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  • gweissbach's avatar
    fetch.php file not existing and devision by zero · 09a5b61f
    gweissbach authored
    If the cache file does not exist after it should have been generated via an action
    plugin or via resizing filemtime fails with a file not found. This has to be fixed
    by @filemtime.
    Another fix is the check for the $INFO before resizing an image in get_resized.
    get_croped has already been fixed
    fetch.php file not existing and devision by zero
    gweissbach authored
    If the cache file does not exist after it should have been generated via an action
    plugin or via resizing filemtime fails with a file not found. This has to be fixed
    by @filemtime.
    Another fix is the check for the $INFO before resizing an image in get_resized.
    get_croped has already been fixed
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fetch.php 15.48 KiB
 * DokuWiki media passthrough file
 * @license    GPL 2 (
 * @author     Andreas Gohr <>

  if(!defined('DOKU_INC')) define('DOKU_INC',dirname(__FILE__).'/../../');
  //close sesseion
  if(!defined('CHUNK_SIZE')) define('CHUNK_SIZE',16*1024);

  $mimetypes = getMimeTypes();

  //get input
  $MEDIA  = stripctl(getID('media',false)); // no cleaning except control chars - maybe external
  $CACHE  = calc_cache($_REQUEST['cache']);
  $WIDTH  = (int) $_REQUEST['w'];
  $HEIGHT = (int) $_REQUEST['h'];
  list($EXT,$MIME) = mimetype($MEDIA);
  if($EXT === false){
    $EXT  = 'unknown';
    $MIME = 'application/octet-stream';

  //media to local file
    //handle external images
    if(strncmp($MIME,'image/',6) == 0) $FILE = get_from_URL($MEDIA,$EXT,$CACHE);
      //download failed - redirect to original URL
      header('Location: '.$MEDIA);
    $MEDIA = cleanID($MEDIA);
      header("HTTP/1.0 400 Bad Request");
      print 'Bad request';

    //check permissions (namespace only)
    if(auth_quickaclcheck(getNS($MEDIA).':X') < AUTH_READ){
      header("HTTP/1.0 401 Unauthorized");
      //fixme add some image for imagefiles
      print 'Unauthorized';
    $FILE  = mediaFN($MEDIA);

  //check file existance
    header("HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found");
    //FIXME add some default broken image
    print 'Not Found';

  $ORIG = $FILE;

  //handle image resizing/cropping
  if((substr($MIME,0,5) == 'image') && $WIDTH){
        $FILE = get_cropped($FILE,$EXT,$WIDTH,$HEIGHT);
        $FILE = get_resized($FILE,$EXT,$WIDTH,$HEIGHT);

  // finally send the file to the client
  $data = array('file'   => $FILE,
                'mime'   => $MIME,
                'cache'  => $CACHE,
                'orig'   => $ORIG,
                'ext'    => $EXT,
                'width'  => $WIDTH,
                'height' => $HEIGHT);

  $evt = new Doku_Event('MEDIA_SENDFILE', $data);
  if ($evt->advise_before()) {

/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */

 * Set headers and send the file to the client
 * @author Andreas Gohr <>
 * @author Ben Coburn <>
function sendFile($file,$mime,$cache){
  global $conf;
  $fmtime = @filemtime($file);
  // send headers
  header("Content-Type: $mime");
  // smart http caching headers
  if ($cache==-1) {
    // cache
    // cachetime or one hour
    header('Expires: '.gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s", time()+max($conf['cachetime'], 3600)).' GMT');
    header('Cache-Control: public, proxy-revalidate, no-transform, max-age='.max($conf['cachetime'], 3600));
    header('Pragma: public');
  } else if ($cache>0) {
    // recache
    // remaining cachetime + 10 seconds so the newly recached media is used
    header('Expires: '.gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s", $fmtime+$conf['cachetime']+10).' GMT');
    header('Cache-Control: public, proxy-revalidate, no-transform, max-age='.max($fmtime-time()+$conf['cachetime']+10, 0));
    header('Pragma: public');
  } else if ($cache==0) {
    // nocache
    header('Cache-Control: must-revalidate, no-transform, post-check=0, pre-check=0');
    header('Pragma: public');
  //send important headers first, script stops here if '304 Not Modified' response

