Anika Henke authored
Our minimum PHP version requirement is now over 5.3, so this workaround is not needed anymore. See also c9454ee3
Anika Henke authoredOur minimum PHP version requirement is now over 5.3, so this workaround is not needed anymore. See also c9454ee3
Code owners
Assign users and groups as approvers for specific file changes. Learn more.
admin.php 38.92 KiB
* User Manager
* Dokuwiki Admin Plugin
* This version of the user manager has been modified to only work with
* objectified version of auth system
* @author neolao <neolao@neolao.com>
* @author Chris Smith <chris@jalakai.co.uk>
// must be run within Dokuwiki
if(!defined('DOKU_INC')) die();
if(!defined('DOKU_PLUGIN_IMAGES')) define('DOKU_PLUGIN_IMAGES',DOKU_BASE.'lib/plugins/usermanager/images/');
* All DokuWiki plugins to extend the admin function
* need to inherit from this class
class admin_plugin_usermanager extends DokuWiki_Admin_Plugin {
protected $_auth = null; // auth object
protected $_user_total = 0; // number of registered users
protected $_filter = array(); // user selection filter(s)
protected $_start = 0; // index of first user to be displayed
protected $_last = 0; // index of the last user to be displayed
protected $_pagesize = 20; // number of users to list on one page
protected $_edit_user = ''; // set to user selected for editing
protected $_edit_userdata = array();
protected $_disabled = ''; // if disabled set to explanatory string
protected $_import_failures = array();
protected $_lastdisabled = false; // set to true if last user is unknown and last button is hence buggy
* Constructor
public function __construct(){
/** @var DokuWiki_Auth_Plugin $auth */
global $auth;
if (!isset($auth)) {
$this->_disabled = $this->lang['noauth'];
} else if (!$auth->canDo('getUsers')) {
$this->_disabled = $this->lang['nosupport'];
} else {
// we're good to go
$this->_auth = & $auth;
// attempt to retrieve any import failures from the session
if (!empty($_SESSION['import_failures'])){
$this->_import_failures = $_SESSION['import_failures'];
* Return prompt for admin menu
* @param string $language
* @return string
public function getMenuText($language) {
if (!is_null($this->_auth))
return parent::getMenuText($language);
return $this->getLang('menu').' '.$this->_disabled;
* return sort order for position in admin menu
* @return int
public function getMenuSort() {
return 2;
* @return int current start value for pageination
public function getStart() {
return $this->_start;
* @return int number of users per page
public function getPagesize() {
return $this->_pagesize;
* @param boolean $lastdisabled
public function setLastdisabled($lastdisabled) {
$this->_lastdisabled = $lastdisabled;
* Handle user request
* @return bool
public function handle() {
global $INPUT;
if (is_null($this->_auth)) return false;
// extract the command and any specific parameters
// submit button name is of the form - fn[cmd][param(s)]
$fn = $INPUT->param('fn');
if (is_array($fn)) {
$cmd = key($fn);
$param = is_array($fn[$cmd]) ? key($fn[$cmd]) : null;
} else {
$cmd = $fn;
$param = null;
if ($cmd != "search") {
$this->_start = $INPUT->int('start', 0);
$this->_filter = $this->_retrieveFilter();
