diff --git a/sPuReMD/src/box.c b/sPuReMD/src/box.c
index e142f24cc127248ff40903443fc09eab59f5c9b9..ceb87644dfdc18527e5bda19781768d2b12fb146 100644
--- a/sPuReMD/src/box.c
+++ b/sPuReMD/src/box.c
@@ -353,70 +353,115 @@ real Metric_Product( rvec x1, rvec x2, simulation_box* box )
-/* Similar to Find_Periodic_Far_Neighbors_Big_Box but does not
+/* Determines if the distance between atoms x1 and x2 is strictly less than
+ * vlist_cut.  If so, this neighborhood is added to the list of far neighbors.
+ * Note: Periodic boundary conditions do not apply. */
+int Find_Non_Periodic_Far_Neighbors( rvec x1, rvec x2, int atom, int nbr_atom,
+        simulation_box *box, real cutoff, far_neighbor_data *data )
+    int count;
+    real norm_sqr;
+    rvec dvec;
+    rvec_ScaledSum( dvec, 1.0, x2, -1.0, x1 );
+    norm_sqr = rvec_Norm_Sqr( dvec );
+    if ( norm_sqr <= SQR( cutoff ) )
+    {
+        data->nbr = nbr_atom;
+        ivec_MakeZero( data->rel_box );
+//        rvec_MakeZero( data->ext_factor );
+        data->d = SQRT( norm_sqr );
+        rvec_Copy( data->dvec, dvec );
+        count = 1;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        count = 0;
+    }
+    return count;
+/* Similar to Find_Non_Periodic_Far_Neighbors but does not
  * update the far neighbors list */
-int Count_Periodic_Far_Neighbors_Big_Box( rvec x1, rvec x2,
+int Count_Non_Periodic_Far_Neighbors( rvec x1, rvec x2, int atom, int nbr_atom,
+        simulation_box *box, real cutoff )
+    real norm_sqr;
+    rvec d;
+    int count;
+    rvec_ScaledSum( d, 1.0, x2, -1.0, x1 );
+    norm_sqr = rvec_Norm_Sqr( d );
+    if ( norm_sqr <= SQR( cutoff ) )
+    {
+        count = 1;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        count = 0;
+    }
+    return count;
+/* Finds periodic neighbors in a 'big_box'. Here 'big_box' means the current
+ * simulation box has all dimensions strictly greater than twice of vlist_cut.
+ * If the periodic distance between x1 and x2 is less than vlist_cut, this
+ * neighborhood is added to the list of far neighbors. */
+int Find_Periodic_Far_Neighbors_Big_Box( rvec x1, rvec x2, int atom, int nbr_atom,
         simulation_box *box, real cutoff, far_neighbor_data *data )
-    real norm_sqr, d, tmp, ret;
     int i;
+    real norm_sqr, tmp, count;
+    ivec rel_box;
+//    rvec ext_factor;
+    rvec dvec;
     norm_sqr = 0.0;
-    ret = FALSE;
     for ( i = 0; i < 3; i++ )
-        d = x2[i] - x1[i];
-        tmp = SQR( d );
+        dvec[i] = x2[i] - x1[i];
+        tmp = SQR( dvec[i] );
         if ( tmp >= SQR( box->box_norms[i] / 2.0 ) )
             if ( x2[i] > x1[i] )
-                d -= box->box_norms[i];
+                rel_box[i] = -1;
+//                ext_factor[i] = +1.0;
+                dvec[i] -= box->box_norms[i];
-                d += box->box_norms[i];
+                rel_box[i] = +1;
+//                ext_factor[i] = -1.0;
+                dvec[i] += box->box_norms[i];
-            norm_sqr += SQR( d );
+            norm_sqr += SQR( dvec[i] );
             norm_sqr += tmp;
+            rel_box[i] = 0;
+//            ext_factor[i] = 0.0;
     if ( norm_sqr <= SQR( cutoff ) )
-        ret = TRUE;
-    }
-    return ret;
-/* Determines if the distance between atoms x1 and x2 is strictly less than
- * vlist_cut.  If so, this neighborhood is added to the list of far neighbors.
- * Note: Periodic boundary conditions do not apply. */
-int Find_Non_Periodic_Far_Neighbors( rvec x1, rvec x2, int atom, int nbr_atom,
-        simulation_box *box, real cutoff, far_neighbor_data *data )
-    real norm_sqr;
-    int count;
-    rvec_ScaledSum( data[0].dvec, 1.0, x2, -1.0, x1 );
-    norm_sqr = rvec_Norm_Sqr( data[0].dvec );
-    if ( norm_sqr <= SQR( cutoff ) )
-    {
+        data->nbr = nbr_atom;
+        ivec_Copy( data->rel_box, rel_box );
+//        rvec_Copy( data->ext_factor, ext_factor );
+        data->d = SQRT( norm_sqr );
+        rvec_Copy( data->dvec, dvec );
         count = 1;
-        data[0].d = SQRT( norm_sqr );
-        data[0].nbr = nbr_atom;
-        ivec_MakeZero( data[0].rel_box );
-        // rvec_MakeZero( data[0].ext_factor );
@@ -427,12 +472,10 @@ int Find_Non_Periodic_Far_Neighbors( rvec x1, rvec x2, int atom, int nbr_atom,
-/* Finds periodic neighbors in a 'big_box'. Here 'big_box' means the current
- * simulation box has all dimensions strictly greater than twice of vlist_cut.
- * If the periodic distance between x1 and x2 is less than vlist_cut, this
- * neighborhood is added to the list of far neighbors. */
-int Find_Periodic_Far_Neighbors_Big_Box( rvec x1, rvec x2, int atom, int nbr_atom,
-        simulation_box *box, real cutoff, far_neighbor_data *data )
+/* Similar to Find_Periodic_Far_Neighbors_Big_Box but does not
+ * update the far neighbors list */
+int Count_Periodic_Far_Neighbors_Big_Box( rvec x1, rvec x2, int atom, int nbr_atom,
+        simulation_box *box, real cutoff )
     real norm_sqr, d, tmp, count;
     int i;
@@ -449,33 +492,23 @@ int Find_Periodic_Far_Neighbors_Big_Box( rvec x1, rvec x2, int atom, int nbr_ato
             if ( x2[i] > x1[i] )
                 d -= box->box_norms[i];
-                data[0].rel_box[i] = -1;
-//                data[0].ext_factor[i] = +1;
                 d += box->box_norms[i];
-                data[0].rel_box[i] = +1;
-//                data[0].ext_factor[i] = -1;
-            data[0].dvec[i] = d;
-            norm_sqr += SQR(d);
+            norm_sqr += SQR( d );
-            data[0].dvec[i] = d;
             norm_sqr += tmp;
-            data[0].rel_box[i] = 0;
-//            data[0].ext_factor[i] = 0;
     if ( norm_sqr <= SQR( cutoff ) )
         count = 1;
-        data[0].d = SQRT( norm_sqr );
-        data[0].nbr = nbr_atom;
@@ -537,23 +570,12 @@ int Find_Periodic_Far_Neighbors_Small_Box( rvec x1, rvec x2, int atom, int nbr_a
                             if ( sqr_norm <= SQR(cutoff) && (atom != nbr_atom
                                         || (atom == nbr_atom && SQRT( sqr_norm ) >= 0.1)) )
-                                data[count].d = SQRT( sqr_norm );
-                                data[count].dvec[0] = d_i;
-                                data[count].dvec[1] = d_j;
-                                data[count].dvec[2] = d_k;
+                                data[count].nbr = nbr_atom;
                                 data[count].rel_box[0] = i;
                                 data[count].rel_box[1] = j;
                                 data[count].rel_box[2] = k;
-//                                if ( i || j || k )
-//                                {
-//                                   fprintf( stderr, "x1: %.2f %.2f %.2f\n", x1[0], x1[1], x1[2] );
-//                                   fprintf( stderr, "x2: %.2f %.2f %.2f\n", x2[0], x2[1], x2[2] );
-//                                   fprintf( stderr, "d : %8.2f%8.2f%8.2f\n\n", d_i, d_j, d_k );
-//                                }
 //                                if ( i )
 //                                {
 //                                    data[count].ext_factor[0] = (real)i / -abs(i);
@@ -590,6 +612,65 @@ int Find_Periodic_Far_Neighbors_Small_Box( rvec x1, rvec x2, int atom, int nbr_a
 //                                    data[count].imaginary = 1;
 //                                }
+                                data[count].d = SQRT( sqr_norm );
+                                data[count].dvec[0] = d_i;
+                                data[count].dvec[1] = d_j;
+                                data[count].dvec[2] = d_k;
+                                ++count;
+                            }
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    return count;
+/* Similar to Find_Periodic_Far_Neighbors_Small_Box but does not
+ * update the far neighbors list */
+int Count_Periodic_Far_Neighbors_Small_Box( rvec x1, rvec x2, int atom, int nbr_atom,
+        simulation_box *box, real cutoff )
+    int i, j, k, count;
+    int imax, jmax, kmax;
+    real sqr_norm, d_i, d_j, d_k;
+    count = 0;
+    /* determine the max stretch of imaginary boxs in each direction
+     * to handle periodic boundary conditions correctly */
+    imax = (int)(cutoff / box->box_norms[0] + 1);
+    jmax = (int)(cutoff / box->box_norms[1] + 1);
+    kmax = (int)(cutoff / box->box_norms[2] + 1);
+    for ( i = -imax; i <= imax; ++i )
+    {
+        d_i = (x2[0] + i * box->box_norms[0]) - x1[0];
+        if ( FABS(d_i) <= cutoff )
+        {
+            for ( j = -jmax; j <= jmax; ++j )
+            {
+                d_j = (x2[1] + j * box->box_norms[1]) - x1[1];
+                if ( FABS(d_j) <= cutoff )
+                {
+                    for ( k = -kmax; k <= kmax; ++k )
+                    {
+                        d_k = (x2[2] + k * box->box_norms[2]) - x1[2];
+                        if ( FABS(d_k) <= cutoff )
+                        {
+                            sqr_norm = SQR(d_i) + SQR(d_j) + SQR(d_k);
+                            if ( sqr_norm <= SQR(cutoff) && (atom != nbr_atom
+                                        || (atom == nbr_atom && SQRT( sqr_norm ) >= 0.1)) )
+                            {
diff --git a/sPuReMD/src/box.h b/sPuReMD/src/box.h
index d6ab4551bf75327f58bcb36ef9b9a218dd4a8161..1f110266198f726f29094503a9ee7986c0e1a4aa 100644
--- a/sPuReMD/src/box.h
+++ b/sPuReMD/src/box.h
@@ -36,18 +36,24 @@ void Update_Box( rtensor, simulation_box* );
 void Update_Box_Isotropic( simulation_box*, real );
 void Update_Box_Semi_Isotropic( simulation_box*, rvec );
