diff --git a/PG-PuReMD/src/allocate.c b/PG-PuReMD/src/allocate.c
index 88998a8439a76bc3143bb4d1fc4f55f4f7a133b2..1baa4488e2c305d34f18afb6fba550a243c86bff 100644
--- a/PG-PuReMD/src/allocate.c
+++ b/PG-PuReMD/src/allocate.c
@@ -431,15 +431,19 @@ int Allocate_Matrix( sparse_matrix **pH, int cap, int m )
 int Allocate_Matrix( sparse_matrix *H, int cap, int m )
-    //H = (sparse_matrix*) smalloc(sizeof(sparse_matrix), "sparse_matrix");
+   // printf("cap: %d, m: %d \n", H->cap, H->m);
+   // H = (sparse_matrix*) smalloc(sizeof(sparse_matrix), "sparse_matrix");
     H->cap = cap;
     H->m = m;
     H->start = (int*) smalloc(sizeof(int) * cap, "matrix_start");
     H->end = (int*) smalloc(sizeof(int) * cap, "matrix_end");
     H->entries = (sparse_matrix_entry*)
                  smalloc(sizeof(sparse_matrix_entry) * m, "matrix_entries");
     return SUCCESS;
@@ -961,7 +965,9 @@ void ReAllocate( reax_system *system, control_params *control,
                 (0 && system->numH <= LOOSE_ZONE * system->Hcap) )
             Hflag = 1;
-            system->Hcap = (int)(system->numH * SAFE_ZONE);
+            //system->Hcap = (int)(system->numH * SAFE_ZONE);
+            // Tried fix
+            system->Hcap = (int)(system->n * SAFE_ZONE);
         if ( Hflag || realloc->hbonds )
diff --git a/PG-PuReMD/src/bond_orders.c b/PG-PuReMD/src/bond_orders.c
index a8cae10af540348688785e4349d882968a9e38c2..b36ebc4251c5c9397fb087161fa1cb7c5389d888 100644
--- a/PG-PuReMD/src/bond_orders.c
+++ b/PG-PuReMD/src/bond_orders.c
@@ -843,6 +843,8 @@ void BO( reax_system *system, control_params *control, simulation_data *data,
     num_bonds = 0;
     p_boc1 = system->reax_param.gp.l[0];
     p_boc2 = system->reax_param.gp.l[1];
+   // printf("Running Bonds \n");
     /* Calculate Deltaprime, Deltaprime_boc values */
     for ( i = 0; i < system->N; ++i )
@@ -1215,10 +1217,10 @@ void BO( reax_system *system, control_params *control, simulation_data *data,
     //Print_Bonds( system, bonds, "pbonds.out" );
-#if defined(TEST_ENERGIES) || defined(TEST_FORCES)
-    fprintf( stderr, "Number of bonds: %d\n", num_bonds );
-    Print_Bond_List( system, control, data, lists, out_control);
+//#if defined(TEST_ENERGIES) || defined(TEST_FORCES)
+ //   fprintf( stderr, "Number of bonds: %d\n", num_bonds );
+//    Print_Bond_List( system, control, data, lists, out_control);
diff --git a/PG-PuReMD/src/bonds.c b/PG-PuReMD/src/bonds.c
index cf889b33581ebd829c374af79501171907c0b83c..9c2839eb63e2d722d531914bf6d02136f505d29e 100644
--- a/PG-PuReMD/src/bonds.c
+++ b/PG-PuReMD/src/bonds.c
@@ -118,11 +118,7 @@ void Bonds( reax_system *system, control_params *control,
                             (sbp_i->mass == 12.0000 && sbp_j->mass == 15.9990) ||
                             (sbp_j->mass == 12.0000 && sbp_i->mass == 15.9990) )
-                        //SUDHIR
-                        //TO BE REMOVED
-                        fprintf (stderr, "hit the condition ... \n");
-                        exit (0);
                         exphu = EXP( -gp7 * SQR(bo_ij->BO - 2.50) );
                         exphua1 = EXP(-gp3 * (workspace->total_bond_order[i] - bo_ij->BO));
diff --git a/PG-PuReMD/src/cuda_copy.cu b/PG-PuReMD/src/cuda_copy.cu
index a40a5b90b943a55fba76fb7e4910a49ff890a9bb..9a8fed48e249d9c202cd15b4fb1e15278faf44ec 100644
--- a/PG-PuReMD/src/cuda_copy.cu
+++ b/PG-PuReMD/src/cuda_copy.cu
@@ -105,6 +105,8 @@ void Sync_Atoms (reax_system *sys)
     fprintf (stderr, "p:%d - Synching atoms: n: %d N: %d, total_cap: %d \n", 
             sys->my_rank, sys->n, sys->N, sys->total_cap);
+    //printf("Doing somethign unnecessayr\n");
     copy_host_device (sys->my_atoms, sys->d_my_atoms, sizeof (reax_atom) * sys->N, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice, "system:my_atoms");
     //TODO METIN FIX, coredump on his machine
diff --git a/PG-PuReMD/src/forces.c b/PG-PuReMD/src/forces.c
index 2c0ad9097586a8670bbf7e9b2157f1d938b5f62e..c0fa32826a16437bbd9fb76466123c3f424f914b 100644
--- a/PG-PuReMD/src/forces.c
+++ b/PG-PuReMD/src/forces.c
@@ -236,6 +236,273 @@ void Cuda_Compute_Total_Force( reax_system *system, control_params *control,
+// Essentially no-cuda copies of cuda kernels, to be used only in the mpi-not-gpu version
+void mpi_not_gpu_update_bonds (reax_atom *my_atoms,
+        reax_list bonds,
+        int n)
+//    int i = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
+  //  if (i >= n) return;
+      int i;
+      for (i=0;i<n;i++){
+        my_atoms [i].num_bonds =
+         MAX(Num_Entries(i, &bonds) * 2, MIN_BONDS);
+      }
+void mpi_not_gpu_update_hbonds (reax_atom *my_atoms,
+        reax_list hbonds,
+        int n)
+    int Hindex;
+    int i;
+    //int i = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
+    //if (i >= n) return;
+    for (i=0;i<n;i++){
+        Hindex = my_atoms[i].Hindex;
+        my_atoms [i].num_hbonds =
+            MAX(Num_Entries(Hindex, &hbonds) * SAFER_ZONE, MIN_HBONDS);
+    }
+// Essentially a copy of cuda_validate_lists, but with all cuda-dependent kernels turned into serial versions
+int MPI_Not_GPU_Validate_Lists (reax_system *system, storage *workspace, reax_list **lists, control_params *control,
+        int step, int n, int N, int numH )
+    int blocks;
+    int i, comp, Hindex;
+    int *index, *end_index;
+    reax_list *bonds, *hbonds;
+    reax_atom *my_atoms;
+    reallocate_data *realloc;
+    realloc = &( workspace->realloc);
+    int max_sp_entries, num_hbonds, num_bonds;
+    int total_sp_entries;
+    //blocks = system->n / DEF_BLOCK_SIZE +
+    //    ((system->n % DEF_BLOCK_SIZE == 0) ? 0 : 1);
+    //ker_update_bonds <<< blocks, DEF_BLOCK_SIZE >>>
+    //    (system->d_my_atoms, *(*lists + BONDS),
+      //   system->n);
+    //cudaThreadSynchronize ();
+    //cudaCheckError ();
+   mpi_not_gpu_update_bonds(system->my_atoms, *(*lists + BONDS),system->n);
+    ////////////////////////
+    //FIX - 4 - Added this check for hydrogen bond issue
+    if ((control->hbond_cut > 0) && (system->numH > 0)){
+        //ker_update_hbonds <<< blocks, DEF_BLOCK_SIZE >>>
+        //    (system->d_my_atoms, *(*lists + HBONDS),
+        //     system->n);
+        //cudaThreadSynchronize ();
+        //cudaCheckError ();
+        mpi_not_gpu_update_hbonds(system->my_atoms, *(*lists + HBONDS),system->n);
+    }
+    //validate sparse matrix entries.
+    //memset (host_scratch, 0, 2 * system->N * sizeof (int));
+    //index = (int *) host_scratch;
+    //end_index = index + system->N;
+    index = workspace->H.start;
+    end_index = workspace->H.end;
+    // immediately set these to host version since there is no device version.
+    //memcpy(index, workspace->H.start, system->N * sizeof (int));
+    //memcpy(end_index, workspace->H.end, system->N * sizeof (int));
+    // don't need these, everything is already at host
+    //copy_host_device (index, dev_workspace->H.start, system->N * sizeof (int),
+    //        cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost, "sparse_matrix:start" );
+    //copy_host_device (end_index, dev_workspace->H.end, system->N * sizeof (int),
+    //        cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost, "sparse_matrix:end" );
+    max_sp_entries = total_sp_entries = 0;
+    //printf("max sparsematrix entries: %d \n", system->max_sparse_entries);
+    for (i = 0; i < n; i++ ){
+        //if (i < N-1)
+        //    comp = index [i+1];
+        //else
+        //    comp = dev_workspace->H.m;
+        total_sp_entries += end_index [i] - index[i];
+        if (end_index [i] - index[i] > system->max_sparse_entries) {
+            fprintf( stderr, "step%d-sparsemat-chk failed: i=%d start(i)=%d end(i)=%d \n",
+                    step, i, index[i], end_index[i] );
+            return FAILURE;
+        } else if (end_index[i] >= workspace->H.m) {
+            //TODO move this carver
+            //TODO move this carver
+            //TODO move this carver
+            fprintf (stderr, "p:%d - step%d-sparsemat-chk failed (exceed limits): i=%d start(i)=%d end(i)=%d \n",
+                    system->my_rank, step, i, index[i], end_index[i]);
+            //TODO move this carver
+            //TODO move this carver
+            //TODO move this carver
+            return FAILURE;
+        } else {
+            if (max_sp_entries <= end_index[i] - index [i])
+                max_sp_entries = end_index[i] - index [i];
+        }
+    }
+    //if (max_sp_entries <= end_index[i] - index [i])
+    //    max_sp_entries = end_index[i] - index [i];
+    //update the current step max_sp_entries;
+    realloc->Htop = max_sp_entries;
+    fprintf (stderr, "p:%d - MPI-Not-GPU Reallocate: Total H matrix entries: %d, cap: %d, used: %d \n",
+            system->my_rank, workspace->H.n, workspace->H.m, total_sp_entries);
+    if (total_sp_entries >= workspace->H.m) {
+        fprintf (stderr, "p:%d - **ran out of space for sparse matrix: step: %d, allocated: %d, used: %d \n",
+                system->my_rank, step, workspace->H.m, total_sp_entries);
+        return FAILURE;
+    }
+    //validate Bond list
+    if (N > 0) {
+        num_bonds = 0;
+        bonds = *lists + BONDS;
+      //  memset (host_scratch, 0, 2 * bonds->n * sizeof (int));
+      //  index = (int *) host_scratch;
+       // end_index = index + bonds->n;
+          index = bonds->index;
+          end_index = bonds->end_index;        
+      //  memcpy(index, bonds->index, bonds->n * sizeof (int));
+       // memcpy(end_index, bonds->end_index, bonds->n * sizeof (int));
+        copy_host_device (index, bonds->index, bonds->n * sizeof (int),
+                cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost, "bonds:index");
+        copy_host_device (end_index, bonds->end_index, bonds->n * sizeof (int),
+                cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost, "bonds:end_index");
+        /*
+           for (i = 0; i < N; i++) {
+           if (i < N-1)
+           comp = index [i+1];
+           else
+           comp = bonds->num_intrs;
+           if (end_index [i] > comp) {
+           fprintf( stderr, "step%d-bondchk failed: i=%d start(i)=%d end(i)=%d str(i+1)=%d\n",
+           step, i, index[i], end_index[i], comp );
+           return FAILURE;
+           }
+           num_bonds += MAX( (end_index[i] - index[i]) * 4, MIN_BONDS);
+           }
+           if (end_index[N-1] >= bonds->num_intrs) {
+           fprintf( stderr, "step%d-bondchk failed(end): i=N-1 start(i)=%d end(i)=%d num_intrs=%d\n",
+           step, index[N-1], end_index[N-1], bonds->num_intrs);
+           return FAILURE;
+           }
+           num_bonds = MAX( num_bonds, MIN_CAP*MIN_BONDS );
+        //check the condition for reallocation
+        realloc->num_bonds = num_bonds;
+         */
+        int max_bonds = 0;
+        for (i = 0; i < N; i++) {
+            //printf("i: %d, index[i]: %d, end_index[i]: %d \n", i, index[i], end_index[i]);
+            if (end_index[i] - index[i] >= system->max_bonds) {
+                fprintf( stderr, "MPI-Not-GPU step%d-bondchk failed: i=%d start(i)=%d end(i)=%d max_bonds=%d\n",
+                        step, i, index[i], end_index[i], system->max_bonds);
+                return FAILURE;
+            }
+            if (end_index[i] - index[i] >= max_bonds)
+                max_bonds = end_index[i] - index[i];
+        }
+        realloc->num_bonds = max_bonds;
+    }
+    //printf("hbonds->n : %d \n", hbonds->n);
+    //validate Hbonds list
+    num_hbonds = 0;
+    // FIX - 4 - added additional check here
+    if ((numH > 0) && (control->hbond_cut > 0)) {
+        hbonds = *lists + HBONDS;
+        memset (host_scratch, 0, 2 * hbonds->n * sizeof (int) + sizeof (reax_atom) * system->N);
+        index = (int *) host_scratch;
+        end_index = index + hbonds->n;
+        my_atoms = (reax_atom *)(end_index + hbonds->n);
+        copy_host_device (index, hbonds->index, hbonds->n * sizeof (int),
+                cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost, "hbonds:index");
+        copy_host_device (end_index, hbonds->end_index, hbonds->n * sizeof (int),
+                cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost, "hbonds:end_index");
+        copy_host_device (my_atoms, system->d_my_atoms, system->N * sizeof (reax_atom),
+                cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost, "system:d_my_atoms");
+        //fprintf (stderr, " Total local atoms: %d \n", n);
+        /*
+           for (i = 0; i < N-1; i++) {
+           Hindex = my_atoms [i].Hindex;
+           if (Hindex > -1) 
+           comp = index [Hindex + 1];
+           else
+           comp = hbonds->num_intrs;
+           if (end_index [Hindex] > comp) {
+           fprintf(stderr,"step%d-atom:%d hbondchk failed: H=%d start(H)=%d end(H)=%d str(H+1)=%d\n",
+           step, i, Hindex, index[Hindex], end_index[Hindex], comp );
+           return FAILURE;
+           }
+           num_hbonds += MAX( (end_index [Hindex] - index [Hindex]) * 2, MIN_HBONDS * 2);
+           }
+           if (end_index [my_atoms[i].Hindex] > hbonds->num_intrs) {
+           fprintf(stderr,"step%d-atom:%d hbondchk failed: H=%d start(H)=%d end(H)=%d num_intrs=%d\n",
+           step, i, Hindex, index[Hindex], end_index[Hindex], hbonds->num_intrs);
+           return FAILURE;
+           }
+           num_hbonds += MIN( (end_index [my_atoms[i].Hindex] - index [my_atoms[i].Hindex]) * 2, 
+           2 * MIN_HBONDS);
+           num_hbonds = MAX( num_hbonds, MIN_CAP*MIN_HBONDS );
+           realloc->num_hbonds = num_hbonds;
+         */
+        int max_hbonds = 0;
+        for (i = 0; i < N; i++) {
+            if (end_index[i] - index[i] >= system->max_hbonds) {
+                fprintf( stderr, "step%d-hbondchk failed: i=%d start(i)=%d end(i)=%d max_hbonds=%d\n",
+                        step, i, index[i], end_index[i], system->max_hbonds);
+                return FAILURE;
+            }
+            if (end_index[i] - index[i] >= max_hbonds)
+                max_hbonds = end_index[i] - index[i];
+        }
+        realloc->num_hbonds = max_hbonds;
+    }
+    return SUCCESS;
 void Validate_Lists( reax_system *system, storage *workspace, reax_list **lists,
                      int step, int n, int N, int numH )
@@ -244,7 +511,7 @@ void Validate_Lists( reax_system *system, storage *workspace, reax_list **lists,
     reallocate_data *realloc;
     realloc = &(workspace->realloc);
-    /* bond list */
+    // bond list 
     if ( N > 0 )
         bonds = *lists + BONDS;
@@ -271,7 +538,7 @@ void Validate_Lists( reax_system *system, storage *workspace, reax_list **lists,
-    /* hbonds list */
+    // hbonds list 
     if ( numH > 0 )
         hbonds = *lists + HBONDS;
@@ -283,11 +550,101 @@ void Validate_Lists( reax_system *system, storage *workspace, reax_list **lists,
                 system->my_atoms[i].num_hbonds =
                     MAX( Num_Entries(Hindex, hbonds) * SAFER_ZONE, MIN_HBONDS );
+                //if( Num_Entries(i, hbonds) >=
+                //(Start_Index(i+1,hbonds)-Start_Index(i,hbonds))*0.90/*DANGER_ZONE*/){
+                //  workspace->realloc.hbonds = 1;
+                //TODO
+                if ( Hindex < system->n - 1 )
+                    comp = Start_Index(Hindex + 1, hbonds);
+                else comp = hbonds->num_intrs;
+                if ( End_Index(Hindex, hbonds) > comp )
+                {
+                    fprintf(stderr, "step%d-hbondchk failed: H=%d end(H)=%d str(H+1)=%d\n",
+                            step, Hindex, End_Index(Hindex, hbonds), comp );
+                    MPI_Abort( MPI_COMM_WORLD, INSUFFICIENT_MEMORY );
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+void Validate_Lists( reax_system *system, storage *workspace, reax_list **lists,
+                     int step, int n, int N, int numH, MPI_Comm comm )
+    int i, comp, Hindex;
+    reax_list *bonds, *hbonds;
+    reallocate_data *realloc;
+    realloc = &(workspace->realloc);
+    /* bond list */
+    if ( N > 0 )
+    {
+        bonds = *lists + BONDS;
+        for ( i = 0; i < N; ++i )
+        {
+            // if( i < n ) - we need to update ghost estimates for delayed nbrings
+            system->my_atoms[i].num_bonds = MAX(Num_Entries(i, bonds) * 2, MIN_BONDS);
+            //if( End_Index(i, bonds) >= Start_Index(i+1, bonds)-2 )
+            //workspace->realloc.bonds = 1;
+            if ( i < N - 1 )
+                comp = Start_Index(i + 1, bonds);
+            else comp = bonds->num_intrs;
+            if ( End_Index(i, bonds) > comp )
+            {
+                fprintf( stderr, "step%d-bondchk failed: i=%d end(i)=%d str(i+1)=%d\n",
+                         step, i, End_Index(i, bonds), comp );
+                MPI_Abort( comm, INSUFFICIENT_MEMORY );
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    /* hbonds list */
+    if ( numH > 0 )
+    {
+        hbonds = *lists + HBONDS;
+        for ( i = 0; i < n; ++i )
+        {
+            Hindex = system->my_atoms[i].Hindex;
+            if ( Hindex > -1 )
+            {
+                system->my_atoms[i].num_hbonds =
+                    (int)(MAX( Num_Entries(Hindex, hbonds) * SAFER_ZONE, MIN_HBONDS ));
                 //if( Num_Entries(i, hbonds) >=
                 //  workspace->realloc.hbonds = 1;
+                if ( Hindex < numH - 1 )
+                    comp = Start_Index(Hindex + 1, hbonds);
+                else comp = hbonds->num_intrs;
+                if ( End_Index(Hindex, hbonds) > comp )
+                {
+                    fprintf(stderr, "step%d-hbondchk failed: H=%d end(H)=%d str(H+1)=%d\n",
+                            step, Hindex, End_Index(Hindex, hbonds), comp );
+                    MPI_Abort( comm, INSUFFICIENT_MEMORY );
+                }
+            }
+            if ( Hindex > -1 )
+            {
+                system->my_atoms[i].num_hbonds =
+                    MAX( Num_Entries(Hindex, hbonds) * SAFER_ZONE, MIN_HBONDS );
+                //if( Num_Entries(i, hbonds) >=
+                //(Start_Index(i+1,hbonds)-Start_Index(i,hbonds))*0.90/*DANGER_ZONE*/){
+                //  workspace->realloc.hbonds = 1;
                 if ( Hindex < system->n - 1 )
                     comp = Start_Index(Hindex + 1, hbonds);
@@ -300,11 +657,18 @@ void Validate_Lists( reax_system *system, storage *workspace, reax_list **lists,
                     MPI_Abort( MPI_COMM_WORLD, INSUFFICIENT_MEMORY );
 #if defined(OLD_VALIDATE)
 void Validate_Lists( storage *workspace, reax_list **lists,
                      int step, int n, int N, int numH )
@@ -449,6 +813,9 @@ void Init_Forces( reax_system *system, control_params *control,
     bonds = *lists + BONDS;
     hbonds = *lists + HBONDS;
+   //Print_List(*lists + BONDS);
     for ( i = 0; i < system->n; ++i )
         workspace->bond_mark[i] = 0;
     for ( i = system->n; i < system->N; ++i )
@@ -457,7 +824,7 @@ void Init_Forces( reax_system *system, control_params *control,
         //workspace->done_after[i] = Start_Index( i, far_nbrs );
-    H = &workspace->H; //MATRIX CHANGES
+    H = &(workspace->H); //MATRIX CHANGES
     H->n = system->n;
     Htop = 0;
     num_bonds = 0;
@@ -526,7 +893,6 @@ void Init_Forces( reax_system *system, control_params *control,
                 nbr_pj->dvec[1] = atom_j->x[1] - atom_i->x[1];
                 nbr_pj->dvec[2] = atom_j->x[2] - atom_i->x[2];
                 nbr_pj->d = rvec_Norm_Sqr( nbr_pj->dvec );
-                if (i == 6540) fprintf (stderr, " atom: %d, nbr_pj->d: %f, cutoff: %f \n", i, nbr_pj->d, SQR(cutoff) );
                 if ( nbr_pj->d <= SQR(cutoff) )
                     nbr_pj->d = sqrt(nbr_pj->d);
@@ -614,9 +980,12 @@ void Init_Forces( reax_system *system, control_params *control,
+//        H->end[i] = Htop;
         Set_End_Index( i, btop_i, bonds );
         if ( local )
+            //printf("Htop: %d \n", Htop);
             H->end[i] = Htop;
             if ( ihb == 1 )
                 Set_End_Index( atom_i->Hindex, ihb_top, hbonds );
@@ -681,21 +1050,32 @@ void Init_Forces( reax_system *system, control_params *control,
     MPI_Barrier( MPI_COMM_WORLD );
 #if defined( DEBUG )
-    Print_Bonds( system, bonds, "debugbonds.out" );
-    Print_Bond_List2( system, bonds, "pbonds.out" );
-    Print_Sparse_Matrix( system, H );
-    for ( i = 0; i < H->n; ++i )
+   // Print_Bonds( system, bonds, "debugbonds.out" );
+  //  Print_Bond_List2( system, bonds, "pbonds.out" );
+   // Print_Sparse_Matrix( system, H );
+/*    for ( i = 0; i < H->n; ++i )
         for ( j = H->start[i]; j < H->end[i]; ++j )
             fprintf( stderr, "%d %d %.15e\n",
-                     H->entries[j].val );
+                     H->entries[j].val );*/
+    //Print_List(*lists + BONDS);
-    Validate_Lists( system, workspace, lists,
+//reax_system *system, storage *workspace, reax_list **lists,
+  //                   int step, int n, int N, int numH )
+    Validate_Lists( system, workspace, lists, control, 
+                    data->step, system->n, system->N, system->numH );*/
+  MPI_Not_GPU_Validate_Lists( system, workspace, lists, control,
                     data->step, system->n, system->N, system->numH );
@@ -881,11 +1261,108 @@ void Init_Forces_noQEq( reax_system *system, control_params *control,
     Print_Bond_List2( system, bonds, "pbonds.out" );
-    Validate_Lists( system, workspace, lists,
+    MPI_Not_GPU_Validate_Lists( system, workspace, lists, control,
                     data->step, system->n, system->N, system->numH );
+void Host_Estimate_Sparse_Matrix (reax_atom *my_atoms, control_params *control,
+        reax_list p_far_nbrs, int n, int N, int renbr, int *indices)
+    int i, j, pj;
+    int start_i, end_i;
+    int flag;
+    real cutoff;
+    far_neighbor_data *nbr_pj;
+    reax_atom *atom_i, *atom_j;
+    reax_list *far_nbrs = &( p_far_nbrs );
+    //i = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
+    //if (i >= N) return;
+    for (i=0;i<N;i++){
+    atom_i = &(my_atoms[i]);
+    start_i = Start_Index(i, far_nbrs);
