diff --git a/inc/JSON.php b/inc/JSON.php
index ea66c9c32f0e8c18e0a49759eb34b9a8435950a7..7ec40009283265b2c05a0ae719c62265c2e30e51 100644
--- a/inc/JSON.php
+++ b/inc/JSON.php
@@ -112,38 +112,35 @@ define('JSON_STRICT_TYPE', 11);
  * @since
  * @deprecated
-class JSON
-   /**
-    * constructs a new JSON instance
-    *
-    * @param    int     $use    object behavior: when encoding or decoding,
-    *                           be loose or strict about object/array usage
-    *
-    *                           possible values:
-    *                              JSON_STRICT_TYPE - strict typing, default
-    *                                                 "{...}" syntax creates objects in decode.
-    *                               JSON_LOOSE_TYPE - loose typing
-    *                                                 "{...}" syntax creates associative arrays in decode.
-    */
-    function JSON($use=JSON_STRICT_TYPE)
-    {
+class JSON {
+    /**
+     * constructs a new JSON instance
+     *
+     * @param    int     $use    object behavior: when encoding or decoding,
+     *                           be loose or strict about object/array usage
+     *
+     *                           possible values:
+     *                              JSON_STRICT_TYPE - strict typing, default
+     *                                                 "{...}" syntax creates objects in decode.
+     *                               JSON_LOOSE_TYPE - loose typing
+     *                                                 "{...}" syntax creates associative arrays in decode.
+     */
+    function JSON($use=JSON_STRICT_TYPE) {
         $this->use = $use;
-   /**
-    * encodes an arbitrary variable into JSON format
-    *
-    * @param    mixed   $var    any number, boolean, string, array, or object to be encoded.
-    *                           see argument 1 to JSON() above for array-parsing behavior.
-    *                           if var is a strng, note that encode() always expects it
-    *                           to be in ASCII or UTF-8 format!
-    *
-    * @return   string  JSON string representation of input var
-    * @access   public
-    */
-    function encode($var)
-    {
+    /**
+     * encodes an arbitrary variable into JSON format
+     *
+     * @param    mixed   $var    any number, boolean, string, array, or object to be encoded.
+     *                           see argument 1 to JSON() above for array-parsing behavior.
+     *                           if var is a strng, note that encode() always expects it
+     *                           to be in ASCII or UTF-8 format!
+     *
+     * @return   string  JSON string representation of input var
+     * @access   public
+     */
+    function encode($var) {
         switch (gettype($var)) {
             case 'boolean':
                 return $var ? 'true' : 'false';
@@ -163,20 +160,30 @@ class JSON
                 $ascii = '';
                 $strlen_var = strlen($var);
-               /*
-                * Iterate over every character in the string,
-                * escaping with a slash or encoding to UTF-8 where necessary
-                */
+                /*
+                 * Iterate over every character in the string,
+                 * escaping with a slash or encoding to UTF-8 where necessary
+                 */
                 for ($c = 0; $c < $strlen_var; ++$c) {
                     $ord_var_c = ord($var{$c});
                     switch ($ord_var_c) {
-                        case 0x08:  $ascii .= '\b';  break;
-                        case 0x09:  $ascii .= '\t';  break;
-                        case 0x0A:  $ascii .= '\n';  break;
-                        case 0x0C:  $ascii .= '\f';  break;
-                        case 0x0D:  $ascii .= '\r';  break;
+                        case 0x08:
+                            $ascii .= '\b';
+                            break;
+                        case 0x09:
+                            $ascii .= '\t';
+                            break;
+                        case 0x0A:
+                            $ascii .= '\n';
+                            break;
+                        case 0x0C:
+                            $ascii .= '\f';
+                            break;
+                        case 0x0D:
+                            $ascii .= '\r';
+                            break;
                         case 0x22:
                         case 0x2F:
@@ -259,26 +266,26 @@ class JSON
                 return '"'.$ascii.'"';
             case 'array':
-               /*
-                * As per JSON spec if any array key is not an integer
-                * we must treat the the whole array as an object. We
-                * also try to catch a sparsely populated associative
-                * array with numeric keys here because some JS engines
-                * will create an array with empty indexes up to
-                * max_index which can cause memory issues and because
-                * the keys, which may be relevant, will be remapped
-                * otherwise.
-                *
-                * As per the ECMA and JSON specification an object may
-                * have any string as a property. Unfortunately due to
-                * a hole in the ECMA specification if the key is a
-                * ECMA reserved word or starts with a digit the
-                * parameter is only accessible using ECMAScript's
-                * bracket notation.
-                */
+                /*
+                 * As per JSON spec if any array key is not an integer
+                 * we must treat the the whole array as an object. We
+                 * also try to catch a sparsely populated associative
+                 * array with numeric keys here because some JS engines
+                 * will create an array with empty indexes up to
+                 * max_index which can cause memory issues and because
+                 * the keys, which may be relevant, will be remapped
+                 * otherwise.
+                 *
+                 * As per the ECMA and JSON specification an object may
+                 * have any string as a property. Unfortunately due to
+                 * a hole in the ECMA specification if the key is a
+                 * ECMA reserved word or starts with a digit the
+                 * parameter is only accessible using ECMAScript's
+                 * bracket notation.
+                 */
                 // treat as a JSON object
-                if (is_array($var) && count($var) && (array_keys($var) !== range(0, sizeof($var) - 1))) {
+                if (is_array($var) && count($var) && (array_keys($var) !== range(0, count($var) - 1))) {
                     return sprintf('{%s}', join(',', array_map(array($this, 'name_value'),
@@ -298,38 +305,35 @@ class JSON
-   /**
-    * encodes an arbitrary variable into JSON format, alias for encode()
-    */
-    function enc($var)
-    {
+    /**
+     * encodes an arbitrary variable into JSON format, alias for encode()
+     */
+    function enc($var) {
         return $this->encode($var);
-   /** function name_value
-    * array-walking function for use in generating JSON-formatted name-value pairs
-    *
-    * @param    string  $name   name of key to use
-    * @param    mixed   $value  reference to an array element to be encoded
-    *
-    * @return   string  JSON-formatted name-value pair, like '"name":value'
-    * @access   private
-    */
-    function name_value($name, $value)
-    {
+    /** function name_value
+     * array-walking function for use in generating JSON-formatted name-value pairs
+     *
+     * @param    string  $name   name of key to use
+     * @param    mixed   $value  reference to an array element to be encoded
+     *
+     * @return   string  JSON-formatted name-value pair, like '"name":value'
+     * @access   private
+     */
+    function name_value($name, $value) {
         return (sprintf("%s:%s", $this->encode(strval($name)), $this->encode($value)));
-   /**
-    * reduce a string by removing leading and trailing comments and whitespace
-    *
-    * @param    $str    string      string value to strip of comments and whitespace
-    *
-    * @return   string  string value stripped of comments and whitespace
-    * @access   private
-    */
-    function reduce_string($str)
-    {
+    /**
+     * reduce a string by removing leading and trailing comments and whitespace
+     *
+     * @param    $str    string      string value to strip of comments and whitespace
+     *
+     * @return   string  string value stripped of comments and whitespace
+     * @access   private
+     */
+    function reduce_string($str) {
         $str = preg_replace(array(
                 // eliminate single line comments in '// ...' form
@@ -347,20 +351,19 @@ class JSON
         return trim($str);
-   /**
-    * decodes a JSON string into appropriate variable
-    *
-    * @param    string  $str    JSON-formatted string
-    *
-    * @return   mixed   number, boolean, string, array, or object
-    *                   corresponding to given JSON input string.
-    *                   See argument 1 to JSON() above for object-output behavior.
-    *                   Note that decode() always returns strings
-    *                   in ASCII or UTF-8 format!
-    * @access   public
-    */
-    function decode($str)
-    {
+    /**
+     * decodes a JSON string into appropriate variable
+     *
+     * @param    string  $str    JSON-formatted string
+     *
+     * @return   mixed   number, boolean, string, array, or object
+     *                   corresponding to given JSON input string.
+     *                   See argument 1 to JSON() above for object-output behavior.
+     *                   Note that decode() always returns strings
+     *                   in ASCII or UTF-8 format!
+     * @access   public
+     */
+    function decode($str) {
         $str = $this->reduce_string($str);
         switch (strtolower($str)) {
@@ -399,11 +402,26 @@ class JSON
                         $ord_chrs_c = ord($chrs{$c});
                         switch ($substr_chrs_c_2) {
-                            case '\b':  $utf8 .= chr(0x08);  $c+=1;  break;
-                            case '\t':  $utf8 .= chr(0x09);  $c+=1;  break;
-                            case '\n':  $utf8 .= chr(0x0A);  $c+=1;  break;
-                            case '\f':  $utf8 .= chr(0x0C);  $c+=1;  break;
-                            case '\r':  $utf8 .= chr(0x0D);  $c+=1;  break;
+                            case '\b':
+                                $utf8 .= chr(0x08);
+                                $c+=1;
+                                break;
+                            case '\t':
+                                $utf8 .= chr(0x09);
+                                $c+=1;
+                                break;
+                            case '\n':
+                                $utf8 .= chr(0x0A);
+                                $c+=1;
+                                break;
+                            case '\f':
+                                $utf8 .= chr(0x0C);
+                                $c+=1;
+                                break;
+                            case '\r':
+                                $utf8 .= chr(0x0D);
+                                $c+=1;
+                                break;
                             case '\\"':
                             case '\\\'':
@@ -430,27 +448,32 @@ class JSON
                                 } elseif(($ord_chrs_c & 0xE0) == 0xC0) {
                                     // characters U-00000080 - U-000007FF, mask 110XXXXX
                                     //see http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/~mgk25/unicode.html#utf-8
-                                    $utf8 .= substr($chrs, $c, 2); $c += 1;
+                                    $utf8 .= substr($chrs, $c, 2);
+                                    $c += 1;
                                 } elseif(($ord_chrs_c & 0xF0) == 0xE0) {
                                     // characters U-00000800 - U-0000FFFF, mask 1110XXXX
                                     // see http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/~mgk25/unicode.html#utf-8
-                                    $utf8 .= substr($chrs, $c, 3); $c += 2;
+                                    $utf8 .= substr($chrs, $c, 3);
+                                    $c += 2;
                                 } elseif(($ord_chrs_c & 0xF8) == 0xF0) {
                                     // characters U-00010000 - U-001FFFFF, mask 11110XXX
                                     // see http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/~mgk25/unicode.html#utf-8
-                                    $utf8 .= substr($chrs, $c, 4); $c += 3;
+                                    $utf8 .= substr($chrs, $c, 4);
+                                    $c += 3;
                                 } elseif(($ord_chrs_c & 0xFC) == 0xF8) {
                                     // characters U-00200000 - U-03FFFFFF, mask 111110XX
                                     // see http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/~mgk25/unicode.html#utf-8
-                                    $utf8 .= substr($chrs, $c, 5); $c += 4;
+                                    $utf8 .= substr($chrs, $c, 5);
+                                    $c += 4;
                                 } elseif(($ord_chrs_c & 0xFE) == 0xFC) {
                                     // characters U-04000000 - U-7FFFFFFF, mask 1111110X
                                     // see http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/~mgk25/unicode.html#utf-8
-                                    $utf8 .= substr($chrs, $c, 6); $c += 5;
+                                    $utf8 .= substr($chrs, $c, 6);
+                                    $c += 5;
@@ -612,13 +635,11 @@ class JSON
-   /**
-    * decodes a JSON string into appropriate variable; alias for decode()
-    */
-    function dec($var)
-    {
+    /**
+     * decodes a JSON string into appropriate variable; alias for decode()
+     */
+    function dec($var) {
         return $this->decode($var);
diff --git a/inc/JpegMeta.php b/inc/JpegMeta.php
index cb1d7d694e0589ae2594df1ab746ba83bba72c0a..b0676432076ff9058d0c064bf1bf733349955b30 100644
--- a/inc/JpegMeta.php
+++ b/inc/JpegMeta.php
@@ -29,8 +29,7 @@
 // | Authors: Sebastian Delmont <sdelmont@zonageek.com>                   |
 // +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
-class JpegMeta
+class JpegMeta {
     var $_fileName;
     var $_fp = null;
     var $_type = 'unknown';
@@ -44,8 +43,7 @@ class JpegMeta
      * @author Sebastian Delmont <sdelmont@zonageek.com>
-    function JpegMeta($fileName)
-    {
+    function JpegMeta($fileName) {
         $this->_fileName = $fileName;
@@ -61,8 +59,7 @@ class JpegMeta
      * @author Sebastian Delmont <sdelmont@zonageek.com>
-    function & getRawInfo()
-    {
+    function & getRawInfo() {
         if ($this->_markers == null) {
@@ -77,8 +74,7 @@ class JpegMeta
      * @author Sebastian Delmont <sdelmont@zonageek.com>
-    function & getBasicInfo()
-    {
+    function & getBasicInfo() {
         $info = array();
@@ -91,16 +87,14 @@ class JpegMeta
         if (isset($this->_info['file']['Url'])) {
             $info['Url'] = $this->_info['file']['Url'];
             $info['NiceSize'] = "???KB";
-        }
-        else {
+        } else {
             $info['Size'] = $this->_info['file']['Size'];
             $info['NiceSize'] = $this->_info['file']['NiceSize'];
         if (@isset($this->_info['sof']['Format'])) {
             $info['Format'] = $this->_info['sof']['Format'] . " JPEG";
-        }
-        else {
+        } else {
             $info['Format'] = $this->_info['sof']['Format'] . " JPEG";
@@ -129,8 +123,7 @@ class JpegMeta
      * @author Andreas Gohr <andi@splitbrain.org>
-    function getField($fields)
-    {
+    function getField($fields) {
         if(!is_array($fields)) $fields = array($fields);
         $info = false;
         foreach($fields as $field){
@@ -175,8 +168,7 @@ class JpegMeta
      * @author Andreas Gohr <andi@splitbrain.org>
-    function setField($field, $value)
-    {
+    function setField($field, $value) {
         if(strtolower(substr($field,0,5)) == 'iptc.'){
             return $this->setIPTCField(substr($field,5),$value);
         }elseif(strtolower(substr($field,0,5)) == 'exif.'){
@@ -192,8 +184,7 @@ class JpegMeta
      * @author Andreas Gohr <andi@splitbrain.org>
-    function deleteField($field)
-    {
+    function deleteField($field) {
         if(strtolower(substr($field,0,5)) == 'iptc.'){
             return $this->deleteIPTCField(substr($field,5));
         }elseif(strtolower(substr($field,0,5)) == 'exif.'){
@@ -208,8 +199,7 @@ class JpegMeta
      * @author Andreas Gohr <andi@splitbrain.org>
-    function getDateField($field)
-    {
+    function getDateField($field) {
         if (!isset($this->_info['dates'])) {
             $this->_info['dates'] = $this->getDates();
@@ -226,8 +216,7 @@ class JpegMeta
      * @author Andreas Gohr <andi@splitbrain.org>
-    function getFileField($field)
-    {
+    function getFileField($field) {
         if (!isset($this->_info['file'])) {
@@ -258,8 +247,7 @@ class JpegMeta
      * @author Joe Lapp <joe.lapp@pobox.com>
-    function getShutterSpeed()
-    {
+    function getShutterSpeed() {
         if (!isset($this->_info['exif'])) {
@@ -277,8 +265,7 @@ class JpegMeta
      * @author Sebastian Delmont <sdelmont@zonageek.com>
-    function getExifField($field)
-    {
+    function getExifField($field) {
         if (!isset($this->_info['exif'])) {
@@ -299,8 +286,7 @@ class JpegMeta
      * @author Hakan Sandell <hakan.sandell@mydata.se>
-    function getXmpField($field)
-    {
+    function getXmpField($field) {
         if (!isset($this->_info['xmp'])) {
@@ -321,8 +307,7 @@ class JpegMeta
      * @author Sebastian Delmont <sdelmont@zonageek.com>
-    function getAdobeField($field)
-    {
+    function getAdobeField($field) {
         if (!isset($this->_info['adobe'])) {
@@ -343,8 +328,7 @@ class JpegMeta
      * @author Sebastian Delmont <sdelmont@zonageek.com>
-    function getIPTCField($field)
-    {
+    function getIPTCField($field) {
         if (!isset($this->_info['iptc'])) {
@@ -366,8 +350,7 @@ class JpegMeta
      * @author Sebastian Delmont <sdelmont@zonageek.com>
      * @author Joe Lapp <joe.lapp@pobox.com>
-    function setExifField($field, $value)
-    {
+    function setExifField($field, $value) {
         if (!isset($this->_info['exif'])) {
@@ -397,8 +380,7 @@ class JpegMeta
      * @author Sebastian Delmont <sdelmont@zonageek.com>
-    function setAdobeField($field, $value)
-    {
+    function setAdobeField($field, $value) {
         if (!isset($this->_info['adobe'])) {
@@ -451,8 +433,7 @@ class JpegMeta
      * @author Sebastian Delmont <sdelmont@zonageek.com>
-    function setIPTCField($field, $value)
-    {
+    function setIPTCField($field, $value) {
         if (!isset($this->_info['iptc'])) {
@@ -475,8 +456,7 @@ class JpegMeta
      * @author Sebastian Delmont <sdelmont@zonageek.com>
-    function deleteExifField($field)
-    {
+    function deleteExifField($field) {
         if (!isset($this->_info['exif'])) {
@@ -497,8 +477,7 @@ class JpegMeta
      * @author Sebastian Delmont <sdelmont@zonageek.com>
-    function deleteAdobeField($field)
-    {
+    function deleteAdobeField($field) {
         if (!isset($this->_info['adobe'])) {
@@ -519,8 +498,7 @@ class JpegMeta
      * @author Sebastian Delmont <sdelmont@zonageek.com>
-    function deleteIPTCField($field)
-    {
+    function deleteIPTCField($field) {
         if (!isset($this->_info['iptc'])) {
@@ -547,12 +525,12 @@ class JpegMeta
         // try various fields
         $cap = $this->getField(array('Iptc.Headline',
-                                     'Iptc.Caption',
-                                     'Xmp.dc:title',
-                                     'Exif.UserComment',
-                                     'Exif.TIFFUserComment',
-                                     'Exif.TIFFImageDescription',
-                                     'File.Name'));
+                    'Iptc.Caption',
+                    'Xmp.dc:title',
+                    'Exif.UserComment',
+                    'Exif.TIFFUserComment',
+                    'Exif.TIFFImageDescription',
+                    'File.Name'));
         if (empty($cap)) return false;
         if(!$max) return $cap;
@@ -568,8 +546,7 @@ class JpegMeta
      * @author Sebastian Delmont <sdelmont@zonageek.com>
-    function getDates()
-    {
+    function getDates() {
         if ($this->_markers == null) {
             if (@isset($this->_info['file']['UnixTime'])) {
@@ -704,8 +681,7 @@ class JpegMeta
      * @author Sebastian Delmont <sdelmont@zonageek.com>
-    function getWidth()
-    {
+    function getWidth() {
         if (!isset($this->_info['sof'])) {
@@ -734,8 +710,7 @@ class JpegMeta
      * @author Sebastian Delmont <sdelmont@zonageek.com>
-    function getHeight()
-    {
+    function getHeight() {
         if (!isset($this->_info['sof'])) {
@@ -764,8 +739,7 @@ class JpegMeta
      * @author Sebastian Delmont <sdelmont@zonageek.com>
-    function getDimStr()
-    {
+    function getDimStr() {
         if ($this->_markers == null) {
             return false;
@@ -781,8 +755,7 @@ class JpegMeta
      * @author Sebastian Delmont <sdelmont@zonageek.com>
-    function hasThumbnail($which = 'any')
-    {
+    function hasThumbnail($which = 'any') {
         if (($which == 'any') || ($which == 'exif')) {
             if (!isset($this->_info['exif'])) {
@@ -823,8 +796,7 @@ class JpegMeta
      * @author Sebastian Delmont <sdelmont@zonageek.com>
-    function sendThumbnail($which = 'any')
-    {
+    function sendThumbnail($which = 'any') {
         $data = null;
         if (($which == 'any') || ($which == 'exif')) {
@@ -892,8 +864,7 @@ class JpegMeta
-    function _dispose()
-    {
+    function _dispose() {
         $this->_fileName = $fileName;
         $this->_fp = null;
@@ -904,8 +875,7 @@ class JpegMeta
-    function _readJPEG()
-    {
+    function _readJPEG() {
         $this->_markers = array();
@@ -919,8 +889,7 @@ class JpegMeta
             else {
                 $this->_type = 'url';
-        }
-        else {
+        } else {
             $this->_fp = null;
             return false;  // ERROR: Can't open file
@@ -942,14 +911,14 @@ class JpegMeta
         while (!$done) {
             $capture = false;
-          // First, skip any non 0xFF bytes
+            // First, skip any non 0xFF bytes
             $discarded = 0;
             $c = ord(fgetc($this->_fp));
             while (!feof($this->_fp) && ($c != 0xFF)) {
                 $c = ord(fgetc($this->_fp));
-          // Then skip all 0xFF until the marker byte
+            // Then skip all 0xFF until the marker byte
             do {
                 $marker = ord(fgetc($this->_fp));
             } while (!feof($this->_fp) && ($marker == 0xFF));
@@ -971,23 +940,23 @@ class JpegMeta
             $length = $length - 2; // The length we got counts itself
             switch ($marker) {
-            case 0xC0:    // SOF0
-            case 0xC1:    // SOF1
-            case 0xC2:    // SOF2
-            case 0xC9:    // SOF9
-            case 0xE0:    // APP0: JFIF data
-            case 0xE1:    // APP1: EXIF or XMP data
-            case 0xED:    // APP13: IPTC / Photoshop data
-                $capture = true;
-                break;
-            case 0xDA:    // SOS: Start of scan... the image itself and the last block on the file
-                $capture = false;
-                $length = -1;  // This field has no length... it includes all data until EOF
-                $done = true;
-                break;
-            default:
-                $capture = true;//false;
-                break;
+                case 0xC0:    // SOF0
+                case 0xC1:    // SOF1
+                case 0xC2:    // SOF2
+                case 0xC9:    // SOF9
+                case 0xE0:    // APP0: JFIF data
+                case 0xE1:    // APP1: EXIF or XMP data
+                case 0xED:    // APP13: IPTC / Photoshop data
+                    $capture = true;
+                    break;
+                case 0xDA:    // SOS: Start of scan... the image itself and the last block on the file
+                    $capture = false;
+                    $length = -1;  // This field has no length... it includes all data until EOF
+                    $done = true;
+                    break;
+                default:
+                    $capture = true;//false;
+                    break;
             $this->_markers[$count] = array();
@@ -1002,7 +971,7 @@ class JpegMeta
             elseif (!$done) {
                 $result = @fseek($this->_fp, $length, SEEK_CUR);
-              // fseek doesn't seem to like HTTP 'files', but fgetc has no problem
+                // fseek doesn't seem to like HTTP 'files', but fgetc has no problem
                 if (!($result === 0)) {
                     for ($i = 0; $i < $length; $i++) {