-int Count_Periodic_Far_Neighbors_Big_Box( rvec, rvec, simulation_box*, real,
-        far_neighbor_data* );
 int Find_Non_Periodic_Far_Neighbors( rvec, rvec, int, int,
         simulation_box*, real, far_neighbor_data* );
+int Count_Non_Periodic_Far_Neighbors( rvec, rvec, int, int,
+        simulation_box*, real );
 int Find_Periodic_Far_Neighbors_Big_Box( rvec, rvec, int, int,
         simulation_box*, real, far_neighbor_data* );
+int Count_Periodic_Far_Neighbors_Big_Box( rvec, rvec, int, int,
+        simulation_box*, real );
 int Find_Periodic_Far_Neighbors_Small_Box( rvec, rvec, int, int,
         simulation_box*, real, far_neighbor_data* );
+int Count_Periodic_Far_Neighbors_Small_Box( rvec, rvec, int, int,
+        simulation_box*, real );
 void Distance_on_T3_Gen( rvec, rvec, simulation_box*, rvec );
 void Inc_on_T3_Gen( rvec, rvec, simulation_box* );
diff --git a/sPuReMD/src/charges.c b/sPuReMD/src/charges.c
index 61ec6bc3f82f6e157c3c6efe64797e2695d5e2e4..08a5fab0a3cc9389e77f541f66199cc39b25ca99 100644
--- a/sPuReMD/src/charges.c
+++ b/sPuReMD/src/charges.c
@@ -1108,6 +1108,26 @@ static void Calculate_Charges_EE( const reax_system * const system,
+/* Get atomic charge q for ACKS2 method
+ */
+static void Calculate_Charges_ACKS2( const reax_system * const system,
+        static_storage * const workspace )
+    int i;
+    for ( i = 0; i < system->N; ++i )
+    {
+        system->atoms[i].q = workspace->s[0][i];
+#if defined(DEBUG_FOCUS)
+        printf( "atom %4d: %f\n", i, system->atoms[i].q );
+        printf( "  x[0]: %10.5f, x[1]: %10.5f, x[2]:  %10.5f\n",
+               system->atoms[i].x[0], system->atoms[i].x[1], system->atoms[i].x[2] );
+    }
 /* Main driver method for QEq kernel
  *  1) init / setup routines for preconditioning of linear solver
  *  2) compute preconditioner
@@ -1356,7 +1376,7 @@ static void ACKS2( reax_system * const system, control_params * const control,
     data->timing.cm_solver_iters += iters;
-    Calculate_Charges_EE( system, workspace );
+    Calculate_Charges_ACKS2( system, workspace );
diff --git a/sPuReMD/src/ffield.c b/sPuReMD/src/ffield.c
index f561da8ff57aa430f50e3e04b7b25d52ccd74ccd..c426b836425837973fde112da1834df8d48bde67 100644
--- a/sPuReMD/src/ffield.c
+++ b/sPuReMD/src/ffield.c
@@ -240,7 +240,7 @@ void Read_Force_Field( FILE* fp, reax_interaction* reax )
             if ( reax->sbp[i].gamma_w > 0.5 )
                 if ( reax->gp.vdw_type != 0 && reax->gp.vdw_type != 3 )
-                    fprintf( stderr, "[WARNING] Inconsistent vdWaals-parameters\n" \
+                    fprintf( stderr, "[WARNING] Inconsistent vdWaals-parameters!\n" \
                              "  Force field parameters for element %s\n"        \
                              "  indicate inner wall+shielding, but earlier\n"   \
                              "  atoms indicate different vdWaals-method.\n"     \
@@ -262,7 +262,7 @@ void Read_Force_Field( FILE* fp, reax_interaction* reax )
                 if ( reax->gp.vdw_type != 0 && reax->gp.vdw_type != 2 )
-                    fprintf( stderr, "[WARNING] Inconsistent vdWaals-parameters\n" \
+                    fprintf( stderr, "[WARNING] Inconsistent vdWaals-parameters!\n" \
                              "  Force field parameters for element %s\n"        \
                              "  indicate inner wall without shielding, but earlier\n" \
                              "  atoms indicate different vdWaals-method.\n"     \
@@ -288,9 +288,9 @@ void Read_Force_Field( FILE* fp, reax_interaction* reax )
             if ( reax->sbp[i].gamma_w > 0.5 )
                 if ( reax->gp.vdw_type != 0 && reax->gp.vdw_type != 1 )
-                    fprintf( stderr, "[WARNING] Inconsistent vdWaals-parameters\n" \
+                    fprintf( stderr, "[WARNING] Inconsistent vdWaals-parameters!\n" \
                              "  Force field parameters for element %s\n"        \
-                             "  indicate  shielding without inner wall, but earlier\n" \
+                             "  indicate shielding without inner wall, but earlier\n" \
                              "  atoms indicate different vdWaals-method.\n"     \
                              "  This may cause division-by-zero errors.\n"      \
                              "  Keeping vdWaals-setting for earlier atoms.\n",
diff --git a/sPuReMD/src/forces.c b/sPuReMD/src/forces.c
index 1f29e7300096e8937382612f7b003597353dd0e3..f8ad6eb1c7b62a77c6437dbba59e85209f59db82 100644
--- a/sPuReMD/src/forces.c
+++ b/sPuReMD/src/forces.c
@@ -340,7 +340,7 @@ static inline real Init_Charge_Matrix_Entry_Tab( reax_system *system,
                 dif = r_ij - base;
                 val = ((t->ele[r].d * dif + t->ele[r].c) * dif + t->ele[r].b) * dif +
-                val *= EV_to_KCALpMOL / C_ele;
+                val *= EV_to_KCALpMOL / C_ELE;
                 ret = ((i == j) ? 0.5 : 1.0) * val;
@@ -378,6 +378,38 @@ static inline real Init_Charge_Matrix_Entry( reax_system *system,
     case QEQ_CM:
     case EE_CM:
+        switch ( pos )
+        {
+            case OFF_DIAGONAL:
+                Tap = workspace->Tap[7] * r_ij + workspace->Tap[6];
+                Tap = Tap * r_ij + workspace->Tap[5];
+                Tap = Tap * r_ij + workspace->Tap[4];
+                Tap = Tap * r_ij + workspace->Tap[3];
+                Tap = Tap * r_ij + workspace->Tap[2];
+                Tap = Tap * r_ij + workspace->Tap[1];
+                Tap = Tap * r_ij + workspace->Tap[0];
+                /* shielding */
+                dr3gamij_1 = ( r_ij * r_ij * r_ij +
+                        system->reaxprm.tbp[system->atoms[i].type][system->atoms[j].type].gamma );
+                dr3gamij_3 = POW( dr3gamij_1 , 1.0 / 3.0 );
+                /* i == j: non-periodic self-interaction term
+                 * i != j: periodic self-interaction term */
+                ret = ((i == j) ? 0.5 : 1.0) * Tap * EV_to_KCALpMOL / dr3gamij_3;
+            break;
+            case DIAGONAL:
+                ret = system->reaxprm.sbp[system->atoms[i].type].eta;
+            break;
+            default:
+                fprintf( stderr, "[ERROR] Invalid matrix position. Terminating...\n" );
+                exit( INVALID_INPUT );
+            break;
+        }
+        break;
     case ACKS2_CM:
         switch ( pos )
@@ -395,10 +427,14 @@ static inline real Init_Charge_Matrix_Entry( reax_system *system,
                         system->reaxprm.tbp[system->atoms[i].type][system->atoms[j].type].gamma );
                 dr3gamij_3 = POW( dr3gamij_1 , 1.0 / 3.0 );
+                /* i == j: non-periodic self-interaction term
+                 * i != j: periodic self-interaction term */
                 ret = ((i == j) ? 0.5 : 1.0) * Tap * EV_to_KCALpMOL / dr3gamij_3;
             case DIAGONAL:
+                /* EE parameters in electron-volts */
+//                ret = 2.0 * system->reaxprm.sbp[system->atoms[i].type].eta;
                 ret = system->reaxprm.sbp[system->atoms[i].type].eta;
@@ -424,7 +460,7 @@ static void Init_Charge_Matrix_Remaining_Entries( reax_system *system,
         sparse_matrix * H, sparse_matrix * H_sp,
         int * Htop, int * H_sp_top )
-    int i, j, pj;
+    int i, j, pj, target, val_flag;
     real d, xcut, bond_softness, * X_diag;
     switch ( control->charge_method )
@@ -457,36 +493,20 @@ static void Init_Charge_Matrix_Remaining_Entries( reax_system *system,
         case ACKS2_CM:
-            X_diag = (real*) scalloc( system->N, sizeof(real),
+            X_diag = smalloc( sizeof(real) * system->N,
                     "Init_Charge_Matrix_Remaining_Entries::X_diag" );
-            H->start[system->N] = *Htop;
-            H_sp->start[system->N] = *H_sp_top;
             for ( i = 0; i < system->N; ++i )
-                H->j[*Htop] = i;
-                H->val[*Htop] = 1.0;
-                *Htop = *Htop + 1;
-                H_sp->j[*H_sp_top] = i;
-                H_sp->val[*H_sp_top] = 1.0;
-                *H_sp_top = *H_sp_top + 1;
+                X_diag[i] = 0.0;
-            H->j[*Htop] = system->N;
-            H->val[*Htop] = 0.0;
-            *Htop = *Htop + 1;
-            H_sp->j[*H_sp_top] = system->N;
-            H_sp->val[*H_sp_top] = 0.0;
-            *H_sp_top = *H_sp_top + 1;
             for ( i = 0; i < system->N; ++i )
-                H->start[system->N + i + 1] = *Htop;
-                H_sp->start[system->N + i + 1] = *H_sp_top;
+                H->start[system->N + i] = *Htop;
+                H_sp->start[system->N + i] = *H_sp_top;
+                /* constraint on ref. value for kinetic energy potential */
                 H->j[*Htop] = i;
                 H->val[*Htop] = 1.0;
                 *Htop = *Htop + 1;
@@ -495,55 +515,94 @@ static void Init_Charge_Matrix_Remaining_Entries( reax_system *system,
                 H_sp->val[*H_sp_top] = 1.0;
                 *H_sp_top = *H_sp_top + 1;
+                /* kinetic energy terms */
                 for ( pj = Start_Index(i, far_nbrs); pj < End_Index(i, far_nbrs); ++pj )
+                    /* exclude self-periodic images of atoms for
+                     * kinetic energy term because the effective
+                     * potential is the same on an atom and its periodic image */
                     if ( far_nbrs->far_nbr_list[pj].d <= control->nonb_cut )
                         j = far_nbrs->far_nbr_list[pj].nbr;
-                        xcut = ( system->reaxprm.sbp[ system->atoms[i].type ].b_s_acks2
