PuReMD - Purdue ReaxFF Molecular Dynamics Program
Copyright (2010) Purdue University
Hasan Metin Aktulga,
Joseph Fogarty,
Sagar Pandit,
Ananth Y Grama,
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
See the GNU General Public License for more details:
Kurt A. O'Hearn
#include "reax_types.h"
Kurt A. O'Hearn
#include "allocate.h"
#include "box.h"
#include "tool_box.h"
#include "vector.h"
void Write_Binary_Restart_File( reax_system *system, control_params *control,
simulation_data *data, output_controls *out_control,
mpi_datatypes *mpi_data )
int i, me, np, cnt, top;
char fname[MAX_STR];
FILE *fres;
restart_header res_header;
restart_atom *buffer;
reax_atom *p_atom;
MPI_Status status;
fres = NULL;
me = system->my_rank;
np = control->nprocs;
if ( me == MASTER_NODE )
/* master handles the restart file */
sprintf( fname, "%s.res%d", control->sim_name, data->step );
fres = sfopen( fname, "wb", "Write_Binary_Restart_File::fres" );
/* master can write the header by itself */
res_header.step = data->step;
res_header.bigN = system->bigN;
res_header.T = data->therm.T;
res_header.xi = data->therm.xi;
res_header.v_xi = data->therm.v_xi;
res_header.v_xi_old = data->therm.v_xi_old;
res_header.G_xi = data->therm.G_xi;
rtensor_Copy(, system-> );
fwrite( &res_header, sizeof(restart_header), 1, fres );
/* master needs to allocate space for all atoms */
buffer = scalloc( system->bigN, sizeof(restart_atom),
"Write_Binary_Restart_File::buffer" );
buffer = scalloc( system->n, sizeof(restart_atom),
"Write_Binary_Restart_File::buffer" );
/* fill in the buffers */
for ( i = 0 ; i < system->n; ++i )
p_atom = &(system->my_atoms[i]);
buffer[i].orig_id = p_atom->orig_id;
buffer[i].type = p_atom->type;
strncpy( buffer[i].name, p_atom->name, 8 );
rvec_Copy( buffer[i].x, p_atom->x );
rvec_Copy( buffer[i].v, p_atom->v );
/* gather the buffers at the master node */
if ( me != MASTER_NODE )
MPI_Send( buffer, system->n, mpi_data->restart_atom_type, MASTER_NODE,
np * RESTART_ATOMS + me, mpi_data->world );
top = system->n;
for ( i = 0; i < np; ++i )
if ( i != MASTER_NODE )
MPI_Recv( buffer + top, system->bigN - top, mpi_data->restart_atom_type,
i, np * RESTART_ATOMS + i, mpi_data->world, &status );
MPI_Get_count( &status, mpi_data->restart_atom_type, &cnt );
top += cnt;
/* master node dumps out the restart file */
if ( me == MASTER_NODE )
fwrite( buffer, system->bigN, sizeof(restart_atom), fres );
sfclose( fres, "Write_Binary_Restart_File::fres" );
sfree( buffer, "Write_Binary_Restart_File::buffer" );
void Write_Restart_File( reax_system *system, control_params *control,
simulation_data *data, output_controls *out_control,
mpi_datatypes *mpi_data )
int i, me, np, buffer_len, buffer_req, cnt;
char fname[MAX_STR];
FILE *fres;
char *line;
char *buffer;
reax_atom *p_atom;
MPI_Status status;
fres = NULL;
line = smalloc(sizeof(char) * RESTART_LINE_LEN, "restart:line");
me = system->my_rank;
np = control->nprocs;
if ( me == MASTER_NODE )
sprintf( fname, "%s.res%d", control->sim_name, data->step );
fres = sfopen( fname, "w", "Write_Restart_File::fres" );
/* write the header - only master writes it */
fprintf( fres, RESTART_HEADER,
data->step, system->bigN, data->therm.T, data->therm.xi,
data->therm.v_xi, data->therm.v_xi_old, data->therm.G_xi,
system->[0][0], system->[0][1],
system->[1][0], system->[1][1],
system->[2][0], system->[2][1],
buffer_req = system->bigN * RESTART_LINE_LEN + 1;
buffer = smalloc( sizeof(char) * buffer_req, "Write_Restart_File::buffer" );
line[0] = 0;
buffer[0] = 0;
/* fill in the buffers */
for ( i = 0 ; i < system->n; ++i )
p_atom = &system->my_atoms[i];
sprintf( line, RESTART_LINE,
p_atom->orig_id, p_atom->type, p_atom->name,
p_atom->x[0], p_atom->x[1], p_atom->x[2],
p_atom->v[0], p_atom->v[1], p_atom->v[2] );
strncpy( buffer + i * RESTART_LINE_LEN, line, RESTART_LINE_LEN );
//was LINE_LEN +1
/* gather the buffers at the master node */
