+    if ( control->cm_domain_sparsify_enabled == TRUE )
+    {
+        Hptr = workspace->H_sp;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        Hptr = workspace->H;
+    }
+    /* sort H needed for SpMV's in linear solver, H or H_sp needed for preconditioning */
+    time = Get_Time( );
+    Sort_Matrix_Rows( workspace->H );
+    if ( control->cm_domain_sparsify_enabled == TRUE )
+    {
+        Sort_Matrix_Rows( workspace->H_sp );
+    }
+    data->timing.cm_sort_mat_rows += Get_Timing_Info( time );
+    switch ( control->cm_solver_pre_comp_type )
+    {
+        case NONE_PC:
+            break;
+        case JACOBI_PC:
+            if ( workspace->Hdia_inv == NULL )
+            {
+                workspace->Hdia_inv = (real *) scalloc( Hptr->n, sizeof( real ),
+                        "Setup_Preconditioner_QEq::workspace->Hdiv_inv" );
+            }
+            break;
+        case ICHOLT_PC:
+            Calculate_Droptol( Hptr, workspace->droptol, control->cm_solver_pre_comp_droptol );
+            fillin = Estimate_LU_Fill( Hptr, workspace->droptol );
+            if ( workspace->L == NULL )
+            {
+                Allocate_Matrix( &(workspace->L), Hptr->n, fillin );
+                Allocate_Matrix( &(workspace->U), Hptr->n, fillin );
+            }
+            else if ( workspace->L->m < fillin )
+            {
+                Deallocate_Matrix( workspace->L );
+                Deallocate_Matrix( workspace->U );
+                Allocate_Matrix( &(workspace->L), Hptr->n, fillin );
+                Allocate_Matrix( &(workspace->U), Hptr->n, fillin );
+            }
+            break;
+        case ILUT_PAR_PC:
+            Calculate_Droptol( Hptr, workspace->droptol, control->cm_solver_pre_comp_droptol );
+            if ( workspace->L == NULL )
+            {
+                /* TODO: safest storage estimate is ILU(0)
+                 * (same as lower triangular portion of H), could improve later */
+                Allocate_Matrix( &(workspace->L), Hptr->n, Hptr->m );
+                Allocate_Matrix( &(workspace->U), Hptr->n, Hptr->m );
+            }
+            else if ( workspace->L->m < Hptr->m )
+            {
+                Deallocate_Matrix( workspace->L );
+                Deallocate_Matrix( workspace->U );
+                /* TODO: safest storage estimate is ILU(0)
+                 * (same as lower triangular portion of H), could improve later */
+                Allocate_Matrix( &(workspace->L), Hptr->n, Hptr->m );
+                Allocate_Matrix( &(workspace->U), Hptr->n, Hptr->m );
+            }
+            break;
+        case SAI_PC:
+            setup_sparse_approx_inverse( Hptr, &workspace->H_full, &workspace->H_spar_patt,
+                    &workspace->H_spar_patt_full, &workspace->H_app_inv,
+                    control->cm_solver_pre_comp_sai_thres );
+            break;
+        default:
+            fprintf( stderr, "[ERROR] Unrecognized preconditioner computation method. Terminating...\n" );
+            exit( INVALID_INPUT );
+            break;
+    }
+/* Setup routines before computing the preconditioner for EE
+ */
+static void Setup_Preconditioner_EE( const reax_system * const system,
+        const control_params * const control,
+        simulation_data * const data, static_storage * const workspace )
+    int fillin;
+    real time;
+    sparse_matrix *Hptr;
+    if ( control->cm_domain_sparsify_enabled == TRUE )
+    {
+        Hptr = workspace->H_sp;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        Hptr = workspace->H;
+    }
+    /* sorted H needed for SpMV's in linear solver, H or H_sp needed for preconditioning */
+    time = Get_Time( );
+    Sort_Matrix_Rows( workspace->H );
+    if ( control->cm_domain_sparsify_enabled == TRUE )
+    {
+        Sort_Matrix_Rows( workspace->H_sp );
+    }
+    data->timing.cm_sort_mat_rows += Get_Timing_Info( time );
+    if ( control->cm_solver_pre_comp_type == ICHOLT_PC ||
+            control->cm_solver_pre_comp_type == ILUT_PAR_PC )
+    {
+        Hptr->val[Hptr->start[system->N + 1] - 1] = 1.0;
+    }
+    switch ( control->cm_solver_pre_comp_type )
+    {
+        case NONE_PC:
+            break;
+        case JACOBI_PC:
+            if ( workspace->Hdia_inv == NULL )
+            {
+                workspace->Hdia_inv = (real *) scalloc( system->N_cm, sizeof( real ),
+                        "Setup_Preconditioner_QEq::workspace->Hdiv_inv" );
+            }
+            break;
+        case ICHOLT_PC:
+            Calculate_Droptol( Hptr, workspace->droptol, control->cm_solver_pre_comp_droptol );
+            fillin = Estimate_LU_Fill( Hptr, workspace->droptol );
+            if ( workspace->L == NULL )
+            {
+                Allocate_Matrix( &(workspace->L), system->N_cm, fillin + system->N_cm );
+                Allocate_Matrix( &(workspace->U), system->N_cm, fillin + system->N_cm );
+            }
+            else if ( workspace->L->m < fillin + system->N_cm )
+            {
+                Deallocate_Matrix( workspace->L );
+                Deallocate_Matrix( workspace->U );
+                Allocate_Matrix( &(workspace->L), system->N_cm, fillin + system->N_cm );
+                Allocate_Matrix( &(workspace->U), system->N_cm, fillin + system->N_cm );
+            }
+            break;
+        case ILUT_PAR_PC:
+            Calculate_Droptol( Hptr, workspace->droptol, control->cm_solver_pre_comp_droptol );
+            if ( workspace->L == NULL )
+            {
+                /* TODO: safest storage estimate is ILU(0)
+                 * (same as lower triangular portion of H), could improve later */
+                Allocate_Matrix( &(workspace->L), Hptr->n, Hptr->m );
+                Allocate_Matrix( &(workspace->U), Hptr->n, Hptr->m );
+            }
+            else if ( workspace->L->m < Hptr->m )
+            {
+                Deallocate_Matrix( workspace->L );
+                Deallocate_Matrix( workspace->U );
+                /* TODO: safest storage estimate is ILU(0)
+                 * (same as lower triangular portion of H), could improve later */
+                Allocate_Matrix( &(workspace->L), Hptr->n, Hptr->m );
+                Allocate_Matrix( &(workspace->U), Hptr->n, Hptr->m );
+            }
+            break;
+        case SAI_PC:
+            setup_sparse_approx_inverse( Hptr, &workspace->H_full, &workspace->H_spar_patt,
+                    &workspace->H_spar_patt_full, &workspace->H_app_inv,
+                    control->cm_solver_pre_comp_sai_thres );
+            break;
+        default:
+            fprintf( stderr, "[ERROR] Unrecognized preconditioner computation method. Terminating...\n" );
+            exit( INVALID_INPUT );
+            break;
+    }
+    if ( control->cm_solver_pre_comp_type == ICHOLT_PC ||
+            control->cm_solver_pre_comp_type == ILUT_PAR_PC )
+    {
+        Hptr->val[Hptr->start[system->N + 1] - 1] = 0.0;
+    }
+/* Setup routines before computing the preconditioner for ACKS2
+ */
+static void Setup_Preconditioner_ACKS2( const reax_system * const system,
+        const control_params * const control,
+        simulation_data * const data, static_storage * const workspace )
+    int fillin;
+    real time;
+    sparse_matrix *Hptr;
+    if ( control->cm_domain_sparsify_enabled == TRUE )
+    {
+        Hptr = workspace->H_sp;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        Hptr = workspace->H;
+    }
+    /* sort H needed for SpMV's in linear solver, H or H_sp needed for preconditioning */
+    time = Get_Time( );
+    Sort_Matrix_Rows( workspace->H );
+    if ( control->cm_domain_sparsify_enabled == TRUE )
+    {
+        Sort_Matrix_Rows( workspace->H_sp );
+    }
+    data->timing.cm_sort_mat_rows += Get_Timing_Info( time );
+    if ( control->cm_solver_pre_comp_type == ICHOLT_PC ||
+            control->cm_solver_pre_comp_type == ILUT_PAR_PC )
+    {
+        Hptr->val[Hptr->start[system->N + 1] - 1] = 1.0;
+        Hptr->val[Hptr->start[system->N_cm] - 1] = 1.0;
+    }
+    switch ( control->cm_solver_pre_comp_type )
+    {
+        case NONE_PC:
+            break;
+        case JACOBI_PC:
+            if ( workspace->Hdia_inv == NULL )
+            {
+                workspace->Hdia_inv = (real *) scalloc( Hptr->n, sizeof( real ),
+                        "Setup_Preconditioner_QEq::workspace->Hdiv_inv" );
+            }
+            break;
+        case ICHOLT_PC:
+            Calculate_Droptol( Hptr, workspace->droptol, control->cm_solver_pre_comp_droptol );
+            fillin = Estimate_LU_Fill( Hptr, workspace->droptol );
+            if ( workspace->L == NULL )
+            {
+                Allocate_Matrix( &(workspace->L), Hptr->n, fillin );
+                Allocate_Matrix( &(workspace->U), Hptr->n, fillin );
+            }
+            else if ( workspace->L->m < fillin )
+            {
+                Deallocate_Matrix( workspace->L );
+                Deallocate_Matrix( workspace->U );
+                /* factors have sparsity pattern as H */
+                Allocate_Matrix( &(workspace->L), Hptr->n, fillin );
+                Allocate_Matrix( &(workspace->U), Hptr->n, fillin );
+            }
+            break;
+        case ILUT_PAR_PC:
+            Calculate_Droptol( Hptr, workspace->droptol, control->cm_solver_pre_comp_droptol );
+            if ( workspace->L == NULL )
+            {
+                /* TODO: safest storage estimate is ILU(0)
+                 * (same as lower triangular portion of H), could improve later */
+                Allocate_Matrix( &(workspace->L), Hptr->n, Hptr->m );
+                Allocate_Matrix( &(workspace->U), Hptr->n, Hptr->m );
+            }
+            else if ( workspace->L->m < Hptr->m )
+            {
+                Deallocate_Matrix( workspace->L );
+                Deallocate_Matrix( workspace->U );
+                /* factors have sparsity pattern as H */
+                Allocate_Matrix( &(workspace->L), Hptr->n, Hptr->m );
+                Allocate_Matrix( &(workspace->U), Hptr->n, Hptr->m );
+            }
+            break;
+        case SAI_PC:
+            setup_sparse_approx_inverse( Hptr, &workspace->H_full, &workspace->H_spar_patt,
+                    &workspace->H_spar_patt_full, &workspace->H_app_inv,
+                    control->cm_solver_pre_comp_sai_thres );
+            break;
+        default:
+            fprintf( stderr, "[ERROR] Unrecognized preconditioner computation method. Terminating...\n" );
+            exit( INVALID_INPUT );
+            break;
+    }
+    if ( control->cm_solver_pre_comp_type == ICHOLT_PC ||
+            control->cm_solver_pre_comp_type == ILUT_PAR_PC )
+    {
+        Hptr->val[Hptr->start[system->N + 1] - 1] = 0.0;
+        Hptr->val[Hptr->start[system->N_cm] - 1] = 0.0;
+    }
+/* Combine ficticious charges s and t to get atomic charge q for QEq method
+ */
+static void Calculate_Charges_QEq( const reax_system * const system,
+        static_storage * const workspace )
+    int i;
+    real u, s_sum, t_sum;
+    s_sum = 0.0;
+    t_sum = 0.0;
+    for ( i = 0; i < system->N_cm; ++i )
+    {
+        s_sum += workspace->s[0][i];
+        t_sum += workspace->t[0][i];
+    }
+    u = s_sum / t_sum;
+    for ( i = 0; i < system->N_cm; ++i )
+    {
+        system->atoms[i].q = workspace->s[0][i] - u * workspace->t[0][i];
+#if defined(DEBUG_FOCUS)
+        printf("atom %4d: %f\n", i, system->atoms[i].q);
+        printf("  x[0]: %10.5f, x[1]: %10.5f, x[2]:  %10.5f\n",
+                system->atoms[i].x[0], system->atoms[i].x[1], system->atoms[i].x[2]);
+    }
+/* Get atomic charge q for EE method
+ */
+static void Calculate_Charges_EE( const reax_system * const system,
+        static_storage * const workspace )
+    int i;
+    for ( i = 0; i < system->N; ++i )
+    {
+        system->atoms[i].q = workspace->s[0][i];
+#if defined(DEBUG_FOCUS)
+        printf( "atom %4d: %f\n", i, system->atoms[i].q );
+        printf( "  x[0]: %10.5f, x[1]: %10.5f, x[2]:  %10.5f\n",
+               system->atoms[i].x[0], system->atoms[i].x[1], system->atoms[i].x[2] );
+    }
+/* Main driver method for QEq kernel
+ *  1) init / setup routines for preconditioning of linear solver
+ *  2) compute preconditioner
+ *  3) extrapolate charges
+ *  4) perform 2 linear solves
+ *  5) compute atomic charges based on output of (4)
+ */
+static void QEq( reax_system * const system, control_params * const control,
+        simulation_data * const data, static_storage * const workspace,
+        const output_controls * const out_control )
+    int iters;
+    if ( control->cm_solver_pre_comp_refactor > 0 &&
+            ((data->step - data->prev_steps) % control->cm_solver_pre_comp_refactor == 0) )
+    {
+        Setup_Preconditioner_QEq( system, control, data, workspace );
+        Compute_Preconditioner_QEq( system, control, data, workspace );
+    }
+    Extrapolate_Charges_QEq( system, control, data, workspace );
+    switch ( control->cm_solver_type )
+    {
+    case GMRES_S:
+        iters = GMRES( workspace, control, data, workspace->H,
+                workspace->b_s, control->cm_solver_q_err, workspace->s[0],
+                (control->cm_solver_pre_comp_refactor > 0 &&
+                 (data->step - data->prev_steps) % control->cm_solver_pre_comp_refactor == 0) ? TRUE : FALSE );
+        iters += GMRES( workspace, control, data, workspace->H,
+                workspace->b_t, control->cm_solver_q_err, workspace->t[0], FALSE );
+        break;
+    case GMRES_H_S:
+        iters = GMRES_HouseHolder( workspace, control, data, workspace->H,
+                workspace->b_s, control->cm_solver_q_err, workspace->s[0],
+                (control->cm_solver_pre_comp_refactor > 0 &&
+                 (data->step - data->prev_steps) % control->cm_solver_pre_comp_refactor == 0) ? TRUE : FALSE );
+        iters += GMRES_HouseHolder( workspace, control, data, workspace->H,
+                workspace->b_t, control->cm_solver_q_err, workspace->t[0], 0 );
+        break;
+    case CG_S:
+        iters = CG( workspace, control, data, workspace->H, workspace->b_s, control->cm_solver_q_err,
+                workspace->s[0], (control->cm_solver_pre_comp_refactor > 0 &&
+                 (data->step - data->prev_steps) % control->cm_solver_pre_comp_refactor == 0) ? TRUE : FALSE ) + 1;
+        iters += CG( workspace, control, data, workspace->H, workspace->b_t, control->cm_solver_q_err,
+                workspace->t[0], FALSE ) + 1;
+        break;
+    case SDM_S:
+        iters = SDM( workspace, control, data, workspace->H, workspace->b_s, control->cm_solver_q_err,
+                workspace->s[0], (control->cm_solver_pre_comp_refactor > 0 &&
+                 (data->step - data->prev_steps) % control->cm_solver_pre_comp_refactor == 0) ? TRUE : FALSE ) + 1;
+        iters += SDM( workspace, control, data, workspace->H, workspace->b_t, control->cm_solver_q_err,
+                      workspace->t[0], FALSE ) + 1;
+        break;
+    case BiCGStab_S:
+        iters = BiCGStab( workspace, control, data, workspace->H, workspace->b_s, control->cm_solver_q_err,
+                workspace->s[0], (control->cm_solver_pre_comp_refactor > 0 &&
+                 (data->step - data->prev_steps) % control->cm_solver_pre_comp_refactor == 0) ? TRUE : FALSE ) + 1;
+        iters += BiCGStab( workspace, control, data, workspace->H, workspace->b_t, control->cm_solver_q_err,
+                workspace->t[0], FALSE ) + 1;
+        break;
+    default:
+        fprintf( stderr, "Unrecognized QEq solver selection. Terminating...\n" );
+        exit( INVALID_INPUT );
+        break;
+    }
+    data->timing.cm_solver_iters += iters;
+    Calculate_Charges_QEq( system, workspace );
+#if defined(DEBUG_FOCUS)
+    fprintf( stderr, "%d %.9f %.9f %.9f %.9f %.9f %.9f\n", data->step,
+       workspace->s[0][0], workspace->t[0][0],
+       workspace->s[0][1], workspace->t[0][1],
+       workspace->s[0][2], workspace->t[0][2] );
+    if( data->step == control->nsteps )
+    {
+        Print_Charges( system, control, workspace, data->step );
+    }
+/* Main driver method for EE kernel
+ *  1) init / setup routines for preconditioning of linear solver
+ *  2) compute preconditioner
+ *  3) extrapolate charges
+ *  4) perform 1 linear solve
+ *  5) compute atomic charges based on output of (4)
+ */
+static void EE( reax_system * const system, control_params * const control,
+        simulation_data * const data, static_storage * const workspace,
+        const output_controls * const out_control )
+    int iters;
+    if ( control->cm_solver_pre_comp_refactor > 0 &&
+            ((data->step - data->prev_steps) % control->cm_solver_pre_comp_refactor == 0) )
+    {
+        Setup_Preconditioner_EE( system, control, data, workspace );
+        Compute_Preconditioner_EE( system, control, data, workspace );
+    }
+    Extrapolate_Charges_EE( system, control, data, workspace );
+    switch ( control->cm_solver_type )
+    {
+    case GMRES_S:
+        iters = GMRES( workspace, control, data, workspace->H,
+                workspace->b_s, control->cm_solver_q_err, workspace->s[0],
+                (control->cm_solver_pre_comp_refactor > 0 &&
+                 (data->step - data->prev_steps) % control->cm_solver_pre_comp_refactor == 0) ? TRUE : FALSE );
+        break;
+    case GMRES_H_S:
+        iters = GMRES_HouseHolder( workspace, control, data,workspace->H,
+                workspace->b_s, control->cm_solver_q_err, workspace->s[0],
+                control->cm_solver_pre_comp_refactor > 0 &&
+                 (data->step - data->prev_steps) % control->cm_solver_pre_comp_refactor == 0 );
+        break;
+    case CG_S:
+        iters = CG( workspace, control, data, workspace->H, workspace->b_s, control->cm_solver_q_err,
+                workspace->s[0], (control->cm_solver_pre_comp_refactor > 0 &&
+                 (data->step - data->prev_steps) % control->cm_solver_pre_comp_refactor == 0) ? TRUE : FALSE ) + 1;
+        break;
+    case SDM_S:
+        iters = SDM( workspace, control, data, workspace->H, workspace->b_s, control->cm_solver_q_err,
+                workspace->s[0], (control->cm_solver_pre_comp_refactor > 0 &&
+                 (data->step - data->prev_steps) % control->cm_solver_pre_comp_refactor == 0) ? TRUE : FALSE ) + 1;
+        break;
+    case BiCGStab_S:
+        iters = BiCGStab( workspace, control, data, workspace->H, workspace->b_s, control->cm_solver_q_err,
+                workspace->s[0], (control->cm_solver_pre_comp_refactor > 0 &&
+                 (data->step - data->prev_steps) % control->cm_solver_pre_comp_refactor == 0) ? TRUE : FALSE ) + 1;
+        break;
+    default:
+        fprintf( stderr, "Unrecognized EE solver selection. Terminating...\n" );
+        exit( INVALID_INPUT );
+        break;
+    }
+    data->timing.cm_solver_iters += iters;
+    Calculate_Charges_EE( system, workspace );
+    // if( data->step == control->nsteps )
+    //Print_Charges( system, control, workspace, data->step );
+/* Main driver method for ACKS2 kernel
+ *  1) init / setup routines for preconditioning of linear solver
+ *  2) compute preconditioner
+ *  3) extrapolate charges
+ *  4) perform 1 linear solve
+ *  5) compute atomic charges based on output of (4)
+ */
+static void ACKS2( reax_system * const system, control_params * const control,
+        simulation_data * const data, static_storage * const workspace,
+        const output_controls * const out_control )
+    int iters;
+    if ( control->cm_solver_pre_comp_refactor > 0 &&
+            ((data->step - data->prev_steps) % control->cm_solver_pre_comp_refactor == 0) )
+    {
+        Setup_Preconditioner_ACKS2( system, control, data, workspace );
+        Compute_Preconditioner_ACKS2( system, control, data, workspace );
+    }
+//   Print_Linear_System( system, control, workspace, data->step );
+    Extrapolate_Charges_EE( system, control, data, workspace );
+#if defined(DEBUG_FOCUS)
+#define SIZE (200)
+    char fname[SIZE];
+    FILE * fp;
+    if ( data->step % 10 == 0 )
+    {
