From 1386e65f33abd8057861e617baaa2371fbada786 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: "Kurt A. O'Hearn" <>
Date: Fri, 18 Jan 2019 06:50:47 -0800
Subject: [PATCH] PuReMD-old: back-port from master branch. Update
 control file parsing to ignore sPuReMD/PG-PuReMD options.

 PuReMD/src/control.c |   30 ++
 tools/     | 1032 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------
 2 files changed, 798 insertions(+), 264 deletions(-)

diff --git a/PuReMD/src/control.c b/PuReMD/src/control.c
index da48b72b..afc4bd49 100644
--- a/PuReMD/src/control.c
+++ b/PuReMD/src/control.c
@@ -151,6 +151,11 @@ char Read_Control_File( char *control_file, control_params* control,
                 val = atof(tmp[1]);
                 control->dt = val * 1.e-3;  // convert dt from fs to ps!
+            else if ( strncmp(tmp[0], "gpus_per_node", MAX_LINE) == 0 )
+            {
+                // skip since not applicable to MPI code
+                ;
+            }
             else if ( strcmp(tmp[0], "proc_by_dim") == 0 )
                 if ( c < 4 )
@@ -169,6 +174,11 @@ char Read_Control_File( char *control_file, control_params* control,
                 control->nprocs = control->procs_by_dim[0] * control->procs_by_dim[1] *
+            else if ( strncmp(tmp[0], "periodic_boundaries", MAX_LINE) == 0 )
+            {
+                // skip since not applicable to MPI code
+                ;
+            }
             //else if( strcmp(tmp[0], "restart") == 0 ) {
             //  ival = atoi(tmp[1]);
             //  control->restart = ival;
@@ -444,6 +454,11 @@ char Read_Control_File( char *control_file, control_params* control,
                 ival = atoi(tmp[1]);
                 out_control->traj_compress = ival;
+            else if ( strncmp(tmp[0], "traj_format", MAX_LINE) == 0 )
+            {
+                // skip since not applicable to MPI code
+                ;
+            }
             else if ( strcmp(tmp[0], "traj_method") == 0 )
                 ival = atoi(tmp[1]);
@@ -478,6 +493,21 @@ char Read_Control_File( char *control_file, control_params* control,
                 ival = atoi(tmp[1]);
                 out_control->angle_info = ival;
+            else if ( strncmp(tmp[0], "test_forces", MAX_LINE) == 0 )
+            {
+                // skip since not applicable to MPI code
+                ;
+            }
+            else if ( strncmp(tmp[0], "molec_anal", MAX_LINE) == 0 )
+            {
+                // skip since not applicable to MPI code
+                ;
+            }
+            else if ( strncmp(tmp[0], "freq_molec_anal", MAX_LINE) == 0 )
+            {
+                // skip since not applicable to MPI code
+                ;
+            }
             else if ( strcmp(tmp[0], "molecular_analysis") == 0 )
                 ival = atoi(tmp[1]);
diff --git a/tools/ b/tools/
index 5496c1f6..43f4ea2d 100644
--- a/tools/
+++ b/tools/
@@ -1,112 +1,272 @@
 #!/usr/bin/env python3
-import argparse
-from fileinput import input
-from itertools import product
-from re import sub
-from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
-from os import getcwd, environ, path, remove, rename, rmdir
-from sys import exit
-from tempfile import mkdtemp
-from time import time
 class TestCase():
-    def __init__(self, geo_file, ffield_file, control_file, params={}, result_header_fmt='',
+    def __init__(self, data_set, geo_file, ffield_file, params={}, result_header_fmt='',
             result_header='', result_body_fmt='', result_file='results.txt', geo_format='1',
             min_step=None, max_step=None):
+        from re import sub
+        self.__data_set = data_set
         self.__geo_file = geo_file
         self.__ffield_file = ffield_file
-        self.__control_file = control_file
         self.__param_names = sorted(params.keys())
         self.__params = params
         self.__result_header_fmt = result_header_fmt
         self.__result_header = result_header
         self.__result_body_fmt = result_body_fmt
         self.__result_file = result_file
-        self.__control_res = { \
+        self.__control_regexes = { \
                 'name': lambda l, x: sub(
-                    r'(?P<key>simulation_name\s+)\S+(?P<comment>.*)', r'\g<key>%s\g<comment>' % x, l), \
+                    r'(?P<key>\bsimulation_name\b\s+)\S+(?P<comment>.*)', r'\g<key>%s\g<comment>' % x, l), \
                 'ensemble_type': lambda l, x: sub(
-                    r'(?P<key>ensemble_type\s+)\S+(?P<comment>.*)', r'\g<key>%s\g<comment>' % x, l), \
+                    r'(?P<key>\bensemble_type\b\s+)\S+(?P<comment>.*)', r'\g<key>%s\g<comment>' % x, l), \
                 'nsteps': lambda l, x: sub(
-                    r'(?P<key>nsteps\s+)\S+(?P<comment>.*)', r'\g<key>%s\g<comment>' % x, l), \
+                    r'(?P<key>\bnsteps\b\s+)\S+(?P<comment>.*)', r'\g<key>%s\g<comment>' % x, l), \
+                'dt': lambda l, x: sub(
+                    r'(?P<key>\bdt\b\s+)\S+(?P<comment>.*)', r'\g<key>%s\g<comment>' % x, l), \
+                'gpus_per_node': lambda l, x: sub(
+                    r'(?P<key>\bgpus_per_node\b\s+)\S+(?P<comment>.*)', r'\g<key>%s\g<comment>' % x, l), \
+                'proc_by_dim': lambda l, x: sub(
+                    r'(?P<key>\bproc_by_dim\b\s+)\S+\s+\S+\s+\S+(?P<comment>.*)',
+                    r'\g<key>{0} {1} {2}\g<comment>'.format(*(x.split(':'))), l), \
+                'periodic_boundaries': lambda l, x: sub(
+                    r'(?P<key>\bperiodic_boundaries\b\s+)\S+(?P<comment>.*)', r'\g<key>%s\g<comment>' % x, l), \
+                'reposition_atoms': lambda l, x: sub(
+                    r'(?P<key>\breposition_atoms\b\s+)\S+(?P<comment>.*)', r'\g<key>%s\g<comment>' % x, l), \
+                'remove_CoM_vel': lambda l, x: sub(
+                    r'(?P<key>\bremove_CoM_vel\b\s+)\S+(?P<comment>.*)', r'\g<key>%s\g<comment>' % x, l), \
+                'reneighbor': lambda l, x: sub(
+                    r'(?P<key>\breneighbor\b\s+)\S+(?P<comment>.*)', r'\g<key>%s\g<comment>' % x, l), \
+                'energy_update_freq': lambda l, x: sub(
+                    r'(?P<key>\benergy_update_freq\b\s+)\S+(?P<comment>.*)', r'\g<key>%s\g<comment>' % x, l), \
                 'tabulate_long_range': lambda l, x: sub(
-                    r'(?P<key>tabulate_long_range\s+)\S+(?P<comment>.*)', r'\g<key>%s\g<comment>' % x, l), \
+                    r'(?P<key>\btabulate_long_range\b\s+)\S+(?P<comment>.*)', r'\g<key>%s\g<comment>' % x, l), \
+                'vlist_buffer': lambda l, x: sub(
+                    r'(?P<key>\bvlist_buffer\b\s+)\S+(?P<comment>.*)', r'\g<key>%s\g<comment>' % x, l), \
+                'nbrhood_cutoff': lambda l, x: sub(
+                    r'(?P<key>\bnbrhood_cutoff\b\s+)\S+(?P<comment>.*)', r'\g<key>%s\g<comment>' % x, l), \
+                'hbond_cutoff': lambda l, x: sub(
+                    r'(?P<key>\bhbond_cutoff\b\s+)\S+(?P<comment>.*)', r'\g<key>%s\g<comment>' % x, l), \
+                'thb_cutoff': lambda l, x: sub(
+                    r'(?P<key>\bthb_cutoff\b\s+)\S+(?P<comment>.*)', r'\g<key>%s\g<comment>' % x, l), \
+                'bond_graph_cutoff': lambda l, x: sub(
+                    r'(?P<key>\bbond_graph_cutoff\b\s+)\S+(?P<comment>.*)', r'\g<key>%s\g<comment>' % x, l), \
