diff --git a/puremd_rc_1003/sPuReMD/GMRES.c b/puremd_rc_1003/sPuReMD/GMRES.c
index 8488ac69ff5a0180314ab28eb3513347824a9f53..2d8e1ab7bb1f425ac7e990995f267b140ea55419 100644
--- a/puremd_rc_1003/sPuReMD/GMRES.c
+++ b/puremd_rc_1003/sPuReMD/GMRES.c
@@ -1,20 +1,20 @@
   SerialReax - Reax Force Field Simulator
   Copyright (2010) Purdue University
   Hasan Metin Aktulga, haktulga@cs.purdue.edu
   Joseph Fogarty, jcfogart@mail.usf.edu
   Sagar Pandit, pandit@usf.edu
   Ananth Y Grama, ayg@cs.purdue.edu
   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
   modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
-  published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of 
+  published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
   the License, or (at your option) any later version.
   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
   See the GNU General Public License for more details:
@@ -31,33 +31,33 @@
  *   x: vector
  *   b: vector (result) */
 static void Sparse_MatVec( const sparse_matrix * const A,
-    const real * const x, real * const b )
+                           const real * const x, real * const b )
-  int i, j, k, n, si, ei;
-  real H;
-  n = A->n;
-  for( i = 0; i < n; ++i )
-  {
-    b[i] = 0;
-  }
-  for( i = 0; i < n; ++i )
-  {
-    si = A->start[i];
-    ei = A->start[i+1]-1;
-    for( k = si; k < ei; ++k )
+    int i, j, k, n, si, ei;
+    real H;
+    n = A->n;
+    for ( i = 0; i < n; ++i )
-      j = A->entries[k].j;
-      H = A->entries[k].val;
-      b[j] += H * x[i]; 
-      b[i] += H * x[j];
+        b[i] = 0;
-    // the diagonal entry is the last one in
-    b[i] += A->entries[A->start[i+1]-1].val * x[i]; 
-  }
+    for ( i = 0; i < n; ++i )
+    {
+        si = A->start[i];
+        ei = A->start[i + 1] - 1;
+        for ( k = si; k < ei; ++k )
+        {
+            j = A->entries[k].j;
+            H = A->entries[k].val;
+            b[j] += H * x[i];
+            b[i] += H * x[j];
+        }
+        // the diagonal entry is the last one in
+        b[i] += A->entries[A->start[i + 1] - 1].val * x[i];
+    }
@@ -68,82 +68,82 @@ static void Sparse_MatVec( const sparse_matrix * const A,
  *   b: vector (result)
  *   tri: triangularity of A (lower/upper) */
 static void Sparse_MatVec2( const sparse_matrix * const A,
-    const TRIANGULARITY tri, const real * const x, real * const b)
+                            const TRIANGULARITY tri, const real * const x, real * const b)
-  int i, k, n, si = 0, ei = 0;
+    int i, k, n, si = 0, ei = 0;
-  n = A->n;
-  for( i = 0; i < n; ++i )
-  {
-    b[i] = 0;
-  }
-  for( i = 0; i < n; ++i )
-  {
-    if(tri == LOWER)
+    n = A->n;
+    for ( i = 0; i < n; ++i )
-      si = A->start[i];
-      ei = A->start[i+1]-1;
+        b[i] = 0;
-    else if(tri == UPPER)
-    {
-      si = A->start[i]+1;
-      ei = A->start[i+1];
-    }
-    for( k = si; k < ei; ++k )
+    for ( i = 0; i < n; ++i )
-      b[A->entries[k].j] += A->entries[k].j * x[i]; 
-      b[i] += A->entries[k].j * x[A->entries[k].j];
+        if (tri == LOWER)
+        {
+            si = A->start[i];
+            ei = A->start[i + 1] - 1;
+        }
+        else if (tri == UPPER)
+        {
+            si = A->start[i] + 1;
+            ei = A->start[i + 1];
+        }
+        for ( k = si; k < ei; ++k )
+        {
+            b[A->entries[k].j] += A->entries[k].j * x[i];
+            b[i] += A->entries[k].j * x[A->entries[k].j];
+        }
-  }
 /* solve sparse lower triangular linear system using forward substitution */
 void Forward_Subs( sparse_matrix *L, real *b, real *y )
-  int i, pj, j, si, ei;
-  real val;
-  for( i = 0; i < L->n; ++i )
-  {
-    y[i] = b[i];
-    si = L->start[i];
-    ei = L->start[i+1];
-    for( pj = si; pj < ei-1; ++pj )
+    int i, pj, j, si, ei;
+    real val;
+    for ( i = 0; i < L->n; ++i )
-      // TODO: remove assignments? compiler optimizes away?
-      j = L->entries[pj].j;
-      val = L->entries[pj].val;
-      y[i] -= val * y[j];
+        y[i] = b[i];
+        si = L->start[i];
+        ei = L->start[i + 1];
+        for ( pj = si; pj < ei - 1; ++pj )
+        {
+            // TODO: remove assignments? compiler optimizes away?
+            j = L->entries[pj].j;
+            val = L->entries[pj].val;
+            y[i] -= val * y[j];
+        }
+        y[i] /= L->entries[pj].val;
-    y[i] /= L->entries[pj].val;
-  }
 /* solve sparse upper triangular linear system using backward substitution */
 void Backward_Subs( sparse_matrix *U, real *y, real *x )
-  int i, pj, j, si, ei;
-  real val;
-  for( i = U->n-1; i >= 0; --i )
-  {
-    x[i] = y[i];
-    si = U->start[i];
-    ei = U->start[i+1];
-    for( pj = si+1; pj < ei; ++pj )
+    int i, pj, j, si, ei;
+    real val;
+    for ( i = U->n - 1; i >= 0; --i )
-      // TODO: remove assignments? compiler optimizes away?
-      j = U->entries[pj].j;
-      val = U->entries[pj].val;
-      x[i] -= val * x[j];
+        x[i] = y[i];
+        si = U->start[i];
+        ei = U->start[i + 1];
+        for ( pj = si + 1; pj < ei; ++pj )
+        {
+            // TODO: remove assignments? compiler optimizes away?
+            j = U->entries[pj].j;
+            val = U->entries[pj].val;
+            x[i] -= val * x[j];
+        }
+        x[i] /= U->entries[si].val;
-    x[i] /= U->entries[si].val;
-  }
@@ -159,767 +159,800 @@ void Backward_Subs( sparse_matrix *U, real *y, real *x )
  * Note: Newmann series arises from series expansion of the inverse of
  * the coefficient matrix in the triangular system. */
 static void Jacobi_Iter( const sparse_matrix * const G, const TRIANGULARITY tri,
-        const sparse_matrix * const Dinv, const real * const b,
-        real * const x, const unsigned int maxiter )
+                         const sparse_matrix * const Dinv, const real * const b,
+                         real * const x, const unsigned int maxiter )
-  unsigned int iter = 0;
-  real *Dinv_b;
-  if( (Dinv_b = (real*) malloc(sizeof(real)*(Dinv->n))) == NULL )
-  {
-    fprintf( stderr, "not enough memory for Jacobi iteration matrices. terminating.\n" );
-  }
-  /* precompute and cache, as invariant in loop below */
-  Sparse_MatVec( (sparse_matrix*)Dinv, (real*)b, Dinv_b );
-  do
-  {
-    // x_{k+1} = G*x_{k} + Dinv*b;
-    Sparse_MatVec2( (sparse_matrix*)G, tri, x, x );
-    Vector_Add2( x, Dinv_b, Dinv->n );
-    ++iter;
-  } while( iter < maxiter );
-  free(Dinv_b);
+    unsigned int iter = 0;
+    real *Dinv_b;
+    if ( (Dinv_b = (real*) malloc(sizeof(real) * (Dinv->n))) == NULL )
+    {
+        fprintf( stderr, "not enough memory for Jacobi iteration matrices. terminating.\n" );
+        exit(INSUFFICIENT_SPACE);
+    }
+    /* precompute and cache, as invariant in loop below */
+    Sparse_MatVec( (sparse_matrix*)Dinv, (real*)b, Dinv_b );
+    do
+    {
+        // x_{k+1} = G*x_{k} + Dinv*b;
+        Sparse_MatVec2( (sparse_matrix*)G, tri, x, x );
+        Vector_Add2( x, Dinv_b, Dinv->n );
+        ++iter;
+    }
+    while ( iter < maxiter );
+    free(Dinv_b);
 /* generalized minimual residual iterative solver for sparse linear systems,
  * no preconditioner */
-int GMRES( static_storage *workspace, sparse_matrix *H, 
-	   real *b, real tol, real *x, FILE *fout )
+int GMRES( static_storage *workspace, sparse_matrix *H,
+           real *b, real tol, real *x, FILE *fout )
-  int i, j, k, itr, N;
-  real cc, tmp1, tmp2, temp, bnorm;
-  N = H->n;
-  bnorm = Norm( b, N );
-  /* apply the diagonal pre-conditioner to rhs */
-  for( i = 0; i < N; ++i )
-    workspace->b_prc[i] = b[i] * workspace->Hdia_inv[i];  
-  /* GMRES outer-loop */
-  for( itr = 0; itr < MAX_ITR; ++itr ) {
-    /* calculate r0 */
-    Sparse_MatVec( H, x, workspace->b_prm );      
-    for( i = 0; i < N; ++i )
-      workspace->b_prm[i] *= workspace->Hdia_inv[i]; /* pre-conditioner */    
-    Vector_Sum(workspace->v[0], 1.,workspace->b_prc, -1., workspace->b_prm, N);
-    workspace->g[0] = Norm( workspace->v[0], N );
-    Vector_Scale( workspace->v[0], 1. / workspace->g[0], workspace->v[0], N );
-    //fprintf( stderr, "res: %.15e\n", workspace->g[0] );
-    /* GMRES inner-loop */
-    for( j = 0; j < RESTART && fabs(workspace->g[j]) / bnorm > tol; j++ ) {
-      /* matvec */
-      Sparse_MatVec( H, workspace->v[j], workspace->v[j+1] );
-      for( k = 0; k < N; ++k )  
-        workspace->v[j+1][k] *= workspace->Hdia_inv[k]; /*pre-conditioner*/ 
-      //fprintf( stderr, "%d-%d: matvec done.\n", itr, j );
-      /* apply modified Gram-Schmidt to orthogonalize the new residual */
-      for( i = 0; i <= j; i++ ) {
-	workspace->h[i][j] = Dot( workspace->v[i], workspace->v[j+1], N );
-	Vector_Add( workspace->v[j+1], 
-		    -workspace->h[i][j], workspace->v[i], N );
-      }
-      workspace->h[j+1][j] = Norm( workspace->v[j+1], N );
-      Vector_Scale( workspace->v[j+1], 
-		    1. / workspace->h[j+1][j], workspace->v[j+1], N );
-      // fprintf( stderr, "%d-%d: orthogonalization completed.\n", itr, j );
-      /* Givens rotations on the upper-Hessenberg matrix to make it U */
-      for( i = 0; i <= j; i++ )	{
-	if( i == j ) {
-	  cc = SQRT( SQR(workspace->h[j][j])+SQR(workspace->h[j+1][j]) );
-	  workspace->hc[j] = workspace->h[j][j] / cc;
-	  workspace->hs[j] = workspace->h[j+1][j] / cc;
-	}
-	tmp1 =  workspace->hc[i] * workspace->h[i][j] + 
-	  workspace->hs[i] * workspace->h[i+1][j];
-	tmp2 = -workspace->hs[i] * workspace->h[i][j] + 
-	  workspace->hc[i] * workspace->h[i+1][j];
-	workspace->h[i][j] = tmp1;
-	workspace->h[i+1][j] = tmp2;
-      } 
-      /* apply Givens rotations to the rhs as well */
-      tmp1 =  workspace->hc[j] * workspace->g[j];
-      tmp2 = -workspace->hs[j] * workspace->g[j];
-      workspace->g[j] = tmp1;
-      workspace->g[j+1] = tmp2;
-      // fprintf( stderr, "h: " );
-      // for( i = 0; i <= j+1; ++i )
-      //  fprintf( stderr, "%.6f ", workspace->h[i][j] );
-      // fprintf( stderr, "\n" );
-      //fprintf( stderr, "res: %.15e\n", workspace->g[j+1] );
+    int i, j, k, itr, N;
+    real cc, tmp1, tmp2, temp, bnorm;
+    N = H->n;
+    bnorm = Norm( b, N );
+    /* apply the diagonal pre-conditioner to rhs */
+    for ( i = 0; i < N; ++i )
+        workspace->b_prc[i] = b[i] * workspace->Hdia_inv[i];
+    /* GMRES outer-loop */
+    for ( itr = 0; itr < MAX_ITR; ++itr )
+    {
+        /* calculate r0 */
+        Sparse_MatVec( H, x, workspace->b_prm );
+        for ( i = 0; i < N; ++i )
+            workspace->b_prm[i] *= workspace->Hdia_inv[i]; /* pre-conditioner */
+        Vector_Sum(workspace->v[0], 1., workspace->b_prc, -1., workspace->b_prm, N);
+        workspace->g[0] = Norm( workspace->v[0], N );
+        Vector_Scale( workspace->v[0], 1. / workspace->g[0], workspace->v[0], N );
+        //fprintf( stderr, "res: %.15e\n", workspace->g[0] );
+        /* GMRES inner-loop */
+        for ( j = 0; j < RESTART && fabs(workspace->g[j]) / bnorm > tol; j++ )
+        {
+            /* matvec */
+            Sparse_MatVec( H, workspace->v[j], workspace->v[j + 1] );
+            for ( k = 0; k < N; ++k )
+                workspace->v[j + 1][k] *= workspace->Hdia_inv[k]; /*pre-conditioner*/
+            //fprintf( stderr, "%d-%d: matvec done.\n", itr, j );
+            /* apply modified Gram-Schmidt to orthogonalize the new residual */
+            for ( i = 0; i <= j; i++ )
+            {
+                workspace->h[i][j] = Dot( workspace->v[i], workspace->v[j + 1], N );
+                Vector_Add( workspace->v[j + 1],
+                            -workspace->h[i][j], workspace->v[i], N );
+            }
+            workspace->h[j + 1][j] = Norm( workspace->v[j + 1], N );
+            Vector_Scale( workspace->v[j + 1],
+                          1. / workspace->h[j + 1][j], workspace->v[j + 1], N );
+            // fprintf( stderr, "%d-%d: orthogonalization completed.\n", itr, j );
+            /* Givens rotations on the upper-Hessenberg matrix to make it U */
+            for ( i = 0; i <= j; i++ )
+            {
+                if ( i == j )
+                {
+                    cc = SQRT( SQR(workspace->h[j][j]) + SQR(workspace->h[j + 1][j]) );
+                    workspace->hc[j] = workspace->h[j][j] / cc;
+                    workspace->hs[j] = workspace->h[j + 1][j] / cc;
+                }
+                tmp1 =  workspace->hc[i] * workspace->h[i][j] +
+                        workspace->hs[i] * workspace->h[i + 1][j];
+                tmp2 = -workspace->hs[i] * workspace->h[i][j] +
+                       workspace->hc[i] * workspace->h[i + 1][j];
+                workspace->h[i][j] = tmp1;
+                workspace->h[i + 1][j] = tmp2;
+            }
+            /* apply Givens rotations to the rhs as well */
+            tmp1 =  workspace->hc[j] * workspace->g[j];
+            tmp2 = -workspace->hs[j] * workspace->g[j];
+            workspace->g[j] = tmp1;
+            workspace->g[j + 1] = tmp2;
+            // fprintf( stderr, "h: " );
+            // for( i = 0; i <= j+1; ++i )
+            //  fprintf( stderr, "%.6f ", workspace->h[i][j] );
+            // fprintf( stderr, "\n" );
+            //fprintf( stderr, "res: %.15e\n", workspace->g[j+1] );
+        }
+        /* solve Hy = g.
+           H is now upper-triangular, do back-substitution */
+        for ( i = j - 1; i >= 0; i-- )
+        {
+            temp = workspace->g[i];
+            for ( k = j - 1; k > i; k-- )
+                temp -= workspace->h[i][k] * workspace->y[k];
+            workspace->y[i] = temp / workspace->h[i][i];
+        }
+        /* update x = x_0 + Vy */
+        for ( i = 0; i < j; i++ )
+            Vector_Add( x, workspace->y[i], workspace->v[i], N );
+        /* stopping condition */
+        if ( fabs(workspace->g[j]) / bnorm <= tol )
+            break;
-    /* solve Hy = g.
-       H is now upper-triangular, do back-substitution */
-    for( i = j-1; i >= 0; i-- ) {
-      temp = workspace->g[i];	  
-      for( k = j-1; k > i; k-- )
-	temp -= workspace->h[i][k] * workspace->y[k];
-      workspace->y[i] = temp / workspace->h[i][i];
+    // Sparse_MatVec( H, x, workspace->b_prm );
+    // for( i = 0; i < N; ++i )
+    // workspace->b_prm[i] *= workspace->Hdia_inv[i];
+    // fprintf( fout, "\n%10s%15s%15s\n", "b_prc", "b_prm", "x" );
+    // for( i = 0; i < N; ++i )
+    // fprintf( fout, "%10.5f%15.12f%15.12f\n",
+    // workspace->b_prc[i], workspace->b_prm[i], x[i] );*/
+    // fprintf(fout,"GMRES outer:%d, inner:%d iters - residual norm: %25.20f\n",
+    //          itr, j, fabs( workspace->g[j] ) / bnorm );
+    // data->timing.matvec += itr * RESTART + j;
+    if ( itr >= MAX_ITR )
+    {
+        fprintf( stderr, "GMRES convergence failed\n" );
+        // return -1;
+        return itr * (RESTART + 1) + j + 1;
-    /* update x = x_0 + Vy */
-    for( i = 0; i < j; i++ )
-      Vector_Add( x, workspace->y[i], workspace->v[i], N );
-    /* stopping condition */
-    if( fabs(workspace->g[j]) / bnorm <= tol )
-      break;
-  }
-  // Sparse_MatVec( H, x, workspace->b_prm );
-  // for( i = 0; i < N; ++i )
-  // workspace->b_prm[i] *= workspace->Hdia_inv[i];    
-  // fprintf( fout, "\n%10s%15s%15s\n", "b_prc", "b_prm", "x" );
-  // for( i = 0; i < N; ++i )
-  // fprintf( fout, "%10.5f%15.12f%15.12f\n", 
-  // workspace->b_prc[i], workspace->b_prm[i], x[i] );*/
-  // fprintf(fout,"GMRES outer:%d, inner:%d iters - residual norm: %25.20f\n", 
-  //	      itr, j, fabs( workspace->g[j] ) / bnorm );
-  // data->timing.matvec += itr * RESTART + j;
-  if( itr >= MAX_ITR ) {
-    fprintf( stderr, "GMRES convergence failed\n" );
-    // return -1;
-    return itr * (RESTART+1) + j + 1;
-  }
-  return itr * (RESTART+1) + j + 1;
+    return itr * (RESTART + 1) + j + 1;
-int GMRES_HouseHolder( static_storage *workspace, sparse_matrix *H, 
-		       real *b, real tol, real *x, FILE *fout)
+int GMRES_HouseHolder( static_storage *workspace, sparse_matrix *H,
+                       real *b, real tol, real *x, FILE *fout)
-  int  i, j, k, itr, N;
-  real cc, tmp1, tmp2, temp, bnorm;
-  real v[10000], z[RESTART+2][10000], w[RESTART+2];
-  real u[RESTART+2][10000];
-  N = H->n;
-  bnorm = Norm( b, N );
-  /* apply the diagonal pre-conditioner to rhs */
-  for( i = 0; i < N; ++i )
-    workspace->b_prc[i] = b[i] * workspace->Hdia_inv[i];  
-  // memset( x, 0, sizeof(real) * N );
-  /* GMRES outer-loop */
-  for( itr = 0; itr < MAX_ITR; ++itr ) {
-    /* compute z = r0 */
-    Sparse_MatVec( H, x, workspace->b_prm );      
-    for( i = 0; i < N; ++i )
-      workspace->b_prm[i] *= workspace->Hdia_inv[i]; /* pre-conditioner */
-    Vector_Sum( z[0], 1.,  workspace->b_prc, -1., workspace->b_prm, N );
-    Vector_MakeZero( w, RESTART+1 );
-    w[0] = Norm( z[0], N );
-    Vector_Copy( u[0], z[0], N );
-    u[0][0] += ( u[0][0] < 0.0 ? -1 : 1 ) * w[0];
-    Vector_Scale( u[0], 1 / Norm( u[0], N ), u[0], N );
-    w[0]    *= ( u[0][0] < 0.0 ?  1 :-1 );
-    // fprintf( stderr, "\n\n%12.6f\n", w[0] );
-    /* GMRES inner-loop */
-    for( j = 0; j < RESTART && fabs( w[j] ) / bnorm > tol; j++ ) {
-      /* compute v_j */
-      Vector_Scale( z[j], -2 * u[j][j], u[j], N );
-      z[j][j] += 1.; /* due to e_j */
-      for( i = j-1; i >= 0; --i )
-	Vector_Add( z[j]+i, -2 * Dot( u[i]+i, z[j]+i, N-i ), u[i]+i, N-i );
-      /* matvec */
-      Sparse_MatVec( H, z[j], v );
-      for( k = 0; k < N; ++k )
-	v[k] *= workspace->Hdia_inv[k]; /* pre-conditioner */
-      for( i = 0; i <= j; ++i )
-	Vector_Add( v+i, -2 * Dot( u[i]+i, v+i, N-i ), u[i]+i, N-i );
-      if( !Vector_isZero( v + (j+1), N - (j+1) ) ) {
-	/* compute the HouseHolder unit vector u_j+1 */
-	for( i = 0; i <= j; ++i )  
-	  u[j+1][i] = 0;
-	Vector_Copy( u[j+1] + (j+1), v + (j+1), N - (j+1) );
-	u[j+1][j+1] += ( v[j+1]<0.0 ? -1:1 ) * Norm( v+(j+1), N-(j+1) );
-	Vector_Scale( u[j+1], 1 / Norm( u[j+1], N ), u[j+1], N );
-	/* overwrite v with P_m+1 * v */
-	v[j+1] -= 2 * Dot( u[j+1]+(j+1), v+(j+1), N-(j+1) ) * u[j+1][j+1];
-	Vector_MakeZero( v + (j+2), N - (j+2) );
-	// Vector_Add( v, -2 * Dot( u[j+1], v, N ), u[j+1], N );
-      }
-      /* prev Givens rots on the upper-Hessenberg matrix to make it U */
-      for( i = 0; i < j; i++ ) {
-	tmp1 =  workspace->hc[i] * v[i] + workspace->hs[i] * v[i+1];
-	tmp2 = -workspace->hs[i] * v[i] + workspace->hc[i] * v[i+1];
-	v[i]   = tmp1;
-	v[i+1] = tmp2;
-      }
-      /* apply the new Givens rotation to H and right-hand side */
-      if( fabs(v[j+1]) >= ALMOST_ZERO )	{
-	cc = SQRT( SQR( v[j] ) + SQR( v[j+1] ) );
-	workspace->hc[j] = v[j] / cc;
-	workspace->hs[j] = v[j+1] / cc;
-	tmp1 =  workspace->hc[j] * v[j] + workspace->hs[j] * v[j+1];
-	tmp2 = -workspace->hs[j] * v[j] + workspace->hc[j] * v[j+1];
-	v[j]   = tmp1;
-	v[j+1] = tmp2;
-	/* Givens rotations to rhs */
-	tmp1 =  workspace->hc[j] * w[j];
-	tmp2 = -workspace->hs[j] * w[j];
-	w[j]   = tmp1;
-	w[j+1] = tmp2;
-      }
-      /* extend R */
-      for( i = 0; i <= j; ++i )
-	workspace->h[i][j] = v[i];
-      // fprintf( stderr, "h:" );
-      // for( i = 0; i <= j+1 ; ++i )
-      // fprintf( stderr, "%.6f ", h[i][j] );
-      // fprintf( stderr, "\n" );
-      // fprintf( stderr, "%12.6f\n", w[j+1] );
-    }
-    /* solve Hy = w.
-       H is now upper-triangular, do back-substitution */
-    for( i = j-1; i >= 0; i-- ) {
-      temp = w[i];	  
-      for( k = j-1; k > i; k-- )
-	temp -= workspace->h[i][k] * workspace->y[k];
-      workspace->y[i] = temp / workspace->h[i][i];
+    int  i, j, k, itr, N;
+    real cc, tmp1, tmp2, temp, bnorm;
+    real v[10000], z[RESTART + 2][10000], w[RESTART + 2];
+    real u[RESTART + 2][10000];
+    N = H->n;
+    bnorm = Norm( b, N );
+    /* apply the diagonal pre-conditioner to rhs */
+    for ( i = 0; i < N; ++i )
+        workspace->b_prc[i] = b[i] * workspace->Hdia_inv[i];
+    // memset( x, 0, sizeof(real) * N );
+    /* GMRES outer-loop */
+    for ( itr = 0; itr < MAX_ITR; ++itr )
+    {
+        /* compute z = r0 */
+        Sparse_MatVec( H, x, workspace->b_prm );
+        for ( i = 0; i < N; ++i )
+            workspace->b_prm[i] *= workspace->Hdia_inv[i]; /* pre-conditioner */
+        Vector_Sum( z[0], 1.,  workspace->b_prc, -1., workspace->b_prm, N );
+        Vector_MakeZero( w, RESTART + 1 );
+        w[0] = Norm( z[0], N );
+        Vector_Copy( u[0], z[0], N );
+        u[0][0] += ( u[0][0] < 0.0 ? -1 : 1 ) * w[0];
+        Vector_Scale( u[0], 1 / Norm( u[0], N ), u[0], N );
+        w[0]    *= ( u[0][0] < 0.0 ?  1 : -1 );
+        // fprintf( stderr, "\n\n%12.6f\n", w[0] );
+        /* GMRES inner-loop */
+        for ( j = 0; j < RESTART && fabs( w[j] ) / bnorm > tol; j++ )
+        {
+            /* compute v_j */
+            Vector_Scale( z[j], -2 * u[j][j], u[j], N );
+            z[j][j] += 1.; /* due to e_j */
+            for ( i = j - 1; i >= 0; --i )
+                Vector_Add( z[j] + i, -2 * Dot( u[i] + i, z[j] + i, N - i ), u[i] + i, N - i );
+            /* matvec */
+            Sparse_MatVec( H, z[j], v );
+            for ( k = 0; k < N; ++k )
+                v[k] *= workspace->Hdia_inv[k]; /* pre-conditioner */
+            for ( i = 0; i <= j; ++i )
+                Vector_Add( v + i, -2 * Dot( u[i] + i, v + i, N - i ), u[i] + i, N - i );
+            if ( !Vector_isZero( v + (j + 1), N - (j + 1) ) )
+            {
+                /* compute the HouseHolder unit vector u_j+1 */
+                for ( i = 0; i <= j; ++i )
+                    u[j + 1][i] = 0;
+                Vector_Copy( u[j + 1] + (j + 1), v + (j + 1), N - (j + 1) );
+                u[j + 1][j + 1] += ( v[j + 1] < 0.0 ? -1 : 1 ) * Norm( v + (j + 1), N - (j + 1) );
+                Vector_Scale( u[j + 1], 1 / Norm( u[j + 1], N ), u[j + 1], N );
+                /* overwrite v with P_m+1 * v */
+                v[j + 1] -= 2 * Dot( u[j + 1] + (j + 1), v + (j + 1), N - (j + 1) ) * u[j + 1][j + 1];
+                Vector_MakeZero( v + (j + 2), N - (j + 2) );
+                // Vector_Add( v, -2 * Dot( u[j+1], v, N ), u[j+1], N );
+            }
+            /* prev Givens rots on the upper-Hessenberg matrix to make it U */
+            for ( i = 0; i < j; i++ )
+            {
+                tmp1 =  workspace->hc[i] * v[i] + workspace->hs[i] * v[i + 1];
+                tmp2 = -workspace->hs[i] * v[i] + workspace->hc[i] * v[i + 1];
+                v[i]   = tmp1;
+                v[i + 1] = tmp2;
+            }
+            /* apply the new Givens rotation to H and right-hand side */
+            if ( fabs(v[j + 1]) >= ALMOST_ZERO )
+            {
+                cc = SQRT( SQR( v[j] ) + SQR( v[j + 1] ) );
+                workspace->hc[j] = v[j] / cc;
+                workspace->hs[j] = v[j + 1] / cc;
+                tmp1 =  workspace->hc[j] * v[j] + workspace->hs[j] * v[j + 1];
+                tmp2 = -workspace->hs[j] * v[j] + workspace->hc[j] * v[j + 1];
+                v[j]   = tmp1;
+                v[j + 1] = tmp2;
+                /* Givens rotations to rhs */
+                tmp1 =  workspace->hc[j] * w[j];
+                tmp2 = -workspace->hs[j] * w[j];
+                w[j]   = tmp1;
+                w[j + 1] = tmp2;
+            }
+            /* extend R */
+            for ( i = 0; i <= j; ++i )
+                workspace->h[i][j] = v[i];
+            // fprintf( stderr, "h:" );
+            // for( i = 0; i <= j+1 ; ++i )
+            // fprintf( stderr, "%.6f ", h[i][j] );
+            // fprintf( stderr, "\n" );
+            // fprintf( stderr, "%12.6f\n", w[j+1] );
+        }
+        /* solve Hy = w.
+           H is now upper-triangular, do back-substitution */
+        for ( i = j - 1; i >= 0; i-- )
+        {
+            temp = w[i];
+            for ( k = j - 1; k > i; k-- )
+                temp -= workspace->h[i][k] * workspace->y[k];
+            workspace->y[i] = temp / workspace->h[i][i];
+        }
+        // fprintf( stderr, "y: " );
+        // for( i = 0; i < RESTART+1; ++i )
+        //   fprintf( stderr, "%8.3f ", workspace->y[i] );
+        /* update x = x_0 + Vy */
+        // memset( z, 0, sizeof(real) * N );
+        // for( i = j-1; i >= 0; i-- )
+        //   {
+        //     Vector_Copy( v, z, N );
+        //     v[i] += workspace->y[i];
+        //
+        //     Vector_Sum( z, 1., v, -2 * Dot( u[i], v, N ), u[i], N );
+        //   }
+        //
+        // fprintf( stderr, "\nz: " );
+        // for( k = 0; k < N; ++k )
+        // fprintf( stderr, "%6.2f ", z[k] );
+        // fprintf( stderr, "\nx_bef: " );
+        // for( i = 0; i < N; ++i )
+        //   fprintf( stderr, "%6.2f ", x[i] );
+        // Vector_Add( x, 1, z, N );
+        for ( i = j - 1; i >= 0; i-- )
+            Vector_Add( x, workspace->y[i], z[i], N );
+        // fprintf( stderr, "\nx_aft: " );
+        // for( i = 0; i < N; ++i )
+        //   fprintf( stderr, "%6.2f ", x[i] );
+        /* stopping condition */
+        if ( fabs( w[j] ) / bnorm <= tol )
+            break;
-    // fprintf( stderr, "y: " );
-    // for( i = 0; i < RESTART+1; ++i )
-    //   fprintf( stderr, "%8.3f ", workspace->y[i] );
-    /* update x = x_0 + Vy */
-    // memset( z, 0, sizeof(real) * N );
-    // for( i = j-1; i >= 0; i-- )
-    //   {
-    //     Vector_Copy( v, z, N );
-    //     v[i] += workspace->y[i];
-    //    
-    //     Vector_Sum( z, 1., v, -2 * Dot( u[i], v, N ), u[i], N );
-    //   }      
-    //
-    // fprintf( stderr, "\nz: " );
-    // for( k = 0; k < N; ++k )
-    // fprintf( stderr, "%6.2f ", z[k] );
-    // fprintf( stderr, "\nx_bef: " );
+    // Sparse_MatVec( H, x, workspace->b_prm );
     // for( i = 0; i < N; ++i )
-    //   fprintf( stderr, "%6.2f ", x[i] );
-    // Vector_Add( x, 1, z, N );
-    for( i = j-1; i >= 0; i-- )
-      Vector_Add( x, workspace->y[i], z[i], N );
-    // fprintf( stderr, "\nx_aft: " );
+    // workspace->b_prm[i] *= workspace->Hdia_inv[i];
+    // fprintf( fout, "\n%10s%15s%15s\n", "b_prc", "b_prm", "x" );
     // for( i = 0; i < N; ++i )
-    //   fprintf( stderr, "%6.2f ", x[i] );
-    /* stopping condition */
-    if( fabs( w[j] ) / bnorm <= tol )
-      break;
-  }
-  // Sparse_MatVec( H, x, workspace->b_prm );
-  // for( i = 0; i < N; ++i )
-  // workspace->b_prm[i] *= workspace->Hdia_inv[i];
-  // fprintf( fout, "\n%10s%15s%15s\n", "b_prc", "b_prm", "x" );
-  // for( i = 0; i < N; ++i )
-  // fprintf( fout, "%10.5f%15.12f%15.12f\n", 
-  // workspace->b_prc[i], workspace->b_prm[i], x[i] );
-  //fprintf( fout,"GMRES outer:%d, inner:%d iters - residual norm: %15.10f\n", 
-  //	     itr, j, fabs( workspace->g[j] ) / bnorm );
-  if( itr >= MAX_ITR ) {
-    fprintf( stderr, "GMRES convergence failed\n" );
-    // return -1;
-    return itr * (RESTART+1) + j + 1;
-  }
-  return itr * (RESTART+1) + j + 1;
+    // fprintf( fout, "%10.5f%15.12f%15.12f\n",
+    // workspace->b_prc[i], workspace->b_prm[i], x[i] );
+    //fprintf( fout,"GMRES outer:%d, inner:%d iters - residual norm: %15.10f\n",
+    //         itr, j, fabs( workspace->g[j] ) / bnorm );
+    if ( itr >= MAX_ITR )
+    {
+        fprintf( stderr, "GMRES convergence failed\n" );
+        // return -1;
+        return itr * (RESTART + 1) + j + 1;
+    }
+    return itr * (RESTART + 1) + j + 1;
 /* generalized minimual residual iterative solver for sparse linear systems,
  * with preconditioner using factors LU \approx H
  * and forward / backward substitution */
-int PGMRES( static_storage *workspace, sparse_matrix *H, real *b, real tol, 
-	    sparse_matrix *L, sparse_matrix *U, real *x, FILE *fout )
+int PGMRES( static_storage *workspace, sparse_matrix *H, real *b, real tol,
+            sparse_matrix *L, sparse_matrix *U, real *x, FILE *fout )
-  int i, j, k, itr, N;
-  real cc, tmp1, tmp2, temp, bnorm;
-  N = H->n;
-  bnorm = Norm( b, N );
-  /* GMRES outer-loop */
-  for( itr = 0; itr < MAX_ITR; ++itr ) {
-    /* calculate r0 */
-    Sparse_MatVec( H, x, workspace->b_prm );      
-    Vector_Sum( workspace->v[0], 1., b, -1., workspace->b_prm, N );
-    Forward_Subs( L, workspace->v[0], workspace->v[0] );
-    Backward_Subs( U, workspace->v[0], workspace->v[0] );
-    workspace->g[0] = Norm( workspace->v[0], N );
-    Vector_Scale( workspace->v[0], 1. / workspace->g[0], workspace->v[0], N );
-    //fprintf( stderr, "res: %.15e\n", workspace->g[0] );
-    /* GMRES inner-loop */
-    for( j = 0; j < RESTART && fabs(workspace->g[j]) / bnorm > tol; j++ ) {
-      /* matvec */
-      Sparse_MatVec( H, workspace->v[j], workspace->v[j+1] );
-      Forward_Subs( L, workspace->v[j+1], workspace->v[j+1] );
-      Backward_Subs( U, workspace->v[j+1], workspace->v[j+1] );
-      /* apply modified Gram-Schmidt to orthogonalize the new residual */
-      for( i = 0; i < j-1; i++ ) workspace->h[i][j] = 0;
-      //for( i = 0; i <= j; i++ ) {
-      for( i = MAX(j-1,0); i <= j; i++ ) {
-	workspace->h[i][j] = Dot( workspace->v[i], workspace->v[j+1], N );
-	Vector_Add( workspace->v[j+1],-workspace->h[i][j], workspace->v[i], N );
-      }
-      workspace->h[j+1][j] = Norm( workspace->v[j+1], N );
-      Vector_Scale( workspace->v[j+1], 
-		    1. / workspace->h[j+1][j], workspace->v[j+1], N );
-      // fprintf( stderr, "%d-%d: orthogonalization completed.\n", itr, j );
-      /* Givens rotations on the upper-Hessenberg matrix to make it U */
-      for( i = MAX(j-1,0); i <= j; i++ )	{
-	if( i == j ) {
-	  cc = SQRT( SQR(workspace->h[j][j])+SQR(workspace->h[j+1][j]) );
-	  workspace->hc[j] = workspace->h[j][j] / cc;
-	  workspace->hs[j] = workspace->h[j+1][j] / cc;
-	}
-	tmp1 =  workspace->hc[i] * workspace->h[i][j] + 
-	  workspace->hs[i] * workspace->h[i+1][j];
-	tmp2 = -workspace->hs[i] * workspace->h[i][j] + 
-	  workspace->hc[i] * workspace->h[i+1][j];
-	workspace->h[i][j] = tmp1;
-	workspace->h[i+1][j] = tmp2;
-      } 
-      /* apply Givens rotations to the rhs as well */
-      tmp1 =  workspace->hc[j] * workspace->g[j];
-      tmp2 = -workspace->hs[j] * workspace->g[j];
-      workspace->g[j] = tmp1;
-      workspace->g[j+1] = tmp2;
-      //fprintf( stderr, "h: " );
-      //for( i = 0; i <= j+1; ++i )
-      //fprintf( stderr, "%.6f ", workspace->h[i][j] );
-      //fprintf( stderr, "\n" );
-      //fprintf( stderr, "res: %.15e\n", workspace->g[j+1] );
+    int i, j, k, itr, N;
+    real cc, tmp1, tmp2, temp, bnorm;
+    N = H->n;
+    bnorm = Norm( b, N );
+    /* GMRES outer-loop */
+    for ( itr = 0; itr < MAX_ITR; ++itr )
+    {
+        /* calculate r0 */
+        Sparse_MatVec( H, x, workspace->b_prm );
+        Vector_Sum( workspace->v[0], 1., b, -1., workspace->b_prm, N );
+        Forward_Subs( L, workspace->v[0], workspace->v[0] );
+        Backward_Subs( U, workspace->v[0], workspace->v[0] );
+        workspace->g[0] = Norm( workspace->v[0], N );
+        Vector_Scale( workspace->v[0], 1. / workspace->g[0], workspace->v[0], N );
+        //fprintf( stderr, "res: %.15e\n", workspace->g[0] );
+        /* GMRES inner-loop */
+        for ( j = 0; j < RESTART && fabs(workspace->g[j]) / bnorm > tol; j++ )
+        {
+            /* matvec */
+            Sparse_MatVec( H, workspace->v[j], workspace->v[j + 1] );
+            Forward_Subs( L, workspace->v[j + 1], workspace->v[j + 1] );
+            Backward_Subs( U, workspace->v[j + 1], workspace->v[j + 1] );
+            /* apply modified Gram-Schmidt to orthogonalize the new residual */
+            for ( i = 0; i < j - 1; i++ ) workspace->h[i][j] = 0;
+            //for( i = 0; i <= j; i++ ) {
+            for ( i = MAX(j - 1, 0); i <= j; i++ )
+            {
+                workspace->h[i][j] = Dot( workspace->v[i], workspace->v[j + 1], N );
+                Vector_Add( workspace->v[j + 1], -workspace->h[i][j], workspace->v[i], N );
+            }
+            workspace->h[j + 1][j] = Norm( workspace->v[j + 1], N );
+            Vector_Scale( workspace->v[j + 1],
+                          1. / workspace->h[j + 1][j], workspace->v[j + 1], N );
+            // fprintf( stderr, "%d-%d: orthogonalization completed.\n", itr, j );
+            /* Givens rotations on the upper-Hessenberg matrix to make it U */
+            for ( i = MAX(j - 1, 0); i <= j; i++ )
+            {
+                if ( i == j )
+                {
+                    cc = SQRT( SQR(workspace->h[j][j]) + SQR(workspace->h[j + 1][j]) );
+                    workspace->hc[j] = workspace->h[j][j] / cc;
+                    workspace->hs[j] = workspace->h[j + 1][j] / cc;
+                }
+                tmp1 =  workspace->hc[i] * workspace->h[i][j] +
+                        workspace->hs[i] * workspace->h[i + 1][j];
+                tmp2 = -workspace->hs[i] * workspace->h[i][j] +
+                       workspace->hc[i] * workspace->h[i + 1][j];
+                workspace->h[i][j] = tmp1;
+                workspace->h[i + 1][j] = tmp2;
+            }
+            /* apply Givens rotations to the rhs as well */
+            tmp1 =  workspace->hc[j] * workspace->g[j];
+            tmp2 = -workspace->hs[j] * workspace->g[j];
+            workspace->g[j] = tmp1;
+            workspace->g[j + 1] = tmp2;
+            //fprintf( stderr, "h: " );
+            //for( i = 0; i <= j+1; ++i )
+            //fprintf( stderr, "%.6f ", workspace->h[i][j] );
+            //fprintf( stderr, "\n" );
+            //fprintf( stderr, "res: %.15e\n", workspace->g[j+1] );
+        }
+        /* solve Hy = g: H is now upper-triangular, do back-substitution */
+        for ( i = j - 1; i >= 0; i-- )
+        {
+            temp = workspace->g[i];
+            for ( k = j - 1; k > i; k-- )
+                temp -= workspace->h[i][k] * workspace->y[k];
+            workspace->y[i] = temp / workspace->h[i][i];
+        }
+        /* update x = x_0 + Vy */
+        Vector_MakeZero( workspace->p, N );
+        for ( i = 0; i < j; i++ )
+            Vector_Add( workspace->p, workspace->y[i], workspace->v[i], N );
+        //Backward_Subs( U, workspace->p, workspace->p );
+        //Forward_Subs( L, workspace->p, workspace->p );
+        Vector_Add( x, 1., workspace->p, N );
+        /* stopping condition */
+        if ( fabs(workspace->g[j]) / bnorm <= tol )
+            break;
-    /* solve Hy = g: H is now upper-triangular, do back-substitution */
-    for( i = j-1; i >= 0; i-- ) {
-      temp = workspace->g[i];	  
-      for( k = j-1; k > i; k-- )
-	temp -= workspace->h[i][k] * workspace->y[k];
-      workspace->y[i] = temp / workspace->h[i][i];
+    // Sparse_MatVec( H, x, workspace->b_prm );
+    // for( i = 0; i < N; ++i )
+    // workspace->b_prm[i] *= workspace->Hdia_inv[i];
+    // fprintf( fout, "\n%10s%15s%15s\n", "b_prc", "b_prm", "x" );
+    // for( i = 0; i < N; ++i )
+    // fprintf( fout, "%10.5f%15.12f%15.12f\n",
+    // workspace->b_prc[i], workspace->b_prm[i], x[i] );*/
+    // fprintf(fout,"GMRES outer:%d, inner:%d iters - residual norm: %25.20f\n",
+    //          itr, j, fabs( workspace->g[j] ) / bnorm );
+    // data->timing.matvec += itr * RESTART + j;
+    if ( itr >= MAX_ITR )
+    {
+        fprintf( stderr, "GMRES convergence failed\n" );
+        // return -1;
+        return itr * (RESTART + 1) + j + 1;
-    /* update x = x_0 + Vy */
-    Vector_MakeZero( workspace->p, N );
-    for( i = 0; i < j; i++ )
-      Vector_Add( workspace->p, workspace->y[i], workspace->v[i], N );
-    //Backward_Subs( U, workspace->p, workspace->p );
-    //Forward_Subs( L, workspace->p, workspace->p );
-    Vector_Add( x, 1., workspace->p, N );
-    /* stopping condition */
-    if( fabs(workspace->g[j]) / bnorm <= tol )
-      break;
-  }
-  // Sparse_MatVec( H, x, workspace->b_prm );
-  // for( i = 0; i < N; ++i )
-  // workspace->b_prm[i] *= workspace->Hdia_inv[i];    
-  // fprintf( fout, "\n%10s%15s%15s\n", "b_prc", "b_prm", "x" );
-  // for( i = 0; i < N; ++i )
-  // fprintf( fout, "%10.5f%15.12f%15.12f\n", 
-  // workspace->b_prc[i], workspace->b_prm[i], x[i] );*/
-  // fprintf(fout,"GMRES outer:%d, inner:%d iters - residual norm: %25.20f\n", 
-  //	      itr, j, fabs( workspace->g[j] ) / bnorm );
-  // data->timing.matvec += itr * RESTART + j;
-  if( itr >= MAX_ITR ) {
-    fprintf( stderr, "GMRES convergence failed\n" );
-    // return -1;
-    return itr * (RESTART+1) + j + 1;
-  }
-  return itr * (RESTART+1) + j + 1;
+    return itr * (RESTART + 1) + j + 1;
 /* generalized minimual residual iterative solver for sparse linear systems,
  * with preconditioner using factors LU \approx H
  * and Jacobi iteration for approximate factor application */
-int PGMRES_Jacobi( static_storage *workspace, sparse_matrix *H, real *b, real tol, 
-	    sparse_matrix *L, sparse_matrix *U, real *x, FILE *fout )
+int PGMRES_Jacobi( static_storage *workspace, sparse_matrix *H, real *b, real tol,
+                   sparse_matrix *L, sparse_matrix *U, real *x, FILE *fout )
-  int i, j, k, itr, N, pj, si, ei;
-  real cc, tmp1, tmp2, temp, bnorm;
-  sparse_matrix *Dinv_L, *Dinv_U;
-  N = H->n;
-  bnorm = Norm( b, N );
-  /* Compute Jacobi iteration matrices from
-   * truncated Newmann series: x_{k+1} = Gx_k + D^{-1}b
-   * where:
-   *   G = I - D^{-1}R
-   *   R = triangular matrix
-   *   D = diagonal matrix, diagonals from R */
-  if( Allocate_Matrix( &Dinv_L, L->n, L->n ) == 0 ||
-    Allocate_Matrix( &Dinv_U, U->n, U->n ) == 0 )
-  {
-    fprintf( stderr, "not enough memory for Jacobi iteration matrices. terminating.\n" );
-  }
-  /* construct D^{-1}_L and D^{-1}_U */
-  for( i = 0; i < N; ++i )
-  {
-    si = L->start[i+1]-1;
-    Dinv_L->start[i] = i;
-    Dinv_L->entries[i].j = i;
-    Dinv_L->entries[i].val = 1. / L->entries[si].val;
-    si = U->start[i];
-    Dinv_U->start[i] = i;
-    Dinv_U->entries[i].j = i;
-    Dinv_U->entries[i].val = 1. / U->entries[si].val;
-  }
-  Dinv_L->start[N] = N;
-  Dinv_U->start[N] = N;
-  /* GMRES outer-loop */
-  for( itr = 0; itr < MAX_ITR; ++itr ) {
-    /* calculate r0 */
-    Sparse_MatVec( H, x, workspace->b_prm );      
-    Vector_Sum( workspace->v[0], 1., b, -1., workspace->b_prm, N );
-    // TODO: add parameters to config file
-    // TODO: cache results and use for inital guess?
-    Jacobi_Iter( (const sparse_matrix*)L, LOWER, (const sparse_matrix*)Dinv_L, 
-		    (const real*)workspace->v[0], workspace->v[0], 100 );
-    Jacobi_Iter( (const sparse_matrix*)U, UPPER, (const sparse_matrix*)Dinv_U,
-		    (const real*)workspace->v[0], workspace->v[0], 100 );
-    workspace->g[0] = Norm( workspace->v[0], N );
-    Vector_Scale( workspace->v[0], 1. / workspace->g[0], workspace->v[0], N );
-    //fprintf( stderr, "res: %.15e\n", workspace->g[0] );
-    /* GMRES inner-loop */
-    for( j = 0; j < RESTART && fabs(workspace->g[j]) / bnorm > tol; j++ ) {
-      /* matvec */
-      Sparse_MatVec( H, workspace->v[j], workspace->v[j+1] );
-      // TODO: add parameters to config file
-      // TODO: cache results and use for inital guess?
-      Jacobi_Iter( (const sparse_matrix*)L, LOWER, (const sparse_matrix*)Dinv_L, 
-  		    (const real*)workspace->v[j+1], workspace->v[j+1], 100 );
-      Jacobi_Iter( (const sparse_matrix*)U, UPPER, (const sparse_matrix*)Dinv_U,
-  		    (const real*)workspace->v[j+1], workspace->v[j+1], 100 );
-      /* apply modified Gram-Schmidt to orthogonalize the new residual */
-      for( i = 0; i < j-1; i++ ) workspace->h[i][j] = 0;
-      //for( i = 0; i <= j; i++ ) {
-      for( i = MAX(j-1,0); i <= j; i++ ) {
-	workspace->h[i][j] = Dot( workspace->v[i], workspace->v[j+1], N );
-	Vector_Add( workspace->v[j+1],-workspace->h[i][j], workspace->v[i], N );
-      }
-      workspace->h[j+1][j] = Norm( workspace->v[j+1], N );
-      Vector_Scale( workspace->v[j+1], 
-		    1. / workspace->h[j+1][j], workspace->v[j+1], N );
-      // fprintf( stderr, "%d-%d: orthogonalization completed.\n", itr, j );
-      /* Givens rotations on the upper-Hessenberg matrix to make it U */
-      for( i = MAX(j-1,0); i <= j; i++ )	{
-	if( i == j ) {
-	  cc = SQRT( SQR(workspace->h[j][j])+SQR(workspace->h[j+1][j]) );
-	  workspace->hc[j] = workspace->h[j][j] / cc;
-	  workspace->hs[j] = workspace->h[j+1][j] / cc;
-	}
-	tmp1 =  workspace->hc[i] * workspace->h[i][j] + 
-	  workspace->hs[i] * workspace->h[i+1][j];
-	tmp2 = -workspace->hs[i] * workspace->h[i][j] + 
-	  workspace->hc[i] * workspace->h[i+1][j];
-	workspace->h[i][j] = tmp1;
-	workspace->h[i+1][j] = tmp2;
-      } 
-      /* apply Givens rotations to the rhs as well */
-      tmp1 =  workspace->hc[j] * workspace->g[j];
-      tmp2 = -workspace->hs[j] * workspace->g[j];
-      workspace->g[j] = tmp1;
-      workspace->g[j+1] = tmp2;
-      //fprintf( stderr, "h: " );
-      //for( i = 0; i <= j+1; ++i )
-      //fprintf( stderr, "%.6f ", workspace->h[i][j] );
-      //fprintf( stderr, "\n" );
-      //fprintf( stderr, "res: %.15e\n", workspace->g[j+1] );
+    int i, j, k, itr, N, pj, si, ei;
+    real cc, tmp1, tmp2, temp, bnorm;
+    sparse_matrix *Dinv_L, *Dinv_U;
+    N = H->n;
+    bnorm = Norm( b, N );
+    /* Compute Jacobi iteration matrices from
+     * truncated Newmann series: x_{k+1} = Gx_k + D^{-1}b
+     * where:
+     *   G = I - D^{-1}R
+     *   R = triangular matrix
+     *   D = diagonal matrix, diagonals from R */
+    if ( Allocate_Matrix( &Dinv_L, L->n, L->n ) == 0 ||
+            Allocate_Matrix( &Dinv_U, U->n, U->n ) == 0 )
+    {
+        fprintf( stderr, "not enough memory for Jacobi iteration matrices. terminating.\n" );
+        exit(INSUFFICIENT_SPACE);
+    }
+    /* construct D^{-1}_L and D^{-1}_U */
+    for ( i = 0; i < N; ++i )
+    {
+        si = L->start[i + 1] - 1;
+        Dinv_L->start[i] = i;
+        Dinv_L->entries[i].j = i;
+        Dinv_L->entries[i].val = 1. / L->entries[si].val;
+        si = U->start[i];
+        Dinv_U->start[i] = i;
+        Dinv_U->entries[i].j = i;
+        Dinv_U->entries[i].val = 1. / U->entries[si].val;
-    /* solve Hy = g: H is now upper-triangular, do back-substitution */
-    for( i = j-1; i >= 0; i-- ) {
-      temp = workspace->g[i];	  
-      for( k = j-1; k > i; k-- )
-	temp -= workspace->h[i][k] * workspace->y[k];
-      workspace->y[i] = temp / workspace->h[i][i];
+    Dinv_L->start[N] = N;
+    Dinv_U->start[N] = N;
+    /* GMRES outer-loop */
+    for ( itr = 0; itr < MAX_ITR; ++itr )
+    {
+        /* calculate r0 */
+        Sparse_MatVec( H, x, workspace->b_prm );
+        Vector_Sum( workspace->v[0], 1., b, -1., workspace->b_prm, N );
+        // TODO: add parameters to config file
+        // TODO: cache results and use for inital guess?
+        Jacobi_Iter( (const sparse_matrix*)L, LOWER, (const sparse_matrix*)Dinv_L,
+                     (const real*)workspace->v[0], workspace->v[0], 100 );
+        Jacobi_Iter( (const sparse_matrix*)U, UPPER, (const sparse_matrix*)Dinv_U,
+                     (const real*)workspace->v[0], workspace->v[0], 100 );
+        workspace->g[0] = Norm( workspace->v[0], N );
+        Vector_Scale( workspace->v[0], 1. / workspace->g[0], workspace->v[0], N );
+        //fprintf( stderr, "res: %.15e\n", workspace->g[0] );
+        /* GMRES inner-loop */
+        for ( j = 0; j < RESTART && fabs(workspace->g[j]) / bnorm > tol; j++ )
+        {
+            /* matvec */
+            Sparse_MatVec( H, workspace->v[j], workspace->v[j + 1] );
+            // TODO: add parameters to config file
+            // TODO: cache results and use for inital guess?
+            Jacobi_Iter( (const sparse_matrix*)L, LOWER, (const sparse_matrix*)Dinv_L,
+                         (const real*)workspace->v[j + 1], workspace->v[j + 1], 100 );
+            Jacobi_Iter( (const sparse_matrix*)U, UPPER, (const sparse_matrix*)Dinv_U,
+                         (const real*)workspace->v[j + 1], workspace->v[j + 1], 100 );
+            /* apply modified Gram-Schmidt to orthogonalize the new residual */
+            for ( i = 0; i < j - 1; i++ ) workspace->h[i][j] = 0;
+            //for( i = 0; i <= j; i++ ) {
+            for ( i = MAX(j - 1, 0); i <= j; i++ )
+            {
+                workspace->h[i][j] = Dot( workspace->v[i], workspace->v[j + 1], N );
+                Vector_Add( workspace->v[j + 1], -workspace->h[i][j], workspace->v[i], N );
+            }
+            workspace->h[j + 1][j] = Norm( workspace->v[j + 1], N );
+            Vector_Scale( workspace->v[j + 1],
+                          1. / workspace->h[j + 1][j], workspace->v[j + 1], N );
+            // fprintf( stderr, "%d-%d: orthogonalization completed.\n", itr, j );
+            /* Givens rotations on the upper-Hessenberg matrix to make it U */
+            for ( i = MAX(j - 1, 0); i <= j; i++ )
+            {
+                if ( i == j )
+                {
+                    cc = SQRT( SQR(workspace->h[j][j]) + SQR(workspace->h[j + 1][j]) );
+                    workspace->hc[j] = workspace->h[j][j] / cc;
+                    workspace->hs[j] = workspace->h[j + 1][j] / cc;
+                }
+                tmp1 =  workspace->hc[i] * workspace->h[i][j] +
+                        workspace->hs[i] * workspace->h[i + 1][j];
+                tmp2 = -workspace->hs[i] * workspace->h[i][j] +
+                       workspace->hc[i] * workspace->h[i + 1][j];
+                workspace->h[i][j] = tmp1;
+                workspace->h[i + 1][j] = tmp2;
+            }
+            /* apply Givens rotations to the rhs as well */
+            tmp1 =  workspace->hc[j] * workspace->g[j];
+            tmp2 = -workspace->hs[j] * workspace->g[j];
+            workspace->g[j] = tmp1;
+            workspace->g[j + 1] = tmp2;
+            //fprintf( stderr, "h: " );
+            //for( i = 0; i <= j+1; ++i )
+            //fprintf( stderr, "%.6f ", workspace->h[i][j] );
+            //fprintf( stderr, "\n" );
+            //fprintf( stderr, "res: %.15e\n", workspace->g[j+1] );
+        }
+        /* solve Hy = g: H is now upper-triangular, do back-substitution */
+        for ( i = j - 1; i >= 0; i-- )
+        {
+            temp = workspace->g[i];
+            for ( k = j - 1; k > i; k-- )
+                temp -= workspace->h[i][k] * workspace->y[k];
+            workspace->y[i] = temp / workspace->h[i][i];
+        }
+        /* update x = x_0 + Vy */
+        Vector_MakeZero( workspace->p, N );
+        for ( i = 0; i < j; i++ )
+            Vector_Add( workspace->p, workspace->y[i], workspace->v[i], N );
+        //Backward_Subs( U, workspace->p, workspace->p );
+        //Forward_Subs( L, workspace->p, workspace->p );
+        Vector_Add( x, 1., workspace->p, N );
+        /* stopping condition */
+        if ( fabs(workspace->g[j]) / bnorm <= tol )
+            break;
-    /* update x = x_0 + Vy */
-    Vector_MakeZero( workspace->p, N );
-    for( i = 0; i < j; i++ )
-      Vector_Add( workspace->p, workspace->y[i], workspace->v[i], N );
-    //Backward_Subs( U, workspace->p, workspace->p );
-    //Forward_Subs( L, workspace->p, workspace->p );
-    Vector_Add( x, 1., workspace->p, N );
-    /* stopping condition */
-    if( fabs(workspace->g[j]) / bnorm <= tol )
-      break;
-  }
-  // Sparse_MatVec( H, x, workspace->b_prm );
-  // for( i = 0; i < N; ++i )
-  // workspace->b_prm[i] *= workspace->Hdia_inv[i];    
-  // fprintf( fout, "\n%10s%15s%15s\n", "b_prc", "b_prm", "x" );
-  // for( i = 0; i < N; ++i )
-  // fprintf( fout, "%10.5f%15.12f%15.12f\n", 
-  // workspace->b_prc[i], workspace->b_prm[i], x[i] );*/
-  // fprintf(fout,"GMRES outer:%d, inner:%d iters - residual norm: %25.20f\n", 
-  //	      itr, j, fabs( workspace->g[j] ) / bnorm );
-  // data->timing.matvec += itr * RESTART + j;
-  Deallocate_Matrix( Dinv_U );
-  Deallocate_Matrix( Dinv_L );
-  if( itr >= MAX_ITR )
-  {
-    fprintf( stderr, "GMRES convergence failed\n" );
-    // return -1;
-    return itr * (RESTART+1) + j + 1;
-  }
-  return itr * (RESTART+1) + j + 1;
+    // Sparse_MatVec( H, x, workspace->b_prm );
+    // for( i = 0; i < N; ++i )
+    // workspace->b_prm[i] *= workspace->Hdia_inv[i];
+    // fprintf( fout, "\n%10s%15s%15s\n", "b_prc", "b_prm", "x" );
+    // for( i = 0; i < N; ++i )
+    // fprintf( fout, "%10.5f%15.12f%15.12f\n",
+    // workspace->b_prc[i], workspace->b_prm[i], x[i] );*/
+    // fprintf(fout,"GMRES outer:%d, inner:%d iters - residual norm: %25.20f\n",
+    //          itr, j, fabs( workspace->g[j] ) / bnorm );
+    // data->timing.matvec += itr * RESTART + j;
+    Deallocate_Matrix( Dinv_U );
+    Deallocate_Matrix( Dinv_L );
+    if ( itr >= MAX_ITR )
+    {
+        fprintf( stderr, "GMRES convergence failed\n" );
+        // return -1;
+        return itr * (RESTART + 1) + j + 1;
+    }
+    return itr * (RESTART + 1) + j + 1;
-int PCG( static_storage *workspace, sparse_matrix *A, real *b, real tol, 
-	 sparse_matrix *L, sparse_matrix *U, real *x, FILE *fout )
+int PCG( static_storage *workspace, sparse_matrix *A, real *b, real tol,
+         sparse_matrix *L, sparse_matrix *U, real *x, FILE *fout )
-  int  i, N;
-  real tmp, alpha, beta, b_norm, r_norm;
-  real sig0, sig_old, sig_new;
-  N = A->n;
-  b_norm = Norm( b, N );
-  //fprintf( stderr, "b_norm: %.15e\n", b_norm );
-  Sparse_MatVec( A, x, workspace->q );
-  Vector_Sum( workspace->r , 1.,  b, -1., workspace->q, N );
-  r_norm = Norm(workspace->r, N);
-  //Print_Soln( workspace, x, q, b, N );
-  //fprintf( stderr, "res: %.15e\n", r_norm );
-  Forward_Subs( L, workspace->r, workspace->d );
-  Backward_Subs( U, workspace->d, workspace->p );
-  sig_new = Dot( workspace->r, workspace->p, N );
-  sig0 = sig_new;
-  for( i = 0; i < 200 && r_norm/b_norm > tol; ++i ) {
-  //for( i = 0; i < 200 && sig_new > SQR(tol) * sig0; ++i ) {
-    Sparse_MatVec( A, workspace->p, workspace->q );
-    tmp = Dot( workspace->q, workspace->p, N );
-    alpha = sig_new / tmp;
-    Vector_Add( x, alpha, workspace->p, N );
-    //fprintf( stderr, "iter%d: |p|=%.15e |q|=%.15e tmp=%.15e\n",
-    //     i+1, Norm(workspace->p,N), Norm(workspace->q,N), tmp );
-    Vector_Add( workspace->r, -alpha, workspace->q, N );
+    int  i, N;
+    real tmp, alpha, beta, b_norm, r_norm;
+    real sig0, sig_old, sig_new;
+    N = A->n;
+    b_norm = Norm( b, N );
+    //fprintf( stderr, "b_norm: %.15e\n", b_norm );
+    Sparse_MatVec( A, x, workspace->q );
+    Vector_Sum( workspace->r , 1.,  b, -1., workspace->q, N );
     r_norm = Norm(workspace->r, N);
+    //Print_Soln( workspace, x, q, b, N );
     //fprintf( stderr, "res: %.15e\n", r_norm );
     Forward_Subs( L, workspace->r, workspace->d );
-    Backward_Subs( U, workspace->d, workspace->d );
-    sig_old = sig_new;
-    sig_new = Dot( workspace->r, workspace->d, N );
-    beta = sig_new / sig_old;
-    Vector_Sum( workspace->p, 1., workspace->d, beta, workspace->p, N );
-  }
-  //fprintf( fout, "CG took %d iterations\n", i );
-  if( i >= 200 ) {
-    fprintf( stderr, "CG convergence failed!\n" );
+    Backward_Subs( U, workspace->d, workspace->p );
+    sig_new = Dot( workspace->r, workspace->p, N );
+    sig0 = sig_new;
+    for ( i = 0; i < 200 && r_norm / b_norm > tol; ++i )
+    {
+        //for( i = 0; i < 200 && sig_new > SQR(tol) * sig0; ++i ) {
+        Sparse_MatVec( A, workspace->p, workspace->q );
+        tmp = Dot( workspace->q, workspace->p, N );
+        alpha = sig_new / tmp;
+        Vector_Add( x, alpha, workspace->p, N );
+        //fprintf( stderr, "iter%d: |p|=%.15e |q|=%.15e tmp=%.15e\n",
+        //     i+1, Norm(workspace->p,N), Norm(workspace->q,N), tmp );
+        Vector_Add( workspace->r, -alpha, workspace->q, N );
+        r_norm = Norm(workspace->r, N);
+        //fprintf( stderr, "res: %.15e\n", r_norm );
+        Forward_Subs( L, workspace->r, workspace->d );
+        Backward_Subs( U, workspace->d, workspace->d );
+        sig_old = sig_new;
+        sig_new = Dot( workspace->r, workspace->d, N );
+        beta = sig_new / sig_old;
+        Vector_Sum( workspace->p, 1., workspace->d, beta, workspace->p, N );
+    }
+    //fprintf( fout, "CG took %d iterations\n", i );
+    if ( i >= 200 )
+    {
+        fprintf( stderr, "CG convergence failed!\n" );
+        return i;
+    }
     return i;
-  }
-  return i;
-int CG( static_storage *workspace, sparse_matrix *H, 
-	real *b, real tol, real *x, FILE *fout )
+int CG( static_storage *workspace, sparse_matrix *H,
+        real *b, real tol, real *x, FILE *fout )
-  int  i, j, N;
-  real tmp, alpha, beta, b_norm;
-  real sig_old, sig_new, sig0;
-  N = H->n;
-  b_norm = Norm( b, N );
-  //fprintf( stderr, "b_norm: %10.6f\n", b_norm );
-  Sparse_MatVec( H, x, workspace->q );
-  Vector_Sum( workspace->r , 1.,  b, -1., workspace->q, N );
-  for( j = 0; j < N; ++j )
-    workspace->d[j] = workspace->r[j] * workspace->Hdia_inv[j];
-  sig_new = Dot( workspace->r, workspace->d, N );
-  sig0 = sig_new;
-  //Print_Soln( workspace, x, q, b, N );
-  //fprintf( stderr, "sig_new: %24.15e, d_norm:%24.15e, q_norm:%24.15e\n", 
-  // sqrt(sig_new), Norm(workspace->d,N), Norm(workspace->q,N) );
-  //fprintf( stderr, "sig_new: %f\n", sig_new );
-  for( i = 0; i < 300 && SQRT(sig_new) / b_norm > tol; ++i ) {
-  //for( i = 0; i < 300 && sig_new > SQR(tol)*sig0; ++i ) {
-    Sparse_MatVec( H, workspace->d, workspace->q );
-    tmp = Dot( workspace->d, workspace->q, N );
-    //fprintf( stderr, "tmp: %f\n", tmp );
-    alpha = sig_new / tmp;    
-    Vector_Add( x, alpha, workspace->d, N );
-    //fprintf( stderr, "d_norm:%24.15e, q_norm:%24.15e, tmp:%24.15e\n",
-    //     Norm(workspace->d,N), Norm(workspace->q,N), tmp );
-    Vector_Add( workspace->r, -alpha, workspace->q, N );    
-    for( j = 0; j < N; ++j )
-      workspace->p[j] = workspace->r[j] * workspace->Hdia_inv[j];
-    sig_old = sig_new;
-    sig_new = Dot( workspace->r, workspace->p, N );
-    beta = sig_new / sig_old;
-    Vector_Sum( workspace->d, 1., workspace->p, beta, workspace->d, N );
+    int  i, j, N;
+    real tmp, alpha, beta, b_norm;
+    real sig_old, sig_new, sig0;
+    N = H->n;
+    b_norm = Norm( b, N );
+    //fprintf( stderr, "b_norm: %10.6f\n", b_norm );
+    Sparse_MatVec( H, x, workspace->q );
+    Vector_Sum( workspace->r , 1.,  b, -1., workspace->q, N );
+    for ( j = 0; j < N; ++j )
+        workspace->d[j] = workspace->r[j] * workspace->Hdia_inv[j];
+    sig_new = Dot( workspace->r, workspace->d, N );
+    sig0 = sig_new;
+    //Print_Soln( workspace, x, q, b, N );
+    //fprintf( stderr, "sig_new: %24.15e, d_norm:%24.15e, q_norm:%24.15e\n",
+    // sqrt(sig_new), Norm(workspace->d,N), Norm(workspace->q,N) );
     //fprintf( stderr, "sig_new: %f\n", sig_new );
-  }
-  fprintf( stderr, "CG took %d iterations\n", i );
-  if( i >= 300 ) {
-    fprintf( stderr, "CG convergence failed!\n" );
-    return i;
-  }
-  return i;
+    for ( i = 0; i < 300 && SQRT(sig_new) / b_norm > tol; ++i )
+    {
+        //for( i = 0; i < 300 && sig_new > SQR(tol)*sig0; ++i ) {
+        Sparse_MatVec( H, workspace->d, workspace->q );
+        tmp = Dot( workspace->d, workspace->q, N );
+        //fprintf( stderr, "tmp: %f\n", tmp );
+        alpha = sig_new / tmp;
+        Vector_Add( x, alpha, workspace->d, N );
+        //fprintf( stderr, "d_norm:%24.15e, q_norm:%24.15e, tmp:%24.15e\n",
+        //     Norm(workspace->d,N), Norm(workspace->q,N), tmp );
+        Vector_Add( workspace->r, -alpha, workspace->q, N );
+        for ( j = 0; j < N; ++j )
+            workspace->p[j] = workspace->r[j] * workspace->Hdia_inv[j];
+        sig_old = sig_new;
+        sig_new = Dot( workspace->r, workspace->p, N );
+        beta = sig_new / sig_old;
+        Vector_Sum( workspace->d, 1., workspace->p, beta, workspace->d, N );
+        //fprintf( stderr, "sig_new: %f\n", sig_new );
+    }
+    fprintf( stderr, "CG took %d iterations\n", i );
+    if ( i >= 300 )
+    {
+        fprintf( stderr, "CG convergence failed!\n" );
+        return i;
+    }
+    return i;
 /* Steepest Descent */
-int SDM( static_storage *workspace, sparse_matrix *H, 
-	     real *b, real tol, real *x, FILE *fout )
+int SDM( static_storage *workspace, sparse_matrix *H,
+         real *b, real tol, real *x, FILE *fout )
-	int  i, j, N;
-	real tmp, alpha, beta, b_norm;
-	real sig0, sig;
-	N = H->n;
-	b_norm = Norm( b, N );
-	//fprintf( stderr, "b_norm: %10.6f\n", b_norm );
-	Sparse_MatVec( H, x, workspace->q );
-	Vector_Sum( workspace->r , 1.,  b, -1., workspace->q, N );
-	for( j = 0; j < N; ++j )
-		workspace->d[j] = workspace->r[j] * workspace->Hdia_inv[j];
-	sig = Dot( workspace->r, workspace->d, N );
-	sig0 = sig;
-	for( i = 0; i < 300 && SQRT(sig) / b_norm > tol; ++i ) {
-		Sparse_MatVec( H, workspace->d, workspace->q );
-		sig = Dot( workspace->r, workspace->d, N );
-		tmp = Dot( workspace->d, workspace->q, N );
-		alpha = sig / tmp;    
-		Vector_Add( x, alpha, workspace->d, N );
-		Vector_Add( workspace->r, -alpha, workspace->q, N );
-		for( j = 0; j < N; ++j )
-			workspace->d[j] = workspace->r[j] * workspace->Hdia_inv[j];
-		//fprintf( stderr, "d_norm:%24.15e, q_norm:%24.15e, tmp:%24.15e\n",
-		//     Norm(workspace->d,N), Norm(workspace->q,N), tmp );
-	}
-	fprintf( stderr, "SDM took %d iterations\n", i );
-	if( i >= 300 ) {
-		fprintf( stderr, "SDM convergence failed!\n" );
-		return i;
-	}
-	return i;
+    int  i, j, N;
+    real tmp, alpha, beta, b_norm;
+    real sig0, sig;
+    N = H->n;
+    b_norm = Norm( b, N );
+    //fprintf( stderr, "b_norm: %10.6f\n", b_norm );
+    Sparse_MatVec( H, x, workspace->q );
+    Vector_Sum( workspace->r , 1.,  b, -1., workspace->q, N );
+    for ( j = 0; j < N; ++j )
+        workspace->d[j] = workspace->r[j] * workspace->Hdia_inv[j];
+    sig = Dot( workspace->r, workspace->d, N );
+    sig0 = sig;
+    for ( i = 0; i < 300 && SQRT(sig) / b_norm > tol; ++i )
+    {
+        Sparse_MatVec( H, workspace->d, workspace->q );
+        sig = Dot( workspace->r, workspace->d, N );
+        tmp = Dot( workspace->d, workspace->q, N );
+        alpha = sig / tmp;
+        Vector_Add( x, alpha, workspace->d, N );
+        Vector_Add( workspace->r, -alpha, workspace->q, N );
+        for ( j = 0; j < N; ++j )
+            workspace->d[j] = workspace->r[j] * workspace->Hdia_inv[j];
+        //fprintf( stderr, "d_norm:%24.15e, q_norm:%24.15e, tmp:%24.15e\n",
+        //     Norm(workspace->d,N), Norm(workspace->q,N), tmp );
+    }
+    fprintf( stderr, "SDM took %d iterations\n", i );
+    if ( i >= 300 )
+    {
+        fprintf( stderr, "SDM convergence failed!\n" );
+        return i;
+    }
+    return i;
diff --git a/puremd_rc_1003/sPuReMD/GMRES.h b/puremd_rc_1003/sPuReMD/GMRES.h
index c5db381f95387c99140f6b9a402390dd52c3131b..37aa994baa2a8cda08b9b37960f24b643cecca50 100644
--- a/puremd_rc_1003/sPuReMD/GMRES.h
+++ b/puremd_rc_1003/sPuReMD/GMRES.h
@@ -1,20 +1,20 @@
   SerialReax - Reax Force Field Simulator
   Copyright (2010) Purdue University
   Hasan Metin Aktulga, haktulga@cs.purdue.edu
   Joseph Fogarty, jcfogart@mail.usf.edu
   Sagar Pandit, pandit@usf.edu
   Ananth Y Grama, ayg@cs.purdue.edu
   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
   modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
-  published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of 
+  published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
   the License, or (at your option) any later version.
   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
   See the GNU General Public License for more details:
@@ -28,29 +28,29 @@
 typedef enum
-  LOWER = 0,
-  UPPER = 1,
+    LOWER = 0,
+    UPPER = 1,
-int GMRES( static_storage*, sparse_matrix*, 
-	   real*, real, real*, FILE* );
+int GMRES( static_storage*, sparse_matrix*,
+           real*, real, real*, FILE* );
-int GMRES_HouseHolder( static_storage*, sparse_matrix*, 
-		       real*, real, real*, FILE* );
+int GMRES_HouseHolder( static_storage*, sparse_matrix*,
+                       real*, real, real*, FILE* );
-int PGMRES( static_storage*, sparse_matrix*, real*, real, 
-	    sparse_matrix*, sparse_matrix*, real*, FILE* );
+int PGMRES( static_storage*, sparse_matrix*, real*, real,
+            sparse_matrix*, sparse_matrix*, real*, FILE* );
-int PGMRES_Jacobi( static_storage*, sparse_matrix*, real*, real, 
-	    sparse_matrix*, sparse_matrix*, real*, FILE* );
+int PGMRES_Jacobi( static_storage*, sparse_matrix*, real*, real,
+                   sparse_matrix*, sparse_matrix*, real*, FILE* );
-int PCG( static_storage*, sparse_matrix*, real*, real, 
-	sparse_matrix*, sparse_matrix*, real*, FILE* );
+int PCG( static_storage*, sparse_matrix*, real*, real,
+         sparse_matrix*, sparse_matrix*, real*, FILE* );
-int CG( static_storage*, sparse_matrix*, 
-	 real*, real, real*, FILE* );
+int CG( static_storage*, sparse_matrix*,
+        real*, real, real*, FILE* );
-int uyduruk_GMRES( static_storage*, sparse_matrix*, 
-		   real*, real, real*, int, FILE* );
+int uyduruk_GMRES( static_storage*, sparse_matrix*,
+                   real*, real, real*, int, FILE* );
diff --git a/puremd_rc_1003/sPuReMD/QEq.c b/puremd_rc_1003/sPuReMD/QEq.c
index ad1c0cbc91e001bb8a46ef0f0eea49017806dc39..6a445347bdd4527a107c173a08025c1c096d8eb6 100644
--- a/puremd_rc_1003/sPuReMD/QEq.c
+++ b/puremd_rc_1003/sPuReMD/QEq.c
@@ -1,20 +1,20 @@
   SerialReax - Reax Force Field Simulator
   Copyright (2010) Purdue University
   Hasan Metin Aktulga, haktulga@cs.purdue.edu
   Joseph Fogarty, jcfogart@mail.usf.edu
   Sagar Pandit, pandit@usf.edu
   Ananth Y Grama, ayg@cs.purdue.edu
   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
   modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
-  published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of 
+  published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
   the License, or (at your option) any later version.
   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
   See the GNU General Public License for more details:
@@ -27,357 +27,373 @@
 int compare_matrix_entry(const void *v1, const void *v2)
-  /* larger element has larger column index */
-  return ((sparse_matrix_entry *)v1)->j - ((sparse_matrix_entry *)v2)->j;
+    /* larger element has larger column index */
+    return ((sparse_matrix_entry *)v1)->j - ((sparse_matrix_entry *)v2)->j;
 void Sort_Matrix_Rows( sparse_matrix *A )
-  int i, si, ei;
-  /* sort each row of A using column indices */
-  for( i = 0; i < A->n; ++i ) {
-    si = A->start[i];
-    ei = A->start[i+1];
-    /* polymorphic sort in standard C library */
-    qsort( &(A->entries[si]), ei - si, 
-	   sizeof(sparse_matrix_entry), compare_matrix_entry );
-  }
+    int i, si, ei;
+    /* sort each row of A using column indices */
+    for ( i = 0; i < A->n; ++i )
+    {
+        si = A->start[i];
+        ei = A->start[i + 1];
+        /* polymorphic sort in standard C library */
+        qsort( &(A->entries[si]), ei - si,
+               sizeof(sparse_matrix_entry), compare_matrix_entry );
+    }
 void Calculate_Droptol( sparse_matrix *A, real *droptol, real dtol )
-  int i, j, k;
-  real val;
-  /* init droptol to 0 */
-  for( i = 0; i < A->n; ++i )
-    droptol[i] = 0;
-  /* calculate sqaure of the norm of each row */
-  for( i = 0; i < A->n; ++i ) {
-    for( k = A->start[i]; k < A->start[i+1]-1; ++k ) {
-      j = A->entries[k].j;
-      val = A->entries[k].val;
-      droptol[i] += val*val;
-      droptol[j] += val*val;
+    int i, j, k;
+    real val;
+    /* init droptol to 0 */
+    for ( i = 0; i < A->n; ++i )
+        droptol[i] = 0;
+    /* calculate sqaure of the norm of each row */
+    for ( i = 0; i < A->n; ++i )
+    {
+        for ( k = A->start[i]; k < A->start[i + 1] - 1; ++k )
+        {
+            j = A->entries[k].j;
+            val = A->entries[k].val;
+            droptol[i] += val * val;
+            droptol[j] += val * val;
+        }
+        val = A->entries[k].val; // diagonal entry
+        droptol[i] += val * val;
-    val = A->entries[k].val; // diagonal entry
-    droptol[i] += val*val;
-  }
-  /* calculate local droptol for each row */
-  //fprintf( stderr, "droptol: " );
-  for( i = 0; i < A->n; ++i ) {
-    //fprintf( stderr, "%f-->", droptol[i] );
-    droptol[i] = SQRT( droptol[i] ) * dtol;
-    //fprintf( stderr, "%f  ", droptol[i] );
-  }
-  //fprintf( stderr, "\n" );
+    /* calculate local droptol for each row */
+    //fprintf( stderr, "droptol: " );
+    for ( i = 0; i < A->n; ++i )
+    {
+        //fprintf( stderr, "%f-->", droptol[i] );
+        droptol[i] = SQRT( droptol[i] ) * dtol;
+        //fprintf( stderr, "%f  ", droptol[i] );
+    }
+    //fprintf( stderr, "\n" );
 int Estimate_LU_Fill( sparse_matrix *A, real *droptol )
-  int i, j, pj;
-  int fillin;
-  real val;
-  fillin = 0;
-  //fprintf( stderr, "n: %d\n", A->n );
-  for( i = 0; i < A->n; ++i )
-    for( pj = A->start[i]; pj < A->start[i+1]-1; ++pj ){
-      j = A->entries[pj].j;
-      val = A->entries[pj].val;
-      //fprintf( stderr, "i: %d, j: %d", i, j );
-      if( fabs(val) > droptol[i] )
-        ++fillin;
-    }
+    int i, j, pj;
+    int fillin;
+    real val;
+    fillin = 0;
+    //fprintf( stderr, "n: %d\n", A->n );
+    for ( i = 0; i < A->n; ++i )
+        for ( pj = A->start[i]; pj < A->start[i + 1] - 1; ++pj )
+        {
+            j = A->entries[pj].j;
+            val = A->entries[pj].val;
+            //fprintf( stderr, "i: %d, j: %d", i, j );
-  return fillin + A->n;
+            if ( fabs(val) > droptol[i] )
+                ++fillin;
+        }
+    return fillin + A->n;
 /* Incomplete Cholesky factorization with thresholding */
-void ICHOLT( sparse_matrix *A, real *droptol, 
-	     sparse_matrix *L, sparse_matrix *U )
+void ICHOLT( sparse_matrix *A, real *droptol,
+             sparse_matrix *L, sparse_matrix *U )
-  sparse_matrix_entry tmp[1000];
-  int i, j, pj, k1, k2, tmptop, Ltop;
-  real val;
-  int *Utop;
-  Utop = (int*) malloc((A->n+1) * sizeof(int));
-  // clear variables
-  Ltop = 0;
-  tmptop = 0;
-  for( i = 0; i <= A->n; ++i )
-    L->start[i] = U->start[i] = 0;
-  for( i = 0; i < A->n; ++i )
-    Utop[i] = 0;
-  //fprintf( stderr, "n: %d\n", A->n );
-  for( i = 0; i < A->n; ++i ){
-    L->start[i] = Ltop;
+    sparse_matrix_entry tmp[1000];
+    int i, j, pj, k1, k2, tmptop, Ltop;
+    real val;
+    int *Utop;
+    Utop = (int*) malloc((A->n + 1) * sizeof(int));
+    // clear variables
+    Ltop = 0;
     tmptop = 0;
+    for ( i = 0; i <= A->n; ++i )
+        L->start[i] = U->start[i] = 0;
+    for ( i = 0; i < A->n; ++i )
+        Utop[i] = 0;
-    for( pj = A->start[i]; pj < A->start[i+1]-1; ++pj ){
-      j = A->entries[pj].j;
-      val = A->entries[pj].val;
-      //fprintf( stderr, "i: %d, j: %d", i, j );
-      if( fabs(val) > droptol[i] ){
-	k1 = 0;
-	k2 = L->start[j];
-	while( k1 < tmptop && k2 < L->start[j+1] ){
-	  if( tmp[k1].j < L->entries[k2].j )
-	    ++k1;
-	  else if( tmp[k1].j > L->entries[k2].j )
-	    ++k2;
-	  else
-	    val -= (tmp[k1++].val * L->entries[k2++].val);
-	}
-	// L matrix is lower triangular, 
-	// so right before the start of next row comes jth diagonal
-	val /= L->entries[L->start[j+1]-1].val;
-	tmp[tmptop].j = j;
-	tmp[tmptop].val = val;
-	++tmptop;
-      }
-      //fprintf( stderr, " -- done\n" );
+    //fprintf( stderr, "n: %d\n", A->n );
+    for ( i = 0; i < A->n; ++i )
+    {
+        L->start[i] = Ltop;
+        tmptop = 0;
+        for ( pj = A->start[i]; pj < A->start[i + 1] - 1; ++pj )
+        {
+            j = A->entries[pj].j;
+            val = A->entries[pj].val;
+            //fprintf( stderr, "i: %d, j: %d", i, j );
+            if ( fabs(val) > droptol[i] )
+            {
+                k1 = 0;
+                k2 = L->start[j];
+                while ( k1 < tmptop && k2 < L->start[j + 1] )
+                {
+                    if ( tmp[k1].j < L->entries[k2].j )
+                        ++k1;
+                    else if ( tmp[k1].j > L->entries[k2].j )
+                        ++k2;
+                    else
+                        val -= (tmp[k1++].val * L->entries[k2++].val);
+                }
+                // L matrix is lower triangular,
+                // so right before the start of next row comes jth diagonal
+                val /= L->entries[L->start[j + 1] - 1].val;
+                tmp[tmptop].j = j;
+                tmp[tmptop].val = val;
+                ++tmptop;
+            }
+            //fprintf( stderr, " -- done\n" );
+        }
+        // compute the ith diagonal in L
+        // sanity check
+        if ( A->entries[pj].j != i )
+        {
+            fprintf( stderr, "i=%d, badly built A matrix!\n", i );
+            exit(999);
+        }
+        val = A->entries[pj].val;
+        for ( k1 = 0; k1 < tmptop; ++k1 )
+            val -= (tmp[k1].val * tmp[k1].val);
+        tmp[tmptop].j = i;
+        tmp[tmptop].val = SQRT(val);
+        // apply the dropping rule once again
+        //fprintf( stderr, "row%d: tmptop: %d\n", i, tmptop );
+        //for( k1 = 0; k1<= tmptop; ++k1 )
+        //  fprintf( stderr, "%d(%f)  ", tmp[k1].j, tmp[k1].val );
+        //fprintf( stderr, "\n" );
+        //fprintf( stderr, "row(%d): droptol=%.4f\n", i+1, droptol[i] );
+        for ( k1 = 0; k1 < tmptop; ++k1 )
+            if ( fabs(tmp[k1].val) > droptol[i] / tmp[tmptop].val )
+            {
+                L->entries[Ltop].j = tmp[k1].j;
+                L->entries[Ltop].val = tmp[k1].val;
+                U->start[tmp[k1].j + 1]++;
+                ++Ltop;
+                //fprintf( stderr, "%d(%.4f)  ", tmp[k1].j+1, tmp[k1].val );
+            }
+        // keep the diagonal in any case
+        L->entries[Ltop].j = tmp[k1].j;
+        L->entries[Ltop].val = tmp[k1].val;
+        ++Ltop;
+        //fprintf( stderr, "%d(%.4f)\n", tmp[k1].j+1,  tmp[k1].val );
-    // compute the ith diagonal in L
-    // sanity check
-    if( A->entries[pj].j != i ) {
-      fprintf( stderr, "i=%d, badly built A matrix!\n", i );
-      exit(999);
+    L->start[i] = Ltop;
+    //fprintf( stderr, "nnz(L): %d, max: %d\n", Ltop, L->n * 50 );
+    /* U = L^T (Cholesky factorization) */
+    for ( i = 1; i <= U->n; ++i )
+    {
+        Utop[i] = U->start[i] = U->start[i] + U->start[i - 1] + 1;
-    val = A->entries[pj].val;
-    for( k1 = 0; k1 < tmptop; ++k1 )
-      val -= (tmp[k1].val * tmp[k1].val);
-    tmp[tmptop].j = i;
-    tmp[tmptop].val = SQRT(val);
-    // apply the dropping rule once again
-    //fprintf( stderr, "row%d: tmptop: %d\n", i, tmptop );
-    //for( k1 = 0; k1<= tmptop; ++k1 )
-    //  fprintf( stderr, "%d(%f)  ", tmp[k1].j, tmp[k1].val );
-    //fprintf( stderr, "\n" );
-    //fprintf( stderr, "row(%d): droptol=%.4f\n", i+1, droptol[i] );
-    for( k1 = 0; k1 < tmptop; ++k1 )
-      if( fabs(tmp[k1].val) > droptol[i] / tmp[tmptop].val ){
-	L->entries[Ltop].j = tmp[k1].j;
-	L->entries[Ltop].val = tmp[k1].val;
-	U->start[tmp[k1].j+1]++;
-	++Ltop;
-	//fprintf( stderr, "%d(%.4f)  ", tmp[k1].j+1, tmp[k1].val );
-      }
-    // keep the diagonal in any case
-    L->entries[Ltop].j = tmp[k1].j;
-    L->entries[Ltop].val = tmp[k1].val;
-    ++Ltop;
-    //fprintf( stderr, "%d(%.4f)\n", tmp[k1].j+1,  tmp[k1].val );
-  }
-  L->start[i] = Ltop;
-  //fprintf( stderr, "nnz(L): %d, max: %d\n", Ltop, L->n * 50 );
-  /* U = L^T (Cholesky factorization) */
-  for( i = 1; i <= U->n; ++i )
-  {
-    Utop[i] = U->start[i] = U->start[i] + U->start[i-1] + 1;
-  }
-  for( i = 0; i < L->n; ++i )
-  {
-    for( pj = L->start[i]; pj < L->start[i+1]; ++pj )
+    for ( i = 0; i < L->n; ++i )
-      j = L->entries[pj].j;
-      U->entries[Utop[j]].j = i;
-      U->entries[Utop[j]].val = L->entries[pj].val;
-      Utop[j]++;
+        for ( pj = L->start[i]; pj < L->start[i + 1]; ++pj )
+        {
+            j = L->entries[pj].j;
+            U->entries[Utop[j]].j = i;
+            U->entries[Utop[j]].val = L->entries[pj].val;
+            Utop[j]++;
+        }
-  }
-  //fprintf( stderr, "nnz(U): %d, max: %d\n", Utop[U->n], U->n * 50 );
+    //fprintf( stderr, "nnz(U): %d, max: %d\n", Utop[U->n], U->n * 50 );
-  free(Utop);
+    free(Utop);
-void Init_MatVec( reax_system *system, control_params *control, 
-		  simulation_data *data, static_storage *workspace, 
-		  list *far_nbrs )
+void Init_MatVec( reax_system *system, control_params *control,
+                  simulation_data *data, static_storage *workspace,
+                  list *far_nbrs )
-  int i, fillin;
-  real s_tmp, t_tmp;
-  //char fname[100];
-  if(control->refactor > 0 && 
-     ((data->step-data->prev_steps)%control->refactor==0 || workspace->L==NULL)){
-    //Print_Linear_System( system, control, workspace, data->step );
-    Sort_Matrix_Rows( workspace->H );
-    //fprintf( stderr, "H matrix sorted\n" );
-    // TODO: comment out
-    Calculate_Droptol( workspace->H, workspace->droptol, control->droptol ); 
-    //fprintf( stderr, "drop tolerances calculated\n" );
-    if( workspace->L == NULL ) {
-      // TODO: ilu_par & ichol_par contain same sparsity pattern as H,
-      //   so allocate with same NNZ (workspace->H->m)
-      fillin = Estimate_LU_Fill( workspace->H, workspace->droptol );
-      if( Allocate_Matrix( &(workspace->L), far_nbrs->n, fillin ) == 0 ||
-	  Allocate_Matrix( &(workspace->U), far_nbrs->n, fillin ) == 0 ){
-	fprintf( stderr, "not enough memory for LU matrices. terminating.\n" );
-      }
+    int i, fillin;
+    real s_tmp, t_tmp;
+    //char fname[100];
+    if (control->refactor > 0 &&
+            ((data->step - data->prev_steps) % control->refactor == 0 || workspace->L == NULL))
+    {
+        //Print_Linear_System( system, control, workspace, data->step );
+        Sort_Matrix_Rows( workspace->H );
+        //fprintf( stderr, "H matrix sorted\n" );
+        // TODO: comment out
+        Calculate_Droptol( workspace->H, workspace->droptol, control->droptol );
+        //fprintf( stderr, "drop tolerances calculated\n" );
+        if ( workspace->L == NULL )
+        {
+            // TODO: ilu_par & ichol_par contain same sparsity pattern as H,
+            //   so allocate with same NNZ (workspace->H->m)
+            fillin = Estimate_LU_Fill( workspace->H, workspace->droptol );
+            if ( Allocate_Matrix( &(workspace->L), far_nbrs->n, fillin ) == 0 ||
+                    Allocate_Matrix( &(workspace->U), far_nbrs->n, fillin ) == 0 )
+            {
+                fprintf( stderr, "not enough memory for LU matrices. terminating.\n" );
+                exit(INSUFFICIENT_SPACE);
+            }
 #if defined(DEBUG_FOCUS)
-      fprintf( stderr, "fillin = %d\n", fillin );
-      fprintf( stderr, "allocated memory: L = U = %ldMB\n",
-      	       fillin * sizeof(sparse_matrix_entry) / (1024*1024) );
+            fprintf( stderr, "fillin = %d\n", fillin );
+            fprintf( stderr, "allocated memory: L = U = %ldMB\n",
+                     fillin * sizeof(sparse_matrix_entry) / (1024 * 1024) );
-    }
+        }
-    // TODO: replace with ilu_par or ichol_par
-    // TODO: add parameters for sweeps to control file
-    //ICHOL_PAR( workspace->H, 3, workspace->L, workspace->U );
-    ICHOLT( workspace->H, workspace->droptol, workspace->L, workspace->U );
+        // TODO: replace with ilu_par or ichol_par
+        // TODO: add parameters for sweeps to control file
+        //ICHOL_PAR( workspace->H, 3, workspace->L, workspace->U );
+        ICHOLT( workspace->H, workspace->droptol, workspace->L, workspace->U );
 #if defined(DEBUG_FOCUS)
-    fprintf( stderr, "icholt-" );
-    //sprintf( fname, "%s.L%d.out", control->sim_name, data->step );
-    //Print_Sparse_Matrix2( workspace->L, fname );
-    //Print_Sparse_Matrix( U );
+        fprintf( stderr, "icholt-" );
+        //sprintf( fname, "%s.L%d.out", control->sim_name, data->step );
+        //Print_Sparse_Matrix2( workspace->L, fname );
+        //Print_Sparse_Matrix( U );
-  }
-  /* extrapolation for s & t */
-  for( i = 0; i < system->N; ++i ) {
-    // no extrapolation
-    //s_tmp = workspace->s[0][i];
-    //t_tmp = workspace->t[0][i];
-    // linear
-    //s_tmp = 2 * workspace->s[0][i] - workspace->s[1][i];
-    //t_tmp = 2 * workspace->t[0][i] - workspace->t[1][i];
-    // quadratic
-    //s_tmp = workspace->s[2][i] + 3 * (workspace->s[0][i]-workspace->s[1][i]);
-    t_tmp = workspace->t[2][i] + 3*(workspace->t[0][i]-workspace->t[1][i]);
-    // cubic
-    s_tmp = 4 * (workspace->s[0][i] + workspace->s[2][i]) - 
-      (6 * workspace->s[1][i] + workspace->s[3][i] );
-    //t_tmp = 4 * (workspace->t[0][i] + workspace->t[2][i]) - 
-    //  (6 * workspace->t[1][i] + workspace->t[3][i] );
-    // 4th order
-    //s_tmp = 5 * (workspace->s[0][i] - workspace->s[3][i]) + 
-    //  10 * (-workspace->s[1][i] + workspace->s[2][i] ) + workspace->s[4][i];
-    //t_tmp = 5 * (workspace->t[0][i] - workspace->t[3][i]) + 
-    //  10 * (-workspace->t[1][i] + workspace->t[2][i] ) + workspace->t[4][i];
-    workspace->s[4][i] = workspace->s[3][i];
-    workspace->s[3][i] = workspace->s[2][i]; 
-    workspace->s[2][i] = workspace->s[1][i];
-    workspace->s[1][i] = workspace->s[0][i];
-    workspace->s[0][i] = s_tmp;
-    workspace->t[4][i] = workspace->t[3][i];
-    workspace->t[3][i] = workspace->t[2][i]; 
-    workspace->t[2][i] = workspace->t[1][i];
-    workspace->t[1][i] = workspace->t[0][i];
-    workspace->t[0][i] = t_tmp;
-  }
+    }
+    /* extrapolation for s & t */
+    for ( i = 0; i < system->N; ++i )
+    {
+        // no extrapolation
+        //s_tmp = workspace->s[0][i];
+        //t_tmp = workspace->t[0][i];
+        // linear
+        //s_tmp = 2 * workspace->s[0][i] - workspace->s[1][i];
+        //t_tmp = 2 * workspace->t[0][i] - workspace->t[1][i];
+        // quadratic
+        //s_tmp = workspace->s[2][i] + 3 * (workspace->s[0][i]-workspace->s[1][i]);
+        t_tmp = workspace->t[2][i] + 3 * (workspace->t[0][i] - workspace->t[1][i]);
+        // cubic
+        s_tmp = 4 * (workspace->s[0][i] + workspace->s[2][i]) -
+                (6 * workspace->s[1][i] + workspace->s[3][i] );
+        //t_tmp = 4 * (workspace->t[0][i] + workspace->t[2][i]) -
+        //  (6 * workspace->t[1][i] + workspace->t[3][i] );
+        // 4th order
+        //s_tmp = 5 * (workspace->s[0][i] - workspace->s[3][i]) +
+        //  10 * (-workspace->s[1][i] + workspace->s[2][i] ) + workspace->s[4][i];
+        //t_tmp = 5 * (workspace->t[0][i] - workspace->t[3][i]) +
+        //  10 * (-workspace->t[1][i] + workspace->t[2][i] ) + workspace->t[4][i];
+        workspace->s[4][i] = workspace->s[3][i];
+        workspace->s[3][i] = workspace->s[2][i];
+        workspace->s[2][i] = workspace->s[1][i];
+        workspace->s[1][i] = workspace->s[0][i];
+        workspace->s[0][i] = s_tmp;
+        workspace->t[4][i] = workspace->t[3][i];
+        workspace->t[3][i] = workspace->t[2][i];
+        workspace->t[2][i] = workspace->t[1][i];
+        workspace->t[1][i] = workspace->t[0][i];
+        workspace->t[0][i] = t_tmp;
+    }
 void Calculate_Charges( reax_system *system, static_storage *workspace )
-  int i;
-  real u, s_sum, t_sum;
-  s_sum = t_sum = 0.;
-  for( i = 0; i < system->N; ++i ) {
-    s_sum += workspace->s[0][i];
-    t_sum += workspace->t[0][i];
-  }
-  u = s_sum / t_sum;
-  for( i = 0; i < system->N; ++i )
-    system->atoms[i].q = workspace->s[0][i] - u * workspace->t[0][i];
+    int i;
+    real u, s_sum, t_sum;
+    s_sum = t_sum = 0.;
+    for ( i = 0; i < system->N; ++i )
+    {
+        s_sum += workspace->s[0][i];
+        t_sum += workspace->t[0][i];
+    }
+    u = s_sum / t_sum;
+    for ( i = 0; i < system->N; ++i )
+        system->atoms[i].q = workspace->s[0][i] - u * workspace->t[0][i];
-void QEq( reax_system *system, control_params *control, simulation_data *data, 
-	  static_storage *workspace, list *far_nbrs, 
-	  output_controls *out_control )
+void QEq( reax_system *system, control_params *control, simulation_data *data,
+          static_storage *workspace, list *far_nbrs,
+          output_controls *out_control )
-  int matvecs;
+    int matvecs;
-  Init_MatVec( system, control, data, workspace, far_nbrs );
+    Init_MatVec( system, control, data, workspace, far_nbrs );
-  //if( data->step % 10 == 0 )
-  //  Print_Linear_System( system, control, workspace, far_nbrs, data->step );
+    //if( data->step % 10 == 0 )
+    //  Print_Linear_System( system, control, workspace, far_nbrs, data->step );
-  //TODO: add parameters in control file for solver choice and options
-//  matvecs = GMRES( workspace, workspace->H, 
+    //TODO: add parameters in control file for solver choice and options
+//  matvecs = GMRES( workspace, workspace->H,
 //    workspace->b_s, control->q_err, workspace->s[0], out_control->log );
-//  matvecs += GMRES( workspace, workspace->H, 
+//  matvecs += GMRES( workspace, workspace->H,
 //    workspace->b_t, control->q_err, workspace->t[0], out_control->log );
-  //matvecs = GMRES_HouseHolder( workspace, workspace->H, 
-  //    workspace->b_s, control->q_err, workspace->s[0], out_control->log );
-  //matvecs += GMRES_HouseHolder( workspace, workspace->H,  
-  //    workspace->b_t, control->q_err, workspace->t[0], out_control->log );
-  //matvecs = PGMRES( workspace, workspace->H, workspace->b_s, control->q_err,
-  // workspace->L, workspace->U, workspace->s[0], out_control->log );
-  //matvecs += PGMRES( workspace, workspace->H, workspace->b_t, control->q_err,
-  // workspace->L, workspace->U, workspace->t[0], out_control->log );
-  matvecs = PGMRES_Jacobi( workspace, workspace->H, workspace->b_s, control->q_err,
-   workspace->L, workspace->U, workspace->s[0], out_control->log );
-  matvecs += PGMRES_Jacobi( workspace, workspace->H, workspace->b_t, control->q_err,
-   workspace->L, workspace->U, workspace->t[0], out_control->log );
-  //matvecs=PCG( workspace, workspace->H, workspace->b_s, control->q_err, 
-  //	  workspace->L, workspace->U, workspace->s[0], out_control->log ) + 1;
-  ///matvecs+=PCG( workspace, workspace->H, workspace->b_t, control->q_err, 
-  //     workspace->L, workspace->U, workspace->t[0], out_control->log ) + 1;
-  //matvecs = CG( workspace, workspace->H, 
-  // workspace->b_s, control->q_err, workspace->s[0], out_control->log ) + 1;
-  //matvecs += CG( workspace, workspace->H, 
-  // workspace->b_t, control->q_err, workspace->t[0], out_control->log ) + 1;
-  //matvecs = SDM( workspace, workspace->H, 
-  // workspace->b_s, control->q_err, workspace->s[0], out_control->log ) + 1;
-  //matvecs += SDM( workspace, workspace->H, 
-  // workspace->b_t, control->q_err, workspace->t[0], out_control->log ) + 1;
-  data->timing.matvecs += matvecs;
+    //matvecs = GMRES_HouseHolder( workspace, workspace->H,
+    //    workspace->b_s, control->q_err, workspace->s[0], out_control->log );
+    //matvecs += GMRES_HouseHolder( workspace, workspace->H,
+    //    workspace->b_t, control->q_err, workspace->t[0], out_control->log );
+    //matvecs = PGMRES( workspace, workspace->H, workspace->b_s, control->q_err,
+    // workspace->L, workspace->U, workspace->s[0], out_control->log );
+    //matvecs += PGMRES( workspace, workspace->H, workspace->b_t, control->q_err,
+    // workspace->L, workspace->U, workspace->t[0], out_control->log );
+    matvecs = PGMRES_Jacobi( workspace, workspace->H, workspace->b_s, control->q_err,
+                             workspace->L, workspace->U, workspace->s[0], out_control->log );
+    matvecs += PGMRES_Jacobi( workspace, workspace->H, workspace->b_t, control->q_err,
+                              workspace->L, workspace->U, workspace->t[0], out_control->log );
+    //matvecs=PCG( workspace, workspace->H, workspace->b_s, control->q_err,
+    //      workspace->L, workspace->U, workspace->s[0], out_control->log ) + 1;
+    ///matvecs+=PCG( workspace, workspace->H, workspace->b_t, control->q_err,
+    //     workspace->L, workspace->U, workspace->t[0], out_control->log ) + 1;
+    //matvecs = CG( workspace, workspace->H,
+    // workspace->b_s, control->q_err, workspace->s[0], out_control->log ) + 1;
+    //matvecs += CG( workspace, workspace->H,
+    // workspace->b_t, control->q_err, workspace->t[0], out_control->log ) + 1;
+    //matvecs = SDM( workspace, workspace->H,
+    // workspace->b_s, control->q_err, workspace->s[0], out_control->log ) + 1;
+    //matvecs += SDM( workspace, workspace->H,
+    // workspace->b_t, control->q_err, workspace->t[0], out_control->log ) + 1;
+    data->timing.matvecs += matvecs;
 #if defined(DEBUG_FOCUS)
-  fprintf( stderr, "linsolve-" );
+    fprintf( stderr, "linsolve-" );
-  Calculate_Charges( system, workspace );
-  //fprintf( stderr, "%d %.9f %.9f %.9f %.9f %.9f %.9f\n", 
-  //   data->step, 
-  //   workspace->s[0][0], workspace->t[0][0], 
-  //   workspace->s[0][1], workspace->t[0][1], 
-  //   workspace->s[0][2], workspace->t[0][2] );
-  // if( data->step == control->nsteps )
-  //Print_Charges( system, control, workspace, data->step );
+    Calculate_Charges( system, workspace );
+    //fprintf( stderr, "%d %.9f %.9f %.9f %.9f %.9f %.9f\n",
+    //   data->step,
+    //   workspace->s[0][0], workspace->t[0][0],
+    //   workspace->s[0][1], workspace->t[0][1],
+    //   workspace->s[0][2], workspace->t[0][2] );
+    // if( data->step == control->nsteps )
+    //Print_Charges( system, control, workspace, data->step );
diff --git a/puremd_rc_1003/sPuReMD/QEq.h b/puremd_rc_1003/sPuReMD/QEq.h
index f594d1ed954345ab9874e37ebe8289a35e9dcf6d..f598061be2c530e58ad90f04f779adafeba2f44d 100644
--- a/puremd_rc_1003/sPuReMD/QEq.h
+++ b/puremd_rc_1003/sPuReMD/QEq.h
@@ -1,20 +1,20 @@
   SerialReax - Reax Force Field Simulator
   Copyright (2010) Purdue University
   Hasan Metin Aktulga, haktulga@cs.purdue.edu
   Joseph Fogarty, jcfogart@mail.usf.edu
   Sagar Pandit, pandit@usf.edu
   Ananth Y Grama, ayg@cs.purdue.edu
   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
   modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
-  published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of 
+  published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
   the License, or (at your option) any later version.
   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
   See the GNU General Public License for more details:
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
 #include "mytypes.h"
-void QEq( reax_system*, control_params*, simulation_data*, static_storage*, 
-	  list*, output_controls* );
+void QEq( reax_system*, control_params*, simulation_data*, static_storage*,
+          list*, output_controls* );
diff --git a/puremd_rc_1003/sPuReMD/allocate.c b/puremd_rc_1003/sPuReMD/allocate.c
index c9e8e1d9fb7bec3672b328455d9054a0e39b781d..56bacd6d70db16bdf0d5701c589aa11a782eb5d3 100644
--- a/puremd_rc_1003/sPuReMD/allocate.c
+++ b/puremd_rc_1003/sPuReMD/allocate.c
@@ -1,20 +1,20 @@
   SerialReax - Reax Force Field Simulator
   Copyright (2010) Purdue University
   Hasan Metin Aktulga, haktulga@cs.purdue.edu
   Joseph Fogarty, jcfogart@mail.usf.edu
   Sagar Pandit, pandit@usf.edu
   Ananth Y Grama, ayg@cs.purdue.edu
   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
   modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
-  published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of 
+  published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
   the License, or (at your option) any later version.
   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
   See the GNU General Public License for more details:
@@ -24,267 +24,283 @@
 void Reallocate_Neighbor_List( list *far_nbrs, int n, int num_intrs )
-  Delete_List( far_nbrs );
-  if(!Make_List( n, num_intrs, TYP_FAR_NEIGHBOR, far_nbrs )){
-    fprintf(stderr, "Problem in initializing far nbrs list. Terminating!\n");
-    exit( INIT_ERR );
-  }
+    Delete_List( far_nbrs );
+    if (!Make_List( n, num_intrs, TYP_FAR_NEIGHBOR, far_nbrs ))
+    {
+        fprintf(stderr, "Problem in initializing far nbrs list. Terminating!\n");
+        exit( INIT_ERR );
+    }
 #if defined(DEBUG_FOCUS)
-  fprintf( stderr, "num_far = %d, far_nbrs = %d -> reallocating!\n",
-	   num_intrs, far_nbrs->num_intrs );  
-  fprintf( stderr, "memory allocated: far_nbrs = %ldMB\n", 
-	   num_intrs * sizeof(far_neighbor_data) / (1024*1024) );
+    fprintf( stderr, "num_far = %d, far_nbrs = %d -> reallocating!\n",
+             num_intrs, far_nbrs->num_intrs );
+    fprintf( stderr, "memory allocated: far_nbrs = %ldMB\n",
+             num_intrs * sizeof(far_neighbor_data) / (1024 * 1024) );
 int Allocate_Matrix( sparse_matrix **pH, int n, int m )
-  sparse_matrix *H;
-  if( (*pH = (sparse_matrix*) malloc(sizeof(sparse_matrix))) == NULL )
-  {
-    return 0;
-  }
-  H = *pH;
-  H->n = n;
-  H->m = m;
-  if( (H->start = (int*) malloc(sizeof(int) * (n+1))) == NULL )
-  {
-    return 0;
-  }
-  if( (H->entries = 
-      (sparse_matrix_entry*) malloc(sizeof(sparse_matrix_entry)*m)) == NULL )
-  {
-    return 0;
-  }
+    sparse_matrix *H;
+    if ( (*pH = (sparse_matrix*) malloc(sizeof(sparse_matrix))) == NULL )
+    {
+        return 0;
+    }
+    H = *pH;
+    H->n = n;
+    H->m = m;
+    if ( (H->start = (int*) malloc(sizeof(int) * (n + 1))) == NULL )
+    {
+        return 0;
+    }
+    if ( (H->entries =
+                (sparse_matrix_entry*) malloc(sizeof(sparse_matrix_entry) * m)) == NULL )
+    {
+        return 0;
+    }
 //  if( ((H->j = (int*) malloc(sizeof(int)*m)) == NULL) ||
 //      ((H->val = (real*) malloc(sizeof(real)*m)) == NULL) )
 //  {
 //    return 0;
 //  }
-  return 1;
+    return 1;
 void Deallocate_Matrix( sparse_matrix *H )
-  free(H->start);
-  free(H->entries);
-  free(H);
+    free(H->start);
+    free(H->entries);
+    free(H);
 int Reallocate_Matrix( sparse_matrix **H, int n, int m, char *name )
-  Deallocate_Matrix( *H );
-  if( !Allocate_Matrix( H, n, m ) ) {
-    fprintf(stderr, "not enough space for %s matrix. terminating!\n", name);
-    exit( 1 );
-  }
+    Deallocate_Matrix( *H );
+    if ( !Allocate_Matrix( H, n, m ) )
+    {
+        fprintf(stderr, "not enough space for %s matrix. terminating!\n", name);
+        exit( 1 );
+    }
 #if defined(DEBUG_FOCUS)
-  fprintf( stderr, "reallocating %s matrix, n = %d, m = %d\n",
-	   name, n, m );
-  fprintf( stderr, "memory allocated: %s = %ldMB\n", 
-	   name, m * sizeof(sparse_matrix_entry) / (1024*1024) );
+    fprintf( stderr, "reallocating %s matrix, n = %d, m = %d\n",
+             name, n, m );
+    fprintf( stderr, "memory allocated: %s = %ldMB\n",
+             name, m * sizeof(sparse_matrix_entry) / (1024 * 1024) );
-  return 1;
+    return 1;
-int Allocate_HBond_List( int n, int num_h, int *h_index, int *hb_top, 
-			 list *hbonds )
+int Allocate_HBond_List( int n, int num_h, int *h_index, int *hb_top,
+                         list *hbonds )
-  int i, num_hbonds;
-  num_hbonds = 0;
-  /* find starting indexes for each H and the total number of hbonds */
-  for( i = 1; i < n; ++i )
-    hb_top[i] += hb_top[i-1];
-  num_hbonds = hb_top[n-1];
-  if( !Make_List(num_h, num_hbonds, TYP_HBOND, hbonds ) ) {
-    fprintf( stderr, "not enough space for hbonds list. terminating!\n" );
-    exit( INIT_ERR );
-  }
-  for( i = 0; i < n; ++i )
-    if( h_index[i] == 0 ){
-      Set_Start_Index( 0, 0, hbonds ); 
-      Set_End_Index( 0, 0, hbonds ); 
+    int i, num_hbonds;
+    num_hbonds = 0;
+    /* find starting indexes for each H and the total number of hbonds */
+    for ( i = 1; i < n; ++i )
+        hb_top[i] += hb_top[i - 1];
+    num_hbonds = hb_top[n - 1];
+    if ( !Make_List(num_h, num_hbonds, TYP_HBOND, hbonds ) )
+    {
+        fprintf( stderr, "not enough space for hbonds list. terminating!\n" );
+        exit( INIT_ERR );
-    else if( h_index[i] > 0 ){
-      Set_Start_Index( h_index[i], hb_top[i-1], hbonds ); 
-      Set_End_Index( h_index[i], hb_top[i-1], hbonds ); 
-    }
+    for ( i = 0; i < n; ++i )
+        if ( h_index[i] == 0 )
+        {
+            Set_Start_Index( 0, 0, hbonds );
+            Set_End_Index( 0, 0, hbonds );
+        }
+        else if ( h_index[i] > 0 )
+        {
+            Set_Start_Index( h_index[i], hb_top[i - 1], hbonds );
+            Set_End_Index( h_index[i], hb_top[i - 1], hbonds );
+        }
 #if defined(DEBUG_FOCUS)
-  fprintf( stderr, "allocating hbonds - num_hbonds: %d\n", num_hbonds );
-  fprintf( stderr, "memory allocated: hbonds = %ldMB\n", 
-	   num_hbonds * sizeof(hbond_data) / (1024*1024) );
+    fprintf( stderr, "allocating hbonds - num_hbonds: %d\n", num_hbonds );
+    fprintf( stderr, "memory allocated: hbonds = %ldMB\n",
+             num_hbonds * sizeof(hbond_data) / (1024 * 1024) );
-  return 1;
+    return 1;
 int Reallocate_HBonds_List(  int n, int num_h, int *h_index, list *hbonds )
-  int i;
-  int *hb_top;
+    int i;
+    int *hb_top;
 #if defined(DEBUG_FOCUS)
-  fprintf( stderr, "reallocating hbonds\n" );
+    fprintf( stderr, "reallocating hbonds\n" );
-  hb_top = calloc( n, sizeof(int) );
-  for( i = 0; i < n; ++i )
-    if( h_index[i] >= 0 )
-      hb_top[i] = MAX(Num_Entries(h_index[i],hbonds)*SAFE_HBONDS, MIN_HBONDS);
-  Delete_List( hbonds );
-  Allocate_HBond_List( n, num_h, h_index, hb_top, hbonds );
-  free( hb_top );
-  return 1;
+    hb_top = calloc( n, sizeof(int) );
+    for ( i = 0; i < n; ++i )
+        if ( h_index[i] >= 0 )
+            hb_top[i] = MAX(Num_Entries(h_index[i], hbonds) * SAFE_HBONDS, MIN_HBONDS);
+    Delete_List( hbonds );
+    Allocate_HBond_List( n, num_h, h_index, hb_top, hbonds );
+    free( hb_top );
+    return 1;
 int Allocate_Bond_List( int n, int *bond_top, list *bonds )
-  int i, num_bonds;
-  num_bonds = 0;
-  /* find starting indexes for each atom and the total number of bonds */
-  for( i = 1; i < n; ++i )
-    bond_top[i] += bond_top[i-1];
-  num_bonds = bond_top[n-1];
-  if( !Make_List(n, num_bonds, TYP_BOND, bonds ) ) {
-    fprintf( stderr, "not enough space for bonds list. terminating!\n" );
-    exit( INIT_ERR );
-  }
-  Set_Start_Index( 0, 0, bonds ); 
-  Set_End_Index( 0, 0, bonds ); 
-  for( i = 1; i < n; ++i ) {
-    Set_Start_Index( i, bond_top[i-1], bonds ); 
-    Set_End_Index( i, bond_top[i-1], bonds ); 
-  }
+    int i, num_bonds;
+    num_bonds = 0;
+    /* find starting indexes for each atom and the total number of bonds */
+    for ( i = 1; i < n; ++i )
+        bond_top[i] += bond_top[i - 1];
+    num_bonds = bond_top[n - 1];
+    if ( !Make_List(n, num_bonds, TYP_BOND, bonds ) )
+    {
+        fprintf( stderr, "not enough space for bonds list. terminating!\n" );
+        exit( INIT_ERR );
+    }
+    Set_Start_Index( 0, 0, bonds );
+    Set_End_Index( 0, 0, bonds );
+    for ( i = 1; i < n; ++i )
+    {
+        Set_Start_Index( i, bond_top[i - 1], bonds );
+        Set_End_Index( i, bond_top[i - 1], bonds );
+    }
 #if defined(DEBUG_FOCUS)
-  fprintf( stderr, "allocating bonds - num_bonds: %d\n", num_bonds );
-  fprintf( stderr, "memory allocated: bonds = %ldMB\n", 
-	   num_bonds * sizeof(bond_data) / (1024*1024) );
+    fprintf( stderr, "allocating bonds - num_bonds: %d\n", num_bonds );
+    fprintf( stderr, "memory allocated: bonds = %ldMB\n",
+             num_bonds * sizeof(bond_data) / (1024 * 1024) );
-  return 1;
+    return 1;
 int Reallocate_Bonds_List( int n, list *bonds, int *num_bonds, int *est_3body )
-  int i;
-  int *bond_top;
+    int i;
+    int *bond_top;
 #if defined(DEBUG_FOCUS)
-  fprintf( stderr, "reallocating bonds\n" );
+    fprintf( stderr, "reallocating bonds\n" );
-  bond_top = calloc( n, sizeof(int) );
-  *est_3body = 0;
-  for( i = 0; i < n; ++i ){
-    *est_3body += SQR( Num_Entries( i, bonds ) );
-    bond_top[i] = MAX( Num_Entries( i, bonds ) * 2, MIN_BONDS );
-  }
+    bond_top = calloc( n, sizeof(int) );
+    *est_3body = 0;
+    for ( i = 0; i < n; ++i )
+    {
+        *est_3body += SQR( Num_Entries( i, bonds ) );
+        bond_top[i] = MAX( Num_Entries( i, bonds ) * 2, MIN_BONDS );
+    }
+    Delete_List( bonds );
-  Delete_List( bonds );
+    Allocate_Bond_List( n, bond_top, bonds );
+    *num_bonds = bond_top[n - 1];
-  Allocate_Bond_List( n, bond_top, bonds );
-  *num_bonds = bond_top[n-1];
-  free( bond_top );
+    free( bond_top );
-  return 1;
+    return 1;
-void Reallocate( reax_system *system, static_storage *workspace, list **lists, 
-		 int nbr_flag )
+void Reallocate( reax_system *system, static_storage *workspace, list **lists,
+                 int nbr_flag )
-  int i, j, k;
-  int num_bonds, est_3body;
-  reallocate_data *realloc;
-  grid *g;
-  realloc = &(workspace->realloc);
-  g = &(system->g);
-  if( realloc->num_far > 0 && nbr_flag ) {
-    Reallocate_Neighbor_List( (*lists)+FAR_NBRS, 
-			      system->N, realloc->num_far * SAFE_ZONE );
-    realloc->num_far = -1;
-  }
-  if( realloc->Htop > 0 ){
-    Reallocate_Matrix(&(workspace->H), system->N, realloc->Htop*SAFE_ZONE,"H");
-    realloc->Htop = -1;
-    Deallocate_Matrix( workspace->L );
-    Deallocate_Matrix( workspace->U );
-    workspace->L = NULL;
-    workspace->U = NULL;
-  }
-  if( realloc->hbonds > 0 ){
-    Reallocate_HBonds_List(system->N, workspace->num_H, workspace->hbond_index,
-			    (*lists)+HBONDS );
-    realloc->hbonds = -1;
-  }
-  num_bonds = est_3body = -1;
-  if( realloc->bonds > 0 ){
-    Reallocate_Bonds_List( system->N, (*lists)+BONDS, &num_bonds, &est_3body );
-    realloc->bonds = -1;
-    realloc->num_3body = MAX( realloc->num_3body, est_3body );
-  }
-  if( realloc->num_3body > 0 ) {
-    Delete_List( (*lists)+THREE_BODIES );
-    if( num_bonds == -1 )
-      num_bonds = ((*lists)+BONDS)->num_intrs;
-    realloc->num_3body *= SAFE_ZONE;
-    if( !Make_List( num_bonds, realloc->num_3body,
-		    TYP_THREE_BODY, (*lists)+THREE_BODIES ) ) {
-      fprintf( stderr, "Problem in initializing angles list. Terminating!\n" );
-      exit( INIT_ERR );
+    int i, j, k;
+    int num_bonds, est_3body;
+    reallocate_data *realloc;
+    grid *g;
+    realloc = &(workspace->realloc);
+    g = &(system->g);
+    if ( realloc->num_far > 0 && nbr_flag )
+    {
+        Reallocate_Neighbor_List( (*lists) + FAR_NBRS,
+                                  system->N, realloc->num_far * SAFE_ZONE );
+        realloc->num_far = -1;
+    }
+    if ( realloc->Htop > 0 )
+    {
+        Reallocate_Matrix(&(workspace->H), system->N, realloc->Htop * SAFE_ZONE, "H");
+        realloc->Htop = -1;
+        Deallocate_Matrix( workspace->L );
+        Deallocate_Matrix( workspace->U );
+        workspace->L = NULL;
+        workspace->U = NULL;
+    }
+    if ( realloc->hbonds > 0 )
+    {
+        Reallocate_HBonds_List(system->N, workspace->num_H, workspace->hbond_index,
+                               (*lists) + HBONDS );
+        realloc->hbonds = -1;
+    }
+    num_bonds = est_3body = -1;
+    if ( realloc->bonds > 0 )
+    {
+        Reallocate_Bonds_List( system->N, (*lists) + BONDS, &num_bonds, &est_3body );
+        realloc->bonds = -1;
+        realloc->num_3body = MAX( realloc->num_3body, est_3body );
-    realloc->num_3body = -1;
+    if ( realloc->num_3body > 0 )
+    {
+        Delete_List( (*lists) + THREE_BODIES );
+        if ( num_bonds == -1 )
+            num_bonds = ((*lists) + BONDS)->num_intrs;
+        realloc->num_3body *= SAFE_ZONE;
+        if ( !Make_List( num_bonds, realloc->num_3body,
+                         TYP_THREE_BODY, (*lists) + THREE_BODIES ) )
+        {
+            fprintf( stderr, "Problem in initializing angles list. Terminating!\n" );
+            exit( INIT_ERR );
+        }
+        realloc->num_3body = -1;
 #if defined(DEBUG_FOCUS)
-    fprintf( stderr, "reallocating 3 bodies\n" );
-    fprintf( stderr, "reallocated - num_bonds: %d\n", num_bonds );
-    fprintf( stderr, "reallocated - num_3body: %d\n", realloc->num_3body );
-    fprintf( stderr, "reallocated 3body memory: %ldMB\n", 
-	     realloc->num_3body*sizeof(three_body_interaction_data)/
-	     (1024*1024) );
+        fprintf( stderr, "reallocating 3 bodies\n" );
+        fprintf( stderr, "reallocated - num_bonds: %d\n", num_bonds );
+        fprintf( stderr, "reallocated - num_3body: %d\n", realloc->num_3body );
+        fprintf( stderr, "reallocated 3body memory: %ldMB\n",
+                 realloc->num_3body * sizeof(three_body_interaction_data) /
+                 (1024 * 1024) );
-  }
+    }
-  if( realloc->gcell_atoms > -1 ){
+    if ( realloc->gcell_atoms > -1 )
+    {
 #if defined(DEBUG_FOCUS)
-    fprintf(stderr, "reallocating gcell: g->max_atoms: %d\n", g->max_atoms);
+        fprintf(stderr, "reallocating gcell: g->max_atoms: %d\n", g->max_atoms);
-    for( i = 0; i < g->ncell[0]; i++ )
-      for( j = 0; j < g->ncell[1]; j++ )
-	for( k = 0; k < g->ncell[2]; k++ ) {
-	  // reallocate g->atoms
-	  free( g->atoms[i][j][k] );  
-	  g->atoms[i][j][k] = (int*) 
-	    calloc(workspace->realloc.gcell_atoms, sizeof(int));
-	}
-    realloc->gcell_atoms = -1;
-  }
+        for ( i = 0; i < g->ncell[0]; i++ )
+            for ( j = 0; j < g->ncell[1]; j++ )
+                for ( k = 0; k < g->ncell[2]; k++ )
+                {
+                    // reallocate g->atoms
+                    free( g->atoms[i][j][k] );
+                    g->atoms[i][j][k] = (int*)
+                                        calloc(workspace->realloc.gcell_atoms, sizeof(int));
+                }
+        realloc->gcell_atoms = -1;
+    }
diff --git a/puremd_rc_1003/sPuReMD/allocate.h b/puremd_rc_1003/sPuReMD/allocate.h
index c7f9bf15dd432fe931025b8fd39815bea577f9f3..2581b3bab0976fe65e2ea14b80cee1a8267ee2a9 100644
--- a/puremd_rc_1003/sPuReMD/allocate.h
+++ b/puremd_rc_1003/sPuReMD/allocate.h
@@ -1,20 +1,20 @@
   SerialReax - Reax Force Field Simulator
   Copyright (2010) Purdue University
   Hasan Metin Aktulga, haktulga@cs.purdue.edu
   Joseph Fogarty, jcfogart@mail.usf.edu
   Sagar Pandit, pandit@usf.edu
   Ananth Y Grama, ayg@cs.purdue.edu
   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
   modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
-  published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of 
+  published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
   the License, or (at your option) any later version.
   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
   See the GNU General Public License for more details:
diff --git a/puremd_rc_1003/sPuReMD/analyze.c b/puremd_rc_1003/sPuReMD/analyze.c
index ac5cfe3054aa500a9a0dc80354626cdd84cad8a9..45af4c6b36caaf3403abe9f90a2c113e51d87b98 100644
--- a/puremd_rc_1003/sPuReMD/analyze.c
+++ b/puremd_rc_1003/sPuReMD/analyze.c
@@ -1,20 +1,20 @@
   SerialReax - Reax Force Field Simulator
   Copyright (2010) Purdue University
   Hasan Metin Aktulga, haktulga@cs.purdue.edu
   Joseph Fogarty, jcfogart@mail.usf.edu
   Sagar Pandit, pandit@usf.edu
   Ananth Y Grama, ayg@cs.purdue.edu
   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
   modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
-  published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of 
+  published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
   the License, or (at your option) any later version.
   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
   See the GNU General Public License for more details:
@@ -27,865 +27,924 @@
 // copy bond list into old bond list
-void Copy_Bond_List( reax_system *system, control_params *control, 
-		     list **lists )
+void Copy_Bond_List( reax_system *system, control_params *control,
+                     list **lists )
-  int i, j, top_old;
-  list *new_bonds = (*lists) + BONDS;
-  list *old_bonds = (*lists) + OLD_BONDS;
-  for( top_old = 0, i = 0; i < system->N; ++i ) {
-    Set_Start_Index( i, top_old, old_bonds );
-    // fprintf( stdout, "%d: ", i );
-    for( j = Start_Index( i, new_bonds ); j < End_Index( i, new_bonds ); ++j )
-      if( new_bonds->select.bond_list[j].bo_data.BO >= control->bg_cut ) {
-	// fprintf( stderr, "%d ", new_bonds->select.bond_list[j].nbr );
-	old_bonds->select.bond_list[ top_old ].nbr = 
-	  new_bonds->select.bond_list[j].nbr;
-	old_bonds->select.bond_list[ top_old ].bo_data.BO = 
-	  new_bonds->select.bond_list[j].bo_data.BO;
-	top_old++;
-      }
-    Set_End_Index( i, top_old, old_bonds);
-    // fprintf( stderr, "--- s: %d, e: %d\n", 
-    // Start_Index( i, old_bonds ),  End_Index( i, old_bonds ) );
-  }
+    int i, j, top_old;
+    list *new_bonds = (*lists) + BONDS;
+    list *old_bonds = (*lists) + OLD_BONDS;
+    for ( top_old = 0, i = 0; i < system->N; ++i )
+    {
+        Set_Start_Index( i, top_old, old_bonds );
+        // fprintf( stdout, "%d: ", i );
+        for ( j = Start_Index( i, new_bonds ); j < End_Index( i, new_bonds ); ++j )
+            if ( new_bonds->select.bond_list[j].bo_data.BO >= control->bg_cut )
+            {
+                // fprintf( stderr, "%d ", new_bonds->select.bond_list[j].nbr );
+                old_bonds->select.bond_list[ top_old ].nbr =
+                    new_bonds->select.bond_list[j].nbr;
+                old_bonds->select.bond_list[ top_old ].bo_data.BO =
+                    new_bonds->select.bond_list[j].bo_data.BO;
+                top_old++;
+            }
+        Set_End_Index( i, top_old, old_bonds);
+        // fprintf( stderr, "--- s: %d, e: %d\n",
+        // Start_Index( i, old_bonds ),  End_Index( i, old_bonds ) );
+    }
 // ASSUMPTION: Bond lists are sorted
 int Compare_Bond_Lists( int atom, control_params *control, list **lists )
-  int oldp, newp;
-  list *new_bonds = (*lists) + BONDS;
-  list *old_bonds = (*lists) + OLD_BONDS;
-  /*fprintf( stdout, "\n%d\nold_bonds:", atom );
-    for( oldp = Start_Index( atom, old_bonds ); 
-         oldp < End_Index( atom, old_bonds ); ++oldp )
-    if( old_bonds->select.bond_list[oldp].bo_data.BO >= control->bg_cut )
-    fprintf( stdout, "%5d", old_bonds->select.bond_list[oldp].nbr );
-    fprintf( stdout, "\nnew_bonds:" );
-    for( newp = Start_Index( atom, new_bonds ); 
-         newp < End_Index( atom, new_bonds ); ++newp )
-    if( new_bonds->select.bond_list[newp].bo_data.BO >= control->bg_cut )
-    fprintf( stdout, "%5d", new_bonds->select.bond_list[newp].nbr );*/
-  for( oldp = Start_Index( atom, old_bonds ),
-	 newp = Start_Index( atom, new_bonds );
-       oldp < End_Index(atom, old_bonds) || newp < End_Index(atom, new_bonds);
-       oldp = MIN( oldp + 1, End_Index( atom, old_bonds ) ),
-	 newp = MIN( newp + 1, End_Index( atom, new_bonds ) ) ) {
-    while( oldp < End_Index( atom, old_bonds ) && 
-	   old_bonds->select.bond_list[oldp].bo_data.BO < control->bg_cut )
-      ++oldp;
-    while( newp < End_Index( atom, new_bonds ) && 
-	   new_bonds->select.bond_list[newp].bo_data.BO < control->bg_cut )
-      ++newp;
-    /*fprintf( fout, "%d, oldp: %d - %d, newp: %d - %d",
-      atom, oldp, old_bonds->select.bond_list[oldp].nbr,
-      newp,  new_bonds->select.bond_list[newp].nbr );*/
-    if( oldp < End_Index( atom, old_bonds ) ) {
-      /* there are some other bonds in the old list */
-      if( newp < End_Index( atom, new_bonds ) ) {
-	if( old_bonds->select.bond_list[oldp].nbr != 
-	    new_bonds->select.bond_list[newp].nbr ) {
-	  //fprintf( fout, " --> case1, return 1\n" );
-	  return 1;
-	}
-      }
-      else {
-	/* there is no other bond in the new list */
-	//fprintf( fout, " --> case2, return 1\n" );
-	return 1;
-      }
-    }
-    else {
-      /* there are no more bonds in old_bond list */
-      if( newp < End_Index( atom, new_bonds ) ) {
-	/* there is at least one other bond in the new list */
-	//fprintf( fout, " --> case 3, return 1\n" );
-	return 1;
-      }
-      else {
-	/* there is no other bond in the new list, either */
-	//fprintf( fout, " --> case 4, return 0\n" );
-	return 0;
-      }
+    int oldp, newp;
+    list *new_bonds = (*lists) + BONDS;
+    list *old_bonds = (*lists) + OLD_BONDS;
+    /*fprintf( stdout, "\n%d\nold_bonds:", atom );
+      for( oldp = Start_Index( atom, old_bonds );
+           oldp < End_Index( atom, old_bonds ); ++oldp )
+      if( old_bonds->select.bond_list[oldp].bo_data.BO >= control->bg_cut )
+      fprintf( stdout, "%5d", old_bonds->select.bond_list[oldp].nbr );
+      fprintf( stdout, "\nnew_bonds:" );
+      for( newp = Start_Index( atom, new_bonds );
+           newp < End_Index( atom, new_bonds ); ++newp )
+      if( new_bonds->select.bond_list[newp].bo_data.BO >= control->bg_cut )
+      fprintf( stdout, "%5d", new_bonds->select.bond_list[newp].nbr );*/
+    for ( oldp = Start_Index( atom, old_bonds ),
+            newp = Start_Index( atom, new_bonds );
+            oldp < End_Index(atom, old_bonds) || newp < End_Index(atom, new_bonds);
+            oldp = MIN( oldp + 1, End_Index( atom, old_bonds ) ),
+            newp = MIN( newp + 1, End_Index( atom, new_bonds ) ) )
+    {
+        while ( oldp < End_Index( atom, old_bonds ) &&
+                old_bonds->select.bond_list[oldp].bo_data.BO < control->bg_cut )
+            ++oldp;
+        while ( newp < End_Index( atom, new_bonds ) &&
+                new_bonds->select.bond_list[newp].bo_data.BO < control->bg_cut )
+            ++newp;
+        /*fprintf( fout, "%d, oldp: %d - %d, newp: %d - %d",
+          atom, oldp, old_bonds->select.bond_list[oldp].nbr,
+          newp,  new_bonds->select.bond_list[newp].nbr );*/
+        if ( oldp < End_Index( atom, old_bonds ) )
+        {
+            /* there are some other bonds in the old list */
+            if ( newp < End_Index( atom, new_bonds ) )
+            {
+                if ( old_bonds->select.bond_list[oldp].nbr !=
+                        new_bonds->select.bond_list[newp].nbr )
+                {
+                    //fprintf( fout, " --> case1, return 1\n" );
+                    return 1;
+                }
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                /* there is no other bond in the new list */
+                //fprintf( fout, " --> case2, return 1\n" );
+                return 1;
+            }
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            /* there are no more bonds in old_bond list */
+            if ( newp < End_Index( atom, new_bonds ) )
+            {
+                /* there is at least one other bond in the new list */
+                //fprintf( fout, " --> case 3, return 1\n" );
+                return 1;
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                /* there is no other bond in the new list, either */
+                //fprintf( fout, " --> case 4, return 0\n" );
+                return 0;
+            }
+        }
-  }
-  return 0;
+    return 0;
-void Get_Molecule( int atom, molecule *m, int *mark, reax_system *system, 
-		   control_params *control, list *bonds, int print, 
-		   FILE *fout )
+void Get_Molecule( int atom, molecule *m, int *mark, reax_system *system,
+                   control_params *control, list *bonds, int print,
+                   FILE *fout )
-  int i, start, end;
-  start = Start_Index( atom, bonds );
-  end = End_Index( atom, bonds );
-  if( print )
-    fprintf( fout, "%5d(%2s)", 
-	     atom+1, system->reaxprm.sbp[ system->atoms[atom].type ].name );
-  mark[atom] = 1;
-  m->atom_list[ m->atom_count++ ] = atom;
-  m->mtypes[ system->atoms[ atom ].type ]++;
-  for( i = start; i < end; ++i )
-    if( bonds->select.bond_list[i].bo_data.BO >= control->bg_cut && 
-	!mark[bonds->select.bond_list[i].nbr] )
-      Get_Molecule( bonds->select.bond_list[i].nbr, m, mark, 
-		    system, control, bonds, print, fout );
+    int i, start, end;
+    start = Start_Index( atom, bonds );
+    end = End_Index( atom, bonds );
+    if ( print )
+        fprintf( fout, "%5d(%2s)",
+                 atom + 1, system->reaxprm.sbp[ system->atoms[atom].type ].name );
+    mark[atom] = 1;
+    m->atom_list[ m->atom_count++ ] = atom;
+    m->mtypes[ system->atoms[ atom ].type ]++;
+    for ( i = start; i < end; ++i )
+        if ( bonds->select.bond_list[i].bo_data.BO >= control->bg_cut &&
+                !mark[bonds->select.bond_list[i].nbr] )
+            Get_Molecule( bonds->select.bond_list[i].nbr, m, mark,
+                          system, control, bonds, print, fout );
 void Print_Molecule( reax_system *system, molecule *m, int mode, char *s )
-  int j, atom;
+    int j, atom;
-  s[0] = 0;
+    s[0] = 0;
-  if( mode == 1 ) { 
-    /* print molecule summary */
-    for( j = 0; j < MAX_ATOM_TYPES; ++j )
-      if( m->mtypes[j] )
-	sprintf( s, "%s%s%d", s, system->reaxprm.sbp[j].name, m->mtypes[j] );
+    if ( mode == 1 )
+    {
+        /* print molecule summary */
+        for ( j = 0; j < MAX_ATOM_TYPES; ++j )
+            if ( m->mtypes[j] )
+                sprintf( s, "%s%s%d", s, system->reaxprm.sbp[j].name, m->mtypes[j] );
-  else if( mode == 2 ) { 
-    /* print molecule details */
-    for( j = 0; j < m->atom_count; ++j ) {
-      atom = m->atom_list[j];
-      sprintf( s, "%s%s(%d)", 
-	       s, system->reaxprm.sbp[ system->atoms[atom].type ].name, atom );
+    else if ( mode == 2 )
+    {
+        /* print molecule details */
+        for ( j = 0; j < m->atom_count; ++j )
+        {
+            atom = m->atom_list[j];
+            sprintf( s, "%s%s(%d)",
+                     s, system->reaxprm.sbp[ system->atoms[atom].type ].name, atom );
+        }
-  }
-void Analyze_Molecules( reax_system *system, control_params *control, 
-			simulation_data *data, static_storage *workspace, 
-			list **lists, FILE *fout )
+void Analyze_Molecules( reax_system *system, control_params *control,
+                        simulation_data *data, static_storage *workspace,
+                        list **lists, FILE *fout )
-  int atom, i, j, k, l, flag;
-  int *mark = workspace->mark;
-  int *old_mark = workspace->old_mark;
-  int num_old, num_new;
-  char s[MAX_MOLECULE_SIZE * 10];
-  list *new_bonds = (*lists) + BONDS;
-  list *old_bonds = (*lists) + OLD_BONDS;
-  molecule old_molecules[20], new_molecules[20];  
-  fprintf( fout, "molecular analysis @ %d\n", data->step );
-  memset( mark, 0, system->N * sizeof(int) );
-  memset( old_mark, 0, system->N * sizeof(int) );
-  /* compare new molecules to old molecules */
-  for( atom = 0; atom < system->N; ++atom )
-    if( !mark[atom] ) {
-      //fprintf( fout, "atom %d is being compared\n", atom );	    
-      if( Compare_Bond_Lists( atom, control, lists ) ) {
-	/* old & new lists are different, print the old and new molecules */
-	num_old = num_new = 0;
-	flag = 0;
-	i = k = 0;
-	memset( &old_molecules[0], 0, sizeof(molecule) *20 );
-	memset( &new_molecules[0], 0, sizeof(molecule) *20 );
-	fprintf( fout, "get_old_mol: " );
-	Get_Molecule( atom, &old_molecules[num_old++], old_mark, 
-		      system, control, old_bonds, 1, fout );
-	fprintf( fout, "\nget_new_mol: " );
-	Get_Molecule( atom, &new_molecules[num_new++], mark, 
-		      system, control, new_bonds, 1, fout );
-	fprintf( fout, "\n" );
-	while( !flag ) {
-	  flag = 1;
-	  for( ; i < num_old; ++i )
-	    for( j = 0; j < old_molecules[i].atom_count; ++j )
-	      if( !mark[old_molecules[i].atom_list[j]] ) {
-		fprintf( fout, "get_new_mol: " );
-		Get_Molecule( old_molecules[i].atom_list[j], 
-			      &new_molecules[num_new++], 
-			      mark, system, control, new_bonds, 1, fout );
-		fprintf( fout, "\n" );
-		flag = 0;
-	      }
-	  for( ; k < num_new; ++k )
-	    for( l = 0; l < new_molecules[k].atom_count; ++l )
-	      if( !old_mark[new_molecules[k].atom_list[l]] ) {
-		fprintf( fout, "get_old_mol: " );
-		Get_Molecule( new_molecules[k].atom_list[l], 
-			      &old_molecules[num_old++], 
-			      old_mark, system, control, old_bonds, 1, fout );
-		fprintf( fout, "\n" );
-		flag = 0;
-	      }
-	}
-	fprintf( fout, "old molecules: " );
-	for( i = 0; i < num_old; ++i ) {
-	  Print_Molecule( system, &old_molecules[i], 1, &s[0] );
-	  fprintf( fout, "%s\t", s );
-	}
-	fprintf( fout, "\n" );
-	fprintf( fout, "new molecules: " );
-	for( i = 0; i < num_new; ++i ) {
-	  Print_Molecule( system, &new_molecules[i], 1, &s[0] );
-	  fprintf( fout, "%s\t", s );
-	}
-	fprintf( fout, "\n" );
-      }
-    }
-  Copy_Bond_List( system, control, lists );
-  //free( mark );
-  //free( old_mark );
-  fprintf( fout, "\n" );
-  fflush( fout );
+    int atom, i, j, k, l, flag;
+    int *mark = workspace->mark;
+    int *old_mark = workspace->old_mark;
+    int num_old, num_new;
+    char s[MAX_MOLECULE_SIZE * 10];
+    list *new_bonds = (*lists) + BONDS;
+    list *old_bonds = (*lists) + OLD_BONDS;
+    molecule old_molecules[20], new_molecules[20];
+    fprintf( fout, "molecular analysis @ %d\n", data->step );
+    memset( mark, 0, system->N * sizeof(int) );
+    memset( old_mark, 0, system->N * sizeof(int) );
+    /* compare new molecules to old molecules */
+    for ( atom = 0; atom < system->N; ++atom )
+        if ( !mark[atom] )
+        {
+            //fprintf( fout, "atom %d is being compared\n", atom );
+            if ( Compare_Bond_Lists( atom, control, lists ) )
+            {
+                /* old & new lists are different, print the old and new molecules */
+                num_old = num_new = 0;
+                flag = 0;
+                i = k = 0;
+                memset( &old_molecules[0], 0, sizeof(molecule) * 20 );
+                memset( &new_molecules[0], 0, sizeof(molecule) * 20 );
+                fprintf( fout, "get_old_mol: " );
+                Get_Molecule( atom, &old_molecules[num_old++], old_mark,
+                              system, control, old_bonds, 1, fout );
+                fprintf( fout, "\nget_new_mol: " );
+                Get_Molecule( atom, &new_molecules[num_new++], mark,
+                              system, control, new_bonds, 1, fout );
+                fprintf( fout, "\n" );
+                while ( !flag )
+                {
+                    flag = 1;
+                    for ( ; i < num_old; ++i )
+                        for ( j = 0; j < old_molecules[i].atom_count; ++j )
+                            if ( !mark[old_molecules[i].atom_list[j]] )
+                            {
+                                fprintf( fout, "get_new_mol: " );
+                                Get_Molecule( old_molecules[i].atom_list[j],
+                                              &new_molecules[num_new++],
+                                              mark, system, control, new_bonds, 1, fout );
+                                fprintf( fout, "\n" );
+                                flag = 0;
+                            }
+                    for ( ; k < num_new; ++k )
+                        for ( l = 0; l < new_molecules[k].atom_count; ++l )
+                            if ( !old_mark[new_molecules[k].atom_list[l]] )
+                            {
+                                fprintf( fout, "get_old_mol: " );
+                                Get_Molecule( new_molecules[k].atom_list[l],
+                                              &old_molecules[num_old++],
+                                              old_mark, system, control, old_bonds, 1, fout );
+                                fprintf( fout, "\n" );
+                                flag = 0;
+                            }
+                }
+                fprintf( fout, "old molecules: " );
+                for ( i = 0; i < num_old; ++i )
+                {
+                    Print_Molecule( system, &old_molecules[i], 1, &s[0] );
+                    fprintf( fout, "%s\t", s );
+                }
+                fprintf( fout, "\n" );
+                fprintf( fout, "new molecules: " );
+                for ( i = 0; i < num_new; ++i )
+                {
+                    Print_Molecule( system, &new_molecules[i], 1, &s[0] );
+                    fprintf( fout, "%s\t", s );
+                }
+                fprintf( fout, "\n" );
+            }
+        }
+    Copy_Bond_List( system, control, lists );
+    //free( mark );
+    //free( old_mark );
+    fprintf( fout, "\n" );
+    fflush( fout );
-void Report_Bond_Change( reax_system *system, control_params *control, 
-			 static_storage *workspace,  list *old_bonds, 
-			 list *new_bonds, int a1, int a2, int flag, 
-			 FILE *fout )
+void Report_Bond_Change( reax_system *system, control_params *control,
+                         static_storage *workspace,  list *old_bonds,
+                         list *new_bonds, int a1, int a2, int flag,
+                         FILE *fout )
-  int i;
-  int rev1, rev2;
-  int mol1 = -1, mol2 = -1;  
-  // which molecule the atom belongs to, 0: Silica, 1: Water
-  rev1 = workspace->orig_id[a1];
-  rev2 = workspace->orig_id[a2];
-  if( !strcmp( system->atoms[a1].name, "  Si" ) || 
-      !strcmp( system->atoms[a1].name, "   O" ) )
-    mol1 = 0;
-  else mol1 = 1;
-  if( !strcmp( system->atoms[a2].name, "  Si" ) || 
-      !strcmp( system->atoms[a2].name, "   O" ) )
-    mol2 = 0;
-  else mol2 = 1;  
-  if( mol1 == 0 && mol2 == 0 ) {  // silica-silica
-    if( flag )
-      fprintf( fout, "silica bond formation:" );
-    else fprintf( fout, "silica bond breakage :" );
-    fprintf( fout, "%5d(%s)-%5d(%s)\n", 
-	     rev1, system->atoms[a1].name, rev2, system->atoms[a2].name );
-  }
-  else if( mol1 == 1 && mol2 == 1 ) { // water-water
-    if( flag )
-      fprintf( fout, "water bond formation:" );
-    else fprintf( fout, "water bond breakage :" );
-    fprintf( fout, "%5d(%s)-%5d(%s)\n", 
-	     rev1, system->atoms[a1].name, rev2, system->atoms[a2].name );
-  }
-  else  { // water-silica!
-    if( flag )
-      fprintf( fout, "SILICA-WATER bond formation:" );
-    else fprintf( fout, "SILICA-WATER bond breakage :" );
-    fprintf( fout, "%5d(%s)-%5d(%s)\n", 
-	     rev1, system->atoms[a1].name, rev2, system->atoms[a2].name );
-    fprintf( fout, "%5d(%s) was connected to:", rev1, system->atoms[a1].name );
-    for( i = Start_Index(a1, old_bonds); i < End_Index(a1, old_bonds); ++i )
-      if( old_bonds->select.bond_list[i].bo_data.BO >= control->bg_cut )
-	fprintf( fout, " %5d(%s)", 
-		 workspace->orig_id[ old_bonds->select.bond_list[i].nbr ],
-		 system->atoms[ old_bonds->select.bond_list[i].nbr ].name );
-    fprintf( fout, "\n" );
-    fprintf( fout, "%5d(%s) was connected to:", rev2, system->atoms[a2].name );
-    for( i = Start_Index(a2, old_bonds); i < End_Index(a2, old_bonds); ++i )
-      if( old_bonds->select.bond_list[i].bo_data.BO >= control->bg_cut )
-	fprintf( fout, " %5d(%s)", 
-		 workspace->orig_id[ old_bonds->select.bond_list[i].nbr ],
-		 system->atoms[ old_bonds->select.bond_list[i].nbr ].name );
-    fprintf( fout, "\n" );
-  }
+    int i;
+    int rev1, rev2;
+    int mol1 = -1, mol2 = -1;
+    // which molecule the atom belongs to, 0: Silica, 1: Water
+    rev1 = workspace->orig_id[a1];
+    rev2 = workspace->orig_id[a2];
+    if ( !strcmp( system->atoms[a1].name, "  Si" ) ||
+            !strcmp( system->atoms[a1].name, "   O" ) )
+        mol1 = 0;
+    else mol1 = 1;
+    if ( !strcmp( system->atoms[a2].name, "  Si" ) ||
+            !strcmp( system->atoms[a2].name, "   O" ) )
+        mol2 = 0;
+    else mol2 = 1;
+    if ( mol1 == 0 && mol2 == 0 )   // silica-silica
+    {
+        if ( flag )
+            fprintf( fout, "silica bond formation:" );
+        else fprintf( fout, "silica bond breakage :" );
+        fprintf( fout, "%5d(%s)-%5d(%s)\n",
+                 rev1, system->atoms[a1].name, rev2, system->atoms[a2].name );
+    }
+    else if ( mol1 == 1 && mol2 == 1 )  // water-water
+    {
+        if ( flag )
+            fprintf( fout, "water bond formation:" );
+        else fprintf( fout, "water bond breakage :" );
+        fprintf( fout, "%5d(%s)-%5d(%s)\n",
+                 rev1, system->atoms[a1].name, rev2, system->atoms[a2].name );
+    }
+    else    // water-silica!
+    {
+        if ( flag )
+            fprintf( fout, "SILICA-WATER bond formation:" );
+        else fprintf( fout, "SILICA-WATER bond breakage :" );
+        fprintf( fout, "%5d(%s)-%5d(%s)\n",
+                 rev1, system->atoms[a1].name, rev2, system->atoms[a2].name );
+        fprintf( fout, "%5d(%s) was connected to:", rev1, system->atoms[a1].name );
+        for ( i = Start_Index(a1, old_bonds); i < End_Index(a1, old_bonds); ++i )
+            if ( old_bonds->select.bond_list[i].bo_data.BO >= control->bg_cut )
+                fprintf( fout, " %5d(%s)",
+                         workspace->orig_id[ old_bonds->select.bond_list[i].nbr ],
+                         system->atoms[ old_bonds->select.bond_list[i].nbr ].name );
+        fprintf( fout, "\n" );
+        fprintf( fout, "%5d(%s) was connected to:", rev2, system->atoms[a2].name );
+        for ( i = Start_Index(a2, old_bonds); i < End_Index(a2, old_bonds); ++i )
+            if ( old_bonds->select.bond_list[i].bo_data.BO >= control->bg_cut )
+                fprintf( fout, " %5d(%s)",
+                         workspace->orig_id[ old_bonds->select.bond_list[i].nbr ],
+                         system->atoms[ old_bonds->select.bond_list[i].nbr ].name );
+        fprintf( fout, "\n" );
+    }
 /* ASSUMPTION: Bond lists are sorted */
-void Compare_Bonding( int atom, reax_system *system, control_params *control, 
-		      static_storage *workspace, list *old_bonds, 
-		      list *new_bonds, FILE *fout )
+void Compare_Bonding( int atom, reax_system *system, control_params *control,
+                      static_storage *workspace, list *old_bonds,
+                      list *new_bonds, FILE *fout )
-  int oldp, newp;
-  /* fprintf( fout, "\n%d\nold_bonds:", atom );
-     for( oldp = Start_Index( atom, old_bonds ); 
-          oldp < End_Index( atom, old_bonds ); ++oldp )
-     if( old_bonds->select.bond_list[oldp].bo_data.BO >= control->bg_cut )
-     fprintf( fout, "%5d", old_bonds->select.bond_list[oldp].nbr );
-     fprintf( fout, "\nnew_bonds:" );
-     for( newp = Start_Index( atom, new_bonds ); 
-          newp < End_Index( atom, new_bonds ); ++newp )
-     if( new_bonds->select.bond_list[newp].bo_data.BO >= control->bg_cut )
-     fprintf( fout, "%6d", new_bonds->select.bond_list[newp].nbr );
-     fprintf( fout, "\n" ); */
-  for( oldp = Start_Index( atom, old_bonds );
-        oldp < End_Index( atom, old_bonds ) && 
-	 old_bonds->select.bond_list[oldp].nbr < atom;
-	++oldp );
-  for( newp = Start_Index( atom, new_bonds );
-        newp < End_Index( atom, new_bonds ) && 
-	 new_bonds->select.bond_list[newp].nbr < atom;
-	++newp );
-  while( oldp < End_Index( atom, old_bonds ) || 
-	 newp < End_Index( atom, new_bonds ) ) {
-    while( oldp < End_Index( atom, old_bonds ) && 
-	   old_bonds->select.bond_list[oldp].bo_data.BO < control->bg_cut ) 
-      ++oldp;
-    while( newp < End_Index( atom, new_bonds ) && 
-	   new_bonds->select.bond_list[newp].bo_data.BO < control->bg_cut )  
-      ++newp;
-    /*fprintf( fout, "%d, oldp: %d - %d: %f    newp: %d - %d: %f",
-      atom, oldp, old_bonds->select.bond_list[oldp].nbr, 
-      old_bonds->select.bond_list[oldp].bo_data.BO,
-      newp,  new_bonds->select.bond_list[newp].nbr, 
-      new_bonds->select.bond_list[newp].bo_data.BO ); */
-    if( oldp < End_Index( atom, old_bonds ) ) {
-      /* there are some more bonds in the old list */
-      if( newp < End_Index( atom, new_bonds ) ) {
-	if( old_bonds->select.bond_list[oldp].nbr < 
-	    new_bonds->select.bond_list[newp].nbr ) {
-	  // fprintf( fout, "%5d-%5d bond broken\n", 
-	  // atom, old_bonds->select.bond_list[oldp].nbr );
-	  Report_Bond_Change( system, control, workspace, old_bonds, new_bonds,
-			      atom, old_bonds->select.bond_list[oldp].nbr, 0, 
-			      fout );
-	  ++oldp;
-	}
-	else if( old_bonds->select.bond_list[oldp].nbr > 
-		 new_bonds->select.bond_list[newp].nbr ) {
-	  // fprintf( fout, "%5d-%5d bond formed\n", 
-	  // atom, new_bonds->select.bond_list[newp].nbr );
-	  Report_Bond_Change( system, control, workspace, old_bonds, new_bonds,
-			      atom, new_bonds->select.bond_list[newp].nbr, 1, 
-			      fout );
-	  ++newp;
-	}
-	else
-	  ++newp, ++oldp;
-      }
-      else	    
-	/* there is no other bond in the new list */
-	while( oldp < End_Index( atom, old_bonds ) ) {
-	  if( old_bonds->select.bond_list[oldp].bo_data.BO>=control->bg_cut ) {
-	    // fprintf( fout, "%5d-%5d bond broken\n", 
-	    // atom, old_bonds->select.bond_list[oldp].nbr );
-	    Report_Bond_Change( system, control, workspace, 
-				old_bonds, new_bonds, atom, 
-				old_bonds->select.bond_list[oldp].nbr, 0, 
-				fout );
-	  }
-	  ++oldp;
-	}	
-    }
-    else {
-      /* there are no more bonds in old_bond list */
-      if( newp < End_Index( atom, new_bonds ) )
-	/* there is at least one other bond in the new list */
-	while( newp < End_Index( atom, new_bonds ) ) {
-	  if( new_bonds->select.bond_list[newp].bo_data.BO>=control->bg_cut ){
-	    // fprintf( fout, "%5d-%5d bond formed\n", 
-	    // atom, new_bonds->select.bond_list[newp].nbr );
-	    Report_Bond_Change( system, control, workspace, 
-				old_bonds, new_bonds, atom, 
-				new_bonds->select.bond_list[newp].nbr, 1, 
-				fout );
-	  }
-	  ++newp;
-	}
-      else {
-	/* there is no other bond in the new list, either -- 
-	   no need to do anything */
-      }
+    int oldp, newp;
+    /* fprintf( fout, "\n%d\nold_bonds:", atom );
+       for( oldp = Start_Index( atom, old_bonds );
+            oldp < End_Index( atom, old_bonds ); ++oldp )
+       if( old_bonds->select.bond_list[oldp].bo_data.BO >= control->bg_cut )
+       fprintf( fout, "%5d", old_bonds->select.bond_list[oldp].nbr );
+       fprintf( fout, "\nnew_bonds:" );
+       for( newp = Start_Index( atom, new_bonds );
+            newp < End_Index( atom, new_bonds ); ++newp )
+       if( new_bonds->select.bond_list[newp].bo_data.BO >= control->bg_cut )
+       fprintf( fout, "%6d", new_bonds->select.bond_list[newp].nbr );
+       fprintf( fout, "\n" ); */
+    for ( oldp = Start_Index( atom, old_bonds );
+            oldp < End_Index( atom, old_bonds ) &&
+            old_bonds->select.bond_list[oldp].nbr < atom;
+            ++oldp );
+    for ( newp = Start_Index( atom, new_bonds );
+            newp < End_Index( atom, new_bonds ) &&
+            new_bonds->select.bond_list[newp].nbr < atom;
+            ++newp );
+    while ( oldp < End_Index( atom, old_bonds ) ||
+            newp < End_Index( atom, new_bonds ) )
+    {
+        while ( oldp < End_Index( atom, old_bonds ) &&
+                old_bonds->select.bond_list[oldp].bo_data.BO < control->bg_cut )
+            ++oldp;
+        while ( newp < End_Index( atom, new_bonds ) &&
+                new_bonds->select.bond_list[newp].bo_data.BO < control->bg_cut )
+            ++newp;
+        /*fprintf( fout, "%d, oldp: %d - %d: %f    newp: %d - %d: %f",
+          atom, oldp, old_bonds->select.bond_list[oldp].nbr,
+          old_bonds->select.bond_list[oldp].bo_data.BO,
+          newp,  new_bonds->select.bond_list[newp].nbr,
+          new_bonds->select.bond_list[newp].bo_data.BO ); */
+        if ( oldp < End_Index( atom, old_bonds ) )
+        {
+            /* there are some more bonds in the old list */
+            if ( newp < End_Index( atom, new_bonds ) )
+            {
+                if ( old_bonds->select.bond_list[oldp].nbr <
+                        new_bonds->select.bond_list[newp].nbr )
+                {
+                    // fprintf( fout, "%5d-%5d bond broken\n",
+                    // atom, old_bonds->select.bond_list[oldp].nbr );
+                    Report_Bond_Change( system, control, workspace, old_bonds, new_bonds,
+                                        atom, old_bonds->select.bond_list[oldp].nbr, 0,
+                                        fout );
+                    ++oldp;
+                }
+                else if ( old_bonds->select.bond_list[oldp].nbr >
+                          new_bonds->select.bond_list[newp].nbr )
+                {
+                    // fprintf( fout, "%5d-%5d bond formed\n",
+                    // atom, new_bonds->select.bond_list[newp].nbr );
+                    Report_Bond_Change( system, control, workspace, old_bonds, new_bonds,
+                                        atom, new_bonds->select.bond_list[newp].nbr, 1,
+                                        fout );
+                    ++newp;
+                }
+                else
+                    ++newp, ++oldp;
+            }
+            else
+                /* there is no other bond in the new list */
+                while ( oldp < End_Index( atom, old_bonds ) )
+                {
+                    if ( old_bonds->select.bond_list[oldp].bo_data.BO >= control->bg_cut )
+                    {
+                        // fprintf( fout, "%5d-%5d bond broken\n",
+                        // atom, old_bonds->select.bond_list[oldp].nbr );
+                        Report_Bond_Change( system, control, workspace,
+                                            old_bonds, new_bonds, atom,
+                                            old_bonds->select.bond_list[oldp].nbr, 0,
+                                            fout );
+                    }
+                    ++oldp;
+                }
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            /* there are no more bonds in old_bond list */
+            if ( newp < End_Index( atom, new_bonds ) )
+                /* there is at least one other bond in the new list */
+                while ( newp < End_Index( atom, new_bonds ) )
+                {
+                    if ( new_bonds->select.bond_list[newp].bo_data.BO >= control->bg_cut )
+                    {
+                        // fprintf( fout, "%5d-%5d bond formed\n",
+                        // atom, new_bonds->select.bond_list[newp].nbr );
+                        Report_Bond_Change( system, control, workspace,
+                                            old_bonds, new_bonds, atom,
+                                            new_bonds->select.bond_list[newp].nbr, 1,
+                                            fout );
+                    }
+                    ++newp;
+                }
+            else
+            {
+                /* there is no other bond in the new list, either --
+                   no need to do anything */
+            }
+        }
-  }
-void Visit_Bonds( int atom, int *mark, int *type, reax_system *system, 
-		  control_params *control, list *bonds, int ignore )
+void Visit_Bonds( int atom, int *mark, int *type, reax_system *system,
+                  control_params *control, list *bonds, int ignore )
-  int i, t, start, end, nbr;
-  real bo;
-  mark[atom] = 1;
-  t = system->atoms[atom].type;
-  if( ignore && control->ignore[t] )
-    return;
-  type[t]++;
-  start = Start_Index( atom, bonds );
-  end = End_Index( atom, bonds );
-  for( i = start; i < end; ++i ) {
-    nbr = bonds->select.bond_list[i].nbr;
-    bo = bonds->select.bond_list[i].bo_data.BO;
-    if( bo >= control->bg_cut && !mark[nbr] )
-      Visit_Bonds( nbr, mark, type, system, control, bonds, ignore );
-  }
+    int i, t, start, end, nbr;
+    real bo;
+    mark[atom] = 1;
+    t = system->atoms[atom].type;
+    if ( ignore && control->ignore[t] )
+        return;
+    type[t]++;
+    start = Start_Index( atom, bonds );
+    end = End_Index( atom, bonds );
+    for ( i = start; i < end; ++i )
+    {
+        nbr = bonds->select.bond_list[i].nbr;
+        bo = bonds->select.bond_list[i].bo_data.BO;
+        if ( bo >= control->bg_cut && !mark[nbr] )
+            Visit_Bonds( nbr, mark, type, system, control, bonds, ignore );
+    }
-void Analyze_Fragments( reax_system *system, control_params *control, 
-			simulation_data *data, static_storage *workspace, 
-			list **lists, FILE *fout, int ignore )
+void Analyze_Fragments( reax_system *system, control_params *control,
+                        simulation_data *data, static_storage *workspace,
+                        list **lists, FILE *fout, int ignore )
-  int  atom, i, flag;
-  int  *mark = workspace->mark;
-  int  num_fragments, num_fragment_types;
-  char fragment[MAX_ATOM_TYPES];
-  int  fragment_count[MAX_FRAGMENT_TYPES];
-  molecule m;
-  list *new_bonds = (*lists) + BONDS;
-  //list *old_bonds = (*lists) + OLD_BONDS;
-  /* fragment analysis */
-  fprintf( fout, "step%d fragments\n", data->step );
-  num_fragments = 0;
-  num_fragment_types = 0;
-  memset( mark, 0, system->N * sizeof(int) );
-  for( atom = 0; atom < system->N; ++atom )
-    if( !mark[atom] ) {
-      /* discover a new fragment */
-      memset( m.mtypes, 0, MAX_ATOM_TYPES * sizeof(int) );
-      Visit_Bonds( atom, mark, m.mtypes, system, control, new_bonds, ignore );
-      ++num_fragments;
-      Print_Molecule( system, &m, 1, fragment );
-      /* check if a similar fragment already exists */
-      flag = 0;
-      for( i = 0; i < num_fragment_types; ++i )
-	if( !strcmp( fragments[i], fragment ) ) {
-	  ++fragment_count[i];
-	  flag = 1;
-	  break;
-	}
-      if( flag == 0 ) {
-	/* it is a new one, add to the fragments list */
-	strcpy( fragments[num_fragment_types], fragment );
-	fragment_count[num_fragment_types] = 1;
-	++num_fragment_types;
-      }
-    }
-  /* output the results of fragment analysis */
-  for( i = 0; i < num_fragment_types; ++i )
-    if( strlen(fragments[i]) )
-      fprintf( fout, "%d of %s\n", fragment_count[i], fragments[i] );
-  fprintf( fout, "\n" ); 
-  fflush( fout );
-  /* compare new bonds to old bonds */
-  //for( atom = 0; atom < system->N; ++atom ) {
-  // fprintf( fout, "atom: %d\n", atom ); fflush( fout );
-  // Compare_Bonding( atom, system, control, workspace, 
-  // old_bonds, new_bonds, fout );
-  //}
-  //Copy_Bond_List( system, control, lists );
+    int  atom, i, flag;
+    int  *mark = workspace->mark;
+    int  num_fragments, num_fragment_types;
+    char fragment[MAX_ATOM_TYPES];
+    char fragments[MAX_FRAGMENT_TYPES][MAX_ATOM_TYPES];
+    int  fragment_count[MAX_FRAGMENT_TYPES];
+    molecule m;
+    list *new_bonds = (*lists) + BONDS;
+    //list *old_bonds = (*lists) + OLD_BONDS;
+    /* fragment analysis */
+    fprintf( fout, "step%d fragments\n", data->step );
+    num_fragments = 0;
+    num_fragment_types = 0;
+    memset( mark, 0, system->N * sizeof(int) );
+    for ( atom = 0; atom < system->N; ++atom )
+        if ( !mark[atom] )
+        {
+            /* discover a new fragment */
+            memset( m.mtypes, 0, MAX_ATOM_TYPES * sizeof(int) );
+            Visit_Bonds( atom, mark, m.mtypes, system, control, new_bonds, ignore );
+            ++num_fragments;
+            Print_Molecule( system, &m, 1, fragment );
+            /* check if a similar fragment already exists */
+            flag = 0;
+            for ( i = 0; i < num_fragment_types; ++i )
+                if ( !strcmp( fragments[i], fragment ) )
+                {
+                    ++fragment_count[i];
+                    flag = 1;
+                    break;
+                }
+            if ( flag == 0 )
+            {
+                /* it is a new one, add to the fragments list */
+                strcpy( fragments[num_fragment_types], fragment );
+                fragment_count[num_fragment_types] = 1;
+                ++num_fragment_types;
+            }
+        }
+    /* output the results of fragment analysis */
+    for ( i = 0; i < num_fragment_types; ++i )
+        if ( strlen(fragments[i]) )
+            fprintf( fout, "%d of %s\n", fragment_count[i], fragments[i] );
+    fprintf( fout, "\n" );
+    fflush( fout );
+    /* compare new bonds to old bonds */
+    //for( atom = 0; atom < system->N; ++atom ) {
+    // fprintf( fout, "atom: %d\n", atom ); fflush( fout );
+    // Compare_Bonding( atom, system, control, workspace,
+    // old_bonds, new_bonds, fout );
+    //}
+    //Copy_Bond_List( system, control, lists );
-void Analyze_Silica( reax_system *system, control_params *control, 
-		     simulation_data *data, static_storage *workspace, 
-		     list **lists, FILE *fout )
+void Analyze_Silica( reax_system *system, control_params *control,
+                     simulation_data *data, static_storage *workspace,
+                     list **lists, FILE *fout )
-  int atom, i, j, k, pi, pk, pk_j, newp, coord;
-  int O_SI_O_count, SI_O_SI_count;
-  int si_coord[10], ox_coord[10];
-  real O_SI_O, SI_O_SI;
-  list *new_bonds = (*lists) + BONDS;
-  list *thb_intrs =  (*lists) + THREE_BODIES;
-  Analyze_Fragments( system, control, data, workspace, lists, fout, 0 ); 
-  /* analyze atom coordinations */
-  for( i = 0; i < 10; ++i )
-    si_coord[i] = ox_coord[i] = 0;
-  for( atom = 0; atom < system->N; ++atom ) {
-    coord = 0;
-    for( newp = Start_Index( atom, new_bonds ); 
-	 newp < End_Index( atom, new_bonds ); ++newp )
-      if( new_bonds->select.bond_list[newp].bo_data.BO >= control->bg_cut )
-	++coord;
-    if( system->atoms[ atom ].type == SI_ATOM ) {
-      /*if( coord == 4 )
-	full_coord_SI++;
-	else less_coord_SI++;*/
-      ++si_coord[coord];
-    }
-    else if( system->atoms[ atom ].type == O_ATOM ) {
-      /*if( coord == 2 )
-	full_coord_O++;
-	else less_coord_O++;*/
-      ++ox_coord[coord];
+    int atom, i, j, k, pi, pk, pk_j, newp, coord;
+    int O_SI_O_count, SI_O_SI_count;
+    int si_coord[10], ox_coord[10];
+    real O_SI_O, SI_O_SI;
+    list *new_bonds = (*lists) + BONDS;
+    list *thb_intrs =  (*lists) + THREE_BODIES;
+    Analyze_Fragments( system, control, data, workspace, lists, fout, 0 );
+    /* analyze atom coordinations */
+    for ( i = 0; i < 10; ++i )
+        si_coord[i] = ox_coord[i] = 0;
+    for ( atom = 0; atom < system->N; ++atom )
+    {
+        coord = 0;
+        for ( newp = Start_Index( atom, new_bonds );
+                newp < End_Index( atom, new_bonds ); ++newp )
+            if ( new_bonds->select.bond_list[newp].bo_data.BO >= control->bg_cut )
+                ++coord;
+        if ( system->atoms[ atom ].type == SI_ATOM )
+        {
+            /*if( coord == 4 )
+            full_coord_SI++;
+            else less_coord_SI++;*/
+            ++si_coord[coord];
+        }
+        else if ( system->atoms[ atom ].type == O_ATOM )
+        {
+            /*if( coord == 2 )
+            full_coord_O++;
+            else less_coord_O++;*/
+            ++ox_coord[coord];
+        }
-  }
-  /* fprintf( fout, "\nFour Coordinated SI: %.2f%\n", 
-     (double)full_coord_SI / (full_coord_SI + less_coord_SI) * 100. );
-     fprintf( fout, "Four Coordinated O : %.2f%\n", 
-     (double)full_coord_O  / (full_coord_O  + less_coord_O ) * 100. ); */
-  fprintf( fout, "Silicon coordinations:\n" );
-  for( i = 1; i < 10; ++i )
-    if( si_coord[i] )
-      fprintf( fout, "\t%d-coord: %d\n", i, si_coord[i] );
-  fprintf( fout, "\nOxygen coordinations:\n" );
-  for( i = 1; i < 10; ++i )
-    if( ox_coord[i] )
-      fprintf( fout, "\t%d-coord: %d\n", i, ox_coord[i] );
-  /* analyze bond angles */
-  O_SI_O = 0;
-  O_SI_O_count = 0;
-  SI_O_SI = 0;
-  SI_O_SI_count = 0;
-  for( j = 0; j < system->N; ++j )
-    if( system->atoms[j].type == O_ATOM || system->atoms[j].type == SI_ATOM )
-      for( pi = Start_Index(j, new_bonds); pi < End_Index(j, new_bonds); ++pi )
-	if( new_bonds->select.bond_list[pi].bo_data.BO >= control->bg_cut ) {
-	  i = new_bonds->select.bond_list[pi].nbr;
-	  if(system->atoms[i].type==O_ATOM || system->atoms[i].type==SI_ATOM) {
-	    for( pk = Start_Index( pi, thb_intrs ); 
-		 pk < End_Index( pi, thb_intrs ); ++pk ) {
-	      k = thb_intrs->select.three_body_list[pk].thb;
-	      pk_j = thb_intrs->select.three_body_list[pk].pthb; 
-	      // get k's pointer on j's bond list
-	      if( new_bonds->select.bond_list[pk_j].bo_data.BO >= 
-		  control->bg_cut ) { // physical j&k bond
-		/*fprintf( fout, "%5d(%d) %5d(%d) %5d(%d)   %8.3f\n", 
-		  i, system->atoms[i].type, j, system->atoms[j].type,
-		  k, system->atoms[k].type, 
-		  thb_intrs->select.three_body_list[pk].theta );*/
-		if( system->atoms[i].type == O_ATOM && 
-		    system->atoms[j].type == SI_ATOM &&  
-		    system->atoms[k].type == O_ATOM ){
-		  O_SI_O_count++;
-		  O_SI_O += thb_intrs->select.three_body_list[pk].theta;
-		}
-		else if ( system->atoms[i].type == SI_ATOM && 
-			  system->atoms[j].type == O_ATOM &&  
-			  system->atoms[k].type == SI_ATOM ){
-		  SI_O_SI_count++;
-		  SI_O_SI += thb_intrs->select.three_body_list[pk].theta;
-		}
-	      }
-	    }
-	  }
-	}
-  fprintf( fout, "\nAverage O-Si-O angle: %8.2f\n", 
-	   RAD2DEG(O_SI_O / O_SI_O_count) );
-  fprintf( fout, "Average Si-O-Si angle:  %8.2f\n\n\n", 
-	   RAD2DEG(SI_O_SI / SI_O_SI_count) );  
-  fflush( fout );
+    /* fprintf( fout, "\nFour Coordinated SI: %.2f%\n",
+       (double)full_coord_SI / (full_coord_SI + less_coord_SI) * 100. );
+       fprintf( fout, "Four Coordinated O : %.2f%\n",
+       (double)full_coord_O  / (full_coord_O  + less_coord_O ) * 100. ); */
+    fprintf( fout, "Silicon coordinations:\n" );
+    for ( i = 1; i < 10; ++i )
+        if ( si_coord[i] )
+            fprintf( fout, "\t%d-coord: %d\n", i, si_coord[i] );
+    fprintf( fout, "\nOxygen coordinations:\n" );
+    for ( i = 1; i < 10; ++i )
+        if ( ox_coord[i] )
+            fprintf( fout, "\t%d-coord: %d\n", i, ox_coord[i] );
+    /* analyze bond angles */
+    O_SI_O = 0;
+    O_SI_O_count = 0;
+    SI_O_SI = 0;
+    SI_O_SI_count = 0;
+    for ( j = 0; j < system->N; ++j )
+        if ( system->atoms[j].type == O_ATOM || system->atoms[j].type == SI_ATOM )
+            for ( pi = Start_Index(j, new_bonds); pi < End_Index(j, new_bonds); ++pi )
+                if ( new_bonds->select.bond_list[pi].bo_data.BO >= control->bg_cut )
+                {
+                    i = new_bonds->select.bond_list[pi].nbr;
+                    if (system->atoms[i].type == O_ATOM || system->atoms[i].type == SI_ATOM)
+                    {
+                        for ( pk = Start_Index( pi, thb_intrs );
+                                pk < End_Index( pi, thb_intrs ); ++pk )
+                        {
+                            k = thb_intrs->select.three_body_list[pk].thb;
+                            pk_j = thb_intrs->select.three_body_list[pk].pthb;
+                            // get k's pointer on j's bond list
+                            if ( new_bonds->select.bond_list[pk_j].bo_data.BO >=
+                                    control->bg_cut )   // physical j&k bond
+                            {
+                                /*fprintf( fout, "%5d(%d) %5d(%d) %5d(%d)   %8.3f\n",
+                                  i, system->atoms[i].type, j, system->atoms[j].type,
+                                  k, system->atoms[k].type,
+                                  thb_intrs->select.three_body_list[pk].theta );*/
+                                if ( system->atoms[i].type == O_ATOM &&
+                                        system->atoms[j].type == SI_ATOM &&
+                                        system->atoms[k].type == O_ATOM )
+                                {
+                                    O_SI_O_count++;
+                                    O_SI_O += thb_intrs->select.three_body_list[pk].theta;
+                                }
+                                else if ( system->atoms[i].type == SI_ATOM &&
+                                          system->atoms[j].type == O_ATOM &&
+                                          system->atoms[k].type == SI_ATOM )
+                                {
+                                    SI_O_SI_count++;
+                                    SI_O_SI += thb_intrs->select.three_body_list[pk].theta;
+                                }
+                            }
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+    fprintf( fout, "\nAverage O-Si-O angle: %8.2f\n",
+             RAD2DEG(O_SI_O / O_SI_O_count) );
+    fprintf( fout, "Average Si-O-Si angle:  %8.2f\n\n\n",
+             RAD2DEG(SI_O_SI / SI_O_SI_count) );
+    fflush( fout );
 int Get_Type_of_Molecule( molecule *m )
-  if( m->atom_count == 3 && m->mtypes[1] == 2 && m->mtypes[2] == 1 )
-    return WATER;
+    if ( m->atom_count == 3 && m->mtypes[1] == 2 && m->mtypes[2] == 1 )
+        return WATER;
-  return UNKNOWN;
+    return UNKNOWN;
-void Calculate_Dipole_Moment( reax_system *system, control_params *control, 
-			      simulation_data *data, static_storage *workspace,
-			      list *bonds, FILE *fout )
+void Calculate_Dipole_Moment( reax_system *system, control_params *control,
+                              simulation_data *data, static_storage *workspace,
+                              list *bonds, FILE *fout )
-  int i, atom, count;
-  molecule m;
-  real mu_sum;
-  rvec tmpvec, mu;
-  int *mark = workspace->mark;
-  //fprintf( fout, "starting dipole moment calculations...\n" );
-  mu_sum = 0;
-  count = 0;
-  for( atom = 0; atom < system->N; ++atom )
-    /* start discovering water molecules from the central O atom */
-    if( !mark[atom] && system->atoms[atom].type == 2 ) {
-      rvec_MakeZero( mu );
-      memset( &m, 0, sizeof(molecule) );
-      Get_Molecule( atom, &m, mark, system, control, bonds, 0, fout );	
-      if( Get_Type_of_Molecule( &m ) == WATER ) {
-	++count;
-	for( i = 1; i < 2; ++i ) {
-	  Distance_on_T3_Gen( system->atoms[ m.atom_list[0] ].x, 
-			      system->atoms[ m.atom_list[i] ].x, 
-			      &(system->box), tmpvec );
-	  rvec_ScaledAdd( mu, -system->atoms[m.atom_list[0]].q / 2.0, tmpvec );
-	}
-	mu_sum += rvec_Norm( mu );
-      }  
-    }
-  fprintf( fout, "%7d  %10d      %10.5f\n", 
-	   data->step, count, mu_sum / count * ECxA_to_DEBYE );
-  fflush( fout );
+    int i, atom, count;
+    molecule m;
+    real mu_sum;
+    rvec tmpvec, mu;
+    int *mark = workspace->mark;
+    //fprintf( fout, "starting dipole moment calculations...\n" );
+    mu_sum = 0;
+    count = 0;
+    for ( atom = 0; atom < system->N; ++atom )
+        /* start discovering water molecules from the central O atom */
+        if ( !mark[atom] && system->atoms[atom].type == 2 )
+        {
+            rvec_MakeZero( mu );
+            memset( &m, 0, sizeof(molecule) );
+            Get_Molecule( atom, &m, mark, system, control, bonds, 0, fout );
+            if ( Get_Type_of_Molecule( &m ) == WATER )
+            {
+                ++count;
+                for ( i = 1; i < 2; ++i )
+                {
+                    Distance_on_T3_Gen( system->atoms[ m.atom_list[0] ].x,
+                                        system->atoms[ m.atom_list[i] ].x,
+                                        &(system->box), tmpvec );
+                    rvec_ScaledAdd( mu, -system->atoms[m.atom_list[0]].q / 2.0, tmpvec );
+                }
+                mu_sum += rvec_Norm( mu );
+            }
+        }
+    fprintf( fout, "%7d  %10d      %10.5f\n",
+             data->step, count, mu_sum / count * ECxA_to_DEBYE );
+    fflush( fout );
 void Copy_Positions( reax_system *system, static_storage *workspace )
-  int i;
-  for( i = 0; i < system->N; ++i )
-    rvec_Copy( workspace->x_old[i], system->atoms[i].x );
+    int i;
+    for ( i = 0; i < system->N; ++i )
+        rvec_Copy( workspace->x_old[i], system->atoms[i].x );
-void Calculate_Drift( reax_system *system, control_params *control, 
-		      simulation_data *data, static_storage *workspace, 
-		      FILE *fout )
+void Calculate_Drift( reax_system *system, control_params *control,
+                      simulation_data *data, static_storage *workspace,
+                      FILE *fout )
-  int i, type;
-  int count[MAX_ATOM_TYPES];
-  real drift;
-  rvec driftvec;
-  real sum_sqr_drift[MAX_ATOM_TYPES], sum_drift[MAX_ATOM_TYPES];
+    int i, type;
+    int count[MAX_ATOM_TYPES];
+    real drift;
+    rvec driftvec;
+    real sum_sqr_drift[MAX_ATOM_TYPES], sum_drift[MAX_ATOM_TYPES];
-  for( i = 0; i < MAX_ATOM_TYPES; ++i )
+    for ( i = 0; i < MAX_ATOM_TYPES; ++i )
-      count[i] = 0;
-      sum_sqr_drift[i] = sum_drift[i] = 0.0;
+        count[i] = 0;
+        sum_sqr_drift[i] = sum_drift[i] = 0.0;
-  for( i = 0; i < system->N; ++i )
-    //if( control->restrict_type == -1 || 
-    // system->atoms[i].type == control->restrict_type )
-    if( workspace->x_old[i][0] > -system->box.box_norms[0] && 
-	workspace->x_old[i][1] > -system->box.box_norms[1] && 
-	workspace->x_old[i][2] > -system->box.box_norms[2] )
-      {
-	type = system->atoms[i].type;
-	++count[type];
-	Distance_on_T3_Gen( workspace->x_old[i], system->atoms[i].x, 
-			    &(system->box), driftvec );
-	if( fabs( driftvec[0] ) >= system->box.box_norms[0] / 2.0 - 2.0 || 
-	    fabs( driftvec[0] ) >= system->box.box_norms[0] / 2.0 - 2.0 || 
-	    fabs( driftvec[0] ) >= system->box.box_norms[0] / 2.0 - 2.0 ) {
-	  /* the atom has moved almost half the box size. 
