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 *  User Manager
 *  Dokuwiki Admin Plugin
 *  This version of the user manager has been modified to only work with
 *  objectified version of auth system
 *  @author  neolao <>
 *  @author  Chris Smith <>
if(!defined('DOKU_INC')) define('DOKU_INC',realpath(dirname(__FILE__).'/../../../').'/');
if(!defined('DOKU_PLUGIN')) define('DOKU_PLUGIN',DOKU_INC.'lib/plugins/');
if(!defined('DOKU_PLUGIN_IMAGES')) define('DOKU_PLUGIN_IMAGES',DOKU_BASE.'lib/plugins/usermanager/images/');

 * All DokuWiki plugins to extend the admin function
 * need to inherit from this class
class admin_plugin_usermanager extends DokuWiki_Admin_Plugin {

    var $_auth = null;        // auth object
    var $_user_total = 0;     // number of registered users
    var $_filter = array();   // user selection filter(s)
    var $_start = 0;          // index of first user to be displayed
    var $_last = 0;           // index of the last user to be displayed
    var $_pagesize = 20;      // number of users to list on one page
    var $_user_edit = null;   // set to user selected for editing
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    var $_disabled = '';      // if disabled set to explanatory string
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     * Constructor
    function admin_plugin_usermanager(){
        global $auth;

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        if (!isset($auth)) { 
          $this->disabled = $this->lang['noauth'];
        } else if (!$auth->canDo('getUsers')) {
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          $this->disabled = $this->lang['notsupported'];
        } else {

          // we're good to go
          $this->_auth = & $auth;
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     * return some info
    function getInfo(){

        return array(
            'author' => 'Chris Smith',
            'email'  => '',
            'date'   => '2005-11-24',
            'name'   => 'User Manager',
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            'desc'   => 'Manage users '.$this->disabled,
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            'url'    => '',
     * return prompt for admin menu
    function getMenuText($language) {

        if (!is_null($this->_auth)) 
          return parent::getMenuText($language);

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        return $this->getLang["menu"].' '.$this->disabled;
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     * return sort order for position in admin menu
    function getMenuSort() {
        return 2;
     * handle user request
    function handle() {
        global $ID;

        if (is_null($this->_auth)) return false;

        // extract the command and any specific parameters
        // submit button name is of the form - fn[cmd][param(s)]
        $fn   = $_REQUEST['fn'];

        if (is_array($fn)) {
            $cmd = key($fn);
            $param = is_array($fn[$cmd]) ? key($fn[$cmd]) : null;
        } else {
            $cmd = $fn;
            $param = null;

        if ($cmd != "search") {
          if (!empty($_REQUEST['start']))
            $this->_start = $_REQUEST['start'];
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          $this->_filter = $this->_retrieveFilter();

          case "add"    : $this->_addUser(); break;
          case "delete" : $this->_deleteUser(); break;
          case "modify" : $this->_modifyUser(); break;
          case "edit"   : $this->_edit_user = $param; break;     // no extra handling required - only html
          case "search" : $this->_setFilter($param);
                          $this->_start = 0;
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        $this->_user_total = $this->_auth->canDo('getUserCount') ? $this->_auth->getUserCount($this->_filter) : -1;
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        // page handling
          case 'start' : $this->_start = 0; break;
          case 'prev'  : $this->_start -= $this->_pagesize; break;
          case 'next'  : $this->_start += $this->_pagesize; break;
          case 'last'  : $this->_start = $this->_user_total; break;

     * output appropriate html
    function html() {
        global $ID;

        if(is_null($this->_auth)) {
            print $this->lang['badauth'];
            return false;

        $user_list = $this->_auth->retrieveUsers($this->_start, $this->_pagesize, $this->_filter);
        $users = array_keys($user_list);