@@ -1021,8 +990,7 @@ class JpegMeta
-    function _parseAll()
-    {
+    function _parseAll() {
         if (!isset($this->_info['file'])) {
@@ -1052,8 +1020,7 @@ class JpegMeta
-    function _writeJPEG($outputName)
-    {
+    function _writeJPEG($outputName) {
         $wroteEXIF = false;
@@ -1067,16 +1034,13 @@ class JpegMeta
             else {
                 $this->_type = 'url';
-        }
-        else {
+        } else {
             $this->_fp = null;
             return false;  // ERROR: Can't open file
         $this->_fpout = fopen($outputName, 'wb');
-        if ($this->_fpout) {
-        }
-        else {
+        if (!$this->_fpout) {
             $this->_fpout = null;
             $this->_fp = null;
@@ -1100,14 +1064,14 @@ class JpegMeta
         $ok = true;
         while (!$done) {
-          // First, skip any non 0xFF bytes
+            // First, skip any non 0xFF bytes
             $discarded = 0;
             $c = ord(fgetc($this->_fp));
             while (!feof($this->_fp) && ($c != 0xFF)) {
                 $c = ord(fgetc($this->_fp));
-          // Then skip all 0xFF until the marker byte
+            // Then skip all 0xFF until the marker byte
             do {
                 $marker = ord(fgetc($this->_fp));
             } while (!feof($this->_fp) && ($marker == 0xFF));
@@ -1156,7 +1120,7 @@ class JpegMeta
             if (!$wroteAdobe && (($marker < 0xE0) || ($marker > 0xEF))) {
                 if ((isset($this->_info['adobe']) && is_array($this->_info['adobe']))
-                || (isset($this->_info['iptc']) && is_array($this->_info['iptc']))) {
+                        || (isset($this->_info['iptc']) && is_array($this->_info['iptc']))) {
                     $adobe =& $this->_createMarkerAdobe();
                     $this->_writeJPEGMarker(0xED, strlen($adobe), $adobe, 0);
@@ -1188,8 +1152,7 @@ class JpegMeta
-    function _writeJPEGMarker($marker, $length, &$data, $origLength)
-    {
+    function _writeJPEGMarker($marker, $length, &$data, $origLength) {
         if ($length <= 0) {
             return false;
@@ -1212,15 +1175,13 @@ class JpegMeta
-        }
-        else {
+        } else {
             if ($marker == 0xDA) {  // Copy until EOF
                 while (!feof($this->_fp)) {
                     $data = fread($this->_fp, 1024 * 16);
                     fputs($this->_fpout, $data, strlen($data));
-            }
-            else { // Copy only $length bytes
+            } else { // Copy only $length bytes
                 $data = @fread($this->_fp, $length);
                 fputs($this->_fpout, $data, $length);
@@ -1235,8 +1196,7 @@ class JpegMeta
      * @author  Sebastian Delmont <sdelmont@zonageek.com>
      * @author  Andreas Gohr <andi@splitbrain.org>
-    function _parseFileInfo()
-    {
+    function _parseFileInfo() {
         if (file_exists($this->_fileName)) {
             $this->_info['file'] = array();
             $this->_info['file']['Name'] = basename($this->_fileName);
@@ -1244,14 +1204,11 @@ class JpegMeta
             $this->_info['file']['Size'] = filesize($this->_fileName);
             if ($this->_info['file']['Size'] < 1024) {
                 $this->_info['file']['NiceSize'] = $this->_info['file']['Size'] . 'B';
-            }
-            elseif ($this->_info['file']['Size'] < (1024 * 1024)) {
+            } elseif ($this->_info['file']['Size'] < (1024 * 1024)) {
                 $this->_info['file']['NiceSize'] = round($this->_info['file']['Size'] / 1024) . 'KB';
-            }
-            elseif ($this->_info['file']['Size'] < (1024 * 1024 * 1024)) {
+            } elseif ($this->_info['file']['Size'] < (1024 * 1024 * 1024)) {
                 $this->_info['file']['NiceSize'] = round($this->_info['file']['Size'] / (1024*1024)) . 'MB';
-            }
-            else {
+            } else {
                 $this->_info['file']['NiceSize'] = $this->_info['file']['Size'] . 'B';
             $this->_info['file']['UnixTime'] = filemtime($this->_fileName);
@@ -1331,8 +1288,7 @@ class JpegMeta
                     $this->_info['file']['Mime']   = 'image/unknown';
-        }
-        else {
+        } else {
             $this->_info['file'] = array();
             $this->_info['file']['Name'] = basename($this->_fileName);
             $this->_info['file']['Url'] = $this->_fileName;
@@ -1342,8 +1298,7 @@ class JpegMeta
-    function _parseMarkerJFIF()
-    {
+    function _parseMarkerJFIF() {
         if (!isset($this->_markers)) {
@@ -1372,7 +1327,6 @@ class JpegMeta
         $pos = 0;
         $this->_info['jfif'] = array();
         $vmaj = $this->_getByte($data, 5);
         $vmin = $this->_getByte($data, 6);
@@ -1380,18 +1334,18 @@ class JpegMeta
         $units = $this->_getByte($data, 7);
         switch ($units) {
-        case 0:
-            $this->_info['jfif']['Units'] = 'pixels';
-            break;
-        case 1:
-            $this->_info['jfif']['Units'] = 'dpi';
-            break;
-        case 2:
-            $this->_info['jfif']['Units'] = 'dpcm';
-            break;
-        default:
-            $this->_info['jfif']['Units'] = 'unknown';
-            break;
+            case 0:
+                $this->_info['jfif']['Units'] = 'pixels';
+                break;
+            case 1:
+                $this->_info['jfif']['Units'] = 'dpi';
+                break;
+            case 2:
+                $this->_info['jfif']['Units'] = 'dpcm';
+                break;
+            default:
+                $this->_info['jfif']['Units'] = 'unknown';
+                break;
         $xdens = $this->_getShort($data, 8);
@@ -1410,8 +1364,7 @@ class JpegMeta
-    function _parseMarkerSOF()
-    {
+    function _parseMarkerSOF() {
         if (!isset($this->_markers)) {
@@ -1424,13 +1377,13 @@ class JpegMeta
         $count = count($this->_markers);
         for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) {
             switch ($this->_markers[$i]['marker']) {
-            case 0xC0: // SOF0
-            case 0xC1: // SOF1
-            case 0xC2: // SOF2
-            case 0xC9: // SOF9
-                $data =& $this->_markers[$i]['data'];
-                $marker = $this->_markers[$i]['marker'];
-                break;
+                case 0xC0: // SOF0
+                case 0xC1: // SOF1
+                case 0xC2: // SOF2
+                case 0xC9: // SOF9
+                    $data =& $this->_markers[$i]['data'];
+                    $marker = $this->_markers[$i]['marker'];
+                    break;
@@ -1442,32 +1395,29 @@ class JpegMeta
         $pos = 0;
         $this->_info['sof'] = array();
         switch ($marker) {
-        case 0xC0: // SOF0
-            $format = 'Baseline';
-            break;
-        case 0xC1: // SOF1
-            $format = 'Progessive';
-            break;
-        case 0xC2: // SOF2
-            $format = 'Non-baseline';
-            break;
-        case 0xC9: // SOF9
-            $format = 'Arithmetic';
-            break;
-        default:
-            return false;
-            break;
+            case 0xC0: // SOF0
+                $format = 'Baseline';
+                break;
+            case 0xC1: // SOF1
+                $format = 'Progessive';
+                break;
+            case 0xC2: // SOF2
+                $format = 'Non-baseline';
+                break;
+            case 0xC9: // SOF9
+                $format = 'Arithmetic';
+                break;
+            default:
+                return false;
+                break;
-        $this->_info['sof']['Format'] = $format;
+        $this->_info['sof']['Format']          = $format;
         $this->_info['sof']['SamplePrecision'] = $this->_getByte($data, $pos + 0);
-        $this->_info['sof']['ImageHeight'] = $this->_getShort($data, $pos + 1);
-        $this->_info['sof']['ImageWidth'] = $this->_getShort($data, $pos + 3);
-        $this->_info['sof']['ColorChannels'] = $this->_getByte($data, $pos + 5);
+        $this->_info['sof']['ImageHeight']     = $this->_getShort($data, $pos + 1);
+        $this->_info['sof']['ImageWidth']      = $this->_getShort($data, $pos + 3);
+        $this->_info['sof']['ColorChannels']   = $this->_getByte($data, $pos + 5);
         return true;
@@ -1477,8 +1427,7 @@ class JpegMeta
      * @author  Hakan Sandell <hakan.sandell@mydata.se>
-    function _parseMarkerXmp()
-    {
+    function _parseMarkerXmp() {
         if (!isset($this->_markers)) {
@@ -1513,10 +1462,10 @@ class JpegMeta
         $this->_info['xmp'] = array();
         $count = count($values);
         for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) {
-            if ($values[$i][tag] == 'rdf:Description' && $values[$i][type] == 'open') {
+            if ($values[$i]['tag'] == 'rdf:Description' && $values[$i]['type'] == 'open') {
-                while ($values[++$i][tag] != 'rdf:Description') {
-                    $this->_parseXmpNode($values, $i, $this->_info['xmp'][$values[$i][tag]]);
+                while ($values[++$i]['tag'] != 'rdf:Description') {
+                    $this->_parseXmpNode($values, $i, $this->_info['xmp'][$values[$i]['tag']]);
@@ -1528,43 +1477,41 @@ class JpegMeta
      * @author  Hakan Sandell <hakan.sandell@mydata.se>
-    function _parseXmpNode($values, &$i, &$meta)
-    {
-        if ($values[$i][type] == 'complete') {
+    function _parseXmpNode($values, &$i, &$meta) {
+        if ($values[$i]['type'] == 'complete') {
             // Simple Type property
-            $meta = $values[$i][value];
+            $meta = $values[$i]['value'];
-        if ($values[$i][tag] == 'rdf:Bag' || $values[$i][tag] == 'rdf:Seq') {
+        if ($values[$i]['tag'] == 'rdf:Bag' || $values[$i]['tag'] == 'rdf:Seq') {
             // Array property
             $meta = array();
-            while ($values[++$i][tag] == 'rdf:li') {
+            while ($values[++$i]['tag'] == 'rdf:li') {
                 $this->_parseXmpNode($values, $i, $meta[]);
             $i++; // skip closing tag
-        } elseif ($values[$i][tag] == 'rdf:Alt') {
+        } elseif ($values[$i]['tag'] == 'rdf:Alt') {
             // Language Alternative property, only the first (default) value is used
             $this->_parseXmpNode($values, $i, $meta);
-            while ($values[++$i][tag] != 'rdf:Alt');
+            while ($values[++$i]['tag'] != 'rdf:Alt');
             $i++; // skip closing tag
         } else {
             // Structure property
             $meta = array();
-            $startTag = $values[$i-1][tag];
+            $startTag = $values[$i-1]['tag'];
             do {
-                $this->_parseXmpNode($values, $i, $meta[$values[$i][tag]]);
-            } while ($values[++$i][tag] != $startTag);
+                $this->_parseXmpNode($values, $i, $meta[$values[$i]['tag']]);
+            } while ($values[++$i]['tag'] != $startTag);
-    function _parseMarkerExif()
-    {
+    function _parseMarkerExif() {
         if (!isset($this->_markers)) {
@@ -1598,11 +1545,9 @@ class JpegMeta
         if ($byteAlign == 0x4949) { // "II"
             $isBigEndian = false;
-        }
-        elseif ($byteAlign == 0x4D4D) { // "MM"
+        } elseif ($byteAlign == 0x4D4D) { // "MM"
             $isBigEndian = true;
-        }
-        else {
+        } else {
             return false; // Unexpected data
@@ -1612,8 +1557,7 @@ class JpegMeta
         if ($isBigEndian) {
             $this->_info['exif']['ByteAlign'] = "Big Endian";
-        }
-        else {
+        } else {
             $this->_info['exif']['ByteAlign'] = "Little Endian";
@@ -1629,8 +1573,7 @@ class JpegMeta
-    function _readIFD($data, $base, $offset, $isBigEndian, $mode)
-    {
+    function _readIFD($data, $base, $offset, $isBigEndian, $mode) {
         $EXIFTags = $this->_exifTagNames($mode);
         $numEntries = $this->_getShort($data, $base + $offset, $isBigEndian);
@@ -1658,161 +1601,146 @@ class JpegMeta
             if ($dataLength > 4) {
                 $dataOffset = $this->_getLong($data, $base + $offset, $isBigEndian);
                 $rawValue = $this->_getFixedString($data, $base + $dataOffset, $dataLength);
-            }
-            else {
+            } else {
                 $rawValue = $this->_getFixedString($data, $base + $offset, $dataLength);
             $offset += 4;
             switch ($type) {
-            case 1:    // UBYTE
-                if ($count == 1) {
-                    $value = $this->_getByte($rawValue, 0);
-                }
-                else {
-                    $value = array();
-                    for ($j = 0; $j < $count; $j++)
-                        $value[$j] = $this->_getByte($rawValue, $j);
-                }
-                break;
-            case 2:    // ASCII
-                $value = $rawValue;
-                break;
-            case 3:    // USHORT
-                if ($count == 1) {
-                    $value = $this->_getShort($rawValue, 0, $isBigEndian);
-                }
-                else {
-                    $value = array();
-                    for ($j = 0; $j < $count; $j++)
-                        $value[$j] = $this->_getShort($rawValue, $j * 2, $isBigEndian);
-                }
-                break;
-            case 4:    // ULONG
-                if ($count == 1) {
-                    $value = $this->_getLong($rawValue, 0, $isBigEndian);
-                }
-                else {
-                    $value = array();
-                    for ($j = 0; $j < $count; $j++)
-                        $value[$j] = $this->_getLong($rawValue, $j * 4, $isBigEndian);
-                }
-                break;
-            case 5:    // URATIONAL
-                if ($count == 1) {
-                    $a = $this->_getLong($rawValue, 0, $isBigEndian);
-                    $b = $this->_getLong($rawValue, 4, $isBigEndian);
-                    $value = array();
-                    $value['val'] = 0;
-                    $value['num'] = $a;
-                    $value['den'] = $b;
-                    if (($a != 0) && ($b != 0)) {
-                        $value['val'] = $a / $b;
+                case 1:    // UBYTE
+                    if ($count == 1) {
+                        $value = $this->_getByte($rawValue, 0);
+                    } else {
+                        $value = array();
+                        for ($j = 0; $j < $count; $j++)
+                            $value[$j] = $this->_getByte($rawValue, $j);
-                }
-                else {
-                    $value = array();
-                    for ($j = 0; $j < $count; $j++) {
-                        $a = $this->_getLong($rawValue, $j * 8, $isBigEndian);
-                        $b = $this->_getLong($rawValue, ($j * 8) + 4, $isBigEndian);
+                    break;
+                case 2:    // ASCII
+                    $value = $rawValue;
+                    break;
+                case 3:    // USHORT
+                    if ($count == 1) {
+                        $value = $this->_getShort($rawValue, 0, $isBigEndian);
+                    } else {
                         $value = array();
-                        $value[$j]['val'] = 0;
-                        $value[$j]['num'] = $a;
-                        $value[$j]['den'] = $b;
-                        if (($a != 0) && ($b != 0))
-                            $value[$j]['val'] = $a / $b;
+                        for ($j = 0; $j < $count; $j++)
+                            $value[$j] = $this->_getShort($rawValue, $j * 2, $isBigEndian);
-                }
-                break;
-            case 6:    // SBYTE
-                if ($count == 1) {
-                    $value = $this->_getByte($rawValue, 0);
-                }
-                else {
-                    $value = array();
-                    for ($j = 0; $j < $count; $j++)
-                        $value[$j] = $this->_getByte($rawValue, $j);
-                }
-                break;
-            case 7:    // UNDEFINED
-                $value = $rawValue;
-                break;
-            case 8:    // SSHORT
-                if ($count == 1) {
-                    $value = $this->_getShort($rawValue, 0, $isBigEndian);
-                }
-                else {
-                    $value = array();
-                    for ($j = 0; $j < $count; $j++)
-                        $value[$j] = $this->_getShort($rawValue, $j * 2, $isBigEndian);
-                }
-                break;
-            case 9:    // SLONG
-                if ($count == 1) {
-                    $value = $this->_getLong($rawValue, 0, $isBigEndian);
-                }
-                else {
-                    $value = array();
-                    for ($j = 0; $j < $count; $j++)
-                        $value[$j] = $this->_getLong($rawValue, $j * 4, $isBigEndian);
-                }
-                break;
-            case 10:   // SRATIONAL
-                if ($count == 1) {
-                    $a = $this->_getLong($rawValue, 0, $isBigEndian);
-                    $b = $this->_getLong($rawValue, 4, $isBigEndian);
-                    $value = array();
-                    $value['val'] = 0;
-                    $value['num'] = $a;
-                    $value['den'] = $b;
-                    if (($a != 0) && ($b != 0))
-                        $value['val'] = $a / $b;
-                }
-                else {
-                    $value = array();
-                    for ($j = 0; $j < $count; $j++) {
-                        $a = $this->_getLong($rawValue, $j * 8, $isBigEndian);
-                        $b = $this->_getLong($rawValue, ($j * 8) + 4, $isBigEndian);
+                    break;
+                case 4:    // ULONG
+                    if ($count == 1) {
+                        $value = $this->_getLong($rawValue, 0, $isBigEndian);
+                    } else {
+                        $value = array();
+                        for ($j = 0; $j < $count; $j++)
+                            $value[$j] = $this->_getLong($rawValue, $j * 4, $isBigEndian);
+                    }
+                    break;
+                case 5:    // URATIONAL
+                    if ($count == 1) {
+                        $a = $this->_getLong($rawValue, 0, $isBigEndian);
+                        $b = $this->_getLong($rawValue, 4, $isBigEndian);
+                        $value = array();
+                        $value['val'] = 0;
+                        $value['num'] = $a;
+                        $value['den'] = $b;
+                        if (($a != 0) && ($b != 0)) {
+                            $value['val'] = $a / $b;
+                        }
+                    } else {
+                        $value = array();
+                        for ($j = 0; $j < $count; $j++) {
+                            $a = $this->_getLong($rawValue, $j * 8, $isBigEndian);
+                            $b = $this->_getLong($rawValue, ($j * 8) + 4, $isBigEndian);
+                            $value = array();
+                            $value[$j]['val'] = 0;
+                            $value[$j]['num'] = $a;
+                            $value[$j]['den'] = $b;
+                            if (($a != 0) && ($b != 0))
+                                $value[$j]['val'] = $a / $b;
+                        }
+                    }
+                    break;
+                case 6:    // SBYTE
+                    if ($count == 1) {
+                        $value = $this->_getByte($rawValue, 0);
+                    } else {
                         $value = array();
-                        $value[$j]['val'] = 0;
-                        $value[$j]['num'] = $a;
-                        $value[$j]['den'] = $b;
+                        for ($j = 0; $j < $count; $j++)
+                            $value[$j] = $this->_getByte($rawValue, $j);
+                    }
+                    break;
+                case 7:    // UNDEFINED
+                    $value = $rawValue;
+                    break;
+                case 8:    // SSHORT
+                    if ($count == 1) {
+                        $value = $this->_getShort($rawValue, 0, $isBigEndian);
+                    } else {
+                        $value = array();
+                        for ($j = 0; $j < $count; $j++)
+                            $value[$j] = $this->_getShort($rawValue, $j * 2, $isBigEndian);
+                    }
+                    break;
+                case 9:    // SLONG
+                    if ($count == 1) {
+                        $value = $this->_getLong($rawValue, 0, $isBigEndian);
+                    } else {
+                        $value = array();
+                        for ($j = 0; $j < $count; $j++)
+                            $value[$j] = $this->_getLong($rawValue, $j * 4, $isBigEndian);
+                    }
+                    break;
+                case 10:   // SRATIONAL
+                    if ($count == 1) {
+                        $a = $this->_getLong($rawValue, 0, $isBigEndian);
+                        $b = $this->_getLong($rawValue, 4, $isBigEndian);
+                        $value = array();
+                        $value['val'] = 0;
+                        $value['num'] = $a;
+                        $value['den'] = $b;
                         if (($a != 0) && ($b != 0))
-                            $value[$j]['val'] = $a / $b;
+                            $value['val'] = $a / $b;
+                    } else {
+                        $value = array();
+                        for ($j = 0; $j < $count; $j++) {
+                            $a = $this->_getLong($rawValue, $j * 8, $isBigEndian);
+                            $b = $this->_getLong($rawValue, ($j * 8) + 4, $isBigEndian);
+                            $value = array();
+                            $value[$j]['val'] = 0;
+                            $value[$j]['num'] = $a;
+                            $value[$j]['den'] = $b;
+                            if (($a != 0) && ($b != 0))
+                                $value[$j]['val'] = $a / $b;
+                        }
-                }
-                break;
-            case 11:   // FLOAT
-                $value = $rawValue;
-                break;
+                    break;
+                case 11:   // FLOAT
+                    $value = $rawValue;
+                    break;
-            case 12:   // DFLOAT
-                $value = $rawValue;
-                break;
-            default:
-                return false; // Unexpected Type
+                case 12:   // DFLOAT
+                    $value = $rawValue;
+                    break;
+                default:
+                    return false; // Unexpected Type
             $tagName = '';
             if (($mode == 'ifd0') && ($tag == 0x8769)) {  // ExifIFDOffset
                 $this->_readIFD($data, $base, $value, $isBigEndian, 'exif');
-            }
-            elseif (($mode == 'ifd0') && ($tag == 0x8825)) {  // GPSIFDOffset
+            } elseif (($mode == 'ifd0') && ($tag == 0x8825)) {  // GPSIFDOffset
                 $this->_readIFD($data, $base, $value, $isBigEndian, 'gps');
-            }
-            elseif (($mode == 'ifd1') && ($tag == 0x0111)) {  // TIFFStripOffsets
+            } elseif (($mode == 'ifd1') && ($tag == 0x0111)) {  // TIFFStripOffsets
                 $exifTIFFOffset = $value;
-            }
-            elseif (($mode == 'ifd1') && ($tag == 0x0117)) {  // TIFFStripByteCounts
+            } elseif (($mode == 'ifd1') && ($tag == 0x0117)) {  // TIFFStripByteCounts
                 $exifTIFFLength = $value;
-            }
-            elseif (($mode == 'ifd1') && ($tag == 0x0201)) {  // TIFFJFIFOffset
+            } elseif (($mode == 'ifd1') && ($tag == 0x0201)) {  // TIFFJFIFOffset
                 $exifThumbnailOffset = $value;
-            }
-            elseif (($mode == 'ifd1') && ($tag == 0x0202)) {  // TIFFJFIFLength
+            } elseif (($mode == 'ifd1') && ($tag == 0x0202)) {  // TIFFJFIFLength
                 $exifThumbnailLength = $value;
-            }
-            elseif (($mode == 'exif') && ($tag == 0xA005)) {  // InteropIFDOffset
+            } elseif (($mode == 'exif') && ($tag == 0xA005)) {  // InteropIFDOffset
                 $this->_readIFD($data, $base, $value, $isBigEndian, 'interop');
             // elseif (($mode == 'exif') && ($tag == 0x927C)) {  // MakerNote
@@ -1828,18 +1756,19 @@ class JpegMeta
                         $this->_info['exif'][$tagName][count($this->_info['exif'][$tagName])] = $value;
-                    }
-                    else {
+                    } else {
                         $this->_info['exif'][$tagName] = $value;
-                else {
-#echo sprintf("<h1>Unknown tag %02x (t: %d l: %d) %s in %s</h1>", $tag, $type, $count, $mode, $this->_fileName);
+                /*
+                 else {
+                    echo sprintf("<h1>Unknown tag %02x (t: %d l: %d) %s in %s</h1>", $tag, $type, $count, $mode, $this->_fileName);
                     // Unknown Tags will be ignored!!!
                     // That's because the tag might be a pointer (like the Exif tag)
                     // and saving it without saving the data it points to might
                     // create an invalid file.
