diff --git a/environ/parallel_control b/environ/parallel_control
index fe851fe6000268153f07738b2a9b1d2b429040d8..35ab6d0f1065f25ccafdcf67aee2f1e180c902fc 100644
--- a/environ/parallel_control
+++ b/environ/parallel_control
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-simulation_name          water_6540_notab_nve_qeq_111_mpi_gpu_probe      ! output files will carry this name + their specific ext.
-ensemble_type            0                      ! 0: NVE, 1: Berendsen NVT, 2: Nose-Hoover NVT(under testing), 3: semi-isotropic NPT, 4: isotropic NPT, 5: anisotropic NPT (under development)
-nsteps                   1000                     ! number of simulation steps
+simulation_name          water.6.notab.111      ! output files will carry this name + their specific ext.
+ensemble_type            1                      ! 0: NVE, 1: Berendsen NVT, 2: Nose-Hoover NVT(under testing), 3: semi-isotropic NPT, 4: isotropic NPT, 5: anisotropic NPT (under development)
+nsteps                   100                    ! number of simulation steps
 dt                       0.25                   ! time step in fs
 proc_by_dim              1 1 1                  ! distribution of processors by dimensions
 gpus_per_node            1                      ! GPUs per node
@@ -9,14 +9,14 @@ reposition_atoms         0                      ! 0: just fit to periodic bounda
 restrict_bonds           0                      ! enforce the bonds given in CONECT lines of pdb file for this many steps
 tabulate_long_range      0                      ! number of sampling points for cubic spline interpolation, 0 no interpolation
 energy_update_freq       1
-remove_CoM_vel           0                    ! remove the translational and rotational vel around the center of mass at every 'this many' steps
+remove_CoM_vel           500                    ! remove the translational and rotational vel around the center of mass at every 'this many' steps
 reneighbor               1
-vlist_buffer             0.0
+vlist_buffer             0
 nbrhood_cutoff           5.0                    ! near neighbors cutoff for bond calculations (Angstroms)
 bond_graph_cutoff        0.3                    ! bond strength cutoff for bond graphs (Angstroms)
 thb_cutoff               0.001                  ! cutoff value for three body interactions (Angstroms)
-hbond_cutoff             7.5                    ! cutoff distance for hydrogen bond interactions (Angstroms)
+hbond_cutoff             7.50                   ! cutoff distance for hydrogen bond interactions (Angstroms)
 charge_method                     0             ! charge method: 0 = QEq, 1 = EEM, 2 = ACKS2
 charge_freq                       1             ! frequency (sim step) at which atomic charges are computed
@@ -24,19 +24,19 @@ cm_q_net                          0.0           ! net system charge
 cm_solver_type                    2             ! iterative linear solver for charge method: 0 = GMRES, 1 = GMRES_H, 2 = CG, 3 = SDM
 cm_solver_max_iters               1000          ! max solver iterations
 cm_solver_restart                 100           ! inner iterations of GMRES before restarting
-cm_solver_q_err                   1.0e-14          ! relative residual norm threshold used in solver
+cm_solver_q_err                   1e-6          ! relative residual norm threshold used in solver
 cm_domain_sparsity                1.0           ! scalar for scaling cut-off distance, used to sparsify charge matrix (between 0.0 and 1.0)
 cm_solver_pre_comp_type           1             ! method used to compute preconditioner, if applicable
-cm_solver_pre_comp_refactor       1          ! number of steps before recomputing preconditioner
+cm_solver_pre_comp_refactor       1000          ! number of steps before recomputing preconditioner
 cm_solver_pre_comp_droptol        0.0           ! threshold tolerance for dropping values in preconditioner computation, if applicable
 cm_solver_pre_comp_sweeps         3             ! number of sweeps used to compute preconditioner (ILU_PAR)
 cm_solver_pre_app_type            1             ! method used to apply preconditioner
 cm_solver_pre_app_jacobi_iters    50            ! number of Jacobi iterations used for applying precondition, if applicable
-temp_init                0.0                    ! desired initial temperature of the simulated system
-temp_final               0.0                    ! desired final temperature of the simulated system
-t_mass                   0.16666                ! thermal inertia parameter (fs): Nose-Hoover-NVT: 0.16666, NVP: 100.0, bNVT/iNPT/sNPT: 500.0
-t_mode                   0                      ! 0: T-coupling only, 1: step-wise, 2: constant slope
+temp_init                0.01                   ! desired initial temperature of the simulated system
+temp_final               300.0                  ! desired final temperature of the simulated system
+t_mass                   500.0                  ! thermal inertia parameter (fs): Nose-Hoover-NVT: 0.16666, NVP: 100.0, bNVT/iNPT/sNPT: 500.0
+t_mode                   2                      ! 0: T-coupling only, 1: step-wise, 2: constant slope
 t_rate                   5.0                    ! in K
 t_freq                   1.0                    ! in ps
@@ -47,18 +47,18 @@ press_mode               0                      ! 0: internal + external pressur
 geo_format               1                      ! 0: custom  1: pdb (only if natoms < 100000) 2: bgf 3: ASCII restart 3: binary restart
 write_freq               0                      ! write trajectory after so many steps
-traj_method              0                      ! 0: simple parallel I/O, 1: MPI I/O
-traj_title               water_6540_notab_nve_qeq_111_mpi_gpu_probe              ! (no white spaces)
+traj_method              1                      ! 0: simple parallel I/O, 1: MPI I/O
+traj_title               WATER_NVE              ! (no white spaces)
 atom_info                1                      ! 0: no atom info, 1: print basic atom info in the trajectory file
 atom_forces              0                      ! 0: basic atom format, 1: print force on each atom in the trajectory file
 atom_velocities          0                      ! 0: basic atom format, 1: print the velocity of each atom in the trajectory file
-bond_info                0                      ! 0: do not print bonds, 1: print bonds in the trajectory file
-angle_info               0                      ! 0: do not print angles, 1: print angles in the trajectory file 
+bond_info                1                      ! 0: do not print bonds, 1: print bonds in the trajectory file
+angle_info               1                      ! 0: do not print angles, 1: print angles in the trajectory file 
 dipole_anal              0                      ! 1: calculate a electric dipole moment of the system
-freq_dipole_anal         0                      ! calculate electric dipole moment at every 'this many' steps
+freq_dipole_anal         1                      ! calculate electric dipole moment at every 'this many' steps
 diffusion_coef           0                      ! 1: calculate diffusion coefficient of the system
-freq_diffusion_coef      0                      ! calculate diffusion coefficient at every 'this many' steps
+freq_diffusion_coef      1                      ! calculate diffusion coefficient at every 'this many' steps
 restrict_type            2                      ! -1: all types of atoms, 0 and up: only this type of atoms
 restart_format           1                      ! 0: restarts in ASCII  1: restarts in binary