+    end_i   = End_Index(i, far_nbrs);
+    cutoff = control->nonb_cut;
+    //++Htop;
+    if ( i < n)
+        indices [i] ++;
+    /* update i-j distance - check if j is within cutoff */
+    for( pj = start_i; pj < end_i; ++pj ) {
+        nbr_pj = &( far_nbrs->select.far_nbr_list[pj] );
+        j = nbr_pj->nbr;
+        atom_j = &(my_atoms[j]);
+        if( renbr ) {
+            if(nbr_pj->d <= cutoff)
+                flag = 1;
+            else flag = 0;
+        }
+        else {
+            if (i < j) {
+                nbr_pj->dvec[0] = atom_j->x[0] - atom_i->x[0];
+                nbr_pj->dvec[1] = atom_j->x[1] - atom_i->x[1];
+                nbr_pj->dvec[2] = atom_j->x[2] - atom_i->x[2];
+            } else {
+                nbr_pj->dvec[0] = atom_i->x[0] - atom_j->x[0];
+                nbr_pj->dvec[1] = atom_i->x[1] - atom_j->x[1];
+                nbr_pj->dvec[2] = atom_i->x[2] - atom_j->x[2];
+            }
+            nbr_pj->d = rvec_Norm_Sqr( nbr_pj->dvec );
+            //TODO
+            //TODO
+            //TODO
+            //if( nbr_pj->d <= (cutoff) ) {
+            if( nbr_pj->d <= SQR(cutoff) )
+            {
+                nbr_pj->d = sqrt(nbr_pj->d);
+                flag = 1;
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                flag = 0;
+            }
+        }
+        if( flag )
+        {
+            /* H matrix entry */
+            //if( j < n || atom_i->orig_id < atom_j->orig_id )
+            //++Htop;
+            //    indices [i] ++;
+            //else if (j < n || atom_i->orig_id > atom_j->orig_id )
+            //    indices [i] ++;
+            //if ((i < n) || (j < n))
+            //    indices [i] ++;
+            //if ((i < n) && (i < j) && ((j < n) || atom_i->orig_id < atom_j->orig_id))
+            //    indices [i] ++;
+            //if ( i >= n && j < n && atom_i->orig_id > atom_j->orig_id)
+            //    indices [i] ++;
+            //else if ((i >=n) && (i > j) && ((j < n) || (atom_i->orig_id > atom_j->orig_id)))
+            //    indices [i] ++;
+            //if (i < n && i < j && ( j < n || atom_i->orig_id < atom_j->orig_id ))
+            //if (i < n && i < j && atom_i->orig_id < atom_j->orig_id && j >=n)
+            //    indices [i] ++;
+            //if ( i > j && i >= n && j < n && atom_j->orig_id < atom_i->orig_id)
+            //    indices [i] ++;
+            //this is the working condition
+            if (i < j && i < n && ( j < n || atom_i->orig_id < atom_j->orig_id))
+                indices [i]++;
+            else if (i > j && i >= n && j < n && atom_j->orig_id < atom_i->orig_id)
+                indices [i] ++;
+            else if (i > j && i < n && ( j < n || atom_j->orig_id < atom_i->orig_id ))
+                indices [i] ++;
+        }
+    }
+#ifdef HAVE_CUDA
 void Estimate_Storages( reax_system *system, control_params *control,
                         reax_list **lists, int *Htop,
                         int *hb_top, int *bond_top, int *num_3body )
@@ -907,6 +1384,7 @@ void Estimate_Storages( reax_system *system, control_params *control,
     far_nbrs = *lists + FAR_NBRS;
     *Htop = 0;
+    //printf("Hcap: %d \n", system->Hcap);
     memset( hb_top, 0, sizeof(int) * system->Hcap );
     memset( bond_top, 0, sizeof(int) * system->total_cap );
     *num_3body = 0;
@@ -953,19 +1431,21 @@ void Estimate_Storages( reax_system *system, control_params *control,
                     if ( j < system->n || atom_i->orig_id < atom_j->orig_id ) //tryQEq ||1
-                    /* hydrogen bond lists */
                     if ( control->hbond_cut > 0.1 && (ihb == 1 || ihb == 2) &&
                             nbr_pj->d <= control->hbond_cut )
                         jhb = sbp_j->p_hbond;
                         if ( ihb == 1 && jhb == 2 )
-                        else if ( j < system->n && ihb == 2 && jhb == 1 )
+                        else if ( j < system->n && ihb == 2 && jhb == 1 ){
+			//	printf("j: %d \n", j);
+			}
-                /* uncorrected bond orders */
+                // uncorrected bond orders 
                 if ( nbr_pj->d <= control->bond_cut )
                     r2 = SQR(r_ij);
@@ -991,7 +1471,7 @@ void Estimate_Storages( reax_system *system, control_params *control,
                     else BO_pi2 = C56 = 0.0;
-                    /* Initially BO values are the uncorrected ones, page 1 */
+                    // Initially BO values are the uncorrected ones, page 1 
                     BO = BO_s + BO_pi + BO_pi2;
                     if ( BO >= control->bo_cut )
@@ -1007,6 +1487,7 @@ void Estimate_Storages( reax_system *system, control_params *control,
     fprintf (stderr, "HOST SPARSE MATRIX ENTRIES: %d \n",  *Htop );
     *Htop = MAX( *Htop * SAFE_ZONE, MIN_CAP * MIN_HENTRIES );
     int hbond_count = 0;
     for ( i = 0; i < system->n; ++i )
@@ -1033,6 +1514,150 @@ void Estimate_Storages( reax_system *system, control_params *control,
+void Estimate_Storages( reax_system *system, control_params *control,
+                        reax_list **lists, int *Htop, int *hb_top,
+                        int *bond_top, int *num_3body)
+    int i, j, pj;
+    int start_i, end_i;
+    int type_i, type_j;
+    int ihb, jhb;
+    int local;
+    real cutoff;
+    real r_ij, r2;
+    real C12, C34, C56;
+    real BO, BO_s, BO_pi, BO_pi2;
+    reax_list *far_nbrs;
+    single_body_parameters *sbp_i, *sbp_j;
+    two_body_parameters *twbp;
+    far_neighbor_data *nbr_pj;
+    reax_atom *atom_i, *atom_j;
+    far_nbrs = *lists + FAR_NBRS;
+    *Htop = 0;
+    memset( hb_top, 0, sizeof(int) * system->local_cap );
+    memset( bond_top, 0, sizeof(int) * system->total_cap );
+    *num_3body = 0;
+    for ( i = 0; i < system->N; ++i )
+    {
+        atom_i = &(system->my_atoms[i]);
+        type_i  = atom_i->type;
+        start_i = Start_Index(i, far_nbrs);
+        end_i   = End_Index(i, far_nbrs);
+        sbp_i = &(system->reax_param.sbp[type_i]);
+        if ( i < system->n )
+        {
+            local = 1;
+            cutoff = control->nonb_cut;
+            ++(*Htop);
+            ihb = sbp_i->p_hbond;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            local = 0;
+            cutoff = control->bond_cut;
+            ihb = -1;
+        }
+        for ( pj = start_i; pj < end_i; ++pj )
+        {
+            //nbr_pj = &( far_nbrs->far_nbr_list[pj] );
+            nbr_pj = &( far_nbrs->select.far_nbr_list[pj]);
+            j = nbr_pj->nbr;
+            atom_j = &(system->my_atoms[j]);
+            if (nbr_pj->d <= cutoff)
+            {
+                type_j = system->my_atoms[j].type;
+                r_ij = nbr_pj->d;
+                sbp_j = &(system->reax_param.sbp[type_j]);
+                //twbp = &(system->reax_param.tbp[type_i][type_j]);
+                twbp = &(system->reax_param.tbp[index_tbp (type_i, type_j, system->reax_param.num_atom_types)]);
+                if ( local )
+                {
+                    if ( j < system->n || atom_i->orig_id < atom_j->orig_id ) //tryQEq ||1
+                        ++(*Htop);
+                    /* hydrogen bond lists */
+                    if ( control->hbond_cut > 0.1 && (ihb == 1 || ihb == 2) &&
+                            nbr_pj->d <= control->hbond_cut )
+                    {
+                        jhb = sbp_j->p_hbond;
+                        if ( ihb == 1 && jhb == 2 )
+                            ++hb_top[i];
+                        else if ( j < system->n && ihb == 2 && jhb == 1 )
+                            ++hb_top[j];
+                    }
+                }
+                /* uncorrected bond orders */
+                if ( nbr_pj->d <= control->bond_cut )
+                {
+                    r2 = SQR(r_ij);
+                    if ( sbp_i->r_s > 0.0 && sbp_j->r_s > 0.0)
+                    {
+                        C12 = twbp->p_bo1 * pow( r_ij / twbp->r_s, twbp->p_bo2 );
+                        BO_s = (1.0 + control->bo_cut) * exp( C12 );
+                    }
+                    else BO_s = C12 = 0.0;
+                    if ( sbp_i->r_pi > 0.0 && sbp_j->r_pi > 0.0)
+                    {
+                        C34 = twbp->p_bo3 * pow( r_ij / twbp->r_p, twbp->p_bo4 );
+                        BO_pi = exp( C34 );
+                    }
+                    else BO_pi = C34 = 0.0;
+                    if ( sbp_i->r_pi_pi > 0.0 && sbp_j->r_pi_pi > 0.0)
+                    {
+                        C56 = twbp->p_bo5 * pow( r_ij / twbp->r_pp, twbp->p_bo6 );
+                        BO_pi2 = exp( C56 );
+                    }
+                    else BO_pi2 = C56 = 0.0;
+                    /* Initially BO values are the uncorrected ones, page 1 */
+                    BO = BO_s + BO_pi + BO_pi2;
+                    if ( BO >= control->bo_cut )
+                    {
+                        ++bond_top[i];
+                        ++bond_top[j];
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    *Htop = (int)(MAX( *Htop * SAFE_ZONE, MIN_CAP * MIN_HENTRIES ));
+     // Set max sparse entries, needed for first iteration of validate_list
+          system->max_sparse_entries = *Htop * SAFE_ZONE;
+    for ( i = 0; i < system->n; ++i )
+        hb_top[i] = (int)(MAX( hb_top[i] * SAFER_ZONE, MIN_HBONDS ));
+    for ( i = 0; i < system->N; ++i )
+    {
+        *num_3body += SQR(bond_top[i]);
+        //if( i < system->n )
+        bond_top[i] = MAX( bond_top[i] * 2, MIN_BONDS );
+        //else bond_top[i] = MAX_BONDS;
+    }
+#if defined(DEBUG_FOCUS)
+    fprintf( stderr, "p%d @ estimate storages: Htop = %d, num_3body = %d\n",
+             system->my_rank, *Htop, *num_3body );
+    MPI_Barrier( MPI_COMM_WORLD );
 void Compute_Forces( reax_system *system, control_params *control,
                      simulation_data *data, storage *workspace,
diff --git a/PG-PuReMD/src/hydrogen_bonds.c b/PG-PuReMD/src/hydrogen_bonds.c
index 924cd38755b19118bb3b58ac48c306cc354d7375..493379ce7d4c2f903ef1bb51c1914765bf1c9a67 100644
--- a/PG-PuReMD/src/hydrogen_bonds.c
+++ b/PG-PuReMD/src/hydrogen_bonds.c
@@ -35,6 +35,9 @@
 #include "reax_vector.h"
+// This function is taken straight from PuReMD, with minimal changes to accomodate the new datastructures
+// Attempting to fix ehb being way off in MPI_Not_GPU
 void Hydrogen_Bonds( reax_system *system, control_params *control,
                      simulation_data *data, storage *workspace,
@@ -59,6 +62,202 @@ void Hydrogen_Bonds( reax_system *system, control_params *control,
     reax_list *bonds, *hbonds;
     bond_data *bond_list;
     hbond_data *hbond_list;
+    bonds = (*lists) + BONDS;
+    bond_list = bonds->select.bond_list;
+    hbonds = (*lists) + HBONDS;
+    hbond_list = hbonds->select.hbond_list;
+    /* loops below discover the Hydrogen bonds between i-j-k triplets.
+       here j is H atom and there has to be some bond between i and j.
+       Hydrogen bond is between j and k.
+       so in this function i->X, j->H, k->Z when we map
+       variables onto the ones in the handout.*/
+    for ( j = 0; j < system->n; ++j )
+        /* j has to be of type H */
+        if ( system->reax_param.sbp[system->my_atoms[j].type].p_hbond == 1 )
+        {
+            /*set j's variables */
+            type_j     = system->my_atoms[j].type;
+            start_j    = Start_Index(j, bonds);
+            end_j      = End_Index(j, bonds);
+            hb_start_j = Start_Index( system->my_atoms[j].Hindex, hbonds );
+            hb_end_j   = End_Index( system->my_atoms[j].Hindex, hbonds );
+            top = 0;
+            for ( pi = start_j; pi < end_j; ++pi )
+            {
+                pbond_ij = &( bond_list[pi] );
+                i = pbond_ij->nbr;
+                bo_ij = &(pbond_ij->bo_data);
+                type_i = system->my_atoms[i].type;
+                if ( system->reax_param.sbp[type_i].p_hbond == 2 &&
+                        bo_ij->BO >= HB_THRESHOLD )
+                    hblist[top++] = pi;
+            }
+            // fprintf( stderr, "j: %d, top: %d, hb_start_j: %d, hb_end_j:%d\n",
+            //          j, top, hb_start_j, hb_end_j );
+            for ( pk = hb_start_j; pk < hb_end_j; ++pk )
+            {
+                /* set k's varibles */
+                k = hbond_list[pk].nbr;
+                type_k = system->my_atoms[k].type;
+                nbr_jk = hbond_list[pk].ptr;
+                r_jk = nbr_jk->d;
+                rvec_Scale( dvec_jk, hbond_list[pk].scl, nbr_jk->dvec );
+                for ( itr = 0; itr < top; ++itr )
+                {
+                    pi = hblist[itr];
+		// DANIEL
+                //    pbond_ij = &( bonds->bond_list[pi] );
+                    pbond_ij = &( bonds->select.bond_list[pi] );
+                    i = pbond_ij->nbr;
+                    if ( system->my_atoms[i].orig_id != system->my_atoms[k].orig_id )
+                    {
+                        bo_ij = &(pbond_ij->bo_data);
+                        type_i = system->my_atoms[i].type;
+                        r_ij = pbond_ij->d;
+                        //hbp = &(system->reax_param.hbp[ type_i ][ type_j ][ type_k ]);
+			// SUDHIR
+			hbp = &(system->reax_param.hbp[ index_hbp (type_i, type_j, type_k, system->reax_param.num_atom_types) ]);
+                        ++num_hb_intrs;
+                        Calculate_Theta( pbond_ij->dvec, pbond_ij->d, dvec_jk, r_jk,
+                                         &theta, &cos_theta );
+                        /* the derivative of cos(theta) */
+                        Calculate_dCos_Theta( pbond_ij->dvec, pbond_ij->d, dvec_jk, r_jk,
+                                              &dcos_theta_di, &dcos_theta_dj,
+                                              &dcos_theta_dk );
+                        /* hyrogen bond energy*/
+                        sin_theta2 = sin( theta / 2.0 );
+                        sin_xhz4 = SQR(sin_theta2);
+                        sin_xhz4 *= sin_xhz4;
+                        cos_xhz1 = ( 1.0 - cos_theta );
+                        exp_hb2 = exp( -hbp->p_hb2 * bo_ij->BO );
+                        exp_hb3 = exp( -hbp->p_hb3 * ( hbp->r0_hb / r_jk +
+                                                       r_jk / hbp->r0_hb - 2.0 ) );
+                        data->my_en.e_hb += e_hb =
+                                                hbp->p_hb1 * (1.0 - exp_hb2) * exp_hb3 * sin_xhz4;
+                        CEhb1 = hbp->p_hb1 * hbp->p_hb2 * exp_hb2 * exp_hb3 * sin_xhz4;
+                        CEhb2 = -hbp->p_hb1 / 2.0 * (1.0 - exp_hb2) * exp_hb3 * cos_xhz1;
+                        CEhb3 = -hbp->p_hb3 *
+                                (-hbp->r0_hb / SQR(r_jk) + 1.0 / hbp->r0_hb) * e_hb;
+                        /*fprintf( stdout,
+                          "%6d%6d%6d%12.6f%12.6f%12.6f%12.6f%12.6f%12.6f%12.6f%12.6f%12.6f\n",
+                          system->my_atoms[i].orig_id, system->my_atoms[j].orig_id,
+                          system->my_atoms[k].orig_id,
+                          r_jk, theta, hbp->p_hb1, exp_hb2, hbp->p_hb3, hbp->r0_hb,
+                          exp_hb3, sin_xhz4, e_hb ); */
+                        /* hydrogen bond forces */
+                        bo_ij->Cdbo += CEhb1; // dbo term
+                        if ( control->virial == 0 )
+                        {
+                            // dcos terms
+                            rvec_ScaledAdd( workspace->f[i], +CEhb2, dcos_theta_di );
+                            rvec_ScaledAdd( workspace->f[j], +CEhb2, dcos_theta_dj );
+                            rvec_ScaledAdd( workspace->f[k], +CEhb2, dcos_theta_dk );
+                            // dr terms
+                            rvec_ScaledAdd( workspace->f[j], -CEhb3 / r_jk, dvec_jk );
+                            rvec_ScaledAdd( workspace->f[k], +CEhb3 / r_jk, dvec_jk );
+                        }
+                        else
+                        {
+                            /* for pressure coupling, terms that are not related to bond order
+                            derivatives are added directly into pressure vector/tensor */
+                            rvec_Scale( force, +CEhb2, dcos_theta_di ); // dcos terms
+                            rvec_Add( workspace->f[i], force );
+                            rvec_iMultiply( ext_press, pbond_ij->rel_box, force );
+                            rvec_ScaledAdd( data->my_ext_press, 1.0, ext_press );
+                            rvec_ScaledAdd( workspace->f[j], +CEhb2, dcos_theta_dj );
+                            ivec_Scale( rel_jk, hbond_list[pk].scl, nbr_jk->rel_box );
+                            rvec_Scale( force, +CEhb2, dcos_theta_dk );
+                            rvec_Add( workspace->f[k], force );
+                            rvec_iMultiply( ext_press, rel_jk, force );
+                            rvec_ScaledAdd( data->my_ext_press, 1.0, ext_press );
+                            // dr terms
+                            rvec_ScaledAdd( workspace->f[j], -CEhb3 / r_jk, dvec_jk );
+                            rvec_Scale( force, CEhb3 / r_jk, dvec_jk );
+                            rvec_Add( workspace->f[k], force );
+                            rvec_iMultiply( ext_press, rel_jk, force );
+                            rvec_ScaledAdd( data->my_ext_press, 1.0, ext_press );
+                        }
+                        /* fprintf( out_control->ehb,
+                           "%24.15e%24.15e%24.15e\n%24.15e%24.15e%24.15e\n%24.15e%24.15e%24.15e\n",
+                           dcos_theta_di[0], dcos_theta_di[1], dcos_theta_di[2],
+                           dcos_theta_dj[0], dcos_theta_dj[1], dcos_theta_dj[2],
+                           dcos_theta_dk[0], dcos_theta_dk[1], dcos_theta_dk[2]);
+                           fprintf( out_control->ehb, "%24.15e%24.15e%24.15e\n",
+                           CEhb1, CEhb2, CEhb3 ); */
+                        fprintf( out_control->ehb,
+                                 //"%6d%6d%6d%24.15e%24.15e%24.15e%24.15e%24.15e\n",
+                                 "%6d%6d%6d%12.4f%12.4f%12.4f%12.4f%12.4f\n",
+                                 system->my_atoms[i].orig_id, system->my_atoms[j].orig_id,
+                                 system->my_atoms[k].orig_id,
+                                 r_jk, theta, bo_ij->BO, e_hb, data->my_en.e_hb );
+                        Add_dBO( system, lists, j, pi, +CEhb1, workspace->f_hb ); //dbo term
+                        // dcos terms
+                        rvec_ScaledAdd( workspace->f_hb[i], +CEhb2, dcos_theta_di );
+                        rvec_ScaledAdd( workspace->f_hb[j], +CEhb2, dcos_theta_dj );
+                        rvec_ScaledAdd( workspace->f_hb[k], +CEhb2, dcos_theta_dk );
+                        // dr terms
+                        rvec_ScaledAdd( workspace->f_hb[j], -CEhb3 / r_jk, dvec_jk );
+                        rvec_ScaledAdd( workspace->f_hb[k], +CEhb3 / r_jk, dvec_jk );
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        }
+#if defined(DEBUG)
+    fprintf( stderr, "Number of hydrogen bonds: %d\n", num_hb_intrs );
+    fprintf( stderr, "Hydrogen Bond Energy: %g\n", data->my_en.e_hb );
+    fprintf( stderr, "hydbonds: ext_press (%24.15e %24.15e %24.15e)\n",
+             data->ext_press[0], data->ext_press[1], data->ext_press[2] );
+void Old_Hydrogen_Bonds( reax_system *system, control_params *control,
+                     simulation_data *data, storage *workspace,
+                     reax_list **lists, output_controls *out_control )
+    int  i, j, k, pi, pk;
+    int  type_i, type_j, type_k;
+    int  start_j, end_j, hb_start_j, hb_end_j;
+    int  hblist[MAX_BONDS];
+    int  itr, top;
+    int  num_hb_intrs = 0;
+    ivec rel_jk;
+    real r_ij, r_jk, theta, cos_theta, sin_xhz4, cos_xhz1, sin_theta2;
+    real e_hb, exp_hb2, exp_hb3, CEhb1, CEhb2, CEhb3;
+    rvec dcos_theta_di, dcos_theta_dj, dcos_theta_dk;
+    rvec dvec_jk, force, ext_press;
+    // rtensor temp_rtensor, total_rtensor;
+    hbond_parameters *hbp;
+    bond_order_data *bo_ij;
+    bond_data *pbond_ij;
+    far_neighbor_data *nbr_jk;
+    reax_list *bonds, *hbonds;
+    bond_data *bond_list;
+    hbond_data *hbond_list;
     bonds = (*lists) + BONDS;
     bond_list = bonds->select.bond_list;
diff --git a/PG-PuReMD/src/init_md.c b/PG-PuReMD/src/init_md.c
index 002c0a44a265de7972ab032563c35189de2a7574..eb2acd7685deefe46e734d1889fe591f4a7286d3 100644
--- a/PG-PuReMD/src/init_md.c
+++ b/PG-PuReMD/src/init_md.c
@@ -162,6 +162,22 @@ int Init_System( reax_system *system, control_params *control,
     Bin_Boundary_Atoms( system );
     /* estimate numH and Hcap */
+    system->numH = 0;
+    if ( control->hbond_cut > 0 )
+        for ( i = 0; i < system->n; ++i )
+        {
+            atom = &(system->my_atoms[i]);
+            if ( system->reax_param.sbp[ atom->type ].p_hbond == 1 )
+                atom->Hindex = system->numH++;
+            else atom->Hindex = -1;
+        }
+    //Tried fix
+    //system->Hcap = MAX( system->numH * SAFER_ZONE, MIN_CAP );
+    system->Hcap = MAX( system->n * SAFER_ZONE, MIN_CAP );
+    //printf("numH: %d, Hcap: %d \n", system->numH, system->Hcap);
+// Sudhir-style below
     system->numH = 0;
     if ( control->hbond_cut > 0 )
         for ( i = 0; i < system->n; ++i )
@@ -172,6 +188,9 @@ int Init_System( reax_system *system, control_params *control,
             else atom->Hindex = -1;
     system->Hcap = MAX( system->numH * SAFER_ZONE, MIN_CAP );
+//Sync_System (system);
     //Allocate_System( system, system->local_cap, system->total_cap, msg );
 #if defined(DEBUG_FOCUS)
@@ -247,7 +266,7 @@ int Cuda_Init_System( reax_system *system, control_params *control,
             //else atom->Hindex = -1;
     system->Hcap = MAX( system->numH * SAFER_ZONE, MIN_CAP );
     //Allocate_System( system, system->local_cap, system->total_cap, msg );
     //Sync atoms here to continue the computation
@@ -722,6 +741,7 @@ int  Init_Lists( reax_system *system, control_params *control,
     //for( i = 0; i < MAX_NBRS; ++i ) nrecv[i] = system->my_nbrs[i].est_recv;