-                                + system->reaxprm.sbp[ system->atoms[j].type ].b_s_acks2 )
-                            / 2.0;
+                        xcut = 0.5 * ( system->reaxprm.sbp[ system->atoms[i].type ].b_s_acks2
+                                + system->reaxprm.sbp[ system->atoms[j].type ].b_s_acks2 );
-                        if ( far_nbrs->far_nbr_list[pj].d < xcut &&
-                                far_nbrs->far_nbr_list[pj].d > 0.001 )
+                        if ( far_nbrs->far_nbr_list[pj].d < xcut )
                             d = far_nbrs->far_nbr_list[pj].d / xcut;
-                            bond_softness = system->reaxprm.gp.l[34] * POW( d, 3.0 ) * POW( 1.0 - d, 6.0 );
-                            H->j[*Htop] = system->N + j + 1;
-                            H->val[*Htop] = MAX( 0.0, bond_softness );
-                            *Htop = *Htop + 1;
-                            H_sp->j[*H_sp_top] = system->N + j + 1;
-                            H_sp->val[*H_sp_top] = MAX( 0.0, bond_softness );
-                            *H_sp_top = *H_sp_top + 1;
-                            X_diag[i] -= bond_softness;
-                            X_diag[j] -= bond_softness;
+                            bond_softness = system->reaxprm.gp.l[34] * POW( d, 3.0 )
+                                * POW( 1.0 - d, 6.0 );
+                            if ( bond_softness > 0.0 )
+                            {
+                                val_flag = FALSE;
+                                for ( target = H->start[system->N + i]; target < *Htop; ++target )
+                                {
+                                    if ( H->j[target] == system->N + j )
+                                    {
+                                        H->val[target] += bond_softness;
+                                        val_flag = TRUE;
+                                        break;
+                                    }
+                                }
+                                if ( val_flag == FALSE )
+                                {
+                                    H->j[*Htop] = system->N + j;
+                                    H->val[*Htop] = bond_softness;
+                                    ++(*Htop);
+                                }
+                                val_flag = FALSE;
+                                for ( target = H_sp->start[system->N + i]; target < *H_sp_top; ++target )
+                                {
+                                    if ( H_sp->j[target] == system->N + j )
+                                    {
+                                        H_sp->val[target] += bond_softness;
+                                        val_flag = TRUE;
+                                        break;
+                                    }
+                                }
+                                if ( val_flag == FALSE )
+                                {
+                                    H_sp->j[*H_sp_top] = system->N + j;
+                                    H_sp->val[*H_sp_top] = bond_softness;
+                                    ++(*H_sp_top);
+                                }
+                                X_diag[i] -= bond_softness;
+                                X_diag[j] -= bond_softness;
+                            }
-                H->j[*Htop] = system->N + i + 1;
+                /* placeholders for diagonal entries, to be replaced below */
+                H->j[*Htop] = system->N + i;
                 H->val[*Htop] = 0.0;
                 *Htop = *Htop + 1;
-                H_sp->j[*H_sp_top] = system->N + i + 1;
+                H_sp->j[*H_sp_top] = system->N + i;
                 H_sp->val[*H_sp_top] = 0.0;
                 *H_sp_top = *H_sp_top + 1;
-            H->start[system->N_cm - 1] = *Htop;
-            H_sp->start[system->N_cm - 1] = *H_sp_top;
+            /* second to last row */
+            H->start[system->N_cm - 2] = *Htop;
+            H_sp->start[system->N_cm - 2] = *H_sp_top;
-            for ( i = system->N + 1; i < system->N_cm - 1; ++i )
+            /* place accumulated diagonal entries (needed second to last row marker above before this code) */
+            for ( i = system->N; i < 2 * system->N; ++i )
                 for ( pj = H->start[i]; pj < H->start[i + 1]; ++pj )
                     if ( H->j[pj] == i )
-                        H->val[pj] = X_diag[i - system->N - 1];
+                        H->val[pj] = X_diag[i - system->N];
@@ -552,13 +611,38 @@ static void Init_Charge_Matrix_Remaining_Entries( reax_system *system,
                     if ( H_sp->j[pj] == i )
-                        H_sp->val[pj] = X_diag[i - system->N - 1];
+                        H_sp->val[pj] = X_diag[i - system->N];
-            for ( i = system->N + 1; i < system->N_cm - 1; ++i )
+            /* coupling with the kinetic energy potential */
+            for ( i = 0; i < system->N; ++i )
+            {
+                H->j[*Htop] = system->N + i;
+                H->val[*Htop] = 1.0;
+                *Htop = *Htop + 1;
+                H_sp->j[*H_sp_top] = system->N + i;
+                H_sp->val[*H_sp_top] = 1.0;
+                *H_sp_top = *H_sp_top + 1;
+            }
+            /* explicitly store zero on diagonal */
+            H->j[*Htop] = system->N_cm - 2;
+            H->val[*Htop] = 0.0;
+            *Htop = *Htop + 1;
+            H_sp->j[*H_sp_top] = system->N_cm - 2;
+            H_sp->val[*H_sp_top] = 0.0;
+            *H_sp_top = *H_sp_top + 1;
+            /* last row */
+            H->start[system->N_cm - 1] = *Htop;
+            H_sp->start[system->N_cm - 1] = *H_sp_top;
+            for ( i = 0; i < system->N; ++i )
                 H->j[*Htop] = i;
                 H->val[*Htop] = 1.0;
@@ -569,6 +653,7 @@ static void Init_Charge_Matrix_Remaining_Entries( reax_system *system,
                 *H_sp_top = *H_sp_top + 1;
+            /* explicitly store zero on diagonal */
             H->j[*Htop] = system->N_cm - 1;
             H->val[*Htop] = 0.0;
             *Htop = *Htop + 1;
@@ -577,6 +662,7 @@ static void Init_Charge_Matrix_Remaining_Entries( reax_system *system,
             H_sp->val[*H_sp_top] = 0.0;
             *H_sp_top = *H_sp_top + 1;
             sfree( X_diag, "Init_Charge_Matrix_Remaining_Entries::X_diag" );
@@ -591,12 +677,13 @@ static void Init_Forces( reax_system *system, control_params *control,
         reax_list **lists, output_controls *out_control )
     int i, j, pj;
+    int target;
     int start_i, end_i;
     int type_i, type_j;
     int Htop, H_sp_top, btop_i, btop_j, num_bonds, num_hbonds;
     int ihb, jhb, ihb_top, jhb_top;
     int flag, flag_sp;
-    real r_ij, r2;
+    real r_ij, r2, val, val_flag;
     real C12, C34, C56;
     real Cln_BOp_s, Cln_BOp_pi, Cln_BOp_pi2;
     real BO, BO_s, BO_pi, BO_pi2;
@@ -689,17 +776,48 @@ static void Init_Forces( reax_system *system, control_params *control,
                 sbp_j = &system->reaxprm.sbp[type_j];
                 twbp = &system->reaxprm.tbp[type_i][type_j];
-                H->j[Htop] = j;
-                H->val[Htop] = Init_Charge_Matrix_Entry( system, control,
-                        workspace, i, j, r_ij, OFF_DIAGONAL );
-                ++Htop;
+                val = Init_Charge_Matrix_Entry( system, control,
+                            workspace, i, j, r_ij, OFF_DIAGONAL );
+                val_flag = FALSE;
+                for ( target = H->start[i]; target < Htop; ++target )
+                {
+                    if ( H->j[target] == j )
+                    {
+                        H->val[target] += val;
+                        val_flag = TRUE;
+                        break;
+                    }
+                }
+                if ( val_flag == FALSE )
+                {
+                    H->j[Htop] = j;
+                    H->val[Htop] = val;
+                    ++Htop;
+                }
                 /* H_sp matrix entry */
                 if ( flag_sp == TRUE )
-                    H_sp->j[H_sp_top] = j;
-                    H_sp->val[H_sp_top] = H->val[Htop - 1];
-                    ++H_sp_top;
+                    val_flag = FALSE;
+                    for ( target = H_sp->start[i]; target < H_sp_top; ++target )
+                    {
+                        if ( H_sp->j[target] == j )
+                        {
+                            H_sp->val[target] += val;
+                            val_flag = TRUE;
+                            break;
+                        }
+                    }
+                    if ( val_flag == FALSE )
+                    {
+                        H_sp->j[H_sp_top] = j;
+                        H_sp->val[H_sp_top] = val;
+                        ++H_sp_top;
+                    }
                 /* hydrogen bond lists */
diff --git a/sPuReMD/src/init_md.c b/sPuReMD/src/init_md.c
index af1d351798c6fb82dcf8f53b66977c04f61fb998..e0899c7084397b2c06ba674558fa821ccda865aa 100644
--- a/sPuReMD/src/init_md.c
+++ b/sPuReMD/src/init_md.c
@@ -416,16 +416,22 @@ static void Init_Workspace( reax_system *system, control_params *control,
                 workspace->b[i] = -system->reaxprm.sbp[ system->atoms[i].type ].chi;
-            workspace->b_s[system->N] = control->cm_q_net;
-            workspace->b[system->N] = control->cm_q_net;
-            for ( i = system->N + 1; i < system->N_cm; ++i )
+            /* Non-zero total charge can lead to unphysical results.
