From 78362ca3a07ba7cfd5233340f04b65e349ea00a5 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: "Kurt A. O'Hearn" <>
Date: Tue, 15 Dec 2020 00:46:07 -0500
Subject: [PATCH] sPuReMD: finalize sPuReMD multiple consecutive simulation
 code (for integration with other codebases).

 sPuReMD/src/charges.c    | 366 ++++++++-------------------------------
 sPuReMD/src/charges.h    |   7 +-
 sPuReMD/src/ffield.c     |  66 +++++--
 sPuReMD/src/forces.c     |   8 +-
 sPuReMD/src/forces.h     |   8 +-
 sPuReMD/src/init_md.c    |  50 +++---
 sPuReMD/src/init_md.h    |   3 +
 sPuReMD/src/integrate.c  |  25 ++-
 sPuReMD/src/integrate.h  |  26 +--
 sPuReMD/src/lin_alg.c    |  43 ++---
 sPuReMD/src/lin_alg.h    |   4 +-
 sPuReMD/src/list.c       |  22 +++
 sPuReMD/src/reax_types.h |  21 ++-
 sPuReMD/src/spuremd.c    |  72 ++++++--
 sPuReMD/src/spuremd.h    |   5 +-
 tools/          |  29 +++-
 16 files changed, 338 insertions(+), 417 deletions(-)

diff --git a/sPuReMD/src/charges.c b/sPuReMD/src/charges.c
index 57bc2e0c..c9fde2b3 100644
--- a/sPuReMD/src/charges.c
+++ b/sPuReMD/src/charges.c
@@ -491,8 +491,8 @@ static void Spline_Extrapolate_Charges_EE( const reax_system * const system,
 /* Compute preconditioner for QEq
 static void Compute_Preconditioner_QEq( const reax_system * const system,
-        const control_params * const control,
-        simulation_data * const data, static_storage * const workspace )
+        const control_params * const control, simulation_data * const data,
+        static_storage * const workspace, int realloc )
     real time;
     sparse_matrix *Hptr;
@@ -513,7 +513,8 @@ static void Compute_Preconditioner_QEq( const reax_system * const system,
     time = Get_Time( );
     if ( control->cm_solver_pre_app_type == TRI_SOLVE_GC_PA )
-        setup_graph_coloring( control, workspace, Hptr, &workspace->H_full, &workspace->H_p );
+        setup_graph_coloring( control, workspace, Hptr, &workspace->H_full,
+                &workspace->H_p, realloc );
         Sort_Matrix_Rows( workspace->H_p );
         Hptr = workspace->H_p;
@@ -612,259 +613,11 @@ static void Compute_Preconditioner_QEq( const reax_system * const system,
-/* Compute preconditioner for EE
- */
-//static void Compute_Preconditioner_EE( const reax_system * const system,
-//        const control_params * const control,
-//        simulation_data * const data, static_storage * const workspace )
-//    int i, top;
-//    static real * ones = NULL, * x = NULL, * y = NULL;
-//    sparse_matrix *Hptr;
-//    Hptr = workspace->H_EE;
-//#if defined(TEST_MAT)
-//    Hptr = create_test_mat( );
-//    if ( ones == NULL )
-//    {
-//        ones = smalloc( system->N * sizeof(real), "Compute_Preconditioner_EE::ones" );
-//        x = smalloc( system->N * sizeof(real), "Compute_Preconditioner_EE::x" );
-//        y = smalloc( system->N * sizeof(real), "Compute_Preconditioner_EE::y" );
-//        for ( i = 0; i < system->N; ++i )
-//        {
-//            ones[i] = 1.0;
-//        }
-//    }
-//    switch ( control->cm_solver_pre_comp_type )
-//    {
-//    case JACOBI_PC:
-//        data->timing.cm_solver_pre_comp += jacobi( Hptr, workspace->Hdia_inv );
-//        break;
-//    case ICHOLT_PC:
-//        fprintf( stderr, "[ERROR] ICHOLT is not supported for indefinite, symmetric matrices of EE. Terminating...\n" );
-//        exit( INVALID_INPUT );
-//        break;
-//    case ILUT_PC:
-//        if ( control->cm_solver_pre_comp_droptol > 0.0 )
-//        {
-//            data->timing.cm_solver_pre_comp +=
-//                ILUT( Hptr, workspace->droptol, workspace->L, workspace->U );
-//        }
-//        else
-//        {
-//            data->timing.cm_solver_pre_comp +=
-//                ILU( Hptr, workspace->L, workspace->U );
-//        }
-//        break;
-//    case ILUTP_PC:
-//        data->timing.cm_solver_pre_comp +=
-//            ILUTP( Hptr, workspace->droptol, workspace->L, workspace->U );
-//        break;
-//    case FG_ILUT_PC:
-//        data->timing.cm_solver_pre_comp +=
-//            FG_ILUT( Hptr, workspace->droptol, control->cm_solver_pre_comp_sweeps,
-//                    workspace->L_EE, workspace->U_EE );
-//        break;
-//    default:
-//            fprintf( stderr, "[ERROR] Unrecognized preconditioner computation method (%d). Terminating...\n",
-//                    control->cm_solver_pre_comp_type );
-//        exit( INVALID_INPUT );
-//        break;
-//    }
-//    if ( control->cm_solver_pre_comp_type != JACOBI_PC )
-//    {
-//        switch ( control->cm_solver_pre_app_type )
-//        {
-//            case TRI_SOLVE_PA:
-//                tri_solve( workspace->L_EE, ones, x, LOWER );
-//                Transpose_I( workspace->U_EE );
-//                tri_solve( workspace->U_EE, ones, y, LOWER );
-//                Transpose_I( workspace->U_EE );
-//                memcpy( workspace->L->start, workspace->L_EE->start, sizeof(unsigned int) * (system->N + 1) );
-//                memcpy( workspace->L->j, workspace->L_EE->j, sizeof(unsigned int) * workspace->L_EE->start[workspace->L_EE->n] );
-//                memcpy( workspace->L->val, workspace->L_EE->val, sizeof(real) * workspace->L_EE->start[workspace->L_EE->n] );
-//                top = workspace->L->start[system->N];
-//                for ( i = 0; i < system->N; ++i )
-//                {
-//                    workspace->L->j[top] = i;
-//                    workspace->L->val[top] = x[i];
-//                    ++top;
-//                }
-//                workspace->L->j[top] = system->N_cm - 1;
-//                workspace->L->val[top] = 1.0;
-//                ++top;
-//                workspace->L->start[system->N_cm] = top;
-//                top = 0;
-//                for ( i = 0; i < system->N; ++i )
-//                {
-//                    workspace->U->start[i] = top;
-//                    memcpy( workspace->U->j + top, workspace->U_EE->j + workspace->U_EE->start[i],
-//                            sizeof(unsigned int) * (workspace->U_EE->start[i + 1] - workspace->U_EE->start[i]) );
-//                    memcpy( workspace->U->val + top, workspace->U_EE->val + workspace->U_EE->start[i],
-//                            sizeof(real) * (workspace->U_EE->start[i + 1] - workspace->U_EE->start[i]) );
-//                    top += (workspace->U_EE->start[i + 1] - workspace->U_EE->start[i]);
-//                    workspace->U->j[top] = system->N_cm - 1;
-//                    workspace->U->val[top] = y[i];
-//                    ++top;
-//                }
-//                workspace->U->start[system->N_cm - 1] = top;
-//                workspace->U->j[top] = system->N_cm - 1;
-//                workspace->U->val[top] = -Dot( x, y, system->N );
-//                ++top;
-//                workspace->U->start[system->N_cm] = top;
-//                break;
-//            case TRI_SOLVE_LEVEL_SCHED_PA:
-//                tri_solve_level_sched( workspace->L_EE, ones, x, LOWER, TRUE );
-//                Transpose_I( workspace->U_EE );
-//                tri_solve_level_sched( workspace->U_EE, ones, y, LOWER, TRUE );
-//                Transpose_I( workspace->U_EE );
-//                memcpy( workspace->L->start, workspace->L_EE->start, sizeof(unsigned int) * (system->N + 1) );
-//                memcpy( workspace->L->j, workspace->L_EE->j, sizeof(unsigned int) * workspace->L_EE->start[workspace->L_EE->n] );
-//                memcpy( workspace->L->val, workspace->L_EE->val, sizeof(real) * workspace->L_EE->start[workspace->L_EE->n] );
-//                top = workspace->L->start[system->N];
-//                for ( i = 0; i < system->N; ++i )
-//                {
-//                    workspace->L->j[top] = i;
-//                    workspace->L->val[top] = x[i];
-//                    ++top;
-//                }
-//                workspace->L->j[top] = system->N_cm - 1;
-//                workspace->L->val[top] = 1.0;
-//                ++top;
-//                workspace->L->start[system->N_cm] = top;
-//                top = 0;
-//                for ( i = 0; i < system->N; ++i )
-//                {
-//                    workspace->U->start[i] = top;
-//                    memcpy( workspace->U->j + top, workspace->U_EE->j + workspace->U_EE->start[i],
-//                            sizeof(unsigned int) * (workspace->U_EE->start[i + 1] - workspace->U_EE->start[i]) );
-//                    memcpy( workspace->U->val + top, workspace->U_EE->val + workspace->U_EE->start[i],
-//                            sizeof(real) * (workspace->U_EE->start[i + 1] - workspace->U_EE->start[i]) );
-//                    top += (workspace->U_EE->start[i + 1] - workspace->U_EE->start[i]);
-//                    workspace->U->j[top] = system->N_cm - 1;
-//                    workspace->U->val[top] = y[i];
-//                    ++top;
-//                }
-//                workspace->U->start[system->N_cm - 1] = top;
-//                workspace->U->j[top] = system->N_cm - 1;
-//                workspace->U->val[top] = -Dot( x, y, system->N );
-//                ++top;
-//                workspace->U->start[system->N_cm] = top;
-//                break;
-//            //TODO: add Jacobi iter, etc.?
