Kurt A. O'Hearn authored
sPuReMD: fix GMRES bug introduced from previous refactoring. Explicitly link OpenMP for library. Refactoring to remove global variables. Remove unnecessary OpenMP barriers after single regions.
Kurt A. O'Hearn authoredsPuReMD: fix GMRES bug introduced from previous refactoring. Explicitly link OpenMP for library. Refactoring to remove global variables. Remove unnecessary OpenMP barriers after single regions.
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init_md.c 47.63 KiB
SerialReax - Reax Force Field Simulator
Copyright (2010) Purdue University
Hasan Metin Aktulga, haktulga@cs.purdue.edu
Joseph Fogarty, jcfogart@mail.usf.edu
Sagar Pandit, pandit@usf.edu
Ananth Y Grama, ayg@cs.purdue.edu
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
See the GNU General Public License for more details:
#include "init_md.h"
#include "allocate.h"
#include "box.h"
#include "forces.h"
#include "grid.h"
#include "integrate.h"
#include "neighbors.h"
#include "list.h"
#include "lookup.h"
#include "reset_utils.h"
#include "system_props.h"
#include "tool_box.h"
#include "vector.h"
void Generate_Initial_Velocities( reax_system *system, real T )
int i;
real scale, norm;
if ( T <= 0.1 )
for ( i = 0; i < system->N; i++ )
rvec_MakeZero( system->atoms[i].v );
#if defined(DEBUG)
fprintf( stderr, "no random velocities...\n" );
for ( i = 0; i < system->N; i++ )
rvec_Random( system->atoms[i].v );
norm = rvec_Norm_Sqr( system->atoms[i].v );
scale = SQRT( system->reaxprm.sbp[ system->atoms[i].type ].mass *
norm / (3.0 * K_B * T) );
rvec_Scale( system->atoms[i].v, 1.0 / scale, system->atoms[i].v );
/*fprintf( stderr, "v = %f %f %f\n",
fprintf( stderr, "scale = %f\n", scale );
fprintf( stderr, "v = %f %f %f\n",
void Init_System( reax_system *system, control_params *control,
simulation_data *data )
int i;
rvec dx;
if ( !control->restart )
Reset_Atoms( system );
Compute_Total_Mass( system, data );
Compute_Center_of_Mass( system, data, stderr );
/* reposition atoms */
// just fit the atoms to the periodic box
if ( control->reposition_atoms == 0 )
rvec_MakeZero( dx );
// put the center of mass to the center of the box
else if ( control->reposition_atoms == 1 )
rvec_Scale( dx, 0.5, system->box.box_norms );
rvec_ScaledAdd( dx, -1., data->xcm );
// put the center of mass to the origin
else if ( control->reposition_atoms == 2 )
rvec_Scale( dx, -1., data->xcm );
fprintf( stderr, "UNKNOWN OPTION: reposition_atoms. Terminating...\n" );
for ( i = 0; i < system->N; ++i )
Inc_on_T3( system->atoms[i].x, dx, &(system->box) );
/*fprintf( stderr, "%6d%2d%8.3f%8.3f%8.3f\n",
i, system->atoms[i].type,
system->atoms[i].x[0], system->atoms[i].x[1], system->atoms[i].x[2] );*/
/* Initialize velocities so that desired init T can be attained */
if ( !control->restart || (control->restart && control->random_vel) )
Generate_Initial_Velocities( system, control->T_init );
Setup_Grid( system );
void Init_Simulation_Data( reax_system *system, control_params *control,
simulation_data *data, output_controls *out_control,
evolve_function *Evolve )
Reset_Simulation_Data( data );
if ( !control->restart )
data->step = 0;
data->prev_steps = 0;
switch ( control->ensemble )
case NVE:
data->N_f = 3 * system->N;
*Evolve = Velocity_Verlet_NVE;
case NVT:
data->N_f = 3 * system->N + 1;
//control->Tau_T = 100 * data->N_f * K_B * control->T_final;
if ( !control->restart || (control->restart && control->random_vel) )
data->therm.G_xi = control->Tau_T * (2.0 * data->E_Kin -
data->N_f * K_B * control->T );
data->therm.v_xi = data->therm.G_xi * control->dt;
data->therm.v_xi_old = 0;
data->therm.xi = 0;
#if defined(DEBUG_FOCUS)
fprintf( stderr, "init_md: G_xi=%f Tau_T=%f E_kin=%f N_f=%f v_xi=%f\n",
data->therm.G_xi, control->Tau_T, data->E_Kin,
data->N_f, data->therm.v_xi );
*Evolve = Velocity_Verlet_Nose_Hoover_NVT_Klein;
case NPT: // Anisotropic NPT
data->N_f = 3 * system->N + 9;
if ( !control->restart )
data->therm.G_xi = control->Tau_T * (2.0 * data->E_Kin -
data->N_f * K_B * control->T);
data->therm.v_xi = data->therm.G_xi * control->dt;
data->iso_bar.eps = 1.0 / 3.0 * LOG( system->box.volume );
//data->inv_W = 1. / (data->N_f*K_B*control->T*SQR(control->Tau_P));
//Compute_Pressure( system, data, workspace );
*Evolve = Velocity_Verlet_Berendsen_Isotropic_NPT;
case sNPT: // Semi-Isotropic NPT
data->N_f = 3 * system->N + 4;
*Evolve = Velocity_Verlet_Berendsen_SemiIsotropic_NPT;
case iNPT: // Isotropic NPT
data->N_f = 3 * system->N + 2;
