Kurt A. O'Hearn authored
sPuReMD: finalize corrections for pressure calculations. Change output units from GPa to ATMs. Other formatting changes.
Kurt A. O'Hearn authoredsPuReMD: finalize corrections for pressure calculations. Change output units from GPa to ATMs. Other formatting changes.
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forces.c 52.43 KiB
SerialReax - Reax Force Field Simulator
Copyright (2010) Purdue University
Hasan Metin Aktulga, haktulga@cs.purdue.edu
Joseph Fogarty, jcfogart@mail.usf.edu
Sagar Pandit, pandit@usf.edu
Ananth Y Grama, ayg@cs.purdue.edu
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
See the GNU General Public License for more details:
#include "forces.h"
#include "box.h"
#include "bond_orders.h"
#include "bonds.h"
#include "charges.h"
#include "hydrogen_bonds.h"
#if defined(TEST_FORCES)
#include "io_tools.h"
#include "list.h"
#include "multi_body.h"
#include "nonbonded.h"
#include "system_props.h"
#include "torsion_angles.h"
#include "tool_box.h"
#include "valence_angles.h"
#include "vector.h"
typedef enum
#if defined(TEST_FORCES)
static int compare_bonds( const void *p1, const void *p2 )
return ((bond_data *)p1)->nbr - ((bond_data *)p2)->nbr;
void Init_Bonded_Force_Functions( control_params *control )
control->intr_funcs[0] = &BO;
control->intr_funcs[1] = &Bonds;
control->intr_funcs[2] = &Atom_Energy;
control->intr_funcs[3] = &Valence_Angles;
control->intr_funcs[4] = &Torsion_Angles;
if ( control->hbond_cut > 0.0 )
control->intr_funcs[5] = &Hydrogen_Bonds;
control->intr_funcs[5] = NULL;
control->intr_funcs[6] = NULL;
control->intr_funcs[7] = NULL;
control->intr_funcs[8] = NULL;
control->intr_funcs[9] = NULL;
static void Compute_Bonded_Forces( reax_system *system, control_params *control,
simulation_data *data, static_storage *workspace, reax_list **lists,
output_controls *out_control )
int i;
#if defined(TEST_ENERGY)
/* Mark beginning of a new timestep in each energy file */
fprintf( out_control->ebond, "step: %d\n%6s%6s%12s%12s%12s\n",
data->step, "atom1", "atom2", "bo", "ebond", "total" );
fprintf( out_control->elp, "step: %d\n%6s%12s%12s%12s\n",
data->step, "atom", "nlp", "elp", "total" );
fprintf( out_control->eov, "step: %d\n%6s%12s%12s\n",
data->step, "atom", "eov", "total" );
fprintf( out_control->eun, "step: %d\n%6s%12s%12s\n",
data->step, "atom", "eun", "total" );
fprintf( out_control->eval, "step: %d\n%6s%6s%6s%12s%12s%12s%12s%12s%12s\n",
data->step, "atom1", "atom2", "atom3",
"angle", "bo(12)", "bo(23)", "eval", "epen", "total" );
fprintf( out_control->epen, "step: %d\n%6s%6s%6s%12s%12s%12s%12s%12s\n",
data->step, "atom1", "atom2", "atom3",
"angle", "bo(12)", "bo(23)", "epen", "total" );
fprintf( out_control->ecoa, "step: %d\n%6s%6s%6s%12s%12s%12s%12s%12s\n",
data->step, "atom1", "atom2", "atom3",
"angle", "bo(12)", "bo(23)", "ecoa", "total" );
fprintf( out_control->ehb, "step: %d\n%6s%6s%6s%12s%12s%12s%12s%12s\n",
data->step, "atom1", "atom2", "atom3",
"r(23)", "angle", "bo(12)", "ehb", "total" );
fprintf( out_control->etor, "step: %d\n%6s%6s%6s%6s%12s%12s%12s%12s\n",
data->step, "atom1", "atom2", "atom3", "atom4",
"phi", "bo(23)", "etor", "total" );
fprintf( out_control->econ, "step:%d\n%6s%6s%6s%6s%12s%12s%12s%12s%12s%12s\n",
data->step, "atom1", "atom2", "atom3", "atom4",
"phi", "bo(12)", "bo(23)", "bo(34)", "econ", "total" );
/* function calls for bonded interactions */
for ( i = 0; i < NUM_INTRS; i++ )
if ( control->intr_funcs[i] != NULL )
(control->intr_funcs[i])( system, control, data, workspace,
lists, out_control );
#if defined(TEST_FORCES)
/* function calls for printing bonded interactions */
for ( i = 0; i < NUM_INTRS; i++ )
if ( control->print_intr_funcs[i] != NULL )
(control->print_intr_funcs[i])( system, control, data, workspace,
lists, out_control );
static void Compute_NonBonded_Forces( reax_system *system, control_params *control,
simulation_data *data, static_storage *workspace,
reax_list** lists, output_controls *out_control )
real t_start, t_elapsed;
#if defined(TEST_ENERGY)
fprintf( out_control->evdw, "step: %d\n%6s%6s%12s%12s%12s\n",
data->step, "atom1", "atom2", "r12", "evdw", "total" );
fprintf( out_control->ecou, "step: %d\n%6s%6s%12s%12s%12s%12s%12s\n",
data->step, "atom1", "atom2", "r12", "q1", "q2", "ecou", "total" );
t_start = Get_Time( );
Compute_Charges( system, control, data, workspace, out_control );
t_elapsed = Get_Timing_Info( t_start );
data->timing.cm += t_elapsed;
if ( control->cm_solver_pre_comp_refactor == -1 )
if ( data->step <= 4 || is_refactoring_step( control, data ) )
if ( is_refactoring_step( control, data ) )
