Kurt A. O'Hearn authoredKurt A. O'Hearn authored
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charges.c 59.52 KiB
SerialReax - Reax Force Field Simulator
Copyright (2010) Purdue University
Hasan Metin Aktulga, haktulga@cs.purdue.edu
Joseph Fogarty, jcfogart@mail.usf.edu
Sagar Pandit, pandit@usf.edu
Ananth Y Grama, ayg@cs.purdue.edu
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
See the GNU General Public License for more details:
#include "charges.h"
#include "allocate.h"
#include "list.h"
#include "lin_alg.h"
#include "print_utils.h"
#include "tool_box.h"
#if defined(HAVE_SUPERLU_MT)
#include "slu_mt_ddefs.h"
#if defined(TEST_MAT)
static sparse_matrix * create_test_mat( void )
unsigned int i, n;
sparse_matrix *H_test;
if ( Allocate_Matrix( &H_test, 3, 6 ) == FAILURE )
fprintf( stderr, "not enough memory for test matrices. terminating.\n" );
//3x3, SPD, store lower half
i = 0;
n = 0;
H_test->start[n] = i;
H_test->j[i] = 0;
H_test->val[i] = 4.;
H_test->start[n] = i;
H_test->j[i] = 0;
H_test->val[i] = 12.;
H_test->j[i] = 1;
H_test->val[i] = 37.;
H_test->start[n] = i;
H_test->j[i] = 0;
H_test->val[i] = -16.;
H_test->j[i] = 1;
H_test->val[i] = -43.;
H_test->j[i] = 2;
H_test->val[i] = 98.;
H_test->start[n] = i;
return H_test;
/* Routine used with qsort for sorting nonzeros within a sparse matrix row
* v1/v2: pointers to column indices of nonzeros within a row (unsigned int)
static int compare_matrix_entry(const void *v1, const void *v2)
/* larger element has larger column index */
return *(unsigned int *)v1 - *(unsigned int *)v2;
/* Routine used for sorting nonzeros within a sparse matrix row;
* internally, a combination of qsort and manual sorting is utilized
* (parallel calls to qsort when multithreading, rows mapped to threads)
* A: sparse matrix for which to sort nonzeros within a row, stored in CSR format
static void Sort_Matrix_Rows( sparse_matrix * const A )
unsigned int i, j, k, si, ei, *temp_j;
real *temp_val;
#pragma omp parallel default(none) private(i, j, k, si, ei, temp_j, temp_val) shared(stderr)
if ( ( temp_j = (unsigned int*) malloc( A->n * sizeof(unsigned int)) ) == NULL
|| ( temp_val = (real*) malloc( A->n * sizeof(real)) ) == NULL )
fprintf( stderr, "Not enough space for matrix row sort. Terminating...\n" );
/* sort each row of A using column indices */
#pragma omp for schedule(guided)
for ( i = 0; i < A->n; ++i )
si = A->start[i];
ei = A->start[i + 1];
memcpy( temp_j, A->j + si, sizeof(unsigned int) * (ei - si) );
memcpy( temp_val, A->val + si, sizeof(real) * (ei - si) );
//TODO: consider implementing single custom one-pass sort instead of using qsort + manual sort
/* polymorphic sort in standard C library using column indices */
qsort( temp_j, ei - si, sizeof(unsigned int), compare_matrix_entry );
/* manually sort vals */
for ( j = 0; j < (ei - si); ++j )
for ( k = 0; k < (ei - si); ++k )
if ( A->j[si + j] == temp_j[k] )
A->val[si + k] = temp_val[j];
/* copy sorted column indices */
memcpy( A->j + si, temp_j, sizeof(unsigned int) * (ei - si) );
free( temp_val );
free( temp_j );
static void Calculate_Droptol( const sparse_matrix * const A,
real * const droptol, const real dtol )
int i, j, k;
real val;
#ifdef _OPENMP
static real *droptol_local;
unsigned int tid;
#pragma omp parallel default(none) private(i, j, k, val, tid), shared(droptol_local, stderr)
#ifdef _OPENMP
tid = omp_get_thread_num();
#pragma omp master
/* keep b_local for program duration to avoid allocate/free
* overhead per Sparse_MatVec call*/
if ( droptol_local == NULL )
if ( (droptol_local = (real*) malloc( omp_get_num_threads() * A->n * sizeof(real))) == NULL )
fprintf( stderr, "Not enough space for droptol. Terminating...\n" );
#pragma omp barrier
/* init droptol to 0 */
for ( i = 0; i < A->n; ++i )
#ifdef _OPENMP
droptol_local[tid * A->n + i] = 0.0;
droptol[i] = 0.0;
#pragma omp barrier
/* calculate sqaure of the norm of each row */
#pragma omp for schedule(static)
for ( i = 0; i < A->n; ++i )
for ( k = A->start[i]; k < A->start[i + 1] - 1; ++k )
j = A->j[k];
val = A->val[k];
#ifdef _OPENMP
droptol_local[tid * A->n + i] += val * val;
droptol_local[tid * A->n + j] += val * val;
droptol[i] += val * val;
droptol[j] += val * val;
val = A->val[k]; // diagonal entry
#ifdef _OPENMP
droptol_local[tid * A->n + i] += val * val;
droptol[i] += val * val;
#pragma omp barrier
#ifdef _OPENMP
#pragma omp for schedule(static)
for ( i = 0; i < A->n; ++i )
droptol[i] = 0.0;
for ( k = 0; k < omp_get_num_threads(); ++k )
droptol[i] += droptol_local[k * A->n + i];
#pragma omp barrier
/* calculate local droptol for each row */
//fprintf( stderr, "droptol: " );
#pragma omp for schedule(static)
for ( i = 0; i < A->n; ++i )
//fprintf( stderr, "%f-->", droptol[i] );
droptol[i] = SQRT( droptol[i] ) * dtol;
//fprintf( stderr, "%f ", droptol[i] );
//fprintf( stderr, "\n" );
static int Estimate_LU_Fill( const sparse_matrix * const A, const real * const droptol )
int i, j, pj;
int fillin;
real val;
fillin = 0;
#pragma omp parallel for schedule(static) \
default(none) private(i, j, pj, val) reduction(+: fillin)
for ( i = 0; i < A->n; ++i )
for ( pj = A->start[i]; pj < A->start[i + 1] - 1; ++pj )
j = A->j[pj];
val = A->val[pj];
if ( FABS(val) > droptol[i] )
return fillin + A->n;
#if defined(HAVE_SUPERLU_MT)
static real SuperLU_Factorize( const sparse_matrix * const A,
sparse_matrix * const L, sparse_matrix * const U )
unsigned int i, pj, count, *Ltop, *Utop, r;
sparse_matrix *A_t;
SuperMatrix A_S, AC_S, L_S, U_S;
NCformat *A_S_store;
SCPformat *L_S_store;
NCPformat *U_S_store;
superlumt_options_t superlumt_options;
pxgstrf_shared_t pxgstrf_shared;
pdgstrf_threadarg_t *pdgstrf_threadarg;
int_t nprocs;
fact_t fact;
trans_t trans;
yes_no_t refact, usepr;
real u, drop_tol;
real *a, *at;
int_t *asub, *atsub, *xa, *xat;
int_t *perm_c; /* column permutation vector */
int_t *perm_r; /* row permutations from partial pivoting */
void *work;
int_t info, lwork;
int_t permc_spec, panel_size, relax;
Gstat_t Gstat;
flops_t flopcnt;
/* Default parameters to control factorization. */
#ifdef _OPENMP
