diff --git a/PuReMD/src/#basic_comm.c# b/PuReMD/src/#basic_comm.c#
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..efa01e7b0aacc9ee7c63e51bdee9dad18556d31f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/PuReMD/src/#basic_comm.c#
@@ -0,0 +1,322 @@
+  PuReMD - Purdue ReaxFF Molecular Dynamics Program
+  Copyright (2010) Purdue University
+  Hasan Metin Aktulga, haktulga@cs.purdue.edu
+  Joseph Fogarty, jcfogart@mail.usf.edu
+  Sagar Pandit, pandit@usf.edu
+  Ananth Y Grama, ayg@cs.purdue.edu
+  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+  modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+  published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
+  the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+  See the GNU General Public License for more details:
+  <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+  ----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+#include "reax_types.h"
+#if defined(PURE_REAX)
+#include "basic_comm.h"
+#include "vector.h"
+#elif defined(LAMMPS_REAX)
+#include "reax_basic_comm.h"
+#include "reax_vector.h"
+#if defined(PURE_REAX)
+void real_packer( void *dummy, mpi_out_data *out_buf )
+    int i;
+    real *buf = (real*) dummy;
+    real *out = (real*) out_buf->out_atoms;
+    for ( i = 0; i < out_buf->cnt; ++i )
+        out[i] = buf[ out_buf->index[i] ];
+void rvec_packer( void *dummy, mpi_out_data *out_buf )
+    int i;
+    rvec *buf = (rvec*) dummy;
+    rvec *out = (rvec*)out_buf->out_atoms;
+    for ( i = 0; i < out_buf->cnt; ++i )
+        memcpy( out[i], buf[ out_buf->index[i] ], sizeof(rvec) );
+VOIDuuuuuuuuu RVEC2_packer( void *dummy, mpi_out_data *out_buf )
+    int i;
+    rvec2 *buf = (rvec2*) dummy;
+    rvec2 *out = (rvec2*) out_buf->out_atoms;
+    for ( i = 0; i < out_buf->cnt; ++i )
+        memcpy( out[i], buf[ out_buf->index[i] ], sizeof(rvec2) );
+void Dist( reax_system* system, mpi_datatypes *mpi_data,
+           void *buf, MPI_Datatype type, int scale, dist_packer pack )
+    int d;
+    mpi_out_data *out_bufs;
+    MPI_Comm comm;
+    MPI_Request req1, req2;
+q    MPI_Status stat1, stat2;
+    neighbor_proc *nbr1, *nbr2;
+#if defined(DEBUG)
+    fprintf( stderr, "p%d dist: entered\n", system->my_rank );
+    comm = mpi_data->comm_mesh3D;
+    out_bufs = mpi_data->out_buffers;
+    for ( d = 0; d < 3; ++d )
+    {
+        /* initiate recvs */
+        nbr1 = &(system->my_nbrs[2 * d]);
+        if ( nbr1->atoms_cnt )
+            MPI_Irecv( buf + nbr1->atoms_str * scale, nbr1->atoms_cnt, type,
+                       nbr1->rank, 2 * d + 1, comm, &req1 );
+        nbr2 = &(system->my_nbrs[2 * d + 1]);
+        if ( nbr2->atoms_cnt )
+            MPI_Irecv( buf + nbr2->atoms_str * scale, nbr2->atoms_cnt, type,
+                       nbr2->rank, 2 * d, comm, &req2 );
+        /* send both messages in dimension d */
+        if ( out_bufs[2 * d].cnt )
+        {
+            pack( buf, out_bufs + (2 * d) );
+            MPI_Send( out_bufs[2 * d].out_atoms, out_bufs[2 * d].cnt, type,
+                      nbr1->rank, 2 * d, comm );
+        }
+        if ( out_bufs[2 * d + 1].cnt )
+        {
+            pack( buf, out_bufs + (2 * d + 1) );
+            MPI_Send( out_bufs[2 * d + 1].out_atoms, out_bufs[2 * d + 1].cnt, type,
+                      nbr2->rank, 2 * d + 1, comm );
+        }
+        if ( nbr1->atoms_cnt ) MPI_Wait( &req1, &stat1 );
+        if ( nbr2->atoms_cnt ) MPI_Wait( &req2, &stat2 );
+    }
+#if defined(DEBUG)
+    fprintf( stderr, "p%d dist: done\n", system->my_rank );
+void real_unpacker( void *dummy_in, void *dummy_buf, mpi_out_data *out_buf )
+    int i;
+    real *in = (real*) dummy_in;
+    real *buf = (real*) dummy_buf;
+    for ( i = 0; i < out_buf->cnt; ++i )
+        buf[ out_buf->index[i] ] += in[i];
+void rvec_unpacker( void *dummy_in, void *dummy_buf, mpi_out_data *out_buf )
+    int i;
+    rvec *in = (rvec*) dummy_in;
+    rvec *buf = (rvec*) dummy_buf;
+    for ( i = 0; i < out_buf->cnt; ++i )
+    {
+        rvec_Add( buf[ out_buf->index[i] ], in[i] );
+#if defined(DEBUG)
+        fprintf( stderr, "rvec_unpacker: cnt=%d  i =%d  index[i]=%d\n",
+                 out_buf->cnt, i, out_buf->index[i] );
+    }
+void rvec2_unpacker( void *dummy_in, void *dummy_buf, mpi_out_data *out_buf )
+    int i;
+    rvec2 *in = (rvec2*) dummy_in;
+    rvec2 *buf = (rvec2*) dummy_buf;
+    for ( i = 0; i < out_buf->cnt; ++i )
+    {
+        buf[ out_buf->index[i] ][0] += in[i][0];
+        buf[ out_buf->index[i] ][1] += in[i][1];
+    }
+void Coll( reax_system* system, mpi_datatypes *mpi_data,
+           void *buf, MPI_Datatype type, int scale, coll_unpacker unpack )
+    int d;
+    void *in1, *in2;
+    mpi_out_data *out_bufs;
+    MPI_Comm comm;
+    MPI_Request req1, req2;
+    MPI_Status stat1, stat2;
+    neighbor_proc *nbr1, *nbr2;
+#if defined(DEBUG)
+    fprintf( stderr, "p%d coll: entered\n", system->my_rank );
+    comm = mpi_data->comm_mesh3D;
+    in1 = mpi_data->in1_buffer;
