diff --git a/Makefile.am b/Makefile.am
index fe042f2bb58ae6fea8808c4b1f673dd1f2f10b74..f20ca0824a6a16d2834ef1c7a75667f07e281e00 100644
--- a/Makefile.am
+++ b/Makefile.am
@@ -331,7 +331,7 @@ include cuda.am
-AM_NVCCFLAGS = --compiler-options="$(DEFS) $(AM_CFLAGS) -std=c++14 @CFLAGS_EXTRA@ $(CFLAGS) @M_CFLAGS@" -std=c++14 @NFLAGS@ @NFLAGS_EXTRA@
+AM_NVCCFLAGS = --compiler-options="$(DEFS) $(AM_CFLAGS) -std=c++14 @CFLAGS_EXTRA@ $(CFLAGS) @OMP_CFLAGS@ @M_CFLAGS@" -std=c++14 @NFLAGS@ @NFLAGS_EXTRA@
 bin_PROGRAMS = PG-PuReMD/bin/pg-puremd
@@ -464,9 +464,9 @@ PG_PuReMD_bin_pg_puremd_SOURCES += PG-PuReMD/src/cuda/cuda_allocate.cu \
 nodist_EXTRA_PG_PuReMD_bin_pg_puremd_SOURCES = src/dummy.c
-PG_PuReMD_bin_pg_puremd_CFLAGS = -std=c11 @CFLAGS_EXTRA@ @M_CFLAGS@
+PG_PuReMD_bin_pg_puremd_CFLAGS = -std=c11 @CFLAGS_EXTRA@ @OMP_CFLAGS@ @M_CFLAGS@
 PG_PuReMD_bin_pg_puremd_CPPFLAGS = -I PG-PuReMD/src @CPPFLAGS_EXTRA@
-PG_PuReMD_bin_pg_puremd_LDADD = @M_LIBS@ @L_LIBS@ -lstdc++
+PG_PuReMD_bin_pg_puremd_LDADD = @OMP_LIBS@ @M_LIBS@ @L_LIBS@ -lstdc++
 PG_PuReMD_bin_pg_puremd_CFLAGS += @CUDA_CFLAGS@
 PG_PuReMD_bin_pg_puremd_LDADD += @CUDA_LIBS@
diff --git a/PG-PuReMD/src/control.c b/PG-PuReMD/src/control.c
index dcac33b067b105dadad484d9dea07aaf4bb83df2..dd4bf787231386d40eabfffa9b4aa936a2ba8a62 100644
--- a/PG-PuReMD/src/control.c
+++ b/PG-PuReMD/src/control.c
@@ -52,6 +52,7 @@ void Read_Control_File( const char * const control_file, control_params * const
     control->ensemble = NVE;
     control->nsteps = 0;
     control->dt = 0.25;
+    control->num_threads_set = FALSE;
     control->nprocs = 1;
     control->procs_by_dim[0] = 1;
     control->procs_by_dim[1] = 1;
@@ -155,27 +156,32 @@ void Read_Control_File( const char * const control_file, control_params * const
             else if ( strncmp(tmp[0], "ensemble_type", MAX_LINE) == 0 )
-                ival = atoi(tmp[1]);
+                ival = sstrtol( tmp[1], __FILE__, __LINE__ );
                 control->ensemble = ival;
             else if ( strncmp(tmp[0], "nsteps", MAX_LINE) == 0 )
-                ival = atoi(tmp[1]);
+                ival = sstrtol( tmp[1], __FILE__, __LINE__ );
                 control->nsteps = ival;
-            else if ( strncmp(tmp[0], "dt", MAX_LINE) == 0)
+            else if ( strncmp(tmp[0], "dt", MAX_LINE) == 0 )
-                val = atof(tmp[1]);
+                val = sstrtod( tmp[1], __FILE__, __LINE__ );
                 control->dt = val * 1.e-3;  // convert dt from fs to ps!
+            else if ( strncmp(tmp[0], "num_threads", MAX_LINE) == 0 )
+            {
+                control->num_threads = sstrtol( tmp[1], __FILE__, __LINE__ );
+                control->num_threads_set = TRUE;
+            }
             else if ( strncmp(tmp[0], "gpus_per_node", MAX_LINE) == 0 )
-                ival = atoi(tmp[1]);
+                ival = sstrtol( tmp[1], __FILE__, __LINE__ );
                 control->gpus_per_node = ival;
             else if ( strncmp(tmp[0], "gpu_streams", MAX_LINE) == 0 )
-                ival = atoi(tmp[1]);
+                ival = sstrtol( tmp[1], __FILE__, __LINE__ );
                 control->gpu_streams = ival;
                 if ( control->gpu_streams <= 0 || control->gpu_streams > MAX_CUDA_STREAMS )
@@ -193,11 +199,11 @@ void Read_Control_File( const char * const control_file, control_params * const
                     MPI_Abort( MPI_COMM_WORLD, INVALID_INPUT );
-                ival = atoi(tmp[1]);
+                ival = sstrtol( tmp[1], __FILE__, __LINE__ );
                 control->procs_by_dim[0] = ival;
-                ival = atoi(tmp[2]);
+                ival = sstrtol( tmp[2], __FILE__, __LINE__ );
                 control->procs_by_dim[1] = ival;
-                ival = atoi(tmp[3]);
+                ival = sstrtol( tmp[3], __FILE__, __LINE__ );
                 control->procs_by_dim[2] = ival;
                 control->nprocs = control->procs_by_dim[0] * control->procs_by_dim[1] *
@@ -210,7 +216,7 @@ void Read_Control_File( const char * const control_file, control_params * const
 //            else if( strncmp(tmp[0], "restart", MAX_LINE) == 0 )
 //            {
-//                ival = atoi(tmp[1]);
+//                ival = sstrtol( tmp[1], __FILE__, __LINE__ );
 //                control->restart = ival;
 //            }
 //            else if( strncmp(tmp[0], "restart_from", MAX_LINE) == 0 )
@@ -220,122 +226,122 @@ void Read_Control_File( const char * const control_file, control_params * const
 //            }
             else if ( strncmp(tmp[0], "random_vel", MAX_LINE) == 0 )
-                ival = atoi(tmp[1]);
+                ival = sstrtol( tmp[1], __FILE__, __LINE__ );
                 control->random_vel = ival;
             else if ( strncmp(tmp[0], "restart_format", MAX_LINE) == 0 )
-                ival = atoi(tmp[1]);
+                ival = sstrtol( tmp[1], __FILE__, __LINE__ );
                 out_control->restart_format = ival;
             else if ( strncmp(tmp[0], "restart_freq", MAX_LINE) == 0 )
-                ival = atoi(tmp[1]);
+                ival = sstrtol( tmp[1], __FILE__, __LINE__ );
                 out_control->restart_freq = ival;
             else if ( strncmp(tmp[0], "reposition_atoms", MAX_LINE) == 0 )
-                ival = atoi(tmp[1]);
+                ival = sstrtol( tmp[1], __FILE__, __LINE__ );
                 control->reposition_atoms = ival;
             else if ( strncmp(tmp[0], "restrict_bonds", MAX_LINE) == 0 )
-                ival = atoi( tmp[1] );
+                ival = sstrtol( tmp[1], __FILE__, __LINE__ );
                 control->restrict_bonds = ival;
             else if ( strncmp(tmp[0], "remove_CoM_vel", MAX_LINE) == 0 )
-                ival = atoi(tmp[1]);
+                ival = sstrtol( tmp[1], __FILE__, __LINE__ );