*Evolve = Velocity_Verlet_Berendsen_Isotropic_NPT;
case bNVT:
data->N_f = 3 * system->N + 1;
*Evolve = Velocity_Verlet_Berendsen_NVT;
fprintf (stderr, " Initializing Velocity_Verlet_Berendsen_NVT .... \n");
Compute_Kinetic_Energy( system, data );
/* init timing info */
data->timing.start = Get_Time( );
data->timing.total = data->timing.start;
data->timing.nbrs = 0;
data->timing.init_forces = 0;
data->timing.bonded = 0;
data->timing.nonb = 0;
data->timing.cm = ZERO;
data->timing.cm_sort_mat_rows = ZERO;
data->timing.cm_solver_pre_comp = ZERO;
data->timing.cm_solver_pre_app = ZERO;
data->timing.cm_solver_iters = 0;
data->timing.cm_solver_spmv = ZERO;
data->timing.cm_solver_vector_ops = ZERO;
data->timing.cm_solver_orthog = ZERO;
data->timing.cm_solver_tri_solve = ZERO;
/* Initialize Taper params */
void Init_Taper( control_params *control )
real d1, d7;
real swa, swa2, swa3;
real swb, swb2, swb3;
swa = control->r_low;
swb = control->r_cut;
if ( FABS( swa ) > 0.01 )
fprintf( stderr, "Warning: non-zero value for lower Taper-radius cutoff\n" );
if ( swb < 0.0 )
fprintf( stderr, "Negative value for upper Taper-radius cutoff\n" );
else if ( swb < 5.0 )
fprintf( stderr, "Warning: low value for upper Taper-radius cutoff:%f\n", swb );
d1 = swb - swa;
d7 = POW( d1, 7.0 );
swa2 = SQR( swa );
swa3 = CUBE( swa );
swb2 = SQR( swb );
swb3 = CUBE( swb );
control->Tap7 = 20.0 / d7;
control->Tap6 = -70.0 * (swa + swb) / d7;
control->Tap5 = 84.0 * (swa2 + 3.0 * swa * swb + swb2) / d7;
control->Tap4 = -35.0 * (swa3 + 9.0 * swa2 * swb + 9.0 * swa * swb2 + swb3 ) / d7;
control->Tap3 = 140.0 * (swa3 * swb + 3.0 * swa2 * swb2 + swa * swb3 ) / d7;
control->Tap2 = -210.0 * (swa3 * swb2 + swa2 * swb3) / d7;
control->Tap1 = 140.0 * swa3 * swb3 / d7;
control->Tap0 = (-35.0 * swa3 * swb2 * swb2 + 21.0 * swa2 * swb3 * swb2 +
7.0 * swa * swb3 * swb3 + swb3 * swb3 * swb ) / d7;
void Init_Workspace( reax_system *system, control_params *control,
static_storage *workspace )
int i;
/* Allocate space for hydrogen bond list */
workspace->hbond_index = (int *) smalloc( system->N * sizeof( int ),
"Init_Workspace::workspace->hbond_index" );
/* bond order related storage */
workspace->total_bond_order = (real *) smalloc( system->N * sizeof( real ),
"Init_Workspace::workspace->bond_order" );
workspace->Deltap = (real *) smalloc( system->N * sizeof( real ),
"Init_Workspace::workspace->Deltap" );
workspace->Deltap_boc = (real *) smalloc( system->N * sizeof( real ),
"Init_Workspace::workspace->Deltap_boc" );
workspace->dDeltap_self = (rvec *) smalloc( system->N * sizeof( rvec ),
"Init_Workspace::workspace->dDeltap_self" );
workspace->Delta = (real *) smalloc( system->N * sizeof( real ),
"Init_Workspace::workspace->Delta" );
workspace->Delta_lp = (real *) smalloc( system->N * sizeof( real ),
"Init_Workspace::workspace->Delta_lp" );
workspace->Delta_lp_temp = (real *) smalloc( system->N * sizeof( real ),
"Init_Workspace::workspace->Delta_lp_temp" );
workspace->dDelta_lp = (real *) smalloc( system->N * sizeof( real ),
"Init_Workspace::workspace->dDelta_lp" );
workspace->dDelta_lp_temp = (real *) smalloc( system->N * sizeof( real ),
"Init_Workspace::workspace->dDelta_lp_temp" );
workspace->Delta_e = (real *) smalloc( system->N * sizeof( real ),
"Init_Workspace::workspace->Delta_e" );
workspace->Delta_boc = (real *) smalloc( system->N * sizeof( real ),
"Init_Workspace::workspace->Delta_boc" );
workspace->nlp = (real *) smalloc( system->N * sizeof( real ),
"Init_Workspace::workspace->nlp" );
workspace->nlp_temp = (real *) smalloc( system->N * sizeof( real ),
"Init_Workspace::workspace->nlp_temp" );
workspace->Clp = (real *) smalloc( system->N * sizeof( real ),
"Init_Workspace::workspace->Clp" );
workspace->CdDelta = (real *) smalloc( system->N * sizeof( real ),
"Init_Workspace::workspace->CdDelta" );
workspace->vlpex = (real *) smalloc( system->N * sizeof( real ),
"Init_Workspace::workspace->vlpex" );
/* charge method storage */
switch ( control->charge_method )
case QEQ_CM:
system->N_cm = system->N;
case EE_CM:
system->N_cm = system->N + 1;
case ACKS2_CM:
system->N_cm = 2 * system->N + 2;
fprintf( stderr, "Unknown charge method type. Terminating...\n" );
workspace->H = NULL;
workspace->H_sp = NULL;
workspace->L = NULL;
workspace->H_spar_patt = NULL;
workspace->H_app_inv = NULL;
workspace->U = NULL;
workspace->Hdia_inv = NULL;
if ( control->cm_solver_pre_comp_type == ICHOLT_PC ||
control->cm_solver_pre_comp_type == ILUT_PAR_PC )