-//            default:
-//                tri_solve( workspace->L_EE, ones, x, LOWER );
-//                Transpose_I( workspace->U_EE );
-//                tri_solve( workspace->U_EE, ones, y, LOWER );
-//                Transpose_I( workspace->U_EE );
-//                memcpy( workspace->L->start, workspace->L_EE->start, sizeof(unsigned int) * (system->N + 1) );
-//                memcpy( workspace->L->j, workspace->L_EE->j, sizeof(unsigned int) * workspace->L_EE->start[workspace->L_EE->n] );
-//                memcpy( workspace->L->val, workspace->L_EE->val, sizeof(real) * workspace->L_EE->start[workspace->L_EE->n] );
-//                top = workspace->L->start[system->N];
-//                for ( i = 0; i < system->N; ++i )
-//                {
-//                    workspace->L->j[top] = i;
-//                    workspace->L->val[top] = x[i];
-//                    ++top;
-//                }
-//                workspace->L->j[top] = system->N_cm - 1;
-//                workspace->L->val[top] = 1.0;
-//                ++top;
-//                workspace->L->start[system->N_cm] = top;
-//                top = 0;
-//                for ( i = 0; i < system->N; ++i )
-//                {
-//                    workspace->U->start[i] = top;
-//                    memcpy( workspace->U->j + top, workspace->U_EE->j + workspace->U_EE->start[i],
-//                            sizeof(unsigned int) * (workspace->U_EE->start[i + 1] - workspace->U_EE->start[i]) );
-//                    memcpy( workspace->U->val + top, workspace->U_EE->val + workspace->U_EE->start[i],
-//                            sizeof(real) * (workspace->U_EE->start[i + 1] - workspace->U_EE->start[i]) );
-//                    top += (workspace->U_EE->start[i + 1] - workspace->U_EE->start[i]);
-//                    workspace->U->j[top] = system->N_cm - 1;
-//                    workspace->U->val[top] = y[i];
-//                    ++top;
-//                }
-//                workspace->U->start[system->N_cm - 1] = top;
-//                workspace->U->j[top] = system->N_cm - 1;
-//                workspace->U->val[top] = -Dot( x, y, system->N );
-//                ++top;
-//                workspace->U->start[system->N_cm] = top;
-//                break;
-//        }
-//    }
-//#if defined(DEBUG)
-//    if ( control->cm_solver_pre_comp_type == ICHOLT_PC
-//            || control->cm_solver_pre_comp_type == ILUT_PC
-//            || control->cm_solver_pre_comp_type == ILUTP_PC
-//            || control->cm_solver_pre_comp_type == FG_ILUT_PC )
-//    {
-//        fprintf( stderr, "[INFO] condest = %f\n", condest(workspace->L) );
-//#if defined(DEBUG_FOCUS)
-//#define SIZE (1000)
-//        char fname[SIZE];
-//        snprintf( fname, SIZE, "%s.L%d.out", control->sim_name, data->step );
-//        Print_Sparse_Matrix2( workspace->L, fname, NULL );
-//        snprintf( fname, SIZE, "%s.U%d.out", control->sim_name, data->step );
-//        Print_Sparse_Matrix2( workspace->U, fname, NULL );
-//        fprintf( stderr, "icholt-" );
-//        snprintf( fname, SIZE, "%s.L%d.out", control->sim_name, data->step );
-//        Print_Sparse_Matrix2( workspace->L, fname, NULL );
-//        Print_Sparse_Matrix( U );
-//#undef SIZE
-//    }
 /* Compute preconditioner for EE
 static void Compute_Preconditioner_EE( const reax_system * const system,
-        const control_params * const control,
-        simulation_data * const data, static_storage * const workspace )
+        const control_params * const control, simulation_data * const data,
+        static_storage * const workspace, int realloc )
     real time;
     sparse_matrix *Hptr;
@@ -891,7 +644,8 @@ static void Compute_Preconditioner_EE( const reax_system * const system,
     time = Get_Time( );
     if ( control->cm_solver_pre_app_type == TRI_SOLVE_GC_PA )
-        setup_graph_coloring( control, workspace, Hptr, &workspace->H_full, &workspace->H_p );
+        setup_graph_coloring( control, workspace, Hptr, &workspace->H_full,
+                &workspace->H_p, realloc );
         Sort_Matrix_Rows( workspace->H_p );
         Hptr = workspace->H_p;
@@ -1002,8 +756,8 @@ static void Compute_Preconditioner_EE( const reax_system * const system,
 /* Compute preconditioner for ACKS2
 static void Compute_Preconditioner_ACKS2( const reax_system * const system,
-        const control_params * const control,
-        simulation_data * const data, static_storage * const workspace )
+        const control_params * const control, simulation_data * const data,
+        static_storage * const workspace, int realloc )
     real time;
     sparse_matrix *Hptr;
@@ -1031,7 +785,8 @@ static void Compute_Preconditioner_ACKS2( const reax_system * const system,
     time = Get_Time( );
     if ( control->cm_solver_pre_app_type == TRI_SOLVE_GC_PA )
-        setup_graph_coloring( control, workspace, Hptr, &workspace->H_full, &workspace->H_p );
+        setup_graph_coloring( control, workspace, Hptr, &workspace->H_full,
+                &workspace->H_p, realloc );
         Sort_Matrix_Rows( workspace->H_p );
         Hptr = workspace->H_p;
@@ -1141,8 +896,8 @@ static void Compute_Preconditioner_ACKS2( const reax_system * const system,
 static void Setup_Preconditioner_QEq( const reax_system * const system,
-        const control_params * const control,
-        simulation_data * const data, static_storage * const workspace )
+        const control_params * const control, simulation_data * const data,
+        static_storage * const workspace, int realloc )
     int fillin;
     real time;
@@ -1174,7 +929,13 @@ static void Setup_Preconditioner_QEq( const reax_system * const system,
         case JACOBI_PC:
             if ( workspace->Hdia_inv == NULL )
-                workspace->Hdia_inv = scalloc( Hptr->n, sizeof( real ),
+                workspace->Hdia_inv = scalloc( Hptr->n_max, sizeof( real ),
+                        "Setup_Preconditioner_QEq::workspace->Hdia_inv" );
+            }
+            else if ( realloc == TRUE )
+            {
+                workspace->Hdia_inv = srealloc( workspace->Hdia_inv,
+                        sizeof( real ) * Hptr->n_max,
                         "Setup_Preconditioner_QEq::workspace->Hdia_inv" );
@@ -1189,7 +950,7 @@ static void Setup_Preconditioner_QEq( const reax_system * const system,
                 Allocate_Matrix( &workspace->L, Hptr->n, Hptr->n_max, fillin );
                 Allocate_Matrix( &workspace->U, Hptr->n, Hptr->n_max, fillin );
-            else if ( workspace->L->m < fillin )
+            else if ( workspace->L->m < fillin || realloc == TRUE )
                 Deallocate_Matrix( workspace->L );
                 Deallocate_Matrix( workspace->U );
@@ -1210,7 +971,7 @@ static void Setup_Preconditioner_QEq( const reax_system * const system,
                 Allocate_Matrix( &workspace->L, Hptr->n, Hptr->n_max, Hptr->m );
                 Allocate_Matrix( &workspace->U, Hptr->n, Hptr->n_max, Hptr->m );
-            else if ( workspace->L->m < Hptr->m )
+            else if ( workspace->L->m < Hptr->m || realloc == TRUE )
                 Deallocate_Matrix( workspace->L );
                 Deallocate_Matrix( workspace->U );
@@ -1231,7 +992,7 @@ static void Setup_Preconditioner_QEq( const reax_system * const system,
                 Allocate_Matrix( &workspace->L, Hptr->n, Hptr->n_max, Hptr->m );
                 Allocate_Matrix( &workspace->U, Hptr->n, Hptr->n_max, Hptr->m );
-            else if ( workspace->L->m < Hptr->m )
+            else if ( workspace->L->m < Hptr->m || realloc == TRUE )
                 Deallocate_Matrix( workspace->L );
                 Deallocate_Matrix( workspace->U );
@@ -1244,9 +1005,10 @@ static void Setup_Preconditioner_QEq( const reax_system * const system,
         case SAI_PC:
-            setup_sparse_approx_inverse( Hptr, &workspace->H_full, &workspace->H_spar_patt,
-                    &workspace->H_spar_patt_full, &workspace->H_app_inv,
-                    control->cm_solver_pre_comp_sai_thres );
+            setup_sparse_approx_inverse( Hptr, &workspace->H_full,
+                    &workspace->H_spar_patt, &workspace->H_spar_patt_full,
+                    &workspace->H_app_inv, control->cm_solver_pre_comp_sai_thres,
