Kurt A. O'Hearn authored
sPuReMD: expand domain-based QEq matrix cut-off and add control file parameter. Update control file.
Kurt A. O'Hearn authoredsPuReMD: expand domain-based QEq matrix cut-off and add control file parameter. Update control file.
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control.c 17.15 KiB
SerialReax - Reax Force Field Simulator
Copyright (2010) Purdue University
Hasan Metin Aktulga, haktulga@cs.purdue.edu
Joseph Fogarty, jcfogart@mail.usf.edu
Sagar Pandit, pandit@usf.edu
Ananth Y Grama, ayg@cs.purdue.edu
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
See the GNU General Public License for more details:
#include <ctype.h>
#include "control.h"
#include "traj.h"
#include "tool_box.h"
char Read_Control_File( FILE* fp, reax_system *system, control_params* control,
output_controls *out_control )
char *s, **tmp;
int c, i;
real val;
int ival;
/* assign default values */
strcpy( control->sim_name, "default.sim" );
control->restart = 0;
out_control->restart_format = WRITE_BINARY;
out_control->restart_freq = 0;
strcpy( control->restart_from, "default.res" );
out_control->restart_freq = 0;
control->random_vel = 0;
control->reposition_atoms = 0;
control->ensemble = NVE;
control->nsteps = 0;
control->dt = 0.25;
control->geo_format = PDB;
control->restrict_bonds = 0;
control->periodic_boundaries = 1;
control->periodic_images[0] = 0;
control->periodic_images[1] = 0;
control->periodic_images[2] = 0;
control->reneighbor = 1;
control->vlist_cut = 0;
control->nbr_cut = 4.;
control->r_cut = 10.;
control->r_sp_cut = 10.;
control->max_far_nbrs = 1000;
control->bo_cut = 0.01;
control->thb_cut = 0.001;
control->hb_cut = 7.50;
control->tabulate = 0;
control->qeq_solver_type = GMRES_S;
control->qeq_solver_q_err = 0.000001;
control->qeq_domain_sparsify_enabled = FALSE;
control->qeq_domain_sparsity = 1.0;
control->pre_comp_type = ICHOLT_PC;
control->pre_comp_sweeps = 3;
control->pre_comp_refactor = 100;
control->pre_comp_droptol = 0.01;
control->pre_app_type = TRI_SOLVE_PA;
control->pre_app_jacobi_iters = 50;
control->T_init = 0.;
control->T_final = 300.;
control->Tau_T = 1.0;
control->T_mode = 0.;
control->T_rate = 1.;
control->T_freq = 1.;
control->P[0] = 0.000101325;
control->P[1] = 0.000101325;
control->P[2] = 0.000101325;
control->Tau_P[0] = 500.0;
control->Tau_P[1] = 500.0;
control->Tau_P[2] = 500.0;
control->Tau_PT = 500.0;
control->compressibility = 1.0;
control->press_mode = 0;
control->remove_CoM_vel = 25;
out_control->debug_level = 0;
out_control->energy_update_freq = 10;
out_control->write_steps = 100;
out_control->traj_compress = 0;
out_control->write = fprintf;
out_control->traj_format = 0;
out_control->write_header =
(int (*)( reax_system*, control_params*,
static_storage*, void* )) Write_Custom_Header;
out_control->append_traj_frame =
(int (*)( reax_system*, control_params*, simulation_data*,
static_storage*, list **, void* )) Append_Custom_Frame;
strcpy( out_control->traj_title, "default_title" );
out_control->atom_format = 0;
out_control->bond_info = 0;
out_control->angle_info = 0;
control->molec_anal = NO_ANALYSIS;
control->freq_molec_anal = 0;