        $page_buttons = $this->_pagination();
        $delete_disable = $this->_auth->canDo('delUser') ? '' : 'disabled="disabled"';
        if ($this->_auth->canDo('UserMod')) {
            $edit_disable = '';
            $img_useredit = 'user_edit.png';
        } else {
            $edit_disable = 'disabled="disabled"';
            $img_useredit = 'no_user_edit.png';
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        print $this->locale_xhtml('intro');
        print $this->locale_xhtml('list');

        ptln("<div class=\"level2\" style=\"margin-bottom: 2em;\">");
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        } else {
        ptln("<form action=\"".wl($ID)."\" method=\"post\">");
        ptln("  <table class=\"inline\">");
        ptln("    <thead>");
        ptln("      <tr>");
        ptln("        <th colspan=\"2\">&nbsp;</th><th>".$this->lang["user_id"]."</th><th>".$this->lang["user_name"]."</th><th>".$this->lang["user_mail"]."</th><th>".$this->lang["user_groups"]."</th>");
        ptln("      </tr>");

        ptln("      <tr>");
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        ptln("        <td colspan=\"2\" style=\"vertical-align:middle; text-align:right;\"><input type=\"image\" src=\"".DOKU_PLUGIN_IMAGES."search.png\" name=\"fn[search][new]\" title=\"".$this->lang['search_prompt']."\" alt=\"".$this->lang['search']."\" /></td>");
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        ptln("        <td><input type=\"text\" name=\"userid\" value=\"".$this->_htmlFilter('user')."\" /></td>");
        ptln("        <td><input type=\"text\" name=\"username\" value=\"".$this->_htmlFilter('name')."\" /></td>");
        ptln("        <td><input type=\"text\" name=\"usermail\" value=\"".$this->_htmlFilter('mail')."\" /></td>");
        ptln("        <td><input type=\"text\" name=\"usergroups\" value=\"".$this->_htmlFilter('grps')."\" /></td>");
        ptln("      </tr>");
        ptln("    </thead>");

        if ($this->_user_total) {
          ptln("    <tbody>");
          foreach ($user_list as $user => $userinfo) {
            $groups = join(', ',$grps);
            ptln("    <tr valign=\"top\" align=\"left\">");
            ptln("      <td class=\"centeralign\"><input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"delete[".$user."]\" ".$delete_disable." /></td>");
            ptln("      <td class=\"centeralign\"><input type=\"image\" name=\"fn[edit][".$user."]\" ".$edit_disable." src=\"".DOKU_PLUGIN_IMAGES.$img_useredit."\" title=\"".$this->lang['edit_prompt']."\" alt=\"".$this->lang['edit']."\"/></td>");
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            ptln("      <td>".hsc($user)."</td><td>".hsc($name)."</td><td>".hsc($mail)."</td><td>".hsc($groups)."</td>");
            ptln("    </tr>");
          ptln("    </tbody>");

        ptln("    <tbody>");
        ptln("      <tr><td colspan=\"6\" style=\"text-align:center\">");
        ptln("        <span style=\"float:left\">");
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        ptln("          <input type=\"submit\" name=\"fn[delete]\" ".$delete_disable." value=\"".$this->lang['delete_selected']."\" id=\"usrmgr__del\" />");
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        ptln("        </span>");
        ptln("        <span style=\"float:right\">");
        ptln("          <input type=\"submit\" name=\"fn[start]\" ".$page_buttons['start']." value=\"".$this->lang['start']."\" />");
        ptln("          <input type=\"submit\" name=\"fn[prev]\" ".$page_buttons['prev']." value=\"".$this->lang['prev']."\" />");
        ptln("          <input type=\"submit\" name=\"fn[next]\" ".$page_buttons['next']." value=\"".$this->lang['next']."\" />");
        ptln("          <input type=\"submit\" name=\"fn[last]\" ".$page_buttons['last']." value=\"".$this->lang['last']."\" />");
        ptln("        </span>");
        ptln("        <input type=\"submit\" name=\"fn[search][clear]\" value=\"".$this->lang['clear']."\" />");
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        ptln("        <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"do\"    value=\"admin\" />");
        ptln("        <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"page\"  value=\"usermanager\" />");
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        ptln("      </td></tr>");
        ptln("    </tbody>");
        ptln("  </table>");