+                    realloc );
@@ -1261,8 +1023,8 @@ static void Setup_Preconditioner_QEq( const reax_system * const system,
 /* Setup routines before computing the preconditioner for EE
 static void Setup_Preconditioner_EE( const reax_system * const system,
-        const control_params * const control,
-        simulation_data * const data, static_storage * const workspace )
+        const control_params * const control, simulation_data * const data,
+        static_storage * const workspace, int realloc )
     real time;
     sparse_matrix *Hptr;
@@ -1293,7 +1055,13 @@ static void Setup_Preconditioner_EE( const reax_system * const system,
         case JACOBI_PC:
             if ( workspace->Hdia_inv == NULL )
-                workspace->Hdia_inv = scalloc( Hptr->n, sizeof( real ),
+                workspace->Hdia_inv = scalloc( Hptr->n_max, sizeof( real ),
+                        "Setup_Preconditioner_EE::workspace->Hdiv_inv" );
+            }
+            else if ( realloc == TRUE )
+            {
+                workspace->Hdia_inv = srealloc( workspace->Hdia_inv,
+                        sizeof( real ) * Hptr->n_max,
                         "Setup_Preconditioner_EE::workspace->Hdiv_inv" );
@@ -1320,7 +1088,7 @@ static void Setup_Preconditioner_EE( const reax_system * const system,
                 Allocate_Matrix( &workspace->L, Hptr->n, Hptr->n_max, Hptr->m );
                 Allocate_Matrix( &workspace->U, Hptr->n, Hptr->n_max, Hptr->m );
-            else if ( workspace->L->m < Hptr->m )
+            else if ( workspace->L->m < Hptr->m || realloc == TRUE )
                 Deallocate_Matrix( workspace->L );
                 Deallocate_Matrix( workspace->U );
@@ -1347,7 +1115,7 @@ static void Setup_Preconditioner_EE( const reax_system * const system,
                 Allocate_Matrix( &workspace->L, Hptr->n, Hptr->n_max, Hptr->m );
                 Allocate_Matrix( &workspace->U, Hptr->n, Hptr->n_max, Hptr->m );
-            else if ( workspace->L->m < Hptr->m )
+            else if ( workspace->L->m < Hptr->m || realloc == TRUE )
                 Deallocate_Matrix( workspace->L );
                 Deallocate_Matrix( workspace->U );
@@ -1360,9 +1128,10 @@ static void Setup_Preconditioner_EE( const reax_system * const system,
         case SAI_PC:
-            setup_sparse_approx_inverse( Hptr, &workspace->H_full, &workspace->H_spar_patt,
-                    &workspace->H_spar_patt_full, &workspace->H_app_inv,
-                    control->cm_solver_pre_comp_sai_thres );
+            setup_sparse_approx_inverse( Hptr, &workspace->H_full,
+                    &workspace->H_spar_patt, &workspace->H_spar_patt_full,
+                    &workspace->H_app_inv, control->cm_solver_pre_comp_sai_thres,
+                    realloc );
@@ -1377,8 +1146,8 @@ static void Setup_Preconditioner_EE( const reax_system * const system,
 /* Setup routines before computing the preconditioner for ACKS2
 static void Setup_Preconditioner_ACKS2( const reax_system * const system,
-        const control_params * const control,
-        simulation_data * const data, static_storage * const workspace )
+        const control_params * const control, simulation_data * const data,
+        static_storage * const workspace, int realloc )
     real time;
     sparse_matrix *Hptr;
@@ -1409,7 +1178,13 @@ static void Setup_Preconditioner_ACKS2( const reax_system * const system,
         case JACOBI_PC:
             if ( workspace->Hdia_inv == NULL )
-                workspace->Hdia_inv = scalloc( Hptr->n, sizeof( real ),
+                workspace->Hdia_inv = scalloc( Hptr->n_max, sizeof( real ),
+                        "Setup_Preconditioner_ACKS2::workspace->Hdiv_inv" );
+            }
+            else if ( realloc == TRUE )
+            {
+                workspace->Hdia_inv = srealloc( workspace->Hdia_inv,
+                        sizeof( real ) * Hptr->n_max,
                         "Setup_Preconditioner_ACKS2::workspace->Hdiv_inv" );
@@ -1438,7 +1213,7 @@ static void Setup_Preconditioner_ACKS2( const reax_system * const system,
                 Allocate_Matrix( &workspace->L, Hptr->n, Hptr->n_max, Hptr->m );
                 Allocate_Matrix( &workspace->U, Hptr->n, Hptr->n_max, Hptr->m );
-            else if ( workspace->L->m < Hptr->m )
+            else if ( workspace->L->m < Hptr->m || realloc == TRUE )
                 Deallocate_Matrix( workspace->L );
                 Deallocate_Matrix( workspace->U );
@@ -1467,7 +1242,7 @@ static void Setup_Preconditioner_ACKS2( const reax_system * const system,
                 Allocate_Matrix( &workspace->L, Hptr->n, Hptr->n_max, Hptr->m );
                 Allocate_Matrix( &workspace->U, Hptr->n, Hptr->n_max, Hptr->m );
-            else if ( workspace->L->m < Hptr->m )
+            else if ( workspace->L->m < Hptr->m || realloc == TRUE )
                 Deallocate_Matrix( workspace->L );
                 Deallocate_Matrix( workspace->U );
@@ -1479,9 +1254,10 @@ static void Setup_Preconditioner_ACKS2( const reax_system * const system,
         case SAI_PC:
-            setup_sparse_approx_inverse( Hptr, &workspace->H_full, &workspace->H_spar_patt,
-                    &workspace->H_spar_patt_full, &workspace->H_app_inv,
-                    control->cm_solver_pre_comp_sai_thres );
+            setup_sparse_approx_inverse( Hptr, &workspace->H_full,
+                    &workspace->H_spar_patt, &workspace->H_spar_patt_full,
+                    &workspace->H_app_inv, control->cm_solver_pre_comp_sai_thres,
+                    realloc );
@@ -1572,7 +1348,7 @@ static void Calculate_Charges_ACKS2( const reax_system * const system,
 static void QEq( reax_system * const system, control_params * const control,
         simulation_data * const data, static_storage * const workspace,
-        const output_controls * const out_control )
+        const output_controls * const out_control, int realloc )
     int iters, refactor;
@@ -1580,9 +1356,9 @@ static void QEq( reax_system * const system, control_params * const control,
     if ( refactor == TRUE )    
-        Setup_Preconditioner_QEq( system, control, data, workspace );
+        Setup_Preconditioner_QEq( system, control, data, workspace, realloc );
-        Compute_Preconditioner_QEq( system, control, data, workspace );
+        Compute_Preconditioner_QEq( system, control, data, workspace, realloc );
     switch ( control->cm_init_guess_type )
@@ -1684,7 +1460,7 @@ static void QEq( reax_system * const system, control_params * const control,
 static void EE( reax_system * const system, control_params * const control,
         simulation_data * const data, static_storage * const workspace,
-        const output_controls * const out_control )
+        const output_controls * const out_control, int realloc )
     int iters, refactor;
@@ -1692,9 +1468,9 @@ static void EE( reax_system * const system, control_params * const control,
     if ( refactor == TRUE )
-        Setup_Preconditioner_EE( system, control, data, workspace );
+        Setup_Preconditioner_EE( system, control, data, workspace, realloc );
-        Compute_Preconditioner_EE( system, control, data, workspace );
+        Compute_Preconditioner_EE( system, control, data, workspace, realloc );
     switch ( control->cm_init_guess_type )
@@ -1778,7 +1554,7 @@ static void EE( reax_system * const system, control_params * const control,
 static void ACKS2( reax_system * const system, control_params * const control,
         simulation_data * const data, static_storage * const workspace,
-        const output_controls * const out_control )
+        const output_controls * const out_control, int realloc )
     int iters, refactor;
@@ -1786,9 +1562,9 @@ static void ACKS2( reax_system * const system, control_params * const control,
     if ( refactor == TRUE )
-        Setup_Preconditioner_ACKS2( system, control, data, workspace );
+        Setup_Preconditioner_ACKS2( system, control, data, workspace, realloc );
-        Compute_Preconditioner_ACKS2( system, control, data, workspace );
+        Compute_Preconditioner_ACKS2( system, control, data, workspace, realloc );
 //   Print_Linear_System( system, control, workspace, data->step );