case "add" : $this->_addUser(); break;
case "delete" : $this->_deleteUser(); break;
case "modify" : $this->_modifyUser(); break;
case "edit" : $this->_editUser($param); break;
case "search" : $this->_setFilter($param);
$this->_start = 0;
case "export" : $this->_export(); break;
case "import" : $this->_import(); break;
case "importfails" : $this->_downloadImportFailures(); break;
$this->_user_total = $this->_auth->canDo('getUserCount') ? $this->_auth->getUserCount($this->_filter) : -1;
// page handling
case 'start' : $this->_start = 0; break;
case 'prev' : $this->_start -= $this->_pagesize; break;
case 'next' : $this->_start += $this->_pagesize; break;
case 'last' : $this->_start = $this->_user_total; break;
return true;
* Output appropriate html
* @return bool
public function html() {
global $ID;
if(is_null($this->_auth)) {
print $this->lang['badauth'];
return false;
$user_list = $this->_auth->retrieveUsers($this->_start, $this->_pagesize, $this->_filter);
$page_buttons = $this->_pagination();
$delete_disable = $this->_auth->canDo('delUser') ? '' : 'disabled="disabled"';
$editable = $this->_auth->canDo('UserMod');
$export_label = empty($this->_filter) ? $this->lang['export_all'] : $this->lang['export_filtered'];
print $this->locale_xhtml('intro');
print $this->locale_xhtml('list');
ptln("<div id=\"user__manager\">");
ptln("<div class=\"level2\">");
if ($this->_user_total > 0) {
} else {
if($this->_user_total < 0) {
$allUserTotal = 0;
} else {
$allUserTotal = $this->_auth->getUserCount();
ptln("<p>".sprintf($this->lang['nonefound'], $allUserTotal)."</p>");
ptln("<form action=\"".wl($ID)."\" method=\"post\">");
ptln(" <div class=\"table\">");
ptln(" <table class=\"inline\">");
ptln(" <thead>");
ptln(" <tr>");
ptln(" <th> </th><th>".$this->lang["user_id"]."</th><th>".$this->lang["user_name"]."</th><th>".$this->lang["user_mail"]."</th><th>".$this->lang["user_groups"]."</th>");
ptln(" </tr>");
ptln(" <tr>");
ptln(" <td class=\"rightalign\"><input type=\"image\" src=\"".DOKU_PLUGIN_IMAGES."search.png\" name=\"fn[search][new]\" title=\"".$this->lang['search_prompt']."\" alt=\"".$this->lang['search']."\" class=\"button\" /></td>");
ptln(" <td><input type=\"text\" name=\"userid\" class=\"edit\" value=\"".$this->_htmlFilter('user')."\" /></td>");
ptln(" <td><input type=\"text\" name=\"username\" class=\"edit\" value=\"".$this->_htmlFilter('name')."\" /></td>");
ptln(" <td><input type=\"text\" name=\"usermail\" class=\"edit\" value=\"".$this->_htmlFilter('mail')."\" /></td>");
ptln(" <td><input type=\"text\" name=\"usergroups\" class=\"edit\" value=\"".$this->_htmlFilter('grps')."\" /></td>");
ptln(" </tr>");
ptln(" </thead>");
if ($this->_user_total) {
ptln(" <tbody>");
foreach ($user_list as $user => $userinfo) {
* @var string $name
* @var string $pass
* @var string $mail
* @var array $grps
$groups = join(', ',$grps);
ptln(" <tr class=\"user_info\">");
ptln(" <td class=\"centeralign\"><input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"delete[".hsc($user)."]\" ".$delete_disable." /></td>");
if ($editable) {
ptln(" <td><a href=\"".wl($ID,array('fn[edit]['.$user.']' => 1,
'do' => 'admin',
'page' => 'usermanager',
'sectok' => getSecurityToken())).