data->timing.cm_last_pre_comp = data->timing.cm_solver_pre_comp;
data->timing.cm_optimum = data->timing.cm_solver_pre_app
+ data->timing.cm_solver_spmv
+ data->timing.cm_solver_vector_ops
+ data->timing.cm_solver_orthog
+ data->timing.cm_solver_tri_solve;
data->timing.cm_total_loss = ZERO;
data->timing.cm_total_loss += data->timing.cm_solver_pre_app
+ data->timing.cm_solver_spmv
+ data->timing.cm_solver_vector_ops
+ data->timing.cm_solver_orthog
+ data->timing.cm_solver_tri_solve
- data->timing.cm_optimum;
if ( control->tabulate <= 0 )
vdW_Coulomb_Energy( system, control, data, workspace, lists, out_control );
Tabulated_vdW_Coulomb_Energy( system, control, data, workspace,
lists, out_control );
#if defined(TEST_FORCES)
Print_vdW_Coulomb_Forces( system, control, data, workspace,
lists, out_control );
/* This version of Compute_Total_Force computes forces from coefficients
accumulated by all interaction functions. Saves enormous time & space! */
static void Compute_Total_Force( reax_system *system, control_params *control,
simulation_data *data, static_storage *workspace, reax_list **lists )
int i;
reax_list *bonds;
bonds = lists[BONDS];
#if defined(_OPENMP)
#pragma omp parallel default(shared)
int pj;
#if defined(_OPENMP)
int j;
if ( control->compute_pressure == FALSE
&& (control->ensemble == NVE || control->ensemble == nhNVT
|| control->ensemble == bNVT) )
#if defined(_OPENMP)
#pragma omp for schedule(static)
for ( i = 0; i < system->N; ++i )
for ( pj = Start_Index(i, bonds); pj < End_Index(i, bonds); ++pj )
if ( i <= bonds->bond_list[pj].nbr )
Add_dBond_to_Forces( i, pj, system, data, workspace, lists );
else if ( control->ensemble == sNPT || control->ensemble == iNPT
|| control->ensemble == aNPT || control->compute_pressure == TRUE )
#if defined(_OPENMP)
#pragma omp for schedule(static)
for ( i = 0; i < system->N; ++i )
for ( pj = Start_Index(i, bonds); pj < End_Index(i, bonds); ++pj )
if ( i <= bonds->bond_list[pj].nbr )
Add_dBond_to_Forces_NPT( i, pj, system, data, workspace, lists );
#if defined(_OPENMP)
/* reduction (sum) on thread-local force vectors */
#pragma omp for schedule(static)
for ( i = 0; i < system->N; ++i )
for ( j = 0; j < control->num_threads; ++j )
rvec_Add( system->atoms[i].f, workspace->f_local[j * system->N + i] );
static void Validate_Lists( static_storage *workspace, reax_list **lists, int step, int n,
int Hmax, int Htop, int num_bonds, int num_hbonds )
int i, flag;
reax_list *bonds, *hbonds;
bonds = lists[BONDS];
hbonds = lists[HBONDS];
/* far neighbors */
if ( Htop > Hmax * DANGER_ZONE )
workspace->realloc.Htop = Htop;
if ( Htop > Hmax )
fprintf( stderr,
"[ERROR] step%d - ran out of space on H matrix: Htop=%d, max = %d",
step, Htop, Hmax );
/* bond list */
flag = -1;
workspace->realloc.num_bonds = num_bonds;
for ( i = 0; i < n - 1; ++i )
if ( End_Index(i, bonds) >= Start_Index(i + 1, bonds) - 2 )
workspace->realloc.bonds = 1;
if ( End_Index(i, bonds) > Start_Index(i + 1, bonds) )
flag = i;
if ( flag > -1 )
fprintf( stderr, "[ERROR] step%d-bondchk failed: i=%d end(i)=%d str(i+1)=%d\n",
step, flag, End_Index(flag, bonds), Start_Index(flag + 1, bonds) );
if ( End_Index(i, bonds) >= bonds->total_intrs - 2 )
workspace->realloc.bonds = 1;
if ( End_Index(i, bonds) > bonds->total_intrs )
fprintf( stderr, "[ERROR] step%d-bondchk failed: i=%d end(i)=%d bond_end=%d\n",
step, flag, End_Index(i, bonds), bonds->total_intrs );
/* hbonds list */
if ( workspace->num_H > 0 )
flag = -1;
workspace->realloc.num_hbonds = num_hbonds;
for ( i = 0; i < workspace->num_H - 1; ++i )
if ( Num_Entries(i, hbonds) >=
(Start_Index(i + 1, hbonds) - Start_Index(i, hbonds)) * DANGER_ZONE )
workspace->realloc.hbonds = 1;
if ( End_Index(i, hbonds) > Start_Index(i + 1, hbonds) )
flag = i;
if ( flag > -1 )
fprintf( stderr, "[ERROR] step%d-hbondchk failed: i=%d end(i)=%d str(i+1)=%d\n",
step, flag, End_Index(flag, hbonds), Start_Index(flag + 1, hbonds) );
if ( Num_Entries(i, hbonds) >=
(hbonds->total_intrs - Start_Index(i, hbonds)) * DANGER_ZONE )
workspace->realloc.hbonds = 1;
if ( End_Index(i, hbonds) > hbonds->total_intrs )
fprintf( stderr, "[ERROR] step%d-hbondchk failed: i=%d end(i)=%d hbondend=%d\n",
step, flag, End_Index(i, hbonds), hbonds->total_intrs );
static inline real Init_Charge_Matrix_Entry_Tab( reax_system *system,
control_params *control, LR_lookup_table **LR, int i, int j,
real r_ij, MATRIX_ENTRY_POSITION pos )
int r;
real base, dif, val, ret;
LR_lookup_table *t;
ret = 0.0;
switch ( control->charge_method )
case QEQ_CM:
//TODO: tabulate other portions of matrices for EE, ACKS2?