-	     exclude it from further drift computations as it might have an 
-	     improper contribution due to periodic boudnaries. */
-	  workspace->x_old[i][0] = -999999999999.0;
-          workspace->x_old[i][2] = -999999999999.0;
-	  workspace->x_old[i][2] = -999999999999.0;
-	  continue;
-	}
-	drift = rvec_Norm_Sqr( driftvec );
-	sum_sqr_drift[type] += drift;
-	sum_drift[type]     += SQRT( drift );
-      }
-  fprintf( fout, "%7d  oxy  %6d  %10.6f\n", 
-	   data->step, count[2], sum_sqr_drift[2] / count[2] );
-  fprintf( fout, "%7d  hyd  %6d  %10.6f\n", 
-	   data->step, count[1], sum_sqr_drift[1] / count[1] );
-  fflush( fout );
+    for ( i = 0; i < system->N; ++i )
+        //if( control->restrict_type == -1 ||
+        // system->atoms[i].type == control->restrict_type )
+        if ( workspace->x_old[i][0] > -system->box.box_norms[0] &&
+                workspace->x_old[i][1] > -system->box.box_norms[1] &&
+                workspace->x_old[i][2] > -system->box.box_norms[2] )
+        {
+            type = system->atoms[i].type;
+            ++count[type];
+            Distance_on_T3_Gen( workspace->x_old[i], system->atoms[i].x,
+                                &(system->box), driftvec );
+            if ( fabs( driftvec[0] ) >= system->box.box_norms[0] / 2.0 - 2.0 ||
+                    fabs( driftvec[0] ) >= system->box.box_norms[0] / 2.0 - 2.0 ||
+                    fabs( driftvec[0] ) >= system->box.box_norms[0] / 2.0 - 2.0 )
+            {
+                /* the atom has moved almost half the box size.
+                   exclude it from further drift computations as it might have an
+                   improper contribution due to periodic boudnaries. */
+                workspace->x_old[i][0] = -999999999999.0;
+                workspace->x_old[i][2] = -999999999999.0;
+                workspace->x_old[i][2] = -999999999999.0;
+                continue;
+            }
+            drift = rvec_Norm_Sqr( driftvec );
+            sum_sqr_drift[type] += drift;
+            sum_drift[type]     += SQRT( drift );
+        }
+    fprintf( fout, "%7d  oxy  %6d  %10.6f\n",
+             data->step, count[2], sum_sqr_drift[2] / count[2] );
+    fprintf( fout, "%7d  hyd  %6d  %10.6f\n",
+             data->step, count[1], sum_sqr_drift[1] / count[1] );
+    fflush( fout );
-void Calculate_Density_3DMesh( reax_system *system, simulation_data *data, 
-			       FILE *fout )
+void Calculate_Density_3DMesh( reax_system *system, simulation_data *data,
+                               FILE *fout )
-  int i, j, k;
-  int occupied_cells;
-  int ***cell_counter;
-  ivec my_cell;
-  rvec mesh_cell_lens = { 1, 1, 1 };
-  ivec mesh_dims;
-  real occupied_vol, density;
-  /* determine the mesh dimensions based on the current box size */ 
-  for( i = 0; i < 3; ++i )
-    mesh_dims[i] = system->box.box_norms[i] / mesh_cell_lens[i] + 0.99;
-  fprintf( stderr, "mesh_dims: %3d  %3d  %3d\n",  
-	   mesh_dims[0], mesh_dims[1], mesh_dims[2] );
-  /* allocate counter for each mesh cell */
-  cell_counter = (int ***) calloc( mesh_dims[0], sizeof(int) );
-  for( i = 0; i < mesh_dims[0]; ++i ) {
-    cell_counter[i] = (int **) calloc( mesh_dims[1], sizeof(int) );
-    for( j = 0; j < mesh_dims[1]; ++j )
-      cell_counter[i][j] = (int *) calloc( mesh_dims[2], sizeof(int) );
-  }
-  /* go over the atoms and assign each into their corresponding mesh cell */
-  for( i = 0; i < system->N; ++i ) {
-    my_cell[0] = system->atoms[i].x[0] / mesh_cell_lens[0];
-    my_cell[1] = system->atoms[i].x[1] / mesh_cell_lens[1];
-    my_cell[2] = system->atoms[i].x[2] / mesh_cell_lens[2];
-    cell_counter[ my_cell[0] ][ my_cell[1] ][ my_cell[2] ]++;
-  }
-  /* calculate volume occupied */
-  occupied_cells = 0;
-  for( i = 0; i < mesh_dims[0]; ++i )
-    for( j = 0; j < mesh_dims[1]; ++j )
-      for( k = 0; k < mesh_dims[2]; ++k )
-	if( cell_counter[i][j][k] )
-	  ++occupied_cells;
-  occupied_vol = 
-    occupied_cells * mesh_cell_lens[0] * mesh_cell_lens[1] * mesh_cell_lens[2];
-  fprintf( stderr, "occupied cells: %8d\n", occupied_cells );
-  fprintf( stderr, "occupied vol  : %8.2f\n", occupied_vol );
-  fprintf( stderr, "system volume : %8.2f\n", system->box.volume );
-  fprintf( stderr, "system mass   : %8.2f\n", data->M );
-  density = data->M * AMU_to_GRAM / (occupied_vol * POW( ANG_to_CM, 3 ));
-  fprintf( stderr, "density       : %g\n", density );
-  fprintf( stderr, "AMU_to_GRAM   : %g\n", AMU_to_GRAM );
-  fprintf( stderr, "ANG_to_CM     : %g\n", ANG_to_CM );
+    int i, j, k;
+    int occupied_cells;
+    int ***cell_counter;
+    ivec my_cell;
+    rvec mesh_cell_lens = { 1, 1, 1 };
+    ivec mesh_dims;
+    real occupied_vol, density;
+    /* determine the mesh dimensions based on the current box size */
+    for ( i = 0; i < 3; ++i )
+        mesh_dims[i] = system->box.box_norms[i] / mesh_cell_lens[i] + 0.99;
+    fprintf( stderr, "mesh_dims: %3d  %3d  %3d\n",
+             mesh_dims[0], mesh_dims[1], mesh_dims[2] );
+    /* allocate counter for each mesh cell */
+    cell_counter = (int ***) calloc( mesh_dims[0], sizeof(int) );
+    for ( i = 0; i < mesh_dims[0]; ++i )
+    {
+        cell_counter[i] = (int **) calloc( mesh_dims[1], sizeof(int) );
+        for ( j = 0; j < mesh_dims[1]; ++j )
+            cell_counter[i][j] = (int *) calloc( mesh_dims[2], sizeof(int) );
+    }
+    /* go over the atoms and assign each into their corresponding mesh cell */
+    for ( i = 0; i < system->N; ++i )
+    {
+        my_cell[0] = system->atoms[i].x[0] / mesh_cell_lens[0];
+        my_cell[1] = system->atoms[i].x[1] / mesh_cell_lens[1];
+        my_cell[2] = system->atoms[i].x[2] / mesh_cell_lens[2];
+        cell_counter[ my_cell[0] ][ my_cell[1] ][ my_cell[2] ]++;
+    }
+    /* calculate volume occupied */
+    occupied_cells = 0;
+    for ( i = 0; i < mesh_dims[0]; ++i )
+        for ( j = 0; j < mesh_dims[1]; ++j )
+            for ( k = 0; k < mesh_dims[2]; ++k )
+                if ( cell_counter[i][j][k] )
+                    ++occupied_cells;
+    occupied_vol =
+        occupied_cells * mesh_cell_lens[0] * mesh_cell_lens[1] * mesh_cell_lens[2];
+    fprintf( stderr, "occupied cells: %8d\n", occupied_cells );
+    fprintf( stderr, "occupied vol  : %8.2f\n", occupied_vol );
+    fprintf( stderr, "system volume : %8.2f\n", system->box.volume );
+    fprintf( stderr, "system mass   : %8.2f\n", data->M );
+    density = data->M * AMU_to_GRAM / (occupied_vol * POW( ANG_to_CM, 3 ));
+    fprintf( stderr, "density       : %g\n", density );
+    fprintf( stderr, "AMU_to_GRAM   : %g\n", AMU_to_GRAM );
+    fprintf( stderr, "ANG_to_CM     : %g\n", ANG_to_CM );
-void Calculate_Density_Slice( reax_system *system, simulation_data *data, 
-			      FILE *fout )
+void Calculate_Density_Slice( reax_system *system, simulation_data *data,
+                              FILE *fout )
-  real slice_thickness = 0.5;
-  int *slice_occ;
-  int i, num_slices, my_slice, max_occ = 0;
-  /* allocate counter */
-  num_slices = system->box.box_norms[2] / slice_thickness + 1.;
-  slice_occ = (int*) calloc( num_slices, sizeof(int) );
-  /* distribute atoms to slices */
-  for( i = 0; i < system->N; ++i ) {
-    my_slice = system->atoms[i].x[2] / slice_thickness;
-    slice_occ[ my_slice ]++;
-  }
-  /* determine maximum occupancy */
-  for( i = 0; i < num_slices; ++i ) {
-    fprintf( stderr, "occ[%d]: %d\n", i, slice_occ[i] );
-    if( slice_occ[i] > max_occ )
-      max_occ = slice_occ[i];
-  }
-  /* find luzzatti-interface slice */
-  for( i = 0; i < num_slices; ++i )
-    if( (real)slice_occ[i] / max_occ > 0.5 ) {
-      fprintf( stderr, "%d - %d is the luzzatti interface\n", i-1, i );
-      break;
+    real slice_thickness = 0.5;
+    int *slice_occ;
+    int i, num_slices, my_slice, max_occ = 0;
+    /* allocate counter */
+    num_slices = system->box.box_norms[2] / slice_thickness + 1.;
+    slice_occ = (int*) calloc( num_slices, sizeof(int) );
+    /* distribute atoms to slices */
+    for ( i = 0; i < system->N; ++i )
+    {
+        my_slice = system->atoms[i].x[2] / slice_thickness;
+        slice_occ[ my_slice ]++;
+    }
+    /* determine maximum occupancy */
+    for ( i = 0; i < num_slices; ++i )
+    {
+        fprintf( stderr, "occ[%d]: %d\n", i, slice_occ[i] );
+        if ( slice_occ[i] > max_occ )
+            max_occ = slice_occ[i];
+    /* find luzzatti-interface slice */
+    for ( i = 0; i < num_slices; ++i )
+        if ( (real)slice_occ[i] / max_occ > 0.5 )
+        {
+            fprintf( stderr, "%d - %d is the luzzatti interface\n", i - 1, i );
+            break;
+        }
-void Analysis( reax_system *system, control_params *control, 
-	       simulation_data *data, static_storage *workspace, 
-	       list **lists, output_controls *out_control )
+void Analysis( reax_system *system, control_params *control,
+               simulation_data *data, static_storage *workspace,
+               list **lists, output_controls *out_control )
-  int steps;
-  steps = data->step - data->prev_steps;
-  // fprintf( stderr, "prev_steps: %d\n", data->prev_steps );
-  if( steps == 1 ) {
-    if( control->molec_anal == REACTIONS )
-      Copy_Bond_List( system, control, lists );
-    if( control->diffusion_coef )
-      Copy_Positions( system, workspace );
-  }
-  /****** Molecular Analysis ******/
-  if( control->molec_anal && steps%control->freq_molec_anal == 0 ) { 
-    if( control->molec_anal == FRAGMENTS ) {
-      /* discover molecules */
-      Analyze_Fragments( system, control, data, workspace, lists, 
-			 out_control->mol, 0 );
-      /* discover fragments without the ignored atoms */
-      if( control->num_ignored )
-	Analyze_Fragments( system, control, data, workspace, lists, 
-			   out_control->ign, 1 );
+    int steps;
+    steps = data->step - data->prev_steps;
+    // fprintf( stderr, "prev_steps: %d\n", data->prev_steps );
+    if ( steps == 1 )
+    {
+        if ( control->molec_anal == REACTIONS )
+            Copy_Bond_List( system, control, lists );
+        if ( control->diffusion_coef )
+            Copy_Positions( system, workspace );
-    else if( control->molec_anal == REACTIONS )
-      /* discover molecular changes - reactions */
-      Analyze_Molecules( system, control, data, workspace, 
-			 lists, out_control->mol );
-  }
-  /****** Electric Dipole Moment ******/
-  if( control->dipole_anal && steps%control->freq_dipole_anal == 0 )
-    Calculate_Dipole_Moment( system, control, data, workspace, 
-			     (*lists) + BONDS, out_control->dpl );    
-  /****** Drift ******/
-  if( control->diffusion_coef && steps%control->freq_diffusion_coef == 0 )
-      Calculate_Drift( system, control, data, workspace, out_control->drft );
+    /****** Molecular Analysis ******/
+    if ( control->molec_anal && steps % control->freq_molec_anal == 0 )
+    {
+        if ( control->molec_anal == FRAGMENTS )
+        {
+            /* discover molecules */
+            Analyze_Fragments( system, control, data, workspace, lists,
+                               out_control->mol, 0 );
+            /* discover fragments without the ignored atoms */
+            if ( control->num_ignored )
+                Analyze_Fragments( system, control, data, workspace, lists,
+                                   out_control->ign, 1 );
+        }
+        else if ( control->molec_anal == REACTIONS )
+            /* discover molecular changes - reactions */
+            Analyze_Molecules( system, control, data, workspace,
+                               lists, out_control->mol );
+    }
+    /****** Electric Dipole Moment ******/
+    if ( control->dipole_anal && steps % control->freq_dipole_anal == 0 )
+        Calculate_Dipole_Moment( system, control, data, workspace,
+                                 (*lists) + BONDS, out_control->dpl );
+    /****** Drift ******/
+    if ( control->diffusion_coef && steps % control->freq_diffusion_coef == 0 )
+        Calculate_Drift( system, control, data, workspace, out_control->drft );
 #if defined(DEBUG)
-  fprintf( stderr, "analysis... done\n" );
+    fprintf( stderr, "analysis... done\n" );
diff --git a/puremd_rc_1003/sPuReMD/analyze.h b/puremd_rc_1003/sPuReMD/analyze.h
index 01c193ad69ee9d469fe47c9015b136e5351966e3..e296e57a5871f0bca3c379a281673cd5e1f10cc3 100644
--- a/puremd_rc_1003/sPuReMD/analyze.h
+++ b/puremd_rc_1003/sPuReMD/analyze.h
@@ -1,20 +1,20 @@
   SerialReax - Reax Force Field Simulator
   Copyright (2010) Purdue University
   Hasan Metin Aktulga, haktulga@cs.purdue.edu
   Joseph Fogarty, jcfogart@mail.usf.edu
   Sagar Pandit, pandit@usf.edu
   Ananth Y Grama, ayg@cs.purdue.edu
   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
   modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
-  published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of 
+  published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
   the License, or (at your option) any later version.
   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
   See the GNU General Public License for more details:
@@ -24,18 +24,18 @@
 #include "mytypes.h"
-void Analysis( reax_system*, control_params*, simulation_data*, 
-	       static_storage*, list**, output_controls* );
+void Analysis( reax_system*, control_params*, simulation_data*,
+               static_storage*, list**, output_controls* );
 //void Copy_Bond_List( reax_system*, control_params*, list** );
-//void Analyze_Molecules( reax_system*, control_params*, simulation_data*, 
+//void Analyze_Molecules( reax_system*, control_params*, simulation_data*,
 //                        static_storage*, list**, FILE* );
-//void Analyze_Bonding( reax_system*, control_params*, simulation_data*, 
+//void Analyze_Bonding( reax_system*, control_params*, simulation_data*,
 //                      static_storage*, list**, FILE* );
-//void Analyze_Silica( reax_system*, control_params*, simulation_data*, 
+//void Analyze_Silica( reax_system*, control_params*, simulation_data*,
 //                     static_storage*, list**, FILE* );
 //void Calculate_Dipole_Moment( reax_system*, control_params*, simulation_data*,
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ void Analysis( reax_system*, control_params*, simulation_data*,
 //void Copy_Positions( reax_system*, static_storage* );
-//void Calculate_Drift( reax_system*, control_params*, 
+//void Calculate_Drift( reax_system*, control_params*,
 //                      simulation_data*, static_storage*, FILE* );
 //void Calculate_Density_3DMesh( reax_system*, simulation_data*, FILE* );
diff --git a/puremd_rc_1003/sPuReMD/bond_orders.c b/puremd_rc_1003/sPuReMD/bond_orders.c
index 718659dab7082ea391f5be37e0c44724a2aa2c07..348184680ac82d13a2531753c1c4d1c26049f393 100644
--- a/puremd_rc_1003/sPuReMD/bond_orders.c
+++ b/puremd_rc_1003/sPuReMD/bond_orders.c
@@ -1,20 +1,20 @@
   SerialReax - Reax Force Field Simulator
   Copyright (2010) Purdue University
   Hasan Metin Aktulga, haktulga@cs.purdue.edu
   Joseph Fogarty, jcfogart@mail.usf.edu
   Sagar Pandit, pandit@usf.edu
   Ananth Y Grama, ayg@cs.purdue.edu
   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
   modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
-  published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of 
+  published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
   the License, or (at your option) any later version.
   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
   See the GNU General Public License for more details:
@@ -28,606 +28,619 @@
 inline real Cf45( real p1, real p2 )
-  return  -EXP(-p2 / 2) / 
-    ( SQR( EXP(-p1 / 2) + EXP(p1 / 2) ) * (EXP(-p2 / 2) + EXP(p2 / 2)) );
+    return  -EXP(-p2 / 2) /
+            ( SQR( EXP(-p1 / 2) + EXP(p1 / 2) ) * (EXP(-p2 / 2) + EXP(p2 / 2)) );
-void Get_dBO( reax_system *system, list **lists, 
-	      int i, int pj, real C, rvec *v )
+void Get_dBO( reax_system *system, list **lists,
+              int i, int pj, real C, rvec *v )
-  list *bonds = (*lists) + BONDS;
-  list *dBOs = (*lists) + DBO;
-  int start_pj, end_pj, k;
-  pj = bonds->select.bond_list[pj].dbond_index;
-  start_pj = Start_Index(pj, dBOs);
-  end_pj = End_Index(pj, dBOs);
-  for( k = start_pj; k < end_pj; ++k )
-    rvec_Scale( v[dBOs->select.dbo_list[k].wrt], 
-		C, dBOs->select.dbo_list[k].dBO );  
+    list *bonds = (*lists) + BONDS;
+    list *dBOs = (*lists) + DBO;
+    int start_pj, end_pj, k;
+    pj = bonds->select.bond_list[pj].dbond_index;
+    start_pj = Start_Index(pj, dBOs);
+    end_pj = End_Index(pj, dBOs);
+    for ( k = start_pj; k < end_pj; ++k )
+        rvec_Scale( v[dBOs->select.dbo_list[k].wrt],
+                    C, dBOs->select.dbo_list[k].dBO );
-void Get_dBOpinpi2( reax_system *system, list **lists, 
-		    int i, int pj, real Cpi, real Cpi2, rvec *vpi, rvec *vpi2 )
+void Get_dBOpinpi2( reax_system *system, list **lists,
+                    int i, int pj, real Cpi, real Cpi2, rvec *vpi, rvec *vpi2 )
-  list *bonds = (*lists) + BONDS;
-  list *dBOs = (*lists) + DBO;
-  dbond_data *dbo_k;
-  int start_pj, end_pj, k;
-  pj = bonds->select.bond_list[pj].dbond_index;
-  start_pj = Start_Index(pj, dBOs);
-  end_pj = End_Index(pj, dBOs);
-  for( k = start_pj; k < end_pj; ++k ) {
-    dbo_k = &(dBOs->select.dbo_list[k]);
-    rvec_Scale( vpi[dbo_k->wrt], Cpi, dbo_k->dBOpi );
-    rvec_Scale( vpi2[dbo_k->wrt], Cpi2, dbo_k->dBOpi2 );
-  }
+    list *bonds = (*lists) + BONDS;
+    list *dBOs = (*lists) + DBO;
+    dbond_data *dbo_k;
+    int start_pj, end_pj, k;
+    pj = bonds->select.bond_list[pj].dbond_index;
+    start_pj = Start_Index(pj, dBOs);
+    end_pj = End_Index(pj, dBOs);
+    for ( k = start_pj; k < end_pj; ++k )
+    {
+        dbo_k = &(dBOs->select.dbo_list[k]);
+        rvec_Scale( vpi[dbo_k->wrt], Cpi, dbo_k->dBOpi );
+        rvec_Scale( vpi2[dbo_k->wrt], Cpi2, dbo_k->dBOpi2 );
+    }
-void Add_dBO( reax_system *system, list **lists, 
-	      int i, int pj, real C, rvec *v )
+void Add_dBO( reax_system *system, list **lists,
+              int i, int pj, real C, rvec *v )
-  list *bonds = (*lists) + BONDS;
-  list *dBOs = (*lists) + DBO;
-  int start_pj, end_pj, k;
+    list *bonds = (*lists) + BONDS;
+    list *dBOs = (*lists) + DBO;
+    int start_pj, end_pj, k;
-  pj = bonds->select.bond_list[pj].dbond_index;
-  start_pj = Start_Index(pj, dBOs);
-  end_pj = End_Index(pj, dBOs);
-  //fprintf( stderr, "i=%d j=%d start=%d end=%d\n", i, pj, start_pj, end_pj );
+    pj = bonds->select.bond_list[pj].dbond_index;
+    start_pj = Start_Index(pj, dBOs);
+    end_pj = End_Index(pj, dBOs);
-  for( k = start_pj; k < end_pj; ++k )
-    rvec_ScaledAdd( v[dBOs->select.dbo_list[k].wrt], 
-		    C, dBOs->select.dbo_list[k].dBO );
+    //fprintf( stderr, "i=%d j=%d start=%d end=%d\n", i, pj, start_pj, end_pj );
+    for ( k = start_pj; k < end_pj; ++k )
+        rvec_ScaledAdd( v[dBOs->select.dbo_list[k].wrt],
+                        C, dBOs->select.dbo_list[k].dBO );
-void Add_dBOpinpi2( reax_system *system, list **lists, 
-		    int i, int pj, real Cpi, real Cpi2, rvec *vpi, rvec *vpi2 )
+void Add_dBOpinpi2( reax_system *system, list **lists,
+                    int i, int pj, real Cpi, real Cpi2, rvec *vpi, rvec *vpi2 )
-  list *bonds = (*lists) + BONDS;
-  list *dBOs = (*lists) + DBO;
-  dbond_data *dbo_k;
-  int start_pj, end_pj, k;
+    list *bonds = (*lists) + BONDS;
+    list *dBOs = (*lists) + DBO;
+    dbond_data *dbo_k;
+    int start_pj, end_pj, k;
-  pj = bonds->select.bond_list[pj].dbond_index;
-  start_pj = Start_Index(pj, dBOs);
-  end_pj = End_Index(pj, dBOs);
+    pj = bonds->select.bond_list[pj].dbond_index;
+    start_pj = Start_Index(pj, dBOs);
+    end_pj = End_Index(pj, dBOs);
-  for( k = start_pj; k < end_pj; ++k )
+    for ( k = start_pj; k < end_pj; ++k )
-      dbo_k = &(dBOs->select.dbo_list[k]);
-      rvec_ScaledAdd( vpi[dbo_k->wrt], Cpi, dbo_k->dBOpi );
-      rvec_ScaledAdd( vpi2[dbo_k->wrt], Cpi2, dbo_k->dBOpi2 );
+        dbo_k = &(dBOs->select.dbo_list[k]);
+        rvec_ScaledAdd( vpi[dbo_k->wrt], Cpi, dbo_k->dBOpi );
+        rvec_ScaledAdd( vpi2[dbo_k->wrt], Cpi2, dbo_k->dBOpi2 );
-void Add_dBO_to_Forces( reax_system *system, list **lists, 
-			int i, int pj, real C )
+void Add_dBO_to_Forces( reax_system *system, list **lists,
+                        int i, int pj, real C )
-  list *bonds = (*lists) + BONDS;
-  list *dBOs = (*lists) + DBO;
-  int start_pj, end_pj, k;
+    list *bonds = (*lists) + BONDS;
+    list *dBOs = (*lists) + DBO;
+    int start_pj, end_pj, k;
-  pj = bonds->select.bond_list[pj].dbond_index;
-  start_pj = Start_Index(pj, dBOs);
-  end_pj = End_Index(pj, dBOs);
+    pj = bonds->select.bond_list[pj].dbond_index;
+    start_pj = Start_Index(pj, dBOs);
+    end_pj = End_Index(pj, dBOs);
-  for( k = start_pj; k < end_pj; ++k )
-    rvec_ScaledAdd( system->atoms[dBOs->select.dbo_list[k].wrt].f, 
-		    C, dBOs->select.dbo_list[k].dBO );
+    for ( k = start_pj; k < end_pj; ++k )
+        rvec_ScaledAdd( system->atoms[dBOs->select.dbo_list[k].wrt].f,
+                        C, dBOs->select.dbo_list[k].dBO );
-void Add_dBOpinpi2_to_Forces( reax_system *system, list **lists, 
-			      int i, int pj, real Cpi, real Cpi2 )
+void Add_dBOpinpi2_to_Forces( reax_system *system, list **lists,
+                              int i, int pj, real Cpi, real Cpi2 )
-  list *bonds = (*lists) + BONDS;
-  list *dBOs = (*lists) + DBO;
-  dbond_data *dbo_k;
-  int start_pj, end_pj, k;
+    list *bonds = (*lists) + BONDS;
+    list *dBOs = (*lists) + DBO;
+    dbond_data *dbo_k;
+    int start_pj, end_pj, k;
-  pj = bonds->select.bond_list[pj].dbond_index;
-  start_pj = Start_Index(pj, dBOs);
-  end_pj = End_Index(pj, dBOs);
+    pj = bonds->select.bond_list[pj].dbond_index;
+    start_pj = Start_Index(pj, dBOs);
+    end_pj = End_Index(pj, dBOs);
-  for( k = start_pj; k < end_pj; ++k )
+    for ( k = start_pj; k < end_pj; ++k )
-      dbo_k = &(dBOs->select.dbo_list[k]);
-      rvec_ScaledAdd( system->atoms[dbo_k->wrt].f, Cpi, dbo_k->dBOpi );
-      rvec_ScaledAdd( system->atoms[dbo_k->wrt].f, Cpi2, dbo_k->dBOpi2 );
+        dbo_k = &(dBOs->select.dbo_list[k]);
+        rvec_ScaledAdd( system->atoms[dbo_k->wrt].f, Cpi, dbo_k->dBOpi );
+        rvec_ScaledAdd( system->atoms[dbo_k->wrt].f, Cpi2, dbo_k->dBOpi2 );
 void Add_dDelta( reax_system *system, list **lists, int i, real C, rvec *v )
-  list *dDeltas = &((*lists)[DDELTA]);
-  int start = Start_Index(i, dDeltas);
-  int end = End_Index(i, dDeltas);
-  int k;
-  for( k = start; k < end; ++k )
-    rvec_ScaledAdd( v[dDeltas->select.dDelta_list[k].wrt], 
-		    C, dDeltas->select.dDelta_list[k].dVal );
+    list *dDeltas = &((*lists)[DDELTA]);
+    int start = Start_Index(i, dDeltas);
+    int end = End_Index(i, dDeltas);
+    int k;
+    for ( k = start; k < end; ++k )
+        rvec_ScaledAdd( v[dDeltas->select.dDelta_list[k].wrt],
+                        C, dDeltas->select.dDelta_list[k].dVal );
 void Add_dDelta_to_Forces( reax_system *system, list **lists, int i, real C )
-  list *dDeltas = &((*lists)[DDELTA]);
-  int start = Start_Index(i, dDeltas);
-  int end = End_Index(i, dDeltas);
-  int k;
-  for( k = start; k < end; ++k )
-    rvec_ScaledAdd( system->atoms[dDeltas->select.dDelta_list[k].wrt].f, 
-		    C, dDeltas->select.dDelta_list[k].dVal );
+    list *dDeltas = &((*lists)[DDELTA]);
+    int start = Start_Index(i, dDeltas);
+    int end = End_Index(i, dDeltas);
+    int k;
+    for ( k = start; k < end; ++k )
+        rvec_ScaledAdd( system->atoms[dDeltas->select.dDelta_list[k].wrt].f,
+                        C, dDeltas->select.dDelta_list[k].dVal );
-void Calculate_dBO( int i, int pj, static_storage *workspace, list **lists, 
-		    int *top )
+void Calculate_dBO( int i, int pj, static_storage *workspace, list **lists,
+                    int *top )
-  /* Initializations */
-  int j, k, l, start_i, end_i, end_j;
-  rvec dDeltap_self, dBOp;
-  list *bonds, *dBOs;
-  bond_data *nbr_l, *nbr_k;
-  bond_order_data *bo_ij;
-  dbond_data *top_dbo;
-  bonds = (*lists)+BONDS;
-  dBOs = (*lists)+DBO;
-  j = bonds->select.bond_list[pj].nbr;
-  bo_ij = &(bonds->select.bond_list[pj].bo_data);
-  /*rvec due_j[1000], due_i[1000];
-    rvec due_j_pi[1000], due_i_pi[1000];
-    memset(due_j, 0, sizeof(rvec)*1000 );
-    memset(due_i, 0, sizeof(rvec)*1000 );
-    memset(due_j_pi, 0, sizeof(rvec)*1000 );
-    memset(due_i_pi, 0, sizeof(rvec)*1000 );*/
-  //fprintf( stderr,"dbo %d-%d\n",workspace->orig_id[i],workspace->orig_id[j] );
-  start_i = Start_Index(i, bonds);
-  end_i = End_Index(i, bonds);
-  l = Start_Index(j, bonds);
-  end_j = End_Index(j, bonds);
-  top_dbo = &(dBOs->select.dbo_list[ (*top) ]);
-  for( k = start_i; k < end_i; ++k ) {
-    nbr_k = &(bonds->select.bond_list[k]);
-    //fprintf( stderr, "\tnbr_k = %d\n", workspace->orig_id[nbr_k->nbr] );
-    for( ; l < end_j && bonds->select.bond_list[l].nbr < nbr_k->nbr; ++l ) {
-      /* These are the neighbors of j which aren't in the neighbor_list of i
-	 Note that they might also include i! */
-      nbr_l = &(bonds->select.bond_list[l]);
-      top_dbo->wrt = nbr_l->nbr;
-      rvec_Copy( dBOp, nbr_l->bo_data.dBOp );
-      //fprintf( stderr,"\t\tnbr_l = %d\n",workspace->orig_id[nbr_l->nbr] );
-      rvec_Scale( top_dbo->dBO, -bo_ij->C3dbo, dBOp ); 	// dBO, 3rd
-      rvec_Scale( top_dbo->dBOpi, -bo_ij->C4dbopi, dBOp );  // dBOpi, 4th
-      rvec_Scale( top_dbo->dBOpi2, -bo_ij->C4dbopi2, dBOp );// dBOpipi, 4th
-      //rvec_ScaledAdd(due_j[top_dbo->wrt],-bo_ij->BO*bo_ij->A2_ji, dBOp);
-      if( nbr_l->nbr == i ) {
-	rvec_Copy( dDeltap_self, workspace->dDeltap_self[i] );
-	/* dBO */
-	rvec_ScaledAdd( top_dbo->dBO, bo_ij->C1dbo, bo_ij->dBOp ); //1st
-	rvec_ScaledAdd( top_dbo->dBO, bo_ij->C2dbo, dDeltap_self ); //2nd
-	/* dBOpi */
-	rvec_ScaledAdd(top_dbo->dBOpi,bo_ij->C1dbopi,bo_ij->dln_BOp_pi);//1
-	rvec_ScaledAdd(top_dbo->dBOpi,bo_ij->C2dbopi,bo_ij->dBOp);  //2nd
-	rvec_ScaledAdd(top_dbo->dBOpi,bo_ij->C3dbopi,dDeltap_self); //3rd
-	/* dBOpp, 1st */
-	rvec_ScaledAdd(top_dbo->dBOpi2,bo_ij->C1dbopi2,bo_ij->dln_BOp_pi2);
-	rvec_ScaledAdd(top_dbo->dBOpi2,bo_ij->C2dbopi2,bo_ij->dBOp); //2nd
-	rvec_ScaledAdd(top_dbo->dBOpi2,bo_ij->C3dbopi2,dDeltap_self);//3rd
-	/* do the adjustments on i */       
-	//rvec_ScaledAdd( due_i[i], 
-	//bo_ij->A0_ij + bo_ij->BO * bo_ij->A1_ij, bo_ij->dBOp );//1st,dBO
-	//rvec_ScaledAdd( due_i[i], bo_ij->BO * bo_ij->A2_ij, 
-	//dDeltap_self ); //2nd, dBO
-      }
-      //rvec_Add( workspace->dDelta[nbr_l->nbr], top_dbo->dBO );
-      ++(*top), ++top_dbo;
-    }
-    /* Now we are processing neighbor k of i. */ 
-    top_dbo->wrt = nbr_k->nbr;
-    rvec_Copy( dBOp, nbr_k->bo_data.dBOp );
-    rvec_Scale( top_dbo->dBO, -bo_ij->C2dbo, dBOp );      //dBO-2
-    rvec_Scale( top_dbo->dBOpi, -bo_ij->C3dbopi, dBOp );  //dBOpi-3
-    rvec_Scale( top_dbo->dBOpi2, -bo_ij->C3dbopi2, dBOp );//dBOpp-3
-    //rvec_ScaledAdd(due_i[top_dbo->wrt],-bo_ij->BO*bo_ij->A2_ij,dBOp);//dBO-2
-    // fprintf( stderr, "\tnbr_k = %d, nbr_l = %d, l = %d, end_j = %d\n", 
-    //      workspace->orig_id[nbr_k->nbr], 
-    //       workspace->orig_id[bonds->select.bond_list[l].nbr], l, end_j );
-    if( l < end_j && bonds->select.bond_list[l].nbr == nbr_k->nbr ) {
-      /* This is a common neighbor of i and j. */
-      nbr_l = &(bonds->select.bond_list[l]);
-      rvec_Copy( dBOp, nbr_l->bo_data.dBOp );
-      rvec_ScaledAdd( top_dbo->dBO, -bo_ij->C3dbo, dBOp );      //dBO,3rd
-      rvec_ScaledAdd( top_dbo->dBOpi, -bo_ij->C4dbopi, dBOp );  //dBOpi,4th
-      rvec_ScaledAdd( top_dbo->dBOpi2, -bo_ij->C4dbopi2, dBOp );//dBOpp.4th
-      ++l;
-      //rvec_ScaledAdd( due_j[top_dbo->wrt], -bo_ij->BO * bo_ij->A2_ji, 
-      //nbr_l->bo_data.dBOp ); //3rd, dBO
-    }
-    else if( k == pj ) {  
-      /* This negihbor is j. */
-      rvec_Copy( dDeltap_self, workspace->dDeltap_self[j] );
-      rvec_ScaledAdd( top_dbo->dBO, -bo_ij->C1dbo, bo_ij->dBOp );// 1st, dBO
-      rvec_ScaledAdd( top_dbo->dBO, bo_ij->C3dbo, dDeltap_self );// 3rd, dBO
-      /* dBOpi, 1st */
-      rvec_ScaledAdd(top_dbo->dBOpi,-bo_ij->C1dbopi,bo_ij->dln_BOp_pi);
-      rvec_ScaledAdd(top_dbo->dBOpi,-bo_ij->C2dbopi,bo_ij->dBOp);      //2nd
-      rvec_ScaledAdd( top_dbo->dBOpi, bo_ij->C4dbopi, dDeltap_self );  //4th
-      /* dBOpi2, 1st */
-      rvec_ScaledAdd(top_dbo->dBOpi2,-bo_ij->C1dbopi2,bo_ij->dln_BOp_pi2 );
-      rvec_ScaledAdd(top_dbo->dBOpi2,-bo_ij->C2dbopi2,bo_ij->dBOp ); //2nd
-      rvec_ScaledAdd(top_dbo->dBOpi2,bo_ij->C4dbopi2,dDeltap_self ); //4th
-      //rvec_ScaledAdd( due_j[j], -(bo_ij->A0_ij + bo_ij->BO*bo_ij->A1_ij),
-      //bo_ij->dBOp ); //1st, dBO
-      //rvec_ScaledAdd( due_j[j], bo_ij->BO * bo_ij->A2_ji, 
-      //workspace->dDeltap_self[j] ); //3rd, dBO
+    /* Initializations */
+    int j, k, l, start_i, end_i, end_j;
+    rvec dDeltap_self, dBOp;
+    list *bonds, *dBOs;
+    bond_data *nbr_l, *nbr_k;
+    bond_order_data *bo_ij;
+    dbond_data *top_dbo;
+    bonds = (*lists) + BONDS;
+    dBOs = (*lists) + DBO;
+    j = bonds->select.bond_list[pj].nbr;
+    bo_ij = &(bonds->select.bond_list[pj].bo_data);
+    /*rvec due_j[1000], due_i[1000];
+      rvec due_j_pi[1000], due_i_pi[1000];
+      memset(due_j, 0, sizeof(rvec)*1000 );
+      memset(due_i, 0, sizeof(rvec)*1000 );
+      memset(due_j_pi, 0, sizeof(rvec)*1000 );
+      memset(due_i_pi, 0, sizeof(rvec)*1000 );*/
+    //fprintf( stderr,"dbo %d-%d\n",workspace->orig_id[i],workspace->orig_id[j] );
+    start_i = Start_Index(i, bonds);
+    end_i = End_Index(i, bonds);
+    l = Start_Index(j, bonds);
+    end_j = End_Index(j, bonds);
+    top_dbo = &(dBOs->select.dbo_list[ (*top) ]);
+    for ( k = start_i; k < end_i; ++k )
+    {
+        nbr_k = &(bonds->select.bond_list[k]);
+        //fprintf( stderr, "\tnbr_k = %d\n", workspace->orig_id[nbr_k->nbr] );
+        for ( ; l < end_j && bonds->select.bond_list[l].nbr < nbr_k->nbr; ++l )
+        {
+            /* These are the neighbors of j which aren't in the neighbor_list of i
+            Note that they might also include i! */
+            nbr_l = &(bonds->select.bond_list[l]);
+            top_dbo->wrt = nbr_l->nbr;
+            rvec_Copy( dBOp, nbr_l->bo_data.dBOp );
+            //fprintf( stderr,"\t\tnbr_l = %d\n",workspace->orig_id[nbr_l->nbr] );
+            rvec_Scale( top_dbo->dBO, -bo_ij->C3dbo, dBOp );  // dBO, 3rd
+            rvec_Scale( top_dbo->dBOpi, -bo_ij->C4dbopi, dBOp );  // dBOpi, 4th
+            rvec_Scale( top_dbo->dBOpi2, -bo_ij->C4dbopi2, dBOp );// dBOpipi, 4th
+            //rvec_ScaledAdd(due_j[top_dbo->wrt],-bo_ij->BO*bo_ij->A2_ji, dBOp);
+            if ( nbr_l->nbr == i )
+            {
+                rvec_Copy( dDeltap_self, workspace->dDeltap_self[i] );
+                /* dBO */
+                rvec_ScaledAdd( top_dbo->dBO, bo_ij->C1dbo, bo_ij->dBOp ); //1st
+                rvec_ScaledAdd( top_dbo->dBO, bo_ij->C2dbo, dDeltap_self ); //2nd
+                /* dBOpi */
+                rvec_ScaledAdd(top_dbo->dBOpi, bo_ij->C1dbopi, bo_ij->dln_BOp_pi); //1
+                rvec_ScaledAdd(top_dbo->dBOpi, bo_ij->C2dbopi, bo_ij->dBOp); //2nd
+                rvec_ScaledAdd(top_dbo->dBOpi, bo_ij->C3dbopi, dDeltap_self); //3rd
+                /* dBOpp, 1st */
+                rvec_ScaledAdd(top_dbo->dBOpi2, bo_ij->C1dbopi2, bo_ij->dln_BOp_pi2);
+                rvec_ScaledAdd(top_dbo->dBOpi2, bo_ij->C2dbopi2, bo_ij->dBOp); //2nd
+                rvec_ScaledAdd(top_dbo->dBOpi2, bo_ij->C3dbopi2, dDeltap_self); //3rd
+                /* do the adjustments on i */
+                //rvec_ScaledAdd( due_i[i],
+                //bo_ij->A0_ij + bo_ij->BO * bo_ij->A1_ij, bo_ij->dBOp );//1st,dBO
+                //rvec_ScaledAdd( due_i[i], bo_ij->BO * bo_ij->A2_ij,
+                //dDeltap_self ); //2nd, dBO
+            }
+            //rvec_Add( workspace->dDelta[nbr_l->nbr], top_dbo->dBO );
+            ++(*top), ++top_dbo;
+        }
+        /* Now we are processing neighbor k of i. */
+        top_dbo->wrt = nbr_k->nbr;
+        rvec_Copy( dBOp, nbr_k->bo_data.dBOp );
+        rvec_Scale( top_dbo->dBO, -bo_ij->C2dbo, dBOp );      //dBO-2
+        rvec_Scale( top_dbo->dBOpi, -bo_ij->C3dbopi, dBOp );  //dBOpi-3
+        rvec_Scale( top_dbo->dBOpi2, -bo_ij->C3dbopi2, dBOp );//dBOpp-3
+        //rvec_ScaledAdd(due_i[top_dbo->wrt],-bo_ij->BO*bo_ij->A2_ij,dBOp);//dBO-2
+        // fprintf( stderr, "\tnbr_k = %d, nbr_l = %d, l = %d, end_j = %d\n",
+        //      workspace->orig_id[nbr_k->nbr],
+        //       workspace->orig_id[bonds->select.bond_list[l].nbr], l, end_j );
+        if ( l < end_j && bonds->select.bond_list[l].nbr == nbr_k->nbr )
+        {
+            /* This is a common neighbor of i and j. */
+            nbr_l = &(bonds->select.bond_list[l]);
+            rvec_Copy( dBOp, nbr_l->bo_data.dBOp );
+            rvec_ScaledAdd( top_dbo->dBO, -bo_ij->C3dbo, dBOp );      //dBO,3rd
+            rvec_ScaledAdd( top_dbo->dBOpi, -bo_ij->C4dbopi, dBOp );  //dBOpi,4th
+            rvec_ScaledAdd( top_dbo->dBOpi2, -bo_ij->C4dbopi2, dBOp );//dBOpp.4th
+            ++l;
+            //rvec_ScaledAdd( due_j[top_dbo->wrt], -bo_ij->BO * bo_ij->A2_ji,
+            //nbr_l->bo_data.dBOp ); //3rd, dBO
+        }
+        else if ( k == pj )
+        {
+            /* This negihbor is j. */
+            rvec_Copy( dDeltap_self, workspace->dDeltap_self[j] );
+            rvec_ScaledAdd( top_dbo->dBO, -bo_ij->C1dbo, bo_ij->dBOp );// 1st, dBO
+            rvec_ScaledAdd( top_dbo->dBO, bo_ij->C3dbo, dDeltap_self );// 3rd, dBO
+            /* dBOpi, 1st */
+            rvec_ScaledAdd(top_dbo->dBOpi, -bo_ij->C1dbopi, bo_ij->dln_BOp_pi);
+            rvec_ScaledAdd(top_dbo->dBOpi, -bo_ij->C2dbopi, bo_ij->dBOp);    //2nd
+            rvec_ScaledAdd( top_dbo->dBOpi, bo_ij->C4dbopi, dDeltap_self );  //4th
+            /* dBOpi2, 1st */
+            rvec_ScaledAdd(top_dbo->dBOpi2, -bo_ij->C1dbopi2, bo_ij->dln_BOp_pi2 );
+            rvec_ScaledAdd(top_dbo->dBOpi2, -bo_ij->C2dbopi2, bo_ij->dBOp ); //2nd
+            rvec_ScaledAdd(top_dbo->dBOpi2, bo_ij->C4dbopi2, dDeltap_self ); //4th
+            //rvec_ScaledAdd( due_j[j], -(bo_ij->A0_ij + bo_ij->BO*bo_ij->A1_ij),
+            //bo_ij->dBOp ); //1st, dBO
+            //rvec_ScaledAdd( due_j[j], bo_ij->BO * bo_ij->A2_ji,
+            //workspace->dDeltap_self[j] ); //3rd, dBO
+        }
+        // rvec_Add( workspace->dDelta[nbr_k->nbr], top_dbo->dBO );
+        ++(*top), ++top_dbo;
-    // rvec_Add( workspace->dDelta[nbr_k->nbr], top_dbo->dBO );
-    ++(*top), ++top_dbo;
-  }
-  for( ; l < end_j; ++l ) {
-    /* These are the remaining neighbors of j which are not in the
-       neighbor_list of i. Note that they might also include i!*/
-    nbr_l = &(bonds->select.bond_list[l]);
-    top_dbo->wrt = nbr_l->nbr;
-    rvec_Copy( dBOp, nbr_l->bo_data.dBOp );
-    //fprintf( stderr,"\tl=%d, nbr_l=%d\n",l,workspace->orig_id[nbr_l->nbr] );
-    rvec_Scale( top_dbo->dBO, -bo_ij->C3dbo, dBOp );      //3rd, dBO
-    rvec_Scale( top_dbo->dBOpi, -bo_ij->C4dbopi, dBOp );  //4th, dBOpi
-    rvec_Scale( top_dbo->dBOpi2, -bo_ij->C4dbopi2, dBOp );//4th, dBOpp
-    // rvec_ScaledAdd( due_j[top_dbo->wrt], -bo_ij->BO * bo_ij->A2_ji, 
-    // nbr_l->bo_data.dBOp );
-    if( nbr_l->nbr == i ) {
-      /* do the adjustments on i */
-      rvec_Copy( dDeltap_self, workspace->dDeltap_self[i] );
-      /* dBO, 1st */
-      rvec_ScaledAdd( top_dbo->dBO, bo_ij->C1dbo, bo_ij->dBOp );
-      rvec_ScaledAdd( top_dbo->dBO, bo_ij->C2dbo, dDeltap_self ); //2nd, dBO
-      /* dBOpi, 1st */
-      rvec_ScaledAdd( top_dbo->dBOpi, bo_ij->C1dbopi, bo_ij->dln_BOp_pi );
-      rvec_ScaledAdd( top_dbo->dBOpi, bo_ij->C2dbopi, bo_ij->dBOp );  //2nd
-      rvec_ScaledAdd( top_dbo->dBOpi, bo_ij->C3dbopi, dDeltap_self ); //3rd
-      /* dBOpipi, 1st */
-      rvec_ScaledAdd(top_dbo->dBOpi2, bo_ij->C1dbopi2, bo_ij->dln_BOp_pi2);
-      rvec_ScaledAdd( top_dbo->dBOpi2, bo_ij->C2dbopi2, bo_ij->dBOp ); //2nd
-      rvec_ScaledAdd( top_dbo->dBOpi2, bo_ij->C3dbopi2, dDeltap_self );//3rd
-      //rvec_ScaledAdd( due_i[i], bo_ij->A0_ij + bo_ij->BO * bo_ij->A1_ij, 
-      //bo_ij->dBOp );  /*1st, dBO*/
-      //rvec_ScaledAdd( due_i[i], bo_ij->BO * bo_ij->A2_ij, 
-      //dDeltap_self ); /*2nd, dBO*/
+    for ( ; l < end_j; ++l )
+    {
+        /* These are the remaining neighbors of j which are not in the
+           neighbor_list of i. Note that they might also include i!*/
+        nbr_l = &(bonds->select.bond_list[l]);
+        top_dbo->wrt = nbr_l->nbr;
+        rvec_Copy( dBOp, nbr_l->bo_data.dBOp );
+        //fprintf( stderr,"\tl=%d, nbr_l=%d\n",l,workspace->orig_id[nbr_l->nbr] );
+        rvec_Scale( top_dbo->dBO, -bo_ij->C3dbo, dBOp );      //3rd, dBO
+        rvec_Scale( top_dbo->dBOpi, -bo_ij->C4dbopi, dBOp );  //4th, dBOpi
+        rvec_Scale( top_dbo->dBOpi2, -bo_ij->C4dbopi2, dBOp );//4th, dBOpp
+        // rvec_ScaledAdd( due_j[top_dbo->wrt], -bo_ij->BO * bo_ij->A2_ji,
+        // nbr_l->bo_data.dBOp );
+        if ( nbr_l->nbr == i )
+        {
+            /* do the adjustments on i */
+            rvec_Copy( dDeltap_self, workspace->dDeltap_self[i] );
+            /* dBO, 1st */
+            rvec_ScaledAdd( top_dbo->dBO, bo_ij->C1dbo, bo_ij->dBOp );
+            rvec_ScaledAdd( top_dbo->dBO, bo_ij->C2dbo, dDeltap_self ); //2nd, dBO
+            /* dBOpi, 1st */
+            rvec_ScaledAdd( top_dbo->dBOpi, bo_ij->C1dbopi, bo_ij->dln_BOp_pi );
+            rvec_ScaledAdd( top_dbo->dBOpi, bo_ij->C2dbopi, bo_ij->dBOp );  //2nd
+            rvec_ScaledAdd( top_dbo->dBOpi, bo_ij->C3dbopi, dDeltap_self ); //3rd
+            /* dBOpipi, 1st */
+            rvec_ScaledAdd(top_dbo->dBOpi2, bo_ij->C1dbopi2, bo_ij->dln_BOp_pi2);
+            rvec_ScaledAdd( top_dbo->dBOpi2, bo_ij->C2dbopi2, bo_ij->dBOp ); //2nd
+            rvec_ScaledAdd( top_dbo->dBOpi2, bo_ij->C3dbopi2, dDeltap_self );//3rd
+            //rvec_ScaledAdd( due_i[i], bo_ij->A0_ij + bo_ij->BO * bo_ij->A1_ij,
+            //bo_ij->dBOp );  /*1st, dBO*/
+            //rvec_ScaledAdd( due_i[i], bo_ij->BO * bo_ij->A2_ij,
+            //dDeltap_self ); /*2nd, dBO*/
+        }
+        // rvec_Add( workspace->dDelta[nbr_l->nbr], top_dbo->dBO );
+        ++(*top), ++top_dbo;
-    // rvec_Add( workspace->dDelta[nbr_l->nbr], top_dbo->dBO );
-    ++(*top), ++top_dbo;
-  }
-  /*for( k = 0; k < 21; ++k ){
-    fprintf( stderr, "%d %d %d, due_i:[%g %g %g]\n", 
-    i+1, j+1, k+1, due_i[k][0], due_i[k][1], due_i[k][2] );
-    fprintf( stderr, "%d %d %d, due_j:[%g %g %g]\n", 
-    i+1, j+1, k+1, due_j[k][0], due_j[k][1], due_j[k][2] );
-    }*/
+    /*for( k = 0; k < 21; ++k ){
+      fprintf( stderr, "%d %d %d, due_i:[%g %g %g]\n",
+      i+1, j+1, k+1, due_i[k][0], due_i[k][1], due_i[k][2] );
+      fprintf( stderr, "%d %d %d, due_j:[%g %g %g]\n",
+      i+1, j+1, k+1, due_j[k][0], due_j[k][1], due_j[k][2] );
+      }*/
-void Add_dBond_to_Forces_NPT( int i, int pj, reax_system *system, 
-			      simulation_data *data, static_storage *workspace, 
-			      list **lists )
+void Add_dBond_to_Forces_NPT( int i, int pj, reax_system *system,
+                              simulation_data *data, static_storage *workspace,
+                              list **lists )
-  list *bonds = (*lists) + BONDS;
-  bond_data *nbr_j, *nbr_k;
-  bond_order_data *bo_ij, *bo_ji; 
-  dbond_coefficients coef;
-  rvec temp, ext_press;
-  ivec rel_box;
-  int pk, k, j;
-  /* Initializations */
-  nbr_j = &(bonds->select.bond_list[pj]);
-  j = nbr_j->nbr;
-  bo_ij = &(nbr_j->bo_data);
-  bo_ji = &(bonds->select.bond_list[ nbr_j->sym_index ].bo_data);
-  coef.C1dbo = bo_ij->C1dbo * (bo_ij->Cdbo + bo_ji->Cdbo);
-  coef.C2dbo = bo_ij->C2dbo * (bo_ij->Cdbo + bo_ji->Cdbo);
-  coef.C3dbo = bo_ij->C3dbo * (bo_ij->Cdbo + bo_ji->Cdbo);
-  coef.C1dbopi = bo_ij->C1dbopi * (bo_ij->Cdbopi + bo_ji->Cdbopi);
-  coef.C2dbopi = bo_ij->C2dbopi * (bo_ij->Cdbopi + bo_ji->Cdbopi);
-  coef.C3dbopi = bo_ij->C3dbopi * (bo_ij->Cdbopi + bo_ji->Cdbopi);
-  coef.C4dbopi = bo_ij->C4dbopi * (bo_ij->Cdbopi + bo_ji->Cdbopi);
-  coef.C1dbopi2 = bo_ij->C1dbopi2 * (bo_ij->Cdbopi2 + bo_ji->Cdbopi2);
-  coef.C2dbopi2 = bo_ij->C2dbopi2 * (bo_ij->Cdbopi2 + bo_ji->Cdbopi2);
-  coef.C3dbopi2 = bo_ij->C3dbopi2 * (bo_ij->Cdbopi2 + bo_ji->Cdbopi2);
-  coef.C4dbopi2 = bo_ij->C4dbopi2 * (bo_ij->Cdbopi2 + bo_ji->Cdbopi2);
-  coef.C1dDelta = bo_ij->C1dbo * (workspace->CdDelta[i]+workspace->CdDelta[j]);
-  coef.C2dDelta = bo_ij->C2dbo * (workspace->CdDelta[i]+workspace->CdDelta[j]);
-  coef.C3dDelta = bo_ij->C3dbo * (workspace->CdDelta[i]+workspace->CdDelta[j]);
-  /************************************
-  * forces related to atom i          *
-  * first neighbors of atom i         *
-  ************************************/
-  for( pk = Start_Index(i, bonds); pk < End_Index(i, bonds); ++pk ) {
-    nbr_k = &(bonds->select.bond_list[pk]);
-    k = nbr_k->nbr;
-    rvec_Scale( temp, -coef.C2dbo, nbr_k->bo_data.dBOp );       /*2nd,dBO*/
-    rvec_ScaledAdd( temp, -coef.C2dDelta, nbr_k->bo_data.dBOp );/*dDelta*/
-    rvec_ScaledAdd( temp, -coef.C3dbopi, nbr_k->bo_data.dBOp ); /*3rd,dBOpi*/
-    rvec_ScaledAdd( temp, -coef.C3dbopi2, nbr_k->bo_data.dBOp );/*3rd,dBOpi2*/
+    list *bonds = (*lists) + BONDS;
+    bond_data *nbr_j, *nbr_k;
+    bond_order_data *bo_ij, *bo_ji;
+    dbond_coefficients coef;
+    rvec temp, ext_press;
+    ivec rel_box;
+    int pk, k, j;
+    /* Initializations */
+    nbr_j = &(bonds->select.bond_list[pj]);
+    j = nbr_j->nbr;
+    bo_ij = &(nbr_j->bo_data);
+    bo_ji = &(bonds->select.bond_list[ nbr_j->sym_index ].bo_data);
+    coef.C1dbo = bo_ij->C1dbo * (bo_ij->Cdbo + bo_ji->Cdbo);
+    coef.C2dbo = bo_ij->C2dbo * (bo_ij->Cdbo + bo_ji->Cdbo);
+    coef.C3dbo = bo_ij->C3dbo * (bo_ij->Cdbo + bo_ji->Cdbo);
+    coef.C1dbopi = bo_ij->C1dbopi * (bo_ij->Cdbopi + bo_ji->Cdbopi);
+    coef.C2dbopi = bo_ij->C2dbopi * (bo_ij->Cdbopi + bo_ji->Cdbopi);
+    coef.C3dbopi = bo_ij->C3dbopi * (bo_ij->Cdbopi + bo_ji->Cdbopi);
+    coef.C4dbopi = bo_ij->C4dbopi * (bo_ij->Cdbopi + bo_ji->Cdbopi);
+    coef.C1dbopi2 = bo_ij->C1dbopi2 * (bo_ij->Cdbopi2 + bo_ji->Cdbopi2);
+    coef.C2dbopi2 = bo_ij->C2dbopi2 * (bo_ij->Cdbopi2 + bo_ji->Cdbopi2);
+    coef.C3dbopi2 = bo_ij->C3dbopi2 * (bo_ij->Cdbopi2 + bo_ji->Cdbopi2);
+    coef.C4dbopi2 = bo_ij->C4dbopi2 * (bo_ij->Cdbopi2 + bo_ji->Cdbopi2);
+    coef.C1dDelta = bo_ij->C1dbo * (workspace->CdDelta[i] + workspace->CdDelta[j]);
+    coef.C2dDelta = bo_ij->C2dbo * (workspace->CdDelta[i] + workspace->CdDelta[j]);
+    coef.C3dDelta = bo_ij->C3dbo * (workspace->CdDelta[i] + workspace->CdDelta[j]);
+    /************************************
+    * forces related to atom i          *
+    * first neighbors of atom i         *
+    ************************************/
+    for ( pk = Start_Index(i, bonds); pk < End_Index(i, bonds); ++pk )
+    {
+        nbr_k = &(bonds->select.bond_list[pk]);
+        k = nbr_k->nbr;
+        rvec_Scale( temp, -coef.C2dbo, nbr_k->bo_data.dBOp );       /*2nd,dBO*/
+        rvec_ScaledAdd( temp, -coef.C2dDelta, nbr_k->bo_data.dBOp );/*dDelta*/
+        rvec_ScaledAdd( temp, -coef.C3dbopi, nbr_k->bo_data.dBOp ); /*3rd,dBOpi*/
+        rvec_ScaledAdd( temp, -coef.C3dbopi2, nbr_k->bo_data.dBOp );/*3rd,dBOpi2*/
+        /* force */
+        rvec_Add( system->atoms[k].f, temp );
+        /* pressure */
+        rvec_iMultiply( ext_press, nbr_k->rel_box, temp );
+        rvec_Add( data->ext_press, ext_press );
+        /* if( !ivec_isZero( nbr_k->rel_box ) )
+           fprintf( stderr, "%3d %3d %3d: dvec[%10.6f %10.6f %10.6f]
+           ext[%3d %3d %3d] f[%10.6f %10.6f %10.6f]\n",
+           i+1,
+           system->atoms[i].x[0],system->atoms[i].x[1],system->atoms[i].x[2],
+           j+1, k+1,
+           system->atoms[k].x[0], system->atoms[k].x[1], system->atoms[k].x[2],
+           nbr_k->dvec[0], nbr_k->dvec[1], nbr_k->dvec[2],
+           nbr_k->rel_box[0], nbr_k->rel_box[1], nbr_k->rel_box[2],
+           temp[0], temp[1], temp[2] ); */
+    }
+    /* then atom i itself  */
+    rvec_Scale( temp, coef.C1dbo, bo_ij->dBOp );                      /*1st, dBO*/
+    rvec_ScaledAdd( temp, coef.C2dbo, workspace->dDeltap_self[i] );   /*2nd, dBO*/
+    rvec_ScaledAdd( temp, coef.C1dDelta, bo_ij->dBOp );               /*1st, dBO*/
+    rvec_ScaledAdd( temp, coef.C2dDelta, workspace->dDeltap_self[i] );/*2nd, dBO*/
+    rvec_ScaledAdd( temp, coef.C1dbopi, bo_ij->dln_BOp_pi );         /*1st,dBOpi*/
+    rvec_ScaledAdd( temp, coef.C2dbopi, bo_ij->dBOp );               /*2nd,dBOpi*/
+    rvec_ScaledAdd( temp, coef.C3dbopi, workspace->dDeltap_self[i] );/*3rd,dBOpi*/
+    rvec_ScaledAdd(temp, coef.C1dbopi2, bo_ij->dln_BOp_pi2) ;      /*1st,dBO_pi2*/
+    rvec_ScaledAdd(temp, coef.C2dbopi2, bo_ij->dBOp);              /*2nd,dBO_pi2*/
+    rvec_ScaledAdd(temp, coef.C3dbopi2, workspace->dDeltap_self[i]);/*3rd,dBO_pi2*/
     /* force */
-    rvec_Add( system->atoms[k].f, temp );
+    rvec_Add( system->atoms[i].f, temp );
+    /* ext pressure due to i dropped, counting force on j only will be enough */
+    /****************************************************************************
+     * forces and pressure related to atom j                                    *
+     * first neighbors of atom j                                                *
+     ***************************************************************************/
+    for ( pk = Start_Index(j, bonds); pk < End_Index(j, bonds); ++pk )
+    {
+        nbr_k = &(bonds->select.bond_list[pk]);
+        k = nbr_k->nbr;
+        rvec_Scale( temp, -coef.C3dbo, nbr_k->bo_data.dBOp );       /*3rd,dBO*/
+        rvec_ScaledAdd( temp, -coef.C3dDelta, nbr_k->bo_data.dBOp );/*dDelta*/
+        rvec_ScaledAdd( temp, -coef.C4dbopi, nbr_k->bo_data.dBOp ); /*4th,dBOpi*/
+        rvec_ScaledAdd( temp, -coef.C4dbopi2, nbr_k->bo_data.dBOp );/*4th,dBOpi2*/
+        /* force */
+        rvec_Add( system->atoms[k].f, temp );
+        /* pressure */
+        if ( k != i )
+        {
+            ivec_Sum(rel_box, nbr_k->rel_box, nbr_j->rel_box);//k's rel_box  wrt i
+            rvec_iMultiply( ext_press, rel_box, temp );
+            rvec_Add( data->ext_press, ext_press );
+            /* if( !ivec_isZero( rel_box ) )
+            fprintf( stderr, "%3d %3d %3d: dvec[%10.6f %10.6f %10.6f]
+             ext[%3d %3d %3d] f[%10.6f %10.6f %10.6f]\n",
+             i+1, j+1,
+             system->atoms[j].x[0],system->atoms[j].x[1],system->atoms[j].x[2],
+             k+1,
+             system->atoms[k].x[0], system->atoms[k].x[1], system->atoms[k].x[2],
+             nbr_k->dvec[0], nbr_k->dvec[1], nbr_k->dvec[2],
+             rel_box[0], rel_box[1], rel_box[2],
+             temp[0], temp[1], temp[2] ); */
+        }
+    }
+    /* then atom j itself */
+    rvec_Scale( temp, -coef.C1dbo, bo_ij->dBOp );                     /*1st, dBO*/
+    rvec_ScaledAdd( temp, coef.C3dbo, workspace->dDeltap_self[j] );   /*2nd, dBO*/
+    rvec_ScaledAdd( temp, -coef.C1dDelta, bo_ij->dBOp );              /*1st, dBO*/
+    rvec_ScaledAdd( temp, coef.C3dDelta, workspace->dDeltap_self[j] );/*2nd, dBO*/
+    rvec_ScaledAdd( temp, -coef.C1dbopi, bo_ij->dln_BOp_pi );        /*1st,dBOpi*/
+    rvec_ScaledAdd( temp, -coef.C2dbopi, bo_ij->dBOp );              /*2nd,dBOpi*/
+    rvec_ScaledAdd( temp, coef.C4dbopi, workspace->dDeltap_self[j] );/*3rd,dBOpi*/
+    rvec_ScaledAdd(temp, -coef.C1dbopi2, bo_ij->dln_BOp_pi2);       /*1st,dBOpi2*/
+    rvec_ScaledAdd(temp, -coef.C2dbopi2, bo_ij->dBOp);              /*2nd,dBOpi2*/
+    rvec_ScaledAdd(temp, coef.C4dbopi2, workspace->dDeltap_self[j]);/*3rd,dBOpi2*/
+    /* force */
+    rvec_Add( system->atoms[j].f, temp );
     /* pressure */
-    rvec_iMultiply( ext_press, nbr_k->rel_box, temp );
+    rvec_iMultiply( ext_press, nbr_j->rel_box, temp );
     rvec_Add( data->ext_press, ext_press );
-    /* if( !ivec_isZero( nbr_k->rel_box ) )
-       fprintf( stderr, "%3d %3d %3d: dvec[%10.6f %10.6f %10.6f] 
+    /* if( !ivec_isZero( nbr_j->rel_box ) )
+       fprintf( stderr, "%3d %3d %3d: dvec[%10.6f %10.6f %10.6f]
        ext[%3d %3d %3d] f[%10.6f %10.6f %10.6f]\n",
-       i+1, 
-       system->atoms[i].x[0],system->atoms[i].x[1],system->atoms[i].x[2], 
-       j+1, k+1,
-       system->atoms[k].x[0], system->atoms[k].x[1], system->atoms[k].x[2],
-       nbr_k->dvec[0], nbr_k->dvec[1], nbr_k->dvec[2],
-       nbr_k->rel_box[0], nbr_k->rel_box[1], nbr_k->rel_box[2],
+       i+1, system->atoms[i].x[0], system->atoms[i].x[1], system->atoms[i].x[2],
+       j+1, system->atoms[j].x[0], system->atoms[j].x[1], system->atoms[j].x[2],
+       j+1, nbr_j->dvec[0], nbr_j->dvec[1], nbr_j->dvec[2],
+       nbr_j->rel_box[0], nbr_j->rel_box[1], nbr_j->rel_box[2],
        temp[0], temp[1], temp[2] ); */
-  }
-  /* then atom i itself  */
-  rvec_Scale( temp, coef.C1dbo, bo_ij->dBOp );                      /*1st, dBO*/
-  rvec_ScaledAdd( temp, coef.C2dbo, workspace->dDeltap_self[i] );   /*2nd, dBO*/
-  rvec_ScaledAdd( temp, coef.C1dDelta, bo_ij->dBOp );               /*1st, dBO*/
-  rvec_ScaledAdd( temp, coef.C2dDelta, workspace->dDeltap_self[i] );/*2nd, dBO*/
-  rvec_ScaledAdd( temp, coef.C1dbopi, bo_ij->dln_BOp_pi );         /*1st,dBOpi*/
-  rvec_ScaledAdd( temp, coef.C2dbopi, bo_ij->dBOp );               /*2nd,dBOpi*/
-  rvec_ScaledAdd( temp, coef.C3dbopi, workspace->dDeltap_self[i] );/*3rd,dBOpi*/
-  rvec_ScaledAdd(temp, coef.C1dbopi2, bo_ij->dln_BOp_pi2) ;      /*1st,dBO_pi2*/
-  rvec_ScaledAdd(temp, coef.C2dbopi2, bo_ij->dBOp);              /*2nd,dBO_pi2*/
-  rvec_ScaledAdd(temp, coef.C3dbopi2, workspace->dDeltap_self[i]);/*3rd,dBO_pi2*/
-  /* force */
-  rvec_Add( system->atoms[i].f, temp );
-  /* ext pressure due to i dropped, counting force on j only will be enough */
-  /****************************************************************************
-   * forces and pressure related to atom j                                    *
-   * first neighbors of atom j                                                *
-   ***************************************************************************/
-  for( pk = Start_Index(j, bonds); pk < End_Index(j, bonds); ++pk ) {
-    nbr_k = &(bonds->select.bond_list[pk]);
-    k = nbr_k->nbr;
-    rvec_Scale( temp, -coef.C3dbo, nbr_k->bo_data.dBOp );       /*3rd,dBO*/
-    rvec_ScaledAdd( temp, -coef.C3dDelta, nbr_k->bo_data.dBOp );/*dDelta*/ 
-    rvec_ScaledAdd( temp, -coef.C4dbopi, nbr_k->bo_data.dBOp ); /*4th,dBOpi*/
-    rvec_ScaledAdd( temp, -coef.C4dbopi2, nbr_k->bo_data.dBOp );/*4th,dBOpi2*/
-    /* force */
-    rvec_Add( system->atoms[k].f, temp );
-    /* pressure */
-    if( k != i ) {
-      ivec_Sum(rel_box, nbr_k->rel_box, nbr_j->rel_box);//k's rel_box  wrt i
-      rvec_iMultiply( ext_press, rel_box, temp );
-      rvec_Add( data->ext_press, ext_press );
-      /* if( !ivec_isZero( rel_box ) )
-	 fprintf( stderr, "%3d %3d %3d: dvec[%10.6f %10.6f %10.6f] 
-	 ext[%3d %3d %3d] f[%10.6f %10.6f %10.6f]\n",
-	 i+1, j+1, 
-	 system->atoms[j].x[0],system->atoms[j].x[1],system->atoms[j].x[2],
-	 k+1, 
-	 system->atoms[k].x[0], system->atoms[k].x[1], system->atoms[k].x[2],
-	 nbr_k->dvec[0], nbr_k->dvec[1], nbr_k->dvec[2],
-	 rel_box[0], rel_box[1], rel_box[2],
-	 temp[0], temp[1], temp[2] ); */
-    }
-  }
-  /* then atom j itself */
-  rvec_Scale( temp, -coef.C1dbo, bo_ij->dBOp );                     /*1st, dBO*/
-  rvec_ScaledAdd( temp, coef.C3dbo, workspace->dDeltap_self[j] );   /*2nd, dBO*/
-  rvec_ScaledAdd( temp, -coef.C1dDelta, bo_ij->dBOp );              /*1st, dBO*/
-  rvec_ScaledAdd( temp, coef.C3dDelta, workspace->dDeltap_self[j] );/*2nd, dBO*/
-  rvec_ScaledAdd( temp, -coef.C1dbopi, bo_ij->dln_BOp_pi );        /*1st,dBOpi*/
-  rvec_ScaledAdd( temp, -coef.C2dbopi, bo_ij->dBOp );              /*2nd,dBOpi*/
-  rvec_ScaledAdd( temp, coef.C4dbopi, workspace->dDeltap_self[j] );/*3rd,dBOpi*/
-  rvec_ScaledAdd(temp, -coef.C1dbopi2, bo_ij->dln_BOp_pi2);       /*1st,dBOpi2*/
-  rvec_ScaledAdd(temp, -coef.C2dbopi2, bo_ij->dBOp);              /*2nd,dBOpi2*/
-  rvec_ScaledAdd(temp, coef.C4dbopi2, workspace->dDeltap_self[j]);/*3rd,dBOpi2*/
-  /* force */
-  rvec_Add( system->atoms[j].f, temp );
-  /* pressure */
-  rvec_iMultiply( ext_press, nbr_j->rel_box, temp );
-  rvec_Add( data->ext_press, ext_press );
-  /* if( !ivec_isZero( nbr_j->rel_box ) )
-     fprintf( stderr, "%3d %3d %3d: dvec[%10.6f %10.6f %10.6f] 
-     ext[%3d %3d %3d] f[%10.6f %10.6f %10.6f]\n",
-     i+1, system->atoms[i].x[0], system->atoms[i].x[1], system->atoms[i].x[2],
-     j+1, system->atoms[j].x[0], system->atoms[j].x[1], system->atoms[j].x[2],
-     j+1, nbr_j->dvec[0], nbr_j->dvec[1], nbr_j->dvec[2],
-     nbr_j->rel_box[0], nbr_j->rel_box[1], nbr_j->rel_box[2],
-     temp[0], temp[1], temp[2] ); */
-void Add_dBond_to_Forces( int i, int pj, reax_system *system, 
-			  simulation_data *data, static_storage *workspace, 
-			  list **lists )
+void Add_dBond_to_Forces( int i, int pj, reax_system *system,
+                          simulation_data *data, static_storage *workspace,
+                          list **lists )
-  list *bonds = (*lists) + BONDS;
-  bond_data *nbr_j, *nbr_k;
-  bond_order_data *bo_ij, *bo_ji; 
-  dbond_coefficients coef;
-  int pk, k, j;
-  /* Initializations */ 
-  nbr_j = &(bonds->select.bond_list[pj]);
-  j = nbr_j->nbr;
-  bo_ij = &(nbr_j->bo_data);
-  bo_ji = &(bonds->select.bond_list[ nbr_j->sym_index ].bo_data);
-  coef.C1dbo = bo_ij->C1dbo * (bo_ij->Cdbo + bo_ji->Cdbo);
-  coef.C2dbo = bo_ij->C2dbo * (bo_ij->Cdbo + bo_ji->Cdbo);
-  coef.C3dbo = bo_ij->C3dbo * (bo_ij->Cdbo + bo_ji->Cdbo);
-  coef.C1dbopi = bo_ij->C1dbopi * (bo_ij->Cdbopi + bo_ji->Cdbopi);
-  coef.C2dbopi = bo_ij->C2dbopi * (bo_ij->Cdbopi + bo_ji->Cdbopi);
-  coef.C3dbopi = bo_ij->C3dbopi * (bo_ij->Cdbopi + bo_ji->Cdbopi);
-  coef.C4dbopi = bo_ij->C4dbopi * (bo_ij->Cdbopi + bo_ji->Cdbopi);
-  coef.C1dbopi2 = bo_ij->C1dbopi2 * (bo_ij->Cdbopi2 + bo_ji->Cdbopi2);
-  coef.C2dbopi2 = bo_ij->C2dbopi2 * (bo_ij->Cdbopi2 + bo_ji->Cdbopi2);
-  coef.C3dbopi2 = bo_ij->C3dbopi2 * (bo_ij->Cdbopi2 + bo_ji->Cdbopi2);
-  coef.C4dbopi2 = bo_ij->C4dbopi2 * (bo_ij->Cdbopi2 + bo_ji->Cdbopi2);
-  coef.C1dDelta = bo_ij->C1dbo * (workspace->CdDelta[i]+workspace->CdDelta[j]);
-  coef.C2dDelta = bo_ij->C2dbo * (workspace->CdDelta[i]+workspace->CdDelta[j]);
-  coef.C3dDelta = bo_ij->C3dbo * (workspace->CdDelta[i]+workspace->CdDelta[j]);
-  for( pk = Start_Index(i, bonds); pk < End_Index(i, bonds); ++pk ) {
-    nbr_k = &(bonds->select.bond_list[pk]);
-    k = nbr_k->nbr;
-    rvec_ScaledAdd( system->atoms[k].f, -coef.C2dbo, nbr_k->bo_data.dBOp ); 
+    list *bonds = (*lists) + BONDS;
+    bond_data *nbr_j, *nbr_k;
+    bond_order_data *bo_ij, *bo_ji;
+    dbond_coefficients coef;
+    int pk, k, j;
+    /* Initializations */
+    nbr_j = &(bonds->select.bond_list[pj]);
+    j = nbr_j->nbr;
+    bo_ij = &(nbr_j->bo_data);
+    bo_ji = &(bonds->select.bond_list[ nbr_j->sym_index ].bo_data);
+    coef.C1dbo = bo_ij->C1dbo * (bo_ij->Cdbo + bo_ji->Cdbo);
+    coef.C2dbo = bo_ij->C2dbo * (bo_ij->Cdbo + bo_ji->Cdbo);
+    coef.C3dbo = bo_ij->C3dbo * (bo_ij->Cdbo + bo_ji->Cdbo);
+    coef.C1dbopi = bo_ij->C1dbopi * (bo_ij->Cdbopi + bo_ji->Cdbopi);
+    coef.C2dbopi = bo_ij->C2dbopi * (bo_ij->Cdbopi + bo_ji->Cdbopi);
+    coef.C3dbopi = bo_ij->C3dbopi * (bo_ij->Cdbopi + bo_ji->Cdbopi);
+    coef.C4dbopi = bo_ij->C4dbopi * (bo_ij->Cdbopi + bo_ji->Cdbopi);
+    coef.C1dbopi2 = bo_ij->C1dbopi2 * (bo_ij->Cdbopi2 + bo_ji->Cdbopi2);
+    coef.C2dbopi2 = bo_ij->C2dbopi2 * (bo_ij->Cdbopi2 + bo_ji->Cdbopi2);
+    coef.C3dbopi2 = bo_ij->C3dbopi2 * (bo_ij->Cdbopi2 + bo_ji->Cdbopi2);
+    coef.C4dbopi2 = bo_ij->C4dbopi2 * (bo_ij->Cdbopi2 + bo_ji->Cdbopi2);
+    coef.C1dDelta = bo_ij->C1dbo * (workspace->CdDelta[i] + workspace->CdDelta[j]);
+    coef.C2dDelta = bo_ij->C2dbo * (workspace->CdDelta[i] + workspace->CdDelta[j]);
+    coef.C3dDelta = bo_ij->C3dbo * (workspace->CdDelta[i] + workspace->CdDelta[j]);
+    for ( pk = Start_Index(i, bonds); pk < End_Index(i, bonds); ++pk )
+    {
+        nbr_k = &(bonds->select.bond_list[pk]);
+        k = nbr_k->nbr;
+        rvec_ScaledAdd( system->atoms[k].f, -coef.C2dbo, nbr_k->bo_data.dBOp );
+        /*2nd, dBO*/
+        rvec_ScaledAdd( system->atoms[k].f, -coef.C2dDelta, nbr_k->bo_data.dBOp );
+        /*dDelta*/
+        rvec_ScaledAdd( system->atoms[k].f, -coef.C3dbopi, nbr_k->bo_data.dBOp );
+        /*3rd, dBOpi*/
+        rvec_ScaledAdd( system->atoms[k].f, -coef.C3dbopi2, nbr_k->bo_data.dBOp );
+        /*3rd, dBOpi2*/
+    }
+    rvec_ScaledAdd( system->atoms[i].f, coef.C1dbo, bo_ij->dBOp );
+    /*1st, dBO*/
+    rvec_ScaledAdd( system->atoms[i].f, coef.C2dbo, workspace->dDeltap_self[i] );
+    /*2nd, dBO*/
+    rvec_ScaledAdd(system->atoms[i].f, coef.C1dDelta, bo_ij->dBOp);
+    /*1st, dBO*/
+    rvec_ScaledAdd(system->atoms[i].f, coef.C2dDelta, workspace->dDeltap_self[i]);
+    /*2nd, dBO*/
+    rvec_ScaledAdd( system->atoms[i].f, coef.C1dbopi, bo_ij->dln_BOp_pi );
+    /*1st, dBOpi*/
+    rvec_ScaledAdd( system->atoms[i].f, coef.C2dbopi, bo_ij->dBOp );
+    /*2nd, dBOpi*/
+    rvec_ScaledAdd(system->atoms[i].f, coef.C3dbopi, workspace->dDeltap_self[i]);
+    /*3rd, dBOpi*/
+    rvec_ScaledAdd( system->atoms[i].f, coef.C1dbopi2, bo_ij->dln_BOp_pi2 );
+    /*1st, dBO_pi2*/
+    rvec_ScaledAdd( system->atoms[i].f, coef.C2dbopi2, bo_ij->dBOp );
+    /*2nd, dBO_pi2*/
+    rvec_ScaledAdd(system->atoms[i].f, coef.C3dbopi2, workspace->dDeltap_self[i]);
+    /*3rd, dBO_pi2*/
+    for ( pk = Start_Index(j, bonds); pk < End_Index(j, bonds); ++pk )
+    {
+        nbr_k = &(bonds->select.bond_list[pk]);
+        k = nbr_k->nbr;
+        rvec_ScaledAdd( system->atoms[k].f, -coef.C3dbo, nbr_k->bo_data.dBOp );
+        /*3rd, dBO*/
+        rvec_ScaledAdd( system->atoms[k].f, -coef.C3dDelta, nbr_k->bo_data.dBOp );
+        /*dDelta*/
+        rvec_ScaledAdd( system->atoms[k].f, -coef.C4dbopi, nbr_k->bo_data.dBOp );
+        /*4th, dBOpi*/
+        rvec_ScaledAdd( system->atoms[k].f, -coef.C4dbopi2, nbr_k->bo_data.dBOp );
+        /*4th, dBOpi2*/
+    }
+    rvec_ScaledAdd( system->atoms[j].f, -coef.C1dbo, bo_ij->dBOp );
+    /*1st, dBO*/
+    rvec_ScaledAdd( system->atoms[j].f, coef.C3dbo, workspace->dDeltap_self[j] );
     /*2nd, dBO*/
-    rvec_ScaledAdd( system->atoms[k].f, -coef.C2dDelta, nbr_k->bo_data.dBOp );
-    /*dDelta*/
-    rvec_ScaledAdd( system->atoms[k].f, -coef.C3dbopi, nbr_k->bo_data.dBOp );
+    rvec_ScaledAdd( system->atoms[j].f, -coef.C1dDelta, bo_ij->dBOp );
+    /*1st, dBO*/
+    rvec_ScaledAdd(system->atoms[j].f, coef.C3dDelta, workspace->dDeltap_self[j]);
+    /*2nd, dBO*/
+    rvec_ScaledAdd( system->atoms[j].f, -coef.C1dbopi, bo_ij->dln_BOp_pi );
+    /*1st, dBOpi*/
+    rvec_ScaledAdd( system->atoms[j].f, -coef.C2dbopi, bo_ij->dBOp );
+    /*2nd, dBOpi*/
+    rvec_ScaledAdd(system->atoms[j].f, coef.C4dbopi, workspace->dDeltap_self[j]);
     /*3rd, dBOpi*/
-    rvec_ScaledAdd( system->atoms[k].f, -coef.C3dbopi2, nbr_k->bo_data.dBOp );
+    rvec_ScaledAdd( system->atoms[j].f, -coef.C1dbopi2, bo_ij->dln_BOp_pi2 );
+    /*1st, dBOpi2*/
+    rvec_ScaledAdd( system->atoms[j].f, -coef.C2dbopi2, bo_ij->dBOp );
+    /*2nd, dBOpi2*/
+    rvec_ScaledAdd(system->atoms[j].f, coef.C4dbopi2, workspace->dDeltap_self[j]);
     /*3rd, dBOpi2*/
-  }
-  rvec_ScaledAdd( system->atoms[i].f, coef.C1dbo, bo_ij->dBOp );
-  /*1st, dBO*/
-  rvec_ScaledAdd( system->atoms[i].f, coef.C2dbo, workspace->dDeltap_self[i] );
-  /*2nd, dBO*/
-  rvec_ScaledAdd(system->atoms[i].f, coef.C1dDelta, bo_ij->dBOp);
-  /*1st, dBO*/
-  rvec_ScaledAdd(system->atoms[i].f, coef.C2dDelta, workspace->dDeltap_self[i]);
-  /*2nd, dBO*/
-  rvec_ScaledAdd( system->atoms[i].f, coef.C1dbopi, bo_ij->dln_BOp_pi );
-  /*1st, dBOpi*/
-  rvec_ScaledAdd( system->atoms[i].f, coef.C2dbopi, bo_ij->dBOp );
-  /*2nd, dBOpi*/
-  rvec_ScaledAdd(system->atoms[i].f, coef.C3dbopi, workspace->dDeltap_self[i]);
-  /*3rd, dBOpi*/
-  rvec_ScaledAdd( system->atoms[i].f, coef.C1dbopi2, bo_ij->dln_BOp_pi2 );
-  /*1st, dBO_pi2*/
-  rvec_ScaledAdd( system->atoms[i].f, coef.C2dbopi2, bo_ij->dBOp );
-  /*2nd, dBO_pi2*/
-  rvec_ScaledAdd(system->atoms[i].f, coef.C3dbopi2, workspace->dDeltap_self[i]);
-  /*3rd, dBO_pi2*/
-  for( pk = Start_Index(j, bonds); pk < End_Index(j, bonds); ++pk ) {
-    nbr_k = &(bonds->select.bond_list[pk]);
-    k = nbr_k->nbr;
-    rvec_ScaledAdd( system->atoms[k].f, -coef.C3dbo, nbr_k->bo_data.dBOp );
-    /*3rd, dBO*/
-    rvec_ScaledAdd( system->atoms[k].f, -coef.C3dDelta, nbr_k->bo_data.dBOp );
-    /*dDelta*/ 
-    rvec_ScaledAdd( system->atoms[k].f, -coef.C4dbopi, nbr_k->bo_data.dBOp );
-    /*4th, dBOpi*/
-    rvec_ScaledAdd( system->atoms[k].f, -coef.C4dbopi2, nbr_k->bo_data.dBOp );
-    /*4th, dBOpi2*/
-  }
-  rvec_ScaledAdd( system->atoms[j].f, -coef.C1dbo, bo_ij->dBOp );
-  /*1st, dBO*/
-  rvec_ScaledAdd( system->atoms[j].f, coef.C3dbo, workspace->dDeltap_self[j] );
-  /*2nd, dBO*/
-  rvec_ScaledAdd( system->atoms[j].f, -coef.C1dDelta, bo_ij->dBOp );
-  /*1st, dBO*/
-  rvec_ScaledAdd(system->atoms[j].f, coef.C3dDelta, workspace->dDeltap_self[j]);
-  /*2nd, dBO*/
-  rvec_ScaledAdd( system->atoms[j].f, -coef.C1dbopi, bo_ij->dln_BOp_pi );
-  /*1st, dBOpi*/
-  rvec_ScaledAdd( system->atoms[j].f, -coef.C2dbopi, bo_ij->dBOp );
-  /*2nd, dBOpi*/
-  rvec_ScaledAdd(system->atoms[j].f, coef.C4dbopi, workspace->dDeltap_self[j]);
-  /*3rd, dBOpi*/
-  rvec_ScaledAdd( system->atoms[j].f, -coef.C1dbopi2, bo_ij->dln_BOp_pi2 );
-  /*1st, dBOpi2*/
-  rvec_ScaledAdd( system->atoms[j].f, -coef.C2dbopi2, bo_ij->dBOp );
-  /*2nd, dBOpi2*/
-  rvec_ScaledAdd(system->atoms[j].f, coef.C4dbopi2, workspace->dDeltap_self[j]);
-  /*3rd, dBOpi2*/
@@ -636,436 +649,455 @@ void Add_dBond_to_Forces( int i, int pj, reax_system *system,
    And this is the case given our method of neighbor generation*/
 int Locate_Symmetric_Bond( list *bonds, int i, int j )
-  int start = Start_Index(i, bonds);
-  int end = End_Index(i, bonds);
-  int mid = (start + end) / 2;
-  int mid_nbr;
-  while( (mid_nbr = bonds->select.bond_list[mid].nbr) != j ) {
-      /*fprintf( stderr, "\tstart: %d   end: %d   mid: %d\n", 
-	start, end, mid );*/
-      if( mid_nbr < j )
-	start = mid+1;
-      else end = mid - 1;
-      mid = (start + end) / 2;
+    int start = Start_Index(i, bonds);
+    int end = End_Index(i, bonds);
+    int mid = (start + end) / 2;
+    int mid_nbr;
+    while ( (mid_nbr = bonds->select.bond_list[mid].nbr) != j )
+    {
+        /*fprintf( stderr, "\tstart: %d   end: %d   mid: %d\n",
+        start, end, mid );*/
+        if ( mid_nbr < j )
+            start = mid + 1;
+        else end = mid - 1;
+        mid = (start + end) / 2;
-  return mid;
+    return mid;
 inline void Copy_Neighbor_Data( bond_data *dest, near_neighbor_data *src )
-  dest->nbr = src->nbr;
-  dest->d = src->d;
-  rvec_Copy( dest->dvec, src->dvec );
-  ivec_Copy( dest->rel_box, src->rel_box );
-  /* rvec_Copy( dest->ext_factor, src->ext_factor );*/
+    dest->nbr = src->nbr;
+    dest->d = src->d;
+    rvec_Copy( dest->dvec, src->dvec );
+    ivec_Copy( dest->rel_box, src->rel_box );
+    /* rvec_Copy( dest->ext_factor, src->ext_factor );*/
 inline void Copy_Bond_Order_Data( bond_order_data *dest, bond_order_data *src )
-  dest->BO = src->BO;
-  dest->BO_s = src->BO_s;
-  dest->BO_pi = src->BO_pi;
-  dest->BO_pi2 = src->BO_pi2;
-  rvec_Scale( dest->dBOp, -1.0, src->dBOp );
-  rvec_Scale( dest->dln_BOp_s, -1.0, src->dln_BOp_s );
-  rvec_Scale( dest->dln_BOp_pi, -1.0, src->dln_BOp_pi );
-  rvec_Scale( dest->dln_BOp_pi2, -1.0, src->dln_BOp_pi2 );
+    dest->BO = src->BO;
+    dest->BO_s = src->BO_s;
+    dest->BO_pi = src->BO_pi;
+    dest->BO_pi2 = src->BO_pi2;
+    rvec_Scale( dest->dBOp, -1.0, src->dBOp );
+    rvec_Scale( dest->dln_BOp_s, -1.0, src->dln_BOp_s );
+    rvec_Scale( dest->dln_BOp_pi, -1.0, src->dln_BOp_pi );
+    rvec_Scale( dest->dln_BOp_pi2, -1.0, src->dln_BOp_pi2 );
 int compare_bonds( const void *p1, const void *p2 )
-  return ((bond_data *)p1)->nbr - ((bond_data *)p2)->nbr;
+    return ((bond_data *)p1)->nbr - ((bond_data *)p2)->nbr;
 /* A very important and crucial assumption here is that each segment
    belonging to a different atom in nbrhoods->nbr_list is sorted in its own.
    This can either be done in the general coordinator function or here */
-void Calculate_Bond_Orders( reax_system *system, control_params *control, 
-			    simulation_data *data, static_storage *workspace, 
-			    list **lists, output_controls *out_control )
+void Calculate_Bond_Orders( reax_system *system, control_params *control,
+                            simulation_data *data, static_storage *workspace,
+                            list **lists, output_controls *out_control )
-  int i, j, pj, type_i, type_j;
-  int start_i, end_i;
-  int num_bonds, sym_index;
-  real p_boc1, p_boc2;
-  real val_i, Deltap_i, Deltap_boc_i;
-  real val_j, Deltap_j, Deltap_boc_j;
-  real temp, f1, f2, f3, f4, f5, f4f5, exp_f4, exp_f5;
-  real exp_p1i,	exp_p2i, exp_p1j, exp_p2j;
-  real u1_ij, u1_ji, Cf1A_ij, Cf1B_ij, Cf1_ij, Cf1_ji;
-  real Cf45_ij, Cf45_ji, p_lp1;
-  real A0_ij, A1_ij, A2_ij, A2_ji, A3_ij, A3_ji;
-  real explp1;
-  two_body_parameters *twbp;
-  bond_order_data *bo_ij, *bo_ji;
-  single_body_parameters *sbp_i, *sbp_j;
-  list *bonds = (*lists) + BONDS;
+    int i, j, pj, type_i, type_j;
+    int start_i, end_i;
+    int num_bonds, sym_index;
+    real p_boc1, p_boc2;
+    real val_i, Deltap_i, Deltap_boc_i;
+    real val_j, Deltap_j, Deltap_boc_j;
+    real temp, f1, f2, f3, f4, f5, f4f5, exp_f4, exp_f5;
+    real exp_p1i, exp_p2i, exp_p1j, exp_p2j;
+    real u1_ij, u1_ji, Cf1A_ij, Cf1B_ij, Cf1_ij, Cf1_ji;
+    real Cf45_ij, Cf45_ji, p_lp1;
+    real A0_ij, A1_ij, A2_ij, A2_ji, A3_ij, A3_ji;
+    real explp1;
+    two_body_parameters *twbp;
+    bond_order_data *bo_ij, *bo_ji;
+    single_body_parameters *sbp_i, *sbp_j;
+    list *bonds = (*lists) + BONDS;
 #if defined(TEST_FORCES)
-  int  k, pk, start_j, end_j;
-  int  top_dbo=0, top_dDelta=0;
-  dbond_data *pdbo;
-  dDelta_data *ptop_dDelta;
-  list *dDeltas = (*lists) + DDELTA;
-  list *dBOs = (*lists) + DBO;
+    int  k, pk, start_j, end_j;
+    int  top_dbo = 0, top_dDelta = 0;
+    dbond_data *pdbo;
+    dDelta_data *ptop_dDelta;
+    list *dDeltas = (*lists) + DDELTA;
+    list *dBOs = (*lists) + DBO;
-  num_bonds = 0;
-  p_boc1 = system->reaxprm.gp.l[0];
-  p_boc2 = system->reaxprm.gp.l[1];
-  /* Calculate Deltaprime, Deltaprime_boc values */
-  for( i = 0; i < system->N; ++i ) {
-    type_i = system->atoms[i].type;
-    sbp_i = &(system->reaxprm.sbp[type_i]);
-    workspace->Deltap[i] = workspace->total_bond_order[i] - sbp_i->valency;
-    workspace->Deltap_boc[i] = 
-      workspace->total_bond_order[i] - sbp_i->valency_val;
-    workspace->total_bond_order[i] = 0;
-  }
-  // fprintf( stderr, "done with uncorrected bond orders\n" );
-  /* Corrected Bond Order calculations */
-  for( i = 0; i < system->N; ++i ) {
-    type_i = system->atoms[i].type;
-    sbp_i = &(system->reaxprm.sbp[type_i]);
-    val_i = sbp_i->valency;
-    Deltap_i = workspace->Deltap[i];
-    Deltap_boc_i = workspace->Deltap_boc[i];
-    start_i = Start_Index(i, bonds);
-    end_i = End_Index(i, bonds);
-    //fprintf( stderr, "i:%d Dp:%g Dbocp:%g s:%d e:%d\n",
-    //       i+1, Deltap_i, Deltap_boc_i, start_i, end_i );
-    for( pj = start_i; pj < end_i; ++pj ) {
-      j = bonds->select.bond_list[pj].nbr;
-      type_j = system->atoms[j].type;
-      bo_ij = &( bonds->select.bond_list[pj].bo_data );
-      //fprintf( stderr, "\tj:%d - ubo: %8.3f\n", j+1, bo_ij->BO );
-      if( i < j ) {
-	twbp = &( system->reaxprm.tbp[type_i][type_j] );	      
+    num_bonds = 0;
+    p_boc1 = system->reaxprm.gp.l[0];
+    p_boc2 = system->reaxprm.gp.l[1];
+    /* Calculate Deltaprime, Deltaprime_boc values */
+    for ( i = 0; i < system->N; ++i )
+    {
+        type_i = system->atoms[i].type;
+        sbp_i = &(system->reaxprm.sbp[type_i]);
+        workspace->Deltap[i] = workspace->total_bond_order[i] - sbp_i->valency;
+        workspace->Deltap_boc[i] =
+            workspace->total_bond_order[i] - sbp_i->valency_val;
+        workspace->total_bond_order[i] = 0;
+    }
+    // fprintf( stderr, "done with uncorrected bond orders\n" );
+    /* Corrected Bond Order calculations */
+    for ( i = 0; i < system->N; ++i )
+    {
+        type_i = system->atoms[i].type;
+        sbp_i = &(system->reaxprm.sbp[type_i]);
+        val_i = sbp_i->valency;
+        Deltap_i = workspace->Deltap[i];
+        Deltap_boc_i = workspace->Deltap_boc[i];
+        start_i = Start_Index(i, bonds);
+        end_i = End_Index(i, bonds);
+        //fprintf( stderr, "i:%d Dp:%g Dbocp:%g s:%d e:%d\n",
+        //       i+1, Deltap_i, Deltap_boc_i, start_i, end_i );
+        for ( pj = start_i; pj < end_i; ++pj )
+        {
+            j = bonds->select.bond_list[pj].nbr;
+            type_j = system->atoms[j].type;
+            bo_ij = &( bonds->select.bond_list[pj].bo_data );
+            //fprintf( stderr, "\tj:%d - ubo: %8.3f\n", j+1, bo_ij->BO );
+            if ( i < j )
+            {
+                twbp = &( system->reaxprm.tbp[type_i][type_j] );
-	Set_Start_Index( pj, top_dbo, dBOs );
-	/* fprintf( stderr, "%6d%6d%23.15e%23.15e%23.15e\n", 
-	   workspace->reverse_map[i], workspace->reverse_map[j], 
-	   twbp->ovc, twbp->v13cor, bo_ij->BO ); */
+                Set_Start_Index( pj, top_dbo, dBOs );
+                /* fprintf( stderr, "%6d%6d%23.15e%23.15e%23.15e\n",
+                   workspace->reverse_map[i], workspace->reverse_map[j],
+                   twbp->ovc, twbp->v13cor, bo_ij->BO ); */
-	if( twbp->ovc < 0.001 && twbp->v13cor < 0.001 ) {
-	  /* There is no correction to bond orders nor to derivatives of 
-	     bond order prime! So we leave bond orders unchanged and 
-	     set derivative of bond order coefficients s.t. 
-	     dBO = dBOp & dBOxx = dBOxxp in Add_dBO_to_Forces */
-	  bo_ij->C1dbo = 1.000000;
-	  bo_ij->C2dbo = 0.000000;
-	  bo_ij->C3dbo = 0.000000; 
-	  bo_ij->C1dbopi = bo_ij->BO_pi;
-	  bo_ij->C2dbopi = 0.000000;
-	  bo_ij->C3dbopi = 0.000000;
-	  bo_ij->C4dbopi = 0.000000;
-	  bo_ij->C1dbopi2 = bo_ij->BO_pi2; 
-	  bo_ij->C2dbopi2 = 0.000000;
-	  bo_ij->C3dbopi2 = 0.000000;
-	  bo_ij->C4dbopi2 = 0.000000;
+                if ( twbp->ovc < 0.001 && twbp->v13cor < 0.001 )
+                {
+                    /* There is no correction to bond orders nor to derivatives of
+                       bond order prime! So we leave bond orders unchanged and
+                       set derivative of bond order coefficients s.t.
+                       dBO = dBOp & dBOxx = dBOxxp in Add_dBO_to_Forces */
+                    bo_ij->C1dbo = 1.000000;
+                    bo_ij->C2dbo = 0.000000;
+                    bo_ij->C3dbo = 0.000000;
+                    bo_ij->C1dbopi = bo_ij->BO_pi;
+                    bo_ij->C2dbopi = 0.000000;
+                    bo_ij->C3dbopi = 0.000000;
+                    bo_ij->C4dbopi = 0.000000;
+                    bo_ij->C1dbopi2 = bo_ij->BO_pi2;
+                    bo_ij->C2dbopi2 = 0.000000;
+                    bo_ij->C3dbopi2 = 0.000000;
+                    bo_ij->C4dbopi2 = 0.000000;
-	  pdbo = &(dBOs->select.dbo_list[ top_dbo ]);
-	  // compute dBO_ij/dr_i
-	  pdbo->wrt = i;
-	  rvec_Copy( pdbo->dBO, bo_ij->dBOp );
-	  rvec_Scale( pdbo->dBOpi, bo_ij->BO_pi, bo_ij->dln_BOp_pi );
-	  rvec_Scale( pdbo->dBOpi2, bo_ij->BO_pi2, bo_ij->dln_BOp_pi2 );
-	  // compute dBO_ij/dr_j
-	  pdbo++;
-	  pdbo->wrt = j;
-	  rvec_Scale( pdbo->dBO,-1.0,bo_ij->dBOp );
-	  rvec_Scale( pdbo->dBOpi,-bo_ij->BO_pi,bo_ij->dln_BOp_pi );
-	  rvec_Scale( pdbo->dBOpi2,-bo_ij->BO_pi2,bo_ij->dln_BOp_pi2 );
-	  top_dbo += 2;
+                    pdbo = &(dBOs->select.dbo_list[ top_dbo ]);
+                    // compute dBO_ij/dr_i
+                    pdbo->wrt = i;
+                    rvec_Copy( pdbo->dBO, bo_ij->dBOp );
+                    rvec_Scale( pdbo->dBOpi, bo_ij->BO_pi, bo_ij->dln_BOp_pi );
+                    rvec_Scale( pdbo->dBOpi2, bo_ij->BO_pi2, bo_ij->dln_BOp_pi2 );
+                    // compute dBO_ij/dr_j
+                    pdbo++;
+                    pdbo->wrt = j;
+                    rvec_Scale( pdbo->dBO, -1.0, bo_ij->dBOp );
+                    rvec_Scale( pdbo->dBOpi, -bo_ij->BO_pi, bo_ij->dln_BOp_pi );
+                    rvec_Scale( pdbo->dBOpi2, -bo_ij->BO_pi2, bo_ij->dln_BOp_pi2 );
+                    top_dbo += 2;
-	}
-	else {
-	  val_j = system->reaxprm.sbp[type_j].valency;
-	  Deltap_j = workspace->Deltap[j];
-	  Deltap_boc_j = workspace->Deltap_boc[j];
-	  /* on page 1 */
-	  if( twbp->ovc >= 0.001 ) {
-	    /* Correction for overcoordination */		
-	    exp_p1i = EXP( -p_boc1 * Deltap_i );
-	    exp_p2i = EXP( -p_boc2 * Deltap_i );
-	    exp_p1j = EXP( -p_boc1 * Deltap_j );
-	    exp_p2j = EXP( -p_boc2 * Deltap_j );
-	    f2 = exp_p1i + exp_p1j;			
-	    f3 = -1.0 / p_boc2 * log( 0.5 * ( exp_p2i  + exp_p2j ) );
-	    f1 = 0.5 * ( ( val_i + f2 )/( val_i + f2 + f3 ) + 
-			 ( val_j + f2 )/( val_j + f2 + f3 ) );
-	    /*fprintf( stderr,"%6d%6d\t%g %g   j:%g %g  p_boc:%g %g\n",
-	      i+1, j+1, val_i, Deltap_i, val_j, Deltap_j, p_boc1, p_boc2 );
-	      fprintf( stderr,"\tf:%g  %g  %g, exp:%g %g %g %g\n", 
-	      f1, f2, f3, exp_p1i, exp_p2i, exp_p1j, exp_p2j );*/
-	    /* Now come the derivates */		
-	    /* Bond Order pages 5-7, derivative of f1 */
-	    temp = f2 + f3;
-	    u1_ij = val_i + temp;
-	    u1_ji = val_j + temp;
-	    Cf1A_ij = 0.5 * f3 * (1.0 / SQR( u1_ij ) + 1.0 / SQR( u1_ji ));
-	    Cf1B_ij = -0.5 * (( u1_ij - f3 ) / SQR( u1_ij ) + 
-			      ( u1_ji - f3 ) / SQR( u1_ji ));
-	    //Cf1_ij = -Cf1A_ij * p_boc1 * exp_p1i + 
-	    //          Cf1B_ij * exp_p2i / ( exp_p2i + exp_p2j );
-	    Cf1_ij = 0.50 * ( -p_boc1 * exp_p1i / u1_ij - 
-			      ((val_i+f2) / SQR(u1_ij)) * 
-			      ( -p_boc1 * exp_p1i + 
-				exp_p2i / ( exp_p2i + exp_p2j ) ) + 
-			      -p_boc1 * exp_p1i / u1_ji - 
-			      ((val_j+f2)/SQR(u1_ji)) * ( -p_boc1*exp_p1i +  
-							  exp_p2i / ( exp_p2i + exp_p2j ) ));
-	    Cf1_ji = -Cf1A_ij * p_boc1 * exp_p1j + 
-	      Cf1B_ij * exp_p2j / ( exp_p2i + exp_p2j ); 
-	    //fprintf( stderr, "\tCf1:%g  %g\n", Cf1_ij, Cf1_ji );
-	  }
-	  else {
-	    /* No overcoordination correction! */
-	    f1 = 1.0;
-	    Cf1_ij = Cf1_ji = 0.0;		  
-	  }
-	  if( twbp->v13cor >= 0.001 ) {
-	    /* Correction for 1-3 bond orders */
-	    exp_f4 =EXP(-(twbp->p_boc4 * SQR( bo_ij->BO ) - 
-			  Deltap_boc_i) * twbp->p_boc3 + twbp->p_boc5);
-	    exp_f5 =EXP(-(twbp->p_boc4 * SQR( bo_ij->BO ) - 
-			  Deltap_boc_j) * twbp->p_boc3 + twbp->p_boc5);
-	    f4 = 1. / (1. + exp_f4);
-	    f5 = 1. / (1. + exp_f5);
-	    f4f5 = f4 * f5;
-	    /* Bond Order pages 8-9, derivative of f4 and f5 */
-	    /*temp = twbp->p_boc5 - 
-	      twbp->p_boc3 * twbp->p_boc4 * SQR( bo_ij->BO );
-	      u_ij = temp + twbp->p_boc3 * Deltap_boc_i;
-	      u_ji = temp + twbp->p_boc3 * Deltap_boc_j;
-	      Cf45_ij = Cf45( u_ij, u_ji ) / f4f5;
-	      Cf45_ji = Cf45( u_ji, u_ij ) / f4f5;*/
-	    Cf45_ij = -f4 * exp_f4;
-	    Cf45_ji = -f5 * exp_f5;
-	  }
-	  else {
-	    f4 = f5 = f4f5 = 1.0;
-	    Cf45_ij = Cf45_ji = 0.0;
-	  }
-	  /* Bond Order page 10, derivative of total bond order */
-	  A0_ij = f1 * f4f5;
-	  A1_ij = -2 * twbp->p_boc3 * twbp->p_boc4 * bo_ij->BO * 
-	    (Cf45_ij + Cf45_ji);
-	  A2_ij = Cf1_ij / f1 + twbp->p_boc3 * Cf45_ij;
-	  A2_ji = Cf1_ji / f1 + twbp->p_boc3 * Cf45_ji;
-	  A3_ij = A2_ij + Cf1_ij / f1;
-	  A3_ji = A2_ji + Cf1_ji / f1;
-	  /*fprintf( stderr, "\tBO: %f, A0: %f, A1: %f, A2_ij: %f 
-	    A2_ji: %f, A3_ij: %f, A3_ji: %f\n",
-	    bo_ij->BO, A0_ij, A1_ij, A2_ij, A2_ji, A3_ij, A3_ji );*/
-	  /* find corrected bond order values and their deriv coefs */
-	  bo_ij->BO    = bo_ij->BO    * A0_ij;
-	  bo_ij->BO_pi = bo_ij->BO_pi * A0_ij *f1;
-	  bo_ij->BO_pi2= bo_ij->BO_pi2* A0_ij *f1;
-	  bo_ij->BO_s  = bo_ij->BO - ( bo_ij->BO_pi + bo_ij->BO_pi2 );
-	  bo_ij->C1dbo = A0_ij + bo_ij->BO * A1_ij;
-	  bo_ij->C2dbo = bo_ij->BO * A2_ij;
-	  bo_ij->C3dbo = bo_ij->BO * A2_ji; 
-	  bo_ij->C1dbopi = f1*f1*f4*f5;
-	  bo_ij->C2dbopi = bo_ij->BO_pi * A1_ij;
-	  bo_ij->C3dbopi = bo_ij->BO_pi * A3_ij;
-	  bo_ij->C4dbopi = bo_ij->BO_pi * A3_ji;
-	  bo_ij->C1dbopi2 = f1*f1*f4*f5;
-	  bo_ij->C2dbopi2 = bo_ij->BO_pi2 * A1_ij;
-	  bo_ij->C3dbopi2 = bo_ij->BO_pi2 * A3_ij;
-	  bo_ij->C4dbopi2 = bo_ij->BO_pi2 * A3_ji;
+                }
+                else
+                {
+                    val_j = system->reaxprm.sbp[type_j].valency;
+                    Deltap_j = workspace->Deltap[j];
+                    Deltap_boc_j = workspace->Deltap_boc[j];
+                    /* on page 1 */
+                    if ( twbp->ovc >= 0.001 )
+                    {
+                        /* Correction for overcoordination */
+                        exp_p1i = EXP( -p_boc1 * Deltap_i );
+                        exp_p2i = EXP( -p_boc2 * Deltap_i );
+                        exp_p1j = EXP( -p_boc1 * Deltap_j );
+                        exp_p2j = EXP( -p_boc2 * Deltap_j );
+                        f2 = exp_p1i + exp_p1j;
+                        f3 = -1.0 / p_boc2 * log( 0.5 * ( exp_p2i  + exp_p2j ) );
+                        f1 = 0.5 * ( ( val_i + f2 ) / ( val_i + f2 + f3 ) +
+                                     ( val_j + f2 ) / ( val_j + f2 + f3 ) );
+                        /*fprintf( stderr,"%6d%6d\t%g %g   j:%g %g  p_boc:%g %g\n",
+                          i+1, j+1, val_i, Deltap_i, val_j, Deltap_j, p_boc1, p_boc2 );
+                          fprintf( stderr,"\tf:%g  %g  %g, exp:%g %g %g %g\n",
+                          f1, f2, f3, exp_p1i, exp_p2i, exp_p1j, exp_p2j );*/
+                        /* Now come the derivates */
+                        /* Bond Order pages 5-7, derivative of f1 */
+                        temp = f2 + f3;
+                        u1_ij = val_i + temp;
+                        u1_ji = val_j + temp;
+                        Cf1A_ij = 0.5 * f3 * (1.0 / SQR( u1_ij ) + 1.0 / SQR( u1_ji ));
+                        Cf1B_ij = -0.5 * (( u1_ij - f3 ) / SQR( u1_ij ) +
+                                          ( u1_ji - f3 ) / SQR( u1_ji ));
+                        //Cf1_ij = -Cf1A_ij * p_boc1 * exp_p1i +
+                        //          Cf1B_ij * exp_p2i / ( exp_p2i + exp_p2j );
+                        Cf1_ij = 0.50 * ( -p_boc1 * exp_p1i / u1_ij -
+                                          ((val_i + f2) / SQR(u1_ij)) *
+                                          ( -p_boc1 * exp_p1i +
+                                            exp_p2i / ( exp_p2i + exp_p2j ) ) +
+                                          -p_boc1 * exp_p1i / u1_ji -
+                                          ((val_j + f2) / SQR(u1_ji)) * ( -p_boc1 * exp_p1i +
+                                                  exp_p2i / ( exp_p2i + exp_p2j ) ));
+                        Cf1_ji = -Cf1A_ij * p_boc1 * exp_p1j +
+                                 Cf1B_ij * exp_p2j / ( exp_p2i + exp_p2j );
+                        //fprintf( stderr, "\tCf1:%g  %g\n", Cf1_ij, Cf1_ji );
+                    }
+                    else
+                    {
+                        /* No overcoordination correction! */
+                        f1 = 1.0;
+                        Cf1_ij = Cf1_ji = 0.0;
+                    }
+                    if ( twbp->v13cor >= 0.001 )
+                    {
+                        /* Correction for 1-3 bond orders */
+                        exp_f4 = EXP(-(twbp->p_boc4 * SQR( bo_ij->BO ) -
+                                       Deltap_boc_i) * twbp->p_boc3 + twbp->p_boc5);
+                        exp_f5 = EXP(-(twbp->p_boc4 * SQR( bo_ij->BO ) -
+                                       Deltap_boc_j) * twbp->p_boc3 + twbp->p_boc5);
+                        f4 = 1. / (1. + exp_f4);
+                        f5 = 1. / (1. + exp_f5);
+                        f4f5 = f4 * f5;
+                        /* Bond Order pages 8-9, derivative of f4 and f5 */
+                        /*temp = twbp->p_boc5 -
+                          twbp->p_boc3 * twbp->p_boc4 * SQR( bo_ij->BO );
+                          u_ij = temp + twbp->p_boc3 * Deltap_boc_i;
+                          u_ji = temp + twbp->p_boc3 * Deltap_boc_j;
+                          Cf45_ij = Cf45( u_ij, u_ji ) / f4f5;
+                          Cf45_ji = Cf45( u_ji, u_ij ) / f4f5;*/
+                        Cf45_ij = -f4 * exp_f4;
+                        Cf45_ji = -f5 * exp_f5;
+                    }
+                    else
+                    {
+                        f4 = f5 = f4f5 = 1.0;
+                        Cf45_ij = Cf45_ji = 0.0;
+                    }
+                    /* Bond Order page 10, derivative of total bond order */
+                    A0_ij = f1 * f4f5;
+                    A1_ij = -2 * twbp->p_boc3 * twbp->p_boc4 * bo_ij->BO *
+                            (Cf45_ij + Cf45_ji);
+                    A2_ij = Cf1_ij / f1 + twbp->p_boc3 * Cf45_ij;
+                    A2_ji = Cf1_ji / f1 + twbp->p_boc3 * Cf45_ji;
+                    A3_ij = A2_ij + Cf1_ij / f1;
+                    A3_ji = A2_ji + Cf1_ji / f1;
+                    /*fprintf( stderr, "\tBO: %f, A0: %f, A1: %f, A2_ij: %f
+                      A2_ji: %f, A3_ij: %f, A3_ji: %f\n",
+                      bo_ij->BO, A0_ij, A1_ij, A2_ij, A2_ji, A3_ij, A3_ji );*/
+                    /* find corrected bond order values and their deriv coefs */
+                    bo_ij->BO    = bo_ij->BO    * A0_ij;
+                    bo_ij->BO_pi = bo_ij->BO_pi * A0_ij * f1;
+                    bo_ij->BO_pi2 = bo_ij->BO_pi2 * A0_ij * f1;
+                    bo_ij->BO_s  = bo_ij->BO - ( bo_ij->BO_pi + bo_ij->BO_pi2 );
+                    bo_ij->C1dbo = A0_ij + bo_ij->BO * A1_ij;
+                    bo_ij->C2dbo = bo_ij->BO * A2_ij;
+                    bo_ij->C3dbo = bo_ij->BO * A2_ji;
+                    bo_ij->C1dbopi = f1 * f1 * f4 * f5;
+                    bo_ij->C2dbopi = bo_ij->BO_pi * A1_ij;
+                    bo_ij->C3dbopi = bo_ij->BO_pi * A3_ij;
+                    bo_ij->C4dbopi = bo_ij->BO_pi * A3_ji;
+                    bo_ij->C1dbopi2 = f1 * f1 * f4 * f5;
+                    bo_ij->C2dbopi2 = bo_ij->BO_pi2 * A1_ij;
+                    bo_ij->C3dbopi2 = bo_ij->BO_pi2 * A3_ij;
+                    bo_ij->C4dbopi2 = bo_ij->BO_pi2 * A3_ji;
-	  /*fprintf( stderr, "%6d%6d%13.6f%13.6f%13.6f%13.6f\n", 
-	    i+1, j+1, bo_ij->BO, bo_ij->C1dbo, Cf45_ij, Cf45_ji );*/
-	  /* fprintf( stderr, "%6d%6d%13.6f%13.6f%13.6f%13.6f\n",
-	  //"%6d%6d%10.6f%10.6f%10.6f%10.6f\n%10.6f%10.6f%10.6f\n%10.6f%10.6f%10.6f%10.6f\n%10.6f%10.6f%10.6f%10.6f\n\n",
-	  workspace->orig_id[i], workspace->orig_id[j]
-	  A0_ij, A1_ij, A2_ij, A2_ji, A3_ij, A3_ji
-	  bo_ij->BO, bo_ij->BO_pi, bo_ij->BO_pi2, bo_ij->BO_s,
-	  bo_ij->C1dbo, bo_ij->C2dbo, bo_ij->C3dbo, 
-	  bo_ij->C1dbopi,bo_ij->C2dbopi,bo_ij->C3dbopi,bo_ij->C4dbopi,
-	  bo_ij->C1dbopi2,bo_ij->C2dbopi2,bo_ij->C3dbopi2,bo_ij->C4dbopi2
-	  ); */
-	  Calculate_dBO( i, pj, workspace, lists, &top_dbo );
+                    /*fprintf( stderr, "%6d%6d%13.6f%13.6f%13.6f%13.6f\n",
+                      i+1, j+1, bo_ij->BO, bo_ij->C1dbo, Cf45_ij, Cf45_ji );*/
+                    /* fprintf( stderr, "%6d%6d%13.6f%13.6f%13.6f%13.6f\n",
+                    //"%6d%6d%10.6f%10.6f%10.6f%10.6f\n%10.6f%10.6f%10.6f\n%10.6f%10.6f%10.6f%10.6f\n%10.6f%10.6f%10.6f%10.6f\n\n",
+                    workspace->orig_id[i], workspace->orig_id[j]
+                    A0_ij, A1_ij, A2_ij, A2_ji, A3_ij, A3_ji
+                    bo_ij->BO, bo_ij->BO_pi, bo_ij->BO_pi2, bo_ij->BO_s,
+                    bo_ij->C1dbo, bo_ij->C2dbo, bo_ij->C3dbo,
+                    bo_ij->C1dbopi,bo_ij->C2dbopi,bo_ij->C3dbopi,bo_ij->C4dbopi,
+                    bo_ij->C1dbopi2,bo_ij->C2dbopi2,bo_ij->C3dbopi2,bo_ij->C4dbopi2
+                    ); */
+                    Calculate_dBO( i, pj, workspace, lists, &top_dbo );
-	}
-	/* neglect bonds that are < 1e-10 */
-	if( bo_ij->BO < 1e-10 )
-	  bo_ij->BO = 0.0;
-	if( bo_ij->BO_s < 1e-10 )
-	  bo_ij->BO_s = 0.0;
-	if( bo_ij->BO_pi < 1e-10 )
-	  bo_ij->BO_pi = 0.0;
-	if( bo_ij->BO_pi2 < 1e-10 )
-	  bo_ij->BO_pi2 = 0.0;
-	workspace->total_bond_order[i] += bo_ij->BO; // now keeps total_BO
-	/* fprintf( stderr, "%d %d\t%g %g %g %g\n
-	   Cdbo:\t%g %g %g\n
-	   Cdbopi:\t%g %g %g %g\n
-	   Cdbopi2:%g %g %g %g\n\n", 
-	   i+1, j+1, bonds->select.bond_list[ pj ].d, 
-	   bo_ij->BO,bo_ij->BO_pi, bo_ij->BO_pi2, 
-	   bo_ij->C1dbo, bo_ij->C2dbo, bo_ij->C3dbo,
-	   bo_ij->C1dbopi, bo_ij->C2dbopi, bo_ij->C3dbopi, bo_ij->C4dbopi,
-	   bo_ij->C1dbopi2, bo_ij->C2dbopi2, 
-	   bo_ij->C3dbopi2, bo_ij->C4dbopi2 ); */
-	/* fprintf( stderr, "%d %d, BO:%f BO_s:%f BO_pi:%f BO_pi2:%f\n",
-	   i+1,j+1,bo_ij->BO,bo_ij->BO_s,bo_ij->BO_pi,bo_ij->BO_pi2 ); */
+                }
+                /* neglect bonds that are < 1e-10 */
+                if ( bo_ij->BO < 1e-10 )
+                    bo_ij->BO = 0.0;
+                if ( bo_ij->BO_s < 1e-10 )
+                    bo_ij->BO_s = 0.0;
+                if ( bo_ij->BO_pi < 1e-10 )
+                    bo_ij->BO_pi = 0.0;
+                if ( bo_ij->BO_pi2 < 1e-10 )
+                    bo_ij->BO_pi2 = 0.0;
+                workspace->total_bond_order[i] += bo_ij->BO; // now keeps total_BO
+                /* fprintf( stderr, "%d %d\t%g %g %g %g\n
+                   Cdbo:\t%g %g %g\n
+                   Cdbopi:\t%g %g %g %g\n
+                   Cdbopi2:%g %g %g %g\n\n",
+                   i+1, j+1, bonds->select.bond_list[ pj ].d,
+                   bo_ij->BO,bo_ij->BO_pi, bo_ij->BO_pi2,
+                   bo_ij->C1dbo, bo_ij->C2dbo, bo_ij->C3dbo,
+                   bo_ij->C1dbopi, bo_ij->C2dbopi, bo_ij->C3dbopi, bo_ij->C4dbopi,
+                   bo_ij->C1dbopi2, bo_ij->C2dbopi2,
+                   bo_ij->C3dbopi2, bo_ij->C4dbopi2 ); */
+                /* fprintf( stderr, "%d %d, BO:%f BO_s:%f BO_pi:%f BO_pi2:%f\n",
+                   i+1,j+1,bo_ij->BO,bo_ij->BO_s,bo_ij->BO_pi,bo_ij->BO_pi2 ); */
-	Set_End_Index( pj, top_dbo, dBOs );
-	Add_dBO( system, lists, i, pj, 1.0, workspace->dDelta );
+                Set_End_Index( pj, top_dbo, dBOs );
+                Add_dBO( system, lists, i, pj, 1.0, workspace->dDelta );
-      }
-      else {
-	/* We only need to update bond orders from bo_ji
-	   everything else is set in uncorrected_bo calculations */
-	sym_index = bonds->select.bond_list[pj].sym_index;
-	bo_ji = &(bonds->select.bond_list[ sym_index ].bo_data);
-	bo_ij->BO = bo_ji->BO;
-	bo_ij->BO_s = bo_ji->BO_s;
-	bo_ij->BO_pi = bo_ji->BO_pi;
-	bo_ij->BO_pi2 = bo_ji->BO_pi2;
-	workspace->total_bond_order[i] += bo_ij->BO; // now keeps total_BO
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                /* We only need to update bond orders from bo_ji
+                   everything else is set in uncorrected_bo calculations */
+                sym_index = bonds->select.bond_list[pj].sym_index;
+                bo_ji = &(bonds->select.bond_list[ sym_index ].bo_data);
+                bo_ij->BO = bo_ji->BO;
+                bo_ij->BO_s = bo_ji->BO_s;
+                bo_ij->BO_pi = bo_ji->BO_pi;
+                bo_ij->BO_pi2 = bo_ji->BO_pi2;
+                workspace->total_bond_order[i] += bo_ij->BO; // now keeps total_BO
-	Add_dBO( system, lists, j, sym_index, 1.0, workspace->dDelta );
+                Add_dBO( system, lists, j, sym_index, 1.0, workspace->dDelta );
-      }	  
-    }
-#ifdef TEST_FORCES 
-    // fprintf( stderr, "dDelta computations\nj:" );
-    Set_Start_Index( i, top_dDelta, dDeltas );
-    ptop_dDelta = &( dDeltas->select.dDelta_list[top_dDelta] );
-    for( pj = start_i; pj < end_i; ++pj ) {
-      j = bonds->select.bond_list[pj].nbr;
-      // fprintf( stderr, "%d  ", j );
-      if( !rvec_isZero( workspace->dDelta[j] ) ) {
-	ptop_dDelta->wrt = j;
-	rvec_Copy( ptop_dDelta->dVal, workspace->dDelta[j] );
-	rvec_MakeZero( workspace->dDelta[j] );
-	++top_dDelta, ++ptop_dDelta;
-      }
-      start_j = Start_Index(j, bonds);
-      end_j = End_Index(j, bonds);     
-      for( pk = start_j; pk < end_j; ++pk ) {
-	k = bonds->select.bond_list[pk].nbr;    
-	if( !rvec_isZero( workspace->dDelta[k] ) ) {
-	  ptop_dDelta->wrt = k;
-	  rvec_Copy( ptop_dDelta->dVal, workspace->dDelta[k] );
-	  rvec_MakeZero( workspace->dDelta[k] );
-	  ++top_dDelta, ++ptop_dDelta;
-	}
-      }
-    }
-    Set_End_Index( i, top_dDelta, dDeltas );
-    /*for( pj=Start_Index(i,dDeltas); pj<End_Index(i,dDeltas); ++pj )
-      fprintf( stdout, "dDel: %d %d [%g %g %g]\n",
-      i+1, dDeltas->select.dDelta_list[pj].wrt+1,
-      dDeltas->select.dDelta_list[pj].dVal[0], 
-      dDeltas->select.dDelta_list[pj].dVal[1], 
-      dDeltas->select.dDelta_list[pj].dVal[2] );*/
+            }
+        }
+        // fprintf( stderr, "dDelta computations\nj:" );
+        Set_Start_Index( i, top_dDelta, dDeltas );
+        ptop_dDelta = &( dDeltas->select.dDelta_list[top_dDelta] );
+        for ( pj = start_i; pj < end_i; ++pj )
+        {
+            j = bonds->select.bond_list[pj].nbr;
+            // fprintf( stderr, "%d  ", j );
+            if ( !rvec_isZero( workspace->dDelta[j] ) )
+            {
+                ptop_dDelta->wrt = j;
+                rvec_Copy( ptop_dDelta->dVal, workspace->dDelta[j] );
+                rvec_MakeZero( workspace->dDelta[j] );
+                ++top_dDelta, ++ptop_dDelta;
+            }
+            start_j = Start_Index(j, bonds);
+            end_j = End_Index(j, bonds);
+            for ( pk = start_j; pk < end_j; ++pk )
+            {
+                k = bonds->select.bond_list[pk].nbr;
+                if ( !rvec_isZero( workspace->dDelta[k] ) )
+                {
+                    ptop_dDelta->wrt = k;
+                    rvec_Copy( ptop_dDelta->dVal, workspace->dDelta[k] );
+                    rvec_MakeZero( workspace->dDelta[k] );
+                    ++top_dDelta, ++ptop_dDelta;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        Set_End_Index( i, top_dDelta, dDeltas );
+        /*for( pj=Start_Index(i,dDeltas); pj<End_Index(i,dDeltas); ++pj )
+          fprintf( stdout, "dDel: %d %d [%g %g %g]\n",
+          i+1, dDeltas->select.dDelta_list[pj].wrt+1,
+          dDeltas->select.dDelta_list[pj].dVal[0],
+          dDeltas->select.dDelta_list[pj].dVal[1],
+          dDeltas->select.dDelta_list[pj].dVal[2] );*/
-  }
-  /*fprintf(stderr,"\tCalculated actual bond orders ...\n" );
-    fprintf(stderr,"%6s%8s%8s%8s%8s%8s%8s%8s\n", 
-    "atom", "Delta", "Delta_e", "Delta_boc", "nlp", 
-    "Delta_lp", "Clp", "dDelta_lp" );*/
-  p_lp1 = system->reaxprm.gp.l[15];
-  /* Calculate some helper variables that are  used at many places 
-     throughout force calculations */
-  for( j = 0; j < system->N; ++j ) {
-    type_j = system->atoms[j].type;
-    sbp_j = &(system->reaxprm.sbp[ type_j ]);
-    workspace->Delta[j] = workspace->total_bond_order[j] - sbp_j->valency;
-    workspace->Delta_e[j] = workspace->total_bond_order[j] - sbp_j->valency_e;
-    workspace->Delta_boc[j] = workspace->total_bond_order[j] - 
-	sbp_j->valency_boc;
-    workspace->vlpex[j] =  workspace->Delta_e[j] - 
-      2.0 * (int)(workspace->Delta_e[j]/2.0);
-    explp1 = EXP(-p_lp1 * SQR(2.0 + workspace->vlpex[j]));
-    workspace->nlp[j] = explp1 - (int)(workspace->Delta_e[j] / 2.0);
-    workspace->Delta_lp[j] = sbp_j->nlp_opt - workspace->nlp[j];
-    workspace->Clp[j] = 2.0 * p_lp1 * explp1 * (2.0 + workspace->vlpex[j]);
-    /* Adri uses different dDelta_lp values than the ones in notes... */
-    workspace->dDelta_lp[j] = workspace->Clp[j];
-    //workspace->dDelta_lp[j] = workspace->Clp[j] + (0.5-workspace->Clp[j]) *
-    //((fabs(workspace->Delta_e[j]/2.0 - 
-    //       (int)(workspace->Delta_e[j]/2.0)) < 0.1) ? 1 : 0 );
-    if( sbp_j->mass > 21.0 ) {
-      workspace->nlp_temp[j] = 0.5 * (sbp_j->valency_e - sbp_j->valency);
-      workspace->Delta_lp_temp[j] = sbp_j->nlp_opt - workspace->nlp_temp[j];
-      workspace->dDelta_lp_temp[j] = 0.;
-    }
-    else {
-      workspace->nlp_temp[j] = workspace->nlp[j];
-      workspace->Delta_lp_temp[j] = sbp_j->nlp_opt - workspace->nlp_temp[j];
-      workspace->dDelta_lp_temp[j] = workspace->Clp[j];
-    //fprintf( stderr, "%d\t%lf\t%lf\t%lf\t%lf\t%lf\t%lf\t%lf\t%lf\n",
-    //j, workspace->Delta[j], workspace->Delta_e[j], workspace->Delta_boc[j], 
-    //workspace->nlp[j], system->reaxprm.sbp[type_j].nlp_opt,
-    //workspace->Delta_lp[j], workspace->Clp[j], workspace->dDelta_lp[j] );
-  }
+    /*fprintf(stderr,"\tCalculated actual bond orders ...\n" );
+      fprintf(stderr,"%6s%8s%8s%8s%8s%8s%8s%8s\n",
+      "atom", "Delta", "Delta_e", "Delta_boc", "nlp",
+      "Delta_lp", "Clp", "dDelta_lp" );*/
+    p_lp1 = system->reaxprm.gp.l[15];
+    /* Calculate some helper variables that are  used at many places
+       throughout force calculations */
+    for ( j = 0; j < system->N; ++j )
+    {
+        type_j = system->atoms[j].type;
+        sbp_j = &(system->reaxprm.sbp[ type_j ]);
+        workspace->Delta[j] = workspace->total_bond_order[j] - sbp_j->valency;
+        workspace->Delta_e[j] = workspace->total_bond_order[j] - sbp_j->valency_e;
+        workspace->Delta_boc[j] = workspace->total_bond_order[j] -
+                                  sbp_j->valency_boc;
+        workspace->vlpex[j] =  workspace->Delta_e[j] -
+                               2.0 * (int)(workspace->Delta_e[j] / 2.0);
+        explp1 = EXP(-p_lp1 * SQR(2.0 + workspace->vlpex[j]));
+        workspace->nlp[j] = explp1 - (int)(workspace->Delta_e[j] / 2.0);
+        workspace->Delta_lp[j] = sbp_j->nlp_opt - workspace->nlp[j];
+        workspace->Clp[j] = 2.0 * p_lp1 * explp1 * (2.0 + workspace->vlpex[j]);
+        /* Adri uses different dDelta_lp values than the ones in notes... */
+        workspace->dDelta_lp[j] = workspace->Clp[j];
+        //workspace->dDelta_lp[j] = workspace->Clp[j] + (0.5-workspace->Clp[j]) *
+        //((fabs(workspace->Delta_e[j]/2.0 -
+        //       (int)(workspace->Delta_e[j]/2.0)) < 0.1) ? 1 : 0 );
+        if ( sbp_j->mass > 21.0 )
+        {
+            workspace->nlp_temp[j] = 0.5 * (sbp_j->valency_e - sbp_j->valency);
+            workspace->Delta_lp_temp[j] = sbp_j->nlp_opt - workspace->nlp_temp[j];
+            workspace->dDelta_lp_temp[j] = 0.;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            workspace->nlp_temp[j] = workspace->nlp[j];
+            workspace->Delta_lp_temp[j] = sbp_j->nlp_opt - workspace->nlp_temp[j];
+            workspace->dDelta_lp_temp[j] = workspace->Clp[j];
+        }
+        //fprintf( stderr, "%d\t%lf\t%lf\t%lf\t%lf\t%lf\t%lf\t%lf\t%lf\n",
+        //j, workspace->Delta[j], workspace->Delta_e[j], workspace->Delta_boc[j],
+        //workspace->nlp[j], system->reaxprm.sbp[type_j].nlp_opt,
+        //workspace->Delta_lp[j], workspace->Clp[j], workspace->dDelta_lp[j] );
+    }
-  //Print_Bonds( system, bonds, "sbonds.out" );
+    //Print_Bonds( system, bonds, "sbonds.out" );
 #if defined(DEBUG)
-  fprintf( stderr, "Number of bonds: %d\n", num_bonds );
-  Print_Bond_Orders( system, control, data, workspace, lists, out_control );
+    fprintf( stderr, "Number of bonds: %d\n", num_bonds );
+    Print_Bond_Orders( system, control, data, workspace, lists, out_control );
diff --git a/puremd_rc_1003/sPuReMD/bond_orders.h b/puremd_rc_1003/sPuReMD/bond_orders.h
index 8ac3492c80f7092e7cd4e768c2d119633c70e8e7..b6ca199ed923b74a126b993cdeafbe98eb414756 100644
--- a/puremd_rc_1003/sPuReMD/bond_orders.h
+++ b/puremd_rc_1003/sPuReMD/bond_orders.h
@@ -1,20 +1,20 @@
   SerialReax - Reax Force Field Simulator
   Copyright (2010) Purdue University
   Hasan Metin Aktulga, haktulga@cs.purdue.edu
   Joseph Fogarty, jcfogart@mail.usf.edu
   Sagar Pandit, pandit@usf.edu
   Ananth Y Grama, ayg@cs.purdue.edu
   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
   modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
-  published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of 
+  published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
   the License, or (at your option) any later version.
   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
   See the GNU General Public License for more details:
@@ -24,12 +24,13 @@
 #include "mytypes.h"
-typedef struct{
-  real C1dbo, C2dbo, C3dbo;
-  real C1dbopi, C2dbopi, C3dbopi, C4dbopi;
-  real C1dbopi2, C2dbopi2, C3dbopi2, C4dbopi2;
-  real C1dDelta, C2dDelta, C3dDelta;
+typedef struct
+    real C1dbo, C2dbo, C3dbo;
+    real C1dbopi, C2dbopi, C3dbopi, C4dbopi;
+    real C1dbopi2, C2dbopi2, C3dbopi2, C4dbopi2;
+    real C1dDelta, C2dDelta, C3dDelta;
+} dbond_coefficients;
 void Get_dBO( reax_system*, list**, int, int, real, rvec* );
@@ -45,10 +46,10 @@ void Add_dDelta( reax_system*, list**, int, real, rvec* );
 void Add_dDelta_to_Forces( reax_system *, list**, int, real );
-void Add_dBond_to_Forces( int, int, reax_system*, simulation_data*, 
-			  static_storage*, list** );
-void Add_dBond_to_Forces_NPT( int, int, reax_system*, simulation_data*, 
-			      static_storage*, list** );
+void Add_dBond_to_Forces( int, int, reax_system*, simulation_data*,
+                          static_storage*, list** );
+void Add_dBond_to_Forces_NPT( int, int, reax_system*, simulation_data*,
+                              static_storage*, list** );
 void Calculate_Bond_Orders( reax_system*, control_params*, simulation_data*,
-			    static_storage*, list**, output_controls* );
+                            static_storage*, list**, output_controls* );
diff --git a/puremd_rc_1003/sPuReMD/box.c b/puremd_rc_1003/sPuReMD/box.c
index d0daa6a5e1e58b4f9c6245790d5a328607b89065..c9bd50c4a14392759f0eb8935748b0b64a46ee63 100644
--- a/puremd_rc_1003/sPuReMD/box.c
+++ b/puremd_rc_1003/sPuReMD/box.c
@@ -1,20 +1,20 @@
   SerialReax - Reax Force Field Simulator
   Copyright (2010) Purdue University
   Hasan Metin Aktulga, haktulga@cs.purdue.edu
   Joseph Fogarty, jcfogart@mail.usf.edu
   Sagar Pandit, pandit@usf.edu
   Ananth Y Grama, ayg@cs.purdue.edu
   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
   modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
-  published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of 
+  published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
   the License, or (at your option) any later version.
   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
   See the GNU General Public License for more details:
@@ -23,540 +23,565 @@
 #include "vector.h"
-void Init_Box_From_CRYST(real a, real b, real c, 
-			 real alpha, real beta, real gamma, 
-			 simulation_box* box )
+void Init_Box_From_CRYST(real a, real b, real c,
+                         real alpha, real beta, real gamma,
+                         simulation_box* box )
-  double c_alpha, c_beta, c_gamma, s_gamma, zi;
+    double c_alpha, c_beta, c_gamma, s_gamma, zi;
-  c_alpha = cos(DEG2RAD(alpha));
-  c_beta  = cos(DEG2RAD(beta));
-  c_gamma = cos(DEG2RAD(gamma));
-  s_gamma = sin(DEG2RAD(gamma));
+    c_alpha = cos(DEG2RAD(alpha));
+    c_beta  = cos(DEG2RAD(beta));
+    c_gamma = cos(DEG2RAD(gamma));
+    s_gamma = sin(DEG2RAD(gamma));
-  zi = (c_alpha - c_beta * c_gamma)/s_gamma; 
+    zi = (c_alpha - c_beta * c_gamma) / s_gamma;
-  box->box[0][0] = a; 
-  box->box[0][1] = 0.0; 
-  box->box[0][2] = 0.0;
-  box->box[1][0] = b * c_gamma; 
-  box->box[1][1] = b * s_gamma; 
-  box->box[1][2] = 0.0; 
+    box->box[0][0] = a;
+    box->box[0][1] = 0.0;
+    box->box[0][2] = 0.0;
-  box->box[2][0] = c * c_beta;
-  box->box[2][1] = c * zi;
-  box->box[2][2] = c * SQRT(1.0 - SQR(c_beta) - SQR(zi));
+    box->box[1][0] = b * c_gamma;
+    box->box[1][1] = b * s_gamma;
+    box->box[1][2] = 0.0;
-  Make_Consistent( box );
+    box->box[2][0] = c * c_beta;
+    box->box[2][1] = c * zi;
+    box->box[2][2] = c * SQRT(1.0 - SQR(c_beta) - SQR(zi));
+    Make_Consistent( box );
 #if defined(DEBUG_FOCUS)
-  fprintf( stderr, "box is %8.2f x %8.2f x %8.2f\n", 
-	   box->box[0][0], box->box[1][1], box->box[2][2] );
+    fprintf( stderr, "box is %8.2f x %8.2f x %8.2f\n",
+             box->box[0][0], box->box[1][1], box->box[2][2] );
 void Update_Box( rtensor box_tensor, simulation_box* box )
-  int i, j;
+    int i, j;
-  for (i=0; i < 3; i++)
-    for (j=0; j < 3; j++)
-      box->box[i][j] = box_tensor[i][j];
+    for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
+        for (j = 0; j < 3; j++)
+            box->box[i][j] = box_tensor[i][j];
-  Make_Consistent( box );
+    Make_Consistent( box );
 void Update_Box_Isotropic( simulation_box *box, real mu )
-  /*box->box[0][0] = 
-    POW( V_new / ( box->side_prop[1] * box->side_prop[2] ), 1.0/3.0 );
-  box->box[1][1] = box->box[0][0] * box->side_prop[1];
-  box->box[2][2] = box->box[0][0] * box->side_prop[2]; 
-  */
-  rtensor_Copy( box->old_box, box->box );
-  box->box[0][0] *= mu;
-  box->box[1][1] *= mu;
-  box->box[2][2] *= mu;
-  box->volume = box->box[0][0]*box->box[1][1]*box->box[2][2];
-  Make_Consistent(box/*, periodic*/);
+    /*box->box[0][0] =
+      POW( V_new / ( box->side_prop[1] * box->side_prop[2] ), 1.0/3.0 );
+    box->box[1][1] = box->box[0][0] * box->side_prop[1];
+    box->box[2][2] = box->box[0][0] * box->side_prop[2];
+    */
+    rtensor_Copy( box->old_box, box->box );
+    box->box[0][0] *= mu;
+    box->box[1][1] *= mu;
+    box->box[2][2] *= mu;
+    box->volume = box->box[0][0] * box->box[1][1] * box->box[2][2];
+    Make_Consistent(box/*, periodic*/);
 void Update_Box_SemiIsotropic( simulation_box *box, rvec mu )
-  /*box->box[0][0] = 
-    POW( V_new / ( box->side_prop[1] * box->side_prop[2] ), 1.0/3.0 );
-  box->box[1][1] = box->box[0][0] * box->side_prop[1];
-  box->box[2][2] = box->box[0][0] * box->side_prop[2]; */
-  rtensor_Copy( box->old_box, box->box );
-  box->box[0][0] *= mu[0];
-  box->box[1][1] *= mu[1];
-  box->box[2][2] *= mu[2];
-  box->volume = box->box[0][0]*box->box[1][1]*box->box[2][2];
-  Make_Consistent(box);
+    /*box->box[0][0] =
+      POW( V_new / ( box->side_prop[1] * box->side_prop[2] ), 1.0/3.0 );
+    box->box[1][1] = box->box[0][0] * box->side_prop[1];
+    box->box[2][2] = box->box[0][0] * box->side_prop[2]; */
+    rtensor_Copy( box->old_box, box->box );
+    box->box[0][0] *= mu[0];
+    box->box[1][1] *= mu[1];
+    box->box[2][2] *= mu[2];
+    box->volume = box->box[0][0] * box->box[1][1] * box->box[2][2];
+    Make_Consistent(box);
 void Make_Consistent(simulation_box* box)
-  real one_vol;
-  box->volume = 
-    box->box[0][0] * (box->box[1][1]*box->box[2][2] - 
-		       box->box[2][1]*box->box[2][1]) +
-    box->box[0][1] * (box->box[2][0]*box->box[1][2] -
-		       box->box[1][0]*box->box[2][2]) +
-    box->box[0][2] * (box->box[1][0]*box->box[2][1] -
-		       box->box[2][0]*box->box[1][1]);
-  one_vol = 1.0/box->volume;
-  box->box_inv[0][0] = (box->box[1][1]*box->box[2][2] -
-			 box->box[1][2]*box->box[2][1]) * one_vol;
-  box->box_inv[0][1] = (box->box[0][2]*box->box[2][1] -
-			 box->box[0][1]*box->box[2][2]) * one_vol;
-  box->box_inv[0][2] = (box->box[0][1]*box->box[1][2] -
-			 box->box[0][2]*box->box[1][1]) * one_vol;
-  box->box_inv[1][0] = (box->box[1][2]*box->box[2][0] -
-			 box->box[1][0]*box->box[2][2]) * one_vol;
-  box->box_inv[1][1] = (box->box[0][0]*box->box[2][2] -
-			 box->box[0][2]*box->box[2][0]) * one_vol;
-  box->box_inv[1][2] = (box->box[0][2]*box->box[1][0] -
-			 box->box[0][0]*box->box[1][2]) * one_vol;
-  box->box_inv[2][0] = (box->box[1][0]*box->box[2][1] -
-			 box->box[1][1]*box->box[2][0]) * one_vol;
-  box->box_inv[2][1] = (box->box[0][1]*box->box[2][0] -
-			 box->box[0][0]*box->box[2][1]) * one_vol;
-  box->box_inv[2][2] = (box->box[0][0]*box->box[1][1] -
-			 box->box[0][1]*box->box[1][0]) * one_vol;
-  box->box_norms[0] = SQRT( SQR(box->box[0][0]) +
-			     SQR(box->box[0][1]) +
-			     SQR(box->box[0][2]) );
-  box->box_norms[1] = SQRT( SQR(box->box[1][0]) +
-			     SQR(box->box[1][1]) +
-			     SQR(box->box[1][2]) );
-  box->box_norms[2] = SQRT( SQR(box->box[2][0]) +
-			     SQR(box->box[2][1]) +
-			     SQR(box->box[2][2]) );
-  box->trans[0][0] = box->box[0][0]/box->box_norms[0]; 
-  box->trans[0][1] = box->box[1][0]/box->box_norms[0];
-  box->trans[0][2] = box->box[2][0]/box->box_norms[0];
-  box->trans[1][0] = box->box[0][1]/box->box_norms[1]; 
-  box->trans[1][1] = box->box[1][1]/box->box_norms[1];
-  box->trans[1][2] = box->box[2][1]/box->box_norms[1];
-  box->trans[2][0] = box->box[0][2]/box->box_norms[2]; 
-  box->trans[2][1] = box->box[1][2]/box->box_norms[2];
-  box->trans[2][2] = box->box[2][2]/box->box_norms[2];
-  one_vol = box->box_norms[0]*box->box_norms[1]*box->box_norms[2]*one_vol;
-  box->trans_inv[0][0] = (box->trans[1][1]*box->trans[2][2] -
-			   box->trans[1][2]*box->trans[2][1]) * one_vol;
-  box->trans_inv[0][1] = (box->trans[0][2]*box->trans[2][1] -
-			   box->trans[0][1]*box->trans[2][2]) * one_vol;
-  box->trans_inv[0][2] = (box->trans[0][1]*box->trans[1][2] -
-			   box->trans[0][2]*box->trans[1][1]) * one_vol;
-  box->trans_inv[1][0] = (box->trans[1][2]*box->trans[2][0] -
-			   box->trans[1][0]*box->trans[2][2]) * one_vol;
-  box->trans_inv[1][1] = (box->trans[0][0]*box->trans[2][2] -
-			   box->trans[0][2]*box->trans[2][0]) * one_vol;
-  box->trans_inv[1][2] = (box->trans[0][2]*box->trans[1][0] -
-			   box->trans[0][0]*box->trans[1][2]) * one_vol;
-  box->trans_inv[2][0] = (box->trans[1][0]*box->trans[2][1] -
-			   box->trans[1][1]*box->trans[2][0]) * one_vol;
-  box->trans_inv[2][1] = (box->trans[0][1]*box->trans[2][0] -
-			   box->trans[0][0]*box->trans[2][1]) * one_vol;
-  box->trans_inv[2][2] = (box->trans[0][0]*box->trans[1][1] -
-			   box->trans[0][1]*box->trans[1][0]) * one_vol;
+    real one_vol;
+    box->volume =
+        box->box[0][0] * (box->box[1][1] * box->box[2][2] -
+                          box->box[2][1] * box->box[2][1]) +
+        box->box[0][1] * (box->box[2][0] * box->box[1][2] -
+                          box->box[1][0] * box->box[2][2]) +
+        box->box[0][2] * (box->box[1][0] * box->box[2][1] -
+                          box->box[2][0] * box->box[1][1]);
+    one_vol = 1.0 / box->volume;
+    box->box_inv[0][0] = (box->box[1][1] * box->box[2][2] -
+                          box->box[1][2] * box->box[2][1]) * one_vol;
+    box->box_inv[0][1] = (box->box[0][2] * box->box[2][1] -
+                          box->box[0][1] * box->box[2][2]) * one_vol;
+    box->box_inv[0][2] = (box->box[0][1] * box->box[1][2] -
+                          box->box[0][2] * box->box[1][1]) * one_vol;
+    box->box_inv[1][0] = (box->box[1][2] * box->box[2][0] -
+                          box->box[1][0] * box->box[2][2]) * one_vol;
+    box->box_inv[1][1] = (box->box[0][0] * box->box[2][2] -
+                          box->box[0][2] * box->box[2][0]) * one_vol;
+    box->box_inv[1][2] = (box->box[0][2] * box->box[1][0] -
+                          box->box[0][0] * box->box[1][2]) * one_vol;
+    box->box_inv[2][0] = (box->box[1][0] * box->box[2][1] -
+                          box->box[1][1] * box->box[2][0]) * one_vol;
+    box->box_inv[2][1] = (box->box[0][1] * box->box[2][0] -
+                          box->box[0][0] * box->box[2][1]) * one_vol;
+    box->box_inv[2][2] = (box->box[0][0] * box->box[1][1] -
+                          box->box[0][1] * box->box[1][0]) * one_vol;
+    box->box_norms[0] = SQRT( SQR(box->box[0][0]) +
+                              SQR(box->box[0][1]) +
+                              SQR(box->box[0][2]) );
+    box->box_norms[1] = SQRT( SQR(box->box[1][0]) +
+                              SQR(box->box[1][1]) +
+                              SQR(box->box[1][2]) );
+    box->box_norms[2] = SQRT( SQR(box->box[2][0]) +
+                              SQR(box->box[2][1]) +
+                              SQR(box->box[2][2]) );
+    box->trans[0][0] = box->box[0][0] / box->box_norms[0];
+    box->trans[0][1] = box->box[1][0] / box->box_norms[0];
+    box->trans[0][2] = box->box[2][0] / box->box_norms[0];
+    box->trans[1][0] = box->box[0][1] / box->box_norms[1];
+    box->trans[1][1] = box->box[1][1] / box->box_norms[1];
+    box->trans[1][2] = box->box[2][1] / box->box_norms[1];
+    box->trans[2][0] = box->box[0][2] / box->box_norms[2];
+    box->trans[2][1] = box->box[1][2] / box->box_norms[2];
+    box->trans[2][2] = box->box[2][2] / box->box_norms[2];
+    one_vol = box->box_norms[0] * box->box_norms[1] * box->box_norms[2] * one_vol;
+    box->trans_inv[0][0] = (box->trans[1][1] * box->trans[2][2] -
+                            box->trans[1][2] * box->trans[2][1]) * one_vol;
+    box->trans_inv[0][1] = (box->trans[0][2] * box->trans[2][1] -
+                            box->trans[0][1] * box->trans[2][2]) * one_vol;
+    box->trans_inv[0][2] = (box->trans[0][1] * box->trans[1][2] -
+                            box->trans[0][2] * box->trans[1][1]) * one_vol;
+    box->trans_inv[1][0] = (box->trans[1][2] * box->trans[2][0] -
+                            box->trans[1][0] * box->trans[2][2]) * one_vol;
+    box->trans_inv[1][1] = (box->trans[0][0] * box->trans[2][2] -
+                            box->trans[0][2] * box->trans[2][0]) * one_vol;
+    box->trans_inv[1][2] = (box->trans[0][2] * box->trans[1][0] -
+                            box->trans[0][0] * box->trans[1][2]) * one_vol;
+    box->trans_inv[2][0] = (box->trans[1][0] * box->trans[2][1] -
+                            box->trans[1][1] * box->trans[2][0]) * one_vol;
+    box->trans_inv[2][1] = (box->trans[0][1] * box->trans[2][0] -
+                            box->trans[0][0] * box->trans[2][1]) * one_vol;
+    box->trans_inv[2][2] = (box->trans[0][0] * box->trans[1][1] -
+                            box->trans[0][1] * box->trans[1][0]) * one_vol;
 //   for (i=0; i < 3; i++)
 //     {
 //       for (j=0; j < 3; j++)
-// 	fprintf(stderr,"%lf\t",box->trans[i][j]);
+//  fprintf(stderr,"%lf\t",box->trans[i][j]);
 //       fprintf(stderr,"\n");
 //     }
 //   fprintf(stderr,"\n");
 //   for (i=0; i < 3; i++)
 //     {
 //       for (j=0; j < 3; j++)
-// 	fprintf(stderr,"%lf\t",box->trans_inv[i][j]);
+//  fprintf(stderr,"%lf\t",box->trans_inv[i][j]);
 //       fprintf(stderr,"\n");
 //     }
-  box->g[0][0] = box->box[0][0] * box->box[0][0] +
-                  box->box[0][1] * box->box[0][1] +
-                  box->box[0][2] * box->box[0][2];
-  box->g[1][0] = 
-  box->g[0][1] = box->box[0][0] * box->box[1][0] +
-                  box->box[0][1] * box->box[1][1] +
-                  box->box[0][2] * box->box[1][2];
-  box->g[2][0] =
-  box->g[0][2] = box->box[0][0] * box->box[2][0] +
-                  box->box[0][1] * box->box[2][1] +
-                  box->box[0][2] * box->box[2][2];
-  box->g[1][1] = box->box[1][0] * box->box[1][0] +
-                  box->box[1][1] * box->box[1][1] +
-                  box->box[1][2] * box->box[1][2];
-  box->g[1][2] =
-  box->g[2][1] = box->box[1][0] * box->box[2][0] +
-                  box->box[1][1] * box->box[2][1] +
-                  box->box[1][2] * box->box[2][2];
-  box->g[2][2] = box->box[2][0] * box->box[2][0] +
-                  box->box[2][1] * box->box[2][1] +
-                  box->box[2][2] * box->box[2][2];
-  // These proportions are only used for isotropic_NPT!
-  box->side_prop[0] = box->box[0][0] / box->box[0][0];
-  box->side_prop[1] = box->box[1][1] / box->box[0][0];
-  box->side_prop[2] = box->box[2][2] / box->box[0][0];
+    box->g[0][0] = box->box[0][0] * box->box[0][0] +
+                   box->box[0][1] * box->box[0][1] +
+                   box->box[0][2] * box->box[0][2];
+    box->g[1][0] =
+        box->g[0][1] = box->box[0][0] * box->box[1][0] +
+                       box->box[0][1] * box->box[1][1] +
+                       box->box[0][2] * box->box[1][2];
+    box->g[2][0] =
+        box->g[0][2] = box->box[0][0] * box->box[2][0] +
+                       box->box[0][1] * box->box[2][1] +
+                       box->box[0][2] * box->box[2][2];
+    box->g[1][1] = box->box[1][0] * box->box[1][0] +
+                   box->box[1][1] * box->box[1][1] +
+                   box->box[1][2] * box->box[1][2];
+    box->g[1][2] =
+        box->g[2][1] = box->box[1][0] * box->box[2][0] +
+                       box->box[1][1] * box->box[2][1] +
+                       box->box[1][2] * box->box[2][2];
+    box->g[2][2] = box->box[2][0] * box->box[2][0] +
+                   box->box[2][1] * box->box[2][1] +
+                   box->box[2][2] * box->box[2][2];
+    // These proportions are only used for isotropic_NPT!