workspace->droptol = (real *) scalloc( system->N_cm, sizeof( real ),
"Init_Workspace::workspace->droptol" );
//TODO: check if unused
//workspace->w = (real *) scalloc( cm_lin_sys_size, sizeof( real ),
//"Init_Workspace::workspace->droptol" );
//TODO: check if unused
workspace->b = (real *) scalloc( system->N_cm * 2, sizeof( real ),
"Init_Workspace::workspace->b" );
workspace->b_s = (real *) scalloc( system->N_cm, sizeof( real ),
"Init_Workspace::workspace->b_s" );
workspace->b_t = (real *) scalloc( system->N_cm, sizeof( real ),
"Init_Workspace::workspace->b_t" );
workspace->b_prc = (real *) scalloc( system->N_cm * 2, sizeof( real ),
"Init_Workspace::workspace->b_prc" );
workspace->b_prm = (real *) scalloc( system->N_cm * 2, sizeof( real ),
"Init_Workspace::workspace->b_prm" );
workspace->s = (real**) scalloc( 5, sizeof( real* ),
"Init_Workspace::workspace->s" );
workspace->t = (real**) scalloc( 5, sizeof( real* ),
"Init_Workspace::workspace->t" );
for ( i = 0; i < 5; ++i )
workspace->s[i] = (real *) scalloc( system->N_cm, sizeof( real ),
"Init_Workspace::workspace->s[i]" );
workspace->t[i] = (real *) scalloc( system->N_cm, sizeof( real ),
"Init_Workspace::workspace->t[i]" );
switch ( control->charge_method )
case QEQ_CM:
for ( i = 0; i < system->N; ++i )
workspace->b_s[i] = -system->reaxprm.sbp[ system->atoms[i].type ].chi;
workspace->b_t[i] = -1.0;
//TODO: check if unused (redundant)
workspace->b[i] = -system->reaxprm.sbp[ system->atoms[i].type ].chi;
workspace->b[i + system->N] = -1.0;
case EE_CM:
for ( i = 0; i < system->N; ++i )
workspace->b_s[i] = -system->reaxprm.sbp[ system->atoms[i].type ].chi;
//TODO: check if unused (redundant)
workspace->b[i] = -system->reaxprm.sbp[ system->atoms[i].type ].chi;
workspace->b_s[system->N] = control->cm_q_net;
workspace->b[system->N] = control->cm_q_net;
case ACKS2_CM:
for ( i = 0; i < system->N; ++i )
workspace->b_s[i] = -system->reaxprm.sbp[ system->atoms[i].type ].chi;
//TODO: check if unused (redundant)
workspace->b[i] = -system->reaxprm.sbp[ system->atoms[i].type ].chi;
workspace->b_s[system->N] = control->cm_q_net;
workspace->b[system->N] = control->cm_q_net;
for ( i = system->N + 1; i < system->N_cm; ++i )
workspace->b_s[i] = 0.0;
//TODO: check if unused (redundant)
workspace->b[i] = 0.0;
fprintf( stderr, "Unknown charge method type. Terminating...\n" );
switch ( control->cm_solver_type )
/* GMRES storage */
case GMRES_S:
case GMRES_H_S:
workspace->y = (real *) scalloc( control->cm_solver_restart + 1, sizeof( real ),
"Init_Workspace::workspace->y" );
workspace->z = (real *) scalloc( control->cm_solver_restart + 1, sizeof( real ),
"Init_Workspace::workspace->z" );
workspace->g = (real *) scalloc( control->cm_solver_restart + 1, sizeof( real ),
"Init_Workspace::workspace->g" );
workspace->h = (real **) scalloc( control->cm_solver_restart + 1, sizeof( real*),
"Init_Workspace::workspace->h" );
workspace->hs = (real *) scalloc( control->cm_solver_restart + 1, sizeof( real ),
"Init_Workspace::workspace->hs" );
workspace->hc = (real *) scalloc( control->cm_solver_restart + 1, sizeof( real ),
"Init_Workspace::workspace->hc" );
workspace->rn = (real **) scalloc( control->cm_solver_restart + 1, sizeof( real*),
"Init_Workspace::workspace->rn" );
workspace->v = (real **) scalloc( control->cm_solver_restart + 1, sizeof( real*),
"Init_Workspace::workspace->v" );
for ( i = 0; i < control->cm_solver_restart + 1; ++i )
workspace->h[i] = (real *) scalloc( control->cm_solver_restart + 1, sizeof( real ),
"Init_Workspace::workspace->h[i]" );
workspace->rn[i] = (real *) scalloc( system->N_cm * 2, sizeof( real ),
"Init_Workspace::workspace->rn[i]" );
workspace->v[i] = (real *) scalloc( system->N_cm, sizeof( real ),
"Init_Workspace::workspace->v[i]" );
workspace->r = (real *) scalloc( system->N_cm, sizeof( real ),
"Init_Workspace::workspace->r" );
workspace->d = (real *) scalloc( system->N_cm, sizeof( real ),
"Init_Workspace::workspace->d" );
workspace->q = (real *) scalloc( system->N_cm, sizeof( real ),
"Init_Workspace::workspace->q" );
workspace->p = (real *) scalloc( system->N_cm, sizeof( real ),
"Init_Workspace::workspace->p" );
/* CG storage */
case CG_S:
workspace->r = (real *) scalloc( system->N_cm, sizeof( real ),
"Init_Workspace::workspace->r" );
workspace->d = (real *) scalloc( system->N_cm, sizeof( real ),
"Init_Workspace::workspace->d" );
workspace->q = (real *) scalloc( system->N_cm, sizeof( real ),
"Init_Workspace::workspace->q" );
