diff --git a/inc/lang/en/lang.php b/inc/lang/en/lang.php index 5bb0e5eaf96f97f1517d2edc24b8aa4aa3d6e42b..4f388c17a32ce27feef8ae357e61173faecf8264 100644 --- a/inc/lang/en/lang.php +++ b/inc/lang/en/lang.php @@ -71,6 +71,18 @@ $lang['draftdate'] = 'Draft autosaved on'; // full dformat date will $lang['nosecedit'] = 'The page was changed in the meantime, section info was out of date loaded full page instead.'; $lang['searchcreatepage'] = 'If you didn\'t find what you were looking for, you can create or edit the page named after your query with the appropriate tool.'; +$lang['search_exact_match'] = 'Exact match'; +$lang['search_starts_with'] = 'Starts with'; +$lang['search_ends_with'] = 'Ends with'; +$lang['search_contains'] = 'Contains'; +$lang['search_any_ns'] = 'Any namespace'; +$lang['search_any_time'] = 'Any time'; +$lang['search_past_7_days'] = 'Past week'; +$lang['search_past_month'] = 'Past month'; +$lang['search_past_year'] = 'Past year'; +$lang['search_sort_by_hits'] = 'Sort by hits'; +$lang['search_sort_by_mtime'] = 'Sort by last modified'; + $lang['regmissing'] = 'Sorry, you must fill in all fields.'; $lang['reguexists'] = 'Sorry, a user with this login already exists.'; $lang['regsuccess'] = 'The user has been created and the password was sent by email.';