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  • Chris Smith's avatar
    Major rework of pluginutils · 10e43949
    Chris Smith authored
    This patch completely reworks pluginutils to:
    - reduce the number of file accesses to enumerate and load plugins
    - change the way disabled plugins are recorded.
      a disabled plugin will now have ".disabled" added to its directory name
      (this halves the number of file accesses required to enumerate installed plugins)
    - place the guts of pluginutils code inside a class, Doku_Plugin_Controller,
      the existing access routines are preserved and no changes are required.
    - add two globals, $plugin_controller_class & $plugin_controller
      this allows preload.php to define its own plugin controller class
    - update config plugin to support new plugin structure
      config plugin now issues a PLUGIN_CONFIG_PLUGINLIST event before it
      finalizes the list of plugins it will be working with.  Handlers of this
      event can remove plugins from the list.
    - update plugin manager plugin to support new plugin structure
      plugin manager now issues a PLUGIN_PLUGINMANAGER_PLUGINLIST event similarly
      to config plugin.
    - plugin manager updated to redirect after changes to plugins and to use msg()
    Finally, this patch contains a one-shot action plugin which will automatically
    convert a plugins directory from the old style disabled file to the new style.
    Note for darcs users, the new disabled format will mean a couple of old oneshot
    plugins, importoldchangelog and importoldindex, will have their directory names
    changed, which could lead to darcs wanting to record the change.
    Major rework of pluginutils
    Chris Smith authored
    This patch completely reworks pluginutils to:
    - reduce the number of file accesses to enumerate and load plugins
    - change the way disabled plugins are recorded.
      a disabled plugin will now have ".disabled" added to its directory name
      (this halves the number of file accesses required to enumerate installed plugins)
    - place the guts of pluginutils code inside a class, Doku_Plugin_Controller,
      the existing access routines are preserved and no changes are required.
    - add two globals, $plugin_controller_class & $plugin_controller
      this allows preload.php to define its own plugin controller class
    - update config plugin to support new plugin structure
      config plugin now issues a PLUGIN_CONFIG_PLUGINLIST event before it
      finalizes the list of plugins it will be working with.  Handlers of this
      event can remove plugins from the list.
    - update plugin manager plugin to support new plugin structure
      plugin manager now issues a PLUGIN_PLUGINMANAGER_PLUGINLIST event similarly
      to config plugin.
    - plugin manager updated to redirect after changes to plugins and to use msg()
    Finally, this patch contains a one-shot action plugin which will automatically
    convert a plugins directory from the old style disabled file to the new style.
    Note for darcs users, the new disabled format will mean a couple of old oneshot
    plugins, importoldchangelog and importoldindex, will have their directory names
    changed, which could lead to darcs wanting to record the change.
Code owners
Assign users and groups as approvers for specific file changes. Learn more.
pluginutils.php 5.87 KiB
 * Utilities for handling plugins
 * @license    GPL 2 (
 * @author     Andreas Gohr <>

// plugin related constants
if(!defined('DOKU_PLUGIN'))  define('DOKU_PLUGIN',DOKU_INC.'lib/plugins/');

$plugin_types = array('admin','syntax','action','renderer', 'helper');

global $plugin_controller_class, $plugin_controller;
if (empty($plugin_controller_class)) $plugin_controller_class = 'Doku_Plugin_Controller';

$plugin_controller = new $plugin_controller_class();

 * Original plugin functions, remain for backwards compatibility
function plugin_list($type='',$all=false) { global $plugin_controller; return $plugin_controller->getList($type,$all); }
function &plugin_load($type,$name,$new=false) { global $plugin_controller; return $plugin_controller->load($type,$name,$new); }
function plugin_isdisabled($plugin) { global $plugin_controller; return $plugin_controller->isdisabled($plugin); }
function plugin_enable($plugin) { global $plugin_controller; return $plugin_controller->enable($plugin); }
function plugin_disable($plugin) { global $plugin_controller; return $plugin_controller->disable($plugin); }
function plugin_directory($plugin) { global $plugin_controller; return $plugin_controller->get_directory($plugin); }

class Doku_Plugin_Controller {

  var $list_enabled = array();
  var $list_disabled = array();
  var $list_bytype = array();

  function Doku_Plugin_Controller() {

   * Returns a list of available plugins of given type
   * @param $type  string, plugin_type name;
   *               the type of plugin to return,
   *               use empty string for all types
   * @param $all   bool;
   *               false to only return enabled plugins,
   *               true to return both enabled and disabled plugins
   * @return       array of plugin names
   * @author Andreas Gohr <>
  function getList($type='',$all=false){