workspace->p = (real *) scalloc( system->N_cm, sizeof( real ),
"Init_Workspace::workspace->p" );
case SDM_S:
workspace->r = (real *) scalloc( system->N_cm, sizeof( real ),
"Init_Workspace::workspace->r" );
workspace->d = (real *) scalloc( system->N_cm, sizeof( real ),
"Init_Workspace::workspace->d" );
workspace->q = (real *) scalloc( system->N_cm, sizeof( real ),
"Init_Workspace::workspace->q" );
fprintf( stderr, "Unknown charge method linear solver type. Terminating...\n" );
/* integrator storage */
workspace->a = (rvec *) smalloc( system->N * sizeof( rvec ),
"Init_Workspace::workspace->a" );
workspace->f_old = (rvec *) smalloc( system->N * sizeof( rvec ),
"Init_Workspace::workspace->f_old" );
workspace->v_const = (rvec *) smalloc( system->N * sizeof( rvec ),
"Init_Workspace::workspace->v_const" );
#ifdef _OPENMP
workspace->f_local = (rvec *) smalloc( control->num_threads * system->N * sizeof( rvec ),
"Init_Workspace::workspace->f_local" );
/* storage for analysis */
if ( control->molec_anal || control->diffusion_coef )
workspace->mark = (int *) scalloc( system->N, sizeof(int),
"Init_Workspace::workspace->mark" );
workspace->old_mark = (int *) scalloc( system->N, sizeof(int),
"Init_Workspace::workspace->old_mark" );
workspace->mark = workspace->old_mark = NULL;
if ( control->diffusion_coef )
workspace->x_old = (rvec *) scalloc( system->N, sizeof( rvec ),
"Init_Workspace::workspace->x_old" );
workspace->x_old = NULL;
workspace->dDelta = (rvec *) smalloc( system->N * sizeof( rvec ),
"Init_Workspace::workspace->dDelta" );
workspace->f_ele = (rvec *) smalloc( system->N * sizeof( rvec ),
"Init_Workspace::workspace->f_ele" );
workspace->f_vdw = (rvec *) smalloc( system->N * sizeof( rvec ),
"Init_Workspace::workspace->f_vdw" );
workspace->f_bo = (rvec *) smalloc( system->N * sizeof( rvec ),
"Init_Workspace::workspace->f_bo" );
workspace->f_be = (rvec *) smalloc( system->N * sizeof( rvec ),
"Init_Workspace::workspace->f_be" );
workspace->f_lp = (rvec *) smalloc( system->N * sizeof( rvec ),
"Init_Workspace::workspace->f_lp" );
workspace->f_ov = (rvec *) smalloc( system->N * sizeof( rvec ),
"Init_Workspace::workspace->f_ov" );
workspace->f_un = (rvec *) smalloc( system->N * sizeof( rvec ),
"Init_Workspace::workspace->f_un" );
workspace->f_ang = (rvec *) smalloc( system->N * sizeof( rvec ),
"Init_Workspace::workspace->f_ang" );
workspace->f_coa = (rvec *) smalloc( system->N * sizeof( rvec ),
"Init_Workspace::workspace->f_coa" );
workspace->f_pen = (rvec *) smalloc( system->N * sizeof( rvec ),
"Init_Workspace::workspace->f_pen" );
workspace->f_hb = (rvec *) smalloc( system->N * sizeof( rvec ),
"Init_Workspace::workspace->f_hb" );
workspace->f_tor = (rvec *) smalloc( system->N * sizeof( rvec ),
"Init_Workspace::workspace->f_tor" );
workspace->f_con = (rvec *) smalloc( system->N * sizeof( rvec ),
"Init_Workspace::workspace->f_con" );
workspace->realloc.num_far = -1;
workspace->realloc.Htop = -1;
workspace->realloc.hbonds = -1;
workspace->realloc.bonds = -1;
workspace->realloc.num_3body = -1;
workspace->realloc.gcell_atoms = -1;
Reset_Workspace( system, workspace );
/* Initialize Taper function */
Init_Taper( control );
void Init_Lists( reax_system *system, control_params *control,
simulation_data *data, static_storage *workspace,
reax_list **lists, output_controls *out_control )
int i, num_nbrs, num_bonds, num_3body, Htop, max_nnz;
int *hb_top, *bond_top;
#if defined(DEBUG_FOCUS)
int num_hbonds;
num_nbrs = Estimate_NumNeighbors( system, control, workspace, lists );
Make_List( system->N, num_nbrs, TYP_FAR_NEIGHBOR, (*lists) + FAR_NBRS );
#if defined(DEBUG_FOCUS)
fprintf( stderr, "memory allocated: far_nbrs = %ldMB\n",
num_nbrs * sizeof(far_neighbor_data) / (1024 * 1024) );
Generate_Neighbor_Lists(system, control, data, workspace, lists, out_control);
Htop = 0;
hb_top = (int*) scalloc( system->N, sizeof(int),
"Init_Lists::hb_top" );
bond_top = (int*) scalloc( system->N, sizeof(int),
"Init_Lists::bond_top" );
num_3body = 0;
Estimate_Storage_Sizes( system, control, lists, &Htop,
hb_top, bond_top, &num_3body );
num_3body = MAX( num_3body, MIN_BONDS );
switch ( control->charge_method )
case QEQ_CM:
max_nnz = Htop;
case EE_CM:
max_nnz = Htop + system->N_cm;
case ACKS2_CM:
max_nnz = 2 * Htop + 3 * system->N + 2;
max_nnz = Htop;
if ( Allocate_Matrix( &(workspace->H), system->N_cm, max_nnz ) == FAILURE )
fprintf( stderr, "Not enough space for init matrices. Terminating...\n" );
/* TODO: better estimate for H_sp?
