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Sample application using the MSUnet OAuth2 provider in the .NET programming language.
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To provide a JSON API to use for performing MSU People Searches
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A customized version of the Twitter Bootstrap for the MSU brand.
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This is a learning example of how to create a very simple Single Page Application (SPA) using two popular JavaScript frameworks to connect with a Ruby on Rails API backend.
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A customized version of the Twitter Bootstrap for the MSU brand.
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A customized version of the Twitter Bootstrap for the MSU brand.
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Examples of code as I'm learning how to use Ember.js
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This node.js application runs at the console and will output to the console any HTTP POST requests sent to it.
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A customized version of the Twitter Bootstrap for the MSU brand.
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HTML Slide desk for 2-hour class introducing shell scripting. Made with flowtime.js https://github.com/marcolago/flowtime.js and built with https://middlemanapp.com/ and HAML.
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