control->bg_cut = 0.3;
control->num_ignored = 0;
memset( control->ignore, 0, sizeof(int)*MAX_ATOM_TYPES );
control->dipole_anal = 0;
control->freq_dipole_anal = 0;
control->diffusion_coef = 0;
control->freq_diffusion_coef = 0;
control->restrict_type = 0;
/* memory allocations */
s = (char*) malloc(sizeof(char) * MAX_LINE);
tmp = (char**) malloc(sizeof(char*)*MAX_TOKENS);
for (i = 0; i < MAX_TOKENS; i++)
tmp[i] = (char*) malloc(sizeof(char) * MAX_LINE);
/* read control parameters file */
while (fgets(s, MAX_LINE, fp))
c = Tokenize(s, &tmp);
if ( strcmp(tmp[0], "simulation_name") == 0 )
strcpy( control->sim_name, tmp[1] );
//else if( strcmp(tmp[0], "restart") == 0 ) {
// ival = atoi(tmp[1]);
// control->restart = ival;
else if ( strcmp(tmp[0], "restart_format") == 0 )
ival = atoi(tmp[1]);
out_control->restart_format = ival;
else if ( strcmp(tmp[0], "restart_freq") == 0 )
ival = atoi(tmp[1]);
out_control->restart_freq = ival;
else if ( strcmp(tmp[0], "random_vel") == 0 )
ival = atoi(tmp[1]);
control->random_vel = ival;
else if ( strcmp(tmp[0], "reposition_atoms") == 0 )
ival = atoi(tmp[1]);
control->reposition_atoms = ival;
else if ( strcmp(tmp[0], "ensemble_type") == 0 )
ival = atoi(tmp[1]);
control->ensemble = ival;
else if ( strcmp(tmp[0], "nsteps") == 0 )
ival = atoi(tmp[1]);
control->nsteps = ival;
else if ( strcmp(tmp[0], "dt") == 0 )
val = atof(tmp[1]);
control->dt = val * 1.e-3; // convert dt from fs to ps!
else if ( strcmp(tmp[0], "periodic_boundaries") == 0 )
ival = atoi( tmp[1] );
control->periodic_boundaries = ival;
else if ( strcmp(tmp[0], "periodic_images") == 0 )
ival = atoi(tmp[1]);
control->periodic_images[0] = ival;
ival = atoi(tmp[2]);
control->periodic_images[1] = ival;
ival = atoi(tmp[3]);
control->periodic_images[2] = ival;
else if ( strcmp(tmp[0], "geo_format") == 0 )
ival = atoi( tmp[1] );
control->geo_format = ival;
else if ( strcmp(tmp[0], "restrict_bonds") == 0 )
ival = atoi( tmp[1] );
control->restrict_bonds = ival;
else if ( strcmp(tmp[0], "tabulate_long_range") == 0 )
ival = atoi( tmp[1] );
control->tabulate = ival;
else if ( strcmp(tmp[0], "reneighbor") == 0 )
ival = atoi( tmp[1] );
control->reneighbor = ival;
else if ( strcmp(tmp[0], "vlist_buffer") == 0 )
val = atof(tmp[1]);
control->vlist_cut = val;
else if ( strcmp(tmp[0], "nbrhood_cutoff") == 0 )
val = atof(tmp[1]);
control->nbr_cut = val;
else if ( strcmp(tmp[0], "thb_cutoff") == 0 )
val = atof(tmp[1]);
control->thb_cut = val;
else if ( strcmp(tmp[0], "hbond_cutoff") == 0 )
val = atof( tmp[1] );
control->hb_cut = val;
else if ( strcmp(tmp[0], "qeq_solver_type") == 0 )
ival = atoi( tmp[1] );
control->qeq_solver_type = ival;
else if ( strcmp(tmp[0], "qeq_solver_q_err") == 0 )
val = atof( tmp[1] );
control->qeq_solver_q_err = val;
else if ( strcmp(tmp[0], "qeq_domain_sparsity") == 0 )
val = atof( tmp[1] );
control->qeq_domain_sparsity = val;
control->qeq_domain_sparsify_enabled = TRUE;
else if ( strcmp(tmp[0], "pre_comp_type") == 0 )
ival = atoi( tmp[1] );
control->pre_comp_type = ival;
else if ( strcmp(tmp[0], "pre_comp_refactor") == 0 )
ival = atoi( tmp[1] );
control->pre_comp_refactor = ival;