  //application mime type is downloadable
  if(substr($mime,0,11) == 'application'){
    header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="'.basename($file).'";');

  //use x-sendfile header to pass the delivery to compatible webservers
  if($conf['xsendfile'] == 1){
    header("X-LIGHTTPD-send-file: $file");
  }elseif($conf['xsendfile'] == 2){
    header("X-Sendfile: $file");
  }elseif($conf['xsendfile'] == 3){
    header("X-Accel-Redirect: $file");

  //support download continueing
  header('Accept-Ranges: bytes');
  list($start,$len) = http_rangeRequest(filesize($file));

  // send file contents
  $fp = @fopen($file,"rb");
    fseek($fp,$start); //seek to start of range

    $chunk = ($len > CHUNK_SIZE) ? CHUNK_SIZE : $len;
    while (!feof($fp) && $chunk > 0) {
      @set_time_limit(30); // large files can take a lot of time
      print fread($fp, $chunk);
      $len -= $chunk;
      $chunk = ($len > CHUNK_SIZE) ? CHUNK_SIZE : $len;
    header("HTTP/1.0 500 Internal Server Error");
    print "Could not read $file - bad permissions?";

 * Checks and sets headers to handle range requets
 * @author  Andreas Gohr <>
 * @returns array The start byte and the amount of bytes to send
function http_rangeRequest($size){
    // no range requested - send the whole file
    header("Content-Length: $size");
    return array(0,$size);

  $t = explode('=', $_SERVER['HTTP_RANGE']);
  if (!$t[0]=='bytes') {
    // we only understand byte ranges - send the whole file
    header("Content-Length: $size");
    return array(0,$size);

  $r = explode('-', $t[1]);
  $start = (int)$r[0];
  $end = (int)$r[1];
  if (!$end) $end = $size - 1;
  if ($start > $end || $start > $size || $end > $size){
    header('HTTP/1.1 416 Requested Range Not Satisfiable');
    print 'Bad Range Request!';

  $tot = $end - $start + 1;
  header('HTTP/1.1 206 Partial Content');
  header("Content-Range: bytes {$start}-{$end}/{$size}");
  header("Content-Length: $tot");

  return array($start,$tot);

 * Resizes the given image to the given size
 * @author  Andreas Gohr <>
function get_resized($file, $ext, $w, $h=0){
  global $conf;

  $info = @getimagesize($file); //get original size
  if($info == false) return $file; // that's no image - it's a spaceship!

  if(!$h) $h = round(($w * $info[1]) / $info[0]);

  // we wont scale up to infinity
  if($w > 2000 || $h > 2000) return $file;

  $local = getCacheName($file,'.media.'.$w.'x'.$h.'.'.$ext);
  $mtime = @filemtime($local); // 0 if not exists

  if( $mtime > filemtime($file) ||
      resize_imageIM($ext,$file,$info[0],$info[1],$local,$w,$h) ||
      resize_imageGD($ext,$file,$info[0],$info[1],$local,$w,$h) ){
    if($conf['fperm']) chmod($local, $conf['fperm']);
    return $local;
  //still here? resizing failed
  return $file;

 * Crops the given image to the wanted ratio, then calls get_resized to scale it
 * to the wanted size
 * Crops are centered horizontally but prefer the upper third of an vertical
 * image because most pics are more interesting in that area (rule of thirds)
 * @author  Andreas Gohr <>
function get_cropped($file, $ext, $w, $h=0){
  global $conf;

  if(!$h) $h = $w;
  $info = @getimagesize($file); //get original size
  if($info == false) return $file; // that's no image - it's a spaceship!