@@ -1879,7 +1655,7 @@ static void ACKS2( reax_system * const system, control_params * const control,
 void Compute_Charges( reax_system * const system, control_params * const control,
         simulation_data * const data, static_storage * const workspace,
-        const output_controls * const out_control )
+        const output_controls * const out_control, int realloc )
 #if defined(DEBUG_FOCUS)
 #define SIZE (200)
@@ -1908,15 +1684,15 @@ void Compute_Charges( reax_system * const system, control_params * const control
     switch ( control->charge_method )
     case QEQ_CM:
-        QEq( system, control, data, workspace, out_control );
+        QEq( system, control, data, workspace, out_control, realloc );
     case EE_CM:
-        EE( system, control, data, workspace, out_control );
+        EE( system, control, data, workspace, out_control, realloc );
     case ACKS2_CM:
-        ACKS2( system, control, data, workspace, out_control );
+        ACKS2( system, control, data, workspace, out_control, realloc );
diff --git a/sPuReMD/src/charges.h b/sPuReMD/src/charges.h
index 3c438331..b242fffe 100644
--- a/sPuReMD/src/charges.h
+++ b/sPuReMD/src/charges.h
@@ -25,9 +25,10 @@
 #include "reax_types.h"
-void Compute_Charges( reax_system* const, control_params* const, simulation_data* const,
-          static_storage* const, const output_controls* const );
+void Compute_Charges( reax_system * const, control_params * const,
+        simulation_data * const, static_storage * const,
+        const output_controls * const, int );
-int is_refactoring_step ( control_params* const, simulation_data* const );
+int is_refactoring_step( control_params * const, simulation_data * const );
diff --git a/sPuReMD/src/ffield.c b/sPuReMD/src/ffield.c
index f536dc36..13ab1dba 100644
--- a/sPuReMD/src/ffield.c
+++ b/sPuReMD/src/ffield.c
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ void Read_Force_Field( FILE *fp, reax_interaction *reax, int first_run )
         s = smalloc( sizeof(char) * MAX_LINE, "Read_Force_Field::s" );
         tmp = smalloc( sizeof(char*) * MAX_TOKENS, "Read_Force_Field::tmp" );
-        for (i = 0; i < MAX_TOKENS; i++)
+        for ( i = 0; i < MAX_TOKENS; i++ )
             tmp[i] = smalloc( sizeof(char) * MAX_TOKEN_LEN, "Read_Force_Field::tmp[i]" );
@@ -64,11 +64,15 @@ void Read_Force_Field( FILE *fp, reax_interaction *reax, int first_run )
             reax->gp.l = (real*) smalloc( sizeof(real) * n,
                    "Read_Force_Field::reax->gp-l" );
+            reax->gp.max_n_global = n;
-        else if ( reax->gp.n_global < n )
+        else if ( reax->gp.max_n_global < n )
             reax->gp.l = (real*) srealloc( reax->gp.l, sizeof(real) * n,
                    "Read_Force_Field::reax->gp-l" );
+            reax->gp.max_n_global = n;
         reax->gp.n_global = n;
@@ -134,48 +138,78 @@ void Read_Force_Field( FILE *fp, reax_interaction *reax, int first_run )
+            reax->max_num_atom_types = n;
-        else if ( reax->num_atom_types < n )
+        else if ( reax->max_num_atom_types < n )
+            for ( i = 0; i < reax->max_num_atom_types; i++ )
+            {
+                for ( j = 0; j < reax->max_num_atom_types; j++ )
+                {
+                    for ( k = 0; k < reax->max_num_atom_types; k++ )
+                    {
+                        sfree( reax->fbp[i][j][k], "Finalize_System::reax->fbp[i][j][k]" );
+                    }
+                    sfree( reax->thbp[i][j], "Finalize_System::reax->thbp[i][j]" );
+                    sfree( reax->hbp[i][j], "Finalize_System::reax->hbp[i][j]" );
+                    sfree( reax->fbp[i][j], "Finalize_System::reax->fbp[i][j]" );
+                }
+                sfree( reax->tbp[i], "Finalize_System::reax->tbp[i]" );
+                sfree( reax->thbp[i], "Finalize_System::reax->thbp[i]" );
+                sfree( reax->hbp[i], "Finalize_System::reax->hbp[i]" );
+                sfree( reax->fbp[i], "Finalize_System::reax->fbp[i]" );
+            }
+            sfree( reax->sbp, "Finalize_System::reax->sbp" );
+            sfree( reax->tbp, "Finalize_System::reax->tbp" );
+            sfree( reax->thbp, "Finalize_System::reax->thbp" );
+            sfree( reax->hbp, "Finalize_System::reax->hbp" );
+            sfree( reax->fbp, "Finalize_System::reax->fbp" );
             /* Allocating structures in reax_interaction */
-            reax->sbp = (single_body_parameters*) srealloc( reax->sbp, n * sizeof(single_body_parameters),
+            reax->sbp = (single_body_parameters*) scalloc( n, sizeof(single_body_parameters),
                     "Read_Force_Field::reax->sbp" );
-            reax->tbp = (two_body_parameters**) srealloc( reax->tbp, n * sizeof(two_body_parameters*),
+            reax->tbp = (two_body_parameters**) scalloc( n, sizeof(two_body_parameters*),
                     "Read_Force_Field::reax->tbp" );
-            reax->thbp = (three_body_header***) srealloc( reax->thbp, n * sizeof(three_body_header**),
+            reax->thbp = (three_body_header***) scalloc( n, sizeof(three_body_header**),
                     "Read_Force_Field::reax->thbp" );
-            reax->hbp = (hbond_parameters***) srealloc( reax->hbp, n * sizeof(hbond_parameters**),
+            reax->hbp = (hbond_parameters***) scalloc( n, sizeof(hbond_parameters**),
                     "Read_Force_Field::reax->hbp" );
-            reax->fbp = (four_body_header****) srealloc( reax->fbp, n * sizeof(four_body_header***),
+            reax->fbp = (four_body_header****) scalloc( n, sizeof(four_body_header***),
                     "Read_Force_Field::reax->fbp" );
             for ( i = 0; i < n; i++ )
-                reax->tbp[i] = (two_body_parameters*) srealloc( reax->tbp[i], n * sizeof(two_body_parameters),
+                reax->tbp[i] = (two_body_parameters*) scalloc( n, sizeof(two_body_parameters),
                         "Read_Force_Field::reax->tbp[i]" );
-                reax->thbp[i] = (three_body_header**) srealloc( reax->thbp[i], n * sizeof(three_body_header*),
+                reax->thbp[i] = (three_body_header**) scalloc( n, sizeof(three_body_header*),
                         "Read_Force_Field::reax->thbp[i]" );
-                reax->hbp[i] = (hbond_parameters**) srealloc( reax->hbp[i], n * sizeof(hbond_parameters*),
+                reax->hbp[i] = (hbond_parameters**) scalloc( n, sizeof(hbond_parameters*),
                         "Read_Force_Field::reax->hbp[i]" );
-                reax->fbp[i] = (four_body_header***) srealloc( reax->fbp[i], n * sizeof(four_body_header**),
+                reax->fbp[i] = (four_body_header***) scalloc( n, sizeof(four_body_header**),
                         "Read_Force_Field::reax->fbp[i]" );
                 for ( j = 0; j < n; j++ )
-                    reax->thbp[i][j] = (three_body_header*) srealloc( reax->thbp[i][j], n * sizeof(three_body_header),
+                    reax->thbp[i][j] = (three_body_header*) scalloc( n, sizeof(three_body_header),
                             "Read_Force_Field::reax->thbp[i][j]" );
-                    reax->hbp[i][j] = (hbond_parameters*) srealloc( reax->hbp[i][j], n * sizeof(hbond_parameters),
+                    reax->hbp[i][j] = (hbond_parameters*) scalloc( n, sizeof(hbond_parameters),
                             "Read_Force_Field::reax->hbp[i][j]" );
-                    reax->fbp[i][j] = (four_body_header**) srealloc( reax->fbp[i][j], n * sizeof(four_body_header*),
+                    reax->fbp[i][j] = (four_body_header**) scalloc( n, sizeof(four_body_header*),
                             "Read_Force_Field::reax->fbp[i][j]" );
                     for ( k = 0; k < n; k++ )
-                        reax->fbp[i][j][k] = (four_body_header*) srealloc( reax->fbp[i][j][k], n * sizeof(four_body_header),
+                        reax->fbp[i][j][k] = (four_body_header*) scalloc( n, sizeof(four_body_header),
                                 "Read_Force_Field::reax->fbp[i][j][k]" );
+            reax->max_num_atom_types = n;
         tor_flag  = (char****) smalloc( n * sizeof(char***),
diff --git a/sPuReMD/src/forces.c b/sPuReMD/src/forces.c
index e08760b1..2608c65b 100644
--- a/sPuReMD/src/forces.c
+++ b/sPuReMD/src/forces.c