+        snprintf( fname, SIZE + 11, "s_%d_%s.out", data->step, control->sim_name );
+        fp = sfopen( fname, "w" );
+        Vector_Print( fp, NULL, workspace->s[0], system->N_cm );
+        sfclose( fp, "ACKS2::fp" );
+    }
+#undef SIZE
+    switch ( control->cm_solver_type )
+    {
+    case GMRES_S:
+        iters = GMRES( workspace, control, data, workspace->H,
+                workspace->b_s, control->cm_solver_q_err, workspace->s[0],
+                (control->cm_solver_pre_comp_refactor > 0 &&
+                 (data->step - data->prev_steps) % control->cm_solver_pre_comp_refactor == 0) ? TRUE : FALSE );
+        break;
+    case GMRES_H_S:
+        iters = GMRES_HouseHolder( workspace, control, data,workspace->H,
+                workspace->b_s, control->cm_solver_q_err, workspace->s[0],
+                control->cm_solver_pre_comp_refactor > 0 &&
+                 (data->step - data->prev_steps) % control->cm_solver_pre_comp_refactor == 0 );
+        break;
+    case CG_S:
+        iters = CG( workspace, control, data, workspace->H, workspace->b_s, control->cm_solver_q_err,
+                workspace->s[0], (control->cm_solver_pre_comp_refactor > 0 &&
+                 (data->step - data->prev_steps) % control->cm_solver_pre_comp_refactor == 0) ? TRUE : FALSE ) + 1;
+        break;
+    case SDM_S:
+        iters = SDM( workspace, control, data, workspace->H, workspace->b_s, control->cm_solver_q_err,
+                workspace->s[0], (control->cm_solver_pre_comp_refactor > 0 &&
+                 (data->step - data->prev_steps) % control->cm_solver_pre_comp_refactor == 0) ? TRUE : FALSE ) + 1;
+        break;
+    case BiCGStab_S:
+        iters = BiCGStab( workspace, control, data, workspace->H, workspace->b_s, control->cm_solver_q_err,
+                workspace->s[0], (control->cm_solver_pre_comp_refactor > 0 &&
+                 (data->step - data->prev_steps) % control->cm_solver_pre_comp_refactor == 0) ? TRUE : FALSE ) + 1;
+        break;
+    default:
+        fprintf( stderr, "Unrecognized ACKS2 solver selection. Terminating...\n" );
+        exit( INVALID_INPUT );
+        break;
+    }
+    data->timing.cm_solver_iters += iters;
+    Calculate_Charges_EE( system, workspace );
+void Compute_Charges( reax_system * const system, control_params * const control,
+        simulation_data * const data, static_storage * const workspace,
+        const output_controls * const out_control )
+#if defined(DEBUG_FOCUS)
+#define SIZE (200)
+    char fname[SIZE];
+    FILE * fp;
+    if ( data->step % 10 == 0 )
+    {
+        snprintf( fname, SIZE + 11, "H_%d_%s.out", data->step, control->sim_name );
+        Print_Sparse_Matrix2( workspace->H, fname, NULL );
+//        Print_Sparse_Matrix_Binary( workspace->H, fname );
+        snprintf( fname, SIZE + 11, "b_s_%d_%s.out", data->step, control->sim_name );
+        fp = sfopen( fname, "w" );
+        Vector_Print( fp, NULL, workspace->b_s, system->N_cm );
+        sfclose( fp, "Compute_Charges::fp" );
+//        snprintf( fname, SIZE + 11, "b_t_%d_%s.out", data->step, control->sim_name );
+//        fp = sfopen( fname, "w" );
+//        Vector_Print( fp, NULL, workspace->b_t, system->N_cm );
+//        sfclose( fp, "Compute_Charges::fp" );
+    }
+#undef SIZE
+    switch ( control->charge_method )
+    {
+    case QEQ_CM:
+        QEq( system, control, data, workspace, out_control );
+        break;
+    case EE_CM:
+        EE( system, control, data, workspace, out_control );
+        break;
+    case ACKS2_CM:
+        ACKS2( system, control, data, workspace, out_control );
+        break;
+    default:
+        fprintf( stderr, "[ERROR] Invalid charge method. Terminating...\n" );
+        exit( UNKNOWN_OPTION );
+        break;
+    }
diff --git a/sPuReMD/src/box.c b/sPuReMD/src/box.c
index a1d1a330..fef4145c 100644
--- a/sPuReMD/src/box.c
+++ b/sPuReMD/src/box.c
@@ -221,7 +221,7 @@ void Update_Box_Isotropic( simulation_box *box, real mu )
-void Update_Box_SemiIsotropic( simulation_box *box, rvec mu )
+void Update_Box_Semi_Isotropic( simulation_box *box, rvec mu )
     /*box->box[0][0] =
       POW( V_new / ( box->side_prop[1] * box->side_prop[2] ), 1.0/3.0 );
diff --git a/sPuReMD/src/box.h b/sPuReMD/src/box.h
index ea38a8e6..d6ab4551 100644
--- a/sPuReMD/src/box.h
+++ b/sPuReMD/src/box.h
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ void Setup_Box( real, real, real, real, real, real, simulation_box* );
 /* Initializes box from box rtensor */
 void Update_Box( rtensor, simulation_box* );
 void Update_Box_Isotropic( simulation_box*, real );
-void Update_Box_SemiIsotropic( simulation_box*, rvec );
+void Update_Box_Semi_Isotropic( simulation_box*, rvec );
 int Count_Periodic_Far_Neighbors_Big_Box( rvec, rvec, simulation_box*, real,
         far_neighbor_data* );
diff --git a/sPuReMD/src/charges.c b/sPuReMD/src/charges.c
index 875ce97e..7daeb3d4 100644
--- a/sPuReMD/src/charges.c
+++ b/sPuReMD/src/charges.c
@@ -27,9 +27,6 @@
 #include "print_utils.h"
 #include "tool_box.h"
 #include "vector.h"
-#if defined(HAVE_SUPERLU_MT)
-  #include "slu_mt_ddefs.h"
 static void Extrapolate_Charges_QEq( const reax_system * const system,
@@ -218,9 +215,9 @@ static void Compute_Preconditioner_QEq( const reax_system * const system,
         case NONE_PC:
-        case DIAG_PC:
+        case JACOBI_PC:
             data->timing.cm_solver_pre_comp +=
-                diag_pre_comp( Hptr, workspace->Hdia_inv );
+                jacobi( Hptr, workspace->Hdia_inv );
         case ICHOLT_PC:
@@ -228,40 +225,31 @@ static void Compute_Preconditioner_QEq( const reax_system * const system,
                 ICHOLT( Hptr, workspace->droptol, workspace->L, workspace->U );
-        case ILU_PAR_PC:
+        case ILUT_PC:
             data->timing.cm_solver_pre_comp +=
-                ILU_PAR( Hptr, control->cm_solver_pre_comp_sweeps, workspace->L, workspace->U );
+                ILUT( Hptr, workspace->droptol, workspace->L, workspace->U );
-        case ILUT_PAR_PC:
+        case FG_ILUT_PC:
             data->timing.cm_solver_pre_comp +=
-                ILUT_PAR( Hptr, workspace->droptol, control->cm_solver_pre_comp_sweeps,
+                FG_ILUT( Hptr, workspace->droptol, control->cm_solver_pre_comp_sweeps,
                         workspace->L, workspace->U );
-        case ILU_SUPERLU_MT_PC:
-#if defined(HAVE_SUPERLU_MT)
-            data->timing.cm_solver_pre_comp +=
-                SuperLU_Factorize( Hptr, workspace->L, workspace->U );
-            fprintf( stderr, "SuperLU MT support disabled. Re-compile before enabling. Terminating...\n" );
-            exit( INVALID_INPUT );
-            break;
         case SAI_PC:
 #if defined(HAVE_LAPACKE) || defined(HAVE_LAPACKE_MKL)
             data->timing.cm_solver_pre_comp +=
                 sparse_approx_inverse( workspace->H_full, workspace->H_spar_patt_full,
                         &workspace->H_app_inv );
-            fprintf( stderr, "LAPACKE support disabled. Re-compile before enabling. Terminating...\n" );
+            fprintf( stderr, "[ERROR] LAPACKE support disabled. Re-compile before enabling. Terminating...\n" );
             exit( INVALID_INPUT );
-            fprintf( stderr, "Unrecognized preconditioner computation method. Terminating...\n" );
+            fprintf( stderr, "[ERROR] Unrecognized preconditioner computation method (%d). Terminating...\n",
+                    control->cm_solver_pre_comp_type );
             exit( INVALID_INPUT );
@@ -271,9 +259,9 @@ static void Compute_Preconditioner_QEq( const reax_system * const system,
     char fname[SIZE];
     if ( control->cm_solver_pre_comp_type != NONE_PC && 
-            control->cm_solver_pre_comp_type != DIAG_PC )
+            control->cm_solver_pre_comp_type != JACOBI_PC )
-        fprintf( stderr, "condest = %f\n", condest(workspace->L, workspace->U) );
+        fprintf( stderr, "[INFO] condest = %f\n", condest(workspace->L, workspace->U) );
 #if defined(DEBUG_FOCUS)
         snprintf( fname, SIZE + 10, "%s.L%d.out", control->sim_name, data->step );
@@ -305,9 +293,9 @@ static void Compute_Preconditioner_QEq( const reax_system * const system,
 //    if ( ones == NULL )
 //    {
-//        ones = (real*) smalloc( system->N * sizeof(real), "Compute_Preconditioner_EE::ones" );
-//        x = (real*) smalloc( system->N * sizeof(real), "Compute_Preconditioner_EE::x" );
-//        y = (real*) smalloc( system->N * sizeof(real), "Compute_Preconditioner_EE::y" );
+//        ones = smalloc( system->N * sizeof(real), "Compute_Preconditioner_EE::ones" );
+//        x = smalloc( system->N * sizeof(real), "Compute_Preconditioner_EE::x" );
+//        y = smalloc( system->N * sizeof(real), "Compute_Preconditioner_EE::y" );
 //        for ( i = 0; i < system->N; ++i )
 //        {
@@ -317,9 +305,9 @@ static void Compute_Preconditioner_QEq( const reax_system * const system,
 //    switch ( control->cm_solver_pre_comp_type )
 //    {
-//    case DIAG_PC:
+//    case JACOBI_PC:
 //        data->timing.cm_solver_pre_comp +=
-//            diag_pre_comp( Hptr, workspace->Hdia_inv );
+//            jacobi( Hptr, workspace->Hdia_inv );
 //        break;
 //    case ICHOLT_PC:
@@ -327,34 +315,30 @@ static void Compute_Preconditioner_QEq( const reax_system * const system,
 //            ICHOLT( Hptr, workspace->droptol, workspace->L_EE, workspace->U_EE );
 //        break;
-//    case ILU_PAR_PC:
-//        data->timing.cm_solver_pre_comp +=
-//            ILU_PAR( Hptr, control->cm_solver_pre_comp_sweeps, workspace->L_EE, workspace->U_EE );
-//        break;
+//        case ILUT_PC:
+//            data->timing.cm_solver_pre_comp +=
+//                ILUT( Hptr, workspace->droptol, workspace->L, workspace->U );
+//            break;
-//    case ILUT_PAR_PC:
-//        data->timing.cm_solver_pre_comp +=
-//            ILUT_PAR( Hptr, workspace->droptol, control->cm_solver_pre_comp_sweeps,
-//                    workspace->L_EE, workspace->U_EE );
-//        break;
+//        case ILUT_PC:
+//            data->timing.cm_solver_pre_comp +=
+//                ILUT( Hptr, workspace->droptol, workspace->L, workspace->U );
+//            break;
-//    case ILU_SUPERLU_MT_PC:
-//#if defined(HAVE_SUPERLU_MT)
+//    case FG_ILUT_PC:
 //        data->timing.cm_solver_pre_comp +=
-//            SuperLU_Factorize( Hptr, workspace->L_EE, workspace->U_EE );
-//        fprintf( stderr, "SuperLU MT support disabled. Re-compile before enabling. Terminating...\n" );
-//        exit( INVALID_INPUT );
+//            FG_ILUT( Hptr, workspace->droptol, control->cm_solver_pre_comp_sweeps,
+//                    workspace->L_EE, workspace->U_EE );
 //        break;
 //    default:
-//        fprintf( stderr, "Unrecognized preconditioner computation method. Terminating...\n" );
+//            fprintf( stderr, "[ERROR] Unrecognized preconditioner computation method (%d). Terminating...\n",
+//                    control->cm_solver_pre_comp_type );
 //        exit( INVALID_INPUT );
 //        break;
 //    }
-//    if ( control->cm_solver_pre_comp_type != DIAG_PC )
+//    if ( control->cm_solver_pre_comp_type != JACOBI_PC )
 //    {
 //        switch ( control->cm_solver_pre_app_type )
 //        {
@@ -509,7 +493,7 @@ static void Compute_Preconditioner_QEq( const reax_system * const system,
 //#define SIZE (1000)
 //    char fname[SIZE];
-//    if ( control->cm_solver_pre_comp_type != DIAG_PC )
+//    if ( control->cm_solver_pre_comp_type != JACOBI_PC )
 //    {
 //        fprintf( stderr, "condest = %f\n", condest(workspace->L) );
@@ -552,9 +536,9 @@ static void Compute_Preconditioner_EE( const reax_system * const system,
     Hptr = create_test_mat( );
-    if ( control->cm_solver_pre_comp_type == ICHOLT_PC ||
-            control->cm_solver_pre_comp_type == ILU_PAR_PC ||
-            control->cm_solver_pre_comp_type == ILUT_PAR_PC )
+    if ( control->cm_solver_pre_comp_type == ICHOLT_PC
+            || control->cm_solver_pre_comp_type == ILUT_PC
+            || control->cm_solver_pre_comp_type == FG_ILUT_PC )
         Hptr->val[Hptr->start[system->N + 1] - 1] = 1.0;
@@ -573,9 +557,9 @@ static void Compute_Preconditioner_EE( const reax_system * const system,
         case NONE_PC:
-        case DIAG_PC:
+        case JACOBI_PC:
             data->timing.cm_solver_pre_comp +=
-                diag_pre_comp( Hptr, workspace->Hdia_inv );
+                jacobi( Hptr, workspace->Hdia_inv );
         case ICHOLT_PC:
@@ -583,40 +567,31 @@ static void Compute_Preconditioner_EE( const reax_system * const system,
                 ICHOLT( Hptr, workspace->droptol, workspace->L, workspace->U );
-        case ILU_PAR_PC:
+        case ILUT_PC:
             data->timing.cm_solver_pre_comp +=
-                ILU_PAR( Hptr, control->cm_solver_pre_comp_sweeps, workspace->L, workspace->U );
+                ILUT( Hptr, workspace->droptol, workspace->L, workspace->U );
-        case ILUT_PAR_PC:
+        case FG_ILUT_PC:
             data->timing.cm_solver_pre_comp +=
-                ILUT_PAR( Hptr, workspace->droptol, control->cm_solver_pre_comp_sweeps,
+                FG_ILUT( Hptr, workspace->droptol, control->cm_solver_pre_comp_sweeps,
                         workspace->L, workspace->U );
-        case ILU_SUPERLU_MT_PC:
-#if defined(HAVE_SUPERLU_MT)
-            data->timing.cm_solver_pre_comp +=
-                SuperLU_Factorize( Hptr, workspace->L, workspace->U );
-            fprintf( stderr, "SuperLU MT support disabled. Re-compile before enabling. Terminating...\n" );
-            exit( INVALID_INPUT );
-            break;
         case SAI_PC:
 #if defined(HAVE_LAPACKE) || defined(HAVE_LAPACKE_MKL)
             data->timing.cm_solver_pre_comp +=
                 sparse_approx_inverse( workspace->H_full, workspace->H_spar_patt_full,
                         &workspace->H_app_inv );
-            fprintf( stderr, "LAPACKE support disabled. Re-compile before enabling. Terminating...\n" );
+            fprintf( stderr, "[ERROR] LAPACKE support disabled. Re-compile before enabling. Terminating...\n" );
             exit( INVALID_INPUT );
-            fprintf( stderr, "Unrecognized preconditioner computation method. Terminating...\n" );
+            fprintf( stderr, "[ERROR] Unrecognized preconditioner computation method (%d). Terminating...\n",
+                   control->cm_solver_pre_comp_type );
             exit( INVALID_INPUT );
@@ -633,9 +608,9 @@ static void Compute_Preconditioner_EE( const reax_system * const system,
-    if ( control->cm_solver_pre_comp_type == ICHOLT_PC ||
-            control->cm_solver_pre_comp_type == ILU_PAR_PC ||
-            control->cm_solver_pre_comp_type == ILUT_PAR_PC )
+    if ( control->cm_solver_pre_comp_type == ICHOLT_PC
+            || control->cm_solver_pre_comp_type == ILUT_PC
+            || control->cm_solver_pre_comp_type == FG_ILUT_PC )
         Hptr->val[Hptr->start[system->N + 1] - 1] = 0.0;
@@ -645,9 +620,9 @@ static void Compute_Preconditioner_EE( const reax_system * const system,
     char fname[SIZE];
     if ( control->cm_solver_pre_comp_type != NONE_PC && 
-            control->cm_solver_pre_comp_type != DIAG_PC )
+            control->cm_solver_pre_comp_type != JACOBI_PC )
-        fprintf( stderr, "condest = %f\n", condest(workspace->L, workspace->U) );
+        fprintf( stderr, "[INFO] condest = %f\n", condest(workspace->L, workspace->U) );
 #if defined(DEBUG_FOCUS)
         snprintf( fname, SIZE + 10, "%s.L%d.out", control->sim_name, data->step );
@@ -683,9 +658,9 @@ static void Compute_Preconditioner_ACKS2( const reax_system * const system,
     Hptr = create_test_mat( );
-    if ( control->cm_solver_pre_comp_type == ICHOLT_PC ||
-            control->cm_solver_pre_comp_type == ILU_PAR_PC ||
-            control->cm_solver_pre_comp_type == ILUT_PAR_PC )
+    if ( control->cm_solver_pre_comp_type == ICHOLT_PC
+            || control->cm_solver_pre_comp_type == ILUT_PC
+            || control->cm_solver_pre_comp_type == FG_ILUT_PC )
         Hptr->val[Hptr->start[system->N + 1] - 1] = 1.0;
         Hptr->val[Hptr->start[system->N_cm] - 1] = 1.0;
@@ -705,9 +680,9 @@ static void Compute_Preconditioner_ACKS2( const reax_system * const system,
         case NONE_PC:
-        case DIAG_PC:
+        case JACOBI_PC:
             data->timing.cm_solver_pre_comp +=
-                diag_pre_comp( Hptr, workspace->Hdia_inv );
+                jacobi( Hptr, workspace->Hdia_inv );
         case ICHOLT_PC:
@@ -715,40 +690,31 @@ static void Compute_Preconditioner_ACKS2( const reax_system * const system,
                 ICHOLT( Hptr, workspace->droptol, workspace->L, workspace->U );
-        case ILU_PAR_PC:
+        case ILUT_PC:
             data->timing.cm_solver_pre_comp +=
-                ILU_PAR( Hptr, control->cm_solver_pre_comp_sweeps, workspace->L, workspace->U );
+                ILUT( Hptr, workspace->droptol, workspace->L, workspace->U );
-        case ILUT_PAR_PC:
+        case FG_ILUT_PC:
             data->timing.cm_solver_pre_comp +=
-                ILUT_PAR( Hptr, workspace->droptol, control->cm_solver_pre_comp_sweeps,
+                FG_ILUT( Hptr, workspace->droptol, control->cm_solver_pre_comp_sweeps,
                         workspace->L, workspace->U );
-        case ILU_SUPERLU_MT_PC:
-#if defined(HAVE_SUPERLU_MT)
-            data->timing.cm_solver_pre_comp +=
-                SuperLU_Factorize( Hptr, workspace->L, workspace->U );
-            fprintf( stderr, "SuperLU MT support disabled. Re-compile before enabling. Terminating...\n" );
-            exit( INVALID_INPUT );
-            break;
         case SAI_PC:
 #if defined(HAVE_LAPACKE) || defined(HAVE_LAPACKE_MKL)
             data->timing.cm_solver_pre_comp +=
                 sparse_approx_inverse( workspace->H_full, workspace->H_spar_patt_full,
                         &workspace->H_app_inv );
-            fprintf( stderr, "LAPACKE support disabled. Re-compile before enabling. Terminating...\n" );
+            fprintf( stderr, "[ERROR] LAPACKE support disabled. Re-compile before enabling. Terminating...\n" );
             exit( INVALID_INPUT );
-            fprintf( stderr, "Unrecognized preconditioner computation method. Terminating...\n" );
+            fprintf( stderr, "[ERROR] Unrecognized preconditioner computation method (%d). Terminating...\n",
+                   control->cm_solver_pre_comp_type );
             exit( INVALID_INPUT );
@@ -765,9 +731,9 @@ static void Compute_Preconditioner_ACKS2( const reax_system * const system,
-    if ( control->cm_solver_pre_comp_type == ICHOLT_PC ||
-            control->cm_solver_pre_comp_type == ILU_PAR_PC ||
-            control->cm_solver_pre_comp_type == ILUT_PAR_PC )
+    if ( control->cm_solver_pre_comp_type == ICHOLT_PC
+            || control->cm_solver_pre_comp_type == ILUT_PC
+            || control->cm_solver_pre_comp_type == FG_ILUT_PC )
         Hptr->val[Hptr->start[system->N + 1] - 1] = 0.0;
         Hptr->val[Hptr->start[system->N_cm] - 1] = 0.0;
@@ -778,9 +744,9 @@ static void Compute_Preconditioner_ACKS2( const reax_system * const system,
     char fname[SIZE];
     if ( control->cm_solver_pre_comp_type != NONE_PC || 
-            control->cm_solver_pre_comp_type != DIAG_PC )
+            control->cm_solver_pre_comp_type != JACOBI_PC )
-        fprintf( stderr, "condest = %f\n", condest(workspace->L, workspace->U) );
+        fprintf( stderr, "[INFO] condest = %f\n", condest(workspace->L, workspace->U) );
 #if defined(DEBUG_FOCUS)
         snprintf( fname, SIZE + 10, "%s.L%d.out", control->sim_name, data->step );
@@ -825,10 +791,10 @@ static void Setup_Preconditioner_QEq( const reax_system * const system,
         case NONE_PC:
-        case DIAG_PC:
+        case JACOBI_PC:
             if ( workspace->Hdia_inv == NULL )
-                workspace->Hdia_inv = (real *) scalloc( Hptr->n, sizeof( real ),
+                workspace->Hdia_inv = scalloc( Hptr->n, sizeof( real ),
                         "Setup_Preconditioner_QEq::workspace->Hdiv_inv" );
@@ -840,74 +806,39 @@ static void Setup_Preconditioner_QEq( const reax_system * const system,