+                */
@@ -1856,8 +1785,7 @@ class JpegMeta
-    function & _createMarkerExif()
-    {
+    function & _createMarkerExif() {
         $data = null;
         $count = count($this->_markers);
         for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) {
@@ -1882,8 +1810,7 @@ class JpegMeta
             $isBigEndian = true;
             $aux = "MM";
             $pos = $this->_putString($data, $pos, $aux);
-        }
-        else {
+        } else {
             $isBigEndian = false;
             $aux = "II";
             $pos = $this->_putString($data, $pos, $aux);
@@ -1901,8 +1828,7 @@ class JpegMeta
-    function _writeIFD(&$data, $pos, $offsetBase, &$entries, $isBigEndian, $hasNext)
-    {
+    function _writeIFD(&$data, $pos, $offsetBase, &$entries, $isBigEndian, $hasNext) {
         $tiffData = null;
         $tiffDataOffsetPos = -1;
@@ -1922,24 +1848,21 @@ class JpegMeta
                 $pos = $this->_putLong($data, $pos, $dataPos - $offsetBase, $isBigEndian);
                 $dataPos = $this->_writeIFD($data, $dataPos, $offsetBase, $entries[$i]['value'], $isBigEndian, false);
-            }
-            elseif ($type == -98) { // TIFF Data
+            } elseif ($type == -98) { // TIFF Data
                 $pos = $this->_putShort($data, $pos, $tag, $isBigEndian);
                 $pos = $this->_putShort($data, $pos, 0x04, $isBigEndian); // LONG
                 $pos = $this->_putLong($data, $pos, 0x01, $isBigEndian); // Count = 1
                 $tiffDataOffsetPos = $pos;
                 $pos = $this->_putLong($data, $pos, 0x00, $isBigEndian); // For Now
                 $tiffData =& $entries[$i]['value'] ;
-            }
-            else { // Regular Entry
+            } else { // Regular Entry
                 $pos = $this->_putShort($data, $pos, $tag, $isBigEndian);
                 $pos = $this->_putShort($data, $pos, $type, $isBigEndian);
                 $pos = $this->_putLong($data, $pos, $entries[$i]['count'], $isBigEndian);
                 if (strlen($entries[$i]['value']) > 4) {
                     $pos = $this->_putLong($data, $pos, $dataPos - $offsetBase, $isBigEndian);
                     $dataPos = $this->_putString($data, $dataPos, $entries[$i]['value']);
-                }
-                else {
+                } else {
                     $val = str_pad($entries[$i]['value'], 4, "\0");
                     $pos = $this->_putString($data, $pos, $val);
@@ -1953,8 +1876,7 @@ class JpegMeta
         if ($hasNext) {
             $pos = $this->_putLong($data, $pos, $dataPos - $offsetBase, $isBigEndian);
-        }
-        else {
+        } else {
             $pos = $this->_putLong($data, $pos, 0, $isBigEndian);
@@ -1962,8 +1884,7 @@ class JpegMeta
-    function & _getIFDEntries($isBigEndian, $mode)
-    {
+    function & _getIFDEntries($isBigEndian, $mode) {
         $EXIFNames = $this->_exifTagNames($mode);
         $EXIFTags = $this->_exifNameTags($mode);
         $EXIFTypeInfo = $this->_exifTagTypes($mode);
@@ -1985,60 +1906,47 @@ class JpegMeta
                 else {
                     $value = null;
-            }
-            elseif (($mode == 'ifd0') && ($tag == 0x8825)) {  // GPSIFDOffset
+            } elseif (($mode == 'ifd0') && ($tag == 0x8825)) {  // GPSIFDOffset
                 if (isset($this->_info['exif']['GPSVersionID'])) {
                     $value =& $this->_getIFDEntries($isBigEndian, "gps");
                     $type = -99;
-                }
-                else {
+                } else {
                     $value = null;
-            }
-            elseif (($mode == 'ifd1') && ($tag == 0x0111)) {  // TIFFStripOffsets
+            } elseif (($mode == 'ifd1') && ($tag == 0x0111)) {  // TIFFStripOffsets
                 if (isset($this->_info['exif']['TIFFStrips'])) {
                     $value =& $this->_info['exif']['TIFFStrips'];
                     $type = -98;
-                }
-                else {
+                } else {
                     $value = null;
-            }
-            elseif (($mode == 'ifd1') && ($tag == 0x0117)) {  // TIFFStripByteCounts
+            } elseif (($mode == 'ifd1') && ($tag == 0x0117)) {  // TIFFStripByteCounts
                 if (isset($this->_info['exif']['TIFFStrips'])) {
                     $value = strlen($this->_info['exif']['TIFFStrips']);
-                }
-                else {
+                } else {
                     $value = null;
-            }
-            elseif (($mode == 'ifd1') && ($tag == 0x0201)) {  // TIFFJFIFOffset
+            } elseif (($mode == 'ifd1') && ($tag == 0x0201)) {  // TIFFJFIFOffset
                 if (isset($this->_info['exif']['JFIFThumbnail'])) {
                     $value =& $this->_info['exif']['JFIFThumbnail'];
                     $type = -98;
-                }
-                else {
+                } else {
                     $value = null;
-            }
-            elseif (($mode == 'ifd1') && ($tag == 0x0202)) {  // TIFFJFIFLength
+            } elseif (($mode == 'ifd1') && ($tag == 0x0202)) {  // TIFFJFIFLength
                 if (isset($this->_info['exif']['JFIFThumbnail'])) {
                     $value = strlen($this->_info['exif']['JFIFThumbnail']);
-                }
-                else {
+                } else {
                     $value = null;
-            }
-            elseif (($mode == 'exif') && ($tag == 0xA005)) {  // InteropIFDOffset
+            } elseif (($mode == 'exif') && ($tag == 0xA005)) {  // InteropIFDOffset
                 if (isset($this->_info['exif']['InteroperabilityIndex'])) {
                     $value =& $this->_getIFDEntries($isBigEndian, "interop");
                     $type = -99;
-                }
-                else {
+                } else {
                     $value = null;
-            }
-            elseif (isset($this->_info['exif'][$name])) {
+            } elseif (isset($this->_info['exif'][$name])) {
                 $origValue =& $this->_info['exif'][$name];
                 // This makes it easier to process variable size elements
@@ -2055,235 +1963,235 @@ class JpegMeta
                 $value = " ";
                 switch ($type) {
-                case 1:    // UBYTE
-                    if ($count == 0) {
-                        $count = $origCount;
-                    }
+                    case 1:    // UBYTE
+                        if ($count == 0) {
+                            $count = $origCount;
+                        }
-                    $j = 0;
-                    while (($j < $count) && ($j < $origCount)) {
+                        $j = 0;
+                        while (($j < $count) && ($j < $origCount)) {
-                        $this->_putByte($value, $j, $origValue[$j]);
-                        $j++;
-                    }
+                            $this->_putByte($value, $j, $origValue[$j]);
+                            $j++;
+                        }
-                    while ($j < $count) {
-                        $this->_putByte($value, $j, 0);
-                        $j++;
-                    }
-                    break;
-                case 2:    // ASCII
-                    $v = strval($origValue[0]);
-                    if (($count != 0) && (strlen($v) > $count)) {
-                        $v = substr($v, 0, $count);
-                    }
-                    elseif (($count > 0) && (strlen($v) < $count)) {
-                        $v = str_pad($v, $count, "\0");
-                    }
+                        while ($j < $count) {
+                            $this->_putByte($value, $j, 0);
+                            $j++;
+                        }
+                        break;
+                    case 2:    // ASCII
+                        $v = strval($origValue[0]);
+                        if (($count != 0) && (strlen($v) > $count)) {
+                            $v = substr($v, 0, $count);
+                        }
+                        elseif (($count > 0) && (strlen($v) < $count)) {
+                            $v = str_pad($v, $count, "\0");
+                        }
-                    $count = strlen($v);
+                        $count = strlen($v);
-                    $this->_putString($value, 0, $v);
-                    break;
-                case 3:    // USHORT
-                    if ($count == 0) {
-                        $count = $origCount;
-                    }
-                    $j = 0;
-                    while (($j < $count) && ($j < $origCount)) {
-                        $this->_putShort($value, $j * 2, $origValue[$j], $isBigEndian);
-                        $j++;
-                    }
+                        $this->_putString($value, 0, $v);
+                        break;
+                    case 3:    // USHORT
+                        if ($count == 0) {
+                            $count = $origCount;
+                        }
-                    while ($j < $count) {
-                        $this->_putShort($value, $j * 2, 0, $isBigEndian);
-                        $j++;
-                    }
-                    break;
-                case 4:    // ULONG
-                    if ($count == 0) {
-                        $count = $origCount;
-                    }
+                        $j = 0;
+                        while (($j < $count) && ($j < $origCount)) {
+                            $this->_putShort($value, $j * 2, $origValue[$j], $isBigEndian);
+                            $j++;
+                        }
-                    $j = 0;
-                    while (($j < $count) && ($j < $origCount)) {
-                        $this->_putLong($value, $j * 4, $origValue[$j], $isBigEndian);
-                        $j++;
-                    }
+                        while ($j < $count) {
+                            $this->_putShort($value, $j * 2, 0, $isBigEndian);
+                            $j++;
+                        }
+                        break;
+                    case 4:    // ULONG
+                        if ($count == 0) {
+                            $count = $origCount;
+                        }
-                    while ($j < $count) {
-                        $this->_putLong($value, $j * 4, 0, $isBigEndian);
-                        $j++;
-                    }
-                    break;
-                case 5:    // URATIONAL
-                    if ($count == 0) {
-                        $count = $origCount;
-                    }
+                        $j = 0;
+                        while (($j < $count) && ($j < $origCount)) {
+                            $this->_putLong($value, $j * 4, $origValue[$j], $isBigEndian);
+                            $j++;
+                        }
-                    $j = 0;
-                    while (($j < $count) && ($j < $origCount)) {
-                        $v = $origValue[$j];
-                        if (is_array($v)) {
-                            $a = $v['num'];
-                            $b = $v['den'];
+                        while ($j < $count) {
+                            $this->_putLong($value, $j * 4, 0, $isBigEndian);
+                            $j++;
-                        else {
-                            $a = 0;
-                            $b = 0;
-                            // TODO: Allow other types and convert them
+                        break;
+                    case 5:    // URATIONAL
+                        if ($count == 0) {
+                            $count = $origCount;
-                        $this->_putLong($value, $j * 8, $a, $isBigEndian);
-                        $this->_putLong($value, ($j * 8) + 4, $b, $isBigEndian);
-                        $j++;
-                    }
-                    while ($j < $count) {
-                        $this->_putLong($value, $j * 8, 0, $isBigEndian);
-                        $this->_putLong($value, ($j * 8) + 4, 0, $isBigEndian);
-                        $j++;
-                    }
-                    break;
-                case 6:    // SBYTE
-                    if ($count == 0) {
-                        $count = $origCount;
-                    }
+                        $j = 0;
+                        while (($j < $count) && ($j < $origCount)) {
+                            $v = $origValue[$j];
+                            if (is_array($v)) {
+                                $a = $v['num'];
+                                $b = $v['den'];
+                            }
+                            else {
+                                $a = 0;
+                                $b = 0;
+                                // TODO: Allow other types and convert them
+                            }
+                            $this->_putLong($value, $j * 8, $a, $isBigEndian);
+                            $this->_putLong($value, ($j * 8) + 4, $b, $isBigEndian);
+                            $j++;
+                        }
-                    $j = 0;
-                    while (($j < $count) && ($j < $origCount)) {
-                        $this->_putByte($value, $j, $origValue[$j]);
-                        $j++;
-                    }
+                        while ($j < $count) {
+                            $this->_putLong($value, $j * 8, 0, $isBigEndian);
+                            $this->_putLong($value, ($j * 8) + 4, 0, $isBigEndian);
+                            $j++;
+                        }
+                        break;
+                    case 6:    // SBYTE
+                        if ($count == 0) {
+                            $count = $origCount;
+                        }
-                    while ($j < $count) {
-                        $this->_putByte($value, $j, 0);
-                        $j++;
-                    }
-                    break;
-                case 7:    // UNDEFINED
-                    $v = strval($origValue[0]);
-                    if (($count != 0) && (strlen($v) > $count)) {
-                        $v = substr($v, 0, $count);
-                    }
-                    elseif (($count > 0) && (strlen($v) < $count)) {
-                        $v = str_pad($v, $count, "\0");
-                    }
+                        $j = 0;
+                        while (($j < $count) && ($j < $origCount)) {
+                            $this->_putByte($value, $j, $origValue[$j]);
+                            $j++;
+                        }
-                    $count = strlen($v);
+                        while ($j < $count) {
+                            $this->_putByte($value, $j, 0);
+                            $j++;
+                        }
+                        break;
+                    case 7:    // UNDEFINED
+                        $v = strval($origValue[0]);
+                        if (($count != 0) && (strlen($v) > $count)) {
+                            $v = substr($v, 0, $count);
+                        }
+                        elseif (($count > 0) && (strlen($v) < $count)) {
+                            $v = str_pad($v, $count, "\0");
+                        }
-                    $this->_putString($value, 0, $v);
-                    break;
-                case 8:    // SSHORT
-                    if ($count == 0) {
-                        $count = $origCount;
-                    }
+                        $count = strlen($v);
-                    $j = 0;
-                    while (($j < $count) && ($j < $origCount)) {
-                        $this->_putShort($value, $j * 2, $origValue[$j], $isBigEndian);
-                        $j++;
-                    }
+                        $this->_putString($value, 0, $v);
+                        break;
+                    case 8:    // SSHORT
+                        if ($count == 0) {
+                            $count = $origCount;
+                        }
-                    while ($j < $count) {
-                        $this->_putShort($value, $j * 2, 0, $isBigEndian);
-                        $j++;
-                    }
-                    break;
-                case 9:    // SLONG
-                    if ($count == 0) {
-                        $count = $origCount;
-                    }
+                        $j = 0;
+                        while (($j < $count) && ($j < $origCount)) {
+                            $this->_putShort($value, $j * 2, $origValue[$j], $isBigEndian);
+                            $j++;
+                        }
-                    $j = 0;
-                    while (($j < $count) && ($j < $origCount)) {
-                        $this->_putLong($value, $j * 4, $origValue[$j], $isBigEndian);
-                        $j++;
-                    }
+                        while ($j < $count) {
+                            $this->_putShort($value, $j * 2, 0, $isBigEndian);
+                            $j++;
+                        }
+                        break;
+                    case 9:    // SLONG
+                        if ($count == 0) {
+                            $count = $origCount;
+                        }
-                    while ($j < $count) {
-                        $this->_putLong($value, $j * 4, 0, $isBigEndian);
-                        $j++;
-                    }
-                    break;
-                case 10:   // SRATIONAL
-                    if ($count == 0) {
-                        $count = $origCount;
-                    }
+                        $j = 0;
+                        while (($j < $count) && ($j < $origCount)) {
+                            $this->_putLong($value, $j * 4, $origValue[$j], $isBigEndian);
+                            $j++;
+                        }
-                    $j = 0;
-                    while (($j < $count) && ($j < $origCount)) {
-                        $v = $origValue[$j];
-                        if (is_array($v)) {
-                            $a = $v['num'];
-                            $b = $v['den'];
+                        while ($j < $count) {
+                            $this->_putLong($value, $j * 4, 0, $isBigEndian);
+                            $j++;
-                        else {
-                            $a = 0;
-                            $b = 0;
-                            // TODO: Allow other types and convert them
+                        break;
+                    case 10:   // SRATIONAL
+                        if ($count == 0) {
+                            $count = $origCount;
-                        $this->_putLong($value, $j * 8, $a, $isBigEndian);
-                        $this->_putLong($value, ($j * 8) + 4, $b, $isBigEndian);
-                        $j++;
-                    }
-                    while ($j < $count) {
-                        $this->_putLong($value, $j * 8, 0, $isBigEndian);
-                        $this->_putLong($value, ($j * 8) + 4, 0, $isBigEndian);
-                        $j++;
-                    }
-                    break;
-                case 11:   // FLOAT
-                    if ($count == 0) {
-                        $count = $origCount;
-                    }
+                        $j = 0;
+                        while (($j < $count) && ($j < $origCount)) {
+                            $v = $origValue[$j];
+                            if (is_array($v)) {
+                                $a = $v['num'];
+                                $b = $v['den'];
+                            }
+                            else {
+                                $a = 0;
+                                $b = 0;
+                                // TODO: Allow other types and convert them
+                            }
+                            $this->_putLong($value, $j * 8, $a, $isBigEndian);
+                            $this->_putLong($value, ($j * 8) + 4, $b, $isBigEndian);
+                            $j++;
+                        }
-                    $j = 0;
-                    while (($j < $count) && ($j < $origCount)) {
-                        $v = strval($origValue[$j]);
-                        if (strlen($v) > 4) {
-                            $v = substr($v, 0, 4);
+                        while ($j < $count) {
+                            $this->_putLong($value, $j * 8, 0, $isBigEndian);
+                            $this->_putLong($value, ($j * 8) + 4, 0, $isBigEndian);
+                            $j++;
-                        elseif (strlen($v) < 4) {
-                            $v = str_pad($v, 4, "\0");
+                        break;
+                    case 11:   // FLOAT
+                        if ($count == 0) {
+                            $count = $origCount;
-                        $this->_putString($value, $j * 4, $v);
-                        $j++;
-                    }
-                    while ($j < $count) {
-                        $this->_putString($value, $j * 4, "\0\0\0\0");
-                        $j++;
-                    }
-                    break;
-                case 12:   // DFLOAT
-                    if ($count == 0) {
-                        $count = $origCount;
-                    }
+                        $j = 0;
+                        while (($j < $count) && ($j < $origCount)) {
+                            $v = strval($origValue[$j]);
+                            if (strlen($v) > 4) {
+                                $v = substr($v, 0, 4);
+                            }
+                            elseif (strlen($v) < 4) {
+                                $v = str_pad($v, 4, "\0");
+                            }
+                            $this->_putString($value, $j * 4, $v);
+                            $j++;
+                        }
-                    $j = 0;
-                    while (($j < $count) && ($j < $origCount)) {
-                        $v = strval($origValue[$j]);
-                        if (strlen($v) > 8) {
-                            $v = substr($v, 0, 8);
+                        while ($j < $count) {
+                            $this->_putString($value, $j * 4, "\0\0\0\0");
+                            $j++;
-                        elseif (strlen($v) < 8) {
-                            $v = str_pad($v, 8, "\0");
+                        break;
+                    case 12:   // DFLOAT
+                        if ($count == 0) {
+                            $count = $origCount;
-                        $this->_putString($value, $j * 8, $v);
-                        $j++;
-                    }
-                    while ($j < $count) {
-                        $this->_putString($value, $j * 8, "\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0");
-                        $j++;
-                    }
-                    break;
-                default:
-                    $value = null;
-                    break;
+                        $j = 0;
+                        while (($j < $count) && ($j < $origCount)) {
+                            $v = strval($origValue[$j]);
+                            if (strlen($v) > 8) {
+                                $v = substr($v, 0, 8);
+                            }
+                            elseif (strlen($v) < 8) {
+                                $v = str_pad($v, 8, "\0");
+                            }
+                            $this->_putString($value, $j * 8, $v);
+                            $j++;
+                        }
+                        while ($j < $count) {
+                            $this->_putString($value, $j * 8, "\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0");
+                            $j++;
+                        }
+                        break;
+                    default:
+                        $value = null;
+                        break;
@@ -2302,8 +2210,7 @@ class JpegMeta
-    function _parseMarkerAdobe()
-    {
+    function _parseMarkerAdobe() {
         if (!isset($this->_markers)) {
@@ -2359,36 +2266,36 @@ class JpegMeta
             $basePos = $pos;
             switch ($type) {
-            case 0x0404: // Caption (IPTC Data)
-                $pos = $this->_readIPTC($data, $pos);
-                if ($pos == false)
-                    return false;
-                break;
-            case 0x040A: // CopyrightFlag
-                $this->_info['adobe']['CopyrightFlag'] = $this->_getByte($data, $pos);
-                $pos += $length;
-                break;
-            case 0x040B: // ImageURL
-                $this->_info['adobe']['ImageURL'] = $this->_getFixedString($data, $pos, $length);
-                $pos += $length;
-                break;
-            case 0x040C: // Thumbnail
-                $aux = $this->_getLong($data, $pos);
-                $pos += 4;
-                if ($aux == 1) {
-                    $this->_info['adobe']['ThumbnailWidth'] = $this->_getLong($data, $pos);
-                    $pos += 4;
-                    $this->_info['adobe']['ThumbnailHeight'] = $this->_getLong($data, $pos);
+                case 0x0404: // Caption (IPTC Data)
+                    $pos = $this->_readIPTC($data, $pos);
+                    if ($pos == false)
+                        return false;
+                    break;
+                case 0x040A: // CopyrightFlag
+                    $this->_info['adobe']['CopyrightFlag'] = $this->_getByte($data, $pos);
+                    $pos += $length;
+                    break;
+                case 0x040B: // ImageURL
+                    $this->_info['adobe']['ImageURL'] = $this->_getFixedString($data, $pos, $length);
+                    $pos += $length;
+                    break;
+                case 0x040C: // Thumbnail
+                    $aux = $this->_getLong($data, $pos);
                     $pos += 4;
+                    if ($aux == 1) {
+                        $this->_info['adobe']['ThumbnailWidth'] = $this->_getLong($data, $pos);
+                        $pos += 4;
+                        $this->_info['adobe']['ThumbnailHeight'] = $this->_getLong($data, $pos);
+                        $pos += 4;
-                    $pos += 16; // Skip some data
+                        $pos += 16; // Skip some data
-                    $this->_info['adobe']['ThumbnailData'] = $this->_getFixedString($data, $pos, $length - 28);
-                    $pos += $length - 28;
-                }
-                break;
-            default:
-                break;
+                        $this->_info['adobe']['ThumbnailData'] = $this->_getFixedString($data, $pos, $length - 28);
+                        $pos += $length - 28;
+                    }
+                    break;
+                default:
+                    break;
             // We save all blocks, even those we recognized
@@ -2404,8 +2311,7 @@ class JpegMeta
-    function _readIPTC(&$data, $pos = 0)
-    {
+    function _readIPTC(&$data, $pos = 0) {
         $totalLength = strlen($data);
         $IPTCTags =& $this->_iptcTagNames();
@@ -2426,8 +2332,7 @@ class JpegMeta
             if (isset($IPTCTags[$type])) {
                 $label = $IPTCTags[$type];
-            }
-            else {
+            } else {
                 $label = sprintf('IPTC_0x%02x', $type);
@@ -2439,8 +2344,7 @@ class JpegMeta
                         $this->_info['iptc'][$label] = $aux;
                     $this->_info['iptc'][$label][ count($this->_info['iptc'][$label]) ] = $this->_getFixedString($data, $pos, $length);
-                }
-                else {
+                } else {
                     $this->_info['iptc'][$label] = $this->_getFixedString($data, $pos, $length);
@@ -2451,8 +2355,7 @@ class JpegMeta
-    function & _createMarkerAdobe()
-    {
+    function & _createMarkerAdobe() {
         if (isset($this->_info['iptc'])) {
             if (!isset($this->_info['adobe'])) {