//TODO: set as global parameter and use
#pragma omp parallel \
default(none) shared(nprocs)
#pragma omp master
/* SuperLU_MT spawns threads internally, so set and pass parameter */
nprocs = omp_get_num_threads();
nprocs = 1;
// fact = EQUILIBRATE; /* equilibrate A (i.e., scale rows & cols to have unit norm), then factorize */
fact = DOFACT; /* factor from scratch */
trans = NOTRANS;
refact = NO; /* first time factorization */
//TODO: add to control file and use the value there to set these
panel_size = sp_ienv(1); /* # consec. cols treated as unit task */
relax = sp_ienv(2); /* # cols grouped as relaxed supernode */
u = 1.0; /* diagonal pivoting threshold */
usepr = NO;
drop_tol = 0.0;
work = NULL;
lwork = 0;
//#if defined(DEBUG)
fprintf( stderr, "nprocs = %d\n", nprocs );
fprintf( stderr, "Panel size = %d\n", panel_size );
fprintf( stderr, "Relax = %d\n", relax );
if ( !(perm_r = intMalloc(A->n)) )
SUPERLU_ABORT("Malloc fails for perm_r[].");
if ( !(perm_c = intMalloc(A->n)) )
SUPERLU_ABORT("Malloc fails for perm_c[].");
if ( !(superlumt_options.etree = intMalloc(A->n)) )
SUPERLU_ABORT("Malloc fails for etree[].");
if ( !(superlumt_options.colcnt_h = intMalloc(A->n)) )
SUPERLU_ABORT("Malloc fails for colcnt_h[].");
if ( !(superlumt_options.part_super_h = intMalloc(A->n)) )
SUPERLU_ABORT("Malloc fails for part_super__h[].");
if ( ( (a = (real*) malloc( (2 * A->start[A->n] - A->n) * sizeof(real))) == NULL )
|| ( (asub = (int_t*) malloc( (2 * A->start[A->n] - A->n) * sizeof(int_t))) == NULL )
|| ( (xa = (int_t*) malloc( (A->n + 1) * sizeof(int_t))) == NULL )
|| ( (Ltop = (unsigned int*) malloc( (A->n + 1) * sizeof(unsigned int))) == NULL )
|| ( (Utop = (unsigned int*) malloc( (A->n + 1) * sizeof(unsigned int))) == NULL ) )
fprintf( stderr, "Not enough space for SuperLU factorization. Terminating...\n" );
if ( Allocate_Matrix( &A_t, A->n, A->m ) == FAILURE )
fprintf( stderr, "not enough memory for preconditioning matrices. terminating.\n" );
/* Set up the sparse matrix data structure for A. */
Transpose( A, A_t );
count = 0;
for ( i = 0; i < A->n; ++i )
xa[i] = count;
for ( pj = A->start[i]; pj < A->start[i + 1]; ++pj )
a[count] = A->entries[pj].val;
asub[count] = A->entries[pj].j;
for ( pj = A_t->start[i] + 1; pj < A_t->start[i + 1]; ++pj )
a[count] = A_t->entries[pj].val;
asub[count] = A_t->entries[pj].j;
xa[i] = count;
dCompRow_to_CompCol( A->n, A->n, 2 * A->start[A->n] - A->n, a, asub, xa,
&at, &atsub, &xat );
for ( i = 0; i < (2 * A->start[A->n] - A->n); ++i )
fprintf( stderr, "%6d", asub[i] );
fprintf( stderr, "\n" );
for ( i = 0; i < (2 * A->start[A->n] - A->n); ++i )
fprintf( stderr, "%6.1f", a[i] );
fprintf( stderr, "\n" );
for ( i = 0; i <= A->n; ++i )
fprintf( stderr, "%6d", xa[i] );
fprintf( stderr, "\n" );
for ( i = 0; i < (2 * A->start[A->n] - A->n); ++i )
fprintf( stderr, "%6d", atsub[i] );
fprintf( stderr, "\n" );
for ( i = 0; i < (2 * A->start[A->n] - A->n); ++i )
fprintf( stderr, "%6.1f", at[i] );
fprintf( stderr, "\n" );
for ( i = 0; i <= A->n; ++i )
fprintf( stderr, "%6d", xat[i] );
fprintf( stderr, "\n" );
A_S.Stype = SLU_NC; /* column-wise, no supernode */
A_S.Dtype = SLU_D; /* double-precision */
A_S.Mtype = SLU_GE; /* full (general) matrix -- required for parallel factorization */
A_S.nrow = A->n;
A_S.ncol = A->n;
A_S.Store = (void *) SUPERLU_MALLOC( sizeof(NCformat) );
A_S_store = (NCformat *) A_S.Store;
A_S_store->nnz = 2 * A->start[A->n] - A->n;
A_S_store->nzval = at;
A_S_store->rowind = atsub;
A_S_store->colptr = xat;
/* ------------------------------------------------------------
Allocate storage and initialize statistics variables.
StatAlloc( A->n, nprocs, panel_size, relax, &Gstat );
StatInit( A->n, nprocs, &Gstat );
/* ------------------------------------------------------------
Get column permutation vector perm_c[], according to permc_spec:
permc_spec = 0: natural ordering
permc_spec = 1: minimum degree ordering on structure of A'*A
permc_spec = 2: minimum degree ordering on structure of A'+A
permc_spec = 3: approximate minimum degree for unsymmetric matrices
permc_spec = 0;
get_perm_c( permc_spec, &A_S, perm_c );
/* ------------------------------------------------------------
Initialize the option structure superlumt_options using the
user-input parameters;
Apply perm_c to the columns of original A to form AC.
pdgstrf_init( nprocs, fact, trans, refact, panel_size, relax,
u, usepr, drop_tol, perm_c, perm_r,
work, lwork, &A_S, &AC_S, &superlumt_options, &Gstat );
for ( i = 0; i < ((NCPformat*)AC_S.Store)->nnz; ++i )
fprintf( stderr, "%6.1f", ((real*)(((NCPformat*)AC_S.Store)->nzval))[i] );
fprintf( stderr, "\n" );
/* ------------------------------------------------------------
Compute the LU factorization of A.
The following routine will create nprocs threads.
pdgstrf( &superlumt_options, &AC_S, perm_r, &L_S, &U_S, &Gstat, &info );
fprintf( stderr, "INFO: %d\n", info );
flopcnt = 0;
for (i = 0; i < nprocs; ++i)
flopcnt += Gstat.procstat[i].fcops;
Gstat.ops[FACT] = flopcnt;
//#if defined(DEBUG)
printf("\n** Result of sparse LU **\n");
L_S_store = (SCPformat *) L_S.Store;
U_S_store = (NCPformat *) U_S.Store;
printf( "No of nonzeros in factor L = " IFMT "\n", L_S_store->nnz );
printf( "No of nonzeros in factor U = " IFMT "\n", U_S_store->nnz );
fflush( stdout );
/* convert L and R from SuperLU formats to CSR */
memset( Ltop, 0, (A->n + 1) * sizeof(int) );
memset( Utop, 0, (A->n + 1) * sizeof(int) );
memset( L->start, 0, (A->n + 1) * sizeof(int) );
memset( U->start, 0, (A->n + 1) * sizeof(int) );
for ( i = 0; i < 2 * L_S_store->nnz; ++i )
fprintf( stderr, "%6.1f", ((real*)(L_S_store->nzval))[i] );
fprintf( stderr, "\n" );
for ( i = 0; i < 2 * U_S_store->nnz; ++i )
fprintf( stderr, "%6.1f", ((real*)(U_S_store->nzval))[i] );
fprintf( stderr, "\n" );
printf( "No of supernodes in factor L = " IFMT "\n", L_S_store->nsuper );
for ( i = 0; i < A->n; ++i )
fprintf( stderr, "nzval_col_beg[%5d] = %d\n", i, L_S_store->nzval_colbeg[i] );
fprintf( stderr, "nzval_col_end[%5d] = %d\n", i, L_S_store->nzval_colend[i] );
//TODO: correct for SCPformat for L?