+    in2 = mpi_data->in2_buffer;
+    out_bufs = mpi_data->out_buffers;
+    for ( d = 2; d >= 0; --d )
+    {
+        /* initiate recvs */
+        nbr1 = &(system->my_nbrs[2 * d]);
+        if ( out_bufs[2 * d].cnt )
+            MPI_Irecv(in1, out_bufs[2 * d].cnt, type, nbr1->rank, 2 * d + 1, comm, &req1);
+        nbr2 = &(system->my_nbrs[2 * d + 1]);
+        if ( out_bufs[2 * d + 1].cnt )
+            MPI_Irecv(in2, out_bufs[2 * d + 1].cnt, type, nbr2->rank, 2 * d, comm, &req2);
+        /* send both messages in dimension d */
+        if ( nbr1->atoms_cnt )
+            MPI_Send( buf + nbr1->atoms_str * scale, nbr1->atoms_cnt, type,
+                      nbr1->rank, 2 * d, comm );
+        if ( nbr2->atoms_cnt )
+            MPI_Send( buf + nbr2->atoms_str * scale, nbr2->atoms_cnt, type,
+                      nbr2->rank, 2 * d + 1, comm );
+#if defined(DEBUG)
+        fprintf( stderr, "p%d coll[%d] nbr1: str=%d cnt=%d recv=%d\n",
+                 system->my_rank, d, nbr1->atoms_str, nbr1->atoms_cnt,
+                 out_bufs[2 * d].cnt );
+        fprintf( stderr, "p%d coll[%d] nbr2: str=%d cnt=%d recv=%d\n",
+                 system->my_rank, d, nbr2->atoms_str, nbr2->atoms_cnt,
+                 out_bufs[2 * d + 1].cnt );
+        if ( out_bufs[2 * d].cnt )
+        {
+            MPI_Wait( &req1, &stat1 );
+            unpack( in1, buf, out_bufs + (2 * d) );
+        }
+        if ( out_bufs[2 * d + 1].cnt )
+        {
+            MPI_Wait( &req2, &stat2 );
+            unpack( in2, buf, out_bufs + (2 * d + 1) );
+        }
+    }
+#if defined(DEBUG)
+    fprintf( stderr, "p%d coll: done\n", system->my_rank );
+#endif /*PURE_REAX*/
+real Parallel_Norm( real *v, int n, MPI_Comm comm )
+    int  i;
+    real my_sum, norm_sqr;
+    my_sum = 0;
+    for ( i = 0; i < n; ++i )
+        my_sum += SQR( v[i] );
+    MPI_Allreduce( &my_sum, &norm_sqr, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_SUM, comm );
+    return sqrt( norm_sqr );
+real Parallel_Dot( real *v1, real *v2, int n, MPI_Comm comm )
+    int  i;
+    real my_dot, res;
+    my_dot = 0;
+    for ( i = 0; i < n; ++i )
+        my_dot += v1[i] * v2[i];
+    MPI_Allreduce( &my_dot, &res, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_SUM, comm );
+    return res;
+real Parallel_Vector_Acc( real *v, int n, MPI_Comm comm )
+    int  i;
+    real my_acc, res;
+    my_acc = 0;
+    for ( i = 0; i < n; ++i )
+        my_acc += v[i];
+    MPI_Allreduce( &my_acc, &res, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_SUM, comm );
+    return res;
+#if defined(TEST_FORCES)
+void Coll_ids_at_Master( reax_system *system, storage *workspace,
+                         mpi_datatypes *mpi_data )
+    int i;
+    int *id_list;
+    MPI_Gather( &system->n, 1, MPI_INT, workspace->rcounts, 1, MPI_INT,
+                MASTER_NODE, mpi_data->world );
+    if ( system->my_rank == MASTER_NODE )
+    {
+        workspace->displs[0] = 0;
+        for ( i = 1; i < system->wsize; ++i )
+            workspace->displs[i] = workspace->displs[i - 1] + workspace->rcounts[i - 1];
+    }
+    id_list = (int*) malloc( system->n * sizeof(int) );
+    for ( i = 0; i < system->n; ++i )
+        id_list[i] = system->my_atoms[i].orig_id;
+    MPI_Gatherv( id_list, system->n, MPI_INT,
+                 workspace->id_all, workspace->rcounts, workspace->displs,
+                 MPI_INT, MASTER_NODE, mpi_data->world );
+    sfree( id_list, "id_list" );
+#if defined(DEBUG)
+    if ( system->my_rank == MASTER_NODE )
+    {
+        for ( i = 0 ; i < system->bigN; ++i )
+            fprintf( stderr, "id_all[%d]: %d\n", i, workspace->id_all[i] );
+    }
+void Coll_rvecs_at_Master( reax_system *system, storage *workspace,
+                           mpi_datatypes *mpi_data, rvec* v )
+    MPI_Gatherv( v, system->n, mpi_data->mpi_rvec,
+                 workspace->f_all, workspace->rcounts, workspace->displs,
+                 mpi_data->mpi_rvec, MASTER_NODE, mpi_data->world );
diff --git a/PuReMD/src/bond_orders.c b/PuReMD/src/bond_orders.c
index cf6c69911f889bb528ef32c39e6542960ba0d7e0..286e15c04ab667e99e8b0533675f3be03c01ff36 100644
--- a/PuReMD/src/bond_orders.c
+++ b/PuReMD/src/bond_orders.c
@@ -667,12 +667,17 @@ int BOp( storage *workspace, reax_list *bonds, real bo_cut,
          single_body_parameters *sbp_i, single_body_parameters *sbp_j,
          two_body_parameters *twbp )
-    int j, btop_j;
+    int j;
     real r2, C12, C34, C56;
     real Cln_BOp_s, Cln_BOp_pi, Cln_BOp_pi2;
     real BO, BO_s, BO_pi, BO_pi2;
-    bond_data *ibond, *jbond;
-    bond_order_data *bo_ij, *bo_ji;
+    bond_data *ibond;
+    bond_order_data *bo_ij;
+#if defined(HALF_LIST)
+    int btop_j;
+    bond_data *jbond;
+    bond_order_data *bo_ji;
     j = nbr_pj->nbr;
     r2 = SQR(nbr_pj->d);
@@ -705,29 +710,46 @@ int BOp( storage *workspace, reax_list *bonds, real bo_cut,
         /****** bonds i-j and j-i ******/
         ibond = &( bonds->bond_list[btop_i] );