@@ -138,7 +138,7 @@ static void Compute_Bonded_Forces( reax_system *system, control_params *control,
 static void Compute_NonBonded_Forces( reax_system *system, control_params *control,
         simulation_data *data, static_storage *workspace,
-        reax_list** lists, output_controls *out_control )
+        reax_list** lists, output_controls *out_control, int realloc )
     real t_start, t_elapsed;
@@ -150,7 +150,7 @@ static void Compute_NonBonded_Forces( reax_system *system, control_params *contr
     t_start = Get_Time( );
-    Compute_Charges( system, control, data, workspace, out_control );
+    Compute_Charges( system, control, data, workspace, out_control, realloc );
     t_elapsed = Get_Timing_Info( t_start );
     data-> += t_elapsed;
@@ -1513,7 +1513,7 @@ void Estimate_Storage_Sizes( reax_system *system, control_params *control,
 void Compute_Forces( reax_system *system, control_params *control,
         simulation_data *data, static_storage *workspace,
-        reax_list** lists, output_controls *out_control )
+        reax_list** lists, output_controls *out_control, int realloc )
     real t_start, t_elapsed;
@@ -1536,7 +1536,7 @@ void Compute_Forces( reax_system *system, control_params *control,
     t_start = Get_Time( );
     Compute_NonBonded_Forces( system, control, data, workspace,
-            lists, out_control );
+            lists, out_control, realloc );
     t_elapsed = Get_Timing_Info( t_start );
     data->timing.nonb += t_elapsed;
diff --git a/sPuReMD/src/forces.h b/sPuReMD/src/forces.h
index 78587a50..982ba286 100644
--- a/sPuReMD/src/forces.h
+++ b/sPuReMD/src/forces.h
@@ -27,11 +27,11 @@
 void Init_Bonded_Force_Functions( control_params* );
-void Compute_Forces( reax_system*, control_params*, simulation_data*,
-        static_storage*, reax_list**, output_controls* );
+void Compute_Forces( reax_system *, control_params *, simulation_data *,
+        static_storage *, reax_list **, output_controls *, int );
-void Estimate_Storage_Sizes( reax_system*, control_params*, reax_list**,
-        int*, int*, int*, int* );
+void Estimate_Storage_Sizes( reax_system *, control_params *, reax_list **,
+        int *, int *, int *, int * );
diff --git a/sPuReMD/src/init_md.c b/sPuReMD/src/init_md.c
index 9809a3bf..d86ceb48 100644
--- a/sPuReMD/src/init_md.c
+++ b/sPuReMD/src/init_md.c
@@ -160,10 +160,10 @@ static void Init_System( reax_system *system, control_params *control,
 static void Init_Simulation_Data( reax_system *system, control_params *control,
         simulation_data *data, output_controls *out_control,
-        evolve_function *Evolve, int alloc )
+        evolve_function *Evolve, int realloc )
 #if defined(_OPENMP)
-    if ( alloc == TRUE && (control->ensemble == sNPT || control->ensemble == iNPT
+    if ( realloc == TRUE && (control->ensemble == sNPT || control->ensemble == iNPT
             || control->ensemble == aNPT || control->compute_pressure == TRUE) )
         data->press_local = smalloc( sizeof( rtensor ) * control->num_threads,
@@ -323,11 +323,11 @@ static void Init_Taper( control_params *control, static_storage *workspace )
 static void Init_Workspace( reax_system *system, control_params *control,
-        static_storage *workspace, int alloc )
+        static_storage *workspace, int realloc )
     int i;
-    if ( alloc == TRUE )
+    if ( realloc == TRUE )
         /* hydrogen bond list */
         workspace->hbond_index = smalloc( system->N_max * sizeof( int ),
@@ -390,7 +390,7 @@ static void Init_Workspace( reax_system *system, control_params *control,
-    if ( alloc == TRUE )
+    if ( realloc == TRUE )
         /* sparse matrices */
         workspace->H = NULL;
@@ -478,7 +478,7 @@ static void Init_Workspace( reax_system *system, control_params *control,
-    if ( alloc == TRUE )
+    if ( realloc == TRUE )
         switch ( control->cm_solver_type )
@@ -578,7 +578,7 @@ static void Init_Workspace( reax_system *system, control_params *control,
     /* level scheduling related */
     workspace->levels_L = 1;
     workspace->levels_U = 1;
-    if ( alloc == TRUE )
+    if ( realloc == TRUE )
         if ( control->cm_solver_pre_app_type == TRI_SOLVE_LEVEL_SCHED_PA ||
                 control->cm_solver_pre_app_type == TRI_SOLVE_GC_PA )
@@ -612,7 +612,7 @@ static void Init_Workspace( reax_system *system, control_params *control,
     /* graph coloring related */
     workspace->recolor_cnt = 0;
-    if ( alloc == TRUE )
+    if ( realloc == TRUE )
         if ( control->cm_solver_pre_app_type == TRI_SOLVE_GC_PA )
@@ -775,7 +775,7 @@ static void Init_Workspace( reax_system *system, control_params *control,
 static void Init_Lists( reax_system *system, control_params *control,
         simulation_data *data, static_storage *workspace,
         reax_list **lists, output_controls *out_control,
-        int first_run, int alloc )
+        int first_run, int realloc )
     int i, num_nbrs, num_bonds, num_hbonds, num_3body, Htop, max_nnz;
     int *hb_top, *bond_top;
@@ -786,7 +786,7 @@ static void Init_Lists( reax_system *system, control_params *control,
         Make_List( system->N, system->N_max, num_nbrs, TYP_FAR_NEIGHBOR, lists[FAR_NBRS] );
-    else if ( alloc == TRUE || lists[FAR_NBRS]->total_intrs < num_nbrs )
+    else if ( realloc == TRUE || lists[FAR_NBRS]->total_intrs < num_nbrs )
         Delete_List( TYP_FAR_NEIGHBOR, lists[FAR_NBRS] );
         Make_List( system->N, system->N_max, num_nbrs, TYP_FAR_NEIGHBOR, lists[FAR_NBRS] );
@@ -827,7 +827,7 @@ static void Init_Lists( reax_system *system, control_params *control,
         Allocate_Matrix( &workspace->H, system->N_cm, system->N_cm_max, max_nnz );
-    else if ( alloc == TRUE || workspace->H->m < max_nnz )
+    else if ( realloc == TRUE || workspace->H->m < max_nnz )
         Deallocate_Matrix( workspace->H );
         Allocate_Matrix( &workspace->H, system->N_cm, system->N_cm_max, max_nnz );
@@ -845,7 +845,7 @@ static void Init_Lists( reax_system *system, control_params *control,
          *   (non-bonded, hydrogen, 3body, etc.) */
         Allocate_Matrix( &workspace->H_sp, system->N_cm, system->N_cm_max, max_nnz );
-    else if ( alloc == TRUE || workspace->H_sp->m < max_nnz )
+    else if ( realloc == TRUE || workspace->H_sp->m < max_nnz )
         Deallocate_Matrix( workspace->H_sp );
         /* TODO: better estimate for H_sp?
@@ -887,7 +887,7 @@ static void Init_Lists( reax_system *system, control_params *control,
                 num_hbonds += hb_top[i];
-            if ( first_run == TRUE )
+            if ( first_run == TRUE || lists[HBONDS]->allocated == FALSE )
                 workspace->num_H_max = (int) CEIL( SAFE_ZONE * workspace->num_H );
@@ -926,11 +926,11 @@ static void Init_Lists( reax_system *system, control_params *control,
     /* bonds list */
-    if ( first_run == TRUE )
+    if ( lists[BONDS]->allocated == FALSE )
         Allocate_Bond_List( system->N, system->N_max, bond_top, lists[BONDS] );
-    else if ( alloc == TRUE || lists[BONDS]->total_intrs < num_bonds )
+    else if ( realloc == TRUE || lists[BONDS]->total_intrs < num_bonds )
         Delete_List( TYP_BOND, lists[BONDS] );
         Allocate_Bond_List( system->N, system->N_max, bond_top, lists[BONDS] );
@@ -947,7 +947,7 @@ static void Init_Lists( reax_system *system, control_params *control,
     /* 3bodies list */
-    if ( first_run == TRUE )
+    if ( lists[THREE_BODIES]->allocated == FALSE )
         Make_List( num_bonds, num_bonds, num_3body, TYP_THREE_BODY, lists[THREE_BODIES] );
@@ -1265,7 +1265,7 @@ static void Init_Out_Controls( reax_system *system, control_params *control,
 void Initialize( reax_system *system, control_params *control,
         simulation_data *data, static_storage *workspace, reax_list **lists,
         output_controls *out_control, evolve_function *Evolve,
-        int output_enabled, int first_run, int alloc )
+        int output_enabled, int first_run, int realloc )
 #if defined(_OPENMP)
     #pragma omp parallel default(none) shared(control)
@@ -1281,11 +1281,11 @@ void Initialize( reax_system *system, control_params *control,
     Init_System( system, control, data, first_run );
-    Init_Simulation_Data( system, control, data, out_control, Evolve, alloc );
+    Init_Simulation_Data( system, control, data, out_control, Evolve, realloc );
