- Dec 08, 2018
HokkaidoPerson authored
- Nov 24, 2018
HokkaidoPerson authored
- Nov 11, 2018
HokkaidoPerson authored
- Sep 07, 2018
Rainbow Spike authored
This applies a lot of formatting fixes on the language files: 1. In EOF - trimmed all empty lines except one 2. After the title - one empty line strictly 3. Corrected links to national versions of documents in dokuwiki.org if they exits - 4example [[doku>namespaces]] to [[doku>ar:namespaces]] 4. Corrected some over-auto-translated links to "playground:playground" and "wiki:syntax" 5. Torn lines are collected in one in a large number of places (except for RTL languages) 6. Removed e-mail signatures that now is missing in the English set of files
- Aug 06, 2006
Andreas Gohr authored
This patch makes sure all languages files have UNIX style line endings and use correct UTF-8 encoding darcs-hash:20060806143836-7ad00-2d9c48c5be303565ce461ec977c8792df61fbdd1.gz
- Jun 18, 2005
Davilin authored