"\" title=\"".$this->lang['edit_prompt']."\">".hsc($user)."</a></td>");
} else {
ptln(" <td>".hsc($user)."</td>");
ptln(" <td>".hsc($name)."</td><td>".hsc($mail)."</td><td>".hsc($groups)."</td>");
ptln(" </tr>");
ptln(" </tbody>");
ptln(" <tbody>");
ptln(" <tr><td colspan=\"5\" class=\"centeralign\">");
ptln(" <span class=\"medialeft\">");
ptln(" <button type=\"submit\" name=\"fn[delete]\" id=\"usrmgr__del\" ".$delete_disable.">".$this->lang['delete_selected']."</button>");
ptln(" </span>");
ptln(" <span class=\"mediaright\">");
ptln(" <button type=\"submit\" name=\"fn[start]\" ".$page_buttons['start'].">".$this->lang['start']."</button>");
ptln(" <button type=\"submit\" name=\"fn[prev]\" ".$page_buttons['prev'].">".$this->lang['prev']."</button>");
ptln(" <button type=\"submit\" name=\"fn[next]\" ".$page_buttons['next'].">".$this->lang['next']."</button>");
ptln(" <button type=\"submit\" name=\"fn[last]\" ".$page_buttons['last'].">".$this->lang['last']."</button>");
ptln(" </span>");
if (!empty($this->_filter)) {
ptln(" <button type=\"submit\" name=\"fn[search][clear]\">".$this->lang['clear']."</button>");
ptln(" <button type=\"submit\" name=\"fn[export]\">".$export_label."</button>");
ptln(" <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"do\" value=\"admin\" />");
ptln(" <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"page\" value=\"usermanager\" />");
ptln(" </td></tr>");
ptln(" </tbody>");
ptln(" </table>");
ptln(" </div>");
$style = $this->_edit_user ? " class=\"edit_user\"" : "";
if ($this->_auth->canDo('addUser')) {
print $this->locale_xhtml('add');
ptln(" <div class=\"level2\">");
ptln(" </div>");
if($this->_edit_user && $this->_auth->canDo('UserMod')){
ptln("<div".$style." id=\"scroll__here\">");
print $this->locale_xhtml('edit');
ptln(" <div class=\"level2\">");
ptln(" </div>");
if ($this->_auth->canDo('addUser')) {
return true;
* Display form to add or modify a user
* @param string $cmd 'add' or 'modify'
* @param string $user id of user
* @param array $userdata array with name, mail, pass and grps
* @param int $indent
protected function _htmlUserForm($cmd,$user='',$userdata=array(),$indent=0) {
global $conf;
global $ID;
global $lang;
$name = $mail = $groups = '';
$notes = array();
if ($user) {
if (!empty($grps)) $groups = join(',',$grps);
} else {
$notes[] = sprintf($this->lang['note_group'],$conf['defaultgroup']);
ptln("<form action=\"".wl($ID)."\" method=\"post\">",$indent);
ptln(" <div class=\"table\">",$indent);
ptln(" <table class=\"inline\">",$indent);
ptln(" <thead>",$indent);
ptln(" <tr><th>".$this->lang["field"]."</th><th>".$this->lang["value"]."</th></tr>",$indent);
ptln(" </thead>",$indent);
ptln(" <tbody>",$indent);
$this->_htmlInputField($cmd."_userid", "userid", $this->lang["user_id"], $user, $this->_auth->canDo("modLogin"), true, $indent+6);
$this->_htmlInputField($cmd."_userpass", "userpass", $this->lang["user_pass"], "", $this->_auth->canDo("modPass"), false, $indent+6);
$this->_htmlInputField($cmd."_userpass2", "userpass2", $lang["passchk"], "", $this->_auth->canDo("modPass"), false, $indent+6);
$this->_htmlInputField($cmd."_username", "username", $this->lang["user_name"], $name, $this->_auth->canDo("modName"), true, $indent+6);
$this->_htmlInputField($cmd."_usermail", "usermail", $this->lang["user_mail"], $mail, $this->_auth->canDo("modMail"), true, $indent+6);
$this->_htmlInputField($cmd."_usergroups","usergroups",$this->lang["user_groups"],$groups,$this->_auth->canDo("modGroups"), false, $indent+6);
if ($this->_auth->canDo("modPass")) {
if ($cmd == 'add') {
$notes[] = $this->lang['note_pass'];
if ($user) {
$notes[] = $this->lang['note_notify'];
ptln("<tr><td><label for=\"".$cmd."_usernotify\" >".$this->lang["user_notify"].": </label></td><td><input type=\"checkbox\" id=\"".$cmd."_usernotify\" name=\"usernotify\" value=\"1\" /></td></tr>", $indent);
ptln(" </tbody>",$indent);
ptln(" <tbody>",$indent);
ptln(" <tr>",$indent);
ptln(" <td colspan=\"2\">",$indent);
ptln(" <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"do\" value=\"admin\" />",$indent);
ptln(" <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"page\" value=\"usermanager\" />",$indent);
// save current $user, we need this to access details if the name is changed
if ($user)
ptln(" <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"userid_old\" value=\"".hsc($user)."\" />",$indent);
ptln(" <button type=\"submit\" name=\"fn[".$cmd."]\">".$this->lang[$cmd]."</button>",$indent);
ptln(" </td>",$indent);
ptln(" </tr>",$indent);
ptln(" </tbody>",$indent);
ptln(" </table>",$indent);
if ($notes) {
ptln(" <ul class=\"notes\">");
foreach ($notes as $note) {
ptln(" <li><span class=\"li\">".$note."</li>",$indent);
ptln(" </ul>");
ptln(" </div>",$indent);
* Prints a inputfield
* @param string $id
* @param string $name
* @param string $label
* @param string $value
* @param bool $cando whether auth backend is capable to do this action
* @param bool $required is this field required?
