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lin_alg.c 147 KiB
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    sfree( dspls, "setup_sparse_approx_inverse::dspls" );
        sfree( pivotlist, "setup_sparse_approx_inverse::pivotlist" );
    sfree( samplelist_local, "setup_sparse_approx_inverse::samplelist_local" );
    if ( system->my_rank == MASTER_NODE )
        sfree( samplelist, "setup_sparse_approx_inverse::samplelist" );
        sfree( srecv, "setup_sparse_approx_inverse::srecv" );
        sfree( sdispls, "setup_sparse_approx_inverse::sdispls" );
    if ( system->my_rank == target_proc )
        sfree( bucketlist, "setup_sparse_approx_inverse::bucketlist" );

#if defined(HAVE_LAPACKE) || defined(HAVE_LAPACKE_MKL)
real sparse_approx_inverse( reax_system const * const system,
        simulation_data * const data,
        storage * const workspace, mpi_datatypes * const mpi_data, 
        sparse_matrix * const A, sparse_matrix * const A_spar_patt,
        sparse_matrix * const A_app_inv, int nprocs )
    int N, M, d_i, d_j;
    int local_pos, atom_pos, identity_pos;
    int *pos_x, *X;
    int *j_send, *j_recv[6];
    real *e_j, *dense_matrix;
    real *val_send, *val_recv[6];
    reax_atom *atom;
    real **val_list;
    real start, t_start, t_comm, total_comm;
    mpi_out_data *out_bufs;
        //TODO: FULL_MATRIX?
        Allocate_Matrix( A_app_inv, A_spar_patt->n, A->NT, A_spar_patt->m, SYM_FULL_MATRIX );
    else /* if ( A_app_inv->m < A_spar_patt->m ) */
        Deallocate_Matrix( A_app_inv );
        Allocate_Matrix( A_app_inv, A_spar_patt->n, A->NT, A_spar_patt->m, SYM_FULL_MATRIX );
    j_send = NULL;
    val_send = NULL;
    for ( d = 0; d < 6; ++d )
        j_recv[d] = NULL;
        val_recv[d] = NULL;
    row_nnz = (int *) malloc( sizeof(int) * A->NT );
    //TODO: allocation size
    j_list = (int **) malloc( sizeof(int *) * system->N );
    val_list = (real **) malloc( sizeof(real *) * system->N );
    /* mark the atoms that already have their row stored in the local matrix */
    for ( i = 0; i < A->n; ++i )
    /* Announce the nnz's in each row that will be communicated later */
    Dist( system, mpi_data, row_nnz, REAL_PTR_TYPE, MPI_INT );
    fprintf( stdout,"SAI after Dist call\n" );
    out_bufs = mpi_data->out_nt_buffers;
    count = 0;

    /*  use a Dist-like approach to send the row information */
    for ( d = 0; d < 6; ++d)
        nbr = &system->my_nt_nbrs[d];
        if ( nbr->atoms_cnt )
            /* calculate the total data that will be received */
            for ( i = nbr->atoms_str; i < (nbr->atoms_str + nbr->atoms_cnt); ++i )
                j_recv[d] = (int *) malloc( sizeof(int) * cnt );
                val_recv[d] = (real *) malloc( sizeof(real) * cnt );
                fprintf( stdout, "Dist communication receive phase direction %d will receive %d\n", d, cnt );
                ret = MPI_Irecv( j_recv + d, cnt, MPI_INT, nbr->receive_rank,
                        d, mpi_data->comm_mesh3D, &req[2 * d] );
                ret = MPI_Irecv( val_recv + d, cnt, MPI_DOUBLE, nbr->receive_rank,
                        d, mpi_data->comm_mesh3D, &req[2 * d + 1] );
                Check_MPI_Error( ret, __FILE__, __LINE__ );
                t_comm += Get_Time( ) - t_start;
    for( d = 0; d < 6; ++d)
        nbr = &system->my_nt_nbrs[d];
        /* send both messages in dimension d */
                cnt += A->end[ out_bufs[d].index[i] ] - A->start[ out_bufs[d].index[i] ];
                if ( out_bufs[d].index[i] < 0 || out_bufs[d].index[i] >= A->n )
                    fprintf( stdout, "INDEXING ERROR %d > %d\n", out_bufs[d].index[i], A->n );
                    fflush( stdout );
            fprintf( stdout,"Dist communication    send phase direction %d should  send %d\n", d, cnt );
                j_send = (int *) malloc( sizeof(int) * cnt );
                val_send = (real *) malloc( sizeof(real) * cnt );
                cnt = 0;
                for ( i = 0; i < out_bufs[d].cnt; ++i )
                    for ( pj = A->start[ out_bufs[d].index[i] ]; pj < A->end[ out_bufs[d].index[i] ]; ++pj )
                        atom = &system->my_atoms[ A->j[pj] ];
                fprintf( stdout,"Dist communication    send phase direction %d will    send %d\n", d, cnt );
                fflush( stdout );

