Michael Hamann authored
The debug log isn't automatically cleaned so don't write to it when debugging is disabled and thus nobody is aware that debug output might be generated.
Michael Hamann authoredThe debug log isn't automatically cleaned so don't write to it when debugging is disabled and thus nobody is aware that debug output might be generated.
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infoutils.php 11.21 KiB
* Information and debugging functions
* @license GPL 2 (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html)
* @author Andreas Gohr <andi@splitbrain.org>
if(!defined('DOKU_INC')) die('meh.');
if(!defined('DOKU_MESSAGEURL')) define('DOKU_MESSAGEURL','http://update.dokuwiki.org/check/');
* Check for new messages from upstream
* @author Andreas Gohr <andi@splitbrain.org>
function checkUpdateMessages(){
global $conf;
global $INFO;
global $updateVersion;
if(!$conf['updatecheck']) return;
if($conf['useacl'] && !$INFO['ismanager']) return;
$cf = $conf['cachedir'].'/messages.txt';
$lm = @filemtime($cf);
// check if new messages needs to be fetched
if($lm < time()-(60*60*24) || $lm < @filemtime(DOKU_INC.'doku.php')){
$http = new DokuHTTPClient();
$http->timeout = 8;
$data = $http->get(DOKU_MESSAGEURL.$updateVersion);
$data = io_readFile($cf);
// show messages through the usual message mechanism
$msgs = explode("\n%\n",$data);
foreach($msgs as $msg){
if($msg) msg($msg,2);
* Return DokuWiki's version (split up in date and type)
* @author Andreas Gohr <andi@splitbrain.org>
function getVersionData(){
$version = array();
//import version string
//official release
$version['date'] = trim(io_readfile(DOKU_INC.'VERSION'));
$version['type'] = 'Release';
$version['type'] = 'Git';
$version['date'] = 'unknown';
$inventory = DOKU_INC.'.git/logs/HEAD';
$sz = filesize($inventory);
$seek = max(0,$sz-2000); // read from back of the file
$fh = fopen($inventory,'rb');
$chunk = fread($fh,2000);
$chunk = trim($chunk);
$chunk = array_pop(explode("\n",$chunk)); //last log line
$chunk = array_shift(explode("\t",$chunk)); //strip commit msg
$chunk = explode(" ",$chunk);
array_pop($chunk); //strip timezone
$date = date('Y-m-d',array_pop($chunk));
if($date) $version['date'] = $date;
$version['date'] = 'unknown';
$version['type'] = 'snapshot?';
return $version;
* Return DokuWiki's version (as a string)
* @author Anika Henke <anika@selfthinker.org>
function getVersion(){
$version = getVersionData();
return $version['type'].' '.$version['date'];
* Run a few sanity checks
* @author Andreas Gohr <andi@splitbrain.org>
function check(){
global $conf;
global $INFO;
if ($INFO['isadmin'] || $INFO['ismanager']){
msg('DokuWiki version: '.getVersion(),1);
msg('Your PHP version is too old ('.phpversion().' vs. 5.1.2+ needed)',-1);
msg('PHP version '.phpversion(),1);
$mem = (int) php_to_byte(ini_get('memory_limit'));
if($mem < 16777216){
msg('PHP is limited to less than 16MB RAM ('.$mem.' bytes). Increase memory_limit in php.ini',-1);
}elseif($mem < 20971520){
msg('PHP is limited to less than 20MB RAM ('.$mem.' bytes), you might encounter problems with bigger pages. Increase memory_limit in php.ini',-1);
}elseif($mem < 33554432){
msg('PHP is limited to less than 32MB RAM ('.$mem.' bytes), but that should be enough in most cases. If not, increase memory_limit in php.ini',0);
msg('More than 32MB RAM ('.$mem.' bytes) available.',1);
msg('Changelog is writable',1);
if (@file_exists($conf['changelog'])) {
msg('Changelog is not writable',-1);
if (isset($conf['changelog_old']) && @file_exists($conf['changelog_old'])) {
msg('Old changelog exists', 0);
if (@file_exists($conf['changelog'].'_failed')) {
msg('Importing old changelog failed', -1);
} else if (@file_exists($conf['changelog'].'_importing')) {
msg('Importing old changelog now.', 0);
} else if (@file_exists($conf['changelog'].'_import_ok')) {
msg('Old changelog imported', 1);
if (!plugin_isdisabled('importoldchangelog')) {
msg('Importoldchangelog plugin not disabled after import', -1);
msg('Datadir is writable',1);
msg('Datadir is not writable',-1);
msg('Attic is writable',1);
msg('Attic is not writable',-1);
msg('Mediadir is writable',1);
msg('Mediadir is not writable',-1);
msg('Cachedir is writable',1);
msg('Cachedir is not writable',-1);
msg('Lockdir is writable',1);
msg('Lockdir is not writable',-1);