                 control->remove_CoM_vel = ival;
             else if ( strncmp(tmp[0], "debug_level", MAX_LINE) == 0 )
-                ival = atoi(tmp[1]);
+                ival = sstrtol( tmp[1], __FILE__, __LINE__ );
                 out_control->debug_level = ival;
             else if ( strncmp(tmp[0], "energy_update_freq", MAX_LINE) == 0 )
-                ival = atoi(tmp[1]);
+                ival = sstrtol( tmp[1], __FILE__, __LINE__ );
                 out_control->energy_update_freq = ival;
             else if ( strncmp(tmp[0], "reneighbor", MAX_LINE) == 0 )
-                ival = atoi( tmp[1] );
+                ival = sstrtol( tmp[1], __FILE__, __LINE__ );
                 control->reneighbor = ival;
             else if ( strncmp(tmp[0], "vlist_buffer", MAX_LINE) == 0 )
-                val = atof(tmp[1]);
+                val = sstrtod( tmp[1], __FILE__, __LINE__ );
                 control->vlist_cut = val + control->nonb_cut;
             else if ( strncmp(tmp[0], "nbrhood_cutoff", MAX_LINE) == 0 )
-                val = atof(tmp[1]);
+                val = sstrtod( tmp[1], __FILE__, __LINE__ );
                 control->bond_cut = val;
             else if ( strncmp(tmp[0], "bond_graph_cutoff", MAX_LINE) == 0 )
-                val = atof(tmp[1]);
+                val = sstrtod( tmp[1], __FILE__, __LINE__ );
                 control->bg_cut = val;
             else if ( strncmp(tmp[0], "thb_cutoff", MAX_LINE) == 0 )
-                val = atof(tmp[1]);
+                val = sstrtod( tmp[1], __FILE__, __LINE__ );
                 control->thb_cut = val;
             else if ( strncmp(tmp[0], "hbond_cutoff", MAX_LINE) == 0 )
-                val = atof( tmp[1] );
+                val = sstrtod( tmp[1], __FILE__, __LINE__ );
                 control->hbond_cut = val;
             else if ( strncmp(tmp[0], "ghost_cutoff", MAX_LINE) == 0 )
-                val = atof(tmp[1]);
+                val = sstrtod( tmp[1], __FILE__, __LINE__ );
                 control->user_ghost_cut = val;
             else if ( strncmp(tmp[0], "tabulate_long_range", MAX_LINE) == 0 )
-                ival = atoi( tmp[1] );
+                ival = sstrtol( tmp[1], __FILE__, __LINE__ );
                 control->tabulate = ival;
             else if ( strncmp(tmp[0], "charge_method", MAX_LINE) == 0 )
-                ival = atoi( tmp[1] );
+                ival = sstrtol( tmp[1], __FILE__, __LINE__ );
                 control->charge_method = ival;
             else if ( strncmp(tmp[0], "charge_freq", MAX_LINE) == 0 )
-                ival = atoi( tmp[1] );
+                ival = sstrtol( tmp[1], __FILE__, __LINE__ );
                 control->charge_freq = ival;
             else if ( strncmp(tmp[0], "cm_q_net", MAX_LINE) == 0 )
-                val = atof( tmp[1] );
+                val = sstrtod( tmp[1], __FILE__, __LINE__ );
                 control->cm_q_net = val;
             else if ( strncmp(tmp[0], "cm_solver_type", MAX_LINE) == 0 )
-                ival = atoi( tmp[1] );
+                ival = sstrtol( tmp[1], __FILE__, __LINE__ );
                 control->cm_solver_type = ival;
             else if ( strncmp(tmp[0], "cm_solver_max_iters", MAX_LINE) == 0 )
-                ival = atoi( tmp[1] );
+                ival = sstrtol( tmp[1], __FILE__, __LINE__ );
                 control->cm_solver_max_iters = ival;
             else if ( strncmp(tmp[0], "cm_solver_restart", MAX_LINE) == 0 )
-                ival = atoi( tmp[1] );
+                ival = sstrtol( tmp[1], __FILE__, __LINE__ );
                 control->cm_solver_restart = ival;
             else if ( strncmp(tmp[0], "cm_solver_q_err", MAX_LINE) == 0 )
-                val = atof( tmp[1] );
+                val = sstrtod( tmp[1], __FILE__, __LINE__ );
                 control->cm_solver_q_err = val;
             else if ( strncmp(tmp[0], "cm_domain_sparsity", MAX_LINE) == 0 )
-                val = atof( tmp[1] );
+                val = sstrtod( tmp[1], __FILE__, __LINE__ );
                 control->cm_domain_sparsity = val;
                 if ( val < 1.0 )
@@ -344,57 +350,57 @@ void Read_Control_File( const char * const control_file, control_params * const
             else if ( strncmp(tmp[0], "cm_init_guess_extrap1", MAX_LINE) == 0 )
-                ival = atoi( tmp[1] );
+                ival = sstrtol( tmp[1], __FILE__, __LINE__ );
                 control->cm_init_guess_extrap1 = ival;
             else if ( strncmp(tmp[0], "cm_init_guess_extrap2", MAX_LINE) == 0 )
-                ival = atoi( tmp[1] );
+                ival = sstrtol( tmp[1], __FILE__, __LINE__ );
                 control->cm_init_guess_extrap2 = ival;
             else if ( strncmp(tmp[0], "cm_solver_pre_comp_type", MAX_LINE) == 0 )
-                ival = atoi( tmp[1] );
+                ival = sstrtol( tmp[1], __FILE__, __LINE__ );
                 control->cm_solver_pre_comp_type = ival;
             else if ( strncmp(tmp[0], "cm_solver_pre_comp_refactor", MAX_LINE) == 0 )
-                ival = atoi( tmp[1] );
+                ival = sstrtol( tmp[1], __FILE__, __LINE__ );
                 control->cm_solver_pre_comp_refactor = ival;
             else if ( strncmp(tmp[0], "cm_solver_pre_comp_droptol", MAX_LINE) == 0 )
-                val = atof( tmp[1] );
+                val = sstrtod( tmp[1], __FILE__, __LINE__ );
                 control->cm_solver_pre_comp_droptol = val;
             else if ( strncmp(tmp[0], "cm_solver_pre_comp_sweeps", MAX_LINE) == 0 )
-                ival = atoi( tmp[1] );
+                ival = sstrtol( tmp[1], __FILE__, __LINE__ );
                 control->cm_solver_pre_comp_sweeps = ival;
             else if ( strncmp(tmp[0], "cm_solver_pre_comp_sai_thres", MAX_LINE) == 0 )
-                val = atof( tmp[1] );
+                val = sstrtod( tmp[1], __FILE__, __LINE__ );
