/*---------------------------------------------------------------------- PuReMD - Purdue ReaxFF Molecular Dynamics Program Copyright (2010) Purdue University Hasan Metin Aktulga, haktulga@cs.purdue.edu Joseph Fogarty, jcfogart@mail.usf.edu Sagar Pandit, pandit@usf.edu Ananth Y Grama, ayg@cs.purdue.edu This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details: <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. ----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #include "reax_types.h" #if defined(PURE_REAX) #include "basic_comm.h" #include "vector.h" #elif defined(LAMMPS_REAX) #include "reax_basic_comm.h" #include "reax_vector.h" #endif typedef void (*dist_packer)( void const * const, mpi_out_data * const ); typedef void (*coll_unpacker)( void const * const, void * const, mpi_out_data * const ); static void int_packer( void const * const dummy, mpi_out_data * const out_buf ) { int i; int *buf = (int*) dummy; int *out = (int*) out_buf->out_atoms; for ( i = 0; i < out_buf->cnt; ++i ) { out[i] = buf[ out_buf->index[i] ]; } } static void real_packer( void const * const dummy, mpi_out_data * const out_buf ) { int i; real *buf = (real*) dummy; real *out = (real*) out_buf->out_atoms; for ( i = 0; i < out_buf->cnt; ++i ) { out[i] = buf[ out_buf->index[i] ]; } } static void rvec_packer( void const * const dummy, mpi_out_data * const out_buf ) { int i; rvec *buf, *out; buf = (rvec*) dummy; out = (rvec*) out_buf->out_atoms; for ( i = 0; i < out_buf->cnt; ++i ) { memcpy( out + i, buf + out_buf->index[i], sizeof(rvec) ); } } static void rvec2_packer( void const * const dummy, mpi_out_data * const out_buf ) { int i; rvec2 *buf, *out; buf = (rvec2*) dummy; out = (rvec2*) out_buf->out_atoms; for ( i = 0; i < out_buf->cnt; ++i ) { memcpy( out + i, buf + out_buf->index[i], sizeof(rvec2) ); } } static void int_unpacker( void const * const dummy_in, void * const dummy_buf, mpi_out_data * const out_buf ) { int i; int *in, *buf; in = (int*) dummy_in; buf = (int*) dummy_buf; for ( i = 0; i < out_buf->cnt; ++i ) { //TODO: used in SAI, purpose? if ( buf[ out_buf->index[i] ] == -1 && in[i] != -1 ) { buf[ out_buf->index[i] ] = in[i]; } } } static void real_unpacker( void const * const dummy_in, void * const dummy_buf, mpi_out_data * const out_buf ) { int i; real *in, *buf; in = (real*) dummy_in; buf = (real*) dummy_buf; for ( i = 0; i < out_buf->cnt; ++i ) { buf[ out_buf->index[i] ] += in[i]; } } static void rvec_unpacker( void const * const dummy_in, void * const dummy_buf, mpi_out_data * const out_buf ) { int i; rvec *in, *buf; in = (rvec*) dummy_in; buf = (rvec*) dummy_buf; for ( i = 0; i < out_buf->cnt; ++i ) { rvec_Add( buf[ out_buf->index[i] ], in[i] ); #if defined(DEBUG_FOCUS) fprintf( stderr, "rvec_unpacker: cnt=%d i =%d index[i]=%d\n", out_buf->cnt, i, out_buf->index[i] ); #endif } } static void rvec2_unpacker( void const * const