case EE_CM:
case ACKS2_CM:
switch ( pos )
t = &LR[MIN( system->atoms[i].type, system->atoms[j].type )]
[MAX( system->atoms[i].type, system->atoms[j].type )];
/* cubic spline interpolation */
r = (int)(r_ij * t->inv_dx);
if ( r == 0 )
base = (real)(r + 1) * t->dx;
dif = r_ij - base;
val = ((t->ele[r].d * dif + t->ele[r].c) * dif + t->ele[r].b)
* dif + t->ele[r].a;
val *= EV_to_KCALpMOL / C_ELE;
ret = ((i == j) ? 0.5 : 1.0) * val;
ret = system->reax_param.sbp[system->atoms[i].type].eta;
fprintf( stderr, "[ERROR] Invalid matrix position. Terminating...\n" );
fprintf( stderr, "[ERROR] Invalid charge method. Terminating...\n" );
return ret;
static inline real Init_Charge_Matrix_Entry( reax_system *system,
control_params *control, static_storage *workspace,
int i, int j, real r_ij, MATRIX_ENTRY_POSITION pos )
real Tap, dr3gamij_1, dr3gamij_3, ret;
ret = 0.0;
switch ( control->charge_method )
case QEQ_CM:
case EE_CM:
case ACKS2_CM:
switch ( pos )
Tap = workspace->Tap[7] * r_ij + workspace->Tap[6];
Tap = Tap * r_ij + workspace->Tap[5];
Tap = Tap * r_ij + workspace->Tap[4];
Tap = Tap * r_ij + workspace->Tap[3];
Tap = Tap * r_ij + workspace->Tap[2];
Tap = Tap * r_ij + workspace->Tap[1];
Tap = Tap * r_ij + workspace->Tap[0];
/* shielding */
dr3gamij_1 = r_ij * r_ij * r_ij
+ POW( system->reax_param.tbp[system->atoms[i].type][system->atoms[j].type].gamma, -3.0 );
dr3gamij_3 = POW( dr3gamij_1 , 1.0 / 3.0 );
/* i == j: periodic self-interaction term
* i != j: general interaction term */
ret = ((i == j) ? 0.5 : 1.0) * Tap * EV_to_KCALpMOL / dr3gamij_3;
ret = system->reax_param.sbp[system->atoms[i].type].eta;
fprintf( stderr, "[ERROR] Invalid matrix position. Terminating...\n" );
fprintf( stderr, "[ERROR] Invalid charge method. Terminating...\n" );
return ret;
static void Init_Charge_Matrix_Remaining_Entries( reax_system *system,
control_params *control, reax_list *far_nbr_list,
sparse_matrix * H, sparse_matrix * H_sp,
int * Htop, int * H_sp_top )
int i, j, pj, target, val_flag;
real d, xcut, bond_softness, * X_diag;
switch ( control->charge_method )
case QEQ_CM:
case EE_CM:
H->start[system->N_cm - 1] = *Htop;
H_sp->start[system->N_cm - 1] = *H_sp_top;
for ( i = 0; i < system->N_cm - 1; ++i )
H->j[*Htop] = i;
H->val[*Htop] = 1.0;
*Htop = *Htop + 1;
H_sp->j[*H_sp_top] = i;
H_sp->val[*H_sp_top] = 1.0;
*H_sp_top = *H_sp_top + 1;
H->j[*Htop] = system->N_cm - 1;
H->val[*Htop] = 0.0;
*Htop = *Htop + 1;
H_sp->j[*H_sp_top] = system->N_cm - 1;
H_sp->val[*H_sp_top] = 0.0;
*H_sp_top = *H_sp_top + 1;
case ACKS2_CM:
X_diag = smalloc( sizeof(real) * system->N,
"Init_Charge_Matrix_Remaining_Entries::X_diag" );
for ( i = 0; i < system->N; ++i )
X_diag[i] = 0.0;
for ( i = 0; i < system->N; ++i )
H->start[system->N + i] = *Htop;
H_sp->start[system->N + i] = *H_sp_top;
/* constraint on ref. value for kinetic energy potential */
H->j[*Htop] = i;
H->val[*Htop] = 1.0;
*Htop = *Htop + 1;
H_sp->j[*H_sp_top] = i;
H_sp->val[*H_sp_top] = 1.0;
*H_sp_top = *H_sp_top + 1;
/* kinetic energy terms */
for ( pj = Start_Index(i, far_nbr_list); pj < End_Index(i, far_nbr_list); ++pj )
/* exclude self-periodic images of atoms for
* kinetic energy term because the effective
* potential is the same on an atom and its periodic image */
if ( far_nbr_list->far_nbr_list[pj].d <= control->nonb_cut )
j = far_nbr_list->far_nbr_list[pj].nbr;
xcut = 0.5 * ( system->reax_param.sbp[ system->atoms[i].type ].b_s_acks2
+ system->reax_param.sbp[ system->atoms[j].type ].b_s_acks2 );
if ( far_nbr_list->far_nbr_list[pj].d < xcut )
d = far_nbr_list->far_nbr_list[pj].d / xcut;
bond_softness = system->reax_param.gp.l[34] * POW( d, 3.0 )
* POW( 1.0 - d, 6.0 );
if ( bond_softness > 0.0 )
val_flag = FALSE;
for ( target = H->start[system->N + i]; target < *Htop; ++target )
if ( H->j[target] == system->N + j )
H->val[target] += bond_softness;
val_flag = TRUE;
if ( val_flag == FALSE )
H->j[*Htop] = system->N + j;
H->val[*Htop] = bond_softness;
val_flag = FALSE;
for ( target = H_sp->start[system->N + i]; target < *H_sp_top; ++target )