if($conf['authtype'] == 'plain'){
msg('conf/users.auth.php is writable',1);
msg('conf/users.auth.php is not writable',0);
msg('mb_string extension is available but will not be used',0);
msg('mb_string extension is available and will be used',1);
if(ini_get('mbstring.func_overload') != 0){
msg('mb_string function overloading is enabled, this will cause problems and should be disabled',-1);
msg('mb_string extension not available - PHP only replacements will be used',0);
msg('Debugging support is enabled. If you don\'t need it you should set $conf[\'allowdebug\'] = 0',-1);
msg('Debugging support is disabled',1);
msg('You are currently logged in as '.$_SERVER['REMOTE_USER'].' ('.$INFO['userinfo']['name'].')',0);
msg('You are part of the groups '.join($INFO['userinfo']['grps'],', '),0);
msg('You are currently not logged in',0);
msg('Your current permission for this page is '.$INFO['perm'],0);
msg('The current page is writable by the webserver',0);
msg('The current page is not writable by the webserver',0);
msg('The current page is writable by you',0);
msg('The current page is not writable by you',0);
$check = wl('','',true).'data/_dummy';
$http = new DokuHTTPClient();
$http->timeout = 6;
$res = $http->get($check);
if(strpos($res,'data directory') !== false){
msg('It seems like the data directory is accessible from the web.
Make sure this directory is properly protected
(See <a href="http://www.dokuwiki.org/security">security</a>)',-1);
}elseif($http->status == 404 || $http->status == 403){
msg('The data directory seems to be properly protected',1);
msg('Failed to check if the data directory is accessible from the web.
Make sure this directory is properly protected
(See <a href="http://www.dokuwiki.org/security">security</a>)',-1);
* print a message
* If HTTP headers were not sent yet the message is added
* to the global message array else it's printed directly
* using html_msgarea()
* Levels can be:
* -1 error
* 0 info
* 1 success
* @author Andreas Gohr <andi@splitbrain.org>
* @see html_msgarea
function msg($message,$lvl=0,$line='',$file=''){
global $MSG;
$errors[-1] = 'error';
$errors[0] = 'info';
$errors[1] = 'success';
$errors[2] = 'notify';
if($line || $file) $message.=' ['.basename($file).':'.$line.']';
if(!isset($MSG)) $MSG = array();
$MSG[]=array('lvl' => $errors[$lvl], 'msg' => $message);
print "ERROR($lvl) $message";
* print debug messages
* little function to print the content of a var
* @author Andreas Gohr <andi@splitbrain.org>
function dbg($msg,$hidden=false){
echo "<!--\n";
echo "\n-->";
echo '<pre class="dbg">';
echo hsc(print_r($msg,true));
echo '</pre>';
* Print info to a log file
* @author Andreas Gohr <andi@splitbrain.org>
function dbglog($msg,$header=''){
global $conf;
// The debug log isn't automatically cleaned thus only write it when
// debugging has been enabled by the user.
if($conf['allowdebug'] !== 1) return;
if(is_object($msg) || is_array($msg)){
$msg = print_r($msg,true);
if($header) $msg = "$header\n$msg";
$file = $conf['cachedir'].'/debug.log';
$fh = fopen($file,'a');
fwrite($fh,date('H:i:s ').$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'].': '.$msg."\n");
* Print a reversed, prettyprinted backtrace
* @author Gary Owen <gary_owen@bigfoot.com>
function dbg_backtrace(){
// Get backtrace
$backtrace = debug_backtrace();
// Unset call to debug_print_backtrace
// Iterate backtrace
$calls = array();
$depth = count($backtrace) - 1;
foreach ($backtrace as $i => $call) {
$location = $call['file'] . ':' . $call['line'];
$function = (isset($call['class'])) ?
$call['class'] . $call['type'] . $call['function'] : $call['function'];
$params = array();
if (isset($call['args'])){
foreach($call['args'] as $arg){
$params[] = '[Object '.get_class($arg).']';
$params[] = '[Array]';
$param[] = '[NULL]';
$params[] = (string) '"'.$arg.'"';
$params = implode(', ',$params);
$calls[$depth - $i] = sprintf('%s(%s) called at %s',
str_replace("\n", '\n', $params),
return implode("\n", $calls);
* Remove all data from an array where the key seems to point to sensitive data
* This is used to remove passwords, mail addresses and similar data from the
* debug output
* @author Andreas Gohr <andi@splitbrain.org>
function debug_guard(&$data){
foreach($data as $key => $value){
$data[$key] = '***';
if(is_array($value)) debug_guard($data[$key]);