                 'charge_method': lambda l, x: sub(
-                    r'(?P<key>charge_method\s+)\S+(?P<comment>.*)', r'\g<key>%s\g<comment>' % x, l), \
+                    r'(?P<key>\bcharge_method\b\s+)\S+(?P<comment>.*)', r'\g<key>%s\g<comment>' % x, l), \
                 'cm_q_net': lambda l, x: sub(
-                    r'(?P<key>cm_q_net\s+)\S+(?P<comment>.*)', r'\g<key>%s\g<comment>' % x, l), \
+                    r'(?P<key>\bcm_q_net\b\s+)\S+(?P<comment>.*)', r'\g<key>%s\g<comment>' % x, l), \
                 'cm_solver_type': lambda l, x: sub(
-                    r'(?P<key>cm_solver_type\s+)\S+(?P<comment>.*)', r'\g<key>%s\g<comment>' % x, l), \
+                    r'(?P<key>\bcm_solver_type\b\s+)\S+(?P<comment>.*)', r'\g<key>%s\g<comment>' % x, l), \
                 'cm_solver_max_iters': lambda l, x: sub(
-                    r'(?P<key>cm_solver_max_iters\s+)\S+(?P<comment>.*)', r'\g<key>%s\g<comment>' % x, l), \
+                    r'(?P<key>\bcm_solver_max_iters\b\s+)\S+(?P<comment>.*)', r'\g<key>%s\g<comment>' % x, l), \
                 'cm_solver_restart': lambda l, x: sub(
-                    r'(?P<key>cm_solver_restart\s+)\S+(?P<comment>.*)', r'\g<key>%s\g<comment>' % x, l), \
+                    r'(?P<key>\bcm_solver_restart\b\s+)\S+(?P<comment>.*)', r'\g<key>%s\g<comment>' % x, l), \
                 'cm_solver_q_err': lambda l, x: sub(
-                    r'(?P<key>cm_solver_q_err\s+)\S+(?P<comment>.*)', r'\g<key>%s\g<comment>' % x, l), \
+                    r'(?P<key>\bcm_solver_q_err\b\s+)\S+(?P<comment>.*)', r'\g<key>%s\g<comment>' % x, l), \
                 'cm_domain_sparsity': lambda l, x: sub(
-                    r'(?P<key>cm_domain_sparsity\s+)\S+(?P<comment>.*)', r'\g<key>%s\g<comment>' % x, l), \
+                    r'(?P<key>\bcm_domain_sparsity\b\s+)\S+(?P<comment>.*)', r'\g<key>%s\g<comment>' % x, l), \
                 'cm_init_guess_extrap1': lambda l, x: sub(
-                    r'(?P<key>cm_init_guess_extrap1\s+)\S+(?P<comment>.*)', r'\g<key>%s\g<comment>' % x, l), \
+                    r'(?P<key>\bcm_init_guess_extrap1\b\s+)\S+(?P<comment>.*)', r'\g<key>%s\g<comment>' % x, l), \
                 'cm_init_guess_extrap2': lambda l, x: sub(
-                    r'(?P<key>cm_init_guess_extrap2\s+)\S+(?P<comment>.*)', r'\g<key>%s\g<comment>' % x, l), \
+                    r'(?P<key>\bcm_init_guess_extrap2\b\s+)\S+(?P<comment>.*)', r'\g<key>%s\g<comment>' % x, l), \
                 'cm_solver_pre_comp_type': lambda l, x: sub(
-                    r'(?P<key>cm_solver_pre_comp_type\s+)\S+(?P<comment>.*)', r'\g<key>%s\g<comment>' % x, l), \
+                    r'(?P<key>\bcm_solver_pre_comp_type\b\s+)\S+(?P<comment>.*)', r'\g<key>%s\g<comment>' % x, l), \
                 'cm_solver_pre_comp_droptol': lambda l, x: sub(
-                    r'(?P<key>cm_solver_pre_comp_droptol\s+)\S+(?P<comment>.*)', r'\g<key>%s\g<comment>' % x, l), \
+                    r'(?P<key>\bcm_solver_pre_comp_droptol\b\s+)\S+(?P<comment>.*)', r'\g<key>%s\g<comment>' % x, l), \
                 'cm_solver_pre_comp_refactor': lambda l, x: sub(
-                    r'(?P<key>cm_solver_pre_comp_refactor\s+)\S+(?P<comment>.*)', r'\g<key>%s\g<comment>' % x, l), \
+                    r'(?P<key>\bcm_solver_pre_comp_refactor\b\s+)\S+(?P<comment>.*)', r'\g<key>%s\g<comment>' % x, l), \
                 'cm_solver_pre_comp_sweeps': lambda l, x: sub(
-                    r'(?P<key>cm_solver_pre_comp_sweeps\s+)\S+(?P<comment>.*)', r'\g<key>%s\g<comment>' % x, l), \
+                    r'(?P<key>\bcm_solver_pre_comp_sweeps\b\s+)\S+(?P<comment>.*)', r'\g<key>%s\g<comment>' % x, l), \
                 'cm_solver_pre_comp_sai_thres': lambda l, x: sub(
-                    r'(?P<key>cm_solver_pre_comp_sai_thres\s+)\S+(?P<comment>.*)', r'\g<key>%s\g<comment>' % x, l), \
+                    r'(?P<key>\bcm_solver_pre_comp_sai_thres\b\s+)\S+(?P<comment>.*)', r'\g<key>%s\g<comment>' % x, l), \
                 'cm_solver_pre_app_type': lambda l, x: sub(
-                    r'(?P<key>cm_solver_pre_app_type\s+)\S+(?P<comment>.*)', r'\g<key>%s\g<comment>' % x, l), \
+                    r'(?P<key>\bcm_solver_pre_app_type\b\s+)\S+(?P<comment>.*)', r'\g<key>%s\g<comment>' % x, l), \
                 'cm_solver_pre_app_jacobi_iters': lambda l, x: sub(
-                    r'(?P<key>cm_solver_pre_app_jacobi_iters\s+)\S+(?P<comment>.*)', r'\g<key>%s\g<comment>' % x, l), \
+                    r'(?P<key>\bcm_solver_pre_app_jacobi_iters\b\s+)\S+(?P<comment>.*)', r'\g<key>%s\g<comment>' % x, l), \
                 'geo_format': lambda l, x: sub(
-                    r'(?P<key>geo_format\s+)\S+(?P<comment>.*)', r'\g<key>%s\g<comment>' % x, l), \
+                    r'(?P<key>\bgeo_format\b\s+)\S+(?P<comment>.*)', r'\g<key>%s\g<comment>' % x, l), \
+                'temp_init': lambda l, x: sub(
+                    r'(?P<key>\btemp_init\b\s+)\S+(?P<comment>.*)', r'\g<key>%s\g<comment>' % x, l), \
+                'temp_final': lambda l, x: sub(
+                    r'(?P<key>\btemp_final\b\s+)\S+(?P<comment>.*)', r'\g<key>%s\g<comment>' % x, l), \
+                't_mass': lambda l, x: sub(
+                    r'(?P<key>\bt_mass\b\s+)\S+(?P<comment>.*)', r'\g<key>%s\g<comment>' % x, l), \
+                't_mode': lambda l, x: sub(
+                    r'(?P<key>\bt_mode\b\s+)\S+(?P<comment>.*)', r'\g<key>%s\g<comment>' % x, l), \
+                't_rate': lambda l, x: sub(
+                    r'(?P<key>\bt_rate\b\s+)\S+(?P<comment>.*)', r'\g<key>%s\g<comment>' % x, l), \
+                't_freq': lambda l, x: sub(
+                    r'(?P<key>\bt_freq\b\s+)\S+(?P<comment>.*)', r'\g<key>%s\g<comment>' % x, l), \
+                'pressure': lambda l, x: sub(
+                    r'(?P<key>\bpressure\b\s+)\S+(?P<comment>.*)', r'\g<key>%s\g<comment>' % x, l), \
+                'p_mass': lambda l, x: sub(
+                    r'(?P<key>\bp_mass\b\s+)\S+(?P<comment>.*)', r'\g<key>%s\g<comment>' % x, l), \
+                'pt_mass': lambda l, x: sub(
+                    r'(?P<key>\bpt_mass\b\s+)\S+(?P<comment>.*)', r'\g<key>%s\g<comment>' % x, l), \
+                'compress': lambda l, x: sub(
+                    r'(?P<key>\bcompress\b\s+)\S+(?P<comment>.*)', r'\g<key>%s\g<comment>' % x, l), \
+                'press_mode': lambda l, x: sub(
+                    r'(?P<key>\bpress_mode\b\s+)\S+(?P<comment>.*)', r'\g<key>%s\g<comment>' % x, l), \
+                'write_freq': lambda l, x: sub(
+                    r'(?P<key>\bwrite_freq\b\s+)\S+(?P<comment>.*)', r'\g<key>%s\g<comment>' % x, l), \
+                'traj_compress': lambda l, x: sub(
+                    r'(?P<key>\btraj_compress\b\s+)\S+(?P<comment>.*)', r'\g<key>%s\g<comment>' % x, l), \
+                'traj_format': lambda l, x: sub(
+                    r'(?P<key>\btraj_format\b\s+)\S+(?P<comment>.*)', r'\g<key>%s\g<comment>' % x, l), \
+                'traj_title': lambda l, x: sub(
+                    r'(?P<key>\btraj_title\b\s+)\S+(?P<comment>.*)', r'\g<key>%s\g<comment>' % x, l), \
         self.__params['geo_format'] = geo_format
         self.__min_step = min_step
         self.__max_step = max_step
-    def _setup(self, param, temp_file):
-        fp = open(self.__control_file, 'r')
-        lines =
-        fp.close()
-        for k in self.__control_res.keys():
