diff --git a/doku.php b/doku.php
index 3963a5aa040b33aa5ea7b848c40e155dfc0b5575..5f2d2c582e8b959a72cac7e1f56c5b5a6a55c71b 100644
--- a/doku.php
+++ b/doku.php
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ $NS    = getNS($ID);
 $REV   = $_REQUEST['rev'];
 $IDX   = $_REQUEST['idx'];
 $DATE  = $_REQUEST['date'];
-$RANGE = $_REQUEST['lines'];
+$RANGE = $_REQUEST['range'];
 $HIGH  = $_REQUEST['s'];
 if(empty($HIGH)) $HIGH = getGoogleQuery();
diff --git a/inc/html.php b/inc/html.php
index a6ec628cf0c92b3ca9cd491bc52e2c3b2419b026..c2b0db17d1262a579043a92cbd29de24322f7090 100644
--- a/inc/html.php
+++ b/inc/html.php
@@ -82,48 +82,63 @@ function html_login(){
- * prints a section editing button
- * used as a callback in html_secedit
+ * inserts section edit buttons if wanted or removes the markers
  * @author Andreas Gohr <andi@splitbrain.org>
-function html_secedit_button($matches){
-    global $ID;
+function html_secedit($text,$show=true){
     global $INFO;
-    $nr = $matches[1];
-    $target = strtolower($matches[2]);
+    $regexp = '#<!-- EDIT(\d+) ([A-Z]+) (?:"([^"]*)" )?\[(\d+-\d*)\] -->#';
-    $name = $matches[3];
-    $section = $matches[4];
+    if(!$INFO['writable'] || !$show || $INFO['rev']){
+        return preg_replace($regexp,'',$text);
+    }
-    return "<div class='secedit editbutton_$target editbutton_$nr'>" .
-               html_btn('secedit',$ID,'',
-            array('do'      => 'edit',
-                'lines'   => $section,
-                'edittarget' => $target,
-                'rev' => $INFO['lastmod']),
-            'post', $name) . '</div>';
+    return preg_replace_callback($regexp,
+                'html_secedit_button', $text);
- * inserts section edit buttons if wanted or removes the markers
+ * prepares section edit button data for event triggering
+ * used as a callback in html_secedit
  * @author Andreas Gohr <andi@splitbrain.org>
-function html_secedit($text,$show=true){
+function html_secedit_button($matches){
+    $data = array('id'     => $matches[1],
+                  'target' => strtolower($matches[2]),
+                  'range'  => $matches[count($matches) - 1]);
+    if (count($matches) === 5) {
+        $data['name'] = $matches[3];
+    }
+    return trigger_event('HTML_SECEDIT_BUTTON', $data,
+                         'html_secedit_get_button');
+ * prints a section editing button
+ * used as default action form HTML_SECEDIT_BUTTON
+ *
+ * @author Adrian Lang <lang@cosmocode.de>
+ */
+function html_secedit_get_button($data) {
+    global $ID;
     global $INFO;
-    $regexp = '#<!-- EDIT(\d+) ([A-Z]+) (?:"([^"]*)" )?\[(\d+-\d*)\] -->#';
+    if (!isset($data['name']) || $data['name'] === '') return;
-    if($INFO['writable'] && $show && !$INFO['rev']){
-        $text = preg_replace_callback($regexp,
-                'html_secedit_button', $text);
-    }else{
-        $text = preg_replace($regexp,'',$text);
-    }
+    $name = $data['name'];
+    unset($data['name']);
-    return $text;
+    return "<div class='secedit editbutton_" . $data['target'] .
+                       " editbutton_" . $data['id'] . "'>" .
+           html_btn('secedit', $ID, '',
+                    array_merge(array('do'  => 'edit',
+                                      'rev' => $INFO['lastmod']), $data),
+                    'post', $name) . '</div>';
diff --git a/inc/lang/en/lang.php b/inc/lang/en/lang.php
index 3062d1724e121d7c6f366703cba1f089dc786f46..98ded12ca0d6342c27dd122e3503e2c9df7ec25f 100644
--- a/inc/lang/en/lang.php
+++ b/inc/lang/en/lang.php
@@ -152,7 +152,6 @@ $lang['external_edit'] = 'external edit';
 $lang['summary']    = 'Edit summary';
 $lang['noflash']    = 'The <a href="http://www.adobe.com/products/flashplayer/">Adobe Flash Plugin</a> is needed to display this content.';
 $lang['download']   = 'Download Snippet';
-$lang['table_edit_title'] = 'Table';
 $lang['mail_newpage']  = 'page added:';
 $lang['mail_changed']  = 'page changed:';
diff --git a/inc/parser/xhtml.php b/inc/parser/xhtml.php
index 9de7123038697e0fa1729e5d63d556c1742a96a5..3ac8ed35cfe3ea16002130064cc2ec0b140711d1 100644
--- a/inc/parser/xhtml.php
+++ b/inc/parser/xhtml.php
@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ class Doku_Renderer_xhtml extends Doku_Renderer {
      * @return string A marker class for the starting HTML element
      * @author Adrian Lang <lang@cosmocode.de>
-    protected function startSectionEdit($start, $type, $title) {
+    protected function startSectionEdit($start, $type, $title = null) {
         static $lastsecid = 0;
         $this->sectionedits[] = array(++$lastsecid, $start, $type, $title);
         return 'sectionedit' . $lastsecid;
@@ -63,9 +63,11 @@ class Doku_Renderer_xhtml extends Doku_Renderer {
     protected function finishSectionEdit($end) {
         list($id, $start, $type, $title) = array_pop($this->sectionedits);
-        $this->doc .= "<!-- EDIT$id " . strtoupper($type) . ' "' .
-               str_replace('"', '', $title) . "\" [$start-" .
-               ($end === 0 ? '' : $end) . "] -->";
+        $this->doc .= "<!-- EDIT$id " . strtoupper($type) . ' ';
+        if (!is_null($title)) {
+            $this->doc .= '"' . str_replace('"', '', $title) . '" ';
+        }
+        $this->doc .= "[$start-" . ($end === 0 ? '' : $end) . '] -->';
     function getFormat(){
@@ -885,7 +887,7 @@ class Doku_Renderer_xhtml extends Doku_Renderer {
         global $lang;
         // initialize the row counter used for classes
         $this->_counter['row_counter'] = 0;
-        $this->doc .= '<table class="inline ' . $this->startSectionEdit($pos, 'table', $lang['table_edit_title']) . '">'.DOKU_LF;
+        $this->doc .= '<table class="inline ' . $this->startSectionEdit($pos, 'table') . '">'.DOKU_LF;
     function table_close($pos){