diff --git a/feynamps/ggH_LR.m b/feynamps/ggH_LR.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..5fdbfc946ee04c1d653c78f3a8511e0d06ec6ae0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/feynamps/ggH_LR.m
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+(* Created with the Wolfram Language for Students - Personal Use Only : www.wolfram.com *)
+(Alfas*EL*MT^2*Mat[SUNT[Glu1, Glu2, 0, 0]]*
+  ((2 + Eps^(-1) + DiscB[MH^2, Sqrt[MT^2], Sqrt[MT^2]] + Log[Mu^2/MT^2] - 
+     4*(3/4 + DiscB[MH^2, Sqrt[MT^2], Sqrt[MT^2]]/4 + 
+       (MT^2*Log[(-MH^2 + 2*MT^2 + Sqrt[-(MH^2*(-MH^2 + 4*MT^2))])/(2*MT^2)]^
+          2)/(4*MH^2) + (Eps^(-1) + Log[Mu^2/MT^2])/4))*Pair[e[1], e[2]] + 
+   4*(1/(2*MH^2) + 
+     (MT^2*Log[(-MH^2 + 2*MT^2 + Sqrt[-(MH^2*(-MH^2 + 4*MT^2))])/(2*MT^2)]^2)/
+      (2*MH^4))*Pair[e[1], k[2]]*Pair[e[2], k[1]] - 
+   (Log[(-MH^2 + 2*MT^2 + Sqrt[-(MH^2*(-MH^2 + 4*MT^2))])/(2*MT^2)]^2*
+     (-(MH^2*Pair[e[1], e[2]]) + 2*Pair[e[1], k[2]]*Pair[e[2], k[1]]))/
+    (4*MH^2)))/(MW*Pi*SW)
diff --git a/feynamps/ggH_LRS.m b/feynamps/ggH_LRS.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..5fdbfc946ee04c1d653c78f3a8511e0d06ec6ae0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/feynamps/ggH_LRS.m
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+(* Created with the Wolfram Language for Students - Personal Use Only : www.wolfram.com *)
+(Alfas*EL*MT^2*Mat[SUNT[Glu1, Glu2, 0, 0]]*
+  ((2 + Eps^(-1) + DiscB[MH^2, Sqrt[MT^2], Sqrt[MT^2]] + Log[Mu^2/MT^2] - 
+     4*(3/4 + DiscB[MH^2, Sqrt[MT^2], Sqrt[MT^2]]/4 + 
+       (MT^2*Log[(-MH^2 + 2*MT^2 + Sqrt[-(MH^2*(-MH^2 + 4*MT^2))])/(2*MT^2)]^
+          2)/(4*MH^2) + (Eps^(-1) + Log[Mu^2/MT^2])/4))*Pair[e[1], e[2]] + 
+   4*(1/(2*MH^2) + 
+     (MT^2*Log[(-MH^2 + 2*MT^2 + Sqrt[-(MH^2*(-MH^2 + 4*MT^2))])/(2*MT^2)]^2)/
+      (2*MH^4))*Pair[e[1], k[2]]*Pair[e[2], k[1]] - 
+   (Log[(-MH^2 + 2*MT^2 + Sqrt[-(MH^2*(-MH^2 + 4*MT^2))])/(2*MT^2)]^2*
+     (-(MH^2*Pair[e[1], e[2]]) + 2*Pair[e[1], k[2]]*Pair[e[2], k[1]]))/
+    (4*MH^2)))/(MW*Pi*SW)
diff --git a/feynamps/ggHg_LR.m b/feynamps/ggHg_LR.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..06a9cea5910438d39d117ebb9dfcd01ed5c69de3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/feynamps/ggHg_LR.m
@@ -0,0 +1,218 @@
+(* Created with the Wolfram Language for Students - Personal Use Only : www.wolfram.com *)
+Amp[{{V[5, {Glu1}], k[1], 0, {Sqrt[3]*ColorCharge}}, 
+    {V[5, {Glu2}], k[2], 0, {Sqrt[3]*ColorCharge}}} -> 
+   {{S[1], k[3], MH, {}}, {V[5, {Glu4}], k[4], 0, {Sqrt[3]*ColorCharge}}}][
+ (Alfas*EL*GS*MT^2*Mat[SUNT[Glu1, Glu2, Glu4, 0, 0]]*
+    (((2 + Eps^(-1) + DiscB[S, Sqrt[MT^2], Sqrt[MT^2]] + Log[Mu^2/MT^2] - 
+         4*(3/4 + (MH^2*DiscB[MH^2, Sqrt[MT^2], Sqrt[MT^2]])/(4*(MH^2 - S)) - 
+           (S*DiscB[S, Sqrt[MT^2], Sqrt[MT^2]])/(4*(MH^2 - S)) + 
+           (MT^2*Log[(-MH^2 + 2*MT^2 + Sqrt[-(MH^2*(-MH^2 + 4*MT^2))])/
+                (2*MT^2)]^2)/(4*(MH^2 - S)) + (Eps^(-1) + Log[Mu^2/MT^2])/4 - 
+           (MT^2*Log[(2*MT^2 - S + Sqrt[-((4*MT^2 - S)*S)])/(2*MT^2)]^2)/
+            (4*(MH^2 - S))))*(2*Pair[e[1], k[2]]*Pair[e[2], ec[4]] - 
+         2*Pair[e[1], ec[4]]*Pair[e[2], k[1]] + Pair[e[1], e[2]]*
+          (Pair[ec[4], k[1]] - Pair[ec[4], k[2]])) - 
+       2*(-1/(2*(MH^2 - S)) - (MH^2*DiscB[MH^2, Sqrt[MT^2], Sqrt[MT^2]])/
+          (2*(MH^2 - S)^2) - DiscB[MH^2, Sqrt[MT^2], Sqrt[MT^2]]/
+          (2*(MH^2 - S)) + (MH^2*DiscB[S, Sqrt[MT^2], Sqrt[MT^2]])/
+          (2*(MH^2 - S)^2) + DiscB[S, Sqrt[MT^2], Sqrt[MT^2]]/
+          (2*(MH^2 - S)) - (MT^2*Log[(-MH^2 + 2*MT^2 + Sqrt[
+                -(MH^2*(-MH^2 + 4*MT^2))])/(2*MT^2)]^2)/(2*(MH^2 - S)^2) + 
+         (MT^2*Log[(2*MT^2 - S + Sqrt[-((4*MT^2 - S)*S)])/(2*MT^2)]^2)/
+          (2*(MH^2 - S)^2))*((-T + U)*Pair[e[1], e[2]] + 
+         4*(-(Pair[e[1], k[3]]*Pair[e[2], k[1]]) + Pair[e[1], k[2]]*
+            Pair[e[2], k[3]]))*Pair[ec[4], k[3]] - 
+       (DiscB[MH^2, Sqrt[MT^2], Sqrt[MT^2]]/(MH^2 - S) - 
+         DiscB[S, Sqrt[MT^2], Sqrt[MT^2]]/(MH^2 - S))*
+        (2*(-MH^2 + S)*Pair[e[1], k[2]]*Pair[e[2], ec[4]] + 
+         2*(MH^2 - S)*Pair[e[1], ec[4]]*Pair[e[2], k[1]] + 
+         8*(-(Pair[e[1], k[3]]*Pair[e[2], k[1]]) + Pair[e[1], k[2]]*
+            Pair[e[2], k[3]])*Pair[ec[4], k[3]] - Pair[e[1], e[2]]*
+          (2*(T + U)*Pair[ec[4], k[1]] + (T - 3*U)*Pair[ec[4], k[3]])) - 
+       (Log[(-MH^2 + 2*MT^2 + Sqrt[-(MH^2*(-MH^2 + 4*MT^2))])/(2*MT^2)]^2/
+          (2*(MH^2 - S)) - Log[(2*MT^2 - S + Sqrt[-((4*MT^2 - S)*S)])/
+             (2*MT^2)]^2/(2*(MH^2 - S)))*((-MH^2 + S)*Pair[e[1], k[2]]*
+          Pair[e[2], ec[4]] + (MH^2 - S)*Pair[e[1], ec[4]]*Pair[e[2], k[1]] + 
+         2*(-(Pair[e[1], k[3]]*Pair[e[2], k[1]]) + Pair[e[1], k[2]]*
+            Pair[e[2], k[3]])*Pair[ec[4], k[3]] - Pair[e[1], e[2]]*
+          ((T + U)*Pair[ec[4], k[1]] - U*Pair[ec[4], k[3]])))/S + 
+     ((2 + Eps^(-1) + DiscB[U, Sqrt[MT^2], Sqrt[MT^2]] + Log[Mu^2/MT^2] - 
+         4*(3/4 + (MH^2*DiscB[MH^2, Sqrt[MT^2], Sqrt[MT^2]])/(4*(MH^2 - U)) - 
+           (U*DiscB[U, Sqrt[MT^2], Sqrt[MT^2]])/(4*(MH^2 - U)) + 
+           (MT^2*Log[(-MH^2 + 2*MT^2 + Sqrt[-(MH^2*(-MH^2 + 4*MT^2))])/
+                (2*MT^2)]^2)/(4*(MH^2 - U)) + (Eps^(-1) + Log[Mu^2/MT^2])/4 - 
+           (MT^2*Log[(2*MT^2 - U + Sqrt[-((4*MT^2 - U)*U)])/(2*MT^2)]^2)/
+            (4*(MH^2 - U))))*(2*Pair[e[1], k[4]]*Pair[e[2], ec[4]] - 
+         Pair[e[1], ec[4]]*(Pair[e[2], k[1]] + Pair[e[2], k[4]]) + 
+         2*Pair[e[1], e[2]]*Pair[ec[4], k[1]]) - 
+       2*(-1/(2*(MH^2 - U)) - (MH^2*DiscB[MH^2, Sqrt[MT^2], Sqrt[MT^2]])/
+          (2*(MH^2 - U)^2) + (MH^2*DiscB[U, Sqrt[MT^2], Sqrt[MT^2]])/
+          (2*(MH^2 - U)^2) - 
+         (MT^2*Log[(-MH^2 + 2*MT^2 + Sqrt[-(MH^2*(-MH^2 + 4*MT^2))])/
+              (2*MT^2)]^2)/(2*(MH^2 - U)^2) + 
+         (MT^2*Log[(2*MT^2 - U + Sqrt[-((4*MT^2 - U)*U)])/(2*MT^2)]^2)/
+          (2*(MH^2 - U)^2))*Pair[e[2], k[3]]*((-S + T)*Pair[e[1], ec[4]] + 
+         4*(Pair[e[1], k[2]]*Pair[ec[4], k[1]] + Pair[e[1], k[4]]*
+            Pair[ec[4], k[2]])) - 
+       (Log[(-MH^2 + 2*MT^2 + Sqrt[-(MH^2*(-MH^2 + 4*MT^2))])/(2*MT^2)]^2/
+          (2*(MH^2 - U)) - Log[(2*MT^2 - U + Sqrt[-((4*MT^2 - U)*U)])/
+             (2*MT^2)]^2/(2*(MH^2 - U)))*((-MH^2 + U)*Pair[e[1], k[4]]*
+          Pair[e[2], ec[4]] - Pair[e[1], ec[4]]*
+          ((-MH^2 + U)*Pair[e[2], k[1]] + S*Pair[e[2], k[3]]) + 
+         (-MH^2 + U)*Pair[e[1], e[2]]*Pair[ec[4], k[1]] + 
+         2*Pair[e[2], k[3]]*(Pair[e[1], k[2]]*Pair[ec[4], k[1]] + 
+           Pair[e[1], k[4]]*Pair[ec[4], k[2]])) - 
+       2*(-DiscB[MH^2, Sqrt[MT^2], Sqrt[MT^2]]/(2*(MH^2 - U)) + 
+         DiscB[U, Sqrt[MT^2], Sqrt[MT^2]]/(2*(MH^2 - U)))*Pair[e[2], k[3]]*
+        ((-S + T)*Pair[e[1], ec[4]] + 4*(Pair[e[1], k[3]]*Pair[ec[4], k[1]] + 
+           Pair[e[1], k[4]]*Pair[ec[4], k[3]])) - 
+       (DiscB[MH^2, Sqrt[MT^2], Sqrt[MT^2]]/(MH^2 - U) - 
+         DiscB[U, Sqrt[MT^2], Sqrt[MT^2]]/(MH^2 - U))*
+        (2*(-MH^2 + U)*Pair[e[1], k[4]]*Pair[e[2], ec[4]] + 
+         Pair[e[1], ec[4]]*(2*(S + T)*Pair[e[2], k[1]] + 
+           (-3*S + T)*Pair[e[2], k[3]]) + 2*(-MH^2 + U)*Pair[e[1], e[2]]*
+          Pair[ec[4], k[1]] + 8*Pair[e[2], k[3]]*
+          (Pair[e[1], k[3]]*Pair[ec[4], k[1]] + Pair[e[1], k[4]]*
+            Pair[ec[4], k[3]])))/U - 
+     ((2 + Eps^(-1) + DiscB[T, Sqrt[MT^2], Sqrt[MT^2]] + Log[Mu^2/MT^2] - 
+         4*(3/4 + (MH^2*DiscB[MH^2, Sqrt[MT^2], Sqrt[MT^2]])/(4*(MH^2 - T)) - 
+           (T*DiscB[T, Sqrt[MT^2], Sqrt[MT^2]])/(4*(MH^2 - T)) + 
+           (MT^2*Log[(-MH^2 + 2*MT^2 + Sqrt[-(MH^2*(-MH^2 + 4*MT^2))])/
+                (2*MT^2)]^2)/(4*(MH^2 - T)) + (Eps^(-1) + Log[Mu^2/MT^2])/4 - 
+           (MT^2*Log[(2*MT^2 - T + Sqrt[-((4*MT^2 - T)*T)])/(2*MT^2)]^2)/
+            (4*(MH^2 - T))))*(-((Pair[e[1], k[2]] + Pair[e[1], k[4]])*
+           Pair[e[2], ec[4]]) + 2*Pair[e[1], ec[4]]*Pair[e[2], k[4]] + 
+         2*Pair[e[1], e[2]]*Pair[ec[4], k[2]]) - 
+       (Log[(-MH^2 + 2*MT^2 + Sqrt[-(MH^2*(-MH^2 + 4*MT^2))])/(2*MT^2)]^2/
+          (2*(MH^2 - T)) - Log[(2*MT^2 - T + Sqrt[-((4*MT^2 - T)*T)])/
+             (2*MT^2)]^2/(2*(MH^2 - T)))*
+        (((S + U)*Pair[e[1], k[2]] - S*Pair[e[1], k[3]])*Pair[e[2], ec[4]] - 
+         (MH^2 - T)*(Pair[e[1], ec[4]]*Pair[e[2], k[4]] + Pair[e[1], e[2]]*
+            Pair[ec[4], k[2]]) + 2*Pair[e[1], k[3]]*
+          (Pair[e[2], k[4]]*Pair[ec[4], k[1]] + Pair[e[2], k[1]]*
+            Pair[ec[4], k[2]])) - (DiscB[MH^2, Sqrt[MT^2], Sqrt[MT^2]]/
+          (MH^2 - T) - DiscB[T, Sqrt[MT^2], Sqrt[MT^2]]/(MH^2 - T))*
+        ((2*(S + U)*Pair[e[1], k[2]] + (-3*S + U)*Pair[e[1], k[3]])*
+          Pair[e[2], ec[4]] - 2*(MH^2 - T)*(Pair[e[1], ec[4]]*
+            Pair[e[2], k[4]] + Pair[e[1], e[2]]*Pair[ec[4], k[2]]) + 
+         8*Pair[e[1], k[3]]*(Pair[e[2], k[3]]*Pair[ec[4], k[2]] + 
+           Pair[e[2], k[4]]*Pair[ec[4], k[3]])) - 
+       2*((-1/(2*(MH^2 - T)) - (MH^2*DiscB[MH^2, Sqrt[MT^2], Sqrt[MT^2]])/
+            (2*(MH^2 - T)^2) + (MH^2*DiscB[T, Sqrt[MT^2], Sqrt[MT^2]])/
+            (2*(MH^2 - T)^2) - (MT^2*Log[(-MH^2 + 2*MT^2 + Sqrt[
+                  -(MH^2*(-MH^2 + 4*MT^2))])/(2*MT^2)]^2)/(2*(MH^2 - T)^2) + 
+           (MT^2*Log[(2*MT^2 - T + Sqrt[-((4*MT^2 - T)*T)])/(2*MT^2)]^2)/
+            (2*(MH^2 - T)^2))*Pair[e[1], k[3]]*((-S + U)*Pair[e[2], ec[4]] + 
+           4*(-(Pair[e[2], k[3]]*Pair[ec[4], k[1]]) + Pair[e[2], k[1]]*
+              Pair[ec[4], k[3]])) + (-DiscB[MH^2, Sqrt[MT^2], Sqrt[MT^2]]/
+            (2*(MH^2 - T)) + DiscB[T, Sqrt[MT^2], Sqrt[MT^2]]/(2*(MH^2 - T)))*
+          Pair[e[1], k[3]]*((-S + U)*Pair[e[2], ec[4]] + 
+           4*(Pair[e[2], k[3]]*Pair[ec[4], k[2]] + Pair[e[2], k[4]]*
+              Pair[ec[4], k[3]]))))/T))/(MW*Pi*SW) - 
+  (Alfas*EL*GS*MT^2*Mat[SUNT[Glu1, Glu4, Glu2, 0, 0]]*
+    (((2 + Eps^(-1) + DiscB[S, Sqrt[MT^2], Sqrt[MT^2]] + Log[Mu^2/MT^2] - 
+         4*(3/4 + (MH^2*DiscB[MH^2, Sqrt[MT^2], Sqrt[MT^2]])/(4*(MH^2 - S)) - 
+           (S*DiscB[S, Sqrt[MT^2], Sqrt[MT^2]])/(4*(MH^2 - S)) + 
+           (MT^2*Log[(-MH^2 + 2*MT^2 + Sqrt[-(MH^2*(-MH^2 + 4*MT^2))])/
+                (2*MT^2)]^2)/(4*(MH^2 - S)) + (Eps^(-1) + Log[Mu^2/MT^2])/4 - 
+           (MT^2*Log[(2*MT^2 - S + Sqrt[-((4*MT^2 - S)*S)])/(2*MT^2)]^2)/
+            (4*(MH^2 - S))))*(2*Pair[e[1], k[2]]*Pair[e[2], ec[4]] - 
+         2*Pair[e[1], ec[4]]*Pair[e[2], k[1]] + Pair[e[1], e[2]]*
+          (Pair[ec[4], k[1]] - Pair[ec[4], k[2]])) - 
+       2*(-1/(2*(MH^2 - S)) - (MH^2*DiscB[MH^2, Sqrt[MT^2], Sqrt[MT^2]])/
+          (2*(MH^2 - S)^2) - DiscB[MH^2, Sqrt[MT^2], Sqrt[MT^2]]/
+          (2*(MH^2 - S)) + (MH^2*DiscB[S, Sqrt[MT^2], Sqrt[MT^2]])/
+          (2*(MH^2 - S)^2) + DiscB[S, Sqrt[MT^2], Sqrt[MT^2]]/
+          (2*(MH^2 - S)) - (MT^2*Log[(-MH^2 + 2*MT^2 + Sqrt[
+                -(MH^2*(-MH^2 + 4*MT^2))])/(2*MT^2)]^2)/(2*(MH^2 - S)^2) + 
+         (MT^2*Log[(2*MT^2 - S + Sqrt[-((4*MT^2 - S)*S)])/(2*MT^2)]^2)/
+          (2*(MH^2 - S)^2))*((-T + U)*Pair[e[1], e[2]] + 
+         4*(-(Pair[e[1], k[3]]*Pair[e[2], k[1]]) + Pair[e[1], k[2]]*
+            Pair[e[2], k[3]]))*Pair[ec[4], k[3]] - 
+       (DiscB[MH^2, Sqrt[MT^2], Sqrt[MT^2]]/(MH^2 - S) - 
+         DiscB[S, Sqrt[MT^2], Sqrt[MT^2]]/(MH^2 - S))*
+        (2*(-MH^2 + S)*Pair[e[1], k[2]]*Pair[e[2], ec[4]] + 
+         2*(MH^2 - S)*Pair[e[1], ec[4]]*Pair[e[2], k[1]] + 
+         8*(-(Pair[e[1], k[3]]*Pair[e[2], k[1]]) + Pair[e[1], k[2]]*
+            Pair[e[2], k[3]])*Pair[ec[4], k[3]] - Pair[e[1], e[2]]*
+          (2*(T + U)*Pair[ec[4], k[1]] + (T - 3*U)*Pair[ec[4], k[3]])) - 
+       (Log[(-MH^2 + 2*MT^2 + Sqrt[-(MH^2*(-MH^2 + 4*MT^2))])/(2*MT^2)]^2/
+          (2*(MH^2 - S)) - Log[(2*MT^2 - S + Sqrt[-((4*MT^2 - S)*S)])/
+             (2*MT^2)]^2/(2*(MH^2 - S)))*((-MH^2 + S)*Pair[e[1], k[2]]*
+          Pair[e[2], ec[4]] + (MH^2 - S)*Pair[e[1], ec[4]]*Pair[e[2], k[1]] + 
+         2*(-(Pair[e[1], k[3]]*Pair[e[2], k[1]]) + Pair[e[1], k[2]]*
+            Pair[e[2], k[3]])*Pair[ec[4], k[3]] - Pair[e[1], e[2]]*
+          ((T + U)*Pair[ec[4], k[1]] - U*Pair[ec[4], k[3]])))/S + 
+     ((2 + Eps^(-1) + DiscB[U, Sqrt[MT^2], Sqrt[MT^2]] + Log[Mu^2/MT^2] - 
+         4*(3/4 + (MH^2*DiscB[MH^2, Sqrt[MT^2], Sqrt[MT^2]])/(4*(MH^2 - U)) - 
+           (U*DiscB[U, Sqrt[MT^2], Sqrt[MT^2]])/(4*(MH^2 - U)) + 
+           (MT^2*Log[(-MH^2 + 2*MT^2 + Sqrt[-(MH^2*(-MH^2 + 4*MT^2))])/
+                (2*MT^2)]^2)/(4*(MH^2 - U)) + (Eps^(-1) + Log[Mu^2/MT^2])/4 - 
+           (MT^2*Log[(2*MT^2 - U + Sqrt[-((4*MT^2 - U)*U)])/(2*MT^2)]^2)/
+            (4*(MH^2 - U))))*(2*Pair[e[1], k[4]]*Pair[e[2], ec[4]] - 
+         Pair[e[1], ec[4]]*(Pair[e[2], k[1]] + Pair[e[2], k[4]]) + 
+         2*Pair[e[1], e[2]]*Pair[ec[4], k[1]]) - 
+       2*(-1/(2*(MH^2 - U)) - (MH^2*DiscB[MH^2, Sqrt[MT^2], Sqrt[MT^2]])/
+          (2*(MH^2 - U)^2) + (MH^2*DiscB[U, Sqrt[MT^2], Sqrt[MT^2]])/
+          (2*(MH^2 - U)^2) - 
+         (MT^2*Log[(-MH^2 + 2*MT^2 + Sqrt[-(MH^2*(-MH^2 + 4*MT^2))])/
+              (2*MT^2)]^2)/(2*(MH^2 - U)^2) + 
+         (MT^2*Log[(2*MT^2 - U + Sqrt[-((4*MT^2 - U)*U)])/(2*MT^2)]^2)/
+          (2*(MH^2 - U)^2))*Pair[e[2], k[3]]*((-S + T)*Pair[e[1], ec[4]] + 
+         4*(Pair[e[1], k[2]]*Pair[ec[4], k[1]] + Pair[e[1], k[4]]*
+            Pair[ec[4], k[2]])) - 
+       (Log[(-MH^2 + 2*MT^2 + Sqrt[-(MH^2*(-MH^2 + 4*MT^2))])/(2*MT^2)]^2/
+          (2*(MH^2 - U)) - Log[(2*MT^2 - U + Sqrt[-((4*MT^2 - U)*U)])/
+             (2*MT^2)]^2/(2*(MH^2 - U)))*((-MH^2 + U)*Pair[e[1], k[4]]*
+          Pair[e[2], ec[4]] - Pair[e[1], ec[4]]*
+          ((-MH^2 + U)*Pair[e[2], k[1]] + S*Pair[e[2], k[3]]) + 
+         (-MH^2 + U)*Pair[e[1], e[2]]*Pair[ec[4], k[1]] + 
+         2*Pair[e[2], k[3]]*(Pair[e[1], k[2]]*Pair[ec[4], k[1]] + 
+           Pair[e[1], k[4]]*Pair[ec[4], k[2]])) - 
+       2*(-DiscB[MH^2, Sqrt[MT^2], Sqrt[MT^2]]/(2*(MH^2 - U)) + 
+         DiscB[U, Sqrt[MT^2], Sqrt[MT^2]]/(2*(MH^2 - U)))*Pair[e[2], k[3]]*
+        ((-S + T)*Pair[e[1], ec[4]] + 4*(Pair[e[1], k[3]]*Pair[ec[4], k[1]] + 
+           Pair[e[1], k[4]]*Pair[ec[4], k[3]])) - 
+       (DiscB[MH^2, Sqrt[MT^2], Sqrt[MT^2]]/(MH^2 - U) - 
+         DiscB[U, Sqrt[MT^2], Sqrt[MT^2]]/(MH^2 - U))*
+        (2*(-MH^2 + U)*Pair[e[1], k[4]]*Pair[e[2], ec[4]] + 
+         Pair[e[1], ec[4]]*(2*(S + T)*Pair[e[2], k[1]] + 
+           (-3*S + T)*Pair[e[2], k[3]]) + 2*(-MH^2 + U)*Pair[e[1], e[2]]*
+          Pair[ec[4], k[1]] + 8*Pair[e[2], k[3]]*
+          (Pair[e[1], k[3]]*Pair[ec[4], k[1]] + Pair[e[1], k[4]]*
+            Pair[ec[4], k[3]])))/U - 
+     ((2 + Eps^(-1) + DiscB[T, Sqrt[MT^2], Sqrt[MT^2]] + Log[Mu^2/MT^2] - 
+         4*(3/4 + (MH^2*DiscB[MH^2, Sqrt[MT^2], Sqrt[MT^2]])/(4*(MH^2 - T)) - 
+           (T*DiscB[T, Sqrt[MT^2], Sqrt[MT^2]])/(4*(MH^2 - T)) + 
+           (MT^2*Log[(-MH^2 + 2*MT^2 + Sqrt[-(MH^2*(-MH^2 + 4*MT^2))])/
+                (2*MT^2)]^2)/(4*(MH^2 - T)) + (Eps^(-1) + Log[Mu^2/MT^2])/4 - 
+           (MT^2*Log[(2*MT^2 - T + Sqrt[-((4*MT^2 - T)*T)])/(2*MT^2)]^2)/
+            (4*(MH^2 - T))))*(-((Pair[e[1], k[2]] + Pair[e[1], k[4]])*
+           Pair[e[2], ec[4]]) + 2*Pair[e[1], ec[4]]*Pair[e[2], k[4]] + 
+         2*Pair[e[1], e[2]]*Pair[ec[4], k[2]]) - 
+       (Log[(-MH^2 + 2*MT^2 + Sqrt[-(MH^2*(-MH^2 + 4*MT^2))])/(2*MT^2)]^2/
+          (2*(MH^2 - T)) - Log[(2*MT^2 - T + Sqrt[-((4*MT^2 - T)*T)])/
+             (2*MT^2)]^2/(2*(MH^2 - T)))*
+        (((S + U)*Pair[e[1], k[2]] - S*Pair[e[1], k[3]])*Pair[e[2], ec[4]] - 
+         (MH^2 - T)*(Pair[e[1], ec[4]]*Pair[e[2], k[4]] + Pair[e[1], e[2]]*
+            Pair[ec[4], k[2]]) + 2*Pair[e[1], k[3]]*
+          (Pair[e[2], k[4]]*Pair[ec[4], k[1]] + Pair[e[2], k[1]]*
+            Pair[ec[4], k[2]])) - (DiscB[MH^2, Sqrt[MT^2], Sqrt[MT^2]]/
+          (MH^2 - T) - DiscB[T, Sqrt[MT^2], Sqrt[MT^2]]/(MH^2 - T))*
+        ((2*(S + U)*Pair[e[1], k[2]] + (-3*S + U)*Pair[e[1], k[3]])*
+          Pair[e[2], ec[4]] - 2*(MH^2 - T)*(Pair[e[1], ec[4]]*
+            Pair[e[2], k[4]] + Pair[e[1], e[2]]*Pair[ec[4], k[2]]) + 
+         8*Pair[e[1], k[3]]*(Pair[e[2], k[3]]*Pair[ec[4], k[2]] + 
+           Pair[e[2], k[4]]*Pair[ec[4], k[3]])) - 
+       2*((-1/(2*(MH^2 - T)) - (MH^2*DiscB[MH^2, Sqrt[MT^2], Sqrt[MT^2]])/
+            (2*(MH^2 - T)^2) + (MH^2*DiscB[T, Sqrt[MT^2], Sqrt[MT^2]])/
+            (2*(MH^2 - T)^2) - (MT^2*Log[(-MH^2 + 2*MT^2 + Sqrt[
+                  -(MH^2*(-MH^2 + 4*MT^2))])/(2*MT^2)]^2)/(2*(MH^2 - T)^2) + 
+           (MT^2*Log[(2*MT^2 - T + Sqrt[-((4*MT^2 - T)*T)])/(2*MT^2)]^2)/
+            (2*(MH^2 - T)^2))*Pair[e[1], k[3]]*((-S + U)*Pair[e[2], ec[4]] + 
+           4*(-(Pair[e[2], k[3]]*Pair[ec[4], k[1]]) + Pair[e[2], k[1]]*
+              Pair[ec[4], k[3]])) + (-DiscB[MH^2, Sqrt[MT^2], Sqrt[MT^2]]/
+            (2*(MH^2 - T)) + DiscB[T, Sqrt[MT^2], Sqrt[MT^2]]/(2*(MH^2 - T)))*
+          Pair[e[1], k[3]]*((-S + U)*Pair[e[2], ec[4]] + 
+           4*(Pair[e[2], k[3]]*Pair[ec[4], k[2]] + Pair[e[2], k[4]]*
+              Pair[ec[4], k[3]]))))/T))/(MW*Pi*SW)]
diff --git a/feynamps/ggHg_LRS.m b/feynamps/ggHg_LRS.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..001b47e5b44d6d103b186ce6a0be6f4c02eb3c35
--- /dev/null
+++ b/feynamps/ggHg_LRS.m
@@ -0,0 +1,254 @@
+(* Created with the Wolfram Language for Students - Personal Use Only : www.wolfram.com *)
+Amp[{{V[5, {Glu1}], k[1], 0, {Sqrt[3]*ColorCharge}}, 
+    {V[5, {Glu2}], k[2], 0, {Sqrt[3]*ColorCharge}}} -> 
+   {{S[1], k[3], MH, {}}, {V[5, {Glu4}], k[4], 0, {Sqrt[3]*ColorCharge}}}][
+ (Alfas*EL*GS*MT^2*Mat[SUNT[Glu1, Glu2, Glu4, 0, 0]]*
+    (((2 + Eps^(-1) + DiscB[(4*MT^2)/(1 - \[Beta]^2), Sqrt[MT^2], 
+          Sqrt[MT^2]] + Log[Mu^2/MT^2] - 
+         4*(3/4 + (MH^2*DiscB[MH^2, Sqrt[MT^2], Sqrt[MT^2]])/
+            (4*(MH^2 - (4*MT^2)/(1 - \[Beta]^2))) - 
+           (MT^2*DiscB[(4*MT^2)/(1 - \[Beta]^2), Sqrt[MT^2], Sqrt[MT^2]])/
+            ((1 - \[Beta]^2)*(MH^2 - (4*MT^2)/(1 - \[Beta]^2))) + 
+           (MT^2*Log[(-MH^2 + 2*MT^2 + Sqrt[-(MH^2*(-MH^2 + 4*MT^2))])/
+                (2*MT^2)]^2)/(4*(MH^2 - (4*MT^2)/(1 - \[Beta]^2))) + 
+           (Eps^(-1) + Log[Mu^2/MT^2])/4 - 
+           (MT^2*Log[(2*MT^2 - (4*MT^2)/(1 - \[Beta]^2) + 
+                 2*Sqrt[-((MT^2*(4*MT^2 - (4*MT^2)/(1 - \[Beta]^2)))/
+                     (1 - \[Beta]^2))])/(2*MT^2)]^2)/
+            (4*(MH^2 - (4*MT^2)/(1 - \[Beta]^2)))))*
+        (2*Pair[e[1], k[2]]*Pair[e[2], ec[4]] - 2*Pair[e[1], ec[4]]*
+          Pair[e[2], k[1]] + Pair[e[1], e[2]]*(Pair[ec[4], k[1]] - 
+           Pair[ec[4], k[2]])) - 
+       2*(-1/(2*(MH^2 - (4*MT^2)/(1 - \[Beta]^2))) - 
+         (MH^2*DiscB[MH^2, Sqrt[MT^2], Sqrt[MT^2]])/
+          (2*(MH^2 - (4*MT^2)/(1 - \[Beta]^2))^2) - 
+         DiscB[MH^2, Sqrt[MT^2], Sqrt[MT^2]]/
+          (2*(MH^2 - (4*MT^2)/(1 - \[Beta]^2))) + 
+         (MH^2*DiscB[(4*MT^2)/(1 - \[Beta]^2), Sqrt[MT^2], Sqrt[MT^2]])/
+          (2*(MH^2 - (4*MT^2)/(1 - \[Beta]^2))^2) + 
+         DiscB[(4*MT^2)/(1 - \[Beta]^2), Sqrt[MT^2], Sqrt[MT^2]]/
+          (2*(MH^2 - (4*MT^2)/(1 - \[Beta]^2))) - 
+         (MT^2*Log[(-MH^2 + 2*MT^2 + Sqrt[-(MH^2*(-MH^2 + 4*MT^2))])/
+              (2*MT^2)]^2)/(2*(MH^2 - (4*MT^2)/(1 - \[Beta]^2))^2) + 
+         (MT^2*Log[(2*MT^2 - (4*MT^2)/(1 - \[Beta]^2) + 2*Sqrt[
+                 -((MT^2*(4*MT^2 - (4*MT^2)/(1 - \[Beta]^2)))/(1 - \[Beta]^
+                     2))])/(2*MT^2)]^2)/(2*(MH^2 - (4*MT^2)/(1 - \[Beta]^2))^
+            2))*((-T + U)*Pair[e[1], e[2]] + 
+         4*(-(Pair[e[1], k[3]]*Pair[e[2], k[1]]) + Pair[e[1], k[2]]*
+            Pair[e[2], k[3]]))*Pair[ec[4], k[3]] - 
+       (DiscB[MH^2, Sqrt[MT^2], Sqrt[MT^2]]/(MH^2 - 
+           (4*MT^2)/(1 - \[Beta]^2)) - DiscB[(4*MT^2)/(1 - \[Beta]^2), 
+           Sqrt[MT^2], Sqrt[MT^2]]/(MH^2 - (4*MT^2)/(1 - \[Beta]^2)))*
+        (2*(-MH^2 + S)*Pair[e[1], k[2]]*Pair[e[2], ec[4]] + 
+         2*(MH^2 - S)*Pair[e[1], ec[4]]*Pair[e[2], k[1]] + 
+         8*(-(Pair[e[1], k[3]]*Pair[e[2], k[1]]) + Pair[e[1], k[2]]*
+            Pair[e[2], k[3]])*Pair[ec[4], k[3]] - Pair[e[1], e[2]]*
+          (2*(T + U)*Pair[ec[4], k[1]] + (T - 3*U)*Pair[ec[4], k[3]])) - 
+       (Log[(-MH^2 + 2*MT^2 + Sqrt[-(MH^2*(-MH^2 + 4*MT^2))])/(2*MT^2)]^2/
+          (2*(MH^2 - (4*MT^2)/(1 - \[Beta]^2))) - 
+         Log[(2*MT^2 - (4*MT^2)/(1 - \[Beta]^2) + 2*Sqrt[
+                -((MT^2*(4*MT^2 - (4*MT^2)/(1 - \[Beta]^2)))/(1 - \[Beta]^
+                    2))])/(2*MT^2)]^2/(2*(MH^2 - (4*MT^2)/(1 - \[Beta]^2))))*
+        ((-MH^2 + S)*Pair[e[1], k[2]]*Pair[e[2], ec[4]] + 
+         (MH^2 - S)*Pair[e[1], ec[4]]*Pair[e[2], k[1]] + 
+         2*(-(Pair[e[1], k[3]]*Pair[e[2], k[1]]) + Pair[e[1], k[2]]*
+            Pair[e[2], k[3]])*Pair[ec[4], k[3]] - Pair[e[1], e[2]]*
+          ((T + U)*Pair[ec[4], k[1]] - U*Pair[ec[4], k[3]])))/S + 
+     ((2 + Eps^(-1) + DiscB[U, Sqrt[MT^2], Sqrt[MT^2]] + Log[Mu^2/MT^2] - 
+         4*(3/4 + (MH^2*DiscB[MH^2, Sqrt[MT^2], Sqrt[MT^2]])/(4*(MH^2 - U)) - 
+           (U*DiscB[U, Sqrt[MT^2], Sqrt[MT^2]])/(4*(MH^2 - U)) + 
+           (MT^2*Log[(-MH^2 + 2*MT^2 + Sqrt[-(MH^2*(-MH^2 + 4*MT^2))])/
+                (2*MT^2)]^2)/(4*(MH^2 - U)) + (Eps^(-1) + Log[Mu^2/MT^2])/4 - 
+           (MT^2*Log[(2*MT^2 - U + Sqrt[-((4*MT^2 - U)*U)])/(2*MT^2)]^2)/
+            (4*(MH^2 - U))))*(2*Pair[e[1], k[4]]*Pair[e[2], ec[4]] - 
+         Pair[e[1], ec[4]]*(Pair[e[2], k[1]] + Pair[e[2], k[4]]) + 
+         2*Pair[e[1], e[2]]*Pair[ec[4], k[1]]) - 
+       2*(-1/(2*(MH^2 - U)) - (MH^2*DiscB[MH^2, Sqrt[MT^2], Sqrt[MT^2]])/
+          (2*(MH^2 - U)^2) + (MH^2*DiscB[U, Sqrt[MT^2], Sqrt[MT^2]])/
+          (2*(MH^2 - U)^2) - 
+         (MT^2*Log[(-MH^2 + 2*MT^2 + Sqrt[-(MH^2*(-MH^2 + 4*MT^2))])/
+              (2*MT^2)]^2)/(2*(MH^2 - U)^2) + 
+         (MT^2*Log[(2*MT^2 - U + Sqrt[-((4*MT^2 - U)*U)])/(2*MT^2)]^2)/
+          (2*(MH^2 - U)^2))*Pair[e[2], k[3]]*((-S + T)*Pair[e[1], ec[4]] + 
+         4*(Pair[e[1], k[2]]*Pair[ec[4], k[1]] + Pair[e[1], k[4]]*
+            Pair[ec[4], k[2]])) - 
+       (Log[(-MH^2 + 2*MT^2 + Sqrt[-(MH^2*(-MH^2 + 4*MT^2))])/(2*MT^2)]^2/
+          (2*(MH^2 - U)) - Log[(2*MT^2 - U + Sqrt[-((4*MT^2 - U)*U)])/
+             (2*MT^2)]^2/(2*(MH^2 - U)))*((-MH^2 + U)*Pair[e[1], k[4]]*
+          Pair[e[2], ec[4]] - Pair[e[1], ec[4]]*
+          ((-MH^2 + U)*Pair[e[2], k[1]] + S*Pair[e[2], k[3]]) + 
+         (-MH^2 + U)*Pair[e[1], e[2]]*Pair[ec[4], k[1]] + 
+         2*Pair[e[2], k[3]]*(Pair[e[1], k[2]]*Pair[ec[4], k[1]] + 
+           Pair[e[1], k[4]]*Pair[ec[4], k[2]])) - 
+       2*(-DiscB[MH^2, Sqrt[MT^2], Sqrt[MT^2]]/(2*(MH^2 - U)) + 
+         DiscB[U, Sqrt[MT^2], Sqrt[MT^2]]/(2*(MH^2 - U)))*Pair[e[2], k[3]]*
+        ((-S + T)*Pair[e[1], ec[4]] + 4*(Pair[e[1], k[3]]*Pair[ec[4], k[1]] + 
+           Pair[e[1], k[4]]*Pair[ec[4], k[3]])) - 
+       (DiscB[MH^2, Sqrt[MT^2], Sqrt[MT^2]]/(MH^2 - U) - 
+         DiscB[U, Sqrt[MT^2], Sqrt[MT^2]]/(MH^2 - U))*
+        (2*(-MH^2 + U)*Pair[e[1], k[4]]*Pair[e[2], ec[4]] + 
+         Pair[e[1], ec[4]]*(2*(S + T)*Pair[e[2], k[1]] + 
+           (-3*S + T)*Pair[e[2], k[3]]) + 2*(-MH^2 + U)*Pair[e[1], e[2]]*
+          Pair[ec[4], k[1]] + 8*Pair[e[2], k[3]]*
+          (Pair[e[1], k[3]]*Pair[ec[4], k[1]] + Pair[e[1], k[4]]*
+            Pair[ec[4], k[3]])))/U - 
+     ((2 + Eps^(-1) + DiscB[T, Sqrt[MT^2], Sqrt[MT^2]] + Log[Mu^2/MT^2] - 
+         4*(3/4 + (MH^2*DiscB[MH^2, Sqrt[MT^2], Sqrt[MT^2]])/(4*(MH^2 - T)) - 
+           (T*DiscB[T, Sqrt[MT^2], Sqrt[MT^2]])/(4*(MH^2 - T)) + 
+           (MT^2*Log[(-MH^2 + 2*MT^2 + Sqrt[-(MH^2*(-MH^2 + 4*MT^2))])/
+                (2*MT^2)]^2)/(4*(MH^2 - T)) + (Eps^(-1) + Log[Mu^2/MT^2])/4 - 
+           (MT^2*Log[(2*MT^2 - T + Sqrt[-((4*MT^2 - T)*T)])/(2*MT^2)]^2)/
+            (4*(MH^2 - T))))*(-((Pair[e[1], k[2]] + Pair[e[1], k[4]])*
+           Pair[e[2], ec[4]]) + 2*Pair[e[1], ec[4]]*Pair[e[2], k[4]] + 
+         2*Pair[e[1], e[2]]*Pair[ec[4], k[2]]) - 
+       (Log[(-MH^2 + 2*MT^2 + Sqrt[-(MH^2*(-MH^2 + 4*MT^2))])/(2*MT^2)]^2/
+          (2*(MH^2 - T)) - Log[(2*MT^2 - T + Sqrt[-((4*MT^2 - T)*T)])/
+             (2*MT^2)]^2/(2*(MH^2 - T)))*
+        (((S + U)*Pair[e[1], k[2]] - S*Pair[e[1], k[3]])*Pair[e[2], ec[4]] - 
+         (MH^2 - T)*(Pair[e[1], ec[4]]*Pair[e[2], k[4]] + Pair[e[1], e[2]]*
+            Pair[ec[4], k[2]]) + 2*Pair[e[1], k[3]]*
+          (Pair[e[2], k[4]]*Pair[ec[4], k[1]] + Pair[e[2], k[1]]*
+            Pair[ec[4], k[2]])) - (DiscB[MH^2, Sqrt[MT^2], Sqrt[MT^2]]/
+          (MH^2 - T) - DiscB[T, Sqrt[MT^2], Sqrt[MT^2]]/(MH^2 - T))*
+        ((2*(S + U)*Pair[e[1], k[2]] + (-3*S + U)*Pair[e[1], k[3]])*
+          Pair[e[2], ec[4]] - 2*(MH^2 - T)*(Pair[e[1], ec[4]]*
+            Pair[e[2], k[4]] + Pair[e[1], e[2]]*Pair[ec[4], k[2]]) + 
+         8*Pair[e[1], k[3]]*(Pair[e[2], k[3]]*Pair[ec[4], k[2]] + 
+           Pair[e[2], k[4]]*Pair[ec[4], k[3]])) - 
+       2*((-1/(2*(MH^2 - T)) - (MH^2*DiscB[MH^2, Sqrt[MT^2], Sqrt[MT^2]])/
+            (2*(MH^2 - T)^2) + (MH^2*DiscB[T, Sqrt[MT^2], Sqrt[MT^2]])/
+            (2*(MH^2 - T)^2) - (MT^2*Log[(-MH^2 + 2*MT^2 + Sqrt[
+                  -(MH^2*(-MH^2 + 4*MT^2))])/(2*MT^2)]^2)/(2*(MH^2 - T)^2) + 
+           (MT^2*Log[(2*MT^2 - T + Sqrt[-((4*MT^2 - T)*T)])/(2*MT^2)]^2)/
+            (2*(MH^2 - T)^2))*Pair[e[1], k[3]]*((-S + U)*Pair[e[2], ec[4]] + 
+           4*(-(Pair[e[2], k[3]]*Pair[ec[4], k[1]]) + Pair[e[2], k[1]]*
+              Pair[ec[4], k[3]])) + (-DiscB[MH^2, Sqrt[MT^2], Sqrt[MT^2]]/
+            (2*(MH^2 - T)) + DiscB[T, Sqrt[MT^2], Sqrt[MT^2]]/(2*(MH^2 - T)))*
+          Pair[e[1], k[3]]*((-S + U)*Pair[e[2], ec[4]] + 
+           4*(Pair[e[2], k[3]]*Pair[ec[4], k[2]] + Pair[e[2], k[4]]*
+              Pair[ec[4], k[3]]))))/T))/(MW*Pi*SW) - 
+  (Alfas*EL*GS*MT^2*Mat[SUNT[Glu1, Glu4, Glu2, 0, 0]]*
+    (((2 + Eps^(-1) + DiscB[(4*MT^2)/(1 - \[Beta]^2), Sqrt[MT^2], 
+          Sqrt[MT^2]] + Log[Mu^2/MT^2] - 
+         4*(3/4 + (MH^2*DiscB[MH^2, Sqrt[MT^2], Sqrt[MT^2]])/
+            (4*(MH^2 - (4*MT^2)/(1 - \[Beta]^2))) - 
+           (MT^2*DiscB[(4*MT^2)/(1 - \[Beta]^2), Sqrt[MT^2], Sqrt[MT^2]])/
+            ((1 - \[Beta]^2)*(MH^2 - (4*MT^2)/(1 - \[Beta]^2))) + 
+           (MT^2*Log[(-MH^2 + 2*MT^2 + Sqrt[-(MH^2*(-MH^2 + 4*MT^2))])/
+                (2*MT^2)]^2)/(4*(MH^2 - (4*MT^2)/(1 - \[Beta]^2))) + 
+           (Eps^(-1) + Log[Mu^2/MT^2])/4 - 
+           (MT^2*Log[(2*MT^2 - (4*MT^2)/(1 - \[Beta]^2) + 
+                 2*Sqrt[-((MT^2*(4*MT^2 - (4*MT^2)/(1 - \[Beta]^2)))/
+                     (1 - \[Beta]^2))])/(2*MT^2)]^2)/
+            (4*(MH^2 - (4*MT^2)/(1 - \[Beta]^2)))))*
+        (2*Pair[e[1], k[2]]*Pair[e[2], ec[4]] - 2*Pair[e[1], ec[4]]*
+          Pair[e[2], k[1]] + Pair[e[1], e[2]]*(Pair[ec[4], k[1]] - 
+           Pair[ec[4], k[2]])) - 
+       2*(-1/(2*(MH^2 - (4*MT^2)/(1 - \[Beta]^2))) - 
+         (MH^2*DiscB[MH^2, Sqrt[MT^2], Sqrt[MT^2]])/
+          (2*(MH^2 - (4*MT^2)/(1 - \[Beta]^2))^2) - 
+         DiscB[MH^2, Sqrt[MT^2], Sqrt[MT^2]]/
+          (2*(MH^2 - (4*MT^2)/(1 - \[Beta]^2))) + 
+         (MH^2*DiscB[(4*MT^2)/(1 - \[Beta]^2), Sqrt[MT^2], Sqrt[MT^2]])/
+          (2*(MH^2 - (4*MT^2)/(1 - \[Beta]^2))^2) + 
+         DiscB[(4*MT^2)/(1 - \[Beta]^2), Sqrt[MT^2], Sqrt[MT^2]]/
+          (2*(MH^2 - (4*MT^2)/(1 - \[Beta]^2))) - 
+         (MT^2*Log[(-MH^2 + 2*MT^2 + Sqrt[-(MH^2*(-MH^2 + 4*MT^2))])/
+              (2*MT^2)]^2)/(2*(MH^2 - (4*MT^2)/(1 - \[Beta]^2))^2) + 
+         (MT^2*Log[(2*MT^2 - (4*MT^2)/(1 - \[Beta]^2) + 2*Sqrt[
+                 -((MT^2*(4*MT^2 - (4*MT^2)/(1 - \[Beta]^2)))/(1 - \[Beta]^
+                     2))])/(2*MT^2)]^2)/(2*(MH^2 - (4*MT^2)/(1 - \[Beta]^2))^
+            2))*((-T + U)*Pair[e[1], e[2]] + 
+         4*(-(Pair[e[1], k[3]]*Pair[e[2], k[1]]) + Pair[e[1], k[2]]*
+            Pair[e[2], k[3]]))*Pair[ec[4], k[3]] - 
+       (DiscB[MH^2, Sqrt[MT^2], Sqrt[MT^2]]/(MH^2 - 
+           (4*MT^2)/(1 - \[Beta]^2)) - DiscB[(4*MT^2)/(1 - \[Beta]^2), 
+           Sqrt[MT^2], Sqrt[MT^2]]/(MH^2 - (4*MT^2)/(1 - \[Beta]^2)))*
+        (2*(-MH^2 + S)*Pair[e[1], k[2]]*Pair[e[2], ec[4]] + 
+         2*(MH^2 - S)*Pair[e[1], ec[4]]*Pair[e[2], k[1]] + 
+         8*(-(Pair[e[1], k[3]]*Pair[e[2], k[1]]) + Pair[e[1], k[2]]*
+            Pair[e[2], k[3]])*Pair[ec[4], k[3]] - Pair[e[1], e[2]]*
+          (2*(T + U)*Pair[ec[4], k[1]] + (T - 3*U)*Pair[ec[4], k[3]])) - 
+       (Log[(-MH^2 + 2*MT^2 + Sqrt[-(MH^2*(-MH^2 + 4*MT^2))])/(2*MT^2)]^2/
+          (2*(MH^2 - (4*MT^2)/(1 - \[Beta]^2))) - 
+         Log[(2*MT^2 - (4*MT^2)/(1 - \[Beta]^2) + 2*Sqrt[
+                -((MT^2*(4*MT^2 - (4*MT^2)/(1 - \[Beta]^2)))/(1 - \[Beta]^
+                    2))])/(2*MT^2)]^2/(2*(MH^2 - (4*MT^2)/(1 - \[Beta]^2))))*
+        ((-MH^2 + S)*Pair[e[1], k[2]]*Pair[e[2], ec[4]] + 
+         (MH^2 - S)*Pair[e[1], ec[4]]*Pair[e[2], k[1]] + 
+         2*(-(Pair[e[1], k[3]]*Pair[e[2], k[1]]) + Pair[e[1], k[2]]*
+            Pair[e[2], k[3]])*Pair[ec[4], k[3]] - Pair[e[1], e[2]]*
+          ((T + U)*Pair[ec[4], k[1]] - U*Pair[ec[4], k[3]])))/S + 
+     ((2 + Eps^(-1) + DiscB[U, Sqrt[MT^2], Sqrt[MT^2]] + Log[Mu^2/MT^2] - 
+         4*(3/4 + (MH^2*DiscB[MH^2, Sqrt[MT^2], Sqrt[MT^2]])/(4*(MH^2 - U)) - 
+           (U*DiscB[U, Sqrt[MT^2], Sqrt[MT^2]])/(4*(MH^2 - U)) + 
+           (MT^2*Log[(-MH^2 + 2*MT^2 + Sqrt[-(MH^2*(-MH^2 + 4*MT^2))])/
+                (2*MT^2)]^2)/(4*(MH^2 - U)) + (Eps^(-1) + Log[Mu^2/MT^2])/4 - 
+           (MT^2*Log[(2*MT^2 - U + Sqrt[-((4*MT^2 - U)*U)])/(2*MT^2)]^2)/
+            (4*(MH^2 - U))))*(2*Pair[e[1], k[4]]*Pair[e[2], ec[4]] - 
+         Pair[e[1], ec[4]]*(Pair[e[2], k[1]] + Pair[e[2], k[4]]) + 
+         2*Pair[e[1], e[2]]*Pair[ec[4], k[1]]) - 
+       2*(-1/(2*(MH^2 - U)) - (MH^2*DiscB[MH^2, Sqrt[MT^2], Sqrt[MT^2]])/
+          (2*(MH^2 - U)^2) + (MH^2*DiscB[U, Sqrt[MT^2], Sqrt[MT^2]])/
+          (2*(MH^2 - U)^2) - 
+         (MT^2*Log[(-MH^2 + 2*MT^2 + Sqrt[-(MH^2*(-MH^2 + 4*MT^2))])/
+              (2*MT^2)]^2)/(2*(MH^2 - U)^2) + 
+         (MT^2*Log[(2*MT^2 - U + Sqrt[-((4*MT^2 - U)*U)])/(2*MT^2)]^2)/
+          (2*(MH^2 - U)^2))*Pair[e[2], k[3]]*((-S + T)*Pair[e[1], ec[4]] + 
+         4*(Pair[e[1], k[2]]*Pair[ec[4], k[1]] + Pair[e[1], k[4]]*
+            Pair[ec[4], k[2]])) - 
+       (Log[(-MH^2 + 2*MT^2 + Sqrt[-(MH^2*(-MH^2 + 4*MT^2))])/(2*MT^2)]^2/
+          (2*(MH^2 - U)) - Log[(2*MT^2 - U + Sqrt[-((4*MT^2 - U)*U)])/
+             (2*MT^2)]^2/(2*(MH^2 - U)))*((-MH^2 + U)*Pair[e[1], k[4]]*
+          Pair[e[2], ec[4]] - Pair[e[1], ec[4]]*
+          ((-MH^2 + U)*Pair[e[2], k[1]] + S*Pair[e[2], k[3]]) + 
+         (-MH^2 + U)*Pair[e[1], e[2]]*Pair[ec[4], k[1]] + 
+         2*Pair[e[2], k[3]]*(Pair[e[1], k[2]]*Pair[ec[4], k[1]] + 
+           Pair[e[1], k[4]]*Pair[ec[4], k[2]])) - 
+       2*(-DiscB[MH^2, Sqrt[MT^2], Sqrt[MT^2]]/(2*(MH^2 - U)) + 
+         DiscB[U, Sqrt[MT^2], Sqrt[MT^2]]/(2*(MH^2 - U)))*Pair[e[2], k[3]]*
+        ((-S + T)*Pair[e[1], ec[4]] + 4*(Pair[e[1], k[3]]*Pair[ec[4], k[1]] + 
+           Pair[e[1], k[4]]*Pair[ec[4], k[3]])) - 
+       (DiscB[MH^2, Sqrt[MT^2], Sqrt[MT^2]]/(MH^2 - U) - 
+         DiscB[U, Sqrt[MT^2], Sqrt[MT^2]]/(MH^2 - U))*
+        (2*(-MH^2 + U)*Pair[e[1], k[4]]*Pair[e[2], ec[4]] + 
+         Pair[e[1], ec[4]]*(2*(S + T)*Pair[e[2], k[1]] + 
+           (-3*S + T)*Pair[e[2], k[3]]) + 2*(-MH^2 + U)*Pair[e[1], e[2]]*
+          Pair[ec[4], k[1]] + 8*Pair[e[2], k[3]]*
+          (Pair[e[1], k[3]]*Pair[ec[4], k[1]] + Pair[e[1], k[4]]*
+            Pair[ec[4], k[3]])))/U - 
+     ((2 + Eps^(-1) + DiscB[T, Sqrt[MT^2], Sqrt[MT^2]] + Log[Mu^2/MT^2] - 
+         4*(3/4 + (MH^2*DiscB[MH^2, Sqrt[MT^2], Sqrt[MT^2]])/(4*(MH^2 - T)) - 
+           (T*DiscB[T, Sqrt[MT^2], Sqrt[MT^2]])/(4*(MH^2 - T)) + 
+           (MT^2*Log[(-MH^2 + 2*MT^2 + Sqrt[-(MH^2*(-MH^2 + 4*MT^2))])/
+                (2*MT^2)]^2)/(4*(MH^2 - T)) + (Eps^(-1) + Log[Mu^2/MT^2])/4 - 
+           (MT^2*Log[(2*MT^2 - T + Sqrt[-((4*MT^2 - T)*T)])/(2*MT^2)]^2)/
+            (4*(MH^2 - T))))*(-((Pair[e[1], k[2]] + Pair[e[1], k[4]])*
+           Pair[e[2], ec[4]]) + 2*Pair[e[1], ec[4]]*Pair[e[2], k[4]] + 
+         2*Pair[e[1], e[2]]*Pair[ec[4], k[2]]) - 
+       (Log[(-MH^2 + 2*MT^2 + Sqrt[-(MH^2*(-MH^2 + 4*MT^2))])/(2*MT^2)]^2/
+          (2*(MH^2 - T)) - Log[(2*MT^2 - T + Sqrt[-((4*MT^2 - T)*T)])/
+             (2*MT^2)]^2/(2*(MH^2 - T)))*
+        (((S + U)*Pair[e[1], k[2]] - S*Pair[e[1], k[3]])*Pair[e[2], ec[4]] - 
+         (MH^2 - T)*(Pair[e[1], ec[4]]*Pair[e[2], k[4]] + Pair[e[1], e[2]]*
+            Pair[ec[4], k[2]]) + 2*Pair[e[1], k[3]]*
+          (Pair[e[2], k[4]]*Pair[ec[4], k[1]] + Pair[e[2], k[1]]*
+            Pair[ec[4], k[2]])) - (DiscB[MH^2, Sqrt[MT^2], Sqrt[MT^2]]/
+          (MH^2 - T) - DiscB[T, Sqrt[MT^2], Sqrt[MT^2]]/(MH^2 - T))*
+        ((2*(S + U)*Pair[e[1], k[2]] + (-3*S + U)*Pair[e[1], k[3]])*
+          Pair[e[2], ec[4]] - 2*(MH^2 - T)*(Pair[e[1], ec[4]]*
+            Pair[e[2], k[4]] + Pair[e[1], e[2]]*Pair[ec[4], k[2]]) + 
+         8*Pair[e[1], k[3]]*(Pair[e[2], k[3]]*Pair[ec[4], k[2]] + 
+           Pair[e[2], k[4]]*Pair[ec[4], k[3]])) - 
+       2*((-1/(2*(MH^2 - T)) - (MH^2*DiscB[MH^2, Sqrt[MT^2], Sqrt[MT^2]])/
+            (2*(MH^2 - T)^2) + (MH^2*DiscB[T, Sqrt[MT^2], Sqrt[MT^2]])/
+            (2*(MH^2 - T)^2) - (MT^2*Log[(-MH^2 + 2*MT^2 + Sqrt[
+                  -(MH^2*(-MH^2 + 4*MT^2))])/(2*MT^2)]^2)/(2*(MH^2 - T)^2) + 
+           (MT^2*Log[(2*MT^2 - T + Sqrt[-((4*MT^2 - T)*T)])/(2*MT^2)]^2)/
+            (2*(MH^2 - T)^2))*Pair[e[1], k[3]]*((-S + U)*Pair[e[2], ec[4]] + 
+           4*(-(Pair[e[2], k[3]]*Pair[ec[4], k[1]]) + Pair[e[2], k[1]]*
+              Pair[ec[4], k[3]])) + (-DiscB[MH^2, Sqrt[MT^2], Sqrt[MT^2]]/
+            (2*(MH^2 - T)) + DiscB[T, Sqrt[MT^2], Sqrt[MT^2]]/(2*(MH^2 - T)))*
+          Pair[e[1], k[3]]*((-S + U)*Pair[e[2], ec[4]] + 
+           4*(Pair[e[2], k[3]]*Pair[ec[4], k[2]] + Pair[e[2], k[4]]*
+              Pair[ec[4], k[3]]))))/T))/(MW*Pi*SW)]
diff --git a/pvcoefficients/0jets/ggH_coeff_LRS.m b/pvcoefficients/0jets/ggH_coeff_LRS.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d259e633cf50794dfa3175b444b7781a2e3cf1fb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pvcoefficients/0jets/ggH_coeff_LRS.m
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+(* Created with the Wolfram Language for Students - Personal Use Only : www.wolfram.com *)
+{2 + Eps^(-1) + DiscB[MH^2, Sqrt[MT^2], Sqrt[MT^2]] + Log[Mu^2/MT^2], 
+ Log[(-MH^2 + 2*MT^2 + Sqrt[-(MH^2*(-MH^2 + 4*MT^2))])/(2*MT^2)]^2/(2*MH^2), 
+ 1/(2*MH^2) + (MT^2*Log[(-MH^2 + 2*MT^2 + Sqrt[-(MH^2*(-MH^2 + 4*MT^2))])/
+       (2*MT^2)]^2)/(2*MH^4), 3/4 + DiscB[MH^2, Sqrt[MT^2], Sqrt[MT^2]]/4 + 
+  (MT^2*Log[(-MH^2 + 2*MT^2 + Sqrt[-(MH^2*(-MH^2 + 4*MT^2))])/(2*MT^2)]^2)/
+   (4*MH^2) + (Eps^(-1) + Log[Mu^2/MT^2])/4}
diff --git a/pvcoefficients/0jets/rep_rule_0jets_vel.m b/pvcoefficients/0jets/rep_rule_0jets_vel.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..0e543f7eaab6a50ac05a6eb320ff2c4b71fa12ba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pvcoefficients/0jets/rep_rule_0jets_vel.m
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+(* Created with the Wolfram Language for Students - Personal Use Only : www.wolfram.com *)
+{PVB[0, 0, MH^2, Sqrt[MT^2], Sqrt[MT^2]] -> 
+  2 + Eps^(-1) + DiscB[MH^2, Sqrt[MT^2], Sqrt[MT^2]] + Log[Mu^2/MT^2], 
+ PVC[0, 0, 0, 0, MH^2, 0, Sqrt[MT^2], Sqrt[MT^2], Sqrt[MT^2]] -> 
+  Log[(-MH^2 + 2*MT^2 + Sqrt[-(MH^2*(-MH^2 + 4*MT^2))])/(2*MT^2)]^2/(2*MH^2), 
+ PVC[0, 1, 1, 0, MH^2, 0, Sqrt[MT^2], Sqrt[MT^2], Sqrt[MT^2]] -> 
+  1/(2*MH^2) + (MT^2*Log[(-MH^2 + 2*MT^2 + Sqrt[-(MH^2*(-MH^2 + 4*MT^2))])/
+        (2*MT^2)]^2)/(2*MH^4), PVC[1, 0, 0, 0, MH^2, 0, Sqrt[MT^2], 
+   Sqrt[MT^2], Sqrt[MT^2]] -> 3/4 + DiscB[MH^2, Sqrt[MT^2], Sqrt[MT^2]]/4 + 
+   (MT^2*Log[(-MH^2 + 2*MT^2 + Sqrt[-(MH^2*(-MH^2 + 4*MT^2))])/(2*MT^2)]^2)/
+    (4*MH^2) + (Eps^(-1) + Log[Mu^2/MT^2])/4}
diff --git a/pvcoefficients/1jets/ggHg_coeff_LRS.m b/pvcoefficients/1jets/ggHg_coeff_LRS.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..96374a96c478cb4dd1c85124b6a15702138c4f6a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pvcoefficients/1jets/ggHg_coeff_LRS.m
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+(* Created with the Wolfram Language for Students - Personal Use Only : www.wolfram.com *)
+{2 + Eps^(-1) + DiscB[(4*MT^2)/(1 - \[Beta]^2), Sqrt[MT^2], Sqrt[MT^2]] + 
+  Log[Mu^2/MT^2], 2 + Eps^(-1) + DiscB[T, Sqrt[MT^2], Sqrt[MT^2]] + 
+  Log[Mu^2/MT^2], 2 + Eps^(-1) + DiscB[U, Sqrt[MT^2], Sqrt[MT^2]] + 
+  Log[Mu^2/MT^2], 
+ Log[(-MH^2 + 2*MT^2 + Sqrt[-(MH^2*(-MH^2 + 4*MT^2))])/(2*MT^2)]^2/
+   (2*(MH^2 - U)) - Log[(2*MT^2 - U + Sqrt[-((4*MT^2 - U)*U)])/(2*MT^2)]^2/
+   (2*(MH^2 - U)), 
+ Log[(-MH^2 + 2*MT^2 + Sqrt[-(MH^2*(-MH^2 + 4*MT^2))])/(2*MT^2)]^2/
+   (2*(MH^2 - (4*MT^2)/(1 - \[Beta]^2))) - 
+  Log[(2*MT^2 - (4*MT^2)/(1 - \[Beta]^2) + 
+       2*Sqrt[-((MT^2*(4*MT^2 - (4*MT^2)/(1 - \[Beta]^2)))/(1 - \[Beta]^2))])/
+      (2*MT^2)]^2/(2*(MH^2 - (4*MT^2)/(1 - \[Beta]^2))), 
+ Log[(-MH^2 + 2*MT^2 + Sqrt[-(MH^2*(-MH^2 + 4*MT^2))])/(2*MT^2)]^2/
+   (2*(MH^2 - T)) - Log[(2*MT^2 - T + Sqrt[-((4*MT^2 - T)*T)])/(2*MT^2)]^2/
+   (2*(MH^2 - T)), DiscB[MH^2, Sqrt[MT^2], Sqrt[MT^2]]/(MH^2 - U) - 
+  DiscB[U, Sqrt[MT^2], Sqrt[MT^2]]/(MH^2 - U), 
+ -DiscB[MH^2, Sqrt[MT^2], Sqrt[MT^2]]/(2*(MH^2 - U)) + 
+  DiscB[U, Sqrt[MT^2], Sqrt[MT^2]]/(2*(MH^2 - U)), 
+ DiscB[MH^2, Sqrt[MT^2], Sqrt[MT^2]]/(MH^2 - (4*MT^2)/(1 - \[Beta]^2)) - 
+  DiscB[(4*MT^2)/(1 - \[Beta]^2), Sqrt[MT^2], Sqrt[MT^2]]/
+   (MH^2 - (4*MT^2)/(1 - \[Beta]^2)), 
+ DiscB[MH^2, Sqrt[MT^2], Sqrt[MT^2]]/(MH^2 - T) - 
+  DiscB[T, Sqrt[MT^2], Sqrt[MT^2]]/(MH^2 - T), 
+ -1/(2*(MH^2 - U)) - (MH^2*DiscB[MH^2, Sqrt[MT^2], Sqrt[MT^2]])/
+   (2*(MH^2 - U)^2) + (MH^2*DiscB[U, Sqrt[MT^2], Sqrt[MT^2]])/
+   (2*(MH^2 - U)^2) - 
+  (MT^2*Log[(-MH^2 + 2*MT^2 + Sqrt[-(MH^2*(-MH^2 + 4*MT^2))])/(2*MT^2)]^2)/
+   (2*(MH^2 - U)^2) + 
+  (MT^2*Log[(2*MT^2 - U + Sqrt[-((4*MT^2 - U)*U)])/(2*MT^2)]^2)/
+   (2*(MH^2 - U)^2), -1/(2*(MH^2 - (4*MT^2)/(1 - \[Beta]^2))) - 
+  (MH^2*DiscB[MH^2, Sqrt[MT^2], Sqrt[MT^2]])/
+   (2*(MH^2 - (4*MT^2)/(1 - \[Beta]^2))^2) + 
+  (MH^2*DiscB[(4*MT^2)/(1 - \[Beta]^2), Sqrt[MT^2], Sqrt[MT^2]])/
+   (2*(MH^2 - (4*MT^2)/(1 - \[Beta]^2))^2) - 
+  (MT^2*Log[(-MH^2 + 2*MT^2 + Sqrt[-(MH^2*(-MH^2 + 4*MT^2))])/(2*MT^2)]^2)/
+   (2*(MH^2 - (4*MT^2)/(1 - \[Beta]^2))^2) + 
+  (MT^2*Log[(2*MT^2 - (4*MT^2)/(1 - \[Beta]^2) + 
+        2*Sqrt[-((MT^2*(4*MT^2 - (4*MT^2)/(1 - \[Beta]^2)))/
+            (1 - \[Beta]^2))])/(2*MT^2)]^2)/
+   (2*(MH^2 - (4*MT^2)/(1 - \[Beta]^2))^2), 
+ -1/(2*(MH^2 - T)) - (MH^2*DiscB[MH^2, Sqrt[MT^2], Sqrt[MT^2]])/
+   (2*(MH^2 - T)^2) + (MH^2*DiscB[T, Sqrt[MT^2], Sqrt[MT^2]])/
+   (2*(MH^2 - T)^2) - 
+  (MT^2*Log[(-MH^2 + 2*MT^2 + Sqrt[-(MH^2*(-MH^2 + 4*MT^2))])/(2*MT^2)]^2)/
+   (2*(MH^2 - T)^2) + 
+  (MT^2*Log[(2*MT^2 - T + Sqrt[-((4*MT^2 - T)*T)])/(2*MT^2)]^2)/
+   (2*(MH^2 - T)^2), -DiscB[MH^2, Sqrt[MT^2], Sqrt[MT^2]]/
+   (2*(MH^2 - (4*MT^2)/(1 - \[Beta]^2))) + 
+  DiscB[(4*MT^2)/(1 - \[Beta]^2), Sqrt[MT^2], Sqrt[MT^2]]/
+   (2*(MH^2 - (4*MT^2)/(1 - \[Beta]^2))), 
+ -DiscB[MH^2, Sqrt[MT^2], Sqrt[MT^2]]/(2*(MH^2 - T)) + 
+  DiscB[T, Sqrt[MT^2], Sqrt[MT^2]]/(2*(MH^2 - T)), 
+ 3/4 + (MH^2*DiscB[MH^2, Sqrt[MT^2], Sqrt[MT^2]])/(4*(MH^2 - U)) - 
+  (U*DiscB[U, Sqrt[MT^2], Sqrt[MT^2]])/(4*(MH^2 - U)) + 
+  (MT^2*Log[(-MH^2 + 2*MT^2 + Sqrt[-(MH^2*(-MH^2 + 4*MT^2))])/(2*MT^2)]^2)/
+   (4*(MH^2 - U)) + (Eps^(-1) + Log[Mu^2/MT^2])/4 - 
+  (MT^2*Log[(2*MT^2 - U + Sqrt[-((4*MT^2 - U)*U)])/(2*MT^2)]^2)/
+   (4*(MH^2 - U)), 3/4 + (MH^2*DiscB[MH^2, Sqrt[MT^2], Sqrt[MT^2]])/
+   (4*(MH^2 - (4*MT^2)/(1 - \[Beta]^2))) - 
+  (MT^2*DiscB[(4*MT^2)/(1 - \[Beta]^2), Sqrt[MT^2], Sqrt[MT^2]])/
+   ((1 - \[Beta]^2)*(MH^2 - (4*MT^2)/(1 - \[Beta]^2))) + 
+  (MT^2*Log[(-MH^2 + 2*MT^2 + Sqrt[-(MH^2*(-MH^2 + 4*MT^2))])/(2*MT^2)]^2)/
+   (4*(MH^2 - (4*MT^2)/(1 - \[Beta]^2))) + (Eps^(-1) + Log[Mu^2/MT^2])/4 - 
+  (MT^2*Log[(2*MT^2 - (4*MT^2)/(1 - \[Beta]^2) + 
+        2*Sqrt[-((MT^2*(4*MT^2 - (4*MT^2)/(1 - \[Beta]^2)))/
+            (1 - \[Beta]^2))])/(2*MT^2)]^2)/
+   (4*(MH^2 - (4*MT^2)/(1 - \[Beta]^2))), 
+ 3/4 + (MH^2*DiscB[MH^2, Sqrt[MT^2], Sqrt[MT^2]])/(4*(MH^2 - T)) - 
+  (T*DiscB[T, Sqrt[MT^2], Sqrt[MT^2]])/(4*(MH^2 - T)) + 
+  (MT^2*Log[(-MH^2 + 2*MT^2 + Sqrt[-(MH^2*(-MH^2 + 4*MT^2))])/(2*MT^2)]^2)/
+   (4*(MH^2 - T)) + (Eps^(-1) + Log[Mu^2/MT^2])/4 - 
+  (MT^2*Log[(2*MT^2 - T + Sqrt[-((4*MT^2 - T)*T)])/(2*MT^2)]^2)/
+   (4*(MH^2 - T))}
diff --git a/pvcoefficients/1jets/rep_rule_1jets_vel.m b/pvcoefficients/1jets/rep_rule_1jets_vel.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c8e55ec5c63d7c7bd52d4ed2ef27f5ce7f064079
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pvcoefficients/1jets/rep_rule_1jets_vel.m
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+(* Created with the Wolfram Language for Students - Personal Use Only : www.wolfram.com *)
+{PVB[0, 0, S, Sqrt[MT^2], Sqrt[MT^2]] -> 
+  2 + Eps^(-1) + DiscB[(4*MT^2)/(1 - \[Beta]^2), Sqrt[MT^2], Sqrt[MT^2]] + 
+   Log[Mu^2/MT^2], PVB[0, 0, T, Sqrt[MT^2], Sqrt[MT^2]] -> 
+  2 + Eps^(-1) + DiscB[T, Sqrt[MT^2], Sqrt[MT^2]] + Log[Mu^2/MT^2], 
+ PVB[0, 0, U, Sqrt[MT^2], Sqrt[MT^2]] -> 
+  2 + Eps^(-1) + DiscB[U, Sqrt[MT^2], Sqrt[MT^2]] + Log[Mu^2/MT^2], 
+ PVC[0, 0, 0, 0, U, MH^2, Sqrt[MT^2], Sqrt[MT^2], Sqrt[MT^2]] -> 
+  Log[(-MH^2 + 2*MT^2 + Sqrt[-(MH^2*(-MH^2 + 4*MT^2))])/(2*MT^2)]^2/
+    (2*(MH^2 - U)) - Log[(2*MT^2 - U + Sqrt[-((4*MT^2 - U)*U)])/(2*MT^2)]^2/
+    (2*(MH^2 - U)), PVC[0, 0, 0, MH^2, S, 0, Sqrt[MT^2], Sqrt[MT^2], 
+   Sqrt[MT^2]] -> 
+  Log[(-MH^2 + 2*MT^2 + Sqrt[-(MH^2*(-MH^2 + 4*MT^2))])/(2*MT^2)]^2/
+    (2*(MH^2 - (4*MT^2)/(1 - \[Beta]^2))) - 
+   Log[(2*MT^2 - (4*MT^2)/(1 - \[Beta]^2) + 
+        2*Sqrt[-((MT^2*(4*MT^2 - (4*MT^2)/(1 - \[Beta]^2)))/
+            (1 - \[Beta]^2))])/(2*MT^2)]^2/
+    (2*(MH^2 - (4*MT^2)/(1 - \[Beta]^2))), 
+ PVC[0, 0, 0, MH^2, T, 0, Sqrt[MT^2], Sqrt[MT^2], Sqrt[MT^2]] -> 
+  Log[(-MH^2 + 2*MT^2 + Sqrt[-(MH^2*(-MH^2 + 4*MT^2))])/(2*MT^2)]^2/
+    (2*(MH^2 - T)) - Log[(2*MT^2 - T + Sqrt[-((4*MT^2 - T)*T)])/(2*MT^2)]^2/
+    (2*(MH^2 - T)), PVC[0, 0, 1, 0, U, MH^2, Sqrt[MT^2], Sqrt[MT^2], 
+   Sqrt[MT^2]] -> DiscB[MH^2, Sqrt[MT^2], Sqrt[MT^2]]/(MH^2 - U) - 
+   DiscB[U, Sqrt[MT^2], Sqrt[MT^2]]/(MH^2 - U), 
+ PVC[0, 0, 2, 0, U, MH^2, Sqrt[MT^2], Sqrt[MT^2], Sqrt[MT^2]] -> 
+  -DiscB[MH^2, Sqrt[MT^2], Sqrt[MT^2]]/(2*(MH^2 - U)) + 
+   DiscB[U, Sqrt[MT^2], Sqrt[MT^2]]/(2*(MH^2 - U)), 
+ PVC[0, 1, 0, MH^2, S, 0, Sqrt[MT^2], Sqrt[MT^2], Sqrt[MT^2]] -> 
+  DiscB[MH^2, Sqrt[MT^2], Sqrt[MT^2]]/(MH^2 - (4*MT^2)/(1 - \[Beta]^2)) - 
+   DiscB[(4*MT^2)/(1 - \[Beta]^2), Sqrt[MT^2], Sqrt[MT^2]]/
+    (MH^2 - (4*MT^2)/(1 - \[Beta]^2)), 
+ PVC[0, 1, 0, MH^2, T, 0, Sqrt[MT^2], Sqrt[MT^2], Sqrt[MT^2]] -> 
+  DiscB[MH^2, Sqrt[MT^2], Sqrt[MT^2]]/(MH^2 - T) - 
+   DiscB[T, Sqrt[MT^2], Sqrt[MT^2]]/(MH^2 - T), 
+ PVC[0, 1, 1, 0, U, MH^2, Sqrt[MT^2], Sqrt[MT^2], Sqrt[MT^2]] -> 
+  -1/(2*(MH^2 - U)) - (MH^2*DiscB[MH^2, Sqrt[MT^2], Sqrt[MT^2]])/
+    (2*(MH^2 - U)^2) + (MH^2*DiscB[U, Sqrt[MT^2], Sqrt[MT^2]])/
+    (2*(MH^2 - U)^2) - 
+   (MT^2*Log[(-MH^2 + 2*MT^2 + Sqrt[-(MH^2*(-MH^2 + 4*MT^2))])/(2*MT^2)]^2)/
+    (2*(MH^2 - U)^2) + 
+   (MT^2*Log[(2*MT^2 - U + Sqrt[-((4*MT^2 - U)*U)])/(2*MT^2)]^2)/
+    (2*(MH^2 - U)^2), PVC[0, 1, 1, MH^2, S, 0, Sqrt[MT^2], Sqrt[MT^2], 
+   Sqrt[MT^2]] -> -1/(2*(MH^2 - (4*MT^2)/(1 - \[Beta]^2))) - 
+   (MH^2*DiscB[MH^2, Sqrt[MT^2], Sqrt[MT^2]])/
+    (2*(MH^2 - (4*MT^2)/(1 - \[Beta]^2))^2) + 
+   (MH^2*DiscB[(4*MT^2)/(1 - \[Beta]^2), Sqrt[MT^2], Sqrt[MT^2]])/
+    (2*(MH^2 - (4*MT^2)/(1 - \[Beta]^2))^2) - 
+   (MT^2*Log[(-MH^2 + 2*MT^2 + Sqrt[-(MH^2*(-MH^2 + 4*MT^2))])/(2*MT^2)]^2)/
+    (2*(MH^2 - (4*MT^2)/(1 - \[Beta]^2))^2) + 
+   (MT^2*Log[(2*MT^2 - (4*MT^2)/(1 - \[Beta]^2) + 
+         2*Sqrt[-((MT^2*(4*MT^2 - (4*MT^2)/(1 - \[Beta]^2)))/
+             (1 - \[Beta]^2))])/(2*MT^2)]^2)/
+    (2*(MH^2 - (4*MT^2)/(1 - \[Beta]^2))^2), 
+ PVC[0, 1, 1, MH^2, T, 0, Sqrt[MT^2], Sqrt[MT^2], Sqrt[MT^2]] -> 
+  -1/(2*(MH^2 - T)) - (MH^2*DiscB[MH^2, Sqrt[MT^2], Sqrt[MT^2]])/
+    (2*(MH^2 - T)^2) + (MH^2*DiscB[T, Sqrt[MT^2], Sqrt[MT^2]])/
+    (2*(MH^2 - T)^2) - 
+   (MT^2*Log[(-MH^2 + 2*MT^2 + Sqrt[-(MH^2*(-MH^2 + 4*MT^2))])/(2*MT^2)]^2)/
+    (2*(MH^2 - T)^2) + 
+   (MT^2*Log[(2*MT^2 - T + Sqrt[-((4*MT^2 - T)*T)])/(2*MT^2)]^2)/
+    (2*(MH^2 - T)^2), PVC[0, 2, 0, MH^2, S, 0, Sqrt[MT^2], Sqrt[MT^2], 
+   Sqrt[MT^2]] -> -DiscB[MH^2, Sqrt[MT^2], Sqrt[MT^2]]/
+    (2*(MH^2 - (4*MT^2)/(1 - \[Beta]^2))) + 
+   DiscB[(4*MT^2)/(1 - \[Beta]^2), Sqrt[MT^2], Sqrt[MT^2]]/
+    (2*(MH^2 - (4*MT^2)/(1 - \[Beta]^2))), 
+ PVC[0, 2, 0, MH^2, T, 0, Sqrt[MT^2], Sqrt[MT^2], Sqrt[MT^2]] -> 
+  -DiscB[MH^2, Sqrt[MT^2], Sqrt[MT^2]]/(2*(MH^2 - T)) + 
+   DiscB[T, Sqrt[MT^2], Sqrt[MT^2]]/(2*(MH^2 - T)), 
+ PVC[1, 0, 0, 0, U, MH^2, Sqrt[MT^2], Sqrt[MT^2], Sqrt[MT^2]] -> 
+  3/4 + (MH^2*DiscB[MH^2, Sqrt[MT^2], Sqrt[MT^2]])/(4*(MH^2 - U)) - 
+   (U*DiscB[U, Sqrt[MT^2], Sqrt[MT^2]])/(4*(MH^2 - U)) + 
+   (MT^2*Log[(-MH^2 + 2*MT^2 + Sqrt[-(MH^2*(-MH^2 + 4*MT^2))])/(2*MT^2)]^2)/
+    (4*(MH^2 - U)) + (Eps^(-1) + Log[Mu^2/MT^2])/4 - 
+   (MT^2*Log[(2*MT^2 - U + Sqrt[-((4*MT^2 - U)*U)])/(2*MT^2)]^2)/
+    (4*(MH^2 - U)), PVC[1, 0, 0, MH^2, S, 0, Sqrt[MT^2], Sqrt[MT^2], 
+   Sqrt[MT^2]] -> 3/4 + (MH^2*DiscB[MH^2, Sqrt[MT^2], Sqrt[MT^2]])/
+    (4*(MH^2 - (4*MT^2)/(1 - \[Beta]^2))) - 
+   (MT^2*DiscB[(4*MT^2)/(1 - \[Beta]^2), Sqrt[MT^2], Sqrt[MT^2]])/
+    ((1 - \[Beta]^2)*(MH^2 - (4*MT^2)/(1 - \[Beta]^2))) + 
+   (MT^2*Log[(-MH^2 + 2*MT^2 + Sqrt[-(MH^2*(-MH^2 + 4*MT^2))])/(2*MT^2)]^2)/
+    (4*(MH^2 - (4*MT^2)/(1 - \[Beta]^2))) + (Eps^(-1) + Log[Mu^2/MT^2])/4 - 
+   (MT^2*Log[(2*MT^2 - (4*MT^2)/(1 - \[Beta]^2) + 
+         2*Sqrt[-((MT^2*(4*MT^2 - (4*MT^2)/(1 - \[Beta]^2)))/
+             (1 - \[Beta]^2))])/(2*MT^2)]^2)/
+    (4*(MH^2 - (4*MT^2)/(1 - \[Beta]^2))), 
+ PVC[1, 0, 0, MH^2, T, 0, Sqrt[MT^2], Sqrt[MT^2], Sqrt[MT^2]] -> 
+  3/4 + (MH^2*DiscB[MH^2, Sqrt[MT^2], Sqrt[MT^2]])/(4*(MH^2 - T)) - 
+   (T*DiscB[T, Sqrt[MT^2], Sqrt[MT^2]])/(4*(MH^2 - T)) + 
+   (MT^2*Log[(-MH^2 + 2*MT^2 + Sqrt[-(MH^2*(-MH^2 + 4*MT^2))])/(2*MT^2)]^2)/
+    (4*(MH^2 - T)) + (Eps^(-1) + Log[Mu^2/MT^2])/4 - 
+   (MT^2*Log[(2*MT^2 - T + Sqrt[-((4*MT^2 - T)*T)])/(2*MT^2)]^2)/
+    (4*(MH^2 - T))}
diff --git a/scripts/X_LoopRefining_0and1jets.nb b/scripts/X_LoopRefining_0and1jets.nb
index 4a6887fc4eba441e51c890ef52df8e2c8ec17984..2d06d3ae7caa310a590ab5e74a5e8ed94a755dd7 100644
--- a/scripts/X_LoopRefining_0and1jets.nb
+++ b/scripts/X_LoopRefining_0and1jets.nb
@@ -10,10 +10,10 @@
 NotebookDataPosition[       158,          7]
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 (* Beginning of Notebook Content *)
@@ -484,8 +484,8 @@ Cell[BoxData[
     RowBox[{"Export", "[", 
-     RowBox[{"\"\<ggHg_PV.m\>\"", ",", "jets1PV"}], "]"}], ";"}], 
-   "\[IndentingNewLine]"}]}]], "Input",
+     RowBox[{"\"\<ggHg_PV.m\>\"", ",", "jets1PV"}], "]"}], ";"}]}]}]], "Input",\
  CellChangeTimes->{{3.76941678968123*^9, 3.769416834146682*^9}, {
    3.769418270698312*^9, 3.7694182769864492`*^9}, {3.769420598958762*^9, 
    3.769420642106495*^9}, {3.769421602470723*^9, 3.769421736756125*^9}, {
@@ -496,9 +496,9 @@ Cell[BoxData[
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    3.7792023196798143`*^9, 3.779202420053752*^9}, {3.779202538888507*^9, 
-   3.779202539677414*^9}},
- CellLabel->
-  "In[113]:=",ExpressionUUID->"6f54e202-a28b-4a1d-9e81-76bb7154ddaa"],
+   3.779202539677414*^9}, 
+   3.779207833687044*^9},ExpressionUUID->"6f54e202-a28b-4a1d-9e81-\
@@ -541,100 +541,151 @@ Cell[BoxData[
-Cell[BoxData[""], "Input",
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-   3.7791276308023233`*^9},ExpressionUUID->"705b77c9-9d55-4c91-a174-\
- RowBox[{
-  RowBox[{"SetDirectory", "[", 
-   RowBox[{"NotebookDirectory", "[", "]"}], "]"}], 
-  ";"}], "\[IndentingNewLine]", 
- RowBox[{
-  RowBox[{"SetDirectory", "[", 
-   RowBox[{"StringJoin", "[", 
-    RowBox[{
-     RowBox[{"ParentDirectory", "[", "]"}], ",", 
-     "\"\</pvcoefficients/0jets\>\""}], "]"}], "]"}], 
-  ";"}], "\[IndentingNewLine]", 
- RowBox[{
-  RowBox[{"ggHListPV", "=", 
-   RowBox[{"ToExpression", "[", 
-    RowBox[{"Import", "[", 
-     RowBox[{"\"\<ggH_coeff.txt\>\"", ",", "\"\<Lines\>\""}], "]"}], "]"}]}], 
-  ";"}], "\[IndentingNewLine]", 
- RowBox[{
-  RowBox[{"nj0", "=", 
-   RowBox[{"Length", "[", "ggHListPV", "]"}]}], 
-  ";"}], "\[IndentingNewLine]", 
- RowBox[{
-  RowBox[{"Export", "[", 
-   RowBox[{"\"\<ggH_coeff.m\>\"", ",", "ggHListPV"}], "]"}], 
-  ";"}], "\[IndentingNewLine]", 
-  RowBox[{"nj0List", "=", 
-   RowBox[{"Range", "[", "nj0", "]"}]}], ";"}], "\[IndentingNewLine]", 
- RowBox[{"Do", "[", "\[IndentingNewLine]", 
+  RowBox[{"(*", " ", 
+   RowBox[{"H", " ", "+", " ", 
+    RowBox[{"0", " ", "jets"}]}], " ", "*)"}], "\[IndentingNewLine]", 
+    RowBox[{"SetDirectory", "[", 
+     RowBox[{"NotebookDirectory", "[", "]"}], "]"}], ";"}], 
+   "\[IndentingNewLine]", 
+   RowBox[{
+    RowBox[{"SetDirectory", "[", 
+     RowBox[{"StringJoin", "[", 
+      RowBox[{
+       RowBox[{"ParentDirectory", "[", "]"}], ",", 
+       "\"\</pvcoefficients/0jets\>\""}], "]"}], "]"}], ";"}], 
+   "\[IndentingNewLine]", 
+   RowBox[{
+    RowBox[{"ggHListPV", "=", 
+     RowBox[{"ToExpression", "[", 
+      RowBox[{"Import", "[", 
+       RowBox[{"\"\<ggH_coeff.txt\>\"", ",", "\"\<Lines\>\""}], "]"}], 
+      "]"}]}], ";"}], "\[IndentingNewLine]", 
+   RowBox[{"(*", " ", 
+    RowBox[{"Analytical", " ", "expansion"}], " ", "*)"}], 
+   "\[IndentingNewLine]", 
+   RowBox[{
+    RowBox[{"nj0", "=", 
+     RowBox[{"Length", "[", "ggHListPV", "]"}]}], ";"}], 
+   "\[IndentingNewLine]", 
+   RowBox[{
+    RowBox[{"Export", "[", 
+     RowBox[{"\"\<ggH_coeff.m\>\"", ",", "ggHListPV"}], "]"}], ";"}], 
+   "\[IndentingNewLine]", 
+   RowBox[{
+    RowBox[{"nj0List", "=", 
+     RowBox[{"Range", "[", "nj0", "]"}]}], ";"}], "\[IndentingNewLine]", 
+   RowBox[{"Do", "[", "\[IndentingNewLine]", 
-     RowBox[{"nj0List", "[", 
-      RowBox[{"[", "n", "]"}], "]"}], "=", 
-     RowBox[{"LoopRefine", "[", 
-      RowBox[{"ggHListPV", "[", 
-       RowBox[{"[", "n", "]"}], "]"}], "]"}]}], ";"}], "\[IndentingNewLine]", 
-   ",", 
-   RowBox[{"{", 
-    RowBox[{"n", ",", "nj0"}], "}"}]}], "]"}], "\[IndentingNewLine]", 
- RowBox[{
-  RowBox[{
-   RowBox[{"Export", "[", 
-    RowBox[{"\"\<ggH_coeff_LR.m\>\"", ",", "nj0List"}], "]"}], ";"}], 
-  "\[IndentingNewLine]"}], "\[IndentingNewLine]", 
- RowBox[{
-  RowBox[{"SetDirectory", "[", 
-   RowBox[{"NotebookDirectory", "[", "]"}], "]"}], 
-  ";"}], "\[IndentingNewLine]", 
- RowBox[{
-  RowBox[{"SetDirectory", "[", 
-   RowBox[{"StringJoin", "[", 
+     RowBox[{
+      RowBox[{
+       RowBox[{"nj0List", "[", 
+        RowBox[{"[", "n", "]"}], "]"}], "=", 
+       RowBox[{"LoopRefine", "[", 
+        RowBox[{"ggHListPV", "[", 
+         RowBox[{"[", "n", "]"}], "]"}], "]"}]}], ";"}], 
+     "\[IndentingNewLine]", ",", 
+     RowBox[{"{", 
+      RowBox[{"n", ",", "nj0"}], "}"}]}], "]"}], "\[IndentingNewLine]", 
+   RowBox[{
+    RowBox[{"Export", "[", 
+     RowBox[{"\"\<ggH_coeff_LR.m\>\"", ",", "nj0List"}], "]"}], ";"}], 
+   "\[IndentingNewLine]", 
+   RowBox[{"(*", " ", 
+    RowBox[{"Velocity", " ", "series"}], " ", "*)"}], "\[IndentingNewLine]", 
+   RowBox[{
+    RowBox[{"nj0ListV", "=", 
+     RowBox[{"Range", "[", "nj0", "]"}]}], ";"}], "\[IndentingNewLine]", 
+   RowBox[{"Do", "[", "\[IndentingNewLine]", 
-     RowBox[{"ParentDirectory", "[", "]"}], ",", 
-     "\"\</pvcoefficients/1jets/\>\""}], "]"}], "]"}], 
-  ";"}], "\[IndentingNewLine]", 
- RowBox[{
-  RowBox[{"ggHgListPV", "=", 
-   RowBox[{"ToExpression", "[", 
-    RowBox[{"Import", "[", 
-     RowBox[{"\"\<ggHg_coeff.txt\>\"", ",", "\"\<Lines\>\""}], "]"}], "]"}]}],
-   ";"}], "\[IndentingNewLine]", 
- RowBox[{
-  RowBox[{"nj1", "=", 
-   RowBox[{"Length", "[", "ggHgListPV", "]"}]}], ";"}], "\[IndentingNewLine]", 
- RowBox[{
-  RowBox[{"Export", "[", 
-   RowBox[{"\"\<ggHg_coeff.m\>\"", ",", "ggHgListPV"}], "]"}], 
-  ";"}], "\[IndentingNewLine]", 
- RowBox[{
-  RowBox[{"nj1List", "=", 
-   RowBox[{"Range", "[", "nj1", "]"}]}], ";"}], "\[IndentingNewLine]", 
- RowBox[{"Do", "[", "\[IndentingNewLine]", 
-  RowBox[{
+     RowBox[{
+      RowBox[{
+       RowBox[{"nj0ListV", "[", 
+        RowBox[{"[", "n", "]"}], "]"}], "=", 
+       RowBox[{
+        RowBox[{"nj0List", "[", 
+         RowBox[{"[", "n", "]"}], "]"}], "//.", "VelSub"}]}], ";"}], 
+     "\[IndentingNewLine]", ",", 
+     RowBox[{"{", 
+      RowBox[{"n", ",", "nj0"}], "}"}]}], "]"}], "\[IndentingNewLine]", 
+   RowBox[{
+    RowBox[{"Export", "[", 
+     RowBox[{"\"\<ggH_coeff_LRS.m\>\"", ",", "nj0ListV"}], "]"}], ";"}], 
+   "\[IndentingNewLine]", "\[IndentingNewLine]", 
+   RowBox[{"(*", " ", 
+    RowBox[{"H", " ", "+", " ", 
+     RowBox[{"1", " ", "jets"}]}], " ", "*)"}], "\[IndentingNewLine]", 
+   RowBox[{
+    RowBox[{"SetDirectory", "[", 
+     RowBox[{"NotebookDirectory", "[", "]"}], "]"}], ";"}], 
+   "\[IndentingNewLine]", 
+   RowBox[{
+    RowBox[{"SetDirectory", "[", 
+     RowBox[{"StringJoin", "[", 
+      RowBox[{
+       RowBox[{"ParentDirectory", "[", "]"}], ",", 
+       "\"\</pvcoefficients/1jets/\>\""}], "]"}], "]"}], ";"}], 
+   "\[IndentingNewLine]", 
+    RowBox[{"ggHgListPV", "=", 
+     RowBox[{"ToExpression", "[", 
+      RowBox[{"Import", "[", 
+       RowBox[{"\"\<ggHg_coeff.txt\>\"", ",", "\"\<Lines\>\""}], "]"}], 
+      "]"}]}], ";"}], "\[IndentingNewLine]", 
+   RowBox[{"(*", " ", 
+    RowBox[{"Analytical", " ", "expansion"}], " ", "*)"}], 
+   "\[IndentingNewLine]", 
+   RowBox[{
+    RowBox[{"nj1", "=", 
+     RowBox[{"Length", "[", "ggHgListPV", "]"}]}], ";"}], 
+   "\[IndentingNewLine]", 
+   RowBox[{
+    RowBox[{"Export", "[", 
+     RowBox[{"\"\<ggHg_coeff.m\>\"", ",", "ggHgListPV"}], "]"}], ";"}], 
+   "\[IndentingNewLine]", 
+   RowBox[{
+    RowBox[{"nj1List", "=", 
+     RowBox[{"Range", "[", "nj1", "]"}]}], ";"}], "\[IndentingNewLine]", 
+   RowBox[{"Do", "[", "\[IndentingNewLine]", 
-     RowBox[{"nj1List", "[", 
-      RowBox[{"[", "n", "]"}], "]"}], "=", 
-     RowBox[{"LoopRefine", "[", 
-      RowBox[{"ggHgListPV", "[", 
-       RowBox[{"[", "n", "]"}], "]"}], "]"}]}], ";"}], "\[IndentingNewLine]", 
-   ",", 
-   RowBox[{"{", 
-    RowBox[{"n", ",", "nj1"}], "}"}]}], "]"}], "\[IndentingNewLine]", 
- RowBox[{
-  RowBox[{"Export", "[", 
-   RowBox[{"\"\<ggHg_coeff_LR.m\>\"", ",", "nj1List"}], "]"}], 
-  ";"}]}], "Input",
+     RowBox[{
+      RowBox[{
+       RowBox[{"nj1List", "[", 
+        RowBox[{"[", "n", "]"}], "]"}], "=", 
+       RowBox[{"LoopRefine", "[", 
+        RowBox[{"ggHgListPV", "[", 
+         RowBox[{"[", "n", "]"}], "]"}], "]"}]}], ";"}], 
+     "\[IndentingNewLine]", ",", 
+     RowBox[{"{", 
+      RowBox[{"n", ",", "nj1"}], "}"}]}], "]"}], "\[IndentingNewLine]", 
+   RowBox[{
+    RowBox[{"Export", "[", 
+     RowBox[{"\"\<ggHg_coeff_LR.m\>\"", ",", "nj1List"}], "]"}], ";"}], 
+   "\[IndentingNewLine]", 
+   RowBox[{"(*", " ", 
+    RowBox[{"Velocity", " ", "series"}], " ", "*)"}], "\[IndentingNewLine]", 
+   RowBox[{
+    RowBox[{"nj1ListV", "=", 
+     RowBox[{"Range", "[", "nj1", "]"}]}], ";"}], "\[IndentingNewLine]", 
+   RowBox[{"Do", "[", "\[IndentingNewLine]", 
+    RowBox[{
+     RowBox[{
+      RowBox[{
+       RowBox[{"nj1ListV", "[", 
+        RowBox[{"[", "n", "]"}], "]"}], "=", 
+       RowBox[{
+        RowBox[{"nj1List", "[", 
+         RowBox[{"[", "n", "]"}], "]"}], "//.", "VelSub"}]}], ";"}], 
+     "\[IndentingNewLine]", ",", 
+     RowBox[{"{", 
+      RowBox[{"n", ",", "nj1"}], "}"}]}], "]"}], "\[IndentingNewLine]", 
+   RowBox[{
+    RowBox[{"Export", "[", 
+     RowBox[{"\"\<ggHg_coeff_LRS.m\>\"", ",", "nj1ListV"}], "]"}], ";"}], 
+   "\[IndentingNewLine]"}]}]], "Input",
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@@ -645,41 +696,44 @@ Cell[BoxData[{
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-   3.779203257319865*^9, 3.779203284428808*^9}},
+   3.779203257319865*^9, 3.779203284428808*^9}, {3.779203912352627*^9, 
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+   3.7792075111151876`*^9, 3.7792075513136044`*^9}, {3.779207652438225*^9, 
+   3.7792077183330803`*^9}, {3.7792077903190203`*^9, 3.779207808981255*^9}, {
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-  "In[151]:=",ExpressionUUID->"fd0c50cb-5e3d-46b2-a09e-275f25c954a6"],
-Cell[BoxData["\[IndentingNewLine]"], "Input",
- CellChangeTimes->{
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+  "In[221]:=",ExpressionUUID->"fd0c50cb-5e3d-46b2-a09e-275f25c954a6"],
  RowBox[{"(*", " ", 
-  "Define", " ", "the", " ", "replacement", " ", "of", " ", "al", " ", "PV", 
-   " ", "coefficients", " ", "for", " ", "their", " ", "analytical", " ", 
-   RowBox[{"expansion", "."}]}], " ", "*)"}]], "Input",
- CellChangeTimes->{{3.773741455033848*^9, 
-  3.77374148857545*^9}},ExpressionUUID->"e40759ab-7c04-4bf0-a25e-\
+  "Define", " ", "the", " ", "replacement", " ", "list", " ", "of", " ", "al",
+    " ", "PV", " ", "coefficients", " ", "for", " ", "their", " ", 
+   "analytical", " ", "expansion", " ", "and", " ", "velocity", " ", 
+   RowBox[{"series", "."}]}], " ", "*)"}]], "Input",
+ CellChangeTimes->{{3.773741455033848*^9, 3.77374148857545*^9}, {
+  3.779203746860647*^9, 3.779203751821527*^9}, {3.779203884906218*^9, 
+  3.779203887286145*^9}},ExpressionUUID->"e40759ab-7c04-4bf0-a25e-\
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   RowBox[{"f", ",", "Listable"}], "]"}], "\[IndentingNewLine]", 
-  RowBox[{"f", "[", 
-   RowBox[{"a_", ",", "b_"}], "]"}], ":=", 
-  RowBox[{"a", "\[Rule]", "b"}]}], "\[IndentingNewLine]", 
+  RowBox[{
+   RowBox[{"f", "[", 
+    RowBox[{"a_", ",", "b_"}], "]"}], ":=", 
+   RowBox[{"a", "\[Rule]", "b"}]}], 
+  "\[IndentingNewLine]"}], "\[IndentingNewLine]", 
   RowBox[{"rep0jets", "=", 
    RowBox[{"f", "[", 
     RowBox[{"ggHListPV", ",", "nj0List"}], "]"}]}], 
   ";"}], "\[IndentingNewLine]", 
-  RowBox[{"rep1jets", "=", 
+  RowBox[{"rep0jetsV", "=", 
    RowBox[{"f", "[", 
-    RowBox[{"ggHgListPV", ",", " ", "nj1List"}], "]"}]}], 
+    RowBox[{"ggHListPV", ",", "nj0ListV"}], "]"}]}], 
   ";"}], "\[IndentingNewLine]", 
   RowBox[{"SetDirectory", "[", 
@@ -696,6 +750,21 @@ Cell[BoxData[{
   RowBox[{"Export", "[", 
    RowBox[{"\"\<rep_rule_0jets.m\>\"", ",", "rep0jets"}], "]"}], 
   ";"}], "\[IndentingNewLine]", 
+ RowBox[{
+  RowBox[{
+   RowBox[{"Export", "[", 
+    RowBox[{"\"\<rep_rule_0jets_vel.m\>\"", ",", "rep0jetsV"}], "]"}], ";"}], 
+  "\[IndentingNewLine]"}], "\[IndentingNewLine]", 
+ RowBox[{
+  RowBox[{"rep1jets", "=", 
+   RowBox[{"f", "[", 
+    RowBox[{"ggHgListPV", ",", " ", "nj1List"}], "]"}]}], 
+  ";"}], "\[IndentingNewLine]", 
+ RowBox[{
+  RowBox[{"rep1jetsV", "=", 
+   RowBox[{"f", "[", 
+    RowBox[{"ggHgListPV", ",", "nj1ListV"}], "]"}]}], 
+  ";"}], "\[IndentingNewLine]", 
   RowBox[{"SetDirectory", "[", 
    RowBox[{"NotebookDirectory", "[", "]"}], "]"}], 
@@ -710,100568 +779,91 @@ Cell[BoxData[{
   RowBox[{"Export", "[", 
    RowBox[{"\"\<rep_rule_1jets.m\>\"", ",", "rep1jets"}], "]"}], 
-  ";"}]}], "Input",
- CellChangeTimes->{{3.773141715006895*^9, 3.7731417742477217`*^9}, {
-  3.77920349196461*^9, 3.779203492213757*^9}},
- CellLabel->
-  "In[167]:=",ExpressionUUID->"007158c3-a206-4cab-88ec-886b70f30fed"],
-Cell[BoxData[""], "Input",
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-  3.779203354196967*^9, 3.779203400369611*^9}, {3.779203486701988*^9, 
-  3.779203490595933*^9}},ExpressionUUID->"743fd8ff-17f3-49f2-85d6-\
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-  3.779203407651013*^9, 
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-  RowBox[{"triangle", " ", "=", " ", 
-   RowBox[{
-    RowBox[{"triangle", " ", "//.", " ", "MAT"}], " ", "//.", " ", 
-    "SubDen"}]}], ";"}], "\[IndentingNewLine]", 
- RowBox[{
-  RowBox[{"t", " ", "=", " ", 
-   RowBox[{"Collect", "[", 
-    RowBox[{
-     RowBox[{"ReleaseHold", "[", 
-      RowBox[{"(", 
-       RowBox[{
-        RowBox[{"(", 
-         RowBox[{"HoldForm", "[", 
-          RowBox[{"Evaluate", "[", "triangle", "]"}], "]"}], " ", ")"}], "//.",
-         " ", "RIntList"}], ")"}], "]"}], ",", 
-     RowBox[{"Mat", "[", "__", "]"}]}], "]"}]}], ";"}], "\[IndentingNewLine]", 
- RowBox[{
-  RowBox[{"ft", "=", 
-   RowBox[{
-    RowBox[{"t", "//.", "LoopRefining"}], "//", "Refine"}]}], 
-  ";"}], "\[IndentingNewLine]", 
- RowBox[{
-  RowBox[{"Export", "[", 
-   RowBox[{"\"\<ggHgg_LR_triangle_2diags.m\>\"", ",", "ft"}], "]"}], 
-  ";"}], "\[IndentingNewLine]"}], "Input",
- CellChangeTimes->{{3.775489112120273*^9, 3.775489119038488*^9}},
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-  3.775821061411274*^9},ExpressionUUID->"a4013e44-a682-4c70-a84f-\
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-  RowBox[{"triangle", " ", "=", " ", 
-   RowBox[{"Import", "[", "\"\<ggHgg_triangle_FeynAmp_2diags.m\>\"", "]"}]}], 
-  ";"}]], "Input",
- CellLabel->"In[17]:=",ExpressionUUID->"73dfc6d7-5c31-463e-8864-6b5bef17b11d"],
- RowBox[{"triangle", "=", 
-  RowBox[{
-   RowBox[{
-    RowBox[{
-     RowBox[{
-      RowBox[{"triangle", "//.", 
-       RowBox[{"{", 
-        RowBox[{
-         RowBox[{"C0i", "[", "___", "]"}], "\[Rule]", "0"}], "}"}]}], "//.", 
-      "SubDen"}], "//.", "MAT"}], "//.", "MATColor"}], "//", 
-   "Simplify"}]}]], "Input",
- CellChangeTimes->{{3.775490489071643*^9, 3.77549054704373*^9}, {
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- RowBox[{
-  RowBox[{"Amp", "[", 
-   RowBox[{
-    RowBox[{"{", 
-     RowBox[{
-      RowBox[{"{", 
-       RowBox[{
-        RowBox[{"V", "[", 
-         RowBox[{"5", ",", 
-          RowBox[{"{", "Glu1", "}"}]}], "]"}], ",", 
-        RowBox[{"k", "[", "1", "]"}], ",", "0", ",", 
-        RowBox[{"{", 
-         RowBox[{
-          SqrtBox["3"], " ", "ColorCharge"}], "}"}]}], "}"}], ",", 
-      RowBox[{"{", 
-       RowBox[{
-        RowBox[{"V", "[", 
-         RowBox[{"5", ",", 
-          RowBox[{"{", "Glu2", "}"}]}], "]"}], ",", 
-        RowBox[{"k", "[", "2", "]"}], ",", "0", ",", 
-        RowBox[{"{", 
-         RowBox[{
-          SqrtBox["3"], " ", "ColorCharge"}], "}"}]}], "}"}]}], "}"}], 
-    "\[Rule]", 
-    RowBox[{"{", 
-     RowBox[{
-      RowBox[{"{", 
-       RowBox[{
-        RowBox[{"S", "[", "1", "]"}], ",", 
-        RowBox[{"k", "[", "3", "]"}], ",", "MH", ",", 
-        RowBox[{"{", "}"}]}], "}"}], ",", 
-      RowBox[{"{", 
-       RowBox[{
-        RowBox[{"V", "[", 
-         RowBox[{"5", ",", 
-          RowBox[{"{", "Glu4", "}"}]}], "]"}], ",", 
-        RowBox[{"k", "[", "4", "]"}], ",", "0", ",", 
-        RowBox[{"{", 
-         RowBox[{
-          SqrtBox["3"], " ", "ColorCharge"}], "}"}]}], "}"}], ",", 
-      RowBox[{"{", 
-       RowBox[{
-        RowBox[{"V", "[", 
-         RowBox[{"5", ",", 
-          RowBox[{"{", "Glu5", "}"}]}], "]"}], ",", 
-        RowBox[{"k", "[", "5", "]"}], ",", "0", ",", 
-        RowBox[{"{", 
-         RowBox[{
-          SqrtBox["3"], " ", "ColorCharge"}], "}"}]}], "}"}]}], "}"}]}], 
-   "]"}], "[", 
-  RowBox[{"-", 
-   RowBox[{
-    FractionBox["1", 
-     RowBox[{"MW", " ", "SW", " ", "T"}]], 
-    RowBox[{"8", " ", 
-     SuperscriptBox["Alfas", "2"], " ", "EL", " ", 
-     SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"], " ", 
-     RowBox[{"B0i", "[", 
-      RowBox[{"bb0", ",", "T", ",", 
-       SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"], ",", 
-       SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"]}], "]"}], " ", 
-     RowBox[{"(", 
-      RowBox[{
-       RowBox[{
-        RowBox[{"(", 
-         RowBox[{"c1", "-", 
-          RowBox[{"2", " ", "c2"}], "+", "c3"}], ")"}], " ", 
-        RowBox[{"Pair", "[", 
-         RowBox[{
-          RowBox[{"e", "[", "1", "]"}], ",", 
-          RowBox[{"ec", "[", "5", "]"}]}], "]"}], " ", 
-        RowBox[{"Pair", "[", 
-         RowBox[{
-          RowBox[{"e", "[", "2", "]"}], ",", 
-          RowBox[{"ec", "[", "4", "]"}]}], "]"}]}], "+", 
-       RowBox[{
-        RowBox[{"(", 
-         RowBox[{
-          RowBox[{
-           RowBox[{"-", "2"}], " ", "c1"}], "+", "c2", "+", "c3"}], ")"}], 
-        " ", 
-        RowBox[{"Pair", "[", 
-         RowBox[{
-          RowBox[{"e", "[", "1", "]"}], ",", 
-          RowBox[{"ec", "[", "4", "]"}]}], "]"}], " ", 
-        RowBox[{"Pair", "[", 
-         RowBox[{
-          RowBox[{"e", "[", "2", "]"}], ",", 
-          RowBox[{"ec", "[", "5", "]"}]}], "]"}]}], "+", 
-       RowBox[{
-        RowBox[{"(", 
-         RowBox[{"c1", "+", "c2", "-", 
-          RowBox[{"2", " ", "c3"}]}], ")"}], " ", 
-        RowBox[{"Pair", "[", 
-         RowBox[{
-          RowBox[{"e", "[", "1", "]"}], ",", 
-          RowBox[{"e", "[", "2", "]"}]}], "]"}], " ", 
-        RowBox[{"Pair", "[", 
-         RowBox[{
-          RowBox[{"ec", "[", "4", "]"}], ",", 
-          RowBox[{"ec", "[", "5", "]"}]}], "]"}]}]}], ")"}]}]}]}], 
-  "]"}]], "Output",
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-}, Open  ]],
- RowBox[{
-  RowBox[{"t", " ", "=", " ", 
-   RowBox[{"Collect", "[", 
-    RowBox[{
-     RowBox[{"ReleaseHold", "[", 
-      RowBox[{"(", 
-       RowBox[{
-        RowBox[{"(", 
-         RowBox[{"HoldForm", "[", 
-          RowBox[{"Evaluate", "[", "triangle", "]"}], "]"}], " ", ")"}], "//.",
-         " ", "RIntList"}], ")"}], "]"}], ",", 
-     RowBox[{"Mat", "[", "__", "]"}]}], "]"}]}], ";"}], "\[IndentingNewLine]", 
- RowBox[{
-  RowBox[{"ft", "=", 
-   RowBox[{
-    RowBox[{"t", "//.", "LoopRefining"}], "//", "Refine"}]}], ";"}]}], "Input",\
- CellLabel->"In[26]:=",ExpressionUUID->"d027658a-37f9-489d-a307-4d535ae073b9"],
- RowBox[{"ft", "//", "Simplify"}]], "Input",
- CellChangeTimes->{{3.775490801911936*^9, 3.775490806703685*^9}},
- CellLabel->"In[29]:=",ExpressionUUID->"55e4d6af-838f-45bf-ab25-da03c1c1d848"],
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-  RowBox[{"Amp", "[", 
-   RowBox[{
-    RowBox[{"{", 
-     RowBox[{
-      RowBox[{"{", 
-       RowBox[{
-        RowBox[{"V", "[", 
-         RowBox[{"5", ",", 
-          RowBox[{"{", "Glu1", "}"}]}], "]"}], ",", 
-        RowBox[{"k", "[", "1", "]"}], ",", "0", ",", 
-        RowBox[{"{", 
-         RowBox[{
-          SqrtBox["3"], " ", "ColorCharge"}], "}"}]}], "}"}], ",", 
-      RowBox[{"{", 
-       RowBox[{
-        RowBox[{"V", "[", 
-         RowBox[{"5", ",", 
-          RowBox[{"{", "Glu2", "}"}]}], "]"}], ",", 
-        RowBox[{"k", "[", "2", "]"}], ",", "0", ",", 
-        RowBox[{"{", 
-         RowBox[{
-          SqrtBox["3"], " ", "ColorCharge"}], "}"}]}], "}"}]}], "}"}], 
-    "\[Rule]", 
-    RowBox[{"{", 
-     RowBox[{
-      RowBox[{"{", 
-       RowBox[{
-        RowBox[{"S", "[", "1", "]"}], ",", 
-        RowBox[{"k", "[", "3", "]"}], ",", "MH", ",", 
-        RowBox[{"{", "}"}]}], "}"}], ",", 
-      RowBox[{"{", 
-       RowBox[{
-        RowBox[{"V", "[", 
-         RowBox[{"5", ",", 
-          RowBox[{"{", "Glu4", "}"}]}], "]"}], ",", 
-        RowBox[{"k", "[", "4", "]"}], ",", "0", ",", 
-        RowBox[{"{", 
-         RowBox[{
-          SqrtBox["3"], " ", "ColorCharge"}], "}"}]}], "}"}], ",", 
-      RowBox[{"{", 
-       RowBox[{
-        RowBox[{"V", "[", 
-         RowBox[{"5", ",", 
-          RowBox[{"{", "Glu5", "}"}]}], "]"}], ",", 
-        RowBox[{"k", "[", "5", "]"}], ",", "0", ",", 
-        RowBox[{"{", 
-         RowBox[{
-          SqrtBox["3"], " ", "ColorCharge"}], "}"}]}], "}"}]}], "}"}]}], 
-   "]"}], "[", 
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-   RowBox[{
-    FractionBox["1", 
-     RowBox[{"MW", " ", "SW", " ", "T"}]], 
-    RowBox[{"8", " ", 
-     SuperscriptBox["Alfas", "2"], " ", "EL", " ", 
-     SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"], " ", 
-     RowBox[{"(", 
-      RowBox[{"2", "+", 
-       FractionBox["1", "\[Epsilon]"], "+", 
-       RowBox[{"DiscB", "[", 
-        RowBox[{"T", ",", 
-         SqrtBox[
-          SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"]], ",", 
-         SqrtBox[
-          SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"]]}], "]"}], "+", 
-       RowBox[{"Log", "[", 
-        FractionBox[
-         SuperscriptBox["\[Micro]", "2"], 
-         SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"]], "]"}]}], ")"}], " ", 
-     RowBox[{"(", 
-      RowBox[{
-       RowBox[{
-        RowBox[{"(", 
-         RowBox[{"c1", "-", 
-          RowBox[{"2", " ", "c2"}], "+", "c3"}], ")"}], " ", 
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-         RowBox[{
-          RowBox[{"e", "[", "1", "]"}], ",", 
-          RowBox[{"ec", "[", "5", "]"}]}], "]"}], " ", 
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-         RowBox[{
-          RowBox[{"e", "[", "2", "]"}], ",", 
-          RowBox[{"ec", "[", "4", "]"}]}], "]"}]}], "+", 
-       RowBox[{
-        RowBox[{"(", 
-         RowBox[{
-          RowBox[{
-           RowBox[{"-", "2"}], " ", "c1"}], "+", "c2", "+", "c3"}], ")"}], 
-        " ", 
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-         RowBox[{
-          RowBox[{"e", "[", "1", "]"}], ",", 
-          RowBox[{"ec", "[", "4", "]"}]}], "]"}], " ", 
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-         RowBox[{
-          RowBox[{"e", "[", "2", "]"}], ",", 
-          RowBox[{"ec", "[", "5", "]"}]}], "]"}]}], "+", 
-       RowBox[{
-        RowBox[{"(", 
-         RowBox[{"c1", "+", "c2", "-", 
-          RowBox[{"2", " ", "c3"}]}], ")"}], " ", 
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-         RowBox[{
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-          RowBox[{"e", "[", "2", "]"}]}], "]"}], " ", 
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-         RowBox[{
-          RowBox[{"ec", "[", "4", "]"}], ",", 
-          RowBox[{"ec", "[", "5", "]"}]}], "]"}]}]}], ")"}]}]}]}], 
-  "]"}]], "Output",
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-   RowBox[{"--", 
-    RowBox[{"--", 
-     RowBox[{"--", 
-      RowBox[{"--", 
-       RowBox[{"--", 
-        RowBox[{"--", 
-         RowBox[{"--", 
-          RowBox[{"--", 
-           RowBox[{"--", 
-            RowBox[{"--", 
-             RowBox[{"--", 
-              RowBox[{"--", 
-               RowBox[{"--", 
-                RowBox[{"--", 
-                 RowBox[{"--", 
-                  RowBox[{"--", 
-                   RowBox[{"--", 
-                    RowBox[{"--", 
-                    RowBox[{"--", 
-                    RowBox[{"--", 
-                    RowBox[{"--", 
-                    RowBox[{"--", 
-                    RowBox[{"--", 
-                    RowBox[{"--", 
-                    RowBox[{"--", 
-                    RowBox[{"--", 
-                    RowBox[{"--", 
-                    RowBox[{"--", 
-                    RowBox[{"--", 
-                    RowBox[{"--", 
-                    RowBox[{"--", 
-                    RowBox[{"--", 
-                    RowBox[{"--", 
-                    RowBox[{"--", 
-                    RowBox[{"--", 
-                    RowBox[{"--", 
-                    RowBox[{"--", 
-                    RowBox[{"--", 
-                    RowBox[{"--", 
-                    RowBox[{
-                    "--", "--"}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]\
-}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}], "*)"}]}]], "Input",
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-   RowBox[{"i_", ",", "f_", ",", "string_"}], "]"}], ":=", 
-  "\[IndentingNewLine]", 
-  RowBox[{"{", "\[IndentingNewLine]", 
-   RowBox[{"Do", "[", "\[IndentingNewLine]", 
-    RowBox[{
-     RowBox[{
-      RowBox[{
-       RowBox[{"Serieslist", "[", 
-        RowBox[{"[", "n", "]"}], "]"}], "=", 
-       RowBox[{"LoopRefineSeries", "[", 
-        RowBox[{
-         RowBox[{"LRlistVelSub", "[", 
-          RowBox[{"[", "n", "]"}], "]"}], ",", 
-         RowBox[{"{", 
-          RowBox[{"\[Beta]", ",", "0", ",", "2"}], "}"}]}], "]"}]}], ";", 
-      "\[IndentingNewLine]", 
-      RowBox[{"Print", "[", "n", "]"}], ";", "\[IndentingNewLine]", 
-      RowBox[{"Export", "[", 
-       RowBox[{"string", ",", "Serieslist"}], "]"}], ";"}], 
-     "\[IndentingNewLine]", ",", 
-     RowBox[{"{", 
-      RowBox[{"n", ",", "i", ",", "f"}], "}"}]}], "]"}], 
-   "\[IndentingNewLine]", "}"}]}]], "Input",
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-  RowBox[{"(*", " ", 
-   RowBox[{
-   "Translate", " ", "from", " ", "FormCalc", " ", "to", " ", "Package", " ", 
-    "X", " ", 
-    RowBox[{"format", "."}]}], " ", "*)"}], "\[IndentingNewLine]", 
-  RowBox[{
-   RowBox[{
-    RowBox[{"triangle", " ", "=", " ", 
-     RowBox[{
-     "Import", "[", "\"\<ggHgg_triangle_FeynAmp_38diags.m\>\"", "]"}]}], 
-    ";"}], "\[IndentingNewLine]", 
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-    RowBox[{"triangle", " ", "=", " ", 
-     RowBox[{
-      RowBox[{
-       RowBox[{"triangle", " ", "//.", "MAT"}], "//.", " ", "MATColor"}], " ",
-       "//.", " ", "SubDen"}]}], ";"}], "\[IndentingNewLine]", 
-   RowBox[{
-    RowBox[{"t", " ", "=", " ", 
-     RowBox[{"Collect", "[", 
-      RowBox[{
-       RowBox[{"ReleaseHold", "[", 
-        RowBox[{"(", 
-         RowBox[{
-          RowBox[{"(", 
-           RowBox[{"HoldForm", "[", 
-            RowBox[{"Evaluate", "[", "triangle", "]"}], "]"}], " ", ")"}], "//.",
-           " ", "RIntList"}], ")"}], "]"}], ",", 
-       RowBox[{"Mat", "[", "__", "]"}]}], "]"}]}], ";"}], 
-   "\[IndentingNewLine]", 
-   RowBox[{
-    RowBox[{"Export", "[", 
-     RowBox[{"\"\<ggHgg_PV_triangle_38diags.m\>\"", ",", "t"}], "]"}], 
-    ";"}]}]}]], "Input",
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-  RowBox[{"(*", " ", 
-   RowBox[{
-   "Loop", " ", "refine", " ", "each", " ", "term", " ", "to", " ", "get", 
-    " ", "analytical", " ", 
-    RowBox[{"expressions", "."}]}], " ", "*)"}], "\[IndentingNewLine]", 
-  RowBox[{
-   RowBox[{
-    RowBox[{"listPV", " ", "=", " ", 
-     RowBox[{"ToExpression", "[", 
-      RowBox[{"Import", "[", 
-       RowBox[{"\"\<trianglePVs.m\>\"", ",", "\"\<Lines\>\""}], "]"}], 
-      "]"}]}], ";"}], "\[IndentingNewLine]", 
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-    RowBox[{"LRlist", " ", "=", " ", 
-     RowBox[{"Range", "[", 
-      RowBox[{"Length", "[", "listPV", "]"}], "]"}]}], ";"}], 
-   "\[IndentingNewLine]", 
-   RowBox[{
-    RowBox[{"Do", "[", "\[IndentingNewLine]", 
-     RowBox[{
-      RowBox[{
-       RowBox[{
-        RowBox[{"LRlist", "[", 
-         RowBox[{"[", "n", "]"}], "]"}], "=", 
-        RowBox[{"LoopRefine", "[", 
-         RowBox[{"listPV", "[", 
-          RowBox[{"[", "n", "]"}], "]"}], "]"}]}], ";"}], 
-      "\[IndentingNewLine]", ",", 
-      RowBox[{"{", 
-       RowBox[{"n", ",", 
-        RowBox[{"Range", "[", 
-         RowBox[{"Length", "[", "listPV", "]"}], "]"}]}], "}"}]}], "]"}], 
-    ";"}], "\[IndentingNewLine]", 
-   RowBox[{
-    RowBox[{"LRlist", "=", 
-     RowBox[{
-      RowBox[{"LRlist", " ", "//", "Refine"}], "//", "Simplify"}]}], ";"}], 
-   "\[IndentingNewLine]", 
-   RowBox[{
-    RowBox[{"Export", "[", 
-     RowBox[{"\"\<analyticPV_triangles.m\>\"", ",", "LRlist"}], "]"}], 
-    ";"}]}]}]], "Input",
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-   RowBox[{
-    RowBox[{"LRlist", "=", 
-     RowBox[{"Import", "[", "\"\<analyticPV_triangles.m\>\"", "]"}]}], ";"}], 
-   "\[IndentingNewLine]", 
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-    RowBox[{"LRlistVelSub", "=", 
-     RowBox[{"LRlist", "//.", "VelSub"}]}], ";"}], "\[IndentingNewLine]", 
-   RowBox[{
-    RowBox[{"Export", "[", 
-     RowBox[{"\"\<analyticPVwVel_triangles.m\>\"", ",", "LRlistVelSub"}], 
-     "]"}], ";"}], "\[IndentingNewLine]", 
-   RowBox[{
-    RowBox[{"Serieslist", "=", "LRlistVelSub"}], ";"}]}]}]], "Input",
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-    RowBox[{"series", "."}]}], " ", "*)"}], "\[IndentingNewLine]", 
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-   RowBox[{"1", ",", 
-    RowBox[{"Length", "[", "LRlistVelSub", "]"}], ",", 
-    "\"\<SeriesPV_triangles.m\>\""}], "]"}]}]], "Input",
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-Cell[BoxData["1"], "Print",
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- CellLabel->
-  "During evaluation of \
-Cell[BoxData["2"], "Print",
- CellChangeTimes->{3.778511819059483*^9, 3.7785123829155407`*^9},
- CellLabel->
-  "During evaluation of \
-Cell[BoxData["3"], "Print",
- CellChangeTimes->{3.778511819059483*^9, 3.778512382931138*^9},
- CellLabel->
-  "During evaluation of \
-Cell[BoxData["4"], "Print",
- CellChangeTimes->{3.778511819059483*^9, 3.7785123829400806`*^9},
- CellLabel->
-  "During evaluation of \
-Cell[BoxData["5"], "Print",
- CellChangeTimes->{3.778511819059483*^9, 3.778512382949741*^9},
- CellLabel->
-  "During evaluation of \
-Cell[BoxData["6"], "Print",
- CellChangeTimes->{3.778511819059483*^9, 3.778512382958762*^9},
- CellLabel->
-  "During evaluation of \
-Cell[BoxData["7"], "Print",
- CellChangeTimes->{3.778511819059483*^9, 3.778512383041127*^9},
- CellLabel->
-  "During evaluation of \
-Cell[BoxData["8"], "Print",
- CellChangeTimes->{3.778511819059483*^9, 3.778512383054595*^9},
- CellLabel->
-  "During evaluation of \
-Cell[BoxData["9"], "Print",
- CellChangeTimes->{3.778511819059483*^9, 3.778512383069906*^9},
- CellLabel->
-  "During evaluation of \
-Cell[BoxData["10"], "Print",
- CellChangeTimes->{3.778511819059483*^9, 3.778512383500832*^9},
- CellLabel->
-  "During evaluation of \
-Cell[BoxData["11"], "Print",
- CellChangeTimes->{3.778511819059483*^9, 3.7785123835765142`*^9},
- CellLabel->
-  "During evaluation of \
-Cell[BoxData["12"], "Print",
- CellChangeTimes->{3.778511819059483*^9, 3.778512383592807*^9},
- CellLabel->
-  "During evaluation of \
-Cell[BoxData["13"], "Print",
- CellChangeTimes->{3.778511819059483*^9, 3.778512383605513*^9},
- CellLabel->
-  "During evaluation of \
-Cell[BoxData["14"], "Print",
- CellChangeTimes->{3.778511819059483*^9, 3.778512384074768*^9},
- CellLabel->
-  "During evaluation of \
-Cell[BoxData["15"], "Print",
- CellChangeTimes->{3.778511819059483*^9, 3.7785123841633387`*^9},
- CellLabel->
-  "During evaluation of \
-Cell[BoxData["16"], "Print",
- CellChangeTimes->{3.778511819059483*^9, 3.7785123857490664`*^9},
- CellLabel->
-  "During evaluation of \
-Cell[BoxData["17"], "Print",
- CellChangeTimes->{3.778511819059483*^9, 3.778512385808852*^9},
- CellLabel->
-  "During evaluation of \
-Cell[BoxData["18"], "Print",
- CellChangeTimes->{3.778511819059483*^9, 3.778512387347632*^9},
- CellLabel->
-  "During evaluation of \
-Cell[BoxData["19"], "Print",
- CellChangeTimes->{3.778511819059483*^9, 3.778512387423924*^9},
- CellLabel->
-  "During evaluation of \
-Cell[BoxData["20"], "Print",
- CellChangeTimes->{3.778511819059483*^9, 3.778512387488948*^9},
- CellLabel->
-  "During evaluation of \
-Cell[BoxData["21"], "Print",
- CellChangeTimes->{3.778511819059483*^9, 3.778512389090189*^9},
- CellLabel->
-  "During evaluation of \
-Cell[BoxData["22"], "Print",
- CellChangeTimes->{3.778511819059483*^9, 3.7785123892488117`*^9},
- CellLabel->
-  "During evaluation of \
-Cell[BoxData["23"], "Print",
- CellChangeTimes->{3.778511819059483*^9, 3.7785123893298607`*^9},
- CellLabel->
-  "During evaluation of \
-Cell[BoxData["24"], "Print",
- CellChangeTimes->{3.778511819059483*^9, 3.778512389413691*^9},
- CellLabel->
-  "During evaluation of \
-Cell[BoxData["25"], "Print",
- CellChangeTimes->{3.778511819059483*^9, 3.77851239078407*^9},
- CellLabel->
-  "During evaluation of \
-Cell[BoxData["26"], "Print",
- CellChangeTimes->{3.778511819059483*^9, 3.778512390869191*^9},
- CellLabel->
-  "During evaluation of \
-Cell[BoxData["27"], "Print",
- CellChangeTimes->{3.778511819059483*^9, 3.778512390930818*^9},
- CellLabel->
-  "During evaluation of \
-Cell[BoxData["28"], "Print",
- CellChangeTimes->{3.778511819059483*^9, 3.778512394937373*^9},
- CellLabel->
-  "During evaluation of \
-Cell[BoxData["29"], "Print",
- CellChangeTimes->{3.778511819059483*^9, 3.77851239595619*^9},
- CellLabel->
-  "During evaluation of \
-Cell[BoxData["30"], "Print",
- CellChangeTimes->{3.778511819059483*^9, 3.7785123961155777`*^9},
- CellLabel->
-  "During evaluation of \
-Cell[BoxData["31"], "Print",
- CellChangeTimes->{3.778511819059483*^9, 3.778512396272484*^9},
- CellLabel->
-  "During evaluation of \
-Cell[BoxData["32"], "Print",
- CellChangeTimes->{3.778511819059483*^9, 3.7785124016781063`*^9},
- CellLabel->
-  "During evaluation of \
-Cell[BoxData["33"], "Print",
- CellChangeTimes->{3.778511819059483*^9, 3.7785124017895813`*^9},
- CellLabel->
-  "During evaluation of \
-Cell[BoxData["34"], "Print",
- CellChangeTimes->{3.778511819059483*^9, 3.778512406577866*^9},
- CellLabel->
-  "During evaluation of \
-Cell[BoxData["35"], "Print",
- CellChangeTimes->{3.778511819059483*^9, 3.77851240750906*^9},
- CellLabel->
-  "During evaluation of \
-Cell[BoxData["36"], "Print",
- CellChangeTimes->{3.778511819059483*^9, 3.778512407615101*^9},
- CellLabel->
-  "During evaluation of \
-Cell[BoxData["37"], "Print",
- CellChangeTimes->{3.778511819059483*^9, 3.77851240772073*^9},
- CellLabel->
-  "During evaluation of \
-Cell[BoxData["38"], "Print",
- CellChangeTimes->{3.778511819059483*^9, 3.7785124137636633`*^9},
- CellLabel->
-  "During evaluation of \
-Cell[BoxData["39"], "Print",
- CellChangeTimes->{3.778511819059483*^9, 3.778512413888442*^9},
- CellLabel->
-  "During evaluation of \
-Cell[BoxData["40"], "Print",
- CellChangeTimes->{3.778511819059483*^9, 3.778512414033155*^9},
- CellLabel->
-  "During evaluation of \
-Cell[BoxData["41"], "Print",
- CellChangeTimes->{3.778511819059483*^9, 3.778512415469339*^9},
- CellLabel->
-  "During evaluation of \
-Cell[BoxData["42"], "Print",
- CellChangeTimes->{3.778511819059483*^9, 3.778512415986779*^9},
- CellLabel->
-  "During evaluation of \
-Cell[BoxData["43"], "Print",
- CellChangeTimes->{3.778511819059483*^9, 3.778512416119038*^9},
- CellLabel->
-  "During evaluation of \
-Cell[BoxData["44"], "Print",
- CellChangeTimes->{3.778511819059483*^9, 3.778512416251133*^9},
- CellLabel->
-  "During evaluation of \
-Cell[BoxData["45"], "Print",
- CellChangeTimes->{3.778511819059483*^9, 3.778512417701735*^9},
- CellLabel->
-  "During evaluation of \
-}, Open  ]],
- RowBox[{"{", "Null", "}"}]], "Output",
- CellChangeTimes->{3.778511859290827*^9, 3.778512417825062*^9},
- CellLabel->"Out[82]=",ExpressionUUID->"cfcdfb24-b305-466a-a1bb-a332ab352a9e"]
-}, Closed]],
- RowBox[{
-  RowBox[{"Serieslist", "=", 
-   RowBox[{
-    RowBox[{"Import", "[", "\"\<SeriesPV_triangles.m\>\"", "]"}], "//", 
-    "Simplify"}]}], ";"}]], "Input",
- CellChangeTimes->{{3.7785118753455553`*^9, 3.778511898085145*^9}, {
-  3.778512429633429*^9, 3.778512431084112*^9}},
- CellLabel->"In[83]:=",ExpressionUUID->"09576c11-deed-4e65-b168-19d328941f7e"],
- RowBox[{
-  RowBox[{"(*", " ", 
-   RowBox[{"Define", " ", "replacemente", " ", 
-    RowBox[{"rule", "."}]}], " ", "*)"}], "\[IndentingNewLine]", 
-  RowBox[{
-   RowBox[{
-    RowBox[{"SetAttributes", "[", 
-     RowBox[{"f", ",", "Listable"}], "]"}], ";"}], "\[IndentingNewLine]", 
-   RowBox[{
-    RowBox[{
-     RowBox[{"f", "[", 
-      RowBox[{"a_", ",", "b_"}], "]"}], ":=", 
-     RowBox[{"a", "\[Rule]", "b"}]}], ";"}], "\[IndentingNewLine]", 
-   RowBox[{
-    RowBox[{"replacement", "=", 
-     RowBox[{"f", "[", 
-      RowBox[{"listPV", ",", "Serieslist"}], "]"}]}], ";"}], 
-   "\[IndentingNewLine]", 
-   RowBox[{
-    RowBox[{"Export", "[", 
-     RowBox[{
-     "\"\<replacementRule_triangles_velocity.m\>\"", ",", "replacement"}], 
-     "]"}], ";"}]}]}]], "Input",
- CellChangeTimes->{{3.7785121633002787`*^9, 3.778512185802937*^9}, {
-  3.778512231802353*^9, 3.778512308738598*^9}, {3.778512611400076*^9, 
-  3.7785126155855703`*^9}, {3.778512712549934*^9, 
-  3.778512714813554*^9}},ExpressionUUID->"e9cb917d-6bce-4b94-a047-\
- RowBox[{
-  RowBox[{"(*", " ", 
-   RowBox[{"Sub", " ", "back", " ", "into", " ", "the", " ", 
-    RowBox[{"amplitude", "."}]}], " ", "*)"}], "\[IndentingNewLine]", 
-  RowBox[{
-   RowBox[{
-    RowBox[{"t", "=", 
-     RowBox[{"Import", "[", "\"\<ggHgg_PV_triangle_38diags.m\>\"", "]"}]}], 
-    ";"}], "\[IndentingNewLine]", 
-   RowBox[{
-    RowBox[{"replacement", "=", 
-     RowBox[{
-     "Import", "[", "\"\<replacementRule_triangles_velocity.m\>\"", "]"}]}], 
-    ";"}], "\[IndentingNewLine]", 
-   RowBox[{"tvel", "=", 
-    RowBox[{"t", "//.", "replacement"}]}], "\[IndentingNewLine]", 
-   RowBox[{
-    RowBox[{"Export", "[", 
-     RowBox[{"\"\<ggHgg_VSeries_triangles.m\>\"", ",", "tvel"}], "]"}], 
-    ";"}]}]}]], "Input",
- CellChangeTimes->{{3.778512663505072*^9, 3.778512822513528*^9}},
- CellLabel->"In[98]:=",ExpressionUUID->"58da36ab-d8d7-464f-a677-c4ffb3b43015"],
- RowBox[{"tvelSeries", "=", 
-  RowBox[{"LoopRefineSeries", "[", 
-   RowBox[{"tvel", ",", 
-    RowBox[{"{", 
-     RowBox[{"\[Beta]", ",", "0", ",", "2"}], "}"}]}], "]"}]}]], "Input",
- CellChangeTimes->{{3.778513234373919*^9, 3.77851323517974*^9}, {
-  3.778513335636904*^9, 3.778513337021649*^9}, {3.778513385435795*^9, 
-  3.778513408995431*^9}},
- CellLabel->
-  "In[102]:=",ExpressionUUID->"93d22a91-7738-43f2-ae38-e21755ca22f1"],
- TemplateBox[{
-  "Simplify","time",
-   "\"Time spent on a transformation exceeded \
-\\!\\(\\*RowBox[{\\\"300.`\\\"}]\\) seconds, and the transformation was \
-aborted. Increasing the value of TimeConstraint option may improve the result \
-of simplification.\"",2,102,18,17498789627688163568,"Alternate Kernel"},
-  "MessageTemplate"]], "Message", "MSG",
- CellChangeTimes->{3.7785140277805433`*^9},
- CellLabel->
-  "During evaluation of \
- TemplateBox[{
-  "Simplify","time",
-   "\"Time spent on a transformation exceeded \
-\\!\\(\\*RowBox[{\\\"300.`\\\"}]\\) seconds, and the transformation was \
-aborted. Increasing the value of TimeConstraint option may improve the result \
-of simplification.\"",2,102,19,17498789627688163568,"Alternate Kernel"},
-  "MessageTemplate"]], "Message", "MSG",
- CellChangeTimes->{3.778514355993286*^9},
- CellLabel->
-  "During evaluation of \
- TemplateBox[{
-  "Simplify","time",
-   "\"Time spent on a transformation exceeded \
-\\!\\(\\*RowBox[{\\\"300.`\\\"}]\\) seconds, and the transformation was \
-aborted. Increasing the value of TimeConstraint option may improve the result \
-of simplification.\"",2,102,20,17498789627688163568,"Alternate Kernel"},
-  "MessageTemplate"]], "Message", "MSG",
- CellChangeTimes->{3.7785147038057737`*^9},
- CellLabel->
-  "During evaluation of \
- TemplateBox[{
-  "General","stop",
-   "\"Further output of \\!\\(\\*StyleBox[RowBox[{\\\"Simplify\\\", \
-\\\"::\\\", \\\"time\\\"}], \\\"MessageName\\\"]\\) will be suppressed during \
-this calculation.\"",2,102,21,17498789627688163568,"Alternate Kernel"},
-  "MessageTemplate"]], "Message", "MSG",
- CellChangeTimes->{3.7785147039936247`*^9},
- CellLabel->
-  "During evaluation of \
-}, Open  ]],
-Cell[BoxData[""], "Input",
- CellChangeTimes->{{3.778513238312398*^9, 
-  3.7785132395692987`*^9}},ExpressionUUID->"6e5f5a2d-f8d8-41cc-b7f7-\
- RowBox[{
-  RowBox[{"(", 
-   InterpretationBox[
-    RowBox[{
-     RowBox[{"-", 
-      RowBox[{
-       FractionBox["1", 
-        RowBox[{"MW", " ", "SW"}]], 
-       RowBox[{"2", " ", 
-        RowBox[{"(", 
-         RowBox[{
-          SuperscriptBox["Alfas", "2"], " ", "c3", " ", "EL", " ", 
-          SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"], " ", 
-          RowBox[{"(", 
-           RowBox[{
-            RowBox[{
-             FractionBox["1", "T"], 
-             RowBox[{"(", 
-              RowBox[{
-               RowBox[{
-                RowBox[{"(", 
-                 RowBox[{
-                  RowBox[{"4", " ", 
-                   RowBox[{"(", 
-                    RowBox[{"2", "+", 
-                    FractionBox["1", "\[Epsilon]"], "+", 
-                    RowBox[{"DiscB", "[", 
-                    RowBox[{"T", ",", "MT", ",", "MT"}], "]"}], "+", 
-                    RowBox[{"Log", "[", 
-                    FractionBox[
-                    SuperscriptBox["\[Micro]", "2"], 
-                    SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"]], "]"}]}], ")"}]}], "-", 
-                  RowBox[{
-                   FractionBox["1", 
-                    RowBox[{
-                    SuperscriptBox["MH", "2"], "-", "T"}]], 
-                   RowBox[{"4", " ", 
-                    RowBox[{"(", 
-                    RowBox[{
-                    RowBox[{"3", " ", 
-                    SuperscriptBox["MH", "2"]}], "+", 
-                    FractionBox[
-                    SuperscriptBox["MH", "2"], "\[Epsilon]"], "-", 
-                    RowBox[{"3", " ", "T"}], "-", 
-                    FractionBox["T", "\[Epsilon]"], "+", 
-                    RowBox[{
-                    SuperscriptBox["MH", "2"], " ", 
-                    RowBox[{"DiscB", "[", 
-                    RowBox[{
-                    SuperscriptBox["MH", "2"], ",", "MT", ",", "MT"}], 
-                    "]"}]}], "-", 
-                    RowBox[{"T", " ", 
-                    RowBox[{"DiscB", "[", 
-                    RowBox[{"T", ",", "MT", ",", "MT"}], "]"}]}], "+", 
-                    RowBox[{
-                    SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"], " ", 
-                    SuperscriptBox[
-                    RowBox[{"Log", "[", 
-                    FractionBox[
-                    RowBox[{
-                    RowBox[{"-", 
-                    SuperscriptBox["MH", "2"]}], "+", 
-                    RowBox[{"2", " ", 
-                    SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"]}], "+", 
-                    RowBox[{"MH", " ", 
-                    SqrtBox[
-                    RowBox[{
-                    SuperscriptBox["MH", "2"], "-", 
-                    RowBox[{"4", " ", 
-                    SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"]}]}]]}]}], 
-                    RowBox[{"2", " ", 
-                    SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"]}]], "]"}], "2"]}], "+", 
-                    RowBox[{
-                    SuperscriptBox["MH", "2"], " ", 
-                    RowBox[{"Log", "[", 
-                    FractionBox[
-                    SuperscriptBox["\[Micro]", "2"], 
-                    SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"]], "]"}]}], "-", 
-                    RowBox[{"T", " ", 
-                    RowBox[{"Log", "[", 
-                    FractionBox[
-                    SuperscriptBox["\[Micro]", "2"], 
-                    SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"]], "]"}]}], "-", 
-                    RowBox[{
-                    SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"], " ", 
-                    SuperscriptBox[
-                    RowBox[{"Log", "[", 
-                    FractionBox[
-                    RowBox[{
-                    RowBox[{"2", " ", 
-                    SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"]}], "-", "T", "+", 
-                    SqrtBox[
-                    RowBox[{"T", " ", 
-                    RowBox[{"(", 
-                    RowBox[{
-                    RowBox[{
-                    RowBox[{"-", "4"}], " ", 
-                    SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"]}], "+", "T"}], ")"}]}]]}], 
-                    RowBox[{"2", " ", 
-                    SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"]}]], "]"}], "2"]}]}], 
-                    ")"}]}]}]}], ")"}], " ", 
-                RowBox[{"(", 
-                 RowBox[{
-                  RowBox[{
-                   RowBox[{"Pair", "[", 
-                    RowBox[{
-                    RowBox[{"e", "[", "1", "]"}], ",", 
-                    RowBox[{"ec", "[", "5", "]"}]}], "]"}], " ", 
-                   RowBox[{"Pair", "[", 
-                    RowBox[{
-                    RowBox[{"e", "[", "2", "]"}], ",", 
-                    RowBox[{"ec", "[", "4", "]"}]}], "]"}]}], "+", 
-                  RowBox[{
-                   RowBox[{"Pair", "[", 
-                    RowBox[{
-                    RowBox[{"e", "[", "1", "]"}], ",", 
-                    RowBox[{"ec", "[", "4", "]"}]}], "]"}], " ", 
-                   RowBox[{"Pair", "[", 
-                    RowBox[{
-                    RowBox[{"e", "[", "2", "]"}], ",", 
-                    RowBox[{"ec", "[", "5", "]"}]}], "]"}]}], "-", 
-                  RowBox[{"2", " ", 
-                   RowBox[{"Pair", "[", 
-                    RowBox[{
-                    RowBox[{"e", "[", "1", "]"}], ",", 
-                    RowBox[{"e", "[", "2", "]"}]}], "]"}], " ", 
-                   RowBox[{"Pair", "[", 
-                    RowBox[{
-                    RowBox[{"ec", "[", "4", "]"}], ",", 
-                    RowBox[{"ec", "[", "5", "]"}]}], "]"}]}]}], ")"}]}], "+", 
-               RowBox[{
-                FractionBox["1", 
-                 RowBox[{
-                  SuperscriptBox["MH", "2"], "-", "T"}]], 
-                RowBox[{
-                 RowBox[{"(", 
-                  RowBox[{
-                   SuperscriptBox[
-                    RowBox[{"Log", "[", 
-                    FractionBox[
-                    RowBox[{
-                    RowBox[{"-", 
-                    SuperscriptBox["MH", "2"]}], "+", 
-                    RowBox[{"2", " ", 
-                    SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"]}], "+", 
-                    RowBox[{"MH", " ", 
-                    SqrtBox[
-                    RowBox[{
-                    SuperscriptBox["MH", "2"], "-", 
-                    RowBox[{"4", " ", 
-                    SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"]}]}]]}]}], 
-                    RowBox[{"2", " ", 
-                    SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"]}]], "]"}], "2"], "-", 
-                   SuperscriptBox[
-                    RowBox[{"Log", "[", 
-                    FractionBox[
-                    RowBox[{
-                    RowBox[{"2", " ", 
-                    SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"]}], "-", "T", "+", 
-                    SqrtBox[
-                    RowBox[{"T", " ", 
-                    RowBox[{"(", 
-                    RowBox[{
-                    RowBox[{
-                    RowBox[{"-", "4"}], " ", 
-                    SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"]}], "+", "T"}], ")"}]}]]}], 
-                    RowBox[{"2", " ", 
-                    SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"]}]], "]"}], "2"]}], ")"}], " ", 
-                 RowBox[{"(", 
-                  RowBox[{
-                   RowBox[{"2", " ", 
-                    RowBox[{"(", 
-                    RowBox[{
-                    RowBox[{
-                    RowBox[{"(", 
-                    RowBox[{
-                    RowBox[{"-", 
-                    SuperscriptBox["MH", "2"]}], "+", "T"}], ")"}], " ", 
-                    RowBox[{"Pair", "[", 
-                    RowBox[{
-                    RowBox[{"e", "[", "1", "]"}], ",", 
-                    RowBox[{"e", "[", "2", "]"}]}], "]"}]}], "+", 
-                    RowBox[{"2", " ", 
-                    RowBox[{"Pair", "[", 
-                    RowBox[{
-                    RowBox[{"e", "[", "1", "]"}], ",", 
-                    RowBox[{"k", "[", "3", "]"}]}], "]"}], " ", 
-                    RowBox[{"Pair", "[", 
-                    RowBox[{
-                    RowBox[{"e", "[", "2", "]"}], ",", 
-                    RowBox[{"k", "[", "1", "]"}]}], "]"}]}]}], ")"}], " ", 
-                    RowBox[{"Pair", "[", 
-                    RowBox[{
-                    RowBox[{"ec", "[", "4", "]"}], ",", 
-                    RowBox[{"ec", "[", "5", "]"}]}], "]"}]}], "-", 
-                   RowBox[{
-                    RowBox[{"Pair", "[", 
-                    RowBox[{
-                    RowBox[{"e", "[", "2", "]"}], ",", 
-                    RowBox[{"ec", "[", "5", "]"}]}], "]"}], " ", 
-                    RowBox[{"(", 
-                    RowBox[{
-                    RowBox[{
-                    RowBox[{"(", 
-                    RowBox[{
-                    RowBox[{"-", 
-                    SuperscriptBox["MH", "2"]}], "+", "T"}], ")"}], " ", 
-                    RowBox[{"Pair", "[", 
-                    RowBox[{
-                    RowBox[{"e", "[", "1", "]"}], ",", 
-                    RowBox[{"ec", "[", "4", "]"}]}], "]"}]}], "+", 
-                    RowBox[{"2", " ", 
-                    RowBox[{"Pair", "[", 
-                    RowBox[{
-                    RowBox[{"e", "[", "1", "]"}], ",", 
-                    RowBox[{"k", "[", "3", "]"}]}], "]"}], " ", 
-                    RowBox[{"Pair", "[", 
-                    RowBox[{
-                    RowBox[{"ec", "[", "4", "]"}], ",", 
-                    RowBox[{"k", "[", "1", "]"}]}], "]"}]}]}], ")"}]}], "-", 
-                   RowBox[{
-                    RowBox[{"Pair", "[", 
-                    RowBox[{
-                    RowBox[{"e", "[", "2", "]"}], ",", 
-                    RowBox[{"ec", "[", "4", "]"}]}], "]"}], " ", 
-                    RowBox[{"(", 
-                    RowBox[{
-                    RowBox[{
-                    RowBox[{"(", 
-                    RowBox[{
-                    RowBox[{"-", 
-                    SuperscriptBox["MH", "2"]}], "+", "T"}], ")"}], " ", 
-                    RowBox[{"Pair", "[", 
-                    RowBox[{
-                    RowBox[{"e", "[", "1", "]"}], ",", 
-                    RowBox[{"ec", "[", "5", "]"}]}], "]"}]}], "+", 
-                    RowBox[{"2", " ", 
-                    RowBox[{"Pair", "[", 
-                    RowBox[{
-                    RowBox[{"e", "[", "1", "]"}], ",", 
-                    RowBox[{"k", "[", "3", "]"}]}], "]"}], " ", 
-                    RowBox[{"Pair", "[", 
-                    RowBox[{
-                    RowBox[{"ec", "[", "5", "]"}], ",", 
-                    RowBox[{"k", "[", "1", "]"}]}], "]"}]}]}], ")"}]}]}], 
-                  ")"}]}]}], "-", 
-               RowBox[{"16", " ", 
-                RowBox[{"Pair", "[", 
-                 RowBox[{
-                  RowBox[{"e", "[", "1", "]"}], ",", 
-                  RowBox[{"k", "[", "3", "]"}]}], "]"}], " ", 
-                RowBox[{"(", 
-                 RowBox[{
-                  RowBox[{
-                   FractionBox["1", 
-                    RowBox[{"2", " ", 
-                    SuperscriptBox[
-                    RowBox[{"(", 
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-                    "U"}], ")"}], " ", 
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-                    ")"}]}]}]}], ")"}], " ", 
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-                    RowBox[{"k", "[", "3", "]"}]}], "]"}]}]}], ")"}]}]}], 
-                    ")"}]}]}], ")"}]}], "+", 
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-                    RowBox[{
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-                    RowBox[{
-                    RowBox[{"-", "4"}], " ", 
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-                    ")"}]}]}], ")"}]}]}]}], ")"}]}], "-", 
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-                    ")"}], " ", 
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-                    ")"}]}], ")"}], "/", 
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-                    RowBox[{"T14", "+", "T24", "+", "U"}], ")"}]}], "+", 
-                    SuperscriptBox[
-                    RowBox[{"(", 
-                    RowBox[{"T14", "+", "T24", "+", "U"}], ")"}], "2"]}], 
-                    ")"}], "2"]}], ")"}]}]}], ")"}]}]}], ")"}]}]}], ")"}]}]}],
-            ")"}]}], ")"}]}]}]}], "-", 
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-                    SuperscriptBox["T24", "2"]}], ")"}]}], "+", 
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-                    SuperscriptBox["T24", "2"]}], ")"}]}], "+", 
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-                    SuperscriptBox["T24", "2"]}], ")"}]}]}], ")"}]}]}], 
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-                    ")"}]}], ")"}], "/", 
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-                    SuperscriptBox["T24", "2"]}], ")"}]}], "+", 
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-                    ")"}]}]}], ")"}]}]}], ")"}], " ", 
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-                    RowBox[{"(", 
-                    RowBox[{"T14", "+", "T24", "+", "U"}], ")"}], "2"]}], 
-                    ")"}], "2"]}]}], ")"}]}]}], ")"}]}]}], ")"}]}], ")"}], 
-       " ", 
-       SuperscriptBox["\[Beta]", "2"]}]}], "+", 
-     InterpretationBox[
-      SuperscriptBox[
-       RowBox[{"O", "[", "\[Beta]", "]"}], "3"],
-      SeriesData[$CellContext`\[Beta], 0, {}, 0, 3, 1],
-      Editable->False]}],
-    SeriesData[$CellContext`\[Beta], 
-     0, {(-2) $CellContext`Alfas^2 $CellContext`c3 $CellContext`EL \
-$CellContext`MT^2 $CellContext`MW^(-1) $CellContext`SW^(-1) \
-($CellContext`T^(-1) ((
-           4 (2 + X`Eps^(-1) + 
-             X`DiscB[$CellContext`T, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] + 
-             Log[$CellContext`MT^(-2) X`Mu^2]) - 
-           4 ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`T)^(-1) (3 $CellContext`MH^2 + 
-            X`Eps^(-1) $CellContext`MH^2 - 3 $CellContext`T - 
-            X`Eps^(-1) $CellContext`T + $CellContext`MH^2 
-             X`DiscB[$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] - \
-            X`DiscB[$CellContext`T, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] + \
-             Log[Rational[1, 2] $CellContext`MT^(-2) (-$CellContext`MH^2 + 
-                 2 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`MH ($CellContext`MH^2 - 
-                    4 $CellContext`MT^2)^
-                   Rational[1, 2])]^2 + $CellContext`MH^2 
-             Log[$CellContext`MT^(-2) X`Mu^2] - $CellContext`T 
-            Log[$CellContext`MT^(-2) X`Mu^2] - $CellContext`MT^2 
-            Log[Rational[1, 2] $CellContext`MT^(-2) (
-                2 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`T + ($CellContext`T ((-4) \
-$CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`T))^Rational[1, 2])]^2)) ($CellContext`Pair[
-              $CellContext`e[1], 
-              $CellContext`ec[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-              $CellContext`e[2], 
-              $CellContext`ec[4]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-              $CellContext`e[1], 
-              $CellContext`ec[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-              $CellContext`e[2], 
-              $CellContext`ec[5]] - 2 $CellContext`Pair[
-             $CellContext`e[1], 
-             $CellContext`e[2]] $CellContext`Pair[
-             $CellContext`ec[4], 
-             $CellContext`ec[
-             5]]) + ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`T)^(-1) (
-           Log[Rational[1, 2] $CellContext`MT^(-2) (-$CellContext`MH^2 + 
-               2 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`MH ($CellContext`MH^2 - 
-                  4 $CellContext`MT^2)^Rational[1, 2])]^2 - 
-           Log[Rational[1, 2] $CellContext`MT^(-2) (
-              2 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`T + ($CellContext`T ((-4) \
-$CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`T))^Rational[1, 2])]^2) (
-           2 ((-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`T) $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[1], 
-                $CellContext`e[2]] + 2 $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[1], 
-                $CellContext`k[3]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[2], 
-                $CellContext`k[1]]) $CellContext`Pair[
-              $CellContext`ec[4], 
-              $CellContext`ec[5]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-             $CellContext`e[2], 
-             $CellContext`ec[
-             5]] ((-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`T) $CellContext`Pair[
-               $CellContext`e[1], 
-               $CellContext`ec[4]] + 2 $CellContext`Pair[
-               $CellContext`e[1], 
-               $CellContext`k[3]] $CellContext`Pair[
-               $CellContext`ec[4], 
-               $CellContext`k[1]]) - $CellContext`Pair[
-             $CellContext`e[2], 
-             $CellContext`ec[
-             4]] ((-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`T) $CellContext`Pair[
-               $CellContext`e[1], 
-               $CellContext`ec[5]] + 2 $CellContext`Pair[
-               $CellContext`e[1], 
-               $CellContext`k[3]] $CellContext`Pair[
-               $CellContext`ec[5], 
-               $CellContext`k[1]])) - 16 $CellContext`Pair[
-           $CellContext`e[1], 
-           $CellContext`k[3]] (
-          Rational[
-            1, 2] ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`T)^(-2) \
-(-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`T - $CellContext`MH^2 
-            X`DiscB[$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] + \
-             X`DiscB[$CellContext`T, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] - \
-            Log[Rational[1, 2] $CellContext`MT^(-2) (-$CellContext`MH^2 + 
-                2 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`MH ($CellContext`MH^2 - 
-                   4 $CellContext`MT^2)^
-                  Rational[1, 2])]^2 + $CellContext`MT^2 
-             Log[Rational[1, 2] $CellContext`MT^(-2) (
-                 2 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`T + ($CellContext`T ((-4) \
-$CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`T))^
-                  Rational[1, 2])]^2) ((-2) $CellContext`Pair[
-               $CellContext`e[2], 
-               $CellContext`k[1]] $CellContext`Pair[
-               $CellContext`ec[4], 
-               $CellContext`ec[5]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-               $CellContext`e[2], 
-               $CellContext`ec[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-               $CellContext`ec[4], 
-               $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-               $CellContext`e[2], 
-               $CellContext`ec[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-               $CellContext`ec[5], 
-               $CellContext`k[1]]) + 
-          Rational[
-            1, 2] ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`T)^(-1) (-
-             X`DiscB[$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] + 
-            X`DiscB[$CellContext`T, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT]) ((-2) \
-               $CellContext`e[2], 
-               $CellContext`k[3]] $CellContext`Pair[
-               $CellContext`ec[4], 
-               $CellContext`ec[5]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-               $CellContext`e[2], 
-               $CellContext`ec[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-               $CellContext`ec[4], 
-               $CellContext`k[3]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-               $CellContext`e[2], 
-               $CellContext`ec[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-               $CellContext`ec[5], 
-               $CellContext`k[3]])) + 
-         4 ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`T)^(-1) (
-           X`DiscB[$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] - 
-           X`DiscB[$CellContext`T, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT]) (
-           2 ((-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`T) $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[1], 
-                $CellContext`e[2]] + 2 $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[1], 
-                $CellContext`k[3]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[2], 
-                 $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[2], 
-                 $CellContext`k[3]])) $CellContext`Pair[
-              $CellContext`ec[4], 
-              $CellContext`ec[5]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-             $CellContext`e[2], 
-             $CellContext`ec[
-             5]] ((-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`T) $CellContext`Pair[
-               $CellContext`e[1], 
-               $CellContext`ec[4]] + 2 $CellContext`Pair[
-               $CellContext`e[1], 
-               $CellContext`k[3]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                $CellContext`k[3]])) - $CellContext`Pair[
-             $CellContext`e[2], 
-             $CellContext`ec[
-             4]] ((-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`T) $CellContext`Pair[
-               $CellContext`e[1], 
-               $CellContext`ec[5]] + 2 $CellContext`Pair[
-               $CellContext`e[1], 
-               $CellContext`k[3]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                $CellContext`k[3]])))) + (
-          2 $CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34 - $CellContext`T - \
-$CellContext`U)^(-1) ((
-           4 (2 + X`Eps^(-1) + 
-             X`DiscB[2 $CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34 - $CellContext`T - \
-$CellContext`U, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] + 
-             Log[$CellContext`MT^(-2) X`Mu^2]) + 
-           4 (-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T + \
-$CellContext`U)^(-1) (
-             3 ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34 - $CellContext`T - \
-$CellContext`U) + 
-             X`Eps^(-1) ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34 - \
-$CellContext`T - $CellContext`U) - $CellContext`MH^2 
-             X`DiscB[$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] + (
-               2 $CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34 - $CellContext`T - \
-              X`DiscB[2 $CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34 - $CellContext`T - \
-$CellContext`U, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] - $CellContext`MT^2 
-             Log[Rational[1, 2] $CellContext`MT^(-2) (-$CellContext`MH^2 + 
-                 2 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`MH ($CellContext`MH^2 - 
-                    4 $CellContext`MT^2)^
-                   Rational[
-                    1, 2])]^2 + ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34 - \
-$CellContext`T - $CellContext`U) 
-              Log[$CellContext`MT^(-2) X`Mu^2] + $CellContext`MT^2 
-              Log[Rational[1, 2] $CellContext`MT^(-2) ((-2) $CellContext`MH^2 + 
-                  2 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T + \
-$CellContext`U + (((-2) $CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T + \
-$CellContext`U) ((-2) $CellContext`MH^2 + 
-                    4 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T + \
-$CellContext`U))^Rational[1, 2])]^2)) ($CellContext`Pair[
-              $CellContext`e[1], 
-              $CellContext`ec[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-              $CellContext`e[2], 
-              $CellContext`ec[4]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-              $CellContext`e[1], 
-              $CellContext`ec[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-              $CellContext`e[2], 
-              $CellContext`ec[5]] - 2 $CellContext`Pair[
-             $CellContext`e[1], 
-             $CellContext`e[2]] $CellContext`Pair[
-             $CellContext`ec[4], 
-             $CellContext`ec[5]]) + (
-           8 (-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T + \
-$CellContext`U)^(-1) (
-             X`DiscB[$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] - 
-             X`DiscB[2 $CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34 - $CellContext`T - \
-$CellContext`U, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT]) ($CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[1], 
-                $CellContext`k[3]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[2], 
-                $CellContext`ec[4]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[1], 
-                $CellContext`ec[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[2], 
-                $CellContext`k[3]] - 2 $CellContext`Pair[
-               $CellContext`e[1], 
-               $CellContext`e[2]] $CellContext`Pair[
-               $CellContext`ec[4], 
-               $CellContext`k[3]]) - 
-           8 (-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T + \
-$CellContext`U)^(-2) (-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T + \
-$CellContext`U + $CellContext`MH^2 
-             X`DiscB[$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] - \
-            X`DiscB[2 $CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34 - $CellContext`T - \
-$CellContext`U, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] + $CellContext`MT^2 
-             Log[Rational[1, 2] $CellContext`MT^(-2) (-$CellContext`MH^2 + 
-                 2 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`MH ($CellContext`MH^2 - 
-                    4 $CellContext`MT^2)^
-                   Rational[1, 2])]^2 - $CellContext`MT^2 
-            Log[Rational[1, 2] $CellContext`MT^(-2) ((-2) $CellContext`MH^2 + 
-                2 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T + \
-$CellContext`U + (((-2) $CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T + \
-$CellContext`U) ((-2) $CellContext`MH^2 + 
-                   4 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T + \
-$CellContext`U))^Rational[1, 2])]^2) ($CellContext`Pair[
-               $CellContext`e[1], 
-               $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-               $CellContext`e[2], 
-               $CellContext`ec[4]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-               $CellContext`e[1], 
-               $CellContext`ec[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-               $CellContext`e[2], 
-               $CellContext`k[5]] - 2 $CellContext`Pair[
-              $CellContext`e[1], 
-              $CellContext`e[2]] $CellContext`Pair[
-              $CellContext`ec[4], 
-              $CellContext`k[5]])) $CellContext`Pair[
-            $CellContext`ec[5], 
-            $CellContext`k[3]] - 
-         4 (-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T + \
-$CellContext`U)^(-1) (-
-           X`DiscB[$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] + 
-          X`DiscB[2 $CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34 - $CellContext`T - \
-$CellContext`U, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT]) ($CellContext`Pair[
-             $CellContext`e[2], 
-             $CellContext`ec[
-             4]] ((-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T + \
-$CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-               $CellContext`e[1], 
-               $CellContext`ec[5]] - 2 ($CellContext`Pair[
-               $CellContext`e[1], 
-               $CellContext`k[3]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-              $CellContext`e[1], 
-              $CellContext`k[5]]) $CellContext`Pair[
-              $CellContext`ec[5], 
-              $CellContext`k[3]]) + $CellContext`Pair[
-             $CellContext`e[1], 
-             $CellContext`ec[
-             4]] ((-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T + \
-$CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-               $CellContext`e[2], 
-               $CellContext`ec[5]] - 2 ($CellContext`Pair[
-               $CellContext`e[2], 
-               $CellContext`k[3]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-              $CellContext`e[2], 
-              $CellContext`k[5]]) $CellContext`Pair[
-              $CellContext`ec[5], 
-              $CellContext`k[3]]) - 2 $CellContext`Pair[
-            $CellContext`e[1], 
-            $CellContext`e[
-            2]] ((-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T + \
-$CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-              $CellContext`ec[4], 
-              $CellContext`ec[5]] - 2 ($CellContext`Pair[
-              $CellContext`ec[4], 
-              $CellContext`k[3]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-             $CellContext`ec[4], 
-             $CellContext`k[5]]) $CellContext`Pair[
-             $CellContext`ec[5], 
-             $CellContext`k[
-             3]])) - (-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T + \
-$CellContext`U)^(-1) (-
-           Log[Rational[1, 2] $CellContext`MT^(-2) (-$CellContext`MH^2 + 
-               2 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`MH ($CellContext`MH^2 - 
-                  4 $CellContext`MT^2)^Rational[1, 2])]^2 + 
-          Log[Rational[1, 2] $CellContext`MT^(-2) ((-2) $CellContext`MH^2 + 
-              2 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T + \
-$CellContext`U + (((-2) $CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T + \
-$CellContext`U) ((-2) $CellContext`MH^2 + 
-                 4 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T + \
-$CellContext`U))^Rational[1, 2])]^2) ($CellContext`Pair[
-             $CellContext`e[2], 
-             $CellContext`ec[
-             4]] ((-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T + \
-$CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-               $CellContext`e[1], 
-               $CellContext`ec[5]] + 2 $CellContext`Pair[
-               $CellContext`e[1], 
-               $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-               $CellContext`ec[5], 
-               $CellContext`k[3]]) + $CellContext`Pair[
-             $CellContext`e[1], 
-             $CellContext`ec[
-             4]] ((-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T + \
-$CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-               $CellContext`e[2], 
-               $CellContext`ec[5]] + 2 $CellContext`Pair[
-               $CellContext`e[2], 
-               $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-               $CellContext`ec[5], 
-               $CellContext`k[3]]) - 2 $CellContext`Pair[
-            $CellContext`e[1], 
-            $CellContext`e[
-            2]] ((-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T + \
-$CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-              $CellContext`ec[4], 
-              $CellContext`ec[5]] + 2 $CellContext`Pair[
-              $CellContext`ec[4], 
-              $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-              $CellContext`ec[5], 
-              $CellContext`k[3]])) + $CellContext`T24^(-1) ((-8) (
-             Rational[-1, 
-                2] (-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T + \
-$CellContext`U)^(-1) (
-               X`DiscB[$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] - 
-               X`DiscB[
-               2 $CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34 - $CellContext`T - \
-$CellContext`U, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT]) (-(($CellContext`MH^2 - 
-                   3 $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T + $CellContext`U) \
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] + 
-                 2 ($CellContext`S - $CellContext`T14) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[
-                    3]] + ($CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34 + \
-$CellContext`T - 3 $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]]) $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[2], 
-                  $CellContext`ec[4]] + 
-               2 ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T - \
-$CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[1], 
-                  $CellContext`ec[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[2], 
-                  $CellContext`k[4]] + 
-               2 ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T - \
-$CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[1], 
-                  $CellContext`e[2]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                  $CellContext`k[2]] + 8 (-$CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]]) + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]]))) $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                $CellContext`k[3]] + 
-             Rational[-1, 
-                2] (-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T + \
-$CellContext`U)^(-2) (-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T + \
-$CellContext`U + $CellContext`MH^2 
-                X`DiscB[$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] - \
-               X`DiscB[
-                2 $CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34 - $CellContext`T - \
-$CellContext`U, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] + $CellContext`MT^2 
-                Log[Rational[1, 2] $CellContext`MT^(-2) (-$CellContext`MH^2 + 
-                    2 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`MH ($CellContext`MH^2 - 
-                    4 $CellContext`MT^2)^
-                    Rational[1, 2])]^2 - $CellContext`MT^2 
-               Log[Rational[
-                   1, 2] $CellContext`MT^(-2) ((-2) $CellContext`MH^2 + 
-                   2 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T + \
-$CellContext`U + (((-2) $CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T + \
-$CellContext`U) ((-2) $CellContext`MH^2 + 
-                    4 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T + \
-$CellContext`U))^Rational[1, 2])]^2) (-(($CellContext`MH^2 - 
-                   3 $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T - 
-                   2 $CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] + 
-                 2 ($CellContext`S - $CellContext`T14) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[
-                    3]] + ($CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34 + \
-$CellContext`T - 2 $CellContext`T24 - 3 $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]]) $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[2], 
-                  $CellContext`ec[4]] + 
-               2 ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T - 
-                 2 $CellContext`T24 - $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[1], 
-                  $CellContext`ec[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[2], 
-                  $CellContext`k[4]] + 
-               2 ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T - 
-                 2 $CellContext`T24 - $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[1], 
-                  $CellContext`e[2]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                  $CellContext`k[2]] + 8 (-$CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]]) + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]]))) $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                $CellContext`k[3]]) + (
-             4 (2 + X`Eps^(-1) + 
-               X`DiscB[
-                2 $CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34 - $CellContext`T - \
-$CellContext`U, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] + 
-               Log[$CellContext`MT^(-2) X`Mu^2]) + 
-             4 (-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T + \
-$CellContext`U)^(-1) (
-               3 ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34 - $CellContext`T - \
-$CellContext`U) + 
-               X`Eps^(-1) ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34 - \
-$CellContext`T - $CellContext`U) - $CellContext`MH^2 
-               X`DiscB[$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] + \
-(2 $CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34 - $CellContext`T - $CellContext`U) 
-                X`DiscB[
-                 2 $CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34 - $CellContext`T - \
-$CellContext`U, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] - $CellContext`MT^2 
-               Log[Rational[1, 2] $CellContext`MT^(-2) (-$CellContext`MH^2 + 
-                   2 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`MH ($CellContext`MH^2 - 
-                    4 $CellContext`MT^2)^
-                    Rational[
-                    1, 2])]^2 + ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34 - \
-$CellContext`T - $CellContext`U) 
-                Log[$CellContext`MT^(-2) X`Mu^2] + $CellContext`MT^2 
-                Log[Rational[
-                    1, 2] $CellContext`MT^(-2) ((-2) $CellContext`MH^2 + 
-                    2 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T + \
-$CellContext`U + (((-2) $CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T + \
-$CellContext`U) ((-2) $CellContext`MH^2 + 
-                    4 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T + \
-$CellContext`U))^Rational[1, 2])]^2)) ($CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[1], 
-                $CellContext`ec[
-                5]] ((-$CellContext`S + $CellContext`T14) $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[2], 
-                  $CellContext`ec[4]] + 4 ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]])) - 2 (2 ($CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[1], 
-                  $CellContext`k[2]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[1], 
-                 $CellContext`k[4]]) $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[2], 
-                 $CellContext`k[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                 $CellContext`ec[5]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                 $CellContext`k[2]] (2 ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[1], 
-                   $CellContext`k[4]]) $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[2], 
-                   $CellContext`ec[5]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[1], 
-                   $CellContext`e[2]] (2 $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                   $CellContext`k[3]])) + $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[1], 
-                 $CellContext`ec[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[2], 
-                 $CellContext`k[4]] (2 $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                   $CellContext`k[1]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                 $CellContext`k[3]])) + $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[2], 
-                $CellContext`ec[4]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[1], 
-                  $CellContext`k[4]] ((-4) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                   $CellContext`k[3]]) + $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[1], 
-                  $CellContext`k[2]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                   $CellContext`k[3]] + 4 $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[
-                    4]]))) + (-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34 + \
-$CellContext`T + $CellContext`U)^(-1) (-
-              Log[Rational[1, 2] $CellContext`MT^(-2) (-$CellContext`MH^2 + 
-                  2 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`MH ($CellContext`MH^2 - 
-                    4 $CellContext`MT^2)^Rational[1, 2])]^2 + 
-             Log[Rational[1, 2] $CellContext`MT^(-2) ((-2) $CellContext`MH^2 + 
-                 2 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T + \
-$CellContext`U + (((-2) $CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T + \
-$CellContext`U) ((-2) $CellContext`MH^2 + 
-                    4 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T + \
-                   1, 2])]^2) ((-4) ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34 - \
-$CellContext`T - $CellContext`U) ($CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[1], 
-                 $CellContext`k[2]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[1], 
-                $CellContext`k[4]]) $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[2], 
-                $CellContext`k[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                $CellContext`ec[5]] - 
-             4 ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34 - $CellContext`T - \
-$CellContext`U) ($CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[1], 
-                $CellContext`k[2]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-               $CellContext`e[1], 
-               $CellContext`k[4]]) $CellContext`Pair[
-               $CellContext`e[2], 
-               $CellContext`ec[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-               $CellContext`ec[4], 
-               $CellContext`k[2]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[1], 
-                $CellContext`ec[
-                5]] (-($CellContext`S - $CellContext`T14) (-$CellContext`MH^2 + \
-$CellContext`S + $CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24) $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[2], 
-                  $CellContext`ec[4]] + 
-               4 ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34 - $CellContext`T - \
-$CellContext`U) ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]])) + 8 (-$CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[1], 
-                  $CellContext`k[5]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]]) + $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[1], 
-                  $CellContext`k[3]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]])) $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                $CellContext`k[3]] + 4 $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[1], 
-                $CellContext`ec[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[2], 
-                $CellContext`k[
-                4]] ((-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T + \
-$CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                  $CellContext`k[
-                  1]] + ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34 - \
-$CellContext`T24 - $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                  $CellContext`k[3]]) + 4 $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[1], 
-                $CellContext`e[2]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                $CellContext`k[
-                2]] ((-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T + \
-$CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                  $CellContext`k[
-                  1]] + ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34 - \
-$CellContext`T24 - $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                  $CellContext`k[3]]) - 2 $CellContext`Pair[
-               $CellContext`e[2], 
-               $CellContext`ec[
-               4]] (($CellContext`S - $CellContext`T14) $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[1], 
-                 $CellContext`k[3]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                 $CellContext`k[3]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[1], 
-                 $CellContext`k[4]] (
-                2 ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34 - $CellContext`T - \
-$CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                   $CellContext`k[
-                   2]] + ($CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T - \
-$CellContext`T24 - $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                   $CellContext`k[3]]) + $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[1], 
-                 $CellContext`k[
-                 2]] ((-$CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T - $CellContext`T24 + \
-$CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                   $CellContext`k[3]] + 
-                2 (-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T + \
-$CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                   $CellContext`k[4]]))) + 
-           4 (-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T + \
-$CellContext`U)^(-1) (-
-              X`DiscB[$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] + 
-             X`DiscB[2 $CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34 - $CellContext`T - \
-$CellContext`U, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT]) ($CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[1], 
-                $CellContext`ec[
-                5]] (-($CellContext`S - $CellContext`T14) (-$CellContext`MH^2 + \
-$CellContext`S + $CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24) $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[2], 
-                  $CellContext`ec[4]] + 
-               4 ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34 - $CellContext`T - \
-$CellContext`U) ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]])) + 
-             2 ((-2) ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34 - $CellContext`T - \
-$CellContext`U) ($CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[1], 
-                   $CellContext`k[2]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[1], 
-                  $CellContext`k[4]]) $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[2], 
-                  $CellContext`k[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                  $CellContext`ec[5]] - 
-               2 ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34 - $CellContext`T - \
-$CellContext`U) ($CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[1], 
-                  $CellContext`k[2]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[1], 
-                 $CellContext`k[4]]) $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[2], 
-                 $CellContext`ec[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                 $CellContext`k[2]] + 8 (-$CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]]) + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]])) $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                  $CellContext`k[3]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[1], 
-                  $CellContext`ec[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[2], 
-                  $CellContext`k[4]] (
-                 2 (-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T + \
-$CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] + (3 $CellContext`MH^2 - 
-                   3 $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T - 2 $CellContext`T24 - 
-                   3 $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]]) + $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[1], 
-                  $CellContext`e[2]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                  $CellContext`k[2]] (
-                 2 (-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T + \
-$CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] + (3 $CellContext`MH^2 - 
-                   3 $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T - 2 $CellContext`T24 - 
-                   3 $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]])) - $CellContext`Pair[
-               $CellContext`e[2], 
-               $CellContext`ec[4]] (
-              4 ($CellContext`S - $CellContext`T14) $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[1], 
-                 $CellContext`k[3]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                 $CellContext`k[3]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[1], 
-                 $CellContext`k[4]] (
-                4 ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34 - $CellContext`T - \
-$CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                   $CellContext`k[2]] + ($CellContext`MH^2 + 
-                  3 $CellContext`S34 + 3 $CellContext`T - 2 $CellContext`T24 - 
-                  5 $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                   $CellContext`k[3]]) + $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[1], 
-                 $CellContext`k[
-                 2]] (($CellContext`MH^2 - 5 $CellContext`S34 + 
-                  3 $CellContext`T - 2 $CellContext`T24 + 
-                  3 $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                   $CellContext`k[3]] + 
-                4 (-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T + \
-$CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                   $CellContext`k[4]])))) + $CellContext`T14^(-1) (
-           8 (Rational[-1, 
-                2] (-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T + \
-$CellContext`U)^(-1) (
-               X`DiscB[$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] - 
-               X`DiscB[
-               2 $CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34 - $CellContext`T - \
-$CellContext`U, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT]) ((-2) ($CellContext`MH^2 - \
-$CellContext`S34 - $CellContext`T + $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[1], 
-                  $CellContext`k[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[2], 
-                  $CellContext`ec[4]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[1], 
-                  $CellContext`ec[
-                  4]] (($CellContext`MH^2 - 
-                   3 $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T + $CellContext`U) \
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] + 
-                 2 ($CellContext`S - $CellContext`T24) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[
-                    3]] + ($CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34 - 
-                   3 $CellContext`T + $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]]) - 
-               2 ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34 - $CellContext`T + \
-$CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[1], 
-                 $CellContext`e[2]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                 $CellContext`k[1]] + 8 (-$CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]]))) $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                $CellContext`k[3]] + 
-             Rational[-1, 
-                2] (-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T + \
-$CellContext`U)^(-2) (-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T + \
-$CellContext`U + $CellContext`MH^2 
-                X`DiscB[$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] - \
-               X`DiscB[
-                2 $CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34 - $CellContext`T - \
-$CellContext`U, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] + $CellContext`MT^2 
-                Log[Rational[1, 2] $CellContext`MT^(-2) (-$CellContext`MH^2 + 
-                    2 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`MH ($CellContext`MH^2 - 
-                    4 $CellContext`MT^2)^
-                    Rational[1, 2])]^2 - $CellContext`MT^2 
-               Log[Rational[
-                   1, 2] $CellContext`MT^(-2) ((-2) $CellContext`MH^2 + 
-                   2 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T + \
-$CellContext`U + (((-2) $CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T + \
-$CellContext`U) ((-2) $CellContext`MH^2 + 
-                    4 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T + \
-                    1, 2])]^2) ((-2) ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34 - \
-$CellContext`T - 2 $CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[1], 
-                  $CellContext`k[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[2], 
-                  $CellContext`ec[4]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[1], 
-                 $CellContext`ec[
-                 4]] (((-3) $CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S + 
-                  4 $CellContext`S34 + 
-                  3 $CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24) $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[2], 
-                   $CellContext`k[1]] - 
-                2 ($CellContext`S - $CellContext`T24) $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[2], 
-                  $CellContext`k[
-                  3]] + ((-3) $CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S + 
-                  4 $CellContext`T + 
-                  3 $CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24) $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[2], 
-                   $CellContext`k[4]]) - 
-               2 ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34 - $CellContext`T - 
-                2 $CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[1], 
-                 $CellContext`e[2]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                 $CellContext`k[1]] + 8 (-$CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]]))) $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                $CellContext`k[3]]) + (
-             4 (2 + X`Eps^(-1) + 
-               X`DiscB[
-                2 $CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34 - $CellContext`T - \
-$CellContext`U, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] + 
-               Log[$CellContext`MT^(-2) X`Mu^2]) + 
-             4 (-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T + \
-$CellContext`U)^(-1) (
-               3 ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34 - $CellContext`T - \
-$CellContext`U) + 
-               X`Eps^(-1) ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34 - \
-$CellContext`T - $CellContext`U) - $CellContext`MH^2 
-               X`DiscB[$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] + \
-(2 $CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34 - $CellContext`T - $CellContext`U) 
-                X`DiscB[
-                 2 $CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34 - $CellContext`T - \
-$CellContext`U, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] - $CellContext`MT^2 
-               Log[Rational[1, 2] $CellContext`MT^(-2) (-$CellContext`MH^2 + 
-                   2 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`MH ($CellContext`MH^2 - 
-                    4 $CellContext`MT^2)^
-                    Rational[
-                    1, 2])]^2 + ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34 - \
-$CellContext`T - $CellContext`U) 
-                Log[$CellContext`MT^(-2) X`Mu^2] + $CellContext`MT^2 
-                Log[Rational[
-                    1, 2] $CellContext`MT^(-2) ((-2) $CellContext`MH^2 + 
-                    2 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T + \
-$CellContext`U + (((-2) $CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T + \
-$CellContext`U) ((-2) $CellContext`MH^2 + 
-                    4 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T + \
-$CellContext`U))^Rational[1, 2])]^2)) ((-2) ((-2) $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[2], 
-                  $CellContext`ec[5]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]]) + $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                  $CellContext`k[1]] (2 $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`ec[5]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]]) + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`e[2]] (2 $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]])) + $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[1], 
-                  $CellContext`k[4]] (2 ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]]) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`ec[5]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`ec[4]] (2 $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]]))) + $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[1], 
-                $CellContext`ec[
-                4]] ((-$CellContext`S + $CellContext`T24) $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[2], 
-                  $CellContext`ec[5]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[2], 
-                  $CellContext`k[4]] ((-4) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                   $CellContext`k[3]]) + $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[2], 
-                  $CellContext`k[1]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                   $CellContext`k[3]] + 4 $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]]))) + 
-           4 (-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T + \
-$CellContext`U)^(-1) (-
-              X`DiscB[$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] + 
-             X`DiscB[2 $CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34 - $CellContext`T - \
-$CellContext`U, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT]) (
-             2 ((-2) ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34 - $CellContext`T - \
-$CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[1], 
-                  $CellContext`ec[5]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[2], 
-                   $CellContext`k[1]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[2], 
-                  $CellContext`k[4]]) $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                  $CellContext`k[1]] + 
-               2 ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34 - $CellContext`T - \
-$CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[2], 
-                  $CellContext`ec[5]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]]) - 8 (-$CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[1], 
-                   $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[2], 
-                   $CellContext`k[3]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                   $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[1], 
-                   $CellContext`k[3]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[2], 
-                   $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                   $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[1], 
-                   $CellContext`k[4]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]])) $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                 $CellContext`k[3]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[1], 
-                  $CellContext`e[2]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                  $CellContext`k[1]] (
-                 2 (-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T + \
-$CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] + (3 $CellContext`MH^2 - 
-                   3 $CellContext`S34 - 3 $CellContext`T - 
-                   2 $CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]]) + $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[1], 
-                  $CellContext`k[
-                  4]] ((-2) ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34 - \
-$CellContext`T - $CellContext`U) ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]]) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`ec[5]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`ec[4]] (
-                   2 (-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T + \
-$CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] + (3 $CellContext`MH^2 - 
-                    3 $CellContext`S34 - 3 $CellContext`T - 
-                    2 $CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]]))) + $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[1], 
-                $CellContext`ec[
-                4]] (-($CellContext`S - $CellContext`T24) (-$CellContext`MH^2 + \
-$CellContext`S + $CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24) $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[2], 
-                  $CellContext`ec[5]] + 
-               4 (-$CellContext`S + $CellContext`T24) $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[2], 
-                  $CellContext`k[3]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                  $CellContext`k[3]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[2], 
-                  $CellContext`k[4]] (
-                 4 ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S - $CellContext`T14 - \
-$CellContext`T24) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] + ((-7) $CellContext`MH^2 + 
-                   3 $CellContext`S + 8 $CellContext`T + 5 $CellContext`T14 + 
-                   3 $CellContext`T24) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]]) + $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[2], 
-                  $CellContext`k[
-                  1]] (((-7) $CellContext`MH^2 + 3 $CellContext`S + 
-                   8 $CellContext`S34 + 5 $CellContext`T14 + 
-                   3 $CellContext`T24) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] + 
-                 4 (-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S + $CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[
-                    4]]))) + (-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34 + \
-$CellContext`T + $CellContext`U)^(-1) (-
-              Log[Rational[1, 2] $CellContext`MT^(-2) (-$CellContext`MH^2 + 
-                  2 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`MH ($CellContext`MH^2 - 
-                    4 $CellContext`MT^2)^Rational[1, 2])]^2 + 
-             Log[Rational[1, 2] $CellContext`MT^(-2) ((-2) $CellContext`MH^2 + 
-                 2 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T + \
-$CellContext`U + (((-2) $CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T + \
-$CellContext`U) ((-2) $CellContext`MH^2 + 
-                    4 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T + \
-$CellContext`U))^Rational[1, 2])]^2) (
-             4 (-($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34 - $CellContext`T - \
-$CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[1], 
-                  $CellContext`ec[5]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[2], 
-                   $CellContext`k[1]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[2], 
-                  $CellContext`k[4]]) $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                  $CellContext`k[
-                  1]] + ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34 - \
-$CellContext`T - $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[2], 
-                  $CellContext`ec[5]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]]) - 2 (-$CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[1], 
-                   $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[2], 
-                   $CellContext`k[3]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                   $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[1], 
-                   $CellContext`k[3]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[2], 
-                   $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                   $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[1], 
-                   $CellContext`k[4]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]])) $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                 $CellContext`k[3]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[1], 
-                  $CellContext`e[2]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                  $CellContext`k[
-                  1]] ((-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34 + \
-$CellContext`T + $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[
-                    2]] + (-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S + \
-$CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]]) + $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[1], 
-                  $CellContext`k[
-                  4]] (-($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34 - \
-$CellContext`T - $CellContext`U) ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]]) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`ec[5]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`ec[
-                    4]] ((-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34 + \
-$CellContext`T + $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[
-                    2]] + (-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S + \
-$CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]]))) + $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[1], 
-                $CellContext`ec[
-                4]] (-($CellContext`S - $CellContext`T24) (-$CellContext`MH^2 + \
-$CellContext`S + $CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24) $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[2], 
-                  $CellContext`ec[5]] - 
-               2 (($CellContext`S - $CellContext`T24) $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[2], 
-                   $CellContext`k[3]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                   $CellContext`k[3]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[2], 
-                   $CellContext`k[4]] (
-                  2 ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34 - $CellContext`T - \
-$CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[
-                    1]] + ((-2) $CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S + 
-                    2 $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T24 + 
-                    2 $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]]) + $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[2], 
-                   $CellContext`k[
-                   1]] (((-2) $CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S + 
-                    2 $CellContext`T + $CellContext`T24 + 
-                    2 $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] + 
-                  2 (-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T + \
-$CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]])))))) + $CellContext`S34^(-1) ((
-           4 (2 + X`Eps^(-1) + 
-             X`DiscB[$CellContext`S34, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] + 
-             Log[$CellContext`MT^(-2) X`Mu^2]) - 
-           4 ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34)^(-1) (3 $CellContext`MH^2 + 
-            X`Eps^(-1) $CellContext`MH^2 - 3 $CellContext`S34 - 
-            X`Eps^(-1) $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`MH^2 
-             X`DiscB[$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] - \
-            X`DiscB[$CellContext`S34, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] + \
-             Log[Rational[1, 2] $CellContext`MT^(-2) (-$CellContext`MH^2 + 
-                 2 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`MH ($CellContext`MH^2 - 
-                    4 $CellContext`MT^2)^
-                   Rational[1, 2])]^2 + $CellContext`MH^2 
-             Log[$CellContext`MT^(-2) X`Mu^2] - $CellContext`S34 
-            Log[$CellContext`MT^(-2) X`Mu^2] - $CellContext`MT^2 
-            Log[Rational[1, 2] $CellContext`MT^(-2) (
-                2 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`S34 + ($CellContext`S34 \
-((-4) $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`S34))^
-                 Rational[1, 2])]^2)) ($CellContext`Pair[
-              $CellContext`e[1], 
-              $CellContext`ec[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-              $CellContext`e[2], 
-              $CellContext`ec[4]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-              $CellContext`e[1], 
-              $CellContext`ec[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-              $CellContext`e[2], 
-              $CellContext`ec[5]] - 2 $CellContext`Pair[
-             $CellContext`e[1], 
-             $CellContext`e[2]] $CellContext`Pair[
-             $CellContext`ec[4], 
-             $CellContext`ec[5]]) - 
-         4 ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34)^(-1) (
-          X`DiscB[$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] - 
-          X`DiscB[$CellContext`S34, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT]) \
-             $CellContext`e[2], 
-             $CellContext`ec[
-             5]] ((-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34) $CellContext`Pair[
-               $CellContext`e[1], 
-               $CellContext`ec[4]] + 2 ($CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[1], 
-                $CellContext`k[3]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-               $CellContext`e[1], 
-               $CellContext`k[4]]) $CellContext`Pair[
-               $CellContext`ec[4], 
-               $CellContext`k[3]]) + $CellContext`Pair[
-             $CellContext`e[1], 
-             $CellContext`ec[
-             5]] ((-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34) $CellContext`Pair[
-               $CellContext`e[2], 
-               $CellContext`ec[4]] + 2 ($CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[2], 
-                $CellContext`k[3]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-               $CellContext`e[2], 
-               $CellContext`k[4]]) $CellContext`Pair[
-               $CellContext`ec[4], 
-               $CellContext`k[3]]) - 2 $CellContext`Pair[
-            $CellContext`e[1], 
-            $CellContext`e[
-            2]] ((-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34) $CellContext`Pair[
-              $CellContext`ec[4], 
-              $CellContext`ec[5]] + 2 $CellContext`Pair[
-              $CellContext`ec[4], 
-              $CellContext`k[3]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-               $CellContext`ec[5], 
-               $CellContext`k[3]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-              $CellContext`ec[5], 
-              $CellContext`k[4]]))) + $CellContext`Pair[
-            $CellContext`ec[4], 
-            $CellContext`k[
-            3]] ((-8) ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34)^(-1) (-
-              X`DiscB[$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] + 
-             X`DiscB[$CellContext`S34, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT]) \
-                $CellContext`e[1], 
-                $CellContext`k[3]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[2], 
-                $CellContext`ec[5]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[1], 
-                $CellContext`ec[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[2], 
-                $CellContext`k[3]] - 2 $CellContext`Pair[
-               $CellContext`e[1], 
-               $CellContext`e[2]] $CellContext`Pair[
-               $CellContext`ec[5], 
-               $CellContext`k[3]]) + 
-           8 ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34)^(-2) (-$CellContext`MH^2 + \
-$CellContext`S34 - $CellContext`MH^2 
-             X`DiscB[$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] + \
-              X`DiscB[$CellContext`S34, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] - \
-             Log[Rational[1, 2] $CellContext`MT^(-2) (-$CellContext`MH^2 + 
-                 2 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`MH ($CellContext`MH^2 - 
-                    4 $CellContext`MT^2)^
-                   Rational[1, 2])]^2 + $CellContext`MT^2 
-              Log[Rational[1, 2] $CellContext`MT^(-2) (
-                  2 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`S34 + ($CellContext`S34 \
-((-4) $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`S34))^
-                   Rational[1, 2])]^2) ($CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[1], 
-                $CellContext`k[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[2], 
-                $CellContext`ec[5]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[1], 
-                $CellContext`ec[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[2], 
-                $CellContext`k[4]] - 2 $CellContext`Pair[
-               $CellContext`e[1], 
-               $CellContext`e[2]] $CellContext`Pair[
-               $CellContext`ec[5], 
-               $CellContext`k[
-               4]])) + ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34)^(-1) (
-           Log[Rational[1, 2] $CellContext`MT^(-2) (-$CellContext`MH^2 + 
-               2 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`MH ($CellContext`MH^2 - 
-                  4 $CellContext`MT^2)^Rational[1, 2])]^2 - 
-           Log[Rational[1, 2] $CellContext`MT^(-2) (
-              2 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`S34 + ($CellContext`S34 \
-((-4) $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`S34))^
-               Rational[1, 2])]^2) ($CellContext`Pair[
-              $CellContext`e[2], 
-              $CellContext`ec[
-              5]] (($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34) $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[1], 
-                $CellContext`ec[4]] + 2 $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[1], 
-                $CellContext`k[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                $CellContext`k[3]]) + $CellContext`Pair[
-              $CellContext`e[1], 
-              $CellContext`ec[
-              5]] (($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34) $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[2], 
-                $CellContext`ec[4]] + 2 $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[2], 
-                $CellContext`k[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                $CellContext`k[3]]) - 2 $CellContext`Pair[
-             $CellContext`e[1], 
-             $CellContext`e[
-             2]] (($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34) $CellContext`Pair[
-               $CellContext`ec[4], 
-               $CellContext`ec[5]] + 2 $CellContext`Pair[
-               $CellContext`ec[4], 
-               $CellContext`k[3]] $CellContext`Pair[
-               $CellContext`ec[5], 
-               $CellContext`k[
-               4]])) - ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S - $CellContext`T - \
-$CellContext`T14)^(-1) ((
-            4 (2 + X`Eps^(-1) + 
-              X`DiscB[$CellContext`S34, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] + 
-              Log[$CellContext`MT^(-2) X`Mu^2]) - 
-            4 ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34)^(-1) (
-             3 $CellContext`MH^2 + X`Eps^(-1) $CellContext`MH^2 - 
-             3 $CellContext`S34 - 
-             X`Eps^(-1) $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`MH^2 
-              X`DiscB[$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] - \
-             X`DiscB[$CellContext`S34, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] + \
-              Log[Rational[1, 2] $CellContext`MT^(-2) (-$CellContext`MH^2 + 
-                  2 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`MH ($CellContext`MH^2 - 
-                    4 $CellContext`MT^2)^
-                    Rational[1, 2])]^2 + $CellContext`MH^2 
-              Log[$CellContext`MT^(-2) X`Mu^2] - $CellContext`S34 
-             Log[$CellContext`MT^(-2) X`Mu^2] - $CellContext`MT^2 
-             Log[Rational[1, 2] $CellContext`MT^(-2) (
-                 2 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`S34 + ($CellContext`S34 \
-((-4) $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`S34))^Rational[1, 2])]^2)) (
-            4 $CellContext`Pair[
-               $CellContext`e[1], 
-               $CellContext`k[5]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[2], 
-                $CellContext`k[1]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-               $CellContext`e[2], 
-               $CellContext`k[5]]) $CellContext`Pair[
-               $CellContext`ec[4], 
-               $CellContext`ec[5]] + 2 $CellContext`Pair[
-               $CellContext`e[1], 
-               $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-               $CellContext`e[2], 
-               $CellContext`ec[5]] (2 $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                 $CellContext`k[2]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-               $CellContext`ec[4], 
-               $CellContext`k[3]]) + $CellContext`Pair[
-               $CellContext`e[1], 
-               $CellContext`ec[
-               5]] ((-$CellContext`MH^2 + 
-                2 $CellContext`S + $CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U) \
-                 $CellContext`e[2], 
-                 $CellContext`ec[4]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[2], 
-                $CellContext`k[5]] ((-4) $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                  $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                 $CellContext`k[3]]) - $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[2], 
-                $CellContext`k[1]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                 $CellContext`k[3]] + 4 $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                  $CellContext`k[5]])) + 4 $CellContext`Pair[
-               $CellContext`e[1], 
-               $CellContext`ec[4]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[2], 
-                $CellContext`k[1]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-               $CellContext`e[2], 
-               $CellContext`k[5]]) $CellContext`Pair[
-               $CellContext`ec[5], 
-               $CellContext`k[1]] + 2 $CellContext`Pair[
-               $CellContext`e[1], 
-               $CellContext`e[2]] (2 $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                 $CellContext`k[2]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-               $CellContext`ec[4], 
-               $CellContext`k[3]]) $CellContext`Pair[
-               $CellContext`ec[5], 
-               $CellContext`k[1]] - 4 $CellContext`Pair[
-              $CellContext`e[2], 
-              $CellContext`ec[4]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[1], 
-                $CellContext`k[2]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[1], 
-                $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                $CellContext`k[2]])) - 
-          8 (Rational[
-             1, 2] ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34)^(-2) \
-(-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34 - $CellContext`MH^2 
-             X`DiscB[$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] + \
-              X`DiscB[$CellContext`S34, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] - \
-             Log[Rational[1, 2] $CellContext`MT^(-2) (-$CellContext`MH^2 + 
-                 2 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`MH ($CellContext`MH^2 - 
-                    4 $CellContext`MT^2)^
-                   Rational[1, 2])]^2 + $CellContext`MT^2 
-              Log[Rational[1, 2] $CellContext`MT^(-2) (
-                  2 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`S34 + ($CellContext`S34 \
-((-4) $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`S34))^
-                   Rational[1, 2])]^2) $CellContext`Pair[
-              $CellContext`ec[4], 
-              $CellContext`k[3]] (
-             2 (-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34 + 
-               2 $CellContext`T24) $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[1], 
-                $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[2], 
-                $CellContext`ec[5]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-               $CellContext`e[1], 
-               $CellContext`ec[
-               5]] (((-2) $CellContext`MH^2 + 2 $CellContext`S34 + 
-                4 $CellContext`T24) $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[2], 
-                 $CellContext`k[1]] + (-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34 + 
-                4 $CellContext`T14) $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[2], 
-                 $CellContext`k[3]] + ($CellContext`MH^2 + 
-                2 $CellContext`S - $CellContext`S34 - 2 $CellContext`T + 
-                2 $CellContext`T14) $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[2], 
-                 $CellContext`k[4]]) + 
-             2 (-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34 + 
-               2 $CellContext`T24) $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[1], 
-                $CellContext`e[2]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                $CellContext`k[1]] + 8 (-$CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[1], 
-                  $CellContext`k[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[2], 
-                  $CellContext`k[3]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                  $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[1], 
-                  $CellContext`k[3]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[2], 
-                  $CellContext`k[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                  $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[1], 
-                  $CellContext`k[5]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[2], 
-                   $CellContext`k[3]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                   $CellContext`k[4]]))) + 
-           Rational[
-             1, 2] ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34)^(-1) (-
-              X`DiscB[$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] + 
-             X`DiscB[$CellContext`S34, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT]) \
-              $CellContext`ec[4], 
-              $CellContext`k[3]] (
-             2 ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34 - 
-               2 $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[1], 
-                $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[2], 
-                $CellContext`ec[5]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[1], 
-                $CellContext`ec[
-                5]] (((-2) $CellContext`MH^2 + 2 $CellContext`S34 + 
-                 4 $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[2], 
-                  $CellContext`k[1]] - ($CellContext`MH^2 - 
-                2 $CellContext`S + $CellContext`S34 - 2 $CellContext`T + 
-                2 $CellContext`T14) $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[2], 
-                 $CellContext`k[
-                 3]] + ((-3) $CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34 + 
-                 4 $CellContext`T) $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[2], 
-                  $CellContext`k[4]]) + 
-             2 ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34 - 
-               2 $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[1], 
-                $CellContext`e[2]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                $CellContext`k[1]] + 8 (-$CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[1], 
-                  $CellContext`k[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[2], 
-                  $CellContext`k[3]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                  $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[1], 
-                  $CellContext`k[3]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[2], 
-                  $CellContext`k[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                  $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[1], 
-                  $CellContext`k[5]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[2], 
-                   $CellContext`k[3]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                   $CellContext`k[
-                   4]])))) - ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34)^(-1) (
-           Log[Rational[1, 2] $CellContext`MT^(-2) (-$CellContext`MH^2 + 
-               2 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`MH ($CellContext`MH^2 - 
-                  4 $CellContext`MT^2)^Rational[1, 2])]^2 - 
-           Log[Rational[1, 2] $CellContext`MT^(-2) (
-              2 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`S34 + ($CellContext`S34 \
-((-4) $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`S34))^
-               Rational[1, 2])]^2) ($CellContext`Pair[
-              $CellContext`e[1], 
-              $CellContext`ec[
-              5]] (($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34) ($CellContext`MH^2 - 
-               2 $CellContext`S - $CellContext`T24 - $CellContext`U) \
-                $CellContext`e[2], 
-                $CellContext`ec[4]] - 2 ($CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[2], 
-                 $CellContext`k[
-                 3]] ((-2) ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34) \
-                   $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                   $CellContext`k[1]] + 2 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                   $CellContext`k[3]]) + $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[2], 
-                 $CellContext`k[
-                 4]] ((-2) ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34) \
-                   $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                   $CellContext`k[
-                   1]] + ($CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S - \
-$CellContext`S34 - $CellContext`T + $CellContext`T14) $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                   $CellContext`k[3]]) + 2 $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[2], 
-                 $CellContext`k[
-                 1]] ((-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34) \
-                   $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                   $CellContext`k[2]] + $CellContext`T24 $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                   $CellContext`k[3]]))) + 4 ($CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[1], 