+    box->side_prop[0] = box->box[0][0] / box->box[0][0];
+    box->side_prop[1] = box->box[1][1] / box->box[0][0];
+    box->side_prop[2] = box->box[2][2] / box->box[0][0];
 void Transform( rvec x1, simulation_box *box, char flag, rvec x2 )
-  int i, j;
-  real tmp;
-  //  printf(">x1: (%lf, %lf, %lf)\n",x1[0],x1[1],x1[2]);
-  if (flag > 0) {
-    for (i=0; i < 3; i++) {
-      tmp = 0.0;
-      for (j=0; j < 3; j++)
-	tmp += box->trans[i][j]*x1[j]; 
-      x2[i] = tmp;
+    int i, j;
+    real tmp;
+    //  printf(">x1: (%lf, %lf, %lf)\n",x1[0],x1[1],x1[2]);
+    if (flag > 0)
+    {
+        for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
+        {
+            tmp = 0.0;
+            for (j = 0; j < 3; j++)
+                tmp += box->trans[i][j] * x1[j];
+            x2[i] = tmp;
+        }
-  }
-  else {
-    for (i=0; i < 3; i++) {
-      tmp = 0.0;
-      for (j=0; j < 3; j++)
-	tmp += box->trans_inv[i][j]*x1[j]; 
-      x2[i] = tmp;
+    else
+    {
+        for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
+        {
+            tmp = 0.0;
+            for (j = 0; j < 3; j++)
+                tmp += box->trans_inv[i][j] * x1[j];
+            x2[i] = tmp;
+        }
-  }
-  //  printf(">x2: (%lf, %lf, %lf)\n", x2[0], x2[1], x2[2]);  
+    //  printf(">x2: (%lf, %lf, %lf)\n", x2[0], x2[1], x2[2]);
 void Transform_to_UnitBox( rvec x1, simulation_box *box, char flag, rvec x2 )
-  Transform( x1, box, flag, x2 );
-  x2[0] /= box->box_norms[0];
-  x2[1] /= box->box_norms[1];
-  x2[2] /= box->box_norms[2];
+    Transform( x1, box, flag, x2 );
+    x2[0] /= box->box_norms[0];
+    x2[1] /= box->box_norms[1];
+    x2[2] /= box->box_norms[2];
 void Inc_on_T3( rvec x, rvec dx, simulation_box *box )
-  int i;
-  real tmp;
+    int i;
+    real tmp;
-  for (i=0; i < 3; i++) { 
-    tmp = x[i] + dx[i];      
-    if( tmp <= -box->box_norms[i] || tmp >= box->box_norms[i] )
-      tmp = fmod( tmp, box->box_norms[i] );
+    for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
+    {
+        tmp = x[i] + dx[i];
+        if ( tmp <= -box->box_norms[i] || tmp >= box->box_norms[i] )
+            tmp = fmod( tmp, box->box_norms[i] );
-    if( tmp < 0 ) tmp += box->box_norms[i];
-    x[i] = tmp;
-  }
+        if ( tmp < 0 ) tmp += box->box_norms[i];
+        x[i] = tmp;
+    }
 real Sq_Distance_on_T3(rvec x1, rvec x2, simulation_box* box, rvec r)
-  real norm=0.0;
-  real d, tmp;
-  int i;
-  for (i=0; i < 3; i++) {
-    d = x2[i] - x1[i];
-    tmp = SQR(d);
-    if( tmp >= SQR( box->box_norms[i] / 2.0 ) ) {
-      if (x2[i] > x1[i])
-	d -= box->box_norms[i];
-      else
-	d += box->box_norms[i];
-      r[i] = d;
-      norm += SQR(d);
+    real norm = 0.0;
+    real d, tmp;
+    int i;
+    for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
+    {
+        d = x2[i] - x1[i];
+        tmp = SQR(d);
+        if ( tmp >= SQR( box->box_norms[i] / 2.0 ) )
+        {
+            if (x2[i] > x1[i])
+                d -= box->box_norms[i];
+            else
+                d += box->box_norms[i];
+            r[i] = d;
+            norm += SQR(d);
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            r[i] = d;
+            norm += tmp;
+        }
-    else {
-      r[i] = d;
-      norm += tmp;
-    } 
-  }
-  return norm;
+    return norm;
 void Distance_on_T3_Gen( rvec x1, rvec x2, simulation_box* box, rvec r )
-  rvec xa, xb, ra;
+    rvec xa, xb, ra;
+    Transform( x1, box, -1, xa );
+    Transform( x2, box, -1, xb );
-  Transform( x1, box, -1, xa );
-  Transform( x2, box, -1, xb );
+    //printf(">xa: (%lf, %lf, %lf)\n",xa[0],xa[1],xa[2]);
+    //printf(">xb: (%lf, %lf, %lf)\n",xb[0],xb[1],xb[2]);
-  //printf(">xa: (%lf, %lf, %lf)\n",xa[0],xa[1],xa[2]);
-  //printf(">xb: (%lf, %lf, %lf)\n",xb[0],xb[1],xb[2]);
-  Sq_Distance_on_T3( xa, xb, box, ra );
+    Sq_Distance_on_T3( xa, xb, box, ra );
-  Transform( ra, box, 1, r );
+    Transform( ra, box, 1, r );
 void Inc_on_T3_Gen( rvec x, rvec dx, simulation_box* box )
-  rvec xa, dxa;
+    rvec xa, dxa;
-  Transform( x, box, -1, xa );
-  Transform( dx, box, -1, dxa );
+    Transform( x, box, -1, xa );
+    Transform( dx, box, -1, dxa );
-  //printf(">xa: (%lf, %lf, %lf)\n",xa[0],xa[1],xa[2]);
-  //printf(">dxa: (%lf, %lf, %lf)\n",dxa[0],dxa[1],dxa[2]);
-  Inc_on_T3( xa, dxa, box );
+    //printf(">xa: (%lf, %lf, %lf)\n",xa[0],xa[1],xa[2]);
+    //printf(">dxa: (%lf, %lf, %lf)\n",dxa[0],dxa[1],dxa[2]);
-  //printf(">new_xa: (%lf, %lf, %lf)\n",xa[0],xa[1],xa[2]);
+    Inc_on_T3( xa, dxa, box );
-  Transform( xa, box, 1, x );
+    //printf(">new_xa: (%lf, %lf, %lf)\n",xa[0],xa[1],xa[2]);
+    Transform( xa, box, 1, x );
 real Metric_Product( rvec x1, rvec x2, simulation_box* box )
-  int i, j;
-  real dist=0.0, tmp;
+    int i, j;
+    real dist = 0.0, tmp;
-  for( i = 0; i < 3; i++ )
+    for ( i = 0; i < 3; i++ )
-      tmp = 0.0;
-      for( j = 0; j < 3; j++ )
-	tmp += box->g[i][j] * x2[j];
-      dist += x1[i] * tmp;
+        tmp = 0.0;
+        for ( j = 0; j < 3; j++ )
+            tmp += box->g[i][j] * x2[j];
+        dist += x1[i] * tmp;
-  return dist;
+    return dist;
-int Are_Far_Neighbors( rvec x1, rvec x2, simulation_box *box, 
-		       real cutoff, far_neighbor_data *data )
+int Are_Far_Neighbors( rvec x1, rvec x2, simulation_box *box,
+                       real cutoff, far_neighbor_data *data )
-  real norm_sqr, d, tmp;
-  int i;
-  norm_sqr = 0;
-  for( i = 0; i < 3; i++ ) {
-    d = x2[i] - x1[i];
-    tmp = SQR(d);
-    if( tmp >= SQR( box->box_norms[i] / 2.0 ) ) {	
-      if( x2[i] > x1[i] ) {
-	d -= box->box_norms[i];
-	data->rel_box[i] = -1;
-      }
-      else {
-	d += box->box_norms[i];
-	data->rel_box[i] = +1;
-      }
-      data->dvec[i] = d;
-      norm_sqr += SQR(d);
+    real norm_sqr, d, tmp;
+    int i;
+    norm_sqr = 0;
+    for ( i = 0; i < 3; i++ )
+    {
+        d = x2[i] - x1[i];
+        tmp = SQR(d);
+        if ( tmp >= SQR( box->box_norms[i] / 2.0 ) )
+        {
+            if ( x2[i] > x1[i] )
+            {
+                d -= box->box_norms[i];
+                data->rel_box[i] = -1;
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                d += box->box_norms[i];
+                data->rel_box[i] = +1;
+            }
+            data->dvec[i] = d;
+            norm_sqr += SQR(d);
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            data->dvec[i] = d;
+            norm_sqr += tmp;
+            data->rel_box[i] = 0;
+        }
-    else {
-      data->dvec[i] = d;
-      norm_sqr += tmp;
-      data->rel_box[i] = 0;
-    } 
-  }
-  if( norm_sqr <= SQR(cutoff) ){
-    data->d = sqrt(norm_sqr);
-    return 1;
-  }
-  return 0;
+    if ( norm_sqr <= SQR(cutoff) )
+    {
+        data->d = sqrt(norm_sqr);
+        return 1;
+    }
+    return 0;
-/* Determines if the distance between x1 and x2 is < vlist_cut. 
+/* Determines if the distance between x1 and x2 is < vlist_cut.
    If so, this neighborhood is added to the list of far neighbors.
    Periodic boundary conditions do not apply. */
-void Get_NonPeriodic_Far_Neighbors( rvec x1, rvec x2, simulation_box *box, 
-				    control_params *control, 
-				    far_neighbor_data *new_nbrs, int *count )
+void Get_NonPeriodic_Far_Neighbors( rvec x1, rvec x2, simulation_box *box,
+                                    control_params *control,
+                                    far_neighbor_data *new_nbrs, int *count )
-  real norm_sqr;
-  rvec_ScaledSum( new_nbrs[0].dvec, 1.0, x2, -1.0, x1 );
-  norm_sqr = rvec_Norm_Sqr( new_nbrs[0].dvec );
-  if( norm_sqr <= SQR( control->vlist_cut ) ) {
-    *count = 1;
-    new_nbrs[0].d = SQRT( norm_sqr );
-    ivec_MakeZero( new_nbrs[0].rel_box );
-    // rvec_MakeZero( new_nbrs[0].ext_factor );
-  }
-  else *count = 0;
+    real norm_sqr;
+    rvec_ScaledSum( new_nbrs[0].dvec, 1.0, x2, -1.0, x1 );
+    norm_sqr = rvec_Norm_Sqr( new_nbrs[0].dvec );
+    if ( norm_sqr <= SQR( control->vlist_cut ) )
+    {
+        *count = 1;
+        new_nbrs[0].d = SQRT( norm_sqr );
+        ivec_MakeZero( new_nbrs[0].rel_box );
+        // rvec_MakeZero( new_nbrs[0].ext_factor );
+    }
+    else *count = 0;
 /* Finds periodic neighbors in a 'big_box'. Here 'big_box' means:
    the current simulation box has all dimensions > 2 *vlist_cut.
-   If the periodic distance between x1 and x2 is than vlist_cut, this 
+   If the periodic distance between x1 and x2 is than vlist_cut, this
    neighborhood is added to the list of far neighbors. */
-void Get_Periodic_Far_Neighbors_Big_Box( rvec x1, rvec x2, simulation_box *box, 
-					 control_params *control, 
-					 far_neighbor_data *periodic_nbrs, 
-					 int *count )
+void Get_Periodic_Far_Neighbors_Big_Box( rvec x1, rvec x2, simulation_box *box,
+        control_params *control,
+        far_neighbor_data *periodic_nbrs,
+        int *count )
-  real norm_sqr, d, tmp;
-  int i;
-  norm_sqr = 0;
-  for( i = 0; i < 3; i++ ) {
-    d = x2[i] - x1[i];
-    tmp = SQR(d);
-    // fprintf(out,"Inside Sq_Distance_on_T3, %d, %lf, %lf\n",
-    // i,tmp,SQR(box->box_norms[i]/2.0));
-    if( tmp >= SQR( box->box_norms[i] / 2.0 ) ) {	
-      if( x2[i] > x1[i] ) {
-	d -= box->box_norms[i];
-	periodic_nbrs[0].rel_box[i] = -1;
-	// periodic_nbrs[0].ext_factor[i] = +1;
-      }
-      else {
-	d += box->box_norms[i];
-	periodic_nbrs[0].rel_box[i] = +1;
-	// periodic_nbrs[0].ext_factor[i] = -1;
-      }
-      periodic_nbrs[0].dvec[i] = d;
-      norm_sqr += SQR(d);
+    real norm_sqr, d, tmp;
+    int i;
+    norm_sqr = 0;
+    for ( i = 0; i < 3; i++ )
+    {
+        d = x2[i] - x1[i];
+        tmp = SQR(d);
+        // fprintf(out,"Inside Sq_Distance_on_T3, %d, %lf, %lf\n",
+        // i,tmp,SQR(box->box_norms[i]/2.0));
+        if ( tmp >= SQR( box->box_norms[i] / 2.0 ) )
+        {
+            if ( x2[i] > x1[i] )
+            {
+                d -= box->box_norms[i];
+                periodic_nbrs[0].rel_box[i] = -1;
+                // periodic_nbrs[0].ext_factor[i] = +1;
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                d += box->box_norms[i];
+                periodic_nbrs[0].rel_box[i] = +1;
+                // periodic_nbrs[0].ext_factor[i] = -1;
+            }
+            periodic_nbrs[0].dvec[i] = d;
+            norm_sqr += SQR(d);
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            periodic_nbrs[0].dvec[i] = d;
+            norm_sqr += tmp;
+            periodic_nbrs[0].rel_box[i]   = 0;
+            // periodic_nbrs[0].ext_factor[i] = 0;
+        }
+    }
+    if ( norm_sqr <= SQR( control->vlist_cut ) )
+    {
+        *count = 1;
+        periodic_nbrs[0].d = SQRT( norm_sqr );
-    else {
-      periodic_nbrs[0].dvec[i] = d;
-      norm_sqr += tmp;
-      periodic_nbrs[0].rel_box[i]   = 0;
-      // periodic_nbrs[0].ext_factor[i] = 0;
-    } 
-  }
-  if( norm_sqr <= SQR( control->vlist_cut ) ) {
-    *count = 1;
-    periodic_nbrs[0].d = SQRT( norm_sqr );
-  }
-  else *count = 0;
+    else *count = 0;
-/* Finds all periodic far neighborhoods between x1 and x2 
+/* Finds all periodic far neighborhoods between x1 and x2
    ((dist(x1, x2') < vlist_cut, periodic images of x2 are also considered).
    Here the box is 'small' meaning that at least one dimension is < 2*vlist_cut.
-   IMPORTANT: This part might need some improvement. In NPT, the simulation box 
-   might get too small (such as <5 A!). In this case we have to consider the 
+   IMPORTANT: This part might need some improvement. In NPT, the simulation box
+   might get too small (such as <5 A!). In this case we have to consider the
    periodic images of x2 that are two boxs away!!!
 void Get_Periodic_Far_Neighbors_Small_Box( rvec x1, rvec x2, simulation_box *box,
-					   control_params *control, 
-					   far_neighbor_data *periodic_nbrs, 
-					   int *count )
+        control_params *control,
+        far_neighbor_data *periodic_nbrs,
+        int *count )
-  int i, j, k;
-  int imax, jmax, kmax;
-  real sqr_norm, d_i, d_j, d_k;
-  *count = 0;
-  /* determine the max stretch of imaginary boxs in each direction
-     to handle periodic boundary conditions correctly. */
-  imax = (int)(control->vlist_cut / box->box_norms[0] + 1);
-  jmax = (int)(control->vlist_cut / box->box_norms[1] + 1);
-  kmax = (int)(control->vlist_cut / box->box_norms[2] + 1);
-  /*if( imax > 1 || jmax > 1 || kmax > 1 )
-    fprintf( stderr, "box %8.3f x %8.3f x %8.3f --> %2d %2d %2d\n",
-    box->box_norms[0], box->box_norms[1], box->box_norms[2],
-    imax, jmax, kmax ); */
-  for( i = -imax; i <= imax; ++i )
-    if(fabs(d_i=((x2[0]+i*box->box_norms[0])-x1[0]))<=control->vlist_cut) {
-      for( j = -jmax; j <= jmax; ++j )
-	if(fabs(d_j=((x2[1]+j*box->box_norms[1])-x1[1]))<=control->vlist_cut) {
-	  for( k = -kmax; k <= kmax; ++k )
-	    if(fabs(d_k=((x2[2]+k*box->box_norms[2])-x1[2]))<=control->vlist_cut) {
-	      sqr_norm = SQR(d_i) + SQR(d_j) + SQR(d_k);
-	      if( sqr_norm <= SQR(control->vlist_cut) ) {
-		periodic_nbrs[ *count ].d = SQRT( sqr_norm );
-		periodic_nbrs[ *count ].dvec[0] = d_i;
-		periodic_nbrs[ *count ].dvec[1] = d_j;
-		periodic_nbrs[ *count ].dvec[2] = d_k;
-		periodic_nbrs[ *count ].rel_box[0] = i;
-		periodic_nbrs[ *count ].rel_box[1] = j;
-		periodic_nbrs[ *count ].rel_box[2] = k;
-		/* if( i || j || k ) {
-		   fprintf(stderr, "x1: %.2f %.2f %.2f\n", x1[0], x1[1], x1[2]);
-		   fprintf(stderr, "x2: %.2f %.2f %.2f\n", x2[0], x2[1], x2[2]);
-		   fprintf( stderr, "d : %8.2f%8.2f%8.2f\n\n", d_i, d_j, d_k );
-		   } */
-		/* if(i) periodic_nbrs[*count].ext_factor[0] = (real)i/-abs(i);
-		   else  periodic_nbrs[*count].ext_factor[0] = 0;
-		   if(j) periodic_nbrs[*count].ext_factor[1] = (real)j/-abs(j);
-		   else  periodic_nbrs[*count].ext_factor[1] = 0;
-		   if(k) periodic_nbrs[*count].ext_factor[2] = (real)k/-abs(k);
-		   else  periodic_nbrs[*count].ext_factor[2] = 0; */
-		/* if( i == 0 && j == 0 && k == 0 )
-		 *  periodic_nbrs[ *count ].imaginary = 0;
-		 *  else periodic_nbrs[ *count ].imaginary = 1;
-		 */
-		++(*count);
-	      }
-	    }
-	}
-    }
+    int i, j, k;
+    int imax, jmax, kmax;
+    real sqr_norm, d_i, d_j, d_k;
+    *count = 0;
+    /* determine the max stretch of imaginary boxs in each direction
+       to handle periodic boundary conditions correctly. */
+    imax = (int)(control->vlist_cut / box->box_norms[0] + 1);
+    jmax = (int)(control->vlist_cut / box->box_norms[1] + 1);
+    kmax = (int)(control->vlist_cut / box->box_norms[2] + 1);
+    /*if( imax > 1 || jmax > 1 || kmax > 1 )
+      fprintf( stderr, "box %8.3f x %8.3f x %8.3f --> %2d %2d %2d\n",
+      box->box_norms[0], box->box_norms[1], box->box_norms[2],
+      imax, jmax, kmax ); */
+    for ( i = -imax; i <= imax; ++i )
+        if (fabs(d_i = ((x2[0] + i * box->box_norms[0]) - x1[0])) <= control->vlist_cut)
+        {
+            for ( j = -jmax; j <= jmax; ++j )
+                if (fabs(d_j = ((x2[1] + j * box->box_norms[1]) - x1[1])) <= control->vlist_cut)
+                {
+                    for ( k = -kmax; k <= kmax; ++k )
+                        if (fabs(d_k = ((x2[2] + k * box->box_norms[2]) - x1[2])) <= control->vlist_cut)
+                        {
+                            sqr_norm = SQR(d_i) + SQR(d_j) + SQR(d_k);
+                            if ( sqr_norm <= SQR(control->vlist_cut) )
+                            {
+                                periodic_nbrs[ *count ].d = SQRT( sqr_norm );
+                                periodic_nbrs[ *count ].dvec[0] = d_i;
+                                periodic_nbrs[ *count ].dvec[1] = d_j;
+                                periodic_nbrs[ *count ].dvec[2] = d_k;
+                                periodic_nbrs[ *count ].rel_box[0] = i;
+                                periodic_nbrs[ *count ].rel_box[1] = j;
+                                periodic_nbrs[ *count ].rel_box[2] = k;
+                                /* if( i || j || k ) {
+                                   fprintf(stderr, "x1: %.2f %.2f %.2f\n", x1[0], x1[1], x1[2]);
+                                   fprintf(stderr, "x2: %.2f %.2f %.2f\n", x2[0], x2[1], x2[2]);
+                                   fprintf( stderr, "d : %8.2f%8.2f%8.2f\n\n", d_i, d_j, d_k );
+                                   } */
+                                /* if(i) periodic_nbrs[*count].ext_factor[0] = (real)i/-abs(i);
+                                   else  periodic_nbrs[*count].ext_factor[0] = 0;
+                                   if(j) periodic_nbrs[*count].ext_factor[1] = (real)j/-abs(j);
+                                   else  periodic_nbrs[*count].ext_factor[1] = 0;
+                                   if(k) periodic_nbrs[*count].ext_factor[2] = (real)k/-abs(k);
+                                   else  periodic_nbrs[*count].ext_factor[2] = 0; */
+                                /* if( i == 0 && j == 0 && k == 0 )
+                                 *  periodic_nbrs[ *count ].imaginary = 0;
+                                 *  else periodic_nbrs[ *count ].imaginary = 1;
+                                 */
+                                ++(*count);
+                            }
+                        }
+                }
+        }
 /* Returns the mapping for the neighbor box pointed by (ix,iy,iz) */
 /*int Get_Nbr_Box( simulation_box *box, int ix, int iy, int iz )
-  return (9 * ix + 3 * iy + iz + 13);  
+  return (9 * ix + 3 * iy + iz + 13);
   // 13 is to handle negative indexes properly
@@ -566,7 +591,7 @@ void Get_Periodic_Far_Neighbors_Small_Box( rvec x1, rvec x2, simulation_box *box
   int map;
-  map = 9 * ix + 3 * iy + iz + 13;  
+  map = 9 * ix + 3 * iy + iz + 13;
   // 13 is to adjust -1,-1,-1 correspond to index 0
   return box->nbr_box_press[map];
@@ -577,10 +602,10 @@ void Get_Periodic_Far_Neighbors_Small_Box( rvec x1, rvec x2, simulation_box *box
 /*void Inc_Nbr_Box_Press( simulation_box *box, int ix, int iy, int iz, rvec v )
   int map;
-  map = 9 * ix + 3 * iy + iz + 13;  
+  map = 9 * ix + 3 * iy + iz + 13;
   // 13 is to adjust -1,-1,-1 correspond to index 0
   rvec_Add( box->nbr_box_press[map], v );
@@ -594,39 +619,39 @@ void Get_Periodic_Far_Neighbors_Small_Box( rvec x1, rvec x2, simulation_box *box
 void Print_Box_Information( simulation_box* box, FILE *out )
-  int i, j;
+    int i, j;
-  fprintf( out, "box: {" );
-  for( i = 0; i < 3; ++i )
+    fprintf( out, "box: {" );
+    for ( i = 0; i < 3; ++i )
-      fprintf( out, "{" );
-      for( j = 0; j < 3; ++j )
-	fprintf( out, "%8.3f ", box->box[i][j] );
-      fprintf( out, "}" );
+        fprintf( out, "{" );
+        for ( j = 0; j < 3; ++j )
+            fprintf( out, "%8.3f ", box->box[i][j] );
+        fprintf( out, "}" );
-  fprintf( out, "}\n" );
+    fprintf( out, "}\n" );
-  fprintf( out, "V: %8.3f\tdims: {%8.3f, %8.3f, %8.3f}\n", 
-	   box->volume, 
-	   box->box_norms[0], box->box_norms[1], box->box_norms[2] );
+    fprintf( out, "V: %8.3f\tdims: {%8.3f, %8.3f, %8.3f}\n",
+             box->volume,
+             box->box_norms[0], box->box_norms[1], box->box_norms[2] );
-  fprintf( out, "box_trans: {" );
-  for( i = 0; i < 3; ++i )
+    fprintf( out, "box_trans: {" );
+    for ( i = 0; i < 3; ++i )
-      fprintf( out, "{" );
-      for( j = 0; j < 3; ++j )
-	fprintf( out, "%8.3f ", box->trans[i][j] );
-      fprintf( out, "}" );
+        fprintf( out, "{" );
+        for ( j = 0; j < 3; ++j )
+            fprintf( out, "%8.3f ", box->trans[i][j] );
+        fprintf( out, "}" );
-  fprintf( out, "}\n" );
+    fprintf( out, "}\n" );
-  fprintf( out, "box_trinv: {" );
-  for( i = 0; i < 3; ++i )
+    fprintf( out, "box_trinv: {" );
+    for ( i = 0; i < 3; ++i )
-      fprintf( out, "{" );
-      for( j = 0; j < 3; ++j )
-	fprintf( out, "%8.3f ", box->trans_inv[i][j] );
-      fprintf( out, "}" );
+        fprintf( out, "{" );
+        for ( j = 0; j < 3; ++j )
+            fprintf( out, "%8.3f ", box->trans_inv[i][j] );
+        fprintf( out, "}" );
-  fprintf( out, "}\n" );
+    fprintf( out, "}\n" );
diff --git a/puremd_rc_1003/sPuReMD/box.h b/puremd_rc_1003/sPuReMD/box.h
index 88a2147ace5214a32df95a57666624ff208b599c..de3e33debea62d57bd15731e97eadfdf623d96de 100644
--- a/puremd_rc_1003/sPuReMD/box.h
+++ b/puremd_rc_1003/sPuReMD/box.h
@@ -1,20 +1,20 @@
   SerialReax - Reax Force Field Simulator
   Copyright (2010) Purdue University
   Hasan Metin Aktulga, haktulga@cs.purdue.edu
   Joseph Fogarty, jcfogart@mail.usf.edu
   Sagar Pandit, pandit@usf.edu
   Ananth Y Grama, ayg@cs.purdue.edu
   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
   modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
-  published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of 
+  published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
   the License, or (at your option) any later version.
   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
   See the GNU General Public License for more details:
@@ -25,33 +25,33 @@
 #include "mytypes.h"
 /* Initializes box from CRYST1 line of PDB */
-void Init_Box_From_CRYST(real, real, real, real, real, real, 
-			 simulation_box*/*, int*/);
+void Init_Box_From_CRYST(real, real, real, real, real, real,
+                         simulation_box*/*, int*/);
 /* Initializes box from box rtensor */
 void Update_Box(rtensor, simulation_box* /*, int*/);
 void Update_Box_Isotropic(simulation_box*, real /*, int*/);
 void Update_Box_SemiIsotropic( simulation_box*, rvec /*, int*/ );
-/* Computes all the transformations, 
+/* Computes all the transformations,
    metric and other quantities from box rtensor */
 void Make_Consistent(simulation_box*/*, int*/ );
-/* Applies transformation to and from 
+/* Applies transformation to and from
    Cartesian to Triclinic coordinates based on flag */
 /* Use -1 flag for Cartesian -> Triclinic and +1 for otherway */
 void Transform( rvec, simulation_box*, char, rvec );
 void Transform_to_UnitBox( rvec, simulation_box*, char, rvec );
 int Are_Far_Neighbors( rvec, rvec, simulation_box*, real, far_neighbor_data* );
-void Get_NonPeriodic_Far_Neighbors( rvec, rvec, simulation_box*, 
-				    control_params*, far_neighbor_data*, int* );
-void Get_Periodic_Far_Neighbors_Big_Box( rvec, rvec, simulation_box*, 
-					 control_params*, far_neighbor_data*, 
-					 int* );
-void Get_Periodic_Far_Neighbors_Small_Box( rvec, rvec, simulation_box*, 
-					   control_params*, far_neighbor_data*, 
-					   int* );
+void Get_NonPeriodic_Far_Neighbors( rvec, rvec, simulation_box*,
+                                    control_params*, far_neighbor_data*, int* );
+void Get_Periodic_Far_Neighbors_Big_Box( rvec, rvec, simulation_box*,
+        control_params*, far_neighbor_data*,
+        int* );
+void Get_Periodic_Far_Neighbors_Small_Box( rvec, rvec, simulation_box*,
+        control_params*, far_neighbor_data*,
+        int* );
 void Distance_on_T3_Gen( rvec, rvec, simulation_box*, rvec );
 void Inc_on_T3_Gen( rvec, rvec, simulation_box* );
diff --git a/puremd_rc_1003/sPuReMD/forces.c b/puremd_rc_1003/sPuReMD/forces.c
index 195008af9188c28acb286c176916f0865ee81ffb..ae6128c6e2b222d47b43c3eea60c7c40af8e991f 100644
--- a/puremd_rc_1003/sPuReMD/forces.c
+++ b/puremd_rc_1003/sPuReMD/forces.c
@@ -1,20 +1,20 @@
   SerialReax - Reax Force Field Simulator
   Copyright (2010) Purdue University
   Hasan Metin Aktulga, haktulga@cs.purdue.edu
   Joseph Fogarty, jcfogart@mail.usf.edu
   Sagar Pandit, pandit@usf.edu
   Ananth Y Grama, ayg@cs.purdue.edu
   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
   modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
-  published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of 
+  published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
   the License, or (at your option) any later version.
   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
   See the GNU General Public License for more details:
@@ -33,854 +33,906 @@
 #include "vector.h"
-void Dummy_Interaction( reax_system *system, control_params *control, 
-			simulation_data *data, static_storage *workspace, 
-			list **lists, output_controls *out_control )
+void Dummy_Interaction( reax_system *system, control_params *control,
+                        simulation_data *data, static_storage *workspace,
+                        list **lists, output_controls *out_control )
 void Init_Bonded_Force_Functions( control_params *control )
-  Interaction_Functions[0] = Calculate_Bond_Orders;
-  Interaction_Functions[1] = Bond_Energy;  //*/Dummy_Interaction;
-  Interaction_Functions[2] = LonePair_OverUnder_Coordination_Energy;
-  //*/Dummy_Interaction;
-  Interaction_Functions[3] = Three_Body_Interactions; //*/Dummy_Interaction;
-  Interaction_Functions[4] = Four_Body_Interactions;  //*/Dummy_Interaction;
-  if( control->hb_cut > 0 )
-    Interaction_Functions[5] = Hydrogen_Bonds; //*/Dummy_Interaction;
-  else Interaction_Functions[5] = Dummy_Interaction;
-  Interaction_Functions[6] = Dummy_Interaction; //empty
-  Interaction_Functions[7] = Dummy_Interaction; //empty
-  Interaction_Functions[8] = Dummy_Interaction; //empty
-  Interaction_Functions[9] = Dummy_Interaction; //empty
+    Interaction_Functions[0] = Calculate_Bond_Orders;
+    Interaction_Functions[1] = Bond_Energy;  //*/Dummy_Interaction;
+    Interaction_Functions[2] = LonePair_OverUnder_Coordination_Energy;
+    //*/Dummy_Interaction;
+    Interaction_Functions[3] = Three_Body_Interactions; //*/Dummy_Interaction;
+    Interaction_Functions[4] = Four_Body_Interactions;  //*/Dummy_Interaction;
+    if ( control->hb_cut > 0 )
+        Interaction_Functions[5] = Hydrogen_Bonds; //*/Dummy_Interaction;
+    else Interaction_Functions[5] = Dummy_Interaction;
+    Interaction_Functions[6] = Dummy_Interaction; //empty
+    Interaction_Functions[7] = Dummy_Interaction; //empty
+    Interaction_Functions[8] = Dummy_Interaction; //empty
+    Interaction_Functions[9] = Dummy_Interaction; //empty
-void Compute_Bonded_Forces( reax_system *system, control_params *control, 
-			    simulation_data *data, static_storage *workspace,
-			    list **lists, output_controls *out_control )
+void Compute_Bonded_Forces( reax_system *system, control_params *control,
+                            simulation_data *data, static_storage *workspace,
+                            list **lists, output_controls *out_control )
-  int i;
-  // real t_start, t_end, t_elapsed;  
+    int i;
+    // real t_start, t_end, t_elapsed;
-  /* Mark beginning of a new timestep in each energy file */
-  fprintf( out_control->ebond, "step: %d\n%6s%6s%12s%12s%12s\n", 
-	   data->step, "atom1", "atom2", "bo", "ebond", "total" );
-  fprintf( out_control->elp, "step: %d\n%6s%12s%12s%12s\n", 
-	   data->step, "atom", "nlp", "elp", "total" );
-  fprintf( out_control->eov, "step: %d\n%6s%12s%12s\n", 
-	   data->step, "atom", "eov", "total" );
-  fprintf( out_control->eun, "step: %d\n%6s%12s%12s\n", 
-	   data->step, "atom", "eun", "total" );
-  fprintf( out_control->eval, "step: %d\n%6s%6s%6s%12s%12s%12s%12s%12s%12s\n", 
-	   data->step, "atom1", "atom2", "atom3", 
-	   "angle", "bo(12)", "bo(23)", "eval", "epen", "total" );
-  fprintf( out_control->epen, "step: %d\n%6s%6s%6s%12s%12s%12s%12s%12s\n", 
-	   data->step, "atom1", "atom2", "atom3", 
-	   "angle", "bo(12)", "bo(23)", "epen", "total" );
-  fprintf( out_control->ecoa, "step: %d\n%6s%6s%6s%12s%12s%12s%12s%12s\n", 
-	   data->step, "atom1", "atom2", "atom3", 
-	   "angle", "bo(12)", "bo(23)", "ecoa", "total" );
-  fprintf( out_control->ehb,  "step: %d\n%6s%6s%6s%12s%12s%12s%12s%12s\n", 
-	   data->step, "atom1", "atom2", "atom3", 
-	   "r(23)", "angle", "bo(12)", "ehb", "total" );
-  fprintf( out_control->etor, "step: %d\n%6s%6s%6s%6s%12s%12s%12s%12s\n", 
-	   data->step, "atom1", "atom2", "atom3", "atom4", 
-	   "phi", "bo(23)", "etor", "total" );
-  fprintf( out_control->econ, "step:%d\n%6s%6s%6s%6s%12s%12s%12s%12s%12s%12s\n",
-	   data->step, "atom1", "atom2", "atom3", "atom4", 
-	   "phi", "bo(12)", "bo(23)", "bo(34)", "econ", "total" );
-  /* Implement all the function calls as function pointers */
-  for( i = 0; i < NO_OF_INTERACTIONS; i++ ) {
-    (Interaction_Functions[i])(system, control, data, workspace, 
-			       lists, out_control);
+    /* Mark beginning of a new timestep in each energy file */
+    fprintf( out_control->ebond, "step: %d\n%6s%6s%12s%12s%12s\n",
+             data->step, "atom1", "atom2", "bo", "ebond", "total" );
+    fprintf( out_control->elp, "step: %d\n%6s%12s%12s%12s\n",
+             data->step, "atom", "nlp", "elp", "total" );
+    fprintf( out_control->eov, "step: %d\n%6s%12s%12s\n",
+             data->step, "atom", "eov", "total" );
+    fprintf( out_control->eun, "step: %d\n%6s%12s%12s\n",
+             data->step, "atom", "eun", "total" );
+    fprintf( out_control->eval, "step: %d\n%6s%6s%6s%12s%12s%12s%12s%12s%12s\n",
+             data->step, "atom1", "atom2", "atom3",
+             "angle", "bo(12)", "bo(23)", "eval", "epen", "total" );
+    fprintf( out_control->epen, "step: %d\n%6s%6s%6s%12s%12s%12s%12s%12s\n",
+             data->step, "atom1", "atom2", "atom3",
+             "angle", "bo(12)", "bo(23)", "epen", "total" );
+    fprintf( out_control->ecoa, "step: %d\n%6s%6s%6s%12s%12s%12s%12s%12s\n",
+             data->step, "atom1", "atom2", "atom3",
+             "angle", "bo(12)", "bo(23)", "ecoa", "total" );
+    fprintf( out_control->ehb,  "step: %d\n%6s%6s%6s%12s%12s%12s%12s%12s\n",
+             data->step, "atom1", "atom2", "atom3",
+             "r(23)", "angle", "bo(12)", "ehb", "total" );
+    fprintf( out_control->etor, "step: %d\n%6s%6s%6s%6s%12s%12s%12s%12s\n",
+             data->step, "atom1", "atom2", "atom3", "atom4",
+             "phi", "bo(23)", "etor", "total" );
+    fprintf( out_control->econ, "step:%d\n%6s%6s%6s%6s%12s%12s%12s%12s%12s%12s\n",
+             data->step, "atom1", "atom2", "atom3", "atom4",
+             "phi", "bo(12)", "bo(23)", "bo(34)", "econ", "total" );
+    /* Implement all the function calls as function pointers */
+    for ( i = 0; i < NO_OF_INTERACTIONS; i++ )
+    {
+        (Interaction_Functions[i])(system, control, data, workspace,
+                                   lists, out_control);
 #if defined(DEBUG_FOCUS)
-    fprintf( stderr, "f%d-", i );
+        fprintf( stderr, "f%d-", i );
-    (Print_Interactions[i])(system, control, data, workspace, 
-			    lists, out_control);
+        (Print_Interactions[i])(system, control, data, workspace,
+                                lists, out_control);
-  }
+    }
-void Compute_NonBonded_Forces( reax_system *system, control_params *control, 
-			       simulation_data *data,static_storage *workspace,
-			       list** lists, output_controls *out_control )
+void Compute_NonBonded_Forces( reax_system *system, control_params *control,
+                               simulation_data *data, static_storage *workspace,
+                               list** lists, output_controls *out_control )
-  real t_start, t_elapsed;
+    real t_start, t_elapsed;
-  fprintf( out_control->evdw, "step: %d\n%6s%6s%12s%12s%12s\n",
-	   data->step, "atom1", "atom2", "r12", "evdw", "total" );
-  fprintf( out_control->ecou, "step: %d\n%6s%6s%12s%12s%12s%12s%12s\n",
-	   data->step, "atom1", "atom2", "r12", "q1", "q2", "ecou", "total" );
+    fprintf( out_control->evdw, "step: %d\n%6s%6s%12s%12s%12s\n",
+             data->step, "atom1", "atom2", "r12", "evdw", "total" );
+    fprintf( out_control->ecou, "step: %d\n%6s%6s%12s%12s%12s%12s%12s\n",
+             data->step, "atom1", "atom2", "r12", "q1", "q2", "ecou", "total" );
-  t_start = Get_Time( );
-  QEq( system, control, data, workspace, lists[FAR_NBRS], out_control );
-  t_elapsed = Get_Timing_Info( t_start );
-  data->timing.QEq += t_elapsed;
+    t_start = Get_Time( );
+    QEq( system, control, data, workspace, lists[FAR_NBRS], out_control );
+    t_elapsed = Get_Timing_Info( t_start );
+    data->timing.QEq += t_elapsed;
 #if defined(DEBUG_FOCUS)
-  fprintf( stderr, "qeq - " );
+    fprintf( stderr, "qeq - " );
-  if ( control->tabulate == 0)
-    vdW_Coulomb_Energy( system, control, data, workspace, lists, out_control );
-  else
-    Tabulated_vdW_Coulomb_Energy( system, control, data, workspace, 
-				  lists, out_control );
+    if ( control->tabulate == 0)
+        vdW_Coulomb_Energy( system, control, data, workspace, lists, out_control );
+    else
+        Tabulated_vdW_Coulomb_Energy( system, control, data, workspace,
+                                      lists, out_control );
 #if defined(DEBUG_FOCUS)
-  fprintf( stderr, "nonb forces - " );
+    fprintf( stderr, "nonb forces - " );
-  Print_vdW_Coulomb_Forces( system, control, data, workspace, 
-			    lists, out_control );
+    Print_vdW_Coulomb_Forces( system, control, data, workspace,
+                              lists, out_control );
-/* This version of Compute_Total_Force computes forces from coefficients 
+/* This version of Compute_Total_Force computes forces from coefficients
    accumulated by all interaction functions. Saves enormous time & space! */
-void Compute_Total_Force( reax_system *system, control_params *control, 
-			  simulation_data *data, static_storage *workspace,
-			  list **lists )
+void Compute_Total_Force( reax_system *system, control_params *control,
+                          simulation_data *data, static_storage *workspace,
+                          list **lists )
-  int i, pj;
-  list *bonds = (*lists) + BONDS;
-  for( i = 0; i < system->N; ++i )
-    for( pj = Start_Index(i, bonds); pj < End_Index(i, bonds); ++pj )
-      if( i < bonds->select.bond_list[pj].nbr ) {
-	if( control->ensemble == NVE || control->ensemble == NVT || control->ensemble == bNVT)
-	  Add_dBond_to_Forces( i, pj, system, data, workspace, lists );
-	else 
-	  Add_dBond_to_Forces_NPT( i, pj, system, data, workspace, lists );
-      }
+    int i, pj;
+    list *bonds = (*lists) + BONDS;
+    for ( i = 0; i < system->N; ++i )
+        for ( pj = Start_Index(i, bonds); pj < End_Index(i, bonds); ++pj )
+            if ( i < bonds->select.bond_list[pj].nbr )
+            {
+                if ( control->ensemble == NVE || control->ensemble == NVT || control->ensemble == bNVT)
+                    Add_dBond_to_Forces( i, pj, system, data, workspace, lists );
+                else
+                    Add_dBond_to_Forces_NPT( i, pj, system, data, workspace, lists );
+            }
 void Validate_Lists( static_storage *workspace, list **lists, int step, int n,
-		     int Hmax, int Htop, int num_bonds, int num_hbonds )
+                     int Hmax, int Htop, int num_bonds, int num_hbonds )
-  int i, flag;
-  list *bonds, *hbonds;
-  bonds = *lists + BONDS;
-  hbonds = *lists + HBONDS;
-  /* far neighbors */
-  if( Htop > Hmax * DANGER_ZONE ) {
-    workspace->realloc.Htop = Htop;
-    if( Htop > Hmax ) {
-      fprintf( stderr, 
-	       "step%d - ran out of space on H matrix: Htop=%d, max = %d",
-	       step, Htop, Hmax );
+    int i, flag;
+    list *bonds, *hbonds;
+    bonds = *lists + BONDS;
+    hbonds = *lists + HBONDS;
+    /* far neighbors */
+    if ( Htop > Hmax * DANGER_ZONE )
+    {
+        workspace->realloc.Htop = Htop;
+        if ( Htop > Hmax )
+        {
+            fprintf( stderr,
+                     "step%d - ran out of space on H matrix: Htop=%d, max = %d",
+                     step, Htop, Hmax );
+            exit(INSUFFICIENT_SPACE);
+        }
-  }
-  /* bond list */
-  flag = -1;
-  workspace->realloc.num_bonds = num_bonds;
-  for( i = 0; i < n-1; ++i )
-    if( End_Index(i, bonds) >= Start_Index(i+1, bonds)-2 ) {
-      workspace->realloc.bonds = 1;
-      if( End_Index(i, bonds) > Start_Index(i+1, bonds) )
-	flag = i;
-    }
-  if( flag > -1 ) {
-    fprintf( stderr, "step%d-bondchk failed: i=%d end(i)=%d str(i+1)=%d\n",
-	     step, flag, End_Index(flag,bonds), Start_Index(flag+1,bonds) );
-  }    
-  if( End_Index(i, bonds) >= bonds->num_intrs-2 ) {
-    workspace->realloc.bonds = 1;
-    if( End_Index(i, bonds) > bonds->num_intrs ) {
-      fprintf( stderr, "step%d-bondchk failed: i=%d end(i)=%d bond_end=%d\n",
-	       step, flag, End_Index(i,bonds), bonds->num_intrs );
-    }
-  }
-  /* hbonds list */
-  if( workspace->num_H > 0 ) {
+    /* bond list */
     flag = -1;
-    workspace->realloc.num_hbonds = num_hbonds;
-    for( i = 0; i < workspace->num_H-1; ++i )
-      if( Num_Entries(i, hbonds) >= 
-	  (Start_Index(i+1, hbonds) - Start_Index(i, hbonds)) * DANGER_ZONE ) {
-	workspace->realloc.hbonds = 1;
-	if( End_Index(i, hbonds) > Start_Index(i+1, hbonds) )
-	  flag = i;
-      }
-    if( flag > -1 ) {
-      fprintf( stderr, "step%d-hbondchk failed: i=%d end(i)=%d str(i+1)=%d\n",
-	       step, flag, End_Index(flag,hbonds), Start_Index(flag+1,hbonds) );
+    workspace->realloc.num_bonds = num_bonds;
+    for ( i = 0; i < n - 1; ++i )
+        if ( End_Index(i, bonds) >= Start_Index(i + 1, bonds) - 2 )
+        {
+            workspace->realloc.bonds = 1;
+            if ( End_Index(i, bonds) > Start_Index(i + 1, bonds) )
+                flag = i;
+        }
+    if ( flag > -1 )
+    {
+        fprintf( stderr, "step%d-bondchk failed: i=%d end(i)=%d str(i+1)=%d\n",
+                 step, flag, End_Index(flag, bonds), Start_Index(flag + 1, bonds) );
+        exit(INSUFFICIENT_SPACE);
+    }
+    if ( End_Index(i, bonds) >= bonds->num_intrs - 2 )
+    {
+        workspace->realloc.bonds = 1;
+        if ( End_Index(i, bonds) > bonds->num_intrs )
+        {
+            fprintf( stderr, "step%d-bondchk failed: i=%d end(i)=%d bond_end=%d\n",
+                     step, flag, End_Index(i, bonds), bonds->num_intrs );
+            exit(INSUFFICIENT_SPACE);
+        }
-    if( Num_Entries(i,hbonds) >= 
-	(hbonds->num_intrs - Start_Index(i,hbonds)) * DANGER_ZONE ) {
-      workspace->realloc.hbonds = 1;
-      if( End_Index(i, hbonds) > hbonds->num_intrs ) {
-	fprintf( stderr, "step%d-hbondchk failed: i=%d end(i)=%d hbondend=%d\n",
-		 step, flag, End_Index(i,hbonds), hbonds->num_intrs );
-      }
+    /* hbonds list */
+    if ( workspace->num_H > 0 )
+    {
+        flag = -1;
+        workspace->realloc.num_hbonds = num_hbonds;
+        for ( i = 0; i < workspace->num_H - 1; ++i )
+            if ( Num_Entries(i, hbonds) >=
+                    (Start_Index(i + 1, hbonds) - Start_Index(i, hbonds)) * DANGER_ZONE )
+            {
+                workspace->realloc.hbonds = 1;
+                if ( End_Index(i, hbonds) > Start_Index(i + 1, hbonds) )
+                    flag = i;
+            }
+        if ( flag > -1 )
+        {
+            fprintf( stderr, "step%d-hbondchk failed: i=%d end(i)=%d str(i+1)=%d\n",
+                     step, flag, End_Index(flag, hbonds), Start_Index(flag + 1, hbonds) );
+            exit(INSUFFICIENT_SPACE);
+        }
+        if ( Num_Entries(i, hbonds) >=
+                (hbonds->num_intrs - Start_Index(i, hbonds)) * DANGER_ZONE )
+        {
+            workspace->realloc.hbonds = 1;
+            if ( End_Index(i, hbonds) > hbonds->num_intrs )
+            {
+                fprintf( stderr, "step%d-hbondchk failed: i=%d end(i)=%d hbondend=%d\n",
+                         step, flag, End_Index(i, hbonds), hbonds->num_intrs );
+                exit(INSUFFICIENT_SPACE);
+            }
+        }
-  }
-void Init_Forces( reax_system *system, control_params *control, 
-		  simulation_data *data, static_storage *workspace,
-		  list **lists, output_controls *out_control ) {
-  int i, j, pj;
-  int start_i, end_i;
-  int type_i, type_j;
-  int Htop, btop_i, btop_j, num_bonds, num_hbonds;
-  int ihb, jhb, ihb_top, jhb_top;
-  int flag;
-  real r_ij, r2, self_coef;
-  real dr3gamij_1, dr3gamij_3, Tap;
-  //real val, dif, base;
-  real C12, C34, C56;
-  real Cln_BOp_s, Cln_BOp_pi, Cln_BOp_pi2;
-  real BO, BO_s, BO_pi, BO_pi2;
-  real p_boc1, p_boc2;   
-  sparse_matrix *H;
-  list *far_nbrs, *bonds, *hbonds;
-  single_body_parameters *sbp_i, *sbp_j;
-  two_body_parameters *twbp;
-  far_neighbor_data *nbr_pj;
-  //LR_lookup_table *t;
-  reax_atom *atom_i, *atom_j;
-  bond_data *ibond, *jbond;
-  bond_order_data *bo_ij, *bo_ji;
-  far_nbrs = *lists + FAR_NBRS;
-  bonds = *lists + BONDS;
-  hbonds = *lists + HBONDS;
-  H = workspace->H;
-  Htop = 0;
-  num_bonds = 0;
-  num_hbonds = 0;
-  btop_i = btop_j = 0;
-  p_boc1 = system->reaxprm.gp.l[0];
-  p_boc2 = system->reaxprm.gp.l[1];
-  for( i = 0; i < system->N; ++i ) {
-    atom_i = &(system->atoms[i]);
-    type_i  = atom_i->type;
-    start_i = Start_Index(i, far_nbrs);
-    end_i   = End_Index(i, far_nbrs);
-    H->start[i] = Htop;
-    btop_i = End_Index( i, bonds );
-    sbp_i = &(system->reaxprm.sbp[type_i]);
-    ihb = ihb_top = -1;
-    if( control->hb_cut > 0 && (ihb=sbp_i->p_hbond) == 1 )
-      ihb_top = End_Index( workspace->hbond_index[i], hbonds );
-    for( pj = start_i; pj < end_i; ++pj ) {
-      nbr_pj = &( far_nbrs->select.far_nbr_list[pj] );
-      j = nbr_pj->nbr;
-      atom_j = &(system->atoms[j]);
-      flag = 0;
-      if((data->step-data->prev_steps) % control->reneighbor == 0) { 
-	if( nbr_pj->d <= control->r_cut)
-	  flag = 1;
-	else flag = 0;
-      }
-      else if((nbr_pj->d=Sq_Distance_on_T3(atom_i->x,atom_j->x,&(system->box),
-					   nbr_pj->dvec))<=SQR(control->r_cut)){
-	nbr_pj->d = sqrt(nbr_pj->d);
-	flag = 1;
-      }
-      if( flag ){	
-	type_j = system->atoms[j].type;
-	r_ij = nbr_pj->d;
-	sbp_j = &(system->reaxprm.sbp[type_j]);
-	twbp = &(system->reaxprm.tbp[type_i][type_j]);
-	self_coef = (i == j) ? 0.5 : 1.0;
-	/* H matrix entry */
-	Tap = control->Tap7 * r_ij + control->Tap6;
-	Tap = Tap * r_ij + control->Tap5;
-	Tap = Tap * r_ij + control->Tap4;
-	Tap = Tap * r_ij + control->Tap3;
-	Tap = Tap * r_ij + control->Tap2;
-	Tap = Tap * r_ij + control->Tap1;
-	Tap = Tap * r_ij + control->Tap0;	      
-	dr3gamij_1 = ( r_ij * r_ij * r_ij + twbp->gamma );
-	dr3gamij_3 = POW( dr3gamij_1 , 0.33333333333333 );
-	H->entries[Htop].j = j;
-	H->entries[Htop].val = self_coef * Tap * EV_to_KCALpMOL / dr3gamij_3;
-	++Htop;
-	/* hydrogen bond lists */ 
-	if( control->hb_cut > 0 && (ihb==1 || ihb==2) && 
-	    nbr_pj->d <= control->hb_cut ) {
-	  // fprintf( stderr, "%d %d\n", atom1, atom2 );
-	  jhb = sbp_j->p_hbond;
-	  if( ihb == 1 && jhb == 2 ) {
-	    hbonds->select.hbond_list[ihb_top].nbr = j;
-	    hbonds->select.hbond_list[ihb_top].scl = 1;
-	    hbonds->select.hbond_list[ihb_top].ptr = nbr_pj;
-	    ++ihb_top;
-	    ++num_hbonds;
-	  }
-	  else if( ihb == 2 && jhb == 1 ) {
-	    jhb_top = End_Index( workspace->hbond_index[j], hbonds );
-	    hbonds->select.hbond_list[jhb_top].nbr = i;
-	    hbonds->select.hbond_list[jhb_top].scl = -1;
-	    hbonds->select.hbond_list[jhb_top].ptr = nbr_pj;
-	    Set_End_Index( workspace->hbond_index[j], jhb_top+1, hbonds );
-	    ++num_hbonds;
-	  }
-	}
-	/* uncorrected bond orders */
-	if( far_nbrs->select.far_nbr_list[pj].d <= control->nbr_cut ) {
-	  r2 = SQR(r_ij);
-	  if( sbp_i->r_s > 0.0 && sbp_j->r_s > 0.0) {
-	    C12 = twbp->p_bo1 * POW( r_ij / twbp->r_s, twbp->p_bo2 );
-	    BO_s = (1.0 + control->bo_cut) * EXP( C12 );
-	  }
-	  else BO_s = C12 = 0.0;
-	  if( sbp_i->r_pi > 0.0 && sbp_j->r_pi > 0.0) {
-	    C34 = twbp->p_bo3 * POW( r_ij / twbp->r_p, twbp->p_bo4 );
-	    BO_pi = EXP( C34 );
-	  }
-	  else BO_pi = C34 = 0.0;
-	  if( sbp_i->r_pi_pi > 0.0 && sbp_j->r_pi_pi > 0.0) {
-	    C56 = twbp->p_bo5 * POW( r_ij / twbp->r_pp, twbp->p_bo6 );	
-	    BO_pi2= EXP( C56 );
-	  }
-	  else BO_pi2 = C56 = 0.0;
-	  /* Initially BO values are the uncorrected ones, page 1 */
-	  BO = BO_s + BO_pi + BO_pi2;
-	  if( BO >= control->bo_cut ) {
-	    num_bonds += 2;
-	    /****** bonds i-j and j-i ******/
-	    ibond = &( bonds->select.bond_list[btop_i] );
-	    btop_j = End_Index( j, bonds );
-	    jbond = &(bonds->select.bond_list[btop_j]);
-	    ibond->nbr = j;
-	    jbond->nbr = i;
-	    ibond->d = r_ij;
-	    jbond->d = r_ij;
-	    rvec_Copy( ibond->dvec, nbr_pj->dvec );
-	    rvec_Scale( jbond->dvec, -1, nbr_pj->dvec );
-	    ivec_Copy( ibond->rel_box, nbr_pj->rel_box );
-	    ivec_Scale( jbond->rel_box, -1, nbr_pj->rel_box );
-	    ibond->dbond_index = btop_i;
-	    jbond->dbond_index = btop_i;
-	    ibond->sym_index = btop_j;
-	    jbond->sym_index = btop_i;
-	    ++btop_i;
-	    Set_End_Index( j, btop_j+1, bonds );
-	    bo_ij = &( ibond->bo_data );
-	    bo_ji = &( jbond->bo_data );
-	    bo_ji->BO = bo_ij->BO = BO;
-	    bo_ji->BO_s = bo_ij->BO_s = BO_s;
-	    bo_ji->BO_pi = bo_ij->BO_pi = BO_pi;
-	    bo_ji->BO_pi2 = bo_ij->BO_pi2 = BO_pi2;
-	    /* Bond Order page2-3, derivative of total bond order prime */
-	    Cln_BOp_s = twbp->p_bo2 * C12 / r2;
-	    Cln_BOp_pi = twbp->p_bo4 * C34 / r2;
-	    Cln_BOp_pi2 = twbp->p_bo6 * C56 / r2;
-	    /* Only dln_BOp_xx wrt. dr_i is stored here, note that 
-	       dln_BOp_xx/dr_i = -dln_BOp_xx/dr_j and all others are 0 */
-	    rvec_Scale(bo_ij->dln_BOp_s,-bo_ij->BO_s*Cln_BOp_s,ibond->dvec);
-	    rvec_Scale(bo_ij->dln_BOp_pi,-bo_ij->BO_pi*Cln_BOp_pi,ibond->dvec);
-	    rvec_Scale(bo_ij->dln_BOp_pi2,
-		       -bo_ij->BO_pi2*Cln_BOp_pi2,ibond->dvec);
-	    rvec_Scale(bo_ji->dln_BOp_s, -1., bo_ij->dln_BOp_s);
-	    rvec_Scale(bo_ji->dln_BOp_pi, -1., bo_ij->dln_BOp_pi );
-	    rvec_Scale(bo_ji->dln_BOp_pi2, -1., bo_ij->dln_BOp_pi2 );
-	    /* Only dBOp wrt. dr_i is stored here, note that 
-	       dBOp/dr_i = -dBOp/dr_j and all others are 0 */
-	    rvec_Scale( bo_ij->dBOp, 
-			-(bo_ij->BO_s * Cln_BOp_s + 
-			  bo_ij->BO_pi * Cln_BOp_pi + 
-			  bo_ij->BO_pi2 * Cln_BOp_pi2), ibond->dvec );
-	    rvec_Scale( bo_ji->dBOp, -1., bo_ij->dBOp );
-	    rvec_Add( workspace->dDeltap_self[i], bo_ij->dBOp );
-	    rvec_Add( workspace->dDeltap_self[j], bo_ji->dBOp );
-	    bo_ij->BO_s -= control->bo_cut;
-	    bo_ij->BO -= control->bo_cut;
-	    bo_ji->BO_s -= control->bo_cut;
-	    bo_ji->BO -= control->bo_cut;
-	    workspace->total_bond_order[i] += bo_ij->BO; //currently total_BOp
-	    workspace->total_bond_order[j] += bo_ji->BO; //currently total_BOp
-	    bo_ij->Cdbo = bo_ij->Cdbopi = bo_ij->Cdbopi2 = 0.0;
-	    bo_ji->Cdbo = bo_ji->Cdbopi = bo_ji->Cdbopi2 = 0.0;
-	    /*fprintf( stderr, "%d %d %g %g %g\n",
-	      i+1, j+1, bo_ij->BO, bo_ij->BO_pi, bo_ij->BO_pi2 );*/
-	    /*fprintf( stderr, "Cln_BOp_s: %f, pbo2: %f, C12:%f\n", 
-	      Cln_BOp_s, twbp->p_bo2, C12 );
-	      fprintf( stderr, "Cln_BOp_pi: %f, pbo4: %f, C34:%f\n", 
-	      Cln_BOp_pi, twbp->p_bo4, C34 );
-	      fprintf( stderr, "Cln_BOp_pi2: %f, pbo6: %f, C56:%f\n",
-	      Cln_BOp_pi2, twbp->p_bo6, C56 );*/
-	    /*fprintf(stderr, "pbo1: %f, pbo2:%f\n", twbp->p_bo1, twbp->p_bo2);
-	      fprintf(stderr, "pbo3: %f, pbo4:%f\n", twbp->p_bo3, twbp->p_bo4);
-	      fprintf(stderr, "pbo5: %f, pbo6:%f\n", twbp->p_bo5, twbp->p_bo6);
-	      fprintf( stderr, "r_s: %f, r_p: %f, r_pp: %f\n", 
-	      twbp->r_s, twbp->r_p, twbp->r_pp );
-	      fprintf( stderr, "C12: %g, C34:%g, C56:%g\n", C12, C34, C56 );*/
-	    /*fprintf( stderr, "\tfactors: %g %g %g\n",
-	      -(bo_ij->BO_s * Cln_BOp_s + bo_ij->BO_pi * Cln_BOp_pi + 
-	      bo_ij->BO_pi2 * Cln_BOp_pp),
-	      -bo_ij->BO_pi * Cln_BOp_pi, -bo_ij->BO_pi2 * Cln_BOp_pi2 );*/
-	    /*fprintf( stderr, "dBOpi:\t[%g, %g, %g]\n", 
-	      bo_ij->dBOp[0], bo_ij->dBOp[1], bo_ij->dBOp[2] );
-	      fprintf( stderr, "dBOpi:\t[%g, %g, %g]\n", 
-	      bo_ij->dln_BOp_pi[0], bo_ij->dln_BOp_pi[1], 
-	      bo_ij->dln_BOp_pi[2] );
-	      fprintf( stderr, "dBOpi2:\t[%g, %g, %g]\n\n",
-	      bo_ij->dln_BOp_pi2[0], bo_ij->dln_BOp_pi2[1], 
-	      bo_ij->dln_BOp_pi2[2] );*/
-	    Set_End_Index( j, btop_j+1, bonds );
-	  }
-	}
-      }
+void Init_Forces( reax_system *system, control_params *control,
+                  simulation_data *data, static_storage *workspace,
+                  list **lists, output_controls *out_control )
+    int i, j, pj;
+    int start_i, end_i;
+    int type_i, type_j;
+    int Htop, btop_i, btop_j, num_bonds, num_hbonds;
+    int ihb, jhb, ihb_top, jhb_top;
+    int flag;
+    real r_ij, r2, self_coef;
+    real dr3gamij_1, dr3gamij_3, Tap;
+    //real val, dif, base;
+    real C12, C34, C56;
+    real Cln_BOp_s, Cln_BOp_pi, Cln_BOp_pi2;
+    real BO, BO_s, BO_pi, BO_pi2;
+    real p_boc1, p_boc2;
+    sparse_matrix *H;
+    list *far_nbrs, *bonds, *hbonds;
+    single_body_parameters *sbp_i, *sbp_j;
+    two_body_parameters *twbp;
+    far_neighbor_data *nbr_pj;
+    //LR_lookup_table *t;
+    reax_atom *atom_i, *atom_j;
+    bond_data *ibond, *jbond;
+    bond_order_data *bo_ij, *bo_ji;
+    far_nbrs = *lists + FAR_NBRS;
+    bonds = *lists + BONDS;
+    hbonds = *lists + HBONDS;
+    H = workspace->H;
+    Htop = 0;
+    num_bonds = 0;
+    num_hbonds = 0;
+    btop_i = btop_j = 0;
+    p_boc1 = system->reaxprm.gp.l[0];
+    p_boc2 = system->reaxprm.gp.l[1];
+    for ( i = 0; i < system->N; ++i )
+    {
+        atom_i = &(system->atoms[i]);
+        type_i  = atom_i->type;
+        start_i = Start_Index(i, far_nbrs);
+        end_i   = End_Index(i, far_nbrs);
+        H->start[i] = Htop;
+        btop_i = End_Index( i, bonds );
+        sbp_i = &(system->reaxprm.sbp[type_i]);
+        ihb = ihb_top = -1;
+        if ( control->hb_cut > 0 && (ihb = sbp_i->p_hbond) == 1 )
+            ihb_top = End_Index( workspace->hbond_index[i], hbonds );
+        for ( pj = start_i; pj < end_i; ++pj )
+        {
+            nbr_pj = &( far_nbrs->select.far_nbr_list[pj] );
+            j = nbr_pj->nbr;
+            atom_j = &(system->atoms[j]);
+            flag = 0;
+            if ((data->step - data->prev_steps) % control->reneighbor == 0)
+            {
+                if ( nbr_pj->d <= control->r_cut)
+                    flag = 1;
+                else flag = 0;
+            }
+            else if ((nbr_pj->d = Sq_Distance_on_T3(atom_i->x, atom_j->x, &(system->box),
+                                                    nbr_pj->dvec)) <= SQR(control->r_cut))
+            {
+                nbr_pj->d = sqrt(nbr_pj->d);
+                flag = 1;
+            }
+            if ( flag )
+            {
+                type_j = system->atoms[j].type;
+                r_ij = nbr_pj->d;
+                sbp_j = &(system->reaxprm.sbp[type_j]);
+                twbp = &(system->reaxprm.tbp[type_i][type_j]);
+                self_coef = (i == j) ? 0.5 : 1.0;
+                /* H matrix entry */
+                Tap = control->Tap7 * r_ij + control->Tap6;
+                Tap = Tap * r_ij + control->Tap5;
+                Tap = Tap * r_ij + control->Tap4;
+                Tap = Tap * r_ij + control->Tap3;
+                Tap = Tap * r_ij + control->Tap2;
+                Tap = Tap * r_ij + control->Tap1;
+                Tap = Tap * r_ij + control->Tap0;
+                dr3gamij_1 = ( r_ij * r_ij * r_ij + twbp->gamma );
+                dr3gamij_3 = POW( dr3gamij_1 , 0.33333333333333 );
+                H->entries[Htop].j = j;
+                H->entries[Htop].val = self_coef * Tap * EV_to_KCALpMOL / dr3gamij_3;
+                ++Htop;
+                /* hydrogen bond lists */
+                if ( control->hb_cut > 0 && (ihb == 1 || ihb == 2) &&
+                        nbr_pj->d <= control->hb_cut )
+                {
+                    // fprintf( stderr, "%d %d\n", atom1, atom2 );
+                    jhb = sbp_j->p_hbond;
+                    if ( ihb == 1 && jhb == 2 )
+                    {
+                        hbonds->select.hbond_list[ihb_top].nbr = j;
+                        hbonds->select.hbond_list[ihb_top].scl = 1;
+                        hbonds->select.hbond_list[ihb_top].ptr = nbr_pj;
+                        ++ihb_top;
+                        ++num_hbonds;
+                    }
+                    else if ( ihb == 2 && jhb == 1 )
+                    {
+                        jhb_top = End_Index( workspace->hbond_index[j], hbonds );
+                        hbonds->select.hbond_list[jhb_top].nbr = i;
+                        hbonds->select.hbond_list[jhb_top].scl = -1;
+                        hbonds->select.hbond_list[jhb_top].ptr = nbr_pj;
+                        Set_End_Index( workspace->hbond_index[j], jhb_top + 1, hbonds );
+                        ++num_hbonds;
+                    }
+                }
+                /* uncorrected bond orders */
+                if ( far_nbrs->select.far_nbr_list[pj].d <= control->nbr_cut )
+                {
+                    r2 = SQR(r_ij);
+                    if ( sbp_i->r_s > 0.0 && sbp_j->r_s > 0.0)
+                    {
+                        C12 = twbp->p_bo1 * POW( r_ij / twbp->r_s, twbp->p_bo2 );
+                        BO_s = (1.0 + control->bo_cut) * EXP( C12 );
+                    }
+                    else BO_s = C12 = 0.0;
+                    if ( sbp_i->r_pi > 0.0 && sbp_j->r_pi > 0.0)
+                    {
+                        C34 = twbp->p_bo3 * POW( r_ij / twbp->r_p, twbp->p_bo4 );
+                        BO_pi = EXP( C34 );
+                    }
+                    else BO_pi = C34 = 0.0;
+                    if ( sbp_i->r_pi_pi > 0.0 && sbp_j->r_pi_pi > 0.0)
+                    {
+                        C56 = twbp->p_bo5 * POW( r_ij / twbp->r_pp, twbp->p_bo6 );
+                        BO_pi2 = EXP( C56 );
+                    }
+                    else BO_pi2 = C56 = 0.0;
+                    /* Initially BO values are the uncorrected ones, page 1 */
+                    BO = BO_s + BO_pi + BO_pi2;
+                    if ( BO >= control->bo_cut )
+                    {
+                        num_bonds += 2;
+                        /****** bonds i-j and j-i ******/
+                        ibond = &( bonds->select.bond_list[btop_i] );
+                        btop_j = End_Index( j, bonds );
+                        jbond = &(bonds->select.bond_list[btop_j]);
+                        ibond->nbr = j;
+                        jbond->nbr = i;
+                        ibond->d = r_ij;
+                        jbond->d = r_ij;
+                        rvec_Copy( ibond->dvec, nbr_pj->dvec );
+                        rvec_Scale( jbond->dvec, -1, nbr_pj->dvec );
+                        ivec_Copy( ibond->rel_box, nbr_pj->rel_box );
+                        ivec_Scale( jbond->rel_box, -1, nbr_pj->rel_box );
+                        ibond->dbond_index = btop_i;
+                        jbond->dbond_index = btop_i;
+                        ibond->sym_index = btop_j;
+                        jbond->sym_index = btop_i;
+                        ++btop_i;
+                        Set_End_Index( j, btop_j + 1, bonds );
+                        bo_ij = &( ibond->bo_data );
+                        bo_ji = &( jbond->bo_data );
+                        bo_ji->BO = bo_ij->BO = BO;
+                        bo_ji->BO_s = bo_ij->BO_s = BO_s;
+                        bo_ji->BO_pi = bo_ij->BO_pi = BO_pi;
+                        bo_ji->BO_pi2 = bo_ij->BO_pi2 = BO_pi2;
+                        /* Bond Order page2-3, derivative of total bond order prime */
+                        Cln_BOp_s = twbp->p_bo2 * C12 / r2;
+                        Cln_BOp_pi = twbp->p_bo4 * C34 / r2;
+                        Cln_BOp_pi2 = twbp->p_bo6 * C56 / r2;
+                        /* Only dln_BOp_xx wrt. dr_i is stored here, note that
+                           dln_BOp_xx/dr_i = -dln_BOp_xx/dr_j and all others are 0 */
+                        rvec_Scale(bo_ij->dln_BOp_s, -bo_ij->BO_s * Cln_BOp_s, ibond->dvec);
+                        rvec_Scale(bo_ij->dln_BOp_pi, -bo_ij->BO_pi * Cln_BOp_pi, ibond->dvec);
+                        rvec_Scale(bo_ij->dln_BOp_pi2,
+                                   -bo_ij->BO_pi2 * Cln_BOp_pi2, ibond->dvec);
+                        rvec_Scale(bo_ji->dln_BOp_s, -1., bo_ij->dln_BOp_s);
+                        rvec_Scale(bo_ji->dln_BOp_pi, -1., bo_ij->dln_BOp_pi );
+                        rvec_Scale(bo_ji->dln_BOp_pi2, -1., bo_ij->dln_BOp_pi2 );
+                        /* Only dBOp wrt. dr_i is stored here, note that
+                           dBOp/dr_i = -dBOp/dr_j and all others are 0 */
+                        rvec_Scale( bo_ij->dBOp,
+                                    -(bo_ij->BO_s * Cln_BOp_s +
+                                      bo_ij->BO_pi * Cln_BOp_pi +
+                                      bo_ij->BO_pi2 * Cln_BOp_pi2), ibond->dvec );
+                        rvec_Scale( bo_ji->dBOp, -1., bo_ij->dBOp );
+                        rvec_Add( workspace->dDeltap_self[i], bo_ij->dBOp );
+                        rvec_Add( workspace->dDeltap_self[j], bo_ji->dBOp );
+                        bo_ij->BO_s -= control->bo_cut;
+                        bo_ij->BO -= control->bo_cut;
+                        bo_ji->BO_s -= control->bo_cut;
+                        bo_ji->BO -= control->bo_cut;
+                        workspace->total_bond_order[i] += bo_ij->BO; //currently total_BOp
+                        workspace->total_bond_order[j] += bo_ji->BO; //currently total_BOp
+                        bo_ij->Cdbo = bo_ij->Cdbopi = bo_ij->Cdbopi2 = 0.0;
+                        bo_ji->Cdbo = bo_ji->Cdbopi = bo_ji->Cdbopi2 = 0.0;
+                        /*fprintf( stderr, "%d %d %g %g %g\n",
+                          i+1, j+1, bo_ij->BO, bo_ij->BO_pi, bo_ij->BO_pi2 );*/
+                        /*fprintf( stderr, "Cln_BOp_s: %f, pbo2: %f, C12:%f\n",
+                          Cln_BOp_s, twbp->p_bo2, C12 );
+                          fprintf( stderr, "Cln_BOp_pi: %f, pbo4: %f, C34:%f\n",
+                          Cln_BOp_pi, twbp->p_bo4, C34 );
+                          fprintf( stderr, "Cln_BOp_pi2: %f, pbo6: %f, C56:%f\n",
+                          Cln_BOp_pi2, twbp->p_bo6, C56 );*/
+                        /*fprintf(stderr, "pbo1: %f, pbo2:%f\n", twbp->p_bo1, twbp->p_bo2);
+                          fprintf(stderr, "pbo3: %f, pbo4:%f\n", twbp->p_bo3, twbp->p_bo4);
+                          fprintf(stderr, "pbo5: %f, pbo6:%f\n", twbp->p_bo5, twbp->p_bo6);
+                          fprintf( stderr, "r_s: %f, r_p: %f, r_pp: %f\n",
+                          twbp->r_s, twbp->r_p, twbp->r_pp );
+                          fprintf( stderr, "C12: %g, C34:%g, C56:%g\n", C12, C34, C56 );*/
+                        /*fprintf( stderr, "\tfactors: %g %g %g\n",
+                          -(bo_ij->BO_s * Cln_BOp_s + bo_ij->BO_pi * Cln_BOp_pi +
+                          bo_ij->BO_pi2 * Cln_BOp_pp),
+                          -bo_ij->BO_pi * Cln_BOp_pi, -bo_ij->BO_pi2 * Cln_BOp_pi2 );*/
+                        /*fprintf( stderr, "dBOpi:\t[%g, %g, %g]\n",
+                          bo_ij->dBOp[0], bo_ij->dBOp[1], bo_ij->dBOp[2] );
+                          fprintf( stderr, "dBOpi:\t[%g, %g, %g]\n",
+                          bo_ij->dln_BOp_pi[0], bo_ij->dln_BOp_pi[1],
+                          bo_ij->dln_BOp_pi[2] );
+                          fprintf( stderr, "dBOpi2:\t[%g, %g, %g]\n\n",
+                          bo_ij->dln_BOp_pi2[0], bo_ij->dln_BOp_pi2[1],
+                          bo_ij->dln_BOp_pi2[2] );*/
+                        Set_End_Index( j, btop_j + 1, bonds );
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        H->entries[Htop].j = i;
+        H->entries[Htop].val = system->reaxprm.sbp[type_i].eta;
+        ++Htop;
+        Set_End_Index( i, btop_i, bonds );
+        if ( ihb == 1 )
+            Set_End_Index( workspace->hbond_index[i], ihb_top, hbonds );
+        //fprintf( stderr, "%d bonds start: %d, end: %d\n",
+        //     i, Start_Index( i, bonds ), End_Index( i, bonds ) );
-    H->entries[Htop].j = i;
-    H->entries[Htop].val = system->reaxprm.sbp[type_i].eta;
-    ++Htop;
-    Set_End_Index( i, btop_i, bonds );
-    if( ihb == 1 )
-      Set_End_Index( workspace->hbond_index[i], ihb_top, hbonds );
-    //fprintf( stderr, "%d bonds start: %d, end: %d\n", 
-    //     i, Start_Index( i, bonds ), End_Index( i, bonds ) );
-  }
-  // mark the end of j list
-  H->start[i] = Htop; 
-  /* validate lists - decide if reallocation is required! */
-  Validate_Lists( workspace, lists, 
-		  data->step, system->N, H->m, Htop, num_bonds, num_hbonds ); 
+    // mark the end of j list
+    H->start[i] = Htop;
+    /* validate lists - decide if reallocation is required! */
+    Validate_Lists( workspace, lists,
+                    data->step, system->N, H->m, Htop, num_bonds, num_hbonds );
 #if defined(DEBUG_FOCUS)
-  fprintf( stderr, "step%d: Htop = %d, num_bonds = %d, num_hbonds = %d\n", 
-	   data->step, Htop, num_bonds, num_hbonds );
+    fprintf( stderr, "step%d: Htop = %d, num_bonds = %d, num_hbonds = %d\n",
+             data->step, Htop, num_bonds, num_hbonds );
-void Init_Forces_Tab( reax_system *system, control_params *control, 
-		      simulation_data *data, static_storage *workspace,
-		      list **lists, output_controls *out_control ) {
-  int i, j, pj;
-  int start_i, end_i;
-  int type_i, type_j;
-  int Htop, btop_i, btop_j, num_bonds, num_hbonds;
-  int tmin, tmax, r;
-  int ihb, jhb, ihb_top, jhb_top;
-  int flag;
-  real r_ij, r2, self_coef;
-  real val, dif, base;
-  real C12, C34, C56;
-  real Cln_BOp_s, Cln_BOp_pi, Cln_BOp_pi2;
-  real BO, BO_s, BO_pi, BO_pi2;
-  real p_boc1, p_boc2;   
-  sparse_matrix *H;
-  list *far_nbrs, *bonds, *hbonds;
-  single_body_parameters *sbp_i, *sbp_j;
-  two_body_parameters *twbp;
-  far_neighbor_data *nbr_pj;
-  LR_lookup_table *t;
-  reax_atom *atom_i, *atom_j;
-  bond_data *ibond, *jbond;
-  bond_order_data *bo_ij, *bo_ji;
-  far_nbrs = *lists + FAR_NBRS;
-  bonds = *lists + BONDS;
-  hbonds = *lists + HBONDS;
-  H = workspace->H;
-  Htop = 0;
-  num_bonds = 0;
-  num_hbonds = 0;
-  btop_i = btop_j = 0;
-  p_boc1 = system->reaxprm.gp.l[0];
-  p_boc2 = system->reaxprm.gp.l[1];
-  for( i = 0; i < system->N; ++i ) {
-    atom_i = &(system->atoms[i]);
-    type_i  = atom_i->type;
-    start_i = Start_Index(i, far_nbrs);
-    end_i   = End_Index(i, far_nbrs);
-    H->start[i] = Htop;
-    btop_i = End_Index( i, bonds );
-    sbp_i = &(system->reaxprm.sbp[type_i]);
-    ihb = ihb_top = -1;
-    if( control->hb_cut > 0 && (ihb=sbp_i->p_hbond) == 1 )
-      ihb_top = End_Index( workspace->hbond_index[i], hbonds );
-    for( pj = start_i; pj < end_i; ++pj ) {
-      nbr_pj = &( far_nbrs->select.far_nbr_list[pj] );
-      j = nbr_pj->nbr;
-      atom_j = &(system->atoms[j]);
-      flag = 0;
-      if((data->step-data->prev_steps) % control->reneighbor == 0) { 
-	if(nbr_pj->d <= control->r_cut)
-	  flag = 1;
-	else flag = 0;
-      }
-      else if((nbr_pj->d=Sq_Distance_on_T3(atom_i->x,atom_j->x,&(system->box),
-					   nbr_pj->dvec))<=SQR(control->r_cut)){
-	nbr_pj->d = sqrt(nbr_pj->d);
-	flag = 1;
-      }
-      if( flag ){	
-	type_j = system->atoms[j].type;
-	r_ij = nbr_pj->d;
-	sbp_j = &(system->reaxprm.sbp[type_j]);
-	twbp = &(system->reaxprm.tbp[type_i][type_j]);
-	self_coef = (i == j) ? 0.5 : 1.0;
-	tmin  = MIN( type_i, type_j );
-	tmax  = MAX( type_i, type_j );
-	t = &( LR[tmin][tmax] );	  
-	/* cubic spline interpolation */
-	r = (int)(r_ij * t->inv_dx);
-	if( r == 0 )  ++r;
-	base = (real)(r+1) * t->dx;
-	dif = r_ij - base;
-	val = ((t->ele[r].d*dif + t->ele[r].c)*dif + t->ele[r].b)*dif + 
-	  t->ele[r].a;
-	val *= EV_to_KCALpMOL / C_ele;
-	H->entries[Htop].j = j;
-	H->entries[Htop].val = self_coef * val;
-	++Htop;
-	/* hydrogen bond lists */ 
-	if( control->hb_cut > 0 && (ihb==1 || ihb==2) && 
-	    nbr_pj->d <= control->hb_cut ) {
-	  // fprintf( stderr, "%d %d\n", atom1, atom2 );
-	  jhb = sbp_j->p_hbond;
-	  if( ihb == 1 && jhb == 2 ) {
-	    hbonds->select.hbond_list[ihb_top].nbr = j;
-	    hbonds->select.hbond_list[ihb_top].scl = 1;
-	    hbonds->select.hbond_list[ihb_top].ptr = nbr_pj;
-	    ++ihb_top;
-	    ++num_hbonds;
-	  }
-	  else if( ihb == 2 && jhb == 1 ) {
-	    jhb_top = End_Index( workspace->hbond_index[j], hbonds );
-	    hbonds->select.hbond_list[jhb_top].nbr = i;
-	    hbonds->select.hbond_list[jhb_top].scl = -1;
-	    hbonds->select.hbond_list[jhb_top].ptr = nbr_pj;
-	    Set_End_Index( workspace->hbond_index[j], jhb_top+1, hbonds );
-	    ++num_hbonds;
-	  }
-	}
-	/* uncorrected bond orders */
-	if( far_nbrs->select.far_nbr_list[pj].d <= control->nbr_cut ) {
-	  r2 = SQR(r_ij);
-	  if( sbp_i->r_s > 0.0 && sbp_j->r_s > 0.0) {
-	    C12 = twbp->p_bo1 * POW( r_ij / twbp->r_s, twbp->p_bo2 );
-	    BO_s = (1.0 + control->bo_cut) * EXP( C12 );
-	  }
-	  else BO_s = C12 = 0.0;
-	  if( sbp_i->r_pi > 0.0 && sbp_j->r_pi > 0.0) {
-	    C34 = twbp->p_bo3 * POW( r_ij / twbp->r_p, twbp->p_bo4 );
-	    BO_pi = EXP( C34 );
-	  }
-	  else BO_pi = C34 = 0.0;
-	  if( sbp_i->r_pi_pi > 0.0 && sbp_j->r_pi_pi > 0.0) {
-	    C56 = twbp->p_bo5 * POW( r_ij / twbp->r_pp, twbp->p_bo6 );	
-	    BO_pi2= EXP( C56 );
-	  }
-	  else BO_pi2 = C56 = 0.0;
-	  /* Initially BO values are the uncorrected ones, page 1 */
-	  BO = BO_s + BO_pi + BO_pi2;
-	  if( BO >= control->bo_cut ) {
-	    num_bonds += 2;
-	    /****** bonds i-j and j-i ******/
-	    ibond = &( bonds->select.bond_list[btop_i] );
-	    btop_j = End_Index( j, bonds );
-	    jbond = &(bonds->select.bond_list[btop_j]);
-	    ibond->nbr = j;
-	    jbond->nbr = i;
-	    ibond->d = r_ij;
-	    jbond->d = r_ij;
-	    rvec_Copy( ibond->dvec, nbr_pj->dvec );
-		 //fprintf (stderr, " %f - %f - %f \n", nbr_pj->dvec[0], nbr_pj->dvec[1], nbr_pj->dvec[2]);
-	    rvec_Scale( jbond->dvec, -1, nbr_pj->dvec );
-	    ivec_Copy( ibond->rel_box, nbr_pj->rel_box );
-	    ivec_Scale( jbond->rel_box, -1, nbr_pj->rel_box );
-	    ibond->dbond_index = btop_i;
-	    jbond->dbond_index = btop_i;
-	    ibond->sym_index = btop_j;
-	    jbond->sym_index = btop_i;
-	    ++btop_i;
-	    Set_End_Index( j, btop_j+1, bonds );
-	    bo_ij = &( ibond->bo_data );
-	    bo_ji = &( jbond->bo_data );
-	    bo_ji->BO = bo_ij->BO = BO;
-	    bo_ji->BO_s = bo_ij->BO_s = BO_s;
-	    bo_ji->BO_pi = bo_ij->BO_pi = BO_pi;
-	    bo_ji->BO_pi2 = bo_ij->BO_pi2 = BO_pi2;
-	    /* Bond Order page2-3, derivative of total bond order prime */
-	    Cln_BOp_s = twbp->p_bo2 * C12 / r2;
-	    Cln_BOp_pi = twbp->p_bo4 * C34 / r2;
-	    Cln_BOp_pi2 = twbp->p_bo6 * C56 / r2;
-	    /* Only dln_BOp_xx wrt. dr_i is stored here, note that 
-	       dln_BOp_xx/dr_i = -dln_BOp_xx/dr_j and all others are 0 */
-	    rvec_Scale(bo_ij->dln_BOp_s,-bo_ij->BO_s*Cln_BOp_s,ibond->dvec);
-	    rvec_Scale(bo_ij->dln_BOp_pi,-bo_ij->BO_pi*Cln_BOp_pi,ibond->dvec);
-	    rvec_Scale(bo_ij->dln_BOp_pi2,
-		       -bo_ij->BO_pi2*Cln_BOp_pi2,ibond->dvec);
-	    rvec_Scale(bo_ji->dln_BOp_s, -1., bo_ij->dln_BOp_s);
-	    rvec_Scale(bo_ji->dln_BOp_pi, -1., bo_ij->dln_BOp_pi );
-	    rvec_Scale(bo_ji->dln_BOp_pi2, -1., bo_ij->dln_BOp_pi2 );
-	    /* Only dBOp wrt. dr_i is stored here, note that 
-	       dBOp/dr_i = -dBOp/dr_j and all others are 0 */
-	    rvec_Scale( bo_ij->dBOp, 
-			-(bo_ij->BO_s * Cln_BOp_s + 
-			  bo_ij->BO_pi * Cln_BOp_pi + 
-			  bo_ij->BO_pi2 * Cln_BOp_pi2), ibond->dvec );
-	    rvec_Scale( bo_ji->dBOp, -1., bo_ij->dBOp );
-	    rvec_Add( workspace->dDeltap_self[i], bo_ij->dBOp );
-	    rvec_Add( workspace->dDeltap_self[j], bo_ji->dBOp );
-	    bo_ij->BO_s -= control->bo_cut;
-	    bo_ij->BO -= control->bo_cut;
-	    bo_ji->BO_s -= control->bo_cut;
-	    bo_ji->BO -= control->bo_cut;
-	    workspace->total_bond_order[i] += bo_ij->BO; //currently total_BOp
-	    workspace->total_bond_order[j] += bo_ji->BO; //currently total_BOp
-	    bo_ij->Cdbo = bo_ij->Cdbopi = bo_ij->Cdbopi2 = 0.0;
-	    bo_ji->Cdbo = bo_ji->Cdbopi = bo_ji->Cdbopi2 = 0.0;
-	    Set_End_Index( j, btop_j+1, bonds );
-	  }
-	}
-      }
+void Init_Forces_Tab( reax_system *system, control_params *control,
+                      simulation_data *data, static_storage *workspace,
+                      list **lists, output_controls *out_control )
+    int i, j, pj;
+    int start_i, end_i;
+    int type_i, type_j;
+    int Htop, btop_i, btop_j, num_bonds, num_hbonds;
+    int tmin, tmax, r;
+    int ihb, jhb, ihb_top, jhb_top;
+    int flag;
+    real r_ij, r2, self_coef;
+    real val, dif, base;
+    real C12, C34, C56;
+    real Cln_BOp_s, Cln_BOp_pi, Cln_BOp_pi2;
+    real BO, BO_s, BO_pi, BO_pi2;
+    real p_boc1, p_boc2;
+    sparse_matrix *H;
+    list *far_nbrs, *bonds, *hbonds;
+    single_body_parameters *sbp_i, *sbp_j;
+    two_body_parameters *twbp;
+    far_neighbor_data *nbr_pj;
+    LR_lookup_table *t;
+    reax_atom *atom_i, *atom_j;
+    bond_data *ibond, *jbond;
+    bond_order_data *bo_ij, *bo_ji;
+    far_nbrs = *lists + FAR_NBRS;
+    bonds = *lists + BONDS;
+    hbonds = *lists + HBONDS;
+    H = workspace->H;
+    Htop = 0;
+    num_bonds = 0;
+    num_hbonds = 0;
+    btop_i = btop_j = 0;
+    p_boc1 = system->reaxprm.gp.l[0];
+    p_boc2 = system->reaxprm.gp.l[1];
+    for ( i = 0; i < system->N; ++i )
+    {
+        atom_i = &(system->atoms[i]);
+        type_i  = atom_i->type;
+        start_i = Start_Index(i, far_nbrs);
+        end_i   = End_Index(i, far_nbrs);
+        H->start[i] = Htop;
+        btop_i = End_Index( i, bonds );
+        sbp_i = &(system->reaxprm.sbp[type_i]);
+        ihb = ihb_top = -1;
+        if ( control->hb_cut > 0 && (ihb = sbp_i->p_hbond) == 1 )
+            ihb_top = End_Index( workspace->hbond_index[i], hbonds );
+        for ( pj = start_i; pj < end_i; ++pj )
+        {
+            nbr_pj = &( far_nbrs->select.far_nbr_list[pj] );
+            j = nbr_pj->nbr;
+            atom_j = &(system->atoms[j]);
+            flag = 0;
+            if ((data->step - data->prev_steps) % control->reneighbor == 0)
+            {
+                if (nbr_pj->d <= control->r_cut)
+                    flag = 1;
+                else flag = 0;
+            }
+            else if ((nbr_pj->d = Sq_Distance_on_T3(atom_i->x, atom_j->x, &(system->box),
+                                                    nbr_pj->dvec)) <= SQR(control->r_cut))
+            {
+                nbr_pj->d = sqrt(nbr_pj->d);
+                flag = 1;
+            }
+            if ( flag )
+            {
+                type_j = system->atoms[j].type;
+                r_ij = nbr_pj->d;
+                sbp_j = &(system->reaxprm.sbp[type_j]);
+                twbp = &(system->reaxprm.tbp[type_i][type_j]);
+                self_coef = (i == j) ? 0.5 : 1.0;
+                tmin  = MIN( type_i, type_j );
+                tmax  = MAX( type_i, type_j );
+                t = &( LR[tmin][tmax] );
+                /* cubic spline interpolation */
+                r = (int)(r_ij * t->inv_dx);
+                if ( r == 0 )  ++r;
+                base = (real)(r + 1) * t->dx;
+                dif = r_ij - base;
+                val = ((t->ele[r].d * dif + t->ele[r].c) * dif + t->ele[r].b) * dif +
+                      t->ele[r].a;
+                val *= EV_to_KCALpMOL / C_ele;
+                H->entries[Htop].j = j;
+                H->entries[Htop].val = self_coef * val;
+                ++Htop;
+                /* hydrogen bond lists */
+                if ( control->hb_cut > 0 && (ihb == 1 || ihb == 2) &&
+                        nbr_pj->d <= control->hb_cut )
+                {
+                    // fprintf( stderr, "%d %d\n", atom1, atom2 );
+                    jhb = sbp_j->p_hbond;
+                    if ( ihb == 1 && jhb == 2 )
+                    {
+                        hbonds->select.hbond_list[ihb_top].nbr = j;
+                        hbonds->select.hbond_list[ihb_top].scl = 1;
+                        hbonds->select.hbond_list[ihb_top].ptr = nbr_pj;
+                        ++ihb_top;
+                        ++num_hbonds;
+                    }
+                    else if ( ihb == 2 && jhb == 1 )
+                    {
+                        jhb_top = End_Index( workspace->hbond_index[j], hbonds );
+                        hbonds->select.hbond_list[jhb_top].nbr = i;
+                        hbonds->select.hbond_list[jhb_top].scl = -1;
+                        hbonds->select.hbond_list[jhb_top].ptr = nbr_pj;
+                        Set_End_Index( workspace->hbond_index[j], jhb_top + 1, hbonds );
+                        ++num_hbonds;
+                    }
+                }
+                /* uncorrected bond orders */
+                if ( far_nbrs->select.far_nbr_list[pj].d <= control->nbr_cut )
+                {
+                    r2 = SQR(r_ij);
+                    if ( sbp_i->r_s > 0.0 && sbp_j->r_s > 0.0)
+                    {
+                        C12 = twbp->p_bo1 * POW( r_ij / twbp->r_s, twbp->p_bo2 );
+                        BO_s = (1.0 + control->bo_cut) * EXP( C12 );
+                    }
+                    else BO_s = C12 = 0.0;
+                    if ( sbp_i->r_pi > 0.0 && sbp_j->r_pi > 0.0)
+                    {
+                        C34 = twbp->p_bo3 * POW( r_ij / twbp->r_p, twbp->p_bo4 );
+                        BO_pi = EXP( C34 );
+                    }
+                    else BO_pi = C34 = 0.0;
+                    if ( sbp_i->r_pi_pi > 0.0 && sbp_j->r_pi_pi > 0.0)
+                    {
+                        C56 = twbp->p_bo5 * POW( r_ij / twbp->r_pp, twbp->p_bo6 );
+                        BO_pi2 = EXP( C56 );
+                    }
+                    else BO_pi2 = C56 = 0.0;
+                    /* Initially BO values are the uncorrected ones, page 1 */
+                    BO = BO_s + BO_pi + BO_pi2;
+                    if ( BO >= control->bo_cut )
+                    {
+                        num_bonds += 2;
+                        /****** bonds i-j and j-i ******/
+                        ibond = &( bonds->select.bond_list[btop_i] );
+                        btop_j = End_Index( j, bonds );
+                        jbond = &(bonds->select.bond_list[btop_j]);
+                        ibond->nbr = j;
+                        jbond->nbr = i;
+                        ibond->d = r_ij;
+                        jbond->d = r_ij;
+                        rvec_Copy( ibond->dvec, nbr_pj->dvec );
+                        //fprintf (stderr, " %f - %f - %f \n", nbr_pj->dvec[0], nbr_pj->dvec[1], nbr_pj->dvec[2]);
+                        rvec_Scale( jbond->dvec, -1, nbr_pj->dvec );
+                        ivec_Copy( ibond->rel_box, nbr_pj->rel_box );
+                        ivec_Scale( jbond->rel_box, -1, nbr_pj->rel_box );
+                        ibond->dbond_index = btop_i;
+                        jbond->dbond_index = btop_i;
+                        ibond->sym_index = btop_j;
+                        jbond->sym_index = btop_i;
+                        ++btop_i;
+                        Set_End_Index( j, btop_j + 1, bonds );
+                        bo_ij = &( ibond->bo_data );
+                        bo_ji = &( jbond->bo_data );
+                        bo_ji->BO = bo_ij->BO = BO;
+                        bo_ji->BO_s = bo_ij->BO_s = BO_s;
+                        bo_ji->BO_pi = bo_ij->BO_pi = BO_pi;
+                        bo_ji->BO_pi2 = bo_ij->BO_pi2 = BO_pi2;
+                        /* Bond Order page2-3, derivative of total bond order prime */
+                        Cln_BOp_s = twbp->p_bo2 * C12 / r2;
+                        Cln_BOp_pi = twbp->p_bo4 * C34 / r2;
+                        Cln_BOp_pi2 = twbp->p_bo6 * C56 / r2;
+                        /* Only dln_BOp_xx wrt. dr_i is stored here, note that
+                           dln_BOp_xx/dr_i = -dln_BOp_xx/dr_j and all others are 0 */
+                        rvec_Scale(bo_ij->dln_BOp_s, -bo_ij->BO_s * Cln_BOp_s, ibond->dvec);
+                        rvec_Scale(bo_ij->dln_BOp_pi, -bo_ij->BO_pi * Cln_BOp_pi, ibond->dvec);
+                        rvec_Scale(bo_ij->dln_BOp_pi2,
+                                   -bo_ij->BO_pi2 * Cln_BOp_pi2, ibond->dvec);
+                        rvec_Scale(bo_ji->dln_BOp_s, -1., bo_ij->dln_BOp_s);
+                        rvec_Scale(bo_ji->dln_BOp_pi, -1., bo_ij->dln_BOp_pi );
+                        rvec_Scale(bo_ji->dln_BOp_pi2, -1., bo_ij->dln_BOp_pi2 );
+                        /* Only dBOp wrt. dr_i is stored here, note that
+                           dBOp/dr_i = -dBOp/dr_j and all others are 0 */
+                        rvec_Scale( bo_ij->dBOp,
+                                    -(bo_ij->BO_s * Cln_BOp_s +
+                                      bo_ij->BO_pi * Cln_BOp_pi +
+                                      bo_ij->BO_pi2 * Cln_BOp_pi2), ibond->dvec );
+                        rvec_Scale( bo_ji->dBOp, -1., bo_ij->dBOp );
+                        rvec_Add( workspace->dDeltap_self[i], bo_ij->dBOp );
+                        rvec_Add( workspace->dDeltap_self[j], bo_ji->dBOp );
+                        bo_ij->BO_s -= control->bo_cut;
+                        bo_ij->BO -= control->bo_cut;
+                        bo_ji->BO_s -= control->bo_cut;
+                        bo_ji->BO -= control->bo_cut;
+                        workspace->total_bond_order[i] += bo_ij->BO; //currently total_BOp
+                        workspace->total_bond_order[j] += bo_ji->BO; //currently total_BOp
+                        bo_ij->Cdbo = bo_ij->Cdbopi = bo_ij->Cdbopi2 = 0.0;
+                        bo_ji->Cdbo = bo_ji->Cdbopi = bo_ji->Cdbopi2 = 0.0;
+                        Set_End_Index( j, btop_j + 1, bonds );
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        H->entries[Htop].j = i;
+        H->entries[Htop].val = system->reaxprm.sbp[type_i].eta;
+        ++Htop;
+        Set_End_Index( i, btop_i, bonds );
+        if ( ihb == 1 )
+            Set_End_Index( workspace->hbond_index[i], ihb_top, hbonds );
-    H->entries[Htop].j = i;
-    H->entries[Htop].val = system->reaxprm.sbp[type_i].eta;
-    ++Htop;
-    Set_End_Index( i, btop_i, bonds );
-    if( ihb == 1 )
-      Set_End_Index( workspace->hbond_index[i], ihb_top, hbonds );
-  }
-  // mark the end of j list
-  H->start[i] = Htop; 
-  /* validate lists - decide if reallocation is required! */
-  Validate_Lists( workspace, lists, 
-		  data->step, system->N, H->m, Htop, num_bonds, num_hbonds ); 
+    // mark the end of j list
+    H->start[i] = Htop;
+    /* validate lists - decide if reallocation is required! */
+    Validate_Lists( workspace, lists,
+                    data->step, system->N, H->m, Htop, num_bonds, num_hbonds );
 #if defined(DEBUG_FOCUS)
-  fprintf( stderr, "step%d: Htop = %d, num_bonds = %d, num_hbonds = %d\n", 
-	   data->step, Htop, num_bonds, num_hbonds );
-  //Print_Bonds( system, bonds, "sbonds.out" );
-  //Print_Bond_List2( system, bonds, "sbonds.out" );
-  //Print_Sparse_Matrix2( H, "H.out" );
+    fprintf( stderr, "step%d: Htop = %d, num_bonds = %d, num_hbonds = %d\n",
+             data->step, Htop, num_bonds, num_hbonds );
+    //Print_Bonds( system, bonds, "sbonds.out" );
+    //Print_Bond_List2( system, bonds, "sbonds.out" );
+    //Print_Sparse_Matrix2( H, "H.out" );
-void Estimate_Storage_Sizes( reax_system *system, control_params *control, 
-			     list **lists, int *Htop, int *hb_top, 
-			     int *bond_top, int *num_3body ) {
-  int i, j, pj;
-  int start_i, end_i;
-  int type_i, type_j;
-  int ihb, jhb;
-  real r_ij, r2;
-  real C12, C34, C56;
-  real BO, BO_s, BO_pi, BO_pi2;
-  real p_boc1, p_boc2; 
-  list *far_nbrs;
-  single_body_parameters *sbp_i, *sbp_j;
-  two_body_parameters *twbp;
-  far_neighbor_data *nbr_pj;
-  reax_atom *atom_i, *atom_j;
-  far_nbrs = *lists + FAR_NBRS;
-  p_boc1 = system->reaxprm.gp.l[0];
-  p_boc2 = system->reaxprm.gp.l[1];
-  for( i = 0; i < system->N; ++i ) {
-    atom_i = &(system->atoms[i]);
-    type_i  = atom_i->type;
-    start_i = Start_Index(i, far_nbrs);
-    end_i   = End_Index(i, far_nbrs);
-    sbp_i = &(system->reaxprm.sbp[type_i]);
-    ihb = sbp_i->p_hbond;
-    for( pj = start_i; pj < end_i; ++pj ) {
-      nbr_pj = &( far_nbrs->select.far_nbr_list[pj] );
-      j = nbr_pj->nbr;
-      atom_j = &(system->atoms[j]);
-      type_j = atom_j->type;
-      sbp_j = &(system->reaxprm.sbp[type_j]);
-      twbp = &(system->reaxprm.tbp[type_i][type_j]);
-      if( nbr_pj->d <= control->r_cut ) {
-	++(*Htop);
-	/* hydrogen bond lists */ 
-	if( control->hb_cut > 0.1 && (ihb==1 || ihb==2) && 
-	    nbr_pj->d <= control->hb_cut ) {
-	  jhb = sbp_j->p_hbond;
-	  if( ihb == 1 && jhb == 2 )
-	    ++hb_top[i];
-	  else if( ihb == 2 && jhb == 1 )
-	    ++hb_top[j];
-	}
-	/* uncorrected bond orders */
-	if( nbr_pj->d <= control->nbr_cut ) {
-	  r_ij = nbr_pj->d;
-	  r2 = SQR(r_ij);
-	  if( sbp_i->r_s > 0.0 && sbp_j->r_s > 0.0) {
-	    C12 = twbp->p_bo1 * POW( r_ij / twbp->r_s, twbp->p_bo2 );
-	    BO_s = (1.0 + control->bo_cut) * EXP( C12 );
-	  }
-	  else BO_s = C12 = 0.0;
-	  if( sbp_i->r_pi > 0.0 && sbp_j->r_pi > 0.0) {
-	    C34 = twbp->p_bo3 * POW( r_ij / twbp->r_p, twbp->p_bo4 );
-	    BO_pi = EXP( C34 );
-	  }
-	  else BO_pi = C34 = 0.0;
-	  if( sbp_i->r_pi_pi > 0.0 && sbp_j->r_pi_pi > 0.0) {
-	    C56 = twbp->p_bo5 * POW( r_ij / twbp->r_pp, twbp->p_bo6 );	
-	    BO_pi2= EXP( C56 );
-	  }
-	  else BO_pi2 = C56 = 0.0;
-	  /* Initially BO values are the uncorrected ones, page 1 */
-	  BO = BO_s + BO_pi + BO_pi2;
-	  if( BO >= control->bo_cut ) {
-	    ++bond_top[i];
-	    ++bond_top[j];
-	  }
-	}
-      }
+void Estimate_Storage_Sizes( reax_system *system, control_params *control,
+                             list **lists, int *Htop, int *hb_top,
+                             int *bond_top, int *num_3body )
+    int i, j, pj;
+    int start_i, end_i;
+    int type_i, type_j;
+    int ihb, jhb;
+    real r_ij, r2;
+    real C12, C34, C56;
+    real BO, BO_s, BO_pi, BO_pi2;
+    real p_boc1, p_boc2;
+    list *far_nbrs;
+    single_body_parameters *sbp_i, *sbp_j;
+    two_body_parameters *twbp;
+    far_neighbor_data *nbr_pj;
+    reax_atom *atom_i, *atom_j;
+    far_nbrs = *lists + FAR_NBRS;
+    p_boc1 = system->reaxprm.gp.l[0];
+    p_boc2 = system->reaxprm.gp.l[1];
+    for ( i = 0; i < system->N; ++i )
+    {
+        atom_i = &(system->atoms[i]);
+        type_i  = atom_i->type;
+        start_i = Start_Index(i, far_nbrs);
+        end_i   = End_Index(i, far_nbrs);
+        sbp_i = &(system->reaxprm.sbp[type_i]);
+        ihb = sbp_i->p_hbond;
+        for ( pj = start_i; pj < end_i; ++pj )
+        {
+            nbr_pj = &( far_nbrs->select.far_nbr_list[pj] );
+            j = nbr_pj->nbr;
+            atom_j = &(system->atoms[j]);
+            type_j = atom_j->type;
+            sbp_j = &(system->reaxprm.sbp[type_j]);
+            twbp = &(system->reaxprm.tbp[type_i][type_j]);
+            if ( nbr_pj->d <= control->r_cut )
+            {
+                ++(*Htop);
+                /* hydrogen bond lists */
+                if ( control->hb_cut > 0.1 && (ihb == 1 || ihb == 2) &&
+                        nbr_pj->d <= control->hb_cut )
+                {
+                    jhb = sbp_j->p_hbond;
+                    if ( ihb == 1 && jhb == 2 )
+                        ++hb_top[i];
+                    else if ( ihb == 2 && jhb == 1 )
+                        ++hb_top[j];
+                }
+                /* uncorrected bond orders */
+                if ( nbr_pj->d <= control->nbr_cut )
+                {
+                    r_ij = nbr_pj->d;
+                    r2 = SQR(r_ij);
+                    if ( sbp_i->r_s > 0.0 && sbp_j->r_s > 0.0)
+                    {
+                        C12 = twbp->p_bo1 * POW( r_ij / twbp->r_s, twbp->p_bo2 );
+                        BO_s = (1.0 + control->bo_cut) * EXP( C12 );
+                    }
+                    else BO_s = C12 = 0.0;
+                    if ( sbp_i->r_pi > 0.0 && sbp_j->r_pi > 0.0)
+                    {
+                        C34 = twbp->p_bo3 * POW( r_ij / twbp->r_p, twbp->p_bo4 );
+                        BO_pi = EXP( C34 );
+                    }
+                    else BO_pi = C34 = 0.0;
+                    if ( sbp_i->r_pi_pi > 0.0 && sbp_j->r_pi_pi > 0.0)
+                    {
+                        C56 = twbp->p_bo5 * POW( r_ij / twbp->r_pp, twbp->p_bo6 );
+                        BO_pi2 = EXP( C56 );
+                    }
+                    else BO_pi2 = C56 = 0.0;
+                    /* Initially BO values are the uncorrected ones, page 1 */
+                    BO = BO_s + BO_pi + BO_pi2;
+                    if ( BO >= control->bo_cut )
+                    {
+                        ++bond_top[i];
+                        ++bond_top[j];
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    *Htop += system->N;
+    *Htop *= SAFE_ZONE;
+    for ( i = 0; i < system->N; ++i )
+    {
+        hb_top[i] = MAX( hb_top[i] * SAFE_HBONDS, MIN_HBONDS );
+        *num_3body += SQR(bond_top[i]);
+        bond_top[i] = MAX( bond_top[i] * 2, MIN_BONDS );
-  }
-  *Htop += system->N;
-  *Htop *= SAFE_ZONE;
-  for( i = 0; i < system->N; ++i ) {
-    hb_top[i] = MAX( hb_top[i] * SAFE_HBONDS, MIN_HBONDS );
-    *num_3body += SQR(bond_top[i]);
-    bond_top[i] = MAX( bond_top[i] * 2, MIN_BONDS );
-  }
-  *num_3body *= SAFE_ZONE;
+    *num_3body *= SAFE_ZONE;
-void Compute_Forces( reax_system *system, control_params *control, 
-		     simulation_data *data, static_storage *workspace, 
-		     list** lists, output_controls *out_control )
+void Compute_Forces( reax_system *system, control_params *control,
+                     simulation_data *data, static_storage *workspace,
+                     list** lists, output_controls *out_control )
-  real t_start, t_elapsed;
-  t_start = Get_Time( );
-  if( !control->tabulate )
-    Init_Forces( system, control, data, workspace, lists, out_control );
-  else Init_Forces_Tab( system, control, data, workspace, lists, out_control );
-  t_elapsed = Get_Timing_Info( t_start );
-  data->timing.init_forces += t_elapsed;
+    real t_start, t_elapsed;
+    t_start = Get_Time( );
+    if ( !control->tabulate )
+        Init_Forces( system, control, data, workspace, lists, out_control );
+    else Init_Forces_Tab( system, control, data, workspace, lists, out_control );
+    t_elapsed = Get_Timing_Info( t_start );
+    data->timing.init_forces += t_elapsed;
 #if defined(DEBUG_FOCUS)
-  fprintf( stderr, "init_forces - ");
+    fprintf( stderr, "init_forces - ");
-  t_start = Get_Time( );
-  Compute_Bonded_Forces( system, control, data, workspace, lists, out_control );
-  t_elapsed = Get_Timing_Info( t_start );
-  data->timing.bonded += t_elapsed;
-#if defined(DEBUG_FOCUS)  
-  fprintf( stderr, "bonded_forces - ");
+    t_start = Get_Time( );
+    Compute_Bonded_Forces( system, control, data, workspace, lists, out_control );
+    t_elapsed = Get_Timing_Info( t_start );
+    data->timing.bonded += t_elapsed;
+#if defined(DEBUG_FOCUS)
+    fprintf( stderr, "bonded_forces - ");
-  t_start = Get_Time( );
-  Compute_NonBonded_Forces( system, control, data, workspace, 
-			    lists, out_control );
-  t_elapsed = Get_Timing_Info( t_start );
-  data->timing.nonb += t_elapsed;
+    t_start = Get_Time( );
+    Compute_NonBonded_Forces( system, control, data, workspace,
+                              lists, out_control );
+    t_elapsed = Get_Timing_Info( t_start );
+    data->timing.nonb += t_elapsed;
 #if defined(DEBUG_FOCUS)
-  fprintf( stderr, "nonbondeds - ");
+    fprintf( stderr, "nonbondeds - ");
-  Compute_Total_Force( system, control, data, workspace, lists );
-  //Print_Total_Force( system, control, data, workspace, lists, out_control );
+    Compute_Total_Force( system, control, data, workspace, lists );
+    //Print_Total_Force( system, control, data, workspace, lists, out_control );
 #if defined(DEBUG_FOCUS)
-  fprintf( stderr, "totalforces - ");
-  //Print_Total_Force( system, control, data, workspace, lists, out_control );
+    fprintf( stderr, "totalforces - ");
+    //Print_Total_Force( system, control, data, workspace, lists, out_control );
-  Print_Total_Force( system, control, data, workspace, lists, out_control );
-  Compare_Total_Forces( system, control, data, workspace, lists, out_control );
+    Print_Total_Force( system, control, data, workspace, lists, out_control );
+    Compare_Total_Forces( system, control, data, workspace, lists, out_control );
-#if defined(DEBUG_FOCUS)  
-  fprintf( stderr, "forces - ");
+#if defined(DEBUG_FOCUS)
+    fprintf( stderr, "forces - ");
diff --git a/puremd_rc_1003/sPuReMD/forces.h b/puremd_rc_1003/sPuReMD/forces.h
index b34dac5f4ff65818815ad700265b7500a1ab2fae..c57aa1596a85674f47737183b63b57c6a0bd46a9 100644
--- a/puremd_rc_1003/sPuReMD/forces.h
+++ b/puremd_rc_1003/sPuReMD/forces.h
@@ -1,20 +1,20 @@
   SerialReax - Reax Force Field Simulator
   Copyright (2010) Purdue University
   Hasan Metin Aktulga, haktulga@cs.purdue.edu
   Joseph Fogarty, jcfogart@mail.usf.edu
   Sagar Pandit, pandit@usf.edu
   Ananth Y Grama, ayg@cs.purdue.edu
   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
   modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
-  published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of 
+  published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
   the License, or (at your option) any later version.
   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
   See the GNU General Public License for more details:
@@ -26,9 +26,9 @@
 void Init_Bonded_Force_Functions( control_params* );
-void Compute_Forces( reax_system*, control_params*, simulation_data*, 
-		     static_storage*, list**, output_controls* );
+void Compute_Forces( reax_system*, control_params*, simulation_data*,
+                     static_storage*, list**, output_controls* );
-void Estimate_Storage_Sizes( reax_system*, control_params*, list**, 
-			     int*, int*, int*, int* );
+void Estimate_Storage_Sizes( reax_system*, control_params*, list**,
+                             int*, int*, int*, int* );
diff --git a/puremd_rc_1003/sPuReMD/four_body_interactions.c b/puremd_rc_1003/sPuReMD/four_body_interactions.c
index 09a0c6c00743fb6c2616951139b79215d4d3187a..1fc7e99c5e0b7d3738ac04cd23bccbbfba397b52 100644
--- a/puremd_rc_1003/sPuReMD/four_body_interactions.c
+++ b/puremd_rc_1003/sPuReMD/four_body_interactions.c
@@ -1,20 +1,20 @@
   SerialReax - Reax Force Field Simulator
   Copyright (2010) Purdue University
   Hasan Metin Aktulga, haktulga@cs.purdue.edu
   Joseph Fogarty, jcfogart@mail.usf.edu
   Sagar Pandit, pandit@usf.edu
   Ananth Y Grama, ayg@cs.purdue.edu
   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
   modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
-  published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of 
+  published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
   the License, or (at your option) any later version.
   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
   See the GNU General Public License for more details:
@@ -30,635 +30,645 @@
 #define MIN_SINE 1e-10
 real Calculate_Omega( rvec dvec_ij, real r_ij, rvec dvec_jk, real r_jk,
-		      rvec dvec_kl, real r_kl, rvec dvec_li, real r_li,
-		      three_body_interaction_data *p_ijk, 
-		      three_body_interaction_data *p_jkl, 
-		      rvec dcos_omega_di, rvec dcos_omega_dj, 
-		      rvec dcos_omega_dk, rvec dcos_omega_dl, 
-		      output_controls *out_control )
+                      rvec dvec_kl, real r_kl, rvec dvec_li, real r_li,
+                      three_body_interaction_data *p_ijk,
+                      three_body_interaction_data *p_jkl,
+                      rvec dcos_omega_di, rvec dcos_omega_dj,
+                      rvec dcos_omega_dk, rvec dcos_omega_dl,
+                      output_controls *out_control )
-  real unnorm_cos_omega, unnorm_sin_omega, omega;
-  real sin_ijk, cos_ijk, sin_jkl, cos_jkl;
-  real htra, htrb, htrc, hthd, hthe, hnra, hnrc, hnhd, hnhe;
-  real arg, poem, tel;
-  rvec cross_jk_kl;
-  sin_ijk = SIN( p_ijk->theta );
-  cos_ijk = COS( p_ijk->theta );
-  sin_jkl = SIN( p_jkl->theta );
-  cos_jkl = COS( p_jkl->theta );
-  /* omega */
-  unnorm_cos_omega = -rvec_Dot( dvec_ij,dvec_jk )*rvec_Dot( dvec_jk,dvec_kl ) +
-    SQR( r_jk ) *  rvec_Dot( dvec_ij,dvec_kl );
-  rvec_Cross( cross_jk_kl, dvec_jk, dvec_kl );
-  unnorm_sin_omega = -r_jk * rvec_Dot( dvec_ij, cross_jk_kl );
-  omega = atan2( unnorm_sin_omega, unnorm_cos_omega ); 
-  /* derivatives */
-  /* coef for adjusments to cos_theta's */
-  /* rla = r_ij, rlb = r_jk, rlc = r_kl, r4 = r_li;
-     coshd = cos_ijk, coshe = cos_jkl;
-     sinhd = sin_ijk, sinhe = sin_jkl; */
-  htra = r_ij + cos_ijk * ( r_kl * cos_jkl - r_jk );
-  htrb = r_jk - r_ij * cos_ijk - r_kl * cos_jkl;
-  htrc = r_kl + cos_jkl * ( r_ij * cos_ijk - r_jk );
-  hthd = r_ij * sin_ijk * ( r_jk - r_kl * cos_jkl );
-  hthe = r_kl * sin_jkl * ( r_jk - r_ij * cos_ijk );
-  hnra = r_kl * sin_ijk * sin_jkl;
-  hnrc = r_ij * sin_ijk * sin_jkl;
-  hnhd = r_ij * r_kl * cos_ijk * sin_jkl;
-  hnhe = r_ij * r_kl * sin_ijk * cos_jkl;
-  poem = 2.0 * r_ij * r_kl * sin_ijk * sin_jkl;
-  if( poem < 1e-20 ) poem = 1e-20;
-  tel  = (SQR(r_ij) + SQR(r_jk) + SQR(r_kl) - SQR(r_li)) - 
-    2.0 * ( r_ij * r_jk * cos_ijk - r_ij * r_kl * cos_ijk * cos_jkl + 
-	    r_jk * r_kl * cos_jkl );
-  arg  = tel / poem;
-  if( arg >  1.0 ) arg =  1.0;
-  if( arg < -1.0 ) arg = -1.0;
-  /*fprintf( out_control->etor, 
-    "%23.15e%23.15e%23.15e%23.15e%23.15e%23.15e%23.15e%23.15e%23.15e\n",
-    htra, htrb, htrc, hthd, hthe, hnra, hnrc, hnhd, hnhe );
-    fprintf( out_control->etor, "%23.15e%23.15e%23.15e\n",
-    dvec_ij[0]/r_ij, dvec_ij[1]/r_ij, dvec_ij[2]/r_ij );
-    fprintf( out_control->etor, "%23.15e%23.15e%23.15e\n",
-    -dvec_jk[0]/r_jk, -dvec_jk[1]/r_jk, -dvec_jk[2]/r_jk );
-    fprintf( out_control->etor, "%23.15e%23.15e%23.15e\n",
-    -dvec_kl[0]/r_kl, -dvec_kl[1]/r_kl, -dvec_kl[2]/r_kl );
-    fprintf( out_control->etor, "%23.15e%23.15e%23.15e%23.15e\n",
-    r_li, dvec_li[0], dvec_li[1], dvec_li[2] );
-    fprintf( out_control->etor, "%23.15e%23.15e%23.15e%23.15e\n",
-    r_ij, r_jk, r_kl, r_li ); 
-    fprintf( out_control->etor, "%23.15e%23.15e%23.15e%23.15e\n", 
-    cos_ijk, cos_jkl, sin_ijk, sin_jkl ); 
-    fprintf( out_control->etor, "%23.15e%23.15e%23.15e\n",
-    poem, tel, arg );*/
-  /* fprintf( out_control->etor, "%23.15e%23.15e%23.15e\n",
-     -p_ijk->dcos_dk[0]/sin_ijk, 
-     -p_ijk->dcos_dk[1]/sin_ijk, 
-     -p_ijk->dcos_dk[2]/sin_ijk );
-     fprintf( out_control->etor, "%23.15e%23.15e%23.15e\n",
-     -p_jkl->dcos_dk[0]/sin_jkl, 
-     -p_jkl->dcos_dk[1]/sin_jkl, 
-     -p_jkl->dcos_dk[2]/sin_jkl );*/
-  if( sin_ijk >= 0 && sin_ijk <= MIN_SINE ) sin_ijk = MIN_SINE;
-  else if( sin_ijk <= 0 && sin_ijk >= -MIN_SINE ) sin_ijk = -MIN_SINE;
-  if( sin_jkl >= 0 && sin_jkl <= MIN_SINE ) sin_jkl = MIN_SINE;
-  else if( sin_jkl <= 0 && sin_jkl >= -MIN_SINE ) sin_jkl = -MIN_SINE;
-  // dcos_omega_di
-  rvec_ScaledSum( dcos_omega_di, (htra-arg*hnra)/r_ij, dvec_ij, -1., dvec_li );
-  rvec_ScaledAdd( dcos_omega_di,-(hthd - arg*hnhd)/sin_ijk, p_ijk->dcos_dk );
-  rvec_Scale( dcos_omega_di, 2.0 / poem, dcos_omega_di );
-  // dcos_omega_dj
-  rvec_ScaledSum( dcos_omega_dj,-(htra-arg*hnra)/r_ij, dvec_ij, 
-		  -htrb / r_jk, dvec_jk );
-  rvec_ScaledAdd( dcos_omega_dj,-(hthd-arg*hnhd) / sin_ijk, p_ijk->dcos_dj );
-  rvec_ScaledAdd( dcos_omega_dj,-(hthe-arg*hnhe) / sin_jkl, p_jkl->dcos_di );
-  rvec_Scale( dcos_omega_dj, 2.0 / poem, dcos_omega_dj );
-  // dcos_omega_dk
-  rvec_ScaledSum( dcos_omega_dk,-(htrc-arg*hnrc) / r_kl, dvec_kl,  
-		  htrb / r_jk, dvec_jk );
-  rvec_ScaledAdd( dcos_omega_dk,-(hthd-arg*hnhd) / sin_ijk, p_ijk->dcos_di );
-  rvec_ScaledAdd( dcos_omega_dk,-(hthe-arg*hnhe) / sin_jkl, p_jkl->dcos_dj );
-  rvec_Scale( dcos_omega_dk, 2.0 / poem, dcos_omega_dk );
-  // dcos_omega_dl
-  rvec_ScaledSum( dcos_omega_dl, (htrc-arg*hnrc) / r_kl, dvec_kl, 1., dvec_li );
-  rvec_ScaledAdd( dcos_omega_dl,-(hthe-arg*hnhe) / sin_jkl, p_jkl->dcos_dk );
-  rvec_Scale( dcos_omega_dl, 2.0 / poem, dcos_omega_dl );
-  return omega;  
-  //return arg;
+    real unnorm_cos_omega, unnorm_sin_omega, omega;
+    real sin_ijk, cos_ijk, sin_jkl, cos_jkl;
+    real htra, htrb, htrc, hthd, hthe, hnra, hnrc, hnhd, hnhe;
+    real arg, poem, tel;
+    rvec cross_jk_kl;
+    sin_ijk = SIN( p_ijk->theta );
+    cos_ijk = COS( p_ijk->theta );
+    sin_jkl = SIN( p_jkl->theta );
+    cos_jkl = COS( p_jkl->theta );
+    /* omega */
+    unnorm_cos_omega = -rvec_Dot( dvec_ij, dvec_jk ) * rvec_Dot( dvec_jk, dvec_kl ) +
+                       SQR( r_jk ) *  rvec_Dot( dvec_ij, dvec_kl );
+    rvec_Cross( cross_jk_kl, dvec_jk, dvec_kl );
+    unnorm_sin_omega = -r_jk * rvec_Dot( dvec_ij, cross_jk_kl );
+    omega = atan2( unnorm_sin_omega, unnorm_cos_omega );
+    /* derivatives */
+    /* coef for adjusments to cos_theta's */
+    /* rla = r_ij, rlb = r_jk, rlc = r_kl, r4 = r_li;
+       coshd = cos_ijk, coshe = cos_jkl;
+       sinhd = sin_ijk, sinhe = sin_jkl; */
+    htra = r_ij + cos_ijk * ( r_kl * cos_jkl - r_jk );
+    htrb = r_jk - r_ij * cos_ijk - r_kl * cos_jkl;
+    htrc = r_kl + cos_jkl * ( r_ij * cos_ijk - r_jk );
+    hthd = r_ij * sin_ijk * ( r_jk - r_kl * cos_jkl );
+    hthe = r_kl * sin_jkl * ( r_jk - r_ij * cos_ijk );
+    hnra = r_kl * sin_ijk * sin_jkl;
+    hnrc = r_ij * sin_ijk * sin_jkl;
+    hnhd = r_ij * r_kl * cos_ijk * sin_jkl;
+    hnhe = r_ij * r_kl * sin_ijk * cos_jkl;
+    poem = 2.0 * r_ij * r_kl * sin_ijk * sin_jkl;
+    if ( poem < 1e-20 ) poem = 1e-20;
+    tel  = (SQR(r_ij) + SQR(r_jk) + SQR(r_kl) - SQR(r_li)) -
+           2.0 * ( r_ij * r_jk * cos_ijk - r_ij * r_kl * cos_ijk * cos_jkl +
+                   r_jk * r_kl * cos_jkl );
+    arg  = tel / poem;
+    if ( arg >  1.0 ) arg =  1.0;
+    if ( arg < -1.0 ) arg = -1.0;
+    /*fprintf( out_control->etor,
+      "%23.15e%23.15e%23.15e%23.15e%23.15e%23.15e%23.15e%23.15e%23.15e\n",
+      htra, htrb, htrc, hthd, hthe, hnra, hnrc, hnhd, hnhe );
+      fprintf( out_control->etor, "%23.15e%23.15e%23.15e\n",
+      dvec_ij[0]/r_ij, dvec_ij[1]/r_ij, dvec_ij[2]/r_ij );
+      fprintf( out_control->etor, "%23.15e%23.15e%23.15e\n",
+      -dvec_jk[0]/r_jk, -dvec_jk[1]/r_jk, -dvec_jk[2]/r_jk );
+      fprintf( out_control->etor, "%23.15e%23.15e%23.15e\n",
+      -dvec_kl[0]/r_kl, -dvec_kl[1]/r_kl, -dvec_kl[2]/r_kl );
+      fprintf( out_control->etor, "%23.15e%23.15e%23.15e%23.15e\n",
+      r_li, dvec_li[0], dvec_li[1], dvec_li[2] );
+      fprintf( out_control->etor, "%23.15e%23.15e%23.15e%23.15e\n",
+      r_ij, r_jk, r_kl, r_li );
+      fprintf( out_control->etor, "%23.15e%23.15e%23.15e%23.15e\n",
+      cos_ijk, cos_jkl, sin_ijk, sin_jkl );
+      fprintf( out_control->etor, "%23.15e%23.15e%23.15e\n",
+      poem, tel, arg );*/
+    /* fprintf( out_control->etor, "%23.15e%23.15e%23.15e\n",
+       -p_ijk->dcos_dk[0]/sin_ijk,
+       -p_ijk->dcos_dk[1]/sin_ijk,
+       -p_ijk->dcos_dk[2]/sin_ijk );
+       fprintf( out_control->etor, "%23.15e%23.15e%23.15e\n",
+       -p_jkl->dcos_dk[0]/sin_jkl,
+       -p_jkl->dcos_dk[1]/sin_jkl,
+       -p_jkl->dcos_dk[2]/sin_jkl );*/
+    if ( sin_ijk >= 0 && sin_ijk <= MIN_SINE ) sin_ijk = MIN_SINE;
+    else if ( sin_ijk <= 0 && sin_ijk >= -MIN_SINE ) sin_ijk = -MIN_SINE;
+    if ( sin_jkl >= 0 && sin_jkl <= MIN_SINE ) sin_jkl = MIN_SINE;
+    else if ( sin_jkl <= 0 && sin_jkl >= -MIN_SINE ) sin_jkl = -MIN_SINE;
+    // dcos_omega_di
+    rvec_ScaledSum( dcos_omega_di, (htra - arg * hnra) / r_ij, dvec_ij, -1., dvec_li );
+    rvec_ScaledAdd( dcos_omega_di, -(hthd - arg * hnhd) / sin_ijk, p_ijk->dcos_dk );
+    rvec_Scale( dcos_omega_di, 2.0 / poem, dcos_omega_di );
+    // dcos_omega_dj
+    rvec_ScaledSum( dcos_omega_dj, -(htra - arg * hnra) / r_ij, dvec_ij,
+                    -htrb / r_jk, dvec_jk );
+    rvec_ScaledAdd( dcos_omega_dj, -(hthd - arg * hnhd) / sin_ijk, p_ijk->dcos_dj );
+    rvec_ScaledAdd( dcos_omega_dj, -(hthe - arg * hnhe) / sin_jkl, p_jkl->dcos_di );
+    rvec_Scale( dcos_omega_dj, 2.0 / poem, dcos_omega_dj );
+    // dcos_omega_dk
+    rvec_ScaledSum( dcos_omega_dk, -(htrc - arg * hnrc) / r_kl, dvec_kl,
+                    htrb / r_jk, dvec_jk );
+    rvec_ScaledAdd( dcos_omega_dk, -(hthd - arg * hnhd) / sin_ijk, p_ijk->dcos_di );
+    rvec_ScaledAdd( dcos_omega_dk, -(hthe - arg * hnhe) / sin_jkl, p_jkl->dcos_dj );
+    rvec_Scale( dcos_omega_dk, 2.0 / poem, dcos_omega_dk );
+    // dcos_omega_dl
+    rvec_ScaledSum( dcos_omega_dl, (htrc - arg * hnrc) / r_kl, dvec_kl, 1., dvec_li );
+    rvec_ScaledAdd( dcos_omega_dl, -(hthe - arg * hnhe) / sin_jkl, p_jkl->dcos_dk );
+    rvec_Scale( dcos_omega_dl, 2.0 / poem, dcos_omega_dl );
+    return omega;
+    //return arg;
-void Four_Body_Interactions( reax_system *system, control_params *control, 
-			     simulation_data *data, static_storage *workspace, 
-			     list **lists, output_controls *out_control )
+void Four_Body_Interactions( reax_system *system, control_params *control,
+                             simulation_data *data, static_storage *workspace,
+                             list **lists, output_controls *out_control )
-  int i, j, k, l, pi, pj, pk, pl, pij, plk;
-  int type_i, type_j, type_k, type_l;
-  int start_j, end_j, start_k, end_k;
-  int start_pj, end_pj, start_pk, end_pk;
-  int num_frb_intrs = 0;
-  real Delta_j, Delta_k;
-  real r_ij, r_jk, r_kl, r_li;
-  real BOA_ij, BOA_jk, BOA_kl;
-  real exp_tor2_ij, exp_tor2_jk, exp_tor2_kl;
-  real exp_tor1, exp_tor3_DjDk, exp_tor4_DjDk, exp_tor34_inv;
-  real exp_cot2_jk, exp_cot2_ij, exp_cot2_kl;
-  real fn10, f11_DjDk, dfn11, fn12;
-  real theta_ijk, theta_jkl;
-  real sin_ijk, sin_jkl;
-  real cos_ijk, cos_jkl;
-  real tan_ijk_i, tan_jkl_i;
-  real omega, cos_omega, cos2omega, cos3omega;
-  rvec dcos_omega_di, dcos_omega_dj, dcos_omega_dk, dcos_omega_dl;
-  real CV, cmn, CEtors1, CEtors2, CEtors3, CEtors4;
-  real CEtors5, CEtors6, CEtors7, CEtors8, CEtors9;
-  real Cconj, CEconj1, CEconj2, CEconj3;
-  real CEconj4, CEconj5, CEconj6;
-  real e_tor, e_con;
-  rvec dvec_li;
-  rvec force, ext_press;
-  ivec rel_box_jl;
-  // rtensor total_rtensor, temp_rtensor;
-  four_body_header *fbh;
-  four_body_parameters *fbp;
-  bond_data *pbond_ij, *pbond_jk, *pbond_kl;
-  bond_order_data *bo_ij, *bo_jk, *bo_kl;
-  three_body_interaction_data *p_ijk, *p_jkl;
-  real p_tor2 = system->reaxprm.gp.l[23];
-  real p_tor3 = system->reaxprm.gp.l[24];
-  real p_tor4 = system->reaxprm.gp.l[25];
-  real p_cot2 = system->reaxprm.gp.l[27];
-  list *bonds = (*lists) + BONDS;
-  list *thb_intrs = (*lists) + THREE_BODIES;
-  for( j = 0; j < system->N; ++j ) {
-    type_j = system->atoms[j].type;
-    Delta_j = workspace->Delta_boc[j];
-    start_j = Start_Index(j, bonds);
-    end_j = End_Index(j, bonds);
-    for( pk = start_j; pk < end_j; ++pk ) {
-      pbond_jk = &( bonds->select.bond_list[pk] );
-      k = pbond_jk->nbr;
-      bo_jk = &( pbond_jk->bo_data );
-      BOA_jk = bo_jk->BO - control->thb_cut;
-      /* see if there are any 3-body interactions involving j&k
-	 where j is the central atom. Otherwise there is no point in
-	 trying to form a 4-body interaction out of this neighborhood */	
-      if( j < k && bo_jk->BO > control->thb_cut/*0*/ && 
-	  Num_Entries(pk, thb_intrs) ) {
-	start_k = Start_Index(k, bonds);
-	end_k = End_Index(k, bonds);	    	       
-	pj = pbond_jk->sym_index; // pj points to j on k's list
-	/* do the same check as above: are there any 3-body interactions 
-	   involving k&j where k is the central atom */
-	if( Num_Entries(pj, thb_intrs) ) {
-	  type_k = system->atoms[k].type;
-	  Delta_k = workspace->Delta_boc[k];
-	  r_jk = pbond_jk->d;
-	  start_pk = Start_Index(pk, thb_intrs );
-	  end_pk = End_Index(pk, thb_intrs );
-	  start_pj = Start_Index(pj, thb_intrs );
-	  end_pj = End_Index(pj, thb_intrs );		
-	  exp_tor2_jk = EXP( -p_tor2 * BOA_jk );
-	  exp_cot2_jk = EXP( -p_cot2 * SQR(BOA_jk - 1.5) );
-	  exp_tor3_DjDk = EXP( -p_tor3 * (Delta_j + Delta_k) );
-	  exp_tor4_DjDk = EXP( p_tor4  * (Delta_j + Delta_k) );
-	  exp_tor34_inv = 1.0 / (1.0 + exp_tor3_DjDk + exp_tor4_DjDk);
-	  f11_DjDk = (2.0 + exp_tor3_DjDk) * exp_tor34_inv;
-	  /* pick i up from j-k interaction where j is the centre atom */
-	  for( pi = start_pk; pi < end_pk; ++pi ) {
-	    p_ijk = &( thb_intrs->select.three_body_list[pi] );
-	    pij = p_ijk->pthb; // pij is pointer to i on j's bond_list
-	    pbond_ij = &( bonds->select.bond_list[pij] );
-	    bo_ij = &( pbond_ij->bo_data );
-	    if( bo_ij->BO > control->thb_cut/*0*/ ) {
-	      i = p_ijk->thb;
-	      type_i = system->atoms[i].type;
-	      r_ij = pbond_ij->d;
-	      BOA_ij = bo_ij->BO - control->thb_cut;
-	      theta_ijk = p_ijk->theta;
-	      sin_ijk = SIN( theta_ijk );
-	      cos_ijk = COS( theta_ijk );
-	      //tan_ijk_i = 1. / TAN( theta_ijk );
-	      if( sin_ijk >= 0 && sin_ijk <= MIN_SINE ) 
-		tan_ijk_i = cos_ijk / MIN_SINE;
-	      else if( sin_ijk <= 0 && sin_ijk >= -MIN_SINE ) 
-		tan_ijk_i = cos_ijk / -MIN_SINE;
-	      else tan_ijk_i = cos_ijk / sin_ijk;
-	      exp_tor2_ij = EXP( -p_tor2 * BOA_ij );
-	      exp_cot2_ij = EXP( -p_cot2 * SQR(BOA_ij -1.5) );
-	      /* pick l up from j-k intr. where k is the centre */
-	      for( pl = start_pj; pl < end_pj; ++pl ) {
-		p_jkl = &( thb_intrs->select.three_body_list[pl] );
-		l = p_jkl->thb;
-		plk = p_jkl->pthb; //pointer to l on k's bond_list!
-		pbond_kl = &( bonds->select.bond_list[plk] );
-		bo_kl = &( pbond_kl->bo_data );
-		type_l = system->atoms[l].type;
-		fbh = &(system->reaxprm.fbp[type_i][type_j][type_k][type_l]);
-		fbp = &(system->reaxprm.fbp[type_i][type_j]
-			                   [type_k][type_l].prm[0]);
-		if( i != l && fbh->cnt && bo_kl->BO > control->thb_cut/*0*/ &&
-		    bo_ij->BO * bo_jk->BO * bo_kl->BO > control->thb_cut/*0*/ ){
-		  ++num_frb_intrs;
-		  r_kl = pbond_kl->d;
-		  BOA_kl = bo_kl->BO - control->thb_cut;
-		  theta_jkl = p_jkl->theta;
-		  sin_jkl = SIN( theta_jkl );
-		  cos_jkl = COS( theta_jkl );
-		  //tan_jkl_i = 1. / TAN( theta_jkl );
-		  if( sin_jkl >= 0 && sin_jkl <= MIN_SINE ) 
-		    tan_jkl_i = cos_jkl / MIN_SINE;
-		  else if( sin_jkl <= 0 && sin_jkl >= -MIN_SINE ) 
-		    tan_jkl_i = cos_jkl / -MIN_SINE;
-		  else tan_jkl_i = cos_jkl /sin_jkl;
-		  Sq_Distance_on_T3( system->atoms[l].x, system->atoms[i].x, 
-				     &(system->box), dvec_li );
-		  r_li = rvec_Norm( dvec_li );
-		  /* omega and its derivative */
-		  //cos_omega=Calculate_Omega(pbond_ij->dvec,r_ij,pbond_jk->dvec, 
-		  omega = Calculate_Omega(pbond_ij->dvec, r_ij, pbond_jk->dvec, 
-					  r_jk, pbond_kl->dvec, r_kl,
-					  dvec_li, r_li, p_ijk, p_jkl,
-					  dcos_omega_di, dcos_omega_dj,
-					  dcos_omega_dk, dcos_omega_dl,
-					  out_control);
-		  cos_omega = COS( omega );
-		  cos2omega = COS( 2. * omega );
-		  cos3omega = COS( 3. * omega );
-		  /* end omega calculations */
-		  /* torsion energy */
-		  exp_tor1 = EXP(fbp->p_tor1 * SQR(2.-bo_jk->BO_pi-f11_DjDk));
-		  exp_tor2_kl = EXP( -p_tor2 * BOA_kl );
-		  exp_cot2_kl = EXP( -p_cot2 * SQR(BOA_kl-1.5) );
-		  fn10 = (1.0 - exp_tor2_ij) * (1.0 - exp_tor2_jk) * 
-		    (1.0 - exp_tor2_kl);
-		  CV = 0.5 * ( fbp->V1 * (1.0 + cos_omega) + 
-		         fbp->V2 * exp_tor1 * (1.0 - cos2omega) +
-		         fbp->V3 * (1.0 + cos3omega) );
-		  //CV = 0.5 * fbp->V1 * (1.0 + cos_omega) + 
-		  //  fbp->V2 * exp_tor1 * (1.0 - SQR(cos_omega)) +
-		  //  fbp->V3 * (0.5 + 2.0*CUBE(cos_omega) - 1.5 * cos_omega);
-		  data->E_Tor += e_tor = fn10 * sin_ijk * sin_jkl * CV;
-		  dfn11 = (-p_tor3 * exp_tor3_DjDk +
-			   (p_tor3 * exp_tor3_DjDk - p_tor4 * exp_tor4_DjDk) *
-			   (2.+exp_tor3_DjDk) * exp_tor34_inv) * exp_tor34_inv;
-		  CEtors1 = sin_ijk * sin_jkl * CV;
-		  CEtors2 = -fn10 * 2.0 * fbp->p_tor1 * fbp->V2 * exp_tor1 * 
-		    (2.0 - bo_jk->BO_pi - f11_DjDk) * (1.0 - SQR(cos_omega)) * 
-		    sin_ijk * sin_jkl; 
-		  CEtors3 = CEtors2 * dfn11;
-		  CEtors4 = CEtors1 * p_tor2 * exp_tor2_ij * 
-		    (1.0 - exp_tor2_jk) * (1.0 - exp_tor2_kl);
-		  CEtors5 = CEtors1 * p_tor2 * exp_tor2_jk * 
-		    (1.0 - exp_tor2_ij) * (1.0 - exp_tor2_kl);
-		  CEtors6 = CEtors1 * p_tor2 * exp_tor2_kl *
-		    (1.0 - exp_tor2_ij) * (1.0 - exp_tor2_jk);
-		  cmn = -fn10 * CV;
-		  CEtors7 = cmn * sin_jkl * tan_ijk_i;
-		  CEtors8 = cmn * sin_ijk * tan_jkl_i;
-		  CEtors9 = fn10 * sin_ijk * sin_jkl * 
-		   (0.5 * fbp->V1 - 2.0 * fbp->V2 * exp_tor1 * cos_omega +
-		    1.5 * fbp->V3 * (cos2omega + 2. * SQR(cos_omega)));
-		  //cmn = -fn10 * CV;
-		  //CEtors7 = cmn * sin_jkl * cos_ijk;
-		  //CEtors8 = cmn * sin_ijk * cos_jkl;
-		  //CEtors9 = fn10 * sin_ijk * sin_jkl * 
-		  //  (0.5 * fbp->V1 - 2.0 * fbp->V2 * exp_tor1 * cos_omega +
-		  //   fbp->V3 * (6*SQR(cos_omega) - 1.50));
-		  /* end  of torsion energy */
-		  /* 4-body conjugation energy */
-		  fn12 = exp_cot2_ij * exp_cot2_jk * exp_cot2_kl;
-		  data->E_Con += e_con = fbp->p_cot1 * fn12 * 
-		    (1. + (SQR(cos_omega)-1.) * sin_ijk*sin_jkl);
-		  Cconj = -2.0 * fn12 * fbp->p_cot1 * p_cot2 * 
-		    (1. + (SQR(cos_omega)-1.) * sin_ijk*sin_jkl);
-		  CEconj1 = Cconj * (BOA_ij - 1.5e0);
-		  CEconj2 = Cconj * (BOA_jk - 1.5e0);
-		  CEconj3 = Cconj * (BOA_kl - 1.5e0);
-		  CEconj4 = -fbp->p_cot1 * fn12 * 
-		    (SQR(cos_omega) - 1.0) * sin_jkl * tan_ijk_i;
-		  CEconj5 = -fbp->p_cot1 * fn12 * 
-		    (SQR(cos_omega) - 1.0) * sin_ijk * tan_jkl_i;
-		  //CEconj4 = -fbp->p_cot1 * fn12 * 
-		  //  (SQR(cos_omega) - 1.0) * sin_jkl * cos_ijk;
-		  //CEconj5 = -fbp->p_cot1 * fn12 * 
-		  //  (SQR(cos_omega) - 1.0) * sin_ijk * cos_jkl;
-		  CEconj6 = 2.0 * fbp->p_cot1 * fn12 * 
-		    cos_omega * sin_ijk * sin_jkl;
-		  /* end 4-body conjugation energy */
-		  //fprintf(stdout, "%6d %6d %6d %6d %7.3f %7.3f %7.3f %7.3f ",
-		  //   workspace->orig_id[i], workspace->orig_id[j],
-		  //       workspace->orig_id[k], workspace->orig_id[l], 
-		  //    omega, cos_omega, cos2omega, cos3omega );
-		  //fprintf(stdout, 
-		  //    "%12.8f%12.8f%12.8f%12.8f%12.8f%12.8f%12.8f%12.8f\n",
-		  //    CEtors2, CEtors3, CEtors4, CEtors5, 
-		  //    CEtors6, CEtors7, CEtors8, CEtors9 );
-		  //fprintf(stdout, "%12.8f%12.8f%12.8f%12.8f%12.8f%12.8f\n",
-		  //    theta_ijk, theta_jkl, sin_ijk, 
-		  //    sin_jkl, cos_jkl, tan_jkl_i );
-		  /* forces */
-		  bo_jk->Cdbopi += CEtors2;
-		  workspace->CdDelta[j] += CEtors3;
-		  workspace->CdDelta[k] += CEtors3;
-		  bo_ij->Cdbo += (CEtors4 + CEconj1);
-		  bo_jk->Cdbo += (CEtors5 + CEconj2);
-		  bo_kl->Cdbo += (CEtors6 + CEconj3);
-		  if( control->ensemble == NVE || control->ensemble == NVT || control->ensemble == bNVT ) {
-		    /* dcos_theta_ijk */
-		    rvec_ScaledAdd( system->atoms[i].f, 
-		    	    CEtors7 + CEconj4, p_ijk->dcos_dk );
-		    rvec_ScaledAdd( system->atoms[j].f, 
-		    	    CEtors7 + CEconj4, p_ijk->dcos_dj );
-		    rvec_ScaledAdd( system->atoms[k].f, 
-		    	    CEtors7 + CEconj4, p_ijk->dcos_di );
-		    /* dcos_theta_jkl */
-		    rvec_ScaledAdd( system->atoms[j].f, 
-		    	    CEtors8 + CEconj5, p_jkl->dcos_di );
-		    rvec_ScaledAdd( system->atoms[k].f, 
-		    	    CEtors8 + CEconj5, p_jkl->dcos_dj );
-		    rvec_ScaledAdd( system->atoms[l].f, 
-		    	    CEtors8 + CEconj5, p_jkl->dcos_dk );
-		    /* dcos_omega */
-		    rvec_ScaledAdd( system->atoms[i].f, 
-		    	    CEtors9 + CEconj6, dcos_omega_di );
-		    rvec_ScaledAdd( system->atoms[j].f, 
-		    	    CEtors9 + CEconj6, dcos_omega_dj );
-		    rvec_ScaledAdd( system->atoms[k].f, 
-		    	    CEtors9 + CEconj6, dcos_omega_dk );
-		    rvec_ScaledAdd( system->atoms[l].f, 
-		    	    CEtors9 + CEconj6, dcos_omega_dl );
-		  }
-		  else {
-		    ivec_Sum(rel_box_jl, pbond_jk->rel_box, pbond_kl->rel_box);
-		    /* dcos_theta_ijk */
-		    rvec_Scale( force, CEtors7 + CEconj4, p_ijk->dcos_dk );
-		    rvec_Add( system->atoms[i].f, force );
-		    rvec_iMultiply( ext_press, pbond_ij->rel_box, force );
-		    rvec_Add( data->ext_press, ext_press );
-		    rvec_ScaledAdd( system->atoms[j].f, 
-				    CEtors7 + CEconj4, p_ijk->dcos_dj );
-		    rvec_Scale( force, CEtors7 + CEconj4, p_ijk->dcos_di );
-		    rvec_Add( system->atoms[k].f, force );
-		    rvec_iMultiply( ext_press, pbond_jk->rel_box, force );
-		    rvec_Add( data->ext_press, ext_press );
-		    /* dcos_theta_jkl */
-		    rvec_ScaledAdd( system->atoms[j].f, 
-				    CEtors8 + CEconj5, p_jkl->dcos_di );
-		    rvec_Scale( force, CEtors8 + CEconj5, p_jkl->dcos_dj );
-		    rvec_Add( system->atoms[k].f, force );
-		    rvec_iMultiply( ext_press, pbond_jk->rel_box, force );
-		    rvec_Add( data->ext_press, ext_press );
-		    rvec_Scale( force, CEtors8 + CEconj5, p_jkl->dcos_dk );
-		    rvec_Add( system->atoms[l].f, force );
-		    rvec_iMultiply( ext_press, rel_box_jl, force );
-		    rvec_Add( data->ext_press, ext_press );
-		    /* dcos_omega */				      
-		    rvec_Scale( force, CEtors9 + CEconj6, dcos_omega_di );
-		    rvec_Add( system->atoms[i].f, force );
-		    rvec_iMultiply( ext_press, pbond_ij->rel_box, force );
-		    rvec_Add( data->ext_press, ext_press );
-		    rvec_ScaledAdd( system->atoms[j].f, 
-				    CEtors9 + CEconj6, dcos_omega_dj );
-		    rvec_Scale( force, CEtors9 + CEconj6, dcos_omega_dk );
-		    rvec_Add( system->atoms[k].f, force );
-		    rvec_iMultiply( ext_press, pbond_jk->rel_box, force );
-		    rvec_Add( data->ext_press, ext_press );
-		    rvec_Scale( force, CEtors9 + CEconj6, dcos_omega_dl );
-		    rvec_Add( system->atoms[l].f, force );
-		    rvec_iMultiply( ext_press, rel_box_jl, force );
-		    rvec_Add( data->ext_press, ext_press );
-		    /* This part is intended for a fully-flexible box */
-		    /* rvec_ScaledSum( temp_rvec, 
-		       CEtors7 + CEconj4, p_ijk->dcos_dk,      // i     
-		       CEtors9 + CEconj6, dcos_omega_di );
-		       rvec_OuterProduct( temp_rtensor, 
-		       temp_rvec, system->atoms[i].x );
-		       rtensor_Copy( total_rtensor, temp_rtensor );
-		       rvec_ScaledSum( temp_rvec, 
-		       CEtors7 + CEconj4, p_ijk->dcos_dj,      // j
-		       CEtors8 + CEconj5, p_jkl->dcos_di );
-		       rvec_ScaledAdd( temp_rvec, 
-		       CEtors9 + CEconj6, dcos_omega_dj );
-		       rvec_OuterProduct( temp_rtensor, 
-		       temp_rvec, system->atoms[j].x );
-		       rtensor_Add( total_rtensor, temp_rtensor );
-		       rvec_ScaledSum( temp_rvec, 
-		       CEtors7 + CEconj4, p_ijk->dcos_di,      // k
-		       CEtors8 + CEconj5, p_jkl->dcos_dj );
-		       rvec_ScaledAdd( temp_rvec, 
-		       CEtors9 + CEconj6, dcos_omega_dk );
-		       rvec_OuterProduct( temp_rtensor, 
-		       temp_rvec, system->atoms[k].x );
-		       rtensor_Add( total_rtensor, temp_rtensor );
-		       rvec_ScaledSum( temp_rvec, 
-		       CEtors8 + CEconj5, p_jkl->dcos_dk,      // l
-		       CEtors9 + CEconj6, dcos_omega_dl );
-		       rvec_OuterProduct( temp_rtensor, 
-		       temp_rvec, system->atoms[l].x );
-		       rtensor_Copy( total_rtensor, temp_rtensor );
-		       if( pbond_ij->imaginary || pbond_jk->imaginary || 
-		       pbond_kl->imaginary )
-		       rtensor_ScaledAdd( data->flex_bar.P, -1., total_rtensor );
-		       else
-		       rtensor_Add( data->flex_bar.P, total_rtensor ); */
-		  }
+    int i, j, k, l, pi, pj, pk, pl, pij, plk;
+    int type_i, type_j, type_k, type_l;
+    int start_j, end_j, start_k, end_k;
+    int start_pj, end_pj, start_pk, end_pk;
+    int num_frb_intrs = 0;
+    real Delta_j, Delta_k;
+    real r_ij, r_jk, r_kl, r_li;
+    real BOA_ij, BOA_jk, BOA_kl;
+    real exp_tor2_ij, exp_tor2_jk, exp_tor2_kl;
+    real exp_tor1, exp_tor3_DjDk, exp_tor4_DjDk, exp_tor34_inv;
+    real exp_cot2_jk, exp_cot2_ij, exp_cot2_kl;
+    real fn10, f11_DjDk, dfn11, fn12;
+    real theta_ijk, theta_jkl;
+    real sin_ijk, sin_jkl;
+    real cos_ijk, cos_jkl;
+    real tan_ijk_i, tan_jkl_i;
+    real omega, cos_omega, cos2omega, cos3omega;
+    rvec dcos_omega_di, dcos_omega_dj, dcos_omega_dk, dcos_omega_dl;
+    real CV, cmn, CEtors1, CEtors2, CEtors3, CEtors4;
+    real CEtors5, CEtors6, CEtors7, CEtors8, CEtors9;
+    real Cconj, CEconj1, CEconj2, CEconj3;
+    real CEconj4, CEconj5, CEconj6;
+    real e_tor, e_con;
+    rvec dvec_li;
+    rvec force, ext_press;
+    ivec rel_box_jl;
+    // rtensor total_rtensor, temp_rtensor;
+    four_body_header *fbh;
+    four_body_parameters *fbp;
+    bond_data *pbond_ij, *pbond_jk, *pbond_kl;
+    bond_order_data *bo_ij, *bo_jk, *bo_kl;
+    three_body_interaction_data *p_ijk, *p_jkl;
+    real p_tor2 = system->reaxprm.gp.l[23];
+    real p_tor3 = system->reaxprm.gp.l[24];
+    real p_tor4 = system->reaxprm.gp.l[25];
+    real p_cot2 = system->reaxprm.gp.l[27];
+    list *bonds = (*lists) + BONDS;
+    list *thb_intrs = (*lists) + THREE_BODIES;
+    for ( j = 0; j < system->N; ++j )
+    {
+        type_j = system->atoms[j].type;
+        Delta_j = workspace->Delta_boc[j];
+        start_j = Start_Index(j, bonds);
+        end_j = End_Index(j, bonds);
+        for ( pk = start_j; pk < end_j; ++pk )
+        {
+            pbond_jk = &( bonds->select.bond_list[pk] );
+            k = pbond_jk->nbr;
+            bo_jk = &( pbond_jk->bo_data );
+            BOA_jk = bo_jk->BO - control->thb_cut;
+            /* see if there are any 3-body interactions involving j&k
+            where j is the central atom. Otherwise there is no point in
+             trying to form a 4-body interaction out of this neighborhood */
+            if ( j < k && bo_jk->BO > control->thb_cut/*0*/ &&
+                    Num_Entries(pk, thb_intrs) )
+            {
+                start_k = Start_Index(k, bonds);
+                end_k = End_Index(k, bonds);
+                pj = pbond_jk->sym_index; // pj points to j on k's list
+                /* do the same check as above: are there any 3-body interactions
+                   involving k&j where k is the central atom */
+                if ( Num_Entries(pj, thb_intrs) )
+                {
+                    type_k = system->atoms[k].type;
+                    Delta_k = workspace->Delta_boc[k];
+                    r_jk = pbond_jk->d;
+                    start_pk = Start_Index(pk, thb_intrs );
+                    end_pk = End_Index(pk, thb_intrs );
+                    start_pj = Start_Index(pj, thb_intrs );
+                    end_pj = End_Index(pj, thb_intrs );
+                    exp_tor2_jk = EXP( -p_tor2 * BOA_jk );
+                    exp_cot2_jk = EXP( -p_cot2 * SQR(BOA_jk - 1.5) );
+                    exp_tor3_DjDk = EXP( -p_tor3 * (Delta_j + Delta_k) );
+                    exp_tor4_DjDk = EXP( p_tor4  * (Delta_j + Delta_k) );
+                    exp_tor34_inv = 1.0 / (1.0 + exp_tor3_DjDk + exp_tor4_DjDk);
+                    f11_DjDk = (2.0 + exp_tor3_DjDk) * exp_tor34_inv;
+                    /* pick i up from j-k interaction where j is the centre atom */
+                    for ( pi = start_pk; pi < end_pk; ++pi )
+                    {
+                        p_ijk = &( thb_intrs->select.three_body_list[pi] );
+                        pij = p_ijk->pthb; // pij is pointer to i on j's bond_list
+                        pbond_ij = &( bonds->select.bond_list[pij] );
+                        bo_ij = &( pbond_ij->bo_data );
+                        if ( bo_ij->BO > control->thb_cut/*0*/ )
+                        {
+                            i = p_ijk->thb;
+                            type_i = system->atoms[i].type;
+                            r_ij = pbond_ij->d;
+                            BOA_ij = bo_ij->BO - control->thb_cut;
+                            theta_ijk = p_ijk->theta;
+                            sin_ijk = SIN( theta_ijk );
+                            cos_ijk = COS( theta_ijk );
+                            //tan_ijk_i = 1. / TAN( theta_ijk );
+                            if ( sin_ijk >= 0 && sin_ijk <= MIN_SINE )
+                                tan_ijk_i = cos_ijk / MIN_SINE;
+                            else if ( sin_ijk <= 0 && sin_ijk >= -MIN_SINE )
+                                tan_ijk_i = cos_ijk / -MIN_SINE;
+                            else tan_ijk_i = cos_ijk / sin_ijk;
+                            exp_tor2_ij = EXP( -p_tor2 * BOA_ij );
+                            exp_cot2_ij = EXP( -p_cot2 * SQR(BOA_ij - 1.5) );
+                            /* pick l up from j-k intr. where k is the centre */
+                            for ( pl = start_pj; pl < end_pj; ++pl )
+                            {
+                                p_jkl = &( thb_intrs->select.three_body_list[pl] );
+                                l = p_jkl->thb;
+                                plk = p_jkl->pthb; //pointer to l on k's bond_list!