     //system->N = SendRecv( system, mpi_data, mpi_data->boundary_atom_type, nrecv,
     //        Sort_Boundary_Atoms, Unpack_Exchange_Message, 1 );
     num_nbrs = Estimate_NumNeighbors( system, lists );
     if (!Make_List(system->total_cap, num_nbrs, TYP_FAR_NEIGHBOR, *lists + FAR_NBRS))
@@ -736,13 +756,19 @@ int  Init_Lists( reax_system *system, control_params *control,
     Generate_Neighbor_Lists( system, data, workspace, lists );
     bond_top = (int*) calloc( system->total_cap, sizeof(int) );
-    //hb_top = (int*) calloc( system->local_cap, sizeof(int) );
-    hb_top = (int*) calloc( system->Hcap, sizeof(int) );
+    hb_top = (int*) calloc( system->local_cap, sizeof(int) );
+    //hb_top = (int*) calloc( system->Hcap, sizeof(int) );
+    //printf("HCap: %d \n", system->Hcap);i
     Estimate_Storages( system, control, lists,
                        &Htop, hb_top, bond_top, &num_3body );
+  //Host_Estimate_Sparse_Matrix( system, control, lists, system->local_cap, system->total_cap,
+      //                      &Htop, hb_top, bond_top, &num_3body );
+    //printf("%p , %d , %d \n", (void*)&(workspace->H), system->local_cap,Htop);
     Allocate_Matrix( &(workspace->H), system->local_cap, Htop );
     //workspace->L = NULL;
     //workspace->U = NULL;
@@ -754,7 +780,7 @@ int  Init_Lists( reax_system *system, control_params *control,
     if ( control->hbond_cut > 0 )
-        /* init H indexes */
+        // init H indexes
         total_hbonds = 0;
         for ( i = 0; i < system->n; ++i )
@@ -763,6 +789,10 @@ int  Init_Lists( reax_system *system, control_params *control,
         total_hbonds = MAX( total_hbonds * SAFER_ZONE, MIN_CAP * MIN_HBONDS );
+       // DANIEL, to make Mpi_Not_Gpu_Validate_Lists() not complain that system->max_bonds is 0
+       system->max_hbonds = total_hbonds * SAFER_ZONE;
         if ( !Make_List( system->Hcap, total_hbonds, TYP_HBOND, *lists + HBONDS) )
             fprintf( stderr, "not enough space for hbonds list. terminating!\n" );
@@ -785,6 +815,10 @@ int  Init_Lists( reax_system *system, control_params *control,
         total_bonds += bond_top[i];
     bond_cap = MAX( total_bonds * SAFE_ZONE, MIN_CAP * MIN_BONDS );
+    // DANIEL, to make Mpi_Not_Gpu_Validate_Lists() not complain that system->max_bonds is 0
+    system->max_bonds = total_bonds * SAFER_ZONE;
     if ( !Make_List( system->total_cap, bond_cap, TYP_BOND, *lists + BONDS) )
@@ -1053,6 +1087,9 @@ void Initialize( reax_system *system, control_params *control,
                  reax_list **lists, output_controls *out_control,
                  mpi_datatypes *mpi_data )
+    host_scratch = (void *)malloc (HOST_SCRATCH_SIZE );
     char msg[MAX_STR];
     if ( Init_MPI_Datatypes( system, workspace, mpi_data, msg ) == FAILURE )
@@ -1317,7 +1354,7 @@ void Initialize( reax_system *system, control_params *control,
                  mpi_datatypes *mpi_data )
     char msg[MAX_STR];
+    host_scratch = (void *)malloc (HOST_SCRATCH_SIZE );
     if ( Init_System(system, msg) == FAILURE )
         fprintf( stderr, "p%d: %s\n", system->my_rank, msg );
diff --git a/PG-PuReMD/src/list.c b/PG-PuReMD/src/list.c
index 3994d208ea402ecdc63433127c3e2b555634c945..09a38e59776a4e014d07e58e3cbc7559b902a41d 100644
--- a/PG-PuReMD/src/list.c
+++ b/PG-PuReMD/src/list.c
@@ -29,7 +29,19 @@
 #include "reax_tool_box.h"
+void Print_List(reax_list* list){
+	//printf("List_Print\n");
+	int i;
+        printf("START INDICES \n");
+	for (i=0;i<list->n;i++){
+		printf("%d \n",list->index[i]);
+	}
+	printf("END INDICES \n");
+	for (i=0;i<list->n;i++){
+		printf("%d \n", list->end_index[i]);
+	}
 /************* allocate list space ******************/
 int Make_List(int n, int num_intrs, int type, reax_list *l)
@@ -40,7 +52,7 @@ int Make_List(int n, int num_intrs, int type, reax_list *l)
     l->index = (int*) smalloc( n * sizeof(int), "list:index" );
     l->end_index = (int*) smalloc( n * sizeof(int), "list:end_index" );
     l->type = type;
 #if defined(DEBUG_FOCUS)
     fprintf( stderr, "list: n=%d num_intrs=%d type=%d\n", n, num_intrs, type );
diff --git a/PG-PuReMD/src/list.h b/PG-PuReMD/src/list.h
index a78dcc81a714e2f432c927f599ac1afe0112b37e..630958d0736490eef90948ddd12a3c2e6d0de81a 100644
--- a/PG-PuReMD/src/list.h
+++ b/PG-PuReMD/src/list.h
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
 #ifdef _cplusplus
 extern "C" {
+    void Print_List(reax_list*);
     int  Make_List( int, int, int, reax_list*);
     void Delete_List( reax_list*);
diff --git a/PG-PuReMD/src/nonbonded.c b/PG-PuReMD/src/nonbonded.c
index 8ad9ebf33115e2383870b8d7cb9aeae0fcb1c5b8..c81c5f3e11d70383323e0dda3b63788fa2d48b2a 100644
--- a/PG-PuReMD/src/nonbonded.c
+++ b/PG-PuReMD/src/nonbonded.c
@@ -340,9 +340,24 @@ void Tabulated_vdW_Coulomb_Energy( reax_system *system, control_params *control,
 void Compute_Polarization_Energy( reax_system *system, simulation_data *data )
     int  i, type_i;
     real q;
+    data->my_en.e_pol = 0.0;
+    for ( i = 0; i < system->n; i++ )
+    {
+        q = system->my_atoms[i].q;
+        type_i = system->my_atoms[i].type;
+        data->my_en.e_pol +=
+            KCALpMOL_to_EV * (system->reax_param.sbp[type_i].chi * q +
+                              (system->reax_param.sbp[type_i].eta / 2.) * SQR(q));
+    }*/
+   int  i, type_i;
+    real q;
     data->my_en.e_pol = 0.0;
     for ( i = 0; i < system->n; i++ )
@@ -353,6 +368,10 @@ void Compute_Polarization_Energy( reax_system *system, simulation_data *data )
             KCALpMOL_to_EV * (system->reax_param.sbp[type_i].chi * q +
                               (system->reax_param.sbp[type_i].eta / 2.) * SQR(q));
diff --git a/PG-PuReMD/src/parallelreax.c b/PG-PuReMD/src/parallelreax.c
index 0cca8357bb2eeb6ceef0a9aa40bfe0587643bb90..40cc9c3b96eea09bbf1074485c368beb7af7f9c5 100644
--- a/PG-PuReMD/src/parallelreax.c
+++ b/PG-PuReMD/src/parallelreax.c
@@ -415,7 +415,7 @@ int main( int argc, char* argv[] )
     validate_device (system, data, workspace, lists);
     /* allocated main datastructures */
     system = (reax_system *)
@@ -426,19 +426,44 @@ int main( int argc, char* argv[] )
            smalloc( sizeof(simulation_data), "data" );
     workspace = (storage *)
                 smalloc( sizeof(storage), "workspace" );
     lists = (reax_list **)
             smalloc( LIST_N * sizeof(reax_list*), "lists" );
     for ( i = 0; i < LIST_N; ++i )
         lists[i] = (reax_list *)
                    smalloc( sizeof(reax_list), "lists[i]" );
+        lists[i]->allocated = 0;*/
+	lists[i] = (reax_list *) smalloc( sizeof(reax_list), "lists[i]" );
         lists[i]->allocated = 0;
+        //initialize here TODO
+        lists[i]->n = 0; 
+        lists[i]->num_intrs = 0;
+        lists[i]->index = NULL;
+        lists[i]->end_index = NULL;
+        lists[i]->select.v = NULL;
     out_control = (output_controls *)
                   smalloc( sizeof(output_controls), "out_control" );
     mpi_data = (mpi_datatypes *)
                smalloc( sizeof(mpi_datatypes), "mpi_data" );
+    /* allocate the cuda auxiliary data structures */
+    dev_workspace = (storage *) smalloc( sizeof(storage), "dev_workspace" );
+    dev_lists = (reax_list **) smalloc ( LIST_N * sizeof (reax_list *), "dev_lists" );
+    for ( i = 0; i < LIST_N; ++i )
+    {
+        dev_lists[i] = (reax_list *) smalloc( sizeof(reax_list), "lists[i]" );
+        dev_lists[i]->allocated = 0;
+    }
+    /* Initialize member variables */
+    system->init_thblist = FALSE;
     /* setup the parallel environment */
     MPI_Init( &argc, &argv );
     MPI_Comm_size( MPI_COMM_WORLD, &(control->nprocs) );
@@ -458,9 +483,9 @@ int main( int argc, char* argv[] )
     /* measure total simulation time after input is read */
     if ( system->my_rank == MASTER_NODE )
         t_start = Get_Time( );
     /* initialize datastructures */
     Initialize( system, control, data, workspace, lists, out_control, mpi_data );
 #if defined(DEBUG)
     fprintf( stderr, "p%d: initializated data structures\n", system->my_rank );
     MPI_Barrier( mpi_data->world );
@@ -469,6 +494,7 @@ int main( int argc, char* argv[] )
     /* compute f_0 */
     Comm_Atoms( system, control, data, workspace, lists, mpi_data, 1 );
     Reset( system, control, data, workspace, lists );
+    //Print_List(*lists + BONDS);
     Generate_Neighbor_Lists( system, data, workspace, lists );
     Compute_Forces( system, control, data, workspace,
                     lists, out_control, mpi_data );
@@ -504,7 +530,7 @@ int main( int argc, char* argv[] )
         MPI_Barrier( mpi_data->world );
     /* end of the simulation, write total simulation time */
diff --git a/PG-PuReMD/src/reax_types.h b/PG-PuReMD/src/reax_types.h
index b75d9139adab44be34fd14eb0a874fd0f46372d1..debe20aac39b241c5064a55b80603a3a3886952f 100644
--- a/PG-PuReMD/src/reax_types.h
+++ b/PG-PuReMD/src/reax_types.h
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@
 #include <sys/time.h>
 #include <time.h>
 #include <zlib.h>
+#define         HOST_SCRATCH_SIZE               (1024 * 1024 * 20)
 #ifdef HAVE_CUDA
 #include <cuda.h>
@@ -577,12 +577,21 @@ typedef struct
     int num_atom_types;
 #ifndef HAVE_CUDA
     global_parameters gp;
     single_body_parameters *sbp;
     two_body_parameters **tbp;
     three_body_header ***thbp;
     hbond_parameters ***hbp;
-    four_body_header ****fbp;
+    four_body_header ****fbp;*/
+    global_parameters gp;
+    single_body_parameters *sbp;
+    two_body_parameters *tbp; 
+    three_body_header *thbp; 
+    hbond_parameters *hbp; 
+    four_body_header *fbp; 
     global_parameters gp;
     global_parameters d_gp;
@@ -645,6 +654,7 @@ typedef struct
 struct grid_cell
 #ifndef HAVE_CUDA
     real cutoff;
     rvec min, max;
     ivec rel_box;
@@ -658,6 +668,23 @@ struct grid_cell
     struct grid_cell** nbrs;
     ivec* nbrs_x;
     rvec* nbrs_cp;
+   //real cutoff;
+   rvec min, max;
+   //ivec rel_box;
+   int  mark;
+   int  type;
+   //int  str;
+   //int  end;
+   int  top;
+   int* atoms;
+   //struct grid_cell** nbrs; //changed
+   //ivec* nbrs_x;
+   //rvec* nbrs_cp;
     //real cutoff;
     rvec min, max;
@@ -700,8 +727,22 @@ typedef struct
     ivec ghost_bond_span;
 #ifndef HAVE_CUDA
-    grid_cell*** cells;
-    ivec *order;
+//    grid_cell*** cells;
+//    ivec *order;
+   grid_cell* cells;
+   ivec *order;
+   int *str;
+   int *end;
+   real *cutoff;
+   ivec *nbrs_x;
+   rvec *nbrs_cp;
+   ivec *rel_box;
     grid_cell* cells; //changed
     ivec *order;
@@ -1106,7 +1147,8 @@ typedef struct
     /* QEq storage */
 #ifndef HAVE_CUDA
-    sparse_matrix *H, *L, *U;
+//    sparse_matrix *H, *L, *U;
+    sparse_matrix H, L, U;
     sparse_matrix H, L, U; //CHANGED
@@ -1118,7 +1160,8 @@ typedef struct
     real *y, *z, *g;
     real *hc, *hs;
 #ifndef HAVE_CUDA
-    real **h, **v;
+    //real **h, **v;
+    real *h, *v;
     real *h, *v; //changed
@@ -1136,7 +1179,8 @@ typedef struct
     /* storage space for bond restrictions */
     int  *restricted;
 #ifndef HAVE_CUDA
-    int **restricted_list;
+    //int **restricted_list;
+    int * restricted_list;
     int *restricted_list;   //changed
@@ -1183,7 +1227,8 @@ typedef struct
 typedef union
-#ifdef HAVE_CUDA
+//#ifdef HAVE_CUDA
     void *v;
     three_body_interaction_data *three_body_list;
     bond_data          *bond_list;
@@ -1191,7 +1236,8 @@ typedef union
     dDelta_data        *dDelta_list;
     far_neighbor_data  *far_nbr_list;
     hbond_data         *hbond_list;
 } list_type;
@@ -1207,7 +1253,7 @@ typedef struct
     int type;
     list_type select;
 #ifndef HAVE_CUDA
     void *v;
     three_body_interaction_data *three_body_list;
@@ -1217,6 +1263,8 @@ typedef struct
     far_neighbor_data  *far_nbr_list;
     hbond_data         *hbond_list;
 } reax_list;
@@ -1326,7 +1374,8 @@ typedef struct
 } LR_lookup_table;
 #ifndef HAVE_CUDA
-extern LR_lookup_table **LR;
+//extern LR_lookup_table **LR;
+extern LR_lookup_table *LR;
 extern LR_lookup_table *LR; //changed
diff --git a/PG-PuReMD/src/reset_tools.c b/PG-PuReMD/src/reset_tools.c
index 9d339c9a780d8e2eb44a52f0937c45df48a4ab85..e49ca306c289ee57eb20fea6b7910d403072743f 100644
--- a/PG-PuReMD/src/reset_tools.c
+++ b/PG-PuReMD/src/reset_tools.c
@@ -201,7 +201,7 @@ void Reset_Neighbor_Lists( reax_system *system, control_params *control,
             Set_End_Index( i, total_bonds, bonds );
             total_bonds += system->my_atoms[i].num_bonds;
+//	Print_List(*lists + BONDS);
         /* is reallocation needed? */
         if ( total_bonds >= bonds->num_intrs * DANGER_ZONE )
@@ -222,13 +222,19 @@ void Reset_Neighbor_Lists( reax_system *system, control_params *control,
     /* hbonds list */
     if ( control->hbond_cut > 0 && system->numH > 0 )
+//	Print_List(*lists + BONDS);
         hbonds = (*lists) + HBONDS;
+//	printf("bonds enum: %d, bonds pointer: %ld ::: hbonds enum: %d, hbonds pointer: %ld \n", BONDS, bonds, HBONDS, hbonds);
+        //hbonds = &(lists[HBONDS]);
         total_hbonds = 0;
         /* reset start-end indexes */
         for ( i = 0; i < system->n; ++i )
             Hindex = system->my_atoms[i].Hindex;
+//	    printf("i: %d, Hindex: %d \n", i, Hindex);
             if ( Hindex > -1 )
                 Set_Start_Index( Hindex, total_hbonds, hbonds );
@@ -236,7 +242,8 @@ void Reset_Neighbor_Lists( reax_system *system, control_params *control,
                 total_hbonds += system->my_atoms[i].num_hbonds;
+//	Print_List(*lists + BONDS);
         /* is reallocation needed? */
         if ( total_hbonds >= hbonds->num_intrs * 0.90/*DANGER_ZONE*/ )
diff --git a/PG-PuReMD/src/tool_box.c b/PG-PuReMD/src/tool_box.c
index 224e2e73fb5dc4eaef9a216885c16c640cb9912d..09e44ea319f6d207842b49ba810a5211da2888f1 100644
--- a/PG-PuReMD/src/tool_box.c
+++ b/PG-PuReMD/src/tool_box.c
@@ -425,8 +425,11 @@ void* smalloc( long n, char *name )
         fprintf( stderr, "returning NULL.\n" );
         return NULL;
+    //printf("requesting memory for %s \n", name);
+    //malloc( n );
+    //printf("successfuly requested memory for %s \n", name);
     ptr = malloc( n );
+    // printf("successfuly assigned pointer for %s \n", name);
     if ( ptr == NULL )
         fprintf( stderr, "ERROR: failed to allocate %ld bytes for array %s",
diff --git a/PG-PuReMD/src/torsion_angles.c b/PG-PuReMD/src/torsion_angles.c
index 6d6df18fb1691031efe80b3d624878fa2927ebc5..132e76a92d6ee27b953c039b611f756a87d4b452 100644
--- a/PG-PuReMD/src/torsion_angles.c
+++ b/PG-PuReMD/src/torsion_angles.c
@@ -53,6 +53,122 @@ real Calculate_Omega( rvec dvec_ij, real r_ij,
     real arg, poem, tel;
     rvec cross_jk_kl;
+    sin_ijk = sin( p_ijk->theta );
+    cos_ijk = cos( p_ijk->theta );
+    sin_jkl = sin( p_jkl->theta );
+    cos_jkl = cos( p_jkl->theta );
+    /* omega */
+    unnorm_cos_omega = -rvec_Dot(dvec_ij, dvec_jk) * rvec_Dot(dvec_jk, dvec_kl) +
+                       SQR( r_jk ) *  rvec_Dot( dvec_ij, dvec_kl );
+    rvec_Cross( cross_jk_kl, dvec_jk, dvec_kl );
+    unnorm_sin_omega = -r_jk * rvec_Dot( dvec_ij, cross_jk_kl );
+    omega = atan2( unnorm_sin_omega, unnorm_cos_omega );
+    /* derivatives */
+    /* coef for adjusments to cos_theta's */
+    /* rla = r_ij, rlb = r_jk, rlc = r_kl, r4 = r_li;
+       coshd = cos_ijk, coshe = cos_jkl;
+       sinhd = sin_ijk, sinhe = sin_jkl; */
+    htra = r_ij + cos_ijk * ( r_kl * cos_jkl - r_jk );
+    htrb = r_jk - r_ij * cos_ijk - r_kl * cos_jkl;
+    htrc = r_kl + cos_jkl * ( r_ij * cos_ijk - r_jk );
+    hthd = r_ij * sin_ijk * ( r_jk - r_kl * cos_jkl );
+    hthe = r_kl * sin_jkl * ( r_jk - r_ij * cos_ijk );
+    hnra = r_kl * sin_ijk * sin_jkl;
+    hnrc = r_ij * sin_ijk * sin_jkl;
+    hnhd = r_ij * r_kl * cos_ijk * sin_jkl;
+    hnhe = r_ij * r_kl * sin_ijk * cos_jkl;
+    poem = 2.0 * r_ij * r_kl * sin_ijk * sin_jkl;
+    if ( poem < 1e-20 ) poem = 1e-20;
+    tel  = SQR( r_ij ) + SQR( r_jk ) + SQR( r_kl ) - SQR( r_li ) -
+           2.0 * ( r_ij * r_jk * cos_ijk - r_ij * r_kl * cos_ijk * cos_jkl +
+                   r_jk * r_kl * cos_jkl );
+    arg  = tel / poem;
+    if ( arg >  1.0 ) arg =  1.0;
+    if ( arg < -1.0 ) arg = -1.0;
+    /* fprintf( out_control->etor,
+       "%12.6f%12.6f%12.6f%12.6f%12.6f%12.6f%12.6f%12.6f%12.6f\n",
+       htra, htrb, htrc, hthd, hthe, hnra, hnrc, hnhd, hnhe );
+       fprintf( out_control->etor, "%12.6f%12.6f%12.6f\n",
+       dvec_ij[0]/r_ij, dvec_ij[1]/r_ij, dvec_ij[2]/r_ij );
+       fprintf( out_control->etor, "%12.6f%12.6f%12.6f\n",
+       -dvec_jk[0]/r_jk, -dvec_jk[1]/r_jk, -dvec_jk[2]/r_jk );
+       fprintf( out_control->etor, "%12.6f%12.6f%12.6f\n",
+       -dvec_kl[0]/r_kl, -dvec_kl[1]/r_kl, -dvec_kl[2]/r_kl );
+       fprintf( out_control->etor, "%12.6f%12.6f%12.6f%12.6f\n",
+       r_li, dvec_li[0], dvec_li[1], dvec_li[2] );
+       fprintf( out_control->etor, "%12.6f%12.6f%12.6f\n",
+       poem, tel, arg ); */
+    /* fprintf( out_control->etor, "%12.6f%12.6f%12.6f\n",
+       -p_ijk->dcos_dk[0]/sin_ijk, -p_ijk->dcos_dk[1]/sin_ijk,
+       -p_ijk->dcos_dk[2]/sin_ijk );
+       fprintf( out_control->etor, "%12.6f%12.6f%12.6f\n",
+       -p_jkl->dcos_dk[0]/sin_jkl, -p_jkl->dcos_dk[1]/sin_jkl,
+       -p_jkl->dcos_dk[2]/sin_jkl );*/
+    if ( sin_ijk >= 0 && sin_ijk <= MIN_SINE ) sin_ijk = MIN_SINE;
+    else if ( sin_ijk <= 0 && sin_ijk >= -MIN_SINE ) sin_ijk = -MIN_SINE;
+    if ( sin_jkl >= 0 && sin_jkl <= MIN_SINE ) sin_jkl = MIN_SINE;
+    else if ( sin_jkl <= 0 && sin_jkl >= -MIN_SINE ) sin_jkl = -MIN_SINE;
+    // dcos_omega_di
+    rvec_ScaledSum( dcos_omega_di, (htra - arg * hnra) / r_ij, dvec_ij, -1., dvec_li );
+    rvec_ScaledAdd( dcos_omega_di, -(hthd - arg * hnhd) / sin_ijk, p_ijk->dcos_dk );
+    rvec_Scale( dcos_omega_di, 2.0 / poem, dcos_omega_di );
+    // dcos_omega_dj
+    rvec_ScaledSum( dcos_omega_dj, -(htra - arg * hnra) / r_ij, dvec_ij,
+                    -htrb / r_jk, dvec_jk );
+    rvec_ScaledAdd( dcos_omega_dj, -(hthd - arg * hnhd) / sin_ijk, p_ijk->dcos_dj );
+    rvec_ScaledAdd( dcos_omega_dj, -(hthe - arg * hnhe) / sin_jkl, p_jkl->dcos_di );
+    rvec_Scale( dcos_omega_dj, 2.0 / poem, dcos_omega_dj );
+    // dcos_omega_dk
+    rvec_ScaledSum( dcos_omega_dk, -(htrc - arg * hnrc) / r_kl, dvec_kl,
+                    htrb / r_jk, dvec_jk );
+    rvec_ScaledAdd( dcos_omega_dk, -(hthd - arg * hnhd) / sin_ijk, p_ijk->dcos_di );
+    rvec_ScaledAdd( dcos_omega_dk, -(hthe - arg * hnhe) / sin_jkl, p_jkl->dcos_dj );
+    rvec_Scale( dcos_omega_dk, 2.0 / poem, dcos_omega_dk );
+    // dcos_omega_dl
+    rvec_ScaledSum( dcos_omega_dl, (htrc - arg * hnrc) / r_kl, dvec_kl, 1., dvec_li );
+    rvec_ScaledAdd( dcos_omega_dl, -(hthe - arg * hnhe) / sin_jkl, p_jkl->dcos_dk );
+    rvec_Scale( dcos_omega_dl, 2.0 / poem, dcos_omega_dl );
+    return omega;
+real Old_Calculate_Omega( rvec dvec_ij, real r_ij,
+                      rvec dvec_jk, real r_jk,
+                      rvec dvec_kl, real r_kl,
+                      rvec dvec_li, real r_li,
+                      three_body_interaction_data *p_ijk,
+                      three_body_interaction_data *p_jkl,
+                      rvec dcos_omega_di, rvec dcos_omega_dj,
+                      rvec dcos_omega_dk, rvec dcos_omega_dl,
+                      output_controls *out_control )
+    real unnorm_cos_omega, unnorm_sin_omega, omega;
+    real sin_ijk, cos_ijk, sin_jkl, cos_jkl;
+    real htra, htrb, htrc, hthd, hthe, hnra, hnrc, hnhd, hnhe;
+    real arg, poem, tel;
+    rvec cross_jk_kl;
     sin_ijk = SIN( p_ijk->theta );
     cos_ijk = COS( p_ijk->theta );
     sin_jkl = SIN( p_jkl->theta );
@@ -148,9 +264,481 @@ real Calculate_Omega( rvec dvec_ij, real r_ij,
     return omega;
+// Basically a copy from PuReMD, because Old_Torsion_Angles had some issue
+void Torsion_Angles( reax_system *system, control_params *control,
+                     simulation_data *data, storage *workspace,
+                     reax_list **lists, output_controls *out_control )
+    int i, j, k, l, pi, pj, pk, pl, pij, plk, natoms;
+    int type_i, type_j, type_k, type_l;
+    int start_j, end_j, start_k, end_k;
+    int start_pj, end_pj, start_pk, end_pk;
+    int num_frb_intrs = 0;
+    real Delta_j, Delta_k;
+    real r_ij, r_jk, r_kl, r_li;
+    real BOA_ij, BOA_jk, BOA_kl;
-void Torsion_Angles( reax_system *system, control_params *control,
+    real exp_tor2_ij, exp_tor2_jk, exp_tor2_kl;
+    real exp_tor1, exp_tor3_DjDk, exp_tor4_DjDk, exp_tor34_inv;
+    real exp_cot2_jk, exp_cot2_ij, exp_cot2_kl;
+    real fn10, f11_DjDk, dfn11, fn12;
+    real theta_ijk, theta_jkl;
+    real sin_ijk, sin_jkl;
+    real cos_ijk, cos_jkl;
+    real tan_ijk_i, tan_jkl_i;
+    real omega, cos_omega, cos2omega, cos3omega;
+    rvec dcos_omega_di, dcos_omega_dj, dcos_omega_dk, dcos_omega_dl;
+    real CV, cmn, CEtors1, CEtors2, CEtors3, CEtors4;
+    real CEtors5, CEtors6, CEtors7, CEtors8, CEtors9;
+    real Cconj, CEconj1, CEconj2, CEconj3;
+    real CEconj4, CEconj5, CEconj6;
+    real e_tor, e_con;
+    rvec dvec_li;
+    rvec force, ext_press;
+    ivec rel_box_jl;
+    // rtensor total_rtensor, temp_rtensor;
+    four_body_header *fbh;
+    four_body_parameters *fbp;
+    bond_data *pbond_ij, *pbond_jk, *pbond_kl;
+    bond_order_data *bo_ij, *bo_jk, *bo_kl;
+    three_body_interaction_data *p_ijk, *p_jkl;
+    real p_tor2 = system->reax_param.gp.l[23];
+    real p_tor3 = system->reax_param.gp.l[24];
+    real p_tor4 = system->reax_param.gp.l[25];
+    real p_cot2 = system->reax_param.gp.l[27];
+    reax_list *bonds = (*lists) + BONDS;
+    reax_list *thb_intrs = (*lists) + THREE_BODIES;
+    // char  fname[100];
+    // FILE *ftor;
+    // sprintf( fname, "tor%d.out", system->my_rank );
+    // ftor = fopen( fname, "w" );
+    natoms = system->n;
+    for ( j = 0; j < natoms; ++j )
+    {
+        type_j = system->my_atoms[j].type;
+        Delta_j = workspace->Delta_boc[j];
+        start_j = Start_Index(j, bonds);
+        end_j = End_Index(j, bonds);
+        for ( pk = start_j; pk < end_j; ++pk )
+        {
+	    // DANIEL
+            //pbond_jk = &( bonds->bond_list[pk] );
+            pbond_jk = &( bonds->select.bond_list[pk] );