+             * As such, set the ACKS2 reference charge of every atom
+             * to the total charge divided by the number of atoms.
+             * Except for trivial cases, this leads to fractional
+             * reference charges, which is usually not desirable. */
+            for ( i = 0; i < system->N; ++i )
-                workspace->b_s[i] = 0.0;
+                workspace->b_s[system->N + i] = control->cm_q_net / system->N;
                 //TODO: check if unused (redundant)
-                workspace->b[i] = 0.0;
+                workspace->b[system->N + i] = control->cm_q_net / system->N;
+            /* system charge defines the total charge constraint */
+            workspace->b_s[system->N_cm] = control->cm_q_net;
+            workspace->b[system->N_cm] = control->cm_q_net;
diff --git a/sPuReMD/src/lookup.c b/sPuReMD/src/lookup.c
index 332b1e14b3e0bdcf0bd54f630360511eae91b3c9..6f6f7139a4309683aee182dcf4373eb60a7d7ad3 100644
--- a/sPuReMD/src/lookup.c
+++ b/sPuReMD/src/lookup.c
@@ -218,7 +218,7 @@ static void LR_Lookup( LR_lookup_table *t, real r, LR_data *y )
     y->CEclmb = ((t->CEclmb[i].d * dif + t->CEclmb[i].c) * dif + t->CEclmb[i].b) * dif +
-    y->H = y->e_ele * EV_to_KCALpMOL / C_ele;
+    y->H = y->e_ele * EV_to_KCALpMOL / C_ELE;
     //y->H = ((t->H[i].d*dif + t->H[i].c)*dif + t->H[i].b)*dif + t->H[i].a;
diff --git a/sPuReMD/src/neighbors.c b/sPuReMD/src/neighbors.c
index aab95c343be611fca388e265a1225222311598ed..60efdd59820da98dcdffe4c3c2a673ecacab78a6 100644
--- a/sPuReMD/src/neighbors.c
+++ b/sPuReMD/src/neighbors.c
@@ -29,6 +29,85 @@
 #include "tool_box.h"
 #include "vector.h"
+#include "print_utils.h"
+/* If the code is not compiled to handle small periodic boxes (i.e. a
+ * simulation box with any dimension less than twice the Verlet list cutoff
+ * distance, vlist_cut), it will use the optimized Generate_Neighbor_Lists
+ * function.  Otherwise it will execute the neighbor routine with small
+ * periodic box support.
+ * 
+ * Define the preprocessor definition SMALL_BOX_SUPPORT to enable (in
+ * reax_types.h). */
+typedef int (*count_far_neighbors_function)( rvec, rvec, int, int,
+        simulation_box*, real );
+typedef int (*find_far_neighbors_function)( rvec, rvec, int, int,
+        simulation_box*, real, far_neighbor_data* );
+static void Choose_Neighbor_Counter( reax_system *system, control_params *control,
+        count_far_neighbors_function *Count_Far_Neighbors )
+    if ( control->periodic_boundaries )
+    {
+        if ( system->box.box_norms[0] >= 2.0 * control->vlist_cut
+                && system->box.box_norms[1] >= 2.0 * control->vlist_cut
+                && system->box.box_norms[2] >= 2.0 * control->vlist_cut )
+        {
+            *Count_Far_Neighbors = &Count_Periodic_Far_Neighbors_Big_Box;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            *Count_Far_Neighbors = &Count_Periodic_Far_Neighbors_Small_Box;
+        }
+        *Count_Far_Neighbors = &Count_Periodic_Far_Neighbors_Big_Box;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        *Count_Far_Neighbors = &Count_Non_Periodic_Far_Neighbors;
+    }
+static void Choose_Neighbor_Finder( reax_system *system, control_params *control,
+        find_far_neighbors_function *Find_Far_Neighbors )
+    if ( control->periodic_boundaries )
+    {
+        if ( system->box.box_norms[0] >= 2.0 * control->vlist_cut
+                && system->box.box_norms[1] >= 2.0 * control->vlist_cut
+                && system->box.box_norms[2] >= 2.0 * control->vlist_cut )
+        {
+            *Find_Far_Neighbors = &Find_Periodic_Far_Neighbors_Big_Box;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            *Find_Far_Neighbors = &Find_Periodic_Far_Neighbors_Small_Box;
+        }
+        *Find_Far_Neighbors = &Find_Periodic_Far_Neighbors_Big_Box;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        *Find_Far_Neighbors = &Find_Non_Periodic_Far_Neighbors;
+    }
+#ifdef DEBUG
+static int compare_far_nbrs(const void *v1, const void *v2)
+    return ((*(far_neighbor_data *)v1).nbr - (*(far_neighbor_data *)v2).nbr);
 static inline real DistSqr_to_CP( rvec cp, rvec x )
@@ -53,16 +132,18 @@ int Estimate_Num_Neighbors( reax_system *system, control_params *control,
     int i, j, k, l, m, itr;
     int x, y, z;
     int atom1, atom2, max;
-    int num_far;
+    int num_far, count;
     int *nbr_atoms;
     ivec *nbrs;
     rvec *nbrs_cp;
     grid *g;
-    far_neighbor_data nbr_data;
+    count_far_neighbors_function Count_Far_Neighbors;
     g = &system->g;
     num_far = 0;
+    Choose_Neighbor_Counter( system, control, &Count_Far_Neighbors );
     Bin_Atoms( system, workspace );
     /* first pick up a cell in the grid */
@@ -79,8 +160,8 @@ int Estimate_Num_Neighbors( reax_system *system, control_params *control,
                 for ( l = 0; l < g->top[i][j][k]; ++l )
                     atom1 = g->atoms[i][j][k][l];
                     itr = 0;
                     while ( nbrs[itr][0] >= 0 )
                         x = nbrs[itr][0];
@@ -93,24 +174,21 @@ int Estimate_Num_Neighbors( reax_system *system, control_params *control,
                             nbr_atoms = g->atoms[x][y][z];
                             max = g->top[x][y][z];
-                            /* pick up another atom from the neighbor cell -
-                             * we have to compare atom1 with its own periodic images as well,
-                             * that's why there is also equality in the if stmt below */
+                            /* pick up another atom from the neighbor cell;
+                             * we have to compare atom1 with its own periodic images as well
+                             * in the case of periodic boundary conditions,
+                             * hence the equality in the if stmt below */
                             for ( m = 0; m < max; ++m )
                                 atom2 = nbr_atoms[m];
-                                //if( nbrs[itr+1][0] >= 0 || atom1 > atom2 ) {
-                                if ( atom1 > atom2 )
+                                if ( atom1 >= atom2 )
-                                    /* assume periodic boundary conditions since it is
-                                     * safe to over-estimate for the non-periodic case */
-                                    if ( Count_Periodic_Far_Neighbors_Big_Box(system->atoms[atom1].x,
-                                                system->atoms[atom2].x,
-                                                &system->box, control->vlist_cut, &nbr_data) )
-                                    {
-                                        ++num_far;
-                                    }
+                                    count = Count_Far_Neighbors( system->atoms[atom1].x,
+                                                system->atoms[atom2].x, atom1, atom2, 
+                                                &system->box, control->vlist_cut );
+                                    num_far += count;
@@ -130,53 +208,6 @@ int Estimate_Num_Neighbors( reax_system *system, control_params *control,
-/* If the code is not compiled to handle small periodic boxes (i.e. a
- * simulation box with any dimension less than twice the Verlet list cutoff
- * distance, vlist_cut), it will use the optimized Generate_Neighbor_Lists
- * function.  Otherwise it will execute the neighbor routine with small
- * periodic box support.