                ret = MPI_Send( j_send, cnt, MPI_INT, nbr->rank,
                        d, mpi_data->comm_mesh3D );
                fprintf( stdout,"Dist communication send phase direction %d cnt = %d\n", d, cnt );
                ret = MPI_Send( val_send, cnt, MPI_DOUBLE, nbr->rank,
                        d, mpi_data->comm_mesh3D );
                fprintf( stdout,"Dist communication send phase direction %d cnt = %d\n", d, cnt );
    fprintf( stdout," Dist communication for sending row info before waitany\n" );
    fflush( stdout );
    for ( d = 0; d < count; ++d )
        ret = MPI_Waitany( MAX_NT_NBRS, req, &index, stat );
        Check_MPI_Error( ret, __FILE__, __LINE__ );
        t_comm += Get_Time( ) - t_start;
        nbr = &system->my_nt_nbrs[index / 2];
        cnt = 0;
        for ( i = nbr->atoms_str; i < (nbr->atoms_str + nbr->atoms_cnt); ++i )
                j_list[i] = (int *) malloc( sizeof(int) *  row_nnz[i] );
                for ( pj = 0; pj < row_nnz[i]; ++pj )
                val_list[i] = (real *) malloc( sizeof(real) * row_nnz[i] );
                for ( pj = 0; pj < row_nnz[i]; ++pj )
                    val_list[i][pj] = val_recv[index / 2][cnt];
    fprintf( stdout, "Dist communication for sending row info worked\n" );
    fflush( stdout );
    //TODO: size?
    X = (int *) malloc( sizeof(int) * (system->bigN + 1) );
    pos_x = (int *) malloc( sizeof(int) * (system->bigN + 1) );

    for ( i = 0; i < A_spar_patt->NT; ++i )
        for ( k = 0; k <= system->bigN; ++k )
            X[k] = 0;
            pos_x[k] = 0;

        /* find column indices of nonzeros (which will be the columns indices of the dense matrix) */
        for ( pj = A_spar_patt->start[i]; pj < A_spar_patt->end[i]; ++pj )

            /* for each of those indices
             * search through the row of full A of that index */

            /* the case where the local matrix has that index's row */
                for ( k = A->start[ j_temp ]; k < A->end[ j_temp ]; ++k )
                    /* and accumulate the nonzero column indices to serve as the row indices of the dense matrix */
                    atom = &system->my_atoms[ A->j[k] ];

            /* the case where we communicated that index's row */
                for ( k = 0; k < row_nnz[j_temp]; ++k )
                    /* and accumulate the nonzero column indices to serve as the row indices of the dense matrix */
                    X[ j_list[j_temp][k] ] = 1;

        /* enumerate the row indices from 0 to (# of nonzero rows - 1) for the dense matrix */
        identity_pos = M;
        atom = &system->my_atoms[ i ];
        atom_pos = atom->orig_id;

        for ( k = 0; k <= system->bigN; k++)
                    identity_pos = M;

        /* allocate memory for NxM dense matrix */
        dense_matrix = (real *) malloc( sizeof(real) * N * M );

        /* fill in the entries of dense matrix */
            /* all rows are initialized to zero */
                dense_matrix[d_i * N + d_j] = 0.0;
            /* change the value if any of the column indices is seen */