//for( pj = L_S_store->rowind_colbeg[i]; pj < L_S_store->rowind_colend[i]; ++pj )
// for( pj = 0; pj < L_S_store->rowind_colend[i] - L_S_store->rowind_colbeg[i]; ++pj )
// {
// ++Ltop[L_S_store->rowind[L_S_store->rowind_colbeg[i] + pj] + 1];
// }
fprintf( stderr, "col_beg[%5d] = %d\n", i, U_S_store->colbeg[i] );
fprintf( stderr, "col_end[%5d] = %d\n", i, U_S_store->colend[i] );
for ( pj = U_S_store->colbeg[i]; pj < U_S_store->colend[i]; ++pj )
++Utop[U_S_store->rowind[pj] + 1];
fprintf( stderr, "Utop[%5d] = %d\n", U_S_store->rowind[pj] + 1, Utop[U_S_store->rowind[pj] + 1] );
for ( i = 1; i <= A->n; ++i )
// Ltop[i] = L->start[i] = Ltop[i] + Ltop[i - 1];
Utop[i] = U->start[i] = Utop[i] + Utop[i - 1];
// fprintf( stderr, "Utop[%5d] = %d\n", i, Utop[i] );
// fprintf( stderr, "U->start[%5d] = %d\n", i, U->start[i] );
for ( i = 0; i < A->n; ++i )
// for( pj = 0; pj < L_S_store->nzval_colend[i] - L_S_store->nzval_colbeg[i]; ++pj )
// {
// r = L_S_store->rowind[L_S_store->rowind_colbeg[i] + pj];
// L->entries[Ltop[r]].j = r;
// L->entries[Ltop[r]].val = ((real*)L_S_store->nzval)[L_S_store->nzval_colbeg[i] + pj];
// ++Ltop[r];
// }
for ( pj = U_S_store->colbeg[i]; pj < U_S_store->colend[i]; ++pj )
r = U_S_store->rowind[pj];
U->entries[Utop[r]].j = i;
U->entries[Utop[r]].val = ((real*)U_S_store->nzval)[pj];
/* ------------------------------------------------------------
Deallocate storage after factorization.
pxgstrf_finalize( &superlumt_options, &AC_S );
Deallocate_Matrix( A_t );
free( xa );
free( asub );
free( a );
SUPERLU_FREE( perm_r );
SUPERLU_FREE( perm_c );
SUPERLU_FREE( ((NCformat *)A_S.Store)->rowind );
SUPERLU_FREE( ((NCformat *)A_S.Store)->colptr );
SUPERLU_FREE( ((NCformat *)A_S.Store)->nzval );
if ( lwork == 0 )
else if ( lwork > 0 )
free( Utop );
free( Ltop );
//TODO: return iters
return 0.;
/* Diagonal (Jacobi) preconditioner computation */
static real diag_pre_comp( const reax_system * const system, real * const Hdia_inv )
unsigned int i;
real start;
start = Get_Time( );
#pragma omp parallel for schedule(static) \
default(none) private(i)
for ( i = 0; i < system->N_cm; ++i )
Hdia_inv[i] = 1.0 / system->reaxprm.sbp[system->atoms[i].type].eta;
return Get_Timing_Info( start );
/* Incomplete Cholesky factorization with dual thresholding */
static real ICHOLT( const sparse_matrix * const A, const real * const droptol,
sparse_matrix * const L, sparse_matrix * const U )
int *tmp_j;
real *tmp_val;
int i, j, pj, k1, k2, tmptop, Ltop;
real val, start;
int *Utop;
start = Get_Time( );
if ( ( Utop = (int*) malloc((A->n + 1) * sizeof(int)) ) == NULL ||
( tmp_j = (int*) malloc(A->n * sizeof(int)) ) == NULL ||
( tmp_val = (real*) malloc(A->n * sizeof(real)) ) == NULL )
fprintf( stderr, "not enough memory for ICHOLT preconditioning matrices. terminating.\n" );
// clear variables
Ltop = 0;
tmptop = 0;
memset( L->start, 0, (A->n + 1) * sizeof(unsigned int) );
memset( U->start, 0, (A->n + 1) * sizeof(unsigned int) );
memset( Utop, 0, A->n * sizeof(unsigned int) );
//fprintf( stderr, "n: %d\n", A->n );
for ( i = 0; i < A->n; ++i )
L->start[i] = Ltop;
tmptop = 0;
for ( pj = A->start[i]; pj < A->start[i + 1] - 1; ++pj )
j = A->j[pj];
val = A->val[pj];
//fprintf( stderr, "i: %d, j: %d", i, j );
if ( FABS(val) > droptol[i] )
k1 = 0;
k2 = L->start[j];
while ( k1 < tmptop && k2 < L->start[j + 1] )
if ( tmp_j[k1] < L->j[k2] )
else if ( tmp_j[k1] > L->j[k2] )
val -= (tmp_val[k1++] * L->val[k2++]);
// L matrix is lower triangular,
// so right before the start of next row comes jth diagonal
val /= L->val[L->start[j + 1] - 1];
tmp_j[tmptop] = j;
tmp_val[tmptop] = val;
//fprintf( stderr, " -- done\n" );
// sanity check
if ( A->j[pj] != i )
fprintf( stderr, "i=%d, badly built A matrix!\n", i );
// compute the ith diagonal in L
val = A->val[pj];
for ( k1 = 0; k1 < tmptop; ++k1 )
val -= (tmp_val[k1] * tmp_val[k1]);
tmp_j[tmptop] = i;
tmp_val[tmptop] = SQRT(val);
// apply the dropping rule once again
//fprintf( stderr, "row%d: tmptop: %d\n", i, tmptop );
//for( k1 = 0; k1<= tmptop; ++k1 )
// fprintf( stderr, "%d(%f) ", tmp[k1].j, tmp[k1].val );
//fprintf( stderr, "\n" );
//fprintf( stderr, "row(%d): droptol=%.4f\n", i+1, droptol[i] );
for ( k1 = 0; k1 < tmptop; ++k1 )
if ( FABS(tmp_val[k1]) > droptol[i] / tmp_val[tmptop] )
L->j[Ltop] = tmp_j[k1];
L->val[Ltop] = tmp_val[k1];
U->start[tmp_j[k1] + 1]++;
//fprintf( stderr, "%d(%.4f) ", tmp[k1].j+1, tmp[k1].val );
// keep the diagonal in any case
L->j[Ltop] = tmp_j[k1];