if ( me != MASTER_NODE )
MPI_Send( buffer, buffer_req - 1, MPI_CHAR, MASTER_NODE,
np * RESTART_LINE_LEN + me, mpi_data->world );
buffer_len = system->n * RESTART_LINE_LEN;
for ( i = 0; i < np; ++i )
MPI_Recv( buffer + buffer_len, buffer_req - buffer_len,
MPI_CHAR, i, np * RESTART_LINE_LEN + i, mpi_data->world, &status );
MPI_Get_count( &status, MPI_CHAR, &cnt );
buffer_len += cnt;
buffer[buffer_len] = 0;
/* master node dumps out the restart file */
if ( me == MASTER_NODE )
fprintf( fres, "%s", buffer );
sfclose( fres, "Write_Restart_File::fres" );
sfree( buffer, "Write_Restart_File::buffer" );
sfree( line, "Write_Restart_File::line" );
void Count_Binary_Restart_Atoms( FILE *fres, reax_system *system )
int i;
restart_atom res_atom;
system->n = system->N = 0;
for ( i = 0; i < system->bigN; i++ )
fread( &res_atom, sizeof(restart_atom), 1, fres );
/* if the point is inside my_box, add it to my lists */
Fit_to_Periodic_Box( &(system->big_box), &(res_atom.x) );
if ( is_Inside_Box(&(system->my_box), res_atom.x) )
fprintf( stderr, "restart: p%d@count atoms:\n", system->my_rank );
fprintf( stderr, "p%d: bigN = %d\n", system->my_rank, system->bigN );
fprintf( stderr, "p%d: n = %d\n", system->my_rank, system->n );
fprintf( stderr, "p%d: N = %d\n\n", system->my_rank, system->N );
void Read_Binary_Restart_File( char *res_file, reax_system *system,
control_params *control, simulation_data *data,
storage *workspace, mpi_datatypes *mpi_data )
int i, top;
FILE *fres;
restart_header res_header;
restart_atom res_atom;
reax_atom *p_atom;
fres = sfopen( res_file, "rb", "Read_Binary_Restart_File::fres" );
fread( &res_header, sizeof(restart_header), 1, fres );
data->prev_steps = res_header.step;
system->bigN = res_header.bigN;
data->therm.T = res_header.T;
data->therm.xi = res_header.xi;
data->therm.v_xi = res_header.v_xi;
data->therm.v_xi_old = res_header.v_xi_old;
data->therm.G_xi = res_header.G_xi;
Init_Box(, &system->big_box );
fprintf( stderr, "restart info: %d %d %8.3f %8.3f %8.3f %8.3f %8.3f\n %15.5f%15.5f%15.5f\n %15.5f%15.5f%15.5f\n %15.5f%15.5f%15.5f\n",
data->prev_steps, system->bigN, data->therm.T, data->therm.xi,
data->therm.v_xi, data->therm.v_xi_old, data->therm.G_xi,
system->[0][0], system->[0][1],
system->[1][0], system->[1][1],
system->[2][0], system->[2][1],
Kurt A. O'Hearn
/* set up box, etc. */
Setup_Environment( system, control, mpi_data );
Count_Binary_Restart_Atoms( fres, system );
Kurt A. O'Hearn
PreAllocate_Space( system, control, workspace );
/* go back to the start of restart file */
rewind( fres );
fread( &res_header, sizeof(restart_header), 1, fres );
Kurt A. O'Hearn
/* process atoms */
top = 0;
for ( i = 0; i < system->bigN; ++i )
fread( &res_atom, sizeof(restart_atom), 1, fres );
/* if the point is inside my_box, add it to my lists */
Fit_to_Periodic_Box( &(system->big_box), &(res_atom.x) );
if ( is_Inside_Box(&system->my_box, res_atom.x) )
/* store orig_id, type, name and coord info of the new atom */
p_atom = &system->my_atoms[top];
p_atom->orig_id = res_atom.orig_id;
p_atom->type = res_atom.type;
rvec_Copy( p_atom->x, res_atom.x );
rvec_Copy( p_atom->v, res_atom.v );
sfclose( fres, "Read_Binary_Restart_File::fres" );
data->step = data->prev_steps;
// nsteps is updated based on the number of steps in the previous run
control->nsteps += data->prev_steps;
void Count_Restart_Atoms( FILE *fres, reax_system *system )
int i = 0;
/*temporary variable storage*/
int orig_id_temp, type_temp;
char name_temp[8];
rvec x_temp, v_temp;
system->n = 0;
system->N = 0;
for ( i = 0; i < system->bigN; i++)
fscanf( fres, READ_RESTART_LINE,
&orig_id_temp, &type_temp, name_temp,
&x_temp[0], &x_temp[1], &x_temp[2],
&v_temp[0], &v_temp[1], &v_temp[2] );
Fit_to_Periodic_Box( &system->big_box, &x_temp );
/* if the point is inside my_box, add it to my lists */
if ( is_Inside_Box(&(system->my_box), x_temp) )