                 $this->_info['adobe'] = array();
@@ -2475,11 +2378,11 @@ class JpegMeta
             while (list($key) = each($this->_info['adobe']['raw'])) {
                 $pos = $this->_write8BIM(
-                            $data,
-                            $pos,
-                            $this->_info['adobe']['raw'][$key]['type'],
-                            $this->_info['adobe']['raw'][$key]['header'],
-                            $this->_info['adobe']['raw'][$key]['data'] );
+                        $data,
+                        $pos,
+                        $this->_info['adobe']['raw'][$key]['type'],
+                        $this->_info['adobe']['raw'][$key]['header'],
+                        $this->_info['adobe']['raw'][$key]['data'] );
@@ -2487,8 +2390,7 @@ class JpegMeta
-    function _write8BIM(&$data, $pos, $type, $header, &$value)
-    {
+    function _write8BIM(&$data, $pos, $type, $header, &$value) {
         $signature = "8BIM";
         $pos = $this->_putString($data, $pos, $signature);
@@ -2512,8 +2414,7 @@ class JpegMeta
-    function & _writeIPTC()
-    {
+    function & _writeIPTC() {
         $data = " ";
         $pos = 0;
@@ -2521,7 +2422,6 @@ class JpegMeta
         while (list($label) = each($this->_info['iptc'])) {
             $value =& $this->_info['iptc'][$label];
             $type = -1;
@@ -2535,7 +2435,8 @@ class JpegMeta
             if ($type != -1) {
                 if (is_array($value)) {
-                    for ($i = 0; $i < count($value); $i++) {
+                    $vcnt = count($value);
+                    for ($i = 0; $i < $vcnt; $i++) {
                         $pos = $this->_writeIPTCEntry($data, $pos, $type, $value[$i]);
@@ -2549,8 +2450,7 @@ class JpegMeta
-    function _writeIPTCEntry(&$data, $pos, $type, &$value)
-    {
+    function _writeIPTCEntry(&$data, $pos, $type, &$value) {
         $pos = $this->_putShort($data, $pos, 0x1C02);
         $pos = $this->_putByte($data, $pos, $type);
         $pos = $this->_putShort($data, $pos, strlen($value));
@@ -2560,8 +2460,7 @@ class JpegMeta
-    function _exifTagNames($mode)
-    {
+    function _exifTagNames($mode) {
         $tags = array();
         if ($mode == 'ifd0') {
@@ -2627,8 +2526,7 @@ class JpegMeta
             $tags[0x0214] = 'TIFFReferenceBlackWhite';
             $tags[0x8298] = 'TIFFCopyright';
             $tags[0x9286] = 'TIFFUserComment';
-        }
-        elseif ($mode == 'exif') {
+        } elseif ($mode == 'exif') {
             $tags[0x829A] = 'ExposureTime';
             $tags[0x829D] = 'FNumber';
             $tags[0x8822] = 'ExposureProgram';
@@ -2672,15 +2570,13 @@ class JpegMeta
             $tags[0xA300] = 'FileSource';
             $tags[0xA301] = 'SceneType';
             $tags[0xA302] = 'CFAPattern';
-        }
-        elseif ($mode == 'interop') {
+        } elseif ($mode == 'interop') {
             $tags[0x0001] = 'InteroperabilityIndex';
             $tags[0x0002] = 'InteroperabilityVersion';
             $tags[0x1000] = 'RelatedImageFileFormat';
             $tags[0x1001] = 'RelatedImageWidth';
             $tags[0x1002] = 'RelatedImageLength';
-        }
-        elseif ($mode == 'gps') {
+        } elseif ($mode == 'gps') {
             $tags[0x0000] = 'GPSVersionID';
             $tags[0x0001] = 'GPSLatitudeRef';
             $tags[0x0002] = 'GPSLatitude';
@@ -2714,8 +2610,7 @@ class JpegMeta
-    function _exifTagTypes($mode)
-    {
+    function _exifTagTypes($mode) {
         $tags = array();
         if ($mode == 'ifd0') {
@@ -2781,8 +2676,7 @@ class JpegMeta
             $tags[0x0214] = array(5, 6); // TIFFReferenceBlackWhite -> RATIONAL, 6
             $tags[0x8298] = array(2, 0); // TIFFCopyright -> ASCII, Any
             $tags[0x9286] = array(2, 0); // TIFFUserComment -> ASCII, Any
-        }
-        elseif ($mode == 'exif') {
+        } elseif ($mode == 'exif') {
             $tags[0x829A] = array(5, 1); // ExposureTime -> RATIONAL, 1
             $tags[0x829D] = array(5, 1); // FNumber -> RATIONAL, 1
             $tags[0x8822] = array(3, 1); // ExposureProgram -> SHORT, 1
@@ -2826,15 +2720,13 @@ class JpegMeta
             $tags[0xA300] = array(7, 1); // FileSource -> UNDEFINED, 1
             $tags[0xA301] = array(7, 1); // SceneType -> UNDEFINED, 1
             $tags[0xA302] = array(7, 0); // CFAPattern -> UNDEFINED, Any
-        }
-        elseif ($mode == 'interop') {
+        } elseif ($mode == 'interop') {
             $tags[0x0001] = array(2, 0); // InteroperabilityIndex -> ASCII, Any
             $tags[0x0002] = array(7, 4); // InteroperabilityVersion -> UNKNOWN, 4
             $tags[0x1000] = array(2, 0); // RelatedImageFileFormat -> ASCII, Any
             $tags[0x1001] = array(4, 1); // RelatedImageWidth -> LONG (or SHORT), 1
             $tags[0x1002] = array(4, 1); // RelatedImageLength -> LONG (or SHORT), 1
-        }
-        elseif ($mode == 'gps') {
+        } elseif ($mode == 'gps') {
             $tags[0x0000] = array(1, 4); // GPSVersionID -> BYTE, 4
             $tags[0x0001] = array(2, 2); // GPSLatitudeRef -> ASCII, 2
             $tags[0x0002] = array(5, 3); // GPSLatitude -> RATIONAL, 3
@@ -2868,15 +2760,13 @@ class JpegMeta
-    function _exifNameTags($mode)
-    {
+    function _exifNameTags($mode) {
         $tags = $this->_exifTagNames($mode);
         return $this->_names2Tags($tags);
-    function _iptcTagNames()
-    {
+    function _iptcTagNames() {
         $tags = array();
         $tags[0x14] = 'SuplementalCategories';
         $tags[0x19] = 'Keywords';
@@ -2903,15 +2793,13 @@ class JpegMeta
-    function & _iptcNameTags()
-    {
+    function & _iptcNameTags() {
         $tags = $this->_iptcTagNames();
         return $this->_names2Tags($tags);
-    function _names2Tags($tags2Names)
-    {
+    function _names2Tags($tags2Names) {
         $names2Tags = array();
         while (list($tag, $name) = each($tags2Names)) {
@@ -2922,14 +2810,12 @@ class JpegMeta
-    function _getByte(&$data, $pos)
-    {
+    function _getByte(&$data, $pos) {
         return ord($data{$pos});
-    function _putByte(&$data, $pos, $val)
-    {
+    function _putByte(&$data, $pos, $val) {
         $val = intval($val);
         $data{$pos} = chr($val);
@@ -2938,28 +2824,24 @@ class JpegMeta
-    function _getShort(&$data, $pos, $bigEndian = true)
-    {
+    function _getShort(&$data, $pos, $bigEndian = true) {
         if ($bigEndian) {
             return (ord($data{$pos}) << 8)
-                   + ord($data{$pos + 1});
-        }
-        else {
+                + ord($data{$pos + 1});
+        } else {
             return ord($data{$pos})
-                   + (ord($data{$pos + 1}) << 8);
+                + (ord($data{$pos + 1}) << 8);
-    function _putShort(&$data, $pos = 0, $val, $bigEndian = true)
-    {
+    function _putShort(&$data, $pos = 0, $val = 0, $bigEndian = true) {
         $val = intval($val);
         if ($bigEndian) {
             $data{$pos + 0} = chr(($val & 0x0000FF00) >> 8);
             $data{$pos + 1} = chr(($val & 0x000000FF) >> 0);
-        }
-        else {
+        } else {
             $data{$pos + 0} = chr(($val & 0x00FF) >> 0);
             $data{$pos + 1} = chr(($val & 0xFF00) >> 8);
@@ -2968,25 +2850,22 @@ class JpegMeta
-    function _getLong(&$data, $pos, $bigEndian = true)
-    {
+    function _getLong(&$data, $pos, $bigEndian = true) {
         if ($bigEndian) {
             return (ord($data{$pos}) << 24)
-                   + (ord($data{$pos + 1}) << 16)
-                   + (ord($data{$pos + 2}) << 8)
-                   + ord($data{$pos + 3});
-        }
-        else {
+                + (ord($data{$pos + 1}) << 16)
+                + (ord($data{$pos + 2}) << 8)
+                + ord($data{$pos + 3});
+        } else {
             return ord($data{$pos})
-                   + (ord($data{$pos + 1}) << 8)
-                   + (ord($data{$pos + 2}) << 16)
-                   + (ord($data{$pos + 3}) << 24);
+                + (ord($data{$pos + 1}) << 8)
+                + (ord($data{$pos + 2}) << 16)
+                + (ord($data{$pos + 3}) << 24);
-    function _putLong(&$data, $pos, $val, $bigEndian = true)
-    {
+    function _putLong(&$data, $pos, $val, $bigEndian = true) {
         $val = intval($val);
         if ($bigEndian) {
@@ -2994,8 +2873,7 @@ class JpegMeta
             $data{$pos + 1} = chr(($val & 0x00FF0000) >> 16);
             $data{$pos + 2} = chr(($val & 0x0000FF00) >> 8);
             $data{$pos + 3} = chr(($val & 0x000000FF) >> 0);
-        }
-        else {
+        } else {
             $data{$pos + 0} = chr(($val & 0x000000FF) >> 0);
             $data{$pos + 1} = chr(($val & 0x0000FF00) >> 8);
             $data{$pos + 2} = chr(($val & 0x00FF0000) >> 16);
@@ -3006,16 +2884,14 @@ class JpegMeta
-    function & _getNullString(&$data, $pos)
-    {
+    function & _getNullString(&$data, $pos) {
         $str = '';
         $max = strlen($data);
         while ($pos < $max) {
             if (ord($data{$pos}) == 0) {
                 return $str;
-            }
-            else {
+            } else {
                 $str .= $data{$pos};
@@ -3025,8 +2901,7 @@ class JpegMeta
-    function & _getFixedString(&$data, $pos, $length = -1)
-    {
+    function & _getFixedString(&$data, $pos, $length = -1) {
         if ($length == -1) {
             $length = strlen($data) - $pos;
@@ -3035,23 +2910,20 @@ class JpegMeta
-    function _putString(&$data, $pos, &$str)
-    {
+    function _putString(&$data, $pos, &$str) {
         $len = strlen($str);
         for ($i = 0; $i < $len; $i++) {
-          $data{$pos + $i} = $str{$i};
+            $data{$pos + $i} = $str{$i};
         return $pos + $len;
-    function _hexDump(&$data, $start = 0, $length = -1)
-    {
+    function _hexDump(&$data, $start = 0, $length = -1) {
         if (($length == -1) || (($length + $start) > strlen($data))) {
             $end = strlen($data);
-        }
-        else {
+        } else {
             $end = $start + $length;
@@ -3109,8 +2981,7 @@ class JpegMeta
         echo "</tt>\n";
+    /*****************************************************************/
 /* vim: set expandtab tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4: */
diff --git a/inc/ZipLib.class.php b/inc/ZipLib.class.php
index 836e9d9e615be5b08caeb76b99b94cf527e62539..09dbbd3bd3238ee5f5d7fb7ba500461bb57aee22 100644
--- a/inc/ZipLib.class.php
+++ b/inc/ZipLib.class.php
@@ -5,471 +5,500 @@
  * @link       http://dev.maxg.info
  * @link       http://forum.maxg.info
- *  Modified for Dokuwiki
- *  @author    Christopher Smith <chris@jalakai.co.uk>
+ * Modified for Dokuwiki
+ * @author    Christopher Smith <chris@jalakai.co.uk>
-class ZipLib
- var $datasec, $ctrl_dir = array();
- var $eof_ctrl_dir = "\x50\x4b\x05\x06\x00\x00\x00\x00";
- var $old_offset = 0; var $dirs = Array(".");
- function get_List($zip_name)
- {
-   $zip = @fopen($zip_name, 'rb');
-   if(!$zip) return(0);
-   $centd = $this->ReadCentralDir($zip,$zip_name);
-    @rewind($zip);
-    @fseek($zip, $centd['offset']);
-   for ($i=0; $i<$centd['entries']; $i++)
-   {
-    $header = $this->ReadCentralFileHeaders($zip);
-    $header['index'] = $i;$info['filename'] = $header['filename'];
-    $info['stored_filename'] = $header['stored_filename'];
-    $info['size'] = $header['size'];$info['compressed_size']=$header['compressed_size'];
-    $info['crc'] = strtoupper(dechex( $header['crc'] ));
-    $info['mtime'] = $header['mtime']; $info['comment'] = $header['comment'];
-    $info['folder'] = ($header['external']==0x41FF0010||$header['external']==16)?1:0;
-    $info['index'] = $header['index'];$info['status'] = $header['status'];
-    $ret[]=$info; unset($header);
-   }
-  return $ret;
- }
- function Add($files,$compact)
- {
-  if(!is_array($files[0])) $files=Array($files);
-  for($i=0;$files[$i];$i++){
-    $fn = $files[$i];
-    if(!in_Array(dirname($fn[0]),$this->dirs))
-     $this->add_Dir(dirname($fn[0]));
-    if(basename($fn[0]))
-     $ret[basename($fn[0])]=$this->add_File($fn[1],$fn[0],$compact);
-  }
-  return $ret;
- }
- /**
-  * Zips recursively the $folder directory, from the $basedir directory
-  */
- function Compress($folder, $basedir=null, $parent=null)
- {
-  $full_path = $basedir."/".$parent.$folder;
-  $zip_path = $parent.$folder;
-  if ($zip_path) {
-   $zip_path .= "/";
-   $this->add_dir($zip_path);
-  }
-  $dir = new DirectoryIterator($full_path);
-  foreach($dir as $file) {
-   if(!$file->isDot()) {
-    $filename = $file->getFilename();
-    if($file->isDir()) {
-     $this->Compress($filename, $basedir, $zip_path);
-    } else {
-     $content = join('', file($full_path.'/'.$filename));
-     $this->add_File($content, $zip_path.$filename);
+class ZipLib {
+    var $datasec;
+    var $ctrl_dir = array();
+    var $eof_ctrl_dir = "\x50\x4b\x05\x06\x00\x00\x00\x00";
+    var $old_offset = 0;
+    var $dirs = Array(".");
+    function get_List($zip_name) {
+        $zip = @fopen($zip_name, 'rb');
+        if(!$zip) return(0);
+        $centd = $this->ReadCentralDir($zip,$zip_name);
+        @rewind($zip);
+        @fseek($zip, $centd['offset']);
+        for ($i=0; $i<$centd['entries']; $i++) {
+            $header = $this->ReadCentralFileHeaders($zip);
+            $header['index'] = $i;
+            $info['filename']        = $header['filename'];
+            $info['stored_filename'] = $header['stored_filename'];
+            $info['size']            = $header['size'];
+            $info['compressed_size'] = $header['compressed_size'];
+            $info['crc']             = strtoupper(dechex( $header['crc'] ));
+            $info['mtime']           = $header['mtime'];
+            $info['comment']         = $header['comment'];
+            $info['folder']          = ($header['external']==0x41FF0010||$header['external']==16)?1:0;
+            $info['index']           = $header['index'];
+            $info['status']          = $header['status'];
+            $ret[]=$info;
+            unset($header);
+        }
+        return $ret;
-   }
-  }
- }
- /**
-  * Returns the Zip file
-  */
- function get_file()
- {
-   $data = implode('', $this -> datasec);
-   $ctrldir = implode('', $this -> ctrl_dir);
-   return $data . $ctrldir . $this -> eof_ctrl_dir .
-    pack('v', sizeof($this -> ctrl_dir)).pack('v', sizeof($this -> ctrl_dir)).
-    pack('V', strlen($ctrldir)) . pack('V', strlen($data)) . "\x00\x00";
- }
- function add_dir($name)
- {
-   $name = str_replace("\\", "/", $name);
-   $fr = "\x50\x4b\x03\x04\x0a\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00";
-   $fr .= pack("V",0).pack("V",0).pack("V",0).pack("v", strlen($name) );
-   $fr .= pack("v", 0 ).$name.pack("V", 0).pack("V", 0).pack("V", 0);
-   $this -> datasec[] = $fr;
-   $new_offset = strlen(implode("", $this->datasec));
-   $cdrec = "\x50\x4b\x01\x02\x00\x00\x0a\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00";
-   $cdrec .= pack("V",0).pack("V",0).pack("V",0).pack("v", strlen($name) );
-   $cdrec .= pack("v", 0 ).pack("v", 0 ).pack("v", 0 ).pack("v", 0 );
-   $ext = "\xff\xff\xff\xff";
-   $cdrec .= pack("V", 16 ).pack("V", $this -> old_offset ).$name;
-   $this -> ctrl_dir[] = $cdrec;
-   $this -> old_offset = $new_offset;
-   $this -> dirs[] = $name;
- }
- /**
-  * Add a file named $name from a string $data
-  */
- function add_File($data, $name, $compact = 1)
- {
-   $name     = str_replace('\\', '/', $name);
-   $dtime    = dechex($this->DosTime());
-   $hexdtime = '\x' . $dtime[6] . $dtime[7].'\x'.$dtime[4] . $dtime[5]
-     . '\x' . $dtime[2] . $dtime[3].'\x'.$dtime[0].$dtime[1];
-   eval('$hexdtime = "' . $hexdtime . '";');
-   if($compact)
-   $fr = "\x50\x4b\x03\x04\x14\x00\x00\x00\x08\x00".$hexdtime;
-   else $fr = "\x50\x4b\x03\x04\x0a\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00".$hexdtime;
-   $unc_len = strlen($data); $crc = crc32($data);
-   if($compact){
-     $zdata = gzcompress($data); $c_len = strlen($zdata);
-     $zdata = substr(substr($zdata, 0, strlen($zdata) - 4), 2);
-   }else{
-     $zdata = $data;
-   }
-   $c_len=strlen($zdata);
-   $fr .= pack('V', $crc).pack('V', $c_len).pack('V', $unc_len);
-   $fr .= pack('v', strlen($name)).pack('v', 0).$name.$zdata;
-   $fr .= pack('V', $crc).pack('V', $c_len).pack('V', $unc_len);
-   $this -> datasec[] = $fr;
-   $new_offset        = strlen(implode('', $this->datasec));
-   if($compact)
-        $cdrec = "\x50\x4b\x01\x02\x00\x00\x14\x00\x00\x00\x08\x00";
-   else $cdrec = "\x50\x4b\x01\x02\x14\x00\x0a\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00";
-   $cdrec .= $hexdtime.pack('V', $crc).pack('V', $c_len).pack('V', $unc_len);
-   $cdrec .= pack('v', strlen($name) ).pack('v', 0 ).pack('v', 0 );
-   $cdrec .= pack('v', 0 ).pack('v', 0 ).pack('V', 32 );
-   $cdrec .= pack('V', $this -> old_offset );
-   $this -> old_offset = $new_offset;
-   $cdrec .= $name;
-   $this -> ctrl_dir[] = $cdrec;
-   return true;
- }
- function DosTime() {
-   $timearray = getdate();
-   if ($timearray['year'] < 1980) {
-     $timearray['year'] = 1980; $timearray['mon'] = 1;
-     $timearray['mday'] = 1; $timearray['hours'] = 0;
-     $timearray['minutes'] = 0; $timearray['seconds'] = 0;
-   }
-   return (($timearray['year'] - 1980) << 25) | ($timearray['mon'] << 21) |     ($timearray['mday'] << 16) | ($timearray['hours'] << 11) |
-    ($timearray['minutes'] << 5) | ($timearray['seconds'] >> 1);
- }
- /**
-  * Extract a zip file $zn to the $to directory
-  */
- function Extract ( $zn, $to, $index = Array(-1) )
- {
-   if(!@is_dir($to)) $this->_mkdir($to);
-   $ok = 0; $zip = @fopen($zn,'rb');
-   if(!$zip) return(-1);
-   $cdir = $this->ReadCentralDir($zip,$zn);
-   $pos_entry = $cdir['offset'];
-   if(!is_array($index)){ $index = array($index);  }
-   for($i=0; isset($index[$i]);$i++){
-     if(intval($index[$i])!=$index[$i]||$index[$i]>$cdir['entries'])
-      return(-1);
-   }
-   for ($i=0; $i<$cdir['entries']; $i++)
-   {
-     @fseek($zip, $pos_entry);
-     $header = $this->ReadCentralFileHeaders($zip);
-     $header['index'] = $i; $pos_entry = ftell($zip);
-     @rewind($zip); fseek($zip, $header['offset']);
-     if(in_array("-1",$index)||in_array($i,$index))
-      $stat[$header['filename']]=$this->ExtractFile($header, $to, $zip);
-   }
-   fclose($zip);
-   return $stat;
- }
-  function ReadFileHeader($zip, $header)
-  {
-    $binary_data = fread($zip, 30);
-    $data = unpack('vchk/vid/vversion/vflag/vcompression/vmtime/vmdate/Vcrc/Vcompressed_size/Vsize/vfilename_len/vextra_len', $binary_data);
-    $header['filename'] = fread($zip, $data['filename_len']);
-    if ($data['extra_len'] != 0) {
-      $header['extra'] = fread($zip, $data['extra_len']);
-    } else { $header['extra'] = ''; }
-    $header['compression'] = $data['compression'];
-    foreach (array('size','compressed_size','crc') as $hd) { // On ODT files, these headers are 0. Keep the previous value.
-        if ($data[$hd] != 0) $header[$hd] = $data[$hd];
+    function Add($files,$compact) {
+        if(!is_array($files[0])) $files=Array($files);
+        for($i=0;$files[$i];$i++){
+            $fn = $files[$i];
+            if(!in_Array(dirname($fn[0]),$this->dirs))
+                $this->add_Dir(dirname($fn[0]));
+            if(basename($fn[0]))
+                $ret[basename($fn[0])]=$this->add_File($fn[1],$fn[0],$compact);
+        }
+        return $ret;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Zips recursively the $folder directory, from the $basedir directory
+     */
+    function Compress($folder, $basedir=null, $parent=null) {
+        $full_path = $basedir."/".$parent.$folder;
+        $zip_path = $parent.$folder;
+        if ($zip_path) {
+            $zip_path .= "/";
+            $this->add_dir($zip_path);
+        }
+        $dir = new DirectoryIterator($full_path);
+        foreach($dir as $file) {
+            if(!$file->isDot()) {
+                $filename = $file->getFilename();
+                if($file->isDir()) {
+                    $this->Compress($filename, $basedir, $zip_path);
+                } else {
+                    $content = join('', file($full_path.'/'.$filename));
+                    $this->add_File($content, $zip_path.$filename);
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * Returns the Zip file
+     */
+    function get_file() {
+        $data = implode('', $this -> datasec);
+        $ctrldir = implode('', $this -> ctrl_dir);
+        return $data . $ctrldir . $this -> eof_ctrl_dir .
+            pack('v', count($this->ctrl_dir)).pack('v', count($this->ctrl_dir)).
+            pack('V', strlen($ctrldir)) . pack('V', strlen($data)) . "\x00\x00";
+    }
+    function add_dir($name) {
+        $name = str_replace("\\", "/", $name);
+        $fr = "\x50\x4b\x03\x04\x0a\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00";
+        $fr .= pack("V",0).pack("V",0).pack("V",0).pack("v", strlen($name) );
+        $fr .= pack("v", 0 ).$name.pack("V", 0).pack("V", 0).pack("V", 0);
+        $this -> datasec[] = $fr;
+        $new_offset = strlen(implode("", $this->datasec));
+        $cdrec = "\x50\x4b\x01\x02\x00\x00\x0a\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00";
+        $cdrec .= pack("V",0).pack("V",0).pack("V",0).pack("v", strlen($name) );
+        $cdrec .= pack("v", 0 ).pack("v", 0 ).pack("v", 0 ).pack("v", 0 );
+        $ext = "\xff\xff\xff\xff";
+        $cdrec .= pack("V", 16 ).pack("V", $this -> old_offset ).$name;
+        $this -> ctrl_dir[] = $cdrec;
+        $this -> old_offset = $new_offset;
+        $this -> dirs[] = $name;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Add a file named $name from a string $data
+     */
+    function add_File($data, $name, $compact = 1) {
+        $name     = str_replace('\\', '/', $name);
+        $dtime    = dechex($this->DosTime());
+        $hexdtime = pack('H*',$dtime[6].$dtime[7].
+                              $dtime[4].$dtime[5].
+                              $dtime[2].$dtime[3].
+                              $dtime[0].$dtime[1]);
+        if($compact){
+            $fr = "\x50\x4b\x03\x04\x14\x00\x00\x00\x08\x00".$hexdtime;
+        }else{
+            $fr = "\x50\x4b\x03\x04\x0a\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00".$hexdtime;
+        }
+        $unc_len = strlen($data);
+        $crc = crc32($data);
+        if($compact){
+            $zdata = gzcompress($data);
+            $c_len = strlen($zdata);
+            $zdata = substr(substr($zdata, 0, strlen($zdata) - 4), 2);
+        }else{
+            $zdata = $data;
+        }
+        $c_len=strlen($zdata);
+        $fr .= pack('V', $crc).pack('V', $c_len).pack('V', $unc_len);
+        $fr .= pack('v', strlen($name)).pack('v', 0).$name.$zdata;
+        $fr .= pack('V', $crc).pack('V', $c_len).pack('V', $unc_len);
+        $this -> datasec[] = $fr;
+        $new_offset        = strlen(implode('', $this->datasec));
+        if($compact) {
+            $cdrec = "\x50\x4b\x01\x02\x00\x00\x14\x00\x00\x00\x08\x00";
+        } else {
+            $cdrec = "\x50\x4b\x01\x02\x14\x00\x0a\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00";
+        }
+        $cdrec .= $hexdtime.pack('V', $crc).pack('V', $c_len).pack('V', $unc_len);
+        $cdrec .= pack('v', strlen($name) ).pack('v', 0 ).pack('v', 0 );
+        $cdrec .= pack('v', 0 ).pack('v', 0 ).pack('V', 32 );
+        $cdrec .= pack('V', $this -> old_offset );
+        $this -> old_offset = $new_offset;
+        $cdrec .= $name;
+        $this -> ctrl_dir[] = $cdrec;
+        return true;
+    }
+    function DosTime() {
+        $timearray = getdate();
+        if ($timearray['year'] < 1980) {
+            $timearray['year']    = 1980;
+            $timearray['mon']     = 1;
+            $timearray['mday']    = 1;
+            $timearray['hours']   = 0;
+            $timearray['minutes'] = 0;
+            $timearray['seconds'] = 0;
+        }
+        return (($timearray['year'] - 1980) << 25) |
+                ($timearray['mon'] << 21) |
+                ($timearray['mday'] << 16) |
+                ($timearray['hours'] << 11) |
+                ($timearray['minutes'] << 5) |
+                ($timearray['seconds'] >> 1);
-    $header['flag'] = $data['flag'];
-    $header['mdate'] = $data['mdate'];$header['mtime'] = $data['mtime'];
-    if ($header['mdate'] && $header['mtime']){
-     $hour=($header['mtime']&0xF800)>>11;$minute=($header['mtime']&0x07E0)>>5;
-     $seconde=($header['mtime']&0x001F)*2;$year=(($header['mdate']&0xFE00)>>9)+1980;
-     $month=($header['mdate']&0x01E0)>>5;$day=$header['mdate']&0x001F;
-     $header['mtime'] = mktime($hour, $minute, $seconde, $month, $day, $year);
-    }else{$header['mtime'] = time();}
-    $header['stored_filename'] = $header['filename'];
-    $header['status'] = "ok";
-    return $header;
-  }
- function ReadCentralFileHeaders($zip){
-    $binary_data = fread($zip, 46);
-    $header = unpack('vchkid/vid/vversion/vversion_extracted/vflag/vcompression/vmtime/vmdate/Vcrc/Vcompressed_size/Vsize/vfilename_len/vextra_len/vcomment_len/vdisk/vinternal/Vexternal/Voffset', $binary_data);
-    if ($header['filename_len'] != 0)
-      $header['filename'] = fread($zip,$header['filename_len']);
-    else $header['filename'] = '';
-    if ($header['extra_len'] != 0)
-      $header['extra'] = fread($zip, $header['extra_len']);
-    else $header['extra'] = '';
-    if ($header['comment_len'] != 0)
-      $header['comment'] = fread($zip, $header['comment_len']);
-    else $header['comment'] = '';
-    if ($header['mdate'] && $header['mtime'])
-    {
-      $hour = ($header['mtime'] & 0xF800) >> 11;
-      $minute = ($header['mtime'] & 0x07E0) >> 5;
-      $seconde = ($header['mtime'] & 0x001F)*2;
-      $year = (($header['mdate'] & 0xFE00) >> 9) + 1980;
-      $month = ($header['mdate'] & 0x01E0) >> 5;
-      $day = $header['mdate'] & 0x001F;
-      $header['mtime'] = mktime($hour, $minute, $seconde, $month, $day, $year);
-    } else {
-      $header['mtime'] = time();
+    /**
+     * Extract a zip file $zn to the $to directory
+     */
+    function Extract ( $zn, $to, $index = Array(-1) ) {
+        if(!@is_dir($to)) $this->_mkdir($to);
+        $ok = 0;
+        $zip = @fopen($zn,'rb');
+        if(!$zip) return(-1);
+        $cdir = $this->ReadCentralDir($zip,$zn);
+        $pos_entry = $cdir['offset'];
+        if(!is_array($index)){
+            $index = array($index);
+        }
+        for($i=0; isset($index[$i]);$i++){
+            if(intval($index[$i])!=$index[$i]||$index[$i]>$cdir['entries'])
+                return(-1);
+        }
+        for ($i=0; $i<$cdir['entries']; $i++) {
+            @fseek($zip, $pos_entry);
+            $header = $this->ReadCentralFileHeaders($zip);
+            $header['index'] = $i;
+            $pos_entry = ftell($zip);
+            @rewind($zip);
+            fseek($zip, $header['offset']);
+            if(in_array("-1",$index)||in_array($i,$index)){
+                $stat[$header['filename']]=$this->ExtractFile($header, $to, $zip);
+            }
+        }
+        fclose($zip);
+        return $stat;
+    }
+    function ReadFileHeader($zip, $header) {
+        $binary_data = fread($zip, 30);
+        $data = unpack('vchk/vid/vversion/vflag/vcompression/vmtime/vmdate/Vcrc/Vcompressed_size/Vsize/vfilename_len/vextra_len', $binary_data);
+        $header['filename'] = fread($zip, $data['filename_len']);
+        if ($data['extra_len'] != 0) {
+            $header['extra'] = fread($zip, $data['extra_len']);
+        } else {
+            $header['extra'] = '';
+        }
+        $header['compression'] = $data['compression'];
+        foreach (array('size','compressed_size','crc') as $hd) { // On ODT files, these headers are 0. Keep the previous value.