+            k = pbond_jk->nbr;
+            bo_jk = &( pbond_jk->bo_data );
+            BOA_jk = bo_jk->BO - control->thb_cut;
+            /* see if there are any 3-body interactions involving j&k
+            where j is the central atom. Otherwise there is no point in
+             trying to form a 4-body interaction out of this neighborhood */
+            if ( system->my_atoms[j].orig_id < system->my_atoms[k].orig_id &&
+                    bo_jk->BO > control->thb_cut/*0*/ && Num_Entries(pk, thb_intrs) )
+            {
+                start_k = Start_Index(k, bonds);
+                end_k = End_Index(k, bonds);
+                pj = pbond_jk->sym_index; // pj points to j on k's list
+                /* do the same check as above:
+                   are there any 3-body interactions involving k&j
+                   where k is the central atom */
+                if ( Num_Entries(pj, thb_intrs) )
+                {
+                    type_k = system->my_atoms[k].type;
+                    Delta_k = workspace->Delta_boc[k];
+                    r_jk = pbond_jk->d;
+                    start_pk = Start_Index(pk, thb_intrs );
+                    end_pk = End_Index(pk, thb_intrs );
+                    start_pj = Start_Index(pj, thb_intrs );
+                    end_pj = End_Index(pj, thb_intrs );
+                    exp_tor2_jk = exp( -p_tor2 * BOA_jk );
+                    exp_cot2_jk = exp( -p_cot2 * SQR(BOA_jk - 1.5) );
+                    exp_tor3_DjDk = exp( -p_tor3 * (Delta_j + Delta_k) );
+                    exp_tor4_DjDk = exp( p_tor4  * (Delta_j + Delta_k) );
+                    exp_tor34_inv = 1.0 / (1.0 + exp_tor3_DjDk + exp_tor4_DjDk);
+                    f11_DjDk = (2.0 + exp_tor3_DjDk) * exp_tor34_inv;
+                    /* pick i up from j-k interaction where j is the central atom */
+                    for ( pi = start_pk; pi < end_pk; ++pi )
+                    {
+			// DANIEL
+                        // p_ijk = &( thb_intrs->three_body_list[pi] );
+                         p_ijk = &( thb_intrs->select.three_body_list[pi] );
+                        pij = p_ijk->pthb; // pij is pointer to i on j's bond_list
+			// DANIEL
+                        pbond_ij = &( bonds->select.bond_list[pij] );
+                        bo_ij = &( pbond_ij->bo_data );
+                        if ( bo_ij->BO > control->thb_cut/*0*/ )
+                        {
+                            i = p_ijk->thb;
+                            type_i = system->my_atoms[i].type;
+                            r_ij = pbond_ij->d;
+                            BOA_ij = bo_ij->BO - control->thb_cut;
+                            theta_ijk = p_ijk->theta;
+                            sin_ijk = sin( theta_ijk );
+                            cos_ijk = cos( theta_ijk );
+                            //tan_ijk_i = 1. / tan( theta_ijk );
+                            if ( sin_ijk >= 0 && sin_ijk <= MIN_SINE )
+                                tan_ijk_i = cos_ijk / MIN_SINE;
+                            else if ( sin_ijk <= 0 && sin_ijk >= -MIN_SINE )
+                                tan_ijk_i = cos_ijk / -MIN_SINE;
+                            else tan_ijk_i = cos_ijk / sin_ijk;
+                            exp_tor2_ij = exp( -p_tor2 * BOA_ij );
+                            exp_cot2_ij = exp( -p_cot2 * SQR(BOA_ij - 1.5) );
+                            /* pick l up from j-k interaction where k is the central atom */
+                            for ( pl = start_pj; pl < end_pj; ++pl )
+                            {
+				//DANIEL
+				// More mechanical datastructure changes
+                                p_jkl = &( thb_intrs->select.three_body_list[pl] );
+                                l = p_jkl->thb;
+                                plk = p_jkl->pthb; //pointer to l on k's bond_list!
+                                pbond_kl = &( bonds->select.bond_list[plk] );
+                                bo_kl = &( pbond_kl->bo_data );
+                                type_l = system->my_atoms[l].type;
+				// DANIEL
+                                //fbh = &(system->reax_param.fbp[type_i][type_j]
+                                //        [type_k][type_l]);
+                                //fbp = &(system->reax_param.fbp[type_i][type_j]
+                                //        [type_k][type_l].prm[0]);
+				fbh = &(system->reax_param.fbp[index_fbp (type_i, type_j, type_k, type_l, system->reax_param.num_atom_types)]);
+                                fbp = &(system->reax_param.fbp[index_fbp (type_i, type_j, type_k, type_l, system->reax_param.num_atom_types)].prm[0]);
+                                if ( i != l && fbh->cnt &&
+                                        bo_kl->BO > control->thb_cut/*0*/ &&
+                                        bo_ij->BO * bo_jk->BO * bo_kl->BO > control->thb_cut/*0*/ )
+                                {
+                                    ++num_frb_intrs;
+                                    r_kl = pbond_kl->d;
+                                    BOA_kl = bo_kl->BO - control->thb_cut;
+                                    theta_jkl = p_jkl->theta;
+                                    sin_jkl = sin( theta_jkl );
+                                    cos_jkl = cos( theta_jkl );
+                                    //tan_jkl_i = 1. / tan( theta_jkl );
+                                    if ( sin_jkl >= 0 && sin_jkl <= MIN_SINE )
+                                        tan_jkl_i = cos_jkl / MIN_SINE;
+                                    else if ( sin_jkl <= 0 && sin_jkl >= -MIN_SINE )
+                                        tan_jkl_i = cos_jkl / -MIN_SINE;
+                                    else tan_jkl_i = cos_jkl / sin_jkl;
+                                    rvec_ScaledSum( dvec_li, 1., system->my_atoms[i].x,
+                                                    -1., system->my_atoms[l].x );
+                                    r_li = rvec_Norm( dvec_li );
+                                    /* omega and its derivative */
+                                    omega = Calculate_Omega( pbond_ij->dvec, r_ij,
+                                                             pbond_jk->dvec, r_jk,
+                                                             pbond_kl->dvec, r_kl,
+                                                             dvec_li, r_li,
+                                                             p_ijk, p_jkl,
+                                                             dcos_omega_di, dcos_omega_dj,
+                                                             dcos_omega_dk, dcos_omega_dl,
+                                                             out_control );
+                                    cos_omega = cos( omega );
+                                    cos2omega = cos( 2. * omega );
+                                    cos3omega = cos( 3. * omega );
+                                    /* end omega calculations */
+                                    /* torsion energy */
+                                    exp_tor1 = exp( fbp->p_tor1 *
+                                                    SQR(2.0 - bo_jk->BO_pi - f11_DjDk) );
+                                    exp_tor2_kl = exp( -p_tor2 * BOA_kl );
+                                    exp_cot2_kl = exp( -p_cot2 * SQR(BOA_kl - 1.5) );
+                                    fn10 = (1.0 - exp_tor2_ij) * (1.0 - exp_tor2_jk) *
+                                           (1.0 - exp_tor2_kl);
+                                    CV = 0.5 * ( fbp->V1 * (1.0 + cos_omega) +
+                                    	         fbp->V2 * exp_tor1 * (1.0 - cos2omega) +
+                                    	         fbp->V3 * (1.0 + cos3omega) );
+                                    data->my_en.e_tor += e_tor = fn10 * sin_ijk * sin_jkl * CV;
+                                    dfn11 = (-p_tor3 * exp_tor3_DjDk +
+                                             (p_tor3 * exp_tor3_DjDk - p_tor4 * exp_tor4_DjDk) *
+                                             (2.0 + exp_tor3_DjDk) * exp_tor34_inv) *
+                                            exp_tor34_inv;
+                                    CEtors1 = sin_ijk * sin_jkl * CV;
+                                    CEtors2 = -fn10 * 2.0 * fbp->p_tor1 * fbp->V2 * exp_tor1 *
+                                              (2.0 - bo_jk->BO_pi - f11_DjDk) * (1.0 - SQR(cos_omega)) *
+                                              sin_ijk * sin_jkl;
+                                    CEtors3 = CEtors2 * dfn11;
+                                    CEtors4 = CEtors1 * p_tor2 * exp_tor2_ij *
+                                              (1.0 - exp_tor2_jk) * (1.0 - exp_tor2_kl);
+                                    CEtors5 = CEtors1 * p_tor2 *
+                                              (1.0 - exp_tor2_ij) * exp_tor2_jk * (1.0 - exp_tor2_kl);
+                                    CEtors6 = CEtors1 * p_tor2 *
+                                              (1.0 - exp_tor2_ij) * (1.0 - exp_tor2_jk) * exp_tor2_kl;
+                                    cmn = -fn10 * CV;
+                                    CEtors7 = cmn * sin_jkl * tan_ijk_i;
+                                    CEtors8 = cmn * sin_ijk * tan_jkl_i;
+                                    CEtors9 = fn10 * sin_ijk * sin_jkl *
+                                              (0.5 * fbp->V1 - 2.0 * fbp->V2 * exp_tor1 * cos_omega +
+                                               1.5 * fbp->V3 * (cos2omega + 2.0 * SQR(cos_omega)));
+                                    /* end  of torsion energy */
+                                    /* 4-body conjugation energy */
+                                    fn12 = exp_cot2_ij * exp_cot2_jk * exp_cot2_kl;
+                                    data->my_en.e_con += e_con =
+                                                             fbp->p_cot1 * fn12 *
+                                                             (1.0 + (SQR(cos_omega) - 1.0) * sin_ijk * sin_jkl);
+                                    Cconj = -2.0 * fn12 * fbp->p_cot1 * p_cot2 *
+                                            (1.0 + (SQR(cos_omega) - 1.0) * sin_ijk * sin_jkl);
+                                    CEconj1 = Cconj * (BOA_ij - 1.5e0);
+                                    CEconj2 = Cconj * (BOA_jk - 1.5e0);
+                                    CEconj3 = Cconj * (BOA_kl - 1.5e0);
+                                    CEconj4 = -fbp->p_cot1 * fn12 *
+                                              (SQR(cos_omega) - 1.0) * sin_jkl * tan_ijk_i;
+                                    CEconj5 = -fbp->p_cot1 * fn12 *
+                                              (SQR(cos_omega) - 1.0) * sin_ijk * tan_jkl_i;
+                                    CEconj6 = 2.0 * fbp->p_cot1 * fn12 *
+                                              cos_omega * sin_ijk * sin_jkl;
+                                    /* end 4-body conjugation energy */
+                                    /* forces */
+                                    bo_jk->Cdbopi += CEtors2;
+                                    workspace->CdDelta[j] += CEtors3;
+                                    workspace->CdDelta[k] += CEtors3;
+                                    bo_ij->Cdbo += (CEtors4 + CEconj1);
+                                    bo_jk->Cdbo += (CEtors5 + CEconj2);
+                                    bo_kl->Cdbo += (CEtors6 + CEconj3);
+                                    if ( control->virial == 0 )
+                                    {
+                                        /* dcos_theta_ijk */
+                                        rvec_ScaledAdd( workspace->f[i],
+                                                        CEtors7 + CEconj4, p_ijk->dcos_dk );
+                                        rvec_ScaledAdd( workspace->f[j],
+                                                        CEtors7 + CEconj4, p_ijk->dcos_dj );
+                                        rvec_ScaledAdd( workspace->f[k],
+                                                        CEtors7 + CEconj4, p_ijk->dcos_di );
+                                        /* dcos_theta_jkl */
+                                        rvec_ScaledAdd( workspace->f[j],
+                                                        CEtors8 + CEconj5, p_jkl->dcos_di );
+                                        rvec_ScaledAdd( workspace->f[k],
+                                                        CEtors8 + CEconj5, p_jkl->dcos_dj );
+                                        rvec_ScaledAdd( workspace->f[l],
+                                                        CEtors8 + CEconj5, p_jkl->dcos_dk );
+                                        /* dcos_omega */
+                                        rvec_ScaledAdd( workspace->f[i],
+                                                        CEtors9 + CEconj6, dcos_omega_di );
+                                        rvec_ScaledAdd( workspace->f[j],
+                                                        CEtors9 + CEconj6, dcos_omega_dj );
+                                        rvec_ScaledAdd( workspace->f[k],
+                                                        CEtors9 + CEconj6, dcos_omega_dk );
+                                        rvec_ScaledAdd( workspace->f[l],
+                                                        CEtors9 + CEconj6, dcos_omega_dl );
+                                    }
+                                    else
+                                    {
+                                        ivec_Sum(rel_box_jl, pbond_jk->rel_box, pbond_kl->rel_box);
+                                        /* dcos_theta_ijk */
+                                        rvec_Scale( force, CEtors7 + CEconj4, p_ijk->dcos_dk );
+                                        rvec_Add( workspace->f[i], force );
+                                        rvec_iMultiply( ext_press, pbond_ij->rel_box, force );
+                                        rvec_Add( data->my_ext_press, ext_press );
+                                        rvec_ScaledAdd( workspace->f[j],
+                                                        CEtors7 + CEconj4, p_ijk->dcos_dj );
+                                        rvec_Scale( force, CEtors7 + CEconj4, p_ijk->dcos_di );
+                                        rvec_Add( workspace->f[k], force );
+                                        rvec_iMultiply( ext_press, pbond_jk->rel_box, force );
+                                        rvec_Add( data->my_ext_press, ext_press );
+                                        /* dcos_theta_jkl */
+                                        rvec_ScaledAdd( workspace->f[j],
+                                                        CEtors8 + CEconj5, p_jkl->dcos_di );
+                                        rvec_Scale( force, CEtors8 + CEconj5, p_jkl->dcos_dj );
+                                        rvec_Add( workspace->f[k], force );
+                                        rvec_iMultiply( ext_press, pbond_jk->rel_box, force );
+                                        rvec_Add( data->my_ext_press, ext_press );
+                                        rvec_Scale( force, CEtors8 + CEconj5, p_jkl->dcos_dk );
+                                        rvec_Add( workspace->f[l], force );
+                                        rvec_iMultiply( ext_press, rel_box_jl, force );
+                                        rvec_Add( data->my_ext_press, ext_press );
+                                        /* dcos_omega */
+                                        rvec_Scale( force, CEtors9 + CEconj6, dcos_omega_di );
+                                        rvec_Add( workspace->f[i], force );
+                                        rvec_iMultiply( ext_press, pbond_ij->rel_box, force );
+                                        rvec_Add( data->my_ext_press, ext_press );
+                                        rvec_ScaledAdd( workspace->f[j],
+                                                        CEtors9 + CEconj6, dcos_omega_dj );
+                                        rvec_Scale( force, CEtors9 + CEconj6, dcos_omega_dk );
+                                        rvec_Add( workspace->f[k], force );
+                                        rvec_iMultiply( ext_press, pbond_jk->rel_box, force );
+                                        rvec_Add( data->my_ext_press, ext_press );
+                                        rvec_Scale( force, CEtors9 + CEconj6, dcos_omega_dl );
+                                        rvec_Add( workspace->f[l], force );
+                                        rvec_iMultiply( ext_press, rel_box_jl, force );
+                                        rvec_Add( data->my_ext_press, ext_press );
+                                    }
+                                    /* fprintf( out_control->etor,
+                                       "%12.8f%12.8f%12.8f%12.8f%12.8f%12.8f%12.8f\n",
+                                       r_ij, r_jk, r_kl, cos_ijk, cos_jkl, sin_ijk, sin_jkl );
+                                       fprintf( out_control->etor, "%12.8f\n", dfn11 ); */
+                                    /* fprintf( out_control->etor,
+                                       "%12.8f%12.8f%12.8f%12.8f%12.8f%12.8f%12.8f%12.8f\n",
+                                       CEtors2, CEtors3, CEtors4, CEtors5, CEtors6,
+                                       CEtors7, CEtors8, CEtors9 ); */
+                                    /* fprintf( out_control->etor,
+                                       "%12.8f%12.8f%12.8f%12.8f%12.8f%12.8f%12.8f%12.8f\n",
+                                       htra, htrb, htrc, hthd, hthe, hnra, hnrc, hnhd, hnhe ); */
+                                    /* fprintf( out_control->etor,
+                                       "%12.8f%12.8f%12.8f%12.8f%12.8f%12.8f\n",
+                                       CEconj1, CEconj2, CEconj3, CEconj4, CEconj5, CEconj6 ); */
+                                    /* fprintf( out_control->etor, "%12.6f%12.6f%12.6f%12.6f\n",
+                                       fbp->V1, fbp->V2, fbp->V3, fbp->p_tor1 );*/
+                                    fprintf(out_control->etor,
+                                            //"%6d%6d%6d%6d%24.15e%24.15e%24.15e%24.15e\n",
+                                            "%6d%6d%6d%6d%12.4f%12.4f%12.4f%12.4f\n",
+                                            system->my_atoms[i].orig_id, system->my_atoms[j].orig_id,
+                                            system->my_atoms[k].orig_id, system->my_atoms[l].orig_id,
+                                            RAD2DEG(omega), BOA_jk, e_tor, data->my_en.e_tor );
+                                    fprintf(out_control->econ,
+                                            //"%6d%6d%6d%6d%24.15e%24.15e%24.15e%24.15e%24.15e%24.15e\n",
+                                            "%6d%6d%6d%6d%12.4f%12.4f%12.4f%12.4f%12.4f%12.4f\n",
+                                            system->my_atoms[i].orig_id, system->my_atoms[j].orig_id,
+                                            system->my_atoms[k].orig_id, system->my_atoms[l].orig_id,
+                                            RAD2DEG(omega), BOA_ij, BOA_jk, BOA_kl,
+                                            e_con, data->my_en.e_con );
+                                    /* Torsion Forces */
+                                    Add_dBOpinpi2( system, lists, j, pk, CEtors2, 0.0,
+                                                   workspace->f_tor, workspace->f_tor );
+                                    Add_dDelta( system, lists, j, CEtors3, workspace->f_tor );
+                                    Add_dDelta( system, lists, k, CEtors3, workspace->f_tor );
+                                    Add_dBO( system, lists, j, pij, CEtors4, workspace->f_tor );
+                                    Add_dBO( system, lists, j, pk, CEtors5, workspace->f_tor );
+                                    Add_dBO( system, lists, k, plk, CEtors6, workspace->f_tor );
+                                    rvec_ScaledAdd( workspace->f_tor[i],
+                                                    CEtors7, p_ijk->dcos_dk );
+                                    rvec_ScaledAdd( workspace->f_tor[j],
+                                                    CEtors7, p_ijk->dcos_dj );
+				rvec_ScaledAdd( workspace->f_tor[k],
+                                                    CEtors7, p_ijk->dcos_di );
+                                    rvec_ScaledAdd( workspace->f_tor[j],
+                                                    CEtors8, p_jkl->dcos_di );
+                                    rvec_ScaledAdd( workspace->f_tor[k],
+                                                    CEtors8, p_jkl->dcos_dj );
+                                    rvec_ScaledAdd( workspace->f_tor[l],
+                                                    CEtors8, p_jkl->dcos_dk );
+                                    rvec_ScaledAdd( workspace->f_tor[i],
+                                                    CEtors9, dcos_omega_di );
+                                    rvec_ScaledAdd( workspace->f_tor[j],
+                                                    CEtors9, dcos_omega_dj );
+                                    rvec_ScaledAdd( workspace->f_tor[k],
+                                                    CEtors9, dcos_omega_dk );
+                                    rvec_ScaledAdd( workspace->f_tor[l],
+                                                    CEtors9, dcos_omega_dl );
+                                    /* Conjugation Forces */
+                                    Add_dBO( system, lists, j, pij, CEconj1, workspace->f_con );
+                                    Add_dBO( system, lists, j, pk, CEconj2, workspace->f_con );
+                                    Add_dBO( system, lists, k, plk, CEconj3, workspace->f_con );
+                                    rvec_ScaledAdd( workspace->f_con[i],
+                                                    CEconj4, p_ijk->dcos_dk );
