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  • Kurt A. O'Hearn's avatar
    PG-PuReMD: fix issue with some interaction lists not being initialized on... · b8ed88a3
    Kurt A. O'Hearn authored
    PG-PuReMD: fix issue with some interaction lists not being initialized on first step of simulations from restarted runs. Fix typos in C++ code for utilizing C code (__cplusplus). Clean up C code for utilizing C++ code (unconditional extern's for unmangled member naming). Ensure that CUDA thread and block sizes are correctly set. Tweaks to memory transfers and allocation logic in integration code (GPU). Fix logic error with charge matrix allocation in GPU code. Other code clean-up.
    PG-PuReMD: fix issue with some interaction lists not being initialized on...
    Kurt A. O'Hearn authored
    PG-PuReMD: fix issue with some interaction lists not being initialized on first step of simulations from restarted runs. Fix typos in C++ code for utilizing C code (__cplusplus). Clean up C code for utilizing C++ code (unconditional extern's for unmangled member naming). Ensure that CUDA thread and block sizes are correctly set. Tweaks to memory transfers and allocation logic in integration code (GPU). Fix logic error with charge matrix allocation in GPU code. Other code clean-up.
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tool_box.c 14.65 KiB
  PuReMD - Purdue ReaxFF Molecular Dynamics Program

  Copyright (2010) Purdue University
  Hasan Metin Aktulga,
  Joseph Fogarty,
  Sagar Pandit,
  Ananth Y Grama,

  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
  modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
  published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
  the License, or (at your option) any later version.

  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  See the GNU General Public License for more details:

#include "reax_types.h"

#if defined(PURE_REAX)
  #include "tool_box.h"
  #include "comm_tools.h"
#elif defined(LAMMPS_REAX)
  #include "reax_tool_box.h"
  #include "reax_comm_tools.h"

/************** taken from comm_tools.c **************/
int SumScan( int n, int me, int root, MPI_Comm comm )
    int i, my_order, wsize, *nbuf, ret;

    nbuf = NULL;

    if ( me == root )
        MPI_Comm_size( comm, &wsize );
        nbuf = (int *) scalloc( wsize, sizeof(int), "SumScan:nbuf" );

        ret = MPI_Gather( &n, 1, MPI_INT, nbuf, 1, MPI_INT, root, comm );
        Check_MPI_Error( ret, __FILE__, __LINE__ );

        for ( i = 0; i < wsize - 1; ++i )
            nbuf[i + 1] += nbuf[i];

        ret = MPI_Scatter( nbuf, 1, MPI_INT, &my_order, 1, MPI_INT, root, comm );
        Check_MPI_Error( ret, __FILE__, __LINE__ );

        sfree( nbuf, "SumScan:nbuf" );
        ret = MPI_Gather( &n, 1, MPI_INT, nbuf, 1, MPI_INT, root, comm );
        Check_MPI_Error( ret, __FILE__, __LINE__ );
        ret = MPI_Scatter( nbuf, 1, MPI_INT, &my_order, 1, MPI_INT, root, comm );
        Check_MPI_Error( ret, __FILE__, __LINE__ );

    return my_order;

void SumScanB( int n, int me, int wsize, int root, MPI_Comm comm, int *nbuf )
    int i, ret;

    ret = MPI_Gather( &n, 1, MPI_INT, nbuf, 1, MPI_INT, root, comm );
    Check_MPI_Error( ret, __FILE__, __LINE__ );

    if ( me == root )
        for ( i = 0; i < wsize - 1; ++i )
            nbuf[i + 1] += nbuf[i];

    ret = MPI_Bcast( nbuf, wsize, MPI_INT, root, comm );
    Check_MPI_Error( ret, __FILE__, __LINE__ );

/* determine whether point p is inside the box */
void Fit_to_Periodic_Box( simulation_box *box, rvec *p )
    int i;

    for ( i = 0; i < 3; ++i )
        if ( (*p)[i] < box->min[i] )
            /* handle lower coords */
            while ( (*p)[i] < box->min[i] )
                (*p)[i] += box->box_norms[i];
        else if ( (*p)[i] >= box->max[i] )
            /* handle higher coords */
            while ( (*p)[i] >= box->max[i] )
                (*p)[i] -= box->box_norms[i];