                 control->cm_solver_pre_comp_sai_thres = val;
             else if ( strncmp(tmp[0], "cm_solver_pre_app_type", MAX_LINE) == 0 )
-                ival = atoi( tmp[1] );
+                ival = sstrtol( tmp[1], __FILE__, __LINE__ );
                 control->cm_solver_pre_app_type = ival;
             else if ( strncmp(tmp[0], "cm_solver_pre_app_jacobi_iters", MAX_LINE) == 0 )
-                ival = atoi( tmp[1] );
+                ival = sstrtol( tmp[1], __FILE__, __LINE__ );
                 control->cm_solver_pre_app_jacobi_iters = ival;
             else if ( strncmp(tmp[0], "include_polarization_energy", MAX_LINE) == 0 )
-                ival = atoi( tmp[1] );
+                ival = sstrtol( tmp[1], __FILE__, __LINE__ );
                 control->polarization_energy_enabled = ival;
             else if ( strncmp(tmp[0], "temp_init", MAX_LINE) == 0 )
-                val = atof(tmp[1]);
+                val = sstrtod( tmp[1], __FILE__, __LINE__ );
                 control->T_init = val;
                 if ( control->T_init < 0.001 )
@@ -404,7 +410,7 @@ void Read_Control_File( const char * const control_file, control_params * const
             else if ( strncmp(tmp[0], "temp_final", MAX_LINE) == 0 )
-                val = atof(tmp[1]);
+                val = sstrtod( tmp[1], __FILE__, __LINE__ );
                 control->T_final = val;
                 if ( control->T_final < 0.1 )
@@ -414,36 +420,39 @@ void Read_Control_File( const char * const control_file, control_params * const
             else if ( strncmp(tmp[0], "t_mass", MAX_LINE) == 0 )
-                val = atof(tmp[1]);
+                val = sstrtod( tmp[1], __FILE__, __LINE__ );
                 /* convert from fs to s */
                 control->Tau_T = val * 1.0e-15;
             else if ( strncmp(tmp[0], "t_mode", MAX_LINE) == 0 )
-                ival = atoi(tmp[1]);
+                ival = sstrtol( tmp[1], __FILE__, __LINE__ );
                 control->T_mode = ival;
             else if ( strncmp(tmp[0], "t_rate", MAX_LINE) == 0 )
-                val = atof(tmp[1]);
+                val = sstrtod( tmp[1], __FILE__, __LINE__ );
                 control->T_rate = val;
             else if ( strncmp(tmp[0], "t_freq", MAX_LINE) == 0 )
-                val = atof(tmp[1]);
+                val = sstrtod( tmp[1], __FILE__, __LINE__ );
                 control->T_freq = val;
             else if ( strncmp(tmp[0], "pressure", MAX_LINE) == 0 )
                 if ( control->ensemble == iNPT )
-                    control->P[0] = control->P[1] = control->P[2] = atof(tmp[1]);
+                    val = sstrtod( tmp[1], __FILE__, __LINE__ );
+                    control->P[0] = val;
+                    control->P[1] = val;
+                    control->P[2] = val;
                 else if ( control->ensemble == sNPT )
-                    control->P[0] = atof(tmp[1]);
-                    control->P[1] = atof(tmp[2]);
-                    control->P[2] = atof(tmp[3]);
+                    control->P[0] = sstrtod( tmp[1], __FILE__, __LINE__ );
+                    control->P[1] = sstrtod( tmp[2], __FILE__, __LINE__ );
+                    control->P[2] = sstrtod( tmp[3], __FILE__, __LINE__ );
             else if ( strncmp(tmp[0], "p_mass", MAX_LINE) == 0 )
@@ -451,45 +460,47 @@ void Read_Control_File( const char * const control_file, control_params * const
                 // convert p_mass from fs to ps
                 if ( control->ensemble == iNPT )
-                    control->Tau_P[0] = control->Tau_P[1] = control->Tau_P[2] =
-                            atof(tmp[1]) * 1.e-3;
+                    val = sstrtod( tmp[1], __FILE__, __LINE__ ) * 1.e-3;
+                    control->Tau_P[0] = val;
+                    control->Tau_P[1] = val;
+                    control->Tau_P[2] = val;
                 else if ( control->ensemble == sNPT )
-                    control->Tau_P[0] = atof(tmp[1]) * 1.e-3;
-                    control->Tau_P[1] = atof(tmp[2]) * 1.e-3;
-                    control->Tau_P[2] = atof(tmp[3]) * 1.e-3;
+                    control->Tau_P[0] = sstrtod( tmp[1], __FILE__, __LINE__ ) * 1.e-3;
+                    control->Tau_P[1] = sstrtod( tmp[2], __FILE__, __LINE__ ) * 1.e-3;
+                    control->Tau_P[2] = sstrtod( tmp[3], __FILE__, __LINE__ ) * 1.e-3;
             else if ( strncmp(tmp[0], "pt_mass", MAX_LINE) == 0 )
-                val = atof(tmp[1]);
+                val = sstrtod( tmp[1], __FILE__, __LINE__ );
                 control->Tau_PT[0] = control->Tau_PT[1] = control->Tau_PT[2] =
                                          val * 1.e-3;  // convert pt_mass from fs to ps
             else if ( strncmp(tmp[0], "compress", MAX_LINE) == 0 )
-                val = atof(tmp[1]);
+                val = sstrtod( tmp[1], __FILE__, __LINE__ );
                 control->compressibility = val;
             else if ( strncmp(tmp[0], "press_mode", MAX_LINE) == 0 )
-                ival = atoi(tmp[1]);
+                ival = sstrtol( tmp[1], __FILE__, __LINE__ );
                 control->press_mode = ival;
             else if ( strncmp(tmp[0], "geo_format", MAX_LINE) == 0 )
-                ival = atoi( tmp[1] );
+                ival = sstrtol( tmp[1], __FILE__, __LINE__ );
                 control->geo_format = ival;
             else if ( strncmp(tmp[0], "write_freq", MAX_LINE) == 0 )
-                ival = atoi(tmp[1]);
+                ival = sstrtol( tmp[1], __FILE__, __LINE__ );
                 out_control->write_steps = ival;
             else if ( strncmp(tmp[0], "traj_compress", MAX_LINE) == 0 )
-                ival = atoi(tmp[1]);
+                ival = sstrtol( tmp[1], __FILE__, __LINE__ );
                 out_control->traj_compress = ival;