else if ( strcmp(tmp[0], "pre_comp_droptol") == 0 )
val = atof( tmp[1] );
control->pre_comp_droptol = val;
else if ( strcmp(tmp[0], "pre_comp_sweeps") == 0 )
ival = atoi( tmp[1] );
control->pre_comp_sweeps = ival;
else if ( strcmp(tmp[0], "pre_app_type") == 0 )
ival = atoi( tmp[1] );
control->pre_app_type = ival;
else if ( strcmp(tmp[0], "pre_app_jacobi_iters") == 0 )
ival = atoi( tmp[1] );
control->pre_app_jacobi_iters = ival;
else if ( strcmp(tmp[0], "temp_init") == 0 )
val = atof(tmp[1]);
control->T_init = val;
if ( control->T_init < 0.001 )
control->T_init = 0.001;
else if ( strcmp(tmp[0], "temp_final") == 0 )
val = atof(tmp[1]);
control->T_final = val;
if ( control->T_final < 0.1 )
control->T_final = 0.1;
else if ( strcmp(tmp[0], "t_mass") == 0 )
val = atof(tmp[1]);
control->Tau_T = val * 1.e-3; // convert t_mass from fs to ps
else if ( strcmp(tmp[0], "t_mode") == 0 )
ival = atoi(tmp[1]);
control->T_mode = ival;
else if ( strcmp(tmp[0], "t_rate") == 0 )
val = atof(tmp[1]);
control->T_rate = val;
else if ( strcmp(tmp[0], "t_freq") == 0 )
val = atof(tmp[1]);
control->T_freq = val;
else if ( strcmp(tmp[0], "pressure") == 0 )
if ( control->ensemble == iNPT )
val = atof(tmp[1]);
control->P[0] = control->P[1] = control->P[2] = val;
else if ( control->ensemble == sNPT )
val = atof(tmp[1]);
control->P[0] = val;
val = atof(tmp[2]);
control->P[1] = val;
val = atof(tmp[3]);
control->P[2] = val;
else if ( strcmp(tmp[0], "p_mass") == 0 )
if ( control->ensemble == iNPT )
val = atof(tmp[1]);
control->Tau_P[0] = val * 1.e-3; // convert p_mass from fs to ps
else if ( control->ensemble == sNPT )
val = atof(tmp[1]);
control->Tau_P[0] = val * 1.e-3; // convert p_mass from fs to ps
val = atof(tmp[2]);
control->Tau_P[1] = val * 1.e-3; // convert p_mass from fs to ps
val = atof(tmp[3]);
control->Tau_P[2] = val * 1.e-3; // convert p_mass from fs to ps
else if ( strcmp(tmp[0], "pt_mass") == 0 )
val = atof(tmp[1]);
control->Tau_PT = val * 1.e-3; // convert pt_mass from fs to ps
else if ( strcmp(tmp[0], "compress") == 0 )
val = atof(tmp[1]);
control->compressibility = val;
else if ( strcmp(tmp[0], "press_mode") == 0 )
val = atoi(tmp[1]);
control->press_mode = val;
else if ( strcmp(tmp[0], "remove_CoM_vel") == 0 )
val = atoi(tmp[1]);
control->remove_CoM_vel = val;
else if ( strcmp(tmp[0], "debug_level") == 0 )
ival = atoi(tmp[1]);
out_control->debug_level = ival;
else if ( strcmp(tmp[0], "energy_update_freq") == 0 )
ival = atoi(tmp[1]);
out_control->energy_update_freq = ival;
else if ( strcmp(tmp[0], "write_freq") == 0 )
ival = atoi(tmp[1]);
out_control->write_steps = ival;
else if ( strcmp(tmp[0], "traj_compress") == 0 )
ival = atoi(tmp[1]);
out_control->traj_compress = ival;
if ( out_control->traj_compress )
out_control->write = (int (*)(FILE *, const char *, ...)) gzprintf;
else out_control->write = fprintf;
else if ( strcmp(tmp[0], "traj_format") == 0 )
ival = atoi(tmp[1]);
out_control->traj_format = ival;
if ( out_control->traj_format == 0 )
out_control->write_header =
(int (*)( reax_system*, control_params*,
static_storage*, void* )) Write_Custom_Header;
out_control->append_traj_frame =