/************** from geo_tools.c *****************/
void Make_Point( real x, real y, real z, rvec* p )
    (*p)[0] = x;
    (*p)[1] = y;
    (*p)[2] = z;

int is_Valid_Serial( storage *workspace, int serial )
//    if( workspace->map_serials[ serial ] < 0 )
//    {
//        fprintf( stderr, "CONECT line includes invalid pdb serial number %d.\n",
//                serial );
//        fprintf( stderr, "Please correct the input file.Terminating...\n" );
//    }

    return SUCCESS;

int Check_Input_Range( int val, int lo, int hi, char *message )
    if ( val < lo || val > hi )
        fprintf( stderr, "%s\nInput %d - Out of range %d-%d. Terminating...\n",
                 message, val, lo, hi );

    return 1;

void Trim_Spaces( char *element )
    int i, j;

    // skip initial space chars
    for ( i = 0; element[i] == ' '; ++i );

    for ( j = i; j < (int)(strlen(element)) && element[j] != ' '; ++j )
        // make uppercase, offset to 0
        element[j - i] = toupper( element[j] );
    // finalize the string
    element[j - i] = 0;

/* Get the current time
 * returns: current time in seconds */
real Get_Time( )
    return MPI_Wtime( );

/* Get the elapsed time given a starting time
 * t_start: starting time in seconds
 * returns: elapsed time in seconds */
real Get_Elapsed_Time( real t_start )
    return MPI_Wtime( ) - t_start;

/* Accumulate elapsed time into timing and update starting time
 * to be new time from this instant going forward
 * t_start: previous starting time
 * timing: variable to accumulate elapsed time into */
void Update_Timing_Info( real *t_start, real *timing )
    double t_end;

    t_end = MPI_Wtime( );
    *timing += t_end - *t_start;
    *t_start = t_end;

/*********** from io_tools.c **************/
int Get_Atom_Type( reax_interaction *reax_param, char *s )
    int i, ret, flag;
    flag = FAILURE;
    ret = -1;

    for ( i = 0; i < reax_param->num_atom_types; ++i )
        if ( strncmp( reax_param->sbp[i].name, s, 15 ) == 0 )
            ret = i;
            flag = SUCCESS;

    if ( flag == FAILURE )
        fprintf( stderr, "[ERROR] Unknown atom type (%s). Terminating...\n", s );

    return ret;

char *Get_Element( reax_system *system, int i )
    return &system->reax_param.sbp[system->my_atoms[i].type].name[0];

char *Get_Atom_Name( reax_system *system, int i )
    return &system->my_atoms[i].name[0];

void Deallocate_Tokenizer_Space( char *line, char *backup, char **tokens )
    int i;

    for ( i = 0; i < MAX_TOKENS; i++ )
        sfree( tokens[i], "Deallocate_Tokenizer_Space::tokens[i]" );

    sfree( line, "Deallocate_Tokenizer_Space::line" );
    sfree( backup, "Deallocate_Tokenizer_Space::backup" );
    sfree( tokens, "Deallocate_Tokenizer_Space::tokens" );

void Allocate_Tokenizer_Space( char **line, char **backup, char ***tokens )
    int i;

    *line = smalloc( sizeof(char) * MAX_LINE, "Allocate_Tokenizer_Space::line" );
    *backup =  smalloc( sizeof(char) * MAX_LINE, "Allocate_Tokenizer_Space::backup" );
    *tokens = smalloc( sizeof(char*) * MAX_TOKENS, "Allocate_Tokenizer_Space::tokens" );

    for ( i = 0; i < MAX_TOKENS; i++ )
        (*tokens)[i] = smalloc( sizeof(char) * MAX_TOKEN_LEN, "Allocate_Tokenizer_Space::tokens[i]" );

int Tokenize( char* s, char*** tok, size_t token_len )
    int count = 0;
    char test[MAX_LINE];
    char *sep = "\t \n!=";
    char *word, *saveptr;
    strncpy( test, s, sizeof(test) - 1 );
    test[sizeof(test) - 1] = '\0';

    for ( word = strtok_r(test, sep, &saveptr); word != NULL;
            word = strtok_r(NULL, sep, &saveptr) )
        strncpy( (*tok)[count], word, token_len - 1 );
        (*tok)[count][token_len - 1] = '\0';

    return count;