             else if ( strncmp(tmp[0], "traj_format", MAX_LINE) == 0 )
@@ -499,7 +510,7 @@ void Read_Control_File( const char * const control_file, control_params * const
             else if ( strncmp(tmp[0], "traj_method", MAX_LINE) == 0 )
-                ival = atoi(tmp[1]);
+                ival = sstrtol( tmp[1], __FILE__, __LINE__ );
                 out_control->traj_method = ival;
             else if ( strncmp(tmp[0], "traj_title", MAX_LINE) == 0 )
@@ -509,27 +520,27 @@ void Read_Control_File( const char * const control_file, control_params * const
             else if ( strncmp(tmp[0], "atom_info", MAX_LINE) == 0 )
-                ival = atoi(tmp[1]);
+                ival = sstrtol( tmp[1], __FILE__, __LINE__ );
                 out_control->atom_info += ival * 4;
             else if ( strncmp(tmp[0], "atom_velocities", MAX_LINE) == 0 )
-                ival = atoi(tmp[1]);
+                ival = sstrtol( tmp[1], __FILE__, __LINE__ );
                 out_control->atom_info += ival * 2;
             else if ( strncmp(tmp[0], "atom_forces", MAX_LINE) == 0 )
-                ival = atoi(tmp[1]);
+                ival = sstrtol( tmp[1], __FILE__, __LINE__ );
                 out_control->atom_info += ival * 1;
             else if ( strncmp(tmp[0], "bond_info", MAX_LINE) == 0 )
-                ival = atoi(tmp[1]);
+                ival = sstrtol( tmp[1], __FILE__, __LINE__ );
                 out_control->bond_info = ival;
             else if ( strncmp(tmp[0], "angle_info", MAX_LINE) == 0 )
-                ival = atoi(tmp[1]);
+                ival = sstrtol( tmp[1], __FILE__, __LINE__ );
                 out_control->angle_info = ival;
             else if ( strncmp(tmp[0], "test_forces", MAX_LINE) == 0 )
@@ -540,15 +551,15 @@ void Read_Control_File( const char * const control_file, control_params * const
             else if ( strncmp(tmp[0], "molecular_analysis", MAX_LINE) == 0 
                     || strncmp(tmp[0], "molec_anal", MAX_LINE) == 0 )
-                ival = atoi(tmp[1]);
+                ival = sstrtol( tmp[1], __FILE__, __LINE__ );
                 control->molecular_analysis = ival;
             else if ( strncmp(tmp[0], "ignore", MAX_LINE) == 0 )
-                control->num_ignored = atoi(tmp[1]);
+                control->num_ignored = sstrtol( tmp[1], __FILE__, __LINE__ );
                 for ( i = 0; i < control->num_ignored; ++i )
-                    control->ignore[atoi(tmp[i + 2])] = 1;
+                    control->ignore[sstrtol( tmp[i + 2], __FILE__, __LINE__ )] = 1;
             else if ( strncmp(tmp[0], "freq_molec_anal", MAX_LINE) == 0 )
@@ -558,27 +569,27 @@ void Read_Control_File( const char * const control_file, control_params * const
             else if ( strncmp(tmp[0], "dipole_anal", MAX_LINE) == 0 )
-                ival = atoi(tmp[1]);
+                ival = sstrtol( tmp[1], __FILE__, __LINE__ );
                 control->dipole_anal = ival;
             else if ( strncmp(tmp[0], "freq_dipole_anal", MAX_LINE) == 0 )
-                ival = atoi(tmp[1]);
+                ival = sstrtol( tmp[1], __FILE__, __LINE__ );
                 control->freq_dipole_anal = ival;
             else if ( strncmp(tmp[0], "diffusion_coef", MAX_LINE) == 0 )
-                ival = atoi(tmp[1]);
+                ival = sstrtol( tmp[1], __FILE__, __LINE__ );
                 control->diffusion_coef = ival;
             else if ( strncmp(tmp[0], "freq_diffusion_coef", MAX_LINE) == 0 )
-                ival = atoi(tmp[1]);
+                ival = sstrtol( tmp[1], __FILE__, __LINE__ );
                 control->freq_diffusion_coef = ival;
             else if ( strncmp(tmp[0], "restrict_type", MAX_LINE) == 0 )
-                ival = atoi(tmp[1]);
+                ival = sstrtol( tmp[1], __FILE__, __LINE__ );
                 control->restrict_type = ival;
diff --git a/PG-PuReMD/src/cuda/cuda_charges.cu b/PG-PuReMD/src/cuda/cuda_charges.cu
index 0f4d4280f2727be66b6e6f0eed6e89c6e60941fb..6eeda69ba02b343c687ba9b4666828ddd2b0bd3c 100644
--- a/PG-PuReMD/src/cuda/cuda_charges.cu
+++ b/PG-PuReMD/src/cuda/cuda_charges.cu
@@ -280,13 +280,6 @@ static void Setup_Preconditioner_QEq( reax_system const * const system,
     time = Get_Time( );
-    /* sort H needed for SpMV's in linear solver, H or H_sp needed for preconditioning */
-//    Sort_Matrix_Rows( &workspace->d_workspace->H, workspace, s );
-#if defined(LOG_PERFORMANCE)
-    Update_Timing_Info( &time, &data->timing.cm_sort );
     switch ( control->cm_solver_pre_comp_type )
         case NONE_PC:
@@ -323,8 +316,6 @@ static void Setup_Preconditioner_QEq( reax_system const * const system,
             Cuda_Copy_Matrix_Device_to_Host( &workspace->H,
                     &workspace->d_workspace->H, s );
-            Sort_Matrix_Rows( &workspace->H );
             setup_sparse_approx_inverse( system, data,
                     &workspace->H, &workspace->H_spar_patt, 
                     control->nprocs, control->cm_solver_pre_comp_sai_thres );
diff --git a/PG-PuReMD/src/cuda/cuda_init_md.cu b/PG-PuReMD/src/cuda/cuda_init_md.cu
index c46a1ffcd4c36a3a46bcff606198dede8257a2e3..b37430ef84514f59015ecea642c8adc287a7f208 100644
--- a/PG-PuReMD/src/cuda/cuda_init_md.cu
+++ b/PG-PuReMD/src/cuda/cuda_init_md.cu
@@ -250,6 +250,25 @@ extern "C" void Cuda_Initialize( reax_system *system, control_params *control,
     int i;
+#if defined(_OPENMP)
+    #pragma omp parallel default(none) shared(control)
+    {
+        #pragma omp single
+        {
+            if ( control->num_threads_set == FALSE )
+            {
+                /* set using OMP_NUM_THREADS environment variable */
+                control->num_threads = omp_get_num_threads( );
+                control->num_threads_set = TRUE;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    omp_set_num_threads( control->num_threads );