+    def _create_control_file(self, param, new_control_file):
+        # inline template control file
+        lines = """\
+simulation_name         water_6540_notab_qeq           ! output files will carry this name + their specific extension
+ensemble_type           0                       ! 0: NVE, 1: Berendsen NVT, 2: nose-Hoover NVT, 3: semi-isotropic NPT, 4: isotropic NPT, 5: anisotropic NPT
+nsteps                  100                     ! number of simulation steps
+dt                      0.25                    ! time step in fs
+proc_by_dim             1 1 1                   ! distribution of processors by dimensions
+gpus_per_node           1                       ! GPUs per node
+periodic_boundaries     1                       ! 0: no periodic boundaries, 1: periodic boundaries
+reposition_atoms        0                       ! 0: just fit to periodic boundaries, 1: CoM to the center of box, 3: CoM to the origin
+remove_CoM_vel          500                     ! remove the translational and rotational vel around the center of mass at every 'this many' steps
+reneighbor              1                       ! frequency to recompute Verlet lists
+restrict_bonds          0                       ! enforce the bonds given in CONECT lines of pdb file for this many steps
+energy_update_freq      1
+tabulate_long_range     0                       ! denotes the granularity of long range tabulation, 0 means no tabulation
+vlist_buffer            0.0                     ! skim distance on top of non-bonded interaction cutoff (Angstroms)
+nbrhood_cutoff          5.0                     ! cutoff distance for bond interaction (Angstroms)
+hbond_cutoff            7.5                     ! cutoff distance for hydrogen bond interactions (Angstroms)
+thb_cutoff              0.001                   ! cutoff value for three body interactions (Angstroms)
+bond_graph_cutoff       0.3                     ! bond strength cutoff for bond graphs (Angstroms)
+charge_method         		  0             ! charge method: 0 = QEq, 1 = EEM, 2 = ACKS2
+cm_q_net              		  0.0           ! net system charge
+cm_solver_type        		  0             ! iterative linear solver for charge method: 0 = GMRES(k), 1 = GMRES_H(k), 2 = CG, 3 = SDM
+cm_solver_max_iters   		  20            ! max solver iterations
+cm_solver_restart     		  100           ! inner iterations of before restarting (GMRES(k)/GMRES_H(k))
+cm_solver_q_err       		  1e-6          ! relative residual norm threshold used in solver
+cm_domain_sparsity     		  1.0           ! scalar for scaling cut-off distance, used to sparsify charge matrix (between 0.0 and 1.0)
+cm_init_guess_extrap1		  3             ! order of spline extrapolation for initial guess (s)
+cm_init_guess_extrap2		  2             ! order of spline extrapolation for initial guess (t)
+cm_solver_pre_comp_type           1             ! method used to compute preconditioner, if applicable
+cm_solver_pre_comp_refactor       1000          ! number of steps before recomputing preconditioner
+cm_solver_pre_comp_droptol        0.0           ! threshold tolerance for dropping values in preconditioner computation (ICHOLT/ILUT/FG-ILUT)
+cm_solver_pre_comp_sweeps         3             ! number of sweeps used to compute preconditioner (FG-ILUT)
+cm_solver_pre_comp_sai_thres      0.1           ! ratio of charge matrix NNZ's used to compute preconditioner (SAI)
+cm_solver_pre_app_type            1             ! method used to apply preconditioner (ICHOLT/ILUT/FG-ILUT)
+cm_solver_pre_app_jacobi_iters    50            ! num. Jacobi iterations used for applying precondition (ICHOLT/ILUT/FG-ILUT)
+temp_init               0.0                     ! desired initial temperature of the simulated system
+temp_final              300.0                   ! desired final temperature of the simulated system
+t_mass                  0.16666                 ! 0.16666 for Nose-Hoover nvt ! 100.0 for npt! in fs, thermal inertia parameter
+t_mode                  0                       ! 0: T-coupling only, 1: step-wise, 2: constant slope
+t_rate                  -100.0                  ! in K
+t_freq                  4.0                     ! in ps
+pressure                0.000101325             ! desired pressure of the simulated system in GPa, 1atm = 0.000101325 GPa
+p_mass                  5000.00                 ! in fs, pressure inertia parameter
+compress                0.008134                ! in ps^2 * A / amu ( 4.5X10^(-5) bar^(-1) )
+press_mode              0                       ! 0: internal + external pressure, 1: ext only, 2: int only
+geo_format              1                       ! 0: custom, 1: pdb, 2: bgf
+write_freq              0                       ! write trajectory after so many steps
+traj_compress           0                       ! 0: no compression  1: uses zlib to compress trajectory output
+traj_format             0                       ! 0: our own format (below options apply to this only), 1: xyz, 2: bgf, 3: pdb
+traj_title              WATER_NVE               ! (no white spaces)
+atom_info               1                       ! 0: no atom info, 1: print basic atom info in the trajectory file
+atom_forces             0                       ! 0: basic atom format, 1: print force on each atom in the trajectory file
+atom_velocities         0                       ! 0: basic atom format, 1: print the velocity of each atom in the trajectory file
+bond_info               1                       ! 0: do not print bonds, 1: print bonds in the trajectory file
+angle_info              1                       ! 0: do not print angles, 1: print angles in the trajectory file
+test_forces             0                       ! 0: normal run, 1: at every timestep print each force type into a different file
+molec_anal              0                       ! 1: outputs newly formed molecules as the simulation progresses
+freq_molec_anal         0                       ! perform molecular analysis at every 'this many' timesteps
+dipole_anal             0                       ! 1: calculate a electric dipole moment of the system
+freq_dipole_anal        1                       ! calculate electric dipole moment at every 'this many' steps
+diffusion_coef          0                       ! 1: calculate diffusion coefficient of the system
+freq_diffusion_coef     1                       ! calculate diffusion coefficient at every 'this many' steps
+restrict_type           2                       ! -1: all types of atoms, 0 and up: only this type of atoms
+restart_format          1                       ! 0: restarts in ASCII  1: restarts in binary
+restart_freq            0                       ! 0: do not output any restart files. >0: output a restart file at every 'this many' steps\
+        # substitute key-value pairs in the text of the control file
+        # using a dict of regexes (used to match and substitute
+        # specific key-value pairs)
+        for k in self.__control_regexes.keys():
-                lines = self.__control_res[k](lines, param[k])
+                lines = self.__control_regexes[k](lines, param[k])
             except KeyError:
+                # if key missing from regex dict, skip for now
-        fp_temp = open(temp_file, 'w')
-        fp_temp.write(lines)