            /* it is in the original list */
            local_pos = A_spar_patt->j[ A_spar_patt->start[i] + d_j ];
            if ( local_pos < 0 || local_pos >= system->N )
                fprintf( stderr, "THE LOCAL POSITION OF THE ATOM IS NOT VALID, STOP THE EXECUTION\n" );
                fflush( stderr );

            if ( local_pos < A->NT )
                for ( d_i = A->start[local_pos]; d_i < A->end[local_pos]; ++d_i )
                    atom = &system->my_atoms[ A->j[d_i] ];
                    if ( pos_x[ atom->orig_id ] >= M || d_j >=  N )
                        fprintf( stderr, "CANNOT MAP IT TO THE DENSE MATRIX, STOP THE EXECUTION, orig_id = %d, i =  %d, j = %d, M = %d N = %d\n", atom->orig_id, pos_x[ atom->orig_id ], d_j, M, N );
                        fflush( stderr );
                    if ( X[ atom->orig_id ] == 1 )
                        dense_matrix[ pos_x[ atom->orig_id ] * N + d_j ] = A->val[d_i];
                for ( d_i = 0; d_i < row_nnz[ local_pos ]; ++d_i )
                    if ( pos_x[ j_list[local_pos][d_i] ] >= M || d_j  >= N )
                        fprintf( stderr, "CANNOT MAP IT TO THE DENSE MATRIX, STOP THE EXECUTION, %d %d\n", pos_x[ j_list[local_pos][d_i] ], d_j);
                        fflush( stderr );
                    if ( X[ j_list[local_pos][d_i] ] == 1 )
                        dense_matrix[ pos_x[ j_list[local_pos][d_i] ] * N + d_j ] = val_list[local_pos][d_i];

        /* create the right hand side of the linear equation
         * that is the full column of the identity matrix */
        e_j = (real *) malloc( sizeof(real) * M );
        for ( k = 0; k < M; ++k )
            e_j[k] = 0.0;
        e_j[identity_pos] = 1.0;

        /* Solve the overdetermined system AX = B through the least-squares problem:
        m = M;
        n = N;
        nrhs = 1;
        lda = N;
        ldb = nrhs;
        info = LAPACKE_dgels( LAPACK_ROW_MAJOR, 'N', m, n, nrhs, dense_matrix, lda,
                e_j, ldb );

        /* Check for the full rank */
        if ( info > 0 )
            fprintf( stderr, "The diagonal element %i of the triangular factor ", info );
            fprintf( stderr, "of A is zero, so that A does not have full rank;\n" );
            fprintf( stderr, "the least squares solution could not be computed.\n" );
            exit( INVALID_INPUT );

        /* accumulate the resulting vector to build A_app_inv */
        A_app_inv->start[i] = A_spar_patt->start[i];
        A_app_inv->end[i] = A_spar_patt->end[i];
        for ( k = A_app_inv->start[i]; k < A_app_inv->end[i]; ++k)
            A_app_inv->j[k] = A_spar_patt->j[k];
            A_app_inv->val[k] = e_j[k - A_spar_patt->start[i]];
        free( dense_matrix );
        free( e_j );

    free( pos_x);
    free( X );
    ret = MPI_Reduce( &t_comm, &total_comm, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_SUM,
    Check_MPI_Error( ret, __FILE__, __LINE__ );

    if ( system->my_rank == MASTER_NODE )
        data->timing.cm_solver_comm += total_comm / nprocs;

real sparse_approx_inverse( reax_system const * const system,
        simulation_data * const data,
        storage * const workspace, mpi_datatypes * const mpi_data, 
        sparse_matrix * const A, sparse_matrix * const A_spar_patt,
        sparse_matrix * const A_app_inv, int nprocs )
    int N, M, d_i, d_j, mark;
    int local_pos, atom_pos, identity_pos;
    int *X, *q;
    int size_e, size_dense;
    int cnt;
    int *row_nnz;
    int **j_list;
    int d;
    int flag1, flag2;
    int *j_send, *j_recv1, *j_recv2;
    int size_send, size_recv1, size_recv2;
    real start, t_start, t_comm, total_comm;
    reax_atom *atom;
    mpi_out_data *out_bufs;
    const neighbor_proc *nbr1, *nbr2;
    MPI_Request req1, req2, req3, req4;
    MPI_Status stat1, stat2, stat3, stat4;
    lapack_int m, n, nrhs, lda, ldb, info;
        Allocate_Matrix( A_app_inv, A_spar_patt->n, system->local_cap, A_spar_patt->m,
                SYM_FULL_MATRIX );
    else /* if ( A_app_inv->m < A_spar_patt->m ) */
        Deallocate_Matrix( A_app_inv );
        Allocate_Matrix( A_app_inv, A_spar_patt->n, system->local_cap, A_spar_patt->m,
                SYM_FULL_MATRIX );
    X = NULL;
    j_send = NULL;
    val_send = NULL;
    j_recv1 = NULL;
    j_recv2 = NULL;
    val_recv1 = NULL;
    val_recv2 = NULL;
    size_send = 0;
    size_recv1 = 0;
    size_recv2 = 0;