-    Init_Workspace( system, control, workspace, alloc );
+    Init_Workspace( system, control, workspace, realloc );
-    Init_Lists( system, control, data, workspace, lists, out_control, first_run, alloc );
+    Init_Lists( system, control, data, workspace, lists, out_control, first_run, realloc );
     Init_Out_Controls( system, control, workspace, out_control, output_enabled );
@@ -1317,11 +1317,11 @@ static void Finalize_System( reax_system *system, control_params *control,
         sfree( reax->gp.l, "Finalize_System::reax->gp.l" );
-        for ( i = 0; i < reax->num_atom_types; i++ )
+        for ( i = 0; i < reax->max_num_atom_types; i++ )
-            for ( j = 0; j < reax->num_atom_types; j++ )
+            for ( j = 0; j < reax->max_num_atom_types; j++ )
-                for ( k = 0; k < reax->num_atom_types; k++ )
+                for ( k = 0; k < reax->max_num_atom_types; k++ )
                     sfree( reax->fbp[i][j][k], "Finalize_System::reax->fbp[i][j][k]" );
@@ -1610,7 +1610,7 @@ static void Finalize_Workspace( reax_system *system, control_params *control,
 static void Finalize_Lists( control_params *control, reax_list **lists )
     Delete_List( TYP_FAR_NEIGHBOR, lists[FAR_NBRS] );
-    if ( control->hbond_cut > 0.0 )
+    if ( control->hbond_cut > 0.0 && lists[HBONDS]->index != NULL )
         Delete_List( TYP_HBOND, lists[HBONDS] );
@@ -1624,7 +1624,7 @@ static void Finalize_Lists( control_params *control, reax_list **lists )
-static void Finalize_Out_Controls( reax_system *system, control_params *control,
+void Finalize_Out_Controls( reax_system *system, control_params *control,
         static_storage *workspace, output_controls *out_control )
     if ( out_control->write_steps > 0 )
diff --git a/sPuReMD/src/init_md.h b/sPuReMD/src/init_md.h
index 26b3b0d5..60c7f489 100644
--- a/sPuReMD/src/init_md.h
+++ b/sPuReMD/src/init_md.h
@@ -29,6 +29,9 @@ void Initialize( reax_system*, control_params*, simulation_data*,
         static_storage*, reax_list**, output_controls*, evolve_function*,
         int, int, int );
+void Finalize_Out_Controls( reax_system *, control_params *,
+        static_storage *, output_controls * );
 void Finalize( reax_system*, control_params*, simulation_data*,
         static_storage*, reax_list**, output_controls*, int, int );
diff --git a/sPuReMD/src/integrate.c b/sPuReMD/src/integrate.c
index c4fc219b..f23591a3 100644
--- a/sPuReMD/src/integrate.c
+++ b/sPuReMD/src/integrate.c
@@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ void Velocity_Verlet_NVE( reax_system *system, control_params *control,
                 lists, out_control );
-    Compute_Forces( system, control, data, workspace, lists, out_control );
+    Compute_Forces( system, control, data, workspace, lists, out_control, FALSE );
     for ( i = 0; i < system->N; i++ )
@@ -123,7 +123,7 @@ void Velocity_Verlet_Berendsen_NVT( reax_system* system,
     Compute_Forces( system, control, data, workspace,
-            lists, out_control );
+            lists, out_control, FALSE );
     /* velocity verlet, 2nd part */
     for ( i = 0; i < system->N; i++ )
@@ -213,7 +213,7 @@ void Velocity_Verlet_Nose_Hoover_NVT_Klein( reax_system* system, control_params*
     /* Calculate Forces at time (t + dt) */
-    Compute_Forces( system, control, data, workspace, lists, out_control );
+    Compute_Forces( system, control, data, workspace, lists, out_control, FALSE );
     /* Compute iteration constants for each atom's velocity */
     for ( i = 0; i < system->N; ++i )
@@ -302,7 +302,7 @@ void Velocity_Verlet_Berendsen_Isotropic_NPT( reax_system* system,
                 lists, out_control );
-    Compute_Forces( system, control, data, workspace, lists, out_control );
+    Compute_Forces( system, control, data, workspace, lists, out_control, FALSE );
     /* velocity verlet, 2nd part */
     for ( i = 0; i < system->N; i++ )
@@ -410,7 +410,7 @@ void Velocity_Verlet_Berendsen_Semi_Isotropic_NPT( reax_system* system,
                 lists, out_control );
-    Compute_Forces( system, control, data, workspace, lists, out_control );
+    Compute_Forces( system, control, data, workspace, lists, out_control, FALSE );
     /* velocity verlet, 2nd part */
     for ( i = 0; i < system->N; i++ )
@@ -481,9 +481,8 @@ void Velocity_Verlet_Berendsen_Semi_Isotropic_NPT( reax_system* system,
 #if defined(ANISOTROPIC)
-void Velocity_Verlet_Nose_Hoover_NVT( reax_system* system,
-        control_params* control, simulation_data *data,
-        static_storage *workspace, reax_list **lists,
+void Velocity_Verlet_Nose_Hoover_NVT( reax_system* system, control_params* control,
+        simulation_data *data, static_storage *workspace, reax_list **lists,
         output_controls *out_control )
     int i;
@@ -528,7 +527,7 @@ void Velocity_Verlet_Nose_Hoover_NVT( reax_system* system,
 //    fprintf( out_control->log, "qeq-" );
 //    fflush( out_control->log );
-    Compute_Forces( system, control, data, workspace, lists, out_control );
+    Compute_Forces( system, control, data, workspace, lists, out_control, FALSE );
     fprintf(out_control->log, "forces\n");
     fflush( out_control->log );
@@ -555,9 +554,8 @@ void Velocity_Verlet_Nose_Hoover_NVT( reax_system* system,
-void Velocity_Verlet_Isotropic_NPT( reax_system* system,
-        control_params* control, simulation_data *data,
-        static_storage *workspace, reax_list **lists,
+void Velocity_Verlet_Isotropic_NPT( reax_system* system, control_params* control,
+        simulation_data *data, static_storage *workspace, reax_list **lists,
         output_controls *out_control )
     int i, itr;
@@ -633,8 +631,7 @@ void Velocity_Verlet_Isotropic_NPT( reax_system* system,
 //    fprintf( out_control->log, "qeq-" );
 //    fflush( out_control->log );
-    Compute_Forces( system, control, data, workspace, lists,
-            out_control );
+    Compute_Forces( system, control, data, workspace, lists, out_control, FALSE );
     fprintf(out_control->log, "forces\n");
     fflush( out_control->log );
diff --git a/sPuReMD/src/integrate.h b/sPuReMD/src/integrate.h
index 57935aa2..7207fa8f 100644
--- a/sPuReMD/src/integrate.h
+++ b/sPuReMD/src/integrate.h
@@ -26,27 +26,27 @@
 #include "reax_types.h"
-void Velocity_Verlet_NVE( reax_system*, control_params*, simulation_data*,
-        static_storage*, reax_list**, output_controls* );
+void Velocity_Verlet_NVE( reax_system *, control_params *, simulation_data *,
+        static_storage *, reax_list **, output_controls * );
-void Velocity_Verlet_Berendsen_NVT( reax_system* , control_params* ,
+void Velocity_Verlet_Berendsen_NVT( reax_system *, control_params *,
         simulation_data *, static_storage *, reax_list **, output_controls * );
-void Velocity_Verlet_Nose_Hoover_NVT_Klein( reax_system*, control_params*,
-        simulation_data*, static_storage*, reax_list**, output_controls* );
+void Velocity_Verlet_Nose_Hoover_NVT_Klein( reax_system *, control_params *,
+        simulation_data *, static_storage *, reax_list **, output_controls * );
-void Velocity_Verlet_Berendsen_Isotropic_NPT( reax_system*, control_params*,
-        simulation_data*, static_storage*, reax_list**, output_controls* );
+void Velocity_Verlet_Berendsen_Isotropic_NPT( reax_system *, control_params *,
+        simulation_data *, static_storage *, reax_list **, output_controls * );
-void Velocity_Verlet_Berendsen_Semi_Isotropic_NPT( reax_system*, control_params*,
-        simulation_data*, static_storage*, reax_list**, output_controls* );
+void Velocity_Verlet_Berendsen_Semi_Isotropic_NPT( reax_system *, control_params *,
+        simulation_data *, static_storage *, reax_list **, output_controls * );
 #if defined(ANISOTROPIC)
-void Velocity_Verlet_Nose_Hoover_NVT( reax_system*, control_params*,
-        simulation_data*, static_storage*, reax_list**, output_controls* );
+void Velocity_Verlet_Nose_Hoover_NVT( reax_system *, control_params *,
+        simulation_data *, static_storage *, reax_list **, output_controls * );
-void Velocity_Verlet_Isotropic_NPT( reax_system*, control_params*,
-        simulation_data*, static_storage*, reax_list**, output_controls* );
+void Velocity_Verlet_Isotropic_NPT( reax_system *, control_params *,
