From 64273335d1bae12b2fe7d9664e1665d6e69d47af Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Andreas Gohr <>
Date: Fri, 24 Aug 2012 09:43:50 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] more $INPUT use FS#2577

 inc/auth.php              | 44 ++++++++++++++++---------------------
 lib/exe/ajax.php          | 24 ++++++++++----------
 lib/plugins/acl/admin.php | 46 +++++++++++++++++++++------------------
 lib/plugins/acl/ajax.php  | 11 ++++++----
 4 files changed, 64 insertions(+), 61 deletions(-)

diff --git a/inc/auth.php b/inc/auth.php
index cedfdee36..905cc14bf 100644
--- a/inc/auth.php
+++ b/inc/auth.php
@@ -733,68 +733,62 @@ function register() {
     global $conf;
     /* @var auth_basic $auth */
     global $auth;
+    global $INPUT;
-    if(!$_POST['save']) return false;
+    if(!$INPUT->post->bool('save')) return false;
     if(!actionOK('register')) return false;
-    //clean username
-    $_POST['login'] = trim($auth->cleanUser($_POST['login']));
-    //clean fullname and email
-    $_POST['fullname'] = trim(preg_replace('/[\x00-\x1f:<>&%,;]+/', '', $_POST['fullname']));
-    $_POST['email']    = trim(preg_replace('/[\x00-\x1f:<>&%,;]+/', '', $_POST['email']));
+    // gather input
+    $login    = trim($auth->cleanUser($INPUT->post->str('login')));
+    $fullname = trim(preg_replace('/[\x00-\x1f:<>&%,;]+/', '', $INPUT->post->str('fullname')));
+    $email    = trim(preg_replace('/[\x00-\x1f:<>&%,;]+/', '', $INPUT->post->str('email')));
+    $pass     = $INPUT->post->str('pass');
+    $passchk  = $INPUT->post->str('passchk');
-    if(empty($_POST['login']) ||
-        empty($_POST['fullname']) ||
-        empty($_POST['email'])
-    ) {
+    if(empty($login) || empty($fullname) || empty($email)) {
         msg($lang['regmissing'], -1);
         return false;
     if($conf['autopasswd']) {
         $pass = auth_pwgen(); // automatically generate password
-    } elseif(empty($_POST['pass']) ||
-        empty($_POST['passchk'])
-    ) {
+    } elseif(empty($pass) || empty($passchk)) {
         msg($lang['regmissing'], -1); // complain about missing passwords
         return false;
-    } elseif($_POST['pass'] != $_POST['passchk']) {
+    } elseif($pass != $passchk) {
         msg($lang['regbadpass'], -1); // complain about misspelled passwords
         return false;
-    } else {
-        $pass = $_POST['pass']; // accept checked and valid password
     //check mail
-    if(!mail_isvalid($_POST['email'])) {
+    if(!mail_isvalid($email)) {
         msg($lang['regbadmail'], -1);
         return false;
     //okay try to create the user
-    if(!$auth->triggerUserMod('create', array($_POST['login'], $pass, $_POST['fullname'], $_POST['email']))) {
+    if(!$auth->triggerUserMod('create', array($login, $pass, $fullname, $email))) {
         msg($lang['reguexists'], -1);
         return false;
     // create substitutions for use in notification email
     $substitutions = array(
-        'NEWUSER'  => $_POST['login'],
-        'NEWNAME'  => $_POST['fullname'],
-        'NEWEMAIL' => $_POST['email'],
+        'NEWUSER'  => $login,
+        'NEWNAME'  => $fullname,
+        'NEWEMAIL' => $email,
     if(!$conf['autopasswd']) {
         msg($lang['regsuccess2'], 1);
-        notify('', 'register', '', $_POST['login'], false, $substitutions);
+        notify('', 'register', '', $login, false, $substitutions);
         return true;
     // autogenerated password? then send him the password
-    if(auth_sendPassword($_POST['login'], $pass)) {
+    if(auth_sendPassword($login, $pass)) {
         msg($lang['regsuccess'], 1);
-        notify('', 'register', '', $_POST['login'], false, $substitutions);
+        notify('', 'register', '', $login, false, $substitutions);
         return true;
     } else {
         msg($lang['regmailfail'], -1);
diff --git a/lib/exe/ajax.php b/lib/exe/ajax.php
index 945091f34..496b2f1a1 100644
