<?php namespace dokuwiki; use Doku_Event; use Sitemapper; use Subscription; class TaskRunner { public function run() { // run one of the jobs $tmp = []; // No event data $evt = new Doku_Event('INDEXER_TASKS_RUN', $tmp); if ($evt->advise_before()) { $this->runIndexer() or $this->runSitemapper() or $this->sendDigest() or $this->runTrimRecentChanges() or $this->runTrimRecentChanges(true) or $evt->advise_after(); } } /** * Trims the recent changes cache (or imports the old changelog) as needed. * * @param bool $media_changes If the media changelog shall be trimmed instead of * the page changelog * * @return bool * * @author Ben Coburn <btcoburn@silicodon.net> */ protected function runTrimRecentChanges($media_changes = false) { global $conf; echo "runTrimRecentChanges($media_changes): started" . NL; $fn = ($media_changes ? $conf['media_changelog'] : $conf['changelog']); // Trim the Recent Changes // Trims the recent changes cache to the last $conf['changes_days'] recent // changes or $conf['recent'] items, which ever is larger. // The trimming is only done once a day. if (file_exists($fn) && (@filemtime($fn . '.trimmed') + 86400) < time() && !file_exists($fn . '_tmp')) { @touch($fn . '.trimmed'); io_lock($fn); $lines = file($fn); if (count($lines) <= $conf['recent']) { // nothing to trim io_unlock($fn); echo "runTrimRecentChanges($media_changes): finished" . NL; return false; } io_saveFile($fn . '_tmp', ''); // presave tmp as 2nd lock $trim_time = time() - $conf['recent_days'] * 86400; $out_lines = []; $old_lines = []; for ($i = 0; $i < count($lines); $i++) { $log = parseChangelogLine($lines[$i]); if ($log === false) { continue; } // discard junk if ($log['date'] < $trim_time) { $old_lines[$log['date'] . ".$i"] = $lines[$i]; // keep old lines for now (append .$i to prevent key collisions) } else { $out_lines[$log['date'] . ".$i"] = $lines[$i]; // definitely keep these lines } } if (count($lines) == count($out_lines)) { // nothing to trim @unlink($fn . '_tmp'); io_unlock($fn); echo "runTrimRecentChanges($media_changes): finished" . NL; return false; } // sort the final result, it shouldn't be necessary, // however the extra robustness in making the changelog cache self-correcting is worth it ksort($out_lines); $extra = $conf['recent'] - count($out_lines); // do we need extra lines do bring us up to minimum if ($extra > 0) { ksort($old_lines); $out_lines = array_merge(array_slice($old_lines, -$extra), $out_lines); } $eventData = [ 'trimmedChangelogLines' => $out_lines, 'removedChangelogLines' => $extra > 0 ? array_slice($old_lines, 0, -$extra) : $old_lines, ]; trigger_event('TRIM_RECENT_CHANGES', $eventData); $out_lines = $eventData['trimmedChangelogLines']; // save trimmed changelog io_saveFile($fn . '_tmp', implode('', $out_lines)); @unlink($fn); if (!rename($fn . '_tmp', $fn)) { // rename failed so try another way... io_unlock($fn); io_saveFile($fn, implode('', $out_lines)); @unlink($fn . '_tmp'); } else { io_unlock($fn); } echo "runTrimRecentChanges($media_changes): finished" . NL; return true; } // nothing done echo "runTrimRecentChanges($media_changes): finished" . NL; return false; } /** * Runs the indexer for the current page * * @author Andreas Gohr <andi@splitbrain.org> */ protected function runIndexer() { global $ID; global $conf; print 'runIndexer(): started' . NL; if (!$ID) { return false; } // do the work return idx_addPage($ID, true); } /** * Builds a Google Sitemap of all public pages known to the indexer * * The map is placed in the root directory named sitemap.xml.gz - This * file needs to be writable! * * @author Andreas Gohr * @link https://www.google.com/webmasters/sitemaps/docs/en/about.html */ protected function runSitemapper() { print 'runSitemapper(): started' . NL; $result = Sitemapper::generate() && Sitemapper::pingSearchEngines(); print 'runSitemapper(): finished' . NL; return $result; } /** * Send digest and list mails for all subscriptions which are in effect for the * current page * * @author Adrian Lang <lang@cosmocode.de> */ protected function sendDigest() { global $conf; global $ID; echo 'sendDigest(): started' . NL; if (!actionOK('subscribe')) { echo 'sendDigest(): disabled' . NL; return false; } $sub = new Subscription(); $sent = $sub->send_bulk($ID); echo "sendDigest(): sent $sent mails" . NL; echo 'sendDigest(): finished' . NL; return (bool)$sent; } }