+#if defined(HALF_LIST)
         btop_j = End_Index( j, bonds );
         jbond = &(bonds->bond_list[btop_j]);
+#if defined(HALF_LIST)        
         ibond->nbr = j;
-        jbond->nbr = i;
         ibond->d = nbr_pj->d;
-        jbond->d = nbr_pj->d;
         rvec_Copy( ibond->dvec, nbr_pj->dvec );
-        rvec_Scale( jbond->dvec, -1, nbr_pj->dvec );
         ivec_Copy( ibond->rel_box, nbr_pj->rel_box );
-        ivec_Scale( jbond->rel_box, -1, nbr_pj->rel_box );
         ibond->dbond_index = btop_i;
-        jbond->dbond_index = btop_i;
         ibond->sym_index = btop_j;
+        jbond->nbr = i;
+        jbond->d = nbr_pj->d;
+        rvec_Scale( jbond->dvec, -1.0, nbr_pj->dvec );
+        ivec_Scale( jbond->rel_box, -1.0, nbr_pj->rel_box );
+        jbond->dbond_index = btop_i;
         jbond->sym_index = btop_i;
-        Set_End_Index( j, btop_j + 1, bonds );
+        Set_End_Index( j, btop_j + 1, bonds );
+        ibond->nbr = j;
+        ibond->d = nbr_pj->d;
+        rvec_Copy( ibond->dvec, nbr_pj->dvec );
+        ivec_Copy( ibond->rel_box, nbr_pj->rel_box );
+        ibond->dbond_index = btop_i;
         bo_ij = &( ibond->bo_data );
+        bo_ij->BO = BO;
+        bo_ij->BO_s = BO_s;
+        bo_ij->BO_pi = BO_pi;
+        bo_ij->BO_pi2 = BO_pi2;
+#if defined(HALF_LIST)
         bo_ji = &( jbond->bo_data );
-        bo_ji->BO = bo_ij->BO = BO;
-        bo_ji->BO_s = bo_ij->BO_s = BO_s;
-        bo_ji->BO_pi = bo_ij->BO_pi = BO_pi;
-        bo_ji->BO_pi2 = bo_ij->BO_pi2 = BO_pi2;
+        bo_ji->BO = BO;
+        bo_ji->BO_s = BO_s;
+        bo_ji->BO_pi = BO_pi;
+        bo_ji->BO_pi2 = BO_pi2;
         /* Bond Order page2-3, derivative of total bond order prime */
         Cln_BOp_s = twbp->p_bo2 * C12 / r2;
@@ -736,62 +758,51 @@ int BOp( storage *workspace, reax_list *bonds, real bo_cut,
         /* Only dln_BOp_xx wrt. dr_i is stored here, note that
            dln_BOp_xx/dr_i = -dln_BOp_xx/dr_j and all others are 0 */
-        rvec_Scale(bo_ij->dln_BOp_s, -bo_ij->BO_s * Cln_BOp_s, ibond->dvec);
-        rvec_Scale(bo_ij->dln_BOp_pi, -bo_ij->BO_pi * Cln_BOp_pi, ibond->dvec);
-        rvec_Scale(bo_ij->dln_BOp_pi2,
-                   -bo_ij->BO_pi2 * Cln_BOp_pi2, ibond->dvec);
-        rvec_Scale(bo_ji->dln_BOp_s, -1., bo_ij->dln_BOp_s);
-        rvec_Scale(bo_ji->dln_BOp_pi, -1., bo_ij->dln_BOp_pi );
-        rvec_Scale(bo_ji->dln_BOp_pi2, -1., bo_ij->dln_BOp_pi2 );
+#if defined(HALF_LIST)
+        rvec_Scale(bo_ij->dln_BOp_s, -1.0 * bo_ij->BO_s * Cln_BOp_s, ibond->dvec);
+        rvec_Scale(bo_ij->dln_BOp_pi, -1.0 * bo_ij->BO_pi * Cln_BOp_pi, ibond->dvec);
+        rvec_Scale(bo_ij->dln_BOp_pi2, -1.0 * bo_ij->BO_pi2 * Cln_BOp_pi2, ibond->dvec);
+        rvec_Scale(bo_ji->dln_BOp_s, -1.0, bo_ij->dln_BOp_s);
+        rvec_Scale(bo_ji->dln_BOp_pi, -1.0, bo_ij->dln_BOp_pi );
+        rvec_Scale(bo_ji->dln_BOp_pi2, -1.0, bo_ij->dln_BOp_pi2 );
+        rvec_Scale(bo_ij->dln_BOp_s, -1.0 * bo_ij->BO_s * Cln_BOp_s, ibond->dvec);
+        rvec_Scale(bo_ij->dln_BOp_pi, -1.0 * bo_ij->BO_pi * Cln_BOp_pi, ibond->dvec);
+        rvec_Scale(bo_ij->dln_BOp_pi2, -1.0 * bo_ij->BO_pi2 * Cln_BOp_pi2, ibond->dvec);
         /* Only dBOp wrt. dr_i is stored here, note that
            dBOp/dr_i = -dBOp/dr_j and all others are 0 */
-        rvec_Scale( bo_ij->dBOp,
-                    -(bo_ij->BO_s * Cln_BOp_s +
-                      bo_ij->BO_pi * Cln_BOp_pi +
-                      bo_ij->BO_pi2 * Cln_BOp_pi2), ibond->dvec );
-        rvec_Scale( bo_ji->dBOp, -1., bo_ij->dBOp );
+#if defined(HALF_LIST)
+        rvec_Scale( bo_ij->dBOp, -1.0 * (bo_ij->BO_s * Cln_BOp_s 
+                    + bo_ij->BO_pi * Cln_BOp_pi 
+                    + bo_ij->BO_pi2 * Cln_BOp_pi2), ibond->dvec );
+        rvec_Scale( bo_ji->dBOp, -1.0, bo_ij->dBOp );
+        rvec_Scale( bo_ij->dBOp, -1.0 * (bo_ij->BO_s * Cln_BOp_s 
+                    + bo_ij->BO_pi * Cln_BOp_pi 
+                    + bo_ij->BO_pi2 * Cln_BOp_pi2), ibond->dvec );
         rvec_Add( workspace->dDeltap_self[i], bo_ij->dBOp );
+#if defined(HALF_LIST)
         rvec_Add( workspace->dDeltap_self[j], bo_ji->dBOp );
         bo_ij->BO_s -= bo_cut;
         bo_ij->BO -= bo_cut;
+        workspace->total_bond_order[i] += bo_ij->BO; //currently total_BOp
+        bo_ij->Cdbo = 0.0;
+        bo_ij->Cdbopi = 0.0;
+        bo_ij->Cdbopi2 = 0.0;
+#if defined(HALF_LIST)
         bo_ji->BO_s -= bo_cut;
         bo_ji->BO -= bo_cut;
-        workspace->total_bond_order[i] += bo_ij->BO; //currently total_BOp
         workspace->total_bond_order[j] += bo_ji->BO; //currently total_BOp
-        bo_ij->Cdbo = bo_ij->Cdbopi = bo_ij->Cdbopi2 = 0.0;
-        bo_ji->Cdbo = bo_ji->Cdbopi = bo_ji->Cdbopi2 = 0.0;
-        /*fprintf( stderr, "%d %d %g %g %g\n",
-          i+1, j+1, bo_ij->BO, bo_ij->BO_pi, bo_ij->BO_pi2 );*/
-        /*fprintf( stderr, "Cln_BOp_s: %f, pbo2: %f, C12:%f\n",
-          Cln_BOp_s, twbp->p_bo2, C12 );
-          fprintf( stderr, "Cln_BOp_pi: %f, pbo4: %f, C34:%f\n",