+                                pbond_kl = &( bonds->select.bond_list[plk] );
+                                bo_kl = &( pbond_kl->bo_data );
+                                type_l = system->atoms[l].type;
+                                fbh = &(system->reaxprm.fbp[type_i][type_j][type_k][type_l]);
+                                fbp = &(system->reaxprm.fbp[type_i][type_j]
+                                        [type_k][type_l].prm[0]);
+                                if ( i != l && fbh->cnt && bo_kl->BO > control->thb_cut/*0*/ &&
+                                        bo_ij->BO * bo_jk->BO * bo_kl->BO > control->thb_cut/*0*/ )
+                                {
+                                    ++num_frb_intrs;
+                                    r_kl = pbond_kl->d;
+                                    BOA_kl = bo_kl->BO - control->thb_cut;
+                                    theta_jkl = p_jkl->theta;
+                                    sin_jkl = SIN( theta_jkl );
+                                    cos_jkl = COS( theta_jkl );
+                                    //tan_jkl_i = 1. / TAN( theta_jkl );
+                                    if ( sin_jkl >= 0 && sin_jkl <= MIN_SINE )
+                                        tan_jkl_i = cos_jkl / MIN_SINE;
+                                    else if ( sin_jkl <= 0 && sin_jkl >= -MIN_SINE )
+                                        tan_jkl_i = cos_jkl / -MIN_SINE;
+                                    else tan_jkl_i = cos_jkl / sin_jkl;
+                                    Sq_Distance_on_T3( system->atoms[l].x, system->atoms[i].x,
+                                                       &(system->box), dvec_li );
+                                    r_li = rvec_Norm( dvec_li );
+                                    /* omega and its derivative */
+                                    //cos_omega=Calculate_Omega(pbond_ij->dvec,r_ij,pbond_jk->dvec,
+                                    omega = Calculate_Omega(pbond_ij->dvec, r_ij, pbond_jk->dvec,
+                                                            r_jk, pbond_kl->dvec, r_kl,
+                                                            dvec_li, r_li, p_ijk, p_jkl,
+                                                            dcos_omega_di, dcos_omega_dj,
+                                                            dcos_omega_dk, dcos_omega_dl,
+                                                            out_control);
+                                    cos_omega = COS( omega );
+                                    cos2omega = COS( 2. * omega );
+                                    cos3omega = COS( 3. * omega );
+                                    /* end omega calculations */
+                                    /* torsion energy */
+                                    exp_tor1 = EXP(fbp->p_tor1 * SQR(2. - bo_jk->BO_pi - f11_DjDk));
+                                    exp_tor2_kl = EXP( -p_tor2 * BOA_kl );
+                                    exp_cot2_kl = EXP( -p_cot2 * SQR(BOA_kl - 1.5) );
+                                    fn10 = (1.0 - exp_tor2_ij) * (1.0 - exp_tor2_jk) *
+                                           (1.0 - exp_tor2_kl);
+                                    CV = 0.5 * ( fbp->V1 * (1.0 + cos_omega) +
+                                                 fbp->V2 * exp_tor1 * (1.0 - cos2omega) +
+                                                 fbp->V3 * (1.0 + cos3omega) );
+                                    //CV = 0.5 * fbp->V1 * (1.0 + cos_omega) +
+                                    //  fbp->V2 * exp_tor1 * (1.0 - SQR(cos_omega)) +
+                                    //  fbp->V3 * (0.5 + 2.0*CUBE(cos_omega) - 1.5 * cos_omega);
+                                    data->E_Tor += e_tor = fn10 * sin_ijk * sin_jkl * CV;
+                                    dfn11 = (-p_tor3 * exp_tor3_DjDk +
+                                             (p_tor3 * exp_tor3_DjDk - p_tor4 * exp_tor4_DjDk) *
+                                             (2. + exp_tor3_DjDk) * exp_tor34_inv) * exp_tor34_inv;
+                                    CEtors1 = sin_ijk * sin_jkl * CV;
+                                    CEtors2 = -fn10 * 2.0 * fbp->p_tor1 * fbp->V2 * exp_tor1 *
+                                              (2.0 - bo_jk->BO_pi - f11_DjDk) * (1.0 - SQR(cos_omega)) *
+                                              sin_ijk * sin_jkl;
+                                    CEtors3 = CEtors2 * dfn11;
+                                    CEtors4 = CEtors1 * p_tor2 * exp_tor2_ij *
+                                              (1.0 - exp_tor2_jk) * (1.0 - exp_tor2_kl);
+                                    CEtors5 = CEtors1 * p_tor2 * exp_tor2_jk *
+                                              (1.0 - exp_tor2_ij) * (1.0 - exp_tor2_kl);
+                                    CEtors6 = CEtors1 * p_tor2 * exp_tor2_kl *
+                                              (1.0 - exp_tor2_ij) * (1.0 - exp_tor2_jk);
+                                    cmn = -fn10 * CV;
+                                    CEtors7 = cmn * sin_jkl * tan_ijk_i;
+                                    CEtors8 = cmn * sin_ijk * tan_jkl_i;
+                                    CEtors9 = fn10 * sin_ijk * sin_jkl *
+                                              (0.5 * fbp->V1 - 2.0 * fbp->V2 * exp_tor1 * cos_omega +
+                                               1.5 * fbp->V3 * (cos2omega + 2. * SQR(cos_omega)));
+                                    //cmn = -fn10 * CV;
+                                    //CEtors7 = cmn * sin_jkl * cos_ijk;
+                                    //CEtors8 = cmn * sin_ijk * cos_jkl;
+                                    //CEtors9 = fn10 * sin_ijk * sin_jkl *
+                                    //  (0.5 * fbp->V1 - 2.0 * fbp->V2 * exp_tor1 * cos_omega +
+                                    //   fbp->V3 * (6*SQR(cos_omega) - 1.50));
+                                    /* end  of torsion energy */
+                                    /* 4-body conjugation energy */
+                                    fn12 = exp_cot2_ij * exp_cot2_jk * exp_cot2_kl;
+                                    data->E_Con += e_con = fbp->p_cot1 * fn12 *
+                                                           (1. + (SQR(cos_omega) - 1.) * sin_ijk * sin_jkl);
+                                    Cconj = -2.0 * fn12 * fbp->p_cot1 * p_cot2 *
+                                            (1. + (SQR(cos_omega) - 1.) * sin_ijk * sin_jkl);
+                                    CEconj1 = Cconj * (BOA_ij - 1.5e0);
+                                    CEconj2 = Cconj * (BOA_jk - 1.5e0);
+                                    CEconj3 = Cconj * (BOA_kl - 1.5e0);
+                                    CEconj4 = -fbp->p_cot1 * fn12 *
+                                              (SQR(cos_omega) - 1.0) * sin_jkl * tan_ijk_i;
+                                    CEconj5 = -fbp->p_cot1 * fn12 *
+                                              (SQR(cos_omega) - 1.0) * sin_ijk * tan_jkl_i;
+                                    //CEconj4 = -fbp->p_cot1 * fn12 *
+                                    //  (SQR(cos_omega) - 1.0) * sin_jkl * cos_ijk;
+                                    //CEconj5 = -fbp->p_cot1 * fn12 *
+                                    //  (SQR(cos_omega) - 1.0) * sin_ijk * cos_jkl;
+                                    CEconj6 = 2.0 * fbp->p_cot1 * fn12 *
+                                              cos_omega * sin_ijk * sin_jkl;
+                                    /* end 4-body conjugation energy */
+                                    //fprintf(stdout, "%6d %6d %6d %6d %7.3f %7.3f %7.3f %7.3f ",
+                                    //   workspace->orig_id[i], workspace->orig_id[j],
+                                    //       workspace->orig_id[k], workspace->orig_id[l],
+                                    //    omega, cos_omega, cos2omega, cos3omega );
+                                    //fprintf(stdout,
+                                    //    "%12.8f%12.8f%12.8f%12.8f%12.8f%12.8f%12.8f%12.8f\n",
+                                    //    CEtors2, CEtors3, CEtors4, CEtors5,
+                                    //    CEtors6, CEtors7, CEtors8, CEtors9 );
+                                    //fprintf(stdout, "%12.8f%12.8f%12.8f%12.8f%12.8f%12.8f\n",
+                                    //    theta_ijk, theta_jkl, sin_ijk,
+                                    //    sin_jkl, cos_jkl, tan_jkl_i );
+                                    /* forces */
+                                    bo_jk->Cdbopi += CEtors2;
+                                    workspace->CdDelta[j] += CEtors3;
+                                    workspace->CdDelta[k] += CEtors3;
+                                    bo_ij->Cdbo += (CEtors4 + CEconj1);
+                                    bo_jk->Cdbo += (CEtors5 + CEconj2);
+                                    bo_kl->Cdbo += (CEtors6 + CEconj3);
+                                    if ( control->ensemble == NVE || control->ensemble == NVT || control->ensemble == bNVT )
+                                    {
+                                        /* dcos_theta_ijk */
+                                        rvec_ScaledAdd( system->atoms[i].f,
+                                                        CEtors7 + CEconj4, p_ijk->dcos_dk );
+                                        rvec_ScaledAdd( system->atoms[j].f,
+                                                        CEtors7 + CEconj4, p_ijk->dcos_dj );
+                                        rvec_ScaledAdd( system->atoms[k].f,
+                                                        CEtors7 + CEconj4, p_ijk->dcos_di );
+                                        /* dcos_theta_jkl */
+                                        rvec_ScaledAdd( system->atoms[j].f,
+                                                        CEtors8 + CEconj5, p_jkl->dcos_di );
+                                        rvec_ScaledAdd( system->atoms[k].f,
+                                                        CEtors8 + CEconj5, p_jkl->dcos_dj );
+                                        rvec_ScaledAdd( system->atoms[l].f,
+                                                        CEtors8 + CEconj5, p_jkl->dcos_dk );
+                                        /* dcos_omega */
+                                        rvec_ScaledAdd( system->atoms[i].f,
+                                                        CEtors9 + CEconj6, dcos_omega_di );
+                                        rvec_ScaledAdd( system->atoms[j].f,
+                                                        CEtors9 + CEconj6, dcos_omega_dj );
+                                        rvec_ScaledAdd( system->atoms[k].f,
+                                                        CEtors9 + CEconj6, dcos_omega_dk );
+                                        rvec_ScaledAdd( system->atoms[l].f,
+                                                        CEtors9 + CEconj6, dcos_omega_dl );
+                                    }
+                                    else
+                                    {
+                                        ivec_Sum(rel_box_jl, pbond_jk->rel_box, pbond_kl->rel_box);
+                                        /* dcos_theta_ijk */
+                                        rvec_Scale( force, CEtors7 + CEconj4, p_ijk->dcos_dk );
+                                        rvec_Add( system->atoms[i].f, force );
+                                        rvec_iMultiply( ext_press, pbond_ij->rel_box, force );
+                                        rvec_Add( data->ext_press, ext_press );
+                                        rvec_ScaledAdd( system->atoms[j].f,
+                                                        CEtors7 + CEconj4, p_ijk->dcos_dj );
+                                        rvec_Scale( force, CEtors7 + CEconj4, p_ijk->dcos_di );
+                                        rvec_Add( system->atoms[k].f, force );
+                                        rvec_iMultiply( ext_press, pbond_jk->rel_box, force );
+                                        rvec_Add( data->ext_press, ext_press );
+                                        /* dcos_theta_jkl */
+                                        rvec_ScaledAdd( system->atoms[j].f,
+                                                        CEtors8 + CEconj5, p_jkl->dcos_di );
+                                        rvec_Scale( force, CEtors8 + CEconj5, p_jkl->dcos_dj );
+                                        rvec_Add( system->atoms[k].f, force );
+                                        rvec_iMultiply( ext_press, pbond_jk->rel_box, force );
+                                        rvec_Add( data->ext_press, ext_press );
+                                        rvec_Scale( force, CEtors8 + CEconj5, p_jkl->dcos_dk );
+                                        rvec_Add( system->atoms[l].f, force );
+                                        rvec_iMultiply( ext_press, rel_box_jl, force );
+                                        rvec_Add( data->ext_press, ext_press );
+                                        /* dcos_omega */
+                                        rvec_Scale( force, CEtors9 + CEconj6, dcos_omega_di );
+                                        rvec_Add( system->atoms[i].f, force );
+                                        rvec_iMultiply( ext_press, pbond_ij->rel_box, force );
+                                        rvec_Add( data->ext_press, ext_press );
+                                        rvec_ScaledAdd( system->atoms[j].f,
+                                                        CEtors9 + CEconj6, dcos_omega_dj );
+                                        rvec_Scale( force, CEtors9 + CEconj6, dcos_omega_dk );
+                                        rvec_Add( system->atoms[k].f, force );
+                                        rvec_iMultiply( ext_press, pbond_jk->rel_box, force );
+                                        rvec_Add( data->ext_press, ext_press );
+                                        rvec_Scale( force, CEtors9 + CEconj6, dcos_omega_dl );
+                                        rvec_Add( system->atoms[l].f, force );
+                                        rvec_iMultiply( ext_press, rel_box_jl, force );
+                                        rvec_Add( data->ext_press, ext_press );
+                                        /* This part is intended for a fully-flexible box */
+                                        /* rvec_ScaledSum( temp_rvec,
+                                           CEtors7 + CEconj4, p_ijk->dcos_dk,      // i
+                                           CEtors9 + CEconj6, dcos_omega_di );
+                                           rvec_OuterProduct( temp_rtensor,
+                                           temp_rvec, system->atoms[i].x );
+                                           rtensor_Copy( total_rtensor, temp_rtensor );
+                                           rvec_ScaledSum( temp_rvec,
+                                           CEtors7 + CEconj4, p_ijk->dcos_dj,      // j
+                                           CEtors8 + CEconj5, p_jkl->dcos_di );
+                                           rvec_ScaledAdd( temp_rvec,
+                                           CEtors9 + CEconj6, dcos_omega_dj );
+                                           rvec_OuterProduct( temp_rtensor,
+                                           temp_rvec, system->atoms[j].x );
+                                           rtensor_Add( total_rtensor, temp_rtensor );
+                                           rvec_ScaledSum( temp_rvec,
+                                           CEtors7 + CEconj4, p_ijk->dcos_di,      // k
+                                           CEtors8 + CEconj5, p_jkl->dcos_dj );
+                                           rvec_ScaledAdd( temp_rvec,
+                                           CEtors9 + CEconj6, dcos_omega_dk );
+                                           rvec_OuterProduct( temp_rtensor,
+                                           temp_rvec, system->atoms[k].x );
+                                           rtensor_Add( total_rtensor, temp_rtensor );
+                                           rvec_ScaledSum( temp_rvec,
+                                           CEtors8 + CEconj5, p_jkl->dcos_dk,      // l
+                                           CEtors9 + CEconj6, dcos_omega_dl );
+                                           rvec_OuterProduct( temp_rtensor,
+                                           temp_rvec, system->atoms[l].x );
+                                           rtensor_Copy( total_rtensor, temp_rtensor );
+                                           if( pbond_ij->imaginary || pbond_jk->imaginary ||
+                                           pbond_kl->imaginary )
+                                           rtensor_ScaledAdd( data->flex_bar.P, -1., total_rtensor );
+                                           else
+                                           rtensor_Add( data->flex_bar.P, total_rtensor ); */
+                                    }
-		  /*fprintf( out_control->etor, 
-			   //"%12.8f%12.8f%12.8f%12.8f%12.8f%12.8f%12.8f\n",
-			   //r_ij, r_jk, r_kl, 
-			   "%12.8f%12.8f%12.8f%12.8f\n",
-			   cos_ijk, cos_jkl, sin_ijk, sin_jkl );*/
-		  // fprintf( out_control->etor, "%12.8f\n", dfn11 );
-		  fprintf( out_control->etor, "%12.8f%12.8f%12.8f\n", 
-			   fn10, cos_omega, CV );
-		  fprintf( out_control->etor, 
-			   "%12.8f%12.8f%12.8f%12.8f%12.8f%12.8f%12.8f%12.8f\n",
-			   CEtors2, CEtors3, CEtors4, CEtors5, 
-			   CEtors6, CEtors7, CEtors8, CEtors9 );
-		  /* fprintf( out_control->etor, 
-		     "%12.8f%12.8f%12.8f%12.8f%12.8f%12.8f%12.8f%12.8f\n",
-		     htra, htrb, htrc, hthd, hthe, hnra, hnrc, hnhd, hnhe ); */
-		  fprintf( out_control->etor, 
-			   "%12.8f%12.8f%12.8f%12.8f%12.8f%12.8f\n",
-			   CEconj1, CEconj2, CEconj3, CEconj4, CEconj5, CEconj6 );
-		  /* fprintf(out_control->etor,"%23.15e%23.15e%23.15e%23.15e\n",
-		     fbp->V1, fbp->V2, fbp->V3, fbp->p_tor1 );*/
-		  fprintf( out_control->etor, 
-			   //"%6d%6d%6d%6d%23.15e%23.15e%23.15e%23.15e\n", 
-			   "%6d%6d%6d%6d%12.8f%12.8f\n", 
-			   workspace->orig_id[i], workspace->orig_id[j], 
-			   workspace->orig_id[k], workspace->orig_id[l], 
-			   e_tor, e_con );
-			   //RAD2DEG(omega), BOA_jk, e_tor, data->E_Tor );
-		  fprintf( out_control->econ, 
-			   "%6d%6d%6d%6d%23.15e%23.15e%23.15e%23.15e%23.15e%23.15e\n", 
-			   workspace->orig_id[i], workspace->orig_id[j], 
-			   workspace->orig_id[k], workspace->orig_id[l], 
-			   RAD2DEG(omega), BOA_ij, BOA_jk, BOA_kl, 
-			   e_con,data->E_Con );
-		  /* fprintf( out_control->etor, 
-		     "%12.8f%12.8f%12.8f\n%12.8f%12.8f%12.8f\n%12.8f%12.8f%12.8f\n",	   
-		     (CEtors7 + CEconj4)*p_ijk->dcos_dk[0], 
-		     (CEtors7 + CEconj4)*p_ijk->dcos_dk[1], 
-		     (CEtors7 + CEconj4)*p_ijk->dcos_dk[2],
-		     (CEtors7 + CEconj4)*p_ijk->dcos_dj[0], 
-		     (CEtors7 + CEconj4)*p_ijk->dcos_dj[1], 
-		     (CEtors7 + CEconj4)*p_ijk->dcos_dj[2],
-		     (CEtors7 + CEconj4)*p_ijk->dcos_di[0], 
-		     (CEtors7 + CEconj4)*p_ijk->dcos_di[1], 
-		     (CEtors7 + CEconj4)*p_ijk->dcos_di[2] ); */
-		  /* fprintf( out_control->etor, 
-		     "%12.8f%12.8f%12.8f\n%12.8f%12.8f%12.8f\n%12.8f%12.8f%12.8f\n",
-		     (CEtors8 + CEconj5)*p_jkl->dcos_di[0], 
-		     (CEtors8 + CEconj5)*p_jkl->dcos_di[1], 
-		     (CEtors8 + CEconj5)*p_jkl->dcos_di[2], 
-		     (CEtors8 + CEconj5)*p_jkl->dcos_dj[0], 
-		     (CEtors8 + CEconj5)*p_jkl->dcos_dj[1], 
-		     (CEtors8 + CEconj5)*p_jkl->dcos_dj[2], 
-		     (CEtors8 + CEconj5)*p_jkl->dcos_dk[0], 
-		     (CEtors8 + CEconj5)*p_jkl->dcos_dk[1], 
-		     (CEtors8 + CEconj5)*p_jkl->dcos_dk[2] ); */
-		  fprintf( out_control->etor, 
-		     "%12.8f%12.8f%12.8f\n%12.8f%12.8f%12.8f\n%12.8f%12.8f%12.8f\n%12.8f%12.8f%12.8f\n",
-		     dcos_omega_di[0], dcos_omega_di[1], dcos_omega_di[2], 
-		     dcos_omega_dj[0], dcos_omega_dj[1], dcos_omega_dj[2], 
-		     dcos_omega_dk[0], dcos_omega_dk[1], dcos_omega_dk[2],
-		     dcos_omega_dl[0], dcos_omega_dl[1], dcos_omega_dl[2] );
+                                    /*fprintf( out_control->etor,
+                                       //"%12.8f%12.8f%12.8f%12.8f%12.8f%12.8f%12.8f\n",
+                                       //r_ij, r_jk, r_kl,
+                                       "%12.8f%12.8f%12.8f%12.8f\n",
+                                       cos_ijk, cos_jkl, sin_ijk, sin_jkl );*/
+                                    // fprintf( out_control->etor, "%12.8f\n", dfn11 );
+                                    fprintf( out_control->etor, "%12.8f%12.8f%12.8f\n",
+                                             fn10, cos_omega, CV );
+                                    fprintf( out_control->etor,
+                                             "%12.8f%12.8f%12.8f%12.8f%12.8f%12.8f%12.8f%12.8f\n",
+                                             CEtors2, CEtors3, CEtors4, CEtors5,
+                                             CEtors6, CEtors7, CEtors8, CEtors9 );
+                                    /* fprintf( out_control->etor,
+                                       "%12.8f%12.8f%12.8f%12.8f%12.8f%12.8f%12.8f%12.8f\n",
+                                       htra, htrb, htrc, hthd, hthe, hnra, hnrc, hnhd, hnhe ); */
+                                    fprintf( out_control->etor,
+                                             "%12.8f%12.8f%12.8f%12.8f%12.8f%12.8f\n",
+                                             CEconj1, CEconj2, CEconj3, CEconj4, CEconj5, CEconj6 );
+                                    /* fprintf(out_control->etor,"%23.15e%23.15e%23.15e%23.15e\n",
+                                       fbp->V1, fbp->V2, fbp->V3, fbp->p_tor1 );*/
+                                    fprintf( out_control->etor,
+                                             //"%6d%6d%6d%6d%23.15e%23.15e%23.15e%23.15e\n",
+                                             "%6d%6d%6d%6d%12.8f%12.8f\n",
+                                             workspace->orig_id[i], workspace->orig_id[j],
+                                             workspace->orig_id[k], workspace->orig_id[l],
+                                             e_tor, e_con );
+                                    //RAD2DEG(omega), BOA_jk, e_tor, data->E_Tor );
+                                    fprintf( out_control->econ,
+                                             "%6d%6d%6d%6d%23.15e%23.15e%23.15e%23.15e%23.15e%23.15e\n",
+                                             workspace->orig_id[i], workspace->orig_id[j],
+                                             workspace->orig_id[k], workspace->orig_id[l],
+                                             RAD2DEG(omega), BOA_ij, BOA_jk, BOA_kl,
+                                             e_con, data->E_Con );
+                                    /* fprintf( out_control->etor,
+                                       "%12.8f%12.8f%12.8f\n%12.8f%12.8f%12.8f\n%12.8f%12.8f%12.8f\n",
+                                       (CEtors7 + CEconj4)*p_ijk->dcos_dk[0],
+                                       (CEtors7 + CEconj4)*p_ijk->dcos_dk[1],
+                                       (CEtors7 + CEconj4)*p_ijk->dcos_dk[2],
+                                       (CEtors7 + CEconj4)*p_ijk->dcos_dj[0],
+                                       (CEtors7 + CEconj4)*p_ijk->dcos_dj[1],
+                                       (CEtors7 + CEconj4)*p_ijk->dcos_dj[2],
+                                       (CEtors7 + CEconj4)*p_ijk->dcos_di[0],
+                                       (CEtors7 + CEconj4)*p_ijk->dcos_di[1],
+                                       (CEtors7 + CEconj4)*p_ijk->dcos_di[2] ); */
+                                    /* fprintf( out_control->etor,
+                                       "%12.8f%12.8f%12.8f\n%12.8f%12.8f%12.8f\n%12.8f%12.8f%12.8f\n",
+                                       (CEtors8 + CEconj5)*p_jkl->dcos_di[0],
+                                       (CEtors8 + CEconj5)*p_jkl->dcos_di[1],
+                                       (CEtors8 + CEconj5)*p_jkl->dcos_di[2],
+                                       (CEtors8 + CEconj5)*p_jkl->dcos_dj[0],
+                                       (CEtors8 + CEconj5)*p_jkl->dcos_dj[1],
+                                       (CEtors8 + CEconj5)*p_jkl->dcos_dj[2],
+                                       (CEtors8 + CEconj5)*p_jkl->dcos_dk[0],
+                                       (CEtors8 + CEconj5)*p_jkl->dcos_dk[1],
+                                       (CEtors8 + CEconj5)*p_jkl->dcos_dk[2] ); */
+                                    fprintf( out_control->etor,
+                                             "%12.8f%12.8f%12.8f\n%12.8f%12.8f%12.8f\n%12.8f%12.8f%12.8f\n%12.8f%12.8f%12.8f\n",
+                                             dcos_omega_di[0], dcos_omega_di[1], dcos_omega_di[2],
+                                             dcos_omega_dj[0], dcos_omega_dj[1], dcos_omega_dj[2],
+                                             dcos_omega_dk[0], dcos_omega_dk[1], dcos_omega_dk[2],
+                                             dcos_omega_dl[0], dcos_omega_dl[1], dcos_omega_dl[2] );
-		  /* Torsion Forces */
-		  Add_dBOpinpi2(system, lists, j, pk, CEtors2, 0., 
-				workspace->f_tor, workspace->f_tor);
-		  Add_dDelta( system, lists, j, CEtors3, workspace->f_tor );
-		  Add_dDelta( system, lists, k, CEtors3, workspace->f_tor );
-		  Add_dBO( system, lists, j, pij, CEtors4, workspace->f_tor );
-		  Add_dBO( system, lists, j, pk, CEtors5, workspace->f_tor );
-		  Add_dBO( system, lists, k, plk, CEtors6, workspace->f_tor );
-		  rvec_ScaledAdd(workspace->f_tor[i], CEtors7, p_ijk->dcos_dk);
-		  rvec_ScaledAdd(workspace->f_tor[j], CEtors7, p_ijk->dcos_dj);
-		  rvec_ScaledAdd(workspace->f_tor[k], CEtors7, p_ijk->dcos_di);
-		  rvec_ScaledAdd(workspace->f_tor[j], CEtors8, p_jkl->dcos_di);
-		  rvec_ScaledAdd(workspace->f_tor[k], CEtors8, p_jkl->dcos_dj);
-		  rvec_ScaledAdd(workspace->f_tor[l], CEtors8, p_jkl->dcos_dk);
-		  rvec_ScaledAdd( workspace->f_tor[i], CEtors9, dcos_omega_di );
-		  rvec_ScaledAdd( workspace->f_tor[j], CEtors9, dcos_omega_dj );
-		  rvec_ScaledAdd( workspace->f_tor[k], CEtors9, dcos_omega_dk );
-		  rvec_ScaledAdd( workspace->f_tor[l], CEtors9, dcos_omega_dl );
-		  /* Conjugation Forces */
-		  Add_dBO( system, lists, j, pij, CEconj1, workspace->f_con );
-		  Add_dBO( system, lists, j, pk, CEconj2, workspace->f_con );
-		  Add_dBO( system, lists, k, plk, CEconj3, workspace->f_con );
-		  rvec_ScaledAdd(workspace->f_con[i], CEconj4, p_ijk->dcos_dk);
-		  rvec_ScaledAdd(workspace->f_con[j], CEconj4, p_ijk->dcos_dj);
-		  rvec_ScaledAdd(workspace->f_con[k], CEconj4, p_ijk->dcos_di);
-		  rvec_ScaledAdd(workspace->f_con[j], CEconj5, p_jkl->dcos_di);
-		  rvec_ScaledAdd(workspace->f_con[k], CEconj5, p_jkl->dcos_dj);
-		  rvec_ScaledAdd(workspace->f_con[l], CEconj5, p_jkl->dcos_dk);
-		  rvec_ScaledAdd( workspace->f_con[i], CEconj6, dcos_omega_di );
-		  rvec_ScaledAdd( workspace->f_con[j], CEconj6, dcos_omega_dj );
-		  rvec_ScaledAdd( workspace->f_con[k], CEconj6, dcos_omega_dk );
-		  rvec_ScaledAdd( workspace->f_con[l], CEconj6, dcos_omega_dl );
+                                    /* Torsion Forces */
+                                    Add_dBOpinpi2(system, lists, j, pk, CEtors2, 0.,
+                                                  workspace->f_tor, workspace->f_tor);
+                                    Add_dDelta( system, lists, j, CEtors3, workspace->f_tor );
+                                    Add_dDelta( system, lists, k, CEtors3, workspace->f_tor );
+                                    Add_dBO( system, lists, j, pij, CEtors4, workspace->f_tor );
+                                    Add_dBO( system, lists, j, pk, CEtors5, workspace->f_tor );
+                                    Add_dBO( system, lists, k, plk, CEtors6, workspace->f_tor );
+                                    rvec_ScaledAdd(workspace->f_tor[i], CEtors7, p_ijk->dcos_dk);
+                                    rvec_ScaledAdd(workspace->f_tor[j], CEtors7, p_ijk->dcos_dj);
+                                    rvec_ScaledAdd(workspace->f_tor[k], CEtors7, p_ijk->dcos_di);
+                                    rvec_ScaledAdd(workspace->f_tor[j], CEtors8, p_jkl->dcos_di);
+                                    rvec_ScaledAdd(workspace->f_tor[k], CEtors8, p_jkl->dcos_dj);
+                                    rvec_ScaledAdd(workspace->f_tor[l], CEtors8, p_jkl->dcos_dk);
+                                    rvec_ScaledAdd( workspace->f_tor[i], CEtors9, dcos_omega_di );
+                                    rvec_ScaledAdd( workspace->f_tor[j], CEtors9, dcos_omega_dj );
+                                    rvec_ScaledAdd( workspace->f_tor[k], CEtors9, dcos_omega_dk );
+                                    rvec_ScaledAdd( workspace->f_tor[l], CEtors9, dcos_omega_dl );
+                                    /* Conjugation Forces */
+                                    Add_dBO( system, lists, j, pij, CEconj1, workspace->f_con );
+                                    Add_dBO( system, lists, j, pk, CEconj2, workspace->f_con );
+                                    Add_dBO( system, lists, k, plk, CEconj3, workspace->f_con );
+                                    rvec_ScaledAdd(workspace->f_con[i], CEconj4, p_ijk->dcos_dk);
+                                    rvec_ScaledAdd(workspace->f_con[j], CEconj4, p_ijk->dcos_dj);
+                                    rvec_ScaledAdd(workspace->f_con[k], CEconj4, p_ijk->dcos_di);
+                                    rvec_ScaledAdd(workspace->f_con[j], CEconj5, p_jkl->dcos_di);
+                                    rvec_ScaledAdd(workspace->f_con[k], CEconj5, p_jkl->dcos_dj);
+                                    rvec_ScaledAdd(workspace->f_con[l], CEconj5, p_jkl->dcos_dk);
+                                    rvec_ScaledAdd( workspace->f_con[i], CEconj6, dcos_omega_di );
+                                    rvec_ScaledAdd( workspace->f_con[j], CEconj6, dcos_omega_dj );
+                                    rvec_ScaledAdd( workspace->f_con[k], CEconj6, dcos_omega_dk );
+                                    rvec_ScaledAdd( workspace->f_con[l], CEconj6, dcos_omega_dl );
-		} // pl check ends
-	      } // pl loop ends
-	    } // pi check ends
-	  } // pi loop ends
-	} // k-j neighbor check ends
-      } // j<k && j-k neighbor check ends
-    } // pk loop ends
-  } // j loop
-  /* fprintf( stderr, "4body: ext_press (%23.15e %23.15e %23.15e)\n", 
-     data->ext_press[0], data->ext_press[1], data->ext_press[2] );*/
+                                } // pl check ends
+                            } // pl loop ends
+                        } // pi check ends
+                    } // pi loop ends
+                } // k-j neighbor check ends
+            } // j<k && j-k neighbor check ends
+        } // pk loop ends
+    } // j loop
+    /* fprintf( stderr, "4body: ext_press (%23.15e %23.15e %23.15e)\n",
+       data->ext_press[0], data->ext_press[1], data->ext_press[2] );*/
-  fprintf( stderr, "Number of torsion angles: %d\n", num_frb_intrs );
-  fprintf( stderr, "Torsion Energy: %g\t Conjugation Energy: %g\n", 
-	   data->E_Tor, data->E_Con );
+    fprintf( stderr, "Number of torsion angles: %d\n", num_frb_intrs );
+    fprintf( stderr, "Torsion Energy: %g\t Conjugation Energy: %g\n",
+             data->E_Tor, data->E_Con );
diff --git a/puremd_rc_1003/sPuReMD/four_body_interactions.h b/puremd_rc_1003/sPuReMD/four_body_interactions.h
index d633396b5e12368060916ed3bc3c2bfd8f202b5c..37136cd2ef5b536bb97e3776d8743c108eed71a2 100644
--- a/puremd_rc_1003/sPuReMD/four_body_interactions.h
+++ b/puremd_rc_1003/sPuReMD/four_body_interactions.h
@@ -1,20 +1,20 @@
   SerialReax - Reax Force Field Simulator
   Copyright (2010) Purdue University
   Hasan Metin Aktulga, haktulga@cs.purdue.edu
   Joseph Fogarty, jcfogart@mail.usf.edu
   Sagar Pandit, pandit@usf.edu
   Ananth Y Grama, ayg@cs.purdue.edu
   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
   modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
-  published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of 
+  published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
   the License, or (at your option) any later version.
   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
   See the GNU General Public License for more details:
@@ -25,6 +25,6 @@
 #include "mytypes.h"
 void Four_Body_Interactions( reax_system*, control_params*, simulation_data*,
-			      static_storage*, list**, output_controls* );
+                             static_storage*, list**, output_controls* );
diff --git a/puremd_rc_1003/sPuReMD/grid.c b/puremd_rc_1003/sPuReMD/grid.c
index 407b8b9662c204353407be404ab16a6bca8ef82b..20c87c12514caa6673c6212978bb8aaa45f987ef 100644
--- a/puremd_rc_1003/sPuReMD/grid.c
+++ b/puremd_rc_1003/sPuReMD/grid.c
@@ -1,20 +1,20 @@
   SerialReax - Reax Force Field Simulator
   Copyright (2010) Purdue University
   Hasan Metin Aktulga, haktulga@cs.purdue.edu
   Joseph Fogarty, jcfogart@mail.usf.edu
   Sagar Pandit, pandit@usf.edu
   Ananth Y Grama, ayg@cs.purdue.edu
   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
   modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
-  published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of 
+  published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
   the License, or (at your option) any later version.
   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
   See the GNU General Public License for more details:
@@ -26,501 +26,532 @@
 int Estimate_GCell_Population( reax_system* system )
-  int i, j, k, l;
-  int max_atoms;
-  grid *g;
-  g = &( system->g );
-  Reset_Grid( g );
-  for( l = 0; l < system->N; l++ ) {
-    i = (int)(system->atoms[l].x[0] * g->inv_len[0]);
-    j = (int)(system->atoms[l].x[1] * g->inv_len[1]);
-    k = (int)(system->atoms[l].x[2] * g->inv_len[2]);
-    g->top[i][j][k]++;
-    // fprintf( stderr, "\tatom%-6d (%8.3f%8.3f%8.3f) --> (%3d%3d%3d)\n", 
-    // l, system->atoms[l].x[0], system->atoms[l].x[1], system->atoms[l].x[2],
-    // i, j, k );
-  }
-  max_atoms = 0;
-  for( i = 0; i < g->ncell[0]; i++ )
-    for( j = 0; j < g->ncell[1]; j++ )
-      for( k = 0; k < g->ncell[2]; k++ )
-	if( max_atoms < g->top[i][j][k] )
-	  max_atoms = g->top[i][j][k];  
-  return MAX(max_atoms*SAFE_ZONE, MIN_GCELL_POPL); 
+    int i, j, k, l;
+    int max_atoms;
+    grid *g;
+    g = &( system->g );
+    Reset_Grid( g );
+    for ( l = 0; l < system->N; l++ )
+    {
+        i = (int)(system->atoms[l].x[0] * g->inv_len[0]);
+        j = (int)(system->atoms[l].x[1] * g->inv_len[1]);
+        k = (int)(system->atoms[l].x[2] * g->inv_len[2]);
+        g->top[i][j][k]++;
+        // fprintf( stderr, "\tatom%-6d (%8.3f%8.3f%8.3f) --> (%3d%3d%3d)\n",
+        // l, system->atoms[l].x[0], system->atoms[l].x[1], system->atoms[l].x[2],
+        // i, j, k );
+    }
+    max_atoms = 0;
+    for ( i = 0; i < g->ncell[0]; i++ )
+        for ( j = 0; j < g->ncell[1]; j++ )
+            for ( k = 0; k < g->ncell[2]; k++ )
+                if ( max_atoms < g->top[i][j][k] )
+                    max_atoms = g->top[i][j][k];
+    return MAX(max_atoms * SAFE_ZONE, MIN_GCELL_POPL);
 void Allocate_Space_for_Grid( reax_system *system )
-  int i, j, k, l;
-  grid *g;
-  g = &(system->g);
-  g->max_nbrs = (2*g->spread[0]+1) * (2*g->spread[1]+1) * (2*g->spread[2]+1)+3; 
-  /* allocate space for the new grid */
-  g->atoms = (int****) calloc( g->ncell[0], sizeof( int*** ));
-  g->top = (int***) calloc( g->ncell[0], sizeof( int** ));
-  g->mark = (int***) calloc( g->ncell[0], sizeof( int** ));
-  g->start = (int***) calloc( g->ncell[0], sizeof( int** ));
-  g->end = (int***) calloc( g->ncell[0], sizeof( int** ));
-  g->nbrs = (ivec****) calloc( g->ncell[0], sizeof( ivec*** ));
-  g->nbrs_cp = (rvec****) calloc( g->ncell[0], sizeof( rvec*** ));
-  for( i = 0; i < g->ncell[0]; i++ ) {
-    g->atoms[i] = (int***) calloc( g->ncell[1], sizeof( int** ));
-    g->top [i] = (int**) calloc( g->ncell[1], sizeof( int* ));
-    g->mark[i] = (int**) calloc( g->ncell[1], sizeof( int* ));
-    g->start[i] = (int**) calloc( g->ncell[1], sizeof( int* ));
-    g->end[i] = (int**) calloc( g->ncell[1], sizeof( int* ));
-    g->nbrs[i] = (ivec***) calloc( g->ncell[1], sizeof( ivec** ));
-    g->nbrs_cp[i] = (rvec***) calloc( g->ncell[1], sizeof( rvec** ));
-    for( j = 0; j < g->ncell[1]; j++ ) {
-      g->atoms[i][j] = (int**) calloc( g->ncell[2], sizeof( int* ));
-      g->top[i][j] = (int*) calloc( g->ncell[2], sizeof( int ));
-      g->mark[i][j] = (int*) calloc( g->ncell[2], sizeof( int ));
-      g->start[i][j] = (int*) calloc( g->ncell[2], sizeof( int ));
-      g->end[i][j] = (int*) calloc( g->ncell[2], sizeof( int ));
-      g->nbrs[i][j] = (ivec**) calloc( g->ncell[2], sizeof( ivec* ));
-      g->nbrs_cp[i][j] = (rvec**) calloc( g->ncell[2], sizeof( rvec* ));
-      for( k = 0; k < g->ncell[2]; k++ ) {
-	g->top[i][j][k] = 0;
-	g->mark[i][j][k] = 0;
-	g->start[i][j][k] = 0;
-	g->end[i][j][k] = 0;
-	g->nbrs[i][j][k] = (ivec*) calloc( g->max_nbrs, sizeof( ivec ) );
-	g->nbrs_cp[i][j][k] = (rvec*) calloc( g->max_nbrs, sizeof( rvec ) );
-	for( l = 0; l < g->max_nbrs; ++l ){ 
-	  g->nbrs[i][j][k][l][0] = -1;
-	  g->nbrs[i][j][k][l][1] = -1;
-	  g->nbrs[i][j][k][l][2] = -1;
-	  g->nbrs_cp[i][j][k][l][0] = -1;
-	  g->nbrs_cp[i][j][k][l][1] = -1;
-	  g->nbrs_cp[i][j][k][l][2] = -1;
-	}
-      }
+    int i, j, k, l;
+    grid *g;
+    g = &(system->g);
+    g->max_nbrs = (2 * g->spread[0] + 1) * (2 * g->spread[1] + 1) * (2 * g->spread[2] + 1) + 3;
+    /* allocate space for the new grid */
+    g->atoms = (int****) calloc( g->ncell[0], sizeof( int*** ));
+    g->top = (int***) calloc( g->ncell[0], sizeof( int** ));
+    g->mark = (int***) calloc( g->ncell[0], sizeof( int** ));
+    g->start = (int***) calloc( g->ncell[0], sizeof( int** ));
+    g->end = (int***) calloc( g->ncell[0], sizeof( int** ));
+    g->nbrs = (ivec****) calloc( g->ncell[0], sizeof( ivec*** ));
+    g->nbrs_cp = (rvec****) calloc( g->ncell[0], sizeof( rvec*** ));
+    for ( i = 0; i < g->ncell[0]; i++ )
+    {
+        g->atoms[i] = (int***) calloc( g->ncell[1], sizeof( int** ));
+        g->top [i] = (int**) calloc( g->ncell[1], sizeof( int* ));
+        g->mark[i] = (int**) calloc( g->ncell[1], sizeof( int* ));
+        g->start[i] = (int**) calloc( g->ncell[1], sizeof( int* ));
+        g->end[i] = (int**) calloc( g->ncell[1], sizeof( int* ));
+        g->nbrs[i] = (ivec***) calloc( g->ncell[1], sizeof( ivec** ));
+        g->nbrs_cp[i] = (rvec***) calloc( g->ncell[1], sizeof( rvec** ));
+        for ( j = 0; j < g->ncell[1]; j++ )
+        {
+            g->atoms[i][j] = (int**) calloc( g->ncell[2], sizeof( int* ));
+            g->top[i][j] = (int*) calloc( g->ncell[2], sizeof( int ));
+            g->mark[i][j] = (int*) calloc( g->ncell[2], sizeof( int ));
+            g->start[i][j] = (int*) calloc( g->ncell[2], sizeof( int ));
+            g->end[i][j] = (int*) calloc( g->ncell[2], sizeof( int ));
+            g->nbrs[i][j] = (ivec**) calloc( g->ncell[2], sizeof( ivec* ));
+            g->nbrs_cp[i][j] = (rvec**) calloc( g->ncell[2], sizeof( rvec* ));
+            for ( k = 0; k < g->ncell[2]; k++ )
+            {
+                g->top[i][j][k] = 0;
+                g->mark[i][j][k] = 0;
+                g->start[i][j][k] = 0;
+                g->end[i][j][k] = 0;
+                g->nbrs[i][j][k] = (ivec*) calloc( g->max_nbrs, sizeof( ivec ) );
+                g->nbrs_cp[i][j][k] = (rvec*) calloc( g->max_nbrs, sizeof( rvec ) );
+                for ( l = 0; l < g->max_nbrs; ++l )
+                {
+                    g->nbrs[i][j][k][l][0] = -1;
+                    g->nbrs[i][j][k][l][1] = -1;
+                    g->nbrs[i][j][k][l][2] = -1;
+                    g->nbrs_cp[i][j][k][l][0] = -1;
+                    g->nbrs_cp[i][j][k][l][1] = -1;
+                    g->nbrs_cp[i][j][k][l][2] = -1;
+                }
+            }
+        }
-  }
-  g->max_atoms = Estimate_GCell_Population( system );
-  for( i = 0; i < g->ncell[0]; i++ )
-    for( j = 0; j < g->ncell[1]; j++ )
-      for( k = 0; k < g->ncell[2]; k++ )
-	g->atoms[i][j][k] = (int*) calloc( g->max_atoms, sizeof(int) );
+    g->max_atoms = Estimate_GCell_Population( system );
+    for ( i = 0; i < g->ncell[0]; i++ )
+        for ( j = 0; j < g->ncell[1]; j++ )
+            for ( k = 0; k < g->ncell[2]; k++ )
+                g->atoms[i][j][k] = (int*) calloc( g->max_atoms, sizeof(int) );
 void Deallocate_Grid_Space( grid *g )
-  int i, j, k;
-  /* deallocate the old grid */      
-  for( i = 0; i < g->ncell[0]; i++ ) {  	  
-    for( j = 0; j < g->ncell[1]; j++ ) {
-      for( k = 0; k < g->ncell[2]; k++ ){
-	free( g->atoms[i][j][k] );
-	free( g->nbrs[i][j][k] );
-	free( g->nbrs_cp[i][j][k] );
-      }
-      free( g->atoms[i][j] );
-      free( g->top[i][j] );
-      free( g->mark[i][j] );
-      free( g->nbrs[i][j] );
-      free( g->nbrs_cp[i][j] );
+    int i, j, k;
+    /* deallocate the old grid */
+    for ( i = 0; i < g->ncell[0]; i++ )
+    {
+        for ( j = 0; j < g->ncell[1]; j++ )
+        {
+            for ( k = 0; k < g->ncell[2]; k++ )
+            {
+                free( g->atoms[i][j][k] );
+                free( g->nbrs[i][j][k] );
+                free( g->nbrs_cp[i][j][k] );
+            }
+            free( g->atoms[i][j] );
+            free( g->top[i][j] );
+            free( g->mark[i][j] );
+            free( g->nbrs[i][j] );
+            free( g->nbrs_cp[i][j] );
+        }
+        free( g->atoms[i] );
+        free( g->top[i] );
+        free( g->mark[i] );
+        free( g->nbrs[i] );
+        free( g->nbrs_cp[i] );
-    free( g->atoms[i] );
-    free( g->top[i] );
-    free( g->mark[i] );
-    free( g->nbrs[i] );
-    free( g->nbrs_cp[i] );
-  }
-  free( g->atoms );
-  free( g->top );
-  free( g->mark );
-  free( g->nbrs );
-  free( g->nbrs_cp );
+    free( g->atoms );
+    free( g->top );
+    free( g->mark );
+    free( g->nbrs );
+    free( g->nbrs_cp );
 int Shift(int p, int dp, int dim, grid *g )
-  int dim_len = 0;
-  int newp = p + dp;
-  switch( dim ) {
-  case 0: dim_len = g->ncell[0];
-    break;
-  case 1: dim_len = g->ncell[1];
-    break;
-  case 2: dim_len = g->ncell[2];
-  }
-  while( newp < 0 )        newp = newp + dim_len;
-  while( newp >= dim_len ) newp = newp - dim_len;
-  return newp;
+    int dim_len = 0;
+    int newp = p + dp;
+    switch ( dim )
+    {
+    case 0:
+        dim_len = g->ncell[0];
+        break;
+    case 1:
+        dim_len = g->ncell[1];
+        break;
+    case 2:
+        dim_len = g->ncell[2];
+    }
+    while ( newp < 0 )        newp = newp + dim_len;
+    while ( newp >= dim_len ) newp = newp - dim_len;
+    return newp;
 /* finds the closest point between two grid cells denoted by c1 and c2.
    periodic boundary conditions are taken into consideration as well. */
-void Find_Closest_Point( grid *g, int c1x, int c1y, int c1z, 
-			 int c2x, int c2y, int c2z, rvec closest_point )
+void Find_Closest_Point( grid *g, int c1x, int c1y, int c1z,
+                         int c2x, int c2y, int c2z, rvec closest_point )
-  int  i, d;
-  ivec c1 = { c1x, c1y, c1z };
-  ivec c2 = { c2x, c2y, c2z };
-  for( i = 0; i < 3; i++ ) {
-    if( g->ncell[i] < 5 ) {
-      closest_point[i] = NEG_INF - 1.;
-      continue;
-    }
-    d = c2[i] - c1[i];
-    if( abs(d) <= g->ncell[i] / 2 ) {
-      if( d > 0 )
-	closest_point[i] = c2[i] * g->len[i];
-      else if ( d == 0 )
-	closest_point[i] = NEG_INF - 1.;
-      else
-	closest_point[i] = ( c2[i] + 1 ) * g->len[i];
+    int  i, d;
+    ivec c1 = { c1x, c1y, c1z };
+    ivec c2 = { c2x, c2y, c2z };
+    for ( i = 0; i < 3; i++ )
+    {
+        if ( g->ncell[i] < 5 )
+        {
+            closest_point[i] = NEG_INF - 1.;
+            continue;
+        }
+        d = c2[i] - c1[i];
+        if ( abs(d) <= g->ncell[i] / 2 )
+        {
+            if ( d > 0 )
+                closest_point[i] = c2[i] * g->len[i];
+            else if ( d == 0 )
+                closest_point[i] = NEG_INF - 1.;
+            else
+                closest_point[i] = ( c2[i] + 1 ) * g->len[i];
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            if ( d > 0 )
+                closest_point[i] = ( c2[i] - g->ncell[i] + 1 ) * g->len[i];
+            else
+                closest_point[i] = ( c2[i] + g->ncell[i] ) * g->len[i];
+        }
-    else {
-      if( d > 0 )
-	closest_point[i] = ( c2[i] - g->ncell[i] + 1 ) * g->len[i];
-      else	
-	closest_point[i] = ( c2[i] + g->ncell[i] ) * g->len[i];
-    }
-  }
 void Find_Neighbor_GridCells( grid *g )
-  int i, j, k;
-  int di, dj, dk;
-  int x, y, z;
-  int stack_top;
-  ivec *nbrs_stack;
-  rvec *cp_stack;
-  /* pick up a cell in the grid */
-  for( i = 0; i < g->ncell[0]; i++ )
-    for( j = 0; j < g->ncell[1]; j++ )
-      for( k = 0; k < g->ncell[2]; k++ ) {
-	nbrs_stack = g->nbrs[i][j][k];
-	cp_stack = g->nbrs_cp[i][j][k];
-	stack_top = 0;
-	//fprintf( stderr, "grid1: %d %d %d\n", i, j, k );
-	/* choose an unmarked neighbor cell*/
-	for( di = -g->spread[0]; di <= g->spread[0]; di++ ) {
-	  x = Shift( i, di, 0, g );
-	  for( dj = -g->spread[1]; dj <= g->spread[1]; dj++ ) {
-	    y = Shift( j, dj, 1, g );
-	    for( dk = -g->spread[2]; dk <= g->spread[2]; dk++ ) {
-	      z = Shift( k, dk, 2, g );
-	      //fprintf( stderr, "\tgrid2: %d %d %d\n", x, y, z );
-	      if( !g->mark[x][y][z] ) {
-		  /*(di < 0 || // 9 combinations
-		   (di == 0 && dj < 0) || // 3 combinations
-		   (di == 0 && dj == 0 && dk < 0) ) )*/ 
-		/* put the neighbor cell into the stack and mark it */
-		nbrs_stack[stack_top][0] = x;
-		nbrs_stack[stack_top][1] = y;
-		nbrs_stack[stack_top][2] = z;
-		g->mark[x][y][z] = 1;
-		Find_Closest_Point( g, i, j, k, x, y, z, cp_stack[stack_top] );
-		//fprintf( stderr, "\tcp: %lf %lf %lf\n", 
-		// cp_stack[stack_top][0], cp_stack[stack_top][1], 
-		// cp_stack[stack_top][2]);
-		stack_top++;
-	      }
-	    }
-	  }
-	}
-	/*nbrs_stack[stack_top][0] = i;
-	  nbrs_stack[stack_top][1] = j;
-	  nbrs_stack[stack_top][2] = k;
-	  Find_Closest_Point( g, i, j, k, i, j, k, cp_stack[stack_top] );
-	  nbrs_stack[stack_top+1][0] = -1;
-	  nbrs_stack[stack_top+1][1] = -1;
-	  nbrs_stack[stack_top+1][2] = -1;
-	  Reset_Marks( g, nbrs_stack, stack_top+1 );*/
-	nbrs_stack[stack_top][0] = -1;
-	nbrs_stack[stack_top][1] = -1;
-	nbrs_stack[stack_top][2] = -1;
-	Reset_Marks( g, nbrs_stack, stack_top );
-      }
+    int i, j, k;
+    int di, dj, dk;
+    int x, y, z;
+    int stack_top;
+    ivec *nbrs_stack;
+    rvec *cp_stack;
+    /* pick up a cell in the grid */
+    for ( i = 0; i < g->ncell[0]; i++ )
+        for ( j = 0; j < g->ncell[1]; j++ )
+            for ( k = 0; k < g->ncell[2]; k++ )
+            {
+                nbrs_stack = g->nbrs[i][j][k];
+                cp_stack = g->nbrs_cp[i][j][k];
+                stack_top = 0;
+                //fprintf( stderr, "grid1: %d %d %d\n", i, j, k );
+                /* choose an unmarked neighbor cell*/
+                for ( di = -g->spread[0]; di <= g->spread[0]; di++ )
+                {
+                    x = Shift( i, di, 0, g );
+                    for ( dj = -g->spread[1]; dj <= g->spread[1]; dj++ )
+                    {
+                        y = Shift( j, dj, 1, g );
+                        for ( dk = -g->spread[2]; dk <= g->spread[2]; dk++ )
+                        {
+                            z = Shift( k, dk, 2, g );
+                            //fprintf( stderr, "\tgrid2: %d %d %d\n", x, y, z );
+                            if ( !g->mark[x][y][z] )
+                            {
+                                /*(di < 0 || // 9 combinations
+                                 (di == 0 && dj < 0) || // 3 combinations
+                                 (di == 0 && dj == 0 && dk < 0) ) )*/
+                                /* put the neighbor cell into the stack and mark it */
+                                nbrs_stack[stack_top][0] = x;
+                                nbrs_stack[stack_top][1] = y;
+                                nbrs_stack[stack_top][2] = z;
+                                g->mark[x][y][z] = 1;
+                                Find_Closest_Point( g, i, j, k, x, y, z, cp_stack[stack_top] );
+                                //fprintf( stderr, "\tcp: %lf %lf %lf\n",
+                                // cp_stack[stack_top][0], cp_stack[stack_top][1],
+                                // cp_stack[stack_top][2]);
+                                stack_top++;
+                            }
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+                /*nbrs_stack[stack_top][0] = i;
+                  nbrs_stack[stack_top][1] = j;
+                  nbrs_stack[stack_top][2] = k;
+                  Find_Closest_Point( g, i, j, k, i, j, k, cp_stack[stack_top] );
+                  nbrs_stack[stack_top+1][0] = -1;
+                  nbrs_stack[stack_top+1][1] = -1;
+                  nbrs_stack[stack_top+1][2] = -1;
+                  Reset_Marks( g, nbrs_stack, stack_top+1 );*/
+                nbrs_stack[stack_top][0] = -1;
+                nbrs_stack[stack_top][1] = -1;
+                nbrs_stack[stack_top][2] = -1;
+                Reset_Marks( g, nbrs_stack, stack_top );
+            }
 void Setup_Grid( reax_system* system )
-  int  d;
-  ivec ncell;
-  grid *g = &( system->g );
-  simulation_box *my_box = &( system->box );
+    int  d;
+    ivec ncell;
+    grid *g = &( system->g );
+    simulation_box *my_box = &( system->box );
+    /* determine number of grid cells in each direction */
+    ivec_rScale( ncell, 1. / g->cell_size, my_box->box_norms );
-  /* determine number of grid cells in each direction */
-  ivec_rScale( ncell, 1. / g->cell_size, my_box->box_norms );
+    for ( d = 0; d < 3; ++d )
+        if ( ncell[d] <= 0 )
+            ncell[d] = 1;
-  for( d = 0; d < 3; ++d )
-    if( ncell[d] <= 0 )
-      ncell[d] = 1;
-  /* find the number of grid cells */
-  g->total = ncell[0] * ncell[1] * ncell[2];
-  ivec_Copy( g->ncell, ncell );
+    /* find the number of grid cells */
+    g->total = ncell[0] * ncell[1] * ncell[2];
+    ivec_Copy( g->ncell, ncell );
-  /* compute cell lengths */
-  rvec_iDivide( g->len, my_box->box_norms, g->ncell );
-  rvec_Invert( g->inv_len, g->len );
+    /* compute cell lengths */
+    rvec_iDivide( g->len, my_box->box_norms, g->ncell );
+    rvec_Invert( g->inv_len, g->len );
-  Allocate_Space_for_Grid( system );
-  Find_Neighbor_GridCells( g );
+    Allocate_Space_for_Grid( system );
+    Find_Neighbor_GridCells( g );
 #if defined(DEBUG_FOCUS)
-  fprintf( stderr, "setting up the grid: " );
-  fprintf( stderr, "ncell[%d %d %d] ", g->ncell[0], g->ncell[1], g->ncell[2] );
-  fprintf( stderr, "len[%5.2f %5.2f %5.2f] ", g->len[0], g->len[1], g->len[2] );
-  fprintf( stderr, "g->max_atoms = %d\n", g->max_atoms );
+    fprintf( stderr, "setting up the grid: " );
+    fprintf( stderr, "ncell[%d %d %d] ", g->ncell[0], g->ncell[1], g->ncell[2] );
+    fprintf( stderr, "len[%5.2f %5.2f %5.2f] ", g->len[0], g->len[1], g->len[2] );
+    fprintf( stderr, "g->max_atoms = %d\n", g->max_atoms );
 void Update_Grid( reax_system* system )
-  int  d, i, j, k, x, y, z, itr;
-  ivec ncell;
-  ivec *nbrs;
-  rvec *nbrs_cp;
-  grid *g = &( system->g );
-  simulation_box *my_box = &( system->box );
-  /* determine number of grid cells in each direction */
-  ivec_rScale( ncell, 1. / g->cell_size, my_box->box_norms );
-  for( d = 0; d < 3; ++d )
-    if( ncell[d] == 0 )
-      ncell[d] = 1;
-  if( ivec_isEqual( ncell, g->ncell ) ) {/* ncell are unchanged */
-    /* update cell lengths */
-    rvec_iDivide( g->len, my_box->box_norms, g->ncell );
-    rvec_Invert( g->inv_len, g->len );
-    /* update closest point distances between gcells */
-    for( i = 0; i < g->ncell[0]; i++ )
-      for( j = 0; j < g->ncell[1]; j++ )
-	for( k = 0; k < g->ncell[2]; k++ ) {
-	  nbrs = g->nbrs[i][j][k];
-	  nbrs_cp = g->nbrs_cp[i][j][k];
-	  //fprintf( stderr, "gridcell %d %d %d\n", i, j, k );
-	  itr = 0;
-	  while( nbrs[itr][0] >= 0 ){
-	    x = nbrs[itr][0];
-	    y = nbrs[itr][1];
-	    z = nbrs[itr][2];
-	    Find_Closest_Point( g, i, j, k, x, y, z, nbrs_cp[itr] );
-	    ++itr;
-	  }
-	}
-  }
-  else{  /* at least one of ncell has changed */
-    Deallocate_Grid_Space( g );    
-    /* update number of grid cells */
-    g->total = ncell[0] * ncell[1] * ncell[2];
-    ivec_Copy( g->ncell, ncell );
-    /* update cell lengths */
-    rvec_iDivide( g->len, my_box->box_norms, g->ncell );
-    rvec_Invert( g->inv_len, g->len );
-    Allocate_Space_for_Grid( system );
-    Find_Neighbor_GridCells( g );
+    int  d, i, j, k, x, y, z, itr;
+    ivec ncell;
+    ivec *nbrs;
+    rvec *nbrs_cp;
+    grid *g = &( system->g );
+    simulation_box *my_box = &( system->box );
+    /* determine number of grid cells in each direction */
+    ivec_rScale( ncell, 1. / g->cell_size, my_box->box_norms );
+    for ( d = 0; d < 3; ++d )
+        if ( ncell[d] == 0 )
+            ncell[d] = 1;
+    if ( ivec_isEqual( ncell, g->ncell ) ) /* ncell are unchanged */
+    {
+        /* update cell lengths */
+        rvec_iDivide( g->len, my_box->box_norms, g->ncell );
+        rvec_Invert( g->inv_len, g->len );
+        /* update closest point distances between gcells */
+        for ( i = 0; i < g->ncell[0]; i++ )
+            for ( j = 0; j < g->ncell[1]; j++ )
+                for ( k = 0; k < g->ncell[2]; k++ )
+                {
+                    nbrs = g->nbrs[i][j][k];
+                    nbrs_cp = g->nbrs_cp[i][j][k];
+                    //fprintf( stderr, "gridcell %d %d %d\n", i, j, k );
+                    itr = 0;
+                    while ( nbrs[itr][0] >= 0 )
+                    {
+                        x = nbrs[itr][0];
+                        y = nbrs[itr][1];
+                        z = nbrs[itr][2];
+                        Find_Closest_Point( g, i, j, k, x, y, z, nbrs_cp[itr] );
+                        ++itr;
+                    }
+                }
+    }
+    else   /* at least one of ncell has changed */
+    {
+        Deallocate_Grid_Space( g );
+        /* update number of grid cells */
+        g->total = ncell[0] * ncell[1] * ncell[2];
+        ivec_Copy( g->ncell, ncell );
+        /* update cell lengths */
+        rvec_iDivide( g->len, my_box->box_norms, g->ncell );
+        rvec_Invert( g->inv_len, g->len );
+        Allocate_Space_for_Grid( system );
+        Find_Neighbor_GridCells( g );
 #if defined(DEBUG_FOCUS)
-    fprintf( stderr, "updated grid: " );
-    fprintf( stderr, "ncell[%d %d %d] ", 
-	     g->ncell[0], g->ncell[1], g->ncell[2] );
-    fprintf( stderr, "len[%5.2f %5.2f %5.2f] ", 
-	     g->len[0], g->len[1], g->len[2] );
-    fprintf( stderr, "g->max_atoms = %d\n", g->max_atoms );
+        fprintf( stderr, "updated grid: " );
+        fprintf( stderr, "ncell[%d %d %d] ",
+                 g->ncell[0], g->ncell[1], g->ncell[2] );
+        fprintf( stderr, "len[%5.2f %5.2f %5.2f] ",
+                 g->len[0], g->len[1], g->len[2] );
+        fprintf( stderr, "g->max_atoms = %d\n", g->max_atoms );
-  }
+    }
 void Bin_Atoms( reax_system* system, static_storage *workspace )
-  int i, j, k, l;
-  int max_atoms;
-  grid *g = &( system->g );
-  Reset_Grid( g );
-  for( l = 0; l < system->N; l++ ) {
-    i = (int)(system->atoms[l].x[0] * g->inv_len[0]);
-    j = (int)(system->atoms[l].x[1] * g->inv_len[1]);
-    k = (int)(system->atoms[l].x[2] * g->inv_len[2]);
-    g->atoms[i][j][k][g->top[i][j][k]] = l;
-    g->top[i][j][k]++;
-    // fprintf( stderr, "\tatom%-6d (%8.3f%8.3f%8.3f) --> (%3d%3d%3d)\n", 
-    // l, system->atoms[l].x[0], system->atoms[l].x[1], system->atoms[l].x[2],
-    // i, j, k );
-  }
-  max_atoms = 0;
-  for( i = 0; i < g->ncell[0]; i++ )
-    for( j = 0; j < g->ncell[1]; j++ )
-      for( k = 0; k < g->ncell[2]; k++ )
-	if( max_atoms < g->top[i][j][k] )
-	  max_atoms = g->top[i][j][k];  
-  /* check if current gcell->max_atoms is safe */
-  if( max_atoms >= g->max_atoms * SAFE_ZONE ) 
-    workspace->realloc.gcell_atoms = MAX(max_atoms*SAFE_ZONE,MIN_GCELL_POPL); 
+    int i, j, k, l;
+    int max_atoms;
+    grid *g = &( system->g );
+    Reset_Grid( g );
+    for ( l = 0; l < system->N; l++ )
+    {
+        i = (int)(system->atoms[l].x[0] * g->inv_len[0]);
+        j = (int)(system->atoms[l].x[1] * g->inv_len[1]);
+        k = (int)(system->atoms[l].x[2] * g->inv_len[2]);
+        g->atoms[i][j][k][g->top[i][j][k]] = l;
+        g->top[i][j][k]++;
+        // fprintf( stderr, "\tatom%-6d (%8.3f%8.3f%8.3f) --> (%3d%3d%3d)\n",
+        // l, system->atoms[l].x[0], system->atoms[l].x[1], system->atoms[l].x[2],
+        // i, j, k );
+    }
+    max_atoms = 0;
+    for ( i = 0; i < g->ncell[0]; i++ )
+        for ( j = 0; j < g->ncell[1]; j++ )
+            for ( k = 0; k < g->ncell[2]; k++ )
+                if ( max_atoms < g->top[i][j][k] )
+                    max_atoms = g->top[i][j][k];
+    /* check if current gcell->max_atoms is safe */
+    if ( max_atoms >= g->max_atoms * SAFE_ZONE )
+        workspace->realloc.gcell_atoms = MAX(max_atoms * SAFE_ZONE, MIN_GCELL_POPL);
 inline void reax_atom_Copy( reax_atom *dest, reax_atom *src )
-  dest->type = src->type;
-  rvec_Copy( dest->x, src->x );
-  rvec_Copy( dest->v, src->v );
-  strcpy( dest->name, src->name );
+    dest->type = src->type;
+    rvec_Copy( dest->x, src->x );
+    rvec_Copy( dest->v, src->v );
+    strcpy( dest->name, src->name );
-void Copy_Storage( reax_system *system, static_storage *workspace, 
-		   int top, int old_id, int old_type, 
-		   int *num_H, real **v, real **s, real **t, 
-		   int *orig_id, rvec *f_old )
+void Copy_Storage( reax_system *system, static_storage *workspace,
+                   int top, int old_id, int old_type,
+                   int *num_H, real **v, real **s, real **t,
+                   int *orig_id, rvec *f_old )
-  int i;
-  for( i = 0; i < RESTART+1; ++i )
-    v[i][top] = workspace->v[i][old_id];
-  for( i = 0; i < 3; ++i ) {
-    s[i][top] = workspace->s[i][old_id];
-    t[i][top] = workspace->t[i][old_id];
-  }
-  orig_id[top]  = workspace->orig_id[old_id];
-  workspace->Hdia_inv[top] = 1. / system->reaxprm.sbp[ old_type ].eta;
-  workspace->b_s[top] = -system->reaxprm.sbp[ old_type ].chi;
-  workspace->b_t[top] = -1.0;	      
-  if( system->reaxprm.sbp[ old_type ].p_hbond == 1 ) // H atom
-    workspace->hbond_index[top] = (*num_H)++;
-  else workspace->hbond_index[top] = -1;
-  rvec_Copy( f_old[top], workspace->f_old[old_id] );
+    int i;
+    for ( i = 0; i < RESTART + 1; ++i )
+        v[i][top] = workspace->v[i][old_id];
+    for ( i = 0; i < 3; ++i )
+    {
+        s[i][top] = workspace->s[i][old_id];
+        t[i][top] = workspace->t[i][old_id];
+    }
+    orig_id[top]  = workspace->orig_id[old_id];
+    workspace->Hdia_inv[top] = 1. / system->reaxprm.sbp[ old_type ].eta;
+    workspace->b_s[top] = -system->reaxprm.sbp[ old_type ].chi;
+    workspace->b_t[top] = -1.0;
+    if ( system->reaxprm.sbp[ old_type ].p_hbond == 1 ) // H atom
+        workspace->hbond_index[top] = (*num_H)++;
+    else workspace->hbond_index[top] = -1;
+    rvec_Copy( f_old[top], workspace->f_old[old_id] );
 void Free_Storage( static_storage *workspace )
-  int i;
+    int i;
-  for( i = 0; i < RESTART+1; ++i )
-    free( workspace->v[i] );
-  free( workspace->v );
+    for ( i = 0; i < RESTART + 1; ++i )
+        free( workspace->v[i] );
+    free( workspace->v );
-  for( i = 0; i < 3; ++i ) {
-    free( workspace->s[i] );
-    free( workspace->t[i] );
-  }
-  free( workspace->s );
-  free( workspace->t );
+    for ( i = 0; i < 3; ++i )
+    {
+        free( workspace->s[i] );
+        free( workspace->t[i] );
+    }
+    free( workspace->s );
+    free( workspace->t );
-  free( workspace->orig_id );  
+    free( workspace->orig_id );
-void Assign_New_Storage( static_storage *workspace, 
-			 real **v, real **s, real **t, 
-			 int *orig_id, rvec *f_old )
+void Assign_New_Storage( static_storage *workspace,
+                         real **v, real **s, real **t,
+                         int *orig_id, rvec *f_old )
-  workspace->v = v;
+    workspace->v = v;
+    workspace->s = s;
+    workspace->t = t;
-  workspace->s = s;
-  workspace->t = t;
-  workspace->orig_id = orig_id;
+    workspace->orig_id = orig_id;
-  workspace->f_old = f_old;
+    workspace->f_old = f_old;
 void Cluster_Atoms( reax_system *system, static_storage *workspace )
-  int         i, j, k, l, top, old_id, num_H = 0;
-  reax_atom  *old_atom;
-  grid       *g = &( system->g );
-  reax_atom  *new_atoms = (reax_atom*) calloc( system->N, sizeof(reax_atom) );
-  int        *orig_id = (int  *) calloc( system->N, sizeof( int ) );
-  real       **v;
-  real       **s, **t;
-  rvec       *f_old = (rvec*) calloc( system->N, sizeof(rvec) );
-  s = (real**) calloc( 3, sizeof( real* ) );
-  t = (real**) calloc( 3, sizeof( real* ) );
-  for( i = 0; i < 3; ++i ) {
-    s[i] = (real *) calloc( system->N, sizeof( real ) );
-    t[i] = (real *) calloc( system->N, sizeof( real ) );
-  }
-  v = (real**) calloc( RESTART+1, sizeof( real* ) );
-  for( i = 0; i < RESTART+1; ++i )
-    v[i] = (real *) calloc( system->N, sizeof( real ) );
-  top = 0;
-  for( i = 0; i < g->ncell[0]; i++ )
-    for( j = 0; j < g->ncell[1]; j++ )
-      for( k = 0; k < g->ncell[2]; k++ ) {
-	g->start[i][j][k] = top;
-	for( l = 0; l < g->top[i][j][k]; ++l ) {
-	  old_id   = g->atoms[i][j][k][l];
-	  old_atom = &( system->atoms[old_id] );
-	  // fprintf( stderr, "%d <-- %d\n", top, old_id );
-	  reax_atom_Copy( &(new_atoms[top]), old_atom );
-	  Copy_Storage( system, workspace, top, old_id, old_atom->type, 
-			&num_H, v, s, t, orig_id, f_old );
-	  ++top;
-	}
-	g->end[i][j][k] = top;
-      }
-  free( system->atoms );
-  Free_Storage( workspace );
-  system->atoms = new_atoms;
-  Assign_New_Storage( workspace, v, s, t, orig_id, f_old );
+    int         i, j, k, l, top, old_id, num_H = 0;
+    reax_atom  *old_atom;
+    grid       *g = &( system->g );
+    reax_atom  *new_atoms = (reax_atom*) calloc( system->N, sizeof(reax_atom) );
+    int        *orig_id = (int  *) calloc( system->N, sizeof( int ) );
+    real       **v;
+    real       **s, **t;
+    rvec       *f_old = (rvec*) calloc( system->N, sizeof(rvec) );
+    s = (real**) calloc( 3, sizeof( real* ) );
+    t = (real**) calloc( 3, sizeof( real* ) );
+    for ( i = 0; i < 3; ++i )
+    {
+        s[i] = (real *) calloc( system->N, sizeof( real ) );
+        t[i] = (real *) calloc( system->N, sizeof( real ) );
+    }
+    v = (real**) calloc( RESTART + 1, sizeof( real* ) );
+    for ( i = 0; i < RESTART + 1; ++i )
+        v[i] = (real *) calloc( system->N, sizeof( real ) );
+    top = 0;
+    for ( i = 0; i < g->ncell[0]; i++ )
+        for ( j = 0; j < g->ncell[1]; j++ )
+            for ( k = 0; k < g->ncell[2]; k++ )
+            {
+                g->start[i][j][k] = top;
+                for ( l = 0; l < g->top[i][j][k]; ++l )
+                {
+                    old_id   = g->atoms[i][j][k][l];
+                    old_atom = &( system->atoms[old_id] );
+                    // fprintf( stderr, "%d <-- %d\n", top, old_id );
+                    reax_atom_Copy( &(new_atoms[top]), old_atom );
+                    Copy_Storage( system, workspace, top, old_id, old_atom->type,
+                                  &num_H, v, s, t, orig_id, f_old );
+                    ++top;
+                }
+                g->end[i][j][k] = top;
+            }
+    free( system->atoms );
+    Free_Storage( workspace );
+    system->atoms = new_atoms;
+    Assign_New_Storage( workspace, v, s, t, orig_id, f_old );
diff --git a/puremd_rc_1003/sPuReMD/grid.h b/puremd_rc_1003/sPuReMD/grid.h
index af755efda20b763cce878805adb889ea92de136c..41d7b57edb2ba271bd41f71c6a77d5f179370910 100644
--- a/puremd_rc_1003/sPuReMD/grid.h
+++ b/puremd_rc_1003/sPuReMD/grid.h
@@ -1,20 +1,20 @@
   SerialReax - Reax Force Field Simulator
   Copyright (2010) Purdue University
   Hasan Metin Aktulga, haktulga@cs.purdue.edu
   Joseph Fogarty, jcfogart@mail.usf.edu
   Sagar Pandit, pandit@usf.edu
   Ananth Y Grama, ayg@cs.purdue.edu
   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
   modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
-  published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of 
+  published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
   the License, or (at your option) any later version.
   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
   See the GNU General Public License for more details:
diff --git a/puremd_rc_1003/sPuReMD/init_md.c b/puremd_rc_1003/sPuReMD/init_md.c
index def855fce2a3ee84015ef4664bf305afb7f61b69..d6f15a1e167b7907b903d0ff1bb5f9a916ee679a 100644
--- a/puremd_rc_1003/sPuReMD/init_md.c
+++ b/puremd_rc_1003/sPuReMD/init_md.c
@@ -1,20 +1,20 @@
   SerialReax - Reax Force Field Simulator
   Copyright (2010) Purdue University
   Hasan Metin Aktulga, haktulga@cs.purdue.edu
   Joseph Fogarty, jcfogart@mail.usf.edu
   Sagar Pandit, pandit@usf.edu
   Ananth Y Grama, ayg@cs.purdue.edu
   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
   modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
-  published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of 
+  published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
   the License, or (at your option) any later version.
   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
   See the GNU General Public License for more details:
@@ -38,643 +38,669 @@
 void Generate_Initial_Velocities( reax_system *system, real T )
-  int i;
-  real scale, norm;
-  if( T <= 0.1 ) {
-    for (i=0; i < system->N; i++)
-      rvec_MakeZero( system->atoms[i].v );
+    int i;
+    real scale, norm;
+    if ( T <= 0.1 )
+    {
+        for (i = 0; i < system->N; i++)
+            rvec_MakeZero( system->atoms[i].v );
 #if defined(DEBUG)
-    fprintf( stderr, "no random velocities...\n" );
+        fprintf( stderr, "no random velocities...\n" );
-  }
-  else {
-    for( i = 0; i < system->N; i++ ) {
-      rvec_Random( system->atoms[i].v );
-      norm = rvec_Norm_Sqr( system->atoms[i].v );
-      scale = SQRT( system->reaxprm.sbp[ system->atoms[i].type ].mass * 
-		    norm / (3.0 * K_B * T) );
-      rvec_Scale( system->atoms[i].v, 1.0/scale, system->atoms[i].v );
-      /*fprintf( stderr, "v = %f %f %f\n", 
-	system->atoms[i].v[0],system->atoms[i].v[1],system->atoms[i].v[2]);
-	fprintf( stderr, "scale = %f\n", scale );
-	fprintf( stderr, "v = %f %f %f\n",
-	system->atoms[i].v[0],system->atoms[i].v[1],system->atoms[i].v[2]);*/
-  }
+    else
+    {
+        for ( i = 0; i < system->N; i++ )
+        {
+            rvec_Random( system->atoms[i].v );
+            norm = rvec_Norm_Sqr( system->atoms[i].v );
+            scale = SQRT( system->reaxprm.sbp[ system->atoms[i].type ].mass *
+                          norm / (3.0 * K_B * T) );
+            rvec_Scale( system->atoms[i].v, 1.0 / scale, system->atoms[i].v );
+            /*fprintf( stderr, "v = %f %f %f\n",
+            system->atoms[i].v[0],system->atoms[i].v[1],system->atoms[i].v[2]);
+            fprintf( stderr, "scale = %f\n", scale );
+            fprintf( stderr, "v = %f %f %f\n",
+            system->atoms[i].v[0],system->atoms[i].v[1],system->atoms[i].v[2]);*/
+        }
+    }
-void Init_System( reax_system *system, control_params *control, 
-		  simulation_data *data )
+void Init_System( reax_system *system, control_params *control,
+                  simulation_data *data )
-  int i;
-  rvec dx;
-  if( !control->restart )
-    Reset_Atoms( system );
-  Compute_Total_Mass( system, data );
-  Compute_Center_of_Mass( system, data, stderr );
-  /* reposition atoms */
-  // just fit the atoms to the periodic box
-  if( control->reposition_atoms == 0 ) {
-    rvec_MakeZero( dx );
-  }
-  // put the center of mass to the center of the box
-  else if( control->reposition_atoms == 1 ) {
-    rvec_Scale( dx, 0.5, system->box.box_norms );
-    rvec_ScaledAdd( dx, -1., data->xcm );
-  }
-  // put the center of mass to the origin
-  else if( control->reposition_atoms == 2 ) {
-    rvec_Scale( dx, -1., data->xcm );
-  }
-  else {
-    fprintf( stderr, "UNKNOWN OPTION: reposition_atoms. Terminating...\n" );
-    exit( UNKNOWN_OPTION );
-  }
-  for( i = 0; i < system->N; ++i ) {
-    Inc_on_T3( system->atoms[i].x, dx, &(system->box) );
-    /*fprintf( stderr, "%6d%2d%8.3f%8.3f%8.3f\n", 
-      i, system->atoms[i].type, 
-      system->atoms[i].x[0], system->atoms[i].x[1], system->atoms[i].x[2] );*/
-  }
-  /* Initialize velocities so that desired init T can be attained */
-  if( !control->restart || (control->restart && control->random_vel) )  
-    Generate_Initial_Velocities( system, control->T_init );
-  Setup_Grid( system );
+    int i;
+    rvec dx;
+    if ( !control->restart )
+        Reset_Atoms( system );
+    Compute_Total_Mass( system, data );
+    Compute_Center_of_Mass( system, data, stderr );
+    /* reposition atoms */
+    // just fit the atoms to the periodic box
+    if ( control->reposition_atoms == 0 )
+    {
+        rvec_MakeZero( dx );
+    }
+    // put the center of mass to the center of the box
+    else if ( control->reposition_atoms == 1 )
+    {
+        rvec_Scale( dx, 0.5, system->box.box_norms );
+        rvec_ScaledAdd( dx, -1., data->xcm );
+    }
+    // put the center of mass to the origin
+    else if ( control->reposition_atoms == 2 )
+    {
+        rvec_Scale( dx, -1., data->xcm );
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        fprintf( stderr, "UNKNOWN OPTION: reposition_atoms. Terminating...\n" );
+        exit( UNKNOWN_OPTION );
+    }
+    for ( i = 0; i < system->N; ++i )
+    {
+        Inc_on_T3( system->atoms[i].x, dx, &(system->box) );
+        /*fprintf( stderr, "%6d%2d%8.3f%8.3f%8.3f\n",
+          i, system->atoms[i].type,
+          system->atoms[i].x[0], system->atoms[i].x[1], system->atoms[i].x[2] );*/
+    }
+    /* Initialize velocities so that desired init T can be attained */
+    if ( !control->restart || (control->restart && control->random_vel) )
+        Generate_Initial_Velocities( system, control->T_init );
+    Setup_Grid( system );
-void Init_Simulation_Data( reax_system *system, control_params *control, 
-			   simulation_data *data, output_controls *out_control, 
-			   evolve_function *Evolve )
+void Init_Simulation_Data( reax_system *system, control_params *control,
+                           simulation_data *data, output_controls *out_control,
+                           evolve_function *Evolve )
-  Reset_Simulation_Data( data );
-  if( !control->restart )  
-    data->step = data->prev_steps = 0;
-  switch( control->ensemble ) {
-  case NVE:
-    data->N_f = 3 * system->N;
-    *Evolve = Velocity_Verlet_NVE;
-    break;
-  case NVT:
-    data->N_f = 3 * system->N + 1;
-    //control->Tau_T = 100 * data->N_f * K_B * control->T_final;
-    if( !control->restart || (control->restart && control->random_vel) ) {
-      data->therm.G_xi = control->Tau_T * (2.0 * data->E_Kin - 
-					   data->N_f * K_B * control->T );
-      data->therm.v_xi = data->therm.G_xi * control->dt;
-      data->therm.v_xi_old = 0;
-      data->therm.xi = 0;
+    Reset_Simulation_Data( data );
+    if ( !control->restart )
+        data->step = data->prev_steps = 0;
+    switch ( control->ensemble )
+    {
+    case NVE:
+        data->N_f = 3 * system->N;
+        *Evolve = Velocity_Verlet_NVE;
+        break;
+    case NVT:
+        data->N_f = 3 * system->N + 1;
+        //control->Tau_T = 100 * data->N_f * K_B * control->T_final;
+        if ( !control->restart || (control->restart && control->random_vel) )
+        {
+            data->therm.G_xi = control->Tau_T * (2.0 * data->E_Kin -
+                                                 data->N_f * K_B * control->T );
+            data->therm.v_xi = data->therm.G_xi * control->dt;
+            data->therm.v_xi_old = 0;
+            data->therm.xi = 0;
 #if defined(DEBUG_FOCUS)
-      fprintf( stderr, "init_md: G_xi=%f Tau_T=%f E_kin=%f N_f=%f v_xi=%f\n",
-	       data->therm.G_xi, control->Tau_T, data->E_Kin, 
-	       data->N_f, data->therm.v_xi );
+            fprintf( stderr, "init_md: G_xi=%f Tau_T=%f E_kin=%f N_f=%f v_xi=%f\n",
+                     data->therm.G_xi, control->Tau_T, data->E_Kin,
+                     data->N_f, data->therm.v_xi );
+        }
+        *Evolve = Velocity_Verlet_Nose_Hoover_NVT_Klein;
+        break;
+    case NPT: // Anisotropic NPT
+        fprintf( stderr, "THIS OPTION IS NOT YET IMPLEMENTED! TERMINATING...\n" );
+        exit( UNKNOWN_OPTION );
+        data->N_f = 3 * system->N + 9;
+        if ( !control->restart )
+        {
+            data->therm.G_xi = control->Tau_T * (2.0 * data->E_Kin -
+                                                 data->N_f * K_B * control->T );
+            data->therm.v_xi = data->therm.G_xi * control->dt;
+            data->iso_bar.eps = 0.33333 * log(system->box.volume);
+            //data->inv_W = 1. / (data->N_f*K_B*control->T*SQR(control->Tau_P));
+            //Compute_Pressure( system, data, workspace );
+        }
+        *Evolve = Velocity_Verlet_Berendsen_Isotropic_NPT;
+        break;
+    case sNPT: // Semi-Isotropic NPT
+        data->N_f = 3 * system->N + 4;
+        *Evolve = Velocity_Verlet_Berendsen_SemiIsotropic_NPT;
+        break;
+    case iNPT: // Isotropic NPT
+        data->N_f = 3 * system->N + 2;
+        *Evolve = Velocity_Verlet_Berendsen_Isotropic_NPT;
+        break;
+    case bNVT:
+        data->N_f = 3 * system->N + 1;
+        *Evolve = Velocity_Verlet_Berendsen_NVT;
+        fprintf (stderr, " Initializing Velocity_Verlet_Berendsen_NVT .... \n");
+        break;
+    default:
+        break;
-    *Evolve = Velocity_Verlet_Nose_Hoover_NVT_Klein;
-    break;
-  case NPT: // Anisotropic NPT
-    exit( UNKNOWN_OPTION );
-    data->N_f = 3 * system->N + 9;
-    if( !control->restart ) {
-      data->therm.G_xi = control->Tau_T * (2.0 * data->E_Kin - 
-					   data->N_f * K_B * control->T );
-      data->therm.v_xi = data->therm.G_xi * control->dt;
-      data->iso_bar.eps = 0.33333 * log(system->box.volume);
-      //data->inv_W = 1. / (data->N_f*K_B*control->T*SQR(control->Tau_P));
-      //Compute_Pressure( system, data, workspace );
-    }
-    *Evolve = Velocity_Verlet_Berendsen_Isotropic_NPT;
-    break;
-  case sNPT: // Semi-Isotropic NPT
-    data->N_f = 3 * system->N + 4;
-    *Evolve = Velocity_Verlet_Berendsen_SemiIsotropic_NPT;
-    break;
-  case iNPT: // Isotropic NPT
-    data->N_f = 3 * system->N + 2;
-    *Evolve = Velocity_Verlet_Berendsen_Isotropic_NPT;
-    break;
-  case bNVT:
-  	 data->N_f = 3 * system->N + 1;
-	 *Evolve = Velocity_Verlet_Berendsen_NVT;
-	 fprintf (stderr, " Initializing Velocity_Verlet_Berendsen_NVT .... \n");
-  break;
-  default:
-    break;
-  }
-  Compute_Kinetic_Energy( system, data );
-  /* init timing info */
-  data->timing.start = Get_Time( );
-  data->timing.total = data->timing.start;
-  data->timing.nbrs = 0;
-  data->timing.init_forces = 0;
-  data->timing.bonded = 0;
-  data->timing.nonb = 0;
-  data->timing.QEq = 0;
-  data->timing.matvecs = 0;
+    Compute_Kinetic_Energy( system, data );
+    /* init timing info */
+    data->timing.start = Get_Time( );
+    data->timing.total = data->timing.start;
+    data->timing.nbrs = 0;
+    data->timing.init_forces = 0;
+    data->timing.bonded = 0;
+    data->timing.nonb = 0;
+    data->timing.QEq = 0;
+    data->timing.matvecs = 0;
-void Init_Workspace( reax_system *system, control_params *control, 
-		     static_storage *workspace )
-  int i;
-  /* Allocate space for hydrogen bond list */
-  workspace->hbond_index = (int *) malloc( system->N * sizeof( int ) );
-  /* bond order related storage  */
-  workspace->total_bond_order = (real *) malloc( system->N * sizeof( real ) );
-  workspace->Deltap           = (real *) malloc( system->N * sizeof( real ) );
-  workspace->Deltap_boc       = (real *) malloc( system->N * sizeof( real ) );
-  workspace->dDeltap_self     = (rvec *) malloc( system->N * sizeof( rvec ) );
-  workspace->Delta	      = (real *) malloc( system->N * sizeof( real ) );
-  workspace->Delta_lp	      = (real *) malloc( system->N * sizeof( real ) );
-  workspace->Delta_lp_temp    = (real *) malloc( system->N * sizeof( real ) );
-  workspace->dDelta_lp	      = (real *) malloc( system->N * sizeof( real ) );
-  workspace->dDelta_lp_temp   = (real *) malloc( system->N * sizeof( real ) );
-  workspace->Delta_e          = (real *) malloc( system->N * sizeof( real ) );
-  workspace->Delta_boc        = (real *) malloc( system->N * sizeof( real ) );
-  workspace->nlp	      = (real *) malloc( system->N * sizeof( real ) );
-  workspace->nlp_temp	      = (real *) malloc( system->N * sizeof( real ) );
-  workspace->Clp	      = (real *) malloc( system->N * sizeof( real ) );
-  workspace->CdDelta	      = (real *) malloc( system->N * sizeof( real ) );
-  workspace->vlpex	      = (real *) malloc( system->N * sizeof( real ) );
-  /* QEq storage */
-  workspace->H        = NULL;
-  workspace->L        = NULL;
-  workspace->U        = NULL;
-  workspace->droptol  = (real *) calloc( system->N, sizeof( real ) );
-  workspace->w        = (real *) calloc( system->N, sizeof( real ) );
-  workspace->Hdia_inv = (real *) calloc( system->N, sizeof( real ) );
-  workspace->b        = (real *) calloc( system->N * 2, sizeof( real ) );
-  workspace->b_s      = (real *) calloc( system->N, sizeof( real ) );
-  workspace->b_t      = (real *) calloc( system->N, sizeof( real ) );
-  workspace->b_prc    = (real *) calloc( system->N * 2, sizeof( real ) );
-  workspace->b_prm    = (real *) calloc( system->N * 2, sizeof( real ) );
-  workspace->s_t      = (real *) calloc( system->N * 2, sizeof( real ) );
-  workspace->s        = (real**) calloc( 5, sizeof( real* ) );
-  workspace->t        = (real**) calloc( 5, sizeof( real* ) );
-  for( i = 0; i < 5; ++i ) {
-    workspace->s[i] = (real *) calloc( system->N, sizeof( real ) );
-    workspace->t[i] = (real *) calloc( system->N, sizeof( real ) );
-  }
-  // workspace->s_old    = (real *) calloc( system->N, sizeof( real ) );
-  // workspace->t_old    = (real *) calloc( system->N, sizeof( real ) );
-  // workspace->s_oldest = (real *) calloc( system->N, sizeof( real ) );
-  // workspace->t_oldest = (real *) calloc( system->N, sizeof( real ) );
-  for( i = 0; i < system->N; ++i ) {
-    workspace->Hdia_inv[i] = 1./system->reaxprm.sbp[system->atoms[i].type].eta;
-    workspace->b_s[i] = -system->reaxprm.sbp[ system->atoms[i].type ].chi;
-    workspace->b_t[i] = -1.0;
-    workspace->b[i] = -system->reaxprm.sbp[ system->atoms[i].type ].chi;
-    workspace->b[i+system->N] = -1.0;
-  }
-  /* GMRES storage */
-  workspace->y  = (real *)  calloc( RESTART+1, sizeof( real ) );
-  workspace->z  = (real *)  calloc( RESTART+1, sizeof( real ) );
-  workspace->g  = (real *)  calloc( RESTART+1, sizeof( real ) );
-  workspace->h  = (real **) calloc( RESTART+1, sizeof( real*) );
-  workspace->hs = (real *)  calloc( RESTART+1, sizeof( real ) );
-  workspace->hc = (real *)  calloc( RESTART+1, sizeof( real ) );
-  workspace->rn = (real **) calloc( RESTART+1, sizeof( real*) );
-  workspace->v  = (real **) calloc( RESTART+1, sizeof( real*) );
-  for( i = 0; i < RESTART+1; ++i )
+void Init_Workspace( reax_system *system, control_params *control,
+                     static_storage *workspace )
+    int i;
+    /* Allocate space for hydrogen bond list */
+    workspace->hbond_index = (int *) malloc( system->N * sizeof( int ) );
+    /* bond order related storage  */
+    workspace->total_bond_order = (real *) malloc( system->N * sizeof( real ) );
+    workspace->Deltap           = (real *) malloc( system->N * sizeof( real ) );
+    workspace->Deltap_boc       = (real *) malloc( system->N * sizeof( real ) );
+    workspace->dDeltap_self     = (rvec *) malloc( system->N * sizeof( rvec ) );
+    workspace->Delta        = (real *) malloc( system->N * sizeof( real ) );
+    workspace->Delta_lp         = (real *) malloc( system->N * sizeof( real ) );
+    workspace->Delta_lp_temp    = (real *) malloc( system->N * sizeof( real ) );
+    workspace->dDelta_lp        = (real *) malloc( system->N * sizeof( real ) );
+    workspace->dDelta_lp_temp   = (real *) malloc( system->N * sizeof( real ) );
+    workspace->Delta_e          = (real *) malloc( system->N * sizeof( real ) );
+    workspace->Delta_boc        = (real *) malloc( system->N * sizeof( real ) );
+    workspace->nlp          = (real *) malloc( system->N * sizeof( real ) );
+    workspace->nlp_temp         = (real *) malloc( system->N * sizeof( real ) );
+    workspace->Clp          = (real *) malloc( system->N * sizeof( real ) );
+    workspace->CdDelta          = (real *) malloc( system->N * sizeof( real ) );
+    workspace->vlpex        = (real *) malloc( system->N * sizeof( real ) );
+    /* QEq storage */
+    workspace->H        = NULL;
+    workspace->L        = NULL;
+    workspace->U        = NULL;
+    workspace->droptol  = (real *) calloc( system->N, sizeof( real ) );
+    workspace->w        = (real *) calloc( system->N, sizeof( real ) );
+    workspace->Hdia_inv = (real *) calloc( system->N, sizeof( real ) );
+    workspace->b        = (real *) calloc( system->N * 2, sizeof( real ) );
+    workspace->b_s      = (real *) calloc( system->N, sizeof( real ) );
+    workspace->b_t      = (real *) calloc( system->N, sizeof( real ) );
+    workspace->b_prc    = (real *) calloc( system->N * 2, sizeof( real ) );
+    workspace->b_prm    = (real *) calloc( system->N * 2, sizeof( real ) );
+    workspace->s_t      = (real *) calloc( system->N * 2, sizeof( real ) );
+    workspace->s        = (real**) calloc( 5, sizeof( real* ) );
+    workspace->t        = (real**) calloc( 5, sizeof( real* ) );
+    for ( i = 0; i < 5; ++i )
+    {
+        workspace->s[i] = (real *) calloc( system->N, sizeof( real ) );
+        workspace->t[i] = (real *) calloc( system->N, sizeof( real ) );
+    }
+    // workspace->s_old    = (real *) calloc( system->N, sizeof( real ) );
+    // workspace->t_old    = (real *) calloc( system->N, sizeof( real ) );
+    // workspace->s_oldest = (real *) calloc( system->N, sizeof( real ) );
+    // workspace->t_oldest = (real *) calloc( system->N, sizeof( real ) );
+    for ( i = 0; i < system->N; ++i )
+    {
+        workspace->Hdia_inv[i] = 1. / system->reaxprm.sbp[system->atoms[i].type].eta;
+        workspace->b_s[i] = -system->reaxprm.sbp[ system->atoms[i].type ].chi;
+        workspace->b_t[i] = -1.0;
+        workspace->b[i] = -system->reaxprm.sbp[ system->atoms[i].type ].chi;
+        workspace->b[i + system->N] = -1.0;
+    }
+    /* GMRES storage */
+    workspace->y  = (real *)  calloc( RESTART + 1, sizeof( real ) );
+    workspace->z  = (real *)  calloc( RESTART + 1, sizeof( real ) );
+    workspace->g  = (real *)  calloc( RESTART + 1, sizeof( real ) );
+    workspace->h  = (real **) calloc( RESTART + 1, sizeof( real*) );
+    workspace->hs = (real *)  calloc( RESTART + 1, sizeof( real ) );
+    workspace->hc = (real *)  calloc( RESTART + 1, sizeof( real ) );
+    workspace->rn = (real **) calloc( RESTART + 1, sizeof( real*) );
+    workspace->v  = (real **) calloc( RESTART + 1, sizeof( real*) );
+    for ( i = 0; i < RESTART + 1; ++i )
-      workspace->h[i]  = (real *) calloc( RESTART+1, sizeof( real ) );
-      workspace->rn[i] = (real *) calloc( system->N * 2, sizeof( real ) );
-      workspace->v[i]  = (real *) calloc( system->N, sizeof( real ) );
+        workspace->h[i]  = (real *) calloc( RESTART + 1, sizeof( real ) );
+        workspace->rn[i] = (real *) calloc( system->N * 2, sizeof( real ) );
+        workspace->v[i]  = (real *) calloc( system->N, sizeof( real ) );
-  /* CG storage */
-  workspace->r = (real *) calloc( system->N, sizeof( real ) );
-  workspace->d = (real *) calloc( system->N, sizeof( real ) );
-  workspace->q = (real *) calloc( system->N, sizeof( real ) );
-  workspace->p = (real *) calloc( system->N, sizeof( real ) );
+    /* CG storage */
+    workspace->r = (real *) calloc( system->N, sizeof( real ) );
+    workspace->d = (real *) calloc( system->N, sizeof( real ) );
+    workspace->q = (real *) calloc( system->N, sizeof( real ) );
+    workspace->p = (real *) calloc( system->N, sizeof( real ) );
-  /* integrator storage */
-  workspace->a = (rvec *) malloc( system->N * sizeof( rvec ) );
-  workspace->f_old = (rvec *) malloc( system->N * sizeof( rvec ) );
-  workspace->v_const = (rvec *) malloc( system->N * sizeof( rvec ) );
+    /* integrator storage */
+    workspace->a = (rvec *) malloc( system->N * sizeof( rvec ) );
+    workspace->f_old = (rvec *) malloc( system->N * sizeof( rvec ) );
+    workspace->v_const = (rvec *) malloc( system->N * sizeof( rvec ) );
-  /* storage for analysis */
-  if( control->molec_anal || control->diffusion_coef )
+    /* storage for analysis */
+    if ( control->molec_anal || control->diffusion_coef )
-      workspace->mark = (int *) calloc( system->N, sizeof(int) );
-      workspace->old_mark = (int *) calloc( system->N, sizeof(int) );
+        workspace->mark = (int *) calloc( system->N, sizeof(int) );
+        workspace->old_mark = (int *) calloc( system->N, sizeof(int) );
-  else 
-    workspace->mark = workspace->old_mark = NULL;
-  if( control->diffusion_coef )
-      workspace->x_old = (rvec *) calloc( system->N, sizeof( rvec ) );
-  else workspace->x_old = NULL;
+    else
+        workspace->mark = workspace->old_mark = NULL;
+    if ( control->diffusion_coef )
+        workspace->x_old = (rvec *) calloc( system->N, sizeof( rvec ) );
+    else workspace->x_old = NULL;
-  workspace->dDelta = (rvec *) malloc( system->N * sizeof( rvec ) );
-  workspace->f_ele = (rvec *) malloc( system->N * sizeof( rvec ) );
-  workspace->f_vdw = (rvec *) malloc( system->N * sizeof( rvec ) );
-  workspace->f_bo = (rvec *) malloc( system->N * sizeof( rvec ) );
-  workspace->f_be = (rvec *) malloc( system->N * sizeof( rvec ) );
-  workspace->f_lp = (rvec *) malloc( system->N * sizeof( rvec ) );
-  workspace->f_ov = (rvec *) malloc( system->N * sizeof( rvec ) );
-  workspace->f_un = (rvec *) malloc( system->N * sizeof( rvec ) );
-  workspace->f_ang = (rvec *) malloc( system->N * sizeof( rvec ) );
-  workspace->f_coa = (rvec *) malloc( system->N * sizeof( rvec ) );
-  workspace->f_pen = (rvec *) malloc( system->N * sizeof( rvec ) );
-  workspace->f_hb = (rvec *) malloc( system->N * sizeof( rvec ) );
-  workspace->f_tor = (rvec *) malloc( system->N * sizeof( rvec ) );
-  workspace->f_con = (rvec *) malloc( system->N * sizeof( rvec ) );
+    workspace->dDelta = (rvec *) malloc( system->N * sizeof( rvec ) );
+    workspace->f_ele = (rvec *) malloc( system->N * sizeof( rvec ) );
+    workspace->f_vdw = (rvec *) malloc( system->N * sizeof( rvec ) );
+    workspace->f_bo = (rvec *) malloc( system->N * sizeof( rvec ) );
+    workspace->f_be = (rvec *) malloc( system->N * sizeof( rvec ) );
+    workspace->f_lp = (rvec *) malloc( system->N * sizeof( rvec ) );
+    workspace->f_ov = (rvec *) malloc( system->N * sizeof( rvec ) );
+    workspace->f_un = (rvec *) malloc( system->N * sizeof( rvec ) );
+    workspace->f_ang = (rvec *) malloc( system->N * sizeof( rvec ) );
+    workspace->f_coa = (rvec *) malloc( system->N * sizeof( rvec ) );
+    workspace->f_pen = (rvec *) malloc( system->N * sizeof( rvec ) );
+    workspace->f_hb = (rvec *) malloc( system->N * sizeof( rvec ) );
+    workspace->f_tor = (rvec *) malloc( system->N * sizeof( rvec ) );
+    workspace->f_con = (rvec *) malloc( system->N * sizeof( rvec ) );
-  workspace->realloc.num_far = -1;
-  workspace->realloc.Htop = -1;
-  workspace->realloc.hbonds = -1;
-  workspace->realloc.bonds = -1;
-  workspace->realloc.num_3body = -1;
-  workspace->realloc.gcell_atoms = -1;
+    workspace->realloc.num_far = -1;
+    workspace->realloc.Htop = -1;
+    workspace->realloc.hbonds = -1;
+    workspace->realloc.bonds = -1;
+    workspace->realloc.num_3body = -1;
+    workspace->realloc.gcell_atoms = -1;
-  Reset_Workspace( system, workspace );
+    Reset_Workspace( system, workspace );
-void Init_Lists( reax_system *system, control_params *control, 
-		 simulation_data *data, static_storage *workspace, 
-		 list **lists, output_controls *out_control )
+void Init_Lists( reax_system *system, control_params *control,
+                 simulation_data *data, static_storage *workspace,
+                 list **lists, output_controls *out_control )
-  int i, num_nbrs, num_hbonds, num_bonds, num_3body, Htop;
-  int *hb_top, *bond_top;
-  num_nbrs = Estimate_NumNeighbors( system, control, workspace, lists );
-  if( !Make_List(system->N, num_nbrs, TYP_FAR_NEIGHBOR, (*lists)+FAR_NBRS) ) {
-    fprintf(stderr, "Problem in initializing far nbrs list. Terminating!\n");
-    exit( INIT_ERR );
-  }
+    int i, num_nbrs, num_hbonds, num_bonds, num_3body, Htop;
+    int *hb_top, *bond_top;
+    num_nbrs = Estimate_NumNeighbors( system, control, workspace, lists );
+    if ( !Make_List(system->N, num_nbrs, TYP_FAR_NEIGHBOR, (*lists) + FAR_NBRS) )
+    {
+        fprintf(stderr, "Problem in initializing far nbrs list. Terminating!\n");
+        exit( INIT_ERR );
+    }
 #if defined(DEBUG_FOCUS)
-  fprintf( stderr, "memory allocated: far_nbrs = %ldMB\n", 
-	   num_nbrs * sizeof(far_neighbor_data) / (1024*1024) );
+    fprintf( stderr, "memory allocated: far_nbrs = %ldMB\n",
+             num_nbrs * sizeof(far_neighbor_data) / (1024 * 1024) );
-  Generate_Neighbor_Lists(system,control,data,workspace,lists,out_control);
-  Htop = 0;
-  hb_top = (int*) calloc( system->N, sizeof(int) );
-  bond_top = (int*) calloc( system->N, sizeof(int) );
-  num_3body = 0;
-  Estimate_Storage_Sizes( system, control, lists, 
-			  &Htop, hb_top, bond_top, &num_3body );
-  Allocate_Matrix( &(workspace->H), system->N, Htop );
+    Generate_Neighbor_Lists(system, control, data, workspace, lists, out_control);
+    Htop = 0;
+    hb_top = (int*) calloc( system->N, sizeof(int) );
+    bond_top = (int*) calloc( system->N, sizeof(int) );
+    num_3body = 0;
+    Estimate_Storage_Sizes( system, control, lists,
+                            &Htop, hb_top, bond_top, &num_3body );
+    Allocate_Matrix( &(workspace->H), system->N, Htop );
 #if defined(DEBUG_FOCUS)
-  fprintf( stderr, "estimated storage - Htop: %d\n", Htop );
-  fprintf( stderr, "memory allocated: H = %ldMB\n", 
-	   Htop * sizeof(sparse_matrix_entry) / (1024*1024) );
+    fprintf( stderr, "estimated storage - Htop: %d\n", Htop );
+    fprintf( stderr, "memory allocated: H = %ldMB\n",
+             Htop * sizeof(sparse_matrix_entry) / (1024 * 1024) );
-  workspace->num_H = 0;
-  if( control->hb_cut > 0 ) {
-    /* init H indexes */
-    for( i = 0; i < system->N; ++i )
-      if( system->reaxprm.sbp[ system->atoms[i].type ].p_hbond == 1 ) // H atom
-	workspace->hbond_index[i] = workspace->num_H++;
-      else workspace->hbond_index[i] = -1;
-    Allocate_HBond_List( system->N, workspace->num_H, workspace->hbond_index, 
-			 hb_top, (*lists)+HBONDS );
-    num_hbonds = hb_top[system->N-1];
+    workspace->num_H = 0;
+    if ( control->hb_cut > 0 )
+    {
+        /* init H indexes */
+        for ( i = 0; i < system->N; ++i )
+            if ( system->reaxprm.sbp[ system->atoms[i].type ].p_hbond == 1 ) // H atom
+                workspace->hbond_index[i] = workspace->num_H++;
+            else workspace->hbond_index[i] = -1;
+        Allocate_HBond_List( system->N, workspace->num_H, workspace->hbond_index,
+                             hb_top, (*lists) + HBONDS );
+        num_hbonds = hb_top[system->N - 1];
 #if defined(DEBUG_FOCUS)
-    fprintf( stderr, "estimated storage - num_hbonds: %d\n", num_hbonds );
-    fprintf( stderr, "memory allocated: hbonds = %ldMB\n", 
-	     num_hbonds * sizeof(hbond_data) / (1024*1024) );
+        fprintf( stderr, "estimated storage - num_hbonds: %d\n", num_hbonds );
+        fprintf( stderr, "memory allocated: hbonds = %ldMB\n",
+                 num_hbonds * sizeof(hbond_data) / (1024 * 1024) );
-  }
-  /* bonds list */
-  Allocate_Bond_List( system->N, bond_top, (*lists)+BONDS );
-  num_bonds = bond_top[system->N-1];
+    }
+    /* bonds list */
+    Allocate_Bond_List( system->N, bond_top, (*lists) + BONDS );
+    num_bonds = bond_top[system->N - 1];
 #if defined(DEBUG_FOCUS)
-  fprintf( stderr, "estimated storage - num_bonds: %d\n", num_bonds );
-  fprintf( stderr, "memory allocated: bonds = %ldMB\n", 
-	   num_bonds * sizeof(bond_data) / (1024*1024) );
+    fprintf( stderr, "estimated storage - num_bonds: %d\n", num_bonds );
+    fprintf( stderr, "memory allocated: bonds = %ldMB\n",
+             num_bonds * sizeof(bond_data) / (1024 * 1024) );
 //fprintf (stderr, " **** sizeof 3 body : %d \n", sizeof (three_body_interaction_data));
 //fprintf (stderr, " **** num_3body : %d \n", num_3body);
 //fprintf (stderr, " **** num_bonds : %d \n", num_bonds);
-  /* 3bodies list */
-  if(!Make_List(num_bonds, num_3body, TYP_THREE_BODY, (*lists)+THREE_BODIES)) {
-    fprintf( stderr, "Problem in initializing angles list. Terminating!\n" );
-    exit( INIT_ERR );
-  }
+    /* 3bodies list */
+    if (!Make_List(num_bonds, num_3body, TYP_THREE_BODY, (*lists) + THREE_BODIES))
+    {
+        fprintf( stderr, "Problem in initializing angles list. Terminating!\n" );
+        exit( INIT_ERR );
+    }
 #if defined(DEBUG_FOCUS)
-  fprintf( stderr, "estimated storage - num_3body: %d\n", num_3body );
-  fprintf( stderr, "memory allocated: 3-body = %ldMB\n", 
-	   num_3body * sizeof(three_body_interaction_data) / (1024*1024) );
+    fprintf( stderr, "estimated storage - num_3body: %d\n", num_3body );
+    fprintf( stderr, "memory allocated: 3-body = %ldMB\n",
+             num_3body * sizeof(three_body_interaction_data) / (1024 * 1024) );
-  if(!Make_List( system->N, num_bonds * 8, TYP_DDELTA, (*lists) + DDELTA )) {
-    fprintf( stderr, "Problem in initializing dDelta list. Terminating!\n" );
-    exit( INIT_ERR );
-  }
-  if( !Make_List( num_bonds, num_bonds*MAX_BONDS*3, TYP_DBO, (*lists)+DBO ) ) {
-    fprintf( stderr, "Problem in initializing dBO list. Terminating!\n" );
-    exit( INIT_ERR );
-  }
+    if (!Make_List( system->N, num_bonds * 8, TYP_DDELTA, (*lists) + DDELTA ))
+    {
+        fprintf( stderr, "Problem in initializing dDelta list. Terminating!\n" );
+        exit( INIT_ERR );
+    }
+    if ( !Make_List( num_bonds, num_bonds * MAX_BONDS * 3, TYP_DBO, (*lists) + DBO ) )
+    {
+        fprintf( stderr, "Problem in initializing dBO list. Terminating!\n" );
+        exit( INIT_ERR );
+    }
-  free( hb_top );
-  free( bond_top );
+    free( hb_top );
+    free( bond_top );
-void Init_Out_Controls(reax_system *system, control_params *control, 
-		       static_storage *workspace, output_controls *out_control)
+void Init_Out_Controls(reax_system *system, control_params *control,
+                       static_storage *workspace, output_controls *out_control)
-  char temp[1000];
+    char temp[1000];
-  /* Init trajectory file */
-  if( out_control->write_steps > 0 ) { 
+    /* Init trajectory file */
+    if ( out_control->write_steps > 0 )
+    {
+        strcpy( temp, control->sim_name );
+        strcat( temp, ".trj" );
+        out_control->trj = fopen( temp, "w" );
+        out_control->write_header( system, control, workspace, out_control );
+    }
+    if ( out_control->energy_update_freq > 0 )
+    {
+        /* Init out file */
+        strcpy( temp, control->sim_name );
+        strcat( temp, ".out" );
+        out_control->out = fopen( temp, "w" );
+        fprintf( out_control->out, "%-6s%16s%16s%16s%11s%11s%13s%13s%13s\n",
+                 "step", "total energy", "poten. energy", "kin. energy",
+                 "temp.", "target", "volume", "press.", "target" );
+        fflush( out_control->out );
+        /* Init potentials file */
+        strcpy( temp, control->sim_name );
+        strcat( temp, ".pot" );
+        out_control->pot = fopen( temp, "w" );
+        fprintf( out_control->pot,
+                 "%-6s%13s%13s%13s%13s%13s%13s%13s%13s%13s%13s%13s\n",
+                 "step", "ebond", "eatom", "elp", "eang", "ecoa", "ehb",
+                 "etor", "econj", "evdw", "ecoul", "epol" );
+        fflush( out_control->pot );
+        /* Init log file */
+        strcpy( temp, control->sim_name );
+        strcat( temp, ".log" );
+        out_control->log = fopen( temp, "w" );
+        fprintf( out_control->log, "%-6s%10s%10s%10s%10s%10s%10s%10s\n",
+                 "step", "total", "neighbors", "init", "bonded",
+                 "nonbonded", "QEq", "matvec" );
+    }
+    /* Init pressure file */
+    if ( control->ensemble == NPT ||
+            control->ensemble == iNPT ||
+            control->ensemble == sNPT )
+    {
+        strcpy( temp, control->sim_name );
+        strcat( temp, ".prs" );
+        out_control->prs = fopen( temp, "w" );
+        fprintf( out_control->prs, "%-6s%13s%13s%13s%13s%13s%13s%13s%13s\n",
+                 "step", "norm_x", "norm_y", "norm_z",
+                 "press_x", "press_y", "press_z", "target_p", "volume" );
+        fflush( out_control->prs );
+    }
+    /* Init molecular analysis file */
+    if ( control->molec_anal )
+    {
+        sprintf( temp, "%s.mol", control->sim_name );
+        out_control->mol = fopen( temp, "w" );
+        if ( control->num_ignored )
+        {
+            sprintf( temp, "%s.ign", control->sim_name );
+            out_control->ign = fopen( temp, "w" );
+        }
+    }
+    /* Init electric dipole moment analysis file */
+    if ( control->dipole_anal )
+    {
+        strcpy( temp, control->sim_name );
+        strcat( temp, ".dpl" );
+        out_control->dpl = fopen( temp, "w" );
+        fprintf( out_control->dpl,
+                 "Step      Molecule Count  Avg. Dipole Moment Norm\n" );
+        fflush( out_control->dpl );
+    }
+    /* Init diffusion coef analysis file */
+    if ( control->diffusion_coef )
+    {
+        strcpy( temp, control->sim_name );
+        strcat( temp, ".drft" );
+        out_control->drft = fopen( temp, "w" );
+        fprintf( out_control->drft, "Step     Type Count   Avg Squared Disp\n" );
+        fflush( out_control->drft );
+    }
+    /* open bond energy file */
     strcpy( temp, control->sim_name );
-    strcat( temp, ".trj" );
-    out_control->trj = fopen( temp, "w" );
-    out_control->write_header( system, control, workspace, out_control );
-  }
+    strcat( temp, ".ebond" );
+    out_control->ebond = fopen( temp, "w" );
-  if( out_control->energy_update_freq > 0 ) {
-    /* Init out file */
+    /* open lone-pair energy file */
     strcpy( temp, control->sim_name );
-    strcat( temp, ".out" );
-    out_control->out = fopen( temp, "w" );
-    fprintf( out_control->out, "%-6s%16s%16s%16s%11s%11s%13s%13s%13s\n",
-	     "step", "total energy", "poten. energy", "kin. energy", 
-	     "temp.", "target", "volume", "press.", "target" );
-    fflush( out_control->out );
-    /* Init potentials file */
+    strcat( temp, ".elp" );
+    out_control->elp = fopen( temp, "w" );
+    /* open overcoordination energy file */
+    strcpy( temp, control->sim_name );
+    strcat( temp, ".eov" );
+    out_control->eov = fopen( temp, "w" );
+    /* open undercoordination energy file */
     strcpy( temp, control->sim_name );
-    strcat( temp, ".pot" );
-    out_control->pot = fopen( temp, "w" );
-    fprintf( out_control->pot, 
-	     "%-6s%13s%13s%13s%13s%13s%13s%13s%13s%13s%13s%13s\n",
-	     "step", "ebond", "eatom", "elp", "eang", "ecoa", "ehb", 
-	     "etor", "econj", "evdw","ecoul", "epol" );
-    fflush( out_control->pot );
-    /* Init log file */
+    strcat( temp, ".eun" );
+    out_control->eun = fopen( temp, "w" );
+    /* open angle energy file */
     strcpy( temp, control->sim_name );
-    strcat( temp, ".log" );
-    out_control->log = fopen( temp, "w" );
-    fprintf( out_control->log, "%-6s%10s%10s%10s%10s%10s%10s%10s\n", 
-	     "step", "total", "neighbors", "init", "bonded", 
-	     "nonbonded", "QEq", "matvec" );
-  }
-  /* Init pressure file */
-  if( control->ensemble == NPT || 
-      control->ensemble == iNPT || 
-      control->ensemble == sNPT ) {
+    strcat( temp, ".eval" );
+    out_control->eval = fopen( temp, "w" );
+    /* open penalty energy file */
     strcpy( temp, control->sim_name );
-    strcat( temp, ".prs" );
-    out_control->prs = fopen( temp, "w" );
-    fprintf( out_control->prs, "%-6s%13s%13s%13s%13s%13s%13s%13s%13s\n",
-	     "step", "norm_x", "norm_y", "norm_z", 
-	     "press_x", "press_y", "press_z", "target_p", "volume" );
-    fflush( out_control->prs );
-  }
-  /* Init molecular analysis file */
-  if( control->molec_anal ) {
-    sprintf( temp, "%s.mol", control->sim_name );
-    out_control->mol = fopen( temp, "w" );
-    if( control->num_ignored ) {
-      sprintf( temp, "%s.ign", control->sim_name );
-      out_control->ign = fopen( temp, "w" );
-    } 
-  }
-  /* Init electric dipole moment analysis file */
-  if( control->dipole_anal ) {
+    strcat( temp, ".epen" );
+    out_control->epen = fopen( temp, "w" );
+    /* open coalition energy file */
     strcpy( temp, control->sim_name );
-    strcat( temp, ".dpl" );
-    out_control->dpl = fopen( temp, "w" );
-    fprintf( out_control->dpl, 
-	     "Step      Molecule Count  Avg. Dipole Moment Norm\n" );
-    fflush( out_control->dpl );
-  }
-  /* Init diffusion coef analysis file */
-  if( control->diffusion_coef ) {
+    strcat( temp, ".ecoa" );
+    out_control->ecoa = fopen( temp, "w" );
+    /* open hydrogen bond energy file */
     strcpy( temp, control->sim_name );
-    strcat( temp, ".drft" );
-    out_control->drft = fopen( temp, "w" );
-    fprintf( out_control->drft, "Step     Type Count   Avg Squared Disp\n" );
-    fflush( out_control->drft );
-  }
+    strcat( temp, ".ehb" );
+    out_control->ehb = fopen( temp, "w" );
+    /* open torsion energy file */
+    strcpy( temp, control->sim_name );
+    strcat( temp, ".etor" );
+    out_control->etor = fopen( temp, "w" );
-  /* open bond energy file */
-  strcpy( temp, control->sim_name );
-  strcat( temp, ".ebond" );
-  out_control->ebond = fopen( temp, "w" );
-  /* open lone-pair energy file */
-  strcpy( temp, control->sim_name );
-  strcat( temp, ".elp" );
-  out_control->elp = fopen( temp, "w" );
-  /* open overcoordination energy file */
-  strcpy( temp, control->sim_name );
-  strcat( temp, ".eov" );
-  out_control->eov = fopen( temp, "w" );
-  /* open undercoordination energy file */
-  strcpy( temp, control->sim_name );
-  strcat( temp, ".eun" );
-  out_control->eun = fopen( temp, "w" );
-  /* open angle energy file */
-  strcpy( temp, control->sim_name );
-  strcat( temp, ".eval" );
-  out_control->eval = fopen( temp, "w" );
-  /* open penalty energy file */
-  strcpy( temp, control->sim_name );
-  strcat( temp, ".epen" );
-  out_control->epen = fopen( temp, "w" );
-  /* open coalition energy file */
-  strcpy( temp, control->sim_name );
-  strcat( temp, ".ecoa" );
-  out_control->ecoa = fopen( temp, "w" );
-  /* open hydrogen bond energy file */
-  strcpy( temp, control->sim_name );
-  strcat( temp, ".ehb" );
-  out_control->ehb = fopen( temp, "w" );
-  /* open torsion energy file */
-  strcpy( temp, control->sim_name );
-  strcat( temp, ".etor" );
-  out_control->etor = fopen( temp, "w" );
-  /* open conjugation energy file */
-  strcpy( temp, control->sim_name );
-  strcat( temp, ".econ" );
-  out_control->econ = fopen( temp, "w" );
-  /* open vdWaals energy file */
-  strcpy( temp, control->sim_name );
-  strcat( temp, ".evdw" );
-  out_control->evdw = fopen( temp, "w" );
-  /* open coulomb energy file */
-  strcpy( temp, control->sim_name );
-  strcat( temp, ".ecou" );
-  out_control->ecou = fopen( temp, "w" );
+    /* open conjugation energy file */
+    strcpy( temp, control->sim_name );
+    strcat( temp, ".econ" );
+    out_control->econ = fopen( temp, "w" );
+    /* open vdWaals energy file */
+    strcpy( temp, control->sim_name );
+    strcat( temp, ".evdw" );
+    out_control->evdw = fopen( temp, "w" );
+    /* open coulomb energy file */
+    strcpy( temp, control->sim_name );
+    strcat( temp, ".ecou" );
+    out_control->ecou = fopen( temp, "w" );
-  /* open bond orders file */
-  strcpy( temp, control->sim_name );
-  strcat( temp, ".fbo" );
-  out_control->fbo = fopen( temp, "w" );
-  /* open bond orders derivatives file */
-  strcpy( temp, control->sim_name );
-  strcat( temp, ".fdbo" );
-  out_control->fdbo = fopen( temp, "w" );
-  /* open bond forces file */
-  strcpy( temp, control->sim_name );
-  strcat( temp, ".fbond" );
-  out_control->fbond = fopen( temp, "w" );
-  /* open lone-pair forces file */
-  strcpy( temp, control->sim_name );
-  strcat( temp, ".flp" );
-  out_control->flp = fopen( temp, "w" );
-  /* open overcoordination forces file */
-  strcpy( temp, control->sim_name );
-  strcat( temp, ".fatom" );
-  out_control->fatom = fopen( temp, "w" );
-  /* open angle forces file */
-  strcpy( temp, control->sim_name );
-  strcat( temp, ".f3body" );
-  out_control->f3body = fopen( temp, "w" );
-  /* open hydrogen bond forces file */
-  strcpy( temp, control->sim_name );
-  strcat( temp, ".fhb" );
-  out_control->fhb = fopen( temp, "w" );
-  /* open torsion forces file */
-  strcpy( temp, control->sim_name );
-  strcat( temp, ".f4body" );
-  out_control->f4body = fopen( temp, "w" );
-  /* open nonbonded forces file */
-  strcpy( temp, control->sim_name );
-  strcat( temp, ".fnonb" );
-  out_control->fnonb = fopen( temp, "w" );
-  /* open total force file */
-  strcpy( temp, control->sim_name );
-  strcat( temp, ".ftot" );
-  out_control->ftot = fopen( temp, "w" );
-  /* open coulomb forces file */
-  strcpy( temp, control->sim_name );
-  strcat( temp, ".ftot2" );
-  out_control->ftot2 = fopen( temp, "w" );
+    /* open bond orders file */
+    strcpy( temp, control->sim_name );
+    strcat( temp, ".fbo" );
+    out_control->fbo = fopen( temp, "w" );
+    /* open bond orders derivatives file */
+    strcpy( temp, control->sim_name );
+    strcat( temp, ".fdbo" );
+    out_control->fdbo = fopen( temp, "w" );
+    /* open bond forces file */
+    strcpy( temp, control->sim_name );
+    strcat( temp, ".fbond" );
+    out_control->fbond = fopen( temp, "w" );
+    /* open lone-pair forces file */
+    strcpy( temp, control->sim_name );
+    strcat( temp, ".flp" );
+    out_control->flp = fopen( temp, "w" );
+    /* open overcoordination forces file */
+    strcpy( temp, control->sim_name );
+    strcat( temp, ".fatom" );
+    out_control->fatom = fopen( temp, "w" );
+    /* open angle forces file */
+    strcpy( temp, control->sim_name );
+    strcat( temp, ".f3body" );
+    out_control->f3body = fopen( temp, "w" );
+    /* open hydrogen bond forces file */
+    strcpy( temp, control->sim_name );
+    strcat( temp, ".fhb" );
+    out_control->fhb = fopen( temp, "w" );
+    /* open torsion forces file */
+    strcpy( temp, control->sim_name );
+    strcat( temp, ".f4body" );
+    out_control->f4body = fopen( temp, "w" );
+    /* open nonbonded forces file */
+    strcpy( temp, control->sim_name );
+    strcat( temp, ".fnonb" );
+    out_control->fnonb = fopen( temp, "w" );
+    /* open total force file */
+    strcpy( temp, control->sim_name );
+    strcat( temp, ".ftot" );
+    out_control->ftot = fopen( temp, "w" );
+    /* open coulomb forces file */
+    strcpy( temp, control->sim_name );
+    strcat( temp, ".ftot2" );
+    out_control->ftot2 = fopen( temp, "w" );
-/* Error handling */
-  /* if ( out_control->out == NULL || out_control->pot == NULL || 
-     out_control->log == NULL || out_control->mol == NULL || 
-     out_control->dpl == NULL || out_control->drft == NULL ||       
-     out_control->pdb == NULL )
-     {
-     fprintf( stderr, "FILE OPEN ERROR. TERMINATING..." );
-     exit( CANNOT_OPEN_OUTFILE );
-     }*/
+    /* Error handling */
+    /* if ( out_control->out == NULL || out_control->pot == NULL ||
+       out_control->log == NULL || out_control->mol == NULL ||
+       out_control->dpl == NULL || out_control->drft == NULL ||
+       out_control->pdb == NULL )
+       {
+       fprintf( stderr, "FILE OPEN ERROR. TERMINATING..." );
+       exit( CANNOT_OPEN_OUTFILE );
+       }*/
-void Initialize(reax_system *system, control_params *control, 
-		simulation_data *data, static_storage *workspace, list **lists, 
-		output_controls *out_control, evolve_function *Evolve)
+void Initialize(reax_system *system, control_params *control,
+                simulation_data *data, static_storage *workspace, list **lists,
+                output_controls *out_control, evolve_function *Evolve)
-  real start, end;
-  Randomize();
+    real start, end;
+    Randomize();
-  Init_System( system, control, data );
+    Init_System( system, control, data );
-  Init_Simulation_Data( system, control, data, out_control, Evolve );
+    Init_Simulation_Data( system, control, data, out_control, Evolve );
-  Init_Workspace( system, control, workspace );
-  Init_Lists( system, control, data, workspace, lists, out_control );
+    Init_Workspace( system, control, workspace );
-  Init_Out_Controls( system, control, workspace, out_control );
+    Init_Lists( system, control, data, workspace, lists, out_control );
-  /* These are done in forces.c, only forces.c can see all those functions */
-  Init_Bonded_Force_Functions( control );
+    Init_Out_Controls( system, control, workspace, out_control );
+    /* These are done in forces.c, only forces.c can see all those functions */
+    Init_Bonded_Force_Functions( control );
-  Init_Force_Test_Functions( );
+    Init_Force_Test_Functions( );
-  if( control->tabulate ) {
-    start = Get_Time ();
-    Make_LR_Lookup_Table( system, control );
-	 end = Get_Timing_Info (start);
+    if ( control->tabulate )
+    {
+        start = Get_Time ();
+        Make_LR_Lookup_Table( system, control );
+        end = Get_Timing_Info (start);
-	 //fprintf (stderr, "Time for LR Lookup Table calculation is %f \n", end );
-  }
+        //fprintf (stderr, "Time for LR Lookup Table calculation is %f \n", end );
+    }
 #if defined(DEBUG_FOCUS)
-  fprintf( stderr, "data structures have been initialized...\n" ); 
+    fprintf( stderr, "data structures have been initialized...\n" );
diff --git a/puremd_rc_1003/sPuReMD/init_md.h b/puremd_rc_1003/sPuReMD/init_md.h
index 52b78a82cbcacadf50f4f145c47fa36eddb1c358..3fc59053a9d569623d0004e7b5b9a86a6cbf3cb0 100644
--- a/puremd_rc_1003/sPuReMD/init_md.h
+++ b/puremd_rc_1003/sPuReMD/init_md.h
@@ -1,20 +1,20 @@
   SerialReax - Reax Force Field Simulator
   Copyright (2010) Purdue University
   Hasan Metin Aktulga, haktulga@cs.purdue.edu
   Joseph Fogarty, jcfogart@mail.usf.edu
   Sagar Pandit, pandit@usf.edu
   Ananth Y Grama, ayg@cs.purdue.edu
   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
   modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
-  published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of 
+  published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
   the License, or (at your option) any later version.
   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
   See the GNU General Public License for more details:
@@ -25,6 +25,6 @@
 #include "mytypes.h"
 void Initialize( reax_system*, control_params*, simulation_data*,
-		 static_storage*, list**, output_controls*, evolve_function* );
+                 static_storage*, list**, output_controls*, evolve_function* );
diff --git a/puremd_rc_1003/sPuReMD/integrate.c b/puremd_rc_1003/sPuReMD/integrate.c
index 6316ad868ca7281f768b259bc96382b6455dd457..142863cad18291a04f4f56fc364c73cf8fdabd3b 100644
--- a/puremd_rc_1003/sPuReMD/integrate.c
+++ b/puremd_rc_1003/sPuReMD/integrate.c
@@ -1,20 +1,20 @@
   SerialReax - Reax Force Field Simulator
   Copyright (2010) Purdue University
   Hasan Metin Aktulga, haktulga@cs.purdue.edu
   Joseph Fogarty, jcfogart@mail.usf.edu
   Sagar Pandit, pandit@usf.edu
   Ananth Y Grama, ayg@cs.purdue.edu
   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
   modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
-  published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of 
+  published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
   the License, or (at your option) any later version.
   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
   See the GNU General Public License for more details:
@@ -35,382 +35,397 @@
-void Velocity_Verlet_NVE(reax_system* system, control_params* control, 
-			 simulation_data *data, static_storage *workspace, 
-			 list **lists, output_controls *out_control )
+void Velocity_Verlet_NVE(reax_system* system, control_params* control,
+                         simulation_data *data, static_storage *workspace,
+                         list **lists, output_controls *out_control )
-  int i, steps, renbr;
-  real inv_m, dt, dt_sqr;
-  rvec dx;
-  dt = control->dt;
-  dt_sqr = SQR(dt);
-  steps = data->step - data->prev_steps;
-  renbr = (steps % control->reneighbor == 0);
-#if defined(DEBUG_FOCUS)  
-  fprintf( stderr, "step%d: ", data->step );
+    int i, steps, renbr;
+    real inv_m, dt, dt_sqr;
+    rvec dx;
+    dt = control->dt;
+    dt_sqr = SQR(dt);
+    steps = data->step - data->prev_steps;
+    renbr = (steps % control->reneighbor == 0);
+#if defined(DEBUG_FOCUS)
+    fprintf( stderr, "step%d: ", data->step );
-  for( i = 0; i < system->N; i++ ) {
-    inv_m = 1.0 / system->reaxprm.sbp[system->atoms[i].type].mass;
-    rvec_ScaledSum( dx, dt, system->atoms[i].v, 
-		    0.5 * dt_sqr * -F_CONV * inv_m, system->atoms[i].f );
-    Inc_on_T3( system->atoms[i].x, dx, &( system->box ) );
-    rvec_ScaledAdd( system->atoms[i].v, 
-		    0.5 * dt * -F_CONV * inv_m, system->atoms[i].f );
-  }
-#if defined(DEBUG_FOCUS)  
-  fprintf( stderr, "verlet1 - ");
+    for ( i = 0; i < system->N; i++ )
+    {
+        inv_m = 1.0 / system->reaxprm.sbp[system->atoms[i].type].mass;
+        rvec_ScaledSum( dx, dt, system->atoms[i].v,
+                        0.5 * dt_sqr * -F_CONV * inv_m, system->atoms[i].f );
+        Inc_on_T3( system->atoms[i].x, dx, &( system->box ) );
+        rvec_ScaledAdd( system->atoms[i].v,
+                        0.5 * dt * -F_CONV * inv_m, system->atoms[i].f );
+    }
+#if defined(DEBUG_FOCUS)
+    fprintf( stderr, "verlet1 - ");
-  Reallocate( system, workspace, lists, renbr );
-  Reset( system, control, data, workspace, lists );
-  if( renbr )
-    Generate_Neighbor_Lists( system, control, data, workspace, 
-			     lists, out_control );  
-  Compute_Forces( system, control, data, workspace, lists, out_control );
-  for( i = 0; i < system->N; i++ ) {
-    inv_m = 1.0 / system->reaxprm.sbp[system->atoms[i].type].mass;
-    rvec_ScaledAdd( system->atoms[i].v, 
-		    0.5 * dt * -F_CONV * inv_m, system->atoms[i].f );
-  }
-#if defined(DEBUG_FOCUS)  
-  fprintf( stderr, "verlet2\n");
+    Reallocate( system, workspace, lists, renbr );
+    Reset( system, control, data, workspace, lists );
+    if ( renbr )
+        Generate_Neighbor_Lists( system, control, data, workspace,
+                                 lists, out_control );
+    Compute_Forces( system, control, data, workspace, lists, out_control );
+    for ( i = 0; i < system->N; i++ )
+    {
+        inv_m = 1.0 / system->reaxprm.sbp[system->atoms[i].type].mass;
+        rvec_ScaledAdd( system->atoms[i].v,
+                        0.5 * dt * -F_CONV * inv_m, system->atoms[i].f );
+    }
+#if defined(DEBUG_FOCUS)
+    fprintf( stderr, "verlet2\n");
-void Velocity_Verlet_Nose_Hoover_NVT_Klein(reax_system* system, 
-					   control_params* control, 
-					   simulation_data *data, 
-					   static_storage *workspace, 
-					   list **lists, 
-					   output_controls *out_control )
+void Velocity_Verlet_Nose_Hoover_NVT_Klein(reax_system* system,
+        control_params* control,
+        simulation_data *data,
+        static_storage *workspace,
+        list **lists,
+        output_controls *out_control )
-  int i, itr, steps, renbr;
-  real inv_m, coef_v, dt, dt_sqr;
-  real E_kin_new, G_xi_new, v_xi_new, v_xi_old;
-  rvec dx;
-  thermostat *therm;
-  dt = control->dt;
-  dt_sqr = SQR( dt );
-  therm = &( data->therm );
-  steps = data->step - data->prev_steps;
-  renbr = (steps % control->reneighbor == 0);
+    int i, itr, steps, renbr;
+    real inv_m, coef_v, dt, dt_sqr;
+    real E_kin_new, G_xi_new, v_xi_new, v_xi_old;
+    rvec dx;
+    thermostat *therm;
+    dt = control->dt;
+    dt_sqr = SQR( dt );
+    therm = &( data->therm );
+    steps = data->step - data->prev_steps;
+    renbr = (steps % control->reneighbor == 0);
 #if defined(DEBUG_FOCUS)
-  fprintf( stderr, "step%d: ", data->step );
+    fprintf( stderr, "step%d: ", data->step );
-  /* Compute x(t + dt) and copy old forces */
-  for (i=0; i < system->N; i++) {
-    inv_m = 1.0 / system->reaxprm.sbp[system->atoms[i].type].mass;
-    rvec_ScaledSum( dx, dt - 0.5 * dt_sqr * therm->v_xi, system->atoms[i].v,
-		    0.5 * dt_sqr * inv_m * -F_CONV, system->atoms[i].f );
-    Inc_on_T3( system->atoms[i].x, dx, &(system->box) );
-    rvec_Copy( workspace->f_old[i], system->atoms[i].f );
-  }
-  /* Compute xi(t + dt) */
-  therm->xi += ( therm->v_xi * dt + 0.5 * dt_sqr * therm->G_xi );
+    /* Compute x(t + dt) and copy old forces */
+    for (i = 0; i < system->N; i++)
+    {
+        inv_m = 1.0 / system->reaxprm.sbp[system->atoms[i].type].mass;
+        rvec_ScaledSum( dx, dt - 0.5 * dt_sqr * therm->v_xi, system->atoms[i].v,
+                        0.5 * dt_sqr * inv_m * -F_CONV, system->atoms[i].f );
+        Inc_on_T3( system->atoms[i].x, dx, &(system->box) );
+        rvec_Copy( workspace->f_old[i], system->atoms[i].f );
+    }
+    /* Compute xi(t + dt) */
+    therm->xi += ( therm->v_xi * dt + 0.5 * dt_sqr * therm->G_xi );
 #if defined(DEBUG_FOCUS)
-  fprintf( stderr, "verlet1 - " );
+    fprintf( stderr, "verlet1 - " );
-  Reallocate( system, workspace, lists, renbr );
-  Reset( system, control, data, workspace, lists );
-  if( renbr )
-    Generate_Neighbor_Lists( system, control, data, workspace, 
-			     lists, out_control );
-  /* Calculate Forces at time (t + dt) */
-  Compute_Forces( system,control,data, workspace, lists, out_control );
-  /* Compute iteration constants for each atom's velocity */
-  for( i = 0; i < system->N; ++i ) {
-    inv_m = 1.0 / system->reaxprm.sbp[system->atoms[i].type].mass;
-    rvec_Scale( workspace->v_const[i], 
-		1.0 - 0.5 * dt * therm->v_xi, system->atoms[i].v );
-    rvec_ScaledAdd( workspace->v_const[i], 
-		    0.5 * dt * inv_m * -F_CONV, workspace->f_old[i] );
-    rvec_ScaledAdd( workspace->v_const[i], 
-		    0.5 * dt * inv_m * -F_CONV, system->atoms[i].f );
+    Reallocate( system, workspace, lists, renbr );
+    Reset( system, control, data, workspace, lists );
+    if ( renbr )
+        Generate_Neighbor_Lists( system, control, data, workspace,
+                                 lists, out_control );
+    /* Calculate Forces at time (t + dt) */
+    Compute_Forces( system, control, data, workspace, lists, out_control );
+    /* Compute iteration constants for each atom's velocity */
+    for ( i = 0; i < system->N; ++i )
+    {
+        inv_m = 1.0 / system->reaxprm.sbp[system->atoms[i].type].mass;
+        rvec_Scale( workspace->v_const[i],
+                    1.0 - 0.5 * dt * therm->v_xi, system->atoms[i].v );
+        rvec_ScaledAdd( workspace->v_const[i],
+                        0.5 * dt * inv_m * -F_CONV, workspace->f_old[i] );
+        rvec_ScaledAdd( workspace->v_const[i],
+                        0.5 * dt * inv_m * -F_CONV, system->atoms[i].f );
 #if defined(DEBUG)
-    fprintf( stderr, "atom%d: inv_m=%f, C1=%f, C2=%f, v_const=%f %f %f\n", 
-	     i, inv_m, 1.0 - 0.5 * dt * therm->v_xi, 
-	     0.5 * dt * inv_m * -F_CONV, workspace->v_const[i][0], 
-	     workspace->v_const[i][1], workspace->v_const[i][2] );  
+        fprintf( stderr, "atom%d: inv_m=%f, C1=%f, C2=%f, v_const=%f %f %f\n",
+                 i, inv_m, 1.0 - 0.5 * dt * therm->v_xi,
+                 0.5 * dt * inv_m * -F_CONV, workspace->v_const[i][0],
+                 workspace->v_const[i][1], workspace->v_const[i][2] );
-  }
-  v_xi_new = therm->v_xi_old + 2.0 * dt * therm->G_xi;
-  E_kin_new = G_xi_new = v_xi_old = 0;
-  itr = 0;
-  do {
-    itr++;      
-    /* new values become old in this iteration */
-    v_xi_old = v_xi_new;
-    coef_v = 1.0 / (1.0 + 0.5 * dt * v_xi_old);
-    E_kin_new = 0;
-    for( i = 0; i < system->N; ++i ) {
-      rvec_Scale( system->atoms[i].v, coef_v, workspace->v_const[i] );
-      E_kin_new += ( 0.5*system->reaxprm.sbp[system->atoms[i].type].mass * 
-		     rvec_Dot( system->atoms[i].v, system->atoms[i].v ) );
+    }
+    v_xi_new = therm->v_xi_old + 2.0 * dt * therm->G_xi;
+    E_kin_new = G_xi_new = v_xi_old = 0;
+    itr = 0;
+    do
+    {
+        itr++;
+        /* new values become old in this iteration */
+        v_xi_old = v_xi_new;
+        coef_v = 1.0 / (1.0 + 0.5 * dt * v_xi_old);
+        E_kin_new = 0;
+        for ( i = 0; i < system->N; ++i )
+        {
+            rvec_Scale( system->atoms[i].v, coef_v, workspace->v_const[i] );
+            E_kin_new += ( 0.5 * system->reaxprm.sbp[system->atoms[i].type].mass *
+                           rvec_Dot( system->atoms[i].v, system->atoms[i].v ) );
 #if defined(DEBUG)
-      fprintf( stderr, "itr%d-atom%d: coef_v = %f, v_xi_old = %f\n", 
-	       itr, i, coef_v, v_xi_old );
+            fprintf( stderr, "itr%d-atom%d: coef_v = %f, v_xi_old = %f\n",
+                     itr, i, coef_v, v_xi_old );
-    }
-    G_xi_new = control->Tau_T * ( 2.0 * E_kin_new - 
-				  data->N_f * K_B * control->T );
-    v_xi_new = therm->v_xi + 0.5 * dt * ( therm->G_xi + G_xi_new );
+        }
+        G_xi_new = control->Tau_T * ( 2.0 * E_kin_new -
+                                      data->N_f * K_B * control->T );
+        v_xi_new = therm->v_xi + 0.5 * dt * ( therm->G_xi + G_xi_new );
 #if defined(DEBUG)
-    fprintf( stderr, "itr%d: G_xi_new = %f, v_xi_new = %f, v_xi_old = %f\n",
-	     itr, G_xi_new, v_xi_new, v_xi_old );
+        fprintf( stderr, "itr%d: G_xi_new = %f, v_xi_new = %f, v_xi_old = %f\n",
+                 itr, G_xi_new, v_xi_new, v_xi_old );
+    }
+    while ( fabs(v_xi_new - v_xi_old ) > 1e-5 );
+    therm->v_xi_old = therm->v_xi;
+    therm->v_xi = v_xi_new;
+    therm->G_xi = G_xi_new;
+#if defined(DEBUG_FOCUS)
+    fprintf( stderr, "vel scale\n" );
-  }
-  while( fabs(v_xi_new - v_xi_old ) > 1e-5 );
-  therm->v_xi_old = therm->v_xi;
-  therm->v_xi = v_xi_new;
-  therm->G_xi = G_xi_new;  
-#if defined(DEBUG_FOCUS)  
-  fprintf( stderr,"vel scale\n" );
-/* uses Berendsen-type coupling for both T and P. 
-   All box dimensions are scaled by the same amount, 
+/* uses Berendsen-type coupling for both T and P.
+   All box dimensions are scaled by the same amount,
    there is no change in the angles between axes. */
-void Velocity_Verlet_Berendsen_Isotropic_NPT( reax_system* system, 
-					      control_params* control, 
-					      simulation_data *data,
-					      static_storage *workspace, 
-					      list **lists, 
-					      output_controls *out_control )
+void Velocity_Verlet_Berendsen_Isotropic_NPT( reax_system* system,
+        control_params* control,
+        simulation_data *data,
+        static_storage *workspace,
+        list **lists,
+        output_controls *out_control )
-  int i, steps, renbr;
-  real inv_m, dt, lambda, mu;
-  rvec dx;
+    int i, steps, renbr;
+    real inv_m, dt, lambda, mu;
+    rvec dx;
-  dt = control->dt;
-  steps = data->step - data->prev_steps;
-  renbr = (steps % control->reneighbor == 0);
+    dt = control->dt;
+    steps = data->step - data->prev_steps;
+    renbr = (steps % control->reneighbor == 0);
 #if defined(DEBUG_FOCUS)
-  //fprintf( out_control->prs, 
-  //         "tau_t: %g  tau_p: %g  dt/tau_t: %g  dt/tau_p: %g\n", 
-  //control->Tau_T, control->Tau_P, dt / control->Tau_T, dt / control->Tau_P );
-  fprintf( stderr, "step %d: ", data->step );
+    //fprintf( out_control->prs,
+    //         "tau_t: %g  tau_p: %g  dt/tau_t: %g  dt/tau_p: %g\n",
+    //control->Tau_T, control->Tau_P, dt / control->Tau_T, dt / control->Tau_P );
+    fprintf( stderr, "step %d: ", data->step );
-  /* velocity verlet, 1st part */
-  for( i = 0; i < system->N; i++ ) {
-    inv_m = 1.0 / system->reaxprm.sbp[system->atoms[i].type].mass;
-    /* Compute x(t + dt) */
-    rvec_ScaledSum( dx, dt, system->atoms[i].v, 
-		    0.5 * -F_CONV * inv_m * SQR(dt), system->atoms[i].f );
-    Inc_on_T3( system->atoms[i].x, dx, &(system->box) );
-    /* Compute v(t + dt/2) */
-    rvec_ScaledAdd( system->atoms[i].v, 
-		    0.5 * -F_CONV * inv_m * dt, system->atoms[i].f );
-    /*fprintf( stderr, "%6d   %15.8f %15.8f %15.8f   %15.8f %15.8f %15.8f\n", 
-      workspace->orig_id[i], 
-      system->atoms[i].x[0], system->atoms[i].x[1], system->atoms[i].x[2],
-      0.5 * SQR(dt) * -F_CONV * inv_m * system->atoms[i].f[0], 
-      0.5 * SQR(dt) * -F_CONV * inv_m * system->atoms[i].f[1], 
-      0.5 * SQR(dt) * -F_CONV * inv_m * system->atoms[i].f[2] ); */
-  }
-#if defined(DEBUG_FOCUS)  
-  fprintf( stderr, "verlet1 - " );
+    /* velocity verlet, 1st part */
+    for ( i = 0; i < system->N; i++ )
+    {
+        inv_m = 1.0 / system->reaxprm.sbp[system->atoms[i].type].mass;
+        /* Compute x(t + dt) */
+        rvec_ScaledSum( dx, dt, system->atoms[i].v,
+                        0.5 * -F_CONV * inv_m * SQR(dt), system->atoms[i].f );
+        Inc_on_T3( system->atoms[i].x, dx, &(system->box) );
+        /* Compute v(t + dt/2) */
+        rvec_ScaledAdd( system->atoms[i].v,
+                        0.5 * -F_CONV * inv_m * dt, system->atoms[i].f );
+        /*fprintf( stderr, "%6d   %15.8f %15.8f %15.8f   %15.8f %15.8f %15.8f\n",
+          workspace->orig_id[i],
+          system->atoms[i].x[0], system->atoms[i].x[1], system->atoms[i].x[2],
+          0.5 * SQR(dt) * -F_CONV * inv_m * system->atoms[i].f[0],
+          0.5 * SQR(dt) * -F_CONV * inv_m * system->atoms[i].f[1],
+          0.5 * SQR(dt) * -F_CONV * inv_m * system->atoms[i].f[2] ); */
+    }
+#if defined(DEBUG_FOCUS)
+    fprintf( stderr, "verlet1 - " );
-  Reallocate( system, workspace, lists, renbr );  
-  Reset( system, control, data, workspace, lists );
-  if( renbr ) {
-    Update_Grid( system );
-    Generate_Neighbor_Lists( system, control, data, workspace,
-			     lists, out_control );
-  }
-  Compute_Forces( system, control, data, workspace, lists, out_control );
-  /* velocity verlet, 2nd part */
-  for( i = 0; i < system->N; i++ ) {
-    inv_m = 1.0 / system->reaxprm.sbp[system->atoms[i].type].mass;
-    /* Compute v(t + dt) */
-    rvec_ScaledAdd( system->atoms[i].v, 
-		    0.5 * dt * -F_CONV * inv_m, system->atoms[i].f );
-    /* fprintf( stderr, "%6d   %15f %15f %15f   %15.8f %15.8f %15.8f\n", 
-       workspace->orig_id[i], 
-       system->atoms[i].v[0], system->atoms[i].v[1], system->atoms[i].v[2],
-       0.5 * dt * -F_CONV * inv_m * system->atoms[i].f[0], 
-       0.5 * dt * -F_CONV * inv_m * system->atoms[i].f[1], 
-       0.5 * dt * -F_CONV * inv_m * system->atoms[i].f[2] );*/
-  }
-  Compute_Kinetic_Energy( system, data );   
-  Compute_Pressure_Isotropic( system, control, data, out_control );
-#if defined(DEBUG_FOCUS)  
-  fprintf( stderr, "verlet2 - " );
+    Reallocate( system, workspace, lists, renbr );
+    Reset( system, control, data, workspace, lists );
+    if ( renbr )
+    {
+        Update_Grid( system );
+        Generate_Neighbor_Lists( system, control, data, workspace,
+                                 lists, out_control );
+    }
+    Compute_Forces( system, control, data, workspace, lists, out_control );
+    /* velocity verlet, 2nd part */
+    for ( i = 0; i < system->N; i++ )
+    {
+        inv_m = 1.0 / system->reaxprm.sbp[system->atoms[i].type].mass;
+        /* Compute v(t + dt) */
+        rvec_ScaledAdd( system->atoms[i].v,
+                        0.5 * dt * -F_CONV * inv_m, system->atoms[i].f );
+        /* fprintf( stderr, "%6d   %15f %15f %15f   %15.8f %15.8f %15.8f\n",
+           workspace->orig_id[i],
+           system->atoms[i].v[0], system->atoms[i].v[1], system->atoms[i].v[2],
+           0.5 * dt * -F_CONV * inv_m * system->atoms[i].f[0],
+           0.5 * dt * -F_CONV * inv_m * system->atoms[i].f[1],
+           0.5 * dt * -F_CONV * inv_m * system->atoms[i].f[2] );*/
+    }
+    Compute_Kinetic_Energy( system, data );
+    Compute_Pressure_Isotropic( system, control, data, out_control );
+#if defined(DEBUG_FOCUS)
+    fprintf( stderr, "verlet2 - " );
-  /* pressure scaler */
-  mu = POW( 1.0 + (dt / control->Tau_P[0]) * (data->iso_bar.P - control->P[0]),
-	    1.0 / 3 );
-  if( mu < MIN_dV ) 
-    mu = MIN_dV;
-  else if( mu > MAX_dV )
-    mu = MAX_dV;
-  /* temperature scaler */
-  lambda = 1.0 + (dt / control->Tau_T) * (control->T / data->therm.T - 1.0);
-  if( lambda < MIN_dT )
-    lambda = MIN_dT;
-  else if (lambda > MAX_dT )
-    lambda = MAX_dT;
-  lambda = SQRT( lambda );
-  /* Scale velocities and positions at t+dt */
-  for( i = 0; i < system->N; ++i ) {
-    rvec_Scale( system->atoms[i].v, lambda, system->atoms[i].v );
-    /* IMPORTANT: What Adri does with scaling positions first to 
-       unit coordinates and then back to cartesian coordinates essentially 
-       is scaling the coordinates with mu^2. However, this causes unphysical 
-       modifications on the system because box dimensions
-       are being scaled with mu! We need to discuss this with Adri! */
-    rvec_Scale( system->atoms[i].x, mu, system->atoms[i].x );
-  }
-  Compute_Kinetic_Energy( system, data );
-#if defined(DEBUG_FOCUS)  
-  fprintf( stderr, "scaling - " );
+    /* pressure scaler */
+    mu = POW( 1.0 + (dt / control->Tau_P[0]) * (data->iso_bar.P - control->P[0]),
+              1.0 / 3 );
+    if ( mu < MIN_dV )
+        mu = MIN_dV;
+    else if ( mu > MAX_dV )
+        mu = MAX_dV;
+    /* temperature scaler */
+    lambda = 1.0 + (dt / control->Tau_T) * (control->T / data->therm.T - 1.0);
+    if ( lambda < MIN_dT )
+        lambda = MIN_dT;
+    else if (lambda > MAX_dT )
+        lambda = MAX_dT;
+    lambda = SQRT( lambda );
+    /* Scale velocities and positions at t+dt */
+    for ( i = 0; i < system->N; ++i )
+    {
+        rvec_Scale( system->atoms[i].v, lambda, system->atoms[i].v );
+        /* IMPORTANT: What Adri does with scaling positions first to
+           unit coordinates and then back to cartesian coordinates essentially
+           is scaling the coordinates with mu^2. However, this causes unphysical
+           modifications on the system because box dimensions
+           are being scaled with mu! We need to discuss this with Adri! */
+        rvec_Scale( system->atoms[i].x, mu, system->atoms[i].x );
+    }
+    Compute_Kinetic_Energy( system, data );
+#if defined(DEBUG_FOCUS)
+    fprintf( stderr, "scaling - " );
-  Update_Box_Isotropic( &(system->box), mu );
+    Update_Box_Isotropic( &(system->box), mu );
 #if defined(DEBUG_FOCUS)
-  fprintf( stderr, "updated box\n" );
+    fprintf( stderr, "updated box\n" );
-/* uses Berendsen-type coupling for both T and P. 
-   All box dimensions are scaled by the same amount, 
+/* uses Berendsen-type coupling for both T and P.
+   All box dimensions are scaled by the same amount,
    there is no change in the angles between axes. */
-void Velocity_Verlet_Berendsen_SemiIsotropic_NPT( reax_system* system, 
-						  control_params* control, 
-						  simulation_data *data,
-						  static_storage *workspace, 
-						  list **lists, 
-						  output_controls *out_control )
+void Velocity_Verlet_Berendsen_SemiIsotropic_NPT( reax_system* system,
+        control_params* control,
+        simulation_data *data,
+        static_storage *workspace,
+        list **lists,
+        output_controls *out_control )
-  int i, d, steps, renbr;
-  real dt, inv_m, lambda;
-  rvec dx, mu;
+    int i, d, steps, renbr;
+    real dt, inv_m, lambda;
+    rvec dx, mu;
-  dt = control->dt;
-  steps = data->step - data->prev_steps;
-  renbr = (steps % control->reneighbor == 0);
+    dt = control->dt;
+    steps = data->step - data->prev_steps;
+    renbr = (steps % control->reneighbor == 0);
 #if defined(DEBUG_FOCUS)
-  //fprintf( out_control->prs, 
-  //         "tau_t: %g  tau_p: %g  dt/tau_t: %g  dt/tau_p: %g\n", 
-  //control->Tau_T, control->Tau_P, dt / control->Tau_T, dt / control->Tau_P );
-  fprintf( stderr, "step %d: ", data->step );
+    //fprintf( out_control->prs,
+    //         "tau_t: %g  tau_p: %g  dt/tau_t: %g  dt/tau_p: %g\n",
+    //control->Tau_T, control->Tau_P, dt / control->Tau_T, dt / control->Tau_P );
+    fprintf( stderr, "step %d: ", data->step );
-  /* velocity verlet, 1st part */
-  for( i = 0; i < system->N; i++ ) {
-    inv_m = 1.0 / system->reaxprm.sbp[system->atoms[i].type].mass; 
-    /* Compute x(t + dt) */
-    rvec_ScaledSum( dx, dt, system->atoms[i].v, 
-		    0.5 * -F_CONV * inv_m * SQR(dt), system->atoms[i].f );
-    Inc_on_T3( system->atoms[i].x, dx, &(system->box) );
-    /* Compute v(t + dt/2) */
-    rvec_ScaledAdd( system->atoms[i].v, 
-		    0.5 * -F_CONV * inv_m * dt, system->atoms[i].f );
-    /*fprintf( stderr, "%6d   %15.8f %15.8f %15.8f   %15.8f %15.8f %15.8f\n", 
-      workspace->orig_id[i], 
-      system->atoms[i].x[0], system->atoms[i].x[1], system->atoms[i].x[2],
-      0.5 * SQR(dt) * -F_CONV * inv_m * system->atoms[i].f[0], 
-      0.5 * SQR(dt) * -F_CONV * inv_m * system->atoms[i].f[1], 
-      0.5 * SQR(dt) * -F_CONV * inv_m * system->atoms[i].f[2] ); */
-  }
+    /* velocity verlet, 1st part */
+    for ( i = 0; i < system->N; i++ )
+    {
+        inv_m = 1.0 / system->reaxprm.sbp[system->atoms[i].type].mass;
+        /* Compute x(t + dt) */
+        rvec_ScaledSum( dx, dt, system->atoms[i].v,
+                        0.5 * -F_CONV * inv_m * SQR(dt), system->atoms[i].f );
+        Inc_on_T3( system->atoms[i].x, dx, &(system->box) );
+        /* Compute v(t + dt/2) */
+        rvec_ScaledAdd( system->atoms[i].v,
+                        0.5 * -F_CONV * inv_m * dt, system->atoms[i].f );
+        /*fprintf( stderr, "%6d   %15.8f %15.8f %15.8f   %15.8f %15.8f %15.8f\n",
+          workspace->orig_id[i],
+          system->atoms[i].x[0], system->atoms[i].x[1], system->atoms[i].x[2],
+          0.5 * SQR(dt) * -F_CONV * inv_m * system->atoms[i].f[0],
+          0.5 * SQR(dt) * -F_CONV * inv_m * system->atoms[i].f[1],
+          0.5 * SQR(dt) * -F_CONV * inv_m * system->atoms[i].f[2] ); */
+    }
 #if defined(DEBUG_FOCUS)
-  fprintf( stderr, "verlet1 - " );
+    fprintf( stderr, "verlet1 - " );
-  Reallocate( system, workspace, lists, renbr ); 
-  Reset( system, control, data, workspace, lists );
-  if( renbr ) {
-    Update_Grid( system );
-    Generate_Neighbor_Lists( system, control, data, workspace, 
-			     lists, out_control );
-  }
-  Compute_Forces( system, control, data, workspace, lists, out_control );
-  /* velocity verlet, 2nd part */
-  for( i = 0; i < system->N; i++ ) {
-    inv_m = 1.0 / system->reaxprm.sbp[system->atoms[i].type].mass;
-    /* Compute v(t + dt) */
-    rvec_ScaledAdd( system->atoms[i].v, 
-		    0.5 * dt * -F_CONV * inv_m, system->atoms[i].f );
-    /* fprintf( stderr, "%6d   %15f %15f %15f   %15.8f %15.8f %15.8f\n", 
-       workspace->orig_id[i], 
-       system->atoms[i].v[0], system->atoms[i].v[1], system->atoms[i].v[2],
-       0.5 * dt * -F_CONV * inv_m * system->atoms[i].f[0], 
-       0.5 * dt * -F_CONV * inv_m * system->atoms[i].f[1], 
-       0.5 * dt * -F_CONV * inv_m * system->atoms[i].f[2] );*/
-  }
-  Compute_Kinetic_Energy( system, data );   
-  Compute_Pressure_Isotropic( system, control, data, out_control );
-#if defined(DEBUG_FOCUS)  
-  fprintf( stderr, "verlet2 - " );
+    Reallocate( system, workspace, lists, renbr );
+    Reset( system, control, data, workspace, lists );
+    if ( renbr )
+    {
+        Update_Grid( system );
+        Generate_Neighbor_Lists( system, control, data, workspace,
+                                 lists, out_control );
+    }
+    Compute_Forces( system, control, data, workspace, lists, out_control );
+    /* velocity verlet, 2nd part */
+    for ( i = 0; i < system->N; i++ )
+    {
+        inv_m = 1.0 / system->reaxprm.sbp[system->atoms[i].type].mass;
+        /* Compute v(t + dt) */
+        rvec_ScaledAdd( system->atoms[i].v,
+                        0.5 * dt * -F_CONV * inv_m, system->atoms[i].f );
+        /* fprintf( stderr, "%6d   %15f %15f %15f   %15.8f %15.8f %15.8f\n",
+           workspace->orig_id[i],
+           system->atoms[i].v[0], system->atoms[i].v[1], system->atoms[i].v[2],
+           0.5 * dt * -F_CONV * inv_m * system->atoms[i].f[0],
+           0.5 * dt * -F_CONV * inv_m * system->atoms[i].f[1],
+           0.5 * dt * -F_CONV * inv_m * system->atoms[i].f[2] );*/
+    }
+    Compute_Kinetic_Energy( system, data );
+    Compute_Pressure_Isotropic( system, control, data, out_control );
+#if defined(DEBUG_FOCUS)
+    fprintf( stderr, "verlet2 - " );
-  /* pressure scaler */
-  for( d = 0; d < 3; ++d ){
-    mu[d] = POW( 1.0+(dt/control->Tau_P[d])*(data->tot_press[d]-control->P[d]),
-		 1.0 / 3 );
-    if( mu[d] < MIN_dV ) 
-      mu[d] = MIN_dV;
-    else if( mu[d] > MAX_dV )
-      mu[d] = MAX_dV;
-  }
-  /* temperature scaler */
-  lambda = 1.0 + (dt / control->Tau_T) * (control->T / data->therm.T - 1.0);
-  if( lambda < MIN_dT )
-    lambda = MIN_dT;
-  else if (lambda > MAX_dT )
-    lambda = MAX_dT;
-  lambda = SQRT( lambda );
-  /* Scale velocities and positions at t+dt */
-  for( i = 0; i < system->N; ++i ) {
-    rvec_Scale( system->atoms[i].v, lambda, system->atoms[i].v );
-    /* IMPORTANT: What Adri does with scaling positions first to 
-       unit coordinates and then back to cartesian coordinates essentially 
-       is scaling the coordinates with mu^2. However, this causes unphysical 
-       modifications on the system because box dimensions
-       are being scaled with mu! We need to discuss this with Adri! */
-    for( d = 0; d < 3; ++d )
-      system->atoms[i].x[d] = system->atoms[i].x[d] * mu[d];
-  }
-  Compute_Kinetic_Energy( system, data );
-#if defined(DEBUG_FOCUS)  
-  fprintf( stderr, "scaling - " );
+    /* pressure scaler */
+    for ( d = 0; d < 3; ++d )
+    {
+        mu[d] = POW( 1.0 + (dt / control->Tau_P[d]) * (data->tot_press[d] - control->P[d]),
+                     1.0 / 3 );
+        if ( mu[d] < MIN_dV )
+            mu[d] = MIN_dV;
+        else if ( mu[d] > MAX_dV )
+            mu[d] = MAX_dV;
+    }
+    /* temperature scaler */
+    lambda = 1.0 + (dt / control->Tau_T) * (control->T / data->therm.T - 1.0);
+    if ( lambda < MIN_dT )
+        lambda = MIN_dT;
+    else if (lambda > MAX_dT )
+        lambda = MAX_dT;
+    lambda = SQRT( lambda );
+    /* Scale velocities and positions at t+dt */
+    for ( i = 0; i < system->N; ++i )
+    {
+        rvec_Scale( system->atoms[i].v, lambda, system->atoms[i].v );
+        /* IMPORTANT: What Adri does with scaling positions first to
+           unit coordinates and then back to cartesian coordinates essentially
+           is scaling the coordinates with mu^2. However, this causes unphysical
+           modifications on the system because box dimensions
+           are being scaled with mu! We need to discuss this with Adri! */
+        for ( d = 0; d < 3; ++d )
+            system->atoms[i].x[d] = system->atoms[i].x[d] * mu[d];
+    }
+    Compute_Kinetic_Energy( system, data );
+#if defined(DEBUG_FOCUS)
+    fprintf( stderr, "scaling - " );
-  Update_Box_SemiIsotropic( &(system->box), mu );
-#if defined(DEBUG_FOCUS)  
-  fprintf( stderr, "updated box & grid\n" );
+    Update_Box_SemiIsotropic( &(system->box), mu );
+#if defined(DEBUG_FOCUS)
+    fprintf( stderr, "updated box & grid\n" );
@@ -425,333 +440,341 @@ void Velocity_Verlet_Berendsen_SemiIsotropic_NPT( reax_system* system,
-void Velocity_Verlet_Nose_Hoover_NVT(reax_system* system, 
-				     control_params* control, 
-				     simulation_data *data,
-				     static_storage *workspace, 
-				     list **lists, 
-				     output_controls *out_control )
+void Velocity_Verlet_Nose_Hoover_NVT(reax_system* system,
+                                     control_params* control,
+                                     simulation_data *data,
+                                     static_storage *workspace,
+                                     list **lists,
+                                     output_controls *out_control )
-  int i;
-  real inv_m;
-  real dt = control->dt;
-  real dt_sqr = SQR(dt);
-  rvec dx;
+    int i;
+    real inv_m;
+    real dt = control->dt;
+    real dt_sqr = SQR(dt);
+    rvec dx;
-  for (i=0; i < system->N; i++)
+    for (i = 0; i < system->N; i++)
-      inv_m = 1.0 / system->reaxprm.sbp[system->atoms[i].type].mass;
-      // Compute x(t + dt)
-      rvec_ScaledSum( dx, dt, system->atoms[i].v, 
-		      0.5 * dt_sqr * -F_CONV * inv_m, system->atoms[i].f );
-      Inc_on_T3_Gen( system->atoms[i].x, dx, &(system->box) );
-      // Compute v(t + dt/2)
-      rvec_ScaledAdd( system->atoms[i].v, 
-		      -0.5 * dt * data->therm.xi, system->atoms[i].v );
-      rvec_ScaledAdd( system->atoms[i].v, 
-		      0.5 * dt * -F_CONV * inv_m, system->atoms[i].f );
+        inv_m = 1.0 / system->reaxprm.sbp[system->atoms[i].type].mass;
+        // Compute x(t + dt)
+        rvec_ScaledSum( dx, dt, system->atoms[i].v,
+                        0.5 * dt_sqr * -F_CONV * inv_m, system->atoms[i].f );
+        Inc_on_T3_Gen( system->atoms[i].x, dx, &(system->box) );
+        // Compute v(t + dt/2)
+        rvec_ScaledAdd( system->atoms[i].v,
+                        -0.5 * dt * data->therm.xi, system->atoms[i].v );
+        rvec_ScaledAdd( system->atoms[i].v,
+                        0.5 * dt * -F_CONV * inv_m, system->atoms[i].f );
-  // Compute zeta(t + dt/2), E_Kininetic(t + dt/2)
-  // IMPORTANT: What will be the initial value of zeta? and what is g?
-  data->therm.xi += 0.5 * dt * control->Tau_T  * 
-    ( 2.0 * data->E_Kin - data->N_f * K_B * control->T );
+    // Compute zeta(t + dt/2), E_Kininetic(t + dt/2)
+    // IMPORTANT: What will be the initial value of zeta? and what is g?
+    data->therm.xi += 0.5 * dt * control->Tau_T  *
+                      ( 2.0 * data->E_Kin - data->N_f * K_B * control->T );
-  Reset( system, control, data, workspace );
-  fprintf(out_control->log,"reset-"); fflush( out_control->log );
+    Reset( system, control, data, workspace );
+    fprintf(out_control->log, "reset-");
+    fflush( out_control->log );
-  Generate_Neighbor_Lists( system, control, data, workspace, 
-			   lists, out_control );
-  fprintf(out_control->log,"nbrs-"); fflush( out_control->log );
+    Generate_Neighbor_Lists( system, control, data, workspace,
+                             lists, out_control );
+    fprintf(out_control->log, "nbrs-");
+    fflush( out_control->log );
-  /* QEq( system, control, workspace, lists[FAR_NBRS], out_control );
-     fprintf(out_control->log,"qeq-"); fflush( out_control->log ); */
+    /* QEq( system, control, workspace, lists[FAR_NBRS], out_control );
+       fprintf(out_control->log,"qeq-"); fflush( out_control->log ); */
-  Compute_Forces( system, control, data, workspace, lists, out_control );
-  fprintf(out_control->log,"forces\n"); fflush( out_control->log );
+    Compute_Forces( system, control, data, workspace, lists, out_control );
+    fprintf(out_control->log, "forces\n");
+    fflush( out_control->log );
-  Compute_Kinetic_Energy( system, data );
+    Compute_Kinetic_Energy( system, data );
-  for( i = 0; i < system->N; i++ )
+    for ( i = 0; i < system->N; i++ )
-      inv_m = 1.0 / system->reaxprm.sbp[system->atoms[i].type].mass;
+        inv_m = 1.0 / system->reaxprm.sbp[system->atoms[i].type].mass;
-      // compute v(t + dt)
-      rvec_ScaledAdd( system->atoms[i].v, 
-		      -0.5 * dt * data->therm.xi, system->atoms[i].v );
-      rvec_ScaledAdd( system->atoms[i].v, 
-		      0.5 * dt * -F_CONV * inv_m, system->atoms[i].f );
+        // compute v(t + dt)
+        rvec_ScaledAdd( system->atoms[i].v,
+                        -0.5 * dt * data->therm.xi, system->atoms[i].v );
+        rvec_ScaledAdd( system->atoms[i].v,
+                        0.5 * dt * -F_CONV * inv_m, system->atoms[i].f );
-  // Compute zeta(t + dt)
-  data->therm.xi += 0.5*dt * control->Tau_T  * ( 2.0 * data->E_Kin - 
-						 data->N_f * K_B * control->T );
-  fprintf( out_control->log,"Xi: %8.3f %8.3f %8.3f\n", 
-	   data->therm.xi, data->E_Kin, data->N_f * K_B * control->T ); 
-  fflush( out_control->log );
+    // Compute zeta(t + dt)
+    data->therm.xi += 0.5 * dt * control->Tau_T  * ( 2.0 * data->E_Kin -
+                      data->N_f * K_B * control->T );
+    fprintf( out_control->log, "Xi: %8.3f %8.3f %8.3f\n",
+             data->therm.xi, data->E_Kin, data->N_f * K_B * control->T );
+    fflush( out_control->log );
-void Velocity_Verlet_Isotropic_NPT( reax_system* system, 
-				    control_params* control, 
-				    simulation_data *data,
-				    static_storage *workspace, 
-				    list **lists, 
-				    output_controls *out_control )
+void Velocity_Verlet_Isotropic_NPT( reax_system* system,
+                                    control_params* control,
+                                    simulation_data *data,
+                                    static_storage *workspace,
+                                    list **lists,
+                                    output_controls *out_control )
-  int i, itr;
-  real deps, v_eps_new=0, v_eps_old=0, G_xi_new;
-  real dxi, v_xi_new=0, v_xi_old=0, a_eps_new;
-  real inv_m, exp_deps, inv_3V;
-  real E_kin, P_int, P_int_const;
-  real coef_v, coef_v_eps;
-  real dt = control->dt;
-  real dt_sqr = SQR( dt );
-  thermostat *therm = &( data->therm );
-  isotropic_barostat *iso_bar = &( data->iso_bar );
-  simulation_box *box = &( system->box );
-  rvec dx, dv;
-  // Here we just calculate how much to increment eps, xi, v_eps, v_xi.
-  // Commits are done after positions and velocities of atoms are updated
-  // because position, velocity updates uses v_eps, v_xi terms; 
-  // yet we need EXP( deps ) to be able to calculate 
-  // positions and velocities accurately.  
-  iso_bar->a_eps = control->Tau_P * 
-    ( 3.0 * box->volume * (iso_bar->P - control->P) + 
-      6.0 * data->E_Kin / data->N_f ) - iso_bar->v_eps * therm->v_xi;
-  deps = dt * iso_bar->v_eps + 0.5 * dt_sqr * iso_bar->a_eps;
-  exp_deps = EXP( deps );
-  therm->G_xi = control->Tau_T * ( 2.0 * data->E_Kin + 
-				   SQR( iso_bar->v_eps ) / control->Tau_P - 
-				   (data->N_f +1) * K_B * control->T );
-  dxi = therm->v_xi * dt + 0.5 * therm->G_xi * dt_sqr;
-  fprintf(out_control->log, "a: %12.6f   eps: %12.6f   deps: %12.6f\n", 
-	  iso_bar->a_eps, iso_bar->v_eps, iso_bar->eps);
-  fprintf(out_control->log, "G: %12.6f   xi : %12.6f   dxi : %12.6f\n", 
-	  therm->G_xi, therm->v_xi, therm->xi );
-  // Update positions and velocities
-  // NOTE: v_old, v_xi_old, v_eps_old are meant to be the old values 
-  // in the iteration not the old values at time t or before!
-  for (i=0; i < system->N; i++)
+    int i, itr;
+    real deps, v_eps_new = 0, v_eps_old = 0, G_xi_new;
+    real dxi, v_xi_new = 0, v_xi_old = 0, a_eps_new;
+    real inv_m, exp_deps, inv_3V;
+    real E_kin, P_int, P_int_const;
+    real coef_v, coef_v_eps;
+    real dt = control->dt;
+    real dt_sqr = SQR( dt );
+    thermostat *therm = &( data->therm );
+    isotropic_barostat *iso_bar = &( data->iso_bar );
+    simulation_box *box = &( system->box );
+    rvec dx, dv;
+    // Here we just calculate how much to increment eps, xi, v_eps, v_xi.
+    // Commits are done after positions and velocities of atoms are updated
+    // because position, velocity updates uses v_eps, v_xi terms;
+    // yet we need EXP( deps ) to be able to calculate
+    // positions and velocities accurately.
+    iso_bar->a_eps = control->Tau_P *
+                     ( 3.0 * box->volume * (iso_bar->P - control->P) +
+                       6.0 * data->E_Kin / data->N_f ) - iso_bar->v_eps * therm->v_xi;
+    deps = dt * iso_bar->v_eps + 0.5 * dt_sqr * iso_bar->a_eps;
+    exp_deps = EXP( deps );
+    therm->G_xi = control->Tau_T * ( 2.0 * data->E_Kin +
+                                     SQR( iso_bar->v_eps ) / control->Tau_P -
+                                     (data->N_f + 1) * K_B * control->T );
+    dxi = therm->v_xi * dt + 0.5 * therm->G_xi * dt_sqr;
+    fprintf(out_control->log, "a: %12.6f   eps: %12.6f   deps: %12.6f\n",
+            iso_bar->a_eps, iso_bar->v_eps, iso_bar->eps);
+    fprintf(out_control->log, "G: %12.6f   xi : %12.6f   dxi : %12.6f\n",
+            therm->G_xi, therm->v_xi, therm->xi );
+    // Update positions and velocities
+    // NOTE: v_old, v_xi_old, v_eps_old are meant to be the old values
+    // in the iteration not the old values at time t or before!
+    for (i = 0; i < system->N; i++)
-      inv_m = 1.0 / system->reaxprm.sbp[system->atoms[i].type].mass;
-      // Compute x(t + dt)
-      rvec_ScaledSum( workspace->a[i], -F_CONV * inv_m, system->atoms[i].f, 
-		      -( (2.0 + 3.0/data->N_f) * iso_bar->v_eps + therm->v_xi ),
-		      system->atoms[i].v );
-      rvec_ScaledSum( dx, dt, system->atoms[i].v, 
-		      0.5 * dt_sqr, workspace->a[i] );
-      Inc_on_T3( system->atoms[i].x, dx, &(system->box) );
-      rvec_Scale( system->atoms[i].x, exp_deps, system->atoms[i].x );
+        inv_m = 1.0 / system->reaxprm.sbp[system->atoms[i].type].mass;
+        // Compute x(t + dt)
+        rvec_ScaledSum( workspace->a[i], -F_CONV * inv_m, system->atoms[i].f,
+                        -( (2.0 + 3.0 / data->N_f) * iso_bar->v_eps + therm->v_xi ),
+                        system->atoms[i].v );
+        rvec_ScaledSum( dx, dt, system->atoms[i].v,
+                        0.5 * dt_sqr, workspace->a[i] );
+        Inc_on_T3( system->atoms[i].x, dx, &(system->box) );
+        rvec_Scale( system->atoms[i].x, exp_deps, system->atoms[i].x );
-  // Commit updates
-  therm->xi += dxi;
-  iso_bar->eps += deps;
-  //Update_Box_Isotropic( EXP( 3.0 * iso_bar->eps ), &(system->box) );
-  Update_Box_Isotropic( &(system->box), EXP( 3.0 * iso_bar->eps ) );
+    // Commit updates
+    therm->xi += dxi;
+    iso_bar->eps += deps;
+    //Update_Box_Isotropic( EXP( 3.0 * iso_bar->eps ), &(system->box) );
+    Update_Box_Isotropic( &(system->box), EXP( 3.0 * iso_bar->eps ) );
-  // Calculate new forces, f(t + dt)
-  Reset( system, control, data, workspace );
-  fprintf(out_control->log,"reset-"); fflush( out_control->log );
+    // Calculate new forces, f(t + dt)
+    Reset( system, control, data, workspace );
+    fprintf(out_control->log, "reset-");
+    fflush( out_control->log );
-  Generate_Neighbor_Lists( system, control, data, workspace, 
-			   lists, out_control );
-  fprintf(out_control->log,"nbrs-"); fflush( out_control->log );
+    Generate_Neighbor_Lists( system, control, data, workspace,
+                             lists, out_control );
+    fprintf(out_control->log, "nbrs-");
+    fflush( out_control->log );
-  /* QEq( system, control, workspace, lists[FAR_NBRS], out_control );
-     fprintf(out_control->log,"qeq-"); fflush( out_control->log ); */
+    /* QEq( system, control, workspace, lists[FAR_NBRS], out_control );
+       fprintf(out_control->log,"qeq-"); fflush( out_control->log ); */
-  Compute_Forces( system, control, data, workspace, lists, out_control );
-  fprintf(out_control->log,"forces\n"); fflush( out_control->log );
+    Compute_Forces( system, control, data, workspace, lists, out_control );
+    fprintf(out_control->log, "forces\n");
+    fflush( out_control->log );
-  // Compute iteration constants for each atom's velocity and for P_internal
-  // Compute kinetic energy for initial velocities of the iteration
-  P_int_const = E_kin = 0;
-  for( i = 0; i < system->N; ++i )
+    // Compute iteration constants for each atom's velocity and for P_internal
+    // Compute kinetic energy for initial velocities of the iteration
+    P_int_const = E_kin = 0;
+    for ( i = 0; i < system->N; ++i )
-      inv_m = 1.0 / system->reaxprm.sbp[system->atoms[i].type].mass;
+        inv_m = 1.0 / system->reaxprm.sbp[system->atoms[i].type].mass;
-      rvec_ScaledSum( dv, 0.5 * dt, workspace->a[i], 
-		      0.5 * dt * -F_CONV * inv_m, system->atoms[i].f );
-      rvec_Add( dv, system->atoms[i].v );
-      rvec_Scale( workspace->v_const[i], exp_deps, dv );
+        rvec_ScaledSum( dv, 0.5 * dt, workspace->a[i],
+                        0.5 * dt * -F_CONV * inv_m, system->atoms[i].f );
+        rvec_Add( dv, system->atoms[i].v );
+        rvec_Scale( workspace->v_const[i], exp_deps, dv );
-      P_int_const += ( -F_CONV * 
-		       rvec_Dot( system->atoms[i].f, system->atoms[i].x ) );
+        P_int_const += ( -F_CONV *
+                         rvec_Dot( system->atoms[i].f, system->atoms[i].x ) );
-      E_kin += (0.5 * system->reaxprm.sbp[system->atoms[i].type].mass * 
-		rvec_Dot( system->atoms[i].v, system->atoms[i].v ) );
+        E_kin += (0.5 * system->reaxprm.sbp[system->atoms[i].type].mass *
+                  rvec_Dot( system->atoms[i].v, system->atoms[i].v ) );
-  // Compute initial p_int
-  inv_3V = 1.0 / (3.0 * system->box.volume);
-  P_int = inv_3V * ( 2.0 * E_kin + P_int_const );
-  v_xi_new = therm->v_xi_old + 2.0 * dt * therm->G_xi;
-  v_eps_new = iso_bar->v_eps_old + 2.0 * dt * iso_bar->a_eps;
+    // Compute initial p_int
+    inv_3V = 1.0 / (3.0 * system->box.volume);
+    P_int = inv_3V * ( 2.0 * E_kin + P_int_const );
+    v_xi_new = therm->v_xi_old + 2.0 * dt * therm->G_xi;
+    v_eps_new = iso_bar->v_eps_old + 2.0 * dt * iso_bar->a_eps;
-  itr = 0;
-  do
+    itr = 0;
+    do
-      itr++;
-      // new values become old in this iteration
-      v_xi_old = v_xi_new;
-      v_eps_old = v_eps_new;
+        itr++;
+        // new values become old in this iteration
+        v_xi_old = v_xi_new;
+        v_eps_old = v_eps_new;
-      for( i = 0; i < system->N; ++i )
-	{
-	  coef_v = 1.0 / (1.0 + 0.5 * dt * exp_deps * 
-			  ( (2.0 + 3.0/data->N_f) * v_eps_old + v_xi_old ) );
-	  rvec_Scale( system->atoms[i].v, coef_v, workspace->v_const[i] );
-	}
+        for ( i = 0; i < system->N; ++i )
+        {
+            coef_v = 1.0 / (1.0 + 0.5 * dt * exp_deps *
+                            ( (2.0 + 3.0 / data->N_f) * v_eps_old + v_xi_old ) );
+            rvec_Scale( system->atoms[i].v, coef_v, workspace->v_const[i] );
+        }
-      coef_v_eps = 1.0 / (1.0 + 0.5 * dt * v_xi_old);
-      a_eps_new = 3.0 * control->Tau_P * 
-	( system->box.volume * (P_int - control->P) + 2.0 * E_kin / data->N_f );
-      v_eps_new = coef_v_eps * ( iso_bar->v_eps + 
-				 0.5 * dt * ( iso_bar->a_eps + a_eps_new ) );
+        coef_v_eps = 1.0 / (1.0 + 0.5 * dt * v_xi_old);
+        a_eps_new = 3.0 * control->Tau_P *
+                    ( system->box.volume * (P_int - control->P) + 2.0 * E_kin / data->N_f );
+        v_eps_new = coef_v_eps * ( iso_bar->v_eps +
+                                   0.5 * dt * ( iso_bar->a_eps + a_eps_new ) );
-      G_xi_new = control->Tau_T * ( 2.0 * E_kin + 
-				    SQR( v_eps_old ) / control->Tau_P - 
-				    (data->N_f + 1) * K_B * control->T );
-      v_xi_new = therm->v_xi + 0.5 * dt * ( therm->G_xi + G_xi_new );
-      E_kin = 0;
-      for( i = 0; i < system->N; ++i )
-	E_kin += (0.5 * system->reaxprm.sbp[system->atoms[i].type].mass * 
-		  rvec_Dot( system->atoms[i].v, system->atoms[i].v ) );
+        G_xi_new = control->Tau_T * ( 2.0 * E_kin +
+                                      SQR( v_eps_old ) / control->Tau_P -
+                                      (data->N_f + 1) * K_B * control->T );
+        v_xi_new = therm->v_xi + 0.5 * dt * ( therm->G_xi + G_xi_new );
-      P_int = inv_3V * ( 2.0*E_kin + P_int_const );
+        E_kin = 0;
+        for ( i = 0; i < system->N; ++i )
+            E_kin += (0.5 * system->reaxprm.sbp[system->atoms[i].type].mass *
+                      rvec_Dot( system->atoms[i].v, system->atoms[i].v ) );
-      fprintf( out_control->log, 
-	       "itr %d E_kin: %8.3f veps_n:%8.3f veps_o:%8.3f vxi_n:%8.3f vxi_o: %8.3f\n", 
-	       itr, E_kin, v_eps_new, v_eps_old, v_xi_new, v_xi_old );
+        P_int = inv_3V * ( 2.0 * E_kin + P_int_const );
+        fprintf( out_control->log,
+                 "itr %d E_kin: %8.3f veps_n:%8.3f veps_o:%8.3f vxi_n:%8.3f vxi_o: %8.3f\n",
+                 itr, E_kin, v_eps_new, v_eps_old, v_xi_new, v_xi_old );
-  while( fabs(v_eps_new - v_eps_old) + fabs(v_xi_new - v_xi_old) > 2e-3 );
+    while ( fabs(v_eps_new - v_eps_old) + fabs(v_xi_new - v_xi_old) > 2e-3 );
-  therm->v_xi_old = therm->v_xi;
-  therm->v_xi = v_xi_new;
-  therm->G_xi = G_xi_new;
+    therm->v_xi_old = therm->v_xi;
+    therm->v_xi = v_xi_new;
+    therm->G_xi = G_xi_new;
-  iso_bar->v_eps_old = iso_bar->v_eps;
-  iso_bar->v_eps = v_eps_new;
-  iso_bar->a_eps = a_eps_new;
+    iso_bar->v_eps_old = iso_bar->v_eps;
+    iso_bar->v_eps = v_eps_new;
+    iso_bar->a_eps = a_eps_new;
-  fprintf( out_control->log, "V: %8.3ff\tsides{%8.3f, %8.3f, %8.3f}\n", 
-	   system->box.volume, 
-	   system->box.box[0][0],system->box.box[1][1],system->box.box[2][2] );
-  fprintf(out_control->log,"eps:\ta- %8.3f  v- %8.3f  eps- %8.3f\n", 
-	  iso_bar->a_eps, iso_bar->v_eps, iso_bar->eps);
-  fprintf(out_control->log,"xi: \tG- %8.3f  v- %8.3f  xi - %8.3f\n", 
-	  therm->G_xi, therm->v_xi, therm->xi);
+    fprintf( out_control->log, "V: %8.3ff\tsides{%8.3f, %8.3f, %8.3f}\n",
+             system->box.volume,
+             system->box.box[0][0], system->box.box[1][1], system->box.box[2][2] );
+    fprintf(out_control->log, "eps:\ta- %8.3f  v- %8.3f  eps- %8.3f\n",
+            iso_bar->a_eps, iso_bar->v_eps, iso_bar->eps);
+    fprintf(out_control->log, "xi: \tG- %8.3f  v- %8.3f  xi - %8.3f\n",
+            therm->G_xi, therm->v_xi, therm->xi);
-/* uses Berendsen-type coupling for both T and P. 