* @param int $indent
protected function _htmlInputField($id, $name, $label, $value, $cando, $required, $indent=0) {
$class = $cando ? '' : ' class="disabled"';
echo str_pad('',$indent);
if($name == 'userpass' || $name == 'userpass2'){
$fieldtype = 'password';
$autocomp = 'autocomplete="off"';
}elseif($name == 'usermail'){
$fieldtype = 'email';
$autocomp = '';
$fieldtype = 'text';
$autocomp = '';
$value = hsc($value);
echo "<tr $class>";
echo "<td><label for=\"$id\" >$label: </label></td>";
echo "<td>";
$req = '';
if($required) $req = 'required="required"';
echo "<input type=\"$fieldtype\" id=\"$id\" name=\"$name\" value=\"$value\" class=\"edit\" $autocomp $req />";
echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"$name\" value=\"$value\" />";
echo "<input type=\"$fieldtype\" id=\"$id\" name=\"$name\" value=\"$value\" class=\"edit disabled\" disabled=\"disabled\" />";
echo "</td>";
echo "</tr>";
* Returns htmlescaped filter value
* @param string $key name of search field
* @return string html escaped value
protected function _htmlFilter($key) {
if (empty($this->_filter)) return '';
return (isset($this->_filter[$key]) ? hsc($this->_filter[$key]) : '');
* Print hidden inputs with the current filter values
* @param int $indent
protected function _htmlFilterSettings($indent=0) {
ptln("<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"start\" value=\"".$this->_start."\" />",$indent);
foreach ($this->_filter as $key => $filter) {
ptln("<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"filter[".$key."]\" value=\"".hsc($filter)."\" />",$indent);
* Print import form and summary of previous import
* @param int $indent
protected function _htmlImportForm($indent=0) {
global $ID;
$failure_download_link = wl($ID,array('do'=>'admin','page'=>'usermanager','fn[importfails]'=>1));
ptln('<div class="level2 import_users">',$indent);
print $this->locale_xhtml('import');
ptln(' <form action="'.wl($ID).'" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">',$indent);
ptln(' <label>'.$this->lang['import_userlistcsv'].'<input type="file" name="import" /></label>',$indent);
ptln(' <button type="submit" name="fn[import]">'.$this->lang['import'].'</button>',$indent);
ptln(' <input type="hidden" name="do" value="admin" />',$indent);
ptln(' <input type="hidden" name="page" value="usermanager" />',$indent);
ptln(' </form>',$indent);
// list failures from the previous import
if ($this->_import_failures) {
$digits = strlen(count($this->_import_failures));
ptln('<div class="level3 import_failures">',$indent);
ptln(' <h3>'.$this->lang['import_header'].'</h3>');
ptln(' <table class="import_failures">',$indent);
ptln(' <thead>',$indent);
ptln(' <tr>',$indent);
ptln(' <th class="line">'.$this->lang['line'].'</th>',$indent);
ptln(' <th class="error">'.$this->lang['error'].'</th>',$indent);
ptln(' <th class="userid">'.$this->lang['user_id'].'</th>',$indent);
ptln(' <th class="username">'.$this->lang['user_name'].'</th>',$indent);
ptln(' <th class="usermail">'.$this->lang['user_mail'].'</th>',$indent);
ptln(' <th class="usergroups">'.$this->lang['user_groups'].'</th>',$indent);
ptln(' </tr>',$indent);
ptln(' </thead>',$indent);
ptln(' <tbody>',$indent);
foreach ($this->_import_failures as $line => $failure) {
ptln(' <tr>',$indent);
ptln(' <td class="lineno"> '.sprintf('%0'.$digits.'d',$line).' </td>',$indent);
ptln(' <td class="error">' .$failure['error'].' </td>', $indent);