L->val[Ltop] = tmp_val[k1];
//fprintf( stderr, "%d(%.4f)\n", tmp[k1].j+1, tmp[k1].val );
L->start[i] = Ltop;
// fprintf( stderr, "nnz(L): %d, max: %d\n", Ltop, L->n * 50 );
/* U = L^T (Cholesky factorization) */
Transpose( L, U );
// for ( i = 1; i <= U->n; ++i )
// {
// Utop[i] = U->start[i] = U->start[i] + U->start[i - 1] + 1;
// }
// for ( i = 0; i < L->n; ++i )
// {
// for ( pj = L->start[i]; pj < L->start[i + 1]; ++pj )
// {
// j = L->j[pj];
// U->j[Utop[j]] = i;
// U->val[Utop[j]] = L->val[pj];
// Utop[j]++;
// }
// }
// fprintf( stderr, "nnz(U): %d, max: %d\n", Utop[U->n], U->n * 50 );
free( tmp_val );
free( tmp_j );
free( Utop );
return Get_Timing_Info( start );
/* Fine-grained (parallel) incomplete Cholesky factorization
* Reference:
* Edmond Chow and Aftab Patel
* Fine-Grained Parallel Incomplete LU Factorization
* SIAM J. Sci. Comp. */
static real ICHOL_PAR( const sparse_matrix * const A, const unsigned int sweeps,
sparse_matrix * const U_t, sparse_matrix * const U )
unsigned int i, j, k, pj, x = 0, y = 0, ei_x, ei_y;
real *D, *D_inv, sum, start;
sparse_matrix *DAD;
int *Utop;
start = Get_Time( );
if ( Allocate_Matrix( &DAD, A->n, A->m ) == FAILURE ||
( D = (real*) malloc(A->n * sizeof(real)) ) == NULL ||
( D_inv = (real*) malloc(A->n * sizeof(real)) ) == NULL ||
( Utop = (int*) malloc((A->n + 1) * sizeof(int)) ) == NULL )
fprintf( stderr, "not enough memory for ICHOL_PAR preconditioning matrices. terminating.\n" );
#pragma omp parallel for schedule(static) \
default(none) shared(D_inv, D) private(i)
for ( i = 0; i < A->n; ++i )
D_inv[i] = SQRT( A->val[A->start[i + 1] - 1] );
D[i] = 1. / D_inv[i];
memset( U->start, 0, sizeof(unsigned int) * (A->n + 1) );
memset( Utop, 0, sizeof(unsigned int) * (A->n + 1) );
/* to get convergence, A must have unit diagonal, so apply
* transformation DAD, where D = D(1./sqrt(D(A))) */
memcpy( DAD->start, A->start, sizeof(int) * (A->n + 1) );
#pragma omp parallel for schedule(guided) \
default(none) shared(DAD, D_inv, D) private(i, pj)
for ( i = 0; i < A->n; ++i )
/* non-diagonals */
for ( pj = A->start[i]; pj < A->start[i + 1] - 1; ++pj )
DAD->j[pj] = A->j[pj];
DAD->val[pj] = A->val[pj] * D[i] * D[A->j[pj]];
/* diagonal */
DAD->j[pj] = A->j[pj];
DAD->val[pj] = 1.;
/* initial guesses for U^T,
* assume: A and DAD symmetric and stored lower triangular */
memcpy( U_t->start, DAD->start, sizeof(int) * (DAD->n + 1) );
memcpy( U_t->j, DAD->j, sizeof(int) * (DAD->m) );
memcpy( U_t->val, DAD->val, sizeof(real) * (DAD->m) );
for ( i = 0; i < sweeps; ++i )
/* for each nonzero */
#pragma omp parallel for schedule(static) \
default(none) shared(DAD, stderr) private(sum, ei_x, ei_y, k) firstprivate(x, y)
for ( j = 0; j < A->start[A->n]; ++j )
sum = ZERO;
/* determine row bounds of current nonzero */
x = 0;
ei_x = 0;
for ( k = 0; k <= A->n; ++k )
if ( U_t->start[k] > j )
x = U_t->start[k - 1];
ei_x = U_t->start[k];
/* column bounds of current nonzero */
y = U_t->start[U_t->j[j]];
ei_y = U_t->start[U_t->j[j] + 1];
/* sparse dot product: dot( U^T(i,1:j-1), U^T(j,1:j-1) ) */
while ( U_t->j[x] < U_t->j[j] &&
U_t->j[y] < U_t->j[j] &&
x < ei_x && y < ei_y )
if ( U_t->j[x] == U_t->j[y] )
sum += (U_t->val[x] * U_t->val[y]);
else if ( U_t->j[x] < U_t->j[y] )
sum = DAD->val[j] - sum;
/* diagonal entries */
if ( (k - 1) == U_t->j[j] )
/* sanity check */
if ( sum < ZERO )
fprintf( stderr, "Numeric breakdown in ICHOL Terminating.\n");
#if defined(DEBUG_FOCUS)
fprintf( stderr, "A(%5d,%5d) = %10.3f\n",
k - 1, A->entries[j].j, A->entries[j].val );
fprintf( stderr, "sum = %10.3f\n", sum);
U_t->val[j] = SQRT( sum );
/* non-diagonal entries */
U_t->val[j] = sum / U_t->val[ei_y - 1];
/* apply inverse transformation D^{-1}U^{T},
* since DAD \approx U^{T}U, so
* D^{-1}DADD^{-1} = A \approx D^{-1}U^{T}UD^{-1} */
#pragma omp parallel for schedule(guided) \
default(none) shared(D_inv) private(i, pj)
for ( i = 0; i < A->n; ++i )
for ( pj = A->start[i]; pj < A->start[i + 1]; ++pj )
U_t->val[pj] *= D_inv[i];
#if defined(DEBUG_FOCUS)
fprintf( stderr, "nnz(L): %d, max: %d\n", U_t->start[U_t->n], U_t->n * 50 );
/* transpose U^{T} and copy into U */
Transpose( U_t, U );
#if defined(DEBUG_FOCUS)
fprintf( stderr, "nnz(U): %d, max: %d\n", Utop[U->n], U->n * 50 );
Deallocate_Matrix( DAD );
return Get_Timing_Info( start );
/* Fine-grained (parallel) incomplete LU factorization
* Reference:
* Edmond Chow and Aftab Patel
* Fine-Grained Parallel Incomplete LU Factorization
* SIAM J. Sci. Comp.