if ( H_sp->j[target] == system->N + j )
H_sp->val[target] += bond_softness;
val_flag = TRUE;
if ( val_flag == FALSE )
H_sp->j[*H_sp_top] = system->N + j;
H_sp->val[*H_sp_top] = bond_softness;
X_diag[i] -= bond_softness;
X_diag[j] -= bond_softness;
/* placeholders for diagonal entries, to be replaced below */
H->j[*Htop] = system->N + i;
H->val[*Htop] = 0.0;
*Htop = *Htop + 1;
H_sp->j[*H_sp_top] = system->N + i;
H_sp->val[*H_sp_top] = 0.0;
*H_sp_top = *H_sp_top + 1;
/* second to last row */
H->start[system->N_cm - 2] = *Htop;
H_sp->start[system->N_cm - 2] = *H_sp_top;
/* place accumulated diagonal entries (needed second to last row marker above before this code) */
for ( i = system->N; i < 2 * system->N; ++i )
for ( pj = H->start[i]; pj < H->start[i + 1]; ++pj )
if ( H->j[pj] == i )
H->val[pj] = X_diag[i - system->N];
for ( pj = H_sp->start[i]; pj < H_sp->start[i + 1]; ++pj )
if ( H_sp->j[pj] == i )
H_sp->val[pj] = X_diag[i - system->N];
/* coupling with the kinetic energy potential */
for ( i = 0; i < system->N; ++i )
H->j[*Htop] = system->N + i;
H->val[*Htop] = 1.0;
*Htop = *Htop + 1;
H_sp->j[*H_sp_top] = system->N + i;
H_sp->val[*H_sp_top] = 1.0;
*H_sp_top = *H_sp_top + 1;
/* explicitly store zero on diagonal */
H->j[*Htop] = system->N_cm - 2;
H->val[*Htop] = 0.0;
*Htop = *Htop + 1;
H_sp->j[*H_sp_top] = system->N_cm - 2;
H_sp->val[*H_sp_top] = 0.0;
*H_sp_top = *H_sp_top + 1;
/* last row */
H->start[system->N_cm - 1] = *Htop;
H_sp->start[system->N_cm - 1] = *H_sp_top;
for ( i = 0; i < system->N; ++i )
H->j[*Htop] = i;
H->val[*Htop] = 1.0;
*Htop = *Htop + 1;
H_sp->j[*H_sp_top] = i;
H_sp->val[*H_sp_top] = 1.0;
*H_sp_top = *H_sp_top + 1;
/* explicitly store zero on diagonal */
H->j[*Htop] = system->N_cm - 1;
H->val[*Htop] = 0.0;
*Htop = *Htop + 1;
H_sp->j[*H_sp_top] = system->N_cm - 1;
H_sp->val[*H_sp_top] = 0.0;
*H_sp_top = *H_sp_top + 1;
sfree( X_diag, "Init_Charge_Matrix_Remaining_Entries::X_diag" );
/* Generate bond list (full format), hydrogen bond list (full format),
* and charge matrix (half symmetric format)
* from the far neighbors list (with distance updates, if necessary) */
static void Init_Forces( reax_system *system, control_params *control,
simulation_data *data, static_storage *workspace,
reax_list **lists, output_controls *out_control )
int i, j, pj, target;
int start_i, end_i;
int type_i, type_j;
int Htop, H_sp_top, btop_i, btop_j, num_bonds, num_hbonds;
int ihb, jhb, ihb_top, jhb_top;
int flag, flag_sp, val_flag, renbr;
real r_ij, r2, val;
real C12, C34, C56;
real Cln_BOp_s, Cln_BOp_pi, Cln_BOp_pi2;
real BO, BO_s, BO_pi, BO_pi2;
sparse_matrix *H, *H_sp;
reax_list *far_nbrs, *bonds, *hbonds;
single_body_parameters *sbp_i, *sbp_j;
two_body_parameters *twbp;
far_neighbor_data *nbr_pj;
reax_atom *atom_i, *atom_j;
bond_data *ibond, *jbond;
bond_order_data *bo_ij, *bo_ji;
far_nbrs = lists[FAR_NBRS];
bonds = lists[BONDS];
hbonds = lists[HBONDS];
H = workspace->H;
H_sp = workspace->H_sp;
Htop = 0;
H_sp_top = 0;
num_bonds = 0;
num_hbonds = 0;
btop_i = 0;
btop_j = 0;
renbr = ((data->step - data->prev_steps) % control->reneighbor) == 0 ? TRUE : FALSE;
for ( i = 0; i < system->N; ++i )
atom_i = &system->atoms[i];
type_i = atom_i->type;
start_i = Start_Index( i, far_nbrs );
end_i = End_Index( i, far_nbrs );
H->start[i] = Htop;
H_sp->start[i] = H_sp_top;
btop_i = End_Index( i, bonds );
sbp_i = &system->reax_param.sbp[type_i];
if ( control->hbond_cut > 0.0 )
ihb = sbp_i->p_hbond;
if ( ihb == H_ATOM )
ihb_top = End_Index( workspace->hbond_index[i], hbonds );
ihb_top = -1;
ihb_top = -1;
for ( pj = start_i; pj < end_i; ++pj )
nbr_pj = &far_nbrs->far_nbr_list[pj];
j = nbr_pj->nbr;
flag = FALSE;
flag_sp = FALSE;
/* check if reneighboring step --
* atomic distances just computed via
* Verlet list, so use current distances */
if ( renbr == TRUE )
if ( nbr_pj->d <= control->nonb_cut )
flag = TRUE;
if ( nbr_pj->d <= control->nonb_sp_cut )
flag_sp = TRUE;
/* update atomic distances */
atom_j = &system->atoms[j];
nbr_pj->d = control->compute_atom_distance( &system->box,