- * 
- * Define the preprocessor definition SMALL_BOX_SUPPORT to enable (in
- * reax_types.h). */
-typedef int (*find_far_neighbors_function)( rvec, rvec, int, int,
-        simulation_box*, real, far_neighbor_data* );
-void Choose_Neighbor_Finder( reax_system *system, control_params *control,
-        find_far_neighbors_function *Find_Far_Neighbors )
-    if ( control->periodic_boundaries )
-    {
-        if ( system->box.box_norms[0] >= 2.0 * control->vlist_cut
-                && system->box.box_norms[1] >= 2.0 * control->vlist_cut
-                && system->box.box_norms[2] >= 2.0 * control->vlist_cut )
-        {
-            *Find_Far_Neighbors = &Find_Periodic_Far_Neighbors_Big_Box;
-        }
-        else
-        {
-            *Find_Far_Neighbors = &Find_Periodic_Far_Neighbors_Small_Box;
-        }
-        *Find_Far_Neighbors = &Find_Periodic_Far_Neighbors_Big_Box;
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        *Find_Far_Neighbors = &Find_Non_Periodic_Far_Neighbors;
-    }
-#ifdef DEBUG
-int compare_far_nbrs(const void *v1, const void *v2)
-    return ((*(far_neighbor_data *)v1).nbr - (*(far_neighbor_data *)v2).nbr);
 void Generate_Neighbor_Lists( reax_system *system, control_params *control,
         simulation_data *data, static_storage *workspace,
         reax_list **lists, output_controls *out_control )
@@ -196,6 +227,7 @@ void Generate_Neighbor_Lists( reax_system *system, control_params *control,
     t_start = Get_Time( );
     g = &system->g;
+    num_far = 0;
     far_nbrs = lists[FAR_NBRS];
     Bin_Atoms( system, workspace );
@@ -206,8 +238,6 @@ void Generate_Neighbor_Lists( reax_system *system, control_params *control,
     Choose_Neighbor_Finder( system, control, &Find_Far_Neighbors );
-    num_far = 0;
     /* first pick up a cell in the grid */
     for ( i = 0; i < g->ncell[0]; i++ )
@@ -237,17 +267,21 @@ void Generate_Neighbor_Lists( reax_system *system, control_params *control,
                             nbr_atoms = g->atoms[x][y][z];
                             max = g->top[x][y][z];
-                            /* pick up another atom from the neighbor cell */
+                            /* pick up another atom from the neighbor cell;
+                             * we have to compare atom1 with its own periodic images as well
+                             * in the case of periodic boundary conditions,
+                             * hence the equality in the if stmt below */
                             for ( m = 0; m < max; ++m )
                                 atom2 = nbr_atoms[m];
-                                if ( atom1 > atom2 )
+                                if ( atom1 >= atom2 )
                                     nbr_data = &far_nbrs->far_nbr_list[num_far];
-                                    count = Find_Far_Neighbors( system->atoms[atom1].x, system->atoms[atom2].x,
-                                            atom1, atom2, &system->box, control->vlist_cut, nbr_data );
+                                    count = Find_Far_Neighbors( system->atoms[atom1].x,
+                                            system->atoms[atom2].x, atom1, atom2,
+                                            &system->box, control->vlist_cut, nbr_data );
                                     num_far += count;
@@ -269,6 +303,7 @@ void Generate_Neighbor_Lists( reax_system *system, control_params *control,
     if ( num_far > far_nbrs->total_intrs * DANGER_ZONE )
         workspace->realloc.num_far = num_far;
         if ( num_far > far_nbrs->total_intrs )
             fprintf( stderr, "step%d-ran out of space on far_nbrs: top=%d, max=%d",
@@ -287,239 +322,9 @@ void Generate_Neighbor_Lists( reax_system *system, control_params *control,
 #if defined(TEST_ENERGY)
-    //Print_Far_Neighbors( system, control, workspace, lists );
-    t_elapsed = Get_Timing_Info( t_start );
-    data->timing.nbrs += t_elapsed;
-#if defined(LEGACY)  
-/* check if atom2 is on atom1's near neighbor list */
-static inline int is_Near_Neighbor( reax_list *near_nbrs, int atom1, int atom2 )
-    int i;
-    for ( i = Start_Index(atom1, near_nbrs); i < End_Index(atom1, near_nbrs); ++i )
-    {
-        if ( near_nbrs->near_nbr_list[i].nbr == atom2 )
-        {
-            return FALSE;
-        }
-    }
-    return TRUE;
-int compare_near_nbrs(const void *v1, const void *v2)
-    return ((*(near_neighbor_data *)v1).nbr - (*(near_neighbor_data *)v2).nbr);
-static inline void Set_Near_Neighbor( near_neighbor_data *dest, int nbr, real d, real C,
-        rvec dvec, ivec rel_box/*, rvec ext_factor*/ )
-    dest->nbr = nbr;
-    dest->d = d;
-    rvec_Scale( dest->dvec, C, dvec );
-    ivec_Scale( dest->rel_box, C, rel_box );
-    // rvec_Scale( dest->ext_factor, C, ext_factor );
-void Generate_Neighbor_Lists( reax_system *system, control_params *control,
-        simulation_data *data, static_storage *workspace,
-        reax_list **lists, output_controls *out_control )
-    int i, j, k;
-    int x, y, z;
-    int *nbr_atoms;
-    int atom1, atom2, max;
-    int num_far;
-    int c, count;
-    int grid_top;
-    grid *g;
-    reax_list *far_nbrs;
-    find_far_neighbors_function Find_Far_Neighbors;
-    far_neighbor_data *nbr_data;
-    far_neighbor_data new_nbrs[125];
-    real t_start, t_elapsed;
-    t_start = Get_Time( );
-    g = &system->g;
-    far_nbrs = lists[FAR_NBRS];
-    if ( control->ensemble == iNPT || control->ensemble == sNPT
-            || control->ensemble == aNPT )
-    {
-        Update_Grid( system );
-    }
-    Bin_Atoms( system, workspace );
-    //Cluster_Atoms( system, workspace, control );
-    Choose_Neighbor_Finder( system, control, &Find_Far_Neighbors );
-    num_far = 0;
-    num_near = 0;
-    c = 0;
-    /* first pick up a cell in the grid */
-    for ( i = 0; i < g->ncell[0]; i++ )
-    {
-        for ( j = 0; j < g->ncell[1]; j++ )
-        {
-            for ( k = 0; k < g->ncell[2]; k++ )
-            {
-                nbrs = g->nbrs[i][j][k];
-                nbrs_cp = g->nbrs_cp[i][j][k];
-                /* pick up an atom from the current cell */
-                for ( l = 0; l < g->top[i][j][k]; ++l )
-                {
-                    atom1 = g->atoms[i][j][k][l];
-                    Set_End_Index( atom1, num_far, far_nbrs );
-                    itr = 0;
-                    while ( nbrs[itr][0] > 0 )
-                    {
-                        x = nbrs[itr][0];
-                        y = nbrs[itr][1];
-                        z = nbrs[itr][2];
-                        // if( DistSqr_to_CP(nbrs_cp[itr], system->atoms[atom1].x ) <=
-                        //     SQR(control->r_cut))
-                        nbr_atoms = g->atoms[x][y][z];
-                        max = g->top[x][y][z];
-                        /* pick up another atom from the neighbor cell -
-                         * we have to compare atom1 with its own periodic images as well,
-                         * that's why there is also equality in the if stmt below */
-                        for ( m = 0; m < max; ++m )
-                        {
-                            atom2 = nbr_atoms[m];
-                            if ( atom1 >= atom2 )
-                            {
-                                nbr_data = &far_nbrs->far_nbr_list[num_far];
-                                //top_near1 = End_Index( atom1, near_nbrs );
-                                //Set_Start_Index( atom1, num_far, far_nbrs );
-                                count = Find_Far_Neighbors( system->atoms[atom1].x, system->atoms[atom2].x,
-                                        atom1, atom2, &system->box, control->vlist_cut, nbr_data );
-                                num_far += count;
-                            }
-                        }
-                    }
-                    Set_End_Index( atom1, top_far1, far_nbrs );
-                }
-            }
-        }
-    }
-   /* Below is some piece of legacy code. It tries to force bonded 
-    * interactions between atoms which are given to be bonded in the 
-    * BGF file through the CONECT lines. The aim is to ensure that 
-    * molecules stay intact during an energy minimization procudure.
-    * Energy minimization is not actually not implemented as of now 
-    * (July 7, 2014), but we mimic it by running at very low temperature
-    * and small dt (timestep length) NVT simulation.