-        fp_temp.close()
-    def run(self, binary, process_results=False):
-        args = binary.split()
-        args.append(self.__geo_file)
-        args.append( self.__ffield_file)
-        args.append("")
-        env = dict(environ)
-        write_header = True
-        if path.exists(self.__result_file):
-            write_header = False
-        fout = open(self.__result_file, 'a')
-        if write_header:
-            fout.write(self.__result_header_fmt.format(*self.__result_header))
-            fout.flush()
+        # write out new control file text using supplied file name
+        with open(new_control_file, 'w') as fp:
+            fp.write(lines)
-        temp_dir = mkdtemp()
-        temp_file = path.join(temp_dir, path.basename(self.__control_file))
+    def _create_md_cmd(self, binary, control_file, run_type, mpi_cmd, param_dict, env):
+        from operator import mul
+        from functools import reduce
+        from sys import exit
-        for p in product(*[self.__params[k] for k in self.__param_names]):
-            param_dict = dict((k, v) for (k, v) in zip(self.__param_names, p))
-            param_dict['name'] = path.basename(self.__geo_file).split('.')[0] \
+        if run_type == 'openmp':
+            env['OMP_NUM_THREADS'] = param_dict['threads']
+        if run_type == 'serial' or run_type == 'openmp':
+            cmd_args = binary.split() + [
+                self.__geo_file,
+                self.__ffield_file,
+                control_file,
+            ]
+        # add MPI execution command and arguments to subprocess argument list
+        elif run_type == 'mpi' or run_type == 'mpi+gpu':
+            if mpi_cmd[0] == 'mpirun':
+                cmd_args = [
+                    'mpirun',
+                    '-np',
+                    # total number of MPI processes
+                    str(reduce(mul,
+                        map(int, param_dict['proc_by_dim'].split(':')), 1)),
+                ] + binary.split() + [
+                    self.__geo_file,
+                    self.__ffield_file,
+                    control_file,
+                ]
+            elif mpi_cmd[0] == 'srun':
+                # slurm scheduler wraps MPI commands (e.g., NERSC)
+                cmd_args = [
+                    'srun',
+                    '-N',
+                    # number of nodes
+                    mpi_cmd[1],
+                    '-n',
+                    # number of tasks
+                    mpi_cmd[2],
+                    '-c',
+                    # number of cores per task
+                    mpi_cmd[3],
+                ] + binary.split() + [
+                    self.__geo_file,
+                    self.__ffield_file,
+                    control_file,
+                ]
+            else:
+                print("[ERROR] Invalid MPI application type ({0}). Terminating...".format(mpi_cmd[0]))
+                exit(-1)
+        return cmd_args, env
+    def _create_output_file_base(self, run_type, param_dict):
+        if run_type == 'serial' or run_type == 'openmp':
+            name = path.basename(self.__geo_file).split('.')[0] \
                 + '_cm' + param_dict['charge_method'] \
                 + '_s' + param_dict['nsteps'] \
 		+ '_q' + param_dict['cm_solver_type'] \
@@ -120,30 +280,65 @@ class TestCase():
                 + '_pa' + param_dict['cm_solver_pre_app_type'] \
                 + '_paji' + param_dict['cm_solver_pre_app_jacobi_iters'] \
 		+ '_t' + param_dict['threads']
+        elif run_type == 'mpi' or run_type == 'mpi+gpu':
+            name = path.basename(self.__geo_file).split('.')[0] \
+                + '_cm' + param_dict['charge_method'] \
+                + '_s' + param_dict['nsteps'] \
+                + '_proc' + param_dict['proc_by_dim'].replace(':', '_') \
+                + '_ren' + param_dict['reneighbor'] \
+                + '_skind' + param_dict['vlist_buffer'] \
+                + '_q' + param_dict['cm_solver_type'] \
+                + '_qtol' + param_dict['cm_solver_q_err'] \
+                + '_qds' + param_dict['cm_domain_sparsity'] \
+                + '_pc' + param_dict['cm_solver_pre_comp_type'] \
+                + '_pcr' + param_dict['cm_solver_pre_comp_refactor'] \
+                + '_pctol' + param_dict['cm_solver_pre_comp_droptol'] \
+                + '_pcs' + param_dict['cm_solver_pre_comp_sweeps'] \
+                + '_pcsai' + param_dict['cm_solver_pre_comp_sai_thres'] \
+                + '_pa' + param_dict['cm_solver_pre_app_type'] \
+                + '_paji'+ str(param_dict['cm_solver_pre_app_jacobi_iters'])
+        else:
+            name = 'default_sim'
-            if not process_results:
-                self._setup(param_dict, temp_file)
-                env['OMP_NUM_THREADS'] = param_dict['threads']
-                start = time()
-                args[-1] = temp_file
-                proc_handle = Popen(args, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE, env=env, universal_newlines=True)
-                stdout, stderr = proc_handle.communicate()
-                stop = time()
-                if proc_handle.returncode < 0:
-                    print("WARNING: process terminated with code {0}".format(proc_handle.returncode))
-                else:
-                    print('stdout:')
-                    print(stdout)
-                    print('stderr:')
-                    print(stderr)
+        return name
-            else:
-                self._process_result(fout, param_dict, self.__min_step, self.__max_step)
+    def run_md(self, binary, run_type, mpi_cmd):
+        from itertools import product
+        from os import environ, path, remove, rmdir
+        from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
+        from tempfile import mkdtemp
+        from time import time
+        env = dict(environ)
+        temp_dir = mkdtemp(dir=getcwd())
+        # create Cartesian product of all supplied sets of parameter values
+        for p in product(*[self.__params[k] for k in self.__param_names]):
+            param_dict = dict((k, v) for (k, v) in zip(self.__param_names, p))
+            param_dict['name'] = self._create_output_file_base(run_type, param_dict)
+            if not param_dict['traj_title']:
+                param_dict['traj_title'] = param_dict['name'] + '.trj'
+            temp_file = path.join(temp_dir, 'control')
+            self._create_control_file(param_dict, temp_file)
+            cmd_args, env = self._create_md_cmd(binary, temp_file, run_type,
+                    mpi_cmd, param_dict, env)
+            start = time()
+            proc_handle = Popen(cmd_args, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE, env=env, universal_newlines=True)
+            stdout, stderr = proc_handle.communicate()
+            stop = time()
+            if proc_handle.returncode < 0:
+                print("WARNING: process terminated with code {0}".format(proc_handle.returncode))
+            print('stdout:\n{0}'.format(stdout), end='')
+            print('stderr:\n{0}'.format(stderr), end='')
+            if path.exists(temp_file):
+                remove(temp_file)
-        fout.close()
-        if path.exists(temp_file):
-            remove(temp_file)
         if path.exists(temp_dir):
@@ -155,6 +350,7 @@ class TestCase():
         pre_app = 0.
         spmv = 0.
