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Delete TwoProportionResamplingTest.R

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# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# File: TwoProportionResamplingTest.R
# Authors: Camille Fairbourn, Scott Manski
# Date: 03/26/2019
# Desc: This app performs a two proportion test via randomization. The
# resampling test mimics Fisher's Exact Test.
# Published Location:
# Email:,
# For questions or concerns, please email the authors. This work is licensed
# under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License
# (
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# loading packages
enableBookmarking(store = "server")
# Sources objects, functions, etc, from TwoProportionSource.R
# This file contains the html code for the editable table,
# the decimalcount function, the dotplot_locs function, and
# custom ggplot2 themes.
# defines the presets
Presets <- list()
# Presets`preset name` <- c(Top Left, Bottom Left, Top Right, Bottom Right,
# Column A Name, Column B name, Row A name, Row B name)
Presets$`Duct Tape Therapy` <- c(22, 15, 4, 10, "Wart Gone", "Wart Remains",
"Duct Tape", "Cryotherapy")
Presets$`Gender Discrimination` <- c(21, 14, 3, 10, "Promotion", "No Promotion",
"Male", "Female")
Presets$`Opportunity Cost` <- c(56, 41, 19, 34, "buy DVD", "not buy DVD",
"control", "treatment")
Presets$`Avandia` <- c(2593, 5386, 65000, 154592, "Yes", "No", "Rosiglitazone",
Presets$`Custom` <- c(0, 0, 0, 0, "Column A", "Column B", "Row 1", "Row 2")
ui <- function(request) {
titlePanel("Two Proportion Resampling Test"),
tags$div(class="header", checked = NA,
tags$p("Enter your data into the table
below, or choose one of the data
presets. Press the Shuffle button
to simulate the results under an
independence null model."
selectInput(inputId = "plot",
label = "Plot Type",
choices = c("Dotplot", "Histogram")),
selectInput(inputId = "presets",
label = "Presets",
selected = "Custom", # selects the initial preset
choices = names(Presets)),
actionButton(inputId = "Reset", label = "Reset"),
numericInput(inputId = "numsamp",
label = "Shuffle how many times?",
value = 100, min = 1, max = 5000),
tags$div(class="header", checked = NA,
tags$p("Enter a value from 1 to 5000")),
actionButton("Replicate", "Shuffle")
tags$div(class="header", checked = NA,
tags$p("Enter the value of your observed difference of proportions in the text
under the graph. Selecting 'greater/less than' will highlight the
samples that are greater/less than your value."),
tags$p("Selecting 'beyond' will highlight the samples that are further away
from 0 than your value."),
tags$p("Press the Reset button whenever you change the values in the table."),
tags$p("Written by Scott Manski"),
tags$p("This work is licensed under a "),
tags$a(href="", "Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License"),
checkboxInput("Show.Observed", "Show observed difference", FALSE),
column(textOutput("count.samples"), width = 3),
column(selectInput("inequality", NULL, c("greater than", "less than", "beyond")), width = 3),
column(textInput("cutoff", NULL), width = 4),
server <- function(input, output, session) {
# initialize values for use in server
values <- reactiveValues()
values$props <- vector()
values$table <- matrix(rep(NA, 9), ncol=3)
# colors for plots
values$hist.fill.color <- "grey70" # histogram bar fill color
values$hist.outline.color <- "black" # histogram bar outline color
values$dot.fill.color <- "grey70" # dotplot dot fill color
values$cutoff.color <- "#F05133" # color for cutoff values
# observe any changes in table
values$table[1, 1] <- as.numeric(input$TL) # top left position
values$table[1, 2] <- as.numeric(input$TR) # top right position
values$table[2, 1] <- as.numeric(input$BL) # bottom left position
values$table[2, 2] <- as.numeric(input$BR) # bottom right position
values$table[1, 3] <- as.numeric(input$TL) + as.numeric(input$TR) #top sum
values$table[2, 3] <- as.numeric(input$BL) + as.numeric(input$BR) # bottom sum
values$table[3, 1] <- as.numeric(input$TL) + as.numeric(input$BL) # left sum
values$table[3, 2] <- as.numeric(input$TR) + as.numeric(input$BR) # right sum
values$table[3, 3] <- as.numeric(input$TL) + as.numeric(input$TR) + # total sum
as.numeric(input$BL) + as.numeric(input$BR)
# calculates the limits for the plots based on the standard deviation
# the standard deviation is calculated based on the Hypergeometric distribution
values$x.lim <- 6*sqrt(values$table[3, 1]*values$table[1, 3]/values$table[3, 3]*
