@@ -83,9 +83,14 @@ Windows shares like [[\\server\share|this]] are recognized, too. Please note tha
* For security reasons direct browsing of windows shares only works in Microsoft Internet Explorer per default (and only in the "local zone").
* For Mozilla and Firefox it can be enabled through different workaround mentioned in the [[http://kb.mozillazine.org/Links_to_local_pages_do_not_work|Mozilla Knowledge Base]]. However, there will still be a JavaScript warning about trying to open a Windows Share. To remove this warning (for all users), put the following line in ''conf/userscript.js'':
LANG.nosmblinks = '';
* For Mozilla and Firefox it can be enabled through different workaround mentioned in the [[http://kb.mozillazine.org/Links_to_local_pages_do_not_work|Mozilla Knowledge Base]]. However, there will still be a JavaScript warning about trying to open a Windows Share. To remove this warning (for all users), put the following line in ''conf/lang/en/lang.php'' (more details at [[doku>localization#changing_some_localized_texts_and_strings_in_your_installation|localization]]): <code - conf/lang/en/lang.php>