         cnt = 0
+        cnt_valid = 0
         line_cnt = 0
         log_file = param['name'] + '.log'
@@ -166,15 +362,16 @@ class TestCase():
                 line = line.split()
                     if (not min_step and not max_step) or \
-                    (min_step and not max_step and cnt >= min_step) or \
-                    (not min_step and max_step and cnt <= max_step) or \
-                    (cnt >= min_step and cnt <= max_step):
+                    (min_step and not max_step and cnt_valid >= min_step) or \
+                    (not min_step and max_step and cnt_valid <= max_step) or \
+                    (cnt_valid >= min_step and cnt_valid <= max_step):
                         cm = cm + float(line[6])
                         iters = iters + float(line[8])
                         pre_comp = pre_comp + float(line[9])
                         pre_app = pre_app + float(line[10])
                         spmv = spmv + float(line[11])
                         cnt = cnt + 1
+                    cnt_valid = cnt_valid + 1
                 except Exception:
                 if line[0] == 'total:':
@@ -206,188 +403,495 @@ class TestCase():
                 log_file, int(param['nsteps']), max(line_cnt - 3, 0)))
+    def parse_results(self, run_type):
+        from itertools import product
+        from os import path
+        write_header = True
+        if path.exists(self.__result_file):
+            write_header = False
+        with open(self.__result_file, 'a') as fout:
+            if write_header:
+                fout.write(self.__result_header_fmt.format(*self.__result_header))
+                fout.flush()
+            # create Cartesian product of all supplied sets of parameter values
+            for p in product(*[self.__params[k] for k in self.__param_names]):
+                param_dict = dict((k, v) for (k, v) in zip(self.__param_names, p))
+                param_dict['name'] = self._create_output_file_base(run_type, param_dict)
+                self._process_result(fout, param_dict, self.__min_step, self.__max_step)
+    def _build_slurm_script(self, binary, run_type, mpi_cmd, param_values):
+        from os import path
+        # remove executable and back up two directory levels
+        base_dir = path.dirname(path.dirname(path.dirname(path.abspath(binary))))
+        job_script = """\
+#!/bin/bash -login
+#SBATCH --time=03:59:00
+#SBATCH --mem=120G
+#SBATCH --nodes=1
+#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=28
+#SBATCH --constraint=lac
+module purge
+module load GCC/7.3.0-2.30
+python3 {0}/tools/ run_md \\
+    -b {1} \\\
+""".format(base_dir, binary)
+        for (k, v) in zip(self.__param_names, param_values):
+            job_script += "\n    -p {0} {1} \\".format(k, v)
+        if run_type == 'mpi' or run_type == 'mpi+gpu':
+            job_script += "\n    -m {0} \\".format(':'.join(mpi_cmd))
+        job_script += "\n    {0} {1}".format(run_type, self.__data_set)
+        return job_script
+    def _build_pbs_script(self, binary, run_type, mpi_cmd, param_values):
+        from os import path
+        # remove executable and back up two directory levels
+        base_dir = path.dirname(path.dirname(path.dirname(path.abspath(binary))))
+        job_script = """\
+#!/bin/bash -login
+#PBS -l walltime=03:59:00,nodes=1:ppn=28,mem=120gb,feature=lac
+module purge
+module load GCC/7.3.0-2.30
+cd ${{PBS_O_WORKDIR}}
+python3 {0}/tools/ run_md \\
+    -b {1} \\\
+""".format(base_dir, binary)
+        for (k, v) in zip(self.__param_names, param_values):
+            job_script += "\n    -p {0} {1} \\".format(k, v)
+        if run_type == 'mpi' or run_type == 'mpi+gpu':
+            job_script += "\n    -m {0} \\".format(':'.join(mpi_cmd))
+        job_script += "\n    {0} {1}".format(run_type, self.__data_set)
+        return job_script
+    def submit_jobs(self, binary, run_type, job_script_type, mpi_cmd):
+        from itertools import product
+        from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
+        for p in product(*[self.__params[k] for k in self.__param_names]):
+            if job_script_type == 'slurm':
+                job_script = self._build_slurm_script(binary, run_type, mpi_cmd, p)
+                cmd_args = ['sbatch']
+            if job_script_type == 'pbs':
+                job_script = self._build_pbs_script(binary, run_type, mpi_cmd, p)
+                cmd_args = ['qsub']
+            proc_handle = Popen(cmd_args, stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE, universal_newlines=True)
+            stdout, stderr = proc_handle.communicate(job_script)
+            if proc_handle.returncode < 0:
+                print("WARNING: process terminated with code {0}".format(proc_handle.returncode))
+                print('stdout:\n{0}'.format(stdout), end='')
+                print('stderr:\n{0}'.format(stderr), end='')
+            else:
+                print(stdout, end='')
 if __name__ == '__main__':
-    DATA = [ \
-            'bilayer_56800', 'bilayer_340800', \
-            'dna_19733', \
-            'petn_48256', \
-            'silica_6000', 'silica_72000', 'silica_300000', \
-            'water_6540', 'water_78480', 'water_327000', \
-            ]
+    import argparse
+    from os import getcwd, path
+    from sys import exit
-    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Run molecular dynamics simulations on specified data sets.')
-    parser.add_argument('-b', '--binary', metavar='binary', default=None, nargs=1,
-            help='Binary file to run.')
-    parser.add_argument('-f', '--out_file', metavar='out_file', default=None, nargs=1,
-            help='Output file to write results.')
-    parser.add_argument('-r', '--process_results', default=False, action='store_true',
-            help='Process simulation results only (do not perform simulations).')
-    parser.add_argument('-p', '--params', metavar='params', action='append', default=None, nargs=2,
-            help='Paramater name and value pairs for the simulation, which multiple values comma delimited.')
-    parser.add_argument('-n', '--min_step', metavar='min_step', default=None, nargs=1,
-            help='Minimum simulation step to begin aggregating results.')
-    parser.add_argument('-x', '--max_step', metavar='max_step', default=None, nargs=1,
-            help='Maxiumum simulation step for aggregating results.')
-    parser.add_argument('data', nargs='+',
-            choices=DATA, help='Data sets for which to run simulations.')
-    # parse args and take action
-    args = parser.parse_args()
+    def setup_parser():
+        DATA_SETS = [ \
+                'bilayer_56800', 'bilayer_340800', \
+                'dna_19733', \
+                'petn_48256', \
+                'silica_6000', 'silica_72000', 'silica_300000', \
+                'water_6540', 'water_78480', 'water_327000', \
+                'zno_6912', \
+                ]
+        JOB_TYPES = ['pbs', 'slurm']
+        RUN_TYPES = ['serial', 'openmp', 'mpi', 'mpi+gpu']
+        parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Molecular dynamics simulation tools used with specified data sets.')
+        subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(help="Actions.")
+        run_md_parser = subparsers.add_parser("run_md")
+        run_md_custom_parser = subparsers.add_parser("run_md_custom")
+        parse_results_parser = subparsers.add_parser("parse_results")
+        submit_jobs_parser = subparsers.add_parser("submit_jobs")
+        run_md_parser.add_argument('-b', '--binary', metavar='binary', default=None, nargs=1,
+                help='Binary file used for running the MD simulation(s).')
+        run_md_parser.add_argument('-p', '--params', metavar='params', action='append', default=None, nargs=2,
+                help='Paramater name and value pairs for the simulation as defined in the control file.'
+                + ' Multiple values for a parameter can be specified using commas, and each'
+                + ' value will constitute a separate MD simulation.')
+        run_md_parser.add_argument('-m', '--mpi_cmd', metavar='mpi_cmd', default=['mpirun'], nargs=1,
+                help='MPI command type and arguments. Examples: \'mpirun\', \'srun:1:32:1\'.')
+        run_md_parser.add_argument('run_type', nargs=1,
+                choices=RUN_TYPES, help='Run type for the MD simulation(s).')
+        run_md_parser.add_argument('data_sets', nargs='+',
+                choices=DATA_SETS, help='Data set(s) used for the MD simulation(s).')
+        run_md_parser.set_defaults(func=run_md)
+        run_md_custom_parser.add_argument('-b', '--binary', metavar='binary', default=None, nargs=1,
+                help='Binary file used for running the MD simulation(s).')
+        run_md_custom_parser.add_argument('-p', '--params', metavar='params', action='append', default=None, nargs=2,
+                help='Paramater name and value pairs for the simulation as defined in the control file.'
+                + ' Multiple values for a parameter can be specified using commas, and each'
+                + ' value will constitute a separate MD simulation.')
+        run_md_custom_parser.add_argument('-m', '--mpi_cmd', metavar='mpi_cmd', default=['mpirun'], nargs=1,
+                help='MPI command type and arguments. Examples: \'mpirun\', \'srun:1:32:1\'.')
+        run_md_custom_parser.add_argument('run_type', nargs=1,
+                choices=RUN_TYPES, help='Run type for the MD simulation(s).')