-    * However, I (HMA) am not sure if it can possibly achieve the desired
-    * effect.  Therefore, this functionality is currently disabled. */
-    /* apply restrictions on near neighbors only */
-    if ( (data->step - data->prev_steps) < control->restrict_bonds )
-    {
-        for ( atom1 = 0; atom1 < system->N; ++atom1 )
-        {
-            if ( workspace->restricted[ atom1 ] )
-            {
-                top_near1 = End_Index( atom1, near_nbrs );
-                for ( j = 0; j < workspace->restricted[ atom1 ]; ++j )
-                {
-                    atom2 = workspace->restricted_list[atom1][j];
-                    if ( is_Near_Neighbor(near_nbrs, atom1, atom2) == FALSE )
-                    {
-                        fprintf( stderr, "%3d-%3d: added bond by applying restrictions!\n",
-                                atom1, atom2 );
-                        top_near2 = End_Index( atom2, near_nbrs );
-                        /* we just would like to get the nearest image, so a call to
-                         * Get_Periodic_Far_Neighbors_Big_Box is good enough. */
-                        Get_Periodic_Far_Neighbors_Big_Box( system->atoms[ atom1 ].x,
-                                system->atoms[ atom2 ].x, &system->box, control,
-                                new_nbrs, &count );
-                        Set_Near_Neighbor( &near_nbrs->near_nbr_list[ top_near1 ], atom2,
-                                new_nbrs[c].d, 1.0, new_nbrs[c].dvec, new_nbrs[c].rel_box );
-                        ++top_near1;
-                        Set_Near_Neighbor( &near_nbrs->near_nbr_list[ top_near2 ], atom1,
-                                new_nbrs[c].d, -1.0, new_nbrs[c].dvec, new_nbrs[c].rel_box );
-                        Set_End_Index( atom2, top_near2 + 1, near_nbrs );
-                    }
-                }
-                Set_End_Index( atom1, top_near1, near_nbrs );
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    /* verify nbrlists, count total_intrs, sort nearnbrs */
-    near_nbrs->total_intrs = 0;
-    far_nbrs->total_intrs = 0;
-    for ( i = 0; i < system->N - 1; ++i )
-    {
-        if ( End_Index(i, near_nbrs) > Start_Index(i + 1, near_nbrs) )
-        {
-            fprintf( stderr,
-                     "step%3d: nearnbr list of atom%d is overwritten by atom%d\n",
-                     data->step, i + 1, i );
-            exit( RUNTIME_ERROR );
-        }
-        near_nbrs->total_intrs += Num_Entries( i, near_nbrs );
-        if ( End_Index(i, far_nbrs) > Start_Index(i + 1, far_nbrs) )
-        {
-            fprintf( stderr,
-                     "step%3d: farnbr list of atom%d is overwritten by atom%d\n",
-                     data->step, i + 1, i );
-            exit( RUNTIME_ERROR );
-        }
-        far_nbrs->total_intrs += Num_Entries( i, far_nbrs );
-    }
-    for ( i = 0; i < system->N; ++i )
-    {
-        qsort( &near_nbrs->near_nbr_list[ Start_Index(i, near_nbrs) ],
-               Num_Entries(i, near_nbrs), sizeof(near_neighbor_data),
-               compare_near_nbrs );
-    }
-//    for ( i = 0; i < system->N; ++i )
-//    {
-//       qsort( &far_nbrs->far_nbr_list[ Start_Index(i, far_nbrs) ],
-//               Num_Entries(i, far_nbrs), sizeof(far_neighbor_data), compare_far_nbrs );
-//    }
-    fprintf( stderr, "Near neighbors/atom: %d (compare to 150)\n",
-             num_near / system->N );
+    Print_Far_Neighbors( system, control, workspace, lists );
     t_elapsed = Get_Timing_Info( t_start );
     data->timing.nbrs += t_elapsed;
diff --git a/sPuReMD/src/reax_types.h b/sPuReMD/src/reax_types.h
index 3355a85c809fe0a42b86ae608a54be30d6611649..2412eee442d0b571b59991bab099bb84779c30df 100644
--- a/sPuReMD/src/reax_types.h
+++ b/sPuReMD/src/reax_types.h
@@ -45,8 +45,9 @@
 /* enables reordering atoms after neighbor list generation (optimization) */
 /* enables support for small simulation boxes (i.e. a simulation box with any
- * dimension less than twice the Verlet list cutoff distance, vlist_cut) */
+ * dimension less than twice the Verlet list cutoff distance, vlist_cut),
+ * which means multiple periodic images must be searched for interactions */
 #define SUCCESS (1)
 #define FAILURE (0)
@@ -60,19 +61,34 @@
   #define PI (3.14159265)
-#define C_ele (332.06371)
-//#define K_B (503.398008)   // kcal/mol/K
-#define K_B (0.831687)   // amu A^2 / ps^2 / K
-#define F_CONV (1e6 / 48.88821291 / 48.88821291)   // --> amu A / ps^2
-#define E_CONV (0.002391)   // amu A^2 / ps^2 --> kcal/mol
-#define EV_to_KCALpMOL (14.400000)   // ElectronVolt --> KCAL per MOLe
-#define KCALpMOL_to_EV (23.060549)   // 23.020000//KCAL per MOLe --> ElectronVolt
-#define ECxA_to_DEBYE (4.803204)      // elem. charge * angstrom -> debye conv
-#define CAL_to_JOULES (4.184000)      // CALories --> JOULES
-#define JOULES_to_CAL (1.0 / 4.184000)    // JOULES --> CALories
+/* */
+#define C_ELE (332.06371)
+/* kcal/mol/K */
+//#define K_B (503.398008)
+/* amu A^2 / ps^2 / K */
+#define K_B (0.831687)
+/* --> amu A / ps^2 */
+#define F_CONV (1e6 / 48.88821291 / 48.88821291)
+/* amu A^2 / ps^2 --> kcal/mol */
+#define E_CONV (0.002391)
+/* conversion constant from electron volts to kilo-calories per mole */
+#define EV_to_KCALpMOL (14.400000)
+/* conversion constant from kilo-calories per mole to electron volts */
+//#define KCALpMOL_to_EV (23.060549)  // value used in LAMMPS
+#define KCALpMOL_to_EV (23.0200000)   // value used in ReaxFF Fortran code
+/* elem. charge * angstrom -> debye conv */
+#define ECxA_to_DEBYE (4.803204)
+/* CALories --> JOULES */
+#define CAL_to_JOULES (4.184000)
+/* JOULES --> CALories */
+#define JOULES_to_CAL (1.0 / 4.184000)
+/* */
 #define AMU_to_GRAM (1.6605e-24)
+/* */
 #define ANG_to_CM (1.0e-8)
+/* */
 #define AVOGNR (6.0221367e23)
+/* */
 #define P_CONV (1.0e-24 * AVOGNR * JOULES_to_CAL)
 #define MAX_STR (1024)
diff --git a/sPuReMD/src/spuremd.c b/sPuReMD/src/spuremd.c
index ab7b7e4cd3c2f487696afc018fa8b6b11340f0b7..337e853e423c99faa350af37478f84e9e2ff262a 100644
--- a/sPuReMD/src/spuremd.c
+++ b/sPuReMD/src/spuremd.c
@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ static void Post_Evolve( reax_system * const system, control_params * const cont
             || (out_control->write_steps > 0
                 && data->step % out_control->write_steps == 0) )
-        Compute_Total_Energy( system, data );
+        Compute_Total_Energy( system, control, data, workspace );
@@ -220,7 +220,6 @@ int simulate( const void * const handle )
         Generate_Neighbor_Lists( spmd_handle->system, spmd_handle->control, spmd_handle->data,
                 spmd_handle->workspace, spmd_handle->lists, spmd_handle->out_control );
-        //fprintf( stderr, "total: %.2f secs\n", data.timing.nbrs);
         Compute_Forces( spmd_handle->system, spmd_handle->control, spmd_handle->data,
                 spmd_handle->workspace, spmd_handle->lists, spmd_handle->out_control );
@@ -233,7 +232,8 @@ int simulate( const void * const handle )
                     || (spmd_handle->out_control->write_steps > 0
                         && spmd_handle->data->step % spmd_handle->out_control->write_steps == 0) )
-                Compute_Total_Energy( spmd_handle->system, spmd_handle->data );
+                Compute_Total_Energy( spmd_handle->system, spmd_handle->control,
+                        spmd_handle->data, spmd_handle->workspace );
             Output_Results( spmd_handle->system, spmd_handle->control, spmd_handle->data,
diff --git a/sPuReMD/src/system_props.c b/sPuReMD/src/system_props.c
index 412843d4416e940b9b48b7c3587792b2991f1eb0..8969c7adf03a910cd6f51f7e752485a2b7de4153 100644
--- a/sPuReMD/src/system_props.c
+++ b/sPuReMD/src/system_props.c
@@ -209,7 +209,8 @@ void Compute_Kinetic_Energy( reax_system* system, simulation_data* data )
-void Compute_Total_Energy( reax_system* system, simulation_data* data )
+void Compute_Total_Energy( reax_system* system, control_params *control,
+        simulation_data* data, static_storage *workspace )
     int i, type_i;
     real e_pol, q;
@@ -217,18 +218,41 @@ void Compute_Total_Energy( reax_system* system, simulation_data* data )
     /* Compute Polarization Energy */
     e_pol = 0.0;
+    if ( control->charge_method == QEQ_CM
+            || control->charge_method == EE_CM )
+    {
 #ifdef _OPENMP
-    #pragma omp parallel for default(none) private(q, type_i) shared(system) \
-        reduction(+: e_pol) schedule(static)
+        #pragma omp parallel for default(none) private(q, type_i) shared(system) \
+            reduction(+: e_pol) schedule(static)
-    for ( i = 0; i < system->N; i++ )