--- a/lib/exe/ajax.php
+++ b/lib/exe/ajax.php
@@ -162,7 +162,8 @@ function ajax_lock(){
  * @author Andreas Gohr <>
 function ajax_draftdel(){
-    $id = cleanID($_REQUEST['id']);
+    global $INPUT;
+    $id = cleanID($INPUT->str('id'));
     if(empty($id)) return;
     $client = $_SERVER['REMOTE_USER'];
@@ -218,11 +219,11 @@ function ajax_medialist(){
  * @author Kate Arzamastseva <>
 function ajax_mediadetails(){
-    global $DEL, $NS, $IMG, $AUTH, $JUMPTO, $REV, $lang, $fullscreen, $conf;
+    global $DEL, $NS, $IMG, $AUTH, $JUMPTO, $REV, $lang, $fullscreen, $conf, $INPUT;
     $fullscreen = true;
-    if ($_REQUEST['image']) $image = cleanID($_REQUEST['image']);
+    if ($INPUT->has('image')) $image = cleanID($INPUT->str('image'));
     if (isset($IMG)) $image = $IMG;
     if (isset($JUMPTO)) $image = $JUMPTO;
     if (isset($REV) && !$JUMPTO) $rev = $REV;
@@ -237,25 +238,26 @@ function ajax_mediadetails(){
 function ajax_mediadiff(){
     global $NS;
+    global $INPUT;
-    if ($_REQUEST['image']) $image = cleanID($_REQUEST['image']);
+    if ($INPUT->has('image')) $image = cleanID($INPUT->str('image'));
     $NS = $_POST['ns'];
-    $auth = auth_quickaclcheck("$ns:*");
+    $auth = auth_quickaclcheck("$NS:*");
     media_diff($image, $NS, $auth, true);
 function ajax_mediaupload(){
-    global $NS, $MSG;
+    global $NS, $MSG, $INPUT;
     if ($_FILES['qqfile']['tmp_name']) {
-        $id = ((empty($_POST['mediaid'])) ? $_FILES['qqfile']['name'] : $_POST['mediaid']);
-    } elseif (isset($_GET['qqfile'])) {
-        $id = $_GET['qqfile'];
+        $id = $INPUT->post->str('mediaid', $_FILES['qqfile']['name']);
+    } elseif ($INPUT->get->has('qqfile')) {
+        $id = $INPUT->get->str('qqfile');
     $id = cleanID($id);
-    $NS = $_REQUEST['ns'];
+    $NS = $INPUT->str('ns');
     $ns = $NS.':'.getNS($id);
     $AUTH = auth_quickaclcheck("$ns:*");
@@ -264,7 +266,7 @@ function ajax_mediaupload(){
     if ($_FILES['qqfile']['error']) unset($_FILES['qqfile']);
     if ($_FILES['qqfile']['tmp_name']) $res = media_upload($NS, $AUTH, $_FILES['qqfile']);
-    if (isset($_GET['qqfile'])) $res = media_upload_xhr($NS, $AUTH);
+    if ($INPUT->get->has('qqfile')) $res = media_upload_xhr($NS, $AUTH);
     if ($res) $result = array('success' => true,
         'link' => media_managerURL(array('ns' => $ns, 'image' => $NS.':'.$id), '&'),
diff --git a/lib/plugins/acl/admin.php b/lib/plugins/acl/admin.php
index 64d6ff3ca..1197892f2 100644
--- a/lib/plugins/acl/admin.php
+++ b/lib/plugins/acl/admin.php
@@ -56,22 +56,23 @@ class admin_plugin_acl extends DokuWiki_Admin_Plugin {
         global $ID;
         global $auth;
         global $config_cascade;
+        global $INPUT;
         // fresh 1:1 copy without replacements
         $AUTH_ACL = file($config_cascade['acl']['default']);
         // namespace given?
-        if($_REQUEST['ns'] == '*'){
+        if($INPUT->str('ns') == '*'){
             $this->ns = '*';
-            $this->ns = cleanID($_REQUEST['ns']);
+            $this->ns = cleanID($INPUT->str('ns'));
-        if ($_REQUEST['current_ns']) {
-            $this->current_item = array('id' => cleanID($_REQUEST['current_ns']), 'type' => 'd');
-        } elseif ($_REQUEST['current_id']) {
-            $this->current_item = array('id' => cleanID($_REQUEST['current_id']), 'type' => 'f');
+        if ($INPUT->str('current_ns')) {
+            $this->current_item = array('id' => cleanID($INPUT->str('current_ns')), 'type' => 'd');
+        } elseif ($INPUT->str('current_id')) {
+            $this->current_item = array('id' => cleanID($INPUT->str('current_id')), 'type' => 'f');
         } elseif ($this->ns) {
             $this->current_item = array('id' => $this->ns, 'type' => 'd');
         } else {
@@ -79,24 +80,25 @@ class admin_plugin_acl extends DokuWiki_Admin_Plugin {
         // user or group choosen?