+        run_md_custom_parser.add_argument('geo_file', nargs=1,
+                help='Geometry file used for the MD simulation.')
+        run_md_custom_parser.add_argument('ffield_file', nargs=1,
+                help='Force field parameter file used for the MD simulation.')
+        run_md_custom_parser.set_defaults(func=run_md_custom)
+        parse_results_parser.add_argument('-f', '--out_file', metavar='out_file', default=None, nargs=1,
+                help='Output file to write results.')
+        parse_results_parser.add_argument('-p', '--params', metavar='params', action='append', default=None, nargs=2,
+                help='Paramater name and value pairs for the simulation, with multiple values comma delimited.')
+        parse_results_parser.add_argument('-n', '--min_step', metavar='min_step', default=None, nargs=1,
+                help='Minimum simulation step to begin aggregating results.')
+        parse_results_parser.add_argument('-x', '--max_step', metavar='max_step', default=None, nargs=1,
+                help='Maxiumum simulation step for aggregating results.')
+        parse_results_parser.add_argument('run_type', nargs=1,
+                choices=RUN_TYPES, help='Run type for the MD simulation(s).')
+        parse_results_parser.add_argument('data_sets', nargs='+',
+                choices=DATA_SETS, help='Data set(s) for which to parse MD simulation results.')
+        parse_results_parser.set_defaults(func=parse_results)
-    base_dir = getcwd()
-    control_dir = path.join(base_dir, 'environ')
-    data_dir = path.join(base_dir, 'data/benchmarks')
-    header_fmt_str = '{:15}|{:5}|{:5}|{:5}|{:5}|{:5}|{:5}|{:5}|{:5}|{:5}|{:5}|{:5}|{:10}|{:10}|{:10}|{:10}|{:10}|{:3}|{:10}\n'
-    header_str = ['Data Set', 'Steps', 'CM', 'Solvr', 'Q Tol', 'QDS', 'PreCT', 'PreCD', 'PreCS', 'PCSAI', 'PreAT', 'PreAJ', 'Pre Comp',
-            'Pre App', 'Iters', 'SpMV', 'CM', 'Thd', 'Time (s)']
-    body_fmt_str = '{:15} {:5} {:5} {:5} {:5} {:5} {:5} {:5} {:5} {:5} {:5} {:5} {:10.3f} {:10.3f} {:10.3f} {:10.3f} {:10.3f} {:3} {:10.3f}\n'
-    params = {
-            'ensemble_type': ['0'],
-            'nsteps': ['20'],
-            'tabulate_long_range': ['0'],
-            'charge_method': ['0'],
-            'cm_q_net': ['0.0'],
-            'cm_solver_type': ['0'],
-            'cm_solver_max_iters': ['20'],
-            'cm_solver_restart': ['100'],
-            'cm_solver_q_err': ['1e-6'],
-            'cm_domain_sparsity': ['1.0'],
-            'cm_init_guess_extrap1': ['3'],
-            'cm_init_guess_extrap2': ['2'],
-            'cm_solver_pre_comp_type': ['2'],
-            'cm_solver_pre_comp_refactor': ['100'],
-            'cm_solver_pre_comp_droptol': ['0.0'],
-            'cm_solver_pre_comp_sweeps': ['3'],
-            'cm_solver_pre_comp_sai_thres': ['0.1'],
-            'cm_solver_pre_app_type': ['2'],
-            'cm_solver_pre_app_jacobi_iters': ['30'],
-            'threads': ['1'],
-            'geo_format': [],
-    }
-    if args.out_file:
-        result_file = args.out_file[0]
-    else:
-        result_file = 'result.txt'
-    if args.binary:
-        binary = args.binary[0]
-    else:
-        binary  = path.join(base_dir, 'sPuReMD/bin/spuremd')
-    # overwrite default params, if supplied via command line args
-    if args.params:
-        for param in args.params:
-            if param[0] in params:
-                params[param[0]] = param[1].split(',')
+        submit_jobs_parser.add_argument('-b', '--binary', metavar='binary', default=None, nargs=1,
+                help='Binary file to run.')
+        submit_jobs_parser.add_argument('-p', '--params', metavar='params', action='append', default=None, nargs=2,
+                help='Paramater name and value pairs for the simulation, with multiple values comma delimited.')
+        submit_jobs_parser.add_argument('-m', '--mpi_cmd', metavar='mpi_cmd', default=['mpirun'], nargs=1,
+                help='MPI command type and arguments. Examples: \'mpirun\', \'srun:1:32:1\'.')
+        submit_jobs_parser.add_argument('job_script_type', nargs=1,
+                choices=JOB_TYPES, help='Type of job script.')
+        submit_jobs_parser.add_argument('run_type', nargs=1,
+                choices=RUN_TYPES, help='Run type for the MD simulation(s).')
+        submit_jobs_parser.add_argument('data_sets', nargs='+',
+                choices=DATA_SETS, help='Data set(s) for which to run MD simulation(s).')
+        submit_jobs_parser.set_defaults(func=submit_jobs)
+        return parser
+    def setup_defaults(base_dir):
+        data_dir = path.join(base_dir, 'data/benchmarks')
+        control_params_dict = {
+                'ensemble_type': ['0'],
+                'nsteps': ['20'],
+                'dt': ['0.25'],
+                'gpus_per_node': ['1'],
+                'proc_by_dim': ['1:1:1'],
+                'periodic_boundaries': ['1'],
+                'reposition_atoms': ['0'],
+                'remove_CoM_vel': ['500'],
+                'reneighbor': ['1'],
+                'energy_update_freq': ['1'],
+                'tabulate_long_range': ['0'],
+                'vlist_buffer': ['0.0'],
+                'nbrhood_cutoff': ['5.0'],
+                'hbond_cutoff': ['7.5'],
+                'thb_cutoff': ['0.001'],
+                'bond_graph_cutoff': ['0.3'],
+                'charge_method': ['0'],
+                'cm_q_net': ['0.0'],
+                'cm_solver_type': ['0'],
+                'cm_solver_max_iters': ['20'],
+                'cm_solver_restart': ['100'],
+                'cm_solver_q_err': ['1e-6'],
+                'cm_domain_sparsity': ['1.0'],
+                'cm_init_guess_extrap1': ['3'],
+                'cm_init_guess_extrap2': ['2'],
+                'cm_solver_pre_comp_type': ['1'],
+                'cm_solver_pre_comp_refactor': ['100'],
+                'cm_solver_pre_comp_droptol': ['0.0'],
+                'cm_solver_pre_comp_sweeps': ['3'],
+                'cm_solver_pre_comp_sai_thres': ['0.1'],
+                'cm_solver_pre_app_type': ['0'],
+                'cm_solver_pre_app_jacobi_iters': ['30'],
+                'threads': ['1'],
+                'geo_format': [],
+                'temp_init': ['0.0'],
+                'temp_final': ['300.0'],
+                't_mass': ['0.166666'],
+                't_mode': ['0'],
+                't_rate': ['-100.0'],
+                't_freq': ['4.0'],
+                'pressure': ['0.000101325'],
+                'p_mass': ['5000.0'],
+                'pt_mass': ['5000.0'],
+                'compress': ['0.008134'],
+                'press_mode': ['0'],
+                'write_freq': ['0'],
+                'traj_format': ['0'],
+                'traj_compress': ['0'],
+                'traj_title': [None],
+        }
+        return data_dir, control_params_dict
+    def setup_test_cases(data_sets, data_dir, control_params, header_fmt_str=None,
+            header_str=None, body_fmt_str=None, result_file='result.txt', min_step=None, max_step=None):
+        test_cases = []
+        if 'water_6540' in data_sets:
+            test_cases.append(
+                TestCase('water_6540',
+                    path.join(data_dir, 'water/water_6540.pdb'),
+                    path.join(data_dir, 'water/ffield_acks2.water'),
+                    params=control_params, result_header_fmt=header_fmt_str,
+                    result_header = header_str, result_body_fmt=body_fmt_str,
+                    geo_format=['1'], result_file=result_file,
+                    min_step=min_step, max_step=max_step))
+        if 'water_78480' in data_sets:
+            test_cases.append('water_78480',
+                TestCase(path.join(data_dir, 'water/water_78480.geo'),
+                    path.join(data_dir, 'water/ffield_acks2.water'),
+                    params=control_params, result_header_fmt=header_fmt_str,
+                    result_header = header_str, result_body_fmt=body_fmt_str,
+                    geo_format=['0'], result_file=result_file,
+                    min_step=min_step, max_step=max_step))
