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Update GoogleSheetsTutorial.ipynb for issue #2 "Google Sheets Tutorial -...

sawyerer requested to merge sawyerer/datatools_tutorial_demo:sawyerer into main

Update GoogleSheetsTutorial.ipynb for issue #2 "Google Sheets Tutorial - Giving Service Account Editor Permissions"

From issue: Step five of the Google Sheets tutorial is as follows: "Fill out the form (making sure to add editor privledges to the service account)." However, understanding where to add editor privileges is unclear, and there are some spelling errors (i.e. privileges is spelled "privaledges"). I brainstormed ideas to rewrite this step to add more information based on what I was successfully able to figure out. This gives more specific instructions on how to fill out the form and assign editor permissions.

Here's a suggestion for how it could be rewritten:

"5. Once you open the "Create service account" screen, fill out the name and ID fields and click "Create and Continue" to move to the next section. After filling out "1. Service account details" under "2. Grant this service account access to project" navigate to the "Role" drop down and choose "Basic" -> 'Editor." After you select the role, hit "Continue." You can skip the next section, "Grant users access to this service account" and click done. "

Depending on how other issues are resolved, this step could probably even be cut down to be more specific.

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