    e_j = NULL;
    dense_matrix = NULL;
    size_e = 0;
    size_dense = 0;

    row_nnz = smalloc( sizeof(int) * system->total_cap,
           "sparse_approx_inverse::row_nnz" );
    j_list = smalloc( sizeof(int *) * system->N,
           "sparse_approx_inverse::j_list" );
    val_list = smalloc( sizeof(real *) * system->N,
           "sparse_approx_inverse::val_list" );

    for ( i = 0; i < system->total_cap; ++i )
        row_nnz[i] = 0;
    /* mark the atoms that already have their row stored in the local matrix */
    for ( i = 0; i < system->n; ++i )

    /* Announce the nnz's in each row that will be communicated later */
    Dist( system, mpi_data, row_nnz, INT_PTR_TYPE, MPI_INT );

    out_bufs = mpi_data->out_buffers;

    /* use a Dist-like approach to send the row information */
    for ( d = 0; d < 3; ++d)
        flag1 = 0;
        flag2 = 0;
        cnt = 0;

        /* initiate recvs */
        nbr1 = &system->my_nbrs[2 * d];
        if ( nbr1->atoms_cnt )
            cnt = 0;

            /* calculate the total data that will be received */
            for( i = nbr1->atoms_str; i < (nbr1->atoms_str + nbr1->atoms_cnt); ++i )
                cnt += row_nnz[i];

            /* initiate Irecv */
            if( cnt )
                flag1 = 1;
                if ( size_recv1 < cnt )
                    if ( size_recv1 )
                        sfree( j_recv1, "sparse_approx_inverse::j_recv1" );
                        sfree( val_recv1, "sparse_approx_inverse::val_recv1" );
                    j_recv1 = smalloc( sizeof(int) * size_recv1,
                            "sparse_approx_inverse::j_recv1" );
                    val_recv1 = smalloc( sizeof(real) * size_recv1,
                            "sparse_approx_inverse::val_recv1" );
                ret = MPI_Irecv( j_recv1, cnt, MPI_INT, nbr1->rank,
                        2 * d + 1, mpi_data->comm_mesh3D, &req1 );
                ret = MPI_Irecv( val_recv1, cnt, MPI_DOUBLE, nbr1->rank,
                        2 * d + 1, mpi_data->comm_mesh3D, &req2 );
                Check_MPI_Error( ret, __FILE__, __LINE__ );
                t_comm += Get_Time( ) - t_start;

        nbr2 = &system->my_nbrs[2 * d + 1];
        if ( nbr2->atoms_cnt )
            /* calculate the total data that will be received */
            cnt = 0;
            for( i = nbr2->atoms_str; i < (nbr2->atoms_str + nbr2->atoms_cnt); ++i )
                cnt += row_nnz[i];

            /* initiate Irecv */
            if( cnt )
                flag2 = 1;

                if ( size_recv2 < cnt )
                    if ( size_recv2 )
                        sfree( j_recv2, "sparse_approx_inverse::j_recv2" );
                        sfree( val_recv2, "sparse_approx_inverse::val_recv2" );

                    size_recv2 = cnt * SAFE_ZONE;

                    j_recv2 = smalloc( sizeof(int) * size_recv2,
                            "sparse_approx_inverse::j_recv2" );
                    val_recv2 = smalloc( sizeof(real) * size_recv2,
                            "sparse_approx_inverse::val_recv2" );

                ret = MPI_Irecv( j_recv2, cnt, MPI_INT, nbr2->rank,
                        2 * d, mpi_data->comm_mesh3D, &req3 );
                ret = MPI_Irecv( val_recv2, cnt, MPI_DOUBLE, nbr2->rank,
                        2 * d, mpi_data->comm_mesh3D, &req4 );
                Check_MPI_Error( ret, __FILE__, __LINE__ );
                t_comm += Get_Time( ) - t_start;