-                $CellContext`k[
-                5]] (-($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34) \
-                   $CellContext`e[2], 
-                   $CellContext`k[1]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[2], 
-                  $CellContext`k[5]]) $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                  $CellContext`ec[5]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[2], 
-                  $CellContext`ec[
-                  5]] ((-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34) \
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] + $CellContext`T24 $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[
-                    3]])) - ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34) \
-               $CellContext`e[1], 
-               $CellContext`ec[4]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[2], 
-                $CellContext`k[1]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-               $CellContext`e[2], 
-               $CellContext`k[5]]) $CellContext`Pair[
-               $CellContext`ec[5], 
-               $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[1], 
-                $CellContext`e[
-                2]] ((-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34) $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                  $CellContext`k[2]] + $CellContext`T24 $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                  $CellContext`k[3]]) $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                $CellContext`k[
-                1]] + ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34) $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[2], 
-                $CellContext`ec[4]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[1], 
-                  $CellContext`k[2]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                  $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[1], 
-                  $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                  $CellContext`k[2]]) + 2 $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                $CellContext`k[3]] (-$CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[1], 
-                  $CellContext`k[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[2], 
-                  $CellContext`k[3]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                  $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[1], 
-                  $CellContext`k[3]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[2], 
-                  $CellContext`k[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                  $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[1], 
-                  $CellContext`k[5]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[2], 
-                   $CellContext`k[3]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                   $CellContext`k[4]])))) - 
-          4 ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34)^(-1) (
-           X`DiscB[$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] - 
-           X`DiscB[$CellContext`S34, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT]) \
-              $CellContext`e[1], 
-              $CellContext`ec[
-              5]] (-($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34) ($CellContext`MH^2 - 
-               2 $CellContext`S - $CellContext`T24 - $CellContext`U) \
-                $CellContext`e[2], 
-                $CellContext`ec[4]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[2], 
-                $CellContext`k[
-                4]] ((-4) ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34) \
-                  $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                  $CellContext`k[1]] + (5 $CellContext`MH^2 + 
-                 2 $CellContext`S - 3 $CellContext`S34 - 6 $CellContext`T + 
-                 2 $CellContext`T14) $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                  $CellContext`k[3]]) + $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[2], 
-                $CellContext`k[
-                3]] ((-4) ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34) \
-                  $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                  $CellContext`k[1]] + ($CellContext`MH^2 - 
-                 2 $CellContext`S + $CellContext`S34 - 2 $CellContext`T + 
-                 6 $CellContext`T14) $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                  $CellContext`k[3]]) + 2 $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[2], 
-                $CellContext`k[
-                1]] ((-2) ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34) \
-                  $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                  $CellContext`k[2]] + ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34 + 
-                 2 $CellContext`T24 - 2 $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                  $CellContext`k[3]])) + 2 ($CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[1], 
-                $CellContext`k[
-                5]] ((-2) ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34) \
-                   $CellContext`e[2], 
-                   $CellContext`k[1]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[2], 
-                  $CellContext`k[5]]) $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                  $CellContext`ec[5]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[2], 
-                  $CellContext`ec[
-                  5]] ((-2) ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34) \
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[
-                    2]] + ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34 + 
-                   2 $CellContext`T24 - 2 $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]])) - 
-             2 ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34) $CellContext`Pair[
-               $CellContext`e[1], 
-               $CellContext`ec[4]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[2], 
-                $CellContext`k[1]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-               $CellContext`e[2], 
-               $CellContext`k[5]]) $CellContext`Pair[
-               $CellContext`ec[5], 
-               $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[1], 
-                $CellContext`e[
-                2]] ((-2) ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34) \
-                  $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                  $CellContext`k[2]] + ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34 + 
-                 2 $CellContext`T24 - 2 $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                  $CellContext`k[3]]) $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                $CellContext`k[1]] + 
-             2 ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34) $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[2], 
-                $CellContext`ec[4]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[1], 
-                  $CellContext`k[2]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                  $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[1], 
-                  $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                  $CellContext`k[2]]) + 8 $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                $CellContext`k[3]] (-$CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[1], 
-                  $CellContext`k[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[2], 
-                  $CellContext`k[3]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                  $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[1], 
-                  $CellContext`k[3]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[2], 
-                  $CellContext`k[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                  $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[1], 
-                  $CellContext`k[5]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[2], 
-                   $CellContext`k[3]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                   $CellContext`k[
-                   4]])))))) + $CellContext`U^(-1) (($CellContext`MH^2 - \
-$CellContext`U)^(-1) (
-           Log[Rational[1, 2] $CellContext`MT^(-2) (-$CellContext`MH^2 + 
-               2 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`MH ($CellContext`MH^2 - 
-                  4 $CellContext`MT^2)^Rational[1, 2])]^2 - 
-           Log[Rational[1, 2] $CellContext`MT^(-2) (
-              2 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`U + ($CellContext`U ((-4) \
-$CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`U))^Rational[1, 2])]^2) (
-           2 ((-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[1], 
-                $CellContext`e[2]] + 2 $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[1], 
-                $CellContext`k[2]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[2], 
-                $CellContext`k[3]]) $CellContext`Pair[
-              $CellContext`ec[4], 
-              $CellContext`ec[5]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-             $CellContext`e[1], 
-             $CellContext`ec[
-             5]] ((-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-               $CellContext`e[2], 
-               $CellContext`ec[4]] + 2 $CellContext`Pair[
-               $CellContext`e[2], 
-               $CellContext`k[3]] $CellContext`Pair[
-               $CellContext`ec[4], 
-               $CellContext`k[2]]) - $CellContext`Pair[
-             $CellContext`e[1], 
-             $CellContext`ec[
-             4]] ((-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-               $CellContext`e[2], 
-               $CellContext`ec[5]] + 2 $CellContext`Pair[
-               $CellContext`e[2], 
-               $CellContext`k[3]] $CellContext`Pair[
-               $CellContext`ec[5], 
-               $CellContext`k[2]])) - 
-         16 (Rational[1, 4] ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`U)^(-1) (
-            3 $CellContext`MH^2 + X`Eps^(-1) $CellContext`MH^2 - 
-            3 $CellContext`U - 
-            X`Eps^(-1) $CellContext`U + $CellContext`MH^2 
-             X`DiscB[$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] - \
-            X`DiscB[$CellContext`U, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] + \
-             Log[Rational[1, 2] $CellContext`MT^(-2) (-$CellContext`MH^2 + 
-                 2 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`MH ($CellContext`MH^2 - 
-                    4 $CellContext`MT^2)^
-                   Rational[1, 2])]^2 + $CellContext`MH^2 
-             Log[$CellContext`MT^(-2) X`Mu^2] - $CellContext`U 
-            Log[$CellContext`MT^(-2) X`Mu^2] - $CellContext`MT^2 
-            Log[Rational[1, 2] $CellContext`MT^(-2) (
-                2 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`U + ($CellContext`U ((-4) \
-$CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`U))^Rational[1, 2])]^2) ($CellContext`Pair[
-               $CellContext`e[1], 
-               $CellContext`ec[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-               $CellContext`e[2], 
-               $CellContext`ec[4]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-               $CellContext`e[1], 
-               $CellContext`ec[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-               $CellContext`e[2], 
-               $CellContext`ec[5]] - 2 $CellContext`Pair[
-              $CellContext`e[1], 
-              $CellContext`e[2]] $CellContext`Pair[
-              $CellContext`ec[4], 
-              $CellContext`ec[5]]) + $CellContext`Pair[
-             $CellContext`e[2], 
-             $CellContext`k[3]] (
-            Rational[
-              1, 2] ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`U)^(-2) \
-(-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`U - $CellContext`MH^2 
-              X`DiscB[$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] + \
-               X`DiscB[$CellContext`U, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] - \
-              Log[Rational[1, 2] $CellContext`MT^(-2) (-$CellContext`MH^2 + 
-                  2 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`MH ($CellContext`MH^2 - 
-                    4 $CellContext`MT^2)^
-                    Rational[1, 2])]^2 + $CellContext`MT^2 
-               Log[Rational[1, 2] $CellContext`MT^(-2) (
-                   2 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`U + ($CellContext`U \
-((-4) $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`U))^
-                    Rational[1, 2])]^2) ((-2) $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[1], 
-                 $CellContext`k[2]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                 $CellContext`ec[5]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[1], 
-                 $CellContext`ec[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                 $CellContext`k[2]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[1], 
-                 $CellContext`ec[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                 $CellContext`k[2]]) + 
-            Rational[
-              1, 2] ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`U)^(-1) (-
-               X`DiscB[$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] + 
-              X`DiscB[$CellContext`U, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT]) \
-((-2) $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[1], 
-                 $CellContext`k[3]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                 $CellContext`ec[5]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[1], 
-                 $CellContext`ec[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                 $CellContext`k[3]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[1], 
-                 $CellContext`ec[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                 $CellContext`k[3]]))) + 
-         4 ((2 + X`Eps^(-1) + 
-             X`DiscB[$CellContext`U, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] + 
-             Log[$CellContext`MT^(-2) X`Mu^2]) ($CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[1], 
-                $CellContext`ec[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[2], 
-                $CellContext`ec[4]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[1], 
-                $CellContext`ec[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[2], 
-                $CellContext`ec[5]] - 2 $CellContext`Pair[
-               $CellContext`e[1], 
-               $CellContext`e[2]] $CellContext`Pair[
-               $CellContext`ec[4], 
-               $CellContext`ec[
-               5]]) + ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`U)^(-1) (
-             X`DiscB[$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] - 
-             X`DiscB[$CellContext`U, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT]) (
-             2 ((-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[1], 
-                  $CellContext`e[2]] + 2 ($CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[1], 
-                   $CellContext`k[2]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[1], 
-                   $CellContext`k[3]]) $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[2], 
-                  $CellContext`k[3]]) $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                $CellContext`ec[5]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-               $CellContext`e[1], 
-               $CellContext`ec[
-               5]] ((-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[2], 
-                 $CellContext`ec[4]] + 2 $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[2], 
-                 $CellContext`k[3]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                  $CellContext`k[2]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                  $CellContext`k[3]])) - $CellContext`Pair[
-               $CellContext`e[1], 
-               $CellContext`ec[
-               4]] ((-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[2], 
-                 $CellContext`ec[5]] + 2 $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[2], 
-                 $CellContext`k[3]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                  $CellContext`k[2]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                  $CellContext`k[
-                  3]])))) + $CellContext`T14^(-1) (-($CellContext`MH^2 - \
-$CellContext`U)^(-1) (
-             Log[Rational[1, 2] $CellContext`MT^(-2) (-$CellContext`MH^2 + 
-                 2 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`MH ($CellContext`MH^2 - 
-                    4 $CellContext`MT^2)^Rational[1, 2])]^2 - 
-             Log[Rational[1, 2] $CellContext`MT^(-2) (
-                2 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`U + ($CellContext`U ((-4) \
-$CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`U))^Rational[1, 2])]^2) ($CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[1], 
-                $CellContext`ec[
-                4]] (($CellContext`S - $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T - \
-$CellContext`T24) ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[2], 
-                  $CellContext`ec[5]] + 
-               2 (2 ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] - 
-                 2 ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[2], 
-                   $CellContext`k[1]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                   $CellContext`k[3]]) + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] (
-                   2 ($CellContext`S + $CellContext`T24) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[
-                    1]] + ($CellContext`S + $CellContext`S34 - $CellContext`T + \
-$CellContext`T24) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] - 2 $CellContext`S $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]]))) - 4 ($CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[1], 
-                 $CellContext`ec[
-                 5]] ((-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`U) \
-                   $CellContext`e[2], 
-                   $CellContext`k[
-                   1]] + ($CellContext`S + $CellContext`T24) $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[2], 
-                   $CellContext`k[
-                   3]] + ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`U) \
-                   $CellContext`e[2], 
-                   $CellContext`k[4]]) $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                 $CellContext`k[
-                 1]] + ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`U) \
-                 $CellContext`e[2], 
-                 $CellContext`ec[5]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[1], 
-                   $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                   $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[1], 
-                   $CellContext`k[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                   $CellContext`k[5]]) + $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[1], 
-                 $CellContext`k[
-                 4]] (((-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[
-                    1]] + ($CellContext`S + $CellContext`T24) \
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[
-                    3]] + ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`U) \
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]]) $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                   $CellContext`ec[
-                   5]] + ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`U) \
-                   $CellContext`e[2], 
-                   $CellContext`ec[4]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                   $CellContext`k[4]])) - 2 $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[2], 
-                $CellContext`k[3]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[1], 
-                  $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                  $CellContext`k[1]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                  $CellContext`k[3]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[1], 
-                  $CellContext`k[4]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]])) + $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[1], 
-                  $CellContext`k[3]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                  $CellContext`k[1]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                   $CellContext`k[1]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                  $CellContext`k[
-                  4]])) + ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`U) \
-                 $CellContext`e[1], 
-                 $CellContext`e[2]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                 $CellContext`k[1]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                  $CellContext`k[1]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                 $CellContext`k[4]]))) + (
-             4 (2 + X`Eps^(-1) + 
-               X`DiscB[$CellContext`U, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] + 
-               Log[$CellContext`MT^(-2) X`Mu^2]) - 
-             4 ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`U)^(-1) (3 $CellContext`MH^2 + 
-              X`Eps^(-1) $CellContext`MH^2 - 3 $CellContext`U - 
-              X`Eps^(-1) $CellContext`U + $CellContext`MH^2 
-               X`DiscB[$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] - \
-              X`DiscB[$CellContext`U, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] + \
-               Log[Rational[1, 2] $CellContext`MT^(-2) (-$CellContext`MH^2 + 
-                   2 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`MH ($CellContext`MH^2 - 
-                    4 $CellContext`MT^2)^
-                    Rational[1, 2])]^2 + $CellContext`MH^2 
-               Log[$CellContext`MT^(-2) X`Mu^2] - $CellContext`U 
-              Log[$CellContext`MT^(-2) X`Mu^2] - $CellContext`MT^2 
-              Log[Rational[1, 2] $CellContext`MT^(-2) (
-                  2 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`U + ($CellContext`U \
-((-4) $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`U))^
-                   Rational[1, 2])]^2)) ((-2) $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[1], 
-                $CellContext`ec[5]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[2], 
-                 $CellContext`k[3]] + 2 $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[2], 
-                  $CellContext`k[5]]) $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                $CellContext`k[1]] + 4 $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[2], 
-                $CellContext`ec[5]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[1], 
-                  $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                  $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[1], 
-                  $CellContext`k[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                  $CellContext`k[5]]) + $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[1], 
-                $CellContext`k[4]] ((-2) ($CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[2], 
-                   $CellContext`k[3]] + 2 $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]]) $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                  $CellContext`ec[5]] + 4 $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[2], 
-                  $CellContext`ec[4]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                   $CellContext`k[1]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                  $CellContext`k[4]])) + 4 $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[1], 
-                $CellContext`e[2]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                $CellContext`k[1]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                 $CellContext`k[1]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                $CellContext`k[4]]) + $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[1], 
-                $CellContext`ec[
-                4]] ((-$CellContext`S + $CellContext`S34 - $CellContext`T + \
-$CellContext`T24) $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[2], 
-                  $CellContext`ec[5]] - 4 $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[2], 
-                 $CellContext`k[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                 $CellContext`k[1]] + 4 $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[2], 
-                  $CellContext`k[1]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                  $CellContext`k[4]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[2], 
-                 $CellContext`k[3]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                  $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                  $CellContext`k[4]]))) - 
-           8 (Rational[
-              1, 2] ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`U)^(-2) \
-(-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`U - $CellContext`MH^2 
-              X`DiscB[$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] + \
-               X`DiscB[$CellContext`U, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] - \
-              Log[Rational[1, 2] $CellContext`MT^(-2) (-$CellContext`MH^2 + 
-                  2 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`MH ($CellContext`MH^2 - 
-                    4 $CellContext`MT^2)^
-                    Rational[1, 2])]^2 + $CellContext`MT^2 
-               Log[Rational[1, 2] $CellContext`MT^(-2) (
-                   2 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`U + ($CellContext`U \
-((-4) $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`U))^
-                    Rational[1, 2])]^2) $CellContext`Pair[
-               $CellContext`e[2], 
-               $CellContext`k[
-               3]] ((-2) (-$CellContext`MH^2 + 2 $CellContext`S + 
-                2 $CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[1], 
-                 $CellContext`k[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                 $CellContext`ec[5]] - 
-              2 (-$CellContext`MH^2 + 2 $CellContext`S + 
-               2 $CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[1], 
-                $CellContext`ec[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                $CellContext`k[1]] + 8 ($CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[1], 
-                   $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                   $CellContext`k[1]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                   $CellContext`k[3]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[1], 
-                   $CellContext`k[4]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]])) + $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[1], 
-                   $CellContext`k[3]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                   $CellContext`k[1]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                   $CellContext`k[4]])) + $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[1], 
-                 $CellContext`ec[
-                 4]] ((-$CellContext`MH^2 + 2 $CellContext`S + 
-                  2 $CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                   $CellContext`k[1]] + 
-                2 ($CellContext`S34 - $CellContext`T) $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                   $CellContext`k[2]] - 2 $CellContext`S $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                  $CellContext`k[3]] + 2 $CellContext`T24 $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                   $CellContext`k[3]] - $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                  $CellContext`k[4]] + 2 $CellContext`S $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                   $CellContext`k[4]] + 2 $CellContext`T24 $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                   $CellContext`k[4]] + $CellContext`U $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                   $CellContext`k[4]])) + 
-            Rational[
-              1, 2] ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`U)^(-1) (-
-               X`DiscB[$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] + 
-              X`DiscB[$CellContext`U, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT]) \
-               $CellContext`e[2], 
-               $CellContext`k[3]] (
-              2 ((-3) $CellContext`MH^2 + 2 $CellContext`S34 + 
-                2 $CellContext`T + $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[1], 
-                 $CellContext`k[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                 $CellContext`ec[5]] + 
-              2 ((-3) $CellContext`MH^2 + 2 $CellContext`S34 + 
-                2 $CellContext`T + $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[1], 
-                 $CellContext`ec[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                 $CellContext`k[1]] + 8 ($CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[1], 
-                   $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                   $CellContext`k[1]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                   $CellContext`k[3]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[1], 
-                   $CellContext`k[4]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]])) + $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[1], 
-                   $CellContext`k[3]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                   $CellContext`k[1]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                   $CellContext`k[4]])) - $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[1], 
-                $CellContext`ec[
-                4]] (((-3) $CellContext`MH^2 + 
-                 4 $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                  $CellContext`k[1]] + 
-               2 ($CellContext`S - $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T - \
-$CellContext`T24) $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                  $CellContext`k[3]] + ((-3) $CellContext`MH^2 + 
-                 4 $CellContext`T + $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                  $CellContext`k[4]]))) - 
-           4 ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`U)^(-1) (
-            X`DiscB[$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] - 
-            X`DiscB[$CellContext`U, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT]) (
-            2 ($CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[1], 
-                 $CellContext`ec[
-                 5]] (((-5) $CellContext`MH^2 + 4 $CellContext`S34 + 
-                  4 $CellContext`T + 
-                  2 $CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[2], 
-                   $CellContext`k[3]] + 
-                2 ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[2], 
-                   $CellContext`k[5]]) $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                 $CellContext`k[1]] - 
-              2 ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[2], 
-                $CellContext`ec[5]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[1], 
-                  $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                  $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[1], 
-                  $CellContext`k[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                  $CellContext`k[5]]) + $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[1], 
-                 $CellContext`k[
-                 4]] ((((-5) $CellContext`MH^2 + 4 $CellContext`S34 + 
-                    4 $CellContext`T + 
-                    2 $CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] + 
-                  2 ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]]) $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                   $CellContext`ec[5]] - 
-                2 ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[2], 
-                  $CellContext`ec[4]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                   $CellContext`k[1]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                  $CellContext`k[4]])) + 8 $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[2], 
-                 $CellContext`k[3]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[1], 
-                   $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                   $CellContext`k[1]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                   $CellContext`k[3]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[1], 
-                   $CellContext`k[4]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]])) + $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[1], 
-                   $CellContext`k[3]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                   $CellContext`k[1]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                   $CellContext`k[4]])) - 
-              2 ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[1], 
-                $CellContext`e[2]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                $CellContext`k[1]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                 $CellContext`k[1]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                $CellContext`k[4]])) + $CellContext`Pair[
-               $CellContext`e[1], 
-               $CellContext`ec[
-               4]] (($CellContext`S - $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T - \
-$CellContext`T24) ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[2], 
-                 $CellContext`ec[5]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[2], 
-                 $CellContext`k[
-                 3]] ((7 $CellContext`MH^2 - 8 $CellContext`S34 - 
-                  2 $CellContext`T14 - 3 $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                   $CellContext`k[1]] + 
-                4 ((-2) $CellContext`MH^2 + 
-                  2 $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T14 + 
-                  2 $CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                   $CellContext`k[3]] + (7 $CellContext`MH^2 - 
-                  8 $CellContext`T - 2 $CellContext`T14 - 
-                  3 $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                   $CellContext`k[4]]) + 
-              4 ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`U) ($CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[2], 
-                   $CellContext`k[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                   $CellContext`k[1]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[2], 
-                  $CellContext`k[1]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                  $CellContext`k[
-                  4]])))) + ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S - \
-$CellContext`T - $CellContext`T14)^(-1) ((
-             4 (2 + X`Eps^(-1) + 
-               X`DiscB[$CellContext`U, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] + 
-               Log[$CellContext`MT^(-2) X`Mu^2]) - 
-             4 ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`U)^(-1) (3 $CellContext`MH^2 + 
-              X`Eps^(-1) $CellContext`MH^2 - 3 $CellContext`U - 
-              X`Eps^(-1) $CellContext`U + $CellContext`MH^2 
-               X`DiscB[$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] - \
-              X`DiscB[$CellContext`U, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] + \
-               Log[Rational[1, 2] $CellContext`MT^(-2) (-$CellContext`MH^2 + 
-                   2 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`MH ($CellContext`MH^2 - 
-                    4 $CellContext`MT^2)^
-                    Rational[1, 2])]^2 + $CellContext`MH^2 
-               Log[$CellContext`MT^(-2) X`Mu^2] - $CellContext`U 
-              Log[$CellContext`MT^(-2) X`Mu^2] - $CellContext`MT^2 
-              Log[Rational[1, 2] $CellContext`MT^(-2) (
-                  2 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`U + ($CellContext`U \
-((-4) $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`U))^
-                   Rational[1, 2])]^2)) ((-2) $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[1], 
-                $CellContext`k[5]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[2], 
-                 $CellContext`k[3]] + 2 $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[2], 
-                  $CellContext`k[4]]) $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                $CellContext`ec[5]] + 4 $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[1], 
-                $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[2], 
-                $CellContext`ec[5]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                 $CellContext`k[1]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                $CellContext`k[5]]) + $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[1], 
-                $CellContext`ec[
-                5]] ((-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34 + 
-                 2 $CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24) $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[2], 
-                  $CellContext`ec[4]] - 4 $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[2], 
-                 $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                 $CellContext`k[1]] + 4 $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[2], 
-                  $CellContext`k[1]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                  $CellContext`k[5]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[2], 
-                 $CellContext`k[3]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                  $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                  $CellContext`k[5]])) - 2 $CellContext`Pair[
-               $CellContext`e[1], 
-               $CellContext`ec[4]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[2], 
-                $CellContext`k[3]] + 2 $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[2], 
-                 $CellContext`k[4]]) $CellContext`Pair[
-               $CellContext`ec[5], 
-               $CellContext`k[1]] + 4 $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[1], 
-                $CellContext`e[2]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                 $CellContext`k[1]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                $CellContext`k[5]]) $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                $CellContext`k[1]] + 4 $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[2], 
-                $CellContext`ec[4]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[1], 
-                  $CellContext`k[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                  $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[1], 
-                  $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                  $CellContext`k[4]])) - 
-           8 (Rational[
-              1, 2] ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`U)^(-1) (-
-               X`DiscB[$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] + 
-              X`DiscB[$CellContext`U, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT]) \
-               $CellContext`e[2], 
-               $CellContext`k[3]] (
-              2 ($CellContext`MH^2 - 
-                2 $CellContext`S34 - $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[1], 
-                 $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                 $CellContext`ec[5]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[1], 
-                 $CellContext`ec[
-                 5]] (((-2) $CellContext`MH^2 + 4 $CellContext`S34 + 
-                  2 $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                   $CellContext`k[1]] + (3 $CellContext`MH^2 - 
-                  4 $CellContext`T - $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                   $CellContext`k[2]] - ($CellContext`MH^2 + 2 $CellContext`S - 
-                 2 $CellContext`T - 
-                 2 $CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                  $CellContext`k[3]]) + 
-              2 ($CellContext`MH^2 - 
-                2 $CellContext`S34 - $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[1], 
-                 $CellContext`ec[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                 $CellContext`k[1]] + 8 ($CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[1], 
-                   $CellContext`k[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                   $CellContext`k[3]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                   $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[1], 
-                   $CellContext`k[3]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                   $CellContext`k[5]]) $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                   $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[1], 
-                   $CellContext`k[5]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]]))) + 
-            Rational[
-              1, 2] ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`U)^(-2) \
-(-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`U - $CellContext`MH^2 
-              X`DiscB[$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] + \
-               X`DiscB[$CellContext`U, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] - \
-              Log[Rational[1, 2] $CellContext`MT^(-2) (-$CellContext`MH^2 + 
-                  2 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`MH ($CellContext`MH^2 - 
-                    4 $CellContext`MT^2)^
-                    Rational[1, 2])]^2 + $CellContext`MT^2 
-               Log[Rational[1, 2] $CellContext`MT^(-2) (
-                   2 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`U + ($CellContext`U \
-((-4) $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`U))^
-                    Rational[1, 2])]^2) $CellContext`Pair[
-               $CellContext`e[2], 
-               $CellContext`k[3]] (
-              2 (-$CellContext`MH^2 + 
-                2 $CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[1], 
-                 $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                 $CellContext`ec[5]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[1], 
-                $CellContext`ec[
-                5]] (((-2) $CellContext`MH^2 + 4 $CellContext`T24 + 
-                 2 $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                  $CellContext`k[1]] + (-$CellContext`MH^2 - 2 $CellContext`S + 
-                 2 $CellContext`T - 
-                 2 $CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                  $CellContext`k[2]] + (-$CellContext`MH^2 + 
-                 4 $CellContext`S + $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                  $CellContext`k[3]]) + 
-              2 (-$CellContext`MH^2 + 
-                2 $CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[1], 
-                 $CellContext`ec[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                 $CellContext`k[1]] + 8 ($CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[1], 
-                   $CellContext`k[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                   $CellContext`k[3]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                   $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[1], 
-                   $CellContext`k[3]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                   $CellContext`k[5]]) $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                   $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[1], 
-                   $CellContext`k[5]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]])))) - 
-           4 ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`U)^(-1) (
-            X`DiscB[$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] - 
-            X`DiscB[$CellContext`U, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT]) \
-               $CellContext`e[1], 
-               $CellContext`ec[
-               5]] (($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34 - 
-                2 $CellContext`T14 - $CellContext`T24) ($CellContext`MH^2 - \
-$CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[2], 
-                 $CellContext`ec[4]] - 
-              4 ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`U) ($CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[2], 
-                  $CellContext`k[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                  $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[2], 
-                  $CellContext`k[1]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                   $CellContext`k[2]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                  $CellContext`k[3]])) - $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[2], 
-                $CellContext`k[3]] (
-               2 ($CellContext`MH^2 - 2 $CellContext`S34 + 
-                 2 $CellContext`T24 - $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                  $CellContext`k[1]] + ((-5) $CellContext`MH^2 - 
-                 2 $CellContext`S + 6 $CellContext`T - 2 $CellContext`T14 + 
-                 3 $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                  $CellContext`k[2]] + ($CellContext`MH^2 + 6 $CellContext`S - 
-                 2 $CellContext`T - 
-                 2 $CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                  $CellContext`k[3]])) - 2 ($CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[1], 
-                $CellContext`k[
-                5]] (((-$CellContext`MH^2 + 2 $CellContext`S34 - 
-                   2 $CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] + 
-                 2 (-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]]) $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                  $CellContext`ec[5]] + 
-               2 ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[2], 
-                  $CellContext`ec[5]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                   $CellContext`k[1]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                  $CellContext`k[5]])) + $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[1], 
-                $CellContext`ec[
-                4]] ((-$CellContext`MH^2 + 2 $CellContext`S34 - 
-                 2 $CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[2], 
-                  $CellContext`k[3]] + 
-               2 (-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[2], 
-                  $CellContext`k[4]]) $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                $CellContext`k[1]] + 
-             2 ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[1], 
-                $CellContext`e[2]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                 $CellContext`k[1]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                $CellContext`k[5]]) $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                $CellContext`k[1]] + 
-             2 ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[2], 
-                $CellContext`ec[4]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[1], 
-                  $CellContext`k[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                  $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[1], 
-                  $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                  $CellContext`k[4]]) - 8 $CellContext`Pair[
-               $CellContext`e[2], 
-               $CellContext`k[3]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[1], 
-                 $CellContext`k[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                 $CellContext`k[3]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                 $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[1], 
-                 $CellContext`k[3]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                  $CellContext`k[1]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                 $CellContext`k[5]]) $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                 $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[1], 
-                 $CellContext`k[5]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                   $CellContext`k[1]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                   $CellContext`k[3]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                  $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                  $CellContext`k[3]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                   $CellContext`k[3]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                   $CellContext`k[
-                   4]])))) - ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`U)^(-1) (
-            Log[Rational[1, 2] $CellContext`MT^(-2) (-$CellContext`MH^2 + 
-                2 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`MH ($CellContext`MH^2 - 
-                   4 $CellContext`MT^2)^Rational[1, 2])]^2 - 
-            Log[Rational[1, 2] $CellContext`MT^(-2) (
-               2 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`U + ($CellContext`U ((-4) \
-$CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`U))^Rational[1, 2])]^2) ($CellContext`Pair[
-               $CellContext`e[1], 
-               $CellContext`ec[
-               5]] (($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34 - 
-                2 $CellContext`T14 - $CellContext`T24) ($CellContext`MH^2 - \
-$CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[2], 
-                 $CellContext`ec[4]] + 
-              2 ((-2) ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`U) \
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]])) + $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[2], 
-                   $CellContext`k[3]] ((-2) $CellContext`T24 $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[
-                    1]] + ($CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S - \
-$CellContext`T + $CellContext`T14 - $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] - 2 $CellContext`S $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]]))) + 4 ($CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[1], 
-                 $CellContext`k[5]] (($CellContext`T24 $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[
-                    3]] + ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`U) \
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]]) $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                   $CellContext`ec[
-                   5]] - ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`U) \
-                  $CellContext`e[2], 
-                  $CellContext`ec[5]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                   $CellContext`k[1]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                  $CellContext`k[5]])) + $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[1], 
-                 $CellContext`ec[4]] ($CellContext`T24 $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[2], 
-                   $CellContext`k[
-                   3]] + ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`U) \
-                   $CellContext`e[2], 
-                   $CellContext`k[4]]) $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                 $CellContext`k[
-                 1]] - ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`U) \
-                $CellContext`e[1], 
-                $CellContext`e[2]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                 $CellContext`k[1]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                $CellContext`k[5]]) $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                $CellContext`k[
-                1]] - ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[2], 
-                $CellContext`ec[4]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[1], 
-                  $CellContext`k[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                  $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[1], 
-                  $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                  $CellContext`k[4]]) + 2 $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[2], 
-                 $CellContext`k[3]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[1], 
-                   $CellContext`k[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                   $CellContext`k[3]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                   $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[1], 
-                   $CellContext`k[3]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                   $CellContext`k[5]]) $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                   $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[1], 
-                   $CellContext`k[5]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[
-                    4]])))))) + $CellContext`T24^(-1) (-$CellContext`T^(-1) \
-(-($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`T)^(-1) (
-             Log[Rational[1, 2] $CellContext`MT^(-2) (-$CellContext`MH^2 + 
-                 2 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`MH ($CellContext`MH^2 - 
-                    4 $CellContext`MT^2)^Rational[1, 2])]^2 - 
-             Log[Rational[1, 2] $CellContext`MT^(-2) (
-                2 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`T + ($CellContext`T ((-4) \
-$CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`T))^Rational[1, 2])]^2) ($CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[1], 
-                $CellContext`ec[
-                5]] (-($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`T) ($CellContext`S - \
-$CellContext`S34 - $CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[2], 
-                  $CellContext`ec[4]] + 
-               4 ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`T) ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]])) - 
-             2 ((-2) ((-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`T) \
-                   $CellContext`e[1], 
-                   $CellContext`k[
-                   2]] + ($CellContext`S + $CellContext`T14) $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[1], 
-                   $CellContext`k[
-                   3]] + ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`T) \
-                   $CellContext`e[1], 
-                   $CellContext`k[4]]) $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[2], 
-                 $CellContext`k[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                 $CellContext`ec[5]] - 
-              2 ((-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`T) $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[1], 
-                  $CellContext`k[
-                  2]] + ($CellContext`S + $CellContext`T14) \
-                  $CellContext`e[1], 
-                  $CellContext`k[
-                  3]] + ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`T) $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[1], 
-                  $CellContext`k[4]]) $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[2], 
-                $CellContext`ec[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                $CellContext`k[2]] + 
-              2 ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`T) $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[1], 
-                 $CellContext`ec[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[2], 
-                 $CellContext`k[4]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                  $CellContext`k[1]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                 $CellContext`k[3]]) + 
-              2 ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`T) $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[1], 
-                 $CellContext`e[2]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                 $CellContext`k[2]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                  $CellContext`k[1]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                 $CellContext`k[3]]) + $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[2], 
-                 $CellContext`ec[4]] (
-                2 ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`T) $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[1], 
-                   $CellContext`k[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                   $CellContext`k[2]] - 
-                2 ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`T) $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[1], 
-                  $CellContext`k[2]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                   $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                   $CellContext`k[2]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                  $CellContext`k[3]]) + $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[1], 
-                   $CellContext`k[
-                   3]] (($CellContext`S + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T14 - \
-$CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] + 
-                  2 ($CellContext`S + $CellContext`T14) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] - 2 $CellContext`S $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]])) + 4 $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[1], 
-                 $CellContext`k[3]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[2], 
-                   $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                   $CellContext`k[2]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                   $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[2], 
-                   $CellContext`k[4]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]])) + $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[2], 
-                   $CellContext`k[1]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                   $CellContext`k[2]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                   $CellContext`k[4]])))) + (
-             4 (2 + X`Eps^(-1) + 
-               X`DiscB[$CellContext`T, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] + 
-               Log[$CellContext`MT^(-2) X`Mu^2]) - 
-             4 ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`T)^(-1) (3 $CellContext`MH^2 + 
-              X`Eps^(-1) $CellContext`MH^2 - 3 $CellContext`T - 
-              X`Eps^(-1) $CellContext`T + $CellContext`MH^2 
-               X`DiscB[$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] - \
-              X`DiscB[$CellContext`T, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] + \
-               Log[Rational[1, 2] $CellContext`MT^(-2) (-$CellContext`MH^2 + 
-                   2 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`MH ($CellContext`MH^2 - 
-                    4 $CellContext`MT^2)^
-                    Rational[1, 2])]^2 + $CellContext`MH^2 
-               Log[$CellContext`MT^(-2) X`Mu^2] - $CellContext`T 
-              Log[$CellContext`MT^(-2) X`Mu^2] - $CellContext`MT^2 
-              Log[Rational[1, 2] $CellContext`MT^(-2) (
-                  2 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`T + ($CellContext`T \
-((-4) $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`T))^Rational[1, 2])]^2)) (
-             2 ($CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[1], 
-                 $CellContext`k[3]] + 2 $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[1], 
-                  $CellContext`k[5]]) $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[2], 
-                $CellContext`k[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                $CellContext`ec[5]] + 2 ($CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[1], 
-                 $CellContext`k[3]] + 2 $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[1], 
-                  $CellContext`k[5]]) $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[2], 
-                $CellContext`ec[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                $CellContext`k[2]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[1], 
-                $CellContext`ec[
-                5]] (($CellContext`S - $CellContext`S34 - $CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[2], 
-                  $CellContext`ec[4]] - 4 ($CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[2], 
-                   $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                   $CellContext`k[2]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[2], 
-                   $CellContext`k[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                   $CellContext`k[5]])) + 4 $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[1], 
-                $CellContext`ec[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[2], 
-                $CellContext`k[4]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                 $CellContext`k[1]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                $CellContext`k[3]]) + 4 $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[1], 
-                $CellContext`e[2]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                $CellContext`k[2]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                 $CellContext`k[1]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                $CellContext`k[3]]) - $CellContext`Pair[
-               $CellContext`e[2], 
-               $CellContext`ec[4]] ((-4) $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[1], 
-                 $CellContext`k[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                 $CellContext`k[2]] + 4 $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[1], 
-                 $CellContext`k[2]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                 $CellContext`k[4]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[1], 
-                $CellContext`k[3]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                 $CellContext`k[2]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                 $CellContext`k[4]]))) + 
-           8 (Rational[
-               1, 2] ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`T)^(-1) (-
-                X`DiscB[$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] + 
-               X`DiscB[$CellContext`T, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT]) \
-                $CellContext`e[1], 
-                $CellContext`k[3]] (
-               2 ((-3) $CellContext`MH^2 + 
-                 2 $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T + 
-                 2 $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[2], 
-                  $CellContext`k[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                  $CellContext`ec[5]] + 
-               2 ((-3) $CellContext`MH^2 + 
-                 2 $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T + 
-                 2 $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[2], 
-                  $CellContext`ec[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                  $CellContext`k[2]] + 8 ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]])) + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]])) - $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[2], 
-                 $CellContext`ec[
-                 4]] (((-3) $CellContext`MH^2 + 
-                  4 $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T) $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                   $CellContext`k[2]] + 
-                2 ($CellContext`S - $CellContext`S34 - $CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                   $CellContext`k[
-                   3]] + ((-3) $CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`T + 
-                  4 $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                   $CellContext`k[4]])) + 
-             Rational[
-               1, 2] ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`T)^(-2) \
-(-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`T - $CellContext`MH^2 
-               X`DiscB[$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] + \
-                X`DiscB[$CellContext`T, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] - \
-               Log[Rational[1, 2] $CellContext`MT^(-2) (-$CellContext`MH^2 + 
-                   2 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`MH ($CellContext`MH^2 - 
-                    4 $CellContext`MT^2)^
-                    Rational[1, 2])]^2 + $CellContext`MT^2 
-                Log[Rational[1, 2] $CellContext`MT^(-2) (
-                    2 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`T + ($CellContext`T \
-((-4) $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`T))^
-                    Rational[1, 2])]^2) $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[1], 
-                $CellContext`k[
-                3]] ((-2) (-$CellContext`MH^2 + 
-                 2 $CellContext`S + $CellContext`T + 
-                 2 $CellContext`T14) $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[2], 
-                  $CellContext`k[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                  $CellContext`ec[5]] - 
-               2 (-$CellContext`MH^2 + 2 $CellContext`S + $CellContext`T + 
-                2 $CellContext`T14) $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[2], 
-                 $CellContext`ec[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                 $CellContext`k[2]] + 8 (-$CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]] (-$CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]])) - $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[2], 
-                 $CellContext`ec[
-                 4]] (((-3) $CellContext`MH^2 + 
-                  4 $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T + 
-                  2 $CellContext`T24) $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                   $CellContext`k[2]] + 
-                2 ($CellContext`S - $CellContext`S34 - $CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                   $CellContext`k[
-                   3]] + ((-3) $CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`T + 
-                  2 $CellContext`T24 + 4 $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                   $CellContext`k[4]]))) - 
-           4 ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`T)^(-1) (
-            X`DiscB[$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] - 
-            X`DiscB[$CellContext`T, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT]) ((-2) \
-(((-5) $CellContext`MH^2 + 4 $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T + 
-                2 $CellContext`T24 + 4 $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[1], 
-                 $CellContext`k[3]] + 
-              2 ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`T) $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[1], 
-                 $CellContext`k[5]]) $CellContext`Pair[
-               $CellContext`e[2], 
-               $CellContext`k[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-               $CellContext`ec[4], 
-               $CellContext`ec[5]] - 
-            2 (((-5) $CellContext`MH^2 + 4 $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T + 
-               2 $CellContext`T24 + 4 $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[1], 
-                $CellContext`k[3]] + 
-             2 ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`T) $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[1], 
-                $CellContext`k[5]]) $CellContext`Pair[
-              $CellContext`e[2], 
-              $CellContext`ec[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-              $CellContext`ec[4], 
-              $CellContext`k[2]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-               $CellContext`e[1], 
-               $CellContext`ec[
-               5]] (-($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`T) ($CellContext`S - \
-$CellContext`S34 - $CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[2], 
-                 $CellContext`ec[4]] + 
-              4 ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`T) ($CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[2], 
-                   $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                   $CellContext`k[2]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[2], 
-                   $CellContext`k[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                   $CellContext`k[5]])) - 
-            4 ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`T) $CellContext`Pair[
-              $CellContext`e[1], 
-              $CellContext`ec[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-              $CellContext`e[2], 
-              $CellContext`k[4]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-               $CellContext`ec[5], 
-               $CellContext`k[1]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-              $CellContext`ec[5], 
-              $CellContext`k[3]]) - 
-            4 ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`T) $CellContext`Pair[
-              $CellContext`e[1], 
-              $CellContext`e[2]] $CellContext`Pair[
-              $CellContext`ec[4], 
-              $CellContext`k[2]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-               $CellContext`ec[5], 
-               $CellContext`k[1]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-              $CellContext`ec[5], 
-              $CellContext`k[3]]) - 16 $CellContext`Pair[
-              $CellContext`e[1], 
-              $CellContext`k[3]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[2], 
-                $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                $CellContext`k[2]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                $CellContext`k[3]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[2], 
-                $CellContext`k[4]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                  $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                  $CellContext`k[3]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                  $CellContext`k[3]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                   $CellContext`k[2]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                  $CellContext`k[4]])) + $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[2], 
-                $CellContext`k[3]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                $CellContext`k[2]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                 $CellContext`k[2]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                $CellContext`k[4]])) - $CellContext`Pair[
-              $CellContext`e[2], 
-              $CellContext`ec[4]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[1], 
-                $CellContext`k[
-                3]] ((7 $CellContext`MH^2 - 8 $CellContext`S34 - 
-                 3 $CellContext`T - 2 $CellContext`T24) $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                  $CellContext`k[2]] + 
-               4 ((-2) $CellContext`MH^2 + 
-                 2 $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T + 
-                 2 $CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24) $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                  $CellContext`k[3]] + (7 $CellContext`MH^2 - 
-                 3 $CellContext`T - 2 $CellContext`T24 - 
-                 8 $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                  $CellContext`k[4]]) + 
-             4 ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`T) ($CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[1], 
-                  $CellContext`k[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                  $CellContext`k[2]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[1], 
-                 $CellContext`k[2]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                 $CellContext`k[
-                 4]])))) - ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S - \
-$CellContext`T - $CellContext`T14)^(-1) ((-2) (((-$CellContext`S34 \
-$CellContext`T + $CellContext`S34 $CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`MH^2 \
-($CellContext`S34 - $CellContext`U) + $CellContext`T $CellContext`U + \
-$CellContext`T14 $CellContext`U - $CellContext`S ($CellContext`S34 + \
-$CellContext`U)) $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[1], 
-                 $CellContext`ec[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[2], 
-                 $CellContext`ec[4]] - 
-              4 ($CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[1], 
-                $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[2], 
-                $CellContext`k[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                $CellContext`ec[5]] - 
-              4 ($CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[1], 
-                $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[2], 
-                $CellContext`ec[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                $CellContext`k[2]] + 4 $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[1], 
-                 $CellContext`ec[
-                 5]] ((($CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[
-                    1]] + (-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`T) \
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]]) $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                   $CellContext`k[2]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[2], 
-                   $CellContext`k[
-                   4]] (($CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`U) \
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[
-                    1]] + (-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`T) \
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]])) - 
-              4 ($CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[1], 
-                $CellContext`ec[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[2], 
-                $CellContext`k[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                $CellContext`k[1]] - 
-              4 ($CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[1], 
-                $CellContext`e[2]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                $CellContext`k[2]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                $CellContext`k[1]] + 8 ($CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[2], 
-                   $CellContext`k[3]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                   $CellContext`k[2]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[2], 
-                   $CellContext`k[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                   $CellContext`k[3]]) ($CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[1], 
-                   $CellContext`k[3]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                   $CellContext`k[3]]) + ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[1], 
-                   $CellContext`k[4]]) $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                   $CellContext`k[3]]) + 4 $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[2], 
-                 $CellContext`ec[4]] ($CellContext`U $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[1], 
-                   $CellContext`k[2]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                   $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`S34 $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[1], 
-                   $CellContext`k[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                   $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[1], 
-                   $CellContext`k[5]] ($CellContext`U $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] + $CellContext`S34 $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]]))) 
-             X`ScalarC0[$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`MH^2 - 
-               4 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`T - $CellContext`T14, \
-$CellContext`T24, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] + (
-               16 $CellContext`MT^4 + $CellContext`T^2 + $CellContext`T14^2 - 
-               4 $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`T24 + 
-               2 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`T24^2 + 
-               2 $CellContext`T ($CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24) + 
-               8 $CellContext`MT^2 ($CellContext`T + $CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24))^(-1) ((-$CellContext`S34^2 - 
-                4 $CellContext`S34 $CellContext`T + 
-                2 $CellContext`S34 $CellContext`T14 + 
-                4 $CellContext`MH^2 ($CellContext`S34 - $CellContext`U) + 
-                4 $CellContext`T $CellContext`U + 
-                2 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`U + $CellContext`U^2 - 
-                2 $CellContext`S ($CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`U)) \
-                 $CellContext`e[1], 
-                 $CellContext`ec[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[2], 
-                 $CellContext`ec[4]] - 
-              8 ($CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[1], 
-                $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[2], 
-                $CellContext`k[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                $CellContext`ec[5]] - 
-              8 ($CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[1], 
-                $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[2], 
-                $CellContext`ec[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                $CellContext`k[2]] + 4 $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[1], 
-                 $CellContext`ec[
-                 5]] ((2 ($CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[
-                    1]] + ((-4) $CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34 + 
-                    4 $CellContext`T + $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]]) $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                   $CellContext`k[2]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[2], 
-                   $CellContext`k[4]] (
-                  2 ($CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[
-                    1]] + ((-4) $CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34 + 
-                    4 $CellContext`T + $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]])) - 
-              8 ($CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[1], 
-                $CellContext`ec[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[2], 
-                $CellContext`k[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                $CellContext`k[1]] - 
-              8 ($CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[1], 
-                $CellContext`e[2]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                $CellContext`k[2]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                $CellContext`k[1]] + 32 ($CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[2], 
-                   $CellContext`k[3]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                   $CellContext`k[2]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[2], 
-                   $CellContext`k[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                   $CellContext`k[3]]) ($CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[1], 
-                   $CellContext`k[3]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                   $CellContext`k[3]]) + ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[1], 
-                   $CellContext`k[4]]) $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                   $CellContext`k[3]]) + 4 $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[2], 
-                 $CellContext`ec[4]] (
-                2 ($CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[1], 
-                   $CellContext`k[2]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                   $CellContext`k[
-                   1]] + ((-3) $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`U) \
-                   $CellContext`e[1], 
-                   $CellContext`k[3]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                   $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[1], 
-                   $CellContext`k[5]] (
-                  2 ($CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[
-                    2]] + ((-3) $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`U) \
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]]))) ((2 $CellContext`MH^2 - 
-                4 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`T - $CellContext`T14 - \
-               X`DiscB[$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] - 
-              2 ($CellContext`MH^2 - 
-               4 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`T - $CellContext`T14) 
-              X`DiscB[$CellContext`MH^2 - 
-                4 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`T - $CellContext`T14, \
-$CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] - (
-               4 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`T + $CellContext`T14 - \
-              X`DiscB[$CellContext`T24, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] + \
-($CellContext`MH^2 - 
-                4 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`T - $CellContext`T14) (
-                4 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`T + $CellContext`T14 + \
-               X`ScalarC0[$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`MH^2 - 
-                 4 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`T - $CellContext`T14, \
-$CellContext`T24, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT])) + (
-            8 $CellContext`Pair[
-               $CellContext`e[1], 
-               $CellContext`k[5]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[2], 
-                 $CellContext`k[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                 $CellContext`ec[5]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[2], 
-                 $CellContext`ec[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                 $CellContext`k[2]]) + $CellContext`Pair[
-               $CellContext`e[1], 
-               $CellContext`ec[
-               5]] ((2 $CellContext`S - $CellContext`S34 - 
-                2 $CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[2], 
-                 $CellContext`ec[4]] - 4 (($CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[2], 
-                   $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[2], 
-                   $CellContext`k[5]]) $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                  $CellContext`k[2]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[2], 
-                  $CellContext`k[4]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                   $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                   $CellContext`k[5]]))) + 8 ($CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[1], 
-                 $CellContext`ec[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[2], 
-                 $CellContext`k[4]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[1], 
-                 $CellContext`e[2]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                 $CellContext`k[2]]) $CellContext`Pair[
-               $CellContext`ec[5], 
-               $CellContext`k[1]] - 4 $CellContext`Pair[
-              $CellContext`e[2], 
-              $CellContext`ec[4]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[1], 
-                $CellContext`k[2]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[1], 
-                $CellContext`k[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[1], 
-                $CellContext`k[5]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                 $CellContext`k[2]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                 $CellContext`k[4]]))) (
-            2 (2 + X`Eps^(-1) + 
-              X`DiscB[$CellContext`T24, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] + 
-              Log[$CellContext`MT^(-2) X`Mu^2]) - 
-            2 (16 $CellContext`MT^4 + $CellContext`T^2 + $CellContext`T14^2 - 
-              4 $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`T24 + 
-              2 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`T24^2 + 
-              2 $CellContext`T ($CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24) + 
-              8 $CellContext`MT^2 ($CellContext`T + $CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24))^(-1) (
-             3 (16 $CellContext`MT^4 + $CellContext`T^2 + $CellContext`T14^2 - 
-               4 $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`T24 + 
-               2 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`T24^2 + 
-               2 $CellContext`T ($CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24) + 
-               8 $CellContext`MT^2 ($CellContext`T + $CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24)) + 
-             X`Eps^(-1) (
-               16 $CellContext`MT^4 + $CellContext`T^2 + $CellContext`T14^2 - 
-               4 $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`T24 + 
-               2 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`T24^2 + 
-               2 $CellContext`T ($CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24) + 
-               8 $CellContext`MT^2 ($CellContext`T + $CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24)) + $CellContext`MH^2 (
-               4 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`T + $CellContext`T14 - \
-              X`DiscB[$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] - \
-($CellContext`MH^2 - 
-              4 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`T - $CellContext`T14) (
-              4 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`T + $CellContext`T14 + \
-             X`DiscB[$CellContext`MH^2 - 
-               4 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`T - $CellContext`T14, \
-$CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] - (2 $CellContext`MH^2 - 
-              4 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`T - $CellContext`T14 - \
-$CellContext`T24) $CellContext`T24 
-             X`DiscB[$CellContext`T24, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] + (
-               16 $CellContext`MT^4 + $CellContext`T^2 + $CellContext`T14^2 - 
-               4 $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`T24 + 
-               2 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`T24^2 + 
-               2 $CellContext`T ($CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24) + 
-               8 $CellContext`MT^2 ($CellContext`T + $CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24)) Log[$CellContext`MT^(-2) X`Mu^2] + 
-             2 (16 $CellContext`MT^6 + $CellContext`MH^2 ($CellContext`MH^2 - \
-$CellContext`T - $CellContext`T14) $CellContext`T24 + 
-               8 $CellContext`MT^4 ($CellContext`T + $CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24) + $CellContext`MT^2 ($CellContext`T^2 + $CellContext`T14^2 - 
-                 8 $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`T24 + 
-                 2 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`T24^2 + 
-                 2 $CellContext`T ($CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24))) 
-              X`ScalarC0[$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`MH^2 - 
-                4 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`T - $CellContext`T14, \
-$CellContext`T24, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT])) - 
-          4 ((16 $CellContext`MT^4 + $CellContext`T^2 + $CellContext`T14^2 - 
-              4 $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`T24 + 
-              2 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`T24^2 + 
-              2 $CellContext`T ($CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24) + 
-              8 $CellContext`MT^2 ($CellContext`T + $CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24))^(-1) ((-$CellContext`S34^2 - 
-               2 $CellContext`S34 $CellContext`T - $CellContext`S34 \
-$CellContext`T24 + 2 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24 - 
-               2 $CellContext`S (
-                2 $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T24) + $CellContext`MH^2 (
-                 2 $CellContext`S + 3 $CellContext`S34 - 2 $CellContext`T14 - 
-                 3 $CellContext`U) + 2 $CellContext`T $CellContext`U + 
-               4 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`U + $CellContext`T24 \
-$CellContext`U + $CellContext`U^2) $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[1], 
-                $CellContext`ec[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[2], 
-                $CellContext`ec[4]] - 
-             8 (-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T24 + \
-$CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-               $CellContext`e[1], 
-               $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-               $CellContext`e[2], 
-               $CellContext`k[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-               $CellContext`ec[4], 
-               $CellContext`ec[5]] - 
-             8 (-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T24 + \
-$CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-               $CellContext`e[1], 
-               $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-               $CellContext`e[2], 
-               $CellContext`ec[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-               $CellContext`ec[4], 
-               $CellContext`k[2]] - 
-             4 ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34 - $CellContext`T24 - \
-$CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-               $CellContext`e[1], 
-               $CellContext`ec[5]] ((2 $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[2], 
-                   $CellContext`k[1]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[2], 
-                 $CellContext`k[3]]) $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                 $CellContext`k[2]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[2], 
-                 $CellContext`k[4]] (2 $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                   $CellContext`k[1]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                 $CellContext`k[3]])) - 
-             8 (-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T24 + \
-$CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-               $CellContext`e[1], 
-               $CellContext`ec[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-               $CellContext`e[2], 
-               $CellContext`k[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-               $CellContext`ec[5], 
-               $CellContext`k[1]] - 
-             8 (-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T24 + \
-$CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-               $CellContext`e[1], 
-               $CellContext`e[2]] $CellContext`Pair[
-               $CellContext`ec[4], 
-               $CellContext`k[2]] $CellContext`Pair[
-               $CellContext`ec[5], 
-               $CellContext`k[1]] + 4 $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[2], 
-                $CellContext`ec[
-                4]] ((-$CellContext`MH^2 + 
-                 2 $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T24) $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[1], 
-                  $CellContext`k[2]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                  $CellContext`k[
-                  1]] + (-$CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[1], 
-                  $CellContext`k[3]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                  $CellContext`k[1]] - $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[1], 
-                 $CellContext`k[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                 $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`T24 $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[1], 
-                  $CellContext`k[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                  $CellContext`k[1]] + 2 $CellContext`U $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[1], 
-                  $CellContext`k[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                  $CellContext`k[1]] - $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[1], 
-                 $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                 $CellContext`k[2]] + 2 $CellContext`S34 $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[1], 
-                  $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                  $CellContext`k[2]] + $CellContext`T24 $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[1], 
-                  $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                  $CellContext`k[2]] - $CellContext`S34 $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[1], 
-                 $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                 $CellContext`k[3]] + $CellContext`U $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[1], 
-                  $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                  $CellContext`k[3]] - $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[1], 
-                 $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                 $CellContext`k[4]] + $CellContext`T24 $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[1], 
-                  $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                  $CellContext`k[4]] + 2 $CellContext`U $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[1], 
-                  $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                  $CellContext`k[4]])) ((-2) $CellContext`MH^2 
-              X`DiscB[$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] + (
-               2 $CellContext`MH^2 - 
-               4 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`T - $CellContext`T14 - \
-              X`DiscB[$CellContext`MH^2 - 
-                4 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`T - $CellContext`T14, \
-$CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] + 
-             4 $CellContext`MT^2 
-              X`DiscB[$CellContext`T24, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] + \
-              X`DiscB[$CellContext`T24, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] + \
-              X`DiscB[$CellContext`T24, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] + \
-$CellContext`T24 X`DiscB[$CellContext`T24, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] - 
-             4 $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`MT^2 
-             X`ScalarC0[$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`MH^2 - 
-               4 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`T - $CellContext`T14, \
-$CellContext`T24, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] - \
-$CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`T 
-             X`ScalarC0[$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`MH^2 - 
-               4 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`T - $CellContext`T14, \
-$CellContext`T24, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] - \
-$CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`T14 
-             X`ScalarC0[$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`MH^2 - 
-               4 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`T - $CellContext`T14, \
-$CellContext`T24, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] + \
-$CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`T24 
-              X`ScalarC0[$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`MH^2 - 
-                4 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`T - $CellContext`T14, \
-$CellContext`T24, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT]) + 
-           Rational[
-             1, 2] (16 $CellContext`MT^4 + $CellContext`T^2 + \
-$CellContext`T14^2 - 4 $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`T24 + 
-              2 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`T24^2 + 
-              2 $CellContext`T ($CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24) + 
-              8 $CellContext`MT^2 ($CellContext`T + $CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24))^(-2) (-($CellContext`S34 - $CellContext`U) ((-2) \
-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34 + 
-               2 $CellContext`T + $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[1], 
-                $CellContext`ec[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[2], 
-                $CellContext`ec[4]] - 
-             4 (2 $CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34 - 
-              2 $CellContext`T - $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-               $CellContext`e[1], 
-               $CellContext`ec[5]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[2], 
-                 $CellContext`k[3]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                 $CellContext`k[2]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[2], 
-                 $CellContext`k[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                 $CellContext`k[3]]) - 
-             4 ($CellContext`S34 - $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-               $CellContext`e[2], 
-               $CellContext`ec[4]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[1], 
-                 $CellContext`k[3]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                 $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[1], 
-                 $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                 $CellContext`k[3]]) + 16 ($CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[2], 
-                  $CellContext`k[3]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                  $CellContext`k[2]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[2], 
-                  $CellContext`k[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                  $CellContext`k[3]]) ($CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[1], 
-                  $CellContext`k[3]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                  $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[1], 
-                  $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                  $CellContext`k[3]])) ((-2) ($CellContext`MH^2 - 
-               4 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`T - $CellContext`T14) \
-((-16) $CellContext`MT^4 - $CellContext`T^2 - $CellContext`T14^2 + 
-               4 $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`T24 - 
-               2 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24 - $CellContext`T24^2 - 
-               2 $CellContext`T ($CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24) - 
-               8 $CellContext`MT^2 ($CellContext`T + $CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24)) + ((
-                  4 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`T + $CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24)^2 (12 $CellContext`MT^2 + 3 $CellContext`T + 
-                 3 $CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24) + 
-               2 $CellContext`MH^4 (12 $CellContext`MT^2 + 3 $CellContext`T + 
-                 3 $CellContext`T14 + 5 $CellContext`T24) - 
-               2 $CellContext`MH^2 (80 $CellContext`MT^4 + 5 $CellContext`T^2 + 
-                10 $CellContext`T $CellContext`T14 + 5 $CellContext`T14^2 + 
-                7 $CellContext`T $CellContext`T24 + 
-                7 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24 + 4 $CellContext`T24^2 + 
-                4 $CellContext`MT^2 (10 $CellContext`T + 10 $CellContext`T14 + 
-                  7 $CellContext`T24))) 
-              X`DiscB[$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] - 
-             6 (-$CellContext`MH^2 + 
-               4 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`T + $CellContext`T14)^2 (
-              4 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`T + $CellContext`T14 + \
-             X`DiscB[$CellContext`MH^2 - 
-               4 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`T - $CellContext`T14, \
-$CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] - ((-192) $CellContext`MT^6 - 
-              3 $CellContext`T^3 - 9 $CellContext`T^2 $CellContext`T14 - 
-              9 $CellContext`T $CellContext`T14^2 - 3 $CellContext`T14^3 - 
-              16 $CellContext`MT^4 (9 $CellContext`T + 
-               9 $CellContext`T14 - $CellContext`T24) + 
-              4 $CellContext`MH^4 $CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`T^2 \
-$CellContext`T24 + 
-              2 $CellContext`T $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24 + \
-$CellContext`T14^2 $CellContext`T24 + 5 $CellContext`T $CellContext`T24^2 + 
-              5 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24^2 + $CellContext`T24^3 - 
-              4 $CellContext`MT^2 (9 $CellContext`T^2 + 
-               18 $CellContext`T $CellContext`T14 + 9 $CellContext`T14^2 - 
-               2 $CellContext`T $CellContext`T24 - 
-               2 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24 - 5 $CellContext`T24^2) + 
-              2 $CellContext`MH^2 (16 $CellContext`MT^4 + $CellContext`T^2 + 
-                2 $CellContext`T $CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T14^2 + \
-$CellContext`MT^2 (8 $CellContext`T + 8 $CellContext`T14 - 
-                  4 $CellContext`T24) - $CellContext`T $CellContext`T24 - \
-$CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24 - 4 $CellContext`T24^2)) 
-             X`DiscB[$CellContext`T24, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] + 
-             2 ($CellContext`MH^2 - 
-               4 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`T - $CellContext`T14) (
-               2 $CellContext`MH^4 $CellContext`T24 - (
-                2 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`T + $CellContext`T14) (
-                 4 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`T + $CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24)^2 + $CellContext`MH^2 (
-                 16 $CellContext`MT^4 + $CellContext`T^2 + 
-                 2 $CellContext`T $CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T14^2 + 
-                 8 $CellContext`MT^2 ($CellContext`T + $CellContext`T14 - \
-$CellContext`T24) + $CellContext`T24^2)) 
-              X`ScalarC0[$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`MH^2 - 
-                4 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`T - $CellContext`T14, \
-$CellContext`T24, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT]) + 
-           Rational[
-             1, 2] (16 $CellContext`MT^4 + $CellContext`T^2 + \
-$CellContext`T14^2 - 4 $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`T24 + 
-              2 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`T24^2 + 
-              2 $CellContext`T ($CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24) + 
-              8 $CellContext`MT^2 ($CellContext`T + $CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24))^(-2) (-($CellContext`S34 - $CellContext`U) ((-2) \
-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34 + 
-               2 $CellContext`T + $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[1], 
-                $CellContext`ec[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[2], 
-                $CellContext`ec[4]] - 
-             4 (2 $CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34 - 
-              2 $CellContext`T - $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-               $CellContext`e[1], 
-               $CellContext`ec[5]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[2], 
-                 $CellContext`k[3]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                 $CellContext`k[2]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[2], 
-                 $CellContext`k[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                 $CellContext`k[3]]) + 16 ($CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[2], 
-                  $CellContext`k[3]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                  $CellContext`k[2]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[2], 
-                  $CellContext`k[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                  $CellContext`k[3]]) ($CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[1], 
-                  $CellContext`k[3]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                   $CellContext`k[1]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                  $CellContext`k[3]]) + ($CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[1], 
-                   $CellContext`k[2]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[1], 
-                  $CellContext`k[4]]) $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                  $CellContext`k[3]]) - 
-             4 ($CellContext`S34 - $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-               $CellContext`e[2], 
-               $CellContext`ec[4]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[1], 
-                 $CellContext`k[3]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                 $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[1], 
-                 $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                 $CellContext`k[3]])) ((2 $CellContext`MH^2 - 
-               4 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`T - $CellContext`T14 - \
-$CellContext`T24) ((-16) $CellContext`MT^4 - $CellContext`T^2 - \
-$CellContext`T14^2 + 4 $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`T24 - 
-               2 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24 - $CellContext`T24^2 - 
-               2 $CellContext`T ($CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24) - 
-               8 $CellContext`MT^2 ($CellContext`T + $CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24)) - $CellContext`MH^2 ((-80) $CellContext`MT^4 - 
-              5 $CellContext`T^2 - 10 $CellContext`T $CellContext`T14 - 
-              5 $CellContext`T14^2 - 4 $CellContext`T $CellContext`T24 - 
-              4 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`T24^2 + 
-              2 $CellContext`MH^2 (12 $CellContext`MT^2 + 3 $CellContext`T + 
-                3 $CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24) - 
-              8 $CellContext`MT^2 (5 $CellContext`T + 5 $CellContext`T14 + 
-               2 $CellContext`T24)) 
-             X`DiscB[$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] + \
-($CellContext`MH^2 - 
-               4 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`T - $CellContext`T14) \
-($CellContext`MH^2 (24 $CellContext`MT^2 + 6 $CellContext`T + 
-                 6 $CellContext`T14 - 2 $CellContext`T24) - (
-                4 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`T + $CellContext`T14 + \
-              X`DiscB[$CellContext`MH^2 - 
-                4 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`T - $CellContext`T14, \
-$CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] + (
-               2 $CellContext`MH^2 (
-                  4 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`T + $CellContext`T14 - \
-$CellContext`T24)^2 + 
-               4 $CellContext`MH^4 $CellContext`T24 - (
-                4 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`T + $CellContext`T14) (
-                 4 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`T + $CellContext`T14 + \
-              X`DiscB[$CellContext`T24, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] - 
-             2 (2 $CellContext`MH^6 $CellContext`T24 - $CellContext`MT^2 (
-                4 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`T + $CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24)^3 + $CellContext`MH^4 (
-                16 $CellContext`MT^4 + $CellContext`T^2 + 
-                2 $CellContext`T $CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T14^2 + 
-                4 $CellContext`MT^2 (2 $CellContext`T + 2 $CellContext`T14 - 
-                  5 $CellContext`T24) - 3 $CellContext`T $CellContext`T24 - 
-                3 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24 - 
-                2 $CellContext`T24^2) - $CellContext`MH^2 (
-               32 $CellContext`MT^6 + 
-               16 $CellContext`MT^4 (2 $CellContext`T + 2 $CellContext`T14 - 
-                 3 $CellContext`T24) + 
-               2 $CellContext`MT^2 (5 $CellContext`T^2 + 
-                 10 $CellContext`T $CellContext`T14 + 5 $CellContext`T14^2 - 
-                 8 $CellContext`T $CellContext`T24 - 
-                 8 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24 - 
-                 7 $CellContext`T24^2) + ($CellContext`T + $CellContext`T14) \
-($CellContext`T^2 + 
-                 2 $CellContext`T $CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T14^2 - \
-$CellContext`T $CellContext`T24 - $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24 - 
-                 2 $CellContext`T24^2))) 
-             X`ScalarC0[$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`MH^2 - 
-               4 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`T - $CellContext`T14, \
-$CellContext`T24, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT])))) + \
-($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S - $CellContext`T24 - $CellContext`U)^(-1) \
-(-$CellContext`S34^(-1) (
-           4 (2 + X`Eps^(-1) + 
-             X`DiscB[$CellContext`S34, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] + 
-             Log[$CellContext`MT^(-2) X`Mu^2]) (4 ($CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[1], 
-                 $CellContext`k[2]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[1], 
-                $CellContext`k[5]]) $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[2], 
-                $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                $CellContext`ec[5]] + 2 $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[1], 
-                $CellContext`ec[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[2], 
-                $CellContext`k[5]] (2 $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                  $CellContext`k[1]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                $CellContext`k[3]]) - $CellContext`Pair[
-               $CellContext`e[2], 
-               $CellContext`ec[5]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[1], 
-                 $CellContext`k[5]] ((-4) $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                   $CellContext`k[2]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                  $CellContext`k[3]]) + $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[1], 
-                 $CellContext`k[2]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                  $CellContext`k[3]] + 4 $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                   $CellContext`k[5]])) + 4 ($CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[1], 
-                 $CellContext`k[2]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[1], 
-                $CellContext`k[5]]) $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[2], 
-                $CellContext`ec[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                $CellContext`k[2]] + 2 $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[1], 
-                $CellContext`e[2]] (2 $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                  $CellContext`k[1]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                $CellContext`k[3]]) $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                $CellContext`k[2]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[1], 
-                $CellContext`ec[
-                4]] ((-$CellContext`MH^2 + 
-                 2 $CellContext`S + $CellContext`T + $CellContext`T14) \
-                  $CellContext`e[2], 
-                  $CellContext`ec[5]] - 4 ($CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[2], 
-                   $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                   $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[2], 
-                   $CellContext`k[1]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                   $CellContext`k[2]]))) - 
-           4 ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34)^(-1) (3 $CellContext`MH^2 + 
-            X`Eps^(-1) $CellContext`MH^2 - 3 $CellContext`S34 - 
-            X`Eps^(-1) $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`MH^2 
-             X`DiscB[$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] - \
-            X`DiscB[$CellContext`S34, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] + \
-             Log[Rational[1, 2] $CellContext`MT^(-2) (-$CellContext`MH^2 + 
-                 2 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`MH ($CellContext`MH^2 - 
-                    4 $CellContext`MT^2)^
-                   Rational[1, 2])]^2 + $CellContext`MH^2 
-             Log[$CellContext`MT^(-2) X`Mu^2] - $CellContext`S34 
-            Log[$CellContext`MT^(-2) X`Mu^2] - $CellContext`MT^2 
-            Log[Rational[1, 2] $CellContext`MT^(-2) (
-                2 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`S34 + ($CellContext`S34 \
-((-4) $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`S34))^Rational[1, 2])]^2) (
-            4 ($CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[1], 
-                $CellContext`k[2]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-               $CellContext`e[1], 
-               $CellContext`k[5]]) $CellContext`Pair[
-               $CellContext`e[2], 
-               $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-               $CellContext`ec[4], 
-               $CellContext`ec[5]] + 2 $CellContext`Pair[
-               $CellContext`e[1], 
-               $CellContext`ec[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-               $CellContext`e[2], 
-               $CellContext`k[5]] (2 $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                 $CellContext`k[1]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-               $CellContext`ec[4], 
-               $CellContext`k[3]]) - $CellContext`Pair[
-              $CellContext`e[2], 
-              $CellContext`ec[5]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[1], 
-                $CellContext`k[5]] ((-4) $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                  $CellContext`k[2]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                 $CellContext`k[3]]) + $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[1], 
-                $CellContext`k[2]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                 $CellContext`k[3]] + 4 $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                  $CellContext`k[5]])) + 4 ($CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[1], 
-                $CellContext`k[2]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-               $CellContext`e[1], 
-               $CellContext`k[5]]) $CellContext`Pair[
-               $CellContext`e[2], 
-               $CellContext`ec[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-               $CellContext`ec[5], 
-               $CellContext`k[2]] + 2 $CellContext`Pair[
-               $CellContext`e[1], 
-               $CellContext`e[2]] (2 $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                 $CellContext`k[1]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-               $CellContext`ec[4], 
-               $CellContext`k[3]]) $CellContext`Pair[
-               $CellContext`ec[5], 
-               $CellContext`k[2]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-               $CellContext`e[1], 
-               $CellContext`ec[
-               4]] ((-$CellContext`MH^2 + 
-                2 $CellContext`S + $CellContext`T + $CellContext`T14) \
-                 $CellContext`e[2], 
-                 $CellContext`ec[5]] - 4 ($CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[2], 
-                  $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                  $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[2], 
-                  $CellContext`k[1]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                  $CellContext`k[2]]))) + 
-           8 (Rational[
-               1, 2] ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34)^(-1) (-
-                X`DiscB[$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] + 
-               X`DiscB[$CellContext`S34, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT]) \
-                $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                $CellContext`k[
-                3]] (-(((-2) $CellContext`MH^2 + 2 $CellContext`S34 + 
-                   4 $CellContext`T) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] - ($CellContext`MH^2 - 
-                  2 $CellContext`S + $CellContext`S34 + 2 $CellContext`T24 - 
-                  2 $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[1], 
-                   $CellContext`k[
-                   3]] + ((-3) $CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34 + 
-                   4 $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]]) $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[2], 
-                  $CellContext`ec[5]] + 
-               2 (-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34 + 
-                 2 $CellContext`T) $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[1], 
-                  $CellContext`ec[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[2], 
-                  $CellContext`k[5]] + 
-               2 (-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34 + 
-                 2 $CellContext`T) $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[1], 
-                  $CellContext`e[2]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                  $CellContext`k[2]] + 8 (-$CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]]) + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]]))) + 
-             Rational[
-               1, 2] ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34)^(-2) \
-(-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34 - $CellContext`MH^2 
-               X`DiscB[$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] + \
-                X`DiscB[$CellContext`S34, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] - \
-               Log[Rational[1, 2] $CellContext`MT^(-2) (-$CellContext`MH^2 + 
-                   2 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`MH ($CellContext`MH^2 - 
-                    4 $CellContext`MT^2)^
-                    Rational[1, 2])]^2 + $CellContext`MT^2 
-                Log[Rational[1, 2] $CellContext`MT^(-2) (
-                    2 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`S34 + \
-($CellContext`S34 ((-4) $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`S34))^
-                    Rational[1, 2])]^2) $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                $CellContext`k[
-                3]] ((((-2) $CellContext`MH^2 + 2 $CellContext`S34 + 
-                   4 $CellContext`T14) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[
-                    2]] + (-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34 + 
-                   4 $CellContext`T24) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] + ($CellContext`MH^2 + 
-                   2 $CellContext`S - $CellContext`S34 + 2 $CellContext`T24 - 
-                   2 $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]]) $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[2], 
-                  $CellContext`ec[5]] + 
-               2 ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34 - 
-                 2 $CellContext`T14) $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[1], 
-                  $CellContext`ec[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[2], 
-                  $CellContext`k[5]] + 
-               2 ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34 - 
-                 2 $CellContext`T14) $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[1], 
-                  $CellContext`e[2]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                  $CellContext`k[2]] + 8 (-$CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]]) + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]])))) - 
-           4 ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34)^(-1) (
-            X`DiscB[$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] - 
-            X`DiscB[$CellContext`S34, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT]) \
-               $CellContext`e[2], 
-               $CellContext`ec[5]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[1], 
-                 $CellContext`k[
-                 2]] ((-4) ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34) \
-                   $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                   $CellContext`k[1]] + 
-                2 ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34 - 2 $CellContext`T + 
-                  2 $CellContext`T14) $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                   $CellContext`k[3]]) + $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[1], 
-                 $CellContext`k[
-                 4]] ((-4) ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34) \
-                   $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                   $CellContext`k[2]] + (5 $CellContext`MH^2 + 
-                  2 $CellContext`S - 3 $CellContext`S34 + 2 $CellContext`T24 - 
-                  6 $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                   $CellContext`k[3]]) + $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[1], 
-                 $CellContext`k[
-                 3]] ((-4) ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34) \
-                   $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                   $CellContext`k[2]] + ($CellContext`MH^2 - 
-                  2 $CellContext`S + $CellContext`S34 + 6 $CellContext`T24 - 
-                  2 $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                   $CellContext`k[3]])) + $CellContext`Pair[
-               $CellContext`e[1], 
-               $CellContext`ec[
-               4]] (($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34) ($CellContext`MH^2 - 
-                2 $CellContext`S - $CellContext`T - $CellContext`T14) \
-                 $CellContext`e[2], 
-                 $CellContext`ec[5]] + 
-              4 ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34) ($CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[2], 
-                   $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                   $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[2], 
-                   $CellContext`k[1]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                   $CellContext`k[2]])) + 
-            2 ((-2) ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34) \
-                  $CellContext`e[1], 
-                  $CellContext`k[2]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[1], 
-                 $CellContext`k[5]]) $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[2], 
-                 $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                 $CellContext`ec[5]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[1], 
-                 $CellContext`ec[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[2], 
-                 $CellContext`k[
-                 5]] ((-2) ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34) \
-                   $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                   $CellContext`k[1]] + ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34 - 
-                  2 $CellContext`T + 2 $CellContext`T14) $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                   $CellContext`k[3]]) - 
-              2 ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34) ($CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[1], 
-                 $CellContext`k[2]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[1], 
-                $CellContext`k[5]]) $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[2], 
-                $CellContext`ec[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                $CellContext`k[2]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[1], 
-                 $CellContext`e[
-                 2]] ((-2) ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34) \
-                   $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                   $CellContext`k[1]] + ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34 - 
-                  2 $CellContext`T + 2 $CellContext`T14) $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                   $CellContext`k[3]]) $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                 $CellContext`k[2]] - 8 $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                $CellContext`k[3]] (-$CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[1], 
-                  $CellContext`k[4]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]]) + $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[1], 
-                  $CellContext`k[3]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[
-                    4]])))) - ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34)^(-1) (
-            Log[Rational[1, 2] $CellContext`MT^(-2) (-$CellContext`MH^2 + 
-                2 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`MH ($CellContext`MH^2 - 
-                   4 $CellContext`MT^2)^Rational[1, 2])]^2 - 
-            Log[Rational[1, 2] $CellContext`MT^(-2) (
-               2 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`S34 + ($CellContext`S34 \
-((-4) $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`S34))^
-                Rational[1, 2])]^2) ($CellContext`Pair[
-               $CellContext`e[1], 
-               $CellContext`ec[
-               4]] (($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34) ($CellContext`MH^2 - 
-                2 $CellContext`S - $CellContext`T - $CellContext`T14) \
-                 $CellContext`e[2], 
-                 $CellContext`ec[5]] + 
-              4 ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34) ($CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[2], 
-                   $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                   $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[2], 
-                   $CellContext`k[1]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                   $CellContext`k[2]])) - 
-            2 (2 ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34) ($CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[1], 
-                 $CellContext`k[2]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[1], 
-                $CellContext`k[5]]) $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[2], 
-                $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                $CellContext`ec[5]] - 2 $CellContext`Pair[
-               $CellContext`e[1], 
-               $CellContext`ec[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-               $CellContext`e[2], 
-               $CellContext`k[
-               5]] ((-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34) \
-                 $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                 $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                 $CellContext`k[3]]) + $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[2], 
-                $CellContext`ec[5]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[1], 
-                  $CellContext`k[
-                  2]] ((-2) ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34) \
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] + 
-                 2 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]]) + $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[1], 
-                  $CellContext`k[
-                  3]] ((-2) ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34) \
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] + 
-                 2 $CellContext`T24 $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]]) + $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[1], 
-                  $CellContext`k[
-                  4]] ((-2) ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34) \
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[
-                    2]] + ($CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S - \
-$CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T24 - $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]])) + 
-             2 ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34) ($CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[1], 
-                 $CellContext`k[2]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[1], 
-                $CellContext`k[5]]) $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[2], 
-                $CellContext`ec[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                $CellContext`k[2]] - 2 $CellContext`Pair[
-               $CellContext`e[1], 
-               $CellContext`e[
-               2]] ((-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34) \
-                 $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                 $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                 $CellContext`k[3]]) $CellContext`Pair[
-               $CellContext`ec[5], 
-               $CellContext`k[2]] + 4 $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                $CellContext`k[3]] (-$CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[1], 
-                  $CellContext`k[4]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]]) + $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[1], 
-                  $CellContext`k[3]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]]))))) + $CellContext`T^(-1) (
-           4 (2 + X`Eps^(-1) + 
-             X`DiscB[$CellContext`T, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] + 
-             Log[$CellContext`MT^(-2) X`Mu^2]) ($CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[2], 
-                $CellContext`ec[5]] ((-4) $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[1], 
-                  $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                  $CellContext`k[2]] + 4 $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[1], 
-                  $CellContext`k[2]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                  $CellContext`k[5]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[1], 
-                 $CellContext`k[3]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                  $CellContext`k[2]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                  $CellContext`k[5]])) - 2 (($CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[1], 
-                  $CellContext`k[3]] + 2 $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[1], 
-                   $CellContext`k[4]]) $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[2], 
-                 $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                 $CellContext`ec[5]] + 2 $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[1], 
-                 $CellContext`ec[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[2], 
-                 $CellContext`k[5]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                  $CellContext`k[1]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                 $CellContext`k[3]]) + (($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] + 2 $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]]) $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[2], 
-                   $CellContext`ec[4]] + 2 $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[1], 
-                   $CellContext`e[2]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                   $CellContext`k[3]])) $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                 $CellContext`k[2]]) + $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[1], 
-                $CellContext`ec[
-                4]] ((-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34 + \
-$CellContext`T14 + 2 $CellContext`T24) $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[2], 
-                  $CellContext`ec[5]] + 4 ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]]))) - 
-           4 ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`T)^(-1) (3 $CellContext`MH^2 + 
-            X`Eps^(-1) $CellContext`MH^2 - 3 $CellContext`T - 
-            X`Eps^(-1) $CellContext`T + $CellContext`MH^2 
-             X`DiscB[$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] - \
-            X`DiscB[$CellContext`T, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] + \
-             Log[Rational[1, 2] $CellContext`MT^(-2) (-$CellContext`MH^2 + 
-                 2 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`MH ($CellContext`MH^2 - 
-                    4 $CellContext`MT^2)^
-                   Rational[1, 2])]^2 + $CellContext`MH^2 
-             Log[$CellContext`MT^(-2) X`Mu^2] - $CellContext`T 
-            Log[$CellContext`MT^(-2) X`Mu^2] - $CellContext`MT^2 
-            Log[Rational[1, 2] $CellContext`MT^(-2) (
-                2 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`T + ($CellContext`T ((-4) \
-$CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`T))^Rational[1, 2])]^2) ($CellContext`Pair[
-               $CellContext`e[2], 
-               $CellContext`ec[5]] ((-4) $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[1], 
-                 $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                 $CellContext`k[2]] + 4 $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[1], 
-                 $CellContext`k[2]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                 $CellContext`k[5]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[1], 
-                $CellContext`k[3]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                 $CellContext`k[2]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                 $CellContext`k[5]])) - 2 (($CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[1], 
-                 $CellContext`k[3]] + 2 $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[1], 
-                  $CellContext`k[4]]) $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[2], 
-                $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                $CellContext`ec[5]] + 2 $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[1], 
-                $CellContext`ec[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[2], 
-                $CellContext`k[5]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                 $CellContext`k[1]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                $CellContext`k[3]]) + (($CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[1], 
-                   $CellContext`k[3]] + 2 $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]]) $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[2], 
-                  $CellContext`ec[4]] + 2 $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[1], 
-                  $CellContext`e[2]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                   $CellContext`k[1]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                  $CellContext`k[3]])) $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                $CellContext`k[2]]) + $CellContext`Pair[
-               $CellContext`e[1], 
-               $CellContext`ec[
-               4]] ((-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T14 + 
-                2 $CellContext`T24) $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[2], 
-                 $CellContext`ec[5]] + 4 ($CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[2], 
-                   $CellContext`k[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                   $CellContext`k[2]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[2], 
-                   $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                   $CellContext`k[
-                   4]]))) - ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`T)^(-1) (
-            Log[Rational[1, 2] $CellContext`MT^(-2) (-$CellContext`MH^2 + 
-                2 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`MH ($CellContext`MH^2 - 
-                   4 $CellContext`MT^2)^Rational[1, 2])]^2 - 
-            Log[Rational[1, 2] $CellContext`MT^(-2) (
-               2 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`T + ($CellContext`T ((-4) \
-$CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`T))^Rational[1, 2])]^2) (
-            4 ($CellContext`T14 $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[1], 
-                 $CellContext`k[
-                 3]] + ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`T) \
-                 $CellContext`e[1], 
-                 $CellContext`k[4]]) $CellContext`Pair[
-               $CellContext`e[2], 
-               $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-               $CellContext`ec[4], 
-               $CellContext`ec[5]] + 
-            4 ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`T) $CellContext`Pair[
-               $CellContext`e[1], 
-               $CellContext`ec[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-               $CellContext`e[2], 
-               $CellContext`k[5]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                $CellContext`k[1]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-               $CellContext`ec[4], 
-               $CellContext`k[3]]) + 2 $CellContext`Pair[
-               $CellContext`e[2], 
-               $CellContext`ec[5]] (
-              2 (-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`T) $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[1], 
-                 $CellContext`k[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                 $CellContext`k[2]] - 
-              2 ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`T) $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[1], 
-                $CellContext`k[2]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                 $CellContext`k[1]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                $CellContext`k[3]]) + $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[1], 
-                 $CellContext`k[
-                 3]] ((-$CellContext`MH^2 + 
-                  2 $CellContext`S + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T14 + 
-                  2 $CellContext`T24) $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                   $CellContext`k[1]] - 
-                2 ($CellContext`T14 $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] + $CellContext`S $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]]))) + 
-            4 ($CellContext`T14 $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[1], 
-                 $CellContext`k[
-                 3]] + ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`T) \
-                 $CellContext`e[1], 
-                 $CellContext`k[4]]) $CellContext`Pair[
-               $CellContext`e[2], 
-               $CellContext`ec[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-               $CellContext`ec[5], 
-               $CellContext`k[2]] + 
-            4 ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`T) $CellContext`Pair[
-               $CellContext`e[1], 
-               $CellContext`e[2]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                $CellContext`k[1]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-               $CellContext`ec[4], 
-               $CellContext`k[3]]) $CellContext`Pair[
-               $CellContext`ec[5], 
-               $CellContext`k[2]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-               $CellContext`e[1], 
-               $CellContext`ec[
-               4]] (($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`T) ($CellContext`MH^2 - \
-$CellContext`S34 - $CellContext`T14 - 2 $CellContext`T24) $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[2], 
-                 $CellContext`ec[5]] - 
-              4 ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`T) ($CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[2], 
-                  $CellContext`k[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                  $CellContext`k[2]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[2], 
-                  $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                  $CellContext`k[4]])) + 8 $CellContext`Pair[
-               $CellContext`e[1], 
-               $CellContext`k[3]] (($CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[2], 
-                   $CellContext`k[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                   $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[2], 
-                   $CellContext`k[1]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                   $CellContext`k[5]])) $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                 $CellContext`k[2]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[2], 
-                 $CellContext`k[5]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                   $CellContext`k[2]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                   $CellContext`k[1]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                  $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                  $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                   $CellContext`k[1]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                   $CellContext`k[4]]))) - 
-           4 ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`T)^(-1) (
-            X`DiscB[$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] - 
-            X`DiscB[$CellContext`T, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT]) (
-            2 (($CellContext`MH^2 - 2 $CellContext`S34 - $CellContext`T + 
-                2 $CellContext`T14) $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[1], 
-                 $CellContext`k[3]] + 
-              2 ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`T) $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[1], 
-                 $CellContext`k[4]]) $CellContext`Pair[
-               $CellContext`e[2], 
-               $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-               $CellContext`ec[4], 
-               $CellContext`ec[5]] + 
-            4 ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`T) $CellContext`Pair[
-               $CellContext`e[1], 
-               $CellContext`ec[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-               $CellContext`e[2], 
-               $CellContext`k[5]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                $CellContext`k[1]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-               $CellContext`ec[4], 
-               $CellContext`k[3]]) + $CellContext`Pair[
-               $CellContext`e[2], 
-               $CellContext`ec[5]] (
-              4 (-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`T) $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[1], 
-                 $CellContext`k[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                 $CellContext`k[2]] - 
-              4 ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`T) $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[1], 
-                $CellContext`k[2]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                 $CellContext`k[1]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                $CellContext`k[3]]) + $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[1], 
-                 $CellContext`k[
-                 3]] ((9 $CellContext`MH^2 - 2 $CellContext`S34 - 
-                  5 $CellContext`T - 2 $CellContext`T14 - 
-                  8 $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                   $CellContext`k[1]] - 
-                2 ($CellContext`MH^2 - 2 $CellContext`S34 - $CellContext`T + 
-                 2 $CellContext`T14) $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                  $CellContext`k[2]] + (3 $CellContext`MH^2 - 
-                  8 $CellContext`S - 2 $CellContext`S34 - 3 $CellContext`T - 
-                  2 $CellContext`T14) $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                   $CellContext`k[3]])) + 
-            2 (($CellContext`MH^2 - 2 $CellContext`S34 - $CellContext`T + 
-                2 $CellContext`T14) $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[1], 
-                 $CellContext`k[3]] + 
-              2 ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`T) $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[1], 
-                 $CellContext`k[4]]) $CellContext`Pair[
-               $CellContext`e[2], 
-               $CellContext`ec[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-               $CellContext`ec[5], 
-               $CellContext`k[2]] + 
-            4 ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`T) $CellContext`Pair[
-               $CellContext`e[1], 
-               $CellContext`e[2]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                $CellContext`k[1]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-               $CellContext`ec[4], 
-               $CellContext`k[3]]) $CellContext`Pair[
-               $CellContext`ec[5], 
-               $CellContext`k[2]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-               $CellContext`e[1], 
-               $CellContext`ec[
-               4]] (($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`T) ($CellContext`MH^2 - \
-$CellContext`S34 - $CellContext`T14 - 2 $CellContext`T24) $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[2], 
-                 $CellContext`ec[5]] - 
-              4 ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`T) ($CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[2], 
-                  $CellContext`k[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                  $CellContext`k[2]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[2], 
-                  $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                  $CellContext`k[4]])) + 16 $CellContext`Pair[
-               $CellContext`e[1], 
-               $CellContext`k[3]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[2], 
-                 $CellContext`k[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                 $CellContext`k[3]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                 $CellContext`k[2]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[2], 
-                 $CellContext`k[3]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                  $CellContext`k[2]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                 $CellContext`k[5]]) $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                 $CellContext`k[2]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[2], 
-                 $CellContext`k[5]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                   $CellContext`k[2]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                   $CellContext`k[3]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                  $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                  $CellContext`k[3]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                   $CellContext`k[3]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                   $CellContext`k[4]]))) - 
-           8 (Rational[
-              1, 2] ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`T)^(-2) \
-(-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`T - $CellContext`MH^2 
-              X`DiscB[$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] + \
-               X`DiscB[$CellContext`T, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] - \
-              Log[Rational[1, 2] $CellContext`MT^(-2) (-$CellContext`MH^2 + 
-                  2 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`MH ($CellContext`MH^2 - 
-                    4 $CellContext`MT^2)^
-                    Rational[1, 2])]^2 + $CellContext`MT^2 
-               Log[Rational[1, 2] $CellContext`MT^(-2) (
-                   2 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`T + ($CellContext`T \
-((-4) $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`T))^
-                    Rational[1, 2])]^2) $CellContext`Pair[
-               $CellContext`e[1], 
-               $CellContext`k[3]] (
-              2 (-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`T + 
-                2 $CellContext`T14) $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[2], 
-                 $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                 $CellContext`ec[5]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[2], 
-                 $CellContext`ec[
-                 5]] (((-3) $CellContext`MH^2 + 
-                  2 $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T - 2 $CellContext`T14 + 
-                  4 $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                   $CellContext`k[2]] + 
-                2 (-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T14 + 
-                  2 $CellContext`T24) $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                   $CellContext`k[3]] + (5 $CellContext`MH^2 - 
-                  2 $CellContext`S34 - 3 $CellContext`T - 2 $CellContext`T14 - 
-                  4 $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                   $CellContext`k[5]]) + 
-              2 (-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`T + 
-                2 $CellContext`T14) $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[2], 
-                 $CellContext`ec[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                 $CellContext`k[2]] + 8 ((-$CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]]) $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                   $CellContext`k[2]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[2], 
-                   $CellContext`k[5]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]]))) + 
-            Rational[
-              1, 2] ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`T)^(-1) (-
-               X`DiscB[$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] + 
-              X`DiscB[$CellContext`T, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT]) \
-               $CellContext`e[1], 
-               $CellContext`k[3]] (
-              2 ($CellContext`MH^2 - 
-                2 $CellContext`S34 - $CellContext`T) $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[2], 
-                 $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                 $CellContext`ec[5]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[2], 
-                 $CellContext`ec[
-                 5]] (((-5) $CellContext`MH^2 + 4 $CellContext`S34 + 
-                  3 $CellContext`T + 4 $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                   $CellContext`k[2]] + 
-                2 (-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T14 + 
-                  2 $CellContext`T24) $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                   $CellContext`k[3]] + (3 $CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`T - 
-                  4 $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                   $CellContext`k[5]]) + 
-              2 ($CellContext`MH^2 - 
-                2 $CellContext`S34 - $CellContext`T) $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[2], 
-                 $CellContext`ec[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                 $CellContext`k[2]] + 8 ($CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[2], 
-                   $CellContext`k[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                   $CellContext`k[3]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                   $CellContext`k[2]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[2], 
-                   $CellContext`k[3]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                   $CellContext`k[5]]) $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                   $CellContext`k[2]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[2], 
-                   $CellContext`k[5]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]]))))) + $CellContext`T14^(-1) (
-           4 $CellContext`T14 (16 $CellContext`MT^4 - 
-              4 $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`T14 + 
-              8 $CellContext`MT^2 ($CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24 + \
-$CellContext`U) + ($CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24 + \
-$CellContext`U)^2)^(-1) ((-4) $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[2], 
-                $CellContext`ec[5]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[1], 
-                  $CellContext`k[2]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                  $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[1], 
-                  $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                  $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[1], 
-                  $CellContext`k[4]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                   $CellContext`k[2]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                   $CellContext`k[5]])) + 8 $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                $CellContext`k[1]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[1], 
-                  $CellContext`ec[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[2], 
-                  $CellContext`k[5]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[1], 
-                  $CellContext`e[2]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                  $CellContext`k[2]]) + 8 $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[1], 
-                $CellContext`k[4]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[2], 
-                  $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                  $CellContext`ec[5]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[2], 
-                  $CellContext`ec[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                  $CellContext`k[2]]) + $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[1], 
-                $CellContext`ec[
-                4]] ((2 $CellContext`S - $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T - 
-                 2 $CellContext`T24) $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[2], 
-                  $CellContext`ec[5]] - 4 (($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]]) $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                   $CellContext`k[2]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[2], 
-                   $CellContext`k[5]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]])))) (
-             2 $CellContext`MH^2 
-              X`DiscB[$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] - (
-              4 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24 + \
-$CellContext`U) X`DiscB[$CellContext`T14, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] - 
-             2 $CellContext`MH^2 
-             X`DiscB[$CellContext`MH^2 - 
-               4 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`T24 - $CellContext`U, \
-$CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] + 
-             4 $CellContext`MT^2 
-              X`DiscB[$CellContext`MH^2 - 
-                4 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`T24 - $CellContext`U, \
-$CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] + $CellContext`T14 
-              X`DiscB[$CellContext`MH^2 - 
-                4 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`T24 - $CellContext`U, \
-$CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] + $CellContext`T24 
-              X`DiscB[$CellContext`MH^2 - 
-                4 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`T24 - $CellContext`U, \
-$CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] + $CellContext`U 
-              X`DiscB[$CellContext`MH^2 - 
-                4 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`T24 - $CellContext`U, \
-$CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] + 
-             4 $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`MT^2 
-              X`ScalarC0[$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`T14, \
-$CellContext`MH^2 - 
-                4 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`T24 - $CellContext`U, \
-$CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] - $CellContext`MH^2 \
-             X`ScalarC0[$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`T14, \
-$CellContext`MH^2 - 
-               4 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`T24 - $CellContext`U, \
-$CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] + $CellContext`MH^2 \
-              X`ScalarC0[$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`T14, \
-$CellContext`MH^2 - 
-                4 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`T24 - $CellContext`U, \
-$CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] + $CellContext`MH^2 \
-              X`ScalarC0[$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`T14, \
-$CellContext`MH^2 - 
-                4 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`T24 - $CellContext`U, \
-$CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT]) - 
-           2 (16 $CellContext`MT^4 - 4 $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`T14 + 
-             8 $CellContext`MT^2 ($CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24 + \
-$CellContext`U) + ($CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24 + \
-$CellContext`U)^2)^(-1) ((
-              4 $CellContext`S $CellContext`S34 - $CellContext`S34^2 + \
-$CellContext`T^2 + 2 $CellContext`S34 $CellContext`T14 - 
-              2 $CellContext`T $CellContext`T14 - 
-              2 $CellContext`MH^2 (
-               2 $CellContext`S - $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T - 
-               2 $CellContext`T24) - 4 $CellContext`T $CellContext`T24 - 
-              2 $CellContext`S34 $CellContext`U + 
-              2 $CellContext`T $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-               $CellContext`e[1], 
-               $CellContext`ec[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-               $CellContext`e[2], 
-               $CellContext`ec[5]] + 
-            8 ((-2) $CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T) \
-               $CellContext`e[1], 
-               $CellContext`k[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-               $CellContext`e[2], 
-               $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-               $CellContext`ec[4], 
-               $CellContext`ec[5]] + 
-            8 ((-2) $CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T) \
-               $CellContext`e[1], 
-               $CellContext`ec[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-               $CellContext`e[2], 
-               $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-               $CellContext`ec[4], 
-               $CellContext`k[1]] - 4 $CellContext`Pair[
-              $CellContext`e[2], 
-              $CellContext`ec[5]] (
-             2 ((-2) $CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T) \
-                $CellContext`e[1], 
-                $CellContext`k[2]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                $CellContext`k[1]] + (6 $CellContext`MH^2 - 
-               3 $CellContext`S34 - 3 $CellContext`T - 
-               4 $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[1], 
-                $CellContext`k[3]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[1], 
-                $CellContext`k[4]] (
-               2 ((-2) $CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T) \
-                  $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                  $CellContext`k[2]] + (6 $CellContext`MH^2 - 
-                 3 $CellContext`S34 - 3 $CellContext`T - 
-                 4 $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                  $CellContext`k[3]])) + 
-            8 ((-2) $CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T) \
-               $CellContext`e[1], 
-               $CellContext`k[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-               $CellContext`e[2], 
-               $CellContext`ec[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-               $CellContext`ec[5], 
-               $CellContext`k[2]] + 
-            8 ((-2) $CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T) \
-               $CellContext`e[1], 
-               $CellContext`e[2]] $CellContext`Pair[
-               $CellContext`ec[4], 
-               $CellContext`k[1]] $CellContext`Pair[
-               $CellContext`ec[5], 
-               $CellContext`k[2]] + 32 ($CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[1], 
-                 $CellContext`k[3]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                  $CellContext`k[1]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                 $CellContext`k[3]]) + ($CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[1], 
-                  $CellContext`k[2]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[1], 
-                 $CellContext`k[5]]) $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                 $CellContext`k[3]]) ($CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[2], 
-                 $CellContext`k[3]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                 $CellContext`k[2]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[2], 
-                 $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                 $CellContext`k[3]]) - 4 $CellContext`Pair[
-              $CellContext`e[1], 
-              $CellContext`ec[
-              4]] (((-2) ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34) \
-                  $CellContext`e[2], 
-                  $CellContext`k[
-                  1]] + ($CellContext`S34 - $CellContext`T) \
-                  $CellContext`e[2], 
-                  $CellContext`k[3]] + 
-               2 (-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`T) $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[2], 
-                  $CellContext`k[4]]) $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                $CellContext`k[2]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[2], 
-                $CellContext`k[
-                5]] ((-2) ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34) \
-                  $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                  $CellContext`k[
-                  1]] + ($CellContext`S34 - $CellContext`T) \
-                  $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                  $CellContext`k[3]] + 
-               2 (-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`T) $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                  $CellContext`k[4]]))) (-(
-              4 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24 + \
-$CellContext`U) X`DiscB[$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] + 
-            2 $CellContext`T14 
-             X`DiscB[$CellContext`T14, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] + 
-            4 $CellContext`MT^2 
-             X`DiscB[$CellContext`MH^2 - 
-               4 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`T24 - $CellContext`U, \
-$CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] - $CellContext`T14 
-            X`DiscB[$CellContext`MH^2 - 
-              4 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`T24 - $CellContext`U, \
-$CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] + $CellContext`T24 
-             X`DiscB[$CellContext`MH^2 - 
-               4 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`T24 - $CellContext`U, \
-$CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] + $CellContext`U 
-             X`DiscB[$CellContext`MH^2 - 
-               4 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`T24 - $CellContext`U, \
-$CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] - 2 $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`T14 
-            X`ScalarC0[$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`T14, $CellContext`MH^2 - 
-              4 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`T24 - $CellContext`U, \
-$CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] + 
-            4 $CellContext`MT^2 $CellContext`T14 
-             X`ScalarC0[$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`T14, \
-$CellContext`MH^2 - 
-               4 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`T24 - $CellContext`U, \
-$CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] + $CellContext`T14^2 
-             X`ScalarC0[$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`T14, \
-$CellContext`MH^2 - 
-               4 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`T24 - $CellContext`U, \
-$CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] + $CellContext`T14 \
-             X`ScalarC0[$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`T14, \
-$CellContext`MH^2 - 
-               4 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`T24 - $CellContext`U, \
-$CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] + $CellContext`T14 \
-             X`ScalarC0[$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`T14, \
-$CellContext`MH^2 - 
-               4 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`T24 - $CellContext`U, \
-$CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT]) + 
-           2 (16 $CellContext`MT^4 - 4 $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`T14 + 
-              8 $CellContext`MT^2 ($CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24 + \
-$CellContext`U) + ($CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24 + \
-$CellContext`U)^2)^(-1) ((-4) $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[2], 
-                $CellContext`ec[5]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[1], 
-                  $CellContext`k[2]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                  $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[1], 
-                  $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                  $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[1], 
-                  $CellContext`k[4]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                   $CellContext`k[2]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                   $CellContext`k[5]])) + 8 $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                $CellContext`k[1]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[1], 
-                  $CellContext`ec[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[2], 
-                  $CellContext`k[5]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[1], 
-                  $CellContext`e[2]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                  $CellContext`k[2]]) + 8 $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[1], 
-                $CellContext`k[4]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[2], 
-                  $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                  $CellContext`ec[5]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[2], 
-                  $CellContext`ec[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                  $CellContext`k[2]]) + $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[1], 
-                $CellContext`ec[
-                4]] ((2 $CellContext`S - $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T - 
-                 2 $CellContext`T24) $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[2], 
-                  $CellContext`ec[5]] - 4 (($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]]) $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                   $CellContext`k[2]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[2], 
-                   $CellContext`k[5]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]])))) (
-             3 (16 $CellContext`MT^4 - 4 $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`T14 + 
-               8 $CellContext`MT^2 ($CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24 + \
-$CellContext`U) + ($CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^2) + 
-             X`Eps^(-1) (16 $CellContext`MT^4 - 
-               4 $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`T14 + 
-               8 $CellContext`MT^2 ($CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24 + \
-$CellContext`U) + ($CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^2) + \
-$CellContext`MH^2 (
-               4 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24 + \
-              X`DiscB[$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] + \
-$CellContext`T14 ((-2) $CellContext`MH^2 + 
-               4 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24 + \
-              X`DiscB[$CellContext`T14, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] - \
-($CellContext`MH^2 - 
-              4 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`T24 - $CellContext`U) (
-              4 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24 + \
-             X`DiscB[$CellContext`MH^2 - 
-               4 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`T24 - $CellContext`U, \
-$CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] + (16 $CellContext`MT^4 - 
