- Oct 12, 2008
Andreas Gohr authored
- Sep 30, 2007
Andreas Gohr authored
Andreas Gohr authored
The use of realpath() to clean up relative file names caused some trouble in certain setups relying on symlinks or having restricitve file structure setups. This patch replaces all realpath() calls with a PHP only replacement which should solve those problems. darcs-hash:20070930184250-7ad00-512ff04c95f57fc9eaf104f80372237a3c94286f.gz
- May 28, 2007
Andreas Gohr authored
- Sep 25, 2006
Andreas Gohr authored
This adds the complete $INFO array (contains the metadata) to the usual debug output and removes the metadebug parameter again. darcs-hash:20060925201052-7ad00-c9a15b921466803b3f2bd50b0d72211cf68658c5.gz
Andreas Gohr authored
With DokuWiki's reliance on certain page metadata, it is sometimes necessary to view the metadata of a page. This patch allows developers to append the parameter ?metadebug darcs-hash:20060925193202-7ad00-6a42c7458aaa1cc40df3c7a61ad70df5d64be152.gz
- Sep 16, 2006
Andreas Gohr authored
This patch adds a feature to let DokuWiki automatically check if updates are available or any other important messages (like security warnings) and then display this info to the admin user. DokuWiki will contact the URL http://www.splitbrain.org/lib/exe/msg.php with a parameter telling it which messages it already know (read from conf/msg) - the server side script then will return all new messages. The messages will be displayed until DokuWiki was upgraded or conf/msg was updated manually. Messages are cached and only checked once a day. The messenger URL will probably change before the next release. darcs-hash:20060916210229-7ad00-7ac592650e171ae4144b0eb47a751a4ca480f031.gz
- Jul 10, 2006
Ben Coburn authored
Fixing undefined variable notices and sometimes the underlying error that produced them. darcs-hash:20060710114655-05dcb-073948171847f1f43f153e96c8382abd421da36a.gz
- May 07, 2006
Andreas Gohr authored
This removes the meta instruction again in favour of the new meta renderer. Most tests work now again, a few tweaks were done on the header handler to render certain headers as it did in earlier versions. darcs-hash:20060507153113-7ad00-bd299fbe1762482c72d109f9bca776f12bcea7c8.gz
- Apr 24, 2006
chris authored
This is a major revision of DokuWiki's event system. There are changes to class names, function names, function parameters and their order and event names. For action plugin writers the following changes are important: - <event_name> is no longer signalled, only <event_name>_BEFORE and <event_name>_AFTER. - note the case change for _BEFORE and _AFTER - calling stopPropagation while processing a _BEFORE signal no longer prevents an _AFTER signal. The events _continue value is reset before the _AFTER signal is made. - events have a new readonly property, canPreventDefault. This lets the event handling hook know whether or not the event honours preventDefault calls. - parameters have changed for the register_hook method, parameters are now $event_name, $advise (can be 'BEFORE' or 'AFTER') $object $method $param (this parameter is now optional) - parameter order has changed for the hook event handler callback functions &$event $param (can now be left off) Event names have changed, they are now structured <dokuwiki name>_<event data name>_<action_name or state if no action> DOKUWIKI_START darcs-hash:20060424220152-9b6ab-00e366288f7ec8a85b85dc83694a5f43a07aa082.gz
- Apr 15, 2006
chris authored
event DOKUWIKI_START This event is advisory only. There is no event data There is no default action The event is signalled after Dokuwiki has completed its initialisation phase and before it closes the session. Most Dokuwiki globals will have been created and populated, the global $_SESSION var will still be in existence. Note: Even after $_SESSION has been closed a plugin can reopen the session to access session data - as long as headers have not already been sent. For more information refer to lib/plugins/config/admin.php. event DOKUWIKI_END This event is advisory only. There is no event data There is no default action The event is signalled after all processing has been completed as the last thing doku.php does before exiting. It is possible that under certain circumstances dokuwiki will exit without returning to doku.php and this event may not then be signalled. darcs-hash:20060415152444-9b6ab-1e41d0265f2a6660ad497dd387c7930251dc4030.gz
- Apr 14, 2006
chris authored
This patch adds events and a third plugin type, "action" plugins, to DokuWiki. The patch doesn't include any event signalling, that will be added in later patches. Action plugins are loaded before most Dokuwiki processing takes place and at the same time are given the opportunity to register handlers (or hooks) to receive specific dokuwiki events. Other parts of Dokuwiki (e.g. templates and syntax plugins) can also register handlers to receive events. Any part of Dokuwiki can create and signal events, including templates and plugins. This patch also revises the admin plugin class by making it an extension of a new class, DokuWiki_Plugin. The DokuWiki_Plugin_Action class also extends this new class. Further details of events, their signalling and handling, and of action plugins will be added to wiki.splitbrain.org in due course :-) darcs-hash:20060414193737-9b6ab-f23d3d9b93e4c50a3ad97ced03eabc6c0363650b.gz
- Feb 24, 2006
Troels Liebe Bentsen authored
Fix umask bug and do a code cleanup of chmod/mkdir usage so set the correct permissions, this should also fix problems with dokuwiki making setuid files on some umasks. * Don't set the umask() anymore, this is not good form and we don't really know what is it in the old code anyway as it was not done properly. * Retire the dmask config option introduce 2 new ones called fmode and dmode, this is more in line with posix and should make more sense. * Use chmod for setting the correct permissions but only if it's needed. * Set changing of permissions off by default as i should work properly in most Apache setups without and it does not make sense on windows anyway. darcs-hash:20060224211655-ee6b9-68f7bb59417d6f0033cfd3764146923daa4dcf1b.gz
- Feb 17, 2006
Andreas Gohr authored
This patch cleans up the source code to satisfy the coding guidelines (see http://wiki.splitbrain.org/wiki:development#coding_style) It converts files to UNIX lineendings and removes tabs and trailing whitespace. Not all files were cleaned yet. darcs-hash:20060217222040-7ad00-bba3d2bee3b5aa7cbb5184258abd50805cd071bf.gz
- Nov 25, 2005
Andreas Gohr authored
- Oct 27, 2005
Andreas Gohr authored
- Jun 08, 2005
andi authored
I just learned that PHP does lock it's session objects. This is realy bad if you have multiple images in a page as each one will call fetch.php which locks the session, so everything can only be loaded sequentially. The fix for this is to close the session after using it which is after doing the auth and the breadcrumbs. I added the needed calls everywhere. darcs-hash:20050608213514-9977f-f2dfc467ebbd06406e10e33a386fa1db6cb32dba.gz
- May 23, 2005
andi authored
- Apr 29, 2005
- Apr 17, 2005
andi authored
- Apr 16, 2005
andi authored
- Apr 15, 2005
andi authored
- Mar 20, 2005
andi authored
- Mar 06, 2005
andi authored
- Mar 01, 2005
andi authored
- Feb 26, 2005
andi authored
- Feb 20, 2005
frank authored
- Feb 19, 2005
andi authored
- Feb 17, 2005
andi authored
- Feb 14, 2005
andi authored
- Feb 09, 2005
andi authored
- Jan 29, 2005
andi authored
- Jan 28, 2005
andi authored
- Jan 24, 2005
- Jan 17, 2005
andi authored
- Jan 16, 2005
andi authored
- Jan 15, 2005
andi authored
- Jan 14, 2005
andi authored