* If so, need to refactor Estimate_Storage_Sizes
* to use various cut-off distances as parameters
* (non-bonded, hydrogen, 3body, etc.) */
if ( Allocate_Matrix( &(workspace->H_sp), system->N_cm, max_nnz ) == FAILURE )
fprintf( stderr, "Not enough space for init matrices. Terminating...\n" );
#if defined(DEBUG_FOCUS)
fprintf( stderr, "estimated storage - Htop: %d\n", Htop );
fprintf( stderr, "memory allocated: H = %ldMB\n",
Htop * sizeof(sparse_matrix_entry) / (1024 * 1024) );
workspace->num_H = 0;
if ( control->hb_cut > 0.0 )
/* init H indexes */
for ( i = 0; i < system->N; ++i )
// H atom
if ( system->reaxprm.sbp[ system->atoms[i].type ].p_hbond == 1 )
workspace->hbond_index[i] = workspace->num_H++;
workspace->hbond_index[i] = -1;
if ( workspace->num_H == 0 )
control->hb_cut = 0.0;
Allocate_HBond_List( system->N, workspace->num_H, workspace->hbond_index,
hb_top, (*lists) + HBONDS );
#if defined(DEBUG_FOCUS)
num_hbonds = hb_top[system->N - 1];
fprintf( stderr, "estimated storage - num_hbonds: %d\n", num_hbonds );
fprintf( stderr, "memory allocated: hbonds = %ldMB\n",
num_hbonds * sizeof(hbond_data) / (1024 * 1024) );
/* bonds list */
Allocate_Bond_List( system->N, bond_top, (*lists) + BONDS );
num_bonds = bond_top[system->N - 1];
#if defined(DEBUG_FOCUS)
fprintf( stderr, "estimated storage - num_bonds: %d\n", num_bonds );
fprintf( stderr, "memory allocated: bonds = %ldMB\n",
num_bonds * sizeof(bond_data) / (1024 * 1024) );
/* 3bodies list */
Make_List( num_bonds, num_3body, TYP_THREE_BODY, (*lists) + THREE_BODIES );
#if defined(DEBUG_FOCUS)
fprintf( stderr, "estimated storage - num_3body: %d\n", num_3body );
fprintf( stderr, "memory allocated: 3-body = %ldMB\n",
num_3body * sizeof(three_body_interaction_data) / (1024 * 1024) );
Make_List( system->N, num_bonds * 8, TYP_DDELTA, (*lists) + DDELTA );
Make_List( num_bonds, num_bonds * MAX_BONDS * 3, TYP_DBO, (*lists) + DBO );
sfree( hb_top, "Init_Lists::hb_top" );
sfree( bond_top, "Init_Lists::bond_top" );
void Init_Out_Controls( reax_system *system, control_params *control,
static_storage *workspace, output_controls *out_control )
#define TEMP_SIZE (1000)
char temp[TEMP_SIZE];
/* Init trajectory file */
if ( out_control->write_steps > 0 )
strcpy( temp, control->sim_name );
strcat( temp, ".trj" );
out_control->trj = fopen( temp, "w" );
out_control->write_header( system, control, workspace, out_control );
if ( out_control->energy_update_freq > 0 )
/* Init out file */
strcpy( temp, control->sim_name );
strcat( temp, ".out" );
out_control->out = fopen( temp, "w" );
fprintf( out_control->out, "%-6s%16s%16s%16s%11s%11s%13s%13s%13s\n",
"step", "total energy", "poten. energy", "kin. energy",
"temp.", "target", "volume", "press.", "target" );
fflush( out_control->out );
/* Init potentials file */
strcpy( temp, control->sim_name );
strcat( temp, ".pot" );
out_control->pot = fopen( temp, "w" );
fprintf( out_control->pot,
"step", "ebond", "eatom", "elp", "eang", "ecoa", "ehb",
"etor", "econj", "evdw", "ecoul", "epol" );
fflush( out_control->pot );
/* Init log file */
strcpy( temp, control->sim_name );
strcat( temp, ".log" );
out_control->log = fopen( temp, "w" );
fprintf( out_control->log, "%-6s %10s %10s %10s %10s %10s %10s %10s %10s %10s %10s %10s %10s %10s %10s\n",
"step", "total", "neighbors", "init", "bonded",
"nonbonded", "CM", "CM Sort", "S iters", "Pre Comp", "Pre App",
"S spmv", "S vec ops", "S orthog", "S tsolve" );
/* Init pressure file */
if ( control->ensemble == NPT ||
control->ensemble == iNPT ||
control->ensemble == sNPT )
strcpy( temp, control->sim_name );
strcat( temp, ".prs" );
out_control->prs = fopen( temp, "w" );
fprintf( out_control->prs, "%-6s%13s%13s%13s%13s%13s%13s%13s%13s\n",
"step", "norm_x", "norm_y", "norm_z",
"press_x", "press_y", "press_z", "target_p", "volume" );
fflush( out_control->prs );
/* Init molecular analysis file */
if ( control->molec_anal )
snprintf( temp, TEMP_SIZE, "%.*s.mol", TEMP_SIZE - 5, control->sim_name );
out_control->mol = fopen( temp, "w" );
if ( control->num_ignored )
snprintf( temp, TEMP_SIZE, "%.*s.ign", TEMP_SIZE - 5, control->sim_name );
out_control->ign = fopen( temp, "w" );
/* Init electric dipole moment analysis file */
if ( control->dipole_anal )
strcpy( temp, control->sim_name );
strcat( temp, ".dpl" );
out_control->dpl = fopen( temp, "w" );
fprintf( out_control->dpl,
"Step Molecule Count Avg. Dipole Moment Norm\n" );
fflush( out_control->dpl );
/* Init diffusion coef analysis file */
if ( control->diffusion_coef )
strcpy( temp, control->sim_name );
strcat( temp, ".drft" );
out_control->drft = fopen( temp, "w" );
fprintf( out_control->drft, "Step Type Count Avg Squared Disp\n" );
fflush( out_control->drft );
/* open bond energy file */
strcpy( temp, control->sim_name );
strcat( temp, ".ebond" );
out_control->ebond = fopen( temp, "w" );
/* open lone-pair energy file */
strcpy( temp, control->sim_name );
strcat( temp, ".elp" );
out_control->elp = fopen( temp, "w" );
/* open overcoordination energy file */
strcpy( temp, control->sim_name );
strcat( temp, ".eov" );
out_control->eov = fopen( temp, "w" );
/* open undercoordination energy file */
strcpy( temp, control->sim_name );
strcat( temp, ".eun" );
out_control->eun = fopen( temp, "w" );
/* open angle energy file */