+        if 'water_327000' in data_sets:
+            test_cases.append(
+                TestCase('water_327000',
+                    path.join(data_dir, 'water/water_327000.geo'),
+                    path.join(data_dir, 'water/ffield_acks2.water'),
+                    params=control_params, result_header_fmt=header_fmt_str,
+                    result_header = header_str, result_body_fmt=body_fmt_str,
+                    geo_format=['0'], result_file=result_file,
+                    min_step=min_step, max_step=max_step))
+        if 'bilayer_56800' in data_sets:
+            test_cases.append(
+                TestCase('bilayer_56800',
+                    path.join(data_dir, 'bilayer/bilayer_56800.pdb'),
+                    path.join(data_dir, 'bilayer/ffield-bio'),
+                    params=control_params, result_header_fmt=header_fmt_str,
+                    result_header = header_str, result_body_fmt=body_fmt_str,
+                    geo_format=['1'], result_file=result_file,
+                    min_step=min_step, max_step=max_step))
+        if 'bilayer_340800' in data_sets:
+            test_cases.append(
+                TestCase('bilayer_340800',
+                    path.join(data_dir, 'bilayer/bilayer_340800.geo'),
+                    path.join(data_dir, 'bilayer/ffield-bio'),
+                    params=control_params, result_header_fmt=header_fmt_str,
+                    result_header = header_str, result_body_fmt=body_fmt_str,
+                    geo_format=['0'], result_file=result_file,
+                    min_step=min_step, max_step=max_step))
+        if 'dna_19733' in data_sets:
+            test_cases.append(
+                TestCase('dna_19733',
+                    path.join(data_dir, 'dna/dna_19733.pdb'),
+                    path.join(data_dir, 'dna/ffield-dna'),
+                    params=control_params, result_header_fmt=header_fmt_str,
+                    result_header = header_str, result_body_fmt=body_fmt_str,
+                    geo_format=['1'], result_file=result_file,
+                    min_step=min_step, max_step=max_step))
+        if 'silica_6000' in data_sets:
+            test_cases.append(
+                TestCase('silica_6000',
+                    path.join(data_dir, 'silica/silica_6000.pdb'),
+                    path.join(data_dir, 'silica/ffield-bio'),
+                    params=control_params, result_header_fmt=header_fmt_str,
+                    result_header = header_str, result_body_fmt=body_fmt_str,
+                    geo_format=['1'], result_file=result_file,
+                    min_step=min_step, max_step=max_step))
+        if 'silica_72000' in data_sets:
+            test_cases.append(
+                TestCase('silica_72000',
+                    path.join(data_dir, 'silica/silica_72000.geo'),
+                    path.join(data_dir, 'silica/ffield-bio'),
+                    params=control_params, result_header_fmt=header_fmt_str,
+                    result_header = header_str, result_body_fmt=body_fmt_str,
+                    geo_format=['0'], result_file=result_file,
+                    min_step=min_step, max_step=max_step))
+        if 'silica_300000' in data_sets:
+            test_cases.append(
+                TestCase('silica_300000',
+                    path.join(data_dir, 'silica/silica_300000.geo'),
+                    path.join(data_dir, 'silica/ffield-bio'),
+                    params=control_params, result_header_fmt=header_fmt_str,
+                    result_header = header_str, result_body_fmt=body_fmt_str,
+                    geo_format=['0'], result_file=result_file,
+                    min_step=min_step, max_step=max_step))
+        if 'petn_48256' in data_sets:
+            test_cases.append(
+                TestCase('petn_48256',
+                    path.join(data_dir, 'petn/petn_48256.pdb'),
+                    path.join(data_dir, 'petn/ffield.petn'),
+                    params=control_params, result_header_fmt=header_fmt_str,
+                    result_header = header_str, result_body_fmt=body_fmt_str,
+                    geo_format=['1'], result_file=result_file,
+                    min_step=min_step, max_step=max_step))
+        if 'zno_6912' in data_sets:
+            test_cases.append(
+                TestCase('zno_6912',
+                    path.join(data_dir, 'metal/zno_6912.pdb'),
+                    path.join(data_dir, 'metal/ffield.zno'),
+                    params=control_params, result_header_fmt=header_fmt_str,
+                    result_header = header_str, result_body_fmt=body_fmt_str,
+                    geo_format=['1'], result_file=result_file,
+                    min_step=min_step, max_step=max_step))
+        return test_cases
+    def run_md(args):
+        if args.binary:
+            binary = args.binary[0]
+            # remove executable and back up two directory levels
+            base_dir = path.dirname(path.dirname(path.dirname(path.abspath(binary))))
+        else:
+            base_dir = getcwd()
+            if args.run_type[0] == 'serial' or args.run_type[0] == 'openmp':
+                binary = path.join(base_dir, 'sPuReMD/bin/spuremd')
+            elif args.run_type[0] == 'mpi':
+                binary = path.join(base_dir, 'PuReMD/bin/puremd')
+            elif args.run_type[0] == 'mpi+gpu':
+                binary = path.join(base_dir, 'PG-PuReMD/bin/pg-puremd')
+        data_dir, control_params_dict = setup_defaults(base_dir)
+        # overwrite default control file parameter values if supplied via command line args
+        if args.params:
+            for param in args.params:
+                if param[0] in control_params_dict:
+                    control_params_dict[param[0]] = param[1].split(',')
+                else:
+                    print("ERROR: Invalid parameter {0}. Terminating...".format(param[0]))
+                    exit(-1)
+        test_cases = setup_test_cases(args.data_sets, data_dir, control_params_dict)
+        for test in test_cases:
+            test.run_md(binary, args.run_type[0], args.mpi_cmd[0].split(':'))
+    def run_md_custom(args):
+        if args.binary:
+            binary = args.binary[0]
+            # remove executable and back up two directory levels
+            base_dir = path.dirname(path.dirname(path.dirname(path.abspath(binary))))
+        else:
+            base_dir = getcwd()
+            if args.run_type[0] == 'serial' or args.run_type[0] == 'openmp':
+                binary = path.join(base_dir, 'sPuReMD/bin/spuremd')
+            elif args.run_type[0] == 'mpi':
+                binary = path.join(base_dir, 'PuReMD/bin/puremd')
+            elif args.run_type[0] == 'mpi+gpu':
+                binary = path.join(base_dir, 'PG-PuReMD/bin/pg-puremd')
+        _, control_params_dict = setup_defaults(base_dir)
+        # overwrite default control file parameter values if supplied via command line args
+        if args.params:
+            for param in args.params:
+                if param[0] in control_params_dict:
+                    control_params_dict[param[0]] = param[1].split(',')
+                else:
+                    print("ERROR: Invalid parameter {0}. Terminating...".format(param[0]))
+                    exit(-1)
+        geo_base, geo_ext = path.splitext(args.geo_file[0])
+        if 'geo_format' in control_params_dict:
+            geo_format = control_params_dict['geo_format']
+        # infer geometry file format by file extension
+        else:
+            if geo_ext.lower() == '.pdb':
+                geo_format = ['1']
+            elif geo_ext.lower() == '.geo':
+                geo_format = ['0']
-                print("[ERROR] Invalid parameter {0}. Terminating...".format(param[0]))
+                print("ERROR: unrecognized geometry format {0}. Terminating...".format(ext))
-    if args.min_step:
-        min_step = int(args.min_step[0])
-    else:
-        min_step = None
-    if args.max_step:
-        max_step = int(args.max_step[0])
-    else:
-        max_step = None
-    test_cases = []
-    if 'water_6540' in