             if ( workspace->L == NULL )
-                Allocate_Matrix( &(workspace->L), Hptr->n, fillin );
-                Allocate_Matrix( &(workspace->U), Hptr->n, fillin );
+                Allocate_Matrix( &workspace->L, Hptr->n, fillin );
+                Allocate_Matrix( &workspace->U, Hptr->n, fillin );
             else if ( workspace->L->m < fillin )
                 Deallocate_Matrix( workspace->L );
                 Deallocate_Matrix( workspace->U );
-                Allocate_Matrix( &(workspace->L), Hptr->n, fillin );
-                Allocate_Matrix( &(workspace->U), Hptr->n, fillin );
-            }
-            break;
-        case ILU_PAR_PC:
-            if ( workspace->L == NULL )
-            {
-                /* factors have sparsity pattern as H */
-                Allocate_Matrix( &(workspace->L), Hptr->n, Hptr->m );
-                Allocate_Matrix( &(workspace->U), Hptr->n, Hptr->m );
-            }
-            else if ( workspace->L->m < Hptr->m )
-            {
-                Deallocate_Matrix( workspace->L );
-                Deallocate_Matrix( workspace->U );
-                /* factors have sparsity pattern as H */
-                Allocate_Matrix( &(workspace->L), Hptr->n, Hptr->m );
-                Allocate_Matrix( &(workspace->U), Hptr->n, Hptr->m );
+                Allocate_Matrix( &workspace->L, Hptr->n, fillin );
+                Allocate_Matrix( &workspace->U, Hptr->n, fillin );
-        case ILUT_PAR_PC:
+        case ILUT_PC:
+        case FG_ILUT_PC:
             Calculate_Droptol( Hptr, workspace->droptol, control->cm_solver_pre_comp_droptol );
             if ( workspace->L == NULL )
-                /* TODO: safest storage estimate is ILU(0)
-                 * (same as lower triangular portion of H), could improve later */
-                Allocate_Matrix( &(workspace->L), Hptr->n, Hptr->m );
-                Allocate_Matrix( &(workspace->U), Hptr->n, Hptr->m );
+                /* safest storage estimate is ILU(0) (same as
+                 * lower triangular portion of H), could improve later */
+                Allocate_Matrix( &workspace->L, Hptr->n, Hptr->m );
+                Allocate_Matrix( &workspace->U, Hptr->n, Hptr->m );
             else if ( workspace->L->m < Hptr->m )
                 Deallocate_Matrix( workspace->L );
                 Deallocate_Matrix( workspace->U );
-                /* TODO: safest storage estimate is ILU(0)
-                 * (same as lower triangular portion of H), could improve later */
-                Allocate_Matrix( &(workspace->L), Hptr->n, Hptr->m );
-                Allocate_Matrix( &(workspace->U), Hptr->n, Hptr->m );
-            }
-            break;
-        case ILU_SUPERLU_MT_PC:
-            if ( workspace->L == NULL )
-            {
-                /* factors have sparsity pattern as H */
-                Allocate_Matrix( &(workspace->L), Hptr->n, Hptr->m );
-                Allocate_Matrix( &(workspace->U), Hptr->n, Hptr->m );
-            }
-            else if ( workspace->L->m < Hptr->m )
-            {
-                Deallocate_Matrix( workspace->L );
-                Deallocate_Matrix( workspace->U );
-                /* factors have sparsity pattern as H */
-                Allocate_Matrix( &(workspace->L), Hptr->n, Hptr->m );
-                Allocate_Matrix( &(workspace->U), Hptr->n, Hptr->m );
+                /* safest storage estimate is ILU(0) (same as
+                 * lower triangular portion of H), could improve later */
+                Allocate_Matrix( &workspace->L, Hptr->n, Hptr->m );
+                Allocate_Matrix( &workspace->U, Hptr->n, Hptr->m );
@@ -918,7 +849,8 @@ static void Setup_Preconditioner_QEq( const reax_system * const system,
-            fprintf( stderr, "[ERROR] Unrecognized preconditioner computation method. Terminating...\n" );
+            fprintf( stderr, "[ERROR] Unrecognized preconditioner computation method (%d). Terminating...\n",
+                   control->cm_solver_pre_comp_type );
             exit( INVALID_INPUT );
@@ -953,9 +885,9 @@ static void Setup_Preconditioner_EE( const reax_system * const system,
     data->timing.cm_sort_mat_rows += Get_Timing_Info( time );
-    if ( control->cm_solver_pre_comp_type == ICHOLT_PC ||
-            control->cm_solver_pre_comp_type == ILU_PAR_PC ||
-            control->cm_solver_pre_comp_type == ILUT_PAR_PC )
+    if ( control->cm_solver_pre_comp_type == ICHOLT_PC
+            || control->cm_solver_pre_comp_type == ILUT_PC
+            || control->cm_solver_pre_comp_type == FG_ILUT_PC )
         Hptr->val[Hptr->start[system->N + 1] - 1] = 1.0;
@@ -965,11 +897,11 @@ static void Setup_Preconditioner_EE( const reax_system * const system,
         case NONE_PC:
-        case DIAG_PC:
+        case JACOBI_PC:
             if ( workspace->Hdia_inv == NULL )
-                workspace->Hdia_inv = (real *) scalloc( system->N_cm, sizeof( real ),
-                        "Setup_Preconditioner_QEq::workspace->Hdiv_inv" );
+                workspace->Hdia_inv = scalloc( Hptr->n, sizeof( real ),
+                        "Setup_Preconditioner_EE::workspace->Hdiv_inv" );
@@ -980,44 +912,27 @@ static void Setup_Preconditioner_EE( const reax_system * const system,
             if ( workspace->L == NULL )
-                Allocate_Matrix( &(workspace->L), system->N_cm, fillin + system->N_cm );
-                Allocate_Matrix( &(workspace->U), system->N_cm, fillin + system->N_cm );
+                Allocate_Matrix( &workspace->L, system->N_cm, fillin + system->N_cm );
+                Allocate_Matrix( &workspace->U, system->N_cm, fillin + system->N_cm );
             else if ( workspace->L->m < fillin + system->N_cm )
                 Deallocate_Matrix( workspace->L );
                 Deallocate_Matrix( workspace->U );
-                Allocate_Matrix( &(workspace->L), system->N_cm, fillin + system->N_cm );
-                Allocate_Matrix( &(workspace->U), system->N_cm, fillin + system->N_cm );
+                Allocate_Matrix( &workspace->L, system->N_cm, fillin + system->N_cm );
+                Allocate_Matrix( &workspace->U, system->N_cm, fillin + system->N_cm );
-        case ILU_PAR_PC:
-            if ( workspace->L == NULL )
-            {
-                /* factors have sparsity pattern as H */
-                Allocate_Matrix( &(workspace->L), Hptr->n, Hptr->m );
-                Allocate_Matrix( &(workspace->U), Hptr->n, Hptr->m );
-            }
-            else if ( workspace->L->m < Hptr->m )
-            {
-                Deallocate_Matrix( workspace->L );
-                Deallocate_Matrix( workspace->U );
-                /* factors have sparsity pattern as H */
-                Allocate_Matrix( &(workspace->L), Hptr->n, Hptr->m );
-                Allocate_Matrix( &(workspace->U), Hptr->n, Hptr->m );
-            }
-            break;
-        case ILUT_PAR_PC:
+        case ILUT_PC:
+        case FG_ILUT_PC:
             Calculate_Droptol( Hptr, workspace->droptol, control->cm_solver_pre_comp_droptol );
             if ( workspace->L == NULL )
-                /* TODO: safest storage estimate is ILU(0)
-                 * (same as lower triangular portion of H), could improve later */
+                /* safest storage estimate is ILU(0) (same as
+                 * lower triangular portion of H), could improve later */
                 Allocate_Matrix( &(workspace->L), Hptr->n, Hptr->m );
                 Allocate_Matrix( &(workspace->U), Hptr->n, Hptr->m );
@@ -1026,32 +941,10 @@ static void Setup_Preconditioner_EE( const reax_system * const system,
                 Deallocate_Matrix( workspace->L );
                 Deallocate_Matrix( workspace->U );
-                /* TODO: safest storage estimate is ILU(0)
-                 * (same as lower triangular portion of H), could improve later */
-                Allocate_Matrix( &(workspace->L), Hptr->n, Hptr->m );
-                Allocate_Matrix( &(workspace->U), Hptr->n, Hptr->m );
-            }
-            break;
-        case ILU_SUPERLU_MT_PC:
-            if ( workspace->L == NULL )
-            {
-                /* factors have sparsity pattern as H */
-                Allocate_Matrix( &(workspace->L), Hptr->n, Hptr->m );
-                Allocate_Matrix( &(workspace->U), Hptr->n, Hptr->m );
-            }
-            else if ( workspace->L->m < Hptr->m )
-            {
-                Deallocate_Matrix( workspace->L );
-                Deallocate_Matrix( workspace->U );
-                /* factors have sparsity pattern as H */
-                Allocate_Matrix( &(workspace->L), Hptr->n, Hptr->m );
-                Allocate_Matrix( &(workspace->U), Hptr->n, Hptr->m );
-                {
-                    fprintf( stderr, "[ERROR] not enough memory for preconditioning matrices. terminating.\n" );
-                    exit( INSUFFICIENT_MEMORY );
-                }
+                /* safest storage estimate is ILU(0) (same as
+                 * lower triangular portion of H), could improve later */
+                Allocate_Matrix( &workspace->L, Hptr->n, Hptr->m );
+                Allocate_Matrix( &workspace->U, Hptr->n, Hptr->m );
@@ -1062,14 +955,15 @@ static void Setup_Preconditioner_EE( const reax_system * const system,
-            fprintf( stderr, "[ERROR] Unrecognized preconditioner computation method. Terminating...\n" );
+            fprintf( stderr, "[ERROR] Unrecognized preconditioner computation method (%d). Terminating...\n",
+                   control->cm_solver_pre_comp_type );
             exit( INVALID_INPUT );
-    if ( control->cm_solver_pre_comp_type == ICHOLT_PC ||
-            control->cm_solver_pre_comp_type == ILU_PAR_PC ||
-            control->cm_solver_pre_comp_type == ILUT_PAR_PC )
+    if ( control->cm_solver_pre_comp_type == ICHOLT_PC
+            || control->cm_solver_pre_comp_type == ILUT_PC
+            || control->cm_solver_pre_comp_type == FG_ILUT_PC )
         Hptr->val[Hptr->start[system->N + 1] - 1] = 0.0;
@@ -1104,9 +998,9 @@ static void Setup_Preconditioner_ACKS2( const reax_system * const system,
     data->timing.cm_sort_mat_rows += Get_Timing_Info( time );
-    if ( control->cm_solver_pre_comp_type == ICHOLT_PC ||
-            control->cm_solver_pre_comp_type == ILU_PAR_PC ||
-            control->cm_solver_pre_comp_type == ILUT_PAR_PC )
+    if ( control->cm_solver_pre_comp_type == ICHOLT_PC
+            || control->cm_solver_pre_comp_type == ILUT_PC
+            || control->cm_solver_pre_comp_type == FG_ILUT_PC )
         Hptr->val[Hptr->start[system->N + 1] - 1] = 1.0;
         Hptr->val[Hptr->start[system->N_cm] - 1] = 1.0;
@@ -1117,11 +1011,11 @@ static void Setup_Preconditioner_ACKS2( const reax_system * const system,
         case NONE_PC:
-        case DIAG_PC:
+        case JACOBI_PC:
             if ( workspace->Hdia_inv == NULL )
-                workspace->Hdia_inv = (real *) scalloc( Hptr->n, sizeof( real ),
-                        "Setup_Preconditioner_QEq::workspace->Hdiv_inv" );
+                workspace->Hdia_inv = scalloc( Hptr->n, sizeof( real ),
+                        "Setup_Preconditioner_ACKS2::workspace->Hdiv_inv" );
@@ -1132,8 +1026,8 @@ static void Setup_Preconditioner_ACKS2( const reax_system * const system,
             if ( workspace->L == NULL )
-                Allocate_Matrix( &(workspace->L), Hptr->n, fillin );
-                Allocate_Matrix( &(workspace->U), Hptr->n, fillin );
+                Allocate_Matrix( &workspace->L, Hptr->n, fillin );
+                Allocate_Matrix( &workspace->U, Hptr->n, fillin );
             else if ( workspace->L->m < fillin )
@@ -1146,51 +1040,16 @@ static void Setup_Preconditioner_ACKS2( const reax_system * const system,
-        case ILU_PAR_PC:
-            if ( workspace->L == NULL )
-            {
-                /* factors have sparsity pattern as H */
-                Allocate_Matrix( &(workspace->L), Hptr->n, Hptr->m );
-                Allocate_Matrix( &(workspace->U), Hptr->n, Hptr->m );
-            }
-            else if ( workspace->L->m < Hptr->m )
-            {
-                Deallocate_Matrix( workspace->L );
-                Deallocate_Matrix( workspace->U );
-                /* factors have sparsity pattern as H */
-                Allocate_Matrix( &(workspace->L), Hptr->n, Hptr->m );
-                Allocate_Matrix( &(workspace->U), Hptr->n, Hptr->m );
-            }
-            break;
-        case ILUT_PAR_PC:
+        case ILUT_PC:
+        case FG_ILUT_PC:
             Calculate_Droptol( Hptr, workspace->droptol, control->cm_solver_pre_comp_droptol );
             if ( workspace->L == NULL )
-                /* TODO: safest storage estimate is ILU(0)
-                 * (same as lower triangular portion of H), could improve later */
-                Allocate_Matrix( &(workspace->L), Hptr->n, Hptr->m );
-                Allocate_Matrix( &(workspace->U), Hptr->n, Hptr->m );
-            }
-            else if ( workspace->L->m < Hptr->m )
-            {
-                Deallocate_Matrix( workspace->L );
-                Deallocate_Matrix( workspace->U );
-                /* factors have sparsity pattern as H */
-                Allocate_Matrix( &(workspace->L), Hptr->n, Hptr->m );
-                Allocate_Matrix( &(workspace->U), Hptr->n, Hptr->m );
-            }
-            break;
-        case ILU_SUPERLU_MT_PC:
-            if ( workspace->L == NULL )
-            {
-                /* factors have sparsity pattern as H */
-                Allocate_Matrix( &(workspace->L), Hptr->n, Hptr->m );
-                Allocate_Matrix( &(workspace->U), Hptr->n, Hptr->m );
+                /* safest storage estimate is ILU(0) (same as
+                 * lower triangular portion of H), could improve later */
+                Allocate_Matrix( &workspace->L, Hptr->n, Hptr->m );
+                Allocate_Matrix( &workspace->U, Hptr->n, Hptr->m );
             else if ( workspace->L->m < Hptr->m )
@@ -1198,8 +1057,8 @@ static void Setup_Preconditioner_ACKS2( const reax_system * const system,
                 Deallocate_Matrix( workspace->U );
                 /* factors have sparsity pattern as H */
-                Allocate_Matrix( &(workspace->L), Hptr->n, Hptr->m );
-                Allocate_Matrix( &(workspace->U), Hptr->n, Hptr->m );
+                Allocate_Matrix( &workspace->L, Hptr->n, Hptr->m );
+                Allocate_Matrix( &workspace->U, Hptr->n, Hptr->m );
@@ -1210,14 +1069,15 @@ static void Setup_Preconditioner_ACKS2( const reax_system * const system,
-            fprintf( stderr, "[ERROR] Unrecognized preconditioner computation method. Terminating...\n" );
+            fprintf( stderr, "[ERROR] Unrecognized preconditioner computation method (%d). Terminating...\n",
+                   control->cm_solver_pre_comp_type );
             exit( INVALID_INPUT );
-    if ( control->cm_solver_pre_comp_type == ICHOLT_PC ||
-            control->cm_solver_pre_comp_type == ILU_PAR_PC ||
-            control->cm_solver_pre_comp_type == ILUT_PAR_PC )
+    if ( control->cm_solver_pre_comp_type == ICHOLT_PC
+            || control->cm_solver_pre_comp_type == ILUT_PC
+            || control->cm_solver_pre_comp_type == FG_ILUT_PC )
         Hptr->val[Hptr->start[system->N + 1] - 1] = 0.0;
         Hptr->val[Hptr->start[system->N_cm] - 1] = 0.0;
@@ -1288,8 +1148,8 @@ static void QEq( reax_system * const system, control_params * const control,
     int iters;
-    if ( control->cm_solver_pre_comp_refactor > 0 &&
-            ((data->step - data->prev_steps) % control->cm_solver_pre_comp_refactor == 0) )
+    if ( control->cm_solver_pre_comp_refactor > 0
+            && ((data->step - data->prev_steps) % control->cm_solver_pre_comp_refactor == 0) )
         Setup_Preconditioner_QEq( system, control, data, workspace );
@@ -1344,7 +1204,8 @@ static void QEq( reax_system * const system, control_params * const control,
-        fprintf( stderr, "Unrecognized QEq solver selection. Terminating...\n" );
+        fprintf( stderr, "[ERROR] Unrecognized solver selection (%d). Terminating...\n",
+              control->cm_solver_type );
         exit( INVALID_INPUT );
@@ -1379,8 +1240,8 @@ static void EE( reax_system * const system, control_params * const control,
     int iters;
-    if ( control->cm_solver_pre_comp_refactor > 0 &&
-            ((data->step - data->prev_steps) % control->cm_solver_pre_comp_refactor == 0) )
+    if ( control->cm_solver_pre_comp_refactor > 0
+            && ((data->step - data->prev_steps) % control->cm_solver_pre_comp_refactor == 0) )
         Setup_Preconditioner_EE( system, control, data, workspace );
@@ -1424,7 +1285,8 @@ static void EE( reax_system * const system, control_params * const control,
-        fprintf( stderr, "Unrecognized EE solver selection. Terminating...\n" );
+        fprintf( stderr, "[ERROR] Unrecognized solver selection (%d). Terminating...\n",
+              control->cm_solver_type );
         exit( INVALID_INPUT );
@@ -1451,8 +1313,8 @@ static void ACKS2( reax_system * const system, control_params * const control,
     int iters;
-    if ( control->cm_solver_pre_comp_refactor > 0 &&
-            ((data->step - data->prev_steps) % control->cm_solver_pre_comp_refactor == 0) )
+    if ( control->cm_solver_pre_comp_refactor > 0
+            && ((data->step - data->prev_steps) % control->cm_solver_pre_comp_refactor == 0) )
         Setup_Preconditioner_ACKS2( system, control, data, workspace );
@@ -1513,7 +1375,8 @@ static void ACKS2( reax_system * const system, control_params * const control,
-        fprintf( stderr, "Unrecognized ACKS2 solver selection. Terminating...\n" );
+        fprintf( stderr, "[ERROR] Unrecognized solver selection (%d). Terminating...\n",
+              control->cm_solver_type );
         exit( INVALID_INPUT );
diff --git a/sPuReMD/src/init_md.c b/sPuReMD/src/init_md.c
index 3cdc7c30..d019bba8 100644
--- a/sPuReMD/src/init_md.c
+++ b/sPuReMD/src/init_md.c
@@ -46,10 +46,6 @@ static void Generate_Initial_Velocities( reax_system *system, real T )
             rvec_MakeZero( system->atoms[i].v );
-#if defined(DEBUG)
-        fprintf( stderr, "no random velocities...\n" );
@@ -87,32 +83,33 @@ static void Init_System( reax_system *system, control_params *control,
     Compute_Total_Mass( system, data );
     Compute_Center_of_Mass( system, data, stderr );
-    /* reposition atoms */
-    // just fit the atoms to the periodic box
+    /* just fit the atoms to the periodic box */
     if ( control->reposition_atoms == 0 )
         rvec_MakeZero( dx );
-    // put the center of mass to the center of the box
+    /* put the center of mass to the center of the box */
     else if ( control->reposition_atoms == 1 )
         rvec_Scale( dx, 0.5, system->box.box_norms );
         rvec_ScaledAdd( dx, -1., data->xcm );
-    // put the center of mass to the origin
+    /* put the center of mass to the origin */
     else if ( control->reposition_atoms == 2 )
         rvec_Scale( dx, -1., data->xcm );
-        fprintf( stderr, "UNKNOWN OPTION: reposition_atoms. Terminating...\n" );
+        fprintf( stderr, "[ERROR] Unknown option for reposition_atoms (%d). Terminating...\n",
+              control->reposition_atoms );
         exit( UNKNOWN_OPTION );
     for ( i = 0; i < system->N; ++i )
         Inc_on_T3( system->atoms[i].x, dx, &(system->box) );
         /*fprintf( stderr, "%6d%2d%8.3f%8.3f%8.3f\n",
           i, system->atoms[i].type,
           system->atoms[i].x[0], system->atoms[i].x[1], system->atoms[i].x[2] );*/
@@ -148,17 +145,23 @@ static void Init_Simulation_Data( reax_system *system, control_params *control,
         *Evolve = Velocity_Verlet_NVE;
+    case bNVT:
+        data->N_f = 3 * system->N + 1;
+        *Evolve = Velocity_Verlet_Berendsen_NVT;
+        break;
     case nhNVT:
         data->N_f = 3 * system->N + 1;
         //control->Tau_T = 100 * data->N_f * K_B * control->T_final;
         if ( !control->restart || (control->restart && control->random_vel) )
-            data->therm.G_xi = control->Tau_T * (2.0 * data->E_Kin -