+    control->num_threads = 1;
     Init_MPI_Datatypes( system, workspace, mpi_data );
 #if defined(CUDA_DEVICE_PACK)
diff --git a/PG-PuReMD/src/init_md.c b/PG-PuReMD/src/init_md.c
index 5b3e0727c0f322d66e22b4807df960e100c3dfee..1934388d675263f5e63d5751e3cffa6bac05ecfe 100644
--- a/PG-PuReMD/src/init_md.c
+++ b/PG-PuReMD/src/init_md.c
@@ -710,6 +710,25 @@ void Initialize( reax_system * const system, control_params * const control,
         reax_list ** const lists, output_controls * const out_control,
         mpi_datatypes * const mpi_data )
+#if defined(_OPENMP)
+    #pragma omp parallel default(none) shared(control)
+    {
+        #pragma omp single
+        {
+            if ( control->num_threads_set == FALSE )
+            {
+                /* set using OMP_NUM_THREADS environment variable */
+                control->num_threads = omp_get_num_threads( );
+                control->num_threads_set = TRUE;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    omp_set_num_threads( control->num_threads );
+    control->num_threads = 1;
     Init_MPI_Datatypes( system, workspace, mpi_data );
     Init_Simulation_Data( system, control, data, mpi_data );
@@ -733,21 +752,6 @@ void Initialize( reax_system * const system, control_params * const control,
-void Pure_Initialize( reax_system * const system, control_params * const control,
-        simulation_data * const data, storage * const workspace,
-        reax_list ** const lists, output_controls * const out_control,
-        mpi_datatypes * const mpi_data )
-    Init_Simulation_Data( system, control, data, mpi_data );
-    Init_Workspace( system, control, workspace, mpi_data );
-    Init_Lists( system, control, data, workspace, lists, mpi_data );
-    Init_Force_Functions( control );
 #elif defined(LAMMPS_REAX)
 void Initialize( reax_system * const system, control_params * const control,
         simulation_data * const data, storage * const workspace,
diff --git a/PG-PuReMD/src/init_md.h b/PG-PuReMD/src/init_md.h
index f4fa2a323f21b76303c3fb995edb58e352263ea7..44ccb6b5aceac79124ea2576b3a7e18a982b813b 100644
--- a/PG-PuReMD/src/init_md.h
+++ b/PG-PuReMD/src/init_md.h
@@ -36,9 +36,6 @@ void Init_MPI_Datatypes( reax_system * const, storage * const, mpi_datatypes * c
 void Initialize( reax_system * const, control_params * const, simulation_data * const,
         storage * const, reax_list** const, output_controls * const, mpi_datatypes * const );
-void Pure_Initialize( reax_system * const, control_params * const, simulation_data * const,
-        storage * const, reax_list** const, output_controls * const, mpi_datatypes * const );
 void Init_Taper( control_params * const,  storage * const,
         mpi_datatypes * const );
diff --git a/PG-PuReMD/src/lin_alg.c b/PG-PuReMD/src/lin_alg.c
index b341a045a0ff52936b29e88fe5e661d10d9b4ec0..30cc2dd6ed23445469d54731e93a90bc587ade57 100644
--- a/PG-PuReMD/src/lin_alg.c
+++ b/PG-PuReMD/src/lin_alg.c
@@ -1494,7 +1494,7 @@ void sparse_approx_inverse( reax_system const * const system,
     int local_pos, identity_pos;
     int *X, *q;
     int q_size, q_top;
-    int e_size, D_size;
+    int e_i_size, D_size;
     int cnt;
     int *row_nnz, *row_start, total_entries;
     int *col_inds;
@@ -1544,10 +1544,6 @@ void sparse_approx_inverse( reax_system const * const system,
     nz_vals_send_buf1_size = 0;
     nz_vals_send_buf2 = NULL;
     nz_vals_send_buf2_size = 0;
-    e_i = NULL;
-    e_size = 0;
-    D = NULL;
-    D_size = 0;
     row_nnz = smalloc( sizeof(int) * system->total_cap, __FILE__, __LINE__ );
     row_start = smalloc( sizeof(int) * (system->total_cap + 1 - A->n), __FILE__, __LINE__ );
@@ -1778,222 +1774,249 @@ void sparse_approx_inverse( reax_system const * const system,
     sfree( nz_vals_send_buf1, __FILE__, __LINE__ );
     sfree( nz_vals_send_buf2, __FILE__, __LINE__ );
-    X = smalloc( sizeof(int) * system->bigN, __FILE__, __LINE__ );
-    q_size = MIN_QUEUE_SIZE;
-    q = smalloc( sizeof(int) * q_size, __FILE__, __LINE__ );
-    for ( i = 0; i < A_spar_patt->n; ++i )
+#if defined(_OPENMP)
+    #pragma omp parallel default(none) \
+    private(i, pj, pk, ret, N, M, d_i, d_j, mark, local_pos, identity_pos, \
+            X, q, q_size, q_top, e_i, e_i_size, D, D_size, \
+            m, n, lda, info) \
+    firstprivate(system, A, A_spar_patt, A_app_inv, row_nnz, row_start, col_inds, nz_vals) \
+    shared(stderr)
-        M = 0;
-        N = 0;
-        q_top = 0;
-        mark = -999;
-        /* column indices for the non-zeros in the i-th row in the sparsity pattern
-         * for H_app_inv delineate which columns of H must be searched for non-zeros
-         * (when constructing the dense matrix D) */
-        for ( pj = A_spar_patt->start[i]; pj < A_spar_patt->end[i]; ++pj )
+        e_i = NULL;
+        e_i_size = 0;
+        D = NULL;
+        D_size = 0;
+        X = smalloc( sizeof(int) * system->bigN, __FILE__, __LINE__ );
+        q_size = MIN_QUEUE_SIZE;
+        q = smalloc( sizeof(int) * q_size, __FILE__, __LINE__ );
+#if defined(_OPENMP)
+        #pragma omp for schedule(dynamic,32)
+        for ( i = 0; i < A_spar_patt->n; ++i )
-            ++N;
+            M = 0;
+            N = 0;
+            q_top = 0;
+            mark = -999;
+            /* column indices for the non-zeros in the i-th row in the sparsity pattern
+             * for H_app_inv delineate which columns of H must be searched for non-zeros
+             * (when constructing the dense matrix D) */
+            for ( pj = A_spar_patt->start[i]; pj < A_spar_patt->end[i]; ++pj )
+            {
+                ++N;
-            assert( 0 <= A_spar_patt->j[pj] );
-            assert( A_spar_patt->j[pj] < system->N );
+                assert( 0 <= A_spar_patt->j[pj] );
+                assert( A_spar_patt->j[pj] < system->N );