+        for ( i = 0; i < system->N; i++ )
+        {
+            q = system->atoms[i].q;
+            type_i = system->atoms[i].type;
+            e_pol += ( system->reaxprm.sbp[ type_i ].chi * q
+                    + (system->reaxprm.sbp[ type_i ].eta / 2.0) * SQR( q ) )
+                * KCALpMOL_to_EV;
+        }
+    }
+    else if ( control->charge_method == ACKS2_CM )
-        q = system->atoms[i].q;
-        type_i = system->atoms[i].type;
+#ifdef _OPENMP
+        #pragma omp parallel for default(none) private(q, type_i) shared(system) \
+            reduction(+: e_pol) schedule(static)
+        for ( i = 0; i < system->N; i++ )
+        {
+            q = system->atoms[i].q;
+            type_i = system->atoms[i].type;
-        e_pol += ( system->reaxprm.sbp[ type_i ].chi * q
-                + (system->reaxprm.sbp[ type_i ].eta / 2.0) * SQR( q ) )
-            * KCALpMOL_to_EV;
+            /* energy due to first and second order EE parameters */
+            e_pol += KCALpMOL_to_EV * ( system->reaxprm.sbp[ type_i ].chi
+                    + system->reaxprm.sbp[ type_i ].eta / 2.0 * q) *  q;
+            /* energy due to coupling with kinetic energy potential */
+            e_pol += KCALpMOL_to_EV * system->atoms[i].q * workspace->s[0][ system->N + i ];
+        }
     data->E_Pol = e_pol;
diff --git a/sPuReMD/src/system_props.h b/sPuReMD/src/system_props.h
index 50a81b1b04171fae64cf3ac87061179312270dba..a7842a7cd216ae5307521c9c4d76b3af88f4cab3 100644
--- a/sPuReMD/src/system_props.h
+++ b/sPuReMD/src/system_props.h
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ void Compute_Center_of_Mass( reax_system*, simulation_data*, FILE* );
 void Compute_Kinetic_Energy( reax_system*, simulation_data* );
-void Compute_Total_Energy( reax_system*, simulation_data* );
+void Compute_Total_Energy( reax_system*, control_params*, simulation_data*, static_storage* );
 void Check_Energy( simulation_data* );
diff --git a/sPuReMD/src/two_body_interactions.c b/sPuReMD/src/two_body_interactions.c
index e6316f813285bb5b066556aad0042b99dd11d0ba..8c9c307c9f4aebfad49feceba4a825639002add2 100644
--- a/sPuReMD/src/two_body_interactions.c
+++ b/sPuReMD/src/two_body_interactions.c
@@ -112,27 +112,27 @@ void Bond_Energy( reax_system *system, control_params *control,
                     /* Stabilisation terminal triple bond */
                     if ( bo_ij->BO >= 1.00 )
-                        if ( gp37 == 2 ||
-                                (sbp_i->mass == 12.0000 && sbp_j->mass == 15.9990) ||
-                                (sbp_j->mass == 12.0000 && sbp_i->mass == 15.9990) )
+                        if ( gp37 == 2
+                                || (sbp_i->mass == 12.0000 && sbp_j->mass == 15.9990)
+                                || (sbp_j->mass == 12.0000 && sbp_i->mass == 15.9990) )
-                            //ba = SQR(bo_ij->BO - 2.50);
-                            exphu = EXP( -gp7 * SQR(bo_ij->BO - 2.50) );
-                            //oboa=abo(j1)-boa;
-                            //obob=abo(j2)-boa;
+                            //ba = SQR( bo_ij->BO - 2.5 );
+                            exphu = EXP( -gp7 * SQR(bo_ij->BO - 2.5) );
+                            //oboa = abo(j1) - boa;
+                            //obob = abo(j2) - boa;
                             exphua1 = EXP(-gp3 * (workspace->total_bond_order[i] - bo_ij->BO));
                             exphub1 = EXP(-gp3 * (workspace->total_bond_order[j] - bo_ij->BO));
-                            //ovoab=abo(j1)-aval(it1)+abo(j2)-aval(it2);
+                            //ovoab = abo(j1) - aval(it1) + abo(j2) - aval(it2);
                             exphuov = EXP(gp4 * (workspace->Delta[i] + workspace->Delta[j]));
                             hulpov = 1.0 / (1.0 + 25.0 * exphuov);
                             estriph = gp10 * exphu * hulpov * (exphua1 + exphub1);
-                            //estrain(j1) = estrain(j1) + 0.50*estriph;
-                            //estrain(j2) = estrain(j2) + 0.50*estriph;
+                            //estrain(j1) = estrain(j1) + 0.5 * estriph;
+                            //estrain(j2) = estrain(j2) + 0.5 * estriph;
                             ebond_total += estriph;
                             decobdbo = gp10 * exphu * hulpov * (exphua1 + exphub1) *
-                                ( gp3 - 2.0 * gp7 * (bo_ij->BO - 2.50) );
+                                ( gp3 - 2.0 * gp7 * (bo_ij->BO - 2.5) );
                             decobdboua = -gp10 * exphu * hulpov *
                                 (gp3 * exphua1 + 25.0 * gp4 * exphuov * hulpov * (exphua1 + exphub1));
                             decobdboub = -gp10 * exphu * hulpov *
@@ -146,7 +146,7 @@ void Bond_Energy( reax_system *system, control_params *control,
                             fprintf( out_control->ebond,
                                      workspace->orig_id[i], workspace->orig_id[j],
-                                     //i+1, j+1,
+                                     //i + 1, j + 1,
                                      estriph, decobdbo, decobdboua, decobdboub );
@@ -193,6 +193,7 @@ void vdW_Coulomb_Energy( reax_system *system, control_params *control,
         real Tap, dTap, dfn13, CEvd, CEclmb;
         real dr3gamij_1, dr3gamij_3;
         real e_ele, e_vdW, e_core, de_core;
+        real d, xcut, bond_softness, d_bond_softness, effpot_diff;
         rvec temp, ext_press;
         //rtensor temp_rtensor, total_rtensor;
         two_body_parameters *twbp;
@@ -295,10 +296,10 @@ void vdW_Coulomb_Energy( reax_system *system, control_params *control,
                     dr3gamij_3 = POW( dr3gamij_1 , 1.0 / 3.0 );
                     tmp = Tap / dr3gamij_3;
-                    e_ele = self_coef * C_ele * system->atoms[i].q * system->atoms[j].q * tmp;
+                    e_ele = self_coef * C_ELE * system->atoms[i].q * system->atoms[j].q * tmp;
                     e_ele_total += e_ele;
-                    CEclmb = self_coef * C_ele * system->atoms[i].q * system->atoms[j].q *
+                    CEclmb = self_coef * C_ELE * system->atoms[i].q * system->atoms[j].q *
                              ( dTap -  Tap * r_ij / dr3gamij_1 ) / dr3gamij_3;
                     if ( control->ensemble == NVE || control->ensemble == nhNVT
@@ -339,30 +340,30 @@ void vdW_Coulomb_Energy( reax_system *system, control_params *control,
                             rvec_Add( data->ext_press, ext_press );
-                        /*fprintf( stderr, "nonbonded(%d,%d): rel_box (%f %f %f)",
-                          i,j,nbr_pj->rel_box[0],nbr_pj->rel_box[1],nbr_pj->rel_box[2] );
-                          fprintf( stderr, "force(%f %f %f)", temp[0], temp[1], temp[2] );
-                          fprintf( stderr, "ext_press (%12.6f %12.6f %12.6f)\n",
-                          data->ext_press[0], data->ext_press[1], data->ext_press[2] );*/
-                        /* This part is intended for a fully-flexible box */
-                        /* rvec_OuterProduct( temp_rtensor, nbr_pj->dvec,
-                           system->atoms[i].x );
-                           rtensor_Scale( total_rtensor,
-                           F_C * -(CEvd + CEclmb), temp_rtensor );
-                           rvec_OuterProduct( temp_rtensor,
-                           nbr_pj->dvec, system->atoms[j].x );
-                           rtensor_ScaledAdd( total_rtensor,
-                           F_C * +(CEvd + CEclmb), temp_rtensor );
-                           if( nbr_pj->imaginary )
-                           // This is an external force due to an imaginary nbr
-                           rtensor_ScaledAdd( data->flex_bar.P, -1.0, total_rtensor );
-                           else
-                           // This interaction is completely internal
-                           rtensor_Add( data->flex_bar.P, total_rtensor ); */
+#if defined(DEBUG_FOCUS)
+                        fprintf( stderr, "nonbonded(%d,%d): rel_box (%f %f %f)",
+                                i, j, nbr_pj->rel_box[0],
+                                nbr_pj->rel_box[1], nbr_pj->rel_box[2] );
+                        fprintf( stderr, "force(%f %f %f)", temp[0], temp[1], temp[2] );
+                        fprintf( stderr, "ext_press (%12.6f %12.6f %12.6f)\n",
+                                data->ext_press[0], data->ext_press[1],
+                                data->ext_press[2] );
+//                        /* This part is intended for a fully-flexible box */
+//                        rvec_OuterProduct( temp_rtensor, nbr_pj->dvec, system->atoms[i].x );