values$table[2, 3]/values$table[3, 3]*values$table[3, 2]/(values$table[3,3]-1)/values$table[1, 3]^2 +
values$table[3, 2]*values$table[2, 3]/values$table[3, 3]*
values$table[1, 3]/values$table[3, 3]*values$table[3, 1]/(values$table[3,3]-1)/values$table[2, 3]^2)
# output for values of table if there is a change
output$TRT <- renderText({
values$table[1, 3]
output$TRB <- renderText({
values$table[2, 3]
output$TBL <- renderText({
values$table[3, 1]
output$TBR <- renderText({
values$table[3, 2]
output$Total <- renderText({
values$table[3, 3]
# these will update each time the user clicks the Replicate button
observeEvent(input$Replicate || input$Show.Observed, {
values$observed <- values$table[1 ,1]/values$table[1, 3] -
values$table[2 ,1]/values$table[2, 3]
# reset the values if "Reset" is pressed
observeEvent(input$Reset, {
values$props <- vector()
# checks to see if the current table matches a preset, otherwise the preset is "Custom"
observeEvent(c(input$TL, input$TR, input$BL, input$BR, input$C1N,
input$C2N, input$R1N, input$R2N), {
# combine the current table inputs into a vector
current <- c(input$TL, input$BL, input$TR, input$BR, input$C1N, input$C2N,
input$R1N, input$R2N)
# loops through each preset and determines the number of cells that match the current table
preset <- unlist(lapply(names(Presets), function(i) {
sum(Presets[[i]] == current)
# if all cells match, change the SelectInput value to that preset,
# otherwise change the value to "Custom"
if (sum(preset == 8) > 0) {
updateSelectInput(session, "presets", selected = names(Presets)[which(preset == 8)])
} else {
updateSelectInput(session, "presets", selected = "Custom")
}, ignoreInit = TRUE)
# disable or enable the "Shuffle" button
# the "Shuffle" button in enabled when the number of shuffles is less than
# 5,000 and the total number of shuffles is less than 20,000
observeEvent(input$numsamp, {
if (is.numeric(input$numsamp)){
if (input$numsamp > 5000){
} else if (length(values$props) <= 20000){
# update the values when shuffle is pressed
observeEvent(input$Replicate, {
new.vals <- rhyper(input$numsamp, values$table[1, 3],
values$table[2, 3], values$table[3, 1])
new.vals <- new.vals/values$table[1, 3] - (values$table[3, 1]-new.vals)/
values$table[2, 3]
values$props <- c(values$props, new.vals)
if (length(values$props) >= 20000){
} else {
}, ignoreInit = TRUE)
# when "Beyond" is selected, this function is used to calculate the probability
# for each possible outcome.
two_sided_values <- function() {
m <- values$table[1, 3]
n <- values$table[2, 3]
k <- values$table[3, 1]
support <- c(max(0, k - n):min(k, m))
x <- dhyper(support, m, n, k)
names(x) <- support
# update the counts for the cutoff if there are any changes
update_counts <- eventReactive(c(input$cutoff, input$Replicate, input$Reset,
input$inequality, input$presets), {
if (!$cutoff))){
# the error is used to handle rounded values of input$cutoff
num.decimals <- decimalcount(as.character(input$cutoff))
error <- ifelse(num.decimals <= 1, 0, 0.1^num.decimals/2)
# for "greater than", finds the number and proportion of values greater than
# input$cutoff - error. For "less than", finds the number and proportion of
# values less than input$cutoff + error. For beyond, the number and proportion
# of values is calculated by adding up all points such that the probability of
# obtaining that point is less than or equal to that of input$cutoff see
#, the second to last paragraph
# in the Example section)
if (input$inequality == "greater than"){
values$prob <- sum(values$props >= as.numeric(input$cutoff)-error)/
values$count <- sum(values$props >= as.numeric(input$cutoff)-error)
} else if (input$inequality == "less than") {
values$prob <- sum(values$props <= as.numeric(input$cutoff)+error)/
values$count <- sum(as.numeric(values$props) <=
} else {
x <- two_sided_values()
cutoff <- x[which(names(x) == values$table[1, 1])]
vals <- as.numeric(names(x)[which(x <= cutoff)])
vals <- vals/values$table[1, 3] - (values$table[3, 1]-vals)/
values$table[2, 3]
values$prob <- length(which(values$props %in% vals))/
values$count <- length(which(values$props %in% vals))
# creates the desired plot
output$RandomPlot <- renderPlot({
if (length(values$props) != 0 & !$table[3, 1])){ # after reset, values$props is empty
DF <- values$table
if (input$plot == "Dotplot"){ # plot == TRUE is dotplot, FALSE is histogram
