Intro Statistics Applets ================ - [Two Proportion Resampling Test](#two-proportion-resampling-test) - [One Proportion Resampling Test](#one-proportion-resampling-test) <script> document.getElementById("TwoPropResampling").playbackRate = 2; document.getElementById("OnePropResampling").playbackRate = 2; </script> Intro Statistics Applets houses the Shiny apps developed for use in introductory statistics courses at Michigan State University. These applets are designed to be modified for your own use. A description of each applet is provided below, along with a link to a published version. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ### Two Proportion Resampling Test The Two Proportion Resampling Test app conducts [Fisher's Exact Test]( by randomization. Preset datasets are included, with the option to customize the observed data. Download the *TwoProportionResamplingTest* folder and start customizing the app to your specified needs. A published version of this app can be seen [here]( <video id="TwoPropResampling" width="100%" autoplay muted loop> <source src="img/TwoPropResampling.mp4" type="video/mp4" /> </video> ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ### One Proportion Resampling Test The One Proportion Resampling Test app conducts a one proportion hypothesis test by randomization. Preset examples are included, with the option to specify your own values of *n* and *p*. Download the *OneProportionResamplingTest* folder and start customizing the app to your specified needs. A published version of this app can be seen [here]( <video id="OnePropResampling" width="100%" autoplay muted loop> <source src="img/OnePropResampling.mp4" type="video/mp4" /> </video>