* A: symmetric, half-stored (lower triangular), CSR format
* sweeps: number of loops over non-zeros for computation
* L / U: factorized triangular matrices (A \approx LU), CSR format */
static real ILU_PAR( const sparse_matrix * const A, const unsigned int sweeps,
sparse_matrix * const L, sparse_matrix * const U )
unsigned int i, j, k, pj, x, y, ei_x, ei_y;
real *D, *D_inv, sum, start;
sparse_matrix *DAD;
start = Get_Time( );
if ( Allocate_Matrix( &DAD, A->n, A->m ) == FAILURE ||
( D = (real*) malloc(A->n * sizeof(real)) ) == NULL ||
( D_inv = (real*) malloc(A->n * sizeof(real)) ) == NULL )
fprintf( stderr, "not enough memory for ILU_PAR preconditioning matrices. terminating.\n" );
#pragma omp parallel for schedule(static) \
default(none) shared(D, D_inv) private(i)
for ( i = 0; i < A->n; ++i )
D_inv[i] = SQRT( A->val[A->start[i + 1] - 1] );
D[i] = 1.0 / D_inv[i];
/* to get convergence, A must have unit diagonal, so apply
* transformation DAD, where D = D(1./sqrt(D(A))) */
memcpy( DAD->start, A->start, sizeof(int) * (A->n + 1) );
#pragma omp parallel for schedule(static) \
default(none) shared(DAD, D) private(i, pj)
for ( i = 0; i < A->n; ++i )
/* non-diagonals */
for ( pj = A->start[i]; pj < A->start[i + 1] - 1; ++pj )
DAD->j[pj] = A->j[pj];
DAD->val[pj] = D[i] * A->val[pj] * D[A->j[pj]];
/* diagonal */
DAD->j[pj] = A->j[pj];
DAD->val[pj] = 1.0;
/* initial guesses for L and U,
* assume: A and DAD symmetric and stored lower triangular */
memcpy( L->start, DAD->start, sizeof(int) * (DAD->n + 1) );
memcpy( L->j, DAD->j, sizeof(int) * (DAD->start[DAD->n]) );
memcpy( L->val, DAD->val, sizeof(real) * (DAD->start[DAD->n]) );
/* store U^T in CSR for row-wise access and tranpose later */
memcpy( U->start, DAD->start, sizeof(int) * (DAD->n + 1) );
memcpy( U->j, DAD->j, sizeof(int) * (DAD->start[DAD->n]) );
memcpy( U->val, DAD->val, sizeof(real) * (DAD->start[DAD->n]) );
/* L has unit diagonal, by convention */
#pragma omp parallel for schedule(static) default(none) private(i)
for ( i = 0; i < A->n; ++i )
L->val[L->start[i + 1] - 1] = 1.0;
for ( i = 0; i < sweeps; ++i )
/* for each nonzero in L */
#pragma omp parallel for schedule(static) \
default(none) shared(DAD) private(j, k, x, y, ei_x, ei_y, sum)
for ( j = 0; j < DAD->start[DAD->n]; ++j )
sum = ZERO;
/* determine row bounds of current nonzero */
x = 0;
ei_x = 0;
for ( k = 1; k <= DAD->n; ++k )
if ( DAD->start[k] > j )
x = DAD->start[k - 1];
ei_x = DAD->start[k];
/* determine column bounds of current nonzero */
y = DAD->start[DAD->j[j]];
ei_y = DAD->start[DAD->j[j] + 1];
/* sparse dot product:
* dot( L(i,1:j-1), U(1:j-1,j) ) */
while ( L->j[x] < L->j[j] &&
L->j[y] < L->j[j] &&
x < ei_x && y < ei_y )
if ( L->j[x] == L->j[y] )
sum += (L->val[x] * U->val[y]);
else if ( L->j[x] < L->j[y] )
if ( j != ei_x - 1 )
L->val[j] = ( DAD->val[j] - sum ) / U->val[ei_y - 1];
#pragma omp parallel for schedule(static) \
default(none) shared(DAD) private(j, k, x, y, ei_x, ei_y, sum)
for ( j = 0; j < DAD->start[DAD->n]; ++j )
sum = ZERO;
/* determine row bounds of current nonzero */
x = 0;
ei_x = 0;
for ( k = 1; k <= DAD->n; ++k )
if ( DAD->start[k] > j )
x = DAD->start[k - 1];
ei_x = DAD->start[k];
/* determine column bounds of current nonzero */
y = DAD->start[DAD->j[j]];
ei_y = DAD->start[DAD->j[j] + 1];
/* sparse dot product:
* dot( L(i,1:i-1), U(1:i-1,j) ) */
while ( U->j[x] < U->j[j] &&
U->j[y] < U->j[j] &&
x < ei_x && y < ei_y )
if ( U->j[x] == U->j[y] )
sum += (L->val[y] * U->val[x]);
else if ( U->j[x] < U->j[y] )
U->val[j] = DAD->val[j] - sum;
/* apply inverse transformation:
* since DAD \approx LU, then
* D^{-1}DADD^{-1} = A \approx D^{-1}LUD^{-1} */
#pragma omp parallel for schedule(static) \
default(none) shared(DAD, D_inv) private(i, pj)
for ( i = 0; i < DAD->n; ++i )
for ( pj = DAD->start[i]; pj < DAD->start[i + 1]; ++pj )
L->val[pj] = D_inv[i] * L->val[pj];
/* currently storing U^T, so use row index instead of column index */
U->val[pj] = U->val[pj] * D_inv[i];
Transpose_I( U );
#if defined(DEBUG_FOCUS)
fprintf( stderr, "nnz(L): %d, max: %d\n", L->start[L->n], L->n * 50 );
fprintf( stderr, "nnz(U): %d, max: %d\n", Utop[U->n], U->n * 50 );
Deallocate_Matrix( DAD );
free( D_inv );
free( D );
return Get_Timing_Info( start );
/* Fine-grained (parallel) incomplete LU factorization with thresholding
* Reference:
* Edmond Chow and Aftab Patel
* Fine-Grained Parallel Incomplete LU Factorization
* SIAM J. Sci. Comp.
* A: symmetric, half-stored (lower triangular), CSR format
* droptol: row-wise tolerances used for dropping
* sweeps: number of loops over non-zeros for computation
* L / U: factorized triangular matrices (A \approx LU), CSR format */
static real ILUT_PAR( const sparse_matrix * const A, const real * droptol,
const unsigned int sweeps, sparse_matrix * const L, sparse_matrix * const U )
unsigned int i, j, k, pj, x, y, ei_x, ei_y, Ltop, Utop;
real *D, *D_inv, sum, start;
sparse_matrix *DAD, *L_temp, *U_temp;
start = Get_Time( );
if ( Allocate_Matrix( &DAD, A->n, A->m ) == FAILURE ||
Allocate_Matrix( &L_temp, A->n, A->m ) == FAILURE ||
Allocate_Matrix( &U_temp, A->n, A->m ) == FAILURE )
fprintf( stderr, "not enough memory for ILUT_PAR preconditioning matrices. terminating.\n" );
if ( ( D = (real*) malloc(A->n * sizeof(real)) ) == NULL ||
( D_inv = (real*) malloc(A->n * sizeof(real)) ) == NULL )
fprintf( stderr, "not enough memory for ILUT_PAR preconditioning matrices. terminating.\n" );
#pragma omp parallel for schedule(static) \
default(none) shared(D, D_inv) private(i)
for ( i = 0; i < A->n; ++i )
D_inv[i] = SQRT( A->val[A->start[i + 1] - 1] );
D[i] = 1.0 / D_inv[i];
/* to get convergence, A must have unit diagonal, so apply
* transformation DAD, where D = D(1./sqrt(D(A))) */
memcpy( DAD->start, A->start, sizeof(int) * (A->n + 1) );
#pragma omp parallel for schedule(static) \
default(none) shared(DAD, D) private(i, pj)
for ( i = 0; i < A->n; ++i )