-               4 $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`T14 + 
-               8 $CellContext`MT^2 ($CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24 + \
-$CellContext`U) + ($CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^2) 
-              Log[$CellContext`MT^(-2) X`Mu^2] + 
-             2 (16 $CellContext`MT^6 + $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`T14 \
-($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`T24 - $CellContext`U) + 
-               8 $CellContext`MT^4 ($CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24 + \
-$CellContext`U) + $CellContext`MT^2 ((-8) $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`T14 + \
-($CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^2)) 
-              X`ScalarC0[$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`T14, \
-$CellContext`MH^2 - 
-                4 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`T24 - $CellContext`U, \
-$CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT]) - 
-           2 ((2 + X`Eps^(-1) + 
-              X`DiscB[$CellContext`MH^2 - 
-                4 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`T24 - $CellContext`U, \
-$CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] + 
-              Log[$CellContext`MT^(-2) X`Mu^2]) ((-4) $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[2], 
-                 $CellContext`ec[5]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[1], 
-                   $CellContext`k[2]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                   $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[1], 
-                   $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                   $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[1], 
-                   $CellContext`k[4]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]])) + 8 $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                 $CellContext`k[1]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[1], 
-                   $CellContext`ec[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[2], 
-                   $CellContext`k[5]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[1], 
-                   $CellContext`e[2]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                   $CellContext`k[2]]) + 8 $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[1], 
-                 $CellContext`k[4]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[2], 
-                   $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                   $CellContext`ec[5]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[2], 
-                   $CellContext`ec[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                   $CellContext`k[2]]) + $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[1], 
-                 $CellContext`ec[
-                 4]] ((2 $CellContext`S - $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T - 
-                  2 $CellContext`T24) $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[2], 
-                   $CellContext`ec[5]] - 4 (($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]]) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[
-                    4]])))) + (((-2) $CellContext`S $CellContext`S34 - \
-$CellContext`S34 $CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T $CellContext`T14 + 
-                2 $CellContext`MH^2 ($CellContext`S - $CellContext`T24) + 
-                2 $CellContext`T $CellContext`T24) $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[1], 
-                 $CellContext`ec[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[2], 
-                 $CellContext`ec[5]] - 
-              4 ((-2) $CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T) \
-                $CellContext`e[1], 
-                $CellContext`k[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[2], 
-                $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                $CellContext`ec[5]] - 
-              4 ((-2) $CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T) \
-                $CellContext`e[1], 
-                $CellContext`ec[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[2], 
-                $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                $CellContext`k[1]] + 4 $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[2], 
-                 $CellContext`ec[
-                 5]] (((-2) $CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34 + \
-$CellContext`T) $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[1], 
-                   $CellContext`k[2]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                   $CellContext`k[
-                   1]] + ($CellContext`S + $CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24) $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[1], 
-                   $CellContext`k[3]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                   $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[1], 
-                   $CellContext`k[
-                   4]] (((-2) $CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34 + \
-$CellContext`T) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[
-                    2]] + ($CellContext`S + $CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]])) - 
-              4 ((-2) $CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T) \
-                $CellContext`e[1], 
-                $CellContext`k[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[2], 
-                $CellContext`ec[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                $CellContext`k[2]] - 
-              4 ((-2) $CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T) \
-                $CellContext`e[1], 
-                $CellContext`e[2]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                $CellContext`k[1]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                $CellContext`k[2]] - 8 ($CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[1], 
-                  $CellContext`k[3]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                   $CellContext`k[1]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                  $CellContext`k[3]]) + ($CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[1], 
-                   $CellContext`k[2]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[1], 
-                  $CellContext`k[5]]) $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                  $CellContext`k[3]]) ($CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[2], 
-                  $CellContext`k[3]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                  $CellContext`k[2]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[2], 
-                  $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                  $CellContext`k[3]]) + 4 $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[1], 
-                 $CellContext`ec[
-                 4]] (((-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34) \
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[
-                    1]] + (-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`T) \
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]]) $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                   $CellContext`k[2]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[2], 
-                   $CellContext`k[
-                   5]] ((-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34) \
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[
-                    1]] + (-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`T) \
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]]))) 
-             X`ScalarC0[$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`T14, \
-$CellContext`MH^2 - 
-               4 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`T24 - $CellContext`U, \
-$CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT]) + 
-           4 (Rational[
-               1, 2] (16 $CellContext`MT^4 - 
-                4 $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`T14 + 
-                8 $CellContext`MT^2 ($CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24 + \
-$CellContext`U) + ($CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24 + \
-$CellContext`U)^2)^(-2) (-($CellContext`S34 - $CellContext`T) ((-2) \
-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T + 
-                 2 $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[1], 
-                  $CellContext`ec[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[2], 
-                  $CellContext`ec[5]] - 
-               4 (2 $CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34 - $CellContext`T - 
-                2 $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[2], 
-                 $CellContext`ec[5]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[1], 
-                   $CellContext`k[3]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                   $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[1], 
-                   $CellContext`k[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                   $CellContext`k[3]]) - 
-               4 ($CellContext`S34 - $CellContext`T) $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[1], 
-                 $CellContext`ec[4]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[2], 
-                   $CellContext`k[3]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                   $CellContext`k[2]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[2], 
-                   $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                   $CellContext`k[3]]) + 16 ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]]) ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]])) (
-               2 $CellContext`T14 (16 $CellContext`MT^4 - 
-                 4 $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`T14 + 
-                 8 $CellContext`MT^2 ($CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24 + \
-$CellContext`U) + ($CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^2) - \
-(64 $CellContext`MT^6 + ($CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24 + \
-$CellContext`U)^2 (3 $CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U) + 
-                16 $CellContext`MT^4 (5 $CellContext`T14 + 
-                  3 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)) - 
-                2 $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`T14 (3 $CellContext`T14 + 
-                 5 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)) + 
-                4 $CellContext`MT^2 ((-10) $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`T14 + 
-                  7 $CellContext`T14^2 + 
-                  10 $CellContext`T14 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U) + 
-                  3 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^2)) 
-               X`DiscB[$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] + 
-               6 $CellContext`T14^2 ((-2) $CellContext`MH^2 + 
-                 4 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24 + \
-                X`DiscB[$CellContext`T14, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] + \
-(64 $CellContext`MT^6 - 
-                 3 $CellContext`T14^3 + $CellContext`T14^2 $CellContext`T24 + 
-                 5 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24^2 + $CellContext`T24^3 + \
-$CellContext`T14^2 $CellContext`U + 
-                 10 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24 $CellContext`U + 
-                 3 $CellContext`T24^2 $CellContext`U + 
-                 5 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`U^2 + 
-                 3 $CellContext`T24 $CellContext`U^2 + $CellContext`U^3 + 
-                 2 $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`T14 (3 $CellContext`T14 - 
-                   5 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)) + 
-                 16 $CellContext`MT^4 (5 $CellContext`T14 + 
-                   3 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)) + 
-                 4 $CellContext`MT^2 ((-10) $CellContext`MH^2 \
-$CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T14^2 + 
-                   10 $CellContext`T14 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U) + 
-                   3 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^2)) 
-                X`DiscB[$CellContext`MH^2 - 
-                  4 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`T24 - $CellContext`U, \
-$CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] + 
-               2 $CellContext`T14 (32 $CellContext`MT^6 + 
-                 16 $CellContext`MT^4 (
-                   2 $CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U) + 
-                 2 $CellContext`MT^2 ((-16) $CellContext`MH^2 \
-$CellContext`T14 + 5 $CellContext`T14^2 + 
-                   6 $CellContext`T14 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U) + \
-($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^2) + $CellContext`T14 (
-                   6 $CellContext`MH^4 + ($CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24 + \
-$CellContext`U)^2 - 2 $CellContext`MH^2 (2 $CellContext`T14 + 
-                    3 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)))) 
-                X`ScalarC0[$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`T14, \
-$CellContext`MH^2 - 
-                  4 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`T24 - $CellContext`U, \
-$CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT]) + 
-             Rational[-1, 2] (16 $CellContext`MT^4 - 
-                4 $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`T14 + 
-                8 $CellContext`MT^2 ($CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24 + \
-$CellContext`U) + ($CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24 + \
-$CellContext`U)^2)^(-2) (-($CellContext`S34 - $CellContext`T) ((-2) \
-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T + 
-                 2 $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[1], 
-                  $CellContext`ec[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[2], 
-                  $CellContext`ec[5]] - 
-               4 (2 $CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34 - $CellContext`T - 
-                2 $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[2], 
-                 $CellContext`ec[5]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[1], 
-                   $CellContext`k[3]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                   $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[1], 
-                   $CellContext`k[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                   $CellContext`k[3]]) - 
-               4 ($CellContext`S34 - $CellContext`T) $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[1], 
-                 $CellContext`ec[4]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[2], 
-                   $CellContext`k[3]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                   $CellContext`k[2]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[2], 
-                   $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                   $CellContext`k[3]]) + 16 ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]]) + ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]]) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]]) ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]])) ((
-                 4 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24 + \
-$CellContext`U) (16 $CellContext`MT^4 - 4 $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`T14 + 
-                 8 $CellContext`MT^2 ($CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24 + \
-$CellContext`U) + ($CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^2) + \
-$CellContext`MH^2 (16 $CellContext`MT^4 + 
-                 8 $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`T14 - 5 $CellContext`T14^2 - 
-                 4 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`T24^2 - 
-                 4 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`U + 
-                 2 $CellContext`T24 $CellContext`U + $CellContext`U^2 + 
-                 8 $CellContext`MT^2 ((-2) $CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)) 
-                X`DiscB[$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] + \
-$CellContext`T14 ((
-                   4 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24 + \
-$CellContext`U)^2 - 
-                 2 $CellContext`MH^2 (12 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`T14 + 
-                  3 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U))) 
-                X`DiscB[$CellContext`T14, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] - \
-(8 $CellContext`MH^4 $CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T14 (
-                   4 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24 + \
-$CellContext`U)^2 + $CellContext`MH^2 (16 $CellContext`MT^4 - 
-                  3 $CellContext`T14^2 - 
-                  10 $CellContext`T14 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U) + \
-($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^2 + 
-                  8 $CellContext`MT^2 ((-5) $CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U))) 
-               X`DiscB[$CellContext`MH^2 - 
-                 4 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`T24 - $CellContext`U, \
-$CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] + 
-               2 (64 $CellContext`MT^8 + 
-                 48 $CellContext`MT^6 ($CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24 + \
-$CellContext`U) + 
-                 12 $CellContext`MT^4 ((-4) $CellContext`MH^2 \
-$CellContext`T14 + ($CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^2) - \
-$CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`T14 (-$CellContext`T14^2 + $CellContext`T14 \
-($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U) + 
-                  2 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^2 + $CellContext`MH^2 \
-($CellContext`T14 - 
-                    3 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U))) + \
-$CellContext`MT^2 (
-                   12 $CellContext`MH^4 $CellContext`T14 + ($CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^3 - 
-                   4 $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`T14 (2 $CellContext`T14 + 
-                    5 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)))) 
-                X`ScalarC0[$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`T14, \
-$CellContext`MH^2 - 
-                  4 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`T24 - $CellContext`U, \
-$CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT]))))), 
-      0, (-2) $CellContext`Alfas^2 $CellContext`c3 $CellContext`EL \
-$CellContext`MT^2 $CellContext`MW^(-1) $CellContext`SW^(-1) \
-(-($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S - $CellContext`T - \
-$CellContext`T14)^(-1) $CellContext`T24^(-1) (
-         8 $CellContext`MT^2 (
-            16 $CellContext`MT^4 + $CellContext`T^2 + $CellContext`T14^2 - 
-            4 $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`T24 + 
-            2 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`T24^2 + 
-            2 $CellContext`T ($CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24) + 
-            8 $CellContext`MT^2 ($CellContext`T + $CellContext`T14 + \
-          X`Kallen\[Lambda][$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`MH^2 - 
-             4 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`T - $CellContext`T14, \
-$CellContext`T24]^(-1) (8 $CellContext`Pair[
-              $CellContext`e[1], 
-              $CellContext`k[5]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[2], 
-                $CellContext`k[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                $CellContext`ec[5]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[2], 
-                $CellContext`ec[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                $CellContext`k[2]]) + $CellContext`Pair[
-              $CellContext`e[1], 
-              $CellContext`ec[
-              5]] ((2 $CellContext`S - $CellContext`S34 - 
-               2 $CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[2], 
-                $CellContext`ec[4]] - 4 (($CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[2], 
-                  $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[2], 
-                  $CellContext`k[5]]) $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                 $CellContext`k[2]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[2], 
-                 $CellContext`k[4]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                  $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                  $CellContext`k[5]]))) + 8 ($CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[1], 
-                $CellContext`ec[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[2], 
-                $CellContext`k[4]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[1], 
-                $CellContext`e[2]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                $CellContext`k[2]]) $CellContext`Pair[
-              $CellContext`ec[5], 
-              $CellContext`k[1]] - 4 $CellContext`Pair[
-             $CellContext`e[2], 
-             $CellContext`ec[4]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-               $CellContext`e[1], 
-               $CellContext`k[2]] $CellContext`Pair[
-               $CellContext`ec[5], 
-               $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-               $CellContext`e[1], 
-               $CellContext`k[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-               $CellContext`ec[5], 
-               $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-               $CellContext`e[1], 
-               $CellContext`k[5]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                $CellContext`k[2]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                $CellContext`k[4]]))) ($CellContext`MH^2 (
-             16 $CellContext`MT^4 + $CellContext`T^2 + $CellContext`T14^2 + 
-             2 $CellContext`T ($CellContext`T14 - 2 $CellContext`T24) + 
-             8 $CellContext`MT^2 ($CellContext`T + $CellContext`T14 - 
-               2 $CellContext`T24) + 8 $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`T24 - 
-             4 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24 - 5 $CellContext`T24^2) 
-            X`DiscB[$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] - (
-            8 $CellContext`MH^4 $CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`T24 (
-               4 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`T + $CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24)^2 + $CellContext`MH^2 (
-              16 $CellContext`MT^4 + $CellContext`T^2 + $CellContext`T14^2 + 
-              2 $CellContext`T ($CellContext`T14 - 5 $CellContext`T24) + 
-              8 $CellContext`MT^2 ($CellContext`T + $CellContext`T14 - 
-                5 $CellContext`T24) - 10 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24 - 
-              3 $CellContext`T24^2)) 
-           X`DiscB[$CellContext`MH^2 - 
-             4 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`T - $CellContext`T14, \
-$CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] + $CellContext`T24 ((-2) $CellContext`MH^2 (
-               12 $CellContext`MT^2 + 3 $CellContext`T + 
-               3 $CellContext`T14 - $CellContext`T24) + (
-               4 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`T + $CellContext`T14 + \
-            X`DiscB[$CellContext`T24, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] + (
-             4 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`T + $CellContext`T14 + \
-            X`Kallen\[Lambda][$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`MH^2 - 
-              4 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`T - $CellContext`T14, \
-$CellContext`T24] + 
-           2 (64 $CellContext`MT^8 + 
-             48 $CellContext`MT^6 ($CellContext`T + $CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24) + 
-             12 $CellContext`MT^4 ($CellContext`T^2 + $CellContext`T14^2 + 
-               2 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`T24 ((-4) \
-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`T24) + 
-               2 $CellContext`T ($CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24)) - \
-$CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`T24 (2 $CellContext`T^2 + 
-              2 $CellContext`T14^2 + $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24 - \
-$CellContext`T24^2 + $CellContext`MH^2 ((-3) $CellContext`T - 
-                3 $CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24) + $CellContext`T (
-                4 $CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24)) + $CellContext`MT^2 \
-($CellContext`T^3 + $CellContext`T14^3 + 
-               3 $CellContext`T14^2 $CellContext`T24 + 
-               3 $CellContext`T^2 ($CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24) + \
-$CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24 ((-20) $CellContext`MH^2 + 
-                 3 $CellContext`T24) + $CellContext`T24 (12 $CellContext`MH^4 - 
-                 8 $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`T24^2) + \
-$CellContext`T (3 $CellContext`T14^2 + 
-                 6 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`T24 \
-((-20) $CellContext`MH^2 + 3 $CellContext`T24)))) 
-            X`ScalarC0[$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`MH^2 - 
-              4 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`T - $CellContext`T14, \
-$CellContext`T24, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT]) - 
-         2 ((-4) $CellContext`MT^2 (-$CellContext`MH^2 + 
-             8 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`T + $CellContext`T14)^(-1) (
-             16 $CellContext`MT^6 + $CellContext`MH^2 ($CellContext`MH^2 - \
-$CellContext`T - $CellContext`T14) $CellContext`T24 + 
-             8 $CellContext`MT^4 ($CellContext`T + $CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24) + $CellContext`MT^2 ($CellContext`T^2 + $CellContext`T14^2 - 
-               8 $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`T24 + 
-               2 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`T24^2 + 
-               2 $CellContext`T ($CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24)))^(-1) 
-           X`Kallen\[Lambda][$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`MH^2 - 
-              4 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`T - $CellContext`T14, \
-$CellContext`T24]^(-1) ((-$CellContext`S34 $CellContext`T + $CellContext`S34 \
-$CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`MH^2 ($CellContext`S34 - $CellContext`U) + \
-$CellContext`T $CellContext`U + $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`U - \
-$CellContext`S ($CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`U)) $CellContext`Pair[
-               $CellContext`e[1], 
-               $CellContext`ec[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-               $CellContext`e[2], 
-               $CellContext`ec[4]] - 
-            4 ($CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-              $CellContext`e[1], 
-              $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-              $CellContext`e[2], 
-              $CellContext`k[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-              $CellContext`ec[4], 
-              $CellContext`ec[5]] - 
-            4 ($CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-              $CellContext`e[1], 
-              $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-              $CellContext`e[2], 
-              $CellContext`ec[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-              $CellContext`ec[4], 
-              $CellContext`k[2]] + 4 $CellContext`Pair[
-               $CellContext`e[1], 
-               $CellContext`ec[
-               5]] ((($CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[2], 
-                   $CellContext`k[
-                   1]] + (-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`T) \
-                   $CellContext`e[2], 
-                   $CellContext`k[3]]) $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                 $CellContext`k[2]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[2], 
-                 $CellContext`k[
-                 4]] (($CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                   $CellContext`k[
-                   1]] + (-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`T) \
-                   $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                   $CellContext`k[3]])) - 
-            4 ($CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-              $CellContext`e[1], 
-              $CellContext`ec[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-              $CellContext`e[2], 
-              $CellContext`k[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-              $CellContext`ec[5], 
-              $CellContext`k[1]] - 
-            4 ($CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-              $CellContext`e[1], 
-              $CellContext`e[2]] $CellContext`Pair[
-              $CellContext`ec[4], 
-              $CellContext`k[2]] $CellContext`Pair[
-              $CellContext`ec[5], 
-              $CellContext`k[1]] + 8 ($CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[2], 
-                 $CellContext`k[3]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                 $CellContext`k[2]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[2], 
-                 $CellContext`k[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                 $CellContext`k[3]]) ($CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[1], 
-                 $CellContext`k[3]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                  $CellContext`k[1]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                 $CellContext`k[3]]) + ($CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[1], 
-                  $CellContext`k[2]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[1], 
-                 $CellContext`k[4]]) $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                 $CellContext`k[3]]) + 4 $CellContext`Pair[
-               $CellContext`e[2], 
-               $CellContext`ec[4]] ($CellContext`U $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[1], 
-                 $CellContext`k[2]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                 $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`S34 $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[1], 
-                 $CellContext`k[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                 $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[1], 
-                 $CellContext`k[5]] ($CellContext`U $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                   $CellContext`k[2]] + $CellContext`S34 $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                   $CellContext`k[
-                   4]]))) (-$CellContext`MH^2 ($CellContext`MH^2 - 
-              8 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`T - $CellContext`T14) (
-              2 $CellContext`MH^2 - 
-              4 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`T - $CellContext`T14 - \
-$CellContext`T24) $CellContext`T24 
-             X`DiscB[$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] - (
-             64 $CellContext`MT^8 - 
-             2 $CellContext`MH^2 (-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`T + \
-$CellContext`T14)^2 $CellContext`T24 + 
-             48 $CellContext`MT^6 ($CellContext`T + $CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24) + 
-             4 $CellContext`MT^4 (3 $CellContext`T^2 + 3 $CellContext`T14^2 + 
-               6 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24 + 
-               6 $CellContext`T ($CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24) + \
-$CellContext`T24 ((-20) $CellContext`MH^2 + 
-                 3 $CellContext`T24)) + $CellContext`MT^2 ($CellContext`T^3 + \
-$CellContext`T14^3 + 3 $CellContext`T14^2 $CellContext`T24 + 
-               3 $CellContext`T^2 ($CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24) + \
-$CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24 ((-28) $CellContext`MH^2 + 
-                 3 $CellContext`T24) + $CellContext`T24 (24 $CellContext`MH^4 - 
-                 4 $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`T24^2) + \
-$CellContext`T (3 $CellContext`T14^2 + 
-                 6 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`T24 \
-((-28) $CellContext`MH^2 + 3 $CellContext`T24)))) 
-            X`DiscB[$CellContext`MH^2 - 
-              4 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`T - $CellContext`T14, \
-$CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] + $CellContext`MH^2 ($CellContext`MH^2 - 
-              8 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`T - $CellContext`T14) (
-              4 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`T + $CellContext`T14 - \
-$CellContext`T24) $CellContext`T24 
-             X`DiscB[$CellContext`T24, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] - \
-($CellContext`MH^2 - 
-             8 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`T - $CellContext`T14) (
-             4 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`T + $CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24) (
-             16 $CellContext`MT^6 + $CellContext`MH^2 ($CellContext`MH^2 - \
-$CellContext`T - $CellContext`T14) $CellContext`T24 + 
-             8 $CellContext`MT^4 ($CellContext`T + $CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24) + $CellContext`MT^2 ($CellContext`T^2 + $CellContext`T14^2 - 
-               8 $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`T24 + 
-               2 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`T24^2 + 
-               2 $CellContext`T ($CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24))) 
-            X`ScalarC0[$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`MH^2 - 
-              4 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`T - $CellContext`T14, \
-$CellContext`T24, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT]) + 
-          4 $CellContext`MT^2 (
-             16 $CellContext`MT^4 + $CellContext`T^2 + $CellContext`T14^2 - 
-             4 $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`T24 + 
-             2 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`T24^2 + 
-             2 $CellContext`T ($CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24) + 
-             8 $CellContext`MT^2 ($CellContext`T + $CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24))^(-1) (
-             16 $CellContext`MT^6 + $CellContext`MH^2 ($CellContext`MH^2 - \
-$CellContext`T - $CellContext`T14) $CellContext`T24 + 
-             8 $CellContext`MT^4 ($CellContext`T + $CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24) + $CellContext`MT^2 ($CellContext`T^2 + $CellContext`T14^2 - 
-               8 $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`T24 + 
-               2 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`T24^2 + 
-               2 $CellContext`T ($CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24)))^(-1) 
-           X`Kallen\[Lambda][$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`MH^2 - 
-              4 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`T - $CellContext`T14, \
-$CellContext`T24]^(-1) ((-$CellContext`S34^2 - 
-              4 $CellContext`S34 $CellContext`T + 
-              2 $CellContext`S34 $CellContext`T14 + 
-              4 $CellContext`MH^2 ($CellContext`S34 - $CellContext`U) + 
-              4 $CellContext`T $CellContext`U + 
-              2 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`U + $CellContext`U^2 - 
-              2 $CellContext`S ($CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`U)) \
-               $CellContext`e[1], 
-               $CellContext`ec[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-               $CellContext`e[2], 
-               $CellContext`ec[4]] - 
-            8 ($CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-              $CellContext`e[1], 
-              $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-              $CellContext`e[2], 
-              $CellContext`k[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-              $CellContext`ec[4], 
-              $CellContext`ec[5]] - 
-            8 ($CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-              $CellContext`e[1], 
-              $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-              $CellContext`e[2], 
-              $CellContext`ec[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-              $CellContext`ec[4], 
-              $CellContext`k[2]] + 4 $CellContext`Pair[
-               $CellContext`e[1], 
-               $CellContext`ec[
-               5]] ((2 ($CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[2], 
-                   $CellContext`k[
-                   1]] + ((-4) $CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34 + 
-                  4 $CellContext`T + $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[2], 
-                   $CellContext`k[3]]) $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                 $CellContext`k[2]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[2], 
-                 $CellContext`k[4]] (
-                2 ($CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                   $CellContext`k[
-                   1]] + ((-4) $CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34 + 
-                  4 $CellContext`T + $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                   $CellContext`k[3]])) - 
-            8 ($CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-              $CellContext`e[1], 
-              $CellContext`ec[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-              $CellContext`e[2], 
-              $CellContext`k[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-              $CellContext`ec[5], 
-              $CellContext`k[1]] - 
-            8 ($CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-              $CellContext`e[1], 
-              $CellContext`e[2]] $CellContext`Pair[
-              $CellContext`ec[4], 
-              $CellContext`k[2]] $CellContext`Pair[
-              $CellContext`ec[5], 
-              $CellContext`k[1]] + 32 ($CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[2], 
-                 $CellContext`k[3]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                 $CellContext`k[2]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[2], 
-                 $CellContext`k[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                 $CellContext`k[3]]) ($CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[1], 
-                 $CellContext`k[3]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                  $CellContext`k[1]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                 $CellContext`k[3]]) + ($CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[1], 
-                  $CellContext`k[2]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[1], 
-                 $CellContext`k[4]]) $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                 $CellContext`k[3]]) + 4 $CellContext`Pair[
-               $CellContext`e[2], 
-               $CellContext`ec[4]] (
-              2 ($CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[1], 
-                 $CellContext`k[2]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                 $CellContext`k[
-                 1]] + ((-3) $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`U) \
-                 $CellContext`e[1], 
-                 $CellContext`k[3]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                 $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[1], 
-                 $CellContext`k[5]] (
-                2 ($CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                   $CellContext`k[
-                   2]] + ((-3) $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`U) \
-                   $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                   $CellContext`k[3]]))) (-(-$CellContext`MT^2 (
-                 4 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`T + $CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24)^4 + 
-              2 $CellContext`MH^6 $CellContext`T24 (12 $CellContext`MT^2 + 
-                3 $CellContext`T + 3 $CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24) + 
-              2 $CellContext`MH^2 (
-                 4 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`T + $CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24)^2 (
-                8 $CellContext`MT^4 + ($CellContext`T + $CellContext`T14) \
-$CellContext`T24 + 
-                2 $CellContext`MT^2 ($CellContext`T + $CellContext`T14 + 
-                  3 $CellContext`T24)) - 
-              2 $CellContext`MH^4 $CellContext`T24 (96 $CellContext`MT^4 + 
-               4 $CellContext`T^2 + 8 $CellContext`T $CellContext`T14 + 
-               4 $CellContext`T14^2 + 3 $CellContext`T $CellContext`T24 + 
-               3 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`T24^2 + 
-               4 $CellContext`MT^2 (10 $CellContext`T + 10 $CellContext`T14 + 
-                 3 $CellContext`T24))) 
-             X`DiscB[$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] + (
-              2 $CellContext`MH^6 (12 $CellContext`MT^2 + 3 $CellContext`T + 
-                3 $CellContext`T14 - $CellContext`T24) $CellContext`T24 - \
-$CellContext`MT^2 (12 $CellContext`MT^2 + 3 $CellContext`T + 
-               3 $CellContext`T14 - $CellContext`T24) (
-                4 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`T + $CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24)^3 - 
-              2 $CellContext`MH^4 $CellContext`T24 (112 $CellContext`MT^4 + 
-               5 $CellContext`T^2 + 10 $CellContext`T $CellContext`T14 + 
-               5 $CellContext`T14^2 + 
-               48 $CellContext`MT^2 ($CellContext`T + $CellContext`T14) - \
-$CellContext`T24^2) + 
-              2 $CellContext`MH^2 (128 $CellContext`MT^8 + 
-                96 $CellContext`MT^6 ($CellContext`T + $CellContext`T14 + 
-                  3 $CellContext`T24) + 
-                8 $CellContext`MT^4 (3 $CellContext`T^2 + 
-                  6 $CellContext`T $CellContext`T14 + 3 $CellContext`T14^2 + 
-                  22 $CellContext`T $CellContext`T24 + 
-                  22 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24 + 
-                  5 $CellContext`T24^2) + ($CellContext`T + $CellContext`T14) \
-$CellContext`T24 (2 $CellContext`T^2 + 
-                  2 $CellContext`T14^2 + $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24 - \
-$CellContext`T24^2 + $CellContext`T (4 $CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24)) + 
-                2 $CellContext`MT^2 ($CellContext`T^3 + $CellContext`T14^3 + 
-                  17 $CellContext`T14^2 $CellContext`T24 + 
-                  7 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24^2 - 
-                  3 $CellContext`T24^3 + $CellContext`T^2 (3 $CellContext`T14 + 
-                    17 $CellContext`T24) + $CellContext`T (
-                    3 $CellContext`T14^2 + 
-                    34 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24 + 
-                    7 $CellContext`T24^2)))) 
-             X`DiscB[$CellContext`MH^2 - 
-               4 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`T - $CellContext`T14, \
-$CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] + (256 $CellContext`MT^10 + 
-              256 $CellContext`MT^8 ($CellContext`T + $CellContext`T14) + 
-              2 $CellContext`MH^2 ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`T - \
-$CellContext`T14) $CellContext`T24 ($CellContext`T^2 + $CellContext`T14^2 + \
-$CellContext`T (
-                  2 $CellContext`T14 - $CellContext`T24) - $CellContext`T14 \
-$CellContext`T24 + 2 ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`T24) $CellContext`T24) + 
-              32 $CellContext`MT^6 (3 $CellContext`T^2 + 
-                6 $CellContext`T $CellContext`T14 + 
-                3 $CellContext`T14^2 - $CellContext`T24 (4 $CellContext`MH^2 + 
-                 3 $CellContext`T24)) + 
-              16 $CellContext`MT^4 ($CellContext`T^3 + 
-                3 $CellContext`T^2 $CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T14^3 - 
-                3 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24 (
-                 2 $CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`T24) + 
-                2 $CellContext`T24 ($CellContext`MH^4 + 
-                  3 $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`T24 - $CellContext`T24^2) + 
-                3 $CellContext`T ($CellContext`T14^2 - $CellContext`T24 (
-                   2 $CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`T24))) + \
-$CellContext`MT^2 ($CellContext`T^4 + 
-                4 $CellContext`T^3 $CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T14^4 - 
-                6 $CellContext`T14^2 $CellContext`T24 (
-                 4 $CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`T24) + $CellContext`T24^2 \
-((-40) $CellContext`MH^4 + 32 $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`T24 - 
-                  3 $CellContext`T24^2) - 
-                8 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24 ((-2) $CellContext`MH^4 - 
-                 4 $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`T24^2) + 
-                6 $CellContext`T^2 ($CellContext`T14^2 - $CellContext`T24 (
-                   4 $CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`T24)) + 
-                4 $CellContext`T ($CellContext`T14^3 - 
-                  3 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24 (
-                   4 $CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`T24) - 
-                  2 $CellContext`T24 ((-2) $CellContext`MH^4 - 
-                   4 $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`T24 + \
-             X`DiscB[$CellContext`T24, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] - 
-            2 (16 $CellContext`MT^6 + $CellContext`MH^2 ($CellContext`MH^2 - \
-$CellContext`T - $CellContext`T14) $CellContext`T24 + 
-             8 $CellContext`MT^4 ($CellContext`T + $CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24) + $CellContext`MT^2 ($CellContext`T^2 + $CellContext`T14^2 - 
-               8 $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`T24 + 
-               2 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`T24^2 + 
-               2 $CellContext`T ($CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24))) 
-            X`Kallen\[Lambda][$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`MH^2 - 
-              4 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`T - $CellContext`T14, \
-$CellContext`T24] + ((-4) $CellContext`MH^4 $CellContext`T24 + (
-                4 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`T + $CellContext`T14 - \
-$CellContext`T24) (
-                 4 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`T + $CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24)^2 - 
-              2 $CellContext`MH^2 (
-               16 $CellContext`MT^4 + $CellContext`T^2 + $CellContext`T14^2 + 
-               2 $CellContext`T ($CellContext`T14 - $CellContext`T24) + 
-               8 $CellContext`MT^2 ($CellContext`T + $CellContext`T14 - \
-$CellContext`T24) - 
-               2 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24 - $CellContext`T24^2)) (
-              16 $CellContext`MT^6 + $CellContext`MH^2 ($CellContext`MH^2 - \
-$CellContext`T - $CellContext`T14) $CellContext`T24 + 
-              8 $CellContext`MT^4 ($CellContext`T + $CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24) + $CellContext`MT^2 ($CellContext`T^2 + $CellContext`T14^2 - 
-                8 $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`T24 + 
-                2 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`T24^2 + 
-                2 $CellContext`T ($CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24))) 
-             X`ScalarC0[$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`MH^2 - 
-               4 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`T - $CellContext`T14, \
-$CellContext`T24, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT])) - 
-         4 ((-2) $CellContext`MT^2 (
-             16 $CellContext`MT^4 + $CellContext`T^2 + $CellContext`T14^2 - 
-             4 $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`T24 + 
-             2 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`T24^2 + 
-             2 $CellContext`T ($CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24) + 
-             8 $CellContext`MT^2 ($CellContext`T + $CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24))^(-2) (
-             16 $CellContext`MT^6 + $CellContext`MH^2 ($CellContext`MH^2 - \
-$CellContext`T - $CellContext`T14) $CellContext`T24 + 
-             8 $CellContext`MT^4 ($CellContext`T + $CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24) + $CellContext`MT^2 ($CellContext`T^2 + $CellContext`T14^2 - 
-               8 $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`T24 + 
-               2 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`T24^2 + 
-               2 $CellContext`T ($CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24)))^(-1) 
-           X`Kallen\[Lambda][$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`MH^2 - 
-              4 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`T - $CellContext`T14, \
-$CellContext`T24]^(-1) (-($CellContext`S34 - $CellContext`U) ((-2) \
-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34 + 
-              2 $CellContext`T + $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-               $CellContext`e[1], 
-               $CellContext`ec[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-               $CellContext`e[2], 
-               $CellContext`ec[4]] - 
-            4 (2 $CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34 - 
-             2 $CellContext`T - $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-              $CellContext`e[1], 
-              $CellContext`ec[5]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[2], 
-                $CellContext`k[3]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                $CellContext`k[2]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[2], 
-                $CellContext`k[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                $CellContext`k[3]]) + 16 ($CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[2], 
-                 $CellContext`k[3]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                 $CellContext`k[2]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[2], 
-                 $CellContext`k[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                 $CellContext`k[3]]) ($CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[1], 
-                 $CellContext`k[3]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                  $CellContext`k[1]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                 $CellContext`k[3]]) + ($CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[1], 
-                  $CellContext`k[2]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[1], 
-                 $CellContext`k[4]]) $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                 $CellContext`k[3]]) - 
-            4 ($CellContext`S34 - $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-              $CellContext`e[2], 
-              $CellContext`ec[4]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[1], 
-                $CellContext`k[3]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[1], 
-                $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                $CellContext`k[3]])) ((-2) $CellContext`MH^2 (
-              16 $CellContext`MH^8 $CellContext`T24^2 - 
-              5 $CellContext`MT^2 (
-               4 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`T + $CellContext`T14 - \
-$CellContext`T24) (
-                4 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`T + $CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24)^4 + $CellContext`MH^6 $CellContext`T24 (
-                176 $CellContext`MT^4 + 11 $CellContext`T^2 + 
-                22 $CellContext`T $CellContext`T14 + 11 $CellContext`T14^2 + 
-                8 $CellContext`MT^2 (11 $CellContext`T + 11 $CellContext`T14 - 
-                  23 $CellContext`T24) - 30 $CellContext`T $CellContext`T24 - 
-                30 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24 - 
-                13 $CellContext`T24^2) + $CellContext`MH^4 $CellContext`T24 \
-((-1408) $CellContext`MT^6 - 17 $CellContext`T^3 - 17 $CellContext`T14^3 - 
-                16 $CellContext`MT^4 (61 $CellContext`T + 61 $CellContext`T14 - 
-                 30 $CellContext`T24) + 8 $CellContext`T14^2 $CellContext`T24 + 
-                19 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24^2 + 
-                6 $CellContext`T24^3 + $CellContext`T^2 ((-51) \
-$CellContext`T14 + 8 $CellContext`T24) - 
-                8 $CellContext`MT^2 (28 $CellContext`T^2 + 
-                 56 $CellContext`T $CellContext`T14 + 28 $CellContext`T14^2 - 
-                 19 $CellContext`T $CellContext`T24 - 
-                 19 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24 - 
-                 17 $CellContext`T24^2) + $CellContext`T ((-51) \
-$CellContext`T14^2 + 16 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24 + 
-                  19 $CellContext`T24^2)) + $CellContext`MH^2 (
-                 4 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`T + $CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24)^2 (144 $CellContext`MT^6 + 
-                6 ($CellContext`T + $CellContext`T14) ($CellContext`T + \
-$CellContext`T14 - $CellContext`T24) $CellContext`T24 + 
-                24 $CellContext`MT^4 (3 $CellContext`T + 3 $CellContext`T14 + 
-                  5 $CellContext`T24) + $CellContext`MT^2 (9 $CellContext`T^2 + 
-                  9 $CellContext`T14^2 + 54 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24 - 
-                  55 $CellContext`T24^2 + 
-                  18 $CellContext`T ($CellContext`T14 + 3 $CellContext`T24))))
-               X`DiscB[$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] + \
-(32 $CellContext`MH^10 $CellContext`T24^2 + $CellContext`MT^2 (
-                4 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`T + $CellContext`T14 - \
-$CellContext`T24) (
-                 4 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`T + $CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24)^5 + 
-              2 $CellContext`MH^8 $CellContext`T24 (176 $CellContext`MT^4 + 
-                11 $CellContext`T^2 + 22 $CellContext`T $CellContext`T14 + 
-                11 $CellContext`T14^2 + 
-                8 $CellContext`MT^2 (11 $CellContext`T + 11 $CellContext`T14 - 
-                  32 $CellContext`T24) - 48 $CellContext`T $CellContext`T24 - 
-                48 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24 - 11 $CellContext`T24^2) - 
-              8 $CellContext`MH^6 $CellContext`T24 (400 $CellContext`MT^6 + 
-               8 $CellContext`MT^4 (35 $CellContext`T + 35 $CellContext`T14 - 
-                 38 $CellContext`T24) + $CellContext`MT^2 (
-                 65 $CellContext`T^2 + 65 $CellContext`T14^2 + 
-                 2 $CellContext`T (65 $CellContext`T14 - 58 $CellContext`T24) - 
-                 116 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24 - 
-                 45 $CellContext`T24^2) + ($CellContext`T + $CellContext`T14) \
-(5 $CellContext`T^2 + 5 $CellContext`T14^2 + 
-                 10 $CellContext`T ($CellContext`T14 - $CellContext`T24) - 
-                 10 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24 - 
-                 7 $CellContext`T24^2)) - $CellContext`MH^2 (
-                4 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`T + $CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24)^3 (256 $CellContext`MT^6 + 
-               8 $CellContext`MT^4 (16 $CellContext`T + 16 $CellContext`T14 - 
-                 11 $CellContext`T24) + ($CellContext`T + $CellContext`T14) \
-($CellContext`T + $CellContext`T14 - $CellContext`T24) $CellContext`T24 + 
-               2 $CellContext`MT^2 (8 $CellContext`T^2 + 
-                 16 $CellContext`T $CellContext`T14 + 8 $CellContext`T14^2 - 
-                 9 $CellContext`T $CellContext`T24 - 
-                 9 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24 - 
-                 5 $CellContext`T24^2)) + $CellContext`MH^4 (
-                4608 $CellContext`MT^10 + 
-                1536 $CellContext`MT^8 (3 $CellContext`T + 3 $CellContext`T14 + 
-                  5 $CellContext`T24) + 
-                64 $CellContext`MT^6 (27 $CellContext`T^2 + 
-                  54 $CellContext`T $CellContext`T14 + 27 $CellContext`T14^2 + 
-                  109 $CellContext`T $CellContext`T24 + 
-                  109 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24 - 
-                  58 $CellContext`T24^2) + 
-                16 $CellContext`MT^4 (18 $CellContext`T^3 + 
-                  18 $CellContext`T14^3 + 
-                  147 $CellContext`T14^2 $CellContext`T24 - 
-                  130 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24^2 - 
-                  93 $CellContext`T24^3 + 
-                  3 $CellContext`T^2 (18 $CellContext`T14 + 
-                    49 $CellContext`T24) + 
-                  2 $CellContext`T (27 $CellContext`T14^2 + 
-                    147 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24 - 
-                    65 $CellContext`T24^2)) + 
-                2 $CellContext`MT^2 (9 $CellContext`T^4 + 
-                  9 $CellContext`T14^4 + 
-                  174 $CellContext`T14^3 $CellContext`T24 - 
-                  172 $CellContext`T14^2 $CellContext`T24^2 - 
-                  254 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24^3 - 
-                  21 $CellContext`T24^4 + 
-                  6 $CellContext`T^3 (6 $CellContext`T14 + 
-                    29 $CellContext`T24) + 
-                  2 $CellContext`T^2 (27 $CellContext`T14^2 + 
-                    261 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24 - 
-                    86 $CellContext`T24^2) + $CellContext`T (
-                    36 $CellContext`T14^3 + 
-                    522 $CellContext`T14^2 $CellContext`T24 - 
-                    344 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24^2 - 
-                    254 $CellContext`T24^3)) - $CellContext`T24 ((-19) \
-$CellContext`T^4 - 19 $CellContext`T14^4 + 
-                 14 $CellContext`T14^3 $CellContext`T24 + 
-                 34 $CellContext`T14^2 $CellContext`T24^2 + 
-                 2 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24^3 + $CellContext`T24^4 + \
-$CellContext`T^3 ((-76) $CellContext`T14 + 
-                   14 $CellContext`T24) + $CellContext`T^2 ((-114) \
-$CellContext`T14^2 + 42 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24 + 
-                   34 $CellContext`T24^2) + $CellContext`T ((-76) \
-$CellContext`T14^3 + 42 $CellContext`T14^2 $CellContext`T24 + 
-                   68 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24^2 + 
-                   2 $CellContext`T24^3)))) 
-             X`DiscB[$CellContext`MH^2 - 
-               4 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`T - $CellContext`T14, \
-$CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] + (
-              4 $CellContext`MH^8 (36 $CellContext`MT^2 + 9 $CellContext`T + 
-                9 $CellContext`T14 - $CellContext`T24) $CellContext`T24^2 - \
-$CellContext`MT^2 (
-               4 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`T + $CellContext`T14 - \
-$CellContext`T24) (
-                4 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`T + $CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24)^5 + 
-              2 $CellContext`MH^6 $CellContext`T24 (192 $CellContext`MT^6 + 
-                3 $CellContext`T^3 + 3 $CellContext`T14^3 + 
-                16 $CellContext`MT^4 (9 $CellContext`T + 9 $CellContext`T14 - 
-                  50 $CellContext`T24) + $CellContext`T^2 (9 $CellContext`T14 - 
-                  32 $CellContext`T24) - 
-                32 $CellContext`T14^2 $CellContext`T24 - 
-                9 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24^2 + 
-                6 $CellContext`T24^3 + $CellContext`T (9 $CellContext`T14^2 - 
-                  64 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24 - 
-                  9 $CellContext`T24^2) + 
-                4 $CellContext`MT^2 (9 $CellContext`T^2 + 
-                  18 $CellContext`T $CellContext`T14 + 9 $CellContext`T14^2 - 
-                  82 $CellContext`T $CellContext`T24 - 
-                  82 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24 - 
-                  7 $CellContext`T24^2)) + $CellContext`MH^2 (
-                 4 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`T + $CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24)^3 (64 $CellContext`MT^6 + 
-                8 $CellContext`MT^4 (4 $CellContext`T + 4 $CellContext`T14 - 
-                  11 $CellContext`T24) + ($CellContext`T + $CellContext`T14) \
-($CellContext`T + $CellContext`T14 - $CellContext`T24) $CellContext`T24 + 
-                2 $CellContext`MT^2 (2 $CellContext`T^2 + 
-                  4 $CellContext`T $CellContext`T14 + 2 $CellContext`T14^2 - 
-                  9 $CellContext`T $CellContext`T24 - 
-                  9 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`T24^2)) + \
-$CellContext`MH^4 $CellContext`T24 ((-512) $CellContext`MT^8 - 
-                7 $CellContext`T^4 - 7 $CellContext`T14^4 - 
-                64 $CellContext`MT^6 (13 $CellContext`T + 13 $CellContext`T14 - 
-                 69 $CellContext`T24) + 
-                26 $CellContext`T14^3 $CellContext`T24 + 
-                22 $CellContext`T14^2 $CellContext`T24^2 - 
-                10 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24^3 + $CellContext`T24^4 + \
-$CellContext`T^3 ((-28) $CellContext`T14 + 26 $CellContext`T24) - 
-                16 $CellContext`MT^4 (27 $CellContext`T^2 + 
-                 54 $CellContext`T $CellContext`T14 + 27 $CellContext`T14^2 - 
-                 164 $CellContext`T $CellContext`T24 - 
-                 164 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24 - 
-                 49 $CellContext`T24^2) + $CellContext`T^2 ((-42) \
-$CellContext`T14^2 + 78 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24 + 
-                  22 $CellContext`T24^2) + $CellContext`T ((-28) \
-$CellContext`T14^3 + 78 $CellContext`T14^2 $CellContext`T24 + 
-                  44 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24^2 - 
-                  10 $CellContext`T24^3) - 
-                4 $CellContext`MT^2 (23 $CellContext`T^3 + 
-                 23 $CellContext`T14^3 + $CellContext`T^2 (
-                   69 $CellContext`T14 - 121 $CellContext`T24) - 
-                 121 $CellContext`T14^2 $CellContext`T24 - 
-                 71 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24^2 + 
-                 21 $CellContext`T24^3 + $CellContext`T (
-                   69 $CellContext`T14^2 - 
-                   242 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24 - 
-                   71 $CellContext`T24^2)))) 
-             X`DiscB[$CellContext`T24, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] - 
-            2 ($CellContext`MH^2 (20 $CellContext`MT^2 + 5 $CellContext`T + 
-               5 $CellContext`T14 - $CellContext`T24) - (
-              4 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`T + $CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24)^2) (
-             16 $CellContext`MT^6 + $CellContext`MH^2 ($CellContext`MH^2 - \
-$CellContext`T - $CellContext`T14) $CellContext`T24 + 
-             8 $CellContext`MT^4 ($CellContext`T + $CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24) + $CellContext`MT^2 ($CellContext`T^2 + $CellContext`T14^2 - 
-               8 $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`T24 + 
-               2 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`T24^2 + 
-               2 $CellContext`T ($CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24))) 
-            X`Kallen\[Lambda][$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`MH^2 - 
-              4 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`T - $CellContext`T14, \
-$CellContext`T24] + 
-            2 (16 $CellContext`MT^6 + $CellContext`MH^2 ($CellContext`MH^2 - \
-$CellContext`T - $CellContext`T14) $CellContext`T24 + 
-              8 $CellContext`MT^4 ($CellContext`T + $CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24) + $CellContext`MT^2 ($CellContext`T^2 + $CellContext`T14^2 - 
-                8 $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`T24 + 
-                2 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`T24^2 + 
-                2 $CellContext`T ($CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24))) \
-((-2) $CellContext`MH^6 (36 $CellContext`MT^2 + 9 $CellContext`T + 
-                9 $CellContext`T14 - $CellContext`T24) $CellContext`T24 + 
-              2 $CellContext`MT^2 (
-                 4 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`T + $CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24)^4 + 
-              2 $CellContext`MH^2 (
-                 4 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`T + $CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24)^2 (
-                4 $CellContext`MT^4 + $CellContext`T^2 + $CellContext`T14^2 + \
-$CellContext`MT^2 (5 $CellContext`T + 5 $CellContext`T14 - 
-                  21 $CellContext`T24) + 
-                2 $CellContext`T ($CellContext`T14 - 2 $CellContext`T24) - 
-                4 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`T24^2) - \
-$CellContext`MH^4 (192 $CellContext`MT^6 + 3 $CellContext`T^3 + 
-               3 $CellContext`T14^3 + 
-               16 $CellContext`MT^4 (9 $CellContext`T + 9 $CellContext`T14 - 
-                 29 $CellContext`T24) + $CellContext`T^2 (9 $CellContext`T14 - 
-                 23 $CellContext`T24) - 
-               23 $CellContext`T14^2 $CellContext`T24 - 
-               13 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24^2 + $CellContext`T24^3 + 
-               4 $CellContext`MT^2 (9 $CellContext`T^2 + 
-                 18 $CellContext`T $CellContext`T14 + 9 $CellContext`T14^2 - 
-                 52 $CellContext`T $CellContext`T24 - 
-                 52 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24 - 
-                 15 $CellContext`T24^2) + $CellContext`T (
-                 9 $CellContext`T14^2 - 46 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24 - 
-                 13 $CellContext`T24^2))) 
-             X`ScalarC0[$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`MH^2 - 
-               4 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`T - $CellContext`T14, \
-$CellContext`T24, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT]) + 
-          2 $CellContext`MT^2 (
-             16 $CellContext`MT^4 + $CellContext`T^2 + $CellContext`T14^2 - 
-             4 $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`T24 + 
-             2 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`T24^2 + 
-             2 $CellContext`T ($CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24) + 
-             8 $CellContext`MT^2 ($CellContext`T + $CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24))^(-2) (
-             16 $CellContext`MT^6 + $CellContext`MH^2 ($CellContext`MH^2 - \
-$CellContext`T - $CellContext`T14) $CellContext`T24 + 
-             8 $CellContext`MT^4 ($CellContext`T + $CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24) + $CellContext`MT^2 ($CellContext`T^2 + $CellContext`T14^2 - 
-               8 $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`T24 + 
-               2 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`T24^2 + 
-               2 $CellContext`T ($CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24)))^(-1) 
-           X`Kallen\[Lambda][$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`MH^2 - 
-              4 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`T - $CellContext`T14, \
-$CellContext`T24]^(-1) (-($CellContext`S34 - $CellContext`U) ((-2) \
-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34 + 
-              2 $CellContext`T + $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-               $CellContext`e[1], 
-               $CellContext`ec[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-               $CellContext`e[2], 
-               $CellContext`ec[4]] - 
-            4 (2 $CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34 - 
-             2 $CellContext`T - $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-              $CellContext`e[1], 
-              $CellContext`ec[5]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[2], 
-                $CellContext`k[3]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                $CellContext`k[2]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[2], 
-                $CellContext`k[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                $CellContext`k[3]]) - 
-            4 ($CellContext`S34 - $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-              $CellContext`e[2], 
-              $CellContext`ec[4]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[1], 
-                $CellContext`k[3]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[1], 
-                $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                $CellContext`k[3]]) + 16 ($CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[2], 
-                 $CellContext`k[3]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                 $CellContext`k[2]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[2], 
-                 $CellContext`k[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                 $CellContext`k[3]]) ($CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[1], 
-                 $CellContext`k[3]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                 $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[1], 
-                 $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                 $CellContext`k[3]])) (-(
-              32 $CellContext`MH^10 $CellContext`T24^2 + $CellContext`MT^2 (
-                12 $CellContext`MT^2 + 3 $CellContext`T + 
-                3 $CellContext`T14 - $CellContext`T24) (
-                 4 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`T + $CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24)^5 + 
-              2 $CellContext`MH^8 $CellContext`T24 (176 $CellContext`MT^4 + 
-                11 $CellContext`T^2 + 22 $CellContext`T $CellContext`T14 + 
-                11 $CellContext`T14^2 + 
-                8 $CellContext`MT^2 (11 $CellContext`T + 11 $CellContext`T14 - 
-                  24 $CellContext`T24) - 32 $CellContext`T $CellContext`T24 - 
-                32 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24 - 
-                11 $CellContext`T24^2) - $CellContext`MH^2 (
-                4 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`T + $CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24)^3 (
-               320 $CellContext`MT^6 + ($CellContext`T + $CellContext`T14) (
-                 5 $CellContext`T + 
-                 5 $CellContext`T14 - $CellContext`T24) $CellContext`T24 + 
-               8 $CellContext`MT^4 (20 $CellContext`T + 20 $CellContext`T14 + 
-                 7 $CellContext`T24) + 
-               2 $CellContext`MT^2 (10 $CellContext`T^2 + 
-                 20 $CellContext`T $CellContext`T14 + 10 $CellContext`T14^2 + 
-                 17 $CellContext`T $CellContext`T24 + 
-                 17 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24 - 
-                 5 $CellContext`T24^2)) - 
-              8 $CellContext`MH^6 $CellContext`T24 (464 $CellContext`MT^6 + 
-               8 $CellContext`MT^4 (41 $CellContext`T + 41 $CellContext`T14 - 
-                 18 $CellContext`T24) + 
-               11 $CellContext`MT^2 (7 $CellContext`T^2 + 
-                 14 $CellContext`T $CellContext`T14 + 7 $CellContext`T14^2 - 
-                 4 $CellContext`T $CellContext`T24 - 
-                 4 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24 - 3 $CellContext`T24^2) + 
-               2 ($CellContext`T + $CellContext`T14) (3 $CellContext`T^2 + 
-                 6 $CellContext`T $CellContext`T14 + 
-                 3 $CellContext`T14^2 - $CellContext`T $CellContext`T24 - \
-$CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24 - 
-                 2 $CellContext`T24^2)) + $CellContext`MH^4 (
-                4608 $CellContext`MT^10 + 
-                512 $CellContext`MT^8 (9 $CellContext`T + 9 $CellContext`T14 + 
-                  25 $CellContext`T24) + 
-                64 $CellContext`MT^6 (27 $CellContext`T^2 + 
-                  54 $CellContext`T $CellContext`T14 + 27 $CellContext`T14^2 + 
-                  181 $CellContext`T $CellContext`T24 + 
-                  181 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24 + 
-                  10 $CellContext`T24^2) + 
-                16 $CellContext`MT^4 (18 $CellContext`T^3 + 
-                  18 $CellContext`T14^3 + 
-                  243 $CellContext`T14^2 $CellContext`T24 + 
-                  50 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24^2 - 
-                  41 $CellContext`T24^3 + 
-                  27 $CellContext`T^2 (2 $CellContext`T14 + 
-                    9 $CellContext`T24) + $CellContext`T (
-                    54 $CellContext`T14^2 + 
-                    486 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24 + 
-                    50 $CellContext`T24^2)) + 
-                2 $CellContext`MT^2 (9 $CellContext`T^4 + 
-                  9 $CellContext`T14^4 + 
-                  286 $CellContext`T14^3 $CellContext`T24 + 
-                  140 $CellContext`T14^2 $CellContext`T24^2 - 
-                  78 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24^3 - 
-                  13 $CellContext`T24^4 + $CellContext`T^3 (
-                    36 $CellContext`T14 + 286 $CellContext`T24) + 
-                  2 $CellContext`T^2 (27 $CellContext`T14^2 + 
-                    429 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24 + 
-                    70 $CellContext`T24^2) + $CellContext`T (
-                    36 $CellContext`T14^3 + 
-                    858 $CellContext`T14^2 $CellContext`T24 + 
-                    280 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24^2 - 
-                    78 $CellContext`T24^3)) + $CellContext`T24 (
-                  31 $CellContext`T^4 + 31 $CellContext`T14^4 + 
-                  30 $CellContext`T14^3 $CellContext`T24 + 
-                  2 $CellContext`T14^2 $CellContext`T24^2 + 
-                  2 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24^3 - $CellContext`T24^4 + 
-                  2 $CellContext`T^3 (62 $CellContext`T14 + 
-                    15 $CellContext`T24) + 
-                  2 $CellContext`T^2 (93 $CellContext`T14^2 + 
-                    45 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24 + \
-$CellContext`T24^2) + 
-                  2 $CellContext`T (62 $CellContext`T14^3 + 
-                    45 $CellContext`T14^2 $CellContext`T24 + 
-                    2 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24^2 + \
-             X`DiscB[$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] + 
-            2 ($CellContext`MH^2 - 
-              4 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`T - $CellContext`T14) (
-              16 $CellContext`MH^8 $CellContext`T24^2 - $CellContext`MT^2 (
-               16 $CellContext`MT^2 + 4 $CellContext`T + 4 $CellContext`T14 - 
-               5 $CellContext`T24) (
-                4 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`T + $CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24)^4 + $CellContext`MH^6 $CellContext`T24 (
-                176 $CellContext`MT^4 + 11 $CellContext`T^2 + 
-                22 $CellContext`T $CellContext`T14 + 11 $CellContext`T14^2 + 
-                8 $CellContext`MT^2 (11 $CellContext`T + 11 $CellContext`T14 - 
-                  25 $CellContext`T24) - 34 $CellContext`T $CellContext`T24 - 
-                34 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24 - 
-                13 $CellContext`T24^2) + $CellContext`MH^2 (
-                 4 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`T + $CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24)^2 (
-                144 $CellContext`MT^6 + ($CellContext`T + $CellContext`T14) (
-                  5 $CellContext`T + 5 $CellContext`T14 - 
-                  6 $CellContext`T24) $CellContext`T24 + 
-                72 $CellContext`MT^4 ($CellContext`T + $CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24) + $CellContext`MT^2 (9 $CellContext`T^2 + 
-                  18 $CellContext`T $CellContext`T14 + 9 $CellContext`T14^2 + 
-                  38 $CellContext`T $CellContext`T24 + 
-                  38 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24 - 
-                  55 $CellContext`T24^2)) - 
-              2 $CellContext`MH^4 $CellContext`T24 (672 $CellContext`MT^6 + 
-               8 $CellContext`T^3 + 8 $CellContext`T14^3 + 
-               16 $CellContext`MT^4 (29 $CellContext`T + 29 $CellContext`T14 - 
-                 20 $CellContext`T24) + $CellContext`T^2 (24 $CellContext`T14 - 
-                 7 $CellContext`T24) - 7 $CellContext`T14^2 $CellContext`T24 - 
-               10 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24^2 - 3 $CellContext`T24^3 + 
-               2 $CellContext`MT^2 (53 $CellContext`T^2 + 
-                 106 $CellContext`T $CellContext`T14 + 53 $CellContext`T14^2 - 
-                 54 $CellContext`T $CellContext`T24 - 
-                 54 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24 - 
-                 35 $CellContext`T24^2) + 
-               2 $CellContext`T (12 $CellContext`T14^2 - 
-                 7 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24 - 5 $CellContext`T24^2)))
-               X`DiscB[$CellContext`MH^2 - 
-               4 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`T - $CellContext`T14, \
-$CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] + (
-              4 $CellContext`MH^8 $CellContext`T24^2 (36 $CellContext`MT^2 + 
-                9 $CellContext`T + 
-                9 $CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24) - $CellContext`MT^2 (
-                4 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`T + $CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24)^4 (48 $CellContext`MT^4 + 3 $CellContext`T^2 + 
-               6 $CellContext`T $CellContext`T14 + 3 $CellContext`T14^2 + 
-               8 $CellContext`MT^2 (3 $CellContext`T + 3 $CellContext`T14 - 
-                 7 $CellContext`T24) - 14 $CellContext`T $CellContext`T24 - 
-               14 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`T24^2) + 
-              2 $CellContext`MH^6 $CellContext`T24 (192 $CellContext`MT^6 + 
-                3 $CellContext`T^3 + 3 $CellContext`T14^3 + 
-                16 $CellContext`MT^4 (9 $CellContext`T + 9 $CellContext`T14 - 
-                  58 $CellContext`T24) + $CellContext`T^2 (9 $CellContext`T14 - 
-                  40 $CellContext`T24) - 
-                40 $CellContext`T14^2 $CellContext`T24 - 
-                17 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24^2 - 6 $CellContext`T24^3 + 
-                4 $CellContext`MT^2 (9 $CellContext`T^2 + 
-                  18 $CellContext`T $CellContext`T14 + 9 $CellContext`T14^2 - 
-                  98 $CellContext`T $CellContext`T24 - 
-                  98 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24 - 
-                  19 $CellContext`T24^2) + $CellContext`T (
-                  9 $CellContext`T14^2 - 80 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24 - 
-                  17 $CellContext`T24^2)) + $CellContext`MH^4 \
-$CellContext`T24 ((-1536) $CellContext`MT^8 - 11 $CellContext`T^4 - 
-                11 $CellContext`T14^4 - 
-                64 $CellContext`MT^6 (29 $CellContext`T + 29 $CellContext`T14 - 
-                 115 $CellContext`T24) + 
-                50 $CellContext`T14^3 $CellContext`T24 + 
-                56 $CellContext`T14^2 $CellContext`T24^2 + 
-                26 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24^3 - $CellContext`T24^4 + \
-$CellContext`T^3 ((-44) $CellContext`T14 + 50 $CellContext`T24) - 
-                16 $CellContext`MT^4 (51 $CellContext`T^2 + 
-                 102 $CellContext`T $CellContext`T14 + 51 $CellContext`T14^2 - 
-                 280 $CellContext`T $CellContext`T24 - 
-                 280 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24 - 
-                 95 $CellContext`T24^2) + $CellContext`T^2 ((-66) \
-$CellContext`T14^2 + 150 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24 + 
-                  56 $CellContext`T24^2) + $CellContext`T ((-44) \
-$CellContext`T14^3 + 150 $CellContext`T14^2 $CellContext`T24 + 
-                  112 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24^2 + 
-                  26 $CellContext`T24^3) - 
-                4 $CellContext`MT^2 (39 $CellContext`T^3 + 
-                 39 $CellContext`T14^3 + $CellContext`T^2 (
-                   117 $CellContext`T14 - 215 $CellContext`T24) - 
-                 215 $CellContext`T14^2 $CellContext`T24 - 
-                 151 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24^2 - 
-                 37 $CellContext`T24^3 + $CellContext`T (
-                   117 $CellContext`T14^2 - 
-                   430 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24 - 
-                   151 $CellContext`T24^2))) + $CellContext`MH^2 (
-                 4 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`T + $CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24)^2 (256 $CellContext`MT^8 + 
-                32 $CellContext`MT^6 (6 $CellContext`T + 6 $CellContext`T14 - 
-                  7 $CellContext`T24) + 
-                16 $CellContext`MT^4 (3 $CellContext`T^2 + 
-                  6 $CellContext`T $CellContext`T14 + 3 $CellContext`T14^2 - 
-                  2 $CellContext`T $CellContext`T24 - 
-                  2 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24 - 
-                  37 $CellContext`T24^2) + ($CellContext`T + \
-$CellContext`T14) $CellContext`T24 (5 $CellContext`T^2 + 5 $CellContext`T14^2 + 
-                  2 $CellContext`T (5 $CellContext`T14 - 8 $CellContext`T24) - 
-                  16 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`T24^2) + 
-                2 $CellContext`MT^2 (2 $CellContext`T^3 + 
-                  2 $CellContext`T14^3 + 
-                  13 $CellContext`T14^2 $CellContext`T24 - 
-                  106 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24^2 - \
-$CellContext`T24^3 + $CellContext`T^2 (6 $CellContext`T14 + 
-                    13 $CellContext`T24) + 
-                  2 $CellContext`T (3 $CellContext`T14^2 + 
-                    13 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24 - 
-                    53 $CellContext`T24^2)))) 
-             X`DiscB[$CellContext`T24, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] - 
-            2 ((-64) $CellContext`MT^4 - 4 $CellContext`T^2 - 
-             8 $CellContext`T $CellContext`T14 - 4 $CellContext`T14^2 - 
-             3 $CellContext`T $CellContext`T24 - 
-             3 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`T24^2 + \
-$CellContext`MH^2 (20 $CellContext`MT^2 + 5 $CellContext`T + 
-               5 $CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24) - 
-             4 $CellContext`MT^2 (8 $CellContext`T + 8 $CellContext`T14 + 
-              3 $CellContext`T24)) (
-             16 $CellContext`MT^6 + $CellContext`MH^2 ($CellContext`MH^2 - \
-$CellContext`T - $CellContext`T14) $CellContext`T24 + 
-             8 $CellContext`MT^4 ($CellContext`T + $CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24) + $CellContext`MT^2 ($CellContext`T^2 + $CellContext`T14^2 - 
-               8 $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`T24 + 
-               2 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`T24^2 + 
-               2 $CellContext`T ($CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24))) 
-            X`Kallen\[Lambda][$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`MH^2 - 
-              4 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`T - $CellContext`T14, \
-$CellContext`T24] - 
-            2 (16 $CellContext`MT^6 + $CellContext`MH^2 ($CellContext`MH^2 - \
-$CellContext`T - $CellContext`T14) $CellContext`T24 + 
-             8 $CellContext`MT^4 ($CellContext`T + $CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24) + $CellContext`MT^2 ($CellContext`T^2 + $CellContext`T14^2 - 
-               8 $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`T24 + 
-               2 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`T24^2 + 
-               2 $CellContext`T ($CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24))) \
-(($CellContext`MT^2 (4 $CellContext`T + 4 $CellContext`T14 - 
-                 6 $CellContext`T24) + ($CellContext`T + $CellContext`T14) \
-($CellContext`T + $CellContext`T14 - 2 $CellContext`T24)) (
-                4 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`T + $CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24)^3 + 
-             2 $CellContext`MH^6 $CellContext`T24 (36 $CellContext`MT^2 + 
-               9 $CellContext`T + 
-               9 $CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24) + $CellContext`MH^4 (
-               192 $CellContext`MT^6 + 3 $CellContext`T^3 + 
-               3 $CellContext`T14^3 + 
-               16 $CellContext`MT^4 (9 $CellContext`T + 9 $CellContext`T14 - 
-                 37 $CellContext`T24) + $CellContext`T^2 (9 $CellContext`T14 - 
-                 31 $CellContext`T24) - 
-               31 $CellContext`T14^2 $CellContext`T24 - 
-               19 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24^2 - $CellContext`T24^3 + \
-$CellContext`T (9 $CellContext`T14^2 - 62 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24 - 
-                 19 $CellContext`T24^2) + 
-               4 $CellContext`MT^2 (9 $CellContext`T^2 + 
-                 18 $CellContext`T $CellContext`T14 + 9 $CellContext`T14^2 - 
-                 68 $CellContext`T $CellContext`T24 - 
-                 68 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24 - 
-                 17 $CellContext`T24^2)) - 
-             2 $CellContext`MH^2 (320 $CellContext`MT^8 + 2 $CellContext`T^4 + 
-              2 $CellContext`T14^4 + 
-              16 $CellContext`MT^6 (23 $CellContext`T + 23 $CellContext`T14 - 
-                37 $CellContext`T24) + $CellContext`T^3 (8 $CellContext`T14 - 
-                6 $CellContext`T24) - 6 $CellContext`T14^3 $CellContext`T24 - 
-              10 $CellContext`T14^2 $CellContext`T24^2 - 
-              3 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24^3 - $CellContext`T24^4 + 
-              4 $CellContext`MT^4 (39 $CellContext`T^2 + 
-                78 $CellContext`T $CellContext`T14 + 39 $CellContext`T14^2 - 
-                98 $CellContext`T $CellContext`T24 - 
-                98 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24 - 45 $CellContext`T24^2) + 
-              2 $CellContext`T^2 (6 $CellContext`T14^2 - 
-                9 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24 - 
-                5 $CellContext`T24^2) + $CellContext`T (8 $CellContext`T14^3 - 
-                18 $CellContext`T14^2 $CellContext`T24 - 
-                20 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24^2 - 
-                3 $CellContext`T24^3) + $CellContext`MT^2 (
-                29 $CellContext`T^3 + 
-                29 $CellContext`T14^3 + $CellContext`T^2 (87 $CellContext`T14 - 
-                  85 $CellContext`T24) - 
-                85 $CellContext`T14^2 $CellContext`T24 - 
-                85 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24^2 - 
-                7 $CellContext`T24^3 + $CellContext`T (87 $CellContext`T14^2 - 
-                  170 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24 - 
-                  85 $CellContext`T24^2)))) 
-            X`ScalarC0[$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`MH^2 - 
-              4 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`T - $CellContext`T14, \
-$CellContext`T24, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT]) + 
-          4 $CellContext`MT^2 (
-             16 $CellContext`MT^4 + $CellContext`T^2 + $CellContext`T14^2 - 
-             4 $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`T24 + 
-             2 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`T24^2 + 
-             2 $CellContext`T ($CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24) + 
-             8 $CellContext`MT^2 ($CellContext`T + $CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24))^(-1) ((-$CellContext`S34^2 - 
-              2 $CellContext`S34 $CellContext`T - $CellContext`S34 \
-$CellContext`T24 + 2 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24 - 
-              2 $CellContext`S (
-               2 $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T24) + $CellContext`MH^2 (
-                2 $CellContext`S + 3 $CellContext`S34 - 2 $CellContext`T14 - 
-                3 $CellContext`U) + 2 $CellContext`T $CellContext`U + 
-              4 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`U + $CellContext`T24 \
-$CellContext`U + $CellContext`U^2) $CellContext`Pair[
-               $CellContext`e[1], 
-               $CellContext`ec[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-               $CellContext`e[2], 
-               $CellContext`ec[4]] - 
-            8 (-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T24 + \
-$CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-              $CellContext`e[1], 
-              $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-              $CellContext`e[2], 
-              $CellContext`k[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-              $CellContext`ec[4], 
-              $CellContext`ec[5]] - 
-            8 (-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T24 + \
-$CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-              $CellContext`e[1], 
-              $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-              $CellContext`e[2], 
-              $CellContext`ec[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-              $CellContext`ec[4], 
-              $CellContext`k[2]] - 
-            4 ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34 - $CellContext`T24 - \
-$CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-              $CellContext`e[1], 
-              $CellContext`ec[5]] ((2 $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[2], 
-                  $CellContext`k[1]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[2], 
-                $CellContext`k[3]]) $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                $CellContext`k[2]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[2], 
-                $CellContext`k[4]] (2 $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                  $CellContext`k[1]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                $CellContext`k[3]])) - 
-            8 (-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T24 + \
-$CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-              $CellContext`e[1], 
-              $CellContext`ec[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-              $CellContext`e[2], 
-              $CellContext`k[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-              $CellContext`ec[5], 
-              $CellContext`k[1]] - 
-            8 (-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T24 + \
-$CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-              $CellContext`e[1], 
-              $CellContext`e[2]] $CellContext`Pair[
-              $CellContext`ec[4], 
-              $CellContext`k[2]] $CellContext`Pair[
-              $CellContext`ec[5], 
-              $CellContext`k[1]] + 4 $CellContext`Pair[
-               $CellContext`e[2], 
-               $CellContext`ec[
-               4]] ((-$CellContext`MH^2 + 
-                2 $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T24) $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[1], 
-                 $CellContext`k[2]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                 $CellContext`k[
-                 1]] + (-$CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`U) \
-                 $CellContext`e[1], 
-                 $CellContext`k[3]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                 $CellContext`k[1]] - $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[1], 
-                $CellContext`k[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`T24 $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[1], 
-                 $CellContext`k[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                 $CellContext`k[1]] + 2 $CellContext`U $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[1], 
-                 $CellContext`k[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                 $CellContext`k[1]] - $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[1], 
-                $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                $CellContext`k[2]] + 2 $CellContext`S34 $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[1], 
-                 $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                 $CellContext`k[2]] + $CellContext`T24 $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[1], 
-                 $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                 $CellContext`k[2]] - $CellContext`S34 $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[1], 
-                $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                $CellContext`k[3]] + $CellContext`U $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[1], 
-                 $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                 $CellContext`k[3]] - $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[1], 
-                $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                $CellContext`k[4]] + $CellContext`T24 $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[1], 
-                 $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                 $CellContext`k[4]] + 2 $CellContext`U $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[1], 
-                 $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                 $CellContext`k[4]])) ((-$CellContext`MH^2 + 
-               4 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`T + $CellContext`T14)^(-1) \
-((-2) $CellContext`MH^2 + 
-              4 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`T + $CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24) + $CellContext`MH^2 (
-               16 $CellContext`MT^6 + $CellContext`MH^2 ($CellContext`MH^2 - \
-$CellContext`T - $CellContext`T14) $CellContext`T24 + 
-               8 $CellContext`MT^4 ($CellContext`T + $CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24) + $CellContext`MT^2 ($CellContext`T^2 + $CellContext`T14^2 - 
-                 8 $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`T24 + 
-                 2 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`T24^2 + 
-                 2 $CellContext`T ($CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24)))^(-1) (256 $CellContext`MT^8 + 
-              192 $CellContext`MT^6 ($CellContext`T + $CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24) + 
-              48 $CellContext`MT^4 ($CellContext`T^2 + $CellContext`T14^2 + 
-                2 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`T24 ((-3) \
-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`T24) + 
-                2 $CellContext`T ($CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24)) + \
-$CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`T24 ((-5) $CellContext`T^2 - 
-                5 $CellContext`T14^2 - 
-                4 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`T24^2 + 
-                2 $CellContext`MH^2 (3 $CellContext`T + 
-                  3 $CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24) - 
-                2 $CellContext`T (5 $CellContext`T14 + 2 $CellContext`T24)) + 
-              4 $CellContext`MT^2 ($CellContext`T^3 + $CellContext`T14^3 + 
-                3 $CellContext`T14^2 $CellContext`T24 + 
-                3 $CellContext`T^2 ($CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24) + \
-$CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24 ((-14) $CellContext`MH^2 + 
-                  3 $CellContext`T24) + $CellContext`T24 (6 $CellContext`MH^4 - 
-                  8 $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`T24^2) + \
-$CellContext`T (3 $CellContext`T14^2 + 
-                  6 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`T24 \
-((-14) $CellContext`MH^2 + 3 $CellContext`T24)))) 
-             X`DiscB[$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT]/
-             X`Kallen\[Lambda][$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`MH^2 - 
-              4 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`T - $CellContext`T14, \
-$CellContext`T24] - ($CellContext`MH^4 + 32 $CellContext`MT^4 + 
-              12 $CellContext`MT^2 ($CellContext`T + $CellContext`T14) + \
-($CellContext`T + $CellContext`T14)^2 - 
-              2 $CellContext`MH^2 (
-               6 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`T + $CellContext`T14))^(-1) \
-(16 $CellContext`MT^6 + $CellContext`MH^2 ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`T - \
-$CellContext`T14) $CellContext`T24 + 
-              8 $CellContext`MT^4 ($CellContext`T + $CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24) + $CellContext`MT^2 ($CellContext`T^2 + $CellContext`T14^2 - 
-                8 $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`T24 + 
-                2 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`T24^2 + 
-                2 $CellContext`T ($CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24)))^(-1) \
-(2 $CellContext`MH^10 (12 $CellContext`MT^2 + 3 $CellContext`T + 
-               3 $CellContext`T14 - $CellContext`T24) $CellContext`T24 - \
-$CellContext`MH^8 $CellContext`T24 (464 $CellContext`MT^4 + 
-              19 $CellContext`T^2 + 38 $CellContext`T $CellContext`T14 + 
-              19 $CellContext`T14^2 + 
-              8 $CellContext`MT^2 (24 $CellContext`T + 
-                24 $CellContext`T14 - $CellContext`T24) - 
-              4 $CellContext`T $CellContext`T24 - 
-              4 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`T24^2) - \
-$CellContext`MT^2 (
-               4 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`T + $CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24)^4 (
-              40 $CellContext`MT^4 + ($CellContext`T + $CellContext`T14)^2 + 
-              2 $CellContext`MT^2 (7 $CellContext`T + 
-                7 $CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24)) + $CellContext`MH^2 (
-                4 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`T + $CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24)^2 (
-               832 $CellContext`MT^8 + ($CellContext`T + $CellContext`T14)^3 \
-$CellContext`T24 + 
-               48 $CellContext`MT^6 (11 $CellContext`T + 11 $CellContext`T14 + 
-                 10 $CellContext`T24) + $CellContext`MT^2 ($CellContext`T + \
-$CellContext`T14) (7 $CellContext`T^2 + 14 $CellContext`T $CellContext`T14 + 
-                 7 $CellContext`T14^2 + 26 $CellContext`T $CellContext`T24 + 
-                 26 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24 + 3 $CellContext`T24^2) + 
-               4 $CellContext`MT^4 (27 $CellContext`T^2 + 
-                 54 $CellContext`T $CellContext`T14 + 27 $CellContext`T14^2 + 
-                 52 $CellContext`T $CellContext`T24 + 
-                 52 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24 + 
-                 9 $CellContext`T24^2)) + $CellContext`MH^6 (
-               256 $CellContext`MT^8 + 
-               192 $CellContext`MT^6 ($CellContext`T + $CellContext`T14 + 
-                 17 $CellContext`T24) + 
-               3 ($CellContext`T + $CellContext`T14) $CellContext`T24 (
-                 7 $CellContext`T^2 + 14 $CellContext`T $CellContext`T14 + 
-                 7 $CellContext`T14^2 + $CellContext`T24^2) + 
-               16 $CellContext`MT^4 (3 $CellContext`T^2 + 
-                 6 $CellContext`T $CellContext`T14 + 3 $CellContext`T14^2 + 
-                 119 $CellContext`T $CellContext`T24 + 
-                 119 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24 + 
-                 13 $CellContext`T24^2) + 
-               4 $CellContext`MT^2 ($CellContext`T^3 + $CellContext`T14^3 + 
-                 89 $CellContext`T14^2 $CellContext`T24 + 
-                 9 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24^2 + 
-                 7 $CellContext`T24^3 + $CellContext`T^2 (3 $CellContext`T14 + 
-                   89 $CellContext`T24) + $CellContext`T (
-                   3 $CellContext`T14^2 + 
-                   178 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24 + 
-                   9 $CellContext`T24^2))) - $CellContext`MH^4 (
-              3584 $CellContext`MT^10 + 
-              256 $CellContext`MT^8 (13 $CellContext`T + 13 $CellContext`T14 + 
-                40 $CellContext`T24) + ($CellContext`T + $CellContext`T14)^2 \
-$CellContext`T24 (9 $CellContext`T^2 + 18 $CellContext`T $CellContext`T14 + 
-                9 $CellContext`T14^2 + 4 $CellContext`T $CellContext`T24 + 
-                4 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24 + 3 $CellContext`T24^2) + 
-              128 $CellContext`MT^6 (9 $CellContext`T^2 + 
-                18 $CellContext`T $CellContext`T14 + 9 $CellContext`T14^2 + 
-                60 $CellContext`T $CellContext`T24 + 
-                60 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24 + 14 $CellContext`T24^2) + 
-              16 $CellContext`MT^4 (11 $CellContext`T^3 + 
-                11 $CellContext`T14^3 + 
-                129 $CellContext`T14^2 $CellContext`T24 + 
-                51 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24^2 + 
-                16 $CellContext`T24^3 + 
-                3 $CellContext`T^2 (11 $CellContext`T14 + 
-                  43 $CellContext`T24) + 
-                3 $CellContext`T (11 $CellContext`T14^2 + 
-                  86 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24 + 
-                  17 $CellContext`T24^2)) + 
-              2 $CellContext`MT^2 (5 $CellContext`T^4 + 5 $CellContext`T14^4 + 
-                116 $CellContext`T14^3 $CellContext`T24 + 
-                54 $CellContext`T14^2 $CellContext`T24^2 + 
-                28 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24^3 + $CellContext`T24^4 + 
-                4 $CellContext`T^3 (5 $CellContext`T14 + 29 $CellContext`T24) + 
-                6 $CellContext`T^2 (5 $CellContext`T14^2 + 
-                  58 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24 + 
-                  9 $CellContext`T24^2) + 
-                4 $CellContext`T (5 $CellContext`T14^3 + 
-                  87 $CellContext`T14^2 $CellContext`T24 + 
-                  27 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24^2 + 
-                  7 $CellContext`T24^3)))) 
-            X`DiscB[$CellContext`MH^2 - 
-              4 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`T - $CellContext`T14, \
-$CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT]/
-            X`Kallen\[Lambda][$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`MH^2 - 
-             4 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`T - $CellContext`T14, \
-$CellContext`T24] - (
-              16 $CellContext`MT^6 + $CellContext`MH^2 ($CellContext`MH^2 - \
-$CellContext`T - $CellContext`T14) $CellContext`T24 + 
-              8 $CellContext`MT^4 ($CellContext`T + $CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24) + $CellContext`MT^2 ($CellContext`T^2 + $CellContext`T14^2 - 
-                8 $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`T24 + 
-                2 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`T24^2 + 
-                2 $CellContext`T ($CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24)))^(-1) \
-(256 $CellContext`MT^10 + 
-             256 $CellContext`MT^8 ($CellContext`T + $CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24) + $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`T24 (
-               2 $CellContext`MH^2 ($CellContext`T + $CellContext`T14 - \
-$CellContext`T24)^2 + 
-               4 $CellContext`MH^4 $CellContext`T24 - ($CellContext`T + \
-$CellContext`T14) ($CellContext`T + $CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24)^2) + 
-             32 $CellContext`MT^6 (3 $CellContext`T^2 + 3 $CellContext`T14^2 + 
-               6 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24 + 
-               6 $CellContext`T ($CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24) + \
-$CellContext`T24 ((-2) $CellContext`MH^2 + 
-                 3 $CellContext`T24)) + $CellContext`MT^2 ($CellContext`T^4 + \
-$CellContext`T14^4 + 4 $CellContext`T14^3 $CellContext`T24 + 
-               6 $CellContext`T14^2 $CellContext`T24 ((-2) $CellContext`MH^2 + \
-$CellContext`T24) + 
-               4 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24 ((-2) $CellContext`MH^2 + \
-$CellContext`T24)^2 + 
-               4 $CellContext`T^3 ($CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24) + \
-$CellContext`T24^2 ((-32) $CellContext`MH^4 - 
-                 4 $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`T24^2) + 
-               6 $CellContext`T^2 ($CellContext`T14^2 + 
-                 2 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`T24 ((-2) \
-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`T24)) + 
-               4 $CellContext`T ($CellContext`T14^3 + 
-                 3 $CellContext`T14^2 $CellContext`T24 + 
-                 3 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24 ((-2) $CellContext`MH^2 + \
-$CellContext`T24) + $CellContext`T24 ((-2) $CellContext`MH^2 + \
-$CellContext`T24)^2)) + 
-             16 $CellContext`MT^4 ($CellContext`T^3 + $CellContext`T14^3 + 
-               3 $CellContext`T14^2 $CellContext`T24 + 
-               3 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24 (-$CellContext`MH^2 + \
-$CellContext`T24) + 
-               3 $CellContext`T^2 ($CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24) + \
-$CellContext`T24 (2 $CellContext`MH^4 - 
-                 2 $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`T24^2) + 
-               3 $CellContext`T ($CellContext`T14^2 + 
-                 2 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`T24 \
-(-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`T24)))) 
-            X`DiscB[$CellContext`T24, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT]/
-            X`Kallen\[Lambda][$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`MH^2 - 
-             4 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`T - $CellContext`T14, \
-$CellContext`T24] + 
-            2 $CellContext`MH^2 (16 $CellContext`MT^4 + $CellContext`T^2 + 
-              2 $CellContext`T $CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T14^2 + \
-$CellContext`MT^2 (8 $CellContext`T + 8 $CellContext`T14 - 
-                4 $CellContext`T24) + 
-              2 $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`T24 - $CellContext`T \
-$CellContext`T24 - $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24 - 2 $CellContext`T24^2) 
-             X`Kallen\[Lambda][$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`MH^2 - 
-                4 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`T - $CellContext`T14, \
-             X`ScalarC0[$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`MH^2 - 
-               4 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`T - $CellContext`T14, \
-$CellContext`T24, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT]))) + \
-$CellContext`T14^(-1) ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S - $CellContext`T24 - \
-$CellContext`U)^(-1) ((-8) $CellContext`MT^2 (16 $CellContext`MT^4 - 
-            4 $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`T14 + 
-            8 $CellContext`MT^2 ($CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24 + \
-$CellContext`U) + ($CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24 + \
-          X`Kallen\[Lambda][$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`T14, \
-$CellContext`MH^2 - 
-             4 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`T24 - $CellContext`U]^(-1) \
-((-4) $CellContext`Pair[
-              $CellContext`e[2], 
-              $CellContext`ec[5]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[1], 
-                $CellContext`k[2]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[1], 
-                $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[1], 
-                $CellContext`k[4]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                 $CellContext`k[2]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                 $CellContext`k[5]])) + 8 $CellContext`Pair[
-              $CellContext`ec[4], 
-              $CellContext`k[1]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[1], 
-                $CellContext`ec[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[2], 
-                $CellContext`k[5]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[1], 
-                $CellContext`e[2]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                $CellContext`k[2]]) + 8 $CellContext`Pair[
-              $CellContext`e[1], 
-              $CellContext`k[4]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[2], 
-                $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                $CellContext`ec[5]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[2], 
-                $CellContext`ec[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                $CellContext`k[2]]) + $CellContext`Pair[
-              $CellContext`e[1], 
-              $CellContext`ec[
-              4]] ((2 $CellContext`S - $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T - 
-               2 $CellContext`T24) $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[2], 
-                $CellContext`ec[5]] - 4 (($CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[2], 
-                  $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[2], 
-                  $CellContext`k[4]]) $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                 $CellContext`k[2]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[2], 
-                 $CellContext`k[5]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                  $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                  $CellContext`k[4]])))) ($CellContext`MH^2 (
-             16 $CellContext`MT^4 + 8 $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`T14 - 
-             5 $CellContext`T14^2 - 
-             4 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`T24^2 - 
-             4 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`U + 
-             2 $CellContext`T24 $CellContext`U + $CellContext`U^2 + 
-             8 $CellContext`MT^2 ((-2) $CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24 + \
-            X`DiscB[$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] + \
-$CellContext`T14 ((
-               4 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24 + \
-$CellContext`U)^2 - 
-             2 $CellContext`MH^2 (12 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`T14 + 
-              3 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U))) 
-            X`DiscB[$CellContext`T14, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] - (
-            8 $CellContext`MH^4 $CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T14 (
-               4 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24 + \
-$CellContext`U)^2 + $CellContext`MH^2 (16 $CellContext`MT^4 - 
-              3 $CellContext`T14^2 - 
-              10 $CellContext`T14 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U) + \
-($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^2 + 
-              8 $CellContext`MT^2 ((-5) $CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24 + \
-           X`DiscB[$CellContext`MH^2 - 
-             4 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`T24 - $CellContext`U, \
-$CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] + (
-             4 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24 + \
-            X`Kallen\[Lambda][$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`T14, \
-$CellContext`MH^2 - 4 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`T24 - $CellContext`U] + 
-           2 (64 $CellContext`MT^8 + 
-             48 $CellContext`MT^6 ($CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24 + \
-$CellContext`U) + 
-             12 $CellContext`MT^4 ((-4) $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`T14 + \
-($CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^2) - $CellContext`MH^2 \
-$CellContext`T14 (-$CellContext`T14^2 + $CellContext`T14 ($CellContext`T24 + \
-$CellContext`U) + 
-              2 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^2 + $CellContext`MH^2 \
-($CellContext`T14 - 
-                3 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U))) + $CellContext`MT^2 (
-               12 $CellContext`MH^4 $CellContext`T14 + ($CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^3 - 
-               4 $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`T14 (2 $CellContext`T14 + 
-                5 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)))) 
-            X`ScalarC0[$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`T14, $CellContext`MH^2 - 
-              4 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`T24 - $CellContext`U, \
-$CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT]) + 
-         8 $CellContext`MT^2 (16 $CellContext`MT^4 - 
-            4 $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`T14 + 
-            8 $CellContext`MT^2 ($CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24 + \
-$CellContext`U) + ($CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24 + \
-$CellContext`U)^2)^(-1) ((
-             4 $CellContext`S $CellContext`S34 - $CellContext`S34^2 + \
-$CellContext`T^2 + 2 $CellContext`S34 $CellContext`T14 - 
-             2 $CellContext`T $CellContext`T14 - 
-             2 $CellContext`MH^2 (
-              2 $CellContext`S - $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T - 
-              2 $CellContext`T24) - 4 $CellContext`T $CellContext`T24 - 
-             2 $CellContext`S34 $CellContext`U + 
-             2 $CellContext`T $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-              $CellContext`e[1], 
-              $CellContext`ec[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-              $CellContext`e[2], 
-              $CellContext`ec[5]] + 
-           8 ((-2) $CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T) \
-              $CellContext`e[1], 
-              $CellContext`k[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-              $CellContext`e[2], 
-              $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-              $CellContext`ec[4], 
-              $CellContext`ec[5]] + 
-           8 ((-2) $CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T) \
-              $CellContext`e[1], 
-              $CellContext`ec[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-              $CellContext`e[2], 
-              $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-              $CellContext`ec[4], 
-              $CellContext`k[1]] - 4 $CellContext`Pair[
-             $CellContext`e[2], 
-             $CellContext`ec[5]] (
-            2 ((-2) $CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T) \
-               $CellContext`e[1], 
-               $CellContext`k[2]] $CellContext`Pair[
-               $CellContext`ec[4], 
-               $CellContext`k[1]] + (6 $CellContext`MH^2 - 3 $CellContext`S34 - 
-              3 $CellContext`T - 4 $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-               $CellContext`e[1], 
-               $CellContext`k[3]] $CellContext`Pair[
-               $CellContext`ec[4], 
-               $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-               $CellContext`e[1], 
-               $CellContext`k[4]] (
-              2 ((-2) $CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T) \
-                 $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                 $CellContext`k[2]] + (6 $CellContext`MH^2 - 
-                3 $CellContext`S34 - 3 $CellContext`T - 
-                4 $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                 $CellContext`k[3]])) + 
-           8 ((-2) $CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T) \
-              $CellContext`e[1], 
-              $CellContext`k[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-              $CellContext`e[2], 
-              $CellContext`ec[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-              $CellContext`ec[5], 
-              $CellContext`k[2]] + 
-           8 ((-2) $CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T) \
-              $CellContext`e[1], 
-              $CellContext`e[2]] $CellContext`Pair[
-              $CellContext`ec[4], 
-              $CellContext`k[1]] $CellContext`Pair[
-              $CellContext`ec[5], 
-              $CellContext`k[2]] + 32 ($CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[1], 
-                $CellContext`k[3]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                 $CellContext`k[1]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                $CellContext`k[3]]) + ($CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[1], 
-                 $CellContext`k[2]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[1], 
-                $CellContext`k[5]]) $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                $CellContext`k[3]]) ($CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[2], 
-                $CellContext`k[3]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                $CellContext`k[2]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[2], 
-                $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                $CellContext`k[3]]) - 4 $CellContext`Pair[
-             $CellContext`e[1], 
-             $CellContext`ec[
-             4]] (((-2) ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34) \
-                 $CellContext`e[2], 
-                 $CellContext`k[
-                 1]] + ($CellContext`S34 - $CellContext`T) $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[2], 
-                 $CellContext`k[3]] + 
-              2 (-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`T) $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[2], 
-                 $CellContext`k[4]]) $CellContext`Pair[
-               $CellContext`ec[5], 
-               $CellContext`k[2]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-               $CellContext`e[2], 
-               $CellContext`k[
-               5]] ((-2) ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34) \
-                 $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                 $CellContext`k[
-                 1]] + ($CellContext`S34 - $CellContext`T) $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                 $CellContext`k[3]] + 
-              2 (-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`T) $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                 $CellContext`k[4]]))) ((-$CellContext`MH^2 + 
-              4 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^(-1) (
-             4 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24 + \
-$CellContext`U) - (
-             16 $CellContext`MT^6 + $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`T14 \
-($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`T24 - $CellContext`U) + 
-             8 $CellContext`MT^4 ($CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24 + \
-$CellContext`U) + $CellContext`MT^2 ((-8) $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`T14 + \
-($CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^2))^(-1) (
-            256 $CellContext`MT^10 + 
-            256 $CellContext`MT^8 ($CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24 + \
-$CellContext`U) - 
-            32 $CellContext`MT^6 (2 $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`T14 - 
-             3 ($CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^2) + 
-            16 $CellContext`MT^4 ($CellContext`MH^4 $CellContext`T14 + \
-($CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^3 - $CellContext`MH^2 \
-$CellContext`T14 ($CellContext`T14 + 
-               3 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U))) + $CellContext`MT^2 (
-              8 $CellContext`MH^4 $CellContext`T14 ((-5) $CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U) + ($CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24 + \
-$CellContext`U)^4 + 
-              4 $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`T14 ($CellContext`T14^2 - 
-                2 $CellContext`T14 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U) - 
-                3 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^2)) + $CellContext`MH^2 \
-$CellContext`T14 (
-              8 $CellContext`MH^4 $CellContext`T14 + ($CellContext`T14 - \
-$CellContext`T24 - $CellContext`U) ($CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24 + \
-$CellContext`U)^2 + $CellContext`MH^2 ((-3) $CellContext`T14^2 - 
-                6 $CellContext`T14 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U) + \
-($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^2))) 
-           X`DiscB[$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT]/
-           X`Kallen\[Lambda][$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`T14, \
-$CellContext`MH^2 - 
-            4 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`T24 - $CellContext`U] + \
-$CellContext`T14 (
-              16 $CellContext`MT^6 + $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`T14 \
-($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`T24 - $CellContext`U) + 
-              8 $CellContext`MT^4 ($CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24 + \
-$CellContext`U) + $CellContext`MT^2 ((-8) $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`T14 + \
-($CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^2))^(-1) (
-             256 $CellContext`MT^8 + 
-             192 $CellContext`MT^6 ($CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24 + \
-$CellContext`U) - 
-             48 $CellContext`MT^4 (
-              3 $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`T14 - ($CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^2) + $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`T14 \
-($CellContext`T14^2 - 4 $CellContext`T14 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U) - 
-               5 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^2 + 
-               2 $CellContext`MH^2 ($CellContext`T14 + 
-                 3 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U))) + 
-             4 $CellContext`MT^2 (
-               6 $CellContext`MH^4 $CellContext`T14 + ($CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^3 - 
-               2 $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`T14 (4 $CellContext`T14 + 
-                7 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)))) 
-            X`DiscB[$CellContext`T14, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT]/
-            X`Kallen\[Lambda][$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`T14, \
-$CellContext`MH^2 - 
-             4 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`T24 - $CellContext`U] + \
-($CellContext`MH^4 + 32 $CellContext`MT^4 + 
-              12 $CellContext`MT^2 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U) + \
-($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^2 - 
-              2 $CellContext`MH^2 (
-               6 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U))^(-1) \
-(16 $CellContext`MT^6 + $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`T14 ($CellContext`MH^2 - \
-$CellContext`T24 - $CellContext`U) + 
-              8 $CellContext`MT^4 ($CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24 + \
-$CellContext`U) + $CellContext`MT^2 ((-8) $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`T14 + \
-($CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^2))^(-1) (
-             8 $CellContext`MH^10 $CellContext`T14^2 + $CellContext`MH^8 \
-$CellContext`T14 (16 $CellContext`MT^4 - 5 $CellContext`T14^2 - 
-               28 $CellContext`T14 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U) + \
-($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^2 + 
-               8 $CellContext`MT^2 ((-20) $CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24 + \
-$CellContext`U)) + $CellContext`MH^6 $CellContext`T14 ((-256) \
-$CellContext`MT^6 + 
-               16 $CellContext`MT^4 (72 $CellContext`T14 - 
-                 11 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)) + 
-               8 $CellContext`MT^2 (14 $CellContext`T14^2 + 
-                 52 $CellContext`T14 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U) - 
-                 5 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^2) - 
-               3 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U) ((-5) $CellContext`T14^2 - 
-                12 $CellContext`T14 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U) + \
-($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^2)) + $CellContext`MT^2 (
-                4 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24 + \
-$CellContext`U)^3 (160 $CellContext`MT^6 - 
-               16 $CellContext`MT^4 (7 $CellContext`T14 - 
-                6 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)) - 
-               2 $CellContext`MT^2 (3 $CellContext`T14^2 + 
-                22 $CellContext`T14 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U) - 
-                9 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^2) + ($CellContext`T24 + \
-$CellContext`U) (-$CellContext`T14^2 - 
-                 4 $CellContext`T14 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U) + \
-($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^2)) + $CellContext`MH^4 (
-               256 $CellContext`MT^10 + 
-               256 $CellContext`MT^8 (
-                 5 $CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U) - 
-               32 $CellContext`MT^6 (115 $CellContext`T14^2 - 
-                36 $CellContext`T14 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U) - 
-                3 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^2) - $CellContext`T14 \
-($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^2 (15 $CellContext`T14^2 + 
-                20 $CellContext`T14 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U) - 
-                3 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^2) - 
-               16 $CellContext`MT^4 (49 $CellContext`T14^3 + 
-                129 $CellContext`T14^2 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U) - 
-                24 $CellContext`T14 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^2 - \
-($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^3) + $CellContext`MT^2 ((-11) \
-$CellContext`T14^4 - 
-                 232 $CellContext`T14^3 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U) - 
-                 366 $CellContext`T14^2 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^2 + 
-                 56 $CellContext`T14 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^3 + \
-($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^4)) - $CellContext`MH^2 (
-              3072 $CellContext`MT^12 + 
-              256 $CellContext`MT^10 (11 $CellContext`T14 + 
-                14 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)) - 
-              128 $CellContext`MT^8 (45 $CellContext`T14^2 - 
-               22 $CellContext`T14 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U) - 
-               13 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^2) + $CellContext`T14 \
-($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^3 ((-5) $CellContext`T14^2 - 
-                4 $CellContext`T14 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U) + \
-($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^2) - 
-              32 $CellContext`MT^6 (61 $CellContext`T14^3 + 
-               134 $CellContext`T14^2 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U) - 
-               35 $CellContext`T14 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^2 - 
-               12 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^3) - 
-              4 $CellContext`MT^4 (25 $CellContext`T14^4 + 
-               236 $CellContext`T14^3 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U) + 
-               282 $CellContext`T14^2 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^2 - 
-               56 $CellContext`T14 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^3 - 
-               11 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^4) + $CellContext`MT^2 \
-(-$CellContext`T14^5 - 
-                18 $CellContext`T14^4 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U) - 
-                134 $CellContext`T14^3 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^2 - 
-                120 $CellContext`T14^2 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^3 + 
-                23 $CellContext`T14 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^4 + 
-                2 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^5))) 
-            X`DiscB[$CellContext`MH^2 - 
-              4 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`T24 - $CellContext`U, \
-$CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT]/
-            X`Kallen\[Lambda][$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`T14, \
-$CellContext`MH^2 - 4 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`T24 - $CellContext`U] + 
-           2 $CellContext`T14 ((
-               4 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24 + \
-$CellContext`U)^2 - $CellContext`MH^2 (
-              12 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`T14 + 
-              3 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U))) 
-            X`Kallen\[Lambda][$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`T14, \
-$CellContext`MH^2 - 
-               4 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`T24 - $CellContext`U]^(-1) 
-            X`ScalarC0[$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`T14, $CellContext`MH^2 - 
-              4 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`T24 - $CellContext`U, \
-$CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT]) - 
-         16 $CellContext`MT^2 $CellContext`T14 (16 $CellContext`MT^4 - 
-           4 $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`T14 + 
-           8 $CellContext`MT^2 ($CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24 + \
-$CellContext`U) + ($CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24 + \
-$CellContext`U)^2)^(-1) ((-4) $CellContext`Pair[
-             $CellContext`e[2], 
-             $CellContext`ec[5]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-               $CellContext`e[1], 
-               $CellContext`k[2]] $CellContext`Pair[
-               $CellContext`ec[4], 
-               $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-               $CellContext`e[1], 
-               $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-               $CellContext`ec[4], 
-               $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-               $CellContext`e[1], 
-               $CellContext`k[4]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                $CellContext`k[2]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                $CellContext`k[5]])) + 8 $CellContext`Pair[
-             $CellContext`ec[4], 
-             $CellContext`k[1]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-               $CellContext`e[1], 
-               $CellContext`ec[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-               $CellContext`e[2], 
-               $CellContext`k[5]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-               $CellContext`e[1], 
-               $CellContext`e[2]] $CellContext`Pair[
-               $CellContext`ec[5], 
-               $CellContext`k[2]]) + 8 $CellContext`Pair[
-             $CellContext`e[1], 
-             $CellContext`k[4]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-               $CellContext`e[2], 
-               $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-               $CellContext`ec[4], 
-               $CellContext`ec[5]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-               $CellContext`e[2], 
-               $CellContext`ec[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-               $CellContext`ec[5], 
-               $CellContext`k[2]]) + $CellContext`Pair[
-             $CellContext`e[1], 
-             $CellContext`ec[
-             4]] ((2 $CellContext`S - $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T - 
-              2 $CellContext`T24) $CellContext`Pair[
-               $CellContext`e[2], 
-               $CellContext`ec[5]] - 4 (($CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[2], 
-                 $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[2], 
-                 $CellContext`k[4]]) $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                $CellContext`k[2]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[2], 
-                $CellContext`k[5]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                 $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                 $CellContext`k[4]])))) ((-$CellContext`MH^2 + 
-             4 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^(-1) \
-((-2) $CellContext`MH^2 + 
-            4 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24 + \
-$CellContext`U) + $CellContext`MH^2 (
-             16 $CellContext`MT^6 + $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`T14 \
-($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`T24 - $CellContext`U) + 
-             8 $CellContext`MT^4 ($CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24 + \
-$CellContext`U) + $CellContext`MT^2 ((-8) $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`T14 + \
-($CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^2))^(-1) (
-            256 $CellContext`MT^8 + 
-            192 $CellContext`MT^6 ($CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24 + \
-$CellContext`U) - 
-            48 $CellContext`MT^4 (
-             3 $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`T14 - ($CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^2) + $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`T14 \
-($CellContext`T14^2 - 4 $CellContext`T14 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U) - 
-              5 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^2 + 
-              2 $CellContext`MH^2 ($CellContext`T14 + 
-                3 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U))) + 
-            4 $CellContext`MT^2 (
-              6 $CellContext`MH^4 $CellContext`T14 + ($CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^3 - 
-              2 $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`T14 (4 $CellContext`T14 + 
-               7 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)))) 
-           X`DiscB[$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT]/
-           X`Kallen\[Lambda][$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`T14, \
-$CellContext`MH^2 - 
-            4 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`T24 - $CellContext`U] - (
-            16 $CellContext`MT^6 + $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`T14 \
-($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`T24 - $CellContext`U) + 
-            8 $CellContext`MT^4 ($CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24 + \
-$CellContext`U) + $CellContext`MT^2 ((-8) $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`T14 + \
-($CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^2))^(-1) (
-           256 $CellContext`MT^10 + 
-           256 $CellContext`MT^8 ($CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24 + \
-$CellContext`U) - 
-           32 $CellContext`MT^6 (2 $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`T14 - 
-            3 ($CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^2) + \
-$CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`T14 (4 $CellContext`MH^4 $CellContext`T14 + 
-             2 $CellContext`MH^2 (-$CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24 + \
-$CellContext`U)^2 - ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U) ($CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^2) + 
-           16 $CellContext`MT^4 (
-             2 $CellContext`MH^4 $CellContext`T14 + ($CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^3 - $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`T14 (
-              2 $CellContext`T14 + 
-              3 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U))) + $CellContext`MT^2 (
-             16 $CellContext`MH^4 $CellContext`T14 ((-2) $CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U) + ($CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24 + \
-$CellContext`U)^4 - 
-             4 $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`T14 ($CellContext`T14^2 + 
-              4 $CellContext`T14 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U) + 
-              3 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^2))) 
-          X`DiscB[$CellContext`T14, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT]/
-          X`Kallen\[Lambda][$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`T14, \
-$CellContext`MH^2 - 
-           4 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`T24 - $CellContext`U] - \
-($CellContext`MH^4 + 32 $CellContext`MT^4 + 
-            12 $CellContext`MT^2 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U) + \
-($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^2 - 
-            2 $CellContext`MH^2 (
-             6 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U))^(-1) (
-            16 $CellContext`MT^6 + $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`T14 \
-($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`T24 - $CellContext`U) + 
-            8 $CellContext`MT^4 ($CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24 + \
-$CellContext`U) + $CellContext`MT^2 ((-8) $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`T14 + \
-($CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^2))^(-1) (
-           2 $CellContext`MH^10 $CellContext`T14 (
-             12 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`T14 + 
-             3 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)) - $CellContext`MH^8 \
-$CellContext`T14 (464 $CellContext`MT^4 + $CellContext`T14^2 - 
-            4 $CellContext`T14 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U) + 
-            19 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^2 - 
-            8 $CellContext`MT^2 ($CellContext`T14 - 
-             24 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U))) - $CellContext`MT^2 (
-             4 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24 + \
-$CellContext`U)^4 (
-            40 $CellContext`MT^4 + ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^2 + 
-            2 $CellContext`MT^2 ($CellContext`T14 + 
-              7 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U))) + $CellContext`MH^2 (
-              4 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24 + \
-$CellContext`U)^2 (
-             832 $CellContext`MT^8 + $CellContext`T14 ($CellContext`T24 + \
-$CellContext`U)^3 + 
-             48 $CellContext`MT^6 (10 $CellContext`T14 + 
-               11 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)) + $CellContext`MT^2 \
-($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U) (3 $CellContext`T14^2 + 
-               26 $CellContext`T14 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U) + 
-               7 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^2) + 
-             4 $CellContext`MT^4 (9 $CellContext`T14^2 + 
-               52 $CellContext`T14 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U) + 
-               27 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^2)) + $CellContext`MH^6 \
-(256 $CellContext`MT^8 + 
-             192 $CellContext`MT^6 (
-               17 $CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U) + 
-             16 $CellContext`MT^4 (13 $CellContext`T14^2 + 
-               119 $CellContext`T14 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U) + 
-               3 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^2) + 
-             3 $CellContext`T14 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U) \
-($CellContext`T14^2 + 7 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^2) + 
-             4 $CellContext`MT^2 (7 $CellContext`T14^3 + 
-               9 $CellContext`T14^2 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U) + 
-               89 $CellContext`T14 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^2 + \
-($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^3)) - $CellContext`MH^4 (
-            3584 $CellContext`MT^10 + 
-            256 $CellContext`MT^8 (40 $CellContext`T14 + 
-              13 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)) + $CellContext`T14 \
-($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^2 (3 $CellContext`T14^2 + 
-              4 $CellContext`T14 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U) + 
-              9 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^2) + 
-            128 $CellContext`MT^6 (14 $CellContext`T14^2 + 
-              60 $CellContext`T14 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U) + 
-              9 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^2) + 
-            16 $CellContext`MT^4 (16 $CellContext`T14^3 + 
-              51 $CellContext`T14^2 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U) + 
-              129 $CellContext`T14 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^2 + 
-              11 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^3) + 
-            2 $CellContext`MT^2 ($CellContext`T14^4 + 
-              28 $CellContext`T14^3 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U) + 
-              54 $CellContext`T14^2 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^2 + 
-              116 $CellContext`T14 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^3 + 
-              5 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^4))) 
-          X`DiscB[$CellContext`MH^2 - 
-            4 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`T24 - $CellContext`U, \
-$CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT]/
-          X`Kallen\[Lambda][$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`T14, \
-$CellContext`MH^2 - 4 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`T24 - $CellContext`U] + 
-          2 $CellContext`MH^2 (16 $CellContext`MT^4 + 
-            2 $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`T14 - 
-            2 $CellContext`T14^2 - $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24 + \
-$CellContext`T24^2 - $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`U + 
-            2 $CellContext`T24 $CellContext`U + $CellContext`U^2 + \
-$CellContext`MT^2 ((-4) $CellContext`T14 + 
-              8 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U))) 
-           X`Kallen\[Lambda][$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`T14, \
-$CellContext`MH^2 - 
-              4 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`T24 - $CellContext`U]^(-1) 
-           X`ScalarC0[$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`T14, $CellContext`MH^2 - 
-             4 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`T24 - $CellContext`U, \
-$CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT]) - 
-         2 ((-4) $CellContext`MT^2 (-$CellContext`MH^2 + 
-             4 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^(-1) \
-(-$CellContext`MH^2 + 
-             8 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^(-1) \
-(-$CellContext`MH^2 + 8 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U + 
-            2 $CellContext`MT^2 
-             X`DiscB[$CellContext`MH^2 - 
-               4 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`T24 - $CellContext`U, \
-$CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT]) ((-4) $CellContext`Pair[
-               $CellContext`e[2], 
-               $CellContext`ec[5]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[1], 
-                 $CellContext`k[2]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                 $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[1], 
-                 $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                 $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[1], 
-                 $CellContext`k[4]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                  $CellContext`k[2]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                  $CellContext`k[5]])) + 8 $CellContext`Pair[
-               $CellContext`ec[4], 
-               $CellContext`k[1]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[1], 
-                 $CellContext`ec[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[2], 
-                 $CellContext`k[5]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[1], 
-                 $CellContext`e[2]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                 $CellContext`k[2]]) + 8 $CellContext`Pair[
-               $CellContext`e[1], 
-               $CellContext`k[4]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[2], 
-                 $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                 $CellContext`ec[5]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[2], 
-                 $CellContext`ec[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                 $CellContext`k[2]]) + $CellContext`Pair[
-               $CellContext`e[1], 
-               $CellContext`ec[
-               4]] ((2 $CellContext`S - $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T - 
-                2 $CellContext`T24) $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[2], 
-                 $CellContext`ec[5]] - 4 (($CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[2], 
-                   $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[2], 
-                   $CellContext`k[4]]) $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                  $CellContext`k[2]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[2], 
-                  $CellContext`k[5]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                   $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                   $CellContext`k[4]])))) - 
-          4 $CellContext`MT^2 (-$CellContext`MH^2 + 
-            8 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^(-1) (
-            16 $CellContext`MT^6 + $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`T14 \
-($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`T24 - $CellContext`U) + 
-            8 $CellContext`MT^4 ($CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24 + \
-$CellContext`U) + $CellContext`MT^2 ((-8) $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`T14 + \
-($CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^2))^(-1) 
-          X`Kallen\[Lambda][$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`T14, \
-$CellContext`MH^2 - 
-             4 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`T24 - $CellContext`U]^(-1) \
-(((-2) $CellContext`S $CellContext`S34 - $CellContext`S34 $CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T $CellContext`T14 + 
-             2 $CellContext`MH^2 ($CellContext`S - $CellContext`T24) + 
-             2 $CellContext`T $CellContext`T24) $CellContext`Pair[
-              $CellContext`e[1], 
-              $CellContext`ec[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-              $CellContext`e[2], 
-              $CellContext`ec[5]] - 
-           4 ((-2) $CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T) \
-             $CellContext`e[1], 
-             $CellContext`k[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-             $CellContext`e[2], 
-             $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-             $CellContext`ec[4], 
-             $CellContext`ec[5]] - 
-           4 ((-2) $CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T) \
-             $CellContext`e[1], 
-             $CellContext`ec[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-             $CellContext`e[2], 
-             $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-             $CellContext`ec[4], 
-             $CellContext`k[1]] + 4 $CellContext`Pair[
-              $CellContext`e[2], 
-              $CellContext`ec[
-              5]] (((-2) $CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34 + \
-$CellContext`T) $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[1], 
-                $CellContext`k[2]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                $CellContext`k[
-                1]] + ($CellContext`S + $CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24) \
-                $CellContext`e[1], 
-                $CellContext`k[3]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[1], 
-                $CellContext`k[
-                4]] (((-2) $CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34 + \
-$CellContext`T) $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                  $CellContext`k[
-                  2]] + ($CellContext`S + $CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24) $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                  $CellContext`k[3]])) - 
-           4 ((-2) $CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T) \
-             $CellContext`e[1], 
-             $CellContext`k[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-             $CellContext`e[2], 
-             $CellContext`ec[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-             $CellContext`ec[5], 
-             $CellContext`k[2]] - 
-           4 ((-2) $CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T) \
-             $CellContext`e[1], 
-             $CellContext`e[2]] $CellContext`Pair[
-             $CellContext`ec[4], 
-             $CellContext`k[1]] $CellContext`Pair[
-             $CellContext`ec[5], 
-             $CellContext`k[2]] - 8 ($CellContext`Pair[
-               $CellContext`e[1], 
-               $CellContext`k[3]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                $CellContext`k[1]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-               $CellContext`ec[4], 
-               $CellContext`k[3]]) + ($CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[1], 
-                $CellContext`k[2]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-               $CellContext`e[1], 
-               $CellContext`k[5]]) $CellContext`Pair[
-               $CellContext`ec[4], 
-               $CellContext`k[3]]) ($CellContext`Pair[
-               $CellContext`e[2], 
-               $CellContext`k[3]] $CellContext`Pair[
-               $CellContext`ec[5], 
-               $CellContext`k[2]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-               $CellContext`e[2], 
-               $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-               $CellContext`ec[5], 
-               $CellContext`k[3]]) + 4 $CellContext`Pair[
-              $CellContext`e[1], 
-              $CellContext`ec[
-              4]] (((-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34) \
-                  $CellContext`e[2], 
-                  $CellContext`k[
-                  1]] + (-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`T) \
-                  $CellContext`e[2], 
-                  $CellContext`k[4]]) $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                $CellContext`k[2]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[2], 
-                $CellContext`k[
-                5]] ((-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34) $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                  $CellContext`k[
-                  1]] + (-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`T) \
-                  $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                  $CellContext`k[
-                  4]]))) (-$CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`T14 \
-($CellContext`MH^2 - 
-             8 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`T24 - $CellContext`U) (
-             2 $CellContext`MH^2 - 
-             4 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`T14 - $CellContext`T24 - \
-            X`DiscB[$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] + \
-$CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`T14 ($CellContext`MH^2 - 
-             8 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`T24 - $CellContext`U) (
-             4 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24 + \
-            X`DiscB[$CellContext`T14, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] - (
-            64 $CellContext`MT^8 - 
-            2 $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`T14 (-$CellContext`MH^2 + \
-$CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^2 + 
-            48 $CellContext`MT^6 ($CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24 + \
-$CellContext`U) + 
-            4 $CellContext`MT^4 ((-20) $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`T14 + 
-              3 ($CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^2) + \
-$CellContext`MT^2 (
-              24 $CellContext`MH^4 $CellContext`T14 + ($CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^3 - 
-              4 $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`T14 ($CellContext`T14 + 
-               7 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)))) 
-           X`DiscB[$CellContext`MH^2 - 
-             4 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`T24 - $CellContext`U, \
-$CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] - ($CellContext`MH^2 - 
-            8 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`T24 - $CellContext`U) (
-            4 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24 + \
-$CellContext`U) (
-            16 $CellContext`MT^6 + $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`T14 \
-($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`T24 - $CellContext`U) + 
-            8 $CellContext`MT^4 ($CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24 + \
-$CellContext`U) + $CellContext`MT^2 ((-8) $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`T14 + \
-($CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^2)) 
-           X`ScalarC0[$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`T14, $CellContext`MH^2 - 
-             4 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`T24 - $CellContext`U, \
-$CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT])) + 
-         4 (2 $CellContext`MT^2 (16 $CellContext`MT^4 - 
-              4 $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`T14 + 
-              8 $CellContext`MT^2 ($CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24 + \
-$CellContext`U) + ($CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24 + \
-$CellContext`U)^2)^(-2) (-($CellContext`S34 - $CellContext`T) ((-2) \
-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T + 
-               2 $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[1], 
-                $CellContext`ec[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[2], 
-                $CellContext`ec[5]] - 
-             4 (2 $CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34 - $CellContext`T - 
-              2 $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-               $CellContext`e[2], 
-               $CellContext`ec[5]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[1], 
-                 $CellContext`k[3]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                 $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[1], 
-                 $CellContext`k[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                 $CellContext`k[3]]) - 
-             4 ($CellContext`S34 - $CellContext`T) $CellContext`Pair[
-               $CellContext`e[1], 
-               $CellContext`ec[4]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[2], 
-                 $CellContext`k[3]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                 $CellContext`k[2]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[2], 
-                 $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                 $CellContext`k[3]]) + 16 ($CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[1], 
-                  $CellContext`k[3]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                   $CellContext`k[1]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                  $CellContext`k[3]]) + ($CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[1], 
-                   $CellContext`k[2]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[1], 
-                  $CellContext`k[5]]) $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                  $CellContext`k[3]]) ($CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[2], 
-                  $CellContext`k[3]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                  $CellContext`k[2]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[2], 
-                  $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                  $CellContext`k[3]])) (-(-$CellContext`MH^2 + 
-                4 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^(-1) \
-(12 $CellContext`MH^4 $CellContext`T14 - (
-                4 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24 + \
-$CellContext`U) (
-                 4 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24 + \
-$CellContext`U)^2 + 
-               2 $CellContext`MH^2 (16 $CellContext`MT^4 - $CellContext`T14^2 - 
-                 6 $CellContext`T14 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U) + \
-($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^2 + 
-                 8 $CellContext`MT^2 ((-3) $CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U))) + 
-             2 $CellContext`MH^2 (
-                16 $CellContext`MT^6 + $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`T14 \
-($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`T24 - $CellContext`U) + 
-                8 $CellContext`MT^4 ($CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24 + \
-$CellContext`U) + $CellContext`MT^2 ((-8) $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`T14 + \
-($CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^2))^(-1) (
-               1024 $CellContext`MT^12 - 
-               1280 $CellContext`MT^10 ($CellContext`T14 - $CellContext`T24 - \
-$CellContext`U) + 128 $CellContext`MT^8 (7 $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`T14 - 
-                 15 $CellContext`T14^2 - 
-                 10 $CellContext`T14 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U) + 
-                 5 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^2) + 
-               32 $CellContext`MT^6 (2 $CellContext`MH^4 $CellContext`T14 - 
-                 5 (5 $CellContext`T14 - $CellContext`T24 - $CellContext`U) \
-($CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^2 + 
-                 19 $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`T14 (
-                   3 $CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)) - 
-               4 $CellContext`MT^4 (
-                5 (7 $CellContext`T14 - $CellContext`T24 - $CellContext`U) \
-($CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^3 + 
-                4 $CellContext`MH^4 $CellContext`T14 (55 $CellContext`T14 - 
-                  3 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)) - 
-                2 $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`T14 (91 $CellContext`T14^2 + 
-                 130 $CellContext`T14 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U) + 
-                 15 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^2)) + \
-$CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`T14 (
-                 2 $CellContext`MH^4 $CellContext`T14 (3 $CellContext`T14 + 
-                   13 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)) - \
-($CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^2 ($CellContext`T14^2 - 
-                  10 $CellContext`T14 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U) + \
-($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^2) + $CellContext`MH^2 ((-5) \
-$CellContext`T14^3 - 
-                   27 $CellContext`T14^2 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U) - 
-                   33 $CellContext`T14 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^2 + \
-($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^3)) + $CellContext`MT^2 (
-                 104 $CellContext`MH^6 $CellContext`T14^2 - (
-                  9 $CellContext`T14 - $CellContext`T24 - $CellContext`U) \
-($CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^4 - 
-                 4 $CellContext`MH^4 $CellContext`T14 (37 $CellContext`T14^2 + 
-                  88 $CellContext`T14 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U) - 
-                  3 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^2) + 
-                 2 $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`T14 (39 $CellContext`T14^3 + 
-                   127 $CellContext`T14^2 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U) + 
-                   89 $CellContext`T14 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^2 + \
-($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^3))) 
-              X`DiscB[$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT]/
-              X`Kallen\[Lambda][$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`T14, \
-$CellContext`MH^2 - 4 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`T24 - $CellContext`U] + 
-             2 $CellContext`T14 (
-                16 $CellContext`MT^6 + $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`T14 \
-($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`T24 - $CellContext`U) + 
-                8 $CellContext`MT^4 ($CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24 + \
-$CellContext`U) + $CellContext`MT^2 ((-8) $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`T14 + \
-($CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^2))^(-1) ((-12) \
-$CellContext`MH^8 $CellContext`T14^2 + $CellContext`MT^2 (
-                  4 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24 + \
-$CellContext`U)^5 - $CellContext`MH^2 (
-                 4 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24 + \
-$CellContext`U)^3 (
-                40 $CellContext`MT^4 + $CellContext`T14 ($CellContext`T24 + \
-$CellContext`U) + $CellContext`MT^2 ((-4) $CellContext`T14 + 
-                  10 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U))) - 
-               2 $CellContext`MH^6 $CellContext`T14 (96 $CellContext`MT^4 - 
-                5 $CellContext`T14^2 - 
-                9 $CellContext`T14 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U) + 
-                6 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^2 + $CellContext`MT^2 \
-((-60) $CellContext`T14 + 48 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U))) + 
-               2 $CellContext`MH^4 $CellContext`T14 (
-                 608 $CellContext`MT^6 + $CellContext`T14^3 - 
-                 5 $CellContext`T14^2 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U) + 
-                 6 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^3 + $CellContext`MT^4 \
-((-64) $CellContext`T14 + 400 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)) - 
-                 2 $CellContext`MT^2 (25 $CellContext`T14^2 + 
-                  8 $CellContext`T14 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U) - 
-                  43 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^2))) 
-              X`DiscB[$CellContext`T14, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT]/
-              X`Kallen\[Lambda][$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`T14, \
-$CellContext`MH^2 - 4 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`T24 - $CellContext`U] - 
-             2 ($CellContext`MH^4 + 32 $CellContext`MT^4 + 
-               12 $CellContext`MT^2 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U) + \
-($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^2 - 
-               2 $CellContext`MH^2 (
-                6 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`T24 + \
-$CellContext`U))^(-1) (
-               16 $CellContext`MT^6 + $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`T14 \
-($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`T24 - $CellContext`U) + 
-               8 $CellContext`MT^4 ($CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24 + \
-$CellContext`U) + $CellContext`MT^2 ((-8) $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`T14 + \
-($CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^2))^(-1) (
-              2 $CellContext`MH^12 $CellContext`T14^2 (52 $CellContext`MT^2 - 
-                3 $CellContext`T14 + 
-                13 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)) + $CellContext`MT^2 (
-                 4 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24 + \
-$CellContext`U)^5 (
-                16 $CellContext`MT^6 + $CellContext`T14 ($CellContext`T24 + \
-$CellContext`U)^2 + 
-                8 $CellContext`MT^4 (
-                  5 $CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U) + \
-$CellContext`MT^2 ($CellContext`T14^2 + 
-                  14 $CellContext`T14 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U) + \
-($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^2)) + $CellContext`MH^10 $CellContext`T14 \
-(64 $CellContext`MT^6 + 5 $CellContext`T14^3 + 
-                3 $CellContext`T14^2 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U) - 
-                97 $CellContext`T14 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^2 + \
-($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^3 + $CellContext`MT^4 ((-2320) \
-$CellContext`T14 + 48 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)) + 
-                4 $CellContext`MT^2 (3 $CellContext`T14^2 - 
-                  242 $CellContext`T14 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U) + 
-                  3 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^2)) + \
-$CellContext`MH^2 (
-                 4 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24 + \
-$CellContext`U)^3 (
-                512 $CellContext`MT^10 - $CellContext`T14^2 ($CellContext`T24 + \
-$CellContext`U)^3 - 
-                64 $CellContext`MT^8 (46 $CellContext`T14 - 
-                 7 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)) - 
-                16 $CellContext`MT^6 (26 $CellContext`T14^2 + 
-                 114 $CellContext`T14 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U) - 
-                 9 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^2) - 
-                4 $CellContext`MT^4 (6 $CellContext`T14^3 + 
-                 45 $CellContext`T14^2 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U) + 
-                 90 $CellContext`T14 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^2 - 
-                 5 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^3) + $CellContext`MT^2 \
-($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U) ((-2) $CellContext`T14^3 - 
-                  23 $CellContext`T14^2 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U) - 
-                  22 $CellContext`T14 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^2 + \
-($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^3)) + $CellContext`MH^8 $CellContext`T14 (
-                128 $CellContext`MT^8 + $CellContext`T14^4 + 
-                96 $CellContext`MT^6 (
-                  203 $CellContext`T14 - $CellContext`T24 - $CellContext`U) - 
-                12 $CellContext`T14^3 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U) + 
-                30 $CellContext`T14^2 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^2 + 
-                136 $CellContext`T14 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^3 - 
-                3 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^4 + 
-                8 $CellContext`MT^4 (157 $CellContext`T14^2 + 
-                  1446 $CellContext`T14 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U) - 
-                  15 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^2) - 
-                2 $CellContext`MT^2 (33 $CellContext`T14^3 - 
-                 205 $CellContext`T14^2 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U) - 
-                 1109 $CellContext`T14 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^2 + 
-                 17 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^3)) + \
-$CellContext`MH^6 (1024 $CellContext`MT^12 - 
-                256 $CellContext`MT^10 (51 $CellContext`T14 - 
-                 5 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)) - 
-                128 $CellContext`MT^8 (609 $CellContext`T14^2 + 
-                 87 $CellContext`T14 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U) - 
-                 5 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^2) - 
-                32 $CellContext`MT^6 (381 $CellContext`T14^3 + 
-                 1892 $CellContext`T14^2 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U) + 
-                 102 $CellContext`T14 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^2 - 
-                 5 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^3) - $CellContext`T14 \
-($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U) (3 $CellContext`T14^4 - 
-                 6 $CellContext`T14^3 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U) + 
-                 48 $CellContext`T14^2 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^2 + 
-                 86 $CellContext`T14 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^3 - 
-                 3 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^4) + 