fprintf( stderr, "restart: p%d@count atoms:\n", system->my_rank );
fprintf( stderr, "p%d: bigN = %d\n", system->my_rank, system->bigN );
fprintf( stderr, "p%d: n = %d\n", system->my_rank, system->n );
fprintf( stderr, "p%d: N = %d\n\n", system->my_rank, system->N );
void Read_Restart_File( char *res_file, reax_system *system,
control_params *control, simulation_data *data,
storage *workspace, mpi_datatypes *mpi_data )
int i, c, top;
FILE *fres;
char *s, **tmp;
int orig_id_temp, type_temp;
char name_temp[8];
rvec x_temp, v_temp;
rtensor box;
fres = sfopen( res_file, "r", "Read_Restart_File::fres" );
s = smalloc( sizeof(char) * MAX_LINE, "Read_Restart_File::s" );
tmp = smalloc( sizeof(char*) * MAX_TOKENS, "Read_Restart_File::tmp" );
tmp[i] = smalloc( sizeof(char) * MAX_LINE, "Read_Restart_File::tmp[i]" );
//read first header lines
fgets( s, MAX_LINE, fres );
c = Tokenize( s, &tmp );
if ( c != 7 )
Kurt A. O'Hearn
fprintf( stderr, "[ERROR] invalid format in restart file! terminating...\n" );
data->prev_steps = atoi(tmp[0]);
system->bigN = atoi(tmp[1]);
data->therm.T = atof(tmp[2]);
data->therm.xi = atof(tmp[3]);
data->therm.v_xi = atof(tmp[4]);
data->therm.v_xi_old = atof(tmp[5]);
data->therm.G_xi = atof(tmp[6]);
//read box lines
if ( c != 3 )
Kurt A. O'Hearn
fprintf( stderr, "[ERROR] invalid format in restart file! terminating...\n" );
box[0][0] = atof(tmp[0]);
box[0][1] = atof(tmp[1]);
box[0][2] = atof(tmp[2]);
fgets( s, MAX_LINE, fres );
c = Tokenize( s, &tmp );
if ( c != 3 )
Kurt A. O'Hearn
fprintf( stderr, "[ERROR] invalid format in restart file! terminating...\n" );
box[1][0] = atof(tmp[0]);
box[1][1] = atof(tmp[1]);
box[1][2] = atof(tmp[2]);
fgets( s, MAX_LINE, fres );
c = Tokenize( s, &tmp );
if ( c != 3 )
Kurt A. O'Hearn
fprintf( stderr, "[ERROR] invalid format in restart file! terminating...\n" );
box[2][0] = atof(tmp[0]);
box[2][1] = atof(tmp[1]);
box[2][2] = atof(tmp[2]);
Init_Box( box, &system->big_box );
#if defined(DEBUG_FOCUS)
fprintf( stderr, "restart info: %d %d %8.3f %8.3f %8.3f %8.3f %8.3f\n %15.5f%15.5f%15.5f\n %15.5f%15.5f%15.5f\n %15.5f%15.5f%15.5f\n",
data->prev_steps, system->bigN, data->therm.T, data->therm.xi,
data->therm.v_xi, data->therm.v_xi_old, data->therm.G_xi,
system->[0][0], system->[0][1],
system->[1][0], system->[1][1],
system->[2][0], system->[2][1],
/* set up the simulation envirionment */
Setup_Environment( system, control, mpi_data );
Count_Restart_Atoms(fres, system);
Kurt A. O'Hearn
PreAllocate_Space( system, control, workspace );
/* go back to the start of file to read actual atom info */
rewind( fres );
for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
/*process atoms*/
top = 0;
for ( i = 0; i < system->bigN; ++i )
fgets( s, MAX_LINE, fres );
c = Tokenize( s, &tmp );
if ( c != 9 )
Kurt A. O'Hearn
fprintf( stderr, "[ERROR] invalid format in restart file! terminating...\n" );
orig_id_temp = atoi(tmp[0]);
type_temp = atoi(tmp[1]);
strncpy(name_temp, tmp[2], 8);
x_temp[0] = atof(tmp[3]);
x_temp[1] = atof(tmp[4]);
x_temp[2] = atof(tmp[5]);
v_temp[0] = atof(tmp[6]);
v_temp[1] = atof(tmp[7]);
v_temp[2] = atof(tmp[8]);
Fit_to_Periodic_Box( &system->big_box, &x_temp );
if ( is_Inside_Box( &system->my_box, x_temp ) )
/* store orig_id, type, name and coord info of the new atom */
system->my_atoms[top].orig_id = orig_id_temp;
system->my_atoms[top].type = type_temp;
strcpy( system->my_atoms[top].name, name_temp );
rvec_Copy( system->my_atoms[top].x, x_temp );
rvec_Copy( system->my_atoms[top].v, v_temp );
sfclose( fres, "Read_Restart_File::fres" );
/* free memory allocations at the top */
for ( i = 0; i < MAX_TOKENS; i++ )
sfree( tmp[i], "Read_Restart_File::tmp[i]" );
sfree( tmp, "Read_Restart_File::tmp" );
sfree( s, "Read_Restart_File::s" );
data->step = data->prev_steps;
// nsteps is updated based on the number of steps in the previous run
control->nsteps += data->prev_steps;