-   All box dimensions are scaled by the same amount, 
+/* uses Berendsen-type coupling for both T and P.
+   All box dimensions are scaled by the same amount,
    there is no change in the angles between axes. */
-void Velocity_Verlet_Berendsen_NVT( reax_system* system, 
-                control_params* control, 
-                simulation_data *data,
-                static_storage *workspace, 
-                list **lists, 
-                output_controls *out_control
-                )
+void Velocity_Verlet_Berendsen_NVT( reax_system* system,
+                                    control_params* control,
+                                    simulation_data *data,
+                                    static_storage *workspace,
+                                    list **lists,
+                                    output_controls *out_control
+                                  )
-  int i, steps, renbr;
-  real inv_m, dt, lambda;
-  rvec dx; 
-  reax_atom *atom;
+    int i, steps, renbr;
+    real inv_m, dt, lambda;
+    rvec dx;
+    reax_atom *atom;
 #if defined(DEBUG_FOCUS)
-  fprintf( stderr, "step%d\n", data->step );
-  dt = control->dt;
-  steps = data->step - data->prev_steps;
-  renbr = (steps % control->reneighbor == 0); 
-  /* velocity verlet, 1st part */
-  for( i = 0; i < system->N; i++ ) { 
-    atom = &(system->atoms[i]);
-    inv_m = 1.0 / system->reaxprm.sbp[atom->type].mass;
-    /* Compute x(t + dt) */
-    rvec_ScaledSum( dx, dt, atom->v, 0.5 * -F_CONV * inv_m * SQR(dt), atom->f );
-	 /* bNVT fix - Metin's suggestion */
-	 /* ORIGINAL CHANGE -- CHECK THE branch serial-bnvt for the fix */
-    //rvec_Add( atom->x, dx );
-    Inc_on_T3( atom->x, dx, &( system->box ) );
-    /* Compute v(t + dt/2) */
-    rvec_ScaledAdd( atom->v, 0.5 * -F_CONV * inv_m * dt, atom->f );
-  }
+    fprintf( stderr, "step%d\n", data->step );
+    dt = control->dt;
+    steps = data->step - data->prev_steps;
+    renbr = (steps % control->reneighbor == 0);
+    /* velocity verlet, 1st part */
+    for ( i = 0; i < system->N; i++ )
+    {
+        atom = &(system->atoms[i]);
+        inv_m = 1.0 / system->reaxprm.sbp[atom->type].mass;
+        /* Compute x(t + dt) */
+        rvec_ScaledSum( dx, dt, atom->v, 0.5 * -F_CONV * inv_m * SQR(dt), atom->f );
+        /* bNVT fix - Metin's suggestion */
+        /* ORIGINAL CHANGE -- CHECK THE branch serial-bnvt for the fix */
+        //rvec_Add( atom->x, dx );
+        Inc_on_T3( atom->x, dx, &( system->box ) );
+        /* Compute v(t + dt/2) */
+        rvec_ScaledAdd( atom->v, 0.5 * -F_CONV * inv_m * dt, atom->f );
+    }
 #if defined(DEBUG_FOCUS)
-  fprintf(stderr, "step%d: verlet1 done\n", data->step);
-  Reallocate( system, workspace, lists, renbr );
-  Reset( system, control, data, workspace, lists );
-  if( renbr )  
-    Generate_Neighbor_Lists( system, control, data, workspace, lists, out_control );
-  Compute_Forces( system, control, data, workspace, 
-        lists, out_control );
-  /* velocity verlet, 2nd part */
-  for( i = 0; i < system->N; i++ ) { 
-    atom = &(system->atoms[i]);
-    inv_m = 1.0 / system->reaxprm.sbp[atom->type].mass;
-    /* Compute v(t + dt) */
-    rvec_ScaledAdd( atom->v, 0.5 * dt * -F_CONV * inv_m, atom->f );
-  }
-#if defined(DEBUG_FOCUS)  
-  fprintf(stderr, "step%d: verlet2 done\n", data->step);
+    fprintf(stderr, "step%d: verlet1 done\n", data->step);
-  /* temperature scaler */
-  Compute_Kinetic_Energy( system, data );
-  lambda = 1.0 + (dt / control->Tau_T) * (control->T / data->therm.T - 1.0);
-  if( lambda < MIN_dT )
-    lambda = MIN_dT;
-  else if (lambda > MAX_dT )
-    lambda = MAX_dT;
-  lambda = SQRT( lambda );
-  fprintf (stderr, "step:%d lambda -> %f \n", data->step, lambda);
-  /* Scale velocities and positions at t+dt */
-  for( i = 0; i < system->N; ++i ) {
-    atom = &(system->atoms[i]);
-    rvec_Scale( atom->v, lambda, atom->v );
-  }
-  Compute_Kinetic_Energy( system, data );
-#if defined(DEBUG_FOCUS)  
-  fprintf( stderr, "step%d: scaled velocities\n",
-      data->step );
+    Reallocate( system, workspace, lists, renbr );
+    Reset( system, control, data, workspace, lists );
+    if ( renbr )
+        Generate_Neighbor_Lists( system, control, data, workspace, lists, out_control );
+    Compute_Forces( system, control, data, workspace,
+                    lists, out_control );
+    /* velocity verlet, 2nd part */
+    for ( i = 0; i < system->N; i++ )
+    {
+        atom = &(system->atoms[i]);
+        inv_m = 1.0 / system->reaxprm.sbp[atom->type].mass;
+        /* Compute v(t + dt) */
+        rvec_ScaledAdd( atom->v, 0.5 * dt * -F_CONV * inv_m, atom->f );
+    }
+#if defined(DEBUG_FOCUS)
+    fprintf(stderr, "step%d: verlet2 done\n", data->step);
+    /* temperature scaler */
+    Compute_Kinetic_Energy( system, data );
+    lambda = 1.0 + (dt / control->Tau_T) * (control->T / data->therm.T - 1.0);
+    if ( lambda < MIN_dT )
+        lambda = MIN_dT;
+    else if (lambda > MAX_dT )
+        lambda = MAX_dT;
+    lambda = SQRT( lambda );
+    fprintf (stderr, "step:%d lambda -> %f \n", data->step, lambda);
+    /* Scale velocities and positions at t+dt */
+    for ( i = 0; i < system->N; ++i )
+    {
+        atom = &(system->atoms[i]);
+        rvec_Scale( atom->v, lambda, atom->v );
+    }
+    Compute_Kinetic_Energy( system, data );
+#if defined(DEBUG_FOCUS)
+    fprintf( stderr, "step%d: scaled velocities\n",
+             data->step );
diff --git a/puremd_rc_1003/sPuReMD/integrate.h b/puremd_rc_1003/sPuReMD/integrate.h
index 8baee8ba68fd75f8ac9c139b97ff5b705ef7f378..55d9878619a6128d856b9c8476e054eb1c092981 100644
--- a/puremd_rc_1003/sPuReMD/integrate.h
+++ b/puremd_rc_1003/sPuReMD/integrate.h
@@ -1,20 +1,20 @@
   SerialReax - Reax Force Field Simulator
   Copyright (2010) Purdue University
   Hasan Metin Aktulga, haktulga@cs.purdue.edu
   Joseph Fogarty, jcfogart@mail.usf.edu
   Sagar Pandit, pandit@usf.edu
   Ananth Y Grama, ayg@cs.purdue.edu
   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
   modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
-  published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of 
+  published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
   the License, or (at your option) any later version.
   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
   See the GNU General Public License for more details:
@@ -25,33 +25,33 @@
 #include "mytypes.h"
 void Velocity_Verlet_NVE( reax_system*, control_params*, simulation_data*,
-			  static_storage*, list**, output_controls* );
-void Velocity_Verlet_Nose_Hoover_NVT( reax_system*, control_params*, 
-				      simulation_data*, static_storage*, 
-				      list**, output_controls* );
-void Velocity_Verlet_Nose_Hoover_NVT_Klein( reax_system*, control_params*, 
-					    simulation_data*, static_storage*, 
-					    list**, output_controls* );
-void Velocity_Verlet_Flexible_NPT( reax_system*, control_params*, 
-				   simulation_data*,static_storage*, 
-				   list**, output_controls* );
-void Velocity_Verlet_Isotropic_NPT( reax_system*, control_params*, 
-				    simulation_data*, static_storage*, 
-				    list**, output_controls* );
-void Velocity_Verlet_Berendsen_Isotropic_NPT( reax_system*, control_params*, 
-					      simulation_data*, static_storage*,
-					      list**, output_controls* );
+                          static_storage*, list**, output_controls* );
+void Velocity_Verlet_Nose_Hoover_NVT( reax_system*, control_params*,
+                                      simulation_data*, static_storage*,
+                                      list**, output_controls* );
+void Velocity_Verlet_Nose_Hoover_NVT_Klein( reax_system*, control_params*,
+        simulation_data*, static_storage*,
+        list**, output_controls* );
+void Velocity_Verlet_Flexible_NPT( reax_system*, control_params*,
+                                   simulation_data*, static_storage*,
+                                   list**, output_controls* );
+void Velocity_Verlet_Isotropic_NPT( reax_system*, control_params*,
+                                    simulation_data*, static_storage*,
+                                    list**, output_controls* );
+void Velocity_Verlet_Berendsen_Isotropic_NPT( reax_system*, control_params*,
+        simulation_data*, static_storage*,
+        list**, output_controls* );
 void Velocity_Verlet_Berendsen_SemiIsotropic_NPT( reax_system*, control_params*,
-						  simulation_data*,
-						  static_storage*, list**, 
-						  output_controls* );
+        simulation_data*,
+        static_storage*, list**,
+        output_controls* );
 //upon Adri's request moved from parallel code to serial code
-void Velocity_Verlet_Berendsen_NVT( reax_system* , 
-                control_params* , 
-                simulation_data *,
-                static_storage *, 
-                list **, 
-                output_controls *
-                );
+void Velocity_Verlet_Berendsen_NVT( reax_system* ,
+                                    control_params* ,
+                                    simulation_data *,
+                                    static_storage *,
+                                    list **,
+                                    output_controls *
+                                  );
diff --git a/puremd_rc_1003/sPuReMD/list.c b/puremd_rc_1003/sPuReMD/list.c
index 01d4fb80caac264ebec3090278a469ec118b88cf..f9044a6cc9e5ea7b625794c14c079582a4bc742b 100644
--- a/puremd_rc_1003/sPuReMD/list.c
+++ b/puremd_rc_1003/sPuReMD/list.c
@@ -1,20 +1,20 @@
   SerialReax - Reax Force Field Simulator
   Copyright (2010) Purdue University
   Hasan Metin Aktulga, haktulga@cs.purdue.edu
   Joseph Fogarty, jcfogart@mail.usf.edu
   Sagar Pandit, pandit@usf.edu
   Ananth Y Grama, ayg@cs.purdue.edu
   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
   modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
-  published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of 
+  published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
   the License, or (at your option) any later version.
   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
   See the GNU General Public License for more details:
@@ -23,147 +23,147 @@
 char Make_List(int n, int num_intrs, int type, list* l)
-  char success=1;
-  l->n = n;
-  l->num_intrs = num_intrs;
-  l->index = (int*) malloc( n * sizeof(int) );
-  l->end_index = (int*) malloc( n * sizeof(int) );
-  if (l->index == NULL) success = 0;
-  if (l->end_index == NULL) success = 0;
-  switch(type)
+    char success = 1;
+    l->n = n;
+    l->num_intrs = num_intrs;
+    l->index = (int*) malloc( n * sizeof(int) );
+    l->end_index = (int*) malloc( n * sizeof(int) );
+    if (l->index == NULL) success = 0;
+    if (l->end_index == NULL) success = 0;
+    switch (type)
     case TYP_VOID:
-      l->select.v = (void *) malloc(l->num_intrs*sizeof(void));
-      if (l->select.v == NULL) success = 0;
-      break;
+        l->select.v = (void *) malloc(l->num_intrs * sizeof(void));
+        if (l->select.v == NULL) success = 0;
+        break;
     case TYP_THREE_BODY:
-      l->select.three_body_list = (three_body_interaction_data*) 
-	malloc(l->num_intrs*sizeof(three_body_interaction_data));
-      if (l->select.three_body_list == NULL) success = 0;
-      break;
+        l->select.three_body_list = (three_body_interaction_data*)
+                                    malloc(l->num_intrs * sizeof(three_body_interaction_data));
+        if (l->select.three_body_list == NULL) success = 0;
+        break;
     case TYP_BOND:
-      l->select.bond_list = (bond_data*) 
-	malloc(l->num_intrs * sizeof(bond_data));
-      if (l->select.bond_list == NULL) success = 0;
-      break;
+        l->select.bond_list = (bond_data*)
+                              malloc(l->num_intrs * sizeof(bond_data));
+        if (l->select.bond_list == NULL) success = 0;
+        break;
     case TYP_DBO:
-      l->select.dbo_list = (dbond_data*) 
-	malloc(l->num_intrs * sizeof(dbond_data));
-      if (l->select.dbo_list == NULL) success = 0;
-      break;
+        l->select.dbo_list = (dbond_data*)
+                             malloc(l->num_intrs * sizeof(dbond_data));
+        if (l->select.dbo_list == NULL) success = 0;
+        break;
     case TYP_DDELTA:
-      l->select.dDelta_list = (dDelta_data*) 
-	malloc(l->num_intrs*sizeof(dDelta_data));
-      if (l->select.dDelta_list == NULL) success = 0;
-      break;
+        l->select.dDelta_list = (dDelta_data*)
+                                malloc(l->num_intrs * sizeof(dDelta_data));
+        if (l->select.dDelta_list == NULL) success = 0;
+        break;
-      l->select.far_nbr_list = (far_neighbor_data*) 
-	malloc(l->num_intrs*sizeof(far_neighbor_data));
-      if (l->select.far_nbr_list == NULL) success = 0;
-      break;
+        l->select.far_nbr_list = (far_neighbor_data*)
+                                 malloc(l->num_intrs * sizeof(far_neighbor_data));
+        if (l->select.far_nbr_list == NULL) success = 0;
+        break;
-      l->select.near_nbr_list = (near_neighbor_data*) 
-	malloc(l->num_intrs*sizeof(near_neighbor_data));
-      if (l->select.near_nbr_list == NULL) success = 0;
-      break;
+        l->select.near_nbr_list = (near_neighbor_data*)
+                                  malloc(l->num_intrs * sizeof(near_neighbor_data));
+        if (l->select.near_nbr_list == NULL) success = 0;
+        break;
     case TYP_HBOND:
-      l->select.hbond_list = (hbond_data*)
-	malloc( l->num_intrs * sizeof(hbond_data) );
-      if (l->select.hbond_list == NULL) success = 0;
-      break;			
+        l->select.hbond_list = (hbond_data*)
+                               malloc( l->num_intrs * sizeof(hbond_data) );
+        if (l->select.hbond_list == NULL) success = 0;
+        break;
-      l->select.v = (void *) malloc(l->num_intrs*sizeof(void));
-      if (l->select.v == NULL) success = 0;
-      l->type = TYP_VOID;
-      break;      
+        l->select.v = (void *) malloc(l->num_intrs * sizeof(void));
+        if (l->select.v == NULL) success = 0;
+        l->type = TYP_VOID;
+        break;
-  return success;
+    return success;
 void Delete_List(list* l)
-  if( l->index != NULL )
-    free(l->index);
-  if( l->end_index != NULL )
-    free(l->end_index);
+    if ( l->index != NULL )
+        free(l->index);
+    if ( l->end_index != NULL )
+        free(l->end_index);
-  switch(l->type)
+    switch (l->type)
     case TYP_VOID:
-      if( l->select.v != NULL )
-	free(l->select.v);
-      break;
+        if ( l->select.v != NULL )
+            free(l->select.v);
+        break;
     case TYP_THREE_BODY:
-      if( l->select.three_body_list != NULL )
-	free(l->select.three_body_list);
-      break;
+        if ( l->select.three_body_list != NULL )
+            free(l->select.three_body_list);
+        break;
     case TYP_BOND:
-      if( l->select.bond_list != NULL )
-	free(l->select.bond_list);
-      break;
+        if ( l->select.bond_list != NULL )
+            free(l->select.bond_list);
+        break;
     case TYP_DBO:
-      if( l->select.dbo_list != NULL )
-	free(l->select.dbo_list);
-      break;
+        if ( l->select.dbo_list != NULL )
+            free(l->select.dbo_list);
+        break;
     case TYP_DDELTA:
-      if( l->select.dDelta_list != NULL )
-	free(l->select.dDelta_list);
-      break;
+        if ( l->select.dDelta_list != NULL )
+            free(l->select.dDelta_list);
+        break;
-      if( l->select.far_nbr_list != NULL )
-	free(l->select.far_nbr_list);
-      break;
+        if ( l->select.far_nbr_list != NULL )
+            free(l->select.far_nbr_list);
+        break;
-      if( l->select.near_nbr_list != NULL )
-	free(l->select.near_nbr_list);
-      break;
+        if ( l->select.near_nbr_list != NULL )
+            free(l->select.near_nbr_list);
+        break;
     case TYP_HBOND:
-      if( l->select.hbond_list != NULL )
-	free(l->select.hbond_list);
-      break;
+        if ( l->select.hbond_list != NULL )
+            free(l->select.hbond_list);
+        break;
-      // Report fatal error
-      break;
+        // Report fatal error
+        break;
 inline int Num_Entries(int i, list* l)
-  return l->end_index[i] - l->index[i];
+    return l->end_index[i] - l->index[i];
 inline int Start_Index(int i, list *l )
-  return l->index[i];
+    return l->index[i];
 inline int End_Index( int i, list *l )
-  return l->end_index[i];
+    return l->end_index[i];
 inline void Set_Start_Index(int i, int val, list *l)
-  l->index[i] = val;
+    l->index[i] = val;
 inline void Set_End_Index(int i, int val, list *l)
-  l->end_index[i] = val;
+    l->end_index[i] = val;
diff --git a/puremd_rc_1003/sPuReMD/list.h b/puremd_rc_1003/sPuReMD/list.h
index 4b8a726bbe3546c21678f42a73bad4ef97a48132..e3ecc584e865c419747886c590e15dc0709feccc 100644
--- a/puremd_rc_1003/sPuReMD/list.h
+++ b/puremd_rc_1003/sPuReMD/list.h
@@ -1,20 +1,20 @@
   SeriallReax - Reax Force Field Simulator
   Copyright (2010) Purdue University
   Hasan Metin Aktulga, haktulga@cs.purdue.edu
   Joseph Fogarty, jcfogart@mail.usf.edu
   Sagar Pandit, pandit@usf.edu
   Ananth Y Grama, ayg@cs.purdue.edu
   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
   modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
-  published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of 
+  published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
   the License, or (at your option) any later version.
   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
   See the GNU General Public License for more details:
@@ -27,11 +27,11 @@
 char Make_List( int, int, int, list* );
 void Delete_List( list* );
-int  Num_Entries(int,list*);
+int  Num_Entries(int, list*);
 int  Start_Index( int, list* );
 int  End_Index( int, list* );
-void Set_Start_Index(int,int,list*);
-void Set_End_Index(int,int,list*);
+void Set_Start_Index(int, int, list*);
+void Set_End_Index(int, int, list*);
diff --git a/puremd_rc_1003/sPuReMD/lookup.c b/puremd_rc_1003/sPuReMD/lookup.c
index f4634a21bfbcd3c8d112184232b6953e08efd83c..62ca75ec32576d28fd7b48de4d5cf7736e8713b0 100644
--- a/puremd_rc_1003/sPuReMD/lookup.c
+++ b/puremd_rc_1003/sPuReMD/lookup.c
@@ -1,20 +1,20 @@
   SerialReax - Reax Force Field Simulator
   Copyright (2010) Purdue University
   Hasan Metin Aktulga, haktulga@cs.purdue.edu
   Joseph Fogarty, jcfogart@mail.usf.edu
   Sagar Pandit, pandit@usf.edu
   Ananth Y Grama, ayg@cs.purdue.edu
   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
   modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
-  published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of 
+  published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
   the License, or (at your option) any later version.
   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
   See the GNU General Public License for more details:
@@ -23,384 +23,391 @@
 #include "two_body_interactions.h"
 void Make_Lookup_Table(real xmin, real xmax, int n,
-		       lookup_function f, lookup_table* t)
+                       lookup_function f, lookup_table* t)
-  int i;
-  t->xmin = xmin;
-  t->xmax = xmax;
-  t->n = n;
-  t->dx = (xmax - xmin)/(n-1);
-  t->inv_dx = 1.0 / t->dx;
-  t->a = (n-1)/(xmax-xmin);
-  t->y = (real*) malloc(n*sizeof(real));
-  for(i=0; i < n; i++)
-    t->y[i] = f(i*t->dx + t->xmin);
-  // fprintf(stdout,"dx = %lf\n",t->dx);
-  // for(i=0; i < n; i++)
-  //   fprintf( stdout,"%d %lf %lf %lf\n", 
-  //            i, i/t->a+t->xmin, t->y[i], exp(i/t->a+t->xmin) );
+    int i;
+    t->xmin = xmin;
+    t->xmax = xmax;
+    t->n = n;
+    t->dx = (xmax - xmin) / (n - 1);
+    t->inv_dx = 1.0 / t->dx;
+    t->a = (n - 1) / (xmax - xmin);
+    t->y = (real*) malloc(n * sizeof(real));
+    for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
+        t->y[i] = f(i * t->dx + t->xmin);
+    // fprintf(stdout,"dx = %lf\n",t->dx);
+    // for(i=0; i < n; i++)
+    //   fprintf( stdout,"%d %lf %lf %lf\n",
+    //            i, i/t->a+t->xmin, t->y[i], exp(i/t->a+t->xmin) );
 /* Fills solution into x. Warning: will modify c and d! */
-void Tridiagonal_Solve( const real *a, const real *b, 
-			real *c, real *d, real *x, unsigned int n){
-  int i;
-  real id;
-  /* Modify the coefficients. */
-  c[0] /= b[0];	/* Division by zero risk. */
-  d[0] /= b[0];	/* Division by zero would imply a singular matrix. */
-  for(i = 1; i < n; i++){
-    id = (b[i] - c[i-1] * a[i]);  /* Division by zero risk. */
-    c[i] /= id;	        /* Last value calculated is redundant. */
-    d[i] = (d[i] - d[i-1] * a[i])/id;
-  }
-  /* Now back substitute. */
-  x[n - 1] = d[n - 1];
-  for(i = n - 2; i >= 0; i--)
-    x[i] = d[i] - c[i] * x[i + 1];
+void Tridiagonal_Solve( const real *a, const real *b,
+                        real *c, real *d, real *x, unsigned int n)
+    int i;
+    real id;
+    /* Modify the coefficients. */
+    c[0] /= b[0]; /* Division by zero risk. */
+    d[0] /= b[0]; /* Division by zero would imply a singular matrix. */
+    for (i = 1; i < n; i++)
+    {
+        id = (b[i] - c[i - 1] * a[i]); /* Division by zero risk. */
+        c[i] /= id;         /* Last value calculated is redundant. */
+        d[i] = (d[i] - d[i - 1] * a[i]) / id;
+    }
+    /* Now back substitute. */
+    x[n - 1] = d[n - 1];
+    for (i = n - 2; i >= 0; i--)
+        x[i] = d[i] - c[i] * x[i + 1];
-void Natural_Cubic_Spline( const real *h, const real *f, 
-			   cubic_spline_coef *coef, unsigned int n )
+void Natural_Cubic_Spline( const real *h, const real *f,
+                           cubic_spline_coef *coef, unsigned int n )
-  int i;
-  real *a, *b, *c, *d, *v;
-  /* allocate space for the linear system */
-  a = (real*) malloc( n * sizeof(real) );
-  b = (real*) malloc( n * sizeof(real) );
-  c = (real*) malloc( n * sizeof(real) );
-  d = (real*) malloc( n * sizeof(real) );
-  v = (real*) malloc( n * sizeof(real) );
-  /* build the linear system */
-  a[0] = a[1] = a[n-1] = 0;
-  for( i = 2; i < n-1; ++i )
-    a[i] = h[i-1];
-  b[0] = b[n-1] = 0;
-  for( i = 1; i < n-1; ++i )
-    b[i] = 2 * (h[i-1] + h[i]); 
-  c[0] = c[n-2] = c[n-1] = 0;
-  for( i = 1; i < n-2; ++i )
-    c[i] = h[i];
-  d[0] = d[n-1] = 0;
-  for( i = 1; i < n-1; ++i )
-    d[i] = 6 * ((f[i+1]-f[i])/h[i] - (f[i]-f[i-1])/h[i-1]);
-  /*fprintf( stderr, "i  a        b        c        d\n" );
-    for( i = 0; i < n; ++i )
-    fprintf( stderr, "%d  %f  %f  %f  %f\n", i, a[i], b[i], c[i], d[i] );*/
-  v[0] = 0;
-  v[n-1] = 0;
-  Tridiagonal_Solve( &(a[1]), &(b[1]), &(c[1]), &(d[1]), &(v[1]), n-2 );
-  for( i = 1; i < n; ++i ){
-    coef[i-1].d = (v[i] - v[i-1]) / (6*h[i-1]);
-    coef[i-1].c = v[i]/2;
-    coef[i-1].b = (f[i]-f[i-1])/h[i-1] + h[i-1]*(2*v[i] + v[i-1])/6;
-    coef[i-1].a = f[i];
-  }
-  /*fprintf( stderr, "i  v  coef\n" );
-    for( i = 0; i < n; ++i )
-    fprintf( stderr, "%d  %f  %f  %f  %f  %f\n", 
-    i, v[i], coef[i].a, coef[i].b, coef[i].c, coef[i].d ); */
+    int i;
+    real *a, *b, *c, *d, *v;
+    /* allocate space for the linear system */
+    a = (real*) malloc( n * sizeof(real) );
+    b = (real*) malloc( n * sizeof(real) );
+    c = (real*) malloc( n * sizeof(real) );
+    d = (real*) malloc( n * sizeof(real) );
+    v = (real*) malloc( n * sizeof(real) );
+    /* build the linear system */
+    a[0] = a[1] = a[n - 1] = 0;
+    for ( i = 2; i < n - 1; ++i )
+        a[i] = h[i - 1];
+    b[0] = b[n - 1] = 0;
+    for ( i = 1; i < n - 1; ++i )
+        b[i] = 2 * (h[i - 1] + h[i]);
+    c[0] = c[n - 2] = c[n - 1] = 0;
+    for ( i = 1; i < n - 2; ++i )
+        c[i] = h[i];
+    d[0] = d[n - 1] = 0;
+    for ( i = 1; i < n - 1; ++i )
+        d[i] = 6 * ((f[i + 1] - f[i]) / h[i] - (f[i] - f[i - 1]) / h[i - 1]);
+    /*fprintf( stderr, "i  a        b        c        d\n" );
+      for( i = 0; i < n; ++i )
+      fprintf( stderr, "%d  %f  %f  %f  %f\n", i, a[i], b[i], c[i], d[i] );*/
+    v[0] = 0;
+    v[n - 1] = 0;
+    Tridiagonal_Solve( &(a[1]), &(b[1]), &(c[1]), &(d[1]), &(v[1]), n - 2 );
+    for ( i = 1; i < n; ++i )
+    {
+        coef[i - 1].d = (v[i] - v[i - 1]) / (6 * h[i - 1]);
+        coef[i - 1].c = v[i] / 2;
+        coef[i - 1].b = (f[i] - f[i - 1]) / h[i - 1] + h[i - 1] * (2 * v[i] + v[i - 1]) / 6;
+        coef[i - 1].a = f[i];
+    }
+    /*fprintf( stderr, "i  v  coef\n" );
+      for( i = 0; i < n; ++i )
+      fprintf( stderr, "%d  %f  %f  %f  %f  %f\n",
+      i, v[i], coef[i].a, coef[i].b, coef[i].c, coef[i].d ); */
 void Complete_Cubic_Spline( const real *h, const real *f, real v0, real vlast,
-			    cubic_spline_coef *coef, unsigned int n )
+                            cubic_spline_coef *coef, unsigned int n )
-  int i;
-  real *a, *b, *c, *d, *v;
-  /* allocate space for the linear system */
-  a = (real*) malloc( n * sizeof(real) );
-  b = (real*) malloc( n * sizeof(real) );
-  c = (real*) malloc( n * sizeof(real) );
-  d = (real*) malloc( n * sizeof(real) );
-  v = (real*) malloc( n * sizeof(real) );
-  /* build the linear system */
-  a[0] = 0;
-  for( i = 1; i < n; ++i )
-    a[i] = h[i-1];
-  b[0] = 2*h[0];
-  for( i = 1; i < n; ++i )
-    b[i] = 2 * (h[i-1] + h[i]); 
-  c[n-1] = 0;
-  for( i = 0; i < n-1; ++i )
-    c[i] = h[i];
-  d[0] = 6 * (f[1]-f[0])/h[0] - 6 * v0;   
-  d[n-1] = 6 * vlast - 6 * (f[n-1]-f[n-2]/h[n-2]);
-  for( i = 1; i < n-1; ++i )
-    d[i] = 6 * ((f[i+1]-f[i])/h[i] - (f[i]-f[i-1])/h[i-1]);
-  /*fprintf( stderr, "i  a        b        c        d\n" );
-    for( i = 0; i < n; ++i )
-    fprintf( stderr, "%d  %f  %f  %f  %f\n", i, a[i], b[i], c[i], d[i] );*/
-  Tridiagonal_Solve( &(a[0]), &(b[0]), &(c[0]), &(d[0]), &(v[0]), n );
-  // Tridiagonal_Solve( &(a[1]), &(b[1]), &(c[1]), &(d[1]), &(v[1]), n-2 );
-  for( i = 1; i < n; ++i ){
-    coef[i-1].d = (v[i] - v[i-1]) / (6*h[i-1]);
-    coef[i-1].c = v[i]/2;
-    coef[i-1].b = (f[i]-f[i-1])/h[i-1] + h[i-1]*(2*v[i] + v[i-1])/6;
-    coef[i-1].a = f[i];
-  }
-  /*fprintf( stderr, "i  v  coef\n" );
-    for( i = 0; i < n; ++i )
-    fprintf( stderr, "%d  %f  %f  %f  %f  %f\n", 
-    i, v[i], coef[i].a, coef[i].b, coef[i].c, coef[i].d ); */
+    int i;
+    real *a, *b, *c, *d, *v;
+    /* allocate space for the linear system */
+    a = (real*) malloc( n * sizeof(real) );
+    b = (real*) malloc( n * sizeof(real) );
+    c = (real*) malloc( n * sizeof(real) );
+    d = (real*) malloc( n * sizeof(real) );
+    v = (real*) malloc( n * sizeof(real) );
+    /* build the linear system */
+    a[0] = 0;
+    for ( i = 1; i < n; ++i )
+        a[i] = h[i - 1];
+    b[0] = 2 * h[0];
+    for ( i = 1; i < n; ++i )
+        b[i] = 2 * (h[i - 1] + h[i]);
+    c[n - 1] = 0;
+    for ( i = 0; i < n - 1; ++i )
+        c[i] = h[i];
+    d[0] = 6 * (f[1] - f[0]) / h[0] - 6 * v0;
+    d[n - 1] = 6 * vlast - 6 * (f[n - 1] - f[n - 2] / h[n - 2]);
+    for ( i = 1; i < n - 1; ++i )
+        d[i] = 6 * ((f[i + 1] - f[i]) / h[i] - (f[i] - f[i - 1]) / h[i - 1]);
+    /*fprintf( stderr, "i  a        b        c        d\n" );
+      for( i = 0; i < n; ++i )
+      fprintf( stderr, "%d  %f  %f  %f  %f\n", i, a[i], b[i], c[i], d[i] );*/
+    Tridiagonal_Solve( &(a[0]), &(b[0]), &(c[0]), &(d[0]), &(v[0]), n );
+    // Tridiagonal_Solve( &(a[1]), &(b[1]), &(c[1]), &(d[1]), &(v[1]), n-2 );
+    for ( i = 1; i < n; ++i )
+    {
+        coef[i - 1].d = (v[i] - v[i - 1]) / (6 * h[i - 1]);
+        coef[i - 1].c = v[i] / 2;
+        coef[i - 1].b = (f[i] - f[i - 1]) / h[i - 1] + h[i - 1] * (2 * v[i] + v[i - 1]) / 6;
+        coef[i - 1].a = f[i];
+    }
+    /*fprintf( stderr, "i  v  coef\n" );
+      for( i = 0; i < n; ++i )
+      fprintf( stderr, "%d  %f  %f  %f  %f  %f\n",
+      i, v[i], coef[i].a, coef[i].b, coef[i].c, coef[i].d ); */
 void LR_Lookup( LR_lookup_table *t, real r, LR_data *y )
-  int i;
-  real base, dif;
-  i = (int)(r * t->inv_dx);
-  if( i == 0 )  ++i;
-  base = (real)(i+1) * t->dx;
-  dif = r - base;
-  //fprintf( stderr, "r: %f, i: %d, base: %f, dif: %f\n", r, i, base, dif );
-  y->e_vdW = ((t->vdW[i].d*dif + t->vdW[i].c)*dif + t->vdW[i].b)*dif + 
-    t->vdW[i].a;
-  y->CEvd = ((t->CEvd[i].d*dif + t->CEvd[i].c)*dif + 
-	     t->CEvd[i].b)*dif + t->CEvd[i].a;
-  //y->CEvd = (3*t->vdW[i].d*dif + 2*t->vdW[i].c)*dif + t->vdW[i].b;
-  y->e_ele = ((t->ele[i].d*dif + t->ele[i].c)*dif + t->ele[i].b)*dif + 
-    t->ele[i].a;
-  y->CEclmb = ((t->CEclmb[i].d*dif + t->CEclmb[i].c)*dif + t->CEclmb[i].b)*dif +
-    t->CEclmb[i].a;
-  y->H = y->e_ele * EV_to_KCALpMOL / C_ele;
-  //y->H = ((t->H[i].d*dif + t->H[i].c)*dif + t->H[i].b)*dif + t->H[i].a;
+    int i;
+    real base, dif;
+    i = (int)(r * t->inv_dx);
+    if ( i == 0 )  ++i;
+    base = (real)(i + 1) * t->dx;
+    dif = r - base;
+    //fprintf( stderr, "r: %f, i: %d, base: %f, dif: %f\n", r, i, base, dif );
+    y->e_vdW = ((t->vdW[i].d * dif + t->vdW[i].c) * dif + t->vdW[i].b) * dif +
+               t->vdW[i].a;
+    y->CEvd = ((t->CEvd[i].d * dif + t->CEvd[i].c) * dif +
+               t->CEvd[i].b) * dif + t->CEvd[i].a;
+    //y->CEvd = (3*t->vdW[i].d*dif + 2*t->vdW[i].c)*dif + t->vdW[i].b;
+    y->e_ele = ((t->ele[i].d * dif + t->ele[i].c) * dif + t->ele[i].b) * dif +
+               t->ele[i].a;
+    y->CEclmb = ((t->CEclmb[i].d * dif + t->CEclmb[i].c) * dif + t->CEclmb[i].b) * dif +
+                t->CEclmb[i].a;
+    y->H = y->e_ele * EV_to_KCALpMOL / C_ele;
+    //y->H = ((t->H[i].d*dif + t->H[i].c)*dif + t->H[i].b)*dif + t->H[i].a;
 void Make_LR_Lookup_Table( reax_system *system, control_params *control )
-  int i, j, r;
-  int num_atom_types;
-  int existing_types[MAX_ATOM_TYPES];
-  real dr;
-  real *h, *fh, *fvdw, *fele, *fCEvd, *fCEclmb;
-  real v0_vdw, v0_ele, vlast_vdw, vlast_ele;
-  /* real rand_dist;
-     real evdw_abserr, evdw_relerr, fvdw_abserr, fvdw_relerr;
-     real eele_abserr, eele_relerr, fele_abserr, fele_relerr;
-     real evdw_maxerr, eele_maxerr;
-     LR_data y, y_spline; */
-  /* initializations */
-  vlast_ele = 0;
-  vlast_vdw = 0;
-  v0_ele = 0;
-  v0_vdw = 0;
-  num_atom_types = system->reaxprm.num_atom_types;
-  dr = control->r_cut / control->tabulate;
-  h = (real*) malloc( (control->tabulate+1) * sizeof(real) );
-  fh = (real*) malloc( (control->tabulate+1) * sizeof(real) );
-  fvdw = (real*) malloc( (control->tabulate+1) * sizeof(real) );
-  fCEvd = (real*) malloc( (control->tabulate+1) * sizeof(real) );
-  fele = (real*) malloc( (control->tabulate+1) * sizeof(real) );
-  fCEclmb = (real*) malloc( (control->tabulate+1) * sizeof(real) );
-  /* allocate Long-Range LookUp Table space based on 
-     number of atom types in the ffield file */
-  LR = (LR_lookup_table**) malloc( num_atom_types * sizeof(LR_lookup_table*) );
-  for( i = 0; i < num_atom_types; ++i )
-    LR[i] = (LR_lookup_table*) malloc(num_atom_types * sizeof(LR_lookup_table));
-  /* most atom types in ffield file will not exist in the current
-     simulation. to avoid unnecessary lookup table space, determine
-     the atom types that exist in the current simulation */
-  for( i = 0; i < MAX_ATOM_TYPES; ++i )
-    existing_types[i] = 0;
-  for( i = 0; i < system->N; ++i )
-    existing_types[ system->atoms[i].type ] = 1;
-  /* fill in the lookup table entries for existing atom types.
-     only lower half should be enough. */
-  for( i = 0; i < num_atom_types; ++i )
-    if( existing_types[i] )
-      for( j = i; j < num_atom_types; ++j )
-	if( existing_types[j] ) {
-	  LR[i][j].xmin = 0;
-	  LR[i][j].xmax = control->r_cut;
-	  LR[i][j].n = control->tabulate + 1;
-	  LR[i][j].dx = dr;
-	  LR[i][j].inv_dx = control->tabulate / control->r_cut;
-	  LR[i][j].y = (LR_data*) 
-	    malloc(LR[i][j].n * sizeof(LR_data));
-	  LR[i][j].H = (cubic_spline_coef*) 
-	    malloc(LR[i][j].n * sizeof(cubic_spline_coef));
-	  LR[i][j].vdW = (cubic_spline_coef*) 
-	    malloc(LR[i][j].n * sizeof(cubic_spline_coef));
-	  LR[i][j].CEvd = (cubic_spline_coef*) 
-	    malloc(LR[i][j].n * sizeof(cubic_spline_coef));
-	  LR[i][j].ele = (cubic_spline_coef*) 
-	    malloc(LR[i][j].n * sizeof(cubic_spline_coef));
-	  LR[i][j].CEclmb = (cubic_spline_coef*) 
-	    malloc(LR[i][j].n * sizeof(cubic_spline_coef));
-	  for( r = 1; r <= control->tabulate; ++r ) {
-	    LR_vdW_Coulomb( system, control, i, j, r * dr, &(LR[i][j].y[r]) );
-	    h[r] = LR[i][j].dx;
-	    fh[r] = LR[i][j].y[r].H;
-	    fvdw[r] = LR[i][j].y[r].e_vdW;
-	    fCEvd[r] = LR[i][j].y[r].CEvd;
-	    fele[r] = LR[i][j].y[r].e_ele;
-	    fCEclmb[r] = LR[i][j].y[r].CEclmb;
-	    if( r == 1 ){
-	      v0_vdw = LR[i][j].y[r].CEvd;
-	      v0_ele = LR[i][j].y[r].CEclmb;
-	    }
-	    else if( r == control->tabulate ){
-	      vlast_vdw = LR[i][j].y[r].CEvd;
-	      vlast_ele = LR[i][j].y[r].CEclmb;
-	    }
-	  }
-	  /*fprintf( stderr, "%-6s  %-6s  %-6s\n", "r", "h", "fh" );
-	    for( r = 1; r <= control->tabulate; ++r )
-	    fprintf( stderr, "%f  %f  %f\n", r * dr, h[r], fh[r] ); */
-	  Natural_Cubic_Spline( &h[1], &fh[1], 
-				&(LR[i][j].H[1]), control->tabulate+1 );
-	  /*fprintf( stderr, "%-6s  %-6s  %-6s\n", "r", "h", "fvdw" );
-	    for( r = 1; r <= control->tabulate; ++r )
-	    fprintf( stderr, "%f  %f  %f\n", r * dr, h[r], fvdw[r] );
-	    fprintf( stderr, "v0_vdw: %f, vlast_vdw: %f\n", v0_vdw, vlast_vdw );
-	  */
-	  Complete_Cubic_Spline( &h[1], &fvdw[1], v0_vdw, vlast_vdw, 
-				 &(LR[i][j].vdW[1]), control->tabulate+1 );
-	  Natural_Cubic_Spline( &h[1], &fCEvd[1], 
-				&(LR[i][j].CEvd[1]), control->tabulate+1 );
-	  /*fprintf( stderr, "%-6s  %-6s  %-6s\n", "r", "h", "fele" );
-	    for( r = 1; r <= control->tabulate; ++r )
-	    fprintf( stderr, "%f  %f  %f\n", r * dr, h[r], fele[r] );
-	    fprintf( stderr, "v0_ele: %f, vlast_ele: %f\n", v0_ele, vlast_ele );
-	  */
-	  Complete_Cubic_Spline( &h[1], &fele[1], v0_ele, vlast_ele, 
-				 &(LR[i][j].ele[1]), control->tabulate+1 );
-	  Natural_Cubic_Spline( &h[1], &fCEclmb[1], 
-				&(LR[i][j].CEclmb[1]), control->tabulate+1 );
-	}
-  /***** //test LR-Lookup table
-	 evdw_maxerr = 0;
-	 eele_maxerr = 0;
-	 for( i = 0; i < num_atom_types; ++i )
-	 if( existing_types[i] )
-	 for( j = i; j < num_atom_types; ++j )
-	 if( existing_types[j] ) {
-	 for( r = 1; r <= 100; ++r ) {
-	 rand_dist = (real)rand()/RAND_MAX * control->r_cut;
-	 LR_vdW_Coulomb( system, control, i, j, rand_dist, &y );
-	 LR_Lookup( &(LR[i][j]), rand_dist, &y_spline );
-	 evdw_abserr = fabs(y.e_vdW - y_spline.e_vdW);
-	 evdw_relerr = fabs(evdw_abserr / y.e_vdW);
-	 fvdw_abserr = fabs(y.CEvd - y_spline.CEvd);
-	 fvdw_relerr = fabs(fvdw_abserr / y.CEvd);
-	 eele_abserr = fabs(y.e_ele - y_spline.e_ele);
-	 eele_relerr = fabs(eele_abserr / y.e_ele);
-	 fele_abserr = fabs(y.CEclmb - y_spline.CEclmb);
-	 fele_relerr = fabs(fele_abserr / y.CEclmb);
-	 if( evdw_relerr > 1e-10 || eele_relerr > 1e-10 ){
-	 fprintf( stderr, "rand_dist = %24.15e\n", rand_dist );
-	 fprintf( stderr, "%24.15e  %24.15e  %24.15e  %24.15e\n",
-	 y.H, y_spline.H, 
-	 fabs(y.H-y_spline.H), fabs((y.H-y_spline.H)/y.H) );  
-	 fprintf( stderr, "%24.15e  %24.15e  %24.15e  %24.15e\n",
-	 y.e_vdW, y_spline.e_vdW, evdw_abserr, evdw_relerr ); 
-	 fprintf( stderr, "%24.15e  %24.15e  %24.15e  %24.15e\n",
-	 y.CEvd, y_spline.CEvd, fvdw_abserr, fvdw_relerr ); 
-	 fprintf( stderr, "%24.15e  %24.15e  %24.15e  %24.15e\n",
-	 y.e_ele, y_spline.e_ele, eele_abserr, eele_relerr ); 
-	 fprintf( stderr, "%24.15e  %24.15e  %24.15e  %24.15e\n",
-		       y.CEclmb, y_spline.CEclmb, fele_abserr, fele_relerr ); 
-		       }
-		       if( evdw_relerr > evdw_maxerr )
-		       evdw_maxerr = evdw_relerr;
-		       if( eele_relerr > eele_maxerr )
-		       eele_maxerr = eele_relerr;
-		       }
-		       }
-		       fprintf( stderr, "evdw_maxerr: %24.15e\n", evdw_maxerr );
-		       fprintf( stderr, "eele_maxerr: %24.15e\n", eele_maxerr );
-  *******/
-  free(h);
-  free(fh);
-  free(fvdw);
-  free(fCEvd);
-  free(fele);
-  free(fCEclmb);
+    int i, j, r;
+    int num_atom_types;
+    int existing_types[MAX_ATOM_TYPES];
+    real dr;
+    real *h, *fh, *fvdw, *fele, *fCEvd, *fCEclmb;
+    real v0_vdw, v0_ele, vlast_vdw, vlast_ele;
+    /* real rand_dist;
+       real evdw_abserr, evdw_relerr, fvdw_abserr, fvdw_relerr;
+       real eele_abserr, eele_relerr, fele_abserr, fele_relerr;
+       real evdw_maxerr, eele_maxerr;
+       LR_data y, y_spline; */
+    /* initializations */
+    vlast_ele = 0;
+    vlast_vdw = 0;
+    v0_ele = 0;
+    v0_vdw = 0;
+    num_atom_types = system->reaxprm.num_atom_types;
+    dr = control->r_cut / control->tabulate;
+    h = (real*) malloc( (control->tabulate + 1) * sizeof(real) );
+    fh = (real*) malloc( (control->tabulate + 1) * sizeof(real) );
+    fvdw = (real*) malloc( (control->tabulate + 1) * sizeof(real) );
+    fCEvd = (real*) malloc( (control->tabulate + 1) * sizeof(real) );
+    fele = (real*) malloc( (control->tabulate + 1) * sizeof(real) );
+    fCEclmb = (real*) malloc( (control->tabulate + 1) * sizeof(real) );
+    /* allocate Long-Range LookUp Table space based on
+       number of atom types in the ffield file */
+    LR = (LR_lookup_table**) malloc( num_atom_types * sizeof(LR_lookup_table*) );
+    for ( i = 0; i < num_atom_types; ++i )
+        LR[i] = (LR_lookup_table*) malloc(num_atom_types * sizeof(LR_lookup_table));
+    /* most atom types in ffield file will not exist in the current
+       simulation. to avoid unnecessary lookup table space, determine
+       the atom types that exist in the current simulation */
+    for ( i = 0; i < MAX_ATOM_TYPES; ++i )
+        existing_types[i] = 0;
+    for ( i = 0; i < system->N; ++i )
+        existing_types[ system->atoms[i].type ] = 1;
+    /* fill in the lookup table entries for existing atom types.
+       only lower half should be enough. */
+    for ( i = 0; i < num_atom_types; ++i )
+        if ( existing_types[i] )
+            for ( j = i; j < num_atom_types; ++j )
+                if ( existing_types[j] )
+                {
+                    LR[i][j].xmin = 0;
+                    LR[i][j].xmax = control->r_cut;
+                    LR[i][j].n = control->tabulate + 1;
+                    LR[i][j].dx = dr;
+                    LR[i][j].inv_dx = control->tabulate / control->r_cut;
+                    LR[i][j].y = (LR_data*)
+                                 malloc(LR[i][j].n * sizeof(LR_data));
+                    LR[i][j].H = (cubic_spline_coef*)
+                                 malloc(LR[i][j].n * sizeof(cubic_spline_coef));
+                    LR[i][j].vdW = (cubic_spline_coef*)
+                                   malloc(LR[i][j].n * sizeof(cubic_spline_coef));
+                    LR[i][j].CEvd = (cubic_spline_coef*)
+                                    malloc(LR[i][j].n * sizeof(cubic_spline_coef));
+                    LR[i][j].ele = (cubic_spline_coef*)
+                                   malloc(LR[i][j].n * sizeof(cubic_spline_coef));
+                    LR[i][j].CEclmb = (cubic_spline_coef*)
+                                      malloc(LR[i][j].n * sizeof(cubic_spline_coef));
+                    for ( r = 1; r <= control->tabulate; ++r )
+                    {
+                        LR_vdW_Coulomb( system, control, i, j, r * dr, &(LR[i][j].y[r]) );
+                        h[r] = LR[i][j].dx;
+                        fh[r] = LR[i][j].y[r].H;
+                        fvdw[r] = LR[i][j].y[r].e_vdW;
+                        fCEvd[r] = LR[i][j].y[r].CEvd;
+                        fele[r] = LR[i][j].y[r].e_ele;
+                        fCEclmb[r] = LR[i][j].y[r].CEclmb;
+                        if ( r == 1 )
+                        {
+                            v0_vdw = LR[i][j].y[r].CEvd;
+                            v0_ele = LR[i][j].y[r].CEclmb;
+                        }
+                        else if ( r == control->tabulate )
+                        {
+                            vlast_vdw = LR[i][j].y[r].CEvd;
+                            vlast_ele = LR[i][j].y[r].CEclmb;
+                        }
+                    }
+                    /*fprintf( stderr, "%-6s  %-6s  %-6s\n", "r", "h", "fh" );
+                      for( r = 1; r <= control->tabulate; ++r )
+                      fprintf( stderr, "%f  %f  %f\n", r * dr, h[r], fh[r] ); */
+                    Natural_Cubic_Spline( &h[1], &fh[1],
+                                          &(LR[i][j].H[1]), control->tabulate + 1 );
+                    /*fprintf( stderr, "%-6s  %-6s  %-6s\n", "r", "h", "fvdw" );
+                      for( r = 1; r <= control->tabulate; ++r )
+                      fprintf( stderr, "%f  %f  %f\n", r * dr, h[r], fvdw[r] );
+                      fprintf( stderr, "v0_vdw: %f, vlast_vdw: %f\n", v0_vdw, vlast_vdw );
+                    */
+                    Complete_Cubic_Spline( &h[1], &fvdw[1], v0_vdw, vlast_vdw,
+                                           &(LR[i][j].vdW[1]), control->tabulate + 1 );
+                    Natural_Cubic_Spline( &h[1], &fCEvd[1],
+                                          &(LR[i][j].CEvd[1]), control->tabulate + 1 );
+                    /*fprintf( stderr, "%-6s  %-6s  %-6s\n", "r", "h", "fele" );
+                      for( r = 1; r <= control->tabulate; ++r )
+                      fprintf( stderr, "%f  %f  %f\n", r * dr, h[r], fele[r] );
+                      fprintf( stderr, "v0_ele: %f, vlast_ele: %f\n", v0_ele, vlast_ele );
+                    */
+                    Complete_Cubic_Spline( &h[1], &fele[1], v0_ele, vlast_ele,
+                                           &(LR[i][j].ele[1]), control->tabulate + 1 );
+                    Natural_Cubic_Spline( &h[1], &fCEclmb[1],
+                                          &(LR[i][j].CEclmb[1]), control->tabulate + 1 );
+                }
+    /***** //test LR-Lookup table
+     evdw_maxerr = 0;
+     eele_maxerr = 0;
+     for( i = 0; i < num_atom_types; ++i )
+     if( existing_types[i] )
+     for( j = i; j < num_atom_types; ++j )
+     if( existing_types[j] ) {
+     for( r = 1; r <= 100; ++r ) {
+     rand_dist = (real)rand()/RAND_MAX * control->r_cut;
+     LR_vdW_Coulomb( system, control, i, j, rand_dist, &y );
+     LR_Lookup( &(LR[i][j]), rand_dist, &y_spline );
+     evdw_abserr = fabs(y.e_vdW - y_spline.e_vdW);
+     evdw_relerr = fabs(evdw_abserr / y.e_vdW);
+     fvdw_abserr = fabs(y.CEvd - y_spline.CEvd);
+     fvdw_relerr = fabs(fvdw_abserr / y.CEvd);
+     eele_abserr = fabs(y.e_ele - y_spline.e_ele);
+     eele_relerr = fabs(eele_abserr / y.e_ele);
+     fele_abserr = fabs(y.CEclmb - y_spline.CEclmb);
+     fele_relerr = fabs(fele_abserr / y.CEclmb);
+     if( evdw_relerr > 1e-10 || eele_relerr > 1e-10 ){
+     fprintf( stderr, "rand_dist = %24.15e\n", rand_dist );
+     fprintf( stderr, "%24.15e  %24.15e  %24.15e  %24.15e\n",
+     y.H, y_spline.H,
+     fabs(y.H-y_spline.H), fabs((y.H-y_spline.H)/y.H) );
+     fprintf( stderr, "%24.15e  %24.15e  %24.15e  %24.15e\n",
+     y.e_vdW, y_spline.e_vdW, evdw_abserr, evdw_relerr );
+     fprintf( stderr, "%24.15e  %24.15e  %24.15e  %24.15e\n",
+     y.CEvd, y_spline.CEvd, fvdw_abserr, fvdw_relerr );
+     fprintf( stderr, "%24.15e  %24.15e  %24.15e  %24.15e\n",
+     y.e_ele, y_spline.e_ele, eele_abserr, eele_relerr );
+     fprintf( stderr, "%24.15e  %24.15e  %24.15e  %24.15e\n",
+             y.CEclmb, y_spline.CEclmb, fele_abserr, fele_relerr );
+             }
+             if( evdw_relerr > evdw_maxerr )
+             evdw_maxerr = evdw_relerr;
+             if( eele_relerr > eele_maxerr )
+             eele_maxerr = eele_relerr;
+             }
+             }
+             fprintf( stderr, "evdw_maxerr: %24.15e\n", evdw_maxerr );
+             fprintf( stderr, "eele_maxerr: %24.15e\n", eele_maxerr );
+    *******/
+    free(h);
+    free(fh);
+    free(fvdw);
+    free(fCEvd);
+    free(fele);
+    free(fCEclmb);
 int Lookup_Index_Of( real x, lookup_table* t )
-  return (int)( t->a * ( x - t->xmin ) );
+    return (int)( t->a * ( x - t->xmin ) );
 real Lookup( real x, lookup_table* t )
-  real x1, x2;
-  real b;
-  int i;
-  /* if ( x < t->xmin) 
-     {
-     fprintf(stderr,"Domain check %lf > %lf\n",t->xmin,x);
-     exit(0);
-     }
-     if ( x > t->xmax) 
-     {
-     fprintf(stderr,"Domain check %lf < %lf\n",t->xmax,x);
-     exit(0);
-     } */
-  i = Lookup_Index_Of( x, t );
-  x1 = i * t->dx + t->xmin;
-  x2 = (i+1) * t->dx + t->xmin;
-  b = ( x2 * t->y[i] - x1 * t->y[i+1] ) * t->inv_dx;
-  // fprintf( stdout,"SLookup_Entry: %d, %lf, %lf, %lf, %lf: %lf, %lf\n",
-  //          i,x1,x2,x,b,t->one_over_dx*(t->y[i+1]-t->y[i])*x+b,exp(x));
-  return t->inv_dx * ( t->y[i+1] - t->y[i] ) * x + b;
+    real x1, x2;
+    real b;
+    int i;
+    /* if ( x < t->xmin)
+       {
+       fprintf(stderr,"Domain check %lf > %lf\n",t->xmin,x);
+       exit(0);
+       }
+       if ( x > t->xmax)
+       {
+       fprintf(stderr,"Domain check %lf < %lf\n",t->xmax,x);
+       exit(0);
+       } */
+    i = Lookup_Index_Of( x, t );
+    x1 = i * t->dx + t->xmin;
+    x2 = (i + 1) * t->dx + t->xmin;
+    b = ( x2 * t->y[i] - x1 * t->y[i + 1] ) * t->inv_dx;
+    // fprintf( stdout,"SLookup_Entry: %d, %lf, %lf, %lf, %lf: %lf, %lf\n",
+    //          i,x1,x2,x,b,t->one_over_dx*(t->y[i+1]-t->y[i])*x+b,exp(x));
+    return t->inv_dx * ( t->y[i + 1] - t->y[i] ) * x + b;
diff --git a/puremd_rc_1003/sPuReMD/lookup.h b/puremd_rc_1003/sPuReMD/lookup.h
index 13ffc5536a37aca46726f205130df0cf5a89c959..a0b9e51620716aeae13ca7743f554f3704c01110 100644
--- a/puremd_rc_1003/sPuReMD/lookup.h
+++ b/puremd_rc_1003/sPuReMD/lookup.h
@@ -1,20 +1,20 @@
   SerialReax - Reax Force Field Simulator
   Copyright (2010) Purdue University
   Hasan Metin Aktulga, haktulga@cs.purdue.edu
   Joseph Fogarty, jcfogart@mail.usf.edu
   Sagar Pandit, pandit@usf.edu
   Ananth Y Grama, ayg@cs.purdue.edu
   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
   modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
-  published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of 
+  published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
   the License, or (at your option) any later version.
   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
   See the GNU General Public License for more details:
diff --git a/puremd_rc_1003/sPuReMD/mytypes.h b/puremd_rc_1003/sPuReMD/mytypes.h
index 8d346bd449374b6d75736a67416a1e740848b20b..26617a5d3dab24203503b6a10189b0e57d32f8ce 100644
--- a/puremd_rc_1003/sPuReMD/mytypes.h
+++ b/puremd_rc_1003/sPuReMD/mytypes.h
@@ -1,20 +1,20 @@
   SerialReax - Reax Force Field Simulator
   Copyright (2010) Purdue University
   Hasan Metin Aktulga, haktulga@cs.purdue.edu
   Joseph Fogarty, jcfogart@mail.usf.edu
   Sagar Pandit, pandit@usf.edu
   Ananth Y Grama, ayg@cs.purdue.edu
   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
   modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
-  published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of 
+  published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
   the License, or (at your option) any later version.
   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
   See the GNU General Public License for more details:
@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@
 #define CAL_to_JOULES   4.184000      // CALories --> JOULES
 #define JOULES_to_CAL   1/4.184000    // JOULES --> CALories
 #define AMU_to_GRAM     1.6605e-24
-#define ANG_to_CM       1.0e-8   
+#define ANG_to_CM       1.0e-8
 #define AVOGNR          6.0221367e23
 #define P_CONV          1.0e-24 * AVOGNR * JOULES_to_CAL
@@ -103,8 +103,8 @@
 #define GE_ATOM 6
 #define X_ATOM  7
-#define ZERO           0.000000000000000e+00 
-#define ALMOST_ZERO    1e-10 
+#define ZERO           0.000000000000000e+00
+#define ALMOST_ZERO    1e-10
 #define NEG_INF       -1e10
 #define NO_BOND        1e-3
 #define HB_THRESHOLD   1e-2
@@ -124,10 +124,12 @@ typedef int  ivec[3];
 typedef real rtensor[3][3];
 enum {NVE, NVT, NPT, sNPT, iNPT, ensNR, bNVT};
+     };
+     };
@@ -136,7 +138,7 @@ enum {XYZ, PDB, BGF, ASCII_RESTART, BINARY_RESTART, GF_N};
 /* Global params mapping */
 l[0]  = p_boc1
 l[1]  = p_boc2
 l[2]  = p_coa2
@@ -179,440 +181,455 @@ l[38] = p_coa3
 typedef struct
-  int n_global;
-  real* l;
-  int vdw_type;
+    int n_global;
+    real* l;
+    int vdw_type;
 } global_parameters;
 typedef struct
-  /* Line one in field file */
-  char name[15];                     /* Two character atom name */
-  real r_s;
-  real valency;                     /* Valency of the atom */
-  real mass;                        /* Mass of atom */
-  real r_vdw;
-  real epsilon;
-  real gamma;
-  real r_pi;
-  real valency_e;
-  real nlp_opt;
-  /* Line two in field file */
-  real alpha;
-  real gamma_w;
-  real valency_boc;
-  real p_ovun5;
-  real chi;
-  real eta;
-  int  p_hbond; /* Determines whether this type of atom participates in H_bonds.
-		   It is 1 for donor H, 2 for acceptors (O,S,N), 0 for others*/
-  /* Line three in field file */
-  real r_pi_pi;
-  real p_lp2;
-  real b_o_131;
-  real b_o_132;
-  real b_o_133;
-  /* Line four in the field file */
-  real p_ovun2;
-  real p_val3;
-  real valency_val;
-  real p_val5;
-  real rcore2;
-  real ecore2;
-  real acore2;
+    /* Line one in field file */
+    char name[15];                     /* Two character atom name */
+    real r_s;
+    real valency;                     /* Valency of the atom */
+    real mass;                        /* Mass of atom */
+    real r_vdw;
+    real epsilon;
+    real gamma;
+    real r_pi;
+    real valency_e;
+    real nlp_opt;
+    /* Line two in field file */
+    real alpha;
+    real gamma_w;
+    real valency_boc;
+    real p_ovun5;
+    real chi;
+    real eta;
+    int  p_hbond; /* Determines whether this type of atom participates in H_bonds.
+           It is 1 for donor H, 2 for acceptors (O,S,N), 0 for others*/
+    /* Line three in field file */
+    real r_pi_pi;
+    real p_lp2;
+    real b_o_131;
+    real b_o_132;
+    real b_o_133;
+    /* Line four in the field file */
+    real p_ovun2;
+    real p_val3;
+    real valency_val;
+    real p_val5;
+    real rcore2;
+    real ecore2;
+    real acore2;
 } single_body_parameters;
 /* Two Body Parameters */
-typedef struct {
-  /* Bond Order parameters */
-  real p_bo1,p_bo2,p_bo3,p_bo4,p_bo5,p_bo6;
-  real r_s, r_p, r_pp;  /* r_o distances in BO formula */
-  real p_boc3, p_boc4, p_boc5;
-  /* Bond Energy parameters */
-  real p_be1, p_be2;
-  real De_s, De_p, De_pp;
-  /* Over/Under coordination parameters */
-  real p_ovun1;
-  /* Van der Waal interaction parameters */
-  real D;
-  real alpha;
-  real r_vdW;
-  real gamma_w;
-  real rcore, ecore, acore;
-  /* electrostatic parameters */
-  real gamma; // note: this parameter is gamma^-3 and not gamma.
-  real v13cor, ovc;
+typedef struct
+    /* Bond Order parameters */
+    real p_bo1, p_bo2, p_bo3, p_bo4, p_bo5, p_bo6;
+    real r_s, r_p, r_pp;  /* r_o distances in BO formula */
+    real p_boc3, p_boc4, p_boc5;
+    /* Bond Energy parameters */
+    real p_be1, p_be2;
+    real De_s, De_p, De_pp;
+    /* Over/Under coordination parameters */
+    real p_ovun1;
+    /* Van der Waal interaction parameters */
+    real D;
+    real alpha;
+    real r_vdW;
+    real gamma_w;
+    real rcore, ecore, acore;
+    /* electrostatic parameters */
+    real gamma; // note: this parameter is gamma^-3 and not gamma.
+    real v13cor, ovc;
 } two_body_parameters;
 /* 3-body parameters */
-typedef struct {
-  /* valence angle */
-  real theta_00;
-  real p_val1, p_val2, p_val4, p_val7;
+typedef struct
+    /* valence angle */
+    real theta_00;
+    real p_val1, p_val2, p_val4, p_val7;
-  /* penalty */
-  real p_pen1;
+    /* penalty */
+    real p_pen1;
-  /* 3-body conjugation */
-  real p_coa1;
+    /* 3-body conjugation */
+    real p_coa1;
 } three_body_parameters;
-typedef struct{
-  int cnt;
-  three_body_parameters prm[MAX_3BODY_PARAM];
+typedef struct
+    int cnt;
+    three_body_parameters prm[MAX_3BODY_PARAM];
 } three_body_header;
 /* hydrogen-bond parameters */
-typedef struct{
-  real r0_hb, p_hb1, p_hb2, p_hb3;
+typedef struct
+    real r0_hb, p_hb1, p_hb2, p_hb3;
 } hbond_parameters;
 /* 4-body parameters */
-typedef struct {
-  real V1, V2, V3;
+typedef struct
+    real V1, V2, V3;
-  /* torsion angle */
-  real p_tor1;
+    /* torsion angle */
+    real p_tor1;
-  /* 4-body conjugation */
-  real p_cot1;
+    /* 4-body conjugation */
+    real p_cot1;
 } four_body_parameters;
-typedef struct{
-  int cnt;
-  four_body_parameters prm[MAX_4BODY_PARAM];
+typedef struct
+    int cnt;
+    four_body_parameters prm[MAX_4BODY_PARAM];
 } four_body_header;
-typedef struct{
-  int num_atom_types;
-  global_parameters gp;
-  single_body_parameters *sbp;
-  two_body_parameters **tbp;
-  three_body_header ***thbp;
-  hbond_parameters ***hbp;
-  four_body_header ****fbp;
+typedef struct
+    int num_atom_types;
+    global_parameters gp;
+    single_body_parameters *sbp;
+    two_body_parameters **tbp;
+    three_body_header ***thbp;
+    hbond_parameters ***hbp;
+    four_body_header ****fbp;
 } reax_interaction;
 typedef struct
-  rvec x, v, f;        /* Position, velocity, force on atom */
-  real q;              /* Charge on the atom */
-  int  type;           /* Type of this atom */
-  char name[5];
+    rvec x, v, f;        /* Position, velocity, force on atom */
+    real q;              /* Charge on the atom */
+    int  type;           /* Type of this atom */
+    char name[5];
 } reax_atom;
 typedef struct
-  real volume;
+    real volume;
-  rvec box_norms;
-  rvec side_prop;
-  rvec nbr_box_press[27];
-  // rvec lower_end;
+    rvec box_norms;
+    rvec side_prop;
+    rvec nbr_box_press[27];
+    // rvec lower_end;
-  rtensor box, box_inv, old_box;
-  rtensor trans, trans_inv;
-  rtensor g;
+    rtensor box, box_inv, old_box;
+    rtensor trans, trans_inv;
+    rtensor g;
 } simulation_box;
 typedef struct
-  int  max_atoms;
-  int  max_nbrs;
-  int  total;
-  real cell_size;
-  ivec spread;
-  ivec ncell;
-  rvec len;
-  rvec inv_len;
-  int**** atoms;
-  int***  top;
-  int***  mark;
-  int***  start;
-  int***  end;
-  ivec**** nbrs;
-  rvec**** nbrs_cp;
+    int  max_atoms;
+    int  max_nbrs;
+    int  total;
+    real cell_size;
+    ivec spread;
+    ivec ncell;
+    rvec len;
+    rvec inv_len;
+    int**** atoms;
+    int***  top;
+    int***  mark;
+    int***  start;
+    int***  end;
+    ivec**** nbrs;
+    rvec**** nbrs_cp;
 } grid;
 typedef struct
-  int N;
-  reax_atom *atoms;
-  reax_interaction reaxprm;
-  simulation_box box;
-  grid g;
+    int N;
+    reax_atom *atoms;
+    reax_interaction reaxprm;
+    simulation_box box;
+    grid g;
 } reax_system;
 /* Simulation control parameters not related to the system */
 typedef struct
-  char sim_name[MAX_STR];
-  char restart_from[MAX_STR];
-  int  restart;
-  int  random_vel;
-  int  reposition_atoms;
-  /* ensemble values:
-     0 : NVE
-     1 : NVT  (Nose-Hoover)
-     2 : NPT  (Parrinello-Rehman-Nose-Hoover) Anisotropic
-     3 : sNPT (Parrinello-Rehman-Nose-Hoover) semiisotropic
-     4 : iNPT (Parrinello-Rehman-Nose-Hoover) isotropic */
-  int  ensemble;
-  int  nsteps;
-  int  periodic_boundaries;
-  int  restrict_bonds;
-  int  tabulate;
-  ivec periodic_images;
-  real dt;
-  int reneighbor;
-  real vlist_cut;
-  real nbr_cut;
-  real r_cut, r_low; // upper and lower taper
-  real bo_cut;
-  real thb_cut;
-  real hb_cut;
-  real Tap7, Tap6, Tap5, Tap4, Tap3, Tap2, Tap1, Tap0;
-  real q_err;
-  int  max_far_nbrs;
-  real T_init, T_final, T;
-  real Tau_T;
-  int  T_mode;
-  real T_rate, T_freq;
-  real Tau_PT;
-  rvec P, Tau_P;
-  int  press_mode;
-  real compressibility;
-  int remove_CoM_vel;
-  int geo_format;
-  int dipole_anal;
-  int freq_dipole_anal;
-  int diffusion_coef;
-  int freq_diffusion_coef;
-  int restrict_type;
-  int refactor;
-  real droptol;
-  int molec_anal;
-  int freq_molec_anal;
-  real bg_cut;
-  int num_ignored;
-  int  ignore[MAX_ATOM_TYPES];
+    char sim_name[MAX_STR];
+    char restart_from[MAX_STR];
+    int  restart;
+    int  random_vel;
+    int  reposition_atoms;
+    /* ensemble values:
+       0 : NVE
+       1 : NVT  (Nose-Hoover)
+       2 : NPT  (Parrinello-Rehman-Nose-Hoover) Anisotropic
+       3 : sNPT (Parrinello-Rehman-Nose-Hoover) semiisotropic
+       4 : iNPT (Parrinello-Rehman-Nose-Hoover) isotropic */
+    int  ensemble;
+    int  nsteps;
+    int  periodic_boundaries;
+    int  restrict_bonds;
+    int  tabulate;
+    ivec periodic_images;
+    real dt;
+    int reneighbor;
+    real vlist_cut;
+    real nbr_cut;
+    real r_cut, r_low; // upper and lower taper
+    real bo_cut;
+    real thb_cut;
+    real hb_cut;
+    real Tap7, Tap6, Tap5, Tap4, Tap3, Tap2, Tap1, Tap0;
+    real q_err;
+    int  max_far_nbrs;
+    real T_init, T_final, T;
+    real Tau_T;
+    int  T_mode;
+    real T_rate, T_freq;
+    real Tau_PT;
+    rvec P, Tau_P;
+    int  press_mode;
+    real compressibility;
+    int remove_CoM_vel;
+    int geo_format;
+    int dipole_anal;
+    int freq_dipole_anal;
+    int diffusion_coef;
+    int freq_diffusion_coef;
+    int restrict_type;
+    int refactor;
+    real droptol;
+    int molec_anal;
+    int freq_molec_anal;
+    real bg_cut;
+    int num_ignored;
+    int  ignore[MAX_ATOM_TYPES];
 } control_params;
 typedef struct
-  real T;
-  real xi;
-  real v_xi;
-  real v_xi_old;
-  real G_xi;
+    real T;
+    real xi;
+    real v_xi;
+    real v_xi_old;
+    real G_xi;
 } thermostat;
 typedef struct
-  real P;
-  real eps;
-  real v_eps;
-  real v_eps_old;
-  real a_eps;
+    real P;
+    real eps;
+    real v_eps;
+    real v_eps_old;
+    real a_eps;
 } isotropic_barostat;
 typedef struct
-  rtensor P;
-  real P_scalar;
-  real eps;
-  real v_eps;
-  real v_eps_old;
-  real a_eps;
+    rtensor P;
+    real P_scalar;
-  rtensor h0;
-  rtensor v_g0;
-  rtensor v_g0_old;
-  rtensor a_g0;
+    real eps;
+    real v_eps;
+    real v_eps_old;
+    real a_eps;
+    rtensor h0;
+    rtensor v_g0;
+    rtensor v_g0_old;
+    rtensor a_g0;
 } flexible_barostat;
 typedef struct
-  real start;
-  real end;
-  real elapsed;
-  real total; 
-  real nbrs;
-  real init_forces;
-  real bonded;
-  real nonb;
-  real QEq;
-  int  matvecs;
+    real start;
+    real end;
+    real elapsed;
+    real total;
+    real nbrs;
+    real init_forces;
+    real bonded;
+    real nonb;
+    real QEq;
+    int  matvecs;
 } reax_timing;
 typedef struct
-  int step;
-  int prev_steps;
-  real time;
-  real M;			   /* Total Mass */
-  real inv_M;                      /* 1 / Total Mass */
-  rvec xcm;                        /* Center of mass */
-  rvec vcm;                        /* Center of mass velocity */
-  rvec fcm;                        /* Center of mass force */
-  rvec amcm;                       /* Angular momentum of CoM */
-  rvec avcm;                       /* Angular velocity of CoM */
-  real etran_cm;                  /* Translational kinetic energy of CoM */
-  real erot_cm;                    /* Rotational kinetic energy of CoM */
-  rtensor kinetic;                 /* Kinetic energy tensor */
-  rtensor virial;                  /* Hydrodynamic virial */
-  real E_Tot;
-  real E_Kin;                      /* Total kinetic energy */
-  real E_Pot;
-  real E_BE;                       /* Total bond energy */
-  real E_Ov;                       /* Total over coordination */
-  real E_Un;                       /* Total under coordination energy */
-  real E_Lp;                       /* Total under coordination energy */
-  real E_Ang;                      /* Total valance angle energy */
-  real E_Pen;                      /* Total penalty energy */
-  real E_Coa;                      /* Total three body conjgation energy */
-  real E_HB;                       /* Total Hydrogen bond energy */
-  real E_Tor;                      /* Total torsional energy */
-  real E_Con;                      /* Total four body conjugation energy */ 
-  real E_vdW;                      /* Total van der Waals energy */
-  real E_Ele;                      /* Total electrostatics energy */
-  real E_Pol;                      /* Polarization energy */
-  real N_f;                        /*Number of degrees of freedom */
-  rvec t_scale;
-  rtensor p_scale;
-  thermostat therm;                /* Used in Nose_Hoover method */
-  isotropic_barostat iso_bar;
-  flexible_barostat flex_bar;
-  real inv_W;
-  rvec int_press;
-  rvec ext_press;
-  real kin_press;
-  rvec tot_press;
-  reax_timing timing;
+    int step;
+    int prev_steps;
+    real time;
+    real M;              /* Total Mass */
+    real inv_M;                      /* 1 / Total Mass */
+    rvec xcm;                        /* Center of mass */
+    rvec vcm;                        /* Center of mass velocity */
+    rvec fcm;                        /* Center of mass force */
+    rvec amcm;                       /* Angular momentum of CoM */
+    rvec avcm;                       /* Angular velocity of CoM */
+    real etran_cm;                  /* Translational kinetic energy of CoM */
+    real erot_cm;                    /* Rotational kinetic energy of CoM */
+    rtensor kinetic;                 /* Kinetic energy tensor */
+    rtensor virial;                  /* Hydrodynamic virial */
+    real E_Tot;
+    real E_Kin;                      /* Total kinetic energy */
+    real E_Pot;
+    real E_BE;                       /* Total bond energy */
+    real E_Ov;                       /* Total over coordination */
+    real E_Un;                       /* Total under coordination energy */
+    real E_Lp;                       /* Total under coordination energy */
+    real E_Ang;                      /* Total valance angle energy */
+    real E_Pen;                      /* Total penalty energy */
+    real E_Coa;                      /* Total three body conjgation energy */
+    real E_HB;                       /* Total Hydrogen bond energy */
+    real E_Tor;                      /* Total torsional energy */
+    real E_Con;                      /* Total four body conjugation energy */
+    real E_vdW;                      /* Total van der Waals energy */
+    real E_Ele;                      /* Total electrostatics energy */
+    real E_Pol;                      /* Polarization energy */
+    real N_f;                        /*Number of degrees of freedom */
+    rvec t_scale;
+    rtensor p_scale;
+    thermostat therm;                /* Used in Nose_Hoover method */
+    isotropic_barostat iso_bar;
+    flexible_barostat flex_bar;
+    real inv_W;
+    rvec int_press;
+    rvec ext_press;
+    real kin_press;
+    rvec tot_press;
+    reax_timing timing;
 } simulation_data;
-typedef struct {
-  int thb;
-  int pthb; /* pointer to the third body on the central atom's nbrlist */
-  real theta, cos_theta;
-  rvec dcos_di, dcos_dj, dcos_dk;
+typedef struct
+    int thb;
+    int pthb; /* pointer to the third body on the central atom's nbrlist */
+    real theta, cos_theta;
+    rvec dcos_di, dcos_dj, dcos_dk;
 } three_body_interaction_data;
-typedef struct {
-  int nbr;
-  ivec rel_box;
-  //  rvec ext_factor;
-  real d;
-  rvec dvec;
+typedef struct
+    int nbr;
+    ivec rel_box;
+    //  rvec ext_factor;
+    real d;
+    rvec dvec;
 } near_neighbor_data;
-typedef struct {
-  int nbr;
-  ivec rel_box;
-  //  rvec ext_factor;
-  real d;
-  rvec dvec;
-  // real H; //, Tap, inv_dr3gamij_1, inv_dr3gamij_3;
+typedef struct
+    int nbr;
+    ivec rel_box;
+    //  rvec ext_factor;
+    real d;
+    rvec dvec;
+    // real H; //, Tap, inv_dr3gamij_1, inv_dr3gamij_3;
 } far_neighbor_data;
-typedef struct {
-  int nbr;
-  int scl;
-  far_neighbor_data *ptr;
+typedef struct
+    int nbr;
+    int scl;
+    far_neighbor_data *ptr;
 } hbond_data;
-typedef struct {
-  int wrt;
-  rvec dVal;
+typedef struct
+    int wrt;
+    rvec dVal;
 } dDelta_data;
-typedef struct {
-  int wrt;
-  rvec dBO, dBOpi, dBOpi2;
+typedef struct
+    int wrt;
+    rvec dBO, dBOpi, dBOpi2;
 } dbond_data;
-typedef struct {
-  real BO, BO_s, BO_pi, BO_pi2;
-  real Cdbo, Cdbopi, Cdbopi2;
-  real C1dbo, C2dbo, C3dbo;
-  real C1dbopi, C2dbopi, C3dbopi, C4dbopi;
-  real C1dbopi2, C2dbopi2, C3dbopi2, C4dbopi2;
-  rvec dBOp, dln_BOp_s, dln_BOp_pi, dln_BOp_pi2;
+typedef struct
+    real BO, BO_s, BO_pi, BO_pi2;
+    real Cdbo, Cdbopi, Cdbopi2;
+    real C1dbo, C2dbo, C3dbo;
+    real C1dbopi, C2dbopi, C3dbopi, C4dbopi;
+    real C1dbopi2, C2dbopi2, C3dbopi2, C4dbopi2;
+    rvec dBOp, dln_BOp_s, dln_BOp_pi, dln_BOp_pi2;
 } bond_order_data;
-typedef struct {
-  int nbr;
-  int sym_index;
-  int dbond_index;
-  ivec rel_box;
-  //  rvec ext_factor;
-  real d;
-  rvec dvec;
-  bond_order_data bo_data;
+typedef struct
+    int nbr;
+    int sym_index;
+    int dbond_index;
+    ivec rel_box;
+    //  rvec ext_factor;
+    real d;
+    rvec dvec;
+    bond_order_data bo_data;
 } bond_data;
@@ -625,9 +642,10 @@ typedef struct {
 //   to avoid having the compiler add padding bytes (manual alignment along word boundary)
 // Warning: padding is implementation (compiler) dependent, so not portable,
 //   and also potentially dangerous
-typedef struct {
-  int j;
-  real val;
+typedef struct
+    int j;
+    real val;
 } sparse_matrix_entry;
 /* compressed row storage (crs) format
@@ -639,231 +657,234 @@ typedef struct {
  *   start: row pointer (last element contains NNZ + 1)
  *   entries: (column index, val) pairs
  * */
-typedef struct {
-  int n, m;
-  int *start;
-  sparse_matrix_entry *entries;
+typedef struct
+    int n, m;
+    int *start;
+    sparse_matrix_entry *entries;
 //  int *j;
 //  real *val;
 } sparse_matrix;
-typedef struct { 
-  int num_far;
-  int Htop;
-  int hbonds;
-  int num_hbonds;
-  int bonds;
-  int num_bonds;
-  int num_3body;
-  int gcell_atoms;
+typedef struct
+    int num_far;
+    int Htop;
+    int hbonds;
+    int num_hbonds;
+    int bonds;
+    int num_bonds;
+    int num_3body;
+    int gcell_atoms;
 } reallocate_data;
-typedef struct {
-  /* bond order related storage */
-  real *total_bond_order;
-  real *Deltap, *Deltap_boc;
-  real *Delta, *Delta_lp, *Delta_lp_temp, *Delta_e, *Delta_boc;
-  real *dDelta_lp, *dDelta_lp_temp;
-  real *nlp, *nlp_temp, *Clp, *vlpex;
-  rvec *dDeltap_self;
-  /* QEq storage */
-  sparse_matrix *H, *L, *U;
-  real *droptol;
-  real *w;
-  real *Hdia_inv;
-  real *b, *b_s, *b_t, *b_prc, *b_prm;
-  real **s, **t;
-  real *s_t; //, *s_old, *t_old, *s_oldest, *t_oldest;
-  /* GMRES related storage */
-  real *y, *z, *g;
-  real *hc, *hs;
-  real **h, **rn, **v;
-  /* CG related storage */
-  real *r, *d, *q, *p;
-  int   s_dims, t_dims;
-  int num_H;
-  int *hbond_index; // for hydrogen bonds
-  rvec *v_const, *f_old, *a; // used in integrators
-  real *CdDelta;  // coefficient of dDelta for force calculations
-  int *mark, *old_mark;  // storage for analysis
-  rvec *x_old;
-  /* storage space for bond restrictions */
-  int  *map_serials;
-  int  *orig_id;
-  int  *restricted;
-  int **restricted_list;  
-  reallocate_data realloc;
+typedef struct
+    /* bond order related storage */
+    real *total_bond_order;
+    real *Deltap, *Deltap_boc;
+    real *Delta, *Delta_lp, *Delta_lp_temp, *Delta_e, *Delta_boc;
+    real *dDelta_lp, *dDelta_lp_temp;
+    real *nlp, *nlp_temp, *Clp, *vlpex;
+    rvec *dDeltap_self;
+    /* QEq storage */
+    sparse_matrix *H, *L, *U;
+    real *droptol;
+    real *w;
+    real *Hdia_inv;
+    real *b, *b_s, *b_t, *b_prc, *b_prm;
+    real **s, **t;
+    real *s_t; //, *s_old, *t_old, *s_oldest, *t_oldest;
+    /* GMRES related storage */
+    real *y, *z, *g;
+    real *hc, *hs;
+    real **h, **rn, **v;
+    /* CG related storage */
+    real *r, *d, *q, *p;
+    int   s_dims, t_dims;
+    int num_H;
+    int *hbond_index; // for hydrogen bonds
+    rvec *v_const, *f_old, *a; // used in integrators
+    real *CdDelta;  // coefficient of dDelta for force calculations
+    int *mark, *old_mark;  // storage for analysis
+    rvec *x_old;
+    /* storage space for bond restrictions */
+    int  *map_serials;
+    int  *orig_id;
+    int  *restricted;
+    int **restricted_list;
+    reallocate_data realloc;
-  rvec *f_ele;
-  rvec *f_vdw;
-  rvec *f_bo;
-  rvec *f_be;
-  rvec *f_lp;
-  rvec *f_ov;
-  rvec *f_un;
-  rvec *f_ang;
-  rvec *f_coa;
-  rvec *f_pen;
-  rvec *f_hb;
-  rvec *f_tor;
-  rvec *f_con;
-  rvec *dDelta;       /* Calculated on the fly in bond_orders.c */
+    rvec *f_ele;
+    rvec *f_vdw;
+    rvec *f_bo;
+    rvec *f_be;
+    rvec *f_lp;
+    rvec *f_ov;
+    rvec *f_un;
+    rvec *f_ang;
+    rvec *f_coa;
+    rvec *f_pen;
+    rvec *f_hb;
+    rvec *f_tor;
+    rvec *f_con;
+    rvec *dDelta;       /* Calculated on the fly in bond_orders.c */
 } static_storage;
 typedef struct
-  int n;
-  int num_intrs;
-  int *index;
-  int *end_index;
-  int type;
-  union
-  {
-    void *v;
-    three_body_interaction_data *three_body_list;
-    bond_data *bond_list;
-    dbond_data *dbo_list;
-    dDelta_data *dDelta_list;
-    far_neighbor_data *far_nbr_list;
-    near_neighbor_data *near_nbr_list;
-    hbond_data *hbond_list;
-  }select;
+    int n;
+    int num_intrs;
+    int *index;
+    int *end_index;
+    int type;
+    union
+    {
+        void *v;
+        three_body_interaction_data *three_body_list;
+        bond_data *bond_list;
+        dbond_data *dbo_list;
+        dDelta_data *dDelta_list;
+        far_neighbor_data *far_nbr_list;
+        near_neighbor_data *near_nbr_list;
+        hbond_data *hbond_list;
+    } select;
 } list;
 typedef struct
-  FILE *trj;
-  FILE *out;
-  FILE *pot;
-  FILE *log;
-  FILE *mol, *ign;
-  FILE *dpl;
-  FILE *drft;
-  FILE *pdb;
-  FILE *prs;
-  int  write_steps;
-  int  traj_compress;
-  int  traj_format;
-  char traj_title[81];
-  int  atom_format;
-  int  bond_info;
-  int  angle_info;
-  int  restart_format;
-  int  restart_freq;
-  int  debug_level;
-  int  energy_update_freq;
-  // trajectory output functions
-  int (* write_header)( reax_system*, control_params*, static_storage*, void* );
-  int (* append_traj_frame)(reax_system*, control_params*, 
-			    simulation_data*, static_storage*, list **, void* );
-  int (* write)( FILE *, const char *, ... );
+    FILE *trj;
+    FILE *out;
+    FILE *pot;
+    FILE *log;
+    FILE *mol, *ign;
+    FILE *dpl;
+    FILE *drft;
+    FILE *pdb;
+    FILE *prs;
+    int  write_steps;
+    int  traj_compress;
+    int  traj_format;
+    char traj_title[81];
+    int  atom_format;
+    int  bond_info;
+    int  angle_info;
+    int  restart_format;
+    int  restart_freq;
+    int  debug_level;
+    int  energy_update_freq;
+    // trajectory output functions
+    int (* write_header)( reax_system*, control_params*, static_storage*, void* );
+    int (* append_traj_frame)(reax_system*, control_params*,
+                              simulation_data*, static_storage*, list **, void* );
+    int (* write)( FILE *, const char *, ... );
-  FILE *ebond;
-  FILE *elp, *eov, *eun;
-  FILE *eval, *epen, *ecoa;
-  FILE *ehb;
-  FILE *etor, *econ;
-  FILE *evdw, *ecou;
+    FILE *ebond;
+    FILE *elp, *eov, *eun;
+    FILE *eval, *epen, *ecoa;
+    FILE *ehb;
+    FILE *etor, *econ;
+    FILE *evdw, *ecou;
-  FILE *ftot;
+    FILE *ftot;
-  FILE *fbo, *fdbo;
-  FILE *fbond;
-  FILE *flp, *fatom;
-  FILE *f3body;
-  FILE *fhb;
-  FILE *f4body;
-  FILE *fnonb;
-  FILE *ftot2;
+    FILE *fbo, *fdbo;
+    FILE *fbond;
+    FILE *flp, *fatom;
+    FILE *f3body;
+    FILE *fhb;
+    FILE *f4body;
+    FILE *fnonb;
+    FILE *ftot2;
 } output_controls;
 typedef struct
-  int atom_count;
-  int atom_list[MAX_MOLECULE_SIZE];
-  int mtypes[MAX_ATOM_TYPES];
-} molecule; 
+    int atom_count;
+    int atom_list[MAX_MOLECULE_SIZE];
+    int mtypes[MAX_ATOM_TYPES];
+} molecule;
 typedef struct
-  real H;
-  real e_vdW, CEvd;
-  real e_ele, CEclmb;
+    real H;
+    real e_vdW, CEvd;
+    real e_ele, CEclmb;
 } LR_data;
 typedef struct
-  real a, b, c, d;
+    real a, b, c, d;
 } cubic_spline_coef;
 typedef struct
-  real xmin, xmax;
-  int n;
-  real dx, inv_dx;
-  real a;
+    real xmin, xmax;
+    int n;
+    real dx, inv_dx;
+    real a;
-  real m;
-  real c;
+    real m;
+    real c;
-  real *y;
+    real *y;
 } lookup_table;
 typedef struct
-  real xmin, xmax;
-  int n;
-  real dx, inv_dx;
-  real a;
-  real m;
-  real c;
-  LR_data *y;
-  cubic_spline_coef *H;
-  cubic_spline_coef *vdW, *CEvd;
-  cubic_spline_coef *ele, *CEclmb;
+    real xmin, xmax;
+    int n;
+    real dx, inv_dx;
+    real a;
+    real m;
+    real c;
+    LR_data *y;
+    cubic_spline_coef *H;
+    cubic_spline_coef *vdW, *CEvd;
+    cubic_spline_coef *ele, *CEclmb;
 } LR_lookup_table;
-typedef void (*interaction_function)(reax_system*, control_params*, 
-				     simulation_data*, static_storage*, 
-				     list**, output_controls*);
+typedef void (*interaction_function)(reax_system*, control_params*,
+                                     simulation_data*, static_storage*,
+                                     list**, output_controls*);
 interaction_function Interaction_Functions[NO_OF_INTERACTIONS];
-typedef void (*evolve_function)(reax_system*, control_params*, 
-				simulation_data*, static_storage*, 
-				list**, output_controls*);
+typedef void (*evolve_function)(reax_system*, control_params*,
+                                simulation_data*, static_storage*,
+                                list**, output_controls*);
 typedef real (*lookup_function)(real);
 lookup_table Exp, Sqrt, Cube_Root, Four_Third_Root, Cos, Sin, ACos;
 LR_lookup_table **LR;
-typedef void (*get_far_neighbors_function)(rvec, rvec, simulation_box*, 
-					   control_params*, far_neighbor_data*,
-					   int*);
+typedef void (*get_far_neighbors_function)(rvec, rvec, simulation_box*,
+        control_params*, far_neighbor_data*,
+        int*);
diff --git a/puremd_rc_1003/sPuReMD/neighbors.c b/puremd_rc_1003/sPuReMD/neighbors.c
index 9d3821e7774a4dee87f1b631e63d6e3c07bc0917..9b04cfa8c4e6f1d1886adc09a4fe68d73a060a45 100644
--- a/puremd_rc_1003/sPuReMD/neighbors.c
+++ b/puremd_rc_1003/sPuReMD/neighbors.c
@@ -1,20 +1,20 @@
   SerialReax - Reax Force Field Simulator
   Copyright (2010) Purdue University
   Hasan Metin Aktulga, haktulga@cs.purdue.edu
   Joseph Fogarty, jcfogart@mail.usf.edu
   Sagar Pandit, pandit@usf.edu
   Ananth Y Grama, ayg@cs.purdue.edu
   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
   modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
-  published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of 
+  published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
   the License, or (at your option) any later version.
   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
   See the GNU General Public License for more details:
@@ -31,115 +31,125 @@
 inline real DistSqr_to_CP( rvec cp, rvec x )
-  int  i;
-  real d_sqr = 0;
+    int  i;
+    real d_sqr = 0;
-  for( i = 0; i < 3; ++i )
-    if( cp[i] > NEG_INF )
-      d_sqr += SQR( cp[i] - x[i] );
+    for ( i = 0; i < 3; ++i )
+        if ( cp[i] > NEG_INF )
+            d_sqr += SQR( cp[i] - x[i] );
-  return d_sqr;
+    return d_sqr;
-void Generate_Neighbor_Lists( reax_system *system, control_params *control, 
-			      simulation_data *data, static_storage *workspace,
-			      list **lists, output_controls *out_control )
+void Generate_Neighbor_Lists( reax_system *system, control_params *control,
+                              simulation_data *data, static_storage *workspace,
+                              list **lists, output_controls *out_control )
-  int  i, j, k, l, m, itr;
-  int  x, y, z;
-  int  atom1, atom2, max;
-  int  num_far;
-  int  *nbr_atoms;
-  ivec *nbrs;
-  rvec *nbrs_cp;
-  grid *g;
-  list *far_nbrs;
-  far_neighbor_data *nbr_data;
-  real t_start, t_elapsed;
-  t_start = Get_Time( );
-  // fprintf( stderr, "\n\tentered nbrs - " );
-  g = &( system->g );
-  far_nbrs = (*lists) + FAR_NBRS;
-  Bin_Atoms( system, workspace );
-  // fprintf( stderr, "atoms sorted - " );
-  num_far = 0;
-  /* first pick up a cell in the grid */
-  for( i = 0; i < g->ncell[0]; i++ )
-    for( j = 0; j < g->ncell[1]; j++ )
-      for( k = 0; k < g->ncell[2]; k++ ) {
-	nbrs = g->nbrs[i][j][k];
-	nbrs_cp = g->nbrs_cp[i][j][k];
-	//fprintf( stderr, "gridcell %d %d %d\n", i, j, k );
-	/* pick up an atom from the current cell */
-	for(l = 0; l < g->top[i][j][k]; ++l ){
-	  atom1 = g->atoms[i][j][k][l];
-	  Set_Start_Index( atom1, num_far, far_nbrs );
-	  //fprintf( stderr, "\tatom %d\n", atom1 );
-	  itr = 0;
-	  while( nbrs[itr][0] >= 0 ){
-	    x = nbrs[itr][0];
-	    y = nbrs[itr][1];
-	    z = nbrs[itr][2];
-	    //fprintf( stderr, "\t\tgridcell %d %d %d\n", x, y, z );
-	    if( DistSqr_to_CP(nbrs_cp[itr], system->atoms[atom1].x ) <= 
-		SQR(control->vlist_cut) ) { 	
-	      nbr_atoms = g->atoms[x][y][z];
-	      max = g->top[x][y][z];
-	      //fprintf( stderr, "\t\tmax: %d\n", max );
-	      /* pick up another atom from the neighbor cell */
-	      for( m = 0; m < max; ++m ) {
-		atom2 = nbr_atoms[m];
-		if( atom1 > atom2 ) {
-		  nbr_data = &(far_nbrs->select.far_nbr_list[num_far]);
-		  //fprintf (stderr, " %f %f %f \n", nbr_data->dvec[0], nbr_data->dvec[1], nbr_data->dvec[2]);
-		  if(Are_Far_Neighbors(system->atoms[atom1].x,
-				       system->atoms[atom2].x, 
-				       &(system->box), control->vlist_cut, 
-				       nbr_data)) {
-		    nbr_data->nbr = atom2;
-		    ++num_far;
-		  }
-		}
-	      }
-	    }
-	    ++itr;
-	  }
-	  Set_End_Index( atom1, num_far, far_nbrs );
-	  //fprintf(stderr, "i:%d, start: %d, end: %d - itr: %d\n", 
-	  //  atom1,Start_Index(atom1,far_nbrs),End_Index(atom1,far_nbrs),
-	  //  itr); 
-	}
-      }
-  if( num_far > far_nbrs->num_intrs * DANGER_ZONE ) {
-    workspace->realloc.num_far = num_far;
-    if( num_far > far_nbrs->num_intrs ){
-      fprintf( stderr, "step%d-ran out of space on far_nbrs: top=%d, max=%d",
-	       data->step, num_far, far_nbrs->num_intrs );
-      exit( INSUFFICIENT_SPACE );
+    int  i, j, k, l, m, itr;
+    int  x, y, z;
+    int  atom1, atom2, max;
+    int  num_far;
+    int  *nbr_atoms;
+    ivec *nbrs;
+    rvec *nbrs_cp;
+    grid *g;
+    list *far_nbrs;
+    far_neighbor_data *nbr_data;
+    real t_start, t_elapsed;
+    t_start = Get_Time( );
+    // fprintf( stderr, "\n\tentered nbrs - " );
+    g = &( system->g );
+    far_nbrs = (*lists) + FAR_NBRS;
+    Bin_Atoms( system, workspace );
+    // fprintf( stderr, "atoms sorted - " );
+    num_far = 0;
+    /* first pick up a cell in the grid */
+    for ( i = 0; i < g->ncell[0]; i++ )
+        for ( j = 0; j < g->ncell[1]; j++ )
+            for ( k = 0; k < g->ncell[2]; k++ )
+            {
+                nbrs = g->nbrs[i][j][k];
+                nbrs_cp = g->nbrs_cp[i][j][k];
+                //fprintf( stderr, "gridcell %d %d %d\n", i, j, k );
+                /* pick up an atom from the current cell */
+                for (l = 0; l < g->top[i][j][k]; ++l )
+                {
+                    atom1 = g->atoms[i][j][k][l];
+                    Set_Start_Index( atom1, num_far, far_nbrs );
+                    //fprintf( stderr, "\tatom %d\n", atom1 );
+                    itr = 0;
+                    while ( nbrs[itr][0] >= 0 )
+                    {
+                        x = nbrs[itr][0];
+                        y = nbrs[itr][1];
+                        z = nbrs[itr][2];
+                        //fprintf( stderr, "\t\tgridcell %d %d %d\n", x, y, z );
+                        if ( DistSqr_to_CP(nbrs_cp[itr], system->atoms[atom1].x ) <=
+                                SQR(control->vlist_cut) )
+                        {
+                            nbr_atoms = g->atoms[x][y][z];
+                            max = g->top[x][y][z];
+                            //fprintf( stderr, "\t\tmax: %d\n", max );
+                            /* pick up another atom from the neighbor cell */
+                            for ( m = 0; m < max; ++m )
+                            {
+                                atom2 = nbr_atoms[m];
+                                if ( atom1 > atom2 )
+                                {
+                                    nbr_data = &(far_nbrs->select.far_nbr_list[num_far]);
+                                    //fprintf (stderr, " %f %f %f \n", nbr_data->dvec[0], nbr_data->dvec[1], nbr_data->dvec[2]);
+                                    if (Are_Far_Neighbors(system->atoms[atom1].x,
+                                                          system->atoms[atom2].x,
+                                                          &(system->box), control->vlist_cut,
+                                                          nbr_data))
+                                    {
+                                        nbr_data->nbr = atom2;
+                                        ++num_far;
+                                    }
+                                }
+                            }
+                        }
+                        ++itr;
+                    }
+                    Set_End_Index( atom1, num_far, far_nbrs );
+                    //fprintf(stderr, "i:%d, start: %d, end: %d - itr: %d\n",
+                    //  atom1,Start_Index(atom1,far_nbrs),End_Index(atom1,far_nbrs),
+                    //  itr);
+                }
+            }
+    if ( num_far > far_nbrs->num_intrs * DANGER_ZONE )
+    {
+        workspace->realloc.num_far = num_far;
+        if ( num_far > far_nbrs->num_intrs )
+        {
+            fprintf( stderr, "step%d-ran out of space on far_nbrs: top=%d, max=%d",
+                     data->step, num_far, far_nbrs->num_intrs );
+            exit( INSUFFICIENT_SPACE );
+        }
-  }
-  t_elapsed = Get_Timing_Info( t_start );
-  data->timing.nbrs += t_elapsed;
+    t_elapsed = Get_Timing_Info( t_start );
+    data->timing.nbrs += t_elapsed;
 #if defined(DEBUG)
-  for( i = 0; i < system->N; ++i ) {
-    qsort( &(far_nbrs->select.far_nbr_list[ Start_Index(i, far_nbrs) ]), 
-	   Num_Entries(i, far_nbrs), sizeof(far_neighbor_data), 
-	   compare_far_nbrs ); 
-  }
+    for ( i = 0; i < system->N; ++i )
+    {
+        qsort( &(far_nbrs->select.far_nbr_list[ Start_Index(i, far_nbrs) ]),
+               Num_Entries(i, far_nbrs), sizeof(far_neighbor_data),
+               compare_far_nbrs );
+    }
-#if defined(DEBUG_FOCUS)  
+#if defined(DEBUG_FOCUS)
     fprintf( stderr, "nbrs - ");
     fprintf( stderr, "nbrs done, num_far: %d\n", num_far );
@@ -149,128 +159,134 @@ void Generate_Neighbor_Lists( reax_system *system, control_params *control,
-int Estimate_NumNeighbors( reax_system *system, control_params *control, 
-			   static_storage *workspace, list **lists )
+int Estimate_NumNeighbors( reax_system *system, control_params *control,
+                           static_storage *workspace, list **lists )
-  int  i, j, k, l, m, itr;
-  int  x, y, z;
-  int  atom1, atom2, max;
-  int  num_far;
-  int  *nbr_atoms;
-  ivec *nbrs;
-  rvec *nbrs_cp;
-  grid *g;
-  far_neighbor_data nbr_data;
-  // fprintf( stderr, "\n\tentered nbrs - " );
-  g = &( system->g );
-  Bin_Atoms( system, workspace );
-  // fprintf( stderr, "atoms sorted - " );
-  num_far = 0;
-  /* first pick up a cell in the grid */
-  for( i = 0; i < g->ncell[0]; i++ )
-    for( j = 0; j < g->ncell[1]; j++ )
-      for( k = 0; k < g->ncell[2]; k++ ) {
-	nbrs = g->nbrs[i][j][k];
-	nbrs_cp = g->nbrs_cp[i][j][k];
-	//fprintf( stderr, "gridcell %d %d %d\n", i, j, k );
-	/* pick up an atom from the current cell */
-	for(l = 0; l < g->top[i][j][k]; ++l ){
-	  atom1 = g->atoms[i][j][k][l];
-	  itr = 0;
-	  while( nbrs[itr][0] >= 0 ){
-	    x = nbrs[itr][0];
-	    y = nbrs[itr][1];
-	    z = nbrs[itr][2];
-	    //fprintf( stderr, "\t\tgridcell %d %d %d\n", x, y, z );
-	    if( DistSqr_to_CP(nbrs_cp[itr], system->atoms[atom1].x ) <= 
-		SQR(control->vlist_cut) ) { 	
-	      nbr_atoms = g->atoms[x][y][z];
-	      max = g->top[x][y][z];
-	      //fprintf( stderr, "\t\tmax: %d\n", max );
-	      /* pick up another atom from the neighbor cell -
-		 we have to compare atom1 with its own periodic images as well, 
-		 that's why there is also equality in the if stmt below */
-	      for( m = 0; m < max; ++m ) {
-		atom2 = nbr_atoms[m];
-		//if( nbrs[itr+1][0] >= 0 || atom1 > atom2 ) {
-		if( atom1 > atom2 ) {
-		  if(Are_Far_Neighbors(system->atoms[atom1].x,
-				       system->atoms[atom2].x, 
-				       &(system->box), control->vlist_cut, 
-				       &nbr_data))
-		    ++num_far;
-		}
-	      }
-	    }
-	    ++itr;
-	  }
-	}
-      }
-#if defined(DEBUG_FOCUS)  
-  fprintf( stderr, "estimate nbrs done, num_far: %d\n", num_far );
+    int  i, j, k, l, m, itr;
+    int  x, y, z;
+    int  atom1, atom2, max;
+    int  num_far;
+    int  *nbr_atoms;
+    ivec *nbrs;
+    rvec *nbrs_cp;
+    grid *g;
+    far_neighbor_data nbr_data;
+    // fprintf( stderr, "\n\tentered nbrs - " );
+    g = &( system->g );
+    Bin_Atoms( system, workspace );
+    // fprintf( stderr, "atoms sorted - " );
+    num_far = 0;
+    /* first pick up a cell in the grid */
+    for ( i = 0; i < g->ncell[0]; i++ )
+        for ( j = 0; j < g->ncell[1]; j++ )
+            for ( k = 0; k < g->ncell[2]; k++ )
+            {
+                nbrs = g->nbrs[i][j][k];
+                nbrs_cp = g->nbrs_cp[i][j][k];
+                //fprintf( stderr, "gridcell %d %d %d\n", i, j, k );
+                /* pick up an atom from the current cell */
+                for (l = 0; l < g->top[i][j][k]; ++l )
+                {
+                    atom1 = g->atoms[i][j][k][l];
+                    itr = 0;
+                    while ( nbrs[itr][0] >= 0 )
+                    {
+                        x = nbrs[itr][0];
+                        y = nbrs[itr][1];
+                        z = nbrs[itr][2];
+                        //fprintf( stderr, "\t\tgridcell %d %d %d\n", x, y, z );
+                        if ( DistSqr_to_CP(nbrs_cp[itr], system->atoms[atom1].x ) <=
+                                SQR(control->vlist_cut) )
+                        {
+                            nbr_atoms = g->atoms[x][y][z];
+                            max = g->top[x][y][z];
+                            //fprintf( stderr, "\t\tmax: %d\n", max );
+                            /* pick up another atom from the neighbor cell -
+                            we have to compare atom1 with its own periodic images as well,
+                             that's why there is also equality in the if stmt below */
+                            for ( m = 0; m < max; ++m )
+                            {
+                                atom2 = nbr_atoms[m];
+                                //if( nbrs[itr+1][0] >= 0 || atom1 > atom2 ) {
+                                if ( atom1 > atom2 )
+                                {
+                                    if (Are_Far_Neighbors(system->atoms[atom1].x,
+                                                          system->atoms[atom2].x,
+                                                          &(system->box), control->vlist_cut,
+                                                          &nbr_data))
+                                        ++num_far;
+                                }
+                            }
+                        }
+                        ++itr;
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+#if defined(DEBUG_FOCUS)
+    fprintf( stderr, "estimate nbrs done, num_far: %d\n", num_far );
-  return num_far * SAFE_ZONE;
+    return num_far * SAFE_ZONE;
 #if defined DONE
-void Choose_Neighbor_Finder( reax_system *system, control_params *control, 
-			     get_far_neighbors_function *Get_Far_Neighbors )
+void Choose_Neighbor_Finder( reax_system *system, control_params *control,
+                             get_far_neighbors_function *Get_Far_Neighbors )
-  if( control->periodic_boundaries )
+    if ( control->periodic_boundaries )
-      if( system->box.box_norms[0] > 2.0 * control->vlist_cut &&
-	  system->box.box_norms[1] > 2.0 * control->vlist_cut &&
-	  system->box.box_norms[2] > 2.0 * control->vlist_cut )
-        (*Get_Far_Neighbors) = Get_Periodic_Far_Neighbors_Big_Box;
-      else  (*Get_Far_Neighbors) = Get_Periodic_Far_Neighbors_Small_Box;
+        if ( system->box.box_norms[0] > 2.0 * control->vlist_cut &&
+                system->box.box_norms[1] > 2.0 * control->vlist_cut &&
+                system->box.box_norms[2] > 2.0 * control->vlist_cut )
+            (*Get_Far_Neighbors) = Get_Periodic_Far_Neighbors_Big_Box;
+        else  (*Get_Far_Neighbors) = Get_Periodic_Far_Neighbors_Small_Box;
-  else
-    (*Get_Far_Neighbors) = Get_NonPeriodic_Far_Neighbors;
+    else
+        (*Get_Far_Neighbors) = Get_NonPeriodic_Far_Neighbors;
 int compare_near_nbrs(const void *v1, const void *v2)
-  return ((*(near_neighbor_data *)v1).nbr - (*(near_neighbor_data *)v2).nbr);
+    return ((*(near_neighbor_data *)v1).nbr - (*(near_neighbor_data *)v2).nbr);
 int compare_far_nbrs(const void *v1, const void *v2)
-  return ((*(far_neighbor_data *)v1).nbr - (*(far_neighbor_data *)v2).nbr);
+    return ((*(far_neighbor_data *)v1).nbr - (*(far_neighbor_data *)v2).nbr);
 inline void Set_Far_Neighbor( far_neighbor_data *dest, int nbr, real d, real C,
-			      rvec dvec, ivec rel_box/*, rvec ext_factor*/ )
+                              rvec dvec, ivec rel_box/*, rvec ext_factor*/ )
-  dest->nbr = nbr;
-  dest->d = d;
-  rvec_Scale( dest->dvec, C, dvec );
-  ivec_Copy( dest->rel_box, rel_box );
-  // rvec_Scale( dest->ext_factor, C, ext_factor );
+    dest->nbr = nbr;
+    dest->d = d;
+    rvec_Scale( dest->dvec, C, dvec );
+    ivec_Copy( dest->rel_box, rel_box );
+    // rvec_Scale( dest->ext_factor, C, ext_factor );
 inline void Set_Near_Neighbor(near_neighbor_data *dest, int nbr, real d, real C,
-			      rvec dvec, ivec rel_box/*, rvec ext_factor*/)
+                              rvec dvec, ivec rel_box/*, rvec ext_factor*/)
-  dest->nbr = nbr;
-  dest->d = d;
-  rvec_Scale( dest->dvec, C, dvec );
-  ivec_Scale( dest->rel_box, C, rel_box );
-  // rvec_Scale( dest->ext_factor, C, ext_factor );
+    dest->nbr = nbr;
+    dest->d = d;
+    rvec_Scale( dest->dvec, C, dvec );
+    ivec_Scale( dest->rel_box, C, rel_box );
+    // rvec_Scale( dest->ext_factor, C, ext_factor );
@@ -278,381 +294,399 @@ inline void Set_Near_Neighbor(near_neighbor_data *dest, int nbr, real d, real C,
    atom1 and atom2 are allowed to bond with each other */
 inline int can_Bond( static_storage *workspace, int atom1, int atom2 )
-  int i;
+    int i;
-  // fprintf( stderr, "can bond %6d %6d?\n", atom1, atom2 );
+    // fprintf( stderr, "can bond %6d %6d?\n", atom1, atom2 );
-  if( !workspace->restricted[ atom1 ] && !workspace->restricted[ atom2 ] )
-    return 1;
+    if ( !workspace->restricted[ atom1 ] && !workspace->restricted[ atom2 ] )
+        return 1;
-  for( i = 0; i < workspace->restricted[ atom1 ]; ++i )
-    if( workspace->restricted_list[ atom1 ][i] == atom2 )
-      return 1;
+    for ( i = 0; i < workspace->restricted[ atom1 ]; ++i )
+        if ( workspace->restricted_list[ atom1 ][i] == atom2 )
+            return 1;
-  for( i = 0; i < workspace->restricted[ atom2 ]; ++i )
-    if( workspace->restricted_list[ atom2 ][i] == atom1 )
-      return 1;
+    for ( i = 0; i < workspace->restricted[ atom2 ]; ++i )
+        if ( workspace->restricted_list[ atom2 ][i] == atom1 )
+            return 1;
-  return 0;
+    return 0;
 /* check if atom2 is on atom1's near neighbor list */
 inline int is_Near_Neighbor( list *near_nbrs, int atom1, int atom2 )
-  int i;
+    int i;
-  for( i=Start_Index(atom1,near_nbrs); i<End_Index(atom1,near_nbrs); ++i )
-    if( near_nbrs->select.near_nbr_list[i].nbr == atom2 )
-      {
-	// fprintf( stderr, "near neighbors %6d %6d\n", atom1, atom2 );
-	return 1;
-      }
+    for ( i = Start_Index(atom1, near_nbrs); i < End_Index(atom1, near_nbrs); ++i )
+        if ( near_nbrs->select.near_nbr_list[i].nbr == atom2 )
+        {
+            // fprintf( stderr, "near neighbors %6d %6d\n", atom1, atom2 );
+            return 1;
+        }
-  return 0;
+    return 0;
-void Generate_Neighbor_Lists( reax_system *system, control_params *control, 
-			      simulation_data *data, static_storage *workspace,
-			      list **lists, output_controls *out_control )
+void Generate_Neighbor_Lists( reax_system *system, control_params *control,
+                              simulation_data *data, static_storage *workspace,
+                              list **lists, output_controls *out_control )
-  int  i, j, k;
-  int  x, y, z;
-  int  *nbr_atoms;
-  int  atom1, atom2, max;
-  int   num_far;
-  int   c, count;
-  int   grid_top;
-  grid *g = &( system->g );  
-  list *far_nbrs = (*lists) + FAR_NBRS;
-  //int   hb_type1, hb_type2;
-  //list *hbonds = (*lists) + HBOND;
-  //int   top_hbond1, top_hbond2;
-  get_far_neighbors_function Get_Far_Neighbors;
-  far_neighbor_data new_nbrs[125];
+    int  i, j, k;
+    int  x, y, z;
+    int  *nbr_atoms;
+    int  atom1, atom2, max;
+    int   num_far;
+    int   c, count;
+    int   grid_top;
+    grid *g = &( system->g );
+    list *far_nbrs = (*lists) + FAR_NBRS;
+    //int   hb_type1, hb_type2;
+    //list *hbonds = (*lists) + HBOND;
+    //int   top_hbond1, top_hbond2;
+    get_far_neighbors_function Get_Far_Neighbors;
+    far_neighbor_data new_nbrs[125];
-  int   l, m;
+    int   l, m;
-  // fprintf( stderr, "\n\tentered nbrs - " );
-  if( control->ensemble == iNPT || control->ensemble == sNPT || 
-      control->ensemble == NPT )
-    Update_Grid( system );
-  // fprintf( stderr, "grid updated - " );
+    // fprintf( stderr, "\n\tentered nbrs - " );
+    if ( control->ensemble == iNPT || control->ensemble == sNPT ||
+            control->ensemble == NPT )
+        Update_Grid( system );
+    // fprintf( stderr, "grid updated - " );
-  Bin_Atoms( system, out_control );
-  // fprintf( stderr, "atoms sorted - " );
+    Bin_Atoms( system, out_control );
+    // fprintf( stderr, "atoms sorted - " );
-   Cluster_Atoms( system, workspace );
-  // fprintf( stderr, "atoms clustered - " );
+    Cluster_Atoms( system, workspace );
+    // fprintf( stderr, "atoms clustered - " );
-  Choose_Neighbor_Finder( system, control, &Get_Far_Neighbors );
-  // fprintf( stderr, "function chosen - " );  
-  Reset_Neighbor_Lists( system, workspace, lists );  
-  // fprintf( stderr, "lists cleared - " );
-  num_far = 0;
-  num_near = 0;
-  c = 0;
-  /* first pick up a cell in the grid */
-  for( i = 0; i < g->ncell[0]; i++ )
-    for( j = 0; j < g->ncell[1]; j++ )
-      for( k = 0; k < g->ncell[2]; k++ ) {
-	nbrs = g->nbrs[i][j][k];
-	nbrs_cp = g->nbrs_cp[i][j][k];
-	/* pick up an atom from the current cell */
-	//#ifdef REORDER_ATOMS
-	//  for(atom1 = g->start[i][j][k]; atom1 < g->end[i][j][k]; atom1++)
-	//#else
-	for(l = 0; l < g->top[i][j][k]; ++l ){
-	  atom1 = g->atoms[i][j][k][l];
-	  Set_End_Index( atom1, num_far, far_nbrs );
-	  // fprintf( stderr, "atom %d:\n", atom1 );
-	  itr = 0;
-	  while( nbrs[itr][0] > 0 ){
-	    x = nbrs[itr][0];
-	    y = nbrs[itr][1];
-	    z = nbrs[itr][2];
-	    // if( DistSqr_to_CP(nbrs_cp[itr], system->atoms[atom1].x ) <= 
-	    //     SQR(control->r_cut)) 	
-	    nbr_atoms = g->atoms[x][y][z];
-	    max_atoms = g->top[x][y][z];
-	    /* pick up another atom from the neighbor cell -
-	       we have to compare atom1 with its own periodic images as well, 
-	       that's why there is also equality in the if stmt below */
-	    //#ifdef REORDER_ATOMS
-	    //for(atom2=g->start[x][y][z]; atom2<g->end[x][y][z]; atom2++)
-	    //#else
-	    for( m = 0, atom2=nbr_atoms[m]; m < max; ++m, atom2=nbr_atoms[m] )
-	      if( atom1 >= atom2 ) {
-		//fprintf( stderr, "\tatom2 %d", atom2 );
-		//top_near1 = End_Index( atom1, near_nbrs );
-		//Set_Start_Index( atom1, num_far, far_nbrs );
-		//hb_type1=system->reaxprm.sbp[system->atoms[atom1].type].p_hbond;
-		Get_Far_Neighbors( system->atoms[atom1].x,
-				   system->atoms[atom2].x, 
-				   &(system->box), control, new_nbrs, &count );
-		fprintf( stderr, "\t%d count:%d\n", atom2, count );
-		for( c = 0; c < count; ++c )
-		  if(atom1 != atom2 || (atom1 == atom2 && new_nbrs[c].d>=0.1)){
-		    Set_Far_Neighbor(&(far_nbrs->select.far_nbr_list[num_far]),
-				     atom2, new_nbrs[c].d, 1.0, 
-				     new_nbrs[c].dvec, new_nbrs[c].rel_box );
-		    ++num_far;
-		    /*fprintf(stderr,"FARNBR:%6d%6d%8.3f[%8.3f%8.3f%8.3f]\n",
-		      atom1, atom2, new_nbrs[c].d, 
-		      new_nbrs[c].dvec[0], new_nbrs[c].dvec[1], 
-		      new_nbrs[c].dvec[2] ); */
-		    /* hydrogen bond lists */ 
-		    /*if( control->hb_cut > 0.1 && 
-		      new_nbrs[c].d <= control->hb_cut ) {
-		      // fprintf( stderr, "%d %d\n", atom1, atom2 );
-		      hb_type2=system->reaxprm.sbp[system->atoms[atom2].type].p_hbond;
-		      if( hb_type1 == 1 && hb_type2 == 2 ) {
-		      top_hbond1=End_Index(workspace->hbond_index[atom1],hbonds);
-		      Set_Near_Neighbor(&(hbonds->select.hbond_list[top_hbond1]),
-		      atom2, new_nbrs[c].d, 1.0, new_nbrs[c].dvec,
-		      new_nbrs[c].rel_box );
-		      Set_End_Index( workspace->hbond_index[atom1], 
-		      top_hbond1 + 1, hbonds );
-		      }
-		      else if( hb_type1 == 2 && hb_type2 == 1 ) {
-		      top_hbond2 = End_Index( workspace->hbond_index[atom2], hbonds );
-		      Set_Near_Neighbor(&(hbonds->select.hbond_list[top_hbond2]),
-		      atom1, new_nbrs[c].d, -1.0, new_nbrs[c].dvec, 
-		      new_nbrs[c].rel_box );
-		      Set_End_Index( workspace->hbond_index[atom2], 
-		      top_hbond2 + 1, hbonds );
-		      }*/
-		  }
-	      }
-	  }
-	  Set_End_Index( atom1, top_far1, far_nbrs );
-	}
-      }
-  fprintf( stderr, "nbrs done-" );
-  /* apply restrictions on near neighbors only */
-  if( (data->step - data->prev_steps) < control->restrict_bonds ) {
-    for( atom1 = 0; atom1 < system->N; ++atom1 )
-      if( workspace->restricted[ atom1 ] ) {
-	// fprintf( stderr, "atom1: %d\n", atom1 );
-	top_near1 = End_Index( atom1, near_nbrs );
-	for( j = 0; j < workspace->restricted[ atom1 ]; ++j )
-	  if(!is_Near_Neighbor(near_nbrs, atom1, 
-			       atom2 = workspace->restricted_list[atom1][j])) {
-	    fprintf( stderr, "%3d-%3d: added bond by applying restrictions!\n",
-		     atom1, atom2 );
-	    top_near2 = End_Index( atom2, near_nbrs );		  
-	    /* we just would like to get the nearest image, so a call to 
-	       Get_Periodic_Far_Neighbors_Big_Box is good enough. */
-	    Get_Periodic_Far_Neighbors_Big_Box( system->atoms[ atom1 ].x, 
-						system->atoms[ atom2 ].x, 
-						&(system->box), control, 
-						new_nbrs, &count );
-	    Set_Near_Neighbor( &(near_nbrs->select.near_nbr_list[ top_near1 ]),
-			       atom2, new_nbrs[c].d, 1.0, 
-			       new_nbrs[c].dvec, new_nbrs[c].rel_box );
-	    ++top_near1;
-	    Set_Near_Neighbor( &(near_nbrs->select.near_nbr_list[ top_near2 ]),
-			       atom1, new_nbrs[c].d, -1.0, 
-			       new_nbrs[c].dvec, new_nbrs[c].rel_box );
-	    Set_End_Index( atom2, top_near2+1, near_nbrs );
-	  }
-	Set_End_Index( atom1, top_near1, near_nbrs );
-      }
-  }
-  // fprintf( stderr, "restrictions applied-" );
-  /* verify nbrlists, count num_intrs, sort nearnbrs */
-  near_nbrs->num_intrs = 0;
-  far_nbrs->num_intrs = 0;
-  for( i = 0; i < system->N-1; ++i ) {
-    if( End_Index(i, near_nbrs) > Start_Index(i+1, near_nbrs) ) {
-      fprintf( stderr, 
-	       "step%3d: nearnbr list of atom%d is overwritten by atom%d\n",
-	       data->step, i+1, i );
-      exit( 1 );
+    Choose_Neighbor_Finder( system, control, &Get_Far_Neighbors );
+    // fprintf( stderr, "function chosen - " );
+    Reset_Neighbor_Lists( system, workspace, lists );
+    // fprintf( stderr, "lists cleared - " );
+    num_far = 0;
+    num_near = 0;
+    c = 0;
+    /* first pick up a cell in the grid */
+    for ( i = 0; i < g->ncell[0]; i++ )
+        for ( j = 0; j < g->ncell[1]; j++ )
+            for ( k = 0; k < g->ncell[2]; k++ )
+            {
+                nbrs = g->nbrs[i][j][k];
+                nbrs_cp = g->nbrs_cp[i][j][k];
+                /* pick up an atom from the current cell */
+                //#ifdef REORDER_ATOMS
+                //  for(atom1 = g->start[i][j][k]; atom1 < g->end[i][j][k]; atom1++)
+                //#else
+                for (l = 0; l < g->top[i][j][k]; ++l )
+                {
+                    atom1 = g->atoms[i][j][k][l];
+                    Set_End_Index( atom1, num_far, far_nbrs );
+                    // fprintf( stderr, "atom %d:\n", atom1 );
+                    itr = 0;
+                    while ( nbrs[itr][0] > 0 )
+                    {
+                        x = nbrs[itr][0];
+                        y = nbrs[itr][1];
+                        z = nbrs[itr][2];
+                        // if( DistSqr_to_CP(nbrs_cp[itr], system->atoms[atom1].x ) <=
+                        //     SQR(control->r_cut))
+                        nbr_atoms = g->atoms[x][y][z];
+                        max_atoms = g->top[x][y][z];
+                        /* pick up another atom from the neighbor cell -
+                           we have to compare atom1 with its own periodic images as well,
+                           that's why there is also equality in the if stmt below */
+                        //#ifdef REORDER_ATOMS
+                        //for(atom2=g->start[x][y][z]; atom2<g->end[x][y][z]; atom2++)
+                        //#else
+                        for ( m = 0, atom2 = nbr_atoms[m]; m < max; ++m, atom2 = nbr_atoms[m] )
+                            if ( atom1 >= atom2 )
+                            {
+                                //fprintf( stderr, "\tatom2 %d", atom2 );
+                                //top_near1 = End_Index( atom1, near_nbrs );
+                                //Set_Start_Index( atom1, num_far, far_nbrs );
+                                //hb_type1=system->reaxprm.sbp[system->atoms[atom1].type].p_hbond;
+                                Get_Far_Neighbors( system->atoms[atom1].x,
+                                                   system->atoms[atom2].x,
+                                                   &(system->box), control, new_nbrs, &count );
+                                fprintf( stderr, "\t%d count:%d\n", atom2, count );
+                                for ( c = 0; c < count; ++c )
+                                    if (atom1 != atom2 || (atom1 == atom2 && new_nbrs[c].d >= 0.1))
+                                    {
+                                        Set_Far_Neighbor(&(far_nbrs->select.far_nbr_list[num_far]),
+                                                         atom2, new_nbrs[c].d, 1.0,
+                                                         new_nbrs[c].dvec, new_nbrs[c].rel_box );
+                                        ++num_far;
+                                        /*fprintf(stderr,"FARNBR:%6d%6d%8.3f[%8.3f%8.3f%8.3f]\n",
+                                          atom1, atom2, new_nbrs[c].d,
+                                          new_nbrs[c].dvec[0], new_nbrs[c].dvec[1],
+                                          new_nbrs[c].dvec[2] ); */
+                                        /* hydrogen bond lists */
+                                        /*if( control->hb_cut > 0.1 &&
+                                          new_nbrs[c].d <= control->hb_cut ) {
+                                          // fprintf( stderr, "%d %d\n", atom1, atom2 );
+                                          hb_type2=system->reaxprm.sbp[system->atoms[atom2].type].p_hbond;
+                                          if( hb_type1 == 1 && hb_type2 == 2 ) {
+                                          top_hbond1=End_Index(workspace->hbond_index[atom1],hbonds);
+                                          Set_Near_Neighbor(&(hbonds->select.hbond_list[top_hbond1]),
+                                          atom2, new_nbrs[c].d, 1.0, new_nbrs[c].dvec,
+                                          new_nbrs[c].rel_box );
+                                          Set_End_Index( workspace->hbond_index[atom1],
+                                          top_hbond1 + 1, hbonds );
+                                          }
+                                          else if( hb_type1 == 2 && hb_type2 == 1 ) {
+                                          top_hbond2 = End_Index( workspace->hbond_index[atom2], hbonds );
+                                          Set_Near_Neighbor(&(hbonds->select.hbond_list[top_hbond2]),
+                                          atom1, new_nbrs[c].d, -1.0, new_nbrs[c].dvec,
+                                          new_nbrs[c].rel_box );
+                                          Set_End_Index( workspace->hbond_index[atom2],
+                                          top_hbond2 + 1, hbonds );
+                                          }*/
+                                    }
+                            }
+                    }
+                    Set_End_Index( atom1, top_far1, far_nbrs );
+                }
+            }
+    fprintf( stderr, "nbrs done-" );
+    /* apply restrictions on near neighbors only */
+    if ( (data->step - data->prev_steps) < control->restrict_bonds )
+    {
+        for ( atom1 = 0; atom1 < system->N; ++atom1 )
+            if ( workspace->restricted[ atom1 ] )
+            {
+                // fprintf( stderr, "atom1: %d\n", atom1 );
+                top_near1 = End_Index( atom1, near_nbrs );
+                for ( j = 0; j < workspace->restricted[ atom1 ]; ++j )
+                    if (!is_Near_Neighbor(near_nbrs, atom1,
+                                          atom2 = workspace->restricted_list[atom1][j]))
+                    {
+                        fprintf( stderr, "%3d-%3d: added bond by applying restrictions!\n",
+                                 atom1, atom2 );
+                        top_near2 = End_Index( atom2, near_nbrs );
+                        /* we just would like to get the nearest image, so a call to
+                           Get_Periodic_Far_Neighbors_Big_Box is good enough. */
+                        Get_Periodic_Far_Neighbors_Big_Box( system->atoms[ atom1 ].x,
+                                                            system->atoms[ atom2 ].x,
+                                                            &(system->box), control,
+                                                            new_nbrs, &count );
+                        Set_Near_Neighbor( &(near_nbrs->select.near_nbr_list[ top_near1 ]),
+                                           atom2, new_nbrs[c].d, 1.0,
+                                           new_nbrs[c].dvec, new_nbrs[c].rel_box );
+                        ++top_near1;
+                        Set_Near_Neighbor( &(near_nbrs->select.near_nbr_list[ top_near2 ]),
+                                           atom1, new_nbrs[c].d, -1.0,
+                                           new_nbrs[c].dvec, new_nbrs[c].rel_box );
+                        Set_End_Index( atom2, top_near2 + 1, near_nbrs );
+                    }
+                Set_End_Index( atom1, top_near1, near_nbrs );
+            }
+    }
+    // fprintf( stderr, "restrictions applied-" );
+    /* verify nbrlists, count num_intrs, sort nearnbrs */
+    near_nbrs->num_intrs = 0;
+    far_nbrs->num_intrs = 0;
+    for ( i = 0; i < system->N - 1; ++i )
+    {
+        if ( End_Index(i, near_nbrs) > Start_Index(i + 1, near_nbrs) )
+        {
+            fprintf( stderr,
+                     "step%3d: nearnbr list of atom%d is overwritten by atom%d\n",
+                     data->step, i + 1, i );
+            exit( 1 );
+        }
+        near_nbrs->num_intrs += Num_Entries(i, near_nbrs);
+        if ( End_Index(i, far_nbrs) > Start_Index(i + 1, far_nbrs) )
+        {
+            fprintf( stderr,
+                     "step%3d: farnbr list of atom%d is overwritten by atom%d\n",
+                     data->step, i + 1, i );
+            exit( 1 );
+        }
+        far_nbrs->num_intrs += Num_Entries(i, far_nbrs);
-    near_nbrs->num_intrs += Num_Entries(i, near_nbrs);
-    if( End_Index(i, far_nbrs) > Start_Index(i+1, far_nbrs) ) {
-      fprintf( stderr, 
-           "step%3d: farnbr list of atom%d is overwritten by atom%d\n", 
-           data->step, i+1, i );
-      exit( 1 );
+    for ( i = 0; i < system->N; ++i )
+    {
+        qsort( &(near_nbrs->select.near_nbr_list[ Start_Index(i, near_nbrs) ]),
+               Num_Entries(i, near_nbrs), sizeof(near_neighbor_data),
+               compare_near_nbrs );
-    far_nbrs->num_intrs += Num_Entries(i, far_nbrs);
-  }
-  for( i = 0; i < system->N; ++i ) {
-    qsort( &(near_nbrs->select.near_nbr_list[ Start_Index(i, near_nbrs) ]),
-	   Num_Entries(i, near_nbrs), sizeof(near_neighbor_data), 
-	   compare_near_nbrs );
-  }
-  // fprintf( stderr, "near nbrs sorted\n" );
+    // fprintf( stderr, "near nbrs sorted\n" );
-  /* for( i = 0; i < system->N; ++i ) {
-     qsort( &(far_nbrs->select.far_nbr_list[ Start_Index(i, far_nbrs) ]), 
-     Num_Entries(i, far_nbrs), sizeof(far_neighbor_data), 
-     compare_far_nbrs ); 
-     } */
-  fprintf( stderr, "Near neighbors/atom: %d (compare to 150)\n", 
-	   num_near / system->N );
-  fprintf( stderr, "Far neighbors per atom: %d (compare to %d)\n", 
-	   num_far / system->N, control->max_far_nbrs );
+    /* for( i = 0; i < system->N; ++i ) {
+       qsort( &(far_nbrs->select.far_nbr_list[ Start_Index(i, far_nbrs) ]),
+       Num_Entries(i, far_nbrs), sizeof(far_neighbor_data),
+       compare_far_nbrs );
+       } */
+    fprintf( stderr, "Near neighbors/atom: %d (compare to 150)\n",
+             num_near / system->N );
+    fprintf( stderr, "Far neighbors per atom: %d (compare to %d)\n",
+             num_far / system->N, control->max_far_nbrs );
-  //fprintf( stderr, "step%d: num of nearnbrs = %6d   num of farnbrs: %6d\n",
-  //       data->step, num_near, num_far );
-  //fprintf( stderr, "\talloc nearnbrs = %6d   alloc farnbrs: %6d\n", 
-  //   system->N * near_nbrs->intrs_per_unit, 
-  //   system->N * far_nbrs->intrs_per_unit );
+    //fprintf( stderr, "step%d: num of nearnbrs = %6d   num of farnbrs: %6d\n",
+    //       data->step, num_near, num_far );
+    //fprintf( stderr, "\talloc nearnbrs = %6d   alloc farnbrs: %6d\n",
+    //   system->N * near_nbrs->intrs_per_unit,
+    //   system->N * far_nbrs->intrs_per_unit );
-void Generate_Neighbor_Lists( reax_system *system, control_params *control, 
-			      simulation_data *data, static_storage *workspace,
-			      list **lists, output_controls *out_control )
+void Generate_Neighbor_Lists( reax_system *system, control_params *control,
+                              simulation_data *data, static_storage *workspace,
+                              list **lists, output_controls *out_control )
-  int  i, j, k, l, m, itr;
-  int  x, y, z;
-  int  atom1, atom2, max;
-  int  num_far, c, count;
-  int  *nbr_atoms;
-  ivec *nbrs;
-  rvec *nbrs_cp;
-  grid *g;
-  list *far_nbrs;
-  get_far_neighbors_function Get_Far_Neighbors;
-  far_neighbor_data new_nbrs[125];
-  g = &( system->g );
-  far_nbrs = (*lists) + FAR_NBRS;
-  // fprintf( stderr, "\n\tentered nbrs - " );
-  if( control->ensemble == iNPT || 
-      control->ensemble == sNPT || 
-      control->ensemble == NPT )
-    Update_Grid( system );
-  // fprintf( stderr, "grid updated - " );
-  Bin_Atoms( system, out_control );
-  // fprintf( stderr, "atoms sorted - " );
-  Choose_Neighbor_Finder( system, control, &Get_Far_Neighbors );
-  // fprintf( stderr, "function chosen - " );  
-  Reset_Neighbor_Lists( system, workspace, lists );  
-  // fprintf( stderr, "lists cleared - " );
-  num_far = 0;
-  c = 0;
-  /* first pick up a cell in the grid */
-  for( i = 0; i < g->ncell[0]; i++ )
-    for( j = 0; j < g->ncell[1]; j++ )
-      for( k = 0; k < g->ncell[2]; k++ ) {
-	nbrs = g->nbrs[i][j][k];
-	nbrs_cp = g->nbrs_cp[i][j][k];
-	fprintf( stderr, "gridcell %d %d %d\n", i, j, k );
-	/* pick up an atom from the current cell */
-	for(l = 0; l < g->top[i][j][k]; ++l ){
-	  atom1 = g->atoms[i][j][k][l];
-	  Set_Start_Index( atom1, num_far, far_nbrs );
-	  fprintf( stderr, "\tatom %d\n", atom1 );
-	  itr = 0;
-	  while( nbrs[itr][0] > 0 ){
-	    x = nbrs[itr][0];
-	    y = nbrs[itr][1];
-	    z = nbrs[itr][2];
-	    fprintf( stderr, "\t\tgridcell %d %d %d\n", x, y, z );
-	    // if( DistSqr_to_CP(nbrs_cp[itr], system->atoms[atom1].x ) <= 
-	    //     SQR(control->r_cut)) 	
-	    nbr_atoms = g->atoms[x][y][z];
-	    max = g->top[x][y][z];
-	    fprintf( stderr, "\t\tmax: %d\n", max );
-	    /* pick up another atom from the neighbor cell -
-	       we have to compare atom1 with its own periodic images as well, 
-	       that's why there is also equality in the if stmt below */
-	    for( m = 0, atom2=nbr_atoms[m]; m < max; ++m, atom2=nbr_atoms[m] )
-	      if( atom1 >= atom2 ) {
-		Get_Far_Neighbors( system->atoms[atom1].x,
-				   system->atoms[atom2].x, 
-				   &(system->box), control, new_nbrs, &count );
-		fprintf( stderr, "\t\t\t%d count:%d\n", atom2, count );
-		for( c = 0; c < count; ++c )
-		  if(atom1 != atom2 || (atom1 == atom2 && new_nbrs[c].d>=0.1)){
-		    Set_Far_Neighbor(&(far_nbrs->select.far_nbr_list[num_far]),
-				     atom2, new_nbrs[c].d, 1.0, 
-				     new_nbrs[c].dvec, new_nbrs[c].rel_box );
-		    ++num_far;
-		    /*fprintf(stderr,"FARNBR:%6d%6d%8.3f[%8.3f%8.3f%8.3f]\n",
-		      atom1, atom2, new_nbrs[c].d, 
-		      new_nbrs[c].dvec[0], new_nbrs[c].dvec[1], 
-		      new_nbrs[c].dvec[2] ); */
-		  }
-	      }
-	    ++itr;
-	  }
-	  Set_End_Index( atom1, num_far, far_nbrs );
-	}
-      }
-  far_nbrs->num_intrs = num_far;  
-  fprintf( stderr, "nbrs done, num_far: %d\n", num_far );
+    int  i, j, k, l, m, itr;
+    int  x, y, z;
+    int  atom1, atom2, max;
+    int  num_far, c, count;
+    int  *nbr_atoms;
+    ivec *nbrs;
+    rvec *nbrs_cp;
+    grid *g;
+    list *far_nbrs;
+    get_far_neighbors_function Get_Far_Neighbors;
+    far_neighbor_data new_nbrs[125];
+    g = &( system->g );
+    far_nbrs = (*lists) + FAR_NBRS;
+    // fprintf( stderr, "\n\tentered nbrs - " );
+    if ( control->ensemble == iNPT ||
+            control->ensemble == sNPT ||
+            control->ensemble == NPT )
+        Update_Grid( system );
+    // fprintf( stderr, "grid updated - " );
+    Bin_Atoms( system, out_control );
+    // fprintf( stderr, "atoms sorted - " );
+    Choose_Neighbor_Finder( system, control, &Get_Far_Neighbors );
+    // fprintf( stderr, "function chosen - " );
+    Reset_Neighbor_Lists( system, workspace, lists );
+    // fprintf( stderr, "lists cleared - " );
+    num_far = 0;
+    c = 0;
+    /* first pick up a cell in the grid */
+    for ( i = 0; i < g->ncell[0]; i++ )
+        for ( j = 0; j < g->ncell[1]; j++ )
+            for ( k = 0; k < g->ncell[2]; k++ )
+            {
+                nbrs = g->nbrs[i][j][k];
+                nbrs_cp = g->nbrs_cp[i][j][k];
+                fprintf( stderr, "gridcell %d %d %d\n", i, j, k );
+                /* pick up an atom from the current cell */
+                for (l = 0; l < g->top[i][j][k]; ++l )
+                {
+                    atom1 = g->atoms[i][j][k][l];
+                    Set_Start_Index( atom1, num_far, far_nbrs );
+                    fprintf( stderr, "\tatom %d\n", atom1 );
+                    itr = 0;
+                    while ( nbrs[itr][0] > 0 )
+                    {
+                        x = nbrs[itr][0];
+                        y = nbrs[itr][1];
+                        z = nbrs[itr][2];
+                        fprintf( stderr, "\t\tgridcell %d %d %d\n", x, y, z );
+                        // if( DistSqr_to_CP(nbrs_cp[itr], system->atoms[atom1].x ) <=
+                        //     SQR(control->r_cut))
+                        nbr_atoms = g->atoms[x][y][z];
+                        max = g->top[x][y][z];
+                        fprintf( stderr, "\t\tmax: %d\n", max );
+                        /* pick up another atom from the neighbor cell -
+                           we have to compare atom1 with its own periodic images as well,
+                           that's why there is also equality in the if stmt below */
+                        for ( m = 0, atom2 = nbr_atoms[m]; m < max; ++m, atom2 = nbr_atoms[m] )
+                            if ( atom1 >= atom2 )
+                            {
+                                Get_Far_Neighbors( system->atoms[atom1].x,
+                                                   system->atoms[atom2].x,
+                                                   &(system->box), control, new_nbrs, &count );
+                                fprintf( stderr, "\t\t\t%d count:%d\n", atom2, count );
+                                for ( c = 0; c < count; ++c )
+                                    if (atom1 != atom2 || (atom1 == atom2 && new_nbrs[c].d >= 0.1))
+                                    {
+                                        Set_Far_Neighbor(&(far_nbrs->select.far_nbr_list[num_far]),
+                                                         atom2, new_nbrs[c].d, 1.0,
+                                                         new_nbrs[c].dvec, new_nbrs[c].rel_box );
+                                        ++num_far;
+                                        /*fprintf(stderr,"FARNBR:%6d%6d%8.3f[%8.3f%8.3f%8.3f]\n",
+                                          atom1, atom2, new_nbrs[c].d,
+                                          new_nbrs[c].dvec[0], new_nbrs[c].dvec[1],
+                                          new_nbrs[c].dvec[2] ); */
+                                    }
+                            }
+                        ++itr;
+                    }
+                    Set_End_Index( atom1, num_far, far_nbrs );
+                }
+            }
+    far_nbrs->num_intrs = num_far;
+    fprintf( stderr, "nbrs done, num_far: %d\n", num_far );
 #if defined(DEBUG)
-  for( i = 0; i < system->N; ++i ) {
-    qsort( &(far_nbrs->select.far_nbr_list[ Start_Index(i, far_nbrs) ]), 
-	   Num_Entries(i, far_nbrs), sizeof(far_neighbor_data), 
-	   compare_far_nbrs ); 
-  }
-  fprintf( stderr, "step%d: num of farnbrs=%6d\n", data->step, num_far );
-  fprintf( stderr, "\tallocated farnbrs: %6d\n", 
-	   system->N * far_nbrs->intrs_per_unit );
+    for ( i = 0; i < system->N; ++i )
+    {
+        qsort( &(far_nbrs->select.far_nbr_list[ Start_Index(i, far_nbrs) ]),
+               Num_Entries(i, far_nbrs), sizeof(far_neighbor_data),
+               compare_far_nbrs );
+    }
+    fprintf( stderr, "step%d: num of farnbrs=%6d\n", data->step, num_far );
+    fprintf( stderr, "\tallocated farnbrs: %6d\n",
+             system->N * far_nbrs->intrs_per_unit );
diff --git a/puremd_rc_1003/sPuReMD/neighbors.h b/puremd_rc_1003/sPuReMD/neighbors.h
index bca35b82a9b8156671203cb9d31cb6089daa218a..e849b1e4542e5f6f9c8c5b75d34d847a4467a528 100644
--- a/puremd_rc_1003/sPuReMD/neighbors.h
+++ b/puremd_rc_1003/sPuReMD/neighbors.h
@@ -1,20 +1,20 @@
   SerialReax - Reax Force Field Simulator
   Copyright (2010) Purdue University
   Hasan Metin Aktulga, haktulga@cs.purdue.edu
   Joseph Fogarty, jcfogart@mail.usf.edu
   Sagar Pandit, pandit@usf.edu
   Ananth Y Grama, ayg@cs.purdue.edu
   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
   modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
-  published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of 
+  published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
   the License, or (at your option) any later version.
   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
   See the GNU General Public License for more details:
@@ -25,8 +25,8 @@
 #include "mytypes.h"
 void Generate_Neighbor_Lists( reax_system*, control_params*, simulation_data*,
-			      static_storage*, list**, output_controls* );
+                              static_storage*, list**, output_controls* );
-int Estimate_NumNeighbors( reax_system*, control_params*, 
-			   static_storage*, list** );
+int Estimate_NumNeighbors( reax_system*, control_params*,
+                           static_storage*, list** );
diff --git a/puremd_rc_1003/sPuReMD/param.c b/puremd_rc_1003/sPuReMD/param.c
index 045e97bc7e5f020d86eb311ef8a0184ea9f14122..9694527459063e606c658ae03f458005026e2205 100644
--- a/puremd_rc_1003/sPuReMD/param.c
+++ b/puremd_rc_1003/sPuReMD/param.c
@@ -1,20 +1,20 @@
   SerialReax - Reax Force Field Simulator
   Copyright (2010) Purdue University
   Hasan Metin Aktulga, haktulga@cs.purdue.edu
   Joseph Fogarty, jcfogart@mail.usf.edu
   Sagar Pandit, pandit@usf.edu
   Ananth Y Grama, ayg@cs.purdue.edu
   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
   modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
-  published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of 
+  published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
   the License, or (at your option) any later version.
   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
   See the GNU General Public License for more details:
@@ -26,1184 +26,1296 @@
 int Get_Atom_Type( reax_interaction *reaxprm, char *s )
-  int i;
+    int i;
-  for( i = 0; i < reaxprm->num_atom_types; ++i )
-    if( !strcmp( reaxprm->sbp[i].name, s ) )
-      return i;
+    for ( i = 0; i < reaxprm->num_atom_types; ++i )
+        if ( !strcmp( reaxprm->sbp[i].name, s ) )
+            return i;
-  fprintf( stderr, "Unknown atom type %s. Terminating...\n", s );
+    fprintf( stderr, "Unknown atom type %s. Terminating...\n", s );
 int Tokenize(char* s, char*** tok)
-  char test[MAX_LINE];
-  char *sep = "\t \n!=";
-  char *word;
-  int count=0;
+    char test[MAX_LINE];
+    char *sep = "\t \n!=";
+    char *word;
+    int count = 0;
+    strncpy( test, s, MAX_LINE );
-  strncpy( test, s, MAX_LINE );
+    // fprintf( stderr, "|%s|\n", test );
-  // fprintf( stderr, "|%s|\n", test );
-  for( word = strtok(test, sep); word; word = strtok(NULL, sep) )
+    for ( word = strtok(test, sep); word; word = strtok(NULL, sep) )
-      strncpy( (*tok)[count], word, MAX_LINE );
-      count++;
+        strncpy( (*tok)[count], word, MAX_LINE );
+        count++;
-  return count;
+    return count;
 /* Initialize Taper params */
 void Init_Taper( control_params *control )
-  real d1, d7;
-  real swa, swa2, swa3;
-  real swb, swb2, swb3;
+    real d1, d7;
+    real swa, swa2, swa3;
+    real swb, swb2, swb3;
-  swa = control->r_low;
-  swb = control->r_cut;
+    swa = control->r_low;
+    swb = control->r_cut;
-  if( fabs( swa ) > 0.01 )
-    fprintf( stderr,"Warning: non-zero value for lower Taper-radius cutoff\n" );
-  if( swb < 0 )
+    if ( fabs( swa ) > 0.01 )
+        fprintf( stderr, "Warning: non-zero value for lower Taper-radius cutoff\n" );
+    if ( swb < 0 )
-      fprintf( stderr, "Negative value for upper Taper-radius cutoff\n" );
-      exit( INVALID_INPUT );
-    }
-  else if( swb < 5 )
-    fprintf( stderr,"Warning: low value for upper Taper-radius cutoff:%f\n", 
-	     swb );
-  d1 = swb - swa;
-  d7 = POW( d1, 7.0 );
-  swa2 = SQR( swa );
-  swa3 = CUBE( swa );
-  swb2 = SQR( swb );
-  swb3 = CUBE( swb );
-  control->Tap7 =  20.0 / d7;
-  control->Tap6 = -70.0 * (swa + swb) / d7;
-  control->Tap5 =  84.0 * (swa2 + 3.0*swa*swb + swb2) / d7;
-  control->Tap4 = -35.0 * (swa3 + 9.0*swa2*swb + 9.0*swa*swb2 + swb3 ) / d7;
-  control->Tap3 = 140.0 * (swa3*swb + 3.0*swa2*swb2 + swa*swb3 ) / d7;
-  control->Tap2 =-210.0 * (swa3*swb2 + swa2*swb3) / d7;
-  control->Tap1 = 140.0 * swa3 * swb3 / d7;
-  control->Tap0 = (-35.0*swa3*swb2*swb2 + 21.0*swa2*swb3*swb2 + 
-		   7.0*swa*swb3*swb3 + swb3*swb3*swb ) / d7;
+        fprintf( stderr, "Negative value for upper Taper-radius cutoff\n" );
+        exit( INVALID_INPUT );
+    }
+    else if ( swb < 5 )
+        fprintf( stderr, "Warning: low value for upper Taper-radius cutoff:%f\n",
+                 swb );
+    d1 = swb - swa;
+    d7 = POW( d1, 7.0 );
+    swa2 = SQR( swa );
+    swa3 = CUBE( swa );
+    swb2 = SQR( swb );
+    swb3 = CUBE( swb );
+    control->Tap7 =  20.0 / d7;
+    control->Tap6 = -70.0 * (swa + swb) / d7;
+    control->Tap5 =  84.0 * (swa2 + 3.0 * swa * swb + swb2) / d7;
+    control->Tap4 = -35.0 * (swa3 + 9.0 * swa2 * swb + 9.0 * swa * swb2 + swb3 ) / d7;
+    control->Tap3 = 140.0 * (swa3 * swb + 3.0 * swa2 * swb2 + swa * swb3 ) / d7;
+    control->Tap2 = -210.0 * (swa3 * swb2 + swa2 * swb3) / d7;
+    control->Tap1 = 140.0 * swa3 * swb3 / d7;
+    control->Tap0 = (-35.0 * swa3 * swb2 * swb2 + 21.0 * swa2 * swb3 * swb2 +
+                     7.0 * swa * swb3 * swb3 + swb3 * swb3 * swb ) / d7;
 char Read_Force_Field( FILE* fp, reax_interaction* reax )
-  char *s;
-  char **tmp;
-  char ****tor_flag;
-  int c, i, j, k, l, m, n, o, p, cnt;
-  real val;
-  s = (char*) malloc(sizeof(char)*MAX_LINE);
-  tmp = (char**) malloc(sizeof(char*)*MAX_TOKENS);
-  for (i=0; i < MAX_TOKENS; i++)
-    tmp[i] = (char*) malloc(sizeof(char)*MAX_TOKEN_LEN);
-  /* reading first header comment */
-  fgets( s, MAX_LINE, fp );
-  /* line 2 is number of global parameters */
-  fgets( s, MAX_LINE, fp );
-  c = Tokenize( s, &tmp );
-  /* reading the number of global parameters */
-  n = atoi(tmp[0]);
-  if (n < 1) 
-    {
-      fprintf( stderr, "WARNING: number of globals in ffield file is 0!\n" );
-      return 1;
-    }
+    char *s;
+    char **tmp;
+    char ****tor_flag;
+    int c, i, j, k, l, m, n, o, p, cnt;
+    real val;
-  reax->gp.n_global = n;
-  reax->gp.l = (real*) malloc(sizeof(real)*n);
+    s = (char*) malloc(sizeof(char) * MAX_LINE);
+    tmp = (char**) malloc(sizeof(char*)*MAX_TOKENS);
+    for (i = 0; i < MAX_TOKENS; i++)
+        tmp[i] = (char*) malloc(sizeof(char) * MAX_TOKEN_LEN);
-  /* see mytypes.h for mapping between l[i] and the lambdas used in ff */ 
-  for (i=0; i < n; i++)
-    {
-      fgets(s,MAX_LINE,fp);
-      c=Tokenize(s,&tmp);
-      val = (real) atof(tmp[0]);
-      reax->gp.l[i] = val;
+    /* reading first header comment */
+    fgets( s, MAX_LINE, fp );
+    /* line 2 is number of global parameters */
+    fgets( s, MAX_LINE, fp );
+    c = Tokenize( s, &tmp );
+    /* reading the number of global parameters */
+    n = atoi(tmp[0]);
+    if (n < 1)
+    {
+        fprintf( stderr, "WARNING: number of globals in ffield file is 0!\n" );
+        return 1;
+    reax->gp.n_global = n;
+    reax->gp.l = (real*) malloc(sizeof(real) * n);
-  /* next line is number of atom types and some comments */
-  fgets( s, MAX_LINE, fp );
-  c = Tokenize( s, &tmp );
-  reax->num_atom_types = atoi(tmp[0]);
-  /* 3 lines of comments */
-  fgets(s,MAX_LINE,fp);
-  fgets(s,MAX_LINE,fp);
-  fgets(s,MAX_LINE,fp);
-  /* Allocating structures in reax_interaction */
-  reax->sbp = (single_body_parameters*) 
-    calloc( reax->num_atom_types, sizeof(single_body_parameters) );
-  reax->tbp = (two_body_parameters**)   
-    calloc( reax->num_atom_types, sizeof(two_body_parameters*) );
-  reax->thbp= (three_body_header***)    
-    calloc( reax->num_atom_types, sizeof(three_body_header**) );
-  reax->hbp = (hbond_parameters***)     
-    calloc( reax->num_atom_types, sizeof(hbond_parameters**) );
-  reax->fbp = (four_body_header****)    
-    calloc( reax->num_atom_types, sizeof(four_body_header***) );
-  tor_flag  = (char****)                
-    calloc( reax->num_atom_types, sizeof(char***) );
-  for( i = 0; i < reax->num_atom_types; i++ )
+    /* see mytypes.h for mapping between l[i] and the lambdas used in ff */
+    for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
-      reax->tbp[i] = (two_body_parameters*) 
-	calloc( reax->num_atom_types, sizeof(two_body_parameters) );
-      reax->thbp[i]= (three_body_header**)  
-	calloc( reax->num_atom_types, sizeof(three_body_header*) );
-      reax->hbp[i] = (hbond_parameters**)   
-	calloc( reax->num_atom_types, sizeof(hbond_parameters*) );
-      reax->fbp[i] = (four_body_header***)  
-	calloc( reax->num_atom_types, sizeof(four_body_header**) );
-      tor_flag[i]  = (char***)              
-	calloc( reax->num_atom_types, sizeof(char**) );
-      for( j = 0; j < reax->num_atom_types; j++ )
-	{
-	  reax->thbp[i][j]= (three_body_header*) 
-	    calloc( reax->num_atom_types, sizeof(three_body_header) );
-	  reax->hbp[i][j] = (hbond_parameters*)  
-	    calloc( reax->num_atom_types, sizeof(hbond_parameters) );
-	  reax->fbp[i][j] = (four_body_header**) 
-	    calloc( reax->num_atom_types, sizeof(four_body_header*) );
-	  tor_flag[i][j]  = (char**)             
-	    calloc( reax->num_atom_types, sizeof(char*) );
-	  for (k=0; k < reax->num_atom_types; k++)
-	    {
-	      reax->fbp[i][j][k] = (four_body_header*) 
-		calloc( reax->num_atom_types, sizeof(four_body_header) );
-	      tor_flag[i][j][k]  = (char*)             
-		calloc( reax->num_atom_types, sizeof(char) );
-	    }
-	}
+        fgets(s, MAX_LINE, fp);
+        c = Tokenize(s, &tmp);
+        val = (real) atof(tmp[0]);
+        reax->gp.l[i] = val;
-  // vdWaals type: 1: Shielded Morse, no inner-wall 
-  //               2: inner wall, no shielding  
-  //               3: inner wall+shielding
-  reax->gp.vdw_type = 0;
-  /* reading single atom parameters */
-  /* there are 4 lines of each single atom parameters in ff files. these
-     parameters later determine some of the pair and triplet parameters using 
-     combination rules. */
-  for( i = 0; i < reax->num_atom_types; i++ ) {
-    /* line one */
-    fgets( s, MAX_LINE, fp );
-    c = Tokenize( s, &tmp );
-    for( j = 0; j < strlen( tmp[0] ); ++j )
-      reax->sbp[i].name[j] = toupper( tmp[0][j] );
-    val = atof(tmp[1]); reax->sbp[i].r_s        = val;
-    val = atof(tmp[2]); reax->sbp[i].valency    = val;
-    val = atof(tmp[3]); reax->sbp[i].mass       = val;
-    val = atof(tmp[4]); reax->sbp[i].r_vdw      = val;
-    val = atof(tmp[5]); reax->sbp[i].epsilon    = val;
-    val = atof(tmp[6]); reax->sbp[i].gamma      = val;
-    val = atof(tmp[7]); reax->sbp[i].r_pi       = val;
-    val = atof(tmp[8]); reax->sbp[i].valency_e  = val;
-    reax->sbp[i].nlp_opt = 0.5*(reax->sbp[i].valency_e-reax->sbp[i].valency);
-    /* line two */
-    fgets( s, MAX_LINE, fp );
-    c = Tokenize( s, &tmp );
-    val = atof(tmp[0]); reax->sbp[i].alpha      = val;
-    val = atof(tmp[1]); reax->sbp[i].gamma_w    = val;
-    val = atof(tmp[2]); reax->sbp[i].valency_boc= val;
-    val = atof(tmp[3]); reax->sbp[i].p_ovun5    = val;
-    val = atof(tmp[4]); 
-    val = atof(tmp[5]); reax->sbp[i].chi        = val;
-    val = atof(tmp[6]); reax->sbp[i].eta        = 2.0 * val;
-    /* this is the parameter that is used to determine
-       which type of atoms participate in h-bonds.
-       1 is for H - 2 for O, N, S - 0 for all others.*/
-    val = atof(tmp[7]); reax->sbp[i].p_hbond = (int)(val+0.1); 
-    //0.1 is to avoid from truncating down!
-    /* line 3 */
-    fgets( s, MAX_LINE, fp );
-    c = Tokenize( s, &tmp );
-    val = atof(tmp[0]); reax->sbp[i].r_pi_pi    = val;
-    val = atof(tmp[1]); reax->sbp[i].p_lp2      = val;
-    val = atof(tmp[2]); 
-    val = atof(tmp[3]); reax->sbp[i].b_o_131    = val;
-    val = atof(tmp[4]); reax->sbp[i].b_o_132    = val;
-    val = atof(tmp[5]); reax->sbp[i].b_o_133    = val;
-    val = atof(tmp[6]); 
-    val = atof(tmp[7]); 
-    /* line 4  */
+    /* next line is number of atom types and some comments */
     fgets( s, MAX_LINE, fp );
     c = Tokenize( s, &tmp );
-    val = atof(tmp[0]); reax->sbp[i].p_ovun2    = val;
-    val = atof(tmp[1]); reax->sbp[i].p_val3     = val;
-    val = atof(tmp[2]); 
-    val = atof(tmp[3]); reax->sbp[i].valency_val= val;
-    val = atof(tmp[4]); reax->sbp[i].p_val5     = val;
-    val = atof(tmp[5]); reax->sbp[i].rcore2     = val;
-    val = atof(tmp[6]); reax->sbp[i].ecore2     = val;
-    val = atof(tmp[7]); reax->sbp[i].acore2     = val;
-    if( reax->sbp[i].rcore2>0.01 && reax->sbp[i].acore2>0.01 ){ // Inner-wall
-      if( reax->sbp[i].gamma_w>0.5 ){ // Shielding vdWaals
-	if( reax->gp.vdw_type != 0 && reax->gp.vdw_type != 3 )
-	  fprintf( stderr, "Warning: inconsistent vdWaals-parameters\n"	\
-		   "Force field parameters for element %s\n"		\
-		   "indicate inner wall+shielding, but earlier\n"	\
-		   "atoms indicate different vdWaals-method.\n"		\
-		   "This may cause division-by-zero errors.\n"		\
-		   "Keeping vdWaals-setting for earlier atoms.\n", 
-		   reax->sbp[i].name );
-	else{
-	  reax->gp.vdw_type = 3;
+    reax->num_atom_types = atoi(tmp[0]);
+    /* 3 lines of comments */
+    fgets(s, MAX_LINE, fp);
+    fgets(s, MAX_LINE, fp);
+    fgets(s, MAX_LINE, fp);
+    /* Allocating structures in reax_interaction */
+    reax->sbp = (single_body_parameters*)
+                calloc( reax->num_atom_types, sizeof(single_body_parameters) );
+    reax->tbp = (two_body_parameters**)
+                calloc( reax->num_atom_types, sizeof(two_body_parameters*) );
+    reax->thbp = (three_body_header***)
+                 calloc( reax->num_atom_types, sizeof(three_body_header**) );
+    reax->hbp = (hbond_parameters***)
+                calloc( reax->num_atom_types, sizeof(hbond_parameters**) );
+    reax->fbp = (four_body_header****)
+                calloc( reax->num_atom_types, sizeof(four_body_header***) );
+    tor_flag  = (char****)
+                calloc( reax->num_atom_types, sizeof(char***) );
+    for ( i = 0; i < reax->num_atom_types; i++ )
+    {
+        reax->tbp[i] = (two_body_parameters*)
+                       calloc( reax->num_atom_types, sizeof(two_body_parameters) );
+        reax->thbp[i] = (three_body_header**)
+                        calloc( reax->num_atom_types, sizeof(three_body_header*) );
+        reax->hbp[i] = (hbond_parameters**)
+                       calloc( reax->num_atom_types, sizeof(hbond_parameters*) );
+        reax->fbp[i] = (four_body_header***)
+                       calloc( reax->num_atom_types, sizeof(four_body_header**) );
+        tor_flag[i]  = (char***)
+                       calloc( reax->num_atom_types, sizeof(char**) );
+        for ( j = 0; j < reax->num_atom_types; j++ )
+        {
+            reax->thbp[i][j] = (three_body_header*)
+                               calloc( reax->num_atom_types, sizeof(three_body_header) );
+            reax->hbp[i][j] = (hbond_parameters*)
+                              calloc( reax->num_atom_types, sizeof(hbond_parameters) );
+            reax->fbp[i][j] = (four_body_header**)
+                              calloc( reax->num_atom_types, sizeof(four_body_header*) );
+            tor_flag[i][j]  = (char**)
+                              calloc( reax->num_atom_types, sizeof(char*) );
+            for (k = 0; k < reax->num_atom_types; k++)
+            {
+                reax->fbp[i][j][k] = (four_body_header*)
+                                     calloc( reax->num_atom_types, sizeof(four_body_header) );
+                tor_flag[i][j][k]  = (char*)
+                                     calloc( reax->num_atom_types, sizeof(char) );
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    // vdWaals type: 1: Shielded Morse, no inner-wall
+    //               2: inner wall, no shielding
+    //               3: inner wall+shielding
+    reax->gp.vdw_type = 0;
+    /* reading single atom parameters */
+    /* there are 4 lines of each single atom parameters in ff files. these
+       parameters later determine some of the pair and triplet parameters using
+       combination rules. */
+    for ( i = 0; i < reax->num_atom_types; i++ )
+    {
+        /* line one */
+        fgets( s, MAX_LINE, fp );
+        c = Tokenize( s, &tmp );
+        for ( j = 0; j < strlen( tmp[0] ); ++j )
+            reax->sbp[i].name[j] = toupper( tmp[0][j] );
+        val = atof(tmp[1]);
+        reax->sbp[i].r_s        = val;
+        val = atof(tmp[2]);
+        reax->sbp[i].valency    = val;
+        val = atof(tmp[3]);
+        reax->sbp[i].mass       = val;
+        val = atof(tmp[4]);
+        reax->sbp[i].r_vdw      = val;
+        val = atof(tmp[5]);
+        reax->sbp[i].epsilon    = val;
+        val = atof(tmp[6]);
+        reax->sbp[i].gamma      = val;
+        val = atof(tmp[7]);
+        reax->sbp[i].r_pi       = val;
+        val = atof(tmp[8]);
+        reax->sbp[i].valency_e  = val;
+        reax->sbp[i].nlp_opt = 0.5 * (reax->sbp[i].valency_e - reax->sbp[i].valency);
+        /* line two */
+        fgets( s, MAX_LINE, fp );
+        c = Tokenize( s, &tmp );
+        val = atof(tmp[0]);
+        reax->sbp[i].alpha      = val;
+        val = atof(tmp[1]);
+        reax->sbp[i].gamma_w    = val;
+        val = atof(tmp[2]);
+        reax->sbp[i].valency_boc = val;
+        val = atof(tmp[3]);
+        reax->sbp[i].p_ovun5    = val;
+        val = atof(tmp[4]);
+        val = atof(tmp[5]);
+        reax->sbp[i].chi        = val;
+        val = atof(tmp[6]);
+        reax->sbp[i].eta        = 2.0 * val;
+        /* this is the parameter that is used to determine
+           which type of atoms participate in h-bonds.
+           1 is for H - 2 for O, N, S - 0 for all others.*/
+        val = atof(tmp[7]);
+        reax->sbp[i].p_hbond = (int)(val + 0.1);
+        //0.1 is to avoid from truncating down!
