1.6.2 * Added missing "new" keyword from stdClass. 1.6.1 * Fixed undefined stdObject error. 1.6.0 * Added pagination * Added basic documentation in the form of a README 1.5.4 * Added record_type="[single|multiple]" so that non-array data will work too. Multiple is default. * Tested with EE 2.4 1.5.3 * CSV fields wrapped with single quotes or no quotes will now work, not just those with double quotes. * Supports v2.1.3 changing lang.rest.php to rest_lang.php. 1.5.2 * Fixed an issue with XML/RSS stripping CDATA. 1.5.1 * Avoid strtotime on unix timestamps. * Hide errors if an invalid base is set, just returns an empty result. * Updated Curl library for improved compatibility. 1.5.0 * Added base=”” tag so you can skip down a few levels. base=“comments,data” is useful for Facebook Graph. * Use format=”” to any tag that should be a human readable date, no matter the format that comes from the API. 1.4.0 * Global Variables can now be passed to parameters. E.g: param:foo="{bar}" * Added limit="" and offset="" parameters to help with restricting results. * Improved EngineHosting support, i.e no more basedir error messages. 1.3.0 * Now supports RSS and Atom feeds. * Extra params can be added in the template tag to saved requests. * Added debug=“yes”. * Users running in safe mode (WHY?!) will no longer get PHP errors.