atom_i->x, atom_j->x, atom_i->rel_map,
atom_j->rel_map, nbr_pj->rel_box,
nbr_pj->dvec );
if ( nbr_pj->d <= control->nonb_cut )
flag = TRUE;
if ( nbr_pj->d <= control->nonb_sp_cut )
flag_sp = TRUE;
if ( flag == TRUE )
type_j = system->atoms[j].type;
sbp_j = &system->reax_param.sbp[type_j];
twbp = &system->reax_param.tbp[type_i][type_j];
r_ij = nbr_pj->d;
val = Init_Charge_Matrix_Entry( system, control,
workspace, i, j, r_ij, OFF_DIAGONAL );
val_flag = FALSE;
for ( target = H->start[i]; target < Htop; ++target )
if ( H->j[target] == j )
H->val[target] += val;
val_flag = TRUE;
if ( val_flag == FALSE )
H->j[Htop] = j;
H->val[Htop] = val;
/* H_sp matrix entry */
if ( flag_sp == TRUE )
val_flag = FALSE;
for ( target = H_sp->start[i]; target < H_sp_top; ++target )
if ( H_sp->j[target] == j )
H_sp->val[target] += val;
val_flag = TRUE;
if ( val_flag == FALSE )
H_sp->j[H_sp_top] = j;
H_sp->val[H_sp_top] = val;
/* hydrogen bond lists */
if ( control->hbond_cut > 0.0
&& (ihb == H_ATOM || ihb == H_BONDING_ATOM)
&& nbr_pj->d <= control->hbond_cut )
jhb = sbp_j->p_hbond;
if ( ihb == H_ATOM && jhb == H_BONDING_ATOM )
hbonds->hbond_list[ihb_top].nbr = j;
hbonds->hbond_list[ihb_top].scl = 1;
hbonds->hbond_list[ihb_top].ptr = nbr_pj;
else if ( ihb == H_BONDING_ATOM && jhb == H_ATOM )
jhb_top = End_Index( workspace->hbond_index[j], hbonds );
hbonds->hbond_list[jhb_top].nbr = i;
hbonds->hbond_list[jhb_top].scl = -1;
hbonds->hbond_list[jhb_top].ptr = nbr_pj;
Set_End_Index( workspace->hbond_index[j], jhb_top + 1, hbonds );
/* uncorrected bond orders */
if ( nbr_pj->d <= control->bond_cut )
r2 = SQR( r_ij );
if ( sbp_i->r_s > 0.0 && sbp_j->r_s > 0.0 )
C12 = twbp->p_bo1 * POW( r_ij / twbp->r_s, twbp->p_bo2 );
BO_s = (1.0 + control->bo_cut) * EXP( C12 );
C12 = 0.0;
BO_s = 0.0;
if ( sbp_i->r_pi > 0.0 && sbp_j->r_pi > 0.0 )
C34 = twbp->p_bo3 * POW( r_ij / twbp->r_p, twbp->p_bo4 );
BO_pi = EXP( C34 );
C34 = 0.0;
BO_pi = 0.0;
if ( sbp_i->r_pi_pi > 0.0 && sbp_j->r_pi_pi > 0.0 )
C56 = twbp->p_bo5 * POW( r_ij / twbp->r_pp, twbp->p_bo6 );
BO_pi2 = EXP( C56 );
C56 = 0.0;
BO_pi2 = 0.0;
/* Initially BO values are the uncorrected ones, page 1 */
BO = BO_s + BO_pi + BO_pi2;
if ( BO >= control->bo_cut )
num_bonds += 2;
/****** bonds i-j and j-i ******/
ibond = &bonds->bond_list[btop_i];
btop_j = End_Index( j, bonds );
jbond = &bonds->bond_list[btop_j];
ibond->nbr = j;
jbond->nbr = i;
ibond->d = r_ij;
jbond->d = r_ij;
rvec_Copy( ibond->dvec, nbr_pj->dvec );
rvec_Scale( jbond->dvec, -1, nbr_pj->dvec );
ivec_Copy( ibond->rel_box, nbr_pj->rel_box );
ivec_Scale( jbond->rel_box, -1, nbr_pj->rel_box );
ibond->dbond_index = btop_i;
jbond->dbond_index = btop_i;
ibond->sym_index = btop_j;
jbond->sym_index = btop_i;
Set_End_Index( j, btop_j + 1, bonds );
bo_ij = &ibond->bo_data;
bo_ij->BO = BO;
bo_ij->BO_s = BO_s;
bo_ij->BO_pi = BO_pi;
bo_ij->BO_pi2 = BO_pi2;
bo_ji = &jbond->bo_data;
bo_ji->BO = BO;
bo_ji->BO_s = BO_s;
bo_ji->BO_pi = BO_pi;
bo_ji->BO_pi2 = BO_pi2;
/* Bond Order page2-3, derivative of total bond order prime */
Cln_BOp_s = twbp->p_bo2 * C12 / r2;
Cln_BOp_pi = twbp->p_bo4 * C34 / r2;
Cln_BOp_pi2 = twbp->p_bo6 * C56 / r2;
/* Only dln_BOp_xx wrt. dr_i is stored here, note that
dln_BOp_xx/dr_i = -dln_BOp_xx/dr_j and all others are 0 */
rvec_Scale( bo_ij->dln_BOp_s, -bo_ij->BO_s * Cln_BOp_s, ibond->dvec );
rvec_Scale( bo_ij->dln_BOp_pi, -bo_ij->BO_pi * Cln_BOp_pi, ibond->dvec );
rvec_Scale( bo_ij->dln_BOp_pi2,
-bo_ij->BO_pi2 * Cln_BOp_pi2, ibond->dvec );
rvec_Scale( bo_ji->dln_BOp_s, -1., bo_ij->dln_BOp_s );
rvec_Scale( bo_ji->dln_BOp_pi, -1., bo_ij->dln_BOp_pi );
rvec_Scale( bo_ji->dln_BOp_pi2, -1., bo_ij->dln_BOp_pi2 );
/* Only dBOp wrt. dr_i is stored here, note that
dBOp/dr_i = -dBOp/dr_j and all others are 0 */
rvec_Scale( bo_ij->dBOp, -(bo_ij->BO_s * Cln_BOp_s
+ bo_ij->BO_pi * Cln_BOp_pi
+ bo_ij->BO_pi2 * Cln_BOp_pi2), ibond->dvec );
rvec_Scale( bo_ji->dBOp, -1., bo_ij->dBOp );
rvec_Add( workspace->dDeltap_self[i], bo_ij->dBOp );
rvec_Add( workspace->dDeltap_self[j], bo_ji->dBOp );