        /* send both messages in dimension d */
        if ( out_bufs[2 * d].cnt )
            cnt = 0;
            for ( i = 0; i < out_bufs[2 * d].cnt; ++i )
                cnt += row_nnz[ out_bufs[2 * d].index[i] ];

            if ( cnt > 0 )
                if ( size_send < cnt )
                    if ( size_send )
                        sfree( j_send, "sparse_approx_inverse::j_send" );
                        sfree( val_send, "sparse_approx_inverse::val_send" );

                    size_send = cnt * SAFE_ZONE;

                    j_send = smalloc( sizeof(int) * size_send,
                            "sparse_approx_inverse::j_send" );
                    val_send = smalloc( sizeof(real) * size_send,
                            "sparse_approx_inverse::j_send" );

                cnt = 0;
                for ( i = 0; i < out_bufs[2 * d].cnt; ++i )
                    if ( out_bufs[2 * d].index[i] < A->n )
                        for ( pj = A->start[ out_bufs[2 * d].index[i] ]; pj < A->end[ out_bufs[2 * d].index[i] ]; ++pj )
                            atom = &system->my_atoms[ A->j[pj] ];
                        for ( pj = 0; pj < row_nnz[ out_bufs[2 * d].index[i] ]; ++pj )
                            j_send[cnt] = j_list[ out_bufs[2 * d].index[i] ][pj];
                            val_send[cnt] = val_list[ out_bufs[2 * d].index[i] ][pj];
                ret = MPI_Send( j_send, cnt, MPI_INT, nbr1->rank,
                        2 * d, mpi_data->comm_mesh3D );
                ret = MPI_Send( val_send, cnt, MPI_DOUBLE, nbr1->rank,
                        2 * d, mpi_data->comm_mesh3D );
                Check_MPI_Error( ret, __FILE__, __LINE__ );
                t_comm += Get_Time( ) - t_start;

        if ( out_bufs[2 * d + 1].cnt )
            cnt = 0;
            for ( i = 0; i < out_bufs[2 * d + 1].cnt; ++i )
                cnt += row_nnz[ out_bufs[2 * d + 1].index[i] ];

            if ( cnt > 0 )

                if ( size_send < cnt )
                    if ( size_send )
                        sfree( j_send, "sparse_approx_inverse::j_send" );
                        sfree( val_send, "sparse_approx_inverse::j_send" );

                    size_send = cnt * SAFE_ZONE;

                    j_send = smalloc( sizeof(int) * size_send,
                            "sparse_approx_inverse::j_send" );
                    val_send = smalloc( sizeof(real) * size_send,
                            "sparse_approx_inverse::val_send" );

                cnt = 0;
                for ( i = 0; i < out_bufs[2 * d + 1].cnt; ++i )
                    if ( out_bufs[2 * d + 1].index[i] < A->n )
                        for ( pj = A->start[ out_bufs[2 * d + 1].index[i] ]; pj < A->end[ out_bufs[2 * d + 1].index[i] ]; ++pj )
                            atom = &system->my_atoms[ A->j[pj] ];
                        for ( pj = 0; pj < row_nnz[ out_bufs[2 * d + 1].index[i] ]; ++pj )
                            j_send[cnt] = j_list[ out_bufs[2 * d + 1].index[i] ][pj];
                            val_send[cnt] = val_list[ out_bufs[2 * d + 1].index[i] ][pj];
                ret = MPI_Send( j_send, cnt, MPI_INT, nbr2->rank,
                        2 * d + 1, mpi_data->comm_mesh3D );
                ret = MPI_Send( val_send, cnt, MPI_DOUBLE, nbr2->rank,
                        2 * d + 1, mpi_data->comm_mesh3D );
                Check_MPI_Error( ret, __FILE__, __LINE__ );
                t_comm += Get_Time( ) - t_start;
            t_start = Get_Time( );
            ret = MPI_Wait( &req1, &stat1 );
            Check_MPI_Error( ret, __FILE__, __LINE__ );
            ret = MPI_Wait( &req2, &stat2 );
            Check_MPI_Error( ret, __FILE__, __LINE__ );
            t_comm += Get_Time( ) - t_start;