  // calculate crop size
  $fr = $info[0]/$info[1];
  $tr = $w/$h;
  if($tr >= 1){
    if($tr > $fr){
        $cw = $info[0];
        $ch = (int) $info[0]/$tr;
        $cw = (int) $info[1]*$tr;
        $ch = $info[1];
    if($tr < $fr){
        $cw = (int) $info[1]*$tr;
        $ch = $info[1];
        $cw = $info[0];
        $ch = (int) $info[0]/$tr;
  // calculate crop offset
  $cx = (int) ($info[0]-$cw)/2;
  $cy = (int) ($info[1]-$ch)/3;

  $local = getCacheName($file,'.media.'.$cw.'x'.$ch.'.crop.'.$ext);
  $mtime = @filemtime($local); // 0 if not exists
  if( $mtime > filemtime($file) ||
      crop_imageIM($ext,$file,$info[0],$info[1],$local,$cw,$ch,$cx,$cy) ||
      resize_imageGD($ext,$file,$cw,$ch,$local,$cw,$ch,$cx,$cy) ){
    if($conf['fperm']) chmod($local, $conf['fperm']);
    return get_resized($local,$ext, $w, $h);

  //still here? cropping failed
  return get_resized($file,$ext, $w, $h);

 * Returns the wanted cachetime in seconds
 * Resolves named constants
 * @author  Andreas Gohr <>
function calc_cache($cache){
  global $conf;

  if(strtolower($cache) == 'nocache') return 0; //never cache
  if(strtolower($cache) == 'recache') return $conf['cachetime']; //use standard cache
  return -1; //cache endless

 * Download a remote file and return local filename
 * returns false if download fails. Uses cached file if available and
 * wanted
 * @author  Andreas Gohr <>
 * @author  Pavel Vitis <>
function get_from_URL($url,$ext,$cache){
  global $conf;

  // if no cache or fetchsize just redirect
  if ($cache==0)           return false;
  if (!$conf['fetchsize']) return false;

  $local = getCacheName(strtolower($url),".media.$ext");
  $mtime = @filemtime($local); // 0 if not exists

  //decide if download needed:
  if( ($mtime == 0) ||                           // cache does not exist
      ($cache != -1 && $mtime < time()-$cache)   // 'recache' and cache has expired
        return $local;
        return false;

  //if cache exists use it else
  if($mtime) return $local;

  //else return false
  return false;

 * Download image files
 * @author Andreas Gohr <>
function image_download($url,$file){
  global $conf;
  $http = new DokuHTTPClient();
  $http->max_bodysize = $conf['fetchsize'];
  $http->timeout = 25; //max. 25 sec
  $http->header_regexp = '!\r\nContent-Type: image/(jpe?g|gif|png)!i';

  $data = $http->get($url);
  if(!$data) return false;

  $fileexists = @file_exists($file);
  $fp = @fopen($file,"w");
  if(!$fp) return false;
  if(!$fileexists and $conf['fperm']) chmod($file, $conf['fperm']);

  // check if it is really an image
  $info = @getimagesize($file);
    return false;

  return true;

 * resize images using external ImageMagick convert program
 * @author Pavel Vitis <>
 * @author Andreas Gohr <>
function resize_imageIM($ext,$from,$from_w,$from_h,$to,$to_w,$to_h){
  global $conf;

  // check if convert is configured
  if(!$conf['im_convert']) return false;

  // prepare command
  $cmd  = $conf['im_convert'];
  $cmd .= ' -resize '.$to_w.'x'.$to_h.'!';
  if ($ext == 'jpg' || $ext == 'jpeg') {
      $cmd .= ' -quality '.$conf['jpg_quality'];
  $cmd .= " $from $to";

  if ($retval == 0) return true;
  return false;

 * crop images using external ImageMagick convert program
 * @author Andreas Gohr <>
function crop_imageIM($ext,$from,$from_w,$from_h,$to,$to_w,$to_h,$ofs_x,$ofs_y){
  global $conf;

  // check if convert is configured
  if(!$conf['im_convert']) return false;

  // prepare command
  $cmd  = $conf['im_convert'];
  $cmd .= ' -crop '.$to_w.'x'.$to_h.'+'.$ofs_x.'+'.$ofs_y;
  if ($ext == 'jpg' || $ext == 'jpeg') {
      $cmd .= ' -quality '.$conf['jpg_quality'];
  $cmd .= " $from $to";
  if ($retval == 0) return true;
  return false;