+//                        rtensor_Scale( total_rtensor, F_C * -(CEvd + CEclmb), temp_rtensor );
+//                        rvec_OuterProduct( temp_rtensor, nbr_pj->dvec, system->atoms[j].x );
+//                        rtensor_ScaledAdd( total_rtensor, F_C * +(CEvd + CEclmb), temp_rtensor );
+//                        /* This is an external force due to an imaginary nbr */
+//                        if ( nbr_pj->imaginary )
+//                            rtensor_ScaledAdd( data->flex_bar.P, -1.0, total_rtensor );
+//                        /* This interaction is completely internal */
+//                        else
+//                            rtensor_Add( data->flex_bar.P, total_rtensor );
@@ -391,15 +392,80 @@ void vdW_Coulomb_Energy( reax_system *system, control_params *control,
+        //TODO: better integration of ACKS2 code below with above code for performance
+#ifdef _OPENMP
+        #pragma omp barrier
+        /* contribution to energy and gradients (atoms and cell)
+         * due to geometry-dependent terms in the ACKS2
+         * kinetic energy */
+        if ( control->charge_method == ACKS2_CM )
+        {
+            for ( i = 0; i < system->N; ++i )
+            {
+                for ( pj = Start_Index(i, far_nbrs); pj < End_Index(i, far_nbrs); ++pj )
+                {
+                    if ( far_nbrs->far_nbr_list[pj].d <= control->nonb_cut )
+                    {
+                        nbr_pj = &far_nbrs->far_nbr_list[pj];
+                        j = nbr_pj->nbr;
+                        /* kinetic energy terms */
+                        xcut = 0.5 * ( system->reaxprm.sbp[ system->atoms[i].type ].b_s_acks2
+                                + system->reaxprm.sbp[ system->atoms[j].type ].b_s_acks2 );
+                        if ( far_nbrs->far_nbr_list[pj].d < xcut )
+                        {
+                            d = far_nbrs->far_nbr_list[pj].d / xcut;
+                            bond_softness = system->reaxprm.gp.l[34] * POW( d, 3.0 )
+                                * POW( 1.0 - d, 6.0 );
+                            if ( bond_softness > 0.0 )
+                            {
+                                /* Coulombic energy contribution */
+                                effpot_diff = workspace->s[0][system->N + i]
+                                    - workspace->s[0][system->N + j];
+                                e_ele = -0.5 * KCALpMOL_to_EV * bond_softness
+                                    * SQR( effpot_diff );
+                                e_ele_total += e_ele;
+                                /* forces contribution */
+                                d_bond_softness = system->reaxprm.gp.l[34]
+                                    * 3.0 / xcut * POW( d, 2.0 )
+                                    * POW( 1.0 - d, 5.0 ) * (1.0 - 3.0 * d);
+                                d_bond_softness = -0.5 * d_bond_softness
+                                    * SQR( effpot_diff );
+                                d_bond_softness = KCALpMOL_to_EV * d_bond_softness
+                                    / far_nbrs->far_nbr_list[pj].d;
+#ifndef _OPENMP
+                                rvec_ScaledAdd( system->atoms[i].f,
+                                        -d_bond_softness, nbr_pj->dvec );
+                                rvec_ScaledAdd( system->atoms[j].f,
+                                        d_bond_softness, nbr_pj->dvec );
+                                rvec_ScaledAdd( workspace->f_local[tid * system->N + i],
+                                        -d_bond_softness, nbr_pj->dvec );
+                                rvec_ScaledAdd( workspace->f_local[tid * system->N + j],
+                                        d_bond_softness, nbr_pj->dvec );
+                            }
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        }
     data->E_vdW = e_vdW_total;
     data->E_Ele = e_ele_total;
-    // sfclose( fout, "vdW_Coulomb_Energy::fout" );
-    // fprintf( stderr, "nonbonded: ext_press (%24.15e %24.15e %24.15e)\n",
-    // data->ext_press[0], data->ext_press[1], data->ext_press[2] );
+#if defined(DEBUG)
+    fprintf( stderr, "nonbonded: ext_press (%24.15e %24.15e %24.15e)\n",
+            data->ext_press[0], data->ext_press[1], data->ext_press[2] );
@@ -435,7 +501,6 @@ void LR_vdW_Coulomb( reax_system *system, control_params *control,
     dTap = dTap * r_ij + 2 * workspace->Tap[2];
     dTap += workspace->Tap[1] / r_ij;
     /* vdWaals calculations */
     powr_vdW1 = POW( r_ij, p_vdW1 );
     powgi_vdW1 = POW( 1.0 / twbp->gamma_w, p_vdW1 );
@@ -503,14 +568,14 @@ void LR_vdW_Coulomb( reax_system *system, control_params *control,
     tmp = Tap / dr3gamij_3;
     lr->H = EV_to_KCALpMOL * tmp;
-    lr->e_ele = C_ele * tmp;
+    lr->e_ele = C_ELE * tmp;
     /* fprintf( stderr,"i:%d(%d), j:%d(%d), gamma:%f,\
        Tap:%f, dr3gamij_3:%f, qi: %f, qj: %f\n",
        i, system->atoms[i].type, j, system->atoms[j].type,
        twbp->gamma, Tap, dr3gamij_3,
        system->atoms[i].q, system->atoms[j].q ); */
-    lr->CEclmb = C_ele * ( dTap -  Tap * r_ij / dr3gamij_1 ) / dr3gamij_3;
+    lr->CEclmb = C_ELE * ( dTap -  Tap * r_ij / dr3gamij_1 ) / dr3gamij_3;
     /* fprintf( stdout, "%d %d\t%g\t%g  %g\t%g  %g\t%g  %g\n",
        i+1, j+1, r_ij, e_vdW, CEvd * r_ij,
        system->atoms[i].q, system->atoms[j].q, e_ele, CEclmb * r_ij ); */
@@ -575,36 +640,39 @@ void Tabulated_vdW_Coulomb_Energy( reax_system *system, control_params *control,
                     t = &workspace->LR[tmin][tmax];
                     /* Cubic Spline Interpolation */
-                    r = (int)(r_ij * t->inv_dx);
+                    r = (int) (r_ij * t->inv_dx);
                     if ( r == 0 )
-                    base = (real)(r + 1) * t->dx;
+                    base = (real) (r + 1) * t->dx;
                     dif = r_ij - base;
-                    //fprintf(stderr, "r: %f, i: %d, base: %f, dif: %f\n", r, i, base, dif);
+#if defined(DEBUG)
+                    fprintf( stderr, "r: %f, i: %d, base: %f, dif: %f\n", r, i, base, dif );
                     if ( update_energies )
-                        e_vdW = ((t->vdW[r].d * dif + t->vdW[r].c) * dif + t->vdW[r].b) * dif +
-                                t->vdW[r].a;
+                        e_vdW = ((t->vdW[r].d * dif + t->vdW[r].c) * dif + t->vdW[r].b)
+                            * dif + t->vdW[r].a;
                         e_vdW *= self_coef;
-                        e_ele = ((t->ele[r].d * dif + t->ele[r].c) * dif + t->ele[r].b) * dif +
-                                t->ele[r].a;
+                        e_ele = ((t->ele[r].d * dif + t->ele[r].c) * dif + t->ele[r].b)
+                            * dif + t->ele[r].a;
                         e_ele *= self_coef * system->atoms[i].q * system->atoms[j].q;
                         e_vdW_total += e_vdW;
                         e_ele_total += e_ele;
-                    CEvd = ((t->CEvd[r].d * dif + t->CEvd[r].c) * dif + t->CEvd[r].b) * dif +
-                           t->CEvd[r].a;
+                    CEvd = ((t->CEvd[r].d * dif + t->CEvd[r].c) * dif + t->CEvd[r].b)
+                        * dif + t->CEvd[r].a;
                     CEvd *= self_coef;
-                    //CEvd = (3*t->vdW[r].d*dif + 2*t->vdW[r].c)*dif + t->vdW[r].b;
+//                    CEvd = (3 * t->vdW[r].d * dif + 2 * t->vdW[r].c) * dif + t->vdW[r].b;
-                    CEclmb = ((t->CEclmb[r].d * dif + t->CEclmb[r].c) * dif + t->CEclmb[r].b) * dif +
-                             t->CEclmb[r].a;
+                    CEclmb = ((t->CEclmb[r].d * dif + t->CEclmb[r].c) * dif + t->CEclmb[r].b)
+                        * dif + t->CEclmb[r].a;
                     CEclmb *= self_coef * system->atoms[i].q * system->atoms[j].q;
                     if ( control->ensemble == NVE || control->ensemble == nhNVT
@@ -666,21 +734,3 @@ void Tabulated_vdW_Coulomb_Energy( reax_system *system, control_params *control,
     data->E_vdW += e_vdW_total;
     data->E_Ele += e_ele_total;
-#if defined(OLD)
-/* Linear extrapolation */
-/*p     = (r_ij * t->inv_dx;
-  r     = (int) p;
-  prev  = &( t->y[r] );
-  next  = &( t->y[r+1] );
-  tmp    = p - r;
-  e_vdW  = self_coef * (prev->e_vdW + tmp*(next->e_vdW - prev->e_vdW ));
-  CEvd   = self_coef * (prev->CEvd  + tmp*(next->CEvd  - prev->CEvd  ));
-  e_ele  = self_coef * (prev->e_ele + tmp*(next->e_ele - prev->e_ele ));
-  e_ele  = e_ele  * system->atoms[i].q * system->atoms[j].q;
-  CEclmb = self_coef * (prev->CEclmb+tmp*(next->CEclmb - prev->CEclmb));
-  CEclmb = CEclmb * system->atoms[i].q * system->atoms[j].q;*/