/* Safe wrapper around libc malloc
 * n: num. of bytes to allocated
 * name: message with details about pointer, used for warnings/errors
 * returns: ptr to allocated memory
 * */
void * smalloc( size_t n, const char *name )
    void *ptr;

#if defined(DEBUG_FOCUS)
    fprintf( stderr, "[INFO] malloc requesting %zu bytes for %s\n", n, name );
    fflush( stderr );

    ptr = malloc( n );

    /* cases:
     * 1) n = 0: malloc either returned NULL or some unique pointer (logic error)
     * 2) ptr = NULL: failed to allocate enough memory */
    if ( n == 0 )
        fprintf( stderr, "[ERROR] failed to allocate %zu bytes for array %s.\n",
                n, name );
        exit( INSUFFICIENT_MEMORY );
    else if ( ptr == NULL )
        fprintf( stderr, "[ERROR] failed to allocate %zu bytes for array %s.\n",
                n, name );
        exit( INSUFFICIENT_MEMORY );

#if defined(DEBUG_FOCUS)
    fprintf( stderr, "[INFO] malloc granted memory at address: %p\n", ptr );
    fflush( stderr );

    return ptr;

/* Safe wrapper around libc realloc
 * n: num. of bytes to reallocate
 * name: message with details about pointer, used for warnings/errors
 * returns: ptr to reallocated memory
 * */
void * srealloc( void *ptr, size_t n, const char *name )
    void *new_ptr;

#if defined(DEBUG_FOCUS)
    if ( ptr == NULL )
        fprintf( stderr, "[INFO] realloc requesting %zu NEW bytes for %s.\n",
                n, name );
        fprintf( stderr, "[INFO] realloc requesting %zu bytes for %s.\n",
                n, name );

    new_ptr = realloc( ptr, n );

    /* cases:
     * 1) n = 0: realloc acted as a call to free( ptr ) and did not allocate anything for new_ptr
     * 2) new_ptr = NULL: failed to allocate enough memory */
    if ( new_ptr == NULL )
        fprintf( stderr, "[ERROR] failed to reallocate %zu bytes for array %s.\n",
                n, name );
        exit( INSUFFICIENT_MEMORY );

#if defined(DEBUG_FOCUS)
    fprintf( stderr, "[INFO] realloc granted memory at address: %p\n", new_ptr );
    fflush( stderr );

    return new_ptr;

/* Safe wrapper around libc calloc
 * n: num. of elements to allocated (each of size bytes)
 * size: num. of bytes per element
 * name: message with details about pointer, used for warnings/errors
 * returns: ptr to allocated memory, all bits initialized to zeros
 * */
void * scalloc( size_t n, size_t size, const char *name )
    void *ptr;

#if defined(DEBUG_FOCUS)
    fprintf( stderr, "[INFO] calloc requesting %zu bytes for %s\n", n * size, name );
    fflush( stderr );

    ptr = calloc( n, size );

    /* cases:
     * 1) n = 0: malloc either returned NULL or some unique pointer (logic error)
     * 2) ptr = NULL: failed to allocate enough memory */
    if ( n == 0 )
        fprintf( stderr, "[ERROR] failed to allocate %zu bytes for array %s.\n",
                n * size, name );
        exit( INSUFFICIENT_MEMORY );
    else if ( ptr == NULL )
        fprintf( stderr, "[ERROR] failed to allocate %zu bytes for array %s.\n",
                n * size, name );
        exit( INSUFFICIENT_MEMORY );

#if defined(DEBUG_FOCUS)
    fprintf( stderr, "[INFO] calloc granted memory at address: %p\n", ptr );
    fflush( stderr );

    return ptr;