+        /* line 3 */
+        fgets( s, MAX_LINE, fp );
+        c = Tokenize( s, &tmp );
+        val = atof(tmp[0]);
+        reax->sbp[i].r_pi_pi    = val;
+        val = atof(tmp[1]);
+        reax->sbp[i].p_lp2      = val;
+        val = atof(tmp[2]);
+        val = atof(tmp[3]);
+        reax->sbp[i].b_o_131    = val;
+        val = atof(tmp[4]);
+        reax->sbp[i].b_o_132    = val;
+        val = atof(tmp[5]);
+        reax->sbp[i].b_o_133    = val;
+        val = atof(tmp[6]);
+        val = atof(tmp[7]);
+        /* line 4  */
+        fgets( s, MAX_LINE, fp );
+        c = Tokenize( s, &tmp );
+        val = atof(tmp[0]);
+        reax->sbp[i].p_ovun2    = val;
+        val = atof(tmp[1]);
+        reax->sbp[i].p_val3     = val;
+        val = atof(tmp[2]);
+        val = atof(tmp[3]);
+        reax->sbp[i].valency_val = val;
+        val = atof(tmp[4]);
+        reax->sbp[i].p_val5     = val;
+        val = atof(tmp[5]);
+        reax->sbp[i].rcore2     = val;
+        val = atof(tmp[6]);
+        reax->sbp[i].ecore2     = val;
+        val = atof(tmp[7]);
+        reax->sbp[i].acore2     = val;
+        if ( reax->sbp[i].rcore2 > 0.01 && reax->sbp[i].acore2 > 0.01 ) // Inner-wall
+        {
+            if ( reax->sbp[i].gamma_w > 0.5 ) // Shielding vdWaals
+            {
+                if ( reax->gp.vdw_type != 0 && reax->gp.vdw_type != 3 )
+                    fprintf( stderr, "Warning: inconsistent vdWaals-parameters\n" \
+                             "Force field parameters for element %s\n"        \
+                             "indicate inner wall+shielding, but earlier\n"   \
+                             "atoms indicate different vdWaals-method.\n"     \
+                             "This may cause division-by-zero errors.\n"      \
+                             "Keeping vdWaals-setting for earlier atoms.\n",
+                             reax->sbp[i].name );
+                else
+                {
+                    reax->gp.vdw_type = 3;
 #if defined(DEBUG)
-	  fprintf( stderr, "vdWaals type for element %s: Shielding+inner-wall",
-		   reax->sbp[i].name );
+                    fprintf( stderr, "vdWaals type for element %s: Shielding+inner-wall",
+                             reax->sbp[i].name );
-	}
-      }
-      else {  // No shielding vdWaals parameters present
-	if( reax->gp.vdw_type != 0 && reax->gp.vdw_type != 2 )
-	  fprintf( stderr, "Warning: inconsistent vdWaals-parameters\n"	\
-		   "Force field parameters for element %s\n"		\
-		   "indicate inner wall without shielding, but earlier\n" \
-		   "atoms indicate different vdWaals-method.\n"		\
-		   "This may cause division-by-zero errors.\n"		\
-		   "Keeping vdWaals-setting for earlier atoms.\n", 
-		   reax->sbp[i].name );
-	else{
-	  reax->gp.vdw_type = 2;
+                }
+            }
+            else    // No shielding vdWaals parameters present
+            {
+                if ( reax->gp.vdw_type != 0 && reax->gp.vdw_type != 2 )
+                    fprintf( stderr, "Warning: inconsistent vdWaals-parameters\n" \
+                             "Force field parameters for element %s\n"        \
+                             "indicate inner wall without shielding, but earlier\n" \
+                             "atoms indicate different vdWaals-method.\n"     \
+                             "This may cause division-by-zero errors.\n"      \
+                             "Keeping vdWaals-setting for earlier atoms.\n",
+                             reax->sbp[i].name );
+                else
+                {
+                    reax->gp.vdw_type = 2;
 #if defined(DEBUG)
-	  fprintf( stderr,"vdWaals type for element%s: No Shielding,inner-wall",
-		   reax->sbp[i].name );
+                    fprintf( stderr, "vdWaals type for element%s: No Shielding,inner-wall",
+                             reax->sbp[i].name );
-	}
-      }
-    }
-    else{ // No Inner wall parameters present
-      if( reax->sbp[i].gamma_w>0.5 ){ // Shielding vdWaals
-	if( reax->gp.vdw_type != 0 && reax->gp.vdw_type != 1 )
-	  fprintf( stderr, "Warning: inconsistent vdWaals-parameters\n"	\
-		   "Force field parameters for element %s\n"		\
-		   "indicate  shielding without inner wall, but earlier\n" \
-		   "atoms indicate different vdWaals-method.\n"		\
-		   "This may cause division-by-zero errors.\n"		\
-		   "Keeping vdWaals-setting for earlier atoms.\n", 
-		   reax->sbp[i].name );
-	else{
-	  reax->gp.vdw_type = 1;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        else  // No Inner wall parameters present
+        {
+            if ( reax->sbp[i].gamma_w > 0.5 ) // Shielding vdWaals
+            {
+                if ( reax->gp.vdw_type != 0 && reax->gp.vdw_type != 1 )
+                    fprintf( stderr, "Warning: inconsistent vdWaals-parameters\n" \
+                             "Force field parameters for element %s\n"        \
+                             "indicate  shielding without inner wall, but earlier\n" \
+                             "atoms indicate different vdWaals-method.\n"     \
+                             "This may cause division-by-zero errors.\n"      \
+                             "Keeping vdWaals-setting for earlier atoms.\n",
+                             reax->sbp[i].name );
+                else
+                {
+                    reax->gp.vdw_type = 1;
 #if defined(DEBUG)
-	  fprintf( stderr,"vdWaals type for element%s: Shielding,no inner-wall",
-		   reax->sbp[i].name );
+                    fprintf( stderr, "vdWaals type for element%s: Shielding,no inner-wall",
+                             reax->sbp[i].name );
-	}
-      }
-      else{
-	fprintf( stderr, "Error: inconsistent vdWaals-parameters\n"\
-		 "No shielding or inner-wall set for element %s\n",
-		 reax->sbp[i].name );
-	exit( INVALID_INPUT );
-      }
-    } 
-  }
-  /* next line is number of two body combination and some comments */
-  fgets(s,MAX_LINE,fp);
-  c=Tokenize(s,&tmp);
-  l = atoi(tmp[0]);
-  /* a line of comments */
-  fgets(s,MAX_LINE,fp);
-  for (i=0; i < l; i++)
-    {
-      /* line 1 */
-      fgets(s,MAX_LINE,fp);
-      c=Tokenize(s,&tmp);
-      j = atoi(tmp[0]) - 1;
-      k = atoi(tmp[1]) - 1;
-      if (j < reax->num_atom_types && k < reax->num_atom_types)
-	{
-	  val = atof(tmp[2]); reax->tbp[j][k].De_s      = val;
-	  reax->tbp[k][j].De_s      = val;
-	  val = atof(tmp[3]); reax->tbp[j][k].De_p      = val;
-	  reax->tbp[k][j].De_p      = val;
-	  val = atof(tmp[4]); reax->tbp[j][k].De_pp     = val;
-	  reax->tbp[k][j].De_pp     = val;
-	  val = atof(tmp[5]); reax->tbp[j][k].p_be1     = val;
-	  reax->tbp[k][j].p_be1     = val;
-	  val = atof(tmp[6]); reax->tbp[j][k].p_bo5     = val;
-	  reax->tbp[k][j].p_bo5     = val;
-	  val = atof(tmp[7]); reax->tbp[j][k].v13cor    = val;
-	  reax->tbp[k][j].v13cor    = val;
-	  val = atof(tmp[8]); reax->tbp[j][k].p_bo6     = val;
-	  reax->tbp[k][j].p_bo6     = val;
-	  val = atof(tmp[9]); reax->tbp[j][k].p_ovun1 = val;
-	  reax->tbp[k][j].p_ovun1 = val;
-	  /* line 2 */
-	  fgets(s,MAX_LINE,fp);
-	  c=Tokenize(s,&tmp);
-	  val = atof(tmp[0]); reax->tbp[j][k].p_be2     = val;
-	  reax->tbp[k][j].p_be2     = val;
-	  val = atof(tmp[1]); reax->tbp[j][k].p_bo3     = val;
-	  reax->tbp[k][j].p_bo3     = val;
-	  val = atof(tmp[2]); reax->tbp[j][k].p_bo4     = val;
-	  reax->tbp[k][j].p_bo4     = val;
-	  val = atof(tmp[3]); 
-	  val = atof(tmp[4]); reax->tbp[j][k].p_bo1     = val;
-	  reax->tbp[k][j].p_bo1     = val;
-	  val = atof(tmp[5]); reax->tbp[j][k].p_bo2     = val;
-	  reax->tbp[k][j].p_bo2     = val;
-	  val = atof(tmp[6]); reax->tbp[j][k].ovc       = val;
-	  reax->tbp[k][j].ovc       = val;
-	  val = atof(tmp[7]); 
-	}
+                }
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                fprintf( stderr, "Error: inconsistent vdWaals-parameters\n"\
+                         "No shielding or inner-wall set for element %s\n",
+                         reax->sbp[i].name );
+                exit( INVALID_INPUT );
+            }
+        }
-  /* calculating combination rules and filling up remaining fields. */
-  for (i=0; i < reax->num_atom_types; i++)
-    for (j=i; j < reax->num_atom_types; j++)
-      {
-	reax->tbp[i][j].r_s = 0.5 *
-	  (reax->sbp[i].r_s + reax->sbp[j].r_s);
-	reax->tbp[j][i].r_s = 0.5 *
-	  (reax->sbp[j].r_s + reax->sbp[i].r_s);
-	reax->tbp[i][j].r_p = 0.5 *
-	  (reax->sbp[i].r_pi + reax->sbp[j].r_pi);
-	reax->tbp[j][i].r_p = 0.5 *
-	  (reax->sbp[j].r_pi + reax->sbp[i].r_pi);
-	reax->tbp[i][j].r_pp = 0.5 *
-	  (reax->sbp[i].r_pi_pi + reax->sbp[j].r_pi_pi);
-	reax->tbp[j][i].r_pp = 0.5 *
-	  (reax->sbp[j].r_pi_pi + reax->sbp[i].r_pi_pi);
-	reax->tbp[i][j].p_boc3 = 
-	  sqrt(reax->sbp[i].b_o_132 *
-	       reax->sbp[j].b_o_132);
-	reax->tbp[j][i].p_boc3 = 
-	  sqrt(reax->sbp[j].b_o_132 *
-	       reax->sbp[i].b_o_132);
-	reax->tbp[i][j].p_boc4 = 
-	  sqrt(reax->sbp[i].b_o_131 *
-	       reax->sbp[j].b_o_131);
-	reax->tbp[j][i].p_boc4 = 
-	  sqrt(reax->sbp[j].b_o_131 *
-	       reax->sbp[i].b_o_131);
-	reax->tbp[i][j].p_boc5 = 
-	  sqrt(reax->sbp[i].b_o_133 *
-	       reax->sbp[j].b_o_133);
-	reax->tbp[j][i].p_boc5 = 
-	  sqrt(reax->sbp[j].b_o_133 *
-	       reax->sbp[i].b_o_133);
-	reax->tbp[i][j].D = 
-	  sqrt(reax->sbp[i].epsilon *
-	       reax->sbp[j].epsilon);
-	reax->tbp[j][i].D = 
-	  sqrt(reax->sbp[j].epsilon *
-	       reax->sbp[i].epsilon);
-	reax->tbp[i][j].alpha = 
-	  sqrt(reax->sbp[i].alpha *
-	       reax->sbp[j].alpha);
-	reax->tbp[j][i].alpha = 
-	  sqrt(reax->sbp[j].alpha *
-	       reax->sbp[i].alpha);
-	reax->tbp[i][j].r_vdW = 
-	  2.0 * sqrt(reax->sbp[i].r_vdw * reax->sbp[j].r_vdw);
-	reax->tbp[j][i].r_vdW =
-	  2.0 * sqrt(reax->sbp[j].r_vdw * reax->sbp[i].r_vdw);
-	reax->tbp[i][j].gamma_w =
-	  sqrt(reax->sbp[i].gamma_w *
-	       reax->sbp[j].gamma_w);
-	reax->tbp[j][i].gamma_w =
-	  sqrt(reax->sbp[j].gamma_w *
-	       reax->sbp[i].gamma_w);
-	reax->tbp[i][j].gamma =
-	  POW(reax->sbp[i].gamma *
-	      reax->sbp[j].gamma,-1.5);
-	reax->tbp[j][i].gamma =
-	  POW(reax->sbp[j].gamma *
-	      reax->sbp[i].gamma,-1.5);
-      }
-  /* next line is number of 2-body offdiagonal combinations and some comments */
-  /* these are two body offdiagonal terms that are different from the
-     combination rules defined above */
-  fgets(s,MAX_LINE,fp);
-  c=Tokenize(s,&tmp);
-  l = atoi(tmp[0]);
-  for (i=0; i < l; i++)
-    {
-      fgets(s,MAX_LINE,fp);
-      c=Tokenize(s,&tmp);
-      j = atoi(tmp[0]) - 1;
-      k = atoi(tmp[1]) - 1;
-      if (j < reax->num_atom_types && k < reax->num_atom_types)
-	{
-	  val = atof(tmp[2]); 
-	  if (val > 0.0)
-	    {
-	      reax->tbp[j][k].D = val;
-	      reax->tbp[k][j].D = val;
-	    }
-	  val = atof(tmp[3]); 
-	  if (val > 0.0)
-	    {
-	      reax->tbp[j][k].r_vdW = 2 * val;
-	      reax->tbp[k][j].r_vdW = 2 * val;
-	    }
-	  val = atof(tmp[4]); 
-	  if (val > 0.0)
-	    {
-	      reax->tbp[j][k].alpha = val;
-	      reax->tbp[k][j].alpha = val;
-	    }
-	  val = atof(tmp[5]); 
-	  if (val > 0.0)
-	    {
-	      reax->tbp[j][k].r_s = val;
-	      reax->tbp[k][j].r_s = val;
-	    }
-	  val = atof(tmp[6]); 
-	  if (val > 0.0)
-	    {
-	      reax->tbp[j][k].r_p = val;
-	      reax->tbp[k][j].r_p = val;
-	    }
-	  val = atof(tmp[7]); 
-	  if (val > 0.0)
-	    {
-	      reax->tbp[j][k].r_pp = val;
-	      reax->tbp[k][j].r_pp = val;
-	    }
-	}
-    }
-  /* 3-body parameters - 
-     supports multi-well potentials (upto MAX_3BODY_PARAM in mytypes.h) */
-  /* clear entries first */
-  for( i = 0; i < reax->num_atom_types; ++i )
-    for( j = 0; j < reax->num_atom_types; ++j )
-      for( k = 0; k < reax->num_atom_types; ++k )
-	reax->thbp[i][j][k].cnt = 0;
-  /* next line is number of 3-body params and some comments */	
-  fgets( s, MAX_LINE, fp );
-  c = Tokenize( s, &tmp );
-  l = atoi( tmp[0] );
-  for( i = 0; i < l; i++ )
-    {
-      fgets(s,MAX_LINE,fp);
-      c=Tokenize(s,&tmp);
-      j = atoi(tmp[0]) - 1;
-      k = atoi(tmp[1]) - 1;
-      m = atoi(tmp[2]) - 1;
-      if (j < reax->num_atom_types && 
-	  k < reax->num_atom_types && 
-	  m < reax->num_atom_types)
-	{
-	  cnt = reax->thbp[j][k][m].cnt;
-	  reax->thbp[j][k][m].cnt++;
-	  reax->thbp[m][k][j].cnt++;
-	  val = atof(tmp[3]); 
-	  reax->thbp[j][k][m].prm[cnt].theta_00 = val;
-	  reax->thbp[m][k][j].prm[cnt].theta_00 = val;
-	  val = atof(tmp[4]); 
-	  reax->thbp[j][k][m].prm[cnt].p_val1 = val;
-	  reax->thbp[m][k][j].prm[cnt].p_val1 = val;
-	  val = atof(tmp[5]); 
-	  reax->thbp[j][k][m].prm[cnt].p_val2 = val;
-	  reax->thbp[m][k][j].prm[cnt].p_val2 = val;
-	  val = atof(tmp[6]); 
-	  reax->thbp[j][k][m].prm[cnt].p_coa1 = val;
-	  reax->thbp[m][k][j].prm[cnt].p_coa1 = val;
-	  val = atof(tmp[7]); 
-	  reax->thbp[j][k][m].prm[cnt].p_val7 = val;
-	  reax->thbp[m][k][j].prm[cnt].p_val7 = val;
-	  val = atof(tmp[8]); 
-	  reax->thbp[j][k][m].prm[cnt].p_pen1 = val;
-	  reax->thbp[m][k][j].prm[cnt].p_pen1 = val;
-	  val = atof(tmp[9]); 
-	  reax->thbp[j][k][m].prm[cnt].p_val4 = val;
-	  reax->thbp[m][k][j].prm[cnt].p_val4 = val;	  
-	}
-    }
+    /* next line is number of two body combination and some comments */
+    fgets(s, MAX_LINE, fp);
+    c = Tokenize(s, &tmp);
+    l = atoi(tmp[0]);
-  /* 4-body parameters are entered in compact form. i.e. 0-X-Y-0
-     correspond to any type of pair of atoms in 1 and 4
-     position. However, explicit X-Y-Z-W takes precedence over the
-     default description.
-     supports multi-well potentials (upto MAX_4BODY_PARAM in mytypes.h)
-     IMPORTANT: for now, directions on how to read multi-entries from ffield 
-     is not clear */
-  /* clear all entries first */
-  for( i = 0; i < reax->num_atom_types; ++i )
-    for( j = 0; j < reax->num_atom_types; ++j )
-      for( k = 0; k < reax->num_atom_types; ++k )
-	for( m = 0; m < reax->num_atom_types; ++m )
-	  {
-	    reax->fbp[i][j][k][m].cnt = 0;
-	    tor_flag[i][j][k][m] = 0;
-	  }
-  /* next line is number of 4-body params and some comments */
-  fgets( s, MAX_LINE, fp );
-  c = Tokenize( s, &tmp );
-  l = atoi( tmp[0] );
-  for( i = 0; i < l; i++ )
+    /* a line of comments */
+    fgets(s, MAX_LINE, fp);
+    for (i = 0; i < l; i++)
-      fgets( s, MAX_LINE, fp );
-      c = Tokenize( s, &tmp );
-      j = atoi(tmp[0]) - 1;
-      k = atoi(tmp[1]) - 1;
-      m = atoi(tmp[2]) - 1;
-      n = atoi(tmp[3]) - 1;
-      if (j >= 0 && n >= 0) // this means the entry is not in compact form
-	{
-	  if (j < reax->num_atom_types && 
-	      k < reax->num_atom_types && 
-	      m < reax->num_atom_types && 
-	      n < reax->num_atom_types)
-	    {
-	      /* these flags ensure that this entry take precedence
-		 over the compact form entries */
-	      tor_flag[j][k][m][n] = 1;
-	      tor_flag[n][m][k][j] = 1;
-	      reax->fbp[j][k][m][n].cnt = 1;
-	      reax->fbp[n][m][k][j].cnt = 1;
-	      /* cnt = reax->fbp[j][k][m][n].cnt;
-		 reax->fbp[j][k][m][n].cnt++;
-		 reax->fbp[n][m][k][j].cnt++; */
-	      val = atof(tmp[4]); 
-	      reax->fbp[j][k][m][n].prm[0].V1 = val;
-	      reax->fbp[n][m][k][j].prm[0].V1 = val;
-	      val = atof(tmp[5]); 
-	      reax->fbp[j][k][m][n].prm[0].V2 = val;
-	      reax->fbp[n][m][k][j].prm[0].V2 = val;
-	      val = atof(tmp[6]); 
-	      reax->fbp[j][k][m][n].prm[0].V3 = val;
-	      reax->fbp[n][m][k][j].prm[0].V3 = val;
-	      val = atof(tmp[7]); 
-	      reax->fbp[j][k][m][n].prm[0].p_tor1 = val;
-	      reax->fbp[n][m][k][j].prm[0].p_tor1 = val;
-	      val = atof(tmp[8]); 
-	      reax->fbp[j][k][m][n].prm[0].p_cot1 = val;
-	      reax->fbp[n][m][k][j].prm[0].p_cot1 = val;	      
-	    }
-	}      
-      else /* This means the entry is of the form 0-X-Y-0 */
-	{
-	  if( k < reax->num_atom_types && m < reax->num_atom_types )
-	    for( p = 0; p < reax->num_atom_types; p++ )
-	      for( o = 0; o < reax->num_atom_types; o++ )
-		{
-		  reax->fbp[p][k][m][o].cnt = 1;
-		  reax->fbp[o][m][k][p].cnt = 1;
-		  /* cnt = reax->fbp[p][k][m][o].cnt;
-		     reax->fbp[p][k][m][o].cnt++;
-		     reax->fbp[o][m][k][p].cnt++; */
-		  if (tor_flag[p][k][m][o] == 0) 
-		    {
-		      reax->fbp[p][k][m][o].prm[0].V1 = atof(tmp[4]);
-		      reax->fbp[p][k][m][o].prm[0].V2 = atof(tmp[5]);
-		      reax->fbp[p][k][m][o].prm[0].V3 = atof(tmp[6]);
-		      reax->fbp[p][k][m][o].prm[0].p_tor1 = atof(tmp[7]);
-		      reax->fbp[p][k][m][o].prm[0].p_cot1 = atof(tmp[8]);
-		    }
-		  if (tor_flag[o][m][k][p] == 0)
-		    {
-		      reax->fbp[o][m][k][p].prm[0].V1 = atof(tmp[4]);
-		      reax->fbp[o][m][k][p].prm[0].V2 = atof(tmp[5]);
-		      reax->fbp[o][m][k][p].prm[0].V3 = atof(tmp[6]);
-		      reax->fbp[o][m][k][p].prm[0].p_tor1 = atof(tmp[7]);
-		      reax->fbp[o][m][k][p].prm[0].p_cot1 = atof(tmp[8]);
-		    }		
-		}
-	}
-    }
+        /* line 1 */
+        fgets(s, MAX_LINE, fp);
+        c = Tokenize(s, &tmp);
+        j = atoi(tmp[0]) - 1;
+        k = atoi(tmp[1]) - 1;
+        if (j < reax->num_atom_types && k < reax->num_atom_types)
+        {
+            val = atof(tmp[2]);
+            reax->tbp[j][k].De_s      = val;
+            reax->tbp[k][j].De_s      = val;
+            val = atof(tmp[3]);
+            reax->tbp[j][k].De_p      = val;
+            reax->tbp[k][j].De_p      = val;
+            val = atof(tmp[4]);
+            reax->tbp[j][k].De_pp     = val;
+            reax->tbp[k][j].De_pp     = val;
+            val = atof(tmp[5]);
+            reax->tbp[j][k].p_be1     = val;
+            reax->tbp[k][j].p_be1     = val;
+            val = atof(tmp[6]);
+            reax->tbp[j][k].p_bo5     = val;
+            reax->tbp[k][j].p_bo5     = val;
+            val = atof(tmp[7]);
+            reax->tbp[j][k].v13cor    = val;
+            reax->tbp[k][j].v13cor    = val;
+            val = atof(tmp[8]);
+            reax->tbp[j][k].p_bo6     = val;
+            reax->tbp[k][j].p_bo6     = val;
+            val = atof(tmp[9]);
+            reax->tbp[j][k].p_ovun1 = val;
+            reax->tbp[k][j].p_ovun1 = val;
+            /* line 2 */
+            fgets(s, MAX_LINE, fp);
+            c = Tokenize(s, &tmp);
+            val = atof(tmp[0]);
+            reax->tbp[j][k].p_be2     = val;
+            reax->tbp[k][j].p_be2     = val;
+            val = atof(tmp[1]);
+            reax->tbp[j][k].p_bo3     = val;
+            reax->tbp[k][j].p_bo3     = val;
+            val = atof(tmp[2]);
+            reax->tbp[j][k].p_bo4     = val;
+            reax->tbp[k][j].p_bo4     = val;
+            val = atof(tmp[3]);
+            val = atof(tmp[4]);
+            reax->tbp[j][k].p_bo1     = val;
+            reax->tbp[k][j].p_bo1     = val;
+            val = atof(tmp[5]);
+            reax->tbp[j][k].p_bo2     = val;
+            reax->tbp[k][j].p_bo2     = val;
+            val = atof(tmp[6]);
+            reax->tbp[j][k].ovc       = val;
+            reax->tbp[k][j].ovc       = val;
+            val = atof(tmp[7]);
+        }
+    }
+    /* calculating combination rules and filling up remaining fields. */
+    for (i = 0; i < reax->num_atom_types; i++)
+        for (j = i; j < reax->num_atom_types; j++)
+        {
+            reax->tbp[i][j].r_s = 0.5 *
+                                  (reax->sbp[i].r_s + reax->sbp[j].r_s);
+            reax->tbp[j][i].r_s = 0.5 *
+                                  (reax->sbp[j].r_s + reax->sbp[i].r_s);
+            reax->tbp[i][j].r_p = 0.5 *
+                                  (reax->sbp[i].r_pi + reax->sbp[j].r_pi);
+            reax->tbp[j][i].r_p = 0.5 *
+                                  (reax->sbp[j].r_pi + reax->sbp[i].r_pi);
+            reax->tbp[i][j].r_pp = 0.5 *
+                                   (reax->sbp[i].r_pi_pi + reax->sbp[j].r_pi_pi);
+            reax->tbp[j][i].r_pp = 0.5 *
+                                   (reax->sbp[j].r_pi_pi + reax->sbp[i].r_pi_pi);
+            reax->tbp[i][j].p_boc3 =
+                sqrt(reax->sbp[i].b_o_132 *
+                     reax->sbp[j].b_o_132);
+            reax->tbp[j][i].p_boc3 =
+                sqrt(reax->sbp[j].b_o_132 *
+                     reax->sbp[i].b_o_132);
+            reax->tbp[i][j].p_boc4 =
+                sqrt(reax->sbp[i].b_o_131 *
+                     reax->sbp[j].b_o_131);
+            reax->tbp[j][i].p_boc4 =
+                sqrt(reax->sbp[j].b_o_131 *
+                     reax->sbp[i].b_o_131);
+            reax->tbp[i][j].p_boc5 =
+                sqrt(reax->sbp[i].b_o_133 *
+                     reax->sbp[j].b_o_133);
+            reax->tbp[j][i].p_boc5 =
+                sqrt(reax->sbp[j].b_o_133 *
+                     reax->sbp[i].b_o_133);
+            reax->tbp[i][j].D =
+                sqrt(reax->sbp[i].epsilon *
+                     reax->sbp[j].epsilon);
+            reax->tbp[j][i].D =
+                sqrt(reax->sbp[j].epsilon *
+                     reax->sbp[i].epsilon);
+            reax->tbp[i][j].alpha =
+                sqrt(reax->sbp[i].alpha *
+                     reax->sbp[j].alpha);
+            reax->tbp[j][i].alpha =
+                sqrt(reax->sbp[j].alpha *
+                     reax->sbp[i].alpha);
+            reax->tbp[i][j].r_vdW =
+                2.0 * sqrt(reax->sbp[i].r_vdw * reax->sbp[j].r_vdw);
+            reax->tbp[j][i].r_vdW =
+                2.0 * sqrt(reax->sbp[j].r_vdw * reax->sbp[i].r_vdw);
+            reax->tbp[i][j].gamma_w =
+                sqrt(reax->sbp[i].gamma_w *
+                     reax->sbp[j].gamma_w);
+            reax->tbp[j][i].gamma_w =
+                sqrt(reax->sbp[j].gamma_w *
+                     reax->sbp[i].gamma_w);
+            reax->tbp[i][j].gamma =
+                POW(reax->sbp[i].gamma *
+                    reax->sbp[j].gamma, -1.5);
+            reax->tbp[j][i].gamma =
+                POW(reax->sbp[j].gamma *
+                    reax->sbp[i].gamma, -1.5);
+        }
+    /* next line is number of 2-body offdiagonal combinations and some comments */
+    /* these are two body offdiagonal terms that are different from the
+       combination rules defined above */
+    fgets(s, MAX_LINE, fp);
+    c = Tokenize(s, &tmp);
+    l = atoi(tmp[0]);
+    for (i = 0; i < l; i++)
+    {
+        fgets(s, MAX_LINE, fp);
+        c = Tokenize(s, &tmp);
+        j = atoi(tmp[0]) - 1;
+        k = atoi(tmp[1]) - 1;
+        if (j < reax->num_atom_types && k < reax->num_atom_types)
+        {
+            val = atof(tmp[2]);
+            if (val > 0.0)
+            {
+                reax->tbp[j][k].D = val;
+                reax->tbp[k][j].D = val;
+            }
+            val = atof(tmp[3]);
+            if (val > 0.0)
+            {
+                reax->tbp[j][k].r_vdW = 2 * val;
+                reax->tbp[k][j].r_vdW = 2 * val;
+            }
+            val = atof(tmp[4]);
+            if (val > 0.0)
+            {
+                reax->tbp[j][k].alpha = val;
+                reax->tbp[k][j].alpha = val;
+            }
+            val = atof(tmp[5]);
+            if (val > 0.0)
+            {
+                reax->tbp[j][k].r_s = val;
+                reax->tbp[k][j].r_s = val;
+            }
+            val = atof(tmp[6]);
+            if (val > 0.0)
+            {
+                reax->tbp[j][k].r_p = val;
+                reax->tbp[k][j].r_p = val;
+            }
+            val = atof(tmp[7]);
+            if (val > 0.0)
+            {
+                reax->tbp[j][k].r_pp = val;
+                reax->tbp[k][j].r_pp = val;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    /* 3-body parameters -
+       supports multi-well potentials (upto MAX_3BODY_PARAM in mytypes.h) */
+    /* clear entries first */
+    for ( i = 0; i < reax->num_atom_types; ++i )
+        for ( j = 0; j < reax->num_atom_types; ++j )
+            for ( k = 0; k < reax->num_atom_types; ++k )
+                reax->thbp[i][j][k].cnt = 0;
+    /* next line is number of 3-body params and some comments */
+    fgets( s, MAX_LINE, fp );
+    c = Tokenize( s, &tmp );
+    l = atoi( tmp[0] );
+    for ( i = 0; i < l; i++ )
+    {
+        fgets(s, MAX_LINE, fp);
+        c = Tokenize(s, &tmp);
+        j = atoi(tmp[0]) - 1;
+        k = atoi(tmp[1]) - 1;
+        m = atoi(tmp[2]) - 1;
+        if (j < reax->num_atom_types &&
+                k < reax->num_atom_types &&
+                m < reax->num_atom_types)
+        {
+            cnt = reax->thbp[j][k][m].cnt;
+            reax->thbp[j][k][m].cnt++;
+            reax->thbp[m][k][j].cnt++;
+            val = atof(tmp[3]);
+            reax->thbp[j][k][m].prm[cnt].theta_00 = val;
+            reax->thbp[m][k][j].prm[cnt].theta_00 = val;
+            val = atof(tmp[4]);
+            reax->thbp[j][k][m].prm[cnt].p_val1 = val;
+            reax->thbp[m][k][j].prm[cnt].p_val1 = val;
+            val = atof(tmp[5]);
+            reax->thbp[j][k][m].prm[cnt].p_val2 = val;
+            reax->thbp[m][k][j].prm[cnt].p_val2 = val;
+            val = atof(tmp[6]);
+            reax->thbp[j][k][m].prm[cnt].p_coa1 = val;
+            reax->thbp[m][k][j].prm[cnt].p_coa1 = val;
+            val = atof(tmp[7]);
+            reax->thbp[j][k][m].prm[cnt].p_val7 = val;
+            reax->thbp[m][k][j].prm[cnt].p_val7 = val;
+            val = atof(tmp[8]);
+            reax->thbp[j][k][m].prm[cnt].p_pen1 = val;
+            reax->thbp[m][k][j].prm[cnt].p_pen1 = val;
+            val = atof(tmp[9]);
+            reax->thbp[j][k][m].prm[cnt].p_val4 = val;
+            reax->thbp[m][k][j].prm[cnt].p_val4 = val;
+        }
+    }
+    /* 4-body parameters are entered in compact form. i.e. 0-X-Y-0
+       correspond to any type of pair of atoms in 1 and 4
+       position. However, explicit X-Y-Z-W takes precedence over the
+       default description.
+       supports multi-well potentials (upto MAX_4BODY_PARAM in mytypes.h)
+       IMPORTANT: for now, directions on how to read multi-entries from ffield
+       is not clear */
+    /* clear all entries first */
+    for ( i = 0; i < reax->num_atom_types; ++i )
+        for ( j = 0; j < reax->num_atom_types; ++j )
+            for ( k = 0; k < reax->num_atom_types; ++k )
+                for ( m = 0; m < reax->num_atom_types; ++m )
+                {
+                    reax->fbp[i][j][k][m].cnt = 0;
+                    tor_flag[i][j][k][m] = 0;
+                }
+    /* next line is number of 4-body params and some comments */
+    fgets( s, MAX_LINE, fp );
+    c = Tokenize( s, &tmp );
+    l = atoi( tmp[0] );
-  /* next line is number of hydrogen bond params and some comments */
-  fgets( s, MAX_LINE, fp );
-  c = Tokenize( s, &tmp );
-  l = atoi( tmp[0] );
+    for ( i = 0; i < l; i++ )
+    {
+        fgets( s, MAX_LINE, fp );
+        c = Tokenize( s, &tmp );
+        j = atoi(tmp[0]) - 1;
+        k = atoi(tmp[1]) - 1;
+        m = atoi(tmp[2]) - 1;
+        n = atoi(tmp[3]) - 1;
+        if (j >= 0 && n >= 0) // this means the entry is not in compact form
+        {
+            if (j < reax->num_atom_types &&
+                    k < reax->num_atom_types &&
+                    m < reax->num_atom_types &&
+                    n < reax->num_atom_types)
+            {
+                /* these flags ensure that this entry take precedence
+                over the compact form entries */
+                tor_flag[j][k][m][n] = 1;
+                tor_flag[n][m][k][j] = 1;
+                reax->fbp[j][k][m][n].cnt = 1;
+                reax->fbp[n][m][k][j].cnt = 1;
+                /* cnt = reax->fbp[j][k][m][n].cnt;
+                reax->fbp[j][k][m][n].cnt++;
+                 reax->fbp[n][m][k][j].cnt++; */
+                val = atof(tmp[4]);
+                reax->fbp[j][k][m][n].prm[0].V1 = val;
+                reax->fbp[n][m][k][j].prm[0].V1 = val;
+                val = atof(tmp[5]);
+                reax->fbp[j][k][m][n].prm[0].V2 = val;
+                reax->fbp[n][m][k][j].prm[0].V2 = val;
+                val = atof(tmp[6]);
+                reax->fbp[j][k][m][n].prm[0].V3 = val;
+                reax->fbp[n][m][k][j].prm[0].V3 = val;
+                val = atof(tmp[7]);
+                reax->fbp[j][k][m][n].prm[0].p_tor1 = val;
+                reax->fbp[n][m][k][j].prm[0].p_tor1 = val;
+                val = atof(tmp[8]);
+                reax->fbp[j][k][m][n].prm[0].p_cot1 = val;
+                reax->fbp[n][m][k][j].prm[0].p_cot1 = val;
+            }
+        }
+        else /* This means the entry is of the form 0-X-Y-0 */
+        {
+            if ( k < reax->num_atom_types && m < reax->num_atom_types )
+                for ( p = 0; p < reax->num_atom_types; p++ )
+                    for ( o = 0; o < reax->num_atom_types; o++ )
+                    {
+                        reax->fbp[p][k][m][o].cnt = 1;
+                        reax->fbp[o][m][k][p].cnt = 1;
+                        /* cnt = reax->fbp[p][k][m][o].cnt;
+                           reax->fbp[p][k][m][o].cnt++;
+                           reax->fbp[o][m][k][p].cnt++; */
+                        if (tor_flag[p][k][m][o] == 0)
+                        {
+                            reax->fbp[p][k][m][o].prm[0].V1 = atof(tmp[4]);
+                            reax->fbp[p][k][m][o].prm[0].V2 = atof(tmp[5]);
+                            reax->fbp[p][k][m][o].prm[0].V3 = atof(tmp[6]);
+                            reax->fbp[p][k][m][o].prm[0].p_tor1 = atof(tmp[7]);
+                            reax->fbp[p][k][m][o].prm[0].p_cot1 = atof(tmp[8]);
+                        }
+                        if (tor_flag[o][m][k][p] == 0)
+                        {
+                            reax->fbp[o][m][k][p].prm[0].V1 = atof(tmp[4]);
+                            reax->fbp[o][m][k][p].prm[0].V2 = atof(tmp[5]);
+                            reax->fbp[o][m][k][p].prm[0].V3 = atof(tmp[6]);
+                            reax->fbp[o][m][k][p].prm[0].p_tor1 = atof(tmp[7]);
+                            reax->fbp[o][m][k][p].prm[0].p_cot1 = atof(tmp[8]);
+                        }
+                    }
+        }
+    }
+    /* next line is number of hydrogen bond params and some comments */
+    fgets( s, MAX_LINE, fp );
+    c = Tokenize( s, &tmp );
+    l = atoi( tmp[0] );
-  for( i = 0; i < l; i++ )
+    for ( i = 0; i < l; i++ )
-      fgets( s, MAX_LINE, fp );
-      c = Tokenize( s, &tmp );
-      j = atoi(tmp[0]) - 1;
-      k = atoi(tmp[1]) - 1;
-      m = atoi(tmp[2]) - 1;
+        fgets( s, MAX_LINE, fp );
+        c = Tokenize( s, &tmp );
+        j = atoi(tmp[0]) - 1;
+        k = atoi(tmp[1]) - 1;
+        m = atoi(tmp[2]) - 1;
-      if (j < reax->num_atom_types && m < reax->num_atom_types)
-	{
-	  val = atof(tmp[3]); 
-	  reax->hbp[j][k][m].r0_hb = val;
+        if (j < reax->num_atom_types && m < reax->num_atom_types)
+        {
+            val = atof(tmp[3]);
+            reax->hbp[j][k][m].r0_hb = val;
-	  val = atof(tmp[4]); 
-	  reax->hbp[j][k][m].p_hb1 = val;
+            val = atof(tmp[4]);
+            reax->hbp[j][k][m].p_hb1 = val;
-	  val = atof(tmp[5]); 
-	  reax->hbp[j][k][m].p_hb2 = val;
+            val = atof(tmp[5]);
+            reax->hbp[j][k][m].p_hb2 = val;
-	  val = atof(tmp[6]); 
-	  reax->hbp[j][k][m].p_hb3 = val;
+            val = atof(tmp[6]);
+            reax->hbp[j][k][m].p_hb3 = val;
-	}
+        }
-  /* deallocate helper storage */
-  for( i = 0; i < MAX_TOKENS; i++ )
-    free( tmp[i] );
-  free( tmp );
-  free( s );
+    /* deallocate helper storage */
+    for ( i = 0; i < MAX_TOKENS; i++ )
+        free( tmp[i] );
+    free( tmp );
+    free( s );
-  /* deallocate tor_flag */
-  for( i = 0; i < reax->num_atom_types; i++ )
+    /* deallocate tor_flag */
+    for ( i = 0; i < reax->num_atom_types; i++ )
-      for( j = 0; j < reax->num_atom_types; j++ )
-	{
-	  for( k = 0; k < reax->num_atom_types; k++ )
-	    free( tor_flag[i][j][k] );
-	  free( tor_flag[i][j] );
-	}
-      free( tor_flag[i] );
+        for ( j = 0; j < reax->num_atom_types; j++ )
+        {
+            for ( k = 0; k < reax->num_atom_types; k++ )
+                free( tor_flag[i][j][k] );
+            free( tor_flag[i][j] );
+        }
+        free( tor_flag[i] );
 #if defined(DEBUG_FOCUS)
-  fprintf( stderr, "force field read\n" );
+    fprintf( stderr, "force field read\n" );
-  return 0;
+    return 0;
 char Read_Control_File( FILE* fp, reax_system *system, control_params* control,
-			output_controls *out_control )
+                        output_controls *out_control )
-  char *s, **tmp;
-  int c,i;
-  real val;
-  int ival;
-  /* assign default values */
-  strcpy( control->sim_name, "default.sim" );
-  control->restart = 0;
-  out_control->restart_format = 1;
-  out_control->restart_freq = 0;
-  strcpy( control->restart_from, "default.res" );
-  out_control->restart_freq = 0;
-  control->random_vel = 0;
-  control->reposition_atoms = 0;
-  control->ensemble = 0;
-  control->nsteps = 0;
-  control->dt = 0.25;
-  control->geo_format = 1;
-  control->restrict_bonds = 0;
-  control->periodic_boundaries = 1;
-  control->periodic_images[0] = 0;
-  control->periodic_images[1] = 0;
-  control->periodic_images[2] = 0;
-  control->reneighbor = 1;
-  control->vlist_cut = 0;
-  control->nbr_cut = 4.;
-  control->r_cut = 10;
-  control->max_far_nbrs = 1000;
-  control->bo_cut = 0.01;
-  control->thb_cut = 0.001;
-  control->hb_cut = 7.50;
-  control->q_err = 0.000001;
-  control->tabulate = 0;
-  control->refactor = 100;
-  control->droptol = 0.01;
-  control->T_init = 0.;
-  control->T_final = 300.;
-  control->Tau_T = 1.0;
-  control->T_mode = 0.;
-  control->T_rate = 1.;
-  control->T_freq = 1.;
-  control->P[0] = 0.000101325;
-  control->P[1] = 0.000101325;
-  control->P[2] = 0.000101325;
-  control->Tau_P[0]  = 500.0;
-  control->Tau_P[1]  = 500.0;
-  control->Tau_P[2]  = 500.0;
-  control->Tau_PT = 500.0;
-  control->compressibility = 1.0;
-  control->press_mode = 0;
-  control->remove_CoM_vel = 25;
-  out_control->debug_level = 0;
-  out_control->energy_update_freq = 10;
-  out_control->write_steps = 100;
-  out_control->traj_compress = 0;
-  out_control->write = fprintf;
-  out_control->traj_format = 0;
-  out_control->write_header = 
-    (int (*)( reax_system*, control_params*, 
-	      static_storage*, void* )) Write_Custom_Header;
-  out_control->append_traj_frame = 
-    (int (*)( reax_system*, control_params*, simulation_data*, 
-	      static_storage*, list **, void* )) Append_Custom_Frame;
-  strcpy( out_control->traj_title, "default_title" );
-  out_control->atom_format = 0;
-  out_control->bond_info = 0;
-  out_control->angle_info = 0;
-  control->molec_anal = 0;
-  control->freq_molec_anal = 0;
-  control->bg_cut = 0.3;
-  control->num_ignored = 0;
-  memset( control->ignore, 0, sizeof(int)*MAX_ATOM_TYPES );
-  control->dipole_anal = 0;
-  control->freq_dipole_anal = 0;
-  control->diffusion_coef = 0;
-  control->freq_diffusion_coef = 0;
-  control->restrict_type = 0;
-  /* memory allocations */
-  s = (char*) malloc(sizeof(char)*MAX_LINE);
-  tmp = (char**) malloc(sizeof(char*)*MAX_TOKENS);
-  for (i=0; i < MAX_TOKENS; i++)
-    tmp[i] = (char*) malloc(sizeof(char)*MAX_LINE);
-  /* read control parameters file */
+    char *s, **tmp;
+    int c, i;
+    real val;
+    int ival;
+    /* assign default values */
+    strcpy( control->sim_name, "default.sim" );
+    control->restart = 0;
+    out_control->restart_format = 1;
+    out_control->restart_freq = 0;
+    strcpy( control->restart_from, "default.res" );
+    out_control->restart_freq = 0;
+    control->random_vel = 0;
+    control->reposition_atoms = 0;
+    control->ensemble = 0;
+    control->nsteps = 0;
+    control->dt = 0.25;
+    control->geo_format = 1;
+    control->restrict_bonds = 0;
+    control->periodic_boundaries = 1;
+    control->periodic_images[0] = 0;
+    control->periodic_images[1] = 0;
+    control->periodic_images[2] = 0;
+    control->reneighbor = 1;
+    control->vlist_cut = 0;
+    control->nbr_cut = 4.;
+    control->r_cut = 10;
+    control->max_far_nbrs = 1000;
+    control->bo_cut = 0.01;
+    control->thb_cut = 0.001;
+    control->hb_cut = 7.50;
+    control->q_err = 0.000001;
+    control->tabulate = 0;
+    control->refactor = 100;
+    control->droptol = 0.01;
+    control->T_init = 0.;
+    control->T_final = 300.;
+    control->Tau_T = 1.0;
+    control->T_mode = 0.;
+    control->T_rate = 1.;
+    control->T_freq = 1.;
+    control->P[0] = 0.000101325;
+    control->P[1] = 0.000101325;
+    control->P[2] = 0.000101325;
+    control->Tau_P[0]  = 500.0;
+    control->Tau_P[1]  = 500.0;
+    control->Tau_P[2]  = 500.0;
+    control->Tau_PT = 500.0;
+    control->compressibility = 1.0;
+    control->press_mode = 0;
+    control->remove_CoM_vel = 25;
+    out_control->debug_level = 0;
+    out_control->energy_update_freq = 10;
+    out_control->write_steps = 100;
+    out_control->traj_compress = 0;
+    out_control->write = fprintf;
+    out_control->traj_format = 0;
+    out_control->write_header =
+        (int (*)( reax_system*, control_params*,
+                  static_storage*, void* )) Write_Custom_Header;
+    out_control->append_traj_frame =
+        (int (*)( reax_system*, control_params*, simulation_data*,
+                  static_storage*, list **, void* )) Append_Custom_Frame;
+    strcpy( out_control->traj_title, "default_title" );
+    out_control->atom_format = 0;
+    out_control->bond_info = 0;
+    out_control->angle_info = 0;
+    control->molec_anal = 0;
+    control->freq_molec_anal = 0;
+    control->bg_cut = 0.3;
+    control->num_ignored = 0;
+    memset( control->ignore, 0, sizeof(int)*MAX_ATOM_TYPES );
+    control->dipole_anal = 0;
+    control->freq_dipole_anal = 0;
+    control->diffusion_coef = 0;
+    control->freq_diffusion_coef = 0;
+    control->restrict_type = 0;
+    /* memory allocations */
+    s = (char*) malloc(sizeof(char) * MAX_LINE);
+    tmp = (char**) malloc(sizeof(char*)*MAX_TOKENS);
+    for (i = 0; i < MAX_TOKENS; i++)
+        tmp[i] = (char*) malloc(sizeof(char) * MAX_LINE);
+    /* read control parameters file */
 //  while (!feof(fp)) {
-  while(fgets(s,MAX_LINE,fp))
-  {
-    c=Tokenize(s,&tmp);
-    if( strcmp(tmp[0], "simulation_name") == 0 ) {
-      strcpy( control->sim_name, tmp[1] );
-    }
-    //else if( strcmp(tmp[0], "restart") == 0 ) {
-    //  ival = atoi(tmp[1]);
-    //  control->restart = ival;
-    //}
-    else if( strcmp(tmp[0], "restart_format") == 0 ) {
-      ival = atoi(tmp[1]);
-      out_control->restart_format = ival;
-    }
-    else if( strcmp(tmp[0], "restart_freq") == 0 ) {
-      ival = atoi(tmp[1]);
-      out_control->restart_freq = ival;
-    }      
-    else if( strcmp(tmp[0], "random_vel") == 0 ) {
-      ival = atoi(tmp[1]);
-      control->random_vel = ival;
-    }
-    else if( strcmp(tmp[0], "reposition_atoms") == 0 ) {
-      ival = atoi(tmp[1]);
-      control->reposition_atoms = ival;
-    }
-    else if( strcmp(tmp[0], "ensemble_type") == 0 ) {
-      ival = atoi(tmp[1]);
-      control->ensemble = ival;
-    }
-    else if( strcmp(tmp[0], "nsteps") == 0 ) {
-      ival = atoi(tmp[1]);
-      control->nsteps = ival;
-    }
-    else if( strcmp(tmp[0], "dt") == 0 ) {
-      val = atof(tmp[1]);
-      control->dt = val * 1.e-3;  // convert dt from fs to ps!
-    }
-    else if( strcmp(tmp[0], "periodic_boundaries") == 0 ) {
-      ival = atoi( tmp[1] );
-      control->periodic_boundaries = ival;
-    }
-    else if( strcmp(tmp[0], "periodic_images") == 0 ) {
-      ival = atoi(tmp[1]);
-      control->periodic_images[0] = ival;
-      ival = atoi(tmp[2]);
-      control->periodic_images[1] = ival;
-      ival = atoi(tmp[3]);
-      control->periodic_images[2] = ival;
-    }
-    else if( strcmp(tmp[0], "geo_format") == 0 ) {
-      ival = atoi( tmp[1] );
-      control->geo_format = ival;
-    }
-    else if( strcmp(tmp[0], "restrict_bonds") == 0 ) {
-      ival = atoi( tmp[1] );
-      control->restrict_bonds = ival;
-    }
-    else if( strcmp(tmp[0], "tabulate_long_range") == 0 ) {
-      ival = atoi( tmp[1] );
-      control->tabulate = ival;
-    }
-    else if( strcmp(tmp[0], "reneighbor") == 0 ) {
-      ival = atoi( tmp[1] );
-      control->reneighbor = ival;
-    }
-    else if( strcmp(tmp[0], "vlist_buffer") == 0 ) {
-      val = atof(tmp[1]);
-      control->vlist_cut= val;
-    }
-    else if( strcmp(tmp[0], "nbrhood_cutoff") == 0 ) {
-      val = atof(tmp[1]);
-      control->nbr_cut = val;
-    }
-    else if( strcmp(tmp[0], "thb_cutoff") == 0 ) { 
-      val = atof(tmp[1]);
-      control->thb_cut = val;
-    }
-    else if( strcmp(tmp[0], "hbond_cutoff") == 0 ) {
-      val = atof( tmp[1] );
-      control->hb_cut = val;
-    }
-    else if( strcmp(tmp[0], "q_err") == 0 ) {
-      val = atof( tmp[1] );
-      control->q_err = val;
-    }
-    else if( strcmp(tmp[0], "ilu_refactor") == 0 ) {
-      ival = atoi( tmp[1] );
-      control->refactor = ival;
-    }
-    else if( strcmp(tmp[0], "ilu_droptol") == 0 ) {
-      val = atof( tmp[1] );
-      control->droptol = val;
-    }
-    else if( strcmp(tmp[0], "temp_init") == 0 ) {
-      val = atof(tmp[1]);
-      control->T_init = val;
-      if( control->T_init < 0.001 )
-	control->T_init = 0.001;
-    }
-    else if( strcmp(tmp[0], "temp_final") == 0 ) {
-      val = atof(tmp[1]);
-      control->T_final = val;
-      if( control->T_final < 0.1 )
-	control->T_final = 0.1;
-    }
-    else if( strcmp(tmp[0], "t_mass") == 0 ) {
-      val = atof(tmp[1]);
-      control->Tau_T = val * 1.e-3;    // convert t_mass from fs to ps
-    }
-    else if( strcmp(tmp[0], "t_mode") == 0 ) {
-      ival = atoi(tmp[1]);
-      control->T_mode = ival;
-    }
-    else if( strcmp(tmp[0], "t_rate") == 0 ) {
-      val = atof(tmp[1]);
-      control->T_rate = val;
-    }
-    else if( strcmp(tmp[0], "t_freq") == 0 ) {
-      val = atof(tmp[1]);
-      control->T_freq = val;
-    }
-    else if( strcmp(tmp[0], "pressure") == 0 ) {
-      if( control->ensemble == iNPT ) {
-	val = atof(tmp[1]);
-	control->P[0] = control->P[1] = control->P[2] = val;
-      }
-      else if( control->ensemble == sNPT ) {
-	val = atof(tmp[1]);
-	control->P[0] = val;
-	val = atof(tmp[2]);
-	control->P[1] = val;
-	val = atof(tmp[3]);
-	control->P[2] = val;
-      }
-    }
-    else if( strcmp(tmp[0], "p_mass") == 0 ) {
-      if( control->ensemble == iNPT ) {
-	val = atof(tmp[1]);
-	control->Tau_P[0] = val * 1.e-3;   // convert p_mass from fs to ps
-      }
-      else if( control->ensemble == sNPT ) {
-	val = atof(tmp[1]);
-	control->Tau_P[0] = val * 1.e-3;   // convert p_mass from fs to ps
-	val = atof(tmp[2]);
-	control->Tau_P[1] = val * 1.e-3;   // convert p_mass from fs to ps
-	val = atof(tmp[3]);
-	control->Tau_P[2] = val * 1.e-3;   // convert p_mass from fs to ps
-      }
-    }
-    else if( strcmp(tmp[0], "pt_mass") == 0 ) {
-      val = atof(tmp[1]);
-      control->Tau_PT = val * 1.e-3;  // convert pt_mass from fs to ps
-    }
-    else if( strcmp(tmp[0], "compress") == 0 ) {
-      val = atof(tmp[1]);
-      control->compressibility = val;
-    }
-    else if( strcmp(tmp[0], "press_mode") == 0 ) {
-      val = atoi(tmp[1]);
-      control->press_mode = val;
-    }      
-    else if( strcmp(tmp[0], "remove_CoM_vel") == 0 ) {
-      val = atoi(tmp[1]);
-      control->remove_CoM_vel = val;
-    }
-    else if( strcmp(tmp[0], "debug_level") == 0 ) {
-      ival = atoi(tmp[1]);
-      out_control->debug_level = ival;
-    }
-    else if( strcmp(tmp[0], "energy_update_freq") == 0 ) {
-      ival = atoi(tmp[1]);
-      out_control->energy_update_freq = ival;
-    }
-    else if( strcmp(tmp[0], "write_freq") == 0 ) {
-      ival = atoi(tmp[1]);
-      out_control->write_steps = ival;
-    }
-    else if( strcmp(tmp[0], "traj_compress") == 0 ) {
-      ival = atoi(tmp[1]);
-      out_control->traj_compress = ival;
-      if( out_control->traj_compress )
-	out_control->write = (int (*)(FILE *, const char *, ...)) gzprintf;
-      else out_control->write = fprintf;
-    }
-    else if( strcmp(tmp[0], "traj_format") == 0 ) {
-      ival = atoi(tmp[1]);
-      out_control->traj_format = ival;
-      if( out_control->traj_format == 0 ) {	
-	out_control->write_header = 
-	  (int (*)( reax_system*, control_params*, 
-		    static_storage*, void* )) Write_Custom_Header;
-	out_control->append_traj_frame = 
-	  (int (*)(reax_system*, control_params*, simulation_data*, 
-		   static_storage*, list **, void*)) Append_Custom_Frame;
-      }
-      else if( out_control->traj_format == 1 ) {
-	out_control->write_header = 
-	  (int (*)( reax_system*, control_params*, 
-		    static_storage*, void* )) Write_xyz_Header;
-	out_control->append_traj_frame = 
-	  (int (*)( reax_system*,  control_params*, simulation_data*, 
-		    static_storage*, list **, void* )) Append_xyz_Frame;
-      }
-    }
-    else if( strcmp(tmp[0], "traj_title") == 0 ) {
-      strcpy( out_control->traj_title, tmp[1] );
-    }
-    else if( strcmp(tmp[0], "atom_info") == 0 ) {
-      ival = atoi(tmp[1]);
-      out_control->atom_format += ival * 4;
-    }
-    else if( strcmp(tmp[0], "atom_velocities") == 0 ) {
-      ival = atoi(tmp[1]);
-      out_control->atom_format += ival * 2;
-    }
-    else if( strcmp(tmp[0], "atom_forces") == 0 ) {
-      ival = atoi(tmp[1]);
-      out_control->atom_format += ival * 1;
-    }
-    else if( strcmp(tmp[0], "bond_info") == 0 ) {
-      ival = atoi(tmp[1]);
-      out_control->bond_info = ival;
-    }
-    else if( strcmp(tmp[0], "angle_info") == 0 ) {
-      ival = atoi(tmp[1]);
-      out_control->angle_info = ival;
-    }
-    else if( strcmp(tmp[0], "test_forces") == 0 ) {
-      ival = atoi(tmp[1]);
-    }
-    else if( strcmp(tmp[0], "molec_anal") == 0 ) {
-      ival = atoi(tmp[1]);
-      control->molec_anal = ival;
-    }
-    else if( strcmp(tmp[0], "freq_molec_anal") == 0 ) {
-      ival = atoi(tmp[1]);
-      control->freq_molec_anal = ival;
-    }
-    else if( strcmp(tmp[0], "bond_graph_cutoff") == 0 ) { 
-      val = atof(tmp[1]);
-      control->bg_cut = val;
-    }
-    else if( strcmp(tmp[0], "ignore") == 0 ) { 
-      control->num_ignored = atoi(tmp[1]);
-      for( i = 0; i < control->num_ignored; ++i )
-	control->ignore[atoi(tmp[i+2])] = 1;
-    }
-    else if( strcmp(tmp[0], "dipole_anal") == 0 ) {
-      ival = atoi(tmp[1]);
-      control->dipole_anal = ival;
-    }
-    else if( strcmp(tmp[0], "freq_dipole_anal") == 0 ) {
-      ival = atoi(tmp[1]);
-      control->freq_dipole_anal = ival;
-    }
-    else if( strcmp(tmp[0], "diffusion_coef") == 0 ) {
-      ival = atoi(tmp[1]);
-      control->diffusion_coef = ival;
-    }
-    else if( strcmp(tmp[0], "freq_diffusion_coef") == 0 ) {
-      ival = atoi(tmp[1]);
-      control->freq_diffusion_coef = ival;
-    }
-    else if( strcmp(tmp[0], "restrict_type") == 0 ) {
-      ival = atoi(tmp[1]);
-      control->restrict_type = ival;
-    }
-    else {
-      fprintf( stderr, "WARNING: unknown parameter %s\n", tmp[0] );
-      exit( 15 );
+    while (fgets(s, MAX_LINE, fp))
+    {
+        c = Tokenize(s, &tmp);
+        if ( strcmp(tmp[0], "simulation_name") == 0 )
+        {
+            strcpy( control->sim_name, tmp[1] );
+        }
+        //else if( strcmp(tmp[0], "restart") == 0 ) {
+        //  ival = atoi(tmp[1]);
+        //  control->restart = ival;
+        //}
+        else if ( strcmp(tmp[0], "restart_format") == 0 )
+        {
+            ival = atoi(tmp[1]);
+            out_control->restart_format = ival;
+        }
+        else if ( strcmp(tmp[0], "restart_freq") == 0 )
+        {
+            ival = atoi(tmp[1]);
+            out_control->restart_freq = ival;
+        }
+        else if ( strcmp(tmp[0], "random_vel") == 0 )
+        {
+            ival = atoi(tmp[1]);
+            control->random_vel = ival;
+        }
+        else if ( strcmp(tmp[0], "reposition_atoms") == 0 )
+        {
+            ival = atoi(tmp[1]);
+            control->reposition_atoms = ival;
+        }
+        else if ( strcmp(tmp[0], "ensemble_type") == 0 )
+        {
+            ival = atoi(tmp[1]);
+            control->ensemble = ival;
+        }
+        else if ( strcmp(tmp[0], "nsteps") == 0 )
+        {
+            ival = atoi(tmp[1]);
+            control->nsteps = ival;
+        }
+        else if ( strcmp(tmp[0], "dt") == 0 )
+        {
+            val = atof(tmp[1]);
+            control->dt = val * 1.e-3;  // convert dt from fs to ps!
+        }
+        else if ( strcmp(tmp[0], "periodic_boundaries") == 0 )
+        {
+            ival = atoi( tmp[1] );
+            control->periodic_boundaries = ival;
+        }
+        else if ( strcmp(tmp[0], "periodic_images") == 0 )
+        {
+            ival = atoi(tmp[1]);
+            control->periodic_images[0] = ival;
+            ival = atoi(tmp[2]);
+            control->periodic_images[1] = ival;
+            ival = atoi(tmp[3]);
+            control->periodic_images[2] = ival;
+        }
+        else if ( strcmp(tmp[0], "geo_format") == 0 )
+        {
+            ival = atoi( tmp[1] );
+            control->geo_format = ival;
+        }
+        else if ( strcmp(tmp[0], "restrict_bonds") == 0 )
+        {
+            ival = atoi( tmp[1] );
+            control->restrict_bonds = ival;
+        }
+        else if ( strcmp(tmp[0], "tabulate_long_range") == 0 )
+        {
+            ival = atoi( tmp[1] );
+            control->tabulate = ival;
+        }
+        else if ( strcmp(tmp[0], "reneighbor") == 0 )
+        {
+            ival = atoi( tmp[1] );
+            control->reneighbor = ival;
+        }
+        else if ( strcmp(tmp[0], "vlist_buffer") == 0 )
+        {
+            val = atof(tmp[1]);
+            control->vlist_cut = val;
+        }
+        else if ( strcmp(tmp[0], "nbrhood_cutoff") == 0 )
+        {
+            val = atof(tmp[1]);
+            control->nbr_cut = val;
+        }
+        else if ( strcmp(tmp[0], "thb_cutoff") == 0 )
+        {
+            val = atof(tmp[1]);
+            control->thb_cut = val;
+        }
+        else if ( strcmp(tmp[0], "hbond_cutoff") == 0 )
+        {
+            val = atof( tmp[1] );
+            control->hb_cut = val;
+        }
+        else if ( strcmp(tmp[0], "q_err") == 0 )
+        {
+            val = atof( tmp[1] );
+            control->q_err = val;
+        }
+        else if ( strcmp(tmp[0], "ilu_refactor") == 0 )
+        {
+            ival = atoi( tmp[1] );
+            control->refactor = ival;
+        }
+        else if ( strcmp(tmp[0], "ilu_droptol") == 0 )
+        {
+            val = atof( tmp[1] );
+            control->droptol = val;
+        }
+        else if ( strcmp(tmp[0], "temp_init") == 0 )
+        {
+            val = atof(tmp[1]);
+            control->T_init = val;
+            if ( control->T_init < 0.001 )
+                control->T_init = 0.001;
+        }
+        else if ( strcmp(tmp[0], "temp_final") == 0 )
+        {
+            val = atof(tmp[1]);
+            control->T_final = val;
+            if ( control->T_final < 0.1 )
+                control->T_final = 0.1;
+        }
+        else if ( strcmp(tmp[0], "t_mass") == 0 )
+        {
+            val = atof(tmp[1]);
+            control->Tau_T = val * 1.e-3;    // convert t_mass from fs to ps
+        }
+        else if ( strcmp(tmp[0], "t_mode") == 0 )
+        {
+            ival = atoi(tmp[1]);
+            control->T_mode = ival;
+        }
+        else if ( strcmp(tmp[0], "t_rate") == 0 )
+        {
+            val = atof(tmp[1]);
+            control->T_rate = val;
+        }
+        else if ( strcmp(tmp[0], "t_freq") == 0 )
+        {
+            val = atof(tmp[1]);
+            control->T_freq = val;
+        }
+        else if ( strcmp(tmp[0], "pressure") == 0 )
+        {
+            if ( control->ensemble == iNPT )
+            {
+                val = atof(tmp[1]);
+                control->P[0] = control->P[1] = control->P[2] = val;
+            }
+            else if ( control->ensemble == sNPT )
+            {
+                val = atof(tmp[1]);
+                control->P[0] = val;
+                val = atof(tmp[2]);
+                control->P[1] = val;
+                val = atof(tmp[3]);
+                control->P[2] = val;
+            }
+        }
+        else if ( strcmp(tmp[0], "p_mass") == 0 )
+        {
+            if ( control->ensemble == iNPT )
+            {
+                val = atof(tmp[1]);
+                control->Tau_P[0] = val * 1.e-3;   // convert p_mass from fs to ps
+            }
+            else if ( control->ensemble == sNPT )
+            {
+                val = atof(tmp[1]);
+                control->Tau_P[0] = val * 1.e-3;   // convert p_mass from fs to ps
+                val = atof(tmp[2]);
+                control->Tau_P[1] = val * 1.e-3;   // convert p_mass from fs to ps
+                val = atof(tmp[3]);
+                control->Tau_P[2] = val * 1.e-3;   // convert p_mass from fs to ps
+            }
+        }
+        else if ( strcmp(tmp[0], "pt_mass") == 0 )
+        {
+            val = atof(tmp[1]);
+            control->Tau_PT = val * 1.e-3;  // convert pt_mass from fs to ps
+        }
+        else if ( strcmp(tmp[0], "compress") == 0 )
+        {
+            val = atof(tmp[1]);
+            control->compressibility = val;
+        }
+        else if ( strcmp(tmp[0], "press_mode") == 0 )
+        {
+            val = atoi(tmp[1]);
+            control->press_mode = val;
+        }
+        else if ( strcmp(tmp[0], "remove_CoM_vel") == 0 )
+        {
+            val = atoi(tmp[1]);
+            control->remove_CoM_vel = val;
+        }
+        else if ( strcmp(tmp[0], "debug_level") == 0 )
+        {
+            ival = atoi(tmp[1]);
+            out_control->debug_level = ival;
+        }
+        else if ( strcmp(tmp[0], "energy_update_freq") == 0 )
+        {
+            ival = atoi(tmp[1]);
+            out_control->energy_update_freq = ival;
+        }
+        else if ( strcmp(tmp[0], "write_freq") == 0 )
+        {
+            ival = atoi(tmp[1]);
+            out_control->write_steps = ival;
+        }
+        else if ( strcmp(tmp[0], "traj_compress") == 0 )
+        {
+            ival = atoi(tmp[1]);
+            out_control->traj_compress = ival;
+            if ( out_control->traj_compress )
+                out_control->write = (int (*)(FILE *, const char *, ...)) gzprintf;
+            else out_control->write = fprintf;
+        }
+        else if ( strcmp(tmp[0], "traj_format") == 0 )
+        {
+            ival = atoi(tmp[1]);
+            out_control->traj_format = ival;
+            if ( out_control->traj_format == 0 )
+            {
+                out_control->write_header =
+                    (int (*)( reax_system*, control_params*,
+                              static_storage*, void* )) Write_Custom_Header;
+                out_control->append_traj_frame =
+                    (int (*)(reax_system*, control_params*, simulation_data*,
+                             static_storage*, list **, void*)) Append_Custom_Frame;
+            }
+            else if ( out_control->traj_format == 1 )
+            {
+                out_control->write_header =
+                    (int (*)( reax_system*, control_params*,
+                              static_storage*, void* )) Write_xyz_Header;
+                out_control->append_traj_frame =
+                    (int (*)( reax_system*,  control_params*, simulation_data*,
+                              static_storage*, list **, void* )) Append_xyz_Frame;
+            }
+        }
+        else if ( strcmp(tmp[0], "traj_title") == 0 )
+        {
+            strcpy( out_control->traj_title, tmp[1] );
+        }
+        else if ( strcmp(tmp[0], "atom_info") == 0 )
+        {
+            ival = atoi(tmp[1]);
+            out_control->atom_format += ival * 4;
+        }
+        else if ( strcmp(tmp[0], "atom_velocities") == 0 )
+        {
+            ival = atoi(tmp[1]);
+            out_control->atom_format += ival * 2;
+        }
+        else if ( strcmp(tmp[0], "atom_forces") == 0 )
+        {
+            ival = atoi(tmp[1]);
+            out_control->atom_format += ival * 1;
+        }
+        else if ( strcmp(tmp[0], "bond_info") == 0 )
+        {
+            ival = atoi(tmp[1]);
+            out_control->bond_info = ival;
+        }
+        else if ( strcmp(tmp[0], "angle_info") == 0 )
+        {
+            ival = atoi(tmp[1]);
+            out_control->angle_info = ival;
+        }
+        else if ( strcmp(tmp[0], "test_forces") == 0 )
+        {
+            ival = atoi(tmp[1]);
+        }
+        else if ( strcmp(tmp[0], "molec_anal") == 0 )
+        {
+            ival = atoi(tmp[1]);
+            control->molec_anal = ival;
+        }
+        else if ( strcmp(tmp[0], "freq_molec_anal") == 0 )
+        {
+            ival = atoi(tmp[1]);
+            control->freq_molec_anal = ival;
+        }
+        else if ( strcmp(tmp[0], "bond_graph_cutoff") == 0 )
+        {
+            val = atof(tmp[1]);
+            control->bg_cut = val;
+        }
+        else if ( strcmp(tmp[0], "ignore") == 0 )
+        {
+            control->num_ignored = atoi(tmp[1]);
+            for ( i = 0; i < control->num_ignored; ++i )
+                control->ignore[atoi(tmp[i + 2])] = 1;
+        }
+        else if ( strcmp(tmp[0], "dipole_anal") == 0 )
+        {
+            ival = atoi(tmp[1]);
+            control->dipole_anal = ival;
+        }
+        else if ( strcmp(tmp[0], "freq_dipole_anal") == 0 )
+        {
+            ival = atoi(tmp[1]);
+            control->freq_dipole_anal = ival;
+        }
+        else if ( strcmp(tmp[0], "diffusion_coef") == 0 )
+        {
+            ival = atoi(tmp[1]);
+            control->diffusion_coef = ival;
+        }
+        else if ( strcmp(tmp[0], "freq_diffusion_coef") == 0 )
+        {
+            ival = atoi(tmp[1]);
+            control->freq_diffusion_coef = ival;
+        }
+        else if ( strcmp(tmp[0], "restrict_type") == 0 )
+        {
+            ival = atoi(tmp[1]);
+            control->restrict_type = ival;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            fprintf( stderr, "WARNING: unknown parameter %s\n", tmp[0] );
+            exit( 15 );
+        }
+    }
+    if (ferror(fp))
+    {
+        fprintf(stderr, "Error reading control file. Terminating.\n");
+        exit( INVALID_INPUT );
-  }
-  if(ferror(fp))
-  {
-    fprintf(stderr, "Error reading control file. Terminating.\n");
-    exit( INVALID_INPUT );
-  }
-  /* determine target T */
-  if( control->T_mode == 0 )
-    control->T = control->T_final;
-  else control->T = control->T_init;
+    /* determine target T */
+    if ( control->T_mode == 0 )
+        control->T = control->T_final;
+    else control->T = control->T_init;
-  /* near neighbor and far neighbor cutoffs */
-  control->bo_cut = 0.01 * system->reaxprm.gp.l[29];
-  control->r_low  = system->reaxprm.gp.l[11];  
-  control->r_cut  = system->reaxprm.gp.l[12];
-  control->vlist_cut += control->r_cut;
+    /* near neighbor and far neighbor cutoffs */
+    control->bo_cut = 0.01 * system->reaxprm.gp.l[29];
+    control->r_low  = system->reaxprm.gp.l[11];
+    control->r_cut  = system->reaxprm.gp.l[12];
+    control->vlist_cut += control->r_cut;
-  system->g.cell_size = control->vlist_cut / 2.;
-  for( i = 0; i < 3; ++i )
-    system->g.spread[i] = 2;
+    system->g.cell_size = control->vlist_cut / 2.;
+    for ( i = 0; i < 3; ++i )
+        system->g.spread[i] = 2;
-  /* Initialize Taper function */
-  Init_Taper( control );
+    /* Initialize Taper function */
+    Init_Taper( control );
-  /* free memory allocations at the top */
-  for( i = 0; i < MAX_TOKENS; i++ )
-    free( tmp[i] );
-  free( tmp );
-  free( s );
+    /* free memory allocations at the top */
+    for ( i = 0; i < MAX_TOKENS; i++ )
+        free( tmp[i] );
+    free( tmp );
+    free( s );
 #if defined(DEBUG_FOCUS)
-  fprintf( stderr,
-	   "en=%d steps=%d dt=%.5f opt=%d T=%.5f P=%.5f %.5f %.5f\n",
-	   control->ensemble, control->nsteps, control->dt, control->tabulate, 
-	   control->T, control->P[0], control->P[1], control->P[2] );
+    fprintf( stderr,
+             "en=%d steps=%d dt=%.5f opt=%d T=%.5f P=%.5f %.5f %.5f\n",
+             control->ensemble, control->nsteps, control->dt, control->tabulate,
+             control->T, control->P[0], control->P[1], control->P[2] );
-  fprintf(stderr, "control file read\n" );
+    fprintf(stderr, "control file read\n" );
-  return 0;
+    return 0;
diff --git a/puremd_rc_1003/sPuReMD/param.h b/puremd_rc_1003/sPuReMD/param.h
index bd8661fe293363d4bcdb9eeed6f8b9d60d2350fd..838bb1a0d004672978a35f94547d511104aba9ea 100644
--- a/puremd_rc_1003/sPuReMD/param.h
+++ b/puremd_rc_1003/sPuReMD/param.h
@@ -1,20 +1,20 @@
   SerialReax - Reax Force Field Simulator
   Copyright (2010) Purdue University
   Hasan Metin Aktulga, haktulga@cs.purdue.edu
   Joseph Fogarty, jcfogart@mail.usf.edu
   Sagar Pandit, pandit@usf.edu
   Ananth Y Grama, ayg@cs.purdue.edu
   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
   modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
-  published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of 
+  published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
   the License, or (at your option) any later version.
   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
   See the GNU General Public License for more details:
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ int  Tokenize( char*, char*** );
 char Read_Force_Field( FILE*, reax_interaction* );
-char Read_Control_File( FILE*, reax_system*, control_params*, 
-			output_controls* );
+char Read_Control_File( FILE*, reax_system*, control_params*,
+                        output_controls* );
diff --git a/puremd_rc_1003/sPuReMD/pdb_tools.c b/puremd_rc_1003/sPuReMD/pdb_tools.c
index 0cd0331bed28c7d4f31c9b7af2c3f026befcf3fb..e7b1b57d07b91d5bf1c5f96eaf2b314ee55c6f02 100644
--- a/puremd_rc_1003/sPuReMD/pdb_tools.c
+++ b/puremd_rc_1003/sPuReMD/pdb_tools.c
@@ -1,20 +1,20 @@
   SerialReax - Reax Force Field Simulator
   Copyright (2010) Purdue University
   Hasan Metin Aktulga, haktulga@cs.purdue.edu
   Joseph Fogarty, jcfogart@mail.usf.edu
   Sagar Pandit, pandit@usf.edu
   Ananth Y Grama, ayg@cs.purdue.edu
   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
   modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
-  published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of 
+  published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
   the License, or (at your option) any later version.
   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
   See the GNU General Public License for more details:
@@ -29,546 +29,614 @@
 int is_Valid_Serial( static_storage *workspace, int serial )
-  if( workspace->map_serials[ serial ] < 0 )
+    if ( workspace->map_serials[ serial ] < 0 )
-      fprintf( stderr, "CONECT line includes invalid pdb serial number %d.\n", 
-	       serial );
-      fprintf( stderr, "Please correct the input file.Terminating...\n" );
-      exit( INVALID_INPUT );
+        fprintf( stderr, "CONECT line includes invalid pdb serial number %d.\n",
+                 serial );
+        fprintf( stderr, "Please correct the input file.Terminating...\n" );
+        exit( INVALID_INPUT );
-  return 1;
+    return 1;
 int Check_Input_Range( int val, int lo, int hi, char *message )
-  if( val < lo || val > hi )
+    if ( val < lo || val > hi )
-      fprintf( stderr, "%s\nInput %d - Out of range %d-%d. Terminating...\n", 
-	       message, val, lo, hi );
-      exit( INVALID_INPUT );
+        fprintf( stderr, "%s\nInput %d - Out of range %d-%d. Terminating...\n",
+                 message, val, lo, hi );
+        exit( INVALID_INPUT );
-  return 1;
+    return 1;
 void Trim_Spaces( char *element )
-  int i, j;
+    int i, j;
-  for( i = 0; element[i] == ' '; ++i );  // skip initial space chars
-  for( j = i; j < strlen(element) && element[j] != ' '; ++j )
-    element[j-i] = toupper( element[j] ); // make uppercase, move to beginning
-  element[j-i] = 0; // finalize the string
+    for ( i = 0; element[i] == ' '; ++i ); // skip initial space chars
+    for ( j = i; j < strlen(element) && element[j] != ' '; ++j )
+        element[j - i] = toupper( element[j] ); // make uppercase, move to beginning
+    element[j - i] = 0; // finalize the string
-char Read_PDB( char* pdb_file, reax_system* system, control_params *control, 
-	       simulation_data *data, static_storage *workspace )
+char Read_PDB( char* pdb_file, reax_system* system, control_params *control,
+               simulation_data *data, static_storage *workspace )
-  FILE *pdb;
-  char **tmp;
-  char *s, *s1;
-  char descriptor[9], serial[9];
-  char atom_name[9], res_name[9], res_seq[9];
-  char s_x[9], s_y[9], s_z[9];
-  char occupancy[9], temp_factor[9];
-  char seg_id[9], element[9], charge[9];
-  char alt_loc, chain_id, icode;
-  char s_a[10], s_b[10], s_c[10], s_alpha[9], s_beta[9], s_gamma[9];
-  char s_group[12], s_zValue[9];
-  char *endptr = NULL;
-  int  i, c, c1, pdb_serial, ratom = 0;
-  /* open pdb file */
-  if ( (pdb = fopen(pdb_file, "r")) == NULL ) {
-    fprintf( stderr, "Error opening the pdb file!\n" );
-    exit( FILE_NOT_FOUND_ERR );
-  }
-  /* allocate memory for tokenizing pdb lines */
-  s =   (char*)  malloc( sizeof(char)  * MAX_LINE );
-  s1 =  (char*)  malloc( sizeof(char)  * MAX_LINE );
-  tmp = (char**) malloc( sizeof(char*) * MAX_TOKENS );
-  for( i = 0; i < MAX_TOKENS; i++ )
-    tmp[i] = (char*) malloc( sizeof(char) * MAX_TOKEN_LEN );
-  /* count number of atoms in the pdb file */
-  system->N = 0;
-  s[0] = 0;
-  while (fgets( s, MAX_LINE, pdb ))
-  {
-    tmp[0][0] = 0;
-    c = Tokenize( s, &tmp );
-    if( strncmp( tmp[0], "ATOM", 4 ) == 0 || 
-	strncmp( tmp[0], "HETATM", 6 ) == 0 )
-      (system->N)++;
+    FILE *pdb;
+    char **tmp;
+    char *s, *s1;
+    char descriptor[9], serial[9];
+    char atom_name[9], res_name[9], res_seq[9];
+    char s_x[9], s_y[9], s_z[9];
+    char occupancy[9], temp_factor[9];
+    char seg_id[9], element[9], charge[9];
+    char alt_loc, chain_id, icode;
+    char s_a[10], s_b[10], s_c[10], s_alpha[9], s_beta[9], s_gamma[9];
+    char s_group[12], s_zValue[9];
+    char *endptr = NULL;
+    int  i, c, c1, pdb_serial, ratom = 0;
+    /* open pdb file */
+    if ( (pdb = fopen(pdb_file, "r")) == NULL )
+    {
+        fprintf( stderr, "Error opening the pdb file!\n" );
+        exit( FILE_NOT_FOUND_ERR );
+    }
+    /* allocate memory for tokenizing pdb lines */
+    s =   (char*)  malloc( sizeof(char)  * MAX_LINE );
+    s1 =  (char*)  malloc( sizeof(char)  * MAX_LINE );
+    tmp = (char**) malloc( sizeof(char*) * MAX_TOKENS );
+    for ( i = 0; i < MAX_TOKENS; i++ )
+        tmp[i] = (char*) malloc( sizeof(char) * MAX_TOKEN_LEN );
+    /* count number of atoms in the pdb file */
+    system->N = 0;
     s[0] = 0;
-  }
-  if(ferror(pdb))
-  {
-    fprintf(stderr, "Error reading PDB file. Terminating.\n");
-    exit( INVALID_INPUT );
-  }
-  fclose(pdb);
+    while (fgets( s, MAX_LINE, pdb ))
+    {
+        tmp[0][0] = 0;
+        c = Tokenize( s, &tmp );
+        if ( strncmp( tmp[0], "ATOM", 4 ) == 0 ||
+                strncmp( tmp[0], "HETATM", 6 ) == 0 )
+            (system->N)++;
+        s[0] = 0;
+    }
+    if (ferror(pdb))
+    {
+        fprintf(stderr, "Error reading PDB file. Terminating.\n");
+        exit( INVALID_INPUT );
+    }
+    fclose(pdb);
 #if defined(DEBUG_FOCUS)
-  fprintf( stderr, "system->N: %d\n", system->N );
+    fprintf( stderr, "system->N: %d\n", system->N );
-  /* memory allocations for atoms, atom maps, bond restrictions */
-  system->atoms = (reax_atom*) calloc( system->N, sizeof(reax_atom) );
-  workspace->map_serials = (int*) calloc( MAX_ATOM_ID, sizeof(int) );
-  for( i = 0; i < MAX_ATOM_ID; ++i )
-    workspace->map_serials[i] = -1;
-  workspace->orig_id = (int*) calloc( system->N, sizeof(int) );
-  workspace->restricted  = (int*) calloc( system->N, sizeof(int) );
-  workspace->restricted_list = (int**) calloc( system->N, sizeof(int*) );
-  for( i = 0; i < system->N; ++i )
-    workspace->restricted_list[i] = (int*) calloc( MAX_RESTRICT, sizeof(int) );
-  /* start reading and processing pdb file */
-  if ( (pdb = fopen(pdb_file,"r")) == NULL )
-  {
-    fprintf( stderr, "Error opening the pdb file!\n" );
-    exit( FILE_NOT_FOUND_ERR );
-  }
-  c = 0;
-  c1 = 0;
-  while (!feof(pdb)) {
-    /* clear previous input line */
-    s[0] = 0;
-    for( i = 0; i < c1; ++i )
-      tmp[i][0] = 0;
-    /* read new line and tokenize it */
-    fgets( s, MAX_LINE, pdb );
-    strncpy( s1, s, MAX_LINE-1 );
-    c1 = Tokenize( s, &tmp );
-    /* process new line */
-    if( strncmp(tmp[0],"ATOM",4) == 0 || strncmp(tmp[0],"HETATM", 6) == 0 ) {
-      if( strncmp(tmp[0],"ATOM",4) == 0 ) {  
-	strncpy( &descriptor[0], s1, 6 );     descriptor[6] = 0;
-	strncpy( &serial[0], s1+6, 5 );       serial[5] = 0;
-	strncpy( &atom_name[0], s1+12, 4 );   atom_name[4] = 0;
-	alt_loc = s1[16];
-	strncpy( &res_name[0], s1+17, 3 );    res_name[3] = 0;
-	chain_id = s1[21];
-	strncpy( &res_seq[0], s1+22, 4 );     res_seq[4] = 0;
-	icode = s1[26];
-	strncpy( &s_x[0], s1+30, 8 );         s_x[8] = 0;
-	strncpy( &s_y[0], s1+38, 8 );         s_y[8] = 0;
-	strncpy( &s_z[0], s1+46, 8 );         s_z[8] = 0;
-	strncpy( &occupancy[0], s1+54, 6 );   occupancy[6] = 0;
-	strncpy( &temp_factor[0], s1+60, 6 ); temp_factor[6] = 0;
-	strncpy( &seg_id[0], s1+72, 4 );      seg_id[4] = 0;
-	strncpy( &element[0], s1+76, 2 );     element[2] = 0;
-	strncpy( &charge[0], s1+78, 2 );      charge[2] = 0;	
-      }
-      else if (strncmp(tmp[0],"HETATM", 6) == 0) {	  
-	strncpy( &descriptor[0], s1, 6 );     descriptor[6] = 0;
-	strncpy( &serial[0], s1+6, 5 );       serial[5] = 0;
-	strncpy( &atom_name[0], s1+12, 4 );   atom_name[4] = 0;
-	alt_loc = s1[16];
-	strncpy( &res_name[0], s1+17, 3 );    res_name[3] = 0;
-	chain_id = s1[21];
-	strncpy( &res_seq[0], s1+22, 4 );     res_seq[4] = 0;
-	icode = s1[26];
-	strncpy( &s_x[0], s1+30, 8 );         s_x[8] = 0;
-	strncpy( &s_y[0], s1+38, 8 );         s_y[8] = 0;
-	strncpy( &s_z[0], s1+46, 8 );         s_z[8] = 0;
-	strncpy( &occupancy[0], s1+54, 6 );   occupancy[6] = 0;
-	strncpy( &temp_factor[0], s1+60, 6 ); temp_factor[6] = 0;
-	//strncpy( &seg_id[0], s1+72, 4 );      seg_id[4] = 0;
-	strncpy( &element[0], s1+76, 2 );     element[2] = 0;
-	strncpy( &charge[0], s1+78, 2 );      charge[2] = 0;
-      }
-      /* add to mapping */
-      pdb_serial = strtod( &serial[0], &endptr );
-      Check_Input_Range( pdb_serial, 0, MAX_ATOM_ID, "Invalid pdb_serial" );
-      workspace->map_serials[ pdb_serial ] = c;
-      workspace->orig_id[ c ] = pdb_serial;
-      // fprintf( stderr, "map %d --> %d\n", pdb_serial, c );
-      /* copy atomic positions */
-      system->atoms[c].x[0] = strtod( &s_x[0], &endptr );
-      system->atoms[c].x[1] = strtod( &s_y[0], &endptr );
-      system->atoms[c].x[2] = strtod( &s_z[0], &endptr );
-      /* atom name and type */
-      strcpy( system->atoms[c].name, atom_name );
-      Trim_Spaces( element );
-      system->atoms[c].type = Get_Atom_Type( &(system->reaxprm), element );
-      /* fprintf( stderr, 
-	 "%d%8.3f%8.3f%8.3fq:%8.3f occ:%s temp:%s seg_id:%s element:%s\n", 
-	 system->atoms[c].type, 
-	 system->atoms[c].x[0], system->atoms[c].x[1], system->atoms[c].x[2],
-	 system->atoms[c].q, occupancy, temp_factor, seg_id, element ); */
-      c++;
+    /* memory allocations for atoms, atom maps, bond restrictions */
+    system->atoms = (reax_atom*) calloc( system->N, sizeof(reax_atom) );
+    workspace->map_serials = (int*) calloc( MAX_ATOM_ID, sizeof(int) );
+    for ( i = 0; i < MAX_ATOM_ID; ++i )
+        workspace->map_serials[i] = -1;
+    workspace->orig_id = (int*) calloc( system->N, sizeof(int) );
+    workspace->restricted  = (int*) calloc( system->N, sizeof(int) );
+    workspace->restricted_list = (int**) calloc( system->N, sizeof(int*) );
+    for ( i = 0; i < system->N; ++i )
+        workspace->restricted_list[i] = (int*) calloc( MAX_RESTRICT, sizeof(int) );
+    /* start reading and processing pdb file */
+    if ( (pdb = fopen(pdb_file, "r")) == NULL )
+    {
+        fprintf( stderr, "Error opening the pdb file!\n" );
+        exit( FILE_NOT_FOUND_ERR );
-    else if(!strncmp( tmp[0], "CRYST1", 6 )) {
-      sscanf( s1, PDB_CRYST1_FORMAT,
-	      &descriptor[0],
-	      &s_a[0],
-	      &s_b[0],
-	      &s_c[0],
-	      &s_alpha[0],
-	      &s_beta[0],
-	      &s_gamma[0],
-	      &s_group[0],
-	      &s_zValue[0] );
-      /* Compute full volume tensor from the angles */
-      Init_Box_From_CRYST( atof(s_a),  atof(s_b), atof(s_c), 
-			   atof(s_alpha), atof(s_beta), atof(s_gamma), 
-			   &(system->box) );
+    c = 0;
+    c1 = 0;
+    while (!feof(pdb))
+    {
+        /* clear previous input line */
+        s[0] = 0;
+        for ( i = 0; i < c1; ++i )
+            tmp[i][0] = 0;
+        /* read new line and tokenize it */
+        fgets( s, MAX_LINE, pdb );
+        strncpy( s1, s, MAX_LINE - 1 );
+        c1 = Tokenize( s, &tmp );
+        /* process new line */
+        if ( strncmp(tmp[0], "ATOM", 4) == 0 || strncmp(tmp[0], "HETATM", 6) == 0 )
+        {
+            if ( strncmp(tmp[0], "ATOM", 4) == 0 )
+            {
+                strncpy( &descriptor[0], s1, 6 );
+                descriptor[6] = 0;
+                strncpy( &serial[0], s1 + 6, 5 );
+                serial[5] = 0;
+                strncpy( &atom_name[0], s1 + 12, 4 );
+                atom_name[4] = 0;
+                alt_loc = s1[16];
+                strncpy( &res_name[0], s1 + 17, 3 );
+                res_name[3] = 0;
+                chain_id = s1[21];
+                strncpy( &res_seq[0], s1 + 22, 4 );
+                res_seq[4] = 0;
+                icode = s1[26];
+                strncpy( &s_x[0], s1 + 30, 8 );
+                s_x[8] = 0;
+                strncpy( &s_y[0], s1 + 38, 8 );
+                s_y[8] = 0;
+                strncpy( &s_z[0], s1 + 46, 8 );
+                s_z[8] = 0;
+                strncpy( &occupancy[0], s1 + 54, 6 );
+                occupancy[6] = 0;
+                strncpy( &temp_factor[0], s1 + 60, 6 );
+                temp_factor[6] = 0;
+                strncpy( &seg_id[0], s1 + 72, 4 );
+                seg_id[4] = 0;
+                strncpy( &element[0], s1 + 76, 2 );
+                element[2] = 0;
+                strncpy( &charge[0], s1 + 78, 2 );
+                charge[2] = 0;
+            }
+            else if (strncmp(tmp[0], "HETATM", 6) == 0)
+            {
+                strncpy( &descriptor[0], s1, 6 );
+                descriptor[6] = 0;
+                strncpy( &serial[0], s1 + 6, 5 );
+                serial[5] = 0;
+                strncpy( &atom_name[0], s1 + 12, 4 );
+                atom_name[4] = 0;
+                alt_loc = s1[16];
+                strncpy( &res_name[0], s1 + 17, 3 );
+                res_name[3] = 0;
+                chain_id = s1[21];
+                strncpy( &res_seq[0], s1 + 22, 4 );
+                res_seq[4] = 0;
+                icode = s1[26];
+                strncpy( &s_x[0], s1 + 30, 8 );
+                s_x[8] = 0;
+                strncpy( &s_y[0], s1 + 38, 8 );
+                s_y[8] = 0;
+                strncpy( &s_z[0], s1 + 46, 8 );
+                s_z[8] = 0;
+                strncpy( &occupancy[0], s1 + 54, 6 );
+                occupancy[6] = 0;
+                strncpy( &temp_factor[0], s1 + 60, 6 );
+                temp_factor[6] = 0;
+                //strncpy( &seg_id[0], s1+72, 4 );      seg_id[4] = 0;
+                strncpy( &element[0], s1 + 76, 2 );
+                element[2] = 0;
+                strncpy( &charge[0], s1 + 78, 2 );
+                charge[2] = 0;
+            }
+            /* add to mapping */
+            pdb_serial = strtod( &serial[0], &endptr );
+            Check_Input_Range( pdb_serial, 0, MAX_ATOM_ID, "Invalid pdb_serial" );
+            workspace->map_serials[ pdb_serial ] = c;
+            workspace->orig_id[ c ] = pdb_serial;
+            // fprintf( stderr, "map %d --> %d\n", pdb_serial, c );
+            /* copy atomic positions */
+            system->atoms[c].x[0] = strtod( &s_x[0], &endptr );
+            system->atoms[c].x[1] = strtod( &s_y[0], &endptr );
+            system->atoms[c].x[2] = strtod( &s_z[0], &endptr );
+            /* atom name and type */
+            strcpy( system->atoms[c].name, atom_name );
+            Trim_Spaces( element );
+            system->atoms[c].type = Get_Atom_Type( &(system->reaxprm), element );
+            /* fprintf( stderr,
+            "%d%8.3f%8.3f%8.3fq:%8.3f occ:%s temp:%s seg_id:%s element:%s\n",
+             system->atoms[c].type,
+             system->atoms[c].x[0], system->atoms[c].x[1], system->atoms[c].x[2],
+             system->atoms[c].q, occupancy, temp_factor, seg_id, element ); */
+            c++;
+        }
+        else if (!strncmp( tmp[0], "CRYST1", 6 ))
+        {
+            sscanf( s1, PDB_CRYST1_FORMAT,
+                    &descriptor[0],
+                    &s_a[0],
+                    &s_b[0],
+                    &s_c[0],
+                    &s_alpha[0],
+                    &s_beta[0],
+                    &s_gamma[0],
+                    &s_group[0],
+                    &s_zValue[0] );
+            /* Compute full volume tensor from the angles */
+            Init_Box_From_CRYST( atof(s_a),  atof(s_b), atof(s_c),
+                                 atof(s_alpha), atof(s_beta), atof(s_gamma),
+                                 &(system->box) );
+        }
+        /* IMPORTANT: We do not check for the soundness of restrictions here.
+           When atom2 is on atom1's restricted list, and there is a restriction on
+           atom2, then atom1 has to be on atom2's restricted list, too. However,
+           we do not check if this is the case in the input file,
+           this is upto the user. */
+        else if (!strncmp( tmp[0], "CONECT", 6 ))
+        {
+            /* error check */
+            //fprintf(stderr, "CONECT: %d\n", c1 );
+            Check_Input_Range( c1 - 2, 0, MAX_RESTRICT,
+                               "CONECT line exceeds max restrictions allowed.\n" );
+            /* read bond restrictions */
+            if ( is_Valid_Serial( workspace, pdb_serial = atoi(tmp[1]) ) )
+                ratom = workspace->map_serials[ pdb_serial ];
+            workspace->restricted[ ratom ] = c1 - 2;
+            for ( i = 2; i < c1; ++i )
+            {
+                if ( is_Valid_Serial( workspace, pdb_serial = atoi(tmp[i]) ) )
+                    workspace->restricted_list[ ratom ][ i - 2 ] =
+                        workspace->map_serials[ pdb_serial ];
+            }
+            /* fprintf( stderr, "restriction on %d:", ratom );
+            for( i = 0; i < workspace->restricted[ ratom ]; ++i )
+             fprintf( stderr, "  %d", workspace->restricted_list[ratom][i] );
+             fprintf( stderr, "\n" ); */
+        }
-    /* IMPORTANT: We do not check for the soundness of restrictions here. 
-       When atom2 is on atom1's restricted list, and there is a restriction on
-       atom2, then atom1 has to be on atom2's restricted list, too. However, 
-       we do not check if this is the case in the input file, 
-       this is upto the user. */
-    else if(!strncmp( tmp[0], "CONECT", 6 )) {
-      /* error check */
-      //fprintf(stderr, "CONECT: %d\n", c1 );
-      Check_Input_Range( c1 - 2, 0, MAX_RESTRICT,
-			 "CONECT line exceeds max restrictions allowed.\n" );
-      /* read bond restrictions */
-      if( is_Valid_Serial( workspace, pdb_serial = atoi(tmp[1]) ) )
-	ratom = workspace->map_serials[ pdb_serial ];
-      workspace->restricted[ ratom ] = c1 - 2;
-      for( i = 2; i < c1; ++i )
-	{
-	  if( is_Valid_Serial( workspace, pdb_serial = atoi(tmp[i]) ) )
-	    workspace->restricted_list[ ratom ][ i-2 ] = 
-	      workspace->map_serials[ pdb_serial ];
-	}
-      /* fprintf( stderr, "restriction on %d:", ratom );
-	 for( i = 0; i < workspace->restricted[ ratom ]; ++i )
-	 fprintf( stderr, "  %d", workspace->restricted_list[ratom][i] );
-	 fprintf( stderr, "\n" ); */
-    }      
-  }
-  fclose(pdb);
+    fclose(pdb);
 #if defined(DEBUG_FOCUS)
-  fprintf( stderr, "pdb file read\n" );
+    fprintf( stderr, "pdb file read\n" );
-  return 1;
+    return 1;
-char Write_PDB( reax_system* system, control_params *control, 
-		simulation_data *data, static_storage *workspace, 
-		list* bonds, output_controls *out_control )
+char Write_PDB( reax_system* system, control_params *control,
+                simulation_data *data, static_storage *workspace,
+                list* bonds, output_controls *out_control )
-  int  i, j, k, count;
-  int  connect[4];
-  char temp[MAX_STR], name[10];
-  real bo;
-  real alpha, beta, gamma;
-  /* open output pdb file */
-  sprintf( temp, "%s%d.pdb", control->sim_name, data->step );
-  if ( (out_control->pdb = fopen( temp, "w" )) == NULL )
-  {
-    fprintf( stderr, "Error opening the pdb output file!\n" );
-    exit( FILE_NOT_FOUND_ERR );
-  }
-  /* Writing Box information */
-  /* Write full volume tensor from the angles (as soon as possible) TODO_SOON */
-  gamma = acos( (system->box.box[0][0] * system->box.box[1][0] +  
-		 system->box.box[0][1] * system->box.box[1][1] + 
-		 system->box.box[0][2] * system->box.box[1][2]) / 
-		(system->box.box_norms[0]*system->box.box_norms[1]));
-  beta  = acos( (system->box.box[0][0] * system->box.box[2][0] +  
-		 system->box.box[0][1] * system->box.box[2][1] + 
-		 system->box.box[0][2] * system->box.box[2][2]) / 
-		(system->box.box_norms[0]*system->box.box_norms[2]));
-  alpha = acos( (system->box.box[2][0] * system->box.box[1][0] +  
-		 system->box.box[2][1] * system->box.box[1][1] + 
-		 system->box.box[2][2] * system->box.box[1][2]) / 
-		(system->box.box_norms[2]*system->box.box_norms[1]));
-  fprintf(out_control->pdb,PDB_CRYST1_FORMAT_O,
-	  "CRYST1",
-	  system->box.box_norms[0],
-	  system->box.box_norms[1],
-	  system->box.box_norms[2],
-	  RAD2DEG(alpha),
-	  RAD2DEG(beta),
-	  RAD2DEG(gamma),
-	  " ",
-	  0);
-  fprintf( out_control->log, "Box written\n" ); fflush( out_control->log );
-  /* Writing atom information */
-  for (i=0; i < system->N; i++) {
-    strncpy( name, system->reaxprm.sbp[system->atoms[i].type].name, 2 );
-    name[2] = '\0';
-    fprintf( out_control->pdb,PDB_ATOM_FORMAT_O,
-	     "ATOM  ",
-	     workspace->orig_id[i],
-	     name,
-	     ' ',
-	     "REX",
-	     ' ',
-	     1,
-	     ' ',
-	     system->atoms[i].x[0],
-	     system->atoms[i].x[1],
-	     system->atoms[i].x[2],
-	     1.0, 
-	     0.0,
-	     "0",
-	     name,
-	     "  " );
-  }
-  fprintf( out_control->log, "ATOM written\n" ); fflush( out_control->log );
-  /* Writing connect information */
-  for(i=0; i < system->N; i++) {
-    count = 0;
-    for(j = Start_Index(i, bonds); j < End_Index(i, bonds); ++j) {
-      bo = bonds->select.bond_list[j].bo_data.BO;
-      if (bo > 0.3)
-	{
-	  connect[count]=workspace->orig_id[bonds->select.bond_list[j].nbr];
-	  count++;
-	}	
+    int  i, j, k, count;
+    int  connect[4];
+    char temp[MAX_STR], name[10];
+    real bo;
+    real alpha, beta, gamma;
+    /* open output pdb file */
+    sprintf( temp, "%s%d.pdb", control->sim_name, data->step );
+    if ( (out_control->pdb = fopen( temp, "w" )) == NULL )
+    {
+        fprintf( stderr, "Error opening the pdb output file!\n" );
+        exit( FILE_NOT_FOUND_ERR );
-    fprintf( out_control->pdb, "%6s%6d", "CONECT", workspace->orig_id[i] );
-    for( k=0; k < count; k++ )
-      fprintf( out_control->pdb, "%6d", connect[k] );
-    fprintf( out_control->pdb, "\n" );
-  }
-  fprintf( out_control->pdb, "END\n" );
+    /* Writing Box information */
+    /* Write full volume tensor from the angles (as soon as possible) TODO_SOON */
+    gamma = acos( (system->box.box[0][0] * system->box.box[1][0] +
+                   system->box.box[0][1] * system->box.box[1][1] +
+                   system->box.box[0][2] * system->box.box[1][2]) /
+                  (system->box.box_norms[0] * system->box.box_norms[1]));
+    beta  = acos( (system->box.box[0][0] * system->box.box[2][0] +
+                   system->box.box[0][1] * system->box.box[2][1] +
+                   system->box.box[0][2] * system->box.box[2][2]) /
+                  (system->box.box_norms[0] * system->box.box_norms[2]));
+    alpha = acos( (system->box.box[2][0] * system->box.box[1][0] +
+                   system->box.box[2][1] * system->box.box[1][1] +
+                   system->box.box[2][2] * system->box.box[1][2]) /
+                  (system->box.box_norms[2] * system->box.box_norms[1]));
+    fprintf(out_control->pdb, PDB_CRYST1_FORMAT_O,
+            "CRYST1",
+            system->box.box_norms[0],
+            system->box.box_norms[1],
+            system->box.box_norms[2],
+            RAD2DEG(alpha),
+            RAD2DEG(beta),
+            RAD2DEG(gamma),
+            " ",
+            0);
+    fprintf( out_control->log, "Box written\n" );
+    fflush( out_control->log );
+    /* Writing atom information */
+    for (i = 0; i < system->N; i++)
+    {
+        strncpy( name, system->reaxprm.sbp[system->atoms[i].type].name, 2 );
+        name[2] = '\0';
+        fprintf( out_control->pdb, PDB_ATOM_FORMAT_O,
+                 "ATOM  ",
+                 workspace->orig_id[i],
+                 name,
+                 ' ',
+                 "REX",
+                 ' ',
+                 1,
+                 ' ',
+                 system->atoms[i].x[0],
+                 system->atoms[i].x[1],
+                 system->atoms[i].x[2],
+                 1.0,
+                 0.0,
+                 "0",
+                 name,
+                 "  " );
+    }
-  fclose( out_control->pdb );
+    fprintf( out_control->log, "ATOM written\n" );
+    fflush( out_control->log );
+    /* Writing connect information */
+    for (i = 0; i < system->N; i++)
+    {
+        count = 0;
+        for (j = Start_Index(i, bonds); j < End_Index(i, bonds); ++j)
+        {
+            bo = bonds->select.bond_list[j].bo_data.BO;
+            if (bo > 0.3)
+            {
+                connect[count] = workspace->orig_id[bonds->select.bond_list[j].nbr];
+                count++;
+            }
+        }
+        fprintf( out_control->pdb, "%6s%6d", "CONECT", workspace->orig_id[i] );
+        for ( k = 0; k < count; k++ )
+            fprintf( out_control->pdb, "%6d", connect[k] );
+        fprintf( out_control->pdb, "\n" );
+    }
-  return 1;
+    fprintf( out_control->pdb, "END\n" );
+    fclose( out_control->pdb );
+    return 1;
-char Read_BGF( char* bgf_file, reax_system* system, control_params *control, 
-	       simulation_data *data, static_storage *workspace )
+char Read_BGF( char* bgf_file, reax_system* system, control_params *control,
+               simulation_data *data, static_storage *workspace )
-  FILE *bgf;
-  char **tokens;
-  char *line, *backup;
-  char descriptor[10], serial[10];
-  char atom_name[10], res_name[10], res_seq[10];
-  char s_x[12], s_y[12], s_z[12];
-  char occupancy[10], temp_factor[10];
-  char element[10], charge[10];
-  char chain_id;
-  char s_a[12], s_b[12], s_c[12], s_alpha[12], s_beta[12], s_gamma[12];
-  char *endptr = NULL;
-  int  i, atom_cnt, token_cnt, bgf_serial, ratom = 0;
-  /* open biograf file */
-  if ( (bgf = fopen( bgf_file, "r" )) == NULL )
+    FILE *bgf;
+    char **tokens;
+    char *line, *backup;
+    char descriptor[10], serial[10];
+    char atom_name[10], res_name[10], res_seq[10];
+    char s_x[12], s_y[12], s_z[12];
+    char occupancy[10], temp_factor[10];
+    char element[10], charge[10];
+    char chain_id;
+    char s_a[12], s_b[12], s_c[12], s_alpha[12], s_beta[12], s_gamma[12];
+    char *endptr = NULL;
+    int  i, atom_cnt, token_cnt, bgf_serial, ratom = 0;
+    /* open biograf file */
+    if ( (bgf = fopen( bgf_file, "r" )) == NULL )
+    {
+        fprintf( stderr, "Error opening the bgf file!\n" );
+        exit( FILE_NOT_FOUND_ERR );
+    }
+    /* allocate memory for tokenizing biograf file lines */
+    line   = (char*)  malloc( sizeof(char)  * MAX_LINE );
+    backup = (char*)  malloc( sizeof(char)  * MAX_LINE );
+    tokens = (char**) malloc( sizeof(char*) * MAX_TOKENS );
+    for ( i = 0; i < MAX_TOKENS; i++ )
+        tokens[i] = (char*) malloc( sizeof(char) * MAX_TOKEN_LEN );
+    /* count number of atoms in the pdb file */
+    system->N = 0;
+    while ( !feof( bgf ) )
-      fprintf( stderr, "Error opening the bgf file!\n" );
-      exit( FILE_NOT_FOUND_ERR );
+        line[0] = 0;
+        fgets( line, MAX_LINE, bgf );
+        tokens[0][0] = 0;
+        token_cnt = Tokenize( line, &tokens );
+        if ( !strcmp( tokens[0], "ATOM" ) || !strcmp( tokens[0], "HETATM" ) )
+            (system->N)++;
+    //fprintf( stderr, "system->N: %d\n", system->N );
+    fclose( bgf );
+    /* memory allocations for atoms, atom maps, bond restrictions */
+    system->atoms = (reax_atom*) calloc( system->N, sizeof(reax_atom) );
+    workspace->map_serials = (int*) calloc( MAX_ATOM_ID, sizeof(int) );
+    for ( i = 0; i < MAX_ATOM_ID; ++i )
+        workspace->map_serials[i] = -1;
+    workspace->orig_id = (int*) calloc( system->N, sizeof(int) );
+    workspace->restricted  = (int*) calloc( system->N, sizeof(int) );
+    workspace->restricted_list = (int**) calloc( system->N, sizeof(int*) );
+    for ( i = 0; i < system->N; ++i )
+        workspace->restricted_list[i] = (int*) calloc( MAX_RESTRICT, sizeof(int) );
-  /* allocate memory for tokenizing biograf file lines */
-  line   = (char*)  malloc( sizeof(char)  * MAX_LINE );
-  backup = (char*)  malloc( sizeof(char)  * MAX_LINE );
-  tokens = (char**) malloc( sizeof(char*) * MAX_TOKENS );
-  for( i = 0; i < MAX_TOKENS; i++ )
-    tokens[i] = (char*) malloc( sizeof(char) * MAX_TOKEN_LEN );
-  /* count number of atoms in the pdb file */
-  system->N = 0;
-  while( !feof( bgf ) ) {
-    line[0] = 0;
-    fgets( line, MAX_LINE, bgf );
-    tokens[0][0] = 0;
-    token_cnt = Tokenize( line, &tokens );
-    if( !strcmp( tokens[0], "ATOM" ) || !strcmp( tokens[0], "HETATM" ) )
-      (system->N)++;
-  }
-  //fprintf( stderr, "system->N: %d\n", system->N );
-  fclose( bgf );
-  /* memory allocations for atoms, atom maps, bond restrictions */
-  system->atoms = (reax_atom*) calloc( system->N, sizeof(reax_atom) );
-  workspace->map_serials = (int*) calloc( MAX_ATOM_ID, sizeof(int) );
-  for( i = 0; i < MAX_ATOM_ID; ++i )
-    workspace->map_serials[i] = -1;
-  workspace->orig_id = (int*) calloc( system->N, sizeof(int) );
-  workspace->restricted  = (int*) calloc( system->N, sizeof(int) );
-  workspace->restricted_list = (int**) calloc( system->N, sizeof(int*) );
-  for( i = 0; i < system->N; ++i )
-    workspace->restricted_list[i] = (int*) calloc( MAX_RESTRICT, sizeof(int) );
-  /* start reading and processing bgf file */
-  if ( (bgf = fopen( bgf_file, "r" )) == NULL )
-  {
-    fprintf( stderr, "Error opening the bgf file!\n" );
-    exit( FILE_NOT_FOUND_ERR );
-  }
-  atom_cnt = 0;
-  token_cnt = 0;
-  while( !feof( bgf ) ) {
-    /* clear previous input line */
-    line[0] = 0;
-    for( i = 0; i < token_cnt; ++i )
-      tokens[i][0] = 0;
-    /* read new line and tokenize it */
-    fgets( line, MAX_LINE, bgf );
-    strncpy( backup, line, MAX_LINE-1 );
-    token_cnt = Tokenize( line, &tokens );
-    /* process new line */
-    if( !strncmp(tokens[0], "ATOM", 4) || !strncmp(tokens[0], "HETATM", 6) ) {
-      if( !strncmp(tokens[0], "ATOM", 4) ) {
-	strncpy( &descriptor[0], backup, 6 );     descriptor[6] = 0;
-	strncpy( &serial[0], backup+7, 5 );       serial[5] = 0;
-	strncpy( &atom_name[0], backup+13, 5 );   atom_name[5] = 0;
-	strncpy( &res_name[0], backup+19, 3 );    res_name[3] = 0;
-	chain_id = backup[23];
-	strncpy( &res_seq[0], backup+25, 5 );     res_seq[5] = 0;	      
-	strncpy( &s_x[0], backup+30, 10 );        s_x[10] = 0;
-	strncpy( &s_y[0], backup+40, 10 );        s_y[10] = 0;
-	strncpy( &s_z[0], backup+50, 10 );        s_z[10] = 0;
-	strncpy( &element[0], backup+61, 5 );     element[5] = 0;
-	strncpy( &occupancy[0], backup+66, 3 );   occupancy[3] = 0;
-	strncpy( &temp_factor[0], backup+69, 2 ); temp_factor[2] = 0;
-	strncpy( &charge[0], backup+72, 8 );      charge[8] = 0;
-      }
-      else if( !strncmp(tokens[0],"HETATM", 6) ) {
-	/* bgf hetatm:
-	   (7x,i5,1x,a5,1x,a3,1x,a1,1x,a5,3f10.5,1x,a5,i3,i2,1x,f8.5) */
-	strncpy( &descriptor[0], backup, 6 );     descriptor[6] = 0;
-	strncpy( &serial[0], backup+7, 5 );       serial[5] = 0;
-	strncpy( &atom_name[0], backup+13, 5 );   atom_name[5] = 0;
-	strncpy( &res_name[0], backup+19, 3 );    res_name[3] = 0;
-	chain_id = backup[23];
-	strncpy( &res_seq[0], backup+25, 5 );     res_seq[5] = 0;	      
-	strncpy( &s_x[0], backup+30, 10 );        s_x[10] = 0;
-	strncpy( &s_y[0], backup+40, 10 );        s_y[10] = 0;
-	strncpy( &s_z[0], backup+50, 10 );        s_z[10] = 0;
-	strncpy( &element[0], backup+61, 5 );     element[5] = 0;
-	strncpy( &occupancy[0], backup+66, 3 );   occupancy[3] = 0;
-	strncpy( &temp_factor[0], backup+69, 2 ); temp_factor[2] = 0;
-	strncpy( &charge[0], backup+72, 8 );      charge[8] = 0;
-      }
-      /* add to mapping */
-      bgf_serial = strtod( &serial[0], &endptr );
-      Check_Input_Range( bgf_serial, 0, MAX_ATOM_ID, "Invalid bgf serial" );
-      workspace->map_serials[ bgf_serial ] = atom_cnt;
-      workspace->orig_id[ atom_cnt ] = bgf_serial;
-      // fprintf( stderr, "map %d --> %d\n", bgf_serial, atom_cnt );
-      /* copy atomic positions */
-      system->atoms[atom_cnt].x[0] = strtod( &s_x[0], &endptr );
-      system->atoms[atom_cnt].x[1] = strtod( &s_y[0], &endptr );
-      system->atoms[atom_cnt].x[2] = strtod( &s_z[0], &endptr );
-      /* atom name and type */
-      strcpy( system->atoms[atom_cnt].name, atom_name );
-      Trim_Spaces( element );
-      system->atoms[atom_cnt].type = 
-	Get_Atom_Type( &(system->reaxprm), element );
-      /* fprintf( stderr, 
-	 "a:%3d(%1d) c:%10.5f%10.5f%10.5f q:%10.5f occ:%s temp:%s seg_id:%s element:%s\n", 
-	 atom_cnt, system->atoms[ atom_cnt ].type, 
-	 system->atoms[ atom_cnt ].x[0], 
-	 system->atoms[ atom_cnt ].x[1], system->atoms[ atom_cnt ].x[2], 
-	 system->atoms[ atom_cnt ].q, occupancy, temp_factor, 
-	 seg_id, element ); */
-      atom_cnt++;
+    /* start reading and processing bgf file */
+    if ( (bgf = fopen( bgf_file, "r" )) == NULL )
+    {
+        fprintf( stderr, "Error opening the bgf file!\n" );
+        exit( FILE_NOT_FOUND_ERR );
-    else if(!strncmp( tokens[0], "CRYSTX", 6 )) {
-      sscanf( backup, BGF_CRYSTX_FORMAT,
-	      &descriptor[0],
-	      &s_a[0],
-	      &s_b[0],
-	      &s_c[0],
-	      &s_alpha[0],
-	      &s_beta[0],
-	      &s_gamma[0] );
-      /* Compute full volume tensor from the angles */
-      Init_Box_From_CRYST( atof(s_a),  atof(s_b), atof(s_c), 
-			   atof(s_alpha), atof(s_beta), atof(s_gamma), 
-			   &(system->box) );
+    atom_cnt = 0;
+    token_cnt = 0;
+    while ( !feof( bgf ) )
+    {
+        /* clear previous input line */
+        line[0] = 0;
+        for ( i = 0; i < token_cnt; ++i )
+            tokens[i][0] = 0;
+        /* read new line and tokenize it */
+        fgets( line, MAX_LINE, bgf );
+        strncpy( backup, line, MAX_LINE - 1 );
+        token_cnt = Tokenize( line, &tokens );
+        /* process new line */
+        if ( !strncmp(tokens[0], "ATOM", 4) || !strncmp(tokens[0], "HETATM", 6) )
+        {
+            if ( !strncmp(tokens[0], "ATOM", 4) )
+            {
+                strncpy( &descriptor[0], backup, 6 );
+                descriptor[6] = 0;
+                strncpy( &serial[0], backup + 7, 5 );
+                serial[5] = 0;
+                strncpy( &atom_name[0], backup + 13, 5 );
+                atom_name[5] = 0;
+                strncpy( &res_name[0], backup + 19, 3 );
+                res_name[3] = 0;
+                chain_id = backup[23];
+                strncpy( &res_seq[0], backup + 25, 5 );
+                res_seq[5] = 0;
+                strncpy( &s_x[0], backup + 30, 10 );
+                s_x[10] = 0;
+                strncpy( &s_y[0], backup + 40, 10 );
+                s_y[10] = 0;
+                strncpy( &s_z[0], backup + 50, 10 );
+                s_z[10] = 0;
+                strncpy( &element[0], backup + 61, 5 );
+                element[5] = 0;
+                strncpy( &occupancy[0], backup + 66, 3 );
+                occupancy[3] = 0;
+                strncpy( &temp_factor[0], backup + 69, 2 );
+                temp_factor[2] = 0;
+                strncpy( &charge[0], backup + 72, 8 );
+                charge[8] = 0;
+            }
+            else if ( !strncmp(tokens[0], "HETATM", 6) )
+            {
+                /* bgf hetatm:
+                   (7x,i5,1x,a5,1x,a3,1x,a1,1x,a5,3f10.5,1x,a5,i3,i2,1x,f8.5) */
+                strncpy( &descriptor[0], backup, 6 );
+                descriptor[6] = 0;
+                strncpy( &serial[0], backup + 7, 5 );
+                serial[5] = 0;
+                strncpy( &atom_name[0], backup + 13, 5 );
+                atom_name[5] = 0;
+                strncpy( &res_name[0], backup + 19, 3 );
+                res_name[3] = 0;
+                chain_id = backup[23];
+                strncpy( &res_seq[0], backup + 25, 5 );
+                res_seq[5] = 0;
+                strncpy( &s_x[0], backup + 30, 10 );
+                s_x[10] = 0;
+                strncpy( &s_y[0], backup + 40, 10 );
+                s_y[10] = 0;
+                strncpy( &s_z[0], backup + 50, 10 );
+                s_z[10] = 0;
+                strncpy( &element[0], backup + 61, 5 );
+                element[5] = 0;
+                strncpy( &occupancy[0], backup + 66, 3 );
+                occupancy[3] = 0;
+                strncpy( &temp_factor[0], backup + 69, 2 );
+                temp_factor[2] = 0;
+                strncpy( &charge[0], backup + 72, 8 );
+                charge[8] = 0;
+            }
+            /* add to mapping */
+            bgf_serial = strtod( &serial[0], &endptr );
+            Check_Input_Range( bgf_serial, 0, MAX_ATOM_ID, "Invalid bgf serial" );
+            workspace->map_serials[ bgf_serial ] = atom_cnt;
+            workspace->orig_id[ atom_cnt ] = bgf_serial;
+            // fprintf( stderr, "map %d --> %d\n", bgf_serial, atom_cnt );
+            /* copy atomic positions */
+            system->atoms[atom_cnt].x[0] = strtod( &s_x[0], &endptr );
+            system->atoms[atom_cnt].x[1] = strtod( &s_y[0], &endptr );
+            system->atoms[atom_cnt].x[2] = strtod( &s_z[0], &endptr );
+            /* atom name and type */
+            strcpy( system->atoms[atom_cnt].name, atom_name );
+            Trim_Spaces( element );
+            system->atoms[atom_cnt].type =
+                Get_Atom_Type( &(system->reaxprm), element );
+            /* fprintf( stderr,
+            "a:%3d(%1d) c:%10.5f%10.5f%10.5f q:%10.5f occ:%s temp:%s seg_id:%s element:%s\n",
+             atom_cnt, system->atoms[ atom_cnt ].type,
+             system->atoms[ atom_cnt ].x[0],
+             system->atoms[ atom_cnt ].x[1], system->atoms[ atom_cnt ].x[2],
+             system->atoms[ atom_cnt ].q, occupancy, temp_factor,
+             seg_id, element ); */
+            atom_cnt++;
+        }
+        else if (!strncmp( tokens[0], "CRYSTX", 6 ))
+        {
+            sscanf( backup, BGF_CRYSTX_FORMAT,
+                    &descriptor[0],
+                    &s_a[0],
+                    &s_b[0],
+                    &s_c[0],
+                    &s_alpha[0],
+                    &s_beta[0],
+                    &s_gamma[0] );
+            /* Compute full volume tensor from the angles */
+            Init_Box_From_CRYST( atof(s_a),  atof(s_b), atof(s_c),
+                                 atof(s_alpha), atof(s_beta), atof(s_gamma),
+                                 &(system->box) );
+        }
+        else if (!strncmp( tokens[0], "CONECT", 6 ))
+        {
+            /* check number of restrictions */
+            Check_Input_Range( token_cnt - 2, 0, MAX_RESTRICT,
+                               "CONECT line exceeds max restrictions allowed.\n" );
+            /* read bond restrictions */
+            if ( is_Valid_Serial( workspace, bgf_serial = atoi(tokens[1]) ) )
+                ratom = workspace->map_serials[ bgf_serial ];
+            workspace->restricted[ ratom ] = token_cnt - 2;
+            for ( i = 2; i < token_cnt; ++i )
+                if ( is_Valid_Serial( workspace, bgf_serial = atoi(tokens[i]) ) )
+                    workspace->restricted_list[ ratom ][ i - 2 ] =
+                        workspace->map_serials[ bgf_serial ];
+            /* fprintf( stderr, "restriction on %d:", ratom );
+            for( i = 0; i < workspace->restricted[ ratom ]; ++i )
+             fprintf( stderr, "  %d", workspace->restricted_list[ratom][i] );
+             fprintf( stderr, "\n" ); */
+        }
-    else if(!strncmp( tokens[0], "CONECT", 6 )) {
-      /* check number of restrictions */
-      Check_Input_Range( token_cnt - 2, 0, MAX_RESTRICT,
-			 "CONECT line exceeds max restrictions allowed.\n" );
-      /* read bond restrictions */
-      if( is_Valid_Serial( workspace, bgf_serial = atoi(tokens[1]) ) )
-	ratom = workspace->map_serials[ bgf_serial ];
-      workspace->restricted[ ratom ] = token_cnt - 2;
-      for( i = 2; i < token_cnt; ++i )
-	if( is_Valid_Serial( workspace, bgf_serial = atoi(tokens[i]) ) )
-	  workspace->restricted_list[ ratom ][ i-2 ] = 
-	    workspace->map_serials[ bgf_serial ];
-      /* fprintf( stderr, "restriction on %d:", ratom );
-	 for( i = 0; i < workspace->restricted[ ratom ]; ++i )
-	 fprintf( stderr, "  %d", workspace->restricted_list[ratom][i] );
-	 fprintf( stderr, "\n" ); */
-    }      
-  }
-  fclose( bgf );
+    fclose( bgf );
 #if defined(DEBUG_FOCUS)
-  fprintf( stderr, "bgf file read\n" );
+    fprintf( stderr, "bgf file read\n" );
-  return 1;
+    return 1;
diff --git a/puremd_rc_1003/sPuReMD/pdb_tools.h b/puremd_rc_1003/sPuReMD/pdb_tools.h
index 212cf6a57cf3b5ea2da3ed2ee148ce875f0a4b4f..c3afab9f601a666f54b00c99c80502bbecb64c41 100644
--- a/puremd_rc_1003/sPuReMD/pdb_tools.h
+++ b/puremd_rc_1003/sPuReMD/pdb_tools.h
@@ -1,20 +1,20 @@
   SerialReax - Reax Force Field Simulator
   Copyright (2010) Purdue University
   Hasan Metin Aktulga, haktulga@cs.purdue.edu
   Joseph Fogarty, jcfogart@mail.usf.edu
   Sagar Pandit, pandit@usf.edu
   Ananth Y Grama, ayg@cs.purdue.edu
   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
   modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
-  published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of 
+  published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
   the License, or (at your option) any later version.
   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
   See the GNU General Public License for more details:
@@ -25,14 +25,14 @@
 #include "mytypes.h"
-PDB format : 
+PDB format :
 #define PDB_ATOM_FORMAT   "%6s%5d%4s%c%4s%c%4d%c%8s%8s%8s%6s%6s%4s%2s%2s\n"
-1 -  6        Record name     "ATOM  " 
+1 -  6        Record name     "ATOM  "
 7 - 11        Integer         serial        Atom serial number.
 13 - 16       Atom            name          Atom name.
 17            Character       altLoc        Alternate location indicator.
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ COLUMNS        DATA TYPE       FIELD         DEFINITION
 31 - 38       Real(8.3)       x             Orthogonal coord for X in Angstroms
 39 - 46       Real(8.3)       y             Orthogonal coord for Y in Angstroms
 47 - 54       Real(8.3)       z             Orthogonal coord for Z in Angstroms
-55 - 60       Real(6.2)       occupancy     Occupancy. 
+55 - 60       Real(6.2)       occupancy     Occupancy.
 61 - 66       Real(6.2)       tempFactor    Temperature factor.
 73 - 76       LString(4)      segID         Segment identifier, left-justified.
 77 - 78       LString(2)      element       Element symbol, right-justified.
@@ -82,9 +82,9 @@ COLUMNS       DATA TYPE       FIELD         DEFINITION
-1 - 6        Record name     "CRYST1"  
+1 - 6        Record name     "CRYST1"
 7 - 15       Real(9.3)       a             a (Angstroms)
 16 - 24      Real(9.3)       b             b (Angstroms)
 25 - 33      Real(9.3)       c             c (Angstroms)
@@ -107,12 +107,12 @@ COLUMNS       DATA TYPE       FIELD         DEFINITION
 #define BGF_CRYSTX_FORMAT "%8s%11s%11s%11s%11s%11s%11s"
-char Read_PDB( char*, reax_system*, control_params*, 
-	       simulation_data*, static_storage* );
-char Read_BGF( char*, reax_system*, control_params*, 
-	       simulation_data*, static_storage* );
+char Read_PDB( char*, reax_system*, control_params*,
+               simulation_data*, static_storage* );
+char Read_BGF( char*, reax_system*, control_params*,
+               simulation_data*, static_storage* );
-char Write_PDB( reax_system*, control_params*, simulation_data*, 
-		static_storage*, list*, output_controls* );
+char Write_PDB( reax_system*, control_params*, simulation_data*,
+                static_storage*, list*, output_controls* );
diff --git a/puremd_rc_1003/sPuReMD/print_utils.c b/puremd_rc_1003/sPuReMD/print_utils.c
index 46127cd5f10b4dca5bc79c162ad5417c3160963b..20d58e7576b185ca65c84f78ac3548ce7621b57d 100644
--- a/puremd_rc_1003/sPuReMD/print_utils.c
+++ b/puremd_rc_1003/sPuReMD/print_utils.c
@@ -1,20 +1,20 @@
   SerialReax - Reax Force Field Simulator
   Copyright (2010) Purdue University
   Hasan Metin Aktulga, haktulga@cs.purdue.edu
   Joseph Fogarty, jcfogart@mail.usf.edu
   Sagar Pandit, pandit@usf.edu
   Ananth Y Grama, ayg@cs.purdue.edu
   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
   modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
-  published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of 
+  published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
   the License, or (at your option) any later version.
   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
   See the GNU General Public License for more details:
@@ -27,843 +27,868 @@
-void Dummy_Printer( reax_system *system, control_params *control, 
-		    simulation_data *data, static_storage *workspace, 
-		    list **lists, output_controls *out_control )
+void Dummy_Printer( reax_system *system, control_params *control,
+                    simulation_data *data, static_storage *workspace,
+                    list **lists, output_controls *out_control )
-void Print_Bond_Orders( reax_system *system, control_params *control, 
-			simulation_data *data, static_storage *workspace, 
-			list **lists, output_controls *out_control )
+void Print_Bond_Orders( reax_system *system, control_params *control,
+                        simulation_data *data, static_storage *workspace,
+                        list **lists, output_controls *out_control )
-  int  i, pj, pk;
-  bond_order_data *bo_ij;
-  list *bonds = (*lists) + BONDS;
-  list *dBOs  = (*lists) + DBO;
-  dbond_data *dbo_k;
-  /* bond orders */
-  fprintf( out_control->fbo, "%6s%6s%12s%12s%12s%12s%12s\n", 
-	   "atom1", "atom2", "r_ij", "total_bo", "bo_s", "bo_p", "bo_pp" );
-  for( i = 0; i < system->N; ++i )
-    for( pj = Start_Index(i, bonds); pj < End_Index(i, bonds); ++pj ) {
-      bo_ij = &(bonds->select.bond_list[pj].bo_data);	
-      fprintf( out_control->fbo, "%6d%6d%23.15e%23.15e%23.15e%23.15e%23.15e\n", 
-	       //workspace->orig_id[i], 
-	       //workspace->orig_id[bonds->select.bond_list[pj].nbr],
-	       i+1,
-	       bonds->select.bond_list[pj].nbr+1,
-	       bonds->select.bond_list[pj].d,
-	       bo_ij->BO, bo_ij->BO_s, bo_ij->BO_pi, bo_ij->BO_pi2 );
-    }
-  /* derivatives of bond orders */
-  /* fprintf( out_control->fbo, "%6s%6s%10s%10s%10s%10s\n", 
-     "atom1", "atom2", "total_bo", "bo_s", "bo_p", "bo_pp"\n ); */
-  for( i = 0; i < system->N; ++i )
-    for( pj = Start_Index(i, bonds); pj < End_Index(i, bonds); ++pj ) {
-      /*fprintf( out_control->fdbo, "%6d %6d\tstart: %6d\tend: %6d\n", 
-	workspace->orig_id[i], 
-	workspace->orig_id[bonds->select.bond_list[pj].nbr],
-	Start_Index( pj, dBOs ), End_Index( pj, dBOs ) );*/
-      for( pk = Start_Index(pj,dBOs); pk < End_Index(pj,dBOs); ++pk ) {
-	dbo_k = &(dBOs->select.dbo_list[pk]);
-	//if( !rvec_isZero( dbo_k->dBO ) )
-	fprintf( out_control->fdbo, "%6d%6d%6d%23.15e%23.15e%23.15e\n",
-		 workspace->orig_id[i], 
-		 workspace->orig_id[bonds->select.bond_list[pj].nbr], 
-		 workspace->orig_id[dbo_k->wrt],
-		 dbo_k->dBO[0], dbo_k->dBO[1], dbo_k->dBO[2] );
-	fprintf( out_control->fdbo, "%6d%6d%6d%23.15e%23.15e%23.15e\n",
-		 workspace->orig_id[i], 
-		 workspace->orig_id[bonds->select.bond_list[pj].nbr], 
-		 workspace->orig_id[dbo_k->wrt],
-		 dbo_k->dBOpi[0], dbo_k->dBOpi[1], dbo_k->dBOpi[2] );
-	fprintf( out_control->fdbo, "%6d%6d%6d%23.15e%23.15e%23.15e\n",
-		 workspace->orig_id[i], 
-		 workspace->orig_id[bonds->select.bond_list[pj].nbr], 
-		 workspace->orig_id[dbo_k->wrt],
-		 dbo_k->dBOpi2[0], dbo_k->dBOpi2[1], dbo_k->dBOpi2[2] ); 
-      }
-    }
-  fflush(out_control->fdbo);
+    int  i, pj, pk;
+    bond_order_data *bo_ij;
+    list *bonds = (*lists) + BONDS;
+    list *dBOs  = (*lists) + DBO;
+    dbond_data *dbo_k;
+    /* bond orders */
+    fprintf( out_control->fbo, "%6s%6s%12s%12s%12s%12s%12s\n",
+             "atom1", "atom2", "r_ij", "total_bo", "bo_s", "bo_p", "bo_pp" );
+    for ( i = 0; i < system->N; ++i )
+        for ( pj = Start_Index(i, bonds); pj < End_Index(i, bonds); ++pj )
+        {
+            bo_ij = &(bonds->select.bond_list[pj].bo_data);
+            fprintf( out_control->fbo, "%6d%6d%23.15e%23.15e%23.15e%23.15e%23.15e\n",
+                     //workspace->orig_id[i],
+                     //workspace->orig_id[bonds->select.bond_list[pj].nbr],
+                     i + 1,
+                     bonds->select.bond_list[pj].nbr + 1,
+                     bonds->select.bond_list[pj].d,
+                     bo_ij->BO, bo_ij->BO_s, bo_ij->BO_pi, bo_ij->BO_pi2 );
+        }
+    /* derivatives of bond orders */
+    /* fprintf( out_control->fbo, "%6s%6s%10s%10s%10s%10s\n",
+       "atom1", "atom2", "total_bo", "bo_s", "bo_p", "bo_pp"\n ); */
+    for ( i = 0; i < system->N; ++i )
+        for ( pj = Start_Index(i, bonds); pj < End_Index(i, bonds); ++pj )
+        {
+            /*fprintf( out_control->fdbo, "%6d %6d\tstart: %6d\tend: %6d\n",
+            workspace->orig_id[i],
+            workspace->orig_id[bonds->select.bond_list[pj].nbr],
+            Start_Index( pj, dBOs ), End_Index( pj, dBOs ) );*/
+            for ( pk = Start_Index(pj, dBOs); pk < End_Index(pj, dBOs); ++pk )
+            {
+                dbo_k = &(dBOs->select.dbo_list[pk]);
+                //if( !rvec_isZero( dbo_k->dBO ) )
+                fprintf( out_control->fdbo, "%6d%6d%6d%23.15e%23.15e%23.15e\n",
+                         workspace->orig_id[i],
+                         workspace->orig_id[bonds->select.bond_list[pj].nbr],
+                         workspace->orig_id[dbo_k->wrt],
+                         dbo_k->dBO[0], dbo_k->dBO[1], dbo_k->dBO[2] );
+                fprintf( out_control->fdbo, "%6d%6d%6d%23.15e%23.15e%23.15e\n",
+                         workspace->orig_id[i],
+                         workspace->orig_id[bonds->select.bond_list[pj].nbr],
+                         workspace->orig_id[dbo_k->wrt],
+                         dbo_k->dBOpi[0], dbo_k->dBOpi[1], dbo_k->dBOpi[2] );
+                fprintf( out_control->fdbo, "%6d%6d%6d%23.15e%23.15e%23.15e\n",
+                         workspace->orig_id[i],
+                         workspace->orig_id[bonds->select.bond_list[pj].nbr],
+                         workspace->orig_id[dbo_k->wrt],
+                         dbo_k->dBOpi2[0], dbo_k->dBOpi2[1], dbo_k->dBOpi2[2] );
+            }
+        }
+    fflush(out_control->fdbo);
-void Print_Bond_Forces( reax_system *system, control_params *control, 
-			simulation_data *data, static_storage *workspace, 
-			list **lists, output_controls *out_control )
+void Print_Bond_Forces( reax_system *system, control_params *control,
+                        simulation_data *data, static_storage *workspace,
+                        list **lists, output_controls *out_control )
-  int i;
+    int i;
-  fprintf( out_control->fbond, "%d\n", data->step );
-  fprintf( out_control->fbond, "%6s\t%s\n", "atom", "fbond" ); 
+    fprintf( out_control->fbond, "%d\n", data->step );
+    fprintf( out_control->fbond, "%6s\t%s\n", "atom", "fbond" );
-  for( i = 0; i < system->N; ++i )
-    fprintf(out_control->fbond, "%6d %23.15e%23.15e%23.15e\n",
-	    workspace->orig_id[i], 
-	    workspace->f_be[i][0],workspace->f_be[i][1],workspace->f_be[i][2]);
+    for ( i = 0; i < system->N; ++i )
+        fprintf(out_control->fbond, "%6d %23.15e%23.15e%23.15e\n",
+                workspace->orig_id[i],
+                workspace->f_be[i][0], workspace->f_be[i][1], workspace->f_be[i][2]);
-void Print_LonePair_Forces( reax_system *system, control_params *control, 
-			    simulation_data *data, static_storage *workspace, 
-			    list **lists, output_controls *out_control )
+void Print_LonePair_Forces( reax_system *system, control_params *control,
+                            simulation_data *data, static_storage *workspace,
+                            list **lists, output_controls *out_control )
-  int i;
+    int i;
-  fprintf( out_control->flp, "%d\n", data->step );
-  fprintf( out_control->flp, "%6s\t%s\n", "atom","f_lonepair" );
+    fprintf( out_control->flp, "%d\n", data->step );
+    fprintf( out_control->flp, "%6s\t%s\n", "atom", "f_lonepair" );
-  for( i = 0; i < system->N; ++i )
-    fprintf(out_control->flp, "%6d %23.15e%23.15e%23.15e\n",
-	    workspace->orig_id[i], 
-	    workspace->f_lp[i][0],workspace->f_lp[i][1],workspace->f_lp[i][2]);
+    for ( i = 0; i < system->N; ++i )
+        fprintf(out_control->flp, "%6d %23.15e%23.15e%23.15e\n",
+                workspace->orig_id[i],
+                workspace->f_lp[i][0], workspace->f_lp[i][1], workspace->f_lp[i][2]);
-  fflush(out_control->flp);
+    fflush(out_control->flp);
-void Print_OverUnderCoor_Forces( reax_system *system, control_params *control, 
-				 simulation_data *data, 
-				 static_storage *workspace, list **lists, 
-				 output_controls *out_control )
+void Print_OverUnderCoor_Forces( reax_system *system, control_params *control,
+                                 simulation_data *data,
+                                 static_storage *workspace, list **lists,
+                                 output_controls *out_control )
-  int i;
-  fprintf( out_control->fatom, "%d\n", data->step );
-  fprintf( out_control->fatom, "%6s\t%-38s%-38s%-38s\n", 
-	   "atom","f_atom", "f_over", "f_under" );
-  for( i = 0; i < system->N; ++i ){
-    if( rvec_isZero( workspace->f_un[i] ) )
-      fprintf( out_control->fatom, 
-	       "%6d %23.15e%23.15e%23.15e 0 0 0\n",
-	       workspace->orig_id[i], workspace->f_ov[i][0], 
-	       workspace->f_ov[i][1], workspace->f_ov[i][2] );
-    else
-      fprintf( out_control->fatom, 
-	       "%6d %23.15e%23.15e%23.15e %23.15e%23.15e%23.15e"\
-	       "%23.15e%23.15e%23.15e\n",
-	       workspace->orig_id[i],
-	       workspace->f_un[i][0] + workspace->f_ov[i][0],
-	       workspace->f_un[i][1] + workspace->f_ov[i][1],
-	       workspace->f_un[i][2] + workspace->f_ov[i][2],
-	       workspace->f_ov[i][0], workspace->f_ov[i][1], 
-	       workspace->f_ov[i][2], 
-	       workspace->f_un[i][0], workspace->f_un[i][1],
-	       workspace->f_un[i][2] );
-  }
-  fflush(out_control->fatom);
+    int i;
+    fprintf( out_control->fatom, "%d\n", data->step );
+    fprintf( out_control->fatom, "%6s\t%-38s%-38s%-38s\n",
+             "atom", "f_atom", "f_over", "f_under" );
+    for ( i = 0; i < system->N; ++i )
+    {
+        if ( rvec_isZero( workspace->f_un[i] ) )
+            fprintf( out_control->fatom,
+                     "%6d %23.15e%23.15e%23.15e 0 0 0\n",
+                     workspace->orig_id[i], workspace->f_ov[i][0],
+                     workspace->f_ov[i][1], workspace->f_ov[i][2] );
+        else
+            fprintf( out_control->fatom,
+                     "%6d %23.15e%23.15e%23.15e %23.15e%23.15e%23.15e"\
+                     "%23.15e%23.15e%23.15e\n",
+                     workspace->orig_id[i],
+                     workspace->f_un[i][0] + workspace->f_ov[i][0],
+                     workspace->f_un[i][1] + workspace->f_ov[i][1],
+                     workspace->f_un[i][2] + workspace->f_ov[i][2],
+                     workspace->f_ov[i][0], workspace->f_ov[i][1],
+                     workspace->f_ov[i][2],
+                     workspace->f_un[i][0], workspace->f_un[i][1],
+                     workspace->f_un[i][2] );
+    }
+    fflush(out_control->fatom);
-void Print_Three_Body_Forces( reax_system *system, control_params *control, 
-			      simulation_data *data, static_storage *workspace, 
-			      list **lists, output_controls *out_control )
+void Print_Three_Body_Forces( reax_system *system, control_params *control,
+                              simulation_data *data, static_storage *workspace,
+                              list **lists, output_controls *out_control )
-  int j;
-  fprintf( out_control->f3body, "%d\n", data->step );
-  fprintf( out_control->f3body, "%6s%-37s%-37s%-37s%-38s\n", 
-	   "atom", "3-body total", "f_ang", "f_pen", "f_coa" );
-  for( j = 0; j < system->N; ++j ){
-    if( rvec_isZero(workspace->f_pen[j]) && rvec_isZero(workspace->f_coa[j]) )
-      fprintf( out_control->f3body, "%6d %23.15e%23.15e%23.15e  0 0 0  0 0 0\n",
-	       workspace->orig_id[j], workspace->f_ang[j][0],
-	       workspace->f_ang[j][1], workspace->f_ang[j][2] );
-    else if( rvec_isZero(workspace->f_coa[j]) )
-      fprintf( out_control->f3body, 
-	       "%6d %23.15e%23.15e%23.15e %23.15e%23.15e%23.15e "\
-	       "%23.15e%23.15e%23.15e\n",
-	       workspace->orig_id[j], 
-	       workspace->f_ang[j][0] + workspace->f_pen[j][0],
-	       workspace->f_ang[j][1] + workspace->f_pen[j][1],
-	       workspace->f_ang[j][2] + workspace->f_pen[j][2],
-	       workspace->f_ang[j][0], workspace->f_ang[j][1],
-	       workspace->f_ang[j][2],
-	       workspace->f_pen[j][0], workspace->f_pen[j][1],
-	       workspace->f_pen[j][2] );
-    else{
-      fprintf( out_control->f3body, "%6d %23.15e%23.15e%23.15e ",
-	       workspace->orig_id[j], 
-	       workspace->f_ang[j][0] + workspace->f_pen[j][0] + 
-	       workspace->f_coa[j][0],
-	       workspace->f_ang[j][1] + workspace->f_pen[j][1] + 
-	       workspace->f_coa[j][1],
-	       workspace->f_ang[j][2] + workspace->f_pen[j][2] + 
-	       workspace->f_coa[j][2] );
-      fprintf( out_control->f3body, 
-	       "%23.15e%23.15e%23.15e %23.15e%23.15e%23.15e "\
-	       "%23.15e%23.15e%23.15e\n",
-	       workspace->f_ang[j][0], workspace->f_ang[j][1],
-	       workspace->f_ang[j][2],
-	       workspace->f_pen[j][0], workspace->f_pen[j][1],
-	       workspace->f_pen[j][2],
-	       workspace->f_coa[j][0], workspace->f_coa[j][1],
-	       workspace->f_coa[j][2] );
+    int j;
+    fprintf( out_control->f3body, "%d\n", data->step );
+    fprintf( out_control->f3body, "%6s%-37s%-37s%-37s%-38s\n",
+             "atom", "3-body total", "f_ang", "f_pen", "f_coa" );
+    for ( j = 0; j < system->N; ++j )
+    {
+        if ( rvec_isZero(workspace->f_pen[j]) && rvec_isZero(workspace->f_coa[j]) )
+            fprintf( out_control->f3body, "%6d %23.15e%23.15e%23.15e  0 0 0  0 0 0\n",
+                     workspace->orig_id[j], workspace->f_ang[j][0],
+                     workspace->f_ang[j][1], workspace->f_ang[j][2] );
+        else if ( rvec_isZero(workspace->f_coa[j]) )
+            fprintf( out_control->f3body,
+                     "%6d %23.15e%23.15e%23.15e %23.15e%23.15e%23.15e "\
+                     "%23.15e%23.15e%23.15e\n",
+                     workspace->orig_id[j],
+                     workspace->f_ang[j][0] + workspace->f_pen[j][0],
+                     workspace->f_ang[j][1] + workspace->f_pen[j][1],
+                     workspace->f_ang[j][2] + workspace->f_pen[j][2],
+                     workspace->f_ang[j][0], workspace->f_ang[j][1],
+                     workspace->f_ang[j][2],
+                     workspace->f_pen[j][0], workspace->f_pen[j][1],
+                     workspace->f_pen[j][2] );
+        else
+        {
+            fprintf( out_control->f3body, "%6d %23.15e%23.15e%23.15e ",
+                     workspace->orig_id[j],
+                     workspace->f_ang[j][0] + workspace->f_pen[j][0] +
+                     workspace->f_coa[j][0],
+                     workspace->f_ang[j][1] + workspace->f_pen[j][1] +
+                     workspace->f_coa[j][1],
+                     workspace->f_ang[j][2] + workspace->f_pen[j][2] +
+                     workspace->f_coa[j][2] );
+            fprintf( out_control->f3body,
+                     "%23.15e%23.15e%23.15e %23.15e%23.15e%23.15e "\
+                     "%23.15e%23.15e%23.15e\n",
+                     workspace->f_ang[j][0], workspace->f_ang[j][1],
+                     workspace->f_ang[j][2],
+                     workspace->f_pen[j][0], workspace->f_pen[j][1],
+                     workspace->f_pen[j][2],
+                     workspace->f_coa[j][0], workspace->f_coa[j][1],
+                     workspace->f_coa[j][2] );
+        }
-  }
-  fflush(out_control->f3body);
+    fflush(out_control->f3body);
-void Print_Hydrogen_Bond_Forces( reax_system *system, control_params *control, 
-				 simulation_data *data, 
-				 static_storage *workspace, list **lists,
-				 output_controls *out_control )
+void Print_Hydrogen_Bond_Forces( reax_system *system, control_params *control,
+                                 simulation_data *data,
+                                 static_storage *workspace, list **lists,
+                                 output_controls *out_control )
-  int j;
-  fprintf( out_control->fhb, "%d\n", data->step );
-  fprintf( out_control->fhb, "%6s\t%-38s\n", "atom", "f_hb" );
-  for( j = 0; j < system->N; ++j )
-    fprintf(out_control->fhb, "%6d\t[%23.15e%23.15e%23.15e]\n",
-	    workspace->orig_id[j],
-	    workspace->f_hb[j][0],workspace->f_hb[j][1],workspace->f_hb[j][2]);
-  fflush(out_control->fhb);
+    int j;
+    fprintf( out_control->fhb, "%d\n", data->step );
+    fprintf( out_control->fhb, "%6s\t%-38s\n", "atom", "f_hb" );
+    for ( j = 0; j < system->N; ++j )
+        fprintf(out_control->fhb, "%6d\t[%23.15e%23.15e%23.15e]\n",
+                workspace->orig_id[j],
+                workspace->f_hb[j][0], workspace->f_hb[j][1], workspace->f_hb[j][2]);
+    fflush(out_control->fhb);
-void Print_Four_Body_Forces( reax_system *system, control_params *control, 
-			     simulation_data *data, static_storage *workspace, 
-			     list **lists, output_controls *out_control )
+void Print_Four_Body_Forces( reax_system *system, control_params *control,
+                             simulation_data *data, static_storage *workspace,
+                             list **lists, output_controls *out_control )
-  int j;
-  fprintf( out_control->f4body, "%6s\t%-38s%-38s%-38s\n", 
-	   "atom", "4-body total", "f_tor", "f_con" );
-  for( j = 0; j < system->N; ++j ){
-    if( !rvec_isZero( workspace->f_con[j] ) )
-      fprintf( out_control->f4body, 
-	       "%6d %23.15e%23.15e%23.15e %23.15e%23.15e%23.15e "\
-	       "%23.15e%23.15e%23.15e\n",
-	       workspace->orig_id[j],	     
-	       workspace->f_tor[j][0] + workspace->f_con[j][0], 
-	       workspace->f_tor[j][1] + workspace->f_con[j][1], 
-	       workspace->f_tor[j][2] + workspace->f_con[j][2],
-	       workspace->f_tor[j][0], workspace->f_tor[j][1], 
-	       workspace->f_tor[j][2],
-	       workspace->f_con[j][0], workspace->f_con[j][1], 
-	       workspace->f_con[j][2] );
-    else
-      fprintf( out_control->f4body, 
-	       "%6d %23.15e%23.15e%23.15e  0 0 0\n",
-	       workspace->orig_id[j], workspace->f_tor[j][0],
-	       workspace->f_tor[j][1], workspace->f_tor[j][2] );
-  }
-  fflush(out_control->f4body);
+    int j;
+    fprintf( out_control->f4body, "%6s\t%-38s%-38s%-38s\n",
+             "atom", "4-body total", "f_tor", "f_con" );
+    for ( j = 0; j < system->N; ++j )
+    {
+        if ( !rvec_isZero( workspace->f_con[j] ) )
+            fprintf( out_control->f4body,
+                     "%6d %23.15e%23.15e%23.15e %23.15e%23.15e%23.15e "\
+                     "%23.15e%23.15e%23.15e\n",
+                     workspace->orig_id[j],
+                     workspace->f_tor[j][0] + workspace->f_con[j][0],
+                     workspace->f_tor[j][1] + workspace->f_con[j][1],
+                     workspace->f_tor[j][2] + workspace->f_con[j][2],
+                     workspace->f_tor[j][0], workspace->f_tor[j][1],
+                     workspace->f_tor[j][2],
+                     workspace->f_con[j][0], workspace->f_con[j][1],
+                     workspace->f_con[j][2] );
+        else
+            fprintf( out_control->f4body,
+                     "%6d %23.15e%23.15e%23.15e  0 0 0\n",
+                     workspace->orig_id[j], workspace->f_tor[j][0],
+                     workspace->f_tor[j][1], workspace->f_tor[j][2] );
+    }
+    fflush(out_control->f4body);
-void Print_vdW_Coulomb_Forces( reax_system *system, control_params *control, 
-			       simulation_data *data, static_storage *workspace,
-			       list **lists, output_controls *out_control )
+void Print_vdW_Coulomb_Forces( reax_system *system, control_params *control,
+                               simulation_data *data, static_storage *workspace,
+                               list **lists, output_controls *out_control )
-  int  i;
-  fprintf( out_control->fnonb, "%d\n", data->step );
-  fprintf( out_control->fnonb, "%6s\t%-38s%-38s%-38s\n", 
-	   "atom", "nonbonded total", "f_vdw", "f_ele" );
-  for( i = 0; i < system->N; ++i )
-    if( !rvec_isZero(workspace->f_ele[i]) )
-      fprintf(out_control->fnonb, 
-	      "%6d %23.15e%23.15e%23.15e %23.15e%23.15e%23.15e "\
-	      "%23.15e%23.15e%23.15e\n", 
-	      workspace->orig_id[i], 
-	      workspace->f_vdw[i][0] + workspace->f_ele[i][0],
-	      workspace->f_vdw[i][1] + workspace->f_ele[i][1], 
-	      workspace->f_vdw[i][2] + workspace->f_ele[i][2],
-	      workspace->f_vdw[i][0], workspace->f_vdw[i][1], 
-	      workspace->f_vdw[i][2],
-	      workspace->f_ele[i][0], workspace->f_ele[i][1], 
-	      workspace->f_ele[i][2] );
-    else
-      fprintf(out_control->fnonb, 
-	      "%6d %23.15e%23.15e%23.15e  0 0 0\n",
-	      workspace->orig_id[i], workspace->f_vdw[i][0], 
-	      workspace->f_vdw[i][1], workspace->f_vdw[i][2] );
-  fflush(out_control->fnonb);
+    int  i;
+    fprintf( out_control->fnonb, "%d\n", data->step );
+    fprintf( out_control->fnonb, "%6s\t%-38s%-38s%-38s\n",
+             "atom", "nonbonded total", "f_vdw", "f_ele" );
+    for ( i = 0; i < system->N; ++i )
+        if ( !rvec_isZero(workspace->f_ele[i]) )
+            fprintf(out_control->fnonb,
+                    "%6d %23.15e%23.15e%23.15e %23.15e%23.15e%23.15e "\
+                    "%23.15e%23.15e%23.15e\n",
+                    workspace->orig_id[i],
+                    workspace->f_vdw[i][0] + workspace->f_ele[i][0],
+                    workspace->f_vdw[i][1] + workspace->f_ele[i][1],
+                    workspace->f_vdw[i][2] + workspace->f_ele[i][2],
+                    workspace->f_vdw[i][0], workspace->f_vdw[i][1],
+                    workspace->f_vdw[i][2],
+                    workspace->f_ele[i][0], workspace->f_ele[i][1],
+                    workspace->f_ele[i][2] );
+        else
+            fprintf(out_control->fnonb,
+                    "%6d %23.15e%23.15e%23.15e  0 0 0\n",
+                    workspace->orig_id[i], workspace->f_vdw[i][0],
+                    workspace->f_vdw[i][1], workspace->f_vdw[i][2] );
+    fflush(out_control->fnonb);
-void Compare_Total_Forces( reax_system *system, control_params *control, 
-			   simulation_data *data, static_storage *workspace, 
-			   list **lists, output_controls *out_control )
+void Compare_Total_Forces( reax_system *system, control_params *control,
+                           simulation_data *data, static_storage *workspace,
+                           list **lists, output_controls *out_control )
-  int i;
-  fprintf( out_control->ftot2, "%d\n", data->step );
-  fprintf( out_control->ftot2, "%6s\t%-38s%-38s\n", 
-	   "atom", "f_total", "test_force total" );
-  for( i = 0; i < system->N; ++i )
-    fprintf( out_control->ftot2, 
-	     "%6d %23.15e%23.15e%23.15e vs %23.15e%23.15e%23.15e\n", 
-	     workspace->orig_id[i], 
-	     system->atoms[i].f[0],system->atoms[i].f[1],system->atoms[i].f[2],
-	     workspace->f_be[i][0]+
-	     workspace->f_lp[i][0]+workspace->f_ov[i][0]+workspace->f_un[i][0]+
-	     workspace->f_ang[i][0]+workspace->f_pen[i][0]+
-	     workspace->f_coa[i][0]+workspace->f_hb[i][0]+
-	     workspace->f_tor[i][0]+workspace->f_con[i][0]+
-	     workspace->f_vdw[i][0]+workspace->f_ele[i][0],
-	     workspace->f_be[i][1]+ 
-	     workspace->f_lp[i][1]+workspace->f_ov[i][1]+workspace->f_un[i][1]+ 
-             workspace->f_ang[i][1]+workspace->f_pen[i][1]+
-	     workspace->f_coa[i][1]+workspace->f_hb[i][1]+ 
-	     workspace->f_tor[i][1]+workspace->f_con[i][1]+
-	     workspace->f_vdw[i][1]+workspace->f_ele[i][1], 
-	     workspace->f_be[i][2]+
-	     workspace->f_lp[i][2]+workspace->f_ov[i][2]+workspace->f_un[i][2]+ 
-             workspace->f_ang[i][2]+workspace->f_pen[i][2]+
-	     workspace->f_coa[i][2]+workspace->f_hb[i][2]+ 
-	     workspace->f_tor[i][2]+workspace->f_con[i][2]+
-	     workspace->f_vdw[i][2]+workspace->f_ele[i][2] );
-  fflush(out_control->ftot2);
+    int i;
+    fprintf( out_control->ftot2, "%d\n", data->step );
+    fprintf( out_control->ftot2, "%6s\t%-38s%-38s\n",
+             "atom", "f_total", "test_force total" );
+    for ( i = 0; i < system->N; ++i )
+        fprintf( out_control->ftot2,
+                 "%6d %23.15e%23.15e%23.15e vs %23.15e%23.15e%23.15e\n",
+                 workspace->orig_id[i],
+                 system->atoms[i].f[0], system->atoms[i].f[1], system->atoms[i].f[2],
+                 workspace->f_be[i][0] +
+                 workspace->f_lp[i][0] + workspace->f_ov[i][0] + workspace->f_un[i][0] +
+                 workspace->f_ang[i][0] + workspace->f_pen[i][0] +
+                 workspace->f_coa[i][0] + workspace->f_hb[i][0] +
+                 workspace->f_tor[i][0] + workspace->f_con[i][0] +
+                 workspace->f_vdw[i][0] + workspace->f_ele[i][0],
+                 workspace->f_be[i][1] +
+                 workspace->f_lp[i][1] + workspace->f_ov[i][1] + workspace->f_un[i][1] +
+                 workspace->f_ang[i][1] + workspace->f_pen[i][1] +
+                 workspace->f_coa[i][1] + workspace->f_hb[i][1] +
+                 workspace->f_tor[i][1] + workspace->f_con[i][1] +
+                 workspace->f_vdw[i][1] + workspace->f_ele[i][1],
+                 workspace->f_be[i][2] +
+                 workspace->f_lp[i][2] + workspace->f_ov[i][2] + workspace->f_un[i][2] +
+                 workspace->f_ang[i][2] + workspace->f_pen[i][2] +
+                 workspace->f_coa[i][2] + workspace->f_hb[i][2] +
+                 workspace->f_tor[i][2] + workspace->f_con[i][2] +
+                 workspace->f_vdw[i][2] + workspace->f_ele[i][2] );
+    fflush(out_control->ftot2);
 void Init_Force_Test_Functions( )
-  Print_Interactions[0] = Print_Bond_Orders;
-  Print_Interactions[1] = Print_Bond_Forces;
-  Print_Interactions[2] = Print_LonePair_Forces;
-  Print_Interactions[3] = Print_OverUnderCoor_Forces;
-  Print_Interactions[4] = Print_Three_Body_Forces;
-  Print_Interactions[5] = Print_Four_Body_Forces;
-  Print_Interactions[6] = Print_Hydrogen_Bond_Forces;
-  Print_Interactions[7] = Dummy_Printer;
-  Print_Interactions[8] = Dummy_Printer; 
-  Print_Interactions[9] = Dummy_Printer;
+    Print_Interactions[0] = Print_Bond_Orders;
+    Print_Interactions[1] = Print_Bond_Forces;
+    Print_Interactions[2] = Print_LonePair_Forces;
+    Print_Interactions[3] = Print_OverUnderCoor_Forces;
+    Print_Interactions[4] = Print_Three_Body_Forces;
+    Print_Interactions[5] = Print_Four_Body_Forces;
+    Print_Interactions[6] = Print_Hydrogen_Bond_Forces;
+    Print_Interactions[7] = Dummy_Printer;
+    Print_Interactions[8] = Dummy_Printer;
+    Print_Interactions[9] = Dummy_Printer;
 char *Get_Element( reax_system *system, int i )
-  return &( system->reaxprm.sbp[system->atoms[i].type].name[0] );
+    return &( system->reaxprm.sbp[system->atoms[i].type].name[0] );
 char *Get_Atom_Name( reax_system *system, int i )
-  return &(system->atoms[i].name[0]);
+    return &(system->atoms[i].name[0]);
 /* near nbrs contain both i-j, j-i nbrhood info */
-void Print_Near_Neighbors( reax_system *system, control_params *control, 
-			   static_storage *workspace, list **lists )
+void Print_Near_Neighbors( reax_system *system, control_params *control,
+                           static_storage *workspace, list **lists )
-  int   i, j, id_i, id_j;
-  char  fname[MAX_STR];
-  FILE *fout;
-  list *near_nbrs = &((*lists)[NEAR_NBRS]);
-  sprintf( fname, "%s.near_nbrs", control->sim_name );
-  fout = fopen( fname, "w" );
-  fprintf( fout, "hello:!\n" );
-  for( i = 0; i < system->N; ++i ) {
-    id_i = workspace->orig_id[i];
-    for( j = Start_Index(i,near_nbrs); j < End_Index(i,near_nbrs); ++j ) {
-      id_j = workspace->orig_id[near_nbrs->select.near_nbr_list[j].nbr];
-      // if( id_i < id_j )
-      fprintf( fout, "%6d%6d%23.15e%23.15e%23.15e%23.15e\n", 
-	       id_i, id_j,
-	       near_nbrs->select.near_nbr_list[j].d,
-	       near_nbrs->select.near_nbr_list[j].dvec[0],
-	       near_nbrs->select.near_nbr_list[j].dvec[1],
-	       near_nbrs->select.near_nbr_list[j].dvec[2] );
+    int   i, j, id_i, id_j;
+    char  fname[MAX_STR];
+    FILE *fout;
+    list *near_nbrs = &((*lists)[NEAR_NBRS]);
+    sprintf( fname, "%s.near_nbrs", control->sim_name );
+    fout = fopen( fname, "w" );
+    fprintf( fout, "hello:!\n" );
+    for ( i = 0; i < system->N; ++i )
+    {
+        id_i = workspace->orig_id[i];
+        for ( j = Start_Index(i, near_nbrs); j < End_Index(i, near_nbrs); ++j )
+        {
+            id_j = workspace->orig_id[near_nbrs->select.near_nbr_list[j].nbr];
+            // if( id_i < id_j )
+            fprintf( fout, "%6d%6d%23.15e%23.15e%23.15e%23.15e\n",
+                     id_i, id_j,
+                     near_nbrs->select.near_nbr_list[j].d,
+                     near_nbrs->select.near_nbr_list[j].dvec[0],
+                     near_nbrs->select.near_nbr_list[j].dvec[1],
+                     near_nbrs->select.near_nbr_list[j].dvec[2] );
+        }
-  }
-  fclose( fout );
+    fclose( fout );
 /* near nbrs contain both i-j, j-i nbrhood info */
-void Print_Near_Neighbors2( reax_system *system, control_params *control, 
-			   static_storage *workspace, list **lists )
+void Print_Near_Neighbors2( reax_system *system, control_params *control,
+                            static_storage *workspace, list **lists )
-  int   i, j, id_i, id_j;
-  char  fname[MAX_STR];
-  FILE *fout;
-  list *near_nbrs = &((*lists)[NEAR_NBRS]);
-  sprintf( fname, "%s.near_nbrs_lgj", control->sim_name );
-  fout = fopen( fname, "w" );
-  for( i = 0; i < system->N; ++i ) {
-    id_i = workspace->orig_id[i];
-    fprintf( fout, "%6d:",id_i);
-    for( j = Start_Index(i,near_nbrs); j < End_Index(i,near_nbrs); ++j ) {
-      id_j = workspace->orig_id[near_nbrs->select.near_nbr_list[j].nbr];
-      fprintf( fout, "%6d", id_j);
-      /* fprintf( fout, "%6d%6d%23.15e%23.15e%23.15e%23.15e\n", 
-	 id_i, id_j,
-	 near_nbrs->select.near_nbr_list[j].d,
-	 near_nbrs->select.near_nbr_list[j].dvec[0],
-	 near_nbrs->select.near_nbr_list[j].dvec[1],
-	 near_nbrs->select.near_nbr_list[j].dvec[2] ); */	
+    int   i, j, id_i, id_j;
+    char  fname[MAX_STR];
+    FILE *fout;
+    list *near_nbrs = &((*lists)[NEAR_NBRS]);
+    sprintf( fname, "%s.near_nbrs_lgj", control->sim_name );
+    fout = fopen( fname, "w" );
+    for ( i = 0; i < system->N; ++i )
+    {
+        id_i = workspace->orig_id[i];
+        fprintf( fout, "%6d:", id_i);
+        for ( j = Start_Index(i, near_nbrs); j < End_Index(i, near_nbrs); ++j )
+        {
+            id_j = workspace->orig_id[near_nbrs->select.near_nbr_list[j].nbr];
+            fprintf( fout, "%6d", id_j);
+            /* fprintf( fout, "%6d%6d%23.15e%23.15e%23.15e%23.15e\n",
+            id_i, id_j,
+             near_nbrs->select.near_nbr_list[j].d,
+             near_nbrs->select.near_nbr_list[j].dvec[0],
+             near_nbrs->select.near_nbr_list[j].dvec[1],
+             near_nbrs->select.near_nbr_list[j].dvec[2] ); */
+        }
+        fprintf( fout, "\n");
-    fprintf( fout, "\n");
-  }
-  fclose( fout );
+    fclose( fout );
 /* far nbrs contain only i-j nbrhood info, no j-i. */
-void Print_Far_Neighbors( reax_system *system, control_params *control, 
-			  static_storage *workspace, list **lists )
+void Print_Far_Neighbors( reax_system *system, control_params *control,
+                          static_storage *workspace, list **lists )
-  int   i, j, id_i, id_j;
-  char  fname[MAX_STR];
-  FILE *fout;
-  list *far_nbrs = &((*lists)[FAR_NBRS]);
-  sprintf( fname, "%s.far_nbrs", control->sim_name );
-  fout = fopen( fname, "w" );
-  for( i = 0; i < system->N; ++i ) {
-    id_i = workspace->orig_id[i];
-    for( j = Start_Index(i, far_nbrs); j < End_Index(i, far_nbrs); ++j ) {
-      id_j = workspace->orig_id[far_nbrs->select.far_nbr_list[j].nbr];
-      fprintf( fout, "%6d%6d%23.15e%23.15e%23.15e%23.15e\n",
-	       id_i, id_j,
-	       far_nbrs->select.far_nbr_list[j].d,
-	       far_nbrs->select.far_nbr_list[j].dvec[0],
-	       far_nbrs->select.far_nbr_list[j].dvec[1],
-	       far_nbrs->select.far_nbr_list[j].dvec[2] );
-      fprintf( fout, "%6d%6d%23.15e%23.15e%23.15e%23.15e\n",
-	       id_j, id_i,
-	       far_nbrs->select.far_nbr_list[j].d,
-	       -far_nbrs->select.far_nbr_list[j].dvec[0],
-	       -far_nbrs->select.far_nbr_list[j].dvec[1],
-	       -far_nbrs->select.far_nbr_list[j].dvec[2] );
+    int   i, j, id_i, id_j;
+    char  fname[MAX_STR];
+    FILE *fout;
+    list *far_nbrs = &((*lists)[FAR_NBRS]);
+    sprintf( fname, "%s.far_nbrs", control->sim_name );
+    fout = fopen( fname, "w" );
+    for ( i = 0; i < system->N; ++i )
+    {
+        id_i = workspace->orig_id[i];
+        for ( j = Start_Index(i, far_nbrs); j < End_Index(i, far_nbrs); ++j )
+        {
+            id_j = workspace->orig_id[far_nbrs->select.far_nbr_list[j].nbr];
+            fprintf( fout, "%6d%6d%23.15e%23.15e%23.15e%23.15e\n",
+                     id_i, id_j,
+                     far_nbrs->select.far_nbr_list[j].d,
+                     far_nbrs->select.far_nbr_list[j].dvec[0],
+                     far_nbrs->select.far_nbr_list[j].dvec[1],
+                     far_nbrs->select.far_nbr_list[j].dvec[2] );
+            fprintf( fout, "%6d%6d%23.15e%23.15e%23.15e%23.15e\n",
+                     id_j, id_i,
+                     far_nbrs->select.far_nbr_list[j].d,
+                     -far_nbrs->select.far_nbr_list[j].dvec[0],
+                     -far_nbrs->select.far_nbr_list[j].dvec[1],
+                     -far_nbrs->select.far_nbr_list[j].dvec[2] );
+        }
-  }
-  fclose( fout );
+    fclose( fout );
-int fn_qsort_intcmp( const void *a, const void *b ) 
-  return( *(int *)a - *(int *)b); 
+int fn_qsort_intcmp( const void *a, const void *b )
+    return ( *(int *)a - * (int *)b);
-void Print_Far_Neighbors2( reax_system *system, control_params *control, 
-			  static_storage *workspace, list **lists )
+void Print_Far_Neighbors2( reax_system *system, control_params *control,
+                           static_storage *workspace, list **lists )
-  int   i, j, id_i, id_j;
-  char  fname[MAX_STR];
-  FILE *fout;
-  list *far_nbrs = &((*lists)[FAR_NBRS]);
-  sprintf( fname, "%s.far_nbrs_lgj", control->sim_name );
-  fout = fopen( fname, "w" );
-  int num=0;
-  int temp[500];
-  for( i = 0; i < system->N; ++i ) {
-    id_i = workspace->orig_id[i];
-    num=0;
-    fprintf( fout, "%6d:",id_i);
-    for( j = Start_Index(i, far_nbrs); j < End_Index(i, far_nbrs); ++j ) {
-      id_j = workspace->orig_id[far_nbrs->select.far_nbr_list[j].nbr];
-      temp[num++] = id_j;
+    int   i, j, id_i, id_j;
+    char  fname[MAX_STR];
+    FILE *fout;
+    list *far_nbrs = &((*lists)[FAR_NBRS]);
+    sprintf( fname, "%s.far_nbrs_lgj", control->sim_name );
+    fout = fopen( fname, "w" );
+    int num = 0;
+    int temp[500];
+    for ( i = 0; i < system->N; ++i )
+    {
+        id_i = workspace->orig_id[i];
+        num = 0;
+        fprintf( fout, "%6d:", id_i);
+        for ( j = Start_Index(i, far_nbrs); j < End_Index(i, far_nbrs); ++j )
+        {
+            id_j = workspace->orig_id[far_nbrs->select.far_nbr_list[j].nbr];
+            temp[num++] = id_j;
+        }
+        qsort(&temp, num, sizeof(int), fn_qsort_intcmp);
+        for (j = 0; j < num; j++)
+            fprintf(fout, "%6d", temp[j]);
+        fprintf( fout, "\n");
-    qsort(&temp, num, sizeof(int), fn_qsort_intcmp);
-    for(j=0; j < num; j++)
-      fprintf(fout, "%6d",temp[j]);
-    fprintf( fout, "\n");
-  }
-  fclose( fout );
+    fclose( fout );
-void Print_Total_Force( reax_system *system, control_params *control, 
-			simulation_data *data, static_storage *workspace, 
-			list **lists, output_controls *out_control )
+void Print_Total_Force( reax_system *system, control_params *control,
+                        simulation_data *data, static_storage *workspace,
+                        list **lists, output_controls *out_control )
-  int i;
+    int i;
 #if !defined(TEST_FORCES)
-  char temp[1000];
-  sprintf( temp, "%s.ftot", control->sim_name );
-  out_control->ftot = fopen( temp, "w" );
+    char temp[1000];
+    sprintf( temp, "%s.ftot", control->sim_name );
+    out_control->ftot = fopen( temp, "w" );
-  for( i = 0; i < system->N; ++i )
-    fprintf(out_control->ftot, "%6d %23.15e %23.15e %23.15e\n", 
-    //fprintf(out_control->ftot, "%6d %19.9e %19.9e %19.9e\n", 
-    //fprintf(out_control->ftot, "%3d %12.6f %12.6f %12.6f\n", 
-	    workspace->orig_id[i], 
-	    system->atoms[i].f[0],system->atoms[i].f[1],system->atoms[i].f[2]);
+    for ( i = 0; i < system->N; ++i )
+        fprintf(out_control->ftot, "%6d %23.15e %23.15e %23.15e\n",
+                //fprintf(out_control->ftot, "%6d %19.9e %19.9e %19.9e\n",
+                //fprintf(out_control->ftot, "%3d %12.6f %12.6f %12.6f\n",
+                workspace->orig_id[i],
+                system->atoms[i].f[0], system->atoms[i].f[1], system->atoms[i].f[2]);
-  fflush(out_control->ftot);
+    fflush(out_control->ftot);
 #if !defined(TEST_FORCES)
-  fclose(out_control->ftot);
+    fclose(out_control->ftot);
-void Output_Results( reax_system *system, control_params *control, 
-		     simulation_data *data, static_storage *workspace, 
-		     list **lists, output_controls *out_control )
+void Output_Results( reax_system *system, control_params *control,
+                     simulation_data *data, static_storage *workspace,
+                     list **lists, output_controls *out_control )
-  int i, type_i, f_update;
-  real q;
-  real t_elapsed = 0;;
-  /* Compute Polarization Energy */
-  data->E_Pol = 0.0;
-  for( i = 0; i < system->N; i++ ) {
-    q = system->atoms[i].q;
-    type_i = system->atoms[i].type;
-    data->E_Pol += ( system->reaxprm.sbp[ type_i ].chi * q + 
-		     (system->reaxprm.sbp[ type_i ].eta / 2.0) * SQR(q) ) * 
-      KCALpMOL_to_EV;
-    /* fprintf( stderr, "%6d%23.15e%23.15e%23.15e%23.15e\n", 
-       i, q, system->reaxprm.sbp[ type_i ].chi, 
-       system->reaxprm.sbp[ type_i ].eta, data->E_Pol ); */
-  }
-  data->E_Pot = data->E_BE + data->E_Ov + data->E_Un  + data->E_Lp +
-    data->E_Ang + data->E_Pen + data->E_Coa + data->E_HB + 
-    data->E_Tor + data->E_Con + 
-    data->E_vdW + data->E_Ele + data->E_Pol;
-  data->E_Tot = data->E_Pot + E_CONV*data->E_Kin;
-  /* output energies if it is the time */
-  if( out_control->energy_update_freq > 0 && 
-      data->step % out_control->energy_update_freq == 0 )  {
+    int i, type_i, f_update;
+    real q;
+    real t_elapsed = 0;;
+    /* Compute Polarization Energy */
+    data->E_Pol = 0.0;
+    for ( i = 0; i < system->N; i++ )
+    {
+        q = system->atoms[i].q;
+        type_i = system->atoms[i].type;
+        data->E_Pol += ( system->reaxprm.sbp[ type_i ].chi * q +
+                         (system->reaxprm.sbp[ type_i ].eta / 2.0) * SQR(q) ) *
+                       KCALpMOL_to_EV;
+        /* fprintf( stderr, "%6d%23.15e%23.15e%23.15e%23.15e\n",
+           i, q, system->reaxprm.sbp[ type_i ].chi,
+           system->reaxprm.sbp[ type_i ].eta, data->E_Pol ); */
+    }
+    data->E_Pot = data->E_BE + data->E_Ov + data->E_Un  + data->E_Lp +
+                  data->E_Ang + data->E_Pen + data->E_Coa + data->E_HB +
+                  data->E_Tor + data->E_Con +
+                  data->E_vdW + data->E_Ele + data->E_Pol;
+    data->E_Tot = data->E_Pot + E_CONV * data->E_Kin;
+    /* output energies if it is the time */
+    if ( out_control->energy_update_freq > 0 &&
+            data->step % out_control->energy_update_freq == 0 )
+    {
 #if defined(TEST_ENERGY) || defined(DEBUG) || defined(DEBUG_FOCUS)
-    fprintf( out_control->out, 
-	     "%-6d%24.15e%24.15e%24.15e%13.5f%13.5f%16.5f%13.5f%13.5f\n",
-	     data->step, data->E_Tot, data->E_Pot, E_CONV*data->E_Kin, 
-	     data->therm.T, control->T, system->box.volume, data->iso_bar.P, 
-	     (control->P[0] + control->P[1] + control->P[2])/3 );
-    fprintf( out_control->pot, 
-	     "%-6d%24.15e%24.15e%24.15e%24.15e%24.15e%24.15e%24.15e%24.15e%24.15e%24.15e%24.15e\n",
-	     data->step,
-	     data->E_BE,
-	     data->E_Ov + data->E_Un,  data->E_Lp,
-	     data->E_Ang+data->E_Pen, data->E_Coa, data->E_HB,
-	     data->E_Tor, data->E_Con, 
-	     data->E_vdW, data->E_Ele, data->E_Pol );
+        fprintf( out_control->out,
+                 "%-6d%24.15e%24.15e%24.15e%13.5f%13.5f%16.5f%13.5f%13.5f\n",
+                 data->step, data->E_Tot, data->E_Pot, E_CONV * data->E_Kin,
+                 data->therm.T, control->T, system->box.volume, data->iso_bar.P,
+                 (control->P[0] + control->P[1] + control->P[2]) / 3 );
+        fprintf( out_control->pot,
+                 "%-6d%24.15e%24.15e%24.15e%24.15e%24.15e%24.15e%24.15e%24.15e%24.15e%24.15e%24.15e\n",
+                 data->step,
+                 data->E_BE,
+                 data->E_Ov + data->E_Un,  data->E_Lp,
+                 data->E_Ang + data->E_Pen, data->E_Coa, data->E_HB,
+                 data->E_Tor, data->E_Con,
+                 data->E_vdW, data->E_Ele, data->E_Pol );
-    fprintf( out_control->out, 
-	     "%-6d%16.2f%16.2f%16.2f%11.2f%11.2f%13.2f%13.5f%13.5f\n",
-	     data->step, data->E_Tot, data->E_Pot, E_CONV*data->E_Kin, 
-	     data->therm.T, control->T, system->box.volume, data->iso_bar.P, 
-	     (control->P[0] + control->P[1] + control->P[2])/3 );
-    fprintf( out_control->pot, 
-	     "%-6d%13.2f%13.2f%13.2f%13.2f%13.2f%13.2f%13.2f%13.2f%13.2f%13.2f%13.2f\n",
-	     data->step,
-	     data->E_BE,
-	     data->E_Ov + data->E_Un,  data->E_Lp,
-	     data->E_Ang + data->E_Pen, data->E_Coa, data->E_HB,
-	     data->E_Tor, data->E_Con, 
-	     data->E_vdW, data->E_Ele, data->E_Pol );
+        fprintf( out_control->out,
+                 "%-6d%16.2f%16.2f%16.2f%11.2f%11.2f%13.2f%13.5f%13.5f\n",
+                 data->step, data->E_Tot, data->E_Pot, E_CONV * data->E_Kin,
+                 data->therm.T, control->T, system->box.volume, data->iso_bar.P,
+                 (control->P[0] + control->P[1] + control->P[2]) / 3 );
+        fprintf( out_control->pot,
+                 "%-6d%13.2f%13.2f%13.2f%13.2f%13.2f%13.2f%13.2f%13.2f%13.2f%13.2f%13.2f\n",
+                 data->step,
+                 data->E_BE,
+                 data->E_Ov + data->E_Un,  data->E_Lp,
+                 data->E_Ang + data->E_Pen, data->E_Coa, data->E_HB,
+                 data->E_Tor, data->E_Con,
+                 data->E_vdW, data->E_Ele, data->E_Pol );
-    t_elapsed = Get_Timing_Info( data->timing.total );
-    if( data->step == data->prev_steps )
-      f_update = 1;
-    else f_update = out_control->energy_update_freq;
-    fprintf( out_control->log,"%6d%10.2f%10.2f%10.2f%10.2f%10.2f%10.2f%10.2f\n",
-	     data->step, t_elapsed/f_update,
-	     data->timing.nbrs/f_update,
-	     data->timing.init_forces/f_update,
-	     data->timing.bonded/f_update,
-	     data->timing.nonb/f_update,
-	     data->timing.QEq/f_update,
-	     (double)data->timing.matvecs/f_update );
-    data->timing.total = Get_Time( );
-    data->timing.nbrs = 0;
-    data->timing.init_forces = 0;
-    data->timing.bonded = 0;
-    data->timing.nonb = 0;
-    data->timing.QEq = 0;
-    data->timing.matvecs = 0;
-    fflush( out_control->out );
-    fflush( out_control->pot );
-    fflush( out_control->log );
-    /* output pressure */
-    if( control->ensemble == NPT || control->ensemble == iNPT || 
-	control->ensemble == sNPT ) {
-      fprintf( out_control->prs, "%-8d%13.6f%13.6f%13.6f",
-	       data->step, 
-	       data->int_press[0], data->int_press[1], data->int_press[2] );
-      /* external pressure is calculated together with forces */ 
-      fprintf( out_control->prs, "%13.6f%13.6f%13.6f",
-	       data->ext_press[0], data->ext_press[1], data->ext_press[2] );
-      fprintf( out_control->prs, "%13.6f\n", data->kin_press );
-      fprintf( out_control->prs, 
-	       "%-8d%13.6f%13.6f%13.6f%13.6f%13.6f%13.6f%13.6f%13.6f%13.6f%13.6f\n",
-	       data->step, 
-	       system->box.box_norms[0], system->box.box_norms[1], 
-	       system->box.box_norms[2],
-	       data->tot_press[0], data->tot_press[1], data->tot_press[2], 
-	       control->P[0],control->P[1],control->P[2],system->box.volume );
-      fflush( out_control->prs);
+        t_elapsed = Get_Timing_Info( data->timing.total );
+        if ( data->step == data->prev_steps )
+            f_update = 1;
+        else f_update = out_control->energy_update_freq;
+        fprintf( out_control->log, "%6d%10.2f%10.2f%10.2f%10.2f%10.2f%10.2f%10.2f\n",
+                 data->step, t_elapsed / f_update,
+                 data->timing.nbrs / f_update,
+                 data->timing.init_forces / f_update,
+                 data->timing.bonded / f_update,
+                 data->timing.nonb / f_update,
+                 data->timing.QEq / f_update,
+                 (double)data->timing.matvecs / f_update );
+        data->timing.total = Get_Time( );
+        data->timing.nbrs = 0;
+        data->timing.init_forces = 0;
+        data->timing.bonded = 0;
+        data->timing.nonb = 0;
+        data->timing.QEq = 0;
+        data->timing.matvecs = 0;
+        fflush( out_control->out );
+        fflush( out_control->pot );
+        fflush( out_control->log );
+        /* output pressure */
+        if ( control->ensemble == NPT || control->ensemble == iNPT ||
+                control->ensemble == sNPT )
+        {
+            fprintf( out_control->prs, "%-8d%13.6f%13.6f%13.6f",
+                     data->step,
+                     data->int_press[0], data->int_press[1], data->int_press[2] );
+            /* external pressure is calculated together with forces */
+            fprintf( out_control->prs, "%13.6f%13.6f%13.6f",
+                     data->ext_press[0], data->ext_press[1], data->ext_press[2] );
+            fprintf( out_control->prs, "%13.6f\n", data->kin_press );
+            fprintf( out_control->prs,
+                     "%-8d%13.6f%13.6f%13.6f%13.6f%13.6f%13.6f%13.6f%13.6f%13.6f%13.6f\n",
+                     data->step,
+                     system->box.box_norms[0], system->box.box_norms[1],
+                     system->box.box_norms[2],
+                     data->tot_press[0], data->tot_press[1], data->tot_press[2],
+                     control->P[0], control->P[1], control->P[2], system->box.volume );
+            fflush( out_control->prs);
+        }
+    }
+    if ( out_control->write_steps > 0 &&
+            data->step % out_control->write_steps == 0 )
+    {
+        // t_start = Get_Time( );
+        out_control->append_traj_frame( system, control, data,
+                                        workspace, lists, out_control );
+        //Write_PDB( system, control, data, workspace, *lists+BONDS, out_control );
+        // t_elapsed = Get_Timing_Info( t_start );
+        // fprintf(stdout, "append_frame took %.6f seconds\n", t_elapsed );
-  }
-  if( out_control->write_steps > 0 && 
-      data->step % out_control->write_steps == 0 ){
-    // t_start = Get_Time( );
-    out_control->append_traj_frame( system, control, data, 
-				    workspace, lists, out_control );
-    //Write_PDB( system, control, data, workspace, *lists+BONDS, out_control );
-    // t_elapsed = Get_Timing_Info( t_start );
-    // fprintf(stdout, "append_frame took %.6f seconds\n", t_elapsed );
-  }
-  // fprintf( stderr, "output_results... done\n" );
+    // fprintf( stderr, "output_results... done\n" );
-void Print_Linear_System( reax_system *system, control_params *control, 
-			  static_storage *workspace, int step )
+void Print_Linear_System( reax_system *system, control_params *control,
+                          static_storage *workspace, int step )
-  int   i, j;
-  char  fname[100];
-  sparse_matrix *H;
-  FILE *out;
-  sprintf( fname, "%s.state%d.out", control->sim_name, step );
-  out = fopen( fname, "w" );
-  for( i = 0; i < system->N; i++ ) 
-    fprintf( out, "%6d%2d%24.15e%24.15e%24.15e%24.15e%24.15e%24.15e%24.15e\n", 
-	     workspace->orig_id[i],system->atoms[i].type, 
-	     system->atoms[i].x[0], system->atoms[i].x[1],
-	     system->atoms[i].x[2], 
-	     workspace->s[0][i], workspace->b_s[i], 
-	     workspace->t[0][i], workspace->b_t[i]  );
-  fclose( out );
-  // sprintf( fname, "x2_%d", step );
-  // out = fopen( fname, "w" );
-  // for( i = 0; i < system->N; i++ ) 
-  // fprintf( out, "%g\n", workspace->s_t[i+system->N] );
-  // fclose( out );
-  sprintf( fname, "%s.H%d.out", control->sim_name, step );
-  out = fopen( fname, "w" );
-  H = workspace->H;
-  for( i = 0; i < system->N; ++i ) {	  
-    for( j = H->start[i]; j < H->start[i+1]-1; ++j ) {
-      fprintf( out, "%6d%6d %24.15e\n", 
-	       workspace->orig_id[i], workspace->orig_id[H->entries[j].j], 
-	       H->entries[j].val );
-      fprintf( out, "%6d%6d %24.15e\n", 
-	       workspace->orig_id[H->entries[j].j], workspace->orig_id[i], 
-	       H->entries[j].val );
-    }
-    // the diagonal entry
-    fprintf( out, "%6d%6d %24.15e\n", 
-	     workspace->orig_id[i], workspace->orig_id[i], H->entries[j].val );
-  }
-  fclose( out );
-  /*sprintf( fname, "%s.b_s%d", control->sim_name, step );
+    int   i, j;
+    char  fname[100];
+    sparse_matrix *H;
+    FILE *out;
+    sprintf( fname, "%s.state%d.out", control->sim_name, step );
     out = fopen( fname, "w" );
-    for( i = 0; i < system->N; i++ ) 
-    fprintf( out, "%12.7f\n", workspace->b_s[i] );
+    for ( i = 0; i < system->N; i++ )
+        fprintf( out, "%6d%2d%24.15e%24.15e%24.15e%24.15e%24.15e%24.15e%24.15e\n",
+                 workspace->orig_id[i], system->atoms[i].type,
+                 system->atoms[i].x[0], system->atoms[i].x[1],
+                 system->atoms[i].x[2],
+                 workspace->s[0][i], workspace->b_s[i],
+                 workspace->t[0][i], workspace->b_t[i]  );
     fclose( out );
-    sprintf( fname, "%s.b_t%d", control->sim_name, step );
+    // sprintf( fname, "x2_%d", step );
+    // out = fopen( fname, "w" );
+    // for( i = 0; i < system->N; i++ )
+    // fprintf( out, "%g\n", workspace->s_t[i+system->N] );
+    // fclose( out );
+    sprintf( fname, "%s.H%d.out", control->sim_name, step );
     out = fopen( fname, "w" );
-    for( i = 0; i < system->N; i++ ) 
-    fprintf( out, "%12.7f\n", workspace->b_t[i] );
-    fclose( out );*/
+    H = workspace->H;
+    for ( i = 0; i < system->N; ++i )
+    {
+        for ( j = H->start[i]; j < H->start[i + 1] - 1; ++j )
+        {
+            fprintf( out, "%6d%6d %24.15e\n",
+                     workspace->orig_id[i], workspace->orig_id[H->entries[j].j],
+                     H->entries[j].val );
+            fprintf( out, "%6d%6d %24.15e\n",
+                     workspace->orig_id[H->entries[j].j], workspace->orig_id[i],
+                     H->entries[j].val );
+        }
+        // the diagonal entry
+        fprintf( out, "%6d%6d %24.15e\n",
+                 workspace->orig_id[i], workspace->orig_id[i], H->entries[j].val );
+    }
+    fclose( out );
+    /*sprintf( fname, "%s.b_s%d", control->sim_name, step );
+      out = fopen( fname, "w" );
+      for( i = 0; i < system->N; i++ )
+      fprintf( out, "%12.7f\n", workspace->b_s[i] );
+      fclose( out );
+      sprintf( fname, "%s.b_t%d", control->sim_name, step );
+      out = fopen( fname, "w" );
+      for( i = 0; i < system->N; i++ )
+      fprintf( out, "%12.7f\n", workspace->b_t[i] );
+      fclose( out );*/
-void Print_Charges( reax_system *system, control_params *control, 
-		    static_storage *workspace, int step )
+void Print_Charges( reax_system *system, control_params *control,
+                    static_storage *workspace, int step )
-  int   i;
-  char fname[100];
-  FILE *fout;
+    int   i;
+    char fname[100];
+    FILE *fout;
-  sprintf( fname, "%s.q%d", control->sim_name, step );
-  fout = fopen( fname, "w" );
+    sprintf( fname, "%s.q%d", control->sim_name, step );
+    fout = fopen( fname, "w" );
-  for( i = 0; i < system->N; ++i )
-    fprintf( fout, "%6d%12.7f%12.7f%12.7f\n", 
-	     workspace->orig_id[i], 
-	     workspace->s[0][i], workspace->t[0][i], system->atoms[i].q );
+    for ( i = 0; i < system->N; ++i )
+        fprintf( fout, "%6d%12.7f%12.7f%12.7f\n",
+                 workspace->orig_id[i],
+                 workspace->s[0][i], workspace->t[0][i], system->atoms[i].q );
-  fclose( fout );
+    fclose( fout );
-void Print_Soln( static_storage *workspace, 
-		 real *x, real *b_prm, real *b, int N )
+void Print_Soln( static_storage *workspace,
+                 real *x, real *b_prm, real *b, int N )
-  int i;
+    int i;
-  fprintf( stdout, "%6s%10s%10s%10s\n", "id", "x", "b_prm", "b" );
+    fprintf( stdout, "%6s%10s%10s%10s\n", "id", "x", "b_prm", "b" );
-  for( i = 0; i < N; ++i )
-    fprintf( stdout, "%6d%10.4f%10.4f%10.4f\n", 
-	     workspace->orig_id[i], x[i], b_prm[i], b[i] );
+    for ( i = 0; i < N; ++i )
+        fprintf( stdout, "%6d%10.4f%10.4f%10.4f\n",
+                 workspace->orig_id[i], x[i], b_prm[i], b[i] );
-  fflush( stdout );
+    fflush( stdout );
 void Print_Sparse_Matrix( sparse_matrix *A )
-  int i, j;
-  for( i = 0; i < A->n; ++i ) {
-    fprintf( stderr, "i:%d  j(val):", i );
-    for( j = A->start[i]; j < A->start[i+1]; ++j )
-      fprintf( stderr, "%d(%.4f) ", A->entries[j].j, A->entries[j].val );
-    fprintf( stderr, "\n" );
-  }
+    int i, j;
+    for ( i = 0; i < A->n; ++i )
+    {
+        fprintf( stderr, "i:%d  j(val):", i );
+        for ( j = A->start[i]; j < A->start[i + 1]; ++j )
+            fprintf( stderr, "%d(%.4f) ", A->entries[j].j, A->entries[j].val );
+        fprintf( stderr, "\n" );
+    }
 void Print_Sparse_Matrix2( sparse_matrix *A, char *fname )
-  int i, j;
-  FILE *f = fopen( fname, "w" );
+    int i, j;
+    FILE *f = fopen( fname, "w" );
-  for( i = 0; i < A->n; ++i )
-    for( j = A->start[i]; j < A->start[i+1]; ++j )
-      fprintf( f, "%d%d %.15e\n", A->entries[j].j, i, A->entries[j].val );
+    for ( i = 0; i < A->n; ++i )
+        for ( j = A->start[i]; j < A->start[i + 1]; ++j )
+            fprintf( f, "%d%d %.15e\n", A->entries[j].j, i, A->entries[j].val );
-  fclose(f);
+    fclose(f);
 void Print_Bonds( reax_system *system, list *bonds, char *fname )
-  int i, pj;
-  bond_data *pbond;
-  bond_order_data *bo_ij;
-  FILE *f = fopen( fname, "w" );
-  for( i = 0; i < system->N; ++i )
-    for( pj = Start_Index(i, bonds); pj < End_Index(i, bonds); ++pj ) {
-      pbond = &(bonds->select.bond_list[pj]);
-      bo_ij = &(pbond->bo_data);	
-      //fprintf( f, "%6d%6d%23.15e%23.15e%23.15e%23.15e%23.15e\n", 
-      //       i+1, pbond->nbr+1, pbond->d,
-      //       bo_ij->BO, bo_ij->BO_s, bo_ij->BO_pi, bo_ij->BO_pi2 );
-      fprintf( f, "%6d%6d %9.5f %9.5f\n",
-	       i+1, pbond->nbr+1, pbond->d, bo_ij->BO );
-    }
-  fclose(f);
+    int i, pj;
+    bond_data *pbond;
+    bond_order_data *bo_ij;
+    FILE *f = fopen( fname, "w" );
+    for ( i = 0; i < system->N; ++i )
+        for ( pj = Start_Index(i, bonds); pj < End_Index(i, bonds); ++pj )
+        {
+            pbond = &(bonds->select.bond_list[pj]);
+            bo_ij = &(pbond->bo_data);
+            //fprintf( f, "%6d%6d%23.15e%23.15e%23.15e%23.15e%23.15e\n",
+            //       i+1, pbond->nbr+1, pbond->d,
+            //       bo_ij->BO, bo_ij->BO_s, bo_ij->BO_pi, bo_ij->BO_pi2 );
+            fprintf( f, "%6d%6d %9.5f %9.5f\n",
+                     i + 1, pbond->nbr + 1, pbond->d, bo_ij->BO );
+        }
+    fclose(f);
 void Print_Bond_List2( reax_system *system, list *bonds, char *fname )
-  int i,j, id_i, id_j, nbr, pj;
-  FILE *f = fopen( fname, "w" );
-  int temp[500];
-  int num=0;
-  for( i = 0; i < system->N; ++i ) {
-    num=0;
-    id_i = i+1; //system->atoms[i].orig_id;
-    fprintf( f, "%6d:", id_i);
-    for( pj = Start_Index(i, bonds); pj < End_Index(i, bonds); ++pj ) {
-      nbr = bonds->select.bond_list[pj].nbr;	
-      id_j = nbr+1; //system->my_atoms[nbr].orig_id;
-      if( id_i < id_j ) 
-	temp[num++] = id_j;
+    int i, j, id_i, id_j, nbr, pj;
+    FILE *f = fopen( fname, "w" );
+    int temp[500];
+    int num = 0;
+    for ( i = 0; i < system->N; ++i )
+    {
+        num = 0;
+        id_i = i + 1; //system->atoms[i].orig_id;
+        fprintf( f, "%6d:", id_i);
+        for ( pj = Start_Index(i, bonds); pj < End_Index(i, bonds); ++pj )
+        {
+            nbr = bonds->select.bond_list[pj].nbr;
+            id_j = nbr + 1; //system->my_atoms[nbr].orig_id;
+            if ( id_i < id_j )
+                temp[num++] = id_j;
+        }
+        qsort(&temp, num, sizeof(int), fn_qsort_intcmp);
+        for (j = 0; j < num; j++)
+            fprintf(f, "%6d", temp[j] );
+        fprintf(f, "\n");
-    qsort(&temp, num, sizeof(int), fn_qsort_intcmp);
-    for(j=0; j < num; j++)
-      fprintf(f, "%6d", temp[j] );
-    fprintf(f, "\n");
-  }
 #ifdef LGJ
 Print_XYZ_Serial(reax_system* system, static_storage *workspace)
-  rvec p;
- char  fname[100];
-  FILE *fout;
-  sprintf( fname, "READ_PDB.0" );
-  fout      = fopen( fname, "w" );
-int i;
-for(i=0; i < system->N; i++)
-  fprintf( fout, "%6d%24.15e%24.15e%24.15e\n",
-	   workspace->orig_id[i], 
-	   p[0] = system->atoms[i].x[0],
-	   p[1] = system->atoms[i].x[1],
-	   p[2] = system->atoms[i].x[2]);
- fclose(fout);
+    rvec p;
+    char  fname[100];
+    FILE *fout;
+    sprintf( fname, "READ_PDB.0" );
+    fout      = fopen( fname, "w" );
+    int i;
+    for (i = 0; i < system->N; i++)
+        fprintf( fout, "%6d%24.15e%24.15e%24.15e\n",
+                 workspace->orig_id[i],
+                 p[0] = system->atoms[i].x[0],
+                 p[1] = system->atoms[i].x[1],
+                 p[2] = system->atoms[i].x[2]);
+    fclose(fout);
diff --git a/puremd_rc_1003/sPuReMD/print_utils.h b/puremd_rc_1003/sPuReMD/print_utils.h
index c13cc87b2b6e03a90cfbbcb0183b05663c25596c..8b3b363571ca5b7c50195b4c91bca8951c1caa7b 100644
--- a/puremd_rc_1003/sPuReMD/print_utils.h
+++ b/puremd_rc_1003/sPuReMD/print_utils.h
@@ -1,20 +1,20 @@
   SerialReax - Reax Force Field Simulator
   Copyright (2010) Purdue University
   Hasan Metin Aktulga, haktulga@cs.purdue.edu
   Joseph Fogarty, jcfogart@mail.usf.edu
   Sagar Pandit, pandit@usf.edu
   Ananth Y Grama, ayg@cs.purdue.edu
   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
   modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
-  published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of 
+  published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
   the License, or (at your option) any later version.
