/*---------------------------------------------------------------------- SerialReax - Reax Force Field Simulator Copyright (2010) Purdue University Hasan Metin Aktulga, haktulga@cs.purdue.edu Joseph Fogarty, jcfogart@mail.usf.edu Sagar Pandit, pandit@usf.edu Ananth Y Grama, ayg@cs.purdue.edu This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details: <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. ----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #ifndef __BOX_H__ #define __BOX_H__ #include "mytypes.h" /* Initializes box from CRYST1 line of PDB */ void Init_Box_From_CRYST(real, real, real, real, real, real, simulation_box*/*, int*/); /* Initializes box from box rtensor */ void Update_Box(rtensor, simulation_box* /*, int*/); void Update_Box_Isotropic(simulation_box*, real /*, int*/); void Update_Box_SemiIsotropic( simulation_box*, rvec /*, int*/ ); /* Computes all the transformations, metric and other quantities from box rtensor */ void Make_Consistent(simulation_box*/*, int*/ ); /* Applies transformation to and from Cartesian to Triclinic coordinates based on flag */ /* Use -1 flag for Cartesian -> Triclinic and +1 for otherway */ void Transform( rvec, simulation_box*, char, rvec ); void Transform_to_UnitBox( rvec, simulation_box*, char, rvec ); int Are_Far_Neighbors( rvec, rvec, simulation_box*, real, far_neighbor_data* ); void Get_NonPeriodic_Far_Neighbors( rvec, rvec, simulation_box*, control_params*, far_neighbor_data*, int* ); void Get_Periodic_Far_Neighbors_Big_Box( rvec, rvec, simulation_box*, control_params*, far_neighbor_data*, int* ); void Get_Periodic_Far_Neighbors_Small_Box( rvec, rvec, simulation_box*, control_params*, far_neighbor_data*, int* ); void Distance_on_T3_Gen( rvec, rvec, simulation_box*, rvec ); void Inc_on_T3_Gen( rvec, rvec, simulation_box* ); /*int Get_Nbr_Box( simulation_box*, int, int, int ); rvec Get_Nbr_Box_Press( simulation_box*, int, int, int ); void Inc_Nbr_Box_Press( simulation_box*, int, int, int, rvec );*/ /* These functions assume that the coordinates are in triclinic system */ /* this function returns cartesian norm but triclinic distance vector */ real Sq_Distance_on_T3( rvec, rvec, simulation_box*, rvec ); void Inc_on_T3( rvec, rvec, simulation_box* ); real Metric_Product( rvec, rvec, simulation_box* ); void Print_Box_Information( simulation_box*, FILE* ); #endif