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These are the configuration files I want in my home directory on all the CeLTA and CLEAR VMs. This will be all the .bash* files, .emacs and .emacs.d/* stuff etc.
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liulab / rawr
Open Data Commons Open Database License v1.0Open-source software, open data, and other infrastructure for RAWR project.
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Talukder, Khaled / pviz-bench
Apache License 2.0Benchmarking for different modules from pviz
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Talukder, Khaled / pviz
Apache License 2.0A Framework for High-dimensional Pareto-optimal Front Visualization and Analytics
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CMSE401 final project: installation and benchmarking of Deepchem on HPCC. Benchmarking and optimization of MMPBSA.py on HPCC.
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Vermaas, Josh / PuReMD
GNU General Public License v3.0 onlyCode for the Purdue Reactive Molecular Dynamics project.
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Gallant, Jason / SNPhylo
GNU General Public License v2.0 or laterA pipeline to generate a phylogenetic tree from huge SNP data
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Gallant, Jason / firecloud-tools
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseTools for use with FireCloud
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BITLab / bitcoin-reddit
MIT LicenseCode for scraping one subreddit on reddit.com. Originally used for the bitcoin project.