   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
   See the GNU General Public License for more details:
@@ -24,28 +24,28 @@
 #include "mytypes.h"
-typedef void (*print_interaction)(reax_system*,control_params*,simulation_data*,
-				  static_storage*,list**,output_controls*);
+typedef void (*print_interaction)(reax_system*, control_params*, simulation_data*,
+                                  static_storage*, list**, output_controls*);
 print_interaction Print_Interactions[NO_OF_INTERACTIONS];
 char *Get_Element( reax_system*, int );
 char *Get_Atom_Name( reax_system*, int );
-void Print_Near_Neighbors( reax_system*, control_params*, static_storage*, 
-			   list** );
+void Print_Near_Neighbors( reax_system*, control_params*, static_storage*,
+                           list** );
-void Print_Far_Neighbors( reax_system*, control_params*, static_storage*, 
-			  list** );
+void Print_Far_Neighbors( reax_system*, control_params*, static_storage*,
+                          list** );
-void Print_Total_Force( reax_system*, control_params*, simulation_data*, 
-			static_storage*, list**, output_controls* );
+void Print_Total_Force( reax_system*, control_params*, simulation_data*,
+                        static_storage*, list**, output_controls* );
-void Output_Results( reax_system*, control_params*, simulation_data*, 
-		     static_storage*, list**, output_controls* );
+void Output_Results( reax_system*, control_params*, simulation_data*,
+                     static_storage*, list**, output_controls* );
-void Print_Bond_Orders( reax_system*, control_params*, simulation_data*, 
-			static_storage*, list**, output_controls* );
+void Print_Bond_Orders( reax_system*, control_params*, simulation_data*,
+                        static_storage*, list**, output_controls* );
 void Print_Linear_System( reax_system*, control_params*, static_storage*, int );
@@ -61,24 +61,24 @@ void Print_Bonds( reax_system*, list*, char* );
 void Print_Bond_List2( reax_system*, list*, char* );
-void Dummy_Printer( reax_system*, control_params*, simulation_data*, 
-		    static_storage*, list**, output_controls* );
-void Print_Bond_Forces( reax_system*, control_params*, simulation_data*, 
-			static_storage*, list**, output_controls* );
-void Print_LonePair_Forces( reax_system*, control_params*, simulation_data*, 
-			    static_storage*, list**, output_controls* );
+void Dummy_Printer( reax_system*, control_params*, simulation_data*,
+                    static_storage*, list**, output_controls* );
+void Print_Bond_Forces( reax_system*, control_params*, simulation_data*,
+                        static_storage*, list**, output_controls* );
+void Print_LonePair_Forces( reax_system*, control_params*, simulation_data*,
+                            static_storage*, list**, output_controls* );
 void Print_OverUnderCoor_Forces(reax_system*, control_params*, simulation_data*,
-				static_storage*, list**, output_controls*);
-void Print_Three_Body_Forces( reax_system*, control_params*, simulation_data*, 
-			      static_storage*, list**, output_controls* );
+                                static_storage*, list**, output_controls*);
+void Print_Three_Body_Forces( reax_system*, control_params*, simulation_data*,
+                              static_storage*, list**, output_controls* );
 void Print_Hydrogen_Bond_Forces(reax_system*, control_params*, simulation_data*,
-				static_storage*, list**, output_controls*);
-void Print_Four_Body_Forces( reax_system*, control_params*, simulation_data*, 
-			     static_storage*, list**, output_controls* );
-void Print_vdW_Coulomb_Forces( reax_system*, control_params*, simulation_data*, 
-			       static_storage*, list**, output_controls* );
-void Compare_Total_Forces( reax_system*, control_params*, simulation_data*, 
-			   static_storage*, list**, output_controls* );
+                                static_storage*, list**, output_controls*);
+void Print_Four_Body_Forces( reax_system*, control_params*, simulation_data*,
+                             static_storage*, list**, output_controls* );
+void Print_vdW_Coulomb_Forces( reax_system*, control_params*, simulation_data*,
+                               static_storage*, list**, output_controls* );
+void Compare_Total_Forces( reax_system*, control_params*, simulation_data*,
+                           static_storage*, list**, output_controls* );
 void Init_Force_Test_Functions( );
diff --git a/puremd_rc_1003/sPuReMD/random.c b/puremd_rc_1003/sPuReMD/random.c
index 0771d63561a2df632a495bd75859e904683b2cb6..f3a5096c65485111fb5cba7321976518a2e42972 100644
--- a/puremd_rc_1003/sPuReMD/random.c
+++ b/puremd_rc_1003/sPuReMD/random.c
@@ -1,20 +1,20 @@
   SerialReax - Reax Force Field Simulator
   Copyright (2010) Purdue University
   Hasan Metin Aktulga, haktulga@cs.purdue.edu
   Joseph Fogarty, jcfogart@mail.usf.edu
   Sagar Pandit, pandit@usf.edu
   Ananth Y Grama, ayg@cs.purdue.edu
   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
   modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
-  published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of 
+  published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
   the License, or (at your option) any later version.
   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
   See the GNU General Public License for more details:
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
    0 <= Random(range) < range */
 double Random(double range)
-  return (random()*range)/2147483647L;
+    return (random() * range) / 2147483647L;
 /* This function seeds the system pseudo random number generator with
@@ -35,23 +35,23 @@ double Random(double range)
    the system */
 void Randomize()
-  srandom(time(NULL));
+    srandom(time(NULL));
 /* GRandom return random number with gaussian distribution with mean
    and standard deviation "sigma" */
 double GRandom(double mean, double sigma)
-  double v1 = Random(2.0) - 1.0;
-  double v2 = Random(2.0) - 1.0;
-  double rsq = v1*v1 + v2*v2;
+    double v1 = Random(2.0) - 1.0;
+    double v2 = Random(2.0) - 1.0;
+    double rsq = v1 * v1 + v2 * v2;
-  while (rsq >= 1.0 || rsq == 0.0)
+    while (rsq >= 1.0 || rsq == 0.0)
-      v1 = Random(2.0) - 1.0;
-      v2 = Random(2.0) - 1.0;
-      rsq = v1*v1 + v2*v2;
+        v1 = Random(2.0) - 1.0;
+        v2 = Random(2.0) - 1.0;
+        rsq = v1 * v1 + v2 * v2;
-  return mean+v1*sigma*sqrt(-2.0*log(rsq)/rsq);
+    return mean + v1 * sigma * sqrt(-2.0 * log(rsq) / rsq);
diff --git a/puremd_rc_1003/sPuReMD/random.h b/puremd_rc_1003/sPuReMD/random.h
index 78d9a3951dde54bf5667a2619b883af1ca242e9e..a90b181dc78a9491944ffc4b666ba4201ae32e26 100644
--- a/puremd_rc_1003/sPuReMD/random.h
+++ b/puremd_rc_1003/sPuReMD/random.h
@@ -1,20 +1,20 @@
   SerialReax - Reax Force Field Simulator
   Copyright (2010) Purdue University
   Hasan Metin Aktulga, haktulga@cs.purdue.edu
   Joseph Fogarty, jcfogart@mail.usf.edu
   Sagar Pandit, pandit@usf.edu
   Ananth Y Grama, ayg@cs.purdue.edu
   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
   modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
-  published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of 
+  published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
   the License, or (at your option) any later version.
   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
   See the GNU General Public License for more details:
diff --git a/puremd_rc_1003/sPuReMD/reset_utils.c b/puremd_rc_1003/sPuReMD/reset_utils.c
index 7c0e73530afd3ba710493de8b594bd26885ecbe4..36d6b414063c4c37a7399c07b039cdc0b80d8a85 100644
--- a/puremd_rc_1003/sPuReMD/reset_utils.c
+++ b/puremd_rc_1003/sPuReMD/reset_utils.c
@@ -1,20 +1,20 @@
   SerialReax - Reax Force Field Simulator
   Copyright (2010) Purdue University
   Hasan Metin Aktulga, haktulga@cs.purdue.edu
   Joseph Fogarty, jcfogart@mail.usf.edu
   Sagar Pandit, pandit@usf.edu
   Ananth Y Grama, ayg@cs.purdue.edu
   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
   modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
-  published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of 
+  published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
   the License, or (at your option) any later version.
   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
   See the GNU General Public License for more details:
@@ -26,138 +26,140 @@
 void Reset_Atoms( reax_system* system )
-  int i;
+    int i;
-  for( i = 0; i < system->N; ++i )
-    memset( system->atoms[i].f, 0.0, sizeof(rvec) );
+    for ( i = 0; i < system->N; ++i )
+        memset( system->atoms[i].f, 0.0, sizeof(rvec) );
 void Reset_Pressures( simulation_data *data )
-  rtensor_MakeZero( data->flex_bar.P );  
-  data->iso_bar.P = 0;
-  rvec_MakeZero( data->int_press );
-  rvec_MakeZero( data->ext_press );
-  /* fprintf( stderr, "reset: ext_press (%12.6f %12.6f %12.6f)\n", 
-     data->ext_press[0], data->ext_press[1], data->ext_press[2] ); */
+    rtensor_MakeZero( data->flex_bar.P );
+    data->iso_bar.P = 0;
+    rvec_MakeZero( data->int_press );
+    rvec_MakeZero( data->ext_press );
+    /* fprintf( stderr, "reset: ext_press (%12.6f %12.6f %12.6f)\n",
+       data->ext_press[0], data->ext_press[1], data->ext_press[2] ); */
 void Reset_Simulation_Data( simulation_data* data )
-  data->E_BE = 0;
-  data->E_Ov = 0;
-  data->E_Un = 0;
-  data->E_Lp = 0;
-  data->E_Ang = 0;
-  data->E_Pen = 0;
-  data->E_Coa = 0;
-  data->E_HB = 0;
-  data->E_Tor = 0;
-  data->E_Con = 0;
-  data->E_vdW = 0;
-  data->E_Ele = 0;
-  data->E_Kin = 0;
+    data->E_BE = 0;
+    data->E_Ov = 0;
+    data->E_Un = 0;
+    data->E_Lp = 0;
+    data->E_Ang = 0;
+    data->E_Pen = 0;
+    data->E_Coa = 0;
+    data->E_HB = 0;
+    data->E_Tor = 0;
+    data->E_Con = 0;
+    data->E_vdW = 0;
+    data->E_Ele = 0;
+    data->E_Kin = 0;
 void Reset_Test_Forces( reax_system *system, static_storage *workspace )
-  memset( workspace->f_ele, 0, system->N * sizeof(rvec) );
-  memset( workspace->f_vdw, 0, system->N * sizeof(rvec) );
-  memset( workspace->f_bo, 0, system->N * sizeof(rvec) );
-  memset( workspace->f_be, 0, system->N * sizeof(rvec) );
-  memset( workspace->f_lp, 0, system->N * sizeof(rvec) );
-  memset( workspace->f_ov, 0, system->N * sizeof(rvec) );
-  memset( workspace->f_un, 0, system->N * sizeof(rvec) );
-  memset( workspace->f_ang, 0, system->N * sizeof(rvec) );
-  memset( workspace->f_coa, 0, system->N * sizeof(rvec) );
-  memset( workspace->f_pen, 0, system->N * sizeof(rvec) );
-  memset( workspace->f_hb, 0, system->N * sizeof(rvec) );
-  memset( workspace->f_tor, 0, system->N * sizeof(rvec) );
-  memset( workspace->f_con, 0, system->N * sizeof(rvec) );
+    memset( workspace->f_ele, 0, system->N * sizeof(rvec) );
+    memset( workspace->f_vdw, 0, system->N * sizeof(rvec) );
+    memset( workspace->f_bo, 0, system->N * sizeof(rvec) );
+    memset( workspace->f_be, 0, system->N * sizeof(rvec) );
+    memset( workspace->f_lp, 0, system->N * sizeof(rvec) );
+    memset( workspace->f_ov, 0, system->N * sizeof(rvec) );
+    memset( workspace->f_un, 0, system->N * sizeof(rvec) );
+    memset( workspace->f_ang, 0, system->N * sizeof(rvec) );
+    memset( workspace->f_coa, 0, system->N * sizeof(rvec) );
+    memset( workspace->f_pen, 0, system->N * sizeof(rvec) );
+    memset( workspace->f_hb, 0, system->N * sizeof(rvec) );
+    memset( workspace->f_tor, 0, system->N * sizeof(rvec) );
+    memset( workspace->f_con, 0, system->N * sizeof(rvec) );
 void Reset_Workspace( reax_system *system, static_storage *workspace )
-  memset( workspace->total_bond_order, 0, system->N * sizeof( real ) );
-  memset( workspace->dDeltap_self, 0, system->N * sizeof( rvec ) );
+    memset( workspace->total_bond_order, 0, system->N * sizeof( real ) );
+    memset( workspace->dDeltap_self, 0, system->N * sizeof( rvec ) );
-  memset( workspace->CdDelta, 0, system->N * sizeof( real ) );
-  //memset( workspace->virial_forces, 0, system->N * sizeof( rvec ) );
+    memset( workspace->CdDelta, 0, system->N * sizeof( real ) );
+    //memset( workspace->virial_forces, 0, system->N * sizeof( rvec ) );
-  memset( workspace->dDelta, 0, sizeof(rvec) * system->N );
-  Reset_Test_Forces( system, workspace );
+    memset( workspace->dDelta, 0, sizeof(rvec) * system->N );
+    Reset_Test_Forces( system, workspace );
-void Reset_Neighbor_Lists( reax_system *system, control_params *control, 
-			   static_storage *workspace, list **lists )
+void Reset_Neighbor_Lists( reax_system *system, control_params *control,
+                           static_storage *workspace, list **lists )
-  int i, tmp;
-  list *bonds = (*lists) + BONDS;
-  list *hbonds = (*lists) + HBONDS;
-  for( i = 0; i < system->N; ++i ) {
-    tmp = Start_Index( i, bonds );
-    Set_End_Index( i, tmp, bonds );
-  }
-  if( control->hb_cut > 0 )
-    for( i = 0; i < system->N; ++i )
-      if( system->reaxprm.sbp[system->atoms[i].type].p_hbond == 1) {
-	tmp = Start_Index( workspace->hbond_index[i], hbonds );
-	Set_End_Index( workspace->hbond_index[i], tmp, hbonds );
-	/* fprintf( stderr, "i:%d, hbond: %d-%d\n", 
-	   i, Start_Index( workspace->hbond_index[i], hbonds ), 
-	   End_Index( workspace->hbond_index[i], hbonds ) );*/
-      }
+    int i, tmp;
+    list *bonds = (*lists) + BONDS;
+    list *hbonds = (*lists) + HBONDS;
+    for ( i = 0; i < system->N; ++i )
+    {
+        tmp = Start_Index( i, bonds );
+        Set_End_Index( i, tmp, bonds );
+    }
+    if ( control->hb_cut > 0 )
+        for ( i = 0; i < system->N; ++i )
+            if ( system->reaxprm.sbp[system->atoms[i].type].p_hbond == 1)
+            {
+                tmp = Start_Index( workspace->hbond_index[i], hbonds );
+                Set_End_Index( workspace->hbond_index[i], tmp, hbonds );
+                /* fprintf( stderr, "i:%d, hbond: %d-%d\n",
+                   i, Start_Index( workspace->hbond_index[i], hbonds ),
+                   End_Index( workspace->hbond_index[i], hbonds ) );*/
+            }
-void Reset( reax_system *system, control_params *control,  
-	    simulation_data *data, static_storage *workspace, list **lists  )
+void Reset( reax_system *system, control_params *control,
+            simulation_data *data, static_storage *workspace, list **lists  )
-  Reset_Atoms( system );
-  Reset_Simulation_Data( data );
+    Reset_Atoms( system );
-  if( control->ensemble == NPT || control->ensemble == sNPT || 
-      control->ensemble == iNPT )
-    Reset_Pressures( data );
+    Reset_Simulation_Data( data );
-  Reset_Workspace( system, workspace );  
+    if ( control->ensemble == NPT || control->ensemble == sNPT ||
+            control->ensemble == iNPT )
+        Reset_Pressures( data );
-  Reset_Neighbor_Lists( system, control, workspace, lists );
+    Reset_Workspace( system, workspace );
-#if defined(DEBUG_FOCUS)  
-  fprintf( stderr, "reset - ");
+    Reset_Neighbor_Lists( system, control, workspace, lists );
+#if defined(DEBUG_FOCUS)
+    fprintf( stderr, "reset - ");
 void Reset_Grid( grid *g )
-  int i, j, k;
+    int i, j, k;
-  for( i = 0; i < g->ncell[0]; i++ )
-    for( j = 0; j < g->ncell[1]; j++ ) 
-      for( k = 0; k < g->ncell[2]; k++ )
-	g->top[i][j][k] = 0;
+    for ( i = 0; i < g->ncell[0]; i++ )
+        for ( j = 0; j < g->ncell[1]; j++ )
+            for ( k = 0; k < g->ncell[2]; k++ )
+                g->top[i][j][k] = 0;
 void Reset_Marks( grid *g, ivec *grid_stack, int grid_top )
-  int i;
-  for( i = 0; i < grid_top; ++i )
-    g->mark[grid_stack[i][0]][grid_stack[i][1]][grid_stack[i][2]] = 0;
+    int i;
+    for ( i = 0; i < grid_top; ++i )
+        g->mark[grid_stack[i][0]][grid_stack[i][1]][grid_stack[i][2]] = 0;
diff --git a/puremd_rc_1003/sPuReMD/reset_utils.h b/puremd_rc_1003/sPuReMD/reset_utils.h
index bda3b39072616bf31991767c3bfdbb7077b7291e..aadfe736a0d5a49883dfe6253304ce38c9fcff92 100644
--- a/puremd_rc_1003/sPuReMD/reset_utils.h
+++ b/puremd_rc_1003/sPuReMD/reset_utils.h
@@ -1,20 +1,20 @@
   SerialReax - Reax Force Field Simulator
   Copyright (2010) Purdue University
   Hasan Metin Aktulga, haktulga@cs.purdue.edu
   Joseph Fogarty, jcfogart@mail.usf.edu
   Sagar Pandit, pandit@usf.edu
   Ananth Y Grama, ayg@cs.purdue.edu
   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
   modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
-  published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of 
+  published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
   the License, or (at your option) any later version.
   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
   See the GNU General Public License for more details:
@@ -36,11 +36,11 @@ void Reset_Test_Forces( reax_system*, static_storage* );
 void Reset_Workspace( reax_system*, static_storage* );
-void Reset_Neighbor_Lists( reax_system*, control_params*, 
-			   static_storage*, list** );
+void Reset_Neighbor_Lists( reax_system*, control_params*,
+                           static_storage*, list** );
-void Reset( reax_system*, control_params*, simulation_data*, 
-	    static_storage*, list** );	       
+void Reset( reax_system*, control_params*, simulation_data*,
+            static_storage*, list** );
 //void Reset_Neighbor_Lists( reax_system*, static_storage*, list** );
diff --git a/puremd_rc_1003/sPuReMD/restart.c b/puremd_rc_1003/sPuReMD/restart.c
index c594de14aeda86455adbdf1f92b639bc3b09a296..c15d51c502f5960984c38f5485384c122878b720 100644
--- a/puremd_rc_1003/sPuReMD/restart.c
+++ b/puremd_rc_1003/sPuReMD/restart.c
@@ -1,20 +1,20 @@
   SerialReax - Reax Force Field Simulator
   Copyright (2010) Purdue University
   Hasan Metin Aktulga, haktulga@cs.purdue.edu
   Joseph Fogarty, jcfogart@mail.usf.edu
   Sagar Pandit, pandit@usf.edu
   Ananth Y Grama, ayg@cs.purdue.edu
   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
   modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
-  published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of 
+  published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
   the License, or (at your option) any later version.
   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
   See the GNU General Public License for more details:
@@ -23,221 +23,225 @@
 #include "box.h"
 #include "vector.h"
-void Write_Binary_Restart( reax_system *system, control_params *control, 
-			   simulation_data *data, static_storage *workspace )
+void Write_Binary_Restart( reax_system *system, control_params *control,
+                           simulation_data *data, static_storage *workspace )
-  int  i;
-  char fname[MAX_STR];
-  FILE *fres;
-  reax_atom *p_atom;
-  restart_header res_header;
-  restart_atom res_data;
-  sprintf( fname, "%s.res%d", control->sim_name, data->step );
-  fres = fopen( fname, "wb" ); 
-  res_header.step = data->step;
-  res_header.N = system->N;
-  res_header.T = data->therm.T;
-  res_header.xi = data->therm.xi;
-  res_header.v_xi = data->therm.v_xi;
-  res_header.v_xi_old = data->therm.v_xi_old;
-  res_header.G_xi = data->therm.G_xi;
-  rtensor_Copy( res_header.box, system->box.box );
-  fwrite(&res_header, sizeof(restart_header), 1, fres);  
-  for( i = 0; i < system->N; ++i ) {
-    p_atom = &( system->atoms[i] );    
-    res_data.orig_id = workspace->orig_id[i];
-    res_data.type = p_atom->type;
-    strncpy( res_data.name, p_atom->name, 8 );
-    rvec_Copy( res_data.x, p_atom->x );
-    rvec_Copy( res_data.v, p_atom->v );
-    fwrite( &res_data, sizeof(restart_atom), 1, fres );
-  }
-  fclose( fres );
-#if defined(DEBUG_FOCUS)  
+    int  i;
+    char fname[MAX_STR];
+    FILE *fres;
+    reax_atom *p_atom;
+    restart_header res_header;
+    restart_atom res_data;
+    sprintf( fname, "%s.res%d", control->sim_name, data->step );
+    fres = fopen( fname, "wb" );
+    res_header.step = data->step;
+    res_header.N = system->N;
+    res_header.T = data->therm.T;
+    res_header.xi = data->therm.xi;
+    res_header.v_xi = data->therm.v_xi;
+    res_header.v_xi_old = data->therm.v_xi_old;
+    res_header.G_xi = data->therm.G_xi;
+    rtensor_Copy( res_header.box, system->box.box );
+    fwrite(&res_header, sizeof(restart_header), 1, fres);
+    for ( i = 0; i < system->N; ++i )
+    {
+        p_atom = &( system->atoms[i] );
+        res_data.orig_id = workspace->orig_id[i];
+        res_data.type = p_atom->type;
+        strncpy( res_data.name, p_atom->name, 8 );
+        rvec_Copy( res_data.x, p_atom->x );
+        rvec_Copy( res_data.v, p_atom->v );
+        fwrite( &res_data, sizeof(restart_atom), 1, fres );
+    }
+    fclose( fres );
+#if defined(DEBUG_FOCUS)
     fprintf( stderr, "write restart - " );
-void Read_Binary_Restart( char *fname, reax_system *system, 
-			  control_params *control, simulation_data *data, 
-			  static_storage *workspace )
+void Read_Binary_Restart( char *fname, reax_system *system,
+                          control_params *control, simulation_data *data,
+                          static_storage *workspace )
-  int i;
-  FILE *fres;
-  reax_atom *p_atom;
-  restart_header res_header;
-  restart_atom res_data;
-  fres = fopen( fname, "rb" );
-  fread(&res_header, sizeof(restart_header), 1, fres);  
-  data->prev_steps = res_header.step;
-  system->N = res_header.N;
-  data->therm.T = res_header.T;
-  data->therm.xi = res_header.xi;
-  data->therm.v_xi = res_header.v_xi;
-  data->therm.v_xi_old = res_header.v_xi_old;
-  data->therm.G_xi = res_header.G_xi;
-  Update_Box( res_header.box, &(system->box) );
+    int i;
+    FILE *fres;
+    reax_atom *p_atom;
+    restart_header res_header;
+    restart_atom res_data;
+    fres = fopen( fname, "rb" );
+    fread(&res_header, sizeof(restart_header), 1, fres);
+    data->prev_steps = res_header.step;
+    system->N = res_header.N;
+    data->therm.T = res_header.T;
+    data->therm.xi = res_header.xi;
+    data->therm.v_xi = res_header.v_xi;
+    data->therm.v_xi_old = res_header.v_xi_old;
+    data->therm.G_xi = res_header.G_xi;
+    Update_Box( res_header.box, &(system->box) );
 #if defined(DEBUG_FOCUS)
-  fprintf( stderr, "restart step: %d\n", data->prev_steps );
-  fprintf( stderr, "restart thermostat: %10.6f %10.6f %10.6f %10.6f %10.6f\n",
-	   data->therm.T, data->therm.xi, 
-	   data->therm.v_xi, data->therm.v_xi_old, data->therm.G_xi );
-  fprintf( stderr, "restart box:\n" );
-  fprintf( stderr, "%9.5f %9.5f %9.5f\n%9.5f %9.5f %9.5f\n%9.5f %9.5f %9.5f\n",
-	   system->box.box[0][0],system->box.box[0][1],system->box.box[0][2], 
-	   system->box.box[1][0],system->box.box[1][1],system->box.box[1][2], 
-	   system->box.box[2][0],system->box.box[2][1],system->box.box[2][2] );
+    fprintf( stderr, "restart step: %d\n", data->prev_steps );
+    fprintf( stderr, "restart thermostat: %10.6f %10.6f %10.6f %10.6f %10.6f\n",
+             data->therm.T, data->therm.xi,
+             data->therm.v_xi, data->therm.v_xi_old, data->therm.G_xi );
+    fprintf( stderr, "restart box:\n" );
+    fprintf( stderr, "%9.5f %9.5f %9.5f\n%9.5f %9.5f %9.5f\n%9.5f %9.5f %9.5f\n",
+             system->box.box[0][0], system->box.box[0][1], system->box.box[0][2],
+             system->box.box[1][0], system->box.box[1][1], system->box.box[1][2],
+             system->box.box[2][0], system->box.box[2][1], system->box.box[2][2] );
- /* memory allocations for atoms, atom maps, bond restrictions */
-  system->atoms = (reax_atom*) calloc( system->N, sizeof(reax_atom) );
+    /* memory allocations for atoms, atom maps, bond restrictions */
+    system->atoms = (reax_atom*) calloc( system->N, sizeof(reax_atom) );
-  workspace->map_serials = (int*) calloc( MAX_ATOM_ID, sizeof(int) );
-  for( i = 0; i < MAX_ATOM_ID; ++i )
-    workspace->map_serials[i] = -1;
+    workspace->map_serials = (int*) calloc( MAX_ATOM_ID, sizeof(int) );
+    for ( i = 0; i < MAX_ATOM_ID; ++i )
+        workspace->map_serials[i] = -1;
-  workspace->orig_id = (int*) calloc( system->N, sizeof(int) );
-  workspace->restricted  = (int*) calloc( system->N, sizeof(int) );
-  workspace->restricted_list = (int**) calloc( system->N, sizeof(int*) );
-  for( i = 0; i < system->N; ++i )
-    workspace->restricted_list[i] = (int*) calloc( MAX_RESTRICT, sizeof(int) );
+    workspace->orig_id = (int*) calloc( system->N, sizeof(int) );
+    workspace->restricted  = (int*) calloc( system->N, sizeof(int) );
+    workspace->restricted_list = (int**) calloc( system->N, sizeof(int*) );
+    for ( i = 0; i < system->N; ++i )
+        workspace->restricted_list[i] = (int*) calloc( MAX_RESTRICT, sizeof(int) );
-  for( i = 0; i < system->N; ++i ) {
-    fread( &res_data, sizeof(restart_atom), 1, fres);
+    for ( i = 0; i < system->N; ++i )
+    {
+        fread( &res_data, sizeof(restart_atom), 1, fres);
-    workspace->orig_id[i] = res_data.orig_id;
-    workspace->map_serials[res_data.orig_id] = i;
+        workspace->orig_id[i] = res_data.orig_id;
+        workspace->map_serials[res_data.orig_id] = i;
-    p_atom = &( system->atoms[i] );    
-    p_atom->type = res_data.type;
-    strcpy( p_atom->name, res_data.name );
-    rvec_Copy( p_atom->x, res_data.x );
-    rvec_Copy( p_atom->v, res_data.v );
-  }
+        p_atom = &( system->atoms[i] );
+        p_atom->type = res_data.type;
+        strcpy( p_atom->name, res_data.name );
+        rvec_Copy( p_atom->x, res_data.x );
+        rvec_Copy( p_atom->v, res_data.v );
+    }
 #if defined(DEBUG_FOCUS)
-  fprintf( stderr, "system->N: %d, i: %d\n", system->N, i );
+    fprintf( stderr, "system->N: %d, i: %d\n", system->N, i );
-  fclose( fres );
-  data->step = data->prev_steps;
-  // nsteps is updated based on the number of steps in the previous run
-  control->nsteps += data->prev_steps;  
+    fclose( fres );
+    data->step = data->prev_steps;
+    // nsteps is updated based on the number of steps in the previous run
+    control->nsteps += data->prev_steps;
-void Write_ASCII_Restart( reax_system *system, control_params *control, 
-			  simulation_data *data, static_storage *workspace )
+void Write_ASCII_Restart( reax_system *system, control_params *control,
+                          simulation_data *data, static_storage *workspace )
-  int  i;
-  char fname[MAX_STR];
-  FILE *fres;
-  reax_atom *p_atom;
-  sprintf( fname, "%s.res%d", control->sim_name, data->step );
-  fres = fopen( fname, "w" ); 
-  fprintf( fres, RESTART_HEADER,
-	   data->step, system->N, data->therm.T, data->therm.xi, 
-	   data->therm.v_xi, data->therm.v_xi_old, data->therm.G_xi,
-	   system->box.box[0][0], system->box.box[0][1], system->box.box[0][2],
-	   system->box.box[1][0], system->box.box[1][1], system->box.box[1][2],
-	   system->box.box[2][0], system->box.box[2][1], system->box.box[2][2]);
-  fflush(fres);
-  for( i = 0; i < system->N; ++i ) {
-    p_atom = &( system->atoms[i] ); 
-    fprintf( fres, RESTART_LINE,
-	     workspace->orig_id[i], p_atom->type, p_atom->name,
-	     p_atom->x[0], p_atom->x[1], p_atom->x[2], 
-	     p_atom->v[0], p_atom->v[1], p_atom->v[2] );    
-  }
-  fclose( fres );
-#if defined(DEBUG_FOCUS)  
+    int  i;
+    char fname[MAX_STR];
+    FILE *fres;
+    reax_atom *p_atom;
+    sprintf( fname, "%s.res%d", control->sim_name, data->step );
+    fres = fopen( fname, "w" );
+    fprintf( fres, RESTART_HEADER,
+             data->step, system->N, data->therm.T, data->therm.xi,
+             data->therm.v_xi, data->therm.v_xi_old, data->therm.G_xi,
+             system->box.box[0][0], system->box.box[0][1], system->box.box[0][2],
+             system->box.box[1][0], system->box.box[1][1], system->box.box[1][2],
+             system->box.box[2][0], system->box.box[2][1], system->box.box[2][2]);
+    fflush(fres);
+    for ( i = 0; i < system->N; ++i )
+    {
+        p_atom = &( system->atoms[i] );
+        fprintf( fres, RESTART_LINE,
+                 workspace->orig_id[i], p_atom->type, p_atom->name,
+                 p_atom->x[0], p_atom->x[1], p_atom->x[2],
+                 p_atom->v[0], p_atom->v[1], p_atom->v[2] );
+    }
+    fclose( fres );
+#if defined(DEBUG_FOCUS)
     fprintf( stderr, "write restart - " );
-void Read_ASCII_Restart( char *fname, reax_system *system, 
-			 control_params *control, simulation_data *data, 
-			 static_storage *workspace )
+void Read_ASCII_Restart( char *fname, reax_system *system,
+                         control_params *control, simulation_data *data,
+                         static_storage *workspace )
-  int i;
-  FILE *fres;
-  reax_atom *p_atom;
+    int i;
+    FILE *fres;
+    reax_atom *p_atom;
-  fres = fopen( fname, "r" );
+    fres = fopen( fname, "r" );
-  /* header */
-  fscanf( fres, READ_RESTART_HEADER, 
-	  &data->prev_steps, &system->N, &data->therm.T, &data->therm.xi,
-	  &data->therm.v_xi, &data->therm.v_xi_old, &data->therm.G_xi,
-	  &system->box.box[0][0],&system->box.box[0][1],&system->box.box[0][2],
-	  &system->box.box[1][0],&system->box.box[1][1],&system->box.box[1][2],
-	  &system->box.box[2][0],&system->box.box[2][1],&system->box.box[2][2]);
-  Make_Consistent( &(system->box) );
+    /* header */
+    fscanf( fres, READ_RESTART_HEADER,
+            &data->prev_steps, &system->N, &data->therm.T, &data->therm.xi,
+            &data->therm.v_xi, &data->therm.v_xi_old, &data->therm.G_xi,
+            &system->box.box[0][0], &system->box.box[0][1], &system->box.box[0][2],
+            &system->box.box[1][0], &system->box.box[1][1], &system->box.box[1][2],
+            &system->box.box[2][0], &system->box.box[2][1], &system->box.box[2][2]);
+    Make_Consistent( &(system->box) );
 #if defined(DEBUG_FOCUS)
-  fprintf( stderr, "restart step: %d\n", data->prev_steps );
-  fprintf( stderr, "restart thermostat: %10.6f %10.6f %10.6f %10.6f %10.6f\n",
-	   data->therm.T, data->therm.xi, 
-	   data->therm.v_xi, data->therm.v_xi_old, data->therm.G_xi );
-  fprintf( stderr, "restart box:\n" );
-  fprintf( stderr, "%9.5f %9.5f %9.5f\n%9.5f %9.5f %9.5f\n%9.5f %9.5f %9.5f\n",
-	   system->box.box[0][0],system->box.box[0][1],system->box.box[0][2], 
-	   system->box.box[1][0],system->box.box[1][1],system->box.box[1][2], 
-	   system->box.box[2][0],system->box.box[2][1],system->box.box[2][2] );
+    fprintf( stderr, "restart step: %d\n", data->prev_steps );
+    fprintf( stderr, "restart thermostat: %10.6f %10.6f %10.6f %10.6f %10.6f\n",
+             data->therm.T, data->therm.xi,
+             data->therm.v_xi, data->therm.v_xi_old, data->therm.G_xi );
+    fprintf( stderr, "restart box:\n" );
+    fprintf( stderr, "%9.5f %9.5f %9.5f\n%9.5f %9.5f %9.5f\n%9.5f %9.5f %9.5f\n",
+             system->box.box[0][0], system->box.box[0][1], system->box.box[0][2],
+             system->box.box[1][0], system->box.box[1][1], system->box.box[1][2],
+             system->box.box[2][0], system->box.box[2][1], system->box.box[2][2] );
-  /* memory allocations for atoms, atom maps, bond restrictions */
-  system->atoms = (reax_atom*) calloc( system->N, sizeof(reax_atom) );
-  workspace->map_serials = (int*) calloc( MAX_ATOM_ID, sizeof(int) );
-  for( i = 0; i < MAX_ATOM_ID; ++i )
-    workspace->map_serials[i] = -1;
-  workspace->orig_id = (int*) calloc( system->N, sizeof(int) );
-  workspace->restricted  = (int*) calloc( system->N, sizeof(int) );
-  workspace->restricted_list = (int**) calloc( system->N, sizeof(int*) );
-  for( i = 0; i < system->N; ++i )
-    workspace->restricted_list[i] = (int*) calloc( MAX_RESTRICT, sizeof(int) );
-  for( i = 0; i < system->N; ++i ) {
-    p_atom = &( system->atoms[i] );
-    fscanf( fres, READ_RESTART_LINE, 
-	    &workspace->orig_id[i], &p_atom->type, p_atom->name,
-	    &p_atom->x[0], &p_atom->x[1], &p_atom->x[2], 
-	    &p_atom->v[0], &p_atom->v[1], &p_atom->v[2] );
-    workspace->map_serials[workspace->orig_id[i]] = i;
-  }
-  fclose( fres );
-  data->step = data->prev_steps;
-  // nsteps is updated based on the number of steps in the previous run
-  control->nsteps += data->prev_steps;  
+    /* memory allocations for atoms, atom maps, bond restrictions */
+    system->atoms = (reax_atom*) calloc( system->N, sizeof(reax_atom) );
+    workspace->map_serials = (int*) calloc( MAX_ATOM_ID, sizeof(int) );
+    for ( i = 0; i < MAX_ATOM_ID; ++i )
+        workspace->map_serials[i] = -1;
+    workspace->orig_id = (int*) calloc( system->N, sizeof(int) );
+    workspace->restricted  = (int*) calloc( system->N, sizeof(int) );
+    workspace->restricted_list = (int**) calloc( system->N, sizeof(int*) );
+    for ( i = 0; i < system->N; ++i )
+        workspace->restricted_list[i] = (int*) calloc( MAX_RESTRICT, sizeof(int) );
+    for ( i = 0; i < system->N; ++i )
+    {
+        p_atom = &( system->atoms[i] );
+        fscanf( fres, READ_RESTART_LINE,
+                &workspace->orig_id[i], &p_atom->type, p_atom->name,
+                &p_atom->x[0], &p_atom->x[1], &p_atom->x[2],
+                &p_atom->v[0], &p_atom->v[1], &p_atom->v[2] );
+        workspace->map_serials[workspace->orig_id[i]] = i;
+    }
+    fclose( fres );
+    data->step = data->prev_steps;
+    // nsteps is updated based on the number of steps in the previous run
+    control->nsteps += data->prev_steps;
-void Write_Restart( reax_system *system, control_params *control, 
-		    simulation_data *data, static_storage *workspace, 
-		    output_controls *out_control )
+void Write_Restart( reax_system *system, control_params *control,
+                    simulation_data *data, static_storage *workspace,
+                    output_controls *out_control )
-  if( out_control->restart_format == WRITE_ASCII )
-    Write_ASCII_Restart( system, control, data, workspace );
-  else if( out_control->restart_format == WRITE_BINARY )
-    Write_Binary_Restart( system, control, data, workspace );
+    if ( out_control->restart_format == WRITE_ASCII )
+        Write_ASCII_Restart( system, control, data, workspace );
+    else if ( out_control->restart_format == WRITE_BINARY )
+        Write_Binary_Restart( system, control, data, workspace );
diff --git a/puremd_rc_1003/sPuReMD/restart.h b/puremd_rc_1003/sPuReMD/restart.h
index 7249aa63a155780a290a39effd641e046788f648..d0ea4ca8191dd307d0ea7287b9a65d5d010e885a 100644
--- a/puremd_rc_1003/sPuReMD/restart.h
+++ b/puremd_rc_1003/sPuReMD/restart.h
@@ -1,20 +1,20 @@
   SerialReax - Reax Force Field Simulator
   Copyright (2010) Purdue University
   Hasan Metin Aktulga, haktulga@cs.purdue.edu
   Joseph Fogarty, jcfogart@mail.usf.edu
   Sagar Pandit, pandit@usf.edu
   Ananth Y Grama, ayg@cs.purdue.edu
   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
   modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
-  published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of 
+  published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
   the License, or (at your option) any later version.
   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
   See the GNU General Public License for more details:
@@ -24,39 +24,41 @@
 #include "mytypes.h"
-typedef struct {
-  int step, N;
-  real T, xi, v_xi, v_xi_old, G_xi;
-  rtensor box;
+typedef struct
+    int step, N;
+    real T, xi, v_xi, v_xi_old, G_xi;
+    rtensor box;
 } restart_header;
-typedef struct {
-  int orig_id, type;
-  char name[8];
-  rvec x, v;
+typedef struct
+    int orig_id, type;
+    char name[8];
+    rvec x, v;
 } restart_atom;
 #define RESTART_HEADER "%8d%12d%8.3f%8.3f%8.3f%8.3f%8.3f\n%15.5f%15.5f%15.5f\n%15.5f%15.5f%15.5f\n%15.5f%15.5f%15.5f\n"
-/* step, system->bigN, data->therm.T, data->therm.xi, 
+/* step, system->bigN, data->therm.T, data->therm.xi,
    data->therm.v_xi data->therm.v_xi_old data->therm.G_xi
    system->big_box.box[0][0], [0][1], [0][2]
    system->big_box.box[1][0], [1][1], [1][2]
    system->big_box.box[2][0], [2][1], [2][2] */
 #define RESTART_LINE "%6d%4d%8s%15.5f%15.5f%15.5f%15.5f%15.5f%15.5f\n"
-#define RESTART_LINE_LEN 109 
+#define RESTART_LINE_LEN 109
 /* id type name x y z vx vy vz */
 #define READ_RESTART_HEADER " %d %d %lf %lf %lf %lf %lf %lf %lf %lf %lf %lf %lf %lf %lf %lf"
 #define READ_RESTART_LINE " %d %d %s %lf %lf %lf %lf %lf %lf"
-void Write_Restart( reax_system*, control_params*, 
-		    simulation_data*, static_storage*, output_controls* );
+void Write_Restart( reax_system*, control_params*,
+                    simulation_data*, static_storage*, output_controls* );
-void Read_Binary_Restart( char*, reax_system*, control_params*, 
-			  simulation_data*, static_storage* );
-void Read_ASCII_Restart( char*, reax_system*, control_params*, 
-			 simulation_data*, static_storage* );
+void Read_Binary_Restart( char*, reax_system*, control_params*,
+                          simulation_data*, static_storage* );
+void Read_ASCII_Restart( char*, reax_system*, control_params*,
+                         simulation_data*, static_storage* );
diff --git a/puremd_rc_1003/sPuReMD/single_body_interactions.c b/puremd_rc_1003/sPuReMD/single_body_interactions.c
index acfd4ef41ec359878c64c8d5401534f7a25e2020..484104a8d8dff533ab12c7033e35969d69f0a60d 100644
--- a/puremd_rc_1003/sPuReMD/single_body_interactions.c
+++ b/puremd_rc_1003/sPuReMD/single_body_interactions.c
@@ -1,20 +1,20 @@
   SerialReax - Reax Force Field Simulator
   Copyright (2010) Purdue University
   Hasan Metin Aktulga, haktulga@cs.purdue.edu
   Joseph Fogarty, jcfogart@mail.usf.edu
   Sagar Pandit, pandit@usf.edu
   Ananth Y Grama, ayg@cs.purdue.edu
   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
   modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
-  published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of 
+  published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
   the License, or (at your option) any later version.
   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
   See the GNU General Public License for more details:
@@ -26,288 +26,295 @@
 #include "vector.h"
-void LonePair_OverUnder_Coordination_Energy( reax_system *system, 
-					     control_params *control, 
-					     simulation_data *data,
-					     static_storage *workspace, 
-					     list **lists, 
-					     output_controls *out_control )
+void LonePair_OverUnder_Coordination_Energy( reax_system *system,
+        control_params *control,
+        simulation_data *data,
+        static_storage *workspace,
+        list **lists,
+        output_controls *out_control )
-  int i, j, pj, type_i, type_j;
-  real Delta_lpcorr, dfvl;
-  real e_lp, expvd2, inv_expvd2, dElp, CElp, DlpVi;
-  real e_lph, Di, vov3, deahu2dbo, deahu2dsbo;
-  real e_ov, CEover1, CEover2, CEover3, CEover4;
-  real exp_ovun1, exp_ovun2, sum_ovun1, sum_ovun2;
-  real exp_ovun2n, exp_ovun6, exp_ovun8;
-  real inv_exp_ovun1, inv_exp_ovun2, inv_exp_ovun2n, inv_exp_ovun8;
-  real e_un, CEunder1, CEunder2, CEunder3, CEunder4;
-  real p_lp1, p_lp2, p_lp3;
-  real p_ovun2, p_ovun3, p_ovun4, p_ovun5, p_ovun6, p_ovun7, p_ovun8;
-  single_body_parameters *sbp_i, *sbp_j;
-  two_body_parameters *twbp;
-  bond_data *pbond;
-  bond_order_data *bo_ij; 
-  list *bonds = (*lists) + BONDS;
-  /* Initialize parameters */
-  p_lp1 = system->reaxprm.gp.l[15];
-  p_lp3 = system->reaxprm.gp.l[5];
-  p_ovun3 = system->reaxprm.gp.l[32];
-  p_ovun4 = system->reaxprm.gp.l[31];
-  p_ovun6 = system->reaxprm.gp.l[6];
-  p_ovun7 = system->reaxprm.gp.l[8];
-  p_ovun8 = system->reaxprm.gp.l[9];
-  for( i = 0; i < system->N; ++i ) {
-    /* set the parameter pointer */
-    type_i = system->atoms[i].type;
-    sbp_i = &(system->reaxprm.sbp[ type_i ]);
-    /* lone-pair Energy */
-    p_lp2 = sbp_i->p_lp2;      
-    expvd2 = EXP( -75 * workspace->Delta_lp[i] );
-    inv_expvd2 = 1. / (1. + expvd2 );
-    /* calculate the energy */
-    data->E_Lp += e_lp = 
-      p_lp2 * workspace->Delta_lp[i] * inv_expvd2;
-    dElp = p_lp2 * inv_expvd2 + 
-      75 * p_lp2 * workspace->Delta_lp[i] * expvd2 * SQR(inv_expvd2);
-    CElp = dElp * workspace->dDelta_lp[i];
-    workspace->CdDelta[i] += CElp;      // lp - 1st term
+    int i, j, pj, type_i, type_j;
+    real Delta_lpcorr, dfvl;
+    real e_lp, expvd2, inv_expvd2, dElp, CElp, DlpVi;
+    real e_lph, Di, vov3, deahu2dbo, deahu2dsbo;
+    real e_ov, CEover1, CEover2, CEover3, CEover4;
+    real exp_ovun1, exp_ovun2, sum_ovun1, sum_ovun2;
+    real exp_ovun2n, exp_ovun6, exp_ovun8;
+    real inv_exp_ovun1, inv_exp_ovun2, inv_exp_ovun2n, inv_exp_ovun8;
+    real e_un, CEunder1, CEunder2, CEunder3, CEunder4;
+    real p_lp1, p_lp2, p_lp3;
+    real p_ovun2, p_ovun3, p_ovun4, p_ovun5, p_ovun6, p_ovun7, p_ovun8;
+    single_body_parameters *sbp_i, *sbp_j;
+    two_body_parameters *twbp;
+    bond_data *pbond;
+    bond_order_data *bo_ij;
+    list *bonds = (*lists) + BONDS;
+    /* Initialize parameters */
+    p_lp1 = system->reaxprm.gp.l[15];
+    p_lp3 = system->reaxprm.gp.l[5];
+    p_ovun3 = system->reaxprm.gp.l[32];
+    p_ovun4 = system->reaxprm.gp.l[31];
+    p_ovun6 = system->reaxprm.gp.l[6];
+    p_ovun7 = system->reaxprm.gp.l[8];
+    p_ovun8 = system->reaxprm.gp.l[9];
+    for ( i = 0; i < system->N; ++i )
+    {
+        /* set the parameter pointer */
+        type_i = system->atoms[i].type;
+        sbp_i = &(system->reaxprm.sbp[ type_i ]);
+        /* lone-pair Energy */
+        p_lp2 = sbp_i->p_lp2;
+        expvd2 = EXP( -75 * workspace->Delta_lp[i] );
+        inv_expvd2 = 1. / (1. + expvd2 );
+        /* calculate the energy */
+        data->E_Lp += e_lp =
+                          p_lp2 * workspace->Delta_lp[i] * inv_expvd2;
+        dElp = p_lp2 * inv_expvd2 +
+               75 * p_lp2 * workspace->Delta_lp[i] * expvd2 * SQR(inv_expvd2);
+        CElp = dElp * workspace->dDelta_lp[i];
+        workspace->CdDelta[i] += CElp;      // lp - 1st term
-    fprintf( out_control->elp, "%23.15e%23.15e%23.15e%23.15e\n", 
-	     p_lp2, workspace->Delta_lp_temp[i], expvd2, dElp );
-    fprintf( out_control->elp, "%6d%23.15e%23.15e%23.15e\n",
-	     workspace->orig_id[i]+1, workspace->nlp[i], e_lp, data->E_Lp );
+        fprintf( out_control->elp, "%23.15e%23.15e%23.15e%23.15e\n",
+                 p_lp2, workspace->Delta_lp_temp[i], expvd2, dElp );
+        fprintf( out_control->elp, "%6d%23.15e%23.15e%23.15e\n",
+                 workspace->orig_id[i] + 1, workspace->nlp[i], e_lp, data->E_Lp );
-    Add_dDelta( system, lists, i, CElp, workspace->f_lp );  // lp - 1st term
+        Add_dDelta( system, lists, i, CElp, workspace->f_lp );  // lp - 1st term
-    /* correction for C2 */
-    if( system->reaxprm.gp.l[5] > 0.001 && 
-	!strcmp( system->reaxprm.sbp[type_i].name, "C" ) )
-      for( pj = Start_Index(i, bonds); pj < End_Index(i, bonds); ++pj )
-	if( i < bonds->select.bond_list[pj].nbr ) {
-	  j = bonds->select.bond_list[pj].nbr;
-	  type_j = system->atoms[j].type;
-	  if( !strcmp( system->reaxprm.sbp[type_j].name, "C" ) ) {
-	    twbp = &( system->reaxprm.tbp[type_i][type_j]);
-	    bo_ij = &( bonds->select.bond_list[pj].bo_data );
-	    Di = workspace->Delta[i];
-	    vov3 = bo_ij->BO - Di - 0.040*POW(Di, 4.);
-	    if( vov3 > 3. ) {
-	      data->E_Lp += e_lph = p_lp3 * SQR(vov3-3.0);
-	      //estrain(i) += e_lph;
-	      deahu2dbo = 2.*p_lp3*(vov3 - 3.);
-	      deahu2dsbo = 2.*p_lp3*(vov3 - 3.)*(-1. - 0.16*POW(Di, 3.));
-	      bo_ij->Cdbo += deahu2dbo;
-	      workspace->CdDelta[i] += deahu2dsbo;
+        /* correction for C2 */
+        if ( system->reaxprm.gp.l[5] > 0.001 &&
+                !strcmp( system->reaxprm.sbp[type_i].name, "C" ) )
+            for ( pj = Start_Index(i, bonds); pj < End_Index(i, bonds); ++pj )
+                if ( i < bonds->select.bond_list[pj].nbr )
+                {
+                    j = bonds->select.bond_list[pj].nbr;
+                    type_j = system->atoms[j].type;
+                    if ( !strcmp( system->reaxprm.sbp[type_j].name, "C" ) )
+                    {
+                        twbp = &( system->reaxprm.tbp[type_i][type_j]);
+                        bo_ij = &( bonds->select.bond_list[pj].bo_data );
+                        Di = workspace->Delta[i];
+                        vov3 = bo_ij->BO - Di - 0.040 * POW(Di, 4.);
+                        if ( vov3 > 3. )
+                        {
+                            data->E_Lp += e_lph = p_lp3 * SQR(vov3 - 3.0);
+                            //estrain(i) += e_lph;
+                            deahu2dbo = 2.*p_lp3 * (vov3 - 3.);
+                            deahu2dsbo = 2.*p_lp3 * (vov3 - 3.) * (-1. - 0.16 * POW(Di, 3.));
+                            bo_ij->Cdbo += deahu2dbo;
+                            workspace->CdDelta[i] += deahu2dsbo;
-	      fprintf(out_control->elp,"C2cor%6d%6d%23.15e%23.15e%23.15e\n",
-		      // workspace->orig_id[i], workspace->orig_id[j],
-		      i+1, j+1, e_lph, deahu2dbo, deahu2dsbo );
+                            fprintf(out_control->elp, "C2cor%6d%6d%23.15e%23.15e%23.15e\n",
+                                    // workspace->orig_id[i], workspace->orig_id[j],
+                                    i + 1, j + 1, e_lph, deahu2dbo, deahu2dsbo );
-	      Add_dBO(system, lists, i, pj, deahu2dbo, workspace->f_lp);
-	      Add_dDelta(system, lists, i, deahu2dsbo, workspace->f_lp);
+                            Add_dBO(system, lists, i, pj, deahu2dbo, workspace->f_lp);
+                            Add_dDelta(system, lists, i, deahu2dsbo, workspace->f_lp);
-	    }
-	  }
-	}
-  }
-  for( i = 0; i < system->N; ++i ) {
-    type_i = system->atoms[i].type;
-    sbp_i = &(system->reaxprm.sbp[ type_i ]);
-    /* over-coordination energy */
-    if( sbp_i->mass > 21.0 ) 
-      dfvl = 0.0;
-    else dfvl = 1.0; // only for 1st-row elements
-    p_ovun2 = sbp_i->p_ovun2;
-    sum_ovun1 = 0;
-    sum_ovun2 = 0;
-    for( pj = Start_Index(i, bonds); pj < End_Index(i, bonds); ++pj ) {
-      j = bonds->select.bond_list[pj].nbr;
-      type_j = system->atoms[j].type;	  
-      bo_ij = &(bonds->select.bond_list[pj].bo_data);
-      sbp_j = &(system->reaxprm.sbp[ type_j ]);
-      twbp = &(system->reaxprm.tbp[ type_i ][ type_j ]);
-      sum_ovun1 += twbp->p_ovun1 * twbp->De_s * bo_ij->BO;
-      sum_ovun2 += (workspace->Delta[j] - dfvl*workspace->Delta_lp_temp[j])*
-	( bo_ij->BO_pi + bo_ij->BO_pi2 );
-      /*fprintf( stdout, "%4d%4d%23.15e%23.15e%23.15e\n", 
-	i+1, j+1, 
-	dfvl * workspace->Delta_lp_temp[j],
-	sbp_j->nlp_opt,
-	workspace->nlp_temp[j] );*/
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
-    exp_ovun1 = p_ovun3 * EXP( p_ovun4 * sum_ovun2 );
-    inv_exp_ovun1 = 1.0 / (1 + exp_ovun1);
-    Delta_lpcorr  = workspace->Delta[i] - 
-      (dfvl*workspace->Delta_lp_temp[i]) * inv_exp_ovun1;
-    exp_ovun2 = EXP( p_ovun2 * Delta_lpcorr );
-    inv_exp_ovun2 = 1.0 / (1.0 + exp_ovun2);
-    DlpVi = 1.0 / (Delta_lpcorr + sbp_i->valency + 1e-8 );
-    CEover1 = Delta_lpcorr * DlpVi * inv_exp_ovun2;
-    data->E_Ov += e_ov = sum_ovun1 * CEover1;
-    CEover2 = sum_ovun1 * DlpVi * inv_exp_ovun2 *
-      ( 1.0 - Delta_lpcorr*( DlpVi + p_ovun2 * exp_ovun2 * inv_exp_ovun2 ) );
-    CEover3 = CEover2 * (1.0 - dfvl*workspace->dDelta_lp[i]*inv_exp_ovun1 );
-    CEover4 = CEover2 * (dfvl*workspace->Delta_lp_temp[i]) * 
-      p_ovun4 * exp_ovun1 * SQR(inv_exp_ovun1);
-    /* under-coordination potential */
-    p_ovun2 = sbp_i->p_ovun2;
-    p_ovun5 = sbp_i->p_ovun5;
-    exp_ovun2n = 1.0 / exp_ovun2;
-    exp_ovun6 = EXP( p_ovun6 * Delta_lpcorr );
-    exp_ovun8 = p_ovun7 * EXP(p_ovun8 * sum_ovun2);
-    inv_exp_ovun2n = 1.0 / (1.0 + exp_ovun2n);
-    inv_exp_ovun8 = 1.0 / (1.0 + exp_ovun8);
-    data->E_Un += e_un =
-      -p_ovun5 * (1.0 - exp_ovun6) * inv_exp_ovun2n * inv_exp_ovun8;
-    CEunder1 = inv_exp_ovun2n * ( p_ovun5*p_ovun6*exp_ovun6*inv_exp_ovun8 +
-				  p_ovun2 * e_un * exp_ovun2n);
-    CEunder2 = -e_un * p_ovun8 * exp_ovun8 * inv_exp_ovun8;
-    CEunder3 = CEunder1 * (1.0 - dfvl*workspace->dDelta_lp[i]*inv_exp_ovun1);
-    CEunder4 = CEunder1 * (dfvl*workspace->Delta_lp_temp[i]) * 
-      p_ovun4 * exp_ovun1 * SQR(inv_exp_ovun1) + CEunder2;
-    //fprintf( stdout, "%6d%23.15e%23.15e%23.15e\n",
-    //       i+1, sum_ovun2, e_ov, e_un );
-    /* forces */
-    workspace->CdDelta[i] += CEover3;   // OvCoor - 2nd term
-    workspace->CdDelta[i] += CEunder3;  // UnCoor - 1st term
+    for ( i = 0; i < system->N; ++i )
+    {
+        type_i = system->atoms[i].type;
+        sbp_i = &(system->reaxprm.sbp[ type_i ]);
+        /* over-coordination energy */
+        if ( sbp_i->mass > 21.0 )
+            dfvl = 0.0;
+        else dfvl = 1.0; // only for 1st-row elements
+        p_ovun2 = sbp_i->p_ovun2;
+        sum_ovun1 = 0;
+        sum_ovun2 = 0;
+        for ( pj = Start_Index(i, bonds); pj < End_Index(i, bonds); ++pj )
+        {
+            j = bonds->select.bond_list[pj].nbr;
+            type_j = system->atoms[j].type;
+            bo_ij = &(bonds->select.bond_list[pj].bo_data);
+            sbp_j = &(system->reaxprm.sbp[ type_j ]);
+            twbp = &(system->reaxprm.tbp[ type_i ][ type_j ]);
+            sum_ovun1 += twbp->p_ovun1 * twbp->De_s * bo_ij->BO;
+            sum_ovun2 += (workspace->Delta[j] - dfvl * workspace->Delta_lp_temp[j]) *
+                         ( bo_ij->BO_pi + bo_ij->BO_pi2 );
+            /*fprintf( stdout, "%4d%4d%23.15e%23.15e%23.15e\n",
+            i+1, j+1,
+            dfvl * workspace->Delta_lp_temp[j],
+            sbp_j->nlp_opt,
+            workspace->nlp_temp[j] );*/
+        }
+        exp_ovun1 = p_ovun3 * EXP( p_ovun4 * sum_ovun2 );
+        inv_exp_ovun1 = 1.0 / (1 + exp_ovun1);
+        Delta_lpcorr  = workspace->Delta[i] -
+                        (dfvl * workspace->Delta_lp_temp[i]) * inv_exp_ovun1;
+        exp_ovun2 = EXP( p_ovun2 * Delta_lpcorr );
+        inv_exp_ovun2 = 1.0 / (1.0 + exp_ovun2);
+        DlpVi = 1.0 / (Delta_lpcorr + sbp_i->valency + 1e-8 );
+        CEover1 = Delta_lpcorr * DlpVi * inv_exp_ovun2;
+        data->E_Ov += e_ov = sum_ovun1 * CEover1;
+        CEover2 = sum_ovun1 * DlpVi * inv_exp_ovun2 *
+                  ( 1.0 - Delta_lpcorr * ( DlpVi + p_ovun2 * exp_ovun2 * inv_exp_ovun2 ) );
+        CEover3 = CEover2 * (1.0 - dfvl * workspace->dDelta_lp[i] * inv_exp_ovun1 );
+        CEover4 = CEover2 * (dfvl * workspace->Delta_lp_temp[i]) *
+                  p_ovun4 * exp_ovun1 * SQR(inv_exp_ovun1);
+        /* under-coordination potential */
+        p_ovun2 = sbp_i->p_ovun2;
+        p_ovun5 = sbp_i->p_ovun5;
+        exp_ovun2n = 1.0 / exp_ovun2;
+        exp_ovun6 = EXP( p_ovun6 * Delta_lpcorr );
+        exp_ovun8 = p_ovun7 * EXP(p_ovun8 * sum_ovun2);
+        inv_exp_ovun2n = 1.0 / (1.0 + exp_ovun2n);
+        inv_exp_ovun8 = 1.0 / (1.0 + exp_ovun8);
+        data->E_Un += e_un =
+                          -p_ovun5 * (1.0 - exp_ovun6) * inv_exp_ovun2n * inv_exp_ovun8;
+        CEunder1 = inv_exp_ovun2n * ( p_ovun5 * p_ovun6 * exp_ovun6 * inv_exp_ovun8 +
+                                      p_ovun2 * e_un * exp_ovun2n);
+        CEunder2 = -e_un * p_ovun8 * exp_ovun8 * inv_exp_ovun8;
+        CEunder3 = CEunder1 * (1.0 - dfvl * workspace->dDelta_lp[i] * inv_exp_ovun1);
+        CEunder4 = CEunder1 * (dfvl * workspace->Delta_lp_temp[i]) *
+                   p_ovun4 * exp_ovun1 * SQR(inv_exp_ovun1) + CEunder2;
+        //fprintf( stdout, "%6d%23.15e%23.15e%23.15e\n",
+        //       i+1, sum_ovun2, e_ov, e_un );
+        /* forces */
+        workspace->CdDelta[i] += CEover3;   // OvCoor - 2nd term
+        workspace->CdDelta[i] += CEunder3;  // UnCoor - 1st term
-    Add_dDelta( system, lists, i, CEover3, workspace->f_ov );  // OvCoor - 2nd
-    Add_dDelta( system, lists, i, CEunder3, workspace->f_un ); // UnCoor - 1st
+        Add_dDelta( system, lists, i, CEover3, workspace->f_ov );  // OvCoor - 2nd
+        Add_dDelta( system, lists, i, CEunder3, workspace->f_un ); // UnCoor - 1st
-    for( pj = Start_Index(i, bonds); pj < End_Index(i, bonds); ++pj ){
-      pbond = &(bonds->select.bond_list[pj]);
-      j = pbond->nbr;
-      type_j = system->atoms[j].type;
-      bo_ij = &(pbond->bo_data);
-      twbp  = &(system->reaxprm.tbp[ type_i ][ type_j ]);
+        for ( pj = Start_Index(i, bonds); pj < End_Index(i, bonds); ++pj )
+        {
+            pbond = &(bonds->select.bond_list[pj]);
+            j = pbond->nbr;
+            type_j = system->atoms[j].type;
+            bo_ij = &(pbond->bo_data);
+            twbp  = &(system->reaxprm.tbp[ type_i ][ type_j ]);
-      bo_ij->Cdbo += CEover1 * twbp->p_ovun1 * twbp->De_s; // OvCoor - 1st  
-      workspace->CdDelta[j] += CEover4*(1.0 - dfvl*workspace->dDelta_lp[j])*
-	(bo_ij->BO_pi + bo_ij->BO_pi2); // OvCoor - 3a
-      bo_ij->Cdbopi += CEover4 * 
-	(workspace->Delta[j] - dfvl*workspace->Delta_lp_temp[j]);//OvCoor-3b
-      bo_ij->Cdbopi2 += CEover4 * 
-	(workspace->Delta[j] - dfvl*workspace->Delta_lp_temp[j]);//OvCoor-3b
+            bo_ij->Cdbo += CEover1 * twbp->p_ovun1 * twbp->De_s; // OvCoor - 1st
+            workspace->CdDelta[j] += CEover4 * (1.0 - dfvl * workspace->dDelta_lp[j]) *
+                                     (bo_ij->BO_pi + bo_ij->BO_pi2); // OvCoor - 3a
+            bo_ij->Cdbopi += CEover4 *
+                             (workspace->Delta[j] - dfvl * workspace->Delta_lp_temp[j]); //OvCoor-3b
+            bo_ij->Cdbopi2 += CEover4 *
+                              (workspace->Delta[j] - dfvl * workspace->Delta_lp_temp[j]); //OvCoor-3b
-      workspace->CdDelta[j] += CEunder4*(1.0-dfvl*workspace->dDelta_lp[j]) *
-	(bo_ij->BO_pi + bo_ij->BO_pi2);   // UnCoor - 2a
-      bo_ij->Cdbopi += CEunder4 * 
-	(workspace->Delta[j] - dfvl*workspace->Delta_lp_temp[j]);//UnCoor-2b
-      bo_ij->Cdbopi2 += CEunder4 * 
-	(workspace->Delta[j] - dfvl*workspace->Delta_lp_temp[j]);//UnCoor-2b
+            workspace->CdDelta[j] += CEunder4 * (1.0 - dfvl * workspace->dDelta_lp[j]) *
+                                     (bo_ij->BO_pi + bo_ij->BO_pi2);   // UnCoor - 2a
+            bo_ij->Cdbopi += CEunder4 *
+                             (workspace->Delta[j] - dfvl * workspace->Delta_lp_temp[j]); //UnCoor-2b
+            bo_ij->Cdbopi2 += CEunder4 *
+                              (workspace->Delta[j] - dfvl * workspace->Delta_lp_temp[j]); //UnCoor-2b
-      /* fprintf( out_control->eov, "%6d%23.15e%23.15e"
-	 workspace->orig_id[j]+1,
-	 //twbp->p_ovun1,twbp->De_s,Delta_lpcorr*DlpVi*inv_exp_ovun2,
-	 CEover1*twbp->p_ovun1*twbp->De_s, CEover3 ); */
-      /*fprintf( out_control->eov, "%6d%23.15e%23.15e%23.15e%23.15e%23.15e\n", 
-	workspace->orig_id[j]+1, 
-	CEover4,
-	CEover4*
-	(workspace->Delta[j] - dfvl*workspace->Delta_lp_temp[j]),
-	CEover4 * (bo_ij->BO_pi + bo_ij->BO_pi2), 
-	(1.0 - dfvl*workspace->dDelta_lp[j]),
-	CEover4 * (1.0 - dfvl*workspace->dDelta_lp[j]) * 
-	(bo_ij->BO_pi + bo_ij->BO_pi2) );*/
-      /* fprintf( out_control->eun, "%6d%23.15e\n",
-	 workspace->orig_id[j]+1, CEunder3 ); */
-      /*fprintf( out_control->eun, "%6d%23.15e%23.15e%23.15e%23.15e\n",
-	workspace->orig_id[j]+1,
-	CEunder4,
-	(workspace->Delta[j] - dfvl*workspace->Delta_lp_temp[j]),
-	CEunder4*
-	(workspace->Delta[j] - dfvl*workspace->Delta_lp_temp[j]),
-	CEunder4*(1.0 - dfvl*workspace->dDelta_lp[j])*
-	(bo_ij->BO_pi + bo_ij->BO_pi2) );*/
+            /* fprintf( out_control->eov, "%6d%23.15e%23.15e"
+            workspace->orig_id[j]+1,
+             //twbp->p_ovun1,twbp->De_s,Delta_lpcorr*DlpVi*inv_exp_ovun2,
+             CEover1*twbp->p_ovun1*twbp->De_s, CEover3 ); */
+            /*fprintf( out_control->eov, "%6d%23.15e%23.15e%23.15e%23.15e%23.15e\n",
+            workspace->orig_id[j]+1,
+            CEover4,
+            CEover4*
+            (workspace->Delta[j] - dfvl*workspace->Delta_lp_temp[j]),
+            CEover4 * (bo_ij->BO_pi + bo_ij->BO_pi2),
+            (1.0 - dfvl*workspace->dDelta_lp[j]),
+            CEover4 * (1.0 - dfvl*workspace->dDelta_lp[j]) *
+            (bo_ij->BO_pi + bo_ij->BO_pi2) );*/
+            /* fprintf( out_control->eun, "%6d%23.15e\n",
+            workspace->orig_id[j]+1, CEunder3 ); */
+            /*fprintf( out_control->eun, "%6d%23.15e%23.15e%23.15e%23.15e\n",
+            workspace->orig_id[j]+1,
+            CEunder4,
+            (workspace->Delta[j] - dfvl*workspace->Delta_lp_temp[j]),
+            CEunder4*
+            (workspace->Delta[j] - dfvl*workspace->Delta_lp_temp[j]),
+            CEunder4*(1.0 - dfvl*workspace->dDelta_lp[j])*
+            (bo_ij->BO_pi + bo_ij->BO_pi2) );*/
-      Add_dBO( system, lists, i, pj, CEover1 * twbp->p_ovun1 * twbp->De_s, 
-	       workspace->f_ov ); // OvCoor - 1st term
-      Add_dDelta( system, lists, j,
-		  CEover4 * (1.0 - dfvl*workspace->dDelta_lp[j]) * 
-		  (bo_ij->BO_pi+bo_ij->BO_pi2), workspace->f_ov );//OvCoor3a
-      Add_dBOpinpi2( system, lists, i, pj, 
-		     CEover4 * (workspace->Delta[j] - 
-				dfvl * workspace->Delta_lp_temp[j]),
-		     CEover4 * (workspace->Delta[j] - 
-				dfvl * workspace->Delta_lp_temp[j]),
-		     workspace->f_ov, workspace->f_ov ); // OvCoor - 3b
-      Add_dDelta( system, lists, j,
-		  CEunder4 * (1.0 - dfvl*workspace->dDelta_lp[j]) * 
-		  (bo_ij->BO_pi + bo_ij->BO_pi2),
-		  workspace->f_un ); // UnCoor - 2a
-      Add_dBOpinpi2( system, lists, i, pj, 
-		     CEunder4 * (workspace->Delta[j] - 
-				 dfvl * workspace->Delta_lp_temp[j]),
-		     CEunder4 * (workspace->Delta[j] - 
-				 dfvl * workspace->Delta_lp_temp[j]),
-		     workspace->f_un, workspace->f_un ); // UnCoor - 2b
+            Add_dBO( system, lists, i, pj, CEover1 * twbp->p_ovun1 * twbp->De_s,
+                     workspace->f_ov ); // OvCoor - 1st term
+            Add_dDelta( system, lists, j,
+                        CEover4 * (1.0 - dfvl * workspace->dDelta_lp[j]) *
+                        (bo_ij->BO_pi + bo_ij->BO_pi2), workspace->f_ov ); //OvCoor3a
+            Add_dBOpinpi2( system, lists, i, pj,
+                           CEover4 * (workspace->Delta[j] -
+                                      dfvl * workspace->Delta_lp_temp[j]),
+                           CEover4 * (workspace->Delta[j] -
+                                      dfvl * workspace->Delta_lp_temp[j]),
+                           workspace->f_ov, workspace->f_ov ); // OvCoor - 3b
+            Add_dDelta( system, lists, j,
+                        CEunder4 * (1.0 - dfvl * workspace->dDelta_lp[j]) *
+                        (bo_ij->BO_pi + bo_ij->BO_pi2),
+                        workspace->f_un ); // UnCoor - 2a
+            Add_dBOpinpi2( system, lists, i, pj,
+                           CEunder4 * (workspace->Delta[j] -
+                                       dfvl * workspace->Delta_lp_temp[j]),
+                           CEunder4 * (workspace->Delta[j] -
+                                       dfvl * workspace->Delta_lp_temp[j]),
+                           workspace->f_un, workspace->f_un ); // UnCoor - 2b
-    }
+        }
-#ifdef TEST_ENERGY      
-    fprintf( out_control->eov, "%6d%15.8f%15.8f%15.8f\n", 
-	     i+1, DlpVi, Delta_lpcorr, sbp_i->valency ); 
+        fprintf( out_control->eov, "%6d%15.8f%15.8f%15.8f\n",
+                 i + 1, DlpVi, Delta_lpcorr, sbp_i->valency );
-    fprintf( out_control->eov, "%6d%15.8f%15.8f\n", 
-	     i+1/*workspace->orig_id[i]+1*/, e_ov, data->E_Ov + data->E_Un );
+        fprintf( out_control->eov, "%6d%15.8f%15.8f\n",
+                 i + 1/*workspace->orig_id[i]+1*/, e_ov, data->E_Ov + data->E_Un );
-    fprintf( out_control->eov, "%6d%15.8f%15.8f\n", 
-	     i+1/*workspace->orig_id[i]+1*/, e_un, data->E_Ov + data->E_Un );
+        fprintf( out_control->eov, "%6d%15.8f%15.8f\n",
+                 i + 1/*workspace->orig_id[i]+1*/, e_un, data->E_Ov + data->E_Un );
-  }
+    }
diff --git a/puremd_rc_1003/sPuReMD/single_body_interactions.h b/puremd_rc_1003/sPuReMD/single_body_interactions.h
index a7502b83b824a17616c78d38857c2aa1aade2f6c..41cc6493af410a25b6807bd9779e6ceb9483c57f 100644
--- a/puremd_rc_1003/sPuReMD/single_body_interactions.h
+++ b/puremd_rc_1003/sPuReMD/single_body_interactions.h
@@ -1,20 +1,20 @@
   SerialReax - Reax Force Field Simulator
   Copyright (2010) Purdue University
   Hasan Metin Aktulga, haktulga@cs.purdue.edu
   Joseph Fogarty, jcfogart@mail.usf.edu
   Sagar Pandit, pandit@usf.edu
   Ananth Y Grama, ayg@cs.purdue.edu
   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
   modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
-  published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of 
+  published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
   the License, or (at your option) any later version.
   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
   See the GNU General Public License for more details:
@@ -24,8 +24,7 @@
 #include <mytypes.h>
-void LonePair_OverUnder_Coordination_Energy( reax_system*, control_params*, 
-					     simulation_data*, static_storage*, 
-					     list**, output_controls* );
+void LonePair_OverUnder_Coordination_Energy( reax_system*, control_params*,
+        simulation_data*, static_storage*,
+        list**, output_controls* );
diff --git a/puremd_rc_1003/sPuReMD/system_props.c b/puremd_rc_1003/sPuReMD/system_props.c
index 60c4f0e9586ad154e9370582b9ed91ef3f0c5168..52c1d2713ea0b84f8ea729306ba856645d191d2f 100644
--- a/puremd_rc_1003/sPuReMD/system_props.c
+++ b/puremd_rc_1003/sPuReMD/system_props.c
@@ -1,20 +1,20 @@
   SerialReax - Reax Force Field Simulator
   Copyright (2010) Purdue University
   Hasan Metin Aktulga, haktulga@cs.purdue.edu
   Joseph Fogarty, jcfogart@mail.usf.edu
   Sagar Pandit, pandit@usf.edu
   Ananth Y Grama, ayg@cs.purdue.edu
   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
   modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
-  published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of 
+  published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
   the License, or (at your option) any later version.
   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
   See the GNU General Public License for more details:
@@ -26,310 +26,320 @@
 real Get_Time( )
-  struct timeval tim;
-  gettimeofday(&tim, NULL );
-  return( tim.tv_sec + (tim.tv_usec / 1000000.0) );
+    struct timeval tim;
+    gettimeofday(&tim, NULL );
+    return ( tim.tv_sec + (tim.tv_usec / 1000000.0) );
 real Get_Timing_Info( real t_start )
-  struct timeval tim;
-  real t_end;
-  gettimeofday(&tim, NULL );
-  t_end = tim.tv_sec + (tim.tv_usec / 1000000.0);
-  return (t_end - t_start);
+    struct timeval tim;
+    real t_end;
+    gettimeofday(&tim, NULL );
+    t_end = tim.tv_sec + (tim.tv_usec / 1000000.0);
+    return (t_end - t_start);
-void Temperature_Control( control_params *control, simulation_data *data, 
-			  output_controls *out_control )
+void Temperature_Control( control_params *control, simulation_data *data,
+                          output_controls *out_control )
-  real tmp;
-  if( control->T_mode == 1 ) { // step-wise temperature control
-    if( (data->step - data->prev_steps) % 
-	((int)(control->T_freq / control->dt)) == 0 ) {
-      if( fabs( control->T - control->T_final ) >= fabs( control->T_rate ) )
-	control->T += control->T_rate;
-      else control->T = control->T_final;	 
+    real tmp;
+    if ( control->T_mode == 1 )  // step-wise temperature control
+    {
+        if ( (data->step - data->prev_steps) %
+                ((int)(control->T_freq / control->dt)) == 0 )
+        {
+            if ( fabs( control->T - control->T_final ) >= fabs( control->T_rate ) )
+                control->T += control->T_rate;
+            else control->T = control->T_final;
+        }
+    }
+    else if ( control->T_mode == 2 )  // constant slope control
+    {
+        tmp = control->T_rate * control->dt / control->T_freq;
+        if ( fabs( control->T - control->T_final ) >= fabs( tmp ) )
+            control->T += tmp;
-  }
-  else if( control->T_mode == 2 ) { // constant slope control
-    tmp = control->T_rate * control->dt / control->T_freq;
-    if( fabs( control->T - control->T_final ) >= fabs( tmp ) )
-      control->T += tmp;       
-  }
 void Compute_Total_Mass( reax_system *system, simulation_data *data )
-  int i;
-  data->M = 0;
+    int i;
+    data->M = 0;
-  for( i = 0; i < system->N; i++ )
-    data->M += system->reaxprm.sbp[ system->atoms[i].type ].mass;  
+    for ( i = 0; i < system->N; i++ )
+        data->M += system->reaxprm.sbp[ system->atoms[i].type ].mass;
-	//fprintf ( stderr, "Compute_total_Mass -->%f<-- \n", data->M );
-  data->inv_M = 1. / data->M;    
+    //fprintf ( stderr, "Compute_total_Mass -->%f<-- \n", data->M );
+    data->inv_M = 1. / data->M;
-void Compute_Center_of_Mass( reax_system *system, simulation_data *data, 
-			     FILE *fout )
+void Compute_Center_of_Mass( reax_system *system, simulation_data *data,
+                             FILE *fout )
-  int i;
-  real m, xx, xy, xz, yy, yz, zz, det;
-  rvec tvec, diff;
-  rtensor mat, inv;
-  rvec_MakeZero( data->xcm );  // position of CoM
-  rvec_MakeZero( data->vcm );  // velocity of CoM
-  rvec_MakeZero( data->amcm ); // angular momentum of CoM
-  rvec_MakeZero( data->avcm ); // angular velocity of CoM
-  /* Compute the position, velocity and angular momentum about the CoM */
-  for( i = 0; i < system->N; ++i ) {
-    m = system->reaxprm.sbp[ system->atoms[i].type ].mass;
-    rvec_ScaledAdd( data->xcm, m, system->atoms[i].x );
-    rvec_ScaledAdd( data->vcm, m, system->atoms[i].v );
-    rvec_Cross( tvec, system->atoms[i].x, system->atoms[i].v );
-    rvec_ScaledAdd( data->amcm, m, tvec );
-    /*fprintf( fout,"%3d  %g %g %g\n",
-      i+1, 
-      system->atoms[i].v[0], system->atoms[i].v[1], system->atoms[i].v[2]  );
-      fprintf( fout, "vcm:  %g %g %g\n", 
-      data->vcm[0], data->vcm[1], data->vcm[2] );  
-    */
-    /* fprintf( stderr, "amcm: %12.6f %12.6f %12.6f\n", 
-       data->amcm[0], data->amcm[1], data->amcm[2] ); */
-  }
-  rvec_Scale( data->xcm, data->inv_M, data->xcm );
-  rvec_Scale( data->vcm, data->inv_M, data->vcm );
-  rvec_Cross( tvec, data->xcm, data->vcm );
-  rvec_ScaledAdd( data->amcm, -data->M, tvec );
-  data->etran_cm = 0.5 * data->M * rvec_Norm_Sqr( data->vcm );
-  /* Calculate and then invert the inertial tensor */
-  xx = xy = xz = yy = yz = zz = 0;
-  for( i = 0; i < system->N; ++i ) {
-    m = system->reaxprm.sbp[ system->atoms[i].type ].mass;
-    rvec_ScaledSum( diff, 1., system->atoms[i].x, -1., data->xcm );
-    xx += diff[0] * diff[0] * m;
-    xy += diff[0] * diff[1] * m;
-    xz += diff[0] * diff[2] * m;
-    yy += diff[1] * diff[1] * m;
-    yz += diff[1] * diff[2] * m;
-    zz += diff[2] * diff[2] * m;      
-  }
-  mat[0][0] = yy + zz;     
-  mat[0][1] = mat[1][0] = -xy;
-  mat[0][2] = mat[2][0] = -xz;
-  mat[1][1] = xx + zz;
-  mat[2][1] = mat[1][2] = -yz;
-  mat[2][2] = xx + yy;
-  /* invert the inertial tensor */
-  det = ( mat[0][0] * mat[1][1] * mat[2][2] + 
-	  mat[0][1] * mat[1][2] * mat[2][0] + 
-	  mat[0][2] * mat[1][0] * mat[2][1] ) -
-    ( mat[0][0] * mat[1][2] * mat[2][1] + 
-      mat[0][1] * mat[1][0] * mat[2][2] + 
-      mat[0][2] * mat[1][1] * mat[2][0] );
-  inv[0][0] = mat[1][1] * mat[2][2] - mat[1][2] * mat[2][1];
-  inv[0][1] = mat[0][2] * mat[2][1] - mat[0][1] * mat[2][2];
-  inv[0][2] = mat[0][1] * mat[1][2] - mat[0][2] * mat[1][1];
-  inv[1][0] = mat[1][2] * mat[2][0] - mat[1][0] * mat[2][2];
-  inv[1][1] = mat[0][0] * mat[2][2] - mat[0][2] * mat[2][0];
-  inv[1][2] = mat[0][2] * mat[1][0] - mat[0][0] * mat[1][2];
-  inv[2][0] = mat[1][0] * mat[2][1] - mat[2][0] * mat[1][1];
-  inv[2][1] = mat[2][0] * mat[0][1] - mat[0][0] * mat[2][1];
-  inv[2][2] = mat[0][0] * mat[1][1] - mat[1][0] * mat[0][1];
-  if( fabs(det) > ALMOST_ZERO )
-    rtensor_Scale( inv, 1./det, inv );
-  else 
-    rtensor_MakeZero( inv );
-  /* Compute the angular velocity about the centre of mass */
-  rtensor_MatVec( data->avcm, inv, data->amcm );  
-  data->erot_cm = 0.5 * E_CONV * rvec_Dot( data->avcm, data->amcm );
+    int i;
+    real m, xx, xy, xz, yy, yz, zz, det;
+    rvec tvec, diff;
+    rtensor mat, inv;
+    rvec_MakeZero( data->xcm );  // position of CoM
+    rvec_MakeZero( data->vcm );  // velocity of CoM
+    rvec_MakeZero( data->amcm ); // angular momentum of CoM
+    rvec_MakeZero( data->avcm ); // angular velocity of CoM
+    /* Compute the position, velocity and angular momentum about the CoM */
+    for ( i = 0; i < system->N; ++i )
+    {
+        m = system->reaxprm.sbp[ system->atoms[i].type ].mass;
+        rvec_ScaledAdd( data->xcm, m, system->atoms[i].x );
+        rvec_ScaledAdd( data->vcm, m, system->atoms[i].v );
+        rvec_Cross( tvec, system->atoms[i].x, system->atoms[i].v );
+        rvec_ScaledAdd( data->amcm, m, tvec );
+        /*fprintf( fout,"%3d  %g %g %g\n",
+          i+1,
+          system->atoms[i].v[0], system->atoms[i].v[1], system->atoms[i].v[2]  );
+          fprintf( fout, "vcm:  %g %g %g\n",
+          data->vcm[0], data->vcm[1], data->vcm[2] );
+        */
+        /* fprintf( stderr, "amcm: %12.6f %12.6f %12.6f\n",
+           data->amcm[0], data->amcm[1], data->amcm[2] ); */
+    }
+    rvec_Scale( data->xcm, data->inv_M, data->xcm );
+    rvec_Scale( data->vcm, data->inv_M, data->vcm );
+    rvec_Cross( tvec, data->xcm, data->vcm );
+    rvec_ScaledAdd( data->amcm, -data->M, tvec );
+    data->etran_cm = 0.5 * data->M * rvec_Norm_Sqr( data->vcm );
+    /* Calculate and then invert the inertial tensor */
+    xx = xy = xz = yy = yz = zz = 0;
+    for ( i = 0; i < system->N; ++i )
+    {
+        m = system->reaxprm.sbp[ system->atoms[i].type ].mass;
+        rvec_ScaledSum( diff, 1., system->atoms[i].x, -1., data->xcm );
+        xx += diff[0] * diff[0] * m;
+        xy += diff[0] * diff[1] * m;
+        xz += diff[0] * diff[2] * m;
+        yy += diff[1] * diff[1] * m;
+        yz += diff[1] * diff[2] * m;
+        zz += diff[2] * diff[2] * m;
+    }
+    mat[0][0] = yy + zz;
+    mat[0][1] = mat[1][0] = -xy;
+    mat[0][2] = mat[2][0] = -xz;
+    mat[1][1] = xx + zz;
+    mat[2][1] = mat[1][2] = -yz;
+    mat[2][2] = xx + yy;
+    /* invert the inertial tensor */
+    det = ( mat[0][0] * mat[1][1] * mat[2][2] +
+            mat[0][1] * mat[1][2] * mat[2][0] +
+            mat[0][2] * mat[1][0] * mat[2][1] ) -
+          ( mat[0][0] * mat[1][2] * mat[2][1] +
+            mat[0][1] * mat[1][0] * mat[2][2] +
+            mat[0][2] * mat[1][1] * mat[2][0] );
+    inv[0][0] = mat[1][1] * mat[2][2] - mat[1][2] * mat[2][1];
+    inv[0][1] = mat[0][2] * mat[2][1] - mat[0][1] * mat[2][2];
+    inv[0][2] = mat[0][1] * mat[1][2] - mat[0][2] * mat[1][1];
+    inv[1][0] = mat[1][2] * mat[2][0] - mat[1][0] * mat[2][2];
+    inv[1][1] = mat[0][0] * mat[2][2] - mat[0][2] * mat[2][0];
+    inv[1][2] = mat[0][2] * mat[1][0] - mat[0][0] * mat[1][2];
+    inv[2][0] = mat[1][0] * mat[2][1] - mat[2][0] * mat[1][1];
+    inv[2][1] = mat[2][0] * mat[0][1] - mat[0][0] * mat[2][1];
+    inv[2][2] = mat[0][0] * mat[1][1] - mat[1][0] * mat[0][1];
+    if ( fabs(det) > ALMOST_ZERO )
+        rtensor_Scale( inv, 1. / det, inv );
+    else
+        rtensor_MakeZero( inv );
+    /* Compute the angular velocity about the centre of mass */
+    rtensor_MatVec( data->avcm, inv, data->amcm );
+    data->erot_cm = 0.5 * E_CONV * rvec_Dot( data->avcm, data->amcm );
 #if defined(DEBUG)
-  fprintf( stderr, "xcm:  %24.15e %24.15e %24.15e\n",  
-	   data->xcm[0], data->xcm[1], data->xcm[2] );
-  fprintf( stderr, "vcm:  %24.15e %24.15e %24.15e\n", 
-	   data->vcm[0], data->vcm[1], data->vcm[2] );
-  fprintf( stderr, "amcm: %24.15e %24.15e %24.15e\n", 
-	   data->amcm[0], data->amcm[1], data->amcm[2] );
-  /* fprintf( fout, "mat:  %f %f %f\n     %f %f %f\n     %f %f %f\n",
-     mat[0][0], mat[0][1], mat[0][2], 
-     mat[1][0], mat[1][1], mat[1][2], 
-     mat[2][0], mat[2][1], mat[2][2] );
-     fprintf( fout, "inv:  %g %g %g\n     %g %g %g\n     %g %g %g\n",
-     inv[0][0], inv[0][1], inv[0][2], 
-     inv[1][0], inv[1][1], inv[1][2], 
-     inv[2][0], inv[2][1], inv[2][2] );
-     fflush( fout ); */
-  fprintf( stderr, "avcm:  %24.15e %24.15e %24.15e\n", 
-	   data->avcm[0], data->avcm[1], data->avcm[2] );
+    fprintf( stderr, "xcm:  %24.15e %24.15e %24.15e\n",
+             data->xcm[0], data->xcm[1], data->xcm[2] );
+    fprintf( stderr, "vcm:  %24.15e %24.15e %24.15e\n",
+             data->vcm[0], data->vcm[1], data->vcm[2] );
+    fprintf( stderr, "amcm: %24.15e %24.15e %24.15e\n",
+             data->amcm[0], data->amcm[1], data->amcm[2] );
+    /* fprintf( fout, "mat:  %f %f %f\n     %f %f %f\n     %f %f %f\n",
+       mat[0][0], mat[0][1], mat[0][2],
+       mat[1][0], mat[1][1], mat[1][2],
+       mat[2][0], mat[2][1], mat[2][2] );
+       fprintf( fout, "inv:  %g %g %g\n     %g %g %g\n     %g %g %g\n",
+       inv[0][0], inv[0][1], inv[0][2],
+       inv[1][0], inv[1][1], inv[1][2],
+       inv[2][0], inv[2][1], inv[2][2] );
+       fflush( fout ); */
+    fprintf( stderr, "avcm:  %24.15e %24.15e %24.15e\n",
+             data->avcm[0], data->avcm[1], data->avcm[2] );
 void Compute_Kinetic_Energy( reax_system* system, simulation_data* data )
-  int i;
-  rvec p;
-  real m;
-  data->E_Kin = 0.0;
-  for (i=0; i < system->N; i++) {
-    m = system->reaxprm.sbp[system->atoms[i].type].mass;
-    rvec_Scale( p, m, system->atoms[i].v );
-    data->E_Kin += 0.5 * rvec_Dot( p, system->atoms[i].v );
-    /* fprintf(stderr,"%d, %lf, %lf, %lf %lf\n",
-       i,system->atoms[i].v[0], system->atoms[i].v[1], system->atoms[i].v[2],
-       system->reaxprm.sbp[system->atoms[i].type].mass); */
-  }
-  data->therm.T = (2. * data->E_Kin) / (data->N_f * K_B);
-  if ( fabs(data->therm.T) < ALMOST_ZERO ) /* avoid T being an absolute zero! */
-    data->therm.T = ALMOST_ZERO;
+    int i;
+    rvec p;
+    real m;
+    data->E_Kin = 0.0;
+    for (i = 0; i < system->N; i++)
+    {
+        m = system->reaxprm.sbp[system->atoms[i].type].mass;
+        rvec_Scale( p, m, system->atoms[i].v );
+        data->E_Kin += 0.5 * rvec_Dot( p, system->atoms[i].v );
+        /* fprintf(stderr,"%d, %lf, %lf, %lf %lf\n",
+           i,system->atoms[i].v[0], system->atoms[i].v[1], system->atoms[i].v[2],
+           system->reaxprm.sbp[system->atoms[i].type].mass); */
+    }
+    data->therm.T = (2. * data->E_Kin) / (data->N_f * K_B);
+    if ( fabs(data->therm.T) < ALMOST_ZERO ) /* avoid T being an absolute zero! */
+        data->therm.T = ALMOST_ZERO;
-/* IMPORTANT: This function assumes that current kinetic energy and 
- *  the center of mass of the system is already computed before. 
+/* IMPORTANT: This function assumes that current kinetic energy and
+ *  the center of mass of the system is already computed before.
- * IMPORTANT: In Klein's paper, it is stated that a dU/dV term needs 
- *  to be added when there are long-range interactions or long-range 
+ * IMPORTANT: In Klein's paper, it is stated that a dU/dV term needs
+ *  to be added when there are long-range interactions or long-range
  *  corrections to short-range interactions present.
- *  We may want to add that for more accuracy. 
+ *  We may want to add that for more accuracy.
-void Compute_Pressure_Isotropic( reax_system* system, control_params *control, 
-				 simulation_data* data, 
-				 output_controls *out_control )
+void Compute_Pressure_Isotropic( reax_system* system, control_params *control,
+                                 simulation_data* data,
+                                 output_controls *out_control )
-  int i;
-  reax_atom *p_atom;
-  rvec tx;
-  rvec tmp;
-  simulation_box *box = &(system->box);
-  /* Calculate internal pressure */
-  rvec_MakeZero( data->int_press );
-  // 0: both int and ext, 1: ext only, 2: int only
-  if( control->press_mode == 0 || control->press_mode == 2 ) {
-    for( i = 0; i < system->N; ++i ) {
-      p_atom = &( system->atoms[i] );
-      /* transform x into unitbox coordinates */
-      Transform_to_UnitBox( p_atom->x, box, 1, tx );
-      /* this atom's contribution to internal pressure */
-      rvec_Multiply( tmp, p_atom->f, tx );
-      rvec_Add( data->int_press, tmp );
-      if( out_control->debug_level > 0 ) {
-	fprintf( out_control->prs, "%-8d%8.2f%8.2f%8.2f", 
-		 i+1, p_atom->x[0], p_atom->x[1], p_atom->x[2] );
-	fprintf( out_control->prs, "%8.2f%8.2f%8.2f", 
-		 p_atom->f[0], p_atom->f[1], p_atom->f[2] );
-	fprintf( out_control->prs, "%8.2f%8.2f%8.2f\n", 
-		 data->int_press[0],data->int_press[1],data->int_press[2]);
-      }
+    int i;
+    reax_atom *p_atom;
+    rvec tx;
+    rvec tmp;
+    simulation_box *box = &(system->box);
+    /* Calculate internal pressure */
+    rvec_MakeZero( data->int_press );
+    // 0: both int and ext, 1: ext only, 2: int only
+    if ( control->press_mode == 0 || control->press_mode == 2 )
+    {
+        for ( i = 0; i < system->N; ++i )
+        {
+            p_atom = &( system->atoms[i] );
+            /* transform x into unitbox coordinates */
+            Transform_to_UnitBox( p_atom->x, box, 1, tx );
+            /* this atom's contribution to internal pressure */
+            rvec_Multiply( tmp, p_atom->f, tx );
+            rvec_Add( data->int_press, tmp );
+            if ( out_control->debug_level > 0 )
+            {
+                fprintf( out_control->prs, "%-8d%8.2f%8.2f%8.2f",
+                         i + 1, p_atom->x[0], p_atom->x[1], p_atom->x[2] );
+                fprintf( out_control->prs, "%8.2f%8.2f%8.2f",
+                         p_atom->f[0], p_atom->f[1], p_atom->f[2] );
+                fprintf( out_control->prs, "%8.2f%8.2f%8.2f\n",
+                         data->int_press[0], data->int_press[1], data->int_press[2]);
+            }
+        }
-  }
-  /* kinetic contribution */
-  data->kin_press = 2. * (E_CONV * data->E_Kin) / ( 3. * box->volume * P_CONV );
-  /* Calculate total pressure in each direction */  
-  data->tot_press[0] = data->kin_press - 
-    ((data->int_press[0] + data->ext_press[0]) /
-     (box->box_norms[1] * box->box_norms[2] * P_CONV));
-  data->tot_press[1] = data->kin_press - 
-    ((data->int_press[1] + data->ext_press[1])/
-     (box->box_norms[0] * box->box_norms[2] * P_CONV));
-  data->tot_press[2] = data->kin_press - 
-    ((data->int_press[2] + data->ext_press[2])/
-     (box->box_norms[0] * box->box_norms[1] * P_CONV));
-  /* Average pressure for the whole box */
-  data->iso_bar.P=(data->tot_press[0]+data->tot_press[1]+data->tot_press[2])/3;
+    /* kinetic contribution */
+    data->kin_press = 2. * (E_CONV * data->E_Kin) / ( 3. * box->volume * P_CONV );
+    /* Calculate total pressure in each direction */
+    data->tot_press[0] = data->kin_press -
+                         ((data->int_press[0] + data->ext_press[0]) /
+                          (box->box_norms[1] * box->box_norms[2] * P_CONV));
+    data->tot_press[1] = data->kin_press -
+                         ((data->int_press[1] + data->ext_press[1]) /
+                          (box->box_norms[0] * box->box_norms[2] * P_CONV));
+    data->tot_press[2] = data->kin_press -
+                         ((data->int_press[2] + data->ext_press[2]) /
+                          (box->box_norms[0] * box->box_norms[1] * P_CONV));
+    /* Average pressure for the whole box */
+    data->iso_bar.P = (data->tot_press[0] + data->tot_press[1] + data->tot_press[2]) / 3;
-void Compute_Pressure_Isotropic_Klein( reax_system* system, 
-				       simulation_data* data )
+void Compute_Pressure_Isotropic_Klein( reax_system* system,
+                                       simulation_data* data )
-  int i;
-  reax_atom *p_atom;
-  rvec dx;
+    int i;
+    reax_atom *p_atom;
+    rvec dx;
-  // IMPORTANT: This function assumes that current kinetic energy and 
-  // the center of mass of the system is already computed before.
-  data->iso_bar.P = 2.0 * data->E_Kin;
+    // IMPORTANT: This function assumes that current kinetic energy and
+    // the center of mass of the system is already computed before.
+    data->iso_bar.P = 2.0 * data->E_Kin;
-  for( i = 0; i < system->N; ++i )
+    for ( i = 0; i < system->N; ++i )
-      p_atom = &( system->atoms[i] );
-      rvec_ScaledSum(dx,1.0,p_atom->x,-1.0,data->xcm);
-      data->iso_bar.P += ( -F_CONV * rvec_Dot(p_atom->f, dx) );
+        p_atom = &( system->atoms[i] );
+        rvec_ScaledSum(dx, 1.0, p_atom->x, -1.0, data->xcm);
+        data->iso_bar.P += ( -F_CONV * rvec_Dot(p_atom->f, dx) );
-  data->iso_bar.P /= (3.0 * system->box.volume);
+    data->iso_bar.P /= (3.0 * system->box.volume);
-  // IMPORTANT: In Klein's paper, it is stated that a dU/dV term needs 
-  // to be added when there are long-range interactions or long-range 
-  // corrections to short-range interactions present.
-  // We may want to add that for more accuracy.
+    // IMPORTANT: In Klein's paper, it is stated that a dU/dV term needs
+    // to be added when there are long-range interactions or long-range
+    // corrections to short-range interactions present.
+    // We may want to add that for more accuracy.
-void Compute_Pressure( reax_system* system, simulation_data* data, 
-		       static_storage *workspace )
+void Compute_Pressure( reax_system* system, simulation_data* data,
+                       static_storage *workspace )
-  int i;
-  reax_atom *p_atom;
-  rtensor temp;
-  rtensor_MakeZero( data->flex_bar.P );
-  for( i = 0; i < system->N; ++i ) {
-    p_atom = &( system->atoms[i] );
-    // Distance_on_T3_Gen( data->rcm, p_atom->x, &(system->box), &dx );
-    rvec_OuterProduct( temp, p_atom->v, p_atom->v );
-    rtensor_ScaledAdd( data->flex_bar.P, 
-		       system->reaxprm.sbp[ p_atom->type ].mass, temp );
-    // rvec_OuterProduct(temp, workspace->virial_forces[i], p_atom->x ); 
-    rtensor_ScaledAdd( data->flex_bar.P, -F_CONV, temp );
-  }
-  rtensor_Scale( data->flex_bar.P, 1.0 / system->box.volume, data->flex_bar.P );
-  data->iso_bar.P = rtensor_Trace( data->flex_bar.P ) / 3.0;
+    int i;
+    reax_atom *p_atom;
+    rtensor temp;
+    rtensor_MakeZero( data->flex_bar.P );
+    for ( i = 0; i < system->N; ++i )
+    {
+        p_atom = &( system->atoms[i] );
+        // Distance_on_T3_Gen( data->rcm, p_atom->x, &(system->box), &dx );
+        rvec_OuterProduct( temp, p_atom->v, p_atom->v );
+        rtensor_ScaledAdd( data->flex_bar.P,
+                           system->reaxprm.sbp[ p_atom->type ].mass, temp );
+        // rvec_OuterProduct(temp, workspace->virial_forces[i], p_atom->x );
+        rtensor_ScaledAdd( data->flex_bar.P, -F_CONV, temp );
+    }
+    rtensor_Scale( data->flex_bar.P, 1.0 / system->box.volume, data->flex_bar.P );
+    data->iso_bar.P = rtensor_Trace( data->flex_bar.P ) / 3.0;
diff --git a/puremd_rc_1003/sPuReMD/system_props.h b/puremd_rc_1003/sPuReMD/system_props.h
index 0300707e7f8af7c580a0aae58396b8fc77fda62e..6a5ed1d9b4235d406ee56b8c6536175e32c189ab 100644
--- a/puremd_rc_1003/sPuReMD/system_props.h
+++ b/puremd_rc_1003/sPuReMD/system_props.h
@@ -1,20 +1,20 @@
   SerialReax - Reax Force Field Simulator
   Copyright (2010) Purdue University
   Hasan Metin Aktulga, haktulga@cs.purdue.edu
   Joseph Fogarty, jcfogart@mail.usf.edu
   Sagar Pandit, pandit@usf.edu
   Ananth Y Grama, ayg@cs.purdue.edu
   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
   modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
-  published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of 
+  published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
   the License, or (at your option) any later version.
   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
   See the GNU General Public License for more details:
diff --git a/puremd_rc_1003/sPuReMD/testmd.c b/puremd_rc_1003/sPuReMD/testmd.c
index 527adca07f3fde49e0a9d5129e75372a4da3e572..f6e9003c3e81cfec46f2292d35a08b398d549bb4 100644
--- a/puremd_rc_1003/sPuReMD/testmd.c
+++ b/puremd_rc_1003/sPuReMD/testmd.c
@@ -1,20 +1,20 @@
   SerialReax - Reax Force Field Simulator
   Copyright (2010) Purdue University
   Hasan Metin Aktulga, haktulga@cs.purdue.edu
   Joseph Fogarty, jcfogart@mail.usf.edu
   Sagar Pandit, pandit@usf.edu
   Ananth Y Grama, ayg@cs.purdue.edu
   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
   modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
-  published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of 
+  published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
   the License, or (at your option) any later version.
   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
   See the GNU General Public License for more details:
@@ -36,94 +36,100 @@
 #include "vector.h"
-void Post_Evolve( reax_system* system, control_params* control, 
-		  simulation_data* data, static_storage* workspace, 
-		  list** lists, output_controls *out_control )
+void Post_Evolve( reax_system* system, control_params* control,
+                  simulation_data* data, static_storage* workspace,
+                  list** lists, output_controls *out_control )
-  int i;
-  rvec diff, cross;
-  /* if velocity dependent force then
-     {
-     Generate_Neighbor_Lists( &system, &control, &lists );
-     QEq(system, control, workspace, lists[FAR_NBRS]);
-     Introduce compute_force here if we are using velocity dependent forces
-     Compute_Forces(system,control,data,workspace,lists);
-     } */
-  /* compute kinetic energy of the system */
-  Compute_Kinetic_Energy( system, data );
-  /* remove rotational and translational velocity of the center of mass */
-  if( control->ensemble != NVE && 
-      control->remove_CoM_vel && 
-      data->step && data->step % control->remove_CoM_vel == 0 ) {
-    /* compute velocity of the center of mass */
-    Compute_Center_of_Mass( system, data, out_control->prs );
-    for( i = 0; i < system->N; i++ ) {
-      // remove translational
-      rvec_ScaledAdd( system->atoms[i].v, -1., data->vcm ); 
-      // remove rotational
-      rvec_ScaledSum( diff, 1., system->atoms[i].x, -1., data->xcm );
-      rvec_Cross( cross, data->avcm, diff );
-      rvec_ScaledAdd( system->atoms[i].v, -1., cross );
+    int i;
+    rvec diff, cross;
+    /* if velocity dependent force then
+       {
+       Generate_Neighbor_Lists( &system, &control, &lists );
+       QEq(system, control, workspace, lists[FAR_NBRS]);
+       Introduce compute_force here if we are using velocity dependent forces
+       Compute_Forces(system,control,data,workspace,lists);
+       } */
+    /* compute kinetic energy of the system */
+    Compute_Kinetic_Energy( system, data );
+    /* remove rotational and translational velocity of the center of mass */
+    if ( control->ensemble != NVE &&
+            control->remove_CoM_vel &&
+            data->step && data->step % control->remove_CoM_vel == 0 )
+    {
+        /* compute velocity of the center of mass */
+        Compute_Center_of_Mass( system, data, out_control->prs );
+        for ( i = 0; i < system->N; i++ )
+        {
+            // remove translational
+            rvec_ScaledAdd( system->atoms[i].v, -1., data->vcm );
+            // remove rotational
+            rvec_ScaledSum( diff, 1., system->atoms[i].x, -1., data->xcm );
+            rvec_Cross( cross, data->avcm, diff );
+            rvec_ScaledAdd( system->atoms[i].v, -1., cross );
+        }
-  }
-void Read_System( char *geof, char *ff, char *ctrlf, 
-		  reax_system *system, control_params *control, 
-		  simulation_data *data, static_storage *workspace, 
-		  output_controls *out_control )
+void Read_System( char *geof, char *ff, char *ctrlf,
+                  reax_system *system, control_params *control,
+                  simulation_data *data, static_storage *workspace,
+                  output_controls *out_control )
-  FILE *ffield, *ctrl;
-  if ( (ffield = fopen( ff, "r" )) == NULL )
-  {
-    fprintf( stderr, "Error opening the ffield file!\n" );
-    exit( FILE_NOT_FOUND_ERR );
-  }
-  if ( (ctrl = fopen( ctrlf, "r" )) == NULL )
-  {
-    fprintf( stderr, "Error opening the ffield file!\n" );
-    exit( FILE_NOT_FOUND_ERR );
-  }
-  /* ffield file */
-  Read_Force_Field( ffield, &(system->reaxprm) );
-  /* control file */
-  Read_Control_File( ctrl, system, control, out_control );
-  /* geo file */
-  if( control->geo_format == XYZ ) {
-    fprintf( stderr, "xyz input is not implemented yet\n" );
-    exit(1);
-  }
-  else if( control->geo_format == PDB ) 
-    Read_PDB( geof, system, control, data, workspace );
-  else if( control->geo_format == BGF ) 
-    Read_BGF( geof, system, control, data, workspace );
-  else if( control->geo_format == ASCII_RESTART ) {
-    Read_ASCII_Restart( geof, system, control, data, workspace );
-    control->restart = 1;
-  }
-  else if( control->geo_format == BINARY_RESTART ) {
-    Read_Binary_Restart( geof, system, control, data, workspace );
-    control->restart = 1;
-  }
-  else {
-    fprintf( stderr, "unknown geo file format. terminating!\n" );
-    exit(1);
-  }  
+    FILE *ffield, *ctrl;
+    if ( (ffield = fopen( ff, "r" )) == NULL )
+    {
+        fprintf( stderr, "Error opening the ffield file!\n" );
+        exit( FILE_NOT_FOUND_ERR );
+    }
+    if ( (ctrl = fopen( ctrlf, "r" )) == NULL )
+    {
+        fprintf( stderr, "Error opening the ffield file!\n" );
+        exit( FILE_NOT_FOUND_ERR );
+    }
+    /* ffield file */
+    Read_Force_Field( ffield, &(system->reaxprm) );
+    /* control file */
+    Read_Control_File( ctrl, system, control, out_control );
+    /* geo file */
+    if ( control->geo_format == XYZ )
+    {
+        fprintf( stderr, "xyz input is not implemented yet\n" );
+        exit(1);
+    }
+    else if ( control->geo_format == PDB )
+        Read_PDB( geof, system, control, data, workspace );
+    else if ( control->geo_format == BGF )
+        Read_BGF( geof, system, control, data, workspace );
+    else if ( control->geo_format == ASCII_RESTART )
+    {
+        Read_ASCII_Restart( geof, system, control, data, workspace );
+        control->restart = 1;
+    }
+    else if ( control->geo_format == BINARY_RESTART )
+    {
+        Read_Binary_Restart( geof, system, control, data, workspace );
+        control->restart = 1;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        fprintf( stderr, "unknown geo file format. terminating!\n" );
+        exit(1);
+    }
 #if defined(DEBUG_FOCUS)
-  fprintf( stderr, "input files have been read...\n" );
-  Print_Box_Information( &(system->box), stderr );
+    fprintf( stderr, "input files have been read...\n" );
+    Print_Box_Information( &(system->box), stderr );
@@ -136,67 +142,69 @@ static void usage(char* argv[])
 int main(int argc, char* argv[])
-  reax_system system;
-  control_params control;
-  simulation_data data;
-  static_storage workspace;
-  list *lists;
-  output_controls out_control;
-  evolve_function Evolve;
-  int steps;
-  if( argc != 4 )
-  {
-    usage(argv);
-    exit( INVALID_INPUT );
-  }
-  lists = (list*) malloc( sizeof(list) * LIST_N );
-  Read_System( argv[1], argv[2], argv[3], &system, &control, 
-	       &data, &workspace, &out_control );
-  Initialize( &system, &control, &data, &workspace, &lists, 
-	      &out_control, &Evolve );
-  /* compute f_0 */
-  //if( control.restart == 0 ) {
-  Reset( &system, &control, &data, &workspace, &lists );
-  Generate_Neighbor_Lists( &system, &control, &data, &workspace, 
-			   &lists, &out_control );
-  //fprintf( stderr, "total: %.2f secs\n", data.timing.nbrs);
-  Compute_Forces(&system, &control, &data, &workspace, &lists, &out_control);
-  Compute_Kinetic_Energy( &system, &data );
-  Output_Results(&system, &control, &data, &workspace, &lists, &out_control);
-  ++data.step;
-  //}
-  //
-  for( ; data.step <= control.nsteps; data.step++ ) {      
-    if( control.T_mode )
-      Temperature_Control( &control, &data, &out_control );
-    Evolve( &system, &control, &data, &workspace, &lists, &out_control );
-    Post_Evolve( &system, &control, &data, &workspace, &lists, &out_control );
+    reax_system system;
+    control_params control;
+    simulation_data data;
+    static_storage workspace;
+    list *lists;
+    output_controls out_control;
+    evolve_function Evolve;
+    int steps;
+    if ( argc != 4 )
+    {
+        usage(argv);
+        exit( INVALID_INPUT );
+    }
+    lists = (list*) malloc( sizeof(list) * LIST_N );
+    Read_System( argv[1], argv[2], argv[3], &system, &control,
+                 &data, &workspace, &out_control );
+    Initialize( &system, &control, &data, &workspace, &lists,
+                &out_control, &Evolve );
+    /* compute f_0 */
+    //if( control.restart == 0 ) {
+    Reset( &system, &control, &data, &workspace, &lists );
+    Generate_Neighbor_Lists( &system, &control, &data, &workspace,
+                             &lists, &out_control );
+    //fprintf( stderr, "total: %.2f secs\n", data.timing.nbrs);
+    Compute_Forces(&system, &control, &data, &workspace, &lists, &out_control);
+    Compute_Kinetic_Energy( &system, &data );
     Output_Results(&system, &control, &data, &workspace, &lists, &out_control);
-    Analysis( &system, &control, &data, &workspace, &lists, &out_control );
-    steps = data.step - data.prev_steps;
-    if( steps && out_control.restart_freq && 
-	steps % out_control.restart_freq == 0 )
-      Write_Restart( &system, &control, &data, &workspace, &out_control );
-  }
-  if( out_control.write_steps > 0 ) { 
-    fclose( out_control.trj );
-    Write_PDB( &system, &control, &data, &workspace,
-	       &(lists[BONDS]), &out_control );
-  }
-  data.timing.end = Get_Time( );
-  data.timing.elapsed = Get_Timing_Info( data.timing.start );
-  fprintf( out_control.log, "total: %.2f secs\n", data.timing.elapsed );
-  return 0;
+    ++data.step;
+    //}
+    //
+    for ( ; data.step <= control.nsteps; data.step++ )
+    {
+        if ( control.T_mode )
+            Temperature_Control( &control, &data, &out_control );
+        Evolve( &system, &control, &data, &workspace, &lists, &out_control );
+        Post_Evolve( &system, &control, &data, &workspace, &lists, &out_control );
+        Output_Results(&system, &control, &data, &workspace, &lists, &out_control);
+        Analysis( &system, &control, &data, &workspace, &lists, &out_control );
+        steps = data.step - data.prev_steps;
+        if ( steps && out_control.restart_freq &&
+                steps % out_control.restart_freq == 0 )
+            Write_Restart( &system, &control, &data, &workspace, &out_control );
+    }
+    if ( out_control.write_steps > 0 )
+    {
+        fclose( out_control.trj );
+        Write_PDB( &system, &control, &data, &workspace,
+                   &(lists[BONDS]), &out_control );
+    }
+    data.timing.end = Get_Time( );
+    data.timing.elapsed = Get_Timing_Info( data.timing.start );
+    fprintf( out_control.log, "total: %.2f secs\n", data.timing.elapsed );
+    return 0;
diff --git a/puremd_rc_1003/sPuReMD/three_body_interactions.c b/puremd_rc_1003/sPuReMD/three_body_interactions.c
index 317571bfa0437fabc6049b7439225f98eaa5dd55..9aef73d4692e50b6a75de4897108b43bcd0e9a5b 100644
--- a/puremd_rc_1003/sPuReMD/three_body_interactions.c
+++ b/puremd_rc_1003/sPuReMD/three_body_interactions.c
@@ -1,20 +1,20 @@
   SerialReax - Reax Force Field Simulator
   Copyright (2010) Purdue University
   Hasan Metin Aktulga, haktulga@cs.purdue.edu
   Joseph Fogarty, jcfogart@mail.usf.edu
   Sagar Pandit, pandit@usf.edu
   Ananth Y Grama, ayg@cs.purdue.edu
   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
   modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
-  published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of 
+  published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
   the License, or (at your option) any later version.
   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
   See the GNU General Public License for more details:
@@ -27,750 +27,777 @@
 /* calculates the theta angle between i-j-k */
-void Calculate_Theta( rvec dvec_ji, real d_ji, rvec dvec_jk, real d_jk, 
-		      real *theta, real *cos_theta )
+void Calculate_Theta( rvec dvec_ji, real d_ji, rvec dvec_jk, real d_jk,
+                      real *theta, real *cos_theta )
-  (*cos_theta) = Dot( dvec_ji, dvec_jk, 3 ) / ( d_ji * d_jk );
-  if( *cos_theta > 1. ) *cos_theta  = 1.0;
-  if( *cos_theta < -1. ) *cos_theta  = -1.0;
+    (*cos_theta) = Dot( dvec_ji, dvec_jk, 3 ) / ( d_ji * d_jk );
+    if ( *cos_theta > 1. ) *cos_theta  = 1.0;
+    if ( *cos_theta < -1. ) *cos_theta  = -1.0;
-  (*theta) = ACOS( *cos_theta );
+    (*theta) = ACOS( *cos_theta );
 /* calculates the derivative of the cosine of the angle between i-j-k */
-void Calculate_dCos_Theta( rvec dvec_ji, real d_ji, rvec dvec_jk, real d_jk, 
-			   rvec* dcos_theta_di, rvec* dcos_theta_dj, 
-			   rvec* dcos_theta_dk )
+void Calculate_dCos_Theta( rvec dvec_ji, real d_ji, rvec dvec_jk, real d_jk,
+                           rvec* dcos_theta_di, rvec* dcos_theta_dj,
+                           rvec* dcos_theta_dk )
-  int  t;
-  real sqr_d_ji   = SQR(d_ji);
-  real sqr_d_jk   = SQR(d_jk);
-  real inv_dists  = 1.0 / (d_ji * d_jk);
-  real inv_dists3 = POW( inv_dists, 3 );
-  real dot_dvecs  = Dot( dvec_ji, dvec_jk, 3 );
-  real Cdot_inv3  = dot_dvecs * inv_dists3;
-  for( t = 0; t < 3; ++t ) {
-    (*dcos_theta_di)[t] = dvec_jk[t] * inv_dists - 
-      Cdot_inv3 * sqr_d_jk * dvec_ji[t];
-    (*dcos_theta_dj)[t] = -(dvec_jk[t] + dvec_ji[t]) * inv_dists +
-      Cdot_inv3 * ( sqr_d_jk * dvec_ji[t] + sqr_d_ji * dvec_jk[t] );
-    (*dcos_theta_dk)[t] = dvec_ji[t] * inv_dists - 
-      Cdot_inv3 * sqr_d_ji * dvec_jk[t];
-  }
-  /*fprintf( stderr, 
-    "%23.15e%23.15e%23.15e%23.15e%23.15e%23.15e%23.15e%23.15e%23.15e\n",
-    dvec_jk[t] * inv_dists*/
+    int  t;
+    real sqr_d_ji   = SQR(d_ji);
+    real sqr_d_jk   = SQR(d_jk);
+    real inv_dists  = 1.0 / (d_ji * d_jk);
+    real inv_dists3 = POW( inv_dists, 3 );
+    real dot_dvecs  = Dot( dvec_ji, dvec_jk, 3 );
+    real Cdot_inv3  = dot_dvecs * inv_dists3;
+    for ( t = 0; t < 3; ++t )
+    {
+        (*dcos_theta_di)[t] = dvec_jk[t] * inv_dists -
+                              Cdot_inv3 * sqr_d_jk * dvec_ji[t];
+        (*dcos_theta_dj)[t] = -(dvec_jk[t] + dvec_ji[t]) * inv_dists +
+                              Cdot_inv3 * ( sqr_d_jk * dvec_ji[t] + sqr_d_ji * dvec_jk[t] );
+        (*dcos_theta_dk)[t] = dvec_ji[t] * inv_dists -
+                              Cdot_inv3 * sqr_d_ji * dvec_jk[t];
+    }
+    /*fprintf( stderr,
+      "%23.15e%23.15e%23.15e%23.15e%23.15e%23.15e%23.15e%23.15e%23.15e\n",
+      dvec_jk[t] * inv_dists*/
-/* this is a 3-body interaction in which the main role is 
+/* this is a 3-body interaction in which the main role is
    played by j which sits in the middle of the other two. */
-void Three_Body_Interactions( reax_system *system, control_params *control, 
-			      simulation_data *data, static_storage *workspace,
-			      list **lists, output_controls *out_control )
+void Three_Body_Interactions( reax_system *system, control_params *control,
+                              simulation_data *data, static_storage *workspace,
+                              list **lists, output_controls *out_control )
-  int  i, j, pi, k, pk, t;
-  int  type_i, type_j, type_k;
-  int  start_j, end_j, start_pk, end_pk;
-  int  flag, cnt, num_thb_intrs;
-  real temp, temp_bo_jt, pBOjt7;
-  real p_val1, p_val2, p_val3, p_val4, p_val5;
-  real p_val6, p_val7, p_val8, p_val9, p_val10;
-  real p_pen1, p_pen2, p_pen3, p_pen4;
-  real p_coa1, p_coa2, p_coa3, p_coa4;
-  real trm8, expval6, expval7, expval2theta, expval12theta, exp3ij, exp3jk;
-  real exp_pen2ij, exp_pen2jk, exp_pen3, exp_pen4, trm_pen34, exp_coa2;
-  real dSBO1, dSBO2, SBO, SBO2, CSBO2, SBOp, prod_SBO;
-  real CEval1, CEval2, CEval3, CEval4, CEval5, CEval6, CEval7, CEval8;
-  real CEpen1, CEpen2, CEpen3;
-  real e_ang, e_coa, e_pen;
-  real CEcoa1, CEcoa2, CEcoa3, CEcoa4, CEcoa5;
-  real Cf7ij, Cf7jk, Cf8j, Cf9j;
-  real f7_ij, f7_jk, f8_Dj, f9_Dj;
-  real Ctheta_0, theta_0, theta_00, theta, cos_theta, sin_theta;
-  real r_ij, r_jk;
-  real BOA_ij, BOA_jk;
-  real vlpadj;
-  rvec force, ext_press;
-  // rtensor temp_rtensor, total_rtensor;
-  real *total_bo;
-  three_body_header *thbh;
-  three_body_parameters *thbp;
-  three_body_interaction_data *p_ijk, *p_kji;
-  bond_data *pbond_ij, *pbond_jk, *pbond_jt;
-  bond_order_data *bo_ij, *bo_jk, *bo_jt;
-  list *bonds, *thb_intrs;
-  bond_data *bond_list;
-  three_body_interaction_data *thb_list;
-  total_bo = workspace->total_bond_order;
-  bonds = (*lists) + BONDS;
-  bond_list = bonds->select.bond_list;
-  thb_intrs = (*lists) + THREE_BODIES;
-  thb_list = thb_intrs->select.three_body_list;
-  /* global parameters used in these calculations */
-  p_val6 = system->reaxprm.gp.l[14];
-  p_val8 = system->reaxprm.gp.l[33];
-  p_val9 = system->reaxprm.gp.l[16];
-  p_val10 = system->reaxprm.gp.l[17];
-  num_thb_intrs = 0;
-  for( j = 0; j < system->N; ++j ) {
-    // fprintf( out_control->eval, "j: %d\n", j );
-    type_j = system->atoms[j].type;
-    start_j = Start_Index(j, bonds);
-    end_j = End_Index(j, bonds);
-    p_val3 = system->reaxprm.sbp[ type_j ].p_val3;
-    p_val5 = system->reaxprm.sbp[ type_j ].p_val5;
-    SBOp = 0, prod_SBO = 1;
-    for( t = start_j; t < end_j; ++t ) {
-      bo_jt = &(bond_list[t].bo_data);
-      SBOp += (bo_jt->BO_pi + bo_jt->BO_pi2);
-      temp = SQR( bo_jt->BO );
-      temp *= temp; 
-      temp *= temp;
-      prod_SBO *= EXP( -temp );
-    }
-    /* modifications to match Adri's code - 09/01/09 */
-    if( workspace->vlpex[j] >= 0 ){
-      vlpadj = 0;
-      dSBO2 = prod_SBO - 1;
-    }
-    else{
-      vlpadj = workspace->nlp[j];
-      dSBO2 = (prod_SBO - 1) * (1 - p_val8 * workspace->dDelta_lp[j]);
-    }
+    int  i, j, pi, k, pk, t;
+    int  type_i, type_j, type_k;
+    int  start_j, end_j, start_pk, end_pk;
+    int  flag, cnt, num_thb_intrs;
-    SBO = SBOp + (1 - prod_SBO) * (-workspace->Delta_boc[j] - p_val8 * vlpadj);
-    dSBO1 = -8 * prod_SBO * ( workspace->Delta_boc[j] + p_val8 * vlpadj );
+    real temp, temp_bo_jt, pBOjt7;
+    real p_val1, p_val2, p_val3, p_val4, p_val5;
+    real p_val6, p_val7, p_val8, p_val9, p_val10;
+    real p_pen1, p_pen2, p_pen3, p_pen4;
+    real p_coa1, p_coa2, p_coa3, p_coa4;
+    real trm8, expval6, expval7, expval2theta, expval12theta, exp3ij, exp3jk;
+    real exp_pen2ij, exp_pen2jk, exp_pen3, exp_pen4, trm_pen34, exp_coa2;
+    real dSBO1, dSBO2, SBO, SBO2, CSBO2, SBOp, prod_SBO;
+    real CEval1, CEval2, CEval3, CEval4, CEval5, CEval6, CEval7, CEval8;
+    real CEpen1, CEpen2, CEpen3;
+    real e_ang, e_coa, e_pen;
+    real CEcoa1, CEcoa2, CEcoa3, CEcoa4, CEcoa5;
+    real Cf7ij, Cf7jk, Cf8j, Cf9j;
+    real f7_ij, f7_jk, f8_Dj, f9_Dj;
+    real Ctheta_0, theta_0, theta_00, theta, cos_theta, sin_theta;
+    real r_ij, r_jk;
+    real BOA_ij, BOA_jk;
+    real vlpadj;
+    rvec force, ext_press;
+    // rtensor temp_rtensor, total_rtensor;
+    real *total_bo;
+    three_body_header *thbh;
+    three_body_parameters *thbp;
+    three_body_interaction_data *p_ijk, *p_kji;
+    bond_data *pbond_ij, *pbond_jk, *pbond_jt;
+    bond_order_data *bo_ij, *bo_jk, *bo_jt;
+    list *bonds, *thb_intrs;
+    bond_data *bond_list;
+    three_body_interaction_data *thb_list;
+    total_bo = workspace->total_bond_order;
+    bonds = (*lists) + BONDS;
+    bond_list = bonds->select.bond_list;
+    thb_intrs = (*lists) + THREE_BODIES;
+    thb_list = thb_intrs->select.three_body_list;
+    /* global parameters used in these calculations */
+    p_val6 = system->reaxprm.gp.l[14];
+    p_val8 = system->reaxprm.gp.l[33];
+    p_val9 = system->reaxprm.gp.l[16];
+    p_val10 = system->reaxprm.gp.l[17];
+    num_thb_intrs = 0;
+    for ( j = 0; j < system->N; ++j )
+    {
+        // fprintf( out_control->eval, "j: %d\n", j );
+        type_j = system->atoms[j].type;
+        start_j = Start_Index(j, bonds);
+        end_j = End_Index(j, bonds);
+        p_val3 = system->reaxprm.sbp[ type_j ].p_val3;
+        p_val5 = system->reaxprm.sbp[ type_j ].p_val5;
+        SBOp = 0, prod_SBO = 1;
+        for ( t = start_j; t < end_j; ++t )
+        {
+            bo_jt = &(bond_list[t].bo_data);
+            SBOp += (bo_jt->BO_pi + bo_jt->BO_pi2);
+            temp = SQR( bo_jt->BO );
+            temp *= temp;
+            temp *= temp;
+            prod_SBO *= EXP( -temp );
+        }
+        /* modifications to match Adri's code - 09/01/09 */
+        if ( workspace->vlpex[j] >= 0 )
+        {
+            vlpadj = 0;
+            dSBO2 = prod_SBO - 1;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            vlpadj = workspace->nlp[j];
+            dSBO2 = (prod_SBO - 1) * (1 - p_val8 * workspace->dDelta_lp[j]);
+        }
+        SBO = SBOp + (1 - prod_SBO) * (-workspace->Delta_boc[j] - p_val8 * vlpadj);
+        dSBO1 = -8 * prod_SBO * ( workspace->Delta_boc[j] + p_val8 * vlpadj );
+        if ( SBO <= 0 )
+            SBO2 = 0, CSBO2 = 0;
+        else if ( SBO > 0 && SBO <= 1 )
+        {
+            SBO2 = POW( SBO, p_val9 );
+            CSBO2 = p_val9 * POW( SBO, p_val9 - 1 );
+        }
+        else if ( SBO > 1 && SBO < 2 )
+        {
+            SBO2 = 2 - POW( 2 - SBO, p_val9 );
+            CSBO2 = p_val9 * POW( 2 - SBO, p_val9 - 1 );
+        }
+        else
+            SBO2 = 2, CSBO2 = 0;
+        expval6 = EXP( p_val6 * workspace->Delta_boc[j] );
+        /* unlike 2-body intrs where we enforce i<j, we cannot put any such
+           restrictions here. such a restriction would prevent us from producing
+           all 4-body intrs correctly */
+        for ( pi = start_j; pi < end_j; ++pi )
+        {
+            Set_Start_Index( pi, num_thb_intrs, thb_intrs );
+            pbond_ij = &(bond_list[pi]);
+            bo_ij = &(pbond_ij->bo_data);
+            BOA_ij = bo_ij->BO - control->thb_cut;
+            if ( BOA_ij/*bo_ij->BO*/ > 0.0 )
+            {
+                i = pbond_ij->nbr;
+                r_ij = pbond_ij->d;
+                type_i = system->atoms[i].type;
+                // fprintf( out_control->eval, "i: %d\n", i );
+                /* first copy 3-body intrs from previously computed ones where i>k.
+                   IMPORTANT: if it is less costly to compute theta and its
+                   derivative, we should definitely re-compute them,
+                   instead of copying!
+                   in the second for-loop below, we compute only new 3-body intrs
+                   where i < k */
+                for ( pk = start_j; pk < pi; ++pk )
+                {
+                    // fprintf( out_control->eval, "pk: %d\n", pk );
+                    start_pk = Start_Index( pk, thb_intrs );
+                    end_pk = End_Index( pk, thb_intrs );
+                    for ( t = start_pk; t < end_pk; ++t )
+                        if ( thb_list[t].thb == i )
+                        {
+                            p_ijk = &(thb_list[num_thb_intrs]);
+                            p_kji = &(thb_list[t]);
+                            p_ijk->thb = bond_list[pk].nbr;
+                            p_ijk->pthb  = pk;
+                            p_ijk->theta = p_kji->theta;
+                            rvec_Copy( p_ijk->dcos_di, p_kji->dcos_dk );
+                            rvec_Copy( p_ijk->dcos_dj, p_kji->dcos_dj );
+                            rvec_Copy( p_ijk->dcos_dk, p_kji->dcos_di );
+                            ++num_thb_intrs;
+                            break;
+                        }
+                }
+                /* and this is the second for loop mentioned above */
+                for ( pk = pi + 1; pk < end_j; ++pk )
+                {
+                    pbond_jk = &(bond_list[pk]);
+                    bo_jk    = &(pbond_jk->bo_data);
+                    BOA_jk   = bo_jk->BO - control->thb_cut;
+                    k        = pbond_jk->nbr;
+                    type_k   = system->atoms[k].type;
+                    p_ijk    = &( thb_list[num_thb_intrs] );
+                    //CHANGE ORIGINAL
+                    if (BOA_jk <= 0) continue;
+                    //CHANGE ORIGINAL
+                    Calculate_Theta( pbond_ij->dvec, pbond_ij->d,
+                                     pbond_jk->dvec, pbond_jk->d,
+                                     &theta, &cos_theta );
+                    Calculate_dCos_Theta( pbond_ij->dvec, pbond_ij->d,
+                                          pbond_jk->dvec, pbond_jk->d,
+                                          &(p_ijk->dcos_di), &(p_ijk->dcos_dj),
+                                          &(p_ijk->dcos_dk) );
+                    p_ijk->thb = k;
+                    p_ijk->pthb = pk;
+                    p_ijk->theta = theta;
+                    sin_theta = SIN( theta );
+                    if ( sin_theta < 1.0e-5 )
+                        sin_theta = 1.0e-5;
+                    ++num_thb_intrs;
+                    if ( BOA_jk > 0.0 &&
+                            (bo_ij->BO * bo_jk->BO) > SQR(control->thb_cut)/*0*/)
+                    {
+                        r_jk = pbond_jk->d;
+                        thbh = &( system->reaxprm.thbp[type_i][type_j][type_k] );
+                        flag = 0;
+                        /* if( workspace->orig_id[i] < workspace->orig_id[k] )
+                           fprintf( stdout, "%6d %6d %6d %7.3f %7.3f %7.3f\n",
+                           workspace->orig_id[i], workspace->orig_id[j],
+                           workspace->orig_id[k], bo_ij->BO, bo_jk->BO, p_ijk->theta );
+                           else
+                           fprintf( stdout, "%6d %6d %6d %7.3f %7.3f %7.3f\n",
+                           workspace->orig_id[k], workspace->orig_id[j],
+                           workspace->orig_id[i], bo_jk->BO, bo_ij->BO, p_ijk->theta ); */
+                        for ( cnt = 0; cnt < thbh->cnt; ++cnt )
+                        {
+                            // fprintf( out_control->eval,
+                            // "%6d%6d%6d -- exists in thbp\n", i+1, j+1, k+1 );
+                            if ( fabs(thbh->prm[cnt].p_val1) > 0.001 )
+                            {
+                                thbp = &( thbh->prm[cnt] );
+                                /* ANGLE ENERGY */
+                                p_val1 = thbp->p_val1;
+                                p_val2 = thbp->p_val2;
+                                p_val4 = thbp->p_val4;
+                                p_val7 = thbp->p_val7;
+                                theta_00 = thbp->theta_00;
+                                exp3ij = EXP( -p_val3 * POW( BOA_ij, p_val4 ) );
+                                f7_ij = 1.0 - exp3ij;
+                                Cf7ij = p_val3 * p_val4 *
+                                        POW( BOA_ij, p_val4 - 1.0 ) * exp3ij;
+                                exp3jk = EXP( -p_val3 * POW( BOA_jk, p_val4 ) );
+                                f7_jk = 1.0 - exp3jk;
+                                Cf7jk = p_val3 * p_val4 *
+                                        POW( BOA_jk, p_val4 - 1.0 ) * exp3jk;
+                                expval7 = EXP( -p_val7 * workspace->Delta_boc[j] );
+                                trm8 = 1.0 + expval6 + expval7;
+                                f8_Dj = p_val5 - ( (p_val5 - 1.0) * (2.0 + expval6) / trm8 );
+                                Cf8j = ( (1.0 - p_val5) / SQR(trm8) ) *
+                                       (p_val6 * expval6 * trm8 -
+                                        (2.0 + expval6) * ( p_val6 * expval6 - p_val7 * expval7 ));
+                                theta_0 = 180.0 -
+                                          theta_00 * (1.0 - EXP(-p_val10 * (2.0 - SBO2)));
+                                theta_0 = DEG2RAD( theta_0 );
+                                expval2theta  = EXP(-p_val2 * SQR(theta_0 - theta));
+                                if ( p_val1 >= 0 )
+                                    expval12theta = p_val1 * (1.0 - expval2theta);
+                                else // To avoid linear Me-H-Me angles (6/6/06)
+                                    expval12theta = p_val1 * -expval2theta;
+                                CEval1 = Cf7ij * f7_jk * f8_Dj * expval12theta;
+                                CEval2 = Cf7jk * f7_ij * f8_Dj * expval12theta;
+                                CEval3 = Cf8j  * f7_ij * f7_jk * expval12theta;
+                                CEval4 = -2.0 * p_val1 * p_val2 * f7_ij * f7_jk * f8_Dj *
+                                         expval2theta * (theta_0 - theta);
+                                Ctheta_0 = p_val10 * DEG2RAD(theta_00) *
+                                           exp( -p_val10 * (2.0 - SBO2) );
+                                CEval5 = -CEval4 * Ctheta_0 * CSBO2;
+                                CEval6 = CEval5 * dSBO1;
+                                CEval7 = CEval5 * dSBO2;
+                                CEval8 = -CEval4 / sin_theta;
+                                data->E_Ang += e_ang = f7_ij * f7_jk * f8_Dj * expval12theta;
+                                /* END ANGLE ENERGY*/
+                                /* PENALTY ENERGY */
+                                p_pen1 = thbp->p_pen1;
+                                p_pen2 = system->reaxprm.gp.l[19];
+                                p_pen3 = system->reaxprm.gp.l[20];
+                                p_pen4 = system->reaxprm.gp.l[21];
+                                exp_pen2ij = EXP( -p_pen2 * SQR( BOA_ij - 2.0 ) );
+                                exp_pen2jk = EXP( -p_pen2 * SQR( BOA_jk - 2.0 ) );
+                                exp_pen3 = EXP( -p_pen3 * workspace->Delta[j] );
+                                exp_pen4 = EXP(  p_pen4 * workspace->Delta[j] );
+                                trm_pen34 = 1.0 + exp_pen3 + exp_pen4;
+                                f9_Dj = ( 2.0 + exp_pen3 ) / trm_pen34;
+                                Cf9j = (-p_pen3 * exp_pen3 * trm_pen34 -
+                                        (2.0 + exp_pen3) * ( -p_pen3 * exp_pen3 +
+                                                             p_pen4 * exp_pen4 )) /
+                                       SQR( trm_pen34 );
+                                data->E_Pen += e_pen =
+                                                   p_pen1 * f9_Dj * exp_pen2ij * exp_pen2jk;
+                                CEpen1 = e_pen * Cf9j / f9_Dj;
+                                temp   = -2.0 * p_pen2 * e_pen;
+                                CEpen2 = temp * (BOA_ij - 2.0);
+                                CEpen3 = temp * (BOA_jk - 2.0);
+                                /* END PENALTY ENERGY */
+                                /* COALITION ENERGY */
+                                p_coa1 = thbp->p_coa1;
+                                p_coa2 = system->reaxprm.gp.l[2];
+                                p_coa3 = system->reaxprm.gp.l[38];
+                                p_coa4 = system->reaxprm.gp.l[30];
+                                exp_coa2 = EXP( p_coa2 * workspace->Delta_boc[j] );
+                                data->E_Coa += e_coa =
+                                                   p_coa1 / (1. + exp_coa2) *
+                                                   EXP( -p_coa3 * SQR(total_bo[i] - BOA_ij) ) *
+                                                   EXP( -p_coa3 * SQR(total_bo[k] - BOA_jk) ) *
+                                                   EXP( -p_coa4 * SQR(BOA_ij - 1.5) ) *
+                                                   EXP( -p_coa4 * SQR(BOA_jk - 1.5) );
+                                CEcoa1 = -2 * p_coa4 * (BOA_ij - 1.5) * e_coa;
+                                CEcoa2 = -2 * p_coa4 * (BOA_jk - 1.5) * e_coa;
+                                CEcoa3 = -p_coa2 * exp_coa2 * e_coa / (1 + exp_coa2);
+                                CEcoa4 = -2 * p_coa3 * (total_bo[i] - BOA_ij) * e_coa;
+                                CEcoa5 = -2 * p_coa3 * (total_bo[k] - BOA_jk) * e_coa;
+                                /* END COALITION ENERGY */
+                                /* FORCES */
+                                bo_ij->Cdbo += (CEval1 + CEpen2 + (CEcoa1 - CEcoa4));
+                                bo_jk->Cdbo += (CEval2 + CEpen3 + (CEcoa2 - CEcoa5));
+                                workspace->CdDelta[j] += ((CEval3 + CEval7) +
+                                                          CEpen1 + CEcoa3);
+                                workspace->CdDelta[i] += CEcoa4;
+                                workspace->CdDelta[k] += CEcoa5;
+                                for ( t = start_j; t < end_j; ++t )
+                                {
+                                    pbond_jt = &( bond_list[t] );
+                                    bo_jt = &(pbond_jt->bo_data);
+                                    temp_bo_jt = bo_jt->BO;
+                                    temp = CUBE( temp_bo_jt );
+                                    pBOjt7 = temp * temp * temp_bo_jt;
+                                    // fprintf( out_control->eval, "%6d%12.8f\n",
+                                    // workspace->orig_id[ bond_list[t].nbr ],
+                                    //    (CEval6 * pBOjt7) );
+                                    bo_jt->Cdbo += (CEval6 * pBOjt7);
+                                    bo_jt->Cdbopi += CEval5;
+                                    bo_jt->Cdbopi2 += CEval5;
+                                }
+                                if ( control->ensemble == NVE || control->ensemble == NVT  || control->ensemble == bNVT)
+                                {
+                                    rvec_ScaledAdd( system->atoms[i].f, CEval8, p_ijk->dcos_di );
+                                    rvec_ScaledAdd( system->atoms[j].f, CEval8, p_ijk->dcos_dj );
+                                    rvec_ScaledAdd( system->atoms[k].f, CEval8, p_ijk->dcos_dk );
+                                }
+                                else
+                                {
+                                    /* terms not related to bond order derivatives
+                                       are added directly into
+                                       forces and pressure vector/tensor */
+                                    rvec_Scale( force, CEval8, p_ijk->dcos_di );
+                                    rvec_Add( system->atoms[i].f, force );
+                                    rvec_iMultiply( ext_press, pbond_ij->rel_box, force );
+                                    rvec_Add( data->ext_press, ext_press );
+                                    rvec_ScaledAdd( system->atoms[j].f,
+                                                    CEval8, p_ijk->dcos_dj );
+                                    rvec_Scale( force, CEval8, p_ijk->dcos_dk );
+                                    rvec_Add( system->atoms[k].f, force );
+                                    rvec_iMultiply( ext_press, pbond_jk->rel_box, force );
+                                    rvec_Add( data->ext_press, ext_press );
+                                    /* This part is for a fully-flexible box */
+                                    /* rvec_OuterProduct( temp_rtensor,
+                                       p_ijk->dcos_di, system->atoms[i].x );
+                                       rtensor_Scale( total_rtensor, +CEval8, temp_rtensor );
+                                       rvec_OuterProduct( temp_rtensor,
+                                       p_ijk->dcos_dj, system->atoms[j].x );
+                                       rtensor_ScaledAdd(total_rtensor, CEval8, temp_rtensor);
+                                       rvec_OuterProduct( temp_rtensor,
+                                       p_ijk->dcos_dk, system->atoms[k].x );
+                                       rtensor_ScaledAdd(total_rtensor, CEval8, temp_rtensor);
+                                       if( pbond_ij->imaginary || pbond_jk->imaginary )
+                                       rtensor_ScaledAdd( data->flex_bar.P,
+                                       -1.0, total_rtensor );
+                                       else
+                                       rtensor_Add( data->flex_bar.P, total_rtensor ); */
+                                }
-    if( SBO <= 0 )
-      SBO2 = 0, CSBO2 = 0;
-    else if( SBO > 0 && SBO <= 1 ) {
-      SBO2 = POW( SBO, p_val9 );
-      CSBO2 = p_val9 * POW( SBO, p_val9 - 1 );
-    }
-    else if( SBO > 1 && SBO < 2 ) {
-      SBO2 = 2 - POW( 2-SBO, p_val9 );
-      CSBO2 = p_val9 * POW( 2 - SBO, p_val9 - 1 );
-    }
-    else 
-      SBO2 = 2, CSBO2 = 0;  
-    expval6 = EXP( p_val6 * workspace->Delta_boc[j] );
-    /* unlike 2-body intrs where we enforce i<j, we cannot put any such 
-       restrictions here. such a restriction would prevent us from producing 
-       all 4-body intrs correctly */
-    for( pi = start_j; pi < end_j; ++pi ) {
-      Set_Start_Index( pi, num_thb_intrs, thb_intrs );
-      pbond_ij = &(bond_list[pi]);
-      bo_ij = &(pbond_ij->bo_data);
-      BOA_ij = bo_ij->BO - control->thb_cut;
-      if( BOA_ij/*bo_ij->BO*/ > 0.0 ) {
-	i = pbond_ij->nbr;
-	r_ij = pbond_ij->d;	 
-	type_i = system->atoms[i].type;
-	// fprintf( out_control->eval, "i: %d\n", i );
-	/* first copy 3-body intrs from previously computed ones where i>k.
-	   IMPORTANT: if it is less costly to compute theta and its 
-	   derivative, we should definitely re-compute them, 
-	   instead of copying!