-        test_cases.append(
-            TestCase(path.join(data_dir, 'water/water_6540.pdb'),
-                path.join(data_dir, 'water/ffield_acks2.water'),
-                path.join(control_dir, 'param.gpu.water'),
-                params=params, result_header_fmt=header_fmt_str,
-                result_header = header_str, result_body_fmt=body_fmt_str,
-                geo_format=['1'], result_file=result_file,
-                min_step=min_step, max_step=max_step))
-    if 'water_78480' in
-        test_cases.append(
-            TestCase(path.join(data_dir, 'water/water_78480.geo'),
-                path.join(data_dir, 'water/ffield_acks2.water'),
-                path.join(control_dir, 'param.gpu.water'),
-                params=params, result_header_fmt=header_fmt_str,
-                result_header = header_str, result_body_fmt=body_fmt_str,
-                geo_format=['0'], result_file=result_file,
-                min_step=min_step, max_step=max_step))
-    if 'water_327000' in
-        test_cases.append(
-            TestCase(path.join(data_dir, 'water/water_327000.geo'),
-                path.join(data_dir, 'water/ffield_acks2.water'),
-                path.join(control_dir, 'param.gpu.water'),
-                params=params, result_header_fmt=header_fmt_str,
-                result_header = header_str, result_body_fmt=body_fmt_str,
-                geo_format=['0'], result_file=result_file,
-                min_step=min_step, max_step=max_step))
-    if 'bilayer_56800' in
-        test_cases.append(
-            TestCase(path.join(data_dir, 'bilayer/bilayer_56800.pdb'),
-                path.join(data_dir, 'bilayer/ffield-bio'),
-                path.join(control_dir, 'param.gpu.water'),
-                params=params, result_header_fmt=header_fmt_str,
-                result_header = header_str, result_body_fmt=body_fmt_str,
-                geo_format=['1'], result_file=result_file,
-                min_step=min_step, max_step=max_step))
-    if 'bilayer_340800' in
-        test_cases.append(
-            TestCase(path.join(data_dir, 'bilayer/bilayer_340800.geo'),
-                path.join(data_dir, 'bilayer/ffield-bio'),
-                path.join(control_dir, 'param.gpu.water'),
-                params=params, result_header_fmt=header_fmt_str,
-                result_header = header_str, result_body_fmt=body_fmt_str,
-                geo_format=['0'], result_file=result_file,
-                min_step=min_step, max_step=max_step))
-    if 'dna_19733' in
-        test_cases.append(
-            TestCase(path.join(data_dir, 'dna/dna_19733.pdb'),
-                path.join(data_dir, 'dna/ffield-dna'),
-                path.join(control_dir, 'param.gpu.water'),
-                params=params, result_header_fmt=header_fmt_str,
-                result_header = header_str, result_body_fmt=body_fmt_str,
-                geo_format=['1'], result_file=result_file,
-                min_step=min_step, max_step=max_step))
-    if 'silica_6000' in
-        test_cases.append(
-            TestCase(path.join(data_dir, 'silica/silica_6000.pdb'),
-                path.join(data_dir, 'silica/ffield-bio'),
-                path.join(control_dir, 'param.gpu.water'),
-                params=params, result_header_fmt=header_fmt_str,
-                result_header = header_str, result_body_fmt=body_fmt_str,
-                geo_format=['1'], result_file=result_file,
-                min_step=min_step, max_step=max_step))
-    if 'silica_72000' in
-        test_cases.append(
-            TestCase(path.join(data_dir, 'silica/silica_72000.geo'),
-                path.join(data_dir, 'silica/ffield-bio'),
-                path.join(control_dir, 'param.gpu.water'),
-                params=params, result_header_fmt=header_fmt_str,
-                result_header = header_str, result_body_fmt=body_fmt_str,
-                geo_format=['0'], result_file=result_file,
-                min_step=min_step, max_step=max_step))
-    if 'silica_300000' in
-        test_cases.append(
-            TestCase(path.join(data_dir, 'silica/silica_300000.geo'),
-                path.join(data_dir, 'silica/ffield-bio'),
-                path.join(control_dir, 'param.gpu.water'),
-                params=params, result_header_fmt=header_fmt_str,
-                result_header = header_str, result_body_fmt=body_fmt_str,
-                geo_format=['0'], result_file=result_file,
-                min_step=min_step, max_step=max_step))
-    if 'petn_48256' in
-        test_cases.append(
-            TestCase(path.join(data_dir, 'petn/petn_48256.pdb'),
-                path.join(data_dir, 'petn/ffield.petn'),
-                path.join(control_dir, 'param.gpu.water'),
-                params=params, result_header_fmt=header_fmt_str,
-                result_header = header_str, result_body_fmt=body_fmt_str,
-                geo_format=['1'], result_file=result_file,
-                min_step=min_step, max_step=max_step))
-    for test in test_cases:
-, process_results=args.process_results)
+        test_case = TestCase(geo_base, args.geo_file[0], args.ffield_file[0],
+                params=control_params_dict, geo_format=geo_format)
+        test_case.run_md(binary, args.run_type[0], args.mpi_cmd[0].split(':'))
+    def parse_results(args):
+        header_fmt_str = '{:15}|{:5}|{:5}|{:5}|{:5}|{:5}|{:5}|{:5}|{:5}|{:5}|{:5}|{:5}|{:10}|{:10}|{:10}|{:10}|{:10}|{:3}|{:10}\n'
+        header_str = ['Data Set', 'Steps', 'CM', 'Solvr', 'Q Tol', 'QDS', 'PreCT', 'PreCD', 'PreCS', 'PCSAI', 'PreAT', 'PreAJ', 'Pre Comp',
+                'Pre App', 'Iters', 'SpMV', 'CM', 'Thd', 'Time (s)']
+        body_fmt_str = '{:15} {:5} {:5} {:5} {:5} {:5} {:5} {:5} {:5} {:5} {:5} {:5} {:10.3f} {:10.3f} {:10.3f} {:10.3f} {:10.3f} {:3} {:10.3f}\n'
+        base_dir = getcwd()
+        data_dir, control_params_dict = setup_defaults(base_dir)
+        if args.out_file:
+            result_file = args.out_file[0]
+        else:
+            result_file = 'result.txt'
+        if args.min_step:
+            min_step = int(args.min_step[0])
+        else:
+            min_step = None
+        if args.max_step:
+            max_step = int(args.max_step[0])
+        else:
+            max_step = None
+        test_cases = setup_test_cases(args.data_sets, data_dir, control_params_dict,
+                header_fmt_str=header_fmt_str, header_str=header_str, body_fmt_str=body_fmt_str,
+                result_file=result_file, min_step=min_step, max_step=max_step)
+        for test in test_cases:
+            test.parse_results(args.run_type[0])
+    def submit_jobs(args):
+        if args.binary:
+            binary = args.binary[0]
+            # remove executable and back up two directory levels
+            base_dir = path.dirname(path.dirname(path.dirname(path.abspath(binary))))
+        else:
+            base_dir = getcwd()
+            if args.run_type[0] == 'serial' or args.run_type[0] == 'openmp':
+                binary = path.join(base_dir, 'sPuReMD/bin/spuremd')
+            elif args.run_type[0] == 'mpi':
+                binary = path.join(base_dir, 'PuReMD/bin/puremd')
+            elif args.run_type[0] == 'mpi+gpu':
+                binary = path.join(base_dir, 'PG-PuReMD/bin/pg-puremd')
+        data_dir, control_params_dict = setup_defaults(base_dir)
+        # overwrite default control file parameter values if supplied via command line args
+        if args.params:
+            for param in args.params:
+                if param[0] in control_params_dict:
+                    control_params_dict[param[0]] = param[1].split(',')
+                else:
+                    print("ERROR: Invalid parameter {0}. Terminating...".format(param[0]))
+                    exit(-1)
+        test_cases = setup_test_cases(args.data_sets, data_dir, control_params_dict)
+        for test in test_cases:
+            test.submit_jobs(binary, args.run_type[0], args.job_script_type[0],
+                    args.mpi_cmd[0].split(':'))
+    parser = setup_parser()
+    args = parser.parse_args()
+    args.func(args)