-          Cln_BOp_pi, twbp->p_bo4, C34 );
-          fprintf( stderr, "Cln_BOp_pi2: %f, pbo6: %f, C56:%f\n",
-          Cln_BOp_pi2, twbp->p_bo6, C56 );*/
-        /*fprintf(stderr, "pbo1: %f, pbo2:%f\n", twbp->p_bo1, twbp->p_bo2);
-          fprintf(stderr, "pbo3: %f, pbo4:%f\n", twbp->p_bo3, twbp->p_bo4);
-          fprintf(stderr, "pbo5: %f, pbo6:%f\n", twbp->p_bo5, twbp->p_bo6);
-          fprintf( stderr, "r_s: %f, r_p: %f, r_pp: %f\n",
-          twbp->r_s, twbp->r_p, twbp->r_pp );
-          fprintf( stderr, "C12: %g, C34:%g, C56:%g\n", C12, C34, C56 );*/
-        /*fprintf( stderr, "\tfactors: %g %g %g\n",
-          -(bo_ij->BO_s * Cln_BOp_s + bo_ij->BO_pi * Cln_BOp_pi +
-          bo_ij->BO_pi2 * Cln_BOp_pp),
-          -bo_ij->BO_pi * Cln_BOp_pi, -bo_ij->BO_pi2 * Cln_BOp_pi2 );*/
-        /*fprintf( stderr, "dBOpi:\t[%g, %g, %g]\n",
-          bo_ij->dBOp[0], bo_ij->dBOp[1], bo_ij->dBOp[2] );
-          fprintf( stderr, "dBOpi:\t[%g, %g, %g]\n",
-          bo_ij->dln_BOp_pi[0], bo_ij->dln_BOp_pi[1],
-          bo_ij->dln_BOp_pi[2] );
-          fprintf( stderr, "dBOpi2:\t[%g, %g, %g]\n\n",
-          bo_ij->dln_BOp_pi2[0], bo_ij->dln_BOp_pi2[1],
-          bo_ij->dln_BOp_pi2[2] );*/
+        bo_ji->Cdbo = 0.0;
+        bo_ji->Cdbopi = 0.0;
+        bo_ji->Cdbopi2 = 0.0;
         return 1;
diff --git a/PuReMD/src/forces.c b/PuReMD/src/forces.c
index d438a0eba65d50ae11a8f6bd03fa5fe79492474b..d157eb6f913ed05aae59673e128834249cd52825 100644
--- a/PuReMD/src/forces.c
+++ b/PuReMD/src/forces.c
@@ -326,8 +326,8 @@ void Init_Forces( reax_system *system, control_params *control,
     int i, j, pj;
     int start_i, end_i;
     int type_i, type_j;
-    int Htop, btop_i, btop_j, num_bonds, num_hbonds;
-    int ihb, jhb, ihb_top, jhb_top;
+    int Htop, btop_i, num_bonds, num_hbonds;
+    int ihb, jhb, ihb_top;
     int local, flag, renbr;
     real r_ij, cutoff;
     sparse_matrix *H;
@@ -336,6 +336,12 @@ void Init_Forces( reax_system *system, control_params *control,
     two_body_parameters *twbp;
     far_neighbor_data *nbr_pj;
     reax_atom *atom_i, *atom_j;
+#if defined(HALF_LIST)
+    int jhb_top;
+    int start_j, end_j;
+    int btop_j;
     far_nbrs = lists[FAR_NBRS];
     bonds = lists[BONDS];
@@ -354,7 +360,7 @@ void Init_Forces( reax_system *system, control_params *control,
     Htop = 0;
     num_bonds = 0;
     num_hbonds = 0;
-    btop_i = btop_j = 0;
+    btop_i = 0;
     renbr = (data->step - data->prev_steps) % control->reneighbor == 0;
     for ( i = 0; i < system->N; ++i )
@@ -363,7 +369,13 @@ void Init_Forces( reax_system *system, control_params *control,
         type_i  = atom_i->type;
         start_i = Start_Index(i, far_nbrs);
         end_i   = End_Index(i, far_nbrs);
+#if defined(HALF_LIST)
+        /* start at end because other atoms
+         * can add to this atom's list (half-list) */
         btop_i = End_Index( i, bonds );
+        btop_i = Start_Index( i, bonds );
         sbp_i = &(system->reax_param.sbp[type_i]);
         if ( i < system->n )
@@ -390,8 +402,19 @@ void Init_Forces( reax_system *system, control_params *control,
                 ihb = sbp_i->p_hbond;
                 if ( ihb == 1 )
+                {
+#if defined(HALF_LIST)
+                    /* start at end because other atoms
+                     * can add to this atom's list (half-list) */ 
                     ihb_top = End_Index( atom_i->Hindex, hbonds );
-                else ihb_top = -1;
+                    ihb_top = Start_Index( atom_i->Hindex, hbonds );
+                }
+                else
+                {
+                    ihb_top = -1;
+                }
@@ -401,11 +424,6 @@ void Init_Forces( reax_system *system, control_params *control,
             nbr_pj = &( far_nbrs->far_nbr_list[pj] );
             j = nbr_pj->nbr;
             atom_j = &(system->my_atoms[j]);
-            //fprintf( stderr, "%d%d i=%d x_i: %f %f %f,j=%d x_j: %f %f %f, d=%f\n",
-            //     MIN(atom_i->orig_id, atom_j->orig_id),
-            //     MAX(atom_i->orig_id, atom_j->orig_id),
-            //     i, atom_i->x[0], atom_i->x[1], atom_i->x[2],
-            //     j, atom_j->x[0], atom_j->x[1], atom_j->x[2], nbr_pj->d );
             if ( renbr )
                 if (nbr_pj->d <= cutoff)
@@ -439,14 +457,11 @@ void Init_Forces( reax_system *system, control_params *control,
                 if ( local )
                     /* H matrix entry */
+#if defined(HALF_LIST)
                     if ( j < system->n || atom_i->orig_id < atom_j->orig_id ) //tryQEq||1
                         H->entries[Htop].j = j;
-                        //fprintf( stdout, "%d%d %d %d\n",
-                        //     MIN(atom_i->orig_id, atom_j->orig_id),
-                        //     MAX(atom_i->orig_id, atom_j->orig_id),
-                        //     MIN(atom_i->orig_id, atom_j->orig_id),
-                        //     MAX(atom_i->orig_id, atom_j->orig_id) );