-	   in the second for-loop below, we compute only new 3-body intrs 
-	   where i < k */
-	for( pk = start_j; pk < pi; ++pk ) {
-	  // fprintf( out_control->eval, "pk: %d\n", pk );
-	  start_pk = Start_Index( pk, thb_intrs );
-	  end_pk = End_Index( pk, thb_intrs );
-	  for( t = start_pk; t < end_pk; ++t )
-	    if( thb_list[t].thb == i ) {
-	      p_ijk = &(thb_list[num_thb_intrs]);
-	      p_kji = &(thb_list[t]);
-	      p_ijk->thb = bond_list[pk].nbr;
-	      p_ijk->pthb  = pk;
-	      p_ijk->theta = p_kji->theta;			  
-	      rvec_Copy( p_ijk->dcos_di, p_kji->dcos_dk );
-	      rvec_Copy( p_ijk->dcos_dj, p_kji->dcos_dj );
-	      rvec_Copy( p_ijk->dcos_dk, p_kji->dcos_di );
-	      ++num_thb_intrs;
-	      break;
-	    }
-	}
-	/* and this is the second for loop mentioned above */
-	for( pk = pi+1; pk < end_j; ++pk ) {
-	  pbond_jk = &(bond_list[pk]);
-	  bo_jk    = &(pbond_jk->bo_data);
-	  BOA_jk   = bo_jk->BO - control->thb_cut;
-	  k        = pbond_jk->nbr;
-	  type_k   = system->atoms[k].type;
-	  p_ijk    = &( thb_list[num_thb_intrs] );
-	  if (BOA_jk <= 0) continue;
-	  Calculate_Theta( pbond_ij->dvec, pbond_ij->d, 
-			   pbond_jk->dvec, pbond_jk->d,
-			   &theta, &cos_theta );
-	  Calculate_dCos_Theta( pbond_ij->dvec, pbond_ij->d, 
-				pbond_jk->dvec, pbond_jk->d, 
-				&(p_ijk->dcos_di), &(p_ijk->dcos_dj), 
-				&(p_ijk->dcos_dk) );
-	  p_ijk->thb = k;
-	  p_ijk->pthb = pk;
-	  p_ijk->theta = theta;
-	  sin_theta = SIN( theta );
-	  if( sin_theta < 1.0e-5 )
-	    sin_theta = 1.0e-5;
-	  ++num_thb_intrs;
-	  if( BOA_jk > 0.0 && 
-	      (bo_ij->BO * bo_jk->BO) > SQR(control->thb_cut)/*0*/) {
-	    r_jk = pbond_jk->d;		      
-	    thbh = &( system->reaxprm.thbp[type_i][type_j][type_k] );
-	    flag = 0;
-	    /* if( workspace->orig_id[i] < workspace->orig_id[k] )
-	       fprintf( stdout, "%6d %6d %6d %7.3f %7.3f %7.3f\n", 
-	       workspace->orig_id[i], workspace->orig_id[j],
-	       workspace->orig_id[k], bo_ij->BO, bo_jk->BO, p_ijk->theta );
-	       else 
-	       fprintf( stdout, "%6d %6d %6d %7.3f %7.3f %7.3f\n", 
-	       workspace->orig_id[k], workspace->orig_id[j],
-	       workspace->orig_id[i], bo_jk->BO, bo_ij->BO, p_ijk->theta ); */
-	    for( cnt = 0; cnt < thbh->cnt; ++cnt ) {
-	      // fprintf( out_control->eval, 
-	      // "%6d%6d%6d -- exists in thbp\n", i+1, j+1, k+1 );
-	      if( fabs(thbh->prm[cnt].p_val1) > 0.001 ) {
-		thbp = &( thbh->prm[cnt] );
-		p_val1 = thbp->p_val1;
-		p_val2 = thbp->p_val2;
-		p_val4 = thbp->p_val4;
-		p_val7 = thbp->p_val7;
-		theta_00 = thbp->theta_00;
-		exp3ij = EXP( -p_val3 * POW( BOA_ij, p_val4 ) );
-		f7_ij = 1.0 - exp3ij;
-		Cf7ij = p_val3 * p_val4 * 
-		  POW( BOA_ij, p_val4 - 1.0 ) * exp3ij;
-		exp3jk = EXP( -p_val3 * POW( BOA_jk, p_val4 ) );
-		f7_jk = 1.0 - exp3jk;
-		Cf7jk = p_val3 * p_val4 * 
-		  POW( BOA_jk, p_val4 - 1.0 ) * exp3jk;
-		expval7 = EXP( -p_val7 * workspace->Delta_boc[j] );
-		trm8 = 1.0 + expval6 + expval7;
-		f8_Dj = p_val5 - ( (p_val5 - 1.0) * (2.0 + expval6) / trm8 );
-		Cf8j = ( (1.0 - p_val5) / SQR(trm8) ) *
-		  (p_val6 * expval6 * trm8 - 
-		   (2.0 + expval6) * ( p_val6 * expval6 - p_val7 * expval7 ));
-		theta_0 = 180.0 - 
-		  theta_00 * (1.0 - EXP(-p_val10 * (2.0 - SBO2)));
-		theta_0 = DEG2RAD( theta_0 );		      
-		expval2theta  = EXP(-p_val2 * SQR(theta_0-theta));
-		if( p_val1 >= 0 )
-		  expval12theta = p_val1 * (1.0 - expval2theta);
-		else // To avoid linear Me-H-Me angles (6/6/06)
-		  expval12theta = p_val1 * -expval2theta;
-		CEval1 = Cf7ij * f7_jk * f8_Dj * expval12theta;
-		CEval2 = Cf7jk * f7_ij * f8_Dj * expval12theta;
-		CEval3 = Cf8j  * f7_ij * f7_jk * expval12theta;
-		CEval4 = -2.0 * p_val1 * p_val2 * f7_ij * f7_jk * f8_Dj * 
-		  expval2theta * (theta_0 - theta);
-		Ctheta_0 = p_val10 * DEG2RAD(theta_00) * 
-		  exp( -p_val10 * (2.0 - SBO2) );
-		CEval5 = -CEval4 * Ctheta_0 * CSBO2;
-		CEval6 = CEval5 * dSBO1;
-		CEval7 = CEval5 * dSBO2;
-		CEval8 = -CEval4 / sin_theta;
-		data->E_Ang += e_ang = f7_ij * f7_jk * f8_Dj * expval12theta;
-		p_pen1 = thbp->p_pen1;
-		p_pen2 = system->reaxprm.gp.l[19];
-		p_pen3 = system->reaxprm.gp.l[20];
-		p_pen4 = system->reaxprm.gp.l[21];
-		exp_pen2ij = EXP( -p_pen2 * SQR( BOA_ij - 2.0 ) );
-		exp_pen2jk = EXP( -p_pen2 * SQR( BOA_jk - 2.0 ) );
-		exp_pen3 = EXP( -p_pen3 * workspace->Delta[j] );
-		exp_pen4 = EXP(  p_pen4 * workspace->Delta[j] );
-		trm_pen34 = 1.0 + exp_pen3 + exp_pen4;
-		f9_Dj = ( 2.0 + exp_pen3 ) / trm_pen34;
-		Cf9j = (-p_pen3 * exp_pen3 * trm_pen34 - 
-			(2.0 + exp_pen3) * ( -p_pen3 * exp_pen3 +
-					     p_pen4 * exp_pen4 )) /
-		  SQR( trm_pen34 );
-		data->E_Pen += e_pen = 
-		  p_pen1 * f9_Dj * exp_pen2ij * exp_pen2jk;
-		CEpen1 = e_pen * Cf9j / f9_Dj;
-		temp   = -2.0 * p_pen2 * e_pen;
-		CEpen2 = temp * (BOA_ij - 2.0);
-		CEpen3 = temp * (BOA_jk - 2.0);
-		p_coa1 = thbp->p_coa1;
-		p_coa2 = system->reaxprm.gp.l[2];
-		p_coa3 = system->reaxprm.gp.l[38];
-		p_coa4 = system->reaxprm.gp.l[30];
-		exp_coa2 = EXP( p_coa2 * workspace->Delta_boc[j] );
-		data->E_Coa += e_coa = 
-		  p_coa1 / (1. + exp_coa2) *
-		  EXP( -p_coa3 * SQR(total_bo[i] - BOA_ij) ) * 
-		  EXP( -p_coa3 * SQR(total_bo[k] - BOA_jk) ) * 
-		  EXP( -p_coa4 * SQR(BOA_ij - 1.5) ) * 
-		  EXP( -p_coa4 * SQR(BOA_jk - 1.5) );
-		CEcoa1 = -2 * p_coa4 * (BOA_ij - 1.5) * e_coa;
-		CEcoa2 = -2 * p_coa4 * (BOA_jk - 1.5) * e_coa;
-		CEcoa3 = -p_coa2 * exp_coa2 * e_coa / (1+exp_coa2);
-		CEcoa4 = -2*p_coa3 * (total_bo[i]-BOA_ij) * e_coa;
-		CEcoa5 = -2*p_coa3 * (total_bo[k]-BOA_jk) * e_coa;
-		/* FORCES */
-		bo_ij->Cdbo += (CEval1 + CEpen2 + (CEcoa1-CEcoa4));
-		bo_jk->Cdbo += (CEval2 + CEpen3 + (CEcoa2-CEcoa5));
-		workspace->CdDelta[j] += ((CEval3 + CEval7) + 
-					  CEpen1 + CEcoa3);
-		workspace->CdDelta[i] += CEcoa4;
-		workspace->CdDelta[k] += CEcoa5;		      
-		for( t = start_j; t < end_j; ++t ) {
-		  pbond_jt = &( bond_list[t] );
-		  bo_jt = &(pbond_jt->bo_data);
-		  temp_bo_jt = bo_jt->BO;
-		  temp = CUBE( temp_bo_jt );
-		  pBOjt7 = temp * temp * temp_bo_jt; 
-		  // fprintf( out_control->eval, "%6d%12.8f\n", 
-		  // workspace->orig_id[ bond_list[t].nbr ], 
-		  //    (CEval6 * pBOjt7) );
-		  bo_jt->Cdbo += (CEval6 * pBOjt7);
-		  bo_jt->Cdbopi += CEval5;
-		  bo_jt->Cdbopi2 += CEval5;
-		}		      
-		if( control->ensemble == NVE || control->ensemble == NVT  || control->ensemble == bNVT) {
-		  rvec_ScaledAdd( system->atoms[i].f, CEval8, p_ijk->dcos_di );
-		  rvec_ScaledAdd( system->atoms[j].f, CEval8, p_ijk->dcos_dj );
-		  rvec_ScaledAdd( system->atoms[k].f, CEval8, p_ijk->dcos_dk );
-		}
-		else {
-		  /* terms not related to bond order derivatives
-		     are added directly into 
-		     forces and pressure vector/tensor */
-		  rvec_Scale( force, CEval8, p_ijk->dcos_di );
-		  rvec_Add( system->atoms[i].f, force );
-		  rvec_iMultiply( ext_press, pbond_ij->rel_box, force );
-		  rvec_Add( data->ext_press, ext_press );
-		  rvec_ScaledAdd( system->atoms[j].f, 
-				  CEval8, p_ijk->dcos_dj );
-		  rvec_Scale( force, CEval8, p_ijk->dcos_dk );
-		  rvec_Add( system->atoms[k].f, force );
-		  rvec_iMultiply( ext_press, pbond_jk->rel_box, force );
-		  rvec_Add( data->ext_press, ext_press );
-		  /* This part is for a fully-flexible box */
-		  /* rvec_OuterProduct( temp_rtensor, 
-		     p_ijk->dcos_di, system->atoms[i].x );
-		     rtensor_Scale( total_rtensor, +CEval8, temp_rtensor );
-		     rvec_OuterProduct( temp_rtensor, 
-		     p_ijk->dcos_dj, system->atoms[j].x );
-		     rtensor_ScaledAdd(total_rtensor, CEval8, temp_rtensor);
-		     rvec_OuterProduct( temp_rtensor, 
-		     p_ijk->dcos_dk, system->atoms[k].x );
-		     rtensor_ScaledAdd(total_rtensor, CEval8, temp_rtensor);
-		     if( pbond_ij->imaginary || pbond_jk->imaginary )
-		     rtensor_ScaledAdd( data->flex_bar.P, 
-		     -1.0, total_rtensor );
-		     else
-		     rtensor_Add( data->flex_bar.P, total_rtensor ); */
-		}
-		fprintf( out_control->eval, 
-			 //"%6d%6d%6d%23.15e%23.15e%23.15e%23.15e%23.15e%23.15e",
-			 "%6d%6d%6d%23.15e%23.15e%23.15e\n",
-			 i+1, j+1, k+1,
-			 //workspace->orig_id[i]+1,  
-			 //workspace->orig_id[j]+1,
-			 //workspace->orig_id[k]+1,
-			 //workspace->Delta_boc[j], 
-			 RAD2DEG(theta), /*BOA_ij, BOA_jk, */
-			 e_ang, data->E_Ang );
-		/*fprintf( out_control->eval, 
-		  "%23.15e%23.15e%23.15e%23.15e",
-		  p_val3, p_val4, BOA_ij, BOA_jk );
-		  fprintf( out_control->eval, 
-		  "%23.15e%23.15e%23.15e%23.15e",
-		  f7_ij, f7_jk, f8_Dj, expval12theta );
-		  fprintf( out_control->eval, 
-		  "%23.15e%23.15e%23.15e%23.15e%23.15e\n",
-		  CEval1, CEval2, CEval3, CEval4, CEval5
-		  //CEval6, CEval7, CEval8  );*/
-		/*fprintf( out_control->eval, 
-		  "%23.15e%23.15e%23.15e%23.15e%23.15e%23.15e%23.15e%23.15e%23.15e\n",
-		  -p_ijk->dcos_di[0]/sin_theta, 
-		  -p_ijk->dcos_di[1]/sin_theta, 
-		  -p_ijk->dcos_di[2]/sin_theta, 
-		  -p_ijk->dcos_dj[0]/sin_theta, 
-		  -p_ijk->dcos_dj[1]/sin_theta, 
-		  -p_ijk->dcos_dj[2]/sin_theta, 
-		  -p_ijk->dcos_dk[0]/sin_theta, 
-		  -p_ijk->dcos_dk[1]/sin_theta, 
-		  -p_ijk->dcos_dk[2]/sin_theta );*/
-		/* fprintf( out_control->epen, 
-		   "%23.15e%23.15e%23.15e\n", 
-		   CEpen1, CEpen2, CEpen3 );
-		   fprintf( out_control->epen, 
-		   "%6d%6d%6d%23.15e%23.15e%23.15e%23.15e%23.15e\n",
-		   workspace->orig_id[i],  workspace->orig_id[j],
-		   workspace->orig_id[k], RAD2DEG(theta), 
-		   BOA_ij, BOA_jk, e_pen, data->E_Pen ); */
-		fprintf( out_control->ecoa, 
-			 "%6d%6d%6d%23.15e%23.15e%23.15e%23.15e%23.15e\n",
-			 workspace->orig_id[i], 
-			 workspace->orig_id[j],
-			 workspace->orig_id[k], 
-			 RAD2DEG(theta), BOA_ij, BOA_jk, 
-			 e_coa, data->E_Coa );
+                                fprintf( out_control->eval,
+                                         //"%6d%6d%6d%23.15e%23.15e%23.15e%23.15e%23.15e%23.15e",
+                                         "%6d%6d%6d%23.15e%23.15e%23.15e\n",
+                                         i + 1, j + 1, k + 1,
+                                         //workspace->orig_id[i]+1,
+                                         //workspace->orig_id[j]+1,
+                                         //workspace->orig_id[k]+1,
+                                         //workspace->Delta_boc[j],
+                                         RAD2DEG(theta), /*BOA_ij, BOA_jk, */
+                                         e_ang, data->E_Ang );
+                                /*fprintf( out_control->eval,
+                                  "%23.15e%23.15e%23.15e%23.15e",
+                                  p_val3, p_val4, BOA_ij, BOA_jk );
+                                  fprintf( out_control->eval,
+                                  "%23.15e%23.15e%23.15e%23.15e",
+                                  f7_ij, f7_jk, f8_Dj, expval12theta );
+                                  fprintf( out_control->eval,
+                                  "%23.15e%23.15e%23.15e%23.15e%23.15e\n",
+                                  CEval1, CEval2, CEval3, CEval4, CEval5
+                                  //CEval6, CEval7, CEval8  );*/
+                                /*fprintf( out_control->eval,
+                                  "%23.15e%23.15e%23.15e%23.15e%23.15e%23.15e%23.15e%23.15e%23.15e\n",
+                                  -p_ijk->dcos_di[0]/sin_theta,
+                                  -p_ijk->dcos_di[1]/sin_theta,
+                                  -p_ijk->dcos_di[2]/sin_theta,
+                                  -p_ijk->dcos_dj[0]/sin_theta,
+                                  -p_ijk->dcos_dj[1]/sin_theta,
+                                  -p_ijk->dcos_dj[2]/sin_theta,
+                                  -p_ijk->dcos_dk[0]/sin_theta,
+                                  -p_ijk->dcos_dk[1]/sin_theta,
+                                  -p_ijk->dcos_dk[2]/sin_theta );*/
+                                /* fprintf( out_control->epen,
+                                   "%23.15e%23.15e%23.15e\n",
+                                   CEpen1, CEpen2, CEpen3 );
+                                   fprintf( out_control->epen,
+                                   "%6d%6d%6d%23.15e%23.15e%23.15e%23.15e%23.15e\n",
+                                   workspace->orig_id[i],  workspace->orig_id[j],
+                                   workspace->orig_id[k], RAD2DEG(theta),
+                                   BOA_ij, BOA_jk, e_pen, data->E_Pen ); */
+                                fprintf( out_control->ecoa,
+                                         "%6d%6d%6d%23.15e%23.15e%23.15e%23.15e%23.15e\n",
+                                         workspace->orig_id[i],
+                                         workspace->orig_id[j],
+                                         workspace->orig_id[k],
+                                         RAD2DEG(theta), BOA_ij, BOA_jk,
+                                         e_coa, data->E_Coa );
 #ifdef TEST_FORCES            /* angle forces */
-		Add_dBO( system, lists, j, pi, CEval1, workspace->f_ang );
-		Add_dBO( system, lists, j, pk, CEval2, workspace->f_ang );
-		Add_dDelta( system, lists, 
-			    j, CEval3 + CEval7, workspace->f_ang );
-		for( t = start_j; t < end_j; ++t ) {
-		  pbond_jt = &( bond_list[t] );
-		  bo_jt = &(pbond_jt->bo_data);
-		  temp_bo_jt = bo_jt->BO;
-		  temp = CUBE( temp_bo_jt );
-		  pBOjt7 = temp * temp * temp_bo_jt; 
-		  Add_dBO( system, lists, j, t, pBOjt7 * CEval6,
-			   workspace->f_ang );
-		  Add_dBOpinpi2( system, lists, j, t, 
-				 CEval5, CEval5, 
-				 workspace->f_ang, workspace->f_ang );
-		}
-		rvec_ScaledAdd( workspace->f_ang[i], CEval8, p_ijk->dcos_di );
-		rvec_ScaledAdd( workspace->f_ang[j], CEval8, p_ijk->dcos_dj );
-		rvec_ScaledAdd( workspace->f_ang[k], CEval8, p_ijk->dcos_dk );
-		/* end angle forces */
-		/* penalty forces */
-		Add_dDelta( system, lists, j, CEpen1, workspace->f_pen );
-		Add_dBO( system, lists, j, pi, CEpen2, workspace->f_pen );
-		Add_dBO( system, lists, j, pk, CEpen3, workspace->f_pen );
-		/* end penalty forces */
-		/* coalition forces */
-		Add_dBO( system, lists, 
-			 j, pi, CEcoa1-CEcoa4, workspace->f_coa );
-		Add_dBO( system, lists, 
-			 j, pk, CEcoa2-CEcoa5, workspace->f_coa );
-		Add_dDelta( system, lists, j, CEcoa3, workspace->f_coa );
-		Add_dDelta( system, lists, i, CEcoa4, workspace->f_coa );
-		Add_dDelta( system, lists, k, CEcoa5, workspace->f_coa );
-		/* end coalition forces */
+                                Add_dBO( system, lists, j, pi, CEval1, workspace->f_ang );
+                                Add_dBO( system, lists, j, pk, CEval2, workspace->f_ang );
+                                Add_dDelta( system, lists,
+                                            j, CEval3 + CEval7, workspace->f_ang );
+                                for ( t = start_j; t < end_j; ++t )
+                                {
+                                    pbond_jt = &( bond_list[t] );
+                                    bo_jt = &(pbond_jt->bo_data);
+                                    temp_bo_jt = bo_jt->BO;
+                                    temp = CUBE( temp_bo_jt );
+                                    pBOjt7 = temp * temp * temp_bo_jt;
+                                    Add_dBO( system, lists, j, t, pBOjt7 * CEval6,
+                                             workspace->f_ang );
+                                    Add_dBOpinpi2( system, lists, j, t,
+                                                   CEval5, CEval5,
+                                                   workspace->f_ang, workspace->f_ang );
+                                }
+                                rvec_ScaledAdd( workspace->f_ang[i], CEval8, p_ijk->dcos_di );
+                                rvec_ScaledAdd( workspace->f_ang[j], CEval8, p_ijk->dcos_dj );
+                                rvec_ScaledAdd( workspace->f_ang[k], CEval8, p_ijk->dcos_dk );
+                                /* end angle forces */
+                                /* penalty forces */
+                                Add_dDelta( system, lists, j, CEpen1, workspace->f_pen );
+                                Add_dBO( system, lists, j, pi, CEpen2, workspace->f_pen );
+                                Add_dBO( system, lists, j, pk, CEpen3, workspace->f_pen );
+                                /* end penalty forces */
+                                /* coalition forces */
+                                Add_dBO( system, lists,
+                                         j, pi, CEcoa1 - CEcoa4, workspace->f_coa );
+                                Add_dBO( system, lists,
+                                         j, pk, CEcoa2 - CEcoa5, workspace->f_coa );
+                                Add_dDelta( system, lists, j, CEcoa3, workspace->f_coa );
+                                Add_dDelta( system, lists, i, CEcoa4, workspace->f_coa );
+                                Add_dDelta( system, lists, k, CEcoa5, workspace->f_coa );
+                                /* end coalition forces */
-	      }
-	    }
-	  }
-	}
-      }
-      Set_End_Index(pi, num_thb_intrs, thb_intrs );
+                            }
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+            Set_End_Index(pi, num_thb_intrs, thb_intrs );
+        }
-  }
-  if( num_thb_intrs >= thb_intrs->num_intrs * DANGER_ZONE ) {
-    workspace->realloc.num_3body = num_thb_intrs;
-    if( num_thb_intrs > thb_intrs->num_intrs ) {
-      fprintf( stderr, "step%d-ran out of space on angle_list: top=%d, max=%d",
-	       data->step, num_thb_intrs, thb_intrs->num_intrs );
-      exit( INSUFFICIENT_SPACE );
+    if ( num_thb_intrs >= thb_intrs->num_intrs * DANGER_ZONE )
+    {
+        workspace->realloc.num_3body = num_thb_intrs;
+        if ( num_thb_intrs > thb_intrs->num_intrs )
+        {
+            fprintf( stderr, "step%d-ran out of space on angle_list: top=%d, max=%d",
+                     data->step, num_thb_intrs, thb_intrs->num_intrs );
+            exit( INSUFFICIENT_SPACE );
+        }
-  }
-  //fprintf( stderr,"%d: Number of angle interactions: %d\n", 
-  // data->step, num_thb_intrs );
+    //fprintf( stderr,"%d: Number of angle interactions: %d\n",
+    // data->step, num_thb_intrs );
-  fprintf( stderr,"Number of angle interactions: %d\n", num_thb_intrs );
-  fprintf( stderr,"Angle Energy:%g\t Penalty Energy:%g\t Coalition Energy:%g\n",
-	   data->E_Ang, data->E_Pen, data->E_Coa );
-  fprintf( stderr,"3body: ext_press (%23.15e %23.15e %23.15e)\n", 
-	   data->ext_press[0], data->ext_press[1], data->ext_press[2] );
+    fprintf( stderr, "Number of angle interactions: %d\n", num_thb_intrs );
+    fprintf( stderr, "Angle Energy:%g\t Penalty Energy:%g\t Coalition Energy:%g\n",
+             data->E_Ang, data->E_Pen, data->E_Coa );
+    fprintf( stderr, "3body: ext_press (%23.15e %23.15e %23.15e)\n",
+             data->ext_press[0], data->ext_press[1], data->ext_press[2] );
-void Hydrogen_Bonds( reax_system *system, control_params *control, 
-		     simulation_data *data, static_storage *workspace, 
-		     list **lists, output_controls *out_control )
+void Hydrogen_Bonds( reax_system *system, control_params *control,
+                     simulation_data *data, static_storage *workspace,
+                     list **lists, output_controls *out_control )
-  int i, j, k, pi, pk, itr, top;
-  int type_i, type_j, type_k;
-  int start_j, end_j, hb_start_j, hb_end_j;
-  int hblist[MAX_BONDS];
-  int num_hb_intrs = 0;
-  real r_ij, r_jk, theta, cos_theta, sin_xhz4, cos_xhz1, sin_theta2;
-  real e_hb, exp_hb2, exp_hb3, CEhb1, CEhb2, CEhb3;
-  rvec dcos_theta_di, dcos_theta_dj, dcos_theta_dk;
-  rvec dvec_jk, force, ext_press;
-  ivec rel_jk;
-  // rtensor temp_rtensor, total_rtensor;
-  hbond_parameters *hbp;
-  bond_order_data *bo_ij;
-  bond_data *pbond_ij;
-  far_neighbor_data *nbr_jk;
-  list *bonds, *hbonds;
-  bond_data *bond_list;
-  hbond_data *hbond_list;
-  bonds = (*lists) + BONDS;
-  bond_list = bonds->select.bond_list;
-  hbonds = (*lists) + HBONDS;
-  hbond_list = hbonds->select.hbond_list;
-  /* loops below discover the Hydrogen bonds between i-j-k triplets.
-     here j is H atom and there has to be some bond between i and j.
-     Hydrogen bond is between j and k.
-     so in this function i->X, j->H, k->Z when we map 
-     variables onto the ones in the handout.*/
-  for( j = 0; j < system->N; ++j )
-    if( system->reaxprm.sbp[system->atoms[j].type].p_hbond==1 ) {// j must be H
-      /*set j's variables */
-      type_j  = system->atoms[j].type;
-      start_j = Start_Index(j, bonds);
-      end_j   = End_Index(j, bonds);
-      hb_start_j = Start_Index( workspace->hbond_index[j], hbonds );
-      hb_end_j   = End_Index  ( workspace->hbond_index[j], hbonds );
-      top = 0;
-      for( pi = start_j; pi < end_j; ++pi ) {
-	pbond_ij = &( bond_list[pi] );
-	i = pbond_ij->nbr;
-	bo_ij = &(pbond_ij->bo_data);
-	type_i = system->atoms[i].type;
-	if( system->reaxprm.sbp[type_i].p_hbond == 2 && 
-	    bo_ij->BO >= HB_THRESHOLD )
-	  hblist[top++] = pi;
-      }
-      // fprintf( stderr, "j: %d, top: %d, hb_start_j: %d, hb_end_j:%d\n", 
-      //          j, top, hb_start_j, hb_end_j );
-      for( pk = hb_start_j; pk < hb_end_j; ++pk ) {
-	/* set k's varibles */
-	k = hbond_list[pk].nbr;
-	type_k = system->atoms[k].type;
-	nbr_jk = hbond_list[pk].ptr;
-	r_jk = nbr_jk->d;
-	rvec_Scale( dvec_jk, hbond_list[pk].scl, nbr_jk->dvec );
-	for( itr=0; itr < top; ++itr ) {
-	  pi = hblist[itr];
-	  pbond_ij = &( bond_list[pi] );
-	  i = pbond_ij->nbr;
-	  if( i != k ) {
-	    bo_ij = &(pbond_ij->bo_data);
-	    type_i = system->atoms[i].type;
-	    r_ij = pbond_ij->d;	     
-	    hbp = &(system->reaxprm.hbp[ type_i ][ type_j ][ type_k ]);
-	    ++num_hb_intrs;
-	    Calculate_Theta( pbond_ij->dvec, pbond_ij->d, dvec_jk, r_jk,
-			     &theta, &cos_theta );
-	    /* the derivative of cos(theta) */
-	    Calculate_dCos_Theta( pbond_ij->dvec, pbond_ij->d, dvec_jk, r_jk,
-				  &dcos_theta_di, &dcos_theta_dj, 
-				  &dcos_theta_dk );
-	    /* hydrogen bond energy*/
-	    sin_theta2 = SIN( theta/2.0 );
-	    sin_xhz4 = SQR(sin_theta2);
-	    sin_xhz4 *= sin_xhz4;
-	    cos_xhz1 = ( 1.0 - cos_theta );
-	    exp_hb2 = EXP( -hbp->p_hb2 * bo_ij->BO );
-	    exp_hb3 = EXP( -hbp->p_hb3 * ( hbp->r0_hb / r_jk + 
-					   r_jk / hbp->r0_hb - 2.0 ) );
-	    data->E_HB += e_hb = 
-	      hbp->p_hb1 * (1.0 - exp_hb2) * exp_hb3 * sin_xhz4;
-	    CEhb1 = hbp->p_hb1*hbp->p_hb2 * exp_hb2*exp_hb3 * sin_xhz4;
-	    CEhb2 = -hbp->p_hb1/2.0*(1.0 - exp_hb2) * exp_hb3 * cos_xhz1;
-	    CEhb3 = -hbp->p_hb3 * e_hb * (-hbp->r0_hb / SQR(r_jk) + 
-					  1.0 / hbp->r0_hb);
-	    /* hydrogen bond forces */
-	    bo_ij->Cdbo += CEhb1;   // dbo term
-	    if( control->ensemble == NVE || control->ensemble == NVT  || control->ensemble == bNVT) {
-	      rvec_ScaledAdd( system->atoms[i].f, 
-			      +CEhb2, dcos_theta_di ); //dcos terms
-	      rvec_ScaledAdd( system->atoms[j].f, 
-			      +CEhb2, dcos_theta_dj );
-	      rvec_ScaledAdd( system->atoms[k].f, 
-			      +CEhb2, dcos_theta_dk );
-	      //dr terms
-	      rvec_ScaledAdd( system->atoms[j].f, -CEhb3/r_jk, dvec_jk );
-	      rvec_ScaledAdd( system->atoms[k].f, +CEhb3/r_jk, dvec_jk );
-	    }
-	    else
-	      {
-		/* for pressure coupling, terms that are not related 
-		   to bond order derivatives are added directly into 
-		   pressure vector/tensor */
-		rvec_Scale( force, +CEhb2, dcos_theta_di ); // dcos terms
-		rvec_Add( system->atoms[i].f, force );
-		rvec_iMultiply( ext_press, pbond_ij->rel_box, force );
-		rvec_ScaledAdd( data->ext_press, 1.0, ext_press );
-		rvec_ScaledAdd( system->atoms[j].f, +CEhb2, dcos_theta_dj );
-		ivec_Scale( rel_jk, hbond_list[pk].scl, nbr_jk->rel_box );
-		rvec_Scale( force, +CEhb2, dcos_theta_dk );
-		rvec_Add( system->atoms[k].f, force );
-		rvec_iMultiply( ext_press, rel_jk, force );
-		rvec_ScaledAdd( data->ext_press, 1.0, ext_press );
-		//dr terms
-		rvec_ScaledAdd( system->atoms[j].f, -CEhb3/r_jk, dvec_jk );
-		rvec_Scale( force, CEhb3/r_jk, dvec_jk );
-		rvec_Add( system->atoms[k].f, force );
-		rvec_iMultiply( ext_press, rel_jk, force );
-		rvec_ScaledAdd( data->ext_press, 1.0, ext_press );
-		/* This part is intended for a fully-flexible box */
-		/* rvec_OuterProduct( temp_rtensor, 
-		   dcos_theta_di, system->atoms[i].x );
-		   rtensor_Scale( total_rtensor, -CEhb2, temp_rtensor );
-		   rvec_ScaledSum( temp_rvec, -CEhb2, dcos_theta_dj,
-		   -CEhb3/r_jk, pbond_jk->dvec );
-		   rvec_OuterProduct( temp_rtensor, 
-		   temp_rvec, system->atoms[j].x );
-		   rtensor_Add( total_rtensor, temp_rtensor );
-		   rvec_ScaledSum( temp_rvec, -CEhb2, dcos_theta_dk,
-		   +CEhb3/r_jk, pbond_jk->dvec );
-		   rvec_OuterProduct( temp_rtensor, 
-		   temp_rvec, system->atoms[k].x );
-		   rtensor_Add( total_rtensor, temp_rtensor );
-		   if( pbond_ij->imaginary || pbond_jk->imaginary )
-		   rtensor_ScaledAdd( data->flex_bar.P, -1.0, total_rtensor );
-		   else
-		   rtensor_Add( data->flex_bar.P, total_rtensor ); */
-	      }
+    int i, j, k, pi, pk, itr, top;
+    int type_i, type_j, type_k;
+    int start_j, end_j, hb_start_j, hb_end_j;
+    int hblist[MAX_BONDS];
+    int num_hb_intrs = 0;
+    real r_ij, r_jk, theta, cos_theta, sin_xhz4, cos_xhz1, sin_theta2;
+    real e_hb, exp_hb2, exp_hb3, CEhb1, CEhb2, CEhb3;
+    rvec dcos_theta_di, dcos_theta_dj, dcos_theta_dk;
+    rvec dvec_jk, force, ext_press;
+    ivec rel_jk;
+    // rtensor temp_rtensor, total_rtensor;
+    hbond_parameters *hbp;
+    bond_order_data *bo_ij;
+    bond_data *pbond_ij;
+    far_neighbor_data *nbr_jk;
+    list *bonds, *hbonds;
+    bond_data *bond_list;
+    hbond_data *hbond_list;
+    bonds = (*lists) + BONDS;
+    bond_list = bonds->select.bond_list;
+    hbonds = (*lists) + HBONDS;
+    hbond_list = hbonds->select.hbond_list;
+    /* loops below discover the Hydrogen bonds between i-j-k triplets.
+       here j is H atom and there has to be some bond between i and j.
+       Hydrogen bond is between j and k.
+       so in this function i->X, j->H, k->Z when we map
+       variables onto the ones in the handout.*/
+    for ( j = 0; j < system->N; ++j )
+        if ( system->reaxprm.sbp[system->atoms[j].type].p_hbond == 1 ) // j must be H
+        {
+            /*set j's variables */
+            type_j  = system->atoms[j].type;
+            start_j = Start_Index(j, bonds);
+            end_j   = End_Index(j, bonds);
+            hb_start_j = Start_Index( workspace->hbond_index[j], hbonds );
+            hb_end_j   = End_Index  ( workspace->hbond_index[j], hbonds );
+            top = 0;
+            for ( pi = start_j; pi < end_j; ++pi )
+            {
+                pbond_ij = &( bond_list[pi] );
+                i = pbond_ij->nbr;
+                bo_ij = &(pbond_ij->bo_data);
+                type_i = system->atoms[i].type;
+                if ( system->reaxprm.sbp[type_i].p_hbond == 2 &&
+                        bo_ij->BO >= HB_THRESHOLD )
+                    hblist[top++] = pi;
+            }
+            // fprintf( stderr, "j: %d, top: %d, hb_start_j: %d, hb_end_j:%d\n",
+            //          j, top, hb_start_j, hb_end_j );
+            for ( pk = hb_start_j; pk < hb_end_j; ++pk )
+            {
+                /* set k's varibles */
+                k = hbond_list[pk].nbr;
+                type_k = system->atoms[k].type;
+                nbr_jk = hbond_list[pk].ptr;
+                r_jk = nbr_jk->d;
+                rvec_Scale( dvec_jk, hbond_list[pk].scl, nbr_jk->dvec );
+                for ( itr = 0; itr < top; ++itr )
+                {
+                    pi = hblist[itr];
+                    pbond_ij = &( bond_list[pi] );
+                    i = pbond_ij->nbr;
+                    if ( i != k )
+                    {
+                        bo_ij = &(pbond_ij->bo_data);
+                        type_i = system->atoms[i].type;
+                        r_ij = pbond_ij->d;
+                        hbp = &(system->reaxprm.hbp[ type_i ][ type_j ][ type_k ]);
+                        ++num_hb_intrs;
+                        Calculate_Theta( pbond_ij->dvec, pbond_ij->d, dvec_jk, r_jk,
+                                         &theta, &cos_theta );
+                        /* the derivative of cos(theta) */
+                        Calculate_dCos_Theta( pbond_ij->dvec, pbond_ij->d, dvec_jk, r_jk,
+                                              &dcos_theta_di, &dcos_theta_dj,
+                                              &dcos_theta_dk );
+                        /* hydrogen bond energy*/
+                        sin_theta2 = SIN( theta / 2.0 );
+                        sin_xhz4 = SQR(sin_theta2);
+                        sin_xhz4 *= sin_xhz4;
+                        cos_xhz1 = ( 1.0 - cos_theta );
+                        exp_hb2 = EXP( -hbp->p_hb2 * bo_ij->BO );
+                        exp_hb3 = EXP( -hbp->p_hb3 * ( hbp->r0_hb / r_jk +
+                                                       r_jk / hbp->r0_hb - 2.0 ) );
+                        data->E_HB += e_hb =
+                                          hbp->p_hb1 * (1.0 - exp_hb2) * exp_hb3 * sin_xhz4;
+                        CEhb1 = hbp->p_hb1 * hbp->p_hb2 * exp_hb2 * exp_hb3 * sin_xhz4;
+                        CEhb2 = -hbp->p_hb1 / 2.0 * (1.0 - exp_hb2) * exp_hb3 * cos_xhz1;
+                        CEhb3 = -hbp->p_hb3 * e_hb * (-hbp->r0_hb / SQR(r_jk) +
+                                                      1.0 / hbp->r0_hb);
+                        /* hydrogen bond forces */
+                        bo_ij->Cdbo += CEhb1;   // dbo term
+                        if ( control->ensemble == NVE || control->ensemble == NVT  || control->ensemble == bNVT)
+                        {
+                            rvec_ScaledAdd( system->atoms[i].f,
+                                            +CEhb2, dcos_theta_di ); //dcos terms
+                            rvec_ScaledAdd( system->atoms[j].f,
+                                            +CEhb2, dcos_theta_dj );
+                            rvec_ScaledAdd( system->atoms[k].f,
+                                            +CEhb2, dcos_theta_dk );
+                            //dr terms
+                            rvec_ScaledAdd( system->atoms[j].f, -CEhb3 / r_jk, dvec_jk );
+                            rvec_ScaledAdd( system->atoms[k].f, +CEhb3 / r_jk, dvec_jk );
+                        }
+                        else
+                        {
+                            /* for pressure coupling, terms that are not related
+                               to bond order derivatives are added directly into
+                               pressure vector/tensor */
+                            rvec_Scale( force, +CEhb2, dcos_theta_di ); // dcos terms
+                            rvec_Add( system->atoms[i].f, force );
+                            rvec_iMultiply( ext_press, pbond_ij->rel_box, force );
+                            rvec_ScaledAdd( data->ext_press, 1.0, ext_press );
+                            rvec_ScaledAdd( system->atoms[j].f, +CEhb2, dcos_theta_dj );
+                            ivec_Scale( rel_jk, hbond_list[pk].scl, nbr_jk->rel_box );
+                            rvec_Scale( force, +CEhb2, dcos_theta_dk );
+                            rvec_Add( system->atoms[k].f, force );
+                            rvec_iMultiply( ext_press, rel_jk, force );
+                            rvec_ScaledAdd( data->ext_press, 1.0, ext_press );
+                            //dr terms
+                            rvec_ScaledAdd( system->atoms[j].f, -CEhb3 / r_jk, dvec_jk );
+                            rvec_Scale( force, CEhb3 / r_jk, dvec_jk );
+                            rvec_Add( system->atoms[k].f, force );
+                            rvec_iMultiply( ext_press, rel_jk, force );
+                            rvec_ScaledAdd( data->ext_press, 1.0, ext_press );
+                            /* This part is intended for a fully-flexible box */
+                            /* rvec_OuterProduct( temp_rtensor,
+                               dcos_theta_di, system->atoms[i].x );
+                               rtensor_Scale( total_rtensor, -CEhb2, temp_rtensor );
+                               rvec_ScaledSum( temp_rvec, -CEhb2, dcos_theta_dj,
+                               -CEhb3/r_jk, pbond_jk->dvec );
+                               rvec_OuterProduct( temp_rtensor,
+                               temp_rvec, system->atoms[j].x );
+                               rtensor_Add( total_rtensor, temp_rtensor );
+                               rvec_ScaledSum( temp_rvec, -CEhb2, dcos_theta_dk,
+                               +CEhb3/r_jk, pbond_jk->dvec );
+                               rvec_OuterProduct( temp_rtensor,
+                               temp_rvec, system->atoms[k].x );
+                               rtensor_Add( total_rtensor, temp_rtensor );
+                               if( pbond_ij->imaginary || pbond_jk->imaginary )
+                               rtensor_ScaledAdd( data->flex_bar.P, -1.0, total_rtensor );
+                               else
+                               rtensor_Add( data->flex_bar.P, total_rtensor ); */
+                        }
-	    /*fprintf( out_control->ehb, 
-	      "%23.15e%23.15e%23.15e\n%23.15e%23.15e%23.15e\n%23.15e%23.15e%23.15e\n",
-	      dcos_theta_di[0], dcos_theta_di[1], dcos_theta_di[2], 
-	      dcos_theta_dj[0], dcos_theta_dj[1], dcos_theta_dj[2], 
-	      dcos_theta_dk[0], dcos_theta_dk[1], dcos_theta_dk[2]);
-	      fprintf( out_control->ehb, "%23.15e%23.15e%23.15e\n",
-	      CEhb1, CEhb2, CEhb3 ); */
-	    fprintf( stderr, //out_control->ehb, 
-		     "%6d%6d%6d%23.15e%23.15e%23.15e%23.15e%23.15e\n",
-		     workspace->orig_id[i], 
-		     workspace->orig_id[j], 
-		     workspace->orig_id[k], 
-		     r_jk, theta, bo_ij->BO, e_hb, data->E_HB );
+                        /*fprintf( out_control->ehb,
+                          "%23.15e%23.15e%23.15e\n%23.15e%23.15e%23.15e\n%23.15e%23.15e%23.15e\n",
+                          dcos_theta_di[0], dcos_theta_di[1], dcos_theta_di[2],
+                          dcos_theta_dj[0], dcos_theta_dj[1], dcos_theta_dj[2],
+                          dcos_theta_dk[0], dcos_theta_dk[1], dcos_theta_dk[2]);
+                          fprintf( out_control->ehb, "%23.15e%23.15e%23.15e\n",
+                          CEhb1, CEhb2, CEhb3 ); */
+                        fprintf( stderr, //out_control->ehb,
+                                 "%6d%6d%6d%23.15e%23.15e%23.15e%23.15e%23.15e\n",
+                                 workspace->orig_id[i],
+                                 workspace->orig_id[j],
+                                 workspace->orig_id[k],
+                                 r_jk, theta, bo_ij->BO, e_hb, data->E_HB );
-	    // dbo term
-	    Add_dBO( system, lists, j, pi, +CEhb1, workspace->f_hb );
-	    // dcos terms
-	    rvec_ScaledAdd( workspace->f_hb[i], +CEhb2, dcos_theta_di ); 
-	    rvec_ScaledAdd( workspace->f_hb[j], +CEhb2, dcos_theta_dj );
-	    rvec_ScaledAdd( workspace->f_hb[k], +CEhb2, dcos_theta_dk );
-	    // dr terms
-	    rvec_ScaledAdd( workspace->f_hb[j], -CEhb3/r_jk, dvec_jk );
-	    rvec_ScaledAdd( workspace->f_hb[k], +CEhb3/r_jk, dvec_jk );
+                        // dbo term
+                        Add_dBO( system, lists, j, pi, +CEhb1, workspace->f_hb );
+                        // dcos terms
+                        rvec_ScaledAdd( workspace->f_hb[i], +CEhb2, dcos_theta_di );
+                        rvec_ScaledAdd( workspace->f_hb[j], +CEhb2, dcos_theta_dj );
+                        rvec_ScaledAdd( workspace->f_hb[k], +CEhb2, dcos_theta_dk );
+                        // dr terms
+                        rvec_ScaledAdd( workspace->f_hb[j], -CEhb3 / r_jk, dvec_jk );
+                        rvec_ScaledAdd( workspace->f_hb[k], +CEhb3 / r_jk, dvec_jk );
-	  }
-	}
-      }
-    }
-  /* fprintf( stderr, "hydbonds: ext_press (%23.15e %23.15e %23.15e)\n", 
-     data->ext_press[0], data->ext_press[1], data->ext_press[2] ); */
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    /* fprintf( stderr, "hydbonds: ext_press (%23.15e %23.15e %23.15e)\n",
+       data->ext_press[0], data->ext_press[1], data->ext_press[2] ); */
-  fprintf( stderr, "Number of hydrogen bonds: %d\n", num_hb_intrs );
-  fprintf( stderr, "Hydrogen Bond Energy: %g\n", data->E_HB );
+    fprintf( stderr, "Number of hydrogen bonds: %d\n", num_hb_intrs );
+    fprintf( stderr, "Hydrogen Bond Energy: %g\n", data->E_HB );
diff --git a/puremd_rc_1003/sPuReMD/three_body_interactions.h b/puremd_rc_1003/sPuReMD/three_body_interactions.h
index 7a1d67e395e8b990525ceeab7da178fbeaebdd2a..55a1188b44e230f59512e6c2789eee0802b542d4 100644
--- a/puremd_rc_1003/sPuReMD/three_body_interactions.h
+++ b/puremd_rc_1003/sPuReMD/three_body_interactions.h
@@ -1,20 +1,20 @@
   SerialReax - Reax Force Field Simulator
   Copyright (2010) Purdue University
   Hasan Metin Aktulga, haktulga@cs.purdue.edu
   Joseph Fogarty, jcfogart@mail.usf.edu
   Sagar Pandit, pandit@usf.edu
   Ananth Y Grama, ayg@cs.purdue.edu
   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
   modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
-  published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of 
+  published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
   the License, or (at your option) any later version.
   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
   See the GNU General Public License for more details:
@@ -25,13 +25,13 @@
 #include "mytypes.h"
 void Three_Body_Interactions( reax_system*, control_params*, simulation_data*,
-			      static_storage*, list**, output_controls* );
+                              static_storage*, list**, output_controls* );
 void Hydrogen_Bonds( reax_system*, control_params*, simulation_data*,
-		     static_storage*, list**, output_controls* );
+                     static_storage*, list**, output_controls* );
 void Calculate_Theta( rvec, real, rvec, real, real*, real* );
 void Calculate_dCos_Theta( rvec, real, rvec, real, rvec*, rvec*, rvec* );
diff --git a/puremd_rc_1003/sPuReMD/traj.c b/puremd_rc_1003/sPuReMD/traj.c
index bbff8f15b5b0654555bc15d565309090b5b0908d..49a1595adce827cc0926af740e9aae59d127bf1f 100644
--- a/puremd_rc_1003/sPuReMD/traj.c
+++ b/puremd_rc_1003/sPuReMD/traj.c
@@ -1,20 +1,20 @@
   SerialReax - Reax Force Field Simulator
   Copyright (2010) Purdue University
   Hasan Metin Aktulga, haktulga@cs.purdue.edu
   Joseph Fogarty, jcfogart@mail.usf.edu
   Sagar Pandit, pandit@usf.edu
   Ananth Y Grama, ayg@cs.purdue.edu
   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
   modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
-  published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of 
+  published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
   the License, or (at your option) any later version.
   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
   See the GNU General Public License for more details:
@@ -26,426 +26,438 @@
 /*      CUSTOM FORMAT ROUTINES                  */
-int Write_Custom_Header(reax_system *system, control_params *control, 
-			static_storage *workspace, output_controls *out_control)
+int Write_Custom_Header(reax_system *system, control_params *control,
+                        static_storage *workspace, output_controls *out_control)
-  int i, header_len, control_block_len, frame_format_len;
-  // char buffer[2048];
-  char control_block[2048];
-  char frame_format[2048];
-  char atom_format[100], bond_format[100], angle_format[100];
-  sprintf( control_block, CONTROL_BLOCK,
-	   system->N,
-	   control->restart,
-	   control->restart_from,
-	   control->random_vel,
-	   out_control->restart_freq,
-	   control->ensemble,
-	   control->nsteps,
-	   control->dt,
-	   control->reposition_atoms,
-	   control->restrict_bonds,
-	   control->tabulate,
-	   control->nbr_cut,
-	   control->r_cut,
-	   control->bg_cut,
-	   control->bo_cut,
-	   control->thb_cut,
-	   control->hb_cut,
-	   control->q_err,
-	   control->T_init,
-	   control->T_final,
-	   control->Tau_T,
-	   control->T_mode,
-	   control->T_rate,
-	   control->T_freq,
-	   control->P[0], control->P[1], control->P[2], 
-	   control->Tau_P[0], control->Tau_P[1], control->Tau_P[2],
-	   control->compressibility,
-	   control->press_mode,
-	   control->remove_CoM_vel,
-	   out_control->write_steps,
-	   out_control->traj_compress,
-	   out_control->traj_format,
-	   out_control->atom_format,
-	   out_control->bond_info,
-	   out_control->angle_info,
-	   out_control->energy_update_freq,
-	   control->molec_anal,
-	   control->freq_molec_anal );
-  control_block_len = strlen( control_block );
-  sprintf( frame_format, "Frame Format: %d\n%s\n%s\n", 
-  atom_format[0] = OPT_NOATOM;
-  switch( out_control->atom_format )
+    int i, header_len, control_block_len, frame_format_len;
+    // char buffer[2048];
+    char control_block[2048];
+    char frame_format[2048];
+    char atom_format[100], bond_format[100], angle_format[100];
+    sprintf( control_block, CONTROL_BLOCK,
+             system->N,
+             control->restart,
+             control->restart_from,
+             control->random_vel,
+             out_control->restart_freq,
+             control->ensemble,
+             control->nsteps,
+             control->dt,
+             control->reposition_atoms,
+             control->restrict_bonds,
+             control->tabulate,
+             control->nbr_cut,
+             control->r_cut,
+             control->bg_cut,
+             control->bo_cut,
+             control->thb_cut,
+             control->hb_cut,
+             control->q_err,
+             control->T_init,
+             control->T_final,
+             control->Tau_T,
+             control->T_mode,
+             control->T_rate,
+             control->T_freq,
+             control->P[0], control->P[1], control->P[2],
+             control->Tau_P[0], control->Tau_P[1], control->Tau_P[2],
+             control->compressibility,
+             control->press_mode,
+             control->remove_CoM_vel,
+             out_control->write_steps,
+             out_control->traj_compress,
+             out_control->traj_format,
+             out_control->atom_format,
+             out_control->bond_info,
+             out_control->angle_info,
+             out_control->energy_update_freq,
+             control->molec_anal,
+             control->freq_molec_anal );
+    control_block_len = strlen( control_block );
+    sprintf( frame_format, "Frame Format: %d\n%s\n%s\n",
+    atom_format[0] = OPT_NOATOM;
+    switch ( out_control->atom_format )
-    case OPT_ATOM_BASIC: sprintf( atom_format, "Atom_Basic: %s", ATOM_BASIC );
-      break;
-    case OPT_ATOM_wF: sprintf( atom_format, "Atom_wF: %s", ATOM_wF );
-      break;
-    case OPT_ATOM_wV: sprintf( atom_format, "Atom_wV: %s", ATOM_wV );
-      break;
-    case OPT_ATOM_FULL: sprintf( atom_format, "Atom_Full: %s", ATOM_FULL );
-      break;
-  }
-  strcat( frame_format, atom_format );
-  bond_format[0] = OPT_NOBOND;
-  if( out_control->bond_info == OPT_BOND_BASIC )
-    sprintf( bond_format, "Bond_Line: %s", BOND_BASIC );
-  else if( out_control->bond_info == OPT_BOND_FULL )
-    sprintf( bond_format, "Bond_Line_Full: %s", BOND_FULL );
-  strcat( frame_format, bond_format );
-  angle_format[0] = OPT_NOANGLE;
-  if( out_control->angle_info == OPT_ANGLE_BASIC )
-    sprintf( angle_format, "Angle_Line: %s", ANGLE_BASIC );
-  strcat( frame_format, angle_format );
-  frame_format_len = strlen( frame_format );
-  header_len = HEADER_INIT_LEN + (control_block_len + SIZE_INFO_LEN2)+ 
-    (frame_format_len + SIZE_INFO_LEN2) + 
-    (ATOM_MAPPING_LEN * system->N + SIZE_INFO_LEN2);
-  out_control->write( out_control->trj, HEADER_INIT, 
-		      header_len, HEADER_INIT_LEN, out_control->traj_title );
-  out_control->write( out_control->trj, SIZE_INFO_LINE2,
-		      control_block_len + (frame_format_len + SIZE_INFO_LEN2) + 
-		      (ATOM_MAPPING_LEN * system->N + SIZE_INFO_LEN2), 
-		      control_block_len );
-  out_control->write( out_control->trj, "%s", control_block );
-  out_control->write( out_control->trj, SIZE_INFO_LINE2, 
-		      frame_format_len + 
-		      (ATOM_MAPPING_LEN * system->N + SIZE_INFO_LEN2), 
-		      frame_format_len );
-  out_control->write( out_control->trj, "%s", frame_format );
-  out_control->write( out_control->trj, SIZE_INFO_LINE2, 
-		      ATOM_MAPPING_LEN * system->N, 
-		      ATOM_MAPPING_LEN * system->N );
-   for( i = 0; i < system->N; ++i )
-     out_control->write( out_control->trj, ATOM_MAPPING,  
-			 workspace->orig_id[i], 
-			 system->atoms[i].type, 
-			 system->atoms[i].name, 
-			 system->reaxprm.sbp[ system->atoms[i].type ].mass ); 
-  fflush( out_control->trj );
-  return 0;
+    case OPT_ATOM_BASIC:
+        sprintf( atom_format, "Atom_Basic: %s", ATOM_BASIC );
+        break;
+    case OPT_ATOM_wF:
+        sprintf( atom_format, "Atom_wF: %s", ATOM_wF );
+        break;
+    case OPT_ATOM_wV:
+        sprintf( atom_format, "Atom_wV: %s", ATOM_wV );
+        break;
+    case OPT_ATOM_FULL:
+        sprintf( atom_format, "Atom_Full: %s", ATOM_FULL );
+        break;
+    }
+    strcat( frame_format, atom_format );
+    bond_format[0] = OPT_NOBOND;
+    if ( out_control->bond_info == OPT_BOND_BASIC )
+        sprintf( bond_format, "Bond_Line: %s", BOND_BASIC );
+    else if ( out_control->bond_info == OPT_BOND_FULL )
+        sprintf( bond_format, "Bond_Line_Full: %s", BOND_FULL );
+    strcat( frame_format, bond_format );
+    angle_format[0] = OPT_NOANGLE;
+    if ( out_control->angle_info == OPT_ANGLE_BASIC )
+        sprintf( angle_format, "Angle_Line: %s", ANGLE_BASIC );
+    strcat( frame_format, angle_format );
+    frame_format_len = strlen( frame_format );
+    header_len = HEADER_INIT_LEN + (control_block_len + SIZE_INFO_LEN2) +
+                 (frame_format_len + SIZE_INFO_LEN2) +
+                 (ATOM_MAPPING_LEN * system->N + SIZE_INFO_LEN2);
+    out_control->write( out_control->trj, HEADER_INIT,
+                        header_len, HEADER_INIT_LEN, out_control->traj_title );
+    out_control->write( out_control->trj, SIZE_INFO_LINE2,
+                        control_block_len + (frame_format_len + SIZE_INFO_LEN2) +
+                        (ATOM_MAPPING_LEN * system->N + SIZE_INFO_LEN2),
+                        control_block_len );
+    out_control->write( out_control->trj, "%s", control_block );
+    out_control->write( out_control->trj, SIZE_INFO_LINE2,
+                        frame_format_len +
+                        (ATOM_MAPPING_LEN * system->N + SIZE_INFO_LEN2),
+                        frame_format_len );
+    out_control->write( out_control->trj, "%s", frame_format );
+    out_control->write( out_control->trj, SIZE_INFO_LINE2,
+                        ATOM_MAPPING_LEN * system->N,
+                        ATOM_MAPPING_LEN * system->N );
+    for ( i = 0; i < system->N; ++i )
+        out_control->write( out_control->trj, ATOM_MAPPING,
+                            workspace->orig_id[i],
+                            system->atoms[i].type,
+                            system->atoms[i].name,
+                            system->reaxprm.sbp[ system->atoms[i].type ].mass );
+    fflush( out_control->trj );
+    return 0;
-int Append_Custom_Frame( reax_system *system, control_params *control, 
-			 simulation_data *data, static_storage *workspace, 
-			 list **lists, output_controls *out_control )
+int Append_Custom_Frame( reax_system *system, control_params *control,
+                         simulation_data *data, static_storage *workspace,
+                         list **lists, output_controls *out_control )
-  int i, j, pi, pk, pk_j;
-  int write_atoms, write_bonds, write_angles;
-  int frame_len, atom_line_len, bond_line_len, angle_line_len, rest_of_frame_len;
-  int frame_globals_len, num_bonds, num_thb_intrs;
-  real P;
-  char buffer[2048];
-  list *bonds = (*lists) + BONDS;
-  list *thb_intrs =  (*lists) + THREE_BODIES;
-  bond_data *bo_ij;
-  /* IMPORTANT: This whole part will go to init_trj after finalized! */
-  switch( out_control->atom_format )
+    int i, j, pi, pk, pk_j;
+    int write_atoms, write_bonds, write_angles;
+    int frame_len, atom_line_len, bond_line_len, angle_line_len, rest_of_frame_len;
+    int frame_globals_len, num_bonds, num_thb_intrs;
+    real P;
+    char buffer[2048];
+    list *bonds = (*lists) + BONDS;
+    list *thb_intrs =  (*lists) + THREE_BODIES;
+    bond_data *bo_ij;
+    /* IMPORTANT: This whole part will go to init_trj after finalized! */
+    switch ( out_control->atom_format )
-    case OPT_ATOM_BASIC: 
-      atom_line_len = ATOM_BASIC_LEN;
-      write_atoms = 1;
-      break;
-    case OPT_ATOM_wF: 
-      atom_line_len = ATOM_wF_LEN; 
-      write_atoms = 1;
-      break;
-    case OPT_ATOM_wV: 
-      atom_line_len = ATOM_wV_LEN; 
-      write_atoms = 1;
-      break;
-    case OPT_ATOM_FULL: 
-      atom_line_len = ATOM_FULL_LEN; 
-      write_atoms = 1;
-      break;
-    default: 
-      atom_line_len = 0;
-      write_atoms = 0;
-  }
-  /* bond preparations */
-  bond_line_len = write_bonds = 0;
-  if( out_control->bond_info == OPT_BOND_BASIC )
+    case OPT_ATOM_BASIC:
+        atom_line_len = ATOM_BASIC_LEN;
+        write_atoms = 1;
+        break;
+    case OPT_ATOM_wF:
+        atom_line_len = ATOM_wF_LEN;
+        write_atoms = 1;
+        break;
+    case OPT_ATOM_wV:
+        atom_line_len = ATOM_wV_LEN;
+        write_atoms = 1;
+        break;
+    case OPT_ATOM_FULL:
+        atom_line_len = ATOM_FULL_LEN;
+        write_atoms = 1;
+        break;
+    default:
+        atom_line_len = 0;
+        write_atoms = 0;
+    }
+    /* bond preparations */
+    bond_line_len = write_bonds = 0;
+    if ( out_control->bond_info == OPT_BOND_BASIC )
-      bond_line_len = BOND_BASIC_LEN;
-      write_bonds = 1;
+        bond_line_len = BOND_BASIC_LEN;
+        write_bonds = 1;
-  else if( out_control->bond_info == OPT_BOND_FULL )
+    else if ( out_control->bond_info == OPT_BOND_FULL )
-      bond_line_len = BOND_FULL_LEN;
-      write_bonds = 1;
+        bond_line_len = BOND_FULL_LEN;
+        write_bonds = 1;
-  num_bonds = 0;
-  if( write_bonds )
+    num_bonds = 0;
+    if ( write_bonds )
-      for( i = 0; i < system->N; ++i )
-	for( j = Start_Index( i, bonds ); j < End_Index( i, bonds ); ++j )
-	  if( i < bonds->select.bond_list[j].nbr && 
-	      bonds->select.bond_list[j].bo_data.BO >= control->bg_cut )
-	    ++num_bonds;
+        for ( i = 0; i < system->N; ++i )
+            for ( j = Start_Index( i, bonds ); j < End_Index( i, bonds ); ++j )
+                if ( i < bonds->select.bond_list[j].nbr &&
+                        bonds->select.bond_list[j].bo_data.BO >= control->bg_cut )
+                    ++num_bonds;
-  /* angle preparations */
-  if( out_control->angle_info == OPT_ANGLE_BASIC )
+    /* angle preparations */
+    if ( out_control->angle_info == OPT_ANGLE_BASIC )
-      angle_line_len = ANGLE_BASIC_LEN;
-      write_angles = 1;
+        angle_line_len = ANGLE_BASIC_LEN;
+        write_angles = 1;
-  else 
+    else
-      angle_line_len = 0;
-      write_angles = 0;
+        angle_line_len = 0;
+        write_angles = 0;
-  num_thb_intrs = 0;
-  if( write_angles ) {
-    for( j = 0; j < system->N; ++j )
-      for( pi = Start_Index(j, bonds); pi < End_Index(j, bonds); ++pi )
-	if( bonds->select.bond_list[pi].bo_data.BO >= control->bg_cut ) 
-	  // physical j&i bond
-	  for( pk = Start_Index( pi, thb_intrs ); 
-	       pk < End_Index( pi, thb_intrs ); ++pk )
-	    if( bonds->select.bond_list[pi].nbr < 
-		thb_intrs->select.three_body_list[pk].thb ) {
-	      // get k's pointer on j's bond list
-	      pk_j = thb_intrs->select.three_body_list[pk].pthb;
-	      if( bonds->select.bond_list[pk_j].bo_data.BO >= control->bg_cut ) 
-		// physical j&k bond
-		++num_thb_intrs;
-	    }
-  }
-  /* get correct pressure */
-  if( control->ensemble == NPT || control->ensemble == sNPT )
-    P = data->flex_bar.P_scalar;
-  else  if( control->ensemble == iNPT )
-    P = data->iso_bar.P;
-  else P = 0;
-  /* calculate total frame length*/
-  sprintf( buffer, FRAME_GLOBALS,
-	   data->step, data->time, 
-	   data->E_Tot, data->E_Pot, E_CONV * data->E_Kin, data->therm.T,
-	   P, system->box.volume,
-	   system->box.box_norms[0], 
-	   system->box.box_norms[1], 
-	   system->box.box_norms[2],
-	   90.0, 90.0, 90.0, // IMPORTANT: need to rewrite for flexible boxes!
-	   data->E_BE,
-	   data->E_Ov,  data->E_Un,  data->E_Lp,
-	   data->E_Ang, data->E_Pen, data->E_Coa, data->E_HB,
-	   data->E_Tor, data->E_Con, 
-	   data->E_vdW, data->E_Ele, data->E_Pol );
-  frame_globals_len = strlen( buffer );
-  frame_len = frame_globals_len + 
-    write_atoms  * SIZE_INFO_LEN3 + system->N * atom_line_len +
-    write_bonds  * SIZE_INFO_LEN3 + num_bonds * bond_line_len +
-    write_angles * SIZE_INFO_LEN3 + num_thb_intrs * angle_line_len;
-  /* write size info & frame globals */
-  out_control->write( out_control->trj, SIZE_INFO_LINE2, 
-		      frame_len, frame_globals_len );
-  out_control->write( out_control->trj, "%s", buffer );
-  /* write size info & atom lines */  
-  if( write_atoms ) 
+    num_thb_intrs = 0;
+    if ( write_angles )
-      rest_of_frame_len = system->N * atom_line_len +
-	write_bonds  * SIZE_INFO_LEN3 + num_bonds * bond_line_len +
-	write_angles * SIZE_INFO_LEN3 + num_thb_intrs * angle_line_len;
-      out_control->write( out_control->trj, SIZE_INFO_LINE3, 
-			  rest_of_frame_len, system->N * atom_line_len, 
-			  system->N );
+        for ( j = 0; j < system->N; ++j )
+            for ( pi = Start_Index(j, bonds); pi < End_Index(j, bonds); ++pi )
+                if ( bonds->select.bond_list[pi].bo_data.BO >= control->bg_cut )
+                    // physical j&i bond
+                    for ( pk = Start_Index( pi, thb_intrs );
+                            pk < End_Index( pi, thb_intrs ); ++pk )
+                        if ( bonds->select.bond_list[pi].nbr <
+                                thb_intrs->select.three_body_list[pk].thb )
+                        {
+                            // get k's pointer on j's bond list
+                            pk_j = thb_intrs->select.three_body_list[pk].pthb;
+                            if ( bonds->select.bond_list[pk_j].bo_data.BO >= control->bg_cut )
+                                // physical j&k bond
+                                ++num_thb_intrs;
+                        }
-  switch( out_control->atom_format )
+    /* get correct pressure */
+    if ( control->ensemble == NPT || control->ensemble == sNPT )
+        P = data->flex_bar.P_scalar;
+    else  if ( control->ensemble == iNPT )
+        P = data->iso_bar.P;
+    else P = 0;
+    /* calculate total frame length*/
+    sprintf( buffer, FRAME_GLOBALS,
+             data->step, data->time,
+             data->E_Tot, data->E_Pot, E_CONV * data->E_Kin, data->therm.T,
+             P, system->box.volume,
+             system->box.box_norms[0],
+             system->box.box_norms[1],
+             system->box.box_norms[2],
+             90.0, 90.0, 90.0, // IMPORTANT: need to rewrite for flexible boxes!
+             data->E_BE,
+             data->E_Ov,  data->E_Un,  data->E_Lp,
+             data->E_Ang, data->E_Pen, data->E_Coa, data->E_HB,
+             data->E_Tor, data->E_Con,
+             data->E_vdW, data->E_Ele, data->E_Pol );
+    frame_globals_len = strlen( buffer );
+    frame_len = frame_globals_len +
+                write_atoms  * SIZE_INFO_LEN3 + system->N * atom_line_len +
+                write_bonds  * SIZE_INFO_LEN3 + num_bonds * bond_line_len +
+                write_angles * SIZE_INFO_LEN3 + num_thb_intrs * angle_line_len;
+    /* write size info & frame globals */
+    out_control->write( out_control->trj, SIZE_INFO_LINE2,
+                        frame_len, frame_globals_len );
+    out_control->write( out_control->trj, "%s", buffer );
+    /* write size info & atom lines */
+    if ( write_atoms )
-    case 4: 
-      for( i = 0; i < system->N; ++i )
-	out_control->write( out_control->trj, ATOM_BASIC, 
-			    workspace->orig_id[i], 
-			    system->atoms[i].x[0], 
-			    system->atoms[i].x[1], 
-			    system->atoms[i].x[2],
-			    system->atoms[i].q );
-      break;
+        rest_of_frame_len = system->N * atom_line_len +
+                            write_bonds  * SIZE_INFO_LEN3 + num_bonds * bond_line_len +
+                            write_angles * SIZE_INFO_LEN3 + num_thb_intrs * angle_line_len;
+        out_control->write( out_control->trj, SIZE_INFO_LINE3,
+                            rest_of_frame_len, system->N * atom_line_len,
+                            system->N );
+    }
+    switch ( out_control->atom_format )
+    {
+    case 4:
+        for ( i = 0; i < system->N; ++i )
+            out_control->write( out_control->trj, ATOM_BASIC,
+                                workspace->orig_id[i],
+                                system->atoms[i].x[0],
+                                system->atoms[i].x[1],
+                                system->atoms[i].x[2],
+                                system->atoms[i].q );
+        break;
     case 5:
-      for( i = 0; i < system->N; ++i )
-	out_control->write( out_control->trj, ATOM_wF, 
-			    workspace->orig_id[i],
-			    system->atoms[i].x[0], 
-			    system->atoms[i].x[1], 
-			    system->atoms[i].x[2],
-			    system->atoms[i].f[0], 
-			    system->atoms[i].f[1], 
-			    system->atoms[i].f[2],
-			    system->atoms[i].q );
-      break;
-    case 6: 
-      for( i = 0; i < system->N; ++i )
-	out_control->write( out_control->trj, ATOM_wV, 
-			    workspace->orig_id[i], 
-			    system->atoms[i].x[0], 
-			    system->atoms[i].x[1], 
-			    system->atoms[i].x[2],
-			    system->atoms[i].v[0], 
-			    system->atoms[i].v[1], 
-			    system->atoms[i].v[2],
-			    system->atoms[i].q );
-      break;
-    case 7: 
-      for( i = 0; i < system->N; ++i )
-	out_control->write( out_control->trj, ATOM_FULL, 
-			    workspace->orig_id[i], 
-			    system->atoms[i].x[0], 
-			    system->atoms[i].x[1], 
-			    system->atoms[i].x[2],
-			    system->atoms[i].v[0], 
-			    system->atoms[i].v[1], 
-			    system->atoms[i].v[2],
-			    system->atoms[i].f[0], 
-			    system->atoms[i].f[1], 
-			    system->atoms[i].f[2],
-			    system->atoms[i].q );
-      break;
-  }
-  fflush( out_control->trj );
-  /* write size info & bond lines */
-  if( write_bonds )
+        for ( i = 0; i < system->N; ++i )
+            out_control->write( out_control->trj, ATOM_wF,
+                                workspace->orig_id[i],
+                                system->atoms[i].x[0],
+                                system->atoms[i].x[1],
+                                system->atoms[i].x[2],
+                                system->atoms[i].f[0],
+                                system->atoms[i].f[1],
+                                system->atoms[i].f[2],
+                                system->atoms[i].q );
+        break;
+    case 6:
+        for ( i = 0; i < system->N; ++i )
+            out_control->write( out_control->trj, ATOM_wV,
+                                workspace->orig_id[i],
+                                system->atoms[i].x[0],
+                                system->atoms[i].x[1],
+                                system->atoms[i].x[2],
+                                system->atoms[i].v[0],
+                                system->atoms[i].v[1],
+                                system->atoms[i].v[2],
+                                system->atoms[i].q );
+        break;
+    case 7:
+        for ( i = 0; i < system->N; ++i )
+            out_control->write( out_control->trj, ATOM_FULL,
+                                workspace->orig_id[i],
+                                system->atoms[i].x[0],
+                                system->atoms[i].x[1],
+                                system->atoms[i].x[2],
+                                system->atoms[i].v[0],
+                                system->atoms[i].v[1],
+                                system->atoms[i].v[2],
+                                system->atoms[i].f[0],
+                                system->atoms[i].f[1],
+                                system->atoms[i].f[2],
+                                system->atoms[i].q );
+        break;
+    }
+    fflush( out_control->trj );
+    /* write size info & bond lines */
+    if ( write_bonds )
-      rest_of_frame_len = num_bonds * bond_line_len +
-	write_angles * SIZE_INFO_LEN3 + num_thb_intrs * angle_line_len;
+        rest_of_frame_len = num_bonds * bond_line_len +
+                            write_angles * SIZE_INFO_LEN3 + num_thb_intrs * angle_line_len;
+        out_control->write( out_control->trj, SIZE_INFO_LINE3,
+                            rest_of_frame_len, num_bonds * bond_line_len,
+                            num_bonds );
+    }
+    if ( out_control->bond_info == 1 )
+    {
+        for ( i = 0; i < system->N; ++i )
+            for ( j = Start_Index( i, bonds ); j < End_Index( i, bonds ); ++j )
+                if ( i < bonds->select.bond_list[j].nbr &&
+                        bonds->select.bond_list[j].bo_data.BO >= control->bg_cut )
+                {
+                    bo_ij = &( bonds->select.bond_list[j] );
+                    out_control->write( out_control->trj, BOND_BASIC,
+                                        workspace->orig_id[i],
+                                        workspace->orig_id[bo_ij->nbr],
+                                        bo_ij->d, bo_ij->bo_data.BO );
+                }
+    }
+    else if ( out_control->bond_info == 2 )
+    {
+        for ( i = 0; i < system->N; ++i )
+            for ( j = Start_Index( i, bonds ); j < End_Index( i, bonds ); ++j )
+                if ( i < bonds->select.bond_list[j].nbr &&
+                        bonds->select.bond_list[j].bo_data.BO >= control->bg_cut )
+                {
+                    bo_ij = &( bonds->select.bond_list[j] );
+                    out_control->write( out_control->trj, BOND_FULL,
+                                        workspace->orig_id[i],
+                                        workspace->orig_id[bo_ij->nbr],
+                                        bo_ij->d, bo_ij->bo_data.BO, bo_ij->bo_data.BO_s,
+                                        bo_ij->bo_data.BO_pi, bo_ij->bo_data.BO_pi2 );
+                }
+    }
-      out_control->write( out_control->trj, SIZE_INFO_LINE3, 
-			  rest_of_frame_len, num_bonds * bond_line_len, 
-			  num_bonds );
+    fflush( out_control->trj );
+    /* write size info & angle lines */
+    if ( out_control->angle_info )
+    {
+        out_control->write( out_control->trj, SIZE_INFO_LINE3,
+                            num_thb_intrs * angle_line_len,
+                            num_thb_intrs * angle_line_len, num_thb_intrs );
+        for ( j = 0; j < system->N; ++j )
+            for ( pi = Start_Index(j, bonds); pi < End_Index(j, bonds); ++pi )
+                if ( bonds->select.bond_list[pi].bo_data.BO >= control->bg_cut )
+                    // physical j&i bond
+                    for ( pk = Start_Index( pi, thb_intrs );
+                            pk < End_Index( pi, thb_intrs ); ++pk )
+                        if ( bonds->select.bond_list[pi].nbr <
+                                thb_intrs->select.three_body_list[pk].thb )
+                        {
+                            pk_j = thb_intrs->select.three_body_list[pk].pthb;
+                            // get k's pointer on j's bond list
+                            if ( bonds->select.bond_list[pk_j].bo_data.BO >= control->bg_cut )
+                                // physical j&k bond
+                                out_control->write( out_control->trj, ANGLE_BASIC,
+                                                    workspace->orig_id[bonds->select.bond_list[pi].nbr],
+                                                    workspace->orig_id[j],
+                                                    workspace->orig_id[thb_intrs->select.three_body_list[pk].thb],
+                                                    RAD2DEG(thb_intrs->select.three_body_list[pk].theta) );
+                        }
-  if( out_control->bond_info == 1 ) {
-    for( i = 0; i < system->N; ++i )
-      for( j = Start_Index( i, bonds ); j < End_Index( i, bonds ); ++j )
-	if( i < bonds->select.bond_list[j].nbr && 
-	    bonds->select.bond_list[j].bo_data.BO >= control->bg_cut ) {
-	  bo_ij = &( bonds->select.bond_list[j] );
-	  out_control->write( out_control->trj, BOND_BASIC, 
-			      workspace->orig_id[i], 
-			      workspace->orig_id[bo_ij->nbr], 
-			      bo_ij->d, bo_ij->bo_data.BO );
-	}
-  }
-  else if( out_control->bond_info == 2 ) {
-    for( i = 0; i < system->N; ++i )
-      for( j = Start_Index( i, bonds ); j < End_Index( i, bonds ); ++j )
-	if( i < bonds->select.bond_list[j].nbr && 
-	    bonds->select.bond_list[j].bo_data.BO >= control->bg_cut ) {
-	  bo_ij = &( bonds->select.bond_list[j] );
-	  out_control->write( out_control->trj, BOND_FULL, 
-			      workspace->orig_id[i], 
-			      workspace->orig_id[bo_ij->nbr], 
-			      bo_ij->d, bo_ij->bo_data.BO, bo_ij->bo_data.BO_s, 
-			      bo_ij->bo_data.BO_pi, bo_ij->bo_data.BO_pi2 );
-	}
-  }
-  fflush( out_control->trj );
-  /* write size info & angle lines */
-  if( out_control->angle_info ) {
-    out_control->write( out_control->trj, SIZE_INFO_LINE3,
-			num_thb_intrs * angle_line_len, 
-			num_thb_intrs * angle_line_len, num_thb_intrs );
-    for( j = 0; j < system->N; ++j )
-      for( pi = Start_Index(j, bonds); pi < End_Index(j, bonds); ++pi )
-	if( bonds->select.bond_list[pi].bo_data.BO >= control->bg_cut ) 
-	  // physical j&i bond
-	  for( pk = Start_Index( pi, thb_intrs ); 
-	       pk < End_Index( pi, thb_intrs ); ++pk )
-	    if( bonds->select.bond_list[pi].nbr < 
-		thb_intrs->select.three_body_list[pk].thb ) {
-	      pk_j = thb_intrs->select.three_body_list[pk].pthb; 
-	      // get k's pointer on j's bond list
-	      if( bonds->select.bond_list[pk_j].bo_data.BO >= control->bg_cut ) 
-		// physical j&k bond
-		out_control->write( out_control->trj, ANGLE_BASIC,
-				    workspace->orig_id[bonds->select.bond_list[pi].nbr], 
-				    workspace->orig_id[j], 
-				    workspace->orig_id[thb_intrs->select.three_body_list[pk].thb], 
-				    RAD2DEG(thb_intrs->select.three_body_list[pk].theta) );
-	    }
-  }
-  fflush( out_control->trj );
-  return 0;
+    fflush( out_control->trj );
+    return 0;
 void Read_Traj( output_controls *out_control, char *traj_name )
-  int skip_all, skip_part, n;
-  char size_buffer[50];
-  // char read_buffer[2048];
-  out_control->trj = gzopen( traj_name, "r" );
-  fprintf( stderr, "file opened!\n" );
-  while( !gzeof( out_control->trj ) )
-  {
-    if( gzgets( out_control->trj, size_buffer, 50 ) == Z_NULL )
-      break;
-    fprintf( stderr, "read line\n" );
-    if( strlen( size_buffer ) >= SIZE_INFO_LEN3 )
-      sscanf( size_buffer, "%d %d %d", &skip_all, &skip_part, &n );
-    else
-      sscanf( size_buffer, "%d %d", &skip_all, &skip_part );
+    int skip_all, skip_part, n;
+    char size_buffer[50];
+    // char read_buffer[2048];
+    out_control->trj = gzopen( traj_name, "r" );
+    fprintf( stderr, "file opened!\n" );
-    fprintf( stderr, "%d %d\n", skip_all, skip_part );
+    while ( !gzeof( out_control->trj ) )
+    {
+        if ( gzgets( out_control->trj, size_buffer, 50 ) == Z_NULL )
+            break;
+        fprintf( stderr, "read line\n" );
-    gzseek( out_control->trj, skip_part, SEEK_CUR );
-  }
+        if ( strlen( size_buffer ) >= SIZE_INFO_LEN3 )
+            sscanf( size_buffer, "%d %d %d", &skip_all, &skip_part, &n );
+        else
+            sscanf( size_buffer, "%d %d", &skip_all, &skip_part );
-  gzclose( out_control->trj );
+        fprintf( stderr, "%d %d\n", skip_all, skip_part );
+        gzseek( out_control->trj, skip_part, SEEK_CUR );
+    }
+    gzclose( out_control->trj );
@@ -455,36 +467,36 @@ void Read_Traj( output_controls *out_control, char *traj_name )
 /************      XYZ FORMAT ROUTINES    ***************/
-int Write_xyz_Header( reax_system *system, control_params *control, 
-		      static_storage* workspace, output_controls *out_control )
+int Write_xyz_Header( reax_system *system, control_params *control,
+                      static_storage* workspace, output_controls *out_control )
-  fflush( out_control->trj );
-  return 1;
+    fflush( out_control->trj );
+    return 1;
-int Append_xyz_Frame( reax_system *system, control_params *control, 
-		      simulation_data *data, static_storage *workspace, 
-		      list **lists, output_controls *out_control )
+int Append_xyz_Frame( reax_system *system, control_params *control,
+                      simulation_data *data, static_storage *workspace,
+                      list **lists, output_controls *out_control )
-  int i;
+    int i;
+    out_control->write( out_control->trj, "%d\n", system->N );
-  out_control->write( out_control->trj, "%d\n", system->N );
+    out_control->write( out_control->trj, "%d\t%8.3f\t%8.3f\t%8.3f\t%8.3f\n",
+                        data->step,
+                        data->E_Tot, data->E_Pot,
+                        E_CONV * data->E_Kin, data->therm.T );
-  out_control->write( out_control->trj, "%d\t%8.3f\t%8.3f\t%8.3f\t%8.3f\n",
-		      data->step,
-		      data->E_Tot, data->E_Pot, 
-		      E_CONV*data->E_Kin, data->therm.T );
-  for( i = 0; i < system->N; ++i )
-    out_control->write( out_control->trj, "%3s %10.5f %10.5f %10.5f\n",
-			system->reaxprm.sbp[ system->atoms[i].type ].name,
-			system->atoms[i].x[0], 
-			system->atoms[i].x[1], 
-			system->atoms[i].x[2] );
+    for ( i = 0; i < system->N; ++i )
+        out_control->write( out_control->trj, "%3s %10.5f %10.5f %10.5f\n",
+                            system->reaxprm.sbp[ system->atoms[i].type ].name,
+                            system->atoms[i].x[0],
+                            system->atoms[i].x[1],
+                            system->atoms[i].x[2] );
-  fflush( out_control->trj );
+    fflush( out_control->trj );
-  return 1;
+    return 1;
diff --git a/puremd_rc_1003/sPuReMD/traj.h b/puremd_rc_1003/sPuReMD/traj.h
index 092f7100ca87607509bd17580ed9a4ca7220df47..0e759059e3293eb56ec16756f6d94b430fb2fd03 100644
--- a/puremd_rc_1003/sPuReMD/traj.h
+++ b/puremd_rc_1003/sPuReMD/traj.h
@@ -1,20 +1,20 @@
   SerialReax - Reax Force Field Simulator
   Copyright (2010) Purdue University
   Hasan Metin Aktulga, haktulga@cs.purdue.edu
   Joseph Fogarty, jcfogart@mail.usf.edu
   Sagar Pandit, pandit@usf.edu
   Ananth Y Grama, ayg@cs.purdue.edu
   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
   modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
-  published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of 
+  published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
   the License, or (at your option) any later version.
   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
   See the GNU General Public License for more details:
@@ -74,17 +74,18 @@
 #define SIZE_INFO_LINE3 "%-10d %-10d %-10d\n"
 #define SIZE_INFO_LEN3 33
-		     OPT_ATOM_wV = 6, OPT_ATOM_FULL = 7};
+                     OPT_ATOM_wV = 6, OPT_ATOM_FULL = 7
+                    };
 typedef struct
-  int no_of_sub_blocks;
-  int size;
-  char* buffer;
-  struct block** sub_blocks;
+    int no_of_sub_blocks;
+    int size;
+    char* buffer;
+    struct block** sub_blocks;
 } block;
@@ -98,19 +99,19 @@ int Skip_Next_Block( gzFile, int*);
   size flag char (1)
-  size of header to skip (int) 
+  size of header to skip (int)
   Title (char[80])
   size flag char (2)
   size of control param block (int)
-  Entire control param structure 
+  Entire control param structure
   size of frame descriptor (int)
-  Frame descriptor Block 
+  Frame descriptor Block
       [ Frame descriptor block
          No. of global quantities lines (say m) (int)
-	 Format for each global quantity line [m].
-	 Comma separated names for each global quantity line [m].
+     Format for each global quantity line [m].
+     Comma separated names for each global quantity line [m].
   size flag char (1)
   size of the entire frame to skip it (int)
@@ -142,17 +143,17 @@ int Skip_Next_Block( gzFile, int*);
-int Write_Custom_Header( reax_system*, control_params*, 
-			 static_storage*, output_controls* );
-int Write_xyz_Header   ( reax_system*, control_params*, 
-			 static_storage*, output_controls* );
+int Write_Custom_Header( reax_system*, control_params*,
+                         static_storage*, output_controls* );
+int Write_xyz_Header   ( reax_system*, control_params*,
+                         static_storage*, output_controls* );
   Write_Traj_Header( gzfile file,
-  		     int No. of lines of global qunatities,
-		     char** format for global quantities,
-		     char** names for global quantities,
-	             control_params* control);
+             int No. of lines of global qunatities,
+             char** format for global quantities,
+             char** names for global quantities,
+                 control_params* control);
 char Write_Traj_Header( FILE*, int, char**, char**, control_params* );
@@ -160,28 +161,28 @@ char Write_Traj_Header( FILE*, int, char**, char**, control_params* );
   Push_Traj_Frame(gzfile file,
                   reax_system* system,
-		  control_params* control,
-		  simulation_data* data,
-		  static_storage* workspace,
-		  list** lists,
-		  char** various flags);
+          control_params* control,
+          simulation_data* data,
+          static_storage* workspace,
+          list** lists,
+          char** various flags);
-int Push_Traj_Frame( /*gzfile*/ FILE*, reax_system*, control_params*, 
-		     simulation_data*, static_storage*, list**, char** );
+int Push_Traj_Frame( /*gzfile*/ FILE*, reax_system*, control_params*,
+                                simulation_data*, static_storage*, list**, char** );
   Append_Traj_Frame( gzfile file,
                         reax_system* system,
                         control_params* control,
-		        simulation_data* data,
-		        static_storage* workspace,
-		        list** lists,
-		        char** various flags);
+                simulation_data* data,
+                static_storage* workspace,
+                list** lists,
+                char** various flags);
-int Append_Custom_Frame( reax_system*, control_params*, simulation_data*, 
-			 static_storage*, list**, output_controls* );
-int Append_xyz_Frame   ( reax_system*, control_params*, simulation_data*, 
-			 static_storage*, list**, output_controls* );
+int Append_Custom_Frame( reax_system*, control_params*, simulation_data*,
+                         static_storage*, list**, output_controls* );
+int Append_xyz_Frame   ( reax_system*, control_params*, simulation_data*,
+                         static_storage*, list**, output_controls* );
 void Read_Traj( output_controls*, char * );
diff --git a/puremd_rc_1003/sPuReMD/two_body_interactions.c b/puremd_rc_1003/sPuReMD/two_body_interactions.c
index 9d6acd209555521aba304b1950c27848afb0ee06..cd005cfe4b0ec9dfe7b75edb2a20e756d7147f51 100644
--- a/puremd_rc_1003/sPuReMD/two_body_interactions.c
+++ b/puremd_rc_1003/sPuReMD/two_body_interactions.c
@@ -1,20 +1,20 @@
   SerialReax - Reax Force Field Simulator
   Copyright (2010) Purdue University
   Hasan Metin Aktulga, haktulga@cs.purdue.edu
   Joseph Fogarty, jcfogart@mail.usf.edu
   Sagar Pandit, pandit@usf.edu
   Ananth Y Grama, ayg@cs.purdue.edu
   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
   modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
-  published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of 
+  published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
   the License, or (at your option) any later version.
   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
   See the GNU General Public License for more details:
@@ -26,526 +26,545 @@
 #include "vector.h"
-void Bond_Energy( reax_system *system, control_params *control, 
-		  simulation_data *data, static_storage *workspace, 
-		  list **lists, output_controls *out_control )
+void Bond_Energy( reax_system *system, control_params *control,
+                  simulation_data *data, static_storage *workspace,
+                  list **lists, output_controls *out_control )
-  int i, j, pj;
-  int start_i, end_i;
-  int type_i, type_j;
-  real ebond, pow_BOs_be2, exp_be12, CEbo;
-  real gp3, gp4, gp7, gp10, gp37;
-  real exphu, exphua1, exphub1, exphuov, hulpov, estriph;
-  real decobdbo, decobdboua, decobdboub;
-  single_body_parameters *sbp_i, *sbp_j;
-  two_body_parameters *twbp;
-  bond_order_data *bo_ij;
-  list *bonds;
-  bonds = (*lists) + BONDS;
-  gp3 = system->reaxprm.gp.l[3];
-  gp4 = system->reaxprm.gp.l[4];
-  gp7 = system->reaxprm.gp.l[7];
-  gp10 = system->reaxprm.gp.l[10];
-  gp37 = (int) system->reaxprm.gp.l[37];
-  for( i=0; i < system->N; ++i ) {
-    start_i = Start_Index(i, bonds);
-    end_i = End_Index(i, bonds);
-    //fprintf( stderr, "i=%d start=%d end=%d\n", i, start_i, end_i );
-    for( pj = start_i; pj < end_i; ++pj )
-      if( i < bonds->select.bond_list[pj].nbr ) {
-	/* set the pointers */
-	j = bonds->select.bond_list[pj].nbr;
-	type_i = system->atoms[i].type;
-	type_j = system->atoms[j].type;
-	sbp_i = &( system->reaxprm.sbp[type_i] );
-	sbp_j = &( system->reaxprm.sbp[type_j] );
-	twbp = &( system->reaxprm.tbp[type_i][type_j] );
-	bo_ij = &( bonds->select.bond_list[pj].bo_data );
-	/* calculate the constants */
-	pow_BOs_be2 = POW( bo_ij->BO_s, twbp->p_be2 );
-	exp_be12 = EXP( twbp->p_be1 * ( 1.0 - pow_BOs_be2 ) );
-	CEbo = -twbp->De_s * exp_be12 * 
-	  ( 1.0 - twbp->p_be1 * twbp->p_be2 * pow_BOs_be2 );
-	/* calculate the Bond Energy */
-	data->E_BE += ebond = 
-	  -twbp->De_s * bo_ij->BO_s * exp_be12 
-	  -twbp->De_p * bo_ij->BO_pi 
-	  -twbp->De_pp * bo_ij->BO_pi2;
-	/* calculate derivatives of Bond Orders */
-	bo_ij->Cdbo += CEbo;
-	bo_ij->Cdbopi -= (CEbo + twbp->De_p);
-	bo_ij->Cdbopi2 -= (CEbo + twbp->De_pp);
+    int i, j, pj;
+    int start_i, end_i;
+    int type_i, type_j;
+    real ebond, pow_BOs_be2, exp_be12, CEbo;
+    real gp3, gp4, gp7, gp10, gp37;
+    real exphu, exphua1, exphub1, exphuov, hulpov, estriph;
+    real decobdbo, decobdboua, decobdboub;
+    single_body_parameters *sbp_i, *sbp_j;
+    two_body_parameters *twbp;
+    bond_order_data *bo_ij;
+    list *bonds;
+    bonds = (*lists) + BONDS;
+    gp3 = system->reaxprm.gp.l[3];
+    gp4 = system->reaxprm.gp.l[4];
+    gp7 = system->reaxprm.gp.l[7];
+    gp10 = system->reaxprm.gp.l[10];
+    gp37 = (int) system->reaxprm.gp.l[37];
+    for ( i = 0; i < system->N; ++i )
+    {
+        start_i = Start_Index(i, bonds);
+        end_i = End_Index(i, bonds);
+        //fprintf( stderr, "i=%d start=%d end=%d\n", i, start_i, end_i );
+        for ( pj = start_i; pj < end_i; ++pj )
+            if ( i < bonds->select.bond_list[pj].nbr )
+            {
+                /* set the pointers */
+                j = bonds->select.bond_list[pj].nbr;
+                type_i = system->atoms[i].type;
+                type_j = system->atoms[j].type;
+                sbp_i = &( system->reaxprm.sbp[type_i] );
+                sbp_j = &( system->reaxprm.sbp[type_j] );
+                twbp = &( system->reaxprm.tbp[type_i][type_j] );
+                bo_ij = &( bonds->select.bond_list[pj].bo_data );
+                /* calculate the constants */
+                pow_BOs_be2 = POW( bo_ij->BO_s, twbp->p_be2 );
+                exp_be12 = EXP( twbp->p_be1 * ( 1.0 - pow_BOs_be2 ) );
+                CEbo = -twbp->De_s * exp_be12 *
+                       ( 1.0 - twbp->p_be1 * twbp->p_be2 * pow_BOs_be2 );
+                /* calculate the Bond Energy */
+                data->E_BE += ebond =
+                                  -twbp->De_s * bo_ij->BO_s * exp_be12
+                                  - twbp->De_p * bo_ij->BO_pi
+                                  - twbp->De_pp * bo_ij->BO_pi2;
+                /* calculate derivatives of Bond Orders */
+                bo_ij->Cdbo += CEbo;
+                bo_ij->Cdbopi -= (CEbo + twbp->De_p);
+                bo_ij->Cdbopi2 -= (CEbo + twbp->De_pp);
-	fprintf( out_control->ebond, "%6d%6d%24.15e%24.15e\n", 
-		 workspace->orig_id[i], workspace->orig_id[j], 
-		 // i+1, j+1, 
-		 bo_ij->BO, ebond/*, data->E_BE*/ );
-	/* fprintf( out_control->ebond, "%6d%6d%12.6f%12.6f%12.6f\n", 
-	   workspace->orig_id[i], workspace->orig_id[j], 
-	   CEbo, -twbp->De_p, -twbp->De_pp );*/
+                fprintf( out_control->ebond, "%6d%6d%24.15e%24.15e\n",
+                         workspace->orig_id[i], workspace->orig_id[j],
+                         // i+1, j+1,
+                         bo_ij->BO, ebond/*, data->E_BE*/ );
+                /* fprintf( out_control->ebond, "%6d%6d%12.6f%12.6f%12.6f\n",
+                   workspace->orig_id[i], workspace->orig_id[j],
+                   CEbo, -twbp->De_p, -twbp->De_pp );*/
-	Add_dBO( system, lists, i, pj, CEbo, workspace->f_be );
-	Add_dBOpinpi2( system, lists, i, pj, 
-		       -(CEbo + twbp->De_p), -(CEbo + twbp->De_pp), 
-		       workspace->f_be, workspace->f_be );
+                Add_dBO( system, lists, i, pj, CEbo, workspace->f_be );
+                Add_dBOpinpi2( system, lists, i, pj,
+                               -(CEbo + twbp->De_p), -(CEbo + twbp->De_pp),
+                               workspace->f_be, workspace->f_be );
-	/* Stabilisation terminal triple bond */
-	if( bo_ij->BO >= 1.00 ) {
-	  if( gp37 == 2 ||
-	      (sbp_i->mass == 12.0000 && sbp_j->mass == 15.9990) || 
-	      (sbp_j->mass == 12.0000 && sbp_i->mass == 15.9990) ) {
-	    // ba = SQR(bo_ij->BO - 2.50);
-	    exphu = EXP( -gp7 * SQR(bo_ij->BO - 2.50) );
-	    //oboa=abo(j1)-boa;
-	    //obob=abo(j2)-boa;
-	    exphua1 = EXP(-gp3*(workspace->total_bond_order[i]-bo_ij->BO));
-	    exphub1 = EXP(-gp3*(workspace->total_bond_order[j]-bo_ij->BO));
-	    //ovoab=abo(j1)-aval(it1)+abo(j2)-aval(it2);
-	    exphuov = EXP(gp4*(workspace->Delta[i] + workspace->Delta[j]));
-	    hulpov = 1.0 / (1.0 + 25.0 * exphuov);
-	    estriph = gp10 * exphu * hulpov * (exphua1 + exphub1);
-	    //estrain(j1) = estrain(j1) + 0.50*estriph;
-	    //estrain(j2) = estrain(j2) + 0.50*estriph;
-	    data->E_BE += estriph;
-	    decobdbo = gp10 * exphu * hulpov * (exphua1 + exphub1) * 
-	      ( gp3 - 2.0 * gp7 * (bo_ij->BO-2.50) );
-	    decobdboua = -gp10 * exphu * hulpov * 
-	      (gp3*exphua1 + 25.0*gp4*exphuov*hulpov*(exphua1+exphub1));
-	    decobdboub = -gp10 * exphu * hulpov * 
-	      (gp3*exphub1 + 25.0*gp4*exphuov*hulpov*(exphua1+exphub1));
-	    bo_ij->Cdbo += decobdbo;
-	    workspace->CdDelta[i] += decobdboua;
-	    workspace->CdDelta[j] += decobdboub;
+                /* Stabilisation terminal triple bond */
+                if ( bo_ij->BO >= 1.00 )
+                {
+                    if ( gp37 == 2 ||
+                            (sbp_i->mass == 12.0000 && sbp_j->mass == 15.9990) ||
+                            (sbp_j->mass == 12.0000 && sbp_i->mass == 15.9990) )
+                    {
+                        // ba = SQR(bo_ij->BO - 2.50);
+                        exphu = EXP( -gp7 * SQR(bo_ij->BO - 2.50) );
+                        //oboa=abo(j1)-boa;
+                        //obob=abo(j2)-boa;
+                        exphua1 = EXP(-gp3 * (workspace->total_bond_order[i] - bo_ij->BO));
+                        exphub1 = EXP(-gp3 * (workspace->total_bond_order[j] - bo_ij->BO));
+                        //ovoab=abo(j1)-aval(it1)+abo(j2)-aval(it2);
+                        exphuov = EXP(gp4 * (workspace->Delta[i] + workspace->Delta[j]));
+                        hulpov = 1.0 / (1.0 + 25.0 * exphuov);
+                        estriph = gp10 * exphu * hulpov * (exphua1 + exphub1);
+                        //estrain(j1) = estrain(j1) + 0.50*estriph;
+                        //estrain(j2) = estrain(j2) + 0.50*estriph;
+                        data->E_BE += estriph;
+                        decobdbo = gp10 * exphu * hulpov * (exphua1 + exphub1) *
+                                   ( gp3 - 2.0 * gp7 * (bo_ij->BO - 2.50) );
+                        decobdboua = -gp10 * exphu * hulpov *
+                                     (gp3 * exphua1 + 25.0 * gp4 * exphuov * hulpov * (exphua1 + exphub1));
+                        decobdboub = -gp10 * exphu * hulpov *
+                                     (gp3 * exphub1 + 25.0 * gp4 * exphuov * hulpov * (exphua1 + exphub1));
+                        bo_ij->Cdbo += decobdbo;
+                        workspace->CdDelta[i] += decobdboua;
+                        workspace->CdDelta[j] += decobdboub;
-	    fprintf( out_control->ebond, 
-		     "%6d%6d%24.15e%24.15e%24.15e%24.15e\n",
-		     workspace->orig_id[i], workspace->orig_id[j],
-		     //i+1, j+1, 
-		     estriph, decobdbo, decobdboua, decobdboub );
+                        fprintf( out_control->ebond,
+                                 "%6d%6d%24.15e%24.15e%24.15e%24.15e\n",
+                                 workspace->orig_id[i], workspace->orig_id[j],
+                                 //i+1, j+1,
+                                 estriph, decobdbo, decobdboua, decobdboub );
-	    Add_dBO( system, lists, i, pj, decobdbo, workspace->f_be );
-	    Add_dDelta( system, lists, i, decobdboua, workspace->f_be );
-	    Add_dDelta( system, lists, j, decobdboub, workspace->f_be );
+                        Add_dBO( system, lists, i, pj, decobdbo, workspace->f_be );
+                        Add_dDelta( system, lists, i, decobdboua, workspace->f_be );
+                        Add_dDelta( system, lists, j, decobdboub, workspace->f_be );
-	  }
-	}
-      }
-  }
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+    }
-void vdW_Coulomb_Energy( reax_system *system, control_params *control, 
-			 simulation_data *data, static_storage *workspace, 
-			 list **lists, output_controls *out_control )
+void vdW_Coulomb_Energy( reax_system *system, control_params *control,
+                         simulation_data *data, static_storage *workspace,
+                         list **lists, output_controls *out_control )
-  int  i, j, pj;
-  int  start_i, end_i;
-  real self_coef;
-  real p_vdW1, p_vdW1i;
-  real powr_vdW1, powgi_vdW1;
-  real tmp, r_ij, fn13, exp1, exp2;
-  real Tap, dTap, dfn13, CEvd, CEclmb;
-  real dr3gamij_1, dr3gamij_3;
-  real e_ele, e_vdW, e_core, de_core;
-  rvec temp, ext_press;
-  // rtensor temp_rtensor, total_rtensor;
-  two_body_parameters *twbp;
-  far_neighbor_data *nbr_pj;
-  list *far_nbrs;
-  p_vdW1 = system->reaxprm.gp.l[28];
-  p_vdW1i = 1.0 / p_vdW1;
-  far_nbrs = (*lists) + FAR_NBRS; 
-  e_ele = 0;
-  e_vdW = 0;
-  e_core = 0;
-  de_core = 0;
-  for( i = 0; i < system->N; ++i ) {
-    start_i = Start_Index(i, far_nbrs);
-    end_i   = End_Index(i, far_nbrs);
-    // fprintf( stderr, "i: %d, start: %d, end: %d\n",
-    //     i, start_i, end_i );
-    for( pj = start_i; pj < end_i; ++pj )
-      if( far_nbrs->select.far_nbr_list[pj].d <= control->r_cut ) {
-	nbr_pj = &( far_nbrs->select.far_nbr_list[pj] );
-	j = nbr_pj->nbr;
-	r_ij = nbr_pj->d;
-	twbp = &(system->reaxprm.tbp[ system->atoms[i].type ]
-		 [ system->atoms[j].type ]);
-	self_coef = (i == j) ? 0.5 : 1.0; // for supporting small boxes!
-	/* Calculate Taper and its derivative */
-	// Tap = nbr_pj->Tap;   -- precomputed during compte_H
-	Tap = control->Tap7 * r_ij + control->Tap6;
-	Tap = Tap * r_ij + control->Tap5;
-	Tap = Tap * r_ij + control->Tap4;
-	Tap = Tap * r_ij + control->Tap3;
-	Tap = Tap * r_ij + control->Tap2;
-	Tap = Tap * r_ij + control->Tap1;
-	Tap = Tap * r_ij + control->Tap0;
-	dTap = 7*control->Tap7 * r_ij + 6*control->Tap6;
-	dTap = dTap * r_ij + 5*control->Tap5;
-	dTap = dTap * r_ij + 4*control->Tap4;
-	dTap = dTap * r_ij + 3*control->Tap3;
-	dTap = dTap * r_ij + 2*control->Tap2;
-	dTap += control->Tap1/r_ij;
-	/*vdWaals Calculations*/
-	if(system->reaxprm.gp.vdw_type==1 || system->reaxprm.gp.vdw_type==3) {
-	  // shielding
-	  powr_vdW1 = POW(r_ij, p_vdW1);
-	  powgi_vdW1 = POW( 1.0 / twbp->gamma_w, p_vdW1);
-	  fn13 = POW( powr_vdW1 + powgi_vdW1, p_vdW1i );
-	  exp1 = EXP( twbp->alpha * (1.0 - fn13 / twbp->r_vdW) );
-	  exp2 = EXP( 0.5 * twbp->alpha * (1.0 - fn13 / twbp->r_vdW) );
-	  data->E_vdW += e_vdW = 
-	    self_coef * Tap * twbp->D * (exp1 - 2.0 * exp2);		
-	  dfn13 = POW( powr_vdW1 + powgi_vdW1, p_vdW1i - 1.0) * 
-	    POW(r_ij, p_vdW1 - 2.0);
-	  CEvd = self_coef * ( dTap * twbp->D * (exp1 - 2 * exp2) - 
-			       Tap * twbp->D * (twbp->alpha / twbp->r_vdW) * 
-			       (exp1 - exp2) * dfn13 );
-	}
-	else{ // no shielding
-	  exp1 = EXP( twbp->alpha * (1.0 - r_ij / twbp->r_vdW) );
-	  exp2 = EXP( 0.5 * twbp->alpha * (1.0 - r_ij / twbp->r_vdW) );
-	  data->E_vdW += e_vdW = 
-	    self_coef * Tap * twbp->D * (exp1 - 2.0 * exp2);		
-	  CEvd = self_coef * ( dTap * twbp->D * (exp1 - 2.0 * exp2) - 
-			       Tap * twbp->D * (twbp->alpha / twbp->r_vdW) * 
-			       (exp1 - exp2) );
-	}
-	if(system->reaxprm.gp.vdw_type==2 || system->reaxprm.gp.vdw_type==3) {
-	  // innner wall
-	  e_core = twbp->ecore * EXP(twbp->acore * (1.0-(r_ij/twbp->rcore)));
-	  e_vdW += self_coef * Tap * e_core;
-	  data->E_vdW += self_coef * Tap * e_core;
-	  de_core = -(twbp->acore/twbp->rcore) * e_core;
-	  CEvd += self_coef * ( dTap * e_core + Tap * de_core );
-	}
-	/*Coulomb Calculations*/
-	dr3gamij_1 = ( r_ij * r_ij * r_ij + twbp->gamma );
-	dr3gamij_3 = POW( dr3gamij_1 , 0.33333333333333 );
-	tmp = Tap / dr3gamij_3;
-	//tmp = Tap * nbr_pj->inv_dr3gamij_3; -- precomputed during compte_H
-	data->E_Ele += e_ele = 
-	  self_coef * C_ele * system->atoms[i].q * system->atoms[j].q * tmp;
-	CEclmb = self_coef * C_ele * system->atoms[i].q * system->atoms[j].q *
-	  ( dTap -  Tap * r_ij / dr3gamij_1 ) / dr3gamij_3;
-	/*CEclmb = self_coef*C_ele*system->atoms[i].q*system->atoms[j].q* 
-	  ( dTap- Tap*r_ij*nbr_pj->inv_dr3gamij_1 )*nbr_pj->inv_dr3gamij_3;*/
-	if( control->ensemble == NVE || control->ensemble == NVT || control->ensemble == bNVT ) {
-	  rvec_ScaledAdd( system->atoms[i].f, 
-			  -(CEvd+CEclmb), nbr_pj->dvec );
-	  rvec_ScaledAdd( system->atoms[j].f, 
-			  +(CEvd+CEclmb), nbr_pj->dvec );
-	}
-	else { // NPT, iNPT or sNPT
-	  /* for pressure coupling, terms not related to bond order 
-	     derivatives are added directly into pressure vector/tensor */
-	  rvec_Scale( temp, CEvd + CEclmb, nbr_pj->dvec );
-	  rvec_ScaledAdd( system->atoms[i].f, -1., temp );
-	  rvec_Add( system->atoms[j].f, temp );
-	  rvec_iMultiply( ext_press, nbr_pj->rel_box, temp );
-	  rvec_Add( data->ext_press, ext_press );
-	  /*fprintf( stderr, "nonbonded(%d,%d): rel_box (%f %f %f)", 
-	    i,j,nbr_pj->rel_box[0],nbr_pj->rel_box[1],nbr_pj->rel_box[2] );
-	    fprintf( stderr, "force(%f %f %f)", temp[0], temp[1], temp[2] );
-	    fprintf( stderr, "ext_press (%12.6f %12.6f %12.6f)\n",		
-	    data->ext_press[0], data->ext_press[1], data->ext_press[2] );*/
-	  /* This part is intended for a fully-flexible box */	      
-	  /* rvec_OuterProduct( temp_rtensor, nbr_pj->dvec, 
-	     system->atoms[i].x );
-	     rtensor_Scale( total_rtensor, 
-	     F_C * -(CEvd + CEclmb), temp_rtensor );
-	     rvec_OuterProduct( temp_rtensor, 
-	     nbr_pj->dvec, system->atoms[j].x );
-	     rtensor_ScaledAdd( total_rtensor, 
-	     F_C * +(CEvd + CEclmb), temp_rtensor );
-	     if( nbr_pj->imaginary )
-	     // This is an external force due to an imaginary nbr
-	     rtensor_ScaledAdd( data->flex_bar.P, -1.0, total_rtensor );
-	     else
-	     // This interaction is completely internal
-	     rtensor_Add( data->flex_bar.P, total_rtensor ); */
-	}
+    int  i, j, pj;
+    int  start_i, end_i;
+    real self_coef;
+    real p_vdW1, p_vdW1i;
+    real powr_vdW1, powgi_vdW1;
+    real tmp, r_ij, fn13, exp1, exp2;
+    real Tap, dTap, dfn13, CEvd, CEclmb;
+    real dr3gamij_1, dr3gamij_3;
+    real e_ele, e_vdW, e_core, de_core;
+    rvec temp, ext_press;
+    // rtensor temp_rtensor, total_rtensor;
+    two_body_parameters *twbp;
+    far_neighbor_data *nbr_pj;
+    list *far_nbrs;
+    p_vdW1 = system->reaxprm.gp.l[28];
+    p_vdW1i = 1.0 / p_vdW1;
+    far_nbrs = (*lists) + FAR_NBRS;
+    e_ele = 0;
+    e_vdW = 0;
+    e_core = 0;
+    de_core = 0;
+    for ( i = 0; i < system->N; ++i )
+    {
+        start_i = Start_Index(i, far_nbrs);
+        end_i   = End_Index(i, far_nbrs);
+        // fprintf( stderr, "i: %d, start: %d, end: %d\n",
+        //     i, start_i, end_i );
+        for ( pj = start_i; pj < end_i; ++pj )
+            if ( far_nbrs->select.far_nbr_list[pj].d <= control->r_cut )
+            {
+                nbr_pj = &( far_nbrs->select.far_nbr_list[pj] );
+                j = nbr_pj->nbr;
+                r_ij = nbr_pj->d;
+                twbp = &(system->reaxprm.tbp[ system->atoms[i].type ]
+                         [ system->atoms[j].type ]);
+                self_coef = (i == j) ? 0.5 : 1.0; // for supporting small boxes!
+                /* Calculate Taper and its derivative */
+                // Tap = nbr_pj->Tap;   -- precomputed during compte_H
+                Tap = control->Tap7 * r_ij + control->Tap6;
+                Tap = Tap * r_ij + control->Tap5;
+                Tap = Tap * r_ij + control->Tap4;
+                Tap = Tap * r_ij + control->Tap3;
+                Tap = Tap * r_ij + control->Tap2;
+                Tap = Tap * r_ij + control->Tap1;
+                Tap = Tap * r_ij + control->Tap0;
+                dTap = 7 * control->Tap7 * r_ij + 6 * control->Tap6;
+                dTap = dTap * r_ij + 5 * control->Tap5;
+                dTap = dTap * r_ij + 4 * control->Tap4;
+                dTap = dTap * r_ij + 3 * control->Tap3;
+                dTap = dTap * r_ij + 2 * control->Tap2;
+                dTap += control->Tap1 / r_ij;
+                /*vdWaals Calculations*/
+                if (system->reaxprm.gp.vdw_type == 1 || system->reaxprm.gp.vdw_type == 3)
+                {
+                    // shielding
+                    powr_vdW1 = POW(r_ij, p_vdW1);
+                    powgi_vdW1 = POW( 1.0 / twbp->gamma_w, p_vdW1);
+                    fn13 = POW( powr_vdW1 + powgi_vdW1, p_vdW1i );
+                    exp1 = EXP( twbp->alpha * (1.0 - fn13 / twbp->r_vdW) );
+                    exp2 = EXP( 0.5 * twbp->alpha * (1.0 - fn13 / twbp->r_vdW) );
+                    data->E_vdW += e_vdW =
+                                       self_coef * Tap * twbp->D * (exp1 - 2.0 * exp2);
+                    dfn13 = POW( powr_vdW1 + powgi_vdW1, p_vdW1i - 1.0) *
+                            POW(r_ij, p_vdW1 - 2.0);
+                    CEvd = self_coef * ( dTap * twbp->D * (exp1 - 2 * exp2) -
+                                         Tap * twbp->D * (twbp->alpha / twbp->r_vdW) *
+                                         (exp1 - exp2) * dfn13 );
+                }
+                else  // no shielding
+                {
+                    exp1 = EXP( twbp->alpha * (1.0 - r_ij / twbp->r_vdW) );
+                    exp2 = EXP( 0.5 * twbp->alpha * (1.0 - r_ij / twbp->r_vdW) );
+                    data->E_vdW += e_vdW =
+                                       self_coef * Tap * twbp->D * (exp1 - 2.0 * exp2);
+                    CEvd = self_coef * ( dTap * twbp->D * (exp1 - 2.0 * exp2) -
+                                         Tap * twbp->D * (twbp->alpha / twbp->r_vdW) *
+                                         (exp1 - exp2) );
+                }
+                if (system->reaxprm.gp.vdw_type == 2 || system->reaxprm.gp.vdw_type == 3)
+                {
+                    // innner wall
+                    e_core = twbp->ecore * EXP(twbp->acore * (1.0 - (r_ij / twbp->rcore)));
+                    e_vdW += self_coef * Tap * e_core;
+                    data->E_vdW += self_coef * Tap * e_core;
+                    de_core = -(twbp->acore / twbp->rcore) * e_core;
+                    CEvd += self_coef * ( dTap * e_core + Tap * de_core );
+                }
+                /*Coulomb Calculations*/
+                dr3gamij_1 = ( r_ij * r_ij * r_ij + twbp->gamma );
+                dr3gamij_3 = POW( dr3gamij_1 , 0.33333333333333 );
+                tmp = Tap / dr3gamij_3;
+                //tmp = Tap * nbr_pj->inv_dr3gamij_3; -- precomputed during compte_H
+                data->E_Ele += e_ele =
+                                   self_coef * C_ele * system->atoms[i].q * system->atoms[j].q * tmp;
+                CEclmb = self_coef * C_ele * system->atoms[i].q * system->atoms[j].q *
+                         ( dTap -  Tap * r_ij / dr3gamij_1 ) / dr3gamij_3;
+                /*CEclmb = self_coef*C_ele*system->atoms[i].q*system->atoms[j].q*
+                  ( dTap- Tap*r_ij*nbr_pj->inv_dr3gamij_1 )*nbr_pj->inv_dr3gamij_3;*/
+                if ( control->ensemble == NVE || control->ensemble == NVT || control->ensemble == bNVT )
+                {
+                    rvec_ScaledAdd( system->atoms[i].f,
+                                    -(CEvd + CEclmb), nbr_pj->dvec );
+                    rvec_ScaledAdd( system->atoms[j].f,
+                                    +(CEvd + CEclmb), nbr_pj->dvec );
+                }
+                else   // NPT, iNPT or sNPT
+                {
+                    /* for pressure coupling, terms not related to bond order
+                       derivatives are added directly into pressure vector/tensor */
+                    rvec_Scale( temp, CEvd + CEclmb, nbr_pj->dvec );
+                    rvec_ScaledAdd( system->atoms[i].f, -1., temp );
+                    rvec_Add( system->atoms[j].f, temp );
+                    rvec_iMultiply( ext_press, nbr_pj->rel_box, temp );
+                    rvec_Add( data->ext_press, ext_press );
+                    /*fprintf( stderr, "nonbonded(%d,%d): rel_box (%f %f %f)",
+                      i,j,nbr_pj->rel_box[0],nbr_pj->rel_box[1],nbr_pj->rel_box[2] );
+                      fprintf( stderr, "force(%f %f %f)", temp[0], temp[1], temp[2] );
+                      fprintf( stderr, "ext_press (%12.6f %12.6f %12.6f)\n",
+                      data->ext_press[0], data->ext_press[1], data->ext_press[2] );*/
+                    /* This part is intended for a fully-flexible box */
+                    /* rvec_OuterProduct( temp_rtensor, nbr_pj->dvec,
+                       system->atoms[i].x );
+                       rtensor_Scale( total_rtensor,
+                       F_C * -(CEvd + CEclmb), temp_rtensor );
+                       rvec_OuterProduct( temp_rtensor,
+                       nbr_pj->dvec, system->atoms[j].x );
+                       rtensor_ScaledAdd( total_rtensor,
+                       F_C * +(CEvd + CEclmb), temp_rtensor );
+                       if( nbr_pj->imaginary )
+                       // This is an external force due to an imaginary nbr
+                       rtensor_ScaledAdd( data->flex_bar.P, -1.0, total_rtensor );
+                       else
+                       // This interaction is completely internal
+                       rtensor_Add( data->flex_bar.P, total_rtensor ); */
+                }
-	rvec_MakeZero( temp );
-	rvec_ScaledAdd( temp, +CEvd, nbr_pj->dvec );
-	fprintf( out_control->evdw,
-		 "%6d%6d%24.15e%24.15e%24.15e%24.15e%24.15e\n",
-		 //i+1, j+1,
-		 MIN( workspace->orig_id[i], workspace->orig_id[j] ), 
-		 MAX( workspace->orig_id[i], workspace->orig_id[j] ), 
-		 r_ij, e_vdW, temp[0], temp[1], temp[2]/*, data->E_vdW*/ );
-	fprintf( out_control->ecou, "%6d%6d%24.15e%24.15e%24.15e%24.15e\n",
-		 MIN( workspace->orig_id[i], workspace->orig_id[j] ),
-		 MAX( workspace->orig_id[i], workspace->orig_id[j] ), 
-		 r_ij, system->atoms[i].q, system->atoms[j].q, 
-		 e_ele/*, data->E_Ele*/ );
+                rvec_MakeZero( temp );
+                rvec_ScaledAdd( temp, +CEvd, nbr_pj->dvec );
+                fprintf( out_control->evdw,
+                         "%6d%6d%24.15e%24.15e%24.15e%24.15e%24.15e\n",
+                         //i+1, j+1,
+                         MIN( workspace->orig_id[i], workspace->orig_id[j] ),
+                         MAX( workspace->orig_id[i], workspace->orig_id[j] ),
+                         r_ij, e_vdW, temp[0], temp[1], temp[2]/*, data->E_vdW*/ );
+                fprintf( out_control->ecou, "%6d%6d%24.15e%24.15e%24.15e%24.15e\n",
+                         MIN( workspace->orig_id[i], workspace->orig_id[j] ),
+                         MAX( workspace->orig_id[i], workspace->orig_id[j] ),
+                         r_ij, system->atoms[i].q, system->atoms[j].q,
+                         e_ele/*, data->E_Ele*/ );
-	rvec_ScaledAdd( workspace->f_vdw[i], -CEvd, nbr_pj->dvec );
-	rvec_ScaledAdd( workspace->f_vdw[j], +CEvd, nbr_pj->dvec );
-	rvec_ScaledAdd( workspace->f_ele[i], -CEclmb, nbr_pj->dvec );
-	rvec_ScaledAdd( workspace->f_ele[j], +CEclmb, nbr_pj->dvec );
+                rvec_ScaledAdd( workspace->f_vdw[i], -CEvd, nbr_pj->dvec );
+                rvec_ScaledAdd( workspace->f_vdw[j], +CEvd, nbr_pj->dvec );
+                rvec_ScaledAdd( workspace->f_ele[i], -CEclmb, nbr_pj->dvec );
+                rvec_ScaledAdd( workspace->f_ele[j], +CEclmb, nbr_pj->dvec );
-      }
-  }
-  // fclose( fout );
-  // fprintf( stderr, "nonbonded: ext_press (%24.15e %24.15e %24.15e)\n", 
-  // data->ext_press[0], data->ext_press[1], data->ext_press[2] );
+            }
+    }
+    // fclose( fout );
+    // fprintf( stderr, "nonbonded: ext_press (%24.15e %24.15e %24.15e)\n",
+    // data->ext_press[0], data->ext_press[1], data->ext_press[2] );
-void LR_vdW_Coulomb( reax_system *system, control_params *control, 
-		     int i, int j, real r_ij, LR_data *lr )
+void LR_vdW_Coulomb( reax_system *system, control_params *control,
+                     int i, int j, real r_ij, LR_data *lr )
-  real p_vdW1 = system->reaxprm.gp.l[28];
-  real p_vdW1i = 1.0 / p_vdW1;
-  real powr_vdW1, powgi_vdW1;
-  real tmp, fn13, exp1, exp2;
-  real Tap, dTap, dfn13;
-  real dr3gamij_1, dr3gamij_3;
-  real e_core, de_core;
-  two_body_parameters *twbp;
-  twbp = &(system->reaxprm.tbp[i][j]);
-  e_core = 0;
-  de_core = 0;
-  /* calculate taper and its derivative */
-  Tap = control->Tap7 * r_ij + control->Tap6;
-  Tap = Tap * r_ij + control->Tap5;
-  Tap = Tap * r_ij + control->Tap4;
-  Tap = Tap * r_ij + control->Tap3;
-  Tap = Tap * r_ij + control->Tap2;
-  Tap = Tap * r_ij + control->Tap1;
-  Tap = Tap * r_ij + control->Tap0;
-  dTap = 7*control->Tap7 * r_ij + 6*control->Tap6;
-  dTap = dTap * r_ij + 5*control->Tap5;
-  dTap = dTap * r_ij + 4*control->Tap4;
-  dTap = dTap * r_ij + 3*control->Tap3;
-  dTap = dTap * r_ij + 2*control->Tap2;
-  dTap += control->Tap1/r_ij;
-  /* vdWaals calculations */
-  powr_vdW1 = POW(r_ij, p_vdW1);
-  powgi_vdW1 = POW( 1.0 / twbp->gamma_w, p_vdW1);
-  fn13 = POW( powr_vdW1 + powgi_vdW1, p_vdW1i );
-  exp1 = EXP( twbp->alpha * (1.0 - fn13 / twbp->r_vdW) );
-  exp2 = EXP( 0.5 * twbp->alpha * (1.0 - fn13 / twbp->r_vdW) );
-  lr->e_vdW = Tap * twbp->D * (exp1 - 2.0 * exp2);		
-  /* fprintf(stderr,"vdW: Tap:%f, r: %f, f13:%f, D:%f, Energy:%f,\
-     Gamma_w:%f, p_vdw: %f, alpha: %f, r_vdw: %f, %lf %lf\n",
-     Tap, r_ij, fn13, twbp->D, Tap * twbp->D * (exp1 - 2.0 * exp2), 
-     powgi_vdW1, p_vdW1, twbp->alpha, twbp->r_vdW, exp1, exp2); */
-  dfn13 = POW( powr_vdW1 + powgi_vdW1, p_vdW1i - 1.0) * POW(r_ij, p_vdW1 - 2.0);
-  lr->CEvd = dTap * twbp->D * (exp1 - 2 * exp2) - 
-    Tap * twbp->D * (twbp->alpha / twbp->r_vdW) * (exp1 - exp2) * dfn13;
-  /*vdWaals Calculations*/
-  if(system->reaxprm.gp.vdw_type==1 || system->reaxprm.gp.vdw_type==3)
-    { // shielding
-      powr_vdW1 = POW(r_ij, p_vdW1);
-      powgi_vdW1 = POW( 1.0 / twbp->gamma_w, p_vdW1);
-      fn13 = POW( powr_vdW1 + powgi_vdW1, p_vdW1i );
-      exp1 = EXP( twbp->alpha * (1.0 - fn13 / twbp->r_vdW) );
-      exp2 = EXP( 0.5 * twbp->alpha * (1.0 - fn13 / twbp->r_vdW) );
-      lr->e_vdW = Tap * twbp->D * (exp1 - 2.0 * exp2);		
-      dfn13 = POW( powr_vdW1 + powgi_vdW1, p_vdW1i - 1.0) * 
-	POW(r_ij, p_vdW1 - 2.0);
-      lr->CEvd = dTap * twbp->D * (exp1 - 2.0 * exp2) - 
-	Tap * twbp->D * (twbp->alpha / twbp->r_vdW) * (exp1 - exp2) * dfn13;
-    }
-  else{ // no shielding
-    exp1 = EXP( twbp->alpha * (1.0 - r_ij / twbp->r_vdW) );
-    exp2 = EXP( 0.5 * twbp->alpha * (1.0 - r_ij / twbp->r_vdW) );
+    real p_vdW1 = system->reaxprm.gp.l[28];
+    real p_vdW1i = 1.0 / p_vdW1;
+    real powr_vdW1, powgi_vdW1;
+    real tmp, fn13, exp1, exp2;
+    real Tap, dTap, dfn13;
+    real dr3gamij_1, dr3gamij_3;
+    real e_core, de_core;
+    two_body_parameters *twbp;
+    twbp = &(system->reaxprm.tbp[i][j]);
+    e_core = 0;
+    de_core = 0;
+    /* calculate taper and its derivative */
+    Tap = control->Tap7 * r_ij + control->Tap6;
+    Tap = Tap * r_ij + control->Tap5;
+    Tap = Tap * r_ij + control->Tap4;
+    Tap = Tap * r_ij + control->Tap3;
+    Tap = Tap * r_ij + control->Tap2;
+    Tap = Tap * r_ij + control->Tap1;
+    Tap = Tap * r_ij + control->Tap0;
+    dTap = 7 * control->Tap7 * r_ij + 6 * control->Tap6;
+    dTap = dTap * r_ij + 5 * control->Tap5;
+    dTap = dTap * r_ij + 4 * control->Tap4;
+    dTap = dTap * r_ij + 3 * control->Tap3;
+    dTap = dTap * r_ij + 2 * control->Tap2;
+    dTap += control->Tap1 / r_ij;
+    /* vdWaals calculations */
+    powr_vdW1 = POW(r_ij, p_vdW1);
+    powgi_vdW1 = POW( 1.0 / twbp->gamma_w, p_vdW1);
+    fn13 = POW( powr_vdW1 + powgi_vdW1, p_vdW1i );
+    exp1 = EXP( twbp->alpha * (1.0 - fn13 / twbp->r_vdW) );
+    exp2 = EXP( 0.5 * twbp->alpha * (1.0 - fn13 / twbp->r_vdW) );
     lr->e_vdW = Tap * twbp->D * (exp1 - 2.0 * exp2);
-    lr->CEvd = dTap * twbp->D * (exp1 - 2.0 * exp2) - 
-      Tap * twbp->D * (twbp->alpha / twbp->r_vdW) * (exp1 - exp2);
-  }
-  if(system->reaxprm.gp.vdw_type==2 || system->reaxprm.gp.vdw_type==3)
-    { // innner wall
-      e_core = twbp->ecore * EXP(twbp->acore * (1.0-(r_ij/twbp->rcore)));
-      lr->e_vdW += Tap * e_core;
-      de_core = -(twbp->acore/twbp->rcore) * e_core;
-      lr->CEvd += dTap * e_core + Tap * de_core;
+    /* fprintf(stderr,"vdW: Tap:%f, r: %f, f13:%f, D:%f, Energy:%f,\
+       Gamma_w:%f, p_vdw: %f, alpha: %f, r_vdw: %f, %lf %lf\n",
+       Tap, r_ij, fn13, twbp->D, Tap * twbp->D * (exp1 - 2.0 * exp2),
+       powgi_vdW1, p_vdW1, twbp->alpha, twbp->r_vdW, exp1, exp2); */
+    dfn13 = POW( powr_vdW1 + powgi_vdW1, p_vdW1i - 1.0) * POW(r_ij, p_vdW1 - 2.0);
+    lr->CEvd = dTap * twbp->D * (exp1 - 2 * exp2) -
+               Tap * twbp->D * (twbp->alpha / twbp->r_vdW) * (exp1 - exp2) * dfn13;
+    /*vdWaals Calculations*/
+    if (system->reaxprm.gp.vdw_type == 1 || system->reaxprm.gp.vdw_type == 3)
+    {
+        // shielding
+        powr_vdW1 = POW(r_ij, p_vdW1);
+        powgi_vdW1 = POW( 1.0 / twbp->gamma_w, p_vdW1);
+        fn13 = POW( powr_vdW1 + powgi_vdW1, p_vdW1i );
+        exp1 = EXP( twbp->alpha * (1.0 - fn13 / twbp->r_vdW) );
+        exp2 = EXP( 0.5 * twbp->alpha * (1.0 - fn13 / twbp->r_vdW) );
+        lr->e_vdW = Tap * twbp->D * (exp1 - 2.0 * exp2);
+        dfn13 = POW( powr_vdW1 + powgi_vdW1, p_vdW1i - 1.0) *
+                POW(r_ij, p_vdW1 - 2.0);
+        lr->CEvd = dTap * twbp->D * (exp1 - 2.0 * exp2) -
+                   Tap * twbp->D * (twbp->alpha / twbp->r_vdW) * (exp1 - exp2) * dfn13;
+    }
+    else  // no shielding
+    {
+        exp1 = EXP( twbp->alpha * (1.0 - r_ij / twbp->r_vdW) );
+        exp2 = EXP( 0.5 * twbp->alpha * (1.0 - r_ij / twbp->r_vdW) );
+        lr->e_vdW = Tap * twbp->D * (exp1 - 2.0 * exp2);
+        lr->CEvd = dTap * twbp->D * (exp1 - 2.0 * exp2) -
+                   Tap * twbp->D * (twbp->alpha / twbp->r_vdW) * (exp1 - exp2);
+    }
+    if (system->reaxprm.gp.vdw_type == 2 || system->reaxprm.gp.vdw_type == 3)
+    {
+        // innner wall
+        e_core = twbp->ecore * EXP(twbp->acore * (1.0 - (r_ij / twbp->rcore)));
+        lr->e_vdW += Tap * e_core;
+        de_core = -(twbp->acore / twbp->rcore) * e_core;
+        lr->CEvd += dTap * e_core + Tap * de_core;
-  /* Coulomb calculations */
-  dr3gamij_1 = ( r_ij * r_ij * r_ij + twbp->gamma );
-  dr3gamij_3 = POW( dr3gamij_1 , 0.33333333333333 );
-  tmp = Tap / dr3gamij_3;
-  lr->H = EV_to_KCALpMOL * tmp;
-  lr->e_ele = C_ele * tmp;
-  /* fprintf( stderr,"i:%d(%d), j:%d(%d), gamma:%f,\
-     Tap:%f, dr3gamij_3:%f, qi: %f, qj: %f\n",
-     i, system->atoms[i].type, j, system->atoms[j].type, 
-     twbp->gamma, Tap, dr3gamij_3, 
-     system->atoms[i].q, system->atoms[j].q ); */
-  lr->CEclmb = C_ele * ( dTap -  Tap * r_ij / dr3gamij_1 ) / dr3gamij_3;
-  /* fprintf( stdout, "%d %d\t%g\t%g  %g\t%g  %g\t%g  %g\n",
-     i+1, j+1, r_ij, e_vdW, CEvd * r_ij,
-     system->atoms[i].q, system->atoms[j].q, e_ele, CEclmb * r_ij ); */
-  /* fprintf( stderr,"LR_Lookup:%3d%3d%5.3f-%8.5f,%8.5f%8.5f,%8.5f%8.5f\n",
-     i, j, r_ij, lr->H, lr->e_vdW, lr->CEvd, lr->e_ele, lr->CEclmb ); */
+    /* Coulomb calculations */
+    dr3gamij_1 = ( r_ij * r_ij * r_ij + twbp->gamma );
+    dr3gamij_3 = POW( dr3gamij_1 , 0.33333333333333 );
+    tmp = Tap / dr3gamij_3;
+    lr->H = EV_to_KCALpMOL * tmp;
+    lr->e_ele = C_ele * tmp;
+    /* fprintf( stderr,"i:%d(%d), j:%d(%d), gamma:%f,\
+       Tap:%f, dr3gamij_3:%f, qi: %f, qj: %f\n",
+       i, system->atoms[i].type, j, system->atoms[j].type,
+       twbp->gamma, Tap, dr3gamij_3,
+       system->atoms[i].q, system->atoms[j].q ); */
+    lr->CEclmb = C_ele * ( dTap -  Tap * r_ij / dr3gamij_1 ) / dr3gamij_3;
+    /* fprintf( stdout, "%d %d\t%g\t%g  %g\t%g  %g\t%g  %g\n",
+       i+1, j+1, r_ij, e_vdW, CEvd * r_ij,
+       system->atoms[i].q, system->atoms[j].q, e_ele, CEclmb * r_ij ); */
+    /* fprintf( stderr,"LR_Lookup:%3d%3d%5.3f-%8.5f,%8.5f%8.5f,%8.5f%8.5f\n",
+       i, j, r_ij, lr->H, lr->e_vdW, lr->CEvd, lr->e_ele, lr->CEclmb ); */
 void Tabulated_vdW_Coulomb_Energy( reax_system *system, control_params *control,
-				   simulation_data *data, 
-				   static_storage *workspace, list **lists, 
-				   output_controls *out_control )
+                                   simulation_data *data,
+                                   static_storage *workspace, list **lists,
+                                   output_controls *out_control )
-  int i, j, pj, r, steps, update_freq, update_energies;
-  int type_i, type_j, tmin, tmax;
-  int start_i, end_i;
-  real r_ij, self_coef, base, dif;
-  real e_vdW, e_ele;
-  real CEvd, CEclmb;
-  rvec temp, ext_press;
-  far_neighbor_data *nbr_pj;
-  list *far_nbrs = (*lists) + FAR_NBRS;
-  LR_lookup_table *t;
-  steps = data->step - data->prev_steps;
-  update_freq = out_control->energy_update_freq;
-  update_energies = update_freq > 0 && steps % update_freq == 0;
-  for( i = 0; i < system->N; ++i ) {
-    type_i  = system->atoms[i].type;
-    start_i = Start_Index(i,far_nbrs);
-    end_i   = End_Index(i,far_nbrs);
-    for( pj = start_i; pj < end_i; ++pj ) 
-      if( far_nbrs->select.far_nbr_list[pj].d <= control->r_cut ) {
-	nbr_pj = &( far_nbrs->select.far_nbr_list[pj] );
-	j      = nbr_pj->nbr;
-	type_j = system->atoms[j].type;
-	r_ij   = nbr_pj->d;
-	self_coef = (i == j) ? 0.5 : 1.0;
-	tmin  = MIN( type_i, type_j );
-	tmax  = MAX( type_i, type_j );
-	t = &( LR[tmin][tmax] ); 
-	/* Cubic Spline Interpolation */
-	r = (int)(r_ij * t->inv_dx);
-	if( r == 0 )  ++r;
-	base = (real)(r+1) * t->dx;
-	dif = r_ij - base;
-	//fprintf(stderr, "r: %f, i: %d, base: %f, dif: %f\n", r, i, base, dif);
-	if( update_energies ) {
-	  e_vdW = ((t->vdW[r].d*dif + t->vdW[r].c)*dif + t->vdW[r].b)*dif + 
-	    t->vdW[r].a;
-	  e_vdW *= self_coef;
-	  e_ele = ((t->ele[r].d*dif + t->ele[r].c)*dif + t->ele[r].b)*dif + 
-	    t->ele[r].a;
-	  e_ele *= self_coef * system->atoms[i].q * system->atoms[j].q;
-	  data->E_vdW += e_vdW;
-	  data->E_Ele += e_ele;
-	}	
-	CEvd = ((t->CEvd[r].d*dif + t->CEvd[r].c)*dif + t->CEvd[r].b)*dif + 
-	  t->CEvd[r].a;
-	CEvd *= self_coef;
-	//CEvd = (3*t->vdW[r].d*dif + 2*t->vdW[r].c)*dif + t->vdW[r].b;
-	CEclmb = ((t->CEclmb[r].d*dif+t->CEclmb[r].c)*dif+t->CEclmb[r].b)*dif + 
-	  t->CEclmb[r].a;
-	CEclmb *= self_coef * system->atoms[i].q * system->atoms[j].q;
-	if( control->ensemble == NVE || control->ensemble == NVT  || control->ensemble == bNVT) {
-	  rvec_ScaledAdd( system->atoms[i].f, -(CEvd + CEclmb), nbr_pj->dvec );
-	  rvec_ScaledAdd( system->atoms[j].f, +(CEvd + CEclmb), nbr_pj->dvec );
-	}
-	else { // NPT, iNPT or sNPT
-	  /* for pressure coupling, terms not related to bond order 
-	     derivatives are added directly into pressure vector/tensor */
-	  rvec_Scale( temp, CEvd + CEclmb, nbr_pj->dvec );
-	  rvec_ScaledAdd( system->atoms[i].f, -1., temp );
-	  rvec_Add( system->atoms[j].f, temp );
-	  rvec_iMultiply( ext_press, nbr_pj->rel_box, temp );
-	  rvec_Add( data->ext_press, ext_press );
-	}
+    int i, j, pj, r, steps, update_freq, update_energies;
+    int type_i, type_j, tmin, tmax;
+    int start_i, end_i;
+    real r_ij, self_coef, base, dif;
+    real e_vdW, e_ele;
+    real CEvd, CEclmb;
+    rvec temp, ext_press;
+    far_neighbor_data *nbr_pj;
+    list *far_nbrs = (*lists) + FAR_NBRS;
+    LR_lookup_table *t;
+    steps = data->step - data->prev_steps;
+    update_freq = out_control->energy_update_freq;
+    update_energies = update_freq > 0 && steps % update_freq == 0;
+    for ( i = 0; i < system->N; ++i )
+    {
+        type_i  = system->atoms[i].type;
+        start_i = Start_Index(i, far_nbrs);
+        end_i   = End_Index(i, far_nbrs);
+        for ( pj = start_i; pj < end_i; ++pj )
+            if ( far_nbrs->select.far_nbr_list[pj].d <= control->r_cut )
+            {
+                nbr_pj = &( far_nbrs->select.far_nbr_list[pj] );
+                j      = nbr_pj->nbr;
+                type_j = system->atoms[j].type;
+                r_ij   = nbr_pj->d;
+                self_coef = (i == j) ? 0.5 : 1.0;
+                tmin  = MIN( type_i, type_j );
+                tmax  = MAX( type_i, type_j );
+                t = &( LR[tmin][tmax] );
+                /* Cubic Spline Interpolation */
+                r = (int)(r_ij * t->inv_dx);
+                if ( r == 0 )  ++r;
+                base = (real)(r + 1) * t->dx;
+                dif = r_ij - base;
+                //fprintf(stderr, "r: %f, i: %d, base: %f, dif: %f\n", r, i, base, dif);
+                if ( update_energies )
+                {
+                    e_vdW = ((t->vdW[r].d * dif + t->vdW[r].c) * dif + t->vdW[r].b) * dif +
+                            t->vdW[r].a;
+                    e_vdW *= self_coef;
+                    e_ele = ((t->ele[r].d * dif + t->ele[r].c) * dif + t->ele[r].b) * dif +
+                            t->ele[r].a;
+                    e_ele *= self_coef * system->atoms[i].q * system->atoms[j].q;
+                    data->E_vdW += e_vdW;
+                    data->E_Ele += e_ele;
+                }
+                CEvd = ((t->CEvd[r].d * dif + t->CEvd[r].c) * dif + t->CEvd[r].b) * dif +
+                       t->CEvd[r].a;
+                CEvd *= self_coef;
+                //CEvd = (3*t->vdW[r].d*dif + 2*t->vdW[r].c)*dif + t->vdW[r].b;
+                CEclmb = ((t->CEclmb[r].d * dif + t->CEclmb[r].c) * dif + t->CEclmb[r].b) * dif +
+                         t->CEclmb[r].a;
+                CEclmb *= self_coef * system->atoms[i].q * system->atoms[j].q;
+                if ( control->ensemble == NVE || control->ensemble == NVT  || control->ensemble == bNVT)
+                {
+                    rvec_ScaledAdd( system->atoms[i].f, -(CEvd + CEclmb), nbr_pj->dvec );
+                    rvec_ScaledAdd( system->atoms[j].f, +(CEvd + CEclmb), nbr_pj->dvec );
+                }
+                else   // NPT, iNPT or sNPT
+                {
+                    /* for pressure coupling, terms not related to bond order
+                       derivatives are added directly into pressure vector/tensor */
+                    rvec_Scale( temp, CEvd + CEclmb, nbr_pj->dvec );
+                    rvec_ScaledAdd( system->atoms[i].f, -1., temp );
+                    rvec_Add( system->atoms[j].f, temp );
+                    rvec_iMultiply( ext_press, nbr_pj->rel_box, temp );
+                    rvec_Add( data->ext_press, ext_press );
+                }
-	fprintf(out_control->evdw, "%6d%6d%24.15e%24.15e%24.15e\n",
-		workspace->orig_id[i], workspace->orig_id[j], 
-		r_ij, e_vdW, data->E_vdW );
-	fprintf(out_control->ecou,"%6d%6d%24.15e%24.15e%24.15e%24.15e%24.15e\n",
-		workspace->orig_id[i], workspace->orig_id[j],
-		r_ij, system->atoms[i].q, system->atoms[j].q, 
-		e_ele, data->E_Ele );
+                fprintf(out_control->evdw, "%6d%6d%24.15e%24.15e%24.15e\n",
+                        workspace->orig_id[i], workspace->orig_id[j],
+                        r_ij, e_vdW, data->E_vdW );
+                fprintf(out_control->ecou, "%6d%6d%24.15e%24.15e%24.15e%24.15e%24.15e\n",
+                        workspace->orig_id[i], workspace->orig_id[j],
+                        r_ij, system->atoms[i].q, system->atoms[j].q,
+                        e_ele, data->E_Ele );
-	rvec_ScaledAdd( workspace->f_vdw[i], -CEvd, nbr_pj->dvec );
-	rvec_ScaledAdd( workspace->f_vdw[j], +CEvd, nbr_pj->dvec );
-	rvec_ScaledAdd( workspace->f_ele[i], -CEclmb, nbr_pj->dvec );
-	rvec_ScaledAdd( workspace->f_ele[j], +CEclmb, nbr_pj->dvec );
+                rvec_ScaledAdd( workspace->f_vdw[i], -CEvd, nbr_pj->dvec );
+                rvec_ScaledAdd( workspace->f_vdw[j], +CEvd, nbr_pj->dvec );
+                rvec_ScaledAdd( workspace->f_ele[i], -CEclmb, nbr_pj->dvec );
+                rvec_ScaledAdd( workspace->f_ele[j], +CEclmb, nbr_pj->dvec );
-      }
-  }
+            }
+    }
@@ -555,11 +574,11 @@ void Tabulated_vdW_Coulomb_Energy( reax_system *system, control_params *control,
   r     = (int) p;
   prev  = &( t->y[r] );
   next  = &( t->y[r+1] );
   tmp    = p - r;
   e_vdW  = self_coef * (prev->e_vdW + tmp*(next->e_vdW - prev->e_vdW ));
   CEvd   = self_coef * (prev->CEvd  + tmp*(next->CEvd  - prev->CEvd  ));
   e_ele  = self_coef * (prev->e_ele + tmp*(next->e_ele - prev->e_ele ));
   e_ele  = e_ele  * system->atoms[i].q * system->atoms[j].q;
   CEclmb = self_coef * (prev->CEclmb+tmp*(next->CEclmb - prev->CEclmb));
diff --git a/puremd_rc_1003/sPuReMD/two_body_interactions.h b/puremd_rc_1003/sPuReMD/two_body_interactions.h
index 484383428aafc9772da8559c82ea935f4fcf62fb..bee9779bbccb4fe932ad545b8b091e2b7a0fa266 100644
--- a/puremd_rc_1003/sPuReMD/two_body_interactions.h
+++ b/puremd_rc_1003/sPuReMD/two_body_interactions.h
@@ -1,20 +1,20 @@
   SerialReax - Reax Force Field Simulator
   Copyright (2010) Purdue University
   Hasan Metin Aktulga, haktulga@cs.purdue.edu
   Joseph Fogarty, jcfogart@mail.usf.edu
   Sagar Pandit, pandit@usf.edu
   Ananth Y Grama, ayg@cs.purdue.edu
   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
   modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
-  published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of 
+  published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
   the License, or (at your option) any later version.
   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
   See the GNU General Public License for more details:
@@ -24,11 +24,11 @@
 #include <mytypes.h>
-void Bond_Energy( reax_system*, control_params*, simulation_data*, 
-		  static_storage*, list**, output_controls* );
+void Bond_Energy( reax_system*, control_params*, simulation_data*,
+                  static_storage*, list**, output_controls* );
 void vdW_Coulomb_Energy( reax_system*, control_params*, simulation_data*,
-			 static_storage*, list**, output_controls* );
+                         static_storage*, list**, output_controls* );
 void LR_vdW_Coulomb( reax_system*, control_params*, int, int, real, LR_data* );
 void Tabulated_vdW_Coulomb_Energy( reax_system*, control_params*, simulation_data*,
-				   static_storage*, list**, output_controls* );
+                                   static_storage*, list**, output_controls* );
diff --git a/puremd_rc_1003/sPuReMD/vector.c b/puremd_rc_1003/sPuReMD/vector.c
index d6bed7ae87081656283b860184b00e2c9e8e37c4..b5eef5c6cecde54a95da0170caa99f394d734037 100644
--- a/puremd_rc_1003/sPuReMD/vector.c
+++ b/puremd_rc_1003/sPuReMD/vector.c
@@ -1,20 +1,20 @@
   SerialReax - Reax Force Field Simulator
   Copyright (2010) Purdue University
   Hasan Metin Aktulga, haktulga@cs.purdue.edu
   Joseph Fogarty, jcfogart@mail.usf.edu
   Sagar Pandit, pandit@usf.edu
   Ananth Y Grama, ayg@cs.purdue.edu
   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
   modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
-  published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of 
+  published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
   the License, or (at your option) any later version.
   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
   See the GNU General Public License for more details:
@@ -24,535 +24,535 @@
 inline int Vector_isZero( const real * const v, const unsigned int k )
-  unsigned int i;
+    unsigned int i;
-  for( i=0; i<k; ++i )
-  {
-    if( fabs( v[i] ) > ALMOST_ZERO )
+    for ( i = 0; i < k; ++i )
-      return 0;
+        if ( fabs( v[i] ) > ALMOST_ZERO )
+        {
+            return 0;
+        }
-  }
-  return 1;
+    return 1;
 inline void Vector_MakeZero( real * const v, const unsigned int k )
-  unsigned int i;
+    unsigned int i;
-  for( i=0; i<k; ++i )
-  {
-    v[i] = ZERO;
-  }
+    for ( i = 0; i < k; ++i )
+    {
+        v[i] = ZERO;
+    }
 inline void Vector_Copy( real * const dest, const real * const v, const unsigned int k )
-  unsigned int i;
+    unsigned int i;
-  for( i=0; i<k; ++i )
-  {
-    dest[i] = v[i];
-  }
+    for ( i = 0; i < k; ++i )
+    {
+        dest[i] = v[i];
+    }
 inline void Vector_Scale( real * const dest, const real c, const real * const v, const unsigned int k )
-  unsigned int i;
+    unsigned int i;
-  for( i=0; i<k; ++i )
-  {
-    dest[i] = c * v[i];
-  }
+    for ( i = 0; i < k; ++i )
+    {
+        dest[i] = c * v[i];
+    }
 inline void Vector_Sum( real * const dest, const real c, const real * const v, const real d,
-    const real * const y, const unsigned int k )
+                        const real * const y, const unsigned int k )
-  unsigned int i;
+    unsigned int i;
-  for( i=0; i<k; ++i )
-  {
-    dest[i] = c * v[i] + d * y[i];
-  }
+    for ( i = 0; i < k; ++i )
+    {
+        dest[i] = c * v[i] + d * y[i];
+    }
 inline void Vector_Add( real * const dest, const real c, const real * const v, const unsigned int k )
-  unsigned int i;
+    unsigned int i;
-  for( i=0; i<k; ++i )
-  {
-    dest[i] += c * v[i];
-  }
+    for ( i = 0; i < k; ++i )
+    {
+        dest[i] += c * v[i];
+    }
 inline void Vector_Add2( real * const dest, const real * const v, const unsigned int k )
-  unsigned int i;
+    unsigned int i;
-  for( i=0; i<k; ++i )
-  {
-    dest[i] += v[i];
-  }
+    for ( i = 0; i < k; ++i )
+    {
+        dest[i] += v[i];
+    }
 void Vector_Print( FILE * const fout, const char * const vname, const real * const v,
-    const unsigned int k )
+                   const unsigned int k )
-  unsigned int i;
+    unsigned int i;
-  fprintf( fout, "%s:\n", vname );
-  for( i = 0; i < k; ++i )
-  {
-    fprintf( fout, "%24.15e\n", v[i] );
-  }
-  fprintf( fout, "\n" );
+    fprintf( fout, "%s:\n", vname );
+    for ( i = 0; i < k; ++i )
+    {
+        fprintf( fout, "%24.15e\n", v[i] );
+    }
+    fprintf( fout, "\n" );
 inline real Dot( const real * const v1, const real * const v2, const unsigned int k )
-  real ret = ZERO;
-  unsigned int i;
+    real ret = ZERO;
+    unsigned int i;
-  for( i=0; i<k; ++i )
-  {
-    ret +=  v1[i] * v2[i];
-  }
+    for ( i = 0; i < k; ++i )
+    {
+        ret +=  v1[i] * v2[i];
+    }
-  return ret;
+    return ret;
 inline real Norm( const real * const v1, const unsigned int k )
-  real ret = ZERO;
-  unsigned int i;
+    real ret = ZERO;
+    unsigned int i;
-  for( i=0; i<k; ++i )
-  {
-    ret +=  SQR( v1[i] );
-  }
+    for ( i = 0; i < k; ++i )
+    {
+        ret +=  SQR( v1[i] );
+    }
-  return SQRT( ret );
+    return SQRT( ret );
 inline void rvec_Copy( rvec dest, const rvec src )
-  dest[0] = src[0], dest[1] = src[1], dest[2] = src[2];
+    dest[0] = src[0], dest[1] = src[1], dest[2] = src[2];
 inline void rvec_Scale( rvec ret, const real c, const rvec v )
-  ret[0] = c * v[0], ret[1] = c * v[1], ret[2] = c * v[2];
+    ret[0] = c * v[0], ret[1] = c * v[1], ret[2] = c * v[2];
 inline void rvec_Add( rvec ret, const rvec v )
-  ret[0] += v[0], ret[1] += v[1], ret[2] += v[2];
+    ret[0] += v[0], ret[1] += v[1], ret[2] += v[2];
 inline void rvec_ScaledAdd( rvec ret, const real c, const rvec v )
-  ret[0] += c * v[0], ret[1] += c * v[1], ret[2] += c * v[2];
+    ret[0] += c * v[0], ret[1] += c * v[1], ret[2] += c * v[2];
 inline void rvec_Sum( rvec ret, const rvec v1 , const rvec v2 )
-  ret[0] = v1[0] + v2[0];
-  ret[1] = v1[1] + v2[1];
-  ret[2] = v1[2] + v2[2];
+    ret[0] = v1[0] + v2[0];
+    ret[1] = v1[1] + v2[1];
+    ret[2] = v1[2] + v2[2];
 inline void rvec_ScaledSum( rvec ret, const real c1, const rvec v1,
-    const real c2, const rvec v2 )
+                            const real c2, const rvec v2 )
-  ret[0] = c1 * v1[0] + c2 * v2[0]; 
-  ret[1] = c1 * v1[1] + c2 * v2[1];
-  ret[2] = c1 * v1[2] + c2 * v2[2];
+    ret[0] = c1 * v1[0] + c2 * v2[0];
+    ret[1] = c1 * v1[1] + c2 * v2[1];
+    ret[2] = c1 * v1[2] + c2 * v2[2];
 inline real rvec_Dot( const rvec v1, const rvec v2 )
-  return v1[0]*v2[0] + v1[1]*v2[1] + v1[2]*v2[2];
+    return v1[0] * v2[0] + v1[1] * v2[1] + v1[2] * v2[2];
 inline real rvec_ScaledDot( const real c1, const rvec v1,
-    const real c2, const rvec v2 )
+                            const real c2, const rvec v2 )
-  return (c1*c2) * (v1[0]*v2[0] + v1[1]*v2[1] + v1[2]*v2[2]);
+    return (c1 * c2) * (v1[0] * v2[0] + v1[1] * v2[1] + v1[2] * v2[2]);
 inline void rvec_Multiply( rvec r, const rvec v1, const rvec v2 )
-  r[0] = v1[0] * v2[0];
-  r[1] = v1[1] * v2[1];
-  r[2] = v1[2] * v2[2];
+    r[0] = v1[0] * v2[0];
+    r[1] = v1[1] * v2[1];
+    r[2] = v1[2] * v2[2];
 inline void rvec_iMultiply( rvec r, const ivec v1, const rvec v2 )
-  r[0] = v1[0] * v2[0];
-  r[1] = v1[1] * v2[1];
-  r[2] = v1[2] * v2[2];
+    r[0] = v1[0] * v2[0];
+    r[1] = v1[1] * v2[1];
+    r[2] = v1[2] * v2[2];
 inline void rvec_Divide( rvec r, const rvec v1, const rvec v2 )
-  r[0] = v1[0] / v2[0];
-  r[1] = v1[1] / v2[1];
-  r[2] = v1[2] / v2[2];
+    r[0] = v1[0] / v2[0];
+    r[1] = v1[1] / v2[1];
+    r[2] = v1[2] / v2[2];
 inline void rvec_iDivide( rvec r, const rvec v1, const ivec v2 )
-  r[0] = v1[0] / v2[0];
-  r[1] = v1[1] / v2[1];
-  r[2] = v1[2] / v2[2];
+    r[0] = v1[0] / v2[0];
+    r[1] = v1[1] / v2[1];
+    r[2] = v1[2] / v2[2];
 inline void rvec_Invert( rvec r, const rvec v )
-  r[0] = 1. / v[0];
-  r[1] = 1. / v[1];
-  r[2] = 1. / v[2];
+    r[0] = 1. / v[0];
+    r[1] = 1. / v[1];
+    r[2] = 1. / v[2];
 inline void rvec_Cross( rvec ret, const rvec v1, const rvec v2 )
-  ret[0] = v1[1] * v2[2] - v1[2] * v2[1];
-  ret[1] = v1[2] * v2[0] - v1[0] * v2[2];
-  ret[2] = v1[0] * v2[1] - v1[1] * v2[0];
+    ret[0] = v1[1] * v2[2] - v1[2] * v2[1];
+    ret[1] = v1[2] * v2[0] - v1[0] * v2[2];
+    ret[2] = v1[0] * v2[1] - v1[1] * v2[0];
 inline void rvec_OuterProduct( rtensor r, const rvec v1, const rvec v2 )
-  unsigned int i, j;
+    unsigned int i, j;
-  for( i = 0; i < 3; ++i )
-  {
-    for( j = 0; j < 3; ++j )
+    for ( i = 0; i < 3; ++i )
-      r[i][j] = v1[i] * v2[j];
+        for ( j = 0; j < 3; ++j )
+        {
+            r[i][j] = v1[i] * v2[j];
+        }
-  }
 inline real rvec_Norm_Sqr( const rvec v )
-  return SQR(v[0]) + SQR(v[1]) + SQR(v[2]);
+    return SQR(v[0]) + SQR(v[1]) + SQR(v[2]);
 inline real rvec_Norm( const rvec v )
-  return SQRT( SQR(v[0]) + SQR(v[1]) + SQR(v[2]) );
+    return SQRT( SQR(v[0]) + SQR(v[1]) + SQR(v[2]) );
 inline int rvec_isZero( const rvec v )
-  if( fabs(v[0]) > ALMOST_ZERO || 
-      fabs(v[1]) > ALMOST_ZERO || 
-      fabs(v[2]) > ALMOST_ZERO )
-  {
-    return 0;
-  }
-  return 1;
+    if ( fabs(v[0]) > ALMOST_ZERO ||
+            fabs(v[1]) > ALMOST_ZERO ||
+            fabs(v[2]) > ALMOST_ZERO )
+    {
+        return 0;
+    }
+    return 1;
 inline void rvec_MakeZero( rvec v )
-  v[0] = v[1] = v[2] = ZERO;
+    v[0] = v[1] = v[2] = ZERO;
 inline void rvec_Random( rvec v )
-  v[0] = Random(2.0)-1.0;
-  v[1] = Random(2.0)-1.0;
-  v[2] = Random(2.0)-1.0;
+    v[0] = Random(2.0) - 1.0;
+    v[1] = Random(2.0) - 1.0;
+    v[2] = Random(2.0) - 1.0;
 inline void rtensor_Multiply( rtensor ret, rtensor m1, rtensor m2 )
-  unsigned int i, j, k;
-  rtensor temp;
+    unsigned int i, j, k;
+    rtensor temp;
-  // check if the result matrix is the same as one of m1, m2.
-  // if so, we cannot modify the contents of m1 or m2, so 
-  // we have to use a temp matrix.
-  if( ret == m1 || ret == m2 )
+    // check if the result matrix is the same as one of m1, m2.
+    // if so, we cannot modify the contents of m1 or m2, so
+    // we have to use a temp matrix.
+    if ( ret == m1 || ret == m2 )
-      for( i = 0; i < 3; ++i )
-	for( j = 0; j < 3; ++j )
-	  {
-	    temp[i][j] = 0;	    
-	    for( k = 0; k < 3; ++k )
-	      temp[i][j] += m1[i][k] * m2[k][j];
-	  }
-      for( i = 0; i < 3; ++i )
-	for( j = 0; j < 3; ++j )
-	  ret[i][j] = temp[i][j];	
+        for ( i = 0; i < 3; ++i )
+            for ( j = 0; j < 3; ++j )
+            {
+                temp[i][j] = 0;
+                for ( k = 0; k < 3; ++k )
+                    temp[i][j] += m1[i][k] * m2[k][j];
+            }
+        for ( i = 0; i < 3; ++i )
+            for ( j = 0; j < 3; ++j )
+                ret[i][j] = temp[i][j];
-  else
+    else
-      for( i = 0; i < 3; ++i )
-	for( j = 0; j < 3; ++j )
-	  {
-	    ret[i][j] = 0;	    
-	    for( k = 0; k < 3; ++k )
-	      ret[i][j] += m1[i][k] * m2[k][j];
-	  }
+        for ( i = 0; i < 3; ++i )
+            for ( j = 0; j < 3; ++j )
+            {
+                ret[i][j] = 0;
+                for ( k = 0; k < 3; ++k )
+                    ret[i][j] += m1[i][k] * m2[k][j];
+            }
 inline void rtensor_MatVec( rvec ret, rtensor m, const rvec v )
-  unsigned int i;
-  rvec temp;
+    unsigned int i;
+    rvec temp;
-  // if ret is the same vector as v, we cannot modify the 
-  // contents of v until all computation is finished.
-  if( ret == v )
-  {
-    for( i = 0; i < 3; ++i )
+    // if ret is the same vector as v, we cannot modify the
+    // contents of v until all computation is finished.
+    if ( ret == v )
-      temp[i] = m[i][0] * v[0] + m[i][1] * v[1] + m[i][2] * v[2];
+        for ( i = 0; i < 3; ++i )
+        {
+            temp[i] = m[i][0] * v[0] + m[i][1] * v[1] + m[i][2] * v[2];
+        }
+        for ( i = 0; i < 3; ++i )
+        {
+            ret[i] = temp[i];
+        }
-    for( i = 0; i < 3; ++i )
+    else
-      ret[i] = temp[i];
+        for ( i = 0; i < 3; ++i )
+        {
+            ret[i] = m[i][0] * v[0] + m[i][1] * v[1] + m[i][2] * v[2];
+        }
-  }
-  else
-  {
-    for( i = 0; i < 3; ++i )
-    {
-      ret[i] = m[i][0] * v[0] + m[i][1] * v[1] + m[i][2] * v[2];
-    }
-  }
 inline void rtensor_Scale( rtensor ret, const real c, rtensor m )
-  unsigned int i, j;
+    unsigned int i, j;
-  for( i = 0; i < 3; ++i )
-  {
-    for( j = 0; j < 3; ++j )
+    for ( i = 0; i < 3; ++i )
-      ret[i][j] = c * m[i][j];
+        for ( j = 0; j < 3; ++j )
+        {
+            ret[i][j] = c * m[i][j];
+        }
-  }
 inline void rtensor_Add( rtensor ret, rtensor t )
-  int i, j;
+    int i, j;
-  for( i = 0; i < 3; ++i )
-  {
-    for( j = 0; j < 3; ++j )
+    for ( i = 0; i < 3; ++i )
-      ret[i][j] += t[i][j];
+        for ( j = 0; j < 3; ++j )
+        {
+            ret[i][j] += t[i][j];
+        }
-  }
 inline void rtensor_ScaledAdd( rtensor ret, const real c, rtensor t )
-  unsigned int i, j;
+    unsigned int i, j;
-  for( i = 0; i < 3; ++i )
-  {
-    for( j = 0; j < 3; ++j )
+    for ( i = 0; i < 3; ++i )
-      ret[i][j] += c * t[i][j];
+        for ( j = 0; j < 3; ++j )
+        {
+            ret[i][j] += c * t[i][j];
+        }
-  }
 inline void rtensor_Sum( rtensor ret, rtensor t1, rtensor t2 )
-  unsigned int i, j;
+    unsigned int i, j;
-  for( i = 0; i < 3; ++i )
-  {
-    for( j = 0; j < 3; ++j )
+    for ( i = 0; i < 3; ++i )
-      ret[i][j] = t1[i][j] + t2[i][j];
+        for ( j = 0; j < 3; ++j )
+        {
+            ret[i][j] = t1[i][j] + t2[i][j];
+        }
-  }
-inline void rtensor_ScaledSum( rtensor ret, const real c1, rtensor t1, 
-			       const real c2, rtensor t2 )
+inline void rtensor_ScaledSum( rtensor ret, const real c1, rtensor t1,
+                               const real c2, rtensor t2 )
-  unsigned int i, j;
+    unsigned int i, j;
-  for( i = 0; i < 3; ++i )
-  {
-    for( j = 0; j < 3; ++j )
+    for ( i = 0; i < 3; ++i )
-      ret[i][j] = c1 * t1[i][j] + c2 * t2[i][j];
+        for ( j = 0; j < 3; ++j )
+        {
+            ret[i][j] = c1 * t1[i][j] + c2 * t2[i][j];
+        }
-  }
 inline void rtensor_Copy( rtensor ret, rtensor t )
-  unsigned int i, j;
+    unsigned int i, j;
-  for( i = 0; i < 3; ++i )
-  {
-    for( j = 0; j < 3; ++j )
+    for ( i = 0; i < 3; ++i )
-      ret[i][j] = t[i][j];
+        for ( j = 0; j < 3; ++j )
+        {
+            ret[i][j] = t[i][j];
+        }
-  }
 inline void rtensor_Identity( rtensor t )
-  t[0][0] = t[1][1] = t[2][2] = 1;
-  t[0][1] = t[0][2] = t[1][0] = t[1][2] = t[2][0] = t[2][1] = ZERO;
+    t[0][0] = t[1][1] = t[2][2] = 1;
+    t[0][1] = t[0][2] = t[1][0] = t[1][2] = t[2][0] = t[2][1] = ZERO;
 inline void rtensor_MakeZero( rtensor t )
-  t[0][0] = t[0][1] = t[0][2] = ZERO;
-  t[1][0] = t[1][1] = t[1][2] = ZERO;
-  t[2][0] = t[2][1] = t[2][2] = ZERO;
+    t[0][0] = t[0][1] = t[0][2] = ZERO;
+    t[1][0] = t[1][1] = t[1][2] = ZERO;
+    t[2][0] = t[2][1] = t[2][2] = ZERO;
 inline void rtensor_Transpose( rtensor ret, rtensor t )
-  ret[0][0] = t[0][0], ret[1][1] = t[1][1], ret[2][2] = t[2][2];
-  ret[0][1] = t[1][0], ret[0][2] = t[2][0];
-  ret[1][0] = t[0][1], ret[1][2] = t[2][1];
-  ret[2][0] = t[0][2], ret[2][1] = t[1][2];
+    ret[0][0] = t[0][0], ret[1][1] = t[1][1], ret[2][2] = t[2][2];
+    ret[0][1] = t[1][0], ret[0][2] = t[2][0];
+    ret[1][0] = t[0][1], ret[1][2] = t[2][1];
+    ret[2][0] = t[0][2], ret[2][1] = t[1][2];
 inline real rtensor_Det( rtensor t )
-  return ( t[0][0] * (t[1][1] * t[2][2] - t[1][2] * t[2][1] ) +
-           t[0][1] * (t[1][2] * t[2][0] - t[1][0] * t[2][2] ) +
-           t[0][2] * (t[1][0] * t[2][1] - t[1][1] * t[2][0] ) );
+    return ( t[0][0] * (t[1][1] * t[2][2] - t[1][2] * t[2][1] ) +
+             t[0][1] * (t[1][2] * t[2][0] - t[1][0] * t[2][2] ) +
+             t[0][2] * (t[1][0] * t[2][1] - t[1][1] * t[2][0] ) );
 inline real rtensor_Trace( rtensor t )
-  return (t[0][0] + t[1][1] + t[2][2]);
+    return (t[0][0] + t[1][1] + t[2][2]);
 void Print_rTensor(FILE * const fp, rtensor t)
-  unsigned int i, j;
+    unsigned int i, j;
-  for (i=0; i < 3; i++)
+    for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
-      fprintf(fp,"[");
-      for (j=0; j < 3; j++)
-	fprintf(fp,"%8.3f,\t",t[i][j]);
-      fprintf(fp,"]\n");
+        fprintf(fp, "[");
+        for (j = 0; j < 3; j++)
+            fprintf(fp, "%8.3f,\t", t[i][j]);
+        fprintf(fp, "]\n");
 inline void ivec_MakeZero( ivec v )
-  v[0] = v[1] = v[2] = 0;
+    v[0] = v[1] = v[2] = 0;
 inline void ivec_Copy( ivec dest, const ivec src )
-  dest[0] = src[0], dest[1] = src[1], dest[2] = src[2];
+    dest[0] = src[0], dest[1] = src[1], dest[2] = src[2];
 inline void ivec_Scale( ivec dest, const real C, const ivec src )
-  dest[0] = C * src[0];
-  dest[1] = C * src[1];
-  dest[2] = C * src[2];
+    dest[0] = C * src[0];
+    dest[1] = C * src[1];
+    dest[2] = C * src[2];
 inline void ivec_rScale( ivec dest, const real C, const rvec src )
-  dest[0] = (int)(C * src[0]);
-  dest[1] = (int)(C * src[1]);
-  dest[2] = (int)(C * src[2]);
+    dest[0] = (int)(C * src[0]);
+    dest[1] = (int)(C * src[1]);
+    dest[2] = (int)(C * src[2]);
 inline int ivec_isZero( const ivec v )
-  if( v[0]==0 && v[1]==0 && v[2]==0 )
-  {
-    return 1;
-  }
-  return 0;
+    if ( v[0] == 0 && v[1] == 0 && v[2] == 0 )
+    {
+        return 1;
+    }
+    return 0;
 inline int ivec_isEqual( const ivec v1, const ivec v2 )
-  if( v1[0]==v2[0] && v1[1]==v2[1] && v1[2]==v2[2] )
-  {
-    return 1;
-  }
+    if ( v1[0] == v2[0] && v1[1] == v2[1] && v1[2] == v2[2] )
+    {
+        return 1;
+    }
-  return 0;
+    return 0;
 inline void ivec_Sum( ivec dest, const ivec v1, const ivec v2 )
-  dest[0] = v1[0] + v2[0];
-  dest[1] = v1[1] + v2[1];
-  dest[2] = v1[2] + v2[2];
+    dest[0] = v1[0] + v2[0];
+    dest[1] = v1[1] + v2[1];
+    dest[2] = v1[2] + v2[2];
diff --git a/puremd_rc_1003/sPuReMD/vector.h b/puremd_rc_1003/sPuReMD/vector.h
index 58b94180ec55fc380e24aa95af1c25de6f5cbbd0..68fd4892357018d645c82caff3bd0d475bd3a7d6 100644
--- a/puremd_rc_1003/sPuReMD/vector.h
+++ b/puremd_rc_1003/sPuReMD/vector.h
@@ -1,20 +1,20 @@
   SerialReax - Reax Force Field Simulator
   Copyright (2010) Purdue University
   Hasan Metin Aktulga, haktulga@cs.purdue.edu
   Joseph Fogarty, jcfogart@mail.usf.edu
   Sagar Pandit, pandit@usf.edu
   Ananth Y Grama, ayg@cs.purdue.edu
   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
   modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
-  published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of 
+  published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
   the License, or (at your option) any later version.
   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
   See the GNU General Public License for more details: