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as plt -#%matplotlib inline - -class pkOptimizer: - """The pkOptimizer object is an optimizer for parameters in pk models.""" - - def __init__ (self, wd, Flow = 1/60, Vp = 0.05, Visf = 0.15, PS = 1/60): - """Initializes the model with initial guess parameter values for flow, Vp, Visf, and PS. - Parameters - ---------- - Flow : double - Flow is the flow of plasma through the blood vessel in mL/(mL*min). Defaults to 1/60. - - Vp : double - Vp is the volume of plasma in mL. Defaults to 0.05. - - Visf : double - Visf is the volume of interstitial fluid in mL. Defaults to 0.15. - - PS : double - PS is the permeability-surface area constant in mL/(g*min). Defaults to 1/60. - """ - - def getData(self, wd): - """Imports data from all .csv files in directory. - Parameters - ---------- - wd : str - wd is the working directory path - - Attributes - ---------- - t : double[] - list of all timepoints - aorta : double[] - concentration of tracer in aorta (input function) - myo : double[] - concentration of tracer in myocardial tissue (Cisf) - - Returns - ------- - t : double[] - list of all timepoints - aorta : double[] - concentration of tracer in aorta (input function) - myo : double[] - concentration of tracer in myocardial tissue (Cisf) - """ - - os.chdir(wd) - #os.chdir(r"C:\Users\Ethan\OneDrive - Michigan State University\MSU\Classwork\Computational Modeling\Models\Data") - #create directory of all csv files, - data = list(csv.reader(open('CTPERF005_stress.csv'), delimiter = '\t')) - - t = [] - aorta = [] - myo = [] - - for i in range(12): - t.append(float(re.compile('\d+[.]+\d+|\d+').findall(data[i+1][0])[0])) - aorta.append(float(re.compile('\d+[.]+\d+|\d+').findall(data[i+1][1])[0])) - myo.append(float(re.compile('\d+[.]+\d+|\d+').findall(data[i+1][2])[0])) - - return t, aorta, myo - - def gammaFunc(self, time, a, l, s): - """Creates a gamma variate probability density function with given alpha, location, and scale values. - Parameters - ---------- - time : double[] - array of timepoints - a : double - alpha value of gamma PDF - l : double - location of 50th percentile of function - s : double - scale parameter - - Returns - ------- - rv.pdf(time) - probability density function of your gamma variate. - """ - rv = gamma(a, loc = l, scale = s) #input function - return rv.pdf(time) - - def curveFit(self, t, aorta, myo, model): - """Takes in data and fits gamma curve to aorta and Cisf from model to myo. Returns parameters for best fit. - - Parameters - ---------- - t : double[] - list of all timepoints - aorta : double[] - concentration of tracer in aorta (input function) - myo : double[] - concentration of tracer in myocardial tissue (Cisf) - model : pkModel object - a pk model, either 1Comp or 2Comp - - Returns - ------- - Flow : double - Flow is the flow of plasma through the blood vessel in mL/(mL*min). - - Vp : double - Vp is the volume of plasma in mL. - - Visf : double - Visf is the volume of interstitial fluid in mL. - - PS : double - PS is the permeability-surface area constant in mL/(g*min). - """ - - def getPlot(self): - """Plots the original data to the fitted curve.""" - plt.plot(t, aorta, 'bo', label='data') - #plt.plot(t, y, 'b-', label='data') - popt, pcov = curve_fit(gammaFunc, t, aorta, p0 = [2, 8, 10000], method = 'trf') - - print(f'alpha = {popt[0]}, loc = {popt[1]}, scale = {popt[2]}') - - plt.plot(t, gammaFunc(t, *popt), 'r-', label='fit: a=%5.3f, b=%5.3f, c=%5.3f' % tuple(popt)) - plt.plot(time, gammaFunc(time, .1313, 8.533, 10000), 'b-') - - -# In[ ]:</code></pre> -</details> -</section> -<section> -</section> -<section> -</section> -<section> -</section> -<section> -<h2 class="section-title" id="header-classes">Classes</h2> -<dl> -<dt id="pkOptimizer.pkOptimizer"><code class="flex name class"> -<span>class <span class="ident">pkOptimizer</span></span> -<span>(</span><span>wd, Flow=0.016666666666666666, Vp=0.05, Visf=0.15, PS=0.016666666666666666)</span> -</code></dt> -<dd> -<section class="desc"><p>The pkOptimizer object is an optimizer for parameters in pk models.</p> -<p>Initializes the model with initial guess parameter values for flow, Vp, Visf, and PS. -Parameters</p> -<hr> -<p>Flow : double -Flow is the flow of plasma through the blood vessel in mL/(mL*min). Defaults to 1/60.</p> -<p>Vp : double -Vp is the volume of plasma in mL. Defaults to 0.05.</p> -<p>Visf : double -Visf is the volume of interstitial fluid in mL. Defaults to 0.15.</p> -<p>PS : double -PS is the permeability-surface area constant in mL/(g*min). Defaults to 1/60.</p></section> -<details class="source"> -<summary> -<span>Expand source code</span> -</summary> -<pre><code class="python">class pkOptimizer: - """The pkOptimizer object is an optimizer for parameters in pk models.""" - - def __init__ (self, wd, Flow = 1/60, Vp = 0.05, Visf = 0.15, PS = 1/60): - """Initializes the model with initial guess parameter values for flow, Vp, Visf, and PS. - Parameters - ---------- - Flow : double - Flow is the flow of plasma through the blood vessel in mL/(mL*min). Defaults to 1/60. - - Vp : double - Vp is the volume of plasma in mL. Defaults to 0.05. - - Visf : double - Visf is the volume of interstitial fluid in mL. Defaults to 0.15. - - PS : double - PS is the permeability-surface area constant in mL/(g*min). Defaults to 1/60. - """ - - def getData(self, wd): - """Imports data from all .csv files in directory. - Parameters - ---------- - wd : str - wd is the working directory path - - Attributes - ---------- - t : double[] - list of all timepoints - aorta : double[] - concentration of tracer in aorta (input function) - myo : double[] - concentration of tracer in myocardial tissue (Cisf) - - Returns - ------- - t : double[] - list of all timepoints - aorta : double[] - concentration of tracer in aorta (input function) - myo : double[] - concentration of tracer in myocardial tissue (Cisf) - """ - - os.chdir(wd) - #os.chdir(r"C:\Users\Ethan\OneDrive - Michigan State University\MSU\Classwork\Computational Modeling\Models\Data") - #create directory of all csv files, - data = list(csv.reader(open('CTPERF005_stress.csv'), delimiter = '\t')) - - t = [] - aorta = [] - myo = [] - - for i in range(12): - t.append(float(re.compile('\d+[.]+\d+|\d+').findall(data[i+1][0])[0])) - aorta.append(float(re.compile('\d+[.]+\d+|\d+').findall(data[i+1][1])[0])) - myo.append(float(re.compile('\d+[.]+\d+|\d+').findall(data[i+1][2])[0])) - - return t, aorta, myo - - def gammaFunc(self, time, a, l, s): - """Creates a gamma variate probability density function with given alpha, location, and scale values. - Parameters - ---------- - time : double[] - array of timepoints - a : double - alpha value of gamma PDF - l : double - location of 50th percentile of function - s : double - scale parameter - - Returns - ------- - rv.pdf(time) - probability density function of your gamma variate. - """ - rv = gamma(a, loc = l, scale = s) #input function - return rv.pdf(time) - - def curveFit(self, t, aorta, myo, model): - """Takes in data and fits gamma curve to aorta and Cisf from model to myo. Returns parameters for best fit. - - Parameters - ---------- - t : double[] - list of all timepoints - aorta : double[] - concentration of tracer in aorta (input function) - myo : double[] - concentration of tracer in myocardial tissue (Cisf) - model : pkModel object - a pk model, either 1Comp or 2Comp - - Returns - ------- - Flow : double - Flow is the flow of plasma through the blood vessel in mL/(mL*min). - - Vp : double - Vp is the volume of plasma in mL. - - Visf : double - Visf is the volume of interstitial fluid in mL. - - PS : double - PS is the permeability-surface area constant in mL/(g*min). - """ - - def getPlot(self): - """Plots the original data to the fitted curve.""" - plt.plot(t, aorta, 'bo', label='data') - #plt.plot(t, y, 'b-', label='data') - popt, pcov = curve_fit(gammaFunc, t, aorta, p0 = [2, 8, 10000], method = 'trf') - - print(f'alpha = {popt[0]}, loc = {popt[1]}, scale = {popt[2]}') - - plt.plot(t, gammaFunc(t, *popt), 'r-', label='fit: a=%5.3f, b=%5.3f, c=%5.3f' % tuple(popt)) - plt.plot(time, gammaFunc(time, .1313, 8.533, 10000), 'b-')</code></pre> -</details> -<h3>Methods</h3> -<dl> -<dt id="pkOptimizer.pkOptimizer.curveFit"><code class="name flex"> -<span>def <span class="ident">curveFit</span></span>(<span>self, t, aorta, myo, model)</span> -</code></dt> -<dd> -<section class="desc"><p>Takes in data and fits gamma curve to aorta and Cisf from model to myo. Returns parameters for best fit.</p> -<h2 id="parameters">Parameters</h2> -<p>t : double[] -list of all timepoints -aorta : double[] -concentration of tracer in aorta (input function) -myo : double[] -concentration of tracer in myocardial tissue (Cisf) -model : pkModel object -a pk model, either 1Comp or 2Comp</p> -<h2 id="returns">Returns</h2> -<dl> -<dt><strong><code>Flow</code></strong> : <code>double</code></dt> -<dd>Flow is the flow of plasma through the blood vessel in mL/(mL*min).</dd> -<dt><strong><code>Vp</code></strong> : <code>double</code></dt> -<dd>Vp is the volume of plasma in mL.</dd> -<dt><strong><code>Visf</code></strong> : <code>double</code></dt> -<dd>Visf is the volume of interstitial fluid in mL.</dd> -<dt><strong><code>PS</code></strong> : <code>double</code></dt> -<dd>PS is the permeability-surface area constant in mL/(g*min).</dd> -</dl></section> -<details class="source"> -<summary> -<span>Expand source code</span> -</summary> -<pre><code class="python">def curveFit(self, t, aorta, myo, model): - """Takes in data and fits gamma curve to aorta and Cisf from model to myo. Returns parameters for best fit. - - Parameters - ---------- - t : double[] - list of all timepoints - aorta : double[] - concentration of tracer in aorta (input function) - myo : double[] - concentration of tracer in myocardial tissue (Cisf) - model : pkModel object - a pk model, either 1Comp or 2Comp - - Returns - ------- - Flow : double - Flow is the flow of plasma through the blood vessel in mL/(mL*min). - - Vp : double - Vp is the volume of plasma in mL. - - Visf : double - Visf is the volume of interstitial fluid in mL. - - PS : double - PS is the permeability-surface area constant in mL/(g*min). - """</code></pre> -</details> -</dd> -<dt id="pkOptimizer.pkOptimizer.gammaFunc"><code class="name flex"> -<span>def <span class="ident">gammaFunc</span></span>(<span>self, time, a, l, s)</span> -</code></dt> -<dd> -<section class="desc"><p>Creates a gamma variate probability density function with given alpha, location, and scale values. -Parameters</p> -<hr> -<p>time : double[] -array of timepoints -a : double -alpha value of gamma PDF -l : double -location of 50th percentile of function -s : double -scale parameter </p> -<h2 id="returns">Returns</h2> -<dl> -<dt><code>rv.pdf</code>(<code>time</code>)</dt> -<dd>probability density function of your gamma variate.</dd> -</dl></section> -<details class="source"> -<summary> -<span>Expand source code</span> -</summary> -<pre><code class="python">def gammaFunc(self, time, a, l, s): - """Creates a gamma variate probability density function with given alpha, location, and scale values. - Parameters - ---------- - time : double[] - array of timepoints - a : double - alpha value of gamma PDF - l : double - location of 50th percentile of function - s : double - scale parameter - - Returns - ------- - rv.pdf(time) - probability density function of your gamma variate. - """ - rv = gamma(a, loc = l, scale = s) #input function - return rv.pdf(time)</code></pre> -</details> -</dd> -<dt id="pkOptimizer.pkOptimizer.getData"><code class="name flex"> -<span>def <span class="ident">getData</span></span>(<span>self, wd)</span> -</code></dt> -<dd> -<section class="desc"><p>Imports data from all .csv files in directory. -Parameters</p> -<hr> -<p>wd : str -wd is the working directory path</p> -<h2 id="attributes">Attributes</h2> -<dl> -<dt><strong><code>t</code></strong> : <code>double</code>[]</dt> -<dd>list of all timepoints</dd> -<dt><strong><code>aorta</code></strong> : <code>double</code>[]</dt> -<dd>concentration of tracer in aorta (input function)</dd> -<dt><strong><code>myo</code></strong> : <code>double</code>[]</dt> -<dd>concentration of tracer in myocardial tissue (Cisf)</dd> -</dl> -<h2 id="returns">Returns</h2> -<dl> -<dt><strong><code>t</code></strong> : <code>double</code>[]</dt> -<dd>list of all timepoints</dd> -<dt><strong><code>aorta</code></strong> : <code>double</code>[]</dt> -<dd>concentration of tracer in aorta (input function)</dd> -<dt><strong><code>myo</code></strong> : <code>double</code>[]</dt> -<dd>concentration of tracer in myocardial tissue (Cisf)</dd> -</dl></section> -<details class="source"> -<summary> -<span>Expand source code</span> -</summary> -<pre><code class="python">def getData(self, wd): - """Imports data from all .csv files in directory. - Parameters - ---------- - wd : str - wd is the working directory path - - Attributes - ---------- - t : double[] - list of all timepoints - aorta : double[] - concentration of tracer in aorta (input function) - myo : double[] - concentration of tracer in myocardial tissue (Cisf) - - Returns - ------- - t : double[] - list of all timepoints - aorta : double[] - concentration of tracer in aorta (input function) - myo : double[] - concentration of tracer in myocardial tissue (Cisf) - """ - - os.chdir(wd) - #os.chdir(r"C:\Users\Ethan\OneDrive - Michigan State University\MSU\Classwork\Computational Modeling\Models\Data") - #create directory of all csv files, - data = list(csv.reader(open('CTPERF005_stress.csv'), delimiter = '\t')) - - t = [] - aorta = [] - myo = [] - - for i in range(12): - t.append(float(re.compile('\d+[.]+\d+|\d+').findall(data[i+1][0])[0])) - aorta.append(float(re.compile('\d+[.]+\d+|\d+').findall(data[i+1][1])[0])) - myo.append(float(re.compile('\d+[.]+\d+|\d+').findall(data[i+1][2])[0])) - - return t, aorta, myo</code></pre> -</details> -</dd> -<dt id="pkOptimizer.pkOptimizer.getPlot"><code class="name flex"> -<span>def <span class="ident">getPlot</span></span>(<span>self)</span> -</code></dt> -<dd> -<section class="desc"><p>Plots the original data to the fitted curve.</p></section> -<details class="source"> -<summary> -<span>Expand source code</span> -</summary> -<pre><code class="python">def getPlot(self): - """Plots the original data to the fitted curve.""" - plt.plot(t, aorta, 'bo', label='data') - #plt.plot(t, y, 'b-', label='data') - popt, pcov = curve_fit(gammaFunc, t, aorta, p0 = [2, 8, 10000], method = 'trf') - - print(f'alpha = {popt[0]}, loc = {popt[1]}, scale = {popt[2]}') - - plt.plot(t, gammaFunc(t, *popt), 'r-', label='fit: a=%5.3f, b=%5.3f, c=%5.3f' % tuple(popt)) - plt.plot(time, gammaFunc(time, .1313, 8.533, 10000), 'b-')</code></pre> -</details> -</dd> -</dl> -</dd> -</dl> -</section> -</article> -<nav id="sidebar"> -<h1>Index</h1> -<div class="toc"> -<ul></ul> -</div> -<ul id="index"> -<li><h3><a href="#header-classes">Classes</a></h3> -<ul> -<li> -<h4><code><a title="pkOptimizer.pkOptimizer" href="#pkOptimizer.pkOptimizer">pkOptimizer</a></code></h4> -<ul class=""> -<li><code><a title="pkOptimizer.pkOptimizer.curveFit" href="#pkOptimizer.pkOptimizer.curveFit">curveFit</a></code></li> -<li><code><a title="pkOptimizer.pkOptimizer.gammaFunc" href="#pkOptimizer.pkOptimizer.gammaFunc">gammaFunc</a></code></li> -<li><code><a title="pkOptimizer.pkOptimizer.getData" href="#pkOptimizer.pkOptimizer.getData">getData</a></code></li> -<li><code><a title="pkOptimizer.pkOptimizer.getPlot" href="#pkOptimizer.pkOptimizer.getPlot">getPlot</a></code></li> -</ul> -</li> -</ul> -</li> -</ul> -</nav> -</main> -<footer id="footer"> -<p>Generated by <a href=""><cite>pdoc</cite> 0.7.4</a>.</p> -</footer> -<script src=""></script> -<script>hljs.initHighlightingOnLoad()</script> -</body> -</html> \ No newline at end of file -- GitLab