bo_ij->BO_s -= control->bo_cut;
bo_ij->BO -= control->bo_cut;
bo_ji->BO_s -= control->bo_cut;
bo_ji->BO -= control->bo_cut;
workspace->total_bond_order[i] += bo_ij->BO;
workspace->total_bond_order[j] += bo_ji->BO;
bo_ij->Cdbo = 0.0;
bo_ij->Cdbopi = 0.0;
bo_ij->Cdbopi2 = 0.0;
bo_ji->Cdbo = 0.0;
bo_ji->Cdbopi = 0.0;
bo_ji->Cdbopi2 = 0.0;
Set_End_Index( j, btop_j + 1, bonds );
/* diagonal entry */
H->j[Htop] = i;
H->val[Htop] = Init_Charge_Matrix_Entry( system, control,
workspace, i, i, r_ij, DIAGONAL );
H_sp->j[H_sp_top] = i;
H_sp->val[H_sp_top] = H->val[Htop - 1];
Set_End_Index( i, btop_i, bonds );
if ( ihb == H_ATOM )
Set_End_Index( workspace->hbond_index[i], ihb_top, hbonds );
Init_Charge_Matrix_Remaining_Entries( system, control, far_nbrs,
H, H_sp, &Htop, &H_sp_top );
H->start[system->N_cm] = Htop;
H_sp->start[system->N_cm] = H_sp_top;
/* validate lists - decide if reallocation is required! */
Validate_Lists( workspace, lists,
data->step, system->N, H->m, Htop, num_bonds, num_hbonds );
#if defined(TEST_FORCES)
/* Calculate_dBO requires a sorted bonds list */
// for ( i = 0; i < bonds->n; ++i )
// {
// if ( Num_Entries(i, bonds) > 0 )
// {
// qsort( &bonds->bond_list[Start_Index(i, bonds)],
// Num_Entries(i, bonds), sizeof(bond_data), compare_bonds );
// }
// }
#if defined(DEBUG_FOCUS)
fprintf( stderr, "step%d: Htop = %d, num_bonds = %d, num_hbonds = %d\n",
data->step, Htop, num_bonds, num_hbonds );
static void Init_Forces_Tab( reax_system *system, control_params *control,
simulation_data *data, static_storage *workspace,
reax_list **lists, output_controls *out_control )
int i, j, pj, target;
int start_i, end_i;
int type_i, type_j;
int Htop, H_sp_top, btop_i, btop_j, num_bonds, num_hbonds;
int ihb, jhb, ihb_top, jhb_top;
int flag, flag_sp, val_flag, renbr;
real r_ij, r2, val;
real C12, C34, C56;
real Cln_BOp_s, Cln_BOp_pi, Cln_BOp_pi2;
real BO, BO_s, BO_pi, BO_pi2;
sparse_matrix *H, *H_sp;
reax_list *far_nbrs, *bonds, *hbonds;
single_body_parameters *sbp_i, *sbp_j;
two_body_parameters *twbp;
far_neighbor_data *nbr_pj;
reax_atom *atom_i, *atom_j;
bond_data *ibond, *jbond;
bond_order_data *bo_ij, *bo_ji;
far_nbrs = lists[FAR_NBRS];
bonds = lists[BONDS];
hbonds = lists[HBONDS];
H = workspace->H;
H_sp = workspace->H_sp;
Htop = 0;
H_sp_top = 0;
num_bonds = 0;
num_hbonds = 0;
btop_i = 0;
btop_j = 0;
renbr = ((data->step - data->prev_steps) % control->reneighbor) == 0 ? TRUE : FALSE;
for ( i = 0; i < system->N; ++i )
atom_i = &system->atoms[i];
type_i = atom_i->type;
start_i = Start_Index( i, far_nbrs );
end_i = End_Index( i, far_nbrs );
H->start[i] = Htop;
H_sp->start[i] = H_sp_top;
btop_i = End_Index( i, bonds );
sbp_i = &system->reax_param.sbp[type_i];
if ( control->hbond_cut > 0.0 )
ihb = sbp_i->p_hbond;
if ( ihb == H_ATOM )
ihb_top = End_Index( workspace->hbond_index[i], hbonds );
ihb_top = -1;
ihb_top = -1;
/* update i-j distance - check if j is within cutoff */
for ( pj = start_i; pj < end_i; ++pj )
nbr_pj = &far_nbrs->far_nbr_list[pj];
j = nbr_pj->nbr;
flag = FALSE;
flag_sp = FALSE;
/* check if reneighboring step --
* atomic distances just computed via
* Verlet list, so use current distances */
if ( renbr == TRUE )
if ( nbr_pj->d <= control->nonb_cut )
flag = TRUE;
if ( nbr_pj->d <= control->nonb_sp_cut )
flag_sp = TRUE;
/* update atomic distances */
atom_j = &system->atoms[j];
nbr_pj->d = control->compute_atom_distance( &system->box,
atom_i->x, atom_j->x, atom_i->rel_map,
atom_j->rel_map, nbr_pj->rel_box,
nbr_pj->dvec );
if ( nbr_pj->d <= control->nonb_cut )
flag = TRUE;
if ( nbr_pj->d <= control->nonb_sp_cut )
flag_sp = TRUE;
if ( flag == TRUE )
type_j = system->atoms[j].type;
sbp_j = &system->reax_param.sbp[type_j];
twbp = &system->reax_param.tbp[type_i][type_j];
r_ij = nbr_pj->d;
val = Init_Charge_Matrix_Entry( system, control,
workspace, i, j, r_ij, OFF_DIAGONAL );
val_flag = FALSE;
for ( target = H->start[i]; target < Htop; ++target )
if ( H->j[target] == j )
H->val[target] += val;
val_flag = TRUE;
if ( val_flag == FALSE )