-                                                 data->N_f * K_B * control->T );
+            data->therm.G_xi = control->Tau_T * (2.0 * data->E_Kin
+                    - data->N_f * K_B * control->T );
             data->therm.v_xi = data->therm.G_xi * control->dt;
             data->therm.v_xi_old = 0;
             data->therm.xi = 0;
 #if defined(DEBUG_FOCUS)
             fprintf( stderr, "init_md: G_xi=%f Tau_T=%f E_kin=%f N_f=%f v_xi=%f\n",
                      data->therm.G_xi, control->Tau_T, data->E_Kin,
@@ -170,10 +173,12 @@ static void Init_Simulation_Data( reax_system *system, control_params *control,
     /* anisotropic NPT */
-    case NPT:
-        fprintf( stderr, "THIS OPTION IS NOT YET IMPLEMENTED! TERMINATING...\n" );
+    case aNPT:
+        fprintf( stderr, "[ERROR] THIS OPTION IS NOT YET IMPLEMENTED! TERMINATING...\n" );
         exit( UNKNOWN_OPTION );
         data->N_f = 3 * system->N + 9;
         if ( !control->restart )
             data->therm.G_xi = control->Tau_T * (2.0 * data->E_Kin -
@@ -183,13 +188,14 @@ static void Init_Simulation_Data( reax_system *system, control_params *control,
             //data->inv_W = 1. / (data->N_f*K_B*control->T*SQR(control->Tau_P));
             //Compute_Pressure( system, data, workspace );
         *Evolve = Velocity_Verlet_Berendsen_Isotropic_NPT;
     /* semi-isotropic NPT */
     case sNPT:
         data->N_f = 3 * system->N + 4;
-        *Evolve = Velocity_Verlet_Berendsen_SemiIsotropic_NPT;
+        *Evolve = Velocity_Verlet_Berendsen_Semi_Isotropic_NPT;
     /* isotropic NPT */
@@ -198,12 +204,9 @@ static void Init_Simulation_Data( reax_system *system, control_params *control,
         *Evolve = Velocity_Verlet_Berendsen_Isotropic_NPT;
-    case bNVT:
-        data->N_f = 3 * system->N + 1;
-        *Evolve = Velocity_Verlet_Berendsen_NVT;
-        break;
+        fprintf( stderr, "[ERROR] Unknown ensemble type (%d). Terminating...\n", control->ensemble );
+        exit( UNKNOWN_OPTION );
@@ -240,17 +243,17 @@ static void Init_Taper( control_params *control, static_storage *workspace )
     if ( FABS( swa ) > 0.01 )
-        fprintf( stderr, "Warning: non-zero value for lower Taper-radius cutoff\n" );
+        fprintf( stderr, "[WARNING] non-zero value for lower Taper-radius cutoff (%f)\n", swa );
     if ( swb < 0.0 )
-        fprintf( stderr, "Negative value for upper Taper-radius cutoff\n" );
+        fprintf( stderr, "[ERROR] Negative value for upper Taper-radius cutoff\n" );
         exit( INVALID_INPUT );
     else if ( swb < 5.0 )
-        fprintf( stderr, "Warning: low value for upper Taper-radius cutoff:%f\n", swb );
+        fprintf( stderr, "[WARNING] Low value for upper Taper-radius cutoff (%f)\n", swb );
     d1 = swb - swa;
@@ -277,43 +280,43 @@ static void Init_Workspace( reax_system *system, control_params *control,
     int i;
-    /* Allocate space for hydrogen bond list */
-    workspace->hbond_index = (int *) smalloc( system->N * sizeof( int ),
+    /* hydrogen bond list */
+    workspace->hbond_index = smalloc( system->N * sizeof( int ),
            "Init_Workspace::workspace->hbond_index" );
     /* bond order related storage  */
-    workspace->total_bond_order = (real *) smalloc( system->N * sizeof( real ),
+    workspace->total_bond_order = smalloc( system->N * sizeof( real ),
            "Init_Workspace::workspace->bond_order" );
-    workspace->Deltap = (real *) smalloc( system->N * sizeof( real ),
+    workspace->Deltap = smalloc( system->N * sizeof( real ),
            "Init_Workspace::workspace->Deltap" );
-    workspace->Deltap_boc = (real *) smalloc( system->N * sizeof( real ),
+    workspace->Deltap_boc = smalloc( system->N * sizeof( real ),
            "Init_Workspace::workspace->Deltap_boc" );
-    workspace->dDeltap_self = (rvec *) smalloc( system->N * sizeof( rvec ),
+    workspace->dDeltap_self = smalloc( system->N * sizeof( rvec ),
            "Init_Workspace::workspace->dDeltap_self" );
-    workspace->Delta = (real *) smalloc( system->N * sizeof( real ),
+    workspace->Delta = smalloc( system->N * sizeof( real ),
            "Init_Workspace::workspace->Delta" );
-    workspace->Delta_lp = (real *) smalloc( system->N * sizeof( real ),
+    workspace->Delta_lp = smalloc( system->N * sizeof( real ),
            "Init_Workspace::workspace->Delta_lp" );
-    workspace->Delta_lp_temp = (real *) smalloc( system->N * sizeof( real ),
+    workspace->Delta_lp_temp = smalloc( system->N * sizeof( real ),
            "Init_Workspace::workspace->Delta_lp_temp" );
-    workspace->dDelta_lp = (real *) smalloc( system->N * sizeof( real ),
+    workspace->dDelta_lp = smalloc( system->N * sizeof( real ),
            "Init_Workspace::workspace->dDelta_lp" );
-    workspace->dDelta_lp_temp = (real *) smalloc( system->N * sizeof( real ),
+    workspace->dDelta_lp_temp = smalloc( system->N * sizeof( real ),
            "Init_Workspace::workspace->dDelta_lp_temp" );
-    workspace->Delta_e = (real *) smalloc( system->N * sizeof( real ),
+    workspace->Delta_e = smalloc( system->N * sizeof( real ),
            "Init_Workspace::workspace->Delta_e" );
-    workspace->Delta_boc = (real *) smalloc( system->N * sizeof( real ),
+    workspace->Delta_boc = smalloc( system->N * sizeof( real ),
            "Init_Workspace::workspace->Delta_boc" );
-    workspace->nlp = (real *) smalloc( system->N * sizeof( real ),
+    workspace->nlp = smalloc( system->N * sizeof( real ),
            "Init_Workspace::workspace->nlp" );
-    workspace->nlp_temp = (real *) smalloc( system->N * sizeof( real ),
+    workspace->nlp_temp = smalloc( system->N * sizeof( real ),
            "Init_Workspace::workspace->nlp_temp" );
-    workspace->Clp = (real *) smalloc( system->N * sizeof( real ),
+    workspace->Clp = smalloc( system->N * sizeof( real ),
            "Init_Workspace::workspace->Clp" );
-    workspace->CdDelta = (real *) smalloc( system->N * sizeof( real ),
+    workspace->CdDelta = smalloc( system->N * sizeof( real ),
            "Init_Workspace::workspace->CdDelta" );
-    workspace->vlpex = (real *) smalloc( system->N * sizeof( real ),
+    workspace->vlpex = smalloc( system->N * sizeof( real ),
            "Init_Workspace::workspace->vlpex" );
     /* charge method storage */
@@ -329,7 +332,7 @@ static void Init_Workspace( reax_system *system, control_params *control,
             system->N_cm = 2 * system->N + 2;
-            fprintf( stderr, "Unknown charge method type. Terminating...\n" );
+            fprintf( stderr, "[ERROR] Unknown charge method type. Terminating...\n" );
             exit( INVALID_INPUT );
@@ -344,36 +347,37 @@ static void Init_Workspace( reax_system *system, control_params *control,
     workspace->L = NULL;
     workspace->U = NULL;
     workspace->Hdia_inv = NULL;
-    if ( control->cm_solver_pre_comp_type == ICHOLT_PC ||
-            control->cm_solver_pre_comp_type == ILUT_PAR_PC )
+    if ( control->cm_solver_pre_comp_type == ICHOLT_PC
+            || control->cm_solver_pre_comp_type == ILUT_PC
+            || control->cm_solver_pre_comp_type == FG_ILUT_PC )
-        workspace->droptol = (real *) scalloc( system->N_cm, sizeof( real ),
+        workspace->droptol = scalloc( system->N_cm, sizeof( real ),
                 "Init_Workspace::workspace->droptol" );
     //TODO: check if unused
-    //workspace->w = (real *) scalloc( cm_lin_sys_size, sizeof( real ),
+    //workspace->w = scalloc( cm_lin_sys_size, sizeof( real ),
     //"Init_Workspace::workspace->droptol" );
     //TODO: check if unused
-    workspace->b = (real *) scalloc( system->N_cm * 2, sizeof( real ),
+    workspace->b = scalloc( system->N_cm * 2, sizeof( real ),
             "Init_Workspace::workspace->b" );
-    workspace->b_s = (real *) scalloc( system->N_cm, sizeof( real ),
+    workspace->b_s = scalloc( system->N_cm, sizeof( real ),
             "Init_Workspace::workspace->b_s" );
-    workspace->b_t = (real *) scalloc( system->N_cm, sizeof( real ),
+    workspace->b_t = scalloc( system->N_cm, sizeof( real ),
             "Init_Workspace::workspace->b_t" );
-    workspace->b_prc = (real *) scalloc( system->N_cm * 2, sizeof( real ),
+    workspace->b_prc = scalloc( system->N_cm * 2, sizeof( real ),
             "Init_Workspace::workspace->b_prc" );
-    workspace->b_prm = (real *) scalloc( system->N_cm * 2, sizeof( real ),
+    workspace->b_prm = scalloc( system->N_cm * 2, sizeof( real ),
             "Init_Workspace::workspace->b_prm" );
-    workspace->s = (real**) scalloc( 5, sizeof( real* ),
+    workspace->s = scalloc( 5, sizeof( real* ),
             "Init_Workspace::workspace->s" );
-    workspace->t = (real**) scalloc( 5, sizeof( real* ),
+    workspace->t = scalloc( 5, sizeof( real* ),
             "Init_Workspace::workspace->t" );
     for ( i = 0; i < 5; ++i )
-        workspace->s[i] = (real *) scalloc( system->N_cm, sizeof( real ),
+        workspace->s[i] = scalloc( system->N_cm, sizeof( real ),
                 "Init_Workspace::workspace->s[i]" );
-        workspace->t[i] = (real *) scalloc( system->N_cm, sizeof( real ),
+        workspace->t[i] = scalloc( system->N_cm, sizeof( real ),
                 "Init_Workspace::workspace->t[i]" );
@@ -426,7 +430,7 @@ static void Init_Workspace( reax_system *system, control_params *control,
-            fprintf( stderr, "Unknown charge method type. Terminating...\n" );
+            fprintf( stderr, "[ERROR] Unknown charge method type. Terminating...\n" );
             exit( INVALID_INPUT );
@@ -435,89 +439,89 @@ static void Init_Workspace( reax_system *system, control_params *control,
         case GMRES_S:
         case GMRES_H_S:
-            workspace->y = (real *) scalloc( control->cm_solver_restart + 1, sizeof( real ),
+            workspace->y = scalloc( control->cm_solver_restart + 1, sizeof( real ),
                     "Init_Workspace::workspace->y" );
-            workspace->z = (real *) scalloc( control->cm_solver_restart + 1, sizeof( real ),
+            workspace->z = scalloc( control->cm_solver_restart + 1, sizeof( real ),
                     "Init_Workspace::workspace->z" );
-            workspace->g = (real *) scalloc( control->cm_solver_restart + 1, sizeof( real ),
+            workspace->g = scalloc( control->cm_solver_restart + 1, sizeof( real ),
                     "Init_Workspace::workspace->g" );
-            workspace->h = (real **) scalloc( control->cm_solver_restart + 1, sizeof( real*),
+            workspace->h = scalloc( control->cm_solver_restart + 1, sizeof( real*),
                     "Init_Workspace::workspace->h" );
-            workspace->hs = (real *) scalloc( control->cm_solver_restart + 1, sizeof( real ),
+            workspace->hs = scalloc( control->cm_solver_restart + 1, sizeof( real ),
                     "Init_Workspace::workspace->hs" );
-            workspace->hc = (real *) scalloc( control->cm_solver_restart + 1, sizeof( real ),
+            workspace->hc = scalloc( control->cm_solver_restart + 1, sizeof( real ),
                     "Init_Workspace::workspace->hc" );
-            workspace->rn = (real **) scalloc( control->cm_solver_restart + 1, sizeof( real*),
+            workspace->rn = scalloc( control->cm_solver_restart + 1, sizeof( real*),
                     "Init_Workspace::workspace->rn" );
-            workspace->v = (real **) scalloc( control->cm_solver_restart + 1, sizeof( real*),
+            workspace->v = scalloc( control->cm_solver_restart + 1, sizeof( real*),
                     "Init_Workspace::workspace->v" );
             for ( i = 0; i < control->cm_solver_restart + 1; ++i )
-                workspace->h[i] = (real *) scalloc( control->cm_solver_restart + 1, sizeof( real ),
+                workspace->h[i] = scalloc( control->cm_solver_restart + 1, sizeof( real ),
                         "Init_Workspace::workspace->h[i]" );
-                workspace->rn[i] = (real *) scalloc( system->N_cm * 2, sizeof( real ),
+                workspace->rn[i] = scalloc( system->N_cm * 2, sizeof( real ),
                         "Init_Workspace::workspace->rn[i]" );
-                workspace->v[i] = (real *) scalloc( system->N_cm, sizeof( real ),
+                workspace->v[i] = scalloc( system->N_cm, sizeof( real ),
                         "Init_Workspace::workspace->v[i]" );
-            workspace->r = (real *) scalloc( system->N_cm, sizeof( real ),
+            workspace->r = scalloc( system->N_cm, sizeof( real ),
                     "Init_Workspace::workspace->r" );
-            workspace->d = (real *) scalloc( system->N_cm, sizeof( real ),
+            workspace->d = scalloc( system->N_cm, sizeof( real ),
                     "Init_Workspace::workspace->d" );
-            workspace->q = (real *) scalloc( system->N_cm, sizeof( real ),
+            workspace->q = scalloc( system->N_cm, sizeof( real ),
                     "Init_Workspace::workspace->q" );
-            workspace->p = (real *) scalloc( system->N_cm, sizeof( real ),
+            workspace->p = scalloc( system->N_cm, sizeof( real ),
                     "Init_Workspace::workspace->p" );
         case CG_S:
-            workspace->r = (real *) scalloc( system->N_cm, sizeof( real ),
+            workspace->r = scalloc( system->N_cm, sizeof( real ),
                     "Init_Workspace::workspace->r" );
-            workspace->d = (real *) scalloc( system->N_cm, sizeof( real ),
+            workspace->d = scalloc( system->N_cm, sizeof( real ),
                     "Init_Workspace::workspace->d" );
-            workspace->q = (real *) scalloc( system->N_cm, sizeof( real ),
+            workspace->q = scalloc( system->N_cm, sizeof( real ),
                     "Init_Workspace::workspace->q" );
-            workspace->p = (real *) scalloc( system->N_cm, sizeof( real ),
+            workspace->p = scalloc( system->N_cm, sizeof( real ),
                     "Init_Workspace::workspace->p" );
         case SDM_S:
-            workspace->r = (real *) scalloc( system->N_cm, sizeof( real ),
+            workspace->r = scalloc( system->N_cm, sizeof( real ),
                     "Init_Workspace::workspace->r" );
-            workspace->d = (real *) scalloc( system->N_cm, sizeof( real ),
+            workspace->d = scalloc( system->N_cm, sizeof( real ),
                     "Init_Workspace::workspace->d" );
-            workspace->q = (real *) scalloc( system->N_cm, sizeof( real ),
+            workspace->q = scalloc( system->N_cm, sizeof( real ),
                     "Init_Workspace::workspace->q" );
         case BiCGStab_S:
-            workspace->r = (real *) scalloc( system->N_cm, sizeof( real ),
+            workspace->r = scalloc( system->N_cm, sizeof( real ),
                     "Init_Workspace::workspace->r" );
-            workspace->r_hat = (real *) scalloc( system->N_cm, sizeof( real ),
+            workspace->r_hat = scalloc( system->N_cm, sizeof( real ),
                     "Init_Workspace::workspace->r_hat" );
-            workspace->d = (real *) scalloc( system->N_cm, sizeof( real ),
+            workspace->d = scalloc( system->N_cm, sizeof( real ),
                     "Init_Workspace::workspace->d" );
-            workspace->q = (real *) scalloc( system->N_cm, sizeof( real ),
+            workspace->q = scalloc( system->N_cm, sizeof( real ),
                     "Init_Workspace::workspace->q" );
-            workspace->p = (real *) scalloc( system->N_cm, sizeof( real ),
+            workspace->p = scalloc( system->N_cm, sizeof( real ),
                     "Init_Workspace::workspace->p" );
-            workspace->y = (real *) scalloc( system->N_cm, sizeof( real ),
+            workspace->y = scalloc( system->N_cm, sizeof( real ),
                     "Init_Workspace::workspace->y" );
-            workspace->z = (real *) scalloc( system->N_cm, sizeof( real ),
+            workspace->z = scalloc( system->N_cm, sizeof( real ),
                     "Init_Workspace::workspace->z" );
-            fprintf( stderr, "Unknown charge method linear solver type. Terminating...\n" );
+            fprintf( stderr, "[ERROR] Unknown charge method linear solver type. Terminating...\n" );
             exit( INVALID_INPUT );
     /* SpMV related */
 #ifdef _OPENMP
-    workspace->b_local = (real*) smalloc( control->num_threads * system->N_cm * sizeof(real),
+    workspace->b_local = smalloc( control->num_threads * system->N_cm * sizeof(real),
             "Init_Workspace::b_local" );
@@ -527,19 +531,19 @@ static void Init_Workspace( reax_system *system, control_params *control,
     if ( control->cm_solver_pre_app_type == TRI_SOLVE_LEVEL_SCHED_PA ||
             control->cm_solver_pre_app_type == TRI_SOLVE_GC_PA )
-        workspace->row_levels_L = (unsigned int*) smalloc( system->N_cm * sizeof(unsigned int),
+        workspace->row_levels_L = smalloc( system->N_cm * sizeof(unsigned int),
                 "Init_Workspace::row_levels_L" );
-        workspace->level_rows_L = (unsigned int*) smalloc( system->N_cm * sizeof(unsigned int),
+        workspace->level_rows_L = smalloc( system->N_cm * sizeof(unsigned int),
                 "Init_Workspace::level_rows_L" );
-        workspace->level_rows_cnt_L = (unsigned int*) smalloc( (system->N_cm + 1) * sizeof(unsigned int),
+        workspace->level_rows_cnt_L = smalloc( (system->N_cm + 1) * sizeof(unsigned int),
                 "Init_Workspace::level_rows_cnt_L" );
-        workspace->row_levels_U = (unsigned int*) smalloc( system->N_cm * sizeof(unsigned int),
+        workspace->row_levels_U = smalloc( system->N_cm * sizeof(unsigned int),
                 "Init_Workspace::row_levels_U" );
-        workspace->level_rows_U = (unsigned int*) smalloc( system->N_cm * sizeof(unsigned int),
+        workspace->level_rows_U = smalloc( system->N_cm * sizeof(unsigned int),
                 "Init_Workspace::level_rows_U" );
-        workspace->level_rows_cnt_U = (unsigned int*) smalloc( (system->N_cm + 1) * sizeof(unsigned int),
+        workspace->level_rows_cnt_U = smalloc( (system->N_cm + 1) * sizeof(unsigned int),
                 "Init_Workspace::level_rows_cnt_U" );
-        workspace->top = (unsigned int*) smalloc( (system->N_cm + 1) * sizeof(unsigned int),
+        workspace->top = smalloc( (system->N_cm + 1) * sizeof(unsigned int),
                 "Init_Workspace::top" );
@@ -557,26 +561,24 @@ static void Init_Workspace( reax_system *system, control_params *control,
     workspace->recolor_cnt = 0;
     if ( control->cm_solver_pre_app_type == TRI_SOLVE_GC_PA )
-        workspace->color = (unsigned int*) smalloc( sizeof(unsigned int) * system->N_cm,
+        workspace->color = smalloc( sizeof(unsigned int) * system->N_cm,
                 "Init_Workspace::color" );
-        workspace->to_color = (unsigned int*) smalloc( sizeof(unsigned int) * system->N_cm,
+        workspace->to_color = smalloc( sizeof(unsigned int) * system->N_cm,
                 "Init_Workspace::to_color" );
-        workspace->conflict = (unsigned int*) smalloc( sizeof(unsigned int) * system->N_cm,
+        workspace->conflict = smalloc( sizeof(unsigned int) * system->N_cm,
                 "setup_graph_coloring::conflict" );
-        workspace->conflict_cnt = (unsigned int*) smalloc( sizeof(unsigned int) * (control->num_threads + 1),
+        workspace->conflict_cnt = smalloc( sizeof(unsigned int) * (control->num_threads + 1),
                 "Init_Workspace::conflict_cnt" );
-        workspace->recolor = (unsigned int*) smalloc( sizeof(unsigned int) * system->N_cm,
+        workspace->recolor = smalloc( sizeof(unsigned int) * system->N_cm,
                 "Init_Workspace::recolor" );
-        workspace->color_top = (unsigned int*) smalloc( sizeof(unsigned int) * (system->N_cm + 1),
+        workspace->color_top = smalloc( sizeof(unsigned int) * (system->N_cm + 1),
                 "Init_Workspace::color_top" );
-        workspace->permuted_row_col = (unsigned int*) smalloc( sizeof(unsigned int) * system->N_cm,
+        workspace->permuted_row_col = smalloc( sizeof(unsigned int) * system->N_cm,
                 "Init_Workspace::premuted_row_col" );