            cnt = 0;
            for ( i = nbr1->atoms_str; i < (nbr1->atoms_str + nbr1->atoms_cnt); ++i )
                j_list[i] = smalloc( sizeof(int) *  row_nnz[i],
                       "sparse_approx_inverse::j_list[i]" );
                val_list[i] = smalloc( sizeof(real) * row_nnz[i],
                       "sparse_approx_inverse::val_list[i]" );
                for ( pj = 0; pj < row_nnz[i]; ++pj )
                    j_list[i][pj] = j_recv1[cnt];
                    val_list[i][pj] = val_recv1[cnt];
            t_start = Get_Time( );
            ret = MPI_Wait( &req3, &stat3 );
            Check_MPI_Error( ret, __FILE__, __LINE__ );
            ret = MPI_Wait( &req4, &stat4 );
            Check_MPI_Error( ret, __FILE__, __LINE__ );
            t_comm += Get_Time( ) - t_start;

            cnt = 0;
            for ( i = nbr2->atoms_str; i < (nbr2->atoms_str + nbr2->atoms_cnt); ++i )
                j_list[i] = smalloc( sizeof(int) *  row_nnz[i],
                       "sparse_approx_inverse::j_list[i]" );
                val_list[i] = smalloc( sizeof(real) * row_nnz[i],
                       "sparse_approx_inverse::val_list[i]" );

                for ( pj = 0; pj < row_nnz[i]; ++pj )
                    j_list[i][pj] = j_recv2[cnt];
                    val_list[i][pj] = val_recv2[cnt];
    sfree( j_send, "sparse_approx_inverse::j_send" );
    sfree( val_send, "sparse_approx_inverse::val_send" );
    sfree( j_recv1, "sparse_approx_inverse::j_recv1" );
    sfree( j_recv2, "sparse_approx_inverse::j_recv2" );
    sfree( val_recv1, "sparse_approx_inverse::val_recv1" );
    sfree( val_recv2, "sparse_approx_inverse::val_recv2" );

    X = smalloc( sizeof(int) * (system->bigN + 1),
            "sparse_approx_inverse::X" );
    //size of q should be equal to the maximum possible cardinalty 
    //of the set formed by neighbors of neighbors of an atom
    //i.e, maximum number of rows of dense matrix
    //for water systems, this number is 34000
    //for silica systems, it is 12000
    q = smalloc( sizeof(int) * 50000,
            "sparse_approx_inverse::q" );

    for ( i = 0; i <= system->bigN; ++i )
        X[i] = -1;

    for ( i = 0; i < A_spar_patt->n; ++i )
        N = 0;
        M = 0;
        push = 0;
        mark = i + system->bigN;
        /* find column indices of nonzeros (which will be the columns indices of the dense matrix) */
        for ( pj = A_spar_patt->start[i]; pj < A_spar_patt->end[i]; ++pj )
Kurt A. O'Hearn's avatar
Kurt A. O'Hearn committed

            /* for each of those indices
             * search through the row of full A of that index */
            /* the case where the local matrix has that index's row */
            if( j_temp < A->n )
                for ( k = A->start[ j_temp ]; k < A->end[ j_temp ]; ++k )
                    /* and accumulate the nonzero column indices to serve as the row indices of the dense matrix */
                    atom = &system->my_atoms[ A->j[k] ];
                    X[atom->orig_id] = mark;
                    q[push++] = atom->orig_id;
            /* the case where we communicated that index's row */
                for ( k = 0; k < row_nnz[j_temp]; ++k )
                    /* and accumulate the nonzero column indices to serve as the row indices of the dense matrix */
                    X[ j_list[j_temp][k] ] = mark;
                    q[push++] = j_list[j_temp][k];

        /* enumerate the row indices from 0 to (# of nonzero rows - 1) for the dense matrix */
        identity_pos = M;
        atom = &system->my_atoms[ i ];
        atom_pos = atom->orig_id;

        for ( k = 0; k < push; k++)
            if ( X[ q[k] ] == mark )
                X[ q[k] ] = M;
        identity_pos = X[atom_pos];

        /* allocate memory for NxM dense matrix */
        if ( size_dense < N * M )
            if ( size_dense )
                sfree( dense_matrix, "sparse_approx_inverse::dense_matrix" );
            size_dense = N * M * SAFE_ZONE;

            dense_matrix = smalloc( sizeof(real) * size_dense,
                "sparse_approx_inverse::dense_matrix" );

        /* fill in the entries of dense matrix */
        for ( d_j = 0; d_j < N; ++d_j)
            /* all rows are initialized to zero */
            for ( d_i = 0; d_i < M; ++d_i )
                dense_matrix[d_i * N + d_j] = 0.0;
            /* change the value if any of the column indices is seen */

