From b78bf706e2ab1d34498beea00b7ecfda11944eee Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: romain <>
Date: Mon, 30 Jan 2012 19:58:55 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] Added support for the %GROUP% wildcard.

%GROUP% is the same as %USER% except it's done on each group a user is
%USER% and %GROUP% cannot be mixed on an ACL line.
 conf/dokuwiki.php                               |  2 ++
 inc/auth.php                                    | 12 +++++++++++-
 lib/plugins/acl/admin.php                       |  4 ++--
 lib/plugins/config/lang/en/lang.php             |  2 ++
 lib/plugins/config/lang/fr/lang.php             |  2 ++
 lib/plugins/config/settings/config.metadata.php |  2 ++
 6 files changed, 21 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)
 mode change 100644 => 100755 conf/dokuwiki.php

diff --git a/conf/dokuwiki.php b/conf/dokuwiki.php
old mode 100644
new mode 100755
index 7a7e4bf1a..2beb65600
--- a/conf/dokuwiki.php
+++ b/conf/dokuwiki.php
@@ -69,6 +69,8 @@ $conf['iexssprotect']= 1;                 // check for JavaScript and HTML in up
 /* Authentication Options - read */
 $conf['useacl']      = 0;                //Use Access Control Lists to restrict access?
+$conf['usewildcards']   = 1;              //Use ACL wildcards
+$conf['groupwildcards'] = 1;              //More specifically, use %GROUP% wildcard
 $conf['autopasswd']  = 1;                //autogenerate passwords and email them to user
 $conf['authtype']    = 'plain';          //which authentication backend should be used
 $conf['passcrypt']   = 'smd5';           //Used crypt method (smd5,md5,sha1,ssha,crypt,mysql,my411)
diff --git a/inc/auth.php b/inc/auth.php
index e0f58e5f2..88d2caf1b 100644
--- a/inc/auth.php
+++ b/inc/auth.php
@@ -120,17 +120,26 @@ function auth_setup(){
 function auth_loadACL(){
     global $config_cascade;
+    global $conf;
+    global $USERINFO;
     if(!is_readable($config_cascade['acl']['default'])) return array();
     $acl = file($config_cascade['acl']['default']);
     //support user wildcard
-    if(isset($_SERVER['REMOTE_USER'])){
+    if(isset($_SERVER['REMOTE_USER']) && $conf['use_wildcards']){
         $len = count($acl);
         for($i=0; $i<$len; $i++){
             if($acl[$i]{0} == '#') continue;
             list($id,$rest) = preg_split('/\s+/',$acl[$i],2);
+            if($conf['groups_wilcards'] && (strstr($id, '%GROUP%') || strstr($rest, '%GROUP%'))){
+                    foreach($USERINFO['grps'] as $grp){
+                            $nid   = str_replace('%GROUP%',cleanID($grp),$id);
+                            $nrest = str_replace('%GROUP%',auth_nameencode($grp),$rest);
+                            $acl[] = "$nid\t$nrest";
+                    }
+            }
             $id   = str_replace('%USER%',cleanID($_SERVER['REMOTE_USER']),$id);
             $rest = str_replace('%USER%',auth_nameencode($_SERVER['REMOTE_USER']),$rest);
             $acl[$i] = "$id\t$rest";
@@ -607,6 +616,7 @@ function auth_nameencode($name,$skip_group=false){
     // never encode wildcard FS#1955
     if($name == '%USER%') return $name;
+    if($name == '%GROUP%') return $name;
     if (!isset($cache[$name][$skip_group])) {
         if($skip_group && $name{0} =='@'){
diff --git a/lib/plugins/acl/admin.php b/lib/plugins/acl/admin.php
index a6b0624bc..4d2be8dd0 100644
--- a/lib/plugins/acl/admin.php
+++ b/lib/plugins/acl/admin.php
@@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ class admin_plugin_acl extends DokuWiki_Admin_Plugin {
             $this->who = '@'.ltrim($auth->cleanGroup($who),'@');
         }elseif($_REQUEST['acl_t'] == '__u__' && $who){
             $this->who = ltrim($who,'@');
-            if($this->who != '%USER%'){ #keep wildcard as is
+            if($this->who != '%USER%' && $this->who != '%GROUP%'){ #keep wildcard as is
                 $this->who = $auth->cleanUser($this->who);
         }elseif($_REQUEST['acl_t'] &&
@@ -140,7 +140,7 @@ class admin_plugin_acl extends DokuWiki_Admin_Plugin {
                             if ($who!='@ALL') {
                                 $who = '@'.ltrim($auth->cleanGroup($who),'@');
-                        } elseif ($who != '%USER%'){ #keep wildcard as is
+                        } elseif ($who != '%USER%' && $who != '%GROUP%'){ #keep wildcard as is
                             $who = $auth->cleanUser($who);
                         $who = auth_nameencode($who,true);
diff --git a/lib/plugins/config/lang/en/lang.php b/lib/plugins/config/lang/en/lang.php
index 74ec56345..3d3a6d426 100644
--- a/lib/plugins/config/lang/en/lang.php
+++ b/lib/plugins/config/lang/en/lang.php
@@ -95,6 +95,8 @@ $lang['showuseras']  = 'What to display when showing the user that last edited a
 /* Authentication Options */
 $lang['useacl']      = 'Use access control lists';
+$lang['usewildcards']   = 'Use the wildcard %USER% for ACL';
+$lang['groupwildcards'] = 'Use the wildcard %GROUP% for ACL';
 $lang['autopasswd']  = 'Autogenerate passwords';
 $lang['authtype']    = 'Authentication backend';
 $lang['passcrypt']   = 'Password encryption method';
diff --git a/lib/plugins/config/lang/fr/lang.php b/lib/plugins/config/lang/fr/lang.php
index 8dcd21032..efa5b8f67 100644
--- a/lib/plugins/config/lang/fr/lang.php
+++ b/lib/plugins/config/lang/fr/lang.php
@@ -83,6 +83,8 @@ $lang['mailguard']             = 'Brouiller les adresses de courriel';
 $lang['iexssprotect']          = 'Vérifier la présence de code JavaScript ou HTML malveillant dans les fichiers envoyés';
 $lang['showuseras']            = 'Qu\'afficher en montrant les utilisateurs qui ont récemment modifié la page';
 $lang['useacl']                = 'Utiliser les listes de contrôle d\'accès (ACL)';
+$lang['usewildcards']          = 'Utiliser le joker %USER% dans les ACL';
+$lang['groupwildcards']        = 'Utiliser le joker %GROUP% dans les ACL';
 $lang['autopasswd']            = 'Auto-générer les mots de passe';
 $lang['authtype']              = 'Mécanisme d\'authentification';
 $lang['passcrypt']             = 'Méthode de chiffrement des mots de passe';
diff --git a/lib/plugins/config/settings/config.metadata.php b/lib/plugins/config/settings/config.metadata.php
index 96451e857..bb034f2db 100644
--- a/lib/plugins/config/settings/config.metadata.php
+++ b/lib/plugins/config/settings/config.metadata.php
@@ -123,6 +123,8 @@ $meta['refshow']     = array('numeric');
 $meta['_authentication'] = array('fieldset');
 $meta['useacl']      = array('onoff');
+$meta['usewildcards']    = array('onoff');
+$meta['groupwildcards']  = array('onoff');
 $meta['autopasswd']  = array('onoff');
 $meta['authtype']    = array('authtype');
 $meta['passcrypt']   = array('multichoice','_choices' => array('smd5','md5','apr1','sha1','ssha','crypt','mysql','my411','kmd5','pmd5','hmd5'));