smart cache-control headers for media fetch
The HTTP Cache-Control header output now respects the Dokuwiki media parameters 'cache', 'recache', and 'nocache'. - cache: cachetime or one hour (which ever is larger) - recache: remaining cachetime + 10 seconds so the newly recached media is used - nocache: no caching Notes: - 'proxy-revalidate' should ensure that public caches always revalidate, this will keep caches from (accidentally) ignoring Dokuwiki's ACL rules. - 'no-transform' should keep media from being modified in transit by caches. Impact: Speeds up page layout/display by browsers when they already have the media in their [memory] cache. For example the 2nd time a page is viewed. This also reduces server load by eliminating most of the overhead needed to return '304 Not Modified' responses each time an image is viewed. darcs-hash:20060421025424-05dcb-23ff26c5cb410bcd166299a840f4c500fa0d112e.gz
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