+                                    rvec_ScaledAdd( workspace->f_con[j],
+                                                    CEconj4, p_ijk->dcos_dj );
+                                    rvec_ScaledAdd( workspace->f_con[k],
+                                                    CEconj4, p_ijk->dcos_di );
+                                    rvec_ScaledAdd( workspace->f_con[j],
+                                                    CEconj5, p_jkl->dcos_di );
+                                    rvec_ScaledAdd( workspace->f_con[k],
+                                                    CEconj5, p_jkl->dcos_dj );
+                                    rvec_ScaledAdd( workspace->f_con[l],
+                                                    CEconj5, p_jkl->dcos_dk );
+                                    rvec_ScaledAdd( workspace->f_con[i],
+                                                    CEconj6, dcos_omega_di );
+                                    rvec_ScaledAdd( workspace->f_con[j],
+                                                    CEconj6, dcos_omega_dj );
+                                    rvec_ScaledAdd( workspace->f_con[k],
+                                                    CEconj6, dcos_omega_dk );
+                                    rvec_ScaledAdd( workspace->f_con[l],
+                                                    CEconj6, dcos_omega_dl );
+                                } // pl check ends
+                            } // pl loop ends
+                        } // pi check ends
+                    } // pi loop ends
+                } // k-j neighbor check ends
+            } // j<k && j-k neighbor check ends
+        } // pk loop ends
+    } // j loop
+#if defined(DEBUG)
+    fprintf( stderr, "Number of torsion angles: %d\n", num_frb_intrs );
+    fprintf( stderr, "Torsion Energy: %g\t Conjugation Energy: %g\n",
+             data->my_en.e_tor, data->my_en.e_con );
+    fprintf( stderr, "4body: ext_press (%12.6f %12.6f %12.6f)\n",
+             data->ext_press[0], data->ext_press[1], data->ext_press[2] );
+void Old_Torsion_Angles( reax_system *system, control_params *control,
                      simulation_data *data, storage *workspace,
                      reax_list **lists, output_controls *out_control )
diff --git a/PG-PuReMD/src/valence_angles.c b/PG-PuReMD/src/valence_angles.c
index 0fe67007eda9fd078dcd4187b7cc11d127be60e5..905fbbf82733dab2d9d06b5cc1fab2dbcbde584f 100644
--- a/PG-PuReMD/src/valence_angles.c
+++ b/PG-PuReMD/src/valence_angles.c
@@ -20,7 +20,6 @@
 #include "reax_types.h"
-#include "index_utils.h"
 #if defined(PURE_REAX)
 #include "valence_angles.h"
 #include "bond_orders.h"
@@ -42,7 +41,7 @@ void Calculate_Theta( rvec dvec_ji, real d_ji, rvec dvec_jk, real d_jk,
     if ( *cos_theta > 1. ) *cos_theta  = 1.0;
     if ( *cos_theta < -1. ) *cos_theta  = -1.0;
-    (*theta) = ACOS( *cos_theta );
+    (*theta) = acos( *cos_theta );
@@ -56,7 +55,7 @@ void Calculate_dCos_Theta( rvec dvec_ji, real d_ji, rvec dvec_jk, real d_jk,
     real sqr_d_ji = SQR(d_ji);
     real sqr_d_jk = SQR(d_jk);
     real inv_dists = 1.0 / (d_ji * d_jk);
-    real inv_dists3 = POW( inv_dists, 3 );
+    real inv_dists3 = pow( inv_dists, 3 );
     real dot_dvecs = Dot( dvec_ji, dvec_jk, 3 );
     real Cdot_inv3 = dot_dvecs * inv_dists3;
@@ -138,7 +137,7 @@ void Valence_Angles( reax_system *system, control_params *control,
             temp = SQR( bo_jt->BO );
             temp *= temp;
             temp *= temp;
-            prod_SBO *= EXP( -temp );
+            prod_SBO *= exp( -temp );
         /* modifications to match Adri's code - 09/01/09 */
@@ -160,18 +159,18 @@ void Valence_Angles( reax_system *system, control_params *control,
             SBO2 = 0, CSBO2 = 0;
         else if ( SBO > 0 && SBO <= 1 )
-            SBO2 = POW( SBO, p_val9 );
-            CSBO2 = p_val9 * POW( SBO, p_val9 - 1 );
+            SBO2 = pow( SBO, p_val9 );
+            CSBO2 = p_val9 * pow( SBO, p_val9 - 1 );
         else if ( SBO > 1 && SBO < 2 )
-            SBO2 = 2 - POW( 2 - SBO, p_val9 );
-            CSBO2 = p_val9 * POW( 2 - SBO, p_val9 - 1 );
+            SBO2 = 2 - pow( 2 - SBO, p_val9 );
+            CSBO2 = p_val9 * pow( 2 - SBO, p_val9 - 1 );
             SBO2 = 2, CSBO2 = 0;
-        expval6 = EXP( p_val6 * workspace->Delta_boc[j] );
+        expval6 = exp( p_val6 * workspace->Delta_boc[j] );
         for ( pi = start_j; pi < end_j; ++pi )
@@ -181,16 +180,9 @@ void Valence_Angles( reax_system *system, control_params *control,
             BOA_ij = bo_ij->BO - control->thb_cut;
-            //TODO REMOVE THIS
-            //TODO REMOVE THIS
-            //TODO REMOVE THIS
-            //TODO REMOVE THIS
-            //TODO REMOVE THIS
-            //TODO REMOVE THIS
             if ( BOA_ij/*bo_ij->BO*/ > 0.0 &&
                     ( j < system->n || pbond_ij->nbr < system->n ) )
-                //if( BOA_ij/*bo_ij->BO*/ > 0.0 ) {
                 i = pbond_ij->nbr;
                 r_ij = pbond_ij->d;
                 type_i = system->my_atoms[i].type;
@@ -235,10 +227,6 @@ void Valence_Angles( reax_system *system, control_params *control,
                     type_k   = system->my_atoms[k].type;
                     p_ijk    = &( thb_intrs->select.three_body_list[num_thb_intrs] );
-                    //CHANGE ORIGINAL
-                    if ((BOA_jk <= 0) || ((j >= system->n) && (k >= system->n))) continue;
-                    //CHANGE ORIGINAL
                     Calculate_Theta( pbond_ij->dvec, pbond_ij->d,
                                      pbond_jk->dvec, pbond_jk->d,
                                      &theta, &cos_theta );
@@ -251,7 +239,7 @@ void Valence_Angles( reax_system *system, control_params *control,
                     p_ijk->pthb = pk;
                     p_ijk->theta = theta;
-                    sin_theta = SIN( theta );
+                    sin_theta = sin( theta );
                     if ( sin_theta < 1.0e-5 )
                         sin_theta = 1.0e-5;
@@ -262,9 +250,17 @@ void Valence_Angles( reax_system *system, control_params *control,
                             (bo_ij->BO * bo_jk->BO > SQR(control->thb_cut)/*0*/) )
                         r_jk = pbond_jk->d;
-                        //SUDHIR
+//			(type_i *  system->reax_param.num_atom_types *  system->reax_param.num_atom_types ) + (type_j *  system->reax_param.num_atom_types ) + type_k;
                         //thbh = &( system->reax_param.thbp[ type_i ][ type_j ][ type_k ] );
-                        thbh = &( system->reax_param.thbp[ index_thbp (type_i, type_j, type_k, system->reax_param.num_atom_types) ] );
+			thbh = &( system->reax_param.thbp[  (type_i *  system->reax_param.num_atom_types *  system->reax_param.num_atom_types ) + (type_j *  system->reax_param.num_atom_types ) + type_k
+ ] );
                         /* if( system->my_atoms[i].orig_id < system->my_atoms[k].orig_id )
                            fprintf( fval, "%6d %6d %6d %7.3f %7.3f %7.3f\n",
@@ -295,15 +291,15 @@ void Valence_Angles( reax_system *system, control_params *control,
                                 p_val7 = thbp->p_val7;
                                 theta_00 = thbp->theta_00;
-                                exp3ij = EXP( -p_val3 * POW( BOA_ij, p_val4 ) );
+                                exp3ij = exp( -p_val3 * pow( BOA_ij, p_val4 ) );
                                 f7_ij = 1.0 - exp3ij;
-                                Cf7ij = p_val3 * p_val4 * POW( BOA_ij, p_val4 - 1.0 ) * exp3ij;
+                                Cf7ij = p_val3 * p_val4 * pow( BOA_ij, p_val4 - 1.0 ) * exp3ij;
-                                exp3jk = EXP( -p_val3 * POW( BOA_jk, p_val4 ) );
+                                exp3jk = exp( -p_val3 * pow( BOA_jk, p_val4 ) );
                                 f7_jk = 1.0 - exp3jk;
-                                Cf7jk = p_val3 * p_val4 * POW( BOA_jk, p_val4 - 1.0 ) * exp3jk;
+                                Cf7jk = p_val3 * p_val4 * pow( BOA_jk, p_val4 - 1.0 ) * exp3jk;
-                                expval7 = EXP( -p_val7 * workspace->Delta_boc[j] );
+                                expval7 = exp( -p_val7 * workspace->Delta_boc[j] );
                                 trm8 = 1.0 + expval6 + expval7;
                                 f8_Dj = p_val5 - ( (p_val5 - 1.0) * (2.0 + expval6) / trm8 );
                                 Cf8j = ( (1.0 - p_val5) / SQR(trm8) ) *
@@ -311,10 +307,10 @@ void Valence_Angles( reax_system *system, control_params *control,
                                          (2.0 + expval6) * ( p_val6 * expval6 - p_val7 * expval7 ) );
                                 theta_0 = 180.0 - theta_00 * (1.0 -
-                                                              EXP(-p_val10 * (2.0 - SBO2)));
+                                                              exp(-p_val10 * (2.0 - SBO2)));
                                 theta_0 = DEG2RAD( theta_0 );
-                                expval2theta  = EXP( -p_val2 * SQR(theta_0 - theta) );
+                                expval2theta  = exp( -p_val2 * SQR(theta_0 - theta) );
                                 if ( p_val1 >= 0 )
                                     expval12theta = p_val1 * (1.0 - expval2theta);
                                 else // To avoid linear Me-H-Me angles (6/6/06)
@@ -345,10 +341,10 @@ void Valence_Angles( reax_system *system, control_params *control,
                                 p_pen3 = system->reax_param.gp.l[20];
                                 p_pen4 = system->reax_param.gp.l[21];
-                                exp_pen2ij = EXP( -p_pen2 * SQR( BOA_ij - 2.0 ) );
-                                exp_pen2jk = EXP( -p_pen2 * SQR( BOA_jk - 2.0 ) );
-                                exp_pen3 = EXP( -p_pen3 * workspace->Delta[j] );
-                                exp_pen4 = EXP(  p_pen4 * workspace->Delta[j] );
+                                exp_pen2ij = exp( -p_pen2 * SQR( BOA_ij - 2.0 ) );
+                                exp_pen2jk = exp( -p_pen2 * SQR( BOA_jk - 2.0 ) );
+                                exp_pen3 = exp( -p_pen3 * workspace->Delta[j] );
+                                exp_pen4 = exp(  p_pen4 * workspace->Delta[j] );
                                 trm_pen34 = 1.0 + exp_pen3 + exp_pen4;
                                 f9_Dj = ( 2.0 + exp_pen3 ) / trm_pen34;
                                 Cf9j = ( -p_pen3 * exp_pen3 * trm_pen34 -
@@ -372,13 +368,13 @@ void Valence_Angles( reax_system *system, control_params *control,
                                 p_coa3 = system->reax_param.gp.l[38];
                                 p_coa4 = system->reax_param.gp.l[30];
-                                exp_coa2 = EXP( p_coa2 * workspace->Delta_boc[j] );
+                                exp_coa2 = exp( p_coa2 * workspace->Delta_boc[j] );
                                 data->my_en.e_coa += e_coa =
                                                          p_coa1 / (1. + exp_coa2) *
-                                                         EXP( -p_coa3 * SQR(workspace->total_bond_order[i] - BOA_ij) ) *
-                                                         EXP( -p_coa3 * SQR(workspace->total_bond_order[k] - BOA_jk) ) *
-                                                         EXP( -p_coa4 * SQR(BOA_ij - 1.5) ) *
-                                                         EXP( -p_coa4 * SQR(BOA_jk - 1.5) );
+                                                         exp( -p_coa3 * SQR(workspace->total_bond_order[i] - BOA_ij) ) *
+                                                         exp( -p_coa3 * SQR(workspace->total_bond_order[k] - BOA_jk) ) *
+                                                         exp( -p_coa4 * SQR(BOA_ij - 1.5) ) *
+                                                         exp( -p_coa4 * SQR(BOA_jk - 1.5) );
                                 CEcoa1 = -2 * p_coa4 * (BOA_ij - 1.5) * e_coa;
                                 CEcoa2 = -2 * p_coa4 * (BOA_jk - 1.5) * e_coa;
@@ -405,7 +401,7 @@ void Valence_Angles( reax_system *system, control_params *control,
                                     pBOjt7 = temp * temp * temp_bo_jt;
                                     // fprintf( out_control->eval, "%6d%12.8f\n",
-                                    // workspace->reverse_map[bonds->select.bond_list[t].nbr],
+                                    // workspace->reverse_map[bonds->bond_list[t].nbr],
                                     // (CEval6 * pBOjt7) );
                                     bo_jt->Cdbo += (CEval6 * pBOjt7);
@@ -502,7 +498,7 @@ void Valence_Angles( reax_system *system, control_params *control,
                                 for ( t = start_j; t < end_j; ++t )
-                                    pbond_jt = &( bonds->select.bond_list[t] );
+                                    pbond_jt = &( bonds->bond_list[t] );
                                     bo_jt = &(pbond_jt->bo_data);
                                     temp_bo_jt = bo_jt->BO;
                                     temp = CUBE( temp_bo_jt );
diff --git a/PuReMD/src/forces.c b/PuReMD/src/forces.c
index 923bf93dfedda686e31be159fa0271fd9972a1e3..888c6acae9db372721326582558605acc73c464e 100644
--- a/PuReMD/src/forces.c
+++ b/PuReMD/src/forces.c
@@ -246,6 +246,33 @@ void Validate_Lists( reax_system *system, storage *workspace, reax_list **lists,
                     MPI_Abort( comm, INSUFFICIENT_MEMORY );
+            if ( Hindex > -1 )
+            {
+                system->my_atoms[i].num_hbonds =
+                    MAX( Num_Entries(Hindex, hbonds) * SAFER_ZONE, MIN_HBONDS );
+                //if( Num_Entries(i, hbonds) >=
+                //(Start_Index(i+1,hbonds)-Start_Index(i,hbonds))*0.90/*DANGER_ZONE*/){
+                //  workspace->realloc.hbonds = 1;
+                //TODO
+                if ( Hindex < system->n - 1 )
+                    comp = Start_Index(Hindex + 1, hbonds);
+                else comp = hbonds->num_intrs;
+                if ( End_Index(Hindex, hbonds) > comp )
+                {
+                    fprintf(stderr, "step%d-hbondchk failed: H=%d end(H)=%d str(H+1)=%d\n",
+                            step, Hindex, End_Index(Hindex, hbonds), comp );
+                    MPI_Abort( MPI_COMM_WORLD, INSUFFICIENT_MEMORY );
+                }
+            }
diff --git a/PuReMD/src/parallelreax.c b/PuReMD/src/parallelreax.c
index 7c42f79b9d521ebe7075339b9a81da8d20e7955f..de9eade3f86f23f5ce49f29f4d7641e6fc4f28ae 100644
--- a/PuReMD/src/parallelreax.c
+++ b/PuReMD/src/parallelreax.c
@@ -138,6 +138,8 @@ int main( int argc, char* argv[] )
               smalloc( sizeof(control_params), "control", MPI_COMM_WORLD );
     data = (simulation_data *)
            smalloc( sizeof(simulation_data), "data", MPI_COMM_WORLD );
+   printf("sizeof(storage): %d \n", sizeof(storage));
     workspace = (storage *)
                 smalloc( sizeof(storage), "workspace", MPI_COMM_WORLD );
     lists = (reax_list **)
diff --git a/test_harness/README b/test_harness/README
index f0198a0f1675dfc82b24c2233b980bd46edc40de..841e39b437a7a50122615cec10e94c94b8b04fdc 100755
--- a/test_harness/README
+++ b/test_harness/README
@@ -1,17 +1,29 @@
-# To run test, open up sim_test_master.sh. This script compiles all executables and qsubs all parts of the test. 
-# Decide which tests you want to run, comment out the rest. Unless you don't want to recompile, make sure not to comment out ./compile_all_executables.
-# Be aware that running sim_test_master in its entirety requests 32 hours of compute time on Laconia.
+# This folder contains a test harness to be used for verifying if later versions of the code are correct. It is designed to run on
+# Michigan State University's Laconia cluster. Running it on other systems will require modification. 
-# To begin test:
+# The test checks all three existing versions of the code (the original MPI-only PuReMD, PG-PuReMD, and PG-PuReMD with GPU functionality removed)  
+# against each other. Each of these versions is put through 11 different benchmark systems, which are run for 100 cycles. 
-# ./sim_test_master
+# To easily start the test, one should use the following syntax while connected to dev-intel16-k80:
-# When all jobs have completed, run sim_test_disp_output.sh:
+# ./sim_test_master.sh
+# This script compiles all versions of the test and then submits several jobs to the queue.
+# Be aware that this runs all benchmarks. It may be awhile before all these finish. For shorter tests, it might be better to comment out 
+# portions of sim_test_master like the large 300000-atom systems. 
+# Once all jobs have finished, if one desires to view all output in an ordered fashion to compare, the following script is available:
 # ./sim_test_disp_output.sh
-# This will output the tails of all .pot files generated by the simulation, for easy comparison.
+# If one wants to dump this output to a file:
+# ./sim_test_disp_output > someoutputfile.txt
+# If one wants to compare output to an older version, the file sim_output_082516.txt is available.
+# For any questions please email Daniel Kortemeyer at korteme1@msu.edu
diff --git a/test_harness/bilayer_340800_mpi_not_gpu_control b/test_harness/bilayer_340800_mpi_not_gpu_control
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d1646173b69744d7d8076474a39a23844d60b2e7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test_harness/bilayer_340800_mpi_not_gpu_control
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+simulation_name	        bilayer.340800_mpi_not_gpu    ! output files will carry this name + their specific ext.
+ensemble_type	 	1	! 0: NVE  1: Berendsen NVT  2: Nose-Hoover NVT(under testing)  3: semi-isotropic NPT  4: isotropic NPT  5: anisotropic NPT (under development)
+nsteps			100    ! number of simulation steps
+dt			0.10 	! time step in fs
+proc_by_dim             2 2 2   ! distribution of processors by dimensions
+geo_format 		0 	! 0: custom  1: pdb (only if natoms < 100000) 2: ASCII restart 3: binary restart
+tabulate_long_range	0	! number of sampling points for cubic spline interpolation, 0 no interpolation
+energy_update_freq 	10
+remove_CoM_vel	        500	! remove the transrot vel of CoM every 'this many' steps
+reposition_atoms	1	! 1:center of mass to center of box
+reneighbor              1
+vlist_buffer            0
+nbrhood_cutoff		4.5 	! bond cutoff in A
+hbond_cutoff		7.5	! hbond cutoff in A
+thb_cutoff		0.001	! cutoff value for three body interactions
+qeq_freq                1       ! frequency to update charges with QEq
+q_err			1e-6	! norm of the relative residual in QEq solve
+temp_init	        0.01	! initial temperature of the system
+temp_final 	        300.0	! final temperature of the system
+t_mass		        500.0   ! 0.16666 for nhNVT ! 500.0 for bNVT, iNPT, sNPT ! in fs, thermal inertia
+t_rate                  5.0                  ! in K
+t_freq                  1.0                     ! in ps
+t_mode			2	! 2: constant slope
+pressure 		0.000101325 0.000101325 0.000101325	! desired pressure of the simulated system in GPa, 1atm = 0.000101325 GPa
+p_mass		        10000.00     10000.00     10000.00  	! in fs, pressure inertia parameter
+write_freq		0	! write trajectory after so many steps
+traj_method		1	! 0: simple parallel I/O, 1: MPI I/O
+traj_title		micelle	! (no white spaces)
+atom_info		1	! 0: no atom info, 1: print basic atom info in the trajectory file
+atom_forces		0	! 0: basic atom format, 1: print force on each atom in the trajectory file
+atom_velocities		1	! 0: basic atom format, 1: print the velocity of each atom in the trajectory file
+bond_info		1	! 0: do not print bonds, 1: print bonds in the trajectory file
+angle_info		1	! 0: do not print angles, 1: print angles in the trajectory file 
+restart_format          1    ! 0: restarts in ASCII  1: restarts in binary
+restart_freq		10000    ! 0: do not output any restart files. >0: output a restart file at every 'this many' steps
+bond_graph_cutoff	0.3  ! bond strength cutoff for bond graphs
diff --git a/test_harness/bilayer_long_mpi_not_gpu.sh b/test_harness/bilayer_long_mpi_not_gpu.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c88841ca558c45dd98d967b9e714fe75d00192d0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test_harness/bilayer_long_mpi_not_gpu.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+#!/bin/bash -login
+#PBS -l nodes=1:ppn=8:gpus=8
+#PBS -l mem=120gb
+#PBS -l walltime=4:00:00
+#PBS -l feature=gpgpu:intel16
+cd "${PBS_O_WORKDIR}"
+#cd /mnt/home/korteme1/PuReMD_new/test_harness
+# MPI-GPU Runs #
+module purge
+module load GNU/4.8.2 OpenMPI/1.6.5 CUDA/6.0
+mpirun -np 8 ../PG-PuReMD/bin/pg-puremd-not-gpu ../data/benchmarks/bilayer/bilayer_340800.geo ../data/benchmarks/bilayer/ffield-bio bilayer_340800_mpi_not_gpu_control
diff --git a/test_harness/compile_all_executables.sh b/test_harness/compile_all_executables.sh
index e9b85bca37c7b51913423d32e5354c7d018204e4..f443665ecb51f32b6765a79c085b90aa2d9b6f3a 100755
--- a/test_harness/compile_all_executables.sh
+++ b/test_harness/compile_all_executables.sh
@@ -15,10 +15,33 @@ module load autoconf/2.69 automake/1.15
 cd ..
 ./configure --enable-openmp=no --enable-mpi=yes
 make clean && make
 cd test_harness
-# Run, after each run we must rename the output files, or another run will overwrite it
+module purge
+module load GNU/4.8.2 OpenMPI/1.6.5 CUDA/6.0
+module load autoconf/2.69 automake/1.15
+# MPI_Not_GPU Compile #
+# Requires an added layer of complexity when dealing with both the mpi_gpu and mpi_not_gpu versions, because they compile to the same name.
+# Need to rename the mpi_not_gpu executable before compiling for mpi_gpu
+# Make clean both versions
+cd ..
+./configure --enable-openmp=no --enable-mpi-gpu=yes
+make clean 
+./configure --enable-openmp=no --enable-mpi-not-gpu=yes
+mv PG-PuReMD/bin/pg-puremd-not-gpu PG-PuReMD/bin/pg-puremd
+make clean 
+cd test_harness
+# Compile mpi_not_gpu then rename executable
+cd ..
+mv PG-PuReMD/bin/pg-puremd PG-PuReMD/bin/pg-puremd-not-gpu
+cd test_harness
 # MPI-GPU Compile #
@@ -31,11 +54,10 @@ module load autoconf/2.69 automake/1.15
 # Compile for MPI-GPU
 cd ..
