diff --git a/lib/scripts/page.js b/lib/scripts/page.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..189c1f148f923631a3a5b8ec574353a19ca7c0ca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/scripts/page.js
@@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
+ * Page behaviours
+ *
+ * This class adds various behaviours to the rendered page
+ */
+dw_page = {
+    /**
+     * initialize page behaviours
+     */
+    init: function(){
+        dw_page.sectionHighlight();
+        jQuery('a.fn_top').mouseover(dw_page.footnoteDisplay);
+    },
+    /**
+     * Highlight the section when hovering over the appropriate section edit button
+     *
+     * @author Andreas Gohr <andi@splitbrain.org>
+     */
+    sectionHighlight: function() {
+        jQuery('form.btn_secedit')
+            .mouseover(function(e){
+                var tgt = this.parentNode;
+                var nr = tgt.className.match(/(\s+|^)editbutton_(\d+)(\s+|$)/)[2];
+                do {
+                    tgt = tgt.previousSibling;
+                } while (tgt !== null && typeof tgt.tagName === 'undefined');
+                if (tgt === null) return;
+                while(typeof tgt.className === 'undefined' ||
+                      tgt.className.match('(\\s+|^)sectionedit' + nr + '(\\s+|$)') === null) {
+                    if (typeof tgt.className !== 'undefined') {
+                        jQuery(tgt).addClass('section_highlight');
+                    }
+                    tgt = (tgt.previousSibling !== null) ? tgt.previousSibling : tgt.parentNode;
+                }
+                jQuery(tgt).addClass('section_highlight');
+            })
+            .mouseout(function(e){
+                jQuery('.section_highlight').removeClass('section_highlight');
+            });
+    },
+    /**
+     * Create/get a insitu popup used by the footnotes
+     *
+     * @param target - the DOM element at which the popup should be aligned at
+     * @param popup_id - the ID of the (new) DOM popup
+     * @return the Popup JQuery object
+     */
+    insituPopup: function(target, popup_id) {
+        // get or create the popup div
+        var $fndiv = jQuery('#popup_id');
+        // popup doesn't exist, yet -> create it
+        if(!$fndiv.length){
+            $fndiv = jQuery(document.createElement('div'))
+                .attr('id', popup_id)
+                .addClass('insitu-footnote JSpopup')
+                .mouseout(function(e){
+                    // autoclose on mouseout - ignoring bubbled up events
+                    //FIXME can this made simpler in jQuery?
+                    var p = e.relatedTarget || e.toElement;
+                    while (p && p !== this) {
+                        p = p.parentNode;
+                    }
+                    if (p === this) {
+                        return;
+                    }
+                    jQuery(this).hide();
+                });
+            jQuery('div.dokuwiki:first').append($fndiv);
+        }
+        $fndiv.position({
+            my: 'left top',
+            at: 'left center',
+            of: target
+        });
+        $fndiv.hide();
+        return $fndiv;
+    },
+    /**
+     * Display an insitu footnote popup
+     *
+     * @author Andreas Gohr <andi@splitbrain.org>
+     * @author Chris Smith <chris@jalakai.co.uk>
+     */
+    footnoteDisplay: function(e){
+        var $fndiv = dw_page.insituPopup(e.target, 'insitu__fn');
+        // locate the footnote anchor element
+        var $a = jQuery("#fn__" + e.target.id.substr(5));
+        if (!$a.length){ return; }
+        // anchor parent is the footnote container, get its innerHTML
+        var content = new String ($a.parent().parent().html());
+        // strip the leading content anchors and their comma separators
+        content = content.replace(/<sup>.*<\/sup>/gi, '');
+        content = content.replace(/^\s+(,\s+)+/,'');
+        // prefix ids on any elements with "insitu__" to ensure they remain unique
+        content = content.replace(/\bid=(['"])([^"']+)\1/gi,'id="insitu__$2');
+        // now put the content into the wrapper
+        $fndiv.html(content);
+        $fndiv.show();
+    }