/* non-diagonals */
for ( pj = A->start[i]; pj < A->start[i + 1] - 1; ++pj )
DAD->j[pj] = A->j[pj];
DAD->val[pj] = D[i] * A->val[pj] * D[A->j[pj]];
/* diagonal */
DAD->j[pj] = A->j[pj];
DAD->val[pj] = 1.0;
/* initial guesses for L and U,
* assume: A and DAD symmetric and stored lower triangular */
memcpy( L_temp->start, DAD->start, sizeof(int) * (DAD->n + 1) );
memcpy( L_temp->j, DAD->j, sizeof(int) * (DAD->start[DAD->n]) );
memcpy( L_temp->val, DAD->val, sizeof(real) * (DAD->start[DAD->n]) );
/* store U^T in CSR for row-wise access and tranpose later */
memcpy( U_temp->start, DAD->start, sizeof(int) * (DAD->n + 1) );
memcpy( U_temp->j, DAD->j, sizeof(int) * (DAD->start[DAD->n]) );
memcpy( U_temp->val, DAD->val, sizeof(real) * (DAD->start[DAD->n]) );
/* L has unit diagonal, by convention */
#pragma omp parallel for schedule(static) \
default(none) private(i) shared(L_temp)
for ( i = 0; i < A->n; ++i )
L_temp->val[L_temp->start[i + 1] - 1] = 1.0;
for ( i = 0; i < sweeps; ++i )
/* for each nonzero in L */
#pragma omp parallel for schedule(static) \
default(none) shared(DAD, L_temp, U_temp) private(j, k, x, y, ei_x, ei_y, sum)
for ( j = 0; j < DAD->start[DAD->n]; ++j )
sum = ZERO;
/* determine row bounds of current nonzero */
x = 0;
ei_x = 0;
for ( k = 1; k <= DAD->n; ++k )
if ( DAD->start[k] > j )
x = DAD->start[k - 1];
ei_x = DAD->start[k];
/* determine column bounds of current nonzero */
y = DAD->start[DAD->j[j]];
ei_y = DAD->start[DAD->j[j] + 1];
/* sparse dot product:
* dot( L(i,1:j-1), U(1:j-1,j) ) */
while ( L_temp->j[x] < L_temp->j[j] &&
L_temp->j[y] < L_temp->j[j] &&
x < ei_x && y < ei_y )
if ( L_temp->j[x] == L_temp->j[y] )
sum += (L_temp->val[x] * U_temp->val[y]);
else if ( L_temp->j[x] < L_temp->j[y] )
if ( j != ei_x - 1 )
L_temp->val[j] = ( DAD->val[j] - sum ) / U_temp->val[ei_y - 1];
#pragma omp parallel for schedule(static) \
default(none) shared(DAD, L_temp, U_temp) private(j, k, x, y, ei_x, ei_y, sum)
for ( j = 0; j < DAD->start[DAD->n]; ++j )
sum = ZERO;
/* determine row bounds of current nonzero */
x = 0;
ei_x = 0;
for ( k = 1; k <= DAD->n; ++k )
if ( DAD->start[k] > j )
x = DAD->start[k - 1];
ei_x = DAD->start[k];
/* determine column bounds of current nonzero */
y = DAD->start[DAD->j[j]];
ei_y = DAD->start[DAD->j[j] + 1];
/* sparse dot product:
* dot( L(i,1:i-1), U(1:i-1,j) ) */
while ( U_temp->j[x] < U_temp->j[j] &&
U_temp->j[y] < U_temp->j[j] &&
x < ei_x && y < ei_y )
if ( U_temp->j[x] == U_temp->j[y] )
sum += (L_temp->val[y] * U_temp->val[x]);
else if ( U_temp->j[x] < U_temp->j[y] )
U_temp->val[j] = DAD->val[j] - sum;
/* apply inverse transformation:
* since DAD \approx LU, then
* D^{-1}DADD^{-1} = A \approx D^{-1}LUD^{-1} */
#pragma omp parallel for schedule(static) \
default(none) shared(DAD, L_temp, U_temp, D_inv) private(i, pj)
for ( i = 0; i < DAD->n; ++i )
for ( pj = DAD->start[i]; pj < DAD->start[i + 1]; ++pj )
L_temp->val[pj] = D_inv[i] * L_temp->val[pj];
/* currently storing U^T, so use row index instead of column index */
U_temp->val[pj] = U_temp->val[pj] * D_inv[i];
/* apply the dropping rule */
Ltop = 0;
Utop = 0;
for ( i = 0; i < DAD->n; ++i )
L->start[i] = Ltop;
U->start[i] = Utop;
for ( pj = L_temp->start[i]; pj < L_temp->start[i + 1] - 1; ++pj )
if ( FABS( L_temp->val[pj] ) > FABS( droptol[i] / L_temp->val[L_temp->start[i + 1] - 1] ) )
L->j[Ltop] = L_temp->j[pj];
L->val[Ltop] = L_temp->val[pj];
/* diagonal */
L->j[Ltop] = L_temp->j[pj];
L->val[Ltop] = L_temp->val[pj];
for ( pj = U_temp->start[i]; pj < U_temp->start[i + 1] - 1; ++pj )
if ( FABS( U_temp->val[pj] ) > FABS( droptol[i] / U_temp->val[U_temp->start[i + 1] - 1] ) )
U->j[Utop] = U_temp->j[pj];
U->val[Utop] = U_temp->val[pj];
/* diagonal */
U->j[Utop] = U_temp->j[pj];
U->val[Utop] = U_temp->val[pj];
L->start[i] = Ltop;
U->start[i] = Utop;
Transpose_I( U );
#if defined(DEBUG_FOCUS)
fprintf( stderr, "nnz(L): %d\n", L->start[L->n] );
fprintf( stderr, "nnz(U): %d\n", U->start[U->n] );
Deallocate_Matrix( U_temp );
Deallocate_Matrix( L_temp );
Deallocate_Matrix( DAD );
free( D_inv );
free( D );
return Get_Timing_Info( start );
static void Extrapolate_Charges_QEq( const reax_system * const system,
const control_params * const control,
simulation_data * const data, static_storage * const workspace )
int i;
real s_tmp, t_tmp;
/* extrapolation for s & t */
//TODO: good candidate for vectorization, avoid moving data with head pointer and circular buffer
#pragma omp parallel for schedule(static) \
default(none) private(i, s_tmp, t_tmp)
for ( i = 0; i < system->N_cm; ++i )
// no extrapolation
//s_tmp = workspace->s[0][i];
//t_tmp = workspace->t[0][i];
// linear
//s_tmp = 2 * workspace->s[0][i] - workspace->s[1][i];
//t_tmp = 2 * workspace->t[0][i] - workspace->t[1][i];
// quadratic
//s_tmp = workspace->s[2][i] + 3 * (workspace->s[0][i]-workspace->s[1][i]);
t_tmp = workspace->t[2][i] + 3 * (workspace->t[0][i] - workspace->t[1][i]);
// cubic
s_tmp = 4 * (workspace->s[0][i] + workspace->s[2][i]) -
(6 * workspace->s[1][i] + workspace->s[3][i] );
//t_tmp = 4 * (workspace->t[0][i] + workspace->t[2][i]) -
// (6 * workspace->t[1][i] + workspace->t[3][i] );
// 4th order
//s_tmp = 5 * (workspace->s[0][i] - workspace->s[3][i]) +
// 10 * (-workspace->s[1][i] + workspace->s[2][i] ) + workspace->s[4][i];
//t_tmp = 5 * (workspace->t[0][i] - workspace->t[3][i]) +
// 10 * (-workspace->t[1][i] + workspace->t[2][i] ) + workspace->t[4][i];
workspace->s[4][i] = workspace->s[3][i];
workspace->s[3][i] = workspace->s[2][i];
workspace->s[2][i] = workspace->s[1][i];
workspace->s[1][i] = workspace->s[0][i];
workspace->s[0][i] = s_tmp;
workspace->t[4][i] = workspace->t[3][i];
workspace->t[3][i] = workspace->t[2][i];
workspace->t[2][i] = workspace->t[1][i];
workspace->t[1][i] = workspace->t[0][i];
workspace->t[0][i] = t_tmp;
static void Extrapolate_Charges_EEM( const reax_system * const system,
const control_params * const control,