H->j[Htop] = j;
H->val[Htop] = val;
/* H_sp matrix entry */
if ( flag_sp == TRUE )
val_flag = FALSE;
for ( target = H_sp->start[i]; target < H_sp_top; ++target )
if ( H_sp->j[target] == j )
H_sp->val[target] += val;
val_flag = TRUE;
if ( val_flag == FALSE )
H_sp->j[H_sp_top] = j;
H_sp->val[H_sp_top] = val;
/* hydrogen bond lists */
if ( control->hbond_cut > 0
&&(ihb == H_ATOM || ihb == H_BONDING_ATOM)
&& nbr_pj->d <= control->hbond_cut )
jhb = sbp_j->p_hbond;
if ( ihb == H_ATOM && jhb == H_BONDING_ATOM )
hbonds->hbond_list[ihb_top].nbr = j;
hbonds->hbond_list[ihb_top].scl = 1;
hbonds->hbond_list[ihb_top].ptr = nbr_pj;
else if ( ihb == H_BONDING_ATOM && jhb == H_ATOM )
jhb_top = End_Index( workspace->hbond_index[j], hbonds );
hbonds->hbond_list[jhb_top].nbr = i;
hbonds->hbond_list[jhb_top].scl = -1;
hbonds->hbond_list[jhb_top].ptr = nbr_pj;
Set_End_Index( workspace->hbond_index[j], jhb_top + 1, hbonds );
/* uncorrected bond orders */
if ( nbr_pj->d <= control->bond_cut )
r2 = SQR( r_ij );
if ( sbp_i->r_s > 0.0 && sbp_j->r_s > 0.0 )
C12 = twbp->p_bo1 * POW( r_ij / twbp->r_s, twbp->p_bo2 );
BO_s = (1.0 + control->bo_cut) * EXP( C12 );
C12 = 0.0;
BO_s = 0.0;
if ( sbp_i->r_pi > 0.0 && sbp_j->r_pi > 0.0 )
C34 = twbp->p_bo3 * POW( r_ij / twbp->r_p, twbp->p_bo4 );
BO_pi = EXP( C34 );
C34 = 0.0;
BO_pi = 0.0;
if ( sbp_i->r_pi_pi > 0.0 && sbp_j->r_pi_pi > 0.0 )
C56 = twbp->p_bo5 * POW( r_ij / twbp->r_pp, twbp->p_bo6 );
BO_pi2 = EXP( C56 );
C56 = 0.0;
BO_pi2 = 0.0;
/* Initially BO values are the uncorrected ones, page 1 */
BO = BO_s + BO_pi + BO_pi2;
if ( BO >= control->bo_cut )
num_bonds += 2;
/****** bonds i-j and j-i ******/
ibond = &bonds->bond_list[btop_i];
btop_j = End_Index( j, bonds );
jbond = &bonds->bond_list[btop_j];
ibond->nbr = j;
jbond->nbr = i;
ibond->d = r_ij;
jbond->d = r_ij;
rvec_Copy( ibond->dvec, nbr_pj->dvec );
rvec_Scale( jbond->dvec, -1, nbr_pj->dvec );
ivec_Copy( ibond->rel_box, nbr_pj->rel_box );
ivec_Scale( jbond->rel_box, -1, nbr_pj->rel_box );
ibond->dbond_index = btop_i;
jbond->dbond_index = btop_i;
ibond->sym_index = btop_j;
jbond->sym_index = btop_i;
Set_End_Index( j, btop_j + 1, bonds );
bo_ij = &ibond->bo_data;
bo_ij->BO = BO;
bo_ij->BO_s = BO_s;
bo_ij->BO_pi = BO_pi;
bo_ij->BO_pi2 = BO_pi2;
bo_ji = &jbond->bo_data;
bo_ji->BO = BO;
bo_ji->BO_s = BO_s;
bo_ji->BO_pi = BO_pi;
bo_ji->BO_pi2 = BO_pi2;
/* Bond Order page2-3, derivative of total bond order prime */
Cln_BOp_s = twbp->p_bo2 * C12 / r2;
Cln_BOp_pi = twbp->p_bo4 * C34 / r2;
Cln_BOp_pi2 = twbp->p_bo6 * C56 / r2;
/* Only dln_BOp_xx wrt. dr_i is stored here, note that
dln_BOp_xx/dr_i = -dln_BOp_xx/dr_j and all others are 0 */
rvec_Scale( bo_ij->dln_BOp_s, -bo_ij->BO_s * Cln_BOp_s, ibond->dvec );
rvec_Scale( bo_ij->dln_BOp_pi, -bo_ij->BO_pi * Cln_BOp_pi, ibond->dvec );
rvec_Scale( bo_ij->dln_BOp_pi2,
-bo_ij->BO_pi2 * Cln_BOp_pi2, ibond->dvec );
rvec_Scale( bo_ji->dln_BOp_s, -1., bo_ij->dln_BOp_s );
rvec_Scale( bo_ji->dln_BOp_pi, -1., bo_ij->dln_BOp_pi );
rvec_Scale( bo_ji->dln_BOp_pi2, -1., bo_ij->dln_BOp_pi2 );
/* Only dBOp wrt. dr_i is stored here, note that
dBOp/dr_i = -dBOp/dr_j and all others are 0 */
rvec_Scale( bo_ij->dBOp, -(bo_ij->BO_s * Cln_BOp_s
+ bo_ij->BO_pi * Cln_BOp_pi
+ bo_ij->BO_pi2 * Cln_BOp_pi2), ibond->dvec );
rvec_Scale( bo_ji->dBOp, -1., bo_ij->dBOp );
rvec_Add( workspace->dDeltap_self[i], bo_ij->dBOp );
rvec_Add( workspace->dDeltap_self[j], bo_ji->dBOp );
bo_ij->BO_s -= control->bo_cut;
bo_ij->BO -= control->bo_cut;
bo_ji->BO_s -= control->bo_cut;
bo_ji->BO -= control->bo_cut;
workspace->total_bond_order[i] += bo_ij->BO;
workspace->total_bond_order[j] += bo_ji->BO;
bo_ij->Cdbo = 0.0;
bo_ij->Cdbopi = 0.0;
bo_ij->Cdbopi2 = 0.0;
bo_ji->Cdbo = 0.0;
bo_ji->Cdbopi = 0.0;
bo_ji->Cdbopi2 = 0.0;
Set_End_Index( j, btop_j + 1, bonds );
/* diagonal entry */
H->j[Htop] = i;
H->val[Htop] = Init_Charge_Matrix_Entry( system, control,
workspace, i, i, r_ij, DIAGONAL );
H_sp->j[H_sp_top] = i;
H_sp->val[H_sp_top] = H->val[Htop - 1];
Set_End_Index( i, btop_i, bonds );