-                4 $CellContext`MT^4 ($CellContext`T14^4 - 
-                  1566 $CellContext`T14^3 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U) - 
-                  4258 $CellContext`T14^2 ($CellContext`T24 + \
-$CellContext`U)^2 - 78 $CellContext`T14 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^3 + 
-                  5 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^4) + \
-$CellContext`MT^2 ((-19) $CellContext`T14^5 + 
-                  43 $CellContext`T14^4 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U) - 
-                  996 $CellContext`T14^3 ($CellContext`T24 + \
-$CellContext`U)^2 - 
-                  2036 $CellContext`T14^2 ($CellContext`T24 + \
-$CellContext`U)^3 + 
-                  15 $CellContext`T14 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^4 + \
-($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^5)) + $CellContext`MH^4 ((-12288) \
-$CellContext`MT^14 + 
-                1024 $CellContext`MT^12 (80 $CellContext`T14 - 
-                  17 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)) + 
-                256 $CellContext`MT^10 (621 $CellContext`T14^2 + 
-                  361 $CellContext`T14 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U) - 
-                  40 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^2) + 
-                128 $CellContext`MT^8 (325 $CellContext`T14^3 + 
-                  1187 $CellContext`T14^2 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U) + 
-                  320 $CellContext`T14 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^2 - 
-                  25 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^3) + 
-                16 $CellContext`MT^6 (157 $CellContext`T14^4 + 
-                  1832 $CellContext`T14^3 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U) + 
-                  3484 $CellContext`T14^2 ($CellContext`T24 + \
-$CellContext`U)^2 + 
-                  550 $CellContext`T14 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^3 - 
-                  35 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^4) + \
-$CellContext`T14 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^2 (3 $CellContext`T14^4 + 
-                  4 $CellContext`T14^3 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U) + 
-                  24 $CellContext`T14^2 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^2 + 
-                  22 $CellContext`T14 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^3 - \
-($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^4) + 
-                4 $CellContext`MT^4 (46 $CellContext`T14^5 + 
-                  263 $CellContext`T14^4 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U) + 
-                  1810 $CellContext`T14^3 ($CellContext`T24 + \
-$CellContext`U)^2 + 
-                  2418 $CellContext`T14^2 ($CellContext`T24 + \
-$CellContext`U)^3 + 
-                  220 $CellContext`T14 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^4 - 
-                  13 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^5) + \
-$CellContext`MT^2 ($CellContext`T14^6 + 
-                  43 $CellContext`T14^5 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U) + 
-                  122 $CellContext`T14^4 ($CellContext`T24 + \
-$CellContext`U)^2 + 
-                  724 $CellContext`T14^3 ($CellContext`T24 + \
-$CellContext`U)^3 + 
-                  775 $CellContext`T14^2 ($CellContext`T24 + \
-$CellContext`U)^4 + 25 $CellContext`T14 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^5 - 
-                  2 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^6))) 
-             X`DiscB[$CellContext`MH^2 - 
-               4 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`T24 - $CellContext`U, \
-$CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT]/
-             X`Kallen\[Lambda][$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`T14, \
-$CellContext`MH^2 - 4 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`T24 - $CellContext`U] + 
-             4 (256 $CellContext`MT^10 + 
-               256 $CellContext`MT^8 ($CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24 + \
-$CellContext`U) - 
-               32 $CellContext`MT^6 (7 $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`T14 - 
-                3 ($CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^2) + 
-               16 $CellContext`MT^4 (
-                 6 $CellContext`MH^4 $CellContext`T14 + ($CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^3 - 
-                 2 $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`T14 (2 $CellContext`T14 + 
-                  5 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U))) + $CellContext`MT^2 \
-(($CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^4 + 
-                 16 $CellContext`MH^4 $CellContext`T14 ((-2) $CellContext`T14 + 
-                   3 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)) + 
-                 2 $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`T14 (5 $CellContext`T14^2 - 
-                   14 $CellContext`T14 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U) - 
-                   19 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^2)) + 
-               3 $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`T14 (
-                 2 $CellContext`MH^4 $CellContext`T14 + ($CellContext`T14 - \
-$CellContext`T24 - $CellContext`U) ($CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24 + \
-$CellContext`U)^2 - 
-                 2 $CellContext`MH^2 ($CellContext`T14^2 + $CellContext`T14 \
-($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U) - ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^2)))
-                X`Kallen\[Lambda][$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`T14, \
-$CellContext`MH^2 - 
-                 4 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`T24 - $CellContext`U]^(-1)
-                 X`ScalarC0[$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`T14, \
-$CellContext`MH^2 - 
-                4 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`T24 - $CellContext`U, \
-$CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT]) + 
-           2 $CellContext`MT^2 (16 $CellContext`MT^4 - 
-              4 $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`T14 + 
-              8 $CellContext`MT^2 ($CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24 + \
-$CellContext`U) + ($CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24 + \
-$CellContext`U)^2)^(-2) (-($CellContext`S34 - $CellContext`T) ((-2) \
-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T + 
-               2 $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[1], 
-                $CellContext`ec[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[2], 
-                $CellContext`ec[5]] - 
-             4 (2 $CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34 - $CellContext`T - 
-              2 $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-               $CellContext`e[2], 
-               $CellContext`ec[5]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[1], 
-                 $CellContext`k[3]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                 $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[1], 
-                 $CellContext`k[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                 $CellContext`k[3]]) - 
-             4 ($CellContext`S34 - $CellContext`T) $CellContext`Pair[
-               $CellContext`e[1], 
-               $CellContext`ec[4]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[2], 
-                 $CellContext`k[3]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                 $CellContext`k[2]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[2], 
-                 $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                 $CellContext`k[3]]) + 16 ($CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[1], 
-                  $CellContext`k[3]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                  $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[1], 
-                  $CellContext`k[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                  $CellContext`k[3]]) ($CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[2], 
-                  $CellContext`k[3]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                  $CellContext`k[2]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[2], 
-                  $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                  $CellContext`k[3]])) (-(-$CellContext`MH^2 + 
-                4 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^(-1) \
-(64 $CellContext`MT^6 - 3 $CellContext`T14^3 + 
-               5 $CellContext`T14^2 $CellContext`T24 + 
-               9 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24^2 + $CellContext`T24^3 + 
-               5 $CellContext`T14^2 $CellContext`U + 
-               18 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24 $CellContext`U + 
-               3 $CellContext`T24^2 $CellContext`U + 
-               9 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`U^2 + 
-               3 $CellContext`T24 $CellContext`U^2 + $CellContext`U^3 + 
-               48 $CellContext`MT^4 (
-                 3 $CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U) + 
-               2 $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`T14 ($CellContext`T14 - 
-                 7 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)) + 
-               4 $CellContext`MT^2 ((-14) $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`T14 + 
-                 5 $CellContext`T14^2 + 
-                 18 $CellContext`T14 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U) + 
-                 3 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^2)) + (
-                16 $CellContext`MT^6 + $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`T14 \
-($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`T24 - $CellContext`U) + 
-                8 $CellContext`MT^4 ($CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24 + \
-$CellContext`U) + $CellContext`MT^2 ((-8) $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`T14 + \
-($CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^2))^(-1) (
-               4096 $CellContext`MT^14 + 
-               2048 $CellContext`MT^12 (5 $CellContext`T14 + 
-                 3 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)) + 
-               256 $CellContext`MT^8 ($CellContext`MH^4 $CellContext`T14 + 
-                 5 ($CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^2 (
-                   3 $CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U) - \
-$CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`T14 (25 $CellContext`T14 + 
-                  27 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U))) - 
-               256 $CellContext`MT^10 (26 $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`T14 - 
-                5 (7 $CellContext`T14^2 + 
-                 10 $CellContext`T14 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U) + 
-                 3 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^2)) + 
-               16 $CellContext`MT^6 (
-                 16 $CellContext`MH^4 $CellContext`T14 (
-                   8 $CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U) + 
-                 5 ($CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^3 (
-                   11 $CellContext`T14 + 
-                   3 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)) - 
-                 4 $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`T14 (34 $CellContext`T14^2 + 
-                  83 $CellContext`T14 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U) + 
-                  43 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^2)) + \
-$CellContext`MT^2 (($CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^5 (
-                   5 $CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U) + 
-                 48 $CellContext`MH^6 $CellContext`T14^2 (10 $CellContext`T14 - 
-                   3 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)) + 
-                 2 $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`T14 ($CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^2 ($CellContext`T14^2 - 
-                   56 $CellContext`T14 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U) - 
-                   21 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^2) - 
-                 16 $CellContext`MH^4 $CellContext`T14 (14 $CellContext`T14^3 + 
-                  3 $CellContext`T14^2 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U) - 
-                  21 $CellContext`T14 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^2 - \
-($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^3)) - 
-               8 $CellContext`MT^4 (
-                36 $CellContext`MH^6 $CellContext`T14^2 - ($CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^4 (13 $CellContext`T14 + 
-                 3 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)) + 
-                12 $CellContext`MH^4 $CellContext`T14 (3 $CellContext`T14^2 - 
-                  15 $CellContext`T14 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U) - \
-($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^2) + 
-                2 $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`T14 (17 $CellContext`T14^3 + 
-                  84 $CellContext`T14^2 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U) + 
-                  99 $CellContext`T14 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^2 + 
-                  32 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^3)) - \
-$CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`T14 (64 $CellContext`MH^6 $CellContext`T14^2 - 
-                6 $CellContext`MH^4 $CellContext`T14 (7 $CellContext`T14^2 + 
-                 12 $CellContext`T14 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U) - 
-                 3 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^2) - ($CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^3 (2 $CellContext`T14^2 - 
-                 5 $CellContext`T14 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U) - \
-($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^2) + $CellContext`MH^2 (
-                  7 $CellContext`T14^4 + 
-                  26 $CellContext`T14^3 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U) - 
-                  6 $CellContext`T14^2 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^2 - 
-                  26 $CellContext`T14 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^3 - \
-($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^4))) 
-              X`DiscB[$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT]/
-              X`Kallen\[Lambda][$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`T14, \
-$CellContext`MH^2 - 4 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`T24 - $CellContext`U] - 
-             2 $CellContext`T14^2 (
-               16 $CellContext`MT^6 + $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`T14 \
-($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`T24 - $CellContext`U) + 
-               8 $CellContext`MT^4 ($CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24 + \
-$CellContext`U) + $CellContext`MT^2 ((-8) $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`T14 + \
-($CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^2))^(-1) (
-              9 $CellContext`MT^2 (
-                 4 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24 + \
-$CellContext`U)^4 - 
-              6 $CellContext`MH^6 $CellContext`T14 (
-               20 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`T14 + 
-               5 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)) - $CellContext`MH^2 (
-                4 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24 + \
-$CellContext`U)^2 (
-               104 $CellContext`MT^4 + $CellContext`T14 (-$CellContext`T14 + 
-                 10 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)) + $CellContext`MT^2 (
-                 86 $CellContext`T14 + 
-                 26 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U))) + $CellContext`MH^4 \
-$CellContext`T14 (1040 $CellContext`MT^4 + 5 $CellContext`T14^2 + 
-                28 $CellContext`T14 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U) + 
-                39 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^2 + 
-                8 $CellContext`MT^2 (19 $CellContext`T14 + 
-                  52 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)))) 
-             X`DiscB[$CellContext`T14, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT]/
-             X`Kallen\[Lambda][$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`T14, \
-$CellContext`MH^2 - 
-              4 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`T24 - $CellContext`U] + \
-($CellContext`MH^4 + 32 $CellContext`MT^4 + 
-                12 $CellContext`MT^2 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U) + \
-($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^2 - 
-                2 $CellContext`MH^2 (
-                 6 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`T24 + \
-$CellContext`U))^(-1) (
-                16 $CellContext`MT^6 + $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`T14 \
-($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`T24 - $CellContext`U) + 
-                8 $CellContext`MT^4 ($CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24 + \
-$CellContext`U) + $CellContext`MT^2 ((-8) $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`T14 + \
-($CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^2))^(-1) (
-               64 $CellContext`MH^12 $CellContext`T14^3 + 
-               2 $CellContext`MH^10 $CellContext`T14^2 (144 $CellContext`MT^4 - 
-                 27 $CellContext`T14^2 - 
-                 130 $CellContext`T14 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U) + 
-                 9 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^2 + $CellContext`MT^2 \
-((-744) $CellContext`T14 + 
-                   72 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U))) - \
-$CellContext`MH^8 $CellContext`T14 (256 $CellContext`MT^8 - 
-                17 $CellContext`T14^4 - 
-                190 $CellContext`T14^3 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U) - 
-                400 $CellContext`T14^2 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^2 + 
-                62 $CellContext`T14 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^3 + \
-($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^4 + 
-                128 $CellContext`MT^6 (43 $CellContext`T14 + 
-                  2 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)) - 
-                32 $CellContext`MT^4 (404 $CellContext`T14^2 - 
-                 117 $CellContext`T14 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U) - 
-                 3 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^2) - 
-                8 $CellContext`MT^2 (159 $CellContext`T14^3 + 
-                 580 $CellContext`T14^2 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U) - 
-                 105 $CellContext`T14 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^2 - 
-                 2 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^3)) - \
-$CellContext`MT^2 (
-                 4 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24 + \
-$CellContext`U)^4 (640 $CellContext`MT^8 + 
-                32 $CellContext`MT^6 (27 $CellContext`T14 + 
-                  17 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)) - 
-                24 $CellContext`MT^4 (19 $CellContext`T14^2 - 
-                 22 $CellContext`T14 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U) - 
-                 7 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^2) + ($CellContext`T24 + \
-$CellContext`U) ((-2) $CellContext`T14^3 - 
-                  15 $CellContext`T14^2 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U) + 
-                  6 $CellContext`T14 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^2 + \
-($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^3) + 
-                2 $CellContext`MT^2 ((-7) $CellContext`T14^3 - 
-                  87 $CellContext`T14^2 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U) + 
-                  51 $CellContext`T14 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^2 + 
-                  11 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^3)) + \
-$CellContext`MH^6 $CellContext`T14 (9728 $CellContext`MT^10 + 
-                 256 $CellContext`MT^8 (148 $CellContext`T14 + 
-                   41 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)) - 
-                 192 $CellContext`MT^6 (273 $CellContext`T14^2 - 
-                  172 $CellContext`T14 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U) - 
-                  23 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^2) - 
-                 32 $CellContext`MT^4 (326 $CellContext`T14^3 + 
-                  905 $CellContext`T14^2 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U) - 
-                  333 $CellContext`T14 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^2 - 
-                  28 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^3) + \
-($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U) ((-51) $CellContext`T14^4 - 
-                   246 $CellContext`T14^3 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U) - 
-                   280 $CellContext`T14^2 ($CellContext`T24 + \
-$CellContext`U)^2 + 78 $CellContext`T14 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^3 + 
-                   3 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^4) + 
-                 2 $CellContext`MT^2 ((-221) $CellContext`T14^4 - 
-                   1664 $CellContext`T14^3 ($CellContext`T24 + \
-$CellContext`U) - 
-                   2542 $CellContext`T14^2 ($CellContext`T24 + \
-$CellContext`U)^2 + 
-                   752 $CellContext`T14 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^3 + 
-                   43 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^4)) + \
-$CellContext`MH^2 (
-                  4 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24 + \
-$CellContext`U)^2 (3072 $CellContext`MT^12 + 
-                 512 $CellContext`MT^10 (43 $CellContext`T14 + 
-                   7 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)) + $CellContext`T14 \
-($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^3 ((-17) $CellContext`T14^2 + 
-                   6 $CellContext`T14 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U) + \
-($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^2) + 
-                 128 $CellContext`MT^8 (2 $CellContext`T14^2 + 
-                   155 $CellContext`T14 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U) + 
-                   13 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^2) - 
-                 32 $CellContext`MT^6 (208 $CellContext`T14^3 - 
-                  24 $CellContext`T14^2 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U) - 
-                  209 $CellContext`T14 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^2 - 
-                  12 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^3) + 
-                 4 $CellContext`MT^4 ((-83) $CellContext`T14^4 - 
-                   782 $CellContext`T14^3 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U) + 
-                   108 $CellContext`T14^2 ($CellContext`T24 + \
-$CellContext`U)^2 + 
-                   254 $CellContext`T14 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^3 + 
-                   11 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^4) + 
-                 2 $CellContext`MT^2 (-$CellContext`T14^5 - 
-                   27 $CellContext`T14^4 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U) - 
-                   217 $CellContext`T14^3 ($CellContext`T24 + \
-$CellContext`U)^2 + 
-                   44 $CellContext`T14^2 ($CellContext`T24 + \
-$CellContext`U)^3 + 
-                   32 $CellContext`T14 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^4 + \
-($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^5)) - $CellContext`MH^4 (
-                4096 $CellContext`MT^14 + 
-                2048 $CellContext`MT^12 (49 $CellContext`T14 + 
-                  3 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)) + 
-                1280 $CellContext`MT^10 (95 $CellContext`T14^2 + 
-                  96 $CellContext`T14 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U) + 
-                  3 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^2) - 
-                256 $CellContext`MT^8 (401 $CellContext`T14^3 - 
-                 497 $CellContext`T14^2 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U) - 
-                 238 $CellContext`T14 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^2 - 
-                 5 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^3) - 
-                16 $CellContext`MT^6 (2297 $CellContext`T14^4 + 
-                 4760 $CellContext`T14^3 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U) - 
-                 3282 $CellContext`T14^2 ($CellContext`T24 + \
-$CellContext`U)^2 - 
-                 968 $CellContext`T14 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^3 - 
-                 15 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^4) + $CellContext`T14 \
-($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^2 ((-51) $CellContext`T14^4 - 
-                  138 $CellContext`T14^3 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U) - 
-                  80 $CellContext`T14^2 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^2 + 
-                  42 $CellContext`T14 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^3 + 
-                  3 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^4) - 
-                8 $CellContext`MT^4 (431 $CellContext`T14^5 + 
-                 2349 $CellContext`T14^4 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U) + 
-                 2514 $CellContext`T14^3 ($CellContext`T24 + \
-$CellContext`U)^2 - 
-                 1334 $CellContext`T14^2 ($CellContext`T24 + \
-$CellContext`U)^3 - 
-                 261 $CellContext`T14 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^4 - 
-                 3 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^5) + $CellContext`MT^2 \
-((-35) $CellContext`T14^6 - 
-                  920 $CellContext`T14^5 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U) - 
-                  2953 $CellContext`T14^4 ($CellContext`T24 + \
-$CellContext`U)^2 - 
-                  2192 $CellContext`T14^3 ($CellContext`T24 + \
-$CellContext`U)^3 + 
-                  1067 $CellContext`T14^2 ($CellContext`T24 + \
-$CellContext`U)^4 + 
-                  136 $CellContext`T14 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^5 + \
-($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^6))) 
-              X`DiscB[$CellContext`MH^2 - 
-                4 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`T24 - $CellContext`U, \
-$CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT]/
-              X`Kallen\[Lambda][$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`T14, \
-$CellContext`MH^2 - 4 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`T24 - $CellContext`U] - 
-             6 $CellContext`T14 (128 $CellContext`MT^8 + 
-              32 $CellContext`MT^6 (5 $CellContext`T14 + 
-                3 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)) + 
-              2 $CellContext`MT^2 (
-                20 $CellContext`MH^4 $CellContext`T14 + ($CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^2 (
-                  7 $CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U) - 
-                12 $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`T14 (2 $CellContext`T14 + 
-                 3 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U))) + 
-              8 $CellContext`MT^4 ((-20) $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`T14 + 
-                3 (3 $CellContext`T14^2 + 
-                  4 $CellContext`T14 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U) + \
-($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^2)) + $CellContext`T14 (($CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^3 + 
-                2 $CellContext`MH^4 ($CellContext`T14 + 
-                  5 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)) - 
-                2 $CellContext`MH^2 ($CellContext`T14^2 + 
-                 5 $CellContext`T14 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U) + 
-                 4 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^2))) 
-             X`Kallen\[Lambda][$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`T14, \
-$CellContext`MH^2 - 
-                4 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`T24 - $CellContext`U]^(-1) 
-             X`ScalarC0[$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`T14, \
-$CellContext`MH^2 - 
-               4 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`T24 - $CellContext`U, \
-$CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT]))))}, 0, 3, 1],
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-                    ")"}]}]}], ")"}]}], "+", 
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-                    ")"}]}]}]}], ")"}], " ", 
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-                    ")"}]}], "+", 
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-                    ")"}]}]}], ")"}]}]}]}], ")"}]}], "-", 
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-                    SuperscriptBox["T24", "2"]}], ")"}]}], "+", 
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-                    ")"}]}]}], ")"}], " ", 
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-                    ")"}]}]}], ")"}], " ", 
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-                    RowBox[{"2", " ", "T14"}], "-", "T24"}], ")"}]}], "-", 
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-                    SuperscriptBox["T24", "2"]}], ")"}]}], "+", 
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-                    ")"}]}]}], ")"}]}], "+", 
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-                    SuperscriptBox["T24", "2"]}], ")"}]}], "+", 
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-                    SuperscriptBox["T24", "2"]}], ")"}]}]}], ")"}]}]}], 
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-                    ")"}]}], ")"}], "/", 
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-                    SuperscriptBox["MH", "2"], " ", 
-                    SuperscriptBox[
-                    RowBox[{"(", 
-                    RowBox[{"T", "+", "T14", "-", "T24"}], ")"}], "2"]}], "+", 
-                    RowBox[{"4", " ", 
-                    SuperscriptBox["MH", "4"], " ", "T24"}], "-", 
-                    RowBox[{
-                    RowBox[{"(", 
-                    RowBox[{"T", "+", "T14"}], ")"}], " ", 
-                    SuperscriptBox[
-                    RowBox[{"(", 
-                    RowBox[{"T", "+", "T14", "+", "T24"}], ")"}], "2"]}]}], 
-                    ")"}]}], "+", 
-                    RowBox[{"32", " ", 
-                    SuperscriptBox["MT", "6"], " ", 
-                    RowBox[{"(", 
-                    RowBox[{
-                    RowBox[{"3", " ", 
-                    SuperscriptBox["T", "2"]}], "+", 
-                    RowBox[{"3", " ", 
-                    SuperscriptBox["T14", "2"]}], "+", 
-                    RowBox[{"6", " ", "T14", " ", "T24"}], "+", 
-                    RowBox[{"6", " ", "T", " ", 
-                    RowBox[{"(", 
-                    RowBox[{"T14", "+", "T24"}], ")"}]}], "+", 
-                    RowBox[{"T24", " ", 
-                    RowBox[{"(", 
-                    RowBox[{
-                    RowBox[{
-                    RowBox[{"-", "2"}], " ", 
-                    SuperscriptBox["MH", "2"]}], "+", 
-                    RowBox[{"3", " ", "T24"}]}], ")"}]}]}], ")"}]}], "+", 
-                    RowBox[{
-                    SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"], " ", 
-                    RowBox[{"(", 
-                    RowBox[{
-                    SuperscriptBox["T", "4"], "+", 
-                    SuperscriptBox["T14", "4"], "+", 
-                    RowBox[{"4", " ", 
-                    SuperscriptBox["T14", "3"], " ", "T24"}], "+", 
-                    RowBox[{"6", " ", 
-                    SuperscriptBox["T14", "2"], " ", "T24", " ", 
-                    RowBox[{"(", 
-                    RowBox[{
-                    RowBox[{
-                    RowBox[{"-", "2"}], " ", 
-                    SuperscriptBox["MH", "2"]}], "+", "T24"}], ")"}]}], "+", 
-                    RowBox[{"4", " ", "T14", " ", "T24", " ", 
-                    SuperscriptBox[
-                    RowBox[{"(", 
-                    RowBox[{
-                    RowBox[{
-                    RowBox[{"-", "2"}], " ", 
-                    SuperscriptBox["MH", "2"]}], "+", "T24"}], ")"}], "2"]}], 
-                    "+", 
-                    RowBox[{"4", " ", 
-                    SuperscriptBox["T", "3"], " ", 
-                    RowBox[{"(", 
-                    RowBox[{"T14", "+", "T24"}], ")"}]}], "+", 
-                    RowBox[{
-                    SuperscriptBox["T24", "2"], " ", 
-                    RowBox[{"(", 
-                    RowBox[{
-                    RowBox[{
-                    RowBox[{"-", "32"}], " ", 
-                    SuperscriptBox["MH", "4"]}], "-", 
-                    RowBox[{"4", " ", 
-                    SuperscriptBox["MH", "2"], " ", "T24"}], "+", 
-                    SuperscriptBox["T24", "2"]}], ")"}]}], "+", 
-                    RowBox[{"6", " ", 
-                    SuperscriptBox["T", "2"], " ", 
-                    RowBox[{"(", 
-                    RowBox[{
-                    SuperscriptBox["T14", "2"], "+", 
-                    RowBox[{"2", " ", "T14", " ", "T24"}], "+", 
-                    RowBox[{"T24", " ", 
-                    RowBox[{"(", 
-                    RowBox[{
-                    RowBox[{
-                    RowBox[{"-", "2"}], " ", 
-                    SuperscriptBox["MH", "2"]}], "+", "T24"}], ")"}]}]}], 
-                    ")"}]}], "+", 
-                    RowBox[{"4", " ", "T", " ", 
-                    RowBox[{"(", 
-                    RowBox[{
-                    SuperscriptBox["T14", "3"], "+", 
-                    RowBox[{"3", " ", 
-                    SuperscriptBox["T14", "2"], " ", "T24"}], "+", 
-                    RowBox[{"3", " ", "T14", " ", "T24", " ", 
-                    RowBox[{"(", 
-                    RowBox[{
-                    RowBox[{
-                    RowBox[{"-", "2"}], " ", 
-                    SuperscriptBox["MH", "2"]}], "+", "T24"}], ")"}]}], "+", 
-                    RowBox[{"T24", " ", 
-                    SuperscriptBox[
-                    RowBox[{"(", 
-                    RowBox[{
-                    RowBox[{
-                    RowBox[{"-", "2"}], " ", 
-                    SuperscriptBox["MH", "2"]}], "+", "T24"}], ")"}], 
-                    "2"]}]}], ")"}]}]}], ")"}]}], "+", 
-                    RowBox[{"16", " ", 
-                    SuperscriptBox["MT", "4"], " ", 
-                    RowBox[{"(", 
-                    RowBox[{
-                    SuperscriptBox["T", "3"], "+", 
-                    SuperscriptBox["T14", "3"], "+", 
-                    RowBox[{"3", " ", 
-                    SuperscriptBox["T14", "2"], " ", "T24"}], "+", 
-                    RowBox[{"3", " ", "T14", " ", "T24", " ", 
-                    RowBox[{"(", 
-                    RowBox[{
-                    RowBox[{"-", 
-                    SuperscriptBox["MH", "2"]}], "+", "T24"}], ")"}]}], "+", 
-                    RowBox[{"3", " ", 
-                    SuperscriptBox["T", "2"], " ", 
-                    RowBox[{"(", 
-                    RowBox[{"T14", "+", "T24"}], ")"}]}], "+", 
-                    RowBox[{"T24", " ", 
-                    RowBox[{"(", 
-                    RowBox[{
-                    RowBox[{"2", " ", 
-                    SuperscriptBox["MH", "4"]}], "-", 
-                    RowBox[{"2", " ", 
-                    SuperscriptBox["MH", "2"], " ", "T24"}], "+", 
-                    SuperscriptBox["T24", "2"]}], ")"}]}], "+", 
-                    RowBox[{"3", " ", "T", " ", 
-                    RowBox[{"(", 
-                    RowBox[{
-                    SuperscriptBox["T14", "2"], "+", 
-                    RowBox[{"2", " ", "T14", " ", "T24"}], "+", 
-                    RowBox[{"T24", " ", 
-                    RowBox[{"(", 
-                    RowBox[{
-                    RowBox[{"-", 
-                    SuperscriptBox["MH", "2"]}], "+", "T24"}], ")"}]}]}], 
-                    ")"}]}]}], ")"}]}]}], ")"}], " ", 
-                    RowBox[{"DiscB", "[", 
-                    RowBox[{"T24", ",", "MT", ",", "MT"}], "]"}]}], ")"}], 
-                    "/", 
-                    RowBox[{"(", 
-                    RowBox[{
-                    RowBox[{"(", 
-                    RowBox[{
-                    RowBox[{"16", " ", 
-                    SuperscriptBox["MT", "6"]}], "+", 
-                    RowBox[{
-                    SuperscriptBox["MH", "2"], " ", 
-                    RowBox[{"(", 
-                    RowBox[{
-                    SuperscriptBox["MH", "2"], "-", "T", "-", "T14"}], ")"}], 
-                    " ", "T24"}], "+", 
-                    RowBox[{"8", " ", 
-                    SuperscriptBox["MT", "4"], " ", 
-                    RowBox[{"(", 
-                    RowBox[{"T", "+", "T14", "+", "T24"}], ")"}]}], "+", 
-                    RowBox[{
-                    SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"], " ", 
-                    RowBox[{"(", 
-                    RowBox[{
-                    SuperscriptBox["T", "2"], "+", 
-                    SuperscriptBox["T14", "2"], "-", 
-                    RowBox[{"8", " ", 
-                    SuperscriptBox["MH", "2"], " ", "T24"}], "+", 
-                    RowBox[{"2", " ", "T14", " ", "T24"}], "+", 
-                    SuperscriptBox["T24", "2"], "+", 
-                    RowBox[{"2", " ", "T", " ", 
-                    RowBox[{"(", 
-                    RowBox[{"T14", "+", "T24"}], ")"}]}]}], ")"}]}]}], ")"}], 
-                    " ", 
-                    RowBox[{"Kallen\[Lambda]", "[", 
-                    RowBox[{
-                    SuperscriptBox["MH", "2"], ",", 
-                    RowBox[{
-                    SuperscriptBox["MH", "2"], "-", 
-                    RowBox[{"4", " ", 
-                    SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"]}], "-", "T", "-", "T14"}], ",", 
-                    "T24"}], "]"}]}], ")"}]}], "+", 
-                    RowBox[{
-                    RowBox[{"(", 
-                    RowBox[{"2", " ", 
-                    SuperscriptBox["MH", "2"], " ", 
-                    RowBox[{"(", 
-                    RowBox[{
-                    RowBox[{"16", " ", 
-                    SuperscriptBox["MT", "4"]}], "+", 
-                    SuperscriptBox["T", "2"], "+", 
-                    RowBox[{"2", " ", "T", " ", "T14"}], "+", 
-                    SuperscriptBox["T14", "2"], "+", 
-                    RowBox[{
-                    SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"], " ", 
-                    RowBox[{"(", 
-                    RowBox[{
-                    RowBox[{"8", " ", "T"}], "+", 
-                    RowBox[{"8", " ", "T14"}], "-", 
-                    RowBox[{"4", " ", "T24"}]}], ")"}]}], "+", 
-                    RowBox[{"2", " ", 
-                    SuperscriptBox["MH", "2"], " ", "T24"}], "-", 
-                    RowBox[{"T", " ", "T24"}], "-", 
-                    RowBox[{"T14", " ", "T24"}], "-", 
-                    RowBox[{"2", " ", 
-                    SuperscriptBox["T24", "2"]}]}], ")"}], " ", 
-                    RowBox[{"ScalarC0", "[", 
-                    RowBox[{
-                    SuperscriptBox["MH", "2"], ",", 
-                    RowBox[{
-                    SuperscriptBox["MH", "2"], "-", 
-                    RowBox[{"4", " ", 
-                    SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"]}], "-", "T", "-", "T14"}], ",", 
-                    "T24", ",", "MT", ",", "MT", ",", "MT"}], "]"}]}], ")"}], 
-                    "/", 
-                    RowBox[{"Kallen\[Lambda]", "[", 
-                    RowBox[{
-                    SuperscriptBox["MH", "2"], ",", 
-                    RowBox[{
-                    SuperscriptBox["MH", "2"], "-", 
-                    RowBox[{"4", " ", 
-                    SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"]}], "-", "T", "-", "T14"}], ",", 
-                    "T24"}], "]"}]}]}], ")"}]}], ")"}], "/", 
-                 RowBox[{"(", 
-                  RowBox[{
-                   RowBox[{"16", " ", 
-                    SuperscriptBox["MT", "4"]}], "+", 
-                   SuperscriptBox["T", "2"], "+", 
-                   SuperscriptBox["T14", "2"], "-", 
-                   RowBox[{"4", " ", 
-                    SuperscriptBox["MH", "2"], " ", "T24"}], "+", 
-                   RowBox[{"2", " ", "T14", " ", "T24"}], "+", 
-                   SuperscriptBox["T24", "2"], "+", 
-                   RowBox[{"2", " ", "T", " ", 
-                    RowBox[{"(", 
-                    RowBox[{"T14", "+", "T24"}], ")"}]}], "+", 
-                   RowBox[{"8", " ", 
-                    SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"], " ", 
-                    RowBox[{"(", 
-                    RowBox[{"T", "+", "T14", "+", "T24"}], ")"}]}]}], 
-                  ")"}]}]}], ")"}]}]}], ")"}], " ", 
-           SuperscriptBox["\[Beta]", "2"]}]}], "+", 
-         InterpretationBox[
-          SuperscriptBox[
-           RowBox[{"O", "[", "\[Beta]", "]"}], "3"],
-          SeriesData[$CellContext`\[Beta], 0, {}, 0, 3, 1],
-          Editable->False]}],
-        SeriesData[$CellContext`\[Beta], 
-         0, {$CellContext`T^(-1) ((
-              4 (2 + X`Eps^(-1) + 
-                X`DiscB[$CellContext`T, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] + 
-                Log[$CellContext`MT^(-2) X`Mu^2]) - 
-              4 ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`T)^(-1) (
-               3 $CellContext`MH^2 + X`Eps^(-1) $CellContext`MH^2 - 
-               3 $CellContext`T - 
-               X`Eps^(-1) $CellContext`T + $CellContext`MH^2 
-                X`DiscB[$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] - \
-               X`DiscB[$CellContext`T, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] + \
-                Log[Rational[1, 2] $CellContext`MT^(-2) (-$CellContext`MH^2 + 
-                    2 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`MH ($CellContext`MH^2 - 
-                    4 $CellContext`MT^2)^
-                    Rational[1, 2])]^2 + $CellContext`MH^2 
-                Log[$CellContext`MT^(-2) X`Mu^2] - $CellContext`T 
-               Log[$CellContext`MT^(-2) X`Mu^2] - $CellContext`MT^2 
-               Log[Rational[1, 2] $CellContext`MT^(-2) (
-                   2 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`T + ($CellContext`T \
-((-4) $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`T))^
-                    Rational[1, 2])]^2)) ($CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[1], 
-                 $CellContext`ec[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[2], 
-                 $CellContext`ec[4]] - 2 $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[1], 
-                $CellContext`ec[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[2], 
-                $CellContext`ec[5]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[1], 
-                 $CellContext`e[2]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                 $CellContext`ec[
-                 5]]) - ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`T)^(-1) (
-             Log[Rational[1, 2] $CellContext`MT^(-2) (-$CellContext`MH^2 + 
-                 2 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`MH ($CellContext`MH^2 - 
-                    4 $CellContext`MT^2)^Rational[1, 2])]^2 - 
-             Log[Rational[1, 2] $CellContext`MT^(-2) (
-                2 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`T + ($CellContext`T ((-4) \
-$CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`T))^
-                 Rational[
-                  1, 2])]^2) (((-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`T) \
-                  $CellContext`e[1], 
-                  $CellContext`e[2]] + 2 $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[1], 
-                  $CellContext`k[3]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[2], 
-                  $CellContext`k[1]]) $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                $CellContext`ec[5]] - 2 $CellContext`Pair[
-               $CellContext`e[2], 
-               $CellContext`ec[
-               5]] ((-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`T) $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[1], 
-                 $CellContext`ec[4]] + 2 $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[1], 
-                 $CellContext`k[3]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                 $CellContext`k[1]]) + $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[2], 
-                $CellContext`ec[
-                4]] ((-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`T) $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[1], 
-                  $CellContext`ec[5]] + 2 $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[1], 
-                  $CellContext`k[3]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                  $CellContext`k[1]])) - 16 $CellContext`Pair[
-              $CellContext`e[1], 
-              $CellContext`k[3]] (
-             Rational[
-               1, 2] ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`T)^(-2) \
-(-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`T - $CellContext`MH^2 
-               X`DiscB[$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] + \
-                X`DiscB[$CellContext`T, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] - \
-               Log[Rational[1, 2] $CellContext`MT^(-2) (-$CellContext`MH^2 + 
-                   2 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`MH ($CellContext`MH^2 - 
-                    4 $CellContext`MT^2)^
-                    Rational[1, 2])]^2 + $CellContext`MT^2 
-                Log[Rational[1, 2] $CellContext`MT^(-2) (
-                    2 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`T + ($CellContext`T \
-((-4) $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`T))^
-                    Rational[1, 2])]^2) ($CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[2], 
-                  $CellContext`k[1]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                  $CellContext`ec[5]] - 2 $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[2], 
-                 $CellContext`ec[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                 $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[2], 
-                  $CellContext`ec[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                  $CellContext`k[1]]) + 
-             Rational[
-               1, 2] ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`T)^(-1) (-
-                X`DiscB[$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] + 
-               X`DiscB[$CellContext`T, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT]) \
-                  $CellContext`e[2], 
-                  $CellContext`k[3]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                  $CellContext`ec[5]] - 2 $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[2], 
-                 $CellContext`ec[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                 $CellContext`k[3]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[2], 
-                  $CellContext`ec[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                  $CellContext`k[3]])) - 
-            4 ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`T)^(-1) (
-             X`DiscB[$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] - 
-             X`DiscB[$CellContext`T, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT]) \
-(((-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`T) $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[1], 
-                  $CellContext`e[2]] + 2 $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[1], 
-                  $CellContext`k[3]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[2], 
-                   $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[2], 
-                   $CellContext`k[3]])) $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                $CellContext`ec[5]] - 2 $CellContext`Pair[
-               $CellContext`e[2], 
-               $CellContext`ec[
-               5]] ((-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`T) $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[1], 
-                 $CellContext`ec[4]] + 2 $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[1], 
-                 $CellContext`k[3]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                  $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                  $CellContext`k[3]])) + $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[2], 
-                $CellContext`ec[
-                4]] ((-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`T) $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[1], 
-                  $CellContext`ec[5]] + 2 $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[1], 
-                  $CellContext`k[3]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                   $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                   $CellContext`k[3]])))) + (
-             2 $CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34 - $CellContext`T - \
-$CellContext`U)^(-1) ((
-              4 (2 + X`Eps^(-1) + 
-                X`DiscB[
-                 2 $CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34 - $CellContext`T - \
-$CellContext`U, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] + 
-                Log[$CellContext`MT^(-2) X`Mu^2]) + 
-              4 (-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T + \
-$CellContext`U)^(-1) (
-                3 ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34 - $CellContext`T - \
-$CellContext`U) + 
-                X`Eps^(-1) ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34 - \
-$CellContext`T - $CellContext`U) - $CellContext`MH^2 
-                X`DiscB[$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] + \
-(2 $CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34 - $CellContext`T - $CellContext`U) 
-                 X`DiscB[
-                  2 $CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34 - $CellContext`T - \
-$CellContext`U, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] - $CellContext`MT^2 
-                Log[Rational[1, 2] $CellContext`MT^(-2) (-$CellContext`MH^2 + 
-                    2 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`MH ($CellContext`MH^2 - 
-                    4 $CellContext`MT^2)^
-                    Rational[
-                    1, 2])]^2 + ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34 - \
-$CellContext`T - $CellContext`U) 
-                 Log[$CellContext`MT^(-2) X`Mu^2] + $CellContext`MT^2 
-                 Log[Rational[
-                    1, 2] $CellContext`MT^(-2) ((-2) $CellContext`MH^2 + 
-                    2 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T + \
-$CellContext`U + (((-2) $CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T + \
-$CellContext`U) ((-2) $CellContext`MH^2 + 
-                    4 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T + \
-$CellContext`U))^Rational[1, 2])]^2)) ($CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[1], 
-                 $CellContext`ec[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[2], 
-                 $CellContext`ec[4]] - 2 $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[1], 
-                $CellContext`ec[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[2], 
-                $CellContext`ec[5]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[1], 
-                 $CellContext`e[2]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                 $CellContext`ec[5]]) + (
-              8 (-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T + \
-$CellContext`U)^(-1) (
-                X`DiscB[$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] - 
-                X`DiscB[
-                2 $CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34 - $CellContext`T - \
-$CellContext`U, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT]) ($CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[1], 
-                   $CellContext`k[3]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[2], 
-                   $CellContext`ec[4]] - 2 $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[1], 
-                  $CellContext`ec[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[2], 
-                  $CellContext`k[3]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[1], 
-                   $CellContext`e[2]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                   $CellContext`k[3]]) - 
-              8 (-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T + \
-$CellContext`U)^(-2) (-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T + \
-$CellContext`U + $CellContext`MH^2 
-                X`DiscB[$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] - \
-               X`DiscB[
-                2 $CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34 - $CellContext`T - \
-$CellContext`U, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] + $CellContext`MT^2 
-                Log[Rational[1, 2] $CellContext`MT^(-2) (-$CellContext`MH^2 + 
-                    2 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`MH ($CellContext`MH^2 - 
-                    4 $CellContext`MT^2)^
-                    Rational[1, 2])]^2 - $CellContext`MT^2 
-               Log[Rational[
-                   1, 2] $CellContext`MT^(-2) ((-2) $CellContext`MH^2 + 
-                   2 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T + \
-$CellContext`U + (((-2) $CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T + \
-$CellContext`U) ((-2) $CellContext`MH^2 + 
-                    4 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T + \
-$CellContext`U))^Rational[1, 2])]^2) ($CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[1], 
-                  $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[2], 
-                  $CellContext`ec[4]] - 2 $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[1], 
-                 $CellContext`ec[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[2], 
-                 $CellContext`k[5]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[1], 
-                  $CellContext`e[2]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                  $CellContext`k[5]])) $CellContext`Pair[
-               $CellContext`ec[5], 
-               $CellContext`k[3]] - 
-            4 (-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T + \
-$CellContext`U)^(-1) (-
-              X`DiscB[$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] + 
-             X`DiscB[2 $CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34 - $CellContext`T - \
-$CellContext`U, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT]) ($CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[2], 
-                $CellContext`ec[
-                4]] ((-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T + \
-$CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[1], 
-                  $CellContext`ec[5]] - 2 ($CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[1], 
-                  $CellContext`k[3]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[1], 
-                 $CellContext`k[5]]) $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                 $CellContext`k[3]]) - 2 $CellContext`Pair[
-               $CellContext`e[1], 
-               $CellContext`ec[
-               4]] ((-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T + \
-$CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[2], 
-                 $CellContext`ec[5]] - 2 ($CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[2], 
-                 $CellContext`k[3]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[2], 
-                $CellContext`k[5]]) $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                $CellContext`k[3]]) + $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[1], 
-                $CellContext`e[
-                2]] ((-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T + \
-$CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                  $CellContext`ec[5]] - 2 ($CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                  $CellContext`k[3]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                 $CellContext`k[5]]) $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                 $CellContext`k[
-                 3]])) + (-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34 + \
-$CellContext`T + $CellContext`U)^(-1) (-
-               Log[Rational[1, 2] $CellContext`MT^(-2) (-$CellContext`MH^2 + 
-                   2 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`MH ($CellContext`MH^2 - 
-                    4 $CellContext`MT^2)^Rational[1, 2])]^2 + 
-              Log[Rational[1, 2] $CellContext`MT^(-2) ((-2) $CellContext`MH^2 + 
-                  2 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T + \
-$CellContext`U + (((-2) $CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T + \
-$CellContext`U) ((-2) $CellContext`MH^2 + 
-                    4 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T + \
-$CellContext`U))^Rational[1, 2])]^2) (-$CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[2], 
-                 $CellContext`ec[
-                 4]] ((-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T + \
-$CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[1], 
-                   $CellContext`ec[5]] + 2 $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[1], 
-                   $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                   $CellContext`k[3]]) + 2 $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[1], 
-                 $CellContext`ec[
-                 4]] ((-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T + $\
-CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[2], 
-                   $CellContext`ec[5]] + 2 $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[2], 
-                   $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                   $CellContext`k[3]]) - $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[1], 
-                $CellContext`e[
-                2]] ((-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T + \
-$CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                  $CellContext`ec[5]] + 2 $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                  $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                  $CellContext`k[3]])) - $CellContext`T24^(-1) ((-8) (
-               Rational[-1, 
-                  2] (-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T + \
-$CellContext`U)^(-1) (
-                 X`DiscB[$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] - 
-                 X`DiscB[
-                 2 $CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34 - $CellContext`T - \
-$CellContext`U, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT]) (-(($CellContext`MH^2 - 
-                    3 $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T + $CellContext`U) \
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] + 
-                   2 ($CellContext`S - $CellContext`T14) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[
-                    3]] + ($CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34 + \
-$CellContext`T - 3 $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]]) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`ec[4]] + 
-                 2 ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T - \
-$CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`ec[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]] + 
-                 2 ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T - \
-$CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`e[2]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] + 8 (-$CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]]) + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]]))) $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                  $CellContext`k[3]] + 
-               Rational[-1, 
-                  2] (-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T + \
-$CellContext`U)^(-2) (-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T + \
-$CellContext`U + $CellContext`MH^2 
-                  X`DiscB[$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`MT, \
-$CellContext`MT] - $CellContext`MH^2 
-                 X`DiscB[
-                  2 $CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34 - $CellContext`T - \
-$CellContext`U, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] + $CellContext`MT^2 
-                  Log[Rational[1, 2] $CellContext`MT^(-2) (-$CellContext`MH^2 + 
-                    2 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`MH ($CellContext`MH^2 - 
-                    4 $CellContext`MT^2)^
-                    Rational[1, 2])]^2 - $CellContext`MT^2 
-                 Log[Rational[
-                    1, 2] $CellContext`MT^(-2) ((-2) $CellContext`MH^2 + 
-                    2 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T + \
-$CellContext`U + (((-2) $CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T + \
-$CellContext`U) ((-2) $CellContext`MH^2 + 
-                    4 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T + \
-$CellContext`U))^Rational[1, 2])]^2) (-(($CellContext`MH^2 - 
-                    3 $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T - 
-                    2 $CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] + 
-                   2 ($CellContext`S - $CellContext`T14) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[
-                    3]] + ($CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34 + \
-$CellContext`T - 2 $CellContext`T24 - 3 $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]]) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`ec[4]] + 
-                 2 ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T - 
-                   2 $CellContext`T24 - $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`ec[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]] + 
-                 2 ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T - 
-                   2 $CellContext`T24 - $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`e[2]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] + 8 (-$CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]]) + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]]))) $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                  $CellContext`k[3]]) + (
-               4 (2 + X`Eps^(-1) + 
-                 X`DiscB[
-                  2 $CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34 - $CellContext`T - \
-$CellContext`U, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] + 
-                 Log[$CellContext`MT^(-2) X`Mu^2]) + 
-               4 (-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T + \
-$CellContext`U)^(-1) (
-                 3 ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34 - $CellContext`T - \
-$CellContext`U) + 
-                 X`Eps^(-1) ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34 - \
-$CellContext`T - $CellContext`U) - $CellContext`MH^2 
-                 X`DiscB[$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] + \
-(2 $CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34 - $CellContext`T - $CellContext`U) 
-                  X`DiscB[
-                   2 $CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34 - $CellContext`T - \
-$CellContext`U, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] - $CellContext`MT^2 
-                 Log[Rational[1, 2] $CellContext`MT^(-2) (-$CellContext`MH^2 + 
-                    2 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`MH ($CellContext`MH^2 - 
-                    4 $CellContext`MT^2)^
-                    Rational[
-                    1, 2])]^2 + ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34 - \
-$CellContext`T - $CellContext`U) 
-                  Log[$CellContext`MT^(-2) X`Mu^2] + $CellContext`MT^2 
-                  Log[Rational[
-                    1, 2] $CellContext`MT^(-2) ((-2) $CellContext`MH^2 + 
-                    2 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T + \
-$CellContext`U + (((-2) $CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T + \
-$CellContext`U) ((-2) $CellContext`MH^2 + 
-                    4 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T + \
-$CellContext`U))^Rational[1, 2])]^2)) ($CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[1], 
-                  $CellContext`ec[
-                  5]] ((-$CellContext`S + $CellContext`T14) \
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`ec[4]] + 4 ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]])) - 2 (2 ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[1], 
-                   $CellContext`k[4]]) $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[2], 
-                   $CellContext`k[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                   $CellContext`ec[5]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                   $CellContext`k[2]] (2 ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]]) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`ec[5]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`e[2]] (2 $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]])) + $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[1], 
-                   $CellContext`ec[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[2], 
-                   $CellContext`k[4]] (2 $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                   $CellContext`k[3]])) + $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[2], 
-                  $CellContext`ec[4]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]] ((-4) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]]) + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] + 4 $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[
-                    4]]))) + (-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34 + \
-$CellContext`T + $CellContext`U)^(-1) (-
-                Log[Rational[1, 2] $CellContext`MT^(-2) (-$CellContext`MH^2 + 
-                    2 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`MH ($CellContext`MH^2 - 
-                    4 $CellContext`MT^2)^Rational[1, 2])]^2 + 
-               Log[Rational[
-                   1, 2] $CellContext`MT^(-2) ((-2) $CellContext`MH^2 + 
-                   2 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T + \
-$CellContext`U + (((-2) $CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T + \
-$CellContext`U) ((-2) $CellContext`MH^2 + 
-                    4 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T + \
-                    1, 2])]^2) ((-4) ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34 - \
-$CellContext`T - $CellContext`U) ($CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[1], 
-                   $CellContext`k[2]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[1], 
-                  $CellContext`k[4]]) $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[2], 
-                  $CellContext`k[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                  $CellContext`ec[5]] - 
-               4 ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34 - $CellContext`T - \
-$CellContext`U) ($CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[1], 
-                  $CellContext`k[2]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[1], 
-                 $CellContext`k[4]]) $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[2], 
-                 $CellContext`ec[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                 $CellContext`k[2]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[1], 
-                  $CellContext`ec[
-                  5]] (-($CellContext`S - $CellContext`T14) \
-(-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S + $CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24) \
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`ec[4]] + 
-                 4 ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34 - $CellContext`T - \
-$CellContext`U) ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]])) + 8 (-$CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]]) + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]])) $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                  $CellContext`k[3]] + 4 $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[1], 
-                  $CellContext`ec[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[2], 
-                  $CellContext`k[
-                  4]] ((-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34 + \
-$CellContext`T + $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[
-                    1]] + ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34 - \
-$CellContext`T24 - $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]]) + 4 $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[1], 
-                  $CellContext`e[2]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                  $CellContext`k[
-                  2]] ((-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34 + \
-$CellContext`T + $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[
-                    1]] + ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34 - \
-$CellContext`T24 - $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]]) - 2 $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[2], 
-                 $CellContext`ec[
-                 4]] (($CellContext`S - $CellContext`T14) $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[1], 
-                   $CellContext`k[3]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                   $CellContext`k[3]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[1], 
-                   $CellContext`k[4]] (
-                  2 ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34 - $CellContext`T - \
-$CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[
-                    2]] + ($CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T - \
-$CellContext`T24 - $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]]) + $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[1], 
-                   $CellContext`k[
-                   2]] ((-$CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T - \
-$CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] + 
-                  2 (-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T + \
-$CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]]))) + 
-             4 (-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T + \
-$CellContext`U)^(-1) (-
-                X`DiscB[$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] + 
-               X`DiscB[
-                2 $CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34 - $CellContext`T - \
-$CellContext`U, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT]) ($CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[1], 
-                  $CellContext`ec[
-                  5]] (-($CellContext`S - $CellContext`T14) \
-(-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S + $CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24) \
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`ec[4]] + 
-                 4 ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34 - $CellContext`T - \
-$CellContext`U) ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]])) + 
-               2 ((-2) ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34 - $CellContext`T - \
-$CellContext`U) ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]]) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`ec[5]] - 
-                 2 ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34 - $CellContext`T - \
-$CellContext`U) ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[1], 
-                   $CellContext`k[4]]) $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[2], 
-                   $CellContext`ec[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                   $CellContext`k[2]] + 8 (-$CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]]) + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]])) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`ec[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]] (
-                   2 (-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T + \
-$CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] + (3 $CellContext`MH^2 - 
-                    3 $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T - 2 $CellContext`T24 - 
-                    3 $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]]) + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`e[2]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] (
-                   2 (-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T + \
-$CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] + (3 $CellContext`MH^2 - 
-                    3 $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T - 2 $CellContext`T24 - 
-                    3 $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]])) - $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[2], 
-                 $CellContext`ec[4]] (
-                4 ($CellContext`S - $CellContext`T14) $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[1], 
-                   $CellContext`k[3]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                   $CellContext`k[3]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[1], 
-                   $CellContext`k[4]] (
-                  4 ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34 - $CellContext`T - \
-$CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] + ($CellContext`MH^2 + 
-                    3 $CellContext`S34 + 3 $CellContext`T - 
-                    2 $CellContext`T24 - 5 $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]]) + $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[1], 
-                   $CellContext`k[
-                   2]] (($CellContext`MH^2 - 5 $CellContext`S34 + 
-                    3 $CellContext`T - 2 $CellContext`T24 + 
-                    3 $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] + 
-                  4 (-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T + \
-$CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]])))) + $CellContext`S^(-1) ((-8) (
-                Rational[-1, 
-                   2] (-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T + \
-$CellContext`U)^(-2) (-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T + \
-$CellContext`U + $CellContext`MH^2 
-                   X`DiscB[$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`MT, \
-$CellContext`MT] - $CellContext`MH^2 
-                  X`DiscB[
-                   2 $CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34 - $CellContext`T - \
-$CellContext`U, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] + $CellContext`MT^2 
-                   Log[Rational[
-                    1, 2] $CellContext`MT^(-2) (-$CellContext`MH^2 + 
-                    2 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`MH ($CellContext`MH^2 - 
-                    4 $CellContext`MT^2)^
-                    Rational[1, 2])]^2 - $CellContext`MT^2 
-                  Log[Rational[
-                    1, 2] $CellContext`MT^(-2) ((-2) $CellContext`MH^2 + 
-                    2 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T + \
-$CellContext`U + (((-2) $CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T + \
-$CellContext`U) ((-2) $CellContext`MH^2 + 
-                    4 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T + \
-$CellContext`U))^Rational[1, 2])]^2) (
-                  2 ($CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S - 
-                    2 $CellContext`S34 - $CellContext`T14 - $CellContext`T24) \
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`ec[4]] + 
-                  2 (-$CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S + 
-                    2 $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24) \
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`ec[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`e[
-                    2]] (((-3) $CellContext`MH^2 + 
-                    3 $CellContext`S + $CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24 + 
-                    4 $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] + (3 $CellContext`MH^2 - 
-                    3 $CellContext`S - 
-                    4 $CellContext`T - $CellContext`T14 - $CellContext`T24) \
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] + 
-                    2 (-$CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]]) + 8 ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] (-$CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]]))) $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                   $CellContext`k[3]] + 
-                Rational[-1, 
-                   2] (-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T + \
-$CellContext`U)^(-1) (
-                  X`DiscB[$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`MT, \
-$CellContext`MT] - X`DiscB[
-                  2 $CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34 - $CellContext`T - \
-$CellContext`U, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT]) (
-                  2 (-$CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T + \
-$CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`ec[4]] + 
-                  2 ($CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34 - $CellContext`T - \
-$CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`ec[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`e[
-                    2]] (-($CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34 + \
-$CellContext`T - 3 $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[
-                    1]] + ($CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34 - 
-                    3 $CellContext`T + $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] + 
-                    2 (-$CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]]) + 8 ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] (-$CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]]))) $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                   $CellContext`k[3]]) + (
-                4 (2 + X`Eps^(-1) + 
-                  X`DiscB[
-                   2 $CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34 - $CellContext`T - \
-$CellContext`U, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] + 
-                  Log[$CellContext`MT^(-2) X`Mu^2]) + 
-                4 (-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T + \
-$CellContext`U)^(-1) (
-                  3 ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34 - $CellContext`T - \
-$CellContext`U) + 
-                  X`Eps^(-1) ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34 - \
-$CellContext`T - $CellContext`U) - $CellContext`MH^2 
-                  X`DiscB[$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`MT, \
-$CellContext`MT] + (
-                    2 $CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34 - $CellContext`T - \
-$CellContext`U) X`DiscB[
-                    2 $CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34 - $CellContext`T - \
-$CellContext`U, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] - $CellContext`MT^2 
-                  Log[Rational[1, 2] $CellContext`MT^(-2) (-$CellContext`MH^2 + 
-                    2 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`MH ($CellContext`MH^2 - 
-                    4 $CellContext`MT^2)^
-                    Rational[
-                    1, 2])]^2 + ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34 - \
-$CellContext`T - $CellContext`U) 
-                   Log[$CellContext`MT^(-2) X`Mu^2] + $CellContext`MT^2 
-                   Log[Rational[
-                    1, 2] $CellContext`MT^(-2) ((-2) $CellContext`MH^2 + 
-                    2 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T + \
-$CellContext`U + (((-2) $CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T + \
-$CellContext`U) ((-2) $CellContext`MH^2 + 
-                    4 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T + \
-                    1, 2])]^2)) ((-$CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24) \
-                   $CellContext`e[1], 
-                   $CellContext`e[2]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                   $CellContext`ec[5]] + 4 (-$CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]]) $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                   $CellContext`ec[5]] + 4 $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[1], 
-                   $CellContext`k[2]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[2], 
-                   $CellContext`ec[5]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]]) - 4 $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[1], 
-                  $CellContext`ec[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[2], 
-                  $CellContext`k[1]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                   $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                   $CellContext`k[2]]) - $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[1], 
-                  $CellContext`e[2]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] (4 $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]]) + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] ((-4) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]])) - 2 $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[1], 
-                  $CellContext`k[2]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[2], 
-                  $CellContext`ec[4]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                   $CellContext`k[3]] + 2 $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]]) + 2 $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[1], 
-                   $CellContext`ec[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[2], 
-                   $CellContext`k[1]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] + 2 $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]])) + 
-              4 (-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T + \
-$CellContext`U)^(-1) (-
-                 X`DiscB[$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] + 
-                X`DiscB[
-                 2 $CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34 - $CellContext`T - \
-$CellContext`U, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT]) (-$CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[1], 
-                   $CellContext`e[
-                   2]] (-($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S - \
-$CellContext`T14 - $CellContext`T24) ($CellContext`T14 - $CellContext`T24) \
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`ec[5]] + 
-                  4 ($CellContext`T14 - $CellContext`T24) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] (
-                    4 ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S - $CellContext`T14 - \
-$CellContext`T24) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] + ((-7) $CellContext`MH^2 + 
-                    5 $CellContext`S + 8 $CellContext`T + 3 $CellContext`T14 + 
-                    3 $CellContext`T24) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]]) + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] (
-                    4 (-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S + $CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] + (7 $CellContext`MH^2 - 
-                    5 $CellContext`S - 3 $CellContext`T14 - 
-                    3 $CellContext`T24 - 8 $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]])) + $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[1], 
-                   $CellContext`k[2]] (
-                  4 ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34 - $CellContext`T - \
-$CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`ec[5]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]]) - 2 $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`ec[
-                    4]] (((-3) $CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S + 
-                    4 $CellContext`S34 + 3 $CellContext`T14 + 
-                    3 $CellContext`T24) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] + 
-                   2 (-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S + $CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]])) + 
-                2 ((-2) ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34 - \
-$CellContext`T - $CellContext`U) ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]]) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`ec[5]] - 
-                  2 ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34 - $CellContext`T - \
-$CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`ec[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]]) + 8 ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] (-$CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]])) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`ec[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[
-                    1]] (((-3) $CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S + 
-                    4 $CellContext`S34 + 3 $CellContext`T14 + 
-                    3 $CellContext`T24) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] + 
-                    2 (-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S + $CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[
-                    4]]))) + (-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34 + \
-$CellContext`T + $CellContext`U)^(-1) (-
-                 Log[Rational[1, 2] $CellContext`MT^(-2) (-$CellContext`MH^2 + 
-                    2 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`MH ($CellContext`MH^2 - 
-                    4 $CellContext`MT^2)^Rational[1, 2])]^2 + 
-                Log[Rational[
-                    1, 2] $CellContext`MT^(-2) ((-2) $CellContext`MH^2 + 
-                    2 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T + \
-$CellContext`U + (((-2) $CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T + \
-$CellContext`U) ((-2) $CellContext`MH^2 + 
-                    4 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T + \
-$CellContext`U))^Rational[1, 2])]^2) ($CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[1], 
-                   $CellContext`e[
-                   2]] (($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S - \
-$CellContext`T14 - $CellContext`T24) ($CellContext`T14 - $CellContext`T24) \
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`ec[5]] + 
-                  2 ((-$CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24) \
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] (
-                    2 ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34 - $CellContext`T - \
-$CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] + ((-2) $CellContext`MH^2 + 
-                    2 $CellContext`S34 + 
-                    2 $CellContext`T + $CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24) \
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]]) + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] (
-                    2 ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34 - $CellContext`T - \
-$CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] + ((-2) $CellContext`MH^2 + 
-                    2 $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24 + 
-                    2 $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]]))) - 
-                4 (($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34 - $CellContext`T - \
-$CellContext`U) ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]]) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`ec[
-                    5]] + ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34 - \
-$CellContext`T - $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`ec[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]]) - 2 ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] (-$CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]])) $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                   $CellContext`k[3]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[1], 
-                   $CellContext`ec[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[2], 
-                   $CellContext`k[
-                   1]] ((-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34 + \
-$CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[
-                    3]] + ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34 - \
-$CellContext`T - $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]]) + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[
-                    2]] (-($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34 - \
-$CellContext`T - $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`ec[5]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]]) + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`ec[
-                    4]] ((-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34 + \
-$CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[
-                    3]] + ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34 - \
-$CellContext`T - $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]])))))) + $CellContext`S34^(-1) ((
-              4 (2 + X`Eps^(-1) + 
-                X`DiscB[$CellContext`S34, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] + 
-                Log[$CellContext`MT^(-2) X`Mu^2]) - 
-              4 ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34)^(-1) (
-               3 $CellContext`MH^2 + X`Eps^(-1) $CellContext`MH^2 - 
-               3 $CellContext`S34 - 
-               X`Eps^(-1) $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`MH^2 
-                X`DiscB[$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] - \
-               X`DiscB[$CellContext`S34, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] + \
-                Log[Rational[1, 2] $CellContext`MT^(-2) (-$CellContext`MH^2 + 
-                    2 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`MH ($CellContext`MH^2 - 
-                    4 $CellContext`MT^2)^
-                    Rational[1, 2])]^2 + $CellContext`MH^2 
-                Log[$CellContext`MT^(-2) X`Mu^2] - $CellContext`S34 
-               Log[$CellContext`MT^(-2) X`Mu^2] - $CellContext`MT^2 
-               Log[Rational[1, 2] $CellContext`MT^(-2) (
-                   2 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`S34 + ($CellContext`S34 \
-((-4) $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`S34))^
-                    Rational[1, 2])]^2)) ($CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[1], 
-                 $CellContext`ec[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[2], 
-                 $CellContext`ec[4]] - 2 $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[1], 
-                $CellContext`ec[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[2], 
-                $CellContext`ec[5]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[1], 
-                 $CellContext`e[2]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                 $CellContext`ec[5]]) + 
-            4 ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34)^(-1) (
-              X`DiscB[$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] - 
-              X`DiscB[$CellContext`S34, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT]) (
-              2 $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[2], 
-                 $CellContext`ec[
-                 5]] ((-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34) \
-                   $CellContext`e[1], 
-                   $CellContext`ec[4]] + 2 ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[1], 
-                   $CellContext`k[4]]) $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                   $CellContext`k[3]]) - $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[1], 
-                $CellContext`ec[
-                5]] ((-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34) $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[2], 
-                  $CellContext`ec[4]] + 2 ($CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[2], 
-                   $CellContext`k[3]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[2], 
-                  $CellContext`k[4]]) $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                  $CellContext`k[3]]) - $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[1], 
-                $CellContext`e[
-                2]] ((-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34) $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                  $CellContext`ec[5]] + 2 $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                  $CellContext`k[3]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                   $CellContext`k[3]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                  $CellContext`k[4]]))) + $CellContext`Pair[
-               $CellContext`ec[4], 
-               $CellContext`k[
-               3]] ((-8) ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34)^(-1) (-
-                 X`DiscB[$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] + 
-                X`DiscB[$CellContext`S34, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT]) \
-((-2) $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[1], 
-                   $CellContext`k[3]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[2], 
-                   $CellContext`ec[5]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[1], 
-                   $CellContext`ec[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[2], 
-                   $CellContext`k[3]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[1], 
-                   $CellContext`e[2]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                   $CellContext`k[3]]) + 
-              8 ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34)^(-2) \
-(-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34 - $CellContext`MH^2 
-                X`DiscB[$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] + \
-                 X`DiscB[$CellContext`S34, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] - \
-                Log[Rational[1, 2] $CellContext`MT^(-2) (-$CellContext`MH^2 + 
-                    2 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`MH ($CellContext`MH^2 - 
-                    4 $CellContext`MT^2)^
-                    Rational[1, 2])]^2 + $CellContext`MT^2 
-                 Log[Rational[1, 2] $CellContext`MT^(-2) (
-                    2 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`S34 + \
-($CellContext`S34 ((-4) $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`S34))^
-                    Rational[1, 2])]^2) ((-2) $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[1], 
-                   $CellContext`k[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[2], 
-                   $CellContext`ec[5]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[1], 
-                   $CellContext`ec[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[2], 
-                   $CellContext`k[4]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[1], 
-                   $CellContext`e[2]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                   $CellContext`k[
-                   4]])) - ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34)^(-1) (
-             Log[Rational[1, 2] $CellContext`MT^(-2) (-$CellContext`MH^2 + 
-                 2 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`MH ($CellContext`MH^2 - 
-                    4 $CellContext`MT^2)^Rational[1, 2])]^2 - 
-             Log[Rational[1, 2] $CellContext`MT^(-2) (
-                2 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`S34 + ($CellContext`S34 \
-((-4) $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`S34))^Rational[1, 2])]^2) (
-             2 $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[2], 
-                $CellContext`ec[
-                5]] (($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34) \
-                  $CellContext`e[1], 
-                  $CellContext`ec[4]] + 2 $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[1], 
-                  $CellContext`k[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                  $CellContext`k[3]]) - $CellContext`Pair[
-               $CellContext`e[1], 
-               $CellContext`ec[
-               5]] (($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34) $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[2], 
-                 $CellContext`ec[4]] + 2 $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[2], 
-                 $CellContext`k[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                 $CellContext`k[3]]) - $CellContext`Pair[
-               $CellContext`e[1], 
-               $CellContext`e[
-               2]] (($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34) $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                 $CellContext`ec[5]] + 2 $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                 $CellContext`k[3]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                 $CellContext`k[4]])) + $CellContext`S^(-1) ((
-                4 (2 + X`Eps^(-1) + 
-                  X`DiscB[$CellContext`S34, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] + 
-                  Log[$CellContext`MT^(-2) X`Mu^2]) - 
-                4 ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34)^(-1) (
-                 3 $CellContext`MH^2 + X`Eps^(-1) $CellContext`MH^2 - 
-                 3 $CellContext`S34 - 
-                 X`Eps^(-1) $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`MH^2 
-                  X`DiscB[$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`MT, \
-$CellContext`MT] - $CellContext`S34 
-                 X`DiscB[$CellContext`S34, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] + \
-                  Log[Rational[1, 2] $CellContext`MT^(-2) (-$CellContext`MH^2 + 
-                    2 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`MH ($CellContext`MH^2 - 
-                    4 $CellContext`MT^2)^
-                    Rational[1, 2])]^2 + $CellContext`MH^2 
-                  Log[$CellContext`MT^(-2) X`Mu^2] - $CellContext`S34 
-                 Log[$CellContext`MT^(-2) X`Mu^2] - $CellContext`MT^2 
-                 Log[Rational[1, 2] $CellContext`MT^(-2) (
-                    2 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`S34 + \
-($CellContext`S34 ((-4) $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`S34))^
-                    Rational[
-                    1, 2])]^2)) ((-$CellContext`T - $CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[1], 
-                   $CellContext`e[2]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                   $CellContext`ec[5]] - 4 (-$CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]]) $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                  $CellContext`ec[5]] + 2 $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[1], 
-                   $CellContext`k[2]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[2], 
-                   $CellContext`ec[5]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] + 2 $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]]) - 2 $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[1], 
-                  $CellContext`ec[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[2], 
-                  $CellContext`k[1]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                   $CellContext`k[3]] + 2 $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]]) - 4 $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[1], 
-                  $CellContext`k[2]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[2], 
-                  $CellContext`ec[4]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                   $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                   $CellContext`k[2]]) + 4 $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[1], 
-                   $CellContext`ec[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[2], 
-                   $CellContext`k[1]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]]) - $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[1], 
-                  $CellContext`e[2]] ((-4) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]]) + 4 $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]])) - 
-              4 ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34)^(-1) (
-               X`DiscB[$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] - 
-               X`DiscB[$CellContext`S34, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT]) \
-                  $CellContext`e[1], 
-                  $CellContext`e[
-                  2]] (-($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34) \
-($CellContext`T + $CellContext`T14 - $CellContext`T24 - $CellContext`U) \
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`ec[5]] + 
-                 4 ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] + 
-                 4 (-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                   $CellContext`k[
-                   3]] ((7 $CellContext`MH^2 - 2 $CellContext`S - 
-                    3 $CellContext`S34 - 8 $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] + ((-7) $CellContext`MH^2 + 
-                    2 $CellContext`S + 3 $CellContext`S34 + 
-                    8 $CellContext`T) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] + 
-                  4 ((-2) $CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S + \
-$CellContext`S34 + 2 $CellContext`T24 + 2 $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]])) - 
-               2 (2 ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34) \
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]]) $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                   $CellContext`ec[5]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[1], 
-                   $CellContext`ec[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[2], 
-                   $CellContext`k[
-                   1]] (((-3) $CellContext`MH^2 + 2 $CellContext`S + 
-                    3 $CellContext`S34 + 4 $CellContext`T14 + 
-                    4 $CellContext`T24) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] + 
-                  2 (-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34) \
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]]) + 
-                2 ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34) $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[1], 
-                   $CellContext`ec[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[2], 
-                   $CellContext`k[1]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]]) - $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[1], 
-                  $CellContext`k[2]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`ec[
-                    5]] (((-3) $CellContext`MH^2 + 2 $CellContext`S + 
-                    3 $CellContext`S34 + 4 $CellContext`T14 + 
-                    4 $CellContext`T24) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] + 
-                   2 (-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]]) + 
-                 2 ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`ec[4]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]])) + 8 $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                   $CellContext`k[3]] (-$CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]]) - $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]]) + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]])))) + 
-              8 (Rational[
-                  1, 2] ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34)^(-1) (-
-                   X`DiscB[$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`MT, \
-$CellContext`MT] + 
-                  X`DiscB[$CellContext`S34, $CellContext`MT, \
-$CellContext`MT]) $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                   $CellContext`k[3]] (
-                  2 ((-3) $CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34 + 
-                    2 ($CellContext`T + $CellContext`U)) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`ec[5]] - 
-                  2 ((-3) $CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34 + 
-                   2 ($CellContext`T + $CellContext`U)) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`ec[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`e[
-                    2]] (((-3) $CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34 + 
-                    4 $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] + (
-                    3 $CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34 - 
-                    4 $CellContext`T) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] + 
-                    2 ($CellContext`T + $CellContext`T14 - $CellContext`T24 - \
-$CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]]) + 8 (-$CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]]) - $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]]) + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]]))) + 
-                Rational[
-                  1, 2] ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34)^(-2) \
-(-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34 - $CellContext`MH^2 
-                  X`DiscB[$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`MT, \
-$CellContext`MT] + $CellContext`MH^2 
-                   X`DiscB[$CellContext`S34, $CellContext`MT, \
-$CellContext`MT] - $CellContext`MT^2 
-                  Log[Rational[1, 2] $CellContext`MT^(-2) (-$CellContext`MH^2 + 
-                    2 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`MH ($CellContext`MH^2 - 
-                    4 $CellContext`MT^2)^
-                    Rational[1, 2])]^2 + $CellContext`MT^2 
-                   Log[Rational[1, 2] $CellContext`MT^(-2) (
-                    2 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`S34 + \
-($CellContext`S34 ((-4) $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`S34))^
-                    Rational[1, 2])]^2) $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                   $CellContext`k[
-                   3]] ((-2) (-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34 + 
-                    2 ($CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24)) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`ec[5]] + 
-                  2 (-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34 + 
-                    2 ($CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24)) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`ec[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] + 8 (-$CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]]) - $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]]) + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]])) - $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`e[
-                    2]] ((-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34 + 
-                    2 ($CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24)) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[
-                    1]] + ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34 - 
-                    2 ($CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24)) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] + 
-                   2 (-$CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24) \
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] + 
-                   2 ($CellContext`T - $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[
-                    4]]))) - ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34)^(-1) (
-               Log[Rational[1, 2] $CellContext`MT^(-2) (-$CellContext`MH^2 + 
-                   2 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`MH ($CellContext`MH^2 - 
-                    4 $CellContext`MT^2)^Rational[1, 2])]^2 - 
-               Log[Rational[1, 2] $CellContext`MT^(-2) (
-                  2 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`S34 + ($CellContext`S34 \
-((-4) $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`S34))^
-                   Rational[
-                    1, 2])]^2) ((-4) (($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34) \
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]]) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`ec[5]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`ec[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[
-                    1]] ((-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34) \
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[
-                    1]] + (-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34) \
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[
-                    2]] + ($CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24) \
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[
-                    3]]) + ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34) \
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`ec[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]]) - $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[1], 
-                   $CellContext`k[2]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`ec[
-                    5]] ((-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34) \
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[
-                    1]] + (-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34) \
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[
-                    2]] + ($CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24) \
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[
-                    3]]) + ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34) \
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`ec[4]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]])) + 2 $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] (-$CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]]) - $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]]) + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]]))) + $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[1], 
-                  $CellContext`e[
-                  2]] (($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34) ($CellContext`T + \
-$CellContext`T14 - $CellContext`T24 - $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`ec[5]] + 
-                 2 (2 (-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34) \
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] - 
-                   2 ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34) \
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]]) + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] (
-                    2 ($CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24) \
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] - 
-                    2 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[
-                    3]] + ($CellContext`T - $CellContext`T14 - \
-$CellContext`T24 - $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[
-                    4]]))))) + ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S - \
-$CellContext`T - $CellContext`T14)^(-1) ((
-                4 (2 + X`Eps^(-1) + 
-                  X`DiscB[$CellContext`S34, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] + 
-                  Log[$CellContext`MT^(-2) X`Mu^2]) - 
-                4 ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34)^(-1) (
-                 3 $CellContext`MH^2 + X`Eps^(-1) $CellContext`MH^2 - 
-                 3 $CellContext`S34 - 
-                 X`Eps^(-1) $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`MH^2 
-                  X`DiscB[$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`MT, \
-$CellContext`MT] - $CellContext`S34 
-                 X`DiscB[$CellContext`S34, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] + \
-                  Log[Rational[1, 2] $CellContext`MT^(-2) (-$CellContext`MH^2 + 
-                    2 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`MH ($CellContext`MH^2 - 
-                    4 $CellContext`MT^2)^
-                    Rational[1, 2])]^2 + $CellContext`MH^2 
-                  Log[$CellContext`MT^(-2) X`Mu^2] - $CellContext`S34 
-                 Log[$CellContext`MT^(-2) X`Mu^2] - $CellContext`MT^2 
-                 Log[Rational[1, 2] $CellContext`MT^(-2) (
-                    2 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`S34 + \
-($CellContext`S34 ((-4) $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`S34))^
-                    Rational[1, 2])]^2)) (4 $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[1], 
-                   $CellContext`k[5]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[2], 
-                   $CellContext`k[5]]) $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                   $CellContext`ec[5]] + 2 $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[1], 
-                   $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[2], 
-                   $CellContext`ec[5]] (2 $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                   $CellContext`k[3]]) + $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[1], 
-                   $CellContext`ec[
-                   5]] ((-$CellContext`MH^2 + 
-                    2 $CellContext`S + $CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U) \
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`ec[4]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]] ((-4) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]]) - $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] + 4 $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]])) + 4 $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[1], 
-                   $CellContext`ec[4]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[2], 
-                   $CellContext`k[5]]) $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                   $CellContext`k[1]] + 2 $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[1], 
-                   $CellContext`e[2]] (2 $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                   $CellContext`k[3]]) $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                   $CellContext`k[1]] - 4 $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[2], 
-                  $CellContext`ec[4]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]])) - 
-              8 (Rational[
-                 1, 2] ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34)^(-2) \
-(-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34 - $CellContext`MH^2 
-                 X`DiscB[$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] + \
-                  X`DiscB[$CellContext`S34, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] - \
-                 Log[Rational[1, 2] $CellContext`MT^(-2) (-$CellContext`MH^2 + 
-                    2 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`MH ($CellContext`MH^2 - 
-                    4 $CellContext`MT^2)^
-                    Rational[1, 2])]^2 + $CellContext`MT^2 
-                  Log[Rational[1, 2] $CellContext`MT^(-2) (
-                    2 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`S34 + \
-($CellContext`S34 ((-4) $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`S34))^
-                    Rational[1, 2])]^2) $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                  $CellContext`k[3]] (
-                 2 (-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34 + 
-                   2 $CellContext`T24) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`ec[5]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[1], 
-                   $CellContext`ec[
-                   5]] (((-2) $CellContext`MH^2 + 2 $CellContext`S34 + 
-                    4 $CellContext`T24) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[
-                    1]] + (-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34 + 
-                    4 $CellContext`T14) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] + ($CellContext`MH^2 + 
-                    2 $CellContext`S - $CellContext`S34 - 2 $CellContext`T + 
-                    2 $CellContext`T14) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]]) + 
-                 2 (-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34 + 
-                   2 $CellContext`T24) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`e[2]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] + 8 (-$CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]]))) + 
-               Rational[
-                 1, 2] ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34)^(-1) (-
-                  X`DiscB[$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`MT, \
-$CellContext`MT] + 
-                 X`DiscB[$CellContext`S34, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT]) \
-                  $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                  $CellContext`k[3]] (
-                 2 ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34 - 
-                   2 $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`ec[5]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`ec[
-                    5]] (((-2) $CellContext`MH^2 + 2 $CellContext`S34 + 
-                    4 $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] - ($CellContext`MH^2 - 
-                    2 $CellContext`S + $CellContext`S34 - 2 $CellContext`T + 
-                    2 $CellContext`T14) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[
-                    3]] + ((-3) $CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34 + 
-                    4 $CellContext`T) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]]) + 
-                 2 ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34 - 
-                   2 $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`e[2]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] + 8 (-$CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[
-                    4]])))) - ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34)^(-1) (
-               Log[Rational[1, 2] $CellContext`MT^(-2) (-$CellContext`MH^2 + 
-                   2 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`MH ($CellContext`MH^2 - 
-                    4 $CellContext`MT^2)^Rational[1, 2])]^2 - 
-               Log[Rational[1, 2] $CellContext`MT^(-2) (
-                  2 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`S34 + ($CellContext`S34 \
-((-4) $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`S34))^
-                   Rational[1, 2])]^2) ($CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[1], 
-                  $CellContext`ec[
-                  5]] (($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34) \
-($CellContext`MH^2 - 
-                   2 $CellContext`S - $CellContext`T24 - $CellContext`U) \
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`ec[4]] - 2 ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[
-                    3]] ((-2) ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34) \
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] + 
-                    2 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]]) + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[
-                    4]] ((-2) ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34) \
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[
-                    1]] + ($CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S - \
-$CellContext`S34 - $CellContext`T + $CellContext`T14) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]]) + 2 $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[
-                    1]] ((-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34) \
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] + $CellContext`T24 $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]]))) + 4 ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[
-                    5]] (-($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34) \
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]]) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`ec[5]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`ec[
-                    5]] ((-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34) \
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] + $CellContext`T24 $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[
-                    3]])) - ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34) \
-                   $CellContext`e[1], 
-                   $CellContext`ec[4]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[2], 
-                   $CellContext`k[5]]) $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                   $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`e[
-                    2]] ((-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34) \
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] + $CellContext`T24 $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]]) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[
-                    1]] + ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34) \
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`ec[4]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]]) + 2 $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] (-$CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]])))) - 
-              4 ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34)^(-1) (
-               X`DiscB[$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] - 
-               X`DiscB[$CellContext`S34, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT]) \
-                  $CellContext`e[1], 
-                  $CellContext`ec[
-                  5]] (-($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34) \
-($CellContext`MH^2 - 
-                   2 $CellContext`S - $CellContext`T24 - $CellContext`U) \
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`ec[4]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[
-                    4]] ((-4) ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34) \
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] + (5 $CellContext`MH^2 + 
-                    2 $CellContext`S - 3 $CellContext`S34 - 6 $CellContext`T + 
-                    2 $CellContext`T14) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]]) + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[
-                    3]] ((-4) ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34) \
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] + ($CellContext`MH^2 - 
-                    2 $CellContext`S + $CellContext`S34 - 2 $CellContext`T + 
-                    6 $CellContext`T14) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]]) + 2 $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[
-                    1]] ((-2) ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34) \
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[
-                    2]] + ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34 + 
-                    2 $CellContext`T24 - 2 $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]])) + 2 ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[
-                    5]] ((-2) ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34) \
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]]) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`ec[5]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`ec[
-                    5]] ((-2) ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34) \
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[
-                    2]] + ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34 + 
-                    2 $CellContext`T24 - 2 $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]])) - 
-                 2 ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34) $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[1], 
-                   $CellContext`ec[4]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[2], 
-                   $CellContext`k[5]]) $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                   $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`e[
-                    2]] ((-2) ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34) \
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[
-                    2]] + ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34 + 
-                    2 $CellContext`T24 - 2 $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]]) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] + 
-                 2 ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`ec[4]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]]) + 8 $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] (-$CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]])))))) + $CellContext`U^(-1) (
-            4 (2 + X`Eps^(-1) + 
-              X`DiscB[$CellContext`U, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] + 
-              Log[$CellContext`MT^(-2) X`Mu^2]) ($CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[1], 
-                 $CellContext`ec[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[2], 
-                 $CellContext`ec[4]] - 2 $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[1], 
-                $CellContext`ec[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[2], 
-                $CellContext`ec[5]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[1], 
-                 $CellContext`e[2]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                 $CellContext`ec[
-                 5]]) - ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`U)^(-1) (
-             Log[Rational[1, 2] $CellContext`MT^(-2) (-$CellContext`MH^2 + 
-                 2 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`MH ($CellContext`MH^2 - 
-                    4 $CellContext`MT^2)^Rational[1, 2])]^2 - 
-             Log[Rational[1, 2] $CellContext`MT^(-2) (
-                2 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`U + ($CellContext`U ((-4) \
-$CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`U))^
-                 Rational[
-                  1, 2])]^2) (((-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`U) \
-                  $CellContext`e[1], 
-                  $CellContext`e[2]] + 2 $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[1], 
-                  $CellContext`k[2]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[2], 
-                  $CellContext`k[3]]) $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                $CellContext`ec[5]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[1], 
-                $CellContext`ec[
-                5]] ((-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[2], 
-                  $CellContext`ec[4]] + 2 $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[2], 
-                  $CellContext`k[3]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                  $CellContext`k[2]]) - 2 $CellContext`Pair[
-               $CellContext`e[1], 
-               $CellContext`ec[
-               4]] ((-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[2], 
-                 $CellContext`ec[5]] + 2 $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[2], 
-                 $CellContext`k[3]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                 $CellContext`k[2]])) - 
-            16 (Rational[1, 4] ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`U)^(-1) (
-               3 $CellContext`MH^2 + X`Eps^(-1) $CellContext`MH^2 - 
-               3 $CellContext`U - 
-               X`Eps^(-1) $CellContext`U + $CellContext`MH^2 
-                X`DiscB[$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] - \
-               X`DiscB[$CellContext`U, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] + \
-                Log[Rational[1, 2] $CellContext`MT^(-2) (-$CellContext`MH^2 + 
-                    2 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`MH ($CellContext`MH^2 - 
-                    4 $CellContext`MT^2)^
-                    Rational[1, 2])]^2 + $CellContext`MH^2 
-                Log[$CellContext`MT^(-2) X`Mu^2] - $CellContext`U 
-               Log[$CellContext`MT^(-2) X`Mu^2] - $CellContext`MT^2 
-               Log[Rational[1, 2] $CellContext`MT^(-2) (
-                   2 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`U + ($CellContext`U \
-((-4) $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`U))^
-                    Rational[1, 2])]^2) ($CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[1], 
-                  $CellContext`ec[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[2], 
-                  $CellContext`ec[4]] - 2 $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[1], 
-                 $CellContext`ec[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[2], 
-                 $CellContext`ec[5]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[1], 
-                  $CellContext`e[2]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                  $CellContext`ec[5]]) + 
-             Rational[
-               1, 2] ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`U)^(-2) \
-(-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`U - $CellContext`MH^2 
-               X`DiscB[$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] + \
-                X`DiscB[$CellContext`U, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] - \
-               Log[Rational[1, 2] $CellContext`MT^(-2) (-$CellContext`MH^2 + 
-                   2 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`MH ($CellContext`MH^2 - 
-                    4 $CellContext`MT^2)^
-                    Rational[1, 2])]^2 + $CellContext`MT^2 
-                Log[Rational[1, 2] $CellContext`MT^(-2) (
-                    2 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`U + ($CellContext`U \
-((-4) $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`U))^
-                    Rational[1, 2])]^2) $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[2], 
-                $CellContext`k[3]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[1], 
-                  $CellContext`k[2]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                  $CellContext`ec[5]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[1], 
-                  $CellContext`ec[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                  $CellContext`k[2]] - 2 $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[1], 
-                 $CellContext`ec[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                 $CellContext`k[2]]) + 
-             Rational[
-               1, 2] ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`U)^(-1) (-
-                X`DiscB[$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] + 
-               X`DiscB[$CellContext`U, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT]) \
-                $CellContext`e[2], 
-                $CellContext`k[3]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[1], 
-                  $CellContext`k[3]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                  $CellContext`ec[5]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[1], 
-                  $CellContext`ec[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                  $CellContext`k[3]] - 2 $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[1], 
-                 $CellContext`ec[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                 $CellContext`k[3]])) - 
-            4 ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`U)^(-1) (
-             X`DiscB[$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] - 
-             X`DiscB[$CellContext`U, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT]) \
-(((-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[1], 
-                  $CellContext`e[2]] + 2 ($CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[1], 
-                   $CellContext`k[2]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[1], 
-                   $CellContext`k[3]]) $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[2], 
-                  $CellContext`k[3]]) $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                $CellContext`ec[5]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[1], 
-                $CellContext`ec[
-                5]] ((-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[2], 
-                  $CellContext`ec[4]] + 2 $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[2], 
-                  $CellContext`k[3]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                   $CellContext`k[2]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                   $CellContext`k[3]])) - 2 $CellContext`Pair[
-               $CellContext`e[1], 
-               $CellContext`ec[
-               4]] ((-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[2], 
-                 $CellContext`ec[5]] + 2 $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[2], 
-                 $CellContext`k[3]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                  $CellContext`k[2]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                  $CellContext`k[
-                  3]]))) - ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34 - \
-$CellContext`T14 - $CellContext`T24)^(-1) (
-             4 (2 + X`Eps^(-1) + 
-               X`DiscB[$CellContext`U, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] + 
-               Log[$CellContext`MT^(-2) X`Mu^2]) (($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] + 4 $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]]) + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]] ((-4) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] + 3 $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] + 4 $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]])) $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                  $CellContext`ec[5]] - 4 ($CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[1], 
-                  $CellContext`k[2]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[1], 
-                 $CellContext`k[3]]) $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[2], 
-                 $CellContext`ec[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                 $CellContext`k[5]] + 2 $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[1], 
-                  $CellContext`ec[5]] (2 $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[2], 
-                  $CellContext`k[3]]) $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                  $CellContext`k[5]] + 4 ($CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[1], 
-                   $CellContext`k[2]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[1], 
-                  $CellContext`k[3]]) $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[2], 
-                  $CellContext`ec[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                  $CellContext`k[4]] - 2 $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[1], 
-                 $CellContext`ec[4]] (2 $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[2], 
-                   $CellContext`k[1]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[2], 
-                 $CellContext`k[3]]) $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                 $CellContext`k[4]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[1], 
-                  $CellContext`e[
-                  2]] ((-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S + $CellContext`T + 
-                   2 $CellContext`T14) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`ec[5]] + 4 (-$CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]]))) - 
-             4 ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`U)^(-1) (3 $CellContext`MH^2 + 
-              X`Eps^(-1) $CellContext`MH^2 - 3 $CellContext`U - 
-              X`Eps^(-1) $CellContext`U + $CellContext`MH^2 
-               X`DiscB[$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] - \
-              X`DiscB[$CellContext`U, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] + \
-               Log[Rational[1, 2] $CellContext`MT^(-2) (-$CellContext`MH^2 + 
-                   2 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`MH ($CellContext`MH^2 - 
-                    4 $CellContext`MT^2)^
-                    Rational[1, 2])]^2 + $CellContext`MH^2 
-               Log[$CellContext`MT^(-2) X`Mu^2] - $CellContext`U 
-              Log[$CellContext`MT^(-2) X`Mu^2] - $CellContext`MT^2 
-              Log[Rational[1, 2] $CellContext`MT^(-2) (
-                  2 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`U + ($CellContext`U \
-((-4) $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`U))^
-                   Rational[1, 2])]^2) (($CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[1], 
-                   $CellContext`k[4]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] + 4 $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]]) + $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[1], 
-                   $CellContext`k[5]] ((-4) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] + 3 $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] + 4 $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]])) $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                 $CellContext`ec[5]] - 4 ($CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[1], 
-                 $CellContext`k[2]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[1], 
-                $CellContext`k[3]]) $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[2], 
-                $CellContext`ec[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                $CellContext`k[5]] + 2 $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[1], 
-                 $CellContext`ec[5]] (2 $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[2], 
-                   $CellContext`k[1]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[2], 
-                 $CellContext`k[3]]) $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                 $CellContext`k[5]] + 4 ($CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[1], 
-                  $CellContext`k[2]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[1], 
-                 $CellContext`k[3]]) $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[2], 
-                 $CellContext`ec[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                 $CellContext`k[4]] - 2 $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[1], 
-                $CellContext`ec[4]] (2 $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[2], 
-                  $CellContext`k[1]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[2], 
-                $CellContext`k[3]]) $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                $CellContext`k[4]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[1], 
-                 $CellContext`e[
-                 2]] ((-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S + $CellContext`T + 
-                  2 $CellContext`T14) $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                   $CellContext`ec[5]] + 4 (-$CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]]))) - 
-             4 ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`U)^(-2) (-$CellContext`MH^2 + \
-$CellContext`U - $CellContext`MH^2 
-              X`DiscB[$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] + \
-               X`DiscB[$CellContext`U, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] - \
-              Log[Rational[1, 2] $CellContext`MT^(-2) (-$CellContext`MH^2 + 
-                  2 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`MH ($CellContext`MH^2 - 
-                    4 $CellContext`MT^2)^
-                    Rational[1, 2])]^2 + $CellContext`MT^2 
-               Log[Rational[1, 2] $CellContext`MT^(-2) (
-                   2 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`U + ($CellContext`U \
-((-4) $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`U))^
-                    Rational[1, 2])]^2) $CellContext`Pair[
-               $CellContext`e[2], 
-               $CellContext`k[
-               3]] (-((-$CellContext`MH^2 + 2 $CellContext`S34 - 
-                  2 $CellContext`T14 - 
-                  2 $CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[1], 
-                   $CellContext`k[2]] + (-$CellContext`MH^2 + 
-                  4 $CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[1], 
-                   $CellContext`k[3]] + 
-                2 ($CellContext`MH^2 - 
-                  2 $CellContext`S - $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[1], 
-                   $CellContext`k[4]]) $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                 $CellContext`ec[5]] + 
-              2 (-$CellContext`MH^2 + 
-                2 $CellContext`S + $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[1], 
-                 $CellContext`ec[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                 $CellContext`k[5]] + 
-              2 ($CellContext`MH^2 - 
-                2 $CellContext`S - $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[1], 
-                 $CellContext`ec[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                 $CellContext`k[4]] + 8 ($CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[1], 
-                   $CellContext`k[3]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]]) + $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[1], 
-                   $CellContext`k[2]] (-$CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]]))) - 
-             4 ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`U)^(-1) (-
-               X`DiscB[$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] + 
-              X`DiscB[$CellContext`U, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT]) \
-               $CellContext`e[2], 
-               $CellContext`k[
-               3]] (-(((-3) $CellContext`MH^2 + 
-                  4 $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[1], 
-                   $CellContext`k[2]] + ($CellContext`MH^2 - 
-                  2 $CellContext`S34 - 2 $CellContext`T14 + 
-                  2 $CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[1], 
-                   $CellContext`k[3]] + 
-                2 (-$CellContext`MH^2 + 
-                  2 $CellContext`T + $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[1], 
-                   $CellContext`k[4]]) $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                 $CellContext`ec[5]] + 
-              2 ($CellContext`MH^2 - 
-                2 $CellContext`T - $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[1], 
-                 $CellContext`ec[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                 $CellContext`k[5]] + 
-              2 (-$CellContext`MH^2 + 
-                2 $CellContext`T + $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[1], 
-                 $CellContext`ec[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                 $CellContext`k[4]] + 8 ($CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[1], 
-                   $CellContext`k[3]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]]) + $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[1], 
-                   $CellContext`k[2]] (-$CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[
-                    4]]))) - ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`U)^(-1) (
-              Log[Rational[1, 2] $CellContext`MT^(-2) (-$CellContext`MH^2 + 
-                  2 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`MH ($CellContext`MH^2 - 
-                    4 $CellContext`MT^2)^Rational[1, 2])]^2 - 
-              Log[Rational[1, 2] $CellContext`MT^(-2) (
-                 2 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`U + ($CellContext`U ((-4) \
-$CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`U))^Rational[1, 2])]^2) ((-2) (
-                2 $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[1], 
-                   $CellContext`k[
-                   4]] (($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] - $CellContext`S $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]]) + 2 $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[1], 
-                   $CellContext`k[3]] ($CellContext`T24 $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[
-                    3]] + ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`U) \
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]]) - $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[1], 
-                  $CellContext`k[
-                  2]] (($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34 + \
-$CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24 - $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] + 
-                 2 ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]])) $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                 $CellContext`ec[5]] + 
-              4 ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`U) ($CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[1], 
-                  $CellContext`k[2]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[1], 
-                 $CellContext`k[3]]) $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[2], 
-                 $CellContext`ec[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                 $CellContext`k[5]] + 4 $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[1], 
-                 $CellContext`ec[
-                 5]] ((-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`U) \
-                   $CellContext`e[2], 
-                   $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`S $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[2], 
-                   $CellContext`k[3]]) $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                 $CellContext`k[5]] - 
-              4 ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`U) ($CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[1], 
-                 $CellContext`k[2]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[1], 
-                $CellContext`k[3]]) $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[2], 
-                $CellContext`ec[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                $CellContext`k[4]] - 4 $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[1], 
-                $CellContext`ec[
-                4]] ((-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[2], 
-                  $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`S $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[2], 
-                  $CellContext`k[3]]) $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                $CellContext`k[4]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[1], 
-                 $CellContext`e[
-                 2]] (($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S - $CellContext`T - 
-                  2 $CellContext`T14) ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`U) \
-                   $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                   $CellContext`ec[5]] + 
-                4 ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`U) ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]])) + 8 $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[2], 
-                 $CellContext`k[3]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[1], 
-                   $CellContext`k[3]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]]) + $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[1], 
-                   $CellContext`k[2]] (-$CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]]))) - 
-             4 ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`U)^(-1) (
-              X`DiscB[$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] - 
-              X`DiscB[$CellContext`U, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT]) (-(
-                2 $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[1], 
-                   $CellContext`k[4]] (
-                  2 ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] + (-$CellContext`MH^2 - 
-                    2 $CellContext`S + 
-                    2 $CellContext`T + $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]]) + $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[1], 
-                   $CellContext`k[
-                   3]] (($CellContext`MH^2 - 2 $CellContext`S34 - 
-                    2 $CellContext`T14 + 
-                    6 $CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] + 
-                  4 ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]]) + $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[1], 
-                   $CellContext`k[
-                   2]] (((-5) $CellContext`MH^2 + 6 $CellContext`S34 - 
-                    2 $CellContext`T14 - 2 $CellContext`T24 + 
-                    3 $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] + 
-                  4 (-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]])) $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                 $CellContext`ec[5]] + 
-              4 ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`U) ($CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[1], 
-                  $CellContext`k[2]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[1], 
-                 $CellContext`k[3]]) $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[2], 
-                 $CellContext`ec[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                 $CellContext`k[5]] + 2 $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[1], 
-                 $CellContext`ec[
-                 5]] ((-2) ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`U) \
-                   $CellContext`e[2], 
-                   $CellContext`k[1]] + ($CellContext`MH^2 + 2 $CellContext`S - 
-                  2 $CellContext`T - $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[2], 
-                   $CellContext`k[3]]) $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                 $CellContext`k[5]] - 
-              4 ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`U) ($CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[1], 
-                 $CellContext`k[2]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[1], 
-                $CellContext`k[3]]) $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[2], 
-                $CellContext`ec[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                $CellContext`k[4]] - 2 $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[1], 
-                $CellContext`ec[
-                4]] ((-2) ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`U) \
-                  $CellContext`e[2], 
-                  $CellContext`k[1]] + ($CellContext`MH^2 + 2 $CellContext`S - 
-                 2 $CellContext`T - $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[2], 
-                  $CellContext`k[3]]) $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                $CellContext`k[4]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[1], 
-                 $CellContext`e[
-                 2]] (($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S - $CellContext`T - 
-                  2 $CellContext`T14) ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`U) \
-                   $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                   $CellContext`ec[5]] + 
-                4 ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`U) ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]])) + 16 $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[2], 
-                 $CellContext`k[3]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[1], 
-                   $CellContext`k[3]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]]) + $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[1], 
-                   $CellContext`k[2]] (-$CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[
-                    4]])))) - ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S - \
-$CellContext`T - $CellContext`T14)^(-1) (
-             4 (2 + X`Eps^(-1) + 
-               X`DiscB[$CellContext`U, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] + 
-               Log[$CellContext`MT^(-2) X`Mu^2]) ((-2) $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[1], 
-                  $CellContext`k[5]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[2], 
-                   $CellContext`k[3]] + 2 $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]]) $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                  $CellContext`ec[5]] + 4 $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[1], 
-                  $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[2], 
-                  $CellContext`ec[5]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                   $CellContext`k[1]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                  $CellContext`k[5]]) + $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[1], 
-                  $CellContext`ec[
-                  5]] ((-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34 + 
-                   2 $CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`ec[4]] - 4 $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[2], 
-                   $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                   $CellContext`k[1]] + 4 $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[2], 
-                   $CellContext`k[3]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]])) - 2 $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[1], 
-                 $CellContext`ec[4]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[2], 
-                  $CellContext`k[3]] + 2 $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[2], 
-                   $CellContext`k[4]]) $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                 $CellContext`k[1]] + 4 $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[1], 
-                  $CellContext`e[2]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                   $CellContext`k[1]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                  $CellContext`k[5]]) $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                  $CellContext`k[1]] + 4 $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[2], 
-                  $CellContext`ec[4]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]])) - 
-             4 ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`U)^(-1) (3 $CellContext`MH^2 + 
-              X`Eps^(-1) $CellContext`MH^2 - 3 $CellContext`U - 
-              X`Eps^(-1) $CellContext`U + $CellContext`MH^2 
-               X`DiscB[$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] - \
-              X`DiscB[$CellContext`U, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] + \
-               Log[Rational[1, 2] $CellContext`MT^(-2) (-$CellContext`MH^2 + 
-                   2 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`MH ($CellContext`MH^2 - 
-                    4 $CellContext`MT^2)^
-                    Rational[1, 2])]^2 + $CellContext`MH^2 
-               Log[$CellContext`MT^(-2) X`Mu^2] - $CellContext`U 
-              Log[$CellContext`MT^(-2) X`Mu^2] - $CellContext`MT^2 
-              Log[Rational[1, 2] $CellContext`MT^(-2) (
-                  2 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`U + ($CellContext`U \
-((-4) $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`U))^
-                   Rational[1, 2])]^2) ((-2) $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[1], 
-                 $CellContext`k[5]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[2], 
-                  $CellContext`k[3]] + 2 $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[2], 
-                   $CellContext`k[4]]) $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                 $CellContext`ec[5]] + 4 $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[1], 
-                 $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[2], 
-                 $CellContext`ec[5]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                  $CellContext`k[1]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                 $CellContext`k[5]]) + $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[1], 
-                 $CellContext`ec[
-                 5]] ((-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34 + 
-                  2 $CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24) $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[2], 
-                   $CellContext`ec[4]] - 4 $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[2], 
-                  $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                  $CellContext`k[1]] + 4 $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[2], 
-                   $CellContext`k[1]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                   $CellContext`k[5]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[2], 
-                  $CellContext`k[3]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                   $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                   $CellContext`k[5]])) - 2 $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[1], 
-                $CellContext`ec[4]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[2], 
-                 $CellContext`k[3]] + 2 $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[2], 
-                  $CellContext`k[4]]) $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                $CellContext`k[1]] + 4 $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[1], 
-                 $CellContext`e[2]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                  $CellContext`k[1]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                 $CellContext`k[5]]) $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                 $CellContext`k[1]] + 4 $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[2], 
-                 $CellContext`ec[4]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[1], 
-                   $CellContext`k[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                   $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[1], 
-                   $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                   $CellContext`k[4]])) - 
-             4 ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`U)^(-1) (-
-               X`DiscB[$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] + 
-              X`DiscB[$CellContext`U, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT]) \
-               $CellContext`e[2], 
-               $CellContext`k[3]] (
-              2 ($CellContext`MH^2 - 
-                2 $CellContext`S34 - $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[1], 
-                 $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                 $CellContext`ec[5]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[1], 
-                 $CellContext`ec[
-                 5]] (((-2) $CellContext`MH^2 + 4 $CellContext`S34 + 
-                  2 $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                   $CellContext`k[1]] + (3 $CellContext`MH^2 - 
-                  4 $CellContext`T - $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                   $CellContext`k[2]] - ($CellContext`MH^2 + 2 $CellContext`S - 
-                 2 $CellContext`T - 
-                 2 $CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                  $CellContext`k[3]]) + 
-              2 ($CellContext`MH^2 - 
-                2 $CellContext`S34 - $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[1], 
-                 $CellContext`ec[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                 $CellContext`k[1]] + 8 ($CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[1], 
-                   $CellContext`k[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                   $CellContext`k[3]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                   $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[1], 
-                   $CellContext`k[3]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                   $CellContext`k[5]]) $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                   $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[1], 
-                   $CellContext`k[5]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]]))) - 
-             4 ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`U)^(-2) (-$CellContext`MH^2 + \
-$CellContext`U - $CellContext`MH^2 
-              X`DiscB[$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] + \
-               X`DiscB[$CellContext`U, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] - \
-              Log[Rational[1, 2] $CellContext`MT^(-2) (-$CellContext`MH^2 + 
-                  2 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`MH ($CellContext`MH^2 - 
-                    4 $CellContext`MT^2)^
-                    Rational[1, 2])]^2 + $CellContext`MT^2 
-               Log[Rational[1, 2] $CellContext`MT^(-2) (
-                   2 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`U + ($CellContext`U \
-((-4) $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`U))^
-                    Rational[1, 2])]^2) $CellContext`Pair[
-               $CellContext`e[2], 
-               $CellContext`k[3]] (
-              2 (-$CellContext`MH^2 + 
-                2 $CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[1], 
-                 $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                 $CellContext`ec[5]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[1], 
-                $CellContext`ec[
-                5]] (((-2) $CellContext`MH^2 + 4 $CellContext`T24 + 
-                 2 $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                  $CellContext`k[1]] + (-$CellContext`MH^2 - 2 $CellContext`S + 
-                 2 $CellContext`T - 
-                 2 $CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                  $CellContext`k[2]] + (-$CellContext`MH^2 + 
-                 4 $CellContext`S + $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                  $CellContext`k[3]]) + 
-              2 (-$CellContext`MH^2 + 
-                2 $CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[1], 
-                 $CellContext`ec[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                 $CellContext`k[1]] + 8 ($CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[1], 
-                   $CellContext`k[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                   $CellContext`k[3]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                   $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[1], 
-                   $CellContext`k[3]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                   $CellContext`k[5]]) $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                   $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[1], 
-                   $CellContext`k[5]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]]))) - 
-             4 ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`U)^(-1) (
-              X`DiscB[$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] - 
-              X`DiscB[$CellContext`U, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT]) \
-                 $CellContext`e[1], 
-                 $CellContext`ec[
-                 5]] (($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34 - 
-                  2 $CellContext`T14 - $CellContext`T24) ($CellContext`MH^2 - \
-$CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[2], 
-                   $CellContext`ec[4]] - 
-                4 ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`U) ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]])) - $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[2], 
-                  $CellContext`k[3]] (
-                 2 ($CellContext`MH^2 - 2 $CellContext`S34 + 
-                   2 $CellContext`T24 - $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] + ((-5) $CellContext`MH^2 - 
-                   2 $CellContext`S + 6 $CellContext`T - 2 $CellContext`T14 + 
-                   3 $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] + ($CellContext`MH^2 + 
-                   6 $CellContext`S - 2 $CellContext`T - 
-                   2 $CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]])) - 2 ($CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[1], 
-                  $CellContext`k[
-                  5]] (((-$CellContext`MH^2 + 2 $CellContext`S34 - 
-                    2 $CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] + 
-                   2 (-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]]) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`ec[5]] + 
-                 2 ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`ec[5]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]])) + $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[1], 
-                  $CellContext`ec[
-                  4]] ((-$CellContext`MH^2 + 2 $CellContext`S34 - 
-                   2 $CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] + 
-                 2 (-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]]) $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                  $CellContext`k[1]] + 
-               2 ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[1], 
-                  $CellContext`e[2]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                   $CellContext`k[1]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                  $CellContext`k[5]]) $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                  $CellContext`k[1]] + 
-               2 ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[2], 
-                  $CellContext`ec[4]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]]) - 8 $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[2], 
-                 $CellContext`k[3]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[1], 
-                   $CellContext`k[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                   $CellContext`k[3]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                   $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[1], 
-                   $CellContext`k[3]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                   $CellContext`k[5]]) $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                   $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[1], 
-                   $CellContext`k[5]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[
-                    4]])))) - ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`U)^(-1) (
-              Log[
-                Rational[1, 2] $CellContext`MT^(-2) (-$CellContext`MH^2 + 
-                  2 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`MH ($CellContext`MH^2 - 
-                    4 $CellContext`MT^2)^Rational[1, 2])]^2 - 
-              Log[Rational[1, 2] $CellContext`MT^(-2) (
-                 2 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`U + ($CellContext`U ((-4) \
-$CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`U))^Rational[1, 2])]^2) ($CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[1], 
-                 $CellContext`ec[
-                 5]] (($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34 - 
-                  2 $CellContext`T14 - $CellContext`T24) ($CellContext`MH^2 - \
-$CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[2], 
-                   $CellContext`ec[4]] + 
-                2 ((-2) ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`U) \
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]])) + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[
-                    3]] ((-2) $CellContext`T24 $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[
-                    1]] + ($CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S - \
-$CellContext`T + $CellContext`T14 - $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] - 2 $CellContext`S $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]]))) + 4 ($CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[1], 
-                   $CellContext`k[5]] (($CellContext`T24 $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[
-                    3]] + ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`U) \
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]]) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`ec[
-                    5]] - ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`U) \
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`ec[5]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]])) + $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[1], 
-                   $CellContext`ec[4]] ($CellContext`T24 $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[
-                    3]] + ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`U) \
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]]) $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                   $CellContext`k[
-                   1]] - ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`U) \
-                  $CellContext`e[1], 
-                  $CellContext`e[2]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                   $CellContext`k[1]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                  $CellContext`k[5]]) $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                  $CellContext`k[
-                  1]] - ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[2], 
-                  $CellContext`ec[4]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]]) + 2 $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[2], 
-                   $CellContext`k[3]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]]) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[
-                    4]])))))) + $CellContext`T24^(-1) ($CellContext`T^(-1) \
-(-($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`T)^(-1) (
-                Log[Rational[1, 2] $CellContext`MT^(-2) (-$CellContext`MH^2 + 
-                    2 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`MH ($CellContext`MH^2 - 
-                    4 $CellContext`MT^2)^Rational[1, 2])]^2 - 
-                Log[Rational[1, 2] $CellContext`MT^(-2) (
-                   2 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`T + ($CellContext`T \
-((-4) $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`T))^
-                    Rational[1, 2])]^2) ($CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[1], 
-                   $CellContext`ec[
-                   5]] (-($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`T) ($CellContext`S - \
-$CellContext`S34 - $CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`ec[4]] + 
-                  4 ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`T) ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]])) - 
-                2 ((-2) ((-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`T) \
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[
-                    2]] + ($CellContext`S + $CellContext`T14) \
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[
-                    3]] + ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`T) \
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]]) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`ec[5]] - 
-                 2 ((-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`T) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[
-                    2]] + ($CellContext`S + $CellContext`T14) \
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[
-                    3]] + ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`T) \
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]]) $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[2], 
-                   $CellContext`ec[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                   $CellContext`k[2]] + 
-                 2 ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`T) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`ec[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]]) + 
-                 2 ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`T) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`e[2]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]]) + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`ec[4]] (
-                   2 ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`T) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] - 
-                   2 ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`T) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]]) + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[
-                    3]] (($CellContext`S + $CellContext`S34 + \
-$CellContext`T14 - $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] + 
-                    2 ($CellContext`S + $CellContext`T14) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] - 2 $CellContext`S $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]])) + 4 $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]])) + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]])))) + (
-                4 (2 + X`Eps^(-1) + 
-                  X`DiscB[$CellContext`T, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] + 
-                  Log[$CellContext`MT^(-2) X`Mu^2]) - 
-                4 ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`T)^(-1) (
-                 3 $CellContext`MH^2 + X`Eps^(-1) $CellContext`MH^2 - 
-                 3 $CellContext`T - 
-                 X`Eps^(-1) $CellContext`T + $CellContext`MH^2 
-                  X`DiscB[$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`MT, \
-$CellContext`MT] - $CellContext`T 
-                 X`DiscB[$CellContext`T, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] + \
-                  Log[Rational[1, 2] $CellContext`MT^(-2) (-$CellContext`MH^2 + 
-                    2 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`MH ($CellContext`MH^2 - 
-                    4 $CellContext`MT^2)^
-                    Rational[1, 2])]^2 + $CellContext`MH^2 
-                  Log[$CellContext`MT^(-2) X`Mu^2] - $CellContext`T 
-                 Log[$CellContext`MT^(-2) X`Mu^2] - $CellContext`MT^2 
-                 Log[Rational[1, 2] $CellContext`MT^(-2) (
-                    2 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`T + ($CellContext`T \
-((-4) $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`T))^Rational[1, 2])]^2)) (
-                2 ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] + 2 $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]]) $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[2], 
-                   $CellContext`k[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                   $CellContext`ec[5]] + 2 ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] + 2 $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]]) $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[2], 
-                   $CellContext`ec[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                   $CellContext`k[2]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[1], 
-                   $CellContext`ec[
-                   5]] (($CellContext`S - $CellContext`S34 - $CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`ec[4]] - 4 ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]])) + 4 $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[1], 
-                   $CellContext`ec[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[2], 
-                   $CellContext`k[4]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                   $CellContext`k[3]]) + 4 $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[1], 
-                   $CellContext`e[2]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                   $CellContext`k[2]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                   $CellContext`k[3]]) - $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[2], 
-                  $CellContext`ec[4]] ((-4) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] + 4 $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[1], 
-                   $CellContext`k[3]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]]))) + 
-              8 (Rational[
-                  1, 2] ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`T)^(-1) (-
-                   X`DiscB[$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`MT, \
-$CellContext`MT] + 
-                  X`DiscB[$CellContext`T, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT]) \
-                   $CellContext`e[1], 
-                   $CellContext`k[3]] (
-                  2 ((-3) $CellContext`MH^2 + 
-                    2 $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T + 
-                    2 $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`ec[5]] + 
-                  2 ((-3) $CellContext`MH^2 + 
-                    2 $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T + 
-                    2 $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`ec[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] + 8 ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]])) + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]])) - $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`ec[
-                    4]] (((-3) $CellContext`MH^2 + 
-                    4 $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] + 
-                   2 ($CellContext`S - $CellContext`S34 - $CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[
-                    3]] + ((-3) $CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`T + 
-                    4 $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]])) + 
-                Rational[
-                  1, 2] ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`T)^(-2) \
-(-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`T - $CellContext`MH^2 
-                  X`DiscB[$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`MT, \
-$CellContext`MT] + $CellContext`MH^2 
-                   X`DiscB[$CellContext`T, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] - \
-                  Log[Rational[1, 2] $CellContext`MT^(-2) (-$CellContext`MH^2 + 
-                    2 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`MH ($CellContext`MH^2 - 
-                    4 $CellContext`MT^2)^
-                    Rational[1, 2])]^2 + $CellContext`MT^2 
-                   Log[Rational[1, 2] $CellContext`MT^(-2) (
-                    2 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`T + ($CellContext`T \
-((-4) $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`T))^
-                    Rational[1, 2])]^2) $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[1], 
-                   $CellContext`k[
-                   3]] ((-2) (-$CellContext`MH^2 + 
-                    2 $CellContext`S + $CellContext`T + 
-                    2 $CellContext`T14) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`ec[5]] - 
-                  2 (-$CellContext`MH^2 + 2 $CellContext`S + $CellContext`T + 
-                   2 $CellContext`T14) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`ec[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] + 8 (-$CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]] (-$CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]])) - $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`ec[
-                    4]] (((-3) $CellContext`MH^2 + 
-                    4 $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T + 
-                    2 $CellContext`T24) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] + 
-                   2 ($CellContext`S - $CellContext`S34 - $CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[
-                    3]] + ((-3) $CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`T + 
-                    2 $CellContext`T24 + 4 $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]]))) - 
-              4 ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`T)^(-1) (
-               X`DiscB[$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] - 
-               X`DiscB[$CellContext`T, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT]) \
-((-2) (((-5) $CellContext`MH^2 + 4 $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T + 
-                   2 $CellContext`T24 + 4 $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] + 
-                 2 ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`T) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]]) $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[2], 
-                  $CellContext`k[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                  $CellContext`ec[5]] - 
-               2 (((-5) $CellContext`MH^2 + 
-                  4 $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T + 2 $CellContext`T24 + 
-                  4 $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[1], 
-                   $CellContext`k[3]] + 
-                2 ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`T) $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[1], 
-                   $CellContext`k[5]]) $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[2], 
-                 $CellContext`ec[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                 $CellContext`k[2]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[1], 
-                  $CellContext`ec[
-                  5]] (-($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`T) ($CellContext`S - \
-$CellContext`S34 - $CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`ec[4]] + 
-                 4 ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`T) ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]])) - 
-               4 ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`T) $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[1], 
-                 $CellContext`ec[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[2], 
-                 $CellContext`k[4]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                  $CellContext`k[1]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                 $CellContext`k[3]]) - 
-               4 ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`T) $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[1], 
-                 $CellContext`e[2]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                 $CellContext`k[2]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                  $CellContext`k[1]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                 $CellContext`k[3]]) - 16 $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[1], 
-                 $CellContext`k[3]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[2], 
-                   $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                   $CellContext`k[2]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                   $CellContext`k[3]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[2], 
-                   $CellContext`k[4]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]])) + $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[2], 
-                   $CellContext`k[3]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                   $CellContext`k[2]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                   $CellContext`k[4]])) - $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[2], 
-                 $CellContext`ec[4]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[1], 
-                   $CellContext`k[
-                   3]] ((7 $CellContext`MH^2 - 8 $CellContext`S34 - 
-                    3 $CellContext`T - 2 $CellContext`T24) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] + 
-                  4 ((-2) $CellContext`MH^2 + 
-                    2 $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T + 
-                    2 $CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] + (7 $CellContext`MH^2 - 
-                    3 $CellContext`T - 2 $CellContext`T24 - 
-                    8 $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]]) + 
-                4 ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`T) ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[
-                    4]])))) + ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S - \
-$CellContext`T - $CellContext`T14)^(-1) ((-2) (((-$CellContext`S34 \
-$CellContext`T + $CellContext`S34 $CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`MH^2 \
-($CellContext`S34 - $CellContext`U) + $CellContext`T $CellContext`U + \
-$CellContext`T14 $CellContext`U - $CellContext`S ($CellContext`S34 + \
-$CellContext`U)) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`ec[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`ec[4]] - 
-                  4 ($CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`ec[5]] - 
-                  4 ($CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`ec[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] + 4 $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`ec[
-                    5]] ((($CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`U) \
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[
-                    1]] + (-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`T) \
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]]) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[
-                    4]] (($CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[
-                    1]] + (-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`T) \
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]])) - 
-                  4 ($CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`ec[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] - 
-                  4 ($CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`e[2]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] + 8 ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]]) ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]]) + ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]]) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]]) + 4 $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`ec[4]] ($CellContext`U $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`S34 $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]] ($CellContext`U $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] + $CellContext`S34 $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]]))) 
-                 X`ScalarC0[$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`MH^2 - 
-                   4 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`T - $CellContext`T14, \
-$CellContext`T24, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] + (
-                   16 $CellContext`MT^4 + $CellContext`T^2 + \
-$CellContext`T14^2 - 4 $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`T24 + 
-                   2 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`T24^2 + 
-                   2 $CellContext`T ($CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24) + 
-                   8 $CellContext`MT^2 ($CellContext`T + $CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24))^(-1) ((-$CellContext`S34^2 - 
-                    4 $CellContext`S34 $CellContext`T + 
-                    2 $CellContext`S34 $CellContext`T14 + 
-                    4 $CellContext`MH^2 ($CellContext`S34 - $CellContext`U) + 
-                    4 $CellContext`T $CellContext`U + 
-                    2 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`U + $CellContext`U^2 - 
-                    2 $CellContext`S ($CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`U)) \
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`ec[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`ec[4]] - 
-                  8 ($CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`ec[5]] - 
-                  8 ($CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`ec[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] + 4 $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`ec[
-                    5]] ((2 ($CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`U) \
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[
-                    1]] + ((-4) $CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34 + 
-                    4 $CellContext`T + $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]]) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]] (
-                    2 ($CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[
-                    1]] + ((-4) $CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34 + 
-                    4 $CellContext`T + $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]])) - 
-                  8 ($CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`ec[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] - 
-                  8 ($CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`e[2]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] + 32 ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]]) ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]]) + ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]]) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]]) + 4 $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`ec[4]] (
-                    2 ($CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[
-                    1]] + ((-3) $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`U) \
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]] (
-                    2 ($CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[
-                    2]] + ((-3) $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`U) \
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]]))) ((2 $CellContext`MH^2 - 
-                    4 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`T - $CellContext`T14 - \
-                   X`DiscB[$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`MT, \
-$CellContext`MT] - 2 ($CellContext`MH^2 - 
-                   4 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`T - $CellContext`T14) 
-                  X`DiscB[$CellContext`MH^2 - 
-                    4 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`T - $CellContext`T14, \
-$CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] - (
-                   4 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`T + $CellContext`T14 - \
-                  X`DiscB[$CellContext`T24, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] + \
-($CellContext`MH^2 - 
-                    4 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`T - $CellContext`T14) (
-                    4 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`T + $CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24) X`ScalarC0[$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`MH^2 - 
-                    4 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`T - $CellContext`T14, \
-$CellContext`T24, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT])) + (
-                8 $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[1], 
-                   $CellContext`k[5]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`ec[5]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`ec[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]]) + $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[1], 
-                   $CellContext`ec[
-                   5]] ((2 $CellContext`S - $CellContext`S34 - 
-                    2 $CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`ec[4]] - 4 (($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]]) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]]))) + 8 ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`ec[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`e[2]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]]) $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                   $CellContext`k[1]] - 4 $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[2], 
-                  $CellContext`ec[4]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]]))) (
-                2 (2 + X`Eps^(-1) + 
-                  X`DiscB[$CellContext`T24, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] + 
-                  Log[$CellContext`MT^(-2) X`Mu^2]) - 
-                2 (16 $CellContext`MT^4 + $CellContext`T^2 + \
-$CellContext`T14^2 - 4 $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`T24 + 
-                  2 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`T24^2 + 
-                  2 $CellContext`T ($CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24) + 
-                  8 $CellContext`MT^2 ($CellContext`T + $CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24))^(-1) (
-                 3 (16 $CellContext`MT^4 + $CellContext`T^2 + \
-$CellContext`T14^2 - 4 $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`T24 + 
-                   2 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`T24^2 + 
-                   2 $CellContext`T ($CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24) + 
-                   8 $CellContext`MT^2 ($CellContext`T + $CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24)) + 
-                 X`Eps^(-1) (
-                   16 $CellContext`MT^4 + $CellContext`T^2 + \
-$CellContext`T14^2 - 4 $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`T24 + 
-                   2 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`T24^2 + 
-                   2 $CellContext`T ($CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24) + 
-                   8 $CellContext`MT^2 ($CellContext`T + $CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24)) + $CellContext`MH^2 (
-                   4 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`T + $CellContext`T14 - \
-                  X`DiscB[$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`MT, \
-$CellContext`MT] - ($CellContext`MH^2 - 
-                  4 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`T - $CellContext`T14) (
-                  4 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`T + $CellContext`T14 + \
-                 X`DiscB[$CellContext`MH^2 - 
-                   4 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`T - $CellContext`T14, \
-$CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] - (2 $CellContext`MH^2 - 
-                  4 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`T - $CellContext`T14 - \
-$CellContext`T24) $CellContext`T24 
-                 X`DiscB[$CellContext`T24, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] + \
-(16 $CellContext`MT^4 + $CellContext`T^2 + $CellContext`T14^2 - 
-                   4 $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`T24 + 
-                   2 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`T24^2 + 
-                   2 $CellContext`T ($CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24) + 
-                   8 $CellContext`MT^2 ($CellContext`T + $CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24)) Log[$CellContext`MT^(-2) X`Mu^2] + 
-                 2 (16 $CellContext`MT^6 + $CellContext`MH^2 \
-($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`T - $CellContext`T14) $CellContext`T24 + 
-                   8 $CellContext`MT^4 ($CellContext`T + $CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24) + $CellContext`MT^2 ($CellContext`T^2 + $CellContext`T14^2 - 
-                    8 $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`T24 + 
-                    2 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`T24^2 + 
-                    2 $CellContext`T ($CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24))) 
-                  X`ScalarC0[$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`MH^2 - 
-                    4 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`T - $CellContext`T14, \
-$CellContext`T24, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT])) - 
-              4 ((16 $CellContext`MT^4 + $CellContext`T^2 + \
-$CellContext`T14^2 - 4 $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`T24 + 
-                  2 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`T24^2 + 
-                  2 $CellContext`T ($CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24) + 
-                  8 $CellContext`MT^2 ($CellContext`T + $CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24))^(-1) ((-$CellContext`S34^2 - 
-                   2 $CellContext`S34 $CellContext`T - $CellContext`S34 \
-$CellContext`T24 + 2 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24 - 
-                   2 $CellContext`S (
-                    2 $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T24) + \
-$CellContext`MH^2 (2 $CellContext`S + 3 $CellContext`S34 - 2 $CellContext`T14 - 
-                    3 $CellContext`U) + 2 $CellContext`T $CellContext`U + 
-                   4 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`U + $CellContext`T24 \
-$CellContext`U + $CellContext`U^2) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`ec[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`ec[4]] - 
-                 8 (-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T24 + \
-$CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[1], 
-                   $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[2], 
-                   $CellContext`k[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                   $CellContext`ec[5]] - 
-                 8 (-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T24 + \
-$CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[1], 
-                   $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[2], 
-                   $CellContext`ec[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                   $CellContext`k[2]] - 
-                 4 ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34 - $CellContext`T24 - \
-$CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[1], 
-                   $CellContext`ec[5]] ((2 $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]]) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]] (2 $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]])) - 
-                 8 (-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T24 + \
-$CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[1], 
-                   $CellContext`ec[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[2], 
-                   $CellContext`k[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                   $CellContext`k[1]] - 
-                 8 (-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T24 + \
-$CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[1], 
-                   $CellContext`e[2]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                   $CellContext`k[2]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                   $CellContext`k[1]] + 4 $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`ec[
-                    4]] ((-$CellContext`MH^2 + 
-                    2 $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T24) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[
-                    1]] + (-$CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`U) \
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] - $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`T24 $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] + 2 $CellContext`U $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] - $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] + 
-                   2 $CellContext`S34 $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] + $CellContext`T24 $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] - $CellContext`S34 $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] + $CellContext`U $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] - $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]] + $CellContext`T24 $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]] + 2 $CellContext`U $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]])) ((-2) $CellContext`MH^2 
-                  X`DiscB[$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`MT, \
-$CellContext`MT] + (2 $CellContext`MH^2 - 
-                   4 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`T - $CellContext`T14 - \
-                  X`DiscB[$CellContext`MH^2 - 
-                    4 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`T - $CellContext`T14, \
-$CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] + 
-                 4 $CellContext`MT^2 
-                  X`DiscB[$CellContext`T24, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] + \
-                  X`DiscB[$CellContext`T24, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] + \
-                  X`DiscB[$CellContext`T24, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] + \
-$CellContext`T24 X`DiscB[$CellContext`T24, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] - 
-                 4 $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`MT^2 
-                 X`ScalarC0[$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`MH^2 - 
-                   4 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`T - $CellContext`T14, \
-$CellContext`T24, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] - \
-$CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`T 
-                 X`ScalarC0[$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`MH^2 - 
-                   4 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`T - $CellContext`T14, \
-$CellContext`T24, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] - \
-$CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`T14 
-                 X`ScalarC0[$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`MH^2 - 
-                   4 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`T - $CellContext`T14, \
-$CellContext`T24, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] + \
-$CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`T24 
-                  X`ScalarC0[$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`MH^2 - 
-                    4 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`T - $CellContext`T14, \
-$CellContext`T24, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT]) + 
-               Rational[
-                 1, 2] (16 $CellContext`MT^4 + $CellContext`T^2 + \
-$CellContext`T14^2 - 4 $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`T24 + 
-                  2 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`T24^2 + 
-                  2 $CellContext`T ($CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24) + 
-                  8 $CellContext`MT^2 ($CellContext`T + $CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24))^(-2) (-($CellContext`S34 - $CellContext`U) ((-2) \
-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34 + 
-                   2 $CellContext`T + $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`ec[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`ec[4]] - 
-                 4 (2 $CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34 - 
-                  2 $CellContext`T - $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[1], 
-                   $CellContext`ec[5]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]]) - 
-                 4 ($CellContext`S34 - $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[2], 
-                   $CellContext`ec[4]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]]) + 16 ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]]) ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]])) ((-2) ($CellContext`MH^2 - 
-                   4 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`T - $CellContext`T14) \
-((-16) $CellContext`MT^4 - $CellContext`T^2 - $CellContext`T14^2 + 
-                   4 $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`T24 - 
-                   2 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24 - $CellContext`T24^2 - 
-                   2 $CellContext`T ($CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24) - 
-                   8 $CellContext`MT^2 ($CellContext`T + $CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24)) + ((
-                    4 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`T + $CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24)^2 (12 $CellContext`MT^2 + 3 $CellContext`T + 
-                    3 $CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24) + 
-                   2 $CellContext`MH^4 (12 $CellContext`MT^2 + 
-                    3 $CellContext`T + 3 $CellContext`T14 + 
-                    5 $CellContext`T24) - 
-                   2 $CellContext`MH^2 (80 $CellContext`MT^4 + 
-                    5 $CellContext`T^2 + 10 $CellContext`T $CellContext`T14 + 
-                    5 $CellContext`T14^2 + 7 $CellContext`T $CellContext`T24 + 
-                    7 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24 + 
-                    4 $CellContext`T24^2 + 
-                    4 $CellContext`MT^2 (10 $CellContext`T + 
-                    10 $CellContext`T14 + 7 $CellContext`T24))) 
-                  X`DiscB[$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`MT, \
-$CellContext`MT] - 
-                 6 (-$CellContext`MH^2 + 
-                   4 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`T + $CellContext`T14)^2 \
-(4 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`T + $CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24) 
-                 X`DiscB[$CellContext`MH^2 - 
-                   4 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`T - $CellContext`T14, \
-$CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] - ((-192) $CellContext`MT^6 - 
-                  3 $CellContext`T^3 - 9 $CellContext`T^2 $CellContext`T14 - 
-                  9 $CellContext`T $CellContext`T14^2 - 3 $CellContext`T14^3 - 
-                  16 $CellContext`MT^4 (9 $CellContext`T + 
-                   9 $CellContext`T14 - $CellContext`T24) + 
-                  4 $CellContext`MH^4 $CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`T^2 \
-$CellContext`T24 + 
-                  2 $CellContext`T $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24 + \
-$CellContext`T14^2 $CellContext`T24 + 5 $CellContext`T $CellContext`T24^2 + 
-                  5 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24^2 + $CellContext`T24^3 - 
-                  4 $CellContext`MT^2 (9 $CellContext`T^2 + 
-                   18 $CellContext`T $CellContext`T14 + 9 $CellContext`T14^2 - 
-                   2 $CellContext`T $CellContext`T24 - 
-                   2 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24 - 
-                   5 $CellContext`T24^2) + 
-                  2 $CellContext`MH^2 (
-                    16 $CellContext`MT^4 + $CellContext`T^2 + 
-                    2 $CellContext`T $CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T14^2 + \
-$CellContext`MT^2 (8 $CellContext`T + 8 $CellContext`T14 - 
-                    4 $CellContext`T24) - $CellContext`T $CellContext`T24 - \
-$CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24 - 4 $CellContext`T24^2)) 
-                 X`DiscB[$CellContext`T24, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] + 
-                 2 ($CellContext`MH^2 - 
-                   4 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`T - $CellContext`T14) (
-                   2 $CellContext`MH^4 $CellContext`T24 - (
-                    2 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`T + $CellContext`T14) (
-                    4 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`T + $CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24)^2 + $CellContext`MH^2 (
-                    16 $CellContext`MT^4 + $CellContext`T^2 + 
-                    2 $CellContext`T $CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T14^2 + 
-                    8 $CellContext`MT^2 ($CellContext`T + $CellContext`T14 - \
-$CellContext`T24) + $CellContext`T24^2)) 
-                  X`ScalarC0[$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`MH^2 - 
-                    4 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`T - $CellContext`T14, \
-$CellContext`T24, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT]) + 
-               Rational[
-                 1, 2] (16 $CellContext`MT^4 + $CellContext`T^2 + \
-$CellContext`T14^2 - 4 $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`T24 + 
-                  2 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`T24^2 + 
-                  2 $CellContext`T ($CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24) + 
-                  8 $CellContext`MT^2 ($CellContext`T + $CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24))^(-2) (-($CellContext`S34 - $CellContext`U) ((-2) \
-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34 + 
-                   2 $CellContext`T + $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`ec[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`ec[4]] - 
-                 4 (2 $CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34 - 
-                  2 $CellContext`T - $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[1], 
-                   $CellContext`ec[5]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]]) + 16 ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]]) ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]]) + ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]]) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]]) - 
-                 4 ($CellContext`S34 - $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[2], 
-                   $CellContext`ec[4]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]])) ((2 $CellContext`MH^2 - 
-                   4 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`T - $CellContext`T14 - \
-$CellContext`T24) ((-16) $CellContext`MT^4 - $CellContext`T^2 - \
-$CellContext`T14^2 + 4 $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`T24 - 
-                   2 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24 - $CellContext`T24^2 - 
-                   2 $CellContext`T ($CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24) - 
-                   8 $CellContext`MT^2 ($CellContext`T + $CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24)) - $CellContext`MH^2 ((-80) $CellContext`MT^4 - 
-                  5 $CellContext`T^2 - 10 $CellContext`T $CellContext`T14 - 
-                  5 $CellContext`T14^2 - 4 $CellContext`T $CellContext`T24 - 
-                  4 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`T24^2 + 
-                  2 $CellContext`MH^2 (12 $CellContext`MT^2 + 
-                    3 $CellContext`T + 3 $CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24) - 
-                  8 $CellContext`MT^2 (5 $CellContext`T + 5 $CellContext`T14 + 
-                   2 $CellContext`T24)) 
-                 X`DiscB[$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] + \
-($CellContext`MH^2 - 
-                   4 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`T - $CellContext`T14) \
-($CellContext`MH^2 (24 $CellContext`MT^2 + 6 $CellContext`T + 
-                    6 $CellContext`T14 - 2 $CellContext`T24) - (
-                    4 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`T + $CellContext`T14 + \
-                  X`DiscB[$CellContext`MH^2 - 
-                    4 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`T - $CellContext`T14, \
-$CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] + (
-                   2 $CellContext`MH^2 (
-                    4 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`T + $CellContext`T14 - \
-$CellContext`T24)^2 + 
-                   4 $CellContext`MH^4 $CellContext`T24 - (
-                    4 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`T + $CellContext`T14) (
-                    4 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`T + $CellContext`T14 + \
-                  X`DiscB[$CellContext`T24, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] - 
-                 2 (2 $CellContext`MH^6 $CellContext`T24 - $CellContext`MT^2 (
-                    4 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`T + $CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24)^3 + $CellContext`MH^4 (
-                    16 $CellContext`MT^4 + $CellContext`T^2 + 
-                    2 $CellContext`T $CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T14^2 + 
-                    4 $CellContext`MT^2 (2 $CellContext`T + 
-                    2 $CellContext`T14 - 5 $CellContext`T24) - 
-                    3 $CellContext`T $CellContext`T24 - 
-                    3 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24 - 
-                    2 $CellContext`T24^2) - $CellContext`MH^2 (
-                   32 $CellContext`MT^6 + 
-                   16 $CellContext`MT^4 (2 $CellContext`T + 
-                    2 $CellContext`T14 - 3 $CellContext`T24) + 
-                   2 $CellContext`MT^2 (5 $CellContext`T^2 + 
-                    10 $CellContext`T $CellContext`T14 + 5 $CellContext`T14^2 - 
-                    8 $CellContext`T $CellContext`T24 - 
-                    8 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24 - 
-                    7 $CellContext`T24^2) + ($CellContext`T + \
-$CellContext`T14) ($CellContext`T^2 + 
-                    2 $CellContext`T $CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T14^2 - \
-$CellContext`T $CellContext`T24 - $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24 - 
-                    2 $CellContext`T24^2))) 
-                 X`ScalarC0[$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`MH^2 - 
-                   4 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`T - $CellContext`T14, \
-$CellContext`T24, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT])))), 
-          0, ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S - $CellContext`T - \
-$CellContext`T14)^(-1) $CellContext`T24^(-1) (
-           8 $CellContext`MT^2 (
-              16 $CellContext`MT^4 + $CellContext`T^2 + $CellContext`T14^2 - 
-              4 $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`T24 + 
-              2 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`T24^2 + 
-              2 $CellContext`T ($CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24) + 
-              8 $CellContext`MT^2 ($CellContext`T + $CellContext`T14 + \
-            X`Kallen\[Lambda][$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`MH^2 - 
-               4 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`T - $CellContext`T14, \
-$CellContext`T24]^(-1) (8 $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[1], 
-                $CellContext`k[5]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[2], 
-                  $CellContext`k[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                  $CellContext`ec[5]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[2], 
-                  $CellContext`ec[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                  $CellContext`k[2]]) + $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[1], 
-                $CellContext`ec[
-                5]] ((2 $CellContext`S - $CellContext`S34 - 
-                 2 $CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[2], 
-                  $CellContext`ec[4]] - 4 (($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]]) $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                   $CellContext`k[2]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[2], 
-                   $CellContext`k[4]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]]))) + 8 ($CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[1], 
-                  $CellContext`ec[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[2], 
-                  $CellContext`k[4]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[1], 
-                  $CellContext`e[2]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                  $CellContext`k[2]]) $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                $CellContext`k[1]] - 4 $CellContext`Pair[
-               $CellContext`e[2], 
-               $CellContext`ec[4]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[1], 
-                 $CellContext`k[2]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                 $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[1], 
-                 $CellContext`k[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                 $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[1], 
-                 $CellContext`k[5]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                  $CellContext`k[2]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                  $CellContext`k[4]]))) ($CellContext`MH^2 (
-               16 $CellContext`MT^4 + $CellContext`T^2 + $CellContext`T14^2 + 
-               2 $CellContext`T ($CellContext`T14 - 2 $CellContext`T24) + 
-               8 $CellContext`MT^2 ($CellContext`T + $CellContext`T14 - 
-                 2 $CellContext`T24) + 8 $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`T24 - 
-               4 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24 - 5 $CellContext`T24^2) 
-              X`DiscB[$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] - (
-              8 $CellContext`MH^4 $CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`T24 (
-                 4 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`T + $CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24)^2 + $CellContext`MH^2 (
-                16 $CellContext`MT^4 + $CellContext`T^2 + $CellContext`T14^2 + 
-                2 $CellContext`T ($CellContext`T14 - 5 $CellContext`T24) + 
-                8 $CellContext`MT^2 ($CellContext`T + $CellContext`T14 - 
-                  5 $CellContext`T24) - 10 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24 - 
-                3 $CellContext`T24^2)) 
-             X`DiscB[$CellContext`MH^2 - 
-               4 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`T - $CellContext`T14, \
-$CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] + $CellContext`T24 ((-2) $CellContext`MH^2 (
-                 12 $CellContext`MT^2 + 3 $CellContext`T + 
-                 3 $CellContext`T14 - $CellContext`T24) + (
-                 4 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`T + $CellContext`T14 + \
-              X`DiscB[$CellContext`T24, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] + (
-               4 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`T + $CellContext`T14 + \
-              X`Kallen\[Lambda][$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`MH^2 - 
-                4 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`T - $CellContext`T14, \
-$CellContext`T24] + 
-             2 (64 $CellContext`MT^8 + 
-               48 $CellContext`MT^6 ($CellContext`T + $CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24) + 
-               12 $CellContext`MT^4 ($CellContext`T^2 + $CellContext`T14^2 + 
-                 2 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`T24 ((-4) \
-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`T24) + 
-                 2 $CellContext`T ($CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24)) - \
-$CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`T24 (2 $CellContext`T^2 + 
-                2 $CellContext`T14^2 + $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24 - \
-$CellContext`T24^2 + $CellContext`MH^2 ((-3) $CellContext`T - 
-                  3 $CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24) + $CellContext`T (
-                  4 $CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24)) + $CellContext`MT^2 \
-($CellContext`T^3 + $CellContext`T14^3 + 
-                 3 $CellContext`T14^2 $CellContext`T24 + 
-                 3 $CellContext`T^2 ($CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24) + \
-$CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24 ((-20) $CellContext`MH^2 + 
-                   3 $CellContext`T24) + $CellContext`T24 (
-                   12 $CellContext`MH^4 - 
-                   8 $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`T24^2) + \
-$CellContext`T (3 $CellContext`T14^2 + 
-                   6 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`T24 \
-((-20) $CellContext`MH^2 + 3 $CellContext`T24)))) 
-              X`ScalarC0[$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`MH^2 - 
-                4 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`T - $CellContext`T14, \
-$CellContext`T24, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT]) - 
-           2 ((-4) $CellContext`MT^2 (-$CellContext`MH^2 + 
-               8 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`T + $CellContext`T14)^(-1) (
-               16 $CellContext`MT^6 + $CellContext`MH^2 ($CellContext`MH^2 - \
-$CellContext`T - $CellContext`T14) $CellContext`T24 + 
-               8 $CellContext`MT^4 ($CellContext`T + $CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24) + $CellContext`MT^2 ($CellContext`T^2 + $CellContext`T14^2 - 
-                 8 $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`T24 + 
-                 2 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`T24^2 + 
-                 2 $CellContext`T ($CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24)))^(-1)
-                X`Kallen\[Lambda][$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`MH^2 - 
-                4 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`T - $CellContext`T14, \
-$CellContext`T24]^(-1) ((-$CellContext`S34 $CellContext`T + $CellContext`S34 \
-$CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`MH^2 ($CellContext`S34 - $CellContext`U) + \
-$CellContext`T $CellContext`U + $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`U - \
-$CellContext`S ($CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`U)) $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[1], 
-                 $CellContext`ec[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[2], 
-                 $CellContext`ec[4]] - 
-              4 ($CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[1], 
-                $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[2], 
-                $CellContext`k[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                $CellContext`ec[5]] - 
-              4 ($CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[1], 
-                $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[2], 
-                $CellContext`ec[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                $CellContext`k[2]] + 4 $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[1], 
-                 $CellContext`ec[
-                 5]] ((($CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[
-                    1]] + (-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`T) \
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]]) $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                   $CellContext`k[2]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[2], 
-                   $CellContext`k[
-                   4]] (($CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`U) \
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[
-                    1]] + (-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`T) \
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]])) - 
-              4 ($CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[1], 
-                $CellContext`ec[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[2], 
-                $CellContext`k[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                $CellContext`k[1]] - 
-              4 ($CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[1], 
-                $CellContext`e[2]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                $CellContext`k[2]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                $CellContext`k[1]] + 8 ($CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[2], 
-                   $CellContext`k[3]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                   $CellContext`k[2]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[2], 
-                   $CellContext`k[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                   $CellContext`k[3]]) ($CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[1], 
-                   $CellContext`k[3]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                   $CellContext`k[3]]) + ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[1], 
-                   $CellContext`k[4]]) $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                   $CellContext`k[3]]) + 4 $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[2], 
-                 $CellContext`ec[4]] ($CellContext`U $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[1], 
-                   $CellContext`k[2]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                   $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`S34 $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[1], 
-                   $CellContext`k[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                   $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[1], 
-                   $CellContext`k[5]] ($CellContext`U $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] + $CellContext`S34 $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[
-                    4]]))) (-$CellContext`MH^2 ($CellContext`MH^2 - 
-                8 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`T - $CellContext`T14) (
-                2 $CellContext`MH^2 - 
-                4 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`T - $CellContext`T14 - \
-$CellContext`T24) $CellContext`T24 
-               X`DiscB[$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] - \
-(64 $CellContext`MT^8 - 
-               2 $CellContext`MH^2 (-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`T + \
-$CellContext`T14)^2 $CellContext`T24 + 
-               48 $CellContext`MT^6 ($CellContext`T + $CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24) + 
-               4 $CellContext`MT^4 (3 $CellContext`T^2 + 3 $CellContext`T14^2 + 
-                 6 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24 + 
-                 6 $CellContext`T ($CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24) + \
-$CellContext`T24 ((-20) $CellContext`MH^2 + 
-                   3 $CellContext`T24)) + $CellContext`MT^2 ($CellContext`T^3 + \
-$CellContext`T14^3 + 3 $CellContext`T14^2 $CellContext`T24 + 
-                 3 $CellContext`T^2 ($CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24) + \
-$CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24 ((-28) $CellContext`MH^2 + 
-                   3 $CellContext`T24) + $CellContext`T24 (
-                   24 $CellContext`MH^4 - 
-                   4 $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`T24^2) + \
-$CellContext`T (3 $CellContext`T14^2 + 
-                   6 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`T24 \
-((-28) $CellContext`MH^2 + 3 $CellContext`T24)))) 
-              X`DiscB[$CellContext`MH^2 - 
-                4 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`T - $CellContext`T14, \
-$CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] + $CellContext`MH^2 ($CellContext`MH^2 - 
-                8 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`T - $CellContext`T14) (
-                4 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`T + $CellContext`T14 - \
-$CellContext`T24) $CellContext`T24 
-               X`DiscB[$CellContext`T24, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] - \
-($CellContext`MH^2 - 
-               8 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`T - $CellContext`T14) (
-               4 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`T + $CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24) (
-               16 $CellContext`MT^6 + $CellContext`MH^2 ($CellContext`MH^2 - \
-$CellContext`T - $CellContext`T14) $CellContext`T24 + 
-               8 $CellContext`MT^4 ($CellContext`T + $CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24) + $CellContext`MT^2 ($CellContext`T^2 + $CellContext`T14^2 - 
-                 8 $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`T24 + 
-                 2 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`T24^2 + 
-                 2 $CellContext`T ($CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24))) 
-              X`ScalarC0[$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`MH^2 - 
-                4 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`T - $CellContext`T14, \
-$CellContext`T24, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT]) + 
-            4 $CellContext`MT^2 (
-               16 $CellContext`MT^4 + $CellContext`T^2 + $CellContext`T14^2 - 
-               4 $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`T24 + 
-               2 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`T24^2 + 
-               2 $CellContext`T ($CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24) + 
-               8 $CellContext`MT^2 ($CellContext`T + $CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24))^(-1) (
-               16 $CellContext`MT^6 + $CellContext`MH^2 ($CellContext`MH^2 - \
-$CellContext`T - $CellContext`T14) $CellContext`T24 + 
-               8 $CellContext`MT^4 ($CellContext`T + $CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24) + $CellContext`MT^2 ($CellContext`T^2 + $CellContext`T14^2 - 
-                 8 $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`T24 + 
-                 2 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`T24^2 + 
-                 2 $CellContext`T ($CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24)))^(-1)
-                X`Kallen\[Lambda][$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`MH^2 - 
-                4 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`T - $CellContext`T14, \
-$CellContext`T24]^(-1) ((-$CellContext`S34^2 - 
-                4 $CellContext`S34 $CellContext`T + 
-                2 $CellContext`S34 $CellContext`T14 + 
-                4 $CellContext`MH^2 ($CellContext`S34 - $CellContext`U) + 
-                4 $CellContext`T $CellContext`U + 
-                2 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`U + $CellContext`U^2 - 
-                2 $CellContext`S ($CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`U)) \
-                 $CellContext`e[1], 
-                 $CellContext`ec[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[2], 
-                 $CellContext`ec[4]] - 
-              8 ($CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[1], 
-                $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[2], 
-                $CellContext`k[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                $CellContext`ec[5]] - 
-              8 ($CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[1], 
-                $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[2], 
-                $CellContext`ec[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                $CellContext`k[2]] + 4 $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[1], 
-                 $CellContext`ec[
-                 5]] ((2 ($CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[
-                    1]] + ((-4) $CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34 + 
-                    4 $CellContext`T + $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]]) $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                   $CellContext`k[2]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[2], 
-                   $CellContext`k[4]] (
-                  2 ($CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[
-                    1]] + ((-4) $CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34 + 
-                    4 $CellContext`T + $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]])) - 
-              8 ($CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[1], 
-                $CellContext`ec[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[2], 
-                $CellContext`k[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                $CellContext`k[1]] - 
-              8 ($CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[1], 
-                $CellContext`e[2]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                $CellContext`k[2]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                $CellContext`k[1]] + 32 ($CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[2], 
-                   $CellContext`k[3]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                   $CellContext`k[2]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[2], 
-                   $CellContext`k[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                   $CellContext`k[3]]) ($CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[1], 
-                   $CellContext`k[3]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                   $CellContext`k[3]]) + ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[1], 
-                   $CellContext`k[4]]) $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                   $CellContext`k[3]]) + 4 $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[2], 
-                 $CellContext`ec[4]] (
-                2 ($CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[1], 
-                   $CellContext`k[2]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                   $CellContext`k[
-                   1]] + ((-3) $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`U) \
-                   $CellContext`e[1], 
-                   $CellContext`k[3]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                   $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[1], 
-                   $CellContext`k[5]] (
-                  2 ($CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[
-                    2]] + ((-3) $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`U) \
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]]))) (-(-$CellContext`MT^2 (
-                   4 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`T + $CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24)^4 + 
-                2 $CellContext`MH^6 $CellContext`T24 (12 $CellContext`MT^2 + 
-                  3 $CellContext`T + 3 $CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24) + 
-                2 $CellContext`MH^2 (
-                   4 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`T + $CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24)^2 (
-                  8 $CellContext`MT^4 + ($CellContext`T + $CellContext`T14) \
-$CellContext`T24 + 2 $CellContext`MT^2 ($CellContext`T + $CellContext`T14 + 
-                    3 $CellContext`T24)) - 
-                2 $CellContext`MH^4 $CellContext`T24 (96 $CellContext`MT^4 + 
-                 4 $CellContext`T^2 + 8 $CellContext`T $CellContext`T14 + 
-                 4 $CellContext`T14^2 + 3 $CellContext`T $CellContext`T24 + 
-                 3 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`T24^2 + 
-                 4 $CellContext`MT^2 (10 $CellContext`T + 10 $CellContext`T14 + 
-                   3 $CellContext`T24))) 
-               X`DiscB[$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] + \
-(2 $CellContext`MH^6 (12 $CellContext`MT^2 + 3 $CellContext`T + 
-                  3 $CellContext`T14 - $CellContext`T24) $CellContext`T24 - \
-$CellContext`MT^2 (12 $CellContext`MT^2 + 3 $CellContext`T + 
-                 3 $CellContext`T14 - $CellContext`T24) (
-                  4 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`T + $CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24)^3 - 
-                2 $CellContext`MH^4 $CellContext`T24 (112 $CellContext`MT^4 + 
-                 5 $CellContext`T^2 + 10 $CellContext`T $CellContext`T14 + 
-                 5 $CellContext`T14^2 + 
-                 48 $CellContext`MT^2 ($CellContext`T + $CellContext`T14) - \
-$CellContext`T24^2) + 
-                2 $CellContext`MH^2 (128 $CellContext`MT^8 + 
-                  96 $CellContext`MT^6 ($CellContext`T + $CellContext`T14 + 
-                    3 $CellContext`T24) + 
-                  8 $CellContext`MT^4 (3 $CellContext`T^2 + 
-                    6 $CellContext`T $CellContext`T14 + 3 $CellContext`T14^2 + 
-                    22 $CellContext`T $CellContext`T24 + 
-                    22 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24 + 
-                    5 $CellContext`T24^2) + ($CellContext`T + \
-$CellContext`T14) $CellContext`T24 (2 $CellContext`T^2 + 
-                    2 $CellContext`T14^2 + $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24 - \
-$CellContext`T24^2 + $CellContext`T (4 $CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24)) + 
-                  2 $CellContext`MT^2 ($CellContext`T^3 + $CellContext`T14^3 + 
-                    17 $CellContext`T14^2 $CellContext`T24 + 
-                    7 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24^2 - 
-                    3 $CellContext`T24^3 + $CellContext`T^2 (
-                    3 $CellContext`T14 + 
-                    17 $CellContext`T24) + $CellContext`T (
-                    3 $CellContext`T14^2 + 
-                    34 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24 + 
-                    7 $CellContext`T24^2)))) 
-               X`DiscB[$CellContext`MH^2 - 
-                 4 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`T - $CellContext`T14, \
-$CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] + (256 $CellContext`MT^10 + 
-                256 $CellContext`MT^8 ($CellContext`T + $CellContext`T14) + 
-                2 $CellContext`MH^2 ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`T - \
-$CellContext`T14) $CellContext`T24 ($CellContext`T^2 + $CellContext`T14^2 + \
-$CellContext`T (
-                    2 $CellContext`T14 - $CellContext`T24) - $CellContext`T14 \
-$CellContext`T24 + 2 ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`T24) $CellContext`T24) + 
-                32 $CellContext`MT^6 (3 $CellContext`T^2 + 
-                  6 $CellContext`T $CellContext`T14 + 
-                  3 $CellContext`T14^2 - $CellContext`T24 (
-                   4 $CellContext`MH^2 + 3 $CellContext`T24)) + 
-                16 $CellContext`MT^4 ($CellContext`T^3 + 
-                  3 $CellContext`T^2 $CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T14^3 - 
-                  3 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24 (
-                   2 $CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`T24) + 
-                  2 $CellContext`T24 ($CellContext`MH^4 + 
-                    3 $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`T24 - \
-$CellContext`T24^2) + 
-                  3 $CellContext`T ($CellContext`T14^2 - $CellContext`T24 (
-                    2 $CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`T24))) + \
-$CellContext`MT^2 ($CellContext`T^4 + 
-                  4 $CellContext`T^3 $CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T14^4 - 
-                  6 $CellContext`T14^2 $CellContext`T24 (
-                   4 $CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`T24) + \
-$CellContext`T24^2 ((-40) $CellContext`MH^4 + 
-                    32 $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`T24 - 
-                    3 $CellContext`T24^2) - 
-                  8 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24 ((-2) $CellContext`MH^4 - 
-                   4 $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`T24^2) + 
-                  6 $CellContext`T^2 ($CellContext`T14^2 - $CellContext`T24 (
-                    4 $CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`T24)) + 
-                  4 $CellContext`T ($CellContext`T14^3 - 
-                    3 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24 (
-                    4 $CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`T24) - 
-                    2 $CellContext`T24 ((-2) $CellContext`MH^4 - 
-                    4 $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`T24 + \
-               X`DiscB[$CellContext`T24, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] - 
-              2 (16 $CellContext`MT^6 + $CellContext`MH^2 ($CellContext`MH^2 - \
-$CellContext`T - $CellContext`T14) $CellContext`T24 + 
-               8 $CellContext`MT^4 ($CellContext`T + $CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24) + $CellContext`MT^2 ($CellContext`T^2 + $CellContext`T14^2 - 
-                 8 $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`T24 + 
-                 2 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`T24^2 + 
-                 2 $CellContext`T ($CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24))) 
-              X`Kallen\[Lambda][$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`MH^2 - 
-                4 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`T - $CellContext`T14, \
-$CellContext`T24] + ((-4) $CellContext`MH^4 $CellContext`T24 + (
-                  4 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`T + $CellContext`T14 - \
-$CellContext`T24) (
-                   4 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`T + $CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24)^2 - 
-                2 $CellContext`MH^2 (
-                 16 $CellContext`MT^4 + $CellContext`T^2 + $CellContext`T14^2 + 
-                 2 $CellContext`T ($CellContext`T14 - $CellContext`T24) + 
-                 8 $CellContext`MT^2 ($CellContext`T + $CellContext`T14 - \
-$CellContext`T24) - 
-                 2 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24 - $CellContext`T24^2)) (
-                16 $CellContext`MT^6 + $CellContext`MH^2 ($CellContext`MH^2 - \
-$CellContext`T - $CellContext`T14) $CellContext`T24 + 
-                8 $CellContext`MT^4 ($CellContext`T + $CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24) + $CellContext`MT^2 ($CellContext`T^2 + $CellContext`T14^2 - 
-                  8 $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`T24 + 
-                  2 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`T24^2 + 
-                  2 $CellContext`T ($CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24))) 
-               X`ScalarC0[$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`MH^2 - 
-                 4 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`T - $CellContext`T14, \
-$CellContext`T24, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT])) - 
-           4 ((-2) $CellContext`MT^2 (
-               16 $CellContext`MT^4 + $CellContext`T^2 + $CellContext`T14^2 - 
-               4 $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`T24 + 
-               2 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`T24^2 + 
-               2 $CellContext`T ($CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24) + 
-               8 $CellContext`MT^2 ($CellContext`T + $CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24))^(-2) (
-               16 $CellContext`MT^6 + $CellContext`MH^2 ($CellContext`MH^2 - \
-$CellContext`T - $CellContext`T14) $CellContext`T24 + 
-               8 $CellContext`MT^4 ($CellContext`T + $CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24) + $CellContext`MT^2 ($CellContext`T^2 + $CellContext`T14^2 - 
-                 8 $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`T24 + 
-                 2 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`T24^2 + 
-                 2 $CellContext`T ($CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24)))^(-1)
-                X`Kallen\[Lambda][$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`MH^2 - 
-                4 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`T - $CellContext`T14, \
-$CellContext`T24]^(-1) (-($CellContext`S34 - $CellContext`U) ((-2) \
-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34 + 
-                2 $CellContext`T + $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[1], 
-                 $CellContext`ec[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[2], 
-                 $CellContext`ec[4]] - 
-              4 (2 $CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34 - 
-               2 $CellContext`T - $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[1], 
-                $CellContext`ec[5]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[2], 
-                  $CellContext`k[3]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                  $CellContext`k[2]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[2], 
-                  $CellContext`k[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                  $CellContext`k[3]]) + 16 ($CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[2], 
-                   $CellContext`k[3]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                   $CellContext`k[2]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[2], 
-                   $CellContext`k[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                   $CellContext`k[3]]) ($CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[1], 
-                   $CellContext`k[3]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                   $CellContext`k[3]]) + ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[1], 
-                   $CellContext`k[4]]) $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                   $CellContext`k[3]]) - 
-              4 ($CellContext`S34 - $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[2], 
-                $CellContext`ec[4]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[1], 
-                  $CellContext`k[3]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                  $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[1], 
-                  $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                  $CellContext`k[3]])) ((-2) $CellContext`MH^2 (
-                16 $CellContext`MH^8 $CellContext`T24^2 - 
-                5 $CellContext`MT^2 (
-                 4 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`T + $CellContext`T14 - \
-$CellContext`T24) (
-                  4 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`T + $CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24)^4 + $CellContext`MH^6 $CellContext`T24 (
-                  176 $CellContext`MT^4 + 11 $CellContext`T^2 + 
-                  22 $CellContext`T $CellContext`T14 + 11 $CellContext`T14^2 + 
-                  8 $CellContext`MT^2 (11 $CellContext`T + 
-                    11 $CellContext`T14 - 23 $CellContext`T24) - 
-                  30 $CellContext`T $CellContext`T24 - 
-                  30 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24 - 
-                  13 $CellContext`T24^2) + $CellContext`MH^4 $CellContext`T24 \
-((-1408) $CellContext`MT^6 - 17 $CellContext`T^3 - 17 $CellContext`T14^3 - 
-                  16 $CellContext`MT^4 (61 $CellContext`T + 
-                   61 $CellContext`T14 - 30 $CellContext`T24) + 
-                  8 $CellContext`T14^2 $CellContext`T24 + 
-                  19 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24^2 + 
-                  6 $CellContext`T24^3 + $CellContext`T^2 ((-51) \
-$CellContext`T14 + 8 $CellContext`T24) - 
-                  8 $CellContext`MT^2 (28 $CellContext`T^2 + 
-                   56 $CellContext`T $CellContext`T14 + 28 $CellContext`T14^2 - 
-                   19 $CellContext`T $CellContext`T24 - 
-                   19 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24 - 
-                   17 $CellContext`T24^2) + $CellContext`T ((-51) \
-$CellContext`T14^2 + 16 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24 + 
-                    19 $CellContext`T24^2)) + $CellContext`MH^2 (
-                   4 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`T + $CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24)^2 (144 $CellContext`MT^6 + 
-                  6 ($CellContext`T + $CellContext`T14) ($CellContext`T + \
-$CellContext`T14 - $CellContext`T24) $CellContext`T24 + 
-                  24 $CellContext`MT^4 (3 $CellContext`T + 3 $CellContext`T14 + 
-                    5 $CellContext`T24) + $CellContext`MT^2 (
-                    9 $CellContext`T^2 + 9 $CellContext`T14^2 + 
-                    54 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24 - 
-                    55 $CellContext`T24^2 + 
-                    18 $CellContext`T ($CellContext`T14 + 
-                    3 $CellContext`T24)))) 
-               X`DiscB[$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] + \
-(32 $CellContext`MH^10 $CellContext`T24^2 + $CellContext`MT^2 (
-                  4 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`T + $CellContext`T14 - \
-$CellContext`T24) (
-                   4 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`T + $CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24)^5 + 
-                2 $CellContext`MH^8 $CellContext`T24 (176 $CellContext`MT^4 + 
-                  11 $CellContext`T^2 + 22 $CellContext`T $CellContext`T14 + 
-                  11 $CellContext`T14^2 + 
-                  8 $CellContext`MT^2 (11 $CellContext`T + 
-                    11 $CellContext`T14 - 32 $CellContext`T24) - 
-                  48 $CellContext`T $CellContext`T24 - 
-                  48 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24 - 
-                  11 $CellContext`T24^2) - 
-                8 $CellContext`MH^6 $CellContext`T24 (400 $CellContext`MT^6 + 
-                 8 $CellContext`MT^4 (35 $CellContext`T + 35 $CellContext`T14 - 
-                   38 $CellContext`T24) + $CellContext`MT^2 (
-                   65 $CellContext`T^2 + 65 $CellContext`T14^2 + 
-                   2 $CellContext`T (65 $CellContext`T14 - 
-                    58 $CellContext`T24) - 
-                   116 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24 - 
-                   45 $CellContext`T24^2) + ($CellContext`T + \
-$CellContext`T14) (5 $CellContext`T^2 + 5 $CellContext`T14^2 + 
-                   10 $CellContext`T ($CellContext`T14 - $CellContext`T24) - 
-                   10 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24 - 
-                   7 $CellContext`T24^2)) - $CellContext`MH^2 (
-                  4 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`T + $CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24)^3 (256 $CellContext`MT^6 + 
-                 8 $CellContext`MT^4 (16 $CellContext`T + 16 $CellContext`T14 - 
-                   11 $CellContext`T24) + ($CellContext`T + $CellContext`T14) \
-($CellContext`T + $CellContext`T14 - $CellContext`T24) $CellContext`T24 + 
-                 2 $CellContext`MT^2 (8 $CellContext`T^2 + 
-                   16 $CellContext`T $CellContext`T14 + 8 $CellContext`T14^2 - 
-                   9 $CellContext`T $CellContext`T24 - 
-                   9 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24 - 
-                   5 $CellContext`T24^2)) + $CellContext`MH^4 (
-                  4608 $CellContext`MT^10 + 
-                  1536 $CellContext`MT^8 (3 $CellContext`T + 
-                    3 $CellContext`T14 + 5 $CellContext`T24) + 
-                  64 $CellContext`MT^6 (27 $CellContext`T^2 + 
-                    54 $CellContext`T $CellContext`T14 + 
-                    27 $CellContext`T14^2 + 
-                    109 $CellContext`T $CellContext`T24 + 
-                    109 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24 - 
-                    58 $CellContext`T24^2) + 
-                  16 $CellContext`MT^4 (18 $CellContext`T^3 + 
-                    18 $CellContext`T14^3 + 
-                    147 $CellContext`T14^2 $CellContext`T24 - 
-                    130 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24^2 - 
-                    93 $CellContext`T24^3 + 
-                    3 $CellContext`T^2 (18 $CellContext`T14 + 
-                    49 $CellContext`T24) + 
-                    2 $CellContext`T (27 $CellContext`T14^2 + 
-                    147 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24 - 
-                    65 $CellContext`T24^2)) + 
-                  2 $CellContext`MT^2 (9 $CellContext`T^4 + 
-                    9 $CellContext`T14^4 + 
-                    174 $CellContext`T14^3 $CellContext`T24 - 
-                    172 $CellContext`T14^2 $CellContext`T24^2 - 
-                    254 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24^3 - 
-                    21 $CellContext`T24^4 + 
-                    6 $CellContext`T^3 (6 $CellContext`T14 + 
-                    29 $CellContext`T24) + 
-                    2 $CellContext`T^2 (27 $CellContext`T14^2 + 
-                    261 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24 - 
-                    86 $CellContext`T24^2) + $CellContext`T (
-                    36 $CellContext`T14^3 + 
-                    522 $CellContext`T14^2 $CellContext`T24 - 
-                    344 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24^2 - 
-                    254 $CellContext`T24^3)) - $CellContext`T24 ((-19) \
-$CellContext`T^4 - 19 $CellContext`T14^4 + 
-                   14 $CellContext`T14^3 $CellContext`T24 + 
-                   34 $CellContext`T14^2 $CellContext`T24^2 + 
-                   2 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24^3 + $CellContext`T24^4 + \
-$CellContext`T^3 ((-76) $CellContext`T14 + 
-                    14 $CellContext`T24) + $CellContext`T^2 ((-114) \
-$CellContext`T14^2 + 42 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24 + 
-                    34 $CellContext`T24^2) + $CellContext`T ((-76) \
-$CellContext`T14^3 + 42 $CellContext`T14^2 $CellContext`T24 + 
-                    68 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24^2 + 
-                    2 $CellContext`T24^3)))) 
-               X`DiscB[$CellContext`MH^2 - 
-                 4 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`T - $CellContext`T14, \
-$CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] + (
-                4 $CellContext`MH^8 (36 $CellContext`MT^2 + 9 $CellContext`T + 
-                  9 $CellContext`T14 - $CellContext`T24) $CellContext`T24^2 - \
-$CellContext`MT^2 (
-                 4 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`T + $CellContext`T14 - \
-$CellContext`T24) (
-                  4 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`T + $CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24)^5 + 
-                2 $CellContext`MH^6 $CellContext`T24 (192 $CellContext`MT^6 + 
-                  3 $CellContext`T^3 + 3 $CellContext`T14^3 + 
-                  16 $CellContext`MT^4 (9 $CellContext`T + 9 $CellContext`T14 - 
-                    50 $CellContext`T24) + $CellContext`T^2 (
-                    9 $CellContext`T14 - 32 $CellContext`T24) - 
-                  32 $CellContext`T14^2 $CellContext`T24 - 
-                  9 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24^2 + 
-                  6 $CellContext`T24^3 + $CellContext`T (9 $CellContext`T14^2 - 
-                    64 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24 - 
-                    9 $CellContext`T24^2) + 
-                  4 $CellContext`MT^2 (9 $CellContext`T^2 + 
-                    18 $CellContext`T $CellContext`T14 + 9 $CellContext`T14^2 - 
-                    82 $CellContext`T $CellContext`T24 - 
-                    82 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24 - 
-                    7 $CellContext`T24^2)) + $CellContext`MH^2 (
-                   4 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`T + $CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24)^3 (64 $CellContext`MT^6 + 
-                  8 $CellContext`MT^4 (4 $CellContext`T + 4 $CellContext`T14 - 
-                    11 $CellContext`T24) + ($CellContext`T + \
-$CellContext`T14) ($CellContext`T + $CellContext`T14 - $CellContext`T24) \
-$CellContext`T24 + 2 $CellContext`MT^2 (2 $CellContext`T^2 + 
-                    4 $CellContext`T $CellContext`T14 + 2 $CellContext`T14^2 - 
-                    9 $CellContext`T $CellContext`T24 - 
-                    9 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24 + \
-$CellContext`T24^2)) + $CellContext`MH^4 $CellContext`T24 ((-512) \
-$CellContext`MT^8 - 7 $CellContext`T^4 - 7 $CellContext`T14^4 - 
-                  64 $CellContext`MT^6 (13 $CellContext`T + 
-                   13 $CellContext`T14 - 69 $CellContext`T24) + 
-                  26 $CellContext`T14^3 $CellContext`T24 + 
-                  22 $CellContext`T14^2 $CellContext`T24^2 - 
-                  10 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24^3 + $CellContext`T24^4 + \
-$CellContext`T^3 ((-28) $CellContext`T14 + 26 $CellContext`T24) - 
-                  16 $CellContext`MT^4 (27 $CellContext`T^2 + 
-                   54 $CellContext`T $CellContext`T14 + 27 $CellContext`T14^2 - 
-                   164 $CellContext`T $CellContext`T24 - 
-                   164 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24 - 
-                   49 $CellContext`T24^2) + $CellContext`T^2 ((-42) \
-$CellContext`T14^2 + 78 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24 + 
-                    22 $CellContext`T24^2) + $CellContext`T ((-28) \
-$CellContext`T14^3 + 78 $CellContext`T14^2 $CellContext`T24 + 
-                    44 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24^2 - 
-                    10 $CellContext`T24^3) - 
-                  4 $CellContext`MT^2 (23 $CellContext`T^3 + 
-                   23 $CellContext`T14^3 + $CellContext`T^2 (
-                    69 $CellContext`T14 - 121 $CellContext`T24) - 
-                   121 $CellContext`T14^2 $CellContext`T24 - 
-                   71 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24^2 + 
-                   21 $CellContext`T24^3 + $CellContext`T (
-                    69 $CellContext`T14^2 - 
-                    242 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24 - 
-                    71 $CellContext`T24^2)))) 
-               X`DiscB[$CellContext`T24, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] - 
-              2 ($CellContext`MH^2 (20 $CellContext`MT^2 + 5 $CellContext`T + 
-                 5 $CellContext`T14 - $CellContext`T24) - (
-                4 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`T + $CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24)^2) (
-               16 $CellContext`MT^6 + $CellContext`MH^2 ($CellContext`MH^2 - \
-$CellContext`T - $CellContext`T14) $CellContext`T24 + 
-               8 $CellContext`MT^4 ($CellContext`T + $CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24) + $CellContext`MT^2 ($CellContext`T^2 + $CellContext`T14^2 - 
-                 8 $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`T24 + 
-                 2 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`T24^2 + 
-                 2 $CellContext`T ($CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24))) 
-              X`Kallen\[Lambda][$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`MH^2 - 
-                4 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`T - $CellContext`T14, \
-$CellContext`T24] + 
-              2 (16 $CellContext`MT^6 + $CellContext`MH^2 ($CellContext`MH^2 - \
-$CellContext`T - $CellContext`T14) $CellContext`T24 + 
-                8 $CellContext`MT^4 ($CellContext`T + $CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24) + $CellContext`MT^2 ($CellContext`T^2 + $CellContext`T14^2 - 
-                  8 $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`T24 + 
-                  2 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`T24^2 + 
-                  2 $CellContext`T ($CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24))) \
-((-2) $CellContext`MH^6 (36 $CellContext`MT^2 + 9 $CellContext`T + 
-                  9 $CellContext`T14 - $CellContext`T24) $CellContext`T24 + 
-                2 $CellContext`MT^2 (
-                   4 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`T + $CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24)^4 + 
-                2 $CellContext`MH^2 (
-                   4 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`T + $CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24)^2 (
-                  4 $CellContext`MT^4 + $CellContext`T^2 + $CellContext`T14^2 + \
-$CellContext`MT^2 (5 $CellContext`T + 5 $CellContext`T14 - 
-                    21 $CellContext`T24) + 
-                  2 $CellContext`T ($CellContext`T14 - 2 $CellContext`T24) - 
-                  4 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`T24^2) - \
-$CellContext`MH^4 (192 $CellContext`MT^6 + 3 $CellContext`T^3 + 
-                 3 $CellContext`T14^3 + 
-                 16 $CellContext`MT^4 (9 $CellContext`T + 9 $CellContext`T14 - 
-                   29 $CellContext`T24) + $CellContext`T^2 (
-                   9 $CellContext`T14 - 23 $CellContext`T24) - 
-                 23 $CellContext`T14^2 $CellContext`T24 - 
-                 13 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24^2 + $CellContext`T24^3 + 
-                 4 $CellContext`MT^2 (9 $CellContext`T^2 + 
-                   18 $CellContext`T $CellContext`T14 + 9 $CellContext`T14^2 - 
-                   52 $CellContext`T $CellContext`T24 - 
-                   52 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24 - 
-                   15 $CellContext`T24^2) + $CellContext`T (
-                   9 $CellContext`T14^2 - 
-                   46 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24 - 
-                   13 $CellContext`T24^2))) 
-               X`ScalarC0[$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`MH^2 - 
-                 4 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`T - $CellContext`T14, \
-$CellContext`T24, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT]) + 
-            2 $CellContext`MT^2 (
-               16 $CellContext`MT^4 + $CellContext`T^2 + $CellContext`T14^2 - 
-               4 $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`T24 + 
-               2 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`T24^2 + 
-               2 $CellContext`T ($CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24) + 
-               8 $CellContext`MT^2 ($CellContext`T + $CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24))^(-2) (
-               16 $CellContext`MT^6 + $CellContext`MH^2 ($CellContext`MH^2 - \
-$CellContext`T - $CellContext`T14) $CellContext`T24 + 
-               8 $CellContext`MT^4 ($CellContext`T + $CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24) + $CellContext`MT^2 ($CellContext`T^2 + $CellContext`T14^2 - 
-                 8 $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`T24 + 
-                 2 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`T24^2 + 
-                 2 $CellContext`T ($CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24)))^(-1)
-                X`Kallen\[Lambda][$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`MH^2 - 
-                4 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`T - $CellContext`T14, \
-$CellContext`T24]^(-1) (-($CellContext`S34 - $CellContext`U) ((-2) \
-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34 + 
-                2 $CellContext`T + $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[1], 
-                 $CellContext`ec[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[2], 
-                 $CellContext`ec[4]] - 
-              4 (2 $CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34 - 
-               2 $CellContext`T - $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[1], 
-                $CellContext`ec[5]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[2], 
-                  $CellContext`k[3]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                  $CellContext`k[2]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[2], 
-                  $CellContext`k[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                  $CellContext`k[3]]) - 
-              4 ($CellContext`S34 - $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[2], 
-                $CellContext`ec[4]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[1], 
-                  $CellContext`k[3]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                  $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[1], 
-                  $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                  $CellContext`k[3]]) + 16 ($CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[2], 
-                   $CellContext`k[3]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                   $CellContext`k[2]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[2], 
-                   $CellContext`k[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                   $CellContext`k[3]]) ($CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[1], 
-                   $CellContext`k[3]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                   $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[1], 
-                   $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                   $CellContext`k[3]])) (-(
-                32 $CellContext`MH^10 $CellContext`T24^2 + $CellContext`MT^2 (
-                  12 $CellContext`MT^2 + 3 $CellContext`T + 
-                  3 $CellContext`T14 - $CellContext`T24) (
-                   4 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`T + $CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24)^5 + 
-                2 $CellContext`MH^8 $CellContext`T24 (176 $CellContext`MT^4 + 
-                  11 $CellContext`T^2 + 22 $CellContext`T $CellContext`T14 + 
-                  11 $CellContext`T14^2 + 
-                  8 $CellContext`MT^2 (11 $CellContext`T + 
-                    11 $CellContext`T14 - 24 $CellContext`T24) - 
-                  32 $CellContext`T $CellContext`T24 - 
-                  32 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24 - 
-                  11 $CellContext`T24^2) - $CellContext`MH^2 (
-                  4 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`T + $CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24)^3 (
-                 320 $CellContext`MT^6 + ($CellContext`T + $CellContext`T14) (
-                   5 $CellContext`T + 
-                   5 $CellContext`T14 - $CellContext`T24) $CellContext`T24 + 
-                 8 $CellContext`MT^4 (20 $CellContext`T + 20 $CellContext`T14 + 
-                   7 $CellContext`T24) + 
-                 2 $CellContext`MT^2 (10 $CellContext`T^2 + 
-                   20 $CellContext`T $CellContext`T14 + 10 $CellContext`T14^2 + 
-                   17 $CellContext`T $CellContext`T24 + 
-                   17 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24 - 
-                   5 $CellContext`T24^2)) - 
-                8 $CellContext`MH^6 $CellContext`T24 (464 $CellContext`MT^6 + 
-                 8 $CellContext`MT^4 (41 $CellContext`T + 41 $CellContext`T14 - 
-                   18 $CellContext`T24) + 
-                 11 $CellContext`MT^2 (7 $CellContext`T^2 + 
-                   14 $CellContext`T $CellContext`T14 + 7 $CellContext`T14^2 - 
-                   4 $CellContext`T $CellContext`T24 - 
-                   4 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24 - 
-                   3 $CellContext`T24^2) + 
-                 2 ($CellContext`T + $CellContext`T14) (3 $CellContext`T^2 + 
-                   6 $CellContext`T $CellContext`T14 + 
-                   3 $CellContext`T14^2 - $CellContext`T $CellContext`T24 - \
-$CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24 - 
-                   2 $CellContext`T24^2)) + $CellContext`MH^4 (
-                  4608 $CellContext`MT^10 + 
-                  512 $CellContext`MT^8 (9 $CellContext`T + 
-                    9 $CellContext`T14 + 25 $CellContext`T24) + 
-                  64 $CellContext`MT^6 (27 $CellContext`T^2 + 
-                    54 $CellContext`T $CellContext`T14 + 
-                    27 $CellContext`T14^2 + 
-                    181 $CellContext`T $CellContext`T24 + 
-                    181 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24 + 
-                    10 $CellContext`T24^2) + 
-                  16 $CellContext`MT^4 (18 $CellContext`T^3 + 
-                    18 $CellContext`T14^3 + 
-                    243 $CellContext`T14^2 $CellContext`T24 + 
-                    50 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24^2 - 
-                    41 $CellContext`T24^3 + 
-                    27 $CellContext`T^2 (2 $CellContext`T14 + 
-                    9 $CellContext`T24) + $CellContext`T (
-                    54 $CellContext`T14^2 + 
-                    486 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24 + 
-                    50 $CellContext`T24^2)) + 
-                  2 $CellContext`MT^2 (9 $CellContext`T^4 + 
-                    9 $CellContext`T14^4 + 
-                    286 $CellContext`T14^3 $CellContext`T24 + 
-                    140 $CellContext`T14^2 $CellContext`T24^2 - 
-                    78 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24^3 - 
-                    13 $CellContext`T24^4 + $CellContext`T^3 (
-                    36 $CellContext`T14 + 286 $CellContext`T24) + 
-                    2 $CellContext`T^2 (27 $CellContext`T14^2 + 
-                    429 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24 + 
-                    70 $CellContext`T24^2) + $CellContext`T (
-                    36 $CellContext`T14^3 + 
-                    858 $CellContext`T14^2 $CellContext`T24 + 
-                    280 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24^2 - 
-                    78 $CellContext`T24^3)) + $CellContext`T24 (
-                    31 $CellContext`T^4 + 31 $CellContext`T14^4 + 
-                    30 $CellContext`T14^3 $CellContext`T24 + 
-                    2 $CellContext`T14^2 $CellContext`T24^2 + 
-                    2 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24^3 - \
-$CellContext`T24^4 + 2 $CellContext`T^3 (62 $CellContext`T14 + 
-                    15 $CellContext`T24) + 
-                    2 $CellContext`T^2 (93 $CellContext`T14^2 + 
-                    45 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24 + \
-$CellContext`T24^2) + 
-                    2 $CellContext`T (62 $CellContext`T14^3 + 
-                    45 $CellContext`T14^2 $CellContext`T24 + 
-                    2 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24^2 + \
-               X`DiscB[$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] + 
-              2 ($CellContext`MH^2 - 
-                4 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`T - $CellContext`T14) (
-                16 $CellContext`MH^8 $CellContext`T24^2 - $CellContext`MT^2 (
-                 16 $CellContext`MT^2 + 4 $CellContext`T + 4 $CellContext`T14 - 
-                 5 $CellContext`T24) (
-                  4 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`T + $CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24)^4 + $CellContext`MH^6 $CellContext`T24 (
-                  176 $CellContext`MT^4 + 11 $CellContext`T^2 + 
-                  22 $CellContext`T $CellContext`T14 + 11 $CellContext`T14^2 + 
-                  8 $CellContext`MT^2 (11 $CellContext`T + 
-                    11 $CellContext`T14 - 25 $CellContext`T24) - 
-                  34 $CellContext`T $CellContext`T24 - 
-                  34 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24 - 
-                  13 $CellContext`T24^2) + $CellContext`MH^2 (
-                   4 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`T + $CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24)^2 (
-                  144 $CellContext`MT^6 + ($CellContext`T + $CellContext`T14) \
-(5 $CellContext`T + 5 $CellContext`T14 - 6 $CellContext`T24) $CellContext`T24 + 
-                  72 $CellContext`MT^4 ($CellContext`T + $CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24) + $CellContext`MT^2 (9 $CellContext`T^2 + 
-                    18 $CellContext`T $CellContext`T14 + 9 $CellContext`T14^2 + 
-                    38 $CellContext`T $CellContext`T24 + 
-                    38 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24 - 
-                    55 $CellContext`T24^2)) - 
-                2 $CellContext`MH^4 $CellContext`T24 (672 $CellContext`MT^6 + 
-                 8 $CellContext`T^3 + 8 $CellContext`T14^3 + 
-                 16 $CellContext`MT^4 (29 $CellContext`T + 
-                   29 $CellContext`T14 - 
-                   20 $CellContext`T24) + $CellContext`T^2 (
-                   24 $CellContext`T14 - 7 $CellContext`T24) - 
-                 7 $CellContext`T14^2 $CellContext`T24 - 
-                 10 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24^2 - 
-                 3 $CellContext`T24^3 + 
-                 2 $CellContext`MT^2 (53 $CellContext`T^2 + 
-                   106 $CellContext`T $CellContext`T14 + 
-                   53 $CellContext`T14^2 - 54 $CellContext`T $CellContext`T24 - 
-                   54 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24 - 
-                   35 $CellContext`T24^2) + 
-                 2 $CellContext`T (12 $CellContext`T14^2 - 
-                   7 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24 - 
-                   5 $CellContext`T24^2))) 
-               X`DiscB[$CellContext`MH^2 - 
-                 4 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`T - $CellContext`T14, \
-$CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] + (
-                4 $CellContext`MH^8 $CellContext`T24^2 (36 $CellContext`MT^2 + 
-                  9 $CellContext`T + 
-                  9 $CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24) - $CellContext`MT^2 (
-                  4 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`T + $CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24)^4 (48 $CellContext`MT^4 + 3 $CellContext`T^2 + 
-                 6 $CellContext`T $CellContext`T14 + 3 $CellContext`T14^2 + 
-                 8 $CellContext`MT^2 (3 $CellContext`T + 3 $CellContext`T14 - 
-                   7 $CellContext`T24) - 14 $CellContext`T $CellContext`T24 - 
-                 14 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`T24^2) + 
-                2 $CellContext`MH^6 $CellContext`T24 (192 $CellContext`MT^6 + 
-                  3 $CellContext`T^3 + 3 $CellContext`T14^3 + 
-                  16 $CellContext`MT^4 (9 $CellContext`T + 9 $CellContext`T14 - 
-                    58 $CellContext`T24) + $CellContext`T^2 (
-                    9 $CellContext`T14 - 40 $CellContext`T24) - 
-                  40 $CellContext`T14^2 $CellContext`T24 - 
-                  17 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24^2 - 
-                  6 $CellContext`T24^3 + 
-                  4 $CellContext`MT^2 (9 $CellContext`T^2 + 
-                    18 $CellContext`T $CellContext`T14 + 9 $CellContext`T14^2 - 
-                    98 $CellContext`T $CellContext`T24 - 
-                    98 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24 - 
-                    19 $CellContext`T24^2) + $CellContext`T (
-                    9 $CellContext`T14^2 - 
-                    80 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24 - 
-                    17 $CellContext`T24^2)) + $CellContext`MH^4 \
-$CellContext`T24 ((-1536) $CellContext`MT^8 - 11 $CellContext`T^4 - 
-                  11 $CellContext`T14^4 - 
-                  64 $CellContext`MT^6 (29 $CellContext`T + 
-                   29 $CellContext`T14 - 115 $CellContext`T24) + 
-                  50 $CellContext`T14^3 $CellContext`T24 + 
-                  56 $CellContext`T14^2 $CellContext`T24^2 + 
-                  26 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24^3 - $CellContext`T24^4 + \
-$CellContext`T^3 ((-44) $CellContext`T14 + 50 $CellContext`T24) - 
-                  16 $CellContext`MT^4 (51 $CellContext`T^2 + 
-                   102 $CellContext`T $CellContext`T14 + 
-                   51 $CellContext`T14^2 - 
-                   280 $CellContext`T $CellContext`T24 - 
-                   280 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24 - 
-                   95 $CellContext`T24^2) + $CellContext`T^2 ((-66) \
-$CellContext`T14^2 + 150 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24 + 
-                    56 $CellContext`T24^2) + $CellContext`T ((-44) \
-$CellContext`T14^3 + 150 $CellContext`T14^2 $CellContext`T24 + 
-                    112 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24^2 + 
-                    26 $CellContext`T24^3) - 
-                  4 $CellContext`MT^2 (39 $CellContext`T^3 + 
-                   39 $CellContext`T14^3 + $CellContext`T^2 (
-                    117 $CellContext`T14 - 215 $CellContext`T24) - 
-                   215 $CellContext`T14^2 $CellContext`T24 - 
-                   151 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24^2 - 
-                   37 $CellContext`T24^3 + $CellContext`T (
-                    117 $CellContext`T14^2 - 
-                    430 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24 - 
-                    151 $CellContext`T24^2))) + $CellContext`MH^2 (
-                   4 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`T + $CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24)^2 (256 $CellContext`MT^8 + 
-                  32 $CellContext`MT^6 (6 $CellContext`T + 6 $CellContext`T14 - 
-                    7 $CellContext`T24) + 
-                  16 $CellContext`MT^4 (3 $CellContext`T^2 + 
-                    6 $CellContext`T $CellContext`T14 + 3 $CellContext`T14^2 - 
-                    2 $CellContext`T $CellContext`T24 - 
-                    2 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24 - 
-                    37 $CellContext`T24^2) + ($CellContext`T + \
-$CellContext`T14) $CellContext`T24 (5 $CellContext`T^2 + 5 $CellContext`T14^2 + 
-                    2 $CellContext`T (5 $CellContext`T14 - 
-                    8 $CellContext`T24) - 
-                    16 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24 + \
-$CellContext`T24^2) + 
-                  2 $CellContext`MT^2 (2 $CellContext`T^3 + 
-                    2 $CellContext`T14^3 + 
-                    13 $CellContext`T14^2 $CellContext`T24 - 
-                    106 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24^2 - \
-$CellContext`T24^3 + $CellContext`T^2 (6 $CellContext`T14 + 
-                    13 $CellContext`T24) + 
-                    2 $CellContext`T (3 $CellContext`T14^2 + 
-                    13 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24 - 
-                    53 $CellContext`T24^2)))) 
-               X`DiscB[$CellContext`T24, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] - 
-              2 ((-64) $CellContext`MT^4 - 4 $CellContext`T^2 - 
-               8 $CellContext`T $CellContext`T14 - 4 $CellContext`T14^2 - 
-               3 $CellContext`T $CellContext`T24 - 
-               3 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`T24^2 + \
-$CellContext`MH^2 (20 $CellContext`MT^2 + 5 $CellContext`T + 
-                 5 $CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24) - 
-               4 $CellContext`MT^2 (8 $CellContext`T + 8 $CellContext`T14 + 
-                3 $CellContext`T24)) (
-               16 $CellContext`MT^6 + $CellContext`MH^2 ($CellContext`MH^2 - \
-$CellContext`T - $CellContext`T14) $CellContext`T24 + 
-               8 $CellContext`MT^4 ($CellContext`T + $CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24) + $CellContext`MT^2 ($CellContext`T^2 + $CellContext`T14^2 - 
-                 8 $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`T24 + 
-                 2 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`T24^2 + 
-                 2 $CellContext`T ($CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24))) 
-              X`Kallen\[Lambda][$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`MH^2 - 
-                4 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`T - $CellContext`T14, \
-$CellContext`T24] - 
-              2 (16 $CellContext`MT^6 + $CellContext`MH^2 ($CellContext`MH^2 - \
-$CellContext`T - $CellContext`T14) $CellContext`T24 + 
-               8 $CellContext`MT^4 ($CellContext`T + $CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24) + $CellContext`MT^2 ($CellContext`T^2 + $CellContext`T14^2 - 
-                 8 $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`T24 + 
-                 2 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`T24^2 + 
-                 2 $CellContext`T ($CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24))) \
-(($CellContext`MT^2 (4 $CellContext`T + 4 $CellContext`T14 - 
-                   6 $CellContext`T24) + ($CellContext`T + $CellContext`T14) \
-($CellContext`T + $CellContext`T14 - 2 $CellContext`T24)) (
-                  4 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`T + $CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24)^3 + 
-               2 $CellContext`MH^6 $CellContext`T24 (36 $CellContext`MT^2 + 
-                 9 $CellContext`T + 
-                 9 $CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24) + $CellContext`MH^4 (
-                 192 $CellContext`MT^6 + 3 $CellContext`T^3 + 
-                 3 $CellContext`T14^3 + 
-                 16 $CellContext`MT^4 (9 $CellContext`T + 9 $CellContext`T14 - 
-                   37 $CellContext`T24) + $CellContext`T^2 (
-                   9 $CellContext`T14 - 31 $CellContext`T24) - 
-                 31 $CellContext`T14^2 $CellContext`T24 - 
-                 19 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24^2 - $CellContext`T24^3 + \
-$CellContext`T (9 $CellContext`T14^2 - 62 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24 - 
-                   19 $CellContext`T24^2) + 
-                 4 $CellContext`MT^2 (9 $CellContext`T^2 + 
-                   18 $CellContext`T $CellContext`T14 + 9 $CellContext`T14^2 - 
-                   68 $CellContext`T $CellContext`T24 - 
-                   68 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24 - 
-                   17 $CellContext`T24^2)) - 
-               2 $CellContext`MH^2 (320 $CellContext`MT^8 + 
-                2 $CellContext`T^4 + 2 $CellContext`T14^4 + 
-                16 $CellContext`MT^6 (23 $CellContext`T + 23 $CellContext`T14 - 
-                  37 $CellContext`T24) + $CellContext`T^3 (8 $CellContext`T14 - 
-                  6 $CellContext`T24) - 6 $CellContext`T14^3 $CellContext`T24 - 
-                10 $CellContext`T14^2 $CellContext`T24^2 - 
-                3 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24^3 - $CellContext`T24^4 + 
-                4 $CellContext`MT^4 (39 $CellContext`T^2 + 
-                  78 $CellContext`T $CellContext`T14 + 39 $CellContext`T14^2 - 
-                  98 $CellContext`T $CellContext`T24 - 
-                  98 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24 - 
-                  45 $CellContext`T24^2) + 
-                2 $CellContext`T^2 (6 $CellContext`T14^2 - 
-                  9 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24 - 
-                  5 $CellContext`T24^2) + $CellContext`T (
-                  8 $CellContext`T14^3 - 
-                  18 $CellContext`T14^2 $CellContext`T24 - 
-                  20 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24^2 - 
-                  3 $CellContext`T24^3) + $CellContext`MT^2 (
-                  29 $CellContext`T^3 + 
-                  29 $CellContext`T14^3 + $CellContext`T^2 (
-                    87 $CellContext`T14 - 85 $CellContext`T24) - 
-                  85 $CellContext`T14^2 $CellContext`T24 - 
-                  85 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24^2 - 
-                  7 $CellContext`T24^3 + $CellContext`T (
-                    87 $CellContext`T14^2 - 
-                    170 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24 - 
-                    85 $CellContext`T24^2)))) 
-              X`ScalarC0[$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`MH^2 - 
-                4 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`T - $CellContext`T14, \
-$CellContext`T24, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT]) + 
-            4 $CellContext`MT^2 (
-               16 $CellContext`MT^4 + $CellContext`T^2 + $CellContext`T14^2 - 
-               4 $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`T24 + 
-               2 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`T24^2 + 
-               2 $CellContext`T ($CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24) + 
-               8 $CellContext`MT^2 ($CellContext`T + $CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24))^(-1) ((-$CellContext`S34^2 - 
-                2 $CellContext`S34 $CellContext`T - $CellContext`S34 \
-$CellContext`T24 + 2 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24 - 
-                2 $CellContext`S (
-                 2 $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T24) + $CellContext`MH^2 (
-                  2 $CellContext`S + 3 $CellContext`S34 - 2 $CellContext`T14 - 
-                  3 $CellContext`U) + 2 $CellContext`T $CellContext`U + 
-                4 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`U + $CellContext`T24 \
-$CellContext`U + $CellContext`U^2) $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[1], 
-                 $CellContext`ec[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[2], 
-                 $CellContext`ec[4]] - 
-              8 (-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T24 + \
-$CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[1], 
-                $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[2], 
-                $CellContext`k[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                $CellContext`ec[5]] - 
-              8 (-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T24 + \
-$CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[1], 
-                $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[2], 
-                $CellContext`ec[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                $CellContext`k[2]] - 
-              4 ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34 - $CellContext`T24 - \
-$CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[1], 
-                $CellContext`ec[5]] ((2 $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[2], 
-                  $CellContext`k[3]]) $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                  $CellContext`k[2]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[2], 
-                  $CellContext`k[4]] (2 $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                  $CellContext`k[3]])) - 
-              8 (-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T24 + \
-$CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[1], 
-                $CellContext`ec[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[2], 
-                $CellContext`k[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                $CellContext`k[1]] - 
-              8 (-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T24 + \
-$CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[1], 
-                $CellContext`e[2]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                $CellContext`k[2]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                $CellContext`k[1]] + 4 $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[2], 
-                 $CellContext`ec[
-                 4]] ((-$CellContext`MH^2 + 
-                  2 $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T24) $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[1], 
-                   $CellContext`k[2]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                   $CellContext`k[
-                   1]] + (-$CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`U) \
-                   $CellContext`e[1], 
-                   $CellContext`k[3]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                   $CellContext`k[1]] - $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[1], 
-                  $CellContext`k[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                  $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`T24 $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[1], 
-                   $CellContext`k[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                   $CellContext`k[1]] + 2 $CellContext`U $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[1], 
-                   $CellContext`k[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                   $CellContext`k[1]] - $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[1], 
-                  $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                  $CellContext`k[2]] + 2 $CellContext`S34 $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[1], 
-                   $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                   $CellContext`k[2]] + $CellContext`T24 $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[1], 
-                   $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                   $CellContext`k[2]] - $CellContext`S34 $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[1], 
-                  $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                  $CellContext`k[3]] + $CellContext`U $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[1], 
-                   $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                   $CellContext`k[3]] - $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[1], 
-                  $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                  $CellContext`k[4]] + $CellContext`T24 $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[1], 
-                   $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                   $CellContext`k[4]] + 2 $CellContext`U $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[1], 
-                   $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                   $CellContext`k[4]])) ((-$CellContext`MH^2 + 
-                 4 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`T + \
-$CellContext`T14)^(-1) ((-2) $CellContext`MH^2 + 
-                4 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`T + $CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24) + $CellContext`MH^2 (
-                 16 $CellContext`MT^6 + $CellContext`MH^2 ($CellContext`MH^2 - \
-$CellContext`T - $CellContext`T14) $CellContext`T24 + 
-                 8 $CellContext`MT^4 ($CellContext`T + $CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24) + $CellContext`MT^2 ($CellContext`T^2 + $CellContext`T14^2 - 
-                   8 $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`T24 + 
-                   2 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`T24^2 + 
-                   2 $CellContext`T ($CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24)))^(-1) (256 $CellContext`MT^8 + 
-                192 $CellContext`MT^6 ($CellContext`T + $CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24) + 
-                48 $CellContext`MT^4 ($CellContext`T^2 + $CellContext`T14^2 + 
-                  2 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`T24 \
-((-3) $CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`T24) + 
-                  2 $CellContext`T ($CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24)) + \
-$CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`T24 ((-5) $CellContext`T^2 - 
-                  5 $CellContext`T14^2 - 
-                  4 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`T24^2 + 
-                  2 $CellContext`MH^2 (3 $CellContext`T + 
-                    3 $CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24) - 
-                  2 $CellContext`T (5 $CellContext`T14 + 2 $CellContext`T24)) + 
-                4 $CellContext`MT^2 ($CellContext`T^3 + $CellContext`T14^3 + 
-                  3 $CellContext`T14^2 $CellContext`T24 + 
-                  3 $CellContext`T^2 ($CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24) + \
-$CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24 ((-14) $CellContext`MH^2 + 
-                    3 $CellContext`T24) + $CellContext`T24 (
-                    6 $CellContext`MH^4 - 
-                    8 $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`T24 + \
-$CellContext`T24^2) + $CellContext`T (3 $CellContext`T14^2 + 
-                    6 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`T24 \
-((-14) $CellContext`MH^2 + 3 $CellContext`T24)))) 
-               X`DiscB[$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT]/
-               X`Kallen\[Lambda][$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`MH^2 - 
-                4 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`T - $CellContext`T14, \
-$CellContext`T24] - ($CellContext`MH^4 + 32 $CellContext`MT^4 + 
-                12 $CellContext`MT^2 ($CellContext`T + $CellContext`T14) + \
-($CellContext`T + $CellContext`T14)^2 - 
-                2 $CellContext`MH^2 (
-                 6 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`T + \
-$CellContext`T14))^(-1) (
-                16 $CellContext`MT^6 + $CellContext`MH^2 ($CellContext`MH^2 - \
-$CellContext`T - $CellContext`T14) $CellContext`T24 + 
-                8 $CellContext`MT^4 ($CellContext`T + $CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24) + $CellContext`MT^2 ($CellContext`T^2 + $CellContext`T14^2 - 
-                  8 $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`T24 + 
-                  2 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`T24^2 + 
-                  2 $CellContext`T ($CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24)))^(-1) (
-               2 $CellContext`MH^10 (12 $CellContext`MT^2 + 3 $CellContext`T + 
-                 3 $CellContext`T14 - $CellContext`T24) $CellContext`T24 - \
-$CellContext`MH^8 $CellContext`T24 (464 $CellContext`MT^4 + 
-                19 $CellContext`T^2 + 38 $CellContext`T $CellContext`T14 + 
-                19 $CellContext`T14^2 + 
-                8 $CellContext`MT^2 (24 $CellContext`T + 
-                  24 $CellContext`T14 - $CellContext`T24) - 
-                4 $CellContext`T $CellContext`T24 - 
-                4 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`T24^2) - \
-$CellContext`MT^2 (
-                 4 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`T + $CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24)^4 (
-                40 $CellContext`MT^4 + ($CellContext`T + $CellContext`T14)^2 + 
-                2 $CellContext`MT^2 (7 $CellContext`T + 
-                  7 $CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24)) + $CellContext`MH^2 \
-(4 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`T + $CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24)^2 (
-                 832 $CellContext`MT^8 + ($CellContext`T + \
-$CellContext`T14)^3 $CellContext`T24 + 
-                 48 $CellContext`MT^6 (11 $CellContext`T + 
-                   11 $CellContext`T14 + 
-                   10 $CellContext`T24) + $CellContext`MT^2 ($CellContext`T + \
-$CellContext`T14) (7 $CellContext`T^2 + 14 $CellContext`T $CellContext`T14 + 
-                   7 $CellContext`T14^2 + 26 $CellContext`T $CellContext`T24 + 
-                   26 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24 + 
-                   3 $CellContext`T24^2) + 
-                 4 $CellContext`MT^4 (27 $CellContext`T^2 + 
-                   54 $CellContext`T $CellContext`T14 + 27 $CellContext`T14^2 + 
-                   52 $CellContext`T $CellContext`T24 + 
-                   52 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24 + 
-                   9 $CellContext`T24^2)) + $CellContext`MH^6 (
-                 256 $CellContext`MT^8 + 
-                 192 $CellContext`MT^6 ($CellContext`T + $CellContext`T14 + 
-                   17 $CellContext`T24) + 
-                 3 ($CellContext`T + $CellContext`T14) $CellContext`T24 (
-                   7 $CellContext`T^2 + 14 $CellContext`T $CellContext`T14 + 
-                   7 $CellContext`T14^2 + $CellContext`T24^2) + 
-                 16 $CellContext`MT^4 (3 $CellContext`T^2 + 
-                   6 $CellContext`T $CellContext`T14 + 3 $CellContext`T14^2 + 
-                   119 $CellContext`T $CellContext`T24 + 
-                   119 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24 + 
-                   13 $CellContext`T24^2) + 
-                 4 $CellContext`MT^2 ($CellContext`T^3 + $CellContext`T14^3 + 
-                   89 $CellContext`T14^2 $CellContext`T24 + 
-                   9 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24^2 + 
-                   7 $CellContext`T24^3 + $CellContext`T^2 (
-                    3 $CellContext`T14 + 
-                    89 $CellContext`T24) + $CellContext`T (
-                    3 $CellContext`T14^2 + 
-                    178 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24 + 
-                    9 $CellContext`T24^2))) - $CellContext`MH^4 (
-                3584 $CellContext`MT^10 + 
-                256 $CellContext`MT^8 (13 $CellContext`T + 
-                  13 $CellContext`T14 + 
-                  40 $CellContext`T24) + ($CellContext`T + \
-$CellContext`T14)^2 $CellContext`T24 (9 $CellContext`T^2 + 
-                  18 $CellContext`T $CellContext`T14 + 9 $CellContext`T14^2 + 
-                  4 $CellContext`T $CellContext`T24 + 
-                  4 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24 + 3 $CellContext`T24^2) + 
-                128 $CellContext`MT^6 (9 $CellContext`T^2 + 
-                  18 $CellContext`T $CellContext`T14 + 9 $CellContext`T14^2 + 
-                  60 $CellContext`T $CellContext`T24 + 
-                  60 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24 + 
-                  14 $CellContext`T24^2) + 
-                16 $CellContext`MT^4 (11 $CellContext`T^3 + 
-                  11 $CellContext`T14^3 + 
-                  129 $CellContext`T14^2 $CellContext`T24 + 
-                  51 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24^2 + 
-                  16 $CellContext`T24^3 + 
-                  3 $CellContext`T^2 (11 $CellContext`T14 + 
-                    43 $CellContext`T24) + 
-                  3 $CellContext`T (11 $CellContext`T14^2 + 
-                    86 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24 + 
-                    17 $CellContext`T24^2)) + 
-                2 $CellContext`MT^2 (5 $CellContext`T^4 + 
-                  5 $CellContext`T14^4 + 
-                  116 $CellContext`T14^3 $CellContext`T24 + 
-                  54 $CellContext`T14^2 $CellContext`T24^2 + 
-                  28 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24^3 + $CellContext`T24^4 + 
-                  4 $CellContext`T^3 (5 $CellContext`T14 + 
-                    29 $CellContext`T24) + 
-                  6 $CellContext`T^2 (5 $CellContext`T14^2 + 
-                    58 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24 + 
-                    9 $CellContext`T24^2) + 
-                  4 $CellContext`T (5 $CellContext`T14^3 + 
-                    87 $CellContext`T14^2 $CellContext`T24 + 
-                    27 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24^2 + 
-                    7 $CellContext`T24^3)))) 
-              X`DiscB[$CellContext`MH^2 - 
-                4 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`T - $CellContext`T14, \
-$CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT]/
-              X`Kallen\[Lambda][$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`MH^2 - 
-               4 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`T - $CellContext`T14, \
-$CellContext`T24] - (
-                16 $CellContext`MT^6 + $CellContext`MH^2 ($CellContext`MH^2 - \
-$CellContext`T - $CellContext`T14) $CellContext`T24 + 
-                8 $CellContext`MT^4 ($CellContext`T + $CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24) + $CellContext`MT^2 ($CellContext`T^2 + $CellContext`T14^2 - 
-                  8 $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`T24 + 
-                  2 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`T24^2 + 
-                  2 $CellContext`T ($CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24)))^(-1) (256 $CellContext`MT^10 + 
-               256 $CellContext`MT^8 ($CellContext`T + $CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24) + $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`T24 (
-                 2 $CellContext`MH^2 ($CellContext`T + $CellContext`T14 - \
-$CellContext`T24)^2 + 
-                 4 $CellContext`MH^4 $CellContext`T24 - ($CellContext`T + \
-$CellContext`T14) ($CellContext`T + $CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24)^2) + 
-               32 $CellContext`MT^6 (3 $CellContext`T^2 + 
-                 3 $CellContext`T14^2 + 6 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24 + 
-                 6 $CellContext`T ($CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24) + \
-$CellContext`T24 ((-2) $CellContext`MH^2 + 
-                   3 $CellContext`T24)) + $CellContext`MT^2 ($CellContext`T^4 + \
-$CellContext`T14^4 + 4 $CellContext`T14^3 $CellContext`T24 + 
-                 6 $CellContext`T14^2 $CellContext`T24 ((-2) \
-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`T24) + 
-                 4 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24 ((-2) $CellContext`MH^2 + \
-$CellContext`T24)^2 + 
-                 4 $CellContext`T^3 ($CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24) + \
-$CellContext`T24^2 ((-32) $CellContext`MH^4 - 
-                   4 $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`T24^2) + 
-                 6 $CellContext`T^2 ($CellContext`T14^2 + 
-                   2 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`T24 \
-((-2) $CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`T24)) + 
-                 4 $CellContext`T ($CellContext`T14^3 + 
-                   3 $CellContext`T14^2 $CellContext`T24 + 
-                   3 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24 ((-2) \
-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`T24) + $CellContext`T24 ((-2) \
-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`T24)^2)) + 
-               16 $CellContext`MT^4 ($CellContext`T^3 + $CellContext`T14^3 + 
-                 3 $CellContext`T14^2 $CellContext`T24 + 
-                 3 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24 (-$CellContext`MH^2 + \
-$CellContext`T24) + 
-                 3 $CellContext`T^2 ($CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24) + \
-$CellContext`T24 (2 $CellContext`MH^4 - 
-                   2 $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`T24^2) + 
-                 3 $CellContext`T ($CellContext`T14^2 + 
-                   2 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`T24 \
-(-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`T24)))) 
-              X`DiscB[$CellContext`T24, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT]/
-              X`Kallen\[Lambda][$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`MH^2 - 
-               4 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`T - $CellContext`T14, \
-$CellContext`T24] + 
-              2 $CellContext`MH^2 (16 $CellContext`MT^4 + $CellContext`T^2 + 
-                2 $CellContext`T $CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T14^2 + \
-$CellContext`MT^2 (8 $CellContext`T + 8 $CellContext`T14 - 
-                  4 $CellContext`T24) + 
-                2 $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`T24 - $CellContext`T \
-$CellContext`T24 - $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24 - 2 $CellContext`T24^2) 
-               X`Kallen\[Lambda][$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`MH^2 - 
-                  4 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`T - $CellContext`T14, \
-               X`ScalarC0[$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`MH^2 - 
-                 4 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`T - $CellContext`T14, \
-$CellContext`T24, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT])))}, 0, 
-         3, 1],
-        Editable->False], ")"}], "+", 
-      RowBox[{
-       FractionBox["1", 
-        RowBox[{
-         SuperscriptBox["MH", "2"], "-", "S34", "-", "T14", "-", "T24"}]], 
-       RowBox[{"(", 
-        RowBox[{
-         RowBox[{
-          FractionBox["1", "T"], 
-          RowBox[{"(", 
-           RowBox[{
-            RowBox[{
-             RowBox[{"(", 
-              RowBox[{
-               RowBox[{"4", " ", 
-                RowBox[{"(", 
-                 RowBox[{"2", "+", 
-                  FractionBox["1", "\[Epsilon]"], "+", 
-                  RowBox[{"DiscB", "[", 
-                   RowBox[{"T", ",", "MT", ",", "MT"}], "]"}], "+", 
-                  RowBox[{"Log", "[", 
-                   FractionBox[
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-                    SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"]], "]"}]}], ")"}]}], "-", 
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-                 RowBox[{
-                  SuperscriptBox["MH", "2"], "-", "T"}]], 
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-                 RowBox[{"(", 
-                  RowBox[{
-                   RowBox[{"3", " ", 
-                    SuperscriptBox["MH", "2"]}], "+", 
-                   FractionBox[
-                    SuperscriptBox["MH", "2"], "\[Epsilon]"], "-", 
-                   RowBox[{"3", " ", "T"}], "-", 
-                   FractionBox["T", "\[Epsilon]"], "+", 
-                   RowBox[{
-                    SuperscriptBox["MH", "2"], " ", 
-                    RowBox[{"DiscB", "[", 
-                    RowBox[{
-                    SuperscriptBox["MH", "2"], ",", "MT", ",", "MT"}], 
-                    "]"}]}], "-", 
-                   RowBox[{"T", " ", 
-                    RowBox[{"DiscB", "[", 
-                    RowBox[{"T", ",", "MT", ",", "MT"}], "]"}]}], "+", 
-                   RowBox[{
-                    SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"], " ", 
-                    SuperscriptBox[
-                    RowBox[{"Log", "[", 
-                    FractionBox[
-                    RowBox[{
-                    RowBox[{"-", 
-                    SuperscriptBox["MH", "2"]}], "+", 
-                    RowBox[{"2", " ", 
-                    SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"]}], "+", 
-                    RowBox[{"MH", " ", 
-                    SqrtBox[
-                    RowBox[{
-                    SuperscriptBox["MH", "2"], "-", 
-                    RowBox[{"4", " ", 
-                    SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"]}]}]]}]}], 
-                    RowBox[{"2", " ", 
-                    SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"]}]], "]"}], "2"]}], "+", 
-                   RowBox[{
-                    SuperscriptBox["MH", "2"], " ", 
-                    RowBox[{"Log", "[", 
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-                    SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"]], "]"}]}], "-", 
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-                    SuperscriptBox[
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-                    SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"]}], "-", "T", "+", 
-                    SqrtBox[
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-                    RowBox[{"(", 
-                    RowBox[{
-                    RowBox[{
-                    RowBox[{"-", "4"}], " ", 
-                    SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"]}], "+", "T"}], ")"}]}]]}], 
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-                  RowBox[{
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-                 ")"}]}]}], ")"}]}], "-", 
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-                 RowBox[{"Log", "[", 
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-                   RowBox[{
-                    RowBox[{"2", " ", 
-                    SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"]}], "-", "T", "+", 
-                    SqrtBox[
-                    RowBox[{"T", " ", 
-                    RowBox[{"(", 
-                    RowBox[{
-                    RowBox[{
-                    RowBox[{"-", "4"}], " ", 
-                    SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"]}], "+", "T"}], ")"}]}]]}], 
-                   RowBox[{"2", " ", 
-                    SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"]}]], "]"}], "2"]}], ")"}], " ", 
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-                  ")"}], " ", 
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-                  ")"}]}], "+", 
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-                    RowBox[{"(", 
-                    RowBox[{"S34", "+", "T14", "+", "T24"}], ")"}], "3"]}]}], 
-                    ")"}]}]}], ")"}], " ", 
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-                    SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"]}], "+", "S34", "+", "T14", "+", 
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-                    4 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24)^2)^(-2), 0, 
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-                    5 ($CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24)) - 8 $CellContext`MH^4 (16 $CellContext`MT^4 + 
-                    3 ($CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24)^2) + 8 $CellContext`MH^2 (32 $CellContext`MT^6 + 
-                    16 $CellContext`MT^4 ($CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24) + 
-                    14 $CellContext`MT^2 ($CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T14 + \
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-                    3 ($CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T14 + \
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-                    ")"}]}]}], ")"}], " ", 
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-                    RowBox[{"S34", "+", "T14", "+", "T24"}], ")"}]}]}], 
-                    ")"}]}]}], ")"}], " ", 
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-                    RowBox[{
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-                    "T24"}], ")"}], " ", "\[Beta]"}], 
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-                    RowBox[{
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-                    ")"}], " ", 
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-                    RowBox[{
-                    RowBox[{"4", " ", 
-                    SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"]}], "+", "S34", "+", "T14", "+", 
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-                    ")"}]}]}], ")"}], " ", 
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-                    "T24"}], ")"}], " ", 
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-                    RowBox[{"(", 
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-                    RowBox[{"96", " ", 
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-                    RowBox[{
-                    RowBox[{"10", " ", 
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-                    RowBox[{"13", " ", 
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-                    RowBox[{"3", " ", 
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-                    RowBox[{"(", 
-                    RowBox[{"S34", "+", "T14", "+", "T24"}], ")"}], "2"]}]}], 
-                    ")"}]}]}], ")"}], " ", 
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-                    ")"}], " ", 
-                    SuperscriptBox["\[Beta]", "2"]}], ")"}], "/", 
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-                    RowBox[{
-                    RowBox[{"4", " ", 
-                    SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"]}], "+", "S34", "+", "T14", "+", 
-                    "T24"}], ")"}], "2"]}], ")"}], "3"]}], "+", 
-                    FractionBox[
-                    RowBox[{"96", " ", "\[ImaginaryI]", " ", 
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-                    "+", 
-                    RowBox[{
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-                    RowBox[{
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-                    "T24"}], ")"}], " ", 
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-                    RowBox[{"(", 
-                    RowBox[{"S34", "+", "T14", "+", "T24"}], ")"}], "2"]}]}], 
-                    ")"}], " ", 
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-                    4 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24)^2)^(-2) (
-                    8 $CellContext`MT^2 ((-16) $CellContext`MH^2 \
-$CellContext`MT^2 + (
-                    4 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24)^2) + (-(
-                    4 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24)^2 (
-                    12 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`S34 + \
-$CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24) + 
-                    8 $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`MT^2 (
-                    12 $CellContext`MT^2 + 
-                    5 ($CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T14 + \
-                    X`DiscB[$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`MT, \
-$CellContext`MT] + ((-192) $CellContext`MT^6 + 
-                    16 $CellContext`MT^4 ($CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24) + 
-                    20 $CellContext`MT^2 ($CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24)^2 + ($CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24)^3 + 8 $CellContext`MH^2 (12 $CellContext`MT^4 - 
-                    5 $CellContext`MT^2 ($CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T14 + \
-                    X`DiscB[$CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34 - \
-$CellContext`T14 - $CellContext`T24, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT]), 
-                    Complex[0, 48] $CellContext`MT^4 
-                    Pi ((-2) $CellContext`MH^2 + 
-                    4 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24) ((-16) $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`MT^2 + (
-                    4 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24)^2)^(-2), (-2) $CellContext`MT^2 (
-                    16 $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`MT^2 - (
-                    4 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24)^2)^(-3) ((-2) (48 $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`MT^2 - 
-                    112 $CellContext`MT^4 - 
-                    24 $CellContext`MT^2 ($CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24) + ($CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24)^2) (16 $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`MT^2 - (
-                    4 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24)^2) + (768 $CellContext`MT^8 + 
-                    512 $CellContext`MT^6 ($CellContext`S34 + \
-$CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24) - 
-                    96 $CellContext`MT^4 (
-                    5 $CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34 - $CellContext`T14 - \
-$CellContext`T24) ($CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24) + (
-                    2 $CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34 - $CellContext`T14 - \
-$CellContext`T24) ($CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24)^3 + 
-                    16 $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`MT^2 ($CellContext`S34 + \
-$CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24) (10 $CellContext`MH^2 - 
-                    7 ($CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T14 + \
-                    X`DiscB[$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`MT, \
-$CellContext`MT] + (768 $CellContext`MT^8 - 
-                    512 $CellContext`MT^6 ($CellContext`S34 + \
-$CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24) - (
-                    2 $CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34 - $CellContext`T14 - \
-$CellContext`T24) ($CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24)^3 + 
-                    96 $CellContext`MT^4 ($CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24) (5 $CellContext`MH^2 - 
-                    4 ($CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24)) - 
-                    16 $CellContext`MT^2 ($CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24) (10 $CellContext`MH^4 - 
-                    13 $CellContext`MH^2 ($CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24) + 
-                    3 ($CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T14 + \
-                    X`DiscB[$CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34 - \
-$CellContext`T14 - $CellContext`T24, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT]), 
-                    Complex[0, 96] $CellContext`MT^4 
-                    Pi (32 $CellContext`MT^6 - 
-                    6 $CellContext`MT^2 ($CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T14 + \
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-                    2 $CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34 - $CellContext`T14 - \
-$CellContext`T24) ($CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24)^2) \
-(16 $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`MT^2 - (
-                    4 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24)^2)^(-3)}, 0, 4, 1],
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-                    RowBox[{"k", "[", "3", "]"}]}], "]"}]}]}], ")"}]}]}], 
-                    ")"}]}], "+", 
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-                    ")"}]}]}], ")"}]}], ")"}], "/", 
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-                    RowBox[{"(", 
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-                    "-", 
-                    RowBox[{"3", " ", 
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-                    RowBox[{"(", 
-                    RowBox[{"S34", "+", "T14", "+", "T24"}], ")"}], "3"]}]}], 
-                    ")"}]}]}], ")"}]}], ")"}], " ", 
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-                    SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"]}], "+", "S34", "+", "T14", "+", 
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-                    Editable->False]}],
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-$CellContext`T24)^2)^(-2) ((-8) $CellContext`MH^2 ($CellContext`S34 + \
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-                    4 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T14 + \
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-                    4 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T14 + \
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-                    3 ($CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T14 + \
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-                    2 $CellContext`MH^2 (
-                    14 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`S34 - \
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-                    4 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T14 + \
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-                    208 $CellContext`MT^4 ($CellContext`S34 + \
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-                    64 $CellContext`MT^2 ($CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T14 + \
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-                    3 ($CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T14 + \
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-                    RowBox[{"(", 
-                    RowBox[{"S34", "+", "T14", "+", "T24"}], ")"}], "2"]}], 
-                    ")"}]}]}], ")"}], " ", 
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-                    ")"}]}]}], ")"}], " ", "\[Beta]"}], 
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-                    Editable->False]}],
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-                    Rational[-1, 
-                    2] ((-16) $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`MT^2 + (
-                    4 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24)^2)^(-2) ((
-                    4 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24) ((-16) $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`MT^2 + (
-                    4 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24)^2) + $CellContext`MH^2 (
-                    32 $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`MT^2 - 
-                    80 $CellContext`MT^4 - 
-                    16 $CellContext`MT^2 ($CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24) + ($CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T14 + \
-                    X`DiscB[$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`MT, \
-$CellContext`MT] - (32 $CellContext`MH^4 $CellContext`MT^2 + 
-                    4 $CellContext`MT^2 (
-                    4 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24)^2 + $CellContext`MH^2 ((-48) $CellContext`MT^4 - 
-                    40 $CellContext`MT^2 ($CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24) + ($CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T14 + \
-                    X`DiscB[$CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34 - \
-$CellContext`T14 - $CellContext`T24, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT]), 
-                    Complex[0, -2] $CellContext`MT^2 
-                    Pi ((-16) $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`MT^2 + (
-                    4 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24)^2)^(-2) ((
-                    4 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24)^2 + $CellContext`MH^2 (8 $CellContext`MT^2 - 
-                    6 ($CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24))), 2 $CellContext`MT^2 (
-                    16 $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`MT^2 - (
-                    4 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24)^2)^(-3) ((
-                    16 $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`MT^2 - (
-                    4 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24)^2) (
-                    16 $CellContext`MH^2 ($CellContext`MT^2 - \
-$CellContext`S34 - $CellContext`T14 - $CellContext`T24) + 
-                    3 (4 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`S34 + \
-$CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24)^2) + 
-                    8 $CellContext`MH^2 (
-                    16 $CellContext`MH^4 $CellContext`MT^2 + (
-                    5 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`S34 - $CellContext`T14 - \
-$CellContext`T24) (
-                    4 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24)^2 + 2 $CellContext`MH^2 ((-24) $CellContext`MT^4 - 
-                    8 $CellContext`MT^2 ($CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24) + ($CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T14 + \
-                    X`DiscB[$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`MT, \
-$CellContext`MT] - (128 $CellContext`MH^6 $CellContext`MT^2 - (
-                    4 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`S34 - $CellContext`T14 - \
-$CellContext`T24) (
-                    4 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24)^3 - 16 $CellContext`MH^4 (24 $CellContext`MT^4 + 
-                    14 $CellContext`MT^2 ($CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24) - ($CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24)^2) + 2 $CellContext`MH^2 (64 $CellContext`MT^6 + 
-                    240 $CellContext`MT^4 ($CellContext`S34 + \
-$CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24) + 
-                    28 $CellContext`MT^2 ($CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24)^2 - 
-                    7 ($CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T14 + \
-                    X`DiscB[$CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34 - \
-$CellContext`T14 - $CellContext`T24, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT]), 
-                    Complex[0, -2] $CellContext`MT^2 
-                    Pi (16 $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`MT^2 - (
-                    4 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24)^2)^(-3) (
-                    96 $CellContext`MH^4 $CellContext`MT^2 ($CellContext`S34 + \
-$CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24) + (
-                    4 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`S34 - $CellContext`T14 - \
-$CellContext`T24) (
-                    4 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24)^3 + 2 $CellContext`MH^2 (256 $CellContext`MT^6 - 
-                    144 $CellContext`MT^4 ($CellContext`S34 + \
-$CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24) - 
-                    40 $CellContext`MT^2 ($CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24)^2 + 
-                    3 ($CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24)^3))}, 0, 4, 1],
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-                    16 $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`MT^2 - (
-                    4 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T14 + \
-                    0, (-2) $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`MT^2 \
-($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34 - $CellContext`T14 - $CellContext`T24) (
-                    16 $CellContext`MT^4 - ($CellContext`S34 + \
-$CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24)^2) ((-16) $CellContext`MH^2 \
-$CellContext`MT^2 + (
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-                    RowBox[{
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-                    RowBox[{"Log", "[", 
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-                    "T24"}], ")"}], " ", 
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-                    ")"}]}]}], ")"}], " ", 
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-                    RowBox[{"(", 
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-                    RowBox[{"8", " ", 
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-                    RowBox[{"5", " ", 
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-                    ")"}]}]}], ")"}], " ", 
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-                    RowBox[{"S34", "+", "T14", "+", "T24"}], ")"}]}], " ", 
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-                    RowBox[{"(", 
-                    RowBox[{
-                    RowBox[{"4", " ", 
-                    SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"]}], "+", "S34", "+", "T14", "+", 
-                    "T24"}], ")"}], "2"]}], "+", 
-                    RowBox[{"2", " ", 
-                    SuperscriptBox["MH", "2"], " ", 
-                    RowBox[{"(", 
-                    RowBox[{
-                    RowBox[{"16", " ", 
-                    SuperscriptBox["MT", "4"]}], "+", 
-                    SuperscriptBox[
-                    RowBox[{"(", 
-                    RowBox[{"S34", "+", "T14", "+", "T24"}], ")"}], "2"]}], 
-                    ")"}]}]}], ")"}], " ", 
-                    SuperscriptBox["\[Beta]", "3"]}], 
-                   SuperscriptBox[
-                    RowBox[{"(", 
-                    RowBox[{
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-                    RowBox[{"-", "16"}], " ", 
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-                    RowBox[{
-                    RowBox[{"4", " ", 
-                    SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"]}], "+", "S34", "+", "T14", "+", 
-                    "T24"}], ")"}], "2"]}], ")"}], "2"]], "+", 
-                  InterpretationBox[
-                   SuperscriptBox[
-                    RowBox[{"O", "[", "\[Beta]", "]"}], "4"],
-                   SeriesData[$CellContext`\[Beta], 0, {}, 0, 4, 1],
-                   Editable->False]}],
-                 SeriesData[$CellContext`\[Beta], 0, {
-                  Rational[1, 4] (3 + 
-                    X`Eps^(-1) + $CellContext`MH^2 (
-                    4 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`S34 - $CellContext`T14 - \
-$CellContext`T24) (16 $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`MT^2 - (
-                    4 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T14 + \
-                    X`DiscB[$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`MT, \
-$CellContext`MT] + ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34 - $CellContext`T14 - \
-$CellContext`T24) (
-                    4 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24) (16 $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`MT^2 - (
-                    4 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T14 + \
-                    X`DiscB[$CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34 - \
-$CellContext`T14 - $CellContext`T24, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] + 
-                    Log[$CellContext`MT^(-2) X`Mu^2]), 
-                   Complex[0, 1] $CellContext`MT^2 
-                   Pi ((-2) $CellContext`MH^2 + 
-                    4 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24)/((-16) $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`MT^2 + (
-                    4 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24)^2), $CellContext`MT^2 ((-16) $CellContext`MH^2 \
-$CellContext`MT^2 + (
-                    4 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24)^2)^(-2) ((-2) (2 $CellContext`MH^2 - 
-                    4 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`S34 - $CellContext`T14 - \
-$CellContext`T24) (16 $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`MT^2 - (
-                    4 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24)^2) + $CellContext`MH^2 (16 $CellContext`MT^4 - 
-                    8 $CellContext`MT^2 ($CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24) + ($CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24) (
-                    4 $CellContext`MH^2 - 
-                    3 ($CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T14 + \
-                    X`DiscB[$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`MT, \
-$CellContext`MT] - (
-                    4 $CellContext`MH^4 ($CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24) + ($CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24) (
-                    4 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24)^2 - $CellContext`MH^2 (16 $CellContext`MT^4 + 
-                    8 $CellContext`MT^2 ($CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24) + 
-                    5 ($CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T14 + \
-                    X`DiscB[$CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34 - \
-$CellContext`T14 - $CellContext`T24, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT]), 
-                   Complex[0, -1] $CellContext`MT^2 
-                   Pi ((-16) $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`MT^2 + (
-                    4 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24)^2)^(-2) (-($CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24) (
-                    4 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24)^2 + 
-                    2 $CellContext`MH^2 (
-                    16 $CellContext`MT^4 + ($CellContext`S34 + \
-$CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24)^2))}, 0, 4, 1],
-                 Editable->False], ")"}]}], ")"}]}], "+", 
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-                    RowBox[{"k", "[", "3", "]"}]}], "]"}], "+", 
-                    RowBox[{"2", " ", 
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-                    RowBox[{
-                    RowBox[{"e", "[", "2", "]"}], ",", 
-                    RowBox[{"k", "[", "4", "]"}]}], "]"}]}]}], ")"}]}]}], 
-                    ")"}], " ", 
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-                    RowBox[{"ec", "[", "5", "]"}]}], "]"}]}], "+", 
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-                    RowBox[{"k", "[", "1", "]"}]}], "]"}], " ", 
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-                    RowBox[{"k", "[", "5", "]"}]}], "]"}]}], "-", 
-                    RowBox[{"8", " ", 
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-                    RowBox[{"e", "[", "1", "]"}], ",", 
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-                    RowBox[{"(", 
-                    RowBox[{
-                    RowBox[{"-", "T"}], "-", 
-                    RowBox[{"2", " ", "T14"}], "+", 
-                    RowBox[{"2", " ", "T24"}], "+", "U"}], ")"}], " ", 
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-                    RowBox[{"k", "[", "5", "]"}]}], "]"}], " ", 
-                    RowBox[{"(", 
-                    RowBox[{
-                    RowBox[{"-", 
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-                    RowBox[{"Pair", "[", 
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-                    RowBox[{"k", "[", "2", "]"}]}], "]"}]}], ")"}]}], "+", 
-                    RowBox[{
-                    RowBox[{"(", 
-                    RowBox[{
-                    RowBox[{"Pair", "[", 
-                    RowBox[{
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-                    RowBox[{"k", "[", "1", "]"}]}], "]"}], "-", 
-                    RowBox[{"Pair", "[", 
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-                    RowBox[{"ec", "[", "4", "]"}], ",", 
-                    RowBox[{"k", "[", "2", "]"}]}], "]"}]}], ")"}], " ", 
-                    RowBox[{"Pair", "[", 
-                    RowBox[{
-                    RowBox[{"ec", "[", "5", "]"}], ",", 
-                    RowBox[{"k", "[", "4", "]"}]}], "]"}]}]}], ")"}]}]}], 
-                    ")"}]}]}], ")"}]}], ")"}], "/", 
-                 RowBox[{"(", 
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-                    RowBox[{"-", "16"}], " ", 
-                    SuperscriptBox["MH", "2"], " ", 
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-                    RowBox[{"(", 
-                    RowBox[{
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-                    SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"]}], "+", "S34", "+", "T14", "+", 
-                    "T24"}], ")"}], "2"]}], ")"}]}], "-", 
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-                 RowBox[{"(", 
-                  RowBox[{"32", " ", 
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-                    RowBox[{"-", "2"}], " ", 
-                    SuperscriptBox["MH", "2"]}], "+", 
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-                    "T24"}], ")"}], " ", 
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-                    RowBox[{"k", "[", "4", "]"}]}], "]"}]}]}], ")"}]}]}], 
-                    ")"}], " ", 
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-                    RowBox[{"ec", "[", "5", "]"}]}], "]"}]}], "+", 
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-                    RowBox[{"ec", "[", "4", "]"}]}], "]"}], " ", 
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-                    RowBox[{
-                    RowBox[{"(", 
-                    RowBox[{
-                    RowBox[{"-", "T"}], "-", 
-                    RowBox[{"2", " ", "T14"}], "+", 
-                    RowBox[{"2", " ", "T24"}], "+", "U"}], ")"}], " ", 
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-                    RowBox[{
-                    RowBox[{"(", 
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-                    RowBox[{"k", "[", "1", "]"}]}], "]"}], "-", 
-                    RowBox[{"Pair", "[", 
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-                    RowBox[{"k", "[", "2", "]"}]}], "]"}]}], ")"}], " ", 
-                    RowBox[{"Pair", "[", 
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-                    RowBox[{"ec", "[", "5", "]"}], ",", 
-                    RowBox[{"k", "[", "4", "]"}]}], "]"}]}]}], ")"}]}]}], 
-                    ")"}]}]}], ")"}]}], ")"}], " ", 
-                   SuperscriptBox["\[Beta]", "2"]}], ")"}], "/", 
-                 SuperscriptBox[
-                  RowBox[{"(", 
-                   RowBox[{
-                    RowBox[{
-                    RowBox[{"-", "16"}], " ", 
-                    SuperscriptBox["MH", "2"], " ", 
-                    SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"]}], "+", 
-                    SuperscriptBox[
-                    RowBox[{"(", 
-                    RowBox[{
-                    RowBox[{"4", " ", 
-                    SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"]}], "+", "S34", "+", "T14", "+", 
-                    "T24"}], ")"}], "2"]}], ")"}], "2"]}], "+", 
-                InterpretationBox[
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-                 SeriesData[$CellContext`\[Beta], 0, {}, 0, 3, 1],
-                 Editable->False]}],
-               SeriesData[$CellContext`\[Beta], 0, {
-                4 $CellContext`S ((-16) $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`MT^2 + \
-(4 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24)^2)^(-1) (4 (-$CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] - 2 $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] + 2 $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]])) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`ec[5]] + 8 $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`ec[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]] - 8 $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`ec[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]] - 8 $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`ec[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]] + 8 $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`ec[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`e[
-                    2]] ((-$CellContext`T - 2 $CellContext`T14 + 
-                    2 $CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`ec[5]] - 4 ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]] (-$CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]]) + ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]]) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]]))), 
-                 0, (-32) $CellContext`MT^2 $CellContext`S ((-2) \
-$CellContext`MH^2 + 
-                  4 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24) ((-16) $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`MT^2 + (
-                    4 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24)^2)^(-2) (4 (-$CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] - 2 $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] + 2 $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]])) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`ec[5]] + 8 $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`ec[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]] - 8 $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`ec[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]] - 8 $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`ec[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]] + 8 $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`ec[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`e[
-                    2]] ((-$CellContext`T - 2 $CellContext`T14 + 
-                    2 $CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`ec[5]] - 4 ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]] (-$CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]]) + ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]]) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]])))}, 0, 3, 1],
-               Editable->False], ")"}], " ", 
-             RowBox[{"(", 
-              RowBox[{
-               RowBox[{
-                RowBox[{"ScalarC0", "[", 
-                 RowBox[{
-                  SuperscriptBox["MH", "2"], ",", 
-                  RowBox[{
-                   SuperscriptBox["MH", "2"], "-", "S34", "-", "T14", "-", 
-                   "T24"}], ",", 
-                  RowBox[{"-", 
-                   FractionBox[
-                    RowBox[{"4", " ", 
-                    SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"]}], 
-                    RowBox[{
-                    RowBox[{"-", "1"}], "+", 
-                    SuperscriptBox["\[Beta]", "2"]}]]}], ",", "MT", ",", "MT",
-                   ",", "MT"}], "]"}], " ", 
-                RowBox[{"(", 
-                 InterpretationBox[
-                  RowBox[{
-                   RowBox[{
-                    SuperscriptBox["MH", "2"], " ", 
-                    RowBox[{"(", 
-                    RowBox[{
-                    RowBox[{"4", " ", 
-                    SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"]}], "-", "S34", "-", "T14", "-", 
-                    "T24"}], ")"}]}], "+", 
-                   RowBox[{"4", " ", 
-                    SuperscriptBox["MH", "2"], " ", 
-                    SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"], " ", 
-                    SuperscriptBox["\[Beta]", "2"]}], "+", 
-                   RowBox[{"4", " ", 
-                    SuperscriptBox["MH", "2"], " ", 
-                    SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"], " ", 
-                    SuperscriptBox["\[Beta]", "4"]}], "+", 
-                   InterpretationBox[
-                    SuperscriptBox[
-                    RowBox[{"O", "[", "\[Beta]", "]"}], "5"],
-                    SeriesData[$CellContext`\[Beta], 0, {}, 0, 5, 1],
-                    Editable->False]}],
-                  SeriesData[$CellContext`\[Beta], 
-                   0, {$CellContext`MH^2 (
-                    4 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`S34 - $CellContext`T14 - \
-$CellContext`T24), 0, 4 $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`MT^2, 0, 
-                    4 $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`MT^2}, 0, 5, 1],
-                  Editable->False], ")"}]}], "+", 
-               RowBox[{"(", 
-                InterpretationBox[
-                 RowBox[{
-                  RowBox[{"(", 
-                   RowBox[{
-                    RowBox[{
-                    RowBox[{"-", "2"}], " ", 
-                    SuperscriptBox["MH", "2"], " ", 
-                    RowBox[{"DiscB", "[", 
-                    RowBox[{
-                    SuperscriptBox["MH", "2"], ",", "MT", ",", "MT"}], 
-                    "]"}]}], "+", 
-                    RowBox[{
-                    RowBox[{"(", 
-                    RowBox[{
-                    RowBox[{"2", " ", 
-                    SuperscriptBox["MH", "2"]}], "-", 
-                    RowBox[{"4", " ", 
-                    SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"]}], "-", "S34", "-", "T14", "-", 
-                    "T24"}], ")"}], " ", 
-                    RowBox[{"DiscB", "[", 
-                    RowBox[{
-                    RowBox[{
-                    SuperscriptBox["MH", "2"], "-", "S34", "-", "T14", "-", 
-                    "T24"}], ",", "MT", ",", "MT"}], "]"}]}]}], ")"}], "+", 
-                  RowBox[{"\[ImaginaryI]", " ", "\[Pi]", " ", 
-                   RowBox[{"(", 
-                    RowBox[{
-                    RowBox[{"4", " ", 
-                    SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"]}], "+", "S34", "+", "T14", "+", 
-                    "T24"}], ")"}], " ", "\[Beta]"}], "-", 
-                  RowBox[{"2", " ", 
-                   RowBox[{"(", 
-                    RowBox[{
-                    RowBox[{"4", " ", 
-                    SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"]}], "+", "S34", "+", "T14", "+", 
-                    "T24", "+", 
-                    RowBox[{"2", " ", 
-                    SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"], " ", 
-                    RowBox[{"DiscB", "[", 
-                    RowBox[{
-                    RowBox[{
-                    SuperscriptBox["MH", "2"], "-", "S34", "-", "T14", "-", 
-                    "T24"}], ",", "MT", ",", "MT"}], "]"}]}]}], ")"}], " ", 
-                   SuperscriptBox["\[Beta]", "2"]}], "+", 
-                  RowBox[{"4", " ", "\[ImaginaryI]", " ", 
-                   SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"], " ", "\[Pi]", " ", 
-                   SuperscriptBox["\[Beta]", "3"]}], "-", 
-                  RowBox[{
-                   FractionBox["2", "3"], " ", 
-                   RowBox[{"(", 
-                    RowBox[{
-                    RowBox[{"16", " ", 
-                    SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"]}], "+", "S34", "+", "T14", "+", 
-                    "T24", "+", 
-                    RowBox[{"6", " ", 
-                    SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"], " ", 
-                    RowBox[{"DiscB", "[", 
-                    RowBox[{
-                    RowBox[{
-                    SuperscriptBox["MH", "2"], "-", "S34", "-", "T14", "-", 
-                    "T24"}], ",", "MT", ",", "MT"}], "]"}]}]}], ")"}], " ", 
-                   SuperscriptBox["\[Beta]", "4"]}], "+", 
-                  InterpretationBox[
-                   SuperscriptBox[
-                    RowBox[{"O", "[", "\[Beta]", "]"}], "5"],
-                   SeriesData[$CellContext`\[Beta], 0, {}, 0, 5, 1],
-                   Editable->False]}],
-                 SeriesData[$CellContext`\[Beta], 
-                  0, {(-2) $CellContext`MH^2 
-                    X`DiscB[$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`MT, \
-$CellContext`MT] + (2 $CellContext`MH^2 - 
-                    4 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`S34 - $CellContext`T14 - \
-                    X`DiscB[$CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34 - \
-$CellContext`T14 - $CellContext`T24, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT], 
-                   Complex[0, 1] 
-                   Pi (4 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`S34 + \
-$CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24), (-2) (
-                    4 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24 + 2 $CellContext`MT^2 
-                    X`DiscB[$CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34 - \
-$CellContext`T14 - $CellContext`T24, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT]), 
-                   Complex[0, 4] $CellContext`MT^2 Pi, 
-                   Rational[-2, 3] (
-                    16 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`S34 + \
-$CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24 + 
-                    6 $CellContext`MT^2 
-                    X`DiscB[$CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34 - \
-$CellContext`T14 - $CellContext`T24, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT])}, 0, 
-                  5, 1],
-                 Editable->False], ")"}]}], ")"}]}], "+", 
-            RowBox[{
-             RowBox[{"(", 
-              InterpretationBox[
-               RowBox[{
-                RowBox[{"-", 
-                 RowBox[{"(", 
-                  RowBox[{
-                   RowBox[{"(", 
-                    RowBox[{"2", " ", 
-                    RowBox[{"(", 
-                    RowBox[{
-                    RowBox[{
-                    RowBox[{"(", 
-                    RowBox[{
-                    RowBox[{
-                    RowBox[{"-", "2"}], " ", "S34", " ", "T"}], "-", 
-                    SuperscriptBox["T", "2"], "+", 
-                    RowBox[{"4", " ", "T", " ", "T24"}], "+", 
-                    RowBox[{"2", " ", "S", " ", 
-                    RowBox[{"(", 
-                    RowBox[{"T", "-", "U"}], ")"}]}], "+", 
-                    RowBox[{"2", " ", 
-                    SuperscriptBox["MH", "2"], " ", 
-                    RowBox[{"(", 
-                    RowBox[{"T", "+", 
-                    RowBox[{"2", " ", "T14"}], "-", 
-                    RowBox[{"2", " ", "T24"}], "-", "U"}], ")"}]}], "+", 
-                    RowBox[{"2", " ", "S34", " ", "U"}], "-", 
-                    RowBox[{"4", " ", "T14", " ", "U"}], "+", 
-                    SuperscriptBox["U", "2"]}], ")"}], " ", 
-                    RowBox[{"Pair", "[", 
-                    RowBox[{
-                    RowBox[{"e", "[", "1", "]"}], ",", 
-                    RowBox[{"e", "[", "2", "]"}]}], "]"}], " ", 
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-                    RowBox[{"ec", "[", "5", "]"}]}], "]"}]}], "-", 
-                    RowBox[{"4", " ", 
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-                    RowBox[{
-                    RowBox[{
-                    RowBox[{"-", "2"}], " ", 
-                    RowBox[{"(", 
-                    RowBox[{"S", "-", "S34", "+", "T14", "+", "T24"}], ")"}], 
-                    " ", 
-                    RowBox[{"Pair", "[", 
-                    RowBox[{
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-                    RowBox[{"k", "[", "3", "]"}]}], "]"}], " ", 
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-                    RowBox[{"k", "[", "1", "]"}]}], "]"}]}], "+", 
-                    RowBox[{
-                    RowBox[{"(", 
-                    RowBox[{
-                    RowBox[{
-                    RowBox[{"-", "2"}], " ", 
-                    SuperscriptBox["MH", "2"]}], "+", "T", "+", "U"}], ")"}], 
-                    " ", 
-                    RowBox[{"Pair", "[", 
-                    RowBox[{
-                    RowBox[{"e", "[", "1", "]"}], ",", 
-                    RowBox[{"k", "[", "4", "]"}]}], "]"}], " ", 
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-                    RowBox[{"e", "[", "2", "]"}], ",", 
-                    RowBox[{"k", "[", "1", "]"}]}], "]"}]}], "+", 
-                    RowBox[{"2", " ", 
-                    SuperscriptBox["MH", "2"], " ", 
-                    RowBox[{"Pair", "[", 
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-                    RowBox[{"e", "[", "1", "]"}], ",", 
-                    RowBox[{"k", "[", "5", "]"}]}], "]"}], " ", 
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-                    RowBox[{"k", "[", "1", "]"}]}], "]"}]}], "-", 
-                    RowBox[{"T", " ", 
-                    RowBox[{"Pair", "[", 
-                    RowBox[{
-                    RowBox[{"e", "[", "1", "]"}], ",", 
-                    RowBox[{"k", "[", "5", "]"}]}], "]"}], " ", 
-                    RowBox[{"Pair", "[", 
-                    RowBox[{
-                    RowBox[{"e", "[", "2", "]"}], ",", 
-                    RowBox[{"k", "[", "1", "]"}]}], "]"}]}], "-", 
-                    RowBox[{"U", " ", 
-                    RowBox[{"Pair", "[", 
-                    RowBox[{
-                    RowBox[{"e", "[", "1", "]"}], ",", 
-                    RowBox[{"k", "[", "5", "]"}]}], "]"}], " ", 
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-                    RowBox[{"e", "[", "2", "]"}], ",", 
-                    RowBox[{"k", "[", "1", "]"}]}], "]"}]}], "+", 
-                    RowBox[{"2", " ", "S", " ", 
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-                    RowBox[{
-                    RowBox[{"e", "[", "1", "]"}], ",", 
-                    RowBox[{"k", "[", "2", "]"}]}], "]"}], " ", 
-                    RowBox[{"Pair", "[", 
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-                    RowBox[{"e", "[", "2", "]"}], ",", 
-                    RowBox[{"k", "[", "3", "]"}]}], "]"}]}], "-", 
-                    RowBox[{"2", " ", "S34", " ", 
-                    RowBox[{"Pair", "[", 
-                    RowBox[{
-                    RowBox[{"e", "[", "1", "]"}], ",", 
-                    RowBox[{"k", "[", "2", "]"}]}], "]"}], " ", 
-                    RowBox[{"Pair", "[", 
-                    RowBox[{
-                    RowBox[{"e", "[", "2", "]"}], ",", 
-                    RowBox[{"k", "[", "3", "]"}]}], "]"}]}], "+", 
-                    RowBox[{"2", " ", "T14", " ", 
-                    RowBox[{"Pair", "[", 
-                    RowBox[{
-                    RowBox[{"e", "[", "1", "]"}], ",", 
-                    RowBox[{"k", "[", "2", "]"}]}], "]"}], " ", 
-                    RowBox[{"Pair", "[", 
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-                    RowBox[{"e", "[", "2", "]"}], ",", 
-                    RowBox[{"k", "[", "3", "]"}]}], "]"}]}], "+", 
-                    RowBox[{"2", " ", "T24", " ", 
-                    RowBox[{"Pair", "[", 
-                    RowBox[{
-                    RowBox[{"e", "[", "1", "]"}], ",", 
-                    RowBox[{"k", "[", "2", "]"}]}], "]"}], " ", 
-                    RowBox[{"Pair", "[", 
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-                    RowBox[{"e", "[", "2", "]"}], ",", 
-                    RowBox[{"k", "[", "3", "]"}]}], "]"}]}], "+", 
-                    RowBox[{"2", " ", 
-                    SuperscriptBox["MH", "2"], " ", 
-                    RowBox[{"Pair", "[", 
-                    RowBox[{
-                    RowBox[{"e", "[", "1", "]"}], ",", 
-                    RowBox[{"k", "[", "2", "]"}]}], "]"}], " ", 
-                    RowBox[{"Pair", "[", 
-                    RowBox[{
-                    RowBox[{"e", "[", "2", "]"}], ",", 
-                    RowBox[{"k", "[", "4", "]"}]}], "]"}]}], "-", 
-                    RowBox[{"T", " ", 
-                    RowBox[{"Pair", "[", 
-                    RowBox[{
-                    RowBox[{"e", "[", "1", "]"}], ",", 
-                    RowBox[{"k", "[", "2", "]"}]}], "]"}], " ", 
-                    RowBox[{"Pair", "[", 
-                    RowBox[{
-                    RowBox[{"e", "[", "2", "]"}], ",", 
-                    RowBox[{"k", "[", "4", "]"}]}], "]"}]}], "-", 
-                    RowBox[{"U", " ", 
-                    RowBox[{"Pair", "[", 
-                    RowBox[{
-                    RowBox[{"e", "[", "1", "]"}], ",", 
-                    RowBox[{"k", "[", "2", "]"}]}], "]"}], " ", 
-                    RowBox[{"Pair", "[", 
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-                    RowBox[{"k", "[", "4", "]"}]}], "]"}]}], "-", 
-                    RowBox[{"2", " ", 
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-                    RowBox[{"k", "[", "2", "]"}]}], "]"}], " ", 
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-                    RowBox[{"e", "[", "2", "]"}], ",", 
-                    RowBox[{"k", "[", "5", "]"}]}], "]"}]}], "+", 
-                    RowBox[{"T", " ", 
-                    RowBox[{"Pair", "[", 
-                    RowBox[{
-                    RowBox[{"e", "[", "1", "]"}], ",", 
-                    RowBox[{"k", "[", "2", "]"}]}], "]"}], " ", 
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-                    RowBox[{"e", "[", "2", "]"}], ",", 
-                    RowBox[{"k", "[", "5", "]"}]}], "]"}]}], "+", 
-                    RowBox[{"U", " ", 
-                    RowBox[{"Pair", "[", 
-                    RowBox[{
-                    RowBox[{"e", "[", "1", "]"}], ",", 
-                    RowBox[{"k", "[", "2", "]"}]}], "]"}], " ", 
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-                    RowBox[{"k", "[", "5", "]"}]}], "]"}]}]}], ")"}], " ", 
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-                    RowBox[{"ec", "[", "5", "]"}]}], "]"}]}], "+", 
-                    RowBox[{"8", " ", 
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-                    RowBox[{
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-                    RowBox[{"8", " ", 
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-                    SuperscriptBox["MH", "2"]}], "+", "T", "+", "U"}], ")"}], 
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-                    RowBox[{"e", "[", "1", "]"}], ",", 
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-                    RowBox[{"32", " ", 
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-                    RowBox[{"k", "[", "3", "]"}]}], "]"}]}]}], ")"}], " ", 
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-                    RowBox[{"k", "[", "2", "]"}]}], "]"}]}], ")"}]}], "-", 
-                    RowBox[{
-                    RowBox[{"(", 
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-                    RowBox[{"-", "T"}], "+", "U"}], ")"}], " ", 
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-                    RowBox[{"k", "[", "3", "]"}]}], "]"}]}]}], ")"}], " ", 
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-                    RowBox[{"k", "[", "4", "]"}]}], "]"}]}]}], ")"}]}]}], 
-                    ")"}], " ", 
-                   SuperscriptBox["\[Beta]", "2"]}], ")"}], "/", 
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-$CellContext`T24)^2)^(-1) (((-2) $CellContext`S34 $CellContext`T - \
-$CellContext`T^2 + 4 $CellContext`T $CellContext`T24 + 
-                    2 $CellContext`S ($CellContext`T - $CellContext`U) + 
-                    2 $CellContext`MH^2 ($CellContext`T + 2 $CellContext`T14 - 
-                    2 $CellContext`T24 - $CellContext`U) + 
-                    2 $CellContext`S34 $CellContext`U - 
-                    4 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`U + $CellContext`U^2) \
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`e[2]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`ec[5]] - 
-                  4 ((-2) ($CellContext`S - $CellContext`S34 + \
-$CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[
-                    1]] + ((-2) $CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`T + \
-$CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] + 2 $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] - $CellContext`T $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] - $CellContext`U $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
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-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] - 
-                   2 $CellContext`S34 $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] + 
-                   2 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] + 
-                   2 $CellContext`T24 $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] + 2 $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]] - $CellContext`T $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]] - $CellContext`U $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]] - 2 $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]] + $CellContext`T $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]] + $CellContext`U $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]]) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`ec[5]] + 
-                  8 ((-2) $CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`T + \
-$CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`ec[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]] - 
-                  8 ((-2) $CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`T + \
-$CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`ec[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]] + 32 ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]]) ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]]) - ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]]) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]]) - 
-                  8 ((-2) $CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`T + \
-$CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`ec[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]] + 
-                  8 ((-2) $CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`T + \
-$CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`ec[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]] - 4 $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`e[2]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]] (
-                    2 ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] - 
-                    2 ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`T) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[
-                    2]] + ($CellContext`T - $CellContext`U) \
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[
-                    3]]) + ((-2) ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`U) \
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] + 
-                    2 ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`T) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[
-                    2]] + (-$CellContext`T + $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]]) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]])), 0, 
-                 16 $CellContext`MT^2 ((-2) $CellContext`MH^2 + 
-                  4 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24) ((-16) $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`MT^2 + (
-                    4 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24)^2)^(-2) (((-2) $CellContext`S34 $CellContext`T - \
-$CellContext`T^2 + 4 $CellContext`T $CellContext`T24 + 
-                    2 $CellContext`S ($CellContext`T - $CellContext`U) + 
-                    2 $CellContext`MH^2 ($CellContext`T + 2 $CellContext`T14 - 
-                    2 $CellContext`T24 - $CellContext`U) + 
-                    2 $CellContext`S34 $CellContext`U - 
-                    4 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`U + $CellContext`U^2) \
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`e[2]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`ec[5]] - 
-                  4 ((-2) ($CellContext`S - $CellContext`S34 + \
-$CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[
-                    1]] + ((-2) $CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`T + \
-$CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] + 2 $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] - $CellContext`T $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] - $CellContext`U $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] + 2 $CellContext`S $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] - 
-                   2 $CellContext`S34 $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] + 
-                   2 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] + 
-                   2 $CellContext`T24 $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] + 2 $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]] - $CellContext`T $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]] - $CellContext`U $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]] - 2 $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]] + $CellContext`T $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]] + $CellContext`U $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]]) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`ec[5]] + 
-                  8 ((-2) $CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`T + \
-$CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`ec[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]] - 
-                  8 ((-2) $CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`T + \
-$CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`ec[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]] + 32 ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]]) ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]]) - ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]]) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]]) - 
-                  8 ((-2) $CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`T + \
-$CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`ec[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]] + 
-                  8 ((-2) $CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`T + \
-$CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`ec[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]] - 4 $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`e[2]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]] (
-                    2 ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] - 
-                    2 ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`T) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[
-                    2]] + ($CellContext`T - $CellContext`U) \
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[
-                    3]]) + ((-2) ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`U) \
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] + 
-                    2 ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`T) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[
-                    2]] + (-$CellContext`T + $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]]) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]]))}, 0, 3, 1],
-               Editable->False], ")"}], " ", 
-             RowBox[{"(", 
-              RowBox[{
-               RowBox[{
-                RowBox[{"ScalarC0", "[", 
-                 RowBox[{
-                  SuperscriptBox["MH", "2"], ",", 
-                  RowBox[{
-                   SuperscriptBox["MH", "2"], "-", "S34", "-", "T14", "-", 
-                   "T24"}], ",", 
-                  RowBox[{"-", 
-                   FractionBox[
-                    RowBox[{"4", " ", 
-                    SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"]}], 
-                    RowBox[{
-                    RowBox[{"-", "1"}], "+", 
-                    SuperscriptBox["\[Beta]", "2"]}]]}], ",", "MT", ",", "MT",
-                   ",", "MT"}], "]"}], " ", 
-                RowBox[{"(", 
-                 InterpretationBox[
-                  RowBox[{
-                   RowBox[{"-", 
-                    RowBox[{"4", " ", 
-                    RowBox[{"(", 
-                    RowBox[{
-                    SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"], " ", 
-                    RowBox[{"(", 
-                    RowBox[{
-                    RowBox[{
-                    RowBox[{"-", "2"}], " ", 
-                    SuperscriptBox["MH", "2"]}], "+", 
-                    RowBox[{"4", " ", 
-                    SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"]}], "+", "S34", "+", "T14", "+", 
-                    "T24"}], ")"}]}], ")"}]}]}], "-", 
-                   RowBox[{"4", " ", 
-                    RowBox[{"(", 
-                    RowBox[{
-                    SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"], " ", 
-                    RowBox[{"(", 
-                    RowBox[{
-                    RowBox[{
-                    RowBox[{"-", "2"}], " ", 
-                    SuperscriptBox["MH", "2"]}], "+", 
-                    RowBox[{"8", " ", 
-                    SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"]}], "+", "S34", "+", "T14", "+", 
-                    "T24"}], ")"}]}], ")"}], " ", 
-                    SuperscriptBox["\[Beta]", "2"]}], "-", 
-                   RowBox[{"4", " ", 
-                    RowBox[{"(", 
-                    RowBox[{
-                    SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"], " ", 
-                    RowBox[{"(", 
-                    RowBox[{
-                    RowBox[{
-                    RowBox[{"-", "2"}], " ", 
-                    SuperscriptBox["MH", "2"]}], "+", 
-                    RowBox[{"12", " ", 
-                    SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"]}], "+", "S34", "+", "T14", "+", 
-                    "T24"}], ")"}]}], ")"}], " ", 
-                    SuperscriptBox["\[Beta]", "4"]}], "+", 
-                   InterpretationBox[
-                    SuperscriptBox[
-                    RowBox[{"O", "[", "\[Beta]", "]"}], "5"],
-                    SeriesData[$CellContext`\[Beta], 0, {}, 0, 5, 1],
-                    Editable->False]}],
-                  SeriesData[$CellContext`\[Beta], 
-                   0, {(-4) $CellContext`MT^2 ((-2) $CellContext`MH^2 + 
-                    4 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24), 0, (-4) $CellContext`MT^2 ((-2) $CellContext`MH^2 + 
-                    8 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24), 0, (-4) $CellContext`MT^2 ((-2) $CellContext`MH^2 + 
-                    12 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`S34 + \
-$CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24)}, 0, 5, 1],
-                  Editable->False], ")"}]}], "+", 
-               RowBox[{"(", 
-                InterpretationBox[
-                 RowBox[{
-                  RowBox[{"(", 
-                   RowBox[{
-                    RowBox[{
-                    RowBox[{"(", 
-                    RowBox[{
-                    RowBox[{"4", " ", 
-                    SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"]}], "+", "S34", "+", "T14", "+", 
-                    "T24"}], ")"}], " ", 
-                    RowBox[{"DiscB", "[", 
-                    RowBox[{
-                    SuperscriptBox["MH", "2"], ",", "MT", ",", "MT"}], 
-                    "]"}]}], "+", 
-                    RowBox[{
-                    RowBox[{"(", 
-                    RowBox[{
-                    RowBox[{"4", " ", 
-                    SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"]}], "-", "S34", "-", "T14", "-", 
-                    "T24"}], ")"}], " ", 
-                    RowBox[{"DiscB", "[", 
-                    RowBox[{
-                    RowBox[{
-                    SuperscriptBox["MH", "2"], "-", "S34", "-", "T14", "-", 
-                    "T24"}], ",", "MT", ",", "MT"}], "]"}]}]}], ")"}], "-", 
-                  RowBox[{"8", " ", "\[ImaginaryI]", " ", 
-                   SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"], " ", "\[Pi]", " ", "\[Beta]"}], 
-                  "+", 
-                  RowBox[{"4", " ", 
-                   SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"], " ", 
-                   RowBox[{"(", 
-                    RowBox[{"4", "+", 
-                    RowBox[{"DiscB", "[", 
-                    RowBox[{
-                    SuperscriptBox["MH", "2"], ",", "MT", ",", "MT"}], "]"}], 
-                    "+", 
-                    RowBox[{"DiscB", "[", 
-                    RowBox[{
-                    RowBox[{
-                    SuperscriptBox["MH", "2"], "-", "S34", "-", "T14", "-", 
-                    "T24"}], ",", "MT", ",", "MT"}], "]"}]}], ")"}], " ", 
-                   SuperscriptBox["\[Beta]", "2"]}], "-", 
-                  RowBox[{"8", " ", "\[ImaginaryI]", " ", 
-                   SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"], " ", "\[Pi]", " ", 
-                   SuperscriptBox["\[Beta]", "3"]}], "+", 
-                  RowBox[{
-                   FractionBox["4", "3"], " ", 
-                   SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"], " ", 
-                   RowBox[{"(", 
-                    RowBox[{"16", "+", 
-                    RowBox[{"3", " ", 
-                    RowBox[{"DiscB", "[", 
-                    RowBox[{
-                    SuperscriptBox["MH", "2"], ",", "MT", ",", "MT"}], 
-                    "]"}]}], "+", 
-                    RowBox[{"3", " ", 
-                    RowBox[{"DiscB", "[", 
-                    RowBox[{
-                    RowBox[{
-                    SuperscriptBox["MH", "2"], "-", "S34", "-", "T14", "-", 
-                    "T24"}], ",", "MT", ",", "MT"}], "]"}]}]}], ")"}], " ", 
-                   SuperscriptBox["\[Beta]", "4"]}], "+", 
-                  InterpretationBox[
-                   SuperscriptBox[
-                    RowBox[{"O", "[", "\[Beta]", "]"}], "5"],
-                   SeriesData[$CellContext`\[Beta], 0, {}, 0, 5, 1],
-                   Editable->False]}],
-                 SeriesData[$CellContext`\[Beta], 
-                  0, {(4 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`S34 + \
-$CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24) 
-                    X`DiscB[$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`MT, \
-$CellContext`MT] + (
-                    4 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`S34 - $CellContext`T14 - \
-                    X`DiscB[$CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34 - \
-$CellContext`T14 - $CellContext`T24, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT], 
-                   Complex[0, -8] $CellContext`MT^2 Pi, 
-                   4 $CellContext`MT^2 (4 + 
-                    X`DiscB[$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`MT, \
-$CellContext`MT] + 
-                    X`DiscB[$CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34 - \
-$CellContext`T14 - $CellContext`T24, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT]), 
-                   Complex[0, -8] $CellContext`MT^2 Pi, 
-                   Rational[4, 3] $CellContext`MT^2 (16 + 
-                    3 X`DiscB[$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`MT, \
-$CellContext`MT] + 3 
-                    X`DiscB[$CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34 - \
-$CellContext`T14 - $CellContext`T24, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT])}, 0, 
-                  5, 1],
-                 Editable->False], ")"}]}], ")"}]}]}], ")"}]}]}], ")"}]}]}], 
-     ")"}]}]}], "+", 
-  RowBox[{
-   FractionBox["1", 
-    RowBox[{"MW", " ", "SW"}]], 
-   RowBox[{"2", " ", 
-    SuperscriptBox["Alfas", "2"], " ", "c2", " ", "EL", " ", 
-    SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"], " ", 
-    RowBox[{"(", 
-     RowBox[{
-      RowBox[{"(", 
-       InterpretationBox[
-        RowBox[{
-         RowBox[{"(", 
-          RowBox[{
-           RowBox[{
-            FractionBox["1", "T"], 
-            RowBox[{"(", 
-             RowBox[{
-              RowBox[{
-               RowBox[{"(", 
-                RowBox[{
-                 RowBox[{"4", " ", 
-                  RowBox[{"(", 
-                   RowBox[{"2", "+", 
-                    FractionBox["1", "\[Epsilon]"], "+", 
-                    RowBox[{"DiscB", "[", 
-                    RowBox[{"T", ",", "MT", ",", "MT"}], "]"}], "+", 
-                    RowBox[{"Log", "[", 
-                    FractionBox[
-                    SuperscriptBox["\[Micro]", "2"], 
-                    SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"]], "]"}]}], ")"}]}], "-", 
-                 RowBox[{
-                  FractionBox["1", 
-                   RowBox[{
-                    SuperscriptBox["MH", "2"], "-", "T"}]], 
-                  RowBox[{"4", " ", 
-                   RowBox[{"(", 
-                    RowBox[{
-                    RowBox[{"3", " ", 
-                    SuperscriptBox["MH", "2"]}], "+", 
-                    FractionBox[
-                    SuperscriptBox["MH", "2"], "\[Epsilon]"], "-", 
-                    RowBox[{"3", " ", "T"}], "-", 
-                    FractionBox["T", "\[Epsilon]"], "+", 
-                    RowBox[{
-                    SuperscriptBox["MH", "2"], " ", 
-                    RowBox[{"DiscB", "[", 
-                    RowBox[{
-                    SuperscriptBox["MH", "2"], ",", "MT", ",", "MT"}], 
-                    "]"}]}], "-", 
-                    RowBox[{"T", " ", 
-                    RowBox[{"DiscB", "[", 
-                    RowBox[{"T", ",", "MT", ",", "MT"}], "]"}]}], "+", 
-                    RowBox[{
-                    SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"], " ", 
-                    SuperscriptBox[
-                    RowBox[{"Log", "[", 
-                    FractionBox[
-                    RowBox[{
-                    RowBox[{"-", 
-                    SuperscriptBox["MH", "2"]}], "+", 
-                    RowBox[{"2", " ", 
-                    SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"]}], "+", 
-                    RowBox[{"MH", " ", 
-                    SqrtBox[
-                    RowBox[{
-                    SuperscriptBox["MH", "2"], "-", 
-                    RowBox[{"4", " ", 
-                    SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"]}]}]]}]}], 
-                    RowBox[{"2", " ", 
-                    SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"]}]], "]"}], "2"]}], "+", 
-                    RowBox[{
-                    SuperscriptBox["MH", "2"], " ", 
-                    RowBox[{"Log", "[", 
-                    FractionBox[
-                    SuperscriptBox["\[Micro]", "2"], 
-                    SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"]], "]"}]}], "-", 
-                    RowBox[{"T", " ", 
-                    RowBox[{"Log", "[", 
-                    FractionBox[
-                    SuperscriptBox["\[Micro]", "2"], 
-                    SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"]], "]"}]}], "-", 
-                    RowBox[{
-                    SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"], " ", 
-                    SuperscriptBox[
-                    RowBox[{"Log", "[", 
-                    FractionBox[
-                    RowBox[{
-                    RowBox[{"2", " ", 
-                    SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"]}], "-", "T", "+", 
-                    SqrtBox[
-                    RowBox[{"T", " ", 
-                    RowBox[{"(", 
-                    RowBox[{
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-                    ")"}]}]}]}], ")"}], " ", 
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-                    RowBox[{"k", "[", "4", "]"}]}], "]"}]}]}], ")"}]}]}], 
-                    ")"}]}]}], ")"}]}]}], ")"}]}]}]}], ")"}]}], "+", 
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-                    ")"}]}]}], ")"}]}], "-", 
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-                    RowBox[{
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-                    ")"}]}], "+", 
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-                    ")"}]}], "+", 
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-                    RowBox[{"(", 
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-                    RowBox[{"T24", "+", "U"}], ")"}]}], "+", 
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-                    RowBox[{"(", 
-                    RowBox[{"T24", "+", "U"}], ")"}], "2"]}], "+", 
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-                    RowBox[{"(", 
-                    RowBox[{"T24", "+", "U"}], ")"}], "3"]}], "+", 
-                    RowBox[{"11", " ", 
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-                    RowBox[{"(", 
-                    RowBox[{"T24", "+", "U"}], ")"}], "4"]}]}], ")"}]}], "+", 
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-                    RowBox[{"(", 
-                    RowBox[{"T24", "+", "U"}], ")"}]}], "-", 
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-                    RowBox[{"(", 
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-                    RowBox[{"(", 
-                    RowBox[{"T24", "+", "U"}], ")"}], "3"]}], "+", 
-                    RowBox[{"32", " ", "T14", " ", 
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-                    RowBox[{"(", 
-                    RowBox[{"T24", "+", "U"}], ")"}], "4"]}], "+", 
-                    SuperscriptBox[
-                    RowBox[{"(", 
-                    RowBox[{"T24", "+", "U"}], ")"}], "5"]}], ")"}]}]}], 
-                    ")"}]}], "-", 
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-                    SuperscriptBox["MH", "4"], " ", 
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-                    RowBox[{"49", " ", "T14"}], "+", 
-                    RowBox[{"3", " ", 
-                    RowBox[{"(", 
-                    RowBox[{"T24", "+", "U"}], ")"}]}]}], ")"}]}], "+", 
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-                    RowBox[{"95", " ", 
-                    SuperscriptBox["T14", "2"]}], "+", 
-                    RowBox[{"96", " ", "T14", " ", 
-                    RowBox[{"(", 
-                    RowBox[{"T24", "+", "U"}], ")"}]}], "+", 
-                    RowBox[{"3", " ", 
-                    SuperscriptBox[
-                    RowBox[{"(", 
-                    RowBox[{"T24", "+", "U"}], ")"}], "2"]}]}], ")"}]}], "-", 
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-                    SuperscriptBox["T14", "3"]}], "-", 
-                    RowBox[{"497", " ", 
-                    SuperscriptBox["T14", "2"], " ", 
-                    RowBox[{"(", 
-                    RowBox[{"T24", "+", "U"}], ")"}]}], "-", 
-                    RowBox[{"238", " ", "T14", " ", 
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-                    RowBox[{"(", 
-                    RowBox[{"T24", "+", "U"}], ")"}], "2"]}], "-", 
-                    RowBox[{"5", " ", 
-                    SuperscriptBox[
-                    RowBox[{"(", 
-                    RowBox[{"T24", "+", "U"}], ")"}], "3"]}]}], ")"}]}], "-", 
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-                    RowBox[{"2297", " ", 
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-                    RowBox[{"4760", " ", 
-                    SuperscriptBox["T14", "3"], " ", 
-                    RowBox[{"(", 
-                    RowBox[{"T24", "+", "U"}], ")"}]}], "-", 
-                    RowBox[{"3282", " ", 
-                    SuperscriptBox["T14", "2"], " ", 
-                    SuperscriptBox[
-                    RowBox[{"(", 
-                    RowBox[{"T24", "+", "U"}], ")"}], "2"]}], "-", 
-                    RowBox[{"968", " ", "T14", " ", 
-                    SuperscriptBox[
-                    RowBox[{"(", 
-                    RowBox[{"T24", "+", "U"}], ")"}], "3"]}], "-", 
-                    RowBox[{"15", " ", 
-                    SuperscriptBox[
-                    RowBox[{"(", 
-                    RowBox[{"T24", "+", "U"}], ")"}], "4"]}]}], ")"}]}], "+", 
-                    RowBox[{"T14", " ", 
-                    SuperscriptBox[
-                    RowBox[{"(", 
-                    RowBox[{"T24", "+", "U"}], ")"}], "2"], " ", 
-                    RowBox[{"(", 
-                    RowBox[{
-                    RowBox[{
-                    RowBox[{"-", "51"}], " ", 
-                    SuperscriptBox["T14", "4"]}], "-", 
-                    RowBox[{"138", " ", 
-                    SuperscriptBox["T14", "3"], " ", 
-                    RowBox[{"(", 
-                    RowBox[{"T24", "+", "U"}], ")"}]}], "-", 
-                    RowBox[{"80", " ", 
-                    SuperscriptBox["T14", "2"], " ", 
-                    SuperscriptBox[
-                    RowBox[{"(", 
-                    RowBox[{"T24", "+", "U"}], ")"}], "2"]}], "+", 
-                    RowBox[{"42", " ", "T14", " ", 
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-                    RowBox[{"(", 
-                    RowBox[{"T24", "+", "U"}], ")"}], "3"]}], "+", 
-                    RowBox[{"3", " ", 
-                    SuperscriptBox[
-                    RowBox[{"(", 
-                    RowBox[{"T24", "+", "U"}], ")"}], "4"]}]}], ")"}]}], "-", 
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-                    RowBox[{"431", " ", 
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-                    RowBox[{"2349", " ", 
-                    SuperscriptBox["T14", "4"], " ", 
-                    RowBox[{"(", 
-                    RowBox[{"T24", "+", "U"}], ")"}]}], "+", 
-                    RowBox[{"2514", " ", 
-                    SuperscriptBox["T14", "3"], " ", 
-                    SuperscriptBox[
-                    RowBox[{"(", 
-                    RowBox[{"T24", "+", "U"}], ")"}], "2"]}], "-", 
-                    RowBox[{"1334", " ", 
-                    SuperscriptBox["T14", "2"], " ", 
-                    SuperscriptBox[
-                    RowBox[{"(", 
-                    RowBox[{"T24", "+", "U"}], ")"}], "3"]}], "-", 
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-                    RowBox[{"(", 
-                    RowBox[{"T24", "+", "U"}], ")"}], "4"]}], "-", 
-                    RowBox[{"3", " ", 
-                    SuperscriptBox[
-                    RowBox[{"(", 
-                    RowBox[{"T24", "+", "U"}], ")"}], "5"]}]}], ")"}]}], "+", 
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-                    SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"], " ", 
-                    RowBox[{"(", 
-                    RowBox[{
-                    RowBox[{
-                    RowBox[{"-", "35"}], " ", 
-                    SuperscriptBox["T14", "6"]}], "-", 
-                    RowBox[{"920", " ", 
-                    SuperscriptBox["T14", "5"], " ", 
-                    RowBox[{"(", 
-                    RowBox[{"T24", "+", "U"}], ")"}]}], "-", 
-                    RowBox[{"2953", " ", 
-                    SuperscriptBox["T14", "4"], " ", 
-                    SuperscriptBox[
-                    RowBox[{"(", 
-                    RowBox[{"T24", "+", "U"}], ")"}], "2"]}], "-", 
-                    RowBox[{"2192", " ", 
-                    SuperscriptBox["T14", "3"], " ", 
-                    SuperscriptBox[
-                    RowBox[{"(", 
-                    RowBox[{"T24", "+", "U"}], ")"}], "3"]}], "+", 
-                    RowBox[{"1067", " ", 
-                    SuperscriptBox["T14", "2"], " ", 
-                    SuperscriptBox[
-                    RowBox[{"(", 
-                    RowBox[{"T24", "+", "U"}], ")"}], "4"]}], "+", 
-                    RowBox[{"136", " ", "T14", " ", 
-                    SuperscriptBox[
-                    RowBox[{"(", 
-                    RowBox[{"T24", "+", "U"}], ")"}], "5"]}], "+", 
-                    SuperscriptBox[
-                    RowBox[{"(", 
-                    RowBox[{"T24", "+", "U"}], ")"}], "6"]}], ")"}]}]}], 
-                    ")"}]}]}], ")"}], " ", 
-                    RowBox[{"DiscB", "[", 
-                    RowBox[{
-                    RowBox[{
-                    SuperscriptBox["MH", "2"], "-", 
-                    RowBox[{"4", " ", 
-                    SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"]}], "-", "T24", "-", "U"}], ",", 
-                    "MT", ",", "MT"}], "]"}]}], ")"}], "/", 
-                    RowBox[{"(", 
-                    RowBox[{
-                    RowBox[{"(", 
-                    RowBox[{
-                    SuperscriptBox["MH", "4"], "+", 
-                    RowBox[{"32", " ", 
-                    SuperscriptBox["MT", "4"]}], "+", 
-                    RowBox[{"12", " ", 
-                    SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"], " ", 
-                    RowBox[{"(", 
-                    RowBox[{"T24", "+", "U"}], ")"}]}], "+", 
-                    SuperscriptBox[
-                    RowBox[{"(", 
-                    RowBox[{"T24", "+", "U"}], ")"}], "2"], "-", 
-                    RowBox[{"2", " ", 
-                    SuperscriptBox["MH", "2"], " ", 
-                    RowBox[{"(", 
-                    RowBox[{
-                    RowBox[{"6", " ", 
-                    SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"]}], "+", "T24", "+", "U"}], 
-                    ")"}]}]}], ")"}], " ", 
-                    RowBox[{"(", 
-                    RowBox[{
-                    RowBox[{"16", " ", 
-                    SuperscriptBox["MT", "6"]}], "+", 
-                    RowBox[{
-                    SuperscriptBox["MH", "2"], " ", "T14", " ", 
-                    RowBox[{"(", 
-                    RowBox[{
-                    SuperscriptBox["MH", "2"], "-", "T24", "-", "U"}], 
-                    ")"}]}], "+", 
-                    RowBox[{"8", " ", 
-                    SuperscriptBox["MT", "4"], " ", 
-                    RowBox[{"(", 
-                    RowBox[{"T14", "+", "T24", "+", "U"}], ")"}]}], "+", 
-                    RowBox[{
-                    SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"], " ", 
-                    RowBox[{"(", 
-                    RowBox[{
-                    RowBox[{
-                    RowBox[{"-", "8"}], " ", 
-                    SuperscriptBox["MH", "2"], " ", "T14"}], "+", 
-                    SuperscriptBox[
-                    RowBox[{"(", 
-                    RowBox[{"T14", "+", "T24", "+", "U"}], ")"}], "2"]}], 
-                    ")"}]}]}], ")"}], " ", 
-                    RowBox[{"Kallen\[Lambda]", "[", 
-                    RowBox[{
-                    SuperscriptBox["MH", "2"], ",", "T14", ",", 
-                    RowBox[{
-                    SuperscriptBox["MH", "2"], "-", 
-                    RowBox[{"4", " ", 
-                    SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"]}], "-", "T24", "-", "U"}]}], 
-                    "]"}]}], ")"}]}], "-", 
-                    RowBox[{
-                    RowBox[{"(", 
-                    RowBox[{"6", " ", "T14", " ", 
-                    RowBox[{"(", 
-                    RowBox[{
-                    RowBox[{"128", " ", 
-                    SuperscriptBox["MT", "8"]}], "+", 
-                    RowBox[{"32", " ", 
-                    SuperscriptBox["MT", "6"], " ", 
-                    RowBox[{"(", 
-                    RowBox[{
-                    RowBox[{"5", " ", "T14"}], "+", 
-                    RowBox[{"3", " ", 
-                    RowBox[{"(", 
-                    RowBox[{"T24", "+", "U"}], ")"}]}]}], ")"}]}], "+", 
-                    RowBox[{"2", " ", 
-                    SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"], " ", 
-                    RowBox[{"(", 
-                    RowBox[{
-                    RowBox[{"20", " ", 
-                    SuperscriptBox["MH", "4"], " ", "T14"}], "+", 
-                    RowBox[{
-                    SuperscriptBox[
-                    RowBox[{"(", 
-                    RowBox[{"T14", "+", "T24", "+", "U"}], ")"}], "2"], " ", 
-                    RowBox[{"(", 
-                    RowBox[{
-                    RowBox[{"7", " ", "T14"}], "+", "T24", "+", "U"}], 
-                    ")"}]}], "-", 
-                    RowBox[{"12", " ", 
-                    SuperscriptBox["MH", "2"], " ", "T14", " ", 
-                    RowBox[{"(", 
-                    RowBox[{
-                    RowBox[{"2", " ", "T14"}], "+", 
-                    RowBox[{"3", " ", 
-                    RowBox[{"(", 
-                    RowBox[{"T24", "+", "U"}], ")"}]}]}], ")"}]}]}], ")"}]}], 
-                    "+", 
-                    RowBox[{"8", " ", 
-                    SuperscriptBox["MT", "4"], " ", 
-                    RowBox[{"(", 
-                    RowBox[{
-                    RowBox[{
-                    RowBox[{"-", "20"}], " ", 
-                    SuperscriptBox["MH", "2"], " ", "T14"}], "+", 
-                    RowBox[{"3", " ", 
-                    RowBox[{"(", 
-                    RowBox[{
-                    RowBox[{"3", " ", 
-                    SuperscriptBox["T14", "2"]}], "+", 
-                    RowBox[{"4", " ", "T14", " ", 
-                    RowBox[{"(", 
-                    RowBox[{"T24", "+", "U"}], ")"}]}], "+", 
-                    SuperscriptBox[
-                    RowBox[{"(", 
-                    RowBox[{"T24", "+", "U"}], ")"}], "2"]}], ")"}]}]}], 
-                    ")"}]}], "+", 
-                    RowBox[{"T14", " ", 
-                    RowBox[{"(", 
-                    RowBox[{
-                    SuperscriptBox[
-                    RowBox[{"(", 
-                    RowBox[{"T14", "+", "T24", "+", "U"}], ")"}], "3"], "+", 
-                    RowBox[{"2", " ", 
-                    SuperscriptBox["MH", "4"], " ", 
-                    RowBox[{"(", 
-                    RowBox[{"T14", "+", 
-                    RowBox[{"5", " ", 
-                    RowBox[{"(", 
-                    RowBox[{"T24", "+", "U"}], ")"}]}]}], ")"}]}], "-", 
-                    RowBox[{"2", " ", 
-                    SuperscriptBox["MH", "2"], " ", 
-                    RowBox[{"(", 
-                    RowBox[{
-                    SuperscriptBox["T14", "2"], "+", 
-                    RowBox[{"5", " ", "T14", " ", 
-                    RowBox[{"(", 
-                    RowBox[{"T24", "+", "U"}], ")"}]}], "+", 
-                    RowBox[{"4", " ", 
-                    SuperscriptBox[
-                    RowBox[{"(", 
-                    RowBox[{"T24", "+", "U"}], ")"}], "2"]}]}], ")"}]}]}], 
-                    ")"}]}]}], ")"}], " ", 
-                    RowBox[{"ScalarC0", "[", 
-                    RowBox[{
-                    SuperscriptBox["MH", "2"], ",", "T14", ",", 
-                    RowBox[{
-                    SuperscriptBox["MH", "2"], "-", 
-                    RowBox[{"4", " ", 
-                    SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"]}], "-", "T24", "-", "U"}], ",", 
-                    "MT", ",", "MT", ",", "MT"}], "]"}]}], ")"}], "/", 
-                    RowBox[{"Kallen\[Lambda]", "[", 
-                    RowBox[{
-                    SuperscriptBox["MH", "2"], ",", "T14", ",", 
-                    RowBox[{
-                    SuperscriptBox["MH", "2"], "-", 
-                    RowBox[{"4", " ", 
-                    SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"]}], "-", "T24", "-", "U"}]}], 
-                    "]"}]}]}], ")"}]}], ")"}], "/", 
-                 SuperscriptBox[
-                  RowBox[{"(", 
-                   RowBox[{
-                    RowBox[{"16", " ", 
-                    SuperscriptBox["MT", "4"]}], "-", 
-                    RowBox[{"4", " ", 
-                    SuperscriptBox["MH", "2"], " ", "T14"}], "+", 
-                    RowBox[{"8", " ", 
-                    SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"], " ", 
-                    RowBox[{"(", 
-                    RowBox[{"T14", "+", "T24", "+", "U"}], ")"}]}], "+", 
-                    SuperscriptBox[
-                    RowBox[{"(", 
-                    RowBox[{"T14", "+", "T24", "+", "U"}], ")"}], "2"]}], 
-                   ")"}], "2"]}]}], ")"}]}]}], ")"}], " ", 
-           SuperscriptBox["\[Beta]", "2"]}]}], "+", 
-         InterpretationBox[
-          SuperscriptBox[
-           RowBox[{"O", "[", "\[Beta]", "]"}], "3"],
-          SeriesData[$CellContext`\[Beta], 0, {}, 0, 3, 1],
-          Editable->False]}],
-        SeriesData[$CellContext`\[Beta], 
-         0, {$CellContext`T^(-1) ((
-              4 (2 + X`Eps^(-1) + 
-                X`DiscB[$CellContext`T, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] + 
-                Log[$CellContext`MT^(-2) X`Mu^2]) - 
-              4 ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`T)^(-1) (
-               3 $CellContext`MH^2 + X`Eps^(-1) $CellContext`MH^2 - 
-               3 $CellContext`T - 
-               X`Eps^(-1) $CellContext`T + $CellContext`MH^2 
-                X`DiscB[$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] - \
-               X`DiscB[$CellContext`T, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] + \
-                Log[Rational[1, 2] $CellContext`MT^(-2) (-$CellContext`MH^2 + 
-                    2 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`MH ($CellContext`MH^2 - 
-                    4 $CellContext`MT^2)^
-                    Rational[1, 2])]^2 + $CellContext`MH^2 
-                Log[$CellContext`MT^(-2) X`Mu^2] - $CellContext`T 
-               Log[$CellContext`MT^(-2) X`Mu^2] - $CellContext`MT^2 
-               Log[Rational[1, 2] $CellContext`MT^(-2) (
-                   2 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`T + ($CellContext`T \
-((-4) $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`T))^Rational[1, 2])]^2)) (
-              2 $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[1], 
-                 $CellContext`ec[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[2], 
-                 $CellContext`ec[4]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[1], 
-                $CellContext`ec[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[2], 
-                $CellContext`ec[5]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[1], 
-                $CellContext`e[2]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                $CellContext`ec[
-                5]]) + ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`T)^(-1) (
-              Log[Rational[1, 2] $CellContext`MT^(-2) (-$CellContext`MH^2 + 
-                  2 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`MH ($CellContext`MH^2 - 
-                    4 $CellContext`MT^2)^Rational[1, 2])]^2 - 
-              Log[Rational[1, 2] $CellContext`MT^(-2) (
-                 2 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`T + ($CellContext`T ((-4) \
-$CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`T))^
-                  Rational[
-                   1, 2])]^2) (((-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`T) \
-                   $CellContext`e[1], 
-                   $CellContext`e[2]] + 2 $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[1], 
-                   $CellContext`k[3]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[2], 
-                   $CellContext`k[1]]) $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                 $CellContext`ec[5]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[2], 
-                 $CellContext`ec[
-                 5]] ((-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`T) $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[1], 
-                   $CellContext`ec[4]] + 2 $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[1], 
-                   $CellContext`k[3]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                   $CellContext`k[1]]) - 2 $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[2], 
-                $CellContext`ec[
-                4]] ((-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`T) $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[1], 
-                  $CellContext`ec[5]] + 2 $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[1], 
-                  $CellContext`k[3]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                  $CellContext`k[1]])) + 16 $CellContext`Pair[
-               $CellContext`e[1], 
-               $CellContext`k[3]] (
-              Rational[
-                1, 2] ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`T)^(-2) \
-(-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`T - $CellContext`MH^2 
-                X`DiscB[$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] + \
-                 X`DiscB[$CellContext`T, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] - \
-                Log[Rational[1, 2] $CellContext`MT^(-2) (-$CellContext`MH^2 + 
-                    2 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`MH ($CellContext`MH^2 - 
-                    4 $CellContext`MT^2)^
-                    Rational[1, 2])]^2 + $CellContext`MT^2 
-                 Log[Rational[1, 2] $CellContext`MT^(-2) (
-                    2 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`T + ($CellContext`T \
-((-4) $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`T))^
-                    Rational[1, 2])]^2) ($CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[2], 
-                   $CellContext`k[1]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                   $CellContext`ec[5]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[2], 
-                   $CellContext`ec[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                   $CellContext`k[1]] - 2 $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[2], 
-                  $CellContext`ec[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                  $CellContext`k[1]]) + 
-              Rational[
-                1, 2] ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`T)^(-1) (-
-                 X`DiscB[$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] + 
-                X`DiscB[$CellContext`T, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT]) \
-                   $CellContext`e[2], 
-                   $CellContext`k[3]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                   $CellContext`ec[5]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[2], 
-                   $CellContext`ec[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                   $CellContext`k[3]] - 2 $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[2], 
-                  $CellContext`ec[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                  $CellContext`k[3]])) + 
-            4 ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`T)^(-1) (
-              X`DiscB[$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] - 
-              X`DiscB[$CellContext`T, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT]) \
-(((-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`T) $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[1], 
-                   $CellContext`e[2]] + 2 $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[1], 
-                   $CellContext`k[3]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]])) $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                 $CellContext`ec[5]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[2], 
-                 $CellContext`ec[
-                 5]] ((-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`T) \
-                   $CellContext`e[1], 
-                   $CellContext`ec[4]] + 2 $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[1], 
-                   $CellContext`k[3]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]])) - 2 $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[2], 
-                $CellContext`ec[
-                4]] ((-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`T) $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[1], 
-                  $CellContext`ec[5]] + 2 $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[1], 
-                  $CellContext`k[3]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                   $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                   $CellContext`k[3]])))) + $CellContext`S34^(-1) ((
-              4 (2 + X`Eps^(-1) + 
-                X`DiscB[$CellContext`S34, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] + 
-                Log[$CellContext`MT^(-2) X`Mu^2]) - 
-              4 ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34)^(-1) (
-               3 $CellContext`MH^2 + X`Eps^(-1) $CellContext`MH^2 - 
-               3 $CellContext`S34 - 
-               X`Eps^(-1) $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`MH^2 
-                X`DiscB[$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] - \
-               X`DiscB[$CellContext`S34, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] + \
-                Log[Rational[1, 2] $CellContext`MT^(-2) (-$CellContext`MH^2 + 
-                    2 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`MH ($CellContext`MH^2 - 
-                    4 $CellContext`MT^2)^
-                    Rational[1, 2])]^2 + $CellContext`MH^2 
-                Log[$CellContext`MT^(-2) X`Mu^2] - $CellContext`S34 
-               Log[$CellContext`MT^(-2) X`Mu^2] - $CellContext`MT^2 
-               Log[Rational[1, 2] $CellContext`MT^(-2) (
-                   2 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`S34 + ($CellContext`S34 \
-((-4) $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`S34))^Rational[1, 2])]^2)) (
-              2 $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[1], 
-                 $CellContext`ec[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[2], 
-                 $CellContext`ec[4]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[1], 
-                $CellContext`ec[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[2], 
-                $CellContext`ec[5]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[1], 
-                $CellContext`e[2]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                $CellContext`ec[5]]) + 
-            4 ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34)^(-1) (
-              X`DiscB[$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] - 
-              X`DiscB[$CellContext`S34, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT]) \
-                 $CellContext`e[2], 
-                 $CellContext`ec[
-                 5]] ((-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34) \
-                   $CellContext`e[1], 
-                   $CellContext`ec[4]] + 2 ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[1], 
-                   $CellContext`k[4]]) $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                   $CellContext`k[3]]) - 2 $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[1], 
-                $CellContext`ec[
-                5]] ((-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34) $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[2], 
-                  $CellContext`ec[4]] + 2 ($CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[2], 
-                   $CellContext`k[3]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[2], 
-                  $CellContext`k[4]]) $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                  $CellContext`k[3]]) + $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[1], 
-                 $CellContext`e[
-                 2]] ((-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34) \
-                   $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                   $CellContext`ec[5]] + 2 $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                   $CellContext`k[3]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                   $CellContext`k[4]]))) + $CellContext`Pair[
-               $CellContext`ec[4], 
-               $CellContext`k[
-               3]] ((-8) ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34)^(-1) (-
-                 X`DiscB[$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] + 
-                X`DiscB[$CellContext`S34, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT]) \
-                   $CellContext`e[1], 
-                   $CellContext`k[3]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[2], 
-                   $CellContext`ec[5]] + 2 $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[1], 
-                   $CellContext`ec[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[2], 
-                   $CellContext`k[3]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[1], 
-                  $CellContext`e[2]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                  $CellContext`k[3]]) + 
-              8 ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34)^(-2) \
-(-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34 - $CellContext`MH^2 
-                X`DiscB[$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] + \
-                 X`DiscB[$CellContext`S34, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] - \
-                Log[Rational[1, 2] $CellContext`MT^(-2) (-$CellContext`MH^2 + 
-                    2 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`MH ($CellContext`MH^2 - 
-                    4 $CellContext`MT^2)^
-                    Rational[1, 2])]^2 + $CellContext`MT^2 
-                 Log[Rational[1, 2] $CellContext`MT^(-2) (
-                    2 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`S34 + \
-($CellContext`S34 ((-4) $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`S34))^
-                    Rational[1, 2])]^2) (-$CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[1], 
-                   $CellContext`k[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[2], 
-                   $CellContext`ec[5]] + 2 $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[1], 
-                   $CellContext`ec[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[2], 
-                   $CellContext`k[4]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[1], 
-                  $CellContext`e[2]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                  $CellContext`k[
-                  4]])) - ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34)^(-1) (
-             Log[Rational[1, 2] $CellContext`MT^(-2) (-$CellContext`MH^2 + 
-                 2 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`MH ($CellContext`MH^2 - 
-                    4 $CellContext`MT^2)^Rational[1, 2])]^2 - 
-             Log[Rational[1, 2] $CellContext`MT^(-2) (
-                2 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`S34 + ($CellContext`S34 \
-((-4) $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`S34))^
-                 Rational[1, 2])]^2) ($CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[2], 
-                $CellContext`ec[
-                5]] (($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34) \
-                  $CellContext`e[1], 
-                  $CellContext`ec[4]] + 2 $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[1], 
-                  $CellContext`k[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                  $CellContext`k[3]]) - 2 $CellContext`Pair[
-               $CellContext`e[1], 
-               $CellContext`ec[
-               5]] (($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34) $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[2], 
-                 $CellContext`ec[4]] + 2 $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[2], 
-                 $CellContext`k[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                 $CellContext`k[3]]) + $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[1], 
-                $CellContext`e[
-                2]] (($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34) \
-                  $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                  $CellContext`ec[5]] + 2 $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                  $CellContext`k[3]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                  $CellContext`k[4]])) + $CellContext`S^(-1) ((
-                4 (2 + X`Eps^(-1) + 
-                  X`DiscB[$CellContext`S34, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] + 
-                  Log[$CellContext`MT^(-2) X`Mu^2]) - 
-                4 ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34)^(-1) (
-                 3 $CellContext`MH^2 + X`Eps^(-1) $CellContext`MH^2 - 
-                 3 $CellContext`S34 - 
-                 X`Eps^(-1) $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`MH^2 
-                  X`DiscB[$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`MT, \
-$CellContext`MT] - $CellContext`S34 
-                 X`DiscB[$CellContext`S34, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] + \
-                  Log[Rational[1, 2] $CellContext`MT^(-2) (-$CellContext`MH^2 + 
-                    2 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`MH ($CellContext`MH^2 - 
-                    4 $CellContext`MT^2)^
-                    Rational[1, 2])]^2 + $CellContext`MH^2 
-                  Log[$CellContext`MT^(-2) X`Mu^2] - $CellContext`S34 
-                 Log[$CellContext`MT^(-2) X`Mu^2] - $CellContext`MT^2 
-                 Log[Rational[1, 2] $CellContext`MT^(-2) (
-                    2 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`S34 + \
-($CellContext`S34 ((-4) $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`S34))^
-                    Rational[
-                    1, 2])]^2)) ((-$CellContext`T - $CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[1], 
-                   $CellContext`e[2]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                   $CellContext`ec[5]] - 4 (-$CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]]) $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                  $CellContext`ec[5]] + 2 $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[1], 
-                   $CellContext`k[2]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[2], 
-                   $CellContext`ec[5]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] + 2 $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]]) - 2 $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[1], 
-                  $CellContext`ec[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[2], 
-                  $CellContext`k[1]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                   $CellContext`k[3]] + 2 $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]]) - 4 $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[1], 
-                  $CellContext`k[2]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[2], 
-                  $CellContext`ec[4]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                   $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                   $CellContext`k[2]]) + 4 $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[1], 
-                   $CellContext`ec[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[2], 
-                   $CellContext`k[1]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]]) - $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[1], 
-                  $CellContext`e[2]] ((-4) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]]) + 4 $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]])) - 
-              4 ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34)^(-1) (
-               X`DiscB[$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] - 
-               X`DiscB[$CellContext`S34, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT]) \
-                  $CellContext`e[1], 
-                  $CellContext`e[
-                  2]] (-($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34) \
-($CellContext`T + $CellContext`T14 - $CellContext`T24 - $CellContext`U) \
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`ec[5]] + 
-                 4 ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] + 
-                 4 (-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                   $CellContext`k[
-                   3]] ((7 $CellContext`MH^2 - 2 $CellContext`S - 
-                    3 $CellContext`S34 - 8 $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] + ((-7) $CellContext`MH^2 + 
-                    2 $CellContext`S + 3 $CellContext`S34 + 
-                    8 $CellContext`T) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] + 
-                  4 ((-2) $CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S + \
-$CellContext`S34 + 2 $CellContext`T24 + 2 $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]])) - 
-               2 (2 ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34) \
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]]) $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                   $CellContext`ec[5]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[1], 
-                   $CellContext`ec[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[2], 
-                   $CellContext`k[
-                   1]] (((-3) $CellContext`MH^2 + 2 $CellContext`S + 
-                    3 $CellContext`S34 + 4 $CellContext`T14 + 
-                    4 $CellContext`T24) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] + 
-                  2 (-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34) \
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]]) + 
-                2 ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34) $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[1], 
-                   $CellContext`ec[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[2], 
-                   $CellContext`k[1]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]]) - $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[1], 
-                  $CellContext`k[2]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`ec[
-                    5]] (((-3) $CellContext`MH^2 + 2 $CellContext`S + 
-                    3 $CellContext`S34 + 4 $CellContext`T14 + 
-                    4 $CellContext`T24) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] + 
-                   2 (-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]]) + 
-                 2 ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`ec[4]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]])) + 8 $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                   $CellContext`k[3]] (-$CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]]) - $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]]) + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]])))) + 
-              8 (Rational[
-                  1, 2] ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34)^(-1) (-
-                   X`DiscB[$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`MT, \
-$CellContext`MT] + 
-                  X`DiscB[$CellContext`S34, $CellContext`MT, \
-$CellContext`MT]) $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                   $CellContext`k[3]] (
-                  2 ((-3) $CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34 + 
-                    2 ($CellContext`T + $CellContext`U)) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`ec[5]] - 
-                  2 ((-3) $CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34 + 
-                   2 ($CellContext`T + $CellContext`U)) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`ec[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`e[
-                    2]] (((-3) $CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34 + 
-                    4 $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] + (
-                    3 $CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34 - 
-                    4 $CellContext`T) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] + 
-                    2 ($CellContext`T + $CellContext`T14 - $CellContext`T24 - \
-$CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]]) + 8 (-$CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]]) - $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]]) + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]]))) + 
-                Rational[
-                  1, 2] ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34)^(-2) \
-(-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34 - $CellContext`MH^2 
-                  X`DiscB[$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`MT, \
-$CellContext`MT] + $CellContext`MH^2 
-                   X`DiscB[$CellContext`S34, $CellContext`MT, \
-$CellContext`MT] - $CellContext`MT^2 
-                  Log[Rational[1, 2] $CellContext`MT^(-2) (-$CellContext`MH^2 + 
-                    2 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`MH ($CellContext`MH^2 - 
-                    4 $CellContext`MT^2)^
-                    Rational[1, 2])]^2 + $CellContext`MT^2 
-                   Log[Rational[1, 2] $CellContext`MT^(-2) (
-                    2 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`S34 + \
-($CellContext`S34 ((-4) $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`S34))^
-                    Rational[1, 2])]^2) $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                   $CellContext`k[
-                   3]] ((-2) (-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34 + 
-                    2 ($CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24)) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`ec[5]] + 
-                  2 (-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34 + 
-                    2 ($CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24)) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`ec[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] + 8 (-$CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]]) - $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]]) + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]])) - $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`e[
-                    2]] ((-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34 + 
-                    2 ($CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24)) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[
-                    1]] + ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34 - 
-                    2 ($CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24)) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] + 
-                   2 (-$CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24) \
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] + 
-                   2 ($CellContext`T - $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[
-                    4]]))) - ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34)^(-1) (
-               Log[Rational[1, 2] $CellContext`MT^(-2) (-$CellContext`MH^2 + 
-                   2 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`MH ($CellContext`MH^2 - 
-                    4 $CellContext`MT^2)^Rational[1, 2])]^2 - 
-               Log[Rational[1, 2] $CellContext`MT^(-2) (
-                  2 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`S34 + ($CellContext`S34 \
-((-4) $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`S34))^
-                   Rational[
-                    1, 2])]^2) ((-4) (($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34) \
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]]) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`ec[5]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`ec[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[
-                    1]] ((-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34) \
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[
-                    1]] + (-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34) \
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[
-                    2]] + ($CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24) \
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[
-                    3]]) + ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34) \
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`ec[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]]) - $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[1], 
-                   $CellContext`k[2]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`ec[
-                    5]] ((-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34) \
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[
-                    1]] + (-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34) \
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[
-                    2]] + ($CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24) \
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[
-                    3]]) + ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34) \
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`ec[4]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]])) + 2 $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] (-$CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]]) - $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]]) + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]]))) + $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[1], 
-                  $CellContext`e[
-                  2]] (($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34) ($CellContext`T + \
-$CellContext`T14 - $CellContext`T24 - $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`ec[5]] + 
-                 2 (2 (-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34) \
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] - 
-                   2 ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34) \
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]]) + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] (
-                    2 ($CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24) \
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] - 
-                    2 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[
-                    3]] + ($CellContext`T - $CellContext`T14 - \
-$CellContext`T24 - $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]])))))) + (
-             2 $CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34 - $CellContext`T - \
-$CellContext`U)^(-1) ((
-              4 (2 + X`Eps^(-1) + 
-                X`DiscB[
-                 2 $CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34 - $CellContext`T - \
-$CellContext`U, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] + 
-                Log[$CellContext`MT^(-2) X`Mu^2]) + 
-              4 (-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T + \
-$CellContext`U)^(-1) (
-                3 ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34 - $CellContext`T - \
-$CellContext`U) + 
-                X`Eps^(-1) ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34 - \
-$CellContext`T - $CellContext`U) - $CellContext`MH^2 
-                X`DiscB[$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] + \
-(2 $CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34 - $CellContext`T - $CellContext`U) 
-                 X`DiscB[
-                  2 $CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34 - $CellContext`T - \
-$CellContext`U, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] - $CellContext`MT^2 
-                Log[Rational[1, 2] $CellContext`MT^(-2) (-$CellContext`MH^2 + 
-                    2 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`MH ($CellContext`MH^2 - 
-                    4 $CellContext`MT^2)^
-                    Rational[
-                    1, 2])]^2 + ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34 - \
-$CellContext`T - $CellContext`U) 
-                 Log[$CellContext`MT^(-2) X`Mu^2] + $CellContext`MT^2 
-                 Log[Rational[
-                    1, 2] $CellContext`MT^(-2) ((-2) $CellContext`MH^2 + 
-                    2 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T + \
-$CellContext`U + (((-2) $CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T + \
-$CellContext`U) ((-2) $CellContext`MH^2 + 
-                    4 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T + \
-$CellContext`U))^Rational[1, 2])]^2)) (2 $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[1], 
-                 $CellContext`ec[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[2], 
-                 $CellContext`ec[4]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[1], 
-                $CellContext`ec[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[2], 
-                $CellContext`ec[5]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[1], 
-                $CellContext`e[2]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                $CellContext`ec[5]]) + (
-              8 (-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T + \
-$CellContext`U)^(-1) (
-                X`DiscB[$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] - 
-                X`DiscB[
-                2 $CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34 - $CellContext`T - \
-$CellContext`U, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT]) (2 $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[1], 
-                   $CellContext`k[3]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[2], 
-                   $CellContext`ec[4]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[1], 
-                  $CellContext`ec[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[2], 
-                  $CellContext`k[3]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[1], 
-                  $CellContext`e[2]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                  $CellContext`k[3]]) - 
-              8 (-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T + \
-$CellContext`U)^(-2) (-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T + \
-$CellContext`U + $CellContext`MH^2 
-                X`DiscB[$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] - \
-               X`DiscB[
-                2 $CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34 - $CellContext`T - \
-$CellContext`U, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] + $CellContext`MT^2 
-                Log[Rational[1, 2] $CellContext`MT^(-2) (-$CellContext`MH^2 + 
-                    2 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`MH ($CellContext`MH^2 - 
-                    4 $CellContext`MT^2)^
-                    Rational[1, 2])]^2 - $CellContext`MT^2 
-               Log[Rational[
-                   1, 2] $CellContext`MT^(-2) ((-2) $CellContext`MH^2 + 
-                   2 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T + \
-$CellContext`U + (((-2) $CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T + \
-$CellContext`U) ((-2) $CellContext`MH^2 + 
-                    4 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T + \
-$CellContext`U))^Rational[1, 2])]^2) (2 $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[1], 
-                  $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[2], 
-                  $CellContext`ec[4]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[1], 
-                 $CellContext`ec[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[2], 
-                 $CellContext`k[5]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[1], 
-                 $CellContext`e[2]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                 $CellContext`k[5]])) $CellContext`Pair[
-               $CellContext`ec[5], 
-               $CellContext`k[3]] - 
-            4 (-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T + \
-$CellContext`U)^(-1) (-
-              X`DiscB[$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] + 
-             X`DiscB[2 $CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34 - $CellContext`T - \
-$CellContext`U, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT]) (2 $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[2], 
-                $CellContext`ec[
-                4]] ((-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T + \
-$CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[1], 
-                  $CellContext`ec[5]] - 2 ($CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[1], 
-                  $CellContext`k[3]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[1], 
-                 $CellContext`k[5]]) $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                 $CellContext`k[3]]) - $CellContext`Pair[
-               $CellContext`e[1], 
-               $CellContext`ec[
-               4]] ((-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T + \
-$CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[2], 
-                 $CellContext`ec[5]] - 2 ($CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[2], 
-                 $CellContext`k[3]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[2], 
-                $CellContext`k[5]]) $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                $CellContext`k[3]]) - $CellContext`Pair[
-               $CellContext`e[1], 
-               $CellContext`e[
-               2]] ((-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T + \
-$CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                 $CellContext`ec[5]] - 2 ($CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                 $CellContext`k[3]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                $CellContext`k[5]]) $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                $CellContext`k[
-                3]])) + (-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34 + \
-$CellContext`T + $CellContext`U)^(-1) (-
-               Log[Rational[1, 2] $CellContext`MT^(-2) (-$CellContext`MH^2 + 
-                   2 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`MH ($CellContext`MH^2 - 
-                    4 $CellContext`MT^2)^Rational[1, 2])]^2 + 
-              Log[Rational[1, 2] $CellContext`MT^(-2) ((-2) $CellContext`MH^2 + 
-                  2 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T + \
-$CellContext`U + (((-2) $CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T + \
-$CellContext`U) ((-2) $CellContext`MH^2 + 
-                    4 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T + \
-$CellContext`U))^Rational[1, 2])]^2) ((-2) $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[2], 
-                 $CellContext`ec[
-                 4]] ((-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T + \
-$CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[1], 
-                   $CellContext`ec[5]] + 2 $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[1], 
-                   $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                   $CellContext`k[3]]) + $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[1], 
-                 $CellContext`ec[
-                 4]] ((-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T + \
-$CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[2], 
-                   $CellContext`ec[5]] + 2 $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[2], 
-                   $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                   $CellContext`k[3]]) + $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[1], 
-                 $CellContext`e[
-                 2]] ((-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T + \
-$CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                   $CellContext`ec[5]] + 2 $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                   $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                   $CellContext`k[3]])) + $CellContext`S^(-1) ((-8) (
-                Rational[-1, 
-                   2] (-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T + \
-$CellContext`U)^(-2) (-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T + \
-$CellContext`U + $CellContext`MH^2 
-                   X`DiscB[$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`MT, \
-$CellContext`MT] - $CellContext`MH^2 
-                  X`DiscB[
-                   2 $CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34 - $CellContext`T - \
-$CellContext`U, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] + $CellContext`MT^2 
-                   Log[Rational[
-                    1, 2] $CellContext`MT^(-2) (-$CellContext`MH^2 + 
-                    2 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`MH ($CellContext`MH^2 - 
-                    4 $CellContext`MT^2)^
-                    Rational[1, 2])]^2 - $CellContext`MT^2 
-                  Log[Rational[
-                    1, 2] $CellContext`MT^(-2) ((-2) $CellContext`MH^2 + 
-                    2 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T + \
-$CellContext`U + (((-2) $CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T + \
-$CellContext`U) ((-2) $CellContext`MH^2 + 
-                    4 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T + \
-$CellContext`U))^Rational[1, 2])]^2) (
-                  2 ($CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S - 
-                    2 $CellContext`S34 - $CellContext`T14 - $CellContext`T24) \
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`ec[4]] + 
-                  2 (-$CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S + 
-                    2 $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24) \
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`ec[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`e[
-                    2]] (((-3) $CellContext`MH^2 + 
-                    3 $CellContext`S + $CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24 + 
-                    4 $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] + (3 $CellContext`MH^2 - 
-                    3 $CellContext`S - 
-                    4 $CellContext`T - $CellContext`T14 - $CellContext`T24) \
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] + 
-                    2 (-$CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]]) + 8 ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] (-$CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]]))) $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                   $CellContext`k[3]] + 
-                Rational[-1, 
-                   2] (-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T + \
-$CellContext`U)^(-1) (
-                  X`DiscB[$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`MT, \
-$CellContext`MT] - X`DiscB[
-                  2 $CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34 - $CellContext`T - \
-$CellContext`U, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT]) (
-                  2 (-$CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T + \
-$CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`ec[4]] + 
-                  2 ($CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34 - $CellContext`T - \
-$CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`ec[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`e[
-                    2]] (-($CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34 + \
-$CellContext`T - 3 $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[
-                    1]] + ($CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34 - 
-                    3 $CellContext`T + $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] + 
-                    2 (-$CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]]) + 8 ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] (-$CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]]))) $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                   $CellContext`k[3]]) + (
-                4 (2 + X`Eps^(-1) + 
-                  X`DiscB[
-                   2 $CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34 - $CellContext`T - \
-$CellContext`U, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] + 
-                  Log[$CellContext`MT^(-2) X`Mu^2]) + 
-                4 (-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T + \
-$CellContext`U)^(-1) (
-                  3 ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34 - $CellContext`T - \
-$CellContext`U) + 
-                  X`Eps^(-1) ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34 - \
-$CellContext`T - $CellContext`U) - $CellContext`MH^2 
-                  X`DiscB[$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`MT, \
-$CellContext`MT] + (
-                    2 $CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34 - $CellContext`T - \
-$CellContext`U) X`DiscB[
-                    2 $CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34 - $CellContext`T - \
-$CellContext`U, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] - $CellContext`MT^2 
-                  Log[Rational[1, 2] $CellContext`MT^(-2) (-$CellContext`MH^2 + 
-                    2 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`MH ($CellContext`MH^2 - 
-                    4 $CellContext`MT^2)^
-                    Rational[
-                    1, 2])]^2 + ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34 - \
-$CellContext`T - $CellContext`U) 
-                   Log[$CellContext`MT^(-2) X`Mu^2] + $CellContext`MT^2 
-                   Log[Rational[
-                    1, 2] $CellContext`MT^(-2) ((-2) $CellContext`MH^2 + 
-                    2 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T + \
-$CellContext`U + (((-2) $CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T + \
-$CellContext`U) ((-2) $CellContext`MH^2 + 
-                    4 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T + \
-                    1, 2])]^2)) ((-$CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24) \
-                   $CellContext`e[1], 
-                   $CellContext`e[2]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                   $CellContext`ec[5]] + 4 (-$CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]]) $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                   $CellContext`ec[5]] + 4 $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[1], 
-                   $CellContext`k[2]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[2], 
-                   $CellContext`ec[5]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]]) - 4 $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[1], 
-                  $CellContext`ec[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[2], 
-                  $CellContext`k[1]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                   $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                   $CellContext`k[2]]) - $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[1], 
-                  $CellContext`e[2]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] (4 $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]]) + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] ((-4) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]])) - 2 $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[1], 
-                  $CellContext`k[2]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[2], 
-                  $CellContext`ec[4]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                   $CellContext`k[3]] + 2 $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]]) + 2 $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[1], 
-                   $CellContext`ec[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[2], 
-                   $CellContext`k[1]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] + 2 $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]])) + 
-              4 (-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T + \
-$CellContext`U)^(-1) (-
-                 X`DiscB[$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] + 
-                X`DiscB[
-                 2 $CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34 - $CellContext`T - \
-$CellContext`U, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT]) (-$CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[1], 
-                   $CellContext`e[
-                   2]] (-($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S - \
-$CellContext`T14 - $CellContext`T24) ($CellContext`T14 - $CellContext`T24) \
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`ec[5]] + 
-                  4 ($CellContext`T14 - $CellContext`T24) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] (
-                    4 ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S - $CellContext`T14 - \
-$CellContext`T24) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] + ((-7) $CellContext`MH^2 + 
-                    5 $CellContext`S + 8 $CellContext`T + 3 $CellContext`T14 + 
-                    3 $CellContext`T24) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]]) + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] (
-                    4 (-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S + $CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] + (7 $CellContext`MH^2 - 
-                    5 $CellContext`S - 3 $CellContext`T14 - 
-                    3 $CellContext`T24 - 8 $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]])) + $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[1], 
-                   $CellContext`k[2]] (
-                  4 ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34 - $CellContext`T - \
-$CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`ec[5]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]]) - 2 $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`ec[
-                    4]] (((-3) $CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S + 
-                    4 $CellContext`S34 + 3 $CellContext`T14 + 
-                    3 $CellContext`T24) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] + 
-                   2 (-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S + $CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]])) + 
-                2 ((-2) ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34 - \
-$CellContext`T - $CellContext`U) ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]]) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`ec[5]] - 
-                  2 ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34 - $CellContext`T - \
-$CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`ec[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]]) + 8 ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] (-$CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]])) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`ec[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[
-                    1]] (((-3) $CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S + 
-                    4 $CellContext`S34 + 3 $CellContext`T14 + 
-                    3 $CellContext`T24) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] + 
-                    2 (-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S + $CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[
-                    4]]))) + (-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34 + \
-$CellContext`T + $CellContext`U)^(-1) (-
-                 Log[Rational[1, 2] $CellContext`MT^(-2) (-$CellContext`MH^2 + 
-                    2 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`MH ($CellContext`MH^2 - 
-                    4 $CellContext`MT^2)^Rational[1, 2])]^2 + 
-                Log[Rational[
-                    1, 2] $CellContext`MT^(-2) ((-2) $CellContext`MH^2 + 
-                    2 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T + \
-$CellContext`U + (((-2) $CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T + \
-$CellContext`U) ((-2) $CellContext`MH^2 + 
-                    4 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T + \
-$CellContext`U))^Rational[1, 2])]^2) ($CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[1], 
-                   $CellContext`e[
-                   2]] (($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S - \
-$CellContext`T14 - $CellContext`T24) ($CellContext`T14 - $CellContext`T24) \
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`ec[5]] + 
-                  2 ((-$CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24) \
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] (
-                    2 ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34 - $CellContext`T - \
-$CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] + ((-2) $CellContext`MH^2 + 
-                    2 $CellContext`S34 + 
-                    2 $CellContext`T + $CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24) \
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]]) + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] (
-                    2 ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34 - $CellContext`T - \
-$CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] + ((-2) $CellContext`MH^2 + 
-                    2 $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24 + 
-                    2 $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]]))) - 
-                4 (($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34 - $CellContext`T - \
-$CellContext`U) ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]]) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`ec[
-                    5]] + ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34 - \
-$CellContext`T - $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`ec[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]]) - 2 ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] (-$CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]])) $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                   $CellContext`k[3]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[1], 
-                   $CellContext`ec[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[2], 
-                   $CellContext`k[
-                   1]] ((-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34 + \
-$CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[
-                    3]] + ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34 - \
-$CellContext`T - $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]]) + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[
-                    2]] (-($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34 - \
-$CellContext`T - $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`ec[5]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]]) + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`ec[
-                    4]] ((-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34 + \
-$CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[
-                    3]] + ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34 - \
-$CellContext`T - $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]]))))) + $CellContext`T14^(-1) (
-              8 (Rational[-1, 
-                   2] (-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T + \
-$CellContext`U)^(-1) (
-                  X`DiscB[$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`MT, \
-$CellContext`MT] - X`DiscB[
-                  2 $CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34 - $CellContext`T - \
-$CellContext`U, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT]) ((-2) ($CellContext`MH^2 - \
-$CellContext`S34 - $CellContext`T + $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`ec[4]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`ec[
-                    4]] (($CellContext`MH^2 - 
-                    3 $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T + $CellContext`U) \
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] + 
-                    2 ($CellContext`S - $CellContext`T24) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[
-                    3]] + ($CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34 - 
-                    3 $CellContext`T + $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]]) - 
-                  2 ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34 - $CellContext`T + \
-$CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`e[2]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] + 8 (-$CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]]))) $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                   $CellContext`k[3]] + 
-                Rational[-1, 
-                   2] (-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T + \
-$CellContext`U)^(-2) (-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T + \
-$CellContext`U + $CellContext`MH^2 
-                   X`DiscB[$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`MT, \
-$CellContext`MT] - $CellContext`MH^2 
-                  X`DiscB[
-                   2 $CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34 - $CellContext`T - \
-$CellContext`U, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] + $CellContext`MT^2 
-                   Log[Rational[
-                    1, 2] $CellContext`MT^(-2) (-$CellContext`MH^2 + 
-                    2 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`MH ($CellContext`MH^2 - 
-                    4 $CellContext`MT^2)^
-                    Rational[1, 2])]^2 - $CellContext`MT^2 
-                  Log[Rational[
-                    1, 2] $CellContext`MT^(-2) ((-2) $CellContext`MH^2 + 
-                    2 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T + \
-$CellContext`U + (((-2) $CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T + \
-$CellContext`U) ((-2) $CellContext`MH^2 + 
-                    4 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T + \
-                    1, 2])]^2) ((-2) ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34 - \
-$CellContext`T - 2 $CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`ec[4]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`ec[
-                    4]] (((-3) $CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S + 
-                    4 $CellContext`S34 + 
-                    3 $CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] - 
-                   2 ($CellContext`S - $CellContext`T24) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[
-                    3]] + ((-3) $CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S + 
-                    4 $CellContext`T + 
-                    3 $CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]]) - 
-                  2 ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34 - $CellContext`T - 
-                   2 $CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`e[2]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] + 8 (-$CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]]))) $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                   $CellContext`k[3]]) + (
-                4 (2 + X`Eps^(-1) + 
-                  X`DiscB[
-                   2 $CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34 - $CellContext`T - \
-$CellContext`U, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] + 
-                  Log[$CellContext`MT^(-2) X`Mu^2]) + 
-                4 (-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T + \
-$CellContext`U)^(-1) (
-                  3 ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34 - $CellContext`T - \
-$CellContext`U) + 
-                  X`Eps^(-1) ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34 - \
-$CellContext`T - $CellContext`U) - $CellContext`MH^2 
-                  X`DiscB[$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`MT, \
-$CellContext`MT] + (
-                    2 $CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34 - $CellContext`T - \
-$CellContext`U) X`DiscB[
-                    2 $CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34 - $CellContext`T - \
-$CellContext`U, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] - $CellContext`MT^2 
-                  Log[Rational[1, 2] $CellContext`MT^(-2) (-$CellContext`MH^2 + 
-                    2 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`MH ($CellContext`MH^2 - 
-                    4 $CellContext`MT^2)^
-                    Rational[
-                    1, 2])]^2 + ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34 - \
-$CellContext`T - $CellContext`U) 
-                   Log[$CellContext`MT^(-2) X`Mu^2] + $CellContext`MT^2 
-                   Log[Rational[
-                    1, 2] $CellContext`MT^(-2) ((-2) $CellContext`MH^2 + 
-                    2 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T + \
-$CellContext`U + (((-2) $CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T + \
-$CellContext`U) ((-2) $CellContext`MH^2 + 
-                    4 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T + \
-$CellContext`U))^Rational[1, 2])]^2)) ((-2) ((-2) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`ec[5]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]]) + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] (2 $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`ec[5]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]]) + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`e[2]] (2 $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]])) + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]] (2 ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]]) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`ec[5]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`ec[4]] (2 $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]]))) + $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[1], 
-                   $CellContext`ec[
-                   4]] ((-$CellContext`S + $CellContext`T24) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`ec[5]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]] ((-4) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]]) + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] + 4 $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]]))) + 
-              4 (-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T + \
-$CellContext`U)^(-1) (-
-                 X`DiscB[$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] + 
-                X`DiscB[
-                 2 $CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34 - $CellContext`T - \
-$CellContext`U, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT]) (
-                2 ((-2) ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34 - \
-$CellContext`T - $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`ec[5]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]]) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] + 
-                  2 ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34 - $CellContext`T - \
-$CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`ec[5]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]]) - 8 (-$CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]])) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`e[2]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] (
-                    2 (-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T + \
-$CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] + (3 $CellContext`MH^2 - 
-                    3 $CellContext`S34 - 3 $CellContext`T - 
-                    2 $CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]]) + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[
-                    4]] ((-2) ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34 - \
-$CellContext`T - $CellContext`U) ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]]) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`ec[5]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`ec[4]] (
-                    2 (-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T + \
-$CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] + (3 $CellContext`MH^2 - 
-                    3 $CellContext`S34 - 3 $CellContext`T - 
-                    2 $CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]]))) + $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[1], 
-                   $CellContext`ec[
-                   4]] (-($CellContext`S - $CellContext`T24) \
-(-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S + $CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24) \
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`ec[5]] + 
-                  4 (-$CellContext`S + $CellContext`T24) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]] (
-                    4 ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S - $CellContext`T14 - \
-$CellContext`T24) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] + ((-7) $CellContext`MH^2 + 
-                    3 $CellContext`S + 8 $CellContext`T + 5 $CellContext`T14 + 
-                    3 $CellContext`T24) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]]) + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[
-                    1]] (((-7) $CellContext`MH^2 + 3 $CellContext`S + 
-                    8 $CellContext`S34 + 5 $CellContext`T14 + 
-                    3 $CellContext`T24) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] + 
-                    4 (-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S + $CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[
-                    4]]))) + (-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34 + \
-$CellContext`T + $CellContext`U)^(-1) (-
-                 Log[Rational[1, 2] $CellContext`MT^(-2) (-$CellContext`MH^2 + 
-                    2 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`MH ($CellContext`MH^2 - 
-                    4 $CellContext`MT^2)^Rational[1, 2])]^2 + 
-                Log[Rational[
-                    1, 2] $CellContext`MT^(-2) ((-2) $CellContext`MH^2 + 
-                    2 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T + \
-$CellContext`U + (((-2) $CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T + \
-$CellContext`U) ((-2) $CellContext`MH^2 + 
-                    4 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T + \
-$CellContext`U))^Rational[1, 2])]^2) (
-                4 (-($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34 - $CellContext`T - \
-$CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`ec[5]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]]) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[
-                    1]] + ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34 - \
-$CellContext`T - $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`ec[5]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]]) - 2 (-$CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]])) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`e[2]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[
-                    1]] ((-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34 + \
-$CellContext`T + $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[
-                    2]] + (-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S + \
-$CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]]) + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[
-                    4]] (-($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34 - \
-$CellContext`T - $CellContext`U) ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]]) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`ec[5]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`ec[
-                    4]] ((-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34 + \
-$CellContext`T + $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[
-                    2]] + (-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S + \
-$CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]]))) + $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[1], 
-                   $CellContext`ec[
-                   4]] (-($CellContext`S - $CellContext`T24) \
-(-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S + $CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24) \
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`ec[5]] - 
-                  2 (($CellContext`S - $CellContext`T24) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]] (
-                    2 ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34 - $CellContext`T - \
-$CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[
-                    1]] + ((-2) $CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S + 
-                    2 $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T24 + 
-                    2 $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]]) + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[
-                    1]] (((-2) $CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S + 
-                    2 $CellContext`T + $CellContext`T24 + 
-                    2 $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] + 
-                    2 (-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T + \
-$CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[
-                    4]])))))) + $CellContext`U^(-1) (($CellContext`MH^2 - \
-$CellContext`U)^(-1) (
-              Log[Rational[1, 2] $CellContext`MT^(-2) (-$CellContext`MH^2 + 
-                  2 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`MH ($CellContext`MH^2 - 
-                    4 $CellContext`MT^2)^Rational[1, 2])]^2 - 
-              Log[Rational[1, 2] $CellContext`MT^(-2) (
-                 2 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`U + ($CellContext`U ((-4) \
-$CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`U))^
-                  Rational[
-                   1, 2])]^2) (((-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`U) \
-                   $CellContext`e[1], 
-                   $CellContext`e[2]] + 2 $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[1], 
-                   $CellContext`k[2]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[2], 
-                   $CellContext`k[3]]) $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                 $CellContext`ec[5]] - 2 $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[1], 
-                $CellContext`ec[
-                5]] ((-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[2], 
-                  $CellContext`ec[4]] + 2 $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[2], 
-                  $CellContext`k[3]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                  $CellContext`k[2]]) + $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[1], 
-                 $CellContext`ec[
-                 4]] ((-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`U) \
-                   $CellContext`e[2], 
-                   $CellContext`ec[5]] + 2 $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[2], 
-                   $CellContext`k[3]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                   $CellContext`k[2]])) - 
-            16 (Rational[1, 4] ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`U)^(-1) (
-               3 $CellContext`MH^2 + X`Eps^(-1) $CellContext`MH^2 - 
-               3 $CellContext`U - 
-               X`Eps^(-1) $CellContext`U + $CellContext`MH^2 
-                X`DiscB[$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] - \
-               X`DiscB[$CellContext`U, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] + \
-                Log[Rational[1, 2] $CellContext`MT^(-2) (-$CellContext`MH^2 + 
-                    2 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`MH ($CellContext`MH^2 - 
-                    4 $CellContext`MT^2)^
-                    Rational[1, 2])]^2 + $CellContext`MH^2 
-                Log[$CellContext`MT^(-2) X`Mu^2] - $CellContext`U 
-               Log[$CellContext`MT^(-2) X`Mu^2] - $CellContext`MT^2 
-               Log[Rational[1, 2] $CellContext`MT^(-2) (
-                   2 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`U + ($CellContext`U \
-((-4) $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`U))^Rational[1, 2])]^2) (
-               2 $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[1], 
-                  $CellContext`ec[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[2], 
-                  $CellContext`ec[4]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[1], 
-                 $CellContext`ec[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[2], 
-                 $CellContext`ec[5]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[1], 
-                 $CellContext`e[2]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                 $CellContext`ec[5]]) + $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[2], 
-                $CellContext`k[3]] (
-               Rational[
-                 1, 2] ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`U)^(-2) \
-(-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`U - $CellContext`MH^2 
-                 X`DiscB[$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] + \
-                  X`DiscB[$CellContext`U, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] - \
-                 Log[Rational[1, 2] $CellContext`MT^(-2) (-$CellContext`MH^2 + 
-                    2 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`MH ($CellContext`MH^2 - 
-                    4 $CellContext`MT^2)^
-                    Rational[1, 2])]^2 + $CellContext`MT^2 
-                  Log[Rational[1, 2] $CellContext`MT^(-2) (
-                    2 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`U + ($CellContext`U \
-((-4) $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`U))^
-                    Rational[1, 2])]^2) (-$CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`ec[5]] + 2 $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`ec[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[1], 
-                   $CellContext`ec[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                   $CellContext`k[2]]) + 
-               Rational[
-                 1, 2] ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`U)^(-1) (-
-                  X`DiscB[$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`MT, \
-$CellContext`MT] + 
-                 X`DiscB[$CellContext`U, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT]) \
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`ec[5]] + 2 $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`ec[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[1], 
-                   $CellContext`ec[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                   $CellContext`k[3]]))) + 
-            4 ((2 + X`Eps^(-1) + 
-                X`DiscB[$CellContext`U, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] + 
-                Log[$CellContext`MT^(-2) X`Mu^2]) (2 $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[1], 
-                   $CellContext`ec[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[2], 
-                   $CellContext`ec[4]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[1], 
-                  $CellContext`ec[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[2], 
-                  $CellContext`ec[5]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[1], 
-                  $CellContext`e[2]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                  $CellContext`ec[
-                  5]]) + ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`U)^(-1) (
-                X`DiscB[$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] - 
-                X`DiscB[$CellContext`U, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT]) \
-(((-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`e[2]] + 2 ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]]) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]]) $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                   $CellContext`ec[5]] - 2 $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[1], 
-                  $CellContext`ec[
-                  5]] ((-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`ec[4]] + 2 $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]])) + $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[1], 
-                   $CellContext`ec[
-                   4]] ((-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`U) \
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`ec[5]] + 2 $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[
-                    3]])))) + $CellContext`T14^(-1) (-($CellContext`MH^2 - \
-$CellContext`U)^(-1) (
-                Log[Rational[1, 2] $CellContext`MT^(-2) (-$CellContext`MH^2 + 
-                    2 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`MH ($CellContext`MH^2 - 
-                    4 $CellContext`MT^2)^Rational[1, 2])]^2 - 
-                Log[Rational[1, 2] $CellContext`MT^(-2) (
-                   2 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`U + ($CellContext`U \
-((-4) $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`U))^
-                    Rational[1, 2])]^2) ($CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[1], 
-                   $CellContext`ec[
-                   4]] (($CellContext`S - $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T - \
-$CellContext`T24) ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`ec[5]] + 
-                  2 (2 ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`U) \
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] - 
-                    2 ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]]) + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] (
-                    2 ($CellContext`S + $CellContext`T24) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[
-                    1]] + ($CellContext`S + $CellContext`S34 - $CellContext`T + \
-$CellContext`T24) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] - 2 $CellContext`S $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]]))) - 4 ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`ec[
-                    5]] ((-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`U) \
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[
-                    1]] + ($CellContext`S + $CellContext`T24) \
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[
-                    3]] + ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`U) \
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]]) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[
-                    1]] + ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`U) \
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`ec[5]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]]) + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[
-                    4]] (((-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`U) \
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[
-                    1]] + ($CellContext`S + $CellContext`T24) \
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[
-                    3]] + ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`U) \
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]]) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`ec[
-                    5]] + ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`U) \
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`ec[4]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]])) - 2 $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[2], 
-                   $CellContext`k[3]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]])) + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[
-                    4]])) + ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`U) \
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`e[2]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]]))) + (
-                4 (2 + X`Eps^(-1) + 
-                  X`DiscB[$CellContext`U, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] + 
-                  Log[$CellContext`MT^(-2) X`Mu^2]) - 
-                4 ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`U)^(-1) (
-                 3 $CellContext`MH^2 + X`Eps^(-1) $CellContext`MH^2 - 
-                 3 $CellContext`U - 
-                 X`Eps^(-1) $CellContext`U + $CellContext`MH^2 
-                  X`DiscB[$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`MT, \
-$CellContext`MT] - $CellContext`U 
-                 X`DiscB[$CellContext`U, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] + \
-                  Log[Rational[1, 2] $CellContext`MT^(-2) (-$CellContext`MH^2 + 
-                    2 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`MH ($CellContext`MH^2 - 
-                    4 $CellContext`MT^2)^
-                    Rational[1, 2])]^2 + $CellContext`MH^2 
-                  Log[$CellContext`MT^(-2) X`Mu^2] - $CellContext`U 
-                 Log[$CellContext`MT^(-2) X`Mu^2] - $CellContext`MT^2 
-                 Log[Rational[1, 2] $CellContext`MT^(-2) (
-                    2 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`U + ($CellContext`U \
-((-4) $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`U))^
-                    Rational[1, 2])]^2)) ((-2) $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[1], 
-                   $CellContext`ec[5]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] + 2 $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]]) $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                   $CellContext`k[1]] + 4 $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[2], 
-                   $CellContext`ec[5]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]]) + $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[1], 
-                   $CellContext`k[4]] ((-2) ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] + 2 $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]]) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`ec[5]] + 4 $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`ec[4]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]])) + 4 $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[1], 
-                   $CellContext`e[2]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                   $CellContext`k[1]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                   $CellContext`k[4]]) + $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[1], 
-                   $CellContext`ec[
-                   4]] ((-$CellContext`S + $CellContext`S34 - $CellContext`T + \
-$CellContext`T24) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`ec[5]] - 4 $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] + 4 $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]]))) - 
-              8 (Rational[
-                 1, 2] ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`U)^(-2) \
-(-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`U - $CellContext`MH^2 
-                 X`DiscB[$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] + \
-                  X`DiscB[$CellContext`U, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] - \
-                 Log[Rational[1, 2] $CellContext`MT^(-2) (-$CellContext`MH^2 + 
-                    2 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`MH ($CellContext`MH^2 - 
-                    4 $CellContext`MT^2)^
-                    Rational[1, 2])]^2 + $CellContext`MT^2 
-                  Log[Rational[1, 2] $CellContext`MT^(-2) (
-                    2 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`U + ($CellContext`U \
-((-4) $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`U))^
-                    Rational[1, 2])]^2) $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[2], 
-                  $CellContext`k[
-                  3]] ((-2) (-$CellContext`MH^2 + 2 $CellContext`S + 
-                   2 $CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`ec[5]] - 
-                 2 (-$CellContext`MH^2 + 2 $CellContext`S + 
-                  2 $CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[1], 
-                   $CellContext`ec[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                   $CellContext`k[1]] + 8 ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]])) + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]])) + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`ec[
-                    4]] ((-$CellContext`MH^2 + 2 $CellContext`S + 
-                    2 $CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] + 
-                   2 ($CellContext`S34 - $CellContext`T) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] - 2 $CellContext`S $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] + 
-                   2 $CellContext`T24 $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] - $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]] + 2 $CellContext`S $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]] + 
-                   2 $CellContext`T24 $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]] + $CellContext`U $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]])) + 
-               Rational[
-                 1, 2] ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`U)^(-1) (-
-                  X`DiscB[$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`MT, \
-$CellContext`MT] + 
-                 X`DiscB[$CellContext`U, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT]) \
-                  $CellContext`e[2], 
-                  $CellContext`k[3]] (
-                 2 ((-3) $CellContext`MH^2 + 2 $CellContext`S34 + 
-                   2 $CellContext`T + $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`ec[5]] + 
-                 2 ((-3) $CellContext`MH^2 + 2 $CellContext`S34 + 
-                   2 $CellContext`T + $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`ec[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] + 8 ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]])) + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]])) - $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[1], 
-                   $CellContext`ec[
-                   4]] (((-3) $CellContext`MH^2 + 
-                    4 $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] + 
-                  2 ($CellContext`S - $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T - \
-$CellContext`T24) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] + ((-3) $CellContext`MH^2 + 
-                    4 $CellContext`T + $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]]))) - 
-              4 ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`U)^(-1) (
-               X`DiscB[$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] - 
-               X`DiscB[$CellContext`U, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT]) (
-               2 ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`ec[
-                    5]] (((-5) $CellContext`MH^2 + 4 $CellContext`S34 + 
-                    4 $CellContext`T + 
-                    2 $CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] + 
-                   2 ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]]) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] - 
-                 2 ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[2], 
-                   $CellContext`ec[5]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]]) + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[
-                    4]] ((((-5) $CellContext`MH^2 + 4 $CellContext`S34 + 
-                    4 $CellContext`T + 
-                    2 $CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] + 
-                    2 ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]]) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`ec[5]] - 
-                   2 ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`ec[4]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]])) + 8 $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]])) + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]])) - 
-                 2 ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[1], 
-                   $CellContext`e[2]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                   $CellContext`k[1]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                   $CellContext`k[4]])) + $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[1], 
-                  $CellContext`ec[
-                  4]] (($CellContext`S - $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T - \
-$CellContext`T24) ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`ec[5]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[
-                    3]] ((7 $CellContext`MH^2 - 8 $CellContext`S34 - 
-                    2 $CellContext`T14 - 3 $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] + 
-                   4 ((-2) $CellContext`MH^2 + 
-                    2 $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T14 + 
-                    2 $CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] + (7 $CellContext`MH^2 - 
-                    8 $CellContext`T - 2 $CellContext`T14 - 
-                    3 $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]]) + 
-                 4 ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`U) ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[
-                    4]])))) - ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34 - \
-$CellContext`T14 - $CellContext`T24)^(-1) ((
-               4 (2 + X`Eps^(-1) + 
-                 X`DiscB[$CellContext`U, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] + 
-                 Log[$CellContext`MT^(-2) X`Mu^2]) - 
-               4 ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`U)^(-1) (
-                3 $CellContext`MH^2 + X`Eps^(-1) $CellContext`MH^2 - 
-                3 $CellContext`U - 
-                X`Eps^(-1) $CellContext`U + $CellContext`MH^2 
-                 X`DiscB[$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] - \
-                X`DiscB[$CellContext`U, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] + \
-                 Log[Rational[1, 2] $CellContext`MT^(-2) (-$CellContext`MH^2 + 
-                    2 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`MH ($CellContext`MH^2 - 
-                    4 $CellContext`MT^2)^
-                    Rational[1, 2])]^2 + $CellContext`MH^2 
-                 Log[$CellContext`MT^(-2) X`Mu^2] - $CellContext`U 
-                Log[$CellContext`MT^(-2) X`Mu^2] - $CellContext`MT^2 
-                Log[Rational[1, 2] $CellContext`MT^(-2) (
-                    2 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`U + ($CellContext`U \
-((-4) $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`U))^
-                    Rational[1, 2])]^2)) (($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] + 4 $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]]) + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]] ((-4) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] + 3 $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] + 4 $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]])) $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                  $CellContext`ec[5]] - 4 ($CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[1], 
-                  $CellContext`k[2]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[1], 
-                 $CellContext`k[3]]) $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[2], 
-                 $CellContext`ec[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                 $CellContext`k[5]] + 2 $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[1], 
-                  $CellContext`ec[5]] (2 $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[2], 
-                  $CellContext`k[3]]) $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                  $CellContext`k[5]] + 4 ($CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[1], 
-                   $CellContext`k[2]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[1], 
-                  $CellContext`k[3]]) $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[2], 
-                  $CellContext`ec[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                  $CellContext`k[4]] - 2 $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[1], 
-                 $CellContext`ec[4]] (2 $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[2], 
-                   $CellContext`k[1]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[2], 
-                 $CellContext`k[3]]) $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                 $CellContext`k[4]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[1], 
-                  $CellContext`e[
-                  2]] ((-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S + $CellContext`T + 
-                   2 $CellContext`T14) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`ec[5]] + 4 (-$CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[
-                    4]]))) - ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`U)^(-1) (
-              Log[Rational[1, 2] $CellContext`MT^(-2) (-$CellContext`MH^2 + 
-                  2 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`MH ($CellContext`MH^2 - 
-                    4 $CellContext`MT^2)^Rational[1, 2])]^2 - 
-              Log[Rational[1, 2] $CellContext`MT^(-2) (
-                 2 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`U + ($CellContext`U ((-4) \
-$CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`U))^Rational[1, 2])]^2) ((-2) (
-                2 $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[1], 
-                   $CellContext`k[
-                   4]] (($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] - $CellContext`S $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]]) + 2 $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[1], 
-                   $CellContext`k[3]] ($CellContext`T24 $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[
-                    3]] + ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`U) \
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]]) - $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[1], 
-                  $CellContext`k[
-                  2]] (($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34 + \
-$CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24 - $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] + 
-                 2 ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]])) $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                 $CellContext`ec[5]] + 
-              4 ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`U) ($CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[1], 
-                  $CellContext`k[2]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[1], 
-                 $CellContext`k[3]]) $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[2], 
-                 $CellContext`ec[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                 $CellContext`k[5]] + 4 $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[1], 
-                 $CellContext`ec[
-                 5]] ((-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`U) \
-                   $CellContext`e[2], 
-                   $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`S $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[2], 
-                   $CellContext`k[3]]) $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                 $CellContext`k[5]] - 
-              4 ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`U) ($CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[1], 
-                 $CellContext`k[2]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[1], 
-                $CellContext`k[3]]) $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[2], 
-                $CellContext`ec[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                $CellContext`k[4]] - 4 $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[1], 
-                $CellContext`ec[
-                4]] ((-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[2], 
-                  $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`S $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[2], 
-                  $CellContext`k[3]]) $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                $CellContext`k[4]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[1], 
-                 $CellContext`e[
-                 2]] (($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S - $CellContext`T - 
-                  2 $CellContext`T14) ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`U) \
-                   $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                   $CellContext`ec[5]] + 
-                4 ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`U) ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]])) + 8 $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[2], 
-                 $CellContext`k[3]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[1], 
-                   $CellContext`k[3]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]]) + $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[1], 
-                   $CellContext`k[2]] (-$CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]]))) - 
-             4 ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`U)^(-1) (
-              X`DiscB[$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] - 
-              X`DiscB[$CellContext`U, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT]) (-(
-                2 $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[1], 
-                   $CellContext`k[4]] (
-                  2 ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] + (-$CellContext`MH^2 - 
-                    2 $CellContext`S + 
-                    2 $CellContext`T + $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]]) + $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[1], 
-                   $CellContext`k[
-                   3]] (($CellContext`MH^2 - 2 $CellContext`S34 - 
-                    2 $CellContext`T14 + 
-                    6 $CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] + 
-                  4 ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]]) + $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[1], 
-                   $CellContext`k[
-                   2]] (((-5) $CellContext`MH^2 + 6 $CellContext`S34 - 
-                    2 $CellContext`T14 - 2 $CellContext`T24 + 
-                    3 $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] + 
-                  4 (-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]])) $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                 $CellContext`ec[5]] + 
-              4 ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`U) ($CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[1], 
-                  $CellContext`k[2]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[1], 
-                 $CellContext`k[3]]) $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[2], 
-                 $CellContext`ec[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                 $CellContext`k[5]] + 2 $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[1], 
-                 $CellContext`ec[
-                 5]] ((-2) ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`U) \
-                   $CellContext`e[2], 
-                   $CellContext`k[1]] + ($CellContext`MH^2 + 2 $CellContext`S - 
-                  2 $CellContext`T - $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[2], 
-                   $CellContext`k[3]]) $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                 $CellContext`k[5]] - 
-              4 ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`U) ($CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[1], 
-                 $CellContext`k[2]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[1], 
-                $CellContext`k[3]]) $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[2], 
-                $CellContext`ec[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                $CellContext`k[4]] - 2 $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[1], 
-                $CellContext`ec[
-                4]] ((-2) ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`U) \
-                  $CellContext`e[2], 
-                  $CellContext`k[1]] + ($CellContext`MH^2 + 2 $CellContext`S - 
-                 2 $CellContext`T - $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[2], 
-                  $CellContext`k[3]]) $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                $CellContext`k[4]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[1], 
-                 $CellContext`e[
-                 2]] (($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S - $CellContext`T - 
-                  2 $CellContext`T14) ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`U) \
-                   $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                   $CellContext`ec[5]] + 
-                4 ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`U) ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]])) + 16 $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[2], 
-                 $CellContext`k[3]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[1], 
-                   $CellContext`k[3]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]]) + $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[1], 
-                   $CellContext`k[2]] (-$CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]]))) - 
-             8 (Rational[
-                1, 2] ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`U)^(-2) \
-(-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`U - $CellContext`MH^2 
-                X`DiscB[$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] + \
-                 X`DiscB[$CellContext`U, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] - \
-                Log[Rational[1, 2] $CellContext`MT^(-2) (-$CellContext`MH^2 + 
-                    2 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`MH ($CellContext`MH^2 - 
-                    4 $CellContext`MT^2)^
-                    Rational[1, 2])]^2 + $CellContext`MT^2 
-                 Log[Rational[1, 2] $CellContext`MT^(-2) (
-                    2 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`U + ($CellContext`U \
-((-4) $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`U))^
-                    Rational[1, 2])]^2) $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[2], 
-                 $CellContext`k[
-                 3]] (-((-$CellContext`MH^2 + 2 $CellContext`S34 - 
-                    2 $CellContext`T14 - 
-                    2 $CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] + (-$CellContext`MH^2 + 
-                    4 $CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] + 
-                  2 ($CellContext`MH^2 - 
-                    2 $CellContext`S - $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]]) $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                   $CellContext`ec[5]] + 
-                2 (-$CellContext`MH^2 + 
-                  2 $CellContext`S + $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[1], 
-                   $CellContext`ec[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                   $CellContext`k[5]] + 
-                2 ($CellContext`MH^2 - 
-                  2 $CellContext`S - $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[1], 
-                   $CellContext`ec[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                   $CellContext`k[4]] + 8 ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]]) + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] (-$CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]]))) + 
-              Rational[
-                1, 2] ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`U)^(-1) (-
-                 X`DiscB[$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] + 
-                X`DiscB[$CellContext`U, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT]) \
-                 $CellContext`e[2], 
-                 $CellContext`k[
-                 3]] (-(((-3) $CellContext`MH^2 + 
-                    4 $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] + ($CellContext`MH^2 - 
-                    2 $CellContext`S34 - 2 $CellContext`T14 + 
-                    2 $CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] + 
-                  2 (-$CellContext`MH^2 + 
-                    2 $CellContext`T + $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]]) $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                   $CellContext`ec[5]] + 
-                2 ($CellContext`MH^2 - 
-                  2 $CellContext`T - $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[1], 
-                   $CellContext`ec[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                   $CellContext`k[5]] + 
-                2 (-$CellContext`MH^2 + 
-                  2 $CellContext`T + $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[1], 
-                   $CellContext`ec[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                   $CellContext`k[4]] + 8 ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]]) + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] (-$CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[
-                    4]])))))) + ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S - \
-$CellContext`T24 - $CellContext`U)^(-1) (-$CellContext`S34^(-1) (
-              4 (2 + X`Eps^(-1) + 
-                X`DiscB[$CellContext`S34, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] + 
-                Log[$CellContext`MT^(-2) X`Mu^2]) (4 ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[1], 
-                   $CellContext`k[5]]) $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[2], 
-                   $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                   $CellContext`ec[5]] + 2 $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[1], 
-                   $CellContext`ec[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[2], 
-                   $CellContext`k[5]] (2 $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                   $CellContext`k[3]]) - $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[2], 
-                  $CellContext`ec[5]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]] ((-4) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]]) + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] + 4 $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]])) + 4 ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[1], 
-                   $CellContext`k[5]]) $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[2], 
-                   $CellContext`ec[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                   $CellContext`k[2]] + 2 $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[1], 
-                   $CellContext`e[2]] (2 $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                   $CellContext`k[3]]) $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                   $CellContext`k[2]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[1], 
-                   $CellContext`ec[
-                   4]] ((-$CellContext`MH^2 + 
-                    2 $CellContext`S + $CellContext`T + $CellContext`T14) \
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`ec[5]] - 4 ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]]))) - 
-              4 ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34)^(-1) (
-               3 $CellContext`MH^2 + X`Eps^(-1) $CellContext`MH^2 - 
-               3 $CellContext`S34 - 
-               X`Eps^(-1) $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`MH^2 
-                X`DiscB[$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] - \
-               X`DiscB[$CellContext`S34, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] + \
-                Log[Rational[1, 2] $CellContext`MT^(-2) (-$CellContext`MH^2 + 
-                    2 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`MH ($CellContext`MH^2 - 
-                    4 $CellContext`MT^2)^
-                    Rational[1, 2])]^2 + $CellContext`MH^2 
-                Log[$CellContext`MT^(-2) X`Mu^2] - $CellContext`S34 
-               Log[$CellContext`MT^(-2) X`Mu^2] - $CellContext`MT^2 
-               Log[
-                 Rational[1, 2] $CellContext`MT^(-2) (
-                   2 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`S34 + ($CellContext`S34 \
-((-4) $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`S34))^Rational[1, 2])]^2) (
-               4 ($CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[1], 
-                   $CellContext`k[2]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[1], 
-                  $CellContext`k[5]]) $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[2], 
-                  $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                  $CellContext`ec[5]] + 2 $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[1], 
-                  $CellContext`ec[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[2], 
-                  $CellContext`k[5]] (2 $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                  $CellContext`k[3]]) - $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[2], 
-                 $CellContext`ec[5]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[1], 
-                   $CellContext`k[5]] ((-4) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]]) + $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[1], 
-                   $CellContext`k[2]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] + 4 $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]])) + 4 ($CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[1], 
-                   $CellContext`k[2]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[1], 
-                  $CellContext`k[5]]) $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[2], 
-                  $CellContext`ec[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                  $CellContext`k[2]] + 2 $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[1], 
-                  $CellContext`e[2]] (2 $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                  $CellContext`k[3]]) $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                  $CellContext`k[2]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[1], 
-                  $CellContext`ec[
-                  4]] ((-$CellContext`MH^2 + 
-                   2 $CellContext`S + $CellContext`T + $CellContext`T14) \
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`ec[5]] - 4 ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]]))) + 
-              8 (Rational[
-                  1, 2] ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34)^(-1) (-
-                   X`DiscB[$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`MT, \
-$CellContext`MT] + 
-                  X`DiscB[$CellContext`S34, $CellContext`MT, \
-$CellContext`MT]) $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                   $CellContext`k[
-                   3]] (-(((-2) $CellContext`MH^2 + 2 $CellContext`S34 + 
-                    4 $CellContext`T) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] - ($CellContext`MH^2 - 
-                    2 $CellContext`S + $CellContext`S34 + 2 $CellContext`T24 - 
-                    2 $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[
-                    3]] + ((-3) $CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34 + 
-                    4 $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]]) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`ec[5]] + 
-                  2 (-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34 + 
-                    2 $CellContext`T) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`ec[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]] + 
-                  2 (-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34 + 
-                    2 $CellContext`T) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`e[2]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] + 8 (-$CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]]) + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]]))) + 
-                Rational[
-                  1, 2] ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34)^(-2) \
-(-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34 - $CellContext`MH^2 
-                  X`DiscB[$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`MT, \
-$CellContext`MT] + $CellContext`MH^2 
-                   X`DiscB[$CellContext`S34, $CellContext`MT, \
-$CellContext`MT] - $CellContext`MT^2 
-                  Log[Rational[1, 2] $CellContext`MT^(-2) (-$CellContext`MH^2 + 
-                    2 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`MH ($CellContext`MH^2 - 
-                    4 $CellContext`MT^2)^
-                    Rational[1, 2])]^2 + $CellContext`MT^2 
-                   Log[Rational[1, 2] $CellContext`MT^(-2) (
-                    2 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`S34 + \
-($CellContext`S34 ((-4) $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`S34))^
-                    Rational[1, 2])]^2) $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                   $CellContext`k[
-                   3]] ((((-2) $CellContext`MH^2 + 2 $CellContext`S34 + 
-                    4 $CellContext`T14) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[
-                    2]] + (-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34 + 
-                    4 $CellContext`T24) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] + ($CellContext`MH^2 + 
-                    2 $CellContext`S - $CellContext`S34 + 2 $CellContext`T24 - 
-                    2 $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]]) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`ec[5]] + 
-                  2 ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34 - 
-                    2 $CellContext`T14) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`ec[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]] + 
-                  2 ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34 - 
-                    2 $CellContext`T14) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`e[2]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] + 8 (-$CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]]) + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]])))) - 
-              4 ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34)^(-1) (
-               X`DiscB[$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] - 
-               X`DiscB[$CellContext`S34, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT]) \
-                  $CellContext`e[2], 
-                  $CellContext`ec[5]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[
-                    2]] ((-4) ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34) \
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] + 
-                   2 ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34 - 2 $CellContext`T + 
-                    2 $CellContext`T14) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]]) + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[
-                    4]] ((-4) ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34) \
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] + (5 $CellContext`MH^2 + 
-                    2 $CellContext`S - 3 $CellContext`S34 + 
-                    2 $CellContext`T24 - 6 $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]]) + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[
-                    3]] ((-4) ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34) \
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] + ($CellContext`MH^2 - 
-                    2 $CellContext`S + $CellContext`S34 + 6 $CellContext`T24 - 
-                    2 $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]])) + $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[1], 
-                  $CellContext`ec[
-                  4]] (($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34) \
-($CellContext`MH^2 - 
-                   2 $CellContext`S - $CellContext`T - $CellContext`T14) \
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`ec[5]] + 
-                 4 ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34) ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]])) + 
-               2 ((-2) ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34) \
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]]) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`ec[5]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`ec[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[
-                    5]] ((-2) ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34) \
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[
-                    1]] + ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34 - 
-                    2 $CellContext`T + 2 $CellContext`T14) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]]) - 
-                 2 ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34) ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[1], 
-                   $CellContext`k[5]]) $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[2], 
-                   $CellContext`ec[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                   $CellContext`k[2]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`e[
-                    2]] ((-2) ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34) \
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[
-                    1]] + ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34 - 
-                    2 $CellContext`T + 2 $CellContext`T14) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]]) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] - 8 $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                   $CellContext`k[3]] (-$CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]]) + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[
-                    4]])))) - ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34)^(-1) (
-               Log[Rational[1, 2] $CellContext`MT^(-2) (-$CellContext`MH^2 + 
-                   2 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`MH ($CellContext`MH^2 - 
-                    4 $CellContext`MT^2)^Rational[1, 2])]^2 - 
-               Log[Rational[1, 2] $CellContext`MT^(-2) (
-                  2 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`S34 + ($CellContext`S34 \
-((-4) $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`S34))^
-                   Rational[1, 2])]^2) ($CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[1], 
-                  $CellContext`ec[
-                  4]] (($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34) \
-($CellContext`MH^2 - 
-                   2 $CellContext`S - $CellContext`T - $CellContext`T14) \
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`ec[5]] + 
-                 4 ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34) ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]])) - 
-               2 (2 ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34) \
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[1], 
-                   $CellContext`k[5]]) $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[2], 
-                   $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                   $CellContext`ec[5]] - 2 $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[1], 
-                  $CellContext`ec[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[2], 
-                  $CellContext`k[
-                  5]] ((-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34) \
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]]) + $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[2], 
-                   $CellContext`ec[5]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[
-                    2]] ((-2) ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34) \
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] + 
-                    2 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]]) + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[
-                    3]] ((-2) ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34) \
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] + 
-                    2 $CellContext`T24 $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]]) + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[
-                    4]] ((-2) ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34) \
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[
-                    2]] + ($CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S - \
-$CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T24 - $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]])) + 
-                2 ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34) ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[1], 
-                   $CellContext`k[5]]) $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[2], 
-                   $CellContext`ec[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                   $CellContext`k[2]] - 2 $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[1], 
-                  $CellContext`e[
-                  2]] ((-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34) \
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]]) $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                  $CellContext`k[2]] + 4 $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                   $CellContext`k[3]] (-$CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]]) + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]]))))) + $CellContext`T^(-1) (
-              4 (2 + X`Eps^(-1) + 
-                X`DiscB[$CellContext`T, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] + 
-                Log[$CellContext`MT^(-2) X`Mu^2]) ($CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[2], 
-                   $CellContext`ec[5]] ((-4) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] + 4 $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]])) - 2 (($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] + 2 $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]]) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`ec[5]] + 2 $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`ec[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]]) + (($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] + 2 $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]]) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`ec[4]] + 2 $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`e[2]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]])) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]]) + $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[1], 
-                   $CellContext`ec[
-                   4]] ((-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34 + \
-$CellContext`T14 + 2 $CellContext`T24) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`ec[5]] + 4 ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]]))) - 
-              4 ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`T)^(-1) (
-               3 $CellContext`MH^2 + X`Eps^(-1) $CellContext`MH^2 - 
-               3 $CellContext`T - 
-               X`Eps^(-1) $CellContext`T + $CellContext`MH^2 
-                X`DiscB[$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] - \
-               X`DiscB[$CellContext`T, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] + \
-                Log[Rational[1, 2] $CellContext`MT^(-2) (-$CellContext`MH^2 + 
-                    2 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`MH ($CellContext`MH^2 - 
-                    4 $CellContext`MT^2)^
-                    Rational[1, 2])]^2 + $CellContext`MH^2 
-                Log[$CellContext`MT^(-2) X`Mu^2] - $CellContext`T 
-               Log[$CellContext`MT^(-2) X`Mu^2] - $CellContext`MT^2 
-               Log[Rational[1, 2] $CellContext`MT^(-2) (
-                   2 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`T + ($CellContext`T \
-((-4) $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`T))^
-                    Rational[1, 2])]^2) ($CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[2], 
-                  $CellContext`ec[5]] ((-4) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] + 4 $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[1], 
-                   $CellContext`k[3]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]])) - 2 (($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] + 2 $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]]) $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[2], 
-                   $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                   $CellContext`ec[5]] + 2 $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[1], 
-                   $CellContext`ec[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[2], 
-                   $CellContext`k[5]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                   $CellContext`k[3]]) + (($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] + 2 $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]]) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`ec[4]] + 2 $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`e[2]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]])) $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                   $CellContext`k[2]]) + $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[1], 
-                  $CellContext`ec[
-                  4]] ((-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34 + \
-$CellContext`T14 + 2 $CellContext`T24) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`ec[5]] + 4 ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[
-                    4]]))) - ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`T)^(-1) (
-               Log[Rational[1, 2] $CellContext`MT^(-2) (-$CellContext`MH^2 + 
-                   2 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`MH ($CellContext`MH^2 - 
-                    4 $CellContext`MT^2)^Rational[1, 2])]^2 - 
-               Log[Rational[1, 2] $CellContext`MT^(-2) (
-                  2 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`T + ($CellContext`T \
-((-4) $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`T))^Rational[1, 2])]^2) (
-               4 ($CellContext`T14 $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[
-                    3]] + ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`T) \
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]]) $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[2], 
-                  $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                  $CellContext`ec[5]] + 
-               4 ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`T) $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[1], 
-                  $CellContext`ec[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[2], 
-                  $CellContext`k[5]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                   $CellContext`k[1]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                  $CellContext`k[3]]) + 2 $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[2], 
-                  $CellContext`ec[5]] (
-                 2 (-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`T) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] - 
-                 2 ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`T) $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[1], 
-                   $CellContext`k[2]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                   $CellContext`k[3]]) + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[
-                    3]] ((-$CellContext`MH^2 + 
-                    2 $CellContext`S + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T14 + 
-                    2 $CellContext`T24) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] - 2 ($CellContext`T14 $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] + $CellContext`S $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]]))) + 
-               4 ($CellContext`T14 $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[
-                    3]] + ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`T) \
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]]) $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[2], 
-                  $CellContext`ec[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                  $CellContext`k[2]] + 
-               4 ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`T) $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[1], 
-                  $CellContext`e[2]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                   $CellContext`k[1]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                  $CellContext`k[3]]) $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                  $CellContext`k[2]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[1], 
-                  $CellContext`ec[
-                  4]] (($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`T) \
-($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34 - $CellContext`T14 - 
-                   2 $CellContext`T24) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`ec[5]] - 
-                 4 ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`T) ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]])) + 8 $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[1], 
-                  $CellContext`k[3]] (($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]])) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]]))) - 
-              4 ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`T)^(-1) (
-               X`DiscB[$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] - 
-               X`DiscB[$CellContext`T, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT]) (
-               2 (($CellContext`MH^2 - 2 $CellContext`S34 - $CellContext`T + 
-                   2 $CellContext`T14) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] + 
-                 2 ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`T) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]]) $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[2], 
-                  $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                  $CellContext`ec[5]] + 
-               4 ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`T) $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[1], 
-                  $CellContext`ec[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[2], 
-                  $CellContext`k[5]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                   $CellContext`k[1]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                  $CellContext`k[3]]) + $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[2], 
-                  $CellContext`ec[5]] (
-                 4 (-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`T) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] - 
-                 4 ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`T) $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[1], 
-                   $CellContext`k[2]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                   $CellContext`k[3]]) + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[
-                    3]] ((9 $CellContext`MH^2 - 2 $CellContext`S34 - 
-                    5 $CellContext`T - 2 $CellContext`T14 - 
-                    8 $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] - 
-                   2 ($CellContext`MH^2 - 2 $CellContext`S34 - $CellContext`T + 
-                    2 $CellContext`T14) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] + (3 $CellContext`MH^2 - 
-                    8 $CellContext`S - 2 $CellContext`S34 - 3 $CellContext`T - 
-                    2 $CellContext`T14) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]])) + 
-               2 (($CellContext`MH^2 - 2 $CellContext`S34 - $CellContext`T + 
-                   2 $CellContext`T14) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] + 
-                 2 ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`T) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]]) $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[2], 
-                  $CellContext`ec[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                  $CellContext`k[2]] + 
-               4 ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`T) $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[1], 
-                  $CellContext`e[2]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                   $CellContext`k[1]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                  $CellContext`k[3]]) $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                  $CellContext`k[2]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[1], 
-                  $CellContext`ec[
-                  4]] (($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`T) \
-($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34 - $CellContext`T14 - 
-                   2 $CellContext`T24) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`ec[5]] - 
-                 4 ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`T) ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]])) + 16 $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[1], 
-                  $CellContext`k[3]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]]) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]]))) - 
-              8 (Rational[
-                 1, 2] ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`T)^(-2) \
-(-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`T - $CellContext`MH^2 
-                 X`DiscB[$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] + \
-                  X`DiscB[$CellContext`T, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] - \
-                 Log[Rational[1, 2] $CellContext`MT^(-2) (-$CellContext`MH^2 + 
-                    2 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`MH ($CellContext`MH^2 - 
-                    4 $CellContext`MT^2)^
-                    Rational[1, 2])]^2 + $CellContext`MT^2 
-                  Log[Rational[1, 2] $CellContext`MT^(-2) (
-                    2 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`T + ($CellContext`T \
-((-4) $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`T))^
-                    Rational[1, 2])]^2) $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[1], 
-                  $CellContext`k[3]] (
-                 2 (-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`T + 
-                   2 $CellContext`T14) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`ec[5]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`ec[
-                    5]] (((-3) $CellContext`MH^2 + 
-                    2 $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T - 2 $CellContext`T14 + 
-                    4 $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] + 
-                   2 (-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34 + \
-$CellContext`T14 + 2 $CellContext`T24) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] + (5 $CellContext`MH^2 - 
-                    2 $CellContext`S34 - 3 $CellContext`T - 
-                    2 $CellContext`T14 - 4 $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]]) + 
-                 2 (-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`T + 
-                   2 $CellContext`T14) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`ec[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] + 8 ((-$CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]]) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]]))) + 
-               Rational[
-                 1, 2] ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`T)^(-1) (-
-                  X`DiscB[$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`MT, \
-$CellContext`MT] + 
-                 X`DiscB[$CellContext`T, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT]) \
-                  $CellContext`e[1], 
-                  $CellContext`k[3]] (
-                 2 ($CellContext`MH^2 - 
-                   2 $CellContext`S34 - $CellContext`T) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`ec[5]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`ec[
-                    5]] (((-5) $CellContext`MH^2 + 4 $CellContext`S34 + 
-                    3 $CellContext`T + 4 $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] + 
-                   2 (-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34 + \
-$CellContext`T14 + 2 $CellContext`T24) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] + (
-                    3 $CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`T - 
-                    4 $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]]) + 
-                 2 ($CellContext`MH^2 - 
-                   2 $CellContext`S34 - $CellContext`T) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`ec[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] + 8 ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]]) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]]))))) + $CellContext`T14^(-1) (
-              4 $CellContext`T14 (16 $CellContext`MT^4 - 
-                 4 $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`T14 + 
-                 8 $CellContext`MT^2 ($CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24 + \
-$CellContext`U) + ($CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24 + \
-$CellContext`U)^2)^(-1) ((-4) $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[2], 
-                   $CellContext`ec[5]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]])) + 8 $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                   $CellContext`k[1]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`ec[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`e[2]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]]) + 8 $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[1], 
-                   $CellContext`k[4]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`ec[5]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`ec[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]]) + $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[1], 
-                   $CellContext`ec[
-                   4]] ((2 $CellContext`S - $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T - 
-                    2 $CellContext`T24) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`ec[5]] - 4 (($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]]) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]])))) (
-                2 $CellContext`MH^2 
-                 X`DiscB[$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] - \
-(4 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U) 
-                X`DiscB[$CellContext`T14, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] - 
-                2 $CellContext`MH^2 
-                X`DiscB[$CellContext`MH^2 - 
-                  4 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`T24 - $CellContext`U, \
-$CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] + 
-                4 $CellContext`MT^2 
-                 X`DiscB[$CellContext`MH^2 - 
-                   4 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`T24 - $CellContext`U, \
-$CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] + $CellContext`T14 
-                 X`DiscB[$CellContext`MH^2 - 
-                   4 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`T24 - $CellContext`U, \
-$CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] + $CellContext`T24 
-                 X`DiscB[$CellContext`MH^2 - 
-                   4 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`T24 - $CellContext`U, \
-$CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] + $CellContext`U 
-                 X`DiscB[$CellContext`MH^2 - 
-                   4 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`T24 - $CellContext`U, \
-$CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] + 
-                4 $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`MT^2 
-                 X`ScalarC0[$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`T14, \
-$CellContext`MH^2 - 
-                   4 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`T24 - $CellContext`U, \
-$CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] - $CellContext`MH^2 \
-                X`ScalarC0[$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`T14, \
-$CellContext`MH^2 - 
-                  4 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`T24 - $CellContext`U, \
-$CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] + $CellContext`MH^2 \
-                 X`ScalarC0[$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`T14, \
-$CellContext`MH^2 - 
-                   4 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`T24 - $CellContext`U, \
-$CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] + $CellContext`MH^2 \
-                 X`ScalarC0[$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`T14, \
-$CellContext`MH^2 - 
-                   4 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`T24 - $CellContext`U, \
-$CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT]) - 
-              2 (16 $CellContext`MT^4 - 4 $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`T14 + 
-                8 $CellContext`MT^2 ($CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24 + \
-$CellContext`U) + ($CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24 + \
-$CellContext`U)^2)^(-1) ((
-                 4 $CellContext`S $CellContext`S34 - $CellContext`S34^2 + \
-$CellContext`T^2 + 2 $CellContext`S34 $CellContext`T14 - 
-                 2 $CellContext`T $CellContext`T14 - 
-                 2 $CellContext`MH^2 (
-                  2 $CellContext`S - $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T - 
-                  2 $CellContext`T24) - 4 $CellContext`T $CellContext`T24 - 
-                 2 $CellContext`S34 $CellContext`U + 
-                 2 $CellContext`T $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[1], 
-                  $CellContext`ec[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[2], 
-                  $CellContext`ec[5]] + 
-               8 ((-2) $CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T) \
-                  $CellContext`e[1], 
-                  $CellContext`k[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[2], 
-                  $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                  $CellContext`ec[5]] + 
-               8 ((-2) $CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T) \
-                  $CellContext`e[1], 
-                  $CellContext`ec[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[2], 
-                  $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                  $CellContext`k[1]] - 4 $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[2], 
-                 $CellContext`ec[5]] (
-                2 ((-2) $CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34 + \
-$CellContext`T) $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[1], 
-                   $CellContext`k[2]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                   $CellContext`k[1]] + (6 $CellContext`MH^2 - 
-                  3 $CellContext`S34 - 3 $CellContext`T - 
-                  4 $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[1], 
-                   $CellContext`k[3]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                   $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[1], 
-                   $CellContext`k[4]] (
-                  2 ((-2) $CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34 + \
-$CellContext`T) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] + (6 $CellContext`MH^2 - 
-                    3 $CellContext`S34 - 3 $CellContext`T - 
-                    4 $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]])) + 
-               8 ((-2) $CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T) \
-                  $CellContext`e[1], 
-                  $CellContext`k[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[2], 
-                  $CellContext`ec[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                  $CellContext`k[2]] + 
-               8 ((-2) $CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T) \
-                  $CellContext`e[1], 
-                  $CellContext`e[2]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                  $CellContext`k[1]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                  $CellContext`k[2]] + 32 ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]]) + ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]]) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]]) ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]]) - 4 $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[1], 
-                 $CellContext`ec[
-                 4]] (((-2) ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34) \
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[
-                    1]] + ($CellContext`S34 - $CellContext`T) \
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] + 
-                  2 (-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`T) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]]) $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                   $CellContext`k[2]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[2], 
-                   $CellContext`k[
-                   5]] ((-2) ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34) \
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[
-                    1]] + ($CellContext`S34 - $CellContext`T) \
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] + 
-                  2 (-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`T) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]]))) (-(
-                 4 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24 + \
-$CellContext`U) X`DiscB[$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] + 
-               2 $CellContext`T14 
-                X`DiscB[$CellContext`T14, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] + 
-               4 $CellContext`MT^2 
-                X`DiscB[$CellContext`MH^2 - 
-                  4 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`T24 - $CellContext`U, \
-$CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] - $CellContext`T14 
-               X`DiscB[$CellContext`MH^2 - 
-                 4 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`T24 - $CellContext`U, \
-$CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] + $CellContext`T24 
-                X`DiscB[$CellContext`MH^2 - 
-                  4 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`T24 - $CellContext`U, \
-$CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] + $CellContext`U 
-                X`DiscB[$CellContext`MH^2 - 
-                  4 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`T24 - $CellContext`U, \
-$CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] - 2 $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`T14 
-               X`ScalarC0[$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`T14, \
-$CellContext`MH^2 - 
-                 4 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`T24 - $CellContext`U, \
-$CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] + 
-               4 $CellContext`MT^2 $CellContext`T14 
-                X`ScalarC0[$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`T14, \
-$CellContext`MH^2 - 
-                  4 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`T24 - $CellContext`U, \
-$CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] + $CellContext`T14^2 
-                X`ScalarC0[$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`T14, \
-$CellContext`MH^2 - 
-                  4 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`T24 - $CellContext`U, \
-$CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] + $CellContext`T14 \
-                X`ScalarC0[$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`T14, \
-$CellContext`MH^2 - 
-                  4 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`T24 - $CellContext`U, \
-$CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] + $CellContext`T14 \
-                X`ScalarC0[$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`T14, \
-$CellContext`MH^2 - 
-                  4 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`T24 - $CellContext`U, \
-$CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT]) + 
-              2 (16 $CellContext`MT^4 - 4 $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`T14 + 
-                 8 $CellContext`MT^2 ($CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24 + \
-$CellContext`U) + ($CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24 + \
-$CellContext`U)^2)^(-1) ((-4) $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[2], 
-                   $CellContext`ec[5]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]])) + 8 $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                   $CellContext`k[1]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`ec[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`e[2]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]]) + 8 $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[1], 
-                   $CellContext`k[4]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`ec[5]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`ec[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]]) + $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[1], 
-                   $CellContext`ec[
-                   4]] ((2 $CellContext`S - $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T - 
-                    2 $CellContext`T24) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`ec[5]] - 4 (($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]]) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]])))) (
-                3 (16 $CellContext`MT^4 - 
-                  4 $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`T14 + 
-                  8 $CellContext`MT^2 ($CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24 + \
-$CellContext`U) + ($CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^2) + 
-                X`Eps^(-1) (16 $CellContext`MT^4 - 
-                  4 $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`T14 + 
-                  8 $CellContext`MT^2 ($CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24 + \
-$CellContext`U) + ($CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^2) + \
-$CellContext`MH^2 (
-                  4 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24 + \
-                 X`DiscB[$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] + \
-$CellContext`T14 ((-2) $CellContext`MH^2 + 
-                  4 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24 + \
-                 X`DiscB[$CellContext`T14, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] - \
-($CellContext`MH^2 - 
-                 4 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`T24 - $CellContext`U) (
-                 4 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24 + \
-                X`DiscB[$CellContext`MH^2 - 
-                  4 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`T24 - $CellContext`U, \
-$CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] + (16 $CellContext`MT^4 - 
-                  4 $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`T14 + 
-                  8 $CellContext`MT^2 ($CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24 + \
-$CellContext`U) + ($CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^2) 
-                 Log[$CellContext`MT^(-2) X`Mu^2] + 
-                2 (16 $CellContext`MT^6 + $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`T14 \
-($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`T24 - $CellContext`U) + 
-                  8 $CellContext`MT^4 ($CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24 + \
-$CellContext`U) + $CellContext`MT^2 ((-8) $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`T14 + \
-($CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^2)) 
-                 X`ScalarC0[$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`T14, \
-$CellContext`MH^2 - 
-                   4 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`T24 - $CellContext`U, \
-$CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT]) - 
-              2 ((2 + X`Eps^(-1) + 
-                 X`DiscB[$CellContext`MH^2 - 
-                   4 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`T24 - $CellContext`U, \
-$CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] + 
-                 Log[$CellContext`MT^(-2) X`Mu^2]) ((-4) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`ec[5]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]])) + 8 $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`ec[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`e[2]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]]) + 8 $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`ec[5]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`ec[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]]) + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`ec[
-                    4]] ((2 $CellContext`S - $CellContext`S34 + \
-$CellContext`T - 2 $CellContext`T24) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`ec[5]] - 4 (($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]]) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[
-                    4]])))) + (((-2) $CellContext`S $CellContext`S34 - \
-$CellContext`S34 $CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T $CellContext`T14 + 
-                   2 $CellContext`MH^2 ($CellContext`S - $CellContext`T24) + 
-                   2 $CellContext`T $CellContext`T24) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`ec[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`ec[5]] - 
-                 4 ((-2) $CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34 + \
-$CellContext`T) $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[1], 
-                   $CellContext`k[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[2], 
-                   $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                   $CellContext`ec[5]] - 
-                 4 ((-2) $CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34 + \
-$CellContext`T) $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[1], 
-                   $CellContext`ec[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[2], 
-                   $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                   $CellContext`k[1]] + 4 $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`ec[
-                    5]] (((-2) $CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34 + \
-$CellContext`T) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[
-                    1]] + ($CellContext`S + $CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[
-                    4]] (((-2) $CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34 + \
-$CellContext`T) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[
-                    2]] + ($CellContext`S + $CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]])) - 
-                 4 ((-2) $CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34 + \
-$CellContext`T) $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[1], 
-                   $CellContext`k[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[2], 
-                   $CellContext`ec[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                   $CellContext`k[2]] - 
-                 4 ((-2) $CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34 + \
-$CellContext`T) $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[1], 
-                   $CellContext`e[2]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                   $CellContext`k[1]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                   $CellContext`k[2]] - 8 ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]]) + ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]]) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]]) ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]]) + 4 $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`ec[
-                    4]] (((-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34) \
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[
-                    1]] + (-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`T) \
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]]) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[
-                    5]] ((-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34) \
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[
-                    1]] + (-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`T) \
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]]))) 
-                X`ScalarC0[$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`T14, \
-$CellContext`MH^2 - 
-                  4 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`T24 - $CellContext`U, \
-$CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT]) + 
-              4 (Rational[
-                  1, 2] (16 $CellContext`MT^4 - 
-                   4 $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`T14 + 
-                   8 $CellContext`MT^2 ($CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24 + \
-$CellContext`U) + ($CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24 + \
-$CellContext`U)^2)^(-2) (-($CellContext`S34 - $CellContext`T) ((-2) \
-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T + 
-                    2 $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`ec[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`ec[5]] - 
-                  4 (2 $CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34 - $CellContext`T - 
-                   2 $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`ec[5]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]]) - 
-                  4 ($CellContext`S34 - $CellContext`T) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`ec[4]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]]) + 16 ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]]) ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]])) (
-                  2 $CellContext`T14 (16 $CellContext`MT^4 - 
-                    4 $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`T14 + 
-                    8 $CellContext`MT^2 ($CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24 + \
-$CellContext`U) + ($CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^2) - \
-(64 $CellContext`MT^6 + ($CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24 + \
-$CellContext`U)^2 (3 $CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U) + 
-                   16 $CellContext`MT^4 (5 $CellContext`T14 + 
-                    3 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)) - 
-                   2 $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`T14 (3 $CellContext`T14 + 
-                    5 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)) + 
-                   4 $CellContext`MT^2 ((-10) $CellContext`MH^2 \
-$CellContext`T14 + 7 $CellContext`T14^2 + 
-                    10 $CellContext`T14 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U) + 
-                    3 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^2)) 
-                  X`DiscB[$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`MT, \
-$CellContext`MT] + 6 $CellContext`T14^2 ((-2) $CellContext`MH^2 + 
-                    4 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24 + \
-                   X`DiscB[$CellContext`T14, $CellContext`MT, \
-$CellContext`MT] + (64 $CellContext`MT^6 - 
-                    3 $CellContext`T14^3 + $CellContext`T14^2 \
-$CellContext`T24 + 
-                    5 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24^2 + \
-$CellContext`T24^3 + $CellContext`T14^2 $CellContext`U + 
-                    10 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24 $CellContext`U + 
-                    3 $CellContext`T24^2 $CellContext`U + 
-                    5 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`U^2 + 
-                    3 $CellContext`T24 $CellContext`U^2 + $CellContext`U^3 + 
-                    2 $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`T14 (3 $CellContext`T14 - 
-                    5 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)) + 
-                    16 $CellContext`MT^4 (5 $CellContext`T14 + 
-                    3 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)) + 
-                    4 $CellContext`MT^2 ((-10) $CellContext`MH^2 \
-$CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T14^2 + 
-                    10 $CellContext`T14 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U) + 
-                    3 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^2)) 
-                   X`DiscB[$CellContext`MH^2 - 
-                    4 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`T24 - $CellContext`U, \
-$CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] + 
-                  2 $CellContext`T14 (32 $CellContext`MT^6 + 
-                    16 $CellContext`MT^4 (
-                    2 $CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U) + 
-                    2 $CellContext`MT^2 ((-16) $CellContext`MH^2 \
-$CellContext`T14 + 5 $CellContext`T14^2 + 
-                    6 $CellContext`T14 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U) + \
-($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^2) + $CellContext`T14 (
-                    6 $CellContext`MH^4 + ($CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^2 - 
-                    2 $CellContext`MH^2 (2 $CellContext`T14 + 
-                    3 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)))) 
-                   X`ScalarC0[$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`T14, \
-$CellContext`MH^2 - 
-                    4 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`T24 - $CellContext`U, \
-$CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT]) + 
-                Rational[-1, 2] (16 $CellContext`MT^4 - 
-                   4 $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`T14 + 
-                   8 $CellContext`MT^2 ($CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24 + \
-$CellContext`U) + ($CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24 + \
-$CellContext`U)^2)^(-2) (-($CellContext`S34 - $CellContext`T) ((-2) \
-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T + 
-                    2 $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`ec[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`ec[5]] - 
-                  4 (2 $CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34 - $CellContext`T - 
-                   2 $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`ec[5]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]]) - 
-                  4 ($CellContext`S34 - $CellContext`T) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`ec[4]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]]) + 16 ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]]) + ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]]) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]]) ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]])) ((
-                    4 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24 + \
-$CellContext`U) (16 $CellContext`MT^4 - 4 $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`T14 + 
-                    8 $CellContext`MT^2 ($CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24 + \
-$CellContext`U) + ($CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^2) + \
-$CellContext`MH^2 (16 $CellContext`MT^4 + 
-                    8 $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`T14 - 
-                    5 $CellContext`T14^2 - 
-                    4 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`T24^2 - 
-                    4 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`U + 
-                    2 $CellContext`T24 $CellContext`U + $CellContext`U^2 + 
-                    8 $CellContext`MT^2 ((-2) $CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)) 
-                   X`DiscB[$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`MT, \
-$CellContext`MT] + $CellContext`T14 ((
-                    4 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24 + \
-$CellContext`U)^2 - 2 $CellContext`MH^2 (
-                    12 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`T14 + 
-                    3 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U))) 
-                   X`DiscB[$CellContext`T14, $CellContext`MT, \
-$CellContext`MT] - (
-                   8 $CellContext`MH^4 $CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T14 (
-                    4 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24 + \
-$CellContext`U)^2 + $CellContext`MH^2 (16 $CellContext`MT^4 - 
-                    3 $CellContext`T14^2 - 
-                    10 $CellContext`T14 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U) + \
-($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^2 + 
-                    8 $CellContext`MT^2 ((-5) $CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U))) 
-                  X`DiscB[$CellContext`MH^2 - 
-                    4 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`T24 - $CellContext`U, \
-$CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] + 
-                  2 (64 $CellContext`MT^8 + 
-                    48 $CellContext`MT^6 ($CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24 + \
-$CellContext`U) + 
-                    12 $CellContext`MT^4 ((-4) $CellContext`MH^2 \
-$CellContext`T14 + ($CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^2) - \
-$CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`T14 (-$CellContext`T14^2 + $CellContext`T14 \
-($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U) + 
-                    2 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^2 + \
-$CellContext`MH^2 ($CellContext`T14 - 
-                    3 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U))) + \
-$CellContext`MT^2 (
-                    12 $CellContext`MH^4 $CellContext`T14 + ($CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^3 - 
-                    4 $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`T14 (2 $CellContext`T14 + 
-                    5 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)))) 
-                   X`ScalarC0[$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`T14, \
-$CellContext`MH^2 - 
-                    4 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`T24 - $CellContext`U, \
-$CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT])))), 
-          0, $CellContext`T14^(-1) ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S - \
-$CellContext`T24 - $CellContext`U)^(-1) ((-8) $CellContext`MT^2 (
-              16 $CellContext`MT^4 - 4 $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`T14 + 
-              8 $CellContext`MT^2 ($CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24 + \
-$CellContext`U) + ($CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24 + \
-            X`Kallen\[Lambda][$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`T14, \
-$CellContext`MH^2 - 
-               4 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`T24 - $CellContext`U]^(-1) \
-((-4) $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[2], 
-                $CellContext`ec[5]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[1], 
-                  $CellContext`k[2]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                  $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[1], 
-                  $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                  $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[1], 
-                  $CellContext`k[4]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                   $CellContext`k[2]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                   $CellContext`k[5]])) + 8 $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                $CellContext`k[1]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[1], 
-                  $CellContext`ec[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[2], 
-                  $CellContext`k[5]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[1], 
-                  $CellContext`e[2]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                  $CellContext`k[2]]) + 8 $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[1], 
-                $CellContext`k[4]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[2], 
-                  $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                  $CellContext`ec[5]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[2], 
-                  $CellContext`ec[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                  $CellContext`k[2]]) + $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[1], 
-                $CellContext`ec[
-                4]] ((2 $CellContext`S - $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T - 
-                 2 $CellContext`T24) $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[2], 
-                  $CellContext`ec[5]] - 4 (($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]]) $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                   $CellContext`k[2]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[2], 
-                   $CellContext`k[5]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]])))) ($CellContext`MH^2 (
-               16 $CellContext`MT^4 + 8 $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`T14 - 
-               5 $CellContext`T14^2 - 
-               4 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`T24^2 - 
-               4 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`U + 
-               2 $CellContext`T24 $CellContext`U + $CellContext`U^2 + 
-               8 $CellContext`MT^2 ((-2) $CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24 + \
-              X`DiscB[$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] + \
-$CellContext`T14 ((
-                 4 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24 + \
-$CellContext`U)^2 - 
-               2 $CellContext`MH^2 (12 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`T14 + 
-                3 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U))) 
-              X`DiscB[$CellContext`T14, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] - (
-              8 $CellContext`MH^4 $CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T14 (
-                 4 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24 + \
-$CellContext`U)^2 + $CellContext`MH^2 (16 $CellContext`MT^4 - 
-                3 $CellContext`T14^2 - 
-                10 $CellContext`T14 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U) + \
-($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^2 + 
-                8 $CellContext`MT^2 ((-5) $CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24 + \
-             X`DiscB[$CellContext`MH^2 - 
-               4 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`T24 - $CellContext`U, \
-$CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] + (
-               4 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24 + \
-              X`Kallen\[Lambda][$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`T14, \
-$CellContext`MH^2 - 4 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`T24 - $CellContext`U] + 
-             2 (64 $CellContext`MT^8 + 
-               48 $CellContext`MT^6 ($CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24 + \
-$CellContext`U) + 
-               12 $CellContext`MT^4 ((-4) $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`T14 + \
-($CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^2) - $CellContext`MH^2 \
-$CellContext`T14 (-$CellContext`T14^2 + $CellContext`T14 ($CellContext`T24 + \
-$CellContext`U) + 
-                2 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^2 + $CellContext`MH^2 \
-($CellContext`T14 - 
-                  3 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U))) + $CellContext`MT^2 \
-(12 $CellContext`MH^4 $CellContext`T14 + ($CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24 + \
-$CellContext`U)^3 - 
-                 4 $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`T14 (2 $CellContext`T14 + 
-                  5 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)))) 
-              X`ScalarC0[$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`T14, \
-$CellContext`MH^2 - 
-                4 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`T24 - $CellContext`U, \
-$CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT]) + 
-           8 $CellContext`MT^2 (16 $CellContext`MT^4 - 
-              4 $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`T14 + 
-              8 $CellContext`MT^2 ($CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24 + \
-$CellContext`U) + ($CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24 + \
-$CellContext`U)^2)^(-1) ((
-               4 $CellContext`S $CellContext`S34 - $CellContext`S34^2 + \
-$CellContext`T^2 + 2 $CellContext`S34 $CellContext`T14 - 
-               2 $CellContext`T $CellContext`T14 - 
-               2 $CellContext`MH^2 (
-                2 $CellContext`S - $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T - 
-                2 $CellContext`T24) - 4 $CellContext`T $CellContext`T24 - 
-               2 $CellContext`S34 $CellContext`U + 
-               2 $CellContext`T $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[1], 
-                $CellContext`ec[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[2], 
-                $CellContext`ec[5]] + 
-             8 ((-2) $CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T) \
-                $CellContext`e[1], 
-                $CellContext`k[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[2], 
-                $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                $CellContext`ec[5]] + 
-             8 ((-2) $CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T) \
-                $CellContext`e[1], 
-                $CellContext`ec[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[2], 
-                $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                $CellContext`k[1]] - 4 $CellContext`Pair[
-               $CellContext`e[2], 
-               $CellContext`ec[5]] (
-              2 ((-2) $CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T) \
-                 $CellContext`e[1], 
-                 $CellContext`k[2]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                 $CellContext`k[1]] + (6 $CellContext`MH^2 - 
-                3 $CellContext`S34 - 3 $CellContext`T - 
-                4 $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[1], 
-                 $CellContext`k[3]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                 $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[1], 
-                 $CellContext`k[4]] (
-                2 ((-2) $CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34 + \
-$CellContext`T) $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                   $CellContext`k[2]] + (6 $CellContext`MH^2 - 
-                  3 $CellContext`S34 - 3 $CellContext`T - 
-                  4 $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                   $CellContext`k[3]])) + 
-             8 ((-2) $CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T) \
-                $CellContext`e[1], 
-                $CellContext`k[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[2], 
-                $CellContext`ec[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                $CellContext`k[2]] + 
-             8 ((-2) $CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T) \
-                $CellContext`e[1], 
-                $CellContext`e[2]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                $CellContext`k[1]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                $CellContext`k[2]] + 32 ($CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[1], 
-                  $CellContext`k[3]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                   $CellContext`k[1]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                  $CellContext`k[3]]) + ($CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[1], 
-                   $CellContext`k[2]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[1], 
-                  $CellContext`k[5]]) $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                  $CellContext`k[3]]) ($CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[2], 
-                  $CellContext`k[3]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                  $CellContext`k[2]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[2], 
-                  $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                  $CellContext`k[3]]) - 4 $CellContext`Pair[
-               $CellContext`e[1], 
-               $CellContext`ec[
-               4]] (((-2) ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34) \
-                   $CellContext`e[2], 
-                   $CellContext`k[
-                   1]] + ($CellContext`S34 - $CellContext`T) $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[2], 
-                   $CellContext`k[3]] + 
-                2 (-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`T) $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[2], 
-                   $CellContext`k[4]]) $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                 $CellContext`k[2]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[2], 
-                 $CellContext`k[
-                 5]] ((-2) ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34) \
-                   $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                   $CellContext`k[
-                   1]] + ($CellContext`S34 - $CellContext`T) $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                   $CellContext`k[3]] + 
-                2 (-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`T) $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                   $CellContext`k[4]]))) ((-$CellContext`MH^2 + 
-                4 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^(-1) \
-(4 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U) - \
-(16 $CellContext`MT^6 + $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`T14 ($CellContext`MH^2 - \
-$CellContext`T24 - $CellContext`U) + 
-               8 $CellContext`MT^4 ($CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24 + \
-$CellContext`U) + $CellContext`MT^2 ((-8) $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`T14 + \
-($CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^2))^(-1) (
-              256 $CellContext`MT^10 + 
-              256 $CellContext`MT^8 ($CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24 + \
-$CellContext`U) - 
-              32 $CellContext`MT^6 (2 $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`T14 - 
-               3 ($CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^2) + 
-              16 $CellContext`MT^4 ($CellContext`MH^4 $CellContext`T14 + \
-($CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^3 - $CellContext`MH^2 \
-$CellContext`T14 ($CellContext`T14 + 
-                 3 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U))) + $CellContext`MT^2 (
-                8 $CellContext`MH^4 $CellContext`T14 ((-5) $CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U) + ($CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24 + \
-$CellContext`U)^4 + 
-                4 $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`T14 ($CellContext`T14^2 - 
-                  2 $CellContext`T14 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U) - 
-                  3 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^2)) + \
-$CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`T14 (
-                8 $CellContext`MH^4 $CellContext`T14 + ($CellContext`T14 - \
-$CellContext`T24 - $CellContext`U) ($CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24 + \
-$CellContext`U)^2 + $CellContext`MH^2 ((-3) $CellContext`T14^2 - 
-                  6 $CellContext`T14 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U) + \
-($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^2))) 
-             X`DiscB[$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT]/
-             X`Kallen\[Lambda][$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`T14, \
-$CellContext`MH^2 - 
-              4 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`T24 - $CellContext`U] + \
-$CellContext`T14 (
-                16 $CellContext`MT^6 + $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`T14 \
-($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`T24 - $CellContext`U) + 
-                8 $CellContext`MT^4 ($CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24 + \
-$CellContext`U) + $CellContext`MT^2 ((-8) $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`T14 + \
-($CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^2))^(-1) (
-               256 $CellContext`MT^8 + 
-               192 $CellContext`MT^6 ($CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24 + \
-$CellContext`U) - 
-               48 $CellContext`MT^4 (
-                3 $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`T14 - ($CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^2) + $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`T14 \
-($CellContext`T14^2 - 4 $CellContext`T14 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U) - 
-                 5 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^2 + 
-                 2 $CellContext`MH^2 ($CellContext`T14 + 
-                   3 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U))) + 
-               4 $CellContext`MT^2 (
-                 6 $CellContext`MH^4 $CellContext`T14 + ($CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^3 - 
-                 2 $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`T14 (4 $CellContext`T14 + 
-                  7 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)))) 
-              X`DiscB[$CellContext`T14, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT]/
-              X`Kallen\[Lambda][$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`T14, \
-$CellContext`MH^2 - 
-               4 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`T24 - $CellContext`U] + \
-($CellContext`MH^4 + 32 $CellContext`MT^4 + 
-                12 $CellContext`MT^2 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U) + \
-($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^2 - 
-                2 $CellContext`MH^2 (
-                 6 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`T24 + \
-$CellContext`U))^(-1) (
-                16 $CellContext`MT^6 + $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`T14 \
-($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`T24 - $CellContext`U) + 
-                8 $CellContext`MT^4 ($CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24 + \
-$CellContext`U) + $CellContext`MT^2 ((-8) $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`T14 + \
-($CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^2))^(-1) (
-               8 $CellContext`MH^10 $CellContext`T14^2 + $CellContext`MH^8 \
-$CellContext`T14 (16 $CellContext`MT^4 - 5 $CellContext`T14^2 - 
-                 28 $CellContext`T14 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U) + \
-($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^2 + 
-                 8 $CellContext`MT^2 ((-20) $CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)) + $CellContext`MH^6 $CellContext`T14 \
-((-256) $CellContext`MT^6 + 
-                 16 $CellContext`MT^4 (72 $CellContext`T14 - 
-                   11 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)) + 
-                 8 $CellContext`MT^2 (14 $CellContext`T14^2 + 
-                   52 $CellContext`T14 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U) - 
-                   5 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^2) - 
-                 3 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U) ((-5) \
-$CellContext`T14^2 - 
-                  12 $CellContext`T14 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U) + \
-($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^2)) + $CellContext`MT^2 (
-                  4 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24 + \
-$CellContext`U)^3 (160 $CellContext`MT^6 - 
-                 16 $CellContext`MT^4 (7 $CellContext`T14 - 
-                  6 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)) - 
-                 2 $CellContext`MT^2 (3 $CellContext`T14^2 + 
-                  22 $CellContext`T14 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U) - 
-                  9 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^2) + \
-($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U) (-$CellContext`T14^2 - 
-                   4 $CellContext`T14 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U) + \
-($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^2)) + $CellContext`MH^4 (
-                 256 $CellContext`MT^10 + 
-                 256 $CellContext`MT^8 (
-                   5 $CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U) - 
-                 32 $CellContext`MT^6 (115 $CellContext`T14^2 - 
-                  36 $CellContext`T14 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U) - 
-                  3 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^2) - $CellContext`T14 \
-($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^2 (15 $CellContext`T14^2 + 
-                  20 $CellContext`T14 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U) - 
-                  3 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^2) - 
-                 16 $CellContext`MT^4 (49 $CellContext`T14^3 + 
-                  129 $CellContext`T14^2 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U) - 
-                  24 $CellContext`T14 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^2 - \
-($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^3) + $CellContext`MT^2 ((-11) \
-$CellContext`T14^4 - 
-                   232 $CellContext`T14^3 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U) - 
-                   366 $CellContext`T14^2 ($CellContext`T24 + \
-$CellContext`U)^2 + 
-                   56 $CellContext`T14 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^3 + \
-($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^4)) - $CellContext`MH^2 (
-                3072 $CellContext`MT^12 + 
-                256 $CellContext`MT^10 (11 $CellContext`T14 + 
-                  14 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)) - 
-                128 $CellContext`MT^8 (45 $CellContext`T14^2 - 
-                 22 $CellContext`T14 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U) - 
-                 13 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^2) + $CellContext`T14 \
-($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^3 ((-5) $CellContext`T14^2 - 
-                  4 $CellContext`T14 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U) + \
-($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^2) - 
-                32 $CellContext`MT^6 (61 $CellContext`T14^3 + 
-                 134 $CellContext`T14^2 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U) - 
-                 35 $CellContext`T14 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^2 - 
-                 12 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^3) - 
-                4 $CellContext`MT^4 (25 $CellContext`T14^4 + 
-                 236 $CellContext`T14^3 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U) + 
-                 282 $CellContext`T14^2 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^2 - 
-                 56 $CellContext`T14 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^3 - 
-                 11 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^4) + \
-$CellContext`MT^2 (-$CellContext`T14^5 - 
-                  18 $CellContext`T14^4 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U) - 
-                  134 $CellContext`T14^3 ($CellContext`T24 + \
-$CellContext`U)^2 - 
-                  120 $CellContext`T14^2 ($CellContext`T24 + \
-$CellContext`U)^3 + 23 $CellContext`T14 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^4 + 
-                  2 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^5))) 
-              X`DiscB[$CellContext`MH^2 - 
-                4 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`T24 - $CellContext`U, \
-$CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT]/
-              X`Kallen\[Lambda][$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`T14, \
-$CellContext`MH^2 - 4 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`T24 - $CellContext`U] + 
-             2 $CellContext`T14 ((
-                 4 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24 + \
-$CellContext`U)^2 - $CellContext`MH^2 (
-                12 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`T14 + 
-                3 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U))) 
-              X`Kallen\[Lambda][$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`T14, \
-$CellContext`MH^2 - 
-                 4 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`T24 - $CellContext`U]^(-1)
-                 X`ScalarC0[$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`T14, \
-$CellContext`MH^2 - 
-                4 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`T24 - $CellContext`U, \
-$CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT]) - 
-           16 $CellContext`MT^2 $CellContext`T14 (16 $CellContext`MT^4 - 
-             4 $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`T14 + 
-             8 $CellContext`MT^2 ($CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24 + \
-$CellContext`U) + ($CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24 + \
-$CellContext`U)^2)^(-1) ((-4) $CellContext`Pair[
-               $CellContext`e[2], 
-               $CellContext`ec[5]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[1], 
-                 $CellContext`k[2]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                 $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[1], 
-                 $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                 $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[1], 
-                 $CellContext`k[4]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                  $CellContext`k[2]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                  $CellContext`k[5]])) + 8 $CellContext`Pair[
-               $CellContext`ec[4], 
-               $CellContext`k[1]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[1], 
-                 $CellContext`ec[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[2], 
-                 $CellContext`k[5]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[1], 
-                 $CellContext`e[2]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                 $CellContext`k[2]]) + 8 $CellContext`Pair[
-               $CellContext`e[1], 
-               $CellContext`k[4]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[2], 
-                 $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                 $CellContext`ec[5]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[2], 
-                 $CellContext`ec[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                 $CellContext`k[2]]) + $CellContext`Pair[
-               $CellContext`e[1], 
-               $CellContext`ec[
-               4]] ((2 $CellContext`S - $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T - 
-                2 $CellContext`T24) $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[2], 
-                 $CellContext`ec[5]] - 4 (($CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[2], 
-                   $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[2], 
-                   $CellContext`k[4]]) $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                  $CellContext`k[2]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[2], 
-                  $CellContext`k[5]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                   $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                   $CellContext`k[4]])))) ((-$CellContext`MH^2 + 
-               4 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^(-1) \
-((-2) $CellContext`MH^2 + 
-              4 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24 + \
-$CellContext`U) + $CellContext`MH^2 (
-               16 $CellContext`MT^6 + $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`T14 \
-($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`T24 - $CellContext`U) + 
-               8 $CellContext`MT^4 ($CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24 + \
-$CellContext`U) + $CellContext`MT^2 ((-8) $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`T14 + \
-($CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^2))^(-1) (
-              256 $CellContext`MT^8 + 
-              192 $CellContext`MT^6 ($CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24 + \
-$CellContext`U) - 
-              48 $CellContext`MT^4 (
-               3 $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`T14 - ($CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^2) + $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`T14 \
-($CellContext`T14^2 - 4 $CellContext`T14 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U) - 
-                5 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^2 + 
-                2 $CellContext`MH^2 ($CellContext`T14 + 
-                  3 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U))) + 
-              4 $CellContext`MT^2 (
-                6 $CellContext`MH^4 $CellContext`T14 + ($CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^3 - 
-                2 $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`T14 (4 $CellContext`T14 + 
-                 7 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)))) 
-             X`DiscB[$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT]/
-             X`Kallen\[Lambda][$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`T14, \
-$CellContext`MH^2 - 
-              4 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`T24 - $CellContext`U] - (
-              16 $CellContext`MT^6 + $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`T14 \
-($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`T24 - $CellContext`U) + 
-              8 $CellContext`MT^4 ($CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24 + \
-$CellContext`U) + $CellContext`MT^2 ((-8) $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`T14 + \
-($CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^2))^(-1) (
-             256 $CellContext`MT^10 + 
-             256 $CellContext`MT^8 ($CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24 + \
-$CellContext`U) - 
-             32 $CellContext`MT^6 (2 $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`T14 - 
-              3 ($CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^2) + \
-$CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`T14 (4 $CellContext`MH^4 $CellContext`T14 + 
-               2 $CellContext`MH^2 (-$CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24 + \
-$CellContext`U)^2 - ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U) ($CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^2) + 
-             16 $CellContext`MT^4 (
-               2 $CellContext`MH^4 $CellContext`T14 + ($CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^3 - $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`T14 (
-                2 $CellContext`T14 + 
-                3 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U))) + $CellContext`MT^2 (
-               16 $CellContext`MH^4 $CellContext`T14 ((-2) $CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U) + ($CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24 + \
-$CellContext`U)^4 - 
-               4 $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`T14 ($CellContext`T14^2 + 
-                4 $CellContext`T14 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U) + 
-                3 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^2))) 
-            X`DiscB[$CellContext`T14, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT]/
-            X`Kallen\[Lambda][$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`T14, \
-$CellContext`MH^2 - 
-             4 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`T24 - $CellContext`U] - \
-($CellContext`MH^4 + 32 $CellContext`MT^4 + 
-              12 $CellContext`MT^2 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U) + \
-($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^2 - 
-              2 $CellContext`MH^2 (
-               6 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U))^(-1) \
-(16 $CellContext`MT^6 + $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`T14 ($CellContext`MH^2 - \
-$CellContext`T24 - $CellContext`U) + 
-              8 $CellContext`MT^4 ($CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24 + \
-$CellContext`U) + $CellContext`MT^2 ((-8) $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`T14 + \
-($CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^2))^(-1) (
-             2 $CellContext`MH^10 $CellContext`T14 (
-               12 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`T14 + 
-               3 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)) - $CellContext`MH^8 \
-$CellContext`T14 (464 $CellContext`MT^4 + $CellContext`T14^2 - 
-              4 $CellContext`T14 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U) + 
-              19 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^2 - 
-              8 $CellContext`MT^2 ($CellContext`T14 - 
-               24 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U))) - $CellContext`MT^2 (
-               4 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24 + \
-$CellContext`U)^4 (
-              40 $CellContext`MT^4 + ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^2 + 
-              2 $CellContext`MT^2 ($CellContext`T14 + 
-                7 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U))) + $CellContext`MH^2 (
-                4 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24 + \
-$CellContext`U)^2 (
-               832 $CellContext`MT^8 + $CellContext`T14 ($CellContext`T24 + \
-$CellContext`U)^3 + 
-               48 $CellContext`MT^6 (10 $CellContext`T14 + 
-                 11 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)) + $CellContext`MT^2 \
-($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U) (3 $CellContext`T14^2 + 
-                 26 $CellContext`T14 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U) + 
-                 7 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^2) + 
-               4 $CellContext`MT^4 (9 $CellContext`T14^2 + 
-                 52 $CellContext`T14 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U) + 
-                 27 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^2)) + \
-$CellContext`MH^6 (256 $CellContext`MT^8 + 
-               192 $CellContext`MT^6 (
-                 17 $CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U) + 
-               16 $CellContext`MT^4 (13 $CellContext`T14^2 + 
-                 119 $CellContext`T14 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U) + 
-                 3 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^2) + 
-               3 $CellContext`T14 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U) \
-($CellContext`T14^2 + 7 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^2) + 
-               4 $CellContext`MT^2 (7 $CellContext`T14^3 + 
-                 9 $CellContext`T14^2 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U) + 
-                 89 $CellContext`T14 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^2 + \
-($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^3)) - $CellContext`MH^4 (
-              3584 $CellContext`MT^10 + 
-              256 $CellContext`MT^8 (40 $CellContext`T14 + 
-                13 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)) + $CellContext`T14 \
-($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^2 (3 $CellContext`T14^2 + 
-                4 $CellContext`T14 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U) + 
-                9 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^2) + 
-              128 $CellContext`MT^6 (14 $CellContext`T14^2 + 
-                60 $CellContext`T14 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U) + 
-                9 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^2) + 
-              16 $CellContext`MT^4 (16 $CellContext`T14^3 + 
-                51 $CellContext`T14^2 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U) + 
-                129 $CellContext`T14 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^2 + 
-                11 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^3) + 
-              2 $CellContext`MT^2 ($CellContext`T14^4 + 
-                28 $CellContext`T14^3 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U) + 
-                54 $CellContext`T14^2 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^2 + 
-                116 $CellContext`T14 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^3 + 
-                5 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^4))) 
-            X`DiscB[$CellContext`MH^2 - 
-              4 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`T24 - $CellContext`U, \
-$CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT]/
-            X`Kallen\[Lambda][$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`T14, \
-$CellContext`MH^2 - 4 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`T24 - $CellContext`U] + 
-            2 $CellContext`MH^2 (16 $CellContext`MT^4 + 
-              2 $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`T14 - 
-              2 $CellContext`T14^2 - $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24 + \
-$CellContext`T24^2 - $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`U + 
-              2 $CellContext`T24 $CellContext`U + $CellContext`U^2 + \
-$CellContext`MT^2 ((-4) $CellContext`T14 + 
-                8 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U))) 
-             X`Kallen\[Lambda][$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`T14, \
-$CellContext`MH^2 - 
-                4 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`T24 - $CellContext`U]^(-1) 
-             X`ScalarC0[$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`T14, \
-$CellContext`MH^2 - 
-               4 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`T24 - $CellContext`U, \
-$CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT]) - 
-           2 ((-4) $CellContext`MT^2 (-$CellContext`MH^2 + 
-               4 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^(-1) \
-(-$CellContext`MH^2 + 
-               8 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^(-1) \
-(-$CellContext`MH^2 + 8 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U + 
-              2 $CellContext`MT^2 
-               X`DiscB[$CellContext`MH^2 - 
-                 4 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`T24 - $CellContext`U, \
-$CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT]) ((-4) $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[2], 
-                 $CellContext`ec[5]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[1], 
-                   $CellContext`k[2]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                   $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[1], 
-                   $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                   $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[1], 
-                   $CellContext`k[4]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]])) + 8 $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                 $CellContext`k[1]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[1], 
-                   $CellContext`ec[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[2], 
-                   $CellContext`k[5]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[1], 
-                   $CellContext`e[2]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                   $CellContext`k[2]]) + 8 $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[1], 
-                 $CellContext`k[4]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[2], 
-                   $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                   $CellContext`ec[5]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[2], 
-                   $CellContext`ec[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                   $CellContext`k[2]]) + $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[1], 
-                 $CellContext`ec[
-                 4]] ((2 $CellContext`S - $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T - 
-                  2 $CellContext`T24) $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[2], 
-                   $CellContext`ec[5]] - 4 (($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]]) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]])))) - 
-            4 $CellContext`MT^2 (-$CellContext`MH^2 + 
-              8 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^(-1) (
-              16 $CellContext`MT^6 + $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`T14 \
-($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`T24 - $CellContext`U) + 
-              8 $CellContext`MT^4 ($CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24 + \
-$CellContext`U) + $CellContext`MT^2 ((-8) $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`T14 + \
-($CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^2))^(-1) 
-            X`Kallen\[Lambda][$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`T14, \
-$CellContext`MH^2 - 
-               4 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`T24 - $CellContext`U]^(-1) \
-(((-2) $CellContext`S $CellContext`S34 - $CellContext`S34 $CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T $CellContext`T14 + 
-               2 $CellContext`MH^2 ($CellContext`S - $CellContext`T24) + 
-               2 $CellContext`T $CellContext`T24) $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[1], 
-                $CellContext`ec[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[2], 
-                $CellContext`ec[5]] - 
-             4 ((-2) $CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T) \
-               $CellContext`e[1], 
-               $CellContext`k[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-               $CellContext`e[2], 
-               $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-               $CellContext`ec[4], 
-               $CellContext`ec[5]] - 
-             4 ((-2) $CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T) \
-               $CellContext`e[1], 
-               $CellContext`ec[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-               $CellContext`e[2], 
-               $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-               $CellContext`ec[4], 
-               $CellContext`k[1]] + 4 $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[2], 
-                $CellContext`ec[
-                5]] (((-2) $CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34 + \
-$CellContext`T) $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[1], 
-                  $CellContext`k[2]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                  $CellContext`k[
-                  1]] + ($CellContext`S + $CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24) $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[1], 
-                  $CellContext`k[3]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                  $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[1], 
-                  $CellContext`k[
-                  4]] (((-2) $CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34 + \
-$CellContext`T) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[
-                    2]] + ($CellContext`S + $CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]])) - 
-             4 ((-2) $CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T) \
-               $CellContext`e[1], 
-               $CellContext`k[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-               $CellContext`e[2], 
-               $CellContext`ec[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-               $CellContext`ec[5], 
-               $CellContext`k[2]] - 
-             4 ((-2) $CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T) \
-               $CellContext`e[1], 
-               $CellContext`e[2]] $CellContext`Pair[
-               $CellContext`ec[4], 
-               $CellContext`k[1]] $CellContext`Pair[
-               $CellContext`ec[5], 
-               $CellContext`k[2]] - 8 ($CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[1], 
-                 $CellContext`k[3]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                  $CellContext`k[1]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                 $CellContext`k[3]]) + ($CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[1], 
-                  $CellContext`k[2]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[1], 
-                 $CellContext`k[5]]) $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                 $CellContext`k[3]]) ($CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[2], 
-                 $CellContext`k[3]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                 $CellContext`k[2]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[2], 
-                 $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                 $CellContext`k[3]]) + 4 $CellContext`Pair[
-                $CellContext`e[1], 
-                $CellContext`ec[
-                4]] (((-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34) \
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[
-                    1]] + (-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`T) \
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]]) $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                  $CellContext`k[2]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[2], 
-                  $CellContext`k[
-                  5]] ((-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34) \
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[
-                    1]] + (-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`T) \
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[
-                    4]]))) (-$CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`T14 \
-($CellContext`MH^2 - 
-               8 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`T24 - $CellContext`U) (
-               2 $CellContext`MH^2 - 
-               4 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`T14 - $CellContext`T24 - \
-              X`DiscB[$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] + \
-$CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`T14 ($CellContext`MH^2 - 
-               8 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`T24 - $CellContext`U) (
-               4 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24 + \
-              X`DiscB[$CellContext`T14, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] - (
-              64 $CellContext`MT^8 - 
-              2 $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`T14 (-$CellContext`MH^2 + \
-$CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^2 + 
-              48 $CellContext`MT^6 ($CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24 + \
-$CellContext`U) + 
-              4 $CellContext`MT^4 ((-20) $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`T14 + 
-                3 ($CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^2) + \
-$CellContext`MT^2 (
-                24 $CellContext`MH^4 $CellContext`T14 + ($CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^3 - 
-                4 $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`T14 ($CellContext`T14 + 
-                 7 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)))) 
-             X`DiscB[$CellContext`MH^2 - 
-               4 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`T24 - $CellContext`U, \
-$CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] - ($CellContext`MH^2 - 
-              8 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`T24 - $CellContext`U) (
-              4 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24 + \
-$CellContext`U) (
-              16 $CellContext`MT^6 + $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`T14 \
-($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`T24 - $CellContext`U) + 
-              8 $CellContext`MT^4 ($CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24 + \
-$CellContext`U) + $CellContext`MT^2 ((-8) $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`T14 + \
-($CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^2)) 
-             X`ScalarC0[$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`T14, \
-$CellContext`MH^2 - 
-               4 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`T24 - $CellContext`U, \
-$CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT])) + 
-           4 (2 $CellContext`MT^2 (16 $CellContext`MT^4 - 
-                4 $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`T14 + 
-                8 $CellContext`MT^2 ($CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24 + \
-$CellContext`U) + ($CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24 + \
-$CellContext`U)^2)^(-2) (-($CellContext`S34 - $CellContext`T) ((-2) \
-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T + 
-                 2 $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[1], 
-                  $CellContext`ec[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[2], 
-                  $CellContext`ec[5]] - 
-               4 (2 $CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34 - $CellContext`T - 
-                2 $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[2], 
-                 $CellContext`ec[5]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[1], 
-                   $CellContext`k[3]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                   $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[1], 
-                   $CellContext`k[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                   $CellContext`k[3]]) - 
-               4 ($CellContext`S34 - $CellContext`T) $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[1], 
-                 $CellContext`ec[4]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[2], 
-                   $CellContext`k[3]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                   $CellContext`k[2]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[2], 
-                   $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                   $CellContext`k[3]]) + 16 ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]]) + ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]]) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]]) ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]])) (-(-$CellContext`MH^2 + 
-                  4 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`T24 + \
-$CellContext`U)^(-1) (
-                 12 $CellContext`MH^4 $CellContext`T14 - (
-                  4 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24 + \
-$CellContext`U) (
-                   4 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24 + \
-$CellContext`U)^2 + 
-                 2 $CellContext`MH^2 (
-                   16 $CellContext`MT^4 - $CellContext`T14^2 - 
-                   6 $CellContext`T14 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U) + \
-($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^2 + 
-                   8 $CellContext`MT^2 ((-3) $CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U))) + 
-               2 $CellContext`MH^2 (
-                  16 $CellContext`MT^6 + $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`T14 \
-($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`T24 - $CellContext`U) + 
-                  8 $CellContext`MT^4 ($CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24 + \
-$CellContext`U) + $CellContext`MT^2 ((-8) $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`T14 + \
-($CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^2))^(-1) (
-                 1024 $CellContext`MT^12 - 
-                 1280 $CellContext`MT^10 ($CellContext`T14 - $CellContext`T24 - \
-$CellContext`U) + 128 $CellContext`MT^8 (7 $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`T14 - 
-                   15 $CellContext`T14^2 - 
-                   10 $CellContext`T14 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U) + 
-                   5 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^2) + 
-                 32 $CellContext`MT^6 (2 $CellContext`MH^4 $CellContext`T14 - 
-                   5 (5 $CellContext`T14 - $CellContext`T24 - $CellContext`U) \
-($CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^2 + 
-                   19 $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`T14 (
-                    3 $CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)) - 
-                 4 $CellContext`MT^4 (
-                  5 (7 $CellContext`T14 - $CellContext`T24 - $CellContext`U) \
-($CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^3 + 
-                  4 $CellContext`MH^4 $CellContext`T14 (55 $CellContext`T14 - 
-                    3 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)) - 
-                  2 $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`T14 (91 $CellContext`T14^2 + 
-                   130 $CellContext`T14 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U) + 
-                   15 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^2)) + \
-$CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`T14 (
-                   2 $CellContext`MH^4 $CellContext`T14 (3 $CellContext`T14 + 
-                    13 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)) - \
-($CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^2 ($CellContext`T14^2 - 
-                    10 $CellContext`T14 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U) + \
-($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^2) + $CellContext`MH^2 ((-5) \
-$CellContext`T14^3 - 
-                    27 $CellContext`T14^2 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U) - 
-                    33 $CellContext`T14 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^2 + \
-($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^3)) + $CellContext`MT^2 (
-                   104 $CellContext`MH^6 $CellContext`T14^2 - (
-                    9 $CellContext`T14 - $CellContext`T24 - $CellContext`U) \
-($CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^4 - 
-                   4 $CellContext`MH^4 $CellContext`T14 (
-                    37 $CellContext`T14^2 + 
-                    88 $CellContext`T14 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U) - 
-                    3 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^2) + 
-                   2 $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`T14 (
-                    39 $CellContext`T14^3 + 
-                    127 $CellContext`T14^2 ($CellContext`T24 + \
-$CellContext`U) + 
-                    89 $CellContext`T14 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^2 + \
-($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^3))) 
-                X`DiscB[$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT]/
-                X`Kallen\[Lambda][$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`T14, \
-$CellContext`MH^2 - 4 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`T24 - $CellContext`U] + 
-               2 $CellContext`T14 (
-                  16 $CellContext`MT^6 + $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`T14 \
-($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`T24 - $CellContext`U) + 
-                  8 $CellContext`MT^4 ($CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24 + \
-$CellContext`U) + $CellContext`MT^2 ((-8) $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`T14 + \
-($CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^2))^(-1) ((-12) \
-$CellContext`MH^8 $CellContext`T14^2 + $CellContext`MT^2 (
-                    4 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24 + \
-$CellContext`U)^5 - $CellContext`MH^2 (
-                   4 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24 + \
-$CellContext`U)^3 (
-                  40 $CellContext`MT^4 + $CellContext`T14 ($CellContext`T24 + \
-$CellContext`U) + $CellContext`MT^2 ((-4) $CellContext`T14 + 
-                    10 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U))) - 
-                 2 $CellContext`MH^6 $CellContext`T14 (96 $CellContext`MT^4 - 
-                  5 $CellContext`T14^2 - 
-                  9 $CellContext`T14 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U) + 
-                  6 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^2 + $CellContext`MT^2 \
-((-60) $CellContext`T14 + 48 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U))) + 
-                 2 $CellContext`MH^4 $CellContext`T14 (
-                   608 $CellContext`MT^6 + $CellContext`T14^3 - 
-                   5 $CellContext`T14^2 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U) + 
-                   6 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^3 + \
-$CellContext`MT^4 ((-64) $CellContext`T14 + 
-                    400 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)) - 
-                   2 $CellContext`MT^2 (25 $CellContext`T14^2 + 
-                    8 $CellContext`T14 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U) - 
-                    43 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^2))) 
-                X`DiscB[$CellContext`T14, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT]/
-                X`Kallen\[Lambda][$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`T14, \
-$CellContext`MH^2 - 4 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`T24 - $CellContext`U] - 
-               2 ($CellContext`MH^4 + 32 $CellContext`MT^4 + 
-                 12 $CellContext`MT^2 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U) + \
-($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^2 - 
-                 2 $CellContext`MH^2 (
-                  6 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`T24 + \
-$CellContext`U))^(-1) (
-                 16 $CellContext`MT^6 + $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`T14 \
-($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`T24 - $CellContext`U) + 
-                 8 $CellContext`MT^4 ($CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24 + \
-$CellContext`U) + $CellContext`MT^2 ((-8) $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`T14 + \
-($CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^2))^(-1) (
-                2 $CellContext`MH^12 $CellContext`T14^2 (52 $CellContext`MT^2 - 
-                  3 $CellContext`T14 + 
-                  13 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)) + $CellContext`MT^2 \
-(4 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24 + \
-$CellContext`U)^5 (
-                  16 $CellContext`MT^6 + $CellContext`T14 ($CellContext`T24 + \
-$CellContext`U)^2 + 
-                  8 $CellContext`MT^4 (
-                    5 $CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U) + \
-$CellContext`MT^2 ($CellContext`T14^2 + 
-                    14 $CellContext`T14 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U) + \
-($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^2)) + $CellContext`MH^10 $CellContext`T14 \
-(64 $CellContext`MT^6 + 5 $CellContext`T14^3 + 
-                  3 $CellContext`T14^2 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U) - 
-                  97 $CellContext`T14 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^2 + \
-($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^3 + $CellContext`MT^4 ((-2320) \
-$CellContext`T14 + 48 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)) + 
-                  4 $CellContext`MT^2 (3 $CellContext`T14^2 - 
-                    242 $CellContext`T14 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U) + 
-                    3 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^2)) + \
-$CellContext`MH^2 (
-                   4 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24 + \
-$CellContext`U)^3 (
-                  512 $CellContext`MT^10 - $CellContext`T14^2 \
-($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^3 - 
-                  64 $CellContext`MT^8 (46 $CellContext`T14 - 
-                   7 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)) - 
-                  16 $CellContext`MT^6 (26 $CellContext`T14^2 + 
-                   114 $CellContext`T14 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U) - 
-                   9 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^2) - 
-                  4 $CellContext`MT^4 (6 $CellContext`T14^3 + 
-                   45 $CellContext`T14^2 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U) + 
-                   90 $CellContext`T14 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^2 - 
-                   5 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^3) + \
-$CellContext`MT^2 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U) ((-2) \
-$CellContext`T14^3 - 
-                    23 $CellContext`T14^2 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U) - 
-                    22 $CellContext`T14 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^2 + \
-($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^3)) + $CellContext`MH^8 $CellContext`T14 (
-                  128 $CellContext`MT^8 + $CellContext`T14^4 + 
-                  96 $CellContext`MT^6 (
-                    203 $CellContext`T14 - $CellContext`T24 - $CellContext`U) - 
-                  12 $CellContext`T14^3 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U) + 
-                  30 $CellContext`T14^2 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^2 + 
-                  136 $CellContext`T14 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^3 - 
-                  3 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^4 + 
-                  8 $CellContext`MT^4 (157 $CellContext`T14^2 + 
-                    1446 $CellContext`T14 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U) - 
-                    15 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^2) - 
-                  2 $CellContext`MT^2 (33 $CellContext`T14^3 - 
-                   205 $CellContext`T14^2 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U) - 
-                   1109 $CellContext`T14 ($CellContext`T24 + \
-$CellContext`U)^2 + 
-                   17 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^3)) + \
-$CellContext`MH^6 (1024 $CellContext`MT^12 - 
-                  256 $CellContext`MT^10 (51 $CellContext`T14 - 
-                   5 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)) - 
-                  128 $CellContext`MT^8 (609 $CellContext`T14^2 + 
-                   87 $CellContext`T14 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U) - 
-                   5 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^2) - 
-                  32 $CellContext`MT^6 (381 $CellContext`T14^3 + 
-                   1892 $CellContext`T14^2 ($CellContext`T24 + \
-$CellContext`U) + 102 $CellContext`T14 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^2 - 
-                   5 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^3) - \
-$CellContext`T14 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U) (3 $CellContext`T14^4 - 
-                   6 $CellContext`T14^3 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U) + 
-                   48 $CellContext`T14^2 ($CellContext`T24 + \
-$CellContext`U)^2 + 86 $CellContext`T14 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^3 - 
-                   3 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^4) + 
-                  4 $CellContext`MT^4 ($CellContext`T14^4 - 
-                    1566 $CellContext`T14^3 ($CellContext`T24 + \
-$CellContext`U) - 
-                    4258 $CellContext`T14^2 ($CellContext`T24 + \
-$CellContext`U)^2 - 78 $CellContext`T14 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^3 + 
-                    5 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^4) + \
-$CellContext`MT^2 ((-19) $CellContext`T14^5 + 
-                    43 $CellContext`T14^4 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U) - 
-                    996 $CellContext`T14^3 ($CellContext`T24 + \
-$CellContext`U)^2 - 
-                    2036 $CellContext`T14^2 ($CellContext`T24 + \
-$CellContext`U)^3 + 
-                    15 $CellContext`T14 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^4 + \
-($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^5)) + $CellContext`MH^4 ((-12288) \
-$CellContext`MT^14 + 
-                  1024 $CellContext`MT^12 (80 $CellContext`T14 - 
-                    17 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)) + 
-                  256 $CellContext`MT^10 (621 $CellContext`T14^2 + 
-                    361 $CellContext`T14 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U) - 
-                    40 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^2) + 
-                  128 $CellContext`MT^8 (325 $CellContext`T14^3 + 
-                    1187 $CellContext`T14^2 ($CellContext`T24 + \
-$CellContext`U) + 320 $CellContext`T14 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^2 - 
-                    25 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^3) + 
-                  16 $CellContext`MT^6 (157 $CellContext`T14^4 + 
-                    1832 $CellContext`T14^3 ($CellContext`T24 + \
-$CellContext`U) + 
-                    3484 $CellContext`T14^2 ($CellContext`T24 + \
-$CellContext`U)^2 + 
-                    550 $CellContext`T14 ($CellContext`T24 + \
-$CellContext`U)^3 - 
-                    35 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^4) + \
-$CellContext`T14 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^2 (3 $CellContext`T14^4 + 
-                    4 $CellContext`T14^3 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U) + 
-                    24 $CellContext`T14^2 ($CellContext`T24 + \
-$CellContext`U)^2 + 
-                    22 $CellContext`T14 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^3 - \
-($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^4) + 
-                  4 $CellContext`MT^4 (46 $CellContext`T14^5 + 
-                    263 $CellContext`T14^4 ($CellContext`T24 + \
-$CellContext`U) + 
-                    1810 $CellContext`T14^3 ($CellContext`T24 + \
-$CellContext`U)^2 + 
-                    2418 $CellContext`T14^2 ($CellContext`T24 + \
-$CellContext`U)^3 + 
-                    220 $CellContext`T14 ($CellContext`T24 + \
-$CellContext`U)^4 - 
-                    13 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^5) + \
-$CellContext`MT^2 ($CellContext`T14^6 + 
-                    43 $CellContext`T14^5 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U) + 
-                    122 $CellContext`T14^4 ($CellContext`T24 + \
-$CellContext`U)^2 + 
-                    724 $CellContext`T14^3 ($CellContext`T24 + \
-$CellContext`U)^3 + 
-                    775 $CellContext`T14^2 ($CellContext`T24 + \
-$CellContext`U)^4 + 25 $CellContext`T14 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^5 - 
-                    2 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^6))) 
-               X`DiscB[$CellContext`MH^2 - 
-                 4 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`T24 - $CellContext`U, \
-$CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT]/
-               X`Kallen\[Lambda][$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`T14, \
-$CellContext`MH^2 - 4 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`T24 - $CellContext`U] + 
-               4 (256 $CellContext`MT^10 + 
-                 256 $CellContext`MT^8 ($CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24 + \
-$CellContext`U) - 32 $CellContext`MT^6 (7 $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`T14 - 
-                  3 ($CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^2) + 
-                 16 $CellContext`MT^4 (
-                   6 $CellContext`MH^4 $CellContext`T14 + ($CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^3 - 
-                   2 $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`T14 (2 $CellContext`T14 + 
-                    5 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U))) + \
-$CellContext`MT^2 (($CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^4 + 
-                   16 $CellContext`MH^4 $CellContext`T14 ((-2) \
-$CellContext`T14 + 3 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)) + 
-                   2 $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`T14 (5 $CellContext`T14^2 - 
-                    14 $CellContext`T14 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U) - 
-                    19 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^2)) + 
-                 3 $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`T14 (
-                   2 $CellContext`MH^4 $CellContext`T14 + ($CellContext`T14 - \
-$CellContext`T24 - $CellContext`U) ($CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24 + \
-$CellContext`U)^2 - 
-                   2 $CellContext`MH^2 ($CellContext`T14^2 + $CellContext`T14 \
-($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U) - ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^2)))
-                  X`Kallen\[Lambda][$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`T14, \
-$CellContext`MH^2 - 
-                   4 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`T24 - \
-                X`ScalarC0[$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`T14, \
-$CellContext`MH^2 - 
-                  4 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`T24 - $CellContext`U, \
-$CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT]) + 
-             2 $CellContext`MT^2 (16 $CellContext`MT^4 - 
-                4 $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`T14 + 
-                8 $CellContext`MT^2 ($CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24 + \
-$CellContext`U) + ($CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24 + \
-$CellContext`U)^2)^(-2) (-($CellContext`S34 - $CellContext`T) ((-2) \
-$CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T + 
-                 2 $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[1], 
-                  $CellContext`ec[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                  $CellContext`e[2], 
-                  $CellContext`ec[5]] - 
-               4 (2 $CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34 - $CellContext`T - 
-                2 $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[2], 
-                 $CellContext`ec[5]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[1], 
-                   $CellContext`k[3]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                   $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[1], 
-                   $CellContext`k[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                   $CellContext`k[3]]) - 
-               4 ($CellContext`S34 - $CellContext`T) $CellContext`Pair[
-                 $CellContext`e[1], 
-                 $CellContext`ec[4]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[2], 
-                   $CellContext`k[3]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                   $CellContext`k[2]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`e[2], 
-                   $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                   $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                   $CellContext`k[3]]) + 16 ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]]) ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]])) (-(-$CellContext`MH^2 + 
-                  4 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`T24 + \
-$CellContext`U)^(-1) (64 $CellContext`MT^6 - 3 $CellContext`T14^3 + 
-                 5 $CellContext`T14^2 $CellContext`T24 + 
-                 9 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24^2 + $CellContext`T24^3 + 
-                 5 $CellContext`T14^2 $CellContext`U + 
-                 18 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`T24 $CellContext`U + 
-                 3 $CellContext`T24^2 $CellContext`U + 
-                 9 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`U^2 + 
-                 3 $CellContext`T24 $CellContext`U^2 + $CellContext`U^3 + 
-                 48 $CellContext`MT^4 (
-                   3 $CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U) + 
-                 2 $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`T14 ($CellContext`T14 - 
-                   7 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)) + 
-                 4 $CellContext`MT^2 ((-14) $CellContext`MH^2 \
-$CellContext`T14 + 5 $CellContext`T14^2 + 
-                   18 $CellContext`T14 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U) + 
-                   3 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^2)) + (
-                  16 $CellContext`MT^6 + $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`T14 \
-($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`T24 - $CellContext`U) + 
-                  8 $CellContext`MT^4 ($CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24 + \
-$CellContext`U) + $CellContext`MT^2 ((-8) $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`T14 + \
-($CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^2))^(-1) (
-                 4096 $CellContext`MT^14 + 
-                 2048 $CellContext`MT^12 (5 $CellContext`T14 + 
-                   3 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)) + 
-                 256 $CellContext`MT^8 ($CellContext`MH^4 $CellContext`T14 + 
-                   5 ($CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^2 \
-(3 $CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U) - $CellContext`MH^2 \
-$CellContext`T14 (25 $CellContext`T14 + 
-                    27 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U))) - 
-                 256 $CellContext`MT^10 (
-                  26 $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`T14 - 
-                  5 (7 $CellContext`T14^2 + 
-                   10 $CellContext`T14 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U) + 
-                   3 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^2)) + 
-                 16 $CellContext`MT^6 (
-                   16 $CellContext`MH^4 $CellContext`T14 (
-                    8 $CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U) + 
-                   5 ($CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^3 \
-(11 $CellContext`T14 + 3 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)) - 
-                   4 $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`T14 (
-                    34 $CellContext`T14^2 + 
-                    83 $CellContext`T14 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U) + 
-                    43 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^2)) + \
-$CellContext`MT^2 (($CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^5 (
-                    5 $CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U) + 
-                   48 $CellContext`MH^6 $CellContext`T14^2 (
-                    10 $CellContext`T14 - 
-                    3 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)) + 
-                   2 $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`T14 ($CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^2 ($CellContext`T14^2 - 
-                    56 $CellContext`T14 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U) - 
-                    21 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^2) - 
-                   16 $CellContext`MH^4 $CellContext`T14 (
-                    14 $CellContext`T14^3 + 
-                    3 $CellContext`T14^2 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U) - 
-                    21 $CellContext`T14 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^2 - \
-($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^3)) - 
-                 8 $CellContext`MT^4 (
-                  36 $CellContext`MH^6 $CellContext`T14^2 - ($CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^4 (13 $CellContext`T14 + 
-                   3 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)) + 
-                  12 $CellContext`MH^4 $CellContext`T14 (3 $CellContext`T14^2 - 
-                    15 $CellContext`T14 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U) - \
-($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^2) + 
-                  2 $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`T14 (17 $CellContext`T14^3 + 
-                    84 $CellContext`T14^2 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U) + 
-                    99 $CellContext`T14 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^2 + 
-                    32 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^3)) - \
-$CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`T14 (64 $CellContext`MH^6 $CellContext`T14^2 - 
-                  6 $CellContext`MH^4 $CellContext`T14 (7 $CellContext`T14^2 + 
-                   12 $CellContext`T14 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U) - 
-                   3 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^2) - \
-($CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^3 (
-                   2 $CellContext`T14^2 - 
-                   5 $CellContext`T14 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U) - \
-($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^2) + $CellContext`MH^2 (
-                    7 $CellContext`T14^4 + 
-                    26 $CellContext`T14^3 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U) - 
-                    6 $CellContext`T14^2 ($CellContext`T24 + \
-$CellContext`U)^2 - 
-                    26 $CellContext`T14 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^3 - \
-($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^4))) 
-                X`DiscB[$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT]/
-                X`Kallen\[Lambda][$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`T14, \
-$CellContext`MH^2 - 4 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`T24 - $CellContext`U] - 
-               2 $CellContext`T14^2 (
-                 16 $CellContext`MT^6 + $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`T14 \
-($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`T24 - $CellContext`U) + 
-                 8 $CellContext`MT^4 ($CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24 + \
-$CellContext`U) + $CellContext`MT^2 ((-8) $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`T14 + \
-($CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^2))^(-1) (
-                9 $CellContext`MT^2 (
-                   4 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24 + \
-$CellContext`U)^4 - 
-                6 $CellContext`MH^6 $CellContext`T14 (
-                 20 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`T14 + 
-                 5 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)) - $CellContext`MH^2 (
-                  4 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24 + \
-$CellContext`U)^2 (
-                 104 $CellContext`MT^4 + $CellContext`T14 (-$CellContext`T14 + 
-                   10 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)) + \
-$CellContext`MT^2 (86 $CellContext`T14 + 
-                   26 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U))) + \
-$CellContext`MH^4 $CellContext`T14 (1040 $CellContext`MT^4 + 
-                  5 $CellContext`T14^2 + 
-                  28 $CellContext`T14 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U) + 
-                  39 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^2 + 
-                  8 $CellContext`MT^2 (19 $CellContext`T14 + 
-                    52 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)))) 
-               X`DiscB[$CellContext`T14, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT]/
-               X`Kallen\[Lambda][$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`T14, \
-$CellContext`MH^2 - 
-                4 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`T24 - $CellContext`U] + \
-($CellContext`MH^4 + 32 $CellContext`MT^4 + 
-                  12 $CellContext`MT^2 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U) + \
-($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^2 - 
-                  2 $CellContext`MH^2 (
-                   6 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`T24 + \
-$CellContext`U))^(-1) (
-                  16 $CellContext`MT^6 + $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`T14 \
-($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`T24 - $CellContext`U) + 
-                  8 $CellContext`MT^4 ($CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24 + \
-$CellContext`U) + $CellContext`MT^2 ((-8) $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`T14 + \
-($CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^2))^(-1) (
-                 64 $CellContext`MH^12 $CellContext`T14^3 + 
-                 2 $CellContext`MH^10 $CellContext`T14^2 (
-                   144 $CellContext`MT^4 - 27 $CellContext`T14^2 - 
-                   130 $CellContext`T14 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U) + 
-                   9 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^2 + \
-$CellContext`MT^2 ((-744) $CellContext`T14 + 
-                    72 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U))) - \
-$CellContext`MH^8 $CellContext`T14 (256 $CellContext`MT^8 - 
-                  17 $CellContext`T14^4 - 
-                  190 $CellContext`T14^3 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U) - 
-                  400 $CellContext`T14^2 ($CellContext`T24 + \
-$CellContext`U)^2 + 
-                  62 $CellContext`T14 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^3 + \
-($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^4 + 
-                  128 $CellContext`MT^6 (43 $CellContext`T14 + 
-                    2 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)) - 
-                  32 $CellContext`MT^4 (404 $CellContext`T14^2 - 
-                   117 $CellContext`T14 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U) - 
-                   3 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^2) - 
-                  8 $CellContext`MT^2 (159 $CellContext`T14^3 + 
-                   580 $CellContext`T14^2 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U) - 
-                   105 $CellContext`T14 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^2 - 
-                   2 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^3)) - \
-$CellContext`MT^2 (
-                   4 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24 + \
-$CellContext`U)^4 (640 $CellContext`MT^8 + 
-                  32 $CellContext`MT^6 (27 $CellContext`T14 + 
-                    17 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)) - 
-                  24 $CellContext`MT^4 (19 $CellContext`T14^2 - 
-                   22 $CellContext`T14 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U) - 
-                   7 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^2) + \
-($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U) ((-2) $CellContext`T14^3 - 
-                    15 $CellContext`T14^2 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U) + 
-                    6 $CellContext`T14 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^2 + \
-($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^3) + 
-                  2 $CellContext`MT^2 ((-7) $CellContext`T14^3 - 
-                    87 $CellContext`T14^2 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U) + 
-                    51 $CellContext`T14 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^2 + 
-                    11 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^3)) + \
-$CellContext`MH^6 $CellContext`T14 (9728 $CellContext`MT^10 + 
-                   256 $CellContext`MT^8 (148 $CellContext`T14 + 
-                    41 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)) - 
-                   192 $CellContext`MT^6 (273 $CellContext`T14^2 - 
-                    172 $CellContext`T14 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U) - 
-                    23 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^2) - 
-                   32 $CellContext`MT^4 (326 $CellContext`T14^3 + 
-                    905 $CellContext`T14^2 ($CellContext`T24 + \
-$CellContext`U) - 333 $CellContext`T14 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^2 - 
-                    28 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^3) + \
-($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U) ((-51) $CellContext`T14^4 - 
-                    246 $CellContext`T14^3 ($CellContext`T24 + \
-$CellContext`U) - 
-                    280 $CellContext`T14^2 ($CellContext`T24 + \
-$CellContext`U)^2 + 78 $CellContext`T14 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^3 + 
-                    3 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^4) + 
-                   2 $CellContext`MT^2 ((-221) $CellContext`T14^4 - 
-                    1664 $CellContext`T14^3 ($CellContext`T24 + \
-$CellContext`U) - 
-                    2542 $CellContext`T14^2 ($CellContext`T24 + \
-$CellContext`U)^2 + 
-                    752 $CellContext`T14 ($CellContext`T24 + \
-$CellContext`U)^3 + 
-                    43 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^4)) + \
-$CellContext`MH^2 (
-                    4 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24 + \
-$CellContext`U)^2 (3072 $CellContext`MT^12 + 
-                   512 $CellContext`MT^10 (43 $CellContext`T14 + 
-                    7 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)) + $CellContext`T14 \
-($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^3 ((-17) $CellContext`T14^2 + 
-                    6 $CellContext`T14 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U) + \
-($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^2) + 
-                   128 $CellContext`MT^8 (2 $CellContext`T14^2 + 
-                    155 $CellContext`T14 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U) + 
-                    13 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^2) - 
-                   32 $CellContext`MT^6 (208 $CellContext`T14^3 - 
-                    24 $CellContext`T14^2 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U) - 
-                    209 $CellContext`T14 ($CellContext`T24 + \
-$CellContext`U)^2 - 12 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^3) + 
-                   4 $CellContext`MT^4 ((-83) $CellContext`T14^4 - 
-                    782 $CellContext`T14^3 ($CellContext`T24 + \
-$CellContext`U) + 
-                    108 $CellContext`T14^2 ($CellContext`T24 + \
-$CellContext`U)^2 + 
-                    254 $CellContext`T14 ($CellContext`T24 + \
-$CellContext`U)^3 + 11 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^4) + 
-                   2 $CellContext`MT^2 (-$CellContext`T14^5 - 
-                    27 $CellContext`T14^4 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U) - 
-                    217 $CellContext`T14^3 ($CellContext`T24 + \
-$CellContext`U)^2 + 
-                    44 $CellContext`T14^2 ($CellContext`T24 + \
-$CellContext`U)^3 + 
-                    32 $CellContext`T14 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^4 + \
-($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^5)) - $CellContext`MH^4 (
-                  4096 $CellContext`MT^14 + 
-                  2048 $CellContext`MT^12 (49 $CellContext`T14 + 
-                    3 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)) + 
-                  1280 $CellContext`MT^10 (95 $CellContext`T14^2 + 
-                    96 $CellContext`T14 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U) + 
-                    3 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^2) - 
-                  256 $CellContext`MT^8 (401 $CellContext`T14^3 - 
-                   497 $CellContext`T14^2 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U) - 
-                   238 $CellContext`T14 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^2 - 
-                   5 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^3) - 
-                  16 $CellContext`MT^6 (2297 $CellContext`T14^4 + 
-                   4760 $CellContext`T14^3 ($CellContext`T24 + \
-$CellContext`U) - 
-                   3282 $CellContext`T14^2 ($CellContext`T24 + \
-$CellContext`U)^2 - 
-                   968 $CellContext`T14 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^3 - 
-                   15 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^4) + \
-$CellContext`T14 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^2 ((-51) \
-$CellContext`T14^4 - 
-                    138 $CellContext`T14^3 ($CellContext`T24 + \
-$CellContext`U) - 80 $CellContext`T14^2 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^2 + 
-                    42 $CellContext`T14 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^3 + 
-                    3 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^4) - 
-                  8 $CellContext`MT^4 (431 $CellContext`T14^5 + 
-                   2349 $CellContext`T14^4 ($CellContext`T24 + \
-$CellContext`U) + 
-                   2514 $CellContext`T14^3 ($CellContext`T24 + \
-$CellContext`U)^2 - 
-                   1334 $CellContext`T14^2 ($CellContext`T24 + \
-$CellContext`U)^3 - 
-                   261 $CellContext`T14 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^4 - 
-                   3 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^5) + \
-$CellContext`MT^2 ((-35) $CellContext`T14^6 - 
-                    920 $CellContext`T14^5 ($CellContext`T24 + \
-$CellContext`U) - 
-                    2953 $CellContext`T14^4 ($CellContext`T24 + \
-$CellContext`U)^2 - 
-                    2192 $CellContext`T14^3 ($CellContext`T24 + \
-$CellContext`U)^3 + 
-                    1067 $CellContext`T14^2 ($CellContext`T24 + \
-$CellContext`U)^4 + 
-                    136 $CellContext`T14 ($CellContext`T24 + \
-$CellContext`U)^5 + ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^6))) 
-                X`DiscB[$CellContext`MH^2 - 
-                  4 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`T24 - $CellContext`U, \
-$CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT]/
-                X`Kallen\[Lambda][$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`T14, \
-$CellContext`MH^2 - 4 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`T24 - $CellContext`U] - 
-               6 $CellContext`T14 (128 $CellContext`MT^8 + 
-                32 $CellContext`MT^6 (5 $CellContext`T14 + 
-                  3 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)) + 
-                2 $CellContext`MT^2 (
-                  20 $CellContext`MH^4 $CellContext`T14 + ($CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^2 (
-                    7 $CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U) - 
-                  12 $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`T14 (2 $CellContext`T14 + 
-                   3 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U))) + 
-                8 $CellContext`MT^4 ((-20) $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`T14 + 
-                  3 (3 $CellContext`T14^2 + 
-                    4 $CellContext`T14 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U) + \
-($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^2)) + $CellContext`T14 (($CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^3 + 
-                  2 $CellContext`MH^4 ($CellContext`T14 + 
-                    5 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)) - 
-                  2 $CellContext`MH^2 ($CellContext`T14^2 + 
-                   5 $CellContext`T14 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U) + 
-                   4 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^2))) 
-               X`Kallen\[Lambda][$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`T14, \
-$CellContext`MH^2 - 
-                  4 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`T24 - \
-               X`ScalarC0[$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`T14, \
-$CellContext`MH^2 - 
-                 4 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`T24 - $CellContext`U, \
-$CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT])))}, 0, 3, 1],
-        Editable->False], ")"}], "+", 
-      RowBox[{
-       FractionBox["1", 
-        RowBox[{
-         SuperscriptBox["MH", "2"], "-", "S34", "-", "T14", "-", "T24"}]], 
-       RowBox[{"(", 
-        RowBox[{
-         RowBox[{
-          FractionBox["1", "T"], 
-          RowBox[{"(", 
-           RowBox[{
-            RowBox[{
-             RowBox[{"(", 
-              RowBox[{
-               RowBox[{"4", " ", 
-                RowBox[{"(", 
-                 RowBox[{"2", "+", 
-                  FractionBox["1", "\[Epsilon]"], "+", 
-                  RowBox[{"DiscB", "[", 
-                   RowBox[{"T", ",", "MT", ",", "MT"}], "]"}], "+", 
-                  RowBox[{"Log", "[", 
-                   FractionBox[
-                    SuperscriptBox["\[Micro]", "2"], 
-                    SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"]], "]"}]}], ")"}]}], "-", 
-               RowBox[{
-                FractionBox["1", 
-                 RowBox[{
-                  SuperscriptBox["MH", "2"], "-", "T"}]], 
-                RowBox[{"4", " ", 
-                 RowBox[{"(", 
-                  RowBox[{
-                   RowBox[{"3", " ", 
-                    SuperscriptBox["MH", "2"]}], "+", 
-                   FractionBox[
-                    SuperscriptBox["MH", "2"], "\[Epsilon]"], "-", 
-                   RowBox[{"3", " ", "T"}], "-", 
-                   FractionBox["T", "\[Epsilon]"], "+", 
-                   RowBox[{
-                    SuperscriptBox["MH", "2"], " ", 
-                    RowBox[{"DiscB", "[", 
-                    RowBox[{
-                    SuperscriptBox["MH", "2"], ",", "MT", ",", "MT"}], 
-                    "]"}]}], "-", 
-                   RowBox[{"T", " ", 
-                    RowBox[{"DiscB", "[", 
-                    RowBox[{"T", ",", "MT", ",", "MT"}], "]"}]}], "+", 
-                   RowBox[{
-                    SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"], " ", 
-                    SuperscriptBox[
-                    RowBox[{"Log", "[", 
-                    FractionBox[
-                    RowBox[{
-                    RowBox[{"-", 
-                    SuperscriptBox["MH", "2"]}], "+", 
-                    RowBox[{"2", " ", 
-                    SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"]}], "+", 
-                    RowBox[{"MH", " ", 
-                    SqrtBox[
-                    RowBox[{
-                    SuperscriptBox["MH", "2"], "-", 
-                    RowBox[{"4", " ", 
-                    SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"]}]}]]}]}], 
-                    RowBox[{"2", " ", 
-                    SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"]}]], "]"}], "2"]}], "+", 
-                   RowBox[{
-                    SuperscriptBox["MH", "2"], " ", 
-                    RowBox[{"Log", "[", 
-                    FractionBox[
-                    SuperscriptBox["\[Micro]", "2"], 
-                    SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"]], "]"}]}], "-", 
-                   RowBox[{"T", " ", 
-                    RowBox[{"Log", "[", 
-                    FractionBox[
-                    SuperscriptBox["\[Micro]", "2"], 
-                    SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"]], "]"}]}], "-", 
-                   RowBox[{
-                    SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"], " ", 
-                    SuperscriptBox[
-                    RowBox[{"Log", "[", 
-                    FractionBox[
-                    RowBox[{
-                    RowBox[{"2", " ", 
-                    SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"]}], "-", "T", "+", 
-                    SqrtBox[
-                    RowBox[{"T", " ", 
-                    RowBox[{"(", 
-                    RowBox[{
-                    RowBox[{
-                    RowBox[{"-", "4"}], " ", 
-                    SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"]}], "+", "T"}], ")"}]}]]}], 
-                    RowBox[{"2", " ", 
-                    SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"]}]], "]"}], "2"]}]}], 
-                  ")"}]}]}]}], ")"}], " ", 
-             RowBox[{"(", 
-              RowBox[{
-               RowBox[{
-                RowBox[{"(", 
-                 RowBox[{
-                  RowBox[{"4", " ", 
-                   RowBox[{"Pair", "[", 
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-                    RowBox[{"k", "[", "5", "]"}]}], "]"}], " ", 
-                   RowBox[{"Pair", "[", 
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-                    RowBox[{"k", "[", "4", "]"}]}], "]"}]}], "+", 
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-                   RowBox[{"Pair", "[", 
-                    RowBox[{
-                    RowBox[{"e", "[", "1", "]"}], ",", 
-                    RowBox[{"k", "[", "3", "]"}]}], "]"}], " ", 
-                   RowBox[{"(", 
-                    RowBox[{
-                    RowBox[{"Pair", "[", 
-                    RowBox[{
-                    RowBox[{"e", "[", "2", "]"}], ",", 
-                    RowBox[{"k", "[", "4", "]"}]}], "]"}], "-", 
-                    RowBox[{"Pair", "[", 
-                    RowBox[{
-                    RowBox[{"e", "[", "2", "]"}], ",", 
-                    RowBox[{"k", "[", "5", "]"}]}], "]"}]}], ")"}]}], "-", 
-                  RowBox[{"4", " ", 
-                   RowBox[{"Pair", "[", 
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-                    RowBox[{
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-                    RowBox[{"k", "[", "4", "]"}]}], "]"}]}]}], ")"}]}]}], 
-                    ")"}]}]}], ")"}], " ", 
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-                     ",", "MT"}], "]"}], " ", 
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-                    "T24"}], ")"}], "2"]}], 
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-                    RowBox[{"(", 
-                    RowBox[{
-                    RowBox[{"4", " ", 
-                    SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"]}], "+", "S34", "+", "T14", "+", 
-                    "T24"}], ")"}], "2"]}], ")"}], "2"]], "+", 
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-                    ")"}]}], "-", 
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-                    RowBox[{"S34", "+", "T14", "+", "T24"}], ")"}], "2"]}]}], 
-                    ")"}]}], "+", 
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-                    "+", 
-                    RowBox[{"3", " ", 
-                    SuperscriptBox[
-                    RowBox[{"(", 
-                    RowBox[{"S34", "+", "T14", "+", "T24"}], ")"}], "3"]}]}], 
-                    ")"}]}]}], ")"}], " ", 
-                    SuperscriptBox["\[Beta]", "2"]}], ")"}], "/", 
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-                    RowBox[{
-                    RowBox[{"4", " ", 
-                    SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"]}], "+", "S34", "+", "T14", "+", 
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-                    Editable->False]}],
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-                    24 $CellContext`MT^4 ((-2) $CellContext`MH^2 + 
-                    4 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24)^2 ((-16) $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`MT^2 + (
-                    4 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24)^2)^(-2), 0, 
-                    8 $CellContext`MT^4 (
-                    16 $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`MT^2 - (
-                    4 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24)^2)^(-3) ((
-                    4 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24)^3 (4 $CellContext`MT^2 - 
-                    5 ($CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24)) - 8 $CellContext`MH^4 (16 $CellContext`MT^4 + 
-                    3 ($CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24)^2) + 8 $CellContext`MH^2 (32 $CellContext`MT^6 + 
-                    16 $CellContext`MT^4 ($CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24) + 
-                    14 $CellContext`MT^2 ($CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24)^2 + 
-                    3 ($CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24)^3))}, 0, 4, 1],
-                    Editable->False], ")"}]}], "+", 
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-                    RowBox[{
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-                    RowBox[{
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-                    SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"]}], "+", "S34", "+", "T14", "+", 
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-                    RowBox[{
-                    RowBox[{"-", 
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-                    RowBox[{
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-                    SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"]}], "+", "S34", "+", "T14", "+", 
-                    "T24"}], ")"}], "2"]}], " ", 
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-                    RowBox[{
-                    RowBox[{"12", " ", 
-                    SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"]}], "+", "S34", "+", "T14", "+", 
-                    "T24"}], ")"}]}], "+", 
-                    RowBox[{"8", " ", 
-                    SuperscriptBox["MH", "2"], " ", 
-                    SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"], " ", 
-                    RowBox[{"(", 
-                    RowBox[{
-                    RowBox[{"12", " ", 
-                    SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"]}], "+", 
-                    RowBox[{"5", " ", 
-                    RowBox[{"(", 
-                    RowBox[{"S34", "+", "T14", "+", "T24"}], ")"}]}]}], 
-                    ")"}]}]}], ")"}], " ", 
-                    RowBox[{"DiscB", "[", 
-                    RowBox[{
-                    SuperscriptBox["MH", "2"], ",", "MT", ",", "MT"}], 
-                    "]"}]}], "+", 
-                    RowBox[{
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-                    RowBox[{
-                    RowBox[{
-                    RowBox[{"-", "192"}], " ", 
-                    SuperscriptBox["MT", "6"]}], "+", 
-                    RowBox[{"16", " ", 
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-                    RowBox[{"(", 
-                    RowBox[{"S34", "+", "T14", "+", "T24"}], ")"}]}], "+", 
-                    RowBox[{"20", " ", 
-                    SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"], " ", 
-                    SuperscriptBox[
-                    RowBox[{"(", 
-                    RowBox[{"S34", "+", "T14", "+", "T24"}], ")"}], "2"]}], 
-                    "+", 
-                    SuperscriptBox[
-                    RowBox[{"(", 
-                    RowBox[{"S34", "+", "T14", "+", "T24"}], ")"}], "3"], "+", 
-                    RowBox[{"8", " ", 
-                    SuperscriptBox["MH", "2"], " ", 
-                    RowBox[{"(", 
-                    RowBox[{
-                    RowBox[{"12", " ", 
-                    SuperscriptBox["MT", "4"]}], "-", 
-                    RowBox[{"5", " ", 
-                    SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"], " ", 
-                    RowBox[{"(", 
-                    RowBox[{"S34", "+", "T14", "+", "T24"}], ")"}]}]}], 
-                    ")"}]}]}], ")"}], " ", 
-                    RowBox[{"DiscB", "[", 
-                    RowBox[{
-                    RowBox[{
-                    SuperscriptBox["MH", "2"], "-", "S34", "-", "T14", "-", 
-                    "T24"}], ",", "MT", ",", "MT"}], "]"}]}]}], ")"}], "/", 
-                    RowBox[{"(", 
-                    RowBox[{"2", " ", 
-                    SuperscriptBox[
-                    RowBox[{"(", 
-                    RowBox[{
-                    RowBox[{
-                    RowBox[{"-", "16"}], " ", 
-                    SuperscriptBox["MH", "2"], " ", 
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-                    SuperscriptBox[
-                    RowBox[{"(", 
-                    RowBox[{
-                    RowBox[{"4", " ", 
-                    SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"]}], "+", "S34", "+", "T14", "+", 
-                    "T24"}], ")"}], "2"]}], ")"}], "2"]}], ")"}]}], "+", 
-                    FractionBox[
-                    RowBox[{"48", " ", "\[ImaginaryI]", " ", 
-                    SuperscriptBox["MT", "4"], " ", "\[Pi]", " ", 
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-                    RowBox[{
-                    RowBox[{
-                    RowBox[{"-", "2"}], " ", 
-                    SuperscriptBox["MH", "2"]}], "+", 
-                    RowBox[{"4", " ", 
-                    SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"]}], "+", "S34", "+", "T14", "+", 
-                    "T24"}], ")"}], " ", "\[Beta]"}], 
-                    SuperscriptBox[
-                    RowBox[{"(", 
-                    RowBox[{
-                    RowBox[{
-                    RowBox[{"-", "16"}], " ", 
-                    SuperscriptBox["MH", "2"], " ", 
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-                    SuperscriptBox[
-                    RowBox[{"(", 
-                    RowBox[{
-                    RowBox[{"4", " ", 
-                    SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"]}], "+", "S34", "+", "T14", "+", 
-                    "T24"}], ")"}], "2"]}], ")"}], "2"]], "-", 
-                    RowBox[{
-                    RowBox[{"(", 
-                    RowBox[{"2", " ", 
-                    RowBox[{"(", 
-                    RowBox[{
-                    SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"], " ", 
-                    RowBox[{"(", 
-                    RowBox[{
-                    RowBox[{
-                    RowBox[{"-", "2"}], " ", 
-                    RowBox[{"(", 
-                    RowBox[{
-                    RowBox[{"48", " ", 
-                    SuperscriptBox["MH", "2"], " ", 
-                    SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"]}], "-", 
-                    RowBox[{"112", " ", 
-                    SuperscriptBox["MT", "4"]}], "-", 
-                    RowBox[{"24", " ", 
-                    SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"], " ", 
-                    RowBox[{"(", 
-                    RowBox[{"S34", "+", "T14", "+", "T24"}], ")"}]}], "+", 
-                    SuperscriptBox[
-                    RowBox[{"(", 
-                    RowBox[{"S34", "+", "T14", "+", "T24"}], ")"}], "2"]}], 
-                    ")"}], " ", 
-                    RowBox[{"(", 
-                    RowBox[{
-                    RowBox[{"16", " ", 
-                    SuperscriptBox["MH", "2"], " ", 
-                    SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"]}], "-", 
-                    SuperscriptBox[
-                    RowBox[{"(", 
-                    RowBox[{
-                    RowBox[{"4", " ", 
-                    SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"]}], "+", "S34", "+", "T14", "+", 
-                    "T24"}], ")"}], "2"]}], ")"}]}], "+", 
-                    RowBox[{
-                    RowBox[{"(", 
-                    RowBox[{
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-                    SuperscriptBox["MT", "8"]}], "+", 
-                    RowBox[{"512", " ", 
-                    SuperscriptBox["MT", "6"], " ", 
-                    RowBox[{"(", 
-                    RowBox[{"S34", "+", "T14", "+", "T24"}], ")"}]}], "-", 
-                    RowBox[{"96", " ", 
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-                    RowBox[{
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-                    "T24"}], ")"}], " ", 
-                    RowBox[{"(", 
-                    RowBox[{"S34", "+", "T14", "+", "T24"}], ")"}]}], "+", 
-                    RowBox[{
-                    RowBox[{"(", 
-                    RowBox[{
-                    RowBox[{"2", " ", 
-                    SuperscriptBox["MH", "2"]}], "-", "S34", "-", "T14", "-", 
-                    "T24"}], ")"}], " ", 
-                    SuperscriptBox[
-                    RowBox[{"(", 
-                    RowBox[{"S34", "+", "T14", "+", "T24"}], ")"}], "3"]}], 
-                    "+", 
-                    RowBox[{"16", " ", 
-                    SuperscriptBox["MH", "2"], " ", 
-                    SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"], " ", 
-                    RowBox[{"(", 
-                    RowBox[{"S34", "+", "T14", "+", "T24"}], ")"}], " ", 
-                    RowBox[{"(", 
-                    RowBox[{
-                    RowBox[{"10", " ", 
-                    SuperscriptBox["MH", "2"]}], "-", 
-                    RowBox[{"7", " ", 
-                    RowBox[{"(", 
-                    RowBox[{"S34", "+", "T14", "+", "T24"}], ")"}]}]}], 
-                    ")"}]}]}], ")"}], " ", 
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-                    RowBox[{
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-                    "]"}]}], "+", 
-                    RowBox[{
-                    RowBox[{"(", 
-                    RowBox[{
-                    RowBox[{"768", " ", 
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-                    RowBox[{"512", " ", 
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-                    RowBox[{"(", 
-                    RowBox[{
-                    RowBox[{"2", " ", 
-                    SuperscriptBox["MH", "2"]}], "-", "S34", "-", "T14", "-", 
-                    "T24"}], ")"}], " ", 
-                    SuperscriptBox[
-                    RowBox[{"(", 
-                    RowBox[{"S34", "+", "T14", "+", "T24"}], ")"}], "3"]}], 
-                    "+", 
-                    RowBox[{"96", " ", 
-                    SuperscriptBox["MT", "4"], " ", 
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-                    RowBox[{"5", " ", 
-                    SuperscriptBox["MH", "2"]}], "-", 
-                    RowBox[{"4", " ", 
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-                    RowBox[{"S34", "+", "T14", "+", "T24"}], ")"}]}]}], 
-                    ")"}]}], "-", 
-                    RowBox[{"16", " ", 
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-                    RowBox[{"(", 
-                    RowBox[{
-                    RowBox[{"10", " ", 
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-                    RowBox[{"13", " ", 
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-                    RowBox[{"(", 
-                    RowBox[{"S34", "+", "T14", "+", "T24"}], ")"}]}], "+", 
-                    RowBox[{"3", " ", 
-                    SuperscriptBox[
-                    RowBox[{"(", 
-                    RowBox[{"S34", "+", "T14", "+", "T24"}], ")"}], "2"]}]}], 
-                    ")"}]}]}], ")"}], " ", 
-                    RowBox[{"DiscB", "[", 
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-                    SuperscriptBox["MH", "2"], "-", "S34", "-", "T14", "-", 
-                    "T24"}], ",", "MT", ",", "MT"}], "]"}]}]}], ")"}]}], 
-                    ")"}], " ", 
-                    SuperscriptBox["\[Beta]", "2"]}], ")"}], "/", 
-                    SuperscriptBox[
-                    RowBox[{"(", 
-                    RowBox[{
-                    RowBox[{"16", " ", 
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-                    SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"]}], "-", 
-                    SuperscriptBox[
-                    RowBox[{"(", 
-                    RowBox[{
-                    RowBox[{"4", " ", 
-                    SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"]}], "+", "S34", "+", "T14", "+", 
-                    "T24"}], ")"}], "2"]}], ")"}], "3"]}], "+", 
-                    FractionBox[
-                    RowBox[{"96", " ", "\[ImaginaryI]", " ", 
-                    SuperscriptBox["MT", "4"], " ", "\[Pi]", " ", 
-                    RowBox[{"(", 
-                    RowBox[{
-                    RowBox[{"32", " ", 
-                    SuperscriptBox["MT", "6"]}], "-", 
-                    RowBox[{"6", " ", 
-                    SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"], " ", 
-                    SuperscriptBox[
-                    RowBox[{"(", 
-                    RowBox[{"S34", "+", "T14", "+", "T24"}], ")"}], "2"]}], 
-                    "+", 
-                    RowBox[{
-                    RowBox[{"(", 
-                    RowBox[{
-                    RowBox[{"2", " ", 
-                    SuperscriptBox["MH", "2"]}], "-", "S34", "-", "T14", "-", 
-                    "T24"}], ")"}], " ", 
-                    SuperscriptBox[
-                    RowBox[{"(", 
-                    RowBox[{"S34", "+", "T14", "+", "T24"}], ")"}], "2"]}]}], 
-                    ")"}], " ", 
-                    SuperscriptBox["\[Beta]", "3"]}], 
-                    SuperscriptBox[
-                    RowBox[{"(", 
-                    RowBox[{
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-                    SuperscriptBox[
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-                    RowBox[{
-                    RowBox[{"4", " ", 
-                    SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"]}], "+", "S34", "+", "T14", "+", 
-                    "T24"}], ")"}], "2"]}], ")"}], "3"]], "+", 
-                    InterpretationBox[
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-                    Editable->False]}],
-                    SeriesData[$CellContext`\[Beta], 0, {
-                    Rational[
-                    1, 2] ((-16) $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`MT^2 + (
-                    4 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24)^2)^(-2) (
-                    8 $CellContext`MT^2 ((-16) $CellContext`MH^2 \
-$CellContext`MT^2 + (
-                    4 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24)^2) + (-(
-                    4 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24)^2 (
-                    12 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`S34 + \
-$CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24) + 
-                    8 $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`MT^2 (
-                    12 $CellContext`MT^2 + 
-                    5 ($CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T14 + \
-                    X`DiscB[$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`MT, \
-$CellContext`MT] + ((-192) $CellContext`MT^6 + 
-                    16 $CellContext`MT^4 ($CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24) + 
-                    20 $CellContext`MT^2 ($CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24)^2 + ($CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24)^3 + 8 $CellContext`MH^2 (12 $CellContext`MT^4 - 
-                    5 $CellContext`MT^2 ($CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T14 + \
-                    X`DiscB[$CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34 - \
-$CellContext`T14 - $CellContext`T24, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT]), 
-                    Complex[0, 48] $CellContext`MT^4 
-                    Pi ((-2) $CellContext`MH^2 + 
-                    4 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24) ((-16) $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`MT^2 + (
-                    4 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24)^2)^(-2), (-2) $CellContext`MT^2 (
-                    16 $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`MT^2 - (
-                    4 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24)^2)^(-3) ((-2) (48 $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`MT^2 - 
-                    112 $CellContext`MT^4 - 
-                    24 $CellContext`MT^2 ($CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24) + ($CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24)^2) (16 $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`MT^2 - (
-                    4 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24)^2) + (768 $CellContext`MT^8 + 
-                    512 $CellContext`MT^6 ($CellContext`S34 + \
-$CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24) - 
-                    96 $CellContext`MT^4 (
-                    5 $CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34 - $CellContext`T14 - \
-$CellContext`T24) ($CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24) + (
-                    2 $CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34 - $CellContext`T14 - \
-$CellContext`T24) ($CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24)^3 + 
-                    16 $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`MT^2 ($CellContext`S34 + \
-$CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24) (10 $CellContext`MH^2 - 
-                    7 ($CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T14 + \
-                    X`DiscB[$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`MT, \
-$CellContext`MT] + (768 $CellContext`MT^8 - 
-                    512 $CellContext`MT^6 ($CellContext`S34 + \
-$CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24) - (
-                    2 $CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34 - $CellContext`T14 - \
-$CellContext`T24) ($CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24)^3 + 
-                    96 $CellContext`MT^4 ($CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24) (5 $CellContext`MH^2 - 
-                    4 ($CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24)) - 
-                    16 $CellContext`MT^2 ($CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24) (10 $CellContext`MH^4 - 
-                    13 $CellContext`MH^2 ($CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24) + 
-                    3 ($CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T14 + \
-                    X`DiscB[$CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34 - \
-$CellContext`T14 - $CellContext`T24, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT]), 
-                    Complex[0, 96] $CellContext`MT^4 
-                    Pi (32 $CellContext`MT^6 - 
-                    6 $CellContext`MT^2 ($CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24)^2 + (
-                    2 $CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34 - $CellContext`T14 - \
-$CellContext`T24) ($CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24)^2) \
-(16 $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`MT^2 - (
-                    4 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24)^2)^(-3)}, 0, 4, 1],
-                    Editable->False], ")"}]}], ")"}]}], "+", 
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-                    RowBox[{"64", " ", 
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-                    "-", 
-                    RowBox[{"3", " ", 
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-                    RowBox[{"(", 
-                    RowBox[{"S34", "+", "T14", "+", "T24"}], ")"}], "3"]}]}], 
-                    ")"}]}]}], ")"}]}], ")"}], " ", 
-                    SuperscriptBox["\[Beta]", "2"]}], ")"}], "/", 
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-                    SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"]}], "+", "S34", "+", "T14", "+", 
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-                    SeriesData[$CellContext`\[Beta], 0, {}, 0, 4, 1],
-                    Editable->False]}],
-                    SeriesData[$CellContext`\[Beta], 
-                    0, {-$CellContext`MT^2 ((-16) $CellContext`MH^2 \
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-                    4 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24)^2)^(-2) ((-8) $CellContext`MH^2 ($CellContext`S34 + \
-$CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24) (
-                    4 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24) + (
-                    4 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24)^3 - 4 $CellContext`MH^4 (4 $CellContext`MT^2 - 
-                    3 ($CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24))), 0, (-4) $CellContext`MT^2 (
-                    16 $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`MT^2 - (
-                    4 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24)^2)^(-3) ((-48) $CellContext`MH^6 $CellContext`MT^2 \
-($CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24) - 
-                    2 $CellContext`MH^2 (
-                    14 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`S34 - \
-$CellContext`T14 - $CellContext`T24) ($CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24) (
-                    4 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24)^2 + $CellContext`MT^2 (
-                    4 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24)^4 + $CellContext`MH^4 (128 $CellContext`MT^6 + 
-                    208 $CellContext`MT^4 ($CellContext`S34 + \
-$CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24) + 
-                    64 $CellContext`MT^2 ($CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T14 + \
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-                    3 ($CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T14 + \
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-                    RowBox[{"(", 
-                    RowBox[{"S34", "+", "T14", "+", "T24"}], ")"}], "2"]}], 
-                    ")"}]}]}], ")"}], " ", 
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-                    RowBox[{"2", " ", "\[ImaginaryI]", " ", 
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-                    ")"}]}]}], ")"}], " ", "\[Beta]"}], 
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-                    RowBox[{"3", " ", 
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-                    ")"}]}], "+", 
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-                    RowBox[{"64", " ", 
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-                    RowBox[{"(", 
-                    RowBox[{"S34", "+", "T14", "+", "T24"}], ")"}]}], "+", 
-                    RowBox[{"28", " ", 
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-                    SuperscriptBox[
-                    RowBox[{"(", 
-                    RowBox[{"S34", "+", "T14", "+", "T24"}], ")"}], "2"]}], 
-                    "-", 
-                    RowBox[{"7", " ", 
-                    SuperscriptBox[
-                    RowBox[{"(", 
-                    RowBox[{"S34", "+", "T14", "+", "T24"}], ")"}], "3"]}]}], 
-                    ")"}]}]}], ")"}], " ", 
-                    RowBox[{"DiscB", "[", 
-                    RowBox[{
-                    RowBox[{
-                    SuperscriptBox["MH", "2"], "-", "S34", "-", "T14", "-", 
-                    "T24"}], ",", "MT", ",", "MT"}], "]"}]}]}], ")"}], " ", 
-                    SuperscriptBox["\[Beta]", "2"]}], ")"}], "/", 
-                    SuperscriptBox[
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-                    RowBox[{
-                    RowBox[{"4", " ", 
-                    SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"]}], "+", "S34", "+", "T14", "+", 
-                    "T24"}], ")"}], "2"]}], ")"}], "3"]}], "-", 
-                    RowBox[{
-                    RowBox[{"(", 
-                    RowBox[{"2", " ", "\[ImaginaryI]", " ", 
-                    SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"], " ", "\[Pi]", " ", 
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-                    RowBox[{"96", " ", 
-                    SuperscriptBox["MH", "4"], " ", 
-                    SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"], " ", 
-                    RowBox[{"(", 
-                    RowBox[{"S34", "+", "T14", "+", "T24"}], ")"}]}], "+", 
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-                    RowBox[{"(", 
-                    RowBox[{
-                    RowBox[{"4", " ", 
-                    SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"]}], "-", "S34", "-", "T14", "-", 
-                    "T24"}], ")"}], " ", 
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-                    RowBox[{"(", 
-                    RowBox[{
-                    RowBox[{"4", " ", 
-                    SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"]}], "+", "S34", "+", "T14", "+", 
-                    "T24"}], ")"}], "3"]}], "+", 
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-                    RowBox[{"(", 
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-                    "+", 
-                    RowBox[{"3", " ", 
-                    SuperscriptBox[
-                    RowBox[{"(", 
-                    RowBox[{"S34", "+", "T14", "+", "T24"}], ")"}], "3"]}]}], 
-                    ")"}]}]}], ")"}], " ", 
-                    SuperscriptBox["\[Beta]", "3"]}], ")"}], "/", 
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-                    RowBox[{
-                    RowBox[{"4", " ", 
-                    SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"]}], "+", "S34", "+", "T14", "+", 
-                    "T24"}], ")"}], "2"]}], ")"}], "3"]}], "+", 
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-                    Editable->False]}],
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-                    Rational[-1, 
-                    2] ((-16) $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`MT^2 + (
-                    4 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24)^2)^(-2) ((
-                    4 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24) ((-16) $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`MT^2 + (
-                    4 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24)^2) + $CellContext`MH^2 (
-                    32 $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`MT^2 - 
-                    80 $CellContext`MT^4 - 
-                    16 $CellContext`MT^2 ($CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24) + ($CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T14 + \