strcpy( temp, control->sim_name );
strcat( temp, ".eval" );
out_control->eval = fopen( temp, "w" );
/* open penalty energy file */
strcpy( temp, control->sim_name );
strcat( temp, ".epen" );
out_control->epen = fopen( temp, "w" );
/* open coalition energy file */
strcpy( temp, control->sim_name );
strcat( temp, ".ecoa" );
out_control->ecoa = fopen( temp, "w" );
/* open hydrogen bond energy file */
strcpy( temp, control->sim_name );
strcat( temp, ".ehb" );
out_control->ehb = fopen( temp, "w" );
/* open torsion energy file */
strcpy( temp, control->sim_name );
strcat( temp, ".etor" );
out_control->etor = fopen( temp, "w" );
/* open conjugation energy file */
strcpy( temp, control->sim_name );
strcat( temp, ".econ" );
out_control->econ = fopen( temp, "w" );
/* open vdWaals energy file */
strcpy( temp, control->sim_name );
strcat( temp, ".evdw" );
out_control->evdw = fopen( temp, "w" );
/* open coulomb energy file */
strcpy( temp, control->sim_name );
strcat( temp, ".ecou" );
out_control->ecou = fopen( temp, "w" );
/* open bond orders file */
strcpy( temp, control->sim_name );
strcat( temp, ".fbo" );
out_control->fbo = fopen( temp, "w" );
/* open bond orders derivatives file */
strcpy( temp, control->sim_name );
strcat( temp, ".fdbo" );
out_control->fdbo = fopen( temp, "w" );
/* open bond forces file */
strcpy( temp, control->sim_name );
strcat( temp, ".fbond" );
out_control->fbond = fopen( temp, "w" );
/* open lone-pair forces file */
strcpy( temp, control->sim_name );
strcat( temp, ".flp" );
out_control->flp = fopen( temp, "w" );
/* open overcoordination forces file */
strcpy( temp, control->sim_name );
strcat( temp, ".fatom" );
out_control->fatom = fopen( temp, "w" );
/* open angle forces file */
strcpy( temp, control->sim_name );
strcat( temp, ".f3body" );
out_control->f3body = fopen( temp, "w" );
/* open hydrogen bond forces file */
strcpy( temp, control->sim_name );
strcat( temp, ".fhb" );
out_control->fhb = fopen( temp, "w" );
/* open torsion forces file */
strcpy( temp, control->sim_name );
strcat( temp, ".f4body" );
out_control->f4body = fopen( temp, "w" );
/* open nonbonded forces file */
strcpy( temp, control->sim_name );
strcat( temp, ".fnonb" );
out_control->fnonb = fopen( temp, "w" );
/* open total force file */
strcpy( temp, control->sim_name );
strcat( temp, ".ftot" );
out_control->ftot = fopen( temp, "w" );
/* open coulomb forces file */
strcpy( temp, control->sim_name );
strcat( temp, ".ftot2" );
out_control->ftot2 = fopen( temp, "w" );
/* Error handling */
/* if ( out_control->out == NULL || out_control->pot == NULL ||
out_control->log == NULL || out_control->mol == NULL ||
out_control->dpl == NULL || out_control->drft == NULL ||
out_control->pdb == NULL )
fprintf( stderr, "FILE OPEN ERROR. TERMINATING..." );
#undef TEMP_SIZE
void Initialize( reax_system *system, control_params *control,
simulation_data *data, static_storage *workspace, reax_list **lists,
output_controls *out_control, evolve_function *Evolve,
interaction_function *interaction_functions, const int output_enabled )
#if defined(DEBUG)
real start, end;
#ifdef _OPENMP
#pragma omp parallel default(shared)
#pragma omp single
control->num_threads = omp_get_num_threads( );
Randomize( );
Init_System( system, control, data );
Init_Simulation_Data( system, control, data, out_control, Evolve );
Init_Workspace( system, control, workspace );
Init_Lists( system, control, data, workspace, lists, out_control );
if ( output_enabled == TRUE )
Init_Out_Controls( system, control, workspace, out_control );
/* These are done in forces.c, only forces.c can see all those functions */
Init_Bonded_Force_Functions( control, interaction_functions );
Init_Force_Test_Functions( );
if ( control->tabulate )
#if defined(DEBUG)
start = Get_Time( );
Make_LR_Lookup_Table( system, control, workspace );
#if defined(DEBUG)
end = Get_Timing_Info( start );
fprintf( stderr, "Time for LR Lookup Table calculation is %f \n", end );
#if defined(DEBUG_FOCUS)
fprintf( stderr, "data structures have been initialized...\n" );
void Finalize_System( reax_system *system, control_params *control,
simulation_data *data )
int i, j, k;
reax_interaction *reax;
reax = &( system->reaxprm );
Finalize_Grid( system );
sfree( reax->gp.l, "Finalize_System::reax->gp.l" );
for ( i = 0; i < reax->num_atom_types; i++ )
for ( j = 0; j < reax->num_atom_types; j++ )
for ( k = 0; k < reax->num_atom_types; k++ )
sfree( reax->fbp[i][j][k], "Finalize_System::reax->fbp[i][j][k]" );
sfree( reax->thbp[i][j], "Finalize_System::reax->thbp[i][j]" );
sfree( reax->hbp[i][j], "Finalize_System::reax->hbp[i][j]" );
sfree( reax->fbp[i][j], "Finalize_System::reax->fbp[i][j]" );
sfree( reax->tbp[i], "Finalize_System::reax->tbp[i]" );
sfree( reax->thbp[i], "Finalize_System::reax->thbp[i]" );
sfree( reax->hbp[i], "Finalize_System::reax->hbp[i]" );
sfree( reax->fbp[i], "Finalize_System::reax->fbp[i]" );
sfree( reax->sbp, "Finalize_System::reax->sbp" );
sfree( reax->tbp, "Finalize_System::reax->tbp" );
sfree( reax->thbp, "Finalize_System::reax->thbp" );
sfree( reax->hbp, "Finalize_System::reax->hbp" );
sfree( reax->fbp, "Finalize_System::reax->fbp" );
sfree( system->atoms, "Finalize_System::system->atoms" );
void Finalize_Simulation_Data( reax_system *system, control_params *control,