simulation_data * const data, static_storage * const workspace )
int i;
real s_tmp;
/* extrapolation for s */
//TODO: good candidate for vectorization, avoid moving data with head pointer and circular buffer
#pragma omp parallel for schedule(static) \
default(none) private(i, s_tmp)
for ( i = 0; i < system->N_cm; ++i )
// no extrapolation
//s_tmp = workspace->s[0][i];
// linear
//s_tmp = 2 * workspace->s[0][i] - workspace->s[1][i];
// quadratic
//s_tmp = workspace->s[2][i] + 3 * (workspace->s[0][i]-workspace->s[1][i]);
// cubic
s_tmp = 4 * (workspace->s[0][i] + workspace->s[2][i]) -
(6 * workspace->s[1][i] + workspace->s[3][i] );
// 4th order
//s_tmp = 5 * (workspace->s[0][i] - workspace->s[3][i]) +
// 10 * (-workspace->s[1][i] + workspace->s[2][i] ) + workspace->s[4][i];
workspace->s[4][i] = workspace->s[3][i];
workspace->s[3][i] = workspace->s[2][i];
workspace->s[2][i] = workspace->s[1][i];
workspace->s[1][i] = workspace->s[0][i];
workspace->s[0][i] = s_tmp;
/* Setup routine which performs the following:
* 1) init storage for QEq matrices and other dependent routines
* 2) compute preconditioner (if sim. step matches refactor step)
* 3) extrapolate ficticious charges s and t
static void Init_Charges( const reax_system * const system,
const control_params * const control,
simulation_data * const data, static_storage * const workspace,
const list * const far_nbrs )
int i, fillin;
real s_tmp, t_tmp, time;
sparse_matrix *Hptr;
// char fname[100];
if (control->cm_domain_sparsify_enabled)
Hptr = workspace->H_sp;
Hptr = workspace->H;
#if defined(TEST_MAT)
Hptr = create_test_mat( );
if (control->cm_solver_pre_comp_refactor > 0 &&
((data->step - data->prev_steps) % control->cm_solver_pre_comp_refactor == 0
|| workspace->L == NULL))
// Print_Linear_System( system, control, workspace, data->step );
Print_Sparse_Matrix2( workspace->H, "H_0.out" );
time = Get_Time( );
if ( control->cm_solver_pre_comp_type != DIAG_PC )
Sort_Matrix_Rows( workspace->H );
if ( control->cm_domain_sparsify_enabled == TRUE )
Sort_Matrix_Rows( workspace->H_sp );
if ( control->cm_solver_pre_app_type == TRI_SOLVE_GC_PA )
if ( control->cm_domain_sparsify_enabled == TRUE )
Hptr = setup_graph_coloring( workspace->H_sp );
Hptr = setup_graph_coloring( workspace->H );
Sort_Matrix_Rows( Hptr );
data->timing.cm_sort_mat_rows += Get_Timing_Info( time );
#if defined(DEBUG)
fprintf( stderr, "H matrix sorted\n" );
switch ( control->cm_solver_pre_comp_type )
case DIAG_PC:
if ( workspace->Hdia_inv == NULL )
if ( ( workspace->Hdia_inv = (real *) calloc( system->N_cm, sizeof( real ) ) ) == NULL )
fprintf( stderr, "not enough memory for preconditioning matrices. terminating.\n" );
data->timing.cm_solver_pre_comp += diag_pre_comp( system, workspace->Hdia_inv );
Calculate_Droptol( Hptr, workspace->droptol, control->cm_solver_pre_comp_droptol );
#if defined(DEBUG_FOCUS)
fprintf( stderr, "drop tolerances calculated\n" );
if ( workspace->L == NULL )
fillin = Estimate_LU_Fill( Hptr, workspace->droptol );
if ( Allocate_Matrix( &(workspace->L), far_nbrs->n, fillin ) == FAILURE ||
Allocate_Matrix( &(workspace->U), far_nbrs->n, fillin ) == FAILURE )
fprintf( stderr, "not enough memory for preconditioning matrices. terminating.\n" );
#if defined(DEBUG)
fprintf( stderr, "fillin = %d\n", fillin );
fprintf( stderr, "allocated memory: L = U = %ldMB\n",
fillin * sizeof(sparse_matrix_entry) / (1024 * 1024) );
data->timing.cm_solver_pre_comp +=
ICHOLT( Hptr, workspace->droptol, workspace->L, workspace->U );
case ILU_PAR_PC:
if ( workspace->L == NULL )
/* factors have sparsity pattern as H */
if ( Allocate_Matrix( &(workspace->L), Hptr->n, Hptr->m ) == FAILURE ||
Allocate_Matrix( &(workspace->U), Hptr->n, Hptr->m ) == FAILURE )
fprintf( stderr, "not enough memory for preconditioning matrices. terminating.\n" );
data->timing.cm_solver_pre_comp +=
ILU_PAR( Hptr, control->cm_solver_pre_comp_sweeps, workspace->L, workspace->U );
Calculate_Droptol( Hptr, workspace->droptol, control->cm_solver_pre_comp_droptol );
#if defined(DEBUG_FOCUS)
fprintf( stderr, "drop tolerances calculated\n" );
if ( workspace->L == NULL )
/* TODO: safest storage estimate is ILU(0) (same as lower triangular portion of H), could improve later */
if ( Allocate_Matrix( &(workspace->L), Hptr->n, Hptr->m ) == FAILURE ||
Allocate_Matrix( &(workspace->U), Hptr->n, Hptr->m ) == FAILURE )
fprintf( stderr, "not enough memory for preconditioning matrices. terminating.\n" );
data->timing.cm_solver_pre_comp +=
ILUT_PAR( Hptr, workspace->droptol, control->cm_solver_pre_comp_sweeps,
workspace->L, workspace->U );
if ( workspace->L == NULL )
/* factors have sparsity pattern as H */
if ( Allocate_Matrix( &(workspace->L), Hptr->n, Hptr->m ) == FAILURE ||
Allocate_Matrix( &(workspace->U), Hptr->n, Hptr->m ) == FAILURE )
fprintf( stderr, "not enough memory for preconditioning matrices. terminating.\n" );
#if defined(HAVE_SUPERLU_MT)
data->timing.cm_solver_pre_comp += SuperLU_Factorize( Hptr, workspace->L, workspace->U );
fprintf( stderr, "SuperLU MT support disabled. Re-compile before enabling. Terminating...\n" );
fprintf( stderr, "Unrecognized preconditioner computation method. Terminating...\n" );
#if defined(DEBUG)
fprintf( stderr, "condest = %f\n", condest(workspace->L, workspace->U) );
#if defined(DEBUG_FOCUS)
sprintf( fname, "%s.L%d.out", control->sim_name, data->step );
Print_Sparse_Matrix2( workspace->L, fname );
sprintf( fname, "%s.U%d.out", control->sim_name, data->step );
Print_Sparse_Matrix2( workspace->U, fname );
fprintf( stderr, "icholt-" );
//sprintf( fname, "%s.L%d.out", control->sim_name, data->step );
//Print_Sparse_Matrix2( workspace->L, fname );
//Print_Sparse_Matrix( U );
/* Combine ficticious charges s and t to get atomic charge q for QEq method
static void Calculate_Charges_QEq( const reax_system * const system,
static_storage * const workspace )
int i;
real u, s_sum, t_sum;
s_sum = t_sum = 0.;