+            if ($data[$hd] != 0) $header[$hd] = $data[$hd];
+        }
+        $header['flag']  = $data['flag'];
+        $header['mdate'] = $data['mdate'];
+        $header['mtime'] = $data['mtime'];
+        if ($header['mdate'] && $header['mtime']){
+            $hour    = ($header['mtime']&0xF800)>>11;
+            $minute  = ($header['mtime']&0x07E0)>>5;
+            $seconde = ($header['mtime']&0x001F)*2;
+            $year    = (($header['mdate']&0xFE00)>>9)+1980;
+            $month   = ($header['mdate']&0x01E0)>>5;
+            $day     = $header['mdate']&0x001F;
+            $header['mtime'] = mktime($hour, $minute, $seconde, $month, $day, $year);
+        } else {
+            $header['mtime'] = time();
+        }
+        $header['stored_filename'] = $header['filename'];
+        $header['status'] = "ok";
+        return $header;
+    }
+    function ReadCentralFileHeaders($zip){
+        $binary_data = fread($zip, 46);
+        $header = unpack('vchkid/vid/vversion/vversion_extracted/vflag/vcompression/vmtime/vmdate/Vcrc/Vcompressed_size/Vsize/vfilename_len/vextra_len/vcomment_len/vdisk/vinternal/Vexternal/Voffset', $binary_data);
+        if ($header['filename_len'] != 0){
+            $header['filename'] = fread($zip,$header['filename_len']);
+        }else{
+            $header['filename'] = '';
+        }
+        if ($header['extra_len'] != 0){
+            $header['extra'] = fread($zip, $header['extra_len']);
+        }else{
+            $header['extra'] = '';
+        }
+        if ($header['comment_len'] != 0){
+            $header['comment'] = fread($zip, $header['comment_len']);
+        }else{
+            $header['comment'] = '';
+        }
+        if ($header['mdate'] && $header['mtime']) {
+            $hour    = ($header['mtime'] & 0xF800) >> 11;
+            $minute  = ($header['mtime'] & 0x07E0) >> 5;
+            $seconde = ($header['mtime'] & 0x001F)*2;
+            $year    = (($header['mdate'] & 0xFE00) >> 9) + 1980;
+            $month   = ($header['mdate'] & 0x01E0) >> 5;
+            $day     = $header['mdate'] & 0x001F;
+            $header['mtime'] = mktime($hour, $minute, $seconde, $month, $day, $year);
+        } else {
+            $header['mtime'] = time();
+        }
+        $header['stored_filename'] = $header['filename'];
+        $header['status'] = 'ok';
+        if (substr($header['filename'], -1) == '/') $header['external'] = 0x41FF0010;
+        return $header;
+    }
+    function ReadCentralDir($zip,$zip_name) {
+        $size = filesize($zip_name);
+        if ($size < 277){
+            $maximum_size = $size;
+        } else {
+            $maximum_size=277;
+        }
+        @fseek($zip, $size-$maximum_size);
+        $pos   = ftell($zip);
+        $bytes = 0x00000000;
+        while ($pos < $size) {
+            $byte = @fread($zip, 1);
+            $bytes=(($bytes << 8) & 0xFFFFFFFF) | Ord($byte);
+            if ($bytes == 0x504b0506){
+                $pos++;
+                break;
+            }
+            $pos++;
+        }
+        $data=unpack('vdisk/vdisk_start/vdisk_entries/ventries/Vsize/Voffset/vcomment_size',
+                fread($zip, 18));
+        if ($data['comment_size'] != 0){
+            $centd['comment'] = fread($zip, $data['comment_size']);
+        } else {
+            $centd['comment'] = '';
+            $centd['entries'] = $data['entries'];
+        }
+        $centd['disk_entries'] = $data['disk_entries'];
+        $centd['offset']       = $data['offset'];
+        $centd['disk_start']   = $data['disk_start'];
+        $centd['size']         = $data['size'];
+        $centd['disk']         = $data['disk'];
+        return $centd;
+    }
+    function ExtractFile($header,$to,$zip) {
+        $header = $this->readfileheader($zip, $header);
+        if(substr($to,-1)!="/") $to.="/";
+        if(substr($header['filename'],-1)=="/") {
+            $this->_mkdir($to.$header['filename']);
+            return +2;
+        }
+        if (!$this->_mkdir($to.dirname($header['filename']))) return (-1);
+        if (!array_key_exists("external", $header) || (!($header['external']==0x41FF0010)&&!($header['external']==16))) {
+            if ($header['compression']==0) {
+                $fp = @fopen($to.$header['filename'], 'wb');
+                if(!$fp) return(-1);
+                $size = $header['compressed_size'];
+                while ($size != 0) {
+                    $read_size = ($size < 2048 ? $size : 2048);
+                    $buffer = fread($zip, $read_size);
+                    $binary_data = pack('a'.$read_size, $buffer);
+                    @fwrite($fp, $binary_data, $read_size);
+                    $size -= $read_size;
+                }
+                fclose($fp);
+                touch($to.$header['filename'], $header['mtime']);
+            }else{
+                if (!is_dir(dirname($to.$header['filename']))) $this->_mkdir(dirname($to.$header['filename']));
+                $fp = fopen($to.$header['filename'].'.gz','wb');
+                if(!$fp) return(-1);
+                $binary_data = pack('va1a1Va1a1', 0x8b1f, Chr($header['compression']),
+                        Chr(0x00), time(), Chr(0x00), Chr(3));
+                fwrite($fp, $binary_data, 10);
+                $size = $header['compressed_size'];
+                while ($size != 0) {
+                    $read_size = ($size < 1024 ? $size : 1024);
+                    $buffer = fread($zip, $read_size);
+                    $binary_data = pack('a'.$read_size, $buffer);
+                    @fwrite($fp, $binary_data, $read_size);
+                    $size -= $read_size;
+                }
+                $binary_data = pack('VV', $header['crc'], $header['size']);
+                fwrite($fp, $binary_data,8);
+                fclose($fp);
+                $gzp = @gzopen($to.$header['filename'].'.gz','rb');
+                if(!$gzp){
+                    @gzclose($gzp);
+                    @unlink($to.$header['filename']);
+                    die("Archive is compressed whereas ZLIB is not enabled.");
+                }
+                $fp = @fopen($to.$header['filename'],'wb');
+                if(!$fp) return(-1);
+                $size = $header['size'];
+                while ($size != 0) {
+                    $read_size   = ($size < 2048 ? $size : 2048);
+                    $buffer      = gzread($gzp, $read_size);
+                    $binary_data = pack('a'.$read_size, $buffer);
+                    @fwrite($fp, $binary_data, $read_size);
+                    $size -= $read_size;
+                }
+                fclose($fp);
+                gzclose($gzp);
+                touch($to.$header['filename'], $header['mtime']);
+                @unlink($to.$header['filename'].'.gz');
+            }
+        }
+        return true;
+    }
+    /**
+     * centralize mkdir calls and use dokuwiki io functions
+     *
+     * @author Christopher Smith <chris@jalakai.co.uk>
+     */
+    function _mkdir($d) {
+        return io_mkdir_p($d);
+    }
+    function ExtractStr($zn, $name) {
+        $ok = 0;
+        $zip = @fopen($zn,'rb');
+        if(!$zip) return(null);
+        $cdir = $this->ReadCentralDir($zip,$zn);
+        $pos_entry = $cdir['offset'];
+        for ($i=0; $i<$cdir['entries']; $i++) {
+            @fseek($zip, $pos_entry);
+            $header = $this->ReadCentralFileHeaders($zip);
+            $header['index'] = $i;
+            $pos_entry = ftell($zip);
+            @rewind($zip);
+            fseek($zip, $header['offset']);
+            if ($name == $header['stored_filename'] || $name == $header['filename']) {
+                $str = $this->ExtractStrFile($header, $zip);
+                fclose($zip);
+                return $str;
+            }
+        }
+        fclose($zip);
+        return null;
-    $header['stored_filename'] = $header['filename'];
-    $header['status'] = 'ok';
-    if (substr($header['filename'], -1) == '/')
-      $header['external'] = 0x41FF0010;
-    return $header;
- }
- function ReadCentralDir($zip,$zip_name)
- {
-  $size = filesize($zip_name);
-  if ($size < 277) $maximum_size = $size;
-  else $maximum_size=277;
-  @fseek($zip, $size-$maximum_size);
-  $pos = ftell($zip); $bytes = 0x00000000;
-  while ($pos < $size)
-  {
-    $byte = @fread($zip, 1);
-    $bytes=(($bytes << 8) & 0xFFFFFFFF) | Ord($byte);
-    if ($bytes == 0x504b0506){ $pos++; break; } $pos++;
-  }
- $data=unpack('vdisk/vdisk_start/vdisk_entries/ventries/Vsize/Voffset/vcomment_size',
-        fread($zip, 18));
-  if ($data['comment_size'] != 0)
-    $centd['comment'] = fread($zip, $data['comment_size']);
-    else $centd['comment'] = ''; $centd['entries'] = $data['entries'];
-  $centd['disk_entries'] = $data['disk_entries'];
-  $centd['offset'] = $data['offset'];$centd['disk_start'] = $data['disk_start'];
-  $centd['size'] = $data['size'];  $centd['disk'] = $data['disk'];
-  return $centd;
- }
- function ExtractFile($header,$to,$zip)
- {
-   $header = $this->readfileheader($zip, $header);
-   if(substr($to,-1)!="/") $to.="/";
-   if(substr($header['filename'],-1)=="/")
-   {
-//    @mkdir($to.$header['filename']);   --CS
-    $this->_mkdir($to.$header['filename']);  //-- CS
-    return +2;
-   }
-//   $pth = explode("/",dirname($header['filename']));
-//   for($i=0,$tmp="";isset($pth[$i]);$i++){
-//     if(!$pth[$i]) continue;
-//     if(!is_dir($to.$tmp.$pth[$i])) @mkdir($to.$pth[$i],0777);
-//     $tmp.=$pth[$i]."/";
-//   }
-  if (!$this->_mkdir($to.dirname($header['filename']))) return (-1);   //--CS
-  if (!array_key_exists("external", $header) || (!($header['external']==0x41FF0010)&&!($header['external']==16)))
-  {
-   if ($header['compression']==0)
-   {
-    $fp = @fopen($to.$header['filename'], 'wb');
-    if(!$fp) return(-1);
-    $size = $header['compressed_size'];
-    while ($size != 0)
-    {
-      $read_size = ($size < 2048 ? $size : 2048);
-      $buffer = fread($zip, $read_size);
-      $binary_data = pack('a'.$read_size, $buffer);
-      @fwrite($fp, $binary_data, $read_size);
-      $size -= $read_size;
+    function ExtractStrFile($header,$zip) {
+        $hdr = $this->readfileheader($zip);
+        $binary_data = '';
+        if (!($header['external']==0x41FF0010) && !($header['external']==16)) {
+            if ($header['compression']==0) {
+                while ($size != 0) {
+                    $read_size = ($size < 2048 ? $size : 2048);
+                    $buffer = fread($zip, $read_size);
+                    $binary_data .= pack('a'.$read_size, $buffer);
+                    $size -= $read_size;
+                }
+                return $binary_data;
+            } else {
+                $size = $header['compressed_size'];
+                if ($size == 0) {
+                    return '';
+                }
+                //Just in case
+                if ($size > ($this->_ret_bytes(ini_get('memory_limit'))/2)) {
+                    die("Compressed file is to huge to be uncompress in memory.");
+                }
+                while ($size != 0)
+                {
+                    $read_size = ($size < 2048 ? $size : 2048);
+                    $buffer = fread($zip, $read_size);
+                    $binary_data .= pack('a'.$read_size, $buffer);
+                    $size -= $read_size;
+                }
+                $str = gzinflate($binary_data, $header['size']);
+                if ($header['crc'] == crc32($str)) {
+                    return $str;
+                } else {
+                    die("Crc Error");
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        return null;
-    fclose($fp);
-    touch($to.$header['filename'], $header['mtime']);
-  }else{
-   if (!is_dir(dirname($to.$header['filename']))) $this->_mkdir(dirname($to.$header['filename']));  //-CS
-   $fp = fopen($to.$header['filename'].'.gz','wb');
-   if(!$fp) return(-1);
-   $binary_data = pack('va1a1Va1a1', 0x8b1f, Chr($header['compression']),
-     Chr(0x00), time(), Chr(0x00), Chr(3));
-   fwrite($fp, $binary_data, 10);
-   $size = $header['compressed_size'];
-   while ($size != 0)
-   {
-     $read_size = ($size < 1024 ? $size : 1024);
-     $buffer = fread($zip, $read_size);
-     $binary_data = pack('a'.$read_size, $buffer);
-     @fwrite($fp, $binary_data, $read_size);
-     $size -= $read_size;
-   }
-   $binary_data = pack('VV', $header['crc'], $header['size']);
-   fwrite($fp, $binary_data,8); fclose($fp);
-   $gzp = @gzopen($to.$header['filename'].'.gz','rb');
-    if(!$gzp){
-       @gzclose($gzp); @unlink($to.$header['filename']);
-       die("Archive is compressed whereas ZLIB is not enabled.");
+    function _ret_bytes($val) {
+        $val = trim($val);
+        $last = $val{strlen($val)-1};
+        switch($last) {
+            case 'k':
+            case 'K':
+                return (int) $val * 1024;
+                break;
+            case 'm':
+            case 'M':
+                return (int) $val * 1048576;
+                break;
+            default:
+                return $val;
+        }
-   $fp = @fopen($to.$header['filename'],'wb');
-   if(!$fp) return(-1);
-   $size = $header['size'];
-   while ($size != 0)
-   {
-     $read_size = ($size < 2048 ? $size : 2048);
-     $buffer = gzread($gzp, $read_size);
-     $binary_data = pack('a'.$read_size, $buffer);
-     @fwrite($fp, $binary_data, $read_size);
-     $size -= $read_size;
-   }
-   fclose($fp); gzclose($gzp);
-   touch($to.$header['filename'], $header['mtime']);
-   @unlink($to.$header['filename'].'.gz');
-  }}
-  return true;
- }
- //--CS start
- // centralize mkdir calls and use dokuwiki io functions
- function _mkdir($d) {
-    return io_mkdir_p($d);
- }
- //--CS end
- function ExtractStr($zn, $name) {
-   $ok = 0;
-   $zip = @fopen($zn,'rb');
-   if(!$zip) return(NULL);
-   $cdir = $this->ReadCentralDir($zip,$zn);
-   $pos_entry = $cdir['offset'];
-   for ($i=0; $i<$cdir['entries']; $i++)
-   {
-     @fseek($zip, $pos_entry);
-     $header = $this->ReadCentralFileHeaders($zip);
-     $header['index'] = $i;
-     $pos_entry = ftell($zip);
-     @rewind($zip);
-     fseek($zip, $header['offset']);
-     if ($name == $header['stored_filename'] || $name == $header['filename']) {
-       $str = $this->ExtractStrFile($header, $zip);
-       fclose($zip);
-       return $str;
-     }
-   }
-   fclose($zip);
-   return null;
- }
-  function ExtractStrFile($header,$zip) {
-    $hdr = $this->readfileheader($zip);
-    $binary_data = '';
-    if (!($header['external']==0x41FF0010) && !($header['external']==16))
-      {
-	if ($header['compression']==0)
-	  {
-	    while ($size != 0)
-	      {
-		$read_size = ($size < 2048 ? $size : 2048);
-		$buffer = fread($zip, $read_size);
-		$binary_data .= pack('a'.$read_size, $buffer);
-		$size -= $read_size;
-	      }
-	    return $binary_data;
-	  } else {
-	    $size = $header['compressed_size'];
-	    if ($size == 0) {
-	      return '';
-	    }
-	    //Just in case
-	    if ($size > ($this->_ret_bytes(ini_get('memory_limit'))/2)) {
-	      die("Compressed file is to huge to be uncompress in memory.");
-	    }
-	    while ($size != 0)
-	      {
-		$read_size = ($size < 2048 ? $size : 2048);
-		$buffer = fread($zip, $read_size);
-		$binary_data .= pack('a'.$read_size, $buffer);
-		$size -= $read_size;
-	      }
-	    $str = gzinflate($binary_data, $header['size']);
-	    if ($header['crc'] == crc32($str)) {
-	      return $str;
-	    } else {
-	      die("Crc Error");
-	    }
-	  }
-      }
-    return NULL;
-  }
- function _ret_bytes($val) {
-   $val = trim($val);
-   $last = $val{strlen($val)-1};
-   switch($last) {
-   case 'k':
-   case 'K':
-     return (int) $val * 1024;
-     break;
-   case 'm':
-   case 'M':
-     return (int) $val * 1048576;
-     break;
-   default:
-     return $val;
-   }
- }
diff --git a/inc/blowfish.php b/inc/blowfish.php
index 42e3a589ac64b0d8d3c06a54d39555c726f850d4..bcf5804a2ffc522de6036dbd42a6e77577cbcd8e 100644
--- a/inc/blowfish.php
+++ b/inc/blowfish.php
@@ -299,8 +299,7 @@ class Horde_Cipher_blowfish
      * @param String $key   The key to use
-    function setKey($key)
-    {
+    function setKey($key) {
         $key = $this->_formatKey($key);
         $keyPos = $keyXor = 0;
@@ -318,37 +317,37 @@ class Horde_Cipher_blowfish
         $encZero = array('L' => 0, 'R' => 0);
         for ($i = 0; $i + 1 < $iMax; $i += 2) {
-          $encZero = $this->_encryptBlock($encZero['L'], $encZero['R']);
-          $this->p[$i] = $encZero['L'];
-          $this->p[$i + 1] = $encZero['R'];
+            $encZero = $this->_encryptBlock($encZero['L'], $encZero['R']);
+            $this->p[$i] = $encZero['L'];
+            $this->p[$i + 1] = $encZero['R'];
         $iMax = count($this->s1);
         for ($i = 0; $i < $iMax; $i += 2) {
-          $encZero = $this->_encryptBlock($encZero['L'], $encZero['R']);
-          $this->s1[$i] = $encZero['L'];
-          $this->s1[$i + 1] = $encZero['R'];
+            $encZero = $this->_encryptBlock($encZero['L'], $encZero['R']);
+            $this->s1[$i] = $encZero['L'];
+            $this->s1[$i + 1] = $encZero['R'];
         $iMax = count($this->s2);
         for ($i = 0; $i < $iMax; $i += 2) {
-          $encZero = $this->_encryptBlock($encZero['L'], $encZero['R']);
-          $this->s2[$i] = $encZero['L'];
-          $this->s2[$i + 1] = $encZero['R'];
+            $encZero = $this->_encryptBlock($encZero['L'], $encZero['R']);
+            $this->s2[$i] = $encZero['L'];
+            $this->s2[$i + 1] = $encZero['R'];
         $iMax = count($this->s3);
         for ($i = 0; $i < $iMax; $i += 2) {
-          $encZero = $this->_encryptBlock($encZero['L'], $encZero['R']);
-          $this->s3[$i] = $encZero['L'];
-          $this->s3[$i + 1] = $encZero['R'];
+            $encZero = $this->_encryptBlock($encZero['L'], $encZero['R']);
+            $this->s3[$i] = $encZero['L'];
+            $this->s3[$i + 1] = $encZero['R'];
         $iMax = count($this->s4);
         for ($i = 0; $i < $iMax; $i += 2) {
-          $encZero = $this->_encryptBlock($encZero['L'], $encZero['R']);
-          $this->s4[$i] = $encZero['L'];
-          $this->s4[$i + 1] = $encZero['R'];
+            $encZero = $this->_encryptBlock($encZero['L'], $encZero['R']);
+            $this->s4[$i] = $encZero['L'];
+            $this->s4[$i + 1] = $encZero['R'];
@@ -361,8 +360,7 @@ class Horde_Cipher_blowfish
      * @return String the encrypted output
-    function encryptBlock($block, $key = null)
-    {
+    function encryptBlock($block, $key = null) {
         if (!is_null($key)) {
@@ -380,8 +378,7 @@ class Horde_Cipher_blowfish
      * @return String  The encrypted output.
-    function _encryptBlock($L, $R)
-    {
+    function _encryptBlock($L, $R) {
         $L ^= $this->p[0];
         $R ^= ((($this->s1[($L >> 24) & 0xFF] + $this->s2[($L >> 16) & 0x0ff]) ^ $this->s3[($L >> 8) & 0x0ff]) + $this->s4[$L & 0x0ff]) ^ $this->p[1];
         $L ^= ((($this->s1[($R >> 24) & 0xFF] + $this->s2[($R >> 16) & 0x0ff]) ^ $this->s3[($R >> 8) & 0x0ff]) + $this->s4[$R & 0x0ff]) ^ $this->p[2];
@@ -412,13 +409,12 @@ class Horde_Cipher_blowfish
      * @return String the decrypted output
-    function decryptBlock($block, $key = null)
-    {
+    function decryptBlock($block, $key = null) {
         if (!is_null($key)) {
-// change for phpMyAdmin
+        // change for phpMyAdmin
         $L = null;
         $R = null;
@@ -429,7 +425,7 @@ class Horde_Cipher_blowfish
         if (isset($retarray[1])) {
             $R = $retarray[1];
-// end change for phpMyAdmin
+        // end change for phpMyAdmin
         $L ^= $this->p[17];
         $R ^= ((($this->s1[($L >> 24) & 0xFF] + $this->s2[($L >> 16) & 0x0ff]) ^ $this->s3[($L >> 8) & 0x0ff]) + $this->s4[$L & 0x0ff]) ^ $this->p[16];
@@ -458,8 +454,7 @@ class Horde_Cipher_blowfish
      * @return array  The key.
-    function _formatKey($key)
-    {
+    function _formatKey($key) {
         return array_values(unpack('C*', $key));
@@ -478,8 +473,7 @@ class Horde_Cipher_blowfish
  * @author  lem9
-function PMA_blowfish_encrypt($data, $secret)
+function PMA_blowfish_encrypt($data, $secret) {
     $pma_cipher = new Horde_Cipher_blowfish;
     $encrypt = '';
@@ -508,8 +502,7 @@ function PMA_blowfish_encrypt($data, $secret)
  * @author  lem9
-function PMA_blowfish_decrypt($encdata, $secret)
+function PMA_blowfish_decrypt($encdata, $secret) {
     $pma_cipher = new Horde_Cipher_blowfish;
     $decrypt = '';
     $data = base64_decode($encdata);
diff --git a/inc/feedcreator.class.php b/inc/feedcreator.class.php
index 86113e8c3848a64d1056f8d4400f464ed52df67d..e7b8d7afcb3538e5fd8bc1d4426acd5830722530 100644
--- a/inc/feedcreator.class.php
+++ b/inc/feedcreator.class.php
@@ -336,7 +336,7 @@ class UniversalFeedCreator extends FeedCreator {
-    function _sendMIME($format) {
+    function _sendMIME() {
         header('Content-Type: '.$this->contentType.'; charset='.$this->encoding, true);
@@ -369,35 +369,35 @@ class UniversalFeedCreator extends FeedCreator {
-   /**
-    * Turns on caching and checks if there is a recent version of this feed in the cache.
-    * If there is, an HTTP redirect header is sent.
-    * To effectively use caching, you should create the FeedCreator object and call this method
-    * before anything else, especially before you do the time consuming task to build the feed
-    * (web fetching, for example).
-    *
-    * @param   string   format   format the feed should comply to. Valid values are:
-    *       "PIE0.1" (deprecated), "mbox", "RSS0.91", "RSS1.0", "RSS2.0", "OPML", "ATOM0.3".
-    * @param filename   string   optional the filename where a recent version of the feed is saved. If not specified, the filename is $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"] with the extension changed to .xml (see _generateFilename()).
-    * @param timeout int      optional the timeout in seconds before a cached version is refreshed (defaults to 3600 = 1 hour)
-    */
-   function useCached($format="RSS0.91", $filename="", $timeout=3600) {
-      $this->_setFormat($format);
-      $this->_feed->useCached($filename, $timeout);
-   }
+    /**
+     * Turns on caching and checks if there is a recent version of this feed in the cache.
+     * If there is, an HTTP redirect header is sent.
+     * To effectively use caching, you should create the FeedCreator object and call this method
+     * before anything else, especially before you do the time consuming task to build the feed
+     * (web fetching, for example).
+     *
+     * @param   string   format   format the feed should comply to. Valid values are:
+     *       "PIE0.1" (deprecated), "mbox", "RSS0.91", "RSS1.0", "RSS2.0", "OPML", "ATOM0.3".
+     * @param filename   string   optional the filename where a recent version of the feed is saved. If not specified, the filename is $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"] with the extension changed to .xml (see _generateFilename()).
+     * @param timeout int      optional the timeout in seconds before a cached version is refreshed (defaults to 3600 = 1 hour)
+     */
+    function useCached($format="RSS0.91", $filename="", $timeout=3600) {
+        $this->_setFormat($format);
+        $this->_feed->useCached($filename, $timeout);
+    }
-   /**
-    * Outputs feed to the browser - needed for on-the-fly feed generation (like it is done in WordPress, etc.)
-    *
-    * @param    format  string  format the feed should comply to. Valid values are:
-    *                           "PIE0.1" (deprecated), "mbox", "RSS0.91", "RSS1.0", "RSS2.0", "OPML", "ATOM0.3".
-    */
-   function outputFeed($format='RSS0.91') {
+    /**
+     * Outputs feed to the browser - needed for on-the-fly feed generation (like it is done in WordPress, etc.)
+     *
+     * @param    format  string  format the feed should comply to. Valid values are:
+     *                           "PIE0.1" (deprecated), "mbox", "RSS0.91", "RSS1.0", "RSS2.0", "OPML", "ATOM0.3".