-                    X`DiscB[$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`MT, \
-$CellContext`MT] - (32 $CellContext`MH^4 $CellContext`MT^2 + 
-                    4 $CellContext`MT^2 (
-                    4 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24)^2 + $CellContext`MH^2 ((-48) $CellContext`MT^4 - 
-                    40 $CellContext`MT^2 ($CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24) + ($CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T14 + \
-                    X`DiscB[$CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34 - \
-$CellContext`T14 - $CellContext`T24, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT]), 
-                    Complex[0, -2] $CellContext`MT^2 
-                    Pi ((-16) $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`MT^2 + (
-                    4 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24)^2)^(-2) ((
-                    4 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24)^2 + $CellContext`MH^2 (8 $CellContext`MT^2 - 
-                    6 ($CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24))), 2 $CellContext`MT^2 (
-                    16 $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`MT^2 - (
-                    4 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24)^2)^(-3) ((
-                    16 $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`MT^2 - (
-                    4 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24)^2) (
-                    16 $CellContext`MH^2 ($CellContext`MT^2 - \
-$CellContext`S34 - $CellContext`T14 - $CellContext`T24) + 
-                    3 (4 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`S34 + \
-$CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24)^2) + 
-                    8 $CellContext`MH^2 (
-                    16 $CellContext`MH^4 $CellContext`MT^2 + (
-                    5 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`S34 - $CellContext`T14 - \
-$CellContext`T24) (
-                    4 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24)^2 + 2 $CellContext`MH^2 ((-24) $CellContext`MT^4 - 
-                    8 $CellContext`MT^2 ($CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24) + ($CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T14 + \
-                    X`DiscB[$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`MT, \
-$CellContext`MT] - (128 $CellContext`MH^6 $CellContext`MT^2 - (
-                    4 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`S34 - $CellContext`T14 - \
-$CellContext`T24) (
-                    4 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24)^3 - 16 $CellContext`MH^4 (24 $CellContext`MT^4 + 
-                    14 $CellContext`MT^2 ($CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24) - ($CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24)^2) + 2 $CellContext`MH^2 (64 $CellContext`MT^6 + 
-                    240 $CellContext`MT^4 ($CellContext`S34 + \
-$CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24) + 
-                    28 $CellContext`MT^2 ($CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24)^2 - 
-                    7 ($CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T14 + \
-                    X`DiscB[$CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34 - \
-$CellContext`T14 - $CellContext`T24, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT]), 
-                    Complex[0, -2] $CellContext`MT^2 
-                    Pi (16 $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`MT^2 - (
-                    4 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24)^2)^(-3) (
-                    96 $CellContext`MH^4 $CellContext`MT^2 ($CellContext`S34 + \
-$CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24) + (
-                    4 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`S34 - $CellContext`T14 - \
-$CellContext`T24) (
-                    4 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24)^3 + 2 $CellContext`MH^2 (256 $CellContext`MT^6 - 
-                    144 $CellContext`MT^4 ($CellContext`S34 + \
-$CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24) - 
-                    40 $CellContext`MT^2 ($CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24)^2 + 
-                    3 ($CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24)^3))}, 0, 4, 1],
-                    Editable->False], ")"}]}], ")"}]}]}], ")"}]}], "-", 
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-                    RowBox[{"2", " ", "T24"}], "+", "U"}], ")"}], " ", 
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-                    "T24"}], ")"}], "2"]}], 
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-                    RowBox[{
-                    RowBox[{"4", " ", 
-                    SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"]}], "+", "S34", "+", "T14", "+", 
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-                    "T24"}], ")"}], " ", 
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-                    SuperscriptBox[
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-                    ")"}]}], ")"}], " ", 
-                    SuperscriptBox["\[Beta]", "2"]}], 
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-                    RowBox[{
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-                    RowBox[{"-", "16"}], " ", 
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-                    SuperscriptBox[
-                    RowBox[{"(", 
-                    RowBox[{
-                    RowBox[{"4", " ", 
-                    SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"]}], "+", "S34", "+", "T14", "+", 
-                    "T24"}], ")"}], "2"]}], ")"}], "2"]], "+", 
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-                    Editable->False]}],
-                  SeriesData[$CellContext`\[Beta], 0, {
-                   Rational[-1, 2] $CellContext`MT^2 ((-2) $CellContext`MH^2 + 
-                    4 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T14 + \
-                    16 $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`MT^2 - (
-                    4 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T14 + \
-                    0, (-2) $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`MT^2 \
-($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34 - $CellContext`T14 - $CellContext`T24) (
-                    16 $CellContext`MT^4 - ($CellContext`S34 + \
-$CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24)^2) ((-16) $CellContext`MH^2 \
-$CellContext`MT^2 + (
-                    4 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24)^2)^(-2)}, 0, 4, 1],
-                  Editable->False], ")"}]}], "+", 
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-                   FractionBox["1", "4"], " ", 
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-                    FractionBox["1", "\[Epsilon]"], "+", 
-                    FractionBox[
-                    RowBox[{
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-                    RowBox[{"(", 
-                    RowBox[{
-                    RowBox[{"4", " ", 
-                    SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"]}], "-", "S34", "-", "T14", "-", 
-                    "T24"}], ")"}], " ", 
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-                    "]"}]}], 
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-                    RowBox[{
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-                    RowBox[{
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-                    RowBox[{
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-                    SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"]}], "+", "S34", "+", "T14", "+", 
-                    "T24"}], ")"}], "2"]}]], "+", 
-                    RowBox[{"Log", "[", 
-                    FractionBox[
-                    SuperscriptBox["\[Micro]", "2"], 
-                    SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"]], "]"}]}], ")"}]}], "+", 
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-                    "T24"}], ")"}], " ", "\[Beta]"}], 
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-                    RowBox[{
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-                    "T24"}], ")"}], " ", 
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-                    RowBox[{
-                    RowBox[{"4", " ", 
-                    SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"]}], "+", "S34", "+", "T14", "+", 
-                    "T24"}], ")"}], "2"]}], ")"}]}], "+", 
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-                    ")"}]}]}], ")"}], " ", 
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-                    RowBox[{
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-                    SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"]}], "+", "S34", "+", "T14", "+", 
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-                    RowBox[{"S34", "+", "T14", "+", "T24"}], ")"}]}], "+", 
-                    RowBox[{"5", " ", 
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-                    RowBox[{"(", 
-                    RowBox[{"S34", "+", "T14", "+", "T24"}], ")"}], "2"]}]}], 
-                    ")"}]}]}], ")"}], " ", 
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-                    SuperscriptBox["MH", "2"], "-", "S34", "-", "T14", "-", 
-                    "T24"}], ",", "MT", ",", "MT"}], "]"}]}]}], ")"}], " ", 
-                    SuperscriptBox["\[Beta]", "2"]}], ")"}], "/", 
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-                    RowBox[{
-                    RowBox[{"4", " ", 
-                    SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"]}], "+", "S34", "+", "T14", "+", 
-                    "T24"}], ")"}], "2"]}], ")"}], "2"]}], "-", 
-                  FractionBox[
-                   RowBox[{"\[ImaginaryI]", " ", 
-                    SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"], " ", "\[Pi]", " ", 
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-                    RowBox[{
-                    RowBox[{
-                    RowBox[{"-", 
-                    RowBox[{"(", 
-                    RowBox[{"S34", "+", "T14", "+", "T24"}], ")"}]}], " ", 
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-                    RowBox[{"(", 
-                    RowBox[{
-                    RowBox[{"4", " ", 
-                    SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"]}], "+", "S34", "+", "T14", "+", 
-                    "T24"}], ")"}], "2"]}], "+", 
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-                    SuperscriptBox[
-                    RowBox[{"(", 
-                    RowBox[{"S34", "+", "T14", "+", "T24"}], ")"}], "2"]}], 
-                    ")"}]}]}], ")"}], " ", 
-                    SuperscriptBox["\[Beta]", "3"]}], 
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-                    RowBox[{
-                    RowBox[{"4", " ", 
-                    SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"]}], "+", "S34", "+", "T14", "+", 
-                    "T24"}], ")"}], "2"]}], ")"}], "2"]], "+", 
-                  InterpretationBox[
-                   SuperscriptBox[
-                    RowBox[{"O", "[", "\[Beta]", "]"}], "4"],
-                   SeriesData[$CellContext`\[Beta], 0, {}, 0, 4, 1],
-                   Editable->False]}],
-                 SeriesData[$CellContext`\[Beta], 0, {
-                  Rational[1, 4] (3 + 
-                    X`Eps^(-1) + $CellContext`MH^2 (
-                    4 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`S34 - $CellContext`T14 - \
-$CellContext`T24) (16 $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`MT^2 - (
-                    4 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T14 + \
-                    X`DiscB[$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`MT, \
-$CellContext`MT] + ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34 - $CellContext`T14 - \
-$CellContext`T24) (
-                    4 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24) (16 $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`MT^2 - (
-                    4 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T14 + \
-                    X`DiscB[$CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34 - \
-$CellContext`T14 - $CellContext`T24, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT] + 
-                    Log[$CellContext`MT^(-2) X`Mu^2]), 
-                   Complex[0, 1] $CellContext`MT^2 
-                   Pi ((-2) $CellContext`MH^2 + 
-                    4 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24)/((-16) $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`MT^2 + (
-                    4 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24)^2), $CellContext`MT^2 ((-16) $CellContext`MH^2 \
-$CellContext`MT^2 + (
-                    4 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24)^2)^(-2) ((-2) (2 $CellContext`MH^2 - 
-                    4 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`S34 - $CellContext`T14 - \
-$CellContext`T24) (16 $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`MT^2 - (
-                    4 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24)^2) + $CellContext`MH^2 (16 $CellContext`MT^4 - 
-                    8 $CellContext`MT^2 ($CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24) + ($CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24) (
-                    4 $CellContext`MH^2 - 
-                    3 ($CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T14 + \
-                    X`DiscB[$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`MT, \
-$CellContext`MT] - (
-                    4 $CellContext`MH^4 ($CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24) + ($CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24) (
-                    4 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24)^2 - $CellContext`MH^2 (16 $CellContext`MT^4 + 
-                    8 $CellContext`MT^2 ($CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24) + 
-                    5 ($CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T14 + \
-                    X`DiscB[$CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34 - \
-$CellContext`T14 - $CellContext`T24, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT]), 
-                   Complex[0, -1] $CellContext`MT^2 
-                   Pi ((-16) $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`MT^2 + (
-                    4 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24)^2)^(-2) (-($CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24) (
-                    4 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24)^2 + 
-                    2 $CellContext`MH^2 (
-                    16 $CellContext`MT^4 + ($CellContext`S34 + \
-$CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24)^2))}, 0, 4, 1],
-                 Editable->False], ")"}]}], ")"}]}], "+", 
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-                    RowBox[{"k", "[", "4", "]"}]}], "]"}]}]}], ")"}]}]}], 
-                    ")"}], " ", 
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-                    ")"}]}]}], ")"}]}], ")"}], "/", 
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-                    RowBox[{"k", "[", "4", "]"}]}], "]"}]}]}], ")"}]}]}], 
-                    ")"}]}]}], ")"}]}], ")"}], " ", 
-                   SuperscriptBox["\[Beta]", "2"]}], ")"}], "/", 
-                 SuperscriptBox[
-                  RowBox[{"(", 
-                   RowBox[{
-                    RowBox[{
-                    RowBox[{"-", "16"}], " ", 
-                    SuperscriptBox["MH", "2"], " ", 
-                    SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"]}], "+", 
-                    SuperscriptBox[
-                    RowBox[{"(", 
-                    RowBox[{
-                    RowBox[{"4", " ", 
-                    SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"]}], "+", "S34", "+", "T14", "+", 
-                    "T24"}], ")"}], "2"]}], ")"}], "2"]}], "+", 
-                InterpretationBox[
-                 SuperscriptBox[
-                  RowBox[{"O", "[", "\[Beta]", "]"}], "3"],
-                 SeriesData[$CellContext`\[Beta], 0, {}, 0, 3, 1],
-                 Editable->False]}],
-               SeriesData[$CellContext`\[Beta], 0, {
-                4 $CellContext`S ((-16) $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`MT^2 + \
-(4 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24)^2)^(-1) (4 (-$CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] - 2 $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] + 2 $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]])) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`ec[5]] + 8 $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`ec[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]] - 8 $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`ec[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]] - 8 $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`ec[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]] + 8 $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`ec[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`e[
-                    2]] ((-$CellContext`T - 2 $CellContext`T14 + 
-                    2 $CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`ec[5]] - 4 ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]] (-$CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]]) + ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]]) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]]))), 
-                 0, (-32) $CellContext`MT^2 $CellContext`S ((-2) \
-$CellContext`MH^2 + 
-                  4 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24) ((-16) $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`MT^2 + (
-                    4 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24)^2)^(-2) (4 (-$CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] - 2 $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] + 2 $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]])) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`ec[5]] + 8 $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`ec[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]] - 8 $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`ec[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]] - 8 $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`ec[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]] + 8 $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`ec[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`e[
-                    2]] ((-$CellContext`T - 2 $CellContext`T14 + 
-                    2 $CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`ec[5]] - 4 ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]] (-$CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]]) + ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]]) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]])))}, 0, 3, 1],
-               Editable->False], ")"}], " ", 
-             RowBox[{"(", 
-              RowBox[{
-               RowBox[{
-                RowBox[{"ScalarC0", "[", 
-                 RowBox[{
-                  SuperscriptBox["MH", "2"], ",", 
-                  RowBox[{
-                   SuperscriptBox["MH", "2"], "-", "S34", "-", "T14", "-", 
-                   "T24"}], ",", 
-                  RowBox[{"-", 
-                   FractionBox[
-                    RowBox[{"4", " ", 
-                    SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"]}], 
-                    RowBox[{
-                    RowBox[{"-", "1"}], "+", 
-                    SuperscriptBox["\[Beta]", "2"]}]]}], ",", "MT", ",", "MT",
-                   ",", "MT"}], "]"}], " ", 
-                RowBox[{"(", 
-                 InterpretationBox[
-                  RowBox[{
-                   RowBox[{
-                    SuperscriptBox["MH", "2"], " ", 
-                    RowBox[{"(", 
-                    RowBox[{
-                    RowBox[{"4", " ", 
-                    SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"]}], "-", "S34", "-", "T14", "-", 
-                    "T24"}], ")"}]}], "+", 
-                   RowBox[{"4", " ", 
-                    SuperscriptBox["MH", "2"], " ", 
-                    SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"], " ", 
-                    SuperscriptBox["\[Beta]", "2"]}], "+", 
-                   RowBox[{"4", " ", 
-                    SuperscriptBox["MH", "2"], " ", 
-                    SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"], " ", 
-                    SuperscriptBox["\[Beta]", "4"]}], "+", 
-                   InterpretationBox[
-                    SuperscriptBox[
-                    RowBox[{"O", "[", "\[Beta]", "]"}], "5"],
-                    SeriesData[$CellContext`\[Beta], 0, {}, 0, 5, 1],
-                    Editable->False]}],
-                  SeriesData[$CellContext`\[Beta], 
-                   0, {$CellContext`MH^2 (
-                    4 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`S34 - $CellContext`T14 - \
-$CellContext`T24), 0, 4 $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`MT^2, 0, 
-                    4 $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`MT^2}, 0, 5, 1],
-                  Editable->False], ")"}]}], "+", 
-               RowBox[{"(", 
-                InterpretationBox[
-                 RowBox[{
-                  RowBox[{"(", 
-                   RowBox[{
-                    RowBox[{
-                    RowBox[{"-", "2"}], " ", 
-                    SuperscriptBox["MH", "2"], " ", 
-                    RowBox[{"DiscB", "[", 
-                    RowBox[{
-                    SuperscriptBox["MH", "2"], ",", "MT", ",", "MT"}], 
-                    "]"}]}], "+", 
-                    RowBox[{
-                    RowBox[{"(", 
-                    RowBox[{
-                    RowBox[{"2", " ", 
-                    SuperscriptBox["MH", "2"]}], "-", 
-                    RowBox[{"4", " ", 
-                    SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"]}], "-", "S34", "-", "T14", "-", 
-                    "T24"}], ")"}], " ", 
-                    RowBox[{"DiscB", "[", 
-                    RowBox[{
-                    RowBox[{
-                    SuperscriptBox["MH", "2"], "-", "S34", "-", "T14", "-", 
-                    "T24"}], ",", "MT", ",", "MT"}], "]"}]}]}], ")"}], "+", 
-                  RowBox[{"\[ImaginaryI]", " ", "\[Pi]", " ", 
-                   RowBox[{"(", 
-                    RowBox[{
-                    RowBox[{"4", " ", 
-                    SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"]}], "+", "S34", "+", "T14", "+", 
-                    "T24"}], ")"}], " ", "\[Beta]"}], "-", 
-                  RowBox[{"2", " ", 
-                   RowBox[{"(", 
-                    RowBox[{
-                    RowBox[{"4", " ", 
-                    SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"]}], "+", "S34", "+", "T14", "+", 
-                    "T24", "+", 
-                    RowBox[{"2", " ", 
-                    SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"], " ", 
-                    RowBox[{"DiscB", "[", 
-                    RowBox[{
-                    RowBox[{
-                    SuperscriptBox["MH", "2"], "-", "S34", "-", "T14", "-", 
-                    "T24"}], ",", "MT", ",", "MT"}], "]"}]}]}], ")"}], " ", 
-                   SuperscriptBox["\[Beta]", "2"]}], "+", 
-                  RowBox[{"4", " ", "\[ImaginaryI]", " ", 
-                   SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"], " ", "\[Pi]", " ", 
-                   SuperscriptBox["\[Beta]", "3"]}], "-", 
-                  RowBox[{
-                   FractionBox["2", "3"], " ", 
-                   RowBox[{"(", 
-                    RowBox[{
-                    RowBox[{"16", " ", 
-                    SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"]}], "+", "S34", "+", "T14", "+", 
-                    "T24", "+", 
-                    RowBox[{"6", " ", 
-                    SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"], " ", 
-                    RowBox[{"DiscB", "[", 
-                    RowBox[{
-                    RowBox[{
-                    SuperscriptBox["MH", "2"], "-", "S34", "-", "T14", "-", 
-                    "T24"}], ",", "MT", ",", "MT"}], "]"}]}]}], ")"}], " ", 
-                   SuperscriptBox["\[Beta]", "4"]}], "+", 
-                  InterpretationBox[
-                   SuperscriptBox[
-                    RowBox[{"O", "[", "\[Beta]", "]"}], "5"],
-                   SeriesData[$CellContext`\[Beta], 0, {}, 0, 5, 1],
-                   Editable->False]}],
-                 SeriesData[$CellContext`\[Beta], 
-                  0, {(-2) $CellContext`MH^2 
-                    X`DiscB[$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`MT, \
-$CellContext`MT] + (2 $CellContext`MH^2 - 
-                    4 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`S34 - $CellContext`T14 - \
-                    X`DiscB[$CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34 - \
-$CellContext`T14 - $CellContext`T24, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT], 
-                   Complex[0, 1] 
-                   Pi (4 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`S34 + \
-$CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24), (-2) (
-                    4 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24 + 2 $CellContext`MT^2 
-                    X`DiscB[$CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34 - \
-$CellContext`T14 - $CellContext`T24, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT]), 
-                   Complex[0, 4] $CellContext`MT^2 Pi, 
-                   Rational[-2, 3] (
-                    16 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`S34 + \
-$CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24 + 
-                    6 $CellContext`MT^2 
-                    X`DiscB[$CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34 - \
-$CellContext`T14 - $CellContext`T24, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT])}, 0, 
-                  5, 1],
-                 Editable->False], ")"}]}], ")"}]}], "+", 
-            RowBox[{
-             RowBox[{"(", 
-              InterpretationBox[
-               RowBox[{
-                RowBox[{"-", 
-                 RowBox[{"(", 
-                  RowBox[{
-                   RowBox[{"(", 
-                    RowBox[{"2", " ", 
-                    RowBox[{"(", 
-                    RowBox[{
-                    RowBox[{
-                    RowBox[{"(", 
-                    RowBox[{
-                    RowBox[{
-                    RowBox[{"-", "2"}], " ", "S34", " ", "T"}], "-", 
-                    SuperscriptBox["T", "2"], "+", 
-                    RowBox[{"4", " ", "T", " ", "T24"}], "+", 
-                    RowBox[{"2", " ", "S", " ", 
-                    RowBox[{"(", 
-                    RowBox[{"T", "-", "U"}], ")"}]}], "+", 
-                    RowBox[{"2", " ", 
-                    SuperscriptBox["MH", "2"], " ", 
-                    RowBox[{"(", 
-                    RowBox[{"T", "+", 
-                    RowBox[{"2", " ", "T14"}], "-", 
-                    RowBox[{"2", " ", "T24"}], "-", "U"}], ")"}]}], "+", 
-                    RowBox[{"2", " ", "S34", " ", "U"}], "-", 
-                    RowBox[{"4", " ", "T14", " ", "U"}], "+", 
-                    SuperscriptBox["U", "2"]}], ")"}], " ", 
-                    RowBox[{"Pair", "[", 
-                    RowBox[{
-                    RowBox[{"e", "[", "1", "]"}], ",", 
-                    RowBox[{"e", "[", "2", "]"}]}], "]"}], " ", 
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-                    RowBox[{
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-                    RowBox[{"ec", "[", "5", "]"}]}], "]"}]}], "-", 
-                    RowBox[{"4", " ", 
-                    RowBox[{"(", 
-                    RowBox[{
-                    RowBox[{
-                    RowBox[{"-", "2"}], " ", 
-                    RowBox[{"(", 
-                    RowBox[{"S", "-", "S34", "+", "T14", "+", "T24"}], ")"}], 
-                    " ", 
-                    RowBox[{"Pair", "[", 
-                    RowBox[{
-                    RowBox[{"e", "[", "1", "]"}], ",", 
-                    RowBox[{"k", "[", "3", "]"}]}], "]"}], " ", 
-                    RowBox[{"Pair", "[", 
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-                    RowBox[{"e", "[", "2", "]"}], ",", 
-                    RowBox[{"k", "[", "1", "]"}]}], "]"}]}], "+", 
-                    RowBox[{
-                    RowBox[{"(", 
-                    RowBox[{
-                    RowBox[{
-                    RowBox[{"-", "2"}], " ", 
-                    SuperscriptBox["MH", "2"]}], "+", "T", "+", "U"}], ")"}], 
-                    " ", 
-                    RowBox[{"Pair", "[", 
-                    RowBox[{
-                    RowBox[{"e", "[", "1", "]"}], ",", 
-                    RowBox[{"k", "[", "4", "]"}]}], "]"}], " ", 
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-                    RowBox[{"e", "[", "2", "]"}], ",", 
-                    RowBox[{"k", "[", "1", "]"}]}], "]"}]}], "+", 
-                    RowBox[{"2", " ", 
-                    SuperscriptBox["MH", "2"], " ", 
-                    RowBox[{"Pair", "[", 
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-                    RowBox[{"e", "[", "1", "]"}], ",", 
-                    RowBox[{"k", "[", "5", "]"}]}], "]"}], " ", 
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-                    RowBox[{
-                    RowBox[{"e", "[", "2", "]"}], ",", 
-                    RowBox[{"k", "[", "1", "]"}]}], "]"}]}], "-", 
-                    RowBox[{"T", " ", 
-                    RowBox[{"Pair", "[", 
-                    RowBox[{
-                    RowBox[{"e", "[", "1", "]"}], ",", 
-                    RowBox[{"k", "[", "5", "]"}]}], "]"}], " ", 
-                    RowBox[{"Pair", "[", 
-                    RowBox[{
-                    RowBox[{"e", "[", "2", "]"}], ",", 
-                    RowBox[{"k", "[", "1", "]"}]}], "]"}]}], "-", 
-                    RowBox[{"U", " ", 
-                    RowBox[{"Pair", "[", 
-                    RowBox[{
-                    RowBox[{"e", "[", "1", "]"}], ",", 
-                    RowBox[{"k", "[", "5", "]"}]}], "]"}], " ", 
-                    RowBox[{"Pair", "[", 
-                    RowBox[{
-                    RowBox[{"e", "[", "2", "]"}], ",", 
-                    RowBox[{"k", "[", "1", "]"}]}], "]"}]}], "+", 
-                    RowBox[{"2", " ", "S", " ", 
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-                    RowBox[{
-                    RowBox[{"e", "[", "1", "]"}], ",", 
-                    RowBox[{"k", "[", "2", "]"}]}], "]"}], " ", 
-                    RowBox[{"Pair", "[", 
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-                    RowBox[{"e", "[", "2", "]"}], ",", 
-                    RowBox[{"k", "[", "3", "]"}]}], "]"}]}], "-", 
-                    RowBox[{"2", " ", "S34", " ", 
-                    RowBox[{"Pair", "[", 
-                    RowBox[{
-                    RowBox[{"e", "[", "1", "]"}], ",", 
-                    RowBox[{"k", "[", "2", "]"}]}], "]"}], " ", 
-                    RowBox[{"Pair", "[", 
-                    RowBox[{
-                    RowBox[{"e", "[", "2", "]"}], ",", 
-                    RowBox[{"k", "[", "3", "]"}]}], "]"}]}], "+", 
-                    RowBox[{"2", " ", "T14", " ", 
-                    RowBox[{"Pair", "[", 
-                    RowBox[{
-                    RowBox[{"e", "[", "1", "]"}], ",", 
-                    RowBox[{"k", "[", "2", "]"}]}], "]"}], " ", 
-                    RowBox[{"Pair", "[", 
-                    RowBox[{
-                    RowBox[{"e", "[", "2", "]"}], ",", 
-                    RowBox[{"k", "[", "3", "]"}]}], "]"}]}], "+", 
-                    RowBox[{"2", " ", "T24", " ", 
-                    RowBox[{"Pair", "[", 
-                    RowBox[{
-                    RowBox[{"e", "[", "1", "]"}], ",", 
-                    RowBox[{"k", "[", "2", "]"}]}], "]"}], " ", 
-                    RowBox[{"Pair", "[", 
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-                    RowBox[{"e", "[", "2", "]"}], ",", 
-                    RowBox[{"k", "[", "3", "]"}]}], "]"}]}], "+", 
-                    RowBox[{"2", " ", 
-                    SuperscriptBox["MH", "2"], " ", 
-                    RowBox[{"Pair", "[", 
-                    RowBox[{
-                    RowBox[{"e", "[", "1", "]"}], ",", 
-                    RowBox[{"k", "[", "2", "]"}]}], "]"}], " ", 
-                    RowBox[{"Pair", "[", 
-                    RowBox[{
-                    RowBox[{"e", "[", "2", "]"}], ",", 
-                    RowBox[{"k", "[", "4", "]"}]}], "]"}]}], "-", 
-                    RowBox[{"T", " ", 
-                    RowBox[{"Pair", "[", 
-                    RowBox[{
-                    RowBox[{"e", "[", "1", "]"}], ",", 
-                    RowBox[{"k", "[", "2", "]"}]}], "]"}], " ", 
-                    RowBox[{"Pair", "[", 
-                    RowBox[{
-                    RowBox[{"e", "[", "2", "]"}], ",", 
-                    RowBox[{"k", "[", "4", "]"}]}], "]"}]}], "-", 
-                    RowBox[{"U", " ", 
-                    RowBox[{"Pair", "[", 
-                    RowBox[{
-                    RowBox[{"e", "[", "1", "]"}], ",", 
-                    RowBox[{"k", "[", "2", "]"}]}], "]"}], " ", 
-                    RowBox[{"Pair", "[", 
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-                    RowBox[{"e", "[", "2", "]"}], ",", 
-                    RowBox[{"k", "[", "4", "]"}]}], "]"}]}], "-", 
-                    RowBox[{"2", " ", 
-                    SuperscriptBox["MH", "2"], " ", 
-                    RowBox[{"Pair", "[", 
-                    RowBox[{
-                    RowBox[{"e", "[", "1", "]"}], ",", 
-                    RowBox[{"k", "[", "2", "]"}]}], "]"}], " ", 
-                    RowBox[{"Pair", "[", 
-                    RowBox[{
-                    RowBox[{"e", "[", "2", "]"}], ",", 
-                    RowBox[{"k", "[", "5", "]"}]}], "]"}]}], "+", 
-                    RowBox[{"T", " ", 
-                    RowBox[{"Pair", "[", 
-                    RowBox[{
-                    RowBox[{"e", "[", "1", "]"}], ",", 
-                    RowBox[{"k", "[", "2", "]"}]}], "]"}], " ", 
-                    RowBox[{"Pair", "[", 
-                    RowBox[{
-                    RowBox[{"e", "[", "2", "]"}], ",", 
-                    RowBox[{"k", "[", "5", "]"}]}], "]"}]}], "+", 
-                    RowBox[{"U", " ", 
-                    RowBox[{"Pair", "[", 
-                    RowBox[{
-                    RowBox[{"e", "[", "1", "]"}], ",", 
-                    RowBox[{"k", "[", "2", "]"}]}], "]"}], " ", 
-                    RowBox[{"Pair", "[", 
-                    RowBox[{
-                    RowBox[{"e", "[", "2", "]"}], ",", 
-                    RowBox[{"k", "[", "5", "]"}]}], "]"}]}]}], ")"}], " ", 
-                    RowBox[{"Pair", "[", 
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-                    RowBox[{"ec", "[", "4", "]"}], ",", 
-                    RowBox[{"ec", "[", "5", "]"}]}], "]"}]}], "+", 
-                    RowBox[{"8", " ", 
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-                    RowBox[{
-                    RowBox[{
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-                    SuperscriptBox["MH", "2"]}], "+", "T", "+", "U"}], ")"}], 
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-                    RowBox[{"k", "[", "2", "]"}]}], "]"}], " ", 
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-                    RowBox[{"ec", "[", "5", "]"}]}], "]"}], " ", 
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-                    SuperscriptBox["MH", "2"]}], "+", "T", "+", "U"}], ")"}], 
-                    " ", 
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-                    RowBox[{"e", "[", "1", "]"}], ",", 
-                    RowBox[{"ec", "[", "5", "]"}]}], "]"}], " ", 
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-                    RowBox[{"e", "[", "2", "]"}], ",", 
-                    RowBox[{"k", "[", "1", "]"}]}], "]"}], " ", 
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-                    RowBox[{"k", "[", "5", "]"}]}], "]"}]}], "+", 
-                    RowBox[{"32", " ", 
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-                    RowBox[{
-                    RowBox[{
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-                    RowBox[{
-                    SuperscriptBox["MH", "2"], "-", "U"}], ")"}], " ", 
-                    RowBox[{"Pair", "[", 
-                    RowBox[{
-                    RowBox[{"ec", "[", "4", "]"}], ",", 
-                    RowBox[{"k", "[", "1", "]"}]}], "]"}]}], "+", 
-                    RowBox[{"2", " ", 
-                    RowBox[{"(", 
-                    RowBox[{
-                    SuperscriptBox["MH", "2"], "-", "T"}], ")"}], " ", 
-                    RowBox[{"Pair", "[", 
-                    RowBox[{
-                    RowBox[{"ec", "[", "4", "]"}], ",", 
-                    RowBox[{"k", "[", "2", "]"}]}], "]"}]}], "+", 
-                    RowBox[{
-                    RowBox[{"(", 
-                    RowBox[{
-                    RowBox[{"-", "T"}], "+", "U"}], ")"}], " ", 
-                    RowBox[{"Pair", "[", 
-                    RowBox[{
-                    RowBox[{"ec", "[", "4", "]"}], ",", 
-                    RowBox[{"k", "[", "3", "]"}]}], "]"}]}]}], ")"}], " ", 
-                    RowBox[{"Pair", "[", 
-                    RowBox[{
-                    RowBox[{"ec", "[", "5", "]"}], ",", 
-                    RowBox[{"k", "[", "4", "]"}]}], "]"}]}]}], ")"}]}]}], 
-                    ")"}], " ", 
-                   SuperscriptBox["\[Beta]", "2"]}], ")"}], "/", 
-                 SuperscriptBox[
-                  RowBox[{"(", 
-                   RowBox[{
-                    RowBox[{
-                    RowBox[{"-", "16"}], " ", 
-                    SuperscriptBox["MH", "2"], " ", 
-                    SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"]}], "+", 
-                    SuperscriptBox[
-                    RowBox[{"(", 
-                    RowBox[{
-                    RowBox[{"4", " ", 
-                    SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"]}], "+", "S34", "+", "T14", "+", 
-                    "T24"}], ")"}], "2"]}], ")"}], "2"]}], "+", 
-                InterpretationBox[
-                 SuperscriptBox[
-                  RowBox[{"O", "[", "\[Beta]", "]"}], "3"],
-                 SeriesData[$CellContext`\[Beta], 0, {}, 0, 3, 1],
-                 Editable->False]}],
-               SeriesData[$CellContext`\[Beta], 
-                0, {(-2) ((-16) $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`MT^2 + (
-                    4 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24)^2)^(-1) (((-2) $CellContext`S34 $CellContext`T - \
-$CellContext`T^2 + 4 $CellContext`T $CellContext`T24 + 
-                    2 $CellContext`S ($CellContext`T - $CellContext`U) + 
-                    2 $CellContext`MH^2 ($CellContext`T + 2 $CellContext`T14 - 
-                    2 $CellContext`T24 - $CellContext`U) + 
-                    2 $CellContext`S34 $CellContext`U - 
-                    4 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`U + $CellContext`U^2) \
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`e[2]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`ec[5]] - 
-                  4 ((-2) ($CellContext`S - $CellContext`S34 + \
-$CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[
-                    1]] + ((-2) $CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`T + \
-$CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] + 2 $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] - $CellContext`T $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] - $CellContext`U $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] + 2 $CellContext`S $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] - 
-                   2 $CellContext`S34 $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] + 
-                   2 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] + 
-                   2 $CellContext`T24 $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] + 2 $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]] - $CellContext`T $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]] - $CellContext`U $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]] - 2 $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]] + $CellContext`T $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]] + $CellContext`U $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]]) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`ec[5]] + 
-                  8 ((-2) $CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`T + \
-$CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`ec[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]] - 
-                  8 ((-2) $CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`T + \
-$CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`ec[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]] + 32 ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]]) ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]]) - ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]]) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]]) - 
-                  8 ((-2) $CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`T + \
-$CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`ec[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]] + 
-                  8 ((-2) $CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`T + \
-$CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`ec[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]] - 4 $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`e[2]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]] (
-                    2 ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] - 
-                    2 ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`T) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[
-                    2]] + ($CellContext`T - $CellContext`U) \
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[
-                    3]]) + ((-2) ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`U) \
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] + 
-                    2 ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`T) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[
-                    2]] + (-$CellContext`T + $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]]) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]])), 0, 
-                 16 $CellContext`MT^2 ((-2) $CellContext`MH^2 + 
-                  4 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24) ((-16) $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`MT^2 + (
-                    4 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24)^2)^(-2) (((-2) $CellContext`S34 $CellContext`T - \
-$CellContext`T^2 + 4 $CellContext`T $CellContext`T24 + 
-                    2 $CellContext`S ($CellContext`T - $CellContext`U) + 
-                    2 $CellContext`MH^2 ($CellContext`T + 2 $CellContext`T14 - 
-                    2 $CellContext`T24 - $CellContext`U) + 
-                    2 $CellContext`S34 $CellContext`U - 
-                    4 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`U + $CellContext`U^2) \
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`e[2]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`ec[5]] - 
-                  4 ((-2) ($CellContext`S - $CellContext`S34 + \
-$CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[
-                    1]] + ((-2) $CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`T + \
-$CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] + 2 $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] - $CellContext`T $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] - $CellContext`U $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] + 2 $CellContext`S $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] - 
-                   2 $CellContext`S34 $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] + 
-                   2 $CellContext`T14 $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] + 
-                   2 $CellContext`T24 $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] + 2 $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]] - $CellContext`T $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]] - $CellContext`U $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]] - 2 $CellContext`MH^2 $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]] + $CellContext`T $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]] + $CellContext`U $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]]) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`ec[5]] + 
-                  8 ((-2) $CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`T + \
-$CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`ec[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]] - 
-                  8 ((-2) $CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`T + \
-$CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`ec[5]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]] + 32 ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] - $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]]) ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]]) - ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] + $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]]) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]]) - 
-                  8 ((-2) $CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`T + \
-$CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`k[2]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`ec[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]] + 
-                  8 ((-2) $CellContext`MH^2 + $CellContext`T + \
-$CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`ec[4]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[2], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]] - 4 $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`e[1], 
-                    $CellContext`e[2]] ($CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[5]] (
-                    2 ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] - 
-                    2 ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`T) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[
-                    2]] + ($CellContext`T - $CellContext`U) \
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[
-                    3]]) + ((-2) ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`U) \
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[1]] + 
-                    2 ($CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`T) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[
-                    2]] + (-$CellContext`T + $CellContext`U) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[4], 
-                    $CellContext`k[3]]) $CellContext`Pair[
-                    $CellContext`ec[5], 
-                    $CellContext`k[4]]))}, 0, 3, 1],
-               Editable->False], ")"}], " ", 
-             RowBox[{"(", 
-              RowBox[{
-               RowBox[{
-                RowBox[{"ScalarC0", "[", 
-                 RowBox[{
-                  SuperscriptBox["MH", "2"], ",", 
-                  RowBox[{
-                   SuperscriptBox["MH", "2"], "-", "S34", "-", "T14", "-", 
-                   "T24"}], ",", 
-                  RowBox[{"-", 
-                   FractionBox[
-                    RowBox[{"4", " ", 
-                    SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"]}], 
-                    RowBox[{
-                    RowBox[{"-", "1"}], "+", 
-                    SuperscriptBox["\[Beta]", "2"]}]]}], ",", "MT", ",", "MT",
-                   ",", "MT"}], "]"}], " ", 
-                RowBox[{"(", 
-                 InterpretationBox[
-                  RowBox[{
-                   RowBox[{"-", 
-                    RowBox[{"4", " ", 
-                    RowBox[{"(", 
-                    RowBox[{
-                    SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"], " ", 
-                    RowBox[{"(", 
-                    RowBox[{
-                    RowBox[{
-                    RowBox[{"-", "2"}], " ", 
-                    SuperscriptBox["MH", "2"]}], "+", 
-                    RowBox[{"4", " ", 
-                    SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"]}], "+", "S34", "+", "T14", "+", 
-                    "T24"}], ")"}]}], ")"}]}]}], "-", 
-                   RowBox[{"4", " ", 
-                    RowBox[{"(", 
-                    RowBox[{
-                    SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"], " ", 
-                    RowBox[{"(", 
-                    RowBox[{
-                    RowBox[{
-                    RowBox[{"-", "2"}], " ", 
-                    SuperscriptBox["MH", "2"]}], "+", 
-                    RowBox[{"8", " ", 
-                    SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"]}], "+", "S34", "+", "T14", "+", 
-                    "T24"}], ")"}]}], ")"}], " ", 
-                    SuperscriptBox["\[Beta]", "2"]}], "-", 
-                   RowBox[{"4", " ", 
-                    RowBox[{"(", 
-                    RowBox[{
-                    SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"], " ", 
-                    RowBox[{"(", 
-                    RowBox[{
-                    RowBox[{
-                    RowBox[{"-", "2"}], " ", 
-                    SuperscriptBox["MH", "2"]}], "+", 
-                    RowBox[{"12", " ", 
-                    SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"]}], "+", "S34", "+", "T14", "+", 
-                    "T24"}], ")"}]}], ")"}], " ", 
-                    SuperscriptBox["\[Beta]", "4"]}], "+", 
-                   InterpretationBox[
-                    SuperscriptBox[
-                    RowBox[{"O", "[", "\[Beta]", "]"}], "5"],
-                    SeriesData[$CellContext`\[Beta], 0, {}, 0, 5, 1],
-                    Editable->False]}],
-                  SeriesData[$CellContext`\[Beta], 
-                   0, {(-4) $CellContext`MT^2 ((-2) $CellContext`MH^2 + 
-                    4 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24), 0, (-4) $CellContext`MT^2 ((-2) $CellContext`MH^2 + 
-                    8 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`S34 + $CellContext`T14 + \
-$CellContext`T24), 0, (-4) $CellContext`MT^2 ((-2) $CellContext`MH^2 + 
-                    12 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`S34 + \
-$CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24)}, 0, 5, 1],
-                  Editable->False], ")"}]}], "+", 
-               RowBox[{"(", 
-                InterpretationBox[
-                 RowBox[{
-                  RowBox[{"(", 
-                   RowBox[{
-                    RowBox[{
-                    RowBox[{"(", 
-                    RowBox[{
-                    RowBox[{"4", " ", 
-                    SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"]}], "+", "S34", "+", "T14", "+", 
-                    "T24"}], ")"}], " ", 
-                    RowBox[{"DiscB", "[", 
-                    RowBox[{
-                    SuperscriptBox["MH", "2"], ",", "MT", ",", "MT"}], 
-                    "]"}]}], "+", 
-                    RowBox[{
-                    RowBox[{"(", 
-                    RowBox[{
-                    RowBox[{"4", " ", 
-                    SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"]}], "-", "S34", "-", "T14", "-", 
-                    "T24"}], ")"}], " ", 
-                    RowBox[{"DiscB", "[", 
-                    RowBox[{
-                    RowBox[{
-                    SuperscriptBox["MH", "2"], "-", "S34", "-", "T14", "-", 
-                    "T24"}], ",", "MT", ",", "MT"}], "]"}]}]}], ")"}], "-", 
-                  RowBox[{"8", " ", "\[ImaginaryI]", " ", 
-                   SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"], " ", "\[Pi]", " ", "\[Beta]"}], 
-                  "+", 
-                  RowBox[{"4", " ", 
-                   SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"], " ", 
-                   RowBox[{"(", 
-                    RowBox[{"4", "+", 
-                    RowBox[{"DiscB", "[", 
-                    RowBox[{
-                    SuperscriptBox["MH", "2"], ",", "MT", ",", "MT"}], "]"}], 
-                    "+", 
-                    RowBox[{"DiscB", "[", 
-                    RowBox[{
-                    RowBox[{
-                    SuperscriptBox["MH", "2"], "-", "S34", "-", "T14", "-", 
-                    "T24"}], ",", "MT", ",", "MT"}], "]"}]}], ")"}], " ", 
-                   SuperscriptBox["\[Beta]", "2"]}], "-", 
-                  RowBox[{"8", " ", "\[ImaginaryI]", " ", 
-                   SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"], " ", "\[Pi]", " ", 
-                   SuperscriptBox["\[Beta]", "3"]}], "+", 
-                  RowBox[{
-                   FractionBox["4", "3"], " ", 
-                   SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"], " ", 
-                   RowBox[{"(", 
-                    RowBox[{"16", "+", 
-                    RowBox[{"3", " ", 
-                    RowBox[{"DiscB", "[", 
-                    RowBox[{
-                    SuperscriptBox["MH", "2"], ",", "MT", ",", "MT"}], 
-                    "]"}]}], "+", 
-                    RowBox[{"3", " ", 
-                    RowBox[{"DiscB", "[", 
-                    RowBox[{
-                    RowBox[{
-                    SuperscriptBox["MH", "2"], "-", "S34", "-", "T14", "-", 
-                    "T24"}], ",", "MT", ",", "MT"}], "]"}]}]}], ")"}], " ", 
-                   SuperscriptBox["\[Beta]", "4"]}], "+", 
-                  InterpretationBox[
-                   SuperscriptBox[
-                    RowBox[{"O", "[", "\[Beta]", "]"}], "5"],
-                   SeriesData[$CellContext`\[Beta], 0, {}, 0, 5, 1],
-                   Editable->False]}],
-                 SeriesData[$CellContext`\[Beta], 
-                  0, {(4 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`S34 + \
-$CellContext`T14 + $CellContext`T24) 
-                    X`DiscB[$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`MT, \
-$CellContext`MT] + (
-                    4 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`S34 - $CellContext`T14 - \
-                    X`DiscB[$CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34 - \
-$CellContext`T14 - $CellContext`T24, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT], 
-                   Complex[0, -8] $CellContext`MT^2 Pi, 
-                   4 $CellContext`MT^2 (4 + 
-                    X`DiscB[$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`MT, \
-$CellContext`MT] + 
-                    X`DiscB[$CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34 - \
-$CellContext`T14 - $CellContext`T24, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT]), 
-                   Complex[0, -8] $CellContext`MT^2 Pi, 
-                   Rational[4, 3] $CellContext`MT^2 (16 + 
-                    3 X`DiscB[$CellContext`MH^2, $CellContext`MT, \
-$CellContext`MT] + 3 
-                    X`DiscB[$CellContext`MH^2 - $CellContext`S34 - \
-$CellContext`T14 - $CellContext`T24, $CellContext`MT, $CellContext`MT])}, 0, 
-                  5, 1],
-                 Editable->False], ")"}]}], ")"}]}]}], ")"}]}]}], ")"}]}]}], 
-     ")"}]}]}]}]], "Output",
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-   RowBox[{"ToExpression", "[", 
-    RowBox[{"Import", "[", 
-     RowBox[{"\"\<allPVs.m\>\"", ",", "\"\<Lines\>\""}], "]"}], "]"}]}], 
-  ";"}], "\[IndentingNewLine]", 
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-  RowBox[{"LRlist", "=", 
-   RowBox[{"Import", "[", "\"\<analyticPV.m\>\"", "]"}]}], 
-  ";"}], "\[IndentingNewLine]", 
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-  RowBox[{
-   RowBox[{"LRlistVelSub", "=", 
-    RowBox[{"LRlist", "//.", "VelSub"}]}], ";"}], "\[IndentingNewLine]", 
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-   RowBox[{
-    RowBox[{
-    "Take", " ", "analytic", " ", "expansions", " ", "of", " ", "PV", " ", 
-     "coefficients", " ", "and", " ", "sub", " ", "S"}], "\[Rule]", 
-    RowBox[{"4", "*", 
-     RowBox[{
-      RowBox[{"MT", "^", "2"}], "/", 
-      RowBox[{"(", 
-       RowBox[{"1", "-", 
-        RowBox[{"\[Beta]", "^", "2"}]}], ")"}]}]}]}], 
-   "*)"}]}], "\[IndentingNewLine]", 
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-  ";"}]}], "Input",
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-  RowBox[{"(*", " ", 
-   RowBox[{
-   "Copy", " ", "the", " ", "analytical", " ", "list", " ", "in", " ", 
-    "terms", " ", "of", " ", "\[Beta]", " ", "into", " ", "a", " ", "new", 
-    " ", "list", " ", "where", " ", "all", " ", "the", " ", "series", " ", 
-    "will", " ", 
-    RowBox[{"be", "."}]}], " ", "*)"}], "\[IndentingNewLine]", 
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-   RowBox[{
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-     RowBox[{
-      RowBox[{
-       RowBox[{"Import", "[", "\"\<analyticPVwVel.m\>\"", "]"}], 
-       "\[IndentingNewLine]", "Serieslist"}], "=", "LRlistVelSub"}]}], ";", 
-    "\[IndentingNewLine]", 
-    RowBox[{"Export", "[", 
-     RowBox[{"\"\<SeriesPV.m\>\"", ",", "Serieslist"}], "]"}], ";"}], 
-   "*)"}]}]], "Input",
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-   3.776098200620619*^9, 3.776098218898759*^9}, {3.776441930928959*^9, 
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-   RowBox[{"ToExpression", "[", 
-    RowBox[{"Import", "[", 
-     RowBox[{"\"\<allPVs.m\>\"", ",", "\"\<Lines\>\""}], "]"}], "]"}]}], 
-  ";"}], "\[IndentingNewLine]", 
- RowBox[{
-  RowBox[{"LRlistVelSub", "=", 
-   RowBox[{"Import", "[", "\"\<analyticPVwVel.m\>\"", "]"}]}], 
-  ";"}], "\[IndentingNewLine]", 
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-   RowBox[{"Import", "[", "\"\<SeriesPV.m\>\"", "]"}]}], ";"}]}], "Input",
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-Cell[BoxData["73"], "Print",
- CellChangeTimes->{3.77678681709319*^9},
- CellLabel->
-  "During evaluation of \
-Cell[BoxData["74"], "Print",
- CellChangeTimes->{3.7767868301606617`*^9},
- CellLabel->
-  "During evaluation of \
-}, Open  ]],
- RowBox[{"{", "Null", "}"}]], "Output",
- CellChangeTimes->{3.776786842276802*^9},
- CellLabel->"Out[41]=",ExpressionUUID->"52db8c9f-9b99-4b63-bfd9-226b29998173"]
-}, Closed]],
- RowBox[{"listPV", "[", 
-  RowBox[{"[", "75", "]"}], "]"}]], "Input",
- CellChangeTimes->{{3.776787459822847*^9, 3.776787465570936*^9}},
- CellLabel->"In[19]:=",ExpressionUUID->"e1619147-dbd8-4b95-92c0-a0a9e3d6e05f"],
- RowBox[{"PVD", "[", 
-  RowBox[{"0", ",", "0", ",", "0", ",", "1", ",", "0", ",", 
-   SuperscriptBox["MH", "2"], ",", "T24", ",", "0", ",", 
-   RowBox[{
-    RowBox[{"2", " ", 
-     SuperscriptBox["MH", "2"]}], "-", "S34", "-", "T", "-", "U"}], ",", 
-   RowBox[{
-    SuperscriptBox["MH", "2"], "-", "S", "-", "T", "-", "T14"}], ",", 
-   SqrtBox[
-    SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"]], ",", 
-   SqrtBox[
-    SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"]], ",", 
-   SqrtBox[
-    SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"]], ",", 
-   SqrtBox[
-    SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"]]}], "]"}]], "Output",
- CellChangeTimes->{3.7767874660047407`*^9, 3.777039323951621*^9, 
-  3.77703936276413*^9},
- CellLabel->"Out[19]=",ExpressionUUID->"6b31f62a-bb61-4325-bbb2-0f8b38f9d9b0"]
-}, Open  ]],
-Cell["75!!!", "Item",
- CellChangeTimes->{{3.7766892897103367`*^9, 3.776689292589683*^9}, {
-  3.776771111675651*^9, 
-  3.7767711116789007`*^9}},ExpressionUUID->"b8f7dd32-654c-4d69-a388-\
- RowBox[{
-  RowBox[{
-   RowBox[{
-    RowBox[{"Serieslist", "[", 
-     RowBox[{"[", "75", "]"}], "]"}], "=", 
-    RowBox[{"LoopRefineSeries", "[", 
-     RowBox[{
-      RowBox[{
-       RowBox[{"Serieslist", "[", 
-        RowBox[{"[", "75", "]"}], "]"}], "//", "C0Expand"}], ",", 
-      RowBox[{"{", 
-       RowBox[{"\[Beta]", ",", "0", ",", "2"}], "}"}]}], "]"}]}], ";"}], 
-  "\[IndentingNewLine]"}]], "Input",
- CellChangeTimes->{{3.776771115782947*^9, 3.776771166696539*^9}, {
-   3.776774759564896*^9, 3.776774774035293*^9}, 3.777039366299951*^9},
- CellLabel->"In[20]:=",ExpressionUUID->"6385e4e6-3aa6-4ca7-8de4-83d30633a5ae"],
-Cell[BoxData["$Aborted"], "Output",
- CellChangeTimes->{3.7770488168803797`*^9},
- CellLabel->"Out[20]=",ExpressionUUID->"20e798ff-b0ce-4e4d-8da1-a093ebf96720"]
-}, Open  ]],
- RowBox[{
-  RowBox[{"Export", "[", 
-   RowBox[{"\"\<SeriesPV.m\>\"", ",", "Serieslist"}], "]"}], ";"}]], "Input",E\
- RowBox[{"MakeRefineSeriesOf", "[", 
-  RowBox[{"76", ",", "80"}], "]"}]], "Input",
- CellChangeTimes->{{3.776689276561438*^9, 3.776689284488558*^9}},
- CellLabel->"In[45]:=",ExpressionUUID->"c6f1e48f-f2b3-4633-a270-2d837481a3a1"],
- TemplateBox[{
-  "PowerMod","ninv",
-   "\"\\!\\(\\*RowBox[{\\\"0\\\"}]\\) is not invertible modulo \
-   "Alternate Kernel"},
-  "MessageTemplate"]], "Message", "MSG",
- CellChangeTimes->{3.776792950030538*^9},
- CellLabel->
-  "During evaluation of \
- TemplateBox[{
-  "PowerMod","ninv",
-   "\"\\!\\(\\*RowBox[{\\\"0\\\"}]\\) is not invertible modulo \
-   "Alternate Kernel"},
-  "MessageTemplate"]], "Message", "MSG",
- CellChangeTimes->{3.7767940973463*^9},
- CellLabel->
-  "During evaluation of \
-Cell[BoxData["76"], "Print",
- CellChangeTimes->{3.7768541523191643`*^9},
- CellLabel->
-  "During evaluation of \
-Cell[BoxData["77"], "Print",
- CellChangeTimes->{3.7768541668859043`*^9},
- CellLabel->
-  "During evaluation of \
-Cell[BoxData["78"], "Print",
- CellChangeTimes->{3.776854212135365*^9},
- CellLabel->
-  "During evaluation of \
-Cell[BoxData["79"], "Print",
- CellChangeTimes->{3.7768542239248447`*^9},
- CellLabel->
-  "During evaluation of \
-Cell[BoxData["80"], "Print",
- CellChangeTimes->{3.776854254612438*^9},
- CellLabel->
-  "During evaluation of \
-}, Open  ]],
- RowBox[{"{", "Null", "}"}]], "Output",
- CellChangeTimes->{3.776689267763878*^9, 3.776699593931198*^9, 
-  3.7767874206690207`*^9, 3.7768542661889467`*^9},
- CellLabel->"Out[45]=",ExpressionUUID->"88acd967-1c2c-4b4e-b73d-ecbd06540448"]
-}, Closed]],
- RowBox[{"MakeRefineSeriesOf", "[", 
-  RowBox[{"81", ",", "90"}], "]"}]], "Input",
- CellChangeTimes->{{3.776443917783449*^9, 3.776443919685523*^9}},
- CellLabel->"In[46]:=",ExpressionUUID->"8d487f69-3cc5-4b15-a17c-36b0f0a098da"],
-Cell[BoxData["81"], "Print",
- CellChangeTimes->{3.776700119904262*^9},
- CellLabel->
-  "During evaluation of \
-Cell[BoxData["82"], "Print",
- CellChangeTimes->{3.776700154471498*^9},
- CellLabel->
-  "During evaluation of \
-Cell[BoxData["83"], "Print",
- CellChangeTimes->{3.776700232105164*^9},
- CellLabel->
-  "During evaluation of \
-Cell[BoxData["84"], "Print",
- CellChangeTimes->{3.776700243872916*^9},
- CellLabel->
-  "During evaluation of \
-Cell[BoxData["85"], "Print",
- CellChangeTimes->{3.776700255672224*^9},
- CellLabel->
-  "During evaluation of \
-Cell[BoxData["86"], "Print",
- CellChangeTimes->{3.7767002710240192`*^9},
- CellLabel->
-  "During evaluation of \
-Cell[BoxData["87"], "Print",
- CellChangeTimes->{3.776700312653447*^9},
- CellLabel->
-  "During evaluation of \
-Cell[BoxData["88"], "Print",
- CellChangeTimes->{3.776700325253311*^9},
- CellLabel->
-  "During evaluation of \
-Cell[BoxData["89"], "Print",
- CellChangeTimes->{3.776700337712092*^9},
- CellLabel->
-  "During evaluation of \
-Cell[BoxData["90"], "Print",
- CellChangeTimes->{3.776700369863812*^9},
- CellLabel->
-  "During evaluation of \
-}, Open  ]],
- RowBox[{"{", "Null", "}"}]], "Output",
- CellChangeTimes->{3.776700381356884*^9},
- CellLabel->"Out[41]=",ExpressionUUID->"27df6f47-5fa2-4e39-b7f2-afc3c720e098"]
-}, Closed]],
- RowBox[{
-  RowBox[{"91", "!!"}], "!"}]], "Input",
- CellChangeTimes->{{3.776710137747867*^9, 
-  3.776710140512113*^9}},ExpressionUUID->"df98973f-1c7c-43bf-ada2-\
- RowBox[{"MakeRefineSeriesOf", "[", 
-  RowBox[{"92", ",", "93"}], "]"}]], "Input",
- CellChangeTimes->{{3.776443921988063*^9, 3.776443924549123*^9}, {
-  3.776710129712762*^9, 3.776710129777527*^9}, {3.7767651224554663`*^9, 
-  3.776765122530267*^9}},ExpressionUUID->"2649d505-baee-414f-ba61-\
-Cell[BoxData["92"], "Print",
- CellChangeTimes->{3.7767105057578077`*^9},
- CellLabel->
-  "During evaluation of \
-Cell[BoxData["93"], "Print",
- CellChangeTimes->{3.776710524276116*^9},
- CellLabel->
-  "During evaluation of \
-}, Open  ]]
-}, Closed]],
- RowBox[{"MakeRefineSeriesOf", "[", 
-  RowBox[{"94", ",", "96"}], "]"}]], "Input",
- CellChangeTimes->{{3.776765131249621*^9, 3.77676513359492*^9}, {
-  3.776769027719905*^9, 
-  3.776769028143591*^9}},ExpressionUUID->"e440a8fa-6daf-4e52-952c-\
-Cell[BoxData["94"], "Print",
- CellChangeTimes->{3.776765358159745*^9},
- CellLabel->
-  "During evaluation of \
-Cell[BoxData["95"], "Print",
- CellChangeTimes->{3.776766430832265*^9},
- CellLabel->
-  "During evaluation of \
-Cell[BoxData["96"], "Print",
- CellChangeTimes->{3.776766650819006*^9},
- CellLabel->
-  "During evaluation of \
-}, Open  ]]
-}, Closed]],
- RowBox[{"MakeRefineSeriesOf", "[", 
-  RowBox[{"97", ",", "99"}], "]"}]], "Input",
- CellChangeTimes->{{3.7767690384336767`*^9, 3.776769041527905*^9}, {
-  3.776769652566134*^9, 
-  3.776769652707741*^9}},ExpressionUUID->"ccd5003b-7be8-4452-a781-\
-Cell[BoxData["97"], "Print",
- CellChangeTimes->{3.7767692848390903`*^9},
- CellLabel->
-  "During evaluation of \
-Cell[BoxData["98"], "Print",
- CellChangeTimes->{3.776769324118517*^9},
- CellLabel->
-  "During evaluation of \
-Cell[BoxData["99"], "Print",
- CellChangeTimes->{3.776769364155541*^9},
- CellLabel->
-  "During evaluation of \
-}, Open  ]]
-}, Closed]],
- RowBox[{
-  RowBox[{"100", "!!"}], "!"}]], "Input",
- CellChangeTimes->{{3.77676980141416*^9, 
-  3.776769804422761*^9}},ExpressionUUID->"07237824-5e81-41b0-bd1d-\
- RowBox[{"MakeRefineSeriesOf", "[", 
-  RowBox[{"100", ",", "100"}], "]"}]], "Input",
- CellChangeTimes->{{3.7767696618153877`*^9, 3.776769664581789*^9}},
- CellLabel->"In[14]:=",ExpressionUUID->"4d28e53c-4af5-40ba-890a-a6a9f9544d99"],
- RowBox[{"MakeRefineSeriesOf", "[", 
-  RowBox[{"101", ",", "110"}], "]"}]], "Input",
- CellChangeTimes->{{3.776444442314954*^9, 3.7764444486258802`*^9}},
- CellLabel->"In[14]:=",ExpressionUUID->"712b80aa-b8c4-4294-a783-8d276a083f12"],
- RowBox[{"MakeRefineSeriesOf", "[", 
-  RowBox[{"111", ",", "120"}], "]"}]], "Input",
- CellChangeTimes->{{3.776444452743092*^9, 3.7764444558555803`*^9}},
- CellLabel->"In[18]:=",ExpressionUUID->"0121b0f2-33a2-4f93-abd0-b7335f00f4ba"],
- TemplateBox[{
-  "Part","partd",
-   "\"Part specification \\!\\(\\*RowBox[{\\\"Null\\\", \\\"\
-\[LeftDoubleBracket]\\\", \\\"111\\\", \\\"\[RightDoubleBracket]\\\"}]\\) is \
-longer than depth of object.\"",2,18,9,17487480350447340170,
-   "Alternate Kernel"},
-  "MessageTemplate"]], "Message", "MSG",
- CellChangeTimes->{{3.776784888098915*^9, 3.7767849123546*^9}},
- CellLabel->
-  "During evaluation of \
- TemplateBox[{
-  "Set","partd",
-   "\"Part specification \\!\\(\\*RowBox[{\\\"Serieslist\\\", \\\"\
-\[LeftDoubleBracket]\\\", \\\"n\\\", \\\"\[RightDoubleBracket]\\\"}]\\) is \
-longer than depth of object.\"",2,18,10,17487480350447340170,
-   "Alternate Kernel"},
-  "MessageTemplate"]], "Message", "MSG",
- CellChangeTimes->{{3.776784888098915*^9, 3.776784912383677*^9}},
- CellLabel->
-  "During evaluation of \
-Cell[BoxData["111"], "Print",
- CellChangeTimes->{{3.776784888135707*^9, 3.776784912404812*^9}},
- CellLabel->
-  "During evaluation of \
- TemplateBox[{
-  "Part","partd",
-   "\"Part specification \\!\\(\\*RowBox[{\\\"Null\\\", \\\"\
-\[LeftDoubleBracket]\\\", \\\"112\\\", \\\"\[RightDoubleBracket]\\\"}]\\) is \
-longer than depth of object.\"",2,18,11,17487480350447340170,
-   "Alternate Kernel"},
-  "MessageTemplate"]], "Message", "MSG",
- CellChangeTimes->{{3.776784888098915*^9, 3.776784912411974*^9}},
- CellLabel->
-  "During evaluation of \
- TemplateBox[{
-  "Set","partd",
-   "\"Part specification \\!\\(\\*RowBox[{\\\"Serieslist\\\", \\\"\
-\[LeftDoubleBracket]\\\", \\\"n\\\", \\\"\[RightDoubleBracket]\\\"}]\\) is \
-longer than depth of object.\"",2,18,12,17487480350447340170,
-   "Alternate Kernel"},
-  "MessageTemplate"]], "Message", "MSG",
- CellChangeTimes->{{3.776784888098915*^9, 3.776784912433069*^9}},
- CellLabel->
-  "During evaluation of \
-Cell[BoxData["112"], "Print",
- CellChangeTimes->{{3.776784888135707*^9, 3.776784912454528*^9}},
- CellLabel->
-  "During evaluation of \
- TemplateBox[{
-  "Part","partd",
-   "\"Part specification \\!\\(\\*RowBox[{\\\"Null\\\", \\\"\
-\[LeftDoubleBracket]\\\", \\\"113\\\", \\\"\[RightDoubleBracket]\\\"}]\\) is \
-longer than depth of object.\"",2,18,13,17487480350447340170,
-   "Alternate Kernel"},
-  "MessageTemplate"]], "Message", "MSG",
- CellChangeTimes->{{3.776784888098915*^9, 3.7767849124617*^9}},
- CellLabel->
-  "During evaluation of \
- TemplateBox[{
-  "General","stop",
-   "\"Further output of \\!\\(\\*StyleBox[RowBox[{\\\"Part\\\", \\\"::\\\", \
-\\\"partd\\\"}], \\\"MessageName\\\"]\\) will be suppressed during this \
-calculation.\"",2,18,14,17487480350447340170,"Alternate Kernel"},
-  "MessageTemplate"]], "Message", "MSG",
- CellChangeTimes->{{3.776784888098915*^9, 3.776784912483165*^9}},
- CellLabel->
-  "During evaluation of \
- TemplateBox[{
-  "Set","partd",
-   "\"Part specification \\!\\(\\*RowBox[{\\\"Serieslist\\\", \\\"\
-\[LeftDoubleBracket]\\\", \\\"n\\\", \\\"\[RightDoubleBracket]\\\"}]\\) is \
-longer than depth of object.\"",2,18,15,17487480350447340170,
-   "Alternate Kernel"},
-  "MessageTemplate"]], "Message", "MSG",
- CellChangeTimes->{{3.776784888098915*^9, 3.7767849125091677`*^9}},
- CellLabel->
-  "During evaluation of \
- TemplateBox[{
-  "General","stop",
-   "\"Further output of \\!\\(\\*StyleBox[RowBox[{\\\"Set\\\", \\\"::\\\", \\\
-\"partd\\\"}], \\\"MessageName\\\"]\\) will be suppressed during this \
-calculation.\"",2,18,16,17487480350447340170,"Alternate Kernel"},
-  "MessageTemplate"]], "Message", "MSG",
- CellChangeTimes->{{3.776784888098915*^9, 3.77678491253011*^9}},
- CellLabel->
-  "During evaluation of \
-Cell[BoxData["113"], "Print",
- CellChangeTimes->{{3.776784888135707*^9, 3.776784912553726*^9}},
- CellLabel->
-  "During evaluation of \
-Cell[BoxData["114"], "Print",
- CellChangeTimes->{{3.776784888135707*^9, 3.7767849125613317`*^9}},
- CellLabel->
-  "During evaluation of \
-Cell[BoxData["115"], "Print",
- CellChangeTimes->{{3.776784888135707*^9, 3.776784912578126*^9}},
- CellLabel->
-  "During evaluation of \
-Cell[BoxData["116"], "Print",
- CellChangeTimes->{{3.776784888135707*^9, 3.7767849125886307`*^9}},
- CellLabel->
-  "During evaluation of \
-Cell[BoxData["117"], "Print",
- CellChangeTimes->{{3.776784888135707*^9, 3.776784912599008*^9}},
- CellLabel->
-  "During evaluation of \
-Cell[BoxData["118"], "Print",
- CellChangeTimes->{{3.776784888135707*^9, 3.776784912609436*^9}},
- CellLabel->
-  "During evaluation of \
-Cell[BoxData["119"], "Print",
- CellChangeTimes->{{3.776784888135707*^9, 3.7767849126170053`*^9}},
- CellLabel->
-  "During evaluation of \
-Cell[BoxData["120"], "Print",
- CellChangeTimes->{{3.776784888135707*^9, 3.776784912624434*^9}},
- CellLabel->
-  "During evaluation of \
-}, Open  ]],
- RowBox[{"{", "Null", "}"}]], "Output",
- CellChangeTimes->{{3.776784888384467*^9, 3.776784912631989*^9}},
- CellLabel->"Out[18]=",ExpressionUUID->"3bacc01c-d443-45cd-8552-6920b7d54570"]
-}, Closed]],
- RowBox[{"MakeRefineSeriesOf", "[", 
-  RowBox[{"121", ",", "130"}], "]"}]], "Input",
- CellChangeTimes->{{3.776444458244686*^9, 
-  3.776444461374363*^9}},ExpressionUUID->"0a825a05-32b2-4319-8639-\
- RowBox[{"MakeRefineSeriesOf", "[", 
-  RowBox[{"131", ",", "140"}], "]"}]], "Input",
- CellChangeTimes->{{3.7764444638773613`*^9, 
-  3.776444468707367*^9}},ExpressionUUID->"e4a86cf3-8ee8-4a68-8635-\
- RowBox[{"MakeRefineSeriesOf", "[", 
-  RowBox[{"141", ",", "150"}], "]"}]], "Input",
- CellChangeTimes->{{3.77644446538631*^9, 
-  3.776444471430943*^9}},ExpressionUUID->"4e14b37b-639b-46ea-b50a-\
- RowBox[{"MakeRefineSeriesOf", "[", 
-  RowBox[{"151", ",", "160"}], "]"}]], "Input",
- CellChangeTimes->{{3.7764444787943296`*^9, 
-  3.776444482084239*^9}},ExpressionUUID->"bf2275c2-8d1c-4d02-b7e4-\
- RowBox[{"MakeRefineSeriesOf", "[", 
-  RowBox[{"161", ",", "170"}], "]"}]], "Input",
- CellChangeTimes->{{3.776444494542491*^9, 
-  3.776444507655608*^9}},ExpressionUUID->"6e0c2be4-ee3a-45fa-b831-\
- RowBox[{"MakeRefineSeriesOf", "[", 
-  RowBox[{"171", ",", "180"}], "]"}]], "Input",
- CellChangeTimes->{{3.776444496397092*^9, 
-  3.776444509668532*^9}},ExpressionUUID->"9186e914-9912-4033-a987-\
- RowBox[{"MakeRefineSeriesOf", "[", 
-  RowBox[{"181", ",", "190"}], "]"}]], "Input",
- CellChangeTimes->{{3.776444498515769*^9, 
-  3.776444511347576*^9}},ExpressionUUID->"f6a2e77b-0b25-4468-8b4c-\
- RowBox[{"MakeRefineSeriesOf", "[", 
-  RowBox[{"191", ",", "200"}], "]"}]], "Input",
- CellChangeTimes->{{3.7764445005724*^9, 
-  3.776444513235516*^9}},ExpressionUUID->"a3b27975-8859-466d-a7c0-\
- RowBox[{
-  RowBox[{"(*", 
-   RowBox[{"--", 
-    RowBox[{"--", 
-     RowBox[{"--", 
-      RowBox[{"--", 
-       RowBox[{"--", 
-        RowBox[{"--", 
-         RowBox[{"--", 
-          RowBox[{"--", 
-           RowBox[{"--", 
-            RowBox[{"--", 
-             RowBox[{"--", 
-              RowBox[{"--", 
-               RowBox[{"--", 
-                RowBox[{"--", 
-                 RowBox[{"--", 
-                  RowBox[{"--", 
-                   RowBox[{"--", 
-                    RowBox[{"--", 
-                    RowBox[{"--", 
-                    RowBox[{"--", 
-                    RowBox[{"--", 
-                    RowBox[{"--", 
-                    RowBox[{"--", 
-                    RowBox[{"--", 
-                    RowBox[{"--", 
-                    RowBox[{"--", 
-                    RowBox[{"--", 
-                    RowBox[{"--", 
-                    RowBox[{"--", 
-                    RowBox[{"--", 
-                    RowBox[{"--", 
-                    RowBox[{
-                    "--", "-"}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}\
-]}]}]}]}]}]}]}], "*)"}], "\[IndentingNewLine]", "\[IndentingNewLine]", 
-  "\[IndentingNewLine]"}]], "Input",
- CellChangeTimes->{{3.778422435234481*^9, 
-  3.7784224443536377`*^9}},ExpressionUUID->"25926e05-bb3c-422b-8e2b-\
- RowBox[{"\[IndentingNewLine]", "\[IndentingNewLine]", 
-  RowBox[{"(*", " ", 
-   RowBox[{
-   "Testing", " ", "best", " ", "way", " ", "to", " ", "do", " ", "a", " ", 
-    "velocity", " ", "expansion"}], " ", "*)"}], "\[IndentingNewLine]", 
-  RowBox[{"PV1", "=", 
-   RowBox[{"listPV", "[", 
-    RowBox[{"[", "1", "]"}], "]"}]}]}]], "Input",
- CellChangeTimes->{{3.7760942680435867`*^9, 3.776094278882065*^9}, {
-  3.776094338531843*^9, 3.776094352527562*^9}},
- CellLabel->
-  "In[117]:=",ExpressionUUID->"a36cae1e-df45-49d4-a412-416ac62654e5"],
- RowBox[{"PVC", "[", 
-  RowBox[{"0", ",", "0", ",", "0", ",", "0", ",", 
-   RowBox[{
-    SuperscriptBox["MH", "2"], "-", "S", "-", "T24", "-", "U"}], ",", "T", 
-   ",", 
-   SqrtBox[
-    SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"]], ",", 
-   SqrtBox[
-    SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"]], ",", 
-   SqrtBox[
-    SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"]]}], "]"}]], "Output",
- CellChangeTimes->{{3.776094343698943*^9, 3.7760943624781322`*^9}},
- CellLabel->
-  "Out[117]=",ExpressionUUID->"a396975e-2717-4a82-90d1-7c091fb198e9"]
-}, Open  ]],
- RowBox[{"PV2", "=", 
-  RowBox[{"LRSlist", "[", 
-   RowBox[{"[", "1", "]"}], "]"}]}]], "Input",
- CellChangeTimes->{{3.776094367741146*^9, 3.776094368596299*^9}},
- CellLabel->
-  "In[119]:=",ExpressionUUID->"9b7c4721-c242-428f-936b-c73b023c8d5b"],
- RowBox[{"PVC", "[", 
-  RowBox[{"0", ",", "0", ",", "0", ",", "0", ",", 
-   RowBox[{
-    SuperscriptBox["MH", "2"], "-", "T24", "-", "U", "-", 
-    FractionBox[
-     RowBox[{"4", " ", 
-      SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"]}], 
-     RowBox[{"1", "-", 
-      SuperscriptBox["\[Beta]", "2"]}]]}], ",", "T", ",", 
-   SqrtBox[
-    SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"]], ",", 
-   SqrtBox[
-    SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"]], ",", 
-   SqrtBox[
-    SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"]]}], "]"}]], "Output",
- CellChangeTimes->{{3.7760943646124887`*^9, 3.776094368962675*^9}},
- CellLabel->
-  "Out[119]=",ExpressionUUID->"234fb216-0308-486e-aa4f-ee9ceb3aa02b"]
-}, Open  ]],
- RowBox[{"LRPV1", "=", 
-  RowBox[{"LRlist", "[", 
-   RowBox[{"[", "1", "]"}], "]"}]}]], "Input",
- CellChangeTimes->{{3.7760945284004583`*^9, 3.776094540625855*^9}},
- CellLabel->
-  "In[123]:=",ExpressionUUID->"38f9a86e-2833-456d-aa7a-12baa82bf6d4"],
- RowBox[{
-  RowBox[{"-", 
-   FractionBox[
-    SuperscriptBox[
-     RowBox[{"Log", "[", 
-      FractionBox[
-       RowBox[{
-        RowBox[{"2", " ", 
-         SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"]}], "-", "T", "+", 
-        SqrtBox[
-         RowBox[{
-          RowBox[{"-", 
-           RowBox[{"(", 
-            RowBox[{
-             RowBox[{"4", " ", 
-              SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"]}], "-", "T"}], ")"}]}], " ", "T"}]]}], 
-       RowBox[{"2", " ", 
-        SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"]}]], "]"}], "2"], 
-    RowBox[{"2", " ", 
-     RowBox[{"(", 
-      RowBox[{
-       SuperscriptBox["MH", "2"], "-", "S", "-", "T", "-", "T24", "-", "U"}], 
-      ")"}]}]]}], "+", 
-  FractionBox[
-   SuperscriptBox[
-    RowBox[{"Log", "[", 
-     FractionBox[
-      RowBox[{
-       RowBox[{"-", 
-        SuperscriptBox["MH", "2"]}], "+", 
-       RowBox[{"2", " ", 
-        SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"]}], "+", "S", "+", "T24", "+", "U", "+", 
-       SqrtBox[
-        RowBox[{
-         RowBox[{"-", 
-          RowBox[{"(", 
-           RowBox[{
-            SuperscriptBox["MH", "2"], "-", "S", "-", "T24", "-", "U"}], 
-           ")"}]}], " ", 
-         RowBox[{"(", 
-          RowBox[{
-           RowBox[{"-", 
-            SuperscriptBox["MH", "2"]}], "+", 
-           RowBox[{"4", " ", 
-            SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"]}], "+", "S", "+", "T24", "+", "U"}], 
-          ")"}]}]]}], 
-      RowBox[{"2", " ", 
-       SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"]}]], "]"}], "2"], 
-   RowBox[{"2", " ", 
-    RowBox[{"(", 
-     RowBox[{
-      SuperscriptBox["MH", "2"], "-", "S", "-", "T", "-", "T24", "-", "U"}], 
-     ")"}]}]]}]], "Output",
- CellChangeTimes->{{3.776094534901574*^9, 3.776094541151403*^9}},
- CellLabel->
-  "Out[123]=",ExpressionUUID->"1c05b19f-f3b9-494a-b37f-364f77e0b0b1"]
-}, Open  ]],
- RowBox[{
-  RowBox[{"(*", " ", 
-   RowBox[{"Case", " ", "1"}], " ", "*)"}], "\[IndentingNewLine]", 
-  RowBox[{"(*", " ", 
-   RowBox[{
-    RowBox[{
-    "Use", " ", "our", " ", "already", " ", "expanded", " ", "PV", " ", 
-     "coefficient"}], ",", " ", 
-    RowBox[{
-     RowBox[{"sub", " ", "S"}], "\[Rule]", 
-     RowBox[{"4", "*", 
-      RowBox[{
-       RowBox[{"MT", "^", "2"}], "/", 
-       RowBox[{"(", 
-        RowBox[{"1", "-", 
-         RowBox[{"\[Beta]", "^", "2"}]}], ")"}]}]}]}], ",", " ", 
-    RowBox[{"use", " ", "LoopRefineSeries"}]}], "*)"}], "\[IndentingNewLine]", 
-  RowBox[{
-   RowBox[{
-    RowBox[{"mLRPV1", "=", 
-     RowBox[{"LRPV1", "//.", "VelSub"}]}], ";"}], "\[IndentingNewLine]", 
-   RowBox[{"mLRPV1LoopSeries", "=", 
-    RowBox[{
-     RowBox[{"LoopRefineSeries", "[", 
-      RowBox[{"mLRPV1", ",", 
-       RowBox[{"{", 
-        RowBox[{"\[Beta]", ",", "0", ",", "2"}], "}"}]}], "]"}], "//", 
-     "Simplify"}]}]}]}]], "Input",
- CellChangeTimes->{{3.7760942132860537`*^9, 3.7760942177198477`*^9}, {
-  3.776094285750037*^9, 3.776094337363894*^9}, {3.77609437704847*^9, 
-  3.776094389854731*^9}, {3.776094549422592*^9, 3.7760946761359653`*^9}, {
-  3.7760947685302134`*^9, 3.77609476909201*^9}},
- CellLabel->
-  "In[135]:=",ExpressionUUID->"b2c199ef-3321-44d3-a08a-1b1de3e1b269"],
- InterpretationBox[
-  RowBox[{
-   RowBox[{"-", 
-    FractionBox[
-     RowBox[{
-      RowBox[{"-", 
-       SuperscriptBox[
-        RowBox[{"Log", "[", 
-         FractionBox[
-          RowBox[{
-           RowBox[{"2", " ", 
-            SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"]}], "-", "T", "+", 
-           SqrtBox[
-            RowBox[{"T", " ", 
-             RowBox[{"(", 
-              RowBox[{
-               RowBox[{
-                RowBox[{"-", "4"}], " ", 
-                SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"]}], "+", "T"}], ")"}]}]]}], 
-          RowBox[{"2", " ", 
-           SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"]}]], "]"}], "2"]}], "+", 
-      SuperscriptBox[
-       RowBox[{"Log", "[", 
-        FractionBox[
-         RowBox[{
-          RowBox[{"-", 
-           SuperscriptBox["MH", "2"]}], "+", 
-          RowBox[{"6", " ", 
-           SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"]}], "+", "T24", "+", "U", "+", 
-          SqrtBox[
-           RowBox[{
-            SuperscriptBox["MH", "4"], "+", 
-            RowBox[{"32", " ", 
-             SuperscriptBox["MT", "4"]}], "+", 
-            RowBox[{"12", " ", 
-             SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"], " ", 
-             RowBox[{"(", 
-              RowBox[{"T24", "+", "U"}], ")"}]}], "+", 
-            SuperscriptBox[
-             RowBox[{"(", 
-              RowBox[{"T24", "+", "U"}], ")"}], "2"], "-", 
-            RowBox[{"2", " ", 
-             SuperscriptBox["MH", "2"], " ", 
-             RowBox[{"(", 
-              RowBox[{
-               RowBox[{"6", " ", 
-                SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"]}], "+", "T24", "+", "U"}], 
-              ")"}]}]}]]}], 
-         RowBox[{"2", " ", 
-          SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"]}]], "]"}], "2"]}], 
-     RowBox[{"2", " ", 
-      RowBox[{"(", 
-       RowBox[{
-        RowBox[{"-", 
-         SuperscriptBox["MH", "2"]}], "+", 
-        RowBox[{"4", " ", 
-         SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"]}], "+", "T", "+", "T24", "+", "U"}], 
-       ")"}]}]]}], "+", 
-   RowBox[{
-    FractionBox["1", 
-     SuperscriptBox[
-      RowBox[{"(", 
-       RowBox[{
-        RowBox[{"-", 
-         SuperscriptBox["MH", "2"]}], "+", 
-        RowBox[{"4", " ", 
-         SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"]}], "+", "T", "+", "T24", "+", "U"}], ")"}],
-       "2"]], 
-    RowBox[{"2", " ", 
-     SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"], " ", 
-     RowBox[{"(", 
-      RowBox[{
-       RowBox[{"-", 
-        SuperscriptBox[
-         RowBox[{"Log", "[", 
-          FractionBox[
-           RowBox[{
-            RowBox[{"2", " ", 
-             SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"]}], "-", "T", "+", 
-            SqrtBox[
-             RowBox[{"T", " ", 
-              RowBox[{"(", 
-               RowBox[{
-                RowBox[{
-                 RowBox[{"-", "4"}], " ", 
-                 SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"]}], "+", "T"}], ")"}]}]]}], 
-           RowBox[{"2", " ", 
-            SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"]}]], "]"}], "2"]}], "-", 
-       FractionBox[
-        RowBox[{"2", " ", 
-         RowBox[{"(", 
-          RowBox[{
-           RowBox[{"-", 
-            SuperscriptBox["MH", "2"]}], "+", 
-           RowBox[{"4", " ", 
-            SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"]}], "+", "T", "+", "T24", "+", "U"}], 
-          ")"}], " ", 
-         RowBox[{"Log", "[", 
-          FractionBox[
-           RowBox[{
-            RowBox[{"-", 
-             SuperscriptBox["MH", "2"]}], "+", 
-            RowBox[{"6", " ", 
-             SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"]}], "+", "T24", "+", "U", "+", 
-            SqrtBox[
-             RowBox[{
-              SuperscriptBox["MH", "4"], "+", 
-              RowBox[{"32", " ", 
-               SuperscriptBox["MT", "4"]}], "+", 
-              RowBox[{"12", " ", 
-               SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"], " ", 
-               RowBox[{"(", 
-                RowBox[{"T24", "+", "U"}], ")"}]}], "+", 
-              SuperscriptBox[
-               RowBox[{"(", 
-                RowBox[{"T24", "+", "U"}], ")"}], "2"], "-", 
-              RowBox[{"2", " ", 
-               SuperscriptBox["MH", "2"], " ", 
-               RowBox[{"(", 
-                RowBox[{
-                 RowBox[{"6", " ", 
-                  SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"]}], "+", "T24", "+", "U"}], 
-                ")"}]}]}]]}], 
-           RowBox[{"2", " ", 
-            SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"]}]], "]"}]}], 
-        SqrtBox[
-         RowBox[{
-          SuperscriptBox["MH", "4"], "+", 
-          RowBox[{"32", " ", 
-           SuperscriptBox["MT", "4"]}], "+", 
-          RowBox[{"12", " ", 
-           SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"], " ", 
-           RowBox[{"(", 
-            RowBox[{"T24", "+", "U"}], ")"}]}], "+", 
-          SuperscriptBox[
-           RowBox[{"(", 
-            RowBox[{"T24", "+", "U"}], ")"}], "2"], "-", 
-          RowBox[{"2", " ", 
-           SuperscriptBox["MH", "2"], " ", 
-           RowBox[{"(", 
-            RowBox[{
-             RowBox[{"6", " ", 
-              SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"]}], "+", "T24", "+", "U"}], 
-            ")"}]}]}]]], "+", 
-       SuperscriptBox[
-        RowBox[{"Log", "[", 
-         FractionBox[
-          RowBox[{
-           RowBox[{"-", 
-            SuperscriptBox["MH", "2"]}], "+", 
-           RowBox[{"6", " ", 
-            SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"]}], "+", "T24", "+", "U", "+", 
-           SqrtBox[
-            RowBox[{
-             SuperscriptBox["MH", "4"], "+", 
-             RowBox[{"32", " ", 
-              SuperscriptBox["MT", "4"]}], "+", 
-             RowBox[{"12", " ", 
-              SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"], " ", 
-              RowBox[{"(", 
-               RowBox[{"T24", "+", "U"}], ")"}]}], "+", 
-             SuperscriptBox[
-              RowBox[{"(", 
-               RowBox[{"T24", "+", "U"}], ")"}], "2"], "-", 
-             RowBox[{"2", " ", 
-              SuperscriptBox["MH", "2"], " ", 
-              RowBox[{"(", 
-               RowBox[{
-                RowBox[{"6", " ", 
-                 SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"]}], "+", "T24", "+", "U"}], 
-               ")"}]}]}]]}], 
-          RowBox[{"2", " ", 
-           SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"]}]], "]"}], "2"]}], ")"}], " ", 
-     SuperscriptBox["\[Beta]", "2"]}]}], "+", 
-   InterpretationBox[
-    SuperscriptBox[
-     RowBox[{"O", "[", "\[Beta]", "]"}], "3"],
-    SeriesData[$CellContext`\[Beta], 0, {}, 0, 3, 1],
-    Editable->False]}],
-  SeriesData[$CellContext`\[Beta], 0, {
-   Rational[-1, 2] (-$CellContext`MH^2 + 
-      4 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`T + $CellContext`T24 + \
-$CellContext`U)^(-1) (-
-      Log[Rational[1, 2] $CellContext`MT^(-2) (
-          2 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`T + ($CellContext`T ((-4) \
-$CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`T))^Rational[1, 2])]^2 + 
-     Log[Rational[1, 2] $CellContext`MT^(-2) (-$CellContext`MH^2 + 
-         6 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U + \
-($CellContext`MH^4 + 32 $CellContext`MT^4 + 
-           12 $CellContext`MT^2 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U) + \
-($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^2 - 
-           2 $CellContext`MH^2 (
-            6 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U))^
-          Rational[1, 2])]^2), 0, 
-    2 $CellContext`MT^2 (-$CellContext`MH^2 + 
-      4 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`T + $CellContext`T24 + \
-$CellContext`U)^(-2) (-
-      Log[Rational[1, 2] $CellContext`MT^(-2) (
-          2 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`T + ($CellContext`T ((-4) \
-$CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`T))^Rational[1, 2])]^2 - 
-     2 (-$CellContext`MH^2 + 
-      4 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`T + $CellContext`T24 + \
-$CellContext`U) ($CellContext`MH^4 + 32 $CellContext`MT^4 + 
-       12 $CellContext`MT^2 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U) + \
-($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^2 - 
-       2 $CellContext`MH^2 (
-        6 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U))^
-      Rational[-1, 2] 
-     Log[Rational[1, 2] $CellContext`MT^(-2) (-$CellContext`MH^2 + 
-        6 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U + \
-($CellContext`MH^4 + 32 $CellContext`MT^4 + 
-          12 $CellContext`MT^2 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U) + \
-($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^2 - 
-          2 $CellContext`MH^2 (
-           6 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U))^
-         Rational[1, 2])] + 
-     Log[Rational[1, 2] $CellContext`MT^(-2) (-$CellContext`MH^2 + 
-         6 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U + \
-($CellContext`MH^4 + 32 $CellContext`MT^4 + 
-           12 $CellContext`MT^2 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U) + \
-($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^2 - 
-           2 $CellContext`MH^2 (
-            6 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U))^
-          Rational[1, 2])]^2)}, 0, 3, 1],
-  Editable->False]], "Output",
- CellChangeTimes->{{3.776094672071906*^9, 3.7760946764443398`*^9}, 
-   3.776094771951503*^9},
- CellLabel->
-  "Out[136]=",ExpressionUUID->"f04f6eb6-3a6c-42bd-b978-23a251c30109"]
-}, Closed]],
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-  RowBox[{"(*", " ", 
-   RowBox[{"Case", " ", "2"}], " ", "*)"}], "\[IndentingNewLine]", 
-  RowBox[{"(*", 
-   RowBox[{
-    RowBox[{" ", 
-     RowBox[{
-      RowBox[{
-      "Use", " ", "our", " ", "already", " ", "expanded", " ", "PV", " ", 
-       "coefficient"}], ",", " ", 
-      RowBox[{
-       RowBox[{"sub", " ", "S"}], "\[Rule]", 
-       RowBox[{"4", "*", 
-        RowBox[{
-         RowBox[{"MT", "^", "2"}], "/", 
-         RowBox[{"(", 
-          RowBox[{"1", "-", 
-           RowBox[{"\[Beta]", "^", "2"}]}], ")"}]}]}]}]}], ")"}], ",", " ", 
-    RowBox[{"use", " ", "Series"}]}], " ", "*)"}], "\[IndentingNewLine]", 
-  RowBox[{"mLRPV1Series", "=", 
-   RowBox[{
-    RowBox[{"Series", "[", 
-     RowBox[{"mLRPV1", ",", 
-      RowBox[{"{", 
-       RowBox[{"\[Beta]", ",", "0", ",", "2"}], "}"}]}], "]"}], "//", 
-    "Simplify"}]}]}]], "Input",
- CellChangeTimes->{{3.776094683105962*^9, 3.776094777128416*^9}},
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-  "In[137]:=",ExpressionUUID->"a7e9b28f-cd05-4629-a301-685337db32b1"],
- InterpretationBox[
-  RowBox[{
-   RowBox[{"-", 
-    FractionBox[
-     RowBox[{
-      RowBox[{"-", 
-       SuperscriptBox[
-        RowBox[{"Log", "[", 
-         FractionBox[
-          RowBox[{
-           RowBox[{"2", " ", 
-            SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"]}], "-", "T", "+", 
-           SqrtBox[
-            RowBox[{"T", " ", 
-             RowBox[{"(", 
-              RowBox[{
-               RowBox[{
-                RowBox[{"-", "4"}], " ", 
-                SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"]}], "+", "T"}], ")"}]}]]}], 
-          RowBox[{"2", " ", 
-           SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"]}]], "]"}], "2"]}], "+", 
-      SuperscriptBox[
-       RowBox[{"Log", "[", 
-        FractionBox[
-         RowBox[{
-          RowBox[{"-", 
-           SuperscriptBox["MH", "2"]}], "+", 
-          RowBox[{"6", " ", 
-           SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"]}], "+", "T24", "+", "U", "+", 
-          SqrtBox[
-           RowBox[{
-            SuperscriptBox["MH", "4"], "+", 
-            RowBox[{"32", " ", 
-             SuperscriptBox["MT", "4"]}], "+", 
-            RowBox[{"12", " ", 
-             SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"], " ", 
-             RowBox[{"(", 
-              RowBox[{"T24", "+", "U"}], ")"}]}], "+", 
-            SuperscriptBox[
-             RowBox[{"(", 
-              RowBox[{"T24", "+", "U"}], ")"}], "2"], "-", 
-            RowBox[{"2", " ", 
-             SuperscriptBox["MH", "2"], " ", 
-             RowBox[{"(", 
-              RowBox[{
-               RowBox[{"6", " ", 
-                SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"]}], "+", "T24", "+", "U"}], 
-              ")"}]}]}]]}], 
-         RowBox[{"2", " ", 
-          SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"]}]], "]"}], "2"]}], 
-     RowBox[{"2", " ", 
-      RowBox[{"(", 
-       RowBox[{
-        RowBox[{"-", 
-         SuperscriptBox["MH", "2"]}], "+", 
-        RowBox[{"4", " ", 
-         SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"]}], "+", "T", "+", "T24", "+", "U"}], 
-       ")"}]}]]}], "+", 
+    RowBox[{"an0", "=", 
+     RowBox[{"Import", "[", "\"\<ggH_PV.m\>\"", "]"}]}], ";"}], 
+   "\[IndentingNewLine]", 
-    FractionBox["1", 
-     SuperscriptBox[
-      RowBox[{"(", 
-       RowBox[{
-        RowBox[{"-", 
-         SuperscriptBox["MH", "2"]}], "+", 
-        RowBox[{"4", " ", 
-         SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"]}], "+", "T", "+", "T24", "+", "U"}], ")"}],
-       "2"]], 
-    RowBox[{"2", " ", 
-     SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"], " ", 
-     RowBox[{"(", 
-      RowBox[{
-       RowBox[{"-", 
-        SuperscriptBox[
-         RowBox[{"Log", "[", 
-          FractionBox[
-           RowBox[{
-            RowBox[{"2", " ", 
-             SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"]}], "-", "T", "+", 
-            SqrtBox[
-             RowBox[{"T", " ", 
-              RowBox[{"(", 
-               RowBox[{
-                RowBox[{
-                 RowBox[{"-", "4"}], " ", 
-                 SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"]}], "+", "T"}], ")"}]}]]}], 
-           RowBox[{"2", " ", 
-            SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"]}]], "]"}], "2"]}], "-", 
-       FractionBox[
-        RowBox[{"2", " ", 
-         RowBox[{"(", 
-          RowBox[{
-           RowBox[{"-", 
-            SuperscriptBox["MH", "2"]}], "+", 
-           RowBox[{"4", " ", 
-            SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"]}], "+", "T", "+", "T24", "+", "U"}], 
-          ")"}], " ", 
-         RowBox[{"Log", "[", 
-          FractionBox[
-           RowBox[{
-            RowBox[{"-", 
-             SuperscriptBox["MH", "2"]}], "+", 
-            RowBox[{"6", " ", 
-             SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"]}], "+", "T24", "+", "U", "+", 
-            SqrtBox[
-             RowBox[{
-              SuperscriptBox["MH", "4"], "+", 
-              RowBox[{"32", " ", 
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-              RowBox[{"12", " ", 
-               SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"], " ", 
-               RowBox[{"(", 
-                RowBox[{"T24", "+", "U"}], ")"}]}], "+", 
-              SuperscriptBox[
-               RowBox[{"(", 
-                RowBox[{"T24", "+", "U"}], ")"}], "2"], "-", 
-              RowBox[{"2", " ", 
-               SuperscriptBox["MH", "2"], " ", 
-               RowBox[{"(", 
-                RowBox[{
-                 RowBox[{"6", " ", 
-                  SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"]}], "+", "T24", "+", "U"}], 
-                ")"}]}]}]]}], 
-           RowBox[{"2", " ", 
-            SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"]}]], "]"}]}], 
-        SqrtBox[
-         RowBox[{
-          SuperscriptBox["MH", "4"], "+", 
-          RowBox[{"32", " ", 
-           SuperscriptBox["MT", "4"]}], "+", 
-          RowBox[{"12", " ", 
-           SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"], " ", 
-           RowBox[{"(", 
-            RowBox[{"T24", "+", "U"}], ")"}]}], "+", 
-          SuperscriptBox[
-           RowBox[{"(", 
-            RowBox[{"T24", "+", "U"}], ")"}], "2"], "-", 
-          RowBox[{"2", " ", 
-           SuperscriptBox["MH", "2"], " ", 
-           RowBox[{"(", 
-            RowBox[{
-             RowBox[{"6", " ", 
-              SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"]}], "+", "T24", "+", "U"}], 
-            ")"}]}]}]]], "+", 
-       SuperscriptBox[
-        RowBox[{"Log", "[", 
-         FractionBox[
-          RowBox[{
-           RowBox[{"-", 
-            SuperscriptBox["MH", "2"]}], "+", 
-           RowBox[{"6", " ", 
-            SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"]}], "+", "T24", "+", "U", "+", 
-           SqrtBox[
-            RowBox[{
-             SuperscriptBox["MH", "4"], "+", 
-             RowBox[{"32", " ", 
-              SuperscriptBox["MT", "4"]}], "+", 
-             RowBox[{"12", " ", 
-              SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"], " ", 
-              RowBox[{"(", 
-               RowBox[{"T24", "+", "U"}], ")"}]}], "+", 
-             SuperscriptBox[
-              RowBox[{"(", 
-               RowBox[{"T24", "+", "U"}], ")"}], "2"], "-", 
-             RowBox[{"2", " ", 
-              SuperscriptBox["MH", "2"], " ", 
-              RowBox[{"(", 
-               RowBox[{
-                RowBox[{"6", " ", 
-                 SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"]}], "+", "T24", "+", "U"}], 
-               ")"}]}]}]]}], 
-          RowBox[{"2", " ", 
-           SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"]}]], "]"}], "2"]}], ")"}], " ", 
-     SuperscriptBox["\[Beta]", "2"]}]}], "+", 
-   InterpretationBox[
-    SuperscriptBox[
-     RowBox[{"O", "[", "\[Beta]", "]"}], "3"],
-    SeriesData[$CellContext`\[Beta], 0, {}, 0, 3, 1],
-    Editable->False]}],
-  SeriesData[$CellContext`\[Beta], 0, {
-   Rational[-1, 2] (-$CellContext`MH^2 + 
-      4 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`T + $CellContext`T24 + \
-$CellContext`U)^(-1) (-
-      Log[Rational[1, 2] $CellContext`MT^(-2) (
-          2 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`T + ($CellContext`T ((-4) \
-$CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`T))^Rational[1, 2])]^2 + 
-     Log[Rational[1, 2] $CellContext`MT^(-2) (-$CellContext`MH^2 + 
-         6 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U + \
-($CellContext`MH^4 + 32 $CellContext`MT^4 + 
-           12 $CellContext`MT^2 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U) + \
-($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^2 - 
-           2 $CellContext`MH^2 (
-            6 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U))^
-          Rational[1, 2])]^2), 0, 
-    2 $CellContext`MT^2 (-$CellContext`MH^2 + 
-      4 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`T + $CellContext`T24 + \
-$CellContext`U)^(-2) (-
-      Log[Rational[1, 2] $CellContext`MT^(-2) (
-          2 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`T + ($CellContext`T ((-4) \
-$CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`T))^Rational[1, 2])]^2 - 
-     2 (-$CellContext`MH^2 + 
-      4 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`T + $CellContext`T24 + \
-$CellContext`U) ($CellContext`MH^4 + 32 $CellContext`MT^4 + 
-       12 $CellContext`MT^2 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U) + \
-($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^2 - 
-       2 $CellContext`MH^2 (
-        6 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U))^
-      Rational[-1, 2] 
-     Log[Rational[1, 2] $CellContext`MT^(-2) (-$CellContext`MH^2 + 
-        6 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U + \
-($CellContext`MH^4 + 32 $CellContext`MT^4 + 
-          12 $CellContext`MT^2 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U) + \
-($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^2 - 
-          2 $CellContext`MH^2 (
-           6 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U))^
-         Rational[1, 2])] + 
-     Log[Rational[1, 2] $CellContext`MT^(-2) (-$CellContext`MH^2 + 
-         6 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U + \
-($CellContext`MH^4 + 32 $CellContext`MT^4 + 
-           12 $CellContext`MT^2 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U) + \
-($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^2 - 
-           2 $CellContext`MH^2 (
-            6 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U))^
-          Rational[1, 2])]^2)}, 0, 3, 1],
-  Editable->False]], "Output",
- CellChangeTimes->{3.776094778441732*^9},
- CellLabel->
-  "Out[137]=",ExpressionUUID->"fb8aa450-fac0-43d2-94fb-164b894fd43e"]
-}, Closed]],
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-  RowBox[{"(*", " ", 
+    RowBox[{"an0rep", "=", 
+     RowBox[{"an0", "//.", "rep0jets"}]}], ";"}], "\[IndentingNewLine]", 
-    RowBox[{"Case", " ", "1"}], ",", 
-    RowBox[{"2", " ", "give", " ", "the", " ", "same", " ", "value"}], ",", 
-    " ", 
-    RowBox[{"no", " ", "difference", " ", "in", " ", 
-     RowBox[{"performance", "?"}]}]}], " ", "*)"}], "\[IndentingNewLine]", 
-  RowBox[{"mLRPV1LoopSeries", "\[Equal]", "mLRPV1Series"}]}]], "Input",
- CellChangeTimes->{{3.776094786738435*^9, 3.776094815754766*^9}, {
-  3.77609488885246*^9, 
-  3.776094893262938*^9}},ExpressionUUID->"1e5b2a80-6558-4a6a-a208-\
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-  "Out[138]=",ExpressionUUID->"ba76a9bc-1692-4293-93e4-3b98a9ab7916"]
-}, Open  ]],
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-  RowBox[{"(*", " ", 
-   RowBox[{"Case", " ", "3"}], " ", "*)"}], "\[IndentingNewLine]", 
-  RowBox[{"(*", " ", 
+    RowBox[{"an0repV", "=", 
+     RowBox[{"an0", "//.", "rep0jetsV"}]}], ";"}], "\[IndentingNewLine]", 
-    RowBox[{
-     RowBox[{"Use", " ", "un"}], "-", 
-     RowBox[{"expanded", " ", "PV", " ", "coefficient"}]}], ",", " ", 
-    RowBox[{
-     RowBox[{"sub", " ", "S"}], "\[Rule]", 
-     RowBox[{"4", "*", 
-      RowBox[{
-       RowBox[{"MT", "^", "2"}], "/", 
-       RowBox[{"(", 
-        RowBox[{"1", "-", 
-         RowBox[{"\[Beta]", "^", "2"}]}], ")"}]}]}]}], ",", " ", 
-    RowBox[{"use", " ", "LoopRefineSeries"}]}], " ", "*)"}], 
-  "\[IndentingNewLine]", 
-  RowBox[{"mLRPV2LoopSeries", "=", 
+    RowBox[{"Export", "[", 
+     RowBox[{"\"\<ggH_LR.m\>\"", ",", "an0rep"}], "]"}], ";"}], 
+   "\[IndentingNewLine]", 
-    RowBox[{"LoopRefineSeries", "[", 
-     RowBox[{"PV2", ",", 
-      RowBox[{"{", 
-       RowBox[{"\[Beta]", ",", "0", ",", "2"}], "}"}]}], "]"}], "//", 
-    "Simplify"}]}]}]], "Input",
- CellChangeTimes->{{3.7760948569997253`*^9, 3.776095006903996*^9}},
- CellLabel->
-  "In[139]:=",ExpressionUUID->"0c715131-89c6-40ef-8f9e-32d8bd8c07e3"],
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-  RowBox[{
-   RowBox[{"-", 
-    FractionBox[
-     RowBox[{
-      RowBox[{"-", 
-       SuperscriptBox[
-        RowBox[{"Log", "[", 
-         FractionBox[
-          RowBox[{
-           RowBox[{"2", " ", 
-            SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"]}], "-", "T", "+", 
-           SqrtBox[
-            RowBox[{"T", " ", 
-             RowBox[{"(", 
-              RowBox[{
-               RowBox[{
-                RowBox[{"-", "4"}], " ", 
-                SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"]}], "+", "T"}], ")"}]}]]}], 
-          RowBox[{"2", " ", 
-           SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"]}]], "]"}], "2"]}], "+", 
-      SuperscriptBox[
-       RowBox[{"Log", "[", 
-        FractionBox[
-         RowBox[{
-          RowBox[{"-", 
-           SuperscriptBox["MH", "2"]}], "+", 
-          RowBox[{"6", " ", 
-           SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"]}], "+", "T24", "+", 
-          SqrtBox[
-           RowBox[{
-            RowBox[{"(", 
-             RowBox[{
-              SuperscriptBox["MH", "2"], "-", 
-              RowBox[{"8", " ", 
-               SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"]}], "-", "T24", "-", "U"}], ")"}], 
-            " ", 
-            RowBox[{"(", 
-             RowBox[{
-              SuperscriptBox["MH", "2"], "-", 
-              RowBox[{"4", " ", 
-               SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"]}], "-", "T24", "-", "U"}], ")"}]}]], 
-          "+", "U"}], 
-         RowBox[{"2", " ", 
-          SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"]}]], "]"}], "2"]}], 
-     RowBox[{"2", " ", 
-      RowBox[{"(", 
-       RowBox[{
-        RowBox[{"-", 
-         SuperscriptBox["MH", "2"]}], "+", 
-        RowBox[{"4", " ", 
-         SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"]}], "+", "T", "+", "T24", "+", "U"}], 
-       ")"}]}]]}], "+", 
+    RowBox[{"Export", "[", 
+     RowBox[{"\"\<ggH_LRS.m\>\"", ",", "an0repV"}], "]"}], ";"}], 
+   "\[IndentingNewLine]", "\[IndentingNewLine]", 
-    FractionBox["1", 
-     SuperscriptBox[
-      RowBox[{"(", 
-       RowBox[{
-        RowBox[{"-", 
-         SuperscriptBox["MH", "2"]}], "+", 
-        RowBox[{"4", " ", 
-         SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"]}], "+", "T", "+", "T24", "+", "U"}], ")"}],
-       "2"]], 
-    RowBox[{"2", " ", 
-     SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"], " ", 
-     RowBox[{"(", 
-      RowBox[{
-       FractionBox[
-        RowBox[{"2", " ", 
-         RowBox[{"(", 
-          RowBox[{
-           RowBox[{"-", 
-            SuperscriptBox["MH", "2"]}], "+", 
-           RowBox[{"4", " ", 
-            SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"]}], "+", "T", "+", "T24", "+", "U"}], 
-          ")"}], " ", 
-         RowBox[{"DiscB", "[", 
-          RowBox[{
-           RowBox[{
-            SuperscriptBox["MH", "2"], "-", 
-            RowBox[{"4", " ", 
-             SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"]}], "-", "T24", "-", "U"}], ",", 
-           SqrtBox[
-            SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"]], ",", 
-           SqrtBox[
-            SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"]]}], "]"}]}], 
-        RowBox[{
-         RowBox[{"-", 
-          SuperscriptBox["MH", "2"]}], "+", 
-         RowBox[{"8", " ", 
-          SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"]}], "+", "T24", "+", "U"}]], "-", 
-       SuperscriptBox[
-        RowBox[{"Log", "[", 
-         FractionBox[
-          RowBox[{
-           RowBox[{"2", " ", 
-            SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"]}], "-", "T", "+", 
-           SqrtBox[
-            RowBox[{"T", " ", 
-             RowBox[{"(", 
-              RowBox[{
-               RowBox[{
-                RowBox[{"-", "4"}], " ", 
-                SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"]}], "+", "T"}], ")"}]}]]}], 
-          RowBox[{"2", " ", 
-           SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"]}]], "]"}], "2"], "+", 
-       SuperscriptBox[
-        RowBox[{"Log", "[", 
-         FractionBox[
-          RowBox[{
-           RowBox[{"-", 
-            SuperscriptBox["MH", "2"]}], "+", 
-           RowBox[{"6", " ", 
-            SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"]}], "+", "T24", "+", 
-           SqrtBox[
-            RowBox[{
-             RowBox[{"(", 
-              RowBox[{
-               SuperscriptBox["MH", "2"], "-", 
-               RowBox[{"8", " ", 
-                SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"]}], "-", "T24", "-", "U"}], ")"}], 
-             " ", 
-             RowBox[{"(", 
-              RowBox[{
-               SuperscriptBox["MH", "2"], "-", 
-               RowBox[{"4", " ", 
-                SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"]}], "-", "T24", "-", "U"}], ")"}]}]],
-            "+", "U"}], 
-          RowBox[{"2", " ", 
-           SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"]}]], "]"}], "2"]}], ")"}], " ", 
-     SuperscriptBox["\[Beta]", "2"]}]}], "+", 
-   InterpretationBox[
-    SuperscriptBox[
-     RowBox[{"O", "[", "\[Beta]", "]"}], "3"],
-    SeriesData[$CellContext`\[Beta], 0, {}, 0, 3, 1],
-    Editable->False]}],
-  SeriesData[$CellContext`\[Beta], 0, {
-   Rational[-1, 2] (-$CellContext`MH^2 + 
-      4 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`T + $CellContext`T24 + \
-$CellContext`U)^(-1) (-
-      Log[Rational[1, 2] $CellContext`MT^(-2) (
-          2 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`T + ($CellContext`T ((-4) \
-$CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`T))^Rational[1, 2])]^2 + 
-     Log[Rational[1, 2] $CellContext`MT^(-2) (-$CellContext`MH^2 + 
-         6 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`T24 + (($CellContext`MH^2 - 
-            8 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`T24 - $CellContext`U) \
-($CellContext`MH^2 - 
-            4 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`T24 - $CellContext`U))^
-          Rational[1, 2] + $CellContext`U)]^2), 0, 
-    2 $CellContext`MT^2 (-$CellContext`MH^2 + 
-      4 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`T + $CellContext`T24 + \
-$CellContext`U)^(-2) (
-     2 (-$CellContext`MH^2 + 
-        8 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^(-1) \
-(-$CellContext`MH^2 + 
-       4 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`T + $CellContext`T24 + \
-      X`DiscB[$CellContext`MH^2 - 
-        4 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`T24 - $CellContext`U, \
-($CellContext`MT^2)^Rational[1, 2], ($CellContext`MT^2)^Rational[1, 2]] - 
-     Log[Rational[1, 2] $CellContext`MT^(-2) (
-        2 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`T + ($CellContext`T ((-4) \
-$CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`T))^Rational[1, 2])]^2 + 
-     Log[Rational[1, 2] $CellContext`MT^(-2) (-$CellContext`MH^2 + 
-         6 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`T24 + (($CellContext`MH^2 - 
-            8 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`T24 - $CellContext`U) \
-($CellContext`MH^2 - 
-            4 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`T24 - $CellContext`U))^
-          Rational[1, 2] + $CellContext`U)]^2)}, 0, 3, 1],
-  Editable->False]], "Output",
- CellChangeTimes->{3.7760950081103888`*^9},
- CellLabel->
-  "Out[139]=",ExpressionUUID->"ee09fd16-2531-4ab1-be6d-4d7237f2c0f6"]
-}, Closed]],
- RowBox[{
-  RowBox[{"(*", " ", 
-   RowBox[{"Case", " ", "4"}], " ", "*)"}], "\[IndentingNewLine]", 
-  RowBox[{"(*", " ", 
+    RowBox[{"SetDirectory", "[", 
+     RowBox[{"NotebookDirectory", "[", "]"}], "]"}], ";"}], 
+   "\[IndentingNewLine]", 
-    RowBox[{
-     RowBox[{"Use", " ", "un"}], "-", 
-     RowBox[{"expanded", " ", "PV", " ", "coefficient"}]}], ",", " ", 
-    RowBox[{
-     RowBox[{"sub", " ", "S"}], "\[Rule]", 
-     RowBox[{"4", "*", 
+    RowBox[{"SetDirectory", "[", 
+     RowBox[{"StringJoin", "[", 
-       RowBox[{"MT", "^", "2"}], "/", 
-       RowBox[{"(", 
-        RowBox[{"1", "-", 
-         RowBox[{"\[Beta]", "^", "2"}]}], ")"}]}]}]}], ",", " ", 
-    RowBox[{"use", " ", "LoopRefine"}], ",", " ", 
-    RowBox[{"then", " ", "LoopRefineSeries"}]}], " ", "*)"}], 
-  "\[IndentingNewLine]", 
-  RowBox[{"mLRPV2LoopSeries2", "=", 
-   RowBox[{
-    RowBox[{"LoopRefineSeries", "[", 
-     RowBox[{
-      RowBox[{"LoopRefine", "[", "PV2", "]"}], ",", 
-      RowBox[{"{", 
-       RowBox[{"\[Beta]", ",", "0", ",", "2"}], "}"}]}], "]"}], "//", 
-    "Simplify"}]}]}]], "Input",
- CellChangeTimes->{{3.776094943833243*^9, 3.776094948875589*^9}, {
-  3.776095031975548*^9, 3.7760950965361834`*^9}},
- CellLabel->
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- InterpretationBox[
-  RowBox[{
-   RowBox[{"-", 
-    FractionBox[
-     RowBox[{
-      RowBox[{"-", 
-       SuperscriptBox[
-        RowBox[{"Log", "[", 
-         FractionBox[
-          RowBox[{
-           RowBox[{"2", " ", 
-            SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"]}], "-", "T", "+", 
-           SqrtBox[
-            RowBox[{"T", " ", 
-             RowBox[{"(", 
-              RowBox[{
-               RowBox[{
-                RowBox[{"-", "4"}], " ", 
-                SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"]}], "+", "T"}], ")"}]}]]}], 
-          RowBox[{"2", " ", 
-           SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"]}]], "]"}], "2"]}], "+", 
-      SuperscriptBox[
-       RowBox[{"Log", "[", 
-        FractionBox[
-         RowBox[{
-          RowBox[{"-", 
-           SuperscriptBox["MH", "2"]}], "+", 
-          RowBox[{"6", " ", 
-           SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"]}], "+", "T24", "+", "U", "+", 
-          SqrtBox[
-           RowBox[{
-            SuperscriptBox["MH", "4"], "+", 
-            RowBox[{"32", " ", 
-             SuperscriptBox["MT", "4"]}], "+", 
-            RowBox[{"12", " ", 
-             SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"], " ", 
-             RowBox[{"(", 
-              RowBox[{"T24", "+", "U"}], ")"}]}], "+", 
-            SuperscriptBox[
-             RowBox[{"(", 
-              RowBox[{"T24", "+", "U"}], ")"}], "2"], "-", 
-            RowBox[{"2", " ", 
-             SuperscriptBox["MH", "2"], " ", 
-             RowBox[{"(", 
-              RowBox[{
-               RowBox[{"6", " ", 
-                SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"]}], "+", "T24", "+", "U"}], 
-              ")"}]}]}]]}], 
-         RowBox[{"2", " ", 
-          SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"]}]], "]"}], "2"]}], 
-     RowBox[{"2", " ", 
-      RowBox[{"(", 
-       RowBox[{
-        RowBox[{"-", 
-         SuperscriptBox["MH", "2"]}], "+", 
-        RowBox[{"4", " ", 
-         SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"]}], "+", "T", "+", "T24", "+", "U"}], 
-       ")"}]}]]}], "+", 
+       RowBox[{"ParentDirectory", "[", "]"}], ",", "\"\</feynamps\>\""}], 
+      "]"}], "]"}], ";"}], "\[IndentingNewLine]", 
-    FractionBox["1", 
-     SuperscriptBox[
-      RowBox[{"(", 
-       RowBox[{
-        RowBox[{"-", 
-         SuperscriptBox["MH", "2"]}], "+", 
-        RowBox[{"4", " ", 
-         SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"]}], "+", "T", "+", "T24", "+", "U"}], ")"}],
-       "2"]], 
-    RowBox[{"2", " ", 
-     SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"], " ", 
-     RowBox[{"(", 
-      RowBox[{
-       RowBox[{"-", 
-        SuperscriptBox[
-         RowBox[{"Log", "[", 
-          FractionBox[
-           RowBox[{
-            RowBox[{"2", " ", 
-             SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"]}], "-", "T", "+", 
-            SqrtBox[
-             RowBox[{"T", " ", 
-              RowBox[{"(", 
-               RowBox[{
-                RowBox[{
-                 RowBox[{"-", "4"}], " ", 
-                 SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"]}], "+", "T"}], ")"}]}]]}], 
-           RowBox[{"2", " ", 
-            SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"]}]], "]"}], "2"]}], "-", 
-       FractionBox[
-        RowBox[{"2", " ", 
-         RowBox[{"(", 
-          RowBox[{
-           RowBox[{"-", 
-            SuperscriptBox["MH", "2"]}], "+", 
-           RowBox[{"4", " ", 
-            SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"]}], "+", "T", "+", "T24", "+", "U"}], 
-          ")"}], " ", 
-         RowBox[{"Log", "[", 
-          FractionBox[
-           RowBox[{
-            RowBox[{"-", 
-             SuperscriptBox["MH", "2"]}], "+", 
-            RowBox[{"6", " ", 
-             SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"]}], "+", "T24", "+", "U", "+", 
-            SqrtBox[
-             RowBox[{
-              SuperscriptBox["MH", "4"], "+", 
-              RowBox[{"32", " ", 
-               SuperscriptBox["MT", "4"]}], "+", 
-              RowBox[{"12", " ", 
-               SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"], " ", 
-               RowBox[{"(", 
-                RowBox[{"T24", "+", "U"}], ")"}]}], "+", 
-              SuperscriptBox[
-               RowBox[{"(", 
-                RowBox[{"T24", "+", "U"}], ")"}], "2"], "-", 
-              RowBox[{"2", " ", 
-               SuperscriptBox["MH", "2"], " ", 
-               RowBox[{"(", 
-                RowBox[{
-                 RowBox[{"6", " ", 
-                  SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"]}], "+", "T24", "+", "U"}], 
-                ")"}]}]}]]}], 
-           RowBox[{"2", " ", 
-            SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"]}]], "]"}]}], 
-        SqrtBox[
-         RowBox[{
-          SuperscriptBox["MH", "4"], "+", 
-          RowBox[{"32", " ", 
-           SuperscriptBox["MT", "4"]}], "+", 
-          RowBox[{"12", " ", 
-           SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"], " ", 
-           RowBox[{"(", 
-            RowBox[{"T24", "+", "U"}], ")"}]}], "+", 
-          SuperscriptBox[
-           RowBox[{"(", 
-            RowBox[{"T24", "+", "U"}], ")"}], "2"], "-", 
-          RowBox[{"2", " ", 
-           SuperscriptBox["MH", "2"], " ", 
-           RowBox[{"(", 
-            RowBox[{
-             RowBox[{"6", " ", 
-              SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"]}], "+", "T24", "+", "U"}], 
-            ")"}]}]}]]], "+", 
-       SuperscriptBox[
-        RowBox[{"Log", "[", 
-         FractionBox[
-          RowBox[{
-           RowBox[{"-", 
-            SuperscriptBox["MH", "2"]}], "+", 
-           RowBox[{"6", " ", 
-            SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"]}], "+", "T24", "+", "U", "+", 
-           SqrtBox[
-            RowBox[{
-             SuperscriptBox["MH", "4"], "+", 
-             RowBox[{"32", " ", 
-              SuperscriptBox["MT", "4"]}], "+", 
-             RowBox[{"12", " ", 
-              SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"], " ", 
-              RowBox[{"(", 
-               RowBox[{"T24", "+", "U"}], ")"}]}], "+", 
-             SuperscriptBox[
-              RowBox[{"(", 
-               RowBox[{"T24", "+", "U"}], ")"}], "2"], "-", 
-             RowBox[{"2", " ", 
-              SuperscriptBox["MH", "2"], " ", 
-              RowBox[{"(", 
-               RowBox[{
-                RowBox[{"6", " ", 
-                 SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"]}], "+", "T24", "+", "U"}], 
-               ")"}]}]}]]}], 
-          RowBox[{"2", " ", 
-           SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"]}]], "]"}], "2"]}], ")"}], " ", 
-     SuperscriptBox["\[Beta]", "2"]}]}], "+", 
-   InterpretationBox[
-    SuperscriptBox[
-     RowBox[{"O", "[", "\[Beta]", "]"}], "3"],
-    SeriesData[$CellContext`\[Beta], 0, {}, 0, 3, 1],
-    Editable->False]}],
-  SeriesData[$CellContext`\[Beta], 0, {
-   Rational[-1, 2] (-$CellContext`MH^2 + 
-      4 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`T + $CellContext`T24 + \
-$CellContext`U)^(-1) (-
-      Log[Rational[1, 2] $CellContext`MT^(-2) (
-          2 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`T + ($CellContext`T ((-4) \
-$CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`T))^Rational[1, 2])]^2 + 
-     Log[Rational[1, 2] $CellContext`MT^(-2) (-$CellContext`MH^2 + 
-         6 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U + \
-($CellContext`MH^4 + 32 $CellContext`MT^4 + 
-           12 $CellContext`MT^2 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U) + \
-($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^2 - 
-           2 $CellContext`MH^2 (
-            6 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U))^
-          Rational[1, 2])]^2), 0, 
-    2 $CellContext`MT^2 (-$CellContext`MH^2 + 
-      4 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`T + $CellContext`T24 + \
-$CellContext`U)^(-2) (-
-      Log[Rational[1, 2] $CellContext`MT^(-2) (
-          2 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`T + ($CellContext`T ((-4) \
-$CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`T))^Rational[1, 2])]^2 - 
-     2 (-$CellContext`MH^2 + 
-      4 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`T + $CellContext`T24 + \
-$CellContext`U) ($CellContext`MH^4 + 32 $CellContext`MT^4 + 
-       12 $CellContext`MT^2 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U) + \
-($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^2 - 
-       2 $CellContext`MH^2 (
-        6 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U))^
-      Rational[-1, 2] 
-     Log[Rational[1, 2] $CellContext`MT^(-2) (-$CellContext`MH^2 + 
-        6 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U + \
-($CellContext`MH^4 + 32 $CellContext`MT^4 + 
-          12 $CellContext`MT^2 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U) + \
-($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^2 - 
-          2 $CellContext`MH^2 (
-           6 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U))^
-         Rational[1, 2])] + 
-     Log[Rational[1, 2] $CellContext`MT^(-2) (-$CellContext`MH^2 + 
-         6 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U + \
-($CellContext`MH^4 + 32 $CellContext`MT^4 + 
-           12 $CellContext`MT^2 ($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U) + \
-($CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^2 - 
-           2 $CellContext`MH^2 (
-            6 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U))^
-          Rational[1, 2])]^2)}, 0, 3, 1],
-  Editable->False]], "Output",
- CellChangeTimes->{{3.7760950761911373`*^9, 3.776095096903057*^9}},
- CellLabel->
-  "Out[142]=",ExpressionUUID->"72f30e8f-2cdf-4cf1-b2ac-4bad814133c2"]
-}, Closed]],
- RowBox[{
-  RowBox[{"(*", " ", 
+    RowBox[{"an1", "=", 
+     RowBox[{"Import", "[", "\"\<ggHg_PV.m\>\"", "]"}]}], ";"}], 
+   "\[IndentingNewLine]", 
-    RowBox[{"Case", " ", "3"}], ",", 
-    RowBox[{"4", " ", "give", " ", "DIFFERENT", " ", "answers"}]}], " ", 
-   "*)"}], "\[IndentingNewLine]", 
-  RowBox[{"FullSimplify", "[", 
-   RowBox[{"mLRPV2LoopSeries", "\[Equal]", "mLRPV2LoopSeries2"}], 
-   "]"}]}]], "Input",
- CellChangeTimes->{{3.7760951076835823`*^9, 
-  3.776095161154098*^9}},ExpressionUUID->"aa4bbc56-9042-4ac4-9da9-\
- RowBox[{
-  InterpretationBox[
+    RowBox[{"an1rep", "=", 
+     RowBox[{"an1", "//.", "rep1jets"}]}], ";"}], "\[IndentingNewLine]", 
-    FractionBox[
-     RowBox[{"4", " ", 
-      SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"], " ", 
-      RowBox[{"(", 
-       RowBox[{
-        FractionBox[
-         RowBox[{"DiscB", "[", 
-          RowBox[{
-           RowBox[{
-            SuperscriptBox["MH", "2"], "-", 
-            RowBox[{"4", " ", 
-             SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"]}], "-", "T24", "-", "U"}], ",", 
-           SqrtBox[
-            SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"]], ",", 
-           SqrtBox[
-            SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"]]}], "]"}], 
-         RowBox[{
-          RowBox[{"-", 
-           SuperscriptBox["MH", "2"]}], "+", 
-          RowBox[{"8", " ", 
-           SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"]}], "+", "T24", "+", "U"}]], "+", 
-        FractionBox[
-         RowBox[{"Log", "[", 
-          FractionBox[
-           RowBox[{
-            RowBox[{"-", 
-             SuperscriptBox["MH", "2"]}], "+", 
-            RowBox[{"6", " ", 
-             SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"]}], "+", "T24", "+", 
-            SqrtBox[
-             RowBox[{
-              RowBox[{"(", 
-               RowBox[{
-                SuperscriptBox["MH", "2"], "-", 
-                RowBox[{"8", " ", 
-                 SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"]}], "-", "T24", "-", "U"}], ")"}], 
-              " ", 
-              RowBox[{"(", 
-               RowBox[{
-                SuperscriptBox["MH", "2"], "-", 
-                RowBox[{"4", " ", 
-                 SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"]}], "-", "T24", "-", "U"}], 
-               ")"}]}]], "+", "U"}], 
-           RowBox[{"2", " ", 
-            SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"]}]], "]"}], 
-         SqrtBox[
-          RowBox[{
-           RowBox[{"(", 
-            RowBox[{
-             SuperscriptBox["MH", "2"], "-", 
-             RowBox[{"8", " ", 
-              SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"]}], "-", "T24", "-", "U"}], ")"}], " ", 
-           RowBox[{"(", 
-            RowBox[{
-             SuperscriptBox["MH", "2"], "-", 
-             RowBox[{"4", " ", 
-              SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"]}], "-", "T24", "-", "U"}], 
-            ")"}]}]]]}], ")"}], " ", 
-      SuperscriptBox["\[Beta]", "2"]}], 
-     RowBox[{
-      RowBox[{"-", 
-       SuperscriptBox["MH", "2"]}], "+", 
-      RowBox[{"4", " ", 
-       SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"]}], "+", "T", "+", "T24", "+", "U"}]], "+", 
-    InterpretationBox[
-     SuperscriptBox[
-      RowBox[{"O", "[", "\[Beta]", "]"}], "3"],
-     SeriesData[$CellContext`\[Beta], 0, {}, 2, 3, 1],
-     Editable->False]}],
-   SeriesData[$CellContext`\[Beta], 0, {
-    4 $CellContext`MT^2 (-$CellContext`MH^2 + 
-       4 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`T + $CellContext`T24 + \
-$CellContext`U)^(-1) ((-$CellContext`MH^2 + 
-         8 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^(-1) 
-       X`DiscB[$CellContext`MH^2 - 
-         4 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`T24 - $CellContext`U, \
-($CellContext`MT^2)^Rational[1, 2], ($CellContext`MT^2)^
-         Rational[1, 2]] + (($CellContext`MH^2 - 
-          8 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`T24 - $CellContext`U) \
-($CellContext`MH^2 - 
-          4 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`T24 - $CellContext`U))^
-        Rational[-1, 2] 
-       Log[Rational[1, 2] $CellContext`MT^(-2) (-$CellContext`MH^2 + 
-          6 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`T24 + (($CellContext`MH^2 - 
-             8 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`T24 - $CellContext`U) \
-($CellContext`MH^2 - 
-             4 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`T24 - $CellContext`U))^
-           Rational[1, 2] + $CellContext`U)])}, 2, 3, 1],
-   Editable->False], "\[Equal]", "0"}]], "Output",
- CellChangeTimes->{{3.7760951169017067`*^9, 3.776095125732332*^9}},
- CellLabel->
-  "Out[144]=",ExpressionUUID->"5dd7bd0b-df4b-42b4-afa6-169da77820b0"]
-}, Open  ]],
- RowBox[{
-  RowBox[{"(*", " ", 
+    RowBox[{"an1repV", "=", 
+     RowBox[{"an1", "//.", "rep1jetsV"}]}], ";"}], "\[IndentingNewLine]", 
-    RowBox[{"Case", " ", "1"}], ",", 
-    RowBox[{
-    "2", " ", "and", " ", "4", " ", "give", " ", "the", " ", "same", " ", 
-     "result"}]}], " ", "*)"}], "\[IndentingNewLine]", 
-  RowBox[{"mLRPV1LoopSeries", "\[Equal]", "mLRPV2LoopSeries2"}]}]], "Input",
- CellChangeTimes->{{3.776095186462483*^9, 3.7760951971387672`*^9}, {
-  3.776095252021922*^9, 
-  3.776095266705385*^9}},ExpressionUUID->"acbb6382-4324-4bfb-aa84-\
-Cell[BoxData["True"], "Output",
- CellChangeTimes->{3.776095198717999*^9},
- CellLabel->
-  "Out[145]=",ExpressionUUID->"f4100da3-c681-47f2-ac13-8b324b099b4e"]
-}, Open  ]],
- RowBox[{
-  RowBox[{"(*", " ", 
-   RowBox[{"Case", " ", "3", " ", "is", " ", "different"}], " ", "*)"}], 
-  "\[IndentingNewLine]", 
-  RowBox[{"FullSimplify", "[", 
-   RowBox[{"mLRPV1LoopSeries", "\[Equal]", "mLRPV2LoopSeries"}], 
-   "]"}]}]], "Input",
- CellChangeTimes->{{3.776095201801568*^9, 3.776095278918404*^9}},
- CellLabel->
-  "In[149]:=",ExpressionUUID->"1be0f3b4-e047-4a26-9afa-df89d8bb25eb"],
- RowBox[{
-  InterpretationBox[
+    RowBox[{"Export", "[", 
+     RowBox[{"\"\<ggHg_LR.m\>\"", ",", "an1rep"}], "]"}], ";"}], 
+   "\[IndentingNewLine]", 
-    FractionBox[
-     RowBox[{"4", " ", 
-      SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"], " ", 
-      RowBox[{"(", 
-       RowBox[{
-        RowBox[{"-", 
-         FractionBox[
-          RowBox[{"DiscB", "[", 
-           RowBox[{
-            RowBox[{
-             SuperscriptBox["MH", "2"], "-", 
-             RowBox[{"4", " ", 
-              SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"]}], "-", "T24", "-", "U"}], ",", 
-            SqrtBox[
-             SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"]], ",", 
-            SqrtBox[
-             SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"]]}], "]"}], 
-          RowBox[{
-           RowBox[{"-", 
-            SuperscriptBox["MH", "2"]}], "+", 
-           RowBox[{"8", " ", 
-            SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"]}], "+", "T24", "+", "U"}]]}], "-", 
-        FractionBox[
-         RowBox[{"Log", "[", 
-          FractionBox[
-           RowBox[{
-            RowBox[{"-", 
-             SuperscriptBox["MH", "2"]}], "+", 
-            RowBox[{"6", " ", 
-             SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"]}], "+", "T24", "+", 
-            SqrtBox[
-             RowBox[{
-              RowBox[{"(", 
-               RowBox[{
-                SuperscriptBox["MH", "2"], "-", 
-                RowBox[{"8", " ", 
-                 SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"]}], "-", "T24", "-", "U"}], ")"}], 
-              " ", 
-              RowBox[{"(", 
-               RowBox[{
-                SuperscriptBox["MH", "2"], "-", 
-                RowBox[{"4", " ", 
-                 SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"]}], "-", "T24", "-", "U"}], 
-               ")"}]}]], "+", "U"}], 
-           RowBox[{"2", " ", 
-            SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"]}]], "]"}], 
-         SqrtBox[
-          RowBox[{
-           RowBox[{"(", 
-            RowBox[{
-             SuperscriptBox["MH", "2"], "-", 
-             RowBox[{"8", " ", 
-              SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"]}], "-", "T24", "-", "U"}], ")"}], " ", 
-           RowBox[{"(", 
-            RowBox[{
-             SuperscriptBox["MH", "2"], "-", 
-             RowBox[{"4", " ", 
-              SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"]}], "-", "T24", "-", "U"}], 
-            ")"}]}]]]}], ")"}], " ", 
-      SuperscriptBox["\[Beta]", "2"]}], 
-     RowBox[{
-      RowBox[{"-", 
-       SuperscriptBox["MH", "2"]}], "+", 
-      RowBox[{"4", " ", 
-       SuperscriptBox["MT", "2"]}], "+", "T", "+", "T24", "+", "U"}]], "+", 
-    InterpretationBox[
-     SuperscriptBox[
-      RowBox[{"O", "[", "\[Beta]", "]"}], "3"],
-     SeriesData[$CellContext`\[Beta], 0, {}, 2, 3, 1],
-     Editable->False]}],
-   SeriesData[$CellContext`\[Beta], 0, {
-    4 $CellContext`MT^2 (-$CellContext`MH^2 + 
-       4 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`T + $CellContext`T24 + \
-$CellContext`U)^(-1) (-(-$CellContext`MH^2 + 
-         8 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`T24 + $CellContext`U)^(-1) 
-       X`DiscB[$CellContext`MH^2 - 
-         4 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`T24 - $CellContext`U, \
-($CellContext`MT^2)^Rational[1, 2], ($CellContext`MT^2)^
-         Rational[1, 2]] - (($CellContext`MH^2 - 
-         8 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`T24 - $CellContext`U) \
-($CellContext`MH^2 - 
-         4 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`T24 - $CellContext`U))^
-       Rational[-1, 2] 
-      Log[Rational[1, 2] $CellContext`MT^(-2) (-$CellContext`MH^2 + 
-         6 $CellContext`MT^2 + $CellContext`T24 + (($CellContext`MH^2 - 
-            8 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`T24 - $CellContext`U) \
-($CellContext`MH^2 - 
-            4 $CellContext`MT^2 - $CellContext`T24 - $CellContext`U))^
-          Rational[1, 2] + $CellContext`U)])}, 2, 3, 1],
-   Editable->False], "\[Equal]", "0"}]], "Output",
- CellChangeTimes->{{3.776095218727405*^9, 3.776095249937913*^9}, 
-   3.776095280416049*^9},
- CellLabel->
-  "Out[149]=",ExpressionUUID->"481fa417-77b8-4946-b4f9-04ed930e142d"]
-}, Open  ]],
- RowBox[{"\[IndentingNewLine]", "\[IndentingNewLine]", "\[IndentingNewLine]", 
-  "\[IndentingNewLine]", "\[IndentingNewLine]", 
-  "\[IndentingNewLine]"}]], "Input",
- CellChangeTimes->{{3.776094017637576*^9, 
-  3.776094018336205*^9}},ExpressionUUID->"1e1abde8-f7ad-44b1-99b4-\
+    RowBox[{"Export", "[", 
+     RowBox[{"\"\<ggHg_LRS.m\>\"", ",", "an1repV"}], "]"}], ";"}], 
+   "\[IndentingNewLine]"}]}]], "Input",
+ CellChangeTimes->{{3.779203684849749*^9, 3.77920370077398*^9}, 
+   3.779203741919395*^9, {3.779208488019166*^9, 3.779208541164543*^9}, {
+   3.77920857838577*^9, 3.7792086788648443`*^9}, {3.779208785766498*^9, 
+   3.779208853150999*^9}, {3.779208906369919*^9, 3.7792089083525743`*^9}, {
+   3.7792089532498817`*^9, 3.779208981508471*^9}, {3.779209012734215*^9, 
+   3.779209018880466*^9}, {3.7792091629264402`*^9, 3.779209286542005*^9}, {
+   3.779209321755767*^9, 3.779209415990327*^9}, 
+   3.77920946182887*^9},ExpressionUUID->"a898e213-2a6f-4ee3-aa78-\
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@@ -101299,414 +891,12 @@ Cell[4180, 94, 1329, 31, 94, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"1c12ba0e-fd6c-4b7e-8de6-2b
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 Cell[16176, 386, 371, 6, 30, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"7741718d-edbc-49e5-a241-fb84c7107f7d"],
 Cell[16550, 394, 1721, 48, 157, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"9fe10d31-521c-4fe7-844e-895b7b5e190a"],
-Cell[18274, 444, 2352, 56, 178, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"6f54e202-a28b-4a1d-9e81-76bb7154ddaa"],
-Cell[20629, 502, 1618, 39, 136, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"476a37c6-482c-4f61-9ced-5d80a625711e"],
-Cell[22250, 543, 177, 3, 30, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"705b77c9-9d55-4c91-a174-596c11435d8d"],
-Cell[22430, 548, 3796, 101, 451, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"fd0c50cb-5e3d-46b2-a09e-275f25c954a6"],
-Cell[26229, 651, 147, 3, 52, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"2239b8d8-532e-4c08-ac3b-e377a166b460"],
-Cell[26379, 656, 379, 8, 30, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"e40759ab-7c04-4bf0-a25e-f80786106946"],
-Cell[26761, 666, 1703, 50, 220, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"007158c3-a206-4cab-88ec-886b70f30fed"],
-Cell[28467, 718, 249, 4, 30, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"743fd8ff-17f3-49f2-85d6-506c6d73e5ad"],
-Cell[28741, 726, 200, 4, 30, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"f774e49f-9f49-4e9e-8986-5d0680aa1203"],
-Cell[28944, 732, 173, 2, 34, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"1a69893c-2615-4d54-91e8-335f2abb5de6"]
-}, Open  ]],
-Cell[29132, 737, 278, 5, 136, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"9a42fe37-6411-44bf-809a-1046a3483503"],
-Cell[29413, 744, 294, 6, 30, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"9e2a44fe-0bb9-4f67-9e8b-da5c10ecf6b1"],
-Cell[29732, 754, 182, 2, 30, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"f396c3bc-ea1b-44d3-a6cc-f7fecc0fffe5"],
-Cell[29917, 758, 12116, 317, 213, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"1d1b26d3-3d5a-4f24-a113-21f43e2027cf"]
-}, Open  ]],
-Cell[42048, 1078, 812, 19, 94, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"0484a78b-7482-4457-ac3e-5762b8c80c69"],
-Cell[42885, 1101, 247, 4, 30, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"6f58dd70-ec76-4b2e-8d7d-ae9f5adae4ca"],
-Cell[43135, 1107, 11414, 300, 191, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"b4f39a2e-5da3-4756-9d30-b57a024860f7"]
-}, Open  ]],
-Cell[54564, 1410, 414, 9, 30, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"6dc8539a-b6fb-45ed-bf01-82aab57aef98"],
-Cell[55003, 1423, 236, 4, 30, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"cb0ca33d-b1f5-4703-8d8e-8c263a31064a"],
-Cell[55242, 1429, 11410, 300, 196, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"1d5fa8ad-833f-46d5-a1dc-a4179db033a8"]
-}, Open  ]],
-Cell[66667, 1732, 417, 9, 30, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"5eff98d5-542a-4fb2-8a57-8b5bb386d93b"],
-Cell[67109, 1745, 230, 4, 30, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"6b8a882a-c4d7-48c9-bd9a-89d690e1775f"],
-Cell[67342, 1751, 11431, 302, 194, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"0dd69f7f-556b-4cf0-903b-9a63338f9b78"]
-}, Open  ]],
-Cell[78788, 2056, 413, 9, 30, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"786a397e-8276-4b59-936c-1058b86fa2b4"],
-Cell[79226, 2069, 232, 4, 30, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"cac28fd3-e795-47f1-a77e-e5a2fe196f33"],
-Cell[79461, 2075, 11631, 306, 199, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"fdf26c39-191c-4b8f-8ed6-4f24a3f9beeb"]
-}, Open  ]],
-Cell[91107, 2384, 462, 11, 52, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"c7feecf3-f47a-423b-924d-e06efe08d9d2"],
-Cell[91572, 2397, 419, 9, 157, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"7e7b9f75-0ed1-4382-a7dd-99907c1473ac"],
-Cell[92016, 2410, 248, 4, 30, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"ae98646f-6aec-43fc-bc4c-76b34b9d8371"],
-Cell[92267, 2416, 2181, 62, 146, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"b03d30ad-4939-46cf-b5fe-8b765a9784a2"]
-}, Open  ]],
-Cell[94463, 2481, 1054, 29, 115, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"24b1d6d5-8138-410c-bad0-4688d4069032"],
-Cell[95520, 2512, 396, 9, 136, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"1f278cce-b737-471d-abb8-571bd986d464"],
-Cell[95919, 2523, 265, 5, 30, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"9a2e8cfd-31b0-4513-b860-e5717141a96f"],
-Cell[96187, 2530, 851, 23, 73, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"f2581317-15ac-431d-858d-1506de0ee6ea"],
-Cell[97041, 2555, 239, 5, 30, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"935c66bf-fd6a-4022-88ef-839267449906"],
-Cell[97283, 2562, 255, 5, 115, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"e4eda86f-c0c1-4ed1-b09c-a197bbc299c9"],
-Cell[97541, 2569, 1202, 32, 136, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"e7549059-0b03-41c9-afd1-97986dde3359"],
-Cell[98746, 2603, 154, 3, 30, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"75c75df4-ee72-49af-9630-1cf0eef74f43"],
-Cell[98903, 2608, 128, 3, 30, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"a4013e44-a682-4c70-a84f-f4695f7dd230"],
-Cell[99034, 2613, 238, 5, 30, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"73dfc6d7-5c31-463e-8864-6b5bef17b11d"],
-Cell[99297, 2622, 524, 14, 30, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"b4100299-10f3-4c3c-90b5-db96319fb7d9"],
-Cell[99824, 2638, 3541, 105, 133, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"227ac9fd-122f-4bdd-8ce6-0421fc3101b9"]
-}, Open  ]],
-Cell[103380, 2746, 636, 18, 52, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"d027658a-37f9-489d-a307-4d535ae073b9"],
-Cell[104041, 2768, 203, 3, 30, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"55e4d6af-838f-45bf-ab25-da03c1c1d848"],
-Cell[104247, 2773, 3741, 113, 161, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"f7adf7fb-3d44-404a-b9d8-8367ef825cc7"]
-}, Open  ]],
-Cell[108003, 2889, 328, 6, 115, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"a9b9ca57-f825-4517-8b39-8ebebaffad8a"],
-Cell[108334, 2897, 1735, 50, 136, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"f261cfc3-9a94-4830-9195-aa48c3328d0f"],
-Cell[110072, 2949, 1023, 26, 178, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"5fb9542c-66c2-4b59-b6c0-3d1e3db1842f"],
-Cell[111098, 2977, 195, 4, 30, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"ce77b5bd-ebce-4c42-9263-53392240007e"],
-Cell[111296, 2983, 1358, 37, 115, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"9997d1a8-9d83-430a-8554-6cfc2a974c27"],
-Cell[112657, 3022, 1818, 48, 178, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"3e8bf30c-17cd-43d9-b2c2-32aaac3fabf4"],
-Cell[114478, 3072, 906, 22, 115, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"0faeac76-b8a2-41ff-a322-8a7cc20f5cdc"],
-Cell[115409, 3098, 547, 11, 52, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"0aeaadd3-5332-4530-a274-2d257367f236"],
-Cell[115981, 3113, 196, 4, 24, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"941d2971-0756-46af-bbfa-35b438dd0e63"],
-Cell[116180, 3119, 198, 4, 24, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"7f9fc3c9-6ddc-47d5-af72-107027ebb276"],
-Cell[116381, 3125, 196, 4, 24, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"da3f0120-fdef-4857-aa25-2ee29cd3ae1a"],
-Cell[116580, 3131, 198, 4, 24, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"b6c871c9-430f-4950-8ffa-bdb5d1f09ffe"],
-Cell[116781, 3137, 196, 4, 24, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"08b8650b-700a-4a81-98cd-762915822ac6"],
-Cell[116980, 3143, 196, 4, 24, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"dc323011-3d7c-4c71-98f9-fc651ab59bcd"],
-Cell[117179, 3149, 196, 4, 24, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"dcbc9173-996e-4615-8934-be1437da9dbc"],
-Cell[117378, 3155, 196, 4, 24, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"5235f72f-1e09-460f-a972-86c8776de7bf"],
-Cell[117577, 3161, 196, 4, 24, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"51d0dc87-3144-4105-a8ae-a650d049a319"],
-Cell[117776, 3167, 197, 4, 24, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"61f11d61-f008-44dc-96d0-db1dad10327b"],
-Cell[117976, 3173, 199, 4, 24, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"f3db9187-5fb7-4179-9d5d-fee11f151b8a"],
-Cell[118178, 3179, 197, 4, 24, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"55143390-2218-4242-8577-41b5b68bf26f"],
-Cell[118378, 3185, 197, 4, 24, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"de5e700a-5013-445e-b472-25d383ca5cf3"],
-Cell[118578, 3191, 197, 4, 24, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"04316d54-f297-424b-9b49-acfd45d21630"],
-Cell[118778, 3197, 199, 4, 24, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"017b3ad1-2b25-45a4-8b9d-111686161236"],
-Cell[118980, 3203, 199, 4, 24, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"cf381b0c-ac88-40ab-b951-874fcfdfa6c6"],
-Cell[119182, 3209, 197, 4, 24, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"67e161ed-8390-46fa-a181-f56c98936077"],
-Cell[119382, 3215, 197, 4, 24, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"12eddb76-c821-45d5-9119-d5d357f2d4eb"],
-Cell[119582, 3221, 197, 4, 24, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"f42cca31-6f52-49bc-b356-94d57c78fd27"],
-Cell[119782, 3227, 197, 4, 24, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"812113fc-a308-46fd-b058-9e34214fc722"],
-Cell[119982, 3233, 197, 4, 24, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"5f1deb06-8268-41a5-84bd-e5a8ada699a5"],
-Cell[120182, 3239, 199, 4, 24, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"28c127e4-f366-4435-9db7-8b114a82b320"],
-Cell[120384, 3245, 199, 4, 24, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"db1f8f22-c844-4e1e-892c-73ca3a41eaee"],
-Cell[120586, 3251, 197, 4, 24, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"ae692077-c31d-43f0-a099-c52e179f8dea"],
-Cell[120786, 3257, 196, 4, 24, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"8f0af9a8-1bc7-4b92-a518-3b7fb75be3ae"],
-Cell[120985, 3263, 197, 4, 24, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"60b61b67-6c61-4599-a20d-463c308eb270"],
-Cell[121185, 3269, 197, 4, 24, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"60c27d5d-d770-45b4-8b6e-611a3c03ef79"],
-Cell[121385, 3275, 197, 4, 24, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"e5c01ae9-55fc-47f8-9c3d-6f54b4b00756"],
-Cell[121585, 3281, 196, 4, 24, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"7f11c8de-f7aa-4313-ab85-f0bc8404662d"],
-Cell[121784, 3287, 199, 4, 24, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"9e154613-6e9c-4d11-8ddd-6170705528ab"],
-Cell[121986, 3293, 197, 4, 24, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"2f8e02d9-a5b4-4bd9-b9d9-aec02153dd7c"],
-Cell[122186, 3299, 199, 4, 24, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"650def7c-a65f-44fb-811b-1fa0b5a45d15"],
-Cell[122388, 3305, 199, 4, 24, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"6474532b-9599-4489-88db-58d38314ab6f"],
-Cell[122590, 3311, 197, 4, 24, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"226a40c4-f169-42d2-8ab6-1f67a2f873ea"],
-Cell[122790, 3317, 196, 4, 24, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"a1944f0f-52a8-49d8-b9c3-20fec2f3235a"],
-Cell[122989, 3323, 197, 4, 24, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"3b4b9b10-ab7e-4de6-ab0f-e0018abf925b"],
-Cell[123189, 3329, 196, 4, 24, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"6c480e69-9121-408a-8dec-f908c61e8d42"],
-Cell[123388, 3335, 199, 4, 24, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"cba40a3e-274e-4ca6-acca-4f9780f8640b"],
-Cell[123590, 3341, 197, 4, 24, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"e62616bb-5c74-4eeb-afa2-bb439d81b80e"],
-Cell[123790, 3347, 197, 4, 24, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"52e54f32-ac58-4414-93fa-68fcf6f14698"],
-Cell[123990, 3353, 197, 4, 24, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"50d0b363-2b99-4f39-bfc0-29a59ae13c83"],
-Cell[124190, 3359, 197, 4, 24, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"5dca03fa-6242-4056-b5c8-360525f873d4"],
-Cell[124390, 3365, 197, 4, 24, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"91a05c83-f424-4d73-8df9-fd9365c15c65"],
-Cell[124590, 3371, 197, 4, 24, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"e35ff97f-1b31-4eec-84d3-b936608c353c"],
-Cell[124790, 3377, 197, 4, 24, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"45f0eca5-0ad3-474d-8922-cc6c393a259f"]
-}, Open  ]],
-Cell[125002, 3384, 196, 3, 34, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"cfcdfb24-b305-466a-a1bb-a332ab352a9e"]
-}, Closed]],
-Cell[125213, 3390, 371, 8, 26, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"09576c11-deed-4e65-b168-19d328941f7e"],
-Cell[125587, 3400, 1052, 28, 115, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"e9cb917d-6bce-4b94-a047-15b919e9e4cc"],
-Cell[126642, 3430, 883, 22, 115, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"58da36ab-d8d7-464f-a677-c4ffb3b43015"],
-Cell[127550, 3456, 441, 10, 30, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"93d22a91-7738-43f2-ae38-e21755ca22f1"],
-Cell[127994, 3468, 515, 11, 42, "Message",ExpressionUUID->"dc04a919-7e52-45e2-bb44-a344b5d1d308"],
-Cell[128512, 3481, 513, 11, 42, "Message",ExpressionUUID->"99a74ed9-9abc-451d-8242-fd4078fd5891"],
-Cell[129028, 3494, 515, 11, 42, "Message",ExpressionUUID->"1070ad89-c66d-4906-aa54-fd4ac95964d8"],
-Cell[129546, 3507, 461, 10, 24, "Message",ExpressionUUID->"9dbf4032-8c2f-4bba-9001-aa2649499b6f"]
-}, Open  ]],
-Cell[130044, 3522, 154, 3, 30, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"6e5f5a2d-f8d8-41cc-b7f7-193907c772e2"],
-Cell[130201, 3527, 4419372, 95030, 90964, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"6849d88e-ad0f-49c4-99da-875ddf3df840"]
-}, Closed]],
-Cell[4549588, 98560, 152, 3, 26, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"3bccd808-2d0d-4aed-ad5c-f98dce1bb2fa"],
-Cell[4549743, 98565, 151, 3, 30, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"9214d531-c1c4-4f0b-8067-62d509d3780e"],
-Cell[4549897, 98570, 152, 3, 30, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"5d134bbf-d270-4d46-9aad-c35a20b3af10"],
-Cell[4550052, 98575, 1248, 34, 115, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"c9706e32-aa64-4bea-be5e-fca139f74b78"],
-Cell[4551303, 98611, 1047, 24, 94, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"2098a55c-4e04-413e-b48c-2e3e1420aeba"],
-Cell[4552353, 98637, 716, 17, 73, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"f11165e8-30f4-4621-91cb-e78cc1116c62"],
-Cell[4553072, 98656, 302, 5, 30, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"881beb7c-e557-4703-a5ed-8b7345c6403b"],
-Cell[4553399, 98665, 240, 4, 30, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"86953094-992b-4ece-81d3-0f54f8c99910"],
-Cell[4553664, 98673, 197, 4, 24, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"8b88be0a-a13e-4a7b-8295-c1008ad658d6"],
-Cell[4553864, 98679, 198, 4, 24, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"f854acc1-f24a-43ce-9107-892da3741105"],
-Cell[4554065, 98685, 198, 4, 24, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"0ebf2041-29ad-490d-ae2c-fb00ea60e896"],
-Cell[4554266, 98691, 198, 4, 24, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"ce7c7420-29bb-4bc7-9fe1-c52d92b3c17c"],
-Cell[4554467, 98697, 198, 4, 24, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"bdb7f0f5-ae0e-47e3-bde4-add2b2e9172d"],
-Cell[4554668, 98703, 198, 4, 24, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"6ccc5234-8d31-4f80-b860-fb9bc1ead01e"],
-Cell[4554869, 98709, 198, 4, 24, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"9f6f5a15-4625-4559-aeb6-4e62d60ea660"],
-Cell[4555070, 98715, 200, 4, 24, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"cc753901-6a7d-4228-ac53-35d451b86d77"],
-Cell[4555273, 98721, 198, 4, 24, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"8fe1d30b-85ec-47bd-8e46-174bcc6be6cf"],
-Cell[4555474, 98727, 199, 4, 24, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"cd6b11e5-086b-4a28-ba23-c88ce09cbddb"]
-}, Open  ]],
-Cell[4555688, 98734, 196, 3, 34, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"f9eb79c9-79ab-4972-ac5d-9bf4d7c5706c"]
-}, Closed]],
-Cell[4555921, 98742, 241, 4, 26, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"f96bfd50-3c93-487b-b72c-0efa966db052"],
-Cell[4556187, 98750, 197, 4, 24, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"0df55f20-b51c-4417-8687-560b75680ad9"],
-Cell[4556387, 98756, 199, 4, 24, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"65afac5f-ac1b-405d-95ca-d88dcc034907"],
-Cell[4556589, 98762, 199, 4, 24, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"155d77b5-d5ca-47b5-bba8-036aff1d2443"],
-Cell[4556791, 98768, 199, 4, 24, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"6402840f-e54b-49d2-8ce8-0175340b2083"],
-Cell[4556993, 98774, 199, 4, 24, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"736736de-4f33-4375-9ad5-d9f98f5dba87"],
-Cell[4557195, 98780, 197, 4, 24, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"5d2d9825-5632-4457-8211-7dd6cee750a8"],
-Cell[4557395, 98786, 197, 4, 24, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"23906453-43f1-4403-92b6-e9fb94c0ae50"],
-Cell[4557595, 98792, 197, 4, 24, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"2ba2eb99-fc54-459f-85c0-ed99d7ad07c9"],
-Cell[4557795, 98798, 197, 4, 24, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"94070629-691b-4d0a-9eb7-69b91078a11e"],
-Cell[4557995, 98804, 197, 4, 24, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"3812bf93-11c7-45dc-bd0e-7ed9238191ce"]
-}, Open  ]],
-Cell[4558207, 98811, 196, 3, 34, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"3f41a929-7beb-4259-8ecb-4fc1d8a69374"]
-}, Closed]],
-Cell[4558440, 98819, 243, 4, 26, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"fe1a97a8-532e-4e7a-8a88-f565caae5f97"],
-Cell[4558708, 98827, 201, 4, 24, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"203826e8-d100-4a48-aa61-b8cae880ddf2"],
-Cell[4558912, 98833, 199, 4, 24, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"9a8a2d64-a921-4ebe-b6c4-e90419eee1c2"],
-Cell[4559114, 98839, 199, 4, 24, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"ceff1cb8-2c39-4c0f-a43a-efcbdbef0fe2"],
-Cell[4559316, 98845, 201, 4, 24, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"89a661a3-5c0c-4326-a393-6e4972db4a6b"],
-Cell[4559520, 98851, 201, 4, 24, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"6aa6f90c-6c91-4f86-8968-1103cba7975b"],
-Cell[4559724, 98857, 199, 4, 24, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"0dcb36c1-0668-4b8a-bc01-4945a598c78a"],
-Cell[4559926, 98863, 199, 4, 24, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"0fcfcd70-8d7b-435d-a163-acb028e6e16e"],
-Cell[4560128, 98869, 199, 4, 24, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"3b7724cb-54a4-4dde-8ea0-50e5610b792e"],
-Cell[4560330, 98875, 199, 4, 24, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"b613c9c7-96f4-4a6c-8f08-8e6df52762df"],
-Cell[4560532, 98881, 199, 4, 24, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"a6fd0189-8e91-469a-9897-389a4893d7b0"]
-}, Open  ]],
-Cell[4560746, 98888, 196, 3, 34, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"4a8fef41-31e5-42c1-8bdc-68e9f7afbd6a"]
-}, Closed]],
-Cell[4560979, 98896, 242, 4, 26, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"2aecbe65-4b44-4dfa-93ef-65fd39540c9b"],
-Cell[4561246, 98904, 197, 4, 24, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"2fca990b-8284-4e3f-8a3b-7f56db89acc5"],
-Cell[4561446, 98910, 197, 4, 24, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"3177b850-296d-49fe-8867-d3473a1b0c35"],
-Cell[4561646, 98916, 197, 4, 24, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"c0b4e928-89e9-4d85-8e51-5cbdf9ce41aa"],
-Cell[4561846, 98922, 197, 4, 24, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"a373700f-9836-44d5-8a5f-930119678171"],
-Cell[4562046, 98928, 197, 4, 24, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"ca822f7e-70c9-46a4-a25f-582acb77abcb"],
-Cell[4562246, 98934, 197, 4, 24, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"96e22b30-8c73-4518-8d23-873121d8fc48"],
-Cell[4562446, 98940, 197, 4, 24, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"83708b79-d67b-4c05-93e9-38073aa7fe05"],
-Cell[4562646, 98946, 197, 4, 24, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"78e88359-b700-4328-bea6-a2b0d14a7cac"],
-Cell[4562846, 98952, 197, 4, 24, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"704157f3-bfb2-4f43-b5f0-c5bfbc560aab"],
-Cell[4563046, 98958, 197, 4, 24, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"7565254f-9a77-48dc-9444-33b886723862"]
-}, Open  ]],
-Cell[4563258, 98965, 200, 3, 34, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"2e1c38af-7450-4ecc-a05c-257dcdba5451"]
-}, Closed]],
-Cell[4563495, 98973, 241, 4, 26, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"8ee863b5-d147-4e8a-bd18-9c421dd23787"],
-Cell[4563761, 98981, 197, 4, 24, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"2009a193-ceea-46ef-bd80-037d926017cf"],
-Cell[4563961, 98987, 199, 4, 24, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"0a74d1db-0a55-41c7-a355-eca543eb70e7"],
-Cell[4564163, 98993, 197, 4, 24, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"e55077bb-d892-44dc-b006-f69eb07618f5"],
-Cell[4564363, 98999, 197, 4, 24, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"55c1e9be-56a5-4944-b983-985ca4b80876"],
-Cell[4564563, 99005, 197, 4, 24, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"17abba4e-1848-488c-bde6-35cdf05998d4"],
-Cell[4564763, 99011, 199, 4, 24, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"8842af6b-8a1e-48e1-98ef-18ca8f39a91d"],
-Cell[4564965, 99017, 197, 4, 24, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"c65f5711-d87e-4702-85dc-948bb2237f08"],
-Cell[4565165, 99023, 197, 4, 24, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"c6fbe64a-ceca-439e-8b29-9c26adf965ef"],
-Cell[4565365, 99029, 199, 4, 24, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"9fcc8d20-19ef-45d4-bc4b-aefbb0a6e431"],
-Cell[4565567, 99035, 197, 4, 24, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"3f30f015-4bfc-47f5-99d8-e3f68011c8c2"]
-}, Open  ]],
-Cell[4565779, 99042, 196, 3, 34, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"6069c659-d902-4918-a553-fc39b0ec194b"]
-}, Closed]],
-Cell[4566012, 99050, 241, 4, 26, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"71acea69-b2b3-491d-ae15-f4df099b9b39"],
-Cell[4566278, 99058, 199, 4, 24, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"4145e9a2-b86f-444d-9e6f-514e102a7a17"],
-Cell[4566480, 99064, 197, 4, 24, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"0f110600-9945-4ce8-ada0-239cd91d8e03"],
-Cell[4566680, 99070, 199, 4, 24, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"f8453fc4-a721-4441-9016-2af31abf7022"],
-Cell[4566882, 99076, 196, 4, 24, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"e7b4daf0-0724-4551-8ded-34ecced4ec32"],
-Cell[4567081, 99082, 197, 4, 24, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"654cff30-d67b-463f-9d66-f38a5cbd6e2c"],
-Cell[4567281, 99088, 197, 4, 24, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"0398c397-cea0-48c6-adee-2da2335e66cb"],
-Cell[4567481, 99094, 197, 4, 24, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"0f95316d-23be-46b1-8fb4-6dfdb7e99fe2"],
-Cell[4567681, 99100, 199, 4, 24, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"0996f87d-8f52-4872-8581-efb748040ff9"],
-Cell[4567883, 99106, 197, 4, 24, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"6098c8b1-ad3d-4b8a-850a-4b9fb5e363cf"],
-Cell[4568083, 99112, 197, 4, 24, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"57383c2a-c8e3-461c-bd50-359a76498569"]
-}, Open  ]],
-Cell[4568295, 99119, 196, 3, 34, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"abee5d57-ae1c-4b68-8896-520cd5335c43"]
-}, Closed]],
-Cell[4568528, 99127, 243, 4, 26, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"75b90654-1ac3-4894-8e5d-81d701b5e39a"],
-Cell[4568796, 99135, 197, 4, 24, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"eea3546e-d9ee-471e-845d-31f4851702d4"],
-Cell[4568996, 99141, 196, 4, 24, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"aedb175e-f30c-4a30-9760-18498d2f5ebb"],
-Cell[4569195, 99147, 197, 4, 24, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"9ef01fde-35d5-4cdb-8e20-06150be4917d"],
-Cell[4569395, 99153, 196, 4, 24, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"801f39b3-2897-4def-aace-35be798602f1"],
-Cell[4569594, 99159, 199, 4, 24, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"4524b0a4-c3cf-4eee-9bae-4a4411158765"],
-Cell[4569796, 99165, 199, 4, 24, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"9ad23010-af47-4eb5-80b1-72cc7a2f8eb2"],
-Cell[4569998, 99171, 196, 4, 24, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"9a39c0cc-b71d-4bfb-b47a-e3532770aa9b"],
-Cell[4570197, 99177, 199, 4, 24, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"e9a4811a-4dfc-4847-9ed8-9f5e7fb0a1bd"],
-Cell[4570399, 99183, 197, 4, 24, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"4a551457-b8aa-425f-b484-9ebe7095e485"],
-Cell[4570599, 99189, 196, 4, 24, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"ed43c117-5a2c-4198-9efb-7da7dd4d4034"]
-}, Open  ]],
-Cell[4570810, 99196, 196, 3, 34, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"1a9dd832-cded-404a-9e8e-55603b4d7433"]
-}, Closed]],
-Cell[4571043, 99204, 292, 5, 26, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"f824d033-691a-4d1f-92f5-4ab01423a5ad"],
-Cell[4571360, 99213, 177, 4, 24, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"92d7c1bd-c362-4205-9f66-6a01b447a4eb"],
-Cell[4571540, 99219, 175, 4, 24, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"54df0102-003b-4884-bb53-111b767a4c0f"],
-Cell[4571718, 99225, 174, 4, 24, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"42fe5d37-9e86-4d1b-b9a2-35370152be1a"],
-Cell[4571895, 99231, 177, 4, 24, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"e05f68ba-59c9-4014-82ba-94955347b056"]
-}, Open  ]],
-Cell[4572087, 99238, 174, 3, 34, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"52db8c9f-9b99-4b63-bfd9-226b29998173"]
-}, Closed]],
-Cell[4572298, 99246, 228, 4, 26, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"e1619147-dbd8-4b95-92c0-a0a9e3d6e05f"],
-Cell[4572529, 99252, 729, 19, 46, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"6b31f62a-bb61-4325-bbb2-0f8b38f9d9b0"]
-}, Open  ]],
-Cell[4573273, 99274, 200, 4, 32, "Item",ExpressionUUID->"b8f7dd32-654c-4d69-a388-00e73e20b2c5"],
-Cell[4573498, 99282, 639, 16, 52, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"6385e4e6-3aa6-4ca7-8de4-83d30633a5ae"],
-Cell[4574140, 99300, 158, 2, 34, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"20e798ff-b0ce-4e4d-8da1-a093ebf96720"]
-}, Open  ]],
-Cell[4574313, 99305, 184, 4, 30, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"35538101-3df6-4320-82c6-fb90398dcf8b"],
-Cell[4574522, 99313, 241, 4, 30, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"c6f1e48f-f2b3-4633-a270-2d837481a3a1"],
-Cell[4574766, 99319, 396, 10, 24, "Message",ExpressionUUID->"da0ce5b5-a752-4f0c-81a9-b9f06d7ab115"],
-Cell[4575165, 99331, 394, 10, 24, "Message",ExpressionUUID->"be0f414f-c102-4bf4-9e35-0d311e65c76f"],
-Cell[4575584, 99345, 177, 4, 24, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"3bba7d8f-9b06-484f-b4d3-632f231afc37"],
-Cell[4575764, 99351, 177, 4, 24, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"f659f692-01ec-4858-acaa-d60f4b4998e6"],
-Cell[4575944, 99357, 175, 4, 24, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"e9e35560-6a98-4d85-ba46-29424be208af"],
-Cell[4576122, 99363, 177, 4, 24, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"5d1876d0-f98c-4bb2-9711-124711ea1dab"],
-Cell[4576302, 99369, 175, 4, 24, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"ae667c6d-6a3b-4b8a-9bf8-9c76aa4faf28"]
-}, Open  ]],
-Cell[4576492, 99376, 247, 4, 34, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"88acd967-1c2c-4b4e-b73d-ecbd06540448"]
-}, Closed]],
-Cell[4576776, 99385, 241, 4, 26, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"8d487f69-3cc5-4b15-a17c-36b0f0a098da"],
-Cell[4577042, 99393, 175, 4, 24, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"2846bb9c-a0e3-4cc6-9863-49dc879372fb"],
-Cell[4577220, 99399, 175, 4, 24, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"8e8e94ae-2685-46cf-824c-9dccd6aaa7c9"],
-Cell[4577398, 99405, 175, 4, 24, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"ea5a6e57-459b-44f3-af8d-e27fd9f73504"],
-Cell[4577576, 99411, 175, 4, 24, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"236d0628-1541-4ee1-8294-d993f0d4fc6b"],
-Cell[4577754, 99417, 175, 4, 24, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"41931755-f8dd-4016-8ec3-12f189f6c48b"],
-Cell[4577932, 99423, 177, 4, 24, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"87cc3efa-15c5-4aac-9f59-fc77c411956d"],
-Cell[4578112, 99429, 175, 4, 24, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"c28fc9bb-8175-41ae-b5b8-a2af110aa01e"],
-Cell[4578290, 99435, 175, 4, 24, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"c804e0fc-13b8-404c-be08-a7e750465f41"],
-Cell[4578468, 99441, 175, 4, 24, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"017215f5-e5a5-412a-95b0-02e856ef17cf"],
-Cell[4578646, 99447, 175, 4, 24, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"27abe593-5557-4139-b432-a9d130c93652"]
-}, Open  ]],
-Cell[4578836, 99454, 174, 3, 34, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"27df6f47-5fa2-4e39-b7f2-afc3c720e098"]
-}, Closed]],
-Cell[4579025, 99460, 190, 5, 26, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"df98973f-1c7c-43bf-ada2-bc8f065d9ee0"],
-Cell[4579240, 99469, 319, 6, 30, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"2649d505-baee-414f-ba61-a848c431375f"],
-Cell[4579584, 99479, 177, 4, 24, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"d990281d-da4e-44ce-bba0-3be9e51984c8"],
-Cell[4579764, 99485, 175, 4, 24, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"8e564ec2-2ba2-4af6-8839-241a48c4b011"]
-}, Open  ]]
-}, Closed]],
-Cell[4579988, 99495, 270, 6, 26, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"e440a8fa-6daf-4e52-952c-f2a2da027d58"],
-Cell[4580283, 99505, 175, 4, 24, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"47e9eb29-eb3c-44eb-bde5-daa461e7965a"],
-Cell[4580461, 99511, 175, 4, 24, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"3c8d7c90-91f7-46fd-ac69-8701bacfe25a"],
-Cell[4580639, 99517, 175, 4, 24, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"44a1988b-44c7-4cc4-accc-daccc86bdfec"]
-}, Open  ]]
-}, Closed]],
-Cell[4580863, 99527, 273, 6, 26, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"ccd5003b-7be8-4452-a781-58d0de738e3e"],
-Cell[4581161, 99537, 177, 4, 24, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"590c91e2-ef3c-4505-aa0b-95d55137b2bb"],
-Cell[4581341, 99543, 175, 4, 24, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"69d37e74-c56f-4a12-bc84-953b1ee45562"],
-Cell[4581519, 99549, 175, 4, 24, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"400a6676-c5b0-4df1-b6bb-83a59b331179"]
-}, Open  ]]
-}, Closed]],
-Cell[4581721, 99557, 190, 5, 26, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"07237824-5e81-41b0-bd1d-7d744858c3ed"],
-Cell[4581914, 99564, 245, 4, 30, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"4d28e53c-4af5-40ba-890a-a6a9f9544d99"],
-Cell[4582162, 99570, 245, 4, 30, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"712b80aa-b8c4-4294-a783-8d276a083f12"],
-Cell[4582432, 99578, 245, 4, 30, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"0121b0f2-33a2-4f93-abd0-b7335f00f4ba"],
-Cell[4582680, 99584, 482, 11, 24, "Message",ExpressionUUID->"535114a6-b030-4308-8246-00c024410468"],
-Cell[4583165, 99597, 488, 11, 24, "Message",ExpressionUUID->"3fff711e-1dcc-463e-a740-414e01e7545b"],
-Cell[4583656, 99610, 200, 4, 24, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"02b1fe8c-97b1-4f62-af5e-560a0f061657"],
-Cell[4583859, 99616, 485, 11, 24, "Message",ExpressionUUID->"4d229124-7f85-4bce-9345-8223a1b56caa"],
-Cell[4584347, 99629, 488, 11, 24, "Message",ExpressionUUID->"9b026f9b-c1da-4642-96e1-ffec3e99e1ad"],
-Cell[4584838, 99642, 200, 4, 24, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"ee45a9cb-8f55-46b4-86d8-aa90b6d7b196"],
-Cell[4585041, 99648, 483, 11, 24, "Message",ExpressionUUID->"3f134fed-054a-4e7f-bf83-da4ec88b63a5"],
-Cell[4585527, 99661, 478, 10, 24, "Message",ExpressionUUID->"deb651cd-9750-4f33-8892-dc4873ea19f8"],
-Cell[4586008, 99673, 490, 11, 24, "Message",ExpressionUUID->"5597723e-0b2d-4d43-b93e-f96034ffcb06"],
-Cell[4586501, 99686, 476, 10, 24, "Message",ExpressionUUID->"8ef06157-c74b-48e8-9c7f-327d7302c28c"],
-Cell[4587002, 99700, 200, 4, 24, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"6d010356-450e-479a-ba67-eeb3e26ec291"],
-Cell[4587205, 99706, 202, 4, 24, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"3f15cc52-1ff6-45cb-a9fd-644d776c5f89"],
-Cell[4587410, 99712, 200, 4, 24, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"4feea194-42f6-4ca1-9312-62f92ec665a5"],
-Cell[4587613, 99718, 202, 4, 24, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"6258c9d5-91a7-48d5-8231-34e495c40fa5"],
-Cell[4587818, 99724, 200, 4, 24, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"ffc76446-691d-4b15-befd-5803a78522c1"],
-Cell[4588021, 99730, 200, 4, 24, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"0837e534-d7bb-47f7-aed6-303356623331"],
-Cell[4588224, 99736, 202, 4, 24, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"f10d2730-aa78-4b6e-80cd-badb4c9a088b"],
-Cell[4588429, 99742, 200, 4, 24, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"38a8da08-2436-4aa2-9ed3-acd6b62059aa"]
-}, Open  ]],
-Cell[4588644, 99749, 198, 3, 34, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"3bacc01c-d443-45cd-8552-6920b7d54570"]
-}, Closed]],
-Cell[4588857, 99755, 224, 5, 26, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"0a825a05-32b2-4319-8639-70ebb7dae721"],
-Cell[4589084, 99762, 226, 5, 30, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"e4a86cf3-8ee8-4a68-8635-217b0ba4a640"],
-Cell[4589313, 99769, 223, 5, 30, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"4e14b37b-639b-46ea-b50a-b14416358740"],
-Cell[4589539, 99776, 226, 5, 30, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"bf2275c2-8d1c-4d02-b7e4-41137641140c"],
-Cell[4589768, 99783, 224, 5, 30, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"6e0c2be4-ee3a-45fa-b831-83a1095ac1be"],
-Cell[4589995, 99790, 224, 5, 30, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"9186e914-9912-4033-a987-f84144195af6"],
-Cell[4590222, 99797, 224, 5, 30, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"f6a2e77b-0b25-4468-8b4c-79e5f414742d"],
-Cell[4590449, 99804, 222, 5, 30, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"a3b27975-8859-466d-a7c0-b105c7fe73d9"],
-Cell[4590674, 99811, 1318, 40, 94, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"25926e05-bb3c-422b-8e2b-9a57e964ba2b"],
-Cell[4592017, 99855, 553, 12, 94, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"a36cae1e-df45-49d4-a412-416ac62654e5"],
-Cell[4592573, 99869, 498, 14, 46, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"a396975e-2717-4a82-90d1-7c091fb198e9"]
-}, Open  ]],
-Cell[4593108, 99888, 258, 6, 30, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"9b7c4721-c242-428f-936b-c73b023c8d5b"],
-Cell[4593369, 99896, 632, 18, 56, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"234fb216-0308-486e-aa4f-ee9ceb3aa02b"]
-}, Open  ]],
-Cell[4594038, 99919, 261, 6, 30, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"38f9a86e-2833-456d-aa7a-12baa82bf6d4"],
-Cell[4594302, 99927, 1757, 56, 85, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"1c05b19f-f3b9-494a-b37f-364f77e0b0b1"]
-}, Open  ]],
-Cell[4596096, 99988, 1315, 34, 94, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"b2c199ef-3321-44d3-a08a-1b1de3e1b269"],
-Cell[4597414, 100024, 8708, 229, 381, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"f04f6eb6-3a6c-42bd-b978-23a251c30109"]
-}, Closed]],
-Cell[4606159, 100258, 1021, 29, 69, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"a7e9b28f-cd05-4629-a301-685337db32b1"],
-Cell[4607183, 100289, 8656, 228, 381, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"fb8aa450-fac0-43d2-94fb-164b894fd43e"]
-}, Closed]],
-Cell[4615876, 100522, 558, 13, 48, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"1e5b2a80-6558-4a6a-a208-6ffd66be10ca"],
-Cell[4616437, 100537, 155, 3, 34, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"ba76a9bc-1692-4293-93e4-3b98a9ab7916"]
-}, Open  ]],
-Cell[4616629, 100545, 993, 28, 73, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"0c715131-89c6-40ef-8f9e-32d8bd8c07e3"],
-Cell[4617625, 100575, 6402, 173, 229, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"ee09fd16-2531-4ab1-be6d-4d7237f2c0f6"]
-}, Closed]],
-Cell[4624064, 100753, 1136, 31, 69, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"192cc319-c4e4-49c2-9aae-8c5e3d52b6b5"],
-Cell[4625203, 100786, 8682, 228, 381, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"72f30e8f-2cdf-4cf1-b2ac-4bad814133c2"]
-}, Closed]],
-Cell[4633922, 101019, 453, 12, 48, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"aa4bbc56-9042-4ac4-9da9-d8a6a099ffb0"],
-Cell[4634378, 101033, 3697, 95, 120, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"5dd7bd0b-df4b-42b4-afa6-169da77820b0"]
-}, Open  ]],
-Cell[4638112, 101133, 493, 12, 52, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"acbb6382-4324-4bfb-aa84-71272d55c7d4"],
-Cell[4638608, 101147, 156, 3, 34, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"f4100da3-c681-47f2-ac13-8b324b099b4e"]
-}, Open  ]],
-Cell[4638801, 101155, 414, 10, 52, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"1be0f3b4-e047-4a26-9afa-df89d8bb25eb"],
-Cell[4639218, 101167, 3754, 97, 120, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"481fa417-77b8-4946-b4f9-04ed930e142d"]
-}, Open  ]],
-Cell[4642987, 101267, 304, 6, 157, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"1e1abde8-f7ad-44b1-99b4-1370e978f66d"]
+Cell[18274, 444, 2327, 56, 157, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"6f54e202-a28b-4a1d-9e81-76bb7154ddaa"],
+Cell[20604, 502, 1618, 39, 136, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"476a37c6-482c-4f61-9ced-5d80a625711e"],
+Cell[22225, 543, 6316, 161, 808, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"fd0c50cb-5e3d-46b2-a09e-275f25c954a6"],
+Cell[28544, 706, 535, 10, 52, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"e40759ab-7c04-4bf0-a25e-f80786106946"],
+Cell[29082, 718, 2530, 73, 346, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"007158c3-a206-4cab-88ec-886b70f30fed"],
+Cell[31615, 793, 2823, 72, 367, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"a898e213-2a6f-4ee3-aa78-01a23bf703b8"]