event TPL_ACTION_HTML data $ACT action tpl_content_core (formerly tpl_content) This event is a wrapper for tpl_content() (now tpl_content_core()) and as such is a full trigger, meaning it issues three advises: - TPL_ACTION_HTML_before - TPL_ACTION_HTML - TPL_ACTION_HTML_after Event handlers can output HTML before and/or after the main Dokuwiki page output and can prevent the default dokuwiki page generation taking place. Example uses could include: - replacements for dokuwiki command handlers like index. - appending a discussion section to the page by handling TPL_ACTION_HTML_after event TPL_DISPLAY_HTML data html output produced by tpl_content_core[1] action send output to browser Event handlers can post process the HTML output before it is sent to the client browser. This is a full trigger, meaning it issues three advises - TPL_DISPLAY_HTML_before - TPL_DISPLAY_HTML - TPL_DISPLAY_HTML_after darcs-hash:20060415160847-9b6ab-d7affcb1aaf49aecfaf9bc1e78a82ceb8ae409f7.gz
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