simulation_data *data, output_controls *out_control )
void Finalize_Workspace( reax_system *system, control_params *control,
static_storage *workspace )
int i;
sfree( workspace->hbond_index, "Finalize_Workspace::workspace->hbond_index" );
sfree( workspace->total_bond_order, "Finalize_Workspace::workspace->total_bond_order" );
sfree( workspace->Deltap, "Finalize_Workspace::workspace->Deltap" );
sfree( workspace->Deltap_boc, "Finalize_Workspace::workspace->Deltap_boc" );
sfree( workspace->dDeltap_self, "Finalize_Workspace::workspace->dDeltap_self" );
sfree( workspace->Delta, "Finalize_Workspace::workspace->Delta" );
sfree( workspace->Delta_lp, "Finalize_Workspace::workspace->Delta_lp" );
sfree( workspace->Delta_lp_temp, "Finalize_Workspace::workspace->Delta_lp_temp" );
sfree( workspace->dDelta_lp, "Finalize_Workspace::workspace->dDelta_lp" );
sfree( workspace->dDelta_lp_temp, "Finalize_Workspace::workspace->dDelta_lp_temp" );
sfree( workspace->Delta_e, "Finalize_Workspace::workspace->Delta_e" );
sfree( workspace->Delta_boc, "Finalize_Workspace::workspace->Delta_boc" );
sfree( workspace->nlp, "Finalize_Workspace::workspace->nlp" );
sfree( workspace->nlp_temp, "Finalize_Workspace::workspace->nlp_temp" );
sfree( workspace->Clp, "Finalize_Workspace::workspace->Clp" );
sfree( workspace->CdDelta, "Finalize_Workspace::workspace->CdDelta" );
sfree( workspace->vlpex, "Finalize_Workspace::workspace->vlpex" );
Deallocate_Matrix( workspace->H );
Deallocate_Matrix( workspace->H_sp );
if ( control->cm_solver_pre_comp_type == ICHOLT_PC ||
control->cm_solver_pre_comp_type == ILU_PAR_PC ||
control->cm_solver_pre_comp_type == ILUT_PAR_PC )
Deallocate_Matrix( workspace->L );
Deallocate_Matrix( workspace->U );
if ( control->cm_solver_pre_comp_type == SAI_PC )
Deallocate_Matrix( workspace->H_full );
Deallocate_Matrix( workspace->H_spar_patt );
Deallocate_Matrix( workspace->H_spar_patt_full );
Deallocate_Matrix( workspace->H_app_inv );
for ( i = 0; i < 5; ++i )
sfree( workspace->s[i], "Finalize_Workspace::workspace->s[i]" );
sfree( workspace->t[i], "Finalize_Workspace::workspace->t[i]" );
if ( control->cm_solver_pre_comp_type == DIAG_PC )
sfree( workspace->Hdia_inv, "Finalize_Workspace::workspace->Hdia_inv" );
if ( control->cm_solver_pre_comp_type == ICHOLT_PC ||
control->cm_solver_pre_comp_type == ILUT_PAR_PC )
sfree( workspace->droptol, "Finalize_Workspace::workspace->droptol" );
//TODO: check if unused
//sfree( workspace->w, "Finalize_Workspace::workspace->w" );
//TODO: check if unused
sfree( workspace->b, "Finalize_Workspace::workspace->b" );
sfree( workspace->b_s, "Finalize_Workspace::workspace->b_s" );
sfree( workspace->b_t, "Finalize_Workspace::workspace->b_t" );
sfree( workspace->b_prc, "Finalize_Workspace::workspace->b_prc" );
sfree( workspace->b_prm, "Finalize_Workspace::workspace->b_prm" );
sfree( workspace->s, "Finalize_Workspace::workspace->s" );
sfree( workspace->t, "Finalize_Workspace::workspace->t" );
switch ( control->cm_solver_type )
/* GMRES storage */
case GMRES_S:
case GMRES_H_S:
for ( i = 0; i < control->cm_solver_restart + 1; ++i )
sfree( workspace->h[i], "Finalize_Workspace::workspace->h[i]" );
sfree( workspace->rn[i], "Finalize_Workspace::workspace->rn[i]" );
sfree( workspace->v[i], "Finalize_Workspace::workspace->v[i]" );
sfree( workspace->y, "Finalize_Workspace::workspace->y" );
sfree( workspace->z, "Finalize_Workspace::workspace->z" );
sfree( workspace->g, "Finalize_Workspace::workspace->g" );
sfree( workspace->h, "Finalize_Workspace::workspace->h" );
sfree( workspace->hs, "Finalize_Workspace::workspace->hs" );
sfree( workspace->hc, "Finalize_Workspace::workspace->hc" );
sfree( workspace->rn, "Finalize_Workspace::workspace->rn" );
sfree( workspace->v, "Finalize_Workspace::workspace->v" );
sfree( workspace->r, "Finalize_Workspace::workspace->r" );
sfree( workspace->d, "Finalize_Workspace::workspace->d" );
sfree( workspace->q, "Finalize_Workspace::workspace->q" );
sfree( workspace->p, "Finalize_Workspace::workspace->p" );
/* CG storage */
case CG_S:
sfree( workspace->r, "Finalize_Workspace::workspace->r" );
sfree( workspace->d, "Finalize_Workspace::workspace->d" );
sfree( workspace->q, "Finalize_Workspace::workspace->q" );
sfree( workspace->p, "Finalize_Workspace::workspace->p" );
case SDM_S:
sfree( workspace->r, "Finalize_Workspace::workspace->r" );
sfree( workspace->d, "Finalize_Workspace::workspace->d" );
sfree( workspace->q, "Finalize_Workspace::workspace->q" );
fprintf( stderr, "Unknown charge method linear solver type. Terminating...\n" );
/* integrator storage */
sfree( workspace->a, "Finalize_Workspace::workspace->a" );
sfree( workspace->f_old, "Finalize_Workspace::workspace->f_old" );
sfree( workspace->v_const, "Finalize_Workspace::workspace->v_const" );
#ifdef _OPENMP
sfree( workspace->f_local, "Finalize_Workspace::workspace->f_local" );
/* storage for analysis */
if ( control->molec_anal || control->diffusion_coef )
sfree( workspace->mark, "Finalize_Workspace::workspace->mark" );
sfree( workspace->old_mark, "Finalize_Workspace::workspace->old_mark" );
if ( control->diffusion_coef )
sfree( workspace->x_old, "Finalize_Workspace::workspace->x_old" );
sfree( workspace->orig_id, "Finalize_Workspace::workspace->orig_id" );