 ./configure --enable-openmp=no --enable-mpi-gpu=yes
-make clean && make
 cd test_harness
+echo "Attempted to compile all executables, check if any errors before this point"
diff --git a/test_harness/med_jobs.sh b/test_harness/med_jobs.sh
index 760c1e4dc47306c7e9d1688db7fc543cebeb2f02..dd1485cd078a4df276995fa253b700ca31bb0c4f 100755
--- a/test_harness/med_jobs.sh
+++ b/test_harness/med_jobs.sh
@@ -94,37 +94,44 @@ mv petn.out petn_mpi_gpu.out
 mv petn.pot petn_mpi_gpu.pot
 mv petn.trj petn_mpi_gpu.trj
-# Skipping MPI-NOT-GPU for now, not working yet
-if false
-# MPI-NOT-GPU Runs #
+# MPI_Not_GPU Runs #
-# Compile for MPI-NOT-GPU
-cd ..
-./configure --enable-openmp=no --enable-mpi-not-gpu=yes
-make clean && make
-cd tools
+mpirun -np 2 ../PG-PuReMD/bin/pg-puremd-not-gpu ../data/benchmarks/water/water_78480.geo ../data/benchmarks/water/ffield.water water_78480_control
+mv water.78480.log water.78480_mpi_not_gpu.log
+mv water.78480.out water.78480_mpi_not_gpu.out
+mv water.78480.pot water.78480_mpi_not_gpu.pot
+mv water.78480.trj water.78480_mpi_not_gpu.trj
+mpirun -np 2 ../PG-PuReMD/bin/pg-puremd-not-gpu ../data/benchmarks/silica/silica_72000.geo ../data/benchmarks/silica/ffield-bio silica_72000_control
-mpirun -np 2 ../PG-PuReMD/src/pg-puremd water_6540.pdb ffield.water water_6540_control
+mv silica.72000.log silica.72000_mpi_not_gpu.log
+mv silica.72000.out silica.72000_mpi_not_gpu.out
+mv silica.72000.pot silica.72000_mpi_not_gpu.pot
+mv silica.72000.trj silica.72000_mpi_not_gpu.trj
-mv water.6540.log water.6540_mpi_not_gpu.log
-mv water.6540.out water.6540_mpi_not_gpu.out
-mv water.6540.pot water.6540_mpi_not_gpu.pot
-mv water.6540.trj water.6540_mpi_not_gpu.trj
+mpirun -np 2 ../PG-PuReMD/bin/pg-puremd-not-gpu ../data/benchmarks/bilayer/bilayer_56800.pdb ../data/benchmarks/bilayer/ffield-bio bilayer_56800_control
-mpirun -np 2 ../PG-PuReMD/src/pg-puremd silica_6000.pdb ffield.water silica_6000_control
+mv bilayer.56800.log bilayer.56800_mpi_not_gpu.log
+mv bilayer.56800.out bilayer.56800_mpi_not_gpu.out
+mv bilayer.56800.pot bilayer.56800_mpi_not_gpu.pot
+mv bilayer.56800.trj bilayer.56800_mpi_not_gpu.trj
-mv silica.6000.log silica.6000_mpi_not_gpu.log
-mv silica.6000.out silica.6000_mpi_not_gpu.out
-mv silica.6000.pot silica.6000_mpi_not_gpu.pot
-mv silica.6000.trj silica.6000_mpi_not_gpu.trj
+mpirun -np 2 ../PG-PuReMD/bin/pg-puremd-not-gpu ../data/benchmarks/dna/dna_19733.pdb ../data/benchmarks/dna/ffield-dna dna_control
+mv dna.log dna_mpi_not_gpu.log
+mv dna.out dna_mpi_not_gpu.out
+mv dna.pot dna_mpi_not_gpu.pot
+mv dna.trj dna_mpi_not_gpu.trj
+mpirun -np 2 ../PG-PuReMD/bin/pg-puremd-not-gpu ../data/benchmarks/petn/petn_48256.pdb ../data/benchmarks/petn/ffield.petn petn_control
+mv petn.log petn_mpi_not_gpu.log
+mv petn.out petn_mpi_not_gpu.out
+mv petn.pot petn_mpi_not_gpu.pot
+mv petn.trj petn_mpi_not_gpu.trj
diff --git a/test_harness/short_jobs.sh b/test_harness/short_jobs.sh
index 152666d7e174a4411156bdbef33b7af8680f3068..41789ca7fb350739e66a8bfd7a6c99ebf4152f2f 100755
--- a/test_harness/short_jobs.sh
+++ b/test_harness/short_jobs.sh
@@ -67,36 +67,31 @@ mv zno.6912.out zno.6912_mpi_gpu.out
 mv zno.6912.pot zno.6912_mpi_gpu.pot
 mv zno.6912.trj zno.6912_mpi_gpu.trj
-# Skipping MPI-NOT-GPU for now, not working yet
-if false
 # MPI-NOT-GPU Runs #
-# Compile for MPI-NOT-GPU
-cd ..
-./configure --enable-openmp=no --enable-mpi-not-gpu=yes
-make clean && make
-cd tools
-mpirun -np 2 ../PG-PuReMD/src/pg-puremd water_6540.pdb ffield.water water_6540_control
+mpirun -np 2 ../PG-PuReMD/bin/pg-puremd-not-gpu ../data/benchmarks/water/water_6540.pdb ../data/benchmarks/water/ffield.water water_6540_control
 mv water.6540.log water.6540_mpi_not_gpu.log
 mv water.6540.out water.6540_mpi_not_gpu.out
 mv water.6540.pot water.6540_mpi_not_gpu.pot
 mv water.6540.trj water.6540_mpi_not_gpu.trj
-mpirun -np 2 ../PG-PuReMD/src/pg-puremd silica_6000.pdb ffield.water silica_6000_control
+mpirun -np 2 ../PG-PuReMD/bin/pg-puremd-not-gpu ../data/benchmarks/silica/silica_6000.pdb ../data/benchmarks/silica/ffield-bio silica_6000_control
 mv silica.6000.log silica.6000_mpi_not_gpu.log
 mv silica.6000.out silica.6000_mpi_not_gpu.out
 mv silica.6000.pot silica.6000_mpi_not_gpu.pot
 mv silica.6000.trj silica.6000_mpi_not_gpu.trj
+mpirun -np 2 ../PG-PuReMD/bin/pg-puremd-not-gpu ../data/benchmarks/metal/zno_6912.pdb ../data/benchmarks/metal/ffield.zno zno_6912_control
+mv zno.6912.log zno.6912_mpi_not_gpu.log
+mv zno.6912.out zno.6912_mpi_not_gpu.out
+mv zno.6912.pot zno.6912_mpi_not_gpu.pot
+mv zno.6912.trj zno.6912_mpi_not_gpu.trj
diff --git a/test_harness/silica_300000_mpi_not_gpu_control b/test_harness/silica_300000_mpi_not_gpu_control
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c03ae7cde56f8d0901f89a09accf634fae4add7a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test_harness/silica_300000_mpi_not_gpu_control
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+simulation_name	        silica.300000_mpi_not_gpu   ! output files will carry this name + their specific ext.
+ensemble_type	 	1	! 0: NVE  1: Berendsen NVT  2: Nose-Hoover NVT(under testing)  3: semi-isotropic NPT  4: isotropic NPT  5: anisotropic NPT (under development)
+nsteps			100    ! number of simulation steps
+dt			0.10 	! time step in fs
+proc_by_dim             2 2 2   ! distribution of processors by dimensions
+geo_format 		0 	! 0: custom  1: pdb (only if natoms < 100000) 2: ASCII restart 3: binary restart
+tabulate_long_range	0	! number of sampling points for cubic spline interpolation, 0 no interpolation
+energy_update_freq 	10
+remove_CoM_vel	        500	! remove the transrot vel of CoM every 'this many' steps
+reposition_atoms	1	! 1:center of mass to center of box
+reneighbor              1
+vlist_buffer            0
+nbrhood_cutoff		4.5 	! bond cutoff in A
+hbond_cutoff		0	! hbond cutoff in A
+thb_cutoff		0.001	! cutoff value for three body interactions
+qeq_freq                1       ! frequency to update charges with QEq
+q_err			1e-6	! norm of the relative residual in QEq solve
+temp_init	        0.01	! initial temperature of the system
+temp_final 	        300.0	! final temperature of the system
+t_mass		        500.0   ! 0.16666 for nhNVT ! 500.0 for bNVT, iNPT, sNPT ! in fs, thermal inertia
+t_rate                  5.0                  ! in K
+t_freq                  1.0                     ! in ps
+t_mode			2	! 2: constant slope
+pressure 		0.000101325 0.000101325 0.000101325	! desired pressure of the simulated system in GPa, 1atm = 0.000101325 GPa
+p_mass		        10000.00     10000.00     10000.00  	! in fs, pressure inertia parameter
+write_freq		0	! write trajectory after so many steps
+traj_method		1	! 0: simple parallel I/O, 1: MPI I/O
+traj_title		micelle	! (no white spaces)
+atom_info		1	! 0: no atom info, 1: print basic atom info in the trajectory file
+atom_forces		0	! 0: basic atom format, 1: print force on each atom in the trajectory file
+atom_velocities		1	! 0: basic atom format, 1: print the velocity of each atom in the trajectory file
+bond_info		1	! 0: do not print bonds, 1: print bonds in the trajectory file
+angle_info		1	! 0: do not print angles, 1: print angles in the trajectory file 
+restart_format          1    ! 0: restarts in ASCII  1: restarts in binary
+restart_freq		10000    ! 0: do not output any restart files. >0: output a restart file at every 'this many' steps
+bond_graph_cutoff	0.3  ! bond strength cutoff for bond graphs
diff --git a/test_harness/silica_long_mpi_not_gpu.sh b/test_harness/silica_long_mpi_not_gpu.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..4840ea23b43ecd4d2f2a5d95c532c90417be5118
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test_harness/silica_long_mpi_not_gpu.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+#!/bin/bash -login
+#PBS -l nodes=1:ppn=8:gpus=8
+#PBS -l mem=120gb
+#PBS -l walltime=4:00:00
+#PBS -l feature=gpgpu:intel16
+cd "${PBS_O_WORKDIR}"
+#cd /mnt/home/korteme1/PuReMD_new/test_harness
+# MPI-GPU Runs #
+module purge
+module load GNU/4.8.2 OpenMPI/1.6.5 CUDA/6.0
+mpirun -np 8 ../PG-PuReMD/bin/pg-puremd-not-gpu ../data/benchmarks/silica/silica_300000.geo ../data/benchmarks/silica/ffield-bio silica_300000_mpi_not_gpu_control
diff --git a/test_harness/sim_output_082516.txt b/test_harness/sim_output_082516.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..3e2952beab5f81a1b92a75b63c8d6a3de085f350
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test_harness/sim_output_082516.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,379 @@
+Small Systems:
+tail water.6540_mpi.pot:
+10        -563559.95     -14321.43          0.09      11670.67          0.00      -7960.90         37.67         -0.14     108831.26    -263095.78     175457.40
+20        -570250.29     -15031.60          0.02      11064.48          0.00      -8073.57         35.63         -0.15     114759.09    -268511.64     180063.70
+30        -578558.57     -15053.86          0.00      10666.77          0.00      -8196.01         33.30         -0.15     123196.52    -275532.33     186056.05
+40        -584717.60     -15160.69          0.00      10392.89          0.00      -8282.46         30.71         -0.15     131214.11    -281359.67     191054.69
+50        -586735.09     -14885.85          0.00      10270.96          0.00      -8320.01         28.23         -0.14     134826.75    -282847.92     192344.66
+60        -582847.13     -15797.42         -0.00       9710.66          0.00      -8313.50         26.01         -0.12     130578.53    -278558.43     188668.33
+70        -574780.61     -16593.71         -0.00       8962.50          0.00      -8252.29         24.42         -0.11     121530.40    -270696.87     181939.28
+80        -565419.05     -17011.84         -0.00       8347.44          0.00      -8138.77         23.34         -0.09     112397.50    -262730.22     175141.08
+90        -557974.27     -17233.65         -0.00       7978.84          0.00      -8017.92         22.50         -0.08     105848.38    -257230.68     170452.13
+100       -555008.28     -17391.74         -0.00       7854.52          0.00      -7955.88         21.33         -0.08     103083.76    -255531.34     168990.92
+tail water.6540_mpi_gpu.pot:
+10        -563559.95     -14321.43          0.09      11670.67          0.00      -7960.90         37.67         -0.14     108831.26    -263095.01     175765.69
+20        -570250.29     -15031.60          0.02      11064.48          0.00      -8073.57         35.63         -0.15     114759.09    -268512.70     180381.93
+30        -578558.57     -15053.86          0.00      10666.77          0.00      -8196.01         33.30         -0.15     123196.52    -275531.60     186383.04
+40        -584717.60     -15160.69          0.00      10392.89          0.00      -8282.46         30.71         -0.15     131214.11    -281358.27     191389.83
+50        -586735.09     -14885.85          0.00      10270.96          0.00      -8320.01         28.23         -0.14     134826.74    -282849.01     192684.56
+60        -582847.12     -15797.42         -0.00       9710.66          0.00      -8313.50         26.01         -0.12     130578.53    -278557.38     188999.62
+70        -574780.61     -16593.71         -0.00       8962.50          0.00      -8252.29         24.42         -0.11     121530.39    -270699.32     182262.20
+80        -565419.05     -17011.84         -0.00       8347.44          0.00      -8138.77         23.34         -0.09     112397.49    -262728.62     175447.99
+90        -557974.27     -17233.65         -0.00       7978.84          0.00      -8017.92         22.50         -0.08     105848.38    -257232.04     170753.74
+100       -555008.27     -17391.74         -0.00       7854.52          0.00      -7955.88         21.33         -0.08     103083.75    -255531.17     169288.42
+tail water.6540_mpi_not_gpu.pot:
+10        -563559.95     -14321.43          0.09      11670.67          0.00      -7960.90         37.67         -0.14     108831.26    -263095.02     175765.70
+20        -570250.29     -15031.60          0.02      11064.48          0.00      -8073.57         35.63         -0.15     114759.09    -268512.72     180381.96
+30        -578558.57     -15053.86          0.00      10666.77          0.00      -8196.01         33.30         -0.15     123196.52    -275531.21     186382.66
+40        -584717.61     -15160.69          0.00      10392.89          0.00      -8282.46         30.71         -0.15     131214.11    -281361.00     191392.55
+50        -586735.09     -14885.85          0.00      10270.96          0.00      -8320.01         28.23         -0.14     134826.75    -282847.58     192683.14
+60        -582847.13     -15797.42         -0.00       9710.66          0.00      -8313.50         26.01         -0.12     130578.54    -278559.28     189001.52
+70        -574780.61     -16593.71         -0.00       8962.50          0.00      -8252.29         24.42         -0.11     121530.40    -270697.16     182260.05
+80        -565419.05     -17011.84         -0.00       8347.44          0.00      -8138.77         23.34         -0.09     112397.50    -262728.79     175448.15
+90        -557974.26     -17233.65         -0.00       7978.84          0.00      -8017.92         22.50         -0.08     105848.37    -257232.94     170754.64
+100       -555008.26     -17391.74         -0.00       7854.52          0.00      -7955.88         21.33         -0.08     103083.75    -255532.65     169289.91
+tail silica.6000_mpi.pot:
+10       -1460099.66     -70595.13          0.05      65152.78         -0.00          0.00        139.32        -21.56     721214.85    -958586.61     823996.76
+20       -1460050.61     -70706.86          0.05      65099.44         -0.00          0.00        138.15        -21.52     720897.51    -957897.40     823348.15
+30       -1459999.47     -70846.82          0.04      65040.03         -0.00          0.00        136.26        -21.56     720408.37    -956833.64     822346.04
+40       -1459963.76     -70996.90          0.04      64988.55         -0.00          0.00        133.92        -21.49     719795.13    -955538.52     821126.36
+50       -1459946.42     -71148.90          0.03      64951.30         -0.00          0.00        131.23        -21.46     719111.19    -954101.91     819770.90
+60       -1459943.52     -71302.03          0.02      64928.37         -0.00          0.00        128.33        -21.41     718409.80    -952701.74     818449.27
+70       -1459966.29     -71449.81          0.01      64919.04         -0.00          0.00        125.40        -21.27     717742.45    -951445.84     817261.79
+80       -1460020.69     -71576.43         -0.00      64924.52         -0.00          0.00        122.58        -21.18     717156.15    -950402.10     816270.69
+90       -1460121.57     -71672.96         -0.00      64943.88         -0.00          0.00        119.93        -21.05     716683.85    -949649.78     815551.48
+100      -1460263.51     -71744.03         -0.00      64970.52         -0.00          0.00        117.74        -21.01     716341.10    -949212.58     815126.44
+tail silica.6000_mpi_gpu.pot:
+10       -1460099.66     -70595.13          0.05      65152.78         -0.00          0.00        139.32        -21.56     721214.85    -958587.42     825449.02
+20       -1460050.61     -70706.86          0.05      65099.44         -0.00          0.00        138.15        -21.52     720897.51    -957890.66     824791.71
+30       -1459999.47     -70846.82          0.04      65040.03         -0.00          0.00        136.26        -21.56     720408.37    -956830.18     823791.12
+40       -1459963.76     -70996.90          0.04      64988.55         -0.00          0.00        133.92        -21.49     719795.13    -955525.81     822560.03
+50       -1459946.41     -71148.90          0.03      64951.30         -0.00          0.00        131.23        -21.46     719111.19    -954099.19     821212.18
+60       -1459943.52     -71302.03          0.02      64928.37         -0.00          0.00        128.33        -21.41     718409.79    -952704.77     819893.97
+70       -1459966.29     -71449.81          0.01      64919.04         -0.00          0.00        125.40        -21.27     717742.45    -951446.06     818701.60
+80       -1460020.68     -71576.43         -0.00      64924.51         -0.00          0.00        122.58        -21.18     717156.15    -950403.38     817709.81
+90       -1460121.56     -71672.96         -0.00      64943.88         -0.00          0.00        119.93        -21.05     716683.84    -949651.67     816989.94
+100      -1460263.50     -71744.03         -0.00      64970.52         -0.00          0.00        117.74        -21.01     716341.09    -949208.95     816558.64
+tail silica.6000_mpi_not_gpu.pot:
+10       -1460099.66     -70595.13          0.05      65152.78         -0.00          0.00        139.32        -21.56     721214.85    -958583.49     825445.10
+20       -1460050.61     -70706.86          0.05      65099.44         -0.00          0.00        138.15        -21.52     720897.51    -957893.65     824794.71
+30       -1459999.47     -70846.82          0.04      65040.03         -0.00          0.00        136.26        -21.56     720408.37    -956827.62     823788.57
+40       -1459963.76     -70996.90          0.04      64988.55         -0.00          0.00        133.92        -21.49     719795.12    -955530.85     822565.07
+50       -1459946.41     -71148.90          0.03      64951.30         -0.00          0.00        131.23        -21.46     719111.18    -954103.86     821216.85
+60       -1459943.52     -71302.03          0.02      64928.37         -0.00          0.00        128.33        -21.41     718409.79    -952713.92     819903.11
+70       -1459966.29     -71449.81          0.01      64919.04         -0.00          0.00        125.40        -21.27     717742.45    -951432.44     818687.98
+80       -1460020.68     -71576.43         -0.00      64924.51         -0.00          0.00        122.58        -21.18     717156.15    -950410.53     817716.96
+90       -1460121.56     -71672.96         -0.00      64943.88         -0.00          0.00        119.93        -21.05     716683.84    -949661.33     816999.60
+100      -1460263.50     -71744.03         -0.00      64970.52         -0.00          0.00        117.74        -21.01     716341.09    -949210.17     816559.86
+tail zno.6912_mpi.pot:
+10       -1121195.66      46078.33        909.31     145735.92          0.00          0.00          0.00          0.00     569756.24    -866964.80     607629.39
+20       -1121196.71      46078.33        909.31     145735.08          0.00          0.00          0.00          0.00     569756.80    -866963.83     607628.54
+30       -1121198.42      46078.32        909.31     145733.70          0.00          0.00          0.00          0.00     569757.75    -866962.41     607627.30
+40       -1121200.77      46078.31        909.31     145731.74          0.00          0.00          0.00          0.00     569759.12    -866960.59     607625.73
+50       -1121203.71      46078.29        909.31     145729.20          0.00          0.00          0.00          0.00     569760.95    -866958.12     607623.58
+60       -1121207.18      46078.26        909.31     145726.08          0.00          0.00          0.00          0.00     569763.28    -866955.37     607621.20
+70       -1121211.12      46078.20        909.30     145722.33          0.00          0.00          0.00          0.00     569766.19    -866951.98     607618.24
+80       -1121215.46      46078.12        909.30     145717.96          0.00          0.00          0.00          0.00     569769.73    -866948.54     607615.25
+90       -1121220.10      46078.00        909.29     145712.95          0.00          0.00          0.00          0.00     569773.97    -866944.81     607612.02
+100      -1121224.98      46077.84        909.28     145707.27          0.00          0.00          0.00          0.00     569778.98    -866940.86     607608.59
+tail zno.6912_mpi_gpu.pot:
+10       -1121195.66      46078.33        909.31     145735.92          0.00          0.00          0.00          0.00     569756.24    -866964.64     608699.55
+20       -1121196.71      46078.33        909.31     145735.08          0.00          0.00          0.00          0.00     569756.80    -866963.99     608699.01
+30       -1121198.42      46078.32        909.31     145733.70          0.00          0.00          0.00          0.00     569757.75    -866962.45     608697.65
+40       -1121200.77      46078.31        909.31     145731.74          0.00          0.00          0.00          0.00     569759.12    -866960.65     608696.10
+50       -1121203.71      46078.29        909.31     145729.20          0.00          0.00          0.00          0.00     569760.95    -866958.00     608693.77
+60       -1121207.18      46078.26        909.31     145726.08          0.00          0.00          0.00          0.00     569763.28    -866955.58     608691.72
+70       -1121211.12      46078.20        909.30     145722.33          0.00          0.00          0.00          0.00     569766.19    -866951.87     608688.43
+80       -1121215.46      46078.12        909.30     145717.96          0.00          0.00          0.00          0.00     569769.73    -866948.59     608685.60
+90       -1121220.10      46078.00        909.29     145712.95          0.00          0.00          0.00          0.00     569773.97    -866944.78     608682.28
+100      -1121224.98      46077.84        909.28     145707.27          0.00          0.00          0.00          0.00     569778.98    -866940.78     608678.79
+tail zno.6912_mpi_not_gpu.pot:
+10       -1121195.66      46078.33        909.31     145735.92          0.00          0.00          0.00          0.00     569756.24    -866964.64     608699.55
+20       -1121196.71      46078.33        909.31     145735.08          0.00          0.00          0.00          0.00     569756.80    -866963.99     608699.02
+30       -1121198.42      46078.32        909.31     145733.70          0.00          0.00          0.00          0.00     569757.75    -866962.46     608697.66
+40       -1121200.77      46078.31        909.31     145731.74          0.00          0.00          0.00          0.00     569759.12    -866960.58     608696.03
+50       -1121203.71      46078.29        909.31     145729.20          0.00          0.00          0.00          0.00     569760.95    -866958.02     608693.79
+60       -1121207.18      46078.26        909.31     145726.08          0.00          0.00          0.00          0.00     569763.28    -866955.32     608691.46
+70       -1121211.12      46078.20        909.30     145722.33          0.00          0.00          0.00          0.00     569766.19    -866951.94     608688.49
+80       -1121215.46      46078.12        909.30     145717.96          0.00          0.00          0.00          0.00     569769.73    -866948.59     608685.60
+90       -1121220.10      46078.00        909.29     145712.95          0.00          0.00          0.00          0.00     569773.97    -866944.81     608682.31
+100      -1121224.98      46077.84        909.28     145707.27          0.00          0.00          0.00          0.00     569778.98    -866940.94     608678.96
+Medium Systems
+tail water.78480_mpi.pot:
+10       -6762719.37    -171857.11          1.10     140048.08          0.00     -95530.77        451.99         -1.71    1305975.11   -3157149.64    2105489.05