                         if ( control->tabulate == 0 )
                             H->entries[Htop].val = Compute_H(r_ij, twbp->gamma, workspace->Tap);
                         else H->entries[Htop].val = Compute_tabH(r_ij, type_i, type_j);
@@ -467,6 +482,8 @@ void Init_Forces( reax_system *system, control_params *control,
+#if defined(HALF_LIST)
+                        /* only add to list for local j (far nbrs is half-list) */
                         else if ( j < system->n && ihb == 2 && jhb == 1 )
                             jhb_top = End_Index( atom_j->Hindex, hbonds );
@@ -476,6 +493,7 @@ void Init_Forces( reax_system *system, control_params *control,
                             Set_End_Index( atom_j->Hindex, jhb_top + 1, hbonds );
@@ -493,11 +511,7 @@ void Init_Forces( reax_system *system, control_params *control,
                     else if ( workspace->bond_mark[i] > workspace->bond_mark[j] + 1 )
                         workspace->bond_mark[i] = workspace->bond_mark[j] + 1;
-                        //if( workspace->bond_mark[i] == 1000 )
-                        //  workspace->done_after[i] = pj;
-                    //fprintf( stdout, "%d%d - %d(%d) %d(%d)\n",
-                    //   i , j, i, workspace->bond_mark[i], j, workspace->bond_mark[j] );
@@ -511,53 +525,30 @@ void Init_Forces( reax_system *system, control_params *control,
-    //fprintf( stderr, "after the first init loop\n" );
-    /*for( i = system->n; i < system->N; ++i )
-      if( workspace->bond_mark[i] > 3 ) {
-        start_i = Start_Index(i, bonds);
-        end_i = End_Index(i, bonds);
-        num_bonds -= (end_i - start_i);
-        Set_End_Index(i, start_i, bonds );
-        }*/
-    /*for( i = system->n; i < system->N; ++i ) {
-      start_i = Start_Index(i, far_nbrs);
-      end_i = workspace->done_after[i];
+#if !defined(HALF_LIST)
+    /* set sym_index for bonds list (far_nbrs full list) */
+    for ( i = 0; i < system->N; ++i )
+    {
+        start_i = Start_Index( i, bonds );
+        end_i = End_Index( i, bonds );
-      if( workspace->bond_mark[i] >= 2 && start_i < end_i ) {
-        atom_i = &(system->my_atoms[i]);
-        type_i = atom_i->type;
-        btop_i = End_Index( i, bonds );
-        sbp_i = &(system->reax_param.sbp[type_i]);
+        for ( btop_i = start_i; btop_i < end_i; ++btop_i )
+        {
+            j = bonds->bond_list[btop_i].nbr;
+            start_j = Start_Index( j, bonds );
+            end_j = End_Index( j, bonds );
-        for( pj = start_i; pj < end_i; ++pj ) {
-    nbr_pj = &( far_nbrs->far_nbr_list[pj] );
-    j = nbr_pj->nbr;
-    if( workspace->bond_mark[j] >= 2 && nbr_pj->d <= control->bond_cut ) {
-      atom_j = &(system->my_atoms[j]);
-      type_j = atom_j->type;
-      sbp_j = &(system->reax_param.sbp[type_j]);
-      twbp = &(system->reax_param.tbp[type_i][type_j]);
-      if( BOp( workspace, bonds, control->bo_cut,
-         i , btop_i, nbr_pj, sbp_i, sbp_j, twbp ) ) {
-        num_bonds += 2;
-        ++btop_i;
-        if( workspace->bond_mark[j] > workspace->bond_mark[i] + 1 )
-          workspace->bond_mark[j] = workspace->bond_mark[i] + 1;
-        else if( workspace->bond_mark[i] > workspace->bond_mark[j] + 1 )
-          workspace->bond_mark[i] = workspace->bond_mark[j] + 1;
-        //fprintf( stdout, "%d%d - %d(%d) %d(%d) new\n",
-        // i , j, i, workspace->bond_mark[i], j, workspace->bond_mark[j] );
-      }
-    }
+            for ( btop_j = start_j; btop_j < end_j; ++btop_j )
+            {
+                if ( bonds->bond_list[btop_j].nbr == i )
+                {
+                    bonds->bond_list[btop_i].sym_index = btop_j;
+                    break;
+                }
+            }
-        Set_End_Index( i, btop_i, bonds );
-      }
-      }*/
+    }
     workspace->realloc.Htop = Htop;
     workspace->realloc.num_bonds = num_bonds;
@@ -595,8 +586,8 @@ void Init_Forces_noQEq( reax_system *system, control_params *control,
     int i, j, pj;
     int start_i, end_i;
     int type_i, type_j;
-    int btop_i, btop_j, num_bonds, num_hbonds;
-    int ihb, jhb, ihb_top, jhb_top;
+    int btop_i, num_bonds, num_hbonds;
+    int ihb, jhb, ihb_top;
     int local, flag, renbr;
     real r_ij, cutoff;
     reax_list *far_nbrs, *bonds, *hbonds;
@@ -604,6 +595,12 @@ void Init_Forces_noQEq( reax_system *system, control_params *control,
     two_body_parameters *twbp;
     far_neighbor_data *nbr_pj;
     reax_atom *atom_i, *atom_j;
+#if defined(HALF_LIST)
+    int jhb_top;
+    int start_j, end_j;
+    int btop_j;
     far_nbrs = lists[FAR_NBRS];
     bonds = lists[BONDS];
@@ -619,7 +616,7 @@ void Init_Forces_noQEq( reax_system *system, control_params *control,
     num_bonds = 0;
     num_hbonds = 0;
-    btop_i = btop_j = 0;
+    btop_i = 0;
     renbr = (data->step - data->prev_steps) % control->reneighbor == 0;
     for ( i = 0; i < system->N; ++i )
@@ -628,7 +625,13 @@ void Init_Forces_noQEq( reax_system *system, control_params *control,
         type_i  = atom_i->type;
