- Jun 01, 2020
Kurt A. O'Hearn authored
PG-PuReMD: fix MPI buffer allocations sizes. Ensure that nonblocking MPI messages have completed for each dimension before continuing. Rework reallocation checks in integration routines. Temporarily disable CUDA-aware MPI code paths (need to perform packing/unpacking first on device before handing off pointers). Other code clean-up.
- May 12, 2020
Kurt A. O'Hearn authored
PG-PuReMD: fix host-device transfers for charge solver code (SpMV data transfer sizes). Remove unused code. Other general code clean-up.
- May 07, 2020
Kurt A. O'Hearn authored
- May 04, 2020
Kurt A. O'Hearn authored
PG-PuReMD: fix issue with divergent MPI_Reduce calls by multiple MPI processes (timing logging code). Add run-time MPI routine error checking. Fix issue with upper limit of hydrogen atoms allowed being hard-coded in GPU code (use dynamic memory allocation instead). Other code clean-up.
- Apr 30, 2020
Kurt A. O'Hearn authored
PG-PuReMD: clean-up MPI custom datatype initialization and error reporting. Avoid truncations in buffer size calculations. Other code clean-up.
- Apr 15, 2020
Kurt A. O'Hearn authored
- Apr 13, 2020
Kurt A. O'Hearn authored
PG-PuReMD: improve memory management around temporary storage space on both the host and device (i.e., scratch space).
Kurt A. O'Hearn authored
PG-PuReMD: replace deprecated CUDA warp-level primitives with modern ones. Fix issue with modern GPU microarchitectures using incorrect code paths (post-Kepler). Other code clean-up.
- Mar 10, 2020
Kurt A. O'Hearn authored
PG-PuReMD: revert to 1 thread per atom implementation in nonbonded energy and force calculations in order to correct issue with forces being incorrectly calculated (revisit 1 warp per atom implementation later). Disable charge matrix row-wise sorting. Other general code clean-up.
- Mar 05, 2020
Kurt A. O'Hearn authored
PG-PuReMD: corrections to van der Waals and Coulomb energies calculations (far neighbor list in full format, not half). Fix QEq charge matrix initialization (full format). Other refactoring and code clean-up.
- Feb 26, 2020
Kurt A. O'Hearn authored
PG-PuReMD: fix issue with SpMVs operations using incorrect row-wise bounds (end pointer incorrect in light of sparse_matrix struct changes).
Kurt A. O'Hearn authored
- Feb 19, 2020
Kurt A. O'Hearn authored
PG-PuReMD: merge changes from sPuReMD and PuReMD for validation work for simulation accuracy. Small correction to lone pair energy calculation. PuReMD: code formatting changes to better align with sPuReMD. sPuReMD: fix issue with valence angle calculations not setting list indices under certain sitations (taking previous continue statement missed index assignment).
- Oct 29, 2019
Kurt A. O'Hearn authored
PG-PuReMD: backport fixes from sPuReMD to control file parsing. Tools: formatting tweaks for MPI-GPU code.
- Oct 11, 2019
Kurt A. O'Hearn authored
- Oct 10, 2019
Kurt A. O'Hearn authored
PG-PuReMD: refactoring to unify CUDA code naming conventions and to simply code in cuda_system_props.cu.
Kurt A. O'Hearn authored
Kurt A. O'Hearn authored
- Oct 08, 2019
Kurt A. O'Hearn authored
Kurt A. O'Hearn authored
- Oct 06, 2019
Kurt A. O'Hearn authored
PG-PuReMD: fix issue with portions of interaction lists not being initialized for Cuda_Init_Forces. Utilize more targeted debugging prints (DEBUG -> DEBUG_FOCUS). Other general code cleanup.
- Feb 20, 2019
Kurt A. O'Hearn authored
Fix build issue where config.h.in is only generated once (for sPuReMD) => common file across all versions.
- Feb 06, 2019
Kurt A. O'Hearn authored
Build toos: refactor to remove recurisve Makefiles. Fix issue with OpenMP flags being overridden when user supplied value for CFLAGS variable.
- Nov 06, 2018
Kurt A. O'Hearn authored
Build systems updates for sPuReMD, PuReMD-GPU, and PG-PuReMD (use safer optimization level defaults).
- Sep 08, 2018
Kurt A. O'Hearn authored
- Aug 28, 2018
Alperen, Abdullah authored
- Aug 19, 2018
Alperen, Abdullah authored
- Jul 31, 2018
Alperen, Abdullah authored
- Jul 15, 2018
Alperen, Abdullah authored
- May 30, 2018
Kurt A. O'Hearn authored
PG-PuReMD: fix function pointers for bonded forces. Declare constants appropriately in bonded force computations. Fix sym_index computation for bond list. Other code clean-up.
- May 29, 2018
Kurt A. O'Hearn authored
Kurt A. O'Hearn authored
PG-PuReMD: update build system for LAPACKE. Conditionally include LAPACKE header based on results of compilation.
Kurt A. O'Hearn authored
PG-PuReMD: fix initial list offsets for creating lists. Fix far neighbor and hydrogen bond reallocation checks. Begin refactoring function defitions and declarations to allow compiler to enforce intentions of pointer usage.
- May 28, 2018
Alperen, Abdullah authored
Alperen, Abdullah authored
- May 24, 2018
Kurt A. O'Hearn authored
PG-PuReMD: fix charge extrapolation. Improve memory management of local portion of charge matrix and reset linear system size for each time step.
- May 23, 2018
Kurt A. O'Hearn authored
Kurt A. O'Hearn authored
PG-PuReMD: add deallocation routines at simulation termination for aiding with validating memory management.
- May 22, 2018
Kurt A. O'Hearn authored
PG-PuReMD: fix CUDA compilation error. Revert library building via libtool due to issues with recognizing custom suffix rules for building CUDA source files and revisit at a later date.
Kurt A. O'Hearn authored