+20       -6843003.43    -180379.26          0.28     132773.80          0.00     -96882.84        427.55         -1.84    1377109.10   -3222129.67    2160754.42
+30       -6942702.79    -180646.33          0.01     128001.25          0.00     -98352.12        399.58         -1.76    1478358.19   -3306393.64    2232678.23
+40       -7016611.23    -181928.26          0.04     124714.63          0.00     -99389.56        368.48         -1.76    1574569.31   -3376311.54    2292651.76
+50       -7040821.08    -178630.16          0.03     123251.52          0.00     -99840.18        338.76         -1.69    1617920.98   -3394180.95    2308141.87
+60       -6994165.52    -189568.99         -0.00     116527.90          0.00     -99762.04        312.14         -1.40    1566942.41   -3342697.09    2264015.92
+70       -6897367.36    -199124.57         -0.00     107549.96          0.00     -99027.52        292.99         -1.28    1458364.80   -3248370.10    2183278.96
+80       -6785028.62    -204142.07         -0.00     100169.33          0.00     -97665.21        280.04         -1.05    1348770.03   -3152747.22    2101677.52
+90       -6695691.26    -206803.77         -0.00      95746.05          0.00     -96215.06        270.03         -0.95    1270180.57   -3086776.10    2045433.50
+100      -6660099.25    -208700.91         -0.00      94254.19          0.00     -95470.51        255.95         -0.92    1237005.06   -3066413.12    2027928.08
+tail water.78480_mpi_gpu.pot:
+10       -6762719.37    -171857.11          1.10     140048.08          0.00     -95530.77        451.99         -1.71    1305975.11   -3157139.96    2109188.11
+20       -6843003.43    -180379.26          0.28     132773.80          0.00     -96882.84        427.55         -1.84    1377109.10   -3222144.88    2164575.74
+30       -6942702.79    -180646.33          0.01     128001.25          0.00     -98352.12        399.58         -1.76    1478358.18   -3306391.61    2236608.99
+40       -7016611.22    -181928.27          0.04     124714.63          0.00     -99389.56        368.48         -1.76    1574569.29   -3376313.56    2296692.22
+50       -7040821.08    -178630.16          0.03     123251.52          0.00     -99840.18        338.76         -1.69    1617920.98   -3394182.36    2312209.01
+60       -6994165.53    -189568.99         -0.00     116527.90          0.00     -99762.04        312.14         -1.40    1566942.42   -3342680.35    2267987.17
+70       -6897367.37    -199124.57         -0.00     107549.96          0.00     -99027.52        292.99         -1.28    1458364.80   -3248368.46    2187123.10
+80       -6785028.60    -204142.07         -0.00     100169.33          0.00     -97665.21        280.04         -1.05    1348769.98   -3152742.36    2105374.70
+90       -6695691.23    -206803.78         -0.00      95746.05          0.00     -96215.06        270.03         -0.95    1270180.51   -3086795.67    2049056.04
+100      -6660099.27    -208700.91         -0.00      94254.20          0.00     -95470.51        255.95         -0.92    1237005.04   -3066403.19    2031490.27
+tail water.78480_mpi_not_gpu.pot:
+10       -6762719.37    -171857.11          1.10     140048.08          0.00     -95530.77        451.99         -1.71    1305975.11   -3157140.15    2109188.30
+20       -6843003.41    -180379.26          0.28     132773.79          0.00     -96882.84        427.55         -1.84    1377109.07   -3222137.08    2164567.93
+30       -6942702.75    -180646.33          0.01     128001.25          0.00     -98352.12        399.58         -1.76    1478358.15   -3306396.17    2236613.55
+40       -7016611.20    -181928.26          0.04     124714.62          0.00     -99389.56        368.48         -1.76    1574569.27   -3376309.78    2296688.45
+50       -7040821.06    -178630.16          0.03     123251.52          0.00     -99840.18        338.76         -1.69    1617920.96   -3394178.22    2312204.87
+60       -6994165.51    -189568.99         -0.00     116527.90          0.00     -99762.04        312.14         -1.40    1566942.40   -3342713.09    2268019.92
+70       -6897367.38    -199124.57         -0.00     107549.96          0.00     -99027.52        292.99         -1.28    1458364.83   -3248347.39    2187102.03
+80       -6785028.62    -204142.07         -0.00     100169.34          0.00     -97665.21        280.04         -1.05    1348770.02   -3152771.75    2105404.08
+90       -6695691.21    -206803.78         -0.00      95746.05          0.00     -96215.06        270.03         -0.95    1270180.52   -3086764.49    2049024.86
+100      -6660099.16    -208700.92         -0.00      94254.19          0.00     -95470.51        255.95         -0.92    1237004.99   -3066404.39    2031491.49
+tail silica.72000_mpi.pot:
+10      -17519676.11    -847661.69         -0.03     781301.42          0.00          0.00       1671.83       -258.69    8654247.84  -11503077.33    9888011.09
+20      -17519078.04    -848992.62         -0.03     780664.45          0.00          0.00       1657.85       -258.36    8650446.44  -11494717.35    9880138.29
+30      -17518448.70    -850655.87         -0.03     779955.87          0.00          0.00       1635.10       -258.75    8644585.44  -11482084.82    9868245.44
+40      -17517998.74    -852433.74         -0.03     779343.64          0.00          0.00       1606.93       -257.98    8637234.13  -11466347.12    9853413.59
+50      -17517762.69    -854228.26         -0.03     778902.75          0.00          0.00       1574.57       -257.58    8629029.86  -11449268.37    9837309.64
+60      -17517691.36    -856031.00         -0.03     778634.12          0.00          0.00       1539.70       -257.00    8620607.67  -11432467.77    9821453.72
+70      -17517910.62    -857768.73         -0.03     778527.46          0.00          0.00       1504.29       -255.34    8612581.62  -11417158.08    9806969.32
+80      -17518478.97    -859260.97         -0.03     778589.30          0.00          0.00       1470.25       -254.25    8605511.97  -11404652.86    9795101.10
+90      -17519600.70    -860391.38         -0.03     778802.56          0.00          0.00       1438.26       -252.68    8599792.75  -11395545.93    9786398.69
+100     -17521291.41    -861168.31         -0.03     779097.61          0.00          0.00       1411.71       -252.19    8595612.92  -11390069.21    9781076.55
+tail silica.72000_mpi_gpu.pot:
+10      -17519676.11    -847661.69         -0.03     781301.42          0.00          0.00       1671.83       -258.69    8654247.84  -11503065.70    9905416.88
+20      -17519078.04    -848992.62         -0.03     780664.45          0.00          0.00       1657.85       -258.36    8650446.45  -11494733.17    9897557.67
+30      -17518448.70    -850655.87         -0.03     779955.87          0.00          0.00       1635.10       -258.75    8644585.44  -11482074.91    9885618.13
+40      -17517998.75    -852433.74         -0.03     779343.64          0.00          0.00       1606.93       -257.98    8637234.14  -11466425.24    9870848.19
+50      -17517762.69    -854228.26         -0.03     778902.75          0.00          0.00       1574.57       -257.58    8629029.86  -11449304.76    9854674.14
+60      -17517691.34    -856031.00         -0.03     778634.12          0.00          0.00       1539.70       -257.00    8620607.65  -11432368.78    9838654.91
+70      -17517910.58    -857768.73         -0.03     778527.46          0.00          0.00       1504.29       -255.34    8612581.58  -11417277.73    9824363.65
+80      -17518478.90    -859260.98         -0.03     778589.30          0.00          0.00       1470.25       -254.25    8605511.89  -11404589.45    9812291.47
+90      -17519600.57    -860391.39         -0.03     778802.56          0.00          0.00       1438.26       -252.68    8599792.60  -11395620.41    9803711.63
+100     -17521291.24    -861168.33         -0.03     779097.60          0.00          0.00       1411.71       -252.19    8595612.72  -11390129.26    9798365.71
+tail silica.72000_mpi_not_gpu.pot:
+10      -17519676.11    -847661.69         -0.03     781301.42          0.00          0.00       1671.83       -258.69    8654247.84  -11503051.76    9905402.94
+20      -17519078.04    -848992.62         -0.03     780664.45          0.00          0.00       1657.85       -258.36    8650446.44  -11494736.34    9897560.83
+30      -17518448.70    -850655.87         -0.03     779955.87          0.00          0.00       1635.10       -258.75    8644585.44  -11482052.46    9885595.68
+40      -17517998.74    -852433.74         -0.03     779343.64          0.00          0.00       1606.93       -257.98    8637234.12  -11466394.89    9870817.84
+50      -17517762.68    -854228.26         -0.03     778902.75          0.00          0.00       1574.57       -257.58    8629029.85  -11449197.41    9854566.79
+60      -17517691.33    -856031.01         -0.03     778634.12          0.00          0.00       1539.70       -257.00    8620607.64  -11432432.37    9838718.51
+70      -17517910.58    -857768.73         -0.03     778527.45          0.00          0.00       1504.29       -255.34    8612581.59  -11417218.46    9824304.37
+80      -17518478.93    -859260.98         -0.03     778589.30          0.00          0.00       1470.25       -254.25    8605511.93  -11404651.90    9812353.91
+90      -17519600.65    -860391.38         -0.03     778802.56          0.00          0.00       1438.26       -252.68    8599792.70  -11395596.77    9803687.97
+100     -17521291.36    -861168.32         -0.03     779097.60          0.00          0.00       1411.71       -252.19    8595612.87  -11390098.52    9798334.93
+tail bilayer.56800_mpi.pot:
+10       -6518329.26    -117406.81       2206.68     118394.98        -49.81     -40501.58      27673.35     -13930.54    1530766.95   -1457070.57     946921.53
+20       -6523788.35    -118003.38       2206.84     115862.68        -50.12     -40588.21      27308.02     -13943.02    1530500.46   -1459220.14     948713.26
+30       -6528807.01    -118041.23       2207.27     113148.77        -50.26     -40670.75      27018.18     -13942.40    1534718.90   -1463530.45     952378.05
+40       -6531794.70    -117331.80       2207.64     111219.99        -50.05     -40721.42      26960.67     -13942.10    1541675.37   -1468771.77     956882.11
+50       -6532793.00    -116516.43       2207.82     110405.78        -49.47     -40754.55      27158.38     -13950.43    1544746.21   -1472313.62     959943.81
+60       -6531704.05    -116302.92       2207.79     110555.63        -48.70     -40789.75      27433.91     -13958.57    1540173.16   -1472561.41     960165.48
+70       -6528150.84    -116545.66       2207.57     111445.31        -48.02     -40813.78      27568.39     -13953.16    1531754.38   -1470602.68     958482.91
+80       -6522816.66    -116744.70       2207.13     112718.58        -47.68     -40804.78      27449.75     -13935.71    1525726.42   -1468999.30     957113.15
+90       -6517928.35    -116799.00       2206.55     113744.49        -47.76     -40774.53      27154.21     -13908.81    1523809.01   -1469333.89     957412.39
+100      -6515767.16    -117030.38       2206.10     113896.99        -48.17     -40770.31      26868.89     -13888.05    1523408.87   -1471311.22     959101.79
+tail bilayer.56800_mpi_gpu.pot:
+10       -6518329.23    -117406.81       2206.68     118394.97        -49.81     -40501.58      27673.35     -13930.54    1530766.92   -1457068.52     948587.46
+20       -6523788.26    -118003.38       2206.84     115862.67        -50.12     -40588.21      27308.02     -13943.02    1530500.36   -1459222.34     950386.61
+30       -6528806.85    -118041.22       2207.27     113148.75        -50.26     -40670.75      27018.18     -13942.40    1534718.72   -1463531.86     954057.06
+40       -6531794.48    -117331.78       2207.64     111219.97        -50.05     -40721.42      26960.68     -13942.10    1541675.15   -1468772.93     958568.82
+50       -6532792.75    -116516.40       2207.82     110405.75        -49.47     -40754.54      27158.38     -13950.43    1544745.95   -1472312.12     961633.25
+60       -6531703.83    -116302.87       2207.79     110555.60        -48.70     -40789.75      27433.92     -13958.57    1540172.91   -1472560.53     961855.93
+70       -6528150.70    -116545.59       2207.57     111445.29        -48.02     -40813.77      27568.39     -13953.16    1531754.17   -1470599.77     960168.37
+80       -6522816.63    -116744.62       2207.13     112718.57        -47.68     -40804.77      27449.75     -13935.71    1525726.29   -1469000.19     958799.99
+90       -6517928.45    -116798.91       2206.55     113744.50        -47.76     -40774.53      27154.20     -13908.80    1523808.99   -1469334.20     959099.15
+100      -6515767.33    -117030.29       2206.10     113897.00        -48.16     -40770.31      26868.88     -13888.05    1523408.92   -1471310.48     960790.46
+tail bilayer.56800_mpi_not_gpu.pot:
+10       -6518329.25    -117406.81       2206.68     118394.98        -49.81     -40501.58      27673.35     -13930.54    1530766.95   -1457068.68     948587.61
+20       -6523788.34    -118003.38       2206.84     115862.68        -50.12     -40588.21      27308.02     -13943.02    1530500.45   -1459217.28     950381.54
+30       -6528807.00    -118041.23       2207.27     113148.77        -50.26     -40670.75      27018.18     -13942.40    1534718.89   -1463533.00     954058.18
+40       -6531794.70    -117331.80       2207.64     111219.99        -50.05     -40721.42      26960.67     -13942.10    1541675.38   -1468768.72     958564.57
+50       -6532793.01    -116516.43       2207.82     110405.78        -49.47     -40754.55      27158.38     -13950.43    1544746.22   -1472317.03     961638.12
+60       -6531704.07    -116302.92       2207.79     110555.63        -48.70     -40789.75      27433.91     -13958.57    1540173.18   -1472559.64     961855.00
+70       -6528150.86    -116545.66       2207.57     111445.32        -48.02     -40813.78      27568.39     -13953.16    1531754.40   -1470601.15     960169.71
+80       -6522816.66    -116744.70       2207.13     112718.58        -47.68     -40804.78      27449.75     -13935.71    1525726.43   -1469001.77     958801.54
+90       -6517928.35    -116799.00       2206.55     113744.49        -47.76     -40774.53      27154.21     -13908.81    1523809.02   -1469331.48     959096.43
+100      -6515767.17    -117030.38       2206.10     113896.99        -48.17     -40770.31      26868.89     -13888.05    1523408.88   -1471312.25     960792.24
+tail dna_mpi.pot:
+10       -1878686.35     -39024.39         68.94      30653.29      -1227.93     -24907.65       1868.48      -1829.40     404014.75    -798089.18     530877.35
+20       -1880597.67     -39137.38         69.59      30046.82      -1228.93     -24950.70       1824.84      -1841.06     404029.39    -799378.22     531962.25
+30       -1882633.89     -39057.79         70.08      29519.73      -1230.45     -24988.69       1782.86      -1852.24     405537.23    -801813.16     534042.90
+40       -1883985.27     -38773.74         70.34      29303.17      -1232.33     -25006.61       1750.62      -1860.49     408083.01    -804742.12     536564.89
+50       -1884292.39     -38554.43         70.48      29345.62      -1234.52     -25009.02       1721.83      -1866.72     409508.68    -806806.32     538343.47
+60       -1883483.39     -38645.70         70.35      29459.05      -1236.96     -25003.15       1692.74      -1868.27     408158.81    -807123.41     538605.22
+70       -1881817.92     -38875.84         70.07      29582.25      -1239.25     -24981.22       1665.69      -1867.05     404774.39    -806171.57     537768.99
+80       -1879781.00     -38927.47         69.78      29716.91      -1240.81     -24935.14       1638.62      -1865.01     401580.52    -805285.69     536999.31
+90       -1877940.01     -38759.26         69.72      29733.29      -1241.26     -24874.71       1610.22      -1864.18     399961.60    -805426.43     537125.44
+100      -1876870.10     -38588.32         69.77      29493.23      -1240.61     -24830.46       1584.42      -1865.47     399559.40    -806552.10     538096.62
+tail dna_mpi_gpu.pot:
+10       -1878686.35     -39024.39         68.94      30653.29      -1227.93     -24907.65       1868.48      -1829.40     404014.75    -798089.12     531812.42
+20       -1880597.66     -39137.38         69.59      30046.82      -1228.93     -24950.70       1824.84      -1841.06     404029.37    -799378.01     532899.07
+30       -1882633.87     -39057.79         70.08      29519.73      -1230.45     -24988.69       1782.86      -1852.24     405537.21    -801811.56     534982.00
+40       -1883985.25     -38773.73         70.34      29303.17      -1232.33     -25006.61       1750.62      -1860.49     408082.99    -804744.15     537512.06
+50       -1884292.37     -38554.42         70.48      29345.61      -1234.53     -25009.02       1721.83      -1866.72     409508.66    -806806.42     539291.84
+60       -1883483.39     -38645.67         70.35      29459.04      -1236.97     -25003.15       1692.75      -1868.27     408158.80    -807123.91     539554.46
+70       -1881817.95     -38875.80         70.07      29582.23      -1239.26     -24981.22       1665.69      -1867.05     404774.39    -806170.23     538714.92
+80       -1879781.04     -38927.42         69.78      29716.90      -1240.81     -24935.14       1638.62      -1865.01     401580.53    -805285.98     537945.51
+90       -1877940.07     -38759.20         69.72      29733.28      -1241.27     -24874.71       1610.23      -1864.18     399961.62    -805426.10     538071.24
+100      -1876870.16     -38588.25         69.77      29493.20      -1240.62     -24830.46       1584.42      -1865.47     399559.41    -806551.52     539043.89
+tail dna_mpi_not_gpu.pot:
+10       -1878686.35     -39024.39         68.94      30653.29      -1227.93     -24907.65       1868.48      -1829.40     404014.75    -798088.64     531811.95
+20       -1880597.67     -39137.38         69.59      30046.82      -1228.93     -24950.70       1824.84      -1841.06     404029.39    -799377.35     532898.41
+30       -1882633.89     -39057.79         70.08      29519.73      -1230.45     -24988.69       1782.86      -1852.24     405537.23    -801812.56     534983.00
+40       -1883985.27     -38773.74         70.34      29303.17      -1232.33     -25006.61       1750.62      -1860.49     408083.01    -804742.31     537510.22
+50       -1884292.39     -38554.43         70.48      29345.62      -1234.52     -25009.02       1721.83      -1866.72     409508.68    -806806.85     539292.27
+60       -1883483.39     -38645.70         70.35      29459.05      -1236.96     -25003.15       1692.74      -1868.27     408158.82    -807123.27     539553.82
+70       -1881817.92     -38875.84         70.07      29582.25      -1239.25     -24981.22       1665.69      -1867.05     404774.39    -806169.09     538713.78
+80       -1879781.00     -38927.47         69.78      29716.91      -1240.81     -24935.14       1638.62      -1865.01     401580.52    -805285.26     537944.79
+90       -1877940.01     -38759.26         69.72      29733.29      -1241.26     -24874.71       1610.22      -1864.18     399961.60    -805426.75     538071.90
+100      -1876870.10     -38588.32         69.77      29493.23      -1240.61     -24830.46       1584.42      -1865.47     399559.39    -806551.56     539043.92
+tail petn_mpi.pot:
+10       -7382745.14    -100016.55      85183.94     128872.25    -116694.80        -58.45      69339.46     -20733.04    2823262.78    -974024.22     706252.73
+20       -7386431.52    -101420.13      85086.00     117749.36    -116967.90        -61.36      68174.67     -21002.82    2824036.19    -966391.29     699047.08
+30       -7386642.14    -103081.70      84768.39     102968.67    -117274.17        -44.88      66934.92     -21393.93    2823809.67    -955978.34     689124.99
+40       -7379236.50    -104606.88      84276.52      88785.66    -117531.93        -47.90      65978.81     -21837.42    2819830.36    -945699.50     679144.78
+50       -7364262.20    -106007.66      83924.67      78632.68    -117800.59        -43.86      65296.59     -22270.18    2809191.48    -938276.56     671620.75
+60       -7345175.56    -107332.75      84090.83      74089.92    -118238.77        -32.78      64785.01     -22658.28    2791543.80    -935358.97     668140.67
+70       -7324479.10    -109211.92      84878.16      75549.42    -118947.39          0.00      64663.68     -22866.93    2770709.49    -936951.57     668824.55
+80       -7303809.26    -112288.64      86017.34      82741.81    -119835.64          0.00      65561.37     -22698.18    2753218.48    -941541.61     672419.32
+90       -7292413.55    -113457.92      87142.59      93837.69    -120678.66          0.00      66506.75     -22538.82    2744711.48    -946747.84     676853.29
+100      -7299205.69    -110531.84      88067.64     106082.00    -121279.73          0.00      65799.89     -22764.51    2747612.04    -950491.40     680284.44
+tail petn_mpi_gpu.pot:
+10       -7382745.13    -100016.55      85183.94     128872.25    -116694.80        -58.45      69339.46     -20733.04    2823262.78    -974012.79     707485.34
+20       -7386431.51    -101420.13      85086.00     117749.36    -116967.90        -61.36      68174.67     -21002.82    2824036.18    -966396.53     700283.67
+30       -7386642.13    -103081.70      84768.39     102968.67    -117274.17        -44.88      66934.93     -21393.93    2823809.66    -955975.61     690336.13
+40       -7379236.48    -104606.89      84276.52      88785.66    -117531.93        -47.90      65978.81     -21837.42    2819830.35    -945699.19     680340.76
+50       -7364262.18    -106007.66      83924.66      78632.68    -117800.59        -43.86      65296.59     -22270.18    2809191.46    -938271.76     672798.99
+60       -7345175.54    -107332.76      84090.83      74089.92    -118238.77        -32.78      64785.01     -22658.28    2791543.79    -935360.55     669319.16
+70       -7324479.09    -109211.92      84878.16      75549.42    -118947.39          0.00      64663.68     -22866.93    2770709.48    -936952.32     670003.41
+80       -7303809.24    -112288.64      86017.33      82741.80    -119835.64          0.00      65561.37     -22698.18    2753218.47    -941541.25     673603.41
+90       -7292413.54    -113457.92      87142.59      93837.69    -120678.66          0.00      66506.75     -22538.82    2744711.47    -946740.23     678037.94
+100      -7299205.68    -110531.84      88067.63     106082.00    -121279.73          0.00      65799.89     -22764.51    2747612.03    -950495.69     681487.03
+tail petn_mpi_not_gpu.pot:
+10       -7382745.13    -100016.55      85183.94     128872.25    -116694.80        -58.45      69339.46     -20733.04    2823262.78    -974012.79     707485.34
+20       -7386431.51    -101420.13      85086.00     117749.36    -116967.90        -61.36      68174.67     -21002.82    2824036.18    -966396.53     700283.67
+30       -7386642.13    -103081.70      84768.39     102968.67    -117274.17        -44.88      66934.93     -21393.93    2823809.66    -955975.61     690336.13
+40       -7379236.48    -104606.89      84276.52      88785.66    -117531.93        -47.90      65978.81     -21837.42    2819830.35    -945699.19     680340.76