ptln(' <td class="field userid"> '.hsc($failure['user'][0]).' </td>',$indent);
ptln(' <td class="field username"> '.hsc($failure['user'][2]).' </td>',$indent);
ptln(' <td class="field usermail"> '.hsc($failure['user'][3]).' </td>',$indent);
ptln(' <td class="field usergroups"> '.hsc($failure['user'][4]).' </td>',$indent);
ptln(' </tr>',$indent);
ptln(' </tbody>',$indent);
ptln(' </table>',$indent);
ptln(' <p><a href="'.$failure_download_link.'">'.$this->lang['import_downloadfailures'].'</a></p>');
* Add an user to auth backend
* @return bool whether succesful
protected function _addUser(){
global $INPUT;
if (!checkSecurityToken()) return false;
if (!$this->_auth->canDo('addUser')) return false;
list($user,$pass,$name,$mail,$grps,$passconfirm) = $this->_retrieveUser();
if (empty($user)) return false;
if ($this->_auth->canDo('modPass')){
if (empty($pass)){
$pass = auth_pwgen($user);
} else {
msg($this->lang['add_fail'], -1);
msg($this->lang['addUser_error_missing_pass'], -1);
return false;
} else {
if (!$this->_verifyPassword($pass,$passconfirm)) {
msg($this->lang['add_fail'], -1);
msg($this->lang['addUser_error_pass_not_identical'], -1);
return false;
} else {
if (!empty($pass)){
msg($this->lang['add_fail'], -1);
msg($this->lang['addUser_error_modPass_disabled'], -1);
return false;
if ($this->_auth->canDo('modName')){
if (empty($name)){
msg($this->lang['add_fail'], -1);
msg($this->lang['addUser_error_name_missing'], -1);
return false;
} else {
if (!empty($name)){
msg($this->lang['add_fail'], -1);
msg($this->lang['addUser_error_modName_disabled'], -1);
return false;
if ($this->_auth->canDo('modMail')){
if (empty($mail)){
msg($this->lang['add_fail'], -1);
msg($this->lang['addUser_error_mail_missing'], -1);
return false;
} else {
if (!empty($mail)){
msg($this->lang['add_fail'], -1);
msg($this->lang['addUser_error_modMail_disabled'], -1);
return false;
if ($ok = $this->_auth->triggerUserMod('create', array($user,$pass,$name,$mail,$grps))) {
msg($this->lang['add_ok'], 1);
if ($INPUT->has('usernotify') && $pass) {
} else {
msg($this->lang['add_fail'], -1);
msg($this->lang['addUser_error_create_event_failed'], -1);
return $ok;
* Delete user from auth backend
* @return bool whether succesful
protected function _deleteUser(){
global $conf, $INPUT;
if (!checkSecurityToken()) return false;
if (!$this->_auth->canDo('delUser')) return false;
$selected = $INPUT->arr('delete');
if (empty($selected)) return false;
$selected = array_keys($selected);
if(in_array($_SERVER['REMOTE_USER'], $selected)) {
msg("You can't delete yourself!", -1);
return false;
$count = $this->_auth->triggerUserMod('delete', array($selected));
if ($count == count($selected)) {
$text = str_replace('%d', $count, $this->lang['delete_ok']);
msg("$text.", 1);
} else {
$part1 = str_replace('%d', $count, $this->lang['delete_ok']);
$part2 = str_replace('%d', (count($selected)-$count), $this->lang['delete_fail']);
msg("$part1, $part2",-1);
// invalidate all sessions
return true;
* Edit user (a user has been selected for editing)
* @param string $param id of the user
* @return bool whether succesful
protected function _editUser($param) {
if (!checkSecurityToken()) return false;
if (!$this->_auth->canDo('UserMod')) return false;
$user = $this->_auth->cleanUser(preg_replace('/.*[:\/]/','',$param));
$userdata = $this->_auth->getUserData($user);
// no user found?