-        workspace->permuted_row_col_inv = (unsigned int*) smalloc( sizeof(unsigned int) * system->N_cm,
+        workspace->permuted_row_col_inv = smalloc( sizeof(unsigned int) * system->N_cm,
                 "Init_Workspace::premuted_row_col_inv" );
-        workspace->y_p = (real*) smalloc( sizeof(real) * system->N_cm,
-                "Init_Workspace::y_p" );
-        workspace->x_p = (real*) smalloc( sizeof(real) * system->N_cm,
-                "Init_Workspace::x_p" );
+        workspace->y_p = smalloc( sizeof(real) * system->N_cm, "Init_Workspace::y_p" );
+        workspace->x_p = smalloc( sizeof(real) * system->N_cm, "Init_Workspace::x_p" );
@@ -595,15 +597,15 @@ static void Init_Workspace( reax_system *system, control_params *control,
     /* Jacobi iteration related */
     if ( control->cm_solver_pre_app_type == JACOBI_ITER_PA )
-        workspace->Dinv_L = (real*) smalloc( sizeof(real) * system->N_cm,
+        workspace->Dinv_L = smalloc( sizeof(real) * system->N_cm,
                 "Init_Workspace::Dinv_L" );
-        workspace->Dinv_U = (real*) smalloc( sizeof(real) * system->N_cm,
+        workspace->Dinv_U = smalloc( sizeof(real) * system->N_cm,
                 "Init_Workspace::Dinv_U" );
-        workspace->Dinv_b = (real*) smalloc( sizeof(real) * system->N_cm,
+        workspace->Dinv_b = smalloc( sizeof(real) * system->N_cm,
                 "Init_Workspace::Dinv_b" );
-        workspace->rp = (real*) smalloc( sizeof(real) * system->N_cm,
+        workspace->rp = smalloc( sizeof(real) * system->N_cm,
                 "Init_Workspace::rp" );
-        workspace->rp2 = (real*) smalloc( sizeof(real) * system->N_cm,
+        workspace->rp2 = smalloc( sizeof(real) * system->N_cm,
                 "Init_Workspace::rp2" );
@@ -616,24 +618,24 @@ static void Init_Workspace( reax_system *system, control_params *control,
     /* integrator storage */
-    workspace->a = (rvec *) smalloc( system->N * sizeof( rvec ),
+    workspace->a = smalloc( system->N * sizeof( rvec ),
            "Init_Workspace::workspace->a" );
-    workspace->f_old = (rvec *) smalloc( system->N * sizeof( rvec ),
+    workspace->f_old = smalloc( system->N * sizeof( rvec ),
            "Init_Workspace::workspace->f_old" );
-    workspace->v_const = (rvec *) smalloc( system->N * sizeof( rvec ),
+    workspace->v_const = smalloc( system->N * sizeof( rvec ),
            "Init_Workspace::workspace->v_const" );
 #ifdef _OPENMP
-    workspace->f_local = (rvec *) smalloc( control->num_threads * system->N * sizeof( rvec ),
+    workspace->f_local = smalloc( control->num_threads * system->N * sizeof( rvec ),
            "Init_Workspace::workspace->f_local" );
     /* storage for analysis */
     if ( control->molec_anal || control->diffusion_coef )
-        workspace->mark = (int *) scalloc( system->N, sizeof(int),
+        workspace->mark = scalloc( system->N, sizeof(int),
                 "Init_Workspace::workspace->mark" );
-        workspace->old_mark = (int *) scalloc( system->N, sizeof(int),
+        workspace->old_mark = scalloc( system->N, sizeof(int),
                 "Init_Workspace::workspace->old_mark" );
@@ -643,7 +645,7 @@ static void Init_Workspace( reax_system *system, control_params *control,
     if ( control->diffusion_coef )
-        workspace->x_old = (rvec *) scalloc( system->N, sizeof( rvec ),
+        workspace->x_old = scalloc( system->N, sizeof( rvec ),
                 "Init_Workspace::workspace->x_old" );
@@ -652,33 +654,33 @@ static void Init_Workspace( reax_system *system, control_params *control,
-    workspace->dDelta = (rvec *) smalloc( system->N * sizeof( rvec ),
+    workspace->dDelta = smalloc( system->N * sizeof( rvec ),
            "Init_Workspace::workspace->dDelta" );
-    workspace->f_ele = (rvec *) smalloc( system->N * sizeof( rvec ),
+    workspace->f_ele = smalloc( system->N * sizeof( rvec ),
            "Init_Workspace::workspace->f_ele" );
-    workspace->f_vdw = (rvec *) smalloc( system->N * sizeof( rvec ),
+    workspace->f_vdw = smalloc( system->N * sizeof( rvec ),
            "Init_Workspace::workspace->f_vdw" );
-    workspace->f_bo = (rvec *) smalloc( system->N * sizeof( rvec ),
+    workspace->f_bo = smalloc( system->N * sizeof( rvec ),
            "Init_Workspace::workspace->f_bo" );
-    workspace->f_be = (rvec *) smalloc( system->N * sizeof( rvec ),
+    workspace->f_be = smalloc( system->N * sizeof( rvec ),
            "Init_Workspace::workspace->f_be" );
-    workspace->f_lp = (rvec *) smalloc( system->N * sizeof( rvec ),
+    workspace->f_lp = smalloc( system->N * sizeof( rvec ),
            "Init_Workspace::workspace->f_lp" );
-    workspace->f_ov = (rvec *) smalloc( system->N * sizeof( rvec ),
+    workspace->f_ov = smalloc( system->N * sizeof( rvec ),
            "Init_Workspace::workspace->f_ov" );
-    workspace->f_un = (rvec *) smalloc( system->N * sizeof( rvec ),
+    workspace->f_un = smalloc( system->N * sizeof( rvec ),
            "Init_Workspace::workspace->f_un" );
-    workspace->f_ang = (rvec *) smalloc( system->N * sizeof( rvec ),
+    workspace->f_ang = smalloc( system->N * sizeof( rvec ),
            "Init_Workspace::workspace->f_ang" );
-    workspace->f_coa = (rvec *) smalloc( system->N * sizeof( rvec ),
+    workspace->f_coa = smalloc( system->N * sizeof( rvec ),
            "Init_Workspace::workspace->f_coa" );
-    workspace->f_pen = (rvec *) smalloc( system->N * sizeof( rvec ),
+    workspace->f_pen = smalloc( system->N * sizeof( rvec ),
            "Init_Workspace::workspace->f_pen" );
-    workspace->f_hb = (rvec *) smalloc( system->N * sizeof( rvec ),
+    workspace->f_hb = smalloc( system->N * sizeof( rvec ),
            "Init_Workspace::workspace->f_hb" );
-    workspace->f_tor = (rvec *) smalloc( system->N * sizeof( rvec ),
+    workspace->f_tor = smalloc( system->N * sizeof( rvec ),
            "Init_Workspace::workspace->f_tor" );
-    workspace->f_con = (rvec *) smalloc( system->N * sizeof( rvec ),
+    workspace->f_con = smalloc( system->N * sizeof( rvec ),
            "Init_Workspace::workspace->f_con" );
@@ -877,9 +879,8 @@ static void Init_Out_Controls( reax_system *system, control_params *control,
     /* Init pressure file */
-    if ( control->ensemble == NPT ||
-            control->ensemble == iNPT ||
-            control->ensemble == sNPT )
+    if ( control->ensemble == aNPT || control->ensemble == iNPT
+            || control->ensemble == sNPT )
         strncpy( temp, control->sim_name, MAX_STR );
         strcat( temp, ".prs" );
@@ -1061,17 +1062,6 @@ static void Init_Out_Controls( reax_system *system, control_params *control,
     out_control->ftot2 = sfopen( temp, "w" );
-    /* Error handling */
-    /* if ( out_control->out == NULL || out_control->pot == NULL ||
-       out_control->log == NULL || out_control->mol == NULL ||
-       out_control->dpl == NULL || out_control->drft == NULL ||
-       out_control->pdb == NULL )
-       {
-       fprintf( stderr, "FILE OPEN ERROR. TERMINATING..." );
-       exit( CANNOT_OPEN_FILE );
-       }*/
 #undef TEMP_SIZE
@@ -1211,9 +1201,9 @@ static void Finalize_Workspace( reax_system *system, control_params *control,
     Deallocate_Matrix( workspace->H );
     Deallocate_Matrix( workspace->H_sp );
-    if ( control->cm_solver_pre_comp_type == ICHOLT_PC ||
-            control->cm_solver_pre_comp_type == ILU_PAR_PC ||
-            control->cm_solver_pre_comp_type == ILUT_PAR_PC )
+    if ( control->cm_solver_pre_comp_type == ICHOLT_PC
+            || control->cm_solver_pre_comp_type == ILUT_PC
+            || control->cm_solver_pre_comp_type == FG_ILUT_PC )
         Deallocate_Matrix( workspace->L );
         Deallocate_Matrix( workspace->U );
@@ -1237,12 +1227,13 @@ static void Finalize_Workspace( reax_system *system, control_params *control,
         sfree( workspace->t[i], "Finalize_Workspace::workspace->t[i]" );
-    if ( control->cm_solver_pre_comp_type == DIAG_PC )
+    if ( control->cm_solver_pre_comp_type == JACOBI_PC )
         sfree( workspace->Hdia_inv, "Finalize_Workspace::workspace->Hdia_inv" );
-    if ( control->cm_solver_pre_comp_type == ICHOLT_PC ||
-            control->cm_solver_pre_comp_type == ILUT_PAR_PC )
+    if ( control->cm_solver_pre_comp_type == ICHOLT_PC
+            || control->cm_solver_pre_comp_type == ILUT_PC
+            || control->cm_solver_pre_comp_type == FG_ILUT_PC )
         sfree( workspace->droptol, "Finalize_Workspace::workspace->droptol" );
@@ -1307,7 +1298,7 @@ static void Finalize_Workspace( reax_system *system, control_params *control,
-            fprintf( stderr, "Unknown charge method linear solver type. Terminating...\n" );
+            fprintf( stderr, "[ERROR] Unknown charge method linear solver type. Terminating...\n" );
             exit( INVALID_INPUT );
@@ -1430,7 +1421,6 @@ static void Finalize_Lists( control_params *control, reax_list **lists )
 static void Finalize_Out_Controls( reax_system *system, control_params *control,
         static_storage *workspace, output_controls *out_control )
-    /* close trajectory file */
     if ( out_control->write_steps > 0 )
         sfclose( out_control->trj, "Finalize_Out_Controls::out_control->trj" );
@@ -1438,27 +1428,19 @@ static void Finalize_Out_Controls( reax_system *system, control_params *control,
     if ( out_control->energy_update_freq > 0 )
-        /* close out file */
         sfclose( out_control->out, "Finalize_Out_Controls::out_control->out" );
-        /* close potentials file */
         sfclose( out_control->pot, "Finalize_Out_Controls::out_control->pot" );
-        /* close log file */
         sfclose( out_control->log, "Finalize_Out_Controls::out_control->log" );
-    /* close pressure file */
-    if ( control->ensemble == NPT ||
-            control->ensemble == iNPT ||
-            control->ensemble == sNPT )
+    if ( control->ensemble == aNPT || control->ensemble == iNPT
+            || control->ensemble == sNPT )
         sfclose( out_control->prs, "Finalize_Out_Controls::out_control->prs" );
     if ( control->molec_anal )
-        /* close molecular analysis file */
         sfclose( out_control->mol, "Finalize_Out_Controls::out_control->mol" );
         if ( control->num_ignored )
@@ -1467,13 +1449,11 @@ static void Finalize_Out_Controls( reax_system *system, control_params *control,
-    /* close electric dipole moment analysis file */
     if ( control->dipole_anal )
         sfclose( out_control->dpl, "Finalize_Out_Controls::out_control->dpl" );
-    /* close diffusion coef analysis file */
     if ( control->diffusion_coef )
         sfclose( out_control->drft, "Finalize_Out_Controls::out_control->drft" );
@@ -1481,75 +1461,31 @@ static void Finalize_Out_Controls( reax_system *system, control_params *control,
-    /* close bond energy file */
     sfclose( out_control->ebond, "Finalize_Out_Controls::out_control->ebond" );
-    /* close lone-pair energy file */
     sfclose( out_control->elp, "Finalize_Out_Controls::out_control->elp" );
-    /* close overcoordination energy file */
     sfclose( out_control->eov, "Finalize_Out_Controls::out_control->eov" );
-    /* close undercoordination energy file */
     sfclose( out_control->eun, "Finalize_Out_Controls::out_control->eun" );
-    /* close angle energy file */
     sfclose( out_control->eval, "Finalize_Out_Controls::out_control->eval" );
-    /* close penalty energy file */
     sfclose( out_control->epen, "Finalize_Out_Controls::out_control->epen" );
-    /* close coalition energy file */
     sfclose( out_control->ecoa, "Finalize_Out_Controls::out_control->ecoa" );
-    /* close hydrogen bond energy file */
     sfclose( out_control->ehb, "Finalize_Out_Controls::out_control->ehb" );
-    /* close torsion energy file */
     sfclose( out_control->etor, "Finalize_Out_Controls::out_control->etor" );
-    /* close conjugation energy file */
     sfclose( out_control->econ, "Finalize_Out_Controls::out_control->econ" );
-    /* close vdWaals energy file */
     sfclose( out_control->evdw, "Finalize_Out_Controls::out_control->evdw" );
-    /* close coulomb energy file */
     sfclose( out_control->ecou, "Finalize_Out_Controls::out_control->ecou" );
-    /* close bond orders file */
     sfclose( out_control->fbo, "Finalize_Out_Controls::out_control->fbo" );
-    /* close bond orders derivatives file */
     sfclose( out_control->fdbo, "Finalize_Out_Controls::out_control->fdbo" );
-    /* close bond forces file */
     sfclose( out_control->fbond, "Finalize_Out_Controls::out_control->fbond" );
-    /* close lone-pair forces file */
     sfclose( out_control->flp, "Finalize_Out_Controls::out_control->flp" );
-    /* close overcoordination forces file */
     sfclose( out_control->fatom, "Finalize_Out_Controls::out_control->fatom" );
-    /* close angle forces file */
     sfclose( out_control->f3body, "Finalize_Out_Controls::out_control->f3body" );
-    /* close hydrogen bond forces file */
     sfclose( out_control->fhb, "Finalize_Out_Controls::out_control->fhb" );
-    /* close torsion forces file */
     sfclose( out_control->f4body, "Finalize_Out_Controls::out_control->f4body" );
-    /* close nonbonded forces file */
     sfclose( out_control->fnonb, "Finalize_Out_Controls::out_control->fnonb" );
-    /* close total force file */
     sfclose( out_control->ftot, "Finalize_Out_Controls::out_control->ftot" );
-    /* close coulomb forces file */
     sfclose( out_control->ftot2, "Finalize_Out_Controls::out_control->ftot2" );
diff --git a/sPuReMD/src/integrate.c b/sPuReMD/src/integrate.c
index 2e5c06b2..5698379c 100644
--- a/sPuReMD/src/integrate.c
+++ b/sPuReMD/src/integrate.c
@@ -70,11 +70,13 @@ void Velocity_Verlet_NVE(reax_system *system, control_params *control,
     Reallocate( system, control, workspace, lists, renbr );
     Reset( system, control, data, workspace, lists );
     if ( renbr )
         Generate_Neighbor_Lists( system, control, data, workspace,
                 lists, out_control );
     Compute_Forces( system, control, data, workspace, lists, out_control );
     for ( i = 0; i < system->N; i++ )
@@ -90,6 +92,104 @@ void Velocity_Verlet_NVE(reax_system *system, control_params *control,
+/* Uses Berendsen-type coupling for both T and P.
+ * All box dimensions are scaled by the same amount,
+ * there is no change in the angles between axes. */
+void Velocity_Verlet_Berendsen_NVT( reax_system* system,
+        control_params* control, simulation_data *data,
+        static_storage *workspace, reax_list **lists,
+        output_controls *out_control )
+    int i, steps, renbr;
+    real inv_m, dt, lambda;
+    rvec dx;
+    reax_atom *atom;
+#if defined(DEBUG_FOCUS)
+    fprintf( stderr, "step%d\n", data->step );
+    dt = control->dt;
+    steps = data->step - data->prev_steps;
+    renbr = (steps % control->reneighbor == 0);
+    /* velocity verlet, 1st part */
+    for ( i = 0; i < system->N; i++ )
+    {
+        atom = &system->atoms[i];
+        inv_m = 1.0 / system->reaxprm.sbp[atom->type].mass;
+        /* Compute x(t + dt) */
+        rvec_ScaledSum( dx, dt, atom->v, -0.5 * F_CONV * inv_m * SQR(dt), atom->f );
+        /* bNVT fix - Metin's suggestion */
+        /* ORIGINAL CHANGE -- CHECK THE branch serial-bnvt for the fix */
+        //rvec_Add( atom->x, dx );
+        Inc_on_T3( atom->x, dx, &system->box );
+        /* Compute v(t + dt/2) */
+        rvec_ScaledAdd( atom->v, -0.5 * F_CONV * inv_m * dt, atom->f );
+    }
+#if defined(DEBUG_FOCUS)
+    fprintf(stderr, "step%d: verlet1 done\n", data->step);
+    Reallocate( system, control, workspace, lists, renbr );
+    Reset( system, control, data, workspace, lists );
+    if ( renbr )
+    {
+        Generate_Neighbor_Lists( system, control, data, workspace, lists, out_control );
+    }
+    Compute_Forces( system, control, data, workspace,
+            lists, out_control );
+    /* velocity verlet, 2nd part */
+    for ( i = 0; i < system->N; i++ )
+    {
+        atom = &system->atoms[i];
+        inv_m = 1.0 / system->reaxprm.sbp[atom->type].mass;
+        /* Compute v(t + dt) */
+        rvec_ScaledAdd( atom->v, -0.5 * dt * F_CONV * inv_m, atom->f );
+    }
+#if defined(DEBUG_FOCUS)
+    fprintf(stderr, "step%d: verlet2 done\n", data->step);
+    /* temperature scaler */
+    Compute_Kinetic_Energy( system, data );
+    lambda = 1.0 + (dt / control->Tau_T) * (control->T / data->therm.T - 1.0);
+    if ( lambda < MIN_dT )
+    {
+        lambda = MIN_dT;
+    }
+    else if (lambda > MAX_dT )
+    {
+        lambda = MAX_dT;
+    }
+    lambda = SQRT( lambda );
+#if defined(DEBUG_FOCUS)
+    fprintf( stderr, "step:%d lambda -> %f \n", data->step, lambda );
+    /* Scale velocities and positions at t+dt */
+    for ( i = 0; i < system->N; ++i )
+    {
+        atom = &system->atoms[i];
+        rvec_Scale( atom->v, lambda, atom->v );
+    }
+    Compute_Kinetic_Energy( system, data );
+#if defined(DEBUG_FOCUS)
+    fprintf( stderr, "step%d: scaled velocities\n",
+             data->step );
 void Velocity_Verlet_Nose_Hoover_NVT_Klein(reax_system* system, control_params* control,
         simulation_data *data, static_storage *workspace, reax_list **lists,
         output_controls *out_control )
@@ -102,7 +202,7 @@ void Velocity_Verlet_Nose_Hoover_NVT_Klein(reax_system* system, control_params*
     dt = control->dt;
     dt_sqr = SQR( dt );
-    therm = &( data->therm );
+    therm = &data->therm;
     steps = data->step - data->prev_steps;
     renbr = (steps % control->reneighbor == 0);
@@ -131,11 +231,13 @@ void Velocity_Verlet_Nose_Hoover_NVT_Klein(reax_system* system, control_params*
     Reallocate( system, control, workspace, lists, renbr );
     Reset( system, control, data, workspace, lists );
     if ( renbr )
         Generate_Neighbor_Lists( system, control, data, workspace,
                 lists, out_control );
     /* Calculate Forces at time (t + dt) */
     Compute_Forces( system, control, data, workspace, lists, out_control );
@@ -150,6 +252,7 @@ void Velocity_Verlet_Nose_Hoover_NVT_Klein(reax_system* system, control_params*
                 -0.5 * dt * inv_m * F_CONV, workspace->f_old[i] );
         rvec_ScaledAdd( workspace->v_const[i],
                 -0.5 * dt * inv_m * F_CONV, system->atoms[i].f );
 #if defined(DEBUG)
         fprintf( stderr, "atom%d: inv_m=%f, C1=%f, C2=%f, v_const=%f %f %f\n",
                 i, inv_m, 1.0 - 0.5 * dt * therm->v_xi,
@@ -164,26 +267,28 @@ void Velocity_Verlet_Nose_Hoover_NVT_Klein(reax_system* system, control_params*
         /* new values become old in this iteration */
         v_xi_old = v_xi_new;
         coef_v = 1.0 / (1.0 + 0.5 * dt * v_xi_old);
         E_kin_new = 0;
         for ( i = 0; i < system->N; ++i )
             rvec_Scale( system->atoms[i].v, coef_v, workspace->v_const[i] );
-            E_kin_new += ( 0.5 * system->reaxprm.sbp[system->atoms[i].type].mass *
-                           rvec_Dot( system->atoms[i].v, system->atoms[i].v ) );
+            E_kin_new += ( 0.5 * system->reaxprm.sbp[system->atoms[i].type].mass
+                    * rvec_Dot( system->atoms[i].v, system->atoms[i].v ) );
 #if defined(DEBUG)
             fprintf( stderr, "itr%d-atom%d: coef_v = %f, v_xi_old = %f\n",
                      itr, i, coef_v, v_xi_old );
-        G_xi_new = control->Tau_T * ( 2.0 * E_kin_new -
-                                      data->N_f * K_B * control->T );
+        G_xi_new = control->Tau_T * ( 2.0 * E_kin_new
+                - data->N_f * K_B * control->T );
         v_xi_new = therm->v_xi + 0.5 * dt * ( therm->G_xi + G_xi_new );
 #if defined(DEBUG)
         fprintf( stderr, "itr%d: G_xi_new = %f, v_xi_new = %f, v_xi_old = %f\n",
                  itr, G_xi_new, v_xi_new, v_xi_old );
@@ -194,6 +299,7 @@ void Velocity_Verlet_Nose_Hoover_NVT_Klein(reax_system* system, control_params*
     therm->v_xi_old = therm->v_xi;
     therm->v_xi = v_xi_new;
     therm->G_xi = G_xi_new;
 #if defined(DEBUG_FOCUS)
     fprintf( stderr, "vel scale\n" );
@@ -201,8 +307,8 @@ void Velocity_Verlet_Nose_Hoover_NVT_Klein(reax_system* system, control_params*
 /* uses Berendsen-type coupling for both T and P.