+        simulation_data *, static_storage *, reax_list **, output_controls * );
diff --git a/sPuReMD/src/lin_alg.c b/sPuReMD/src/lin_alg.c
index 29f4eb8e..786a0413 100644
--- a/sPuReMD/src/lin_alg.c
+++ b/sPuReMD/src/lin_alg.c
@@ -162,7 +162,7 @@ void Sort_Matrix_Rows( sparse_matrix * const A )
  *   A has non-zero diagonals
  *   Each row of A has at least one non-zero (i.e., no rows with all zeros) */
 static void compute_full_sparse_matrix( const sparse_matrix * const A,
-                                        sparse_matrix ** A_full )
+        sparse_matrix ** A_full, int realloc )
     int count, i, pj;
     sparse_matrix *A_t;
@@ -171,7 +171,7 @@ static void compute_full_sparse_matrix( const sparse_matrix * const A,
         Allocate_Matrix( A_full, A->n, A->n_max, 2 * A->m - A->n );
-    else if ( (*A_full)->m < 2 * A->m - A->n )
+    else if ( (*A_full)->m < 2 * A->m - A->n || realloc == TRUE )
         Deallocate_Matrix( *A_full );
         Allocate_Matrix( A_full, A->n, A->n_max, 2 * A->m - A->n );
@@ -221,9 +221,10 @@ static void compute_full_sparse_matrix( const sparse_matrix * const A,
  * Assumptions:
  *   A has non-zero diagonals
  *   Each row of A has at least one non-zero (i.e., no rows with all zeros) */
-void setup_sparse_approx_inverse( const sparse_matrix * const A, sparse_matrix ** A_full,
-        sparse_matrix ** A_spar_patt, sparse_matrix **A_spar_patt_full,
-        sparse_matrix ** A_app_inv, const real filter )
+void setup_sparse_approx_inverse( const sparse_matrix * const A,
+        sparse_matrix ** A_full, sparse_matrix ** A_spar_patt,
+        sparse_matrix **A_spar_patt_full, sparse_matrix ** A_app_inv,
+        const real filter, int realloc )
     int i, pj, size;
     int left, right, k, p, turn;
@@ -235,7 +236,7 @@ void setup_sparse_approx_inverse( const sparse_matrix * const A, sparse_matrix *
         Allocate_Matrix( A_spar_patt, A->n, A->n_max, A->m );
-    else if ( ((*A_spar_patt)->m) < (A->m) )
+    else if ( ((*A_spar_patt)->m) < (A->m) || realloc == TRUE )
         Deallocate_Matrix( *A_spar_patt );
         Allocate_Matrix( A_spar_patt, A->n, A->n_max, A->m );
@@ -345,24 +346,24 @@ void setup_sparse_approx_inverse( const sparse_matrix * const A, sparse_matrix *
     (*A_spar_patt)->start[A->n] = size;
-    compute_full_sparse_matrix( A, A_full );
-    compute_full_sparse_matrix( *A_spar_patt, A_spar_patt_full );
+    compute_full_sparse_matrix( A, A_full, realloc );
+    compute_full_sparse_matrix( *A_spar_patt, A_spar_patt_full, realloc );
     if ( *A_app_inv == NULL )
         /* A_app_inv has the same sparsity pattern
          * as A_spar_patt_full (omit non-zero values) */
-        Allocate_Matrix( A_app_inv, (*A_spar_patt_full)->n, (*A_spar_patt_full)->n_max,
-                (*A_spar_patt_full)->m );
+        Allocate_Matrix( A_app_inv, (*A_spar_patt_full)->n,
+                (*A_spar_patt_full)->n_max, (*A_spar_patt_full)->m );
-    else if ( (*A_app_inv)->m < A->m )
+    else if ( (*A_app_inv)->m < A->m || realloc == TRUE )
         Deallocate_Matrix( *A_app_inv );
         /* A_app_inv has the same sparsity pattern
          * as A_spar_patt_full (omit non-zero values) */
-        Allocate_Matrix( A_app_inv, (*A_spar_patt_full)->n, (*A_spar_patt_full)->n_max,
-                (*A_spar_patt_full)->m );
+        Allocate_Matrix( A_app_inv, (*A_spar_patt_full)->n,
+                (*A_spar_patt_full)->n_max, (*A_spar_patt_full)->m );
     sfree( list, "setup_sparse_approx_inverse::list" );
@@ -706,7 +707,7 @@ real ILU( const sparse_matrix * const A, sparse_matrix * const L,
     start = Get_Time( );
-    compute_full_sparse_matrix( A, &A_full );
+    compute_full_sparse_matrix( A, &A_full, FALSE );
     Ltop = 0;
     Utop = 0;
@@ -812,7 +813,7 @@ real ILU( const sparse_matrix * const A, sparse_matrix * const L,
  * droptol: row-wise tolerances used for dropping
  * L / U: (output) triangular matrices, A \approx LU, CSR format */
 real ILUT( const sparse_matrix * const A, const real * const droptol,
-             sparse_matrix * const L, sparse_matrix * const U )
+        sparse_matrix * const L, sparse_matrix * const U )
     unsigned int i, k, pj, Ltop, Utop, *nz_mask;
     real *w, start;
@@ -825,7 +826,7 @@ real ILUT( const sparse_matrix * const A, const real * const droptol,
     w = smalloc( sizeof(real) * A->n, "ILUT::w" );
     nz_mask = smalloc( sizeof(unsigned int) * A->n, "ILUT::nz_mask" );
-    compute_full_sparse_matrix( A, &A_full );
+    compute_full_sparse_matrix( A, &A_full, FALSE );
     Ltop = 0;
     Utop = 0;
@@ -969,7 +970,7 @@ real ILUT( const sparse_matrix * const A, const real * const droptol,
  * droptol: row-wise tolerances used for dropping
  * L / U: (output) triangular matrices, A \approx LU, CSR format */
 real ILUTP( const sparse_matrix * const A, const real * const droptol,
-             sparse_matrix * const L, sparse_matrix * const U )
+        sparse_matrix * const L, sparse_matrix * const U )
     unsigned int i, k, pj, Ltop, Utop, *nz_mask, *perm, *perm_inv, pivot_j;
     real *w, start, pivot_val;
@@ -983,7 +984,7 @@ real ILUTP( const sparse_matrix * const A, const real * const droptol,
     perm = smalloc( sizeof(int) * A->n, "ILUTP::perm" );
     perm_inv = smalloc( sizeof(int) * A->n, "ILUTP::perm_inv" );
-    compute_full_sparse_matrix( A, &A_full );
+    compute_full_sparse_matrix( A, &A_full, FALSE );
     Ltop = 0;
     Utop = 0;
@@ -2628,19 +2629,19 @@ static void permute_matrix( const static_storage * const workspace,
 void setup_graph_coloring( const control_params * const control,
         const static_storage * const workspace, const sparse_matrix * const H,
-        sparse_matrix ** H_full, sparse_matrix ** H_p )
+        sparse_matrix ** H_full, sparse_matrix ** H_p, int realloc )
     if ( *H_p == NULL )
         Allocate_Matrix( H_p, H->n, H->n_max, H->m );
-    else if ( (*H_p)->m < H->m )
+    else if ( (*H_p)->m < H->m || realloc == TRUE )
         Deallocate_Matrix( *H_p );
         Allocate_Matrix( H_p, H->n, H->n_max, H->m );
-    compute_full_sparse_matrix( H, H_full );
+    compute_full_sparse_matrix( H, H_full, realloc );
     graph_coloring( control, (static_storage *) workspace, *H_full, LOWER );
     sort_rows_by_colors( workspace, (*H_full)->n, LOWER );
diff --git a/sPuReMD/src/lin_alg.h b/sPuReMD/src/lin_alg.h
index aa9defaf..1edf57b7 100644
--- a/sPuReMD/src/lin_alg.h
+++ b/sPuReMD/src/lin_alg.h
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ typedef enum
 void Sort_Matrix_Rows( sparse_matrix * const );
 void setup_sparse_approx_inverse( const sparse_matrix * const, sparse_matrix **, 
-        sparse_matrix **, sparse_matrix **, sparse_matrix **, const real );
+        sparse_matrix **, sparse_matrix **, sparse_matrix **, const real, int );
 int Estimate_LU_Fill( const sparse_matrix * const, const real * const );
@@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ void jacobi_iter( const static_storage * const,
 void setup_graph_coloring( const control_params * const,
         const static_storage * const, const sparse_matrix * const,
-        sparse_matrix **, sparse_matrix ** );
+        sparse_matrix **, sparse_matrix **, int );
 int GMRES( const static_storage * const, const control_params * const,
         simulation_data * const, const sparse_matrix * const,
diff --git a/sPuReMD/src/list.c b/sPuReMD/src/list.c
index f5414e93..8f69ca35 100644
--- a/sPuReMD/src/list.c
+++ b/sPuReMD/src/list.c
@@ -32,6 +32,14 @@ void Make_List( int n, int n_max, int total_intrs, int type, reax_list* l )
     assert( total_intrs > 0 );
     assert( l != NULL );
+    if ( l->allocated == TRUE )
+    {
+        fprintf( stderr, "[WARNING] attempted to allocate list which was already allocated."
+                " Returning without allocation...\n" );
+        return;
+    }
+    l->allocated = TRUE;
     l->n = n;
     l->n_max = n_max;
     l->total_intrs = total_intrs;
@@ -91,6 +99,20 @@ void Make_List( int n, int n_max, int total_intrs, int type, reax_list* l )
 void Delete_List( int type, reax_list* l )
+    assert( l != NULL );
+    if ( l->allocated == FALSE )
+    {
+        fprintf( stderr, "[WARNING] attempted to free list which was not allocated."