        $style = $this->_edit_user ? " style=\"width: 46%; float: left;\"" : "";

        if ($this->_auth->canDo('addUser')) {
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          print $this->locale_xhtml('add');
          ptln("  <div class=\"level2\">");


          ptln("  </div>");

        if($this->_edit_user  && $this->_auth->canDo('UserMod')){
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          ptln("<div".$style." id=\"scroll__here\">");
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          print $this->locale_xhtml('edit');
          ptln("  <div class=\"level2\">");


          ptln("  </div>");

     * @todo disable fields which the backend can't change
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    function _htmlUserForm($cmd,$user=null,$indent=0) {

        if ($user) {
          $groups = join(',',$grps);
        } else {
          $user = $name = $mail = $groups = '';

        ptln("<form action=\"".wl($ID)."\" method=\"post\">",$indent);
        ptln("  <table class=\"inline\">",$indent);
        ptln("    <thead>",$indent);
        ptln("      <tr><th>".$this->lang["field"]."</th><th>".$this->lang["value"]."</th></tr>",$indent);
        ptln("    </thead>",$indent);
        ptln("    <tbody>",$indent);

        $this->_htmlInputField($cmd."_userid",    "userid",    $this->lang["user_id"],    $user,  $this->_auth->canDo("modLogin"), $indent+6);
        $this->_htmlInputField($cmd."_userpass",  "userpass",  $this->lang["user_pass"],  "",     $this->_auth->canDo("modPass"),  $indent+6);
        $this->_htmlInputField($cmd."_username",  "username",  $this->lang["user_name"],  $name,  $this->_auth->canDo("modName"),  $indent+6);
        $this->_htmlInputField($cmd."_usermail",  "usermail",  $this->lang["user_mail"],  $mail,  $this->_auth->canDo("modMail"),  $indent+6);

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        ptln("    </tbody>",$indent);
        ptln("    <tbody>",$indent);
        ptln("      <tr>",$indent);
        ptln("        <td colspan=\"2\">",$indent);
        ptln("          <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"do\"    value=\"admin\" />",$indent);
        ptln("          <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"page\"  value=\"usermanager\" />",$indent);

        // save current $user, we need this to access details if the name is changed
        if ($user)
          ptln("          <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"userid_old\"  value=\"".$user."\" />",$indent);

        ptln("          <input type=\"submit\" name=\"fn[".$cmd."]\" value=\"".$this->lang[$cmd]."\" />",$indent);
        ptln("        </td>",$indent);
        ptln("      </tr>",$indent);
        ptln("    </tbody>",$indent);
        ptln("  </table>",$indent);
    function _htmlInputField($id, $name, $label, $value, $cando, $indent=0) {
        $disabled = $cando ? "" : " disabled=\"disabled\"";
        $class = $cando ? "" : " class=\"disabled\"";
        ptln("<tr".$class."><td><label for=\"".$id."\" >".$label." : </label></td><td><input type=\"text\" id=\"".$id."\" name=\"".$name."\" value=\"".$value."\"".$disabled." /></td></tr>",$indent);
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    function _htmlFilter($key) {
        if (empty($this->_filter)) return '';
        return (isset($this->_filter[$key]) ? hsc($this->_filter[$key]) : '');

    function _htmlFilterSettings($indent=0) {

        ptln("<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"start\" value=\"".$this->_start."\" />",$indent);

        foreach ($this->_filter as $key => $filter) {
          ptln("<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"filter[".$key."]\" value=\"".hsc($filter)."\" />",$indent);

    function _addUser(){
        if (!$this->_auth->canDo('addUser')) return false;
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        list($user,$pass,$name,$mail,$grps) = $this->_retrieveUser();
        if (empty($user)) return false;

        return $this->_auth->createUser($user,$pass,$name,$mail,$grps);

     * Delete user
    function _deleteUser(){

        if (!$this->_auth->canDo('delUser')) return false;
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        $selected = $_REQUEST['delete'];
        if (!is_array($selected) || empty($selected)) return false;
        $selected = array_keys($selected);

        $count = $this->_auth->deleteUsers($selected);
        if ($count == count($selected)) {
          $text = str_replace('%d', $count, $this->lang['delete_ok']);
          msg("$text.", 1);
        } else {
          $part1 = str_replace('%d', $count, $this->lang['delete_ok']);
          $part2 = str_replace('%d', (count($selected)-$count), $this->lang['delete_fail']);
          msg("$part1, $part2",-1);