/* space for keeping restriction info, if any */
if ( control->restrict_bonds )
for ( i = 0; i < system->N; ++i )
sfree( workspace->restricted_list[i],
"Finalize_Workspace::workspace->restricted_list[i]" );
sfree( workspace->restricted, "Finalize_Workspace::workspace->restricted" );
sfree( workspace->restricted_list, "Finalize_Workspace::workspace->restricted_list" );
sfree( workspace->dDelta, "Finalize_Workspace::workspace->dDelta" );
sfree( workspace->f_ele, "Finalize_Workspace::workspace->f_ele" );
sfree( workspace->f_vdw, "Finalize_Workspace::workspace->f_vdw" );
sfree( workspace->f_bo, "Finalize_Workspace::workspace->f_bo" );
sfree( workspace->f_be, "Finalize_Workspace::workspace->f_be" );
sfree( workspace->f_lp, "Finalize_Workspace::workspace->f_lp" );
sfree( workspace->f_ov, "Finalize_Workspace::workspace->f_ov" );
sfree( workspace->f_un, "Finalize_Workspace::workspace->f_un" );
sfree( workspace->f_ang, "Finalize_Workspace::workspace->f_ang" );
sfree( workspace->f_coa, "Finalize_Workspace::workspace->f_coa" );
sfree( workspace->f_pen, "Finalize_Workspace::workspace->f_pen" );
sfree( workspace->f_hb, "Finalize_Workspace::workspace->f_hb" );
sfree( workspace->f_tor, "Finalize_Workspace::workspace->f_tor" );
sfree( workspace->f_con, "Finalize_Workspace::workspace->f_con" );
void Finalize_Lists( control_params *control, reax_list **lists )
Delete_List( TYP_FAR_NEIGHBOR, (*lists) + FAR_NBRS );
if ( control->hb_cut > 0.0 )
Delete_List( TYP_HBOND, (*lists) + HBONDS );
Delete_List( TYP_BOND, (*lists) + BONDS );
Delete_List( TYP_THREE_BODY, (*lists) + THREE_BODIES );
Delete_List( TYP_DDELTA, (*lists) + DDELTA );
Delete_List( TYP_DBO, (*lists) + DBO );
void Finalize_Out_Controls( reax_system *system, control_params *control,
static_storage *workspace, output_controls *out_control )
/* close trajectory file */
if ( out_control->write_steps > 0 )
if ( out_control->trj )
fclose( out_control->trj );
if ( out_control->energy_update_freq > 0 )
/* close out file */
if ( out_control->out )
fclose( out_control->out );
/* close potentials file */
if ( out_control->pot )
fclose( out_control->pot );
/* close log file */
if ( out_control->log )
fclose( out_control->log );
/* close pressure file */
if ( control->ensemble == NPT ||
control->ensemble == iNPT ||
control->ensemble == sNPT )
if ( out_control->prs )
fclose( out_control->prs );
/* close molecular analysis file */
if ( control->molec_anal )
fclose( out_control->mol );
/* close electric dipole moment analysis file */
if ( control->dipole_anal )
fclose( out_control->dpl );
/* close diffusion coef analysis file */
if ( control->diffusion_coef )
fclose( out_control->drft );
/* close bond energy file */
if ( out_control->ebond )
fclose( out_control->ebond );
/* close lone-pair energy file */
if ( out_control->help )
fclose( out_control->elp );
/* close overcoordination energy file */
if ( out_control->eov )
fclose( out_control->eov );
/* close undercoordination energy file */
if ( out_control->eun )
fclose( out_control->eun );
/* close angle energy file */
if ( out_control->eval )
fclose( out_control->eval );
/* close penalty energy file */
if ( out_control->epen )
fclose( out_control->epen );
/* close coalition energy file */
if ( out_control->ecoa )
fclose( out_control->ecoa );
/* close hydrogen bond energy file */
if ( out_control->ehb )
fclose( out_control->ehb );
/* close torsion energy file */
if ( out_control->etor )
fclose( out_control->etor );
/* close conjugation energy file */
if ( out_control->econ )
fclose( out_control->econ );
/* close vdWaals energy file */
if ( out_control->evdw )
fclose( out_control->evdw );
/* close coulomb energy file */
if ( out_control->ecou )
fclose( out_control->ecou );
/* close bond orders file */
if ( out_control->fbo )
fclose( out_control->fbo );
/* close bond orders derivatives file */
if ( out_control->fdbo )
fclose( out_control->fdbo );
/* close bond forces file */
if ( out_control->fbond )
fclose( out_control->fbond );
/* close lone-pair forces file */
if ( out_control->flp )
fclose( out_control->flp );
/* close overcoordination forces file */
if ( out_control->fatom )
fclose( out_control->fatom );
/* close angle forces file */
if ( out_control->f3body )
fclose( out_control->f3body );
/* close hydrogen bond forces file */
if ( out_control->fhb )
fclose( out_control->fhb );
/* close torsion forces file */
if ( out_control->f4body )
fclose( out_control->f4body );
/* close nonbonded forces file */
if ( out_control->fnonb )
fclose( out_control->fnonb );
/* close total force file */
if ( out_control->ftot )
fclose( out_control->ftot );
/* close coulomb forces file */
if ( out_control->ftot2 )
fclose( out_control->ftot2 );
void Finalize( reax_system *system, control_params *control,
simulation_data *data, static_storage *workspace, reax_list **lists,
output_controls *out_control, const int output_enabled )
if ( control->tabulate )
Finalize_LR_Lookup_Table( system, control, workspace );
if ( output_enabled == TRUE )
Finalize_Out_Controls( system, control, workspace, out_control );
Finalize_Lists( control, lists );
Finalize_Workspace( system, control, workspace );
Finalize_Simulation_Data( system, control, data, out_control );
Finalize_System( system, control, data );