if ( ihb == H_ATOM )
Set_End_Index( workspace->hbond_index[i], ihb_top, hbonds );
Init_Charge_Matrix_Remaining_Entries( system, control, far_nbrs,
H, H_sp, &Htop, &H_sp_top );
H->start[system->N_cm] = Htop;
H_sp->start[system->N_cm] = H_sp_top;
/* validate lists - decide if reallocation is required! */
Validate_Lists( workspace, lists,
data->step, system->N, H->m, Htop, num_bonds, num_hbonds );
#if defined(DEBUG_FOCUS)
fprintf( stderr, "step%d: Htop = %d, num_bonds = %d, num_hbonds = %d\n",
data->step, Htop, num_bonds, num_hbonds );
//Print_Bonds( system, bonds, "sbonds.out" );
//Print_Bond_List2( system, bonds, "sbonds.out" );
//Print_Sparse_Matrix2( H, "H.out", NULL );
void Estimate_Storage_Sizes( reax_system *system, control_params *control,
reax_list **lists, int *Htop, int *hb_top, int *bond_top, int *num_3body )
int i, j, pj;
int start_i, end_i;
int type_i, type_j;
int ihb, jhb;
real r_ij;
real C12, C34, C56;
real BO, BO_s, BO_pi, BO_pi2;
reax_list *far_nbrs;
single_body_parameters *sbp_i, *sbp_j;
two_body_parameters *twbp;
far_neighbor_data *nbr_pj;
reax_atom *atom_i, *atom_j;
far_nbrs = lists[FAR_NBRS];
for ( i = 0; i < system->N; ++i )
atom_i = &system->atoms[i];
type_i = atom_i->type;
start_i = Start_Index( i, far_nbrs );
end_i = End_Index( i, far_nbrs );
sbp_i = &system->reax_param.sbp[type_i];
ihb = sbp_i->p_hbond;
/* update i-j distance - check if j is within cutoff */
for ( pj = start_i; pj < end_i; ++pj )
nbr_pj = &far_nbrs->far_nbr_list[pj];
if ( nbr_pj->d <= control->nonb_cut )
j = nbr_pj->nbr;
atom_j = &system->atoms[j];
type_j = atom_j->type;
sbp_j = &system->reax_param.sbp[type_j];
twbp = &system->reax_param.tbp[type_i][type_j];
/* hydrogen bond lists */
if ( control->hbond_cut > 0.0
&& (ihb == H_ATOM || ihb == H_BONDING_ATOM)
&& nbr_pj->d <= control->hbond_cut )
jhb = sbp_j->p_hbond;
if ( ihb == H_ATOM && jhb == H_BONDING_ATOM )
else if ( ihb == H_BONDING_ATOM && jhb == H_ATOM )
/* uncorrected bond orders */
if ( nbr_pj->d <= control->bond_cut )
r_ij = nbr_pj->d;
if ( sbp_i->r_s > 0.0 && sbp_j->r_s > 0.0 )
C12 = twbp->p_bo1 * POW( r_ij / twbp->r_s, twbp->p_bo2 );
BO_s = (1.0 + control->bo_cut) * EXP( C12 );
C12 = 0.0;
BO_s = 0.0;
if ( sbp_i->r_pi > 0.0 && sbp_j->r_pi > 0.0 )
C34 = twbp->p_bo3 * POW( r_ij / twbp->r_p, twbp->p_bo4 );
BO_pi = EXP( C34 );
C34 = 0.0;
BO_pi = 0.0;
if ( sbp_i->r_pi_pi > 0.0 && sbp_j->r_pi_pi > 0.0 )
C56 = twbp->p_bo5 * POW( r_ij / twbp->r_pp, twbp->p_bo6 );
BO_pi2 = EXP( C56 );
C56 = 0.0;
BO_pi2 = 0.0;
/* Initially BO values are the uncorrected ones, page 1 */
BO = BO_s + BO_pi + BO_pi2;
if ( BO >= control->bo_cut )
*Htop += system->N;
*Htop *= SAFE_ZONE;
for ( i = 0; i < system->N; ++i )
hb_top[i] = MAX( hb_top[i] * SAFE_HBONDS, MIN_HBONDS );
*num_3body += SQR( bond_top[i] );
bond_top[i] = MAX( bond_top[i] * 2, MIN_BONDS );
*num_3body *= SAFE_ZONE;
void Compute_Forces( reax_system *system, control_params *control,
simulation_data *data, static_storage *workspace,
reax_list** lists, output_controls *out_control )
real t_start, t_elapsed;
t_start = Get_Time( );
if ( control->tabulate <= 0 )
Init_Forces( system, control, data, workspace, lists, out_control );
Init_Forces_Tab( system, control, data, workspace, lists, out_control );
t_elapsed = Get_Timing_Info( t_start );
data->timing.init_forces += t_elapsed;
t_start = Get_Time( );
Compute_Bonded_Forces( system, control, data, workspace, lists, out_control );
t_elapsed = Get_Timing_Info( t_start );
data->timing.bonded += t_elapsed;
t_start = Get_Time( );
Compute_NonBonded_Forces( system, control, data, workspace,
lists, out_control );
t_elapsed = Get_Timing_Info( t_start );
data->timing.nonb += t_elapsed;
Compute_Total_Force( system, control, data, workspace, lists );
#if defined(DEBUG_FOCUS)
//Print_Total_Force( system, control, data, workspace, lists, out_control );
#if defined(TEST_FORCES)
Print_Total_Force( system, control, data, workspace, lists, out_control );
Compare_Total_Forces( system, control, data, workspace, lists, out_control );