+     */
+    function outputFeed($format='RSS0.91') {
-        $this->_sendMIME($format);
+        $this->_sendMIME();
-   }
+    }
@@ -794,7 +794,8 @@ class RSSCreator10 extends FeedCreator {
         $feed.= "       <dc:date>".htmlspecialchars($now->iso8601())."</dc:date>\n";
         $feed.= "        <items>\n";
         $feed.= "            <rdf:Seq>\n";
-        for ($i=0;$i<count($this->items);$i++) {
+        $icnt = count($this->items);
+        for ($i=0; $i<$icnt; $i++) {
             $feed.= "                <rdf:li rdf:resource=\"".htmlspecialchars($this->items[$i]->link)."\"/>\n";
         $feed.= "            </rdf:Seq>\n";
@@ -809,7 +810,8 @@ class RSSCreator10 extends FeedCreator {
         $feed.= $this->_createAdditionalElements($this->additionalElements, "    ");
-        for ($i=0;$i<count($this->items);$i++) {
+        $icnt = count($this->items);
+        for ($i=0; $i<$icnt; $i++) {
             $feed.= "    <item rdf:about=\"".htmlspecialchars($this->items[$i]->link)."\">\n";
             //$feed.= "        <dc:type>Posting</dc:type>\n";
             $feed.= "        <dc:format>text/html</dc:format>\n";
@@ -940,7 +942,8 @@ class RSSCreator091 extends FeedCreator {
         $feed.= $this->_createAdditionalElements($this->additionalElements, "    ");
-        for ($i=0;$i<count($this->items);$i++) {
+        $icnt = count($this->items);
+        for ($i=0; $i<$icnt; $i++) {
             $feed.= "        <item>\n";
             $feed.= "            <title>".FeedCreator::iTrunc(htmlspecialchars(strip_tags($this->items[$i]->title)),100)."</title>\n";
             $feed.= "            <link>".htmlspecialchars($this->items[$i]->link)."</link>\n";
@@ -968,7 +971,7 @@ class RSSCreator091 extends FeedCreator {
                 $feed.= "            <comments>".htmlspecialchars($this->items[$i]->comments)."</comments>\n";
             if ($this->items[$i]->date!="") {
-            $itemDate = new FeedDate($this->items[$i]->date);
+                $itemDate = new FeedDate($this->items[$i]->date);
                 $feed.= "            <pubDate>".htmlspecialchars($itemDate->rfc822())."</pubDate>\n";
             if ($this->items[$i]->guid!="") {
@@ -976,18 +979,15 @@ class RSSCreator091 extends FeedCreator {
             $feed.= $this->_createAdditionalElements($this->items[$i]->additionalElements, "        ");
-            if ($this->RSSVersion == "2.0" && $this->items[$i]->enclosure != NULL)
-                {
-                                $feed.= "            <enclosure url=\"";
-                                $feed.= $this->items[$i]->enclosure->url;
-                                $feed.= "\" length=\"";
-                                $feed.= $this->items[$i]->enclosure->length;
-                                $feed.= "\" type=\"";
-                                $feed.= $this->items[$i]->enclosure->type;
-                                $feed.= "\"/>\n";
-                        }
+            if ($this->RSSVersion == "2.0" && $this->items[$i]->enclosure != null) {
+                 $feed.= "            <enclosure url=\"";
+                 $feed.= $this->items[$i]->enclosure->url;
+                 $feed.= "\" length=\"";
+                 $feed.= $this->items[$i]->enclosure->length;
+                 $feed.= "\" type=\"";
+                 $feed.= $this->items[$i]->enclosure->type;
+                 $feed.= "\"/>\n";
+            }
             $feed.= "        </item>\n";
@@ -1038,7 +1038,8 @@ class PIECreator01 extends FeedCreator {
         $this->truncSize = 500;
         $feed.= "    <subtitle>".$this->getDescription()."</subtitle>\n";
         $feed.= "    <link>".$this->link."</link>\n";
-        for ($i=0;$i<count($this->items);$i++) {
+        $icnt = count($this->items);
+        for ($i=0; $i<$icnt; $i++) {
             $feed.= "    <entry>\n";
             $feed.= "        <title>".FeedCreator::iTrunc(htmlspecialchars(strip_tags($this->items[$i]->title)),100)."</title>\n";
             $feed.= "        <link>".htmlspecialchars($this->items[$i]->link)."</link>\n";
@@ -1081,7 +1082,7 @@ class PIECreator01 extends FeedCreator {
  * @since 1.7.2-mod (modified)
  * @author Mohammad Hafiz Ismail (mypapit@gmail.com)
- class AtomCreator10 extends FeedCreator {
+class AtomCreator10 extends FeedCreator {
     function AtomCreator10() {
         $this->contentType = "application/atom+xml";
@@ -1114,7 +1115,8 @@ class PIECreator01 extends FeedCreator {
         $feed.= "    <generator>".FEEDCREATOR_VERSION."</generator>\n";
         $feed.= "<link rel=\"self\" type=\"application/atom+xml\" href=\"". $this->syndicationURL . "\" />\n";
         $feed.= $this->_createAdditionalElements($this->additionalElements, "    ");
-        for ($i=0;$i<count($this->items);$i++) {
+        $icnt = count($this->items);
+        for ($i=0; $i<$icnt; $i++) {
             $feed.= "    <entry>\n";
             $feed.= "        <title>".htmlspecialchars(strip_tags($this->items[$i]->title))."</title>\n";
             $feed.= "        <link rel=\"alternate\" type=\"text/html\" href=\"".htmlspecialchars($this->items[$i]->link)."\"/>\n";
@@ -1134,8 +1136,8 @@ class PIECreator01 extends FeedCreator {
             if ($this->items[$i]->description!="") {
                 $feed.= "        <summary>".htmlspecialchars($this->items[$i]->description)."</summary>\n";
-            if ($this->items[$i]->enclosure != NULL) {
-            $feed.="        <link rel=\"enclosure\" href=\"". $this->items[$i]->enclosure->url ."\" type=\"". $this->items[$i]->enclosure->type."\"  length=\"". $this->items[$i]->enclosure->length . "\" />\n";
+            if ($this->items[$i]->enclosure != null) {
+                $feed.="        <link rel=\"enclosure\" href=\"". $this->items[$i]->enclosure->url ."\" type=\"". $this->items[$i]->enclosure->type."\"  length=\"". $this->items[$i]->enclosure->length . "\" />\n";
             $feed.= "    </entry>\n";
@@ -1195,7 +1197,8 @@ class AtomCreator03 extends FeedCreator {
         $feed.= "    <generator>".FEEDCREATOR_VERSION."</generator>\n";
         $feed.= $this->_createAdditionalElements($this->additionalElements, "    ");
-        for ($i=0;$i<count($this->items);$i++) {
+        $icnt = count($this->items);
+        for ($i=0; $i<$icnt; $i++) {
             $feed.= "    <entry>\n";
             $feed.= "        <title>".htmlspecialchars(strip_tags($this->items[$i]->title))."</title>\n";
             $feed.= "        <link rel=\"alternate\" type=\"text/html\" href=\"".htmlspecialchars($this->items[$i]->link)."\"/>\n";
@@ -1254,7 +1257,8 @@ class MBOXCreator extends FeedCreator {
                 if ( ($dec == 32) && ($i == ($linlen - 1)) ) { // convert space at eol only
                     $c = "=20";
                 } elseif ( ($dec == 61) || ($dec < 32 ) || ($dec > 126) ) { // always encode "\t", which is *not* required
-                    $h2 = floor($dec/16); $h1 = floor($dec%16);
+                    $h2 = floor($dec/16);
+                    $h1 = floor($dec%16);
                     $c = $escape.$hex["$h2"].$hex["$h1"];
                 if ( (strlen($newline) + strlen($c)) >= $line_max ) { // CRLF is not counted
@@ -1274,7 +1278,8 @@ class MBOXCreator extends FeedCreator {
      * @return    string    the feed's complete text
     function createFeed() {
-        for ($i=0;$i<count($this->items);$i++) {
+        $icnt = count($this->items);
+        for ($i=0; $i<$icnt; $i++) {
             if ($this->items[$i]->author!="") {
                 $from = $this->items[$i]->author;
             } else {
@@ -1347,7 +1352,8 @@ class OPMLCreator extends FeedCreator {
         $feed.= "    </head>\n";
         $feed.= "    <body>\n";
-        for ($i=0;$i<count($this->items);$i++) {
+        $icnt = count($this->items);
+        for ($i=0;$i<$icnt; $i++) {
             $feed.= "    <outline type=\"rss\" ";
             $title = htmlspecialchars(strip_tags(strtr($this->items[$i]->title,"\n\r","  ")));
             $feed.= " title=\"".$title."\"";
@@ -1468,7 +1474,8 @@ class HTMLCreator extends FeedCreator {
             $feedArray[] = "<div class='".$this->stylePrefix."header'>".$this->header."</div>";
-        for ($i=0;$i<count($this->items);$i++) {
+        $icnt = count($this->items);
+        for ($i=0; $i<$icnt; $i++) {
             if ($this->separator and $i > 0) {
                 $feedArray[] = "<div class='".$this->stylePrefix."separator'>".$this->separator."</div>";
@@ -1528,8 +1535,7 @@ class JSCreator extends HTMLCreator {
      * writes the javascript
      * @return    string    the scripts's complete text
-    function createFeed()
-    {
+    function createFeed() {
         $feed = parent::createFeed();
         $feedArray = explode("\n",$feed);
diff --git a/inc/template.php b/inc/template.php
index 84fbda051d74fdea3b533b2c3ebc7181a6b61738..bab68e5493dea0acb8b72c2c71c70fecb27b8eec 100644
--- a/inc/template.php
+++ b/inc/template.php
@@ -15,12 +15,12 @@ if(!defined('DOKU_INC')) die('meh.');
  * @author Andreas Gohr <andi@splitbrain.org>
 function template($tpl){
-  global $conf;
+    global $conf;
-  if(@is_readable(DOKU_INC.'lib/tpl/'.$conf['template'].'/'.$tpl))
-    return DOKU_INC.'lib/tpl/'.$conf['template'].'/'.$tpl;
+    if(@is_readable(DOKU_INC.'lib/tpl/'.$conf['template'].'/'.$tpl))
+        return DOKU_INC.'lib/tpl/'.$conf['template'].'/'.$tpl;
-  return DOKU_INC.'lib/tpl/default/'.$tpl;
+    return DOKU_INC.'lib/tpl/default/'.$tpl;
@@ -49,95 +49,95 @@ function tpl_content($prependTOC=true) {
 function tpl_content_core(){
-  global $ACT;
-  global $TEXT;
-  global $PRE;
-  global $SUF;
-  global $SUM;
-  global $IDX;
-  switch($ACT){
-    case 'show':
-      html_show();
-      break;
-    case 'preview':
-      html_edit($TEXT);
-      html_show($TEXT);
-      break;
-    case 'recover':
-      html_edit($TEXT);
-      break;
-    case 'edit':
-      html_edit();
-      break;
-    case 'draft':
-      html_draft();
-      break;
-    case 'wordblock':
-      html_edit($TEXT,'wordblock');
-      break;
-    case 'search':
-      html_search();
-      break;
-    case 'revisions':
-      $first = isset($_REQUEST['first']) ? intval($_REQUEST['first']) : 0;
-      html_revisions($first);
-      break;
-    case 'diff':
-      html_diff();
-      break;
-    case 'recent':
-      if (is_array($_REQUEST['first'])) {
-        $_REQUEST['first'] = array_keys($_REQUEST['first']);
-        $_REQUEST['first'] = $_REQUEST['first'][0];
-      }
-      $first = is_numeric($_REQUEST['first']) ? intval($_REQUEST['first']) : 0;
-      html_recent($first);
-      break;
-    case 'index':
-      html_index($IDX); #FIXME can this be pulled from globals? is it sanitized correctly?
-      break;
-    case 'backlink':
-      html_backlinks();
-      break;
-    case 'conflict':
-      html_conflict(con($PRE,$TEXT,$SUF),$SUM);
-      html_diff(con($PRE,$TEXT,$SUF),false);
-      break;
-    case 'locked':
-      html_locked();
-      html_edit();
-      break;
-    case 'login':
-      html_login();
-      break;
-    case 'register':
-      html_register();
-      break;
-    case 'resendpwd':
-      html_resendpwd();
-      break;
-    case 'denied':
-      print p_locale_xhtml('denied');
-      break;
-    case 'profile' :
-      html_updateprofile();
-      break;
-    case 'admin':
-      tpl_admin();
-      break;
-    case 'subscribe':
-      tpl_subscribe();
-      break;
-    default:
-      $evt = new Doku_Event('TPL_ACT_UNKNOWN',$ACT);
-      if ($evt->advise_before())
-        msg("Failed to handle command: ".hsc($ACT),-1);
-      $evt->advise_after();
-      unset($evt);
-      return false;
-  }
-  return true;
+    global $ACT;
+    global $TEXT;
+    global $PRE;
+    global $SUF;
+    global $SUM;
+    global $IDX;
+    switch($ACT){
+        case 'show':
+            html_show();
+            break;
+        case 'preview':
+            html_edit($TEXT);
+            html_show($TEXT);
+            break;
+        case 'recover':
+            html_edit($TEXT);
+            break;
+        case 'edit':
+            html_edit();
+            break;
+        case 'draft':
+            html_draft();
+            break;
+        case 'wordblock':
+            html_edit($TEXT,'wordblock');
+            break;
+        case 'search':
+            html_search();
+            break;
+        case 'revisions':
+            $first = isset($_REQUEST['first']) ? intval($_REQUEST['first']) : 0;
+            html_revisions($first);
+            break;
+        case 'diff':
+            html_diff();
+            break;
+        case 'recent':
+            if (is_array($_REQUEST['first'])) {
+                $_REQUEST['first'] = array_keys($_REQUEST['first']);
+                $_REQUEST['first'] = $_REQUEST['first'][0];
+            }
+            $first = is_numeric($_REQUEST['first']) ? intval($_REQUEST['first']) : 0;
+            html_recent($first);
+            break;
+        case 'index':
+            html_index($IDX); #FIXME can this be pulled from globals? is it sanitized correctly?
+                break;
+        case 'backlink':
+            html_backlinks();
+            break;
+        case 'conflict':
+            html_conflict(con($PRE,$TEXT,$SUF),$SUM);
+            html_diff(con($PRE,$TEXT,$SUF),false);
+            break;
+        case 'locked':
+            html_locked();
+            html_edit();
+            break;
+        case 'login':
+            html_login();
+            break;
+        case 'register':
+            html_register();
+            break;
+        case 'resendpwd':
+            html_resendpwd();
+            break;
+        case 'denied':
+            print p_locale_xhtml('denied');
+            break;
+        case 'profile' :
+            html_updateprofile();
+            break;
+        case 'admin':
+            tpl_admin();
+            break;
+        case 'subscribe':
+            tpl_subscribe();
+            break;
+        default:
+            $evt = new Doku_Event('TPL_ACT_UNKNOWN',$ACT);
+            if ($evt->advise_before())
+                msg("Failed to handle command: ".hsc($ACT),-1);
+            $evt->advise_after();
+            unset($evt);
+            return false;
+    }
+    return true;
@@ -183,13 +183,13 @@ function tpl_toc($return=false){
         if ( ($plugin !== null) &&
-             (!$plugin->forAdminOnly() || $INFO['isadmin']) ){
+                (!$plugin->forAdminOnly() || $INFO['isadmin']) ){
             $toc = $plugin->getTOC();
             $TOC = $toc; // avoid later rebuild
-    trigger_event('TPL_TOC_RENDER', $toc, NULL, false);
+    trigger_event('TPL_TOC_RENDER', $toc, null, false);
     $html = html_TOC($toc);
     if($return) return $html;
     echo $html;
@@ -210,8 +210,8 @@ function tpl_admin(){
         if (in_array($_REQUEST['page'], $pluginlist)) {
-          // attempt to load the plugin
-          $plugin =& plugin_load('admin',$_REQUEST['page']);
+            // attempt to load the plugin
+            $plugin =& plugin_load('admin',$_REQUEST['page']);
@@ -240,130 +240,129 @@ function tpl_admin(){
  * @author Andreas Gohr <andi@splitbrain.org>
 function tpl_metaheaders($alt=true){
-  global $ID;
-  global $REV;
-  global $INFO;
-  global $JSINFO;
-  global $ACT;
-  global $QUERY;
-  global $lang;
-  global $conf;
-  $it=2;
-  // prepare the head array
-  $head = array();
-  // prepare seed for js and css 
-  $tseed = 0;
-  $depends = getConfigFiles('main');
-  foreach($depends as $f) {
-      $time = @filemtime($f);
-      if($time > $tseed) $tseed = $time;
-  }
-  // the usual stuff
-  $head['meta'][] = array( 'name'=>'generator', 'content'=>'DokuWiki '.getVersion() );
-  $head['link'][] = array( 'rel'=>'search', 'type'=>'application/opensearchdescription+xml',
-                           'href'=>DOKU_BASE.'lib/exe/opensearch.php', 'title'=>$conf['title'] );
-  $head['link'][] = array( 'rel'=>'start', 'href'=>DOKU_BASE );
-  if(actionOK('index')){
-    $head['link'][] = array( 'rel'=>'contents', 'href'=> wl($ID,'do=index',false,'&'),
-                           'title'=>$lang['btn_index'] );
-  }
-  if($alt){
-    $head['link'][] = array( 'rel'=>'alternate', 'type'=>'application/rss+xml',
-                             'title'=>'Recent Changes', 'href'=>DOKU_BASE.'feed.php');
-    $head['link'][] = array( 'rel'=>'alternate', 'type'=>'application/rss+xml',
-                             'title'=>'Current Namespace',
-                             'href'=>DOKU_BASE.'feed.php?mode=list&ns='.$INFO['namespace']);
-    if(($ACT == 'show' || $ACT == 'search') && $INFO['writable']){
-        $head['link'][] = array( 'rel'=>'edit',
-                                 'title'=>$lang['btn_edit'],
-                                 'href'=> wl($ID,'do=edit',false,'&'));
-    }
+    global $ID;
+    global $REV;
+    global $INFO;
+    global $JSINFO;
+    global $ACT;
+    global $QUERY;
+    global $lang;
+    global $conf;
+    $it=2;
+    // prepare the head array
+    $head = array();
-    if($ACT == 'search'){
-      $head['link'][] = array( 'rel'=>'alternate', 'type'=>'application/rss+xml',
-                               'title'=>'Search Result',
-                               'href'=>DOKU_BASE.'feed.php?mode=search&q='.$QUERY);
+    // prepare seed for js and css
+    $tseed = 0;
+    $depends = getConfigFiles('main');
+    foreach($depends as $f) {
+        $time = @filemtime($f);
+        if($time > $tseed) $tseed = $time;
-    if(actionOK('export_xhtml')){
-      $head['link'][] = array( 'rel'=>'alternate', 'type'=>'text/html', 'title'=>'Plain HTML',
-                               'href'=>exportlink($ID, 'xhtml', '', false, '&'));
+    // the usual stuff
+    $head['meta'][] = array( 'name'=>'generator', 'content'=>'DokuWiki '.getVersion() );
+    $head['link'][] = array( 'rel'=>'search', 'type'=>'application/opensearchdescription+xml',
+            'href'=>DOKU_BASE.'lib/exe/opensearch.php', 'title'=>$conf['title'] );
+    $head['link'][] = array( 'rel'=>'start', 'href'=>DOKU_BASE );
+    if(actionOK('index')){
+        $head['link'][] = array( 'rel'=>'contents', 'href'=> wl($ID,'do=index',false,'&'),
+                'title'=>$lang['btn_index'] );
-    if(actionOK('export_raw')){
-      $head['link'][] = array( 'rel'=>'alternate', 'type'=>'text/plain', 'title'=>'Wiki Markup',
-                               'href'=>exportlink($ID, 'raw', '', false, '&'));
+    if($alt){
+        $head['link'][] = array( 'rel'=>'alternate', 'type'=>'application/rss+xml',
+                'title'=>'Recent Changes', 'href'=>DOKU_BASE.'feed.php');
+        $head['link'][] = array( 'rel'=>'alternate', 'type'=>'application/rss+xml',
+                'title'=>'Current Namespace',
+                'href'=>DOKU_BASE.'feed.php?mode=list&ns='.$INFO['namespace']);
+        if(($ACT == 'show' || $ACT == 'search') && $INFO['writable']){
+            $head['link'][] = array( 'rel'=>'edit',
+                    'title'=>$lang['btn_edit'],
+                    'href'=> wl($ID,'do=edit',false,'&'));
+        }
+        if($ACT == 'search'){
+            $head['link'][] = array( 'rel'=>'alternate', 'type'=>'application/rss+xml',
+                    'title'=>'Search Result',
+                    'href'=>DOKU_BASE.'feed.php?mode=search&q='.$QUERY);
+        }
+        if(actionOK('export_xhtml')){
+            $head['link'][] = array( 'rel'=>'alternate', 'type'=>'text/html', 'title'=>'Plain HTML',
+                    'href'=>exportlink($ID, 'xhtml', '', false, '&'));
+        }
+        if(actionOK('export_raw')){
+            $head['link'][] = array( 'rel'=>'alternate', 'type'=>'text/plain', 'title'=>'Wiki Markup',
+                    'href'=>exportlink($ID, 'raw', '', false, '&'));
+        }
-  }
-  // setup robot tags apropriate for different modes
-  if( ($ACT=='show' || $ACT=='export_xhtml') && !$REV){
-    if($INFO['exists']){
-      //delay indexing:
-      if((time() - $INFO['lastmod']) >= $conf['indexdelay']){
+    // setup robot tags apropriate for different modes
+    if( ($ACT=='show' || $ACT=='export_xhtml') && !$REV){
+        if($INFO['exists']){
+            //delay indexing:
+            if((time() - $INFO['lastmod']) >= $conf['indexdelay']){
+                $head['meta'][] = array( 'name'=>'robots', 'content'=>'index,follow');
+            }else{
+                $head['meta'][] = array( 'name'=>'robots', 'content'=>'noindex,nofollow');
+            }
+            $head['link'][] = array( 'rel'=>'canonical', 'href'=>wl($ID,'',true,'&') );
+        }else{
+            $head['meta'][] = array( 'name'=>'robots', 'content'=>'noindex,follow');
+        }
+    }elseif(defined('DOKU_MEDIADETAIL')){
         $head['meta'][] = array( 'name'=>'robots', 'content'=>'index,follow');
-      }else{
-        $head['meta'][] = array( 'name'=>'robots', 'content'=>'noindex,nofollow');
-      }
-      $head['link'][] = array( 'rel'=>'canonical', 'href'=>wl($ID,'',true,'&') );
-      $head['meta'][] = array( 'name'=>'robots', 'content'=>'noindex,follow');
+        $head['meta'][] = array( 'name'=>'robots', 'content'=>'noindex,nofollow');
-  }elseif(defined('DOKU_MEDIADETAIL')){
-    $head['meta'][] = array( 'name'=>'robots', 'content'=>'index,follow');
-  }else{
-    $head['meta'][] = array( 'name'=>'robots', 'content'=>'noindex,nofollow');
-  }
-  // set metadata
-  if($ACT == 'show' || $ACT=='export_xhtml'){
-    // date of modification
-    if($REV){
-      $head['meta'][] = array( 'name'=>'date', 'content'=>date('Y-m-d\TH:i:sO',$REV));
-    }else{
-      $head['meta'][] = array( 'name'=>'date', 'content'=>date('Y-m-d\TH:i:sO',$INFO['lastmod']));
+    // set metadata
+    if($ACT == 'show' || $ACT=='export_xhtml'){
+        // date of modification
+        if($REV){
+            $head['meta'][] = array( 'name'=>'date', 'content'=>date('Y-m-d\TH:i:sO',$REV));
+        }else{
+            $head['meta'][] = array( 'name'=>'date', 'content'=>date('Y-m-d\TH:i:sO',$INFO['lastmod']));
+        }
+        // keywords (explicit or implicit)
+        if(!empty($INFO['meta']['subject'])){
+            $head['meta'][] = array( 'name'=>'keywords', 'content'=>join(',',$INFO['meta']['subject']));
+        }else{
+            $head['meta'][] = array( 'name'=>'keywords', 'content'=>str_replace(':',',',$ID));
+        }
-    // keywords (explicit or implicit)
-    if(!empty($INFO['meta']['subject'])){
-      $head['meta'][] = array( 'name'=>'keywords', 'content'=>join(',',$INFO['meta']['subject']));
-    }else{
-      $head['meta'][] = array( 'name'=>'keywords', 'content'=>str_replace(':',',',$ID));
+    // load stylesheets
+    $head['link'][] = array('rel'=>'stylesheet', 'media'=>'screen', 'type'=>'text/css',
+            'href'=>DOKU_BASE.'lib/exe/css.php?t='.$conf['template'].'&tseed='.$tseed);
+    $head['link'][] = array('rel'=>'stylesheet', 'media'=>'all', 'type'=>'text/css',
+            'href'=>DOKU_BASE.'lib/exe/css.php?s=all&t='.$conf['template'].'&tseed='.$tseed);
+    $head['link'][] = array('rel'=>'stylesheet', 'media'=>'print', 'type'=>'text/css',
+            'href'=>DOKU_BASE.'lib/exe/css.php?s=print&t='.$conf['template'].'&tseed='.$tseed);
+    // make $INFO and other vars available to JavaScripts
+    require_once(DOKU_INC.'inc/JSON.php');
+    $json = new JSON();
+    $script = "var NS='".$INFO['namespace']."';";
+    if($conf['useacl'] && $_SERVER['REMOTE_USER']){
+        require_once(DOKU_INC.'inc/toolbar.php');
+        $script .= "var SIG='".toolbar_signature()."';";
-  }
-  // load stylesheets
-  $head['link'][] = array('rel'=>'stylesheet', 'media'=>'screen', 'type'=>'text/css',
-                          'href'=>DOKU_BASE.'lib/exe/css.php?t='.$conf['template'].'&tseed='.$tseed);
-  $head['link'][] = array('rel'=>'stylesheet', 'media'=>'all', 'type'=>'text/css',
-                          'href'=>DOKU_BASE.'lib/exe/css.php?s=all&t='.$conf['template'].'&tseed='.$tseed);
-  $head['link'][] = array('rel'=>'stylesheet', 'media'=>'print', 'type'=>'text/css',
-                          'href'=>DOKU_BASE.'lib/exe/css.php?s=print&t='.$conf['template'].'&tseed='.$tseed);
-  // make $INFO and other vars available to JavaScripts
-  require_once(DOKU_INC.'inc/JSON.php');
-  $json = new JSON();
-  $script = "var NS='".$INFO['namespace']."';";
-  if($conf['useacl'] && $_SERVER['REMOTE_USER']){
-      require_once(DOKU_INC.'inc/toolbar.php');
-      $script .= "var SIG='".toolbar_signature()."';";
-  }
-  $script .= 'var JSINFO = '.$json->encode($JSINFO).';';
-  $head['script'][] = array( 'type'=>'text/javascript', 'charset'=>'utf-8',
-                               '_data'=> $script);
-  // load external javascript
-  $head['script'][] = array( 'type'=>'text/javascript', 'charset'=>'utf-8', '_data'=>'',
-                             'src'=>DOKU_BASE.'lib/exe/js.php'.'?tseed='.$tseed);
-  // trigger event here
-  trigger_event('TPL_METAHEADER_OUTPUT',$head,'_tpl_metaheaders_action',true);
-  return true;
+    $script .= 'var JSINFO = '.$json->encode($JSINFO).';';
+    $head['script'][] = array( 'type'=>'text/javascript', 'charset'=>'utf-8',
+            '_data'=> $script);
+    // load external javascript
+    $head['script'][] = array( 'type'=>'text/javascript', 'charset'=>'utf-8', '_data'=>'',
+            'src'=>DOKU_BASE.'lib/exe/js.php'.'?tseed='.$tseed);
+    // trigger event here
+    trigger_event('TPL_METAHEADER_OUTPUT',$head,'_tpl_metaheaders_action',true);
+    return true;
@@ -379,22 +378,22 @@ function tpl_metaheaders($alt=true){
  * @author Andreas Gohr <andi@splitbrain.org>
 function _tpl_metaheaders_action($data){
-  foreach($data as $tag => $inst){
-    foreach($inst as $attr){
-      echo '<',$tag,' ',buildAttributes($attr);
-      if(isset($attr['_data']) || $tag == 'script'){
-          if($tag == 'script' && $attr['_data'])
-            $attr['_data'] = "<!--//--><![CDATA[//><!--\n".