# n is the number of columns for the dotplot
# large datasets will have n <- 1
if (DF[3, 1] > 1000){
n <- 1
} else {
n <- 4
# gets the dotplot locations for the dotplot
df <- dotplot_locs(values$props, n, input$cutoff, values$cutoff.color,
values$dot.fill.color, input$inequality)
df <- df[df$x < values$x.lim & df$x > -values$x.lim, ]
myplot <- ggplot(df) +
geom_point(aes(x ,y, colour = fill.color),
size=min(n, 50/length(values$props)^0.5)) +
scale_colour_manual(name = "fill.color",
values = levels(df$fill.color)) +
scale_y_continuous(limits = c(0, max(n*7.5,max(df$y)))) +
scale_x_continuous(limits = c(-values$x.lim, values$x.lim)) +
labs(x = "Shuffled Difference in Proportions", y = "Count") +
plaintheme + axistheme
} else {
df <- data.frame("x" = values$props[values$props < values$x.lim &
values$props > -values$x.lim])
unique.vals <- sort(unique(as.numeric(as.character(df$x))))
# a histogram is created to determine the bars that need to be colored
myplot <- ggplot(df, aes(x=x)) + geom_histogram(binwidth = max(diff(unique.vals))) +
scale_x_continuous(limits = c(-values$x.lim, values$x.lim))
names.counts <- ggplot_build(myplot)$data[[1]]$x
# color is determined if input$cutoff is specified
if (!$cutoff))){
num.decimals <- decimalcount(as.character(input$cutoff))
error <- ifelse(num.decimals <= 2, 0, 0.1^num.decimals/2)
if (input$inequality == "greater than"){
to.color <- which(names.counts >= as.numeric(input$cutoff)-error)
} else if (input$inequality == "less than"){
to.color <- which(names.counts <= as.numeric(input$cutoff)+error)
} else{
to.color <- c(which(names.counts <= -1*abs(as.numeric(input$cutoff))+error),
which(names.counts >= abs(as.numeric(input$cutoff))-error))
} else {
to.color <- NA
fill.color <- rep(values$hist.fill.color, length(names.counts))
fill.color[to.color] <- values$cutoff.color
# the histogram is plotted
myplot <- ggplot(df, aes(x=x)) +
geom_histogram(binwidth = max(diff(unique.vals)), fill = fill.color,
col = values$hist.outline.color) +
labs(x = "Shuffled Difference in Proportions", y = "Count") +
scale_x_continuous(limits = c(-values$x.lim, values$x.lim)) +
plaintheme + axistheme
# calculate the observed difference when checkbox is TRUE
output$Observed.Diff <- renderText({
if (input$Show.Observed){
DF <- data()
values$observed = values$table[1, 1]/values$table[1, 3] - values$table[2, 1]/values$table[2, 3]
paste("Observed Difference:", round(values$observed, 6))
# text for sample counts
output$count.samples <- renderText({
"Count Samples"
# output for counts when cutoff is specified
output$counts <- renderText({
if (!is.null(values$prob)){
if ($prob)){
" "
} else if (!$cutoff))){
paste("<font color=", values$cutoff.color, "><b>",values$count, "/",
length(values$props), " (", round(values$prob, 4), ")",
"</b></font>", sep = "")
} else if (nchar(input$cutoff)!=0){
"<font color=\"#FF0000\"><b>Invalid Cutoff!</b></font>"
} else {
" "
# changes table if a different preset is selected
observeEvent(input$presets, {
values$props <- vector()
if (input$presets != "Custom") {
preset_index <- which(names(Presets) == input$presets)
preset <- Presets[[preset_index]]
DF <- data.frame("X1" = as.numeric(preset[1:2]),
"X2" = as.numeric(preset[3:4]))
DF[3, ] <- apply(DF, 2, sum)
DF[, 3] <- apply(DF, 1, sum)
values$table <- DF
values$table.names <- preset[5:8]
updateTextInput(session, "TL", value = values$table[1,1])
updateTextInput(session, "TR", value = values$table[1,2])
updateTextInput(session, "BL", value = values$table[2,1])
updateTextInput(session, "BR", value = values$table[2,2])
updateTextInput(session, "C1N", value = values$table.names[1])
updateTextInput(session, "C2N", value = values$table.names[2])
updateTextInput(session, "R1N", value = values$table.names[3])
updateTextInput(session, "R2N", value = values$table.names[4])
## Bookmarking ##
# to remove bookmarking, remove bookmarkButton() from the ui
# when the bookmark button is pressed, the current values of props and table are saved
onBookmark(function(state) {
state$values$props <- values$props
state$values$table <- values$table
# when opening a bookmarked page, props is restored
onRestored(function(state) {
values$props <- state$values$props
# when opening a bookmarked page, table is restored
onRestore(function(state) {
values$table <- state$values$table
shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server, options = list(height = 1080), enableBookmarking = "server")
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