-        $who = trim($_REQUEST['acl_w']);
-        if($_REQUEST['acl_t'] == '__g__' && $who){
+        $who = trim($INPUT->str('acl_w'));
+        if($INPUT->str('acl_t') == '__g__' && $who){
             $this->who = '@'.ltrim($auth->cleanGroup($who),'@');
-        }elseif($_REQUEST['acl_t'] == '__u__' && $who){
+        }elseif($INPUT->str('acl_t') == '__u__' && $who){
             $this->who = ltrim($who,'@');
             if($this->who != '%USER%' && $this->who != '%GROUP%'){ #keep wildcard as is
                 $this->who = $auth->cleanUser($this->who);
-        }elseif($_REQUEST['acl_t'] &&
-                $_REQUEST['acl_t'] != '__u__' &&
-                $_REQUEST['acl_t'] != '__g__'){
-            $this->who = $_REQUEST['acl_t'];
+        }elseif($INPUT->str('acl_t') &&
+                $INPUT->str('acl_t') != '__u__' &&
+                $INPUT->str('acl_t') != '__g__'){
+            $this->who = $INPUT->str('acl_t');
             $this->who = $who;
         // handle modifications
-        if(isset($_REQUEST['cmd']) && checkSecurityToken()){
+        if($INPUT->has('cmd') && checkSecurityToken()){
+            $cmd = $INPUT->extract('cmd')->str('cmd');
             // scope for modifications
@@ -109,19 +111,21 @@ class admin_plugin_acl extends DokuWiki_Admin_Plugin {
                 $scope = $ID;
-            if(isset($_REQUEST['cmd']['save']) && $scope && $this->who && isset($_REQUEST['acl'])){
+            if($cmd == 'save' && $scope && $this->who && $INPUT->has('acl')){
                 // handle additions or single modifications
                 $this->_acl_del($scope, $this->who);
-                $this->_acl_add($scope, $this->who, (int) $_REQUEST['acl']);
-            }elseif(isset($_REQUEST['cmd']['del']) && $scope && $this->who){
+                $this->_acl_add($scope, $this->who, $INPUT->int('acl'));
+            }elseif($cmd == 'del' && $scope && $this->who){
                 // handle single deletions
                 $this->_acl_del($scope, $this->who);
-            }elseif(isset($_REQUEST['cmd']['update'])){
+            }elseif($cmd == 'update'){
+                $acl = $INPUT->arr('acl');
                 // handle update of the whole file
-                foreach((array) $_REQUEST['del'] as $where => $names){
+                foreach($INPUT->arr('del') as $where => $names){
                     // remove all rules marked for deletion
                     foreach($names as $who)
-                        unset($_REQUEST['acl'][$where][$who]);
+                        unset($acl[$where][$who]);
                 // prepare lines
                 $lines = array();
@@ -134,7 +138,7 @@ class admin_plugin_acl extends DokuWiki_Admin_Plugin {
                 // re-add all rules
-                foreach((array) $_REQUEST['acl'] as $where => $opt){
+                foreach($acl as $where => $opt){
                     foreach($opt as $who => $perm){
                         if ($who[0]=='@') {
                             if ($who!='@ALL') {
diff --git a/lib/plugins/acl/ajax.php b/lib/plugins/acl/ajax.php
index 3a5d89c08..10e18af97 100644
--- a/lib/plugins/acl/ajax.php
+++ b/lib/plugins/acl/ajax.php
@@ -11,6 +11,10 @@ require_once(DOKU_INC.'inc/init.php');
 //close session
+global $conf;
+global $ID;
+global $INPUT;
 //fix for Opera XMLHttpRequests
 $postData = http_get_raw_post_data();
 if(!count($_POST) && !empty($postData)){
@@ -22,20 +26,19 @@ if(!checkSecurityToken()) die('CRSF Attack');
 $ID    = getID();
+/** @var $acl admin_plugin_acl */
 $acl = plugin_load('admin','acl');
-$ajax = $_REQUEST['ajax'];
+$ajax = $INPUT->str('ajax');
 header('Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8');
 if($ajax == 'info'){
 }elseif($ajax == 'tree'){
-    global $conf;
-    global $ID;
     $dir = $conf['datadir'];
-    $ns  = $_REQUEST['ns'];
+    $ns  = $INPUT->str('ns');
     if($ns == '*'){
         $ns ='';