package models; import ilog.concert.IloException; import ilog.concert.IloLinearNumExpr; import ilog.concert.IloNumVar; import ilog.cplex.IloCplex; import ilog.cplex.IloCplex.Status; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Set; import socialnet.Graph; /** * FlowModel implements a MIP model for the problem based on flows between * nodes. * * @author Paul A. Rubin ( */ public final class FlowModel implements AutoCloseable { private static final double HALF = 0.5; // for rounding tests private final int nVertices; // number of vertices in the graph private final int nEdges; // number of edges // CPLEX objects. private final IloCplex mip; // the MIP model private final IloNumVar[] select; // indicators for selecting vertices private final IloNumVar[] flowF; // forward edge flows private final IloNumVar[] flowR; // reverse edge flows /** * Constructor. * @param graph the graph to solve * @param nSelect the number of nodes to select * @throws IloException if the model cannot be constructed */ public FlowModel(final Graph graph, final int nSelect) throws IloException { nVertices = graph.getnVertices(); nEdges = graph.getnEdges(); // Initialize the model. mip = new IloCplex(); // Create the variables. select = new IloNumVar[nVertices]; flowF = new IloNumVar[nEdges]; flowR = new IloNumVar[nEdges]; for (int i = 0; i < nVertices; i++) { select[i] = mip.boolVar("select_" + i); } for (int i = 0; i < nEdges; i++) { flowF[i] = mip.numVar(0, nVertices, "forward_" + i); flowR[i] = mip.numVar(0, nVertices, "backward_" + i); } // The objective is to minimize the sum of all flows. mip.addMinimize(mip.sum(mip.sum(flowF), mip.sum(flowR))); // The number of nodes selected must match the requirement. mip.addEq(mip.sum(select), nSelect, "selection_count"); // At every node, there must be exactly one unit more of outflow than of // inflow unless the node is selected. int m = nVertices - nSelect; // "big M" for (int i = 0; i < nVertices; i++) { // Form an expression of the form flow out of i minus flow into i. IloLinearNumExpr expr = mip.linearNumExpr(); // Check each edge incident at i. for (int j : graph.incidentAt(i)) { if (graph.isHead(i, j)) { // The forward direction enters i, the reverse direction leaves i. expr.addTerm(1.0, flowR[j]); expr.addTerm(-1.0, flowF[j]); } else { // The forward direction leaves i, the reverse direction enters i. expr.addTerm(-1.0, flowR[j]); expr.addTerm(1.0, flowF[j]); } } // Flow out - flow in must be >= 1 - m * select[i]. mip.addGe(expr, mip.diff(1.0,, select[i])), "balance_" + i); } } /** * Solves the model. * @param timeLimit the time limit for the solver (in seconds) * @return the final solver status * @throws IloException if the solution fails */ public Status solve(final double timeLimit) throws IloException { mip.setParam(IloCplex.DoubleParam.TimeLimit, timeLimit); mip.solve(); return mip.getStatus(); } /** * Gets the final objective value. * @return the objective value * @throws IloException if there is no objective value */ public double getObjValue() throws IloException { return mip.getObjValue(); } /** * Gets the set of nodes selected by the solution. * @return the set of selected nodes * @throws IloException if no solution exists */ public Set<Integer> getSolution() throws IloException { HashSet<Integer> sol = new HashSet<>(); double[] x = mip.getValues(select); for (int i = 0; i < nVertices; i++) { if (x[i] > HALF) { sol.add(i); } } return sol; } /** * Closes the model. */ @Override public void close() { mip.close(); } }