         start_i = Start_Index(i, far_nbrs);
         end_i   = End_Index(i, far_nbrs);
+#if defined(HALF_LIST)
+        /* start at end because other atoms
+         * can add to this atom's list (half-list) */
         btop_i = End_Index( i, bonds );
+        btop_i = Start_Index( i, bonds );
         sbp_i = &(system->reax_param.sbp[type_i]);
         if ( i < system->n )
@@ -648,8 +651,19 @@ void Init_Forces_noQEq( reax_system *system, control_params *control,
             ihb = sbp_i->p_hbond;
             if ( ihb == 1 )
+            {
+#if defined(HALF_LIST)
+                /* start at end because other atoms
+                 * can add to this atom's list (half-list) */
                 ihb_top = End_Index( atom_i->Hindex, hbonds );
-            else ihb_top = -1;
+                ihb_top = Start_Index( atom_i->Hindex, hbonds );
+            }
+            else 
+            {
+                ihb_top = -1;
+            }
         /* update i-j distance - check if j is within cutoff */
@@ -705,6 +719,8 @@ void Init_Forces_noQEq( reax_system *system, control_params *control,
+#if defined(HALF_LIST)
+                        /* only add to list for local j (far nbrs is half-list) */
                         else if ( j < system->n && ihb == 2 && jhb == 1 )
                             jhb_top = End_Index( atom_j->Hindex, hbonds );
@@ -714,6 +730,7 @@ void Init_Forces_noQEq( reax_system *system, control_params *control,
                             Set_End_Index( atom_j->Hindex, jhb_top + 1, hbonds );
@@ -746,13 +763,30 @@ void Init_Forces_noQEq( reax_system *system, control_params *control,
             Set_End_Index( atom_i->Hindex, ihb_top, hbonds );
-    /*for( i = system->n; i < system->N; ++i )
-      if( workspace->bond_mark[i] > 3 ) {
-        start_i = Start_Index(i, bonds);
-        end_i = End_Index(i, bonds);
-        num_bonds -= (end_i - start_i);
-        Set_End_Index(i, start_i, bonds );
-        }*/
+#if !defined(HALF_LIST)
+    /* set sym_index for bonds list (far_nbrs full list) */
+    for ( i = 0; i < system->N; ++i )
+    {
+        start_i = Start_Index( i, bonds );
+        end_i = End_Index( i, bonds );
+        for ( btop_i = start_i; btop_i < end_i; ++btop_i )
+        {
+            j = bonds->bond_list[btop_i].nbr;
+            start_j = Start_Index( j, bonds );
+            end_j = End_Index( j, bonds );
+            for ( btop_j = start_j; btop_j < end_j; ++btop_j )
+            {
+                if ( bonds->bond_list[btop_j].nbr == i )
+                {
+                    bonds->bond_list[btop_i].sym_index = btop_j;
+                    break;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
     workspace->realloc.num_bonds = num_bonds;
     workspace->realloc.num_hbonds = num_hbonds;
@@ -789,7 +823,10 @@ void Estimate_Storages( reax_system *system, control_params *control,
     single_body_parameters *sbp_i, *sbp_j;
     two_body_parameters *twbp;
     far_neighbor_data *nbr_pj;
-    reax_atom *atom_i, *atom_j;
+    reax_atom *atom_i;
+#if defined(HALF_LIST)
+    reax_atom *atom_j;
     far_nbrs = lists[FAR_NBRS];
     *Htop = 0;
@@ -823,7 +860,9 @@ void Estimate_Storages( reax_system *system, control_params *control,
             nbr_pj = &( far_nbrs->far_nbr_list[pj] );
             j = nbr_pj->nbr;
+#if defined(HALF_LIST)
             atom_j = &(system->my_atoms[j]);
             if (nbr_pj->d <= cutoff)
@@ -834,8 +873,12 @@ void Estimate_Storages( reax_system *system, control_params *control,
                 if ( local )
+#if defined(HALF_LIST)
                     if ( j < system->n || atom_i->orig_id < atom_j->orig_id ) //tryQEq ||1
+                    {
+                    }
                     /* hydrogen bond lists */
                     if ( control->hbond_cut > 0.1 && (ihb == 1 || ihb == 2) &&
@@ -843,9 +886,16 @@ void Estimate_Storages( reax_system *system, control_params *control,
                         jhb = sbp_j->p_hbond;
                         if ( ihb == 1 && jhb == 2 )
+                        {
+                        }
+                        /* only add to list for local j (far nbrs is half-list) */
+#if defined(HALF_LIST)
                         else if ( j < system->n && ihb == 2 && jhb == 1 )
+                        {
+                        }
@@ -881,7 +931,9 @@ void Estimate_Storages( reax_system *system, control_params *control,
                     if ( BO >= control->bo_cut )
+#if defined(HALF_LIST)
diff --git a/PuReMD/src/geo_tools.c b/PuReMD/src/geo_tools.c
index c1e3549fedf2039f96af84aa263cd114c7dee3cb..480b9ae7197ec53b839df411f2ba23262db5d0a8 100644
--- a/PuReMD/src/geo_tools.c
+++ b/PuReMD/src/geo_tools.c
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ void Count_Geo_Atoms( FILE *geo, reax_system *system )
 #if defined(DEBUG_FOCUS)
     fprintf( stderr, "p%d@count atoms:\n", system->my_rank );
-    fprintf( stderr, "p%d: bigN = %d\n", system->my_rank, system->bigN );
