using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.Tilemaps; // We need this to make Tiles & Tilemaps work public class BuildTilemapFromData : MonoBehaviour { static public Tile[] VISUAL_TILES; [NaughtyAttributes.Button("Fill Tilemap from Map Data Text")] void FillTileMap() { MapInfo.LoadMap( mapDataText.text ); LoadTiles(); ShowTiles(); } [Header( "Inscribed" )] public string resourcesFolderHoldingTiles = "Tiles_Visual"; public TextAsset mapDataText; public Tilemap tilemapToFill; private TileBase[] visualTileBaseArray; //void Awake() { // LoadTiles(); //} //void Start() { // ShowTiles(); // a //} /// <summary> /// Load all the Tiles from the Resources/Tiles_Visual folder into an array. /// </summary> void LoadTiles() { int num; // Load all of the Sprites from DelverTiles Tile[] tempTiles = Resources.LoadAll<Tile>( resourcesFolderHoldingTiles ); // a // The order of the Tiles is not guaranteed, so arrange them by number VISUAL_TILES = new Tile[tempTiles.Length]; for ( int i = 0; i < tempTiles.Length; i++ ) { string[] bits = tempTiles[i].name.Split( '_' ); // b if ( int.TryParse( bits[bits.Length-1], out num ) ) { // c VISUAL_TILES[num] = tempTiles[i]; } else { Debug.LogError( "Failed to parse num of: " + tempTiles[i].name );// d } } Debug.Log( $"Parsed {VISUAL_TILES.Length} tiles from folder: {resourcesFolderHoldingTiles}." ); } /// <summary> /// Uses GetMapTiles() to generate an array of TileBases with the right tile /// in each position on the map. Then set them as a block on visualMap. /// </summary> void ShowTiles() { visualTileBaseArray = GetMapTiles(); // b tilemapToFill.SetTilesBlock( MapInfo.GET_MAP_BOUNDS(), visualTileBaseArray ); Debug.Log( $"Generated Tilemap from data to Tilemap named: {}." ); } /// <summary> /// Use MapInfo.MAP to create a TileBase[] array holding the tiles to fill /// the visualMap Tilemap. /// </summary> /// <returns>The TileBases for visualMap</returns> public TileBase[] GetMapTiles() { int tileNum; Tile tile; TileBase[] mapTiles = new TileBase[MapInfo.W * MapInfo.H]; for ( int y = 0; y < MapInfo.H; y++ ) { for ( int x = 0; x < MapInfo.W; x++ ) { tileNum = MapInfo.MAP[x, y]; // c tile = VISUAL_TILES[tileNum]; // d mapTiles[y * MapInfo.W + x] = tile; // e } } return mapTiles; } }