if (!$userdata) {
return false;
$this->_edit_user = $user;
$this->_edit_userdata = $userdata;
return true;
* Modify user in the auth backend (modified user data has been recieved)
* @return bool whether succesful
protected function _modifyUser(){
global $conf, $INPUT;
if (!checkSecurityToken()) return false;
if (!$this->_auth->canDo('UserMod')) return false;
// get currently valid user data
$olduser = $this->_auth->cleanUser(preg_replace('/.*[:\/]/','',$INPUT->str('userid_old')));
$oldinfo = $this->_auth->getUserData($olduser);
// get new user data subject to change
list($newuser,$newpass,$newname,$newmail,$newgrps,$passconfirm) = $this->_retrieveUser();
if (empty($newuser)) return false;
$changes = array();
if ($newuser != $olduser) {
if (!$this->_auth->canDo('modLogin')) { // sanity check, shouldn't be possible
return false;
// check if $newuser already exists
if ($this->_auth->getUserData($newuser)) {
$re_edit = true;
} else {
$changes['user'] = $newuser;
if ($this->_auth->canDo('modPass')) {
if ($newpass || $passconfirm) {
if ($this->_verifyPassword($newpass,$passconfirm)) {
$changes['pass'] = $newpass;
} else {
return false;
} else {
// no new password supplied, check if we need to generate one (or it stays unchanged)
if ($INPUT->has('usernotify')) {
$changes['pass'] = auth_pwgen($olduser);
if (!empty($newname) && $this->_auth->canDo('modName') && $newname != $oldinfo['name']) {
$changes['name'] = $newname;
if (!empty($newmail) && $this->_auth->canDo('modMail') && $newmail != $oldinfo['mail']) {
$changes['mail'] = $newmail;
if (!empty($newgrps) && $this->_auth->canDo('modGroups') && $newgrps != $oldinfo['grps']) {
$changes['grps'] = $newgrps;
if ($ok = $this->_auth->triggerUserMod('modify', array($olduser, $changes))) {
if ($INPUT->has('usernotify') && !empty($changes['pass'])) {
$notify = empty($changes['user']) ? $olduser : $newuser;
// invalidate all sessions
} else {
if (!empty($re_edit)) {
return $ok;
* Send password change notification email
* @param string $user id of user
* @param string $password plain text
* @param bool $status_alert whether status alert should be shown
* @return bool whether succesful
protected function _notifyUser($user, $password, $status_alert=true) {
if ($sent = auth_sendPassword($user,$password)) {
if ($status_alert) {
msg($this->lang['notify_ok'], 1);
} else {
if ($status_alert) {
msg($this->lang['notify_fail'], -1);
return $sent;
* Verify password meets minimum requirements
* :TODO: extend to support password strength
* @param string $password candidate string for new password
* @param string $confirm repeated password for confirmation
* @return bool true if meets requirements, false otherwise
protected function _verifyPassword($password, $confirm) {
global $lang;
if (empty($password) && empty($confirm)) {
return false;
if ($password !== $confirm) {
msg($lang['regbadpass'], -1);
return false;
// :TODO: test password for required strength
// if we make it this far the password is good
return true;
* Retrieve & clean user data from the form
* @param bool $clean whether the cleanUser method of the authentication backend is applied
* @return array (user, password, full name, email, array(groups))
protected function _retrieveUser($clean=true) {
/** @var DokuWiki_Auth_Plugin $auth */
global $auth;
global $INPUT;
$user = array();
$user[0] = ($clean) ? $auth->cleanUser($INPUT->str('userid')) : $INPUT->str('userid');
$user[1] = $INPUT->str('userpass');
$user[2] = $INPUT->str('username');