+    fprintf( stderr, "p%d: bigNNN = %d\n", system->my_rank, system->bigN );
     fprintf( stderr, "p%d: n = %d\n", system->my_rank, system->n );
     fprintf( stderr, "p%d: N = %d\n\n", system->my_rank, system->N );
@@ -241,7 +241,7 @@ void Count_PDB_Atoms( FILE *geo, reax_system *system )
     //#if defined(DEBUG)
     fprintf( stderr, "p%d@count atoms:\n", system->my_rank );
-    fprintf( stderr, "p%d: bigN = %d\n", system->my_rank, system->bigN );
+    fprintf( stderr, "p%d: bigNNN = %d\n", system->my_rank, system->bigN );
     fprintf( stderr, "p%d: n = %d\n", system->my_rank, system->n );
     fprintf( stderr, "p%d: N = %d\n\n", system->my_rank, system->N );
diff --git a/PuReMD/src/linear_solvers.c b/PuReMD/src/linear_solvers.c
index 541a132be7bc18354069022785af438030c2e286..1aaa18dffa127e7589c3bd8253aba478c3f1e277 100644
--- a/PuReMD/src/linear_solvers.c
+++ b/PuReMD/src/linear_solvers.c
@@ -44,10 +44,16 @@ void dual_Sparse_MatVec( sparse_matrix *A, rvec2 *x, rvec2 *b, int N )
     for ( i = 0; i < A->n; ++i )
         si = A->start[i];
+#if defined(HALF_LIST)
         b[i][0] += A->entries[si].val * x[i][0];
         b[i][1] += A->entries[si].val * x[i][1];
+#if defined(HALF_LIST)
         for ( k = si + 1; k < A->end[i]; ++k )
+        for ( k = si; k < A->end[i]; ++k )
             j = A->entries[k].j;
             H = A->entries[k].val;
@@ -55,11 +61,13 @@ void dual_Sparse_MatVec( sparse_matrix *A, rvec2 *x, rvec2 *b, int N )
             b[i][0] += H * x[j][0];
             b[i][1] += H * x[j][1];
+#if defined(HALF_LIST)
             // comment out for tryQEq
             //if( j < A->n ) {
             b[j][0] += H * x[i][0];
             b[j][1] += H * x[i][1];
@@ -91,8 +99,10 @@ int dual_CG( reax_system *system, storage *workspace, sparse_matrix *H,
     Dist( system, mpi_data, x, mpi_data->mpi_rvec2, scale, rvec2_packer );
     dual_Sparse_MatVec( H, x, workspace->q2, N );
+#if defined(HALF_LIST)
     // tryQEq
     Coll(system, mpi_data, workspace->q2, mpi_data->mpi_rvec2, scale, rvec2_unpacker);
 #if defined(CG_PERFORMANCE)
     if ( system->my_rank == MASTER_NODE )
@@ -142,8 +152,10 @@ int dual_CG( reax_system *system, storage *workspace, sparse_matrix *H,
         Dist(system, mpi_data, workspace->d2, mpi_data->mpi_rvec2, scale, rvec2_packer);
         dual_Sparse_MatVec( H, workspace->d2, workspace->q2, N );
+#if defined(HALF_LIST)
         // tryQEq
         Coll(system, mpi_data, workspace->q2, mpi_data->mpi_rvec2, scale, rvec2_unpacker);
 #if defined(CG_PERFORMANCE)
         if ( system->my_rank == MASTER_NODE )
@@ -265,14 +277,25 @@ void Sparse_MatVec( sparse_matrix *A, real *x, real *b, int N )
     for ( i = 0; i < A->n; ++i )
         si = A->start[i];
+#if defined(HALF_LIST)
         b[i] += A->entries[si].val * x[i];
+#if defined(HALF_LIST)
         for ( k = si + 1; k < A->end[i]; ++k )
+        for ( k = si; k < A->end[i]; ++k )
             j = A->entries[k].j;
             H = A->entries[k].val;
             b[i] += H * x[j];
+#if defined(HALF_LIST)
             //if( j < A->n ) // comment out for tryQEq
             b[j] += H * x[i];
@@ -322,8 +345,10 @@ int CG( reax_system *system, storage *workspace, sparse_matrix *H, real *b,
     scale = sizeof(real) / sizeof(void);
     Dist( system, mpi_data, x, MPI_DOUBLE, scale, real_packer );
     Sparse_MatVec( H, x, workspace->q, system->N );
+#if defined(HALF_LIST)
     // tryQEq
     Coll( system, mpi_data, workspace->q, MPI_DOUBLE, scale, real_unpacker );
 #if defined(CG_PERFORMANCE)
     if ( system->my_rank == MASTER_NODE )
@@ -356,8 +381,10 @@ int CG( reax_system *system, storage *workspace, sparse_matrix *H, real *b,
         Dist( system, mpi_data, workspace->d, MPI_DOUBLE, scale, real_packer );
         Sparse_MatVec( H, workspace->d, workspace->q, system->N );
+#if defined(HALF_LIST)
         Coll(system, mpi_data, workspace->q, MPI_DOUBLE, scale, real_unpacker);
 #if defined(CG_PERFORMANCE)
         if ( system->my_rank == MASTER_NODE )
diff --git a/PuReMD/src/my* b/PuReMD/src/my*
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..6ad2fd10f961011b33e2ef088343f431752b6da6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/PuReMD/src/my*
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
diff --git a/PuReMD/src/neighbors.c b/PuReMD/src/neighbors.c
index 5be0016eda64a6e4ec56f02d77695cd212fcdd55..fa86a7381404061d9b8a28a76c59fd4b492f0040 100644
--- a/PuReMD/src/neighbors.c
+++ b/PuReMD/src/neighbors.c
@@ -91,7 +91,9 @@ void Generate_Neighbor_Lists( reax_system *system, simulation_data *data,
     /* first pick up a cell in the grid */
     for ( i = 0; i < g->ncells[0]; i++ )
+    {
         for ( j = 0; j < g->ncells[1]; j++ )
+        {
             for ( k = 0; k < g->ncells[2]; k++ )
                 gci = &(g->cells[i][j][k]);
@@ -108,11 +110,23 @@ void Generate_Neighbor_Lists( reax_system *system, simulation_data *data,
                     itr = 0;
                     while ( (gcj = gci->nbrs[itr]) != NULL )