     * Modify user
    function _modifyUser(){
        if (!$this->_auth->canDo('UserMod')) return false;
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        // get currently valid  user data
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        $olduser = cleanID(preg_replace('/.*:/','',$_REQUEST['userid_old']));
        $oldinfo = $this->_auth->getUserData($olduser);
        // get new user data subject to change
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        list($newuser,$newpass,$newname,$newmail,$newgrps) = $this->_retrieveUser();
        if (empty($newuser)) return false;
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        $changes = array();
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        if ($newuser != $olduser) {
          if (!$this->_auth->canDo('modLogin')) {        // sanity check, shouldn't be possible
            return false;

          // check if $newuser already exists
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          if ($this->_auth->getUserData($newuser)) {
            $this->_edit_user = $olduser;
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          } else {
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            $changes['user'] = $newuser;
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        if (!empty($newpass) && $this->_auth->canDo('modPass')) 
          $changes['pass'] = $newpass;
        if (!empty($newname) && $this->_auth->canDo('modName') && $newname != $oldinfo['name'])
          $changes['name'] = $newname;
        if (!empty($newmail) && $this->_auth->canDo('modMail') && $newmail != $oldinfo['mail'])
          $changes['mail'] = $newmail;
        if (!empty($newgrps) && $this->_auth->canDo('modGroups') && $newgrps != $oldinfo['grps'])
          $changes['grps'] = $newgrps;
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    if ($this->_auth->modifyUser($olduser, $changes)) {
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        } else {

     * retrieve & clean user data from the form
     * return an array(user, password, full name, email, array(groups))
    function _retrieveUser($clean=true) {
        $user[0] = ($clean) ? cleanID(preg_replace('/.*:/','',$_REQUEST['userid'])) : $_REQUEST['userid'];
        $user[1] = $_REQUEST['userpass'];
        $user[2] = $_REQUEST['username'];
        $user[3] = $_REQUEST['usermail'];
        $user[4] = preg_split('/\s*,\s*/',$_REQUEST['usergroups'],-1,PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);

        if (is_array($user[4]) && (count($user[4]) == 1) && (trim($user[4][0]) == '')) {
            $user[4] = null;

        return $user;

    function _setFilter($op) {

        $this->_filter = array();

        if ($op == 'new') {
          list($user,$pass,$name,$mail,$grps) = $this->_retrieveUser(false);

          if (!empty($user)) $this->_filter['user'] = $user;
          if (!empty($name)) $this->_filter['name'] = $name;
          if (!empty($mail)) $this->_filter['mail'] = $mail;
          if (!empty($grps)) $this->_filter['grps'] = join('|',$grps);

    function _retrieveFilter() {

        $t_filter = $_REQUEST['filter'];
        if (!is_array($t_filter)) return array();

        // messy, but this way we ensure we aren't getting any additional crap from malicious users
        $filter = array();

        if (isset($t_filter['user'])) $filter['user'] = $t_filter['user'];
        if (isset($t_filter['name'])) $filter['name'] = $t_filter['name'];
        if (isset($t_filter['mail'])) $filter['mail'] = $t_filter['mail'];
        if (isset($t_filter['grps'])) $filter['grps'] = $t_filter['grps'];

        return $filter;

    function _validatePagination() {

        if ($this->_start >= $this->_user_total) {
          $this->_start = $this->_user_total - $this->_pagesize;
        if ($this->_start < 0) $this->_start = 0;

        $this->_last = min($this->_user_total, $this->_start + $this->_pagesize);

     *  return an array of strings to enable/disable pagination buttons
    function _pagination() {

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        $disabled = 'disabled="disabled"';

        $buttons['start'] = $buttons['prev'] = ($this->_start == 0) ? $disabled : '';

        if ($this->_user_total == -1) {
          $buttons['last'] = $disabled;
          $buttons['next'] = '';
        } else {
          $buttons['last'] = $buttons['next'] = (($this->_start + $this->_pagesize) >= $this->_user_total) ? $disabled : '';
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        return $buttons;