for ( i = 0; i < system->N_cm; ++i )
s_sum += workspace->s[0][i];
t_sum += workspace->t[0][i];
u = s_sum / t_sum;
for ( i = 0; i < system->N_cm; ++i )
system->atoms[i].q = workspace->s[0][i] - u * workspace->t[0][i];
/* Main driver method for QEq kernel
* Rough outline:
* 1) init / setup routines
* 2) perform 2 linear solves
* 3) compute atomic charges based on output of 2)
static void QEq( reax_system * const system, control_params * const control,
simulation_data * const data, static_storage * const workspace,
const list * const far_nbrs, const output_controls * const out_control )
int iters;
Init_Charges( system, control, data, workspace, far_nbrs );
Extrapolate_Charges_QEq( system, control, data, workspace );
// if( data->step == 0 || data->step == 100 )
// {
// Print_Linear_System( system, control, workspace, data->step );
// }
switch ( control->cm_solver_type )
case GMRES_S:
iters = GMRES( workspace, control, data, workspace->H,
workspace->b_s, control->cm_solver_q_err, workspace->s[0],
((data->step - data->prev_steps) % control->cm_solver_pre_comp_refactor == 0) ? TRUE : FALSE );
iters += GMRES( workspace, control, data, workspace->H,
workspace->b_t, control->cm_solver_q_err, workspace->t[0],
out_control->log, FALSE );
case GMRES_H_S:
iters = GMRES_HouseHolder( workspace, control, data, workspace->H,
workspace->b_s, control->cm_solver_q_err, workspace->s[0],
out_control->log, (data->step - data->prev_steps) % control->cm_solver_pre_comp_refactor == 0 );
iters += GMRES_HouseHolder( workspace, control, data, workspace->H,
workspace->b_t, control->cm_solver_q_err, workspace->t[0],
out_control->log, 0 );
case CG_S:
iters = CG( workspace, workspace->H, workspace->b_s, control->cm_solver_q_err,
workspace->s[0], out_control->log ) + 1;
iters += CG( workspace, workspace->H, workspace->b_t, control->cm_solver_q_err,
workspace->t[0], out_control->log ) + 1;
// iters = CG( workspace, workspace->H, workspace->b_s, control->cm_solver_q_err,
// workspace->L, workspace->U, workspace->s[0], control->cm_solver_pre_app_type,
// control->cm_solver_pre_app_jacobi_iters, out_control->log ) + 1;
// iters += CG( workspace, workspace->H, workspace->b_t, control->cm_solver_q_err,
// workspace->L, workspace->U, workspace->t[0], control->cm_solver_pre_app_type,
// control->cm_solver_pre_app_jacobi_iters, out_control->log ) + 1;
case SDM_S:
iters = SDM( workspace, workspace->H, workspace->b_s, control->cm_solver_q_err,
workspace->s[0], out_control->log ) + 1;
iters += SDM( workspace, workspace->H, workspace->b_t, control->cm_solver_q_err,
workspace->t[0], out_control->log ) + 1;
// iters = SDM( workspace, workspace->H, workspace->b_s, control->cm_solver_q_err,
// workspace->L, workspace->U, workspace->s[0], control->cm_solver_pre_app_type,
// control->cm_solver_pre_app_jacobi_iters, out_control->log ) + 1;
// iters += SDM( workspace, workspace->H, workspace->b_t, control->cm_solver_q_err,
// workspace->L, workspace->U, workspace->t[0], control->cm_solver_pre_app_type,
// control->cm_solver_pre_app_jacobi_iters, out_control->log ) + 1;
fprintf( stderr, "Unrecognized QEq solver selection. Terminating...\n" );
data->timing.cm_solver_iters += iters;
#if defined(DEBUG_FOCUS)
fprintf( stderr, "linsolve-" );
Calculate_Charges_QEq( system, workspace );
//fprintf( stderr, "%d %.9f %.9f %.9f %.9f %.9f %.9f\n",
// data->step,
// workspace->s[0][0], workspace->t[0][0],
// workspace->s[0][1], workspace->t[0][1],
// workspace->s[0][2], workspace->t[0][2] );
// if( data->step == control->nsteps )
//Print_Charges( system, control, workspace, data->step );
/* Get atomic charge q for EEM method
static void Calculate_Charges_EEM( const reax_system * const system,
static_storage * const workspace )
int i;
// real s_sum;
// s_sum = 0.0;
// for ( i = 0; i < system->N_cm; ++i )
// {
// s_sum += workspace->s[0][i];
// }
for ( i = 0; i < system->N_cm; ++i )
system->atoms[i].q = workspace->s[0][i];
/* Main driver method for EEM kernel
* Rough outline:
* 1) init / setup routines
* 2) perform 1 linear solve
static void EEM( reax_system * const system, control_params * const control,
simulation_data * const data, static_storage * const workspace,
const list * const far_nbrs, const output_controls * const out_control )
int iters;
Init_Charges( system, control, data, workspace, far_nbrs );
Extrapolate_Charges_EEM( system, control, data, workspace );
switch ( control->cm_solver_type )
case GMRES_S:
iters = GMRES( workspace, control, data, workspace->H,
workspace->b_s, control->cm_solver_q_err, workspace->s[0],
((data->step - data->prev_steps) % control->cm_solver_pre_comp_refactor == 0) ? TRUE : FALSE );
case GMRES_H_S:
iters = GMRES_HouseHolder( workspace, control, data,workspace->H,
workspace->b_s, control->cm_solver_q_err, workspace->s[0],
(data->step - data->prev_steps) % control->cm_solver_pre_comp_refactor == 0 );
case CG_S:
iters = CG( workspace, workspace->H, workspace->b_s, control->cm_solver_q_err,
workspace->s[0], out_control->log ) + 1;
case SDM_S:
iters = SDM( workspace, workspace->H, workspace->b_s, control->cm_solver_q_err,
workspace->s[0], out_control->log ) + 1;
fprintf( stderr, "Unrecognized QEq solver selection. Terminating...\n" );
data->timing.cm_solver_iters += iters;
#if defined(DEBUG_FOCUS)
fprintf( stderr, "linsolve-" );
Calculate_Charges_EEM( system, workspace );
// if( data->step == control->nsteps )
//Print_Charges( system, control, workspace, data->step );
void Compute_Charges( reax_system * const system, control_params * const control,
simulation_data * const data, static_storage * const workspace,
const list * const far_nbrs, const output_controls * const out_control )
switch ( control->charge_method )
case QEQ_CM:
QEq( system, control, data, workspace, far_nbrs, out_control );
case EEM_CM:
EEM( system, control, data, workspace, far_nbrs, out_control );
case ACKS2_CM:
fprintf( stderr, "Invalid charge method. Terminating...\n" );