-                        if ( gci->str <= gcj->str &&
+                        if ( 
+#if defined(HALF_LIST)
+                                gci->str <= gcj->str &&
                                 (DistSqr_to_Special_Point(gci->nbrs_cp[itr], atom1->x) <= cutoff) )
+                        {
                             /* pick up another atom from the neighbor cell */
                             for ( m = gcj->str; m < gcj->end; ++m )
-                                if ( l < m )  // prevent recounting same pairs within a gcell
+                            {
+#if defined(HALF_LIST)      
+                                /* prevent recounting same pairs within a gcell and
+                                 * make half-list */
+                                if ( l < m )
+                                /* prevent recounting same pairs within a gcell */
+                                if ( l != m )
                                     atom2 = &(system->my_atoms[m]);
                                     dvec[0] = atom2->x[0] - atom1->x[0];
@@ -125,20 +139,22 @@ void Generate_Neighbor_Lists( reax_system *system, simulation_data *data,
                                         nbr_data->nbr = m;
                                         nbr_data->d = sqrt(d);
                                         rvec_Copy( nbr_data->dvec, dvec );
-                                        //ivec_Copy( nbr_data->rel_box, gcj->rel_box );
                                         ivec_ScaledSum( nbr_data->rel_box,
                                                         1, gcj->rel_box, -1, gci->rel_box );
+                            }
+                        }
                     Set_End_Index( l, num_far, far_nbrs );
-                    //fprintf(stderr, "i:%d, start: %d, end: %d - itr: %d\n",
-                    //  atom1,Start_Index(atom1,far_nbrs),End_Index(atom1,far_nbrs),
-                    //  itr);
+        }
+    }
     workspace->realloc.num_far = num_far;
@@ -180,7 +196,9 @@ int Estimate_NumNeighbors( reax_system *system, reax_list **lists )
     /* first pick up a cell in the grid */
     for ( i = 0; i < g->ncells[0]; i++ )
+    {
         for ( j = 0; j < g->ncells[1]; j++ )
+        {
             for ( k = 0; k < g->ncells[2]; k++ )
                 gci = &(g->cells[i][j][k]);
@@ -196,12 +214,23 @@ int Estimate_NumNeighbors( reax_system *system, reax_list **lists )
                     itr = 0;
                     while ( (gcj = gci->nbrs[itr]) != NULL )
-                        if (gci->str <= gcj->str &&
+                        if (
+#if defined(HALF_LIST)
+                                gci->str <= gcj->str &&
                                 (DistSqr_to_Special_Point(gci->nbrs_cp[itr], atom1->x) <= cutoff))
-                            //fprintf( stderr, "\t\tgcell2: %d\n", itr );
+                        {
                             /* pick up another atom from the neighbor cell */
                             for ( m = gcj->str; m < gcj->end; ++m )
+                            {
+#if defined(HALF_LIST)
+                                /* prevent recounting same pairs within a gcell and
+                                 * make half-list */
                                 if ( l < m )
+                                /* prevent recounting same pairs within a gcell */
+                                if ( l != m )
                                     //fprintf( stderr, "\t\t\tatom2=%d\n", m );
                                     atom2 = &(system->my_atoms[m]);
@@ -212,13 +241,15 @@ int Estimate_NumNeighbors( reax_system *system, reax_list **lists )
                                     if ( d <= cutoff )
+                            }
+                        }
-                    //fprintf( stderr, "itr: %d, tested: %d, num_nbrs: %d\n",
-                    //   itr, tested, num_far-tmp );
+        }
+    }
 #if defined(DEBUG_FOCUS)
     fprintf( stderr, "p%d: estimate nbrs done - num_far=%d\n",
diff --git a/PuReMD/src/nonbonded.c b/PuReMD/src/nonbonded.c
index ab25b807d5e0a0263a4d8f89ecc475c8615b8bdd..bdcd80792597b02d120d5c587169d80e2efefcb4 100644
--- a/PuReMD/src/nonbonded.c
+++ b/PuReMD/src/nonbonded.c
@@ -71,7 +71,11 @@ void vdW_Coulomb_Energy( reax_system *system, control_params *control,
             j = nbr_pj->nbr;
             orig_j  = system->my_atoms[j].orig_id;
+#if defined(HALF_LIST)
             if ( nbr_pj->d <= control->nonb_cut && (j < natoms || orig_i < orig_j) )
+            if ( nbr_pj->d <= control->nonb_cut && orig_i < orig_j )
                 r_ij = nbr_pj->d;
                 twbp = &(system->reax_param.tbp[ system->my_atoms[i].type ]
diff --git a/PuReMD/src/reax_types.h b/PuReMD/src/reax_types.h
index 152c0c54c35638a06daa415813d34e7c97e8629c..0e58175e24aae6f9962e7f00529d7302ee9387d4 100644
--- a/PuReMD/src/reax_types.h
+++ b/PuReMD/src/reax_types.h
@@ -39,6 +39,7 @@
 //#define DEBUG
 //#define DEBUG_FOCUS
+//#define HALF_LIST
 //#define TEST_ENERGY
 //#define TEST_FORCES