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HTML Slide desk for 2-hour class introducing shell scripting. Made with flowtime.js https://github.com/marcolago/flowtime.js and built with https://middlemanapp.com/ and HAML.
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OmniAuth strategy for MSUnet using OAuth2 as the authentication protocol. For use with OmniAuth gem in Rack-based applications, such as Ruby on Rails or Sinatra.
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Install auditd rules and receive emails when things happen.
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Ansible roles and an example playbook for deploying LOCKSS v2 on a Ubuntu or CentOS host.
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BRIC / puppet-luks
Apache License 2.0Updated -
MSU Libraries / Public / Avalon - Spartan DML
Apache License 2.0Updated -
Greg Mason / puppet-zfs
GNU General Public License v3.0 onlyInstalls ZFS on Ubuntu or RHEL-like Linux distros.
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