    // request the complete list
    if (!$type) {
      return $all ? array_merge($this->list_enabled,$this->list_disabled) : $this->list_enabled;

    if (!isset($this->list_bytype[$type]['enabled'])) {
      $this->list_bytype[$type]['enabled'] = $this->_getListByType($type,true);
    if ($all && !isset($this->list_bytype[$type]['disabled'])) {
      $this->list_bytype[$type]['disabled'] = $this->_getListByType($type,false);

    return $all ? array_merge($this->list_bytype[$type]['enabled'],$this->list_bytype[$type]['disabled']) : $this->list_bytype[$type]['enabled'];

   * Loads the given plugin and creates an object of it
   * @author Andreas Gohr <>
   * @param  $type string     type of plugin to load
   * @param  $name string     name of the plugin to load
   * @param  $new  bool       true to return a new instance of the plugin, false to use an already loaded instance
   * @return objectreference  the plugin object or null on failure
  function &load($type,$name,$new=false){
    //we keep all loaded plugins available in global scope for reuse
    global $DOKU_PLUGINS;

    //plugin already loaded?
      if ($new) {
        $class = $type.'_plugin_'.$name;
        return class_exists($class) ? new $class : null;
      } else {
        return $DOKU_PLUGINS[$type][$name];

    //try to load the wanted plugin file
    list($plugin,$component) = $this->_splitName($name);
    $dir = !$this->isdisabled($plugin) ? $plugin : $plugin.'.disabled';
    $file = $component ? "$type/$component.php" : "$type.php";

    if (!include_once(DOKU_PLUGIN."$dir/$file")) {
      return null;

    //construct class and instantiate
    $class = $type.'_plugin_'.$name;
    if (!class_exists($class)) return null;

    $DOKU_PLUGINS[$type][$name] = new $class;
    return $DOKU_PLUGINS[$type][$name];

  function isdisabled($plugin) {
    return (array_search($plugin, $this->list_enabled) === false);

  function enable($plugin) {
    if (array_search($plugin, $this->list_disabled) !== false) {
      return @rename(DOKU_PLUGIN.$plugin.'.disabled',DOKU_PLUGIN.$plugin);
    return false;

  function disable($plugin) {
   if (array_search($plugin, $this->list_enabled) !== false) {
      return @rename(DOKU_PLUGIN.$plugin,DOKU_PLUGIN.$plugin.'.disabled');
    return false;

  function get_directory($plugin) {
    return $this->isdisabled($plugin) ? $plugin.'.disabled' : $plugin;

  function _populateMasterList() {
    if ($dh = opendir(DOKU_PLUGIN)) {
      while (false !== ($plugin = readdir($dh))) {
        if ($plugin == '.' || $plugin == '..' || $plugin == 'tmp') continue;
        if (is_file(DOKU_PLUGIN.$plugin)) continue;

        if (substr($plugin,-9) == '.disabled') {
          $this->list_disabled[] = substr($plugin,0,-9);
        } else {
          $this->list_enabled[] = $plugin;

  function _getListByType($type, $enabled) {
    $master_list = $enabled ? $this->list_enabled : $this->list_disabled;

    $plugins = array();
    foreach ($master_list as $plugin) {
      $dir = $enabled ? $plugin : $plugin.'.disabled';

      if (@file_exists(DOKU_PLUGIN."$dir/$type.php")){
        $plugins[] = $plugin;
      } else {
        if ($dp = @opendir(DOKU_PLUGIN."$dir/$type/")) {
          while (false !== ($component = readdir($dp))) {
            if (substr($component,0,1) == '.' || strtolower(substr($component, -4)) != ".php") continue;
            if (is_file(DOKU_PLUGIN."$dir/$type/$component")) {
                $plugins[] = $plugin.'_'.substr($component, 0, -4);

    return $plugins;

  function _splitName($name) {
    if (array_search($name, $this->list_enabled + $this->list_disabled) === false) {
      return explode('_',$name,2);

    return array($name,'');