-   All box dimensions are scaled by the same amount,
-   there is no change in the angles between axes. */
+ * All box dimensions are scaled by the same amount,
+ * there is no change in the angles between axes. */
 void Velocity_Verlet_Berendsen_Isotropic_NPT( reax_system* system,
         control_params* control, simulation_data *data, static_storage *workspace,
         reax_list **lists, output_controls *out_control )
@@ -227,18 +333,21 @@ void Velocity_Verlet_Berendsen_Isotropic_NPT( reax_system* system,
         rvec_ScaledAdd( system->atoms[i].v,
                 -0.5 * F_CONV * inv_m * dt, system->atoms[i].f );
 #if defined(DEBUG_FOCUS)
     fprintf( stderr, "verlet1 - " );
     Reallocate( system, control, workspace, lists, renbr );
     Reset( system, control, data, workspace, lists );
     if ( renbr )
         Update_Grid( system );
         Generate_Neighbor_Lists( system, control, data, workspace,
                 lists, out_control );
     Compute_Forces( system, control, data, workspace, lists, out_control );
     /* velocity verlet, 2nd part */
@@ -249,19 +358,25 @@ void Velocity_Verlet_Berendsen_Isotropic_NPT( reax_system* system,
         rvec_ScaledAdd( system->atoms[i].v,
                 -0.5 * dt * F_CONV * inv_m, system->atoms[i].f );
     Compute_Kinetic_Energy( system, data );
     Compute_Pressure_Isotropic( system, control, data, out_control );
 #if defined(DEBUG_FOCUS)
     fprintf( stderr, "verlet2 - " );
     /* pressure scaler */
-    mu = POW( 1.0 + (dt / control->Tau_P[0]) * (data->iso_bar.P - control->P[0]),
-              1.0 / 3 );
+    mu = POW( 1.0 + (dt / control->Tau_P[0])
+            * (data->iso_bar.P - control->P[0]), 1.0 / 3.0 );
     if ( mu < MIN_dV )
+    {
         mu = MIN_dV;
+    }
     else if ( mu > MAX_dV )
+    {
         mu = MAX_dV;
+    }
     /* temperature scaler */
     lambda = 1.0 + (dt / control->Tau_T) * (control->T / data->therm.T - 1.0);
@@ -286,12 +401,15 @@ void Velocity_Verlet_Berendsen_Isotropic_NPT( reax_system* system,
            are being scaled with mu! We need to discuss this with Adri! */
         rvec_Scale( system->atoms[i].x, mu, system->atoms[i].x );
     Compute_Kinetic_Energy( system, data );
 #if defined(DEBUG_FOCUS)
     fprintf( stderr, "scaling - " );
     Update_Box_Isotropic( &(system->box), mu );
 #if defined(DEBUG_FOCUS)
     fprintf( stderr, "updated box\n" );
@@ -299,9 +417,9 @@ void Velocity_Verlet_Berendsen_Isotropic_NPT( reax_system* system,
 /* uses Berendsen-type coupling for both T and P.
-   All box dimensions are scaled by the same amount,
-   there is no change in the angles between axes. */
-void Velocity_Verlet_Berendsen_SemiIsotropic_NPT( reax_system* system,
+ * All box dimensions are scaled by the same amount,
+ * there is no change in the angles between axes. */
+void Velocity_Verlet_Berendsen_Semi_Isotropic_NPT( reax_system* system,
         control_params* control, simulation_data *data, static_storage *workspace,
         reax_list **lists, output_controls *out_control )
@@ -312,6 +430,7 @@ void Velocity_Verlet_Berendsen_SemiIsotropic_NPT( reax_system* system,
     dt = control->dt;
     steps = data->step - data->prev_steps;
     renbr = (steps % control->reneighbor == 0);
 #if defined(DEBUG_FOCUS)
     //fprintf( out_control->prs,
     //         "tau_t: %g  tau_p: %g  dt/tau_t: %g  dt/tau_p: %g\n",
@@ -331,12 +450,14 @@ void Velocity_Verlet_Berendsen_SemiIsotropic_NPT( reax_system* system,
         rvec_ScaledAdd( system->atoms[i].v,
                 -0.5 * F_CONV * inv_m * dt, system->atoms[i].f );
 #if defined(DEBUG_FOCUS)
     fprintf( stderr, "verlet1 - " );
     Reallocate( system, control, workspace, lists, renbr );
     Reset( system, control, data, workspace, lists );
     if ( renbr )
         Update_Grid( system );
@@ -361,47 +482,60 @@ void Velocity_Verlet_Berendsen_SemiIsotropic_NPT( reax_system* system,
     /* pressure scaler */
     for ( d = 0; d < 3; ++d )
-        mu[d] = POW( 1.0 + (dt / control->Tau_P[d]) * (data->tot_press[d] - control->P[d]),
-                     1.0 / 3 );
+        mu[d] = POW( 1.0 + (dt / control->Tau_P[d])
+                * (data->tot_press[d] - control->P[d]), 1.0 / 3.0 );
         if ( mu[d] < MIN_dV )
+        {
             mu[d] = MIN_dV;
+        }
         else if ( mu[d] > MAX_dV )
+        {
             mu[d] = MAX_dV;
+        }
     /* temperature scaler */
     lambda = 1.0 + (dt / control->Tau_T) * (control->T / data->therm.T - 1.0);
     if ( lambda < MIN_dT )
+    {
         lambda = MIN_dT;
-    else if (lambda > MAX_dT )
+    }
+    else if ( lambda > MAX_dT )
+    {
         lambda = MAX_dT;
+    }
     lambda = SQRT( lambda );
     /* Scale velocities and positions at t+dt */
     for ( i = 0; i < system->N; ++i )
         rvec_Scale( system->atoms[i].v, lambda, system->atoms[i].v );
         /* IMPORTANT: What Adri does with scaling positions first to
-           unit coordinates and then back to cartesian coordinates essentially
-           is scaling the coordinates with mu^2. However, this causes unphysical
-           modifications on the system because box dimensions
-           are being scaled with mu! We need to discuss this with Adri! */
+         * unit coordinates and then back to cartesian coordinates essentially
+         * is scaling the coordinates with mu^2. However, this causes unphysical
+         * modifications on the system because box dimensions
+         * are being scaled with mu! We need to discuss this with Adri! */
         for ( d = 0; d < 3; ++d )
+        {
             system->atoms[i].x[d] = system->atoms[i].x[d] * mu[d];
+        }
     Compute_Kinetic_Energy( system, data );
 #if defined(DEBUG_FOCUS)
     fprintf( stderr, "scaling - " );
-    Update_Box_SemiIsotropic( &(system->box), mu );
+    Update_Box_Semi_Isotropic( &system->box, mu );
 #if defined(DEBUG_FOCUS)
     fprintf( stderr, "updated box & grid\n" );
 /*                                              */
@@ -644,100 +778,3 @@ void Velocity_Verlet_Isotropic_NPT( reax_system* system,
             therm->G_xi, therm->v_xi, therm->xi);
-/* Uses Berendsen-type coupling for both T and P.
- * All box dimensions are scaled by the same amount,
- * there is no change in the angles between axes. */
-void Velocity_Verlet_Berendsen_NVT( reax_system* system,
-        control_params* control, simulation_data *data,
-        static_storage *workspace, reax_list **lists,
-        output_controls *out_control )
-    int i, steps, renbr;
-    real inv_m, dt, lambda;
-    rvec dx;
-    reax_atom *atom;
-#if defined(DEBUG_FOCUS)
-    fprintf( stderr, "step%d\n", data->step );
-    dt = control->dt;
-    steps = data->step - data->prev_steps;
-    renbr = (steps % control->reneighbor == 0);
-    /* velocity verlet, 1st part */
-    for ( i = 0; i < system->N; i++ )
-    {
-        atom = &(system->atoms[i]);
-        inv_m = 1.0 / system->reaxprm.sbp[atom->type].mass;
-        /* Compute x(t + dt) */
-        rvec_ScaledSum( dx, dt, atom->v, -0.5 * F_CONV * inv_m * SQR(dt), atom->f );
-        /* bNVT fix - Metin's suggestion */
-        /* ORIGINAL CHANGE -- CHECK THE branch serial-bnvt for the fix */
-        //rvec_Add( atom->x, dx );
-        Inc_on_T3( atom->x, dx, &system->box );
-        /* Compute v(t + dt/2) */
-        rvec_ScaledAdd( atom->v, -0.5 * F_CONV * inv_m * dt, atom->f );
-    }
-#if defined(DEBUG_FOCUS)
-    fprintf(stderr, "step%d: verlet1 done\n", data->step);
-    Reallocate( system, control, workspace, lists, renbr );
-    Reset( system, control, data, workspace, lists );
-    if ( renbr )
-    {
-        Generate_Neighbor_Lists( system, control, data, workspace, lists, out_control );
-    }
-    Compute_Forces( system, control, data, workspace,
-            lists, out_control );
-    /* velocity verlet, 2nd part */
-    for ( i = 0; i < system->N; i++ )
-    {
-        atom = &(system->atoms[i]);
-        inv_m = 1.0 / system->reaxprm.sbp[atom->type].mass;
-        /* Compute v(t + dt) */
-        rvec_ScaledAdd( atom->v, -0.5 * dt * F_CONV * inv_m, atom->f );
-    }
-#if defined(DEBUG_FOCUS)
-    fprintf(stderr, "step%d: verlet2 done\n", data->step);
-    /* temperature scaler */
-    Compute_Kinetic_Energy( system, data );
-    lambda = 1.0 + (dt / control->Tau_T) * (control->T / data->therm.T - 1.0);
-    if ( lambda < MIN_dT )
-    {
-        lambda = MIN_dT;
-    }
-    else if (lambda > MAX_dT )
-    {
-        lambda = MAX_dT;
-    }
-    lambda = SQRT( lambda );
-#if defined(DEBUG_FOCUS)
-    fprintf( stderr, "step:%d lambda -> %f \n", data->step, lambda );
-    /* Scale velocities and positions at t+dt */
-    for ( i = 0; i < system->N; ++i )
-    {
-        atom = &(system->atoms[i]);
-        rvec_Scale( atom->v, lambda, atom->v );
-    }
-    Compute_Kinetic_Energy( system, data );
-#if defined(DEBUG_FOCUS)
-    fprintf( stderr, "step%d: scaled velocities\n",
-             data->step );
diff --git a/sPuReMD/src/integrate.h b/sPuReMD/src/integrate.h
index d5f0f3ae..976fc7ac 100644
--- a/sPuReMD/src/integrate.h
+++ b/sPuReMD/src/integrate.h
@@ -29,26 +29,25 @@
 void Velocity_Verlet_NVE( reax_system*, control_params*, simulation_data*,
         static_storage*, reax_list**, output_controls* );
-void Velocity_Verlet_Nose_Hoover_NVT( reax_system*, control_params*,
-        simulation_data*, static_storage*, reax_list**, output_controls* );
+void Velocity_Verlet_Berendsen_NVT( reax_system* , control_params* ,
+        simulation_data *, static_storage *, reax_list **, output_controls * );
 void Velocity_Verlet_Nose_Hoover_NVT_Klein( reax_system*, control_params*,
         simulation_data*, static_storage*, reax_list**, output_controls* );
-void Velocity_Verlet_Flexible_NPT( reax_system*, control_params*,
+void Velocity_Verlet_Berendsen_Isotropic_NPT( reax_system*, control_params*,
         simulation_data*, static_storage*, reax_list**, output_controls* );
-void Velocity_Verlet_Isotropic_NPT( reax_system*, control_params*,
+void Velocity_Verlet_Berendsen_Semi_Isotropic_NPT( reax_system*, control_params*,
         simulation_data*, static_storage*, reax_list**, output_controls* );
-void Velocity_Verlet_Berendsen_Isotropic_NPT( reax_system*, control_params*,
+void Velocity_Verlet_Nose_Hoover_NVT( reax_system*, control_params*,
         simulation_data*, static_storage*, reax_list**, output_controls* );
-void Velocity_Verlet_Berendsen_SemiIsotropic_NPT( reax_system*, control_params*,
+void Velocity_Verlet_Isotropic_NPT( reax_system*, control_params*,
         simulation_data*, static_storage*, reax_list**, output_controls* );
-void Velocity_Verlet_Berendsen_NVT( reax_system* , control_params* ,
-        simulation_data *, static_storage *, reax_list **, output_controls * );
diff --git a/sPuReMD/src/lin_alg.c b/sPuReMD/src/lin_alg.c
index ac3c2166..3fb32c98 100644
--- a/sPuReMD/src/lin_alg.c
+++ b/sPuReMD/src/lin_alg.c
@@ -118,8 +118,7 @@ void Sort_Matrix_Rows( sparse_matrix * const A )
     //    #pragma omp parallel default(none) private(i, j, si, ei, temp) shared(stderr)
-        temp = (sparse_matrix_entry *) smalloc( A->n * sizeof(sparse_matrix_entry),
-                                                "Sort_Matrix_Rows::temp" );
+        temp = smalloc( A->n * sizeof(sparse_matrix_entry), "Sort_Matrix_Rows::temp" );
         /* sort each row of A using column indices */
 #ifdef _OPENMP
@@ -247,7 +246,7 @@ void setup_sparse_approx_inverse( const sparse_matrix * const A, sparse_matrix *
     /* list: values from the matrix*/
     /* left-right: search space of the quick-select */
-    list = (real *) smalloc( sizeof(real) * (A->start[A->n]),"setup_sparse_approx_inverse::list" );
+    list = smalloc( sizeof(real) * (A->start[A->n]),"setup_sparse_approx_inverse::list" );
     left = 0;
     right = A->start[A->n] - 1;
@@ -380,8 +379,8 @@ void Calculate_Droptol( const sparse_matrix * const A,
             if ( droptol_local == NULL )
-                droptol_local = (real*) smalloc( omp_get_num_threads() * A->n * sizeof(real),
-                                                 "Calculate_Droptol::droptol_local" );
+                droptol_local = smalloc( omp_get_num_threads() * A->n * sizeof(real),
+                        "Calculate_Droptol::droptol_local" );
@@ -492,303 +491,8 @@ int Estimate_LU_Fill( const sparse_matrix * const A, const real * const droptol
-#if defined(HAVE_SUPERLU_MT)
-real SuperLU_Factorize( const sparse_matrix * const A,
-                        sparse_matrix * const L, sparse_matrix * const U )
-    unsigned int i, pj, count, *Ltop, *Utop, r;
-    sparse_matrix *A_t;
-    SuperMatrix A_S, AC_S, L_S, U_S;
-    NCformat *A_S_store;
-    SCPformat *L_S_store;
-    NCPformat *U_S_store;
-    superlumt_options_t superlumt_options;
-    pxgstrf_shared_t pxgstrf_shared;
-    pdgstrf_threadarg_t *pdgstrf_threadarg;
-    int_t nprocs;
-    fact_t fact;
-    trans_t trans;
-    yes_no_t refact, usepr;
-    real u, drop_tol;
-    real *a, *at;
-    int_t *asub, *atsub, *xa, *xat;
-    int_t *perm_c; /* column permutation vector */
-    int_t *perm_r; /* row permutations from partial pivoting */
-    void *work;
-    int_t info, lwork;
-    int_t permc_spec, panel_size, relax;
-    Gstat_t Gstat;
-    flops_t flopcnt;
-    /* Default parameters to control factorization. */
-#ifdef _OPENMP
-    //TODO: set as global parameter and use
-    #pragma omp parallel \
-    default(none) shared(nprocs)
-    {
-        #pragma omp master
-        {
-            /* SuperLU_MT spawns threads internally, so set and pass parameter */
-            nprocs = omp_get_num_threads();
-        }
-    }
-    nprocs = 1;
-    //    fact = EQUILIBRATE; /* equilibrate A (i.e., scale rows & cols to have unit norm), then factorize */
-    fact = DOFACT; /* factor from scratch */
-    trans = NOTRANS;
-    refact = NO; /* first time factorization */
-    //TODO: add to control file and use the value there to set these
-    panel_size = sp_ienv(1); /* # consec. cols treated as unit task */
-    relax = sp_ienv(2); /* # cols grouped as relaxed supernode */
-    u = 1.0; /* diagonal pivoting threshold */
-    usepr = NO;
-    drop_tol = 0.0;
-    work = NULL;
-    lwork = 0;
-#if defined(DEBUG)
-    fprintf( stderr, "nprocs = %d\n", nprocs );
-    fprintf( stderr, "Panel size = %d\n", panel_size );
-    fprintf( stderr, "Relax = %d\n", relax );
-    if ( !(perm_r = intMalloc(A->n)) )
-    {
-        SUPERLU_ABORT("Malloc fails for perm_r[].");
-    }
-    if ( !(perm_c = intMalloc(A->n)) )
-    {
-        SUPERLU_ABORT("Malloc fails for perm_c[].");
-    }
-    if ( !(superlumt_options.etree = intMalloc(A->n)) )
-    {
-        SUPERLU_ABORT("Malloc fails for etree[].");
-    }
-    if ( !(superlumt_options.colcnt_h = intMalloc(A->n)) )
-    {
-        SUPERLU_ABORT("Malloc fails for colcnt_h[].");
-    }
-    if ( !(superlumt_options.part_super_h = intMalloc(A->n)) )
-    {
-        SUPERLU_ABORT("Malloc fails for part_super__h[].");
-    }
-    a = (real*) smalloc( (2 * A->start[A->n] - A->n) * sizeof(real),
-                         "SuperLU_Factorize::a" );
-    asub = (int_t*) smalloc( (2 * A->start[A->n] - A->n) * sizeof(int_t),
-                             "SuperLU_Factorize::asub" );
-    xa = (int_t*) smalloc( (A->n + 1) * sizeof(int_t),
-                           "SuperLU_Factorize::xa" );
-    Ltop = (unsigned int*) smalloc( (A->n + 1) * sizeof(unsigned int),
-                                    "SuperLU_Factorize::Ltop" );
-    Utop = (unsigned int*) smalloc( (A->n + 1) * sizeof(unsigned int),
-                                    "SuperLU_Factorize::Utop" );
-    Allocate_Matrix( &A_t, A->n, A->m );
-    /* Set up the sparse matrix data structure for A. */
-    Transpose( A, A_t );
-    count = 0;
-    for ( i = 0; i < A->n; ++i )
-    {
-        xa[i] = count;
-        for ( pj = A->start[i]; pj < A->start[i + 1]; ++pj )
-        {
-            a[count] = A->entries[pj].val;
-            asub[count] = A->entries[pj].j;
-            ++count;
-        }
-        for ( pj = A_t->start[i] + 1; pj < A_t->start[i + 1]; ++pj )
-        {
-            a[count] = A_t->entries[pj].val;
-            asub[count] = A_t->entries[pj].j;
-            ++count;
-        }
-    }
-    xa[i] = count;
-    dCompRow_to_CompCol( A->n, A->n, 2 * A->start[A->n] - A->n, a, asub, xa,
-                         &at, &atsub, &xat );
-    for ( i = 0; i < (2 * A->start[A->n] - A->n); ++i )
-        fprintf( stderr, "%6d", asub[i] );
-    fprintf( stderr, "\n" );
-    for ( i = 0; i < (2 * A->start[A->n] - A->n); ++i )
-        fprintf( stderr, "%6.1f", a[i] );
-    fprintf( stderr, "\n" );
-    for ( i = 0; i <= A->n; ++i )
-        fprintf( stderr, "%6d", xa[i] );
-    fprintf( stderr, "\n" );
-    for ( i = 0; i < (2 * A->start[A->n] - A->n); ++i )
-        fprintf( stderr, "%6d", atsub[i] );
-    fprintf( stderr, "\n" );
-    for ( i = 0; i < (2 * A->start[A->n] - A->n); ++i )
-        fprintf( stderr, "%6.1f", at[i] );
-    fprintf( stderr, "\n" );
-    for ( i = 0; i <= A->n; ++i )
-        fprintf( stderr, "%6d", xat[i] );
-    fprintf( stderr, "\n" );
-    A_S.Stype = SLU_NC; /* column-wise, no supernode */
-    A_S.Dtype = SLU_D; /* double-precision */
-    A_S.Mtype = SLU_GE; /* full (general) matrix -- required for parallel factorization */
-    A_S.nrow = A->n;
-    A_S.ncol = A->n;
-    A_S.Store = (void *) SUPERLU_MALLOC( sizeof(NCformat) );
-    A_S_store = (NCformat *) A_S.Store;
-    A_S_store->nnz = 2 * A->start[A->n] - A->n;
-    A_S_store->nzval = at;
-    A_S_store->rowind = atsub;
-    A_S_store->colptr = xat;
-    /* ------------------------------------------------------------
-       Allocate storage and initialize statistics variables.