-            /* due to symmetry, search rows of H instead of columns for non-zeros
-             * 
-             * case: index's row in local matrix */
-            if ( A_spar_patt->j[pj] < A->n )
-            {
-                for ( pk = A->start[A_spar_patt->j[pj]]; pk < A->end[A_spar_patt->j[pj]]; ++pk )
+                /* due to symmetry, search rows of H instead of columns for non-zeros
+                 * 
+                 * case: index's row in local matrix */
+                if ( A_spar_patt->j[pj] < A->n )
-                    assert( 1 <= system->my_atoms[A->j[pk]].orig_id
-                            && system->my_atoms[A->j[pk]].orig_id <= system->bigN );
+                    for ( pk = A->start[A_spar_patt->j[pj]]; pk < A->end[A_spar_patt->j[pj]]; ++pk )
+                    {
+                        assert( 1 <= system->my_atoms[A->j[pk]].orig_id
+                                && system->my_atoms[A->j[pk]].orig_id <= system->bigN );
-                    /* accumulate the nonzero column indices to serve as the row indices of the dense matrix */
-                    X[system->my_atoms[A->j[pk]].orig_id - 1] = mark;
+                        /* accumulate the nonzero column indices to serve as the row indices of the dense matrix */
+                        X[system->my_atoms[A->j[pk]].orig_id - 1] = mark;
-                    if ( q_top >= q_size )
-                    {
-                        q_size = (int) CEIL( q_size * SAFE_ZONE );
-                        q = srealloc( q, sizeof(int) * q_size, __FILE__, __LINE__ );
-                    }
+                        if ( q_top >= q_size )
+                        {
+                            q_size = (int) CEIL( q_size * SAFE_ZONE );
+                            q = srealloc( q, sizeof(int) * q_size, __FILE__, __LINE__ );
+                        }
-                    q[q_top] = system->my_atoms[A->j[pk]].orig_id - 1;
-                    ++q_top;
+                        q[q_top] = system->my_atoms[A->j[pk]].orig_id - 1;
+                        ++q_top;
+                    }
-            }
-            /* case: index's row communicated */
-            else
-            {
-                assert( 0 <= row_start[A_spar_patt->j[pj] - A->n] );
-                assert( row_start[A_spar_patt->j[pj] - A->n] < total_entries );
-                assert( 0 <= row_start[A_spar_patt->j[pj] - A->n + 1] );
-                assert( row_start[A_spar_patt->j[pj] - A->n + 1] < total_entries );
-                for ( pk = row_start[A_spar_patt->j[pj] - A->n];
-                        pk < row_start[A_spar_patt->j[pj] - A->n + 1]; ++pk )
+                /* case: index's row communicated */
+                else
-                    assert( 0 <= col_inds[pk] );
-                    assert( col_inds[pk] < system->bigN );
-                    /* accumulate the nonzero column indices to serve as the row indices of the dense matrix */
-                    X[col_inds[pk]] = mark;
+                    assert( 0 <= row_start[A_spar_patt->j[pj] - A->n] );
+                    assert( row_start[A_spar_patt->j[pj] - A->n] < total_entries );
+                    assert( 0 <= row_start[A_spar_patt->j[pj] - A->n + 1] );
+                    assert( row_start[A_spar_patt->j[pj] - A->n + 1] < total_entries );
-                    if ( q_top >= q_size )
+                    for ( pk = row_start[A_spar_patt->j[pj] - A->n];
+                            pk < row_start[A_spar_patt->j[pj] - A->n + 1]; ++pk )
-                        q_size = (int) CEIL( q_size * SAFE_ZONE );
-                        q = srealloc( q, sizeof(int) * q_size, __FILE__, __LINE__ );
-                    }
+                        assert( 0 <= col_inds[pk] );
+                        assert( col_inds[pk] < system->bigN );
+                        /* accumulate the nonzero column indices to serve as the row indices of the dense matrix */
+                        X[col_inds[pk]] = mark;
+                        if ( q_top >= q_size )
+                        {
+                            q_size = (int) CEIL( q_size * SAFE_ZONE );
+                            q = srealloc( q, sizeof(int) * q_size, __FILE__, __LINE__ );
+                        }
-                    q[q_top] = col_inds[pk];
-                    ++q_top;
+                        q[q_top] = col_inds[pk];
+                        ++q_top;
+                    }
-        }
-        /* enumerate the row indices from 0 to (# of nonzero rows - 1) for the dense matrix */
-        for ( pj = 0; pj < q_top; ++pj )
-        {
-            if ( X[q[pj]] == mark )
+            /* enumerate the row indices from 0 to (# of nonzero rows - 1) for the dense matrix */
+            for ( pj = 0; pj < q_top; ++pj )
-                X[q[pj]] = M;
-                ++M;
+                if ( X[q[pj]] == mark )
+                {
+                    X[q[pj]] = M;
+                    ++M;
+                }
-        }
-        identity_pos = X[system->my_atoms[i].orig_id - 1];
+            identity_pos = X[system->my_atoms[i].orig_id - 1];
-        assert( 0 <= identity_pos );
-        assert( identity_pos < M );
+            assert( 0 <= identity_pos );
+            assert( identity_pos < M );
-        if ( M * N > D_size )
-        {
-            if ( D_size > 0 )
+            if ( M * N > D_size )
-                sfree( D, __FILE__, __LINE__ );
+                if ( D_size > 0 )
+                {
+                    sfree( D, __FILE__, __LINE__ );
+                }
+                D_size = (int) CEIL( M * N * SAFE_ZONE );
+                D = smalloc( sizeof(real) * D_size, __FILE__, __LINE__ );
-            D_size = (int) CEIL( M * N * SAFE_ZONE );
-            D = smalloc( sizeof(real) * D_size, __FILE__, __LINE__ );
-        }
+            for ( d_i = 0; d_i < M; ++d_i )
