From cc5294682913a4fdb87184d3b5bfdd8e28678ed2 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Michael Hamann <>
Date: Mon, 12 Oct 2015 20:01:23 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] Add an ACL check in page_findnearest, fix #1369

This means that templates that use this function will no longer display
pages like sidebars that can't be accessed by the current user.
 .../tests/inc/pageutils_findnearest.test.php  | 49 +++++++++++++++++++
 inc/pageutils.php                             | 12 +++--
 2 files changed, 56 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)

diff --git a/_test/tests/inc/pageutils_findnearest.test.php b/_test/tests/inc/pageutils_findnearest.test.php
index e129b5e58..170962650 100644
--- a/_test/tests/inc/pageutils_findnearest.test.php
+++ b/_test/tests/inc/pageutils_findnearest.test.php
@@ -1,6 +1,33 @@
 class pageutils_findnearest_test extends DokuWikiTest {
+    var $oldAuthAcl;
+    function setUp() {
+        parent::setUp();
+        global $AUTH_ACL;
+        global $auth;
+        global $conf;
+        $conf['superuser'] = 'john';
+        $conf['useacl']    = 1;
+        $this->oldAuthAcl = $AUTH_ACL;
+        $auth = new DokuWiki_Auth_Plugin();
+        $AUTH_ACL = array(
+            '*           @ALL           1',
+            'internal:*    @ALL           0',
+            'internal:*    max            1',
+            '*           @user          8',
+        );
+    }
+    function tearDown() {
+        global $AUTH_ACL;
+        $AUTH_ACL = $this->oldAuthAcl;
+    }
     function testNoSidebar() {
         global $ID;
@@ -37,4 +64,26 @@ class pageutils_findnearest_test extends DokuWikiTest {
         $this->assertEquals('sidebar', $sidebar);
+    function testACLWithSidebar() {
+        global $ID;
+        global $INPUT;
+        $INPUT->server->set('REMOTE_USER', 'foo');
+        saveWikiText('sidebar', 'top sidebar', '');
+        saveWikiText('internal:sidebar', 'internal sidebar', '');
+        $ID = 'internal:foo:bar';
+        $sidebar = page_findnearest('sidebar');
+        $this->assertEquals('sidebar', $sidebar);
+        $sidebar = page_findnearest('sidebar', true);
+        $this->assertEquals('internal:sidebar', $sidebar);
+        $INPUT->server->set('REMOTE_USER', 'max');
+        $sidebar = page_findnearest('sidebar');
+        $this->assertEquals('internal:sidebar', $sidebar);
+    }
diff --git a/inc/pageutils.php b/inc/pageutils.php
index a5bf039d5..2c1f997ca 100644
--- a/inc/pageutils.php
+++ b/inc/pageutils.php
@@ -738,24 +738,26 @@ function utf8_decodeFN($file){
  * Find a page in the current namespace (determined from $ID) or any
- * higher namespace
+ * higher namespace that can be accessed by the current user,
+ * this condition can be overriden by an optional parameter.
  * Used for sidebars, but can be used other stuff as well
  * @todo   add event hook
  * @param  string $page the pagename you're looking for
- * @return string|false the full page id of the found page, false if any
+ * @param bool $ignoreacl If pages that can't be accessed by the current user shall be returend
+ * @return false|string the full page id of the found page, false if any
-function page_findnearest($page){
+function page_findnearest($page, $ignoreacl = false){
     if (!$page) return false;
     global $ID;
     $ns = $ID;
     do {
         $ns = getNS($ns);
-        $pageid = ltrim("$ns:$page",':');
-        if(page_exists($pageid)){
+        $pageid = cleanID("$ns:$page");
+        if(page_exists($pageid) && ($ignoreacl || auth_quickaclcheck($pageid) > 0)){
             return $pageid;
     } while($ns);