-       ------------------------------------------------------------*/
-    StatAlloc( A->n, nprocs, panel_size, relax, &Gstat );
-    StatInit( A->n, nprocs, &Gstat );
-    /* ------------------------------------------------------------
-       Get column permutation vector perm_c[], according to permc_spec:
-       permc_spec = 0: natural ordering
-       permc_spec = 1: minimum degree ordering on structure of A'*A
-       permc_spec = 2: minimum degree ordering on structure of A'+A
-       permc_spec = 3: approximate minimum degree for unsymmetric matrices
-       ------------------------------------------------------------*/
-    permc_spec = 0;
-    get_perm_c( permc_spec, &A_S, perm_c );
-    /* ------------------------------------------------------------
-       Initialize the option structure superlumt_options using the
-       user-input parameters;
-       Apply perm_c to the columns of original A to form AC.
-       ------------------------------------------------------------*/
-    pdgstrf_init( nprocs, fact, trans, refact, panel_size, relax,
-                  u, usepr, drop_tol, perm_c, perm_r,
-                  work, lwork, &A_S, &AC_S, &superlumt_options, &Gstat );
-    for ( i = 0; i < ((NCPformat*)AC_S.Store)->nnz; ++i )
-        fprintf( stderr, "%6.1f", ((real*)(((NCPformat*)AC_S.Store)->nzval))[i] );
-    fprintf( stderr, "\n" );
-    /* ------------------------------------------------------------
-       Compute the LU factorization of A.
-       The following routine will create nprocs threads.
-       ------------------------------------------------------------*/
-    pdgstrf( &superlumt_options, &AC_S, perm_r, &L_S, &U_S, &Gstat, &info );
-    fprintf( stderr, "INFO: %d\n", info );
-    flopcnt = 0;
-    for (i = 0; i < nprocs; ++i)
-    {
-        flopcnt += Gstat.procstat[i].fcops;
-    }
-    Gstat.ops[FACT] = flopcnt;
-#if defined(DEBUG)
-    printf("\n** Result of sparse LU **\n");
-    L_S_store = (SCPformat *) L_S.Store;
-    U_S_store = (NCPformat *) U_S.Store;
-    printf( "No of nonzeros in factor L = " IFMT "\n", L_S_store->nnz );
-    printf( "No of nonzeros in factor U = " IFMT "\n", U_S_store->nnz );
-    fflush( stdout );
-    /* convert L and R from SuperLU formats to CSR */
-    memset( Ltop, 0, (A->n + 1) * sizeof(int) );
-    memset( Utop, 0, (A->n + 1) * sizeof(int) );
-    memset( L->start, 0, (A->n + 1) * sizeof(int) );
-    memset( U->start, 0, (A->n + 1) * sizeof(int) );
-    for ( i = 0; i < 2 * L_S_store->nnz; ++i )
-        fprintf( stderr, "%6.1f", ((real*)(L_S_store->nzval))[i] );
-    fprintf( stderr, "\n" );
-    for ( i = 0; i < 2 * U_S_store->nnz; ++i )
-        fprintf( stderr, "%6.1f", ((real*)(U_S_store->nzval))[i] );
-    fprintf( stderr, "\n" );
-    printf( "No of supernodes in factor L = " IFMT "\n", L_S_store->nsuper );
-    for ( i = 0; i < A->n; ++i )
-    {
-        fprintf( stderr, "nzval_col_beg[%5d] = %d\n", i, L_S_store->nzval_colbeg[i] );
-        fprintf( stderr, "nzval_col_end[%5d] = %d\n", i, L_S_store->nzval_colend[i] );
-        //TODO: correct for SCPformat for L?
-        //for( pj = L_S_store->rowind_colbeg[i]; pj < L_S_store->rowind_colend[i]; ++pj )
-        //        for( pj = 0; pj < L_S_store->rowind_colend[i] - L_S_store->rowind_colbeg[i]; ++pj )
-        //        {
-        //            ++Ltop[L_S_store->rowind[L_S_store->rowind_colbeg[i] + pj] + 1];
-        //        }
-        fprintf( stderr, "col_beg[%5d] = %d\n", i, U_S_store->colbeg[i] );
-        fprintf( stderr, "col_end[%5d] = %d\n", i, U_S_store->colend[i] );
-        for ( pj = U_S_store->colbeg[i]; pj < U_S_store->colend[i]; ++pj )
-        {
-            ++Utop[U_S_store->rowind[pj] + 1];
-            fprintf( stderr, "Utop[%5d]     = %d\n", U_S_store->rowind[pj] + 1, Utop[U_S_store->rowind[pj] + 1] );
-        }
-    }
-    for ( i = 1; i <= A->n; ++i )
-    {
-        //        Ltop[i] = L->start[i] = Ltop[i] + Ltop[i - 1];
-        Utop[i] = U->start[i] = Utop[i] + Utop[i - 1];
-        //        fprintf( stderr, "Utop[%5d]     = %d\n", i, Utop[i] );
-        //        fprintf( stderr, "U->start[%5d] = %d\n", i, U->start[i] );
-    }
-    for ( i = 0; i < A->n; ++i )
-    {
-        //        for( pj = 0; pj < L_S_store->nzval_colend[i] - L_S_store->nzval_colbeg[i]; ++pj )
-        //        {
-        //            r = L_S_store->rowind[L_S_store->rowind_colbeg[i] + pj];
-        //            L->entries[Ltop[r]].j = r;
-        //            L->entries[Ltop[r]].val = ((real*)L_S_store->nzval)[L_S_store->nzval_colbeg[i] + pj];
-        //            ++Ltop[r];
-        //        }
-        for ( pj = U_S_store->colbeg[i]; pj < U_S_store->colend[i]; ++pj )
-        {
-            r = U_S_store->rowind[pj];
-            U->entries[Utop[r]].j = i;
-            U->entries[Utop[r]].val = ((real*)U_S_store->nzval)[pj];
-            ++Utop[r];
-        }
-    }
-    /* ------------------------------------------------------------
-       Deallocate storage after factorization.
-       ------------------------------------------------------------*/
-    pxgstrf_finalize( &superlumt_options, &AC_S );
-    Deallocate_Matrix( A_t );
-    sfree( xa, "SuperLU_Factorize::xa" );
-    sfree( asub, "SuperLU_Factorize::asub" );
-    sfree( a, "SuperLU_Factorize::a" );
-    SUPERLU_FREE( perm_r );
-    SUPERLU_FREE( perm_c );
-    SUPERLU_FREE( ((NCformat *)A_S.Store)->rowind );
-    SUPERLU_FREE( ((NCformat *)A_S.Store)->colptr );
-    SUPERLU_FREE( ((NCformat *)A_S.Store)->nzval );
-    SUPERLU_FREE( A_S.Store );
-    if ( lwork == 0 )
-    {
-        Destroy_SuperNode_SCP(&L_S);
-        Destroy_CompCol_NCP(&U_S);
-    }
-    else if ( lwork > 0 )
-    {
-        SUPERLU_FREE(work);
-    }
-    StatFree(&Gstat);
-    sfree( Utop, "SuperLU_Factorize::Utop" );
-    sfree( Ltop, "SuperLU_Factorize::Ltop" );
-    //TODO: return iters
-    return 0.;
-/* Diagonal (Jacobi) preconditioner computation */
-real diag_pre_comp( const sparse_matrix * const H, real * const Hdia_inv )
+/* Jacobi preconditioner computation */
+real jacobi( const sparse_matrix * const H, real * const Hdia_inv )
     unsigned int i;
     real start;
@@ -827,12 +531,9 @@ real ICHOLT( const sparse_matrix * const A, const real * const droptol,
     start = Get_Time( );
-    Utop = (unsigned int*) smalloc( (A->n + 1) * sizeof(unsigned int),
-                                    "ICHOLT::Utop" );
-    tmp_j = (int*) smalloc( A->n * sizeof(int),
-                            "ICHOLT::Utop" );
-    tmp_val = (real*) smalloc( A->n * sizeof(real),
-                               "ICHOLT::Utop" );
+    Utop = smalloc( (A->n + 1) * sizeof(unsigned int), "ICHOLT::Utop" );
+    tmp_j = smalloc( A->n * sizeof(int), "ICHOLT::Utop" );
+    tmp_val = smalloc( A->n * sizeof(real), "ICHOLT::Utop" );
     // clear variables
     Ltop = 0;
@@ -961,6 +662,133 @@ real ICHOLT( const sparse_matrix * const A, const real * const droptol,
+/* Compute incomplete LU factorization with thresholding
+ *
+ * Reference:
+ * Iterative Methods for Sparse Linear System, Second Edition, 2003,
+ * Yousef Saad
+ *
+ * A: symmetric, half-stored (lower triangular), CSR format
+ * droptol: row-wise tolerances used for dropping
+ * L / U: (output) triangular matrices, A \approx LU, CSR format */
+real ILUT( const sparse_matrix * const A, const real * const droptol,
+             sparse_matrix * const L, sparse_matrix * const U )
+    int *tmp_j;
+    real *tmp_val;
+    int i, j, pj, k1, k2, tmptop, Ltop;
+    real val, start;
+    unsigned int *Utop;
+    start = Get_Time( );
+    Utop = smalloc( (A->n + 1) * sizeof(unsigned int), "ILUT::Utop" );
+    tmp_j = smalloc( A->n * sizeof(int), "ILUT::Utop" );
+    tmp_val = smalloc( A->n * sizeof(real), "ILUT::Utop" );
+    Ltop = 0;
+    tmptop = 0;
+    memset( L->start, 0, (A->n + 1) * sizeof(unsigned int) );
+    memset( U->start, 0, (A->n + 1) * sizeof(unsigned int) );
+    memset( Utop, 0, A->n * sizeof(unsigned int) );
+    for ( i = 0; i < A->n; ++i )
+    {
+        L->start[i] = Ltop;
+        tmptop = 0;
+        for ( pj = A->start[i]; pj < A->start[i + 1] - 1; ++pj )
+        {
+            j = A->j[pj];
+            val = A->val[pj];
+            if ( FABS(val) > droptol[i] )
+            {
+                k1 = 0;
+                k2 = L->start[j];
+                while ( k1 < tmptop && k2 < L->start[j + 1] )
+                {
+                    if ( tmp_j[k1] < L->j[k2] )
+                    {
+                        ++k1;
+                    }
+                    else if ( tmp_j[k1] > L->j[k2] )
+                    {
+                        ++k2;
+                    }
+                    else
+                    {
+                        val -= (tmp_val[k1++] * L->val[k2++]);
+                    }
+                }
+                /* L matrix is lower triangular,
+                 * so right before the start of next row comes jth diagonal */
+                val /= L->val[L->start[j + 1] - 1];
+                tmp_j[tmptop] = j;
+                tmp_val[tmptop] = val;
+                ++tmptop;
+            }
+        }
+        /* sanity check */
+        if ( A->j[pj] != i )
+        {
+            fprintf( stderr, "[ERROR] badly built input matrix in ILUT (i = %d)\n", i );
+            exit( NUMERIC_BREAKDOWN );
+        }
+        /* compute the ith diagonal in L */
+        val = A->val[pj];
+        for ( k1 = 0; k1 < tmptop; ++k1 )
+        {
+            val -= (tmp_val[k1] * tmp_val[k1]);
+        }
+#if defined(DEBUG)
+        if ( val < 0.0 )
+        {
+            fprintf( stderr, "[ERROR] Numeric breakdown in ILUT (SQRT of negative on diagonal i = %d). Terminating.\n", i );
+            exit( NUMERIC_BREAKDOWN );
+        }
+        tmp_j[tmptop] = i;
+        tmp_val[tmptop] = SQRT( val );
+        /* apply the dropping rule once again */
+        for ( k1 = 0; k1 < tmptop; ++k1 )
+        {
+            if ( FABS(tmp_val[k1]) > droptol[i] / tmp_val[tmptop] )
+            {
+                L->j[Ltop] = tmp_j[k1];
+                L->val[Ltop] = tmp_val[k1];
+                U->start[tmp_j[k1] + 1]++;
+                ++Ltop;
+            }
+        }
+        /* keep the diagonal in any case */
+        L->j[Ltop] = tmp_j[k1];
+        L->val[Ltop] = tmp_val[k1];
+        ++Ltop;
+    }
+    L->start[i] = Ltop;
+    /* U = L^T (Cholesky factorization) */
+    Transpose( L, U );
+    sfree( tmp_val, "ILUT::tmp_val" );
+    sfree( tmp_j, "ILUT::tmp_j" );
+    sfree( Utop, "ILUT::Utop" );
+    return Get_Timing_Info( start );
 /* Fine-grained (parallel) incomplete Cholesky factorization
  * Reference:
@@ -968,7 +796,7 @@ real ICHOLT( const sparse_matrix * const A, const real * const droptol,
  * Fine-Grained Parallel Incomplete LU Factorization
  * SIAM J. Sci. Comp. */
 #if defined(TESTING)
-real ICHOL_PAR( const sparse_matrix * const A, const unsigned int sweeps,
+real FG_ICHOL( const sparse_matrix * const A, const unsigned int sweeps,
                 sparse_matrix * const U_t, sparse_matrix * const U )
     unsigned int i, j, k, pj, x = 0, y = 0, ei_x, ei_y;
@@ -978,9 +806,9 @@ real ICHOL_PAR( const sparse_matrix * const A, const unsigned int sweeps,
     start = Get_Time( );
-    D = (real*) smalloc( A->n * sizeof(real), "ICHOL_PAR::D" );
-    D_inv = (real*) smalloc( A->n * sizeof(real), "ICHOL_PAR::D_inv" );
-    Utop = (int*) smalloc( (A->n + 1) * sizeof(int), "ICHOL_PAR::Utop" );
+    D = smalloc( A->n * sizeof(real), "FG_ICHOL::D" );
+    D_inv = smalloc( A->n * sizeof(real), "FG_ICHOL::D_inv" );
+    Utop = smalloc( (A->n + 1) * sizeof(int), "FG_ICHOL::Utop" );
     Allocate_Matrix( &DAD, A->n, A->m );
 #ifdef _OPENMP
@@ -1078,7 +906,7 @@ real ICHOL_PAR( const sparse_matrix * const A, const unsigned int sweeps,
                 /* sanity check */
                 if ( sum < ZERO )
-                    fprintf( stderr, "Numeric breakdown in ICHOL_PAR. Terminating.\n");
+                    fprintf( stderr, "Numeric breakdown in FG_ICHOL. Terminating.\n");
 #if defined(DEBUG_FOCUS)
                     fprintf( stderr, "A(%5d,%5d) = %10.3f\n",
                              k - 1, A->entries[j].j, A->entries[j].val );
@@ -1124,225 +952,15 @@ real ICHOL_PAR( const sparse_matrix * const A, const unsigned int sweeps,
     Deallocate_Matrix( DAD );
-    sfree( D_inv, "ICHOL_PAR::D_inv" );
-    sfree( D, "ICHOL_PAR::D" );
-    sfree( Utop, "ICHOL_PAR::Utop" );
+    sfree( D_inv, "FG_ICHOL::D_inv" );
+    sfree( D, "FG_ICHOL::D" );
+    sfree( Utop, "FG_ICHOL::Utop" );
     return Get_Timing_Info( start );
-/* Fine-grained (parallel) incomplete LU factorization
- *
- * Reference:
- * Edmond Chow and Aftab Patel
- * Fine-Grained Parallel Incomplete LU Factorization
- * SIAM J. Sci. Comp.