+            {
+                for ( d_j = 0; d_j < N; ++d_j )
+                {
+                    D[d_i * N + d_j] = 0.0;
+                }
+            }
-        for ( d_i = 0; d_i < M; ++d_i )
-        {
+            /* fill in entries of D column-wise */
             for ( d_j = 0; d_j < N; ++d_j )
-                D[d_i * N + d_j] = 0.0;
-            }
-        }
+                local_pos = A_spar_patt->j[A_spar_patt->start[i] + d_j];
-        /* fill in entries of D column-wise */
-        for ( d_j = 0; d_j < N; ++d_j )
-        {
-            local_pos = A_spar_patt->j[A_spar_patt->start[i] + d_j];
+                assert( 0 <= local_pos );
+                assert( local_pos < system->N );
-            assert( 0 <= local_pos );
-            assert( local_pos < system->N );
+                if ( local_pos < A->n )
+                {
+                    for ( d_i = A->start[local_pos]; d_i < A->end[local_pos]; ++d_i )
+                    {
+                        assert( 0 <= X[system->my_atoms[A->j[d_i]].orig_id - 1] );
+                        assert( X[system->my_atoms[A->j[d_i]].orig_id - 1] < M );
-            if ( local_pos < A->n )
-            {
-                for ( d_i = A->start[local_pos]; d_i < A->end[local_pos]; ++d_i )
+                        D[X[system->my_atoms[A->j[d_i]].orig_id - 1] * N + d_j] = A->val[d_i];
+                    }
+                }
+                else
-                    assert( 0 <= X[system->my_atoms[A->j[d_i]].orig_id - 1] );
-                    assert( X[system->my_atoms[A->j[d_i]].orig_id - 1] < M );
+                    assert( 0 <= row_start[local_pos - A->n] );
+                    assert( row_start[local_pos - A->n] < total_entries );
+                    assert( 0 <= row_start[local_pos - A->n + 1] );
+                    assert( row_start[local_pos - A->n + 1] < total_entries );
+                    for ( d_i = row_start[local_pos - A->n];
+                            d_i < row_start[local_pos - A->n + 1]; ++d_i )
+                    {
+                        assert( 0 <= col_inds[d_i] );
+                        assert( col_inds[d_i] < system->bigN );
+                        assert( 0 <= X[col_inds[d_i]] );
+                        assert( X[col_inds[d_i]] < M );
-                    D[X[system->my_atoms[A->j[d_i]].orig_id - 1] * N + d_j] = A->val[d_i];
+                        D[X[col_inds[d_i]] * N + d_j] = nz_vals[d_i];
+                    }
-            else
-            {
-                assert( 0 <= row_start[local_pos - A->n] );
-                assert( row_start[local_pos - A->n] < total_entries );
-                assert( 0 <= row_start[local_pos - A->n + 1] );
-                assert( row_start[local_pos - A->n + 1] < total_entries );
-                for ( d_i = row_start[local_pos - A->n];
-                        d_i < row_start[local_pos - A->n + 1]; ++d_i )
+            /* create the right hand side of the linear equation
+             * that is the full column of the identity matrix */
+            if ( e_i_size < M )
+            {
+                if ( e_i_size > 0 )
-                    assert( 0 <= col_inds[d_i] );
-                    assert( col_inds[d_i] < system->bigN );
-                    assert( 0 <= X[col_inds[d_i]] );
-                    assert( X[col_inds[d_i]] < M );
-                    D[X[col_inds[d_i]] * N + d_j] = nz_vals[d_i];
+                    sfree( e_i, __FILE__, __LINE__ );
+                e_i_size = (int) CEIL( M * SAFE_ZONE );
+                e_i = smalloc( sizeof(real) * e_i_size, __FILE__, __LINE__ );
-        }
-        /* create the right hand side of the linear equation
-         * that is the full column of the identity matrix */
-        if ( e_size < M )
-        {
-            if ( e_size > 0 )
+            for ( pk = 0; pk < M; ++pk )
-                sfree( e_i, __FILE__, __LINE__ );
+                e_i[pk] = 0.0;
+            e_i[identity_pos] = 1.0;
-            e_size = (int) CEIL( M * SAFE_ZONE );
-            e_i = smalloc( sizeof(real) * e_size, __FILE__, __LINE__ );
-        }
+            /* solve the overdetermined system from the i-th columns of min_{M} ||I - HM||_F
+             * through the least-squares problem min_{m_i} ||e_i - Dm_i||_{2}^{2}
+             * where D represents the dense matrix composed of relevant non-zeros from H,
+             * e_i is the i-th column of the identify matrix, and m_i is the i-th column of M
+             *
+             * after solve, D contains the QR factorization and e_i contains
+             * the solution (if info == 0) */
+            m = (lapack_int) M;
+            n = (lapack_int) N;
+            lda = n;
-        for ( pk = 0; pk < M; ++pk )
-        {
-            e_i[pk] = 0.0;
-        }
-        e_i[identity_pos] = 1.0;
+            assert( M >= N );
-        /* solve the overdetermined system from the i-th columns of min_{M} ||I - HM||_F
-         * through the least-squares problem min_{m_i} ||e_i - Dm_i||_{2}^{2}
-         * where D represents the dense matrix composed of relevant non-zeros from H,
-         * e_i is the i-th column of the identify matrix, and m_i is the i-th column of M
-         *
-         * after solve, D contains the QR factorization and e_i contains
-         * the solution (if info == 0) */
-        m = (lapack_int) M;
-        n = (lapack_int) N;
-        lda = n;
+            info = LAPACKE_dgels( LAPACK_ROW_MAJOR, 'N', m, n, 1, D, lda, e_i, 1 );
-        assert( M >= N );
+            /* check for full rank */
+            if ( info > 0 )
+            {
+                fprintf( stderr, "[ERROR] SAI preconditioner computation failure\n" );
+                fprintf( stderr, "  [INFO] The diagonal element %i of the triangular factor\n", info );