-                             $attr['_data'].
-                             "\n//--><!]]>";
-          echo '>',$attr['_data'],'</',$tag,'>';
-      }else{
-        echo '/>';
-      }
-      echo "\n";
+    foreach($data as $tag => $inst){
+        foreach($inst as $attr){
+            echo '<',$tag,' ',buildAttributes($attr);
+            if(isset($attr['_data']) || $tag == 'script'){
+                if($tag == 'script' && $attr['_data'])
+                    $attr['_data'] = "<!--//--><![CDATA[//><!--\n".
+                        $attr['_data'].
+                        "\n//--><!]]>";
+                echo '>',$attr['_data'],'</',$tag,'>';
+            }else{
+                echo '/>';
+            }
+            echo "\n";
+        }
-  }
@@ -405,12 +404,12 @@ function _tpl_metaheaders_action($data){
  * @author Andreas Gohr <andi@splitbrain.org>
 function tpl_link($url,$name,$more='',$return=false){
-  $out = '<a href="'.$url.'" ';
-  if ($more) $out .= ' '.$more;
-  $out .= ">$name</a>";
-  if ($return) return $out;
-  print $out;
-  return true;
+    $out = '<a href="'.$url.'" ';
+    if ($more) $out .= ' '.$more;
+    $out .= ">$name</a>";
+    if ($return) return $out;
+    print $out;
+    return true;
@@ -420,9 +419,9 @@ function tpl_link($url,$name,$more='',$return=false){
  * @author Andreas Gohr <andi@splitbrain.org>
-function tpl_pagelink($id,$name=NULL){
-  print html_wikilink($id,$name);
-  return true;
+function tpl_pagelink($id,$name=null){
+    print html_wikilink($id,$name);
+    return true;
@@ -434,16 +433,16 @@ function tpl_pagelink($id,$name=NULL){
  * @author Andreas Gohr <andi@splitbrain.org>
 function tpl_getparent($id){
-  global $conf;
-  $parent = getNS($id).':';
-  resolve_pageid('',$parent,$exists);
-  if($parent == $id) {
-    $pos = strrpos (getNS($id),':');
-    $parent = substr($parent,0,$pos).':';
+    global $conf;
+    $parent = getNS($id).':';
-    if($parent == $id) return false;
-  }
-  return $parent;
+    if($parent == $id) {
+        $pos = strrpos (getNS($id),':');
+        $parent = substr($parent,0,$pos).':';
+        resolve_pageid('',$parent,$exists);
+        if($parent == $id) return false;
+    }
+    return $parent;
@@ -467,105 +466,105 @@ function tpl_getparent($id){
  * @author Matthias Grimm <matthiasgrimm@users.sourceforge.net>
 function tpl_button($type,$return=false){
-  global $ACT;
-  global $ID;
-  global $REV;
-  global $NS;
-  global $INFO;
-  global $conf;
-  global $auth;
-  // check disabled actions and fix the badly named ones
-  $ctype = $type;
-  if($type == 'history') $ctype='revisions';
-  if(!actionOK($ctype)) return false;
-  $out = '';
-  switch($type){
-    case 'edit':
-      #most complicated type - we need to decide on current action
-      if($ACT == 'show' || $ACT == 'search'){
-        if($INFO['writable']){
-          if(!empty($INFO['draft'])){
-            $out .= html_btn('draft',$ID,'e',array('do' => 'draft'),'post');
-          }else{
-            if($INFO['exists']){
-              $out .= html_btn('edit',$ID,'e',array('do' => 'edit','rev' => $REV),'post');
+    global $ACT;
+    global $ID;
+    global $REV;
+    global $NS;
+    global $INFO;
+    global $conf;
+    global $auth;
+    // check disabled actions and fix the badly named ones
+    $ctype = $type;
+    if($type == 'history') $ctype='revisions';
+    if(!actionOK($ctype)) return false;
+    $out = '';
+    switch($type){
+        case 'edit':
+            // most complicated type - we need to decide on current action
+            if($ACT == 'show' || $ACT == 'search'){
+                if($INFO['writable']){
+                    if(!empty($INFO['draft'])){
+                        $out .= html_btn('draft',$ID,'e',array('do' => 'draft'),'post');
+                    }else{
+                        if($INFO['exists']){
+                            $out .= html_btn('edit',$ID,'e',array('do' => 'edit','rev' => $REV),'post');
+                        }else{
+                            $out .= html_btn('create',$ID,'e',array('do' => 'edit','rev' => $REV),'post');
+                        }
+                    }
+                }else{
+                    if(!actionOK('source')) return false; //pseudo action
+                    $out .= html_btn('source',$ID,'v',array('do' => 'edit','rev' => $REV),'post');
+                }
-              $out .= html_btn('create',$ID,'e',array('do' => 'edit','rev' => $REV),'post');
+                $out .= html_btn('show',$ID,'v',array('do' => 'show'));
-          }
-        }else{
-          if(!actionOK('source')) return false; //pseudo action
-          $out .= html_btn('source',$ID,'v',array('do' => 'edit','rev' => $REV),'post');
-        }
-      }else{
-          $out .= html_btn('show',$ID,'v',array('do' => 'show'));
-      }
-      break;
-    case 'history':
-      if(actionOK('revisions'))
-        $out .= html_btn('revs',$ID,'o',array('do' => 'revisions'));
-      break;
-    case 'recent':
-      if(actionOK('recent'))
-        $out .= html_btn('recent',$ID,'r',array('do' => 'recent'));
-      break;
-    case 'index':
-      if(actionOK('index'))
-        $out .= html_btn('index',$ID,'x',array('do' => 'index'));
-      break;
-    case 'back':
-      if ($parent = tpl_getparent($ID)) {
-        $out .= html_btn('back',$parent,'b',array('do' => 'show'));
-      }
-      break;
-    case 'top':
-      $out .= html_topbtn();
-      break;
-    case 'login':
-      if($conf['useacl'] && $auth){
-        if(isset($_SERVER['REMOTE_USER'])){
-          $out .= html_btn('logout',$ID,'',array('do' => 'logout', 'sectok' => getSecurityToken()));
-        }else{
-          $out .= html_btn('login',$ID,'',array('do' => 'login', 'sectok' => getSecurityToken()));
-        }
-      }
-      break;
-    case 'admin':
-      if($INFO['ismanager']){
-        $out .= html_btn('admin',$ID,'',array('do' => 'admin'));
-      }
-      break;
-    case 'revert':
-      if($INFO['ismanager'] && $REV && $INFO['writable'] && actionOK('revert')){
-        $out .= html_btn('revert',$ID,'',array('do' => 'revert', 'rev' => $REV, 'sectok' => getSecurityToken()));
-      }
-      break;
-    case 'subscribe':
-      if ($conf['useacl'] && $auth && $ACT == 'show' &&
-          $conf['subscribers'] && isset($_SERVER['REMOTE_USER']) &&
-          actionOK('subscribe')) {
-        $out .= html_btn('subscribe',$ID,'',array('do' => 'subscribe',));
-      }
-      break;
-    case 'backlink':
-      if(actionOK('backlink'))
-        $out .= html_btn('backlink',$ID,'',array('do' => 'backlink'));
-      break;
-    case 'profile':
-      if($conf['useacl'] && isset($_SERVER['REMOTE_USER']) && $auth &&
-          $auth->canDo('Profile') && ($ACT!='profile')){
-        $out .= html_btn('profile',$ID,'',array('do' => 'profile'));
-      }
-      break;
-    default:
-      $out .= '[unknown button type]';
-      break;
-  }
-  if ($return) return $out;
-  print $out;
-  return $out ? true : false;
+            break;
+        case 'history':
+            if(actionOK('revisions'))
+                $out .= html_btn('revs',$ID,'o',array('do' => 'revisions'));
+            break;
+        case 'recent':
+            if(actionOK('recent'))
+                $out .= html_btn('recent',$ID,'r',array('do' => 'recent'));
+            break;
+        case 'index':
+            if(actionOK('index'))
+                $out .= html_btn('index',$ID,'x',array('do' => 'index'));
+            break;
+        case 'back':
+            if ($parent = tpl_getparent($ID)) {
+                $out .= html_btn('back',$parent,'b',array('do' => 'show'));
+            }
+            break;
+        case 'top':
+            $out .= html_topbtn();
+            break;
+        case 'login':
+            if($conf['useacl'] && $auth){
+                if(isset($_SERVER['REMOTE_USER'])){
+                    $out .= html_btn('logout',$ID,'',array('do' => 'logout', 'sectok' => getSecurityToken()));
+                }else{
+                    $out .= html_btn('login',$ID,'',array('do' => 'login', 'sectok' => getSecurityToken()));
+                }
+            }
+            break;
+        case 'admin':
+            if($INFO['ismanager']){
+                $out .= html_btn('admin',$ID,'',array('do' => 'admin'));
+            }
+            break;
+        case 'revert':
+            if($INFO['ismanager'] && $REV && $INFO['writable'] && actionOK('revert')){
+                $out .= html_btn('revert',$ID,'',array('do' => 'revert', 'rev' => $REV, 'sectok' => getSecurityToken()));
+            }
+            break;
+        case 'subscribe':
+            if ($conf['useacl'] && $auth && $ACT == 'show' &&
+                    $conf['subscribers'] && isset($_SERVER['REMOTE_USER']) &&
+                    actionOK('subscribe')) {
+                $out .= html_btn('subscribe',$ID,'',array('do' => 'subscribe',));
+            }
+            break;
+        case 'backlink':
+            if(actionOK('backlink'))
+                $out .= html_btn('backlink',$ID,'',array('do' => 'backlink'));
+            break;
+        case 'profile':
+            if($conf['useacl'] && isset($_SERVER['REMOTE_USER']) && $auth &&
+                    $auth->canDo('Profile') && ($ACT!='profile')){
+                $out .= html_btn('profile',$ID,'',array('do' => 'profile'));
+            }
+            break;
+        default:
+            $out .= '[unknown button type]';
+            break;
+    }
+    if ($return) return $out;
+    print $out;
+    return $out ? true : false;
@@ -590,140 +589,140 @@ function tpl_button($type,$return=false){
  * @see    tpl_button
 function tpl_actionlink($type,$pre='',$suf='',$inner='',$return=false){
-  global $ID;
-  global $INFO;
-  global $REV;
-  global $ACT;
-  global $conf;
-  global $lang;
-  global $auth;
-  // check disabled actions and fix the badly named ones
-  $ctype = $type;
-  if($type == 'history') $ctype='revisions';
-  if(!actionOK($ctype)) return false;
-  $out = '';
-  switch($type){
-    case 'edit':
-      #most complicated type - we need to decide on current action
-      if($ACT == 'show' || $ACT == 'search'){
-        if($INFO['writable']){
-          if(!empty($INFO['draft'])) {
-            $out .= tpl_link(wl($ID,'do=draft'),
-                       $pre.(($inner)?$inner:$lang['btn_draft']).$suf,
-                       'class="action edit" accesskey="e" rel="nofollow"',1);
-          } else {
-            if($INFO['exists']){
-              $out .= tpl_link(wl($ID,'do=edit&amp;rev='.$REV),
-                       $pre.(($inner)?$inner:$lang['btn_edit']).$suf,
-                       'class="action edit" accesskey="e" rel="nofollow"',1);
+    global $ID;
+    global $INFO;
+    global $REV;
+    global $ACT;
+    global $conf;
+    global $lang;
+    global $auth;
+    // check disabled actions and fix the badly named ones
+    $ctype = $type;
+    if($type == 'history') $ctype='revisions';
+    if(!actionOK($ctype)) return false;
+    $out = '';
+    switch($type){
+        case 'edit':
+            // most complicated type - we need to decide on current action
+            if($ACT == 'show' || $ACT == 'search'){
+                if($INFO['writable']){
+                    if(!empty($INFO['draft'])) {
+                        $out .= tpl_link(wl($ID,'do=draft'),
+                                $pre.(($inner)?$inner:$lang['btn_draft']).$suf,
+                                'class="action edit" accesskey="e" rel="nofollow"',1);
+                    } else {
+                        if($INFO['exists']){
+                            $out .= tpl_link(wl($ID,'do=edit&amp;rev='.$REV),
+                                    $pre.(($inner)?$inner:$lang['btn_edit']).$suf,
+                                    'class="action edit" accesskey="e" rel="nofollow"',1);
+                        }else{
+                            $out .= tpl_link(wl($ID,'do=edit&amp;rev='.$REV),
+                                    $pre.(($inner)?$inner:$lang['btn_create']).$suf,
+                                    'class="action create" accesskey="e" rel="nofollow"',1);
+                        }
+                    }
+                }else{
+                    if(actionOK('source')) //pseudo action
+                        $out .= tpl_link(wl($ID,'do=edit&amp;rev='.$REV),
+                                $pre.(($inner)?$inner:$lang['btn_source']).$suf,
+                                'class="action source" accesskey="v" rel="nofollow"',1);
+                }
-              $out .= tpl_link(wl($ID,'do=edit&amp;rev='.$REV),
-                       $pre.(($inner)?$inner:$lang['btn_create']).$suf,
-                       'class="action create" accesskey="e" rel="nofollow"',1);
+                $out .= tpl_link(wl($ID,'do=show'),
+                        $pre.(($inner)?$inner:$lang['btn_show']).$suf,
+                        'class="action show" accesskey="v" rel="nofollow"',1);
-          }
-        }else{
-          if(actionOK('source')) //pseudo action
-            $out .= tpl_link(wl($ID,'do=edit&amp;rev='.$REV),
-                   $pre.(($inner)?$inner:$lang['btn_source']).$suf,
-                   'class="action source" accesskey="v" rel="nofollow"',1);
-        }
-      }else{
-          $out .= tpl_link(wl($ID,'do=show'),
-                   $pre.(($inner)?$inner:$lang['btn_show']).$suf,
-                   'class="action show" accesskey="v" rel="nofollow"',1);
-      }
-      break;
-    case 'history':
-      if(actionOK('revisions'))
-        $out .= tpl_link(wl($ID,'do=revisions'),
-               $pre.(($inner)?$inner:$lang['btn_revs']).$suf,
-               'class="action revisions" accesskey="o" rel="nofollow"',1);
-      break;
-    case 'recent':
-      if(actionOK('recent'))
-        $out .= tpl_link(wl($ID,'do=recent'),
-               $pre.(($inner)?$inner:$lang['btn_recent']).$suf,
-              'class="action recent" accesskey="r" rel="nofollow"',1);
-      break;
-    case 'index':
-      if(actionOK('index'))
-        $out .= tpl_link(wl($ID,'do=index'),
-               $pre.(($inner)?$inner:$lang['btn_index']).$suf,
-              'class="action index" accesskey="x" rel="nofollow"',1);
-      break;
-    case 'top':
-      $out .= '<a href="#dokuwiki__top" class="action top" accesskey="x">'.
-            $pre.(($inner)?$inner:$lang['btn_top']).$suf.'</a>';
-      break;
-    case 'back':
-      if ($parent = tpl_getparent($ID)) {
-        $out .= tpl_link(wl($parent,'do=show'),
-        $pre.(($inner)?$inner:$lang['btn_back']).$suf,
-        'class="action back" accesskey="b" rel="nofollow"',1);
-      }
-      break;
-    case 'login':
-      if($conf['useacl'] && $auth){
-        if($_SERVER['REMOTE_USER']){
-          $out .= tpl_link(wl($ID,'do=logout&amp;sectok='.getSecurityToken()),
-                   $pre.(($inner)?$inner:$lang['btn_logout']).$suf,
-                   'class="action logout" rel="nofollow"',1);
-        }else{
-          $out .= tpl_link(wl($ID,'do=login&amp;sectok='.getSecurityToken()),
-                   $pre.(($inner)?$inner:$lang['btn_login']).$suf,
-                   'class="action login" rel="nofollow"',1);
-        }
-      }
-      break;
-    case 'admin':
-      if($INFO['ismanager']){
-        $out .= tpl_link(wl($ID,'do=admin'),
-                 $pre.(($inner)?$inner:$lang['btn_admin']).$suf,
-                 'class="action admin" rel="nofollow"',1);
-      }
-      break;
-    case 'revert':
-      if($INFO['ismanager'] && $REV && $INFO['writable'] && actionOK('revert')){
-        $out .= tpl_link(wl($ID,array('do' => 'revert', 'rev' => $REV, 'sectok' => getSecurityToken())),
-                 $pre.(($inner)?$inner:$lang['btn_revert']).$suf,
-                 'class="action revert" rel="nofollow"',1);
-      }
-      break;
-   case 'subscribe':
-   case 'subscription':
-      if($conf['useacl'] && $auth && $ACT == 'show' && $conf['subscribers']) {
-        if($_SERVER['REMOTE_USER']){
-            if(actionOK('subscribe'))
-              $out .= tpl_link(wl($ID,'do=subscribe'),
-                     $pre.(($inner)?$inner:$lang['btn_subscribe']).$suf,
-                     'class="action subscribe" rel="nofollow"',1);
-        }
-      }
-      break;
-    case 'backlink':
-      if(actionOK('backlink'))
-        $out .= tpl_link(wl($ID,'do=backlink'),
-               $pre.(($inner)?$inner:$lang['btn_backlink']).$suf,
-               'class="action backlink" rel="nofollow"',1);
-      break;
-    case 'profile':
-      if($conf['useacl'] && $auth && $_SERVER['REMOTE_USER'] &&
-         $auth->canDo('Profile') && ($ACT!='profile')){
-        $out .= tpl_link(wl($ID,'do=profile'),
-                 $pre.(($inner)?$inner:$lang['btn_profile']).$suf,
-                 'class="action profile" rel="nofollow"',1);
-      }
-      break;
-    default:
-      $out .= '[unknown link type]';
-      break;
-  }
-  if ($return) return $out;
-  print $out;
-  return $out ? true : false;
+            break;
+        case 'history':
+            if(actionOK('revisions'))
+                $out .= tpl_link(wl($ID,'do=revisions'),
+                        $pre.(($inner)?$inner:$lang['btn_revs']).$suf,
+                        'class="action revisions" accesskey="o" rel="nofollow"',1);
+            break;
+        case 'recent':
+            if(actionOK('recent'))
+                $out .= tpl_link(wl($ID,'do=recent'),
+                        $pre.(($inner)?$inner:$lang['btn_recent']).$suf,
+                        'class="action recent" accesskey="r" rel="nofollow"',1);
+            break;
+        case 'index':
+            if(actionOK('index'))
+                $out .= tpl_link(wl($ID,'do=index'),
+                        $pre.(($inner)?$inner:$lang['btn_index']).$suf,
+                        'class="action index" accesskey="x" rel="nofollow"',1);
+            break;
+        case 'top':
+            $out .= '<a href="#dokuwiki__top" class="action top" accesskey="x">'.