- *
- * A: symmetric, half-stored (lower triangular), CSR format
- * sweeps: number of loops over non-zeros for computation
- * L / U: factorized triangular matrices (A \approx LU), CSR format */
-real ILU_PAR( const sparse_matrix * const A, const unsigned int sweeps,
-              sparse_matrix * const L, sparse_matrix * const U )
-    unsigned int i, j, k, pj, x, y, ei_x, ei_y;
-    real *D, *D_inv, sum, start;
-    sparse_matrix *DAD;
-    start = Get_Time( );
-    D = (real*) smalloc( A->n * sizeof(real), "ILU_PAR::D" );
-    D_inv = (real*) smalloc( A->n * sizeof(real), "ILU_PAR::D_inv" );
-    Allocate_Matrix( &DAD, A->n, A->m );
-#ifdef _OPENMP
-    #pragma omp parallel for schedule(static) \
-    default(none) shared(D, D_inv) private(i)
-    for ( i = 0; i < A->n; ++i )
-    {
-        D_inv[i] = SQRT( FABS( A->val[A->start[i + 1] - 1] ) );
-        D[i] = 1.0 / D_inv[i];
-        //        printf( "A->val[%8d] = %f, D[%4d] = %f, D_inv[%4d] = %f\n", A->start[i + 1] - 1, A->val[A->start[i + 1] - 1], i, D[i], i, D_inv[i] );
-    }
-    /* to get convergence, A must have unit diagonal, so apply
-     * transformation DAD, where D = D(1./SQRT(abs(D(A)))) */
-    memcpy( DAD->start, A->start, sizeof(int) * (A->n + 1) );
-#ifdef _OPENMP
-    #pragma omp parallel for schedule(static) \
-    default(none) shared(DAD, D) private(i, pj)
-    for ( i = 0; i < A->n; ++i )
-    {
-        /* non-diagonals */
-        for ( pj = A->start[i]; pj < A->start[i + 1] - 1; ++pj )
-        {
-            DAD->j[pj] = A->j[pj];
-            DAD->val[pj] = D[i] * A->val[pj] * D[A->j[pj]];
-        }
-        /* diagonal */
-        DAD->j[pj] = A->j[pj];
-        DAD->val[pj] = 1.0;
-    }
-    /* initial guesses for L and U,
-     * assume: A and DAD symmetric and stored lower triangular */
-    memcpy( L->start, DAD->start, sizeof(int) * (DAD->n + 1) );
-    memcpy( L->j, DAD->j, sizeof(int) * (DAD->start[DAD->n]) );
-    memcpy( L->val, DAD->val, sizeof(real) * (DAD->start[DAD->n]) );
-    /* store U^T in CSR for row-wise access and tranpose later */
-    memcpy( U->start, DAD->start, sizeof(int) * (DAD->n + 1) );
-    memcpy( U->j, DAD->j, sizeof(int) * (DAD->start[DAD->n]) );
-    memcpy( U->val, DAD->val, sizeof(real) * (DAD->start[DAD->n]) );
-    /* L has unit diagonal, by convention */
-#ifdef _OPENMP
-    #pragma omp parallel for schedule(static) default(none) private(i)
-    for ( i = 0; i < A->n; ++i )
-    {
-        L->val[L->start[i + 1] - 1] = 1.0;
-    }
-    for ( i = 0; i < sweeps; ++i )
-    {
-        /* for each nonzero in L */
-#ifdef _OPENMP
-        #pragma omp parallel for schedule(static) \
-        default(none) shared(DAD) private(j, k, x, y, ei_x, ei_y, sum)
-        for ( j = 0; j < DAD->start[DAD->n]; ++j )
-        {
-            sum = ZERO;
-            /* determine row bounds of current nonzero */
-            x = 0;
-            ei_x = 0;
-            for ( k = 1; k <= DAD->n; ++k )
-            {
-                if ( DAD->start[k] > j )
-                {
-                    x = DAD->start[k - 1];
-                    ei_x = DAD->start[k];
-                    break;
-                }
-            }
-            /* determine column bounds of current nonzero */
-            y = DAD->start[DAD->j[j]];
-            ei_y = DAD->start[DAD->j[j] + 1];
-            /* sparse dot product:
-             *   dot( L(i,1:j-1), U(1:j-1,j) ) */
-            while ( L->j[x] < L->j[j] &&
-                    L->j[y] < L->j[j] &&
-                    x < ei_x && y < ei_y )
-            {
-                if ( L->j[x] == L->j[y] )
-                {
-                    sum += (L->val[x] * U->val[y]);
-                    ++x;
-                    ++y;
-                }
-                else if ( L->j[x] < L->j[y] )
-                {
-                    ++x;
-                }
-                else
-                {
-                    ++y;
-                }
-            }
-            if ( j != ei_x - 1 )
-            {
-                L->val[j] = ( DAD->val[j] - sum ) / U->val[ei_y - 1];
-            }
-        }
-#ifdef _OPENMP
-        #pragma omp parallel for schedule(static) \
-        default(none) shared(DAD) private(j, k, x, y, ei_x, ei_y, sum)
-        for ( j = 0; j < DAD->start[DAD->n]; ++j )
-        {
-            sum = ZERO;
-            /* determine row bounds of current nonzero */
-            x = 0;
-            ei_x = 0;
-            for ( k = 1; k <= DAD->n; ++k )
-            {
-                if ( DAD->start[k] > j )
-                {
-                    x = DAD->start[k - 1];
-                    ei_x = DAD->start[k];
-                    break;
-                }
-            }
-            /* determine column bounds of current nonzero */
-            y = DAD->start[DAD->j[j]];
-            ei_y = DAD->start[DAD->j[j] + 1];
-            /* sparse dot product:
-             *   dot( L(i,1:i-1), U(1:i-1,j) ) */
-            while ( U->j[x] < U->j[j] &&
-                    U->j[y] < U->j[j] &&
-                    x < ei_x && y < ei_y )
-            {
-                if ( U->j[x] == U->j[y] )
-                {
-                    sum += (L->val[y] * U->val[x]);
-                    ++x;
-                    ++y;
-                }
-                else if ( U->j[x] < U->j[y] )
-                {
-                    ++x;
-                }
-                else
-                {
-                    ++y;
-                }
-            }
-            U->val[j] = DAD->val[j] - sum;
-        }
-    }
-    /* apply inverse transformation:
-     * since DAD \approx LU, then
-     * D^{-1}DADD^{-1} = A \approx D^{-1}LUD^{-1} */
-#ifdef _OPENMP
-    #pragma omp parallel for schedule(static) \
-    default(none) shared(DAD, D_inv) private(i, pj)
-    for ( i = 0; i < DAD->n; ++i )
-    {
-        for ( pj = DAD->start[i]; pj < DAD->start[i + 1]; ++pj )
-        {
-            L->val[pj] = D_inv[i] * L->val[pj];
-            /* currently storing U^T, so use row index instead of column index */
-            U->val[pj] = U->val[pj] * D_inv[i];
-        }
-    }
-    Transpose_I( U );
-#if defined(DEBUG_FOCUS)
-    fprintf( stderr, "nnz(L): %d, max: %d\n", L->start[L->n], L->n * 50 );
-    fprintf( stderr, "nnz(U): %d, max: %d\n", Utop[U->n], U->n * 50 );
-    Deallocate_Matrix( DAD );
-    sfree( D_inv, "ILU_PAR::D_inv" );
-    sfree( D, "ILU_PAR::D_inv" );
-    return Get_Timing_Info( start );
 /* Fine-grained (parallel) incomplete LU factorization with thresholding
  * Reference:
@@ -1354,7 +972,7 @@ real ILU_PAR( const sparse_matrix * const A, const unsigned int sweeps,
  * droptol: row-wise tolerances used for dropping
  * sweeps: number of loops over non-zeros for computation
  * L / U: factorized triangular matrices (A \approx LU), CSR format */
-real ILUT_PAR( const sparse_matrix * const A, const real * droptol,
+real FG_ILUT( const sparse_matrix * const A, const real * droptol,
                const unsigned int sweeps, sparse_matrix * const L, sparse_matrix * const U )
     unsigned int i, j, k, pj, x, y, ei_x, ei_y, Ltop, Utop;
@@ -1367,8 +985,8 @@ real ILUT_PAR( const sparse_matrix * const A, const real * droptol,
     Allocate_Matrix( &L_temp, A->n, A->m );
     Allocate_Matrix( &U_temp, A->n, A->m );
-    D = (real*) smalloc( A->n * sizeof(real), "ILUT_PAR::D" );
-    D_inv = (real*) smalloc( A->n * sizeof(real), "ILUT_PAR::D_inv" );
+    D = smalloc( A->n * sizeof(real), "FG_ILUT::D" );
+    D_inv = smalloc( A->n * sizeof(real), "FG_ILUT::D_inv" );
 #ifdef _OPENMP
     #pragma omp parallel for schedule(static) \
@@ -1594,8 +1212,8 @@ real ILUT_PAR( const sparse_matrix * const A, const real * droptol,
     Deallocate_Matrix( U_temp );
     Deallocate_Matrix( L_temp );
     Deallocate_Matrix( DAD );
-    sfree( D_inv, "ILUT_PAR::D_inv" );
-    sfree( D, "ILUT_PAR::D_inv" );
+    sfree( D_inv, "FG_ILUT::D_inv" );
+    sfree( D, "FG_ILUT::D_inv" );
     return Get_Timing_Info( start );
@@ -1651,10 +1269,10 @@ real sparse_approx_inverse( const sparse_matrix * const A,
     shared(A_app_inv, stderr)
-        X = (char *) smalloc( sizeof(char) * A->n, "sparse_approx_inverse::X" );
-        Y = (char *) smalloc( sizeof(char) * A->n, "sparse_approx_inverse::Y" );
-        pos_x = (int *) smalloc( sizeof(int) * A->n, "sparse_approx_inverse::pos_x" );
-        pos_y = (int *) smalloc( sizeof(int) * A->n, "sparse_approx_inverse::pos_y" );
+        X = smalloc( sizeof(char) * A->n, "sparse_approx_inverse::X" );
+        Y = smalloc( sizeof(char) * A->n, "sparse_approx_inverse::Y" );
+        pos_x = smalloc( sizeof(int) * A->n, "sparse_approx_inverse::pos_x" );
+        pos_y = smalloc( sizeof(int) * A->n, "sparse_approx_inverse::pos_y" );
         for ( i = 0; i < A->n; ++i )
@@ -1707,8 +1325,8 @@ real sparse_approx_inverse( const sparse_matrix * const A,
             // allocate memory for NxM dense matrix
-            dense_matrix = (real *) smalloc( sizeof(real) * N * M,
-                                             "sparse_approx_inverse::dense_matrix" );
+            dense_matrix = smalloc( sizeof(real) * N * M,
+                    "sparse_approx_inverse::dense_matrix" );
             // fill in the entries of dense matrix
             for ( d_i = 0; d_i < M; ++d_i)
@@ -1732,8 +1350,7 @@ real sparse_approx_inverse( const sparse_matrix * const A,
             /* create the right hand side of the linear equation
                that is the full column of the identity matrix*/
-            e_j = (real *) smalloc( sizeof(real) * M,
-                                    "sparse_approx_inverse::e_j" );
+            e_j = smalloc( sizeof(real) * M, "sparse_approx_inverse::e_j" );
             for ( k = 0; k < M; ++k )
@@ -2259,10 +1876,8 @@ void graph_coloring( const control_params * const control,
-        fb_color = (int*) smalloc( sizeof(int) * A->n,
-                "graph_coloring::fb_color" );
-        conflict_local = (unsigned int*) smalloc( sizeof(unsigned int) * A->n,
-                "graph_coloring::fb_color" );
+        fb_color = smalloc( sizeof(int) * A->n, "graph_coloring::fb_color" );
+        conflict_local = smalloc( sizeof(unsigned int) * A->n, "graph_coloring::fb_color" );
         while ( workspace->recolor_cnt > 0 )
@@ -2742,12 +2357,12 @@ static void apply_preconditioner( const static_storage * const workspace, const
             case TRI_SOLVE_PA:
                 switch ( control->cm_solver_pre_comp_type )
-                case DIAG_PC:
+                case JACOBI_PC:
                     diag_pre_app( workspace->Hdia_inv, y, x, workspace->H->n );
                 case ICHOLT_PC:
-                case ILU_PAR_PC:
-                case ILUT_PAR_PC:
+                case ILUT_PC:
+                case FG_ILUT_PC:
                     tri_solve( workspace->L, y, x, workspace->L->n, LOWER );
                 case SAI_PC:
@@ -2762,12 +2377,12 @@ static void apply_preconditioner( const static_storage * const workspace, const
             case TRI_SOLVE_LEVEL_SCHED_PA:
                 switch ( control->cm_solver_pre_comp_type )
-                case DIAG_PC:
+                case JACOBI_PC:
                     diag_pre_app( workspace->Hdia_inv, y, x, workspace->H->n );
                 case ICHOLT_PC:
-                case ILU_PAR_PC:
-                case ILUT_PAR_PC:
+                case ILUT_PC:
+                case FG_ILUT_PC:
                     tri_solve_level_sched( (static_storage *) workspace,
                             workspace->L, y, x, workspace->L->n, LOWER, fresh_pre );
@@ -2783,14 +2398,14 @@ static void apply_preconditioner( const static_storage * const workspace, const
             case TRI_SOLVE_GC_PA:
                 switch ( control->cm_solver_pre_comp_type )
-                case DIAG_PC:
+                case JACOBI_PC:
                 case SAI_PC:
                     fprintf( stderr, "Unsupported preconditioner computation/application method combination. Terminating...\n" );
                     exit( INVALID_INPUT );
                 case ICHOLT_PC:
-                case ILU_PAR_PC:
-                case ILUT_PAR_PC:
+                case ILUT_PC:
+                case FG_ILUT_PC:
 #ifdef _OPENMP
                     #pragma omp for schedule(static)
@@ -2812,14 +2427,14 @@ static void apply_preconditioner( const static_storage * const workspace, const
             case JACOBI_ITER_PA:
                 switch ( control->cm_solver_pre_comp_type )
-                case DIAG_PC:
+                case JACOBI_PC:
                 case SAI_PC:
                     fprintf( stderr, "Unsupported preconditioner computation/application method combination. Terminating...\n" );
                     exit( INVALID_INPUT );
                 case ICHOLT_PC:
-                case ILU_PAR_PC:
-                case ILUT_PAR_PC:
+                case ILUT_PC:
+                case FG_ILUT_PC:
                     /* construct D^{-1}_L */
                     if ( fresh_pre == TRUE )
@@ -2856,7 +2471,7 @@ static void apply_preconditioner( const static_storage * const workspace, const
             case TRI_SOLVE_PA:
                 switch ( control->cm_solver_pre_comp_type )
-                case DIAG_PC:
+                case JACOBI_PC:
                 case SAI_PC:
                     if ( x != y )
@@ -2864,8 +2479,8 @@ static void apply_preconditioner( const static_storage * const workspace, const
                 case ICHOLT_PC:
-                case ILU_PAR_PC:
-                case ILUT_PAR_PC:
+                case ILUT_PC:
+                case FG_ILUT_PC:
                     tri_solve( workspace->U, y, x, workspace->U->n, UPPER );
@@ -2877,7 +2492,7 @@ static void apply_preconditioner( const static_storage * const workspace, const
             case TRI_SOLVE_LEVEL_SCHED_PA:
                 switch ( control->cm_solver_pre_comp_type )
-                case DIAG_PC:
+                case JACOBI_PC:
                 case SAI_PC:
                     if ( x != y )
@@ -2885,8 +2500,8 @@ static void apply_preconditioner( const static_storage * const workspace, const
                 case ICHOLT_PC:
-                case ILU_PAR_PC:
-                case ILUT_PAR_PC:
+                case ILUT_PC:
+                case FG_ILUT_PC:
                     tri_solve_level_sched( (static_storage *) workspace,
                             workspace->U, y, x, workspace->U->n, UPPER, fresh_pre );
@@ -2899,14 +2514,14 @@ static void apply_preconditioner( const static_storage * const workspace, const
             case TRI_SOLVE_GC_PA:
                 switch ( control->cm_solver_pre_comp_type )
-                case DIAG_PC:
+                case JACOBI_PC:
                 case SAI_PC:
                     fprintf( stderr, "Unsupported preconditioner computation/application method combination. Terminating...\n" );
                     exit( INVALID_INPUT );
                 case ICHOLT_PC:
-                case ILU_PAR_PC:
-                case ILUT_PAR_PC:
+                case ILUT_PC:
+                case FG_ILUT_PC:
                     tri_solve_level_sched( (static_storage *) workspace,
                             workspace->U, y, x, workspace->U->n, UPPER, fresh_pre );
                     permute_vector( workspace, x, workspace->H->n, TRUE, UPPER );
@@ -2920,14 +2535,14 @@ static void apply_preconditioner( const static_storage * const workspace, const
             case JACOBI_ITER_PA:
                 switch ( control->cm_solver_pre_comp_type )
-                case DIAG_PC:
+                case JACOBI_PC:
                 case SAI_PC:
                     fprintf( stderr, "Unsupported preconditioner computation/application method combination. Terminating...\n" );
                     exit( INVALID_INPUT );
                 case ICHOLT_PC:
-                case ILU_PAR_PC:
-                case ILUT_PAR_PC:
+                case ILUT_PC:
+                case FG_ILUT_PC:
                     /* construct D^{-1}_U */
                     if ( fresh_pre == TRUE )
@@ -3736,7 +3351,7 @@ real condest( const sparse_matrix * const L, const sparse_matrix * const U )
     N = L->n;
-    e = (real*) smalloc( sizeof(real) * N, "condest::e" );
+    e = smalloc( sizeof(real) * N, "condest::e" );
     memset( e, 1., N * sizeof(real) );
diff --git a/sPuReMD/src/lin_alg.h b/sPuReMD/src/lin_alg.h
index 429db79c..5b9f0992 100644
--- a/sPuReMD/src/lin_alg.h
+++ b/sPuReMD/src/lin_alg.h
@@ -40,25 +40,20 @@ int Estimate_LU_Fill( const sparse_matrix * const, const real * const );
 void Calculate_Droptol( const sparse_matrix * const,
         real * const, const real );
-#if defined(HAVE_SUPERLU_MT)
-real SuperLU_Factorize( const sparse_matrix * const,
-        sparse_matrix * const, sparse_matrix * const );
-real diag_pre_comp( const sparse_matrix * const, real * const );
+real jacobi( const sparse_matrix * const, real * const );
 real ICHOLT( const sparse_matrix * const, const real * const,
         sparse_matrix * const, sparse_matrix * const );
-#if defined(TESTING)
-real ICHOL_PAR( const sparse_matrix * const, const unsigned int,
+real ILUT( const sparse_matrix * const, const real * const,
         sparse_matrix * const, sparse_matrix * const );
-real ILU_PAR( const sparse_matrix * const, const unsigned int,
+#if defined(TESTING)
+real FG_ICHOL( const sparse_matrix * const, const unsigned int,
         sparse_matrix * const, sparse_matrix * const );
-real ILUT_PAR( const sparse_matrix * const, const real *,
+real FG_ILUT( const sparse_matrix * const, const real *,
         const unsigned int, sparse_matrix * const, sparse_matrix * const );
 #if defined(HAVE_LAPACKE) || defined(HAVE_LAPACKE_MKL)
diff --git a/sPuReMD/src/neighbors.c b/sPuReMD/src/neighbors.c
index d52388d6..8a6d5a42 100644
--- a/sPuReMD/src/neighbors.c
+++ b/sPuReMD/src/neighbors.c
@@ -354,7 +354,7 @@ void Generate_Neighbor_Lists( reax_system *system, control_params *control,
     far_nbrs = lists[FAR_NBRS];
     if ( control->ensemble == iNPT || control->ensemble == sNPT
-            || control->ensemble == NPT )
+            || control->ensemble == aNPT )
         Update_Grid( system );
diff --git a/sPuReMD/src/print_utils.c b/sPuReMD/src/print_utils.c
index c837063d..302eef02 100644
--- a/sPuReMD/src/print_utils.c
+++ b/sPuReMD/src/print_utils.c
@@ -656,7 +656,7 @@ void Output_Results( reax_system *system, control_params *control,
         fflush( out_control->log );
         /* output pressure */
-        if ( control->ensemble == NPT || control->ensemble == iNPT ||
+        if ( control->ensemble == aNPT || control->ensemble == iNPT ||
                 control->ensemble == sNPT )
             fprintf( out_control->prs, "%-8d%13.6f%13.6f%13.6f",
diff --git a/sPuReMD/src/reax_types.h b/sPuReMD/src/reax_types.h
index cff4f2cf..26cd3aca 100644
--- a/sPuReMD/src/reax_types.h
+++ b/sPuReMD/src/reax_types.h
@@ -145,7 +145,7 @@ enum ensemble
     nhNVT = 2,
     sNPT = 3,
     iNPT = 4,
-    NPT = 5,
+    aNPT = 5,
     ens_N = 6,
@@ -220,6 +220,7 @@ enum geo_formats
     GF_N = 5,
+/* method used for computing atomic charges */
 enum charge_method
     QEQ_CM = 0,
@@ -227,6 +228,7 @@ enum charge_method
     ACKS2_CM = 2,
+/* iterative linear solver used for computing atomic charges */
 enum solver
     GMRES_S = 0,
@@ -236,17 +238,18 @@ enum solver
     BiCGStab_S = 4,
+/* preconditioner used with iterative linear solver */
 enum pre_comp
     NONE_PC = 0,
-    DIAG_PC = 1,
+    JACOBI_PC = 1,
     ICHOLT_PC = 2,
-    ILU_PAR_PC = 3,
-    ILUT_PAR_PC = 4,
+    ILUT_PC = 3,
+    FG_ILUT_PC = 5,
     SAI_PC = 6,
+/* method used to apply preconditioner for 2-side incomplete factorizations (ICHOLT, ILU) */
 enum pre_app
     TRI_SOLVE_PA = 0,
@@ -621,11 +624,12 @@ struct control_params
     int reposition_atoms;
     /* ensemble values:
-       0 : NVE
-       1 : NVT  (Nose-Hoover)
-       2 : NPT  (Parrinello-Rehman-Nose-Hoover) Anisotropic
-       3 : sNPT (Parrinello-Rehman-Nose-Hoover) semiisotropic
-       4 : iNPT (Parrinello-Rehman-Nose-Hoover) isotropic */
+     * 0 : NVE
+     * 1 : NVT  (Berendsen)
+     * 2 : NVT  (Nose-Hoover)
+     * 3 : sNPT (Parrinello-Rehman-Nose-Hoover) semi-isotropic
+     * 4 : iNPT (Parrinello-Rehman-Nose-Hoover) isotropic
+     * 5 : aNPT  (Parrinello-Rehman-Nose-Hoover) anisotropic */
     int ensemble;
     int nsteps;
     int periodic_boundaries;
diff --git a/sPuReMD/src/traj.c b/sPuReMD/src/traj.c
index 2acb1bc5..43cd6c70 100644
--- a/sPuReMD/src/traj.c
+++ b/sPuReMD/src/traj.c
@@ -284,7 +284,7 @@ int Append_Custom_Frame( reax_system *system, control_params *control,
     /* get correct pressure */
-    if ( control->ensemble == NPT || control->ensemble == sNPT )
+    if ( control->ensemble == aNPT || control->ensemble == sNPT )
         P = data->flex_bar.P_scalar;
diff --git a/sPuReMD/src/two_body_interactions.c b/sPuReMD/src/two_body_interactions.c
index eca3d5a0..2a179cab 100644
--- a/sPuReMD/src/two_body_interactions.c
+++ b/sPuReMD/src/two_body_interactions.c
@@ -316,7 +316,7 @@ void vdW_Coulomb_Energy( reax_system *system, control_params *control,
                                 +(CEvd + CEclmb), nbr_pj->dvec );
-                    /* NPT, iNPT or sNPT */
+                    /* aNPT, iNPT or sNPT */
                         /* for pressure coupling, terms not related to bond order
@@ -620,7 +620,8 @@ void Tabulated_vdW_Coulomb_Energy( reax_system *system, control_params *control,
                                 +(CEvd + CEclmb), nbr_pj->dvec );
-                    else   // NPT, iNPT or sNPT
+                    /* aNPT, iNPT or sNPT */
+                    else
                         /* for pressure coupling, terms not related to bond order
                            derivatives are added directly into pressure vector/tensor */