+                fprintf( stderr, "         of A is zero, so A does not have full rank.\n" );
+//                MPI_Abort( MPI_COMM_WORLD, RUNTIME_ERROR );
+                exit( RUNTIME_ERROR );
+            }
-        info = LAPACKE_dgels( LAPACK_ROW_MAJOR, 'N', m, n, 1, D, lda, e_i, 1 );
+            if ( A_spar_patt->end[i] - A_spar_patt->start[i] < N )
+            {
+                fprintf( stderr, "[ERROR] SAI preconditioner computation failure\n" );
+                fprintf( stderr, "  [INFO] out of memory for row i = %d\n", i );
+//                MPI_Abort( MPI_COMM_WORLD, RUNTIME_ERROR );
+                exit( RUNTIME_ERROR );
+            }
-        /* check for full rank */
-        if ( info > 0 )
-        {
-            fprintf( stderr, "[ERROR] SAI preconditioner computation failure\n" );
-            fprintf( stderr, "  [INFO] The diagonal element %i of the triangular factor\n", info );
-            fprintf( stderr, "         of A is zero, so A does not have full rank.\n" );
-            MPI_Abort( MPI_COMM_WORLD, RUNTIME_ERROR );
+            /* least-squares solution in e_i comprises non-zero values for i-th row in A_app_inv
+             * (computed as right preconditioner, store transpose as left preconditioner) */
+            A_app_inv->start[i] = A_spar_patt->start[i];
+            A_app_inv->end[i] = A_spar_patt->end[i];
+            for ( pj = A_app_inv->start[i]; pj < A_app_inv->end[i]; ++pj )
+            {
+                A_app_inv->j[pj] = A_spar_patt->j[pj];
+                A_app_inv->val[pj] = e_i[pj - A_spar_patt->start[i]];
+            }
-        if ( A_spar_patt->end[i] - A_spar_patt->start[i] < N )
+        if ( D != NULL )
-            fprintf( stderr, "[ERROR] SAI preconditioner computation failure\n" );
-            fprintf( stderr, "  [INFO] out of memory for row i = %d\n", i );
-            MPI_Abort( MPI_COMM_WORLD, RUNTIME_ERROR );
+            sfree( D, __FILE__, __LINE__ );
-        /* least-squares solution in e_i comprises non-zero values for i-th row in A_app_inv
-         * (computed as right preconditioner, store transpose as left preconditioner) */
-        A_app_inv->start[i] = A_spar_patt->start[i];
-        A_app_inv->end[i] = A_spar_patt->end[i];
-        for ( pj = A_app_inv->start[i]; pj < A_app_inv->end[i]; ++pj )
+        if ( e_i != NULL )
-            A_app_inv->j[pj] = A_spar_patt->j[pj];
-            A_app_inv->val[pj] = e_i[pj - A_spar_patt->start[i]];
+            sfree( e_i, __FILE__, __LINE__ );
+        sfree( X, __FILE__, __LINE__ );
+        sfree( q, __FILE__, __LINE__ );
     for ( i = A_app_inv->n; i < A_app_inv->n_max; ++i )
         A_app_inv->start[i] = 0;
         A_app_inv->end[i] = 0;
-    sfree( q, __FILE__, __LINE__ );
-    sfree( D, __FILE__, __LINE__ );
-    sfree( e_i, __FILE__, __LINE__ );
-    sfree( X, __FILE__, __LINE__ );
     sfree( col_inds, __FILE__, __LINE__ );
     sfree( nz_vals, __FILE__, __LINE__ );
     sfree( row_nnz, __FILE__, __LINE__ );
diff --git a/PG-PuReMD/src/reax_types.h b/PG-PuReMD/src/reax_types.h
index 8865fd7e1aa1cef54b7c84e92bc313823d3ffc3b..ae75d7ee17169be6b21ec1417a623e84f6a8370a 100644
--- a/PG-PuReMD/src/reax_types.h
+++ b/PG-PuReMD/src/reax_types.h
@@ -63,6 +63,10 @@
+#if defined(_OPENMP)
+  #include <omp.h>
 /* IBMC */
 #if defined(__IBMC__)
   #define inline __inline__
@@ -1702,6 +1706,10 @@ struct control_params
     int freq_diffusion_coef;
     int restrict_type;
+    /* number of OpenMP threads to use during the simulation */
+    int num_threads;
+    /* TRUE if the num. OpenMP has bet set, FALSE otherwise */
+    int num_threads_set;
     /* function pointer for ensemble used to evolve atomic system */
     evolve_function Evolve;
     /* function pointers for bonded interactions */
diff --git a/configure.ac b/configure.ac
index dd8a02956df0ff1ab2af0a0e05b08fb264535df1..35356b34c4f1c3b33f3993a25b3b97de4b57f8fe 100644
--- a/configure.ac
+++ b/configure.ac
@@ -143,7 +143,7 @@ AC_PROG_CXXCPP
 # sPuReMD
-if test "x${pack_serial_enabled}" = "xyes" || test "x${pack_openmp_enabled}" = "xyes"; then
+if test "x${pack_mpi_enabled}" != "xyes" && test "x${pack_mpi_gpu_enabled}" != "xyes" && { test "x${pack_serial_enabled}" = "xyes" || test "x${pack_openmp_enabled}" = "xyes"; }; then
 	if test "x${pack_serial_enabled}" = "xyes" || test "x${pack_openmp_enabled}" != "xyes"; then
@@ -217,8 +217,6 @@ if test "x${pack_serial_enabled}" = "xyes" || test "x${pack_openmp_enabled}" = "
@@ -351,7 +349,7 @@ if test "x${pack_serial_enabled}" = "xyes" || test "x${pack_openmp_enabled}" = "
-AM_CONDITIONAL([BUILD_S_OMP], [test "x${pack_serial_enabled}" = "xyes" || test "x${pack_openmp_enabled}" = "xyes"])
+AM_CONDITIONAL([BUILD_S_OMP], [test "x${pack_mpi_enabled}" != "xyes" && test "x${pack_mpi_gpu_enabled}" != "xyes" && { test "x${pack_serial_enabled}" = "xyes" || test "x${pack_openmp_enabled}" = "xyes"; }])
@@ -633,6 +631,11 @@ AM_CONDITIONAL([BUILD_MPI], [test "x${pack_mpi_old_enabled}" = "xyes"])
 # PG-PuReMD
 if test "x${pack_mpi_enabled}" = "xyes" || test "x${pack_mpi_gpu_enabled}" = "xyes"; then
+	if test "x${pack_openmp_enabled}" = "xyes"; then
+	else
+	fi
 	if test "x${pack_mpi_enabled}" = "xyes" || test "x${pack_mpi_gpu_enabled}" != "xyes"; then
 		export BUILD_GPU="no"
@@ -691,6 +694,28 @@ if test "x${pack_mpi_enabled}" = "xyes" || test "x${pack_mpi_gpu_enabled}" = "xy
+	# Check for OpenMP support.
+	if test "x${BUILD_OPENMP_MPI}" = "xyes"; then
+		if test "x${OPENMP_CFLAGS}" = "x"; then
+ Unable to find OpenMP support on this system.
+ Building a single-threaded version.
+		else
+			# bug due to recent Intel compiler change (?)
+			if test "x${ax_cv_c_compiler_vendor}" = "xintel"; then
+				OPENMP_CFLAGS="-qopenmp"
+			fi
+			OPENMP_LIBS="-lgomp"
+		fi
+	fi
 	# Check for MPI support.
 	ACX_MPI([], [AC_MSG_ERROR([could not find MPI library])])