$user[3] = $INPUT->str('usermail');
$user[4] = explode(',',$INPUT->str('usergroups'));
$user[5] = $INPUT->str('userpass2'); // repeated password for confirmation
$user[4] = array_map('trim',$user[4]);
if($clean) $user[4] = array_map(array($auth,'cleanGroup'),$user[4]);
$user[4] = array_filter($user[4]);
$user[4] = array_unique($user[4]);
if(!count($user[4])) $user[4] = null;
return $user;
* Set the filter with the current search terms or clear the filter
* @param string $op 'new' or 'clear'
protected function _setFilter($op) {
$this->_filter = array();
if ($op == 'new') {
list($user,/* $pass */,$name,$mail,$grps) = $this->_retrieveUser(false);
if (!empty($user)) $this->_filter['user'] = $user;
if (!empty($name)) $this->_filter['name'] = $name;
if (!empty($mail)) $this->_filter['mail'] = $mail;
if (!empty($grps)) $this->_filter['grps'] = join('|',$grps);
* Get the current search terms
* @return array
protected function _retrieveFilter() {
global $INPUT;
$t_filter = $INPUT->arr('filter');
// messy, but this way we ensure we aren't getting any additional crap from malicious users
$filter = array();
if (isset($t_filter['user'])) $filter['user'] = $t_filter['user'];
if (isset($t_filter['name'])) $filter['name'] = $t_filter['name'];
if (isset($t_filter['mail'])) $filter['mail'] = $t_filter['mail'];
if (isset($t_filter['grps'])) $filter['grps'] = $t_filter['grps'];
return $filter;
* Validate and improve the pagination values
protected function _validatePagination() {
if ($this->_start >= $this->_user_total) {
$this->_start = $this->_user_total - $this->_pagesize;
if ($this->_start < 0) $this->_start = 0;
$this->_last = min($this->_user_total, $this->_start + $this->_pagesize);
* Return an array of strings to enable/disable pagination buttons
* @return array with enable/disable attributes
protected function _pagination() {
$disabled = 'disabled="disabled"';
$buttons = array();
$buttons['start'] = $buttons['prev'] = ($this->_start == 0) ? $disabled : '';
if ($this->_user_total == -1) {
$buttons['last'] = $disabled;
$buttons['next'] = '';
} else {
$buttons['last'] = $buttons['next'] = (($this->_start + $this->_pagesize) >= $this->_user_total) ? $disabled : '';
if ($this->_lastdisabled) {
$buttons['last'] = $disabled;
return $buttons;
* Export a list of users in csv format using the current filter criteria
protected function _export() {
// list of users for export - based on current filter criteria
$user_list = $this->_auth->retrieveUsers(0, 0, $this->_filter);
$column_headings = array(
// ==============================================================================================
// normal headers for downloading...
header('Content-type: text/csv;charset=utf-8');
header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="wikiusers.csv"');
# // for debugging assistance, send as text plain to the browser
# header('Content-type: text/plain;charset=utf-8');
// output the csv
$fd = fopen('php://output','w');
fputcsv($fd, $column_headings);
foreach ($user_list as $user => $info) {
$line = array($user, $info['name'], $info['mail'], join(',',$info['grps']));
fputcsv($fd, $line);
if (defined('DOKU_UNITTEST')){ return; }
* Import a file of users in csv format
* csv file should have 4 columns, user_id, full name, email, groups (comma separated)
* @return bool whether successful
protected function _import() {
// check we are allowed to add users
if (!checkSecurityToken()) return false;
if (!$this->_auth->canDo('addUser')) return false;
// check file uploaded ok.