 * resize or crop images using PHP's libGD support
 * @author Andreas Gohr <>
 * @author Sebastian Wienecke <>
function resize_imageGD($ext,$from,$from_w,$from_h,$to,$to_w,$to_h,$ofs_x=0,$ofs_y=0){
  global $conf;

  if($conf['gdlib'] < 1) return false; //no GDlib available or wanted

  // check available memory
  if(!is_mem_available(($from_w * $from_h * 4) + ($to_w * $to_h * 4))){
    return false;

  // create an image of the given filetype
  if ($ext == 'jpg' || $ext == 'jpeg'){
    if(!function_exists("imagecreatefromjpeg")) return false;
    $image = @imagecreatefromjpeg($from);
  }elseif($ext == 'png') {
    if(!function_exists("imagecreatefrompng")) return false;
    $image = @imagecreatefrompng($from);

  }elseif($ext == 'gif') {
    if(!function_exists("imagecreatefromgif")) return false;
    $image = @imagecreatefromgif($from);
  if(!$image) return false;

  if(($conf['gdlib']>1) && function_exists("imagecreatetruecolor") && $ext != 'gif'){
    $newimg = @imagecreatetruecolor ($to_w, $to_h);
  if(!$newimg) $newimg = @imagecreate($to_w, $to_h);
    return false;

  //keep png alpha channel if possible
  if($ext == 'png' && $conf['gdlib']>1 && function_exists('imagesavealpha')){
    imagealphablending($newimg, false);

  //keep gif transparent color if possible
  if($ext == 'gif' && function_exists('imagefill') && function_exists('imagecolorallocate')) {
    if(function_exists('imagecolorsforindex') && function_exists('imagecolortransparent')) {
      $transcolorindex = @imagecolortransparent($image);
      if($transcolorindex >= 0 ) { //transparent color exists
        $transcolor = @imagecolorsforindex($image, $transcolorindex);
        $transcolorindex = @imagecolorallocate($newimg, $transcolor['red'], $transcolor['green'], $transcolor['blue']);
        @imagefill($newimg, 0, 0, $transcolorindex);
        @imagecolortransparent($newimg, $transcolorindex);
      }else{ //filling with white
        $whitecolorindex = @imagecolorallocate($newimg, 255, 255, 255);
        @imagefill($newimg, 0, 0, $whitecolorindex);
    }else{ //filling with white
      $whitecolorindex = @imagecolorallocate($newimg, 255, 255, 255);
      @imagefill($newimg, 0, 0, $whitecolorindex);

  //try resampling first
    if(!@imagecopyresampled($newimg, $image, 0, 0, $ofs_x, $ofs_y, $to_w, $to_h, $from_w, $from_h)) {
      imagecopyresized($newimg, $image, 0, 0, $ofs_x, $ofs_y, $to_w, $to_h, $from_w, $from_h);
    imagecopyresized($newimg, $image, 0, 0, $ofs_x, $ofs_y, $to_w, $to_h, $from_w, $from_h);

  $okay = false;
  if ($ext == 'jpg' || $ext == 'jpeg'){
      $okay = false;
      $okay = imagejpeg($newimg, $to, $conf['jpg_quality']);
  }elseif($ext == 'png') {
      $okay = false;
      $okay =  imagepng($newimg, $to);
  }elseif($ext == 'gif') {
      $okay = false;
      $okay = imagegif($newimg, $to);

  // destroy GD image ressources
  if($image) imagedestroy($image);
  if($newimg) imagedestroy($newimg);

  return $okay;

 * Checks if the given amount of memory is available
 * If the memory_get_usage() function is not available the
 * function just assumes $bytes of already allocated memory
 * @param  int $mem  Size of memory you want to allocate in bytes
 * @param  int $used already allocated memory (see above)
 * @author Filip Oscadal <>
 * @author Andreas Gohr <>
function is_mem_available($mem,$bytes=1048576){
  $limit = trim(ini_get('memory_limit'));
  if(empty($limit)) return true; // no limit set!

  // parse limit to bytes
  $limit = php_to_byte($limit);

  // get used memory if possible
    $used = memory_get_usage();

  if($used+$mem > $limit){
    return false;

  return true;

//Setup VIM: ex: et ts=2 enc=utf-8 :