Kurt A. O'Hearn authoredKurt A. O'Hearn authored
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Makefile.in 4.02 KiB
BINDIR = ./bin
CC = gcc
NVCC = nvcc
LIBS = -L/opt/cuda/lib64 -lm -lz -lcuda -lcudart -lcublas -lcusparse -m64
#LIBS=-L/opt/cuda/lib64 -lm -lz -lcuda -lcudart
#Debug Options
#__CUDA_MEM__ Prints the memory allocated to the executable
#__DEBUG_CUDA__ Prints debug information in CUDA
#__BUILD_DEBUG__ builds a debug version, which runs serial and gpu code at the same time for
# every time step and validates the results
NVCCFLAGS = -I. -I/opt/cuda/include -D__USE_GPU__ -arch=sm_20 -O3 -Xptxas="-O3"
CFLAGS = -I. -Wall -funroll-loops -fstrict-aliasing -O3
OBJ = GMRES.o QEq.o allocate.o analyze.o bond_orders.o \
box.o forces.o four_body_interactions.o \
grid.o init_md.o integrate.o list.o \
lookup.o neighbors.o param.o pdb_tools.o \
print_utils.o reset_utils.o \
restart.o single_body_interactions.o \
system_props.o three_body_interactions.o \
traj.o two_body_interactions.o vector.o \
testmd.o \
cuda_utils.o cuda_copy.o cuda_init.o reduction.o \
center_mass.o helpers.o validation.o matvec.o
all: gpu
#build the executable here
gpu: $(OBJ) Makefile
$(NVCC) $(NVCCFLAG) $(OBJ) -o puremd-gpu
#Existing C code
param.o: param.c param.h mytypes.h traj.o
$(CC) $(DEFS) -c param.c
restart.o: restart.c restart.h mytypes.h box.h
$(CC) $(DEFS) -c restart.c
pdb_tools.o: pdb_tools.c pdb_tools.h mytypes.h box.h list.h restart.h param.h
$(CC) $(DEFS) -c pdb_tools.c
analyze.o: analyze.h analyze.c
$(CC) $(DEFS) -c analyze.c
print_utils.o: print_utils.h print_utils.c
$(CC) $(DEFS) -c print_utils.c
# Code converted to cuda
traj.o: traj.cu traj.h mytypes.h
$(NVCC) $(NVCCDEFS) -c traj.cu
grid.o: grid.h grid.cu
$(NVCC) $(NVCCDEFS) -c grid.cu
integrate.o: integrate.h integrate.cu
$(NVCC) $(NVCCDEFS) -c integrate.cu
vector.o: vector.h vector.cu
$(NVCC) $(NVCCDEFS) -c vector.cu
system_props.o: system_props.h system_props.cu
$(NVCC) $(NVCCDEFS) -c system_props.cu
cuda_copy.o: cuda_copy.h cuda_copy.cu
$(NVCC) $(NVCCDEFS) -c cuda_copy.cu
cuda_utils.o: cuda_utils.h cuda_utils.cu
$(NVCC) $(NVCCDEFS) -c cuda_utils.cu
cuda_init.o: cuda_init.h cuda_init.cu
$(NVCC) $(NVCCDEFS) -c cuda_init.cu
reduction.o: reduction.h reduction.cu
$(NVCC) $(NVCCDEFS) -c reduction.cu
center_mass.o: center_mass.h center_mass.cu
$(NVCC) $(NVCCDEFS) -c center_mass.cu
box.o: box.h
$(NVCC) $(NVCCDEFS) -c box.cu
init_md.o: init_md.h init_md.cu
$(NVCC) $(NVCCDEFS) -c init_md.cu
helpers.o: helpers.h helpers.cu
$(NVCC) $(NVCCDEFS) -c helpers.cu
neighbors.o: neighbors.cu neighbors.h
$(NVCC) $(NVCCDEFS) -c neighbors.cu
reset_utils.o: reset_utils.h reset_utils.cu mytypes.h list.h vector.h
$(NVCC) $(NVCCDEFS) -c reset_utils.cu
list.o: list.h
$(NVCC) $(NVCCDEFS) -c list.cu
forces.o: forces.h forces.cu
$(NVCC) $(NVCCDEFS) -c forces.cu
allocate.o: allocate.h allocate.cu
$(NVCC) $(NVCCDEFS) -c allocate.cu
lookup.o: lookup.h lookup.cu
$(NVCC) $(NVCCDEFS) -c lookup.cu
two_body_interactions.o: two_body_interactions.h two_body_interactions.cu
$(NVCC) $(NVCCDEFS) -c two_body_interactions.cu
bond_orders.o: bond_orders.h bond_orders.cu
$(NVCC) $(NVCCDEFS) -c bond_orders.cu
single_body_interactions.o: single_body_interactions.h single_body_interactions.cu
$(NVCC) $(NVCCDEFS) -c single_body_interactions.cu
three_body_interactions.o: three_body_interactions.h three_body_interactions.cu
$(NVCC) $(NVCCDEFS) -c three_body_interactions.cu
four_body_interactions.o: four_body_interactions.h four_body_interactions.cu
$(NVCC) $(NVCCDEFS) -c four_body_interactions.cu
validation.o: validation.h validation.cu
$(NVCC) $(NVCCDEFS) -c validation.cu
QEq.o: QEq.h QEq.cu
$(NVCC) $(NVCCDEFS) -c QEq.cu
matvec.o: matvec.h matvec.cu
$(NVCC) $(NVCCDEFS) -c matvec.cu
testmd.o: testmd.cu mytypes.h param.o traj.o restart.o pdb_tools.o list.o vector.o
$(NVCC) $(NVCCDEFS) -c testmd.cu
# Clean up here
rm -f *.o *~ core