(int (*)(reax_system*, control_params*, simulation_data*,
static_storage*, list **, void*)) Append_Custom_Frame;
else if ( out_control->traj_format == 1 )
out_control->write_header =
(int (*)( reax_system*, control_params*,
static_storage*, void* )) Write_xyz_Header;
out_control->append_traj_frame =
(int (*)( reax_system*, control_params*, simulation_data*,
static_storage*, list **, void* )) Append_xyz_Frame;
else if ( strcmp(tmp[0], "traj_title") == 0 )
strcpy( out_control->traj_title, tmp[1] );
else if ( strcmp(tmp[0], "atom_info") == 0 )
ival = atoi(tmp[1]);
out_control->atom_format += ival * 4;
else if ( strcmp(tmp[0], "atom_velocities") == 0 )
ival = atoi(tmp[1]);
out_control->atom_format += ival * 2;
else if ( strcmp(tmp[0], "atom_forces") == 0 )
ival = atoi(tmp[1]);
out_control->atom_format += ival * 1;
else if ( strcmp(tmp[0], "bond_info") == 0 )
ival = atoi(tmp[1]);
out_control->bond_info = ival;
else if ( strcmp(tmp[0], "angle_info") == 0 )
ival = atoi(tmp[1]);
out_control->angle_info = ival;
else if ( strcmp(tmp[0], "test_forces") == 0 )
ival = atoi(tmp[1]);
else if ( strcmp(tmp[0], "molec_anal") == 0 )
ival = atoi(tmp[1]);
control->molec_anal = ival;
else if ( strcmp(tmp[0], "freq_molec_anal") == 0 )
ival = atoi(tmp[1]);
control->freq_molec_anal = ival;
else if ( strcmp(tmp[0], "bond_graph_cutoff") == 0 )
val = atof(tmp[1]);
control->bg_cut = val;
else if ( strcmp(tmp[0], "ignore") == 0 )
control->num_ignored = atoi(tmp[1]);
for ( i = 0; i < control->num_ignored; ++i )
control->ignore[atoi(tmp[i + 2])] = 1;
else if ( strcmp(tmp[0], "dipole_anal") == 0 )
ival = atoi(tmp[1]);
control->dipole_anal = ival;
else if ( strcmp(tmp[0], "freq_dipole_anal") == 0 )
ival = atoi(tmp[1]);
control->freq_dipole_anal = ival;
else if ( strcmp(tmp[0], "diffusion_coef") == 0 )
ival = atoi(tmp[1]);
control->diffusion_coef = ival;
else if ( strcmp(tmp[0], "freq_diffusion_coef") == 0 )
ival = atoi(tmp[1]);
control->freq_diffusion_coef = ival;
else if ( strcmp(tmp[0], "restrict_type") == 0 )
ival = atoi(tmp[1]);
control->restrict_type = ival;
fprintf( stderr, "WARNING: unknown parameter %s\n", tmp[0] );
if (ferror(fp))
fprintf(stderr, "Error reading control file. Terminating.\n");
/* determine target T */
if ( control->T_mode == 0 )
control->T = control->T_final;
else control->T = control->T_init;
/* near neighbor and far neighbor cutoffs */
control->bo_cut = 0.01 * system->reaxprm.gp.l[29];
control->r_low = system->reaxprm.gp.l[11];
control->r_cut = system->reaxprm.gp.l[12];
control->r_sp_cut = control->r_cut * control->qeq_domain_sparsity;
control->vlist_cut += control->r_cut;
system->g.cell_size = control->vlist_cut / 2.;
for ( i = 0; i < 3; ++i )
system->g.spread[i] = 2;
/* free memory allocations at the top */
for ( i = 0; i < MAX_TOKENS; i++ )
free( tmp[i] );
free( tmp );
free( s );
#if defined(DEBUG_FOCUS)
fprintf( stderr,
"en=%d steps=%d dt=%.5f opt=%d T=%.5f P=%.5f %.5f %.5f\n",
control->ensemble, control->nsteps, control->dt, control->tabulate,
control->T, control->P[0], control->P[1], control->P[2] );
fprintf(stderr, "control file read\n" );
return SUCCESS;