if (empty($_FILES['import']['size']) || !empty($_FILES['import']['error']) && $this->_isUploadedFile($_FILES['import']['tmp_name'])) {
return false;
// retrieve users from the file
$this->_import_failures = array();
$import_success_count = 0;
$import_fail_count = 0;
$line = 0;
$fd = fopen($_FILES['import']['tmp_name'],'r');
if ($fd) {
while($csv = fgets($fd)){
if (!utf8_check($csv)) {
$csv = utf8_encode($csv);
$raw = str_getcsv($csv);
$error = ''; // clean out any errors from the previous line
// data checks...
if (1 == ++$line) {
if ($raw[0] == 'user_id' || $raw[0] == $this->lang['user_id']) continue; // skip headers
if (count($raw) < 4) { // need at least four fields
$error = sprintf($this->lang['import_error_fields'], count($raw));
$this->_import_failures[$line] = array('error' => $error, 'user' => $raw, 'orig' => $csv);
array_splice($raw,1,0,auth_pwgen()); // splice in a generated password
$clean = $this->_cleanImportUser($raw, $error);
if ($clean && $this->_addImportUser($clean, $error)) {
$sent = $this->_notifyUser($clean[0],$clean[1],false);
if (!$sent){
} else {
array_splice($raw, 1, 1); // remove the spliced in password
$this->_import_failures[$line] = array('error' => $error, 'user' => $raw, 'orig' => $csv);
msg(sprintf($this->lang['import_success_count'], ($import_success_count+$import_fail_count), $import_success_count),($import_success_count ? 1 : -1));
if ($import_fail_count) {
msg(sprintf($this->lang['import_failure_count'], $import_fail_count),-1);
} else {
// save import failures into the session
if (!headers_sent()) {
$_SESSION['import_failures'] = $this->_import_failures;
return true;
* Returns cleaned user data
* @param array $candidate raw values of line from input file
* @param string $error
* @return array|false cleaned data or false
protected function _cleanImportUser($candidate, & $error){
global $INPUT;
// kludgy ....
$INPUT->set('userid', $candidate[0]);
$INPUT->set('userpass', $candidate[1]);
$INPUT->set('username', $candidate[2]);
$INPUT->set('usermail', $candidate[3]);
$INPUT->set('usergroups', $candidate[4]);
$cleaned = $this->_retrieveUser();
list($user,/* $pass */,$name,$mail,/* $grps */) = $cleaned;
if (empty($user)) {
$error = $this->lang['import_error_baduserid'];
return false;
// no need to check password, handled elsewhere
if (!($this->_auth->canDo('modName') xor empty($name))){
$error = $this->lang['import_error_badname'];
return false;
if ($this->_auth->canDo('modMail')) {
if (empty($mail) || !mail_isvalid($mail)) {
$error = $this->lang['import_error_badmail'];
return false;
} else {
if (!empty($mail)) {
$error = $this->lang['import_error_badmail'];
return false;
return $cleaned;
* Adds imported user to auth backend
* Required a check of canDo('addUser') before
* @param array $user data of user
* @param string &$error reference catched error message
* @return bool whether successful
protected function _addImportUser($user, & $error){
if (!$this->_auth->triggerUserMod('create', $user)) {
$error = $this->lang['import_error_create'];
return false;
return true;
* Downloads failures as csv file
protected function _downloadImportFailures(){
// ==============================================================================================
// normal headers for downloading...
header('Content-type: text/csv;charset=utf-8');
header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="importfails.csv"');
# // for debugging assistance, send as text plain to the browser
# header('Content-type: text/plain;charset=utf-8');
// output the csv
$fd = fopen('php://output','w');
foreach ($this->_import_failures as $fail) {
fputs($fd, $fail['orig']);
* wrapper for is_uploaded_file to facilitate overriding by test suite
* @param string $file filename
* @return bool
protected function _isUploadedFile($file) {
return is_uploaded_file($file);