+                $pre.(($inner)?$inner:$lang['btn_top']).$suf.'</a>';
+            break;
+        case 'back':
+            if ($parent = tpl_getparent($ID)) {
+                $out .= tpl_link(wl($parent,'do=show'),
+                        $pre.(($inner)?$inner:$lang['btn_back']).$suf,
+                        'class="action back" accesskey="b" rel="nofollow"',1);
+            }
+            break;
+        case 'login':
+            if($conf['useacl'] && $auth){
+                if($_SERVER['REMOTE_USER']){
+                    $out .= tpl_link(wl($ID,'do=logout&amp;sectok='.getSecurityToken()),
+                            $pre.(($inner)?$inner:$lang['btn_logout']).$suf,
+                            'class="action logout" rel="nofollow"',1);
+                }else{
+                    $out .= tpl_link(wl($ID,'do=login&amp;sectok='.getSecurityToken()),
+                            $pre.(($inner)?$inner:$lang['btn_login']).$suf,
+                            'class="action login" rel="nofollow"',1);
+                }
+            }
+            break;
+        case 'admin':
+            if($INFO['ismanager']){
+                $out .= tpl_link(wl($ID,'do=admin'),
+                        $pre.(($inner)?$inner:$lang['btn_admin']).$suf,
+                        'class="action admin" rel="nofollow"',1);
+            }
+            break;
+        case 'revert':
+            if($INFO['ismanager'] && $REV && $INFO['writable'] && actionOK('revert')){
+                $out .= tpl_link(wl($ID,array('do' => 'revert', 'rev' => $REV, 'sectok' => getSecurityToken())),
+                        $pre.(($inner)?$inner:$lang['btn_revert']).$suf,
+                        'class="action revert" rel="nofollow"',1);
+            }
+            break;
+        case 'subscribe':
+        case 'subscription':
+            if($conf['useacl'] && $auth && $ACT == 'show' && $conf['subscribers']) {
+                if($_SERVER['REMOTE_USER']){
+                    if(actionOK('subscribe'))
+                        $out .= tpl_link(wl($ID,'do=subscribe'),
+                                $pre.(($inner)?$inner:$lang['btn_subscribe']).$suf,
+                                'class="action subscribe" rel="nofollow"',1);
+                }
+            }
+            break;
+        case 'backlink':
+            if(actionOK('backlink'))
+                $out .= tpl_link(wl($ID,'do=backlink'),
+                        $pre.(($inner)?$inner:$lang['btn_backlink']).$suf,
+                        'class="action backlink" rel="nofollow"',1);
+            break;
+        case 'profile':
+            if($conf['useacl'] && $auth && $_SERVER['REMOTE_USER'] &&
+                    $auth->canDo('Profile') && ($ACT!='profile')){
+                $out .= tpl_link(wl($ID,'do=profile'),
+                        $pre.(($inner)?$inner:$lang['btn_profile']).$suf,
+                        'class="action profile" rel="nofollow"',1);
+            }
+            break;
+        default:
+            $out .= '[unknown link type]';
+            break;
+    }
+    if ($return) return $out;
+    print $out;
+    return $out ? true : false;
@@ -755,23 +754,23 @@ function tpl_action($type,$link=0,$wrapper=false,$return=false,$pre='',$suf='',$
  * @author Andreas Gohr <andi@splitbrain.org>
 function tpl_searchform($ajax=true,$autocomplete=true){
-  global $lang;
-  global $ACT;
-  global $QUERY;
-  // don't print the search form if search action has been disabled
-  if (!actionOk('search')) return false;
-  print '<form action="'.wl().'" accept-charset="utf-8" class="search" id="dw__search"><div class="no">';
-  print '<input type="hidden" name="do" value="search" />';
-  print '<input type="text" ';
-  if($ACT == 'search') print 'value="'.htmlspecialchars($QUERY).'" ';
-  if(!$autocomplete) print 'autocomplete="off" ';
-  print 'id="qsearch__in" accesskey="f" name="id" class="edit" title="[F]" />';
-  print '<input type="submit" value="'.$lang['btn_search'].'" class="button" title="'.$lang['btn_search'].'" />';
-  if($ajax) print '<div id="qsearch__out" class="ajax_qsearch JSpopup"></div>';
-  print '</div></form>';
-  return true;
+    global $lang;
+    global $ACT;
+    global $QUERY;
+    // don't print the search form if search action has been disabled
+    if (!actionOk('search')) return false;
+    print '<form action="'.wl().'" accept-charset="utf-8" class="search" id="dw__search"><div class="no">';
+    print '<input type="hidden" name="do" value="search" />';
+    print '<input type="text" ';
+    if($ACT == 'search') print 'value="'.htmlspecialchars($QUERY).'" ';
+    if(!$autocomplete) print 'autocomplete="off" ';
+    print 'id="qsearch__in" accesskey="f" name="id" class="edit" title="[F]" />';
+    print '<input type="submit" value="'.$lang['btn_search'].'" class="button" title="'.$lang['btn_search'].'" />';
+    if($ajax) print '<div id="qsearch__out" class="ajax_qsearch JSpopup"></div>';
+    print '</div></form>';
+    return true;
@@ -780,34 +779,34 @@ function tpl_searchform($ajax=true,$autocomplete=true){
  * @author Andreas Gohr <andi@splitbrain.org>
 function tpl_breadcrumbs($sep='&raquo;'){
-  global $lang;
-  global $conf;
-  //check if enabled
-  if(!$conf['breadcrumbs']) return false;
-  $crumbs = breadcrumbs(); //setup crumb trace
-  //reverse crumborder in right-to-left mode, add RLM character to fix heb/eng display mixups
-  if($lang['direction'] == 'rtl') {
-    $crumbs = array_reverse($crumbs,true);
-    $crumbs_sep = ' &#8207;<span class="bcsep">'.$sep.'</span>&#8207; ';
-  } else {
-    $crumbs_sep = ' <span class="bcsep">'.$sep.'</span> ';
-  }
-  //render crumbs, highlight the last one
-  print '<span class="bchead">'.$lang['breadcrumb'].':</span>';
-  $last = count($crumbs);
-  $i = 0;
-  foreach ($crumbs as $id => $name){
-    $i++;
-    echo $crumbs_sep;
-    if ($i == $last) print '<span class="curid">';
-    tpl_link(wl($id),hsc($name),'class="breadcrumbs" title="'.$id.'"');
-    if ($i == $last) print '</span>';
-  }
-  return true;
+    global $lang;
+    global $conf;
+    //check if enabled
+    if(!$conf['breadcrumbs']) return false;
+    $crumbs = breadcrumbs(); //setup crumb trace
+    //reverse crumborder in right-to-left mode, add RLM character to fix heb/eng display mixups
+    if($lang['direction'] == 'rtl') {
+        $crumbs = array_reverse($crumbs,true);
+        $crumbs_sep = ' &#8207;<span class="bcsep">'.$sep.'</span>&#8207; ';
+    } else {
+        $crumbs_sep = ' <span class="bcsep">'.$sep.'</span> ';
+    }
+    //render crumbs, highlight the last one
+    print '<span class="bchead">'.$lang['breadcrumb'].':</span>';
+    $last = count($crumbs);
+    $i = 0;
+    foreach ($crumbs as $id => $name){
+        $i++;
+        echo $crumbs_sep;
+        if ($i == $last) print '<span class="curid">';
+        tpl_link(wl($id),hsc($name),'class="breadcrumbs" title="'.$id.'"');
+        if ($i == $last) print '</span>';
+    }
+    return true;
@@ -823,59 +822,59 @@ function tpl_breadcrumbs($sep='&raquo;'){
  * @todo   May behave strangely in RTL languages
 function tpl_youarehere($sep=' &raquo; '){
-  global $conf;
-  global $ID;
-  global $lang;
-  // check if enabled
-  if(!$conf['youarehere']) return false;
-  $parts = explode(':', $ID);
-  $count = count($parts);
-  if($GLOBALS['ACT'] == 'search')
-  {
-    $parts = array($conf['start']);
-    $count = 1;
-  }
-  echo '<span class="bchead">'.$lang['youarehere'].': </span>';
-  // always print the startpage
-  $title = useHeading('navigation') ? p_get_first_heading($conf['start']) : $conf['start'];
-  if(!$title) $title = $conf['start'];
-  tpl_link(wl($conf['start']),hsc($title),'title="'.$conf['start'].'"');
-  // print intermediate namespace links
-  $part = '';
-  for($i=0; $i<$count - 1; $i++){
-    $part .= $parts[$i].':';
-    $page = $part;
-    resolve_pageid('',$page,$exists);
-    if ($page == $conf['start']) continue; // Skip startpage
-    // output
+    global $conf;
+    global $ID;
+    global $lang;
+    // check if enabled
+    if(!$conf['youarehere']) return false;
+    $parts = explode(':', $ID);
+    $count = count($parts);
+    if($GLOBALS['ACT'] == 'search')
+    {
+        $parts = array($conf['start']);
+        $count = 1;
+    }
+    echo '<span class="bchead">'.$lang['youarehere'].': </span>';
+    // always print the startpage
+    $title = useHeading('navigation') ? p_get_first_heading($conf['start']) : $conf['start'];
+    if(!$title) $title = $conf['start'];
+    tpl_link(wl($conf['start']),hsc($title),'title="'.$conf['start'].'"');
+    // print intermediate namespace links
+    $part = '';
+    for($i=0; $i<$count - 1; $i++){
+        $part .= $parts[$i].':';
+        $page = $part;
+        resolve_pageid('',$page,$exists);
+        if ($page == $conf['start']) continue; // Skip startpage
+        // output
+        echo $sep;
+        if($exists){
+            $title = useHeading('navigation') ? p_get_first_heading($page) : $parts[$i];
+            tpl_link(wl($page),hsc($title),'title="'.$page.'"');
+        }else{
+            tpl_link(wl($page),$parts[$i],'title="'.$page.'" class="wikilink2" rel="nofollow"');
+        }
+    }
+    // print current page, skipping start page, skipping for namespace index
+    if(isset($page) && $page==$part.$parts[$i]) return;
+    $page = $part.$parts[$i];
+    if($page == $conf['start']) return;
     echo $sep;
-    if($exists){
-      $title = useHeading('navigation') ? p_get_first_heading($page) : $parts[$i];
-      tpl_link(wl($page),hsc($title),'title="'.$page.'"');
+    if(page_exists($page)){
+        $title = useHeading('navigation') ? p_get_first_heading($page) : $parts[$i];
+        tpl_link(wl($page),hsc($title),'title="'.$page.'"');
-      tpl_link(wl($page),$parts[$i],'title="'.$page.'" class="wikilink2" rel="nofollow"');
+        tpl_link(wl($page),$parts[$i],'title="'.$page.'" class="wikilink2" rel="nofollow"');
-  }
-  // print current page, skipping start page, skipping for namespace index
-  if(isset($page) && $page==$part.$parts[$i]) return;
-  $page = $part.$parts[$i];
-  if($page == $conf['start']) return;
-  echo $sep;
-  if(page_exists($page)){
-    $title = useHeading('navigation') ? p_get_first_heading($page) : $parts[$i];
-    tpl_link(wl($page),hsc($title),'title="'.$page.'"');
-  }else{
-    tpl_link(wl($page),$parts[$i],'title="'.$page.'" class="wikilink2" rel="nofollow"');
-  }
-  return true;
+    return true;
@@ -887,98 +886,98 @@ function tpl_youarehere($sep=' &raquo; '){
  * @author Andreas Gohr <andi@splitbrain.org>
 function tpl_userinfo(){
-  global $lang;
-  global $INFO;
-  if(isset($_SERVER['REMOTE_USER'])){
-    print $lang['loggedinas'].': '.$INFO['userinfo']['name'].' ('.$_SERVER['REMOTE_USER'].')';
-    return true;
-  }
-  return false;
+    global $lang;
+    global $INFO;
+    if(isset($_SERVER['REMOTE_USER'])){
+        print $lang['loggedinas'].': '.$INFO['userinfo']['name'].' ('.$_SERVER['REMOTE_USER'].')';
+                return true;
+                }
+                return false;
+                }
- * Print some info about the current page
- *
- * @author Andreas Gohr <andi@splitbrain.org>
- */
-function tpl_pageinfo($ret=false){
-  global $conf;
-  global $lang;
-  global $INFO;
-  global $ID;
-  // return if we are not allowed to view the page
-  if (!auth_quickaclcheck($ID)) { return false; }
-  // prepare date and path
-  $fn = $INFO['filepath'];
-  if(!$conf['fullpath']){
-    if($INFO['rev']){
-      $fn = str_replace(fullpath($conf['olddir']).'/','',$fn);
-    }else{
-      $fn = str_replace(fullpath($conf['datadir']).'/','',$fn);
+                /**
+                 * Print some info about the current page
+                 *
+                 * @author Andreas Gohr <andi@splitbrain.org>
+                 */
+                function tpl_pageinfo($ret=false){
+                global $conf;
+                global $lang;
+                global $INFO;
+                global $ID;
+                // return if we are not allowed to view the page
+                if (!auth_quickaclcheck($ID)) { return false; }
+                // prepare date and path
+                $fn = $INFO['filepath'];
+                if(!$conf['fullpath']){
+                    if($INFO['rev']){
+                        $fn = str_replace(fullpath($conf['olddir']).'/','',$fn);
+                    }else{
+                        $fn = str_replace(fullpath($conf['datadir']).'/','',$fn);
+                    }
+                }
+                $fn = utf8_decodeFN($fn);
+                $date = dformat($INFO['lastmod']);
+                // print it
+                if($INFO['exists']){
+                    $out = '';
+                    $out .= $fn;
+                    $out .= ' &middot; ';
+                    $out .= $lang['lastmod'];
+                    $out .= ': ';
+                    $out .= $date;
+                    if($INFO['editor']){
+                        $out .= ' '.$lang['by'].' ';
+                        $out .= editorinfo($INFO['editor']);
+                    }else{
+                        $out .= ' ('.$lang['external_edit'].')';
+                                }
+                                if($INFO['locked']){
+                                $out .= ' &middot; ';
+                                $out .= $lang['lockedby'];
+                                $out .= ': ';
+                                $out .= editorinfo($INFO['locked']);
+                                }
+                                if($ret){
+                                return $out;
+                                }else{
+                                echo $out;
+                                return true;
+                                }
+                                }
+                                return false;
+                                }
+                                /**
+                                 * Prints or returns the name of the given page (current one if none given).
+                                 *
+                                 * If useheading is enabled this will use the first headline else
+                                 * the given ID is used.
+                                 *
+                                 * @author Andreas Gohr <andi@splitbrain.org>
+                                 */
+function tpl_pagetitle($id=null, $ret=false){
+    global $conf;
+    if(is_null($id)){
+        global $ID;
+        $id = $ID;
-  }
-  $fn = utf8_decodeFN($fn);
-  $date = dformat($INFO['lastmod']);
-  // print it
-  if($INFO['exists']){
-    $out = '';
-    $out .= $fn;
-    $out .= ' &middot; ';
-    $out .= $lang['lastmod'];
-    $out .= ': ';
-    $out .= $date;
-    if($INFO['editor']){
-      $out .= ' '.$lang['by'].' ';
-      $out .= editorinfo($INFO['editor']);
-    }else{
-      $out .= ' ('.$lang['external_edit'].')';
-    }
-    if($INFO['locked']){
-      $out .= ' &middot; ';
-      $out .= $lang['lockedby'];
-      $out .= ': ';
-      $out .= editorinfo($INFO['locked']);
+    $name = $id;
+    if (useHeading('navigation')) {
+        $title = p_get_first_heading($id);
+        if ($title) $name = $title;
-    if($ret){
-        return $out;
-    }else{
-        echo $out;
+    if ($ret) {
+        return hsc($name);
+    } else {
+        print hsc($name);
         return true;
-  }
-  return false;
- * Prints or returns the name of the given page (current one if none given).
- *
- * If useheading is enabled this will use the first headline else
- * the given ID is used.
- *
- * @author Andreas Gohr <andi@splitbrain.org>
- */
-function tpl_pagetitle($id=null, $ret=false){
-  global $conf;
-  if(is_null($id)){
-    global $ID;
-    $id = $ID;
-  }
-  $name = $id;
-  if (useHeading('navigation')) {
-    $title = p_get_first_heading($id);
-    if ($title) $name = $title;
-  }
-  if ($ret) {
-      return hsc($name);
-  } else {
-      print hsc($name);
-      return true;
-  }
@@ -996,17 +995,17 @@ function tpl_pagetitle($id=null, $ret=false){
  * @author Andreas Gohr <andi@splitbrain.org>
 function tpl_img_getTag($tags,$alt='',$src=null){
-  // Init Exif Reader
-  global $SRC;
+    // Init Exif Reader
+    global $SRC;
-  if(is_null($src)) $src = $SRC;
+    if(is_null($src)) $src = $SRC;
-  static $meta = null;
-  if(is_null($meta)) $meta = new JpegMeta($src);
-  if($meta === false) return $alt;
-  $info = $meta->getField($tags);
-  if($info == false) return $alt;
-  return $info;
+    static $meta = null;
+    if(is_null($meta)) $meta = new JpegMeta($src);
+    if($meta === false) return $alt;
+    $info = $meta->getField($tags);
+    if($info == false) return $alt;
+    return $info;
@@ -1015,52 +1014,52 @@ function tpl_img_getTag($tags,$alt='',$src=null){
  * Only allowed in: detail.php
 function tpl_img($maxwidth=0,$maxheight=0){
-  global $IMG;
-  $w = tpl_img_getTag('File.Width');
-  $h = tpl_img_getTag('File.Height');
-  //resize to given max values
-  $ratio = 1;
-  if($w >= $h){
-    if($maxwidth && $w >= $maxwidth){
-      $ratio = $maxwidth/$w;
-    }elseif($maxheight && $h > $maxheight){
-      $ratio = $maxheight/$h;
+    global $IMG;
+    $w = tpl_img_getTag('File.Width');
+    $h = tpl_img_getTag('File.Height');
+    //resize to given max values
+    $ratio = 1;
+    if($w >= $h){
+        if($maxwidth && $w >= $maxwidth){
+            $ratio = $maxwidth/$w;
+        }elseif($maxheight && $h > $maxheight){
+            $ratio = $maxheight/$h;
+        }
+    }else{
+        if($maxheight && $h >= $maxheight){
+            $ratio = $maxheight/$h;
+        }elseif($maxwidth && $w > $maxwidth){
+            $ratio = $maxwidth/$w;
+        }
+    }
+    if($ratio){
+        $w = floor($ratio*$w);
+        $h = floor($ratio*$h);
-  }else{
-    if($maxheight && $h >= $maxheight){
-      $ratio = $maxheight/$h;
-    }elseif($maxwidth && $w > $maxwidth){
-      $ratio = $maxwidth/$w;
+    //prepare URLs
+    $url=ml($IMG,array('cache'=>$_REQUEST['cache']));
+    $src=ml($IMG,array('cache'=>$_REQUEST['cache'],'w'=>$w,'h'=>$h));
+    //prepare attributes
+    $alt=tpl_img_getTag('Simple.Title');
+    $p = array();
+    if($w) $p['width']  = $w;
+    if($h) $p['height'] = $h;
+    $p['class']  = 'img_detail';
+    if($alt){
+        $p['alt']   = $alt;
+        $p['title'] = $alt;
+    }else{
+        $p['alt'] = '';
-  }
-  if($ratio){
-    $w = floor($ratio*$w);
-    $h = floor($ratio*$h);
-  }
-  //prepare URLs
-  $url=ml($IMG,array('cache'=>$_REQUEST['cache']));
-  $src=ml($IMG,array('cache'=>$_REQUEST['cache'],'w'=>$w,'h'=>$h));
-  //prepare attributes
-  $alt=tpl_img_getTag('Simple.Title');
-  $p = array();
-  if($w) $p['width']  = $w;
-  if($h) $p['height'] = $h;
-         $p['class']  = 'img_detail';
-  if($alt){
-    $p['alt']   = $alt;
-    $p['title'] = $alt;
-  }else{
-    $p['alt'] = '';
-  }
-  $p = buildAttributes($p);
-  print '<a href="'.$url.'">';
-  print '<img src="'.$src.'" '.$p.'/>';
-  print '</a>';
-  return true;
+    $p = buildAttributes($p);
+    print '<a href="'.$url.'">';
+    print '<img src="'.$src.'" '.$p.'/>';
+    print '</a>';
+    return true;
@@ -1071,21 +1070,21 @@ function tpl_img($maxwidth=0,$maxheight=0){
  * template
 function tpl_indexerWebBug(){
-  global $ID;
-  global $INFO;
-  if(!$INFO['exists']) return false;
-  if(isHiddenPage($ID)) return false; //no need to index hidden pages
-  $p = array();
-  $p['src']    = DOKU_BASE.'lib/exe/indexer.php?id='.rawurlencode($ID).
-                 '&'.time();
-  $p['width']  = 1;
-  $p['height'] = 1;
-  $p['alt']    = '';
-  $att = buildAttributes($p);
-  print "<img $att />";
-  return true;
+    global $ID;
+    global $INFO;
+    if(!$INFO['exists']) return false;
+    if(isHiddenPage($ID)) return false; //no need to index hidden pages
+    $p = array();
+    $p['src']    = DOKU_BASE.'lib/exe/indexer.php?id='.rawurlencode($ID).
+        '&'.time();
+    $p['width']  = 1;
+    $p['height'] = 1;
+    $p['alt']    = '';
+    $att = buildAttributes($p);
+    print "<img $att />";
+    return true;
 // configuration methods
@@ -1095,23 +1094,23 @@ function tpl_indexerWebBug(){
  * use this function to access template configuration variables
 function tpl_getConf($id){
-  global $conf;
-  global $tpl_configloaded;
-  $tpl = $conf['template'];
-  if (!$tpl_configloaded){
-    $tconf = tpl_loadConfig();
-    if ($tconf !== false){
-      foreach ($tconf as $key => $value){
-        if (isset($conf['tpl'][$tpl][$key])) continue;
-        $conf['tpl'][$tpl][$key] = $value;
-      }
-      $tpl_configloaded = true;
+    global $conf;
+    global $tpl_configloaded;
+    $tpl = $conf['template'];
+    if (!$tpl_configloaded){
+        $tconf = tpl_loadConfig();
+        if ($tconf !== false){
+            foreach ($tconf as $key => $value){
+                if (isset($conf['tpl'][$tpl][$key])) continue;
+                $conf['tpl'][$tpl][$key] = $value;
+            }
+            $tpl_configloaded = true;
+        }
-  }
-  return $conf['tpl'][$tpl][$id];
+    return $conf['tpl'][$tpl][$id];
@@ -1121,15 +1120,15 @@ function tpl_getConf($id){
 function tpl_loadConfig(){
-  $file = DOKU_TPLINC.'/conf/default.php';
-  $conf = array();
+    $file = DOKU_TPLINC.'/conf/default.php';
+    $conf = array();
-  if (!@file_exists($file)) return false;
+    if (!@file_exists($file)) return false;
-  // load default config file
-  include($file);
+    // load default config file
+    include($file);
-  return $conf;
+    return $conf;
@@ -1146,50 +1145,50 @@ function tpl_loadConfig(){
  * @author Andreas Gohr <andi@splitbrain.org>
 function tpl_mediaContent($fromajax=false){
-  global $IMG;
-  global $AUTH;
-  global $INUSE;
-  global $NS;
-  global $JUMPTO;
-  if(is_array($_REQUEST['do'])){
-    $do = array_shift(array_keys($_REQUEST['do']));
-  }else{
-    $do = $_REQUEST['do'];
-  }
-  if(in_array($do,array('save','cancel'))) $do = '';
-  if(!$do){
-      if($_REQUEST['edit']){
-        $do = 'metaform';
-      }elseif(is_array($INUSE)){
-        $do = 'filesinuse';
-      }else{
-        $do = 'filelist';
-      }
-  }
-  // output the content pane, wrapped in an event.
-  if(!$fromajax) ptln('<div id="media__content">');
-  $data = array( 'do' => $do);
-  $evt = new Doku_Event('MEDIAMANAGER_CONTENT_OUTPUT', $data);
-  if ($evt->advise_before()) {
-    $do = $data['do'];
-    if($do == 'metaform'){
-      media_metaform($IMG,$AUTH);
-    }elseif($do == 'filesinuse'){
-      media_filesinuse($INUSE,$IMG);
-    }elseif($do == 'filelist'){
-      media_filelist($NS,$AUTH,$JUMPTO);
-    }elseif($do == 'searchlist'){
-      media_searchlist($_REQUEST['q'],$NS,$AUTH);
+    global $IMG;
+    global $AUTH;
+    global $INUSE;
+    global $NS;
+    global $JUMPTO;
+    if(is_array($_REQUEST['do'])){
+        $do = array_shift(array_keys($_REQUEST['do']));
-      msg('Unknown action '.hsc($do),-1);
+        $do = $_REQUEST['do'];
+    }
+    if(in_array($do,array('save','cancel'))) $do = '';
+    if(!$do){
+        if($_REQUEST['edit']){
+            $do = 'metaform';
+        }elseif(is_array($INUSE)){
+            $do = 'filesinuse';
+        }else{
+            $do = 'filelist';
+        }
+    }
+    // output the content pane, wrapped in an event.
+    if(!$fromajax) ptln('<div id="media__content">');
+    $data = array( 'do' => $do);
+    $evt = new Doku_Event('MEDIAMANAGER_CONTENT_OUTPUT', $data);
+    if ($evt->advise_before()) {
+        $do = $data['do'];
+        if($do == 'metaform'){
+            media_metaform($IMG,$AUTH);
+        }elseif($do == 'filesinuse'){
+            media_filesinuse($INUSE,$IMG);
+        }elseif($do == 'filelist'){
+            media_filelist($NS,$AUTH,$JUMPTO);
+        }elseif($do == 'searchlist'){
+            media_searchlist($_REQUEST['q'],$NS,$AUTH);
+        }else{
+            msg('Unknown action '.hsc($do),-1);
+        }
-  }
-  $evt->advise_after();
-  unset($evt);
-  if(!$fromajax) ptln('</div>');
+    $evt->advise_after();
+    unset($evt);
+    if(!$fromajax) ptln('</div>');
@@ -1201,11 +1200,11 @@ function tpl_mediaContent($fromajax=false){
  * @author Andreas Gohr <andi@splitbrain.org>
 function tpl_mediaTree(){
-  global $NS;
+    global $NS;
-  ptln('<div id="media__tree">');
-  media_nstree($NS);
-  ptln('</div>');
+    ptln('<div id="media__tree">');
+    media_nstree($NS);
+    ptln('</div>');
@@ -1225,9 +1224,8 @@ function tpl_actiondropdown($empty='',$button='&gt;'){
     global $lang;
     global $auth;
     echo '<form method="post" accept-charset="utf-8">'; #FIXME action
-    echo '<input type="hidden" name="id" value="'.$ID.'" />';
+        echo '<input type="hidden" name="id" value="'.$ID.'" />';
     if($REV) echo '<input type="hidden" name="rev" value="'.$REV.'" />';
     echo '<input type="hidden" name="sectok" value="'.getSecurityToken().'" />';
@@ -1235,60 +1233,60 @@ function tpl_actiondropdown($empty='',$button='&gt;'){
     echo '<option value="">'.$empty.'</option>';
     echo '<optgroup label=" &mdash; ">';
-        // 'edit' - most complicated type, we need to decide on current action
-        if($ACT == 'show' || $ACT == 'search'){
-            if($INFO['writable']){
-                if(!empty($INFO['draft'])) {
-                    echo '<option value="edit">'.$lang['btn_draft'].'</option>';
-                } else {
-                    if($INFO['exists']){
-                        echo '<option value="edit">'.$lang['btn_edit'].'</option>';
-                    }else{
-                        echo '<option value="edit">'.$lang['btn_create'].'</option>';
-                    }
+    // 'edit' - most complicated type, we need to decide on current action
+    if($ACT == 'show' || $ACT == 'search'){
+        if($INFO['writable']){
+            if(!empty($INFO['draft'])) {
+                echo '<option value="edit">'.$lang['btn_draft'].'</option>';
+            } else {
+                if($INFO['exists']){
+                    echo '<option value="edit">'.$lang['btn_edit'].'</option>';
+                }else{
+                    echo '<option value="edit">'.$lang['btn_create'].'</option>';
-            }else if(actionOK('source')) { //pseudo action
-                echo '<option value="edit">'.$lang['btn_source'].'</option>';
-        }else{
-            echo '<option value="show">'.$lang['btn_show'].'</option>';
+        }else if(actionOK('source')) { //pseudo action
+            echo '<option value="edit">'.$lang['btn_source'].'</option>';
+    }else{
+        echo '<option value="show">'.$lang['btn_show'].'</option>';
+    }
-        echo '<option value="revisions">'.$lang['btn_revs'].'</option>';
-        if($INFO['ismanager'] && $REV && $INFO['writable'] && actionOK('revert')){
-            echo '<option value="revert">'.$lang['btn_revert'].'</option>';
-        }
-        echo '<option value="backlink">'.$lang['btn_backlink'].'</option>';
+    echo '<option value="revisions">'.$lang['btn_revs'].'</option>';
+    if($INFO['ismanager'] && $REV && $INFO['writable'] && actionOK('revert')){
+        echo '<option value="revert">'.$lang['btn_revert'].'</option>';
+    }
+    echo '<option value="backlink">'.$lang['btn_backlink'].'</option>';
     echo '</optgroup>';
     echo '<optgroup label=" &mdash; ">';
-        echo '<option value="recent">'.$lang['btn_recent'].'</option>';
-        echo '<option value="index">'.$lang['btn_index'].'</option>';
+    echo '<option value="recent">'.$lang['btn_recent'].'</option>';
+    echo '<option value="index">'.$lang['btn_index'].'</option>';
     echo '</optgroup>';
     echo '<optgroup label=" &mdash; ">';
-        if($conf['useacl'] && $auth){
-            if($_SERVER['REMOTE_USER']){
-                echo '<option value="logout">'.$lang['btn_logout'].'</option>';
-            }else{
-                echo '<option value="login">'.$lang['btn_login'].'</option>';
-            }
+    if($conf['useacl'] && $auth){
+        if($_SERVER['REMOTE_USER']){
+            echo '<option value="logout">'.$lang['btn_logout'].'</option>';
+        }else{
+            echo '<option value="login">'.$lang['btn_login'].'</option>';
+    }
-        if($conf['useacl'] && $auth && $_SERVER['REMOTE_USER'] &&
-             $auth->canDo('Profile') && ($ACT!='profile')){
-            echo '<option value="profile">'.$lang['btn_profile'].'</option>';
-        }
+    if($conf['useacl'] && $auth && $_SERVER['REMOTE_USER'] &&
+            $auth->canDo('Profile') && ($ACT!='profile')){
+        echo '<option value="profile">'.$lang['btn_profile'].'</option>';
+    }
-        if($conf['useacl'] && $auth && $ACT == 'show' && $conf['subscribers']){
-            if($_SERVER['REMOTE_USER']){
-                    echo '<option value="subscribe">'.$lang['btn_subscribe'].'</option>';
-            }
+    if($conf['useacl'] && $auth && $ACT == 'show' && $conf['subscribers']){
+        if($_SERVER['REMOTE_USER']){
+            echo '<option value="subscribe">'.$lang['btn_subscribe'].'</option>';
+    }
-        if($INFO['ismanager']){
-            echo '<option value="admin">'.$lang['btn_admin'].'</option>';
-        }
+    if($INFO['ismanager']){
+        echo '<option value="admin">'.$lang['btn_admin'].'</option>';
+    }
     echo '</optgroup>';
     echo '</select>';
@@ -1379,7 +1377,6 @@ function tpl_subscribe() {
             echo '<a href="'.wl($ID,array('do'=>'subscribe','sub_target'=>$sub['target'],'sub_style'=>$sub['style'],'sub_action'=>'unsubscribe')).'" class="unsubscribe">'.$lang['subscr_m_unsubscribe'].'</a>';
             echo '</div></li>';
         echo '</ul>';
@@ -1391,14 +1388,14 @@ function tpl_subscribe() {
     echo '<div class="level2">';
     $ns = getNS($ID).':';
     $targets = array(
-        $ID => '<code class="page">'.prettyprint_id($ID).'</code>',
-        $ns => '<code class="ns">'.prettyprint_id($ns).'</code>',
-    );
+            $ID => '<code class="page">'.prettyprint_id($ID).'</code>',
+            $ns => '<code class="ns">'.prettyprint_id($ns).'</code>',
+            );
     $styles = array(
-        'every'  => $lang['subscr_style_every'],
-        'digest' => $lang['subscr_style_digest'],
-        'list'   => $lang['subscr_style_list'],
-    );
+            'every'  => $lang['subscr_style_every'],
+            'digest' => $lang['subscr_style_digest'],
+            'list'   => $lang['subscr_style_list'],
+            );
     $form = new Doku_Form(array('id' => 'subscribe__form'));