dummy_in, void * const dummy_buf, mpi_out_data * const out_buf ) { int i; rvec2 *in, *buf; in = (rvec2*) dummy_in; buf = (rvec2*) dummy_buf; for ( i = 0; i < out_buf->cnt; ++i ) { buf[ out_buf->index[i] ][0] += in[i][0]; buf[ out_buf->index[i] ][1] += in[i][1]; } } static void * Get_Buffer_Offset( void const * const buffer, int offset, int type ) { void * ptr; switch ( type ) { case INT_PTR_TYPE: ptr = (int *) buffer + offset; break; case REAL_PTR_TYPE: ptr = (real *) buffer + offset; break; case RVEC_PTR_TYPE: ptr = (rvec *) buffer + offset; break; case RVEC2_PTR_TYPE: ptr = (rvec2 *) buffer + offset; break; default: fprintf( stderr, "[ERROR] unknown pointer type. Terminating...\n" ); exit( UNKNOWN_OPTION ); break; } return ptr; } static dist_packer Get_Packer( int type ) { dist_packer ptr; switch ( type ) { case INT_PTR_TYPE: ptr = &int_packer; break; case REAL_PTR_TYPE: ptr = &real_packer; break; case RVEC_PTR_TYPE: ptr = &rvec_packer; break; case RVEC2_PTR_TYPE: ptr = &rvec2_packer; break; default: fprintf( stderr, "[ERROR] unknown pointer type. Terminating...\n" ); exit( UNKNOWN_OPTION ); break; } return ptr; } static coll_unpacker Get_Unpacker( int type ) { coll_unpacker ptr; switch ( type ) { case INT_PTR_TYPE: ptr = &int_unpacker; break; case REAL_PTR_TYPE: ptr = &real_unpacker; break; case RVEC_PTR_TYPE: ptr = &rvec_unpacker; break; case RVEC2_PTR_TYPE: ptr = &rvec2_unpacker; break; default: fprintf( stderr, "[ERROR] unknown pointer type. Terminating...\n" ); exit( UNKNOWN_OPTION ); break; } return ptr; } void Dist( reax_system const * const system, mpi_datatypes * const mpi_data, void const * const buf, int buf_type, MPI_Datatype type ) { #if defined(NEUTRAL_TERRITORY) int d, count, index; mpi_out_data *out_bufs; MPI_Comm comm; MPI_Request req[6]; MPI_Status stat[6]; dist_packer pack; comm = mpi_data->comm_mesh3D; out_bufs = mpi_data->out_nt_buffers; pack = Get_Packer( buf_type ); count = 0; /* initiate recvs */ for ( d = 0; d < 6; ++d ) { if ( system->my_nt_nbrs[d].atoms_cnt > 0 ) { count++; MPI_Irecv( Get_Buffer_Offset( buf, system->my_nt_nbrs[d].atoms_str, buf_type ), system->my_nt_nbrs[d].atoms_cnt, type, system->my_nt_nbrs[d].receive_rank, d, comm, &req[d] ); } } for ( d = 0; d < 6; ++d ) { /* send both messages in dimension d */ if ( out_bufs[d].cnt > 0 ) { pack( buf, &out_bufs[d] ); MPI_Send( out_bufs[d].out_atoms, out_bufs[d].cnt, type, system->my_nt_nbrs[d].rank, d, comm ); } } for ( d = 0; d < count; ++d ) { MPI_Waitany( MAX_NT_NBRS, req, &index, stat); } #else int d; mpi_out_data *out_bufs; MPI_Comm comm; MPI_Request req1, req2; MPI_Status stat1, stat2; const neighbor_proc *nbr1, *nbr2; dist_packer pack; comm = mpi_data->comm_mesh3D; out_bufs = mpi_data->out_buffers; pack = Get_Packer( buf_type ); for ( d = 0; d < 3; ++d ) { /* initiate recvs */ nbr1 = &system->my_nbrs[2 * d]; if ( nbr1->atoms_cnt > 0 ) { MPI_Irecv( Get_Buffer_Offset( buf, nbr1->atoms_str, buf_type ), nbr1->atoms_cnt, type, nbr1->rank, 2 * d + 1, comm, &req1 ); } nbr2 = &system->my_nbrs[2 * d + 1]; if ( nbr2->atoms_cnt > 0 ) { MPI_Irecv( Get_Buffer_Offset( buf, nbr2->atoms_str, buf_type ), nbr2->atoms_cnt, type, nbr2->rank, 2 * d, comm, &req2 ); } /* send both messages in dimension d */ if ( out_bufs[2 * d].cnt > 0 ) { pack( buf, &out_bufs[2 * d] ); MPI_Send( out_bufs[2 * d].out_atoms, out_bufs[2 * d].cnt, type, nbr1->rank, 2 * d, comm ); } if ( out_bufs[2 * d + 1].cnt > 0 ) { pack( buf, &out_bufs[2 * d + 1] ); MPI_Send( out_bufs[2 * d + 1].out_atoms, out_bufs[2 * d + 1].cnt, type, nbr2->rank, 2 * d + 1, comm ); } if ( nbr1->atoms_cnt > 0 ) { MPI_Wait( &req1, &stat1 ); } if ( nbr2->atoms_cnt > 0 ) { MPI_Wait( &req2, &stat2 ); } } #endif } void Dist_FS( reax_system const * const system, mpi_datatypes * const mpi_data, void const * const buf, int buf_type, MPI_Datatype type ) { int d; mpi_out_data *out_bufs; MPI_Comm comm; MPI_Request req1, req2; MPI_Status stat1, stat2; const neighbor_proc *nbr1, *nbr2; dist_packer pack; comm = mpi_data->comm_mesh3D; out_bufs = mpi_data->out_buffers; pack = Get_Packer( buf_type ); for ( d = 0; d < 3; ++d ) { /* initiate recvs */ nbr1 = &system->my_nbrs[2 * d]; if ( nbr1->atoms_cnt > 0 ) { MPI_Irecv( Get_Buffer_Offset( buf, nbr1->atoms_str, buf_type ), nbr1->atoms_cnt, type, nbr1->rank, 2 * d + 1, comm, &req1 ); } nbr2 = &system->my_nbrs[2 * d + 1]; if ( nbr2->atoms_cnt > 0 ) { MPI_Irecv( Get_Buffer_Offset( buf, nbr2->atoms_str, buf_type ), nbr2->atoms_cnt, type, nbr2->rank, 2 * d, comm, &req2 ); } /* send both messages in dimension d */ if ( out_bufs[2 * d].cnt > 0 ) { pack( buf, &out_bufs[2 * d] ); MPI_Send( out_bufs[2 * d].out_atoms, out_bufs[2 * d].cnt, type, nbr1->rank, 2 * d, comm ); } if ( out_bufs[2 * d + 1].cnt > 0 ) { pack( buf, &out_bufs[2 * d + 1] ); MPI_Send( out_bufs[2 * d + 1].out_atoms, out_bufs[2 * d + 1].cnt, type, nbr2->rank, 2 * d + 1, comm ); } if ( nbr1->atoms_cnt > 0 ) { MPI_Wait( &req1, &stat1 ); } if ( nbr2->atoms_cnt > 0 ) { MPI_Wait( &req2, &stat2 ); } } } void Coll( reax_system const * const system, mpi_datatypes * const mpi_data, void * const buf, int buf_type, MPI_Datatype type ) { #if defined(NEUTRAL_TERRITORY) int d, count, index; void *in[6]; mpi_out_data *out_bufs; MPI_Comm comm; MPI_Request req[6]; MPI_Status stat[6]; coll_unpacker unpack; comm = mpi_data->comm_mesh3D; out_bufs = mpi_data->out_nt_buffers; unpack = Get_Unpacker( buf_type ); count = 0; for ( d = 0; d < 6; ++d ) { in[d] = mpi_data->in_nt_buffer[d]; if ( out_bufs[d].cnt > 0 ) { count++; MPI_Irecv( in[d], out_bufs[d].cnt, type, system->my_nt_nbrs[d].rank, d, comm, &req[d] ); } } for ( d = 0; d < 6; ++d ) { /* send both messages in direction d */ if ( system->my_nt_nbrs[d].atoms_cnt > 0 ) { MPI_Send( Get_Buffer_Offset( buf, system->my_nt_nbrs[d].atoms_str, buf_type ), system->my_nt_nbrs[d].atoms_cnt, type, system->my_nt_nbrs[d].receive_rank, d, comm ); } } for ( d = 0; d < count; ++d ) { MPI_Waitany( MAX_NT_NBRS, req, &index, stat); unpack( in[index], buf, &out_bufs[index] ); } #else int d; mpi_out_data *out_bufs; MPI_Comm comm; MPI_Request req1, req2; MPI_Status stat1, stat2; const neighbor_proc *nbr1, *nbr2; coll_unpacker unpack; comm = mpi_data->comm_mesh3D; out_bufs = mpi_data->out_buffers; unpack = Get_Unpacker( buf_type ); for ( d = 2; d >= 0; --d ) { /* initiate recvs */ nbr1 = &system->my_nbrs[2 * d]; if ( out_bufs[2 * d].cnt > 0 ) { MPI_Irecv( mpi_data->in1_buffer, out_bufs[2 * d].cnt, type, nbr1->rank, 2 * d + 1, comm, &req1 ); } nbr2 = &system->my_nbrs[2 * d + 1]; if ( out_bufs[2 * d + 1].cnt > 0 ) { MPI_Irecv( mpi_data->in2_buffer, out_bufs[2 * d + 1].cnt, type, nbr2->rank, 2 * d, comm, &req2 ); } /* send both messages in dimension d */ if ( nbr1->atoms_cnt > 0 ) { MPI_Send( Get_Buffer_Offset( buf, nbr1->atoms_str, buf_type ), nbr1->atoms_cnt, type, nbr1->rank, 2 * d, comm ); } if ( nbr2->atoms_cnt > 0 ) { MPI_Send( Get_Buffer_Offset( buf, nbr2->atoms_str, buf_type ), nbr2->atoms_cnt, type, nbr2->rank, 2 * d + 1, comm ); } #if defined(DEBUG_FOCUS) fprintf( stderr, "p%d coll[%d] nbr1: str=%d cnt=%d recv=%d\n", system->my_rank, d, nbr1->atoms_str, nbr1->atoms_cnt, out_bufs[2 * d].cnt ); fprintf( stderr, "p%d coll[%d] nbr2: str=%d cnt=%d recv=%d\n", system->my_rank, d, nbr2->atoms_str, nbr2->atoms_cnt, out_bufs[2 * d + 1].cnt ); #endif if ( out_bufs[2 * d].cnt > 0 ) { MPI_Wait( &req1, &stat1 ); unpack( mpi_data->in1_buffer, buf, &out_bufs[2 * d] ); } if ( out_bufs[2 * d + 1].cnt > 0 ) { MPI_Wait( &req2, &stat2 ); unpack( mpi_data->in2_buffer, buf, &out_bufs[2 * d + 1] ); } } #endif } void Coll_FS( reax_system const * const system, mpi_datatypes * const mpi_data, void * const buf, int buf_type, MPI_Datatype type ) { int d; mpi_out_data *out_bufs; MPI_Comm comm; MPI_Request req1, req2; MPI_Status stat1, stat2; const neighbor_proc *nbr1, *nbr2; coll_unpacker unpack; comm = mpi_data->comm_mesh3D; out_bufs = mpi_data->out_buffers; unpack = Get_Unpacker( buf_type ); for ( d = 2; d >= 0; --d ) { /* initiate recvs */ nbr1 = &system->my_nbrs[2 * d]; if ( out_bufs[2 * d].cnt ) { MPI_Irecv( mpi_data->in1_buffer, out_bufs[2 * d].cnt, type, nbr1->rank, 2 * d + 1, comm, &req1 ); } nbr2 = &system->my_nbrs[2 * d + 1]; if ( out_bufs[2 * d + 1].cnt ) { MPI_Irecv( mpi_data->in2_buffer, out_bufs[2 * d + 1].cnt, type, nbr2->rank, 2 * d, comm, &req2 ); } /* send both messages in dimension d */ if ( nbr1->atoms_cnt ) { MPI_Send( Get_Buffer_Offset( buf, nbr1->atoms_str, buf_type ), nbr1->atoms_cnt, type, nbr1->rank, 2 * d, comm ); } if ( nbr2->atoms_cnt ) { MPI_Send( Get_Buffer_Offset( buf, nbr2->atoms_str, buf_type ), nbr2->atoms_cnt, type, nbr2->rank, 2 * d + 1, comm ); } #if defined(DEBUG_FOCUS) fprintf( stderr, "p%d coll[%d] nbr1: str=%d cnt=%d recv=%d\n", system->my_rank, d, nbr1->atoms_str, nbr1->atoms_cnt, out_bufs[2 * d].cnt ); fprintf( stderr, "p%d coll[%d] nbr2: str=%d cnt=%d recv=%d\n", system->my_rank, d, nbr2->atoms_str, nbr2->atoms_cnt, out_bufs[2 * d + 1].cnt ); #endif if ( out_bufs[2 * d].cnt ) { MPI_Wait( &req1, &stat1 ); unpack( mpi_data->in1_buffer, buf, &out_bufs[2 * d] ); } if ( out_bufs[2 * d + 1].cnt ) { MPI_Wait( &req2, &stat2 ); unpack( mpi_data->in2_buffer, buf, &out_bufs[2 * d + 1] ); } } } real Parallel_Norm( real const * const v, const int n, MPI_Comm comm ) { int i; real my_sum, norm_sqr; my_sum = 0.0; /* compute local part of vector 2-norm */ for ( i = 0; i < n; ++i ) { my_sum += SQR( v[i] ); } MPI_Allreduce( &my_sum, &norm_sqr, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_SUM, comm ); return SQRT( norm_sqr ); } real Parallel_Dot( real const * const v1, real const * const v2, const int n, MPI_Comm comm ) { int i; real my_dot, res; my_dot = 0.0; /* compute local part of inner product */ for ( i = 0; i < n; ++i ) { my_dot += v1[i] * v2[i]; } MPI_Allreduce( &my_dot, &res, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_SUM, comm ); return res; } real Parallel_Vector_Acc( real const * const v, const int n, MPI_Comm comm ) { int i; real my_acc, res; /* compute local part of vector element-wise sum */ my_acc = 0.0; for ( i = 0; i < n; ++i ) { my_acc += v[i]; } MPI_Allreduce( &my_acc, &res, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_SUM, comm ); return res; } /*****************************************************************************/ #if defined(TEST_FORCES) void Coll_ids_at_Master( reax_system *system, storage *workspace, mpi_datatypes *mpi_data ) { int i; int *id_list; MPI_Gather( &system->n, 1, MPI_INT, workspace->rcounts, 1, MPI_INT, MASTER_NODE, mpi_data->world ); if ( system->my_rank == MASTER_NODE ) { workspace->displs[0] = 0; for ( i = 1; i < system->nprocs; ++i ) { workspace->displs[i] = workspace->displs[i - 1] + workspace->rcounts[i - 1]; } } id_list = (int*) smalloc( system->n * sizeof(int), "Coll_ids_at_Master::id_list" ); for ( i = 0; i < system->n; ++i ) { id_list[i] = system->my_atoms[i].orig_id; } MPI_Gatherv( id_list, system->n, MPI_INT, workspace->id_all, workspace->rcounts, workspace->displs, MPI_INT, MASTER_NODE, mpi_data->world ); sfree( id_list, "Coll_ids_at_Master::id_list" ); #if defined(DEBUG_FOCUS) if ( system->my_rank == MASTER_NODE ) { for ( i = 0 ; i < system->bigN; ++i ) { fprintf( stderr, "id_all[%d]: %d\n", i, workspace->id_all[i] ); } } #endif } void Coll_rvecs_at_Master( reax_system *system, storage *workspace, mpi_datatypes *mpi_data, rvec* v ) { MPI_Gatherv( v, system->n, mpi_data->mpi_rvec, workspace->f_all, workspace->rcounts, workspace->displs, mpi_data->mpi_rvec, MASTER_NODE, mpi_data->world ); } #endif