package setgame; import ilog.concert.IloAnd; import ilog.concert.IloConstraint; import ilog.concert.IloException; import ilog.concert.IloIntVar; import ilog.cp.IloCP; /** * CP implements a constraint programming model to find all set. * @author Paul A. Rubin ( */ public final class CP implements AutoCloseable { private final IloCP model; // the CP model private final IloIntVar[] cards; // the index of the card in each slot private final IloIntVar[][] values; // the value of each feature (row) in // each slot (column) /** * Constructs the CP model. * @param game the game to solve * @throws IloException if CPO objects to something */ public CP(final Set game) throws IloException { model = new IloCP(); cards = new IloIntVar[Set.SETSIZE]; values = new IloIntVar[Set.NFEATURES][Set.SETSIZE]; // Define the variables. for (int slot = 0; slot < Set.SETSIZE; slot++) { cards[slot] = model.intVar(0, Set.NCARDS - 1, "card_in_slot_" + slot); for (int feature = 0; feature < Set.NFEATURES; feature++) { values[feature][slot] = model.intVar(0, Set.NVALUES, "slot_" + slot + "_feature_" + feature); } } // Constraint: No card can be used twice. model.add(model.allDiff(cards)); // Constraint: To avoid finding all possible permutations of all possible // hands, the slots must be filled in ascending card order. for (int slot = 1; slot < Set.SETSIZE; slot++) { model.add([slot - 1], cards[slot])); } // Constraint: The value of a feature in a slot is inherited from the // card in that slot. for (int feature = 0; feature < Set.NFEATURES; feature++) { int[] v = game.getValues(feature); for (int slot = 0; slot < Set.SETSIZE; slot++) { model.add(model.eq(values[feature][slot], model.element(v, cards[slot]))); } } // Constraint: For each feature, either all slots have the same value or // all slots are different. for (int feature = 0; feature < Set.NFEATURES; feature++) { IloConstraint different = model.allDiff(values[feature]); IloAnd same = model.and(); for (int slot = 0; slot < Set.SETSIZE - 1; slot++) { same.add(model.eq(values[feature][slot], values[feature][slot + 1])); } model.add(model.or(different, same)); } // Suppress output. model.setOut(null); } /** * Solves the model and returns the number of solutions found. * @return the solution count * @throws IloException if CPO pitches a fit */ public int solve() throws IloException { int found = 0; model.startNewSearch(); while ( { found += 1; } return found; } /** * Closes the model. */ @Override public void close() { model.end(); } }