/* Safe wrapper around check first and reallocate-if-needed routine:
 * checks if the amount of space currently allocated to ptr is sufficient,
 * and, if not, frees any space allocated to ptr before allocating the
 * requested amount of space
 * ptr: pointer to memory allocation
 * cur_size: num. of bytes currently allocated
 * new_size: num. of bytes to be newly allocated, if needed
 * msg: message with details about pointer, used for warnings/errors
 * */
void check_smalloc( void **ptr, size_t *cur_size, size_t new_size, 
        int over_alloc, real over_alloc_factor, const char *msg )
#if defined(DEBUG_FOCUS)
    fprintf( stderr, "[INFO] requesting %zu bytes for %s (%zu currently allocated)\n",
            new_size, msg, *cur_size );
    fflush( stderr );

    if ( new_size > *cur_size )
        if ( *cur_size != 0 )
            sfree( *ptr, msg );

        if ( over_alloc == TRUE )
            *cur_size = (int) CEIL( new_size * over_alloc_factor );
            *cur_size = new_size;

        //TODO: look into using aligned alloc's
        *ptr = smalloc( *cur_size, msg );

/* Safe wrapper around check first and reallocate-if-needed routine:
 * checks if the amount of space currently allocated to ptr is sufficient,
 * and, if not, frees any space allocated to ptr before allocating the
 * requested amount of space
 * ptr: pointer to memory allocation
 * cur_size: num. of bytes currently allocated
 * new_size: num. of bytes to be newly allocated, if needed
 * msg: message with details about pointer, used for warnings/errors
 * */
void check_srealloc( void **ptr, size_t *cur_size, size_t new_size,
        int over_alloc, real over_alloc_factor, const char *msg )
    void *new_ptr;

#if defined(DEBUG_FOCUS)
    fprintf( stderr, "[INFO] check_srealloc requesting %zu bytes for %s (%zu currently allocated)\n",
            new_size, msg, *cur_size );
    fflush( stderr );

    if ( new_size > *cur_size )
        if ( over_alloc == TRUE )
            *cur_size = (int) CEIL( new_size * over_alloc_factor );
            *cur_size = new_size;

        new_ptr = srealloc( *ptr, *cur_size, msg );
        *ptr = new_ptr;

/* Safe wrapper around libc free
 * ptr: pointer to dynamically allocated memory which will be deallocated
 * name: message with details about pointer, used for warnings/errors
 * */
void sfree( void *ptr, const char *name )
    if ( ptr == NULL )
        fprintf( stderr, "[WARNING] trying to free the already NULL pointer %s!\n",
                name );

#if defined(DEBUG_FOCUS)
    fprintf( stderr, "[INFO] trying to free pointer (%s), address: %p\n",
            name, (void *) ptr );
    fflush( stderr );

    free( ptr );

/* Safe wrapper around libc fopen
 * fname: name of file to be opened
 * mode: mode in which to open file
 * msg: message to be printed in case of error
 * */
FILE * sfopen( const char * fname, const char * mode, const char * msg )
    FILE * ptr;

    if ( fname == NULL )
        fprintf( stderr, "[ERROR] trying to open file: NULL file name (%s). Terminating...\n",
                msg );
        exit( INVALID_INPUT );
    if ( mode == NULL )
        fprintf( stderr, "[ERROR] trying to open file: NULL mode (%s). Terminating...\n",
                msg );
        exit( INVALID_INPUT );

    ptr = fopen( fname, mode );

    if ( ptr == NULL )
        fprintf( stderr, "[ERROR] failed to open file %s with mode %s (%s)\n",
              fname, mode, msg );
        exit( INVALID_INPUT );

    return ptr;

/* Safe wrapper around libc fclose
 * fname: name of file to be opened
 * mode: mode in which to open file
 * msg: message to be printed in case of error
 * */
void sfclose( FILE * fp, const char * msg )
    int ret;

    if ( fp == NULL )
        fprintf( stderr, "[WARNING] trying to close NULL file pointer (%s). Returning...\n", msg );

    ret = fclose( fp );

    if ( ret != 0 )
        fprintf( stderr, "[ERROR] error detected when closing file (%s). Terminating...\n", msg );
        exit( INVALID_INPUT );