            /* it is in the original list */
            local_pos = A_spar_patt->j[ A_spar_patt->start[i] + d_j ];

            if ( local_pos < A->n )
                for ( d_i = A->start[local_pos]; d_i < A->end[local_pos]; ++d_i )
                    atom = &system->my_atoms[ A->j[d_i] ];
                    dense_matrix[ X[ atom->orig_id ] * N + d_j ] = A->val[d_i];
                for ( d_i = 0; d_i < row_nnz[ local_pos ]; ++d_i )
                    dense_matrix[ X[ j_list[local_pos][d_i] ] * N + d_j ] = val_list[local_pos][d_i];
Kurt A. O'Hearn's avatar
Kurt A. O'Hearn committed

        /* create the right hand side of the linear equation
         * that is the full column of the identity matrix */
        if ( size_e < M )
            if ( size_e )
                sfree( e_j, "sparse_approx_inverse::e_j" );

            size_e = M * SAFE_ZONE;

            e_j = smalloc( sizeof(real) * size_e, "sparse_approx_inverse::e_j" );

        for ( k = 0; k < M; ++k )
            e_j[k] = 0.0;
        e_j[identity_pos] = 1.0;

        /* Solve the overdetermined system AX = B through the least-squares problem:
         * min ||B - AX||_2 */
        m = M;
        n = N;
        nrhs = 1;
        lda = N;
        ldb = nrhs;

        info = LAPACKE_dgels( LAPACK_ROW_MAJOR, 'N', m, n, nrhs, dense_matrix, lda,
                e_j, ldb );

        /* Check for the full rank */
        if ( info > 0 )
            fprintf( stderr, "[ERROR] The diagonal element %i of the triangular factor ", info );
            fprintf( stderr, "of A is zero, so that A does not have full rank;\n" );
            fprintf( stderr, "the least squares solution could not be computed.\n" );

        /* accumulate the resulting vector to build A_app_inv */
        A_app_inv->start[i] = A_spar_patt->start[i];
        A_app_inv->end[i] = A_spar_patt->end[i];
        for ( k = A_app_inv->start[i]; k < A_app_inv->end[i]; ++k)
            A_app_inv->j[k] = A_spar_patt->j[k];
            A_app_inv->val[k] = e_j[k - A_spar_patt->start[i]];

    sfree( dense_matrix, "sparse_approx_inverse::dense_matrix" );
    sfree( e_j, "sparse_approx_inverse::e_j" );
    sfree( X, "sparse_approx_inverse::X" );
    /*for ( i = 0; i < system->N; ++i )
        sfree( j_list[i], "sparse_approx_inverse::j_list" );
        sfree( val_list[i], "sparse_approx_inverse::val_list" );
    sfree( j_list, "sparse_approx_inverse::j_list" );
    sfree( val_list, "sparse_approx_inverse::val_list" );*/
    sfree( row_nnz, "sparse_approx_inverse::row_nnz" );

    ret = MPI_Reduce( &t_comm, &total_comm, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_SUM,
    Check_MPI_Error( ret, __FILE__, __LINE__ );

    if ( system->my_rank == MASTER_NODE )
        data->timing.cm_solver_comm += total_comm / nprocs;

/* Apply left-sided preconditioning while solving M^{-1}AX = M^{-1}B
 * system:
 * workspace: data struct containing matrices and vectors, stored in CSR
 * control: data struct containing parameters
 * data: struct containing timing simulation data (including performance data)
 * y: vector to which to apply preconditioning,
 *  specific to internals of iterative solver being used
 * x (output): preconditioned vector
 * fresh_pre: parameter indicating if this is a newly computed (fresh) preconditioner
 * side: used in determining how to apply preconditioner if the preconditioner is
 *  factorized as M = M_{1}M_{2} (e.g., incomplete LU, A \approx LU)
 * Assumptions:
 *   Matrices have non-zero diagonals
 *   Each row of a matrix has at least one non-zero (i.e., no rows with all zeros) */
static void dual_apply_preconditioner( reax_system const * const system,
        storage const * const workspace, control_params const * const control,
        simulation_data * const data, mpi_datatypes * const  mpi_data,
        rvec2 const * const y, rvec2 * const x, int fresh_pre, int side )
    /* no preconditioning */
    if ( control->cm_solver_pre_comp_type == NONE_PC )
        if ( x != y )