+                " Returning without deallocation...\n" );
+        return;
+    }
+    l->allocated = FALSE;
+    l->n = 0;
+    l->n_max = 0;
+    l->total_intrs = 0;
     sfree( l->index, "Delete_List::l->index" );
     sfree( l->end_index, "Delete_List::l->end_index" );
diff --git a/sPuReMD/src/reax_types.h b/sPuReMD/src/reax_types.h
index 58decd75..a551ce07 100644
--- a/sPuReMD/src/reax_types.h
+++ b/sPuReMD/src/reax_types.h
@@ -449,11 +449,10 @@ typedef void (*print_interaction)(reax_system*, control_params*, simulation_data
 /* function pointer for evolving the atomic system (i.e., updating the positions)
  * given the pre-computed forces from the prescribed interactions */
 typedef void (*evolve_function)( reax_system*, control_params*,
-        simulation_data*, static_storage*,
-        reax_list**, output_controls* );
+        simulation_data*, static_storage*, reax_list**, output_controls* );
 /* function pointer for a callback function to be triggered after
  * completion of a simulation step -- useful for, e.g., the Python wrapper */
-typedef void (*callback_function)( reax_atom*, simulation_data*, reax_list** );
+typedef void (*callback_function)( int, reax_atom*, simulation_data* );
 /* function pointer for writing trajectory file header */
 typedef int (*write_header_function)( reax_system*, control_params*,
         static_storage*, output_controls* );
@@ -509,8 +508,13 @@ typedef int (*write_function)( FILE *, const char *, ... );
  * l[38] = p_coa3 */
 struct global_parameters
+    /* num. global parameters in the force field paramater file for this simulation */
     int n_global;
+    /* max. num. global parameters in the force field paramater file across all simulations */
+    int max_n_global;
+    /* parameters, see list in comment above for mapping */
     real* l;
+    /* van der Waals interaction type */
     int vdw_type;
@@ -732,12 +736,21 @@ struct four_body_header
 struct reax_interaction
+    /* num. atom types in force field parameter file for this simulation */
     int num_atom_types;
+    /* max. num. atom types in force field parameter file across all simulations */
+    int max_num_atom_types;
+    /* */
     global_parameters gp;
+    /* */
     single_body_parameters *sbp;
+    /* */
     two_body_parameters **tbp;
+    /* */
     three_body_header ***thbp;
+    /* */
     hbond_parameters ***hbp;
+    /* */
     four_body_header ****fbp;
@@ -1617,6 +1630,8 @@ struct static_storage
 /* interaction lists */
 struct reax_list
+    /* 0 if struct members are NOT allocated, 1 otherwise */
+    int allocated;
     /* num. active entries in list for this simulation */
     int n;
     /* max. num. entries in list across all simulations */
diff --git a/sPuReMD/src/spuremd.c b/sPuReMD/src/spuremd.c
index 7fc793ec..dfd1f869 100644
--- a/sPuReMD/src/spuremd.c
+++ b/sPuReMD/src/spuremd.c
@@ -179,7 +179,7 @@ void* setup( const char * const geo_file, const char * const ffield_file,
         spmd_handle->lists[i] = smalloc( sizeof(reax_list),
                 "Setup::spmd_handle->lists[i]" );
-//        spmd_handle->lists[i]->allocated = FALSE;
+        spmd_handle->lists[i]->allocated = FALSE;
     spmd_handle->out_control = smalloc( sizeof(output_controls),
            "Setup::spmd_handle->out_control" );
@@ -258,7 +258,8 @@ int simulate( const void * const handle )
                 spmd_handle->workspace, spmd_handle->lists, spmd_handle->out_control );
         Compute_Forces( spmd_handle->system, spmd_handle->control, spmd_handle->data,
-                spmd_handle->workspace, spmd_handle->lists, spmd_handle->out_control );
+                spmd_handle->workspace, spmd_handle->lists, spmd_handle->out_control,
+                spmd_handle->realloc );
         Compute_Kinetic_Energy( spmd_handle->system, spmd_handle->data );
@@ -301,8 +302,8 @@ int simulate( const void * const handle )
         if ( spmd_handle->callback != NULL )
-            spmd_handle->callback( spmd_handle->system->atoms, spmd_handle->data,
-                    spmd_handle->lists );
+            spmd_handle->callback( spmd_handle->system->N, spmd_handle->system->atoms,
+                    spmd_handle->data );
@@ -352,8 +353,8 @@ int simulate( const void * const handle )
             if ( spmd_handle->callback != NULL )
-                spmd_handle->callback( spmd_handle->system->atoms, spmd_handle->data,
-                        spmd_handle->lists );
+                spmd_handle->callback( spmd_handle->system->N, spmd_handle->system->atoms,
+                        spmd_handle->data );
@@ -431,6 +432,13 @@ int reset( const void * const handle, const char * const geo_file,
         spmd_handle = (spuremd_handle*) handle;
+        /* close files used in previous simulation */
+        if ( spmd_handle->output_enabled == TRUE )
+        {
+            Finalize_Out_Controls( spmd_handle->system, spmd_handle->control,
+                    spmd_handle->workspace, spmd_handle->out_control );
+        }
         spmd_handle->first_run = FALSE;
         spmd_handle->realloc = FALSE;
@@ -460,24 +468,64 @@ int reset( const void * const handle, const char * const geo_file,
-/* Getter for atom info
+/* Getter for atom positions
  * handle: pointer to wrapper struct with top-level data structures
+ * pos_x: x-coordinate of atom positions (allocated by caller)
+ * pos_y: y-coordinate of atom positions (allocated by caller)
+ * pos_z: z-coordinate of atom positions (allocated by caller)
-reax_atom* get_atoms( const void * const handle )
+int get_atom_positions( const void * const handle, double * const pos_x,
+        double * const pos_y, double * const pos_z )
+    int i, ret;
     spuremd_handle *spmd_handle;
-    reax_atom *atoms;
-    atoms = NULL;
     if ( handle != NULL )
         spmd_handle = (spuremd_handle*) handle;
-        atoms = spmd_handle->system->atoms;
+        for ( i = 0; i < spmd_handle->system->N; ++i )
+        {
+            pos_x[i] = spmd_handle->system->atoms[i].x[0];
+            pos_y[i] = spmd_handle->system->atoms[i].x[1];
+            pos_z[i] = spmd_handle->system->atoms[i].x[2];
+        }
+        ret = SPUREMD_SUCCESS;
-    return atoms;
+    return ret;
+/* Getter for atom charges
+ *
+ * handle: pointer to wrapper struct with top-level data structures
+ * q: atom charges (allocated by caller)
+ */
+int get_atom_charges( const void * const handle, double * const q )
+    int i, ret;
+    spuremd_handle *spmd_handle;
+    if ( handle != NULL )
+    {
+        spmd_handle = (spuremd_handle*) handle;
+        for ( i = 0; i < spmd_handle->system->N; ++i )
+        {
+            q[i] = spmd_handle->system->atoms[i].q;
+        }
+        ret = SPUREMD_SUCCESS;
+    }
+    return ret;
diff --git a/sPuReMD/src/spuremd.h b/sPuReMD/src/spuremd.h
index 980d3448..d84c1875 100644
--- a/sPuReMD/src/spuremd.h
+++ b/sPuReMD/src/spuremd.h
@@ -45,7 +45,10 @@ int cleanup( const void * const );
 int reset( const void * const, const char * const,
         const char * const, const char * const );
-reax_atom* get_atoms( const void * const );
+int get_atom_positions( const void * const, double * const,
+        double * const, double * const );
+int get_atom_charges( const void * const, double * const );
 int set_output_enabled( const void * const, const int );
diff --git a/tools/ b/tools/
index c00f9063..ea6e281c 100644
--- a/tools/
+++ b/tools/
@@ -193,6 +193,7 @@ class ReaxTiming(Structure):
 class SimulationData(Structure):
     _fields_ = [
+            ("sim_id", c_int),
             ("step", c_int),
             ("prev_step", c_int),
             ("time", c_double),
@@ -400,6 +401,10 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
     cleanup.argtypes = [c_void_p]
     cleanup.restype = c_int
+    reset = lib.reset
+    reset.argtypes = [c_void_p, c_char_p, c_char_p, c_char_p]
+    reset.restype = c_int
     get_atoms = lib.get_atoms
     get_atoms.argtypes = [c_void_p]
     get_atoms.restype = POINTER(ReaxAtom)
@@ -435,14 +440,14 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
         with conn:
             conn.execute("INSERT INTO system_properties VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)",
-                    (0, data[0].step, data[0].E_Tot, data[0].E_Pot, data[0].E_Kin,
+                    (data[0].sim_id, data[0].step, data[0].E_Tot, data[0].E_Pot, data[0].E_Kin,
                         data[0].therm.T, 0.0, data[0].iso_bar.P))
             # MISSING: ID, system->box.volume
         if record_potential:
             with conn:
                 conn.execute("INSERT INTO potential VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)",
-                        (0, data[0].step, data[0].E_BE, data[0].E_Ov + data[0].E_Un,
+                        (data[0].sim_id, data[0].step, data[0].E_BE, data[0].E_Ov + data[0].E_Un,
                             data[0].E_Lp, data[0].E_Ang + data[0].E_Pen, data[0].E_Coa,
                             data[0].E_HB, data[0].E_Tor, data[0].E_Con, data[0].E_vdW,
                             data[0].E_Ele, data[0].E_Pol))
@@ -451,13 +456,13 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
             with conn:
                 for i in range(6540):
                     conn.execute("INSERT INTO trajectory VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?)",
-                            (0, data[0].step, i, atoms[i].x[0], atoms[i].x[1],
+                            (data[0].sim_id, data[0].step, i, atoms[i].x[0], atoms[i].x[1],
                                 atoms[i].x[2], atoms[i].q))
         if record_performance:
             with conn:
                 conn.execute("INSERT INTO performance VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)",
-                        (0, data[0].step, data[0], data[0].timing.nbrs, data[0].timing.init_forces,
+                        (data[0].sim_id, data[0].step, data[0], data[0].timing.nbrs, data[0].timing.init_forces,
                             data[0].timing.bonded, data[0].timing.nonb, data[0],
                             data[0].timing.cm_sort_mat_rows, data[0].timing.cm_solver_iters,
@@ -479,6 +484,22 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
     atoms = get_atoms(handle)
+    print()
+    print("{0:9}|{1:24}|{2:24}|{3:24}|{4:24}".format("Atom Num", "x-Position", "y-Position", "z-Position", "Charge"))
+    for i in range(10):
+        print("{0:9d} {1:24.15f} {2:24.15f} {3:24.15f} {4:24.15f}".format(
+            i + 1, atoms[i].x[0], atoms[i].x[1], atoms[i].x[2], atoms[i].q))
+    ret = reset(handle, b"data/benchmarks/silica/silica_6000.pdb",
+            b"data/benchmarks/silica/ffield-bio",
+            b"environ/control_silica")
+    print()
+    print("{0:24}|{1:24}|{2:24}".format("Total Energy", "Kinetic Energy", "Potential Energy"))
+    ret = simulate(handle)
+    atoms = get_atoms(handle)
     print("{0:9}|{1:24}|{2:24}|{3:24}|{4:24}".format("Atom Num", "x-Position", "y-Position", "z-Position", "Charge"))
     for i in range(10):