+50       -7364262.18    -106007.66      83924.66      78632.68    -117800.59        -43.86      65296.59     -22270.18    2809191.46    -938271.76     672798.99
+60       -7345175.54    -107332.76      84090.83      74089.92    -118238.77        -32.78      64785.01     -22658.28    2791543.79    -935360.55     669319.16
+70       -7324479.09    -109211.92      84878.16      75549.42    -118947.39          0.00      64663.68     -22866.93    2770709.48    -936952.32     670003.41
+80       -7303809.24    -112288.64      86017.33      82741.80    -119835.64          0.00      65561.37     -22698.18    2753218.47    -941541.25     673603.41
+90       -7292413.54    -113457.92      87142.59      93837.69    -120678.66          0.00      66506.75     -22538.82    2744711.47    -946741.30     678039.01
+100      -7299205.68    -110531.84      88067.63     106081.99    -121279.73          0.00      65799.89     -22764.51    2747612.03    -950498.79     681490.13
+Large Systems
+tail water.327000_mpi.pot:
+10      -28177997.37    -716071.28          4.60     583533.65          0.00    -398044.86       1883.30         -7.12    5441562.97  -13154790.38    8772871.23
+20      -28512514.30    -751580.24          1.17     553224.15          0.00    -403678.49       1781.45         -7.68    5737954.57  -13425542.27    9003145.40
+30      -28927928.36    -752693.05          0.06     533338.54          0.00    -409800.52       1664.92         -7.33    6159825.86  -13776656.00    9302841.75
+40      -29235880.37    -758034.42          0.18     519644.31          0.00    -414123.19       1535.34         -7.34    6560705.75  -14068001.76    9552752.59
+50      -29336754.94    -744292.28          0.11     513548.03          0.00    -416000.76       1411.49         -7.03    6741337.97  -14142373.30    9617210.51
+60      -29142356.80    -789870.75         -0.00     485532.96          0.00    -415675.16       1300.59         -5.84    6528927.28  -13927970.07    9433465.04
+70      -28739031.18    -829685.67         -0.00     448124.85          0.00    -412614.68       1220.79         -5.33    6076520.52  -13534870.86    9096991.05
+80      -28270953.02    -850591.92         -0.00     417372.24          0.00    -406938.40       1166.84         -4.36    5619875.43  -13136504.26    8757046.99
+90      -27898713.94    -861682.37         -0.00     398941.91          0.00    -400896.10       1125.12         -3.95    5292419.23  -12861633.41    8522705.74
+100     -27750413.87    -869587.10         -0.00     392725.84          0.00    -397793.79       1066.46         -3.82    5154187.87  -12776623.70    8449602.79
+tail water.327000_mpi_gpu.pot:
+10      -28177997.38    -716071.28          4.60     583533.65          0.00    -398044.86       1883.30         -7.12    5441562.98  -13154749.89    8788283.88
+20      -28512514.39    -751580.24          1.17     553224.16          0.00    -403678.49       1781.45         -7.68    5737954.66  -13425574.95    9019036.83
+30      -28927928.37    -752693.04          0.06     533338.55          0.00    -409800.51       1664.92         -7.33    6159825.85  -13776621.11    9319193.52
+40      -29235880.19    -758034.43          0.18     519644.30          0.00    -414123.18       1535.34         -7.34    6560705.51  -14068022.72    9569600.45
+50      -29336754.67    -744292.33          0.11     513548.01          0.00    -416000.75       1411.49         -7.03    6741337.63  -14142419.80    9634197.46
+60      -29142356.53    -789870.78         -0.00     485532.94          0.00    -415675.15       1300.59         -5.84    6528926.96  -13927917.41    9450029.16
+70      -28739030.95    -829685.69         -0.00     448124.84          0.00    -412614.67       1220.79         -5.33    6076520.28  -13534883.66    9113027.95
+80      -28270952.83    -850591.94         -0.00     417372.23          0.00    -406938.39       1166.84         -4.36    5619875.26  -13136415.33    8772383.36
+90      -27898713.76    -861682.39         -0.00     398941.89          0.00    -400896.09       1125.12         -3.95    5292419.07  -12861627.44    8537712.28
+100     -27750413.73    -869587.12         -0.00     392725.82          0.00    -397793.78       1066.46         -3.82    5154187.76  -12776665.30    8464528.13
+tail water.327000_mpi_not_gpu.pot:
+10      -28177997.38    -716071.28          4.60     583533.65          0.00    -398044.86       1883.30         -7.12    5441562.98  -13154749.84    8788283.83
+20      -28512514.26    -751580.24          1.17     553224.15          0.00    -403678.49       1781.45         -7.68    5737954.53  -13425505.20    9018967.09
+30      -28927928.24    -752693.05          0.06     533338.54          0.00    -409800.51       1664.92         -7.33    6159825.71  -13776720.33    9319292.76
+40      -29235880.30    -758034.42          0.18     519644.30          0.00    -414123.18       1535.34         -7.34    6560705.65  -14067927.15    9569504.86
+50      -29336754.98    -744292.28          0.11     513548.04          0.00    -416000.76       1411.49         -7.03    6741338.04  -14142407.63    9634185.24
+60      -29142356.94    -789870.74         -0.00     485532.97          0.00    -415675.17       1300.59         -5.84    6528927.49  -13927855.87    9449967.56
+70      -28739031.18    -829685.68         -0.00     448124.84          0.00    -412614.68       1220.79         -5.33    6076520.57  -13534913.46    9113057.71
+80      -28270952.77    -850591.93         -0.00     417372.21          0.00    -406938.39       1166.84         -4.36    5619875.25  -13136392.64    8772360.67
+90      -27898713.24    -861682.38         -0.00     398941.87          0.00    -400896.09       1125.12         -3.95    5292418.68  -12861573.42    8537658.31
+100     -27750412.69    -869587.12         -0.00     392725.78          0.00    -397793.76       1066.46         -3.82    5154186.95  -12776705.16    8464568.10
+tail silica.300000_mpi.pot:
+10      -72998650.45   -3531923.69         -0.13    3255422.57          0.00          0.00       6965.95      -1077.88   36059366.01  -47929488.15   41200045.51
+20      -72996158.51   -3537469.26         -0.13    3252768.52          0.00          0.00       6907.70      -1076.51   36043526.86  -47894783.06   41167370.09
+30      -72993536.28   -3544399.48         -0.13    3249816.11          0.00          0.00       6812.92      -1078.11   36019106.02  -47841735.13   41117404.87
+40      -72991661.41   -3551807.25         -0.13    3247265.18          0.00          0.00       6695.53      -1074.92   35988475.52  -47776667.27   41056110.54
+50      -72990677.81   -3559284.41         -0.13    3245428.13          0.00          0.00       6560.72      -1073.26   35954290.99  -47705497.30   40989002.24
+60      -72990380.49   -3566795.86         -0.13    3244308.85          0.00          0.00       6415.42      -1070.83   35919198.42  -47635364.28   40922805.65
+70      -72991293.98   -3574036.41         -0.13    3243864.40          0.00          0.00       6267.86      -1063.93   35885756.45  -47571512.02   40862392.23
+80      -72993662.01   -3580254.10         -0.13    3244122.08          0.00          0.00       6126.04      -1059.36   35856299.41  -47519565.68   40813099.84
+90      -72998335.72   -3584964.13         -0.13    3245010.68          0.00          0.00       5992.74      -1052.82   35832469.15  -47481318.20   40776538.38
+100     -73005380.22   -3588201.37         -0.13    3246240.02          0.00          0.00       5882.11      -1050.81   35815053.03  -47459060.51   40754923.89
+tail silica.300000_mpi_gpu.pot:
+10      -72998650.45   -3531923.69         -0.13    3255422.57          0.00          0.00       6965.95      -1077.88   36059366.01  -47929437.55   41272567.47
+20      -72996158.50   -3537469.26         -0.13    3252768.52          0.00          0.00       6907.70      -1076.51   36043526.85  -47894781.58   41239883.63
+30      -72993536.24   -3544399.48         -0.13    3249816.11          0.00          0.00       6812.92      -1078.11   36019105.97  -47841659.89   41189756.64
+40      -72991661.32   -3551807.26         -0.13    3247265.17          0.00          0.00       6695.53      -1074.92   35988475.42  -47776204.37   41127966.69
+50      -72990677.63   -3559284.43         -0.13    3245428.12          0.00          0.00       6560.72      -1073.26   35954290.79  -47705238.26   41060944.06
+60      -72990380.21   -3566795.89         -0.13    3244308.83          0.00          0.00       6415.42      -1070.83   35919198.12  -47635476.45   40995002.12
+70      -72991293.61   -3574036.44         -0.13    3243864.38          0.00          0.00       6267.86      -1063.93   35885756.04  -47571428.25   40934286.37
+80      -72993661.52   -3580254.15         -0.13    3244122.06          0.00          0.00       6126.04      -1059.36   35856298.87  -47519515.61   40884940.88
+90      -72998335.13   -3584964.19         -0.13    3245010.65          0.00          0.00       5992.74      -1052.82   35832468.50  -47481332.62   40848379.53
+100     -73005379.53   -3588201.44         -0.13    3246239.99          0.00          0.00       5882.11      -1050.81   35815052.28  -47459279.41   40826931.47
+tail silica.300000_mpi_not_gpu.pot:
+10      -72998650.45   -3531923.69         -0.13    3255422.57          0.00          0.00       6965.95      -1077.88   36059366.01  -47929383.14   41272513.07
+20      -72996158.50   -3537469.26         -0.13    3252768.52          0.00          0.00       6907.70      -1076.51   36043526.85  -47894792.71   41239894.76
+30      -72993536.21   -3544399.48         -0.13    3249816.11          0.00          0.00       6812.92      -1078.11   36019105.94  -47841631.77   41189728.53
+40      -72991661.27   -3551807.27         -0.13    3247265.17          0.00          0.00       6695.53      -1074.92   35988475.36  -47776479.60   41128241.94
+50      -72990677.60   -3559284.43         -0.13    3245428.12          0.00          0.00       6560.72      -1073.26   35954290.74  -47705299.06   41061004.87
+60      -72990380.19   -3566795.89         -0.13    3244308.84          0.00          0.00       6415.42      -1070.83   35919198.09  -47635375.53   40994901.20
+70      -72991293.62   -3574036.44         -0.13    3243864.39          0.00          0.00       6267.86      -1063.93   35885756.04  -47571355.87   40934213.99
+80      -72993661.59   -3580254.14         -0.13    3244122.07          0.00          0.00       6126.04      -1059.36   35856298.94  -47519720.75   40885146.01
+90      -72998335.28   -3584964.17         -0.13    3245010.67          0.00          0.00       5992.74      -1052.82   35832468.65  -47481641.23   40848688.12
+100     -73005379.78   -3588201.42         -0.13    3246240.02          0.00          0.00       5882.11      -1050.81   35815052.55  -47458642.69   40826294.67
+tail bilayer.340800_mpi.pot:
+10      -39109975.54    -704440.86      13240.09     710369.87       -298.83    -243009.45     166040.12     -83583.25    9184601.71   -8742420.83    5681526.61
+20      -39142730.09    -708020.30      13241.02     695176.06       -300.73    -243529.27     163848.12     -83658.13    9183002.73   -8755326.81    5692285.58
+30      -39172842.02    -708247.36      13243.61     678892.58       -301.57    -244024.51     162109.06     -83654.40    9208313.33   -8781211.63    5714297.18
+40      -39190768.23    -703990.81      13245.86     667319.94       -300.28    -244328.53     161764.04     -83652.62    9250052.25   -8812609.98    5741272.03
+50      -39196758.02    -699098.58      13246.94     662434.67       -296.82    -244527.27     162950.25     -83702.58    9268477.26   -8833881.23    5759662.33
+60      -39190224.39    -697817.50      13246.73     663333.78       -292.19    -244738.51     164603.48     -83751.43    9241039.01   -8835359.89    5760984.29
+70      -39168905.14    -699273.93      13245.41     668671.89       -288.12    -244882.67     165410.32     -83718.97    9190526.36   -8823612.74    5750894.13
+80      -39136900.03    -700468.15      13242.75     676311.50       -286.07    -244828.66     164698.48     -83614.26    9154358.59   -8814009.67    5742692.74
+90      -39107570.16    -700793.97      13239.27     682466.98       -286.56    -244647.19     162925.24     -83452.84    9142854.12   -8815998.11    5744469.11
+100     -39094603.02    -702182.22      13236.58     683381.97       -288.99    -244621.86     161213.36     -83328.30    9140453.23   -8827869.85    5754613.22
+tail bilayer.340800_mpi_gpu.pot:
+10      -39109975.40    -704440.86      13240.09     710369.85       -298.83    -243009.45     166040.12     -83583.25    9184601.55   -8742413.12    5691526.75
+20      -39142729.63    -708020.28      13241.02     695176.00       -300.73    -243529.27     163848.13     -83658.13    9183002.20   -8755311.88    5702297.50
+30      -39172841.13    -708247.29      13243.61     678892.48       -301.57    -244024.50     162109.07     -83654.39    9208312.36   -8781206.05    5724357.30
+40      -39190766.97    -703990.65      13245.86     667319.80       -300.28    -244328.52     161764.05     -83652.62    9250050.94   -8812635.61    5751410.94
+50      -39196756.59    -699098.32      13246.94     662434.51       -296.81    -244527.24     162950.27     -83702.57    9268475.75   -8833886.32    5769813.12
+60      -39190223.11    -697817.15      13246.73     663333.62       -292.19    -244738.47     164603.49     -83751.42    9241037.53   -8835359.62    5771132.04
+70      -39168904.30    -699273.50      13245.41     668671.77       -288.12    -244882.63     165410.32     -83718.95    9190525.09   -8823606.17    5761017.76
+80      -39136899.87    -700467.64      13242.75     676311.46       -286.06    -244828.62     164698.46     -83614.24    9154357.75   -8814002.03    5752800.78
+90      -39107570.76    -700793.38      13239.27     682467.05       -286.56    -244647.16     162925.20     -83452.81    9142853.92   -8815994.20    5754583.91
+100     -39094604.13    -702181.62      13236.58     683382.08       -288.99    -244621.85     161213.30     -83328.27    9140453.58   -8827862.44    5764742.30
+tail bilayer.340800_mpi_not_gpu.pot:
+10      -39109975.51    -704440.87      13240.09     710369.87       -298.83    -243009.45     166040.12     -83583.25    9184601.69   -8742412.89    5691526.50
+20      -39142730.04    -708020.30      13241.02     695176.06       -300.73    -243529.27     163848.12     -83658.13    9183002.68   -8755341.71    5702327.26
+30      -39172841.97    -708247.37      13243.61     678892.59       -301.57    -244024.51     162109.06     -83654.40    9208313.29   -8781195.99    5724347.09
+40      -39190768.16    -703990.83      13245.86     667319.94       -300.28    -244328.53     161764.04     -83652.62    9250052.18   -8812621.24    5751396.37
+50      -39196757.96    -699098.60      13246.94     662434.66       -296.82    -244527.27     162950.25     -83702.58    9268477.19   -8833881.18    5769807.75
+60      -39190224.36    -697817.52      13246.73     663333.78       -292.19    -244738.50     164603.48     -83751.43    9241038.98   -8835364.73    5771136.92
+70      -39168905.14    -699273.95      13245.41     668671.89       -288.12    -244882.67     165410.32     -83718.97    9190526.38   -8823615.62    5761027.03
+80      -39136900.04    -700468.17      13242.75     676311.49       -286.07    -244828.66     164698.48     -83614.26    9154358.62   -8813992.60    5752791.23
+90      -39107570.14    -700794.01      13239.27     682466.96       -286.56    -244647.19     162925.24     -83452.84    9142854.14   -8815986.64    5754576.34
+100     -39094602.97    -702182.26      13236.58     683381.95       -288.99    -244621.87     161213.36     -83328.30    9140453.21   -8827864.25    5764744.19
diff --git a/test_harness/sim_test_disp_output.sh b/test_harness/sim_test_disp_output.sh
index 2c78aea5cfab42a5193b7ae26ec72ac49912d27b..729390eac431728f98edbe3482586efd4e63a16f 100755
--- a/test_harness/sim_test_disp_output.sh
+++ b/test_harness/sim_test_disp_output.sh
@@ -9,21 +9,29 @@
 echo "Small Systems:"
 echo "-------------------------------------------"
 echo "tail water.6540_mpi.pot:"
-tail water.6540_mpi.pot;
+tail water.6540_mpi.pot
 echo "tail water.6540_mpi_gpu.pot:"
-tail water.6540_mpi_gpu.pot;
+tail water.6540_mpi_gpu.pot
+echo "tail water.6540_mpi_not_gpu.pot:"
+tail water.6540_mpi_not_gpu.pot;
 echo "-------------------------------------------"
 echo "tail silica.6000_mpi.pot:"
 tail silica.6000_mpi.pot
 echo "tail silica.6000_mpi_gpu.pot:"
 tail silica.6000_mpi_gpu.pot
+echo "tail silica.6000_mpi_not_gpu.pot:"
+tail silica.6000_mpi_not_gpu.pot
 echo "-------------------------------------------"
 echo "tail zno.6912_mpi.pot:"
 tail zno.6912_mpi.pot;
 echo "tail zno.6912_mpi_gpu.pot:"
-tail zno.6912_mpi_gpu.pot;
+tail zno.6912_mpi_gpu.pot
+echo "tail zno.6912_mpi_not_gpu.pot:"
+tail zno.6912_mpi_not_gpu.pot
 echo "___________________________________________"
 echo "Medium Systems"
@@ -32,31 +40,45 @@ echo "-------------------------------------------"
 echo "tail water.78480_mpi.pot:"
 tail water.78480_mpi.pot;
 echo "tail water.78480_mpi_gpu.pot:"
-tail water.78480_mpi_gpu.pot;
+tail water.78480_mpi_gpu.pot
+echo "tail water.78480_mpi_not_gpu.pot:"
+tail water.78480_mpi_not_gpu.pot
 echo "-------------------------------------------"
 echo "tail silica.72000_mpi.pot:"
 tail silica.72000_mpi.pot;
 echo "tail silica.72000_mpi_gpu.pot:"
 tail silica.72000_mpi_gpu.pot;
+echo "tail silica.72000_mpi_not_gpu.pot:"
+tail silica.72000_mpi_not_gpu.pot;
 echo "-------------------------------------------"
 echo "tail bilayer.56800_mpi.pot:"
 tail bilayer.56800_mpi.pot;
 echo "tail bilayer.56800_mpi_gpu.pot:"
 tail bilayer.56800_mpi_gpu.pot;
+echo "tail bilayer.56800_mpi_not_gpu.pot:"
+tail bilayer.56800_mpi_not_gpu.pot;
 echo "-------------------------------------------"
 echo "tail dna_mpi.pot:"
 tail dna_mpi.pot;
 echo "tail dna_mpi_gpu.pot:"
 tail dna_mpi_gpu.pot;
+echo "tail dna_mpi_not_gpu.pot:"
+tail dna_mpi_not_gpu.pot;
 echo "-------------------------------------------"
 echo "tail petn_mpi.pot:"
 tail petn_mpi.pot;
 echo "tail petn_mpi_gpu.pot:"
 tail petn_mpi_gpu.pot;
+echo "tail petn_mpi_not_gpu.pot:"
+tail petn_mpi_not_gpu.pot;
 echo "___________________________________________"
 echo "Large Systems"
@@ -66,18 +88,26 @@ echo "tail water.327000_mpi.pot:"
 tail water.327000_mpi.pot;
 echo "tail water.327000_mpi_gpu.pot:"
 tail water.327000_mpi_gpu.pot;
+echo "tail water.327000_mpi_not_gpu.pot:"
+tail water.327000_mpi_not_gpu.pot;
 echo "-------------------------------------------"
 echo "tail silica.300000_mpi.pot:"
 tail silica.300000_mpi.pot;
 echo "tail silica.300000_mpi_gpu.pot:"
 tail silica.300000_mpi_gpu.pot;
+echo "tail silica.300000_mpi_not_gpu.pot:"
+tail silica.300000_mpi_not_gpu.pot;
 echo "-------------------------------------------"
 echo "tail bilayer.340800_mpi.pot:"
 tail bilayer.340800_mpi.pot;
 echo "tail bilayer.340800_mpi_gpu.pot:"
 tail bilayer.340800_mpi_gpu.pot;
+echo "tail bilayer.340800_mpi_not_gpu.pot:"
+tail bilayer.340800_mpi_not_gpu.pot;
diff --git a/test_harness/sim_test_master.sh b/test_harness/sim_test_master.sh
index d5d14a459b05422556e786c47d0475b1e241d042..203c5ac61a72f10d5ccc7240417f8da7127e976a 100755
--- a/test_harness/sim_test_master.sh
+++ b/test_harness/sim_test_master.sh
@@ -13,20 +13,20 @@
 qsub short_jobs.sh
 # Then, one for all the medium jobs
-#qsub med_jobs.sh
+qsub med_jobs.sh
 # Finally, one for each of the long jobs
 qsub water_long_mpi.sh
 qsub water_long_mpi_gpu.sh
-#qsub water_long_mpi_not_gpu.sh
+qsub water_long_mpi_not_gpu.sh
 qsub silica_long_mpi.sh
 qsub silica_long_mpi_gpu.sh
-#qsub silica_long_mpi_not_gpu.sh
+qsub silica_long_mpi_not_gpu.sh
 qsub bilayer_long_mpi.sh
 qsub bilayer_long_mpi_gpu.sh
-#qsub bilayer_long_mpi_not_gpu.sh
+qsub bilayer_long_mpi_not_gpu.sh
 echo "All jobs submitted"
diff --git a/test_harness/water_327000_mpi_not_gpu_control b/test_harness/water_327000_mpi_not_gpu_control
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..88a9523876e0ae119b26b011a83b2e72ecba4acb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test_harness/water_327000_mpi_not_gpu_control
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+simulation_name	        water.327000_mpi_not_gpu    ! output files will carry this name + their specific ext.
+ensemble_type	 	1	! 0: NVE  1: Berendsen NVT  2: Nose-Hoover NVT(under testing)  3: semi-isotropic NPT  4: isotropic NPT  5: anisotropic NPT (under development)
+nsteps			100    ! number of simulation steps
+dt			0.10 	! time step in fs
+proc_by_dim             2 2 2   ! distribution of processors by dimensions
+geo_format 		0 	! 0: custom  1: pdb (only if natoms < 100000) 2: ASCII restart 3: binary restart
+tabulate_long_range	0	! number of sampling points for cubic spline interpolation, 0 no interpolation
+energy_update_freq 	10
+remove_CoM_vel	        500	! remove the transrot vel of CoM every 'this many' steps
+reposition_atoms	1	! 1:center of mass to center of box
+reneighbor              1
+vlist_buffer            0
+nbrhood_cutoff		4.5 	! bond cutoff in A
+hbond_cutoff		7.5	! hbond cutoff in A
+thb_cutoff		0.001	! cutoff value for three body interactions
+qeq_freq                1       ! frequency to update charges with QEq
+q_err			1e-6	! norm of the relative residual in QEq solve
+temp_init	        0.01	! initial temperature of the system
+temp_final 	        300.0	! final temperature of the system
+t_mass		        500.0   ! 0.16666 for nhNVT ! 500.0 for bNVT, iNPT, sNPT ! in fs, thermal inertia
+t_rate                  5.0                  ! in K
+t_freq                  1.0                     ! in ps
+t_mode			2	! 2: constant slope
+pressure 		0.000101325 0.000101325 0.000101325	! desired pressure of the simulated system in GPa, 1atm = 0.000101325 GPa
+p_mass		        10000.00     10000.00     10000.00  	! in fs, pressure inertia parameter
+write_freq		0	! write trajectory after so many steps
+traj_method		1	! 0: simple parallel I/O, 1: MPI I/O
+traj_title		micelle	! (no white spaces)
+atom_info		1	! 0: no atom info, 1: print basic atom info in the trajectory file
+atom_forces		0	! 0: basic atom format, 1: print force on each atom in the trajectory file
+atom_velocities		1	! 0: basic atom format, 1: print the velocity of each atom in the trajectory file
+bond_info		1	! 0: do not print bonds, 1: print bonds in the trajectory file
+angle_info		1	! 0: do not print angles, 1: print angles in the trajectory file 
+restart_format          1    ! 0: restarts in ASCII  1: restarts in binary
+restart_freq		10000    ! 0: do not output any restart files. >0: output a restart file at every 'this many' steps
+bond_graph_cutoff	0.3  ! bond strength cutoff for bond graphs
diff --git a/test_harness/water_long_mpi_not_gpu.sh b/test_harness/water_long_mpi_not_gpu.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..cb2ecbe22b7cf7096dc4f28d18192599f6dfd9c1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test_harness/water_long_mpi_not_gpu.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+#!/bin/bash -login
+#PBS -l nodes=1:ppn=8:gpus=8
+#PBS -l mem=120gb
+#PBS -l walltime=4:00:00
+#PBS -l feature=gpgpu:intel16
+cd "${PBS_O_WORKDIR}"
+#cd /mnt/home/korteme1/PuReMD_new/test_harness
+# MPI-Not-GPU Runs #
+module purge
+module load GNU/4.8.2 OpenMPI/1.6.5 CUDA/6.0
+mpirun -np 8 ../PG-PuReMD/bin/pg-puremd-not-gpu ../data/benchmarks/water/water_327000.geo ../data/benchmarks/water/ffield.water water_327000_mpi_not_gpu_control